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No. 2405774

Previous: >>>/ot/2351907

Discuss art and related topics such as:
-Talk about Art Youtubers
-Ask about art supplies
-Discuss trashy art trends
-Instagram bullshit
-Art theft!
-General Art Bullshit
-Fandom and Shipping Discourse
-AI generated art (do not shill about your ai trained models key words on a prompt do not make you a artist)
-do not post your art to be reviewed here use the designated m thread
-screencaps are necessary while talking about milk

Articles about useful resources for improving one's art:

Tried and true books on perspective, anatomy for artists, etc:
1. Perspective Made Easy by Ernest R. Norling
2. How to Draw by Scott Robertson
3. Framed Ink by Marcos Mateu-Mestre
4. Figure Drawing by Andrew Loomis
5. The Atlas of Human Anatomy and Surgery JM Bougery
6. Drawing the Head and Hands by Andrew Loomis
7. Figure Drawing by Michael Hampton
8. Force by Michael Mattesi
9. How to Render by Scott Robertson
10. Color and Light by James Gurney
11. The Skillful Huntsman by Scott Robertson/Mike Yamada/Khang Le/Felix

Useful youtube channels:
>where to find art
>other useful sites
painting by :Artemisia Gentileschi

No. 2405781

my apologies have these free artbooks as compensation: https://www.mediafire.com/folder/l8yt1jmzkr8pt/freestuff

No. 2405784

Not a problem, beautiful nonna, mwah
Thanks for the books!

No. 2405786

next you're going to tell me the transformations never highlighted the naked bodies of middle school girls either. If it had a slight more modern art style you'd totally say it was made for pedos, but you don't because it got grandfathered in because you watched it when you were younger.(derailing/leave it in the last thread)

No. 2405788

Wait, why am I seeing the lolicon defense squad here? Is it because only the freaks are out during PM? Wtf(derailing/leave it in the last thread)

No. 2405790

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Based threadpic, her Beheading painting was always a million times better than Carfaggio's
Shut the fuck up. It's a new thread the derail should end.

No. 2405791

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I just want everyone to know that they are defending a character who is literally known as being a "mascohist", from the IM@S game where you literally basically date them (yeah, you "raise" them, but you talk to them, whatever.) "Hiro is referred to as a masochist by the Producer, as she enjoys being berated by him and being seen as "a lost cause." She calls the producer a demon, saying it's what she likes most about him." This isn't just a "loli" character, she is literally goonbait from a gooner game LMFAO. The game "gakuen" is literally A RAISING IDOL simulator. There is an obvious fucking difference.
>A genius girl who gives off a mysterious vibe. She graduated from a math and science university overseas at the age of 14. Tired of living an easy and boring life, she enrolled in Hatsuboshi Gakuen to try things she's bad at. She scored perfectly on academics but scored zero on the practicals during the entrance exams. The interview evaluation by the principal was also rated excellent. She is a weirdo who finds joy in "grueling lessons" and "things that don't go well". She became an idol because she thinks "she's the least cut out for it". (derailing/leave it in the last thread)

No. 2405792

They'll ban you since it's the night janitor and it's Freak Hours. This is peak hours for men pretending to be women.(derailing/leave it in the last thread)

No. 2405794

She is right tbf that people give Sailor Moon and CCS a break despite the content and fanbase.
Neither really have much to do with the thread, though. Just consider the type of thread and the people who post in it before posting something from idolmaster, even if there's a thread for the franchise for it on this site.(derailing/leave it in the last thread)

No. 2405930

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How do I feel like I'm not failing my husbandos whenever I do something that isn’t art? I got really into body building and sports and I stopped drawing for months and barely wrote because I was positively in love with the ball. But I felt an odd guilt. Like I was neglecting my wife for a lady at work. Art has been my lifelong dream, I have been working on my story and oc's since 3rd grade. My autism has not let up. But what if I actually get a life and don't end up being a famous artist with a hundred devoted yumes at my beck and call? I stayed up late to write about my favorite oc for 5 hours, and I don't regret it. But I want to stop cheating on my husbando, or at least stop feeling guilty about it.

Should I get a better schedule? Strict sport and husbando hours? Due to muh ADHD I can't really focus on one thing and its a long way to Adderall. What has driven me so far is just being gifted insane ideas or motivation at random times and spending hours drawing or writing them. Is there a way to get motivation on command? Is my brain fried from half a decade of TikTok? I genuinely believe I would be committing a sin not getting my work out to the public ASAP!

No. 2405977

Caravaggio's death was so fucking satisfying. There's something poetic about a mega violent moid who spent his life being a piece of shit in every possible way and was coddled because he was a widdle baybee who painted such pwetty pictures getting 1)exiled, 2)being pardoned (because of course he was) and getting a passage back to Rome only to get arrested and lose all the stuff he'd brought with him because the ship had fucked off in the meantime, and 3) dying of 'illness' shortly after that.
I don't give a shit if he actually died of dick rot or if he was moidered by one of the many families he'd managed to piss off but either way, KEK. Rest in piss and may all disgusting scrotoids follow his path.

No. 2405982

Retarded moralfagging and loli sperging aside, rendermaxxing definitely seems like the easiest and quickest way to get people to look at your art. I've seen so many drawings with shit anatomy and proportions get tons of likes just because they rendermaxxed. I'm not that good at rendering either and I feel like it always makes my art look less appealing compared to those people even if the proportions and other things look better

No. 2405986


No. 2406004

Correct me if I'm getting it wrong, apologies if so, but why do anons in these threads claim to grind fundamentals and yet act like they never render during that/practice any skills beneficial to rendering a full piece outside of study? I never set out to specifically learn how to render, either realistically or in a stylised fashion, it was just a part of the general art study process and a skill practised while covering most fundamentals. I feel like I'm going insane every time the 'how do I rendermax' question gets brought up kek, what am I missing that makes this some kind of arcane knowledge?

No. 2406081

i think it's because those nonnas aren't actually grinding basic fundamentals in a meaningful and helpful way. if they were, then "rendermaxxing" wouldn't be so out of their reach because they would have a firm understanding of one of the most important fundamentals, value.
i think digital art is so accessible these days that a lot of people just pick up the ipad and try to go into studying higher level fundamentals like hardcore anatomy then get frustrated when they can't "render" because they have no understanding of value or light.
for anyone struggling with "rendermaxxing", try doing value studies until you feel confident adding color again.

No. 2406092

That's because anons don't study and even if they do they don't paint if the thread in /m is anything to go by kek

No. 2406104

Rendering itself isn't a problem, relying on rendermaxxing to hide atrocious fundamentals and shitty composition is what grinds our gears. Think Sakimichan-tier AI style slop.

No. 2406118

Does anyone else have a Bluesky account to post art? How is it so far?

No. 2406135

Dead, but so is Twitter. I think you'll have to actually reach out and be active yourself if you want success on Blue Sky which I actually really like, so I'll be using it more often. There's no great platform to post art on these days anyway, at least Bsky doesn't make me feel insane like Twitter does.

No. 2406227

Kill yourself. I’ll take my ban, I can’t stand basic bitch no-personality tote-bag wearing whores like you who cuntride Artemisia and Kahlo for your shallow, fake-feminist aesthetic while taking no real interest in her life beyond that single Holofernes piece. You have no substantial interest in art beyond what it does to boost your ego and tailor your appearance to others. Waste of space.(a-logging/infighting)

No. 2406229

Nta but Gentileschi is long dead, she will never see this kek.

No. 2406235

I’m defending Artemisia AND Caravaggio from vapid art-sthetic cunts with 0 personality who selectively use their limited teaching from art history lessons at school to push retarded opinions on the internet without having read a single biography on either of the artist’s lives. OP’s ignorant, copy-pasted “edgy” take genuinely gives me second-hand embarrassment to read.(a-logging/infighting)

No. 2406236

Take your meds you colossal fucking faggot.

No. 2406237

Imagine being this butthurt about a nona "disrespecting" a moid that lived hundreds of years ago.

No. 2406238

No. 2406239

no one cares fag

No. 2406240

>defending rapist
Go back.

No. 2406242

> Crying over a moid raping other moids like that isn’t a net universal benefit to the universe

No. 2406245

I can tell this is an xy by the 100% tardrage insults and zero actual content why that nonna is supposed to be wrong. This isn't 4chan, go back.(scrotefoiling)

No. 2406246

If you like it so much go paint a picture of it and goon to it and leave your retardation out of the thread.

No. 2406251

It's definitely an XY or some seething Becky triggered into a keysmashing rage at the thought of the prettier, more popular art hoe Stacies in her intro to art history class kek.(scrotefoiling)

No. 2406276

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Basic artwhore nonas when they discover there are actually women in academia who spend their time researching old masters instead of cherry picking the most basic high school curriculum paintings in existence for internet brownie points.

I’m not wasting my breath to educate Beckies like this, they’re dime-a-dozen and my time is more precious than that. I just came by to hate. Enjoy your evening, now.

No. 2406280

Sperging over dead painters nobody in real life cares about. Never change lolcow, never change

No. 2406282

Handmaidens are worse than moids 9/10 times.

No. 2406284

>I-I'm not going to argue my point with actual facts! I'm too, uh, busy doing more important things!
Male or autistic handmaiden, this is truly disgraceful behavior.

No. 2406286

I'm going to go out on a limb and guess you're one of those nonas constantly whinging about having no friends and how other women hate you "for no reason."

No. 2406289

Just say you’re insecure at having your ignorance called out and go back to colouring in with crayons, nona. All you have to do is read a single actual book on the early Baroque; I refuse to patronise a presumably grown and educated woman (LC is 18+ after all) by handholding you through it.

No. 2406293

You don't get it anon! Other women are simply basic arthoes who are not as interested or passionate about dead artists like arttardchan!!! She's just an overly hostile and unlikable Stacy in a sea of nicer and more likable Beckies who have way more friends (for some reason… it couldn't possibly be because they don't randomly sperg out for no reason). Something tells me she sucks mad shit at art too kek.

No. 2406295

I believe, personally, when they focus on fundamentals, it is purely for perceiving objects in a 3D space WITHOUT color. Maybe basic light studies but nothing that would focus on color theory, which I wanna say carries rendermaxxing. Just a thought. I grinded fundamentals but even taking classes on color theory couldn't save my dumb ass. I just don't personally understand how to not shade with black kek

No. 2406297

So despite rejecting the label of ‘basic bitch’, your only insightful retorts so far are to insult my appearance, sociability and art skills? Cope and seethe, seethe and cope…

No. 2406298

Post art.

No. 2406304

Report and ignore the infighter. Replying to them only makes it worse.

No. 2406305

I'm not the ayrt and honestly don't care about who's right about a bunch of artists who've been dead for hundreds of years before my birth, I'm just having a laugh at your tard tantrum and how you're still here after your sassy goodbye in >>2406276 kek

No. 2406307

Also dead. Too full of politics and trannies for me to want to gain traction. Was greeted immediately with insane postings of retards when I first made an account. At least Twitter had the benefit of remaining clueless by being an older site when I made an account there for the first time.

No. 2406360

>being a famous artist with a hundred devoted yumes at my beck and call
Cringe. You seem to only care about popularity and not your husbando himself.

No. 2406388

How DARE you! I’ll have you know I rejected two moids in real life and ran to go write more yume smut about me and my husbando! Never question our true love again.

No. 2406416

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Samefagging, the reason why Gentileschi's painting is better is not just the context of the painting but the painting itself. In Carvaggio's, the subjects are passive and so is the composition, meanwhile in Gentileschi's everyone is active, Judith and the servant are both participating in beheading Holofrenes who is fighting back, it's a nice triangular composition and Gentileschi's more naturalist style really sells it.
She's not my favourite artist of that period, I prefer Sofonisba Anguissola and Elisabetta Sirani and I like other naturalism artists better, but she's still an objectively fantastic artist. And she also wasn't a supposed pedophile.

No. 2406425

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Nta but who are "the masters"?

No. 2406432

For real, I hate them so much

No. 2406440

No. 2406442

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NTA but she most likely means artists like Rembrandt, Bosch, Rochegrosse (picrel), Perugino,Jan van Eyck… there's a lot of them so do some research and find the ones you like.

No. 2406446

you stole my joke…

No. 2406453

too late,now as the master of arts i decree this order… "draw what u like" that is all

No. 2406592

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The only time I'm able to sperg about one of my favorite artists is when people are infighting, but I'm so happy there's another gentileschi fan! I feel like caravaggio's ability to render isn't as detailed in comparison to gentileschi's, there's no denying that her ability to render clothing was nothing like other artists at the time. Many pieces that involve gentileschi also depicted women more morally complex compared to other male artists that left women portrayed as either a madonna or a whore. I wish I could I could write in detail the cultural implications, the inner art world's response, and the personal experiences of specific art pieces that she's made but i'd be spamming kek. I have also written a 50 page analysis of her life, her stylistic inspirations, and her influence on the italian art world so I've grown a very fond attachment to her.

No. 2406634

Do we have a redline thread? Or is it just this and the rating threads

No. 2406674

The thread in m/ is misleading bc its 80% one anon who posts.

No. 2406678

She’s pretty popular in the art history community

No. 2406681

I could have sworn we used to but I can't find it. I remember anons redlining art in /m/ way back but that might have just been in the bad art or rate my art threads

I'd love to read your gentileschi sperging nona

No. 2406711

>I just don't personally understand how to not shade with black kek
A tip that helped me get it: remove black from your palette. Granted, I first did this while doing traditional painting, but I transferred it over to digital once I had my 'ohhh I get it now' moment and no longer even own pure black paint/never go to that part of the colour wheel. If I want a 'black' I mix it using a dark blue or a dark brown (eg indigo + burnt umber), which then allows me to control how warm or cool the 'black' is (and through knowing that and the resulting colours, I can just pick them directly in digital since I know what I'm trying to find, if that makes sense). Limited palettes are your friend.

No. 2406808

We do, it's here >>243951 for some reason it's in /ot/

No. 2406836

that seems like a fun thread! i have no idea on how to revive it though, do we make a new one?

No. 2406865

Solid question. I think a lot of nonas could blow off mad steam in that thread if we put it somewhere visible. I don't know how to make new ones, but if one was made, I'd probably be in it 24/7. Sign me up.

No. 2406882

You should probably make a new one in /m/, making threads isn't that different from making a normal post, you just have to come up with a name and description.

No. 2407126

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>Elisabetta Sirani
Googling her and I can see why you like her work. She seemed based.

No. 2407321

>Love art since childhood
>Always get praised for being a talented young artist but remain self-taught since my small city has no art schools
>Enter online art spaces as a teenager
>Crushed how many people my age are outright art prodigies being nurtured by their studies and professional teachers
>Abandon all dreams of making art my career
>Get a job from a completely different field (engineering)
>Years later, start getting back into art as a hobby
>Look at all the artists who made it their job and are creating phenomenal pieces but either struggling financially or working a soul-crushing corporate job killing their love for making art
>Get a bittersweet feeling from being well-off with my job but still yearning for the option of just creating art all day and dedicating my life to it
Anyone else?

No. 2407348

This is what old people in retirement will do if they're artistically inclined and dedicated.

No. 2407579

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>send moot a drawing I spent seven hours on
> she like it, don't reblog it
>resist the urge to ask her to reblog it because I don't want it to flop
>vent that I feel like my art is worthless if it doesn't get enough notes, how my memes and text post get more than the drawings I spent up to 15 hours on
>admit that I'm probably delulu about my art, that I don't know if I'll ever be able to be good at what I'm doing
>she tells me not to worry, my art is good, the algorithm is just random, her arts from the same fandom doesn't get much notes either
>tell me she want to send my drawing to a friend since it's a subject they like
>I feel better
>send her a good drawing with few notes to prove her point
>she reblog that one
Yes, I'm aware of how pathetic I am

No. 2407584

Dude don't guilt trip your friends into reblogging your art, that's scummy behavior. I know it stings like hell but they don't owe you that.

No. 2407588

Nona this video might help you. At the beginning he shows what mixing a paint with black versus another color to darken does and you can see the effect of both in his painting. I’m not sure what your usual medium is, but it might be helpful. I found it very interesting.

No. 2407602

You're right. I need to grow from being a self-pitying autist. I won't expect her to reblog anything from now on.

No. 2407952

You seriously can't put this much meaning into likes or reblogs. Do you even reblog everything all your mutuals post? Of course it's sad when a drawing doesn't do as well as you expect but if you make art you love it won't even matter. I actually used to have the opposite problem, my art would do really well but no one gave a fuck about my memes or text posts. Whenever this one mutual would log on to make some low effort text post it would get hundreds of likes and I'd get so miserable every time kek. It felt like no one cared about me, only about the images I made. I'm glad I got over that once I stopped making fanart. Nowadays I don't even post anymore, getting a few thousand likes or followers makes no difference in my life. If you want to grow your numbers you just have to keep making art that's appealing to you. People recognize soulful pieces and you won't even have to beg or guilttrip anyone into engaging with them.

No. 2408201

You should be making art that YOU like. Sure you can upload it and want to share with friends but remember that at the core you are making art for yourself because you enjoy doing it.

No. 2408207

People who do similar things have been made fun of in past threads, don't want to be mean but I want to convey that people, and anons itt, find that behaviour really annoying. You need to get a grip, why are you stressing out and guilt tripping your friend over pixels? Do you remember everything you've ever liked and reblogged? Why do you think your art is any different? That's not to say your art is bad but you're using a pretty shitty way to judge your self worth as a lot of people go "pretty", like your post and scroll away and do that to several other posts. Bad artist who use pretty colours get popular all the time, ergo you can't treat popularity as a indicator of artistic skill, it's a indicator of luck and being social media savvy (or a very proficient rage baiter).

No. 2408308

I can't blame you, when I was younger I used to be the same way and it made it so hard to enjoy the fandoms I was in and my own art. I became so jealous and insecure that I gave up drawing.

Social media really sets us up to act like this, but like other anons say, you can't equate your talent to likes. I've started posting art again last year and this time around I don't follow many blogs or try to make mutual. My blog is more of a dumping ground but I am happy to scroll through and see my own progress and improvement.

No. 2408771

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I've used that tutorial before! I thought I'd try using a more guided approach to learning fundamentals (the thread links), but I'll use prrb's tutorial as a regular exercise. I'll start dating every piece as well.
I don't like very many artists, I usually prefer a few of their pieces while I'm uninterested in the rest.
However, I absolutely adore Kaneoya Sachiko, from her color choice to the way she draws men and the environments she depicts them in. I wouldn't prefer to do so myself, but I like that almost every woman she draws is an anthro animal, usually terrorizing the man in the image kek.
I wouldn't like to commit to extreme realism like Ilya Repin, I think, though his skill is very impressive. I mostly like his colors and his lighting. I love the ornateness in Sadko, along with the way he portrays depth in the painting with the procession. And I was always drawn to Ivan because of the evocative expressions (and lighting, of course).
I mostly intend to focus on character work and environments, supplementing my current projects with concept art to help myself visualize what I'm working on. Rendering full illustrations is not something I'm capable of right now, but I would definitely like to do so in the future.
Because of this, and my temporary limited space (and funds) I don't think traditional art is the way to go? I'm still at the first step of "practice drawing on a piece of paper" kek, so I am not sure how or when I would start using an art program.
Sorry for the delay in replying. After I arrived home, things got a little crazy for a couple of days.
Nona, if you are not intelligent, then I am borderline retarded. I should have known you meant sketchbook, so sorry.
Should I be drawing in a sketchbook the way I'm using the printer paper and clipboard to practice? Or using it some other way? I've seen anons arguing about how to use a sketchbook in past threads kek, so I at least know it's not meant for showing off finished pieces on youtube.

No. 2409057

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>I'd love to read your gentileschi sperging nona
Thank you so much! There's so much I can say about her, the main focus of my paper was primarily analyzing the work in comparison with other artists at the time and how her experiences gave her the ability to depict scenes in a way that was not only unique but influential to her peers. I feel like Gentileschi uses the female form without the cultural restrictions of a woman's body being something inherently sexual, so there's no incentive to depict honorable women with more or less clothes.
>Lucretia: A noble woman in rome who was famous for killing herself after being brutally raped, exposing and fueling sentiments that helped transform rome from a kingdom to a republic.
My first example is Lucretia: how Gentileschi depicted the clear distraught brought from sexual violence showing female nudity in a way that expresses discomfort from the sheer disgust from lucretia herself. In comparison to many male artists and their madonna whore complex that either depicts Lucretia as a voyeuristic rape fantasy where she is somehow dressed up and beautiful, almost like she was ready for her assault, or a woman who is covered in clothes, as the artist was not willing to infer through the painting that she is mutilating herself after being "tarnished". (A famous example of this being Rembrandt)
This theme of uniquely portraying the female body that does not deny the woman her dignity can be depicted positively though. A woman being aware of her sexuality can be found with one of her less famous paintings of Venus and Cupid. At the time, many depicted Venus as either a loving mother, an arrogant goddess obsessed with her looks, or a sex-filled nymph who stares back at the viewer, excited for their response. Gentileschi completely breaks these archetypes by drawing venus as a goddes who lays glamorous and self assured. She isn't staring at the viewer, she isn't looking at herself in the mirror, she isn't even depicted as vein or arrogant, she seems confident and at ease. Being aware of the culture and time period the painting seems almost revolutionary to me. It's such an early example of depicting a sexual woman with dignity without needing to cover anything up.
I was going to talk about "Susanna and the elders", and "Jael and Sisera", but I think I've sperged enough.

No. 2409187

if you post trad art on social media, how do you guys scan it and edit? using my phone scanner sometimes feels like it's either too dull or too oversaturated

No. 2409217

nona holy shit, thank you so much, i have been looking for this ayami kojima book for ages and everything else is great too

No. 2409228

Works okay for me. Made the mistake of using starterkits so I followed a lot of people I'm not interested in, however, I also found a lot of new artists I enjoy. I even sold prints easily while only having a few followers. I have absolutely 0 politics on my timeline and I just put words like "trans" on a blacklist so I don't have to see this shit lmao

No. 2409270

I've seen maybe 1 art post break the 10k mark. Admin doesn't seem to know what to do with art posts. They're not de-prioritized like they are on Twitter or Insta, but it's not like "Interact with (topic); See fanart about (topic)" like on those platforms either. The growth is slow, and focused on general topics.

No. 2409472

ntyart, but I'd love to read your sperging about those pieces!

In other news, I think I'm finally ready to get back on the horse and make art again. I did a lot of commissions last year and all the degenerate subject matter made me burnt out on art in general (I hate that's the only way to make consistent big bucks). Just gonna keep my commissions closed and do personal art for a while. Kinda torn on cutting this one guy out once I do open my commissions again. I easily made the most money from him by a long shot, but I also hated drawing for him the most purely because of the subject matter, he was otherwise very patient and easy to deal with as a client. I also never post any of his work since I don't want to attract more clients who like what he likes. I don't have a lot of time to draw in general, so this creates gaps in my uploads which I also don't like very much.
Would it be stupid to lie to him about having a lot of clients? As in, I come to him once every two months or so to say that he's finally up in the queue? I don't have a public queue and taking a comm from him at this frequency I think would make for a better balance of making $$$ without burning out again. The trouble with this option I think is that I know some of my other clients know this guy. I don't get the sense that they are friends or anything, I but I assume they're in some shared discord server since the guy recently messaged me saying "so-and-so said your tablet broke a while ago, is that still the case?". I just wanna do commissions for him less often, but I know being honest about hating drawing for him would scare him off entirely. Ugh

No. 2409530

I hate doing commissions or having my art criticized. I just can't handle criticism because I feel like my work is absolute utter garbage and I don't want to be reminded of my own failings. I know I'm too sensitive but I've always been a perfectionist and when my art is not good enough it makes me want to quit

No. 2409533

And I feel like everyone around me like especially my family and my parents put some huge pressure and have high expectations and expect me to draw masterpieces and then they start complaining that it's not good enough and they want so and so changed and it makes me feel downright suicidal

No. 2409538


No. 2409543

>examples are a bunch of art commentary ngmis who barely draw

No. 2409551

and they're all mediocre at art too, this video feels like late zoomie trying to act smart

No. 2409563

Birdie being in there is fucking hilarious, shes been drawing for what 10 years? and is still chris chan tier. I would actually be interested in a video talking about why so many renowned artists are so weird, but she's a terminally online zoomie so i doubt she knows about art besides her small circle of begginer tier drama whores.

No. 2409752

Stop showing them your art then

No. 2409808

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How do you guys feel about marc brunet’s art school? How do you feel about online art courses in general? I’m looking for one to follow, but I would like some input on other’s experiences following them and/or how you think of them as a whole.

No. 2409847

at first his tutorial videos were ok, but now he just posts the exact same shit every week like "improve your art in less than 3 days!" for the 100th time with no variety, it's getting annoying

No. 2409919

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Tbh I've accumulated some substantial skill over the years I've been drawing (mainly gesture, anatomy and markmaking) but I can't for the life of me make an appealing artwork like ever. Once the sketch/lineart phase is over everything goes to shit, immediately. I render and color like shit, my compositions suck, mood & atmosphere is basically non-existent.
Everything I make looks like a dry illustration in a textbook even though I have a cartoony style and attempt dynamic poses. It's especially disheartening because my whole goal in drawing is to make the beautiful, vivid images I see in my head real. I don't know what to do at this point because studying my weak points more doesn't help and makes me even more frustrated.

No. 2409940

You may already have it, but to one Kojima lover to another here's her art book:

No. 2409948

She is right, even if I don't agree with her take of AI art, I definitely believe in a world where AI artist and actual artist can co-exists.
be the change you want to see in the world

No. 2409961

What kind of studies do you do to improve those weak points? What books or courses have you worked through?

No. 2409962

Many anons itt and anons in /ic/ dont want to admit that strictly focusing on anatomy isn’t enough when it comes to making good art. I’ve followed their advice, I got gud but in the end I made myself creatively bankrupt because I was so afraid of nitpicking losers than actually getting out of my comfort zone. Maybe you should go back to traditional and start experimenting with colors, and try foreshortening and giving something for your people to interact with. Doing this while also doing studies with your aforementioned struggle areas would be a good start. I personally reccomend switching to traditional when it comes to colors because of its limitations helping with thinking creatively.

No. 2409965

>anons in /ic/
This isn’t 4chan

No. 2409970

A lot of anons itt frequent /ic/ have similar opinions when it comes to art and the focus on anatomy.

No. 2410103

If everything goes to shit past the sketch and lineart stage, try changing how you color. If you do digital art definitely swap that for traditional, I recommend getting some student grade watercolors and some white and dark gouaches (I like to use black, payne's grey and titanium white) and playing around with them. If money's an issue get some dot cards and a Kuretake watercolor set- it's more like gouache that watercolor but it's very versatile.
It's a completely different experience from working digitally. It's harder to make the piece look muddy and overdone, and if you use good paper you can build up layers of color that look vibrant and beautiful without it turning into a sad pile of shit. Follow a few tutorials with different painting styles to get started and go from there.

No. 2410140

Art used to be so social to me. I got a large amount of engagement on Deviantart, made friends, got concrit, got something to look forward everyday.
Ever since that site got progressively worse and lost its population I've not been able to recreate this in any single of the various many social media I've tried.
I think I've objectively improved a lot, and my friends tell me so but of course their opinion is biased, however now I fail to get over 1 digit of engagement anywhere despite drawing only fanart, using tags and interacting with others.
I've got the feeling for years that social media that are oriented to resharing (reblogs, retweets, etc.) and that aren't only artist-exclusive (which successful artists like, obviously, because it gives them wider reach and everyone else follows suit), it's hard for anyone whose art isn't at the level of those ex-URSS countries + China art schools. Because normies don't want to put in their pages something amateurish unless it's a meme. Because of this I started trying to improve even more, with serious resources like books, pirated tutorials, pose packs, varying styles and subjects.
But I came to a point where I started to question myself why I do this: I don't sell art, and nothing of what I post gets the kind of engagement I want. It might be a sunk cost fallacy because I've just been drawing for so many years and I'm scared to give up, but at the same time I know it's a daily waste of time that doesn't even make me happy or helps me be less lonely, like it used to.
Are there any reasons why I shouldn't quit? What other hobbies could I use to replace art that will help me connect to people with similar interests online? Without art my accs stand out even less and my writing does poorly too. I can't believe I mourn fucking Deviantart to the point of tears.

No. 2410157

>Are there any reasons why I shouldn't quit?
nona don't abandon art only because other people don't want to appreciate it. do it for yourself first and foremost, outsiders' attention isn't the end all be all of a creator. do you love drawing or do you love getting attention? think about that first.

No. 2410195

There's one anon who keeps bringing up /ic/ drama and gets told to fuck off every time they post their shitty cellphone photos or archive screencaps. I dare anyone here to post a user from 4chan in the last five years that "made it" and isn't some cumbrained gooner drawing 12 year old anime girls. There's no point in hanging around that shithole in this decade unless you want to be a crab.

No. 2410387

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I don't know if anyone here is a gallery artist but can anyone relate?
>pay anywhere from $50 to $150 to apply for residencies and judged art shows
>get rejected from all of them except one
I know rejection is the most likely outcome for these things but I hate feeling exploited since my application fees are being used for the stipends and the prize money for the winners. I know I need to try to get used to rejection but it's hard, man. Makes me not want to continue. Shit is so fucking gay.

No. 2410507

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Does anyone know what brush this is for the line art?

No. 2410525

literally any less than 100% opacity brush nonna its not that hard

No. 2410559

How do I stop trying to draw from scratch (i.e. I don't draw outlines first or rough sketches, I just attempt to draw straight up and obviously the result looks retarded). Do I have to cure some lazy impatient adhd or something kek

No. 2410586

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I LOST MY WAICOM PEN FUCK MY RETARD BAKA LIFE FUCKKKKKK.. I dont even fucking know how to set it up and its $74 on amazon. Fuck

No. 2410660

Any other nonnies here feel inspired by how mediocre or downright terrible a lot of art youtubers are at art? Some of them aren't even commentary youtubers and focus on character design stuff (e.g. LavenderTowne) but still have a notable fanbase. I guess it inspires me since it proves you can get followers as long as you are consistent and hop on trends (and also willing to have children/chronically online teenagers make up a notable portion of your following.)

No. 2410670

I tried doing some gesture drawings on the line of action site or whatever its called and immediately got bombarded with old ugly obese scrotes nearly threw up
Ofc the women were fucking supermodels with completely shaven bodies

Please nonas give me some good male gesture references, im only learning male anatomy for my husbandos

No. 2410674

Yes kek. I think back a lot on Baylee jae, I never had a vendetta against her or anything but god looking at her art at her “peak” when she was in the youtube artists collective or whatever it was called, the pieces she made were so fucking shit, but definitely drove me hard to improve. Looking back at her copic shit, the way she fucking abused those markers makes me cringe, like watching a kid just absolutely pouring ink on the paper. There are others who also had that semi-disney, formless, doughy art, but not many come to mind, but that style seemed inescapable at the time. But hey, at least they served as a inspiration to not let myself stagnate.

No. 2410679

I know the "do it for yourself" thing is such a meme and I completely get the desire for external validation because I crave it too, but in the end I found a subject matter that I just loved illustrating so much that I couldn't care less if nobody saw my art because it was just making me happy. So my advice would be just to look for that one thing that you want to create and keep in mind that once you create just for yourself there's no pressure to hurry up and push out content, it's very relaxing.

No. 2410683

Agree. This is why I often roll my eyes when /beg/s have an autistic obsession with perfected anatomy because they're only stifling their own creativity and making everything look lifeless and dry. What's much more important is composition and color use, once I understood that my pieces started becoming much more engaging. Study pieces that you find inspiring and think hard and long about what exactly about them is so fascinating. Is it the subject matter? Is it the lighting? Is it the expressions of the characters? Is it the textures? Is it the color palette? Probably many of these building pieces combined, it's rarely just pitch perfect anatomy. Also highly suggesting using a limited palette to inspire creativity that anons have been suggesting.

No. 2410733

You can draw from scratch, you just need to identify what part of your drawing looks retarded and do studies to fix that. There's no law saying you need to do sketches and outlines first.
>semi-disney, formless, doughy art
Grim days. It's shifted from knockoff SU to knockoff Hazbin and I'm not sure which one's worse.

No. 2410742

She's still going strong, bought a new house and her husband helps her a lot, i'm not sure but i even think he quit his job to help her

No. 2410776

That anatomy looks like shit. Just use free resources

No. 2410793

whole video is a bunch of nothing, glad the comments are rightfully tearing her apart. also the cookie run music in the background is pissing me off.
I really need these mediocre zoomer artists to stop having opinions in regards to the art "community", especially when it's clear they get their opinions from twitter, tiktok, and youtube

No. 2410795

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There's something about this phenomenon that both fascinates and confuses me. 'Representation' making people so happy, with underwhelming and mediocre art - it genuinely baffles me. Are people just really insecure or something? I don't get their reactions. I mean, good for them and the artist. Maybe I am being too judgemental but I am not impressed. I guess I expect more depth when I'm looking at artists' whose brands include being diverse. ) Especially when it comes to cultural representation, and all they do is slap on some flags onto a character and call it a day. Does any nona feel similar ways too? Do you ever think of taking advantage of this for clout (out of curiosity)?

I think that whole 'representation request' shit needs to die though. It's irritating to read and from experience, even more so to get. I would rather these people pick up a pencil and be like a very bad version of that one fat oil painter girl in art school whose favorite art subject seems to be herself. What better form of representation of your group than what you made from your own experiences?

No. 2410824

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>that one fat oil painter girl in art school whose favorite art subject seems to be herself.
which one? both are obnoxious, to the point where i rarely do self portraits anymore because i don't want to appear as narcissistic as these cows.

No. 2410828

ayrt, there are two of them???

Wow okay I see why you don't do self portraits as much. I was referring to the one on the right.

No. 2410855

Is this the girl on the right?
There's nothing wrong with doing self portraits, especially for a woman. You sound like a pick-me. Would it be more acceptable for her to do self portraits if she were conventionally attractive?

No. 2410857

Kek you’re literally just mad because her art skills put yours to shame. That’s probably what it is, you should just be honest.

No. 2410864

nta but speak for yourself kek

No. 2410868

I don’t draw or create art, that anon just pretty much admitted she does though

No. 2410870

>self-portraits are narcissistic!!1!!
Lmao anon you can't be serious?

