File: 1546647052635.png (499.79 KB, 952x975, 1546226782000.png)

No. 349208
Post art you find hideous or bad.
previous thread
>>268249 No. 349210
File: 1546647273264.jpg (736.61 KB, 1100x936, dcw6shi-2ffa9f91-5949-4f1f-801…)

>>349208i already hate anthro ponies and this person went and drew them with ugly muscles
No. 349212
File: 1546647446886.jpeg (113.71 KB, 967x1200, 53920C5A-57D7-4780-BCC4-73C80D…)

No. 349257
File: 1546650050367.jpg (101.62 KB, 1154x692, __cheap_adopt_batch_2____open_…)

What exactly is the point of adoptables?
No. 349267
File: 1546651259097.png (339.46 KB, 571x563, dcsmm1e-2c990ffc-7f3b-4950-8f5…)

No. 349275
>>349212This isn’t
that bad, but I don’t understand why they outlined the nose shadow.
No. 349312
>>349267ugh, another reason why i don’t want that shitty ship to happen
also fuck steven universe for popularizing the bean mouth
No. 349330
File: 1546661719455.jpg (Spoiler Image,115.76 KB, 730x1095, creepypasta_oc_goatface_by_biz…)

>>349260>>349285ah, okay. So when you draw that character in the future, instead of saying "This is Anon's character" they can say "This is MY character!"
And then, they can pay even more money to other artists to draw porn of it, or whatever. Sound about right?
pic not related
No. 349341
File: 1546663084489.jpg (99.68 KB, 1242x1692, sq06b9muio901.jpg)

>>349330I hope this is a phase.
Also I never remember being this hardcore cringy as a teen like vampire freaks was the max to my edgy days.
No. 349343
File: 1546663135613.png (554.07 KB, 883x1200, CISVybLUwAA2nyY.png)

No. 349344
File: 1546663166476.png (386.02 KB, 798x1001, tumblr_kun_by_miss_zi_zi-dc9x7…)

No. 349485
>>349330I will NEVER wrap my head around the appeal of adoptables.
I get artists and writers having OCs but the whole culture around it is so strange. They're treated like collectables almost.
And then there's buying/selling rights to a SPECIES, which is even weirder.
No. 349512
File: 1546697051121.png (345.29 KB, 509x1029, 20190105_220234.png)

No. 349513
File: 1546697103262.png (233.76 KB, 581x930, 20190105_220314.png)

No. 349633
Get ready for the crossover of the century, y'all!
>>349212Is this…fanart of Mahouprince?
No. 349725
File: 1546741859080.jpeg (406.79 KB, 1662x1846, 10907DEF-CB1F-4A88-BE23-A585E4…)

I know what you guys want, something sexy right? Well, you’re welcome.
No. 349756
File: 1546758823930.jpg (1.98 MB, 3072x3742, 20190106_150935.jpg)

'Gay anger'
No. 349879
File: 1546781133897.png (Spoiler Image,54.64 KB, 1231x1160, dayzagz-08cc757d-5112-471d-826…)

No. 349938
>>349485Most artists are in for the money (depending on your popularity, there's a ton of money to make easily), most buyers are impressionable teenagers, who love to show off how many OCs they have and/or how much money they can piss away for this kind of crap.
Same with the closed species thing: the artist can make a shitton of money without drawing porn. I've never met an artist with a closed species who was not in just for the money.
No. 350134
File: 1546816006089.jpg (722.76 KB, 1564x1564, IMG_20190106_230943.jpg)

Not a bad artist because of a creepy factor, but bad because I would draw cartoons on MS paint as a 10 year old on Windows 2000 and it still turned out better that the shit this 30 year old woman does.
No. 350185
File: 1546818196953.jpg (Spoiler Image,116.47 KB, 800x998, um ew.jpg)

No. 350469
File: 1546889710304.jpg (Spoiler Image,59.24 KB, 360x582, AS-01.jpg)

i dont understand this ~equating yourself to food~ trend tbh
its not cute
No. 350577
File: 1546907256941.jpg (134.89 KB, 540x540, ugly.jpg)

"it’s canon that peter parker is Jewish so i decided to draw his bar mitzvah! complete with a rainbow tallit and red-blue kippah!
reblogs are soooo appreciated! follow me on insta as jungkyard!" , the art is so fucking ugly you can even tell is peter fuckin parker lmao
No. 350627
>>350185is that supposed to be vomit? what the fuck
this is the first post on this thread to actually
trigger me, fuck. it's so inconceivably ugly.
No. 351159
File: 1546986331393.jpg (248.98 KB, 1300x1298, 333.jpg)

i can't stand these art styles that have fat elephantiasis legs
bonus blackwashing as always
No. 351340
File: 1546995019189.jpg (124.36 KB, 680x1000, 66.jpg)

>>351315the characters are from tokyo mew mew and they're all japanese
but every japanese magical girl group needs to have a black one according to these artists (and usually a fat one and a trans one too)
No. 351590
File: 1547041944742.png (Spoiler Image,1.03 MB, 720x898, 20190109_214951.png)

This is just fucking wierd
And that face just looks so dead
No. 351696
File: 1547054936851.jpg (560.18 KB, 1080x1195, elvira.jpg)

No. 351873
File: 1547089186087.jpg (160.79 KB, 1200x1200, Dk92jVyW0AYqAkc.jpg)

No. 351887
File: 1547090453710.jpg (166.79 KB, 1400x1938, uwu pastel guro…)

>>351871ghoulkiss on twitter
No. 352523
File: 1547167231439.jpg (Spoiler Image,145.36 KB, 1023x723, atomick_boy___daddy_daddy_plea…)

No. 352525
File: 1547167268081.jpg (Spoiler Image,97.42 KB, 752x1063, neko_neko_afraid___by_puercagi…)

No. 352529
File: 1547167315712.jpg (154.93 KB, 1024x768, dbx8lds-0b2c6384-d2af-4433-abb…)

No. 352534
File: 1547167522806.jpg (202.51 KB, 1828x2416, knightofbunnies.jpg)

You ever look at someone's art and wonder if they might be colorblind?
No. 352541
File: 1547167716207.jpg (587.73 KB, 3203x2522, DveNtuLX4AAYyt8.jpg)

>>352536This isn't good, fam.
No. 352838
>>352828That's what I'm thinking too.
The colour scheme in the first one is pretty great actually.
No. 352865
>>351873I don't get it, is it bad because it's Bart? This artist clearly has a professional level understanding on character design
>>352541Maybe a little boring but it isn't bad. The palette seems intentional and part of the mood
No. 352895
File: 1547230681591.jpeg (39.26 KB, 288x450, CAE9B060-30C2-4F2F-9938-06CD85…)

Let’s get back to the real stuff now mkay
No. 353053
File: 1547261790068.jpg (265.13 KB, 776x1199, DwfqyhHX0AAf.jpg)

No. 353069
File: 1547266821107.jpeg (173.06 KB, 1159x1500, A0726539-0983-45EA-9CC8-F7FF3E…)

No. 353259
File: 1547315167106.jpg (Spoiler Image,48.88 KB, 576x813, oof.jpg)

No. 353323
File: 1547323111315.jpg (129.43 KB, 1024x566, alkins_family_photo_by_sinewyp…)

>Sorelle took inspiration from Vincent's massive triceps to start up their own croissant bakery.
No. 353361
File: 1547327838599.png (153.18 KB, 500x411, tumblr_pkw14lnPlc1v1qgzn_500.p…)

