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No. 2344608

A thread for venting about difficult stuff going on in your life.

Previous vent thread: >>2334759

Follow all the /ot/ board rules & don't reply to bait.

Don't come to this thread to make fun of anons' vents, to demean them, or to try and be funny with some shit snark reply. It's annoying. If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say it at all.

No. 2344613

i have accepted that i’m socially retarded and have no social safety net whatsoever. i’m just alive to experience music and read and i’ll just be content with that. even that kind of peace is more than what many are given so i will just live instead of beating myself over my retardation and lack of success in anything

No. 2344615

>Go to class on a satellite campus
>Class is basically livestreamed to satellite campus from the main campus. Instructors send out a zoom link prior to class just to make sure satellite students can attend.
>Instructor for course does not send out link, provides no info about where to attend class if not on main campus. Send an email asking for clarification and never hear back. Don't attend first class as a result.
>Acquaintance that is in the course tells me they selected team members in class but didn't do anything really.
>Instructor finally sends out a zoom link for satellite students after first class. Says we need to form a group by class on Tuesday.
>Acquaintance is already in a full group because he made them select groups in class Thursday. I don't know anyone else in the class and will be randomly assigned to a group instead.
>Literally took this class so I could take it with my acquaintances. Won't be able to now due to instructor's mistake.
I fucking hate this stupid fucking system. All because this asshole wouldn't reply back to me in time. The least he could have done was let me choose my own group.

No. 2344654

my birthday is next week. coming to the realization im no where in life i want to be and im extremely unhappy living still with my parents in my childhood home. time just keeps moving by. already more 7 months now since i graduated and i still dont have a full time job. i keep applying and applying and nothign. i feel lost. i feel trapped. i feel like im running out of time and my life is not moving the way it should even after all the work i put into my studies and continued studies. and for what????? i thought i knew what i wanted. i still know what i want but nobody is giving me a chance. i know im qualified i just dont understand. god im so old this is so pathetic. my life is so pathetic

No. 2344664

I saw my neighbors kitty get run over by a car. It's been replaying in my mind since, and i can't imagine being the cat and dying confused and and in pain. I only wish kitty heaven exists so she can prance around and catch fishies forever

No. 2344672

I hate that I didn't get into Disco Elysium earlier like back in 2020 or something.

No. 2344673

Someone just told me I deserve everything bad that's ever happened to me all because I dared to depict someone taking advantage of a power dynamic to attempt to SA someone. It wasn't even glorified and the person was punished. I didn't think people like that were actually real but I need to hold strong and not let it bother me too much because I want to set a positive example for other people who are afraid to depict their experiences through fiction.

No. 2344677

really really hate socializing online. I wish I was born in a time of letter-sending instead. I usually mass-respond to messages once or twice a day unless it's time-sensitive, I never "ghost" for more than a couple days. but people will see I'm online and freak tf out if I don't respond to them immediately. I hate people who are so entitled to attention, you wouldn't barge in my house at 2am so why is it so unusual that I'm sometimes just not available to talk? It's mostly a problem with super-online people but due to my hobbies I have lots of friends like that and it sucks so bad

No. 2344689

ive been feeling pretty suicidal lately because I have a bad relationship with the only family member I have left that is still alive. I also have a pretty unstable living situation right now since my lease is ending soon and my roomie is unexpectedly moving out and I'm scrambling to see if I can find a new roommie or try to make it work solo but I'm a retarded wagie. To really top this all off I found a pretty sizable lump on the back of my neck next to my spine a few weeks ago and it's gotten a bit larger to the size of a quarter now. I have insurance but I don't want to deal with having to use my deductable since I'm trying to save money. I am honestly considering just ignoring whatever is going on with my neck maybe if it's cancer it'll put me out of my suffering or I can go on disability and get assisted living or something sadkek idk my life feels like a sad joke right now.

No. 2344711

being irrelevant and unknown makes me feel safe

No. 2344719

Just bought an anime figure for my boyfriend for valentines day. Am I getting cucked.

No. 2344722

it's only cucking if it is to you. i know a couple who is basically poly with their husbandos/waifus and they seem perfectly happy.

No. 2344728

Do I have any right to be hurt at my boyfriend for jumping to hookup apps during a break ip period we had? I know I have no right to be upset I’m just so hurt he never mentioned any of it and now his mother and him are pitting against me because I am stuck staying with them for a week longer and I am crying in the other room. Tried to go for a walk and they said im being dramatic. Just feel sick now

No. 2344730

What character?

No. 2344731

sorry you got memed into "taking a break", anon. even if you initiated it 9/10 times it is an excuse for a "cheat-free" fuck. if you're going through rough patches and need to disconnect from a relationship it very likely means that you are not compatible.

No. 2344752

Men will try to act righteous about this shit, but it’s a crappy thing to do and shows a lack of respect for the relationship. You do have a right to your feelings on this, his mother does not.

No. 2344761

I am really sick of my "best" friends manipulative crap she pulls. I go over to hang out & drink. We have a good night until it's time for me to leave. Then she's upset because she wants to come home with me. She says because her kids & her husband are stressing her out so much. But I know what it really is; she is still in love with me & wants our relationship to have intimacy in it.
She has said as much before. We dated like 10yrs ago. We had sex casually like 6-8yrs ago. She got with her man & I put a stop to us hooking up. I have to constantly put my foot down & say no.
Back to last night: she starts actually crying about how 'our friendship has changed' and 'I just want to go home with you like we used to do'. I tell her I just am not interested in sharing my bed. She goes off that I have stayed the night at another friend's home before (because I drank too much and couldn't drive home) & how I shared my room a few years back when my gay friend got kicked out of his living situation. I never had to worry about my gay friend wanting to fuck & share my bed. "Bestie" drank with me last night but I swear it feels like she waits until she thinks I'm drunk before she starts making moves on me. It pisses me off so much. It's such fucking scrote behavior that it disgusts me. Then she cries when I keep my foot down about "why don't you want to have sex with me anymore? You make me feel so ugly & undesirable". Bitch I'm not your husband wtaf!!

She won't bring this stuff up for the most part unless there is drinking involved. Maybe she is just a messy drunk & resents the life she has built for herself? I don't know. We argued over stupid shit for almost 2hrs before I finally left. Then today she mentions nothing of it, only talking about how hungover she was today. I don't know if she doesn't remember or if she is just playing it off. But I'm getting real sick of this shit. I need to talk to her about this sober, but idk how to even bring this shit up.

No. 2344775

They seem to dislike you and are purposefully misunderstanding your emotions. Are you sure you want to revisit this relationship after they both kicked you while you were vulnerable? Take it as a sign to end the relationship for good.

No. 2344779

Kek I wouldn’t get back , have some backbone. A break is not a get out of jail card that makes you do anything because “we weren’t together!” , it’s supposed to be a reflective time. Anyway that’s why I don’t believe in it, you either break up with me or don’t.

No. 2344794

I have no passion for life left, I'm ok with dying

No. 2344807

What a miserable life, can't wait to be able to change name and disappear.

No. 2344853

Last time I was here I was pregnant and realizing my "stepmother" hates me and one anon commented how she will absolutely hate my baby too and that nonna was right. The bitch is so jealous of a fucking baby it's unreal.

For ten years I have been putting up with this woman, trying to think the best of her and stay calm no matter how hard she has tried to piss me off. She is 100% trying to get me to lash out by being absolutely vile and every time my push over of a father doesn't react she knows she can get away with worse. I have not given her the joy of getting angry with her but this bitch is not pulling this shit with my daughter. In a little over a month she has already asked if our baby girl's name was a joke insulting both of our grandmothers in a process and during last visit gave me hell for letting my newborn child sleep in my arms. She said how I should just leave her and let her cry, how we are spoiling her and we will find out eventually when a 4-year-old is sleeping in our bed and ruining our life. I want my child to be indenpendent - when they are ready and one month old is not, 4-year-old seeking safety in me isn't ruining my life either. My girl is not going to be left crying alone. Never. The irony is her almost 30 years old son would die without her because mom does everything for him. Cherry on top was to refuse to help out by holding the baby because "wanting to hold a baby is a need for the one holding it and I don't have that need". I think the message was clear. However, in a hospital, we had a rule no visitor holds the day old baby. I asked new dad to give me the baby to feed and evil stepmom sprung for the baby trying to grab it. It was a totally absurd moment and I had to tell her to stop.

After years of trying to weirdly upstage me in every normal thing I do in my life (gardening, baking), being jealous of me, breaking all boundaries and preventing my father having a relationship with me and insulting me in every turn I still was surprised she would be such an evil creature. Needless to say I'm as much disappointed in my spineless father. After the last visit I have been boiling with rage and I just needed to vent it all out. She is the first person I truly hate. I hate my father for letting this behaviour ruin our relationship. He is letting me and now my daughter down once more because I won't tolerate this and I can't just stay shut up when it's about my child.

No. 2344860

i wish i could die in a way that would hurt no one. no ethical way to kms but no ethical way to life either. but i cant live without fucking up lives even if its a minor mistake. stupid gay life.

No. 2344861

I don't understand. I want to get better. Anytime I relax, the pain returns and I can't sleep unless someone can protect me. It's fucking pathetic. He raped me over a year ago but the long lasting damage is crazy. It could be a mental thing because when I am calm or feel happy, it doesn't happen. Being home alone, ruminating, it's like everything falls apart. Muscle clenching, can't breathe, I hide in my room/bathroom since if the door can be locked, maybe nothing will happen. Almost like an abused dog that urinates itself at even the intention of more pain. I hate smoking and drinking but it helped for a while to get some relief, now it seems too much and it's not for me. I'm so tired yet the second my brain recognises that person through dreams or memories I shake and disassociate. I had to relearn so many things because he destroyed not only my body, but pride in anything I was. Finding a good therapist is so hard. This is going to be fixed. Giving up would only let that fool win. I want to truly love again, feels like I've been sinking lately and that's not an option. Once I get paid, I'm getting some type of help. Fear is dissipating any great opportunity that could exist. No more.

No. 2344870

I get panic attacks thinking about my own needs because I get scared at the idea of needing shit like food or wanting things like sex and I feel like the only escape from the prison of my mind is suicide

No. 2344896

I am so burnt out with life and holding other people as they cry. I wish I could cry in someone's arms. Instead my break downs happen in the early AM alone. Everyone I know is allowed to be human when I'm not.

No. 2344897

My niece started posting herself in adulthood clothes on her Instagram. Its that thing college girls do sometimes where it's like the corset top with jeans? I fucking hate that look, but also she is still a kid in my mind so it's weird to see. Also clothes that are too tight or show too much skin disgust me. Combined effect is horrible, its like a Jumpscared. I wish women just dressed like men with shirts and ts, not for moral reasons but just cause I get kind of grossed out seeing women in sexy clothes.

No. 2344900


No. 2344920

I'm kinda drunk right now and I accidentally stepped on some old guy on the street and that made me sad so I’m just going to vent: I hate how my best friend seems to hate me when I don’t meet her standards.
She knows I don’t have a lot of money. I recently got my drivers license and I had to spend a good amount on it and she doesn’t know because of course she doesn’t have hers (and I’m fine by it! Truly! But not when she acts like a mrs. Know it all when she doesn’t even drive)
My girlfriend saved up for a lot of time for us to make a trip, we’re going to spend two weeks in the country side, nothing fancy but we’re going to be together for a while (sometimes we have to be long distance). Since the first moment I told my best friend I knew it was going to cause trouble and it did because she can’t stand when things don’t go the way she has planned! And of course it did: she started saying how happy she was for both of us but I could sense that something was bothering her. Instead of telling me up straight, she has waited until we almost had it all planned to tell me how she was hopeful about us doing the same thing but that she “wasn’t expecting it”, she fully knows the only way I could make this trip was because my gf paid for everything (which also made me feel kind of guilty somehow).
And I love her; I do, but I think that’s reckless and selfish. I’m tired of her treating me as if I don’t respect our friendship because I truly do, I try my best to meet her expectations and it’s never enough, the only troubles we had it was when I had to spend more money than I have and it pisses me off because she tries so hard to make it seem as if I don’t care enough about her. What am I supposed to do?
I know I shouldn’t but I’m so close to tell her off for once in my life hahaha

No. 2344922

My emotions always make me feel sick and nauseous

No. 2344926

You give her a middle finger and cut the friendship. She sounds jealous , a jealous friend is akin to an enemy kek.

No. 2344927

She seems like a bit of an airhead anon. When she says stuff like that just be straight up and say "I don't have enough money. I am broke. I'm not paying for the trip." Also she should know better than to act like she takes priority over your girlfriend, especially if she lives closer to you since you and your gf are long distance.

No. 2344935

Just go non-contact. You need to focus on your baby and this woman isn't helping by making you stressed.

No. 2344941

Lmao tell her to pay for the trip and you'll do alllll the driving, but say it in the same passive aggressive way she does. She's either autistic or a weird insecure bitch. Either way it's not your job to dance to her tune. Congratulations on getting your license, go enjoy your trip with your girlfriend, don't feel guilty that she paid for it. She did that because she loves you and wants to spend time with you.

No. 2344942

I don’t want to be that person but she never showed any interest in my relationship whatsoever. Ever since we were younger, when it came to my relationships and me; she has always something to say about it, never something positive.
Instead of being happy about me being with someone who treats me well and loves me, I feel like she’s always judging her and taking my words out of context to benefit her narrative. I stopped telling her things and of course she complained about it too, very loudly, but how am I supposed to trust someone who seems to despise my happiness? I always feel like I have to fake it with her and it makes me truly sad because I always want the best for her and I don’t feel the same coming towards me. And maybe it’s the alcohol talking but I can’t help feeling like this.

No. 2344943

>we will find out eventually when a 4-year-old is sleeping in our bed and ruining our life
>her almost 30 years old son would die without her because mom does everything for him
Classic boymom behaviour strikes again. She must be very mentally weak if a small child coming to her for comfort would "ruin her life" (and ofc if she's jealous of an infant.) I agree with >>2344935 you'd be better off going no contact if you can.

No. 2344957

Break up periods under the guise of "figuring things out" etc is just a period to fuck others. Why else would there be a break? Relationships are basically just a commitment for sex/romance so if you're saying "let's break that commitment for a while" you're literally saying "let's open up so we both can fuck or date other people" and that's it. If you wanted to work on the current relationship to actually figure things out there wouldn't be a break at all. If it was just a normal break up, then again you were broken up so he was free to do whatever he wanted. Just because he had a "right" to do it doesn't mean it wasn't hurtful to you and that you're not allowed to be upset.

You're not really hurt that he had hook ups with others while broken up, which is how they're seeing it.
You're hurt that you meant so little to him that immediately after losing you rather than to be sad his first thought was to happily fuck others - while you were likely in emotional turmoil needing time to open up to another person romantically. You saw your bond as a special commitment that you had because you loved each other, he saw it as a leash that didn't let him fuck others so as soon as he was off it, he went to fuck others. Basically what you've learned is that he's not emotionally exclusively committed to you, that he at any time could go and fuck someone else. That you're not emotionally invested on the same level and you're not as "special" to him as you thought/wanted to be.

And the fact that he (and why the fuck is his mom even part of the equation, ew) is defensive about it rather than acting like he's genuinely sorry if that hurt you is just another red flag.

No. 2344958

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This morning I finally requested some help and medication towards my anxiety that has been ruining my life. I was always an anxious child, feeling embarrassed and that I never fit in or just felt strange/weird around others. Unfortunately because of the stigma towards girls and women's mental health and dismissing it as bitchiness or hormones, I never got the right support or guidance I desperately needed even when I started self-harming in my teens and started doing dumb shit like meeting boys in unsafe places.
I just turned 27 this month and thought I might as well start 2025 by trying to help myself before worrying about the worst possible scenario in every other situation. I am tired of feeling like I'm constantly being judged, laughed at, tired of feeling insecure or that I'm just dumb or useless or have wasted my years. Tired of 1 million different things going through my head at once and being unable to properly relax or feel like I'm worthy of relaxing because of intense guilt or shame. Maybe medication won't fix everything no, but I'm hoping it will tone things down so that I can actually start driving my car again, start going out again and start living life like I deserve to.

Truthfully I have no idea how the medication will affect me but my doctor did set me on a low dose of one of the versions that has little side effects and I am going to have a follow-up appointment in a few weeks to see how I'm doing. He also discussed therapy and gave me links to that too, though to be honest after growing up researching this shit on the internet for years I kind of feel like I'm too "self aware" about everything to properly benefit from therapy. Could be wrong though. I just want to be able to have that "free spirit" and spontaneous side of me back that I used to have a few years ago. Please let this work out!!!

No. 2344959

I'm probably burnt out from work and I keep fucking up in my private life.

No. 2344968

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I'm a useless autist who was lucky enough to get a job but I just lost it. The company went down so there wasn't even anything I did wrong. I feel so hopeless, this was my one chance to be and do something in life and I lost it all now all that exists for my future is to be a neet until I die. I wish I hadn't even gotten the job because it allowed me to have hope and dreams that I could have a nice life and now that it's been ripped out of my hands I feel like such an idiot for daring to ever think things could be ok. I'm suicidal over it all, there's no reason to live anymore

No. 2344969

If nonna would have done the same he would have gotten mad about it. Scrotes like this one can’t take what they dish out kek.
Anyway he doesn’t even see that what he did hurt you, it doesn’t matter whether it was fair, wrong or right, his actions hurt you. He is instead condescending annd trying to shift the blame on you for feeling hurt and even telling his mother your business? Kick him to the curb please.

No. 2344970

That sounds so messy and not proper best friend behavior at all. Maybe her married life and kid are taking a huge toll on her, but that's no excuse to go fuck someone else in the meantime. I hope you can get this settled, nona. Maybe don't drink with her, even casually, anymore?

No. 2344972

What happened was those corporate hubristic parasites overestimated their budget and wasted the time of a decent person like yourself. You’re better than them, please understand that. Don’t be grateful for the scraps they throw you, you deserve to sit at the table. Dust yourself off and try again, this time pick a better company that actually knows what it’s fucking doing.
This is something that happens to everyone, not just you.

No. 2344985

I'm >>2344927
It doesn't need to be a big fight or a confrontation anon. I get it I don't like conflict either. But there is nothing rude about simply stating the truth of the matter, that you just can't afford what she's expecting. She's acting kind of stupid and entitled but I understand she's your friend. If you want to continue on with this friendship, the best thing you could do is adjust her expectations of you to reality in a straightforward way. If she can't take the reality of it, then oh well, no need for that kind of person in your life anyway.

No. 2345014

i found out my cousin was raped.
Today i overheard a conversation between my uncle and grandma and connected the dots. I haven't seen her in a long time, I knew she was depressed and dropped out of med school. She recently tried to commit suicide and was hospitalised. I always thought that it was related to academic failure but it turns out that the reason was much darker than that. She is a mormon and a few years ago she went on mission to El Salvador if I'm not wrong. I knew that she came back because the narcos forced the missionaries to leave, but I thought that was it. I saw her after that and she looked ok so I didn't look too much into it. Nobody talked about it but after her last hospitalisation I found out that she was raped by the narcos and that she thinks it was her fault. I feel so sick, her mom got her into that fucked up sect, she didn't even look into the country they were sending her daughter to. She is so innocent, she is older than me but she has such a pure soul and really innocent dreams. She dreamt of falling in love and getting married. She loves makeup and kpop and made really wholesome tiktok videos. She suffered something horrific, I can't even fathom it, I feel so sick and want to cry nonstop. I don't know what to do, we don't talk and she lives in other country now. I needed to get this out because I don't have anyone to talk with rn.

No. 2345029

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I was at the grocery store and this random woman just HANDED me her baby??? He was so damn heavy and big for a 3 months old, too, and weirdly cold. He was just…looking at me, intently, like he knew something I didn't. My mom came back and was so surprised I was casually holding this random giant baby in my arms. What the fuck

No. 2345036

>arrive 30 minutes before your appointment time!
Oh boy, cannot wait to arrive early at an office so they can scan my cards and make me wait an extra 20 minutes after my appointment time so I'd be waiting closer to an hour to be seen /s

No. 2345039

>like he knew something I didn't
that baby knows that one day his mom is gonna hand him off to the wrong person

No. 2345040

This is why I arrive to an appointment only ten minutes early at most. I got a cold last time I was sat for ages in the waiting room. It's still affecting me.

No. 2345071

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my older sister hasnt left for work since christmas vacation and I really can't stand being around her as mean as that sounds. I do love her but I hate her behavior. She just makes the whole place messy. She doesnt wash dishes but makes the most dishes. She ruined my apartment and I cant even say anything about it because it would lead to an argument. I vow to never let family stay with me ever again after this. My next apartment will be mine and if I share it with someone it's going to be someone that I am fucking so I at least get arm candy to look at. More than anything I just want to live in my own little quiet apartment close to my good paying job away from my dirty ass family.

No. 2345107

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Even on image boards, I am ignored and belittled. Time to kill EVERYBODY and then myself.

No. 2345117

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I have anxiety because I need to clean my apartment and declutter my hoard. No matter how much I try I cannot help myself from having an extreme amount of possessions, all of my family have hoarder tendencies. Help.

No. 2345119

I feel like life is slipping through my fingers. I want to genuinely have more fun, but I don't know how. Feels like my life will just be looking at a screen.

No. 2345129

I’m in the same situation…my LC New Year’s Resolution for 2024 was to get out of this… kek

No. 2345145

the biggest hurdle for me wouldn't be quitting lc even, it would just be harder for me to socialize irl than it already is. Or, at least, that's what i fear.
I'm planning to work up quitting the internet gradually - completely stop using it for a day, try a week, then maybe a month. I would be surprised if i actually completed the month lel.
I feel like there needs to be some kind of wider No-Surf movement, ironically you would have to use the Internet to find out about it, though. I'm sure that in 5 years it'll become more widepsread.

No. 2345157

I fucking hate that stupid lesbian thread man. Genuinely just stressful. I think I’m just going to go off /g/ for good.

No. 2345178

i thought the silver lining from my chronic illness having a bad flare would be getting less moid attention (i live in an area with a lot of really graphic cat callers) but it’s way worse than before and now it’s just these creepy old dudes that stare too long and when i catch or confront them they say i remind them of their daughter like that’s supposed to be a compliment. like i don’t know.

i look like a bobble headed boy that hasn’t slept for a month straight and my hands shake bad so i assume this increase in attention is because i look young and vulnerable and it makes my skin crawl. i want to gouge their eyes out it is so unfair. i almost miss the cat calling

No. 2345184

From the frontpage, I saw idolshit and loli/shotashit being posted in the goldstar one and immediately concluded that it must be infested with trannies.

No. 2345211

This girl keeps spamming the group chat with her retarded consumerism like ooh which shade of hideously overpriced lip balm should I get?? [x5 individual images] jk I couldn’t decide! I bought them all!! And it was the Rhode lip balm, like they separate weird and don’t even have cute packaging. It’s like her heart will stop beating if she goes more than 3 days without some inane, likely tiktok influenced purchase. Hopefully she has supportive parents so she doesn’t blow up the chat whinging about how broke she is in a few months.

No. 2345212

I used a shitty fucking plastic spoon to eat something because I had no other options and it was so sharp and badly designed it cut my mouth on both sides now my mouth hurts and I am so fucking annoyed. Why do they even make these garbage utensils I would have been better off eating with my hands like a savage FUCK that fucking spoon

No. 2345226

I just feel like there’s no way it can be healthy to be that angry all the time.

No. 2345247

Thinking about all the good things that would've happened if only I did that one right choice

No. 2345256

It's so cold here

No. 2345341

If men are so put out by women being upset then why are they such bastards. Seems like an easy solution is for them to get their shit together

No. 2345347

i was on boo.world and i saw the same guys from tinder i matched with kek, so desperate for pussy

No. 2345348

I heard my mother rant about my cheating father a few weeks ago and learned he has a micropenis. Ever since I've been seriously considering killing myself.

No. 2345350

kek manwhore with a small dick.

No. 2345357

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Studies need to be done on whatever hormone is released when you're about to get off of work that acts as a homing beacon and signals customers that NOW is the time to call/order/bug you. Seriously I'm at the front for one full hour and people only ever call in my last ten minutes, it wouldn't be a big deal except I'm extremely socially inept and especially bad at talking on the phone, it makes me so nervous. Anyway the customer got so frustrated with me she actually hung up, sorry but not really because why does this keep happening. Call/come in ten minutes later, damn.

No. 2345361

I learned that my mom's ex had a small disfigured weiner by accident so I know your pain. He was also a cheating pig.

No. 2345362

If you're also on both then doesn't it stand to reason that you're desperate for dick? I don't mean to be infighty but hmmmm.

No. 2345373

I was actually somewhat excited for work this week since my boss had been adamant he's taking the week off but of course he shows up after an hour, just long enough to get my hopes up. Fucking go home and STAY THERE! No one needs you here. I don't know why he refuses to take a day off work as if the whole place just falls apart if he's not here. Now I am going to have to be forced to hear "I can't get a day off around here I'm always getting calls I work 24/7 no one else works as hard as me everyone needs my expertise I'm the most valuable labour I have" bullshit all day long.

No. 2345374

if you're going to kill anyone it should be him, not yourself, just saying

No. 2345376

Just kill yourself.(infighting)

No. 2345416

You say this as if there aren't already a dozen hate threads on every topic on here. Let lesbians screech about fakebians and bisluts all they want. It's probably the only place on the internet where they can do so. You can always hide the thread if you don't like seeing it.

No. 2345439

File: 1736792832477.jpg (73.16 KB, 1315x248, 676556567.jpg)

i wish every one of you who used to say "it's just homophobia against men when they say gay or homosexual they mean men it will never involve lesbians i'm totes a dyke myself and i encourage it" to kys because this is the shit you all attracted here

No. 2345452

>all throughout high school and college
>couldn't hit the word count on essays to save my life
>typing out a tweet or lolcow post
>can't express myself in fewer than 50 words

No. 2345458

Why are you talking as if lolcow ever was a lesbian utopia

No. 2345463

It’s probably the usual crowd that bait for lesbian hate after they see its okay to trash on faggots here. You’ll see a clear difference from nonnas that hate fags because they’re woman hating, aren’t afraid to outright assault women, and see women no matter their sexuality as competition for male attention and anons that paint lesbians as wife beaters because they’re either lost tradthots, self hating “straight” tifs/tims that cross post their personal drama in the their respective anti tranny threads, or straight up XYs that mask off the moment they smell bait. The fact the gold star lesbian thread is mostly infighting and then later the site is spammed with CP is a huge sign of angry lurking males/trannies

No. 2345468

ntayrt but it doesn’t really read as bait to me, someone asked what homosexuality was missing and anons gave honest answers that are perfectly sensical

No. 2345471

Why do so many anons seem to think that lolcow is a website specifically for lesbian women?

No. 2345476

it didn't used to foster homophobic shit like this either. the userbase has gotten worse, not only in this regard. when shit like this starts popping up here, it is given it is going on different places too.

the backslash has begun, buckle up gay nonnies. some of you let it slide when people posted their nudge nudge wink wink gays are so gross homosexuality is so gross only talking about moids though teehee and now we have people openly telling self hating lesbian anons that yeah the reason why they feel like their relationships are lacking compared to het relationships is actually because it's unnatural to be gay. i told people this ages ago and people called me a crazy bitch, and yet, here we are.

the moment they decide the problem is them being homosexual and not them being moids leads to them deciding that homosexual women are a problem too eventually. unfortunate fact is that no matter how shitty gay moids can be, if you let people tell you the reason they are shitty is because they are gay they will soon come after you too because if the homosexuality is the problem then homosexual women share this problem too.

what about "homosexuality is not innate to people" is perfectly sensical? you are a homophobe.

what about my post implies that i think this place is specifically for lesbian women? why asking respect for lesbian women and our orientation is an attack against you?

No. 2345479

literally kek
NTA and not to sound rude but are you ESL?

No. 2345481

i am. so?

No. 2345484

yeah disagreeing with homophobia is asking for special catering, never heard that from homophobes before.

No. 2345485

The joys of letting kiwifaggots and polfags roam free here as long as they hide it beneath muh women can have different opinions.

No. 2345486

Homosexuality isn’t innate to human nature because heterosexuality is actually what keeps humanity going and continues life on earth? It’s not homophobic for anons to reaffirm that during a conversation about what homosexual relationships are missing, when that is precisely what it is.

No. 2345487

Because they're retarded and expect everything to be catered to them while simultaneously shitting on other women and calling them bisluts

No. 2345488

The seething about lesbian and "conservative" retardation is very recent.

No. 2345489

why does homosexuality exist in animals then?

i haven't done that. infact, i have said that it's misogynist bullshit to act like that and gotten attacked over that too!

No. 2345490

ayrt, i just wanna say
>why asking respect for lesbian women and our orientation is an attack against you?
i’m reading the other thread where this encounter occurred and it doesn’t seem as though anyone participating in that discussion was trying to be disrespectful or hateful against lesbians or any homosexuals at all, i also don’t see anyone in this thread or the other thread on the opposing side of the conversation claiming to feel attacked by lesbians…

No. 2345491

Nta but just because it exists doesn't mean it's "inate to human nature".. We say people have 10 fingers but sometimes people are born with 9 or 11. That doesn't mean that it's still not correct to say humans have 10 fingers. Sometimes people are born homosexual and there's nothing wrong with that and people shouldn't oppose it in my opinion, but that doesn't mean heterosexuality isn't the default, because it is. It's how we have reproduced and survived as a species

No. 2345492

nayrt and wasn't involved in the other thread, but i always assumed homosexuality in humans was to ensure that there would be childless couples in a village/tribe/whatever who could adopt children that the straight couples weren't able to take care of (too many kids, orphans, etc.)

No. 2345493

>Isn’t innate to human nature
> human
We’re talking about life on earth as a human being anon. Not homosexual naked mole rats. Good try though

No. 2345494

homophobia is disrespectful and hateful against lesbians. claiming our sexuality is not innate, or that our relationships are obviously lacking or unnatural compared to heterosexual relationships is text book homophobia.

if people are born homosexual how is it then not innate to people? homosexuality is not a disablility like a missing finger. homosexuality itself doesn't cause health problems or other issues.

No. 2345497

i get a little embarrassed for anons that are very obviously ESL and infighting out of sheer misunderstanding/confusion about what we’re actually discussing

No. 2345498

i have not misunderstood shit.

No. 2345500

People aren’t born homosexual though, most people who do become homosexual begin to identify as such after being exposed to homosexuality through media, being groomed as a child, being exposed to pornography by adults as a child, I could keep going on for days.

No. 2345501

you are a homophobe.

No. 2345502

Reproduction through sex is a recent development in the big picture of evolution. The same way the first human woman is very likely thousands of years apart from the first human male.

No. 2345505

Actually yeah, having an older brother increases the chances of the next son being gay, and the chances increase with each son, i don't remember if it affects women, we're always neglected in studies anyway

No. 2345506

>homosexuality itself doesn't cause health problems or other issues
I really don't care about "continuing the human race" and whatnot but technically you could say homosexuality is some sort of genetic anomaly because you don't want to reproduce and keep the species going, which is biologically what humans are supposed to do.

No. 2345507

ntayrt but it’s not homophobic at all to point out the fact that most people who are gay are gay because they experienced sexual abuse or neglect that lead them to discovering pornography or sexual content as a child, this is a huge thing we’ve seen with gen Z and a very legitimate issue that should not just be written off as “homophobia” and then ignored.

No. 2345508

That's what I don't get lesbians on this site gladly make fun of straight women and / or bi women but we don't get to point the finger back without them throwing a fit kek

No. 2345509

Take a cup of warm tea with ginger and come back

No. 2345510

samefag and I'm not saying that there's anything wrong with not wanting to reproduce, but I'm just trying to rationalize the claim that homosexuality is not "innate to human nature"

No. 2345512

does not birthing children cause women problems? is it a health issue? are heterosexual women who don't have kids sick?

you are a homophobe. there is no way around it. you are spewing very typical homophobic rhetoric.

No. 2345513

i am not going to pretend homophobia is some sort of non-issue i have no right to get upset about as a homosexual person.

No. 2345515

if you think that pointing out a very real issue that’s been present in our society since like, the 80s, is just “homophobia” and nothing else then ok. you’re clearly steadfast in your beliefs.

No. 2345516

>does not birthing children cause women problems? is it a health issue?
Straight women usually don't want kids because it's hard on our bodies, but they still experience the horniness and drive to fuck moids which will create kids. And this drive is natural and evolved to keep the species going

No. 2345518

Nonna you're wasting your energy, they are pretending to be retarded.

No. 2345519

iirc there's a gene that is associated with male homosexuality, and that same gene makes women more fertile? like it just kind of makes sense that gays and lesbians would exist because if everyone was straight, we'd be even more unsustainable overpopulated.

No. 2345520

"very real issue" what's the issue, exactly? some people might mistakenly think they are gay? what's the problem exactly about that? so what if some trend chasing zoomer thinks they are gay for few years before going back to being straight?

you are a homophobe.

No. 2345521

NTAYRT but respectfully expressing proven facts in a relaxed manner doesn’t sound like spewing homophobic rhetoric to me

No. 2345522

there's no proven facts, just anons spewing homophobic shit they gulped up from other retards. you are not being objective, actually, you have your own biases.

No. 2345526

also, there's your problem: being a homophobe doesn't mean you gotta be some raging raving lunatic. very relaxed generally nice people can hold homophobic beliefs too.

No. 2345527

Why are you guys complaining so much when you're just as mean and hateful to bi / straight women

No. 2345530

Nta but that is homophobic kek, literally just based on your own biases.

No. 2345531

so is this the problem actually then? holding a grudge against certain posters and making it gay people's problem in general

No. 2345533

>Epidemiological studies find a positive association between childhood maltreatment and same-sex sexuality in adulthood, with lesbians and gay men reporting 1.6 to 4 times greater prevalence of sexual and physical abuse than heterosexuals https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC3535560/
Not the anon that said this but you can just google it. There is some plausibility to her claims, I wouldn't say it's the majority of gay people but it's a thing

No. 2345534

>what's the issue, exactly? some people might mistakenly think they are gay?
anon, have you been reading my posts in their entirety? from the beginning of this discussion, i’ve told you that no, homosexuality actually is not ‘natural’ to human attraction; the majority of adults who grow up to claim that they are homosexual were usually children who experienced some form of sexual abuse or neglect as a child. you made the attempt at claiming that this is “homophobic rhetoric” when that’s not accurate at all, it’s bringing attention to a very real issue that’s been present in our society for many years, and will not be abolished so long as individuals like yourself continue to idiotically write off citizens speaking on this topic as “homophobia” and nothing of importance.

No. 2345535

nayrt. Anon nobody cares if someone mistakenly thinks they're gay for a few years, the problem is that a lot of gay people were exposed to sexual harm and pornography at a young age and no one's allowed to examine whether that contributed to their sexual orientation without being labeled homophobic. I don't have any issue with lesbians, but I do have an issue with gay moids who excuse or valorize the grooming that happens to them and others.

No. 2345536

Their internalized misogyny goes unchecked daily but the minute the discussion turns on them even slightly everyone is homophobic and the reeing begins. There's no point in even participating once it happens, they're always the victim because they are the gayest gay who ever gayed and they must be protected at all costs. Kek

No. 2345537

>proven facts
Kek scientists aren’t having studies sent out to prove that gay men molesting boys will make them gay or if a little girl experiences sexual assault she’ll become a lesbian. What you want to be a “fact” is only partially true for males because of how fucked male sexuality is but it doesn’t account for those that experienced normal milestones for sexual maturity. There’s more evidence to homosexuality being tied to genes and hormone disruptions during fetal development than whatever your sperging about

No. 2345538

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No. 2345542

Japanese dramas have the worst kissing scenes, I'm watching one right now and whenever the two main characters kiss it's just disgusting.

No. 2345544

Nta but higher rates is not the same as the majority of gays.

No. 2345546

83% is 4 out of 5 people.

No. 2345549

I’m too burger brained to ever be able to get into K/Jdramas
NTA but higher rates is actually what majority means, and I feel like if we still took the time to do a study on if gays/lesbians frequently experience child abuse we might continue to get the same answer

No. 2345551

also need to read the study properly for sample sizes, to see who made the study, who funded it, where they asked, when they asked, or here >>2345538
LGBQ, meaning, lesbians, gays, bisexuals, queer people, who faced most of the abuse, the homosexual people or self identified queers which can mean anything? who was this study from and who for, is there ideology involved etc. these are things that can be taken to accord

No. 2345552

>h-higher rates isn’t the same thing!
ok anon kek whatever you say

No. 2345554

And you don’t think that sexual or emotional abuse wasn’t implemented to “convert” their gay child as well? There’s whole organizations dedicated to trying to forcefully convert gay kids and cases where parents or relatives will beat/molest their own children to try and “make them straight”.

No. 2345556

At this point I'm just waiting for someone to post that retarded "lesbian" DV study again kek.

No. 2345557

I have no idea what I’m doing with my life

No. 2345558

File: 1736796477049.png (369.66 KB, 1170x1459, screenshot of study(1).png)

well that actually just kind of adds to the point i was making. They sexually traumatized a child, who then grew into an adult that claims to be lesbian/gay
Here’s a screenshot from the study nonny

No. 2345559

I started this day off so chipper but slowly sank back into stress and irritation with work and everything else wrong in my life. And I love my nigel but sometimes when I come home from work I want to be alone. Especially when I'm irritated. I don't want to worry about being pleasant or sweet or anything else when I feel like there are several dozen wasps jostling around in my skull. I don't want to leave to be by myself because I'm so tired and I dont want to close myself off in my room just for some respite. I want my space back god damn it

No. 2345560

If women have higher rates of cancer than men, that doesn't mean that most women have cancer.

No. 2345561

File: 1736796595669.gif (902.47 KB, 220x202, the-fuck-same.gif)

love you nonny

No. 2345563

NTA but This wasn’t the best example you could’ve chosen because most American women either already do have or will be diagnosed with cancer in our lifetimes

No. 2345565

There's one very naive and passionate nona, fighting about morals and lesbians. Ah good old times

No. 2345566

>half of LGB people have three or more adverse childhood experiences. highest disparities in sex abuse, emotional abuse, and mental illness in the house
This is so bleak. Those poor kids.

No. 2345568

File: 1736796857875.gif (1.5 MB, 512x512, 1736517081305.gif)

People are not nice

No. 2345569

for example, speaking of mental health: apparently in societies that don't stigmatize hearing voices as much compared to western societies, people who hear voices often hear positive voices they believe to be advice from ancestors etc. compared to societies with heavy stigma against it people who hear voices often hear negative voices. mental health can be cultural.

so, where were these people studied? what societies? what age groups? what class? what is their attitude towards homosexuality? how can that affect how homosexuality is viewed, do people in all kinds of societies with different attitudes towards homosexuality end up identifying as gay after sexual abuse or porn use, or just in certain kinds or societies with certain kinds of attitudes? what countries are we talking about?

does that say something about homosexuality itself, or about social attitudes towards homosexuality and how people behave about it? what do these results reflect in that sense?

No. 2345573

No wonder with all the trash in your food and lack of regulations tbh. Still doesn't represent all women.

No. 2345576

like, do people in japan start identifying as homosexuals after watching porn? do sexually abused boys in sudan start identifying as homosexuals at older age? do lesbian women in taiwan report high levels of emotional abuse in childhood? is homophobia actually a factor that contributes to these things? how attitudes towards sexual abuse affect these things? a man who is abused believes he is emasculated, a failed man, a homosexual is a failed man because that's what society says? does that say something about homosexuality itself or societal attitudes towards sexual abuse and homosexuality? if we had a truly homophobia free society, would these issues still be there?

No. 2345577

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No. 2345583

Because I am a lesbian that just wants normal civil conversation. You could say you fucking like pizza and someone would reply “fucking bihets shitting up this thread” or something. I don’t care about hating bisexuals; I don’t like bisexuals either and the previous threads were manageable in that regard. But now it’s just constant infighting and accusations even when there is no indication an anon is “bihet”. Also, it was literally revealed that a Kiwifarms scrote has been baiting here… I don’t know why we’re pretending here

No. 2345584

>is a homosexual man a failed man?
no one here cares about fag scrotes nona lmao

No. 2345588

my point is, homosexuality is a thing that has existed way before porn was a thing. homosexuality is a thing that exist in other species than humans. can be it truly said that homosexuality as a phenomenon is caused almost entirely because of porn, mental health issues, sexual abuse, when it is a thing that exists outside of those factors too? who molested the lesbian albatrosses? were they emotionally abused as chicks by their parents? who showed porn to the famous gay penguin couple? comparison to animals is valid, because humans are animals too. why did homosexuality exist before porn? why is homosexuality and it's possible relation so sexual abuse under scrutiny, but heterosexuality isn't when there are people who claim that they seeked het sex after sexual abuse? (insert gs debate here)

No. 2345589

>You could say you fucking like pizza and someone would reply “fucking bihets shitting up this thread"
caps? no ones saying this lol

No. 2345594

>No research has found that ACEs cause sexual minority identity; rather, it is hypothesized that perpetrators target socially vulnerable youth (eg, individuals with low income or a disability), including sexual minority individuals.
From the study you linked. It's also worth noting that the study defined ACEs as anything occurring under age 18, meaning that the common gay teenager experiences of homophobia like being bullied in high school, rejected by parents, and sexually assaulted for being gay would all be included in these results.

