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File: 1741351493422.png (917.69 KB, 1200x874, osamu tezuka.png)

No. 2096390

Thread to discuss the cows within the anime and manga industry. Westerners are only allowed if they are related to the Japane manga/anime industry.

Notable cows

>author of girls last tour and shimeji simulation
>fans speculated over his sex until ancient tweets surfaced of him admitting to wearing little girl panties to class, wanting to cross dress, jizzing on his ipad and wanting to be a loli

Osamu Tezuka
>author of astroboy, black jack, princess knight
>considered to be the father of manga
>when he died his daughters found his stash of furry tranformation fetish art

Akihito Tsukushi
>author of made in abyss
>open pedophile
>is a cult personality in japan
>did an interview where he revealed his child mannequin with children underwear, a randoseru and toothbrush
>everyone knows he's a pedo but treats it as a joke

No. 2096391

File: 1741351620885.jpg (1.07 MB, 1920x1080, 1643300395918.jpg)

The video got unlisted, but there are screenshots of tsukishi's child mannequin.

No. 2096393

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No. 2096395

File: 1741352493109.jpg (232.8 KB, 1028x1316, 1741304529868.jpg)

TKMZ tweets

No. 2096402

Hell yeah, my suggestion became a reality. Thank you nonnnyy.

No. 2096403

File: 1741352966532.jpg (Spoiler Image,135.98 KB, 850x1189, __drawn_by_tsukushi_akihito__s…)

he even made drawing of it

No. 2096404

File: 1741353329095.jpg (98.61 KB, 350x467, Seppukuthemall.jpg)

I'm glad the birth rate is dying in Japan no Japanese woman should even touch these moids

No. 2096406

Is Made in Abyss even worth watching anymore? I don't want to fund this pedo's pockets.

No. 2096407

File: 1741353506907.jpg (Spoiler Image,227.94 KB, 850x1202, __hiiragi_utena_magia_baiser_m…)

He also made fanart of the pedo magical girl show because of course he did.

No. 2096408

>not torrenting anime

No. 2096409

it's not a bad show, just use pirate sites
this is also official art

No. 2096410

File: 1741353841972.jpg (Spoiler Image,406.54 KB, 1352x1644, kabinagata.jpg)

Kabi Nagata has a diaper fetish and is a lolcow in Japan that has admitted to enjoying being discussed like that due to the fact she's unable to think anything positive about herself and she likes hearing the "real" things about her.

No. 2096412

>this is also official art

Fookin' hell.

No. 2096414

I think it is great world and above average story. The sexual stuff is kinda less gross for me than in other anime/manga (but still gross). I have pirated it to not support retard pdophiles(sage your shit)

No. 2096418

This immediately puts him in horrorcow status for me, fucking hell

No. 2096428

I truly think that someone brazen enough to do this has the capacity to harm actual children. This man's hard drive needs to be checked.

No. 2096429

File: 1741357585860.png (664.25 KB, 756x1080, 1647982634619.png)

I cant help but feel bad for her considering the sexual abuse she experienced as a child and how the adults around her reacted to it. Her sexuality was already fucked up because of it and she had to wear diapers due to her incontinence so I'm not surprised she eventually grew a paraphilia for it

No. 2096430

I'd say he already has, alot of mangakas getting caught with child rape crimes only get away with a slap on their wrist like the author of toriko,kenshi and act age that moid ruined the female artists career for life

No. 2096468

File: 1741366835694.jpg (Spoiler Image,312.93 KB, 1365x2048, 1669799069856.jpg)

There were photosets of her tagged by an ageplay X account that also included her showing the camera her diaper. Spoilered isn't the flashing one.

No. 2096480

looks like she has shitty implants kek

No. 2096490

Didn't he also only look at kids in some audience and his editors were pointing it out? I remember there was some manga panel of it

No. 2096513

File: 1741377647915.png (985.3 KB, 1128x1600, tsukushi-no-v0-dalsaiiw63ka1.p…)

Is it this one?

No. 2096515

File: 1741377884182.jpg (405.66 KB, 2048x2048, 172703438007879.jpg)

Samura is particularly sadistic and cruel to the women in his works, very clearly has extreme mommy issues.

Fujimoto is overall just insane and seems like a ticking timebomb. His earlier interviews with his editor were troubling to say the least.

Men seriously cannot separate from the mother and continually crave to go back to the womb, it really isn't talked enough about. It creates such milky and unbearable behavior.

No. 2096518

>I want to worship women and recognise them as mentally superior
>But I also want to torture them
>Haha that's so quirky of us
I feel like it's not scientifically possible to grasp the mind of a male.

No. 2096519

File: 1741378545274.jpg (79.81 KB, 525x515, 1709574191307.jpg)

They really think being quirky and pseudo-self aware makes up for their degeneracy. It's incredibly pathetic. If anything, it just emboldens their behavior and makes them even more obnoxious and unpleasant.

No. 2096524

File: 1741378968836.png (702.21 KB, 1080x608, 1739586760801.png)

after reading about the actual production of manga, I believe that at least 60% of the success of most manga should be credited to the editors who ensure these stories are readable and free from blatant fetishes or outright pornography

No. 2096525

>i want to put women on a higher pedestal than men
is that why he recommended a manga where a moid gets off a little boy beating and torturing women to death? and who tells to deal with suicidal women asking for help by fucking them? hes a gross troon who probably has a fetish for his little sister i hope his family has disowned him

No. 2096526

kek he cant draw adults at all

No. 2096530

Samura the one who made prison school?

No. 2096538

File: 1741381369173.jpg (131.47 KB, 664x680, 1737427044099.jpg)

that did not deter him enough

No. 2096541

Yes, thank you.

No. 2096546

That's not him drawing, that's some undoubtedly extremely fucked up woman who looks up to him for some reason.

No. 2096563

Yeah, that page fucked me up. It's no wonder she ended up like this

No. 2096572

dragon ball is a great example because much of its popularity was because of editors, censorship, and localization. the version that became popular in the west is not at all what toriyama intended. the higher-ups at jump instructed him to make it much more action-oriented and to give the characters families, the western localization further emphasized the action aspect even further, making it more 'macho' by 90s standards

No. 2096582

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No. 2096585

File: 1741393888740.webp (50.67 KB, 750x605, kz98hb7qxzla1.jpg)

ironic quote coming from miyazaki

No. 2096591

I've seen this a bunch of times, but is there an actual source for it?

No. 2096599

Can any nihongo speaking nonnas confirm the translation? I'm coping hard rn.

