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No. 2350328

A thread for the daft, the dim, the silly and the merely confused.

Previous thread: >>>/ot/2327715

Please follow all global rules and remember to report and ignore bait: avoid infighting.

If you want to ask random questions and hear other anons’ personal answers, check out the Random Questions thread instead. This thread is more for asking silly questions and getting concrete answers.

Random Questions thread: >>>/ot/2030872

No. 2350630

I'm seeing Jill get called a bippie all the time, but I have no clue what that means. Is it like a cutesy term for bpd or something else entirely? Googling it doesn't show any results.

No. 2350641

bpd -> beepee -> bipee

No. 2350692

wtf is
supposed to mean?

No. 2350696

lurk moar

No. 2350698

signed. like you could sign your post
>t. newfag

No. 2350722

can i call myself a feminist if i frequently make your mom jokes

No. 2350725

No. Off with your head.

No. 2350726

call yourself a sheep

No. 2350728

I've been here for over a year. I've seen it sparingly with no context.

No. 2350731

people who make mom jokes are low life

No. 2350735

>a year

No. 2350744

t. newfag

No. 2350749

>a year
God this is worse than the covid era anons. Genuinely, from the bottom of my heart, lurk way more. much much more

No. 2350777

you're a fetus

No. 2350790

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If Rosie was a real cat, what breed would she be?

No. 2350804

File: 1737139811795.jpg (1.06 MB, 3264x2448, 4893e1900b94876ddc3983bba5a41f…)

Russian blue or Russian blue/tabby mix

No. 2350812

This is perfect, thanks anon!

No. 2350840

I’m an eurofag, why is everyone autistic in burger land? Is it like a quirky thing that anyone can claim?

No. 2350854

no. most of the people who claim to be autistic are. it's because we're being poisoned by PFAS, microplastics, vaccines, processed foodslop, and old sperm resulting in more developmental disorders. it's not that big of a difference though, it's 1% in the us vs. ~0.5% in europe, and rates are rising worldwide.

No. 2350856

its quirky shit/europe doesn't allow nearly as many poison chemicals in their food and pharmaceuticals in their water.

No. 2350859

but i don't want to switch to "your dad" jokes because a) it doesn't hit the same and b) old men are gross and i would not have sex with them
">t." means something like "written by" and is used to add context to your/someone else's post. it's short from some finnish word iirc

No. 2350861

>no. most of the people who claim to be autistic are
another burger here, this is false. it's mostly self diagnosed normies

No. 2350863

there are more than 3 million diagnosed autists in the US anon.

No. 2350864

We are all poisoned like >>2350854 is saying but the true answer it big pharma.

No. 2350869

so what? trannies get diagnoses too

No. 2350906

you're claiming they are mostly self diagnosed. that's not true. deflecting to trannies is beside the point

No. 2350978

Speaking of disorders, how does one identify the difference between a bipolarfag and a bippie? Don't they both do that thing where they "flip" their personalities from extreme emotional immaturity and end up being the most insufferable piece of shit in your life?

No. 2350985

i think length of episode? although there are different types of bipolar and some have shorter cycles. but it’s more of a cycle thing like pmdd which i think is harder to tell the difference between. between ptsd pmdd bpd and bipolar i honestly think most doctors are just guessing until they see how their patient reacts to meds.

No. 2351012

There's overlapping symptoms but there's more interpersonal conflict with BPD episodes.

No. 2351019

i'm nta you were talking to

No. 2351069

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What’s it called when you’re homophobic, heterophobic, and biphobic at the same time?

No. 2351075

sex hater (correct)

No. 2351088

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>want to learn to drive at 21
>state requires that you get a permit and then practice for 50 hours with someone who's 25+ and licensed
>live alone (different country than family), don't know anyone who's 25+ on a close personal level, don't have access to any car
>every nearby driver's school is hundreds of dollars for 6-8 hours of instruction and involves someone sitting in the passenger seat and giving advice while you drive
>driver's schools suggest having 20-30 hours experience before using their instructors
>have literally zero experience, don't know how traffic works, don't even know the parts of a car, literally just learned what a pedal does today (I knew that pedals make the car go but I didn't know that it controls acceleration. I thought that if you're driving fast then you're holding it down hard the whole time, I just found out that you'd only do that to start going fast but then you'd relax once you reached a high speed). I couldn't even attempt to drive if I got in a car right now
I'm not mentally retarded in some way that'd make it abnormally hard, I was just never taught and never had a reason to learn (shut-in for most of my life). What are my options now if the schools expect you to already know stuff? I started reading the state driver's manual which tells you about traffic laws but I still don't know how you physically operate a car or anything like that and I have no one to show me.

No. 2351091

Do plus or minus glasses make your eyes smaller?

No. 2351106

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why do so many women, including some anons here, want to fuck this old, bald, smelly assless thing? there's so many better vampires to choose from even if they want someone unconventional

No. 2351108

i’m saying this lovingly, but if you did not know what pedals do and that we aren’t all out there flooring it at all times, you are abnormally far behind and are right that you should not be on the road but wrong about starting at a further point backwards. that’s okay but you seriously need to go to a driving school before you kill people. you are not someone who can just learn from watching someone else do it or someone who isn’t trained showing you how. you need to actually be able to understand traffic patterns and how to control your vehicle lol. you don’t need to be a mechanic or anything or know much more besides to do something if a light is on or not like. kill yourself hydroplaning. but yeah this is an abnormal level of not understanding driving. also driving lessons are usually you in the drivers seat? you typically have two students and one instructor in the car and the students switch off so you can watch the other student being instructed. you have to learn this stuff by doing it. there is not a way to like look at stuff online and be a safe driver. you have to learn how the vehicle you are controlling in particular handles as well. which isn’t technical, it’s a matter of noting how wide it turns or how quickly it reacts to braking/acceleration or how it handles around a curve. it’s the type of thing that seems impossible and like people are being mean for saying you have to intuit when you struggle with driving. but that is true. i genuinely think you are going to have to save up for drivers ed and tell them you have no experience and what your situation is. i’ve never heard of a school that requires you to have hours beforehand honestly it seems counterintuitive? but yeah i would not feel safe even as a friend helping someone at this level out because you might destroy their car. you need a professional to help you and be able to save you from yourself if needed the first few times you drive. it seems like you’re self aware enough to realize you shouldn’t be driving yet anyways but yeah. you learn to drive by going through drivers ed and practicing. you need to ask them about the practice hours problem because you need those and you can’t be the first person they’ve met who had no one to drive with. there has to be someone even if you have to hire them that can sit with you in a car.

No. 2351118

Do you think they use meme numbers like 420 in social security numbers or do they skip them

No. 2351159

when you're bored and can't do anything what do you think about to enterrain yourself?
i always end up thinking about sex but it's not very creative
as a kid i'd imagine so many various scenarios like discovering hidden under water worlds or things like that, now all my imagination goes into sex

No. 2351162

Yeah I definitely don't plan on just getting in a car and screwing around, regardless of whose it is, which is why I don't want to take the standard classes. I know that I have basically no knowledge but I tbh I was a little blindsided that there aren't many other people in this situation and resources don't seem to address it. I've always heard "just go get your permit and then start practicing with someone" but I don't think I could pass the written test until I do a lot of study, and I don't know how to operate a car at all, much less skillfully.
I think what would help is to first just have someone show me parts of a car while it's parked, then maybe for me to sit as a passenger while they drive somewhere and describe what they're doing. Schools seem to expect you to have already seen this from your parents or something.
I'll try contacting the schools directly and asking if they can offer something for my situation. One of them seems geared towards supplementing teens learning with their parents and the other seems geared towards people who already learned in another country that just need to earn an American license, so they both seem to presuppose at least some experience. I'm financially comfortable where I could afford something like the standard $440 package one of them has (for 6h of instruction), it seems like it'd be insane to pay a pro for 50 hours but idk maybe they have some secret option for this kind of situation?

No. 2351184

NTAYRT but there are countless resources online and instructional videos going over the basics of driving and operating a motor vehicle. Of course, those won't be enough and you'll probably need hands-on training, but they're a good starting point to get acquainted with the subject.

No. 2351189

I Guarantee there is a boomer who has that as their social security well before the meme came to be.

No. 2351212

It was the same for me. I'm glad my country requires regular lessons instead of allowing people to fuck around like that but it was super expensive, I don't think you can get around that. People pay like 3-4k just for the lessons and exams and they save up years in advance.
But I was just as clueless as you and I've been driving without accidents for 4 years now. I passed the written exam by memorizing the answers to all ~1k questions and in most cases they were completely empty phrases to me. You're supposed to drive this fast on that type of road, this sign means xy, that light means this but I genuinely could not imagine what that meant irl. In my first driving lesson I was first shown all the important parts and then I got to try it out on an empty road. I couldn't steer the car at all and every time I touched the brakes I completely stopped it. I remember going walking speed and being unable to make it stay centered without the instructor helping. My second lesson went way smoother though, somehow I just suddenly knew how much pressure to use and what not. And the same thing happened when I tried to drive my own car for the first time after I got my license. So don't worry if it feels impossible at first, it's something you'll get used to with experience. Check out some youtube videos to get a first idea about how cars look from the inside and how roads will look and what you should watch out for and it'll probably start to click once you get to try it out for real. And don't ever let a shitty instructor bully you. The ones I've had were all huge assholes that screamed at me any chance they got. But if those emotional manbabies that never went to high school could drive well enough to teach I could definitely do it so it did help in some way kek good luck nona

No. 2351222

They don't really. They use their sexuality as a way to differentiate themselves from others. It's all a cope. They've been brainwashed into thinking that their only mode of individuality is tied directly to their sexual proclivities. When you hear people say "I want to fuck the smelly corpse from Nosferatu," what they're really trying to project is "I'm so different from everyone else!"

No. 2351229

what does ayrt mean? ive been here for years and I've been too scared to ask kek I've always tried to parse it out and I cant decipher it. Anon your retard take? anon you really tried?

No. 2351232

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>I've been here for years

When will newfags learn to lurk? When will retards learn to stop spoonfeeding?

No. 2351237

ive been here since peak TND I'm just a retarda I thought the stupid question thread would be safe lol

No. 2351240

ignore the decrepit oldfags lecturing you. ayrt means anon you replied to. so nayrt is not the anon you replied to. obviously you use it when someone replies to your post and you want to establish yourself as the OP, or in nayrt's case, when someone replies to someone else's post but you wanna jump in the convo. hope this helps xoxo

No. 2351241

You are everything wrong with this website.

No. 2351245

>ive been here since peak TND

No. 2351249

WHY do I find napping during the day super easy no matter how much sleep I've had or if I'm tired or not… but during the night I just cannot fall sleep, even if I'm tired! I don't get it!

Maybe I should try sleeping with the lights on at night to trick myself into thinking it's just a day time nap

No. 2351251

retarded newfag

No. 2351254

There needs to be heavier bans for posts like these, and even longer bans for the idiots that respond to them.

No. 2351255

The nalking dead

No. 2351267

Taylor Nicole Dean, I made the same mistake and thought another anon was using fucking shartyspeak on here kek

No. 2351268

Total nautical disaster. Anon cares for the ocean

No. 2351270

Ah. I thought you meant the other tnd for a moment. That makes a lot more sense

No. 2351275

Nonnas I blocked my crush at Uni because he was talking to me all the time while being with another girl. I did this last Friday and every day this week he kept trying to be around me even more than usual, but never brought up the blocking. What is he trying to pull?

No. 2351281

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He’s testing the waters to see if he can get you to unblock him and get away with it. Tell him to fuck off and make best friends with the girl.

No. 2351294

He knows exactly why you did it and wants to see if you'll drop it without an argument so he can keep juggling you both

No. 2351302

he's trying to monkey branch. you can be a bitch and steal him from the other girl but he's most definitely not worth it if he's pulling that

No. 2351304

>January 10th: street by me has three houses that have "for sale" signs out front.
>January 13th: all the "for sale" signs have been taken down.
>January 14th: now all three houses have "for lease" signs on their front lawns
>January 17th: all the signs have been changed to "for sale" again.

What does this mean?

No. 2351428

I'm so confused about the Luigi mangione case. Didn't he confess to it? Is there real doubt that he's the guy in the video or is it just conspiracy stuff? And what was that court thing where he and his lawyer dressed the same all about?

No. 2351456

Devil worship

No. 2351459

I made an account and bought from a clothing website years ago, and recently I logged into my old account and purchased from them again. I got the item with no issues, but I just realized that I messed up and while I deleted the old shipping address, it kept the old billing address… which is where my abuser ex lives. Is this going to get back to him in any way? The payment still went through and it used my own card, which is kinda weird since his address is definitely not associated with my card.

No. 2351463

no definitely not. you’re safe nona.

No. 2351487

thanks nona. I thought it must've been okay since everything else was in order but just wanted to make sure

No. 2351502

Any reason why blueberries have open, gaping anuses?

No. 2351505

nta but follow-up retarded question: i keep seeing people start their replies with DA which im guessing means "different anon" but i always read it first as "dat anon". i feel like newer posters are not familiar with tl;dr, >mfw, and similar acronyms so less recognizable ones keep showing up

No. 2351507

I only ever saw someone use DA like 2 days ago and since then I’ve been seeing it in every thread. I keep wondering if its the same anon.

No. 2351513

Yeah I don't remember seeing it before at least.
To me it's deviantart

No. 2351523

It's been around for a couple years but it's definitely newer and forced.

No. 2351562

the other anon is wrong, ayrt stands for “all you radfem transphobes” and usually the anons who say it are probably trannies themselves and should be reported
>t. oldfag (real)

No. 2351571

what is a munchie and what does spoopy mean. I think spoopy is a play on the word spooky

No. 2351592

>newfags asking instead of lurking or researching
ggrks or leave

No. 2351593

Is it realistic to go for a minors in a related subject while in grad school?

No. 2351600

Absolutely. People get minors and endorsements in grad school all the time. Sometimes you can use courses to complete both your minor and major, so you may as well.

No. 2351647

stands for Are You ReTarded

No. 2351649

KEK my brain also reads it as dat anon
Time to start lurking til you can understand them.

No. 2351662

Sorry this is cringe, but can someone please tell my stupid brain that I'm not ungrateful or a whore for still wanting friends whilst being in a happy relationship and that it's in fact very normal?

No. 2351663

…is this a serious question.

No. 2351670


No. 2351690

>ungrateful whore
Is that what your partner calls you when you bring up wanting friends? Break up, sis.

No. 2351721

Why won't Americans use a vpn instead of moving to a whole new app

No. 2351728

your partner is trying to isolate you and is abusive

No. 2351761

I always report for integrate when I see an anon say "DA."

No. 2351848

What do you use a second desktop for?

No. 2351849

I was wondering the same thing, I think most people are just tech illiterate so they don't know how to use a VPN or change the app store/play store location. The ban is probably gonna get reversed once Trump is in power, so who cares anyway

No. 2351853

I'm a monsterfucker and I don't get it, he looks disgusting.

No. 2351888

Does your inner monologue use I or we? I tend to use we when I'm thinking hard about things and we're worried it might be an early sign of schizophrenia. I'm the usual amount of sane I think.

No. 2351889

The use of VPN can get you jailed. Also if you use a VPN tik tok won’t pay you. A lot of small businesses and people use that app to make money.

No. 2351891

Every medium to big business uses VPNs. I have log into one every day for work. Zero chance they'd make VPNs illegal.

No. 2351893

they're absolutely not gonna put anyone in jail for using a VPN anon come on kek

No. 2351894

I don't use it almost at all but when I do I use I.

No. 2351897

Has anybody gone to the 9/11 memorial here? Is it worth traveling to Manhattan just to visit it? Of course I'd do other stuff if I went there but it'd be my main motivation.

No. 2351898

>Every medium to big business uses VPNs.
Why do they use a VPN? is it some privacy concern or

No. 2351928

It keeps all traffic within a network that the company controls. If you're authenticated with a VPN it gives you a badge that says let my computer connect to this computer. That same badge can be used to identify you and kick you out if you lost your job, being a bad actor, not using proper encryption protocols or whatever.
Pretend it's an airport. You want to go from America to Italy. You (data) have to go through security (login/credentials). They inspect you bags (hacker code) and make sure you're ok. You're ok'd so you can go.
To add another layer to this a lot of VPNs advertise you can use foreign Netflix, Disney+ or PrimeVideo. This would be like you got through the airport so you are Italian so spend your euros freely.

No. 2351993

Is Little Britain worth watching if i like trailer park boys and its always sunny?

No. 2352022

Thanks nonna, I should probably get checked

No. 2352188

Is it true that kawaii culture was created to cover up Japan's dark past???

https://vt.tiktok.com/ZS6V49sqh/(learn to embed @mk72889 these short urls give away your account name)

No. 2352199

yea? kind of. japan did a huge pr stunt with anime and the cute mascot industry so their image wouldnt be aligned with the war crimes and the korean sex slavery they did, kind of similar of how germany larped to be all for human rights after the nazi shit

No. 2352212

File: 1737224671790.jpg (177.14 KB, 700x602, taras-shevchenko.jpg)

he looks like Taras Shevchenko

No. 2352409

I haven't charged my laptop in two years. it's just been collecting dust under my bed. will it catch on fire if I charge it now? I feel like that would happen with my luck.

No. 2352456

Probably not. Keep a bucket of water nearby just in case.

No. 2352457

At what age should you start going by Ms instead of Miss?

No. 2352460

buy a new battery and swap the old one out

No. 2352476

What? You can go by Ms anytime. Ms isn't short for Miss.

Miss is the honorific for unmarried women. Mrs. is the honorific for married women. Ms was invented in the 20th century by feminists as an alternative to both Miss & Mrs.. Feminists at the time thought that it was unfair that honorifics for women were dependent on their marriage status, unlike men that used Mr. before and after marriage. So Ms is a title that both unmarried and married women can use.

No. 2352482

She’s a random girl from Hinge and despite my stalking I can’t figure out who she is.
Apparently they’re in the early talking stage but the way he describes her to our class while still flirting with me constantly makes me really uneasy. Like he keeps going on about how much he likes her then shamelessly flirts with me but is too scared to escalate. They’re all younger than me and keep saying that they’re afraid to meet people at school because it might not work out even though that’s the most retarded thing I’ve ever heard. Back in my day literally everyone would hook up through school and just deal with the consequences later kek.

No. 2352491

NTA but dang I never even realized that we had titles depending on our marriage status while all men used Mr… like it just didnt click in my head until now

No. 2352504

I mean I want to be single for a long time. Am I too old to be “Miss” in my 30s?

No. 2352509

It doesn't matter that much. I've had plenty of teachers in school who went by Ms at older ages. No one cares that much.

No. 2352530

If you aren't married, you use "Miss" or "Ms" depending on whether or not you want others to know your marriage status. Sometimes, people may treat you with less respect because you are not married. To avoid this, you can use "Ms" to avoid revealing your marriage status to strangers.

"Miss" is pronounced as mɪs and "Ms" is pronounced as məz.

No. 2352566

Have you ever had a positive one-night-stand/hookup? One where you don't feel like it was a net loss for you, or after which you felt positive/had few negative feelings?

No. 2352568

Yeah, lots of times. A lot of people on here, and in society in general too, are neurotic about sexuality.

No. 2352574

i'm looking for this really mean gif that was something like a pic of a cat and "how does it feel knowing me posting this cat invalidates every retarded autistic thing you just said" i can't find it lol

No. 2352576

No. 2352581

oh thanks anon

No. 2352670

I mean, agreeing to being used like a cock sleeve by a moid that thinks you're trash isn't exactly positive, but it's good that you can feel that way!(infight bait)

No. 2352701

Does exposure therapy really work?

No. 2352727

Depends on what it is but usually yes.

No. 2352735

File: 1737243503981.jpg (19.92 KB, 736x635, e07fa9c763dd0cbbfa6d61b771572a…)

Why some people equate femininity with lighter skin? It's the third time I hear a man saying they want a woman with lighter skin (than him) because they are more feminine. Are they just retarded? Inferiority complex? (All of them were brown).

No. 2352742

It’s stems from the idea that women shouldn’t be allowed to go outside the home and thus not tan, which is redundant considering natural skin tones.

No. 2352757

you know why. dark = dirty and not as "pure".

No. 2352759

It might have to do with internalized racism but it's also a beauty standard that developed in many cultures because lighter skin meant you didn't spend a lot of time working outside the home, while darker skin is seen as more masculine because it meant you did work a lot in the sun. And (perhaps due to white supremacist ideas spreading around the world thanks to European influence worldwide, perhaps just male retardation) even people of ethnicities where dark-skinned or tan women are normal started to consider those women "less feminine" than white or East Asian women, because they came to this braindead conclusion that "ZOMG, she's even lighter than MY women??? She's even more feminine!!". These retarded and primitive comparisons are also what led East Asian men to being considered "feminine" by western standards (even though it's normal for Asian men to look like that).
There might be other cultural reasons, though I wonder if it's true that human females of any race are biologically predisposed to developing lighter skin (and vice versa for human males), or if it's all just cultural bullshit.

No. 2352766

considering that skin darkens when there's more estrogen in the body, which is why women get darker bellies and their freckles and melasma and nipples get darker, this is gay and backwards.

No. 2352770

That's interesting, I didn't know that. Well now I know that it was indeed just cultural bullshit.

No. 2352802

Maybe that's just a way of saying they don't want to date black and brown women without sounding racist.

No. 2352806

You mean to tell me I have BOTH high estrogen and high testosterone?? Man, gotta snip my ovaries or something.

No. 2352820

last time i was in new york we went but there was a line out the door to get into the actual memorial muesum. the outside memorial was powerful tho. probably only spent maybe 20 minutes there so its easy to tack on if you are just walking around

No. 2352869

File: 1737250859515.jpg (61.81 KB, 750x750, H8026859cde3343eeb7e46a0fd2eb4…)

Is this thing safe to use close to the charging jack? Would plugging my phone in the charger with it and the phone case still attach to my phone cause any issues?

No. 2353053

Nah anon, since it's brown men it's a combination of a cultural norms (that unfortunately their moms probably perpupuate/encourage, esp. if they have daughters), fetishism of white women and thinking they are more worthy than the maligned darker women even if they are the same skintone or darker because those first two factors. Colourism rooted in mono-racial cultures is one thing, but in recent history a lot of it is because white women were/are put forward as 'peak feminity'.

No. 2353169

absolutely, This Country and Come Fly With Me are superior imo

No. 2353394

is passion of the christ that violent of a movie or are some people just overhyping it up for some reason?

No. 2353421

What's the opposite of horse face? And what does it look like?

No. 2353441

Moonface. A good example is Yumi King.

No. 2353466

File: 1737276160794.jpg (55.4 KB, 440x900, 1000020671.jpg)

Which brush was used to achieve this look?

No. 2353492

If you're wearing a thick polyester outfit in a hot environment, would it feel cooler to add a thin sweat-wicking undershirt or worse because it's an extra layer? Assuming that changing outfit entirely is not an option

No. 2353500

It's definitely violent but I wouldn't say the visual gore is exceptionally extreme, it's more so emotionally stressful because the whole film is unrelenting stress and suffering with very few chill scenes. I think some people get drained because it's more of an artistic rendition of events rather than a narrative where a writer is making up a balanced story, if that makes sense. So it's a low mood all the way through until the end.
I thought the scourging at the pillar was one of the more disturbing scenes, it also shocks some people since they imagine a more surface level whipping rather than one with deep lacerations that tear and fling out chunks of flesh

No. 2353542

What is a credit score?

No. 2353545

It’s the ligma brush

No. 2353547

How do you guys pronounce "anon"? I know it should technically be said as "uh-non" like how you would with anonymous, but I say "ah-non" for some reason.

No. 2353549

I also say ah-non

No. 2353550

You either answer or stop shitting up the thread. This is the stupid questions thread, not "shitting on newfags thread"

No. 2353565

Why am I always starving when I wake up? Everyone I've spoken to isn't hungry in the morning, but I'm always ravenous first thing after waking up. Not fat btw. Is there something wrong with my blood sugar or something?

No. 2353604

Ah-non because I'm ESL and say it with my language pronunciation.

No. 2353696

Who would win in a fight?

No. 2353705

Savillefags have violent proclivities and seem just a little more insane than your usual hybristo, so they could probably pack a punch and come out on top. Then come either the dzhokarfags or mcveighfags. The former, being hormonal and unhinged, would probably try ripping hair or kneeing other anons in the face. McVeighfags seem smarter, they probably carry something for self-defense, so they would use that. The dylanfags would worry too much about getting their clothes ripped, so they would be more passive if anything. Lanzafags are underage so they would all be K.O'd easily.
i say uh-non

No. 2353708

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I don't want to believe that such a person actually exists

No. 2353709

Yeah, it's related to blood sugar. I'm skinny as a damn stick and barely got any appetite yet I feel ravenous in the morning and only in the morning, I asked my endo about it and she told me sugar levels are at their lowest at these hours so your brain activates "hunger" signals. I also suffer from mild IR, for reference

No. 2353712

The main one was around years ago, then allegedly got over him after taking her meds (her words) but then a few years later a second one suddenly popped up

No. 2353722

What are jobs where you work with art without doing any yourself?

No. 2353748

There are lots. Depending on how you define creating art, you have: art museum curator, art museum tour guide, art historian, interior design cosnultant, music journalist/marketer, bookshop owner/salesperson, literary critic, art auctioneer, sound engineer, restorationist, manager of all of the businesses that hires the aforementioned positions.
Tbh most "art" jobs are specifically these positions that don't make the actual art itself, they just manage and market it to people. So if you think that really is the best fit for you, you're in luck.

No. 2353750

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Have you noticed physical similarities between yourselves and the people you usually like?

What do you think it's more likely: we are attracted to people similar to us or the opposite?

No. 2353806

my ex and I had similar wrist shape and I liked that little detail.

when I had self image issues, i tended to like people who looked completely different from me.

No. 2353833

Has anyone bought prescription glasses from aliexpress? I just need to use them at home, so nothing fancy

No. 2353857

No idea, I don't think I look like any of my friends but I'm faceblind, so what do I know.

No. 2353863

I want to play Hogwarts Legacy, but I have a question. How immersive-ly interactive is it? I want to play a Hogwarts RP game and Legacy looks really good but I don't want to buy it if it's a walking simulator with combat.

No. 2353875

Im playing it right now and the sheer amount of things you can do is crazy. I keep being introduced to new areas and abilities. Flying, helping people, making potions, rescuing magical beasts. There is a lot aside from combat.

No. 2353891

I thought it kinda dipped outside of Hogwarts and Hogsmeade but it was still really fun.
If you're on PC there's mods that let you unlock the Playstation exclusive quest and the house quests as well.

