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No. 2361589
Random Questions Round IV.
ITT: Ask your fellow anons questions and hear their replies.
>What's your favorite fruit?The anon below will reply with,
>Who was your rolemodel growing up?>The artist behind KikomiOr
>What's your favourite TV show?>Seinfeld!Please follow all the /ot/ board rules. Have fun!
Previous Threads:
>>>/ot/2030872 No. 2361641
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What's your favourite playing suit?
You can also pick a card
No. 2361646
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>>2361644These are the 4 card suits
No. 2361697
>>2361681>gender ideology hate>fandom discourse>dog hate>cat hate>fujo vs anti-fujo discourse >fujocoomer cringe >looksmaxxing/>ugly man psyop And I'm sure there's more
It's either stuff I don't care reading about at all or just pure cancer. Hiding a bunch of threads really improves my lolcow browsing experience.
No. 2361729
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Do you believe in cyptids like Bigfoot and Nessie?
No. 2363077
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Does anyone know where I could buy a similar button up?
No. 2363226
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Which do you think looks better, low set or high set eyebrows?
No. 2363607
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in your opinion how soon is too soon to adopt a new pet after losing the previous one. does that timeline change in your mind depending on the circumstances (ie the age of the owner, the existence of other pets in the house, etc)
No. 2363723
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Who is a woman you wish you looked like? Positive vibes only!
No. 2363737
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>>2363723My crazy-eyed queen. But only because I can't have sex with her.
No. 2365165
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>>2363723will fitzgerald, specifically in strange darling. i want not just her face but her body. skinny but not too thin, with small ass and boobs. i'm skinny but have huge hips and breasts and i wish they were smaller and cuter.
No. 2365192
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>>2363723Melissa McBride has always looked great in her role as Carol on The Walking Dead. She's the only reason I finished all 11 seasons and I would love to look both badass and sweet like this when I'm 60. Amazing short and grey-haired queen.
No. 2365199
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>>2363723her and no one else
No. 2367401
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What's your favorite term of endearment?
No. 2367433
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>>2363723I didn't think I had one until this I saw random drawing. I'm working my ass off to try to lose some weight so I can look like her.
No. 2367472
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>>2363723>>2363723What's the point of being alive if you can't be striking like young Cher
No. 2368466
>>2368452A lot more than I used to. I don’t usually
have to prioritize one kind of relationship over the other because my partner agrees it’s important for us to make time for our own friends. I have a good group of friends and I value them more than a lot of my family members honestly.
No. 2368574
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Is this true for most of you? Because I've never posted anything on social media in all my 28 years and don't take photos. Makes me feel old-fashioned kek
No. 2368800
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>>2368778I feel like that’s just the natural flow of conversation whenever hair or eye color is ever brought up on here.
No. 2370754
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Does anybody know the name of this specific cut of skirt?
No. 2371036
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how do you cope after anons hurt your feelings?
No. 2371057
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>>2371036Don't worry anon, just remember that we're all somehow more pathetic than you could ever be.
No. 2371064
>>2371052yes i know it's just an ib it's not important. i do walk away close my eyes everything. jw if anyone did anything different or extra
>>2371057thank you nona. there is a collectively pathetic but also based stacy energy on here that swings wildly like a pendulum and i think im in my pathetic era right now
No. 2371065
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what are some active an interesting threads to watch around lcf these days? i feel like all my old reliables are dying
No. 2371105
>>2371036Not so much when they hurt my feelings, but when I see something really retarded like
>>2371043 I'll go to a certain folder on my desktop. This folder contains almost every face pic uploaded on here by a variety of different anons over the years; I have about 120 photos. Most of them look moderately intellectually-handicapped and very ugly, and so I'll look at the photos and I'll try to imagine which one typed out the post that made my brain hurt. Once I saw a couple of face reveals, I stopped taking most retarded posts on here seriously because now to me instead of offensive it's just become more like the conversation I'd hear while passing the sped table at the school cafeteria. I can't get angry at anons on here, or be hurt by them, because every time I even think about it I just picture one of the dozens of retards that posted her face on here and I this intense pang of pity hits my stomach.
>>2371065It depends what you're looking for. Probably the most interesting threads I've seen lately are the Dana, Lexity, & Catholic Panda threads on /snow/. They're all pretty new and developing, the latter two are still on their first threads. I wish there weren't so many general threads on /snow/, I find them way more boring and low-effort than dedicated cow threads. If your preference is more /w/, you could also check out ManaKnight's threads. His threads don't move super quickly, but I like them a lot because making fun of autistic moids is funny to me. If you're not that interested in cows themselves, I think that the Bad Comics thread on /m/ is also pretty funny.
If you want more thread recommendations, there's also a thread for that on /meta/
>>>/meta/56111 No. 2371116
>>2371105I don’t understand how anyone could be retarded enough to post their face here.
>Once I saw a couple of face reveals, I stopped taking most retarded posts on here seriously because now to me instead of offensive it's just become more like the conversation I'd hear while passing the sped table at the school cafeteria.Lmao, real.
No. 2371135
>>2371122I just checked and it's actually 97, not 120. They're all unique individuals, not many anons will post their face twice. None of them are Rancefag, because the personalityfags have their own folder.
>>2371116Sometimes other people post each other's faces, like recently there was a post somewhere on /ot/ about Friend Finder thread drama and one of them posted the other's face.
>>2371129Kek you know I did as soon as that pic dropped.
No. 2371149
>>2371143Adding to this, also too many seem underage so I can't take them seriously.
>>2371129I missed this, what happened?
No. 2371214
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>>2371193dont fall for it
No. 2371221
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>>2371214Every time I get accused of being a moid, I die a little inside.
No. 2371225
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>>2371214>>2371223What do you think the CIA/FBI will do, recruit us as assassins?
No. 2371595
>>2371578best: sea salt balsamic vinegar
worst: plain salt
No. 2371612
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If you were a male, would you get posted at the unconventional attraction thread?
No. 2371623
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>>2371612I actually think my jawline would look sexo on a male kek
No. 2371635
>>2371578Best- sweet chili & sour cream
worst- ketchup
No. 2372427
>>2372360I can move my ears.
>>2372389That's not useless wtf, o wish I had that.
No. 2372507
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>>2371612I’m attractive and both of my parents are attractive, I’d be in the conventionally attractive thread and be blessed with having a full head of hair well into my 60s. I’d post thirst traps just for you nona.