No. 2096608

File: 1741398465381.jpg (114.06 KB, 582x561, miya.jpg)

The "anime was a mistake" quote was made up on Tumblr anyway.
Yes, it's real, the source is in the picture. Ehoba tweeted about it as well (he mainly tweets about directors/creatives and is reliable). It's not a direct quote from him, just someone else saying he said that. It was in the context of "haha hear this funny thing Miyazaki said" so I doubt it's a lie though. Picrel is another shot of the same excerpt.

No. 2096611

Japan has extremely strict laws against defamation so if it was a lie then I think Miyazaki would've said something.

No. 2096623

File: 1741403541826.jpg (435.02 KB, 1179x1659, tukushiro.jpg)

The woman who drew this has improved massively and is doing her first proper serialized manga but still puts that pedo fuck on a pedestal, describing their encounter as "dream-like". https://x.com/Y_tukushiro/status/1895767613122445644

No. 2096633

Toriyama designed new characters and concepts for Dragon Ball GT, he wasn't the one who said "yeah, let's make a doe seek for Pan's tits", although considering Bulma and Chi Chi's design…

No. 2096637

File: 1741405817823.jpg (305.83 KB, 1200x1600, Gk4FpG7WEAAaCXy.jpg)

>improved massively
>drew picrel
yeah sure…

No. 2096639

not to blog but 6 or 7 years ago I was embarrassingly into his art but haven't kept up with the manga/jp scene since. that said, absolutely zero shock from this. kek makes complete sense that so many neet agp trewns love his stuff
ik he was a degen but holy moly, was especially unprepared for the kissing, boobed horse

No. 2096642

isn't she also a gendie?

No. 2096645

File: 1741408639021.jpg (226.82 KB, 1440x1080, EZFz5OdWsAA1Mph.jpg)

More Tezuka cringe

No. 2096647

File: 1741408718261.webp (56.08 KB, 738x412, OdasFemales.webp)

And this classic from Oda, creator of One Piece

No. 2096661

I'm talking about technical improvements, not whether or not she's drawing huge tits.

No. 2096673

Cringe? This is based.(racebait)

No. 2096674

Poor thing. I just want help for her. I can't hate her like I hate on the scrotes and pedos.
Are you talking about Shiro Usazaki? She has a new manga out now that's doing well, and they've made a huge effort to keep the Act Age writer disassociated from her. I think it helped that she supported the victims and didn't make excuses for him.
I was the anon who mentioned this bastard in the artist salt thread. This page is from hell.
Samura made a guro artbook and had to stop because "he couldn't think up more unique ways to torture the women." "I have a desire to be pampered by strong women."
I think these types have the strongest Maddona-Whore complexes known to man. Except for Madonna-Whore, they see Goddess-Meat.
You're thinking of Akira Hiramoto. I have no dirt on them (due to not digging; I'm sure it exists)
Alabaster makes up for it

No. 2096677

File: 1741425795365.jpg (121.98 KB, 768x384, goods_543_1-768x384.jpg)

Rockin' Jelly Bean might be one. He's more of a print artist than mangaka/animator, but he does a ton of collabs with Japanese IPs.
I think his PR keeps his shit on a lid since he works with US IPs, too.
Being Japanese-American, his art combines the most disgusting parts of moid aesthetics from both American and Japanese styles.
I appreciate his technical skill, but it alarms me when characters, especially women, never look fully engage or want to be there despite the situation.
Sometimes they do, but the pose clashes with their actions.
Only exception is on work that you can tell he got art directed into toning it down. No idea if he's just a typical scrote artist, or what. I had a hard time finding an example I wanted to post
This is why I only like pinup art by women (or old pinup art; a lot of which were painted by women)
It really intrigues me how they keep trying to frame him as being "underground" when he's just another horny printmaker.
This is probably more salt than lolcow, but fuck it. Maybe you guys know something I don't.

No. 2096678

File: 1741425900096.jpg (51.12 KB, 532x800, FIG-KAI-0945_02.jpg)

> RJB: I suppose that I try and go beyond drawing pictures of girls that are just cute or beautiful. I try and show more of the girl’s more human mischievous and lascivious side. Even if the girl is naked, there’s nothing very sexy or interesting if they are simply objectified as just a pair of boobs and a butt. I think there’s much more realism if you can show what kind of person they are, why they are wearing that swimsuit, and create a context for it. Conveying personality in my illustrations is important to me. Also human-ness, funny elements—I put little jokes in everything and try to convey humor in my work as well.

> There are some people that see my work and take it very seriously, but for me pretty much everything I do is done in good humor. It’s a dead serious joke. It makes me happy to have people grin and laugh when they see my work.

Jesus, they all say this. I've been gaslit by scrote artist who draw similarly use this kind of wording.

No. 2096679

File: 1741426258752.png (Spoiler Image,230.74 KB, 1294x436, its-just-humor-lol.png)

> iT's JuSt hUmor!
seriously why is it the only one sold out lmao

No. 2096682

File: 1741427102568.jpg (Spoiler Image,309.46 KB, 1280x1983, Brute_Love_078.jpg)

>Samura made a guro artbook and had to stop because "he couldn't think up more unique ways to torture the women."
jesus fucking christ i shouldnt have looked that up

No. 2096698

File: 1741435631004.jpg (Spoiler Image,152.73 KB, 421x600, 12193l.jpg)

speaking of guro manga. Does he produces any milk?

No. 2096728

I don't think Tezuka fits the definition of a lolcow. He wasn't a prominent media personality or known for fucked up shit. The furry art he made is very tame as far as furries go (check out the Furry Art Freak Show thread on KF). I guess every erotic furry artist is a lolcow now?

No. 2096736

File: 1741449956129.jpg (1.22 MB, 1523x1120, 1694014178140.jpg)

Miura was probably one of the worst offenders. Everyone worships him for Berserk, which had become so drawn out and lost in filler arc that he died before finishing it.
But the cause of the hiatuses? Just being addicted to watching little girls constantly. There used to be a joke of his idolm@ster addiction killing him, and it finally did. Good riddance.

This "muh superior Nippon low sexual assault rates" argument is so fucking shallow and retarded. It completely ignores the culture of women and girl's likelihood to report, the justice system only wanting surefire cases to be sent through, amongst other things. Not to mention this fat retard was seriously saying "if men can't obsessively hoarde images of drawn children, they will just rape real ones, so you better let us have it!", even though it's so obvious porn use always escalates and the need for greater stimulus becomes impossible to ignore.

No. 2096738

Show these pictures to the next Nigelfag who wants to handwring about us being too mean to scrotes.

No. 2096742

I agree that he really isnt a lolcow since most of his real life events arent even documented except him being a absent parent same like miyazaki was his business side could be discussed since he kinda was the reason animators get payed in shekels now

No. 2096752

I can get needing a mannequin for reference taking but the fact that it's wearing a bra and underwear is what officially set that he is, without a doubt, a nonce.