No. 2353945

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Is it overkill if I put 7 languages on my CV? Context I am an europoor.

No. 2354004

I just want a Hogwarts Simulation Game. If I had it my way, I'd make a GMod Hogwarts LC Roleplaying server.

No. 2354005

File: 1737308132988.jpg (60 KB, 550x714, grenouille-22.jpg)

It depends. Are you applying for a multinational? Being good at English is all they care about. Are you applying for a local job? Knowing the local language is important then. It doesn't hurt either way to have seven languages on your CV.

No. 2354017

If you're worried it's too many put the languages you know the best, like 3 or 4 of them.

No. 2354032

There's a decent chance they'll get you to speak those languages to a native if you get an interview. Put down all the languages you're able to have a conversation in and leave out the rest.
Don't buy them nonna.

No. 2354082

If having two short nails is for lesbian sex, then are all the women with long pointy fake nails asexual? How do you masturbate with those claws?

No. 2354085

They probably just use toys or get with some unsatisfying scrote and act like that works for them

No. 2354094

Is there an influencer family cow thread? Or no because children can't be posted here?

No. 2354121

I'm wondering if i'll lose weight on a no refined sugar diet. My first week is very strict with just veg, healthy fats and meat, but lactose isn't a refined sugar. Butter, milk, cream…all things that make vegetables taste amazing that I'm sure I'll use from the second week onwards. I'm worried I'll spin out of control. But then again I can't imagine after a lifetime of lots of sugar than it's possible to gain weight cutting out refined sugar completely. I mean is it actually possible to get fat? I'm really asking. Should I also ban lactose?

No. 2354124

Press ons exist

No. 2354126

SO immersive (except the excessive cutscenes and loading screens during quests kek). I loved flying around and it's hyped me up for my trip to the scottish highlands later this year. You can really chill in it.

No. 2354146

Yeah, it's really immersive and chill. I love just strolling around and taking in all the details in the environment, and petting cats.
>my trip to the scottish highlands later this year
Wow, I'm jealous! Hope you have fun!

No. 2354236

You can be on an all-refined-sugar diet and you will still lose weight if the calories you eat are less than what your body uses up naturally. Counting calories is the easiest way to lose weight, get a little kitchen scale and scan the barcode (or manually search for raw foods) in an app to easily calculate calories.

No. 2354320

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Is it possible to get better at math at 22? i struggle doing basic addition with my mind.

No. 2354323

Yes and I love your picrel kekkkk

No. 2354325

If you find any way tell me too. I cant do math (but I can do algebra for some reason)

No. 2354335

Yes maths is easy

No. 2354340

No. 2354365

Yep, math is a skill like any other, you can learn it even if you're older. Although arithmetic is just a matter of practice and knowing the algortihms by heart. If thats your only problem, I'd say it's worth it to improve.
The biggest obstacle is that no one is going to hold your hand and force you through understanding all of the material, you have to have pretty strong internal motivation for this. You should know why you're learning math in the first place, for what purpose specifically. Consistency should be key for this.
Honestly, it shouldn't be too difficult to learn the level of maths you need. If you feel like you really need to, hire a tutor.
Look up "how to do basic math as an adult" and you;ll find everything you need.

No. 2354439

What are some good discord servers/communities where I could find men willing to give me money?

No. 2354444

Nona, you can find simps anywhere but they're all broke fags.

No. 2354470

I don't know how or where. I even tried streaming on Twitch and nobody would watch my streams. I actually wanted to do a wholesome thing and build a community but nobody watched me. I'm above average in looks.

I would be happy to get even 50$ out of one. I'm a thiride. I just don't know how to do it.

No. 2354480

Come up with a gimmick or try to fulfill a niche. I don't know much about streaming but there's all sorts of micro communities out there who'll throw money at any woman willing to play along.

No. 2354481

Kek scrotes don’t care about content, they care if you have your tits out. There are streamers who do literal soft porn there.

No. 2354492

Have you tried just joining random degenerate/animu servers? Just be yourself and make friends, at some point you will find people wishing to give you money unprompted, you don't even have to whine about being a third wolder, they all are nosy and will find information about your country right away.
I know this because I just tend to attract people that want to give me money, you have to talk normally, be like
>Oh yeah, it's another blackout
>I don't have water at home because it's how it works in my building/street
>I'm saving to buy [insert treat that you have to save money for because it's overpriced in your country but that costs peanuts in first world countries or the USA -which isn't exactly a first world country at this point-]
Like, what's normal for us, that at this point sounds like we're whining to anyone around us, is bizarre and pitiful to anyone in a first world country.
You don't even have to constantly show your face and such, just send a picture once after a few months talking to them normally and everyone will love you.

No. 2354496

if you struggle with basic addition as an adult you're probably not going to get better

No. 2354562

I have no one to talk to, PLEASE READ IT.

There is two types of people in the world: the ones that work for and live for their social life, family and friends, and the ones that work and live to pursue their personal subject of interest.

I don't have a hobby or interest that is worth for me to keep living. I spend most of my days scrolling through my phone daydreaming about being someone else and living another life.

Most people don't have a huge hobby they care about and the most important thing in their life family and friends. But i can't blend in with normies. I don't have anything to talk about with them because i don't keep up or care enough to what happens around me and i also don't really have anything that interests me. Whenever i'm in a conversation i have to push myself to generate some sort of answer. I look like a sperg.

I also just don't like people. As a woman, i have to be bombarded with misogyny no matter where i go, no matter where i look and forced to ignore and even participate in it. Whether it's trannies, pornography, the language used against women, violence being comitted against women with no consequences, extreme criticism and scrutiny for anything you do as a woman yet men don't even get a fraction of it despite being unfathomably worse, women who speak out against all of these or just acknowledge and admit they are happening at all are met with harassment by both men and women, and i can't find solidarity at all even within other women.

I don't want to kill myself because that would hurt my mother. I have already tried SSRIs and medication for mental issues, but let's be honest, medication is not going to rewire my brain. If could lobotomize myself and turn myself into a normie for my mother, i would. But no matter how many pills i take, that will not change reality. I'm not very smart both intelectually and socially, that plus my dislike of the average person and society, my chances of making a living with a job that actually pays are extremely low. There is no point to pursuing any personal interest because i don't have one, there is no point in wanting to have a family because i don't want one especially since i will assume the role of the mother and wife and there is no point of climbing up the social ladder because i don't like people so i don't care to impress them.

So what can i do other than killing myself?

No. 2354588

>So what can i do other than killing myself
Go have a nap for a good while.wake up and realize the world sucks shit for women and the largest fuck you you can give to this moid ridden world is keep living and improving yourself to lead a happy life keyword "happy" not rich or famous but happy.you said killing yourself will make your mother sad but what about you? Why give your own self so little empathy when the world treats women so apatheticly already you should treat your own self as how youd treat other women.youll get through it nona just give yourself a chance Good luck

No. 2354589

get off the internet and go to therapy

No. 2354592

You can tough it up and not kill yourself over something that the vast majority of women deal with on a daily basis. Then you can start actively fighting against these things and influencing others to change society at least a little bit. If you don't grow a thicker skin, you can't fight misogyny. How are you supposed to help if you're dead?

No. 2354602

Daydreams can be your personal interest too, you just have to manifest them somehow - be it in actually working towards archiving the things you dream about or to otherwise express them through writing, drawing etc. At the end of the day you are left with a world to experience however you want. There's no right or wrong way to do it. You can stay at home and use the input from the internet for your daydreams or do it in real life. Neither is better or worse outside of what's dictated by society.

No. 2354606

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You've come to all the wrong conclusions.

There's no point in killing yourself because you'll simply be reborn again in the same circumstances to face the same problems. This cycle will continue for eternity until you face your problems head on. The point of your life, this one anyway, is to rise above your problems and to better yourself. I don't mean to better yourself in the eyes of society, but to better yourself in your own eyes.

You have to wake up now and realize that the universe is so perfectly harmonized and equal that the appearance of any problem necessitates that a solution to it has also appeared; like how all things that are thrown upwards must also fall downwards. All your problems are your problems; they don't exist because of the world, or society, or the Other, they exist because of you. Since all the problems are yours, that means that all the solutions are within you. In life, we really only ever find that which we're looking for.

Sometimes it's necessary to sever the parts of oneself to preserve ones nature. It's like trimming the dead branches from a plum tree - it's necessary to remove those branches so that the tree will continue to bear its bounty.

No. 2354607

>what can I do other than killing myself
Eat some fancy snacks (I like getting nice cheese), smoke a joint, masturbate, ignore others. That last one has really, really helped me. learning to ignore people I hate and the things that upset me, to completely block out porn and other vulgar propaganda from my algorithm and world, only focusing on the people who I love. for example, maybe you could spend time hanging out with your mom or doing a chore for her if that would make her happy? That could definitely make you feel good

No. 2354610

How do I set up those PayPal donations links that do not link to your real name? Like streamers do

No. 2354612

>So what can i do other than killing myself?
Change your life.
People don't magically wake up one day thinking "boy oh boy I sure love knitting" and now they have a hobby, they have to actually try it first and see what they think. Things you care about don't usually just fall down into your lap - you have to find them. You have to cut the time you spend scrolling on your phone and start actually living.

No. 2354614

Nta but i don't think anything will change for women. The only reason we got rights was because of capitalism, so the government has more wage slaves. Men hate women biologically by default and the majority of women as much feminist as they try to appear always think their nigel and the other men in their life are the exception and will ocstracize a women who speak against this. Women will never be fully liberated.

No. 2354615

I'm a eurofag who hasn't been following it, so tiktok got banned in the US but now it's back again?

No. 2354618

ntayrt but where is picrel from? Agreed on all counts btw

No. 2354620

NTAYRT & I'm not sure if it's still the same, but back when I was an e-scammer, PayPal required your full legal name, unless the account was tied to a business entity. Depending on your country of residence, it can be very easy to set up shell companies. You can use a fake name to set up an account, but after receiving anywhere from $2k to $5k, PayPal may freeze your account and prevent you from withdrawing or moving the money until you submit proof of your ID and residency. If you want to continuously scam, it's better to avoid PayPal directly and use other platforms and ways of receiving funds.

No. 2354621

How would you scam and what other apps were you using? I remember from when I used to stream that you could make a streamer donation page. They wouldn't reveal your information.

No. 2354628

Why is The Sims primarily played and enjoyed by women?

No. 2354630

How am i supposed to get a job that pays well and further my career if i don't socialize which requires me to blend in and participate amongst normies?
I don't understand what any of this means. How is it my fault that society is shitty towards women and can't relate to the women around me. What are you telling me i should do?

No. 2354631

I think you're referring to PayPal(dot)me, it's like a quick easy link that you can give people to send you money. Usually in the case of streamers, they're using a PayPal business account, the name of their 'business' being the same as their stream name. It's important that you don't link your personal PayPal account with your full name to 3rd-party services, because half the time if someone wanted to send you money through those services, they'd see your full name in their PayPal transaction history. Kofi comes to mind as an example of this.

I'm not telling you how to scam, sorry. Less competition.

No. 2354634

Dolls but on the computer

No. 2354644

>how do you socialise
Fake it till you make it

No. 2354646

Please nonnie. I'm literally homeless on and off

No. 2354648

>Less competition.
Damn, bitch move

No. 2354651

Well that sucks and I'm sorry, but it's not my responsibility to teach you. If you're really serious about it, you have to learn on your own like we all did.
It's a dog eat dog world out here.

No. 2354655

I don't know how to build a platform or getting a following

No. 2354658

what do you expect from a scammer? it's for the better she doesn't teach her anyway

No. 2354660

Do you take drugs?

No. 2354664

Second ayrt, you don’t have to necessarily socialize, maybe just put on an agreeable facade for the hours you’re being paid?

No. 2354670

Kek I can tell you've been scammed before then turned to scamming.

No. 2354671

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I mean, is it really necessary if it's just your friends helping you out? Just don't have your whole ass life on the internet and you won't have anything to worry about when receiving stuff from people that just care about you.
Like I could potentially do this myself but I have morals, common sense and pride.

No. 2354677

No, not really. If you want to believe that about me - no harm, no foul.

No. 2354683

Then did you group up with Indians?

No. 2354686

Nope. I've never even tried Indian food before.

No. 2354689


No. 2354709

Do we stop coughing when we are asleep?

No. 2354714

Am I overreacting? Today I told one of my supposed closest friends that I was struggling with my mental health really bad, that I felt like an alien and couldn't relate to anyone or pretend to be normal in social situations, and her only response was "It's important to take care of that", with no other offer of support or kind words or anything else. For context, we've been friends for 5 years and she knows that my childhood was extremely fucked up and that I struggle with CPTSD as a result. And actually, this is the second time this week I've mentioned how bad I was doing, the first time she invited me to a party but I declined and mentioned my shitty mental state and her response was "Okay!". I feel like I'm going insane. Do I have to explicitly ask for support from this person? Is it even worth it? Is this person even my friend? I feel so alone and I can't stop crying.

No. 2354731

your friends aren't mental health experts, she isn't going to know whatever words you want her to say in the moment because people respond differently. most people don't like to hear to commentary on their mental state, so how would she even know? it sounds like you're overreacting

No. 2354734

This is gonna sound kind of mean, but sometimes friends don't wanna be your therapist. She's given you advice, she's tried to invite you to a party to cheer you up, that's really all she can do for you. She's not your shrink, she doesn't deserve the burden you want to put on her. I think you're over-reacting, and from this post it seems like maybe you're not the greatest friend.

No. 2354737

Say I have more money than sense. What’s a great hobby for me to get into?

No. 2354738

Ball jointed doll collecting.

No. 2354740

I'm not expecting her to be my shrink. This is the first time in months that I've talked to her about my mental health and I only did it because I'm really struggling and I thought reaching out to someone I trust would be the right move instead of isolating like I usually do. I just wanted some kind words or an offer of support. Is this really too much to ask? What's the point of having friends if you can't lean on each other sometimes? Also, how does it seem like I'm not a good friend? I'm curious how you came to this conclusion.

No. 2354741

It's good if you can integrate a hobby into real-world good. I like to knit, so every August I start knitting woolen hats and mittens so that I have 100 sets to donate to my local women's shelter in October. A friend of mine likes to paint, and sometimes she'll donate her artwork to local establishments that she likes and teaches classes at the recreation centre nearby. I think the most fulfilling hobbies are the ones that you can enjoy doing alone, but feel even more fun when you do it with others or for others' sake.

No. 2354742

she is supporting you, just not in the exact way you imagined in your head and didn't tell her about.

No. 2354743

Lolita dresses

No. 2354745


No. 2354746

Take classes for something

This is cool

No. 2354748

The average person isn’t equipped to handle mental health issues, it’s a harsh truth but that’s how it is. You can have a bit of support, but the bulk of it will always be on yourself. Especially in cases like CPTS, PTSD , even depression.
She did give you advice and tried to cheer you up, maybe she thought that words of positivity would be disrespectful in that kind of context? What right thing can you say? What did you want to hear and what did you want her to do?

No. 2354749

She’s projecting because she’s probably been that clueless, apathetic friend before.

No. 2354750

Collecting fridge magnets from all over the world by travelling.

No. 2354752

>Do I have to explicitly ask for support from this person?
Yes, that’s how it works. You sometimes have to reach out explicitly, as much as you’d like for someone to read you it rarely happens like that.

No. 2354755

Where does this sound come from?

No. 2354761

my first thought would be positive words and encouragement would come off shallow and dismissive. just be honest what you want from her

No. 2354762

And saying “well it’s important to take care of that” isn’t shallow and dismissive?

No. 2354763

>how does it seem like I'm not a good friend?
If you want the honest truth, it seems that way because I can't imagine going onto an anonymous IB to complain about my friends. Like this anon >>2354742 said, she has been supportive of you, just not in the exact way that you envisioned. You wanted a specific response and when you didn't get what you wanted, you got so upset that you started crying and doubting your friendship with her. After 5 years of friendship, you want to call all that into doubt now just because she didn't give you those "kind words" that you were looking for. That's messed up. You say that you don't want to isolate yourself, but I don't think that's true: you were invited to a social event and instead of going, you isolated yourself to wallow in your own misery. I'm not sure why you think this friend is meant to save you from yourself, but it's really not what should happen. Like this anon >>2354748 said, regular people aren't equipped to help you heal from your mental issues. You can only do that with a trained professional through therapy.

No. 2354767

I dunno, I guess I just felt like her response was somewhat sterile and cold and lacked the warmth that I would want from a friendship. And we've had that level of closeness before. I'm aware that my mental illness is making me see this through a distorted lens, but it still hurts. I don't know, I guess I just wanted an offer to hang out, or to talk, or an I care about you, something. I really struggle for asking for help and almost never do, so this is all new to me, and it's difficult for me to navigate, which is why I'm asking for other perspectives. I'm not angry at my friend I'm just sad and confused. We're all doing the best we can.

No. 2354768

I'm so sorry but she wasn't being mean. You are in a shitty situation. I've been there. There's not a magical friend that can help you. It sounds like she's normal. You have to be a good friend to her to and that entails not dumping your whole emotional state on her. She can't keep you going on her own, her response was nice enough, unless she's also asking for a lot from you but not reciprocating or something you're leaving out.
Delete and reposted to add….. actually a normal person would probably offer to hang out with you one on one or something if she was actually close with you. You might not be as close as you think, which hurts. But now I'm just adding fuel to the fire. If I were you, i would ask to meet her one on one if i wanted that emotional support.

No. 2354772

tbh it depends on how OP worded it. maybe she came off too self aware and rational? her posts here come across like that. I wouldn't baby her either. If the friend is similarly self aware and rational, she likely doesn't want to intervene as a non mental health professional

No. 2354773

In what world is that response considered shallow or dismissive? "Well, it's important to take care of yourself" is good and sound advice. OP should take care of herself, it's important to be self-reliant and to recognize when you need help from professionals.

No. 2354775

yeah also depends how this convo happened. if it was over text…

sometime you have to call your friends for them to hear the tone of your voice.

No. 2354776

I think it's ok to cry and to vent on IBs. I don't think that makes me a bad friend. I'm only human. But, that's my opinion. And yes, I struggle with isolation, I've been trying to go outside my comfort zone and be social but on that particular day my symptoms were pretty severe. I've been in therapy for years and I'm on meds and I'm in the process of getting a separate evaluation. I'm trying my best. I'm just lonely and life is hard.

No. 2354785

Why does an orgasm from using my fingers feel better than those from using a toy?

No. 2354788

microplastics are endocrine disruptors

No. 2354795

Should I take an MBTI test?

No. 2354796

I want to make a new amerifag thread but I haven't done this before

No. 2354797

Do your best. We're counting on you

No. 2354801

Yes and then tell us (me) what you got

No. 2354804

Alfred has to be the thread pic.

No. 2354806

Just copy and paste the greentexted thread description, replace the previous thread, and pick a cute threadpic! Preferrably another Alfred to keep the motif going

No. 2354814

Im 20% in, wait for me

No. 2354834

File: 1737339751396.jpg (462.65 KB, 1284x1962, isfp.jpg)

This feels only half true

No. 2354835

I'm neither of yall but I just did one too
I'm an INFP (Mediator) lol which feels wrong saying on this god forsaken chinese basket weaving image emporium

No. 2354887

No. 2354892

They're stupid pick mes who ignore the fact he mentally tormented a woman just to rape her.

No. 2354915

I thought this was replying to a different comment and thought you were talking about Alfred KEEKK

No. 2354927

what the fuck is that?

No. 2354929

INFP seems to be extremely common amongst chronically online women but I doubt MBTI's legitimacy

No. 2354935

Kek I'm also supposedly an INFP. All I know is it means you're kinda daydreamy

No. 2354952

I’m an INFJ but I forgot what that means kek. I don’t believe in this stuff.

No. 2354955

i'm infp… the test is bullshit

No. 2355063

Do you think it's immoral to wear two ponytails/pigtails while waitressing? I read men tip more when women wear their hair like that, and the implication is… gross. But at the same time, it is just hair and it's not like you're being sexual or anything.

No. 2355074

It's more lucrative to lie about being a single mother or a widow to the table, usually you get more tips that way but the trick is you can't seem overly sad about your life.

No. 2355076

File: 1737354023706.jpg (82.35 KB, 1260x747, 1737353819399233.jpg)

Why is every single thirdie PERMANENTLY on the phone with someone when working? Who are they talking to, and most importantly, what are they talking about for 8+ hours per day?

No. 2355085

Is there a doomer thread? Like not a blackpill thread, not about female biology and politics or whatever but more like about a general sense of pessimism for the world and future. Climate change, inevitable societal collapse, AI and robotics replacing human labour etc would be thread topics.

No. 2355087

Isn't there a tech dystopia thread?

No. 2355088

I'm a thirdie and I honestly have no idea. It's usually a man though I get do annoyed when random men start talking super loud on the phone in the train kek, it's very disrespectful to me

No. 2355277

This is so true but as someone who gets rides a lot I don't really mind because it means they won't talk to me so I can just put my headphones in and not have to worry they're gonna try to start a convo

No. 2355284

It's their lazy family member(s) from the motherland pestering them about sending money back home. Again.

t. From a family of thirdies with an immigrant history.

No. 2355287

Good question. It’s annoying when it’s a coworker, but I usually assume they’re talking to family in another timezone, or it must be about something really important to warrant such unprofessionalism

No. 2355331

damn its over

No. 2355340

Always wondered about this. I've come to the conclusion that lots of them have a lot of family members and friends, probably in a different time zone. People in those countries are more traditionally social (preferring calls/real time socializing instead of texting), they have a lot of friends too. Plus, when you emigrate with just your family or by yourself, you still have all of your social ties to your home country, it can take a while to integrate even into diasporas. Plus they're also probably pestered for money every day by those same people as >>2355284 says.
It doesn't annoy me too much unless they're on public transport and they're not using headphones.

No. 2355678

I got my drivers permit two years ago, and I just checked and it expires in may. Is that enough time to learn how to drive and pass the road test?? I have never driven a car before, and I probably can only afford a few lessons. My mom doesn't know how to drive either and my dad is useless.

No. 2355688

I think it depends on how much you already know in regards to rules of the road and how confident you are. My parents did not teach me to drive either but I had 3 lessons with an instructor and was able to pass the test after

No. 2355854

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what's the name of this troon again? i want to see if he's fat or otherwise has blown up like eunuchs historically do

No. 2355859

How long does it take you to fall asleep? It can take me over an hour of lying still to finally drift off.

No. 2355910

It depends on caffeine intake and physical activity. Maybe reduce caffeine intake and work out more.

No. 2355914

It's been like this for me since early childhood. I hated sleepovers because of it.

No. 2355916

Excercise more then.

No. 2355949

why does marijuana smell and taste good? people say it stinks but it really doesn't. does it actually? (i am not a smoker)

No. 2355963

Depends on how tired I feel, sometimes a few minutes, sometimes one or two hours.

No. 2355966

It doesn't taste good kek

No. 2355968

Some weed is incredibly musty and skunky smelling and some smoking methods produce a stronger, longer lasting smell than other smoking methods. I've personally never smelled a really skunks smelling bud in years though so IDK, perhaps some people are just more unlucky than others.

No. 2355978

how does nonnas feel about age gaps where the woman is older than the man? i think up to five years is okayish but bigger gaps feels like too much? like a 25 old man with a woman in her 30s is ehh ok, but than a man in his 23 with a woman in her early 30s feels weird?

No. 2355981

Why is it weird? not only do men look older than their real age, but also no older woman can abuse a younger man. If anything she's more at risk because younger men are physically more fit.

No. 2355985

I think it can signal immaturity in a woman since moids are slower to ripen, but at the same time it doesn't feel as nefarious as the inverse.

No. 2355986

i don't care about relationships other than my own, but i've creeped on younger guys before idgaf

No. 2356001

Personally I would never date a man more than 2 years younger than me. I find it kind of weird when a man is much younger than his gf/wife but I don't find it disgusting or anything like I find old man/young woman relationships.

No. 2356020


No. 2356029


No. 2356032

What does "DA" mean? I've seen nonas using it and they get redtexted. I'm sure it's a social media term but Google isn't helping.

No. 2356039

If you're someone with a big following online, how much should you let people know your life? for example, your age? If you make content like art and gain a massive following, should people know how old you are, or other personal details?

No. 2356040

Idc tbh. You can find youthful adult men simply more sexually attractive and I don't think that's an indicator of your maturity as another anon said. That's cuck mentality. Just don't take it too seriously, no matter the age.

No. 2356045

>should people know how old you are, or other personal details?
fuck no

No. 2356050

It means "different anon" and it's stupid because everyone has been using NTA for a long time here. I can't help but read it as "deviantart" everytime I see it though.

No. 2356061

It's not stupid, they don't take up the same parts of speech.

No. 2356084

They should know as little as possible about you. I would give out my age but off by a few numbers, preferably up. People delevop all sorts of parasocial relationships with popular SM artists and all it takes is knowing your age, first name, country of origin and DOB (how nice that twitter lets you know when it's someone's birthday) and you are cooked, anyone can doxx you. I know this because I've done it before (unintentionally).

No. 2356094

Idrc, sure it might have potential to be weird but I trust the vast majority of women to handle the age gap like a normal human being. I don't feel disgusted by it like I do with older man + younger woman couples.

No. 2356176

>since moids are slower to ripen
testosterone ages you faster, actually. So its the opposite. Unless you mean maturity, which i also disagree because men never mentally mature. They live in perpetual manchildren states regardless of age.

No. 2356206

I meant maturity and overall stability (finances, career… etc)

No. 2356218

whats the point about all that if you are dating an ugly guy? i think it only makes sense if you are a tradthot and want some guy to provide for you while you stay in the kitchen barefoot and pregnant. I got a degree and job myself so i would rather pick a younger, hotter guy than an older one thats ugly but has a better job. It doesnt make sense in this day and age tbh.

No. 2356270

huh, i actually started thinking why i think its weird and i think it might come from internalized misogyny, there's a push from society that to be a desirable woman is to be young and so being in a relationship with a younger men it makes the woman seem "older", ofc im not saying relationship like that are by default better, but i think that why i tought it was weird/wrong, like the woman is failing at "something"…

No. 2356359

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My boyfriend and I are arguing about this. Over the summer, we saw two different women in sheer tops where you could see their nipples in broad daylight. I'm talking about something like picrel, except both women had large breasts.
One of them was at a grocery store, so it wasn't even like a clubbing thing. While it's very trashy, I don't think it's a huge deal, just their style. He keeps saying it's not normal at all, and it has to be some sort of exhibitionist thing on their part. I countered that by saying men walk around shirtless all the time. What do you nonnas think? I feel like it's just fashion. We don't live in a particularly "urban" place like LA or anything.