No. 2372705
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>>2371612No, I have a beautiful jawline that attracts a lot of seething comments from chincels and double chinned fatties and weak chinned jealous women with slack jaw peasant DNA who like to call me a tranny. I’m also naturally muscular and broad. If I was a man I’d mog the fuck out of Henry cavill or any ugly faggot in Hollywood right now.
No. 2373579
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Nonnies, what are your favourite and least favourite cuts/styles of dresses? I love 1940's shirt dresses like in picrel and I fucking loathe those hideous selkie dresses that were trending on Tiktok a while ago.
No. 2373689
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>>2373579I HATE selkie dresses too, but when i brought it up onces on lolcow, plenty of anons said that they like it, so idk. I think the rip off ones that are cheap are even worse because you really can't skimp out on the materials for such dresses. I don't have a specific cut of dress i like but, i really like the aesthetic of edwardian lingerie dresses.
No. 2373692
>>2370755Thank you anon!
>>2370759I'll use that search engine in the future, i was using google and it wasn't helping.
No. 2373703
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>>2373579qipao/cheongsam are peak to me. both the form-fitting ones and the 20s style longer, looser ones like picrel
No. 2373786
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>>2373689I love edwardian silhouettes so much
No. 2373802
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>>2373786agreed. i love the whole period but especially 1907-1911
No. 2373903
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What comes up for you when you search your name + sonic oc?
No. 2373911
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>>2373903did it and the one that came up for me is really cute actually
No. 2373915
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>>2373910okay, i’ll admit, i did it. i’ll post the one for my nickname instead of my actual name
No. 2373924
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>>2373910>>2373914Stop ruining my plan
No. 2374099
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>>2374061nta, there are 'modernised' versions that are essentially just a similar cut but using any fabric. also, why tf does your nigel want you to wear a qipao? that's weird
No. 2374103
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>>2374100oh kek my bad, that's cute. if you're made uncomfortable by the super traditional looking ones, would something like picrel be better? i'm sure his family would appreciate it. i just went googling and found so many sweet/simple qipaos, i'm sure it'd look great on you!
No. 2374862
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Anons, what are some smooth, good quality colored pencil brands?
No. 2374911
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>>2373903I don't think this works for me
No. 2376655
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Do you prefer the results of pilates or those of gym (weightlifting)?
No. 2376694
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What are your favorite smells?
No. 2376705
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>>2376694Garages. Kind of like petrichor but drier. And wet dirt like anon above. Picrel is supposed to smell like home depot I need to try it
No. 2377062
>>2376983Sorry, I've never trained in martial arts, I've only read a little into the subject. But I watch boxing matches often.
>I kind of wish I did something like that as a kid. Me too. But boxing gyms are so rare nowadays, and even the college I went to didn't have a boxing club.
No. 2377209
>>2377156>>2377170Shit, this reminds me of this really good caption erotica on cc's secret board, about a matriarchy where moids were all imprisoned, and a moid escaped, and the female officers raped him, and the punchline was
>YOU CAN'T SIT WITH USBut tranny jannies deleted it. If anyone has it, please post it.
No. 2378100
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>>2378074I really like share tech mono. Or VSR OSD mono for a more pixelated look
No. 2378212
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>>2378208Yukari and Miho from GUP
No. 2378366
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>>2363723late but Jeanne Crain
No. 2381543
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I've been thinking about the double life I live lately. I'm nice and respectful IRL I'm a crypto terf, but when I'm alone or have time I come here to be as nasty as possible to weird people, wish death upon trannies, and sometimes even be mean other anons. It's not like I repress my "evil" side irl, there are just two sides of me. I feel like picrel sometimes.
Do you feel the same? Are you a two faced asshole like me? If you are, does it make you feel conflicted? Do you wish you were like how you are here irl, or maybe you wish you didn't have your nonnie side?
No. 2381567
>>2381543I am like this too but I do my best not to be mean to anons because that's just putting bad energy into people who refract it onto me again. Hurting anons is self harm and shitting where you're eating.
When it comes to trannies, being two faced is good. I sell stuff to trannies sometimes and use the money to anti tranny purposes. This is all i can do to fight them and I'm good at it.
No. 2381578
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>>2378208The Gorillaz characters (not in a husbando way though)
No. 2381602
>>2381283Declan. I have always hated it ever since I first heard it. I also hate the feminine variants of the names
>>2381292 mentioned. Brynlee, Kinsey, Raelynn, Rylee, etc.
No. 2381882
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>>2378208Sora KH1, Arthur Morgan, and Star Butterfly
No. 2382219
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What's your favorite interior design style, or which one do you hate?
No. 2382289
>>2382219I tend to like colourful maximalist rooms, though I'd never have that style in my own place (I go colourful minimalism to make cleaning easier). I'm mainly interested in 'normal people' rooms, I don't care for whatever's in magazines, I like seeing real rooms of average people who make average money and aren't interior design pros.
My most hated style is gamer rooms of any kind. Like, a dark mancave full of RGB lights and funkopops. Or a girl gamer room full of baby pink and anime figurines. Anything in the consoomer thread disgusts me deep in my soul.
No. 2382386
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>>2382219my ideal is
>old building. anything pre WWI but 17th or 18th centuries are absolutely peak>high ceilings with tall windows>hardwood floors>mismatched funriture >white or light coloured walls with small ornamental details like mouldings but kithing to major>lots of random assorted artwork. i have grandma taste in art though. picrel is my ideal setup though a little bare. i'd add a tad more stuff.
No. 2382495
>shabby chic>cottageHate:
>industrial>minimalist (the commercial white one) No. 2382507
So much as hearing his shrieking screams upon dying (which is usually my fault) brings me to tears. I want him happy and safe because his smile cures what ailes me.
No. 2382515
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>>2382219I really like small spaces like picrel but more organized and clean. I’m not sure what it’s called, I guess maximalism? Basically I want to feel like a mouse living in a hole in the wall with a sardine tin bed
No. 2382725
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>>2382219I'm torn between japanese wooden architecture and europen classicist architecture. I love both.
No. 2383092
>>2382777There was a grandnonnie who was in her 70s iirc.
>>2382834>11-13Oh god
No. 2383173
>>2383144I had a good idea for an epic painting because i had an epic dream. The painting i made for myself is small but i might do a 1 meter version of it in the future to sell it. I belive it will sell, just need to find the time to do it.
But other than that i guess nothing, i wish i had more genius realization type of dreams, i usually dream about interresting stories but i suck at writing stories.
No. 2383582
>>2383144That I should leave a
toxic person in my life. Prophetic dream.
No. 2383719
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I read a comment (that had a lot of likes) that said it was gross to sit in the bath tub while its filling up and you should wait until after its full to step in. What do you think nonas?