No. 2096753

>simple possession of child pornography

No. 2096774

there has to be dirt on the chainsaw man author, and I don't just mean the femdom shit he's into

No. 2096799

There's him pretending to be his 13 year old sister on an alt account but that's about it.

No. 2096839

ot, but every woman I've known who was into berserk always turn out to be just insane degens, who end up trooning out and or posting shotacon porn or gore

No. 2096863

File: 1741463692784.png (Spoiler Image,1.92 MB, 1413x1064, fujimoto.png)

He has a handful of "SFW" loli-esque drawings on old accounts, you be the judge.
Also, I thought Look Back's whole relation to the KyoAni attack was tasteless, but it only really got into controversy for that in Japan.

No. 2096889

File: 1741466320419.jpg (Spoiler Image,71.98 KB, 825x1238, tezuka_0010 (1).jpg)

either you are a degenerate yourself or you have been desensitized to porn, but this is weird and wild as fuck especially considering tezuka couldnt have been exposed to it as a child through the internet. He was probably the first ever erotic transformation fetish artist.

No. 2096902

File: 1741468900655.jpeg (531.21 KB, 1241x2153, IMG_3668.jpeg)

Alright so I’ve been a long time fan of Tsukushi’s art and consumed most of his stuff untranslated.

Once the scanlations of his main artbook came out and I read them I felt so disturbed by certain notes in his artwork. Like, how do you know about these things? I get that this guy has weird fixations for nipples and navels (he’s portrayed his main male character from Made in Abyss having his navel penetrated more than twice, licked, exposed, bruised, etc.) but where on earth do you get this information about male prepubescent children from.

I tend to be very relaxed with authors being weird perverts but this has alarmed me to a degree that I fear that one day he will be found guilty of child abuse or owning csam of real life children. I probably cope by thinking that he’s just a silly guy bc of the love I have for his writing and whimsical art, but it would ruin everything for me if this was the case (at this point it feels inevitable).
At what point can I separate the art from the artist.

Picrel is heavily censored but the notes are what is important here.

No. 2096904

That, and Fujino and Kyomoto from Look Back. are his unironic little girl self-inserts (Fujino + Kyomoto = Fujimoto).

I get taking your own life experiences for your story but the obvious naming is super weird.

No. 2096907

>It sure is exciting to imagine that.

Kek, whatever copium you're chugging you better abandon it now.

No. 2096916

How tf do you consume straight up illustrated CSAM as nbd but when the moid adds words thats when you’re disturbed? This thread is just full of nonnas outing themselves as complete degens.

No. 2096917

Sorry nonna but that guy is 100% a pedo, just look at any of his character designs

No. 2096920

these are the retards who huff copium even provided with clear pedophila who call other moralfags for pointing out shotashit and lolishit in Japanese media. Fucking bleak please take off your rose tinted weeb glasses and see the actual feces infront of you

No. 2096923

It also ignores just how common it is for the convicted sex offender to "resolve" the conflict with victim/their family by unofficially compensating them with money. Like it is a literal staple of culture for them (no surprise, since the justice system is so corrupt and they are obsessed with keeping up appearances), japenis scrotes even accuse feminists of being "antisocial extremists" for thinking that criminals should always be punished.

No. 2096927

I don’t consume his erotic lolisho content but his manga and fantasy designs/landscapes plus the body horror. This page just happened to be in the middle of his art book. There are more like these, but this one is remarkably disturbing.

No. 2096928

File: 1741473110886.png (638.65 KB, 1028x677, Screenshot_20250308_172635.png)

is she turning into a car? what's the appeal?

don't forget saying that reg's design incorporate's astroboy's "unguarded sexiness"
>At what point can I separate the art from the artist.
in this case, either accept the artist is a nonce or just stop reading his stuff. even as someone desensitized to a lot of stuff, i can have a hard time reading his works bc it's just constantly reminding the reader that he's a pervert and pedophile, idk how you could be a long time fan of his without having a very clear idea of who he is

made in abyss, the manga, has like full page pinup-style drawings of underage characters. not sure how anyone makes it past those and still feels unsure if he's a pedophile

No. 2096929

No. 2096930

>Except for Madonna-Whore, they see Goddess-Meat
The most accurate description of the Japanese male complex.

No. 2096932

File: 1741473406925.jpg (35.87 KB, 387x420, 1739211033042.jpg)

I get you nonny, its basically impossible to like anything made by a man, specially a male artist, because they are always inserting their fetishes onto everything.

No. 2096934

>is she turning into a car? what's the appeal?
I don't know. Ask the transformation community.

No wonder he draws those long-ass necks.

NTA but even looking at that heavily censored pic, everyone can tell he's a pedophile. That's the exact way someone who is drawing erotic material draws people. Whenever you see a mangaka render characters like that and give them those expressions, it's meant to be erotic for them. Also, it might be just horror to you, but it's not just body horror to the author, that's clearly a fetish of his.

No. 2096940

> Also human-ness
You would not have to add or convey "human-ness" with women if you saw them as humans. Oh my god just when I thought I hit peak male.

No. 2096942

Don't forget this gem
>pictures of girls that are just cute or beautiful. I try and show more of the girl’s more human mischievous and lascivious side.
>cute, beautiful, mischievous and lascivious
So that's what you see women as. Not as people, but as things for you to jack off with no other "scary" or "unsexy" qualities that could get in the way of your boner. Got it.

No. 2096949

File: 1741476112409.jpeg (122.71 KB, 1280x720, IMG_9159.jpeg)

He has the lips of that green 4chan frog

No. 2096952

I just think it's their way of saying "I know what women say and I don't care because I'm a selfish fuck".

To me this sounds like he almost recognizes that males like himself are subhuman trash, and is jealous of women for being more complete human beings. Not uncommon.

No. 2096956

I remember going through tsukushi's stuff years ago and feeling insane that nobody seemed to care. I had the feeling that the bulk of gross men are opportunistic only held back by societal morals, like it's more about the vulnerability and weakness of someone underage and being able to get away with it (in short men will try to have sex with whatever or whoever they can hold power over). But he has such a blatant fetish for puberty that feels particularly dangerous. Like why doesn't anyone care? Are more men just pedophiles than I thought?

No. 2096958

so I guess you either consume the work of an unabashed, brazen pedophile or you don't lol

No. 2096959

>Are more men just pedophiles than I thought?
unironically yes. most are.