No. 353577
>>353053I'm "Asian" in the broader sense and still find his theme annoying and racist. It's a weird superiority-inferority complex you find in subs like aznidentity how they're better than anyone else.
He's got a good technique, but remember that 3d perspective was invented first in art from 'the west', that's why we got 'dead white men' (mostly Italian, which is at one point wasn't at the same level of whiteness as anglo American) as the old masters here. And if you come to my country, the traditional art style is much more upholded as being superior, morally too.
Also is that a drag queen for extra wokeness
No. 353952
File: 1547429798591.png (816.8 KB, 720x910, 20190114_093539.png)

This art is as trashy as this ship
No. 354165
File: 1547467056164.png (226.71 KB, 720x799, 20190114_190317.png)

>>354056>"I DID NOT STEAL THIS!!11"The pose ref they used btw
No. 354227
File: 1547476375320.png (250.17 KB, 720x732, 20190114_223207.png)

The perspective looks wack af
No. 354243
File: 1547478445111.jpg (173.1 KB, 626x718, 20190114_223705.jpg)

>give me trans mystery twins or give me death
>Then perish.
Honestly wtf. Im gonna be salty for a minute but-
Why does this au exist…
I have NO idea who is who. I know that 'dipper'(?) Referred to'mabel'(?) But i can srsly be just wrong. Are they like switching identities or something?? Uuugh, i really dont like this tranny au
And this drawing sucks i hope it just stays in tumblr and no more art gets produced in this au
No. 354443
File: 1547512945582.jpg (136.44 KB, 1200x1200, Dvq5UdvU8AA_9ON.jpg)

Remember that cute little game called Cuphead that got everyone hooked like 2 years ago? Yeah, the fandom was fucked up. Think of a FNAF kinda situation, lots of weeby kids (and autistic adults like with pic related) doing strange sexualized fanart and weird edgy AUs
No. 354458
File: 1547515073609.png (743.11 KB, 640x960, A2CE675C-FAB4-44F9-A20D-D863CB…)

No. 354462
>>354314Yeah i know about that, its so stupid, it just goes to show that the lgbt will go out of their way to push their agenda on everything
Wow just because their twins both have them MUST be the same gender RIghT?? Dipper isnt manly enough?? BOOM hes trans ((Guys you do know dipper and mabel are based off of real ppl right?)
I actually met someone online who has the whole dipper is trans headcannon, i disagreed then they just admited that they only wanted to believe it because it makes them feel validated…-_-
No. 354535
>>354502Sniff God, whyyyy. I hate when PC artists try to colorize/PC up my fandoms. Complete disservice.
Sasuke looks like a gigalo.
/Sage for minirant
No. 355520
File: 1547797340867.png (1.75 MB, 1000x2852, daxbblc-0111cc11-6c1d-405e-83c…)

You'd think this is some young artist just starting out, but she's about 22 and has been drawing like this for years (she's even in school for art I think…?)
No. 355561
File: 1547815274591.png (347.96 KB, 720x559, 20190117_110436.png)

Most of the comments in this piece agrees too. It couldve been good but those fucking thighs killed that chance. Her abdomen looks like a stick compared to those massive thighs
Sure the hands in the new one got better but this artist honestly regressed
No. 355562
File: 1547815378583.png (310.79 KB, 660x780, 20190117_123108.png)

"Genderfluid Bill Cipher"
I smell tumblr
No. 355571
File: 1547816671510.png (441.17 KB, 720x831, 20190118_203945.png)

Everything is bad
But that tail is BEYOND FUCKED
No. 355580
File: 1547818883647.jpeg (127.97 KB, 353x498, tyler 2.jpeg)

What's worse to me than bad art by nobodies, is bad art in large franchises owned by large companies. The need for speed's official mobile app art is SO BAD. This is an actual game published by EA.
No. 355581
File: 1547818934957.png (1.52 MB, 655x1220, _almost__all_need_for_speed_no…)

>>355580More characters. They're all horrific. It's so unbelievably bad. The worst part is that the rest of the game looks great.
No. 356635
File: 1547953868047.png (475.35 KB, 720x713, 20190120_110919.png)

Wtf is up with that gigantic head
No. 356636
File: 1547953917081.png (505.45 KB, 720x934, 20190120_111000.png)

No. 356693
File: 1547963362926.jpeg (127.01 KB, 749x766, F7CB1563-867F-4B91-9E2E-ADCC84…)

The nose is bothering me so much
No. 356746
File: 1547976956084.png (1.97 MB, 2304x1180, bad art timeline.png)

No. 356749
>>356693This isn't too bad. Coloring, shading and line artis pretty good imo. Regarding the nose situation: She's a furry, what do you expect?
>>356746Look at the feet. She somehow managed to get worse in those 7 years
No. 356756
File: 1547978308944.png (295.41 KB, 500x1156, comic page numbers.png)

>>356752it's all apart of their Teen Titan's fan-comic series
pic related is the number of pages for each comic
No. 357654
File: 1548063871999.jpg (57.46 KB, 831x961, persona_tired_blue_boy_by_tire…)

No. 357969
File: 1548119922824.jpg (Spoiler Image,117.04 KB, 1080x1080, ew.jpg)

Ya'll haven't recognized the untapped potential of shitty sex art on Instagram
No. 357979
File: 1548121406931.jpg (Spoiler Image,291.77 KB, 720x821, 20190121_204051.jpg)

>>357969There's so many much worse than the one you posted too.
No. 358008
File: 1548124643538.png (136.95 KB, 600x600, AB37ED71-4EF2-4320-9E7E-3AE894…)

All their effort went to the eyes, if you’d like to makey your own ugly beautiful man, then here you go ladies No. 358012
File: 1548125272544.png (139.31 KB, 600x600, 2A4B80C6-A232-48AE-B59A-118E87…)

>>358008me bursting an artery
No. 358015
File: 1548125816648.png (142.55 KB, 600x600, 5428_xqSYmPoT.png)

>>358008loving the randomize feature
No. 358228
File: 1548164035426.jpg (420.23 KB, 2433x3162, DiHVJbfX4AApquR.jpg)

why are the artists spawned from tumblr so hung up on masses of disgusting freckles
No. 358232
>>358228because freckles are unique and speshiul.
also fits in perfectly with their sjw desires since freckles aren't beauty standard
No. 358237
>>358228I’d say this is really a non-issue, freckles are pretty common and I wouldn’t think most people find them disgusting
I don’t see how freckles are sjw virtue signalling unlike giving characters something like vitiligo
No. 358241
>>358232Yeah, but… when everyone's doing freckles, wouldn't an artist recognise how they're just blending in? lmao
>>358237Red head tier level of freckles are not that common
No. 358318
File: 1548178266668.png (Spoiler Image,1.14 MB, 1080x1528, Screenshot_2019-01-22-09-26-33…)

No. 358319
File: 1548178364808.jpg (737.46 KB, 1076x1697, 2019-01-22 09.29.16.jpg)

>>358318i'd make fun of this artist but if they're willing to post crap art like this because cartoon characters smoking weed makes bank then more power to em
No. 358572
File: 1548214555541.png (735.53 KB, 720x761, 20190123_113414.png)

No. 358686
File: 1548248625110.jpg (53.01 KB, 540x405, tumblr_inline_pkfhtdA5ai1vnjk0…)

No. 358687
File: 1548249025228.png (1.73 MB, 1440x1416, Screenshot_2019-01-23-08-03-39…)

What an improvement
No. 358696
>>358687Face got a little better, doesn't look so fucked up. Still looks weird tho.
But what is it? 2 months improvement?
No. 359166
File: 1548300981302.png (164.96 KB, 720x706, 20190124_113540.png)

No. 359213
File: 1548312322510.jpg (105.41 KB, 599x754, d9hdhn6-1b13e822-0852-4c3c-850…)

Cross dressing cartman
No. 359217
File: 1548312464117.png (1.25 MB, 720x897, d9i1wjp-622df46b-6bd5-46b9-bf8…)