No. 2410878

if self portraits are all you do, i think it is narcissistic and shows limited artistic capability. do you have no one in your life you want to capture? is the only interesting thing to you compositionally your own face and body? there's so much beauty in the world outside of the self.
projection. i sell plenty of work irl & don't attention whore online about it.

No. 2410882

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What are your thoughts on this narcissistic uggo? I heard she's a pickme too and her scrote cheated on her.

No. 2410884

People project their shame of their own body image on to others, she’s basically projecting the shame of her own appearance on some girl who’s in art school and does that kind of art because it’s what brings her views on her Tiktok. A lot of the people who post in here are usually homely, scruffy women who want every single piece of art and representation of women as plain, traditional and unstylish as possible, and think anime is “peak” art, it’s no surprise they’re mad at someone using a technique that’s been used for historical purposes.

No. 2410885

If all I drew was grapes, you'd assumed I care about grapes the most as my life's work is dedicated to dozens of pictures of grapes. How is this an odd, pickme opinion to have??

No. 2410886

>painting a self portrait is narcissistic
Tbh I don’t think it’s narcissism, self portraits are just the easiest thing to paint and thats why they’re so popular for artists barely starting out in college. You basically have a subject that you can look at no matter the time or place, can display a range of emotions that everyone can notice, and is easy to bullshit about when it comes to writing papers on why your art is important, the message of your art, or if it means something to you. Painting landscapes can only get you so far if you don’t have some sob story attached to it for your professor to grade nowadays

No. 2410887

You seem like the type to excuse a male artist who’s obviously more horrible than the female ones because a scrote cheated on her. So you’re basically negating her creations because her husband was doing what your mom, your grandma, great-grandma probably experienced but I’m sure you would lap up and suck the balls of a male artist who was an absolute piece of shit.

No. 2410890

You don’t know how art works, how marketing works, you probably just draw a bunch of retarded anime as well. Shut up, jesus christ

No. 2410891

So would only drawing grapes make you a grape fetishist and people calling you such would be accurate? That's the basis of your argument anon.
Anyone who creates art around a limited subject = obsessed narcissist. Also I didn't call you a pickme so idk. I'm more taken aback on what everyone deems "narcissism" today. Self-portraits have been around forever.

No. 2410893

(I agree with you anon I was being tongue in cheek because the narcissism argument is obviously ridiculous).

No. 2410923

The girl on the right has nothing to do with this. I think you're exaggerating when it comes to self portraits specifically. Humans have done it for thousands of years and I'm glad a talented girl her age is successful from it.
>and all they do is slap on some flags onto a character and call it a day.
They don't care about all that. By the amount of shit pitches that get posted in this thread with multiple racial stereotypes but woke and shit writing, they're not concerned about quality. What the average representation autist wants is a mirror they can plant themselves in front of and jerk off all day. Everyone else who wants representation deeper than a wikipedia page skim gets ignored constantly. Who I actually feel bad for are the people like me who want cool characters and power fantasies, and that's it. There are better options than being part of a cali kid's life journey of proving just how much they love minorities.

No. 2410999

AYRT You're so polite omg
Lemme preface this by saying I know fuckall about traditional media outside of crayons and markers (not even quality ones).
I believe that using a sketchbook is one of those things you can't necessarily fuck up? I'd use it to draw daily. I think another nona had the actual termonology for it but I can't recall, but practicing control over your hand is good with drawing lines repeatedly. You want to use the sketchbook as the cheapest method to establish your basics and also to tackle the fundamentals - line control, hatching, observing reality, breaking things into basic shape, shading, coloring… that kind of stuff. Your first sketchbook will look like absolute ass, and that's why dating your works is important! You gotta keep track of progress to keep motivation moving forward during times of doubt! That's what I tell myself anyway (it gets complicated further in, when progression becomes murkey). During this phase, I'd say, use the cheapest tools imaginable. Once you can draw what you want without the communication between mental visualization and hand-eye coordination being a wall, then you can experiment with traditional media and chew through your wallet.
Looking at the inspirations you posted, I'd day the initial one has a focus on anatomical familiarity, color theory (god help you, that shit is beyond my comprehension), and perspective. Line control there is optional, but could help. The other inspirations look like they're requiring a similar skillset applied differently. Art programs overall are a one-time investment versus traditional media. I could be doing it wrong, but once you net a cheapass tablet (give or take 60 USD), a free art program (Krita for instance) and a laptop that can handle your preferred canvas resolution, you're good until something breaks. Programs like Photoshop and Clip Studio Paint have brushes that can mimic traditional media to an extent, but it's a kind of wild west on the brush settings that look best.

Praying other nonas will pitch in since I probably explained something poorly. Hoard as many tutorials as you can!!!

No. 2411027

I was thinking about this too. I find working on my composition, color theory, and other fundies that isn't anatomically based made my art better compared to only doing anatomy. Sure, you have to make the proportions accurate and avoid any mishaps but everything else should fall into place eventually. It's a lifelong skill. There's no point where it's good enough imo.

No. 2411320

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I've read through R. Yot's Light for Visual Artists, tried the constantly shilled Color & Light by J. Gurney, watched Marco Bucci's 5 minutes to better painting series on YT, and done like 30 consecutive color studies from photography last Fall. I think I've learned to match colors without eye dropper pretty well but that's about it. My values are still shit so I can't even make a B&W drawing work. I think what makes understanding coloring & rendering hard for me is I simply do not enjoy doing it, but that might come from the fact that I'm basically still a beginner at it…

I've neglected doing any master studies of artists I admire tbh, that's been a mistake on my part. Should've focused on that instead of copying photos. I'll do that and try traditional more, thank you.
You are all right, and this realization is what inspired my doompost. If you're a beginner and want to learn art don't do what I did, don't put all eggs in one basket and if you absolutely have to don't let the basket be anatomy. Git good at lighting and composition first, after all that is what makes the artwork whole in the end.

No. 2411426

I was going to echo your sentiments too and add. For me it doesn’t matter if the subject is attractive or not. I wouldn’t personally want to buy a painting of the artist unless I knew them. It’s like asking if someone wants to have your selfies. No one wants to see them unless you’re friends.
If one uses their body and face as a placeholder reference I don’t care because the focus isn’t on them and they can usually paint a different face than their own. Artists who focus a lot on themselves in their art tend to be a bit selfish, this can also apply to OCs or fursonas.
This representation seems like omg so special. I have medical issues that are never represented. I don’t care.
The scary thing about the top comment (if true) is this girl cut herself at 8 years old.

No. 2411430

Does anyone know what turning the form means? I was told that once in a critique but didn’t get any more explanation on how to fix the problem. Did they mean I need to work on my edges?

No. 2411549

What did you do after reading/watching those? How did you practice the things you read about? And 30 photostudies done once are nothing. I'm sure you've done way more to get good at anatomy so you should know what it takes.

No. 2411550

I feel like it's difficult to say without seeing your work. I'd assume it looked flat. Or maybe that person literally wanted you to use a different angle on whatever you were making

No. 2411552

>"Drawing insecurities"
>Thicc waifu with slim waist in skimpy clothes

No. 2411651

It could have been that the form looked flat. It was a figure drawing and it sounded like they wanted me to soften the edge to blend it with the background or change the lighting. I have been working on edges since but I still am not sure if that’s what I need to study/work on from said crit. Thanks anon.

No. 2411663

i see art with women with cellulite all the time?

No. 2411666

So how do you nonnas avoid representation request without coming off as a bigot?

No. 2411670

I relate way too much to this screenshot

No. 2411673

ive never had it happen but i would just ignore or say "commision me then". people are so entitled now, nobody is obligated to draw anything they dont want to unless youre paying them

No. 2411684

Just ignore it, engaging in any kind of way is liable to interpreted in the least charitable way possible by politic schizos no matter how politely you word it. Just keep engaging with requests you like and ignoring the ones you don't and eventually you'll be left with less people doing that shit (or none at all if your following is small enough)

No. 2411689

link her a chart with your prices and a lot of heart smile sparkling emojis so she understand you don't mean it in a bad way

No. 2411765

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shadman forever ruined dot pupils for me

No. 2411798

As someone who lives in small spaces and travels a lot, water-friendly mediums that can be dried and re-wetted are the best for a small space for someone wanting to study color theory.
The color stick mediums (markers, crayons, colored pencils) come in second, but only go so far in studying color mixing and techniques.
Also, watercolor and gouache–especially gouache, can translate into digital painting techniques. If you go for watercolor: it's okay to get cheap paint, but go for the best paper you can afford. It makes a difference.

No. 2411845

when you nonas say study from the masters, you mean recreating a piece on your own? i realized that my art is fucking bad and stuck at a 13 year old's level because i don't study, so this time i'll try to change that since i'm unemployed kek

No. 2411864

not just recreating, but rather making studies off their pieces to try to understand how and why they did what they did. how they worked with these tones, why the lightning and shadows are made this way, etc. a lot of people confuse studies with mindless copying, when people say "study from the masters" it's to try to understand their processes and decisions as artists.

No. 2411905

if you dont directly try to learn about fundies but do detailed studies instead like studying from photographs, pics of clothing, people, animals, forests, landscapes, buildings, etc, will the fundies come to you naturally?

No. 2411907

Honestly? Probably. But slower, I think, since you won't know what to look for. You'll make some connections though, I think.

No. 2411916

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>There's nothing wrong with doing self portraits, especially for a woman. You sound like a pick-me.
NTA but what do you mean especially for a woman..? Don't you think it's odd that women are much more likely to mostly depict themselves? It feels like a consequence of the constant self-scrutiny, auto-voyeurism and navel gazing that women are socialized into. Not that it's wrong or narcissistic, every accomplished painter will have a couple self-portraits but female artists who mainly do that leave a weird taste in my mouth.

No. 2411921

NTA, but I think it could be a result of the things you mentioned, or it could be a result of art and society in general being very focused on men. Women are often overlooked and pushed aside for males, so I wouldn't be surprised if this is an outlet to feel focused on in a material way.

No. 2411934

Oh yeah your idea makes a lot of sense, i can see why it'd be a way to balance out self-effacement

No. 2411943

NTA and I do agree with your points, but I feel like anons are forgetting that in a lot of art students in highschool and higher education in the Anglosphere are encouraged to make art about themselves and the easiest way to do that is a self portrait. The artist in >>2410855 is only a first year iirc (American school calendars confuse me) and paints other things for her other assignments but she's probably just choosing an easier route to complete schoolwork. In this case it's not that deep and not really a reflection on her and from what I've seen the artist doesn't treat any deeper than "this is my identity" so whatever. Judge her and her practice when she's out of school.

No. 2412000

This is achieving what purposefully ugly tumblr art was trying to do kek. Zoomies just put whatever they're insecure about on otherwise conventionally attractive characters.

No. 2412022

This is besides your point, /ic/ IS a ngmi containment board that should be stayed away from if you love art and want to improve, but gmis exist and outgrew /ic/ long ago. And I'm not gonna dox myself and others to prove a point kek. 4chan is a popular website, 20 million visitors per month. That's a lot of people from different backgrounds, don't be surprised if there's industry pros lurking or posting unhelpful shitposts. Watch as my nuance get misinterpreted as pro-/ic/.

No. 2412079

ayrt. i preordered it when it came out, it's one of my precious treasures in my bookshelf. But i always love having digital copies of stuff too, so thank you xoxo

No. 2412373

Dunno about others, but my art curriculum in college definitely made me do a self-portrait. And that was against my preference. Maybe some people just enjoy that extra self study?
This is mostly me musing and not contributing to the conversation, but.. I persoanlly don't look in the mirror much. Doing the self portrait made me realize things about myself I wasn't aware of. It's fascinating, capturing what you see that might differ from what others see. I found out I was slightly crosseyed kek

No. 2413097

I clicked cause I was curious about how the redesigns may look but they look so stiff and bad. The 3d princesses already have solid 2d concept art + Mei is a Pixar character. Also her anatomy sucks when she has to draw anything that isn't insane cartoony exaggeration.

No. 2413281

I'm not gonna bother watching the whole thing but Mei's body is comically bad holy crap. She miscentered the head so bad.

No. 2413340

Her art is so bad it's actually inspirational.

No. 2413366

lineart straight out of a children's coloring book

No. 2413386

I want to like lavandertowne so bad, I find her prioritizing women and agree with a lot of her takes about unnecessary female sexualization but her art is so difficult to look at. She seriously seems to be burnt out from non-stop drawing without taking the time to breathe and study the fundies. I think her audience wouldn't mind seeing a video where she does that, she does make art-tip videos so it wouldn't be too out of their comfort zone.

No. 2413584

It's sad how little her art has improved over the years.

No. 2413587

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Checked in on jubyart and she's still seething about genicecream
>claimed that genice has been stealing from her for years, asked her to stop, genice said she couldn't help where she got her inspiration from
>juby's art project is deeply spiritual. they're both christians and juby claims that genice was envious by how a witch's cross "showcased her christian values" (genice's words, not juby's), which is why genice stole from juby (in a different stream, i remember juby said genice was trying to 'out-christian' her)
>genice was the one who terminated their friendship. juby says she tried to salvage it but genice noped out
>their friendship ended in november last year but juby started confronting genice in september
>"she ended the friendship just so that she could keep stealing from me"
>said that genice wanted to get ahead, publish eden's gate first, and never mention that juby helped brainstorm her ideas
>"she threw away the friendship because she didn't want to acknowledge in public that she had taken inspiration from my project. that was really the bottom line, because that was all i asked, and she just couldn't do it, even though she privately admitted to it at least 3 times"
>goes on about the unhinged 10 page manifesto genice wrote after their friendship ended, but still won't show it
>only started to notice genice was stealing when she stole from juby's satan oc
>juby's only solace is warning people about genice
>doesn't need to stalk genice because she has friends keeping tabs on her, has a friend who follows genice's private twitter
>won't make a call-out post about genice, is being patient and leaving it to the universe
>was the only one that showed interest in genice's eden's gate project, was the only that helped her brainstorm ideas
>thinks that she was probably genice's closest friend before their falling out

I watched through the entire vod but tbh, most of it is a rehash from her older, deleted vods (>>2319459 , >>2330961). I wonder what triggered her sperging this time. Maybe genicecream talking about how she sold out on store orders? The juxtaposition between juby ranting about genice and genice posting about some charity fundraiser for Gaza refugees is pretty funny

No. 2413591

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I went and compared their ocs, and I can see the resemblance. Top is juby's satan oc and bottom is genice's demon oc. Tbh, while I think juby is 100% a cow, I'm not sure if genice is entirely innocent either. It's just that, unlike juby, she is keeping her head low and not sperging out

No. 2413596

Thank you for this update, anon, and uploading the clip. Good things are going to happen for you.

No. 2413600

The only similarities here are the darker skin and black/red hair. Genice was probably inspired by the design so I can see why Juby's pissed that she won't even admit that but it's different enough that calling it stolen is retarded.

No. 2413609

NTA but yes, I agree. Unless their backstories are really similar, it's color scheme similarity only. But since juby never put out any work, genice is going to win the war on that front since she's publishing Eden's Gate, isn't she?
Unrelated, but I find it funny how juby's oc looks so generic and bland, like I've seen one hundred iterations of it on twitter before. Meanwhile, genice's art looks like coombait slop (to me, at least). All of this fighting in service of what.

No. 2413612

Agreed. Juby claims that genice stole other things but she doesn't show any proof at all. I don't understand why she's going on these long rants if she isn't going to provide evidence. She has the manifesto genice sent her and everything

I think that's genice's plan but she hasn't mentioned anything about it on her twitter or bluesky recently. If she does publish it, I imagine juby will go nuclear, so maybe she has second thoughts?

No. 2413632

is this really it? does juby's male oc have wings like genice's oc? if not then there's really not much basis in accusing her of copying her oc. both of them just seem to follow common demon character traits and they're different enough that i'd never think they're similar and copied. if genice's oc was also a male with that body type then maybe…especially with wings too

No. 2413635

What I’m getting from this drama is that christianity sounds like mental illness

No. 2413649


No. 2413664

File: 1740291159058.png (292.38 KB, 803x1124, 0110.png)

Genice's oc is as much a rip off as both ocs are rip offs of funamusea characters. Colour palette wise they're similar, but that shouldn't really count as juby's character is in a rendered piece where the colours look influenced by the environment. Red highlights on demon character's hair isn't new neither is giving them ashy/darker skin tones.

No. 2413772

whenever a tweet of yours gains some traction does anyone else like checking every like? i tap on the profiles of accounts that seem to have a following and see which artists i follow follows them, and also easily recognizing popular twitter artists when they like the post. it reminds me that the art community can be a small world lol, wish more people would rt though

No. 2413776

Nta but I can't stand artists like Juby (don't know either of them) or any of those drama llamas who make a fuss over being the only "unique" artist with the "unique" artstyle and "unique" concepts. I get tracers or art theft "like reposters" or AI. But imagine your ego so fragile you get annoyed over something that she can't do anything about. By putting her ex friend on blast its only going to get worse for her. She should've completely just ignored her and just kept drawing. As for the art I prefer the one below her moid oc looks like the generic westanime tumblr webtoon style with the ugly voltron smirk.

No. 2413778

These artists never actually have a unique art style either kek

No. 2413846

nonas what are some free websites you can make portfolios on? i’ve tried cara out, i think it’s pretty much like art station and i wish we could make folders/subcategories to tidy everything up

No. 2413855

Wow, I didn't think anyone did this. I sometimes scroll through likes on my tumblr posts to see if mutuals liked it but that's it. I can't imagine twitter even shows every like the same way it doesn't show you every tweet a person has made

No. 2413856

File: 1740313855174.jpg (230.17 KB, 995x832, R.jpg)

kekkkk this bitch is seething, i hope she realizes that backtalking artists like this may blacklist her from the industry, noone likes a liability, even if genicecream turns out the monster she claims she is she has played it smart by keeping quiet kek

No. 2413865

i always do it because i’m always curious about who’s liking my art, artists who consistently get thousands of likes on their posts are really lucky and probably take it for granted often. my posts barely break 100 likes so it’s usually easy for me to check everyone’s profile, i get hopeful when a super popular artist i know likes it but alas they never reblog or follow

No. 2413867

and also that saying where you imagine a room of 5, 20, 50, 100 people to visualize the amount of people who liked your post does help. but at the same time makes posts that have like 70k likes even more insane to think about(learn2delete and repost)

No. 2413927

Lavandertowne is too attached to her art style. I admire her for having a very successful YT career, but I wish she would evolve past the super cartoony style she has now. It doesn't look good even for a cartoony style. Her black lines drive me crazy as well.

No. 2413929

File: 1740320554212.jpg (54.04 KB, 850x657, __alice_margatroid_and_shangha…)

I want people to shit on my art and dissect how terrible it is and what I need to do to improve. I know there's /ic/ and the art rating thread here, but I'm too scared to be perceived and know as someone who comes here since my art is so clockable. It's to the point where I wish anons would bring up my art somehow and shit on it in a thread kek

No. 2413991

That fugly vtuber thing jumpscared me. What the fuck, how can she be so bad after all these years

No. 2414000

Wait, she's claiming that the OC below ripped her off? How? This is another one of those "Red skinned devil girls" debacles where someone uses a very basic design trait that they probably picked off somewhere themselves and are now ridiculously paranoid and insecure about being ripped off themselves. The only connecting trait is the two tone hair and an unusually colored skin, there's literally nothing else connecting them. People like these are seriously the reason why a lot of artists are so afraid to put themselves out there because some schizo starts accusing them of being plagiarists over a nothingburger that nobody should pay two shits worth of attention to.

No. 2414060

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I know Yamato's design leaves a lot to be desired, but the re-designs and "trans men are men" are retarded af

No. 2414092

I say bite the bullet. Could also post on here and do it. We have a rate my art thread afterall

No. 2414096

File: 1740327531249.jpg (83.5 KB, 497x627, Screenshot 2025-02-24 001510.j…)

I will never understand why some wokies and gendies watch anime of all things. The misogyny is often shoved in your face all the time. And One Piece, of all shows? I struggle to understand this behaviour.

I do find it super funny when artists redesign bad designs only to fail just as miserably in a completely different direction. I don't have any One Piece examples because I don't follow that fandom, but I do have these memorable genshit redesigns.

No. 2414098

My absolute lifeblood. I love this shit. You can tell when they're projecting their own body type and features as if it'd help them become more desireable. Pure insanity kek

No. 2414108

KEK. These are so fucking ugly!!!! What the actual fuck is going on in their heads when they make the redesigns? The ugly formless bodies and the droopy fucking faces, christ! Im not into genshit but the whole point is that the characters are supposed to be appealing, so you want to spend your money on getting them. Can you imagine a gacha game with those fucking obese blobs Kek.

No. 2414122

why don't they ever watch woke shows that cater to them instead of shounen or gatcha slop

No. 2414127

>the characters in the game.
>the cosplayers at the convention.

No. 2414130

Fatties will never be the beauty standard. That one venus statue crafted over a fatty doesn’t matter. Fatness will never be beautiful, it’s also retarded to make whimsical fantasy fighters fat as shit for obvious reasons

No. 2414132

No. 2414133

>trans men are men
If they really were, they wouldn’t constantly need to remind others especially the ones with 38DD breasts and child-bearing hips ready to bust out of their hoodies kek

No. 2414135

Annoyed cause i only like drawing (cringe warning) sh because i am depressed and honestly it is the only thing i been wanting to express for years but other than the art to cope subreddit there is no other vent art communities for me to participate

yes i know i am cringe and gross but i just find creating such art therapeutic especially since irl i dont want to cut as much or deep

No. 2414138

File: 1740329855743.jpg (Spoiler Image,156.6 KB, 1157x475, Screenshot 2025-02-24 003816.j…)

I'm actually sorry I'm derailing from One Piece, OG nona, but Genshit is so full of actual trash redesigns it's all I have to share. I think it's quite interesting how wokies often get so woke they circle back into discrimination again. I feel like it's only racism that gets (sometimes) called out, since gender ideology is so insane and wobbly, you can get away with anything if you phrase it right.

Picrel to illustrate. The left image is the new cow character Varesa in Genshit, yet another terrible official design. The middle image is a TikToker apologising for editing Varesa's sprite in a redesign and giving Varesa vitiligo, which raised eyebrows since people with vitiligo are often called cows as an insult.

I found the last image, I shit you fucking not, one minute into searching on Tumblr for Varesa redesigns. This is so racist I can't even process it.

No. 2414140

God what is with all of these women having that insufferable Lilypichu cadence to their voice?

No. 2414142

I think these people are genuinely retards, nobody wants to play a Sarah Baartman skin. It’s foolish of them to think Chinese people, who are actively turning Africa into their own sweatshops, would make it accurate to the continent. It’s literally anime

No. 2414149

You just have to cut that out of your system. sorry but really, I don't see what's the big deal of doing the same thing over and over again, social media has made us believe that we need to constantly reinvent ourselves and follow any trends that exists because reasons I guess.
If you're happy with the results of your art then don't stop, just do what makes you happy, it's not like you will get throw to jail because of some edgy stuff, as long as you're not making stuff like babies or the sort getting harmed, then it's not really a big deal.

No. 2414152

There's something special about watching redesign autists try time and time again to ignore appeal and aesthetics in character design, especially weebshit. The last thing I ever want to see is shit artists complain that nobody wants to see their ugly shit even though it has all the pretty Tumblr design good boy points. I only feel less bad because It's hoyoslop and that's it, but vivzie got the same infamy from speds for much less. Nobody wants, or has wanted, to play as or be a fat ugly retard in fantasy media. I'm here to see pretty colors. Cope. This shit should've died and stayed dead with the short bus kids on Tumblr.

No. 2414181

I think to make a proper redesign, you do have to like the character to a certain extent. It helps ground it to the character and not just a vague sense of representation or modesty.
The best "censorship" redesigns I've seen were when people loved the content but didn't care much for skin or didn't like how they censored the character in adaptions so they gave it a try.

No. 2414209

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I just don't get how they end up making the characters so unappealing. Fat and/or ugly characters have great grounds for some fun shape design, but instead they just form the same, boring blobs.

No. 2414212

These are awful

No. 2414216

Kek I knew whatever example I chose I would get something like this as a response. It's this thread in a nutshell.

No. 2414217

Post a better example then.

No. 2414218

No. 2414220

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No. 2414222

No. 2414224

How are they awful? Not a fan of the whole Disney style, but these are far from bad.

No. 2414227

They are super generic and forgettable. Shape design alone doesnt make a good design.

No. 2414234

>the third girl

No. 2414246

thats a man

No. 2414269

>apology regarding redesign
I thought it was gonna be an apology to black women for redesigning her as a comically obese, naked black woman but no it’s about giving a cow person vitiligo kek

No. 2414279

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>Is not racism in the name of inclusion
They, in their mind.

No. 2414326

File: 1740338398366.webp (163.59 KB, 750x1800, varesa-redesign-not-hating-its…)

This is the only redesign I've found of her that I like

No. 2414338

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Samefag, I looked at the image and reacted before reading the post kek my bad. Though there is something hilariously ironic about people redesigning her en-masse because they find her design stereotypical, yet they seem to almost immediately default to “she’s a cow, therefore she must have vitiligo”. And weren’t they upset about mihoyo making a “fatter” character a cow who loves to eat? Why do they keep making her fat then?

No. 2414359

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When doing studies, should you follow it 100% ? Sometimes I just sort of use it as a guideline and then just eye it and do my own thing a bit, but I don’t know if that would negatively effect my “eye” so to speak. I think I’m also kind if afraid of “stealing” someone else’s style or that I won’t actually learn to draw it and just learn to copy. Maybe I’m overthinking it?

No. 2414377

it depends but usually when you do studies you want to learn from the artist and why they made certain choices in the drawing. if you just default to your own style a lot when doing studies unconsciously, it would be good to work on replicating something out of your comfort zone. if you're worried about copying then just don't post it online

No. 2414393

theres no saving the overall design but god just a simple colour switch already makes it less unbearable on the eyes. she actually looks like she belongs in the region she comes from

No. 2414407

It's crazy, even this simple colorswap and change in expression makes her immediately look more like a Genshin character. She actually has a very latam feel to her with the color choices while the original design looks like a very generic hentai cowgirl.

No. 2414416

Thanks, that's pretty convincing. I'll do 100% studies probably, they're more difficult anyway which is probably a good thing…

No. 2414476

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Literally circling back into the mammy stereotype. I don't know if OP is American, but depicting black women as obese, unfeminine, lower class and poor (why is she naked in the redesign!?) against skinny, light skinned, rich women has incredibly racist roots. Is it so hard to draw dark skinned women as conventionally attractive. It's fantasy art, you can draw whatever you want, and the wokies draw the ugliest people imaginable like real life POC like to be represented as uglies in fictional art.

No. 2414489

PLEASE add this design into genshin lmfao

The vitiligo as analogous to cow pattern was actually kind of clever and that's the one thing I don't dislike. The rest is giving uh… national geographic in a not good way

No. 2414519

Vitiligo being used in this kind of redesign (or tumblr style character designs) is always funny in an ironic way to me because they never even do it right from the "muh representation" angle of it. Vitiligo usually appears on the extremities of the body (hands, feet, nose, eyes and lips) but almost every time I see artists draw vitiligo they just draw it really random, not to mention, for this case, every single woke adjacent / social awareness type thing I see from people with actual vitiligo is about how they hate vitiligo being used as a simile to animal spots. It's interesting seeing these types of redesigns being so disconnected from a part of the discourse they're trying to take part in.

Yeah, I agree. Usually when anons accuse random ugly blakwashed redesigns of being racists I think it's annoying and blatant concern trolling, but the jump from "pastel e girl looking chubby cow girl with some mexican culture inspiration" to "morbidly obese almost naked black woman with some ??vaguely african tribal looking accessories" is just jarring.

No. 2414565

I actually don't see wtf is supposed to be so offensive about making a cow character have vitiligo, they have the same skin patterns. It's just a knee jerk reaction to the colloquial use of 'cow' as an insult, otherwise it's a very cute way of integrating spots into a human design.

No. 2414579

>light skin anime character
>makes them brown but also fat and ugly
Do they not see how bad this looks? The taco is also a strange choice kek

No. 2414583

NTA but honestly they just shouldn't call those patches vitiligo in the first place, like >>2414519 said it's not even accurate to how vitiligo actually is. In fact piebaldism is way closer to what they draw than vitiligo.

No. 2414629

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If it's Africa, I don't know why the recolors don't hard correct into that strangely appealing thing other eastern artists do all the time like picrel
I personally would love to see that, but I duck at color picking.

No. 2414667

Omg I love that artists' work so much. It's so vibrant and she draws such cute and unique characters

No. 2414685

ayrt I will admit I am going to inject as much of their design choices into my suggestions as possible. I am still seething over Twitter shits canceling her into drawing less native-esque art. That shit was VERY nice, and it was clear she loved what she did.

No. 2414764

>I think I’m also kind if afraid of “stealing” someone else’s style
you spend too much time on tiktok

No. 2414805

Artist here trying to branch out from Instagram to Twitter/Bluesky/Tumblr. On Insta, I usually feature other artists I’m following on my story daily. How often do artists on these other sites retweet/reblog other artists? Or do they avoid it because it clogs up your page with stuff that isn’t your art?

No. 2414836

Most artists retweet each other especially if you draw for the same subject/fandom/ship/etc. A few don't at all but most of those types seem to be Chinese artists who cross-post onto Twitter and then dip after posting.

No. 2414853

I hate vitiligo obsessed Tumblr retards forever for popularizing this shit and convincing people they cared about anything but brownie points. What the fuck is that racial caricature on the right?

No. 2414979

File: 1740357232628.jpg (24.24 KB, 512x495, 1728799405325273.jpg)

as somebody who loves frame-by-frame animation and does it myself for fun sometimes, the rise of extremely shitty and lazy tweening animation memes gross me out so much. i dont even think tweening is bad, it can be great, but this shit is so lazy most of them are just one or two images in the whole animation. the fuck? it almost makes me not want to bother with my frame-by-frame animation because people will eat up lazy shit anyways lol

No. 2415007

I don’t animate myself, but I COMPLETELY agree with you. However, a lot of the people doing ugly tweening are literal children, kek.

No. 2415043

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Specially when most of the characters have dark skin to "show vitiligo better" but you know is for brownie points.

No. 2415052

they are but i remember as a teenager in the 2010s a lot of people who did famous animations and animation memes were also like, 13-17. its not really an excuse to be lazyass

No. 2415094

I'm not really mad about this stuff, I'm moreso just really confused why they even bother with making animation memes when a lot of the memes are just… head bopping. So much head bopping. What even is the point? That doesn't even look fun to animate and it's boring af once you have seen the other 2000 animation memes with head bopping. I'm surprised I don't see more dumb dances or whatever.

I do have beef with how atrocious a lot of the trending music is for animation memes though.

No. 2415116

There are loads of older animation memes that weren't even animated let alone tweened and head bopping has been around since at least 2014. This is such a lame thing to be mad at, just do frame by frame animation if you want to.

No. 2415155

when did i say im mad at it i just think its incredibly lazy and lame lol

No. 2415175

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Nonnies, do you feel like there are racist tendencies in the woke side of the art community that really rub you the wrong way? Watching people virtue signal while doing dumb shit pisses me off, such as;

- Drawing dark skin without a smidge of lighting so you can actually see what's going on. Maybe they could at least try to change the lineart colour to change the value contrast, jfc.

- Blackwashing characters who aren't even white, especially Asians (e.g. Genshit and Demon Slayer). The thing that pisses me off about this isn't actually the race change, but the fact they often don't even try to incorporate any black culture. It's literally just racebending and nothing more, keeping all the Asian aesthetics, hakama, katana, etc. without the actual Asian. It's insulting, there is so much potential for representing black culture (so many cultures to choose from too!) but they do not even try most of the time.

- Weirdly specific race mixes (picrel). I cannot explain this easily since rare race mixes exist irl and my irritation at this feels unfair. But at a certain point I think it's actually detrimental to the goal of representation. Who the fuck can relate to being such a rare mix? Being mixed usually doesn't mean you get to represent two groups at once, since a lot of mixed people feel torn between their races and struggle to feel accepted by both sides/finding balance. I would say more but this is already an essay. If you've ever hung out with woke OCfags you might have seen a lot of random ass combinations and will get what I mean.

Do you guys have any pet peeves too?

No. 2415180

Furries and children make them, two groups that tend to be lazy and lame.

No. 2415229

yes and most of the people doing this don't even belong to said demographics so it's just overcompensating to show off their moral compass

No. 2415232

a fucking colostomy bag? I guess my pet peeve is when they make it the most female looking character possible and then either make it a transman or a biological man. I never really see it the other way around either.

No. 2415246

>Drawing dark skin without a smidge of lighting
Yeah I hate this too. The types to harass artists for being creative with the unique way lighting and shading interact on dark skin. Honestly feels kind of suspicious because the end result of this is darker-skinned characters looking terrible in art.

No. 2415456

File: 1740378248406.jpg (40.29 KB, 640x560, 65a6e68fa3b2ed433d5668e384ec80…)

i am so disillusioned again. i tried studying anatomy, breaking down some poses i found on pinterest and the end result is so shit, it doesn't remotely look like the pose i was looking at. i know i won't git gud after what, two days? but how the FUCK does the rest of the world manage to improve at a faster rate? some 14 year old tiktoker skinwalking brujo ari is leaps above me, and i have so much to improve i get overwhelmed on where to start. i'm doing anatomy first because it helps with stylization, i guess. i like drawing, i enjoy it a lot, but it's like i picked the wrong hobby.

No. 2415467

I'm in the same boat. Kids improve a lot faster because their brains are sponges, digital art is a lot more accessible now (plus all the benefits and features that come with that), they have a bunch of free time, yada yada yada. It is what it is, you just have to keep drawing; as long as you push yourself out of your comfort zone and draw consistently you'll definitely see improvement.

No. 2415475

>racist tendencies in the woke side of the art community
>weirdly specific race mixes
I feel tempted to post that ValiDate cast art but people are probably tired of seeing that kek

No. 2415504

If you want to draw like brujo ari or literally any other artist you should copy their stuff. These kids don't know why certain things are done the way they are but by copying their favorite artist they start out with better looking proportions/color/stylization. Any fundies they study after that will only make them better.