No. 2096960

File: 1741478539275.jpeg (16.72 KB, 232x198, IMG_9161.jpeg)

>he just loves children!!!
I find it hard to believe men can love children for innocent/paternal reasons. Men either psychotically hate them, view them as “muh legacy” or want to rape them.
No wonder why the birthrate is so low in Japan. None of the men are attracted to adult women.

No. 2096966

A lot of people aren't aware of the inherent pedophilia and misogyny in like 95% of all anime. They think "it's just how anime is" or "that's just Japanese culture" so you shouldn't criticize it because they don't realize it's actually just pedophilia and there's nothing innocent and "unique" about it.

No. 2096977

>Are more men just pedophiles than I thought?
If cp became legal and easy to find tomorrow, what percentage of men do you think would start actively downloading, sharing and watching it? Thinking about that is how I realized that yeah, the majority of men are pedophiles.

No. 2096990

Men already try to watch cp without breaking the law. Barely legal/teen porn is the most popular porn category.
Men aren’t reading romance novels, they all watch “little sister virgin petite barley legal girl destroyed!”(sage your shit)

No. 2097005

Not that I'm aware of, which is very surprising. He doesn't seem to give a fuck either way or tries to normalize/intellectualize/dismiss what he's depicting.
Rest in piss, Miura. I had seen this comic before and hadn't realized who had made it (I'm not a Beserk fan and never saw a reason to read it).
I think there is some truth about male artists becoming better with the goal of grooming their audiences into giving them a pass.
If any of you know about the Michael Jackson cases, you can probably draw some comparisons.

No. 2097006

I agree. It's not a defense of him; but, having read a lot of his work, it lacked a lot of the fucked up passed-as-normal fixations you see in 1980-onwards anime. In fact, this >>2096742 is easily his worst offense. The fact that he could always fall back on his medical degree and his family's money if he screwed up really cheapened the value of the industry.
The anthro and shapeshifter stuff pops up a lot in Japanese folklore and kids are commonly exposed to it through storytelling, festivals, plays. And some of that folklore involves them having sexual relations with humans. Kitsune, Tanuki, especially. Those were likely his inspirations.

No. 2097007

File: 1741491600398.png (1.27 MB, 950x606, Harley-RJB.png)

I remember first seeing his work and having a visceral reaction to it, likely due to the fact that I like the retro-poster aesthetics and the theme; but the execution being pure moid-stank. I didn't pay attention to the name because I pulled away so quickly.
When I came across this Harley Quinn piece, I didn't put two and two together. It feels relaxed because the art director/client reeled him in. I actually thought a woman designed it. Now, compare…

No. 2097010

File: 1741491917672.jpg (227.24 KB, 1200x700, Harley-ugh-RJB.jpg)

…to this version. This is likely based on his original concept.
This is funny to consider when editors and art directors for capeshit comics had a history of telling artists to sexualize the fuck out of the women in their promo art; now they hire this turbo-perv and it's in the opposite direction.

No. 2097012

Does anyone have any milk on asanagi? I always hated how he was as a person.

No. 2097014

I reverse searched this image and found this article on a pro pedophile wiki on him.
>Many prominent manga artists wrote obituary remarks following Miura's death[2]. Love Hina and Negima creator Ken Akamatsu shared that Miura was a fan of his character Yue Ayase[3], and that whenever she ended up in a sexual situation he would get so excited he would send Akamatsu a letter via fax. Akamatsu, himself a defender of lolicon and shotacon in artwork
All these manga artists are exactly the same, jesus christ.

No. 2097023

I have always noticed that there is generally less 'pervy' content from westaboos. for example, I watched fist of the north star and gundam with my brother when we were younger, and I noticed that these two series, which are both very western, tend to have significantly less perverted content, the female characters aren't exceptionally well-written, but they aren’t just walking around with their breasts exposed or portrayed as literal children or teenagers

No. 2097026

Honestly, I do wonder sometimes if there's some type of sexual cultural difference we're not getting. I wish a Japanese woman would come and explain it to us in the same way one explained proship vs antiship to other Japanese people.

No. 2097032

I'm not japanese but I am asian and I feel I can offer some perspective. western culture tends to be both more sexually open and more active, which seems to require effort. In the past, western men and women would actively seek out dates and relationships, which is quite different from the asian context. relationships often occur within a sort of hierarchy, where even the man who is considered 'active' remains somewhat passive regarding his desires, I assume that japanese sexuality may be in an even worse state than this

No. 2097041

That makes sense, the Japanese are extremely repressed people, they feel as if they as the individual are beneath the collective so they cannot speak about their emotions as easily and seem to have abuse framed as rightful retribution, even if you're a high school student getting bullied. Learning the truth about Japanese society severely disillusioned younger me when I thought about moving there. Maybe these extreme paraphilias just come about as a result of this repression, meanwhile the west can't stop telling each other to keep those thoughts inside, but I can easily see how fiction has become such a sacred ground over there.

No. 2097066

You don't actually. I hate when asians try to speak like a monolith. This seems like some femaleaznidentity reddit shit.

No. 2097093

Then give your perspective as an asian

No. 2097099

you are indian(derailing, not even saged)

No. 2097100

Indians… are Asian, anon..(derail)

No. 2097101

No no no don't you get it, the only asians are the ones with pretty white skin, anything further west than eastern china doesn't count, ESPECIALLY not those dirty scamming Indians!(derail)

No. 2097122

East asian cultures are obviously different from South Asian ones. That's like saying armenians are relevant to this discussion just because they're also located in Asia.

No. 2097135

I'm older so I remember when Elebits came out, but even at that time people thought he was weird? Like I'm fairly sure there was info online about him making r18 comics in that style and when I found out I was too skeeved to every play Elebits or read Made in Abyss when it started getting translated

No. 2097140

Which chapter/manga is that page from?
I know she made multiple manga talking about her life, but I didn't know she discussed that. That's fucking depressing.

No. 2097179

East asian cultures are vastly different. And you are westernized so you're even less reliable.

No. 2097190

File: 1741535739579.jpg (106.72 KB, 756x1080, d55453f9ad0d1d26399b317ad1e397…)

its part of My Wandering Warrior Existence chapter 4

No. 2097222

I'm surprised that Made in Abyss seemingly isn't illegal in any country. I know Australia and France have laws against sexual illustrations of children, but despite that MiB was published in France. Am I missing something?

No. 2097238

Other than him being an incel with a shit style, not much. He's also incredibly thin-skinned and constantly tries to ''own the feminazis'' by making coom about feminist animu girls getting raped. Insanely pathetic scrote.