No. 2345595

>homosexuality is a thing that has existed way before porn was a thing.
Yes, adults have been abusing children and exposing them to sexual and emotional trauma for many centuries now. it is tragic
>what about the lesbian albatrosses?
We’re not discussing animals anon, neither were the users in the thread where this conversation began. the question initially asked was “what are homosexual relationships missing”, not “can homosexuality exist across several species” kek

No. 2345596

theres a non gs lesbian thread. why wont you post in it if you dont like the gs one?

No. 2345598

you are just picking and choosing and posting bias. humans are animals too. you equate homosexuality with pedophilia, while heterosexual csa is very much a thing too. why? why homosexual abuse means that homosexuality itself is abuse, but heterosexual abuse doesn't mean that heterosexuality is abuse itself, when you could make many arguments about heterosexuality's "natural" abusiveness and unfairness towards women (pregnancy and it's risks to women the most clear example)

No. 2345602

also obviously this conversation has long time ago evolved into different directions than what was originally discussed. you are just a willingly obtuse autist. why using animals as an example isn't relevant when talking about homosexuality and how it connects to nature/naturality or however you want to say it?

No. 2345603

Homosexuality is natural. You don't have to take therapies to express it the way trannies do. Bring vpn ban to get rid of all the men, racists and homophobes. Thank you

No. 2345610

1) learn2delete and reupload when you have something to add 2) we’ve already acknowledged upthread that victims of heterosexual C/SA and other types of abuse can also grow up to identify as homosexual as well? at least read the conversation in its entirety before angrily responding kek

No. 2345612

Not kissing your ass =/= being homophobic

No. 2345613

Just leaving that here. Take a look at what boards we've been namedropped in in the past month and it checks out.

No. 2345615

Sometimes I wish I just had no romantic or sexual desires for anyone. It sucks because my mind tells me that it wants to be in a relationship with a moid, and I'll start to fantasize about all the fun and enjoyable things I could do if I had a boyfriend. But then eventually the crushing reality that I'm an absolutely horrendously gross and vile individual that will inevitably disappoint any potential bf eventually just dawns on me.
Like I can keep up appearances of looking nice and being friendly, but sooner or later if he does stick around long enough, this flowery surface will crumble and I worry that once a man sees me when I'm gross and repulsive, they won't love me any more because they realize how truly horrible I really am. They'll think that the initial attraction of me being pretty and nice is just a lie to lure people in. I feel horrible because I feel like I have nothing to offer anyone yet I still desire to be loved and appreciated. I feel dumb for even worrying this much about being in a relationship because there's so much more to life than having a partner, but damn it I want one!! I just want someone who will love me forever no matter how awful I am, but I know that if I ever do get into a relationship, eventually the love that I feel will one day fade.
Also men are terrifying. Day by day I grow to become more scared of the idea of being with a moid because I worry that I may fall into a relationship and be too clouded by my love for him that he'll be able to take advantage of me and use me then dump me to the curb when I'm no longer meeting his standards.
This shit kind of makes me think that maybe I should just give up on real men and become one of those yume girls with a husbando or something because it sounds a lot nicer and a lot more safe. But I feel like I would just be disappointing my parents if I never got married and had kids and instead just obsessed over some anime character for the rest of my life lol. Also I've never actually been in a relationship with someone else before so it feels a little silly to give up before even trying, but I really am just scared tbh lol
Sorry if this is all just nonsense ramblings btw I'm tired I'm gonna go take a napp

No. 2345617

Anon, the definition of homophobia is being against homosexuality. It is not being against homosexuality to bring attention to the extensive amount of abuse (both emotional and sexual, both hetero and homosexual) that adults who grow up to identify as homosexual experience as children.

No. 2345621

>we’ve already acknowledged upthread that victims of heterosexual C/SA and other types of abuse can also grow up to identify as homosexual as well?
you learn to read. why don't you consider heterosexuality itself abuse too when heterosexual abuse exists? why is homosexuality itself abuse because homosexual abuse exists, but heterosexuality is just fine and natural?

if heterosexual reproduction is so natural, why does the female body actively try to reject pregnancy? why does the female body treat the fetus like a parasite? why does the female body attack semen when it enters her? why is so much of heterosexual sex based on violence and hierarchy, why is most heterosexual porn violent? is this a sign hetrosexuality is violent and invasive itself?

No. 2345622

I'm starting to hate you all by mere mention. How is it that every damn time someone posts something related to "lesbians" a shitshow begins? This is the vent thread, take it to your shitty thread at /g/

No. 2345624

>why don't you consider heterosexuality itself abuse too
NTAYRT but are you reading the posts? No one ever said that homosexuality itself is abuse

No. 2345625

Blame the bihets constantly seething about us.

No. 2345626

what is this, then?

>homosexuality is a thing that has existed way before porn was a thing.
>Yes, adults have been abusing children and exposing them to sexual and emotional trauma for many centuries now. it is tragic

No. 2345627

What a mental reply. I'm not asking you to kiss anyone's ass especially not during cervical screening awareness month. Get real

No. 2345628

STFU about bihets already damnit!!!

No. 2345629

Because we're infested with undesirables and have been getting banned for calling them out for the past 2 years. You can thank the previous admin for that.

No. 2345630

>why does the female body actively try to reject pregnancy? why does the female body treat the fetus like a parasite? why does the female body attack semen when it enters her? why is so much of heterosexual sex based on violence and hierarchy, why is most heterosexual porn violent? is this a sign hetrosexuality is violent and invasive itself?

not to make things about me but my pregnancy was actually super chill

No. 2345632

Cause the original discussion wasn’t even about “lesbians” specifically it was about homosexual relationships across the board

No. 2345633

No one cares about your sick obsession for bisexual women stop bringing it up all the damn time

No. 2345636

i don’t understand the term bihet. does that mean bisexual heterosexual…?

No. 2345637

Nta but be real. Pregnancy without modern medicine is not "chill", we used to drop like flies from it if anon wants to talk about nature.

No. 2345639

File: 1736799246743.png (131.47 KB, 347x299, 1000030859.png)

All sexualities except being a nonce (which is a paraphilia) or a troon (mental illness) are okay. Men will be men regardless of what gets their dicks hard, there's no "purest" or "best" orientation. The seethers itt can rage about it as much as they want but it's the truth kek

No. 2345640

>not to make things about me
>proceeds to make it about me

No. 2345642

i'm the anon being replied and honestly thought it was a hilarious addition, best post in this whole debate kek

No. 2345643

It either means a straight woman who pretends to be bisexual for attention or a bisexual woman who exclusively dates/prefers men.

No. 2345645

well anon I chose to have a normal pregnancy without some freaky autistic gyno shoving their hands between my legs and obsessively watching over me, and I think that’s exactly why mine went so well

No. 2345646

oh i agree, it's just hilarious that she did the exact thing she said she wasn't doing

No. 2345647

NTA but It went well because you got lucky that's all

No. 2345648

Imo I think they get uncomfortable with their femininity/masculinity (which is felt through their biological sex) or the femininity/masculinity in others which causes them to drift to the opposite of what's natural for them. It's more complex than that, what inclines someone to be more compatible with masculinity/femininity depends on many experiences they had/ideas they have, but I've heard of sexually abused women healing by rediscovering their feminine side after being traumatized and repressing it like the autistic Spongebob husbandofag. Misogynistic ideas can definitely make a woman more uncomfortable with her feminine side.

No. 2345649

I've been kinda angry and depressed lately and it's definitely coming out as me using this site more and wanting to alog all the time.

No. 2345650

File: 1736799590050.jpg (227.74 KB, 2000x1600, 113ccabc-ed71-4da0-960b-5b587b…)

>some freaky autistic gyno shoving their hands between my legs and obsessively watching over me
Kekkkk oh my god

No. 2345652

sure jan

No. 2345654

Browse the chill /m/ threads or the funny lighthearted cow threads instead of this glorified special ed room. You might even find a new interest.

No. 2345655

Dumb argument because something can be hard on the body but still natural so why is the difficulty of pregnancy even a discussion

No. 2345658

To bring it back to venting I think a huge factor in why my gestation went so well and I enjoyed myself was because I put effort and attention into giving myself whatever it was I wanted/needed, always felt comfortable, didn’t have to go to work, etc
No I’m being for real nona, you don’t have to do anything you don’t feel comfortable doing when you’re pregnant and that includes seeing thirty million doctors every week kek

No. 2345659

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>feel like shit
>don't have any friends to talk to
>go on lolcor for the first time in 3 months
>vent thread is getting shat up with some type of bihet vs hetero vs lesbian infight for the 384765th time
Never change, anons

No. 2345660

>I chose to have a normal pregnancy
And other women chose to have a difficult pregnancy / gestational diabete / preeclampsia ? Retard

No. 2345663

Read your first quote and you'll find out kek.

No. 2345666

I never claimed that women choose illness? I just said that I chose to not obsessively go to the doctor/constant ultrasounds/stuff that’s just not necessary with a healthy pregnancy

No. 2345670

I wasn't talking about doc visits but all the aid during birth. Women in the middle ages would've probably killed for a crumb of medication.

No. 2345672

do you listen to burzum

No. 2345673

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My crystal ball predicts that someone in this thread is going to go mask-off as a retard very soon and redtexts will be handed out like candy. After the massacre, anons will discuss something whimsical like ice cream flavours.

No. 2345674

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>why does the female body actively try to reject pregnancy? why does the female body treat the fetus like a parasite? why does the female body attack semen when it enters her?
I'm never getting pregnant and don't want children but be for real anon.

No. 2345676

Survivor bias in full display

No. 2345678

Nta but she's right

No. 2345679

File: 1736800626398.jpg (100.32 KB, 736x748, 1000004190.jpg)

>doctor at my job breaks my passenger-side mirror slipping when he gets out of his car
>b/c i was inside the building when it happened he is 100% at fault, his insurance company is going to cover the repairs and a rental in the meantime
>go get the rental
>even after explaining the situation they still need our insurance information…. okay nbd right?
>rental company reports to our insurance company that i have been involved in a collision
>car insurance payment goes up $20
insurance is such a scam

No. 2345680

but it is true. pregnancy is dangerous to female body so it does reject it. majority of semen die when they enter female body because vagina's ph is hostile to semen. female body has way more to lose than gain from pregnancy so it has to be hostile towards it rather than receptive to make sure if the pregnancy happens then better make sure it happens for a good reason.

No. 2345681

I hate to be this person but source for the female body attacking sperm, rejecting pregnancy and the other claims? Why would abortion be necessarry if that were the case? How is it that women before modern medicine managed to have 5+ children?

No. 2345682

>female body has way more to lose than gain from pregnancy so it has to be hostile towards it rather than receptive
Ntayrt but if this were true anon we wouldn’t ovulate?

No. 2345683

>she needs to ~get in touch with her feminine side uggu~
Really not beating those trad accusations

No. 2345688

File: 1736800971122.jpg (72.35 KB, 622x834, 1000003162.jpg)

Oh god, now two separate breeds of lolcow retard are going to attempt to explain biology.

No. 2345689

but majority of heterosexual intercourse still doesn't lead to pregnancy because majority of the sperm gets killed, female body often self aborts without women even noticing it, or in cases of natural disasters etc women get miscarriages because the body places the woman's/it's own life over the fetuses.

yes, humans are species that reproduces sexually but still it is a dangerous progress for woman's body so the body will protect itself against it rather than just let any sperm through. in that way, female body is hostile against it. it will not accept just any kind of sperm at any time, like when it comes to disasters, starvation, etc. when it comes to the miscarriages i mentioned before.

No. 2345693

Rocky Road is so good
Sorry, idk if I'm going to be online by the time the whimsy talk comes back so wanted to get that out there now

No. 2345697

I always thought I didnt want kids at all but I realized I probably want kids I just dont want to go through pregnancy. Honestly nothing scares me more than putting my body through that.

No. 2345698

File: 1736801324809.jpg (11.2 KB, 540x468, de1c0f586b51e375a76d48dd3a22d1…)

I hate that most of my friends don't earn enough to travel, even within europe. I want to travel a lot more, I want to compensate for not being able to do it in during most of my 20's because I was earning shit salaries and was late figuring out what kind of career I wanted to approach. But the friends I know earn enough kinda gives me this empty stare when I bring up travelling overseas, it frustrates me so fucking much. I have my passport ready in my hallway drawer, ready to grab and go (if my job OKs my leave ofc), and I am not a complicated person - I'm usually the friend people turn to when in need to advice or bring back to reality because I'm very down to earth. The couple of times I've managed to go overseas with someone they always get surprised by how I'm pretty easy to travel with: I am very communicative, I put everything on the table even before ordering tickets so we are sure everyone are all on board with the plans, if it's a longer trip I make an excel arc we can share so we can bring up what we want to do and dates if we have to book tickets for that specific thing and what might be around the area that we could check out while we're there. I don't mind going off alone if no one wants to join me on a thing I want to check out or I get tired and want to take a break at the hotel (we are all independent adults after all), and I don't mind compromising about things either. I don't have much of a temper either and I prefer to find solutions where all parts get at least somewhat what they want.
I just want to experience other countries, other cuisines, cultures and whatnot together with some people that also will have to listen to my bad jokes. I don't want to do it alone, and I'm a bit too introverted to do it with strangers.

No. 2345702

The world would be a better place when every religion indoctrinated tard would pick up a book on genetics instead.

No. 2345705

Same nona

No. 2345708

You'd hate me kek. Did my dissertation on gene editing, love god

No. 2345712


No. 2345714

isn’t it really crazy how we all are technically related because we all came from Jesus

No. 2345716

No. 2345717

We're all technically related to the nonnas from the luigi threads. Think about that

No. 2345723

The anons saying that homosexuality is a result of CSA are schizos so I was on your side during the rest of the debate, but this is retarded as fuck anon. Obviously a female animal's body prioritizes staying alive over giving birth, it's nature's way of making sure she survives so she can reproduce even more in the future instead of popping out babies that will die without their mother.

When and how do you usually bring up travelling together? Maybe asking really far in advance and giving a reason to go somewhere together would help? Like celebrating a friendship anniversary or something

No. 2345725

No. 2345726

I’m insanely jealous of people that have any kind of support system. I’m going to have to find new living arrangements soon because my rent is going up and I have no idea how I’m gonna do it. I feel like almost everyone has the option of just moving back in with their parents or has someone they can crash with until they can get back on their feet but I don’t. It is kind of my fault since I became really anti social following a depressive episode so I lost touch with the few friends I have. I wish I had the clout to ebeg kek

No. 2345749

By your logic no pregnancy would ever finish. The main part of evolution is reproduction, an animal that cannot reproduce fails and is extinct. Humans thrived before medicine.
>Obviously a female animal's body prioritizes staying alive over giving birth, it's nature's way of making sure she survives so she can reproduce even more in the future instead of popping out babies that will die without their mother.
Exactly this. The female body may not always carry a pregnancy to term, something like 10-20% of pregnancies end in miscarriages, but it's not because the female body doesn't want to be pregnant, it's because the zygote failed to attach, etc (the overwhelming majority happens at the very early stages), meaning there was something wrong with it. Once the body considers the pregnancy viable, it will focus on keeping it.

No. 2345752

Rum and raisins

No. 2345758

Mostly when other people express wanting to go overseas which is a lot now that we are halfway through winter, I typically list possible interesting places to visit and gauge the reactions (if I get any) to see if I managed to bring up a place they might have an interest in.
Tbh I DID get some glittery eyes and some interest this weekend when I brought up perhaps going on a "culture snob week" to London sometime this summer, see if we can catch some theatres or ballets that's available. I think they sort of got a taste for it since we had earlier that day gone on a walk and stumbled upon an opera singer that was doing a spontaneous live show up on a snowy hill, super idyllic and inspiring.
But even so, it's a bit of a gamble on if the interest is going to be kept up for longer than a week.

No. 2345768

>can't date women
>can't date men because they might troon out, even after years of marriage and/or children
So what are we supposed to do? The dating pool has piss in it. Honestly, I might be ok dating a ftm.

No. 2345773

My stomach hurts so bad and I can't even shit because I'm at work.

No. 2345777

And if they don't troon out they might "spontaneously" get redpilled (finally show their true misogynist selves) after a few years of marriage.

No. 2345782

You're not allowed to shit/don't have the time or are you poop shy? Anyway hang in there, when you let that dragon out you'll feel rejuvenated

No. 2345786

Samefag, that was supposed to say "can't date a woman cause they might troon out". My mind is a mess right now.

No. 2345796

you cant love without risking being hurt in some way

No. 2345804

File: 1736803847858.png (88.38 KB, 504x233, babies.png)

It makes me sad when a youtuber I like start to get tired of their job, and it gets slowly more obvious how much they dislike making videos now.
And when I say sad I mean sad for myself because I struggle to find creators I genuinely like or that brings me at least a quiet chuckle every now and then. I don't feel particularly sorry for the creator, especially if they got an editor doing the heavy lifting.
Or even worse, they troon out.

No. 2345816

Focus on having a truly fulfilled social life and other types of love.

No. 2345840

My psychiatrist is a fucking asshole.

No. 2345845

Kill them

No. 2345863

I'm too pretty for prison and too slow of a runner to evade the police.

No. 2345868

NTA but you could always hire someone else to do it for you

No. 2345869

You should visit their house to discuss your feelings

No. 2345873

Start diagnosing them on your next session

No. 2345877

I was thinking of just shitting on his doorstep. I know his address.

No. 2345884

wait for rain to come then sprinkle instant mashed potatoes all over his yard/doorstep the day before the rain

No. 2345885

I feel your pain nona. This happens to me nearly every day and I have to hold it because the bathroom in my office is only for peeing and if i walk over to the separate bathroom building everyone will know…

No. 2345902

>because the bathroom in my office is only for peeing
Nta but how does that work? Like say if someone suddenly got food poisoning or the flu and had a bunch of diarrhea and vomiting, would the toilet not flush or something?

No. 2345947

You should SWAT him. Use a VPN

No. 2345948

In college, and I need to read about the "gender unicorn". I wonder how my professor would take my perspective on troonery as a desisted woman. I thought there was critical thinking in college?

No. 2345970

No it's just because it's a shitty trailer office and the tank is underneath or something so it would stink up the office for days. Also it's not very sound proof at all, i turn the tap on when I pee to make sure no one hears me

No. 2345992

Are you willing to tell him your first hand experience? Academia is infested and enamoured with troonism right now, so any opinion that isn't "trans people are blessed demigods" is genocide but I think you'd be a different case

No. 2346006

File: 1736810491848.png (350.92 KB, 736x881, 1734048276139.png)

I have to stop binge drinking alone in my room every night because the new semester starts tomorrow but I don't want to

No. 2346012

I probably got brainwashed by China but I'm actually a bit sad TikTok is probably going to be banned. It's become my main social media and I use it like Pinterest (before it's gone to shit). It's become a part of my daily routine where my boyfriend and I will send memes to each other and end the night scrolling and cuddling together.

No. 2346014

No you got brainwashed by America for thinking a dumb video app can brainwash you

No. 2346026

Hmm are you sure

No. 2346030

you got me there, yes i am.

No. 2346060

Is there anything more off-putting, unsexy and revolting than seeing your boyfriend gaming. Any man who games for a hobby seriously needs to be put in a concentration camp

No. 2346068

Why do you feel that nona? I don't feel the same but I'm curious

No. 2346070

Only if he's so focused he can't engage in banter because he's actively playing shit which is his normal

No. 2346085

I bet she thinks that all that attention wasted on games would otherwise be directed at her.

No. 2346086

ntayrt but i feel the same as her because it looks nerdy and childish even if the guy is normal kek. idk a better way to describe this but it's so unmasculine looking, even though i'm not into manly macho types either.

No. 2346088

You can actually send animal poo nonna, there’s a site kek. Send him some elephant shit please.

No. 2346089

Nta but is there something wrong with that? Kek

No. 2346092

I feel you, nonnie. More so on the second point because so many men are violent, cruel, dismissive, unempathetic and straight up incompatible with women in a huge way. I have those fantasies too though it helps sort of to see most women my age stuck with gross scrotes who do nothing for them. I feel awful for them but at the same time I feel so free and proud of sticking up for myself in waiting for a better class of guy.
It's fun being a yume girl and you can get over the need for romance and sex to some extent through close friendships and masturbation, though it's human to want a deeper connection. Ultimately you should do what your heart desires in the safest way possible, don't be afraid to seek out men but be prepared for some intial disappointment and pushing for good treatment off the bat. A zero tolerance policy for shitty moid behaviour has given me my sanity back kek

No. 2346094

File: 1736814545033.png (1.5 MB, 1284x918, Yuck.png)

My bf looks like this when he’s gaming

No. 2346097

I know this is retarded but: at some point last year people stopped using the word phenomenon and started using phenomena to talk about a single instance, and it annoys me to no end. It's like all the pretentious people saw "phenomena" used somewhere and didn't understand that it's the plural form, just thought it's a more refined way of writing or something like that. Then everyone else started mindlessly copying them and now I have to control myself from replying to old ass tweets or posts just to correct this bc it's just as pretentious of me.

No. 2346099

Well it's pretty fucking rude of men to play games in front of guests and expect them to sit quietly and observe. If you're both into games and can have fun and banter whatever. Otherwise he's just being an antisocial retard

No. 2346102


No. 2346109

Day 3: Dad is still coughing and clearing his throat every 2 minutes, now I want to rip his skin off

No. 2346110

I think the guy I have been seeing wants to ditch me. He used to send me a lot of messages and cat pictures every day, wishing me a good night and a good morning. It has been dead for the last week. I barely get an answer or I'm just left on read. I don't know what happened. It was nice having someone for a little while to talk to and hang out with. I guess that I am back to the hellish solitude that is my life.

No. 2346111

When you've been in a relationship for a while (and I don't just mean with a bf/gf, friendships are like that too) you get to the companionable silence level where you just hang out at someone's home/room scrolling on your phone while the other person does the same, or something like gaming. You'll occasionally talk to each other to say something, or maybe later on you cook together but basically you don't spend the whole entire time interacting with each other.

No. 2346137

Nta but personally I hate it because it becomes literally all they do. The only time they’re not sitting in the computer chair is when they’re shitting, sleeping or working and it’s like pulling teeth trying to get them to do anything that involves getting off the fucking computer

No. 2346143

video games are for subhumans

No. 2346146

Fuck that unless one lives with their parent i could be alone myself. If you just want dinner plans say that.

No. 2346147

so you hate he's maladjusted and addicted. it could have been anything else.

No. 2346160

I love when relationships get to this level. feeling comfortable enough around someone you don't feel the need to fill the air with small talk or keep them entertained. it's really nice

No. 2346172

This kinda thing is I think why I keep husbandoing characters from older time periods kek. Like why can't men carve wood or soap or something like that

No. 2346180

All i can say is that videogames are not to blame. Such lack of regard in a relationship is a sign of complacency. If it wasn't gaming it would become fishing, reading or something else, but the amount of attention she receives would be the same. She should try giving him less attention.

No. 2346185

she should do exactly what he does, only reach out to him when she wants something, use him for resources, because that's exactly what he does… also stop doing anything for him so he has to get his ass off the chair and actually wash his boxers and cups.

No. 2346208

I wish being a nerd was uncool again. I'm tired of nerdy men being the norm and personally never liked games at all.

No. 2346214

You sound like people who refer to their lover as "partner".

No. 2346215

Some brain dead shit insisted that the california fires are happening because gay people exist in cali and that they aren’t putting their faith in god, which is somehow reflective of Sodom and Gomorrah. I am surrounded by heartless narcissistic idiots.

No. 2346231

it's not being brainwashed by China but I feel some guilt for getting that attached to a social media app. I suppose I would feel somewhat sad if lolcow were to disappear one day too

No. 2346241

I still feel depressed even though I’m living my dream life. Years ago I wanted so badly to be in the place I’m in right now. Now that I’m here I have new goals, and I feel like I won’t be happy until I complete them. It’s a never ending cycle. Why can’t I be happy with what I have. I use to cry and want to be in my current place so bad. Why can’t I cherish it. Maybe thinking this way allows me to accomplish goals, but I guess it doesn’t make me happy

No. 2346242

File: 1736820606715.jpg (49.32 KB, 612x612, istockphoto-487729761-612x612.…)

I just saw extremely graphic Brian Griffin x Peter Griffin yaoi I WANT TO KILL MYSELF.

No. 2346243

I remember feeling the same way as a teen when Vine shut down in 2016. Before you know it another video platform will come out, social media platforms come and go.

No. 2346248

post it

No. 2346254

I don't think you understand, it's not ironic. It's unironic, Brian blowing Peter's ass out. I feel like I've lost a bit of innocence seeing it, I just wanted to look for Chinese Family Guy art.

No. 2346258

>Chinese family guy fandom

No. 2346265

not to sound like a 14 yo r/atheism redditor but how do you look at genetics/evolution etc and still believe in god/genesis etc unless you are a deist or something. i tried to get into religion but i just can’t knowing it contradicts all the stuff we have been discovering idk

No. 2346273

There is SO MUCH child porn that ends up on that site, it makes me want to VOMIT. and the mods LEAVE IT UP. That fucking shithole imageboard needs to be shut down for good and the mods need to be investigated by feds or some shit for not having preventative measures in place to prevent such horrific material from being put on there.
I go on here and NEVER see any fucked up shit. I'm never using crystalcafe again. I am fucking traumatized.

No. 2346282

why did you assume i was asking ironically

No. 2346283

I think mods just don’t log on very much rather than leave it up intentionally. It’s almost a ghost town over there. But yeah it’s gross and unfortunate.

No. 2346285

Unfortunately it does also happen here, but it gets filtered out far more / mods delete it much quicker. I have also refused to even visit CC for years because of this, it's so bad that there's probably over a 50% chance that any time you visit the site, you'll end up seeing it on the front page.

No. 2346286

I didn't know the "everyone in the military cheats" also applied to women. The worst part is that I wanna stay cause she is quite literally my dream girl. And at least she cheated with another woman.

No. 2346288

i don't understand why you are offended that your own bodies have quality control over pregnancy kek???? because that's what it is. female body making sure that if it's going to waste time and resources to pregnancy, it will do it only when there's a good reason for it and won't let any loser sperm through. do you think the women who popped out 5 babies only had sex with their moids 5 times? and by what logic pregnancy would never end?

you get told that actually, just because you are women you are not walking baby machines and instead your body will protect itself from pregnancy if needed because your body prioritizes itself and you over the fetus and will treat sperm like a invading force instead of free all loser sperm all welcome here passive thing, and you get mad. why???

No. 2346289

The admin of the site (snail) abandoned the site years ago, at least since 2020 and one of the tranny mods are keeping up the hosting costs ever since. It wasn't nearly as bad 5 years ago but that site is a shadow of what it used to be and I don't recommend anyone going there.

No. 2346290

If people were smarter and less lazy, they'd download all the videos on TikTok they like (or the ones they made themselves) and save or reupload them elsewhere, then just wait for the inevitable replacement app with the same features.

No. 2346292

also the maternal genome is responsible for sending signals to regulate growth and make sure the fetus doesn’t steal all the maternal resources for itself. the paternal genome is responsible for maximizing growth and resource extraction. if it succeeds they both die.

No. 2346295

I think if they can't moderate their imageboard it shouldn't work the way it does. Basically they should need images to go through a system of preapproval from a moderator. Otherwise the site just needs to die.

No. 2346305

One time I wanted to send spongebobxsquidward yaoi to troll a scrote but tbh most of it was really hot and well drawn.
I still sent him it and then remarked on how hot it was. He blocked me.

No. 2346310

like i don't understand my entire point was that if homosexuality can be deemed basically biologically unnatural/bad because of violent homosexually abusive actions by people, does that mean heterosexuality can also be deemed biologically unnatural/bad because of it's built-in "violence" when it comes to pregnancy (that exists for a reason to protect women; quality control) and social violence too (violent porn, violence against women etc? points that got ignored)? if heterosexuality cannot be deemed bad/unnatural because of those things, why is homosexuality as a phenomenon itself deemed bad/unnatural, (when it also exists as a phehomenon in animals without the social violence you get with humans)? that was the point. does sexuality become unnatural and a bad thing if there is social violence related to it, or in case of heterosexuality, even built-in protections for females that come off "violence"/"hostility" towards the entire point of heterosexual sex?

No. 2346317

File: 1736824428273.jpeg (Spoiler Image,41.1 KB, 288x450, IMG_6385.jpeg)

Was it this one

No. 2346320

i used to favourite so much spongebob yaoi back in deviantart

No. 2346321

It was a comic but yeah all of it is around that quality. All of it disturbingly accurate and on model even though I think there actually is official spongebob yaoi out there

No. 2346337

>spoiler text
Wait, why?

No. 2346342

File: 1736826036965.png (Spoiler Image,1.84 MB, 1293x1724, 4276216416883.PNG)

No. 2346343

Idk i think they were bored/horny. Look up "spongebob behind closed doors"

No. 2346345

I enter the thread and this is the first thing I see..

No. 2346356

How much is too many clothes?

No. 2346370

It depends on if you wear uniform to work/school and how often you go out.

No. 2346378

My male "parent" who doesn't even deserve being named that tried to use my mom's death against me to manipulate me into serving him 24/7 like he used to force her to do so. Saying "she died because you'd never answer her calling you for help". I was by her side the entire time and visited her in the hospital until her final breath. HE was the one who wasn't ever be there for her and never visited her in the hospital until she died. All he thinks of is his stomach and what he's gonna eat next and who's gonna feed him, and occasionally his own death. Then wonders why people dislike him and don't want to be around him. It should've been him and not her. It's so unfair.

No. 2346382

We used to have the same problem just 2 years ago, but our admin at the time implemented a filter in the image uploads that made it much better.

No. 2346404

Same here. I'm actually glad I got auto-banned there now because of that. There was CP, gore, and soyjak spam literally like every other day there.

No. 2346412

File: 1736831956277.png (57.93 KB, 399x399, 7289426995216.PNG)

>joins 7cups
>looks up listeners
>40 year old polyamorous kinksters
>18 year old self-harming gendies
>connects to anonymous chat
>esl indian moid

No. 2346415

File: 1736832071281.jpg (301.05 KB, 1200x650, chopcry.jpg)

House fire lolita here from a couple of weeks ago.

Everything is gone, my job switched me to a different area and it has been awful. I can't afford to rebuy everything I lost nor is it possible with the amount of accessories and dresses. Binge eating and vomitting from stress made me bloated and gain weight.

Went to a con with friends, hoping it will make me feel better but instead, they all continued with their group cosplay without me. Friend was showing off her jfashion collection to me and her planned outfits, kept joking about being the "no lolita lolita", friends would leave me alone during the con, would just go sit in panels alone to not feel lonely. Bought cool shirts, blouse, and cute skirts just for friends to say they would look better in them since I am fairly big now.

Back at my hotel alone, everyone is posting their hauls, I feel poor with my small haul.

I just wanted to have fun after having a very stressful couple of weeks.

I just came back after work and been crying while eating dinner. I just want to end it all sooner or later.

No. 2346418

oh god I hated that website. There's no help for people online. I tried a depression chat and its 90% horny indian moids. It's where my indian racism originates from

No. 2346423

3 hours later and theres still more cp on the front page every few minutes. literally fucking horrifying

No. 2346424

While I don't like scat or gore it doesn't bother me nearly as much as images of child abuse. Like that shit fucks with me on a deep visceral level. I know that someone taking a picture of their own shit is just a sicko and no one is getting hurt (except my eyes), but the fucking child stuff is just beyond fucked up. If the CC tranny mod wants to do the right thing they should set up the site to be a trap for whoever uploads that shit to get doxxed, swatted, and imprisoned (in a perfect world publicly executed. Then the next generation of edgelord faggots can upload the pedo execution to CC.)

No. 2346446

Jesus Christ anon, that's awful. Are your friends autistic or just shitheads? Because that is no way to treat someone down on their luck. Please be patient and kind to yourself. You won't get back everything you lost but you're already building a new wardrobe that you love, you may even discover a new style for yourself. It all just takes time. And fuck your asshole friends. You deserve to wear cute clothes.

No. 2346504

File: 1736881820499.png (944.88 KB, 561x561, suicidal cat.png)

I moved 2 weeks ago and I missed the first General Garbage bin day. Next one is 2 weeks from now

No. 2346505

>"hmm..maybe it'll be nice to see what Moo is up to these days"
>open thread
>one of the first things I see is a pic of her holding a horse dildo
Jfc, and I was literally eating too. If I could find that Pic of Elsie vomiting, I would attach it.

No. 2346511

I got in a fight with a male shithead mod in a big discord I'm in because he was abusing his mod position to bully innocent teen girls and I just told him to stop. He banned me (and girls he bullied) for standing up to him, and he'd shit talk me afterwards and made everyone think I was a terrible person who said some heinous shit against the rules to get me banned.
The other mods did nothing. After several months we finally got unbanned and got let back in. I'm now treated as a "problem", nobody else followed what happened so I'm just "the person who was previously banned" and it pisses me off. I can't leave because I want to monitor what's going on, but I can't really make friends anymore either because now nobody trusts me. All I did was to stand up to that shithead moid!

No. 2346513

this sounds awful but maybe it's a sign to stop engaging with this hobby and people in it and move on to better things

No. 2346516

It’s because the site is infested by trannies.

No. 2346518

Would you say this to someone with a normie hobby?

No. 2346519

A 7 year old orbiter broke off things with me as he finally got a girlfriend. Somehow I feel free now because we were close but in all these years I made the nistake of trying to teach him like an adult and not a manchild. Naturally nothing stuck to him so he continued to be a validation seeking retard. He should be thankful because thanks to my last cockblock against an uggo girl he managed to get with an actually decent woman.
He was a coward until the end though, didn't even tell me he started dating until I pulled his tongue.
I never realized how emotionally draining a relationship like this could be. Why was I such a fucking idiot? What pisses me off the most is that he will never see he acted wrong so many times,like a literal child, running away from adult conversations and conflicts. He should be grateful I was a stupid bitch and entertained his boring ass for so long. I regret not cutting ties with him years before,when he pissed me off badly for the first time.

No. 2346530

nta but lolita has earned its reputation for attracting catty autistic womanchildren. not every comm is full of people like op's "friends", but enough of them are to give that reputation.

No. 2346536

If her hobby is that expensive, yeah.

No. 2346537

Do people realize that more than just rich, famous celebrities live in California? I can understand celeb hate. But my hometown JUST went through Hurrican Helene and lots of people I know, including myself, had our lives COMPLETELY fucked up from it. Those same people are posting all over social media "ha ha fuck you" about people in Cali. Like, who do they think cooks, cleans houses, teaches kids, fixes cars, spays your fuckin cats, takes out the garbage and all other fuckin things that keep a society running? There are people just like you and me who are losing everything. It blows my mind how my community can have gone through a natural disaster just months ago and make fun of people on the other side of the country who are going through the same shitty shit. Trying so hard to not get in fights about it.

No. 2346541

yeah I would lol My post has nothing to do with the hobby itself but just being responsive to the signals the outside world is giving. Other than that I was in the lolita community myself, as well adjacent ones like cosplay and I wouldn't recommend it to anyone. If the entire collection is gone and the people are treating her poorly instead of being supportive, what's the point in investing a shitton of money into it again, there are other hobbies that can be more rewarding

No. 2346550

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I have to cut myself off from an online friend I've made recently because it's ruining my life. Initially we got along really well and I ended up accidentally getting obsessed with her, I now care about her far more than she cares about me. I've had a full scale mental breakdown over this already and I keep triggering myself because I just want to get closer but I have no idea if she would reciprocate, I don't even know if she even really sees me as a true friend. Also I know she has other friends and I'm the one barging in feeling like I've known her for years. How much is too much, am I being creepy, how can I keep the convo flowing in a casual way, things like that. I hate being an autistic and traumatised piece of shit clinging onto someone like this just because I think they're cool and they were nice to me when I reached out asking to be friends. I think I've also been crushing on her a bit when I've never felt like that for another woman before, but that's a separate issue. I just think it's such a shame because we share so much in common, including an interest I never, ever get to talk to other women about. I always ruin everything for myself. I don't want to traumadump and say this to her directly because I don't want her to feel like she has to pity me with her attention, she isn't the type to start convos it's been me poking her.

No. 2346566

I wonder what had become of me if my parent had hobbies of their own? They enjoy reading and watching sports, but it's mostly to pass time. I've always had different hobbies I've been interested in, but since my parents didn't really know how to approach the subject they kinda went "uh, yeah, sure, go… do that…thing?" when they tried to support me.
Honestly, it's not their fault I ended up distancing myself from a lot of them (mainly it's because I put too much pressure on myself and give up, and then get angrier at myself for giving up when I try to pick them up again). But I hear a lot from friends and other people about how much they connected and developed through the passion they shared with their family and it helped them to really find themselves within said passion. I'm not particularly jealous, because I still love my parents as they are, but sometimes I wonder.

No. 2346576

>i'm sure that in 5 years it will become more widespread
i hope so nonnie, one of my biggest pipedreams is a world-wide movement of reducing screen usage and a reinforcement of laws protecting nature to go with it. god i hope it happens at least on a small wave

No. 2346579

I bet she does think of you as a real friend. Some people are less inclined to connect online with others. I have been the "aloof" online friend and was surprised to learn how badly someone craved my attention. I really did think of her as a good friend, but in their mind, a good friendship meant talking a loootttt more than I was comfortable with. I'm genuinely busy and distracted by things going on with my job, family, irl friends, whatever. I also like to watch movies without talking to anyone for a long time, like a lazy slob. It was really crushing to learn that I was killing someone's soul by just being myself – sittin' around eating chips thinking I had a good friend – and finding out it was way, way different for her. It also felt kind of creepy.

She messaged me and said "When you don't respond to me for a few hours, it makes me feel hated." I didn't hate her at all, there was no universe where I found her repulsive or annoying, but that changed everything. At least she was honest. In the end, we had a talk about it, and I realized I couldn't give her what she needed. Giving a chunk of my attention that huge to just one person is draining and exhausting and impossible for me. Everyone's different. This friend also cut me off, which was sad for me but also I understood that I would have to be a completely different person to give her what she wanted. Good on you for self awareness. When you asked how much is too much, you answered your own question: seeking pity and trauma dumping is too much. And you don't seem to have done that. Less contact is probably good for you.

No. 2346583

Oh god nonna I'm so sorry, this is the biggest fucking nightmare. Did you at least get some money back from your insurance?
Also your "friends" are pathetic and do not like you.

No. 2346594

>Bought cool shirts, blouse, and cute skirts just for friends to say they would look better in them since I am fairly big now.
wtf nonna, that is not what decent friends should say. As awful as it sounds, might be a good idea to use this "fresh start" to get some new friends as well. Seems like they don't really care for you.
Also I know it's hard, but don't compare yourself to them after you've been through such an awful experience.

No. 2346598

i got dumped by 2 different therapists today. it’s really hard to find help went nobody wants to help you, even people who you pay to do so.