No. 2415515

File: 1740383651119.jpg (172.69 KB, 1487x1487, 2025-02-24_TheBrujoAri_1893919…)

> trans men are men especially when theyre mothers, guys

No. 2415517

I thought this was the Mr Beast fujo from the front page

No. 2415520

File: 1740384270314.png (349.92 KB, 552x593, GkU7z5RW8AAfDwG.png)

I've been seeing this one get called out more and more thankfully, but artists always making more masculine/aggressive/fat/muscular characters dark skinned. And they're often shipped with lighter skinned characters that are skinny/feminine/dainty like some softcore raceplay porn (picrel as an example)

No. 2415525

I mean isn't that a big part of fundamentals? I'd say just try to do a few still life's from real life as well.

No. 2415540

Right on cue kek

No. 2415545

She gets pregnant?!

No. 2415547

I wonder if she's pregnant from IVF or if Brujo just forgot her Jotaro OC is a TIF kek

No. 2415587

They're not meant to be memorable complete designs, it's only meant to be an example of shape designs. You don't understand of the purpose of the image you're looking at, so you think it's failing at something isn't trying to do and doesn't need to be to communicate what it's trying to

No. 2415592

File: 1740391076835.jpg (374.81 KB, 2968x2000, GhLcBFwbUAA5BKB.jpg)

>third one
I've never understood why there are people who do this. Why couldn't they draw her cute, or even slightly similar to the original in style or color palette? It's not hard to draw or design a cute black/African character. If anything, it's more offensive that their idea of "correcting" imagery that erases a certain group necessarily means making the character obese and decidedly not cute. Why is their idea of "diversity" always unappealing? It feels like a long-running racist joke lol

No. 2415599

I agree with you, but TBF one of the most famous and oldest animation memes is Caramelldansen, which often were just 2 drawings (one for the up motion, one for the down one + mirrored to the other side). Vidrel only half-counts because it has more going on, but you get the motion. Others like Nya dance and Burnt Rice were fame animation, but just the same short loop for 2 minutes.
I fell off animation memes at around 2015 because they got boring, but I feel the importance/work of them has shifted from knowing how to draw frame-by-frame to knowing how to add 9485 effects and tweening effectively. As someone who knows how to do the former but keeps failing on the later, I do have some respect for these kids kek.

I miss how long some memes were though, like paroding openings/MVs (Azumanga Daioh OP, Popipo, Cirno's Math class…) or just full videos even if they weren't animated at all (Convenience Store).

No. 2415606

>Who the fuck can relate to being such a rare mix
The people with that rare race mix obviously? That's the point? That perhaps even if it's just one person, that they'll see an art piece with them in it and see a person that's partly like themselves in art for the first time

>Being mixed usually doesn't mean you get to represent two groups at once

Even if people only see you as one, that doesn't make you not mixed race?

Also I don't understand why you grouped this habit they have as racist. What about this is racist?

No. 2415622

>and see a person that's partly like themselves in art for the first time
Why does that have to be a race thing though? Why can't someone look at art and relate to a character because their personality or aesthetic is similar? Or their backstory is similar to the viewer's life? It's weird for someone to assume that a character is "like themselves" just because they're the same race, yeah? Isn't that, I don't know, a little racist?

Although tbh I don't care too much about the weird race mixes and disability virtue signalling. This is just Gen Z's version of the half-angel-half-devil vampire witch OCs that proliferated the internet 20 years back.

No. 2415693

Isn't a post like this more suitable for petty chronically online threads like the fandom drama or the bad art one in /m/? I'm honestly so tired of these constant "fellas i saw this they/them brown vitiligo oc it's so cringe right??? or is it just me???" groundhog day happening over and over again and I can't imagine anyone over the age of 19 being interested in having this same discussion every other day.

It's so unserious though, these people get all smug saying "just go create your own representation instead of demanding others to do it for you!" and when you pull yourself up by your bootstraps you get ridiculed and laughed at for doing so. I get that often it's done for woke brownie points but like the one in that anon's picrel is so inoffensive that who actually gives a fuck. I would like to see more people of my own ethnicity and more masculine female characters but if I go ahead and create them I get called a narcissist who thinks she's too good for the feminine anglo straight white girl protagonist. Damned if you do and damned if you don't, we all know how sincere their concern for "fetishizing all these groups" is.

No. 2415751

By your logic it's sexist to make female characters because not all women are the same so we can't expect to relate to them. All characters should be white straight men since they can have any personality right?

No. 2415755

>Isn't that, I don't know, a little racist?
How is is racist to notice a shared trait between someone? Incredibly disingenuous or retard of you. You can see a part of yourself in people that aren't carbon copies of you. Which is why I don't care much about representation myself, but you're actually retarded if you can't imagine someone seeing a character that looks like them and enjoying that. I'm sure half the users here would blow a top if they never saw a woman in the shit they watch or read but somehow half of you can't bridge that thought over to brown women

No. 2415816

A friend of mine is fat/near obese but only ever draws skinny pretty perfect girls (half of the time with sexy coomer proportions as well, think one piece Nami). Including self-portraits and self-inserts… It's too embarrassing to bring it up with her but I can't help but wonder why and if she's ok. Does anyone else do something similar with your art? Why/why not?

It's just a little bit awkward to be shown a sexy girl drawing that looks nothing like her and be told it's meant to be her.

No. 2415846

Let her live a little, Jesus. Unless she's drawing herself like a toddler then it's not a big deal if her self-portraits or self-inserts are skinny and cute.
Or do you want her to only draw ugly shit like
It's seriously not a big deal, people will idealize shit because that's literally the point of art, to make ideal shit, not a 1:1 representation of reality.

No. 2415856

I still think it's hilarious this is the straightest couple ever and she's praised for it, but if she called them that I don't think she would have gotten the following she has now (Maybe due to her art style, but the gendie thing was CARRYING)

No. 2415917

Most people draw themselves skinnier/better looking especially if it's anime shit, unless she's being delusional about her real body I don't see the issue

No. 2415954

File: 1740406698001.jpeg (19.65 KB, 736x289, a754e16b-fd03-48ab-bc65-42611d…)

how do you use any kind of color palette without making the drawing look terrible? Do most artists pick colors from the wheel or abuse filters?

No. 2415972

I think, be conscious of lighting and value when applying palettes

No. 2415973

File: 1740407098644.jpg (933.65 KB, 2077x3073, look at the hands.jpg)

/beg/-on-/beg/ violence kek

No. 2415990

Not the backwards ass hands kek. I implore zoomies to use paper and pen for once kek.

No. 2415993

both looks shit, the top one has 3 fingers kek

No. 2415998

hands aside, the art has nonsensical lighting, why is her skin warm?

No. 2416002

The kid was right, you do suck kek

No. 2416008

I posted this in the animation thread but since art salt loves brujo I’ll post it here too. This is the Christmas short they released last night like two months after. Kek

No. 2416012

how did she fuck up drawing a bathtub so badly

No. 2416019

I feel retarded but the original was hers and the left is the 14 yo anon’s drawing and the bottom is OP’s? So OP had her work in the collage twice? They all look like they’ve been run through AI and it’s giving me a stroke lol.

No. 2416080

Top-right is the original by the 14 year old, top left is the WIP of the redraw, and then bottom is the full redraw

No. 2416082

the goofy ah cartoon sound effects are insufferable but the animation is cute

No. 2416086

Well this is embarrassing kek. The top one has 3 fingers and the """better""" artist doesn't even know which hand goes on which arm.

No. 2416088

First, fill in all the base colors of your drawing. Second, create a new layer on top and fill it with a single solid color and set it to multiply, overlay, color burn, screen, etc (whatever you think fits the mood of the drawing) remember to adjust opacity. Third, merge layers. This is a shortcut to unify the colors together, it's equivalent to doing an underpainting or wash in irl painting.

No. 2416090

Why is she sick

No. 2416208

How do you render that well yet put the hands on backwards, fuck up the lighting direction and have a rotten /beg/ attitude to accompany it? How is this even physically possible?

No. 2416236

In theory you'll just pick them up much slower, but if you fall into the making it look like the photo trap, you'll just get good at copying photos. If you wanted to skip the 3D forms and line control part of fundies, doing still lifes with a viewfinder would be the better option. There would be less of a flattening effect due to you having to match contours with where they would appear on the paper through the viewfinder.

No. 2416237

>goofy ah
You can say ass on lolcow. no need to use that retarded shit
I…dont understand why she needed to sickunless it's because Mexican food spicy=sick have a completely normal dream? It wasn't even a fever dream

No. 2416304

Why wouldn't she be ok? As long as she doesn't think she looks like that, I think it's ok. No one wants to draw ugly things/people (…sans the woke brownie points teens mentioned above kek) and much less represent yourself in an unflattering way.
Self-instert/personas are an idealized version of yourself or what you want to be, it's normal.

No. 2416336

Nonas do you ever include terfy or radfem themes into your art? I am so tempted to make my OCs have gender critical ideology and extremely transphobic. But I don't think I could paint them as villains very well, so I feel like I would get found out pretty quick kek

No. 2416365

I've tried. I have a lot of tif followers despite what I draw. If i don't outright say it then they will stick to your shit

No. 2416399

She's supposed to have over eaten.

No. 2416406

>You can say ass on lolcow.
its a meme anon, its like saying sudoku or anhero

No. 2416409

A zoomer meme based on censorship. It's more akin to saying sewer slide and grape

No. 2416410

sorry i dont use tiktok i just think its funny

No. 2416416

No one mentioned shittok

No. 2416417

I don't agree with a lot of radfem ideals so I personally don't. But despite that, being so much as critical of the horrors moids inflict on women is enough to boil a TIM's top off. I've seen straight men get mad when I make a punching up joke or imply what they believe is maddness. Somehow that's terfy but worshiping hulking apes in dresses isn't?

No. 2416456

i don't wanna draw like her but i do have to admit the way she draws clothes is really nice

iirc this was ragebait and this was just a remake, the artist is the same for both. what the fuck happened to her face in the first two slides though

No. 2416457

thinking of drawing my waifu as aileen wuornos tbh

No. 2416484

NAYRT but that's just how some people talk irl. I type ass as "ah" out of the humor of typing things phonetically

No. 2416495

nayrt but don't worry nona, it's okay. I got a temporary ban for saying "kermit sewerslide" the other day because i didn't know people genuinely use that to censor themselves, it's just a funny meme to me. i am not fit for these fuckass times

No. 2416508

It sounds like it's going to get unenjoyable real quickly, regardless of if you paint them as villains or good guys. Either extreme is bad. The best route for that type of thing imo is if you paint them completely neutrally. Just another moving part in a story. Causing someone to make or lose friends over it, having books about it in the background, how she lives her life influences by it. Otherwise it's just preaching rather than telling an interesting story of peoples lives

No. 2416680

Surprisingly cute, I will pretend the gendie AU(?) never happened!

No. 2416784

I hate troons and for that reason I'm not drawing anything about them, even if negative. A lot of my art and ocs feature biology and genetics and just drawing dimorphic features and organs as they are without commentary is enough. I have a couple ocs I pour my misandry into but it's complicated. My art is for me, made by me, it is entirely selfish and inserting political beliefs into it would be strange because I can engage with that through other means and it's not really fun.
Okay, but there's a slew of anons who don't want to integrate so if you talk like one, expect to be treated like one. You are anonymous and if it walks like a duck…

No. 2417268

I agree TIFs don't seem to be the most discerning of demographics in general.

Ew moids are dumb as fuck. I hate how TIMs get extra coddled online too.

Levels of based I haven't seen before.

I see your points nonnies, always interesting to see other perspectives!

No. 2417326

File: 1740447305980.jpeg (296.96 KB, 746x1251, IMG_9690.jpeg)

This might be the wrong thread (might be more for the fandom thread) but did anyone see this post? Was this something Brujo posted about Kate?

No. 2417396

File: 1740449992827.jpeg (12.18 KB, 391x391, 58843789.jpeg)

Are people turning on Brujo now? I'd like to see how someone whose overly dedicated to pleasing the brain dead part of her audience handles this

No. 2417402

Cringe as fuck, are you people underaged? If you aren’t JK Rowling levels of rich then don’t fuck the potential bag up

No. 2417427

File: 1740451614604.jpeg (263.07 KB, 750x684, IMG_9707.jpeg)

I wish I snagged a screenshot of when it happened. People are already going “poor Brujo English isn’t her first language”

No. 2417443

that's not even what damaged goods means usually, this person is just chronically online. for example it can mean someone who was mentally "damaged" by a past relationship

No. 2417446

It took a bit of back and forthing over it when I was younger, but this is what I decided on as well. I just won't give them the attention. It's not like there aren't hundreds of thousands of other artists who ignore all of this.
Plus, if you put troons in your work for whatever reason, it'll make your stuff seem dated once this all dies out in the near future. And thank god I never ended up putting any work out during my handmaiden phase.

No. 2417719

>the artist said something similar to this demeaning phrase
>I can’t remember exactly what it was
>no screenshot
>nobody else knows what they’re talking about
As far as I know this sounds like a load of bs. Sorry, gotta have proof, I’ve seen too much people randomly say “Hey didn’t this artist do something super fucked up???” with no evidence/elaboration and it turns out they misremembered.

No. 2417799

unrelated but artist name please

No. 2417801

File: 1740465882145.jpg (76.06 KB, 850x607, __original_drawn_by_eda__sampl…)

I say this because I love you so much- reverse image search.

No. 2417803

I've been saying this for years, trying to give representation to marginalized groups but drawing them ugly as fuck is sending a different message. It's how caricatures are born, literally just draw them like normal people, the fuck? They put so much emphasis on "black features" but anime features aren't realistic to begin with, the nose is a dot and the mouth is a single line. I feel so bad for all the black girls into pastel cutesy shit.

No. 2417848

Anon that posted that redesign pic. I agree, if you showed this to a black person walking down the street, even if they were fat or had vitiligo or whatever, I highly doubt they would feel "represented" by such art. The artist who drew the third pic is Russian iirc. I think woke artists not actually interacting with the demographic they want to represent may explain some of this behavior.

No. 2417863

File: 1740471072445.jpg (64.56 KB, 937x232, moral theft.jpg)

Kek which one of you is this

No. 2417888

Yeah I’ve also noticed and think it’s weird as fuck, but it’s probably an ingrained subconscious thing in a lot of people’s minds. I’ve seen artists of all kinds of nationalities and races do this. Darker colors are associated with masculinity and aggressiveness, lighter colors are associated with femininity and softness. But I hope more people become aware of this and vary their depictions a little, idk how many more “soft blonde uwu / big tan aggressive” pairings I can take

No. 2417895

And this is the right approach to take - I can't stand troons so I just don't give them attention. All this "I'm taking their OCs and making them not troons KEKKKK epic own!!!" and "I'm making my characters terfy soapboxes to make trannies seethe!!!!" shit is so juvenile and very clearly letting them live inside of your head rent free. I don't want that for myself.

No. 2417902

radfems are a bit like groypers, the more you try to be liked by them the more they hate you lmao. Just draw what you like

No. 2417908

This is true. They're obsessed with their wild goose chase for ideological purity so the moment you step out of the line even little they will eat you alive. Very similar to how groypers behave, a volatile audience that act like sharks smelling blood in the water the moment you show any signs of weakness.

No. 2417958

studying human face fundies again is very humbling lmao. ive gotten so rusty at drawing realistic human faces its bad

No. 2418111

Regardless of ideology I find it kinda cringe to make artwork that's too on the nose and mostly motivated by spite. What I like to do is focus on the positive side of being gender critical by making OCs that are proudly GNC without being trans. That helps push back on the idea that you have to be trans if you want to exist outside of society's prescribed gender roles

No. 2418342

There are a lot of /ic/tard pickmes who come from the fujo /ic/ server that hosts that pedophile trumptard trap faggot moid. They are annoying as hell and i wish they would fuck off back to their pickme boards and pickme server.

No. 2418345

File: 1740505267925.jpg (445.13 KB, 1080x1607, How to draw manga.jpg)

i was recommended this artist on my explore page kek i'm stunned this isnt from like 2002-2005 with the katy coope ass how to draw manga style. i could understand a couple year difference but 11 years into modern times is unbelievable. if you told me these images were from angelfire or gaia online i'd have believed you. the anatomy got worse in 11 years too, how tf?

No. 2418354

Ironically the older picture is better too. It's got more about it.

No. 2418376

This is my biggest fear how do you end up getting stuck in beg hell forever

No. 2418384

>Interesting video about egg tempera.
" I really liked your channel but this is disgusting. I also don't agree with eating animals but this is a different level of unnecessary when we have all sorts of perfectly good paints. And honestly kind of wasteful."
"gross leave animal suffering out of ur hobbies"
"vegan here - no eggs"
Wait until they learn Sennelier use honey in their watercolors and ox gall is also used for art.

No. 2418390

this is just what happens when you never use references and don't try to learn any kind of fundamentals

No. 2418403

How can I prevent this from happening in my art? I'm scared of having no improvement

No. 2418410

>sees this
>maybe im not so bad after all
i really hope the degrade is because of them leaving art as a hobby or being a child then and not really trying to improve for 11 years

No. 2418424

One of my favorite channels. I wish she would draw more often. I like how she never argues with whiny retards kek

No. 2418458

>gross leave animal suffering out of ur hobbies
OT but I'm so sick of vegans and how evangelist and aggressive they are. Would anyone be interested in a vegan cringe thread?

No. 2418472

>the more you try to be liked by them the more they hate you
>the moment you step out of the line even little they will eat you alive
that's pretty much with any extreme groups/communities

No. 2418518

It appears shes been drawing actively the whole time, and selling in artist alley for 7 years kek

No. 2418519

File: 1740512331699.jpg (4.24 KB, 252x200, images (1).jpg)

>selling in artist alley for 7 years
whos…buying that art? and god damn

No. 2418525

File: 1740512530739.jpg (600.84 KB, 1080x1496, AAkekek.jpg)

Oh god she's selling this exact image as a print too

No. 2418527

>Would anyone be interested in a vegan cringe thread?
yes please, sounds amazing. They are so insanely annoying. I cant stand them. The only good vegan i know is my vet, and its only because we dont talk about anything but my cats health.

No. 2418531

dont let virgilnona see this

No. 2418532

I am laughing so much. Ofcourse she's a fan of the nu-trigun.

No. 2418557

I don't know why vegans are so fucking anti-egg, like yes factory farming is awful but you typically don't eat egg chickens because they're way leaner than meat chickens, and if they're being looked after well they lay a bajillion eggs. "This is disgusting" I mean they eat their own and other hen's eggs unless they're broody they don't care.
Consequences of not studying or not studying correctly and pervasive symbol drawing.

No. 2418560

The awfulness of her DN angel fan art really stands out next to her other pieces. I mean, they're all awful for someone 11 years into art, but that one is specifically bad. Does she usually trace? Would explain why she never improved.

No. 2418620

These are people who already have money (probably from a wealthy-ish family) and can afford to pay to go in artist alleys even if she doesn't sell shit. It's a hobby for her. Someone who sells art as an actual job would never be able to do this for 7 years while the art looks like that.

No. 2418819

File: 1740520242531.png (547.86 KB, 707x564, Screenshot.png)

Ive noticed that a lot of young artists tend to remove their age once they hit their twenties.
It makes me feel less bitter about talented young artists because while the art may be impressive to achieve at a young age, if they don't develop beyond that, their art will just become the same hyper-render animu art everyone and their mother does nowadays.
makes me wonder how achooshi is doing after she was essentially chased off the internet

No. 2418876

File: 1740522138484.jpg (394.35 KB, 797x3259, 191282838.jpg)

On one hand, the first tweet was dumb, and the worship of brujoari is kind of dumb. But also twitter is so autistic kek damn, can artists do anything

No. 2418886

What’s even going on in the second image

No. 2418919

I was like that too, it makes your art seem more impressive and you get more support from people. Most hardcore young artists peak at 17-18, and after that they simply become stagnant and they aren't considered a genius anymore. And then you see artists who were incredibly mediocre in high school improve at a more consistent rate and become as skilled as the former "prodigies". This is not a competitive sport, everyone has a different journey.

No. 2418923

I believe young artists are more prone to burnout. At 14 when you have so much energy and motivation you might accidentally overwork yourself and you don't have the maturity and skills to understand how important breaks are and how to deal with an art block.

No. 2418986

Are some of them guys?Apologies if this came off as gooner kek

No. 2419101

literally me. i'm never making it nonnies.

No. 2419145

Do more studies. Go out and sketch in nature. If you try, you can do it eventually.

No. 2419277


i think she should drop the troon pandering altogether, all she does is call the woman a woman and post the most straight shit known to man

No. 2419279

in a better world she could detrans both and have alex be a butch lesbian but thats too scary for a genderspecial queerio
no her bimbofied genderbend TIM AU of alex does not count

No. 2419293

How accepted is tracing in casual online art spaces (like fandom shit)? I'm aware tracing others' arts is completely off-limits, but I've seen people admit to tracing hands (seems reasonable) and entire bodies/poses with no issue. I'm going to continue studying regardless but I just want to know what's considered "too far" for fanart.

No. 2419296

The general rules that I see around are
>Tracing your own photos, classical art, 3D models is okay
>Tracing the work of other small artists is not okay
>Tracing popular media like manga and anime is okay is you are up front about what you are doing

No. 2419325

what are you even complaining about

No. 2419341

People only really get twitchy when money gets involved and even then, that's only if someone has some vendetta against you. Spaces that aren't full of future perma-beg teens generally accept that you'll have to just say "fuck it" and trace sometimes.

No. 2419347

obesity and ugliness aside (lmao) I kinda wish fischl did have an outfit with a cape and ganyu had a tail or was more faun-like or something

No. 2419404

>making fun of artists for how they draw 40 year olds except it isn’t actually that off
>making fun of artists for looking up 40 year olds for reference

No. 2419432

thoughts on the sharpen filter?

No. 2419508

Nonnie do you really think I would ask if I didn't already try reverse searching? Your response could have been the answer instead of snark.

No. 2419551

This desparate need twitter users have to dunk on someone, anyone for anything just to regain the smallest bit of control over their lives and feel good for a moment is why I stopped using that site months ago. Also checked that last persons profile and she's posting ugly old men non-stop of course she'd have a lot to say about age kek

No. 2419564

File: 1740551258418.jpg (136.69 KB, 720x900, sunbaked_dunes_by_edrw_ddyyzqz…)

I wasn't being snarky and I found out who the artist was with reverse image search myself. It's edrw who got chased off social media a few years ago.

No. 2419586

NTA but I don't think she was trying to be snarky. We're getting a lot of new users who can barely google info for themselves. If you were a younger anon, you would have discovered a valuable tool from her response.
No need to be defensive, especially since when you said you couldn't find with reverse image search, she provided the artist's name just now. It's chill.

No. 2419689

I rather they be straight but lesbian is fine too.

No. 2419735

File: 1740570779562.jpg (45.84 KB, 359x469, 0acfc4ae5e99913abfa45a30edccd3…)

anyone has advice on how to draw caricatures? cartoon designs of real people in general. I want to learn how to draw something outside of what I typically do. I've been practicing with people I know but I still struggle.

No. 2419740

It's very obvious that Ari only made her Jotaro expy a TIF for virtue signaling anyway. I can't see him as anything other than an actual man (because he's not drawn like a butch woman at all).

No. 2419753

Fuck I loved EDRW's art. Sad to see her be chased off; I know that native culture is kind of untouchable in terms of inspiration which I get but her artstyle was great.

No. 2419794

File: 1740576561964.jpg (195.74 KB, 1637x1905, Gi1bdn-XgAEAjBg.jpg)

I like Brujoari's art and respect her as an artist. I wish she would detrans and drop the gender shit from her art, but she's achieved success and popularity with her Jojo OCs which is very difficult to do. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery and Brujoari LARPers are a dime a dozen, like them or not. I don't think she's a god-tier artist but I also respect LavenderTowne for making it and her art sucks imo

No. 2419801

big downgrade, the colors are so dirty

No. 2419804

Why is it that almost every single time I see any piece from this artist, it's always on some NLOG shit?

No. 2419809

File: 1740577604633.jpg (42.21 KB, 640x634, 1729297809299.jpg)

Sad to see, the original drawing is definitely closer to the 2000s cartoon style she's aiming for. Colors were brighter, line art was cleaner. This is probably because she keeps trying to appeal to coomers and it's fucking up her art, if you go to the quote retweets of her Kate drawings you'll see nothing but people lusting after her it's kind of bleak.

No. 2419820

>pervasive symbol drawing
can you elaborate on that? I'm genuinely interested on what that's defined as, sounds like a term that should be used more

No. 2419829

so blackpilling to see traced AI art get over 20k likes and some people still defending it in the comments

No. 2419839

Most people have bottom tier taste. Its why marvel shit makes so much money. I dont care what the common retard likes.

No. 2419842

File: 1740579951596.jpg (76.78 KB, 657x900, GdABCNvacAAkv6y.jpg)

It shouldn't blackpill you considering how many men draw terrible pear shaped booba fotw girls and get like 100k likes. Picrel has 126k likes

No. 2419847

You know, I wanted to forget that this picture exists. I genuinely can't tell if this is just as bad, or even worse than those retarded edits people make of Danganronpa characters by drawing them as obese, half Cuban, vitiligo-having, four eyed, transgender, asexual amputees.

No. 2419849

this pic is the single greatest case for gatekeeping i've ever seen. the end boss of clout chasers dipping their coomer legs into the flavor of the month. twitter artists need to face the wall NOW

No. 2419852

They're both godawful but for differing reasons. One downplays SA victims and their trauma by turning them into a fetish. The other reduces real people into labels to gain more brownie points in the oppression gymnastics without considering logic in their art. But at the end of the day, one actually harms people while other is harmless tumblr crap that'll pass. Remember when tumblr sexy men were all the rage? They still are but not to that degree during the 2010s.

No. 2419853

I agree this is pornrotted slop but what do you mean it's a case for gatekeeping? Which gate?

No. 2419854

I still dont believe this guy is japanese. Its most than likely an obese larping american like mrpumpkin

No. 2419861

the artist said he's never played mouthwashing before and just drew fan art of this character without knowing she's a rape victim

No. 2419880

Typically it means you're just drawing lines or symbol shapes without considering why they're there or what 3d shape or sense of space you're trying to create. Like you don't draw the eye of your subject but what you think you know an eye looks like. If that makes sense?

Also does any Nona struggle to find artists they want to do master studies on? I have a few, but while looking for more to vary my style I realize I'm kinda picky? I tend to oscillate between really detailed angular semi realism to hyper cartoony Y2K inspo like Jinx88. However, I have a hard time finding artists where I go "Oh! If only I could draw like THAT!"

No. 2419883

File: 1740583079321.png (319.63 KB, 572x505, s1.png)

you mean something like picrel?

No. 2419896

File: 1740584753013.png (3.68 MB, 2894x4093, sdfdfdsfds.png)

picrel has 54k likes. Its really not a matter of skill just of luck and pandering to coomers

No. 2419933

Kinda yeah. It typically happens when ppl only draw from imagination and don't practice fundies. They don't realize that the idea of space, shape, anatomy are all vague ideas that their brain communicates as that object. The problem is usually resolved easily if you practice drawing from references and work on perspective. I only really clock it with foreshortening tho.

No. 2419937

I fear i do that…I've been putting off studying for so long cause I had a complex growing up and now I feel my art stagnating compared to people the same age as me.

does anyone know if the morpho anatomy books are available online?

No. 2419952

They're on e-hentai. Normally, I'd point to libgen since it isn't lewd site, but that's currently down

No. 2420023

When you're drawing people, which parts of their faces stick out the most to you? Try to emphasize that in your style. Like in your picrel, Lars Ulrich has a small face and James Hetfield has a huge nose irl, so they've exaggerated those features in the drawing. They're cartoons, but they're still recognizable

No. 2420186

Sure, muh stylization, but these proportions are genuinely freakshow-tier.

No. 2420227

It's insane how much armor she has against her haters all because her ocs are gendies. It truly astonishes me

No. 2420248

why did this artist get chased off

No. 2420261

File: 1740601621983.jpeg (18.99 KB, 453x340, b212dc6de6efe9fbfefaeb171c6634…)

No. 2420265

IRC someone called them racist for drawing Ocs inspired by native American culture it's a shame because its cool

No. 2420272

File: 1740601766894.png (545.56 KB, 630x900, GXjlL6faYAAZoKp.png)

You people act like she stopped posting forever when she's been active on twitter this year. She just turned to egyptian mythology

No. 2420295

As some who loves native American cultures, I hated what happened to them but I'm glad their doing better now. Just wish this wasn't the case.

No. 2420302

I think its pretty obvious the artist is a woman

No. 2420307

sorry about that nonna but I'm not using them in a gendie way, just didn't know they were female.

No. 2420327

Why are you apologising to a stranger on the internet about the way you talk? Fucking tell her to close the tab if she doesn't like what she's seeing

No. 2420333

Telling someone to close the tab so you can continue to call random ass people "them" is bad advice.

No. 2420350

the word them has always been grammatically correct to use for a singular person regardless of their gender though. don't let gendies upset you on how the english language works

No. 2420431

How do I color and draw backgrounds without turning them into a disorganized mess? Every time I try backgrounds it feels like a fruit salad of different colors and shades that aren't matching.

No. 2420456

True. It just still feels shitty to spend hours on a drawing only for some retard to get that many likes by tracing over AI. I don't make likes my only reason for drawing but it's so gross.
That blackpills me too, both of these things are awful.

No. 2420465

This site really obsesses over the usage of They or Them in a non-plural manner. Sometimes it just happens but they take it like a personal attack. Best if one just ignores whoever responds aggro to it.

No. 2420472

yeah i understand thinking like that if it's in some discord hugbox server or any other site that's known to be filled with gendies but here we're all radfems so making a fuss about that isn't really necessary

No. 2420483

Why did it become acceptable to trace or "heavily reference" an image drawn by another human being? I don't want to give those that trace AI a pass, but it hurts on a physical level to see people claiming things as their own, or saying "it's not AI, it's referenced" as if it's still okay?

No. 2420496

File: 1740609201303.jpg (Spoiler Image,82.02 KB, 1051x310, dickishly.jpg)

unfortunately this is not the worst Anya art

No. 2420503

grant me strength to not a-log this is beyond ridiculous

No. 2420509

looking at dog feces would be more appealing than to look at this shit

No. 2420510

File: 1740609507998.jpg (1.97 MB, 1886x1200, raja nandepu.jpg)

Try to limiting your color palette. The artist in picrel starts with six main colors and goes from there

No. 2420538

Of course this pairing appeals to her. It's crazy recognizing her mentally ill art style off the 5 or 6 screenshots of her art anons have posted recently.

No. 2420544

nta but what if my characters has the complete opposite color palette than anything listed on picrel?

No. 2420569

Then choose a color palette that appeals to the subject of the drawing

No. 2420587

File: 1740612638340.png (690.09 KB, 1413x1000, guide.png)

nonna here is my autistic guide for what i do, i am not epic artist but this is works well enough for me. hope you find it slightly useful

No. 2420594

This is a godsend thank you nonna!

No. 2420595

File: 1740612816870.jpeg (465.45 KB, 1270x2048, EjO_a2XVkAEfNcx.jpeg)

tbh achooshi was only good at choosing atmospheric colors more than anything, the character at the top blends together with background

No. 2420599

Mouthwashing was a mistake

No. 2420603

wow, thank you so much!

No. 2420623

Does anyone else struggle with only skinny women being seen as "true artists"? They don't even need to have a conventionally pretty face, it's like the skinniness in itself is somehow validation that they're passionate about art and it's a free pass to be quirky an different? Talking mostly about traditional art, digital is obviously a lot more anonymous

No. 2420631

tbh I rarely ever look up what traditional artists look like

No. 2420640

Literally what are you talking about

No. 2420641

No. 2420643

I dont think this post goes here because you're talking about body issues and not art, when will newfags realize That a art salt threads needs ART as its focus

No. 2420663

I'm sorry for whatever body issues you're going through nona, but I honestly have no idea what you're talking about

No. 2420773

Sad thing is iirc native American people online liked her art and defended her against non native attention seekers and complimented the research she did. Her designs were cool and appealing she made the characters positive.

No. 2420848

God, I love being skinny.

No. 2420874

File: 1740621617700.jpg (52.74 KB, 736x920, Sad cat.jpg)

I was one of those retards when AI first came out who thought AI wasn't going to be like how it is in dystopian fiction. I actually argued in artist salt, but now? Honestly, it seems like there is no hope in the future. All art is like film, music, animation, dying, and/or dead. Unless people start pulling a Luigi Mangione more often, there will be no one held accountable. That or countries start getting stricter on this. How is anyone supposed to find any hope?

The only beacon of hope maybe is that the UK government has a petition website with some ai regulation petitions on there. One including it's ban from creative media. But even then I'm not a britbong so I don't know how effective this website really is.


No. 2420888

File: 1740621887103.png (600.5 KB, 1493x865, kitkat.png)

i wish she'd stop turning to her audience for assurance for what kates gendersoup should be, she crumbles the very moment someone questions kate's multipronouns. she makes posts like these every other week.

No. 2420893

This is really helpful, you're an angel.

No. 2420896

File: 1740621979933.jpg (111.22 KB, 774x1000, 61Zhdh9ij2L._AC_UF894,1000_QL8…)

I've found this to be a helpful book on caricatures.

No. 2420921

Late but this reminded me of a minor art cow (not even a cow really) SaphiraDraca or something like it. She designed elaborate KH inspired furries and the shading was similar to this post. She was like a quaint sparkle dog who enjoyed her neon rainbow characters.
I miss Gaia art sometimes kek.

No. 2420950

How is Brujo still on this shit? It just seems like she's doing it for the sake of satisfying her tranny followers because they're still stuck on Kate being a feminine transmasc gayboy Kakyoin expy and will latch onto anything. She calls Kate a girl and refers to her with "she" otherwise, really dug herself into a hole here.

No. 2420998

A good counter to cultural appropriation is cultural appreciation. She was respectful and researched her topic, which is hard to do because of inane gate keeping. I don’t think cultures should be gate kept by artist who do research and are respectful. Twitards though hate success and style and they mobbed her to quit that niche.
It’s quite annoying and makes artists not want to touch any other cultures with that online response.

No. 2421036

At this point just making a poll to vote on Kate's label and pronouns would be less embarrassing and confusing for her. It would go terribly of course, but I don't know how long Brujo can keep up this 'have your cake and eat it too' thing with Kate's gender either.

I think it would be based if she detransed Kate but I haven't seen any big artists detrans their OCs before.

