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No. 2350339

Discuss the current psyop regarding ugly and old men being shilled as attractive.
This thread is also for talking about topics like beauty double standards in media, ugly fictional and irl men shilled as attractive, science about male aging and unnatractiveness, etc
>do not try to defend ugly men ITT no1currs

Previous Threads:

No. 2350379

>Shallow woman rejects every ugly man
Kek is it really that easy to trigger moids

No. 2350383

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I hate seeing random ugly men when browsing youtube, ugly man jumpscare

No. 2350427

>immediately followed by a montage of actually fit and attractive men working out over king quotes
Lmao, uggo men on suicide watch

No. 2350453

I'm so mad that I forgot to archive the video but there was a tiktok of a 20 year old woman showing profile pictures of men from a dating app who were supposedly in the same age range as her but looked at least 10 years older. Some of them literally looked like they were on their mid 30s to early 40s. I assume it got deleted cause I can't find it now. There was probably a lot of seething in the comments kek

No. 2350476

I have to go to my technical course tomorrow with a ugly ass obnoxious scrote teacher. Ugly men should be working at the mines.

No. 2350525

I like movie commentary and it's rife with bald, bearded, slimeballs (Dylan is in trouble's included because he's an obnoxious retard). It's disgusting when I'm suggested a video as if an ugly man's opinion is valuable or something.

No. 2350526

Told my moid friend that I don’t find Timothee Chaiwalawala attractive and I could see him getting upset. Lol

No. 2350616

I doubt most men would be mad about that since he is a "twink". Tell them you dont find Ryan Gosling, Christopher Hemsworth or Henry Cavill attractive and watch them lose their shit.

No. 2350711

Trolling misogynistic ugly old moids online is really easy. Just call them ugly, bald, or old. They can't handle the insults they throw at women. It's really funny

No. 2350808

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“There have been two great accidents in my life. One was the trolley. The other one was Diego. Diego was by far the worst.”
-Frida Kahlo

No. 2350811

ryan gosling is genuinely ugly

No. 2350818

oh fuck no, why would anyone do this to themselves!! look at that hideous creature!

No. 2350821

jesus i really hate the blunt bangs that asian guys usually have. would look way better thinned out
short also lol

No. 2350823

Real answer, she was groomed as a high schooler by that pig.

No. 2351341

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a photo of a 18 year old swedish footballer went viral, and of course, moids started seething, with—non-white one's claiming that if you're attracted to him, you must be a Nazi and white men complaining that women are pedophilic for being attracted to him cause he's so 18, even though he’s probably more fit and has higher testosterone levels than most men

No. 2351348


No. 2351349

His facial asymmetry is so gross.

No. 2351357

Kek this exact scenario happened to me too a few days ago. He acted like my standards are too high if I don't think that guy is attractive as if he's some super hot man

No. 2351360

Nothing opens your eyes harder than realizing moids are always so much more jealous of younger desired men compared to women. It was projection all along.

No. 2351365

It's true though, if you're a groyper, then you should find a way to let this man impregnate you

No. 2351367

he's not my type, but guaranteed he looks better than every one of the old men seething that women like someone younger than them

No. 2351369

nowuptoo is the saltiest faggot. kek

No. 2351443

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even rw moids are starting to realize that no woman likes the "bald and beard" look. It doesn't matter how many steroids muscles you get, you'll look even uglier and disgusting

No. 2351454

And then he cheated on her constantly, and he abandoned her to go larp revolutionary with Trotsky.

No. 2351466

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10/10 Op pic Vega needs more exposure

Yep but I bet it will take some time before they realise how redpill podcasts have been lying to them because it was men who spread the idea this is how men should look to get women.

No. 2351468

I'm in college right now, and so many of the dudes already look 30 with a mortgage. Receeding hairlines and shitbeards galore. Meanwhile all the girls look cute and youthful. Relationships between two 20-somethings look like an age gap relationship.

No. 2351471

are they fat as well?

No. 2351477

took them long enough, if only they had, you know, listened to women earlier instead of incel forums and whatnot

No. 2351485

Based Vega enjoyer.

No. 2351581

The hate good looking men get from other men is so disturbing to me because these threads showed me that no man values an opinion more than another moid's. Ugly crabs in a bucket bastards and men generally being insecure fags are why good looking men ruin themselves. Fingers crossed that beautiful moids stop drinking the koolaid.

No. 2351776

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This ugly moid popped up on my timeline again, why tf does he think he's attractive enough to post this shit who's gassing him up?!

No. 2351778

>their kids and husbands that adore her
did he forget boomers are known for wife bad memes

No. 2351781

Every moid who posts shit like this looks at least vaguely homosexual. It's a legitimate pattern.

No. 2351795

If they'd adore and love her, they wouldn't accept her "working for them" in the first place. Another prime reason why all males should get aborted. He's making misogynistic tradtard tiktoks while his mom spent her life cleaning after his ass just to be seen as an asset.

No. 2351820

so he would rather men work for a boss who hates them instead? because someone has to go get a job and work. idk seems kinda misandrist to me

No. 2351827

>men when they have to work for another moid who couldn't care less if they lived or died (happy emojis)
>men when they have to help their wives and mothers of their children (angry emojis)
see everyone can play that game! kek @ "husband and kids who adore her", spoken like someone who's never taken care of children before

No. 2351844

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Remember when everyone was trying to shill this moid as attractive? Before I understood the psyop, I always thought it was so weird how everyone was gassing the actor up and talking about how 'hot' Neville Longbottom grew up to be. He just stopped being a fat child and fixed his teeth, but he always looked kind of ugly to me, even after he lost weight and went through puberty. Whenever I heard other girls hype him, it always felt performative and most of the praise came from other moids. I get it now though, he's the achievable 'glow up' any mid (at best) moid could hope to achieve. His eyes are literally lopsided and it's only more pronounced in how close they are, along with all his other misplaced and disproportionate facial features. I don't know how someone could have negative lip and positive jaw.

No. 2351852

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Samefag, seriously his smile freaks me out. This article was from 10 years ago. He's 21 in picrel and already looked busted.

(Also hilarious how people talked about Rowling back then vs now)

No. 2351885

People work to get paid in $, not shits.

No. 2351895

>Working for $10 per hour for a boss who doesn't give a shit about you because the electric company doesn't accept hubby's shits given as payment
>Working as an unpaid bangmaid to hubby and kids after your wagie shift

FTFY for realism. Also, unfuckables with Brooklyn podcast physiognomy think that making a solemn, constipated "my anus is mewing" expression makes them Jordan Barrett, even if they are horsefaced and witchnosed.

No. 2351924

Is going outside even worth it? moids are so disgusting it feels dystopian. The thought of having to interact with these gross scrotes in companies and work related stuff is so gross. They could at least not be fat, wear clean well fitted clothes and it would improve 90% of their appereance but they walk around with fat deformed alcohol bloat and gut and pubes in their arms and face. Even the monsters in resident evil are less disgusting, i would rather live in racoon city.

No. 2351927

I don't get this depressed career woman vs. happy housewife dichotomy. Those bosses also don't give a shit about scrotes so..
? What point is he making??

No. 2351933

>brooklyn podcast physiognomy
you don't miss

No. 2351940

White males started coping for their dust sperm with beards and they instantly got replaced with Koreans in the media preferences of young women. It sunk their market value to the pits of hell. Yet they STILL won't shave their facepubes - I guess they'll do ANYTHING to hide their weak jaws and short chins. The Mayo beard is such a pathetic sight, the color is such an offputting shade of blond that looks green or a mousey, low contrast brown. All their weak hair follicles can do is shit out what can only be described as stringy pubes in wildly inconsistent patches. They aspire to have the fearsome edge of a near eastern man but their meek ethnic features won't allow them. Their "muh skulline" beards resemble elongated peach fuzz. Gay retards.

No. 2351944

When I was in middle school I was horrified to find out she was married to this ogre. Kind of exposed me to the eternal creepiness of moids. Good thing everyone only remembers Frida now and Diego will forever be known as just her husband, lel.

No. 2351950

most housewives nowadays complain about how their husbands and kids don't take them seriously. And the average feminist type probably makes more than min-wage unless she bought into the "sex work is real work" brand of feminism.

No. 2351952

He looks AI generated. Men are extremely insecure

No. 2351965

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This man wouldn't even stand up to his wife's boss to stop treating her badly. He'd rather encourage her to run away and stay inside all the time. Pathetic.