Personally I step in when it's empty, turn the shower on to rinse out the tub and my feet and then I sit in the bath while it fills up. I have pets though, I do this because if I don't I'll end up with little hairs and fluffs floating in the bath.
No. 2383722
>>2383719Why would that be
gross? You're going to be sitting in it anyway, I don't see what difference it makes.
No. 2384727
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>>2383798Must have been Wonderland Online. I don't think I ever had a clue about what I was doing in that game, but I had somehow made friends with some kids from my country
No. 2385022
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Would you guys see yourself well into your thirties on this website? I've been on here since I was a junior in college, and I'm a working adult now.
I'd imagine myself years from now having a stable career, starting a family, and still scrolling on lolcow.
No. 2385104
>>2385022Most people who started when this site began are already in their 30s. wtf
I'm 36 with a family.
No. 2385801
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What do you nonnies like to spend your disposable income on? I like buying quality clothes, stationary and collecting tech. And I put the rest away to save up for a yearly trip abroad.
No. 2386835
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Is flower knows over hyped? Are there better brands you recommend?
No. 2386883
>>2386413On /a/ a long time ago
To this day I wonder what
nonny guided me here when I was trapped posting with moids
No. 2386931
>>2386413I was trying to find dirt on Anisa because I
had a parasocial crush on iDubbbz and hated her kek. So embarrassing. I don’t even keep up with them anymore
I think they’re lame but get too much hate from his former fans No. 2386990
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Did you have any “phases” that you’ve outgrown? Tell me about them. Could be fashion/aesthetic related, hobbies, behaviors, whatever.
How do you feel about those things now?
No. 2387063
>>2386999Kekkk, I memorised a ton of Japanese songs (most of which were from anime) so I could convince everyone else I spoke it. I also made LOADS of Mary Sue OCs even though I treated that "Mary Sue Litmus Test" website like the gold standard of character building. I got a gold medal in mental gymnastics from convincing myself that my self-inserts weren't actually overpowered.
>>2386990Also I had a brief anti-SJW phase on Tumblr (mostly because I found the trannies on the site annoying) but then I realised how annoying everyone in the scene was and ditched it.
No. 2387129
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>>2387094>Me after buying a house for 14$thanks anon.
No. 2387175
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>>2387087I suggest picrel
No. 2387214
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For anons in college/Uni what kind of bag do you use? The more specific the better! I love totes but I’m not trying to be like pic related.
No. 2387654
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Tag yourself, I'm spanish
No. 2387669
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>>2387654Geo-cranio phenotyping seems to be a very hot topic on lc today. Unfortunately it always leaves out the (maritime) silk road that lasted over a thousand years and spread everyone's dna and genetics around
No. 2388185
>>2388168The retarded one who got their ass beat for being an unintegrated autist.
They did not want my birthday cupcakes.
No. 2388212
>>2388168First half of elementary I was the smart kid, best grades, involved in all extracurricular activities, winning all school competitions
Second half of elementary school I was the leader of a group of troublemakers, even had the school closed by police once because of one of my shenanigans. Ah, good times
No. 2388230
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Where is this from??
No. 2390303
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would anynonny be interested in playing transformice together in a private room?
afaik there's no way to find out what steam account you're using so it should be fine as long as you don't use your tfm username on other platforms. lmk what you think
No. 2390323
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No. 2392423
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>>2390303I wanna play TFM with nonnies so bad!! Can we do survivor too?
No. 2394362
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should i buy a ps4 for bloodborne? im not a vidyafag but the art is beautiful
No. 2394485
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>>2394472Honestly you can watch popular playthroughs or browse gifs for the same effect. BB was incredible to experience when it first released but I'd hardly call it breathtaking anymore. The visuals were cool at the time but a big issue with BB was how masculine and samey everything was, cool bosses and designs aside. Not trying to be a hater but if you're going to buy a console to experience the perpetual yaoi proportions of a single game, you may regret it.
No. 2394941
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Question just for fun! Pretend you're a famous author, what's your pseudonym and you latest title?
No. 2395066
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Anons with mental disorders but never go to therapy, why do you not go to therapy? What made you decide to swallow the effects of your disorders and how is it going with dealing with your mind on your own?
No. 2395120
>>2395066Had only one female therapist. She would treat me like she thought I was pathetic, I could sense her superiority complex from the way she spoke and looked at me. She never gave much advice and just asked questions about my life and she would forget what I told her the next session. She would focus on pointless things instead of tackling my real issues and would say stupid ass shit to make me feel better like "Your parents problems aren't yours" meanwhile my parents were verbally
abusive towards me and my father was dangerous because he would break things in the house when angry. One time I said my stomach hurt because of my period (since I was also monitored physically) and she said that periods don't cause stomach pains. It honestly just felt humiliating.
No. 2395145
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>>2361589Someone help me understand this family tree im losing it
No. 2395177
>>2395172It's a common French name
Like Guy de Maupassant
No. 2395178
>>2388168Wild nature child, i always had field guides, and caught bugs and had lizards in my desk
i would find all the wild edibles out at recess like bramble berries and such people called me nature woman
No. 2397583
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are those vibrators they sell at the drugstores worth it, like the durex vibrators for example. Asking because im a normal human being who sometimes has sexual needs.
No. 2397598
>>2397596Can you not order one online,
nonny? I feel like that would be the best solution all round.
No. 2397629
>>2397596hey it's me, i found one sex shop near me but their stuff looks quite expensive. With the cheapest stuff being at 20 while the most expensive over 200.
Is it normal for sex toys to cost this much?
No. 2398163
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Why do people hate Taylor Swift again? She is just so unremarkable to me, I dont hate her but im not crazy over her either.
No. 2398178
>>2398163Moids hate her because she's a woman whose fanbase is predominantly women. Her music is bland to me (minus the harmonies, they're always composed nicely imo) but it's just a case of with popularity comes hate.
A lot of moids also hate her and her fanbase specifically because "white women bad and dumb". Just look at that faggot MeatCanyon's animation.
There's people who criticise how rich she is and how she uses private jets because they pollute the environment, which I suppose is
valid, but retarded moids like Travis Scott do like ten times worse and nobody gives a shit.
No. 2398608
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Was anyone else always assumed to be a gay kid because you were a tomboy?
