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No. 2361589

Random Questions Round IV.

ITT: Ask your fellow anons questions and hear their replies.

>What's your favorite fruit?
The anon below will reply with,
>Who was your rolemodel growing up?
>The artist behind Kikomi
>What's your favourite TV show?

Please follow all the /ot/ board rules. Have fun!

Previous Threads:
#1 >>>/ot/854869
#2 >>>/ot/1581752
#3 >>>/ot/2030872

No. 2361641

File: 1737627522189.jpg (1.17 MB, 1542x756, Set_of_playing_cards_52-386709…)

What's your favourite playing suit?
You can also pick a card

No. 2361644

is suit poker because i don’t know how to do any of it

No. 2361646

File: 1737628459666.jpg (245.86 KB, 4608x1713, IMG_20250123_113303.jpg)

These are the 4 card suits

No. 2361654

Ace of Spades I am basic but I am free

No. 2361662

Three of Clubs. Loved clubs since I was a little kid because it looked so ornate, and three is my favorite number. (Also clubs have three lobes, so it's on theme!)

No. 2361679

Would you consider a custom personalized pen a good gift? My friends bday is soon and I can't afford some nice gifts so I plan on making her a customized pen with her name on it but I don't know if it would be tacky or something.

No. 2361681

What threads do you have hidden?

No. 2361689

Personally I think that’s cute. If I received something personalized from a friend I would love it because it’d show they were really thinking about me

No. 2361697

>gender ideology hate
>fandom discourse
>dog hate
>cat hate
>fujo vs anti-fujo discourse
>fujocoomer cringe
>ugly man psyop

And I'm sure there's more
It's either stuff I don't care reading about at all or just pure cancer. Hiding a bunch of threads really improves my lolcow browsing experience.

No. 2361699

Probably 50% of them

No. 2361715

What's the reason behind all that?

No. 2361724

none I have a very strong will and it's a good way to train your will every day.

No. 2361729

File: 1737638285585.jpg (13.04 KB, 232x215, 1000001131.jpg)

Do you believe in cyptids like Bigfoot and Nessie?

No. 2361740

the majority of cryptids are hoaxes but i absolutely believe there are a rare few that are (or once were, if they're no longer living) real.

No. 2361743

holy shit an identical person who hides all the same threads as me. except I leave the ugly man psyop thread because it's hilarious.

No. 2361756

No, same with ghosts or any other supernatural shit.

No. 2361851

I used to belive in Nessie until i found out about whale's dicks. I kinda belive in Thylacines, they seem possible to be out there still.

No. 2362765

omg i love balatro

No. 2363077

File: 1737710439111.gif (6.22 MB, 540x360, 1000020874.gif)

Does anyone know where I could buy a similar button up?

No. 2363078

Do you mean style wise or like similar print?

No. 2363081

Similar print

No. 2363087

File: 1737711243028.jpg (177.44 KB, 720x1056, 1000000445.jpg)

No. 2363109

Thank you dear anon!

No. 2363131

2 of hearts is cute to me

No. 2363226

File: 1737720533783.jpg (4.83 MB, 4096x4096, 1000021409.jpg)

Which do you think looks better, low set or high set eyebrows?

No. 2363231

No. 2363232

entirely depends on the rest of the face, all of those women are gorgeous and their eyebrow placement wouldnt matter anyway

No. 2363233

I like the Ace of Spades.

No. 2363371

No. 2363375

Low imo but these women are all beautiful anyways

No. 2363496

Is there a sewing thread on here? I’m looking for a specific pattern and was wondering if nonnas hereLike to sew

No. 2363533

It’s over on /g/ >>>/g/180491

No. 2363563

Thank you so much nonna!

No. 2363607

File: 1737740995408.jpg (89.35 KB, 1034x1390, 1000004725.jpg)

in your opinion how soon is too soon to adopt a new pet after losing the previous one. does that timeline change in your mind depending on the circumstances (ie the age of the owner, the existence of other pets in the house, etc)

No. 2363723

File: 1737744074448.gif (2.05 MB, 500x270, 1200581.gif)

Who is a woman you wish you looked like? Positive vibes only!

No. 2363727

some roided stacy so i can ask any men out and if they say no i beat them

No. 2363737

File: 1737744592610.jpg (207.35 KB, 913x1200, s-l1200 (2).jpg)

My crazy-eyed queen. But only because I can't have sex with her.

No. 2363745

Annie Lennox and Grace Jones.

No. 2365156

What's the best advice you've received on this site?

No. 2365165

File: 1737796361710.jpg (607.02 KB, 1080x1080, 465756059_2441435452726554_439…)

will fitzgerald, specifically in strange darling. i want not just her face but her body. skinny but not too thin, with small ass and boobs. i'm skinny but have huge hips and breasts and i wish they were smaller and cuter.

No. 2365192

File: 1737801667669.jpg (136.78 KB, 1500x1000, mcbride.jpg)

Melissa McBride has always looked great in her role as Carol on The Walking Dead. She's the only reason I finished all 11 seasons and I would love to look both badass and sweet like this when I'm 60. Amazing short and grey-haired queen.