No. 2346603

samefag, i guess maybe it could be better in the long run that they blew me off. because if they decided not to work with me before we got to the point of me telling them about my private life, I cannot imagine how they would’ve reacted to me actually opening up to them kek

No. 2346605

Coming to realize that I’m only TRULY attracted to a man when I feel the desire to suck his dick. My bf is hot and the sex is good but I do not look forward to or feel any urge to give him a bj (so i dont do it and he doesnt mind, no one start sperging) but lately I have been wanting to give my best friend’s brother the suck of his life ever since he returned from college looking buff and sexy. Cant believe this whole time I thought it was just the act I hated when I’m just selective about which penis deserves my mouth

No. 2346616

in the exact same situation, wish i was an avoidant instead

No. 2346620

i am broke as a joke and as a result I am forced to quit vaping. boo boo boo

No. 2346654

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are you getting gangstalked?
same here. always getting called out for sperging or ignored for tl;dr.
this relates to my vent. i hate my shitlib city. i am stuck here. coming from a conservative country, this place is a hellhole in comparison. things like troons are the norm here, even though this place is called right-wing, homophobic, intolerant and racist all the time. there's rainbow flags everywhere. i have even seen a poster advertising condoms for gay sex, with a graphic of men moaning and grimacing, with only the condom illustrations covering their dicks. the people here are literally libtarded. i was joking with my then boyfriend ex, acting silly and immature, making peepee poopoo jokes, and he seriously brought up anal stretching and scat fetish, and said that he likes getting his butt fingered, but does not douche. i thought he was playing a character. later on he acted like he had to cape for a trans friend because i said that i'm against kids trooning, and asked if this friend got molested in his childhood. in reply he called me a transphobe and then started cheating, which he thought was a big own. at that point i did not even care, because i was too busy with work. almost everyone here is a massive whore. the dating app i used only showed polyamorous people or really weird profiles. i'm assuming continually using dating apps is a poly people thing, and the others were waiting for scraps. i used to put up with liberals and redditards but now i think these individuals are actual soyjaks. these nerd styles and chubby tards make me cringe. the smart and talented ones are still stupid as fuck in demeanor and are mentally exhausting.

No. 2346686

This is a long one I'm sorry.

I jinxed myself the other day by telling my stepdad that my mother hasn't had a NPD meltdown at me in like a month. It's cyclical and I should have known it was coming.
Yesterday I went to schedule a colonoscopy, since I am having possible cancer symptoms, and I'm worried about my work insurance not covering it. I have the same insurance of that CEO who got whacked because they're notorious for auto-denying claims. I'm under 45 and even though I have symptoms there is a high chance they will not cover it and I make too much salary on paper–think lower middle class–to qualify for any kind of assistance. I already have a several thousand dollar bill from a hospital emergency I had over the summer.
Anyways, I made the egregious error of trying to vent this anxiety to my mother. If she so much as assumes I am trying to ask her for help/money, even though I didn't in this instance, she does everything she can to distance herself and wash her hands clean that I am not her "responsibility." She's very guilty and ashamed when I struggle in life so she often shifts blame onto me so she doesn't have to feel bad about herself as a parent for being unwilling or unable to physically, emotionally, nor financially offer any kind of support. It's not for her lack of any three btw, she's just an incredibly selfish woman with a narcissistic personality.
So, imagine you went to your parent to vent about how you cannot afford your healthcare (I pay $300/month for the 'best' insurance my job has to offer) and how you wished things were different or that we had more money, just to be met with "Well you're not entitled to my help. You haven't been my responsibility since you turned 18 and you should have been more financially responsible in life to be able to afford it. You're spoiled that you have lived here for the past year and I haven't charged you rent," as if I were talking about wanting to buy a designer purse and not checking for cancer! By the way, I have offered to pay bills for the house but she refuses me solely for the purpose of lording how I don't pay bills over my head for fights like these later. She weaponizes money against me constantly.

I'm not a perfect reactor to her callousness, I admit. I find her demeaning nature so traumatizing that I often get baited into her juvenile word games and circular arguing. It's been this way for me ever since I stopped being a little girl doll for her to control and became my own person with feelings towards how she treats me. She yells at me for hours, and in my teenage years she would stress me into hives. I often cannot voice that I don't like how she speaks to me because she will turn it around and play victim with literal whataboutyouism. She never reflects on her behaviors and always has an excuse for everything bad she does. But I digress.
Before I knew next, the subject was no longer about my health but about everythinggg she finds wrong about me. How I don't help her and never do shit for her (lies btw–I literally take her on 'dates' per her demands that I entertain her, buy her groceries, and other household supplies so she can wear fresh pajamas everyday sitting at home on her pension watching youtube videos of black people getting arrested). She also brought up and has never let me live down the fact that I went no contact with her for four years when I had a house with my ex. If you ask her why I went no contact, she'll say it's that I "abandoned" her after she divorced my stepdad, but it's actually because of a fight where she blamed me for being raped on a date whereas she thought her third divorce was bigger than my "boy problems" aka MY RAPE.

Anyways, I started shouting that I forgave her for being a narcissist, but I hate her and that she is a fucking bitch and I will never forget the shit she says to me. She vehemently denies being a narc and hates that I recognize this in her behavior. Unfortunately calling her a bitch sealed her self-righteous indignation. I don't remember a lot of what she tore me down about next (aside from her other choice lies i.e. claiming I was on her insurance until I was 26 but she retired when I was 21 and I did not have health insurance again until my first call center job at 24), because I put my headset on and tried to play a game of tetris on my laptop to disengage from her. For almost an hour, without me saying a word back to her, I could hear her thru my headset her still going off at me. Talking trash about me like I wasn't even there, threatening to kick me out while I said nothing. She looooooves threatening me with removing my living situation and lords it over my head. She's like a toddler who you just have to wait out until she tires herself from her tantrum or until she's satisfied with all the nasty shit she's said.
After she finally was done and went back to her youtube videos, I started quietly sobbing from her cruelty. I wished I had a mother who loved me and doesn't think unhelpful criticism is actual parenting. Who even if she couldn't financially help me would at least say comforting platitudes like "Well let's hope for the best," or "Chin up," or "That's so unfair but we can figure it out."
No. Instead she hears me sobbing and says "Sorry that the truth hurt your feelings but someone's gotta do it!"

I lost my god damn mind at her! Imagine being so deluded about making people needing cancer screenings upset that you narrate yourself as some sort of beacon of honesty! Even though I let this cunt dig at me uninterrupted for a fucking hour she can't even let me have CRYING by myself! So I got in her fucking face–oh yeah, she's a retired teacher so she knows how to push buttons on vulnerable people to get her victims to react while acting like a saint–and she claimed I was "elderly abusing" her. Sidenote: I believe she got the term "elder abuse" from watching parents of estranged children content on the internet because aside from name-calling after she's insulted me, I have never done anything to her and I think it's dangerous that she's accusing me of that in hindsight. I yelled my fuck yous at her. I told her I hope she remembers her words when she dies because I will always hate her for them. That when her cigarette smoking and sweets eating and no exercise finally catches up with her and she dies alone, that she can comfort herself by knowing she brought it upon herself and that it was no one else's "responsibility" to help her rotten bitch ass out.
I looked her in the eyes. Remember how she'd been the one angry and yelling at me for over an hour? When I exploded–nothing. No reaction, her eyes were glassed and empty like a lizard's with an air of reptillian satisfaction that she got me. Smug and eye rolling at me, didn't care that I was so upset and definitely not listening to me. Asked her if she even cared that she was so mean all she could say was "Well it's about time!" All she could do was repeat "Back off. Are you trying to intimidate me? Don't touch me." As if I ever touched her before–but I sure do remember her manhandling me and grabbing me in her rage when I was young. Horrific, evil fucking bitch. As I motioned to leave the house she yelled at me to "Go stay with your scumbag stepfather since you love him so much! You're only here with me because you don't have a choice!!! You probably can't wait until I die, in fact you're probably picking fights with me hoping that I do!!!!" She's so fucking despicable…like a comic book villain. She stopped taking her Wellbutrin so she is running around unmedicated but I'm unsure if that explains any amount of this disgusting shit she says. I screamed at her that she may have her fucking house but she is going to lose her only daughter.

I left to go ugly weep in a public park while I figured out what to do next. She's ran me out of the house like this before multiple times. My stepdad is well aware of her narcissism so thankfully he was in town for a project and offered to let me stay at his hotel for the night. But I had to return home after work to grab an overnight bag. She was there waiting for me. She cannot just leave me alone and let things settle after fights because she feels so much guilt and cannot deal with herself. I didn't say a word to her but she cornerned me in the bathroom saying "We both need to go to counseling or else you cannot stay here." LOL. She wants to go to counseling to manipulate a therapist into telling her nothing is her fault and retconning her psychotic episode at me as reasonable concerns. She did the same thing to me years ago when I went to her therapy sessions after her divorce and it was all about her being the biggest victim ever and how every bad thing she ever done had a good reason or it's all men's faults. Of course when I went no contact, she never went to therapy again because I wasn't around to manipulate so it was pointless for her because it's not about her improvement or addressing her personality problems. I refuse to be manipulated by this bitch anymore. And even though I had empathy for her, realizing she is a broken human whose behaviors are informed by her own traumas, she is an enemy to me because she kicks me while I'm down even though she knows better.
Yet she's absolutely right about ONE thing and everyone who knows my mother agrees–I need to get away from her. She's a traitorous black hole of a person who takes a shot at innocent people when she needs a power trip. There are reasons why she has three divorces, no friends, and only her flying monkey brothers who are equally as messed up in their heads. I need to focus on my health right now and not how this bitch treats me. It's just hard, it's really hard for me to not just want to die. Thankfully, my friends, stepfather, and bf were very supportive when I was in crisis earlier.

No. 2346687

I'm so sick and tired of how my mother uses her mental illness as an excuse because she can never keep up with her meds. She'll tell people to shut up "for their own good", treat me like absolute shit and just be extremely irritated because her bipolar ass just can't take her meds properly. She forgets to refill them and then makes it literally everyone else's problem. Bipolar people are some of the absolute fucking worst not sorry.
Also I'm really fucking sick and tired of how she sucks up to corporations and then gets upset if you confront her about it. She will literally act like if you're ever late or call off that you'll get immediately yelled at and fired and killed or something. I cannot stand it. I have mental issues too but I try my absolute very hardest to not take it out on anyone, and if I do I apologize. She won't most of the time.

No. 2346699

I'm sick and tired of the hope of a new good friend, they initiate, it gets deep then they become disinterested. I'm tired of hoping I've finally found a long term reliable friend just to see the signs of disinterest again. It makes me feel like there's something inherently wrong with me because they usually get to know me, THEN they ditch me. There's like a dozen people at this point in my city that I pretend not to see because we just faded out and there's no appropriate way to address that head on

No. 2346704

>almost everyone here is a massive whore. the dating app i used only showed polyamorous people or really weird profiles. i'm assuming continually using dating apps is a poly people thing, and the others were waiting for scraps. i used to put up with liberals and redditards but now i think these individuals are actual soyjaks. these nerd styles and chubby tards make me cringe.
Why do you talk like a retard

No. 2346705

I'm sorry nonna, you don't deserve any of that and I really hope everything will be okay with your health. Your mother sounds a lot like mine, I'm the one who posted right below you. If you can, you should try to move out; even if you can't alone, try getting roommates. It may be a better fate than having to deal with your narc mother, and you can go back to being non-contact. I'm sending so much love and hope to you nonna, you really don't deserve to live like that.

No. 2346792

Thank you nonnas, its encouraging to hear that my feelings are valid. I am still fighting my insurance about my personal items, which they are trying to fight back by saying that lolita is a "collectable hobby" therefore, should have had "collectable insurance" like people have for comic books, classic cards, etc.

I am going to find new friends, I do not work in an environment where I can make friends but I will try by putting myself out there.

Any tips on how to make friends? It feels weird to ask because it is just about being social but I do not know where to start.


Every hobby has their bad and good apples. Even "normie" hobbies have their bad apples and catty bitches and manchildren. Kayaking is a hobby I like but there's people who are snobby about it, there's snobby people within run clubs, etc. It is never about the hobbies, just the people themselves.

No. 2346823

Portion control is killing me I’m so fuarking HUNGRY

No. 2346849

Eat cucumbers and vinegar. Not saying it as a meal, but as a snack kek.
I also always like to add a side dish with my meals that consists of boiled or grilled vegetables, no oil. Great way to add mass without adding too many calories, it helps your stool too.

No. 2346855

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And beets, my weak spot. I love beets, they’re my life.

No. 2346863

Thank you nonna, I feel for your situation as well and I pray it gets better for both of us.

No. 2346867

don’t worry nona the hungriness will start to die down as your body acclimates to the new portions as you keep sticking to it

No. 2346885

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I just made a financial mistake at work, and while it was not a huge one, and also it can be easily fixed, I'm so embarrassed because it was really stupid of me to not check it. The real problem is that my two senior coworkers have been sick for literally like a full week, and because of that I've been having to do everyone jobs IN ADDITION TO my own job. It's frustrating to get scorned for making a mistake (which, albeit, I did make such a mistake and it was my fault) but it was while my attention was split between 2 other jobs which are not technically my job. And I'm doing all this for an extremely low pay rate… Man, I gotta get out of here. Please send me good wishes, nonnies. I feel shame and embarrassment over my situation.

No. 2346886

I swear to go finding true blue centrists who aren't either:
trannies and their TRA handmaidens who want to make women public property
theobros and their pickme tardthots who want to make women private property
is fucking impossible irl. No one has any fucking nuance. This is why my country is going to shit.
Sorry you dated some freak who thinks mutilating the genitals of children is heckin based and valid.

No. 2346891

>I really did think of her as a good friend, but in their mind, a good friendship meant talking a loootttt more than I was comfortable with. I'm genuinely busy and distracted by things going on with my job, family, irl friends, whatever.
This is also why I'm adamant to try and push further. She has a job to go to but I'm a neet at home all day plus our timezones don't line up at all, I've had to stay up for our best convos. Shared interests is all well and good but being friends is about more than that and it's what I struggle with. I'm mature enough to not do the "they haven't messaged me therefore they hate me" anymore but I do wish they'd be the one to start convos more often and thank me for being a good friend. Oh well.

No. 2346896

Good luck, nona! You can find a better job, I believe in you! I'm sorry your coworkers are miserable jerks, it sounds like they don't appreciate you. I hope your sick coworkers come back soon so you will be relieved of your extra stress.

No. 2346897

My ex was actually such a weird secretive wanker and had watery sperm from whatever hair medications he had to take for his jumpscare unstyled hair transplant he ended up shaving off. And he ejaculated prematurely everytime it was honestly disappointing.

No. 2346898

Extremely real. Honestly my solution to this was to start spending more time with normies rather than autists who share my hobbies. I think autists are especially prone to black and white thinking and being indoctrinated by any ideology really. I do miss hanging with autists and not being afraid of coming across as too weird, but at least I don’t have to self-censor or fake virtue signal around my friends anymore because the topic of trannies and other hot issues online barely ever come up.

No. 2346900

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>fuck a guy during a manic phase
>tell him i want to be fwb
>coming off the phase and not into it anymore
>he's texting me with some desperation

No. 2346911

Tell him you're so busy right now and string him along until you're manic again

No. 2346912

Is there something about a certain culture that makes their families so prone to lying over finances? I have dated 1 guy long term and another I'm married to. My sister dated a person of this background as well and his family also had these issues. Is this just luck of the draw or is it genuinely cultural? I find it really jarring.

No. 2346992

I’ll have to make the biggest decision of my life yet in a few weeks time (entering a career that will completely change my life, responsibilities etc). I’m legit so scared- it’ll either be the best thing I’ve ever done, or the worst thing. I feel like I’ll regret it my whole life if I get it and don’t take it, or I’ll potentially come out super fucked up if I do.

Literally 50/50 chance. I worked super hard to get here so I’m trying to be optimistic and think of the financial stability that might let me help our family and the feeling of satisfactions etc but it’s scary anons. I have so much imposter syndrome too

Super tmi sorry but I’m so stressed I’ve been shitting small amounts of blood which is not fun

No. 2346996

my roommates are in the kitchen (attached to my room) and i wanna masturbate but i cant with them talking. sad

No. 2347036

Silicone earplugs.

No. 2347053

I don't think cooking is very fun to do and whenever my roommate is around it makes me want to cook even less.

No. 2347056

Uh and this is totally unrelated to >>2346996's post kek

No. 2347094

My boobs fucking hurt

No. 2347105

Headphones with white noise playing works in a pinch.

No. 2347123

Holy shit I’ve never drank any alcohol in my life but I would definitely be drinking myself to literal death until I get poisoned. I can finally win at life by killing myself kek

No. 2347142

Just waxed my eyebrows for the first time. I planned to only do my unibrow but I did more and I think I fucked up. They're too far apart and more uneven than before now. I shaved part of my eyebrow before and it never grew back, so I'm absolutely fucking terrified right now. Fuck me.

No. 2347156

Why are gynecologists as a whole so retarded? I've been experiencing intense daily clitoral pain for the past few months, which I'm certain is due to clitoral adhesions, but the only thing my doctor did was prescribe me useless fucking creams while I waited around in agony hoping things would improve. A shockingly large amount of gyns aren't even trained to properly examine women's clitorises, and every time I try to google info about specialists in my geographic area I'm assaulted by 8923456 ads for cosmetic labiaplasties and 0 actually useful info. This condition is so under researched that it doesn't even have its own diagnostic and procedural codes, while the male equivalent does. Billions of dollars are being poured into moid dick pill research while female-specific conditions like vulvodynia and endometriosis are purposely ignored. Disgustingly misogynistic.

No. 2347172

Was it autism or just children/kid brain?
>As a child, I did not like egg yolk
>My mom would make eggs without the yolk
>Sometimes the yolk would break and I'd have a small amount in egg
>Literally inedible, would throw up
Another autistic thing
>Mom would make waffles, pancakes, whatever
>Cut them into pieces but keep shape
>She would take one
>Would break down and cry and not be able to eat it since it's not longer uniform
>Only liked gravy on rice and never on the meat
>Couldn't eat the meat if it had gravy on it.

Why I question it, is cause I was able to get over these weird food quirks later in life, but to the point where I couldn't eat was certainly weird..

No. 2347173

We know more about the causes for male endometriosis than female endometriosis even though there's only like 20 male case studies. Isn't that stupid? I hope you get through this, and I'm very sorry.

No. 2347177

I CANT JUST COME HOME AND COOK A SNACK WITHOUT THIS ANNOYING SCROTE TALKING NONSTOP. Now I had to remake the snack because I messed it up because hes standing around watching. THEN HE PLAYS VICTIM WHEN I REACT NEGATIVELY, and the pickme is making me out to be a bad person.

I cant even relax in my own home, gotta constantly be harassed.

No. 2347182

Wow, I didn't even know males could have endometriosis. And yeah it's really sobering to realize how prevalent medical misogyny still is… Thanks for your response, it means a lot to me.

No. 2347200

I was reading an argument on the MtF thread about how someone felt like the posters were hating on gay men and encouraging others to hate too. I just feel like its weird to be surprised because ultimately thats the point. What is the point of the snow board otherwise? Everyone hates everyone; men hate women, women hate men, people hate troons, other races hate whites, whites hate other races, political parties hate each other, gender conforming hates GNC, etc. I think that the internet concentrates and amplifies all of our hate and we will all eventually get what we want by the complete dissolution of our society as natures attempt at balancing the sickness that we have cultivated. I feel like the 1960s counter-culture-turned-mainstream boomer groundhog day hellscape that we are imprisoned in, where we pretend the internet is some kind of liberating Whole Earth Catalog heaven that floats above all nations and societies, is the worst lie ever told. I vented my retarded opinion a while ago that we are all talking to each others shadows (a la Jung) on the internet and I feel like I'm contributing to the collective hate every day on this site and on the internet in general.

No. 2347221

yes! thanks nona. the political divide and conquer is working too well. there's these 2 options, troon or nazi. the dating pool is either redneck righties who find it a luxury to take a shower, or far-left fatties who would rally for calling out daily showerers as snobby, classist oppressors, if it was the new twitter trend.
same. since i stopped being interested in anime or vidya, i have been better off. these cartoons and moba video games are the worst subcultures. i still like some, it's just so off-putting to get harassed by fujos and hentai-fags every time i mention anime. i get it's the tism but to straight up mention porn to a stranger you just started talking with is insane. i no longer tolerate it.

No. 2347244

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Are there any anons who are born to neet but forced to study? i am so tired. I start uni next month and i dont want to, i feel depressed, i want to kill myself. But my mom is forcing me to pick either college or working, and i am too retarded to work so i picked college. If i didnt really love drawing i would have hanged myself already. How do i deal with this shit? FUCK

No. 2347252

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The industrial revolution gained initial popularity because it was supposed to solve world hunger/homelessness and let us all be neets.
I don't understand how it ended up like this 200 years later.

No. 2347253

Thats the thing. What's the point of creating an artificial doom microcosm built on the layers of overshoot and overpopulation (that is industrial society) when the living standards reflects preindustrial standards? The only thing we "need" is modern day medicine and hygiene facilities. We don't need anything else and the resource scarcity we have generated would in fact make industrialization redundant

No. 2347257

>I vented my retarded opinion a while ago that we are all talking to each others shadows (a la Jung) on the internet
I think you're right. People show the parts of them online that they can't get away with irl. But it doesn't have to be all bad? idk I like being nicer when I'm anon. Snarky, sure, but it feels good to help instead of hinder and being anonymous makes that easier sometimes
>I feel like I'm contributing to the collective hate every day on this site and on the internet in general.
You don't have to do that though. You can leave places a little nicer than you left them just by directing that hatred somewhere it's deserved and laying off where it isn't. Or find more reasons to post in the positivity thread, idk. Sending love your way nonna, maybe our Jung shadows can hug it out or something.

No. 2347265

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No. 2347266

Yeah. Sometimes I want to throat punch techfags who I know will become oligarch dogs. I know their industrious nature could be useful to society as a whole but at the end of the day they serve the very people who directly stand in the way of true progress.
A perfect utopia would be neetdom where everyone who wants to engage in their passions can do so, have a home, food, healthcare etc, can build upon it or just chill but no one ever lives below the bare minimum (necessities but not much else for the true bedrotters)

But instead we are stuck with people who are born into money who can only chase their chimpanzee addiction to resource hoarding and fail to see the bigger picture. Most tech is just used to fuck over the working class these days.

As much as I hate Kaczynski for being an AGP incel misogynist, he was absolutely correct in humanity being ill equipped to properly implement industrial progress for the objective betterment of humanity.

No. 2347270

Everything i was hoping for, everything i wanted for the longest time, is now officially ruined. All i wanted is to live with my girlfriend in my apartment and build our life together after all these years together online only. Now, it most likely will not happen ever and i must accept this now somehow. I'm so fucking broken and i seriously consider killing myself as there is literally nothing that can be done.
So we live in different countries, and the country we both are originally from and where she still resides is the retard shithole at war right now (russia). We cannot marry there due to homophobic laws, or anywhere else due to restrictions. We cannot live together to be considered domestic partners because russia is fucking retarded when it comes to same-sex couples, and i would have to lose everything i have in my home country.
We have tried the last resort method of moving her here and of course it didn't work. I received the negative decision just now. I wasted so much money, a whole year of waiting for a decision… It all was pointless. Better yet, each year the situation gets only worse. Like, literally yesterday, they had a suspicious internet outage that seems to be a test run of government blocking outside internet. I could not contact her, and she could not contact me until it ended.
This is so heartbreaking, nonnies. This woman is my whole life. Like we've been together for almost ten years, but we could not move together earlier as we were too young and still studying. The pandemic and war. And now i might lose her. I already cannot go to see her as it got extremely expensive to travel, so i cannot even hug her anymore. It's been a year since we saw each other face to face. I now I might lose her even online. The worst thing is that we are both deeply in love, like after all those years i only love her more. She is literally my soulmate. And she loves me too. But it can actually be the end to everything.

No. 2347284

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>born to neet
>forced to study
Yeah, but more towards working. I have to start school again just as my mother wants, like you, and I have another shift today. No matter how good or fast, or better in any way that I get at my job, it doesn't erase how little I want to be around all those fucking people. The work gets easier, but I remain tired of all these faces. Now it's about to be work AND study when all my heart wants is to frolic and bullshit in pure comfort.

No. 2347288

Overdosing on something is not good method, it’s painful, it often doesn’t work. You’ll probably be hospitalized and your stomach will have to be pumped.
Seek help nonna, it does get better.

No. 2347291

I hated that retard. Men are coddled and praised everywhere, but god forbid they aren’t here too. Gay scrotes have tons of shortcomings and they aren’t our allies, it just happens that they’re part of the same community, despite them doing absolutely nothing for the LB.
I find it gross how she said that scrotes experience misogyny because they take it up their ass kek.!

No. 2347307

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No. 2347308

May I ask what country you are from, anon? Don't give up, you can still get her out of Russia if you both elope to a third country.

No. 2347310

I feel immensely how you feel, having to go back to campus has lost its novelty for me and I dread having to go back. I also draw and all I want to do is just isolate and make stuff but my degree isn’t even visual arts related, so my creative endeavors are at odds and I have to make time for it somehow. Luckily I’m currently just going part time this semester so I feel some weight lifted.

No. 2347312

kek for anyone confused nona is not replying to the post above her, a scrote post got deleted.

No. 2347313

NYART but this image reminded me that this is the vent thread so I'm gonna say it
I do not understand the existence of fat men. It biologically shouldn't happen. Men aren't designed to get pregnant, give birth, or breast feed. They literally have no need to gain excess adipose tissue. Whenever I see a fat moid I am extra disgusted because they literally have no excuse for turning their body into a waste dump when they have other far more rational vices like jerking off or finding creative ways to kill themselves.
Moids that get above a certain body fat have proven themselves to be inherent failures and need to be thrown in the death camp.
Women who claim to like fat men are psyopped by mcdonalds or some shit. There's no other explanation.

No. 2347315

They need a two week daily cardio and they’ll shed the extra weight, no excuse.

No. 2347330

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I wish there would be a female hitler who rose to power and instead of killing jews she killed fat men as the final solution. Obviously any other sort of undesirable male would also be put in the camps.

No. 2347336

Been saying this for the longest time! Put all the undesirables in concentration camps, get them fit for war, and in turn we get to keep all the cuties

No. 2347337

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>Oh nooo but what about my heckin obese n jolly santa claus!
pic rel.

No. 2347338

just deal with it anon.

No. 2347340

nyart but fuck off cog. Not everyone should waste their precious time as a cog to eventually serve their slavemaster cooperate overlords in the blind hope of MAYBE getting to live a comfy life when they are close to death.

No. 2347341

My brother moved back in and he's really sensitive and clingy. I don't just mean the regular level of sensitive and clingy either, I mean the kind of extreme that is rarely seen outside of the realm of fiction. He knows he's not allowed in my room, but the moment he sees me set foot out of my room he instantly latches onto me. My parents have had to explain to him that I'm not in a good mental state at all and I can't be there to take care of him, and he gets pretty angry but he does kinda avoid me for a few days, but he still stares at me like he wants to say something. Then he starts trying to interact with me again and we're back to square one. I can't even be in the same room with him anymore or he makes me panic because he tries to rely on me for everything. I'm trying to stay as far away from him as I can because he's tried to become completely dependent on me and just shuts down if I don't continue to actively support him with everything, but maybe if I'm away, he'll learn to be more self-sufficient. Not to mention I simply can't bear the weight of an entire person's life on top of my own. I have no idea why he does this. He's my older brother, he's not addicted to any drugs, he's not severely mentally ill or handicapped, and he's been capable of normal adult functions in the past. He genuinely just gave up and leaned on me completely.

No. 2347344

that's so weird and innapropriate.
>older brother
>he's not severely mentally ill or handicapped
tell him to back the fuck off and i think you'd be justified in physically showing your boundaries.

No. 2347360

Yesterday I read the entirety of the very controversial novel "cry or better yet beg". I couldn't stop reading it and read it in one day from start to finish. Last night I laid awake for a long time. The ending made me really sad because the main character ended up with the awful and abusive male lead. It sounds childish because it is just a stupid novel but it made me cry a lot yesterday because the dynamic between the male lead and the protagonist made me aware of my own past relationships where I experienced a similar kind of abuse the main female lead endured. My boundaries were ignored and I was treated more like an accessory to their life that had to be molded than a partner and a friend. Reading the novel kind of felt like revisiting certain moments from my own relationships but with an outside perspective, especially the power struggles and fights I endured so I could at least earn basic human decency. I cried because I felt a lot of grief for the protagonist. I made it out with a lot of emotional scars but was able to break free from my relationships. Reading this novel made me very grateful for the people around me recognizing the abuse and my own determination to get away. Also it made me want to rewrite the ending so the protagonist can also break free.

No. 2347381

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I have an exam in an hour that I am woefully unprepared for, pray for me nonnas.. or dont because evidently I’m a fool for not studying enough

No. 2347386

Interning and I'm too dumb to do the most simple tasks. I just don't know enough about the industry and topic to even summarize texts successfully or underline important parts. I don't know what to do. I don't know what to read to gain a better understanding. Whenever I try to read these things my brain basically shuts off because none of the words have an actual meaning to me. I want to die

No. 2347387

Why do men online befriend you and share their whole lives with you and get mad when you don't do the same. I can't be assed to keep up with this online stuff and I definitely don't want to be a guy's faux-girlfriend to replace whatever void he's clearly trying to fill by messaging some woman all the time and sending him pics of everything he's doing. Oh sure, she's nice and she's interacted with me a couple of times, time to strike normal conversation and then suddenly bombard her because she'll be fine with that. And then I'll try to make her feel bad and force her to fake some kind of love for me. Fuck off. I fell for that shit repeatedly when I was in my teens but eventually I got a life and grew some self-respect. I just wish it was possible to navigate the sites I'm on without feeling like a bullet just grazed my ear whenever I get a DM from a guy

No. 2347390

Which industry are you in?

No. 2347398

Praying for you to get a passing grade nona

No. 2347400

Then why did you apply to the position, someone competent instead could have gotten it. Go shine shoes on a street corner or something.

No. 2347414

Moid I'm into seems to have lost interest in me and it's driving me insane. Not just because I'm into him but also because usually I'm the one that loses interest in others. Also he's not being truthful about it but his actions speak way louder than his words. I can't be super upset if he ghosts me though cause I do it to people all the time. Getting a taste of my own medicine and boy it's bitter.

No. 2347416

Kek nona the same thing is happening to me right now as well. Stronger together ♥

No. 2347486

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I hate how being ugly all my life has messed with my head. I've recently started messaging with a guy, not really expecting much but we exchanged selfies and not only do I think he's beautiful he said he thinks the same of me. We agreed to meet as soon as we're both able. And now, as hot as I think he is, I'm considering flaking and ghosting him. He's been nothing but sweet and polite, calling me pet names, always answering my texts, not being a perv etc. and it has been torture. I'm constantly oscillating between wanting him badly and then somehow believing it to be a trick. I've never had a guy I'm attracted to ask me out. My last relationship was with an obese autist stoner 5 years my senior (who btw called me "mid" when I asked him if he thought I was pretty) and for the longest of time I have believed myself to be unlovable. Now this happens and I'm thrown for a loop. I've been crying with anxiety, either believing I have somehow tricked him or that there's something he's not telling me. I've sent him a couple no-makeup-selfies to test him and he still says I'm gorgeous. We agreed not to have high hopes for each other until we meet irl, but I'm afraid even if we were to date afterwards I'd still have these thoughts. It's hell.

No. 2347489

You've sent enough selfies I wouldn't be worried about letting him down, he's saw you already.

No. 2347496

It's ok nona, just meet up with him and see how it goes! Moids really aren't worth stressing this much over. People also just have different tastes. I know women of all races who refuse to date asians and see them all as 1/10 because they just aren't into them, and other women who are weebs or koreaboos who literally think the same asians are peak 10/10 hotness. Just because you think you're ugly doesn't mean you can't be hot to him.

No. 2347505

I don't think it's possible for someone to fully love me for who I am. Like my inner self is too broken and mean spirited, and no matter how many times I put a mask on, and people think I'm cute and likable, once the mask falls they all get creeped out. My ex was an asshole, but he was right that my character is the reason why our relationship could never work. I try everyday to work on myself, and can put on a facade to success, but I can't keep it that long and my stupid habits and thoughts start to bite me in the ass. My mom's bf loved me at first and thought I'm a sweet girl and now he despises me because I'm too confrontational and moody. My friends often groan at me cause I procrastinate and never finish what I started. I try to fix my flaws all the time, and try to control myself but it's only a matter of time until I get manic and all the stupid shit I thought about gets flooded out of me and people get shocked at how nasty and weird I truly am. The one thing that makes me super afraid is that I might unironically be a BPD-chan and that's why I can't keep anyone close to me. No one loves me, they just tolerate me or wish I could be different.

No. 2347570

I need a surgical procedure that is $1300 after insurance but of course all my credit lines are maxed which means I may need to delay it for months in order to save for it. Fuck.

No. 2347573

I don't know if I'm being emotional or hormonal but men specifically have been pissing me off so much

I don't know why I'm attracted to them. The one I'm dating right now doesn't do shit for the emotional and mental load of the relationship and I keep having to have the same conversation with him about it. It's been two years. I should just dump him. He's not adding anything to my life except good sex.

No. 2347574

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im so fucking agoraphobic i keep skipping classes so i just changed my classes so theyre both on 2 days a week together and the others are online. because going out more than 2 days a week is genuinely so difficult for me at this point. a lot of people on my moms side have agoraphobia so i guess i have a predisposition to this kind of thing.
…also mini vent but i ordered a putty from a brand i like and it has little glitters in it and i dislike it compared to the normal kind with no glitters and i feel like i wasted my money now

No. 2347579

>the only thing I get out of it is sex
Oh, he's well aware of that too..

No. 2347581

sorry if this sounds fagotty or cliché but since your agoraphobia seems to be an inherited issue, have you ever discussed that with your family on your mom's side? maybe that could help a little bit.

No. 2347589

Yeah this is just solidifying my desire to break up lol. Only aware of that.

No. 2347591

i dont really talk to that side of the family but my mom told me about her sister not leaving the house for months and other similar things

No. 2347612

Thank you kind nonas, your messages have put me at ease. I think I forgot that this goes both ways, he has told me a couple of times that he doesn't think he's hot either, and I can admit that he isn't conventionally hot but absolutely my type and that's why I want him so bad. I know I shouldn't stress out over a moid, but this relationship definitely came out of nowhere for me and brought some old body dysmorphia back (before that I've accepted I'm ugly as sin and will be alone forever).

No. 2347624

>open reddit
>"I actually see day after day lesbians thirst for penis on twitter"
love taking damage to my brain first thing in the morning

No. 2347628

break up with him, nonnie. don't waste any more of your time. if he wanted to change he would have by now

No. 2347643

You probably look average, not ugly. He likes you, otherwise you wouldn’t even be meeting. Don’t stress, enjoy your scrote till it lasts.

No. 2347645

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I never used Reddit much outside of very specific hobby groups. But recently I’ve become increasingly intolerant of the culture and average user on there. They haven’t done anything wrong but just the typing style or jokes are grating for me. I hope it’s just temporary because while I love LC I don’t want this to be my only point of contact with the outside world.

No. 2347646

>obese autist stoner 5 years my senior (who btw called me "mid" when I asked him if he thought I was pretty)
Kek obese men’s opinion are worth dog poop. An ugly scrote called you ugly, so what? He probably did because he wanted to keep your self esteem low to stay with him, fat scrotes use that method.

No. 2347647

Reddit is a shithole, everyone there thinks they’re hotshit and hold the right opinion, when in reality it’s full of misogyny , if you’re a woman you shouldn’t use it more than lurking to read silly stories. All they talk about is sex too.
Oh and JKR is somehow Hitler 2.0.

No. 2347654

A few years ago I went to group therapy and one-on-one therapy multiple times a week for an entire year to treat severe depression. It fucking worked. I realized that 90% of my depression was coming from my own shitty life choices: hanging around people who didn't appreciate me, people pleasing, having no boundaries, my drinking habits, sleep habits, diet, etc. I learned to reframe my thoughts. It was one of the best things I've ever done for myself. That being said … 10% of it is still around, and it's absolutely fucking seasonal. It seems like there's nothing I can do when it's cold and dark outside. All I want to do is sleep, and even when I'm not sleeping I feel like I can't fully wake up. It's hard to enjoy anything at all. It sucks because it doesn't seem within my control, it seems biological and there's nothing I can do but ride it out until the sun comes back.

No. 2347659

Yeah the site itself is irredeemable and I recommend no one actually use it. But my hobbies are female dominated along with their subreddits so it isn’t as egregious. Probably the only reason I have lasted as long as I have.

No. 2347716

Thank you for mentioning the Reddit typing style, i hate it too. I'm into true crime and follow a couple subs about individual cases. The amount of sperging happening under every post is atrocious, it's like retards racing to see who can write the longest infodump of dry trivia facts with no actual substance or analysis.

No. 2347732

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i sent someone fanart and they havent replied to it… its been 5 days. i worked hard on it. im a little sad honestly. its not like theyre a famous person who constantly gets bombarded by messages. idk. im gonna assume theyre just too busy to respond, but theyve been active on their account …??? i am definitely overthinking this

i havent been on here in forever, i only come back to this site to vent about trivial stuff lol

No. 2347741

They sound so ungrateful. Sorry you have to deal with that nonna.

No. 2347756

if it's on instagram it could have been filtered out and they haven't seen it at all. I don't have a huge instagram account but it will still filter out messages from people I don't follow to the point that I have no idea someone wrote at all

No. 2347760

reminiscing on the fact that i probably met the one. she was my exact type albeit a little crazy but its nothing i couldnt handle. i shouldnt have listened to the peer pressure of my friends saying she was schizo and i should cut her off. she probably wouldve made me feel alive with how insane she was, i still think about her and when i write stories. i think about her peeves in fiction and what stories she would've wanted to see, i think about her constantly. im trying to make amends that she probably hates me for leaving and talked shit for all the flaws i did in the friendship but i wouldve let her fix me, i wouldve done better for her. in fact i always found her schizo babble to be intuitive and smart, i was surprised when i brought it up in passing my friends said she was unhinged. agh i hate being a hopeless romantic its not worth worrying over a dead relationship

No. 2347761

I don't know if this counts as a vent, but it's something that's been bothering me for a few weeks now. Things changed at home a while ago and it stresses me out, but I've never been this severely stressed out in my life before, so I'm struggling to adjust with it all. My health is in the gutter. I get so tired and sleepy so often, then sleep for like 12-14 hours and can't wake up or feel energized at all, even after having breakfast and caffeine which used to work, but not anymore. And I have this constant pain in my stomach, I'm guessing my colon, that gets worse whenever something "triggers" me. I feel upset and tired most of the time. I'm so dizzy and my eyelids are heavy all the time. I can barely stand up or walk properly without getting headaches and dizziness. I barely can eat and end up throwing up sometimes, which is unusual and never happened to me before under stress. It all started after a specific event that triggered all of this, and it feels like it will be my usual from now on. It doesn't help that I graduated from university and I'm stressed out about the prospect of finding a job, holding one, going to one to begin with. I still can't drive and don't have a car. I can't afford to go with a taxi or private driver every day, I don't have any money on me without my university allowance now that it's been cut off. Everything feels like it's going downhill for me and I'm so scared. I need help but I can't even tell which kind of help to begin with. I can't go to a hospital on my own and need someone to drive me there, but can't afford an Uber, and my family is too busy to help me out. I feel all alone in my struggles. I just want some magical pill or injection that will fix everything that's wrong with me. Or to be hospitalized for a while until my shit gets fixed on its own or something. I don't know what to do. I just want my life to go back to normal, but that's impossible. I want to get enough sleep and feel energetic after, I want to eat properly and cook for myself, I want to go back to walking, I want to go back to working on my little arts and crafts projects, but I'm too braindead and there's this brain fog that's stopping me from doing anything at all every day, and it's just so frustrating. I legitimately can barely see either and everything is so shaky it's impossible to focus on anything.

No. 2347762

I prevent this kind of trauma by hating everyone and never doing anything for anyone ever. All people are monsters.

No. 2347770

i sent it through a tumblr ask. ive heard of tumblr not sending asks because its a broken platform but i have no way of knowing if this is what happened

thanks, i was worried i sounded entitled. i know no one is required to respond to online messages on time since real life is more important

i still think they arent doing it out of malice and theyre just busy because the alternative would make me really fucking sad lmao im sensitive

No. 2347773

As someone who is terrible at replying to things, I still think you're in the right. It might take me 5 days to get back to someone who sends "How have you been?" or "Look at this meme." But if you sent someone original art?? Even I, a lazy inconsiderate fuck, would make time to reply and thank you and rave about it. That's just rude of them, you're not sounding entitled at all.

No. 2347784

I love you anyways anon. I hope you’re having a good day. ♥

No. 2347791

I bought the biggest winged maxi pad size available to use when I sleep and I still bled through it

No. 2347825

i’m so tired of not having a village. i’m so tired of having to bring my daughters to every doctor’s appointment and grocery trip because there’s no one to watch them. the last time i was away from my kids for more than two hours was when i had my second and that was a day. i don’t get sleep. i don’t get to eat my own food without someone’s fingers getting into it or crying for it. i can only shower at 10 at night and i can’t blow dry my hair bc i’ll wake them up so it’s always a wreck. i just feel like i’m so alone and i got tricked into motherhood by everyone saying that they’d help me out and now my kids are here and no one’s around.