No. 2398828
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Does anyone feel like your parents don't know you as a person and just project things on you? Like both my parents have really firm ideas on what degrees I SHOULD have, what career I SHOULD have, what hobbies I SHOULD have, but when it comes to my actual desires/likes/dislikes/hobbies, they don't seem to have a clue. They might be narcissistic though, not sure if this is normal
No. 2399447
>>2399444Instagram, AI chats and I also just had zero free time so it's not like I could actually think of checking LC at all.
I wanted to check some threads and such but I was so busy that I just didn't have the time.
No. 2399473
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Imagine tomorrow you wake up and you're a dude. What do you do?
I think I'd kill myself, mainly because I'd be super fucking ugly as a dude.
No. 2399494
>>2399473I would try jerking off tbh. See what the hype is about.
I'm already ugly as a chick so being ugly as a dude would be easier.
No. 2399536
>>2399523Wait I assumed we'd eventually wake up as women again. If it was permanent I'd get hot and make a himbo youtuber character marketed towards women, for the nonas.
And also if I died it would be no great loss KEK
No. 2399562
>>2399473Go kick the shit out of my aunts
abusive husband and any moids who's misogynistic
No. 2399717
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>>2399662I feel this is a common special interest with millenials and zoomers lol.
No. 2399870
>>2399717I just like to research about it since Americans seem very strangely obsessed with it and not in a memoriam way but so obsessed to the point of schizophrenia and even claim it was the worst attack in the world(which they still do)but use it as a reason to wage war on other countries
especially in my country they keep saying "never forget 9/11" but why? That was the reason it was so interesting to me also another reason that every person born in the 90s claims that world before 9/11 was better
No. 2399916
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>>2399905I like floral-scented things so I've been using Herbal Essences for hair and picrel for body. This soap is a little pricy ($18 a bar) but it's genuinely the closest thing you can get to smelling like you are standing in the middle of a rose garden.
No. 2399922
>>2399905 Dr Bronner’s peppermint, or lavender bar soap.
Favorite jam of the moment, not of all time?
No. 2399927
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>>2399905Honestly, I usually just get whatever is cheapest but when I care about smell I get the VO5 Strawberries and Cream shampoo and conditioner. I don't buy body washes because I feel that the scent doesn't last long anyway and I would rather buy perfume/oil, so I just use Irish Spring and unscented dove bar soaps.
No. 2400095
>>2400094I'm not even offended, I just think what you're saying is dumb.
>Just because you're a woman, doesn't mean you can't be judged, by the way.Who said that?
No. 2400106
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>what would you do if you woke up as a man
A certain sneering, bloated, toadfaced man would be GONE.
No. 2400272
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>>2400057>NOOOOO HOW DARE YOU JERK YOUR IMAGINARY HYPOTHETICAL PENIS YOU FILTHY DEGENERATES!!!!1111111>So, you're really no different than a moid?no? notice how no
nonny said she'd go rape someone.
No. 2400383
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strawberry or chocolate milk?
No. 2400400
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>>2400392Yes and not milk at all but this medicine. I could drink kids amoxicillin all day
No. 2400425
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>>2400418No I'm being retarded but am serious. I used to love that shit and this is my first time posting about it. Do you remember what thread?
>>2400419Found it kek
No. 2400436
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>>2400425samefag but the reason it's so tasty (imo) and a lot of other artificial banana flavour/scent is superior is because it's modeled after the Gros Michel (the banana that went extinct from fungus)
No. 2400441
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>>2400435This looks french
No. 2401311
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What type of flowers/bouquet would you love to get?
No. 2401490
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So I’m caucasian and was born with this (infants with this birthmark are born with a blue butt and it stays for a few weeks after birth) Have any of you also had this? I’m especially interested to hear if other caucasian nonas were born with this, I really need to get a DNA test tbh
No. 2401531
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>>2401528Reddit has made anons more aggressive due to it's annoying unnecessary censorship and unrelenting faggotry. The idea of "banter" makes everyone nervous bc they're traumatized by "tip my hat to you, good sirs"
No. 2405439
>>2405339i love philosophy, not because i like too many particular thinkers but b/c i disagree with so many of them.
hated decartes but studying him in college was fun b/c you get to pick apart the arguments with a group of people. i even co-ran a philosophy club in college. the format was looking into different topics each week. i remember our talks about free will and god/the problem of evil being some of the better discussions. we talked about life as a simulation both semesters b/c it was such a popular topic even tho i never voted for it.
No. 2409301
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>>2409292this bad boy. it's probably 60 by now, sounds like a jet engine but works just fine
No. 2412856
>>2412583No, because sometimes anons have relevant or funny info. And because sometimes retards sage their milk, and I don't want to miss anything.
At least it makes the threads last longer. I feel bad for anons who mention having gone through all the interesting threads, I dread that day.
No. 2413180
>>2413178>checks birthmark on the left side of my, how should I feel?creatures lie here,
No. 2413185
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>>2413180>left side of my ass>the throw of AphroditeYou could win a lot in Vegas anon. Forgot your destiny picrel
No. 2414083
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>>2413747This is your first life? KEK
No. 2414119
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>>2414077welcome back, buster keaton
No. 2414233
>>2413128On my kidney
Kidney stones
No. 2414417
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What were your grades like throughout high school? What kind of teenager were you, and what would your teenage self think of you now?
No. 2414428
>>2414417>What were your grades like throughout high school?50s and 60s usually but for humanities always above 90s
>What kind of teenager were you?Smoked a pack a day, skipped 2/4 classes a day, fought with teachers, never ate once on school premises, always ready to complain
>What would your teenage self think of you now?"Wow, she's groovy!"
No. 2414501
>>2414417>What were your grades like throughout high school?We don't have the A-F grading system in schools where I live, just numbers. I got grades in the 90 range in all subjects except math and physics, these are usually 70-80. I was doing alright mostly and graduated with a good enough GPA to be accepted in the only 2 universities in my city.
>What kind of teenager were youEmbarrassing. I got into metal and rock music heavy during that time, I was very edgy, I lost faith in religion and had my atheist character arc, I was also obsessed with science and especially biology and evolution theory and would read biology books and anti-religion books, I was pretentious and wanted to come off as genius so bad. I was a massive weeb and trying to learn Japanese seriously. I also was into drawing but my art was too ugly I ended up giving up on it, kek. I was a raging fujo back then as well. I had friends from all walks of life, from nerds to weebs/fujos.
I also had an embarrassing TIF phase due to internalized misogyny>and what would your teenage self think of you now?I honestly don't know. She'll probably be sad I didn't get to study biology like I wanted, she'll be upset about the current life situation I'm living in, but she'd be impressed by the improvement in my music taste and library and in my singing. Maybe my improvement in languages as well, especially English. She'd be glad I moved on from my at the time internalized misogyny and for embracing girly things more without betraying myself.