No. 2097274

Gosh, he looks like a nice old uncle man who'd be like the neighborhood dude who gives you candy and shows you the cool stuff he draws. We had a guy like that as kids. He would let us come in and play on his retro games, he'd even bake banana bread. It's scary because I could see a kid really easily trusting this guy. In interviews he puts up such a kind and gentle front. I'm really afraid for the children in his life. I hope the parents in his area and his family are aware of this guys manga and his perversion.

No. 2097292

I feel like this thread has hugely killed my weebiness. How can so many famous men be openly pedophiles and how can so many people let them get away with it. What's with japan and just letting men be pedos. Is it defeatism or something?

No. 2097295

I don't wanna pull a "it's in their culture" thing but unironically, Japan is a very tradition first country that honors privacy over security. No one can say how they feel without first making it implicit since being explicit with your desires is a big no no in Japan. Hence, a culture centered on shame and games of hush hush. Don't say anything and you're fine basically. This doesn't mean pedos get Scott free but so as long as they're super quiet about their fetish no one seems to give a damn.

No. 2097301

Wait until you find out about hollywood.

No. 2097302

But these guys aren't being hush about it, they're screaming it from the rooftops on social media and publishing entire books featuring rape fantasies towards children. People treat that sick made in abyss freak like his perversion is cute and quirky it's psychotic.

No. 2097304

The chick who made 12 forever had a her career swiftly ruined once she was discovered to be a creeper. Same to every other pedo in hollywood, if they're getting away with it it's because it's underwraps but as soon as an inkling of weirdness comes into contact with the public there is an immediate backlash. It's not comparable to be honest. I think I can confidently say, we as a society in burgerland at least hate pedos more than the japanese.

No. 2097306

don't get me wrong i love the culture still and the people seem great but they've failed to take a hard stance on protecting children and that's horrible. big ups to the countries that have made loli illegal. Hopefully more countries do the same.

No. 2097313

File: 1741560940422.png (933.51 KB, 1080x2208, vif4yxpwyile1.png)

I remember seeing news of this japanese woman being berated for finding this shit gross.

No. 2097316

File: 1741561102955.png (315.01 KB, 732x718, Screenshot 2025-03-09 155542.p…)

Anyway someone on X reposted it, anons with X can read the comments if they please but I hear they are very alog inducing.


No. 2097325

The 12 forever chick got fired because she actually sexually harassed her employees, not because of her creepy tumblr posts. There is a huge difference between 'though' crimes and actual crimes. The director of Lolita never got scorned for it, none of the pedos who predated Brooke Shields when she was little got cancelled either, hell, woody allen is still making movies. Playboy published CP more than once and it was in publication until the late 2010s.

No. 2097338

Anon I'm trying to find proof of what you said but all that comes up in relation to her firing is the pedophile stuff…but that doesn't really change my point, she was absolutely lambasted by the public for the pedo shit, a japanese creator would've likely gotten no backlash ,or at most, very little backlash from Iapanese feminists.
>The director of Lolita never got scorned for it,

Stanley Kubrick made Lolita back in the goddamn 1960s though, in the modern day it'd be totally unacceptable ("Cuties" for example). It's been long enough that it's considered an edgy artsy film. Discussions around Lolita are very combative usually, the movie is seen as exploitative at least by most western feminists while film bros argue in it's favor because moids are terrible.

My point is if you look up the names of famous open pedos in japanese you don't see anyone deriding them the same way you would in the west. I think that's strange.

No. 2097343

>in the modern day it'd be totally unacceptable
there was a remake in the 90s. Also there are tons of artists who work in the western industry who did loli/shota porn prior to being hired. The loud house creator is one of them, he did a weird shota incest comic. John K used to go to radio shows and talk about how sexy his underage characters were. Dont get me started with Kyle Carroza. The thing is, nonces will exist in all countries. Its a male problem, not a culture problem.

No. 2097346

I never said it wasn't but every guy you've mentioned is actively hated. You can't google their name without being immediately met with all of their controversies. I'm saying the pedophiles aren't as openly despised. I don't want to devolve to infighting so I'll keep it short but none of these guys are well respected or liked, they've been "cancelled" by the wider community. That doesn't seem to happen in japan and that's a bit sad.(sage your shit)

No. 2097350

The pedo mangaka rabbit hole goes deep, it seems.

No. 2097352

File: 1741567294201.jpg (80.61 KB, 700x1100, 765ed58aa1d128dd3772b2a1069dd9…)

Gross as fuck. Why do they always try to insert their blatant fetishes into otherwise innocent media?

No. 2097353

All of those guys are hated because they commited actual crimes, nonny. The ones that havent, like Kubrick or Adrian Lyne havent been cancelled and you rarely hear anyone talk about them in a negative way for making the lolita adaptations. Dont get me started on how Leon the professional is seen as a cult classic.

No. 2097355

The Made In Abyss subreddit gets raided by people with this concern so often it's in the rules to not discuss it. People care. Some just separate the media from the artist and intentionally look away when they do shit like put Marulk in BDSM rope bondage.
Tsukushi's art is amazing but the shit he openly admitted to in his Door Beetle releases should absolutely put him on constant monitoring.(sage your shit)

No. 2097356

IIRC this character is a mom of two children. She's supposed to be an adult kek(learn to sage)

No. 2097358

…i always thought his coloring style was cool, but looking at this picture, it just looks muddy and gross. did i just come back to reality?

No. 2097359

Could have, yeah. His more recent pictures do feel a bit weird. But he's also colorblind apparently.(sage your shit)

No. 2097393

NTA but it's always the most disgusting and hate-driven artists that are the most thin-skinned, I've noticed. What kind of problems do you have to have to see every competent female character and make an entire series about degrading each new one you come across?
There is such a huge taboo against rocking the boat there. When I participate in Japanese art spaces, I notice that the women are extremely careful or put up disclaimers, while the men are disgusting and aggressive about their work I was always stunned by how the males were so quick to sexualize every little thing relating to women there. Not that it's different from anywhere else, but the Pixiv tags are hyper-specific for a reason.

If you guys haven't seen the Vice video on on this topic, it's a good watch. The comments had to be turned off because of all of the porn addicts and pedos getting upset over the truth.

No. 2097395

File: 1741574415223.jpg (137.99 KB, 1588x1823, precious-abyss.jpg)

That sure is some Precious Moments-level weirdness

No. 2097425

japan hasn't changed since edo period so they're still pedos. the rest of the world atleast pretends it's not.

No. 2097432

File: 1741583903387.jpeg (Spoiler Image,618.65 KB, 1589x1603, IMG_0579.jpeg)

more of tezukas erotica. his shit was to a level rarely even accomplished by the tf gooners of today. truly a pioneer.(spoiler nsfw)

No. 2097436

Kind of annoyed that she doesn't mention that their legal adult stuff is full of gang rape and other disgusting things too. I imagine if that was also covered though the coomers would lose their minds.