No. 2356375

I think it's embarrassing either way

No. 2356383

The only time I’ve seen women wearing something showing their whole nipples where I live is when the women were clearly selling themselves, so that kinda says it all to me

No. 2356393

The top itself is what makes it trashy to me. It's different to something like breastfeeding in public which serves an actual purpose.

No. 2356399

You as a woman likely don't care because having breasts is normal to you, so you don't see it as much of an issue. If I saw another woman wearing that in public I wouldn't care either, I'd be surprised but that's it. But moids and society in general sexualize breasts so it feels much more alarming to them.

No. 2356400

its ugly and trashy as hell and very clearly done for male attention and not out of wanting to rock some alt fashion

No. 2356405

How common is narcissism in moids?

No. 2356409

I think it's kind of weird to wear something like that to go grocery shopping if you live in a small town, and wearing it is inviting strange looks.
But I also think it's a person's own right to wear what they want and if a woman wants to show them for whatever weird reason them that decision is hers alone. If it said something pornographic or had hatespeech on it then that's different, but also people wear T-shirts like that all the time to the grocery store too.
> Inb4 someone think of the children because they saw nipples

No. 2356410

9 in 10 moids are narcs

No. 2356411

Extremely common in men raised by single moms or divorced parents, at least in my experience

No. 2356417

I don't know the exact numbers but clincal NPD is more common in men than women. I think all men are narcissistic to some degree.

No. 2356437

Both moids I dated check all of the requirements of the DSM-5. One of them was an overt narcissist and the other one was covert. I know that it is frowned upon to play armchair psychologist and to throw the word "narcissist" around but it really fits to a t - even the relationship cycle of idealization, devaluation and discard. Both came from families were the parents were married but the overt one was a mama's boy who treated his parents like servants and the covert one had daddy issues kek. Both were abusive and made me feel like shit and like I wasn't good enough in different ways.

No. 2356526

Yeah sounds about right, could also be BPD too since men with the disorder tend to be especially volatile.

No. 2356563

Im with you on this. I wouldnt make it a huge deal since its just a pair of breasts, it is trashy though. Just like a guy being shirtless inside a grocery store would be trashy.

No. 2356572

It can take me a long time if I have something on my mind / am stressed, whats helped me is stuff like the military sleep method. I dont fall asleep within 2 minutes like they claim but stuff like that helps. I also like trying to come up with 5 names for every letter of the alphabet, ive never gotten beyond M with that method

No. 2356607

Tbh if I was with my gf and I saw a woman wearing this I'd probably feel a bit turned on and also disgusted that I was turned on by another woman that wasn't my gf. Maybe your bf was going through the same thing. It is a type of exhibitionism as the aim of that type of mesh top is to titillate the "watcher" because "he" is seeing a woman's nude breasts in public. It's an attention seeking thing on the woman's part, however it's men who design and sell these see-through clothing items for women in their teens and 20s to begin with.

No. 2356628

I am basically a hermit because I don’t want to come out as a bisexual who strongly prefers women
My parents are concerned about me being lonely but would probably disown me if I told them the truth.
What’s a good decision for this situation?

No. 2356666

What is a good series to binge watch? Open to any suggestions, including anime.

No. 2356688

Not a burger and I’m wondering why is Elon Musk always behind Trump’s ass?

No. 2356694

Autistic hog wants attention.

No. 2356697

Mindhunter, it’s about American serial killers and the advent of forensic analysis. Too bad it got interrupted, but the two seasons that are there are still worth it.
If you want anime recommendation I’d suggest Gintama, Asobi Asobase and osomatsu-kun, they’re all fun and lighthearted (gintama has plot too).

No. 2356816

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What cows from here could fit each box?

No. 2357350

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They forgot my boy

No. 2357353

I think your bf is telling on himself and his porn consumption since he associates everything with sex and wanting to get off.

No. 2357354

Why the darkest dude gotta be HELLenic. Europe is never beating the allegations

No. 2357358

Is it just me or do black guys try to talk in a much lower register?

No. 2357385

To sound more masculine/"sexy" yeah but they also tend to have a better register for it than a lot of men so it doesn't have the typical kind of gerd vocal fry. The "rubs hands ahahahaa lip bite aha ha hey shorty rubs hands like a fly thing"

No. 2357387

Yea it’s because they have to perform hyper masculinity at all times. It’s a trauma response. Honestly though a lot of black dudes pitch their voices higher than what it is to not scare society kek

No. 2357398

I used to think their voices were just deeper until I heard a normie white guy imitate a black guy’s voice perfectly kek. It kind of shocked me.

No. 2357400

One doing it doesn't mean they all can, anon. Tf

No. 2357411

I mean normie white guys spend their youths emulating and trying to be like black dudes so it’s easy for them to imitate them because all they do is study black guys while pretending they are inferior kek

No. 2357414

This is so poignant for this gen especially.

No. 2357425

My point is that he just sounds like an average white guy, if not a little dweeby. I’ve heard it since then by other white men and it surprises me how you can just switch your voice like that. Same again with that rapper Ian guy. But >>2357411 has a point to be fair.

No. 2357474

Yah I'm so sure you have a large pool of men to draw from and make this analysis, anon.

No. 2357485

?? What? Is this really such an unbelievable occurencd? And what analysis exactly kekk I was just adding to the conversation. Very odd thing to come at me for

No. 2357513

Lol what? I’ve never seen that happen. I’ve only seen the opposite, black dudes acting nerdy and shy and whitewashed

No. 2357528

What does that even mean? Do you expect everyone to act like their racial stereotype?

No. 2357530

that comment smells fresh from LSA.

No. 2357535

Black dudes are normally nerdy and shy people just project thugishness onto them and then they adopt it themselves since everyone assumes they’re thugs anyway (proof:I have brothers)

No. 2357550

What is with the assumptions here lol, one of them called himself an oreo because he said he was white on the inside

No. 2357569

Are the “free palestine” people biased, or being fair?

No. 2357577

Impossible question to answer, i do find them obnoxious

No. 2357582

The whole issue is retard. Yes Israel is hurting civilians but Palestine is still a muslim shithole that oppresses women and is not worth defending. Both sides suck and defending either is dumb.

No. 2357587

It mostly seems retarded. I think the most logical people in the argument are the ones pissed that the USA is funneling stupid amounts of money into these two monkeys fighting when we need to take care of our own country.

No. 2357614

Dunno but I think it's funny that the right decided they suddenly hate antisemitism because libs support Palestine. That sounds pretty biased to me kekk…

No. 2357654

Never heard of the term wigger? Those guys have been around since the 2000s

No. 2357766

Does anyone else get super sleepy the day/days before your period? I could literally sleep all day long for 1-2 days and then I'm fine almost immediately after the period actually starts

No. 2357816

there's videos of babies in Palestine with their brain missing from their skull. There's videos of kids that are quadruple amputees, with their blood soaking through their gauze on their bloody stumps. I have them saved so if it wasn't for the rules I'd post them. I'm pretty sure whatever bias you're seeing exists for a reason.

>Palestine is still a muslim shithole that oppresses women and is not worth defending.
Perfect example of an lolcow prime retard. Palestinian women are being oppressed by their moids so no one should care when the israeli soldiers rape them and their little girls half to death, right. The entire population of females in that country should suffer and their skin should turn into blackened ash because of the sins of their moids.

Assuming you're a burger, someone should come to your home and slaughter your family with a dropped bomb because you live in a country where the men wearing wife beaters drunkenly beat women, the party boys date rape girls and record the rape to send to their friends, and you have fundie Christian and mormon men marrying 12 year old girls. Right?
Women deserve to live in a horror show because they had the misfortune of being born with any proximity to males, right?
I'm trying so hard not to a-log, but it's insane to me that you have the right to vote with how brain dead you clearly are.

No. 2357822

>I'm trying so hard not to a-log
>Someone should come to your home and slaughter your family with a dropped bomb

No. 2357825

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>I have them saved so if it wasn't for the rules I'd post them.
>I'd post them.
Why though?

No. 2357827

> reee they're so obnoxious.
These are the takes on lolcow that make you want to close your laptop and walk outside to feel the sun on your face. So much for most misandrist site on the internet, can't even hate psycopathic israeli moids without finding themselves overwhelmed.

No. 2357834

I didn't give my opinion on Palestine protesters dummy I just said Western right-wingers are obnoxious hypocrites. What's happening in Palestine is horrific but I hate Hamas rape apes too.

No. 2357836

because I repost them on normie social media to increase awareness. What do you think the Palestinian medics were recording them for fun? Or do you think they hope it reaches people in other countries who can feel moved by the horror of it and drum up public outcry.

revealing how brain rotted you are with demented, ill-faith based questions.

No. 2357838

It's not even noon. Can we reschedule this retarded bait-fuelled infight for after dinner?

No. 2357841

You softie newfag that's not a-logging. Stop cryng.

No. 2357842

Give me a single reason why I should care about anyone else than Black women.

No. 2357843

learn what time-zones are and shut up

No. 2357847

Maybe because I'm a black woman who still remembers what empathy is and won't let a fumbled election turn me into a cold misanthrope towards literal children.

No. 2357851

Shit, nonnies, I'm so sorry for being a brain rotted zoomer newfag tardbrain for not wanting to be flash banged with child gore when casually scrolling the net. Truly, being shown gore will make me care about a cause and not avoid it like the plague.

No. 2357852

I think everyone's just tired of shitty miku/other random characters eating watermelon fanart and seeing random untagged gore on art accounts or other non-political accounts. I don't really get the raising awareness argument because most people know, there's just not much burgers can do beyond donating or voting for certain things. Posting stuff online doesn't have an affect.

No. 2357856

> seeing people suffer and pleading for help makes me care about them less.
No wonder eurofags rejoice at you losing your rights. A country descended from their ancestral sociopaths. Anyway, you're not seeing it, so what are you even whining about right now.

No. 2357861

That's literally not a logging tho. Even if someone does post gore videos that's not a logging.

No. 2357862

boycotting, calling senators and representatives, etc. Those are things that only have an effect when there's numbers and that's why they're showing that stuff, to inspire even one more person to care. What it's not like when people die cruelly they should be expected to do it silently, without disturbing others.

No. 2357866

the way I didn't even mention how batshit it is to cry tears about 'annoying miku fanart with a watermelon' when there's a 5 year old girl whose last living relative died last week, trying to survive several hundred kilometers apart form you. You're fine, you're literally fucking fine. Shut up, honestly.

No. 2357868

The kind of posting simply doesn't work on the majority of people of social media, they just end up blocking it or getting annoyed
Nona I'm just explaining why the other anons probably consider that side 'obnoxious', I don't care about the art myself

No. 2357877

Okay that’s fair, I can acknowledge that it might not work the same ion everyone. I just hate the anons who act like pro-Palestine people are obnoxiously, out of touch, evil people for caring about someone suffering in a way they think is “cringe.” In crises like this, no one knows what they’re doing, they’re just trying anything they can.

No. 2357881

This whole argument is why no one takes online activists seriously kek. We truly do have a twitterfag invasion

No. 2357882

You're right. Frankly I couldn't care, I don't know shit about this conflict besides it being about land and religion, and I'm not even going to pretend or encourage myself to do so. I am emotionally disconnected from anything that isn't myself, my family or friends, or a means to increase my financial status through hard-work or corporate chicanery. I just threw my two cents in that I think posting gore is distasteful and does nothing but scare off people into blocking anything with the words Gaza, Palestine, or Israel as I have. Not to mention moids who download those videos to jerk off to them and actively praise the movement for providing more content so that's even less of a reason to post gore in a attempt of activism. If you want people to care, find better ways to do it. I already have enough to care about and deal with, why the fuck would I care about a country I will never visit or care about? Bomb em' both I say so we can rid of these ludicrous donations.
I never said it was alogging, I'm not even that Anon. I just joined this discussion.

No. 2357883

Kek it's laughable at times

No. 2357886

> I'm not even going to pretend or encourage myself to do so. I am emotionally disconnected from anything that isn't myself

> If you want people to care, find better ways to do it. I already have enough to care about and deal with.

You’re not worth attempting to inspire to care, no one’s going to come up with some masterful strategy to inspire empathy in people as mentally checked out as you. Anyone who has this low of empathy would be a wasted effort anyway.

No. 2357888

>Anyone who has this low of empathy would be a wasted effort anyway.
Thank you for understanding.

No. 2357890

Apparently to this high IQ anon, no one takes online activists seriously because users on lolcow are trying to remind others that caring for dying women is good actually. Kek what an idiot, there’s literally an anti Zionist thread you retard, this isn’t woo woo twitter migration rhetoric.

No. 2357891

I don't know why that other anon is acting retarded. It's okay to admit that you don't care about something that has no impact on you whatsoever. Your honesty is a good thing. I wish the Twitterfags would keep this gay shit on Twitter instead of chimping out here.

No. 2357896

Doesn’t mean we’ll stop the effort. You just need to stop acting like if it doesn’t work for you we should change to accommodate you. If you can’t feel empathy, but you can feel cringe, annoyance or irritation. Then I’m still satisfied to contribute in anyway to make you suffer when you spend time online.

No. 2357898

Many users on this site are pro-Palestine stop that retarded “muh twitter activist” finger pointing. It’s starting to sound very newfaggy.

No. 2357901

The effort of… arguing with nobodies on an anonymous gossip website? What?

No. 2357905

what i don't understand is why they don't raise awareness of other wars and suffering going on, idk it seems a bit hypocritical that they jump on others for not focusing on this one specifically 24/7 while ignoring other wars. some of them even completely dropped Ukraine support once they heard about Palestinians, as if it were a trend for them
nta but i think the difference is that other pro Palestine anons aren't acting like posting gore on social media or finger wagging others for not caring about it is going to help those women and children. you're getting called that for the behavior not the support itself

No. 2357907

Can you follow the thread and stop being brain dead? We were talking about normie social media posts not infighting on an anonymous image board.

No. 2357908

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I honestly think that nowadays, people are uncomfortable with people who don't care about every single little thing. As I said, I don't give a shit about the conflict the only issue I have is my country donating money into a retarded pissing contest. However, I do think Anon's here should be allowed to preach and activism within the confines and regulations of site's rules. I don't think it's bad or twitter fagging to do so, I mean there are Anon's on here who provide resources and do forms of activism regarding feminism and women's rights and health.
Anon, you misunderstand. It's not that I want you to accommodate me, change my mind, or that I'm annoyed by your activism and what you stand for. It's just that don't care about what you're saying or stand for since it doesn't apply to me. I'm not the person you want to preach to because it wasn't ever going to be listened to in the first place, and that's okay. Not everyone needs to agree with you or be empathetic to what you care about. For every one of me, there's at least three other people who will listen and care.

No. 2357910

Do you think pro Palestine people are a militarized group of people who all decide to care or not care about topics depending on what the leader says? Some people care more about the issue because it’s a genocide, others care about other conflicts more. Maybe whatever shift you’re seeing is the personal political leanings of whatever liberal you’re watching at the time instead of some indication of mass group migration from one political event to another. Why is thinking difficult for you?

Also kek at the attempt to triangulate by saying there’s more tolerable and well-behaved supporters. Who cares, anyone worth their salt isn’t concerned about the approval from people who wouldn’t care about those kids even if you pleaded at their feet. I’m just concerned about dismantling the arguments alluding to the idea that showing the reality of the horror even if it’s “gore,” is some moral failure from activists.

No. 2357914

Imagine Palestinian nonnas in other countries reading this thread. Feel bad for them. Hope your families are ok.

No. 2357915

>I’m just concerned about dismantling the arguments alluding to the idea that showing the reality of the horror even if it’s “gore,” is some moral failure from activists.
It's not a moral failure, it just literally doesn't work

No. 2357916

I never said you shouldn't care. You can 100% acknowledge that Israelis are bombing civilians and hurting them and that this isn't ok. But once the Israelis are gone, the muslim men will keep raping beating and abusing women and kids. So defending one side while acting like the other one is a poor victim is dumb. Both countries are shit, both are committing horrible acts against women, defending both is stupid. If you want to support something it should be ending the war in general. Hold the dumb fucking moids in both governments accountable and demand that both stop, instead of saying one is a meanie and the other one didn't do nothing.
Not a burger also. You guys are so obsessed with these jews and muslims, I will never understand why. Maybe it's because your 1st worlder lives are so comfy that you are desperate to fight for something. Saving gore pics is schizo behavior, go get help.

No. 2357917

Except that it does, just not everyone. Better than nothing, which is the literal point.

No. 2357922

Not for the vast majority. What's actually better is going outside, activism online is basically on the same level as doing nothing

No. 2357924

> Saving gore pics is schizo behavior, go get help.
Are the paramedics also schizos for recording it to that people internationally share it and feel motivated to protest, help, donate. Nearly everything you said prior to that was so dull, I couldn’t even decipher what your point was other than “Palestinians aren’t cutesy victims” like ok? Doesn’t mean kids deserve to get bombed. Literally no one implied or said otherwise so you’re reiterating a retarded point. I barely even feel inspired to address whatever else you were alluding to because it was barely comprehensible garbage.
You sound like you wrote that while driving. Park next time to at least sound coherent.

No. 2357925

Nooo nonnie don't you see how all that tiktok activism has ended the war??

No. 2357930

My point is that there is absolutely no reason to get as mad about this as you are. Not only is it dumb, you also can't do anything about it. Go take a plane to Gaza if it bothers you so much.

No. 2357932

If we pulled a Japan on Israel and Palestine, what would happen?

No. 2357933

If activism online is doing nothing then why are the radfem anons even concerned with radfem/gc posting online at all. Close the tumblr, twitter and Reddit accounts. Discard all of it, go take to the streets then since nothing you do online ever amounts to changed minds.

Do you think I became pro-Palestine because someone tapped me on my shoulder and handed me a flyer or because every peer I knew posted about it… online. The only reason you even know about conflict is because you’re terminally addicted to the Internet yourself. So clearly online activism has the power to reach people even if those people don’t 100% convert into supporters. Why do you guys make grand statements that make no logical sense.

No. 2357937

>Are the paramedics also schizos
Not related to anything else you've posted, but yes, paramedics are crazy people. Every paramedic I've ever met keeps photos of accident victims on his phones and will whip them out for the shock value. A guy tried to hit on me by showing me a old man who had had his arm ripped off by an alligator when he went golfing.

No. 2357943

It would depend on exactly where it would hit, but it would create a power vacuum as Israel controls most of the world. It would destabilize the middle east even further.

No. 2357946

> Go take a plane to Gaza if it bothers you so much
Oh you’re a boomer, that’s why. Likely one of those “I turned more conservative as I got older” retards that think that if someone can’t stop the bullets with their bodies like captain marvel that they shouldn’t do anything ever.
If you’re not a boomer and you just talk a Facebook boy mom for no reason, that’s even more horrid.

No. 2357947

No. 2357949

most of those online "radfems" aren't even radfems or feminists in the first place to be fair. they're all larpers once you dig deep in their post histories

No. 2357951

nta but do you really think someone born before 1964 is gonna be arguing with you on lc lol

No. 2357954

Okay? I don’t care about whether or not they’re secretly larpers who are evilly rubbing their hands together. It’s not like they became “secret radfem larpers” because they walked into a radical feminist book club on their college campus. No it’s because they have wifi at home and learned something from strangers online.

No. 2358391

why does my lunch bag smell fucking awful?? all i take to work with me is a PBJ, some type of fruit, and two types of snacks (ie crackers, gummies, chips, etc). im honestly about to just throw it out and buy a new one because it's that bad

No. 2358398

File: 1737489962883.png (99.33 KB, 400x300, piano.png)

Anons! I have a very strong urge to learn music through the piano but here's the thing, early deafness runs in my family and I've always put off trying to learn music because of this. However, I've been on a huge music discovery streak and and the urge has come back even harder now and I really want to be able to play along with it and even learn how to read musical notation. So here's my question. How do I kill this urge considering that I'll very likely lose most of my hearing in my late 40's/early 50's?I'm in my late 20's for reference.

No. 2358404

Hearing aids exist now so it's not a big deal anymore

No. 2358405

i’m honestly mad at you if you didn’t report this. that is an insanely huge deal.

No. 2358407

You're not guaranteed to go deaf but even if you do, why not enjoy playing music while you can hear it? 20 years is still a long time to be able to enjoy something

No. 2358409

I'm not going to encourage you to waste your remaining years of good enough hearing. You're gonna regret not pursuing piano when you could.

No. 2358414

get it beethoven

No. 2358417

Anon… You're stupid if you stop yourself from learning a cool achievable skill just because of something that only MAY happen in the future. You will regret not learning. That's a fact.
If you keep practicing, you can learn some pieces by heart so that even if you become deaf, you can impress others by being a kickass dead piano player

No. 2358418

So do you wash your pussy and asshole with soap or not?

No. 2358446

I do, I don't feel clean if I just use water. I know that the general consensus is that soap is bad for your vaginal flora and that it'll give you UTIs but it's never happened to me. I feel like as long as you're only cleaning the outside and make sure you don't get soap inside of you, you should be fine.

No. 2358451

Do you actually think places like the uk and France and Germany will eventually become majority non white? With all the migrants and immigrants? And people moving here from their third world countries?

No. 2358472

Please, help me - does anyone know how to stop being ravenously horny for someone? I've masturbated 5 times today and I'm still not coming down.

No. 2358477

I know a few people with prediabetes, but they don't get hungry in the morning, and they wait until lunch time to eat. Do you have any other symptoms of insulin resistance? I wonder if I have it but I can't afford to go to a doctor right now

No. 2358478

What do you think of the normalnudes subreddit?

No. 2358486

The vaginal flora is only on the inside though, cleaning the outside with mild soap is perfectly fine

No. 2358506

Oh, i know that, but every time i see women discuss this topic most women think that using soap = instant UTI. Maybe if you're extra sensitive and are prone to them in the 1st place, but I guess I'm just lucky in that sense, I have a healthy balanced vagina kek

No. 2358514

What the fuck does "DA" mean? I've seen it here and on the other LC site and no matter how many posts I've read to try to find out what it means through context clues, I can't seem to figure it out.

No. 2358515

I've gotten yeast infections from wearing underwear that is too tight or the wrong material, also from using body wash, you don't need to stick soap directly your vagina to ruin your flora.

No. 2358516

Healthy eaters, how much of the plate should be green/veggies?

No. 2358546

Should I shower today or tomorrow morning when I wake up? I feel dirty, but also too lazy to get out of bed

No. 2358548

No. 2358554

If you're just starting out and you're focused on making this a long term change, it doesn't matter, it just has to be in every meal. But if we're talking optimal proportions, then 50% of the plate would be veggies.

No. 2358572

Lmao its already been asked. Thanks it was honestly bugging and I'm too old and busy to keep up with these acronyms.

No. 2358607

>I've seen it here and on the other LC site
There's another LC???

No. 2358684

pop culture pushes immorality on people, this is just a consequence of that

No. 2358690

it means "different anon." Another anon said when they see it they just report for being unintegrated.

No. 2358699

Unless you go on SSRIs or birth control you can't really do anything, you're naturally high libido. Maybe you can imagine them having diarrhea or something gross like that.

No. 2358712

CC was originally founded and populated by LC users, I guess anon's reffering to that

No. 2358735

ayrt, I tried that and it didn't work. What did work was going to his personal life section on his wiki page (which I was probably subconsciously avoiding anyway) and finding out he was a manwhore who also has an almost 30 year age gap with his current wife, fucking kek. Scrotes are scrotes are scrotes.

No. 2358825

Why am I blocked from using reddit?

I don't actually use reddit regularly, but it's a good place to ask stupid ass specific tech questions once a year so in the past I'd make a throwaway account with a keymash password to ask the question and then I'd immediately log out forever or delete the account when I got it answered. I can't do that anymore though. Doesn't matter what browser I use or if I use a VPN, I can make an account but it has a permanent "We had a server error" message and if I try to post anywhere it just gets deleted right away. Apparently it means I'm shadow banned but idk for what when I haven't done anything bad and how it can be on every new account I make
I just want to ask about stupid ass settings about a stupid ass printer ffs

No. 2358848

Some women like to act like breasts are neutral or "just for babies", but they actually aren't. They are a natural fertility signal to others, having visible breasts signals you're fertile while having saggy empty breasts means you're past fertility. It's literally why women have "permanent" breasts (unlike other mammals) and why men are sexually attracted to breasts.
It's trashy and it's sexually degenerate to walk around with your breast visible, no woman is walking around like that just for fashion, they WANT men to notice them and I find it strange that so many anons think this is fine. If you accept women walking around like that, underage teen girls WILL do the same for fashion. And men will be freely able to look at their breasts. Is that really the world you want to live in?

No. 2358892

If he is old enough to have a partner that is 30 years younger than him, then why are you even into that geriatric scrote anyway?

No. 2358920

That isn't the reason why breasts are considered inappropriate. It's mainly because of social conditioning. It's a made-up construct that we're so used to, we can't imagine anything else. It's not because breasts are inherently something that need to be hidden away any more than male chests, people are just responding to the deeply ingrained belief that it's uniquely inappropriate. Do you think it's unfathomable that male chests could be similarly sexualized? It's a psyop. Consider tribes where not hiding your chest isn't seen as irregular.

No. 2359074

Male chests are definitely sexualised when I was working in a mostly male environment I would routinely be startled by chest hair. I use to work really early morning shifts and one of the maintenance guys that was married to the hr rep came by my department and had like 5 buttons undone on his jumpsuit and he is short and chubby and I never saw him dressed so slutty during business hours. Men can dress like whores too sometimes I appreciate most of the time I feel it borders harassment

No. 2359075

Breasts are considered inappropriate because men are porn addicted rape apes actually.

No. 2359086

>he is short and chubby and I never saw him dressed so slutty

No. 2359089

Anon, I gave the example of tribes where breasts aren't considered inappropriate to the point that they should not be seen publically. Obviously there's more to it than that.

No. 2359090

I don't understand this response. Short sleazy engineer creeping on me before his wife started in the office was not enjoyed by me. However there was one built gorgeous man that I daydreamed about ravishing me in the changing rooms which unfortunately never came true.

No. 2359144

why was it so easy to be an anachan when i was younger but now if i don’t eat something by noon i start getting dizzy and nauseous? to clarify, i’m recovered and eat normal style now but it occurred to me this morning while i was speedrunning making breakfast before i got a headache; i would have thought that it would be harder to restrict as a teenager with a higher metabolism and greater need for calories than as an adult with with a lower tdee but i get hit by hunger way harder as an adult than i ever did in my teens and early twenties

idk maybe it’s just that i destroyed my hunger signals for so long but i feel like i only started feeling sick from hunger after an extended period of restriction before but now i feel like shit if i skip breakfast even if i ate a lot the night before. i’m not trying to get back into that shit ofc, i’m just curious and feel kinda dumb for not knowing

No. 2359172

Do teens actually have a higher TDEE? And wouldn’t this depend on activity level?