No. 2414526
>>2414417>what were your grades throughout high schoolI barely passed. C's and F's. When I realized I needed to get my shit together near the end of senior year otherwise I wouldn't graduate I finally did the homework/projects required to get out. I'm stupid but also I think I just did poorly academically because I didn't pay attention in class/didn't do homework.
>What kind of teenager were youA huge, cringeass weeb/fujo. I had a large friend group and would get invited to parties often (mostly with other nerds, nothing crazy). Despite the bad grades and being an obnoxious as fuck teen I was relatively well behaved. I'd show up to all my classes, never skipped school, didn't do drugs/drink/fight/have sex or whatever.
>What would your teenage self think of you nowI think in all honesty she'd be impressed. I grew up in an unsupportive household and my family always told me I would be a homeless loser. The fact that I'm a homeowner today living a pretty comfy life would come as a shock to my teenaged self.
No. 2414531
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What do you want to reincarnate as in the next cycle? Non-human answers only.
No. 2414545
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>>2414531I've thought of what it would be like being a mushroom/fungi. I'm obsessed with fungi hivemind theories in media. Like I feel there's something that we're missing out on there.
No. 2414552
>>2414417>What were your grades like throughout high school? Good, mostly. Despite my circumstances, I was able to be a good student
>What kind of teenager were youI was a frumpy, quiet, lonely weeb with zero sense of style, feminity scared me back then. To be fair, I was very fucking insane but mostly inwardly, I didn't want to hurt anybody with my problems and I was deeply ashamed of my lack of luck. My life was very surreal back then, I was either disassociating, hallucinating or waking up to goreish nightmares everyday
>what would your teenage self think of you now?She'd be highly disturbed, mostly because of my looks atm but that's temporal. She would have to admit I'm extremely skillful now, I'm able to do and create stuff she could only dream about. She also would think my husbandos are trash (true)
No. 2414554
>>2413128>What were your grades like throughout high school? I did ok
>What kind of teenager were youSuper dramatic. Liking anime and thinking everything is shit isn't a personality. It's dull and annoying
>what would your teenage self think of you nowI think she'd be surprised. I always wanted to get into art when I was a teen but I went somewhere else instead. I'm more chill less angry. I'd hope she'd like that about me. It isn't healthy to dwell in rage. I wanna hug lil me and tell her it's going to be ok. Also we are more into dogs than cats. I'm also still working on how to marry Hayley Williams.
No. 2414562
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>>2414531A bird! I want to fly all the time
No. 2415552
>>2415539I mean, we already have our own hiveminds like Reddit
Who's to say fungal hiveminds are better? You imagine a harmonious community connection but in reality it's probably full of faggot fungi being cringe for fungi updoots
No. 2416938
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If you open your Twitter "for you" feed right now, what's the first (non personal/non nsfw) picture you see?
No. 2417004
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>>2416938Picked the first non-weeb/fandom pic I found otherwise it would've just been a fanart
No. 2417124
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No. 2417160
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>>2416938Don't have twitter, take tumblr instead
No. 2420565
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What part of your body gains weight first? I noticed my thighs get chubbier faster than my arms
No. 2420572
>>2420353>Peeing aggressively I'd think you're maybe in a rush so I wouldn't judge
>Peeing for longer than usual I'd be happy for you, you aren't dehydrated
No. 2422613
>>2420353I don't pay attention because I'm so nervous in a public restroom (I have a shy bladder kek) that I'm just waiting for the person next to me to leave. I have some trouble peeing when other people are in the bathroom.
>>2416982Wow cute!
No. 2422631
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What does my taste in men say about me?
No. 2423666
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Autistic gendietard coworker who unironically thinks she's a vampire told me yesterday that she puts toothpaste on her acne and even uses some Windex. Skincarefags, do you have anything to say about this?
No. 2423969
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So what would be worse? Having a mom who believes in you causing your own evil through uncoordinated manifestation, or having a mom who believes in a routine punishment for you due to your predecessor's "crimes" in reincarnation?
No. 2424069
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>>2424052Jesus Christ you made this so much worse kek, I couldn't even do it. I would disown either of them to start over with a new one.
No. 2424321
>>2424307Ah, but you forget it's a shotacon
moid, and therefore much more likely to molest or download cp onto his hard drive.
No. 2424458
>>2424430>Could language fluency affect your personality or your personality make you more inclined toward learning certain languages?I don't know about personality but it can help put words on some thoughts and concepts that don't exist in your first language but in languages you've learned later. As to which languages you're more likely to learn fast and well it depends on how similar they are to your first language in terms of grammar and etymology. I found English easy to learn not just because of how it's mandatory in school but also because it has many similarities with my first language and there are plenty of ressources to pratice on your own as well. I started learning German in school at the same time and wish I didn't go to that special program, it's so similar to English that if I started later with a normal middle school program my knowledge in English would have made it way easier to remember German words back then. I think Spanish could have been easier as well. Asian languages are very different from European languages but I've seen friends saying that learning Korean after they gained an intermediate or advanced level in Japanese was easy because both languages have similar grammatical rules, but they had to work hard to learn Japanese first.
Which languages you know will at least indirectly influence your personality for the mere fact that you will have access to more information for different sources, you will be able to communicate with more people, these things will create more memories that will have an impact on you, etc. compared to knowing just one language.
No. 2426457
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Considering the rise of Ai, do you think that data analysis is a worthwhile career path? I'm considering going to graduate school, but I'm afraid that I'll waste my time pursuing this field.
No. 2426528
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if you had to become blind or deaf for a day which would you pick?
No. 2428548
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When were you sure you were in love?
No. 2428549
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Are people truly so overweight in America? Why do burgers eat so much? Bunch of fatties. Fatties are colonizing other countries too, soon enough we’ll all be fatties.
No. 2429587
>>2429583Fast food and junk food are synonymous like 80% of the time lol
Also on the discussion, it's also how physical exercise isn't really normalised, places aren't really designed for it either. You drive or commute everywhere in the US. Meanwhile you have say, Europe, the meme of tourists going to Europe and losing lots of pounds from all the normalised walking they had to do to get here and there is true.
No. 2429647
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>>2428548We were relaxing at his place and suddenly I thought, wow this is actually really nice. The realization was very like picrel.
No. 2429661
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Are those superstar doctors on instagram even real doctors or as qualified as they claim to be? I don’t hate her at all, but I know that everyone on instagram who has to brag about their lifestyle IS hiding something. If she’s as qualified as she claims she is, then that’s wonderful. But something about her being 24/7 on social media and being a plastic surgeon simultaneously does not sit with me right.