No wonder this site has 12 luigifag threads because he just shot the CEO instead.

Why do these moids hide their fear of confrontation behind "be my little housewife who is dependent on me plz plz plz"?

No. 2351971

Kek accurate

No. 2352019

I feel you all should know this isn't the actual poster, this account takes random bodybuilders and attaches misogynistic captions to them and this isn't the only account that does this either

No. 2352024

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idk where to post this but I found this while sorting my files and I think it's relevant to some of the discussions that were had in this thread

No. 2352025

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why do libfems do this? why do they outright lie about what literally everyone can see is natural? no woman wants her husband to become a fat slob; that's literally a nightmare.

No. 2352037

kek tenmas real desperate to keep her coomer moids i see

No. 2352039

What made me have a bit of hope was how easily I found other women going against that stupid post.

No. 2352040

How does your life go so wrong that you have to pander to these subhumans to make a living?

No. 2352047

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>the amount of likes
Grim as hell. We are truly doomed because female characters who are even slightly 'ugly' are seen as woke propaganda by both men and women in fandom spaces. Meanwhile, this ugly thing gets glazed to the moon and back because libfems are absolute doormats. Kind of reminds me of the amount of glazing the ugly dwarf guy was getting in the Dunmeshi fandom. Like, women were unironically saying that dude flashing his panties and Falin and Marcille bathing naked and groping each other’s tits in the bath means both men and women are getting equal levels of fanservice.

No. 2352052

do men ever get tired of getting mad at women they make up in their heads

No. 2352055

the author even said the ugly dwarf is based on a weird pervert neighbour she had and that it wasnt meant to come off as sexual

No. 2352060

The first episode has a fit naked man shower scene and this is the shit that gets posted on twitter.

No. 2352083

No. 2352104

It really says a lot that I've heard snide remarks on Kahlo's unibrow but never about how ugly and fat Rivera is.

No. 2352173

His wife gave birth to his daughter, yet she looks pretty much the same (but with longer hair) as when the characters first met, when they were 21/22. If she manages to stay fit and attractive at 26 despite being a wife and a mother, I don't know how this isn't a glow down on his part.

It really demonstrates the double standard moids set for themselves vs for women. Would it be a glow up for his wife if she also became fat and ugly? At least it would make more sense for her.

No. 2352174

Is this just Way of the Househusband but with a fat fuck?

No. 2352179

Pretty much, but with more action.

No. 2352205

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I never learned much about her life. To be honest, I was never really interested, but moids are always quick to point out her unibrow and ugliness as a matter of why we shouldn't take her seriously. And yet you can always just point out how grotesque this man she subjected herself to as better evidence than anything. I am honestly shocked by how disgustingly monstrous he is. Why does no one ever talk about this, how is this the first time I'm actually seeing this? Did he groom her, was it an arranged marriage? I have heard briefly about him before in passing (like that he was significantly older than her, that's it), but no one ever described how truly hideous and terrible he really was. An unironic ogre demon. He's looks like a villainous caricature of himself but it's just real.

No. 2352218

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>Kahlo describing Rivera:

>His wide, dark, and intelligent bulging eyes appear to be barely held in place by his swollen eyelids. They protrude like the eyes of a frog, each separated from the other in a most extraordinary way. They thus seem to enlarge his field of vision beyond that of most persons. It is almost as if they were constructed exclusively for a painter of vast spaces and multitudes. The effect produced by these unusual eyes, situated so far away from each other, encourages one to speculate on the ages-old oriental knowledge contained behind them.

>On rare occasions, an ironic yet tender smile appears on his Buddha-like lips. Seeing him in the nude, one is immediately reminded of a young boy-frog standing on his hind legs. His skin is greenish-white, very like that of an aquatic animal. The only dark parts of his whole body are his hands and face, and that is because they are sunburned. His shoulders are like a child’s, narrow and round. They progress without any visible hint of angles, their tapering rotundity making them seem almost feminine. The arms diminish regularly into small, sensitive hands… It is incredible to think that these hands have been capable of achieving such a prodigious number of paintings. Another wonder is that they can still work as indefatigably as they do.
>Diego’s chest — of it we have to say, that had he landed on an island governed by Sappho, where male invaders were apt to be executed, Diego would never have been in danger. The sensitivity of his marvelous breasts would have insured his welcome, although his masculine virility, specific and strange, would have made him equally desired in the lands of these queens avidly hungering for masculine love.
>His enormous belly, smooth, tightly drawn, and sphere-shaped, is supported by two strong legs which are as beautifully solid as classical columns. They end in feet which point outward at an obtuse angle, as if moulded for a stance wide enough to cover the entire earth.

No. 2352222

He looks like a humpty dumpty gijinka

No. 2352223

This is sad. Someone needed to tell her she could have done so much better.

No. 2352224

She sounds like the biggest victim of ugly male psyop ever, and also a pickme. He'd be accepted by lesbians because he has moobs? What?

No. 2352231

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>her ugliness
I've always thought she was very pretty, and got tons of dick and pussy. Also yes, he did groom her (they met when she was 17 iirc) and cheated on her like crazy, even with her sister.

No. 2352235

I feel like rednote is opening the eyes of a lot of women to the psyop

No. 2352246

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What's with hideous moid painters grooming much younger female painters? Reminds me of pic related, painter Kent Williams who is more than twice Soey's age and has kids similar in age to her from a previous marriage. She was a student of his when they met.

No. 2352250

what's happening?

No. 2352301

I watched a movie that was made about her when I was younger and it always made me seethe that she was pretty and thin yet willingly went out with such a disgusting moid. And he isn't nearly as disgusting in the movie as he is in real life. Seeing him in real life just increased my anger. I will never get over this.

No. 2352306

Simple explanation, he's British. Have you seen the state of our men? In other countries he would be mid but compared to other moids here I got why he was gassed up. For a start he looks clean.

No. 2352310

So I'm 24, I graduated highschool 5-6 years ago. Today, i stumbled upon a male acquaintance from HS. He used to be slim, had a head full of hair and good posture, he wasn't extra handsome but wasn't ugly neither, just healthy looking. I couldn't even recognize him nowadays: he got VERY fat, horrid posture, almost balding and looking like he was melting in the face. I was so shocked, I know we're older nowadays but that's just insane, I look similar to my HS self just more "mature" so to speak yet you can still recognize me, but he was straight up a whole different person! wtf is going with men nowadays?? We're not even 30 yet and he already looks like he could be my uncle, he's only 24!!

No. 2352333

>We're not even 30 yet
Yes, because people just lose structural integrity when they reach 30. Stop perpetuating nonsense. He just stopped takjng care of himself and/or has some illness.

No. 2352343

I know a lot of 30+ and let me tell you all of them look better than their male counterparts. Men are unironically the one who let themselves go yet they keep screeching that we're the one doing it
Also if you think you die when you hit 30 you're dumb,the habits you build in you 20s will heavily influence your 30+,if men don't have motivation when they're this young they're a lost cause

No. 2352344

Mid 20s is when most men who will let themselves go start letting themselves go. A vain man might not be able to save his hair but will still try to maintain a healthy weight and good posture. The metabolic changes that happen at that age are killer to a lot of people.

No. 2352364

Calm down, I'm specifying 30 because then it would be a whole ass decade since our graduation 6 years ago, I'd make sense for him to not look exactly the same after 10 years instead of just barely 5

No. 2352375

Kek reminds me of one male high school classmate that was considered pretty (strong jaw, full hair in a young dicaprio-like haircut, thick eyebrows and sharp eyes, fit, a bit tanned) and like 3 years later I saw his picture on his profile and damn, he was chubby, paler but most importantly he was completely fucking bald. Not even shaved, he was actually bald. He was like 25 probably, I had to do a double take because I couldn't believe it, and then another classmate confirmed it. Male genetics are fucked.

No. 2352383

This is a universal experience for women. Most women know how to cook balanced meals, have a basic workout routine, have a skin care routine, etc…

No. 2352391

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can this drug really de-ogreize a walled male?