No. 2359186

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If a man’s Instagram reels look like this is he gay? It seems kind of gay but maybe all zoomer men are just inherently fruity.

No. 2359190

A man with an instagram is not for dating

No. 2359192

a man with organized, aesthetized instagram reels is definitely a closet fag

No. 2359198

to be honest i don’t know that either! i just assumed you’d use up more energy going through puberty i guess, plus there’s that stereotype/anecdotes of teenagers having huge appetites bc they’re growing so i just figured that was the case

you can see i’m why in the dumb questions thread, i’m sure

No. 2359205

Solid advice

No. 2359208

Wrong. Most zoomer fuckboys do this.

No. 2359214

If this was around in the early 2010s men who just discovered dubstep would have done this too. When did having posters to express yourself stop being enough!

No. 2359224

When people realized they can attain social currency from being narcissistic on the internet

No. 2359226

What a bunch of freakshows

No. 2359325

Yeah but if he went shirtless in public, he wouldn't get in trouble for indecency (even though he should). I mean no one ever urges guys like that to cover up so there's clearly a difference

No. 2359355

I was only into him in a specific time period. He's old as fuck now, obviously.

No. 2359365

Is the Eastern Orthodox church as evil as the Catholic church?

No. 2359367

The US gives similar amounts of aid to Egypt and Jordan for military related expenses, and no one gives a shit about that.

No. 2359371

Why does crying cause a headache?

No. 2359445

It's ruled by a bunch of old patriarchs so obviously yes, no idea if they had their pedo scandal yet.

No. 2359503

No. 2359557

High blood pressure caused by stress. If you also get headaches from working out, lifting heavy or similar you may want to see a doctor if you're otherwise healthy.

No. 2359575

Ultimately the brain controls everything. Your neural pathways are much more established now, and were much more malleable when young. Anorexia creates a pathological reward pathway in your brain that rewards not eating. This pathway that was created never disappears so you can always relapse, but the healthy pathway that rewards you for eating becomes deeper and stronger with each use so it becomes dominant and the primary reward pathway. When you were young it wasn't as established so it was easier for the pathological one to take over. As the brain has the tendency to choose the most used pathways, it's much harder for the unused old pathway to take over
That said, the pathological one is still there and can pop up any time, stay vigilant

No. 2359585

During the summer I definitely tell men to put their tops on lol. No man needs to be shirtless walking around a town. Some older cunt was cycling topless last summer and I was stuck in traffic and he pulls up next to my open window and starts posturing and it made me uncomfortable so right before the traffic was about to move and I could drive away I turned to him, give him the once over while he was smiling at me and told him to put his top on. He looked so dejected. Men definitely try to look "sexy" too. Personally I think it's most sexy when someone is obviously attractive with a good figure and doesn't wear revealing clothes because they don't need to be so try hard. You know they've got the goods and they know it and everyone knows it and they aren't giving it up easily.

No. 2359664

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French anons, is this accurate to French sensibilities? Would a French person probably say this? I know if someone said this in my country, they'd be… Perceived differently.
I don't care if it's probably fake, I think about it all the time and I need answers.
Yes. Idk about the eastern orthodox church as a whole, since there is no one church 'leader' like the catholic pope it's worth to talk about autocephalous churches. I know for sure that even historically, Russian Orthodox priests were considered (and still are considered) shitty hypocritical people in Russian history. There have also been pedophilia scandals with certain priests, but it's not considered an explicitly systemic issue like it is for Catholics.

No. 2359683

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i think it's fake, tumblr is a hellhole of shitty fake stories and is obsessed with making anything French out to be pervy

No. 2359696

Damn, thought so

No. 2359709

nah like >>2359683 said, americans have these retarded jokes about how all french ppl are sex freaks. it's tiresome

No. 2359738

i think it's true, but only for Frenchmen, but not in a hot way, in a downright nasty way, like a chinlet neckbeard pencil necked rat asking if you want to try acting out a rape fantasy.

No. 2359838

File: 1737560808542.webp (43.77 KB, 800x534, Himba-tribe.webp)

>Consider tribes where not hiding your chest isn't seen as irregular.
And those tribes are totally feminist and all for female rights? The women aren't just accepted as basically just breeding stock whose primary value is from making babies while the men do the hard work and hunting? Oh wait they are.
There are plenty of societies where sending out sexual signals at all times IS seen as fine or the norm. In the west it's more or less fine to dress like "slut" or to wear a shirt that says "sub to my onlyfans". But most women here still don't want to dress that way and don't want to be seen as breeding stock or to display their sexual fertility at all times nor do they want it to be the norm and expected of us. Thinking breasts are neutral and non-sexual is a straight woman perspective completely ignoring male sexuality altogether. Try telling a lesbian her liking breasts is a psy-op and not a natural feeling.

No. 2359850

He might not be gay but he is a fag

No. 2360494

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How can I soften my expression? My eyebrows are way too…dark? So they make me look pissed and with this intense expression all the time. I was trying to take some selfies and I looked like I was about to kill somebody. Please help, I already thinned them out a bit but it's not working

No. 2360502

what this anon >>2359557 said is wrong. you don't get high blood pressure when you cry, you get pressure in the sinuses from tear drainage

No. 2360504

Thin them more, or bleach them a shade lighter. I feel like you didn’t thin them enough if you still have this problem, you were probably too conservative because you didn’t want to do something you’d regret or deal with a big change. As for bleaching, put on face mustache bleach and leave it on for 2-5 minutes then wipe off, and wash face.

No. 2360508

How many years until someone exits new fag status? Inb4 “reeee a newfag” please don’t act like you spawned on lolcow as an oldfag

No. 2360511

maybe try to change/soften the arch of them, make sure they don't point down too much

No. 2360517

Imo it's anyone who showed up during or after the pandemic, not really any specific number of years.

No. 2360532

i suppose 3 or 2 years but imo it depends on how well you integrate in to the board culture. it took me a while to get hang of it so much so i lurked for a year before posting after a farmhand kindly told me to

No. 2360537

When you've been in an imageboard long enough to see the culture change, and are 100% familiar with the lingo and most of the major events. Currently I consider anyone pre 2020 an oldfag, even if I've personally been browsing LC for around 9 years

No. 2360548

Being a newfag isn't really about when you got here, it's a state of mind. Some anons can still be newfags after years of using the site. Integration is a bigger factor than time when determining newfag status. I think oldfag is a protected term though, anyone that joined after 2016 will never be an oldfag.

No. 2360560

What was the name of that schizo tranny that was spamming gore here a while back? I think he posted his ID at one point?

No. 2360562

They all have it kek

No. 2360564

Kek I am fairly a new fag since I started to use the site for 10 months I think, can’t say that it made me better but that’s a whole new discourse. I have integrated well with the mindset now though.
But I admit that the first time I came on here I put on a name and I got called a tranny and got banned kekk.

No. 2360623

Speaking of newfags, when did it become common to refer to farmhands as 'mods'? I took a break from LC, came back, and all of a sudden it seems like everyone is calling them moderators. I remember when saying that would get you bullied for being a newfag kek

No. 2360625


No. 2360645

YES thank u anon

No. 2360656

There was a certain point in 2024 when the site was buried beneath an avalanche of newfags that refuse to integrate. They are pushing a lot of conspiracy theories about the site to weaken morale and to destroy it from inside. "Mods" is part of their lingo.

No. 2360703

True farmers know all the jannies are men and newfags

No. 2360710

Yeah, yeah, we get it. You hate the farmhands and you don't want a VPN ban, we get it.

No. 2360723

i know this is extremely niche and obscure but do we know whatever happened to despairkomaeda after the tumblr wide call outs?

No. 2360729

Bootlicking them because you want to be able to use this site as your personal ~comfy nonnie discord server~ doesn't change that it's genuinely true

No. 2360770

File: 1737591089317.jpeg (852.4 KB, 1242x1606, 1709292753068.jpeg)

Ahem is that farmhand slander I hear

No. 2360793

MAN what a blast from the past!! I was looking for updates myself but most blogs have been deleted.

No. 2360805

ayrt, and thank you nonnas I'm learning a lot

No. 2361094

File: 1737599365655.png (23.63 KB, 193x230, 34553534.png)

what is the difference between BPD and dark triad?

No. 2361452

dark triad just an easy way to refer to a set of "evil" personality traits (psychopathy, machiavellianism, narcissism), like maybe you could call kindness, love, and acceptance the "nice triad", it isnt anything other than a quick way to refer to something. while bpd is a mental illness/disorder. Bpd chans can show dark triad personality traits, but showing dark triad personality traits doesnt make you bpd.

No. 2361476

Dark triad is a flattering way to say someone deserves euthanasia

No. 2361622

Can others tell I am a forever alone virgin from behavioural clues?

No. 2361623

*how can others tell…

No. 2361744

Currently making pasta for my lunch/dinner later today.
I had frozen home made sauce, so do I warm up the sauce with then pour it onto the pasta, isn't it useless since later out in the day I'll be microwaving my meal?

No. 2361752

File: 1737639920889.jpg (77.13 KB, 563x566, 5780a391172d949ec46ca34318e70b…)

Yes, because I am also a virgin and I think others can tell. It makes creepy males pay attention to you and any males your own age stay away as if you're poison, even if you aren't ugly or a NEET. I don't know how they can tell, but they just do. I think it's the energy of innocence, even if we get horny we're still 'untainted' by society and male standards. In the olden days a virgin in her teens and 20's was still considered a 'maiden', if you remain a maiden you turn into a spinster and it gets even worse in the eyes of others who can smell the virgin on you.

No. 2361764

Why do men take so long in the bathroom just to poop? Like when I go it's a quick less than a minute trip because i go when i need to. Do men just be like
>Ah I feel like it need to shit in 30 minutes, let me go to the bathroom and sit on toilet doing nothing until then

No. 2361770

It happens when their diet is bad. It generally doesn't take people more than 5 minutes to do everything when stuff is in order (proper hydration and balanced diet with enough fiber)
Also many nonnies declared that their personal scrotenigels take their phones to the bathroom so who knows

No. 2361776

nta, you say that and it's not totally wrong I guess, but I'm sure people guess it right for me for all the wrong reasons. Everyone assumes I'm muslim based on my race and since I'm not married and don't dress like a slut (their words, not mine) they expect me to be a virgin. Or they assume I'm much younger than I am if they don't know me, which in their mind could explain everything. It's the same reason why normal teenage girls are insulted and called fast just because puberty made them tall and curvy. People assume based on looks a lot more than they should. It's weird how people, not just men, can be so wrong about me just based on looks, and I'm sure plenty of women also have weird reputations as total loser virgins just based on small details that don't mean anything instead of their actual love life or lack of love life.

No. 2361788

They're emptying their balls as well as their bowels in there. Or just watching 2 hours of YouTube. Or both.

No. 2361790

Why is everyone using "en masses" all of a sudden everywhere?

No. 2361806

Should I delete my instagram?

No. 2361809

The answer is always yes. Social media is terrible for you and for society.

No. 2361812

I’m still a fat piece of shit but I managed to cut my 4-sugar black teas into 2-sugar black teas. Now my stupid question is: is 2 sugars still too much? I make 1-2 teas a day and the only other drinks I have are water… I just want to be sure

No. 2361837

How do I cure PTSD edmr was useless

No. 2361838

Depends on how much added sugar you consume throughout the day. The recommended daily limit is about 25 grams, but it's very easy to go over this amount because most people have no idea how much added sugar is in many foods

No. 2361846

I think it's fine. I drink only one sugar coffee about 3 times a week BUT I used to drink tea with honey every day, 1 sugar coffee every day and a glass of cola everyday.. and after cutting all that for 2 years already, I'm still the same weight lol. So it's good for you to cut sugar and all that but it doesn't show in my opinion. It's just good internally.

No. 2361847

By going to actual real therapy. EDMR is widely known to be fake.

No. 2361854

whats wrong with listening to ed music

No. 2361856

Therooooopy was also useless

No. 2361861

Pay more for a better therapist and your opinion will change. That, or suffer. Up to you.

No. 2361885

there is no cure. you just learn to cope. overtime your symptoms will fade, but you'll still have your triggers. therapy can help you to develop healthier coping mechanisms.

No. 2361888

samefag, if you want to try meds to manage symptoms, i found that mood stabilizers are a lot more effective than ssris

No. 2361909

That’s pretty much what I thought. The trigger in question is unfortunately a person I see in my neighborhood semi often and it doesn’t seem to improve.

No. 2361928

well then getting away from this person should be your top priority. which means you'll probably have to move. you should focus on this, otherwise you'll be stuck, mentally and emotionally. good luck nonny, i know you'll find a way!

No. 2361944

yeah!! i think she (it was a she right?) was my first lolcow in a sense…i know she rebranded with that game and then slowly disappeared, wonder if shes normal by now or if shes creating havok in another fandom

No. 2361946

File: 1737653485768.jpg (12.58 KB, 340x227, 1736031254519.jpg)

The files on my computer are so unorganized. My desktop is insane. I need to organize my shit, but it's overwhelming. Is there an easy way to do this? Any apps anons recommend?

No. 2361948

So fucking rude

No. 2361963

Is there something wrong with me if I don't particularly like showing affection and comforting people makes me feel awkward? I dont have trauma nor did I grow up in a household that didn't display affection, quite the opposite . My parents have always been very sweet and affectionate but even when they or my close friends are going through a tough time, consulting them feels unnatural?? Like I'll try to comfort them in subtle more indirect ways but I don't get why I'm like this. Why does it make me feel so uncomfortable and awkward?

No. 2361968

Autism or aspd or both

No. 2361970

The bigger question is why do you feel the need to pathologize your behaviours and look for problems where there is none?
Post your PsyD degree.

No. 2361976

I dont have autism.
Cause some of the people I've talked to thought it was weird. I just don't understand why I feel so uncomfortable comforting even close people that I love.

No. 2361985

Some people will think anything is weird. You probably aren't comfortable doing it because you don't do it very often. New things can be uncomfortable at first.

No. 2361993

I feel the same way, even giving someone I love a hug when they're sad feels awkward. I also feel the same way about when I'm upset and people try to comfort me, I appreciate it but it makes me feel weird.

No. 2361999

NTA but it's a problem when you have friends and family, unless you don't care about their feelings kek

No. 2362007

My family thinks it's weird that I prefer butter over margarine. Am I gonna change my taste for their sake? No. Being called "weird" is the biggest non-issue there is and if you think that being called "weird" for mundane behaviours means that you have to change, you probably don't have a strong sense of self or a proper self-image. A lot of people just aren't good with comforting people or showing affection. It's just how some people are. If you think that that's weird, you probably don't have a lot of life experience or you haven't met a lot of people.

No. 2362017

I don't think it's unusual, just that in my experience people will see it as "rude"/cold and then refuse to help your own problems because "why should I help when you didn't comfort me" and that sort of thing

No. 2362098

could hormones really be causing my increased hunger or is it some other issue i am unaware of? i am no stranger to eating issues so i am good at identifying the desire for comfort eating from true hunger, and lately it has been persisting! i am toward the end of my period but usually these cravings happen a week before. i am eating all food groups, especially fiber and protein, and getting sleep, exercise, vitamins…i am at a loss. i cant sit and patiently wait until lunch, but i should be able to, no?

No. 2362103

One time I went on a date with a guy who had stinky body odor. I noticed that very clearly when he hugged me. He's the type of moid who sleeps around and can't get through life without having a relationship/a girl on his side. I have to admit this dude got games so I can see why girls would fall for him (he's also not that ugly). But I just can't imagine having sex with someone who stinks. I always wonder how in the hell did these girls manage to have sex with him? Like surely you can't hold your breath the whole time? Or do they just not care? How are you able to do that?

No. 2362104

>if you remain a maiden you turn into a spinster and it gets even worse in the eyes of others who can smell the virgin on you

No. 2362333

What do men mean when they say they 'don't have a type' or 'just someone who's nice to me'? Like I know it means anything but that. Do they just don't feel like telling you, or they don't know themselves?

No. 2362377

It means he's probably a water sign.

No. 2362378

I got offered a job interview from a company in another state far away from me that posted a job listing for something local. It specifically says in-person (so in the office). Yet when I look online to find any presence of the company locally, there's literally nothing. No address, no local phone number, nothing. I asked if they could confirm the local address and they ignored my question. If it was WFH I wouldn't question it, but the fact it's labeled as a in person job… I don't know. And even worse the interviewer (who has no Linkedin or Facebook) wants to meet me at a Starbucks. I wouldn't mind that if I could find ANY info on this company locally but there's nothing.
Should I cancel???? Is this a trafficking scheme??? Or just some shitty fake MLM where at least I won't be in danger??

No. 2362395

>The interviewer wants to meet me at Starbucks
Use your brain. Does that sound like something legitimate to you?
Obviously it's not a legitimate job posting. Ignore it and cease all communications with this 'company.'

No. 2362397

They're a Starbucks employee trying to get you to buy their coffee.

No. 2362685

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For a country that is so technologically advanced , why can’t nips make products that don’t contain cancer causing chemicals ? Even some of their food products have labels like this.

No. 2362690

Maybe because of all their nuclear disasters

No. 2362700

scam. stay away from them and block all communication

No. 2362718

How do people get skid marks? Especially grown adults? There's so many stories of women dating moids who have skid marks all over their boxers and it astounds me.
Did their parents not teach them how to wipe properly? Do they just shit their pants whenever they get bored? I can't think of any other reasons other than being a drooling sped retard or having severe incontinence (which is not usually the case for these people) to get skid marks if you're over the age of 10

No. 2362740

Because wiping doesn't work and isn't enough. And men are filthy because they think it's masculine or something. They're lazy and stupid and are ok with living in filth to uphold and imaginary front no one cares about.

No. 2362745

I wiped (properly, at least) for most of my childhood and it was more than enough kek

No. 2362750

I occasionally say the wrong word. It's kinda frequent, like a few times every day. Thinks like mean instead of meat or cookie instead of cake. But almost every day there are instances where I'll say the completely wrong word, like no association at all. today I said hat instead of scissor. Some days it happens multiple times. Is this normal?

No. 2362751

The last time I had skid marks I was a child and clearly didn't wipe well enough. I've somehow managed to never do it again. I'm baffled that adults get skidmarks.

No. 2362762

As other nonnas said I think they just don’t do an adequate job wiping. They also probably have ass hair that you could braid so wiping afterwards is akin to getting peanut butter out of a rug. Just an all around disaster.

No. 2362767

What does it say about you if you get set up with someone on a blind group date and then hit it off with the person who is married and talk to them the entire time? Should I feel embarrassed that I noticeably didn’t even care for my actual date?

No. 2362771

Was the other married person pissed you hijacked their date?

No. 2362779

No his wife wasn’t there, it was a weird setup…

No. 2362785

Set the scene then

No. 2362817

It was me, my friend, his friend, and then my date. There were no couples, it was just the 4 of us hanging out and me & this guy meeting for the first time with the other two friends present. Well it backfired because I ended up talking to that other guy the entire time.

No. 2362822

I'm a burger and sometimes see these warnings on my own country's products too
They unironically think they'll turn gay if they wipe more throughly because "uh-oh fingers too close to butthole"

No. 2362832

File: 1737692681819.jpeg (25.32 KB, 750x169, IMG_3531.jpeg)

What is with all of the edgelords on tiktok? Kek

No. 2362850

Did elle mcpherson have a boob job in the 90s i need to know

No. 2362862

What is the fattest thing you've ever done?

No. 2362863

Blocked the toilet

No. 2362915

Have you had a concussion recently? Something like that happened to me after I experienced repeated head traumas. Sometimes my brain struggled to transcribe my thoughts into words and they'd come out like auto-generated captions.

No. 2362921

I do this all the time. It’s a combination of brain fog and auditory processing issues. For me both are due to ADHD and improve when I am medicated.

No. 2362929

File: 1737698277661.png (823.58 KB, 756x1000, IMG_3557.png)

Is it weird that my bf is 5’5 and has a 7 inch dick?

No. 2362932

Does he have to step into sex

No. 2362935

What does that mean

No. 2362938

His dick is almost taller than him

No. 2362940

I know is it normal for a guy that short to have a dick that big???

No. 2362941

You already know the answer.

No. 2362943

He sounds ugly at least his dick would keep him half a foot away when erect then I could just hold his head and kick it

No. 2362945

You guys pretending seven inches is an impressive feat is puzzling

No. 2362946

He’s not ugly at all I would never date a guy under an 8 looks wise. He’s a solid 9. Literally the only negatives about him is he’s a manlet and has no knowledge of grammar

No. 2362947

You dating a short man is puzzling me

No. 2362949

Girl… that's not me. I am puzzled as to why that anon is pretending their 7 inches is a humblebrag

No. 2362985

What's the difference between a "bihet" and a regular bi woman? I always thought it meant a woman who wasn't SSA beyond a superficial level like having threesomes with Nigel but I keep seeing it used to mean different things.

No. 2362988

I thought it meant bisexual women who lean towards men or are in heterosexual relationships while still being attracted to women.

No. 2363038

5’5” is fucking crazy for a man

No. 2363049

If a man tells you he's 5'5 he's definitely 5'3 and his dick only looks 7 inches because he himself is the size of thumbelina

No. 2363124

How do you know when someone is staring at you? I never get it when someone says they felt eyes on them, how does that even work?

No. 2363256

Why do people like me even when I actively try to be as unlikeable as possible

No. 2363267

How would you find a listening device in your phone? I want to check if mine is bugged by someone.

No. 2363291

I thought bihets were straight women pretending to be SSA (or thinking they are because they think someone like Doja Cat is pretty, but they would never eat her pussy).

No. 2363502

It means they want a warm hole to fuck and a maid to do the housework and a momma to coddle her big boy when he's lonely. The woman's personality is immaterial because the moid sees her as a blow up doll who cooks. And if he says he just wants a woman who's nice to him, that's a massive red flag for emotional manipulation. It's the type of scrote who'd beat his girlfriend for texting her brother and go cry on reddit about how his life is so sad and nobody understands him and he's tired of being cheated on.
Neil Gaiman, essentially.
Literally just a straight woman who calls herself bi for the SJW brownie points. It doesn't really apply to men because they only do it to get laid, like the moids who pretend to be bi/gay to get insecure TIF pussy, their larp starts and ends on Tinder. Bihet women keep thirsting over women but think lesbians are disgusting and any same-sex relationship they pretend to have is either an overly cuddly friendship with another bihet, or the other woman is actually a troon.

No. 2363511

I always thought it was a bi woman who basically only dates men. or is in a relationship with a man while active in LGBT spaces and loud about bisexuality

No. 2363655

Bihet is a derogatory term for bisexual women that was started on, and was used heavily on, another forum over 10 years ago. Now it means a variety of things like the above nonnies are describing.

No. 2364083

does anyone know the country carreychan was from

No. 2364178

they are morbidly obese and would have a heart attack after throwing the first punch

No. 2364181

she's american

No. 2364185

File: 1737753272544.gif (187.12 KB, 220x193, it-crowd.gif)

Why are british comedies so fucking good? i consider myself racist towards brits but i cant get enough of their humor

No. 2364194

You wouldn't get it

No. 2364204

In my country we have this expression that is like "laughing to not cry" and that's what I think the brits are doing.

No. 2364233

its insane to me that they can get away with blackface even in the 2010s kek do britbongs just dont care?

No. 2364240

Other than Americans, what is the easiest nationality to bait?

No. 2364259

mexicans, especially if you are argentinian and ask them how many world cups they have.

No. 2364264

the french

No. 2364265

It's kind of a meta thing, like they know blackface is offensive and you shouldn't do it but a lot of their humor is dark and ironic, it's funny because it's something you shouldn't be doing and something you wouldn't do because you would face social repercussions. It's kind of like cringe humor in that way as well. Of course in America they would throw a fit because Americans are retarded and don't understand sarcasm or jokes.

No. 2364272

even a dark humor show like its always sunny and ATHF faced consequences for blackface, which is insane to me because both those shows are about asshole characters doing shitty thing

No. 2364273

I honestly feel sorry you think bong humour is funny

No. 2364277

Peep Show is amazing.

No. 2364280

Germans. Easily Germans.

No. 2364286

their accents are funny

No. 2364291

Bongs. They have a massive complex about everyone hating them already so they tend to be super reactive. I’ve also noticed that both eurofags and fellow burgers like to dunk on them a lot. I have a bong accent fetish so I like to imagine a beautiful bong nonnie raging at my bait attempts because it turns me on.

No. 2364292

>and ask them how many world cups they have.

No. 2364294

I love the episode where they eat the dog. I dunno.

No. 2364303

I bet that if or when TikTok gets completely banned for Americans all the accounts on there that bait Americans will start baiting British people instead.

No. 2364306

My favorite is when they were too passive aggressive to tell each other what they actually wanted during Mark and Sophie's getaway and then they end up thinking Jez overdosed on painkillers.

No. 2364312

File: 1737756162422.jpg (7.48 KB, 235x229, 1000032048.jpg)

I'll make sure I rage extra hard at bait posts just for you, nonny

No. 2364384

File: 1737758249932.jpg (175.55 KB, 696x696, mesh.jpg)

Hi nonnies, what is this called? I'm trying to google mesh net fabric but it's not exact and I think the item in the pic is plastic.

No. 2364390

No. 2364394

the weave is called basket weave. is that what you mean?

No. 2364454

>single but not heartbroken
>bad flirting
>delayed laugh in conversations about having sex
>dressing like a low effort sperg

No. 2364463

Obviously not. Anyone that suggests otherwise is coping.

No. 2364532

What happens to the piece of brain that is severed during a lobotomy? It's cut off from the rest of the brain and doesn't receive signals and shrinks overtime from not being used. But how does it stay alive? Why isn't it rotting in the head if it's been cut from the rest? Shouldn't it make someone septic like a dead fetus in the uterus? Does anyone know?

No. 2364536

We aren't going to tell you. Stop thinking about self-lobotomizing please

No. 2364537

File: 1737762672214.png (1.23 MB, 1206x1804, Scientists research man missin…)

I’m not a neuroscientist lol but apparently humans can survive without a full brain. I was reading about picrel recently so it came to mind.

No. 2364617

Anons say women always have dating options because moids are desperate enough to fuck no matter what the woman looks like, but if my only options are ugly men I'm not attracted to, do I really have options?

No. 2364621

Exactly, sure there's men out there but most of them are really bad. That means there aren't options.

No. 2364622

Men are so fucking lazy

No. 2364626

Most people cannot, that is why this case is baffling the world. You can land on your head wrong in one spot and become a human vegetable.