No. 359218
File: 1548312501843.jpg (85.81 KB, 632x632, d9krs0g-7af80a20-7346-4186-b27…)

No. 359574
File: 1548374170925.jpg (117.37 KB, 670x1192, zombie_kink_by_fleshpalace_dbi…)

No. 359772
File: 1548407876014.jpeg (208.25 KB, 984x906, 0DA2675F-D184-412E-9368-DE56F9…)

>>359752Really anon. The head shape looks like a monkey head, and the nostrils don’t help
No. 360085
File: 1548452665741.jpg (Spoiler Image,100.82 KB, 1200x1142, Dw89hLzUwAA-pCh.jpg)

24 year old "Artist"
No. 360091
File: 1548452944179.jpg (Spoiler Image,80.27 KB, 800x720, katarina_gift_by_kittew_dcxxlm…)

them drumstick legs…
No. 360117
File: 1548454989747.jpg (412.1 KB, 1024x1353, Nell_Brinkley_Bride-4.jpg)

>>359772anon White diamond was inspired by the art of Nell Brinkley , she made the nostrils, eyes and lips like that
No. 360138
>>360118It's not stated one way or the other if they're related. Pesci calls Prosciutto "aniki" (big brother/bro) but that's a way to address your superiors or someone you look up to in specific groups. Calling someone "aniki" doesn't mean you're related by blood, kind of the same way someone calling another person "onee-san" doesn't mean that person is literally their big sister.
I don't think I've ever come across a fan that thinks they're related, though. Bad art, though.
No. 360175
File: 1548462131372.png (Spoiler Image,1005.51 KB, 1149x705, wVV59Sr.png)

there's so much going on here…
No. 360298
File: 1548499334457.png (472.28 KB, 720x893, 20190126_094759.png)

The stubble looks like its on the lip?? Like literally on the mouth
No. 360299
>>360296I think that's the point.
But regarding
>>360175 I hate traced art where it's obvious that the "artist" has no actual grasp of anatomy.
No. 360719
File: 1548599002858.png (1.06 MB, 701x877, Capture _2019-01-27-08-22-14.p…)

No. 360991
File: 1548645958365.png (352.14 KB, 720x819, 20190128_112440.png)

This is apparently a steven universe oc…
And its male btw…
No. 361053
Ikr its pissing me off so much. I bet this person only draws porn with this"steven universe" oc
No. 362350
File: 1548724878269.png (1.08 MB, 1080x1590, sketch-1548724848551.png)

This person is a cow for many reasons but her "art" is spectacularly bad. She traces photos of popular ~oppressed~ IG users on her iPad pro which she can somehow afford despite being so very, very poor.
No. 362354
File: 1548726694972.png (313.42 KB, 1044x1280, 8E6C720C-F9B4-45F0-B5F3-0F9E79…)

>>360991Speaking of terrible SU art
No. 364038
File: 1548809580158.png (101.3 KB, 400x300, tumblr_pkbhxiCQ1a1tsxwfpo1_400…)

No. 364039
File: 1548809601203.png (229.56 KB, 400x406, tumblr_phhlfaFbqw1tsxwfpo1_400…)

No. 364040
File: 1548809637699.png (60.53 KB, 400x293, tumblr_p9gx74aCHN1tsxwfpo1_400…)

No. 364163
File: 1548828883190.png (34.6 KB, 850x372, dcxz30c-2427d97c-f9cd-433c-a1d…)

Lazy recolors physically hurt me.
No. 364322
File: 1548862571064.jpg (104.56 KB, 930x860, bad_fanart_by_homosenpaidesu_d…)

No. 364336
File: 1548864588174.png (Spoiler Image,624.38 KB, 588x542, 34.png)

>>357969Jfc, this reminds me of the shitty "art" some guy I know does.
>go to art school>have artist mentors who guided you and literally offered you a spot so you could have your own art exhibition despite your non-skillsYears later
>no progress whatsoever, if anything art gets worse >get so lazy that you start tracing (badly) the porn pictures you take of your gf>post them on instagram with a thousand tags No. 364340
File: 1548864819389.jpg (109.9 KB, 576x1023, 20190131_001323.jpg)

No. 364344
>>364336Oh man that's bad
>>357969Shitty teenage art, but now they have access to porn
No. 364415
File: 1548871930805.jpg (143.02 KB, 491x750, fatefanart.jpg)

No. 364480
>>364336wow… that is embarrassing.
slightly related, WHY do people trace? that's not how you build skill. don't they want to improve?
No. 364601
File: 1548897264534.jpg (54.15 KB, 774x1032, favorite_this_is_die_instantly…)

This is the last thing you see before you die
No. 364618
File: 1548899667361.png (24.81 KB, 179x217, 2016-12-14_0959.png)

>>364601he made think of this nigga
No. 364690
File: 1548911147408.jpg (114.5 KB, 626x845, pencil_portrait___james_sunder…)

>mfw all my sins are personified
No. 364833
>>364480Because they're lazy and want results as fast as possible, even when it means not actually having skills.
>>364508On the other hand, this is something I don't understand. Why do some artists (Sakimichan and similar) have very good painting skills but unfortunate anatomy? Aren't they both based on technique and practice? How can someone be great in one and awful in the other?
No. 365310
File: 1549033003145.jpg (740.82 KB, 1080x1818, ugly.ass.shit.jpg)

No. 365313
File: 1549033292531.jpg (86.11 KB, 1500x1500, maid_deku__by_chaotic_spectrum…)

No. 365314
File: 1549033325586.png (127.71 KB, 758x758, soft_vamperoki_by_chaotic_spec…)

No. 365315
File: 1549033362415.jpg (121.92 KB, 2000x2000, _3_by_chaotic_spectrum_dcs7gnz…)

No. 365317
File: 1549033401387.jpg (169.01 KB, 2000x2000, the_neko_and_thevampire_by_cha…)

No. 365318
File: 1549033460362.png (368.94 KB, 5352x4568, to_cuddle_or_not_to_cuddle__by…)

No. 365320
File: 1549033519266.jpg (149.87 KB, 2000x2000, when_your_crush_kisses_you__by…)

No. 365412
File: 1549050519958.jpg (114.19 KB, 1063x752, happy_holidays_by_patchwork__h…)

a (formerly) patreon exclusive "pinup" by a 22 year old
No. 365442
>>365412shit, I'm getting myself a graphics tablet and setting up a patreon.
Patreon bux, here I come
No. 365989
File: 1549129906602.jpeg (560.5 KB, 1125x607, C611DE68-FF52-4691-8401-AEF376…)

This whole trend of huge lips and dark block brows Kylie Jenner threw into the mainstream is getting on my nerves
No. 366347
File: 1549173208047.png (1.72 MB, 885x7944, awful shit.png)

No. 366356
File: 1549175634108.png (489.2 KB, 1133x1920, Adrien-and-Marinette-miraculou…)

>>366349this was actually a fancomic on these characters
in the show, they're classmates, not mother and son
No. 366381
File: 1549180216240.png (682.41 KB, 1280x1543, tumblr_pkux548MjJ1r6a1vco1_128…)

wtf is that nose
No. 366943
File: 1549288796802.png (156.52 KB, 540x298, tumblr_pkn9grsSXA1xhc9m7o1_540…)

No. 367213
File: 1549320868256.jpeg (Spoiler Image,315.62 KB, 1638x2048, 47680627-8551-44F8-A51A-6050A3…)

Found this on a Discord server. Ironically, she’s supposed to be a “lolicon catcher.”
No. 368488
File: 1549493864619.jpeg (Spoiler Image,713.45 KB, 750x913, A387316F-CFBA-4E16-BCD3-F5E127…)

saw this on my instagram explore page
No. 368640
File: 1549515538164.jpg (176.54 KB, 595x817, wehaveabrightfuture.jpg)