No. 2365199

File: 1737802245214.jpg (59.24 KB, 380x612, aliens1986-sigourney.JPG)

her and no one else

No. 2365259

love you nonas for picking older/"unconventional" looking women, like it actually really warms my heart that there are women who think peak female appearance is this rather than like a hot 20 year old with a ton of plastic surgery, genuinely mean that and it's not a backhanded compliment

No. 2365827

it's almost like we aren't moids

No. 2365854

I didn’t post a woman I think is “peak female appearance”. I actually wouldn’t want to be extremely beautiful, I get enough unwanted male attention without being so. I just posted a lady I’d prefer to look like.

No. 2367353

Are there any nonnies here who started using 4chan around 2003-2008? What was it like? Was it mostly used by super otaku types? What kind of person were you back then?

No. 2367395

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No. 2367401

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What's your favorite term of endearment?

No. 2367410

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gotta be shalom

No. 2367424

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No. 2367433

File: 1737928523802.jpg (639.05 KB, 1549x2196, GaRxgciXAAAGq6T.jpg)

I didn't think I had one until this I saw random drawing. I'm working my ass off to try to lose some weight so I can look like her.

No. 2367472

File: 1737930700110.gif (8.94 MB, 480x672, tumblr_104822b23eb374d3b5134e0…)

What's the point of being alive if you can't be striking like young Cher

No. 2367478

File: 1737930854361.jpg (17.44 KB, 245x499, Kingxi(1).jpg)

No. 2367500

Same, I'll never forgive what they did to my king

No. 2368452

How much do you value friendship? How much is it a priority in your life? Do you value close friends over partners, or vice versa?

No. 2368459

kind of? i dont know why but i tend to attract the clingy type of friends so it tends to get very exhausting for me mentally and i often go not talking with them for months(online/offline both),ill keep their contacts if they need me but im not usually the one to message first.

No. 2368466

A lot more than I used to. I don’t usually have to prioritize one kind of relationship over the other because my partner agrees it’s important for us to make time for our own friends. I have a good group of friends and I value them more than a lot of my family members honestly.

No. 2368510

Based as hell nona

No. 2368574

File: 1738009765652.jpg (33.05 KB, 732x109, 199.jpg)

Is this true for most of you? Because I've never posted anything on social media in all my 28 years and don't take photos. Makes me feel old-fashioned kek

No. 2368582

My problem is that my relatives love to post pictures of me (and the rest of the family) on their public accounts. There's no stopping grandma from sharing your baby photos on her unsecured Facebook.

No. 2368587

I didn't post on social media but I did post myself on 4chan lmao.

No. 2368597

Totally (I just hope that I stay low profile enough for no moid to notice me)

No. 2368651

Why would you do that?

No. 2368734

What's the weirdest infight you've seen on here?

No. 2368739

the chick who sperged out about people eating fruit

No. 2368740

What’s the meanest insult you’ve ever said about someone’s appearance? To their face or anonymously.

No. 2368741

Yp when she posted hand pics upon request during an antifujo spergfest and then gave a nonna advice on the Flowers GLVNs before being b& (again).

No. 2368748

>the one over an anon eating soap
>the one over avocados
>the one over regular show and some artist
>the one over some anon in the vent thread making a normal vent about her shitty family
probably some others i'm forgetting

No. 2368778

Something about a certain hair color/hairstyle turning into a petty racebait war where anons slapfighted about which nationality is uglier. I think the French were mentioned in it.

No. 2368800

File: 1738019180471.jpeg (63.33 KB, 848x480, 5268F062-B16B-4C18-AC7F-7C3D43…)

I feel like that’s just the natural flow of conversation whenever hair or eye color is ever brought up on here.

No. 2368844

ty nona, the fruit one was the exact one that came to mind. i remember i KEK'd when someone said in the middle of it, replying to no one, "these bitches are seriously still arguing about fruit" or something. it was insane

No. 2369234

The macaroni and cheese infight which ended in racism against indigenous Mexicans.

No. 2369481

>the one over regular show and some artist
KEK the Regular Show sperg still lives on in my heart.

No. 2370423

Why does milk taste so fucking good in the middle east? It's not milk, it's magical. It smells delicious and tastes buttery and sweet. How do I find milk like that in the US?

No. 2370458

It's because all the cows believe in Allah so the milk is more beautiful and harmonious. You'd have to find devout Muslim cow farmers in the USA and maybe they could replicate it. The Quran has an entire chapter called the Cow because Cows make good Muslims (they never blaspheme against Allah).

No. 2370460

…time for me to go to bed.

No. 2370461

Okay goodnight

No. 2370754

File: 1738139685734.webp (77.36 KB, 683x1024, vskirt_oat_flat_683x1024.webp)

Does anybody know the name of this specific cut of skirt?

No. 2370755

It's a yoke skirt

No. 2370756

I always think of them as "here is the vulva" skirt.

No. 2370759

maybe try reverse image searching it, copyseeker is the best engine

No. 2371036

File: 1738168120886.jpg (90.09 KB, 460x640, asfhdsnffgasfd.JPG)

how do you cope after anons hurt your feelings?