No. 2352414

>she believes le taking care of yourself stops anabolic deformation of the face in males

No. 2352424

the whole PFS fiasco is one of many daunting manifestations of the fact that longevity and youth are innately "female", and everything that makes you look younger and live longer is devirilizing

No. 2352704

I feel this hard. He doesn't look like a deep fried lobster, his face is way less deformed than the average chav's, his hair and clothes look presentable, and he doesn't look like he smells of wet dog and weed. 100/10 Brit, bet he gets all the girls at the chippy.
The bar is truly in Hell.
Nothing can convince me that the Senshi thirst isn't TIFs grasping at straws as a cope. They, and the other desperately depressed terminally online girls, always meme themselves into wanting to fuck/become the ugliest, greasiest old men.

No. 2352809

I always hated Khalo and I would always get shit for it. What the fuck kind of "empowering feminist figure" is she when all she does is demand pity? I would have respected her way more if she had a harem of hot young men who she objectified. But no, she had to be a pickme for ugly shrek
She really was the beyonce of her times.

No. 2352851

This is perhaps the greatest Nigel cope I have ever read. I feel bad for her, but holy shit.

No. 2352884

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I have only met moids and TiFs try to convince me that the lesbait pandering with two conventionally attractive blonde anime girls (one being an elf and the other having gigantic tits) is the same as old hairy dwarven gonk panty shots. You don't even see bulge, it's just meant to be silly.

Which brings me to mention how any geeky moids who simp hard for dwarves and lambast elves (especially male elves) are demonstrating how insecure they really are. Dwarfposting in geek subcultures is like the muh skilinity cope for them, but even more dorky and cringe. 'Knife-ears' isn't a dead giveaway, but any mention about how 'badass' dwarves are and you just know the moid behind the words is pathetic af. Most geeky moids are undesirable, but dwarfposting moids are perhaps the worst, short of any moid outright into fantasy pornslop.

No. 2352916

i hate both of these fantasy races deeply

No. 2352934

unrel but I hate how she-goblins have become so yassified. Pisses me off and misses the point of them entirely

No. 2352935

Who let this retarded horse speak

No. 2352939

wait can you please elaborate on dwarf posting please? i think you may have just clued me in on an embarrassing trait of my exes i haven’t picked up on. that’s so funny.

No. 2352940

That's nice but he's still a crazy uggo

No. 2352946

He would look even more beautiful with a pike driven down his disgusting throat. All men are ugly proven by this thread

No. 2352948

>Dwarfposting in geek subcultures is like the muh skilinity cope for them
Can't be…dwarfs are short

No. 2352965

You say that like lifting isn’t the #1 manlet cope.

No. 2352979

>monsters in resident evil are less disgusting
Hey, Nemesis isn't disgusting, he's just a bit freaky. I'd rather have him stalking me than any moid.
>i would rather live in racoon city.
It exploded, so even that dream is dead, it's sad.
Soey is such a disappointment. Most of her work is semi-naked with lingerie and shibari. The art scene is so full of idealized women and then painters will make self portraits with their dicks out, looking like melted butter, and get praised endlessly.

No. 2352997

I refuse to believe she wrote any of this shit. It's the biggest pickme cope I've ever seen. She obviously struggled with a severe lack of self-esteem. Apparently, the trolley accident and her mother's rejection deeply traumatized her for life, so that would explain why she got so attached to this scrote.

No. 2352999

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Why are elves portrayed as so feminine nowadays? Elves were always supposed to be beautiful, but they were also graceful and strong. Even the male elf characters get affected, they go from cute bishies to femboys. There is a big difference between the way elf characters like Link are drawn in fanart then vs now

No. 2353001

Because porn and hentai addiction are more widespread and normalized now than ever before. (Mainly male porn standards, of course)

No. 2353010

Troonery. Nobody can draw men anymore everything has to be a sexualized woman or look like one.

No. 2353019

Yeah I noticed this too and link really has a big male fanbase of viewing him as this femboy /sissy when, if you look at the games especially the older ones he really isnt portrayed like that.

I will admit I an amused at the arguments over characters like Bridget who apparently is a troon now and seeing troons go apeshit over him being described as a femboy because it "invalidates his identidy" like LMAO

No. 2353020

Guarantee you the moids who sexualize Link also like that he's a child in most of the games. Meanwhile women who enjoy Link had a childhood crush on him but end up enjoying Twilight Princess Link in adulthood.

No. 2353030

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Gladly. I can honestly say at this point, as a woman involved in these geek hobbies, most geeky moids are simply unattractive, there's no way around it really. But dwarfposters are the worst, fantasy coomers aside, because they are extremely insecure about themselves as men, and how they relate to women.

Subreddit isn't as active as it use to be, but you still see glimpses of it. In my own personal experience, this is a bit more common with older geeks, but I have seen it in younger geeks too. I think it might actually be a cope for getting older as well, now that I think about it. One of my best friend's exes was also a dwarfposter. He was an obese redditor who prided himself on his knowledge of microbrews and welding. He identified with dwarves of course, and he was so autistic and weird about his hatred of elves. Mostly in DnD, it would just lead to him acting like a That Guy at the table, but it could be excused for him playing a character. What couldn't be excused was how this also translated into his real life. He hated beautiful men with a passion. They weren't 'manly' enough, and he made sure to make fun of characters my friend (his gf at the time) made for DnD, because of course she wanted to play elven prettybois. I didn't really care for elves either, if I'm being honest, but it made me realize how insecure he was in real life when he started putting down any men who were actually attractive as 'soft' or 'weak' or 'vain' or whatever. He would always talk about how 'effeminate' other men were for doing something as simple as wearing cologne or washing their face with anything but Head and Shoulders. He also hated romantic comedies (which to be fair, I do too, for different reasons) that his gf liked because they gave 'unrealistic expectations'. Ironically, he wanted a romantic subplot in our DnD game where his male dwarf character would have an enemies-to-lovers relationship with a female elf. The DM complied because he too was a coomer. It was the grossest thing to witness. They eventually broke up, but he had the gall to say she was getting too fat despite being beyond morbidly obese.

It was so overt, it was a revelation, but since then I have seen it in less egregious ways and there's always a pattern of behavior I associate with moids who identify with dwarves. They're usually pretty hateful, they hold grudges, they do not appreciate beauty, or if they do, they only appreciate female beauty (of course) and hate the idea that it can exist in men as something that isn't a character flaw. They tend to be heavy drinkers, like every dwarfposting moid I knew would drink at least couple beers at night. Some would just excuse it as a 'craft beer' hobby or whatever gay shit. They are extremely moody, like they'll go from goofball one second to rage the next like a toddler. They talk about principles constantly, but one of the dwarfposting moids I met confided in me that he had a secret collection of photos he pressured women into giving him. We don't talk anymore. They're all very insecure in themselves and how women perceive them and constantly lie about how much they can lift or how intelligent they are, as if this should be the greatest matter to women and what we find attractive. I've had at least three of these moids tell me they would have gone into the Marines but they punched the drill sergeant in the face. And they are all fairly unattractive, usually in the same ways. Fat, short, gross facial hair, ruddy pore-riddled skin, balding, sweaty etc.

I think their hatred of elves is the worst part, because even if I don't like elves in fiction that much, I know what they represent to these moids in real life. They resent beautiful, effortless beauty and natural allure and grace that they symbolize, especially in other males. Yet almost all of them, despite their cringe elf-hatred, usually have some wish that a beautiful woman would appreciate what they supposedly bring to the table and they would put aside their differences, as in, how beautiful she is and how ugly he is. It's not just something they desire in fantasy roleplay or vidya. They want this in real life, and if they can't get a 10/10 Stacy, they'll just pretend they are voluntarily celibate or shack up with some poor girl while they fantasize about trading up. It's also why dwarfposting moids never say anything about female dwarves, and if they do, it's that they're dutiful wives and not much else.

Like what >>2352948, this is entirely the point. While I have met dwarfposters who are tall or average height, I have met more who are on the short side and are very insecure about it, along with so many other things, but they make up for it in their muh skilinity. Dwarves are short but still 'manly'. What makes them manly is this cargo cult of masculinity. They have immense facial hair, they're muscular and strong, they drink copious amounts of alcohol, they're skilled in some kind of 'craft' (from my experience, these moids irl tend to be very nerdy and are into cars or computers), they're 'passionate' (aka BPdemons who switch from goofy and jolly to angry and begrudging), they're focused on 'hard work'/the grindset but 'play hard' when it's time to play, and most importantly, they are short and usually ugly. Men desperately want for their so-called masculinity to be an attractive quality to women, that's why they shill it so hard when in reality, they're just ugly and insecure and trying to make up for it.