No. 369345
File: 1549620443774.png (571.63 KB, 720x718, 20190208_180407.png)

The technique is actually pretty good but this just looks uncanny af. She looks like miss piggy
No. 369470
File: 1549635350632.jpg (521.61 KB, 1000x1294, father why have you forsaken m…)

>>369322yeah it is. that comic was the first one I was unfortunate enough to come across from this betiful tranz wimmin uwu and my creepdar alarm went all the way off. First thing I thought was "only a male could be… like this" and I was right.
Anyway here's some incredible art from an artist who was featured on Tumblr radar last week or so. Big fan of the messed-up chromosomes #lewk
No. 369546
File: 1549646633736.jpg (266.24 KB, 1200x1107, Dyr3BADU8AAcJ7X.jpg)

anything from this bitch, really
No. 369549
File: 1549646740781.jpg (124.72 KB, 1200x852, DysMGLqXgAE2dIS.jpg)

>>369546people pay for this shit… her nsfw art is even worse
No. 369557
>>369546Oh, that's funny, I found this person incredibly annoying because of tweets like
>I'm not like other gurlzz>I hope my bf becomes rich so I can stay at home>lol sjw feminists btfoGlad to see somebody else thinks she's shit.
No. 370619
File: 1549766105704.jpg (Spoiler Image,541.46 KB, 1078x1725, 20190209_213145.jpg)

yeah, I think we can tell by your art
No. 370642
>>367262I know this is an older post now but even if it's creepy I felt simultaneously called out and comforted by this nasty comic.
Thanks for posting it I guess.
No. 370719
File: 1549782247310.png (283.73 KB, 2647x2629, D264AD24-A16C-45DD-AE29-6F765F…)

No. 371212
File: 1549842540547.png (459.13 KB, 720x678, 20190211_074631.png)

A transformers oc i think
Well looks like someone draws sans fanart alot
No. 371214
File: 1549842616118.png (428.38 KB, 720x711, 20190211_074711.png)

No. 371216
File: 1549842682070.png (322.43 KB, 720x719, 20190211_074737.png)

Wtf is up with those 'hands'?
Also the mouth is on the hair lol
No. 371454
File: 1549870911195.png (177.37 KB, 547x540, tumblr_pk965owbFE1vi89npo1_640…)

No. 371473
File: 1549874996201.jpg (236.67 KB, 720x835, Screenshot_20190211-045110.jpg)

I'm not the only one that thinks this looks off, right?
No. 371490
File: 1549876859055.jpeg (36.49 KB, 486x630, 92B8BEF2-3666-4CEF-AB69-EA76AB…)

>>371473Why do people try to make cartoon characters realistic and chuck them into the uncanny valley
No. 371509
File: 1549878568727.jpg (84.6 KB, 736x739, 65fb58d482e292f3b0e3f3ca46ddfd…)

No. 371512
File: 1549878800326.jpg (64.34 KB, 500x667, 43c515137b5c55bb1cfd41683ce72d…)

>>371473looks like the dude nemu has a fetish for minus the bangs
No. 371527
File: 1549881549030.gif (104.8 KB, 560x560, 1d23a0fb3899ee78e72810fe2037c1…)

>>371526I found this, too, which is much cuter imo and true to her figure (actually cute art)
No. 371529
File: 1549881995968.jpg (Spoiler Image,59.18 KB, 600x847, fabde36a253b77595740b3d07d99f6…)

I hope this isn't feeder shit but I found this one pretty funny. I imagine this to be a horror fantasy of hers
No. 372042
File: 1549945793138.jpg (422.88 KB, 1280x1567, meet_the_artist_by_liberlibelu…)

No. 372044
File: 1549945836486.png (399.49 KB, 720x900, d8wxb5j-b12a77d9-a70f-439e-b94…)

meet the artist are always so cringe
No. 372075
>>372042Ngl, I misread her name as "Libtard". I would've thought this was a troll " meet the artist" thing if I didn't look back a second time.
Either way, I chuckled a bit even though it was my fault lol
No. 372204
File: 1549973784447.png (798.02 KB, 720x959, 20190212_201353.png)

Honestly tho this couldve been good if it wasnt for that FUCKED up anatomy!
This is like houseki no kuni levels for broken spine in an attempt to make it look "sexy" and the chest just looks…weird
No. 372207
File: 1549974006524.png (382.65 KB, 720x885, 20190212_201908.png)

Ok calm down snowflake fag
I srsly fucking hate the constant proclamation of someone being gay just stfu…
No. 372576
File: 1550013091251.jpg (Spoiler Image,196.11 KB, 850x644, sample_614b2cfa740c04aa5623758…)

I know porn is cheating but this is the most bizarre image I've seen in a while.
No. 372625
File: 1550018755758.jpg (168 KB, 2048x506, DzPEfaNWoAE_4Ym.jpg)

Jesus Christ.
No. 372628
File: 1550019244447.jpg (11.1 KB, 420x315, Donotwant.jpg)

>>372625Some of those I like. I like the fluidity and movement in some of the bodies, but the race changing and Junko/the detective chick's general hideousness just ruins it.
No. 372648
File: 1550021082056.png (1.21 MB, 1080x1680, 20190212_192146.png)

So tired of seeing these comics in my explore tab…
No. 372649
File: 1550021127099.png (997.94 KB, 1080x1670, 20190212_192217.png)

No. 372712
>>372648they are so boring jesus fuck, and the art is so bad same as
>>372649 is the same idea over and over wint diferent bad art
No. 372787
File: 1550046678121.png (263.42 KB, 623x1175, dcz8lgr-208b34b5-2e7c-4878-896…)

No. 373032
File: 1550083457044.jpg (983.43 KB, 2288x1456, 20190213_204307.jpg)

This girl has the cringiest, bad english "comics" on ig, i made a shit collage thing to showcase some
No. 373052
File: 1550085100541.png (810.13 KB, 720x999, Screenshot_20190213-201045.png)

>>373032I lost two seconds of my life reading this
No. 373053
File: 1550085176367.jpg (Spoiler Image,145.67 KB, 1080x1349, 52272335_1956799697782024_7367…)

>>373052this one is actually hilarious
No. 373063
File: 1550086387833.jpg (49.5 KB, 632x790, 50520793_481961245541843_80283…)

No. 373084
File: 1550087613126.png (991.34 KB, 1112x719, __we_ll_punish_you____by_bellf…)

No. 373085
File: 1550087677552.jpg (73.78 KB, 1192x670, cc___all_human_lives_matter_po…)

No. 373088
File: 1550087989176.jpg (56.89 KB, 1024x576, cc___sexuality_headcanon_7_by_…)

>>373086these are by a 24-year-old
No. 373090
File: 1550088270346.jpg (102.54 KB, 1080x864, 50308316_2265436983674482_4498…)

No. 373093
File: 1550088466540.jpg (63.91 KB, 1080x864, 50138741_793136241039320_87759…)

No. 373096
File: 1550088592154.jpg (80.95 KB, 1080x864, 46378394_207944273453999_14014…)

No. 373099
File: 1550088829412.jpg (Spoiler Image,133.37 KB, 1080x1350, 49823264_2198277303536046_8874…)

No. 373124
>>373096Art targeted towards gay men is so obvious and crude.
This pseudo-realism is incredibly gross.
No. 373414
File: 1550128469653.png (536.91 KB, 720x481, 20190214_151033.png)

That smile is pissing me off more than anything atm
No. 373415
File: 1550128590883.png (592.72 KB, 720x705, 20190214_151131.png)

No. 373416
File: 1550128781551.png (1003.53 KB, 720x826, 20190214_151100.png)