No. 2371043

By killing yourself. Troon.(infighting/troonfoiling)

No. 2371048

hahaha idk what i expected. you at least made me laugh nona, thank you

No. 2371052

File: 1738168747971.jpg (82.5 KB, 1390x726, closeyoureyes.jpg)

girl be fr

No. 2371057

File: 1738168979168.jpg (39.6 KB, 500x473, aadcb1d4c5dc31edbab4794abb9ead…)

Don't worry anon, just remember that we're all somehow more pathetic than you could ever be.

No. 2371064

yes i know it's just an ib it's not important. i do walk away close my eyes everything. jw if anyone did anything different or extra
thank you nona. there is a collectively pathetic but also based stacy energy on here that swings wildly like a pendulum and i think im in my pathetic era right now

No. 2371065

File: 1738169552924.png (14.31 KB, 275x248, 1657667693328.png)

what are some active an interesting threads to watch around lcf these days? i feel like all my old reliables are dying

No. 2371075

what type of cows do you like?

No. 2371077

Rage then distract with something idk

No. 2371088

Close the tab and don't look at the thread lol

No. 2371093

literally anything, i'm branching out

No. 2371105

Not so much when they hurt my feelings, but when I see something really retarded like >>2371043 I'll go to a certain folder on my desktop. This folder contains almost every face pic uploaded on here by a variety of different anons over the years; I have about 120 photos. Most of them look moderately intellectually-handicapped and very ugly, and so I'll look at the photos and I'll try to imagine which one typed out the post that made my brain hurt. Once I saw a couple of face reveals, I stopped taking most retarded posts on here seriously because now to me instead of offensive it's just become more like the conversation I'd hear while passing the sped table at the school cafeteria. I can't get angry at anons on here, or be hurt by them, because every time I even think about it I just picture one of the dozens of retards that posted her face on here and I this intense pang of pity hits my stomach.

It depends what you're looking for. Probably the most interesting threads I've seen lately are the Dana, Lexity, & Catholic Panda threads on /snow/. They're all pretty new and developing, the latter two are still on their first threads. I wish there weren't so many general threads on /snow/, I find them way more boring and low-effort than dedicated cow threads. If your preference is more /w/, you could also check out ManaKnight's threads. His threads don't move super quickly, but I like them a lot because making fun of autistic moids is funny to me. If you're not that interested in cows themselves, I think that the Bad Comics thread on /m/ is also pretty funny.

If you want more thread recommendations, there's also a thread for that on /meta/

No. 2371116

I don’t understand how anyone could be retarded enough to post their face here.
>Once I saw a couple of face reveals, I stopped taking most retarded posts on here seriously because now to me instead of offensive it's just become more like the conversation I'd hear while passing the sped table at the school cafeteria.
Lmao, real.

No. 2371122

>I have about 120 photos
Kek, for real? I'm guessing 119 of those were from rance-fag's meltdown?

No. 2371129

I’m guessing you’ve added the recent face reveal to your folder?

No. 2371130

are you that anon who had a imgur full of romananianons twitter selfies?

No. 2371135

I just checked and it's actually 97, not 120. They're all unique individuals, not many anons will post their face twice. None of them are Rancefag, because the personalityfags have their own folder.
Sometimes other people post each other's faces, like recently there was a post somewhere on /ot/ about Friend Finder thread drama and one of them posted the other's face.
Kek you know I did as soon as that pic dropped.

No. 2371143

After realizing how many anons have genuine mental health issues (see things like tinfoil thread, various schizo meltdowns, anons talking about having BPD etc) I can't take needlessly aggressive anons seriously at all. They're unable to handle their emotions and are venting their anger on others.

No. 2371149

Adding to this, also too many seem underage so I can't take them seriously.
I missed this, what happened?

No. 2371153

No. 2371158

Oh dear.

No. 2371193

Do you guys think you're capable of murder (if you had the skills to, I'm not asking if you're physically capable). I don't think I am, then again I imagine someone stabbing someone I love and I think I would at the very least fantasize about killing them.

No. 2371207

If it was self-defence or protecting others. Like if I knew a moid was a serial rapist or a pedo I could summon cold rage and shoot him.

No. 2371214

File: 1738176592445.png (239.88 KB, 517x536, totallyanonny.png)

dont fall for it

No. 2371219

If I was defending myself or my friends/family, 100%

No. 2371220

No women have committed murder ever. They were all framed by men and are wrongfully imprisoned. #freemygirl

No. 2371221

File: 1738176882535.jpg (54.39 KB, 709x578, EdVgmZ1XYAUY786.jpg)

Every time I get accused of being a moid, I die a little inside.

No. 2371223

File: 1738176949100.jpg (Spoiler Image,477.46 KB, 1080x1341, 1000118397.jpg)

No. 2371225

File: 1738177055990.jpg (28.83 KB, 650x366, mesoonprobably.jpg)

What do you think the CIA/FBI will do, recruit us as assassins?

No. 2371227

Melissa Macarthur is so pretty

No. 2371242

nta but she genuinely is. I used to admire her face in gilmore girls.

No. 2371243

I don’t think that anon was accusing you of being a moid, she was accusing you of being a fed KEK

No. 2371252

omg you're right. I just saw the man and had a mental breakdown.

No. 2371260

Absolutely. I’ve tried to kill people before but I failed because I didn’t have the proper supplies and I was also on fent KEK

No. 2371268

File: 1738179325551.gif (334.85 KB, 220x220, 1687927370442.gif)

No. 2371279

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>the fed who posted that question

No. 2371578

Best flavour and worst flavour of potato chip?