I don’t even want to make it about her, is it a common thing for fake docs to pop up on instagram?
No. 2431803
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>>2429683There was some controversy over the CEO being a Trump supporter, who doesn't exactly support privacy. It's kinda sorter not true. This article goes deeper into it. No. 2432003
>>2431794If anon is using Tor Browser like she said then using a VPN is redundant. If anything routing your connection through a VPN will make you standout more than if you just connected to Tor normally. Vidrel is from the same YouTuber as yours and talks about why it’s not a great idea.
I use proton and mullvad browser mainly for my personal use. I’m not a diehard privacy person though and could definitely improve some things if I was more concerned.
No. 2432379
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Which is more masculine: slim or wide faces? Yes I was inspired by celebricow spergs
No. 2432634
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Any instrumentalist nonas here? What do you play? Do you do it professionally, or as a hobby?
No. 2435544
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Is there any cows you just can't handle reading about?
No. 2437271
>>2437254It's happening to me right now but the trip is almost over. I feel bad because she bought the plane tickets for both of us as a bday gift to me but during the trip itself she has acted in a way that is so demonic that I am seriously considering never speaking to her again as soon as we are back in our home country sadkek
We traveled to the country my maternal side of the family is from and we stayed with my aunt but my friend was being so disrespectful of the culture the entire time and when I tried to talk it out with her she would get extremely defensive and remind me that she paid for the flight. We have been friends since middle school and I've never ever seen this side of her. It also didn't help that the trip was pretty long [a week] so it was a long and miserable experience so far.
No. 2437329
>>2437297It's so unfortunate. The entire few months before the trip she kept saying how I could plan everything since it's a city I'm familiar with and she kept emphasizing how this is MY trip and she will 100% just go with the flow. I still tried to okay as many activities with her beforehand and she would always say she has no opinions which was already a bit
sus but I took her word for it. On the flight I start going over the itinerary with her and she starts having problems like "So there's nothing to do aside from just walk around and look at stuff??" I was floored. I told her we could also go boating, chill at the beach, eat amazing food etc and she just starting ranting about how she doesn't like the beach and doesn't care for seafood (news to me as she would always shit on me for being picky about certain seafood lol). She also decided she would buy all the toiletries at the destination but once I took her to the store she asked why there isn't any 'normal' stuff here and then complained about the price of things.Just shit like this but x100 for 6 days. She also had a major sperg out because most of the attractions/museums/history is heavily centered around catholicism and since she is a le epic athiest she kept rolling her eyes just stuff like that.
No. 2437415
>>2437329>she kept emphasizing how this is MY trip>she just starting ranting about how she doesn't like the beachNevermind I'm having flashbacks right now, your friend actually isn't too different from some of mine. The first trip I ever did as a grown woman was in a beach city in my country a few years ago before covid, I planned to go there alone and swim in the sea and visit the city on my own on purpose and a friend included herself in the trip. I told her exactly what I planned and that I wanted to eat delicious food as often as I could now that I had a disposable income. Once we were there she wouldn't stop saying she "hates the beach so much look at all these normies I'm such a hater haha", that her medical condition made it very dangerous to stay in the sun for too long in the most guilt tripping way possible, that she's too poor to eat anything that's not convenience store food, that me having my period fat too early than planned was a good thing for her because I wouldn't drag her to the beach, etc. She did a lot of small specific things that made it worse. The other friends were annoying in a normal, oblivious way and I don't hold it against them, when we wanted to do different things we would sometimes split up for the morning or afternoon.
So, what's up with these people who seem like they want to ruin plans on purpose? At least in your case your friend was supposed to come with you in the first place, mine wasn't and just barged in, but on the other hand your friend behaving a certain way with your relatives seem like one of the worst outcomes I can think of. Is the concept of doing research before traveling and compromising with traveling companions that foreign to them? I doubt we're the only ones with this experience. I've read some LSA threads here and there with users saying they also had friends ruining trips in the weirdest ways possible here and there.
No. 2437425
>>2437393The roommates thing is so real, unfortunately, lol.
I do feel a bit responsible because the first time she brought up "Well, I paid for the tickets. How can you complain about me wanting to save money?" in regards to complaining about the price of shampoo. I pretty much told her "If I knew you were going to be so cheap and hold the tickets over my head, I would have never in a million years accepted them." which led to our first big fight and it was a nasty one just started yelling at each other over resentments we've been holding in for a long time. She threatened to walk out and find her own hotel but I didn't want her to do something unsafe so I cucked out and profusely apologized to her and we made up. It is really crazy how some people get an entirely new personality the second the wheels of the plane are off their home soil it's insane. I truly have never seen her behave like this.
No. 2440046
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Inked anons, how many tattoos do you have?
No. 2440460
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How many do these reasons of admission apply to you?
No. 2440554
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>>2440460Gotta love how even in the 1800s nobody wanted religious people.
No. 2443214
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Should I make a piper rockelle thread? I saw someone in unpopular opinions suggest it but idk
No. 2444279
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how do you make pasta sauce? for me its like this
>Sauter onion, garlic, crushed green chili and ginger in oil
>put raw tomato and crush it in pain to make puree
>put veggies
>put chicken broth
>add spices black pepper,salt,red pepper and sauces
>let it boil
>put in pasta
done! im curious what other techniques you nonas use
No. 2444573
>>2444279Usually I make it like you do. Only I skip chicken broth (veggie) and reduce it on a simmer for a lil while after bringing to the boil. But I use this recipe when I'm feeling fancy:
>3 tbsp olive oil>1 tbsp unsalted butter>1 onion, peeled and finely chopped>2 garlic cloves, peeled and crushed>300g sweet red cherry tomatoes>¼ tsp chilli flakes>1 tsp salt>1 tbsp tomato paste>120ml waterPut all the ingredients except the tomato paste and water in a large saute pan, add a teaspoon of salt and stir-fry on a high heat for six minutes. Turn down the heat to medium and stir-fry for 10 minutes more, until the tomatoes and onions are soft and golden. Tip the contents of the pan into a blender, add tomato paste and water, blitz smooth and set aside.
It's from a chiles rellenos recipe but you can season it for pasta dishes with basil/oregano!