No. 373426
>>373416His hair is literally different in each drawing
What is consistency?
No. 373456
File: 1550143713585.jpg (194.8 KB, 800x800, promo_orig.jpg)

No. 373493
File: 1550150354350.jpg (610.03 KB, 1439x869, Screenshot_20190214-234746_WEB…)

No. 373514
File: 1550154135108.png (586.85 KB, 644x635, 20190214_222141.png)

No. 373515
File: 1550154187841.png (346.59 KB, 720x755, 20190214_222041.png)

No. 373517
File: 1550154433366.png (469.26 KB, 720x871, 20190214_222621.png)

This is actually so bad its funny wtf is he floating?
No. 373908
File: 1550205028626.png (1.05 MB, 1280x1365, 021419.png)

Made by a 20 year old. I know people can get started late and all that, but I feel like at that age you should be able to see such obvious mistakes.
No. 374031
>>373908Is this from maximum ride? god I hate that book.
Also why don't these people at least try to use references?
No. 374225
File: 1550260185975.png (2.23 MB, 2048x1536, 82D57A84-74D2-4A76-8BEA-F7CEE6…)

Apparently this is improvement. Improvement totally is making a girl look deformed.
No. 374495
File: 1550323504592.png (227.13 KB, 700x800, daivno7-fa5090fb-cb27-488a-afc…)

This is just cringey
No. 374915
File: 1550366934539.jpg (71.31 KB, 1291x1603, FB_IMG_1550366124151.jpg)

A "bimbo adopt"
No. 374938
>>374931Everything looks like porn artist anatomy, same with the pose, so I assumed that’s what they primarily do
And ridiculously large thighs are absolutely a porn artist thing, they don’t just draw huge tits
No. 374987
File: 1550378311809.jpg (62.99 KB, 640x640, 42922036_529197404159526_40971…)

No. 374988
File: 1550378581551.jpg (149.76 KB, 900x944, 1113551001v3.jpg)

No. 374996
File: 1550378858486.jpg (257.37 KB, 729x927, 1114991002v3.jpg)

No. 374998
File: 1550378952187.png (378.89 KB, 1200x1200, 1072991002v3.png)

No. 375006
File: 1550379715699.png (687.74 KB, 1200x831, 1109581002v3.png)

No. 375007
File: 1550379773769.png (403.35 KB, 1200x1357, 1121051001v3.png)

title: be my mistake
caption: you make me hard but he makes me weak
No. 375010
File: 1550380113912.png (207.7 KB, 1000x1000, 1127051001v3.png)

No. 375019
File: 1550381556415.png (1.31 MB, 1280x1232, artvsartist_2019_by_polarbears…)

>>375016the face of the artist
No. 375027
File: 1550383114995.jpg (159.28 KB, 1000x1800, 1130671001v3.jpg)

No. 375028
File: 1550383236318.png (2.08 MB, 1200x1624, 1130491001v3.png)

No. 375029
File: 1550383285497.png (917.9 KB, 1000x2583, 1102381004v3.png)

No. 375031
File: 1550383545535.png (2.55 MB, 1200x1855, 1083991002v3.png)

No. 375034
File: 1550384574030.png (439.93 KB, 794x964, 1045441005v3.png)

No. 375043
>>375006I actually saw that before i cant remember where tho (that terrible billford art deserves to be here)
Whered you find it anon?
No. 375049
>>375043all of the recent posts were from wysp
dl to the billford art: No. 375063
>>375049Ah i see
Bill's hair is god awful tho wtf are those flaps
No. 375130
File: 1550416208391.png (753.11 KB, 720x959, 20190217_230804.png)

Also she straight up just doesnt have her left eye lol
No. 375142
File: 1550417480118.png (819.24 KB, 1067x1858, Mabel.png)

>>375130Is this supposed to be Mabel from Gravity Falls? If it is, they failed to remember she's 12-13, also what's going on with her neck…is that an Adam's apple? And wonky lines on her neck kinda makes a weird face…
No. 375143
File: 1550417656643.png (619.72 KB, 1024x709, holyshit.png)

No. 375144
File: 1550417848265.png (198.46 KB, 371x589, 910401003v3.png)

i don't know which is worse, the obnoxious watermarks, or the actually art
No. 375150
File: 1550418531198.jpg (514.96 KB, 1200x1616, 1069111001v3.jpg)

trans Bakugou and Deku from My Hero Academia
No. 375151
File: 1550418655463.jpg (144.02 KB, 1200x2383, 920991001v3.jpg)

No. 375152
File: 1550418705987.png (1.12 MB, 1200x1738, 710421001v3.png)

No. 375154
File: 1550418749653.png (501.1 KB, 1200x879, 1036901001v3.png)

No. 375155
File: 1550418789453.png (167.42 KB, 593x777, 930271001v3.png)

No. 375157
File: 1550418831239.png (191.48 KB, 700x600, 902641001v3.png)

No. 375158
File: 1550418897128.jpg (129.9 KB, 454x564, 63661001v3.jpg)

No. 375159
File: 1550419001733.png (477.4 KB, 800x1000, 687991003v3.png)

No. 375160
File: 1550419066058.png (623.25 KB, 900x1200, 904681001v3.png)

No. 375163
File: 1550419173924.png (417.13 KB, 790x800, 1116551001v3.png)

No. 375164
File: 1550419326978.png (1.06 MB, 1101x1467, 171601001v3.png)

No. 375167
File: 1550419701088.png (671.18 KB, 800x1200, 780581003v3.png)

No. 375171
File: 1550419889127.jpg (120.11 KB, 1200x1697, 534761001v3.jpg)

No. 375176
File: 1550420329054.jpg (510.72 KB, 1200x1416, 1092381001v3.jpg)

No. 375184
File: 1550420624500.jpg (205.11 KB, 1200x1697, 474351006v3.jpg)

No. 375185
File: 1550420682340.jpg (163.46 KB, 1200x1697, 479371002v3.jpg)

No. 375186
File: 1550420731215.jpg (132.14 KB, 1200x1697, 449271001v3.jpg)

No. 375208
>>375204It’s unhinged to have so much artwork you dislike saved so that you can dump it
Sorry you have no self-restraint.
No. 375217
>>375215There’s suddenly an influx of 17 images posted in a thread that’s usually slow, none of them with any sort of comment attached. Vendetta may not have been the right word but it’s excessive and weird.
None of the pieces posted are mine but who the hell is so bitter to post so many works in one go?
No. 375225
>>375220My point was that it was all dumped in one go and obviously by the same person, guess I’m the only one who finds it weird that someone is neurotic enough to just save all the work they don’t like and then dump it to be laughed at
I’ll stop detailing since I’m obviously an outlier in finding this behaviour obsessive and weird.
No. 375239
File: 1550425061114.gif (323 KB, 256x192, 8BB78B92-084B-46CF-8FB9-9E4A67…)

>>375219>THE THREAD IS SPINNING OUT OF CONTROLIt’s okay anon, you can post pictures too if you want. We’re all just here to laugh.
No. 375254
>>375247Again, I just find it weird that they suddenly posted so much at once as though they have been collecting all of these for ages. I’ve posted a few things here and there too it’s the sheer amount of it being posted within such a short space of time that comes off as sad
I was under the impression most ITT will come across something that’s really bad and will post it, not have an entire folder to dump
No. 375316
File: 1550435229751.jpg (90.23 KB, 1024x768, car.jpg)