Best is: Dill Pickle
Worst is: BBQ

No. 2371595

best: sea salt balsamic vinegar
worst: plain salt

No. 2371607

I don't think I could, my brain bugs when things go slightly off script so I would probably be frozen if I was in a life or death situation.

No. 2371612

File: 1738190816610.jpg (20.84 KB, 514x537, d3b9e667596193f64d5efd30d7356f…)

If you were a male, would you get posted at the unconventional attraction thread?

No. 2371622

I would get posted in the conventional attractions thread

No. 2371623

File: 1738191053622.png (400.69 KB, 575x561, 113ccabc-ed71-4da0-960b-5b587b…)

I actually think my jawline would look sexo on a male kek

No. 2371635

Best- sweet chili & sour cream
worst- ketchup

No. 2372360

What's a totally useless talent of yours?
I can gleek 2 metres.

No. 2372370

depends, do i retain my female socialized brain? if so, no. I would turn myself into the sexiest e-boy and get tons of pussy because i know what women like, unlike moids who think what women like is gay and instead persua faggot ideals of beauty.

No. 2372382

folding both my thumbs behind my knuckle on the front of my hands

No. 2372383

i can draw

No. 2372387

That's not useless, it can be used to train AI

No. 2372389

I can detect any song's exact BPM just by hearing it, if I try harder, I can guess genre and release date just by hearing the drum and bass lines

No. 2372405

How/why release date? Any song could use an ol' bass guitar from the store lol

No. 2372427

I can move my ears.
That's not useless wtf, o wish I had that.

No. 2372507

File: 1738247372151.gif (75.71 KB, 220x165, IMG_3797.gif)

I’m attractive and both of my parents are attractive, I’d be in the conventionally attractive thread and be blessed with having a full head of hair well into my 60s. I’d post thirst traps just for you nona.

No. 2372535

I look like a lobster had an saucy affair with a mop. I'm not sure that looks better with a penis, unconventional or not.

No. 2372540

I can crack my neck like people can do with their knuckles. It'll look really intimating when I get into a street fight.

No. 2372543

I can keep my eyes open for a really long time.

No. 2372547

If I looked exactly the same with no mustache or beard, I'd probably be posted there. Then anons thirsting over me would be bullied for liking a lanky manlet. Then they'll bring up my amazing fashion sense and autistic charming personality as to why they find me handsome. But realistically speaking and looking at my brothers, I'd be fat and bald and a manlet still.

No. 2372701

Given what my brother looks like, no, but I'm decently attractive as it is.

No. 2372705

File: 1738255929221.webp (81.88 KB, 1102x1335, IMG_0588.webp)

No, I have a beautiful jawline that attracts a lot of seething comments from chincels and double chinned fatties and weak chinned jealous women with slack jaw peasant DNA who like to call me a tranny. I’m also naturally muscular and broad. If I was a man I’d mog the fuck out of Henry cavill or any ugly faggot in Hollywood right now.

No. 2373579

File: 1738282259164.jpg (66.58 KB, 529x497, 170a057a5028752ebcd1db6aa08286…)

Nonnies, what are your favourite and least favourite cuts/styles of dresses? I love 1940's shirt dresses like in picrel and I fucking loathe those hideous selkie dresses that were trending on Tiktok a while ago.

No. 2373689

File: 1738284860392.jpg (64.93 KB, 736x771, 85b4154d912e709548608ff2d844e9…)

I HATE selkie dresses too, but when i brought it up onces on lolcow, plenty of anons said that they like it, so idk. I think the rip off ones that are cheap are even worse because you really can't skimp out on the materials for such dresses. I don't have a specific cut of dress i like but, i really like the aesthetic of edwardian lingerie dresses.

No. 2373692

Thank you anon!
I'll use that search engine in the future, i was using google and it wasn't helping.

No. 2373703

File: 1738285400043.png (6.04 MB, 1959x1524, IMG_8259.png)

qipao/cheongsam are peak to me. both the form-fitting ones and the 20s style longer, looser ones like picrel

No. 2373732

These dresses are so good it’s such a crime everything is stretchy now. This is just like a nice structured shirt with a waist and a skirt, bring these back I’ve never seen anyone look bad in this cut

No. 2373786

File: 1738289789265.jpeg (49.71 KB, 526x799, IMG_5207.jpeg)

I love edwardian silhouettes so much

No. 2373802

File: 1738290275574.jpeg (897.38 KB, 1400x2436, IMG_6512.jpeg)

agreed. i love the whole period but especially 1907-1911

No. 2373903

File: 1738293265292.jpg (53.08 KB, 966x1024, 6054af03befe248f29db7ea426a2d3…)

What comes up for you when you search your name + sonic oc?

No. 2373910

nice try, fbi.

No. 2373911

File: 1738293436033.jpg (127.21 KB, 700x900, sonic oc.jpg)

did it and the one that came up for me is really cute actually

No. 2373914

Kek don't doxx yourself over Sonic.