No. 2347831

tbh I wish I could look after someone elses kids. I know I don't have the discipline to keep a human child alive full time and I admire mothers who are able to do so. Not only would I not mind being able to help a mom out, letting her get some much needed rest/time alone a few times a month but I think I'd really enjoy it. I like little kids, especially girls. They tend to be a lot of fun and I'm really sad that my nieces are all grown up. But I can see how caring for children as a mother where you don't get any time off could be incredibly taxing.
Idk if you are American but I feel like in American/western culture the lack of village set up this way by design in order to make people into weak, tired slaves to the cooperate elite.

No. 2347835

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I tell my best friend the truth and the only thing going through her mind is that I'm persecuting her and how mean I sound, bitch I've been trying to tell you about this for months gently and making jokes but your ass still didn't pick up the signal
Don't come crawling to me that your heart gets broken AGAIN

No. 2347838

Aw nonna. I feel like a lot of people just take others doing things for them for granted, unless they just haven't seen it somehow. That feeling of not being appreciated really sucks and makes it hard to keep wanting to do things for others when they don't even seem to care. I'm not even someone who often goes out of my way for others but lots of people lack those bare minimum manners and care towards others unfortunately. When someone drew fanart of my oc I replied immediately and it made me pretty happy.

No. 2347842

I need to get off this site fully and I think the fact that furry and incest threads are allowed now is the final nail in the coffin

No. 2347850

I've been letting transgenderism affect me too hard, I gotta calm down.

No. 2347854

Arguing with a tra is a whole sports in itself. I posted something on tumblr and these dumb retard came to my comments to say that TIMs existing is not a threat, to which I replied (by using their retarded language) that in certain aspects AFABs deserve safety and asked the retard how would he keep the pretending TIMs with bad intentions out?

Guess what kek? he replied that I knew exactly what I was doing and that playing stupid was not working. I then asked him if some women getting hurt in the process of it was collateral damage and asked him why he didn’t care about women getting raped by these fake TIMs…I got blocked kekk.
Fuck off from my post if you have no footing to stand on in the first place.

No. 2347856

Me too. today I saw a post about two faggot troons who purchased babies, and the little babies in their video looked so disconnected and unreactive to the men who were holding them. Usually when you see a baby being held by their mother and the mom is making faces at them or talking to them, the baby is responsive in some way but these kids were like catatonic basically. Thinking about how abusive it is to put a child through that and how significantly it stunts that poor little infants development and ability to express themselves seriously upsets me.

No. 2347858

Nonna are you me kek? I unfortunately think that it became one of my interest somehow . I just think that it’s really unfair how women are getting treated that’s all, from sexual orientation, to safety , to our terminology. It’s so deeply unfair!!
I also became radfem adjacent too fortunately, so I don’t focus on just trannies. I would suggest you do the same.

I would even advocate for them if they didn’t try to destroy our rights in the first place (and if they weren’t fetishizers in the first place). I do believe in dysphoria, I just don’t believe that most of these TIMs we are seeing have it (TIFs are different, at least for me, but I don’t want to rant about them now).
Being a TRA and peaking after really made me open my eyes all together and I’m just fed up with all of it.

No. 2347859

I hate how I keep falling into the same patterns. Two weeks into 2025 and I'm still doing the same dumb shit I was doing in 2024 and it's not like I expected it to suddenly change but it still feels bad. I guess I still have time to turn this around but I hate how difficult it is to change my behaviors.

No. 2347881

the WHAT???

No. 2347884

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Learning how to eat to live and not love to ear is hard. Regardless of if I'm dieting or not restricting and sucking everything into my mouth like a vacuum, all I can think about is food.

No. 2347890

File: 1736973400214.jpg (109.02 KB, 519x640, e430bd1bc822cc83e00ccfadcf8f98…)

the only furry thread i know of is the wholesome furry art thread which is about as innocuous as artworks of mice in dresses.
yeah the incest thread is sketch, but the current furry thread isnt as horrific as nona seems to put it

No. 2347894

It's so hard, I love eating and trying to eat just for health without having more is a real test of will.

No. 2347906

> I just think that it’s really unfair how women are getting treated that’s all, from sexual orientation, to safety , to our terminology. It’s so deeply unfair!!
This is what upsets me the most. We're the slaves of the world and have always been. We work so hard to keep society as a whole alive and thriving, and our work is considered lesser or even ignored and we're told we don't do anything useful. And then these nasty fetishist males, the same ones who hated us, suddenly want to be us? After telling us we weren't worth anything? How am I supposed to swallow that pill???
>I do believe in dysphoria
Dysphoria is a thing, I've felt it. Gender dysphoria though? Nah, not real imo. The problem is somewhere else but instead of searching and trying to better understand it, the health system (medical and therapy) just takes it at face value. The solution is helping the person accept themselves and their body, NOT cut it up and poison it!
>Being a TRA and peaking after really made me open my eyes all together and I’m just fed up with all of it.
I hope more TRAs wake up soon. The ones who still fight for trannies imo don't have enough first hand experience with them and haven't seen the more egregious side of troonism and child grooming.

No. 2347913

I feel you nona. I love food and because I can't connect with others without becoming spiritually damaged I will seek solace and fulfillment in food.
I've been able to manage by binges by finding other solitary activities that can surrogate the feeling of warmth and acceptance like tasty food can, and while I'm not overweight, I would be in much better shape if I just had one good reliable friend who would happily go on long walks with me when I'm feeling sad.

No. 2347937

NTA but isn’t dysphoria just a fancy word for not feeling good?

No. 2347942

Why are mice in clothes similar to sparkledog fetish porn? They have nothing in common besides being humanized. And honestly makes me concerned given some of the stuff I make on my own free time.

No. 2347944

It's a really intense feeling of bad. Before meds and therapy I used to feel something I'd just call the worst feeling ever. It was like a pit opened up inside me and ate every single good thing. Nothing was good and had never been good, it was like I forgot what happiness was. It was hard to even smile. It was like someone pressed the sadness button in my brain. It would just come up randomly and I would feel it coming and be like nononononononono please nooooo. It went away usually after an hour or two but it was excruciating.

No. 2347945

the anons who post the "wholesome" furry content are VERY adamant it's furry content and not just a cute drawing of mice in clothes

No. 2347947

correct. "dysphoria" is just a word invented so depressed people could act like their suffering was totally more unique and special than other people's suffering

No. 2347949

I can't believe I'm saying this but the incest thread doesn't seem THAT bad. Two anime boys with the same hair colour holding hands while one blushes and goes "uwaa, so illicit" is so disconnected from real-life incest that I can't take it seriously at all.

No. 2347953

this is how i feel about most edgy 2D content. i highly doubt the people who claim to be into guro would like real life guts. dying people smell horrible

No. 2347955

if the word 'furry' is tainted would it be better to refer to the thread as "non fetishized anthropomorphic artworks"? Maybe Im just taking it at face value but from what I've seen so far its just anthropomorphic animals in cute clothing and scenarios, I havent seen anything that implies its sexual/deviant in nature

No. 2347957

imo, unlike men, 99% of women into anime incest find 3D incest (irl or otherwise) to be disgusting. It's another case of moids ruining fictional taboo for women.

No. 2347967

nta that's what makes those threads so gross to me, it feels like when i was subjected to troon indoctrination all over again. "It's totally innocent, it's not a fetish at all" but of course it always was related to a deranged fetish and when people finally realized it it was too late and had already infiltrated every corner. There's a reason anons refuse to call it "cute twins thread" or "cute anthro animal thread" they're there because they accept the porn aspects of it and they don't want images like >>2347890 to not be considered furry art, because they are furries and like the furry aspect of it. They want people to go "oh I guess furries aren't so bad after all".

No. 2347969

I was about to feel guilty for eating 3 rice cakes and then I realized this is my 2nd meal of the day. I dont know why I feel like such a fat shit whenever I eat food, even when I'm hungry. And no, I'm not anachan

No. 2347970

I feel so fucking guilty after eating food.

No. 2347981

Nta but there was already a huge debate about the title a million times on /meta/ and within the thread when it was first created, it's probably never gonna change

No. 2348017

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>me reading this after I went to a Cookout and had two walking tacos, a burger, and a giant ass cola and then imma be hungry later

No. 2348031

I hope the food was delicious nonna

No. 2348034

I worked at a call center where we polled people a few months ago, and tbh it was kinda blackpilling. If you called a woman and she wanted you to fuck off, she'd just tell you to fuck off or hangup. But men love to be creeps and say stuff like "hey anon (Yes, i gave my real name) do you like giving oral sex?" Or "yeah I'll take your survey if you suck my dick". I bet none of my male coworkers dealt with that. Men really do see dick sucking as demeaning rather than intimate. Now the only man who I'll give head to is my husbando.

No. 2348041

Next time you get a moid who mentions oral sex to be a creep have a bj chan schizo rant ready and read it back to him until he hangs up.

No. 2348047

There’s something so undeniably demonic and strange about the existence of men, they’re like prison/plantation worker/gas chamber bait, anything they do is just worthy of expunging their lives they’re so insufferable and a blight on womankind.

No. 2348052

>Gender dysphoria though? Nah, not real imo. The problem is somewhere else but instead of searching and trying to better understand it, the health system (medical and therapy) just takes it at face value.
NTA but how is this different than people saying they don't believe in anxiety? I feel like everyones nervous systems sense and feel things differently to the point where I am not sure that we can say this. I think that there are a lot of cross dressing men who claim to suffer from that term but I'm just not sure how people can dismiss it as a condition for everyone ever.

No. 2348054

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I've been craving sugar all day (I successfully avoided stopping to buy dessert when I was out earlier kek) but now an anon in a different thread got me thinking about cookies and now I want them but I don't even have milk so I wouldn't want them anyway without it but I want something sweeeeeeet.

No. 2348058

my boss has decided to start cracking rude "jokes" in her second language because I finally had sex. I was holding onto it for a long time because no one ever felt good enough. Her jokes revolve around don't get pregnant, oh you better be careful, I'm sure your throat hurts because of…(intented blowjob). We have very pregnant coworkers that are accidentally having kids who are younger than me. I don't see how my choice is irresponsible when there's an IUD until my approval for full tubal removal goes through. I don't ever want to be a mother and I'm not throwing my life away for anyone. Should I somehow still get pregnant I would abort. I'm looking for a new job this is insanely childish coming from a woman who's in her almost 50's.

No. 2348063

..why is your virginity status even a topic of concern at your job? thats incredibly weird

No. 2348064

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I’m very close to sociopath-maxxing. I’m tired of playing nice girl, I don’t really brag about being nice and I have my vices but I’m just so fucking tired of being kind, understanding, nice, trying to strike conversation with others but nobody ever does it back with me. I’m done playing a fucking lie and a script, I could give less of a shit what you want or your life, I hate every single person here. Die please

No. 2348065

I'm so fucking busy these days
I can't believe how busy it is being a student when you're entirely unproductive in society's eyes (you're not producing anything of value you're just investing in your own skills)

No. 2348069

anxiety is not a thing, just touch grass and stop whining (coming from a person with anxiety)

No. 2348074

a coworker who only occasionally works that I considered a friend I had confided in. Guess she stabbed me in the back with her big mouth instead by telling others. I won't be saying anything else personal to her because of this.

No. 2348075

Why did god curse us with being the physically weaker sex? We need the ability to cull them routinely, sniff out any depravity and strangle it out. But no, the only people that can successfully mobilize to commit such mass violence would be other men, and if they did do violent things on behalf of women, it would come with its own set of rapey conditions.

Plus men who are regularly subjected to real war, horror, and gore turn into schizophrenic, rapist, pedophiles themselves anyway. Because of their mental fragility they break like porcelain. We're so fucked. Genuinely.

No. 2348078

Damn I confided to a couple of female coworkers I trust about still being a virgin at 30+, hopefully they won't let it slip in front of the guys (I'm probably fine since people believe for some reason that I'm some kind of promiscuous dominatrix).

No. 2348082

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When you're at work and you're helping a random person but the PTSD decides to flare up for no reason, so now you have contain your baser instincts and refrain from fighting the air or clutching yourself in a protective stance from a threat that isn't there.

No. 2348094

Just make sure to be charming anon or you'll come across like onision, margo or some other narc cows

No. 2348118

you really can't trust anyone these days. Is everyone getting more and more retarded? It feels like everyone around me is actually just mentally ill with functional addiction issues? I don't want to be one of them. I'm gonna have my shit together. I don't associate with these soul suckers any more.

No. 2348126

this sounds like pixi got loose on ot

No. 2348132

autistic men are the bane of my existence.

No. 2348134

Same. I really need to get my shit together and actually be friends with people who aren't losers, feels like they just drag me down

No. 2348135

can't a non vent in peace without being compared to a cow. fuck

No. 2348145

The format of your vent is nearly identical to Pixi's FB vents.

No. 2348146

somewhat related but when i feel bad i start thinking in pt speak and i feel better.

No. 2348148

I think a good response would have been something like "sir I'm a 15 year old BOY and pedophilia is illegal" because it would freak them out that they did something gay

No. 2348161

Same, every time I feel odd about my interests combined with my age I just imagine PT going "WHY AM I OLD", have a chuckle, then quit ruminating

No. 2348184

i keep keking at the anon who was raving over pixyteri being gorgeous… oh it felt like old lc just a sliver

No. 2348195

sometimes it just feels good to ramble in an unhinged way.

No. 2348197

Had a very tough day at work today. I work with kids with developmental delays and behavioral problems, and my second client of the day was incredibly aggressive towards me. She's 5 so her punches and kicks don't really hurt but it still isn't great to hear a little girl tell you that she wants you to die and that you're ugly. I just sat there and took it because I didn't want to encourage that behavior. Hoping that our next session will be better.

No. 2348200

I studied abroad last semester and the deadlines for the assignments extended past the end of the semester and into the time I went back to my country and started the new semester at my home school, so I had two more assignments to turn in when I got back home. The first one I completely forgot about and did not do, and it was worth half the grade so I'm sure I failed that class. The second one I for some reason put off until today, and due to time zones and a retarded due time I have to finish it in about 2 days. I'm trying to get it done but I can'tfocus and I'm stressed out. I just found out my GPA is much lower than I thought it was. My mom invited herself over to visit tomorrow and Friday and didn't tell me until now. If I don't finish this I'll have failed 2 classes and my GPA will go way further down and I will not be able to do the internships and other things I have been looking forward to. Why am I retarded.

No. 2348202

"WHY AM I OLD" is such a knee slapper, i should put it on a birthday cake one of these days

No. 2348210

Carpal tunnel is lame and embarrassing. I feel handicapped.

No. 2348217

my timeline is being very evil and showing me content that an ex friend of mine wouldve loved. i almost copied the link and looked forward to forwarding it to her only to remember we're not longer on speaking terms. i cant wait to quit social media for good

No. 2348220

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This tranny keeps sending messages in a group chat I'm in, ugh. I know it's a tranny bc their (idk if ftm or mtf) name has the troon flag in it and the name itself is retarded.

No. 2348287

i was shopping with my headphones on and a random guy came up, bald and probably in his 40s, and started talking, and i thought i was in the way so i just moved and said sorry but he was still there and talking. i took my headphones off and he was speaking so fast, i could barely catch what he was saying. i said "sorry?" and he started saying all of this stuff, that he's seen me around there a few times and he had to come up and say i'm beautiful. he started running through all these questions like it was a script. about me, if i'm a student, where i work, etc. i just gave vague answers but this is the first time this has ever happened to me and i felt so overwhelmed i could've collapsed. he asked if he can give me his number and everything and asked if i'm in a relationship and i lied and said yes but he wouldn't let it go afterwards. eventually i said i had to go because i was on break (lie) and he looked all defeated but finally shut up and said bye. i feel so sick thinking about it. just being on the spot like that. eeugh. i've spent my whole life thinking i'm terribly ugly and invisible and thinking me never being approached by men must be evidence of that but i truly never want to experience anything like that again. god. why did he have to fucking say he's seen me around a few times. it's so nasty to think he'd been watching me since i go in that shop often. not for a while i guess

No. 2348293

Society makes all women feel ugly, specifically so you can be caught off guard when a socially retarded ancient moid comes up to you and wont fuck off.
I look like an unwashed goblin and I've had to lie and say I was married with kids just to like spell out that I was off the market.
Having a boyfriend won't stop perverts, but having kids makes them a bit more hesitant.
I don't blame you for being unnerved. It really is horrifying because those moids are so socially retarded it makes you worry where else they will stalk you. Don't worry nona, he will probably move on to someone else. That's just what they do.

No. 2348315

I hope his confidence is shattered and this humiliation makes him never do something like that again. The audacity of fat bald middle aged men is insane.

No. 2348329

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i am so done with academia, i have been depressed since i dropped out and tried again and again but it was never the same. those years were traumatizing, nobody was looking out for me, i almost died at least twice, got raped multiple times and had embarrassing photos taken of me. the people there think it's a flex and i didn't even study smth wild, i studied the spergiest subject. i don't trust anybody anymore and i am constantly thinking about annoying things people have done, why, and what could i do for revenge and to prevent it.
>i don't accept shared food or drinks, i check ready made foods for powders, weird textures, and unnatural smells
>i take photos of anything creepy around where i live and frequent
>if i go to a party it's only out of politeness and i don't drink
>when i see someone i know outside of arranged meetups, they must stalk me
>i constantly think about locking my belongings and preventing theft and break-ins
>i must conceal myself if i frequently go to the same place otherwise someone could start recognizing and stalking me
>everything that is not the bare necessities is a ripoff meant to humiliate me, they're trying to force findom
>there are people who are programmed and employed to embarrass, frame and torture me
i did not join a sorority or anything there, did not willingly piss anyone off, did not share extreme political memes, did not talk about politics, or religion. academic sabotage of women must be a new type of incel terrorism.

No. 2348353

Nonna I'm so sorry this all happened to you…

No. 2348356

your mom knows she can control you, and she is. and you know you need to go no contact again and leave for your sake. i hope you can.

reread your post and look at the monotony of your interactions. pull back and don't react as much, grey rock if you can. she wants you to be pissed to enable this victim complex she has and you're giving her what she wants.

No. 2348360

samefag, ava's demon creator has an abusive mom and this list of books might help https://www.avasdemon.com/2719.html i read mothers who can't love and found it helpful.

No. 2348366

I think I have bedbugs again. I feel suicidal.

No. 2348385

I love avas demon, the fact the author was so transparent about it and how it reflected in her story telling was a bit moving

No. 2348391

Nuke everything you own repeatedly in the dryer. Buy diatomaceous earth and sprinkle it around your bed and in your couch etc.

No. 2348393

No. You can never have peace on this website, not if I have anything to say about! Rub a chub chub on that muffin top nonna

No. 2348394

Thank you anon, the link what helpful and the literature list has a few titles I have seen before but also some new ones.

As a sidenote on the screening situation, the good news is that my insurance didn't auto-deny. But the total I will owe before I can have the procedure done is $1300. Not impossible and not small potatoes, but far less worse than I thought it was gonna be. I should be able to save up and have it done in a month or two. Pray for me nonnas.

No. 2348398

how much longer can we feel bad for suckers like this…

No. 2348471

>Make one instagram post after 4 years of not being active
>Immediately feel dread, insecurity, and overall shit
I don’t think I was built for social media

No. 2348472

No one was. We were built to be outside, guard our livestock, and shoot intruding moids.

No. 2348473

I think it's normal to not be built for social media, humans survived centuries without it. It's the current aberration and well, you see how people are acting.

No. 2348475

Shoot them in the ankles and then put them on a leash to churn butter outside the barn until they die, absolutely

No. 2348476

i finally found an antidepressant that works for me, it makes me feel actually normal instead of just numb or marginally less bad but still pretty miserable, but it has made it almost impossible for me to orgasm and i’m so upset. i know i shouldn’t prioritize sex over my mental health but i hate that i have to choose between being sane and being able to have sex. if it just killed my sex drive entirely that would be one thing, but i am still horny, i just feel basically numb down there. i can sometimes masturbate to climax but it doesn’t really feel like much, like it’s so muted and takes three times as long as it did before. my nigel went down on me for an hour and it felt like nothing, and normally he can get me off in under ten minutes. he’s been incredibly supportive and patient but also seems fine with us not having a sexual relationship if it means i’m not suicidal whereas i don’t know if i can tolerate not being able to orgasm ever again in exchange for not wanting to blow my brains out. i just wish my brain didn’t want me dead. i hate that i’m in the happiest, healthiest relationship i’ve ever been in and now i can’t even fuck my boyfriend. i hate that even with as happy as he has made me, it’s not enough for my brain to stop begging me to walk into traffic. idk please don’t bully me for wanting to have sex with my bf, i know that’s a hot take on lolcow dot farm but i don’t have anywhere else to vent about this shit

No. 2348494

hate when ppl walk into the store with their shitty dogs and just let them piss on the floor or jump up on my counter. i dont mind sweet well behaved clean dogs and id feel bad making their owners tie them outside when its pitch black and 40 degrees outside (i work at a gas station and we don't have food out in the open so its not as bad as supermarkets allowing pets imo) but holy fuck control your beasts. if it barks at another customer or pisses on the floor or jumps on my counter i dont care if its "never done this before" (and i also dont believe you) just leave it somewhere else…

No. 2348499

Only hot moids get the privilage of churning butter. Ugly moids get shot in the head.

No. 2348500

How long have you been on it? anecdotally sometimes sex drive can increase 6 months to year out. Sorry this is happening to you. It's not fair.

No. 2348505

My 14 year old niece? grand cousin? (idk she’s my cousin’s kid and calls me aunt, this is not really important) has fallen for the trap of assigning blame of every aspect of her personal failures to being unattractive. This might be true if she was deformed and or obese but she’s a Stockphoto normal looking kid. Never needed braces, doesn’t have acne, she’s even a competitive athlete. I am pretty sure the real issue is that she thinks her clumsy insults pass as banter and her anime habits have made her worse at reading anything but the most obvious facial expressions, might be a bit of a toxic cycle too with isolation and getting too deep into twitter fandom shit. She has a whole list of procedures she thinks she needs and is apparently already saving up for. I wanna shake her like a rag doll until she snaps out of it

No. 2348516

Yeah, the internet is awful for children. I can guarantee the MOST happy and successful people I know aren’t miracle level hot instagram models. They’re people who work extremely hard, are extremely kind and sociable (fostering meaningful and beneficial connections), and have high standards and strong boundaries and expectations for those they keep close. Social media puts very little focus on that stuff because you can’t usually show qualities like boring hard work, years of toiling, day to day kindness and person ability without putting on an egotistical show, and it doesn’t come across easily. People do those kind of “I wake up at 4am and grind” videos or fake charity and that’s all bullcrap. So having abs and a nosejob seems super common and important instead.

No. 2348529

I try to show her examples from my own life, or even how it’s not the most attractive influencers that are the top of their fields but rather ones that give at least the impression of being an intelligent and well-rounded person but she just writes it off like their lives are somehow lesser and they’ll always be coping because prettier people exist? Idk it’s so frustrating

No. 2348535

Im in so much pain I can’t even sleep.

No. 2348560

Fuck this dumb bitch that can't close the door and it wakes me up because of the wind

No. 2348584

It's so fucking cold I can't stand it anymore, I want it to be warmer already holy shit. EVERYTHING IS FUCKING FROZEN FUUUCKK

No. 2348618

Please don’t tell me to “speak louder” or “speak up”, it makes me feel even more insecure

No. 2348622

My cat is so sick and old and in pain. I'm so sad. I wish I could do anything to help her.

No. 2348627

hugs nonny, my heart breaks for you, I've been there, hugs so much

No. 2348628

Nonna it's always better to euthanize too early rather than too late. Some vets will do home visits. Put it on a credit card. Don't let your cat suffer.

No. 2348631

I am so tired of having a personality disorder. I work really hard to not be symptomatic. I'm so much better than I've ever been and it's still like living in hell. Every time I have an episode I just want it all to end. I thought I would age out of it or be able to eradicate the behavior entirely. I hate this. I want to be a normal and good person. I hate so much how everyone with BPD acts and I hate it most of all because despite my desperate best efforts I do the same fucking things in my own way. I try so hard. I just want to die.

No. 2348636

You need to sit her down and have a real tinfoil hat conversation with her.
Tell her that her feelings are shared by many by design. Tell her that the global elites want her weak and self loathing so that she spends money on stuff she doesn't need. Tell her the most dangerous combination she can be as a person is self aware and and not worried about her appearance outside of her health. Tell her to focus on her athletics and studies and always remind her that she's the superior sex.

No. 2348655

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I seethe over feminine women like a femcel

No. 2348656

This inspired me nonnie, I’m hanging out with my bf after all. I’ve had a stressful week and been indoors. But internet all day and just my thoughts is not good for me. I have to go out. Since I don’t have money for snacks I don’t go out for any groceries and wait till my mom gets them. That used to be my only reason to go out. Now I’m home and working on my final assignment. So I don’t have a reason to go out unless it’s with mom or bf. I want to keep the people that I have strong bond and boundaries with close. I only have them so I will do what it takes to spend time with them. I wish I had at least 5 people that I was so close to but I’m still grateful.

No. 2348657

holy shit anon. worst part is that if you weren't raised with femininity encouraged, you trying to do it comes across as so inauthentic an awkward. i always feel fake and end up discouraged. like a nonfemale pretending to be female or something like that. i enjoy both gnc and feminine looks, but i am also a status-oriented bitch and the latter gives far more status, it's not even a competition. i wish i hadn't spent my teens hating on the "basic" girls, i was literally just jealous and tried to double down on the opposite. it sucks.

No. 2348683

Is anyone else the kind of person to always end up being exploited? For talent, money, emotional labor or other resources? I'm genuinely exhausted with making friends because every time people want to talk to me is when they need something from me. I wish I just had friends who wanted to spend time with me because they genuinely enjoy my company and appreciate me as a person, not because they're trying to get something out of me or because nobody else is available.

No. 2348684

I managed to stay away from going into the office by lying about being too sick to go but times up and I REALLY don’t want to be there!! I can do my job perfectly fine at home and if I need someone physical I can just drop in and leave when I’m finished, why do I have to be there any longer?

No. 2348688

I can’t fathom an office job. Have you requested to WFH in the past? Do any of your colleagues?

No. 2348690

I'm dealing with a scary brain issue at the moment, still figuring out what the heck it is. I was planning to microdose shrooms this winter to get through seasonal depression but I couldn't do that since I got ill in autumn. I didn't even have time to be depressed because I'm more consumed by worries about my brain. It made me realize how easy it actually is to be depressed, having a physical problem is much worse and I think a lot of people going through depression forget about it. My depressions could last up to 2 years but I'd much rather have a long depression than this. Give me 4 years of depression just make me healthy!!!! If I survive this I'll be a much better person than I was, I'm starting to be a better person already.

No. 2348693

yes, it fucking a sucks to realize this. I’ve been cutting out all my one sided relationships and realizing that when I do this I’m left basically alone. I want to make new friends or meet people who want to actually connect and not just use each other. But now I don’t trust people because of those others. Hah

No. 2348694

Most of the agency works from home but our retarded governor wants everyone to be back in office at least three days a week, because they spent so much money on building offices downtown. Nothing official I believe though and they’re giving people who live further away excuses to not go in office often. It’s really not fair, most of them earn more money and because I live close by I gotta go in but they don’t? It’s all so disorganized and I’m taking advantage of the fact that no one from my team is going, either because they have certain disabilities or live too far away, so how are they gonna know if I’m spending sufficient time in office? No one else in this agency knows who I am even and I’d like it to stay that way for longer.

No. 2348760

I genuinely hope every pokemon scalper gets a carbon monoxide leak in their houses and die a horrible death. I fucking hate those pieces of shit. I wish I could kill them myself. Stores need to start putting limits on how many Pokemon packs/boxes people can buy. Why do people even buy from scalpers? Just let them lose all their money and force them to sell the cards for cheap. It’s so stupid. Most scalpers are ugly, fat, short, balding, retarded men too. The world would be a much better place without them. I’m posting this here instead of the Pokemon thread so I don’t get upset everytime I go on that thread and get reminded of scalpers

No. 2348784

i've known a guy for almost 10 years since highschool and it's always been an all take no give kind of friendship, he's done gaslighting and acts entirely different within a group, constantly questions my decision making which crippled my self worth, i can think of recent examples of like, how i rescued his cat from their roof during their bday and not even get a thanks or how in the rare case he's not being quiet and just waiting for me to make conversation tells me about how they are nervous about their upcoming thesis and i try to comfort them, he just stays fucking quiet afterwards or has never acted supportive before overall, when i call him out on his behavior he deflects or goes gaslighting again, but when someone else tells him he's being shitty that's when he lets it sink in lmao, i already tried shutting down the friendship once but he sort of guilt tripped me into staying friends, last november i finally ghosted him in social media because honestly i just wanted to hurt him at this point and ironically like two weeks ago i saw him on the way to lunch and we both just kinda ignored each other but i noticed he was staring at the ground while i just kept a straight face looking forward

No. 2348788

Ghost him, he thinks he's better than you and you're doing a hell of a lot of chasing his supposed friendship. Of course if you'd make a show of ending the friendship he would manipulate you back into it because as it stands he benefits from you around. Just ghost.

No. 2348800

>trying to cancel my data plan because its extremely shit and unreliable
>comapny isnt alowing me to do that because i have "unpaid bills"
>i go to the bills section on their website and i have paid everything
>trapped paying for a service i cant use

No. 2348802

I'm so pissed at my aunt for not telling us that she fell at work and refused to go to the hospital when they offered. We could have gotten her stroke checked earlier instead of four days later and now we're just finding out there maybe potential heart problems. I'm trying to be strong but all I want to do is cry.

No. 2348806

Get her into a sport

No. 2348807

that's what i've noticed too, sort of like a secondary friend and that if i tried endings things like one is supposed he'd just be a slimeball again, right now the only the thing left is deleting his contact from social media and other platforms but i can't tell a good timing for it or if it's better to just let him rot

No. 2348808

>eat shitty food
>feel like shit
>"wow this sucks i won't do this again"
>does it again
why am i retarded?

No. 2348810

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this little light of mine… I'm gonna let it shine… this little light of mine… I'm gonna let it shine… simultaneously excited and disturbed that I may be experiencing facial wasting for abusing adderall as an adult. getting my vyvanse refilled next week and wondering if this is essentially a substitute for buccal fat removal and cheek sucking in photos. I don't want to look like a ghoul, but I have a very round face and high cheek bones so I'm hoping the facial wasting just targets my lower face. Also what the fuck vagus nerve stop making me sneeze when I'm nauseous

No. 2348818

>she’s even a competitive athlete
You might have missed this part

No. 2348824

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we have opposite problems nonnie… the hot weather isn't letting me sleep or be in peace and i want winter already

No. 2348826

I'm crying at 8:30 in the morning. My life is going nowhere. If I can't have happiness, can I at least not be sad? Please?

No. 2348833

just cancel the credit card that is being charged for the data plan, or take the matter up to small claims or whatever it's called. This has been an issue with all sorts of companies for a long time, an example off the top of my head would be gym memberships, where they would make cancelling process as cancerous as possible so that most people would just suck it up and keep getting charged.

Next time you sign up to any service do it with a virtual/digital credit card specifically created for that service, those are very easy to cancel (at least with the couple of banks that I know of) and I'm pretty sure every bank has a service like that. My bank let's me create one in around 15 minutes and I always set the monthly spending of the card to exactly how much I'm paying for whatever subscription service I signed up for, that way I don't get any sneaky extra charges made to the card.

No. 2348836

Im so lonely, i hate how loneliness is being normalised online. Those people are fucking idiots and its always spoken about by people who have never spent their whole life fucking alone, they dont know what it feels like. It’s usually people who’ve spent a short time alone and now think being alone is the answer. Yet they were crying of loneliness during covid lmao. Another sign that they genuinely cant live with the amount of loneliness i go through.

No. 2348843

Because it's delicious.

No. 2348846

I'd imagine vyvanse is safer than adderall and other high dose stims to prevent that drastic effect though. Also I'm jealous.

No. 2348848

Its always the old men too!! Ugh im sick of them, its always either old men, addicts or people that don’t speak english. Wtf. Its depressing being an ugly woman because somehow men think they will get away with treating you like shit and being a creep.

No. 2348866

I scrolled to the bottom of my blocked list on tumblr and found my ex best friends old blog from around the time we stopped be friends, I scrolled through it and oh my God this girl was fucking insane. I'm glad I finally got away from her. Sometimes I think I miss her but re-reading that blog makes me feel a lot better about cutting her out. So many posts about how I was the worst friend in the whole world and I never cared about her and never wanted to do anything fun with her as if she wasn't broke as fuck all the time because her bpd ass couldn't hold down a job and she was always with her creepy old fetlife boyfriend anyways. Meanwhile I had just gotten my license, was working full time, making lots of new friends and always doing fun things with them which she was clearly jealous of. She would try to make me feel like shit for not struggling as much as she was as if it was my fault she's incapable of maintaining good relationships with her family and friends. It also occurred to me after reading her blog that she was trying to skinwalk me after we stopped being friends while also making posts about how she's so much better without me and I'm gonna fail in life kek.
Good riddance you crazy bitch!

No. 2348938

Part of me misses going through withdrawal, the intensity, having a real direction for my self loathing, coming out on the other side of it so smug, stronger and hopeful

No. 2348996

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My BMI is 19.8 so I am not fat, yet I still look like the ugliest frumpiest mom from behind. I’ve always looked horrendous from behind whenever i saw myself on video. I thought losing weight and dressing better would “fix” it but I did those things and I still look fucking special needs. I thought my problem was “saddle bags” but now at my low weight I can tell the shape that looks like saddle bags is in reality the angle of my actual bone, like there’s no fat in that area. I have the stumpiest fucking legs too, I’m wearing heels in picrel and even that doesn’t fucking help. Nothing helps at all.
It’s humiliating to look like this especially at my young age. I’m just so angry. Nothing I do matters because no matter what I always look like a 48 year old mother of 6 from behind. I’m this upset right now because I only just realized that the issue wasn’t fixed, I hadn’t looked for like 2 years and just assumed I must look better from behind now due to everything I’ve changed, fucking nope. I’m so angry. My face is extremely ugly so the least the universe could have given me was a normal looking body, but I don’t even get that

No. 2348998

Your body literally looks fine, cute even.

No. 2349001

>wears frumpy clothes and complains about looking frumpy
I am being 100% serious when I say this, you're a schizo with severe body image issues and need professional help. I'm not even going to bother telling you that you look completely normal because you're so deep in your delusions that you won't even consider it. Seek professional help, I mean it.

No. 2349006

I think the baggy clothing is the problem, not your body shape

No. 2349014

There's nothing wrong with being older, nonna. I've seen mom bodies dress flatteringly and they manage to look cute. Stop having so much self-loathing and treat yourself with some respect that you deserve. You lost weight and put in the effort for what? To be abusive towards yourself more? Stop it.

No. 2349021

You should go to the gym and tone up, your body right now is good but I think having some definition will give you that confidence boost and look great in less frumpy clothes

No. 2349023

Lift weights

No. 2349036

I wish I had people to play Roblox with

No. 2349039

5 rounds of interviews for a job that pays 75k please put me out of my misery

No. 2349040

you literally look completely normal… you might need therapy for body dysmorphia, genuinely
what games do you like

No. 2349041

Man five? Lol, the most I had was like two but that's a pretty good salary I hope you get it!

No. 2349048

Even 2 rounds of interviews should be illegal

No. 2349050

I wanna make an elise outfit on roblox but robux is so fucking expensive. i miss bc so much

No. 2349053

DTI, eviction notice, outlaster, create words or die, be an NPC or die, death penalty, copyrighted artist, all of those generic horror games, word bomb, flee the facility, zombie shooter games, epic mini games, LOCOoffical, the trials, and two player obbies/tycoons

No. 2349054

I was lucky that I got rich on Roblox as a kid/preteen, so now as an adult I don’t have to spend money on it when I want things

No. 2349058

The clothes are normal, they just look frumpy because of who they’re on.

No. 2349060

Ooh nice, did you hit gold with a game or clothing? I have some limiteds on me that can give me a ludicrous amount of robux but I like them too much in general to give away. I scorn the times i irresponsibly used my robux on gamepasses for now defunct games for exorbitant prices. i spent 800 robux on a freaking sword for a game thats now dead. 9 fucking real life dollars!! gamepasses are always at the scene of the crime for my biggest roblox regrets, ill forever hate myself choosing to buy admin in a game instead of epic face when it was still purchasable

No. 2349061

I’m 100 lbs and I’d even look frumpy if I were to wear baggy grandpa pants and an oversized tshirt that’s badly tucked in

No. 2349062

im so sad that i have old accounts from 2010 with epic face and the valkyrie hat but i lost the login kek

No. 2349064

It's a baggy tshirt and baggy pants. She looks frumpy because the clothes are frumpy. That's the kind of clothes you use to sleep. The body shape is completely normal and nothing stands out about it.

No. 2349067

I get some Robux from clothing still, but not that much kek. I just went crazy when buying limiteds when I was younger, and I sold some of them so I have Robux to spend whenever. I also got people to buy headless on my game, so I got 50%? of the robux they spent on it. Headless is 30k robux so I got a good amount from that. It’s crazy how much limiteds increase in value every year, because my rap is at 1M last time I checked. As a kid I did waste a crazy amount of robux on shitty games too though. I’d buy lots of gear that was expensive because gear fighting games use to be popular. I also wasted 10k robux on a retarded hat when I was 12 for some reason

No. 2349071

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I'm about to having a fucking mental breakdown. I'm currently halfway through my internship for my web development program and I'm fucking STRUGGLING, I wish I had aimed for only doing front end instead of getting cocky, because I was quick at picking up on doing oop with python, and go for the fullstack program. I'm such a fucking retard and I HATE MYSELF for this, and I've invested too much time and money to be allowed to be allowed to fail.
I think it's fun, but I really don't have the brains for problem solving with javascript or typescript, my mind goes completely blank so I feel like an idiot that can't understand shit. And I don't have anyone to turn to in this.

No. 2349075

If you're middle class do NOT date a poor man or a man who grew up poor. Even if they're doing well financially right now and seem hardworking. This is not mentioned enough, but you don't want to deal with their innate poorfag mentality. If he is the smarter type who "raised himself" and earns now a good amount of money, he will always maintain an inferiority complex towards you and will tear you to pieces if you don't follow all his expectations. Expect someone patronizing and judgemental. If he's dumber, well, expect an abusive relationship, dumb and poor is a terrible combo of traits and I wouldn't wish it on anyone.

No. 2349084

i just had yet another man come into my store simply to hit on me and not buy anything.
he came in and i recognized him. "oh hey there you are. i came in two other times looking for you but you weren't working.. so you wanna hang out sometime?" i laugh, "no, not really. i have a boyfriend" "well, he doesn't have to know"
literally gtfo my store. its just terrifying whenever a man comes in here looking just for me, specifically . i work alone all day. i worked at a bar for a long long time so it's simply jarring that sexual harassment can still happen to me outside that environment. i know that sounds so stupid but its doubly upsetting because of that. i don't benefit from the harassment at my new job. i don't get a bigger tip because of it. i'm just trapped behind this counter and i have to take it

No. 2349089

i went back to look at a piece of art my ex made me as a birthday gift and i realized that it's fucking traced. like… the only part of the drawing that he did on his end was change the two characters in the original piece of art to me and him. i don't even think i'm upset i'm just genuinely baffled. for reference he's pursuing a degree in art/animation right now btw lol

No. 2349097

I'm sorry nonna, that response is crazy. I wish it was legal for women to kneecap scrotes whenever we felt like it.

No. 2349110

samefag this is the worst day ever david lynch died too

No. 2349114

I'm so tired of my OCD. i'm just so sick of it. I can't even vent in peace. Why does my mind do this to me. How do i get rid of this diasease. I know i shouldn't do anything to "get rid" of the thoughts but i hate them so much. I bate everything around me. I'm never gonna have the life i want. Everything around me is ugly shit and disgusting. I miss the times when i didn't have this, when i was functional and optimistic about life. I'm so unhappy with my life.

No. 2349117

I cant believe this is how i found out FUUUCKK

No. 2349139

A piece of shit moid at work is spreading rumors about me, trying to isolate me and asking me for personal info so he can use it against me. He’s the kinda shithead who’ll come into a conversation I’m having with a colleague just to bring up something negative about me, you know the type (or hopefully don’t). I already have social anxiety, struggle to connect with colleagues and dislike my job but I resent that this fool’s personal grudge is making life even harder for me. I’ll see people laughing at me when I do things and sense everyone is pulling away from me, to the point where I have no new assignments and managers avoid me. I make people uncomfortable and I don’t know how to solve that when I feel so isolated and hurt. Socially skilled nonnas, how do I fix my reputation and kick his ass?