No. 2444649
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What's your favorite Disney move? Mine is The Little Mermaid also, throwback to when modernizing the princesses and making them punk/hipster/emo was a thing
No. 2444657
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>>2444649>non princess moviethe three caballeros
>princess moviesleeping beauty
No. 2444667
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I have two questions. Number one, are your eyelashes naturally curled? If not, are you perfectly content with this? Number two, if you were pregnant and you found out either before or after birth that the baby is retarded, would you abort it/leave it in the hospital?
No. 2444682
>>24446671. Yes
2. No if it's a planned pregnancy, yes if not
No. 2444687
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>>2444682>No if it's a planned pregnancyYou better be
planning to pay for that yourself then anon. I wish there was a way my taxes couldn't be used to prolong human suffering
No. 2444747
>>2361729no, which is why all of these cryptids like bigfoot have blurry “spotted” pictures, and they always get fact checked to be fake. i really dont know anyone who genuinely believes in big foot
>>2444649tiana, + charlotte is definitely one of my favorite disney side characters
>>2435544tophiachu. especially since her brother just died. its really painful to imagine being born in a retarded imbred pedo family, also look retarded and imbred, and also be mentally retarded. on top of that being homeless and living in a car
No. 2445980
>>2445948Tbh, reading comics/manga is quite the autistic hobby, even if the themes are deep or whatever, you have to be a bit weird to enjoy them. I say this as someone who likes to read manga and comics and has gone to lots of anime and comic conventions, all of the people that go to those are a bit weird somehow, even if they don't want to.
The hobby looks childish as well because we relate comics with being kids and learning how to read and such. And the writing can be quite retarded sometimes.
No. 2446032
>>2444667>are your eyelashes naturally curled?no
>are you perfectly content with this?no, i curl them occasionally but most of the time i just don't care
>retarded babyabort it 100%
No. 2446218
>>2444667>are your eyelashes naturally curledno
>are you perfectly content with thiswhen I was a teen my friends and beauty blogs memed me into thinking curling my lashes was necessary. I never saw the difference. To this day I've never looked at someone and thought their eyelashes were so flat or so curled.
>if you were pregnant and you found out either before or after birth that the baby is retarded, would you abort it/leave it in the hospital?Before I'd abort it, after I honestly might abandon it at the hospital if that's a legal option. Not that I'd let myself get pregnant in the first place
No. 2446699
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>>2446636I'm on the same page as you. If I had a son and he's a faggot, he needs to absolutely earn my respect. I would give him my aunt's level of tiger mom parenting so he can
>graduate high school either early or with a 4.0 GPA>encouraged and very pushed to be reasonably active hygienic to the point of being athletic and zero acne>no junk food allowed EVER>achieve at least one PhD in a STEM field>become a doctor, an engineer, or a scientist>horrified of doing drugs beyond sparkling wine on fancy dinner occasions>practically traumatized into treating women like princesses no matter the fuck whatIf he is none of those things, he is not my son.
No. 2446769
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>>2444649Treasure planet tbh I used to have a big ol crush on Jim kek
No. 2446771
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>>2446769Well this is him 22 years later. Sorry to do it to you, anon.
No. 2446816
>>2446784I would never poop at someone else's house because I'm a neurotic little freak and I feel like I'm being embarrassing.
However, if anybody I have over needs to poop at my place, they are more than welcome to. I am never so evil as to deny my friends pooping rights. I love them.
No. 2447023
>>2446784i think its psychotic and unhealthy to hold in either if you
need to go, and if i had a person over who couldn't wait any longer so they
left to go poop at a public bathroom instead i would consider that person a freak the rest of my life
No. 2447415
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What would you rather deal with? An INTJ vampire, or an ESFP werewolf?
No. 2447446
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>>2446636I don't mind if he's gay, but I will be watching him closely if he starts being too interested in crossdressing or makeup. Too many TIMs start out as a gay moids before trooning out.
No. 2448029
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>>2447664>>2446784I think you anons would benefit from reading this.
No. 2448906
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Why should someone date you?
No. 2449026
>>2447664>>2446784>Why would I want someone else's fecal bacteria infecting my bathroomOther peoples' fecal bacteria is already all over your shoes and floor. There's fecal coliform bacteria in your hair, in your toothbrush, on your smartphone, and on every doorknob in your house. I don't care if someone craps at my house as long as they flush and wash their hands after.
>If you can't hold in your shit, don't leave the houseSo you've cancelled plans because you weren't able to poop before meeting them?
> I've had to cut off "friends" that decided to defecate in my toilet and betray my trust.I've shocked you've ever had any to begin with. You sound like an autistic sociopath and their lives are probably better without you.
All these OCD craziness, jfc. It reminds me of that one anon who would poop in her hand when using a multi-stall bathroom because she didn't want other people to hear the splash. It also reminds me of the poop ghost anon(s) who think that any woman who has ever had anal sex (even if she was pressured into it and didn't actually want to that much) is forever unclean and has a vagina full of poop. If there's one thing I've learned in nearly a decade of posting here, it's that anons have some seriously bizarre, irrational hang-ups about poop. Lord help you if you ever have to change a baby's diaper.
No. 2449495
>>2449026>Other peoples' fecal bacteria is already all over your shoes and floor. There's fecal coliform bacteria in your hair, in your toothbrush, on your smartphone, and on every doorknob in your houseKEKKKK! Holy projection! It sounds like your house is covered in feces. Could never be me. I disinfect my shoes with rubbing alcohol every time I enter my home. I scrub my floors 7 times a week. I don't rub feces in my hairbrush like you do apparently. I don't store my toothbrush in my bathroom, I keep it in my dresser drawer. I don't use my smartphone near toilets. I disinfect my doorknobs twice daily and I don't have shit on my hands when I touch them to begin with. Just because you live in a poop dungeon doesn't mean everyone else is as dirty and disgusting as you.
>So you've cancelled plans because you weren't able to poop before meeting them?No? I can control when I shit. If I have plans, then I control my body and my body doesn't need to shit. Every single human being can do this, except animals like you whom are too lazy to do so. I've never gone out with friends and said "oh no, now I have to go shit" because I simply don't operate on that lower thetan level. I am the master of my body.
>I've shocked you've ever had any to begin with. You sound like an autistic sociopath and their lives are probably better without you.I have plenty of friends. I was voted Miss Popular in my high school yearbook and I've won several congeniality competitions throughout my adult life. See, I have QUALITY friends. Friends that understand that shit is gross and friends that respect me and my wishes. When people enter my home, I inform them of the "no shitting" rule after they disinfect their shoes and hands with the rubbing alcohol. If someone doesn't like that, then they don't have to come in. What's worse than someone that reneges on a promise? Those fake "friends" that took dumps in my house were lying snakes in the grass that tried to deceive me, and when their tepid deception failed they were excommunicated from my life. I don't keep snakes for friends. If they were so brazen to take a shit in my house even after being warned against it, what's next? Were they gonna put arsenic in my food? That's the type to do it. I guess it makes me a "SOCIOPATH" to prefer that I'm not covered in fecal matter. If that makes me a sociopath, then I'm proud to be a sociopath.