Dwarves represent that manliness, and best of all for men as a collective, they are short, so any man can access it, even height isn't a barrier. It's like how a lot of bodybuilders are on the shorter side, even they can lift themselves into muh skilinity.

These moids see themselves as dwarves, bravely toiling in the mines for resources, which in real life translates to them working in a call center or a phone repair shop. If they're with a woman, this will definitely be something they resent about her if she doesn't have a 'hard-working' mindset like him. Most of the time though, they won't have any woman to speak of, and they'll pretend they're okay with that because they're too busy dedicating themselves to something more important, like the grind. They won't call it this, but they'll act like they are too busy having fun, which is just drinking themselves into a coma playing video games, or working hard or perfecting whatever craft they have.

In short, any geeky moid who's starts shitting on elves and talking about how great dwarves are is a major red flag for a bunch of personality flaws, though honestly, most of the time they're pretty ugly so that should be enough. I would go so far as to say avoiding geeky moids all together, even if you share hobbies.

No. 2353043

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Nonas I just watched this for the first time because my dad wanted to. Besides this movie being a sexist pedo mess the thing that pissed me off the most were how OLD and UGLY all the men were. The age range for the men in this movie was like 50-60 and the age range for the women was… you guessed it… 20-30 at most. I can't believe this Brad Pitt character is supposed to be hot. He's shirtless in more than one scene and there's an underaged character trying to have sex with him and he says no because "he doesn't want to go to jail because of pussy". Quentin Tarantino should never be allowed near a woman again.

No. 2353046

>These moids see themselves as dwarves, bravely toiling in the mines for resources, which in real life translates to them working in a call center or a phone repair shop.
kekk. quality post

No. 2353049

Leonardo DiCaprio is fucking hideous. His head is shaped like a basketball and I hate him with the passion of a thousand suns. Hope he dies in a fire for being such a fugly pos. He's literally worthless.

No. 2353058

I HATE when people call Link a twink for not being a ugly fat old scrote

No. 2353059

I just kept wishing for them both to die humiliating deaths every second of this movie

No. 2353064

I hated this movie and the gratuitous feet shots, and I actually think Margaret Qualley was only 17 in it. Really disgusting and mask off for Tarantino. Crazy that filmbros still pretend it’s a good movie. The disrespectful depiction of Bruce Lee should be enough to turn them off, but I guess it’s okay because it’s their favorite edgy director.

No. 2353065

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What every nonna has said. Moids only value beauty when it serves them specifically, like in women. It's not enough that Link is considered cute to women, in fact they hate it, so they have to make him fuckable to themselves instead. Moids are also obsessed with sexual dimorphism. It's not enough that Link is somewhat androgynous (as in, youthfully handsome), he has to be a woman with a flat chest and a dick for moids to get off. It's very common that these same moids who draw him as a femboy draw him getting assfucked by the ultramasculine and ugly Ganondorf. Their brains are fried by porn, and everything revolves around their coom.

In Tolkien's conception, which all elves were initially inspired by, elves were basically demigods. They weren't just 'pretty', let alone bratty fucktoys who live in the woods and get raped by orcs. They were practically immortal, near divine beings. All the nonnas pointing out the pornification are correct, but I want to mention something else that happens more often in Western media: Uglification.

I place some of the blame on how elves in Tolkien's works are cast in the movies, because while it's hard to find beautiful men, it's not impossible. They just choose to cast ugly men, which makes elves appear more mundane, so when they act like elves, they come off as 'haughty'. They're not haughty, they are literally meant to be next to angels, that is their place in the mythos. But it's hard to see this scrote as some ethereal being. He's just some fuggo with pointy ears. I think while it's more common to see the femboyification of elves in anime and related media, it's more common to see uglification of elves in western media. Both are bad, and I don't know which one is worse.

No. 2353070

It reminds me how in Skyrim, male Dark Elves are close to their canon look (rugged, angular features, raspy voice), while female Danmer have smoother skin, more petite features and softer voices. Like, they are cursed for a reason, both male and female Danmer are supposed to look ugly.

No. 2353073

That Bruce Lee scene was in unbelievably bad taste, I'm so glad someone else agrees. I didn't see anyone talking about it online, maybe because the filmbros flood people with hate when they have any opinion on Tarantino besides thinking he's the absolute peak of cinema. Any reviews that are critical of this movie on Letterboxd are inundated with raging fanboys on the replies, especially if anyone points out the sexism and racism.

No. 2353080

I have been avoiding this movie so I have no idea how bad it actually is. That poster tells me all I need to know. Two ugly post-wall scrotes and a young woman with a lovedoll face. I guess that means the casting is correct because that is Hollywood, but I don't want to watch this shit.

It doesn't surprise me that it's pedobait either, he did defend Roman Polanski. I don't care that he later apologized for it, he was an adult man when he defended him back then too. Actually, this does make me kind of curious to see how this is portrayed in the movie, just not enough to actually watch it.

Weirdly related to my dwarfposting remarks earlier, not to blog, but the same scrote my friend was dating was obsessed with Tarantino's work, and the last movie he and my friend watched together was this movie kek. He said it was really good, and that's how I knew it was going to be a shit movie. She hated it of course and tried to tell me about it in private (her rabid fanboy bf wouldn't let her get a word in edge-wise), but she never got around to doing it. What was the Bruce Lee scene?

No. 2353099

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>see people recommending x romance movie
>take a look at it
>leading moid is either ugly or too old compared to the leading woman
To the trash It goes, if there is one genre of movie I wouldn't ever waste time watching if there is ugly men is romance, only pretty boys and himbos deserve my attention.

No. 2353104

ive never seen a fictional elf i thought was gorgeous, just a bunch of ugly old guys like astarion or overly feminine unappealing fags.

No. 2353106

Yeah unfortunately that doesn’t surprise me. Tarantino has been considered untouchable by terminally online alt guys since the early 00s. I will say I watched it with my mom who has no clue who he is and even she was weirded out by it, so normal people without bias probably see the film as what it truly was… a weird, fetish-laden masturbatory power fantasy. It’s just crazy that he can get away with it.

No. 2353114

I wish I hadn't watched it because it just felt like three wasted hours of my life that I'll never get back. Polanski has almost no lines and appears in very few scenes, and none of them paint him as a bad guy. There's even one scene at a party where someone says that Polanski is exactly Sharon's type, which is "cute, short, and looks like a 12-year-old boy", which is REALLY weird phrasing since we all know which one of them actually likes 12-year-olds, and it sure as hell isn't Sharon Tate.

The Bruce Lee scene is a scene were Tarantino's Mary Sue character (Brad Pitt) beats up Bruce Lee and BL is portrayed as a very annoying, arrogant and weak guy who doesn't know how to fight and who gets overpowered by our macho main character, kek. Really ridiculous and Bruce Lee's daughter said that it was extremely uncomfortable for her to watch people laughing at this character who is supposed to be her dead father getting humiliated.

No. 2353122

i'm so tired of seeing this movie getting shilled as "the best rom-com" and as a "female gaze romance". that man is OLD and fugly and that is a no from me.

No. 2353131

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I hate it, especially when male goblins are at the same time often depicted as a fantasy variant of the Fat Ugly Bastard rape fetish. It's just the midget version of what orcs represent in geeky pornbrained moids. Reminds me of how much I hate this fucking artist. It's so disappointing being a woman into geeky hobbies.

I don't want to see this shit like picrel, and that's not even how orks in 40k work. They will complain if women 'disrespect' lore, but then shit like this is okay because it's 'funny', and the humor is porn.
I wish there were more female only spaces for these hobbies. It's easier to find with DnD, but it's impossible for other hobbies. Everything is just infested with scrote coomerism.

I use to love TES, but anything possibly interesting in any fantasy world is ruined by moids and their disgusting need to sexualize everything. Look up how the female orsimer look compared to male orsimer. The male orcs look like fucking orcs, and the female orcs just look like bimbos with little bottom fangs. They always ruin shit for their boners. Especially in fantasy, because it's muh escapism.

I use to care a lot about intricate, believable worldbuilding that felt unique, but at some point I realized, the most unique thing you can do in fantasy worldbuilding is to subject moids to the same kind of gratuitous double standards and sexual objectification they subject us to and take for granted. I'm just doing things mostly for my own escapism at this point, and you wouldn't believe how alienating this is for moids even when they do it to us all the time. One of the things I've started employing when I run games, instead of the female characters being the ever beautiful counterparts to the more monstrous males of their species, I just reverse it. Once they start noticing a pattern, they mention how I only have pretty boy NPCs, and how it doesn't make sense and is unrealistic. I don't know what would be better, making all the male villain characters still very attractive, or having their villainy represented in how ugly they are. I know it's kind of autistic to still entertain moids at this point, but it's fun for me to see their fantasies turned upside down.