No. 2349143


Debit cards and credit cards are not the same thing. Canceling a credit card negatively affects your credit score, especially if it's your oldest card. You need a credit history of at least 2+ years and preferably 8+ years to start working on your score. You are nuking it if you just cancel the card every time something is wrong. Just to sperg but ideal credit score is a result of 2 cards with 10+ years of credit history, 10-20% utilization of your entire credit amount, no missed payments for 3 years and a mortgage/car payment. I don't have a car payment, but mine is excellent. If you are young, open a credit card and send it to auto pay one tiny thing a month. Then set your regular bank account to auto pay your credit card.

No. 2349144

I am so stressed I want to fucking die. Everything was going ok, just an ordinary day and then within a few hours it went to hell.

Wouldn't it be cheaper to just use an overdraft on a current account?

No. 2349145

Same. Fuck. On a Thursday too, it will never be Friday "once again."

No. 2349150

Yes. Mostly for emotional labor and attention. I would have people venting to me but if I said anything about myself they didn't care whatsoever for example. I've gotten better about boundaries and limiting my interactions with people like this and even cutting them off, but then I also end up alone like >>2348693 said. Feels like I just keep repeating this pattern where I try to be open to meeting new people, hope we'll have a mutually beneficial and supportive friendship where both sides care about each other and put in the effort, only for them to fall short of my imo bare minimum expectations and start acting shitty and selfish waaaay too many times and being unrelieable, all while still expecting and demanding things from me that they don't do themselves, so I just distance myself or cut them off. Rinse and repeat. I just grow to dislike almost every single one of them for being honestly worse people than I am and shitty friends. It's to the point where I don't even really want to invest time in meeting and talking to new people anymore because it all just feels like a gigantic waste of my time. I was actually thinking about this very same thing earlier today because I was considerate to someone I met recently, but when it came to me they didn't give a single fuck kek. I'd love to meet people where I actually am pleasantly surprised by them for once and consider them my equals or even better as a person. Which shouldn't even be that hard, yet here we are.

No. 2349151

Do you have an HR department? Because if so you should tell them exactly what you posted, but instead of saying it hurts your feelings emphasize that it makes you very uncomfortable and you’d like to remain professional and be able to focus on your work. If you don’t have HR, pull a manager you think would be most sympathetic to you aside and tell them that. If they’re not responsive, just turn up the charm (bring in cookies, go out of your way to ask coworkers questions about themselves, help them out unprompted) and eventually confide in them that you’re being made uncomfortable by this moid’s attentions.

No. 2349153

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Rest in Peace to the GOAT David Lynch! Fuck, I'm feeling a bit hollow.

No. 2349154

gonna have two cookies and a coke in his memory. RIP

No. 2349157

American's work culture is so weird. Obligatory not-all-muricans so you guys won't feel personally offended but it's like you have to worship businesses in a religous way. You gotta love the company as a living breathing thing that one should devote not only their work hours but their whole self. I interviewed for two american companies this week and they basically quizzed me on the company itself, expecting me to prove I wanted to work for them specifically. Bitch you're not Amazon or Facebook, you're a random ass business whose sole objective is maximizing profits for other businesses. You really expect that to be my passion in life? Maximizing profits for businesses? And you really expect me to study your linkedin and watch all the demo youtube videos and read every single letter on your website? I did look through their linked in, did watch their videos, did read their website, but it was clear they expected me to have done more, and idek what 'more' was.

No. 2349160

david lynch died and now i want to die

No. 2349164

It’s just a moid, pick yourself up

No. 2349167

Literally who

No. 2349168

it's not like that everywhere? must be nice. I remember getting my first fast-food job in high school and they made me take a bunch of classes basically deifying the CEO and ~company legacy~. they had like motivational posters with his face on it in the break room. even back then I thought it was retarded kek. I just accepted that pretending to live for your job and worship the company was part of the humiliation ritual required to get hired

No. 2349173

i just watched blue velvet yesterday, great film. also man this hurts more than it should, RIP lynch, i'll smoke a cig and drink some coffee in your memory

No. 2349176

well you're still alive, just cherish his work as long as you can nonna

No. 2349177

Woah. Holy fucking shit. I can’t believe this.

No. 2349190

No, I dont think my culture is like that at least. There are many people who worship the USA and want to be company cucks but it's a minority.

No. 2349192

No. 2349199

She wants to die too so she can go to hell and beat his ass.

No. 2349216

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simple as

No. 2349217

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I have 375 calories left for today and I only had one meal

No. 2349218

My therapist told me “I don’t think you have anyone in your life where if they were gone it would devastate you”. Okay. True. It sounds bad the way she says it. She keeps telling me I’m lonely, point blank. I don’t know what she wants me to do with this information.

No. 2349220

I know this is the vent thread and I don't know if you will read this, but for any nonna who bleeds through their night maxi pad, the solutionn is this: two pads, one towards the front, one towards the back and they meet in the middle.

No. 2349224

Doing a T shape with the pads (with the horizontal part being on the butt) works well for me

No. 2349225

Yeah but it’s one woman and she doesn’t like anyone very much. This guy is smart and guarantee he’d then it against me, plus he goes about it in such an underhanded way that I’m going to get gaslit unless I catch him out. I need to fix my reputation and get people to like me so much they don’t believe any of his bs but it’s hard when I’m exhausted from dealing with the constant anxiety and don’t have a lot of social energy to begin with

No. 2349226

She thinks you need to put more effort into meeting new people and making friends

No. 2349229

Samefag, I wrote this as I was eating but I didn't finish it so I actually have over 700 Cals left. Nice.

No. 2349248

I've been trying to get closer again to an online friend I've had for years. just the other day she told me that she's been super depressed lately and that her best friend ditched her. thing is, I've been feeling very neglected by her lately and I wanted to bring it up, but ofc now I feel like I can't because she's already so depressed. I also shared something personal with her and she didn't reply to this, so the last message I sent her is me sharing said personal thing and every time I see it I get sad again because she doesn't care about me at all, it seems. idek why I still bother trying to connect with people.

No. 2349254

Same here nonna, it feels like I'm waiting for my friend to change or something.

No. 2349272

I just wear those night diapers because I shift around too much in my sleep so no mater the orientation pads end up moving to butt fuck nowhere

No. 2349283

I had to go get blood drawn out, and while I was there I saw literally the cutest toddler I've ever seen. It made me want to cry

No. 2349286

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My best friend went away for the month of December. During that time, I guess she got into watching drag.
She puts dumb meme edit compilations on the TV when we're at her apartment, but that's whatever. One night, we both wore eyeliner, and she said we were "baby queens". I wore a new dress and she called it "fishy". I told her I didn't have a preference between noodle options and she said I was a "bottom".
I know the comments aren't personal, and I wouldn't even connect them if I didn't screw around on places like lolcow. I try to remember it's just a fun libfem hobby for her. But I hope she gets over it soon.

No. 2349287

glad i'm not the only one thinking this kek

No. 2349325

>mother refuses to pay back 1k I lent her
>time passes
>have some spending money
>buy ps5
>excited to buy tlou2
>washing machine breaks and I need to buy a new one
>not enough money to buy tlou2

No. 2349329

it's an absolutely terrible game anyway, your washing machine did you a solid

No. 2349331

Thank you nonna I will take this to heart in these trying times.

No. 2349333

>buys ps5
anon wyd??? kekkk
>gives money to mother
if you know your mother is a taker and not a giver don’t give her any money please

No. 2349335

Today I left my phone at home because I was in a hurry to get to work. I did not realize how much I depend on having it with me all the time. By the end of my 7 hr shift I felt like a cracked out gen alpha loser.

No. 2349336

Is your friend autistic or just extremely impressionable?

No. 2349347

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Begging all of you to stop being so passive and tolerating this. Thankfully I don't encounter it irl but I'm so fucking sick of seeing "cunt, cunt, serving cunt cunty!" that I started commenting
>serving faggot!!
whenever I see it now.

No. 2349349

I SAVED up I swear nonna kek. I just wanted to play videogames after my 10 year old pc died on me 6 months ago. I didn't just buy the console on a whim I pwomise.

Also I didn't expect her to take it from me because she's usually reliable and has returned a different 1k I lent her in the past. She first said she wanted to keep it for emergencies so I was like "aww okay that makes sense" but now she's saying I owe it to her anyway so I'm gonna have to talk to her about that but I CBA right now. She said she'd pay half for a new washing machine but it's my money she's paying with anyway FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF.

No. 2349353

Why do I attract batshit insane, obsessive, almost controlling men? Every guy I dated wanted me only for himself, was possessive, jealous when I talked to someone else but him, even to other women, jealous when I did something and didn't include him etc. I have like a cat energy, I'm indifferent and go my own ways, I'm like 'if you want to stay, stay, if you want to leave, leave'. I don't do it on purpose, it's just what I am. Does this attitude attract men like this or what? If I start showing men I need them, will they get bored of me? I would actually have to force myself to do it kek. But is this how male psyche works?

No. 2349362

>serving faggot!!!
KEKK im using that one myself when it comes up as well

No. 2349369

Why do I have the feeling that IF your mum puts half for the new washing machine, she's not going to give the rest back…I'm sorry, nonna, you say your mum is reliable, but parents shouldn't borrow money from theirs kids; truly reliable parents give money to their kids when they're in a tight spot! Which they will be, because they're young, don't know how to manage their finances, have shallow wants that cannot keep up with their income etc. I bet you're the sort of person who never asks people for money? I'm sorry, nonna.

No. 2349383

Imo, it doesn't matter if it's one woman and she doesn't like anybody. Like previous nonna advised, stress that you want to keep it professional in a professional setting! She'll agree with that, even if, let's say, she privately enjoys the gossip. Don't bottle up your feelings, nonna! Learn to say them out loud when it's time, and keep them in when it doesn't serve you, otherwise you'll do the exact opposite. Don't think people don't see what the moid is doing. Also, going from people not liking you to people adoring you doesn't happen overnight

No. 2349385

I've been slowly ruining my life for the past several months by neglecting studies, and it is now a real possibility that I will fail and lose my job as a result.
Objectively it's not a catastrophe, plenty of people have it so much worse, but I have stupidly fragile self-esteem and don't want it known that I have failed uni, and I don't think I'll ever be able to get a decent job again (the current one was a fluke), so if I do fail I will have to kill myself from shame and so that I don't have to deal with everyone acknowledging the fact that I got fired and kicked out of uni. I don't want to kill myself, there are many things in life that I want to do, I have dreams and hopes for the future, but it's all far away and right now I'm legitimately considering suicide just so that I don't have to deal with the humiliation and it's scaring me that I got to that point. I tried to tell myself that it'll hurt people, but frankly I don't care about that. Main drawbacks are that suicide is a sign of psychological weakness, and the aftermath is very undignified, and I'd never get to do the things I want to do in the future; these three things in the past were enough to neuter the suicidal ideation and banish it firmly into the realm of escapist fantasy, but right now it just doesn't seem worth it, and I'll be humiliated either way. The prospect of living life with everyone around me constantly reminding me what a worthless fuck-up I am (not outright, of course, but they'll be thinking it; and even if they won't, I'll be paranoid about it anyway) seems unbearable.
On the other hand, it's disgusting to be so bothered by something so petty. I don't want to care about opinions of people I dislike. But I want to be better than them, I want them to think I'm successful, even though realistically they probably think I'm a retard.
I need to get my act together and actually do the work required of me but I feel paralyzed.

No. 2349418

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>share one of my favorite songs that means a lot to me with someone
>they make the song THEIR thing and listen and sing along to it with people that aren't me
Genuinely just flew into an autistic rage about this kek. I will never share any of my dearly beloved songs with anyone ever again. Nobody could ever love the songs I love like I love them

No. 2349423

Don't think about ending your life over grades and employment, nona. Doesn't your university have a counseling service? Your statement about being paranoid that everyone will think you're a worthless fuckup, even though they won't verbalize it, shows you probably need some counseling, or to at least take a break. No one can read minds or tell the future. No human is capable of perfection and pleasing 100% of all people in their life. Even if you become successful at some point, you STILL can't control the bullshit opinions knocking around inside other people's brains. They don't matter anyway. They don't dictate who you are. If you can get your act together, do. If not, it's not the end of the world. Not even close.

No. 2349431

one day, if i work hard and i get lucky, i'll have a kind boyfriend to come home to and we will have nice lazy horny sex before bed

No. 2349439

i dont get how people say theyre struggling with money but then buy netflix when literally all the netflix shows are out there on the internet for free
i often treated that one friend lunch because she says shes struggling with money but she has netflix and spotify, thats like what 30 bucks a month? who knows what other useless shit shes using her money on

No. 2349448

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My sleep schedule is fucked beyond recognition. I had to get up early for an appointment, the person never came, i drank a redbull and passed out ten minutes later, only to wake up in the afternoon. I feel awful. Time is abstract, everything is turning into a grew muddy mass, i haven't seen the sun in what feels like days even though i saw it yesterday (for like 10 minutes, yay winter). It's messing with my ability to WFH, i'm behind several deadlines. Walking for an hour with music in my ears would help, i haven't done that in about a month because it's fucking freezing and everything is covered in black ice. God i miss walking so much, even if my town is ugly and depressing. I feel like absolute shit and to top it off i can't easily vent to my best friend because homoerotic stuff happened and long story short, things are very very awkward now. I just want to be back at her place and rot in bed with her, talk to her, hold her.

No. 2349455

I believe in you nonna, I want this too …

No. 2349458

it's a stimulant. it makes you lose weight. some of us are skinnier in the face than we are in other body parts, so the weight loss will be more pronounced on the head.

No. 2349459

>face breaking out again
Okay I've accepted I'm lactose intolerant for real.

No. 2349462

Thanks nonna, I’m pretty good at keeping my feelings inside (I’m like a fortress after years of similar mind games from people I knew) but it hurts to see people isolating and making fun of me like I’m back at school. It’s bringing back a lot of bad thoughts and memories and making me into such a cynical, heartless bitch… I miss being kind and caring but it’s like dealing with manipulative people has trapped it below all the anger and resentment. Are there any simple steps I can do to make myself more likeable? My most senior boss told me to make coffee for people and say hello all the time but even that feels stressful at this level of social anxiety

No. 2349466

can i aks, are these men turkic or slavic?

No. 2349475

>horny all the time
>sleepy all the time
>hungry all the time
i wish i would not be invaded by my primal desires constantly like this
i didnt use to be like this

No. 2349488

Theyre male

No. 2349494

A few different kinds of white europeans, no turks

No. 2349495

sounds like elevated cortisol or hypothyroidism

No. 2349505

Whenever I am on Tiktok or Youtube and I am reading the comments, it always sticks out to me that when the video is about something bad happening to a woman, only women comment nice things, if it's the opposite, it's always men and women.

No. 2349538

I'm getting drunk instead of studying tonight because fuck this shit

No. 2349550

Im just gonna have to kill myself. Im too mentally ill

No. 2349554

Im gonna have to kill myself

No. 2349563

i'm one of the americans that tried out xiaohongshu and ended up loving it, now i'm trying to learn mandarin in my free time while talking to chinese netizens via translator apps.
for nonnies that don't keep up with social media nonsense
>tldr people think tiktok is really getting banned so they went on chinese app littleredbook/rednote/xiaohongshu in protest/desperation to keep something similar to tiktok
>app explodes overnight with americans and chinese asking eachother questions and sharing interests
>seeing literal 70+ year olds making videos, practicing their mandarin. some grandma learning how to say different fruit in mandarin while chinese netizens cheer her on and say they're going to tell their grandparents even old foreigners are trying to learn their language
>chinese cowboys excited because texans/other farmers found their page and are posting pics in the comments of their cattle/ranches and vice versa
>americans making recipe videos showing china how we make common foods, southern women showing them how to make southern sweet tea
>a shit ton of americans/others making an effort to learn mandarin
>both parties helping eachother with their math or english homework kek
>americans posting about the bad sides, posting their med bills, asking china how their medical system is
>chinese shocked and sharing how systems work for them, some admit they thought all americans were rich farmers
legitimately the most fun i've had in ages and after years of insane hatred and shit it's so moving to see 2 groups come together like this. it's so heartwarming and healing to my soul. the ONLY 2 groups i've seen act totally retarded though
>trannies constantly asking what china thinks of them, china responds that they don't care/it is mental illness/you have one body in this life try again in the next life, live healthy in the current one
>trannies triggered and making snide comments (i think they get banned pretty fast tho haven't seen any lately)
>chinese american women absolutely fucking SEETHING at all of this
>one lady admits she's bitter at americans getting a warm welcome and kindness when she was bullied in america and keeps making 10000 videos telling americans/TT 'refugees' to get off and that they're colonizers
>native chinese sympathize but also tell her to chill the fuck out it's not that deep
literally never met a more bitter group of individuals holy fuck. i keep seeing one specific woman repeatedly, i wonder how many videos she's made so far throwing a total fit. like i get it, but what that got to do with me? girl i wasn't at your college.

No. 2349580

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I think I just inadvertently shortchanged a nonna working at a Sally Beauty I am so sorry!
>walk in with ~$40 and some change
>buying a semi permanent dye for $9 ish bucks after tax
>make friendly small talk to cute girl cashier about her hair and tell her my plans for mine we are almost flirting tf
>give her my fake discount number
>have the $20 bill in my hand to give to her
>we make more small talk while she counts out change
>bill is still in my hand
>she hands me the change
>"Did I pay you?"
>Yeah you handed me a $20!
>feel gaslit
>o-ok I put the $20 back in my hand
>feel bad because I think she's wrong but imma not argue nor make her count out her drawer for $10 in case I am wrong
>get home and count my money
>yep I definitely have more than $50

No. 2349588

I'm not applauding you for finally realising the rest of the world exists and is worth shit

No. 2349589

Burgers are something else kek

No. 2349593

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I've shit out of luck for 4 YEARS straight now
I HATE applying and not getting any responses….I swear if I don't land something in a month I WILL RAGE

No. 2349595

I am sending positive vibes your way. That has happened to me before, both on the giving and receiving end. You'll both be okay

No. 2349596

Where do you live? 4 years is wild!! I really hope 2025 will be your year. You got this.

No. 2349605

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Thank you for the kinda words, I'll try my best.

No. 2349611

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i finished washing a lunch and dinner's worth of dishes, and noted the time it took, without drying. for only me and my partner's dishes, it took 1 hour and 15 minutes of scrubbing and rinsing. i hate doing this. if i use gloves, those things make my hands stink like rubber. they also rip very easily and are not cheap. if i don't use them, i get cuts, raisin fingers and hangnails. the whole time i'm bending over and it's fucking up my back and causing neck strain.

No. 2349614

I love cooking, but I hate cleaning. Doing dishes is the bane of my existence. It just never ends.

No. 2349615

I hate cooking and love cleaning. Do you wanna… maybe…?

No. 2349620

I hate how I get into these moods where I can't do anything at all. I just want to be productive and normal again but I feel way too shitty and have 0 motivation for anything. Can't even watch or read anything to relax in the meantime. Probably pms related but I hate these extreme mood swings, the other day I was feeling fine now I want to kill myself.

No. 2349665

I don't want to work. I want to be a housewife and spend my days decorating and blowing my husband's money. I want to bake and post on LC while my husband slaves away at whatever job he works at, and I want my kids to love me but not need a single damn thing from me.

No. 2349668

You want to be an au pair

No. 2349669

Think that if you ever couldn't provide sex to your husband anymore, because of an illness for example, he would stop sponsoring this lifestyle and probably cheat on you

No. 2349679

Childrearing is the slavery you'll be doing while he at least gets lunch breaks and paid time off

No. 2349696

If you want that you’re retarded, get your lazy butt up and provide for yourself, love yourself enough to do this and earn enough to do this for yourself, nourish yourself. Before you say “omgggg hahahaha tehehehehhee~~< gais ur just mateguarding and want everyone to be lonely ugly dykes just like you omg is sooo natural to be a man~~~~ nobody is mateguarding these ugly fucks if they can get any woman and then some just by hiding behind her back and hooking up with some dude on Grindr or some woman at his job. I honestly think being a housewife is a fetish or cuckquean behavior for very insecure women who don’t know how to really attack the real root of their deep-seated needs, please stand up. If you want a husband in this day and age that has money to blow off you either have to be in the same tax bracket as him or get with an older scrote, regardless men with actually money to blow off and benefits like insurance are all balding, aging, ugly, all inbetween and the younger ones you can score who actually make money and are somewhat decent looking if you can even call it that are always taken. Your need for a man to provide for you is not natural, you’re addressing a decades long issue of a lack o social welfare and fair and equal pay for their labor, worthwhile benefits, bonuses, recognition, ownership and work-life balance,etc. that has always been affecting women since the dawn of time. Forfeiting your freedom and your personality to appease a moid all because you think you can never live the way you truly want is very sad and not really worth it. You really don’t want to be a housewife, you just want to be able to live your life without having to run in the wagie rat race of life just like so many women who are afraid to admit this. That’s all I gotta say

No. 2349702

Want it in your head only nonna, because the reality doesn't exist. Sweet dreams.

No. 2349716

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>mom gives me some of her pasta
>heats it up like 10-15 mins ago
>wants to eat it
>takes a few bites
>it’s really good but too depressed/angry/anxious to eat even though i’m starving
>feels super bad knowing i’m going to let it go cold and throw out the rest
I hate myself

No. 2349725

She already told me that in the first of 6 sessions so far, I know she wants me to do that, but why did she decide to tell me this latest thing. It felt mean and hurt my feelings.

No. 2349726

I'm too lazy to read this.

No. 2349733

>my kids to love me but not need a single damn thing from me.
Oh nona, this part is especially never going to happen even if you're rich

No. 2349825

kek where did I say that in my post? quit projecting and learn how to be happy for once in your life

No. 2349851

Hell yeah, nonnie.

No. 2349871

I don’t think I wrote this but I could have. Solidarity but I don’t know what to do about it other than to accept the cycles

No. 2349884

I don’t know why everyone is shitting on your dream life vent. It sounds like a nice fantasy. It’s not that serious

No. 2349889

I've noticed my generation (Gen z) has the tendency to overshare and at first I was empathetic because I also overshare I think it's harmful because not everyone is understanding, there is shitty people and they will use that information. I'm afraid everytime I get introduced to a new circle of people I tend to overshare because that's just my personality. Now I realize it's not cute. I've just met you, why are you telling me your grandma gives you ptsd and that's why you are a fakeboi? Is not that we can't share with people we trust, but Twitter and insta are making people reveal their stuff for 10 likes and 3 retweets.

No. 2349893

Feeling like the uglier sister sucks.

No. 2349922

i have something unhinged to say but nobody else is making the next get it off your chest thread and if i do i'll mess it up reeeeee

No. 2349933

I feel like a piece of shit for many reasons.
>I took a quick inventory of my life while I was cooking and I have stolen from quite a few people. Drugs, coins, food. When I was little, cards, stickers. Usually happens when I decide arbitrarily that the person won't notice or the person deserves it for whatever they did to me.
>I've been contributing a lot to a thread recently and I feel like I'm enhancing and cultivating a very hateful and ugly side that up until this point I have stifled
>No matter what I quit it feels like I'll always be addicted to something
All of these feelings combined make me want to totally and entirely isolate myself and cut myself off from most pleasures like a monk. But that's an extreme reaction that I won't maintain for long.

No. 2349934

Somewhat meta but the way my close friend reacts to my venting makes me not want to do it anymore. I already rarely share personal stuff with her and when i do she always jumps to the worst possible interpretation. Like, if i have trouble finding a job? "You won't find anything nice after [my age]". If i have a thorny conversation with a friend and mention it? "So she screamed at you?!". I genuinely think she doesn't do it on purpose because she's very depressed from a terrible childhood, but it sure makes me want to never open up when i'm already shy. I'd rather listen to her, but sometimes she tries to glean details from my life. I told her about my plans to break off a relationship and she spent an hour listening (i'd never confided in my troubles) and trying to convince me it's nothing and i need to stay because security, plus she's afraid it'll impact me negatively. She also told me honesty isn't always a good thing and i could hurt my bf's feelings. Ffs, i was trying to tell her my cowardice and dishonesty were a problem and i should've ended things earlier, i didn't want a "awww girlie that sucks" kind of talk to then go back to an unhappy situation. I discussed this with anther friend and she went "go for it, be happy" gave me practical advice, which is what i'd do for my depressed friend. I don't know yet how to communicate the issue without offending her. Her advice always skews towards extreme cautiousness to the point of paranoia and i'm just not interested in this. I wish i could help her (she's an anachan shut-in with some kind of illness) but her physical condition keeps her inside, in this state. Feels bad because she's otherwise an amazing friend and very dear to me, but it's frustrating. She's not always like this but it seems to be getting worse

No. 2349962

I’ve been living out of my car for a year and it’s making me lose my mind. I can’t get hired anywhere without being fired after a few months. I don’t know what I’m doing wrong. I miss living in a house. I miss the privacy, being able to shower immediately after waking up, not having to piss in a bag once stores close. I feel too ashamed and disgusting to talk about it with anyone I know because it’s asking too much to be understood.

No. 2349974

Nona, have you considered a woman's shelter? Not sure about your area but mine offer free hotel vouchers for homeless women/children and will place you in group accommodations.

No. 2349991

My friend values my opinion too much.
It sounds nice on paper but I'm definitely seeing a pattern that she refuses to make important decisions for herself and passes it on to either her mom or me despite being a grown adult. I try to prompt her to think for herself and to do what she wants but she always comes back with "but what do YOU think, what would YOU do" even for minor and obviously individual decisions.

She asked me if she should join a certain class or not, given that a toxic person she knew in the past will also be there. I told her the pros and cons and after I finally suggested she could join but keep her distance from that person she basically went "oh thank god, I really wanted to join the group" in a way that made it obvious to me she was literally waiting for my "approval" to join. It's just wtf? I don't want this secret huge responsibly over her life but it's like she keeps sneaking it onto me… has anyone else experienced anything like this?

No. 2350060

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My hot friend is taking a class I took last semester. It’s a hard class and I had to muscle through it to pass with a mediocre grade. When I talked to upperclassmen or friends who had taken it, I’d get a bit of sympathy and hollow advice, which I don’t think much of, since it’s vital for our niche major. Now that she’s taking it, she tells me all those same people are falling over themselves trying to give her their notes and past exams and assignments and even just doing the work for her. Tonight when we were trying to study for another class, I saw them spring into action with my own eyes and I haven’t been able to get over it. I know I shouldn’t be upset at her and I’m not but it’s just hard because I busted my ass for every point in the class and she has to fight off people trying to hand her the answers because she’s beautiful and charismatic.

No. 2350104

I hate that years later my retarded siblings held onto hoarded shit from our mother that I am once again going through. Most of it isn't even high dollar items that are worth the hassel of selling online.

No. 2350105

people will see things like this happen and say beauty privilege isn't a thing.

No. 2350109

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I’m dividing with myself whether I should stay clean a little longer or go for styro this time.

No. 2350134

I should be able to hate myself without anyone going "noooo you should be kind to yourself uwu".

No. 2350151

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A co-worker that fucked several males in higher positions at our company had the audacity to ask me “don’t you think your outfit is a little inappropriate?” (it absolutely was not). I replied “you would know about inappropriateness in the workplace, wouldn’t you?” and now I’m the bad guy. I hope they fire me; I can’t stand looking at that charlotte pickles bitch any longer.

No. 2350154

the office next door has three young trainees (so between 16 and 18 years old) and it's two guys and one girl. they all smoke outside the building in front of my office and the girl is always laughing like a hyena and tossing her hair like a retard. it's so annoying.

No. 2350156

Got recommended some retarded looking youtube video in which the youtuber making it was saying it's homophobic of women to stand up to gay men for being misogynistic to them. Woke ideology really takes ANY opportunity to shit on women no matter what.

No. 2350163

KEK queen shit

No. 2350164

kek I wish I saw that

No. 2350168

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I wish all the real women here had a secret safe word or phrase we could implement in posts to prove we’re women to eachother to catch stray scrotes. We’d share it telepathically of course in some kind of astral realm only for women similar to picrel, so that only women will ever know it and there is no record anywhere and any crypto male posters would be immediately sniffed out and annihilated by the farmhands

No. 2350169

Samefag and actually it would make more sense if we all collectively had a word we didn’t use

No. 2350172

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i dont know anything about these characters other than that my little sisters like it and i had to convince them to watch something else because of the content showing up, why is there so much porny shit of it on youtube?

No. 2350174

This actually made me realise what these things are. I was playing some game with these in it and it was fun, basically like a new version of incredibox or my singing monsters. I’d seen content of it elsewhere but it was so different from the game I had played that I thought the game was just some ripoff game with the chars in it. I just looked it up and they are literally just cute little 2d drawings from an incredibox mod. Why did they blow up so much and why is there fucking porny shit of them?

No. 2350186

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I love my mom but I fucking hate visiting her place, it is so unhygenic it's crazy. It's probably her worst trait and being very messy is better than being a lot of things, but her house looks like it got fucking searched by a swat team, plus she lives in the countryside so there's very very limited running water. I feel like I'm navigating the house like I'm walking through lasers made out of stink lines and various molds/bacteria on all of the surfaces. The house smells awful, too, since she processes milk products from her cows. I gag every day as I discover new sights and sounds in her place. Again, love my mom, but she is mind-blowingly nasty oh my god.

No. 2350203

Man I'm sick and tired of gender wars, can everyone STFU already?

No. 2350208

I hate women who equate women hating men for killing us to men hating us for not touching their dicks.

No. 2350213

Call me pedantic but I just hate "queer" not only for the slur reclamation nonsense but conveniently vague so the spicy straights and bisluts can feel special.

No. 2350217

muh "please be natural" people are so fucking annoying, who cares if I want to get a shit ton of plastic surgery, a boob job and wear too much makeup? no one likes my natural self, not even myself, so why should I keep it in order to please some people who don't even care about me? yes I want to get lip fillers and a nose job, and I hate my current face. it's not like people ever fall in love with me anyways when I'm all natural and simple and modest lol

No. 2350219

because you are giving money to an industry that preys on women with insecurities like yours. you'll still be you inside, follow any plastic surgery cow to see that it never makes them happy.

that said, go for it.

No. 2350225

you're not pedantic, it's so fucking annoying. they love feeling being edgy and confusing people because what the fuck does queer mean? then half (or more of them) are actually straight LARPers or simply so disconnected from their bodies they don't know how they feel (due to trauma, autism, alexythymia, etc.)

No. 2350228

Queers are just the retarded straights who want to have victim points , polyamorous retards who think they are oppressed, retards who are into kinks such as BDSM, piss , furry, and also the trannies couples where they are straight but both trooned out.

No. 2350232

You can do whatever you want. Elective cosmetic surgery won’t solve the problem(s) you have with yourself, however.

No. 2350246

The amount of people I currently see pissing their pants and claiming they’re going to be put in camps by Trump because they go by she/they to their polycule is fucking ridiculous. Like, no one fucking cares.

No. 2350251

I wish he actually would tbh, Dana first.

No. 2350258

why is it that the only types of people i seem to be able to attract are autistic moids, weirdo gendie girls, and catty bitches with daddy issues? i've been pretty lonely for a while and only recently have i finally been able to get myself some friends but they're both just kinda embarrassing and tiring to be with since one of them is a "nonbinary" girl with hyperfixations she always loves to bring up that i don't give a shit about and the other is some bearded moid who is into shit like my little pony and sonic. beggars can't be choosers so i'm just happy that i have people to hang out with, but i feel like i'm just a magnet for autistic weirdos because i've been surrounded by them all of my life. hell my brother is an obese greasy retard himself and my sister hasn't been diagnosed but is speculated to also be a high functioning one by my parents.
and also a smaller aside but i had invited my two friends over to my family's home to hang out recently and they would not stop snooping through my shit?? i'm not sure if i'm just the weird one because i haven't had friends to come and visit me since i was like 7 or something so i think i might be a little reserved in terms of my boundaries with my friends, but the moid would just love to open up every drawer in the house and he even crawled into my bed at one point underneath the covers without asking. i didn't say anything to him about it but it just was really weird and i didn't like it whatsoever. also whenever i'm on my computer in class the gendie girl always feels the need to peer over to see what i'm looking at. it's annoying and i want to tell the both of them to back the hell off but i don't want to be rude since they have been nice to me and i don't want to risk damaging the few friendships that i have.

No. 2350294

I attracted people like that for a large portion of my adolescence. If you want things to change, you have to cut all of these people off completely and establish boundaries for yourself. Someone being nice to you doesn’t cancel out anything weird or creepy they’ve done to you. You’re not rude for following your own boundaries. It’s hard in the beginning to feel like you don’t have any friendships but you get over it real quick; you see how awful letting people like that in your life truly is.

No. 2350332

the moments i can refrain from disliking my appearance or commenting negatively on it, from scrolling content about vain twitter model types of girls or even nitpicks on snow threads about normal looking girls, the more i focus on living and not obsessing over what i need to buy next or change, it is almost as though a warmth beams through me and i am liberated.

i know this is reality for women, appearance can be so important and its a shame because how do you ever convince yourself to stop caring in a world where at times it can be very necessary to look put together? but jesus christ i am not deformed or hideously ugly and im exhausted of thinking i need to get lip filler, or change my hair, do more skincare and get extensions and wear more makeup. its so silly and vain i can fall for the marketing and lies. i dont want money or attention from men anyway, i just want to love myself and that can certainly be done without being a standard idea of pretty. getting dressed up can be very fun at times but should never be an obsession or something that drives you so mad in this journey to attain what you believe is a perfect appearance.

i just feel lighter, happier and more whole when i let go of disliking how i look and spend time living and creating things. i realize how shallow it all is.

No. 2350353

>live in a flat
>can hear kids screaming
>parents screaming at their kids
>heavy bass vibrating through the walls
I want to put my earplugs back in.

No. 2350389

im kinda stressed these days so that could be it

No. 2350410

im so fucking suicidal and alone i just want to fucking die i hate this life i hate everything

No. 2350433

>be me 9 months ago
>"I don't touch mobage"
>be me now
>about to install my 3rd mobage
Where did it all go wrong.

No. 2350469

What's going on, nona? Anything in particular making you feel this way?

No. 2350489

Why am I so scared of just opening snapchat messages, what's wrong with my brain

No. 2350564

i appreciate you replying… uhm, well basically im very lonely, dont have anything to look forward to… i like in a pretty isolated small town in a conservative part of the country, i have one irl friend, but we havent been as close since she got a boyfriend, and we go out sometimes but being third wheel with them is a bit depressing. my family isnt poor or anything, they go on vacations often, but they dont invite me, i get it, im an adult now and they wanna enjoy their alone time… but i havent left the state, even this area i live in, for years. i dont have a mom in my life, ive never had a boyfriend, i have a few online friends but i dont feel like they really understand me. im scared of the future because my autism and isolation has made working really difficult for me (i can do the job, but being around people is difficult) so…yeah…thats whats wrong

No. 2350578

I'm sorry to hear that nona! I also live isolated in a (relatively) conservative part of the country so I know how that can be (though even when I lived in liberal parts of the country I struggled to make friends because the only other autist nerds were easily offended gendies)
I mostly have online friends, but one thing that helped me a lot was just going out in nature. A lot of conservative places have tons of wilderness (idk if that's true for you though since shitholes like Texas exist) but a long bike ride through the woods can be just as fulfilling as a day out with friends.
I hope you feel better nona!

No. 2350655

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I want to root for my little sister, who is only 4 years younger than me, but she makes it hard. She has always been a pick me and now she is posting on her public social media how she finds muslim men so hot and would consider converting for them. I just want to scream into the void. Like wtf is wrong with you?!

No. 2350659

I wish I could bash my abuser's fucking teeth in and shove him into the way of an oncoming subway train. I wish he would just fucking die. I'll only have true peace of mind when he is dead and gone from this world. I want to vomit.

No. 2350730

send her phyllis chesler's memoir

No. 2350742

Yeah, we were both diagnosed with autism in the past couple of years. She has expressed feeling a lack of community since her breakup (first boyfriend) and job change (first job) over a year ago, and I think she's using the internet to fill it.
Meh, it's a minor annoyance to me because I know she is pro-sassy-man-in-dress, not pro-womanface. I don't want to nuke my friendship by taking this passing fad literally.
If I hear something like "fishy" or "cunt" again, I'll ask her what it means, because I think the explanation will be awkward enough that she won't do it again.

No. 2350759

Start giving her more and more vague answers, "it's your choice/your life" type. If she asks you but what would you do, try to say "I don't know, I'm not the one in this situation" then change the subject. Try to change the subject as much as you can, even if she pushes back

No. 2350791

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>Scanlation group gets all accounts suspended due to copyright, probably because the series’ anime is airing right now
>Announced that they will cease scanlating for the foreseeable future as a result
>Have to download the publisher’s official app and pay to read new chapters now
>Each chapter is broken into 2+ parts so you have to pay multiple times for one chapter
I fucking hate this. Anime and manga going mainstream was a mistake.

No. 2350800

Retarded question I know but how do I actually go out and meet a normal guy? Everyone around me I find cute is taken, I’ve tried OLD and only attract scrotes or pick up artist types and my hobby groups are full of women and taken men. At this point every negative trait I have counts against me but I still don’t want to settle with a scrote. I just want a sweet and funny boyfriend … I’ve seen women at my attractiveness level with cute partners but I’ve no clue how they even found them, usually it was through uni or school and they never broke up.

No. 2350803

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Because of your picrel I was reminded that I wish I knew more women into moeshit who aren't handmaidens. I know a couple online and one irl but this one is literally married to an autistic (legit disabled) scrote so it just makes me sick thinking about it when I interact with her. It's kinda based she doesn't believe in troonshit but she's kinda handmaideny in other ways… ugh. I guess I will just force my gf to watch retarded moecrap with me in the weekend.

No. 2350816

15 years from now they will be posting on reddit about their transphobic teenager and redditors will tell them the kid needs therapy to stop being a bigot

No. 2350820

Through sports I guess. Try to join some sport centric groups in your area.

No. 2350822

thank you for the sweet response, genuinely, and youre right, i havent gone outside just to go outside recently because of how cold its been but i should soon

No. 2350829

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I want friends. I need friends. Both IRL and online. I've had Discord twice now, and both times I ended up closing my account after falling out with people. I know this makes me seem like a terrible person or friend, but I swear that app feels cursed. Conversations and relationships always end up going into weird or inappropriate territory. I regret entertaining some of it, and then I'm out. Am I the problem? I swear it all starts wholesome and normal but somehow always spirals into that. I just want friends to chill with, voice chat, and game. Feeling like an inadequate, lonely nobody right now.

No. 2350834

I’d rather be alone kekk

No. 2350835

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>be me
>late 2023
>phone randomly stops playing audio
>try to fix it by installing software update
>the update fully breaks my phone
>lose 5 years worth of data
>want to kill myself
>shove it in a random drawer and cry
>end up forgetting about it
>fast forward to late 2024
>remember that i still need to fix the phone
>finally find a good repair shop this week
>drop off my phone there
>get a call the day after
>it's already fixed
>get home excited to finally have it back
>decide to watch some youtube
>…why is it silent
>the fucking audio is still gone
>mfw i'm going to have to go back for yet another repair

No. 2350837

>Am I the problem
Depends on what you mean by "always end up going into weird or inappropriate territory"
If someone is creeping on you or sending you gross unsolicited porn then no, the problem isn't you. People like that are awkward and uncomfortable to be around.
If you freak out if someone is talking about their crush and are weirdly puritain about shit that has nothing to do with you, then maybe yeah, you are gonna struggle befriending people if all you want to do is talk about chaste stuff. Friends generally like to talk about their crushes with friends sometimes.

No. 2350839

You unironically need to make peace with yourself and become okay with having no friends. I was just like you, desperate for friends my entire life, one internet friend falling out after the other (I agree that discord groups are cursed) until I got excommunicated from my friend group and decided to just fuck it all and deleted all of my social media and discord and messaging apps. After I healed my need to have friends and became my own best friend people are suddenly falling at my doorstop trying to befriend me, no joke. If I knew this was the secret to making friendships I would have stopped giving a shit a long time ago.

No. 2350848

It's so embarrassing reminding someone it's your birthday so I do not mention it at all but then at the same time it kind of hurts when they forget. Especially when you always remember theirs and wish them a happy birthday.