No. 2373915

File: 1738293511327.png (235.07 KB, 619x698, IMG_8004.png)

okay, i’ll admit, i did it. i’ll post the one for my nickname instead of my actual name

No. 2373924

File: 1738293701471.jpg (103.81 KB, 1150x1208, GCzkI1LXYAAqUDb.jpg_large.jpg)

Stop ruining my plan

No. 2373929

File: 1738293800038.jpeg (378.28 KB, 1300x1800, Es6U7CEWMAo9oxw.jpeg)

These are cute

No. 2374061

my nigel wants me to wear a qipao for our wedding. i think they're pretty too but it'd probably look odd on me since i'm not chinese

No. 2374099

File: 1738304092096.jpg (114.49 KB, 736x1103, modernqipao.jpg)

nta, there are 'modernised' versions that are essentially just a similar cut but using any fabric. also, why tf does your nigel want you to wear a qipao? that's weird

No. 2374100

he's chinese and that's what they wear where he's from

No. 2374103

File: 1738304521536.png (463.73 KB, 377x538, chrome_uBf5c031Vi.png)

oh kek my bad, that's cute. if you're made uncomfortable by the super traditional looking ones, would something like picrel be better? i'm sure his family would appreciate it. i just went googling and found so many sweet/simple qipaos, i'm sure it'd look great on you!

No. 2374862

File: 1738337334756.jpg (86.27 KB, 780x637, 1000021518.jpg)

Anons, what are some smooth, good quality colored pencil brands?

No. 2374869

it won't be weird, i'm not east asian but i'm south asian and seeing interracial weddings, other ethnicities of women is fun and cute. but if you don't want to, don't feel pressured.

No. 2374911

File: 1738340472035.webp (36.34 KB, 346x500, Amy.webp)

I don't think this works for me

No. 2375146

What lc theme are you currently using? I'm currently using Girltalk

No. 2375154


No. 2375525

Same. Except it's kind of confusing having greentext and replies be the same red shade. I might go back to typical lolcow. I like girltalk 2 though.
I'd give anything for a lighter pink like the pink theme on cc.

No. 2375632

Jungle mostly but darkcow if my eyes are tired

No. 2375700

that would be so cute nona we need it for valentines day

No. 2376295

Girltalk 2 is cute. Agree about the pink cc theme

No. 2376425

What's the cutest breed of cat to you?
Mine is British shorthair.

No. 2376473

Maine Coon and Sphynx. Both ends of the kitty size+fluff scale.

No. 2376555

any nonnies watch ufc? i’m tired of only talking to men about it

No. 2376559

I watch boxing

No. 2376561

Ragdoll and British Short Hair

No. 2376584

I can’t get into boxing! but I do really like the former boxers who moved to mma. like adesanya who’s fighting today

No. 2376603

How common is it to have suicidal ideation?

No. 2376655

File: 1738434837067.jpg (100.3 KB, 736x736, 379993d9270acab37dc0625aa9ef71…)

Do you prefer the results of pilates or those of gym (weightlifting)?

No. 2376658

I went to pilates for a year and it just gave me a fat ass when i just wanted to straighten my back. I prefeer the gym because i can work on my back muscles.

No. 2376677

Oh I envy you so hard. I have to lift heavy and eat at least 90g protein daily to see any difference in my pathetic hank hill

No. 2376684

I dont want it, you can keep it kek

No. 2376694

File: 1738436060283.jpg (16.14 KB, 474x417, cd2c1e64d2bd2bf8a1f180aac74797…)

What are your favorite smells?

No. 2376698

I love the smell of wet dirt, and anything lemony

No. 2376704

I love rain and cinnamon

No. 2376705

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Garages. Kind of like petrichor but drier. And wet dirt like anon above. Picrel is supposed to smell like home depot I need to try it

No. 2376707

lavender, fresh cut cedar wood, sun-heated pine trees, hay, steak grilling, orange scented candles, diesel, earl grey tea, the smell of the super early morning, woodsmoke

No. 2376745

What don't you like about boxing?

No. 2376755


No. 2376757


No. 2376761

Rose, coconut and freshly baked cake.

No. 2376765

some fights seem so predetermined. like wwe level fake sometimes. I also just find the mix of wresting and striking more entertaining. I love seeing wrestlers shoot for a takedown and getting knocked out

No. 2376838

>I also just find the mix of wresting and striking more entertaining.
I dislike MMA for that reason. I'm not sure how to explain it, but they don't strike as well as boxers, and they don't grapple as well as judokas or BJJ wrestlers. It's like MMA never reaches the heights or the beauty of either boxing or judo, a jack-of-all-trades master-of-none kind of thing. Plus, the gloves look really dumb.

No. 2376908


No. 2376940

oh that makes sense I get it. It’s too risky to dedicate yourself to one sport, so you’ll never reach the pinnacle. personally I can’t help but see holes in boxers’ game even though it doesn’t even apply to their sport kek. agree about the gloves, at least they got rid of the fugly gold ones

No. 2376958

It's not just the fighters that can't focus on one thing, it's the sport itself. Like Muhammad Ali has a really interesting footwork pattern, which wouldn't be possible in UFC because he could get grappled. Likewise, all the cool judo moves that require holding on to the gi aren't available either.