No. 2421061

Nona, I believe most people expect your fashion choice to either be abysmal or on point as an artist. Weight isn't an actual people in reality deal with when it comes to being an artist. Lucky for you, it may be internalized insecurity ir your actual art style/subject matter that makes people judgemental.

No. 2421063

Judging from gooner discussions I've eavesdropped on, it's been losing its appeal. Like a scar someone is ripping off, it'll be a messy process and we'll lose some art styles to the machine, but I think it oversaturated the market too fast.

No. 2421076

I know this has been said time and time again, but this is one of the few artists I've seen that actually reads as male. Sure there might be other male pandering female artists but even then they still have a distinctly female style. Other than the way she presents her female characters everything about her art reads so disgustingly male. You can tell her brain has been rotted from porn for such a long time. I'd say I wish she'd use her talents for something better but honestly she should have never picked up a pencil in the first place.

No. 2421084

You're not wrong. I'm new to this artist - is there a chance that they're a tim?

No. 2421093

No. I'm surprised other anons can read her as male, she just comes off as an edgy woman to me.

No. 2421102

Nonnie I'm not sure how realistic that is at this point. AI has been seeping into real life advertisements and now we have AI influencers. Its being shoved in our faces everywhere on almost every platform. On TikTok there are artists who use this AI app to create 360 turn around videos of their OCS. Ai videos becoming more realistic. I'd like to hope it plays out in that way or gets banned but I don't know at this point.

No. 2421117

AYRT Oh that is henous. Genuinely haunted. On the bright side, I might be right about AI in the art world, but not so much outside of it. Might have to have this issue in every field for it to pass over like a cold? I want to say it's different for art because AI bros only have a hyperfixation on specific art styles, while neglecting more niche ones. This… imitation of life feels… Hm.

I'm just glad I don't use TikTok kek

No. 2421121

File: 1740632066645.png (180.52 KB, 1177x751, the woo.png)

"Detransition" is funny because Kate doesn't even transition its just woo-woo gaslighting and a double mastectomy. I gotta get better at doing her style till I don't need to look at her posts anymore to reference them.

No. 2421133

we're not all radfems here we just hate trannies and gendie shit which is infesting everywhere else. so people are gonna be defensive about it

No. 2421154

> being skinny is a free pass to be quirky and different
Idk about art specifically, I don’t really follow traditional artists, but this is true about life in general so I wouldn’t doubt it. Being quirky and fat is seen as cringe, being quirky and skinny is seen as cute and/or sexy

No. 2421208

Why the fuck does she love drawing her oc naked all the time? I wonder if she is doing this because more people have been talking about her on Twitter negatively

No. 2421261

File: 1740646102483.jpeg (587.3 KB, 1569x2001, IMG_7622.jpeg)

Honestly nona, I partially disagree with your last point since I’m a weird ethnic mix myself. What I will say is that these people could stand to do a little more research into historical immigration patterns to find pairings that are more likely to be based in reality. For example, one of my grandparents came to the UK via the Windrush generation, while the other side came from Europe due to new free movement laws for EU citizens. It’s not hard to do a quick google search, and if nothing else it will probably give their character a more interesting background to work with.

No. 2421310

Duh. Being fat is also cringe no matter how you style it.

No. 2421336

My hot salty artist take is that a lot of the "Chinese art gods" people fawn over photobash and trace most of their work and copy each others' techniques meticulously so that they'll all use the same brushes, values and compositions. Not all of course, but their art schools are so focused on unrealistic amounts of input and development so they take shortcuts and just draw on top of a photo. That's why they have plagiarism scandals and accusations all the time too.

No. 2421360

And like, the world is a huge ass place, anything's possible. Saying it's weird for certain racial mixes to happen enables more barriers and frankly, we're all gonna be mixed race in the future so why fight it?

No. 2421362

File: 1740656129617.jpg (25.86 KB, 640x480, e8c33e0d-452b-4c13-90e0-9c9eb5…)

>we're all gonna be mixed race in the future
and drive flying cars and live in castles on the moon
>why fight it
People already "fight it" by expressing certain dominant traits over others, the same way they have for millennia and beyond

No. 2421368

I don't mean we all look like blobs. More people will have mixed ancestry regardless of if they look pureblood or not. I don't like how tumblr and twitter artist love smashing certain races together without regards to history and relations but some of these do happen, just not nearly as common as they draw them.

No. 2421371

File: 1740656734989.jpg (101.58 KB, 900x471, cCKlnRRbwveiGNEeKdl8CUmto1VvbF…)

People already have mixed ancestry from the silk road and all sorts of other intermingling. Futurologists always say we're going to be short faggy blob people but they really have no idea what they're talking about, don't buy into their malarky nona(derailing)

No. 2421375

I'm going to sound like a schizo but to me it reeks of this certain brand of americentrism because everyone is used to amerimutts being 10% Irish 15% Cherokee 40% German 20% Mexican etc but when foreigners are portrayed to be mixed heritage it's REEEE you can only be one this is so unrealistic!!!!

No. 2421417

Personally, I like drawing brown women like myself and ambiguously light skinned handsome anime race men together.

No. 2421422

Nayrt Same nonna kek

No. 2421429

this vidrel might be useful

No. 2421444

Suit yourself, I don't mind making that stuff either but brown anime men are too tempting.

No. 2421446

> we're all gonna be mixed race
We already are??? Did you think each and every race just popped out of nothing? Theres no such thing as being purely one race because that doesnt exist. If artists want to show a interesting ethnic mix atleast do a crossover between the cultures I dont mind unique nationalities in ocs but atleast dress them uniquely instead of making a bland generic American egirl

No. 2421448

Kek do you think other nationalities just hang around wearing only national garbs and not global western fashion?

No. 2421454

That's irl though, I'm just saying if you're going to pander atleast pander uniquely like this artist >>2419564 but maybe I'm being too optimistic about it I just think it's a lost opportunity to truly create some unique character design

No. 2421469

So you should only draw people with ethnic background other than white anglo-american as fantasy characters and art pieces, not regular people you see on the street? Anon get a grip

No. 2421470

That's not pandering, it's just admiration of certain textiles and dress in other cultures.

No. 2421485

Ayrt I also meant that. I didnt mean "to pander" in a negative connotation should've said appealed to

No. 2421491

Not even sure what you mean nonna but okay

No. 2421603

As if all art is made purely to appeal to certain groups

No. 2421696

What about yourself?

No. 2421768

I think to survive the AI doomer era, you need internal drive to create. You can't be motivated by likes/comments, you can't be motivated by practicing drawing to just get technically good (because it doesn't matter, normies look at AI art and think it's perfect already) You need a story to tell, a character to draw, a vision in your head that you need to get out. People still support artists despite AI being a thing because people like supporting other people. But you need to be passionate about what you create for other people to resonate with what your art.

No. 2421776

yeah obviously everyone hates troons here so getting defensive over the use of "them" is just unnecessary and retarded. you should already know for a fact that there are no gendies here, aside from maybe lurkers

No. 2421825

Wait, is that why people are still getting comms despite the ai slop?

No. 2421839

> I actually argued in artist salt, but now?
I remember getting dogpilled when i brought up how AI was going to harm art and artists. You dumbasses deserve it, while i already went through the grieving process a while ago all of you are just understanding the severity of it. Cope and seethe.

No. 2421853

File: 1740689587992.png (1.27 MB, 841x828, Untitled_Artwork 34.png)

NTA but yes and no, they want art from a specific artist so commission them, if they have a parasocial relationship with the artist the idea of the artist spending time on art for them and thinking of them is highly appealing.
I'm not entirely sure what you're getting at but researching both historical and modern history of a nationality and ethnicity and drawing them like normal people is enough. If you're drawing contemporary people you should you draw them in contemporary fashion, and the type of people who draw them in American egirl fashion probably aren't trying to make something based in the past where traditional clothing would be worn.
Kek, right? Three years late to the party, and I wonder why now because the signs that this would happen were always there.

No. 2421856

That's a part, but not all of it to be honest. While AI gets better and better, for example it can't replicate small/nododies' artstyle completely, or maybe you want some very specific things AI can't get down.
There's also the feeling of luxury or cozyness that having art made specially for you gives someone. Kind of like buying a pre-made chocolate cake VS ordering one or having a friend bake it for you.

No. 2421864

>anons still thinking they’re going to be successful artists

No. 2421872

sorry nonas but i have to admit that i'm addicted to browsing ai slop in places in pinterest. some of the most jaw dropping stunning pieces i've ever seen were ai..i've never seen a human draw something as breathtaking as it, from a technical standpoint. i know how terrible ai is and hate that it's killing the earth. i'm still going to save the pics that are gorgeous though, and reference from them

No. 2421874

You don't need success to draw, besides we might not have the social media we have now in 5 or 10 years so any numbers accrued may be completely meaningless in the long term.

No. 2421878

>i've never seen a human draw something as breathtaking as it
this has to be bait.

No. 2421891

I think everyone in this thread will be sucessful ♥

No. 2421897

i'm not. i know that it's the definition of soulless, but it still doesn't stop me from being amazed by some of the things ai has generated

No. 2421900

Like what? it cant do a dynamic pose with interesting composition to save its life. Or are you one of those tasteless coomers that salivates over ugly 6 finger husbandos?

No. 2421901

You sound so miserable, god forbid people enjoy being involved in the arts as a hobby. It's easy as ever to make a comic or learn how to draw on a tablet. Analog photography and video is still a thing despite dying years ago, too.

No. 2421908

Yeah, even people who criticize AI art seem to be more openly accepting of tracing/"heavily referencing" AI art.

The only people that will maybe get stronger protections are live-action and voice actors, as it's easier to demand real identity association to prove they are the model/voice.
But with AI art, it's not likely for them to demand proof across the board of all companies to not utilize it.

Also, props to good artists with unique styles that have had their content used to train art models, and have somehow managed to maintain their sanity.

No. 2421916

it can, i don't think you've seen enough ai posts to know tbh

No. 2421919

Stop browsing /d/, no one here gives a shit about AI generated futas

No. 2421928

damnnn why'd she flatten kate's ass

No. 2421930

File: 1740693395588.jpg (230.79 KB, 1456x816, 1.jpg)

nona stop coping, i was never referring to ai porn. i keep seeing ai images that are so detailed to the point where you just know that no human could ever replicate it because most people simply don't have the time and skill to do so. even pic related isn't one of the top tier stuff ai i've seen but it's still better than like 95% of all rendering styles i've seen. i remember the seethe this image caused on twitter because an artist got "exposed" to tracing it, but i'm still enchanted by the style and subtle coloring.
tracing from ai can be another gray area, if the image isn't 100% replicated from a clear source like some ai images (the ones where the image barely changed and you can overlay both images and it'll be a perfect match), then it's not really being stolen from anyone(ai outside of containment)

No. 2421934

File: 1740693661280.jpg (226.93 KB, 1080x1527, GIkYdp0W4AArOJ3.jpg)

dont let the aishill doomers get to you nonas, art has never been a skill and career for the weak willed and no matter how much stealing and contributing to ai cp they do they can never draw anything with a real pencil, keep drawing

No. 2421937

You'll be surprised when you find out how AI was able to make that

No. 2421940

File: 1740694189246.jpg (315.21 KB, 1280x726, 278191iwiw9w9.jpg)

NTA but I honestly don't care what AI does, it's the only thing that "death of the author" actually applies because while an actual artist may never post their work and/or they've lost their art they'll still remember it and the process they used to make it for years upon years, that art still exists and still has emotional value. Meanwhile anything a promptard doesn't post rots on a hard drive forever, if you generate dozens of the same images you're unlikely to remember one in detail, there's no emotional connection to it and unimpressive because a minimum amount of effort was placed into it, and it ceases to exist off the internet. Also unlike AI I'm not wasting resources by making retarded shit using my second hand art supplies, and if I don't like it later I can paint over it or shred it and make a new piece of paper out of or use it as fertiliser.

No. 2421945

Anon I don’t give a fuck, art has never intended to be a ‘profession’ for me. I’m in hobby watercolor and journaling groups and nobody gives a shit about AI bishies and twitter spam outside of your geeky internet bubble. Being an artist is very much about being part of communities and learning/sharing with other people, not just making money.

No. 2421946

>korean artist deleted all her art a couple months ago
>they were still in her postype last time i checked for free
>finally get around to saving her art on my computer
>visit her postype again
>those previous posts are now locked behind a membership that costs 1 million won
>look up how much 1 million won is in usd
>over 600 fucking dollars
jesus christ why? fuck her
i'm considering buying the membership then requesting a drawback with my bank once i save everything from it, should i do it nonas kek

No. 2421953

i will never in 1000 years understand how anybody has a rape fetish its literally the least sexy thing in the world for me. actual brain damage

No. 2421956

I don't really consider paywalling scummy. I only find it an issue if they guilt trip people for not supporting them.

No. 2421961

File: 1740694941409.jpg (23.61 KB, 283x279, }.jpg)

what are nonas' favorite art youtubers? like who gives the best and/or most accurate advice and tutorials? sorry if this question has been asked before but i don't want to dig through past threads for a concrete answer. i don't mind moid youtubers as long as they're good and can prove it.

ily nonita


No. 2421984

oddly enough, i found her pixiv and i think it might contain basically everything that's paywalled behind her postype page…not sure what the reasoning is for this, but crisis averted

No. 2421988

She’s so smart that if she’s under fire / criticism all she has to do is draw something gendie related with her fugly ocs

No. 2421989

File: 1740695724989.png (368.6 KB, 601x795, edalog.PNG)

Name on Twitter is Eda_Log

I really miss their native American inspired work.

No. 2421993

This art reminds me a lot of Kawacy.

No. 2422012

thanks nonas! I'll check these out

No. 2422035

just pirate her art on kemono dot su

No. 2422051

File: 1740698305769.jpg (299.22 KB, 1105x1340, excaliblader.jpg)

I've been watching excal's art tips, his shorts are easy to understand and he explains every oddly specific part of the human body as well as pointing out the mistakes and how to fix them. Recommend if you want to study anatomy.
Prokotv is also good

No. 2422064

>I don't think she's a god-tier artist but I also respect LavenderTowne for making it and her art sucks imo
After working hard on learning my fundies for 3 years straight, dumb sketches with quirky relatable captions are what had me "make it". Technical skills mean nothing unless you're trying to appeal to other artists. Most of the big artists appealing to zoomies today are only about low int, but instead are able to express their thoughts through their characters/art in a really compelling way. I think during the rise of AI, where AI can make beautiful art in an instant, being able to express yourself in a way that feels fundamentally human and relatable to others is going to be everything.
>in other words, breaking news: humans like to connect to other humans

No. 2422068

File: 1740699004319.png (485.04 KB, 898x898, thetiger.png)

Now I remember this Korean artist who does formline art. I can understand why Native artist do have that reaction considering their history, but if someone isn't claiming "my grandma was a Cherokee princess" or claim he's from the NWP area, then he's appreciating the art, not claiming something is not his.
Then again, he should get an opinion about his formline because some shapes are not supposed to be there.

No. 2422090

All of that just to say that you have shit taste

No. 2422103

kek even ai has tumblr nose

No. 2422239

Please, please, lurk. The older artist salt threads aren't even that boring. If you want to find them faster just ctrl+f.

No. 2422244

File: 1740705586400.jpg (Spoiler Image,71.92 KB, 366x618, Landscape_fantasy_wizards_ai.j…)

I agree with artists that it is harming them and stealing from them, but I'm also on your boat. I get ai art on my pinterest searches and if I'm not quick to filter it, I'll see it on my home feed. And yeah I find some of the stuff inspiring. I'm not going to make a thousand excuses or something, I just find some of the works appealing. I don't have an interest in human figures or animals though. I like the more compositional pieces, and before I realized they were ai, I got hooked on the dark fantasy tag. I don't think they mog actual artists or something and I don't think they are somehow more entrancing than actual artist pieces there are just some works that are eye catching and inspire me like a human rendered piece.

No. 2422274

I like this. Looks like 70s/early 80s fantasy illustrations for some obscure series only ever sold in paperback

No. 2422284

wow what a suprise its beg zoomies with shit tier taste that have never seen art made prior to the 2010s that find AI turds appealing. You can find shit loads of art that looks like these two, its nothing new.

No. 2422286

File: 1740706416404.jpg (2.42 MB, 2481x1754, GJ9EkqDWMAAlSdI.jpg)

No offense but I don't think you should be taking advice from this guy. His flat, unrendered drawings he posts give off Deviantart fetish autist vibes and the way he shades looks terrible. His forms are really uncanny looking and not nearly good enough to be making tutorials for other people

No. 2422290

God I'm so tired of moid artists

No. 2422292

All these anime maidens look like they were alive at one point but then excalibladder (sp?) taxidermied them for display in his home. Very stiff with waxy skin

No. 2422297

Start a webcomic, or a visual novel. A project like those might keep you interested in art. You can also post updates on social media.

No. 2422306

such a strange post considering how many good online art sources are available

No. 2422309

They belong in the mines instead

No. 2422330

File: 1740708218623.jpg (124.23 KB, 534x900, 1646280048811.jpg)

Its honestly insane to me how lazy and stupid zoomies are considering they are born with alexandria's library on their palms. They fact they are so retarded they think regurgitated AIslop stolen from better artists is ackshually better than anything handmade!!1! proves they are beyond stupid and have the attention span of a goldfish. God, how i hate them.

No. 2422334

Kek, sorry for deleting but yeah, it's very irrating. If you don't put the effort into looking for something for yourself of course you'd be entertained by slop. I shiver to think of what their mental library looks like.

No. 2422338

I think it's because their brains are so trained by algorithms to be passive and allow content to come to them rather than seek out information themselves. It pisses me off.

No. 2422396

He did draw shadows on the bodies not behind them though but it still looks flat what’s missing? Is it the viewpoint (pov) that’s missing? Is it moreso the skincolour?

No. 2422397

File: 1740710723537.png (1.48 MB, 1526x859, 2560866756_6775342434.png)

if the show blows up is she going to melt down and blame the fans or herself? cause there's way more annoying questions on the way.

No. 2422401

File: 1740711096098.jpg (103.46 KB, 720x956, 70f5d1a130a14df06979fd2bae53c5…)

I do the same, nonna. I know people complain about the AI messing with the algorithm but most of the art in there are so stunning, it makes me want to learn how to make my own version. Even if it makes me sounds like >>2422330(ai outside of containment)

No. 2422408

Are you?

No. 2422411

is AI incapable of making anything that isnt poorly drawn portraits of ugly husbandos. You have to genuinely be mentally challenged to find that shit interesting.

No. 2422415

Anon you don't sound like >>2422330 at all, whose post includes an illustration made by an actual human who had a sense of imagination and whimsy. And you've yet to post any examples of good AI art that aren't close ups of generic bishies or pieces that look like they went through a dozen photoshop filters.

No. 2422427

File: 1740712132776.jpeg (66.42 KB, 554x367, 2728828.jpeg)

If you look at this for more than 10 seconds it makes no sense. For one the dragon/ogre's body is blending into uggo's hair like Van Gool's Beast's fur coat but shit.

No. 2422434

I am not wasting years of my life to learn sculpting or dropping money on someone to make a figurine of a character i wanted to conceptualize so I'll use ai to make it instead

No. 2422439

aifags have such sad defeatist attitudes

No. 2422443

So, instead of ending up with a skill you worked towards and ending up with an irl custom made OOK doll you are happy with a terrible AI picture that isnt even a fullbody? you will eat the bugs.

No. 2422444

I'd rather have fun and learn something

No. 2422446

File: 1740712853625.jpeg (911.15 KB, 1125x1106, IMG_7888.jpeg)

>I am not wasting years of my life to learn sculpting or dropping money on someone to make a figurine of a character i wanted

No. 2422447

>chooses to waste their time doing something I do not find fun

No. 2422449

I was looking for something I thought i posted in that thread but it wasn't there so I chose a Samus Barbie instead

No. 2422454

Why are you even in the Artist Salt thread if you're not motivated to make art? Don't you have a prompt to write while stagnating and never learning anything? The AI is so lonely anon, feed it prompts anon…
You're ngmi, you want to look at a picture of a figurine of a character you didn't design.

No. 2422457

kek where is the fun in wasting time playing with the cp deepfake machine just to create ugly garbage? you could always learn how to use blender and 3D print it but something tells me you are untalented and lazy and just want to CONSOOM

No. 2422460

Oh I'm sorry, is crafting figurines the only art that counts? Macrame and crochet isn't art because you say so? Neither is oil painting? Or street graffiti? Or nature photography? Or cake decorating? Or shoe design? Or digital paper dolls?
I never said what art I am interested in just that sculpting was not it cheif.

No. 2422461

File: 1740713606529.jpg (11.05 KB, 503x551, aGXL4ZwX_700w_0.jpg)


No. 2422466

Do you do any of those things though? If you've done crochet or knitting or macrame you'd know how much more satisfying it is to make something yourself than looking a picture of something you didn't make. If you did oil painting or cake decorating you'd know how much patience you need to create something and that you'll make so many mistakes before you're perfect at something. And photography is the same. You seem like you lack motivation in general, or resourcefulness. You want a figurine but you neither want to make it or design it, you don't even need to sculpt to make something like that but sure look at a image instead.

No. 2422471

I now realize those other two are baiting tards. I posted >>2422244. I don't think ai art is some magical creation above human art, I'm just not going to lie that I find some of the ai stuff I see inspiring. I'm not baiting like the person above, I'm just being gratingly honest.

No. 2422473

…so in the end all you ever wanted was a picture. why wouldn't you learn how to make photoshop edits then?

No. 2422504

>Macrame and crochet isn't art because you say so? Neither is oil painting? Or street graffiti? Or nature photography? Or cake decorating? Or shoe design? Or digital paper dolls?
whats the point of all that? just use AI. Why would you waste time when you could ask the big robot to make it for you!

No. 2422518

>close ups of generic bishies
I'm quite into that, specially to see the anatomical non-sense or the horrid details like the dragon mouth.

No. 2422520

Kind of related: I went to the mall with a relative and saw those mass produced Chinese crochet cactuses and had to step in when the guy at the kiosk claimed to make them himself. I found a sales listing for them at about 75% cheaper online in the very first page of results. I don't mind that he's trying to resell them but don't claim that you made them.

No. 2422532

Why does everyone coddle this grown ass adult, literally because her ocs are trans?

No. 2422537

That's just how gendie spaces are, hugboxes. Maybe some of them are over-placating her because they think if they don't hype up her every move she'll give up and completely detrans Kate kek

No. 2422580

File: 1740722669160.jpg (166.33 KB, 640x615, 25-02-27-22-02-14-001_deco.jpg)

What is even happening here? I know AI can't figure hands worth a damn but my eyes genuinely don't understand what the huge ass finger is supposed to be doing and where the rest of the hand is.

No. 2422612

how do you make a practice schedule and consistently stick to it? i want to start posting enough art regularly for engagement and also get much much better but i procrastinate all the time even though i ultimately enjoy drawing. between work and school i tend to go on my phone and do nothing at the end of the day. i see pictures of insane 8hr schedules on here and am wondering if anyone actually does them, how do you guys develop enough discipline to practice and do studies to challenge and improve?

No. 2422640

File: 1740729144065.jpg (572.16 KB, 1427x2048, Clover (2009) (Digital) (Lovag…)

I'm going to paint in broad strokes, but I imagine each generation have different priorities and sacrifices that the other generations will judge them for it. Our parents will tell us we're lazy, soft and entitled for having more boundaries about relationships and jobs. But because we were born in a much more comfortable and convenient period, we could prioritize our health and wellness (not saying we're not lazy though, kek.)

The younger tiktok generation started prioritizing efficiency over effort, purpose and meaning. This was a thing even before AI, kids shamelessly tracing art or copying compositions 1:1, meme redraws. I've seen them make webtoon and just copy paste assets everyone else uses even if it makes them indistinguishable. They don't care about having original ideas or vision just as long as it results to a beautiful picture in the end. I remember when studies would get ignored in deviantart because it didn't take as much skill as coming up with your own composition and problem solving, and now just slap your anime yaois into Leyendecker and win social media. I really hope we reestablish the importance of identity in art.

No. 2422691

I can only assume you're like 18 and started drawing a few months ago if you're genuinely impressed by AI slop on fucking pinterest. Go to a museum

No. 2422720

This. People fawning over AI slop fascinate me because their only appreciation for art is "girl/boy pretty" and don't have the critical skills to look into the piece beyond that, it's digital kitsch but the worst corporate kind that you can't appreciate even for the unintentional charm. They show me AI art and gloat about how humans could never and all I see is something comparable to a generic stock photo with no creative process behind it. That's why all the "art is dead and AI killed it" doomerism falls short, art is about human expression and even if a machine can be trained to replicate human work it can't replicate human feelings and perception that we as other humans find relatable and can connect with.

No. 2422738

>i want to start posting enough art regularly for engagement
This is your first mistake. If you want to draw daily, a part of it for practice, the pressure of having to post it daily/semi-daily for likes will kill your motivation. If you draw daily, just 40% of drawings will be "worthy" of likes (and this is if you finish each drawing the day yoy start them), if you want tk improve you will have to draw a bunch of random lines, cubes and random objects that no one on twitter cares to see.
I'm on a similar boat as you (my dream is to be one of these accounts that are super autistic about a specific character and all they do is to post art of them every 2 days, but I can't draw humas to save myself yet) and to be honest the only solution is to decide when and for how long you will draw each day and stick to it even if you don't want to, set an alarm on your phone and threw it out the second it rings to pick up a pencil.
Funny enough, videos on the similar vein of "2025: How to REALLY start go to the gym and #glowup this 2025" have been motivating to me because even if the focus is completely different, the goal is the same (start an habit that might unmotivate you at time, to continue it, how to progress, etc) so some of their tricks and mindset are useful.
Right now I draw for 1 hour daily 5 days a week, I use 30mins to fundies and the other 30 minutes to draw freely stuff I like. I learn slower than a snail, but a little bit is better than nothong.

No. 2422742

File: 1740738577146.jpg (68.33 KB, 540x737, 191191991.jpg)

God yes, once you start looking at real art and knowing the process behind it and historical context there's no way you'd be able to be wowed by AI images unless you're a actual retard (and going out of your way to find this information,
no tiktok videos or non-certified art teacher videos allowed.) You can look closely at a real painting and see the strokes and intricacies of the colours and the small details that are unnecessary yet complete the painting wonderfully, if you do that to an AI image you just see fuck ups and lossy jpeg compression.

No. 2422772

realest post itt (and using Clover was a good choice too)

No. 2422797

File: 1740745587442.jpg (990.23 KB, 1790x2499, ruanjia.jpg)

this art was made by a real person and it looks better than 90% of ai slop

No. 2422807

File: 1740746374495.jpg (365.96 KB, 1874x1170, ruan-jia-2017-10-24-5-29-29.jp…)

ruan jias course is amazing too cant believe he used to draw this level of quality on a fucking 2010 photoshop

No. 2422809

Wow I think that looks like garbage, because art is subjective, boo fucking hoo

No. 2422814

File: 1740746825374.webp (34.15 KB, 439x585, 5rpsj2.webp)

No. 2422849

That just looks like AI. I know there are problems with AI, but couldn't you have chosen someone who's art style was memorable or unique to make your point?

No. 2422853

of course real art looks like AI, how do you think AI images are made?
>art style
nevermind you're a tiktok kid

No. 2422860

She and the other anon have a point though. There are many artists out there, even if AI slop wasn't a thing, your picrel isn't memorable at all. Sakimichan-ass sameface girl…

No. 2422872

File: 1740751377340.jpg (77.16 KB, 720x802, everyone-i-dont-like-is-withou…)

>nevermind you're a tiktok kid
How did you manage to say that to the one person in the world who has never been on tiktok? You're seeing ghosts everywhere.

No. 2422873

are these memorable then? >>2422401 >>2421930 >>2422244
anyway, it's telling that you only care about the girl's face

No. 2422876

Painful annoying humor aside, does anyone else think it's weird that she's basically making family-friendly 18+ art tutorials that can be viewed by anyone? If you want to draw nasty shit, don't be a wuss and look up the real thing.

No. 2422889

wow her art is shit

No. 2422906

Holy cope, the amount of people thinking their slop art is ever going to matter. If the internet is already occupied by a bunch of flavorless anime-derivatives you seriously think your art is worthy of creating and sharing?
Absolutely based. It makes digital “artists” seethe whenever AI looks exactly like their art pieces because nothing the AI does it entirely different to what digital artists do, which is why I truly don’t think it’s art and is it’s own thing. AI will genuinely get better at reconfiguring the parts and putting them together to make it look more natural and seamless, these copers know their time is up and that they should’ve known their art is as fake as the moon landing and should’ve found a different skill a long time ago. They’re bitching and moaning about the usage of AI when AI has been here for a long time, now it’s being fully integrated and developed into the most intuitive spaces: the internet. They’re mad they have to compete with robots who actually aren’t doing things all that different to the humans kek(bait)

No. 2422909

She's seething so much kek, imagine doing mental gymnastics to try outsmart people on an anonymous board being that important to you.
I'm not even gonna bother replying anymore, go to Twitter to farm interactions or something.

No. 2422912

File: 1740754431809.jpg (199.63 KB, 634x1200, jcm2.jpg)

Do any of you have an artist that you despise as a person (because they're a pedo or have retarded believes) but their art is so undeniably good and definitely up to your taste that you hate them for it?

For me it has to be that Korean incel mossacannibalis. I had the misfortune of seeing his disgusting lolicon art on baraag (which was discussed here on LC but I forgot which thread), he's your typical scrote "hurr durr" black comedy edgelord—and I fucking despise how good his art is. The historical anesthetics are something I like, the sketchy line art, the rather grainy rendering, the character designs… they're good and I hate him for it. Why couldn't his talent have gone to another person who isn't into ryona guro lolicon? Jfc

Another one that I hate-as-a-person-but-love-their-art is jcm2 (picrel). He's just like mossa (pedo edgelord) only Latino. He had this cool little pet project called "Helter Skelter" which I assumed was going to be a webcomic before he abandoned it to draw flavor of the month waifus. Also an unironic Loud House waifufag.

Seeing these types of people doing good art that fits my taste fills me with rage. I hate it so much.

No. 2422917

The blurry looking face in this one skeevs me out.

No. 2422924

File: 1740755173017.jpg (134.62 KB, 1200x899, F9aAaK7XAAA3v2E.jpg)

Suprised to see jcm2 mentioned on here of all places but yeah I agree. He's really good at referencing other art styles but the shit he draws makes me actually nauseous.
She gets mentioned here a lot but TBrainrot is one of my biggest problematic faves. She's a loli/shotafag who got kicked out of her fandoms for being a "TERF" (I mean considering the shit she drew I doubt she was a radfem, just transphobic). Her art is so beautiful, her more normal art has so much sovl, you can really feel the love being expressed in her ship art too. I wish I had her skill and style.
Speaking of her, I noticed recently she's stopped posting on DAD.gallery (https://dad.gallery/users/4274), I assume it's because she used to draw for like 8 hours a day and she got burnout or something.

No. 2422933

Not really. If I like an artist’s work I make a point to not try and find out much about their personal life or beliefs. I just follow them on Instagram and that’s it. It’s better this way.

No. 2422936

Who hurt you?

No. 2422941

Same but imo if that shit starts to bleed into their art (troon and pedo shit) I always drop them theres always better artists out there so I dont linger unto them

No. 2422945

the aztec/peruvian aesthetic and the freudian vibes makes me think of yume nikki tbh

No. 2422951

File: 1740756122433.jpg (103.93 KB, 400x561, 1564488256.jpg)

Hey, I followed him from his Off and Yume Nikki days.

First person I thought of is comic artist Yudoridori, she has perceptive misandrist critiques but gets high on her own farts. She used to proudly sleep around and has contracted HPV. Nowhere near as bad as pedo moids, of course. She could be the perfect indulgent terf adjacent artist but she's too much of a libfem pickme.

No. 2422963

File: 1740756473323.jpg (679.74 KB, 1655x2429, F9eZmm2WUAAJT6k.jpg)

sorry samefag as >>2422924 I would also like to post Lacryboy too. I tried to find the most normal drawing I could to post here as an example. Extremely skilled but only draws horrifying coomshit featuring loli/shotashit, rape, bestiality etc. some of it got posted in the bad comic thread on /m/. All her copycats piss me off too.

No. 2422969

File: 1740756732595.png (Spoiler Image,123.91 KB, 1849x1145, Gj9FJQNW4AAOwNo.png)

for me it's this artist named nokiyu, who goes by 87kt or something. he's everything terrible you can think of under the sun (pedo, racist, serial abuser, disgusting scrote, coomer, chronically online)
his art style is amazing and would be fun to study but most of his art is extreme coomerism and he just keeps coming back after everytime he's been called out for abusing someone (happened like 10 times over the past few years)

No. 2422970

File: 1740756789713.jpeg (212.98 KB, 640x1280, IMG_3887.jpeg)

>AI looking way better than most professional art
Yeah I honestly rather pay for artwork like this instead of an actual artist there’s really no difference anymore kek(bait)

No. 2422972

No offense but I feel like I've seen several moid artists with this exact (or similar) style

No. 2422977

File: 1740757076061.jpeg (Spoiler Image,159.76 KB, 948x1200, F9hscswWkAA6heu.jpeg)

that's the most generic coomshit

No. 2422978

You will never be an artist, you will draw the same slip over and over again. You will be a slave to validation, a slave to be “the best”, a slave to this thread, art isn’t real and you were fooled like the people who believe in globe earth. Godspeed nonna(bait)

No. 2422984

Why are you seething over something that isn't real then? Go play a videogame or something

No. 2422987

>go play something that also isn’t real

No. 2422999

Was your ex bf a digital artist or something

No. 2423001

I like his usage of shapes and line work. it's one of those cases where an artist would be much better off if he was born a based woman instead of a man who is obsessed with balloon tits

No. 2423012

File: 1740758769008.gif (1.75 MB, 498x280, 698.gif)

No. 2423036

File: 1740759965160.png (2.02 MB, 3922x3250, 1738418843190061.png)

You do you but this art style is incredibly bad to me and i'm not trying to be contrarian or anything. I hate the generic cartoon plus huge boobs plus tiny waist plus maybe giant hips. These artists always use coombait and art style to hide poor fundies
Why don't you guys just steal the artstyle from the AI image and make actually good art with composition, an understanding of form, perspective, etc? You guys sound like the AI baiters from /ic/. Couldn't you apply the same logic to ANY creative hobby? What's the point of making a game, anyone could do it better? What's the point of making music if there's so much out there and sounds can be AI-generated? What's the point of having hobbies, we're all going to die?