No. 2350852

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I have multiple severe mental illnesses (not even gonna specify what I have because everyone on here constantly talks shit about us and understandably so). I’ve always wanted to have kids but I know that I can’t and never will. I wouldn’t be able to handle it and I would never want to subject a child to my outbursts and spergouts or risk passing it on to them. My family is still convinced that some day I’ll change my mind. I don’t know how to tell them that it’s never going to happen.

No. 2350855

Sane BPDchan. I’ll send a heart to you nonna, I hope you can cope. Children aren’t the end goal in a woman’s life.

No. 2350860

Both times I was talking to moids, and we started off as friends. One situation turned into sexting, and the other evolved into a codependent relationship where he claimed to be addicted to me (kek) but didn't seem to want anything serious. It is so frustrating, I just want a normal relationship. I developed feelings for both of these guys and it pisses me off. I wasn't even seeking them, and that's what pisses me off the most.

No. 2350865

I understand where you're coming from, but I've gone through periods where I was completely fine with having no friends, and it didn't work. If anything, it just put me in a bigger hole because people assume I'm conceited or arrogant for keeping to myself.

No. 2350866

>talking to moids
Don't do that if you want a normal friendship. Especially on discord.

No. 2350885

Thank you nonna

No. 2350888

Seeing other people achieve their goals makes me feel so sick. Why can't everyone just be a shut in neet and laze around all day like me. I don't want to feel bad about wasting my time when it's so fun to do. Every time I get close to finishing something big I feel like I have to make myself stop. I don't know why. Something within me just makes me want to stop doing whatever I'm doing. It's like I'm subconsciously quitting while I'm ahead. I completely stop caring about what I was doing too even if I was obsessed with it.

No. 2350892

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hate my ugly face, body, race everything im not even smart either lmao killing myself

No. 2350894

Nonna, maybe you're just afraid of what could happen after you finish something. I kind of felt like that after graduating from uni because I thought that everything I did was going to be shit regardless of my efforts, but after being in a shitty job and getting really lucky, I managed to find a place where I'm constantly reminding myself that I'm actually really fucking good at what I'm doing.
Maybe you just need to do that too, find a place where you have an amount of pressure that makes you have to do and finish something.

No. 2350903

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sometimes i really dislike how tomboyish my personality, interests and mannerisms are. doesnt help that i have a weird little boy face too

No. 2350908

Half of this website would probably kill a person to touch your elbow. Every time a tomboy is made, an angel gets it's wings.

No. 2350911

lesbians try not to be creepy challenge

No. 2350918

agreed with >>2350908

No. 2350919

that might be true… but it feels more like a side effect of being a sperg than something i am willfully. if i had a choice id like to be more feminine

No. 2350921

I was speaking as a straight woman. Even I like tomboys tbh, they often make fun friends.

No. 2350924

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Most of what I use in food or eat could easily be turned into a much healthier lifestyle if I changed them out for queso or greek yogurt.
But I fucking can't stand the taste or consistency, no matter how much I try to make it work. Queso makes me sick, and I can't handle the aftertaste of greek yogurt - even the flavored ones I can't handle, no matter how much I try to tell myself it tastes just as good as my favorite soygurt. It makes me feel like I'm never going to lose those nasty 10kg I want to get rid of.

No. 2350926

I never get along with women older than me / women my age, most of the times they are petty and mean. Does anyone relate to this?

No. 2350932

You can literally learn to be feminine, though. Take some tomboyish traits you don't like and try to see what a feminine woman would do instead.
I'm only slightly feminine, and it's a conscious thing even for me.

No. 2350933

I’m so attracted to this violent looking moid from work, is this self harm? He has a gf and acts like a forcefully domesticated pit bull but his thighs are like steel. Help.

No. 2350934

Managed to calm down a couple of hours after this post: had a good cry, watched some reaffirming shit like vidrel, and tried to reframe my thinking.
I still feel like a failure for not grasping JS, to the point of fucking panicking and had a lot of anxiety on my way to the office today. But I had a quick talk with my supervisors that kinda just nodded and went "welcome to the rest of your career, because that feeling never went away for any of us. Instead for now, relax and keep in mind that no one expects anyone that's barely even a junior - everyone are going to expect that you know NOTHING about ANYTHING."
Idk if it was all that reassuring for me, because I still feel like an idiot because I struggle so much with writing basic js and solving problems. But I'm so happy that both my supervisors are women that are very understanding and tries to help me along, even though they have to deal with a retard like me.

No. 2350942

nta but it will come across as fake/forced and robotic if she isn't naturally like that
>t. another tomboy who tried this

No. 2350947

het women try not to be homophobic challenge

No. 2350956

I’m doing my internship in general surgery and the misogyny here is crazy. Most of the surgeons are men.
They freely talk during surgeries as if they’re at the pub kek. There was an overweight woman and the surgeon was flapping her belly and while doing the laparoscopy he was calling her a fat whale and that doing the surgery was difficult since there was a lot of fat.
There was also talking about some colleagues, saying that one was unfuckable and the other one needed to be put in a grinder and be made again because she had no qualities.

No. 2350964

I wish I had never moved to this shitty bumfuck nowhere desert town.

No. 2350970

The only doctors available to me in my area are Indian male doctors with poor ratings for bedside manner. God damn it I hate it here

No. 2351006

Sounds like most British workplaces kek, I’m in a boring office job and if anything they’re even worse

No. 2351009

woke up frustrated about everything again
I hate how only moid online spaces caters to the truly desperate loser neuroses like mine
can't even relate to this wanabee Stacy imageboard 6 days of the week
only downside is getting constantly gaslighted inadequacy being supposedly worse for them
anonymous streams of consciousness are all I have left to bring myself to relate with someone that seemingly doesn't even exist besides myself
maybe one day I'll get over my angsty teenage mindset and stop embarrassing myself in public

No. 2351017

I attract mostly autist men and trannies (so the same group of people basically) so I feel your pain. I aspire to be like >>2350839 in the future, I don't think it'll get me any actually good friends but I want to be okay with being friendless instead of entertaining these retarded people who I don't even like just to say I'm not on my own.

No. 2351035

the moid sounds like a perv who thinks you have easy boundaries to push

No. 2351038

>I attract mostly autist men and trannies
My life story. That and creepy, mentally ill homeless dudes that may or may not be pedophiles…because I still look like a kid.

No. 2351046

I will look into it.

No. 2351048

AVGN has no hair left.kek

No. 2351049

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Going from Python to JS is a big leap nonny don’t feel too discouraged. It has an infamous reputation for a reason, many people struggle with it.

No. 2351070

Fuck JS. I hate JS.
Although I’ll say having experience with Java before touching JS did make its stupid idiosyncratic bullshit easier to stomach because of it’s simularities, but if you’re never gonna use Java it might be dumb to learn that just for JS.

I hate JS so much. If JS has a million haters I'm one of them. If it has one hater it's me. If it has 0 haters I have died. If the world is against JS I am with the world, if the world is for JS I am against the world. It’s not a statement on your intelligence or ability if you’re not grasping JS, it probably indicates high intelligence and huge sexiness for inherent incompatibility with the worst thing in the internet.

Also for things where you’re just not grasping things, it might be helpful to ask an LLM / ChatGPT to explain it to you. When we were learning about PWAs it helped a lot

No. 2351084

>it might be helpful to ask an LLM / ChatGPT to explain it to you
That’s good advice. ChatGPT helped me a lot with pointers when I was first learning. My first language was C and C++ after limited experience with Python and some HTML. That was a rough time in my life kek

No. 2351089

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I fucking hate minimalism in all of it's forms, it's boring, bland and looks cheap. Being born in this era is a terrible curse.
It's insane to me that we now have the ability to easily build beautiful marvels and we just don't and instead just make shit as plain as possible. If we wanted to we could turn every neighborhood into a piece of magnificent art, we could be living in real life size animal crossing houses, cartoon disney houses, Rivendell or make every house look like a little rococo castle.
Not that it would have to be EVERY neighborhood, I'd be happy to have one or two fun themed ones in each town. But there is nothing.

Minimalist luxury products are also stupid, at least before you could claim you paid extra for the design. Now it's all a plain single-colored box with a text only logo on it. It's all so ugly and boring.

No. 2351092

literally the world could be PARADISE in so many ways and yet we are trapped in samsara with the people making these terrible choices.

No. 2351093

it's not that deep, live your truth and ogle him.

No. 2351107

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Retards just think that you have to choose between a sterile dystopia or a level 10 hoard.
Victorians knew what was up

No. 2351112

I always had the impression that minimalism is mainly poorfags trying to disguise their inability to afford nice things to decorate their homes with as something "smart" and "aesthetically clean".

No. 2351114

i don't see the point in living if i have to stay in this city for the rest of my life. i can't do it any more

No. 2351115

this but i thought it was live laugh love bitches with no taste or personality relieved there was a praised aesthetic that requires no money/taste that they can pretend IS having taste. but it’s really a lack of taste? like you are showing you can’t make a room look clean or well put together besides it being empty? what does that say about these peoples brains lol.

No. 2351116

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I decided to give up caffeine for a New Years resolution. It's been spiking my anxiety every time I have a have an americano. I don't feel awake just anxious and twitchy, which I guess is a kind of awake. I used to drink a coffee brand called Death Wish no problem and now I can't handle anything. I just feel my bones vibrating and sweating.
Anyway I've been looking into caffeine amounts and jfc it's everywhere. It looks like I've been a addict my whole life kek. If a month off wired bean juice doesn't cure me then I'm going to have to give up coffee and tea altogether. I'm kinda sad about that. I know decafes an option but it doesn't taste quite right.

No. 2351117

I'm completely done having any empathy for women who objectify themselves. Reading about all these insane stories of OnlyFans bimbos sleeping with 1000 moids for some record has made me realize how much I hate these whores. I don't care if they were molested as kids. Your trauma doesn't give you a permission to fuck over all of your gender and contribute to the normalization of this absolute degeneracy. They belong in a prison with other sexual predators, including all the men who participate in this shit.

No. 2351120

likewise! I had to quit due to it interfering with medications and it sucks because i love coffee for the taste and not the caffeine effects.
>I know decafes an option but it doesn't taste quite right
right?? Ive always felt it tasted more strong and burnt, not at all smooth like a regular coffee would taste. I miss warm drinks so much, I found out that tea, specifically matcha, has caffeine in it and im so bummed out…

No. 2351126

decaf still has caffeine just a lot less of it

No. 2351129

decaf tastes bad because it is basically used up coffee grounds. they decaffeinate it with water (basically brewing it, no I won't fact check this and I'm not enough of a coffee nerd to explain better but that's the gist)

No. 2351132

Good luck quitting caffeine! That was my resolution last year and it definitely improved my health. The withdrawal headaches can be annoying but they'll pass. Also look into fruity and herbal teas! A lot of them are caffeine-free and there are a ton of different flavors, especially if you drink loose leaf tea

No. 2351136

the real thing you should be worried about with coffee and chocolate is lead. i'd never give it up though, coffee is too good

No. 2351138

I wish. You'd be surprised how many luxury mansions I have been in where it's just minimalist bullshit.
Lower middle class rural people who aren't trashy will actually avoid minimalist shit like the plague

No. 2351163

after hitting my mid 20s (and after finally starting ADHD medication) i've really chilled out more and have learned to stop ruminating so much. however the one thing that still manages to reduce me back to being a self-loathing angry upset teenage girl is my mother. in just the past few years:
>get into one of the top unis in my country
>while in uni, get accepted to study for a year at another top uni (THE best uni for the country i applied for, in fact) across the globe, all based on academic merit
>when i tell her she tells me i'm an idiot for applying to somewhere on the opposite side of the world, as though that wasn't the point
>right before i leave she tells me 'not to come home just because you miss your boyfriend or something', a thought which had never crossed my mind nor something i had ever suggested doing to her or anybody else or that i would ever do anyway
>the first two weeks of being there, i'm struggling with homesickness and loneliness
>stupid enough to call home and tell her
>she berates me again for being stupid enough to go to another country. like full on shouting at me down the phone while i cry
>cool. surely this won't linger or traumatise me or anything
>covid hits while i'm studying abroad, have to leave right as my second semester is starting
>come home, start my dissertation after a few months, it's hell, finish it during covid
>she doesn't congratulate me, just asks when i'm getting a job
>finally have my graduation ceremony over a year after i actually finished uni
>she ruins my entire graduation (and i really do mean ruins it)
>shows up late and almost misses it, spends the whole day sulking, comparing me negatively to other girls who have graduated on the same day, and implying i have no friends because i 'wasn't talking to anyone' (even though everybody i actually knew on my course had finished and graduated while i was still studying abroad)
>by sulking i mean while i was queueing for pictures, she literally sat alone on the other side of campus not speaking to anybody
>we go for lunch after my graduation at my fave asian restaurant
>she actually legitimately throws a fit and refuses to order anything because she 'doesn't know what anything is' (they serve chicken and rice), even her parents/siblings are embarrassed
>at the end of the day after embarrassing me in front of my family and boyfriend she gives me a hug and says 'what a lovely day!!!11!'
>walk home trying not to cry and go straight to bed at 6pm but it's fine because surely this also absolutely will not be something i will never recover from
>when i finally get my graduation pictures, i send two home - one for her and one for my grandparents
>she doesn't put the one i gave her up for literally two years
>still hasn't given my grandparents their photo. it's sitting in the envelope it came in in a drawer in my old bedroom
>struggle to get a job after graduation because it's still fucking covid
>implies i should just get a supermarket job (like her) and settle (like her) and that this might be my fault for getting a useless degree with a shit grade (i got a 2:1 from a very good uni)
>finally get a job
>i get a disinterested congrats before she immediately starts asking me how much i earn
>i'm made redundant after a year but i don't tell her because i can only imagine how bad it will be if i do
>she never finds out because she literally never asks me anything about my job, not even how my day has been if i call her late in the day
>instead she asks me why i haven't bought a house yet… in the city i live in halfway across the country with far higher house prices than the village i grew up in in the cheapest part of the country
>silly me i actually should have already had one lined up right after graduating uni, which is a normal thing to expect and is something that everybody else does of course
>not long after i've been made redundant she forces me to go on holiday with her to new york to celebrate 'my birthday' (read: because she wants to go but has no friends and thus nobody else to go with)
>belittles me for wanting to visit museums. like actually acts as though it's the most insane thing she's ever heard of in her life
>the holiday is a nightmare of course. whatever
>flash forward to summer last year
>i've moved into a beautiful apartment with my boyfriend in the middle of the city i live in
>finally get another job
>it's a really good job with a good wage in a well-respected sector where i'll be set with a job for life
>again, she doesn't care, just asks me about money and wages
>been in the job just over 5 months now
>have been given a pay rise already, have been nominated for multiple bonuses, and i've been complimented on my work by my manager, my boss, and the head of my entire directorate
>she still doesn't ask about work and i haven't told her so she doesn't even know
>still manages to ask me why i haven't bought a house yet though
the funniest part of this is that i'm an only child, so the 'golden child' she's always focusing on isn't even a sibling - it's some random fucking cousin of mine who is about 10 years older than me. just after i got my first job, my cousin got pregnant to her boyfriend while still living at home (and then had to have her parents buy her a house and do it up before she had the baby) (for reference, when i moved in with my boyfriend after a year of being together, my mother lost her shit and told me my grandparents would think i was a disgrace) (spoiler: they didn't, they couldn't have cared less). because of that she couldn't have given a shit about my job, it was all about my cousin.
even now all my mother talks about is my cousin's kid. the one time i did try to tell her about how well i was doing at my new job she interrupted me to talk about them instead. lol
at least now i'm older and feeling more secure, i don't feel like such a failure anymore. but i'll never really feel successful and it'll always hurt that she not only couldn't give a shit, but she has actively chosen to ruin so many massive parts of my life that i should have been so proud of (i didn't mention it but she also started a massive fight the night before i left for uni that coloured my entire uni experience too - i literally haven't had anything she hasn't spoiled for me in some way). but hatever haha. maybe i'll eventually tamp down that idiot part of my brain that still somehow expects something from her. on the plus side my very kind and complimentary boss told me out of nowhere that she wanted to adopt me last month so maybe i'll just secretly make her a pseudo-mother figure and get my validation there instead

No. 2351165

everyone says that, but there's so many successful plastic surgery stories. a lot of women get plastic surgery and finally become confident and happy with themselves and suddenly people treat them better. it's not gonna solve your problems if you have legitimate body dysmorphia or an insecurity related to some sort of emotional trauma, but in my case it's really my face and body the aspect that ruined my entire self-esteem, since i was a kid. i can't be happy unless i fix my retarded mug. i'm not even exaggerating, but i don't look like the other regular girls, i don't have a soft feminine face, i look like a tranny. i don't need to be a gigastacy, but i want to at least look like an average pretty woman

No. 2351168

drink rooibos chai, it's naturally decaf! rooibos is a rich herbal tea, and you use the spiced version for a really tasty, decaf chai drink

No. 2351172

hating oneself is super cucked and cringe
being ugly and the wrong race and still looking down on everyone is the way to go

No. 2351208

>I always had the impression that minimalism is mainly poorfags
Honestly i blame men, i really feel like minimalism started with male brands targeting men (guessing because males tiny brains can't focus on more than one thing at a time) and design by rich men in general is just… straight hard lines with no charm or personality whatsoever no matter what the item is. Even just household items like a fridge or washing machine that we use every day don't need to be boring and white/grey, they could all have cute designs, and it really takes a male brain to not realize that. It's literally only when a brand targets women we finally get more colorful and interesting designs.

No. 2351210

im gonna lose it

No. 2351214

i'll find it

No. 2351230

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I'm pro plastic surgery but just don't get lip fillers. Just trust me when I say they look ugly on everyone, people just get home blind and can't tell that it makes them look worse. It doesn't matter how thin your lips are, they will not look better swollen. They can look great in pictures, but irl they always look like shit. The best most natural results I've ever seen were still noticeable and looked caterpillary. Kylie Jenner in picrel is one of the richest most famous women who can afford the best of the best and she still ended up looking botched af in candids. Even if you eventually dissolve them the injection pushed out your skin so when you remove it your skin is saggier and wrinklier, it's just not ever worth it.

Just trust that if you tweak other minor things on your face it WILL look more balanced and your lips will seem like much less of a problem. You generally need less surgery than you think.

No. 2351231

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Thank you nonas for responses, it truly means the world to me to get this validation! JS wouldn’t be such a struggle if it didn’t have such abstract terms for the majority of its methods and shit, I know I shouldn’t compare myself to those that are more experienced or have an easier time in general with grasping all of this but I always worry I’ll never understand any of it whenever I see them problem solve/write line after line of JS so effortlessly. So many times I’ve felt like I’m on the cusp of grasping this shit just to drop the ball…
> it might be helpful to ask an LLM / ChatGPT
Oh yeah, I do that A LOOOT kek every time I try to figure out a function/method too complex or abstract for my autistic pea brain I keep lowering the age level it needs to break it down to me. If it wasn’t technically just a glorified auto-correct I’d almost worry it’s starting to think I’m an actual five year old

No. 2351239

if i scream into the void enough maybe they will send help

No. 2351248

Minimalism as an aesthetic is what you're describing, but minimalism as a philosophy (ie just own less stuff) is totally compatible with colour and personality. If anything, the fact that I don't want too much stuff in my home means I try even harder to pick everyday household items that are pretty, colourful and unique.

I totally agree about appliances, they should be readily available in way more colours. The few options we have, like Smeg, are prohibitively expensive. But I at least have a pink toaster, a green air fryer, a floral kettle, etc.

No. 2351264

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I feel like such an outcast everywhere I go. Exactly like picrel but everywhere and always. I don’t even try to pipe up in any group conversations anymore because it feels like shit to constantly be ignored or talked over. Even online it seems to be that as soon as I make a comment on a group conversation that is actively happening, the conversation immediately ends and no one else comments on it again.
I have no friends so I talk to random moids online to fill the lonely void even though I know they only like me because I’m a woman who will actually talk to them. It honestly feels so fucking bad. Sometimes I think about myself as a child and just cry because this is who she grew up to be. A friendless loser outcast who never found her place.

No. 2351306

Same nonna…

No. 2351328

I just got fucking scammed. I have a small business thing registered with the govt (not american) that I can use if I do work that is informal and not contractual. I made it last year for a specific purpose and decided to keep it open this year in case I used it. I didn't, but that's ok. I have to make a declaration for tax purposes every year. Did it last year with no problem. This week I got an email saying the time frame for the declaration to be done had started and linking me to a website to do it. It looked different from last year's but I didn't mind, still looked official enough. I filled in stuff and clicked to send and it opened a payment page. I just automatically paid, it wasn't an egregious value. Well as soon as I finished paying I though "wait a minute I didn't have to pay anything last year" then I went back and on there was a tiiiiny line on the email and on the page saying "this is a private service and is not related to the government" basically they act as a consultancy thing that charges you to do something that is EASY AND FREE to do in the govt page and I fell hook line and sinker. And I can't ask for my money back bc they clearly stated they're providing me a service and aren't associated with the govt. I feel so retarded. Went to the govt website and filled in the form and got the tax thing for FREE in like two minutes. God I'm so fucking mad.

No. 2351333

How did they even get your email?

No. 2351340

You need to register one to be associated with the business and it's public info. I realize now I should have made a separate one and will change it as soon as I can

No. 2351344

I feel the same, but I occasionally think about an old HS teacher telling me how great it is to find a community and feel accepted like that. He was well meaning and I guess meant I'll "find my tribe" in college, but I just studied alone in the library.

Even when I find people who seem like we would get along, I find that it was mainly superficial.

talking to people these days is just an exercise in how out of touch I am

No. 2351347

Same nonnie, same. I think some of us just don’t have the “it” factor that attracts people, making it harder to connect with them unless there is an equal effort. It makes for a very lonely life where it feels like you can disappear into a forest one day and no one would notice

No. 2351352

Thanks, that makes me feel a little less alone. I spent today still feeling this exact same way and it sucks.

No. 2351356

You should let her know that. Part of the job of a therapist is knowing how to effectively communicate with you and know what kind of speech encourages or discourages you.

No. 2351375

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Looking at flights and scoffing/keking at the attempts to make us peasants feel guilty for contributing to carbon emissions for a single flight when billionaires and people like Taylor Swift are emitting hundreds of TONS of CO2 per WEEK

No. 2351380

Can't believe these companies are guilting customers when they should be buying more energy efficient planes in the first place. Appalling behaviour.

No. 2351382

I feel this. I feel almost guilty about going on 4chan sometimes but it's literally the only other place online that relates to my 'tism and I can openly shit on trannies

No. 2351386

>she called it "fishy"
This shit makes me want to alog so hard, I hate it when other women latch on to those misogynistic faggot "jokes" and enable them.

>serving faggot!!


No. 2351392

How is this place wannabe stacy when half the users here are agoraphobes who need a bechdel test thread just to stop shitting on and/or thirsting about moids. 4chan is just the male equivalent. Are you a masochist?

No. 2351393

Private planes should be fucking illegal. Make tswift fly with us commoners.

No. 2351395

Talk to her about how drag is extremely sexist and why. That's so annoying anon

No. 2351396

nta but it's probably because this place can be mean, mostly about women, and it reminds her of the stacies who bullied her in school

No. 2351397

just pirate that shit game. The creator, Neil is a piece of shit who fired the writers from the first fame, including a woman. he also fetishizes lesbians.

No. 2351401

Ask her why drag is acceptable but blackface isn't.
If she talks about blacks being oppressed, remind her about sharia law, coverture, sati etc, and how our rights are being stripped away in the west as we speak. Then ask her how oppressed women need to be before it becomes offensive to appropriate them.

No. 2351402

Call drag "serving AIDS"

No. 2351407

this will probably make her defensive and not really listen. probably calling it annoying and shallow would be better.

No. 2351426

i was talking to my friends about that guy who offed himself after being filmed at the bikini cafe with his pants off. I'm glad he's gone. It made me think about this video that went viral not too long ago of a woman standing either by a train station or crosswalk and a man ejaculating on her pants and she was obviously distressed but didn't even realize how bad the situation was. that video makes me so angry and I was literally shaking thinking about it. I don't know what I would have done to myself after that. I hope she's okay. I hope that the barista is okay too.

No. 2351427

I just realized that I find human interaction so fundamentally disappointing, unpleasant, and unfulfilling that I can't even imagine what a "good" relationship of any kind would be. Maybe it'll just always be like this.
I'm pretty normie btw. Like I have friends, a "best friend", relatively peaceful relationship with my family and stable job. But I'm always feeling like I have to do 100 levels of mental math and concealment in social situations just to end up apparently vaguely unlikable at best by most people and it's incredibly draining.
I used to covertly abuse drugs/alcohol in order make it easier to cope with this which I've successfully weaned myself out of. But it's sad to fully realize now that it might just always be like this. IDK.

No. 2351439

I'm on my period and WHY THE FUCK AM I SO HORNY? I am hornier than I am during ovulation what the hell is going on,I should be in pain and suicidal.

No. 2351455

I'm sorry but wtf was this guy thinking showing up with his cock out at a bikini cafe? Apparently his enabler family went after the fucking cafe saying they caused this?
No bitch, your perverted disgusting husband/son retardedly sat bare ass balls out in his fucking car and went to a bikini cafe like a fucking degenerate. What the fuck was he expecting? For her to complement his malformed cock?
Hope he's burning in hell.

No. 2351465

nta either but i thought she meant like anons who self identity as stacies, like that one from the confession thread who bullied her autistic co-worker or anons who pretend to be edgy dark triad types (like the ones who thought being a side piece was based misandry and saying it's good for moids to cheat, etc.)

No. 2351475

>first it's black people** not "blacks" you hikkikimori sounding racefag.
2nd, that's such a bad method to use I hope the other anon ignored your advice. That would make her friend think she's a tinfoiling republican. Stop trying to be so heavy handed when it comes to peaking women over gay moids, especially when you try use a hot button comparison. No way you think saying "rupaul's drag race is just like blackface." would go down smoother than just saying something like "constantly mocking women isn't okay. Doesn't matter if they're gay, they're still men."

No. 2351478

samefag, but even better is calling drag "creepy." That word always seems to trigger the protective instinct in women. It's like triggering their awareness that there's potentially something predatory close by.

No. 2351494

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This is the ugly scrote who told me he was settling for me looks wise (and made me believe I was hideous even though I mogged him in all of our photos) and accused me of only hanging out with him for free fancy dinners (even though I drove an hour to his area and an hour back whenever we would hang out). I'm done with men and I'm hoping and praying for his demise. An ugly piece of shit spoiled brat who tries to free himself of blame by getting on a soap box about how he's adopted and how his biological mom was on fucking crack when he had her. I don't give a fuck. Fuck you and your crack head mom. Oh and fuck your 65 year old faggot dad who is dating a 22 year old boy. I'm a retard for ever finding him attractive both physically and emotionally, and for letting so much of his fucking retarded behavior slide because I was so desperate for attention and validation. At least I got a few good meals out of him though. Strictly using men for my own gain from now on.

No. 2351496

Will never work. Handmaidens have mastered doublethink and feel perfectly comfortable bulldozing over their contradictions. She'll say it's not the same and see no problem with the fact that she can't elaborate.

No. 2351498

Idk how you could look such an ugly specimen in the eyes, i hope the meals were tasty.

No. 2351499

Actual Stacy shit. You faced down a boss level pick me.

No. 2351500

Gay men are sexist as shit and I'll say it to their faggot faces.

No. 2351501

No, you're absolutely right. I hate that word. I hate that people use it so casually to be spicy straight. They cant commit to being full on gay, so they'd rather pretend to reclaim a slur. It's still a slur in my head, but i'm an old lesbian, so what do I know.

No. 2351503

Worse are a straight couple, but one of them trooned out (MTF) so they call themselves queer.

No. 2351504

It really was. So many scanlations are harder to get now because 'whaa, the creator deserves money and this is suddenly morally wrong." fuck offf. Also, the shit i used to get bullied for and assaulted in school is suddenly cool now with jocks and raging incels.

No. 2351506

god i fucking hate men. i hate how they always have to sexualize children. i hate how absolutely dense they are. i hate how hostile or creepy they are towards even the idea of a woman trying to participate in one of their spaces.
before i started using this website most of the online places that i lurked in were very male dominated and i really didn't mind at first. in fact most of my online friends that i have ever talked with were men so i just learned to integrate and behave like they do. i never treated their degrading comments towards women and the trivialization of sexualizing kids as anything more than a silly little joke. sort of like in a "boys will be boys" kind of sense. i would have to hide the fact that i was a woman from them all or else be at risk of always becoming the butt of their awful digs and jokes.
but ever since i started using lc i've really grown to not be able to tolerate their disgusting and perverted behaviors that they constantly engage in. i don't know why i just let myself be so unbothered by how terrible men are for the longest time. for so long i would love to sympathize with them and come to their defense over how they're mistreated and judged by women. i just feel silly now because i was just accepting and hanging out with this kind of filth for so long.
as positive as this realization is for me it's also a little sad for me because like i said before most of my online friends are men. so if i cut them all out i would be left with literally only one friend. and that one friend has a fiance that she loves to drool over so i probably can't really talk to her about how men suck or whatever. i need to find more female spaces to lurk in lol

No. 2351508

He looks like a closeted faggot

No. 2351511

Same. I know women are supposed to stick together, but these bitches choose this life and deserve everything that happens to them. No one in their right mind does porn or sleeps with 100 men. They are ruining it for other women who dont want to be sexualized objected for existing.

No. 2351514

>Its black people not blacks
This is why I cannot befriend libtard women.

No. 2351524

>>>calls women libtard's for disliking people who talk like 4chan scrotes.
Kek, I have a feeling you'll be posting in the "difficulty relating to other women" thread soon if you haven't already.(lrn2greentext)

No. 2351527

what do you have against the blacks?

No. 2351534

Even when I take adderall I can't get anything productive done. All it does is give me a headache. I feel like I don't have free will, like a sim with autonomy turned off waiting 3 hours in game for the person controlling me to line up my next task. I mourn what I could've been had I used my time like a person with a functioning brain.

Unrelated but no matter how much I work out I can't get my waist smaller than 26 inches. It's so over…

No. 2351541

My tics are out of controoooolllll aaaaahhhh

No. 2351544

I don't understand how you don't think you sound racist as hell when you call black people "the blacks", clearly you have a problem.

No. 2351547

What's a styro?

No. 2351555

I'm nta

No. 2351559

I feel like Americans have gotten so soft in the past decade. I remember in like 2009 we could make all the jokes we wanted n no one took it seriously. Because we could tell who was actually racist and a problem.
I feel like the only reason people are "PC" now is to weaponize it, not for any actual care or concern

No. 2351576

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You get me anon. The fact so many official translations are not even as good as fan ones just adds salt to the wound for me. I have to pay more for a shitty experience now because corporations realized they could make money off of this. The western anime community was literally founded on fan translations and piracy. You cannot take one away from the other. I hate new animanga fans. I hate corporate greed. I hate that I have to deal with retards like in picrel. I wish anime was still niche and lame god damn

No. 2351580

I can just tell from a thousand degrees of separation that this person is completely useless in all aspects of their life. It's always the wastes of space that act like this bc they know they have nothing going on and they need a way to gett attention and validation despite having zero talents.

No. 2351587

NTAs, but sorry, you only think it's wrong because you've been socially conditioned to think it's wrong. If we can say hispanics, arabs, asians, etc, then we should be able to say blacks and whites.

No. 2351594

i told my boyfriend about this story and it was incredible listening to him express how fucked up it is for this man to display what is essentially a violent attack (jerking off to someone in public) juxtaposed against the screenshot of tiktok comments where fat black women were saying the moid’s family should be compensated and the woman have charges pressed against her. reminds me of a case where a martial arts teacher was caught molesting his young students and killed himself, leaving his wife and young child behind. incredible

No. 2351597

My body is shutting down

No. 2351599

Kek but asians can be called that because they’re from Asia anon. Same with hispanics literally meaning “from Spain” and arabs being called that because their first language is Arabic. The reason why you call “whites” white people is because they can be from multiple places and you’re only describing them by their skin color. You don’t call black people “blacks” for the same reason you don’t call every dark skin person African

No. 2351604

Being an adult is depressing because I am now in my mid-20s and cant remember shit and have less fucking creativity. I hardly know shit on jeopardy compared to everyone else, my word recall has tanked even though my medication dose is small, and it just feels unfair I feel like I am getting dementia I mean i cannot critically think or do shit anymore but take life in as though im semi lobotomized

No. 2351606

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honestly nonna…you're right.

No. 2351613

So when are you going to learn to integrate? We can see your posts in other threads too kek.

No. 2351615

What the fuck are you talking about? The first two are not me.

No. 2351618

Exactly kek I'm not apart of this conversation at all but black and white are literally just colors and hispanic, arabic, asian etc are all from places

No. 2351619

What about these three posts reads like the same person KEK

No. 2351628

nta but why is it ok to say "whites" because it describes their skin color but not "blacks" then?

No. 2351635

Sorry I'm gonna say the blacks. Trying to be PC just makes you end up being more racist than you naturally are (everyone is racist, the sooner you make peace with that, the better)
I grew up being told to call blacks african americans instead of blacks because "calling them black was racist". No one is gonna give a fuck because I'm surrounded by the whites. I see a black person like 3 times a year.
Go take your language moralfagging somewhere else.
something something something slaves something something something institutionalized racism. As if my broke ass has anything to do with either of those things.

No. 2351642

So it's okay to say black people and white people even though that too is a generalization based on skin color? That makes no sense. If I say whites don't wash their asses, saying white people doesn't change the sentence whatsoever. Not every black person is from Africa or identifies with their african ancestry, just like not every Arab is from the same country in the middle east or from the arabian peninsula, which is where the term "arab" originates. So by your own standards, you can't call people arabs.

No. 2351648

>its moralfagging to correct my grammar
>anyways I don’t see black people around me so fuck you I’ll say whatever I want
KEK I’m just correcting you on your ESL sounding self but go ahead and get banned for racebaiting because you’re obviously pushing for it
The people who say “whites” are doing it for the same reason people who say “blacks” do, It’s to be disrespectful and generalize. Because when you say “the whites” you’re not talking about a group from a certain location but an entire race and same goes for saying “the blacks”. But American race politics is gonna be considered weird anyways compared to other countries because we try to go by race origin and other places go by skin tone instead.

No. 2351664

People are called arab for the arabic language they speak as their mother tongue, the term is a bit outdated but usually you would try to refer to the person as where they come from first in terms of race or their nationality second. Just like how people may not have close ties to their race origin country they can still describe themselves as their nationality like saying African-American or just by general location like those that refer to themselves Middle Eastern. The same way you can say Asian despite Asia being a large continent that can split up into four different groups like SEA, WA,EA, and Eurasian.

No. 2351668

I understand, but how does this change the fact that black people and blacks means the same thing. I don't think blacks and whites sounds right, but it really doesn't serve a different purpose. If I'm saying black people are targeted/discriminated against in this country, it would be the same as saying blacks.

No. 2351674

And you're not being disrespectful by trying to use ESL as an insult. Got it. You're "one of the good ones"

No. 2351675

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I fucking hate how my mother has to always argue with me. She's always being snotty. I stg she is a 13 year old stuck in a grown woman's body.

No. 2351677

Maybe I misunderstood your post but isn't it Americans who go by skin tone rather than origin? "White people" and "black people" are considered races and a valid distinction (not rude) even though it's just lumping in together a bunch of different people and cultures based on appearance alone. It leads to retarded claims that X people of European descent aren't "white" because they're too tan or whatever. Using origin country/nationality/ethnicity to differentiate makes much more sense. Still, once you've come up with a bunch of reasons why it's perfectly ok to generalize about "whites", "Asians", "Arabs" like this >>2351599 it's going to be difficult to make the argument that "blacks" or "Africans" is racist.

No. 2351680

Whenever I think about my birthday or getting older or suicide I imagine myself standing on the edge of a cliff. It’s in the middle of nowhere, somewhere far off and I drove there. Parked the car and got out. And I’m just standing at the edge of the cliff, barefoot to feel the grass beneath my feet while I look down. And all I see is a black void filled with stars. There’s no ground and there’s no end. It’s infinite. And I stand there and I don’t move, like I’m fused to the grass. But the space between my feet and the void becomes smaller and smaller and smaller, like it’s inching towards me. But I don’t notice. Or maybe I just don’t care. And soon enough I’ll lose my footing and fall while not doing anything to save myself. My feet were planted and remained that way.

No. 2351685

>Using origin country/nationality/ethnicity to differentiate makes much more sense
I literally cannot tell what country someone is from just by looking at them.
I cannot tell a Jamaican from a Nigerian, I cannot tell a Spaniard from an Italian, I cannot tell a German from a Swede, I cannot tell a Chinese from a Japanese, a Brazilian from a Mexican, a Afghan from an Iranian. Shit, I can't even tell an American from a Canadian.

Most people can't. Your standards for avoiding racism are fucking retarded.

No. 2351688

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Well if you’re speaking from an American/Americanized point of view you can see why using generalized speak like “blacks” or “whites” is seen as bad because of racial history with those words. Other countries of course don’t see the connection but those that were close to the US border at the time or have relatives that lived during Jim Crow in the US can see why it’s not seen in a good light. Anyone not from the US won’t see the difference though but of course their areas don’t have extreme segregation history that has molded the way they speak or weren’t taught in school about the history of segregated language

No. 2351694

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Love really is dead with zoomers,I wish I could get with aliens or something because I’m starting to grow tired of trying to find connection with others.Not even just romantic ones,it feels like everyone is some kind of drone and I hate it.

No. 2351695

How old are you? I don’t disagree that zoomer culture makes dating challenging but I think a lot of the problems are because most zoomers skew younger. The majority of relationships before the age of 25 are trash.

No. 2351696

I'm saying Americans whining about racism and generalizations when they're out there only distinguishing between "black people" and "white people" is especially retarded. Nobody's talking about you and how you call people in your head when you don't know where they're from kek

No. 2351697

21 and I have heard that you shouldn’t worry about relationships at that point but it’s still difficult how no one wants to be genuine towards anyone.I thought this would’ve stopped by now but it’s gotten so much worse.I can’t even find a reason to try talking to others anymore,it’s infuriating.

No. 2351708

Aren't a lot of zoomers 28 or 29 now?

No. 2351715

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I feel like everything in this world and universe and society is telling me I will never find love with a woman as a woman and that I need to settle for a man. I am a bisexual but I feel like I could never love a man like I do a woman and it fucking hurts. I've tried and it always feels to some degree I'm deluding myself. I'm not even all that sexually attracted to men because it always feels more about the sex than anything else. I feel cripplingly alone and broken on this Earth and like I will never be loved in the way I want or need to be. I truly hate sex. It's so fucking meaningless and like a reminder of how alone I am.

No. 2351716

immigrants aren't really part of the racism in America discussions, and they need to stop trying to force their way in there. racism in America has always been a white and black thing.

No. 2351718

samefag, immigrants are only used as pawns for both the "white side" and "black side" of America

No. 2351719

I love such a fulfilling life in regards to skills and accomplishments but the element that includes other people makes me want to kill myself. I wish I wasn't a social animal that craved human contact despite how much pain every interactions brings me in execution. I wish I could sustain myself emotionally, psychologically on my work and hobbies alone. It's a curse to never understand the language other people seem to be speaking and yet be born with a biology/neurochemistry that still needs connection to be healthy.

No. 2351729

nyart but the relationship between immigrants and America has always been kind of the same.
They are mostly brought here in droves to work the absolute worst jobs for starvation wages and get hardly any rights. Illegals get it even worse.
Unfortunately, America never really understands how to deal with the issue of immigrant exploitation. The left thinks it's racist to try to halt the system, and the right wing voter base just hates outsiders in general to go with their trad larp, and the republican politicians say the racist shit they love to hear but ultimately will still want them in because they are cheap labor, effectively being just as bad, if not worse as the dems.
Honestly the only politicians in recent times who wants to stem the flow of immigrants for the right reasons seem to be independents. The less migrants, the more businesses are forced to hire naturalized citizens who don't tolerate the psychotic exploitation of post industrial capitalism.
It's been like this since at least the early 20th century. It's just now it's Indians and Mexicans instead of poor European countries.

No. 2351730

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Idk if it's a zoomer thing because they grew up in an online environment where main character syndrome behavior is celebrated (or at least rewarded) or if it's just how people are nowadays, but it frustrates me to no fucking end how the concept of subjectivity is fucking lost on so many anons.
You can't like something without them personally approving of it first, and if they don't like something it turns into a moral question even when the issue they have is miniscule or doesn't matter in the big picture. Sometimes [thing] can be a genuinely shitty product that deserves to be debated (or shitty/uncomfortable on purpose to make a point or cause said debate), but most of the time you're just not the intended audience and that's fine.