No. 2364629

But if someone made jokes about being raped it wouldn't bother you?

No. 2364646

Dating is so soul destroying especially as you age. Men make out that if you weren't wifed up in your 20s there's something wrong with you but it's completely OK for men to date around and settle in older age. I could have got married but my moid was already abusive before the ring was on, lazy plus a dead bedroom. It took me to nearly signing for a house with both of our names when he hadn't contributed fuck all to it to finally dump him and to avoid baggage. Somehow having standards or wanting to marry a partner that worked towards goals with me means I'm third rate then fuck dating. You also get the vibe you've done wrong not being left to be a single mother. Yet there is some truth that the good guys are already taken. Theyre so far and few between. Ive had years wasted with mediocre men and false promises in my 20s. Also hard to find childless single people. Every crush I have had the past 3 years the guy is a single father to a brood of children and I'm not up for that or the men were already in relationships and those women are so lucky lol.

No. 2364696

Br spotted

No. 2364700

It's always sunny did blackface amazingly and I hate that they felt they had to banish those episodes. Idk if anyone complained or if they chose to do it themselves but it was great because you were laughing at the retards doing it and how idiotic they are

No. 2364709

My guess for how this could be possible is if he had his brain compressed and the brain matter allowing him to function is still mostly there, just pressed against his skull more. You can have brain compressions that don't affect cognition

No. 2364714

It completely depends on where in the brain is damaged whether you are a vegetable or not. My mom had a chunk of her brain matter die from a stroke and is still very functional after years of physical therapy. Brains are crazy.

No. 2364723

Dee Day was such a good episode too

No. 2364724

I can't believe we are actually a basket weaving forum now

No. 2364753

Still american though sadly

No. 2364811

Do you think a .net or a .com domain is better? I'm making a little website for my church's bake sales and I don't know which domain would look better.

No. 2364840

.net sounds cuter

No. 2364843

.com because it's commercial

No. 2364877

hi nonnas, does blood thinners (like aspirin) affect you in a weird way?

felt like hell today, especially my head, and i realized it waas after i took some. i already have very low blood pressure so idk if that maybe affected things too.

No. 2364890

It's possible

No. 2364922

does anyone actually like to kiss or is it just the deep state psyopping me into closing my eyes from the truth (seconds at a time)

No. 2364923

My lips are very sensitive so I do enjoy kissing but some people just aren't as into it.

No. 2364955

I enjoy kissing but I hate when moids try to kiss me after we've just woken up or just eaten. But when I am in the mood it's very nice.

No. 2364971

I hate kissing. I've never had a good kiss.

No. 2365047

File: 1737786299512.jpeg (473.22 KB, 828x1006, 1673505731981.jpeg)

Ok there is this really cute guy that works at a store near my house. I am ugly and fat. Do i have a chance with him? how do i even approach him? i have never liked any moid before, i dont know what to do.

No. 2365053

Do you think that having no social media is a red flag? I've been trying to normiemax (going out more, talking to people irl about irl things and spending less time online) but every time I tell people I have no social media whatsoever I fear I've blown my cover and they'll realize I'm autistic when otherwise I think I do a good job masking it. The reason I have no social media is because I don't have any friends and if I did make an account I would have 0 followers and then people would really be weirded out. I'm a zoomer btw and never met anyone my age who didn't have at least an ig account.

No. 2365058

People tend to associate it with being antisocial or hiding things, which is retarded.

No. 2365059

i had my first kiss a year ago and i thought it was super gross and weird feeling but as the relationship progressed i got more used to it and now i like kissing and think its normal. maybe i'm another victim of the psyop…

No. 2365064

Well… I am hiding the fact that I have no friends

No. 2365077

I personally listen assume people I'm attracted to wouldn't like me anyway so I don't try anything, so far I've never been proven wrong.

No. 2365080

I'm a zillennial and abandoned all my social media thanks to internet paranoia, nobody thinks I'm weird but they do find it an inconvenience to contact me and that thing

No. 2365123

Is having your nails done considered basic self-care?

No. 2365124

That more depends on your own mentality towards it. Do you consider it taking care of yourself and treating yourself? Yes? Then yes.

No. 2365140

I don't like it at all. My ex loved long, intense makeout sessions and I became so bored I would take out my phone and watch netflix on mute over his shoulder. I won't be getting into a relationship again, for my own sake and theirs.

No. 2365159

Keeping your nails clean and neat is self care imo. Fancy manicures and fake nails are unnecessary.

No. 2365188

I don't really care about my nails, I have a hard time seeing beauty rituals as self-care in general, but I've been asked several times why my nails are never done.
I try to keep them clean as best as I can, but they are never neat, they are very soft and they break constantly even if they are short.

No. 2365190

Test your blood for deficiencies if you can. I had life long brittle nails and only in my 20s I discovered it was iron deficiency when I started to experience other symptoms, but there's other deficiencies that cause brittle nails too. Your nails are brittle for a reason unfortunately.

No. 2365191

I'm vegetarian so I probably have an iron deficiency, I'm also super low libido so I may have other deficiencies, I really should get tested.

No. 2365196

yea it unfortunately signals you're a weirdo as a woman, most women have one even if they don't post anymore or never did. it shows you have some integration into social networks.

No. 2365203

Idk I fed naked without them

No. 2365226

I don't get anons who say having an Instagram account means you're a normie, I have one mostly to follow artists and sometimes make restaurant reservations, I don't post anything at all.

No. 2365233

When you start to like someone enough and they act surprised by your lack of social media,you say "oh, what you use ir for!? help me make one one day" That excuses lack of followers and helps you make a connection. Nowadays you dont really have to post, follow artist and local businesses.
For normies is the new facebook, kinda.

No. 2365234

you can use social media for different things, if you don't keep up and follow people you know at all then yes you aren't normie. having a social media account doesn't necessary make you normie, but not having one (usually) does signal you aren't one.

No. 2365261

What would be the reverse of hybristophilia?

No. 2365262

A fetish for pureness, maybe? Like wanting to fuck priests and angels and such?

No. 2365289

I also don’t use social media and I’ve found that saying something like “I’m taking a social media break!” makes me look less weird (I’ve never actually had an ig/twitter/fb)

No. 2365292

File: 1737815103082.jpg (27.99 KB, 328x400, 8e23e935e63cd37134b4c504858eba…)

Aka being based

No. 2365320

I think having social media is a red flag. Personally, I don't want to engage with people that use social media. I haven't used social media in years. When I meet people and they ask for it, I always just tell them my thoughts on it. Most times, they admit that they're a bit jealous of me for it. If it comes off as a red flag to some people, then I wouldn't want to associate with those people to begin with. There's normiemaxxing, yeah, but then there's betraying your morals for societal acceptance, and I think the former can be done without the latter.
>I'm a zoomer and I've never met anyone my age who didn't have an Instagram account.
Trust me: they're out there. Zoomers that don't use social media are a breath of fresh air. The difference between them and those that use social media is like night and day.

No. 2365321

You're using social media right now.

No. 2365324

This is an anonymous image board.

No. 2365325

I'll be deep in the cold, cold ground before I recognize LC as social media.

No. 2365329

>hey let's keep in contact
>sure look for me on lolcow I'm the one posting about hating blowjobs

No. 2365341

How far we've fallen

No. 2365348

newfags GET OUT

No. 2365354

I've been here for a decade

No. 2365382

It's not because image boards and forums are a form of media where users socialize with each other that lc is specifically a "social media" website.

No. 2365390

And I'm the Easter Bunny.

No. 2365396

newfag is a state of mind

No. 2365413

That's what social media is though. The only reason anyone disagrees is because they look down on users of other social media sites or apps and don't like being associated with them. If you weren't here for the socialization aspect, you could just follow cows instead without ever talking about it. The fact that it's somewhat anonymous here doesn't change that.

No. 2365498

Oh yeah? Give me an updoot right now. And if we see each other irl give me your post numbers so I can contact and dm you

No. 2365508

>If you weren't here for the socialization aspect, you could just follow cows instead without ever talking about it.
I mean, sure. But I think there is something starkly different about an anonymous platform you don’t even have to log in for and any mainstream social media platform. For me, it’s the anonymity that I enjoy about lc the most. I’m too socially anxious to say anything online with my name attached to it, which is why I have almost 0 social media accounts. Pretty much all other social media is based around building clout and getting those updoots like >>2365498 said.

No. 2365512

i thought kissing was bad until i met one certain person and they were actually able to make it feel good and made my head spin. attraction is as big of a part of it as skill.

No. 2365520

I've only kissed one person and I really enjoyed it and now I miss kissing
KEK is this not a win-win?

No. 2365560

File: 1737829320878.jpeg (29.32 KB, 513x586, images-13.jpeg)

Why do western (more specifically the american) infantalize Japan so much?(the weeb and the normie alike) and not other asian countries? And whenever racism,misogyny,pedophilia,zoophillia is pointed out and Japan is criticised why do these people act as if Japanese people are some benevolent innocent beings who have never heard of such things? And defend their shit And act these are "western" concepts to be condemned for? Why do they try to convince others that they live in some sort of bubble that they dont know what racism is despite listening to black musicians and watching American movies with explicit scenes and lyrics explaining racism.is it weeb propaganda Japan has feed them? But even in anime (older nowadays it's just goonshit) they show these themes.what sort of cognitive dissonance is this? I'm so confused by it

No. 2365575

>Born in late 80s to early 00s
>Be socially awkward or high functioning autistic
>Be cast out and ignored by majority of your peers at school for being odd
>Find solace in counterculture: if you can't be mainstream, you can always find a place for yourself on the outside!
>Spend a lot of time on the early Web as a remedy for your loneliness and social rejection
>Growing up in that time coincides with the Western release of many classic anime titles during the 90s and early 00s
>Anime is associated with foreignness; those that feel like outsiders or foreigners are intrigued by this
>Western release of anime spurs the growth of an online community during Web 1.0 when centralized websites were still uncommon
>Find a community of people that watch the same TV shows as you
>Feel like you're a part of something
>Since anime comes from Japan, Japan becomes a mythical land of belonging
>Anyone that insults the land of belonging must be punished!

Basically that. A lot of losers that were born between '85 and '00 were beguiled by anime communities online when they were young lonely teenagers. It became a crutch for those that couldn't cope with the stresses of daily life, nor the pains of growing up. They can't accept that Japan can be anything less than perfect because they've spent their entire lives building it up in their head to be Eden. Everyone that I've ever met that likes anime has something wrong with them, mentally or spiritually.

No. 2365578


For weeb westoids they can't imagine their waifu being racist, degenerate, etc so they can't imagine any Japanese people behaving that way. japan = anime to those retards. they're also uber autistic so there's probably a lot of black and white thinking. japan good so nothing bad happens there.

Idk why normies do though, cultural stereotypes about east asian women being submissive, other shit about asians being good at math? Added with basic anime knowledge I guess If normies don't think about Japan much then I can only assume that they think Japan is just a country full of harmless nerdy moids and submissive women-children.


pretty much live watched this nona explain it better than me. can confirm I enjoy anime and I am mentally afflicted and spiritually rotten.

No. 2365598

Asking this after reading an old infight in another thread. Do people think white women with brown eyes and brown hair are considered ugly? Curious what people think about how the general public views this, men and women separately.

No. 2365608

Who cares? It's hair colour. You can change that whenever you want. Coloured contacts are a thing too. Nobody really gaf.

No. 2365611

Of course not. There's a wide spectrum of people with brown eyes/brown hair. Moids value blonde hair over other colors but that doesn't mean non-blonde women can't be as or more beautiful.

No. 2365612

Please no sperging about hair color again PLEASEEEE the last time it happened it lasted days

No. 2365613

No, anons on this site are just weird about hair colour.

No. 2365620

File: 1737831860242.jpg (49.92 KB, 500x667, Good hair.jpg)

All brunettes should dye their hair to look something like picrel, then they would be beautiful 10/10s, but because of Ukraine this will never be possible.(schizo)

No. 2365624

>Because of Ukraine

No. 2365627

Sorry anon I'm not trying to bring in any sperging, I was just surprised by how angry one person (?) was getting over it and I wondered if it's really a thing among the masses. I know it used to be a thing in the 90s and 2000s but I feel out of touch with modern times.

No. 2365628

I'm just saying that brunettes would be beautiful if they dyed their hair leopard print.
Leopard print hair is better than brown hair.

No. 2365630

But what does Ukraine have to do with it? I'm curious now kek

No. 2365637

My post is about how leopard print hair is prettier than brown hair. Stop shifting the goal posts and trying to read between the lines.

No. 2365640

File: 1737832372785.jpg (49.5 KB, 466x699, vera-filatova.jpg)

>just fuck my shit up fam
If it already looks this mangled in the "just done" professionally edited photo, it's going to look like absolute shit a week later. Dark haired Ukrainian women tend to work with their beauty instead of against it by wearing crazy/distracting hair styles like this

No. 2365644

No dw it's not a real life thing. At least I've never seen this level of scrutiny over hair color outside of lolcow. But no, there are lots of white celebrities with brown hair and brown eyes that are considered beautiful like Anne Hathaway and Natalie Portman

No. 2365645

Holy shit is this the crazy psychopathic foreign bisexual woman from Peep Show? Kek wtf.

No. 2365647

Why bring Ukrainians into this?

No. 2365649

File: 1737832594449.jpg (45.39 KB, 1500x236, vera-filatova2.jpg)

Not sure, haven't seen it. She's considered pretty ideal in Ukraine (for non-blondes)

No. 2365651

No. 2365655

File: 1737832720902.jpg (244.92 KB, 720x960, 0878942b7b62f6c643a0d2b52b4c52…)

Can I do zebra print?

No. 2365657

>Donetsk Region, Ukraine
I knew there were pro-Kiev forces working on LCF to taint public perception and to misled the gullible Americans. I knew it. Everyone said I was crazy. Everyone said I was schizophrenic. But this is proof. LCF has been infiltrated by pro-Kiev intelligence agents.

No. 2365658

I think a Ukrainian anon wants to fuck up her hair but phrased it strangely and everyone is confused and freaking out for some reason

No. 2365659

I am not a god damn Ukrainian. Never say that again

No. 2365660


No. 2365665

File: 1737832953049.jpg (552.03 KB, 5760x3840, 675c61a0924f73a364e9ee7e82feea…)

It's her. Anyways she has great hair

No. 2365670

I don't know… needs leopard spots.

No. 2365671

Ukraine doesn’t need anything to shift public opinion, schizo-chan. Russia is almost globally hated.

No. 2365673

I agree. Leopard print would make her beautiful. Right now she's maybe a 3/10 or a 4/10 but if she had leopard print hair immediately she'd be a 10/10 and maybe even a rare 11/10 on a good day.

No. 2365676

File: 1737833264478.jpg (87.73 KB, 570x570, wellaproblogreverseombrehairim…)

What about an 00s Vitamin C-inspired citrus/fiery ombre? You'll regret this anons. I agree it looks cool but mark my words, you will live to regret these spots

No. 2365678

Her hair was so beautiful.

No. 2365679

This but with tiger stripes

No. 2365680

File: 1737833398121.jpg (94.03 KB, 1200x1200, 1000032077.jpg)

This is the ONLY valid haircut and if you disagree you're just a jelly Ukrainian

No. 2365684

File: 1737833426184.jpg (334.41 KB, 1080x1080, rs_1200x1200-211019191127-1200…)

It really was. She was beautiful natural too (if she were smiling in both, it'd be more obvious

No. 2365687

samefag but oh my god you guys it's the way it grows out. You'll be upset when your hair looks like it has a crazy texture because random spots aren't bleached (or are). Even if you bleach your whole head, there are spots that were processed before that so it'll look fucked up

No. 2365689

No. 2365691

First you start trying to deflect by talking about the Ukrainian War of Aggression, now you start deflecting with Vitamin C and ombre? No. We are talking about leopard print. It's way better than Ombre. Leopard print is exotic and fun and has a little bit of saucy bite to it. Ombre is just lazy and reeks of gay faggots that work at a salon just to over charge because they hate women.

No. 2365692

I mean, it's their hair, as long as they're not completely retarded and take care of it the texture's not gonna look that bad, let them have fun with it

No. 2365695

You should definitely bleach as many spots into your hair as possible anon. I'm protecting the innocents reading this thread

No. 2365698

How can I when Ukraine? God.

No. 2365701

More spots/stripes to cover it. Maybe stickers, too. Animal stickers.

No. 2365703

Is this from 4chan? We don't understand recent memes from there

No. 2365705

I have never used 4chan in my life, stop projecting. It's obvious that you're trolling because you're a brunette that got offended.

No. 2365720

Most anons responded to the asinine and non-integrated "Ukraine" shit. Maybe you realized your post would never receive any attention or replies, unless you did something weird and kooky

No. 2365726

All because I said leopard print hair is better than brown hair? Wow.

No. 2365743

No because you randomly mentioned Ukraine. I just said that. And your tashy re-trend hair isn't better than brunette, that is obvious to anyone (except annoying weekend trolls)

No. 2365756

Leopard print hair is not tashy. It's high-end and evocative of lush savanna landscapes of verdant Africa. Just because you're a brunette that hates style doesn't mean that everything classy is actually tashy. Every trend is a re-trend because fashion is cyclical. You're probably the same brunette that thought loose-fitted jeans were tashy too back in 2020 yet here we are in 2025 and loose-fitted jeans are all the rage while skinny-jeans are the new tashy. Leopard print hair is better than being a brunette, because brunettes are always boring and want to say everything is tashy instead of just admitting that they don't understand beauty, fashion, or high culture. The fact that you're trying to paint me as a troll all because I shared my opinion about leopard print hair is rude and uncalled for and that's actually the real tashy.

No. 2365758

This is what I imagine Beastars internet discourse sounds like.

No. 2365760

What the hell is Beastars I'm talking about leopard print hair

No. 2365777

its not from 4ch. ukraine is a country in europe and rn its fighting a war with russia

No. 2365782

KEKK NONNA now I can't unsee it

No. 2365790

>Ukraine is real
KEK what

No. 2365798

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its true. its a country in eastern europe you can see it if you google ukraine or use google maps to see it. i circled it in red in the pic

No. 2365804

This is weird. What are all of those unmarked squares? Do we own that? By we I mean America. Is that us?

No. 2365807

I can't read that.

No. 2365828

There are tears in my eyes right now kekk

No. 2365881

Do you think it's possible for a man to have very effeminate gay/flamboyant mannerisms and still be straight? I'd say no, they're clearly trying to signal towards other gays but some people disagree. There's also this misconception that gay/bi men can't sexually abuse women if they aren't attracted to them. What do other anons think?

No. 2365886

I think a flamboyant straight male is possible but rare because of the stigma around being seen as a flamer.

No. 2365900

It's possible. I knew a guy who acted really flaming and he was a huge man ho who had sex with a lot of women.

No. 2365917

100% yes. I've met many different levels of effeminate men, but I live in a gay friendly society so men don't have to hide it if they happen to be drawn to that way of acting. Some men even do it on purpose because women let their guards down around gay men.
Generally the over the top ones are gay men who play it up to seem even more gay and that's an active choice they're making.

No. 2365928

It isn't because of stigma, it's because flamboyance isn't actually a typical character trait. Most flamboyance is a complete affectation.

No. 2365974

What happened to romanianon? I noticed anons stopped mentioning her at all lately.

No. 2365976

I'm scared she's dead

No. 2365980

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she saw the lolcow psa and got better

No. 2365984

She was last live a year ago

No. 2366175

Anyone here on Seroquel? When I take it at night my nose completely closes up and I cannot breathe AT ALL. Sometimes it clogs up so much that my face hurts, like the inside if my face is swollen, which I guess is true. It tanks the quality of my sleep but the effects have been so positive I don't want to stop taking it. My psych hadn't seen this before and thinks it's an allergy. I'm seeing an allergy doctor soon. Has anyone experienced this too?

No. 2366180

There are many here who should be on seroquel

No. 2366181

That sounds scary, I'm kind of scared you might stop breathing in your sleep. I wouldn't risk taking it.

No. 2366186

You're having a reaction dont take it again

No. 2366206

You're enjoying it because your body is so busy fighting off the allergic reaction that you don't have the energy stores or brain power to engage in whatever put you on it in the first place. Be careful and don't die in your sleep

No. 2366240

is it normal to not be passionate about your degree

No. 2366241

No. 2366244

i have no passion, only servitude

No. 2366257

You can sometimes get passionate about it with the right amount of payment.

No. 2366264

Can someone please tell me how to not feel like absolute garbage after a nap?

No. 2366265

improve sleep quality

No. 2366268

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Is it possible to get doxxed even if you never give away any personal detail on your posts? Is it easy for someone to just hack into your account and getting all your irl details? Forgive me awkward phrasing and shitty grammar, I want to terf out on twitter but my scaredy cat ass is worried about this. There is not turning back if my real name/location is ever leaked by an angry bluehaired dickriding libfem or a troon

No. 2366270

Always use a seperate account for political content if you're worried about your privacy.

No. 2366272

Do it. Then when you get doxxed, you can become the next grifter profiting off righties by selling anti trannoid merchandise, or doing talks about how tranny wokeism has gone too far

No. 2366279

Separate account attached to a separate email not attached to your phone number. Never speak on current life events, give personal details, or even allude to what timezone you are in. Remember to remove exif data if you upload anything. Any pfp or images you post, even if they’re just found online, should be only associated with your terf account and nothing else. Throw in some false details if you absolutely must speak about something personal.

No. 2366287

You have to keep it under 30 minutes. This is why caffeine naps became popular. You drink your coffee, nap right after and set the alarm for 30 min. You avoid the grogginess from the nap and then the caffeine kicks in around 30 minutes as well. Not recommending that btw it just helped me remember more than 30 min can make you feel shitty.

No. 2366288

NTAYRT but drinking caffeine before bed gives me fucktarded dreams and sometimes sleep paralysis kek

No. 2366295

Why is telling someone to kill themselves seen as such a terrible thing? How is it any different than any other insulting thing I could say in a fight

No. 2366313

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I don't think it's a big deal online, but there are men out here telling their girlfriends/wives to kill themselves and it's like, why have you not left him yet

No. 2366375

Clearly that's different as you obviously shouldn't insult the people you love, but if you aren't someone close to me why should I hold back from telling you to kill yourself? I just don't understand why it's such a problem

No. 2366376

It's one thing to being up insults, it's another thing to bring death and suicide into it.
Rape and pedophilia is on the same level imo. Saying these things in an argument is a fucked up low blow so you should only do it when you seriously want them to know that they should genuinely kill themselves.

No. 2366383

Personally I think something like "I hope you get raped" is completely different. I'm telling someone to kill themselves, I'm not wishing for someone else to harm them.

No. 2366391

Because it's rude as fuck?

No. 2366398

I'm not necessarily trying to be nice in a fight, though

No. 2366410

For a good amount of people, death and especially suicide is similiar levels of bad.
Also if someone is suicidal already, it's similiar to telling a cancer patient "I hope that cancer kills you already" no?

No. 2366412

Idk why I just imagined you saying it to strangers. I said it post break up to a guy after it was obvious he basically frauded me, cheated and gave me hpv so I was really angry. I don't think anyone has told me to kill myself outside of the Internet though so maybe it is extreme to say in person lol

No. 2366424

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>Also if someone is suicidal already, it's similiar to telling a cancer patient "I hope that cancer kills you already" no?
I guess I see your point here…? But even then if I'm telling someone to kill themselves it's because I truly want them to die so I'm not sure if it'd make a difference to me. I don't know maybe I have a problem or something.
I think that was a perfectly fine reaction from you. I'm sorry you had go through that, nona. I promise you he'll get what's coming to him.

No. 2366433

>if I'm telling someone to kill themselves it's because I truly want them to die
In that case, it being such a terrible thing is the point. Otherwise, then you wouldn't be able to communicate across the energy that you wanted someone to genuinely kill themselves.

No. 2366434

wishing rape on someone is demented and it’s also grounded in degrading women specifically.

No. 2366437

I agree, and those are also reasons why I don't think it's comparable to "kill yourself".

No. 2366441

Idk death is pretty fucking terrifying. Both shouldn't really be used for insults unless you really fucking hate someone to the point that you want them to feel degraded.

No. 2366443

agreed. it’s way out of line. plus when someone knows i’m suicidal and says it to me anyways, i think whoa what the fuck you monster what if i really did it? and if it’s an absolute retard whose opinion i don’t respect why would i kill myself for being told that. even stupid people view their opponents like that. it’s like well now i am not doing it out of spite. i would be less likely to be suicidal cos it’s like well i was gonna do it for a legitimate reason but now i can’t or i’ll feel like they got satisfaction out of. saying i hope you get raped is like the most slobbering at the mouth evil wish. kys can even be casual. no one casually says that.

No. 2366447

>kys can even be casual
This is not a good thing, it's also not true outside the internet.

No. 2366456

>it's also not true outside the internet.
I'm not too sure if that's true since it's not my lived experience, but I guess it also depends on where you live/the people you're around (but that's another conversation).

No. 2366573

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Anons help I broke my top retainer in half and I don't have $200 to spare on a replacement AND I haven't worn them in a few months now. Could denture repair glue work??? I can't find any reviews of people using this for retainers, would it be safe? Would it work???? Help!!!!!!

No. 2366591

Would it still be possible for me to go to school with financial aid if I went to trade sschool got a loan and failed? Plz no judge I was in a toxic relationship nd ended up leaving the state while in school. Also I was dealt a shit hand in life with messed up parents which helped with my first loan but idk now that I’m 30. Just want to not be a dummy and contribute to society

No. 2366600

If it's safe to use on something resting in-mouth like that, I'd say it's worth a try.

No. 2366610

You can receive federal financial aid for up to 180 attempted credits but after that you're no longer eligible because you automatically fail the Satisfactory Academic Progress requirements. Good luck with school, nonita!

No. 2366628

don't get a humanities degree please

No. 2366634

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Should i talk to my therapist about my violent fantasies and porn addiction or is that going to set up alarms and make her drop me. She always tells me i am her favourite patient because of how soft my voice is and how i talk to her about the literature i read and the movies i watch, i dont want to scare her, but i want help.

No. 2366639

sounds like you might be prioritizing her opinion of you over her ability to help you

No. 2366642

why tranny so dumb?

No. 2366643

You are paying her to help you with your mental health, not to be her podcast. Besides she probably hears way worse things than what you have to say to her from her other patients

No. 2366644

If you're in the United States order online from Retainers Direct. I bought from them and they are legit. Just make sure you watch the video on how to properly do the impressions of your teeth. For an upper retainer it costs $85.

No. 2366645

Y chromosome

No. 2366658

how do i subtly ask woman if she hate tranny?