No. 2423041

No. 2423045

>enablers trying to get you participate in degeneracy which is art be like
Art is for degens and circus clowns(ban evasion)

No. 2423050

/ic/ is full of moids who only wanted to learn how to draw to put their perversions to life, they don’t count. AI is going to take more precedent into people’s lives and you have to be a retard trying to “create” things(bait)

No. 2423072

Okay, I'll keep drawing what I want to see because it's fun while you give up. I don't like generative AI and don't want to downplay concerns but there's not much we can do on an individual level.

No. 2423076

>middle top row
I can save her.

No. 2423078

Why is her face all smooth like a doll's?

No. 2423079

File: 1740761603357.gif (974.54 KB, 337x498, 1000014609.gif)

I've been stealing from ai that I prompted myself so there is no "original" online for quite a while and I've amassed a following praising my mediocre art skills.
It's wonderful really because I just need to sketch/paint over the original and fix the fuckups and boom, it's not free art but it is half price

No. 2423086

>Why don't you guys just steal the artstyle from the AI image and make actually good art
The simple answer is that these are not creative people, that's why they think we just make art for money. They tried learning how to draw but quickly gave up because they don't enjoy it and now they're bitter and jealous because there are people making money doing something they enjoy. They cope by telling themselves that AI will replace us and we'll be as miserable as they are

No. 2423113

>following praising my mediocre art skills.
>art skills
tracing isnt a skill and you gloating about followers isnt the own it is because we know there are more than one faggots who'd rather contribute to aibros making aicp just because theyre deathly afraid of putting in any work to improve, youre no different from troons who steal womanhood and then gloat their "better" than actual real biological women just like their delusions will never make them a woman and their rothole will always out them, one only needs to put a paper in front of you inorder to make you scared shitless, go grow a spine and do your gesture drawings wuss

No. 2423130

File: 1740763376195.jpg (305.99 KB, 850x1062, __kirby_kirby__sample-22c73e6f…)

Why even draw if you hate it and seethe over AI and every single person better than you all the time?

No. 2423139

This thread has such a black and white way of thinking. And you've been replying to baiters for hours now.

No. 2423201

Puppychan and her Gunt furry ftm art is better than anything I made by leaps and bounds.

No. 2423234

literally all of the art salt threads has someone falling for obvious bait. can't tell if it's the newfags that fall for the bait or people here really are that retarded

No. 2423239

I remember all the drama when the abortion comic came out. Since I only know english sometimes I wonder if she's still super cowish or if she's moved on to focus on her comics

No. 2423294

Some of JCM's stuff feels like it could fit in a museum. They went off the deep end once they found out they could make easy money off of western cartoonfags.

No. 2423301

Ror4 on twitter is a talented artist, but she's an actual pedo. She's obsessed with the little boy from Terminator and keeps drawing porn of him. Don't know how she still has a huge audience when she's so public about it too.

No. 2423304

>Don't know how she still has a huge audience
Your post implies that you also follow her, since that's not her main online account

No. 2423317

File: 1740771897330.jpg (3.79 MB, 1500x3000, GZaokeXWoAAi2vh.jpg)

rei_17 is so ridiculously influential and skilled with her work that I would kill to have her eye for composition and colors, but jesus christ is she a gigantic two-faced bitch and has an ego the size of a mountain, openly talking shit about foreign artists on Chinese social media thinking that they'll never see it. And because she's so well connected and talented, she can never be knocked down.

No. 2423321

Nonna please respect yourself a little more than this.

No. 2423329

>Seeing these types of people doing good art that fits my taste fills me with rage. I hate it so much.
Hating someone "as a person" when you only know them by their artwork is retarded.
I'm tired of this mentality in fandom and art spaces where someone's portfolio needs to be a squeaky clean wholesome chungus in order for others to say they enjoy their work, less it be followed immediately by "errrmm but they're problematic tho…". I don't care.
This post just proved to me that it truly is all rooted in artistic envy, which keeps permabegs permabegs 'cause they draw out of spite, not passion.

No. 2423338

NTA, this only applies to women. Moids need the sense of shame.

No. 2423339

based nonna. Internet artists are not your friends and you don't know them how they act behind the screen

No. 2423342

You hate to see a woman bitch openly so you do it anonymously kek

No. 2423344

kekkk i remember when she got exposed for shit talking another famous fate artists and then pretended she got hacked kek

No. 2423350

If my art looked this good I’d start shit talking foreigners to their face, in English. What are they gonna do? Redraw my ocs fatter with worse anatomy? Copy my art style and insist theres no such theft? It’s sad.

No. 2423361

File: 1740774085335.jpg (500.18 KB, 2883x1764, 19282938.JPG)

>(pedo, racist, serial abuser, disgusting scrote, coomer, chronically online)
Jesus kek I liked one of his arts before (followed him for picrel then immediately unfollowed after he posted that big titty oc in your image) but I didn’t know it was that bad. Having trouble finding the drama, any screenshots?

No. 2423363

Rustle, I liked stealing his old arts colors. But he got arrested for cp so a bit beyond just problematic

No. 2423383

She shit talked big professional Japanese/other Asian artists that she actually worked with, not some random western hobbyists. While kissing their asses on Twitter.

No. 2423393

She was just being herself, god forbid a woman does anything

No. 2423407

One thing I’ve noticed from combing through controversial online artists’ work is that all the drawings and ramblings of deranged female artists (including tifs) are much more interesting than the deranged males’ stuff. Male coomers are too much alike and have similar tastes, it’s either random characters with giant tits or lolis, whereas the women have more variety in both their fixations and delusions, and often add an emotional/story element instead of leaving it at pure coom. I could be biased but I’m way more entertained by like, tbrainrot or Vee/Ang or lacryboy or homunculus100 than some lolifag whose most controversial opinion is wanting to lower the age of consent

No. 2423412

if being yourself is being a two faced cowardly bitch than yeah no one should be themselves. stop defending obnoxious ass behavior

No. 2423420

Unfortunately I see this sort of shaming happening to women way more than men, simply cause of the way fandom works. Tbrainrot is a good example, had she been a man in male spaces drawing similar stuff I guarantee you she wouldn't have gotten so much shit. Just another reason as to why I don't like this behavior, since women tend to be given more shit for it than guys.

No. 2423428

>openly talking shit about foreign artists on Chinese social media thinking that they'll never see it
Isn't that literally what we do but in English?

No. 2423437

Won't name her, but I like how she draws/paints anatomy and blood for her guro art. But I like to see her from afar because her personality is quite explosive.

No. 2423445

aren't the accusations from her years old already, or did new drama happen recently? because i've always seen people mention how she's rude on weibo for years. but even then, i never really cared kek, i just enjoy her art and that type of drama actually entertains me too, i'd only care if they're racist/pedo/etc

No. 2423447

well can you name her

No. 2423448

You are on a website that is dedicated to bitching about women kek

No. 2423449

doesn't rustle draw nothing but lolis and loli hentai anyway? and where is he now

No. 2423458

File: 1740777940117.jpg (529.74 KB, 1062x1505, df81e8fdf9aef283f1faff85116c49…)

I really like this artist called tortoise shell, he draws generic animu but is really, REALLY good at it. I love how fluid his poses are and how he draws faces. He used to/is? a lolifag. I also agree i also like Mossa's art, i hate his faces but his rendering is amazing.

No. 2423464

File: 1740778208034.png (Spoiler Image,57.06 KB, 970x487, 87KT_.png)

This is from 2021, idk if anything's happened with him since then. (if an imgur link is deleted it should be on archive.org)

No. 2423479

Yeah he used to draw nothing but loli. Assuming it's not a skinwalker then he's on Twitter and patreon. his art has gotten worst, and I think he's dropped the lolicon stuff

No. 2423482

Realized I had a typo, it's Rora on twitter. But anyway, my original point is that I don't follow her, she shows up on my timeline. I don't know if she deleted her original aurora account but she has a new one. Still on her new account her pinned is about her being a pedo kek

No. 2423489

I really want to re-like mossa’s stuff but after seeing the cp stuff he’s made makes my stomach churn. Im not going to judge anons who do like him but every piece is tained to me.

No. 2423502

the dark yellow edge on the shadows is really a Choice

No. 2423551

File: 1740781476745.jpg (155.19 KB, 1200x810, Capture.JPG)

not sure if anyone else follows them on ig, but this moid artist named aquablue1992 drew one of his friends emily xu a while ago. it gave me kinda side-eye vibes because he draws nothing but furry girls which is probably his fetish, and to be frank i can't view this gift art as mainly him saying "i want to fuck my friend" lmao. emily is young, she's around 22 or 23 years old i think, and this moid definitely older.

it's not a big deal and his art is cute, i'd probably be flattered if i got this art, but i was just wondering if anyone else saw this kek

No. 2423565

File: 1740782066308.png (1.88 MB, 1280x900, IMG_3891.png)

I wish every scrote drops when they try to copy jeluto’s art. The only valid they/thembie gender whatever the fuck they are

No. 2423567

No. 2423568

>talking shit about foreign artists
>huge ego
Based rei. You’re upset a woman knows her worth, there’s a bunch of moids who easily fit that description and yet people praise them for it.

No. 2423575

whats with rei shills kek? did her "manager" sneak here too?

No. 2423603

they wont overcome anything because its biological, quite literally more testosterone causes skin to get darker regardless of race

No. 2423615

You’re upset you’ll never be her, I get it

No. 2423620

big agree, she is genuinely crazy talented. i love artists who draw their weird niche interests instead of non-stop popularity clout chasing shit
lacryboy has a god-awful sense of anatomy and shitty messy lineart. always draws people with insanely long torsos like theyre centipedes. there is nothing really special about their art besides the porn lol

No. 2423622

I'll be honest now, I don't like rei's art. I think a couple of her works are nice but I can't stand the anime style with the usual chinese color vomit and 1000 unnecessary elements shitting up the composition. She's skilled for sure but her style is tacky. Which makes her cow behaviour even more cringy, imagine having such a huge ego when your art looks like every professional chinese artist that comes out of art school.
I swear there's something about chinese artists being so unprofessional and acting like lunatics on social media.

No. 2423623

This honestly looks like shit, it's a huge blurry mess

No. 2423625

Agreed, the Aztec elements are nice enough but the pose/anatomy is very basic and the rendering is blurry in a way which doesn't look well-incorporated.

No. 2423627

nona just go on newgrounds and you'll find hundreds of zoomer artists with this exact artstyle kek

No. 2423634

this looks awful and 90% of people who draw chrona are fucking cringe retards.

No. 2423635

I think its plain creepy. Reminds me of how you're told not to train kids to use pet names for their genitals because it makes it easier for pedos to hide the act behind innocuous code words.

No. 2423639

Her art isn't even good when she can't even draw a single human being at all. All she draws is the same lame big boob furry pin-ups we've seen a million times.

No. 2423641

File: 1740785273003.jpg (566.89 KB, 1200x668, rei_17-1254658940689772544-202…)

I agree. This piece of hers lives rent free in my mind even if i dont follow her.

No. 2423643

>people who draw crona
People who draw a character from a television show are cringe? Kekk they draw characters from various different shows. Also no it doesn’t look like shit, it looks cute compared to the slop I’ve seen on the internet for years, you people have a harsh taste towards cartoony styles which is ironic considering you people love to watch the most uninspired animu garbage

No. 2423645

i agree and im tired of the "usual chinese color vomit" style now. literally 90% of chinese artists i see use that coloring style. its so goddamn boring atp lol. and you just know theyre abusing curve tones and not actually picking those colors with their intuition

No. 2423657

I agree with you. I think her style is very marketable, for lack of a better word, but it’s by no means groundbreaking. There’s nothing wrong with being marketable but I just don’t really understand how some people worship the ground she walks on. Maybe it’s just not for me.

No. 2423658

Why am I not suprised that this thread with full of begs hasn't faced a bpddemon in the art industry or their work kek to think being near someone like REI would be desirable by any means. You can like rei hell even I do but I wouldn't want her to be my coworker sabotaging my job offers

No. 2423670

Still mogs my bishie stick figures

No. 2423806

File: 1740791949543.jpg (691.18 KB, 1200x1526, Akihito Tsukushi.jpg)

Do you know why it looks like AI? Because a ton of his artwork was cannibalized by AI. His name is a frequently used keyword by prompters trying to be more "expressive" and "unique."

It doesn't look memorable because Chinese game artists were a bunch of clones of one another for the longest time. They still are, but not nearly at the same rate.

Akihito Tsukushi (Picrel)
For a number of reasons, I don't follow him on Social Media or Pixiv. I find his worldbuilding and machinery styles inspirational and worth emulating up to a point; but we're talking about a man who's managed to be arrested for being a nonce in Japan–which is saying something given how light-handed they are with pedophiles. It makes me tired of how much people give a pass to predatory creators as long as they like their work. In his case, I'm sure he was propped up by people who share his nature.

I agree. Controversial female artists just balance the scales. Obviously, it's no good if they do something outright criminal (like the moids are most likely to do as a goal in life), but they hardly do anything that a mute or a block wouldn't resolve. They're great from a distance to witness.
The moids are all cookie-cutter clones of one another. When one gets worse, they're all collectively inspired to become worse, too.

No. 2423811

File: 1740792072972.jpg (160.43 KB, 750x936, Art_of_Mossa_Cannibalis_21.jpg)

Am an ESLfag so "as a person" are probably not the right words I should've used.

I won't lie that it's definitely envy, kek. But there's just something so dissappinting seeing the artist of picrel be also drawing stuff like very little girls getting raped (complete with blood and injuries) that makes me wish their talents could've gone to someone else…

No. 2423816

hilariously naïve

No. 2423821

>Akihito Tsukushi

The way he draws his child characters with those sausage bodies is nauseating but his machince/monsters/landscape art is so beautiful. Made in Abyss could've been an absolute 10/10 if he didn't let his pedocoomerism seep into the story.

No. 2423827

Her lineart is beautiful but my God is she a walking contradiction.

>Misandist but fucks men

>Feminist but draws art of her self-insert in various degrees of undress
>Criticizes yellow fever creeps but has a not so obvious yt man fetish as well, kek (her dead link website has numerous art of them)

Irc she mentioned being raped as a child according to one of her instagram posts so perhaps the trauma from that contributed to her somewhat cowwish behavior

No. 2423919

From what I've seen, he wasn't actually arrested and it was just a hoax. That being said, I wouldn't be surprised if he was arrested one day. He 100% has dubious things saved on his hard drive. It's a shame because his ideas are really interesting, minus the pedo/fetish shit

No. 2424011

>Criticizes yellow fever creeps but has a not so obvious yt man fetish as well, kek
Can't be assed about her fetish for them but I'm worried about her, it's hard to trust moids with yellow fever. She married a probable white man based on her instagram post Though. I just hope she's doing well. She was open about having adultery kink too so who knows kek. And yeah, she seems to have a lot of trauma coloring the way she is today. I sincerely hope she heals.

No. 2424021

The previous ai baiter attracted the same energy and is just trying to get a rise from anons. Always hate it when art salt turns into these.

No. 2424058

>but we're talking about a man who's managed to be arrested for being a nonce in Japan
Wait, what? I hate to be the one asking to be spoonfed, but do you have a source on this? I've been super autistic about MiA before and have done deep dives on it but I've never heard of this, just the fact that he surrounds himself with bootlickers who think the way he ogles children even irl is cute and admirable.

No. 2424103

File: 1740807498242.jpg (64.22 KB, 720x960, tumblr_nf7iq8AiSO1rrliaeo1_128…)

I wish he hadn't abandoned his old stuff and made the loli shit in secret, but unfortunately that made him money, it's really sad. (I remember a lot about Glitch Girl, a world where people fight with magic puppets or something, it had a lot of characters, art and more about that) he was one of my inspirations back in the day.
And fuck Mossa, he's way more degenerate, disgusting, way worse than JCM2.

No. 2424106

>but we're talking about a man who's managed to be arrested for being a nonce in Japan
he hasnt been arrested you fell for bait

No. 2424107

This artist introduced me to Kaneoya Sachiko. Its very obvious his old style was straight up stole from her, so i guess if you want something similar you can check her art.

No. 2424124

>Kaneoya Sachiko
Can Nonnas red pill me with this artist. I don't understand why she's touted as the queen of female gaze when none of content made me feel anything sexual. I know it's not the point but frankly nothing she draws elicits a "he's hot" feeling.

No. 2424130

Pretty much just as simple as the woman is nonsexualised + the man is in the submissive role. That combination is so rare it pushes the buttons of the nonas who aren't even into furfag shit or paul mccartney.

No. 2424139

I see it as a thing about broken men. They're sad and have the look of sexual molestation, when they're with a woman the woman is visualized as an aggressive beast thst he is submissive towards.
It's a fetish for some, but outside that core group it's probably just because the art is pretty and also pretty memed up.

No. 2424140

File: 1740809557568.png (613.51 KB, 500x649, sac_macaroni-13590442215214571…)

I find her men hideous but she's the only artist that makes artistic pinups of men. Her art, outside the meme, is genuinely really interesting and creative.

No. 2424142

nta You can tell who snorts the MIA subreddit posts by who says what about him. I was able to confirm he mentioned being colorblind in the past. I'd been trying to replicate his color palettes and painting style for older characters, but didn't realize I'd have to work with a handicap to do so. Super fascinating.

No. 2424145

> I was able to confirm he mentioned being colorblind in the past
that explains why his colored pieces are an eyesore

No. 2424146

That's just like, y'know, your opinion, man.

No. 2424147

True. I cant judge you i like Hiro after all. Why are some of the best artists nonces.

No. 2424155

i think her men are ugly but her art is fun and unique to me. inspired by older cartoons. and i like seeing the ugly man suffer and be uncomfortable and threatened by weird cartoon wolf ladies. her beatles autism is a funny bonus

you don't have to like her, nona. it's probably just a taste thing. loads of people (including here) love that kim jung gi guy but i think his stuff is boring bullshit

No. 2424163

Ugggghhh, I love his (old) art's aesthethic and rendering. Why did he have to be a fucking Loud House lolicon.

No. 2424165

Yeah, idgi either. Her ""pin-ups"" are incredibly unerotic and her men are ugly lmaoooo. The rendering is kind of a hit or miss too tbh

No. 2424177

nta but lolicon is so normalized to people who grew up in anime communities that i'm generally willing to give people the benefit of the doubt, but i looked this dude up and his style absolutely fucking reeked of grease sweat and cum that was 100% secreted to real children. there's liking to draw cute petite bug eyed freaks and then there's liking children with braces in a cheerleading costume saying age inappropriate quotes.

No. 2424189

File: 1740812690795.png (Spoiler Image,171.98 KB, 367x454, aint posting the full thing bu…)

I remember following him on fb(and even beings fb friends with him) and i noped out of his art when he drew realistic loli art of the braces girl from the loud house. He also attaches his name to his pedoslop which is something i see a lot of latino pedomoids like alke do. I would honestly kill myself before selling out and completly butchering my style in favour of ugly soulless nsfw slop like him.

No. 2424190

Is that the Paracas God Kon around the girl? Is jcm2 z Peruvian? What the fuck

No. 2424191

He's from Bolivia.

No. 2424198

I know damn well no moid is free from cum brainworms but seeing it from someone who is most likely Indigenous hit me like a truck

No. 2424202

anon… not every south american is indigenous he just took inspiration from the culture. His full name is Juan Carlos Mamani(jcm). Doesnt sound very indigenous to me, Mamani is an incredibly common Bolivian surname.

No. 2424206

Mamani is Indigenous as fuck anon, stereotypically so. You wont find any white passing Mamanis/Huaman/Condori/Lloques in Perú or Bolivia

No. 2424209

File: 1740814624927.jpeg (16.13 KB, 712x431, mfw.jpeg)

Searched up who that is and good Lord all he draws are literal toddlers and that's it.

At least jcm2 or mossa dedicated their energy to creative non-coom art but all this fucker does is draw goo goo ga gas. Fucking hell, final boss of wasted talent.

No. 2424210

He's not practicing indigenous, though.
that art is from jcm2, anon….

No. 2424211

How did you find his name? Anytime I search up it goes to a dead end because he keeps getting his shit deleted except for his Tumblr.

No. 2424212

I have known him since before he became a lolicoomer, he used to plaster his name all over his social media, but he deleted them. It used to be displayed on his now defunct deviant art.

No. 2424213

Sorry I forgot to clarify I meant the alke guy. Nasty fucker.

No. 2424214

>rev says desu supporters would say liking this has no basis in reality

No. 2424216

File: 1740815074632.png (157.44 KB, 254x377, alke.png)

Alke is not indigenous, he's argentinian. Pasty white nerdy guy with glasses and a beard, looks like a soyjack. He also attachs his loli art to his irl identity and his facebook profile where he has his mom added. Latino scrotes are on whole new level of evil and depraved. There was also a mexican dude that drew toddlercon and used to stream on pomf(twitch for open pedos) with his facecam on. I hate being an hispanic woman.

No. 2424221

Mossa's biggest strenght is his interest in everything. He draws trendy stuff from time to time but he mostly draws whatever he wants. Everyone praises his mesoamerican art but no one wants to bother putting in the effort/research to draw it as well. Too many online artists are afraid of trying new things

No. 2424228

To be fucking fair, look at what happened to >>2420248

No. 2424229

File: 1740815833935.jpeg (Spoiler Image,371.75 KB, 2048x1447, ''Abomination''.jpeg)

Wonder what he was thinking when he drew this. Considering he wants to diddle kids.

No. 2424231

the difference between being a woman and a loli coomer, i hate female socialization

No. 2424234

I doubt his art has a lot of depth considering he's a 30yo pedo manlet who still lives with his mom despite making bank off patreon/fanbox. He seems like a hikki, honestly.

No. 2424237

His Patreon is nuked though. (Good)

No. 2424239

Yeah but he used to make BANK off it, like 5k-10k per month. Now he moved to fanbox, who knows how much more he makes now that he can draw all the lolicoom he wants.

No. 2424241

They remind me of a deranged version of the Precious Moments figurines. It's as if he were aiming for something cute but he got way too excited about it.

Sorry; you're right about it being a hoax. That being said, I won't be surprised when something comes up, either, and I know it comes down to whether or not anyone will report it and do anything about it. I wish men could keep their perversions out of their ideas.
I actually caught the bit in an article that came up in the search when I wanted to get his name and not cite him as "that Made In Abyss guy". It's not a fandom I follow religiously so I wasn't aware it started as a Reddit shitpost; but I've come across other Japanese artists who talk openly about wanting to offend (or have offended) so it's almost a reflex to assume. At this point, I assume they're pedos but not caught due to so much openness about it in Japan (which people don't like and want to stop, but they don't want to rock the boat. Ugh.). Blame the journalists using Reddit bullshit as a source just to fluff up their content numbers and search results.

No. 2424246

Is there context behind this that I'm missing? Or is it generic horror art?

No. 2424248

Even if her stuff isn't always my cup of tea (I have different tastes in men and overall aesthetics than her. That's about it, really), I admire her devotion to honing in her technical skills to make her obsession a reality. It feels shameless and it's an energy more female creatives ought to tap into for themselves.

No. 2424251

File: 1740817227726.png (4.11 MB, 2614x864, 20253184583458345_239434398543…)


i didn't notice there were slides afterwards. if the gendie bullshit was so taxing to explain that its "getting to your mental health" and easier to use the correct pronouns then just drop it. it feels like she's shoving the guilt/responsibility onto her audience instead of just doing what she wants.

No. 2424252

I loved how these books looked like Disney lite screenshots. What was up with that?

No. 2424253

Just generic horror art. If I were to armchair him I would say it's repressed guilt for being a pedophile and the giant fetus represents a rape baby (hence the title "Abomination"). Hence why a crowd of little girls (whom he wants to molest) are trying to kill it.

But that'd be too kind of me to interpret.

No. 2424255

Yes, ma'am, anon. You won't like my unadulterated autism, but I will be enthusiastic about it all for you.

No. 2424256

>masculine makeup

No. 2424260

File: 1740818087710.jpg (934.6 KB, 1079x1320, brujokate3.jpg)

Not to mention her room is so feminine it's almost laughable. Somebody even pointed out the precious moments figurine on her shelf kek

No. 2424263

aw cute. Its such a shame shes such a schizo gendie because her art is so nice. I wish i could muster the strenght to put this much detail into my art.

No. 2424264

Kate secret juggalo arc?

No. 2424266

I wish she just made them a regular straight or even lesbian couple. Why this gendie shit

No. 2424271

she's not like other girls who want to fuck Trent from daria, thats sooo cringeee, she's actually totes a guy who has a self insert she ships with Trent from daria. I swear these nlogs always have the girliest of taste.

No. 2424287

Afaik she is a neet so this is all she does, is draw all day. I kind of envy it. She used to post every single day and would show progress of drawing anytime right after she just uploaded something.

No. 2424291

I wonder if her family is rich. She doesnt make commissions or has a patreon does she? so she's 100% bankrolled by mom and dad. I am envious too, i wish i had suportive parents.

No. 2424297

I’ve had a feeling before that her family might be well off but I’m not entirely sure as she occasionally takes commissions.

No. 2424301

>not appealing to straight people
>straightest couple ever

No. 2424306

These are 100% traced. The doughy, nonsensical shadowing that doesn't follow how actual muscle/fat tissue sits on a skeleton because he doesn't understand body structure and the disconnected body parts on all of them remind me of those old sexy flash games where moid artists would just pick screenshots from a hentai and hastily trace on top of them.

No. 2424319

I think it was because Disney also released hardback picture books during this time so children's book publishers wanted to follow suit. Not to say these were meant as rip offs or bootlegs because the Van Gool ones in particular were just different renditions of classic fairytales and had pretty unique designs and my opinion is coloured by the fact I was obsessed with the Beast's coat growing up and that's why I brought it up like the tard I am kek.

No. 2424323

so her oc is a retarded millennial woman who troons out. got it.

No. 2424334

What's an attractive drawn man for you?

No. 2424337

File: 1740827175083.png (271.49 KB, 277x395, 1740167015653.png)

Personally, i like guys to have ethereal faces and sexy bodies. The all out mangaka does it well imo even if most of the manga is poorly drawn, but she's a fellow leg and midriff fag so i forgive her for her begtier unpolished art. I own Kaneoya's artbooks and i love her art and to support a yume queen, but her guys are too realistic for my taste. They have many imperfections only gross 3DPD fleshies have like facial hair and saggy old faces. I also dont like suits so that makes 90% of her unappealing to me because she's a suitfag and i like my pixelated scrotes to show skin personally.

No. 2424345

I'm >>2424248
I like bishonen and ikemen. The body size doesn't matter much as long as they're obviously fit and not fat or full-on roided. I may make exceptions when it comes to boys who fit a punk or gothic aesthetic (a little rough; a little sickly/dreary), but they never stray far from that initial gradient. I love it when the guys are beautiful and elegant, but it's clear the artist is horny for them.
I don't have one particular artist I gravitate towards. It's always exciting to see people make these characters.
>i like guys to have ethereal faces and sexy bodies

No. 2424356

File: 1740832404756.png (2.76 MB, 1650x1167, alke.png)

I have a shit taste but i dream to render similar to him but i fucking hate how he draws the girls scarily realistic

No. 2424357

here this thread goes over both his old and current account https://x.com/drugsdougs/status/1699964358615539945

No. 2424359

File: 1740833177265.webp (61.27 KB, 600x848, 68393830_p0_master1200.webp)

he also made this realistic commission of Lola loud who is 4-5 years old, gross

No. 2424361

>He also attachs his loli art to his irl identity and his facebook profile where he has his mom added
what a dumbass, and he still tries to act mysterious

No. 2424362

She’s Japanese. For the weebs on this website, japanese always = better kek

No. 2424366

Love you, nonna. This describes my issue perfectly.

No. 2424372

>and has contracted HPV
such a weird thing to bring up. You can get HPV as a virgin and not know for a long time.

No. 2424395

that artist's mistake was so cave in to harassment. Never respond to cancellation. I've been there I know

No. 2424397

Okay, then is sleeping around with STI not weird for you?

No. 2424409

>presents in masculine, androgynous, or feminine ways (or all three)
>good looking like maybe a 7 or above?
>no skellies but no obese pigs either.
So on paper she should do it for me but everything around her art is just…so off.

No. 2424453

ayrt Yeah, uh, Tsukushi, he… is the kinda guy you can smell his criminal record before he even does anything. The things he says in his Door Beetle artbooks is so incriminating, I'm surprised people can't arrest him on that alone. The shit he said about Skyrim haunts me to this day.

No. 2424501

>pasty white
Where? Kek
Alke? More like alkie because you have to be an alcoholic to like his work.

No. 2424553

>The shit he said about Skyrim haunts me

Err, what was it?

No. 2424627

Does anyone else struggle to make artist friends? I'm a fairly good artist and have fans from mostly normies who don't draw, but I don't have a lot of artist mutuals. Whenever I try to approach my peers at my skill level they often brush me off or it ends up in mutual awkwardness, never really going anywhere. I dream of doing art trades and collaborations with people but I just don't seem to get along with people like myself. I love giving art gifts for my friends and it really makes me feel good when they like my work but sometimes I wish I got some of that effort and love reciprocated. How would you like to be approached by another artist who's interested in getting to know you?

No. 2424651

I'm friends with a few but the skill gap between us is pretty noticeable. Never bothered me but I can understand why some artist don't befriend those below or above their skill level.

No. 2424693

Yeah I noticed that too. Especially the faces that have a lot of detail and then the neck down the positioning feels wrong and the detail goes out the window. I used to cope by saying that since he makes so many hyper specific problem shorts he slaps an art piece together for it. However, after getting better at anatomy I had to admit his skills are below mid and is clearly tracing portions. I don't get trying to teach people and then cutting corners this way I mean it's probably for attention or money but that feels so soulless. I'd rather learn from somebody who genuinely enjoys drawing and isn't just some mid tier artist that isn't getting enough traction online so they change their tack from just posting art to teaching it. Especially when they don't have a good enough skill set for it. Because of this I tend to stick to irl art classes even if I have to pay for them.

No. 2424719

The over exaggerated faces Kate makes is so cringe and unfunny, very irritating to say the least.

No. 2424741

I feel like everybody here has a very specific type they like and won’t budge for much else, so when a female artist draws males no one can agree if he’s attractive or absolutely hideous kek. I personally don’t like feminine faces or super skinny bodies on men, so a lot of anime looking guys don’t do it for me. Sachiko’s man is kind of weird in that he has very big eyes and a small mouth but also this general male scruffiness. He looks better when he’s squinting a little. The big wide eyes are okay when he’s not drawn with facial hair because then he looks kind of teenagery and it makes more sense. But nonetheless I appreciate the sluttiness.

No. 2424747

The comments are correct, and she really should consider distancing herself from her fanbase if she's going to share this kind of story. I don't think she's going to enjoy herself otherwise.

No. 2424766

Okay I'm going to say it, this pic looks too much like AI, I'm sorry if it's not but goddamn that looks generic as fuck.

No. 2424775

Kek, she loves those sweet ass pats she gets from her fans though. Her twitter feed is literally just her retweeting people praising her.

No. 2424799

this was drawn before ai, not every rendermax art is done by ai

No. 2424807

Youtube man fetish?

No. 2424812

I hage the guy but your joke was offensively cringe nonnie

No. 2424839

I've noticed a lot of latino men also adore shadman, I wonder whats up with that

No. 2424855

I prefer cringe and unfunny Kate to the demure looking one we got before. If I ignore the tranny shit I can enjoy the smug irritating antics of a tryhard female character, it’s charming.

No. 2424867

No. 2424897

How do you create an art style without losing your skill to do realism? Everytime I start doing more stylised work it's like I end up losing all the knowledge I originally had of being able to draw more realistically. I just can't seem to balance the two

No. 2424900

Just keep doing both?

No. 2424916

File: 1740864135878.png (2.42 MB, 1622x1060, yoshinari.png)

No. 2424918

Are you working on your construction or are you relying on symbol drawing?

No. 2424925

Yeah I think the symbol drawing might be the problem actually, I can draw fairly well from references but not build properly I suppose that affects it.

No. 2424945

File: 1740865263715.jpg (386.51 KB, 1080x2882, Twitter screenshot .jpg)

I was gonna post it in the Twitter art thread but it's probably more on topic here. Art cops are so annoying no matter which side they're on. Oh my god, someone drew the ogre girl from Shrek 2 slightly prettier. Better be a self-righteous asshole about it.

No. 2424948

Symbol drawing actually isn't too bad if you started from a point of copying someone else's style. Tbh I am of the opinion that doing realism and then figuring out stylized proportions is harder than just copying someone else whose style you like, then doing realism on the side to correct your deficits.

No. 2424952

She looks better like this idgaf. I like that they made her hair and vibe more… idk fairytailish rather than the "alt teen" direction they took with the original

No. 2424955

File: 1740865438614.jpg (181.6 KB, 1080x1191, Screenshot_20250301_221846_com…)

Samefag. Of course she's a tif with a DNI. Her art is fine but nothing special.

No. 2424957

she completly took out all of her ogre attributes and turned it into a generic instathot but green. Its very obviously clout-chasing.

No. 2424969

Oh, she's one of those people huh?

No. 2424970

nah they're right this time

No. 2424986

Changing the bangs but keeping the nose piercing does not make it look more "fairytailish" kek

No. 2424988

Why do people even bother reacting to ragebait like this?

No. 2424989

Fair enough. I don't use Twitter at all aside from looking up fanarts but the aggressiveness is probably normal for the site. It still feels so trivial to me though. There's ton of things more deserving of outrage than a mediocre drawing of some meme character. The drama farming is the reason why I can't use Twitter even though arts tend to get a lot more traction here than on tumblr and it has a more diverse userbase.

No. 2424990

File: 1740867312876.jpeg (341.48 KB, 1450x2048, GkLDPGMXYAAwfas.jpeg)

NTA and I agree but she's doing the same thing just in the opposite direction.

No. 2424992

File: 1740867424674.png (470.04 KB, 598x574, linkzelda.png)

>Link and Zelda as Indo-Europeans in the eastern steppe
I like seeing characters in other cultures, but the comments were right about the blonde hair and blue eyes being their main characteristic. You can pass these as your own ocs.