No. 375321
File: 1550436002916.png (316.19 KB, 604x416, Screenshot 2019-02-17 at 2.37.…)

daddy lighning is a switch uwu
No. 375324
>>375316Okay I hate you for making me look at this but it raises so many questions. First of all, what the fuck? Second of all, how does this work? What's the car equivalent of a vag? The exhaust pipe I guess, but those are pretty small and thin, but whatever. And what would he be fucking her with anyway? What kind of dick would a car have? I just… why
I need to rinse my contact lenses with bleach now
No. 375334
File: 1550437081139.png (306.21 KB, 500x500, 3212.png)

on tumblr all of the rwby girls are black trannies
>>375225i think it's weird too but your reaction was ott
No. 375368
File: 1550439667631.jpg (75.44 KB, 500x438, 443.jpg)

>>375339lol i meant the second pic my bad
>>375343imo everything
but to each their own, i've seen some art in here that i think is alright too
No. 375369
>>375334She's clearly pink anon
>>375336At least they looks humann nothing too hideous
No. 375376
File: 1550441186760.jpg (164.83 KB, 1102x1631, IMG_20190217_180442.jpg)

No. 375441
>>375376From the thumbnail it looked fine but once I got past the light flare tricks and generic anime face the fun never stopped
>>375316The safest part is that the gesture of these literal cars fucking still has more life than most of the pretty girl art on instagram
No. 375474
File: 1550452841331.png (413.38 KB, 720x1022, 20190218_091928.png)

Im not entirely sure bit thus kinda looks traced
And i still hate this ship
No. 375481
File: 1550453586424.jpg (1.09 MB, 3072x1597, 20190218_093157.jpg)

No. 375630
File: 1550481682333.png (337.53 KB, 720x708, 20190218_171947.png)

That fucking blue blush and deformed hands and feet…
No. 375631
File: 1550481783031.png (Spoiler Image,465.75 KB, 720x961, 20190218_172017.png)

Trypophobia warning
No. 375639
File: 1550484735433.png (460.87 KB, 720x719, 20190218_181130.png)

No. 375880
File: 1550524585730.png (816.96 KB, 1080x1438, IMG_20190218_141503.png)

This is just a step away from looking really good, but the things that make it bad make it really bad. The I'll defined eyes look bad in my opinion.
No. 375895
>>349208>>375885yupe. pale eyebrows + eyelashes always look kinda weird because it's an unusual combination. combine that with the pale/red dot eyes and the whole thing looks creepy, but that's probably the vibe the artist was going for.
the eyes aren't that well defined IMO they match the rest of the art style just fine
No. 375908
File: 1550528671979.jpg (23.91 KB, 608x342, depositphotos_184824162-stock-…)

>>375880looks like old people eyes, if she made the eyes more defined, like the outine of the character it would look better
No. 375938
>>375928Who cares though fr. Wow people have different hair colours. It's really childish, nitpicky, and off topic to point out itt. I get the art looks bad but this
>>375885 is unnecessary.
Reminds me of the same anon in /g/ who was trying to call another anon a midget because she said she was short or the anon who said straight people shouldn't hug each other in public.
No. 376017
File: 1550539061105.png (339.06 KB, 720x1010, 20190219_091601.png)

Gotta love that hat tho
No. 376019
File: 1550539136082.png (387.5 KB, 976x819,…)

No. 376064
>>376023I dunno i just saw em in the recommended part of deviantart
Theyre probably ocs anon
No. 376077
File: 1550545840908.png (355.47 KB, 489x542, dc8qd2r-738bfee1-3549-48c1-a5a…)

>>376019>>376064unfortunately i recognize the 'species', it's one of those bullshit 'original species' things from deivantart called dainties. all uguu twink fuckboy deer with stockings. probably a goldmine of its own for bad art.
(sorry for bad posting newfag and all that)
No. 376086
File: 1550546828039.png (373.41 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20190219-112521.png)

This dainty base alone just kinda reeks of fetish fuel
No. 376091
>>376087*Pancake chest
Just to follow through with the food theme.
No. 376109
File: 1550548638393.png (550.18 KB, 1280x1631, tumblr_ph4z5fYibV1qe7hs1o4_128…)

off tumblr….
No. 376181
>>376092Honestly I find femboys hot because I'm bisexual and they conbine my personal likes for each sex.
Like I basically hate everything about men except their dicks and butts. So a character that is basically a girl but with a dick and a flat chest appeals to me.
Sage for my weird autistic opinion.
No. 376290
File: 1550585706001.jpg (168.36 KB, 774x1032, bored_by_anglerfssh_dcg9lhp-pr…)

I dunno other people might like this but this just looks reallt obnoxius to me
No. 376305
File: 1550587794534.jpg (79.67 KB, 333x339, 20190219_224514.jpg)

This face bothers me the most. Did you not noticed how ridiculous the placement of the eyes are??
No. 376344
>>376306Yeah it is
Can you pls elaborate on what happened
No. 376373
File: 1550596562233.png (741.11 KB, 826x1374, Scaming dumbass fujos 101.png)

>>376321>>376344Okay this is what I remember:
Back in 2013-2014 on DeviantART adoptables (Basically an artist posts a character design like pic related and either asks a select price for 'ownership' of it or they make an auction where others can bid on it too) were the big trend, everyone and their mom was buying these things. They sold like hotcakes and for good money to. Big name adoptable artist's could expect to sell a design for around $100-$500 during peak time, and usually the adoptables weren't even drawn with new art and were instead made lazily coloring a premade base and making what amounts to an edgy sparkle wolf oc, posting it to DA and then selling it immediately for hundreds. It was fucking insane as an outsider looking in.
Now I won't go in depth about my sister but she is a very, shall we say, impulsive person. To an extreme extent. I could write a novel on the stupid insane things she has done, not even considering what those decisions mean for the future. She is also a very kind person who tries hard to impress her friends, more on that later. Anyway, she got hooked on these things and I had no idea why. I think she got obsessed with the idea of having the coolest character, getting said character from the most popular artist and it mattered very little what the character actually looked like, she just had to have it. She would buy the most asinine things, cats with emo hair, copy and pasted anime men wearing nothing but panties and see through tights, fucking dogs with sushi taped to them. That was a thing, Sushi Dogs. The maker of those got a fucking trademark on them. Insane.
So began this obsession, she would work a 9-5 job, come home, get on her computer and just do nothing but look at these things. Every day. She never tried to involve me in it apart from to help her bid on auctions but I watched at a distance, it was fascinating seeing artist's have such little integrity they were willing to do this. They were selling jpg's to people like my sister and other suckers, like a gacha game except worse and more expensive. It was so damn gross. I went with it for a while, however once I found out how much of these she was buying and how much she was spending I had to intervene. I can't remember exact numbers but her most expensive purchase was around $1100. On a jpg. I remember telling her that this was like beanie babies and the bubble would pop, and when it did all these pixels would be worthless. Of course, she didn't listen to me. She continued spending all her wages on these things and all I could do was watch, nothing I said got through to her. I even attempted to beg an artist not to sell to her anymore, got ignored by them to.
I will end this story time here because it only get's longer from here but in the next part I will get into how dainties come into all of this. Hope you found this interesting.
>>376322Honestly I couldn't tell you. She was a fujo, a non ashamed vocal one at that so I guess the art catered to her interests. It wasn't like her earned a lot in her job either, she would go paycheck to paycheck only buying adopts. To say these things didn't have a hand in making her life worse would be an understatement.
No. 376378
>>376373Damn. Well i am interested in the next part
Also, you rlly sure that it over $1000?? Thats like beyond over priced. Theres just absolutely no way an adopt could be that high, maybe you mean deviantart points?
No. 376399
>>376373Thanks anon, I'm looking forward to the next part
I had a friend that was still blowing hundreds on gaia at 19 but this is crazy money, can I ask how old your sister was?
No. 376463
File: 1550608123381.png (Spoiler Image,745.27 KB, 972x839, gross.PNG)

there's something special about how off the anatomy on this is
not to mention the everything else
No. 376464
>>376463oh my god her pussy is coming out of her stomach
did a male draw this bc I can’t accept some woman drew a pussy where a fucking mons pubis should be
No. 376472
File: 1550609669981.jpg (80.58 KB, 608x667, d6fbk3k-0fe803e3-3213-4a86-85e…)