No. 2376972

yess that’s what I was trying to say but I couldn’t get there. I rewrote my response like 3 times. I was gonna say they effectively neutralize each other because their defense has to be so perfect

No. 2376983

samefagging but do you have a martial arts background? I kind of wish I did something like that as a kid. I don’t know shit about fighting, I’m more of a casual fan. I would love to join a female only gym

No. 2377062

Sorry, I've never trained in martial arts, I've only read a little into the subject. But I watch boxing matches often.
>I kind of wish I did something like that as a kid.
Me too. But boxing gyms are so rare nowadays, and even the college I went to didn't have a boxing club.

No. 2377064

home depot

No. 2377156

Do you wish women had the male version of socialization and we lived in a female version of patriarchy with women committing the most rape and being more violent compared to men with all media catering to women the most, or would you rather men and women had the same socialization with society not preferring one or the other?

No. 2377168

>Do you wish women had the male version of socialization and we lived in a female version of patriarchy with women committing the most rape and being more violent compared to men
Yeah that would frickin' rule

No. 2377170

That would also mean more women would be pedophiles. If we were really transported into that world then women would be the "bad" ones. It wouldn't be cool then, it would just be harmful. It's not like violent rapist men are exactly happy, or the porn-addicted ex-boyfriends anons on here have had to deal with.

No. 2377191

True! The thought of men getting raped by women en masse is just very funny to me

No. 2377193

No. 2377194

It wouldn't be a complete one-to-one considering women cannot impregnate males. So the world wouldn't be populated almost entirely by direct rape babies or the descendants of rape babies.

No. 2377209

Shit, this reminds me of this really good caption erotica on cc's secret board, about a matriarchy where moids were all imprisoned, and a moid escaped, and the female officers raped him, and the punchline was
But tranny jannies deleted it. If anyone has it, please post it.

No. 2377592

If you had to lend your body to someone else for a day, what warnings or disclaimers on it would you give?

No. 2377597

Never forget the orthopedic soles.

No. 2377601

Thirst alerts work, but hunger and sleep don't.

No. 2377602

kek one wrong move and that thing will kill you without a second thought. have fun!

No. 2377621

Tons of things that they wouldn't want to borrow it anymore

No. 2377622

>kek one wrong move and that thing will kill you
what do you mean by that? do you have a physical disability?

No. 2377695

Do you consider listening to music a hobby?

No. 2377698

Maybe if you're a sperg who actually understands music and genre history (which I'm not, so I can't speak on it)

No. 2377699

i feel like it depends on how you listen to it, like if they’re listening casually to the radio/pop, or have a record player and collecting vinyls, and the genres and the frequency you search for new music etc etc

No. 2377703

Yes. Anything you regularly do in your free time for fun is a hobby.

No. 2377719

no energy

No. 2377849

>do not eat anything spicier than plain bread
>do not drink more than 5 sips of water
>always make sure you're next to the bathroom
>no caffeine anything
>stand up SLOWLY
>walk SLOWLY
>hold on to the walls
>rest for 12 hours

No. 2377954

yes, several.

No. 2378074

What is your favorite font?

No. 2378092

I can't just pick one. If we're going with a typical document font then Verdana

No. 2378100

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I really like share tech mono. Or VSR OSD mono for a more pixelated look

No. 2378208

Who are your comfort characters? I know it's a super zoomer term but I can't find anything better.
Madara from Naruto and Ludwig from Bloodborne for me

No. 2378212

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Yukari and Miho from GUP

No. 2378366

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late but Jeanne Crain

No. 2381283

Are there any names you hate the sound of?
I especially hate "Angus" and "Ian" in boys. They sound very retarded to me

No. 2381285


No. 2381290

Kyle and any -yle variation for guys. Seems to be the name du jour for assholes and fuckboys my age.

No. 2381292

This but -yden. Hayden Brayden Ayden Jayden Zayden Cayden. It's annoying enough that they've been memeified as annoying fuckboys too

No. 2381543

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I've been thinking about the double life I live lately. I'm nice and respectful IRL I'm a crypto terf, but when I'm alone or have time I come here to be as nasty as possible to weird people, wish death upon trannies, and sometimes even be mean other anons. It's not like I repress my "evil" side irl, there are just two sides of me. I feel like picrel sometimes.

Do you feel the same? Are you a two faced asshole like me? If you are, does it make you feel conflicted? Do you wish you were like how you are here irl, or maybe you wish you didn't have your nonnie side?

No. 2381547

You're surprisingly normal imo. People are multifaceted, if you're into analytical psychology or jungian psychology it's known as the "shadow" of your personality. I wish I could live in a world where I could integrate my shadow with my outside self and be whole (which theoretically is how a person becomes better or something lol)

No. 2381567

I am like this too but I do my best not to be mean to anons because that's just putting bad energy into people who refract it onto me again. Hurting anons is self harm and shitting where you're eating.
When it comes to trannies, being two faced is good. I sell stuff to trannies sometimes and use the money to anti tranny purposes. This is all i can do to fight them and I'm good at it.

No. 2381573

I hate the sounds of these names.
>Becky (I like Becka though for some reason)
>Amy (I knew one particularly annoying girl who spelled it "Aimee")

No. 2381578

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The Gorillaz characters (not in a husbando way though)

No. 2381580

lol my dog was named Aimee

No. 2381590

My husbando and 3 other characters from his show I will refrain from mentioning. Bloom, Musa and Stella from Winx Club. Floch Forster from AOT.