No. 2424994

>fujos dni
I wonder what was her reason to troon out

No. 2424998

The fuck is that creature

No. 2425003

>pickme turning ugly female character into generic instathot
>pickme turning hot anime guy into ugly blob
the two sides of pickmeism.

No. 2425005

File: 1740867842706.jpeg (24.93 KB, 447x686, images-17.jpeg)

>the blonde hair and blue eyes being their main characteristic.
Poor dark link forgotten once more.. I think it's cute

No. 2425015

File: 1740868405926.png (247.65 KB, 597x670, Gj_Vs6TXkAAlOyX.png)

True, it's cringe how so many people pretend to suddenly care about this random character. The way non-issues can blow up on twitter is why I stopped posting anything besides original characters there. I remember how an asian artist was getting dogpiled for drawing some hazbin character too pale in her humanoid version and then on the same day seeing another fanart by someone else that had the same thing going on get thousands of likes without a single annoying english comment. Your post just crosses the timeline of the wrong person at the wrong time and suddenly hundreds of people want to make fun of you, get an apology or just threaten you for doing something totally unforgivable that they would've probably just ignored any other day. It's insane.

Always glad to see a coomer have to deal with that dumb shit though kek, that artists media tab is disgusting

No. 2425019

Ngl, I love this

No. 2425031

i agree its literally an ogre its not supposed to be conventially attractive lmao. did you guys not watch the movies?

No. 2425050

File: 1740869668650.png (1.37 MB, 928x658, Gokurakugai.PNG)

Some ugly blob version of the main male lead from Gokurakugai.

No. 2425059

File: 1740870386409.gif (1.79 MB, 500x281, 19227272.GIF)

>blonde hair and blue eyes being their main characteristic
Ehh, I know it’s not the same thing but I like when they change things up a bit. I’m fond of brunette Zelda myself and would like to see more Zeldas like that.

I do think it’s a shame that racebends are more likely to get attention than ocs. This reminds me of a criticism of hollywood. They’re more likely to greenlight reboots/spin-offs/remakes than originals. Rather than take the risk and greenlight an original cartoon about an indian girl detective, they’d rather slap the name Velma on her and make it a scooby-doo spin-off.
In a messed up kind of way, the execs are right. Racebends get more attention and clout-obsessed social media artists are scared of risking being ignored. Even some of the most popular ocs currently were essentially racebends of characters like jotakak kek. The artists who find success with just ocs are either making coombait or are genuinely amazing at designing characters/drawing scenarios. Or they’re appealing to whatever trends tiktokers are obsessed with, I dunno.

No. 2425068

I thought that was just dark blonde hair

No. 2425073

go away varg

No. 2425081

I have artist friends who are offline. I used to have more online art friends before Twitter was a thing, but the landscape became so rabid that it feels like making new friends feels insincere, especially when they find out you don't bother with social media. Suddenly, you aren't a friend because it's all about being able to re-post their stuff.
The only exception is that I have an art community that I've been a back-and-forth member of for a long time. They're not my friends, but feel more like distant relatives I can visit, throw money at, and guide people towards.

If you go in with the mindset that you're using realism to make your stylization better, it balances out. Use it to solve problems in your stylization.

No. 2425094

I hate it when people (I've mostly seen this with zoomers but anyone is capable) reply to an art post with "Me when…". Pic of a mermaid, "me when I'm in the ocean"

Shut the fuck up and comment on the art, this is not about you. it is so desperate and attention starved.

No. 2425108

File: 1740873874903.png (202.6 KB, 477x349, meme.png)

Me seeing all those TRAs claiming a character is a "GENDER GOALS!".

No. 2425109

I still don't understabd what gender goals is

No. 2425112

File: 1740874163922.jpeg (10.37 KB, 200x214, 1680220676986.jpeg)

To look like the manliest or the more twink man/girly girl as possible.

No. 2425136

That passive aggressiveness is completely obnoxious and overreactive, but she's right.
Online artists have a tendency to coddle the hell out of even the most hideous/lamest art and forbid even the tiniest criticism, except when they can justify it with social justice rules, in which case it's suddenly fine to quote tweet people with a bunch of obnoxious bitchiness. Stuff like this wouldn't be so bad if twitterinas at least had the decency to screenshot the stuff they want to shit talk instead of shitting up the other persons notifications and directly linking their own followers to go shit on them too. Even tumblrinas usually have the decency to not reblog stuff they just wanna call cringe.

No. 2425250

Gokurakugai has that audience as it's fanbase?

No. 2425451

>>2424627 I wouldn’t really know how I’d approach someone online if they wanted to interact with me since I’m just entirely offline as an artist, but in real life I’d just like someone friendly and maybe enthusiastic where we can engage with each others art and just show genuine interest in their work.
I know some artists in real life but they aren’t as invested into improving their fundamentals, or they have some life situations going on instead of taking time to draw, so their skill level isn’t on the same level. But because there’s a big gap in skill, I have been afraid to continuously show my art with them because I worry it might make them feel insecure since comparison is just a thing in the art space, and people can really give a hissy fit about it (I’ve experienced this when I used to be online when I was a teen so I’m wary). I know it’s not my fault if they feel that way, but it’s an inconvenience when you’re trying to make friends but you end up just being perceived as a show off. Most of the time I just want to be able to learn and have fun together. Drawing is a pretty solitary activity anyway.

No. 2425472

maybe petty but im so glad mouthwashing fanart is 90% blown over now, so tired of seeing that ugly game

No. 2425567

Tbh I prefer that name over "palworld"

No. 2425572

are people already getting bored of acting like this game is Silent Hill 2.0? I fuckin' hope so.

No. 2425576

I find art communities better. I'm a bit wary of art-friendships. Had someone engage by sending their drawings of a character I really liked, year later they mentioned how much they disliked the character but said it was a good way to get my attention.
I do still have art-friends, but the art part feels secondary, not extremely important.

No. 2425606

I feel like there wasn’t a lot of material to make more fanart of anyway.

No. 2425615

Am I too retarded to draw construction properly? I don't understand how to angle my shapes or what perspective to put them in when looking at a reference. I'm starting to think I might be too low IQ for this.

No. 2425624

Have you tried looking at the first link in the thread op? I'm not 100% sure what you mean, but some of the books mentioned may be helpful to you. It specifically mentions construction being a learned skill.

No. 2425625

File: 1740895583556.png (537.17 KB, 758x1869, IMG_5918.png)

every single time

No. 2425691

I struggle to trust other artists because it's like high school 2.0. A lot of artists are extremely maladjusted women (myself included, not trying to call the kettle black here), which leads to insecurities, which leads to drama. I'm not opposed, and I really do want other art friends, but I always just imagine them hating me and turning on me eventually, so I'm quite selective about it. I don't want to say my exact follower number, but it's quite a bit above 50k so if I have a falling out with another artist, it'd be utterly miserable. These days I only really ever talk with my boyfriend, feels like he's the only one I can trust.

No. 2425710

Fair points but the picrel you're responding to wasn't drawn for the pupose of racebending, it's from the history autist community and they like testing out popular characters in random cultures genuinely for the love of it (unlike gendies)

No. 2425715

Words cannot explain how badly I want to a-log because of that bottom image. Men should not be allowed to draw

No. 2425721

File: 1740906502527.png (Spoiler Image,1.08 MB, 2400x1440, 8765432.png)

>Men should not be allowed to draw
-Nona, 2025
I wish there were more women artists like JKR/this anon who would make statements like that publicly. Then we could frame their
eccentric portraits and have these words immortalized on little plates underneath, in the female-only schools

No. 2425838

Im the same way, I have nowhere near the same amount but it doesn't matter, I find it difficult to trust other artists with my friendship they tend to get too clingy or obsessed with me, not even to toot my own horn but more than once I've been used as an escape than confided in as a friend in the arts because of that shit. It's like regardless of an artists age the maturity levels are all over the map it's like a minefield and i don't have time for that shit anymore.

No. 2425934

Art account related vent/advice I figured would be best posted here. TL;DR fear of doxxing, interested in others' experiences staying anon as an artist and switching from past online personas to another

I've had a small account running for some time now for the first time in my life, up to this point I had never posted to social media or had a dedicated art account. I think I have what it takes to make it as an artist but I am TERRIFIED.

I have this huge fear of being doxxed if I get big. Since it's a new account I'm careful with posting any identifying info but this wasn't always the case. I won't get into the details but I did have an online presence on discord as a teenager and have definitely overshared in a way I now never would after having learned more about internet safety. When you're an artist you run into the unique problem of your work being something that can tie you to your identity across the web and this is what worries me. I do not want to be associated in any way to that part of my life, nor do I want all those works ever tied to my person. (they range from fandom retardation flavor controversial opinions and art to just plain embarrassing nsfw I used to draw of my characters, in any case, shit you'd be embarrassed someone irl knowing about)

Have any anons ever gotten doxxed/cancelled or anything similar and had to jump ship? Or have you ever for any other reason ditched a previous online persona and started anew? How did you do it? Is it as easy as changing an art style and adopting a new username? I'll admit I'm a paranoid person overall so I may be overthinking it. I've stopped telling people irl I draw or showing them my art because of it, because I'm scared we'll fall out and they'll become a doxxing liability if they recognize my work on social media.

No. 2425964

Viewing female nudity as not inherently harmful is a completely average feminist belief?

No. 2425970

>Men should not be allowed to draw
I think men who draw are highly sus unless they're like autists who only draw cars or some boring shit like that over and over and never diverge. They just end up drawing their own porn. Every. Time. Men don't understand art, they just want to obsess over their own sexuality. It's not art for men, it's just another form of masturbation.

No. 2425983

Make sure your new art is not able to be connected with your old discord account: different username, nothing related to your real identity, do not post where you live or your age and so on. Don't post old art if you've posted it somewhere else in the past.

Be boring. Do not share ANYTHING about your personal life. Treat your platform as a job. If you worked at a cafe and some lady came in like "hi, are you married? Where do you live?" that's obviously too personal and you wouldn't have to answer. You also do not serve a customer and go "so my father took me to the zoo yesterday" it's inappropriate and unrelated to the job. Pretend like you're the social media manager for a corporate job. Nothing personal. Just art.

If someone says your art is similar to that of your old account, ignore it. If you make a big thing out of it it will only make you look pressed and it makes them more suspicious. Because why would you be so defensive if it's just a random artist? It then MUST be you! If you just ignore it people will have nothing else to go on so they'll just forget and move on.

I also have cringe drawings and now cancellable opinions from when I was weeby teen floating around on the web. I've tried to delete most of them but some remain. I use a different username now and even friends who knew the old name haven't cared to look it up, or at least they haven't seen anything so controversial that I've been called out. Usually people who get cancelled are people who are actively controversial/rude in present time which makes people try to snoop about their past. If you're boring people won't have any reason to look you up so you should be safe.

No. 2426200

Not salt, but I can't believe it's been five years since she passed away. I hate to miss someone who I have never seen in person.

No. 2426299

nta Wise advice. I'm gonna do that too.

No. 2426310

Some people just draw like shit, I don't get the need to qrt them and blow it up to more people that would've never seen it otherwise

No. 2426314

File: 1740947405531.jpg (544.35 KB, 1200x1558, EQC0CcXU0AA2kHF.jpg)

this picture still makes me tear up

No. 2426317

Kekk i still remember anons saying she faked her illness in these threads a few days before she died

No. 2426359

It's very unlikely that you'll get doxxed or cancelled. Most cancelling attempts aren't even done for actual reasons, usually just an ex-friend with a vendetta and even in those scenarios it rarely escalates to doxxing. Even if your IRLs recognize your work the chances of them exposing your identity to others is 0, normies are well-adjusted. You only have to worry about this stuff if you're extremely controversial like the other anon said.

I'd suggest having a healthier view on online communities instead because this kind of paranoia will drive you crazy, but if you still want to do everything in your power to avoid this then I agree you should just not post anything personal at all. If you had recognizable interests from back then don't post about them either, it's all about triangulation; if you overshared a lot then it's possible for someone to recognize or get suspicious if they can pinpoint 4-5 matching details. If you're extremely schizo then don't post anything except art at all and only reply with thank you's, if you have the urge to tweet make a private account or something.

No. 2426405

This tbh. The only times I've actually seen an artist get doxxed is if they've done an awful crime akin to pedophilia. Even trannies, they don't get doxxed unless they show signs of being a serious sex pest, because despite how the internet makes things seem, most people have a conscience that goes "hmm, even though I don't agree with this person, do they REALLY deserve ALL of this?". bpdchans lack that voice in their head, which is how most artists get their callouts, but they're more focused on being seen as a victim and getting asspats rather than actually trying to get your name out there.

I also used to be incredibly scared about the consequences of getting popular online until I started watching the reactions of creators who refused to let themselves be cancelled and I realized that standing up for yourself is just a thing that you can do, kek. But most people just aren't going to be that dedicated.

No. 2426408

you cant get doxxed if you dont have your personal information available like a retard

No. 2426417

So If I draw het or bl smut I'm basically no better? Like one of the reasons I wanted to improve was to draw beefcake art that appealed to me? Doesn't mean that's all I draw but it really motivates me to get better overtime (until I die at least).

No. 2426418

you are not a man nonna. The problem with men is that they are incapable of enjoying smut without dehumanizing women. No man is going to be objectified because you draw bishies.

No. 2426422

What If I want to make gooner smut with nearly butt-naked pretty boys and hunks albeit in a stylish or artistic sense? Does it make it gay or not?

No. 2426423

Why the hell do male artists have to make themselves appear "cool" and "bro-like" all the time, all they do is come across as tryhard and pretentious. I don't see female artists doing the same shit

No. 2426425

They were bullied high school that's only reason why.

No. 2426427

again, its not about it being gay or not. Its about men not suffering any irl consequences from it. If you draw beefcakes like marvel heroes then you arent even threatening their ego. Just draw your husbandos away nonny.

No. 2426437

Oh my god nonna just draw what you want to. Opinions on lolcow don't matter, opinions on twitter or instagram or wherever else don't matter, it's literally just some person saying whatever came to their mind, a lot of the time these people don't mean it 100% literally. You need to remain true to yourself, remain true to your tastes and what you like, just because enough people are agreeing doesn't make it a good take, it just means there's a lot of retards in the world and people of the same mindset tend to congregate in the same place. I'm not saying the person you replied to is retarded, but I'm saying this because I can see my old self in your post, I was too scared to draw what I wanted for a really long time because I was scared of drawing what was seen as the "wrong" thing, but I had just ended up in spaces I was not meant for because I had grown up online and had outgrown the friends I had made when I was 13 and I still could not let go of them at 23 due to one-sided loyalties. The people who will want to dictate what you draw will turn on you the second you step out of line, they will never be happy, the goalpost will ALWAYS move, especially if they see they can actually get to you. Be happy, and let your happiness be something you define on your own.

No. 2426447

Thank you nonna, maybe old sketchbook and doodle away.

No. 2426504

File: 1740959820560.jpeg (22.04 KB, 736x414, bafea29c-1ecc-43dc-918a-6c856d…)

How do you overcome burnout? I feel so overwhelmed lately and i haven't touched my sketchbook for like 15 days now. It feels like taking a break will just make my art skill to regress

No. 2426511

don't worry nona, your skill will not automatically regress just because you take a break. At least from my experience when I don't feel like drawing, in the mean time I just look at other people's work. You might feel rusty after a while, but if you understand how it basically works you pretty much will be fine.

No. 2426517

Burnout means you get time for your skills to incubate. You can try another hobby and expand your internal image/idea bank while you refresh.

No. 2426519

NTA but thank you for sharing your advice. I'm also serial account deleter due to fear of doxxing or getting cancelled, and I'm trying to be more rational about things. I keep having to start over because every time my art blows up I get scared I'll mess up somehow and people will get mad enough to make call outs against me or something. I do want to share my art somehow, so following this advice is super helpful.

No. 2426556

File: 1740963334190.jpg (20.3 KB, 615x410, littleboylover.jpg)

Why do I keep seeing this symbol in a lot of online artwork recently???

No. 2426563

This is a lot more true than people realize, it's like when body builders have a rest day. I went on a trip for a week and came back expecting to be rusty, but I had an easier time drawing nice things than before I left.

No. 2426565

it's probably just an email symbol artist signature

No. 2426580

nta but this is a pedo symbol

No. 2426583

so stop following pedo artists, weirdo

No. 2426587

File: 1740965601511.jpg (352.28 KB, 456x800, 74302-0.jpg)

>Get really inspired by super colorful artist
>Try to make a piece inspired by their work
>I am only a beginner at color
>Fuck up three times, like major fuck up
>No joke this was fucking abysmal, I'm surprised I'm not crying right now
I'm finally entering my renderfagging and color journey. Wish me luck.

No. 2426591

Are you a barafag or some shit?

No. 2426597

What artist are you following anon?

No. 2426598

nta but the symbol has been mentioned and explained in previous threads, what?

No. 2426599

I see art with that symbol or similar symbols liked or retweeted by followers, I don't follow the artists who add the symbols obviously. I literally see it in my feed though. Very strange

No. 2426619

>very strange
Most sites base what you see on an algorithm, so whatever you're already liking or searching for influences it? You're the strange one here.

No. 2426621

Bluesky doesn't have an algorithm, why are you even calling me strange when I'm pointing that out??

No. 2426631

what are you guys’ favorite art pieces that you think have a lot of sovl? good or bad is okay but if anyone has any come to mind i would be interested to see

No. 2426632

What context are you anons seeing this in? The symbol front and centre and not as decorations? Not that I doubt there are pedos signalling each other but I've never come across it so I'm genuinely curious.

No. 2426635

1. You never said Bluesky until this post, and 2. Bluesky has algorithms.

No. 2426642

Just as background decorations and sometimes I've seen the symbols on characters faces or bodies.

No. 2426657

NTA but can you post an example? Is it furries doing this or random normal artists, and are you sure it's not an unfortunate coincidence?
Good luck nona! Remember to work on your values too.

No. 2426658

I don't think it's necessarily pedo then? It's just swirls

No. 2426668

Do you have caps of the art? Is it literally that symbol one to one?

No. 2426681

So many of these cases I see is bad/beginner artists calling out other bad/beginner artists, not realizing neither of them know how to draw or color. Reminds me of an online argument I had when I was a kid with another kid who thought Inuyasha's hair was light blue just because of the color of the shading in some official art

No. 2426685

File: 1740972321508.jpeg (657.31 KB, 2048x1576, GfRfNE-WAAAvl7V.jpeg)

I see mostly furries doing this to be honest, as I mentioned again I've seen their fursonas with the symbol in their faces or bellies.
Look into the right, I went to this artists profile and yeah she's a pedo since she draws these young furry children with their crotches emphasized and draws diaper stuff too. This piece of hers has 22k likes on Twitter, I don't think it's a coincidence anymore.

No. 2426694

AYRT, okay they're all definitely pedo or MAP/NOMAP adjacent at the very least. Whenever you see something suspicious being drawn by a furry more often than not are your suspicions are correct.

No. 2426701

This is the THIRD furry tif I've seen draw MAP/pedo stuff on paper with crayons, wtf is wrong with them

No. 2426704

File: 1740973661072.png (2.56 MB, 2436x818, paci_pup.PNG)

checked the profile and man this is bleak, what are the chances she's a pedo victim

No. 2426713

The one made for her brother to give the news still makes me tear up.

No. 2426833

They are always a pedo victim, I know two furry tifs who draw these things and they have been abused as kids, they said that. They keep saying it's not sexual and their safe space and stuff..

No. 2426860

File: 1740994575015.jpg (56.04 KB, 444x600, 14050740-00144941.jpg)

I absolutely adore picrel, i guess its the bold colors. I wish i could pick nice palettes like this.

No. 2426885

You control what you post, but not what other do though. I'm very secretive with the info I share online, but that still doesn't stop family, friends, teachers and old classmates I don't talk to to post images online where my face is showing for example.

No. 2426888

Why would any of them give a shit about you? i talk as someone who did expose someone after a callout post, but he was a fucking pedophile who tried to kill me. Unless you are on the same level of vile no one is going to care, why do you think you are so important? it took literal ages for shadman and Stonetoss to be doxxed and they are actual scum. Seriously, no1currs.

No. 2426901

This is a dataminer talking point. You don't have to be a murderous pedophile to want to stay private, keep different aspects of your life separate and avoid embarrassment. Besides, you don't have to be a bad person or even particularly special to get a stalker.
Paranoid nonas, keep maintaining opsec as the internet becomes even more aggressively anti-privacy and obsessive people become more emboldened.

No. 2426906

But anon wasnt talking about opsecs. She was talking about an imaginary future where her ex classmates somehow still give a shit about her and her stupid internet life. No one cares, really. Some of you are so lethally autistic and obviously want any excuse not to make a shitter and start posting your art.(infighting)

No. 2426912

A lot of people would find it funny or interesting to learn what happened to their ex-classmate(s). Some would use it against them. Also, you can post your art without revealing personal info kek what are you talking about

No. 2426916

>you can post your art without revealing personal info kek what are you talking about
tell that to the original anon who was crying about the possibility of being doxxed

No. 2426918

nayrt but are you just an awful person projecting your own intentions? literally nobody gives a fuck. there's countless kiwifarms threads on random ass people that are surely just vendettaposting, yet WHO has the doxxes available? people who actually partook in vile shit such as zoophilia, pedophilia and other generally sexually predatory behavior, genuine violent people. people like to come on sites like this and laugh and move on. most of the women who come here are full of anxiety believe it or not, as they prefer the anonymity when expressing their thoughts. the internet is a completely different playing field and i honestly think more people would benefit from coming to places like this less constantly because it causes anons like that to think more people would be out to get them than there actually are. you either have to be worthy of prison to get doxxed, or just be extremely popular, as in, 100k+ followers tier popular, both of which are unlikely for someone so anxious.

No. 2426919

These posts are so funny to me. You're so aggro over anons having a legitimate worry in a time where personal privacy is at an all time low. We're on a site with a history of digging up cows' old accounts. A bored kiwifarms user will try finding someone's address because they got annoyed. It's not a crazy thing to be anxious about.
And if you find op irritating, you can ignore her. Others answered giving decent advice. It's not your god given duty to call every anon you don't like a retard kek

No. 2426928

>nayrt but are you just an awful person projecting your own intentions?
NTA but considering what anons are claiming to see and are sharing on here, why do so many anons follow sexually abused TIFs and furries posting weird pedo adjacent art. No wonder they get so paranoid about their interests getting found out

No. 2426934

It's easy to avoid all these things by not acting like a cow. And the other anons are right about former classmates not giving a shit, so idk if there's just a bunch of terminally online 18-20 year olds or tiktok drama addicts hanging around these threads. Just draw lol

No. 2426935

why are you encouraging people to be anxiety ridden? you do realize that if you live your life in anxiety, you will never live at all and reach old age with regrets? you talk about cows, but HOW many cows are there vs how many random artists using social media? farmhands are quick to shut down vendetta threads and kiwifarms threads have to go through the proving grounds or whatever it's called first. i've seen comic artists have threads on /co/ with over 300 replies of straight shit talking with no doxxing, just gossip. even if you catch the eye of miserable losers online, it's extremely unlikely.
because they're miserable people. i've seen plenty of users on this site who think their mental illness is the norm, thinking that everyone has their tiktok feed full of ddlg fetishists when it's just them who is catering their fyp that way or something. but still, people should not be discouraged from living their life because they are afraid of a little cyber gossip. my account is quite large and i had a discord server of over 1k members at one point and people began making horrid false allegations about me, yet i've never been posted to either kiwi or lolcow, despite posting some shit lolcow users would love to make fun of. they're gonna be ok.
this too. literally just don't respond to it. cows are cows because you can milk them. someone fucking up but handling it like a normal person isn't milk, it's just a person being a person.

No. 2426937

Anons here are really schizo if they think doxxing is a normal occurence that you should be paranoid about. I understand fear of getting "cancelled" because zoomies are retarded but no artist minding their own business is gonna get doxxed, not even by a bpdchan.

No. 2426942

How do I approach art systematically? I've been drawing on-off for years but the only thing I can do well is sketch portraits. I know I have a lot of gaps in skill but thinking about what to practice and how overwhelms me.

No. 2426945

Follow first link in op which gives you a literal step by step guide, including which books to grab online to do exercises from.

No. 2426947

its just an excuse to not draw. Actual pedophiles like dorontabi are still undoxxed, why do they think a bunch of randos are going to care about them and their beg art? i bet they wouldnt even be able to get more than 500 followers.

No. 2426949

I'm not encouraging people to go through their lives ridden with anxiety. I'm talking to anons who are weirdly upset at op who is nervous because she said edgy and retarded things when she was younger, and doesn't want to get cancelled or doxed over them. And then I said "other anons already replied with decent advice", and if you read back, the advice is "just post art, no personal info or opinions" kek. So I'm not saying that at all, I'm agreeing with the previous anons telling her to just calm down and post art.
I don't think anybody is a retard for being nervous about any of this. We post a lot of these slapfights in these artist salt threads. I've personally seen weirdos start up with "I knew x from my y days" and start posting identifications that turned out to be false kek. It's fine to be anxious, just be reasonable about what you should do. Which is what op came here looking for advice and reassurance about, and she got it. It's fine.

No. 2426950

ah, alright then. sorry about that, downside to an anonymous forum is that i have no idea what your post history is, just one post that came off the wrong way in that moment.

No. 2426951

That's okay, anon, I get it. No worries. Sometimes I get heated up when I feel like there's a lot of annoying posts, too, kek.

No. 2426954

Those are called swirls

No. 2426963

What the hell is this post? The fucking glowies must be insane if they think "W-Well you're not a literal rape ape pedo axe murderer so you should be okay with volunteering your personal info, only bad people get doxxed, crazy and fixated people don't exist, no one cares i promise (i will be nowhere to be found if they do care ofc)!!!!" will convince anyone of shit. You've never had to be "worthy of prison" to be doxxed, we're not all new to the internet. I've seen enough shit to know all it takes is a few deranged people with a vendetta and your information to harass you.
I will post my art if I want. I won't give out my personal information. Internet strangers don't need to know my name, see my face, or even know what my favorite snack is. Fuck out of here lmao.

No. 2427065

I still can't really tell what step to start at

No. 2427092

>Why would any of them give a shit about you?
In that context, I was refering to cases similar to friends/family uploading "Happy birthday" messages with a pic of you when you were little, classmates posting old group photos and such. I'm a different anon and just giving an example on how hard it can be to control your info online, no need to get so worked up. Of course if you mind your bussiness the most you can get it a petty callout (I have been here), but the point is that if someone with a mental disorder decides they hate you, they will be able to find info about you even if you're secretive. This almost never happens, but I get why some paranoid nonas wouldn't feel comfortable posting in public.
And yeah, my family does give a shit about me, sorry about whatever you have going on in yourlife.

No. 2427105

This. My first take on the conversation here but anons literally keep saying "just don't be a cow" and "just hide your name lol" as if people didn't do dumb shit online as teenagers or as if people didn't build their brand for years not even oversharing but people just being vaguely aware of who they are (first name, general location etc., stuff you share almost accidentally in a casual setting). Yeah I absolutely wish I had the opsec to stay completely anonymous online since my teenage years so that some lunatic couldn't look up my old journal entries I forgot about from 15 years ago of me saying stuff that can be considered highly problematic in 2025 but I didn't. Yeah I wish I didn't piss off some crazy BPD-chan in a discord server 6 years ago so that now she probably has a ton of out of context screenshots of me saying something dubious in the heat of the moment. Et cetera, et cetera. But it's not 2002 anymore, a lot of our lives are online today and trying to filter every single interaction through the lens of "can this be twisted far enough to be used against me" is exhausting and impossible to have a perfect track record with. Any petty misunderstanding or argument can blow up into a drama attracting people who smell blood in the water, the anons on this site alone are a proof of how psycho a-logs online will find a reason to hate you just to feel better about themselves.

>A bored kiwifarms user will try finding someone's address because they got annoyed.

This. People do irreversible life ruination because it's a challenge to them, not because they really give a shit. And people who have never been cancelled don't understand how scary it can actually get. I've never been cancelled per se, but I had an online stalker who was genuinely threatening my life and was arrested for aggravated assault against someone else they were stalking. You never know what kind of people can latch onto you.

No. 2427181

Well, that's easily solved by having a strict divide between your online art and any accounts (like facebook) that have your real name attached. If I want share art I've done to irl friends/family, I either send the image file directly via text, show them on my own device if it's an in-person convo or send them to my portfolio site that can't be interacted with in the way that twitter etc can. That way you don't have to deal with seemingly innocuous messages like "Happy Birthday" that can potentially make a bread crumb trail for internet crazies.

No. 2427205

>Yeah I absolutely wish I had the opsec to stay completely anonymous online since my teenage years so that some lunatic couldn't look up my old journal entries I forgot about from 15 years ago of me saying stuff that can be considered highly problematic in 2025 but I didn't. Yeah I wish I didn't piss off some crazy BPD-chan in a discord server 6 years ago so that now she probably has a ton of out of context screenshots of me
you people are so over dramatic

No. 2427207

what art channel would you recommend that makes good color theory tutorials?

No. 2427267

I was about to recommend Purple Kecleon's color theory tutorials of old, but I don't think I could honestly do so without remember the absolutely disgusting shit that little insect has been up to.

No. 2427358

File: 1741031322194.jpeg (1.61 MB, 1170x2179, 276B5B36-003D-40D7-8A76-D80923…)

this artist has some good stuff but i was shocked by the pricing of these icons she does, they look unfinished and like she shits them out in 10 minutes max, but she charges almost 100 for them?

No. 2427393

She's allowed to do that.

No. 2427402

Okay, but I guess I think anyone who buys these are a huge retard, and she's overcharging for her ugly slop.

No. 2427404

Holy seething crabs batman

No. 2427410

Good for her to be honest.
Value is on the eyes of the beholder, so if people are willing to that for a piece of hers I don't see anything wrong. Business is business, isn't like she's selling food or anything necessary.

No. 2427412

I think more artists should charge more and work less

No. 2427413

Tbf even if they're sketchy her faces are very good. If a lot of people are asking for them it's only natural that she would raise the price. It is a lot but if she manages to get orders then it works.

No. 2427414

i mean i wouldn't pay for that but if there's demand good for her. it's also not ugly slop, seems like you're just mad

No. 2427423

she can charge whatever she likes for her service and so can you! and i hope every artist gets bang for their buck, i dont see these complains when skeb artists do the same?

No. 2427432

I only find it an issue if the artist is whining about not getting commissions, while refusing to change their prices.
If that isn't the case then who cares.

No. 2427434

I've been reading the previous art salt threads and we're lacking a lot of salt, we need more pettiness from anons like you. Godspeed.

No. 2427455

Does anyone intentionally draw in a different style that they are more detached to on their accounts but create different work offline? Or do you share your full range of skill and work authentically online? Personally, I save my more genuine work for friends.

No. 2427683

File: 1741047834133.jpg (380.21 KB, 1000x1572, 505948_fm_1.jpg)

How does one have super colorful pieces but also have a good sense of color balance and understanding of value? I've been really inspired by Ernst Fuchs' later work (1980s) and he has such an advanced understanding of color I feel like it's almost intuitive for someone like him. Maybe I'm over-engineering it, maybe I should get used to my work being ugly before it being good. I tried adding the touches of red and blue to some of my work and it doesn't look as good compared to how he does it.

No. 2427818

File: 1741056798041.jpg (59.71 KB, 750x534, GlFrpMHbwAEUYJZ.jpg)

Jesus christ, more pumpkin milk

No. 2427824

kek I remember when she posted a pic of her mouth and even the gendies on Tiktok and Twitter weren't buying she was male

No. 2427832

That stupid eye picture makes me lose my mind. The deep forehead wrinkling from physically pushing all of your brow over your eye plus the stupid sanpaku look up… like girl stop that you look special

No. 2427839

Kek I think of the “shiii I look gud” drawing she made from time to time and laugh.

No. 2427939

For nonnies who do outdoor sketching/painting how do I overcome my discomfort of drawing publicly? My town has some nice scenery I enjoy and want to use for my shading/painting practice, but I have such a massive "everyone is looking at me" mentality when I do it outside. I can work fine in an art class even when classmates/teachers are actively looking at me work but moids walking their dog nearby while I paint make me so physically uncomfortable that all my stuff looks more dogshit than usual. I'm not surprised since I'm not exactly a NEET (I can socialize with ppl and have a job, but otherwise I'm shut up in my house) more like a homebody? Maybe I just need to work on getting outside more, but the discomfort is so high that idk if it's even worth it tbh.

No. 2427961

File: 1741066233840.mp4 (1.15 MB, 576x1024, aa48f0f7caf5b15d7cdc59b69a5eb6…)

I'm sorry but American art schools aren't even a joke, I think the professors are likely competent, TBH the students are terrible. Just from everything I've seen, the students are extremely sensitive. They get such lax criticism in a really friendly environment even and yet they bitch and moan about corrections. I think the new generation of artists, my generation particularly, are kind of terrible at being told anything other than compliments. I feel like Millennial artist were more skilled and versatile in the early 2000s, specifically when I look back on things like OC tournaments. A lot of artists I know now, even the good ones, aren't versatile and can only draw pretty trendy faces.

No. 2427962

the correction is awful

No. 2427974

File: 1741067055898.jpeg (288.07 KB, 1500x2000, GZ56q88XIAAx_wi.jpeg)

I don't even understand why people get so fucking pressed about corrections, you're in a class and you're trying to get grades not draw whatever the fuck you want, do that in your own time. Suck it up and do what your teachers asks, if you think it's unfair make a complaint or appeal. It reminds me when youtubers used to bawl about art teachers not letting them draw retarded weeb shit while their art was on par with fucking Dadius at best kek.

No. 2427986

Exactly, your personal art and your art for school are separate. You're art for school exists to be corrected and improved upon. It's not that hard to understand. Reminds me of the girl in my art class who wanted to be an animator but actually straight up refused to draw anything other than transformers.

No. 2427987

Looks a lot better than the original though.

No. 2427988

I thought it was about correcting the color but idk

No. 2427995

Nta but how?

No. 2427997

File: 1741069077019.jpg (407.35 KB, 3840x2160, 20250304_001443.jpg)

The teacher was trying to correct the form. If you look at them side by side the students form is incredibly janky. I agree that it still looks bad but it's not finished like the students was.