>>376373When this character in white auctioned for $900 USD (most go for $100) I started to make my own feminine little boy designs.
But you had to already have a loyal following in either the highly specific anime femboy pedo women or the full on furry community to earn their money/trust.
No. 376483
>>376463I really hate how in so much of porn, the clitoris is actively protruding, almost like a penis.
I'm sure it's like that for some women, but I feel like most clitorises don't balloon up and push themselves beyond the actual hood/outside of the vulva to that extent.
Whenever I see it I just can't stop thinking that it's males trying to justify whatever they put their female characters through because she is visually "aroused", almost as if they are fucking baboons or something.
No. 376555
File: 1550621506959.png (945.46 KB, 720x881, 20190220_081055.png)

No. 376616
>>376464>>376483>>376606Surprise, the artist is actually a chick. They made sub par porn on Tumblr before that got nuked so now they sit on twitter making art of their lackluster OCs.'re known as McSiggy and got popular making mediocre Homestuck art back when that was in it's peak.
And now they make a equally mediocre, if not worse, webcomic called Various Everything's.
They have the vibe of pandering to make everyone feel "included" but their art is so fucking lazy that you can't even enjoy it.
No. 376621
File: 1550629250166.jpg (Spoiler Image,207.91 KB, 1177x2048, IMG_20190219_211823.jpg)

>>376616And it just gets worse. The faces are the biggest offenders.
No. 376623
File: 1550629345083.jpg (Spoiler Image,70.7 KB, 722x690, IMG_20190219_211806.jpg)

>>376621The faces always look the same on everyone and the legs are usually disproportionate.
No. 376634
File: 1550630515629.png (162.5 KB, 500x305, tumblr_inline_oyalnh9iAA1qfblq…)

>>376623>>376621>>376616oh my GOD now i remember her for the love of god hahaha she was popular because she made some basic kinky homestuck porn "comics" with rape and other
problematic topics, is so funny to see how her art is so bad now
No. 376650
>>376616>mcsiggyHOLY FUCK
I used to follow her a long time ago, she’s not super terrible but it sucks to see she still hasn’t improved very much. Does anyone know why she was chased off tumblr?
No. 376712
File: 1550643772980.png (282.02 KB, 1258x926, tumblr_pmjud06qSH1tirn93o4_128…)

i know it's low hanging fruit but i will never not laugh at hideous racebent homestuck fanart
i will never not laugh at how these people completely miss the point of the characters being tryhard white people stereotypes
No. 376853
File: 1550676795007.png (326.54 KB, 1280x1133, tumblr_p3ntpx4cln1u1ydjmo2_128…)

Speaking of shit tier homestuck artists who solely use thr fandom to pander and soap box rant, this artist is an SJW (surprising I know) and just talks about being a lesbian 100% of the time. Cause having a personality ain't progressive.
Her blog will make your brain ooze out of your ears though. No. 376856
File: 1550677488545.png (471.58 KB, 1280x1280, tumblr_pmqbddwIWP1x6fsiso1_128…)

>>376853on that blog
"i look nothing like my art"
yeah but you look like the kind of person who draws this sort of shit, lol
No. 376857
File: 1550677679722.png (671 KB, 1250x916, tumblr_pccje6WWDI1u1ydjmo1_r1_…)

>>376853i'm also real glad i bailed out of the homestuck fandom before this garbage really caught on. why do they have to make everyone so ugly. why can't they be butch lesbians or black but also, like, pretty. why do they draw them so ugly
No. 376915
File: 1550686979460.jpg (640.55 KB, 1280x1707, tumblr_plqrd90LE11t37l3t_1280.…)

>>376913Its 100% the artist projecting on the character since she has to the same fucking face.
No. 376927
>>376853There's a lot of artists like this on Twitter/Tumblr
It starts to get annoying when they have no other interests besides making every single character they can find a lesbian.
No. 377027
File: 1550701443658.png (362.32 KB, 592x601, Screenshot 2019-02-20 at 4.22.…)

Why do some artists draw themselves more attractive than they really are? Like, FFS I get that it's supposed to be stylized but this girl I know IRL keeps posting her shitty anime art "self portraits." Like, it doesn't make you kawaii or special.
No. 377072
File: 1550710281773.png (110.9 KB, 400x370, tumblr_pmyzi82KBz1sz914go3_400…)

Currently Homestuck, along with most Tumblr based fandom, has a fuck ton of shitty artists who don't nsee issue with what they're making cause they think it's unique and inclusive. When its most just white kids drawing POC people is a damn near offendsive way.
Official-Spec is another kid in the wormhole of people who got popular for making the most basic and pandering fan art possible.
http://official-spec.tumblr.comThe blog is also cancer, so beware.
No. 377128
File: 1550716166068.jpeg (76.89 KB, 1024x704, DzY5UH4XcAEel-C.jpeg)

No. 377142
File: 1550718000692.jpg (181.62 KB, 1024x1024, jennifer-swann-2018-pencil-str…)

seeing this image makes me want to commit genocide.
No. 377311
File: 1550753621151.png (448.82 KB, 720x521, 20190221_204948.png)

No. 377312
File: 1550753747194.png (415.55 KB, 720x520, 20190221_205013.png)

>>377311I think both are just bad in my opinion…
No. 377374
>>376853where else can we do that? cringey school clubs? with straight friends/family? on insta? lesbian is a 100% taboo shadowbannable search term literally everywhere else but shitty tumblr
>>376857yeah they try to make "inclusive art" but their only idea of black/lgbt is a really ugly caricature lmao
No. 377538
File: 1550793289987.png (385.37 KB, 715x871, 20190222_075354.png)

No. 377540
File: 1550793381622.png (859.13 KB, 720x893, 20190222_075429.png)

I actually find this pretty hilarious
No. 377568
File: 1550799010106.png (70.47 KB, 600x600, 5428_uKp8n87a.png)

>>358008I know the thread has moved on but..
No. 377583
File: 1550801151614.png (436 KB, 421x584, oh.PNG)

Something about this photo is so funny to me.
>>377540Is this yaoi art of a Christmas tree and an ornament or….
No. 377591
>>377583Omg i didnt think of it that way…
As funny as that sounds i dont think it is, it probably some dumb kink when two people dress up for the ocassion or something
No. 377666
File: 1550812237391.jpeg (125.53 KB, 745x455, A820EF7C-9CCB-44A7-AD24-1C43B5…)

Think this fits the thread
No. 377678
File: 1550815128009.jpg (79.19 KB, 500x984, edbaf5939786fef755fca344dd16dd…)

No. 377797
File: 1550842525558.png (593.77 KB, 477x595, creepshow1.png)

No. 377798
File: 1550842630055.png (368.24 KB, 590x592, creepshow2.png)

No. 377923
File: 1550869830827.png (468.56 KB, 500x728, tumblr_pi7fnrPg1B1u6s1qjo1_500…)

This character is male.
My favorite part is the low-res background pattern stolen from Google.
No. 377979
File: 1550881848105.png (Spoiler Image,619.65 KB, 720x758, 20190223_082657.png)

No. 377982
>>377979>>377980This person's work is usually(on a technical level) pretty good
But these are just trashy af
No. 378231
File: 1550936335279.jpg (32.44 KB, 480x480, 50073120_2185358611523907_3172…)

>41k followers on instagram
This artist pops up in my feed all the time.
Lazy, uninspired Rasbii-tier art, everything looks the same, same colors and all.
No. 378243
File: 1550937479272.jpeg (91.2 KB, 500x497, 3C896CB7-267F-468C-84B7-7762C2…)