No. 2353150

>uhhhh ackthsully it’s WOMEN that are brainless, weak-of-flesh comers chained to their base urges
Every time

No. 2353167

So they tried to portray Sharon as liking Polanski for anything but his money and prestige? That's the biggest cope of all. I wish he died instead of her. It's pretty obvious to me that she had crippling self-esteem issues at the very least and was clinging to any kind of stability and validation when she decided to marry him. He negged the shit out of her when they first worked together. It's ironic that he loved her performance in Valley of the Dolls, which is about women facing the corrupting influence of Hollywood and the evils they face there. He probably got off to it, in the same way Neil Gaiman (another ugly Jewish scrote with sadboi trauma) got off on entrapping troubled young women and soiling their 'purity'.

It's like Tarantino is still trying to shield Polanski, even after he supposedly apologized for defending him. The only reason he sort of condemned Weinstein was because he knows how bad all this looks on him, but he tells on himself in the stories he tells. Are there even any women who like his shit? I know some girls supposedly do, but they're mega pickmes. All his shit is ultraviolence and rape jokes.

Why did Tarantino portray Bruce Lee like this? Did he just think it was funny? Or did he want him to be a foil to his badass Gary Stu to be like 'look at how badass he is, he beat up Bruce Lee'?

It's so fucked up because you know that's why they think women secretly want rape, even from the most hideous, vile creatures they can imagine. It gives them hope they'll have a chance, and it won't really be rape because uhhhhh secretly the victim liked it somehow even if the rapist is fucking disgusting. They know handsome men women actually want to fuck don't have to resort to any of that, but if they can believe hard enough that we might feel pleasure from fucking a ugly scrotes like them, maybe, then they can have a 10/10 big booba elf gf. It actually makes me feel like >>2351924, they want this reality so bad, and they're half way there. Most men are ugly, and most women are relatively pretty. The only difference is that we will never truly want a disgusting orc-like moid.

At worst, you see how this desperate, delusional mindset affects how they view rape victims. They really want to believe that women are shackled to base urges like sex, like they are.

No. 2353170

If they are going to have a hot woman in her 20s-30s, then the moids should also be in their 20s-30s unless they are playing as like her dad or some shit.

No. 2353258

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Quality post, thank you. For some reason, the thought of "dwarfposters" being real men with a specific behavior pattern and issues associated with them in real life is so funny. You'd never think this if you only saw them online and thought they just like posting and making jokes about fantasy dwarves.

Excuse the blogposting but unfortunately, my sister likes dwarves and dwarfposting and she also had a crush on a fat, bald, bearded scrote in her tabletop gaming club who is older than her and known for being a womanizer (she was heartbroken when he started dating someone else after playing with her feelings). I think her awkwardness, geekiness, overall weirdness and unfeminine behavior (like mine) make her think, at least subconsciously, that she's unworthy of having an attractive boyfriend, so she developed a fetish for ugly men as a cope. I never talk about this to anyone, but it's been torturing me for a while now, and it's not like I can tell my mother because she'll think I'm being overly judgemental. At least my sister's taste in husbandos seems to be improving lately.

I hate this fucker's art so much. He constantly pokes fun at coomers and coomer tropes, but he's not actually criticizing anything, his art is still born from his own horniness. He's just a slightly more self-aware coomoid and gets tons of praise from other porn-addicted scrotes for it as if he was above other porn addicts for employing a bit of meta humor.
>The male orcs look like fucking orcs, and the female orcs just look like bimbos with little bottom fangs.
I hope there are mods to fix this kinda shit, because I wanted to play TES.
>I'm just doing things mostly for my own escapism at this point, and you wouldn't believe how alienating this is for moids even when they do it to us all the time. One of the things I've started employing when I run games, instead of the female characters being the ever beautiful counterparts to the more monstrous males of their species, I just reverse it. Once they start noticing a pattern, they mention how I only have pretty boy NPCs, and how it doesn't make sense and is unrealistic.
Based, I wish more women understood that they can make their own ideal fantasies come true in any kind of media, instead of having to suffer through whatever moids shit out, and they shouldn't give a shit about what males think of it (they don't give a shit what women have to say about female objectification and male degeneracy either so why should a woman be ashamed of her own harmless fantasies?). When I was in my sister's club's D&D campaign, I made my character a beautiful long-haired half-elf guy whose mother was an elf. I should've made her a human who married a male elf instead, fuck.
>I don't know what would be better, making all the male villain characters still very attractive, or having their villainy represented in how ugly they are. I know it's kind of autistic to still entertain moids at this point, but it's fun for me to see their fantasies turned upside down.
Keeekkkk I'm a villainfag so my pussy tells me hot villains, but the villains being ugly would do more to moids than just make them roll their eyes, they would actually feel offended and attacked.

They just want women to be as degenerate as them, but without any standards for males so they still have a chance. Imagine if women were actually as degenerate as moids are in real life and in the same way, but didn't give a fuck about ugly scrotes and only wante to fuck 10/10 prettyboys. Imagine if women felt free to call ugly moids ugly in public and didn't get demonized and accused of being "shallow."

No. 2353284

He basically draws his ideal world which, like all moid fic, is an epin level of projection where all women are lusty evil 'whores' and he's the fantastical paladin who possesses self-control unlike any male in irl ever. All the 'humour' in his comics rests on knowing what page 782 for 'cum deformation' on Danbooru looks like.

No. 2353399

can someone name some romance movies with cute boys or is that too off topic?

No. 2353415

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I use to think it was just people joking on the Internet too, but unfortunately, since I am so involved in this subculture and I live somewhere it's very prevalent, I realize it's not a joke and it really does reflect a sad and ugly perspective on reality these moids have. They really are that resentful of beautiful moids and do everything to shill muh skilinity, despite being dorky losers in real life.

I have so many stories, but I don't want to completely reveal myself because I think people who know me would instantly recognize me from my horror stories of the geeky moid world. I would also love to run a game for other nonnas here that would be interested, if I figured out the best way to exclude moids from potentially infiltrating. Especially because the game I was suppose to play got cancelled tonight.

I have witnessed similar situations as well, where women in this subculture usually have very damaged self-esteem because of their general lack of interest in typical 'girly' things (like makeup and fashion). Ironically, we end up surrounded by literal moid fantasies and it only makes it worse for some women, like your sister for example. It's very sad. You don't fit in with normie women and their humiliation rituals to appease moids, but you can't escape it either when you indulge your actual hobbies because it's somehow even worse than real life.

They will act like we're infiltrating their hobbies without realizing us a lot of us were always interested, we just never had a place to indulge it. Apparently we still don't, but we can make it. A lot of my skills in art (and specifically 3d) come from my desire to see beautiful moids come to life. God bless the women who dedicate themselves to modding vidya, that's where I started too. We're surrounded by male dictated dream worlds in both fantasy and real life, the only bastion is if we can create something for ourselves for once. You can't rely on moids to honestly portray an accurate representation of what females want to see without injecting their own self-interests into it. It disappoints me when other women with the skills, who are likewise involved with in the creation of these fantasies, use it to only satisfy moids. I know I use to feel guilty about it, but the only way to tip the scales is to be as overt with it as they are in literally everything. Above anything else, we shouldn't have to self-police our own fucking fantasies, especially if we're talented in creation.

I think I will end up doing both handsome villains and ugly villains, that's where their range of representation can be, much like how they portray female characters kek. The only time you see ugly or old female characters is if they're literally villainous.

I haven't even read his fic or knew his art had an actual narrative. Barf. I only know I see these memes reblogged everywhere (like I saw one in that dwarf subreddit). I hate how scrotes think porn is a justifiable punchline, this is also why I hate funnymen, but that's an aside. Moids who always represent themselves as paragons of purity inevitably turn out to be ugly fucks who have no trouble resisting, because no one is trying to seduce them in the first place. Being a virginal moid is only impressive if he's extremely handsome and intentionally saving himself. I definitely prefer virgins or less experienced moids, but they're not fooling anyone if they're unattractive and addicted to porn. Honestly, men using porn should be viewed as the equivalent to sleeping around. They're not really pure if their eyes have witnessed hundreds of breasts, pussies, and assholes.