No. 2428007

these all look bad what an awful refernce photo

No. 2428020

the teacher is not god tier but the corrections are much better i hope this girl is a 16 year old which would explain her stupidity, otherwise there's no hope for her

the woman's right arm is actually pressing against her torso now for starters. shoulders don't form a square/right angle on the body especially not when slouching/reaching forward like that, you can see the teacher made them curve inwards (try doing a similar pose yourself and looking downwards at your shoulders) though she exaggerated it a bit more than the pose. arms aren't board straight either, the bones are slightly curved and the muscles/fat also add more curves. her face (or at least the start of it) and skull are properly formed now (that dark shadow is where the front of her cheeks would be, i'm guessing the teacher did not paint the front of her face so if you added her nose eyebrows etc it'd protrude some more), the student painted it so that it's like all her features are flattened on the side of her head that's facing the viewer. the teacher took more liberties with the color of her hair, but it works out since the student made her hair and skin extremely yellow. the shade of the jeans and shirt are more accurate now too. the proportions are also more accurate, you can see in the ref pic she's about 3.5 heads tall from crotch to top of her skull, the student's is around 2.75 while the teacher's is closer to 3.5. similarly the student made her hands and feet way too small, teacher made them more accurately sized. more done/more detail =/= better. you can add more detail on afterwards

my biggest gripe with the teachers is that she made her shoulders too narrow/rounded (though rounded shoulders is an "idealized" trait many painters give women) and slightly changed the pose, she's much more relaxed/slouchy while the ref pic is more tensed. i also like the background on the student's more, it's more creative.

No. 2428068

Not sure of her age but she doesn't seem to do art at all anymore so that says a lot I think.

No. 2428096

File: 1741076567027.png (2.45 MB, 1080x1350, Happy love day everyone! I hop…)

So I've been listening to Twisted Disaster's recent streams and honestly having to bail after she says something that is so very stupid. She's still looking for an irl job even though she continues to cope saying that she doesn't really need one that bad which sure, might be true because her husband is the breadwinner of their household but she should stop with the cap acting like she's making enough through her commissions when it so clearly is not if she's feeling the need to get an IRL job. And don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that it's wrong to do both freelance art and work an irl job, I'm pretty sure most of us do that and there's no shame in it, it's just that with Michie,it feels like that bothers her because she'd have to admit that the full-time art thing just isn't really working out and if she just didn't cope about it, it wouldn't be mildly funny as she'd just be like the rest of us who are just trying to get through our lives doing both.

That said, in her last stream with a moment that made me just have to stop listening was when she was talking about her latest job hunt and this nitwit really said that she's afraid of getting "hate-crimed" if she works for a place that doesn't validate her "nonbinary identity" by referring to her as she/her and not "they/them". She had gotten some clothes for her interview and she was explaining to her chat about why she didn't want to ever wear a dress to an interview which at first was not a big deal but then she went on to say that the reason was because she didn't want the employer to think that she's a woman and that she wanted her "nonbinary" self to be visible. This bitch really thinks that not calling her a they/them is a "hate crime", is she fucking serious?

I suppose that partially explains why she's been having difficulty finding a job besides her more than likely high expectations of what she wants for pay despite being out of irl work for close to 5-6 years. Needless to say, retarded reasoning as per usual.

No. 2428126

could you please name this artist? I'd like to study them. I like the face shapes a lot

No. 2428237

File: 1741093453657.jpeg (Spoiler Image,313.49 KB, 2048x1494, IMG_3178.jpeg)

you have to be extremely self hating and porn addicted to draw yourself like this as a grown ass woman

No. 2428239


No. 2428240

is she a vtuber?

No. 2428241

Is this person actually 4'2"

No. 2428242

obviously not, its a lolilarper pickmepedo

No. 2428243

File: 1741093873742.jpg (33.68 KB, 734x410, 438b73756e07adaba390cb2142eefd…)

>Important!! she is cunny

No. 2428257

God I hate this art style so damn much

No. 2428259

Why do most artists paint instead of inking their stuff?

No. 2428264


No. 2428387

Is that for real? I tried painting for the first time and I get it but I like doing lineart more (even if it kills me).

No. 2428392

>she is cunny
What the hell does that mean

No. 2428394

it's a gross lolicon vagina joke. they will also "cute and funny". OP's art is her loli avatar

No. 2428396

File: 1741102890383.jpg (31.95 KB, 474x474, th-2367447518.jpg)

kek did jocat become a lolifag?

No. 2428398

child vagina

No. 2428408

Where do you even get "most artists" from? If that was true it would probably be due to personal and/or audience preference. I feel like other artists are more likely to notice good linework while normies prefer something colorful regardless of skill

No. 2428409

If you have a friend who can join you, I find that that helps a lot. For me, they don't even have to also be drawing (last I time I sketched parkgoers, my friend just read a book beside me). I've since gained the confidence to sketch by myself, but I honestly still prefer to have someone with me since it deters strangers (especially shitty moids) from approaching me and trying to make small talk about whatever I'm working on.

No. 2428414

File: 1741103802938.jpg (30.05 KB, 736x736, e59a1143727f4b6345f0a5e87a7c00…)

Speaking about doxing and having anxiety, should I be worried that I once posted my art on LC? An online friend recognized it from an old thread and told me she liked it but if anyone else was to see it I think my 'art career' or 'presence' would suffer. This makes me extremely paranoid to this day. I'm not a personality fag but it's still scary to me to be easily recognized.

No. 2428418

collectively we really need to come up with a term for these autopedo retards because I am tired of seeing them everywhere.

No. 2428421

having bad ospec will lead to you being doxxed and also noone goes for a noname farmer unless you count the rabid tard troons lurking here is it really that hard to change some style quirks? or fucking not link your actual account, ive been a industry artist for a while and ive posted here alot but i never post my actual work style here and i never will .

No. 2428423

Gendies are known to lurk this site so just know that it's a liability but I haven't heard about a situation where a farmer got exposed yet. A popular-ish artist used to post her art in some threads and no one has said anything

No. 2428425

What a strange question. It’s like asking why some people prefer chocolate ice cream over strawberry. Because they just do?

No. 2428458

>mention bad ospec as pointing out posted art accounts
>immediately points out where the account name was posted
fucking tards at this point you deserved to be doxxed(infighting)

No. 2428464

The name I used on AF wasn't the same one I use normally, calm down anon.

No. 2428480

Most of these "my art teacher corrected/drew over my art" stuff is exaggerated or sometimes even fake for sympathy internet points from the commenters.
It's a meme, so some people probably even encourage their art teacher for corrections so they can post about it and have people tell them their art is already great, instead of fucking practicing their art.

No. 2428513

NTAYRT but let's hope because I've seen those videos popping up so much in recent years and even if you don't agree with your professor, most of them are employed there for a reason and they aren't trying to bring you down by critiquing your work.

No. 2428533

She looks so red faced and petulant. Neither is great but god what an irritating person.

No. 2428653

>artist accused of having amputation fetish
>look up
>nothing related to amputation, all characters have all limbs intact

No. 2428679

why is having an amputation fetish problematic kek

No. 2428781

Try muting your colors and letting your touches of red and blue shine through. Just from looking at your picrel it looks like he's using sets of colors that have the same undertones, eg the pinks, greens and oranges are more yellow, while the darker reds, darker blues and purple are more purple. That will add to the contrast, even when the colors themselves are quite muted and greyish.
Probably the best way of learning how to paint like this is to paint like this until you feel like you can understand how and where to put the colors to get you the results you want. Unfortunately you might just have to spend some time doing endless studies of his work, and studying other artists that use color in a similar way, because this is a lot more advanced than just a color wheel. If you can, use actual paint to make the colors cohesive.
Kek at everything you wrote. I don't know if she's deliberately sabotaging herself because she knows she won't be able to hold down a job. It's also easier to stomach if she bombs the interview and tells herself it's because of muh hate crime. Maybe she's still holding out hope of making a living from art, selling beautiful stunning pieces like the thing in your picrel, and thinks that a job will stop her from achieving her dreams.

No. 2428787

If you're talking about Homie, you're about 5 threads too late. Read up on why she's a cow
She's a tif with a amputation fetish that cut off her own leg. People who say she had cancer or whatever don't know her old tweets about wanting to get a doctor to sign off on the procedure. You could also throw a dart on a board of edgy or problematic millennial tumblr fetishes and she's probably drawn it before.

No. 2428788

Is it going to be ok? Just don't attract gendie attention and stay low profile. That drawing has some of my style quirks but I never uploaded it anywhere else. Or am I fucked? And if they find out, do I just don't react or deny anything?

No. 2428791

the first thing I think of with amputation fetish is homie but that pales in comparison to the other shit she was into

No. 2428806

You're going to be fine anon, nothing has ever happened to any artists that post here, myself included. Don't listen to the fear mongering, and remember that you're in control. Even if the worst happened and you were exposed, it'll die quickly as long as you ignore it and don't let the tards get to you.

No. 2428828

If you're talking about homie, in addition to what other anons said she also commissioned(?) diaper lobotomy amputation/nugget art so take what you will from that. She also DFE'd so obviously you're not going to see what made people give her so much flack.

No. 2428830

how do you keep low profile?

No. 2428909

Never comment on anything, never let others comment on your stuff, if you have an Instagram restrict the access to people under 25, keep things simple or as professional as possible, unfollow people,remove followers, don't let family follow your art account, don't use your real name, don't post your opinions online

No. 2428915

How much art did you post, and where, and why? Also depends on the context of your drawings and gore bad the things you were saying were

No. 2428919

oh i haven't posted my art on social media yet except for maybe a few strawpage anon drawings for others

No. 2428925

Sorry for my typo, I'm phoneposting. But I meant *how, and my question was about your art posts on lolcow. But if it's that little you should be relatively fine. Just don't post again on here if you really want to be popular. Or especially if you have a unique style. If it makes you feel any better, I have an ok following with about 15k followers, but I've strictly forbidden myself from posting art here. I've seen some of my art mutuals get either name dropped here or posted about itt, so I don't want to catch a random stray. Just keep a low profile both on here and on your social media until some time passes.

No. 2428936

File: 1741130907567.png (579.72 KB, 551x689, TwistedDisaster-Bust-Commissio…)

>Kek at everything you wrote. I don't know if she's deliberately sabotaging herself because she knows she won't be able to hold down a job. It's also easier to stomach if she bombs the interview and tells herself it's because of muh hate crime. Maybe she's still holding out hope of making a living from art, selling beautiful stunning pieces like the thing in your picrel, and thinks that a job will stop her from achieving her dreams.
I have no clue if she is deliberately self-sabotaging herself but I wouldn't be surprised if she was because she's such a self-victimizer. In a lot of her streams she can't go a few sentences without reminding people of all her issues from her "chronic illness" to the gender crap (not as much as the chronic illness), and muh mental health, it's just always something with her. But yeah, she's been on a job hunt since January and when I heard her say that, it started to make sense on what is possibly affecting it.

Another story she told in one of her recent streams that had me noping out was when she was talking about how she went to her hairdresser recently to get a hair trim and how she was "fearing for her life" because she got into a talk with her haridresser on some conspiracy theory and the haisdresser said that she thinks Jewish people are lizard people and that "transwomen" are women who's clitoris' have overgrown from chemicals in the water which is why there are so many troon men. And Michie was saying that she was "fearing for her life" because she was afraid her hairdresser was going to attack her for being a "nonbinary" (nonpracticing) Jew.and I'm like girl… If this story is true, I get that the hairdresser is off her rocker but I really don't believe she would actually attack Michie in a public space full of other people and this is why I couldn't help but roll my eyes at Michie once against trying to make herself into a victim.

>Maybe she's still holding out hope of making a living from art, selling beautiful stunning pieces like the thing in your picrel, and thinks that a job will stop her from achieving her dreams.

I think you're right. She admitted that 2024 was not a great year for her doing cons even though she did the most she's ever done in that year. She tends to doublespeak when talking about it as she says she did great but also didn't because she didn't make back profit at a lot of them which made her open for emergency commissions. Her latest YCHs also didn't sell. So I mean, she's clearly struggling and it's why she feels the need to get an IRL job now. I also feel like a bit of an asshole because she said in one of her streams that she finally can say that she's a good artist and then you see pieces like picrel (which is recent) and I'm like "if you say so". I feel bad because art is subjective when it comes to this but her art just has stayed consistently mediocre to below average in my view. The coloring may help her images pop but the quality is still very middling and it's why I'm not surprised that she's not rolling in commissions or having her YCHs sell like hotcakes.

No. 2428937

thanks for the advice but by "anon strawpage" i mean random online artists who attach their website called straw dot page where you can send anon drawings

No. 2428948

I don't think it's that serious, the only artist that was ever called out for using lolcow was Shannon, the AF anons were named and shamed and nothing appeared to have happened to them since. Just don't repost art you've posted here, no one will really care until you're biggish and will have a bone to pick with you out of jealousy and by that time your art would have probably changed enough to the point where you can go "That's not me lol" if they try. Avoid discord servers and you'll be sweet if you practice common sense.

No. 2428957

admin revoked Shannon's anonymity because she doxxed her sister

No. 2428982

Wtf? No I was not talking about Homie at all… Weird assumption

No. 2428987

AYRT, I know and she was a massive shit stirrer as well so the commentary circle jumped on her as soon as they could. Just don't be a Shannon.

No. 2429035

I cant tell if youre being sarcastic or not, but give us the milk instead of crypticness please. What other artist has an amputation fetish?

No. 2429043

No. 2429059


No. 2429064

that is her nona…
side note, but is that really homie? she looks like such a stacy in that long blonde hair pic. she was so much prettier than what i'd expect an average tif fetishist artist to look like, wow

No. 2429075

is homie actually ftm? She passes well for a dood. Schizo theory, what if homie is actually a crossdressing moid pretending to be a tif?

No. 2429087

Who did you think the Homie anons were referring to was? My goodness nonuchka.
NTA, she is 100% a TIF. The only moid thing about her is her BIID, everything else even if degenerate is painfully female.

No. 2429095

I thought the op was asking about who homie was

No. 2429109

Just look at the way she types, it screams tif

No. 2429153

File: 1741139554631.jpg (1.02 MB, 2500x3681, 439952.jpg)

you know who
i'm glad their artbooks have scans online so i don't need to waste money on them kek

No. 2429163

Kek no but he’s skating the tranny line

No. 2429172

Wish i could render like this

No. 2429249

File: 1741147111582.jpg (219.88 KB, 1292x1820, asdasdasd.jpg)

I think its cringe when untalented clout chasing american artists do it just because its popular. But i love it when asian artists take ugly male characters and bishify them.

No. 2429251

Haha, I'm going to regret this.
I made a character that has vitiligo back in the days it was popular on tumblr. I know it's cringe to do it for the sake of diversity, but I was a huge fan of unique character designs, yeah? So I made a kemonomimi guy who is a strawberry tiger type thing - a design that was meant to be one of 12 zodiac designs. I can't bring myself to scrap him, since he has a special place in my heart. So my question is this; would you guys, personally, ever excuse a design with vitiligo? If so, what would be some musts in place to do so?

No. 2429255

theres a reason that arm wrap is there in the fullbody pic lol

No. 2429261

>would you guys, personally, ever excuse a design with vitiligo?
why do you care what people think, kek.

No. 2429262

File: 1741147678592.jpg (881.12 KB, 1973x2048, __original_drawn_by_amonimy__6…)

youre overthinking it nona nobody cares

No. 2429267

Keep in mind that there's 12 Gokurakugai fans in total, the weird shit stands out more

No. 2429268

Curiousity, honestly. I actually do like seeing what others think. Whether or not it's approved by those that answer will not affect my choice to keep the character kek
Fair. (cute pic)

No. 2429273

>Whether or not it's approved by those that answer will not affect my choice to keep the character kek
then why ask? the only thing that matters in the end is your skill.

No. 2429278

imagine having top-tier clothing and machinery rendering skills and you just use it to draw sameface lolis all the time. i mean, of course people can draw whatever the fuck they want, but man… pedophilia is lame.

No. 2429305

File: 1741152179267.png (130.83 KB, 1293x942, 00092134.png)

Come back and fix the archive, goddamn you. I refuse to slowly trawl through Internet Archive any longer.

No. 2429310

File: 1741152411714.jpg (37.17 KB, 500x522, E5q6g-ZVgAAidoq.jpg)

No. 2429363

as if asian artists aren't capable of being attetion whore clout chasers. don't be naive

No. 2429465

Have there ever been any times you guys have seen an artist get called out for something and you could actually legitimately accept their "I was going through trauma" excuse?

No. 2429563

File: 1741169193622.jpg (59.52 KB, 523x523, 7282991u2uw92188e.jpg)

My favourite artist/personal almost graduated cow. I've talked about her way too many times itt, this is the last time I promise unless something crazy happens. But, she got called out by an ex-friend for little to no reason besides being salty that they weren't friends anymore, was accused of being a necrophile and a predator when all this artist did was have a very immature BPD lash out towards the ex-friend. Both parties were retarded, but the artist in question had something inconceivably horrific happen to her less than 4 years ago and would be fucked up by it so I'm definitely more sympathetic towards her.

No. 2429564

I literally do not give a shit about callouts.

No. 2429691

They are normally better at drawing so i dont care.

No. 2429818

I was about to post him too! His sci-fi character designs are so good and the way he draws faces are so cute.

Range Murata is not as bad as mossa and jcm2 but he still makes artwork that gives me the heebie jeebies.

No. 2429830

File: 1741191392336.jpeg (24.46 KB, 464x662, last exile.jpeg)

>having top-tier clothing and machinery rendering skills and you just use it to draw sameface lolis all the time

For real. What's worse is that he can actually draw really handsome men but chooses not to because they don't make him coom.

I literally only watched Last Exile (a show where he served as character designer) because I thought Alex (picrel) was so attractive.

No. 2429853

Is there a good alternative for this site? Or is magma all there is now..

No. 2430078

File: 1741199959704.jpg (103.36 KB, 654x842, __original_drawn_by_murata_ran…)

I wonder if he uses IRL photos for backgrounds in his art

No. 2430083

Nitpick but I don't really like this one, it's good on a technical level but the realistically proportioned body + neck with that moeblob head stuck on top never looks good.

No. 2430186

I know it's just art slop content but good lord I cannot with these enbies who actually take testosterone and they develop that "Frog" voice. No, you don't sound masculine, you sound like a woman trying to deepen her voice and end up sounding like a frog.

No. 2430205

As far as I know, this kind of site seems to be part of a bygone era. There's Paintberri (dead), the actual Tegaki reboot site te2 (also dead), and tegaki.pipa (seemingly dead as well).

No. 2430309

It is time to let it go, nonna.

No. 2430315

File: 1741206045143.jpg (203.67 KB, 850x1143, __original_drawn_by_murata_ran…)

A new person to study, thanks nonnas

No. 2430319

File: 1741206441386.jpg (34.01 KB, 500x375, 2e2fd979-5703-409a-96a7-cbce6e…)

I always try hard on a piece but when I look at other people's art online, the thing I worked hard on looks like shit afterwards. I'm motivated to improve but I feel sad that I'm not good enough yet. Does this feeling ever go away?

No. 2430346

TBH the feeling doesn't really go away but what does happen is as you keep making your own improvements with time, you start think about it a lot less. Don't get discouraged and just keep drawing even if that mood crosses your mind. I know it can be easier said then done but you sound young and if that's the case, definitely don't give up.

No. 2430375

Honestly, i still get the same level of disappointment as when i couldnt draw a dumb anime head a decade ago, as i do now that i can do decent full pieces. I think almost every artist feels that way, theres always somebody "better" or "younger." Focusing on yourself + how much you've grown in comparison to your past self helps me alot. Finding artists you like that have old work still up is also encouraging. Forgive the autism, but alotta wc artists like GinjaninjaOWO or Niftysenpai have stuff from 13 years ago, and its cool and motivating to see how slowly but surely theyve both improved over the years… same thing will happen to you nonna!

No. 2430501

its giving sinus infection

No. 2430544

she sounds nasally and is extremely thin-skinned. making an entire youtube video about mean comments including art professors, very masculine. also her name is dorian kek

No. 2431012

File: 1741229446445.jpg (144.24 KB, 850x1294, 1000010804.jpg)

This is traditional art but what medium is this, especially the brown outlines? Alcoholic markers?

No. 2431082

To me it looks more like watercolor? With colored pencil for the outline. I could be wrong. Probably a pretty big canvas.

No. 2431130

i'll vote for alcohol markers/inks

No. 2431187

i say teetotaler markers

No. 2431431

Yeah, I mean I didn't watch the full video but I figured it would be like all the other videos of this type of these young artists who whinge about getting unfavorable art reviews and critiques and with that voice, there was just no way I going to listen to it all lol


Of course, they always tend to choose the same names don't they? Aiden, Kai, Dorian, Asher, Theo, etc lol.

No. 2431457

File: 1741259946425.jpg (1.52 MB, 1449x2041, full-image.jpg)

are you me, nona? i also watched Last Exile because i thought Alex was hot. best character in the show tbh.

i wish Murata would return to doing character/machine/etc designs for animu or games. his proclivity for cute girls was still there but at least he showed that he was capable of drawing men, machinery, clothing, steampunk stuff, etc. nowadays it's all sameface loli art for some magazine… talk about wasted talent.

No. 2431459

damn this guy is ugly as hell

No. 2431469

He uses 14 year olds (with parents permission apparently) for his characters, I remember seeing something about it in one of the art threads.

No. 2431499

File: 1741263464369.jpg (158.95 KB, 850x1148, __drawn_by_murata_range__sampl…)

oh not surprised, some of his art feels like it's straight up traced from a photo, but can you provide screenshots?

No. 2431509

Damn, I'm definitely watching whatever the fuck this is

No. 2431511

File: 1741265178139.jpg (95.06 KB, 1000x563, AdamasSquadron.jpg)

it doesn't look that good than the illustrations

No. 2431512

why don't you enlighten us? show us an ideal man in art

No. 2431513

Why does it matter kek why are you offended i called some character drawn by a pedophile ugly.

No. 2431518

I'm not offended. I'm just curious what you consider attractive. Atleast bless us your superior taste.

No. 2431523

File: 1741266516376.jpg (407.55 KB, 969x1400, fe68e09b1c4c65ef7745893205d269…)

If you genuinely want to know and arent just mad your mid husbando got shat on i will give you my critique on why it looks ugly.
>his features are all too small
His eyes feel comically small to me. His face is 60% chin and forehead. His nose is huge.
>he doesnt have a lip
looks like a who from whoville or a turtle. The lack of sexy lips is probably the biggest problem i have with the design.
>looks a million years old
He looks so fucking old, legit looks like a geezer and his eyebags look like wrinkles. It doesnt help he's put next to Murata's 5yo lolis that only make him look even more ancient.

I will never understand when people praise murata's moids because they are so generic and mid looking. They also reflect his pedophilia because his male characters are always drawn almost realistically while his lolis remain in a neonatus toddler state. It legit looks so uncanny when he draws his lolis next to a scrote.

No. 2431526

File: 1741266741394.jpg (103.89 KB, 736x867, fdb99d5bf15f97a583715bc98def8c…)

not to derail but that sc is from the Last Exile sequel series, not the original.

the thing with Murata and Yoshitoshi Abe's art is that it looks great in illustrations but kinda meh when actually animated. i can't tell whether that's because of tech limitations or because those two are primarily illustrators and not character designers/animators. thoughts, nonnas?

No. 2431529

If you take away the rendering Murata's art is just generic moefaced anime girl, his characters all look exactly the same. There is nothing unique or interesting to it besides the rendering and autistic attention to detail. I think Yoshitoshi's art transates better to animation, his characters in Haibane Renmei all look different and unique from eachother.

No. 2431536

It seems to me like his work relies heavily on rendering, textures, and subtlety that is found in his illustrations. He also doesn’t have a very distinct baseline art style, as most of his distinctness comes from his aforementioned skills. Trying to animate his rendering would be impossible, so it seems like his work can only exist in illustration.

No. 2431543

File: 1741267708746.jpg (266.2 KB, 1280x1720, e5f945f03f4099c943d1f1c086580e…)

In terms of his recent art, this is true. His early stuff is definitely unique though, his designs were very distinct until he switched to just generic little girls in school uniforms.

No. 2431545

NTA but you didn't give any examples of what you like. Also all of your critique is just based on your personal preference.
>They also reflect his pedophilia because his male characters are always drawn almost realistically while his lolis remain in a neonatus toddler state.
That's almost every single anime artist honestly. Especially the male ones.

No. 2431546

Looks the same to me, honestly. He suffers from severe sameface syndrome. He's carried hard by his rendering and clothing/machinery design. Amazing to me he even gets hired as a character designer when every show he's worked past Last Exile has been a flop because he's forced to get out of his dieselpunk safespace. Another artist whose style translates better into animation is Poyoyon Rock/Watanabe Akio. If you look at the shows RM has worked one, sometimes its very hard to tell he's even the character designer, but Watanabe has such an unique style you can tell it appart from all the hoards of generic animu thats released each year. That being said, he was a terrible choice for Higurashi's reboot.

No. 2431548

File: 1741268037325.jpeg (74 KB, 651x600, bd8fa42790d3db2a024e538e2a06cf…)

I like Kojima Ayami. Her guy's are very handsome. They have smaller jaws, pretty eyes, cute lips, dont look ancient. Murata's guys look very walled and generic to me.

No. 2431551

I'm not the anon that shared him to begin with. I was just curious what you consider a nicely drawn man.

No. 2431552

I posted it >>2431548

No. 2431554

nta but those two men look very similar to me

No. 2431555

Creepy dead fish eyes and weird eyebrows. But other than that, good taste

No. 2431564

Dont ever dare to compare queen Ayami's guys to that pedo's faggots. Get glasses if you think they look even remotely similar.

No. 2431573

Yeah, I prefer the Murata moid that was posted first. This guys eyes are a mile apart. Looks like a fish.

No. 2431581

File: 1741269538544.png (108.78 KB, 257x300, asddadsa.png)

Did we watch the same anime or are you being contrarian because you are angry that pedo's art got insulted? or is it only okay when pedos draw male characters with eyes wide apart.

No. 2431619

Yeah, I agree with both of you, kek. They are so similar in style, but his eye area looks stretched out, in terms of eye shape and area covered.

No. 2431640

>They are so similar in style
You need glasses. Seriously what do Murata's lipless turtle faggots with potato noses have in common with Ayami's ethereal vampires.

No. 2431644

File: 1741273900012.jpg (118.88 KB, 640x543, ayami-kojima-drawing-technique…)

Doesn't she do most/all of her art traditionally? She really inspires me

No. 2431646

the fact that she's self-taught motivates me a lot

No. 2431647

Yeah, she's really cool. Her guys are some of the most handsome. Too bad the ugly western fauxnime botched her unique style and made the guys hideous.

No. 2431656

I hope this isn't met with too much moral policing but I hate what happened to OCC. Almost every recent course is a group buy

No. 2431659

Nonnies here would probably laugh at it and call it peak tumblr design but it's also more cringe to change how he looks because of whatever you think people here would say.
He's your cringe husbando, don't let anyone take him away from you

No. 2431671

strawberry doesn't even buy the courses they're all ripped from bilibili and panbaidu come to Weibo nona its heaven here I've found so many good courses English and Chinese alike

No. 2431679

What happened to it? please dont tell me it got shut down….

No. 2431697

You can clock their skill level.

No. 2431700

what is occ?

No. 2431717

Occult commoner community, they have some good spell books

No. 2431743

Say I have this graphic novel I want to do. But I don't really want to stop keeping a low profile on social media. There are some potentially controversial themes in the story and I very much enjoy my day job. (Not that I think it would get me fired or anything, I just would prefer to keep my real life separate.)

I could do an alias or a pen name, but given that I've already put some of the character designs and early looks at pages on my public account, do you think anyone would notice and link it back to me eventually? Or would they just not care? Given that I have a pretty low following on my public account. I could also try altering the style a bit. I'm not completely married to the designs and pages I've put out so far.

No. 2431767

Use a pen name and change up some key personality features about yourself if your American say you're actually just half American and always give falsified details about yourself a Male name would be best or a slightly masculine female name it gives you more levity to get away with stuff women authors cant withand change up some of the designs

No. 2431768

>The stacy nihongo artist
>becomes famous thanks to fujobait shota manga
>openly lusts after shotas
>attachs her irl name to her NSFW shota yaoi
>includes all her weird fetishes into her mango
>lands a job at disney, hailed as a queen

>the becky lowcor artist

>too scared to be openly terf
>too scared of being ''too controversial''
>thinks the world revolves around her, scared of being doxed or cancelled despite only having 100 followers online
>constantly has to seek validation on the artist salt thread
>probably not even that good

No. 2431771

Otaku nips have almost zero hangups with shota whereas openly being a TERF is more or less social suicide in art spaces but your other points are true

No. 2431774

is this about Black Butler?

No. 2431778

>whereas openly being a TERF is more or less social suicide in art spaces
but why do all of you care so much about that? if you are good enough at art you can get away with literally everything. Thats how mgong and even fucking renge murata have fans even here. Some of you worry too much about things that might not even happen over focusing on bettering your art. The only reason why being a ''terf'' is seen as ''social suicide'' its because there are simply not enough women with balls to stand up to trannies, by allowing them to instill fear in you you are letting them win. Its faggot mentality.

No. 2431791

You are so weird. TERF shit isn't even a part of the story, I just don't want a bunch of cringe degenerate clingers glomming on to me just because they read my shit online. It's happened to me before with a project that didn't even get big. I also just don't want a career in the public eye in general. Normal people with offline lives understand this.

No. 2431797

It's not about faceless followers for most people, it's about losing friends and connections and just not wanting whatever phobic/ist accusations associated with your account. Some people just want to post art in peace. Yes, if your art is good you can still shit out pieces and get 10k likes but other artists won't want to associate you because of "why are you following a TERF are you one too" babble that spreads.

No. 2431806

but why do you want to associate with gendies then? none of their art is good. I would rather aim for an eastern fanbase like that tif who did the ranfren comic at that point. I cannot imagine wanting to be friends with trannies so badly you let them censor you.

No. 2431810

File: 1741284502809.webp (175.62 KB, 1000x739, vtHTjMnuBH2RwGySCdY2a28Yl8TcU2…)

Yeah, Terese Nielsen is a good example – absolute master-level WOTC artist who got dropped for liking gender critical tweets, not even for saying or doing anything overt or public.

No. 2431814

Why are you being so retarded about this? It's just a guilt by association thing, it's not only about hypothetical gendie mutuals. You can have normie lib friends who don't care about trannies and they won't risk their own brand by publicly associating with a TERF because people will assume you share the same views.

No. 2431824

The fact all of you would rather let trannies silence you than stand up to them is concerning. This is why i got a college degree and i work on my game on the side. So i dont have to fear troons.

No. 2431826

Captain Howdie is one of the extremely rare tifs who aren't obnoxious or open about their gender, i respect her for that

No. 2431854

I agree it helps that the gendie obnoxiousness doesn't taint her comics either. I used to like homie too but that game was pretty bad… it's not just the gendie stuff but the whole "muh trauma" angle is tired and makes it feel less like reading something fun and more like reading a diary

No. 2431867

man this thread sucks with begs with no fucking success in their career trying to convince that career suicide is a good thing some of you havent faced troons in the industry and it shows, platforming pedoshit artists as if its a own. i miss my industry nonas come back please

No. 2431870

yeah just end up like ang 2.0 kek. that sort of shit, shotacon or terf or whatever, is absolutely not acceptable in the western world. look at how people bring up rebecca sugar's old ed edd n eddy nsfw art even to this day, and how redkatherine got absolutely dogpiled

No. 2431873

Not everyone wants to be in the industry drawing soulless slop and surrounded by trannies.

No. 2431875

Worst example ever because she got outted by a convincted pedophile and a tranny who molested his sister. Thats the kind of people you faggots are allowing to silence you KEK. Pathetic.

No. 2431882

how does that make it a bad example?? in fact i think that makes it a better example, it shows how easily you can lose a platform by opening expressing dissenting views, especially as a woman

No. 2431883

Thats the kind of people you are throwing away your freedom of speech for? a fucking ngmi pedo and his tranny goon? industryfags are pathetic. You better not come home from a hard day of bootlicking pedophilic moids and troons to complain about them here. Losers.

No. 2431888

The autism thread is that way. —>(no emoticons)

No. 2431891

sorry but this is just reality, if you wanna get in the industry and express yourself freely go ahead but i really doubt itll work out for you. its extremely rare for anybody to be able to sustain their art and throwing it away just to say "trans women are men" or some shit is honestly retarded

No. 2431893

Somewhat related but on what basis do I decide the colour/hue/saturation of those lines that separate light and shadows. Marvel Rivals does it alot

No. 2431895

It didn't thank god, it's still working and everything but all their recent uploads are group buys, if you didn't participate then you don't get access to the the new material.
The old stuff is still around so I'm not that salty but it goes against the ethos of the website

No. 2431898

ok but you personally wanting to be in the industry or not isnt related to what we're talking about here

No. 2431899

What level of controversy are we talking about here? I noticed that nowadays the current "fandom" environment is ok with edgy themes.
If anything you're more likely to get an obsessive stalker from here who hates your work for reasons and tries to connect your old and new persona

No. 2431903

>wanting to work on the industry
Why would anyone want that? there isnt enough money in the world to make me work for troons and moids for their generic slop. Sounds like a living hell. Everyone mocks the modern western game/animation industry because its filled with nothing but soulless slop.
If you dont want my opinion then stop posting your stupid questions here. The status quo will never change because all the ''terfs'' on here are massive faggots too afraid of scrotes and trannies, only able to be honest behind a curtain of anonimity. Extremely pathetic behaviour.

No. 2431905

The original anon you were replying to wasn't even talking about TERF shit in the first place, she just didn't want two online presences to be linked to one another.

No. 2431918

My post wasnt only about her, it was about the overall cuck mentality most anons ITT seem to have.

No. 2431924

It isnt a cuck mentality its just… reality?expressing those sort of beliefs is an instant way to lose work because you are seen as a liability to people who would've given you money. I dont think youre considering that people literally need money to not be homeless, eat, buy clothes, get transportation. If youre already rich as fuck then it wouldnt matter but i doubt theres many loaded nonnas here, especially with how insanely bad food costs and housing are right now. You think if JK rowling wasnt set for life she would still express her beliefs so openly?