>>377979>>377980Nice stolen character design
No. 378264
File: 1550940006338.jpeg (99.36 KB, 534x848, F39B6757-1ABF-4F05-969F-F15D83…)

>>378245Nah, exact hair style, eyes, clothes
Character is Gilbert Cocteau btw
No. 378276
File: 1550941404185.png (122.73 KB, 690x1061, 4B8EF5B7-AF26-4001-902D-59023A…)

>>378243>stolen character designAnd the one you’re posting is a ripoff of Bjorn Andresen, like every other protagonist of seventies shoujo. It’s a character type.
No. 378295
>>378243You are kinda right anon
The artist actually made a post about this guy that was pretty much a mix of several characters that 'inspired' him and that anime character is one of them
Lemme try i could find the post
No. 378301
File: 1550944771955.png (511.81 KB, 720x789, 20190224_015826.png)

Found it
Ok i was wrong with the several characters bit but the guy is still there, barely even tried to make him look a bit more diffrent…
No. 378315
>>378301The anime character's name is Gilbert
This character's name is Gillian btw…real smooth
No. 378344
File: 1550951750924.png (1.24 MB, 1280x1536, tumblr_pme0u94osY1r9uqs0o1_128…)

Kinda crazy to think that McSiggy's older homestuck art just has a better quality than their new stuff. It just feels more like they tried back in the day. They're slowly getting worse and more lazy as time goes on.
Don't get me started with their NSFW comics that they sell on GumRoad.
No. 378436
File: 1550962705193.png (526.03 KB, 756x554, ukimeki.PNG)

>>378231I hate the way this artist draws heads.
No. 378484
File: 1550967270689.png (269.49 KB, 720x802, 20190224_021516.png)

No. 378508
File: 1550973041505.png (1.29 MB, 720x859, 20190224_095013.png)

No. 378509
File: 1550973092405.png (1001.9 KB, 720x756, 20190224_094941.png)

No. 378554
File: 1550978940969.jpg (110.64 KB, 894x894, akemi_fujikawa__reference_shee…)

No. 378562
File: 1550980384125.png (473.26 KB, 593x397, stuntedlegs.png)

No. 378565
File: 1550980994490.png (Spoiler Image,876.04 KB, 702x1138, man ass doesnt work like that.…)

No. 378566
File: 1550981078828.png (Spoiler Image,946.81 KB, 720x1280, WHERE IS HIS DICK.png)

>>378565Self proclaimed fujoshis are great for having both hideous art and being cows.
No. 378674
>>378562The torso/limb ratio are resemble plucked chickens. (Similarly the drawing is as bland as boiled chicken).
Why is the torso so long and the legs so short?
(samefagging) No. 378683
>>378681They're not, it's an art station trend of making the legs at half length or even less, then elongating the arms.
I'm not sure how it started but I see it everywhere.
No. 378999
File: 1551072955739.jpg (123.33 KB, 1200x990, DzGNQ69VsAEf3et.jpg)

Can anyone explain to me the appeal of making characters look like melting candles?
No. 379013
File: 1551077346642.jpg (81.73 KB, 525x750, 12187700_1127093200634456_4572…)

Not sure if this is what you're looking for but I think about this all the time.
This guy I used to work with drew his girlfriend…..and she….looks nothing like this….she looks like a character from James Cameron's Avatar or something kek. He always says "my net worth is going to be $5 million dollars"….. okay
No. 379088
File: 1551093277981.jpg (83.72 KB, 730x1015, 20190225_191511.jpg)

The placement of the nipples and the long arm and short arm is hilarious
No. 379091
File: 1551093552447.png (568.84 KB, 720x1150, 20190225_191805.png)

That skeleton hand and noodle arm tho
No. 379092
File: 1551093749962.png (605.22 KB, 720x538, 20190225_192147.png)

Just another sad attempt of a fujo making boys look "hot"
No. 379152
>>379073more like
>women sexually obsessing over and fetishising gay sex and the dynamics of gay relationshipslike I'm sure there are normal women out there who like gay erotica but the type of person who proudly calls herself a fujoshi is absolutely a freak who should be ostracised
No. 379176
>>376472hahaha I remember that one. what a classic.
Adopts go for 1K+ now, a record one was 21K recently. People go into debt for art, smh. Or go on payment plans for 3 years.
No. 379375
File: 1551139836243.png (422.91 KB, 720x895, Capture _2019-02-25-18-06-32-1…)

This ugly ass comic was recommended to me.
No. 379398
>>379048god i hope so, and it was SO embarrassing seeing other coworkers respond because he goes "guess who this is!" and people were like "Oh I KNOW who this is!"
No. 379552
File: 1551171982314.png (131.39 KB, 1074x956, tumblr_inline_pnio5lAtca1wxni0…)

it's supposed to be junkrat
No. 379667
File: 1551199631602.jpg (95.07 KB, 800x639, my_last_name_isn_t_ice_cream_b…)

No. 379707
File: 1551206755307.png (429.02 KB, 1280x960, tumblr_peg4ikfPcf1vzb2qf_1280.…)

this person draws/requests art of cartoon characters with fake animal noses, and insists that it's NOT a fetish. thoughts?
No. 379836
>>379707>Not a fetish>Ridiculous cartoon looking breastsSurejan.jpg
>>379827Lol that's some CWC type shit. I wonder why theyb insist on freehand.
No. 379956
File: 1551221295864.jpeg (1.39 MB, 1180x1283, F00F9B5D-FF1C-4CBF-AF99-CF4E7C…)

when will the tumblr trend of drawing attractive anime characters as ugly and a different race die? i also can’t tell if some of them are genderbent
No. 379991
File: 1551224690719.jpeg (145.44 KB, 900x558, E73B7B7E-7B13-477D-8D58-073D5D…)

There’s literally no improvement. In fact it got worse.
No. 380005
File: 1551226097252.jpg (110.87 KB, 1280x600, a_boyfriend_by_valleyofthedoll…)

No. 380006
Apparently they're only 14 so it may improve.
No. 380025
File: 1551227799861.png (472.53 KB, 720x819, 20190227_083619.png)

Just cringy af omg…
No. 380034
>>379956Because being Japanese isn’t POC enough, lmao. I imagine a lot of the American artists that do this would shit themselves if they actually learnt any global history and found out that they dropped bombs on the Japs - would that give the anime boys higher
victim poc status?
No. 380148
>>379707is a male drawing this or?
>>379667i hate to say it, but i kind of like it. the 'no effort' thing is so tired, but it's cute.
No. 380204
File: 1551255982070.jpg (236.02 KB, 890x890, 20190227_162348.jpg)

This oc is just–
The actual description for this oc (thats on da) is also pretty fucking bad
No. 380246
>>380204Why use a female body ref for a man when google exists?
And why would anyone pose like that if their arm is freshly cut off?
No. 380301
>>380251Is it a ftm or what?
>>380276The stump looks bloody, like it very recently got cut off.
No. 380334
File: 1551290262379.png (539.77 KB, 720x981, 20190228_015559.png)

This is male btw
No. 380335
File: 1551290350352.png (307.01 KB, 517x387, 20190228_015628.png)

Unbelievably stiff looking
No. 380358
>>379991I love the evolution of those boot heels, kek
>>380005These are kind of neat, actually, unless those pastel colored things are some weird gender or sexuality flags that make this character transthis grayasexualthat. I'm really into body hair drawn on characters, especially those who would have it in real life too, like turkish people who are often hairy af
No. 380603
File: 1551320956372.png (116.14 KB, 540x357, tumblr_inline_oqhs1qboRp1t23pk…)

>>380335lol this looks like luke atmey from ace attorney 3