No. 2097450

this is a literal sissy troon fantasy about little boys forced to dress like girls, but this was made in 2011 before troonism really took off, just shows how way more degen japan was at the time and probably has gotten worse since then(wrong thread)

No. 2097463

Couldn't find the video by searching the title on youtube, and pasting the link into the browser didn't let me load it, so I had to download it through ytdlp and watch it that way. In the meantime, I browsed the various videos the youtube anime pedophiles made in response, none of them actually addressing the actual issue, instead typing the most retarded nitpics to ever grace my screen; "she recorded the store without permission!!1!" "she said this scene was cp, so why did she record it!!1!" moids truly never got the gift of intelligence, and instead they play pretend with gotcha autistic irrelevant comments like that. Of course pedo king rev says desu made an entire video reacting, another pedo included kanna, the pedo lesbian fetishizing character that gets "ironically" molested all the time by her kindergarten friend in the thumbnail, you know, to make sure we all know that moids weren't given the gift of self awareness either, and of course, that "based" pink pedo rabbit vtuber pick me whose name I forgot also reacted on stream.

No. 2097466

>Its a male problem, not a culture problem.
why does whenever someone mentions how pedophilic japanese society is and its lack of child saftey laws theres always someone coming in and saying "what about x too!", japan cant compare to us laws (who has the strongest child saftey laws in the world) cp was made illegal in 2014 in japan and bestiality laws are still dont exist in japan and the former was only implemented after there was international outrage but most dont realize that cp is still being disturbed in japan but behind the veil now instead of when they used to put it in fucking stores outfront, have you seen the number of rapes committed in Japanese schools? the number of groping is so high and in a "first" world country they have segregated train cars for women, its not just a moid issue its a cultural issue as well. not to mention how they view actual crimes in child rape and molestation the victim has to proof they were raped by providing evidence and in a shame based society like japan you can wonder why there so little reports made in it, although its true its a moid problem but its a cultural as well (thats why the term rape culture exists) because the ones making cp arent just moids in this case theres a small minority of women who enable as well >>2096513 comparing a eastern country to a western one never makes sense.

No. 2097474

>the people seem great
T: weeb who has never read about how dogshit the country is. Violence against women is peaked over there, workculture sucks ass, you can be an open pedo and even buy illustrated CSAM at physical stores, murders are hidden as suicides and sexual crimes rarely if ever looked into, you can buy gravure/irl LEGAL kiddie pics and parents happily pimped their kids out to photogs before they made it illegal barely a handful of years ago, only reason their crime rate is low is because they go out of their way to not prosecute or in the case of murders will simply label it a suicide if they can help it. Idk how anyone who looks into the history, infrastructure and current day standing of a country like Japan and unironically think its a good place just because you like their aestheticism and surface level culture. Has everyone forgotten they’re still major war criminals who were known for being genuinely sadistic in their practices. Nonnas love going off about “shitskin rapegangs” like asian men weren’t the inventors of that type of behavior, especially in places like Japan.

No. 2097482

Anon, I don't think the number of women get brutally gangraped in japan is as high as in any other country.

No. 2097487

Women can be creeps too especially narcissistic women within a family unit and they sadly get away with a lot of what they do, but not as frequently as men.

No. 2097493

Japan has a lot of talent and good things. It is also a fundamentally broken culture obsessed with saving "face" and overworking.

No. 2097520

File: 1741618106995.png (2.75 MB, 1200x1685, tM3dtHw.png)

he also wrote a manga about a little girl whose piss has the power to heal people, which she uses on the main character. She also doesn't wear underwear and there are multiple scenes of of her private parts

No. 2097531

And people wonder why theJapanese birth rate is so low when scrotes like him exist in precious Nipponland.

No. 2097533

Is the comic depicting the little girl protecting her friend from the man who's implied to be a pedophile?

No. 2097537

File: 1741622852019.png (746.91 KB, 680x880, 1740587341645.png)

just posting this here

No. 2097538

you know what the condition he had is one of the most painful ways one can die…and he deserved 10 times more pain. rest in shit pedo

No. 2097575

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They're japanophiles anon. There's no point in trying to argue with them.

No. 2097690

no one cares, go back to MRA subreddits

No. 2097757

I hate that the rendering and colours and so gorgeous on this(learn to sage)

No. 2097774

I hate that he was genuinely a talented artist and wasted that talent

No. 2097855

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Tomino is still weird, but his brand of dommy mommy weird is more preferable than blatant pedophilia. He also called out Miyazaki on being a blatant lolicon and made jabs at him.

No. 2097918

There are so so many good female manga authors that aren't fucking pedos, stop even giving your attention and energies to shit made by evil moids even if it's pirated for fucks sake. Why the fuck would you all watch shit made by a pedo at all???

No. 2097923

Be worse when they have more pajeets(racebait)

No. 2097928

can you stop derailing with the moralfagging. This is a thread to discuss milk not to endlessly derail and larp as holier than thou. There is an anime critical thread for that.

No. 2097929

Go fuck yourself retard(infighting)

No. 2097930

>Thread for talking about anime/manga industry degenerate
>People saying they want to watch the show made by a quite literal pedophile >>2096902

>"Stop moral fagging"

Are you a moid? Serious question. Some of these posts itt seriously feel like they've been written by moids. Its weird how some anons try to make excuses for this shit so hard in these posts.(scrotefoiling)

No. 2097950

no ones putting a gun to your head to read these pedophiles works and making their pockets heavy, it sounds like a cop out to keep consuming their shit, stop acting so powerless youre not a victim

No. 2097963

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I think clamp deserve more shit. while it’s clear they aren't as perverted as the moids mentioned, they still had some genuinely fucked-up ideas about love and relationships. like in cardcaptor sakura, sakura's mom was a high school student involved with her teacher and the most disturbing case was an adult man having a relationship with a 12-year-old girl. both of these were presented as loving and romantic(sage your shit)

No. 2097973

This is /snow, post actual milk related to Japanese creators or sage your shit.

No. 2097987

I felt so umcomfortable as a child watching CCS because of them, they even got engaged in the last chapter. I remember how Sakura called her friend "so mature for her age, she's soo different from us" and then boom it's because shes's in a relationship with her TEACHER. You watch shit like this as a child and think "oh maybe it isn't so bad when an adult likes you back"

No. 2097988

>Some of these posts itt seriously feel like they've been written by moids
Pointing out pedoshit in animu or stating you feel uncomfortable with it counts as moralfagging to a certain class of farmers because they don't want to feel guilty for consuming it themselves.