No. 2353424

Do they not know that the "bald buff beard" look is more of a gay bear aesthetic? I swear to god there's some gay men prompting straight dudes to become unwitting sex objects for them.

This is my first time in the UMP threads. I love it so much.

I think about this all of the time. Nothing is stopping them from getting surgeries, hiring a personal trainer, adopting a better diet, and getting skincare treatments. They're paid more than their female counterparts, and Korean actors do it, so they have no excuse.

I couldn't give you a direct answer, but I hate how "normalized" it feels. I remember my first drawing professor in college was a huge narc dude who would go on rambles and try to neg the girls he felt were vulnerable enough to yield to him. He had that douchey bare-minimum look where guys try to make themselves look kept up but their own egos fill in the blanks, so they fall short and it looks like a half-done effort presented in slathered on-hair gel.

NTA but I'd imagine the number of made-up/filtered men there are greater, plus tips on male beauty routines. So you're not getting hit with normalized uglies like we would on western apps.

No. 2353431

Anon wish you the best of luck. Could relate to everything in your post sadly come visit us in the DRTW threads on g and all I have to say is I don’t want a guy in this hobby at all anymore after being exposed to geek men degeneracy. I’m looking for a dumb jock that doesn’t know what anime is now.

No. 2353462

I honestly don't blame you, and this is what a recommend to all women, regardless of their hobbies and interests. Most geeky moids are ugly from their start, even if they aren't total degenerates. I've met maybe three I could say are even just cute. It's just not worth it. I'll look into it.

No. 2353554

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the power of words, making the descriptor boy-frog seem like a poetic compliment for this hulking ogre. and when people were describing stretchmarks as "tiger stripes", everyone said it was corny. reminds of picrel, how easy it is to make someone sound attractive. like calling Neil Gaiman's bird nest "floppy-haired".

No. 2353556

depends on the community

No. 2353559

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even many moids have realized that a large majority of dwarf/anti-elf posts are just cope for fat, short and ugly men

No. 2353566

This could’ve been a sociological thesis if you extended it a bit more. Incredible post anon, you have a brilliant mind.

No. 2353574

because unwanted undesirable scrotes cope through the existence of "feminine" men, a scrote will keep living on so long as he has something to punch down on, be it women or feminine men, a scrote doesn't have to feel bad about his shit posture and shit shoulders if there's a feminine man with even narrower shoulders than he can feel he can "dominate", he doesn't have to anhero because of his 2 inch prick if there's a moid with an even tinier dick. Scrotes' fetishes will always trump their actual sexuality and in this case, their desperation to be the dominant awesome chad takes over and makes them coom to these feminized male characters, and that it's the "domination" that makes it not really gay.

No. 2353579

>walled-from-birth white man makes a fictious movie about yet another wall painter beating up an in-shape kind of cute Asian man who's one thing was being a good fighter
how shocking

No. 2353593

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reminded me of vaush, he's obsessed with 'femboy' porn and raping young boys and probably sees himself as a 'bear' even though he is a short, fat, ugly man who anyone could beat up.

No. 2353598

Bisexuality is very common in men because that’s how they “dominate” each other. Dog brained retards

No. 2353600

forget beating up, i could wedgie this dude and run and he'd get a heart attack trying to chase me, kek,

No. 2353613

i just watched it on YT, my god, it's all so insufferable, mocking Bruce Lee's accent and voice during fights, Brad Pitt character "cool guy" scoffing at Bruce Lee's monologue, then doing the god awful "smirk", and then trying to look like a cool tough guy trying to be nice to someone he could totally beat up when confronted, and then the fight only ending when someone interferes.

No. 2353618


One of the things I hear from moids when it comes to the sexual objectification of females in media is that it's okay because women are doing it too and want to see it as well. Supposedly this is because females are 'naturally' more bisexual than men. They will also claim that bisexuality in males doesn't really exist. They'll point to that one study as evidence.

Of course a lot of women will turn themselves into female chauvinist pigs for male approval. The pickme pandemic will always exist as long as we're gatekept from power. And it's true some of us will turn to bisexuality/lesbianism because moids are just so unattractive in general, but idk anymore. At the rate we see moids degenerate into tranny-chasers, and how they groom themselves to be more appealing to other moids (rather than women), I feel like I have to go back and read that study. Something isn't lining up.

No. 2353637

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This shit is hilarious yet it gives me hope. I wish this sentiment goes mainstream, all moids should aim to look their best

No. 2353642

>She obviously struggled with a severe lack of self-esteem.
I doubt Frida Kahlo of all people had problems with confidence. Some women on this thread just have to accept that sometimes women fall for unconventional-looking men and that's not something that can be changed by reeing.

No. 2353654

This is the same man who is currently shitting up the “gender ideology hate” thread. Everyone here knows she was groomed by this hideous monster who would’ve been killed with a rock in any sane society before he even got his first erection. Cope, seethe, dilate.

No. 2353667

I come back to lolcow after a month and get immediately called a scrote, kek.

No. 2353687

She literally made paintings about all her traumas and was groomed at 17 by a much older scrote

No. 2353691

Why dont we spread this urgently far and wide to other femininists? Everytime i try in 2x or some other on reddit. etc (where its BADLY NEEDED) You get some agreeing and some baffoons saying "some ugly men have great qualities" When the hell do you ever seeing that grace afforded to women though? I mean are you seriously that deluded? How do you still think this way? The difference in treatment women>man and man>woman is off the charts BAD. How are other feminists not bolted awake by how shittily we're treated alone though? To see men only reserve nasty scraps for us? They still want to look for good though. Even ugly men will expect a 7 or 8 despite looking horrific. I should have sympathy why? With the way men casually treat women with such nastiness, so easily? I'd really like to understand. Someone please englighten me.

How can we start spready this far and wide?

No. 2353695

Honestly? Talk to women face to face. Be open about your disgust regarding ugly men in real life, around friends and family especially because they will be the easiest to influence. The internet is filled with endless slop content and bots, people forget everything they see here.

No. 2353704

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>Sharon's type
from this to poolanski smh. lowering(literally) her standards killed her.

No. 2353711

Makes sense. I don't think any sane woman would describe it as 'reeing' when others rightfully point out that a 17 yr old 'falling' for a much older and deceptive moid is grooming.
If anything, pointing out these imbalances might at least enforce some standards amongst women as a whole. I don't really care if a handful of women are actually attracted to 'unconventional' men, the same is not allowed in reverse and women are pressured in every way to be accepting or at the very least tolerant of the flaws of men. In general, women don't actually want to be with men who look like Diego, but if you say you don't on account of looks, you're shallow, even if moids can freely reject women for whatever reason they want without judgment.

Love to see it kek. Remember when incels threaten they'll just import Asian girls to give Western women a run for their money? It will never change the evil shit moids do like sex tourism, but it's funny to see the shocking revelation that at least beauty standards in Asia apply to both men and women. I hope this does actually level the playing field even a little bit, but I think these are jokes sadly. Still, I would like to think women are at least realizing that they don't have to settle.

In all sincerity, feminism doesn't mean much anymore to the people who supposedly ascribe to it. Radical feminists are the closest to actual feminism, while your average 'feminist' just identifies as one because it's vogue for the time being. A 'feminist' woman is really just a normie woman.
The best thing you can do, and this goes for any woman regardless of ideology, is normalize the idea that you are allowed to discriminate based on attraction. This works best with women close to you in real life, like family and friends, and while it might be uncouth, even acquaintances might be influenced if they hear other women being so frank. A lot of women are afraid to voice their actual opinions because they don't want to be socially ostracized, but if they see other women doing it they'll be less afraid of how their honesty will be received. They just have to know it's acceptable that you and every woman, are in fact capable of engaging in your sexuality as a subject, and it's not your duty to sexually appease males, especially ones you're not attracted to. If they call themselves feminist, they're probably at least somewhat liberal, and the idea that you don't have to pretend you're sexually attracted to something you're not will be easier for them to accept. A lot of it is just being open and honest with other women, so they too can be open and honest with themselves.