>anons have some seriously bizarre, irrational hang-ups about poopIs it a crime to desire cleanliness? Is it a "MENTAL ILLNESS" to want to be clean? Is it a tragedy that I don't cretins to shit in my toilet? No. It isn't. I don't have OCD. I respect people with OCD because they stick to their prerogative even when all you dimwits call them crazy for it. They have courage and gusto, and being compared to them is more of a compliment than it is an insult. Wanting to be clean and pure is not "SERIOUSLY BIZARRE" or "IRRATIONAL." It's called being a normal functional human being with dignity and self-respect. Maybe you should try it sometime?
(baiting) No. 2449500
>>2449495I mean tl;dr aside I think it's
valid that you're taken aback during a hangout that's like 2 hours and they have to drop a huge deuce in your toilet. Like they couldn't do that before they came over
No. 2449523
>>2449505When the Hell did I claim anything? Are you that surprised that other people aren't as disgusting as you are? You shit beasts make disgust me.
>>2449520She's coping because she wants to believe everyone in her world is covered in feces and likes it. She wants me to feel crazy that I want to be clean. She wants me to feel bad because I'm clean. It doesn't work and I don't feel crazy and I don't feel bad.
No. 2449577
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>>2449560You absolute dotard. The literacy rate here is close to zero. I went and I looked what you're blabbering about. That anon is saying she was the one that posted MY POST in that thread. She isn't saying she's the one that posted the ORIGINAL post that she REPOSTED. You have shit for brains. She's the anon that stalks me around and tries to piss me off by baiting me and posting my writings in that thread to begin with. She's probably the same shit beast that's on /g/ arguing with me right now because she's a creepy stalker. You are so fucking stupid. Making up weird claims about me must make you feel sooo important, right? It's not funny and you're not special.
(baiting) No. 2449578
>>2449560Ugh, no, that was me. I said I posted in the copypasta thread, but I did not make the original post. Sorry if that was confusing somehow? That's why I linked it to the other anon who said she had seen this infight before. And I didn't make these new posts either.
Please stop accusing people of samefagging and selfposting, you're clogging up both threads with infighting.
No. 2450687
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Has this ever happened to you?
No. 2450728
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>>2450687You already asked this on cc
No. 2453243
>>2453135I posted something about hyenas and they accused me of being a TIF because I mentioned their enlarged clitorises and how they use them to penetrate males in a display of dominance, playfully called it “based”
>ZOMG!!!!!! YOURE A TIF AND YOURE COVERED HEAD TO TOE IN SCROTE SHIT!!!!No joke they’re in the meta thread right now trying to get me banned and claiming it’s the 3rd time this week I’ve posted it.
(derailing ) No. 2453341
>>2453135I've surprisingly never been accused of being a moid or a MTF troon, but I got accused of being a TIF once. The conversation wasn't even about gendies or pronouns or whatever TIFs are into so I was just confused. Is TIFfoiling the new scrotefoiling? Some anons and I telling BJchan to fuck off got called fatties by her today kek, glorious. Another time I got called anachan and the topic wasn't even about food/diet/beauty standards either. Anons are so schizo kek
I've been called underage for not knowing some celebrities or historical events, don't blame them since I was raised without any media or TV so I might as well be a dementia ridden boomer.
No. 2454546
>>2454534>InternetWasn't it literally made by a military for war reasons? That's evil in my book.
>social mediaIt's all about profit and ad revenue, so people sell their souls to make money even if it means humiliating themselves for attention.
>smart phonesWith limited internet access and no social media, they can actually be useful and entertaining if you're using them for hobbies. You can watch stuff on them like a TV, you can listen to music like an MP3 or CD player, you can take pictures and videos for memories like a camera, you can play games, you can draw and design and make collages, you can call family and friends to stay in touch, you can use them for journaling or keeping notes, reminders, alarms, you can even make music and program stuff if the phone is strong enough and you use the right apps. So they're very convenient in the sense it gathers all the stuff you need in one place. And it's more affordable than buying each item for specific use on its own, I think. But ofcourse people don't use it for that and prefer social media and internet usage, so it ends up being a bad thing that ruins social skills and attention spans thanks to the previous two.
No. 2454593
>>2454546Lots of stuff we have now was developed for and by the military. Epipens, GPS, and duct tape, to name a few.
>>2454534Most evil to least:
>social mediaDon't even need to explain this one. Look where we are. Look what we've become.
>smartphonesThese motherfuckers took a perfectly good invention (cellphone) and added apps to it. Look at this shit, it's covered in ads and spyware from the companies who made the damn phones. If we didn't have smartphones, scrotes would not be able to watch porn in public. I also think the shift towards websites optimized for mobile is a huge downgrade.
>internetBefore the internet, you only had your local news, the library, and other people for information. Internet is wonderful and has given us all a wealth of knowledge, including things that would have previously been unavailable to us by default. It had brought on an unprecedented era of communication and knowledge, and I will never hate her.
No. 2455613
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I like to think that Kubrick would’ve loved Lana(not a random question)
No. 2456029
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Professional loners, when was the last time you had a friend? Acquaintances are different and don't count. I'm talking actual friends. Did you or do you regularly get shit on for being a loner? What do you think of the Friend Finder thread?
No. 2461767
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Do you keep cards that are gifted to you?
No. 2461774
>>2461767Some of them. If they had a particularly nice message or remind me of a good time then I will keep them.
I have a personal rule that if I am gifted something then I’ll keep it for the equivalent number of days as however much it cost. So a $5 card I would keep and display for five days. After that if I have no attachment to it I’ll get rid of it.
No. 2462412
>>2462397The upload, damn
>>2462404Australia can reach high downloads, uploads are very questionable though. I've never heard of anything higher than 50 for uploads tbh it sucks
No. 2462435
>>2462434In Australia the maximum speed for uploads with NBN is 50. I don't need it but seeing how other countries fare this is ridiculous. If you're lucky and own a big business then it's probably 100.
>>2462426Please don't
No. 2463260
>>2462378892mbps download, 934mbps upload
Housemate and I both work from home at the same time so we pay a lot extra for fast internet lol. I'm also on a wired connection.