No. 2381602

Declan. I have always hated it ever since I first heard it. I also hate the feminine variants of the names >>2381292 mentioned. Brynlee, Kinsey, Raelynn, Rylee, etc.

No. 2381604

Your dog is the only good Aimee.

No. 2381698

The girl names sound obnoxiously uwu and the moid names are annoying boomer names that sound way worse in my language.

No. 2381743

Whenever I see Patrick I get reminded of his niche SoundCloud musician who was outed for raping 6yos. That name is forever tainted to me.

No. 2381882

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Sora KH1, Arthur Morgan, and Star Butterfly

No. 2382219

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What's your favorite interior design style, or which one do you hate?

No. 2382289

I tend to like colourful maximalist rooms, though I'd never have that style in my own place (I go colourful minimalism to make cleaning easier). I'm mainly interested in 'normal people' rooms, I don't care for whatever's in magazines, I like seeing real rooms of average people who make average money and aren't interior design pros.

My most hated style is gamer rooms of any kind. Like, a dark mancave full of RGB lights and funkopops. Or a girl gamer room full of baby pink and anime figurines. Anything in the consoomer thread disgusts me deep in my soul.

No. 2382386

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my ideal is
>old building. anything pre WWI but 17th or 18th centuries are absolutely peak
>high ceilings with tall windows
>hardwood floors
>mismatched funriture
>white or light coloured walls with small ornamental details like mouldings but kithing to major
>lots of random assorted artwork. i have grandma taste in art though.
picrel is my ideal setup though a little bare. i'd add a tad more stuff.

No. 2382495

>shabby chic
>minimalist (the commercial white one)

No. 2382507

So much as hearing his shrieking screams upon dying (which is usually my fault) brings me to tears. I want him happy and safe because his smile cures what ailes me.

No. 2382515

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I really like small spaces like picrel but more organized and clean. I’m not sure what it’s called, I guess maximalism? Basically I want to feel like a mouse living in a hole in the wall with a sardine tin bed

No. 2382584

Unironically want to live in a yurt

No. 2382725

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I'm torn between japanese wooden architecture and europen classicist architecture. I love both.

No. 2382777

How old do you think the oldest anons are who use lolcow?

No. 2382834

Oldest I imagine would be 50s. Youngest I suspect is 11-13.

No. 2382835

Not sure if she would count but I recall grandma from the smallweb threads stopping by and posting a little (she's gen X so possibly in her mid 40s-60)

No. 2383092

There was a grandnonnie who was in her 70s iirc.
Oh god

No. 2383144

What's the best idea that came to you in a dream?

No. 2383173

I had a good idea for an epic painting because i had an epic dream. The painting i made for myself is small but i might do a 1 meter version of it in the future to sell it. I belive it will sell, just need to find the time to do it.
But other than that i guess nothing, i wish i had more genius realization type of dreams, i usually dream about interresting stories but i suck at writing stories.

No. 2383210

I don't get good or even realistic ideas in dreams, my dream ideas are like "I need to get to the other side of the street but it's too busy. I have an idea - I'll take a shortcut through the North Pole in a nuclear submarine"

No. 2383234

I think twice now I've dreamt of the answer to a mathematical thing I was trying to solve the night before. It solved a ratio issue with a pattern I was creating and it felt like magic because I couldn't figure HOW I got the answer, but it worked without question. Otherwise my dreams are straight up retarded and meaningless.

No. 2383237

A few months ago i woke up with a solid idea for a hp fanfic (the summary literally wrote itself in my head) but now i have no idea how to write it

No. 2383582

That I should leave a toxic person in my life. Prophetic dream.

No. 2383719

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I read a comment (that had a lot of likes) that said it was gross to sit in the bath tub while its filling up and you should wait until after its full to step in. What do you think nonas?
Personally I step in when it's empty, turn the shower on to rinse out the tub and my feet and then I sit in the bath while it fills up. I have pets though, I do this because if I don't I'll end up with little hairs and fluffs floating in the bath.

No. 2383721

I mean, the water's gonna get dirty anyway after you're done, so thirty seconds difference of getting in wouldn't really matter right?

No. 2383722

Why would that be gross? You're going to be sitting in it anyway, I don't see what difference it makes.

No. 2383752

What are some dumb things you did or thought as a child?

No. 2383757

I thought a dishwasher washed the dishes by shaking them around like a washing machine. Then when I was older I thought if you used a VPN you had to pick one from your country or else the federal police would come knocking for idk, identity falsification or some shit.

No. 2383764

The reason everyone in a family has the same last name is because you can only marry and have kids with people who share your last name. As a preschooler I thought this meant I had to marry my brother when I was older and I cried.

No. 2383781

It took me very long to understand that oxygen has nothing to do with gravity. I thought the reason why you float in outerspace is because there's no air and I couldn't get into my head why I wouldn't start floating when I held my breath.

No. 2383798

What was your first ever social media? Websites or games that allow you to personally interact with other users count, too.
Mine was Wattpad and I even e-dated a moid from there kek. Fun times.