No. 2353721

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I can't believe we were robbed of beautiful elven bois

No. 2353723

Male "sexuality", specifically the way coping sexologists, lesbians, faghags and other spiritual fujos envision it, isn't real. It's transparently a product of conditioning, as corroborated by the fact that paraphilias are predominantly found in men. Most male wholesome hekin gay animals are simply engaging in mounting for dominance. It's amusing but watching the "men will fuck anything" crowd abloobloo the moment you infer that males are not capable of an ironclad unquestionable biological "sexual orientation" the way normies envision it. Much fanfic cope is then employed to explain all male sexual behavior that doesn't align with muh unshakeable innate male sexuality - that gay who fucks women is only using women or self harming because of h-homophobia, his heart is really with penis! And that burly macho man who has brosex is just looking for physical relief, he's not really gay! Actually wait, no, he's really gay but doesn't identify as such because homopopia! You hate lesbians because women are suddenly exactly the same as men in sexuality of all things! But also objective sexual behavior is the absolute measure of sexuality in women! Etc etc etc. The more simple, elegant conclusion here evades them, because both sides have emotional investment in the idea of some kind of male "permanence".

No. 2353729

True, but I don't get why anyone would be invested in male "permanence".

No. 2353731

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Polanski was already older than her at the time of her death by a decade. His ratface next to hers is so jarring. Polanski is 5' 3", so this was staged like to hide his height kek. All of their professional photoshoots have him posed over her in this Farquaadian style.

The most fucked up thing I remember after his child rape scandal were people using his wife's death as excuse for his actions. "He was just coping with the loss of his wife and made a mistake! He was in a dark place! :'("

No. 2353737

Haven't watched it but the tearsmith has an attractive male lead.

No. 2353738

Males require a grandiose false self in which they're not driven by their base urges, and can't be defined by an outside observer in a way they don't like. The standard "I am DEFINITELY who I say I am/what I think I am" male cope (found in copious amounts in trannies btw).
Women obviously find the notion of pair bonding with a stochastic, unstable, malleable coom-entity horrifying. They would sooner choose "stably and predictably a degenerate coomer" over "pure angel and a great father POOF suddenly gay furry amputation pedo because of discord coomditioning". People in general don't like this kind of terrifying, indifferent randomness. Same reason religiosity exists.

No. 2353742

Why do manlets think we can't determine their heights from proportions? Though seeing the "art" moids create, I think proportion is especially difficult to them, they're more attuned to processing scale instead.

No. 2353743

Even when women don't have any of those things they still age better than men on average. My diet isn't that good (still skinny though), I only work out here and there and I have no real skin routine. However, I still look younger than my brother who already has crows feet and other aging signs when I'm older than he is, and he's already going fully bald. I also genuinely look younger compared to every single male around my age range or younger.
He would look slightly younger if he shaved the disgusting beard and actually got better hair.

No. 2353744

Had one try to argue that studies into coomditioning/porn malleability were stopped because 'da jooz'. That was funny.

No. 2353747

I'm surprised that the notion of innate rate of aging being lower in women is so offensive to anons in this thread of all places. There's a very clear insistence on muh lifestyle/muh letting himself go being the only factor in male aesthetic decline. He didn't let himself go, his cell cycle did.

Unless by "taking care of himself" they mean datasanib+quercetin, rapamycin and CR vegan diet, which would give me a hearty kek.

No. 2353751

This makes the most sense, but why is everyone so obsessed with this idea that males are wholly oriented one way or the other? I can understand why lesbians would fear their homosexuality getting caught in the crossfire of evaluating male homosexuality. But what about moids? Are they afraid they could become gay? I guess it makes sense because they wouldn't want to be seen as the bottom bitch if they are mostly straight. There's also the phenomenon whenever a bisexual scrote does something terrible, moids are quick to blame it on his homosexuality. I remember honestly thinking that Jimmy Savile was a boylove sicko because I only ever heard about him raping little boys, and I was surprised to find out most of his victims were actually little girls. Very interesting moids fail to mention that fact. It actually disgusts me that only a fraction of his victims were males, and the majority of them were females and yet the main thing I hear from scrote mouths is that he was a faggot. Goes to show which victims they care about, if they even see victimizing female children as bad. I guess I kind of answered my own question.

No. 2353752

I'm already seeing the pivot to
>Akcshyaly I was never gay, I was just molested and groomed by porn and fatherless! Now that I found JESUS I'm back to being straight again, I mean, being the straight I always was! Also roman towelboys aren't gay! Da joos made me!
With coping traddie Vancefags spearheading the cope. No, you were never straight. You were never gay either. You're just a meat coom-automaton driven entirely by stimuli exposure and availability, nothing more. No more "-sexual" than a beetle fucking a bottlecap is a "bottlesexual". No straight men in prison.

No. 2353753

I think it's because women tend to be both pressured to care for their looks and also age better just by default. Men can technically make themselves look less shitty if they try harder compared to their peers (who usually don't try at all or even make themselves look older on purpose because muh masculinity), but they still age worse by default compared to a woman. I mean, they tend to die earlier for a reason. Their projection about how women age worse and hit the wall is always funny when this is their reality.

No. 2353756

>why do they larp
One of the first primordial male traumas is the realization that they're not in control and never will be, and this is what they spend the rest of their lives coping with. Puberty is a big one.

Even UMP is (transparently and self admittedly) moids trying to get women to be attracted to them on the basis of what moids think about themselves/what's reasonably attainable to them. A flailing attempt at self-determination.

No moid is receptive to the idea that he could be psyopped into literally any sex and enjoying it depending on his horniness and mate availability, and yes the realization that he's one dry spell from letting a guy suck him off through a gloryhole is a big part of it. If you want to go further down this rabbit hole (kek), Google "boner when pooping" and how it makes them feel.

No. 2353757

>I'm surprised that the notion of innate rate of aging being lower in women is so offensive to anons in this thread
Kek in the first couple of threads, I stupidly pushed back whenever anons pointed out that men just naturally age like shit because deep down it felt like a excuse for men to let themselves. It made me recall the times when women irl would tell me "oh well his looks shouldn't matter because he will age anyways!"

No. 2353760

File: 1737296666264.jpeg (945.82 KB, 1416x1897, 615E0F07-C0AC-4033-A166-254CE4…)

Let’s bet on how long it will take for my account to get suspended on Reddit after posting this

No. 2353763

We're really doing ourselves a disservice by deboonking (and therefore paying attention to) any purported male 'opinion' or 'position', it's all a huge distraction.

No. 2353764

Probably because of an everpresent idea in which the response to male natural deficiency in something should always be apology and tryhard accommodation (as opposed to mockery and further gratuitous curbstomping dispensed to women).

No. 2353767

Kek your comment reminded of vidrel.
>Why im scared of getting pegged
> tldr: "I'm afraid it will make me gay"

No. 2353769


No. 2353772

I feel like even if men didn't already age like shit naturally (they do), they still fuck themselves over even more by having this culture where trying at all to preserve any youthfulness is seen as exclusively a female or gay thing. They're already fucked biologically speaking and then make this even worse because of their retarded social standards.
Kurtis conner

No. 2353780

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And it's unironically a well founded fear. Every male knows what prostate stimulation feels like even if he never touched cock. To further the horror, moms of infant boys apparently describe seeing "poop boners" during potty training.
I'm surprised fujos are sleeping on this, you literally don't need anything besides poop boners to credibly explain why a canon straight character is suddenly taking it up the chute.

Curiously, males appear to have zero fear of this when assuming the bottom position isn't associated with loss of social status in the eyes of potential female mates (the Ancient Greece meme pooners love so much). Male "sexuality" is a social status meme, nothing more.

No. 2353781

Haha, this. I don't understand why men are so afraid of grooming themselves. They barely use face wash or serums to make their gross skin look better.

No. 2353788

I had NO idea this was a thing but whenever I’m tearing a male apart with da girls I like to poke fun at the possibility of him experiencing something like this. Kek they’re so fucking predictable. Of course they’d be getting boners from the shit in their ass before they can even speak. Stupid animals

No. 2353789

The superior gender.

No. 2353803

tbf every male I've known who liked being pegged eventually trooned out, so it's something I'm wary off as well

No. 2353810

File: 1737299098246.png (282.01 KB, 630x547, 4c7.png)

If the mom character got fat, moids will immediately call it a downgrade like picrel with Deku's mom. Plus maybe the fat guy would've gotten less attention if his wife turned out fat like him since moids probably self-insert as the fat bastard that somehow still have a pretty youthful wife. Moids are fucking cowards to age up female characters or making her fat since they can't stand seeing an unfuckable woman. They would call it woke if the genders where reversed.