No. 2366660

talk about harry potter. if she says something retarded about jk rowling then you'll know the type of person you're dealing with

No. 2366669

she said she is neet online loser like me, but she has she/her in her bio. i think i’ll give it a bit and then broach it with her. jk rowling tactic smart

No. 2366710

Anybody got a working link for the video in >>2362545? For some reason the majority of .mp4s in the Ugly Male Psyop threads never seem to work for me lol.

No. 2366714

what's with the grug speak

No. 2366732

nta but wow much cavewoman hate, gossip place went down like rock on grug head.me sad for handlers of farm

No. 2366739

thank nona . grug

No. 2366763

Is it dumb to get a Kindle for reading if I already have an iPad

No. 2366768

No, ereaders are more comfortable on the eyes. Fuck kindle tho.

No. 2366772

She's not your friend anon…

No. 2366778

Which do you prefer?

No. 2366791

Is anyone else not asexual but completely unmotivated to ever have sex because masturbation fulfils your needs?

No. 2366795

This and a mixture of being a husbandofag, yes.

No. 2366797

Pretty sure this is why in olden times masturbating was a sin.

No. 2366802

Yeah. I remember the first time I had sex with a man I felt nothing and just wanted it to be over with, but I can get myself off fine.The second time I had to close my eyes and imagine my husbando KEK

No. 2366808

God i wish that was me. I am glad i am suuuper picky otherwise i would have lost my virginity to some scrote already.

No. 2366949

i don't masturbate because i get more dopamine from starting fights

No. 2366995

That's a surprising amount of anons here. That's also rather normal

No. 2367035

Yeah me, I've never met anybody attractive enough to want to have sex with, and husbandos help.

No. 2367059

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Is it me or 80s/90s fashion was more gender non conforming than nowadays? And if it's true, why? Were all the women with short haircuts called tomboys?

No. 2367062

Can't reply but reminds me how currently in Japan it's common for women to have short hair and it's not seen as unfeminine at all.

No. 2367064

Basically. I'm glad I grew up in time when I was just called a tomboy rather than suggest I might actually be a boy for not favouring wearing dresses or more feminine styles.

No. 2367085

kek same

No. 2367089

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Yes. No man is better than my dirty fantasies. Masturbation is way easier and makes me feel better (because I don't have to deal with whatever weird shit men like or demand).

No. 2367100

Nonas - who is the asshole in this situation? Am I justified in being upset? I gifted my boyfriend a fleshlight sex toy for his birthday. When he was leaving the next day he asked me for the toy to bring home with him. I told him how I wanted to be with him when he used it for the first time and he informed me he already used last night, citing he did it cause I fell asleep early and he got “horny”. Am i the asshole because I’m upsey he used it for the first time without me? He didn't even attempt to wake me up to ask if i would be interested in participating. Or am I the asshole for not explicitly stating when I first got it for him that I had hoped we would “break it in” together? I didn’t expect him to only use it with me every single time, but I guess I assumed it was like, common sense, that we would use it together for the first time, or that at the very least he would have taken/sent me a video or something of him using it considering it was a gift from me. I’m annoyed he’s acting like it my fault cause I fell asleep early and that he didn’t even consider me when I’m the one who gifted it to him. Only now that I’m standing my ground that he fucked up is he apologizing and saying what he did was wrong.

No. 2367104

Why would you gift him a sex toy for his birthday? That's really depressing.

No. 2367107

Anons from the relationship advice thread in /g/ might be better qualified for this.

No. 2367110

You're both doomed

No. 2367111

Different strokes (literally) for different folks? My rationale was it would be kind of a funny gag gift and also could be fun to use in the bedroom together as we use toys on me during sex. I’ve always wanted to see a guy use one I guess because it’s a little taboo. Also, he had mentioned he might be travelling for work for 2-3 weeks in a couple months so I was thinking it was a naughty little fun gift for when we can’t be together. He had also mentioned to me he had one before years ago. It definitely backfired!

No. 2367113

I could understand getting him a vibrator or something but a fucking fleshlight is literally borderline cucking yourself

No. 2367114

A fleshlight isn't really a typical "fun for two" type of sex toy, right? I'd never gift it in a relationship personally so take with a grain of salt I guess but if I did I probably wouldn't expect that he'd use it first with me there without communicating that expectation..

No. 2367115

>Am i the asshole because I’m upsey he used it for the first time without me? He didn't even attempt to wake me up to ask if i would be interested in participating.
You gifted him a solo sex toy and now you're mad that he used it, well, solo? I'm not understanding your thought process here. Especially since you didn't tell him you wanted to use it together. YTA nonnie.

No. 2367120

I understand where you’re coming from, but I personally don’t see a huge difference between a vibrator and a fleshlight. I don’t see it as cucking because it’s a just a sleeve of plastic in my eyes. I even joked when I gave him the gift it would be like having a threesome. I’m mostly upset that he was inconsiderate and didn’t think about involving me, or seemingly care if I was involved around or not. Also that he used me sleeping as reasoning for doing it when I was literally right there and he could have just woken me up and said “hey im really horny and want to try that new toy you bought.”. If at that point I was like “nah im sleepy” thats one thing, but I feel hurt and left out that he did it without me and I missed his first reaction to using it.

No. 2367122

It's the first step to your boyfriend becoming a goon, congratulations (if he wasn't one already).

No. 2367124

Yes, this rationale is why I’m coming to nonas for some perspective. However, it upset me cause he was in my apartment when he this happen and I was there. Its worth noting I got hot in the night cause we had moved a fan into the living room. So I got up and went to lay on the couch to get cool. I guess he woke up, saw me not in bed with him (my bed!) and then decided to use the new toy cause I was sleeping on the couch. He didnt even tell me about it in the morning, I didn’t find out until he was leaving and asked for it to bring home. Like, it seems rude that I bought him the gift and he couldn’t have been like “hey, i used that new toy last night and really enjoyed it thank you” or something. But ultimately, yes, I understand now I should have been more clear I wanted to devirginize the fleshlight together cause i genuinely was excited to see how he reacted to the sensation for the first time.

No. 2367125

It's shaped like a pussy, no? That's different to me.

No. 2367131

yesnona, i get they are two sex toys with two different shapes. lol. however to me personally, they are both just sex toys. i would feel the same way if i bought him a new vibrator and he used it without me the first time when it was a gift from me. i also thought it might be kinda hot to see him using a new taboo toy as its not something you see everyday. we use lots of toys and experiment a lot during sex, but at the end of the day what i cherish most is having those experiences together as a couple. but trust me, i realize now i may have bitten off more than i could chew and should have communicated more what i was expected with such a raunchy toy. im in the stage of anger where i dont even wanna see the damn toy anymore cause he tainted it and it has bad vibes attached to it now!

No. 2367145

It annoys me you always have to be thinking two steps ahead of men to control their stupidity, or else it falls on the woman for not communicating common sense to them. Then men get a Get-Out-Of-Jail card when there should be some expectation of them to know their partner and how they may react or feel about a situation. Relationships shouldn’t feel like a game of chess with winners and losers.

No. 2367152

Best way to win the game is not playing it.

No. 2367154

Just started dating a seemingly sweet guy who I didn’t think was a creep, but I noticed he’s following a swingers account that also follows him back. How should I bring this up with him?

No. 2367155

I'm exactly just like you, super disconnected from outside society except other than doomscrolling i also argue online and i also play games. There are many like you you are not alone, you can find women like you online just search really hard.
They grew up with weeb culture online and never matured to realize Japan isn't a perfect paradise. I'm tired of weebs too, i don't care about otakus but weebs are insufferable.

No. 2367164

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I sometimes wear a full face of makeup but then it looks a bit strange when I pair it with a puffer jacket, sweatpants, and sneakers. I mostly wear Sabrina Carpenter-esque ‘ingenue’ makeup like pic rel, but I’d feel like a clown wearing super frilly ‘coquette’ outfits while going out. What can I wear that’ll suite my makeup but at the same time isn’t too showy for casually going out?

No. 2367170

Has he liked any of her pics?

No. 2367174

What does your pinterest board look like?

No. 2367181

I can definitely picture this makeup with a short skirt/tights/big sweater, or a long skirt/tight long-sleeved top/cardigan. Puff-sleeved milkmaid blouses, flowy skirts, short skirts paired with bigger tops, cute pointelle-knit cardigans, etc,. Light-wash loose-fitting jeans with a floral milkmaid top and a white knit cardigan could be super pretty. I hate the Shein "coquette" fashion, but I think there are a ton of ways to work cute feminine pieces into your wardrobe that work with your makeup and still feel cozy and relaxed! A lot of things in this style are very easy to thrift, too; vintage blouses can be a great option when you pair them with something incongruous like a short skirt or modern jeans.

No. 2367182

I'm not sure, it's more a group page that's private. I'm not sure if he follows back everyone who follows him but it makes me pretty uncomfortable considering the group is located in our city, I don't know if I should bring it up to the person who set us up and ask her about it since she was the one who told me he hasn't been with anyone in years or ask him about it in private.

No. 2367195

>bring it up to the person who set us up and ask her about it
Do this. If she doesnt have any good info then just ask him personally, better to get this off your chest asap before you invest anything more

No. 2367297

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Just off a skim of his Wikipedia page, why was he so lame? I was never big into The Beatles and haven't looked into the other guys, but John's the one people seem to get most defensive over

No. 2367303

He was a woman beater

No. 2367305

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No. 2367310

Thank you for the advice nonnie, I ended up talking to him about it and he told me that he had followed it a while back when his roommate was trying to convince him to do those things, I know his roommate ( the brother of the person who set me up with the guy) is a bit of a creep and a sex addict so now I feel like a fool.

No. 2367328

Well that too but for example things like the bed-in where he and Yoko sat in bed for 2 weeks to protest war (which ok yes being anti-war at the time was a big no-no in America) just come off as so lame but when I google it it's a bunch of people swearing "No ackshually it was based and you since we're still talking about it decades later it CLEARLY worked!" And then everything else he did post-Beetles seems to be flaunting his ugly penis in the name of "art"

No. 2367331

any suggestions for quality wired headphones that aren't super expensive? i'm taking classes virtually this semester.

No. 2367346

I use Koss Portapro headphones and really like them, they're on-ear as opposed to over-ear which could be a pro or con (I personally prefer on-ear because I wear glasses, and over-ear headphones that form a seal press my glasses into my temples). The big perk of the Portapro is that they fold up tiny into a little carrying case, so they're easier to throw into a bag or carry around without worrying about hurting them. Sound quality is good, I'm not an expert and I assume they're pretty mid-tier but they get the job done and they're fairly inexpensive (I think I paid $30 for mine maybe 3 years ago). I use them for work and also for music, they've been good for both use cases.

No. 2367361

Should I put on a moisturiser first and sunscreen second or vice versa?

No. 2367373

moisturiser first

No. 2367460

I read you're supposed to put on sunscreen first because otherwise you're creating a barrier between the sunscreen and your skin. But moisturizer on top of sunscreen feels like you're rubbing it off so idk.

No. 2367466

You're always supposed to do sunscreen last

No. 2367473

Sunscreen effectiveness is about absorption, so put your sunscreen on first, wait a bit, and then put your moisturiser on

No. 2367476

Moisturiser first. Sunscreen blocks out the sun's rays better if you put it on top.

No. 2367483

Laughing at every response being different

No. 2367486

It's because they don't understand that there are different types of sunscreens with different properties and usage. Maybe someday they'll learn to read instructions.

No. 2367491

Whatever sunscreen you're using will probably say when to apply it, but I've always done moisturizer then sunscreen so the sunscreen can form an undisturbed barrier on my skin. Even if you do apply moisturizer last though, you'll have to reapply the sunscreen so either way it ends up on top.

No. 2367503

What are some uses for Aloe gel? I bought a huge bottle of it from Trader Joes a year ago and I don't know what to use it for aside from using it after I use Nair lol

No. 2367505

Hot take but I think it's because society was less pornified than it is today. The popularization of the internet brought an age of extreme porn exposure and degeneracy, as well as normalizing exposing yourself to millions of complete strangers via social media (not necessarily talking about porn in this case). So appearances became more important than they have ever been, coupled with everything bring so sexualized made women focus on being hot and fuckable due to intense social pressure and the good old conditioning to measure our self worth by male approval. Males now openly list over extremely feminine perfect hourglass women due to becoming pornbrained, so women feminize themselves to extremes.

No. 2367507

if oily skin dont put moisturizer and sunscreen (moisturize at night)
if dry skin 1. moisturize, wait for it to absorb 2. sunscreen

No. 2367508

thanks nonny!

No. 2367513

I love using it as an after sun lotion! It's great to use on sensitive skin, depending on the ingredients in yours you might be able to use it on your face, and you can use it as a hair mask and scalp mask.

No. 2367617

Tell me incredibly low calorie foods.

No. 2367619

Where can I find scrotes that I could trick into giving me money?

No. 2367626

No. 2367641

She said food
Ice cube

No. 2367646

berries yum

No. 2367672

File: 1737940864674.jpg (181.49 KB, 1065x360, 360_F_320398572_P4HHAy08qiRKI9…)

Most fruits, and almost all vegetables.

No. 2367685

Fried chicken, but only one bite once a week. You give the rest to homeless shelter.

No. 2367728

Quick, does anyone remember the stats of how much funding gets given to troon groups versus lesbian groups?

IIRC it was like 70% of donations to "queer" charities end up going to troon-centric charities and only 5% goes to lesbian groups, but I can't remember for sure.

No. 2367737

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Shirataki noodles have almost no calories with a decent amount of fiber

No. 2367741

boiled mushrooms

No. 2367749

Is it cringe to buy alcohol using a passport as Id? For some reason I feel like it'll make me look like an idiot to use such a "big" form of ID but I don't drive or have any other form of ID I can use.

No. 2367751

what do you think is going to happen if ai continues to grow unchecked?

No. 2367756

Will my Data Analyst job eventually be taken by AI

No. 2367757

The internet will continue to be fed with inbred slop and nothing will be done about it because the geriatric retards in charge absolutely love inbred slop.

No. 2367759

If it keeps being retarded we will be able to easily defeat them during the robot uprising

No. 2367760

Why do some parents punish their kids with the bar of soap in mouth tactic? What if the kid swallows it (not the bar but the soap itself)? Boom, poisons control centre. What's it even supposed to do?

No. 2367761

They might think it's weird that you don't drive but I wouldn't let a moment of possible mild judgement from some random cashier stop you from getting a drink.

Also idk about your country but in mine you can get a 'photo card' ID which has all the same details as a drivers license but without the driving part. If you don't intend on learning to drive then I would look into something like that, imo it would be a pain and a risk to carry around a passport anytime I wanted to prove who I am.

No. 2367771

I just looked into to that and for some reason I thought they were phasing them out but I guess not. I'll probably just do that instead, thanks anon

No. 2367783

It’s possible.

No. 2367816

it's likely

No. 2367868

what is the cutest export to come out of Russia and Germany? Ex. Japan hello kitty and anime, UK paddington and peppa.
I saw a TikTok of someone asking this question and it made me kek but I couldn't think of an answer

No. 2367869

No clue about Russia. For Germany it's Diddl.

No. 2367871

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Russia’s has got to be Cheburashka

No. 2367872

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what in the inflation kink is this I genuinely cant tell if you're trolling or not

No. 2367873

If you didn't grow up in Europe in the 90s and 2000s you just wouldn't get it. That thing was everywhere.

No. 2367875

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Would the answer for Burgerland be Snoopy

No. 2367876

whats his deal? i'm from across the pond I've never seen this creature I'm fascinated he is so…German kek

No. 2367877

For the Netherlands it would be Miffy and for Sweden it would be Moomintroll

No. 2367881

Snoopy and Disney in general probably Winnie the Pooh, Tweetie, Curious George and Spongebob [I think he's fugly but for some reason so many foreigners find him charming ]

No. 2367884

Snoopy is the cutest one imo

No. 2367885

Snoopy rules he mogs all nations cute icons especially the broad in threadpic

No. 2367886

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Why are Germans so gross and depraved? I'm honestly asking

No. 2367888

I don't even know why it was so popular, here (not Germany) it was so popular that little girls created extensive networks to trade stationary in case they could resell that one pen or scented sheet of letter paper for thousands of euros on ebay. You'd think they were speculating in Wall street.

No. 2367892

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for russia i vote matryoshka dolls

No. 2367896

File: 1737955344244.jpg (227.35 KB, 1500x1000, diddl-fait-son-comeback.jpg)

Diddl is making a comeback, they're releasing new products this year, at least in France. I think I'm gonna get a note pad to satisfy my childhood nostalgia

No. 2367899

Im a burger and reading the wiki for this is taking me out
>Diddlina: Diddl's girlfriend
>Professor Diddldaddl Bubblebang
>Diddl's Cheese Cave: Diddl's home
>Count Diddcula: A jumping mouse vampire who lives in Castle Bibberstein

No. 2367904

This is the answer for sure

No. 2367959

Any media that sexualizes cute men for the female audience?

No. 2367982

Free, any BL, any idol anime, most modern spokon, nucani, the LADS game.

No. 2368084

File: 1737972997455.jpg (38.83 KB, 800x800, 800x.jpg)

See how the hips are exposed? I'm an inverted triangle with hip dips (God hates me). Will that kind of outfit balance my bodyshape out or will it just amplify my lack of hips?

No. 2368093

I don't have an answer to your question but I find that kind of fashion and outfits trashy and ugly. I have a similar body to yours though and at a short height and low weight, but also skinny fat and boney in some places, fat in others. I find wearing fitted shirts that hug your waist and high waist jeans flattering on me. As well as swing dresses.

No. 2368102

Wouldn't you compensate by adding volume instead of skin tight clothes?

No. 2368116

I don't think it would, no. But the low rise jeans should.

No. 2368142

>short height and low weight, but also skinny fat and boney in some places, fat in others
Lol you're literally me. Noted, waist-hugging fits it is then
Maybe, because usually recommended fits are stuff like A-line dresses or flared pants (I hate the latter tho)

No. 2368219

the acquisition of wealth will no longer be the driving force in our lives. we will have more time to better ourselves and the rest of humanity.

No. 2368221

Explain how this is the outcome?

No. 2368225

If AI gets to a point where it can handle most jobs and decision-making, it could create a post-scarcity society. Basically, it’d automate everything—production, resource distribution, problem-solving—so we wouldn’t need to grind for survival anymore. Wealth wouldn’t matter as much because AI would make sure everyone’s basic needs are met.

When you don’t have to worry about paying rent or putting food on the table, people could focus on improving themselves, being creative, or actually helping others instead of competing for limited resources. It’s a big ‘if,’ but if done right, AI could make life less about chasing money and more about actually living.

No. 2368234

You could say this for every single invention human's have created, at yet the vast majority of us are still stuck being overworked and underpaid. It's a bitter pill to swallow but this world will never be a utopia. AI will be yet another resource the wealthy will use to get even wealthier and it won't be used for much else.

No. 2368238

Well since AI uses so much natural resources and water for cooling the same with the cryptocoins we're all going to be doomed to die in scarcity anyway, now kids are just going to use ai for school work and get intellectually lazy and nothing will ever change because as humans age they start realising their demise is inevitable and some people go out being psycho selfish assholes cause they don't have empathy for future generations

No. 2368249

>It's a bitter pill to swallow but this world will never be a utopia
Not with that attitude

No. 2368255

I was having coffee with my former manager.
She mentioned that I have so much ‘freedom’ because I don’t have a partner/kids.
What is this freedom she speaks of?

Half my income (after tax) is spent on rent, I have limited energy to do anything outside of work.

No. 2368287

I get to hear this too from time to time. It´s a luxury to sleep in or nap whenever you want for example or not having to cook healthy when you don´t feel like it and just eat pizza for a week straight. Image you had a child, you´d even have less money and less energy.

No. 2368293

omg you're right!! Why only in France?? I hope they'll release it here in Germany too.

No. 2368296

For some reason, looking at this thing makes me sad. Maybe it's some sort of monkey brain pity for smaller deformed and helpless creatures yet I feel like I have to protect him

No. 2368301

- Can make plans on a whim without worrying about tiny human spawns.
- More time for weeb hobbies, gaming marathons, or grinding career XP.
- No “pls feed me” or “help me with math” responsibilities daily.
- Wallet stays thicc—no paying for Lil Timmy’s braces, soccer camp, or overpriced school trips.
- Extra cash = more spending on waifus, travel, concerts, or stonks.
- No “kid tax” on life; can actually save money without future daycare/college drains.
- Can job hop, move cross-country, or work chaos hours with no probs.
- No juggling spawn care with grindset.
- Can go full Sigma on the career ladder with no interruptions.
- Quiet time whenever tf you want—no screeching kids breaking the vibe.
-Social life stays alive and can hit up events or parties without babysitter drama.
-Can yeet yourself on last-minute trips or go to places that hate kids
-Freedom for spicy/adult fun without “kid-safe” filters.
- No stress of raising a mini-boss IRL.
- More HP and stamina for self-care, relationships, or leveling up.
- Your needs > everyone else’s.
- Can live in smol apartments or chaotic city lofts without worrying about bunk beds and playrooms.
- Full freedom to live your best chaotic, unconventional life—no kiddo repercussions.

No. 2368307

imagine becoming a background chatacter in your own life, can't go to bed when you want, eat when you want or spend time alone and in most women's case their husband is another giant lumbering manchild "unable" to do anything for himself
Pretty much every mom I've known not only have full time jobs but are basically the full time carers for everyone in their family, they truly have no me time anymore

No. 2368309

sorry for doublepost but anon why do you talk like a le epic redditor

No. 2368312

Stupid question, but this came to mind after reading about someone complaining about their breasts: is it possible for a woman to not like their breasts in a similar way tifs do but not in a trans/gendie way?

No. 2368313

one sentiment ive seen a lot on tiktok is mothers saying they can no longer rot if you have children. that would suck. i live to rot.

No. 2368314

I found a YouTube niche that was just millennial French women showing off their Diddl merch collections. It was cute and wholesome I must say. I support you Diddlchans.

No. 2368321

Yeah, plenty of women hate their tits without it being a gendie thing. Could just be BDD or they’re annoyed about size, sag, or whatever. Sometimes they’re just a pain in the ass, like giving back problems, getting in the way during workouts, or making clothes fit weird. Or maybe they just hate the attention. Kinda sad that trannies are taking up so much room in woman’s spaces that its becoming harder to identify biological womens issues.

No. 2368323

Yes. That is a really common feeling amongst women, but tifs think they are the only ones hating their bodies and explain it as a sign of not being an actual woman while having the most common woman feeling.

No. 2368338

I used to cry myself to sleep as a teenager over the fact that I couldn't cut off my breasts. Lived with that hatred throughout my 20s and only now in my 30s am I sort of fine with having them. They're saggy and ugly, but they're a part of my body's overall health so to cut them off would be absurd. I think it's very common. Breasts suck. People's obsession with them suck. Now I cope by going braless and not giving a fuck, and I'm glad more women do.

No. 2368352

I fucking hate my boobs. They've never been a strong suit but I frequently hate the way they get in the way when I'm trying to sleep, how they jiggle and pull when I'm trying to run, they're just really cumbersome. I don't think it's dysphoric, they're literally just objectively fucking annoying

No. 2368356

I like my boobs but I am flat chested

No. 2368396

Of course. Hating breasts, being disgusted by the vagina and resentful of the female reproductive system are all ways in which misogyny manifests, especially in girls. Women don't love other women when they don't love themselves.

No. 2368399

Maybe some people find the female reproductive system burdensome. One because of periods (for an obvious reason, pain), two because they wouldn't want to go through pregnancy (also can be painful or inconvenient). Doesn't mean they can't be friends with other women.

No. 2368409

I don't think it's necessarily misogyny though. I hate my breasts because they are annoying, and on top of that, people sexualize me because of them. I agree if what you mean is hating on female reproductive system, overall….just because.

No. 2368411

I don't hate women just because I'm unable to love my tits kek.

No. 2368429

I hate my breasts because my hormones make them fucking sensitive everyday of my sad little life

No. 2368456

he must have never made his way to the UK because i don't remember seeing him.

No. 2368520

Why does sugar free candy make you shit your brains out while sugar free soda doesn't?

No. 2368533

I think it depends on the kind of artificial sweetener + the ratios of the sweetener(s) + it's a liquid

No. 2368665

Is it true that different kinds of crazies tend to attract each other? I am cluster c and tend to be extremely attracted to cluster b people

No. 2368726

Why do mean people enjoy being mean? What kind of positive feeling does it evoke?

No. 2368735

I like the feeling of being chaotic. It doesn't emotionally upset me because I just find it funny. That is, if you're talking about the banter on here instead of people being mean in real life.

No. 2368760

No, I mean actual mean people. You ever met people who are skilled in being like that? They know how to word their sentences so that it hurts you but not so overt that others can call them out on it.

No. 2368783

Passive/subtle aggression. Yeah, I've experienced that. I think they get a kick out of putting someone they perceive as being lower than them down more, or they want to "put you in your place" because they've decided they don't like you for whatever petty reason. It could also be you remind them of something they don't like about themselves, aka projection. Whatever reason they're going after you for, it gives people a boost in their ego to feel like they have control over another person. They want you to seem/feel smaller so they can look down on you. They like walking on others for their own gain, just because they can.

No. 2368816

men often use being fake mean as a form of bonding, while women tend to be fake nice to bond

No. 2368925

It's a power trip. That's why you should never react to their shit, just brush it off as much as you can and let them find a more interesting target. Men are psychopaths by nature so they're a lost cause, but women who do this normally don't have a lot of control over their lives in other areas, so they try to put others down as a way to throw their weight around.

No. 2369019

There's something intoxicating about knowing you have the ability to ruin someone's day/mood. It feels powerful, to have the ability to string together the right combination of words and know it's killing someone inside. Every saddened, hurtful and dejected response is confirmation to the mean person that their words cut deep enough inside you, and that their witty cruelty matters enough to illicit a strong negative response from you. Obviously power is hierarchical so they don't try this with people they view as having some leverage over them, like a boss, or someone meaner etc. But when they find someone they perceive as a decent person to victimize, they test how well they can humble the person. Best way to describe this nonna, is to imagine it as if it's a non-sexual kink. Just like when there's kinks you don't understand how any person could get excited by, you have to realize that in their brain is a dopamine rush that comes after hurting someone's feelings. That dopamine rush makes it fun. For people like you, your brain doesn't illicit the same dopamine response, it just produces feelings of guilt. Same way choking kinks turn some girls on, and revolt other girls strongly. There's a missing chemical response to it.

But this isn't a static state. I used to be meaner in highschool because others were mean to me. It's like playing one of those street fighting video games, the first punches you land on your opponent after they beat you down feels euphoric, like you're finally fighting back. Except in real life, the opponent you punch, doesn't have to be the same one who punched you to start. Sometimes anyone will do, it just feels good to get that punch out.