No. 2431928

>yes go on lose all the industry connections you made in a second go on say the annoying tranny your boss likes is a moid and lose that promotion and that job offer and be blacklisted, you want that validation from that anonymous beg who hasnt even set foot in a studio right? go on be harrassed,doxxed and be followed every where by these chronically online troons, red katherine? nahhh that was just a exception go on.

No. 2431940

Anon already said she game stuff on the side, she doesn't care and writes off art-related work as industry trannyslop anyway. If she wants to be like the Heartbeat dev then she can go for it

No. 2431979

thats fair but i was elaborating more on why women in the art industry cant really express those sort of views. i kind of went on a tangent so thats my bad

No. 2432202

I finally commissioned an artist I really like and to seem cool and down with the kidz or some shit my nervous ass made a (very famous) meme based joke and she is ESL (so am I but, different country) and didn't get that it was a joke at all so I had to awkwardly explain it and I feel so fucking embarrassed and stupid and I don't think she even got it in the end. I may never recover nonas, do not meet your heroes I hate myself lmao

No. 2432230

Where are you seeing wrinkles? his face is almost devoid of like, ANY definition.
>no lips
So most anime then?

No. 2432240

I gotta be honest am I the only one who finds men with super luscious lips weird? It makes them look like women to me.

No. 2432244

>it makes them look like women
anon, men have lips too

No. 2432245

>Where are you seeing wrinkles?
i said his eyebags look like wrinkles.

No. 2432252

Some bitch at google must be a hardcore tsukumizu tranny because I was trying to find his pedophilic exploits to show to someone but there's basically nothing, even though he has very openly tweeted about being excited about secretly wearing little girl's underwear to class before.

No. 2432254

Maybe try yandex/Bing search

No. 2432256

File: 1741304308287.jpg (Spoiler Image,265.97 KB, 1080x1588, tkmztweets.jpg)

Thanks anon, found it immediately KEKKKKK
>this is the artist that nearly every tim artist wants to emulate

No. 2432260

i was actually thinking of watching this anime a few months ago but i didnt and now im really glad lmao

No. 2432264

File: 1741304529868.jpg (232.8 KB, 1028x1316, 1673816246298.jpg)

He's pure unfiltered mento illness. That being said i am glad he cannot transition and instead is forced to unleash all his agp rage onto drawing good manga. He's like Eguchi Hisashi. I wonder how many closeted AGP scrotes there are working in the manga industry. My guess is all of them.

No. 2432268

i want to kms for liking girls last tour now. i should have known better.

No. 2432272

My mind just filters it kek that I simply don't give my men lips save for pretty boys and non-white men.

No. 2432273

I remember an anon posted something that said a lot of Japanese lolicons want to be little girls. Which isn't really that surprising since Autopedophilia is very common among pedos

No. 2432290

File: 1741305293018.png (92.46 KB, 1815x483, Screenshot 2025-03-06 185352.p…)

https://desuarchive.org/a/thread/166165839/ Found the thread where these tweets were initially discussed and dug up. He really is just like Hisachi Eguchi, though some of the stuff discussed here makes me think he's more like Shuzo Oshimi, the Inside Mari author who admitted that he wanted desperately to be a woman but refused to transition because he understood that he would always be looking at his own body with the lustful gaze of a man, which isn't what he wanted.

No. 2432296

damn even in 2017 4chan was a tranny dick worshipping website kek

No. 2432301

Men are so retarded they think tkmz is a woman after the ipad jizz comment. The ''superior'' sex, everyone.

No. 2432304

Is that the creator of girls last tour?

No. 2432308

I remember browsing 4chan's /lgbt/ board as early as 2015 and it was overrun by circlejerking trannies then too.

No. 2432351

There is a massive overlap between incels and troons, so obviously 4chan dickrides trannies. I got a permaban for saying YWNBAW to some AGP transbian, even though moids are allowed to chimp out in every post.

No. 2432369

Ntayrt but there are some really fucked up, jealous people in the world.  I was in an online community several years ago where some bored autist was doxxing people left and right. It was done to both women and moids. It might have been one or two people doing it but it was done because of jealousy, boredom and opportunity.  One girl had her house swatted while her dad and young sibling were home.  One of the people I assume was behind it would brag online about killing small animals.  You have to experience this type of obsession/insanity to understand I guess.
I have come close to this type of behavior irl where someone was jealous/obsessed with me despite being a literal who. I wish I could be like "LOL WHO CARES UR NOT SPECIAL" but you don't have to be "special" to get your shit rocked and deal with lifelong paranoia kek.  You don't need to be a "bad" person to get put on blast.

No. 2432381

wish they would just be prison gay with eachother and vow to never interact with women or girls

No. 2432393

Nah I agree, really prominent lips look super jarring on otherwise minimal styled faces.

No. 2432398

Then just dont post online ever and draw for yourself. If you are going to be constantly paranoid about dumb stuff like that why not just get a normal job and do art on the side?

No. 2432404

I was simply stating I understand the paranoia because I've seen the consequences firsthand. I also surprisingly do just that. I sell my art as a hobby and have a professional job with a successful company that I will be the owner of in a few years. I have close to no online presence and earned over 5-figures of profit for my art in less than 6 months. I think I'm doing alright!

No. 2432425

Some of the anons ITT are so disconnected with how social media and the internet works, despite this being an imageboard where people do exactly the thing that's being said "never happens because no1curr". Selfawareness is a rare trait these days.

No. 2432443

My artist friend, when underage, posted a few selfies to a private instagram. An older man harassed her, found private information, and pretended to be her on imageboards for years, using her photos. To this day, yeaaars later, she refuses to ever show her face or real images again and just posts art under a new identity. It really ruined her

No. 2432446

I have a friend who experienced somethin similar, super fucked up and convoluted. The guy has been stalking her/pretending to be her online for so long that it's disconcerting, and he does it in spite of the fact that she refuses to post online or give him new stuff to manipulate people with. There are men who genuinely need to be put down like rabid animals.

No. 2432462

they're probably young with nothing to lose so they assume everyone else is like that too
Female artists always have it the worst

No. 2432468

You say we're disconnected, but we're not denying the chance of it happening, we're saying the chances of it happening are low so long as you mind your own business. Yes, we're on a website where people gossip, but I implore you to think about how many threads on cows there are, between both here and kiwi, vs how many random retards there are online sperging out about whatever. The chances are higher if you piss off some bpdchan, but literally just avoid people who show cluster B personality traits such as lovebombing and extreme hatred of their ex friends and lovers, and your chances of something like that happening to you plummet. If someone has dreams, it'd be incredibly sad for them not to pursue them because they fear someone trying to come and attack them. Do you tell people not to get in a vehicle on the chance that it might crash? Life is meant to be lived.

No. 2432478

>they're probably young with nothing to lose so they assume everyone else is like that too
That's the feeling I get too. I just want to grill for gods sake (i.e. post shit and make friends in the same fandoms as me without scaring away pre-existing relationships and potential commissioners with my wrongthink). I'll absolutely take fence-sitting libfems I enjoy the company of while subtly peaking them (yes, it's possible and I've managed it before) than the antisocial autists you're stuck with when you're publicly branded a TERF/whatever-phobe/etc.

I get what you're saying here, but there's a difference between becoming a cow and attracting an internet crazy who'll harass you like in >>2432443 . The former I agree is unlikely, but the latter happens all the time and I don't think it's bad to tell anons to practice some basic opsec to avoid that fate. I don't think one has to go all out and be a faceless nobody that only makes art like other anons suggest, but making sure your real name isn't connected to your art accounts is honestly something most people should be doing if art isn't literally their day job.

No. 2432487

I've posted my face on my socials with multiple men replying sexually inappropriate things, have posted information about shit going on in my life, have gone viral a few times, but I have never had to deal with internet crazies and I attribute that to the fact I am a hermit who seldom interacts with people personally. I'm not suggesting these things because I'm a retard who knows nothing, I'm suggesting these things because I was in those nonna's shoes before, terrified to try and pursue my dreams and goals out of fear of people harming me, but the reality just wasn't that bad. It was the cluster B assholes I was already affiliated with that I had to worry about the most and my life has been peaceful since I've shaken them off, a lot less paranoia. Cluster B's mentalities really rub off on you, and there are a lot of people like that on places like this, so I feel less exposure to places full of hatred and vitriol would do a paranoid, anxiety ridden nonna good.

No. 2432506

File: 1741317597023.png (811.27 KB, 556x678, ai.png)

For those aipilled nonas that DO use ai as part of their workflow (not here to discuss the actual ethics, that is for another discussion) which generator do you use? Are there any free ones that let you delete your personal creations? My biggest gripe is some nosey zoomer finding the original referenced pic and exposing my ass kek(use the ai thread)

No. 2432508

File: 1741317772934.png (447.59 KB, 627x838, IMG_7888.png)

So many brushes that I download, test, and carefully change the settings of to pander to my likening but despite it all, a simple circle brush with minimal pressure like this always looks best for lineart tbh

No. 2432512

I personally believe it's just how one draws the lips. Men typically have different lip shapes than women. Steven Tyler has a feminine lip shape and legit looks like an old woman in some more current photos.

No. 2432513

I use yourfaggotdad.ai

No. 2432521

File: 1741318483547.png (35.18 KB, 600x500, 8SJ4NkT4Yf-3994112830.png)

Picrel of queen nona is still better and more charming than this anon's slop machine >>2432506

No. 2432522


Thread has reached 1100 posts. The thread will be locked and you will be unable to post in it shortly after it exceeds 1200 posts. Please begin preparing a new thread and post a link to it when it's created.

No. 2432529

You're using too much of the ai pic if people can find the original image. Learn to actually draw, then learn to photobash and then truly enjoy the time you save with AI. AI only really saves time, if you don't have the raw skill to actually utilize it and cover your ass in the process then don't even bother

No. 2432530

I honestly don't care about ethics of AI because we are in a strange transitory period, one that's happened many times in history, where technological advancements render many jobs obsolete, but it leads to a better, more convenient world. That being said, AI art just looks soulless as fuck. Just reference some obscure pixiv account from several years ago if that's the route you wanna go, your art will be all the better for it. I feel that AI being able to make beautiful yet soulless pieces of art will heavily increase our value placed on the quality of the connection we feel towards other people's work, cute moeblobs that 30 year old women whine about not getting any attention will get even less attention, and people who can actually tell a good story with their work will skyrocket in popularity.

No. 2432533

>AI art just looks soulless as fuck
I don't find it beautiful for that reason so it's useless to me. The ethics just helps me make my case against it, so that's why I bring it up more often than not irl

No. 2432557

You can do it, Nonna. Limited color palettes give this effect a lot faster.

No. 2432558

File: 1741321688440.png (2.81 MB, 2060x1918, PRISMredesigns.png)

Top 2020 designs, bottom 2025 designs. Theyre originally based off a bunny and a bird and are magical girls. I feel like shes really been regressing in all aspects but her designs have really fallen off for me, the bunny girl especially is so unappealing. Why are the uniforms so boring and ugly. also lol bird girls big ass bald spot

No. 2432562

I've been calling this "Social Media Pricing." (I'm assuming the artist is popular enough on social media to keep a full queue)
I usually see middle-skilled but fast and stable artists charging more based on their social media clout vs how much they could get away with on any other venue / platform / target client.
This is just the result of growth within the field you've chosen to grow in
This is why it's important to hone in on your art goals–so you can do this. It's okay to be petty, but don't act like you wouldn't have fun fleecing people with your bare minimum.

No. 2432572

I do. I have a "fun" style I use things I want to put online in specific places. It's meant to give a certain feeling if you put it on, say, a Neocities page. I mostly use it for fanart, but it's also good for animating with since it's just high res pixel art. The purpose it serves is just pure fun and having something quick to experiment with. Sometimes it helps me pick colors and plan for my traditional pieces. I share it more with my online friends. It's actually a new thing because I realized I REALLY needed to re-learn how to make random things for fun, as I had been working in commercial art for a while and it stifled me.

The style doesn't fit my offline brand, which I sell to the public. My IRL friends know more about this one. With the exception of prints, it's fully traditional. I'm more detached with this one because the passion is there, but the end goals are different. I listen to customer feedback and seek critique when I hit a plateau because I want to keep growing. The other style is just an outlet for play.

No. 2432575

Male Japanese mangakas are so fucking milky. Shuzo Oshimi, Akihito Tsukishi, and Lynn Okamoto comes to mind. I wish there was a male mangaka thread I would love to read it.

No. 2432609

File: 1741326626158.jpeg (52.16 KB, 679x452, the simpsons.jpeg)

What makes a simple art style charming and iconic for a viewer compared to say, something more detailed and "attractive" character designs like say, Disney Princess or semirealistic anime characters?

Simple art styles I like are Marjane Satrapi's and Tove Jansson's. But what exactly makes them so charming?

No. 2432641

Not like the previous designs were any better kek if you said they were from 2012 I'd believe you

No. 2432698

File: 1741337731219.jpg (124.9 KB, 526x514, 1000010781.jpg)

The worst redesign to me is picrel. Atleast the design on the right looked cute. But then she redesigned all of them to look as sterile and uniform as possible kekk. They have no appeal and I think she knows it too since she spends more time drawing a male supporting character in the series and his sad backstory than the main characters.

No. 2432706

There was actually a name for this type of art. Naïve art, I think? Where people do this intentionally, even if classically trained. I personally think it eudes the most personality out of all styles possible. Yet, I can't figure out why that is.

No. 2432711

Is she going for animation or did she lose her will to live or something? Also post the support guy

No. 2432712

Because it's drawn 100% because the artist wanted to convey a feeling, as opposed to wanting to draw something with intent to show off skill.

No. 2432718

Honestly yeah, me too. We should make one, there's enough weebs on this site. What board should it go on though?

No. 2432720

I have good opsec unlike all you normalfags that posted all your private info on the internet for years.

No. 2432722

Oh a japanese mangaka/animator thread would be absolutely glorious. I could try and make one, i know a few cows.

No. 2432733

>The former I agree is unlikely, but the latter happens all the time and I don't think it's bad to tell anons to practice some basic opsec to avoid that fate.
Absolutely the right approach. I had been taught about internet safety during its earlier years, and took it very seriously. But minor things like buying stuff online or applying to jobs puts your info out there. Sincerely surprised it was automatically assumed that people are plastering their shit everywhere.

ayrt For instance, here. If you do piss off the wrong bpd crazy, they can and will find you unless you're actively paranoid and use paid services to scrub the net. Some people are harder to clock as bpd-chans until it's too late.

I still say draw whatever but also maybe keep it a secret you're an artistic IRL.

No. 2432738

nayrt but I've learned the easiest way to clock a bpdchan in a normal setting is if they come off as super kind and bubbly, and/or people pleasey. They want to be liked by everyone so they put up this facade of being the nicest person you've ever met. If someone acts like a people pleaser, or if they are too desperate to back me up in a conversation despite barely knowing me, I keep my distance. It was a hard lesson to learn, especially since I'm the type of person who can't ignore someone when they seem like they're going through a rough time. If someone doesn't like them despite the act, they start freaking out, but they try to be chill about it, usually trying to paint the other person as crazy and/or unreasonable. If you back them up in this, they'll latch onto you and then it's too late. Always get the other person's side of the story before you comfort them about this. Madoka Kaname, Fluttershy, Super Sonico, Nekopara, cutecore, anyone with those types of icons, avoid like the plague.

No. 2432751

I'm so sorry that happened to you. I would wanna kms for the rest of my life kek. But at the end of the day she's just a regular person like you or I.

It depends, it can make them look yassified. But I enjoy a variety of things, from thin to thick lips.

>all this just to be inspirational and say "nonny, if a known shotafag wasn't afraid of being herself in public and ended up landing a job at Disney, you shouldn't be afraid of putting midly controversial stuff in your art. Also, the more women stand up to trannies and hypersensitive zoomers on Twitter, the better"
Based honestly

No. 2432757

Half of the moids who draw manga are AGP autopedos and the other half are just plain pedophiles, I swear to god.

No. 2432780

Theres a animation thread in m drop the milk there!

No. 2432807

File: 1741348966251.jpg (116.57 KB, 750x327, Screenshot 2025-03-07 195858.j…)

Wait, is that legitimately the actual magical girl form? It just looks like a stylish uniform to me, I'm so confused.

Nyart, but this is the supporting guy. Seems like she's having an intense and public OC husbando phase, which I would normally call based if it wasn't for 1. his weird as fuck facial hair and 2. a rando male supporting character overshadowing female main characters.

No. 2432838

File: 1741352130647.png (3.39 MB, 1365x1586, animators.png)

No. 2432864

God, he's so ugly. Shit taste all around. Does she have a lot of followers or something? How do anons even know her?

No. 2432870

it's ginjaninja, she has 1 mil subs on youtube

No. 2432916

KEKK nonna

No. 2432941

This happened to me (stalking/harrassment and impersonation by an older man). The silver lining is online attacks seem petty and not very stressful in comparison, so it's laughable if a bunch of troons and teenagers were to call me names on social media because of wrongthink. It really doesn't matter and anxious nonas need to remember they'll be fine as long as they don't post face, personal details and don't reuse pseudonyms. Avoid drawing a lot of attention to who you are, focus on what you make. Nuking and remaking an account to lay low is always an option

No. 2432986

I'm >>2431743 and I think maybe I didn't really get my point across. It's not necessarily a fear of the negative things that could happen like stalking or whatever, but also I guess a fear of the positive things. I don't really want "fans." I used to think I wanted that when I was younger, I think a lot of young people do. But I think I grew out of that a while ago. I don't like people being overly nice or thinking they know me or are friends with just because they like my work. I don't like random people messaging me out of the blue, even when it's good things. I don't know why any artist on the introverted side would actually want a fanbase.

I realize that's at odds with wanting to tell a story that people actually read, but it's true. Does anyone relate?

No. 2432987

File: 1741365056580.jpg (150.68 KB, 850x819, 1000010827.jpg)

Do any of you have a favorite ikemen artist that you follow, especially a fandom artist? I want to get better at drawing pretty boys

No. 2432990

None really but can you drop some? I'm trying to draw ikemen stuff but good ref is rare to come by.

No. 2433069

She had posted photos of her on tumblr before she started transitioning

No. 2433088

File: 1741370167835.jpg (92.35 KB, 577x763, CwiM-2wW8AAoDSe.jpg)

I can confirm this, years ago there was a terminally online friend of a friend who hated me because they had a big crush on one of our mutual friends, and after stalking me and my ex at the time obsessively, she made a call out post with edited screencaps of me to try and cancel me.

It was mostly people I never met and unfortunately one or two online friends did end up believing that it was real, but the internet goes on and I was soon enough yesterday's call out as more and more call outs surfaced. My friends supported me through it and I will always be thankful and one friend went to the trouble of helping me gather lots of screencaps to prove that this person had harbored a vendetta against me for a while, and I will always be grateful.

I agree with nonna that it's best to gain a healthier view of online communities and try and take time for yourself and don't overshare. I wish I could go back and slap younger me for oversharing so much of my personal life online when I was a teenager but I suspect many nonnas here have had similar experiences. It'll be okay nonny! Most important thing is you enjoy posting the art you've enjoyed making. If you need somewhere to vent I'd suggest keeping it in private conversations with close friends or offline friends and try to keep what you post fairly neutral.

No. 2433174

File: 1741374647204.jpg (37.35 KB, 750x750, 1624391825632.jpg)

It doesnt matter how many times i practice i absolutely suck at drawing heads. Its like i cannot wrap my head around it. Its driving me nuts. I have read and tried every construction book and its impossible for me to draw heads without heavy reference.

No. 2433186

Fuck books, draw from life

No. 2433199

File: 1741375798076.jpeg (309.35 KB, 807x755, sad horsee.jpeg)

I do both.

No. 2433213

File: 1741376510210.jpg (55.6 KB, 1200x675, 1_2BIDQOfBRxN8qEwYrryVKQ.jpg)

the loomis construction method helped me a lot

No. 2433220

File: 1741376863432.png (43.53 KB, 300x250, 3268536897425.PNG)


No. 2433225

idk anything about it besides that construction method helped me so idk if youre making a joke or something

No. 2433235

There's a weird anon on Lolcow whose trigger word is "Loomis" and they sperg for literally hours about how the loomis method ruined a generation of artist and how everyone who uses it is a shit artist.

No. 2433237

Yeah thats what i use, but it just doesnt translate well for all kinds of faces. My faces always end up looking like ugly, stiff capeshit.

No. 2433244

nta but do you have some examples of what you're aiming for? Let's figure this out. Construction can be applied to anything. Loomis is just the starting point. Some people practice by drawing stuffed toys.

No. 2433245

ngl I think jcm2 is a woman
>inb4 which blogs?
jcm-2.tumblr.com and jcmapache2.tumblr.com
both are abandoned from around 2016 and there's no pedoart there so it's safe to view, go back to 2013 and look at how female it is. I'm glad you posted about jcm2 because I keep reminiscing about their work from DeviantArt and it drives me crazy. I honestly believe jcm2 was a talented girl who got groomed into pornsickness at some point in her life and now stealths as a gross man now (not even trans) to lie fairly low while drawing all this pedo shit. I could sperg about this for hours. From skimming these blogs and her dA through web archive:
>the choice of fandoms
>reblogged lolita art and fashion
>reblogged shirtless pyramid head cosplay
>reposts and chat with other girls at the time (I think she's in her 30s so they'd be the same age)
>romantic f/m art of her OCs
>her OC Daner morphed into a Sachiko Kaneoya lookalike and she's reblogged her art, listed her as one of her favourite artists
>lots of gift art from female artists before the Loud House/pedoshit era
>keyboard smash typing
Only thing that throws a wrench in it is some of the people this blog interacts with also calls jcm2 male but there's lots of reasons to pretend to be a guy on the internet, even back then. I can't find some specific posts now but one was of her bedroom with stickers and fanart on the walls, some were mild crushing on some male game characters and the last was a reblog for a scrotey 2D indie hentai game.

No. 2433247

File: 1741378231001.jpg (112.57 KB, 1080x1801, jcm2.jpg)

lol no he's a fatass latino guy.

No. 2433249

>ngl I think jcm2 is a woman
his name has been doxed its juan carlos. There is nothing female about his art, even before he turned into a loudcoomer he would draw his loli ocs.

No. 2433253

File: 1741378463489.png (61.98 KB, 601x888, from his pixiv DO NOT LOOK UP …)

when and where? I'm curious if there's any milk to him besides just drawing disgusting shit

No. 2433254

I am fucking dying. Bolivian Stonetoss.

No. 2433255

oh god, I'm so sorry then. Well now I can forget about this person in peace, it's been driving me crazy. He must've been grooming those girls he was talking to.

No. 2433260

File: 1741378763085.gif (2.61 MB, 320x376, 2017 blinking guy.gif)

No. 2433262

So was that soyjak dox really him? I remember seeing that photo and thinking it looked too old to be him lol

No. 2433263

then what is the good method for drawing faces?

No. 2433272

draw melons then move to skulls then move to muscles and finally make a face

No. 2433282

File: 1741380698064.jpg (Spoiler Image,246.65 KB, 820x1072, 033.jpg)

something like picrel. I feel like they never look this ''free'' they always feel way more stiff.

No. 2433302

File: 1741382229889.jpg (51.42 KB, 479x619, 17d68d68af514fa0951565f631a7da…)

It literally just takes practice. Make copies of artworks you like and try applying the loomis method to them. That one head is just the default

No. 2433315

>It's not necessarily a fear of the negative things that could happen like stalking or whatever, but also I guess a fear of the positive things. I don't really want "fans."
I feel the same way nona. I'm equally afraid of being cancelled or doxxed and being popular and loved. I don't know how to get around this feeling. I create accounts over and over but always end up deleting once I start gaining traction. I'm not sure if I'm cut out for sharing my art with the world. At the same time though, I want to put my ideas out there. People always say I should do something with my art, but I don't know how. I think I'm too introverted to have an online presence—even if I just post my art and gtfo and not talk to anybody or share info about myself.

No. 2433316

The Loomis method is just a base/guide/skeleton in order to keep the features in the right place at any angle. >>2433282 All of these can be constructed with the method.

No. 2433340

File: 1741383708182.jpg (146.41 KB, 1200x1197, Eguchi02.jpg)

any tips on stylization? maybe thats my problem. I like a middle ground between fully animu and realistic. I like my characters to be able to emote but not look too cartoony. Its a hard middle ground imo.

No. 2433345

follow artits with similar artstyle

No. 2433347

Yeah, i do.

No. 2433352

NTA, my only tip would be that you’d familiarize yourself with both separately. reference both the Loomis method and the style you like individually until you get a familiarity with both to have a basic understanding of how they work. Then you go out of your way to experimenting making your own art and seeing yourself create it close enough to how you like it. It’s a lot of trial and error.

No. 2433372

this is exactly how I feel. I actually felt this pressure to post in my teens because it’s often seen as a flex to be very skill at a young age and put your work out there, but I always kept putting it off because it made me uncomfortable. Unfortunately, if you’re skilled people around you will tell you you’re ‘wasting your talent’ if you’re not promoting yourself publicly, never really asking you if that’s what you really want to do your work. It sort of frustrates me that hobbyists are expected to not improve their skill, but I’m the kind that wants to even if I don’t become a professional because I genuinely enjoy the process. It would be nice to find artists similar like this for me irl. If I do post online, it would be intentional for a particular purpose and then leaving. I wouldn’t really have goals to maintain a long-term online presence. It’s similar to how you might find an artist you like who shares a few things, but they haven’t posted in several years ever since.

No. 2433398

>watch anime that encapsulates the style you want
>on a second screen, have your drawing program
>draw basically anything you see that seems interesting
It'll get sucked into your brain eventually.

No. 2433527

File: 1741391642843.webp (107.48 KB, 192x256, Sprite-Kyle_talking.gif)


ayrt, I'm >>2433244

Nona tbh it sounds like you're well on your way, you're just tired of copying the Loomis Man Head. Relatable.

You've probably been told this before but I'm going to repeat it: there's nothing wrong with drawing with references. Artists use reference all the time. All the crazy good painters, animators and comic book artists from the past had people posing for them and/or mirrors around them while they worked, at the very least

What I did when I had reached the point of Loomis Man Head Fatigue was
>gather pictures of heads I liked
>trace the simple construction of the head on a different layer, ie deconstruct your Eguchi women into bald manikin heads
>IMPORTANT. Talk to yourself while you're doing this. About proportions, shapes, what things are attached to, what volumes and planes you're seeing and not seeing
>Put your simplified traced heads beside your Loomis man heads, talk to yourself about the similarities and differences.
>Copy your simplified manikin heads several times, one by one. Once again, talk to yourself about what you're seeing while doing this. Please try not to rush
>Then it's time to test yourself. Try to draw one of your simplified heads on a clean sheet of paper without looking.

As for other art to trace besides Eguchi, I think the art from the video games Hotel Dusk and Last Window might be good for you to study. They were made by tracing and then stylizing real models. There's a variety of characters of different builds and ages. By studying them you'll be able to see the different proportions in the constructions and what the stylization choices were.

I also think you might want to check out the book How to Draw Anime and Game Characters, vol. 1, by Tadashi Ozawa. It's a simple book but he strips down construction well and points out how things like the size and placement of eyes change depending on the character you're drawing.

Everything else the other nonas said is good too

No. 2433576

File: 1741393656366.jpg (1.04 MB, 1500x1999, Capture.JPG)

i hate this troon kek

No. 2433581

File: 1741393809514.jpg (77.92 KB, 736x736, 0443ee9515fda855def23075260881…)

Have you actively studied the actual human skull? You gotta do it.

No. 2433582

Listen to this anon. I studied the human hand once and copied a picture of its bones in great detail when I was a teen, and I swear to god that's the reason I've never been afraid of drawing hands ever since.

No. 2433584

Is all that generic shit AI slop or is it just incredibly garish and boring like AI slop?

No. 2433585

Searched up the username because I had no idea who the fuck this was only to see that I already had her blocked

No. 2433591

awww she looks like such a cute little old lady though, i can't hate the elderly unless it's some serial killer/rapist moid

No. 2433596

>she looks like such a cute little old lady
KEK she’s 29

No. 2433598

nothing, she's just a they/them who sperged out at journalists misgendering her. i said "i hate" in the "omg can't staaand her" way, not the genuine hate way kek, i just thought that photo looked goofy
yeah same, she looks like any old asian granny/aunty which made me feel guilty in finding her annoying

No. 2433599

wonder if shes taking testosterone in order to age that poorly holy shit

No. 2433600

kek do you remember why you blocked her

No. 2433604

File: 1741394464431.jpg (67.4 KB, 602x907, Capture.JPG)

No. 2433607

Not at all but probably for posting obnoxious gendie shit
kek I actually thought she was a kind old lady albeit a little retarded (since anon called her a tranny) until I looked up her profile

No. 2433618

29? You're shitting me. I usually don't comment on women aging but holy shit that's the damage only synthetic hormones and an eating disorders can cause. I hope she's physically healthy at least.

No. 2433620

Knew it. I was reluctant to point it out since it would be a bit mean to comment on how women age but theres something about testosterone aging that makes women so haggard and soulless (e.g. ellen page)

No. 2433624

omfg i was about to comment "whos grandma is this" and then read this holy kek

No. 2433627

she has 84 year old artist in her instagram bio though? but when i looked her up i thought she typed suspiciously young sounding, i wonder if she just gets people thinking she looks elderly a lot KEKKKK oh my god i've heard of people in their twenties getting mistaken for their thirties but never their eighties

No. 2433633

She's definitely not 84. I wonder if she's gotten comments about looking old that often so she put it there pre-emptively so people can't make fun of her for it.

No. 2433640

File: 1741395542843.jpg (998.96 KB, 1170x916, bday.jpg)

Yep she had her 29th birthday over a month ago

No. 2433647

jesus christ
that can NOT just be testosterone, that's gotta be some really fucking shitty paternal genetics, drunkenfix still looks late teens-early twenties despite being well into her thirties?? i think she's at least like 33-35 now

No. 2433683

File: 1741397262482.jpg (184.26 KB, 1116x1395, 92293839.JPG)

I’m so tired of artists drawing ugly bald trope blobs

No. 2433691

Gendershit aside, the way she draws is very unappealing. Her work hurts my eyes.

No. 2433692

I like when they (occasionally) make interesting ideas for potential character dynamics, but I agree that the golf ball head blob body people are an eyesore

No. 2433725

Most of the ideas people submit in this format are the most boring, bland and vanilla shit possible OR it's made specifically to ragebait people. I wish more artists who have been through genuine abuse and horrifically toxic relationships weren't scared out of making stories that show off realistic toxic ways abuse can rub off on victims by people who think that writing that thing = supporting it irl.

No. 2433830

Same, blatant cloutfarming. An ESL's blob art got memed into oblivion recently kek

No. 2433836

how do nonas save art that you like? do you just save every image in one big folder, or do you organize somewhat? for me i create a folder for each artist i follow on twitter and save their art there to keep everything organized. and i even have a folder for my favorite artists, so their folders go into the "favorites" folder kek

No. 2433841

Mine's unorganized for the most part aside from art I use as inspiration for composition/style/rendering/etc., those go in their respective folders. I have an extension that saves the artists' usernames so I don't sort them by account.

No. 2433842

I used to use hitomi downloader and had individual folders for the artists I liked but it became too much work archiving newer posts without redoing the hitomi downloading process in case theres deleted pictures in the new download batch so I started dumping new posts in one general folder.

No. 2433858

I wonder this too. Most of the time I move just saved things to Pinterest because that’s what I’ve been used to, but I would like to know other methods people do, such as if anyone prefers to save art on a cloud drive, locally on their computer, or on an external hard drive.
And if anyone else wants to suggest certain downloaders like >>2433842

No. 2433903

oh no i'd never save anything on pinterest, i don't know how so many people use that site as their whole library. if the original poster gets suspended or deletes a post, won't that also get removed on your board? i don't like my files being dependent on someone else if that's the case. at least on tumblr, if you reblogged something then it would still stay even if the op deleted the post. it's better to save things locally so you can keep it forever

No. 2433912

ayrt, I currently have my bulk folder saved on a storage drive after my USB corrupted and lost a good chunk of saved photos. I might get an external hard drive in the case my computer goes toast as it wont be as fragile as the USB was. I'm not sure if cloud drives would face the same vulnerabilities as photo hosting services had but I'm wary of using them in general due to the probability of the servers shutting down or getting fucked like what happened to file garden

No. 2433985

Yeah, sinix made a video about it i remember. But i didnt find it that useful.

No. 2434095

I made a discord server for storing art. I separate it into categories of what I like about it, or techniques I think about stealing for my own advancement. It's extremely organized but sometimes I fear that discord is gonna bite the bullet or some of the stuff I have saved (naked photos of men for anatomy, dicks out) will break some hidden rule I was unaware of.

No. 2434412

nona if they're not gonna nuke the countless child grooming servers and pokemon fart furry porn channels they're not gonna do anything to your server

No. 2434645

Probably not. Doesn't mean I won't freak out about it anyway.

No. 2434653

nsfw isnt illegal on shitcord

No. 2434712

She draws everything in greyscale, then uses color maps to fill in colors. It sounds like an interesting idea at first, but it's a technique that won't let you have full control of the color range in your paintings I think.

No. 2434713


Thread has exceeded 1200 posts and is about to be locked! Please create a new thread and post a link to it.

No. 2435053

Could you explain why the technique won't let you have full control over the color range? I don't understand what that means.

No. 2435054

File: 1741438442371.jpg (84.34 KB, 884x903, CoeRDR2VMAA-YcR-1.jpg)

>My art is a solid mid-tier.
>Nobody wants to commission me lately.
>Rapidly improving.
>Nobody is looking at my social media accounts.
>Weirdly I have achieved the "fuck you bitches, my art is GREAT" plateau, where I am unable to see my own flaws.
Guess I better enjoy it while it lasts kek

No. 2435072

Kek. Looks like every stereotypical nonce ever.

No. 2435094

File: 1741440568083.png (105.97 KB, 952x542, image1.PNG)

I organize the stuff I download by fandoms, social medias and authors. I mostly download art from twitter, so I use WFdownloader. It's specifically designed to download images and videos from supported websites. You can also create folders within the program and update existing batches to get newer posts from previously downloaded accounts. They have a lot of good tutorials for all that stuff on their website, so can definitely recommend

No. 2435134

Bing you dolt, their imahes do not save

No. 2435250

OMG, Where did you get that!?

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