No. 2383805

imvu and meez

No. 2383806

It's not social media, but the first site I had ever joined besides YouTube was quotev. I still remember all the quiz creators I interacted with

No. 2383809

Does Neopets count lol

No. 2383813

If it allowed you to regularly talk with people and you made friends, yes. Games with messages count

No. 2383825

oooh boy we had a dating site in my country and all the kids were on it. It was kinda like facebook before facebook existed but you could rate people on their looks. I was 12 and all i did there was shitpost about metal music and nobody cared.

No. 2383829

Kik and Amino. Hearing all the horror stories older zoomers have about being groomed on either one of them has me glad to whatever deity is out there it didn't happen to me. Sounds terrifying

No. 2383873

Runescape. I was 11 and used to just chat to everyone in lumbridge with the confidence of an endgame veteran.

No. 2383878

I thought that all the websites you visited were listed on your internet bill so I avoided everything weird, even anime nipples would send me into a panic attack out of my fear my parents knew about it. Also I believed in Santa until I was 10.

No. 2383881

Where I live, we had an exact site like this called doyoulookgood.

No. 2384040


No. 2384044

This werewolf/vampire roleplay site called Immortal Night

No. 2384058

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No. 2384624

i really feel like getting into something where 2 characters are in some kind of rock bottom and are close because of it but one gets better and has to leave the other. does anyone have any book/film/tv show recommendations with this kind of trope?

No. 2384628

The story of my life with all my interpersonal relationships

No. 2384727

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Must have been Wonderland Online. I don't think I ever had a clue about what I was doing in that game, but I had somehow made friends with some kids from my country

No. 2385022

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Would you guys see yourself well into your thirties on this website? I've been on here since I was a junior in college, and I'm a working adult now.
I'd imagine myself years from now having a stable career, starting a family, and still scrolling on lolcow.

No. 2385059

Even when i'm 70, I will scroll through LC with my coffee every morning

No. 2385070

Well I am

No. 2385071

Clash of Clans and Minecraft Pocket Edition

No. 2385072

yes because i dont fit in with normalfags and i am a terminally online loser

No. 2385080

girl i'm 33 and "i'm mature now, no more lolcow for me" has yet to cross my mind.

No. 2385082

Im about to be 30 and still on this site, I think people are too dramatic about aging. My interests are pretty much the same as I was 23 or 27; i work and have my life during the day then come home to laugh at cows during the night. Age won’t change a thing.

No. 2385086

Webkinz and girlsgogames

No. 2385090

My babysitter told me chocolate milk came from brown cows and I believed that for a long time

No. 2385097

Either it's dressup123 or wwe. com (don't ask me why, my brother was a fan lol).

No. 2385104

Most people who started when this site began are already in their 30s. wtf I'm 36 with a family.

No. 2385105

I remember playing this game way back. I think I met like 3 other people, but it was pretty empty. I honestly miss mmos like these.

No. 2385145

Does anyone else use Discord for storage? It's pretty efficient to dump photos and other small files in a one-person server to keep my device clean. When I'm lazier I'll just send pictures to my alt account on other social media.

No. 2385147

Plenty of anons here are in their 30s and thriving. I'm a bit younger but I definitely see myself scrolling and hanging out with anons here well into my 70s. Assuming I live that long

No. 2385148

my parents used to tell me the same thing kek i believed them. And that there were pink cows that made strawberry milk

No. 2385153

I cant remember which one came first, either club penguin or yahoo messenger lol

No. 2385555

Were you ever in special ed classes? Be honest, I will not judge.

No. 2385565

No I was seen as the ultra smart gifted and talented kid and then became the depressed burnt out stereotype the moment I entered high school

No. 2385568

Same here, but some of my teachers could definitely tell that something was "different" about me despite my intelligence and found me annoying kek

No. 2385652

Me three lol.

No. 2385801

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What do you nonnies like to spend your disposable income on? I like buying quality clothes, stationary and collecting tech. And I put the rest away to save up for a yearly trip abroad.

No. 2385804

Me four, I even skipped a year and went to highschool early. Huge mistake.

No. 2385807

They threatened to put me in special ed all of the fucking time. I'm not autistic or retarded or mentally delayed in any way, it was purely for emotional dysregulation and poor emotional behavior. I was also really weird and refused to do work a lot of the time, it never felt like I had to do it and so I didn't care.

No. 2385817


No. 2385841

If I’m still into cows for most of/the rest of my life then yeah, maybe I’ll pop in just to vent. I started poking around here back when the Creepshow Art stuff happened and I used to lurk a lot before posting, now I mainly post on /ot/ boards but I still like to poke around cow boards to see if there’s anything interesting. Either I’ll phase it out in a few years or I’ll keep reading forever, I don’t see much of an in between tbh

No. 2385899

I’m trying to invest in quality natural fiber clothes too. Other than that it’s mostly hobby stuff like camera lenses/filters and art supplies. Oh and I love to splurge on bath products

No. 2385901

I buy mostly buy nail supplies, regular nail supplies, and stuff for my pets.

No. 2385904

Mainly on delicus foods/meal deliveries and sometimes clothes

No. 2385908

Unironically I would've wished to be in ED, maybe I would've had a better time and they could've taught me stuff that a normal school couldn't teach me like how to regulate my emotions and shit, I had to learn that on my own and suffered a lot because of that.

No. 2385913

She said special education not eating disorder

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