No. 2369025

One of my favourite qualities is that I drive people like this absolutely insane because I don't get offended by anything and can match their energy just as discreetly kek

No. 2369136

Can anyone explain what lesbians/ssa women mean when they say they get treated like a man by their gfs? I'm asking sincerely because it's never specific and I want to understand kek

No. 2369189

Are gay moids sexual habits considered degenerate to the average woman or do I have conservative brainrot?
My coworker mentioned me he gets PrEP at our Friday drinks. I find it so gross the idea of having sex with someone you don’t even trust not to give you an incurable STI.

No. 2369194

That usually means their gfs see them as the providers and decision makers, which is an extremely fucking exhausting position to be solely assigned to.

No. 2369317

Why does wearing a full face of makeup make you look kinda dirty?

No. 2369320

because you are wearing chemicals on your face

No. 2369323

it shouldnt if youve blended it well enough

No. 2369331

Because makeup is greasy minerals

No. 2369335

Scroteoptahty of the zoomerus

No. 2369457

it can be a slippery slope especially when dating bisexual or "bisexual" girls, or pillow princesses who will only date touch-me-not stone butches, though it can happen in all sorts of lesbian combinations. Basically expect their girlfriend to do heavy labour, be a full time provider, be a giver but not a reciever, not really see them as a woman but a man by proxy and exclude them from girls meetups, girly events etc

No. 2369483

Is the last Venus thread locked or is there a newer one that I'm not finding?

No. 2369504

Yeah, it got locked because Venus went on a meth-induced rampage in there.

No. 2369513

File: 1738072664431.jpg (68.46 KB, 735x490, b7ff3ee601084f1f8121a0a06bd376…)

To what extent is sexual dimorphism a genuine factor in human attraction? Has its importance in determining what is considered attractive been biologically ingrained, or has it been significantly amplified by societal and cultural ideas over time?

No. 2369533

Definitely societal shit because sexual dimorphism disgusts me. I know it's a stretch to make this claim, but people who are into it seem to just have a size difference fetish. I like my males as human looking as possible, please. And if that means they have 'feminine' traits like bigger, more expressive eyes, healthy hair, and a normal sized chin then so be it. Plus historically you can see periods of time where women and males didn't really look so dramatically different, this whole shilling of big pot bellied bearded, bald orcs seems fairly recent.

No. 2369543

This is kind of a big question for this thread kek.

Humans don't really experience sexual dimorphism. There are some minor differences between the sexes, but that's commonplace in most mammals anyway: thing like women usually being smaller than men, or men having bigger heads than women, or the differences in reproductive systems. These things wouldn't really be considered sexual dimorphism IMO, or at least not in the proper way like how peacocks and peahens experience sexual dimorphism. Besides, lots of women have "masculine" traits and just as many men have "feminine" traits, e.g., there are women that are 6'0 and men that are 5'0.

You'll often see certain traditionalists online claim things like "oh, men are specifically attracted to women with wide hips because it signals that those women will have easy childbirth, and that's a biological imperative," but IMO these lines of thinking greatly reduce the human experience and simplify biological processes. For example, during the period of time when smallpox was a serious threat to human health, smallpox scars were considered unsightly and unattractive: but, biologically, it "should" have been attractive because those scars represented that the person that had them has a strong enough immune system to fight off the virus and live, which in terms of biology would be a great asset for reproductive purposes. No sane human being is going to think like an animal; i.e., most human beings are more complex than an animal.

I think attraction is an individual experience, but it can be greatly influenced by society. Society is in constant flux, so then what is considered socially attractive is also constantly changing too. In Ancient Rome, it was considered unbecoming for any person, woman or man, to have body hair, but in the Modern West, only women are expected to shave. In some cultures, like Persianate cultures, a unibrow is considered to be highly attractive, but in the modern West it's considered very unattractive. Cultural norms and societal expectations don't rule a person though, they merely influence a person. A person isn't always attracted to what society claims to be attractive.

TL;DR: human attraction can be influenced by the society in which they live, but, it will always be an individual experience that differs greatly between everyone.

No. 2369545

On a scale of 1-10, how concerned should I be that my blowdryer smells a bit burnt and smokes up sometimes? Like whats the worst that could happen

No. 2369547

It depends. Do you keep a fire extinguisher nearby?

No. 2369566

Thanks nona, that's very interesting.
I had this doubt because I've seen so many people claim that is just natural for men to want women to look certain way, but then if that's a biological truth, why in the past the differences between the way men and women looked weren't as extreme as nowadays (in some places).

Also sorry if this wasn't the right thread to post this kek, didn't know where else to post it.

No. 2369579

>Also sorry if this wasn't the right thread to post this kek
Don't be sorry, I just meant that it was a more inquisitive question than what's usually posted in this thread kek.

No. 2369580

Does fasting burn away all your muscle before it burns fat?

No. 2369586

It happens at the same time.

No. 2369625

10. There's probably lint trapped in it that's already burning.

No. 2369632

If you're a man, probably, but women hold onto muscle longer than males do, so you'd probably be alright.

No. 2369643

File: 1738080218561.jpeg (1.23 MB, 1554x1875, IMG_2198.jpeg)

I’m a virgin in my 20s…. is erectile dysfunction really that common?

No. 2369649

For males in their 20's? It shouldn't be, but some have ED due to porn addiction and possible low testosterone, but I would say that no, erectile dysfunction for males in their 20's is not "common". It's very strange for a young adult male to have ED.

No. 2369650

I see. Some of the comments in that thread were saying it starts once they leave their early 20s, which sounds crazy to me

No. 2369667

ED generally starts when men are in their older middle age or later. Porn addicted moids with death grips have a plethora of weird dick issues, like being unable to get hard at all, being unable to orgasm without jerking off with a vice grip, and being unable to last more than a few minutes before their dicks close shop. Technically it's ED, but it's cured by not being a porn addict, not by taking boner pills and buying a sports car.

No. 2369668

They will get ED at age 24 and then expect 19 year olds to want them and to expect other 24 year old women to be with 30 year olds.

No. 2369705

Men's porn addictions and drug addictions wreck their dick. On the way out with one of my exes his coke habit was getting out of hand but he could fuck for ages and not be able to cum so he use to have to give me a lot of orgasms and then I'd tap out and be like enjoy your coke dick asshole.

No. 2369715

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No. 2369806

Given that singlehood in older women is stigmatized, is there no spinster pride movement?

No. 2369824

It’s probably not needed as spinsters are already immensely powerful and happy

No. 2369828

File: 1738089109051.jpg (34.72 KB, 650x650, oG_650x650-witch-hazel-.jpg)

is an asexual straight married relationship possible

No. 2369833

I guarantee most of them literally just need to stop watching porn, but men would rather die than stop watching porn even when they're in loving relationships because of their faulty brains. I think I have the opposite of gender dysphoria, I'm so happy I'm not the gender that has a permanent sex addiction programed so hard into their brain that they can't focus on anything else and will choose the objectively worse option. I mean what fucking retarded creature goes
>"getting to mate and pass on my genes, which is my whole life purpose? No, I choose to instead watch a hotter man with a bigger cock than me get to mate with a woman right in front to me… while I just watch and touch myself and waste my own mating potential on nothing."

No. 2369840

No, not even in theory. Men treat women that USED to have sex with their husbands but stopped as licherally hitler.

No. 2369845

This is exactly how I think too kek, I'm so glad I was born as the rational sex.

No. 2369867

Perhaps evolutionarily speaking low quality males are actually supposed to be like that. Perhaps their true sexual need is not to mate and impregnate a woman - but to watch the high quality males get to pass on their genes while their faulty genes are wasted, on purpose, so their bad genes don't get passed on. Their "sex" is masturbating, they're not meant to ever touch anyone else.
They were never meant to breed, they were meant to be used for hard labour and in war while the high quality males are the only ones who get to breed.

No. 2369873

I would think so because don't most marriages eventually become asexual kek
If you're an asexual person and and marry another asexual person I can't imagine it would be a problem, but I have never seen a good ending from a couple where one of them is asexual and the other isn't

No. 2369877

A lot of men are just straight up lazy though and insecure. I was dating this man 6/7 years older than me and he remarked on my stamina a few times on top or would make me stop going on top because he'd cum too fast but he didn't have the stamina himself to last long when he was in control and if he managed to do missionary on top for 5 minutes he'd always commend himself on the 'workout' afterwards and I had to grin like an idiot and be like yeah haha when it was mostly a let down and he never did aftercare like cuddle or pillow talk just go wash himself off. Before we broke up I started asking for him to get me off if he came too soon and I stopped lying about how satisfied I was. Then he broke up with me via text and said it was too much of a chore kek

No. 2369898

It usually means they grew up subjected to these primitive hierarchies, either being bullied at home or at school, and so something on the back of their brain is always telling them that if they don't subjugate someone then they're about to be the next victim.
Some people are just sociopaths for no reason though, they discovered they could do it without anyone doing it to them first, and they never stopped

No. 2369908

Why do you people even bother entering these ‘relationships’ to begin with?!

No. 2369912

Because he conned me with enthusiastic interest, dates and sex in the beginning

No. 2369913

Mental illness

No. 2369915

But he is old and the sex wasn’t good

No. 2369917

Both in our 30s

No. 2369926

Instead women are the sex that has to get subjected to porn addicted moids, so much better.

No. 2369937

File: 1738092039816.jpeg (110.84 KB, 1179x1681, IMG_0426.jpeg)

Why the fuck am I built like a gum ball machine. I look like an inorganic shapeless tube with a clog stuck in the middle like in the cartoons

No. 2369939

Perhaps in a past life you were a gumball machine and the appreciation of a million children gave you the necessary karmic points to be reborn as a human and to experience the beauty of life.

No. 2369940

File: 1738092197109.jpeg (46.15 KB, 869x782, IMG_0427.jpeg)

I look like the fucking hole punch shape from the side except my legs are even shorter than my torso

No. 2369942

How do I give off promiscuous energy to mask my loneliness?

No. 2369943

That’s a beautiful thought I will keep in mind thanks anon.

No. 2369952


No. 2369953

File: 1738092686985.jpg (122.68 KB, 480x640, ottertotem.jpg)

How do you feel about totem poles, nonna?

No. 2369983

I have to carry these all day at work I was so surprised to see one here

No. 2370114

Is a ratio of 300 likes on 14k views on YouTube good? I'm completely lost ever since they removed the dislike button lmao.

No. 2370142

Most people don't bother to like, so I would say yes

No. 2370216

Anyone else think the duo trad anti-abortion amerifag baiters (one uppercase, the other lowercase) that always go "anon,…" might be gay lovers?

No. 2370218

Most notorious gay couple on lolcow kekkkk

No. 2370223

File: 1738107172591.jpg (10.55 KB, 203x249, 113ccabc-ed71-4da0-960b-5b587b…)

Well, now I do.

No. 2370233

It's just the same person Capsing and then not capsing.

No. 2370274

This post to me perfectly exemplifies victim-mentality. Imagine wanting to rather be a pornrotted moid addicted to wanking off to porn, than just existing neutrally as a woman.

That's the kind of mentality that keeps you miserable and turns you into a bootlicker of whoever you deem to be the most "powerful". Basically they're set to thinking "I don't want to be the victim, so I'd rather be the one to commit the crime" and they start acting depraved - for example by trooning out, or by becoming a massive pick-me who sucks up to men. Just changing the example around can show how messed up the thinking is, for example they'd rather be an offending pedophile themselves than having to accept pedophiles exist in this world. They think BEING the pedophile is the better option (at least they get laid!) over having to deal with them existing. To most sane people it's clear that's not the case, but they're so far in their own victim mentality they're blackpilled and think being a victim is inescapable.

No. 2370281

So what you're saying is it's kind of like Onceler-cest.

No. 2370447

oh yes, exactly.

No. 2370513

What's sabo?

No. 2370521

Who said I wanted to be a porn-rotted moid? That isn't a great existence but being a woman isn't roses and daisies either. Women can also be degens. I don't need to put men down to feel better about being a woman, I just am.

No. 2370534

what's the point of a relationship if you can't have sex, that's literally all men are good for

No. 2370574

Sabo like the spanish word? It means to know. Like when someone says they are a "no sabo" kid, it's like them saying they don't know how to speak spanish.

No. 2370758

Do apple cider vinegar and probiotics really help with weight loss?

No. 2370760

yes, absolutely

No. 2370766

File: 1738141063470.png (257.97 KB, 400x400, 1000036163.png)

How tf do I stop thinking about my abusive pos ex? It's not like I want him back but he lives in my head rent free because I am so angry about the way I was treated. Getting revenge would maybe make it better but I don't want to go to jail because of this pos and "to live a happy life is the best revenge" also doesn't really help, so something in between would be ideal. My therapist says that him having to live with himself and his shitty personality for the rest of his life is already revenge but it's kind of not enough for me. Dude is also a highschool teacher and I feel bad for his students. He also kinda treated me like a student, it was as if he got off on putting himself above other people intellectually and morally (correcting my language, questioning my life choices and education). He was also constantly fishing for compliments like in the beginning he would say shit like "i like to downplay my achievements and skills because it is important to appear humble." And then look at me as if he was holding for applause. Did I date a narcissist?

No. 2370810

Nta but I want all the perks of being in a relationship just without sex, I don't care about it.

No. 2370811

Yes you dated a narcissist. Congratulations for getting out of that one.
Even if he was the one who dumped you there's a veeeeery high chance that he's waiting for you to come crawling back, either by begging him to take you back, or by posting endlessly about how miserable you are without him in your life. He might move onto another woman immediately but trust me, he's waiting for you to get jealous and beg. I know an unfortunate number of narcissists and all of them follow the same patterns, they need attention and approval like they need air.
Ignoring him completely IS revenge, as daft as that sounds.
As for how you move on, you let yourself grieve the time you spent with him. You learn from your mistakes without judging your past self. You treat yourself with kindness and empathy and maybe get a cake on the anniversary of your breakup to celebrate not being tied down to that thing. Your anger and hurt won't change what happened, it only drags you down. Idk how much this applies to you, but a lot of people who cling to resentment after their abuse do so out of a subconscious fear that the abuse will somehow be cancelled out or forgiven and forgotten if they move on. It won't be. Holding onto your shitty past won't make your life any better, and it won't hurt your ex, so you might as well allow yourself to move on. It's hard, but you can do it.

No. 2370814

Basically a friendship

No. 2370826

Thank you so much for your kind post anon, it really helped me. I am glad that you also think that way - sometimes it feels like what happened and the things he said were so ridiculous that it couldn't be real. When I tell other people about it they look at me as if I am insane like "why would you deal with that". Throughout the whole thing I kind of felt like a crab getting boiled alive and I could kick myself for ignoring so many fucked up things and there were also sexual boundaries that were ignored. He tried to push me into having sex with him on my period and I repeadetly said no I don't want that today but he still took off my pants. The more shit I research about narcissism the more it makes sense tbh. He was often talking down to me and it was as if everything to him was a contest of who was "better" on his weird imaginary scale that he himself couldn't even reach. I blocked him everywhere and deleted his number so I ensured that I could never contact him or for him to contact me. I sadly have a history of ignoring suspicious behavior and being ridiculously attracted to people like him in the beginning so I made a pact with one of my friends - that I will tell her immediately about anything that seems weird so I won't ever get into a weird thing like that again. You are right about that holding on to it won't make it better, it just wastes my time that I could spend on doing nice things. I love your idea with the cake, I will definitely do that. My favourite is cheesecake. I will get one in a few months and celebrate my freedom.

No. 2370827

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Can your jaw naturally look like this or did she shave it off? I'm bad at recognising shoop or ps jobs unless it looks egregious, can some nonny pls tell me

No. 2370829

thats shoop nona, the only women you see irl with that kind of jaw are either very genetically-blessed or have plastic surgery/jaw scultping

No. 2370831

Might be photoshop since it looks really smooth or maybe she had some filler at the chin part to get her face to be more pointy. It looks like the implant one Michelle Phan had done at some point and this looks similar.

No. 2370838

That’s the meitu app in full effect imo

No. 2370842

File: 1738150137394.jpg (283.06 KB, 1043x1391, 20250129-0002.jpg)

awh, disappointing. I thought it was mostly the makeup kawaiifying her look, but then I noticed the unnaturally pointy chin in some of her photos and was hoping she was just born like that. Sucks because I love seeing black women into jfash even though I'm asian since they're not as common as other type of egirls.

No. 2370852

she’s still super cute tho! just retarded beauty standards in those scenes specifically, even if they just edit a little bit they’re trying to anime-ify themselves w bigger eyes, recessed chin etc

No. 2370854

No. 2370884

It's been three years since I deactived my FB account. Is there a point to reactivate it just so I can delete it completely? I've never used Insta or Threads, but in my country WhatsApp is basically the only messaging app that everyone uses, so even if I get rid of my FB, I'd still be using a Meta service.
So what do you think, nonnas? Is there any point going back just to delete my account?

No. 2370970

>I'm bad at recognising shoop or ps jobs unless it looks egregious
This DOES look egregious tbh, nobody looks like that and if you saw it in irl you would notice how weird it truly looks.

No. 2370996

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What causes naturally wrinkly lips and how do you fix them?

No. 2370997

drink water

No. 2370998

Your lips are very dry. You need to apply moisturizing solutions to alleviate this dryness.

No. 2371000

Why do prison moids so often have face tattoos?

No. 2371001

Just drink more

No. 2371003

drink bone broth

No. 2371006

which bone though? human or animal

No. 2371011

Prison culture. They also want to look tough both inside and outside of prison.

No. 2371013

No. 2371049

What's the point of using a period tracking app?

No. 2371050

To track your period

No. 2371085

Why are zoomers obsessed with the skull emoji? They sound like they're dying or wishing death on people with every sentence by adding it.

No. 2371092

It's what they use instead of the laughing face emoji

No. 2371097

Yeah but why? Is everything so fucking funny that they die from it?

No. 2371098

I think it originates from the phrase “I’M DEADDD” to express that you find something very funny or absurd

No. 2371121

Basically it's part of a dark magick psyop. So, when the eyes see an image, it's interpreted by the Id-Ego connection that's aligned parallel to the plane that exists between the 3rd and 4th chakras. This interpretation actually fuels certain mentalities and ripples throughout the collective unconscious. For example, if you see a flower, you will feel good because the soul energy of the flower is mirrored by the Id-Ego line and processes in the 4th chakra region of the soul-body. This produces positive feelings in the psyche and those positive feelings reverberate through all peoples by proxy of the collective unconscious. Likewise, when you see corpses or dog shit, it will produce negative feelings. These negative feelings can be harnessed by trained warlocks to do evil curses, hexes, foul spells, necromancy, and petty fraud. So of course the warlocks want more negative soul-body energy reverberations so that they can continue to fuck up people's lives, that's why they used social media to promote the skull emoji. When we see the skull emoji, the 3rd chakra reacts very unhappily as the skull is representative of death, destruction, and pestilence, so those soul-paths will be sent out through the reverberations of the Id-Ego line into the collective unconscious to influence all peoples. Unfortunately, a lot of Zoomers don't know about the warlocks because they're all busy playing on their phones using SMS and email, so they were easily tricked into using the skull emoji to promote the nefarious causes of the warlocks and their evil allies. When you see a skull emoji, try to post a heart emoji, a sunshine emoji, or a plant emoji to counteract the negative energies released by the skull emoji and to promote global co-operation and continued peacetime.

No. 2371124

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Thanks for enlightening us with the actual truth anon

No. 2371132

Does ephedrine actually help with attention span? I need to get something important done, but I've been dealing with SAD-related brain fog and my attention span is shot. My friend recommended ephedrine for a temporary fix, but I'm not sure if it's effective or not. Does anyone have any experience with this?

No. 2371134

I feel called out kek. I am unfortunately a perpetrator of this.

No. 2371136

Whaaaaat? No, you're CRAZY anon, of course there isn't a coordinated warlock psyop all over the internet. You should stop talking about this immediately. By the way, I've forgotten what the skull emoji looks like. Can somebody please post it in this very popular thread so that I, and many other users, can see and possibly react to it? Thank you very much.

No. 2371137

Nonnas is this a red flag? I matched with a guy on a dating app and found his Instagram profile. He follows over 1,400 people (many from his town and many women, no lewd accounts tho) and has around 600 followers himself. How do I interpret this? Is this a clear sign of attention whoring behavior?

No. 2371141

It seems like you already know the answer. If it made you uncomfortable to the point that you had to come on here to ask about it, then there's no point in continuing with this potential relationship. You need to learn to trust your own intuition and to stop being afraid of following your gut feeling.

No. 2371144

Yeah but why do you track your period?

No. 2371146

Ntayrt but it's pretty obvious, no?

No. 2371148

To know when it comes back so I don't have an accident when I am wearing the white pants

No. 2371150

My question is why don't you track your period? Do you enjoy randomly getting surprised by bleeding in public or what?

No. 2371151

they also track which days you are most fertile and ovulating

No. 2371152

So you know when exactly you have to get ready by buying pads or tampons and medicine for the pain. Some of us use it as well to know when to not go to the beach/pool because it's a pain in the ass to clean up afterwards and so you know when to wear your old pajamas, underwear and put on your old sheets, use your old towels so you don't damage the new or good ones.

No. 2371162

What does it mean when someone says that they are a "bad winner"? Like wtf man it's just a game.

No. 2371171

I don't because I know more or less when it's coming and I wear my cup in advance in case I'm not sure.
Didn't think of that since I don't have this problem.
Damn it's making me realize how lucky I am with my periods, I don't do anything different or wear special clothing, I just prepare my cup and that's it.

No. 2371174

It means they let winning go to their head and they gloat about it kek

No. 2371179

If you’ve ever seen someone win at a video game and they throw the controller down, jump up and howl in victory, flip their opponent off, do a little dance. That kind of shit.

No. 2371213

I'm 23 years old and i'm 18 years old mentally. I'm mentally distressed and get more retarded each day. How do i become a normie? I'm beyond a NEET, i've fried my brain with internet addiction and OCD. My OCD is exacerbated with my internet use. I don't have any interest that make it worth being so anti-social like art and i don't like the art communnity because it's ridden with disgusting fandom people. My mom signed me up for a technical course but one of the teachers is an obnoxious fat bloated scrote with a gross buzzcut and beard, he is a a computing(?)/IT teacher so he has to scoot over you to see what he is doing in the computer, and he is teaching the class typing so he wants to touch the stundents fingers and shit and i'm so fucking disgusting i went once and i skipped the rest of the classes. My mom is already fed up with me because i dropped out of university twice and i have one more chance or i'm out, so if i put this down she is going to be mad as shit but she was the one who forced me to go to this gross ass technical course. I hate going outside and seeing disgusting scrotes, i'm walking among ogres. I have to wait until may to sign up for university again, but i don't know what to tell my mom because she doesn't want me to sit at home all day rotting my brain but she is right about that so i don't know what to do.

No. 2371222

Get a part time job to bridge the time until may and make some money. If you do it on your own initiative you can show your mom you're taking your future a bit more serious and hopefully that'll take the edge off her anger.

Your mom in not entirely wrong about 'forcing' you to go to university, unless you want to be stuck in retail or fast food making ends meet for the rest of your life which is miserable, you should probably sit through 4 years even if it fucking sucks so you can get a comfy office job or something. Remember you're going to have to work until you're in your 60s.. the choices you make now will have a large impact on how you'll be spending the coming decades.

No. 2371224

You genuinely need to get some sort of job, even if you don't need the money right now. Start jogging or going to the gym as well, anything to get out of the house regularly. Also go to your stupid course kek just tell the teacher not to touch you if he tries and make a complaint to the organizers if he continues.

No. 2371239

Then what do i choose for university? I took a vocational test and apparently i'm suited for arts and mom said to choose interior design before, but does it pay well? I don't think i have the creativity and i'm not bussiness savvy or savvy at anything really, so i don't want to keep wasting money on something i'm not sure of, i'm not good at and doesn't even pay well. What should i study? What do you do after university? I'm beyond retarded. I'm just incredibly childish and incompetent i don't know how to fix it. I was more competent at 12 years old than i am now. My mother and aunt's grandmother just died and i have been postponing going to my aunt's house for weeks so she isn't completely alone because i'm a retard who is anxious that it's going to trigger my OCD somehow.

No. 2371262

going to be without internet for a week or so at home, if this was you nonnies what offline games would you download (steam/xbox game pass)? I have other things to occupy me as well, but wanna make sure I can itch that scratch for gaming

Been playing through Divinity Original Sin 2 for the first time, may do another run in it, have Skyrim (I’d do Oblivion instead but I’m crashed out on that) and Palworld downloaded as well.

No. 2371270

I would make use of the atmospheric disconnect and play Alien Isolation and The Last Of Us.

No. 2371281

Just buy a few bottles of Ambien and sleep through the week until you get Internet again.

No. 2371316

My neighbour keeps singing loudly and badly when she is at home, next to our paper thin wall. It's annoying, should I sing something back to her? if so what?

No. 2371360

If I'm such a narcissist how come I get physical pains when I have to talk myself up in interviews and occasionally suffer imposter syndrome

No. 2371361

do you’re the one that i want from grease so she can duet with you

No. 2371367

Good idea anon, this might go from enemies to lovers romance

No. 2371369

>>2371316(ai outside of containment)

No. 2371377

What is the use of deepfakes? Like what was it originally intended for?

No. 2371380

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i do not work in foodservice, that being said is diarrhea a good enough reason to go home sick?

No. 2371381

No. 2371384

I've moved to the northern hemisphere last year and this is my first winter and I think i'm vitamin D deficient. I've been craving cheese to an unreal amount, I feel like shit if I dont eat cheese twice a day. I have brain fog and fatigue, etc etc. Thankfully no seasonal depression.

What do I do?

Would using a tanning bed help? I know they're awful and give you skin cancer etc but i'm not super pale normally and I tan pretty well. There hasn't been a sunny day in weeks so I have no natural options.

No. 2371385

Take vit D pills and eat fatty fish.

No. 2371388

Have you ever considered taking something called a Vitamin D supplement? You can find them in strange buildings known in the North as "Pharmacies." In these mystical structures there are products known to the sages as "multivitamins." These will help you recover from your deficiency, according to legends of yore anyway.

No. 2371389

Pick up some vitamin D drops

No. 2371394

File: 1738184867815.jpg (23.81 KB, 342x295, 01de8847-68b5-4b06-83cc-f241b6…)

Anons…You do know you need UVB rays to metabolize Vitamin D right? I'm consuming enough of the Vitamin on my diet and I don't need supplements, but my body isn' metabolizing it because I can't get any fucking sunlight.