No. 2097991

I haven't read this manga but I assume France will only really prosecute an artist if the artist looks photo realistic or is depicting an actual child that exists irl, but that's a reach even in that case because I can't think of any criminal case like this. We're talking about the country that treats Bastien Vivès like a 2deep4u artist despite him getting his own porn comics depitcting kids published and critically acclaimed. He was posting on some forum (I think it's Catsuka) before saying that he likes 12 years old girls and that he wish he had a big sister so she could rape him when he was a kid. It's the same bullshit as the artists we're talking about in this thread even if the laws aren't the same. The only thing close to a "punishment" I can think of is Harada's manga being published in France except for Niisan, and given its topic I assume publishing companies don't want to take risks by publishing it.

Artists in a very general sense are forgiven for this shit as long as they're popular enough and good at pretending they're auteurs and it's art and you wouldn't get it, see Serge Gainsbourg making a teenage girl sing about giving blowjobs by writing innuendos and singing weird shit about his daughter, or Roman Polanski being treated like a king here instead of rotting in an American jail cell, an old and now dead singer that's only famous in France who started publishing a magazine with naked teenage girls in it and the president at the time just told him to stop and that he will protect him as long as he just sing for a concert for christmas at his place, etc.

No. 2098052

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Bulla is apparently supposed to be 9 in GT. The Funimation dub made her a teen iirc.(sage your shit)

No. 2098069

Publishers don’t care now that they know manga is such a massive cash cow, and the openness of internet/streaming has made liking deplorable content less shameful. Back in the day outrage in anime communities would get shit like kodomo no jikan’s English translation canceled and now there’s all kinds of shitty harem and borderline lolicon/shotacon garbage being licensed. Just look at seven seas (American publisher) for example, nearly all the titles they publish are trash


No. 2098159

It made my tummy feel weird. Anybody know why?(retarded derail)

No. 2098445

I never want to see the phrase "Atom's (Astroboy's) ungaurded sexiness" ever again
I've never even heard of someone describing anything as "unguarded sexiness." That pure predator language.

No. 2098452

His work is very gurochan freakshow.
I feel as if you would need breathers between those topics. Also, there is a tragic amount of overlap since the 'legal adult' hentai can, very quickly, bring in a child.
Those reaction videos did a great job at proving the documentary right.
Now that I know he made the lolicon defense project, it makes more sense. Apparently, this was his real passion project.
"durhur i win because i coombrain ook ook"

No. 2098637

I don't think /snow/ is a good board to discuss milky animanga creators. The Nazi mods like >>2098159 will never allow for spontaneous discussion. I suggest re-making the thread on /m/.(minimodding)

No. 2098653

File: 1741892926579.jpg (20.62 KB, 474x266, OIP (61).jpg)

surprised noone mentioned this autist yet 39 year old Reiji Miyajima the author of the totes not ntr slop rent a girlfriend and his now incest manga, this moid actually has a wife and supposedly kids but i hope not considering his fascination with incest but spends all day on twitter posting lewd art of his mangas fl and actually took a life size figure of her to a "date" (mind you this moid is married so either his wife is a cuck or she doesn't exist) his manga is full of the mc being a coomer but yet still trying to convince why the fl SHOULD LIKE HIM GUIZ!!.

No. 2098659

i dont doubt hes married, even barasui is married and has children(thankfully a boy)

No. 2098723

>The Nazi mods like >>2098159 will never allow for spontaneous discussion
unless you are an ESL an extremely scrotey bait post like that is not "spontaneous discussion"

No. 2098752

Sorry for spoonfeeding request, but does anyone has dirt on Sakamoto Shinichi? Art wise he's good. But writing wise, his stories started going downhill with time thanks to him being a Twitter addict and getting into gendie shit. I suspect he's a pedo, too.
>scenes of underage characters getting molested
>obsession with homosexual characters, both gay and lesbian, and sex scenes
>adds troons and nbs to his stories all the time and makes them the good guys
>latest manga, #DRCL Midnight Children (yes the hashtag is part of the title), features a 14 yo "pretty" boy who has troon DID, a boy named Luke by day, a girl named Lucy by night.
>the "lesbian" main character Mina is in love with "Lucy" and is supposed to be "feminist" even though she's in love with a scrote pretending to be a girl
>Dracula is Michael Jackson???

No. 2098756

Anyone who read Innocent can definitely tell he's a pedophile. I agree his writing has completely jumped the shark. I liked Innocent even though I could tell he was a pedo, mostly because the whole thing is so ridiculous and egregious that the pedo shit honestly isn't the weirdest part, and reading it is basically 50% just a spectacle of what sort of weird fucker the author is. But yeah his other stuff looks like trash.

No. 2098793

File: 1741945369631.png (486.61 KB, 550x662, drcl.png)

NTA and sharing my observations - #DRCL feels like one of those manga with a theme that would work better with a non-coombrained woman behind it. At the very least, give it some better-structured writing.

I think the overall take is intended to frame his observations of Twitter, how troons get a certain level of immunity to do terrible things (pic rel KEK), and how it's so much shouting a lot of righteousness into an echo chamber wallpapered with an endless stream of porn and gore. It feels like a pet project with a lot of hype due to his name.

The problem for me is that it isn't exactly a smart take. Reading it (I'm pirating it) is like a trainwreck and an exercise in what gets a pass and what doesn't. It was nominated for an Eisner, which makes me not too surprised considering the kind of people who dominate the comics industry. Nonce themes + appealing art = 2Deep4U

I can't tell if this is his Springtime for Hitler (dude is in the Louvre thanks to Innocent, so I won't be shocked if/when people praise the fuck out of it no matter how questionable it gets; especially the French) or his Giganto Maxima (there are a lot of scenes that could be left in the story as tell, don't show, and have a heavier impact; but males lack this level of nuance). It could be both.

I don't use X so I don't know what they're saying about it. Maybe they totally related to the brave and stunning child-eater Luke.

I'm seriously wondering if the entire thing will be released depending on how it goes and how hard he pushes it.

No. 2098867

>victimized ELEVEN children
>is allowed to be free living in a nice house
I hate scrotes and I hate japenis.

No. 2098890

>NTA and sharing my observations - #DRCL feels like one of those manga with a theme that would work better with a non-coombrained woman behind it. At the very least, give it some better-structured writing.
anything about crossdressing children is bound to be perverted and unrealistic. I think many tras hold the idea that humans aren't sexually dimorphic and that attractive men can easily pass as attractive women and vice versa because they read some shoujo manga and bl that feature those plot points

No. 2098912

I loved Innocent and had high hopes for DRCL, but I couldn't get past the first volume because the whole gendie mary-stu thing with Luke being some "woe-is-me-i'm-so-beautifully-tragic-and-everyone-is-in-love-with-me" troon bait really turned me off, plus the LGBT themes were very try-hard and came off as being written to appease the gendie masses. The art is beautiful but the content is just so disappointing. I disagree with Sakamoto being a pedo though, I think there's a big difference between pedophilia being depicted and pedophilia being celebrated and touted out solely to appease the creeps, however, I would not be the least bit surprised if he did turn out to have pedo tendencies because at this point it's more surprising when manga authors aren't child exploiting creeps.