No. 2351734

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>The left thinks it's racist to try to halt the system,
the left participates in this system don't be daft. they're the main proponents of "legal immigration" (H1B). both sides make money off immigrants, they just exploit different class levels.

a lot of them flew under the racism radar of the past, it's only recently they're not weaponized as the model minority against black Americans

No. 2351736

>"don't be daft"
>proceeds to agree with me that the left participates in the system of exploiting migrants

No. 2351748

kylie jenner been doing her lips since she was like 16 and she had too much done from the start, if you start with very little lip filler it will look much more natural. a lot of korean and russian girls get lip filler without looking this bad. madison beer also has tastefully done lip filler and looks great on her and it helps her balance her stronger prominent chin. and literally every normie girl wants to look like her and every normie moid wants a girl like her

No. 2351755

every social interaction feels like an humiliation
already managed to spend a whole semester not speaking to anyone under any circumstance
only few more to go

No. 2351764

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Imo that's just coping. I know people irl who got their lips done minimally and it always leaves them with that strange duck-quality irl. That's not a bug, it's a feature. That's just what making them bigger does, it's the whole point. They don't realize how bad it looks because they look at themselves on filtered photos and videos just like you look at russian and koreans. Madison Beer is actually another good example of how it looks good in photos, but bad irl. In a few photos you can even tell the pout is unnatural for her face

No. 2351766

They’re so brazen , I was so surprised.

No. 2351771

This is such a good point, I feel like most plastic surgery looks great in photos because of filters and editing but then in real life it just looks… weird. It's so strange to see these influencers get all this work done only to keep using filters. Because I thought they were getting the work done so they didn't need filters, but no they still use them kek.

No. 2351782

my uncle had passed away (due to a hospital mishap…) almost 3 weeks ago already, and his body is still stuck in a freezer because the hospital is refusing to finish some paperwork and the funeral company is refusing to hold a funeral without it… i hate this shit ass eastern euro shithole banana country

No. 2351784

>leave my apartment for the first time this week to refill my prescriptions
>pharmacist is a woman around my age, probably set for life, with perfect hair, skin, and teeth
>day ruined
guess the meds aren't really helping after all

No. 2351793

Paying someone (likely a moid) to cut open your healthy body or inject literal poison into it in the pursuit of being marginally more fuckable is peak loser behaviour. Get a hobby instead of obsessing over your appearance and try going to the gym to build some self-esteem and find mind-body connection. Any woman who “did it for herself” is lying or a vain retard whose only goal in life is male validation.

No. 2351796

"self help" always comes down to the vanity of blowing money on useless crap, which includes the gymlife
besides, I don't even have that kind of money

No. 2351807

>Paying someone (likely a moid) to cut open your healthy body or inject literal poison into it in the pursuit of being marginally more fuckable is peak loser behaviour.
Based opinion
Women will literally put their health at risk getting unnecessary procedures in order to be more attractive to moids, it's literally the pickmeiest behaviour that I can think of
"Teehee let me inject random shit ever we barely have 10 years of experience using and recently found never leaves your body so I can have cocksucking lips for 6 months"
it's infuriating

No. 2351832

I now have noticed a pattern. Two months ago I was really depressed, then I got a bit better. But now I feel depressed again. I have reoccurring suicidal thoughts but it's not like I want to hurt people so I wouldn't do it. It's getting close to the point where I start planning shit though. I start thinking I deserve to die and that everyone else would agree. I don't want to hear how that's not true, I simply think it is.

No. 2351839

I think this is just an unflattering pic of her, people with plastic surgery can also look odd in some pics. to me what stands out more is the fact that she's kinda horse faced, not the lip fillers

No. 2351842

>be a piece of meat, grinded by the job market by day
>be a piece of meat, shamed by the dating market by night
I've never even learned to judge anyone as anything more than that, so I can't even go around, pretending to be pointing fingers
besides, everyone who hasn't been broken beyond the point of no return out of wageslaving,
engages in pointless vanity
at least, those who have given up on it, I can take theh blinders off, and judges them for what they really are, sad, worthless pieces of trash
call me terminally online all you want, I can't recall the last time I felt treated as some "real human bean" and not some status token, by anyone, including my own family

No. 2351847

I've simply settled on refusing to engage with any of it, living as a willful outcast, and shunned by everyone for it

No. 2351869

I’m so sorry nonna, she sounds like an ungrateful narcissist and you shouldn’t have to deal with any of her bs. You’ve done so much to be proud of, maybe it’s time to cut ties with her and live your own life without her trying to make it all about her

No. 2351879

Simply go to the doctor for low moods.

No. 2351896

>just to end up apparently vaguely unlikable at best by most people and it's incredibly draining.
Right? I'll try to be kind to others and I'll still just have people not even liking me that much and acting like it's not good enough and they still won't give me that genuine connection I want. It just always ends up feeling unfulfilling and shitty, even in the rare cases where it starts off ok. Anything good I do for them will just quickly be forgotten or picked apart, we will inevitably grow apart and any mistakes I make will always be more memorable to them. It just feels pointless to even engage or put effort into any of it when there isn't even a real goal to aspire to, I can talk and make friends all I want and do all the right things and it still doesn't feel good. Even my best friendships still weren't that good and it makes me think that sort of thing just isn't really possible for me.

No. 2351919

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i’ve just been lurking threads and reading shit online for like 24 hours at this point, please someone tell me to go to sleep and touch grass

No. 2351920

If i could, I would trade my big tits for a thin and slender body unlike my hulking body with a giant torso

No. 2351921

I hope you read all my posts. I just woke up and I'm about to post more. Stay awake so you can read them.

No. 2351922

File: 1737210435790.jpeg (5.99 KB, 150x150, swirl.jpeg)

Go to sleep and touch grass.

No. 2351930

File: 1737211170781.png (263.69 KB, 437x549, 1733000863385.png)

I just want to run away somewhere

No. 2351935

I hate to tell you but the lolcow curse has been passed to you. You must watch the site until the curse has been passed to another.
One cow must always watch the herd, less the milk got sour.

No. 2351936

I’m way too indecisive for this I think I’ll just go into some kind of comatose state

No. 2351956

File: 1737212698462.png (135.71 KB, 379x461, 844646542a.png)

>Wake up
>Toilet is clogged
>Join the queue for tickets for a festival I really want to go to
>5 mins later tickets sold out
>Go to car to buy a plunger
>Car won't start
>Walk 30 mins to the hardware store
>Walk 30 mins back home and unclog toilet
>Cry a bit
>Cry a lot because it's sad that I cry about this
Fuck this day, I'm buying some wine and drinking in the shower.

No. 2351959

Is drinking in the shower fun

No. 2351981

I can't speak for everyone but I like it. Shower with emo tunes and wine in my little keep cup is how I manage bad days

No. 2351998

I'm an appreciator of the humble Shower Beer in the summer months

No. 2352001

Cluster b moids are absolutely insufferable. Cluster b people are insufferable in general but cluster b moids are a different kind of breed of evil. I dated one for about 3 weeks and I still get flashbacks to the insane shit he put me through.

No. 2352003

>ex breaks up with me
>cry about him
>dream about him on the night of new years eve and in the dream he tells me he doesn't give second chances
>a few days later i create some sort of period blood love spell on my own and try to bring him back
>he texts me wanting to meet literally the same night i "casted" my weird love spell
>we meet, we hook up and after he humiliates me and makes me feel horrible about myself
i don't believe in witchcraft and manifestations but this definetly looks like the universe or the spirits mocking me and telling me to give up on him and now i want to kms

No. 2352004

i need to mention that we had a 3 month no contact period after he broke up with me and he's the one who reached me right after my whack love spell

No. 2352006

I like a good shower beer or shower wine every once in a while

No. 2352038

He would have done this whether or not you casted a love spell. This is just something the majority of guys do. He didn't care about your feelings upon the breakup, yet when he needed you for a ego boost, he rubbed it in your face a second time.

No. 2352044

File: 1737216633457.jpg (83.54 KB, 1024x766, old-man-yells-at-cloud-4.jpg)

>weekday during work
>sunny and mildly pleasant weather
>weekend when I have off
>overcast, cold, doesn't tempt me to step foot aside

No. 2352087

File: 1737219909158.jpg (47.62 KB, 900x823, cd8.jpg)

Having to explain to my mom that just because HER friends are, for some odd reason, obsessed with me it doesn't mean that I particularly enjoy their company or want to talk to them myself. Ok, I can come along for a cup of coffee with her neighbor since she asked so nicely but I'm more or less just waiting to leave the entire time. No, I am not going to get in touch with her friend to ask for a recipe just because said friend likes me and she thought we could chat a little.
I don't even understand why she keeps dragging ME around like a show horse whenever she gets the opportunity to - my brother is the successful one, and my sister is way more intelligent and witty than an of us three siblings. I'm the quiet one and not even particularly pretty to outweigh the fact that I don't measure up to my older siblings.

No. 2352100

I hate the phrase “X is trans rights” especially “women’s rights are trans rights!” Bullshit, I’m tired of troons, I hope they can all disappear.

No. 2352101

This isn’t witchcraft, you’re just a retard nonna.

No. 2352103

Maybe she thinks you give old lady vibes and could use friends of a similar nature.

No. 2352110

My new roommate stays in the shower for 1 hour, yes 1 full hour. It’s so fucking annoying, take long ass shower in your own house.
I don’t care if you have curly hair and need a wash routine, I’m not shouldering the stupid water bill for you. Even when I’m washing mine (4C hair) I take at most 30 minutes.

No. 2352123

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No. 2352125

Now that I made the lurking TIF tranny mad I’d also like to say that I’m tired of the disingenuous behavior of TRAs and trannies. They are not allies to women, they’re akin to parassitic fungi, you never see any of these retards supporting women without putting their stupid logan in front of it.
I’m mainly talking about the TIMs since everyone knows that TIFs are busy sucking their girlcock and being silenced by both types of men kek.

No. 2352128

The funny thing is that it’s a TIF nonna kek. She has been going around all the subs caping for scrotes.
Enjoy your transandrophobia pooner.

No. 2352130

TIFs come here to emotionally self-harm and because they're too chickenshit to LARP as real 4chan coomer scrotes, and they still can't resist having squeaky little tardfits at le ebil terves kekaroo

No. 2352134

I think so too. Maybe her friends just like you nonna.

No. 2352163

File: 1737222088826.jpg (29.08 KB, 600x399, 1000019205.jpg)

>find an artist that likes to draw characters from one of the media that holds my interest
>their art looks fine, and I like their interpretation of the characters' designs and form of dialogue
>they offer to display more artwork and even NSFW works in their patreon
>Okay, I'll pat a few dollars to take a peep
>they finally upload NSFW of my "husbando".
>what's supposed to be their first NSFW piece
>click to see it.
>it sucks.
>it's like they suddenly didn't know anatomy and how to not make limbs look awkward at a sitting angle
>the shadows don't look done
>the hands look lazily drawn
Well, it's their first time making NSFW art, so I guess I can't be entirely let down.

No. 2352203

They might be heavily referencing their sfw art but freestyling the nsfw for whatever reason

No. 2352213

Before my grandma died (just ONE month ago), she told me she had been saving money for everyone to get at least $1,000. She was hiding it from my mom. My mom took all $11,000 and kept it. Said things like “my mom saved this for me because she knows I was having a hard time”. (She financially abused my GMA my whole life.) and now she wants me and my siblings to go to her house for dinner tomorrow. We’ve never done this. She kicked me out when I was 17 and I’m now 25. The amount of rage, disgust, and out of control I feel. I can’t fucking do anything about it at all. And she gets everything always, no matter how vile and evil she is. I fucking HATE her. Always have. Oh and side note, my siblings just don’t care. They are so tired of her narc manipulative abuse, they just can’t even comprehend or care anymore. She permanently broke their brains. But guess what, if I don’t go to dinner, I’m the true evil one for isolating myself. For context, all other family members are either dead or my mom legitimately ran them off. No joke has straight up been so psychotic to them they’d rather never speak to me or my siblings again or even get any of grandmas stuff.

No. 2352214

I just put on make up for the first time in my life and I actually hate how much better my face looks in the mirror and how much more I like my face this way. I feel like I betrayed all my feminist values. And if I like it so much more now, just imagine if that make up was done by a professional make up artist. God this is grimm

No. 2352233

>call out of work one day
>"ok anon, just let us know when you can make up for the hours you missed"
>tell them I'll come in on Saturday
>schedule for Saturday comes out
>my name isn't on it
>"hey supervisors, do you guys still want me to come in?"
"If your name's not on the schedule, you're good to have that day off"
>ok cool
>Saturday comes
>"hey anon, we noticed you're late. Are you still planning to come in?"
The communication on the supervisor & manager team is so fucking bad, I'm glad I have only 2 more days left with this company.

No. 2352242

Looking at my reflection on my phone screen makes me want to kill myself every time. Why do I look so damn ugly, bloated and dry?

No. 2352244

So sorry you're going through it with a narc mother. They're very greedy and money hungry and always go after inheritance. My mother coerced me into signing away my grandfather's $5k that he left for me and today she denies having done this. $5k to me back then would have meant paying off my debt and having decent groceries while I was in grad school but my vile mother took it for herself and her creep brothers.

No. 2352249

>I feel like I betrayed all my feminist values
Just live life anon wtf cares

No. 2352262

there's nothing wrong with makeup, moids are the ones who inhibit women's creativity and always screech about how much they hate makeup

No. 2352271

Yeah I know but I hate my natural face and now when I know how much better it looks with make up I hate it even more

No. 2352302

Body dysmorphia

No. 2352305

If you live your life always considering the butterfly effect on feminism you will end up paralyzed. You just have to do the best you can to not immediately harm women. Who is immediately harmed by you rubbing cream and minerals on your face? Maybe you’re worried about contributing to the pressure for women to adhere to the beauty standard, but it’s not a problem unique to women. Men also experience pressure to be physically attractive, which you must leverage to remain morally neutral. You have to berate men for being ugly and not living up to your personal physical tastes to cancel out wearing makeup and reach feminist nirvana.

No. 2352334

File: 1737228969060.jpg (66.99 KB, 640x480, FzPWyU9akAAvnsb.jpg)

I've been unemployed for a month and a half and I'm going insane. Idk if I'm some kind of retard or something but I can't even get entry-level positions that I have years of experience for. I feel like I either have too much or not enough experience. Idk how I managed to be unemployed for so long during my NEET days. I need to interact with other humans and I need to make money.

No. 2352356

File: 1737229873603.jpeg (46.34 KB, 554x680, IMG_6728.jpeg)

I keep seeing this ugly scrote everywhere. His stupid face in that video when he gets exposed for a pervert creep. The fact he has a wife and child though, I feel bad for them but they are better off anyway

No. 2352395

I hate my moid and will break up with him, he's just fucked without me right now and i don't want to do that to him but on the other hand I'm rekindling online affairs and might even meet one or two over easter. I feel bad, but also not really every time he calls me stupid while I pay for his shit.

No. 2352400

the internet would've forgotten about it within days, what a retard.

No. 2352404

You sound as bad as each other

No. 2352419

File: 1737231759781.jpg (194.45 KB, 546x576, 1000019874.jpg)

>you hate the moid
>your heart is telling you to cut your loses
>you pay for his shit like he's a baby
>he acts ungrateful by still insulting you when you both know he needs you
>still with him because you feel bad for him instead of letting natural selection grade him as a loser

No. 2352422

sorry about that nona, hope things get well eventually. your picrel resonated within me

No. 2352428

>broke laptop two years ago
>looked online and the price of a new screen goes for $700 and up
>finally get a new MacBook off amazon
>its an older and shitty refurbished version

No. 2352442

You can request money back for wrong product

No. 2352445

That’s why I just get my commission from other artists with my same husbandsos kek.
Next time try to commission a nsfw art nonna?

No. 2352448

Can’t you sue her?

No. 2352454

I hate myself so much for binging . I am not even fat. I just profoundly dislike corporations like McDonald's for making overpriced slop. I don't even know why I did this. Hope I won't do it again. It leaves me empty and disgusted in myself. It wasn't even enjoyable. It's probably the accessibility and the fact that it has sneaked into the collective subconscious through excessive marketizing.

Wish that I just made some nice comfort food like a stew and binged on that.

No. 2352458

That just hit me like a brick. Fuck this shit. Thanks for being so realistic, fucking bleak actually. What am I doing..

No. 2352463

honestly in my experience if you're used to drawing sfw art all of the time it can be kinda tough to make nsfw stuff. technically anyone can draw nsfw, you just gotta slap some nipples and a dick on a dude or a pussy for a girl, but it requires a lot of skill in order to actually make good nsfw content since you have to have a good grasp on things like human anatomy, understanding perspective and having characters in 3d space, and making sure your art is fluid and expressive. with sfw art these sorts of skills can be lacking and still produce a fairly nice result, but if you don't have a good understanding of these concepts when making nsfw it just looks odd and not sexy in the slightest.
this is why i have a level of respect for coomer artists even if i despise the content they make. as repulsive as it may be you have to have a certain level of talent in order to make people horny for your art so i give them props for that.
it sucks that you ended up shilling out a few bucks just to be disappointed though. hopefully they might be working on making some improvements soon

No. 2352473

went to costco again when it's disgustingly busy and yelled at my mom in store for being stupid, i hate how busy it is.

No. 2352475

Thanks for the solidarity anon. Fuck mothers, I’m never having kids kek.
Maybe, I’m not sure. I’m pretty damn sure my Aunt is going to. Wouldn’t know because we do not talk. She was more apart of the paperwork and I guess my grandma was having her do stuff on the side. My Mother wouldn’t even show us the will. She’s such an intense liar/manipulator that l wouldn’t even have a clue where to start. I don’t know where the lies start, but I do know what my grandmother said. Sadly I can’t sue someone over spoken word. Anyways on an evil mother note, she used my dead grandmas Facebook to harass my cousins and insult them from her account. My mom could be a cow.

No. 2352478

costco during rush hour could be an entire layer of hell in itself, different sections being the parking lot, rotisserie chicken aisle, and the cash registers

No. 2352483

I hate myself. Why am I still alive. There's nothing for me here. Just a burden

No. 2352492

as you go through the store, it represents a deeper level of hell. the worst sinners at the deepest circle of hell, the cash registers, paying for their sins (huge amounts of merchandise). every single one of the seven sins is present at costco.

No. 2352496

>Men also experience pressure to be physically attractive
I agreed with the whole post until this part kek. Not even men with jobs that revolve around looks put in any effort. Except a small portion of twink models maybe

No. 2352497

Maybe you are here to eat and shit

No. 2352513

It's actually cheaper now to learn Japanese and buy the RAWs

No. 2352515

You're here to talk to me on lolcow dot farm

No. 2352517

have you tired finding a pirated version of the official translation on somewhere like nyaa yet? i can't guarantee you that it'll be there, but if it is it'll definitely save you money compared to buying a bunch of partial chapters.
it's a shame that the scanlation group fell apart though. i have so much respect for fan translators so to know that they got stomped out by some greedy company makes me sad tbh

No. 2352594

fuck saaaaake I just lost my airpods case. Must have fallen out of my pocket while I was walking. God I HATE losing my stuff, especially something costly…why am I so useless AHHHH

No. 2352616

I get by in life by imagining my current life is nothing more than a bizarre coma nightmare and I'll finally wake up soon enough in a better world

No. 2352661

This is why I've increasingly taken my piracy to private trackers. If you know how to torrent and can get an in on somewhere like AnimeBytes, you can get most of the content you're looking for with pretty much no risk. They're very high effort sites to join, but that's what makes them more secure in and of itself.

No. 2352739

File: 1737243634337.gif (1.14 MB, 300x200, 1647975837172.gif)

I wish my dad would stop drinking. Waking up to him throwing shit around and constantly calling me over just to make me feel bad about myself sucks. I wish my mother wasn't developing dementia. I just want to stop existing.

No. 2352807

I think I have a pinched nerve in my butt / hip area. This sucks

No. 2352830

>the face of weaponized suicide.
Glad he's dead, pissed that he didn't do it before he got married and had a child. Pissed a woman would actually breed with this shit.

No. 2352941

my friend just passed away in a fire. we recently confessed our feelings for each other and were supposed to go out the day she died. i keep wondering if she'd still be alive if we planned for an earlier date

No. 2352998

There are so many words to say how much I hate myself. None of them are enough. I wish I'd died back then.

No. 2353050

File: 1737260809260.jpeg (88.43 KB, 586x577, IMG_3258.jpeg)

Not really a vent but I don’t care
>shitty living situation
>just annoying, irritating, stressful and bad all around
>the place is always filthy, smelly, occupied by noise for the piece of shit who will not be named i wish never came back
>directionless and desperately trying to find a job through the help i’m getting
>no job
>no money
>had to stop school because family troubles plus really needed a job and the work-life balance was horrendous so it was either school or work so work because i really needed money
>got work
>work was really shitty but stayed there for a few months until I burnt out overextending myself at the job
>sister (only relative besides my mom i have some respect for) reaches out unless it’s the holidays to say
>pretty understandable it’s not obligatory at all that family has to talk with each other
>so frustrated and stressed hitting rock bottom
>fatigue and low energy from my health because of my pcos/anemia/low iron whatever and blahblah i wish I could just cure it but no impossible in this world it’s like the world wants me to be a victim and never empower myself
>the stress and anger makes me want to cry and scream
>accidentally just writes “i don’t want to be alive anymore” to my mom and hits send impulsively to see if anybody would actually care about
I’m retarded, this is why we just bottle it in until you actually work up the courage to attempt it kek. Killing yourself is so annoying because you have to strategize figuring out how to hide your body so nobody finds it, I’ve even thought of scenarios about faking me “going off and running away” no I’m dead.. I don’t want to be like those moids who just shoot themselves in front of women and children just to traumatize them I just want to be free and gone like I never existed and I’m also paranoid of having my organs harvested or something. I don’t know suicidal thoughts is super complicated and kind of dumb but life isn’t inherently meaningful or worth living so it’s kind of like I want to die but I don’t want to die kind of thing.

No. 2353052

You gotta get out of there. Your life will begin when you get out.

No. 2353055

>spend the entire day eating fatty greasy bullshit
>finish large coffee
>uncomfortable tight feeling in my chest
It's time. Finally.

No. 2353056

I don't really eat any junk food at all in my normal diet, the closest I get is pretzels as a snack, but tonight i had a lot of pizza and ice cream. And I feel so sick. Sooooooooooo sick. I'm honestly wondering if i got food poisoning or if this is just my body reacting to foods it doesn't usually eat. I think if it was food poisoning i would have barfed by now. I kind of wish I could, i want this out of my tummy NOW. I didn't know this would fuck me up so bad. PSA if you don't eat junk food usually and you want to eat some at an event or special occasion, DO NOT GO CRAZY ON IT. YOU CANNOT HANDLE IT. I am guessing it's something about having lost the gut bacteria needed to process that type of food. Oh I am so ill. Why. Why me.

No. 2353060

You can take care of me instead. He probably doesn't even eat your pussy

No. 2353068

why the fuck does amazon and most grocery store sites take pictures of the front of their product but not the nutrition label on the back

No. 2353069

Based but also stop paying for his shit

No. 2353072

Honestly anon pizza and ice cream is wild kek, you'll feel better after a sleep and a BM.

No. 2353074

I wake up everyday for literally no reason. Life is so meaningless and boring, i honestly understand women who pay to be kidnapped, i feel like the only way i could feel positive stimulation is if i was on the brink of death.

No. 2353094

Same but I had no idea
>women who pay to be kidnapped
was a thing.

No. 2353096

i just want to go to my gym without these two loser men magically showing up when i do. here i am going really late at almost midnight to avoid people. due to life issues i hadn't been to the gym for a few months then when I go back these two come back. the community gym has motion triggered lights so I'm paranoid they show up when they see the lights on from their apartment. one of them had his phone way too upright to just be texting, it felt like he was trying to take pictures of me at the bar. they're both so annoying trying to lift weights then clanking them on various machines.

No. 2353100

File: 1737263165509.jpg (57.22 KB, 564x752, 66e967bf1733aa6758b463350f083a…)

I can't find a job, underweight/weak, ugly, and am too stupid to finish an associates degree. I'll die in this house whether I like it or not.

No. 2353108

I’m so tired of everything. Cant believe I have to brush my teeth again tonight and then again tomorrow morning and then again for the rest of my life.

No. 2353116

Don't forget flossing

No. 2353155

File: 1737265248520.jpg (43.87 KB, 735x731, cat (4).jpg)

Some pimples appeared above my lip, most likely from waxing, but of course my OCD is convincing me it's herpes.

No. 2353158

I don't know what to do with my time now that I don't have tiktok. I'm so lost and truly sad. kek

No. 2353165

Are you me I just woke up and this ghetto country really banned an app before ever doing anything about school shootings.

No. 2353172

I figured out why LC is shit now

No. 2353173

Hang out here or just do what I do and use youtube
>t. Never used tiktok

No. 2353176

nona be nice to the jonesing brainrotted tiktokfugees! We are all addicted to the fucking screen here anyways.

No. 2353179

If tiktok refugees start arriving here after the ban I’m committing suicide

No. 2353180

TikTok was the only social media I had, because I love watching edits. It’s my favorite thing to finish a game/movie/show and then watch edits of it for the next few days. I wonder if I can live without edits, or if I should download something else. My VPN doesn’t even work for TikTok. It’s embarrassing to admit on LC, because everyone acts like they’re so above social media, but I love edits. I miss all my saved edits. I didn’t wanna download all 1000+ of them.

No. 2353185

Y’all are retarded 170 million Americans used tik tok. It is more likely you use tik tok and lolcow than not. Otherwise the tik tok hate thread wouldn’t be a thing because how would you know what videos to hate if you don’t use the app?

No. 2353187

The girls on here are liars go in the artist salt thread and there are girls that talk about using tik tok to promote their art. They all just are pretending to act holier than thou knowing damn well they used the app too

No. 2353191

Why the fuck would they go here? They are gonna go to the china app

No. 2353195

They were already here, the luigisperging and the fandom/ugly man psyop thread made that abundantly clear.

No. 2353198

You people are all on here just debating stupid shit, but I am so. fucking. nauseous.

No. 2353201

Ntayrt but being anonymous is becoming more attractive to poasters

No. 2353203

You can use YouTube and help bring back fanvid culture there.

Yeah and those anons specifically recommend TikTok to just post your shit and move on. They don't spend hours a day watching retarded videos or commenting and talking to zoomertards, they talk about how they use the app for self-promotion and nothing else.
Some of us don't use it, others do. Doesn't mean we're all lying.

No. 2353204

My antidepressants make me have super weird dreams. I keep dreaming about my ex boyfriend and that I am super angry and scream all of the stuff at him that hurt me and list off all of the shit that he did. Then I usually wake up and am sad. We were together for 7 years and he broke up with me as if it was nothing. We got together when I was super young and sometimes I feel like I was like a crab in boiling water, unaware it's being cooked. At the start of the relationship he idealized me but after two years or so he began subtly criticizing my appearance. I often felt like I wasn't good enough. I even know in my dreams that it doesn't matter if I tell him all of the shit that hurt me because he doesn't care. He would frequently take topless pictures of himself and then post them on Instagram to share them with is 200 friends (he thought all of his followers were his friends) and said "Well, I do have a good body so I shouldn't be ashamed of showing it." The only positive thing is that I can now detect similar personalities to my ex super fast because it sets off the alarm bells in my head.

No. 2353210

Samefag the skirby aloggers were the first sign they were here

No. 2353246

It sounds like theyre stalking you, possibly to make AI p orn of you or attempt trafficking or other crime. No one truly knows their intentions, but it doesnt sound good. Dont go anywhere secluded. Have some kind of protection ie a dog, learn martial arts.

Please try to go with someone if possible. Try to go not at night but early mornings like 6am when its not as sketchy. Maybe have a home gym for a while to throw them off your schedule? Ask a security guard or employee to escort you. Just let someone know that you dont feel comfortable with their behavior. Ask an employee who they are, when they come here, but Idk if they can tell you that. Have your phone out and record them? Pretend youre on the phone calling your zogbot bf? Idk, just some ideas.

Stay safe nonna.

No. 2353265

No one is freaking out as much as I thought they would

No. 2353272

File: 1737269938920.png (2.14 MB, 2048x1365, dumbfaggot.png)

I'm so sick of this ugly faggot being shilled it's unreal.

No. 2353282

this looks like it was made by an angry jealous incel

No. 2353288

How do I express my absolute distaste for this greasy podcel in a feminine manner anon

No. 2353318

He's actually so ugly and women are attracted to him literally just for killing someone. It's no wonder moids are rage apes who murder and rape when women reward them for it

No. 2353332

Why is he snorting the "Sonygger" from the /v/ console wars wojak memes

No. 2353341

Cause the Snoy gets sucked up into various things in those memes

No. 2353349

Oh, so a jealous 4chan moid made the pic. I see

No. 2353353

??? is there something moid-tier about some dude getting sucked up into a flute? I was making a joke that he has a huge honker

No. 2353373

Luigi hate is moid coded. Any sane woman who can't stand him just hides the thread, not look at it and seethe.

No. 2353375

What the fuck does that even mean moid coded? Because women all have to have the same taste? I hide the thread every day and the next day there's a new one, and that pic made me snap. I like how you're unintentionally implying women can't disagree with each other lol.

No. 2353379

Those wojak memes are from 4shit, specifically from /v/ (or maybe they're popular with soyfags too, I don't keep up with this shit). If you grabbed the pic from somewhere, it was probably from there and made by a jealous scrote. If you made the pic yourself, I can't think of any reason why you'd use that meme other than you being familiar with 4scrote's/soyfag humor due to spending a lot of time there, which is a little better but still suspicious. That's why >>2353282 said it looks like it was made by an incel, it's just a thing that is seen way more frequently in male channer spaces. Does it mean you're a moid? No, but you don't read a news article about a murder without thinking first that it must've been a moid, do you.
For the record, I'm not a Luigifag, and don't mind women finding him ugly. But you asking what's so moidy about the pic and being this disingenuous when you even know the meme's name is pretty dumb.

No. 2353381

>killing a ceo of a company that kills thousands of its own paying customers a year is the same as moids that chimp out and murder kids
lol just hide the thread. If you wanna respect other women who don't wanna look at him don't post his face outside of his quarantine thread.

No. 2353382

It must be exhausting to live this way.

No. 2353385

>If you wanna respect other women who don't wanna look at him don't post his face outside of his quarantine thread.
kek this

No. 2353389

Fair enough sorry for subjecting you guys to it, Im just sick of it.
I hide the thread every day and it keeps coming back it's like a fucking curse.

No. 2353401

5 months since stepdad and my mum took a break and 5 months of my mother borrowing money from me for both important things (gas, power, rent, food) and unimportant things (like cigarettes and subscriptions…) and none of it has been paid back!
I wouldn't mind or expect it back because I know she's struggling hard but having to feed 2 teenage boys is costly, cigarettes are over $35 a pack (but she's too hedonistic to get them out of her routine), and I get jackshit on disability! I am trying to save before I get back into employment and she keeps "borrowing"!!
But I always give in because she expresses guilt and it makes me feel bad I hate it.

No. 2353408

I am once again wishing all local meetup/buy group choosy beggar assholes a very "go to hell." So sick of people ghosting when they go to "check their schedule" or waiting till the last minute to drop some sob story and inconvenient request to accommodate their needs

No. 2353453

How old are the two teen boys? By 15 most poorfag families have their little moids work part time to help pay bills. If she can’t make them work then maybe look into getting your mom on welfare for housing or foodstamps since she has kids to take care of

No. 2353485

It’s almost 3 years after the breakup and I still HATE my exes friends for sabotaging and causing so many of the issues that led to our breakup. I hate her more for not being able to see the manipulation, how her kind, sweet nature was taken advantage of by people she’s “known for years”, and that she let them ruin the only relationship she’s had after 8 years of being single. We were each other’s firsts in so many ways. I actually grew to love and trust them as my own friends. Fuck them forever.

No. 2353494

Watching what goes on in Burgerland makes me so nervous. I just know my country's media will discuss, push and try to imitate every retarded idea and decision like it's our own. And unfortunately most people here are also so authority-demure that they'll go with it after enough propaganda. Just call us a colony at this point.

No. 2353495

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I feel so lonely. I used to have a wide social circle, but as time has gone on it's slowly drizzled down to only 5 people - one of the reasons being that I've stood up for myself against the "wrong" people in my circles, so people I thought were at least somewhat friends with would distance themselves from me. I don't even know if I should count my best friend anymore, since she seems to be working on flushing almost 20 years of friendship down the toilet now that she's moved in with her girlfriend. I thought things would get better with uni, since I got had a group there I would actively hang out with, but now it all the responsibility of us even saying hi now that we are out on our internships which makes me realize how we were practically just friends out of obligation.
One other reason I've become so lonely is because I also put my foot down regarding being the ONLY one reaching out to people, I refuse to have friendships that feel one-sided because I'm putting in all the work to maintain the relationship.
But now I'm feeling like I should just have kept my mouth shut and let myself get treated like dirt by my former circles, and I wish I still would continue being the only one getting in touch with others despite the emotional fatigue I was starting to feel from being the only one putting in work. Feeling worthless and exhausted is better than feeling this lonely. What is the use of being "strong", acknowledging my own worth and standing my ground when I don't get anything from it?

No. 2353496

No. 2353507

It’s so stupid but I’m a little jealous that my older sisters have memories of being protective and playing with baby me like a doll and I wasn’t able to retain and relive those memories. We weren’t very close growing up and now we can’t play around like nothing matters because we’re adults with separate lives and real problems. We’re okay with each other now but I worry in the future we’ll end up like my mom and her sister who can’t stand each other. I feel like no one really talks about the loneliness of when siblings you’ve lived with forever move away.

No. 2353512

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I fucked up and read garbage for too long. Now it’s 5am and I can’t fall asleep god damn. Maybe I should actually work on my sleep hygiene…

No. 2353515

Same nonna. I always end up going to bed around five or six on the weekends kek.

No. 2353517

i am so so so fucking sorry to hear this nona. that is so awful.
i know i’ve felt guilt about not meeting with someone i was meant to before they died, so please never feel that way, no matter what happened please always remind yourself that unfortunately it was completely out of your hands.
i hope your healing process isn’t too difficult and that you can feel a bit better about it all, looking back with fond memories of her and living on for her.
really sending you love, stay strong nona.

No. 2353594

I had such a hard time pushing poop out yesterday, I spent like 40 minutes on the toilet and it felt like a popped a few blood vessels in my head. My butt muscles were also very sore afterwqrds. And today my muscles still hurt, like it literally hurts me to sit. What to do in order to make shitting less exhausting? It feels like I have absolutely zero bowel movement and I need to do all the work myself

No. 2353638

God, I fucking hate marketing majors. They should not be allowed to take part in development processes. I don't know why they think they are so different from or above the average consoomer. They've deluded themselves into thinking that labeling their slop in the right way will trick all the dumb piggies into eating it. They see something get popular and think making a soulless copy of it will somehow attract the same huge audience. I sincerely wish that all their efforts continue to fail and they continue to be clueless.

No. 2353678

Youtube edits are superior. Tiktok edits of the media I like pissed me off so much, they never use any good songs and everything is pitched or deepened to hell and back. They butchered my husbandos so hard I fucking hate those edits

No. 2353680

Drink more water and eat more fiber

No. 2353689

anyone else get scared their true love is secretly a demon tempting them? I'm an atheist and I just randomly had this thought pop up in my head and I'm trying to calm down cause I don't wanna convert to christianity and become a tradwife

No. 2353716

>>2353680 this and also buy an enema bottle for the days when it's too difficult
I know it sounds a bit extreme but I'd rather give myself an enema every now and then than end up with a prolapse

No. 2353736

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I'm so jealous of burgers having tiktok banned.

No. 2353746

They're definitely getting it back within a month kek

No. 2353754

I hate alcoholics, don't be a snippy dipshit to me because you're jonesing for booze. Goddamn losers.

No. 2353758

posts like these remind me of why i love lc. thank you so much nonny, i will <3 i'm already planning a memorial for her

No. 2353793

I keep dreaming about everyone being against me and everyone leaving me. I lead an incredibly isolated life and cannot socialize for shit so I wish my subconscious mind would be more subtle kek.

No. 2353834

It's always pick me conventionally attractive women who brag about wearing no makeup and having no surgery and loving themselves as they are like of fucking course you love yourself, you were blessed from day one with good genetics! And men always gravitate around these women and say shit like "that (low income stacy with potential) cashier looks better than insert celebrity with plastic surgery" like no shit. Now go and choose an actual unfortunate looking woman and see if you prefer her over the plastic bimbos kek. Everyone is such a hypocrite, they only love natural women when they are pleasing to look at and to feel superior over women who put a ton of work for their looks

No. 2353836

How is it pickme to have self confidence and have no surgery/ bare face? Moids don't like that at all

No. 2353840

Read again, I said conventionally attractive women. These women were praised for their looks from day one, that's why they don't need makeup or surgery. They know that they're better and that's why they lowkey shade on women who wear makeup in order to lift themselves

No. 2353842

And moids also want to date women like that cause it makes them feel good about themselves "my gf doesn't need to wear makeup to look gorgeous"

No. 2353844

I want to stop caring about the fact that my parents don't care about me, but it's so hard. I think i'm fine and independent and don't care, but every time they do something that shows they don't give a shit it hurts the little girl in me all over again, especially when my dad does it.
I was assaulted by a random moid this past December and made a police report, my dad still hasn't even brought it up or acknowledged that it happened, not even an "are you ok?" "how is the police report going?" absolute silence. And I don't even know if my mom's reaction was worse but she basically told me to not report it because nothing is gonna get done anyway and that I should stop thinking about it kek. Honestly don't even know if I should laugh or cry at their behavior

No. 2353845

I mean I guess so. At least it's better than being born conventionally attractive, wearing makeup and still getting surgery, and shitting on other women who don't regardless of if they're pretty naturally or not. I've met more of those than the kind you're talking about

No. 2353849

They're both insufferable but at least the plastic girls are very upfront about being bitchy and judgemental. The pick me natural girls are more manipulative and passive aggressive

No. 2353861

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>mum says "I showed all my friends how pretty you look with your new haircut!"
>Shows me the pic she used
>It's one that she very obviously edited in an app
What did she mean by this

No. 2353866

how do you know they were always conventionally attractive? some people are ugly kids and grow into their features and look normal to beautiful as adults. ime those people tend to have some complexes due to it. conventionally attractive from day one always unquestioningly start wearing makeup as teens. I've never known one to disparage makeup or normie femininity

No. 2353868

You know what you must do.
>Take picture of mother
>Edit her in a faceapp like meitu
>Show her and say the same thing she did.

No. 2353884

I lost my first ever job after 8 years and I have to write a new resume, I don't even remember writing one the first time and just the thought of it makes me panic and cry because I don't know how to do this. Every time I sit down to try I literally just start crying and don't get anywhere, it feels so impossible and overwhelming. I don't know where my old grades are or where my graduation proof is nor am I certain what year I actually graduated (the school doesn't even exist anymore), my old boss didn't leave me with a letter of recommendation whatever it's called and they went bankrupt so that workplace doesn't even exist anymore, I've got nothing I just want to die

No. 2353901

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I've struggled with my body since I was a child. The moment I realized my body was different, I felt like my fate was sealed. I was always the taller and bigger kid compared to my peers, and it often felt like the worst thing in the world. I constantly felt out of place, especially with how unattractive I thought I was.

I despise my body—my wide ribcage, hip dips, flat butt, flabby arms, and broad shoulders. I've spent my life battling with low self-esteem, and I would do anything to have the 'perfect' body. I just want to be seen as beautiful, conventionally attractive, and desired.

No. 2353909

I'm so sorry nonny you must be so stressed out right now. But you are so capable and although it is hard you can do this. You can write the resume and get another job. You've made it this far in life through everything you have, you kept a job for 8 years and you can pull yourself through this too. These rough times will pass!