No. 2371395

Superimposing actors and actresses faces onto body doubles who excel in a particular skill like ballet dancers and stuntwo/men. Black Swan is an example of this, the ballet dancer who danced for most of the film said that she deserved a higher paycheck because without her the film would have never existed kek.

No. 2371397

That must be bullshit or people like inuits would never have thrived.

No. 2371404

File: 1738185190858.png (621.46 KB, 1898x1142, 34234.png)

Polar regions have sunlight. More than that, during the summer the sun is out all 24 hours of the day.

No. 2371405

Yeah but then you get the polar night during winter…

No. 2371407

… That's not how it works, no. I regret ever having tried helping you.

No. 2371441

File: 1738186469901.jpg (85.78 KB, 840x560, 1724312996336724.jpg)

Dry lips anon here. I've understood I need to drink more water. Now my question is how do you drink enough water a day without pissing your pants every 40 minutes? When I try to drink more than one teeny water bottle a day I feel like a diabetic. If I drink 1L of water over the course of the day I literally have to go to the bathroom every single hour.

No. 2371448

2L-3L of water per day. You're pissing a lot now because you're severely dehydrated and it's a shock to your system that it's finally receiving any hydration at all. After some time of drinking an adequate amount of water, your urinary system will calm down.

No. 2371450

I just piss every hour, more often sometimes. idk what else to do but I guess I'd rather be inconvenienced than dehydrated.

>your urinary system will calm down.
This never happened to me, I think it's the opposite - your body becomes so spoiled and accustomed to lots of water and lots of opportunities to pee that it just expects you to keep it up forever.

No. 2371451

Respectfully 3L sounds fucking insane. That's like 15 cups of water. How do you even space out that amount of water? Do you chug 1.5L straight in the morning and the afternoon?

No. 2371452

Chronically dry lips might be Exfoliative Cheilitis.

No. 2371455

It sounds insane because you are used to being unhealthy and because you're not familiar with taking proper care of yourself. 3L is 10 and a half cups over a 14 hour span. That's less than one cup of water per hour.

No. 2371460

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Hmm interesting, but looking at pics it doesn't really look like what's happening to me, I think nonnas are right and I'm just dehydrated kek.

I never thought I'd find myself being unhealthy again after recovering from an ED, but here I am I guess. Maybe giving my bladder a workout for a while will make her stronger. Still sounds like an insane amount of water to me.

No. 2371524

Idk anon. I was Vit D deficient before (officially on paper), my family doctor told me to start supplementing and after a while I was no longer deficient. Despite not being exposed to more sun than usual and living in a rainy country.

No. 2371544

Oooh thank you!

No. 2371592

Nta but I never track mine either because I consistently get symptoms like cramps, bloating, etc. a week beforehand so my body warns itself

No. 2371633

Probably not the healthiest thing to do but what helped me was chugging a liter and then another one like an hour or two later. You get your two liters in and the constant peeing is restricted to like five hours of your day instead of your whole night. Don't chug more than one liter though, kideys apparently can't process more than that at once and anything else is more or less wasted.

No. 2371655

Question related to the above discussion: how can I get more sleep when I have to get up to pee every 30-60 minutes?

No. 2371659

Don’t drink anything 1-2 hours before bed

No. 2371668

Not even two little sips? My throat gets dry easily kek

No. 2371832

What you do at uni has little to do with your future job prospects, so you might as well pick anything you think you can stick with. Interior design is as good a choice as any- even if you can't get a job in that field, you'll still learn how to communicate with potential clients, negotiate with suppliers, build a client base, run a business, and learn how to market yourself. They're very good skills to have and they'll take you a long way no matter what you do in the future.
And get a job as soon as possible. You don't have to like it, you just need to force some sort of socialization and routine into your life. Adulthood is full of things you don't like but have to do, many of which will trigger your OCD in some way, and you need to learn to deal with this in a relatively safe environment, like a shitty part time job that you plan to leave anyway. Working gets you out of the house, away from your doomscrolling, and forces you to break your cyclical thinking. I promise you that nobody cares about your retardation nearly as much as you do. Let yourself fuck up, just focus on learning how to be a more functional human than you are right now.
OCD is a bitch but you're just making it worse by sitting in front of a screen going what if. Confronting your fears and triggers is part of the treatment for OCD. You might be an incompetent retard, but you don't have to stay that way. It's going to take a long time to get better, the sooner you start the sooner you'll improve.

No. 2371835

So advertisers don't have to hire real people.

No. 2371947

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Why do many men, even if skilled and good looking, look bad when trying a slightly more feminine style? I saw this cute man, he looks very androgynous when not wearing makeup or wigs, but as soon as he does it he looks ugly.

No. 2371950

Are you implying that Magnum is anything less than visual perfection?

No. 2371959

File: 1738206282420.jpg (430.94 KB, 1328x1600, Michael_Pitt_Photo2-2035357682…)

Feminine styles were designed for rounded features, is really what it comes down to on a very basic level. That's why women with sharp features look so beautiful in androgynous clothing with but women with rounder features can look matronly or like TIFs, the contrast is too much. Technically rounder men should look nice in more feminine styles. Michael Pitt before the drugs and bpdemon relationship are probably a good example but I don't feel like going through all of his old photos to find a better picrel. Troons think it's as easy as getting fat from estrogen and overeating but it's extremely rare for men to have naturally rounded/soft features to the point that the overall impression is feminine enough and feminine-style clothing works better for them and usually only when they're young. After that they start to look too similar to middle-aged lesbians [wrong picrel but explains why moids look better in clothing with straight lines)

No. 2372000

My stupid question is related to this, what is everyone's most consistent PMS symptoms that lets you know your period is coming?

Asking because I have 2 that I don't hear people talk about. The first one is "insomnia", but it's not that I'm just tired and can't sleep… It's like my need for sleep is cut in half. I have SO much energy and I then only need 3-4h per night and I still feel absolutely fine during the day.
The second giveaway is that when I do sleep… I have extremely intense nightmares. They're so fucked up, they are literal torture that make me not ever want to sleep again. Some of them are so fucking creepy because I'll be aware that I'm asleep and dreaming and meet creepy male characters who taunt me about how they'll be back in the next dream, and how they know I think I'll be safe when I wake up but that I won't ever be safe from them. I need y'all to tell me you also get nightmares as PMS because otherwise I might be haunted by a fucking demon or some shit lmao

No. 2372002

make up and wigs look ugly on anyone imo. I think it makes you look trashy and fake.

No. 2372096

Does Tom Welling look like a country singer to anyone else? Is there actually a country singer who looks like him or am I tripping?

No. 2372104

This is true for dressy clothing, but there are ways around it (baggy casual clothing, well tailored clothing in a thick material). TiFs dressed like 2010s gay teenagers with the skinny jeans and tight fitting tshirt

No. 2372112

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>TiFs dressed like 2010s gay teenagers with the skinny jeans and tight fitting tshirt
Anon I think you're forgetting someone

No. 2372114

I kekked so hard that I spit out my tea. Thanks, nona.

No. 2372122

Didn't they try making a reboot of this show where the military brat became a tranny?

No. 2372128

Is scrolling through lc on public transport inappropriate?

No. 2372131

i think its fine, maybe just try to avoid snow. if you’re worried about people thinking it’s 4chan u can change the style as well

No. 2372143

Yes kek

No. 2372145

my hair is falling out a lot out of nowhere. should i see a dermatologist or what? maybe i should get bloodwork done?

No. 2372149

I bought a different cleanser and it's making me break out like mad, is it just not compatible with my skin or is it causing all the deeper imperfections to surface so my skin will be clearer if I just stick with it? Is that a thing? I feel like the cleanser I used previously didn't get rid of all the grime and makeup residue on my skin but I never got any pimples using it.

No. 2372152

>is it causing all the deeper imperfections to surface so my skin will be clearer if I just stick with it?
there's no such thing. were you using only cleanser without any makeup remover?

No. 2372158

>no such thing
Thanks, I'll switch back to the one I was using before. And my usual routine is just cleanser, toner and moisturizer and it's been working fine for me so far. Idk what possessed me to try a different product.

No. 2372169

Sounds you should start by going to your primary care doctor, they can do bloodwork. If it's sudden it's usually caused by something that a dermatologist can't fix.

No. 2372170


Thread has reached 1100 posts. The thread will be locked and you will be unable to post in it shortly after it exceeds 1200 posts. Please begin preparing a new thread and post a link to it when it's created.

No. 2372288

I'm single but if I ever get I to a relationship is it okay to not want to prioritize your partner?

No. 2372343

What settings should I use on Handbrake to make a webm that works with lolcow? I've been trying for a while but everything fails to upload. I'm also happy to use an alternative program that isn't so fiddly.

No. 2372392

I use WebM for Lazys.
Maybe your current program is making them too big, that's why they wont upload.

No. 2372499

Is the quality on YesStyle as shitty as it is on Shein and Temu?

No. 2372502

No. 2372531

Thanks nonna I'll check it out!

No. 2372551

The only thing I found was a upcoming reboot of the series with their kids, where did you get the tranny thing?

No. 2372601

How do I know if someone is trying to control me out of insecurity?

No. 2372614

Why are female fans/"stans" of moid influencers so delusional. Someone could provide them a 2160p video of their favourite scrote killing animals or raping kids and they'd just monkey no see monkey no hear, "you can't cancel him teehee" and the like. Your lives are just as worthless as his

No. 2372753

They belittle you frequently. Your interests aren't good enough, you're ugly in some way, they bring up your insecurities and/or deliberately put you in situations where you're faced with your insecurities. They play it off as a joke, or get mad and use therapy speak to mald about how you're the bad guy. They never give you a genuine compliment, it's always backhanded or they ignore you entirely.
If it's out of a specific insecurity, they might fixate on the thing they're jealous of. If they're insecure about their looks they might nitpick your face and body and clothes, then brag endlessly about botching themselves with fillers and call you jealous when you don't react the way they want you to react.
Or they could go the other direction and pick on you over everything except what they're insecure about. Normally, in these cases, they get really weird if you mention the thing they're insecure about. For example, if they have a bad relationship with their parents and you mention that you're getting your dad something for father's day, they might get very quiet and distant if they're normally chatty.
When someone is insecure about everything, they'll just be a bitch about everything. They're crybullies who will do anything to drag others down to their level. Never let yourself be manipulated by their snivelling, they don't mean a word of their apologies and they'll do it all over again because that's just who they are.

No. 2372759

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Nta, seems like there was a pdf that got taken down, but here are some screenshots. Gus trooning out is the last paragraph on picrel.
Spinelli's story is even more eye rolling in my opinion, though. She runs into a childhood friend, nothing happens except now she wants "to make the world a better place", what?

No. 2372833

I got the flu and while I'm getting better, I have a persistent cough. Everything I'm seeing says that the cough can last for weeks… What am I supposed to do about work in that time? I work in a restaurant, so it's not like I can just put on a mask and keep working quietly.

No. 2372913

I'm going to sound like an alien or an anime villain but what does being in love feels like?

No. 2373037

Is it a redflag if a woman is friends with all of her exes?

No. 2373073

I think of it as keeping a piece of happiness wherever you go, as well as a small, bottled version of their emotions in your pocket. At work, on off-times you can bring out the happiness and those emotions to marvel over, like keeping a very dear trinket with you wherever. And then going home to them is like going back to that well of happiness and emotion. That's how I think of it.

No. 2373079

Yes. Unless she’s a lesbian then it is just a yellow flag.

No. 2373252

“Friends” as in people actively involved in her life who she talks to on a regular basis? Yes. “Friends” as in they’re civil and haven’t blocked each other? No, not really.

No. 2373271

Is it normal to eat food that has been left out for a day or so? I just watched my roommate eat a plate of food with meat and chopped veg that’s been on her desk for two days. I’ve seen other people do this too and it kind of grosses me out but it’s happened enough to make me wonder if I’m the weird germaphobe for using a refrigerator and throwing out food left out from the night before.

No. 2373280

>two days
what the fuck, no nonna that's not normal

No. 2373306

Why do men go to strip clubs together? It sounds gay af to look at naked women with your friends or coworkers.

No. 2373336

Because they’re gay, but socially. Straights scrotes love imaginary dick and are homoerotic by nature , they just like vagina.

No. 2373394

Illusion of normalcy. If they went alone it’d obviously be gross/cheating, but going with friends gives them an out. Same with getting drunk at bars, seem as normal with mates but creepy solo

No. 2373430

Is it true that kids and teenagers are getting worse and that teachers are quitting their jobs left and right because of burnouts? What is it like out there?

No. 2373435

From what I hear it's not (just) the kids, but also too much stress, too much bureaucracy, lots of evening work, too involved parents

No. 2373436

Is English really the hardest language to learn? When people say that, are they meaning it's the hardest to learn how to speak perfectly fluently using proper grammar and everything?

No. 2373438

It also has to do with the gun violence in school. Being paid pennies just isn’t worth it.

No. 2373440

I have never heard anyone say this, I thought it was widely known that English is one of the easiest.

No. 2373444

It's only hard because the rules don't make sense and it's basically if you threw German, French, and latin into a blender. It's not difficult in the sense it has a lot of tough grammar rules or complicated writing, it's just a frankenlanguage. It is quite cool how you can interpret the historical origins of words just by looking at them once you learn how to though.

No. 2373446

Admin and parents are a big part of it. Admin only cares about standardized test scores and most parents of current school-age children are too permissive and undermine the teacher's authority.

No. 2373447

Cannot speak for other countries but the US is plummeting in students being able to read. READING.
One might look at the problem and blame the teachers–which if this was the sole issue, could be chalked up to defunded resources and shitty administrative decisions–but it's actually a mixture of being given smart tech too early and uninvolved parents who view schools as babysitting institutions.

No. 2373449

It depends on your native language. English is going to be easier if you already speak a Germanic or Romance language compared to say, Finnish or Mandarin.

No. 2373555

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Is it too late to make a taobao order before trump does his stupid, gay tariff increase for Chinese goods

No. 2373558

Can you "hear" sheet music if you can read it?

No. 2373564

I can read sheet music but I'm not some crazy musician so the answer is no, but if I concentrate on it then I can understand what the music would sound like, vaguely, before playing. But I'm sure others who are actual musicians may be able to. Interesting question. This is not a stupid question.

No. 2373582

for sure. I only have the most rudimentary half-ass remembered knowledge of sheet music and I can suss out how a piece would sound to an extent. for a real musician, or someone with perfect pitch (meaning they can name a note or chord on hearing it) I think it would barely be different than reading a book.

No. 2373583

do it. I've been on Aliexpress all month.

No. 2373612

how can you guys be sure what you're buying isn't laced with toxic chemicals from nonexistent production standards?

No. 2373738

Why is it ok for men to watch lesbian porn but wrong for women to like yaoi? I know what most anons here will say, but what is the normie argument? How would the average man/woman justify that in their minds?

No. 2373752

not consciously, but men can consume porn of women because they are below them. women cannot consume porn of 2 guys because homosexuality = lesser = women are participating in the debasing of men who should be superior to them. the real argument people make probably sits somewhere around the idea that women should know better than to fetishize gay men, meanwhile the lesbians men watch in porn aren't really lesbians and just do it for male attention/a paycheck.
i doubt many people would argue that it's 'ok' for men to watch lesbian porn and 'wrong' for women to like yaoi in the same breath, but the attention on said women doing it is because in society we hyper-criticise women while looking past the misdemeanours of men

No. 2373813

i think the most normie argument is an expectation women should be turned off by men doing gay things, not the opposite. but that fundamentally misunderstands yaoi to begin with because the men in yaoi are not irl men engaging in homosexual buttsex. i would probably be weirded out by a woman who watches real gay porn with any frequency because of the same knee-jerk reaction to irl faggotry. but >>2373752 makes some great points about the deeper psychology why yaoi makes normies uncomfortable.

No. 2373846

As some nonas said it depends on what's your mother tongue. If you speak German, you'll realize there's similar words. However some other languages have nothing in common. Also, I've never heard someone saying English is the hardest language to learn, I've heard that of Chinese, maybe Finnish. But never English. It doesn't mean its easy.

No. 2373861

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Am I dumb for thinking life in a more homogeneous place is more pleasant or easy than living in a very diverse place?

No. 2373952

Any female-fronted anti-Abrahamic/anti-Christian bands? The only one I know of is Asagraum

No. 2373980

No. 2374044

yup, every teacher i knew quit their jobs and does something else now

No. 2374049

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where is acceptable to fart in your own home? do you fart in your bed or do you get up and fart in the corner or do you go to the bathroom to fart every time?

No. 2374115

I fart everywhere.

No. 2374119

same, i like to dutch oven my covers and smell it

No. 2374129

What's the best strategy to make a narcissist really angry?

No. 2374132

It's too late, anon. They've already won.

No. 2374145

Literally ignore them, very easy. Just live your life and ignore their bullshit, they hate that shit

No. 2374149

Depends on the type of narcissists. Some of them like it even when you make them angry because attention is attention to them.
It's best to ignore or treat with indifference. Live a better life than them if possible as that is 100% guaranteed to make them seethe in their mediocrity unless they are hopelessly delusional.

No. 2374296

What if living a better life than them isn’t possible because the narcissist in question was born rich (or married rich)?

No. 2374297

Ignore them. Rich people hate being ignored.

No. 2374314

one time i was playing cards at a casino and this old scrote at my table was trying to get my attention and bragging about starting a hotel chain. he got huffy when i ignored him and tried telling me to loosen up kek

No. 2374322

where do you nonnies go when you're feeling lonely, it feels like everyone else has a space they can go to when they want to socialize but i cut out every old group from my life and now i don't know how to get introduced to people.

No. 2374328

Start showing up to hobby events and public social gatherings yapping about all the same stuff that you do here. With any luck they'll take pity on your autism.

No. 2374330

i use discord and play a lot of games but cultivating that close friendship online can be hard. if you're in any online spaces maybe see who stands out to you and start chatting with them, in my experience, if they're a good person, they'll be down for a chat too
this too, a lot of public events like that are open to everyone, especially niche interest ones. you won't be the 'odd one out' or weird

No. 2374332

i only have one friend not including my bf and i met her in school so idk

No. 2374343

i've considered going to a few but i live in a smaller town so nothing is local. i considered going to those display conventions but all of the big ones are in 4+ months but i am still planning on going to them!
im fine with talking to people just online but i don't know where to find people online. sure i'm talking to you nonnnies right now but its anonymous so you can't build bonds which is what i'm craving right now.

No. 2374345

I go on discord. if I am feeling really lonely I try to subtly bait people into replying. not to brag but I know how to make people reply without making them angry, you just have to bring up a subject to get people talking. I am kinda unlikeable/unapproachable so people never give attention to me naturally. I wish people felt more at ease around me but it's not happening in this life.

No. 2374347

have you used the friendfinder thread?

No. 2374352

where do you even find groups to post in. all the community discord servers i find online are filled with disgusting people.
yes but nobody has attempted to contact me, i don't want to be too whiney by making several posts talking about how lonely i am. which is exactly what i'm doing now…

No. 2374353

have you posted recently nona? i'll msg u!

No. 2374365

try communities for hobbies you like. preferably not gaming because gaming is full of mentally ill scrotes and groomers. but for example if you like a game with more female oriented fanbase like the sims you can try finding discord channels for it. dont go to those servers full of cutesy shit and kawaii emotes and shit like that because those are basically for moids to flirt with e-thots and trannies. avoid channels with too many voice channels, it's a red flag and it means the community is a circlejerk.

No. 2374371

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can someone rec me cheap and EASY healthy/low calorie meals? i am trying to stop being lazy and eating so much processed crap and boiled spaghetti but i dont like to cook. All of the tutorials i find use weird or expensive food.

No. 2374376

My go-to snack is rice cakes and light philadelphia cream cheese. Spectacular

No. 2374377

introduce more protein to your dishes because it makes you full. if you still feel hungry just add more boiled eggs on your salad. if you hate salad find out which vegetables you like. I despise lettuce but could eat a whole cucumber in one meal for example. go to a salad buffet and take a little of each so you can sample. that's how I found out coleslaw is actually pretty good. if you cant tolerate cold salad learn to make salad stir fry. buy whole grain everything instead of white grains and drink more water. if you drink any sugary drink swap for sugar free versions immediately.

No. 2374379

instead of pasta, try whole grains that have protein like quinoa or teff

No. 2374382

The cheapest thing you can do is eat less. I typically have only one or two meals a day, lean protein and veggies. Both of those things tend not to be so expensive.

No. 2374392

Peanut butter and kosher dill pickle sandwiches are a favorite of mine. With crushed potato chips on top for extra crunch and salty goodness. PB's got protein, pickles got that good fermentation action, and the potato chips make it feel like a fatty chan delicacy. The only cooking you have to do is toast some bread, spread the peanut butter, slice the pickles, and crush some chips.

No. 2374395

thanks nonnies
sadly peanut butter is super expensive in my country

No. 2374400

Aw damn, I'm sorry nonna. What are the cheap pantry staples in your country? I'm sure there's at least a few things to make something extra tasty! Just make sure you've got some protein and fat to keep you satiated, and preferably something fermented to make your guts happy.

No. 2374403

everything you mentioned is unhealthy lol

No. 2374408

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chicken tends to be pretty cheap here. I will try to make this cream cheese chicken wrap today. The problem is that meat is so cheap here urger king is waaay cheaper than making anything healhty. For example a burger with fries and coke is like 5 usd, this wrap i am going to make is probably going to end up costing like 6 or 7 dollars

No. 2374409

if you buy the ingredients in bulk (like a pack of tortillas, the salad, sauce, etc) you can get a few meals out of it. don't sleep on eggs though they're cheap protein compared to chicken. you can sprinkle cut boiled eggs on literally any savory meal.

No. 2374411

Peanut butter is fat and protein, both are necessary for good health. Just don't go for brands that add a crapton of sugar and you're fine. Fermented foods are also good for you. Potato chips aren't healthy if you eat a bowl of them by itself, but they're fine when used as seasoning.

No. 2374413

using chips as seasoning is a great tip. because you get the kick of eating junk food but you're basically eating like 5-10g of chips. I always add them on my salad wraps and sandwiches.

No. 2374414

How is there any difference. I've grown up in both. I'm not talking about trannies im talking about multicultural. What difference does it even make? Are you just secretly a stupid racist? I like living in a diverse place because there is an endless amount of healthy food options. Like if you want thai food, you've got that, if you want poke you've got that. I hate living in midwestern bland areas because the food they sell is abhorent just awful. The culture is insufferable hell when its homogenous.

No. 2374416

the thing I miss the most from the big city is the food. white people food is comforting and I like it but it gets boring after a while. sometimes I dont want to eat pizza, pasta or steak. having to drive 30-45min to get asian food is suffering but worth it.

No. 2374419

everything you eat is some combination of carbs, fat, and protein. doesn't make them healthy. peanut butter contains acrylamide (carcinogen) and like all processed "food" products, can have bugs and rat feces mixed in. generic peanut butter brands contain a fuckton of oil and sugar, and even if you get the reduced option, it's still inflammatory. not all fermented foods are good for you and pickles are great example of that. they're way too high in sodium, and excess sodium in your diet can cause high blood pressure. you're better off having low-sodium fermented vegetables, fruit, or dairy products. it's better to eat cucumbers than pickles. and chips is straight up garbage, there's no value in eating them unless you hate yourself.

No. 2374421

thanks a ton for the advice hopped around a bit, most seem e-relationshipy but i think i found 1 or 2 alright ones that aren't full of complete cows
sorry nonna, i don't know how i would be able to talk to someone if i met them under these circumstances. would be too embarrassing, i don't even know if i made the right decision posting my email under the friendfinder thread. not saying you specifically since you seem super kind but i don't know if i would want to interact enough to build relationships with this crowd. like sure i enjoy rdrama and the marsey crowd but if i knew any of them on a non-surface level extent i think i would die.

No. 2374424

taking me back to ed stuff but the bioavailability of the fat and protein in peanut butter isn't as good as let's say a steak.

No. 2374426

Anon I was replying to a nonna who is currently eating processed food (which I assume means pre-prepared meals out of packages) and boiled spaghetti and doesn't like to cook. Every little step counts. Glad you're in a place where you can avoid everything remotely inflammatory or semi-processed but not everyone is there yet.

No. 2374427

They're arguing about this in unpopular opinions right now

No. 2374429

yeah but i don't see how it helps when every suggestion you give is also processed slop. it's cheaper and healthier for her to learn how to cook whole foods

No. 2374431

cooking food is processing it too kek

No. 2374437

steaming vegetables at home is not the same as buying a bag of potato chips from the store, don't play dumb

No. 2374450

How do some people spend hours on lolcow? Even if they don't have responsibilities there are way more fun things to do like being with your friends or dating

No. 2374481

>Even if they don't have responsibilities there are way more fun things to do like being with your friends or dating
These are not more fun than lolcow

No. 2374499

My friends and boyfriend are not awake at 5am and tbh lolcow is a fucking wormhole for making time go faster I shit you not. I swear it was only midnight like an hour ago.

No. 2374506

so real

No. 2374526

Consider I don't have friends or a girlfriend. Extreme loser hours in my room.

No. 2374543

Freudian slip? Please lose weight, lift and leave.(scrotefoiling)

No. 2374561

anon, she's probably just a lesbian..

No. 2374562

How do I shut annoying people (moids, vegans, people into questionable politics) down from trying to argue with me? It's so annoying and pointless, they always want to bring me into a position were I have to explain or justify myself. How do I avoid getting there or how do I turn it around on them so they look stupid?

No. 2374572

Play dumb and ask questions in an innocent way kek. That’s how I gray wall TRAs. When I get asked my pronouns I just play dumb and say “huh…what do you mean?”

No. 2374574

I am literally a lesbian KEK

No. 2374578

Well, I hope you will find another lesbian soon then.

No. 2374579


Thread has exceeded 1200 posts and is about to be locked! Please create a new thread and post a link to it.

No. 2374585

Kek this was funny

No. 2374623

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How is it that non-deformed people choose to undergo cosmetic surgery? I have never been able to understand why some people, mostly women, spend money, time, and put their lives or some physical function at risk, simply because they are supposedly not attractive? I know I would be better looking if I got a nose job for example, but I still think would be stupid kek. Ngl, I think people who risk their lives for cosmetic surgery are stupid and lack self preservation.

No. 2374674

because it's worth it nonnie, i would do anything to get a few procedures done right now.
if anything it's also stress relief

No. 2374724

because some women live to look good for men and make life worse for other women. It makes me glad they always end up uglier.

No. 2374763

New thread >>>/ot/2374760

No. 2374916

thank you!! Were they on drugs??? Thank god nothing came out of it.

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