No. 2099019

his art technique is aging like shit

No. 2099043

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Does anyone else despise Shuzo Oshimi and his thinly veiled sexual degeneracy under the guise of coming-of-age stories? His work makes me sick.

No. 2099093

File: 1742036272777.png (148.49 KB, 1633x707, akane.png)

Yeah totally. The issue with these male mangakas is that people will pretend they're Gods and doing something so new, subversive, absolutely never seen before. Then you read said mangas and it's just the expected amount of sexual deviancy. I don't understand women who praise this specific type of mangakas. Men do it because they actually connect and relate to what they read unfortunately, but women ? I have no idea. I could go on and on.
I have nothing on him though. I feel the same about Asano and I've been waiting for someone to post him. He was briefly married to Akane Torikai but they divorced after 4 years, so it was probably not a very positive experience. I haven't read the manga but there is a manga inspired from the experience apparently.

No. 2099238

File: 1742074193077.jpg (145.39 KB, 1190x610, 20250315_222749.jpg)

His manga afterword essays are basically AGP.txt

No. 2099347

I liked Happiness and Chi No Wadachi. Everything else by him is him admitting his degeneracy.
>AGP troon who doesn't have the balls to transition because he knows it's too delusional
>humiliation fetish
>male yurifag
>mommy issues (seriously, 90% of his stories are mom bad and cause of all evil)
>loser self-insert male MCs x pyscho manic pixie dream female characters
Happiness was normal in comparison to his other works, while chi no wadachi is a story of an abused woman continuing the cycle by trying too much to overcorrect to me, so I let the weird shit slide because I think it has some merit and it says something I always wanted to see depicted.

No. 2099456

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Does anyone else feel like the HSL author is a woman? The premise is extremely moid-ish, but any sort of actual sexualization is either abusive or transactional and shown to be unhappy and leading to misery, which reads extremely female.

No. 2099701

File: 1742178152286.webp (Spoiler Image,33.68 KB, 400x391, artwork110.webp)

Holy shit this dude needs to be put on an padded cell, this is insane. Men who draw this shit would 100% murder and rape women if they could get away with it. The BTK killer used to draw women being tied and raped too. China might be a shithole but they were based for arresting that moid who drew guro of women being tortured and murdered and sending him off to a labour camp for his degeneracy.

No. 2099959

File: 1742237490881.png (273.17 KB, 374x497, 1739717646611.png)

said 'beautiful' characters always look like prepubescent (usually western) children. This shows up so much in japanese works that ever since it was pointed out, I can't unsee

No. 2099990

Seeing sympathy for her is shocking because I thought the general verdict on this website for age regressing women is that they need to assume responsibility for their trauma or something and not fetishize childhood.

No. 2099996

Believe it or not, you can feel bad for her that she was molested as a child and simultaneously not approve of her current behavior.

No. 2100000

NTA but that’s funny, those are the same only two works of his that I enjoyed as well. The others are retarded fetish fuel trying to hide under an “I Am 13 and This is Deep” facade, like Incel Asano.

No. 2100004

File: 1742242694326.png (155.52 KB, 850x1200, v0gKI1P.png)

I was actually surprised by how much I ended up liking blood on the tracks and its actually nuanced portrayal of the mother character. I feel it's incredibly common in non-western societies, our mothers were not the best, they were emotionally and occasionally physically abusive, but they were products of the societies that destroyed them and forced them into that role. all we can do is take care of them, wait for them to die and hopefully just forget about them

No. 2100013

I understand the concept, I'm saying it's something that I believed was foreign to most users on this website.

No. 2101599

File: 1742646459847.jpeg (1.2 MB, 1242x1953, IMG_3939.jpeg)

Tsukihito being happy at kindergarten themed Made in Abyss official merch.
Very cute isn’t it?

No. 2101611

No. 2101612

i hate pedo Japan so much, glad theyre dying off

No. 2101615

This fish lipped pedo makes me wanna alog so bad every time his child abuse slop gets posted. The way he seems to always use “cute” as a replacement for his obvious sexual titillation is vomit worthy. The robot boy is so blatant. Filth.

No. 2101633

i keep hearing about this guro artist but i can’t find anything on him when i google. Who was it? Are you mixing him up with the genshin guy?(sent to labor camp for 10 years because he drew genshin impact porn kek)

No. 2101642

The fuck are you googling? Anon literally posted his name with his art and he's one of the most popular seinen artists in the west

No. 2101643

Blood on the Tracks is a not so obvious semi-autobiographical Manga about a psycho mom and his wimpy son whom she forbids to interact with any female other than herself.

There's a scene in the manga where the mom throws the son outside after she angered him—said scene is also inspired from a real incident in Oshimi's childhood in one of the extras in Inside Mari(?).

After reading Blood on the Tracks I'm pretty sure Oshimi's gender woo woo stems from his BPDemon. Not defending him ofc but it serves as an explanation.

No. 2101645

shes talking about a actual killer pedo moid who killed women and children and then took their undergarments as "keepsakes" learn to read the post before you reply

No. 2101646

The Otaku killer?

No. 2101649

the btk killer which means bind torture kill although the otaku killer also counts since he also was a pedophile and also the moid who killed his parents because of animeslop

No. 2101654

None of them are attracted to adult women and any woman with even the slightest sense of morality does not want to breed with someone who will inevitably rape her kids (you have to imagine a country like Japan a lot of women have been sexually abused as kids.)
Moids will blame feminism for a low birthrate before they blame a pedophilia epidemic.

No. 2101683

File: 1742663134793.png (1.5 MB, 1920x1080, 1735734746070.png)

I think she's referring to this guy

No. 2101688

>has a wife and daugther
dear lord, i always cope by telling myself these degen moid artists are hikkineets that havent seen the light of the sun in years. Its depressing to find out they disguise as normal people.

No. 2101758

tbh I wouldn't be surprised if any members of CLAMP were groomed.

No. 2101989

I was talking about the scrote who she said was arrested for drawing Guro not the one in Picrel kek

No. 2102509

The whole thing is just a flimsy setup to torture children in increasingly absurd scenarios. You know what they say about gazing into the abyss.

No. 2103307

She's not 12, she's nine.

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