No. 2353912

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This will be a long ranty and lengthy post and I don't care. I'm so angry and hurt. I can't even bring myself to type the words to describe the event that got me here, because that would solidify how real it all is and I just can't come to terms with it. It's so unbelievably unfair what happened to her. I couldn't do anything to help her and I hate myself for it. I've been trying to brush it off and distract myself, but as I tried making regular posts on lc, I realized how surreal it was. I'm not okay. I hate everything right now. Everyone is pissing me off. I can use reason, but it's bullshit, it's all bullshit. She shouldn't have died. They failed her. I failed her, if only I had more resources I could have helped her. It's so fucked up how a stupid useless piece of shit system full of disgusting flaws failed someone who never deserved it. I don't give a shit about other people right now, I don't give a shit for some religious delusion of soul, stars, energy, or whatever the fuck any retard has to tell me. I don't want to vent to anyone, because nobody gets it. Even if someone does, there's nothing they can do, just like I couldn't do shit, and this all pisses me off. It's been a long sequence of shitty events, but this one takes the whole cake. I want my friend back, I want her to enjoy the life she deserved to have. I can't believe I need to keep on being a person while this is the grim reality. Nothing is distracting me, crying won't help, nothing helps. If one single motherfucker tells me 'time will heal it' again, I don't know what I'm capable of doing. I want to disappear, there's not a single place giving me any release from this pain. My head is a mess. I tried coming to lc and posting to take my mind off it, but midway it just felt pointless. Nobody gets it, nobody will. I miss her so much and it's been like a week, it hurts I'll keep on missing her for the rest of whatever time I have on this earth.

No. 2353917

People don't talk about resume anxiety enough. I had a long period of unemployment and I don't have anything to put in it at all.
My tip is to stay calm, take a day off or two to get your mind off of things and only work on your resume 10 minutes a day and build up from there. Good luck nonna.

No. 2353920

same and the other night all you bitches made me stay up with your posts and fuck you for that because i got a headache

No. 2353939

Thanks nonas. I can't take any time off though, I've been trying all week to write and I've literally still only got a blank page with my name. If I haven't applied for at least 4 jobs in 2 weeks I lose all access any unemployment money and will end up homeless.

Everything has to be a lie too and that makes it even worse, I'm not passionate about anything, I have some skills in my field but I don't know how to humble brag and exaggerate them. I've even pulled up a basic template and I still can't fill it out "why do you want this job" I don't, I want to curl up and cry until I die.

No. 2353947

My life is so pathetic that I choose to continue living with my abusive mother because my social anxiety is so bad I can't leave the house. There is no semblance of logic or rationale but I would genuinely rather be hit and threatened and screamed at every day than take one step outside of my house

No. 2353982

my father threw a tantrum about not being able to find things and it turns out the retard didn't even understand how to look. now i'm in a bad mood.

No. 2353987

Your spirit has been broken. If you didn’t live with her you’d find yourself more confident and you’d have higher self esteem. Abuse breaks you and makes you weak. It makes you fear the unknown. It makes you second guess yourself. You have one life nonna, you can do better for yourself. Please understand you think this way BECAUSE you are being abused and if you were in a new environment you’d start to feel different.

No. 2353989

The logic is that you stick with the devil you know, not the devil you don't. The familiarity gives you some sense of control. It also sounds like you're really afraid and stressed out all the time. How are you supposed to heal agoraphobia and social anxiety when you barely feel safe at home already? Things are really difficult for you nona. I'm sorry that you're suffering. But I promise that you're not stupid, you're not a bad person, you didn't ask for this or deserve it. You need love, tenderness, patience, encouragement, and care. I dont know how or when things will change for you, but you're destined for so much more than this. I'm hopeful that things can get better. Just try to hold on, have fun in small ways and share your light with others as best as you can. You're gonna be okay.

No. 2353997

look up resume templates and guides. everyone is looking for a job, there are so many guides and resources. you can even have ChatGPT write it for you, you got this!

No. 2354007

I hate how I ask a simple question here and I get either no answer or some retard thinks I'm baiting.

No. 2354008

>finally gain some confidence and get a humble minimum wage job at a fast food chain
>mocked endlessly at work
I just want to cry and I don't know what to do. I feel like all the work I did to heal and be happier with myself is crumbing

No. 2354021

Who is mocking you? What are they like? What are they mocking you for?

No. 2354049

i wish there was a set way to grieve. it hurts so much knowing she’s gone

No. 2354056

I'm new and shy and kinda slow and still learning and adapting to the job and the assistant manager is harrassing me constantly. He told me to quit and I refused and he's making lots of sarcastic comments about me. I told the manager but it didn't help

No. 2354062

He's glaring at me, he even has a problem with my age (I'm older than him). It makes me feel insecure. And the other coworkers also make passive aggressive coments about my lack of speed

No. 2354065

>What is the use of being "strong", acknowledging my own worth and standing my ground when I don't get anything from it?
The sad truth is these things aren't really valued by most people and that many don't want to do their part in a friendship. They'll just resent you for caring for yourself and no longer allowing them to do whatever they want to you freely. The second I developed boundaries and stopped going the extra mile for people when they don't for me I just realized how alone I actually am and it really can be hard to sit with that realization without relapsing and going back to people you know aren't healthy for you. Especially when finding better people seems so difficult. So I feel you.

No. 2354070

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>It's grand. It's grand, everything is grand.
It's not and I'm the only one here trying to do something.
>It'll be fine, don't worry
It won't and I hate this apathetic response. I worry a lot, I know, but things don't get better by ignoring them. Do something, anything. Fuck this place.

No. 2354072

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My mom has been trying to pressure my little sister to wear certain things she doesn't like. Why can't my mom just let my sister enjoy her tshirts? It reminds me of the times she tried to pressure me to do makeup, or wear more "feminine" stuff.

No. 2354090

They are all fucking losers. The fact that they can do their shitty worthless min wage job better than someone who literally just started is the only thing stopping them from hanging themselves. You’d think they’d actually want a new staff member to take some of the stress off of them, give them more time off, but the thought of someone THEY trained becoming better than them is a threat to their ego. Also If they had enough staff maybe they’d then be expected to pull their weight instead of blaming their shitty performance on being understaffed. I know people like this, I work in service, i know a girl who was a straight A student and has a degree but she will never quit because the ability to look down on and boss around teenage girls is her fucking LIFEBLOOD. If she did something with her life, suddenly SHE would be the one getting bossed around, and her fragile ego could never handle that. Out in the real world she is an inferior person, but in the cafe she’s important, people fear her and her worthless opinion because they HAVE to. She will never amount to anything. But the ability to put someone else down convinces her that maybe she already has. These people are the same. They’re losers who belong in fast food.

No. 2354115

Thank you nona, this made me feel a bit better. My assistant manager didn't even finish school. Frankly, I think the best course of action is to try at another place where I don't need to deal with him breathing on my neck 24/7, it's obvious I'm not welcomed here and I've also heard some rumours that my manager, who is a nice guy and my only source of safety, plans to quit…

No. 2354135

Ma'am you are on lolcow all people do here is talk trash

No. 2354157

i keep spending money i don't have on posts i see on fb regarding cats that need money pulled for surgeries and the like. it literally breaks my heart and makes me feel sick thinking about how much animal suffering goes on. i feel like it's the least i can do. if i try to ignore the stories i end up feeling guilty and like i'm the proverbial ostrich. wilful ignorance enrages me but also what else can you do sometimes, without mentally dying?

No. 2354175

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I think my mom was incestual with me growing up and this is probably why I'm near 30 a virgin and borderline asexual

No. 2354182

Nonna you’re still on time to go to therapy , you might benefit from it. I’m sorry for your childhood.

No. 2354187

Why does literally every woman have a bf or husband… even in nerdy circles they’re always going on about their pet scrote, like where the fuck are my maladjusted women

No. 2354209

im so sorry for you nona, you didnt deserve that i hope you recover and can have a happy life.

No. 2354214

I’m here nonnita. Let’s watch movies together.

No. 2354247

some things are unacceptable. fuck anyone who tells you to accept it. i think your grief and anger is honest and respectable. we should all be going fucking apeshit instead accepting the things they expect us to.

No. 2354268

I’m sorry you lost your friend nona. No words will make it better and it’s understandable you’re angry at a world that didn’t treat her well. It’s unfair she went through what she did and it’s unfair that you’re expected to just get over it in an appropriate amount of time.
If you haven’t already, consider joining us in the Grief Thread

No. 2354278

This is going to sound like NLOGism but it's especially confusing to me because even when I had a boyfriend, I barely talked about him to my friends kek. On most days I'd just say "yeah he's doing well" and that was it. I sincerely don't understand women who can ONLY talk about their Nigels.

No. 2354330

i’m in my 20s but i hate people that act like they are soooo old and it’s sooo over for them when they are in their 30s and 40s. maybe it’s because i work at a hospital and i engage with actual old people (+65) on a daily basis it pisses me off so much. yes you are not a teen anymore. get over it. it doesn’t mean you are geriatric though.

No. 2354364

i honestly feel like it’s people who age like shit or have insecurities OR people who had boring lives and are like so relieved to try and pretend not being invited to parties ever can be turned into “at 26 four years after we could finally buy alcohol drinking to get drunk with a group of people is like so below us and immature.” like okay. it’s men trying to police women into marrying them, insecure women with plastic surgery verbalizing their intrusive thoughts, or no life wanna be cops who want to pretend anyone having fun or keeping up with culture is trying to be a teenager or something. it’s never even the people who were cool teens lmao it’s always like okay i never had fun so now i’m gonna try and ruin everyone’s. like you’d think some people were doing crack the way women talk about being above 25 and doing a shoot lmao.

No. 2354440

Kek, I honestly think that you’re still young until you’re like 35 maybe and even after you’re still good. I hate how society thinks that women who are 25 and older are ready to be thrown.
I’m 21.

No. 2354469

I'm a cat person but my nigel's male cat is so out of control I wish he'd just adopt him out to someone else. He attacks and terrorizes my senior cat, shits on the couch, and goes on top of the highest kitchen cabinet to projectile vomit. I just spent an hour sanitizing the kitchen after another puke episode, it's fucking awful. I work from home and never get a break from his nonstop bullshit. I don't hate him, he's very sweet when he's not being disgusting, but this is not worth the stress.

No. 2354485

My mom just leaves me perplexed some times kek.
We were eating cabbage a week ago and she suddenly told me that cabbage makes you really wet like water, I was mortified kek. I told her that she was just spewing nonsense but she replied that I had too little experience to tell (just had sex one time and it wasn’t good and I got ghosted on top of it).

No. 2354511

These month's PMS depression is kicking my ass tonight.

No. 2354519

Nta but the op was talking about people doing it at her job, directly towards her. Whereas farmers are doing it online and generally aren't supposed to cowtip. Big difference

No. 2354529

OK fuck this shit I'm sick of pretending I'm fine without men I need a cute guy who is trustworthy, patient and wants a family to marry me

No. 2354533

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How do I make and keep friends why does no one ever like me as much as I like them HNNNGHNHHHHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHHHHH

No. 2354590

ill be your friend

No. 2354598

I have the opposite problem, I don't like anyone. Wishing you luck though nona

No. 2354609

Not a lot of details in your post but I recognize the pain you're feeling, as I've lost a friend in a way that sounds similar. It's awful. There's basically nothing that can make it not awful. I'm so sorry, even though that phrase basically means nothing. You'll be changed in ways you would never expect. Fuck.

No. 2354613

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I helped out an ADHD moid in our friend group take pics of his grandmother's stuff she left him so he could sell it. Another autismo from our circle was there to help.
His kind of "messy" is clutter piled on top of other clutter, and unfortunately, he thinks the shit she left him is worth more than it is i.e. 96cm strands of irregular shaped freshwater pearls and other costume jewelry she ordered off the shopping channels back in the day–tried to let him know he's lucky if he'll get $70 per strand but he's convinced he needs to take it to a jeweler for appraisal. It's really sad, but it sucks extra when someone like him is backed into a financial corner and wants to try to get every last dime.
I washed off so many neglected antiques, although some made me feel good for doing it–I washed the dirt off a chinese porcelain couple which I hope brings me good luck. What was frustrating was his refusal to get rid of absolutely asinine junk (think two broken unusable pens clipped together with soda tabs) because they supposedly meant genuine sentiment to him even though they were crammed into junk boxes up until that point. At one point we found a shoe organizer, which I thought hey, wouldn't it be nice to hang this in his front closet for his shoes? He actually removed it and tied it next to his work bench which basically meant it got thrown back on top of other shit again. Not my circus, not my monkeys, but it's frustrating to see how badly he lives because of this neuroticism around stuff.

No. 2354616

Oh you stupid fake bitch. I really hope the worst happens to you. I can't wait for someone to wipe that smugness off your face.

No. 2354617

I would've thought the first time I'm seeing an uncensored dick in manga would be in a BL one, but no, it's a shounen, and it's Santa Clauses at that.

No. 2354619

Does anyone in a comfortable, happy relationship ever hyperfocus on the idea that it is possible that it won't last in like a few years from now? I don't know why but it actually TERRIFIES me. We're SO GOOD together and planning a future but I'm so scared it won't last I don't know why I just feel like what's so special about us? We could be like any breakup story. Like the fact that the future is ultimately totally uncertain is so so so so scary I feel so retarded thinking this way I know that even if things do go way south that life without this connection will go on. I just I don't know. I think I am very scared of changing as a person. I think that's really all I'm scared of. But I have changed so much for the better I truly feel that way. It all just really scares me.

No. 2354622

maybe you rejecter her at some point

No. 2354624

i think that's why people get married

No. 2354625


Thread has reached 1100 posts. The thread will be locked and you will be unable to post in it shortly after it exceeds 1200 posts. Please begin preparing a new thread and post a link to it when it's created.

No. 2354633

i just realised i am actively in a manic episode right now, what should i do?

No. 2354636

Seriously? Now I'm more nervous because I have been daydreaming about getting married. I feel like this might be bad but I feel like my brain is trying to find any reason to get anxious, too.

No. 2354642

>brain tries to find stuff to be anxious about
it happens to me too
try not drinking coffee and sleeping

No. 2354645

… okay fuck I did have a lot of caffeine today. I really am just retarded KEK thanks for helping solve this problem of mine nonnie.

No. 2354652

The birth control I have to take for my crippling endometriosis is making me legit suicidal. I have been wanting to die and crying myself to sleep for several days straight at this point, and I also relapsed hard into sh. It’s like my body wasn’t meant to exist and it keeps finding ways to eliminate itself. I just want it to end

No. 2354672

Everytime I wake up I feel incredibly tired despite sleeping all day. Fuck

No. 2354675

“Love is always coming, love is always going
No one's really sure who's lettin' go today, walking away. If we could take the time to lay it on the line I could rest my head just knowin' that you were mine, all mine. So if you want to love me then darlin' don't refrain or I'll just end up walkin' in the cold November rain”

I think it’s normal to be afraid on the uncertainty especially since you invested emotions , time and your heart into this person. But being scared and letting that fear paralyze you will only preclude you from living , not only regarding love or friendships, but everything. So what if it ends? What if you fail? In that window of your life , in that moment, it was real to you, and that’s the important part.
This advice is funny since I do the exact opposite though, I’m kind of an hypocrite kek.

No. 2354676

Most likely medical cause is anemia, given the fact that you’re also a woman, get some blood work done nonna.

No. 2354679

My friend had the same exact reaction, she had to stop because she got something akin to depression, her mood really plummeted down.
It’s crazy that they still don’t have a cure or a proper treatment for this that isn’t high doses of birth control and cutting up the ectopic tissue via surgery.

No. 2354690

Is he neutered? Do you guys have 2-3 litter boxes? My cat has IBD, and it was undiagnosed for years. He always puked and it was very annoying. Luckily, feeding him pate wet food made it stop completely. Your cat may have an allergy to something in dry food. There is also Purina pro plan calming powder you can put in his food to help out with him being mean to the senior cat. Feliway is another thing that may help that. Some cats even need on medication like Gabapentin to help with bullying cat in the house. I hope you can get your cat problems sorted soon! I know how stressful it can be

No. 2354696

Oh yeah I forgot I have to go to the doctor for stuff. I haven't been in a year. Thanks nona

No. 2354703

I bought a house and it actually kind of sucks. I wish I could go back to living in an apartment. Life was so much easier. I wish i never listened to people, most people are fucking retards who have no idea what is good or bad.

No. 2354704

Poor little kitties. I wish animals could communicate with us.

No. 2354716

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Not really a vent but something that has been happening to me on a regular basis for a while and it's freaking me out.
I often catch teen girls staring at me, usually some kind of alt type but not always. Normie teenagers/young adults in groups don't really pay me any attention, nor should they given that I'm in my mid-20s. I don't think I'm super pretty, I'm not blonde or blue-eyed, I'm not a minority or a gendie, at best I have a slightly weird looking face.
I don't feel like anyone pays me much attention in general, but sure enough whenever I feel eyes on me in public I turn around and it's a scruffy-looking girl staring. Most of the time they get spooked and snap their head back so fast that it's obvious they were looking at me, or I stare back and they turn away looking awkward.

I doubt they're doing it out of malice, it's just really weird and I don't know why them in particular.

No. 2354720

They think you're pretty or they are gay

No. 2354721

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You’re either
>so pretty
>so weird looking that you end up fascinating
And you’ll never know for sure nonna

No. 2354725

I was thinking today about how most houses (in America) seem way too large. If it wasn't for weather issues making me nervous about them I'd probably be content with owning a trailer park-style home.

No. 2354729

nta but have the same problem, wdyd when the doctors already checked your blood and said everything is normal, yet the constant tiredness still won't go away no matter what?

No. 2354736

PMDD is so awful. I sometimes forget I still have it because I am medicated now and most months are more manageable, but since I was a preteen I would get random urges to kill myself, so much was destroyed and there is no point getting into that, and my mental state would worsen. I sometimes feel that it has permanently altered my brain, the PMDD, along with depression, anxiety and OCD. I am an overhall happier person now, but not as creative or eager about things, and I struggle with word recall and memory. I sometimes wonder about cutting my medicine dose. Anywa today should be a lovely day, I WANT to be happy, but because my period is coming I want to cry and nap and be gloomy. I just cannot for the life of me push myself into my usual bubbly state and my cognitive issues become even worse. It feels unfair, and I want to be grateful for this day, but my brain is a terrible friend. I miss being so productive and finding wonder in little tjings. Now I am emotionally unintelligent and cognitively to boot.

No. 2354744

I'm retarded and lonely

No. 2354751

Teenage girls always stare at other girls/women. It doesn't mean anything

No. 2354754

Not a doctor (yet) and I don’t want to fear monger you kek.
I’d see if you can still get more extensive blood work than the usual one. Say: antibodies for gluten, milk, inflammatory proteins, etc..
You don’t have to jump straight up to the “bad” diagnoses nonna.

No. 2354756

Samefag, but tiredness is so general that it can be anything and nothing at the same time. You have to contextualize it with other signs and symptom that can direct you to an hypothetical diagnosis.

No. 2354777

your quality of sleep is poor
get a sleep study done

No. 2354782

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i wish my short fatass looked good in sweaters because i rly like them but i just feel like a fridge. picrel

No. 2354783

I think it’s cute

No. 2354810

A) Yolo with total abandon. Don't think twice about ruining someone else's life, or your own life. Get too fucked up and make promises you'll break when you're not manic anymore. Spend all your money on useless crap. Bang someone you'll regret banging later. Start a major conflict with someone you're close to.

B) Keep yourself occupied at home with a lot of entertainment and internet and maybe start some insane art or music project. Get a just little tipsy or a little high and pour the energy into creativity or a new subject to be obsessed about. Call someone far away and talk their ear off. After that convo, call someone else. Try not to socialize too much irl because that is the gateway to making terrible decisions.

This is coming from someone who used to do option A but has learned to do option B with fucking therapy. Nona I feel for you because I have dealt with the mania and am now, as an oldfag, able to kind of control it. Have you considered learning Mandarin, or learning to play the mandolin? Good luck nona.

No. 2354812

Would give tight hugs

No. 2354815

I hate my upstairs neighor. She walks like an elephant, washes/dries her clothes after midnight everyday, when her niece comes over they run all over and scream, and she often has parties. The other day she complained about me making noise when I was just watching a movie and not even talking loudly with a friend (she must have the ears of an owl cause I have no clue how she could hear us). I told her off and told her that she was the one being loud all the time and I never said a thing. Since then, she started walking in heels all the time just to piss me off I guess. I miss the people that were there before her, the only time I heard them was when they were having their montlhy sex.

No. 2354864

How the fuck is she even listening to sounds coming from the floor? What a retarded bitch, watch extra tv now.

No. 2354865

this one is more specifically making me sperg online and not shut the fuck up like my brain is going a million miles a minute and i’ve always just taken a bump of coke. i used to do all of that stuff when i was younger not going outside as much as i used to post-pandemic helped in episodes but it doesn’t happen so much now, i think that me being able to acknowledge when i’m in these states makes me pretty self aware and lucky compared to others who experience the same thing.
despite the money thing kekk!
i’m not absolving myself of acting straight retarded sometimes but i’m aware of it and it’s something i actively suppress and try not to take out on anybody unless they deserve it.

i know that i’ll be safe but it’s just scary and reminds me of my diagnosis too much. i’ve done too much work to not be proactive subconsciously, you know?
and no! can you speak mandarin or play the mandolin? i always have stupid short-lived duolingo ventures into languages. i would like to think i have a surface level understanding of russian/cyrillic and japanese and hiragana, but that’s the furthest i’ve gotten so far. thanks for replying, i was kinda just looking to be heard.

No. 2354866

You sound fun. We should be friends.

No. 2354874

Love my girlfriend to death but sometimes she drives me crazy how, in trying to save money, she goes for the cheaper shittier option, which ultimately ends up costing more money in the long run.

No. 2354900

Thank you. The pain comes and goes but she's not suffering anymore.

You're right. We euthanized her shortly after that post and I feel guilty to admit I feel relief not having to see her struggling in pain anymore.

If anyone has advice for processing pet-related grief, please tell me. I could never imagine how much this hurts.

No. 2354901

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Why the fuck was I born a heterosexual woman

No. 2354957

I am so sleep deprived because I've had bad insomnia for the past 3 weeks due to having several expensive things break and stressing me out. Totalling basically to about $730 for what I bought them for so I'm pissed off because I can't replace them all immediately. My friend has a health assessment tomorrow to see if she can get monetary support to pay for therapy and medication, but the conditions are really cutthroat so I've been preparing her today to answer any questions from the bleakest most depressing suicidal day possible which naturally has been depressing her to think about and she went into a catatonic state at one point so I talked with her until she was okay again and then her housemate made her food. Luckily she seemed to get it eventually so she won't default to masking tomorrow. But anyway I'm used to sleeping at 4am lately so I'm going to have to make sure I'm ready for her to catch the bus into the city so we are there on time. She would normally drive but her knee hurts and I'm not insured and can't afford it anyway. Literally I feel crazy and I'll be operating on 4 hours sleep at the most.

No. 2354965

Nonny a few months ago mentioned that I might have a food intolerance and at first I wasn't too sure, but I've puke and gotten nauseous 4 times this week. I just need to see a doctor to confirm if it is true, and to what it.
I don't know if it's a gluten intolerance cause I don't feel the symptoms other than actually throwing up (And immediately feeling better) and nausea. However, this shit happens whenever I eat things that contain gluten, but not everything I eat with gluten makes me sick.

No. 2354970

has pancreatic cancer

No. 2354986

It helped me with grief to lean into religion. Or spirituality if you don't have one

No. 2354995

Lots of people have gluten allergies, that's probably all it is
miserable, sad

No. 2355015

I'm so tired. I hate working and sleeping and that being all to life. 8 hours of sleep is not enough.

No. 2355035

i went to urgent care a week ago for stomach stuff and decided to get a pelvic exam too cause fuck it why not, i felt a little off down there anyway. i got no answers about my stomach but they did let me know that i have vaginitis or whatever and that they'd send my culture off to the lab to get the results to see whether its yeast, bv, uti, or something else. they prescribed me 4 different antibiotics that they told me to just start taking. but i've been waiting for the results to take them and it's been a week now and im just getting more uncomfortable. like it would be nice to know what exactly i have so i can just take 1 course of antibiotics instead of 4 at once like wtf, i mean i already had a fucked up stomach bad enough to warrant going to urgent care, i'm not gonna take 4 different antibiotics at the same time on top of that. i thought results for this shit only took like 3 days to process so i figured id just wait. why do i never just get a straight and timely answer for this shit. i have had recurring uti's and bv and even at my gynecologist they are so fucking unhelpful and there's no urgency even though it's a literal infection that could progress into something worse. i'm gonna call tomorrow, i should have done it on friday but im retarded and so fucking annoyed i'm tired of this shit

No. 2355039

I'm so sorry, anon. I'm glad you took care of your cat and did the best you could for her, she knew you loved her.

No. 2355101

I hate liberals and their obsession with immigration and Trump so much. Their talk about all le immigrants getting deported gets to me, and suddenly I think, “Maybe I AM getting deported after all.” I’ve had this fear since I came to this country, and it only got worse in middle school after my English teacher showed us a video about a girl whose citizenship status was supposedly a mistake. I don’t even personally know anyone who’s been deported or threatened with that possibility lol.

No. 2355106

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iiiii dooont caaaaaare

No. 2355117

Idk exactly what to call it but I have a pretty low tolerance for "disgust" and it's so stressful to be the only one who is this way. Basically things that can be described as "disgusting" bother me way more than the average person and I can't help it. I don't find farts, burps, vomit, snot and toilet jokes to be funny at all. I literally just find it gross and off-putting. I get squeamish even from mild gore, people who get hurt as a joke makes me feel sick and anxious and aren't funny at all. Seeing other people's body fluids typically makes me feel like throwing up, even if it's a drawing and obviously fake. A lot of older cartoons disgust me for this reason, I remember feeling sick as a kid watching cow and chicken because I found them so repulsing. I've just always been this way.

It's really isolating and distressing when everyone else laughs at fart jokes and you don't see why it's funny and it's just gross to you. Especially because "it's a joke" so if people find out they will 9/10 times make a thing out of it and disgust you on purpose because they find it funny.

No. 2355123

Same. Can't wait for this flavor of the year shit to be talked about never again. It's been going on for far too long and nobody even really cares in the end. People just use events like this to feel morally superior when they screech about it and cause havoc in the streets.

No. 2355124

You have empathy and a beautiful soul to care that deeply for suffering cats. Just be weary in case someone is scamming people for money and pretending to be in that situation. If only the powers that be cared, there could be grants and funding for animals that need surgery, for pet parents that cant afford it. But no, mentally ill men in dresses get priority. Anyway.

Thank you for caring.

No. 2355140

None of this shit makes me happy. Why is every single item $1k+ and when I buy anything, I'm still empty

No. 2355142

Agreed. Fuck every politician involved in this shit and fuck everyone who tries to get me to care

No. 2355145

why don't we just bomb the occupied territories so these two idiot religious zealot groups can stop already. or, hell, maybe it's a good thing they keep killing each other. i physically have no space in my brain to care about this

No. 2355148

one time a few years ago i posted a vocaroo on 4chan and some guy replied that he jerked off to it and i felt so gross and violated but now i remembered this and i realize he was probably just fucki g with me because the audio was like 4 seconds long. anyways never post yourself online in any way as a woman

No. 2355160

it will never not be weird seeing wars in the age of social media. the drone videos where you literally see the soldiers recognise one another as fellow man, look eachother in the eyes, and then try to kill eachother.
it’s always happened but being able to actually see it is crazy

No. 2355165

You know you said some retarded shit when I say "ok" or straight up ignore you kek

No. 2355172

all of you im so sorry that im mentally unstable right now but if you take any issue with it you witherh have to kiss me and id you dont thats emotional rape . i love you guys so much

No. 2355275

Anon you will ne surprised to find out many women IRL amd not in porn don't suck dick or do "semen facials".

No. 2355293

Oh my god is this the same blowjob-chan who has been shitting up the autism thread about blowjobs the past few days
Don't bother, plenty of anons have told her that already but she's an autistic virgin who insists she knows what sex is from seeing blowjobs "everywhere" she goes on the internet

No. 2355299

absolutely, report and ignore.

i’ve been thinking about how most peoples parents are kinda shitty lately and it makes me pessimistic about parenthood because what if i become as jaded as my own parents? i know that obviously i have a lot more resources and have first-hand experience of what i would like not to emulate, but it seems like something that consumes even the most well meaning of parents.

No. 2355303

I’ve been talking to my sister a lot more since the holidays and she keeps telling cheeky jokes about sucking her bf’s dick for rent and now I kinda understand bj-chan..

No. 2355312

I think I'm going to have to cut off my friend after there's hard evidence her new bf is a pedo and all she says is "ackshually he hasn't done anything to ME". Like no shit, you're not a child. I haven't heard this shit since high school. Out of sight, out of mind, passive evil, bystander. Sloth is truly the worst deadly sin of them all

No. 2355316

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I’ve been wrestling with the desire to self destruct for a long time now. The need to become some gutter trash addict gnaws at me day to day despite the fact it’s something I rationally don’t want and am not able to physically accomplish it because I’m physically disabled. Are there crack whores on wheelchairs?

No. 2355320

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Isn't it funny how everytime bjchan is active here there's also conveniently people appearing to agree with her and encourage her to post more

No. 2355335

Inb4 "that's what you get for living with a moid" but it's been firmly cemented that I can't trust anything actually important to my roommate. You would think he'd be smarter and have more consideration since we've been friends for 15 years, but the other day I stayed at my parents for one night and told him to give my cat some pepsid in the morning (in a blue medicine bottle from the vet) cause he's been throwing up after every meal. He said ok he'd do it. I didn't think anything of it and didn't check the meds because it's a "once every 24hrs" type of deal. But last night my cat did puke after his dinner and I asked my roommate if he gave him the meds to which he said yes, and I made commentary that I hope it wasn't too difficult cause my cat doesn't like pills and he was like "no I just threw it down his throat he swallowed it". Well this morning I just went to give my cat pepsid and the pill sleeve was untouched since I last touched it, and I know this because there were initially four quadrantsq, one of which was used already from me, so the second should've been opened and it wasn't. And what scares me is if he DID give him medicine, that means he didn't care to read any of the fucking bottles because I have some medicine for my rabbit too, which was in the same place as my cat's meds. But if you take two seconds to read the bottles you'll see two say "rabbit" and one says "feline". So he either neglected to give my cat medicine, or gave him something entirely not for him or his issues. He's asleep right now and no productive conversation will happen if I wake him up and yell but I'm so upset. If he asked me to take care of his cat while he was away I would absolutely do what needed to be done and make sure it was done correctly. Idek wtf I expected. When I was gone for 4 days about a month or so ago, he failed to give our/my (I say my cause my roommate did find him but I'm the one who does all the vet stuff and overall caring) adopted stray his doses of medicine the entire time I was gone despite being fully aware that he needed it. He knows I give him the doses, who tf else did he expect was gonna do it? The medicine faerie? I don't fucking get it, these are the lives of living creatures.

No. 2355343

undiagnosed ADHD ruined my fucking life. I used to have the strive to do lots of things(mostly draw and read) but my retarded adhd brain would easily overstimulate and get frustrated. Only now that i am medicated i can finally start feeeling like a normal person, but i am sure i would be closer to the person i want to be if someone, anyone cared about me when i was a child. Fuck this shithole.

No. 2355344

ew thats so ignorant and lazy sorry that he did that to your cat nona, i hope it’s okay and he at least tried to care even a little. the fact that even though it’s your cat basically, he should know all of the things already because by living there its his responsibility too and you would think he’d at least show you the common courtesy of paying attention to anything, sigh.
this reads like my nightmare rental situation, an awful housemate or landlord. hope you don’t have to live with that retard for too much longer

No. 2355351

Again, I wonder if her sign of mania is just talking about blowjobs kek, just like that person who knew he was maniac when he thought that he was communicating with lady Gaga.
Her friends probably see her going on rants about cocks and they’re probably like.
>here she goes again sigh

No. 2355358

my niece and nephew have both been gifted ipads (that have internet connection) and it's all they want to use, even at night when they're suppose to be sleeping they'll instead stay up all night using it and i don't know what to do about it. i'm fucking terrified of them being exposed to predators and pornography and everything else that goes on on the internet but they have meltdowns if you take the fucking ipads away from them. i also don't know how to bring this up to my family who are content with them rotting their brains on ai generated youtube videos (that i'm not even sure my family recognizes as ai) because then we'd likely have to address how early internet exposure fucked me up and how my family was well-intentioned but ultimately neglectful. my niece and nephew also like taking photos with their ipads and my nephew even recorded a video of him hitting his sister that i deleted (he has violence issues because his dad is a fucking scumbag - another story entirely) and i'm so fucking scared of them discovering social media and what can come from that!

No. 2355369

Does anyone feel like they’re in the wrong even when they’re in the right on something? I always feel like I’m in the wrong for any conflict that happens in my life, and it gets frustrating because sometimes I don’t even try to argue because I feel to incompetent to say anything or try to fight back. I just let people go off.

No. 2355382

i’m on the acid and it’s cray cray

No. 2355397

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have fun nona

No. 2355398

Sobriety is awful. I wish I was drunk

No. 2355418

it's like dealing with addicts in general, you have to pull the plug and it sucks but in the lon term it's better than enablement. if the parents won't do anything and are frankly neglecting them, you can't do much.

No. 2355421

I miss being fat because I was WARM! I can't warm up my fucking hands underneath my fat while i sleep anymore and it's frustrating. Being fat meant being able to withstand winter and having cushion to protect me when I bump into things.

No. 2355425

Samefag, and also sort of in response to >>2355344 I just spoke to him and it is the worst option imo, he gave him medicine that isn't for him. He felt confident in his choice because "the others felt empty", not because he took any time to read the bottles and make absolutely sure he was choosing the right one. The correct med bottle felt empty because the pills are tiny and light and in a sleeve that sorta wedged in and didn't rattle around. I'm so upset man. He's apologizing as expected but this really just shows me I can't trust him with anything. I can't trust him to maintain any level of domestic cleanliness so idk why I thought my pets would be any different.
Do not live with a man, no matter friend nor family nor lover, unless you have seen with your own eyes how he lives alone and that he maintains a good, clean living space. Save your sanity.

No. 2355426

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Just remembered something that reminded me I hate men again.

>be 17, have bf of same age

>still lives with his parents
>his dad always very nice to me, gives me advice, teaches me to drive etc
>feels good because I have shit relationship with my father
>bf tells me he looked at the fathers phone
>he has searched porn sites with "teen"

No. 2355428

can you get an electric mattress warmer?

No. 2355459

at the very least make sure every child safety feature possible is on

No. 2355472

I feel you, anon. I've had a bunch of older men I saw as father figures turn around at 18 to immediately hit on me. Fuck daddy issues.
Now I've decided only to let myself get attached to older women as role models (or at least, I never show my attachment to older men if it happens that way).

No. 2355474

>implying she has friends

No. 2355478

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Really starting to hate how welcome furfags and pro-furries feel at lc, maybe it really is time I leave this site for good

No. 2355481

i try my best to deter and distract them and even tell them how lame and boring i think ipads are but they're more than addicted. they both have nintendo switches they don't want to touch because they like that you can download infinite games for free, but they'll also beg for anyone who listens to pay for apps…? i also don't want to lose their trust completely by risking a meltdown because i don't want them to feel like they can't tell anyone if they do get suckered into doing something messed up because of the internet, but yeah. i don't know, i'm just frazzled and anxious and rambling at this point
thanks nonnie, next time they visit i'll look into that. i've also thought about unlinking the wifi from their ipads so they can't connect to the internet but they'll likely throw a tantrum if their ipad games or youtube videos don't work.

No. 2355486

utter, unloveable, worthless piece of shit(bait)

No. 2355496

sucking big dick is awesome, actually

No. 2355498

Yeah you don't have to do that though.

No. 2355514

That doesn't negate the fact that… you literally don't have to suck dick.

No. 2355523

Women who dont suck dick are an extreme minority and shamed by society.

No. 2355525

ok i fucking had it i'm just gonna finally say it: for the past 2 months or so there's this anon in /g/ who constantly bolds her words and she's getting on my nerves

No. 2355526

Just don't suck dick then…? Not sure why you're all acting like a higher power is forcing you to suck dick. Literally just don't do it lol.

No. 2355528

constantly downloading apps sounds like this issue, too many toys. this video is about how too many toys is detrimental for children, they get overstimulated and can't focus. what apps do they like? maybe try to get them into a couple games like minecraft (not roblox there are a lot of groomers/microtransactions there). maybe turn off being able to download apps, and so they have to ask someone? microtransaction models really suck for kids because they feel like they're missing out, and have to constantly ask, but parents only want to pay once for something. again, you as an aunt can only do so much if mommy and daddy indulge their every whim (and risk of being groomed/scammed). tell the parents about online grooming scandals and predators targetting kids, do you really think they don't care? i believe you should not bring up anything about your personal experience, it sounds like it will make your family defensive.

No. 2355529

I personally don't but to deny the social pressure and the amount of men who have it as a dealbreaker is also being unfair.

No. 2355533

Like literally just say no. It's not hard.

No. 2355535

>TL;DR women are programmed to suck dick it's in our nature!
It's actually not and it's quite easy to not suck dick if you don't want to. Like just don't do it, it's not hard.

No. 2355536


Thread has exceeded 1200 posts and is about to be locked! Please create a new thread and post a link to it.

No. 2355541

The only time I actually hear about sucking dick is on this board because of you, so thanks for that

No. 2355544

Just don't suck dick…? How hard is that for you?

No. 2355548

You talk about sucking cock way more than I hear the fags at work talk about sucking cock and I work in the server industry.

No. 2355574

Kek this is like Lovecraft describing penguins or racial minorities.

No. 2355577

>every time im in ig tiktok twitter
then don't go on these sites. they're designed to melt your brain down anyway. take up baking or birdwatching or crosswords or just go read a book

No. 2355596

thread getting locked so i wanted to type a quick reply to say thank you so much, really, this has cleared my head and given me things to think about. i might teach them minecraft, they have it for the switch but they don't know how to play it so they gave up, which is sad to me. anyway i hope you're having a good day nonnie! tysm again, really

No. 2355597


Thread has exceeded 1200 posts and is about to be locked! Please create a new thread and post a link to it.

No. 2355702

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holy fuck i met a british pakimoid and ive never wanted to strangle a person more in my life,im paki myself this moid was so fucking retarded that even the desi moids here were put off by it and thats saying something the fuck is wrong with these overseas desi moids, this fucker was preaching that he thinks we arent following islamic "values"(you mean bumfuck wahabi aka SAUDI values who keep women lower than goats) fucker thinks that women being able to walk without scarfs is unsafe and should get married by 17 and not 30 (and these fuckers consider themselves better pakistanis ),when this fucker proudly tells us he drinks and has had sex as if its a feat. what makes them larp so much?? it was like watching a caricature a polfag would make of pakistanis im completely baffled tbh

No. 2355794

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what's with young girls and deciding they want to be fakebois?? istg this is their parents fault and letting young kids have phones and social media too soon. This is really alarming because i've seen the girl in picrel talking about wanting to remove the 'intruders'.(???)

No. 2355850

When I was 11 I was terminally online as well but I sure as hell wasn't announcing my age everywhere. Kids these days are pretty fucking dumb for that, but I guess online safety isn't being hammered into kids' heads anymore.
I remember seeing a few people in my internet circles back then being proto-fakebois but I never got into it myself. The common rhetoric then was that you needed life-ruining absolutely crippling dysphoria before you can claim to be trans. Then a few years later that script completely flipped and people were making up new "rules" and genders and kinning anime characters and shit. I was at ground zero when the neopronoun thing started too kek. It's weird to see this neopronoun demiboy bullshit spread across the internet.
I'm glad I never really drank the tranny koolaid though. I think being an edgelord and browsing Something Awful (then later KF) and being on Tumblr at the same time kept me from going too far into either side to be honest. I hope that girl grows out of it.

No. 2355856

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Not wanting to be a girl around that age is normal. I remember puberty being really uncomfortable for me too. The only difference is really the terminally online and tranny stuff.

No. 2355984

Feeling so overwhelmed because my family and their dogs have been accidentally untraining my dog. He use to be so behaved until we moved in here. Now he barks a lot, pulls on his leash, gets in peoples faces begging for food, and jumping on people. I’m not sure what I can do. I tried to talk to them, and tell them he needs consistency but they treat me like I’m a bitch for asking them to have rules with my dog. He’s a large dog too so he can accidentally hurt someone if he pulls or jumps on a child or elderly person.

No. 2355988

real nonnie, same. Friend of over 15 years, rooming to save money, he would live in mildew and mold with maggot larvae carcasses everywhere if I didn't clean. He does actually do what I ask, but I rarely ask because I already did that with an ex, and I became mommy. Not trying to be mommy again, nagging and begging and "reminding" him to do the bare minimum to keep the house clean. And yes, it is largely just me cleaning. I have been cucked. I'm Looking desperately for a place of my own that's just as affordable.

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