No. 2353816

File: 1737299503071.webp (172.93 KB, 1920x1080, Katsuki_and_his_mom.webp)

To be far, I don't know why they chose to do this and keep Bakugo's mom (Mitsuki) super hot and normal looking.

No. 2353826

>If the mom character got fat, moids will immediately call it a downgrade like picrel with Deku's mom
I feel like that's greatly exaggerated, most moids I've talked to either don't care or are chubby chasers that are into it, she's surprisingly popular with that kind of moid.

No. 2353847

Is this Sakamoto days? What the fuck.

No. 2353874

bc having an explosive and violent personality while being "ugly" would make her a more loathsome character, so they compensate by making her hot.

No. 2353882

>name a bigger downgrade
Every man over the age of 25.

No. 2353897

I know a handful of gen Z males like this, very accurate.

No. 2353907

cumtown listener physiognomy

No. 2353914

It's a real guy. Here he is getting a half-naked health check, as proof.

No. 2353930

men are coomers it's simple, they wish a hot woman would scream at them

No. 2353936

>men are coomers
This whole thread is full of hopium. Selecting for attractive males doesn’t deselect their innate violence and sexual depravity, just stop trying to build a good male because you’re wasting your time.

No. 2353948

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The trouble with this thread is, we aren’t allowed to lust after a man that’s a bit rough around the edges without anons screaming at us. It’s “you’re coping!!! All women want is pretty boys!!! Here’s a pic of an airbrushed kpop singer that looks like he gets passed around like a blunt by executives on a nightly basis!!!! If you don’t want to fuck him you’re brainwashed!!!” If I said I wanted to fuck a young Marco Pierre White I’d get “he’s ugly!!!! He’s aged like shit!!!” He makes my pussy wet so I want him. That’s all that matters. I don’t want to fuck a twink with gayface who looks like he cries after sex. I want a brute. I want someone who’s going to pick me up and throw me around and who won’t be phased if I slap him hard in the face every now and then. That’s marco. I wish I could have hot, nasty, sweaty, dirty filthy animalistic sex with a 25-35 year old marco.(do not defend ugly men itt)

No. 2353949

how did you get from my comment >>2353930 i am full of hopium?

No. 2353953

>pretty men must be gay
It's tragic to hear this from a woman.

No. 2353969

Sorry your standards are busted

No. 2353972

Peg him anyways. Half these buttscared scrotes wanna do anal with women anyways, which makes absolutely no sense since women don't have a clit in their asshole like moids do.

No. 2353975

>kpop singer that looks like he gets passed around like a blunt by executives on a nightly basis!!
that sounds hot i wish it were true

No. 2353976

I know exactly what you mean about having filthy sex but it makes you feel nothing but dead inside. Anything is better than that in my opinon. Some people just settle for that because they don't know how to feel anything else. They've never explored other kinds of feelings. Its fine if you dont for a while but boy will it destroy you from the inside.

No. 2353977

Nona… Gay men are hideous.

No. 2353978

Your problems can be solved by going to /g/

No. 2353981

Which is why it's stupid to compromise genetics in favor of presumed better character (which ugly men also have no reason to possess in the first place).

No. 2353988

>a twink with gayface who looks like he cries after sex

No. 2353992

just camp out in the unconventional threads, anon, fucking kek. I agree, Marco used to be hot. But anons will rightfully complain about another thirstpost about another man in any thread other than that one. Because it's annoying.

No. 2353995

Character is just as important. Shitty opportunistic males with no ethics or ability to care about people, are just as bad. Males who are like this are the absolute WORST though because they end up becoming powerful parasitic men who screw everyone else over for money.

Tbh its the entitlement to getting away with being ugly that disgusts me most. I dont actually care if a guy is impossibly ugly, its the entitlement to get away with it. To putting old ugly men up next to pretty 20 yo women that pisses me off. Masculinity by itself is just gross af in that department..

No. 2354002

Would be really hot if the executives are all female. New fantasy unlocked.
Or even better, cries during it.

No. 2354003

The ugly male psyop isn’t just about looks. Society and the media are also pushing us to like males that are just total fucking dweebs.

Anyways I wish I could hog tie pedro pascal and throw him off a bridge into a murky lake.

No. 2354006

Kekk he even made a video on how porn makes moids get off to gayer and more extreme shit

No. 2354016

I always thought this thread wasn't thirspost-friendly either way. I feel like this thread needs a manifesto or explanation of some sort, to tie the idea of the psyop together, because it seems that different anons have different ideas about what it actually is.

No. 2354020

That's not rough around the edges, that week old roadkill.
>I want an ugly bastard that tosses me around like a dainty blushing maiden
>picrel is walled and a manlet
The problem with you is that your view of past prime, unattractive , short men as "strong" and virile is biologically inaccurate, hence why your sexuality revolves around narrative and weird, feminine competition with "gay" young men in their prime, not objective qualities. Nobody here doubts for a second that women coom to things they convinced themselves of, or simply don't want their man to mog them.
There's nothing wrong if this is what makes your pussy wet, but what you have is pretty evidently an AGP-like fetish stemming from self-sexualization, an inauthentic, altered, socially shaped sexuality.

No. 2354024

He’s 6’3 nonna, he’s not a manlet.

No. 2354028

Why do you feel the need to justify what you want, by juxtaposing what you don't want with insults? Does that make you feel more secure in what you want? Shouldn't the desire by itself be enough?

No. 2354039

No. 2354040

Actually thought this was the killer from Texas Chainsaw Massacre and still half convinced he is.

No. 2354047

you're allowed to like ugly retards. and we're allowed to call them ugly retards. if you can't cope with that, hide the thread and move on

No. 2354060

The OP literally says "do not defend ugly men ITT". You can like your downs syndrome moid if you want, just not here. I don't understand why you insist on defending ugly men here or saying ugly post wall men make you wet, no1currs.

No. 2354061

Then he has acromegaly and his head is 5x normal human size.

No. 2354066

Males don't have "character". They're only as good as their options, certain resentments, etc. Its biologically impossible for a sexual endoparasite to feel about you the way you feel about them, or whatever it is you think is "good character" in a moid. Best you can get is "doesn't have the means to screw you over".

The hypothetical situation in which a fuggo will be nicer than a hot guy doesn't exist, and millions of women get burned every day thinking it does. At best you're going to get a delayed onset opportunistic faggot, when your vigilance is sufficiently dulled or your options are sufficiently reduced (e.g. when you get pregnant).

No. 2354086

Because she's selling it to herself. Most AGP biological women who "get off" to ugly orc rape basically have to write their personal bodice-ripper to fluff themselves up first. We have all done this, myself included, for reasons we hide from our own consciousness awareness. This is why women wrote fanfics and overhoomanize their coom, too. Also why sexologists think all women are bisexual, female sexuality is based on """"vibes"""" and men can be attractive via status and confidence.

There must always be an odd language-based narrative because the normal reptile brain response of hot young guy=wet pussy isn't available due to being methodically ablated since birth. The actual "female socialization", if you will.

No. 2354108

>another ugly Jewish scrote with sadboi trauma
I am 100% convinced Jewish moids, specifically those prominent in Hollywood, are 100% behind the ugly man psyop until proven otherwise.

No. 2354416

I feel a slight bit of shame when fantasizing about moids who are more attractive than me because I know they would never touch me with a 10 foot pole. I know that's absolutely retarded and cucked. How do I stop being so retarded when I know old hideous scrotes feel no shame about creeping on 19 year old models?

No. 2354427

File: 1737322317845.jpg (1.23 MB, 1763x2599, ZANGIEF_001-1470109642.jpg)

Women are attracted to Vega; men are attracted to Zangief.

No. 2354432

Stop hanging out with trannies idk what to tell you

No. 2354455

ily nonna, thank you for your service

No. 2354463

Great pic, thanks anon. The only problem I have with Vega is his really annoying whooping voice in the SNES game. Too high pitched, he'd be best if he kept his mouth shut but I guess that's all men.

No. 2354531

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Men are the biggest dumbasses this is why I don't care about the loneliness epidemic they go out of their way to make themselves unattractive but still expect women to want to be with them redpill was their biggest mistake may they suffer the consequences.

No. 2354535

Since the UMP defines masculinity as ugly, beauty has to be innately feminine. The idea has been around forever, but this specific offshoot of the psyop has been spreading like cancer everywhere. I know women who only ever talk about "breeding" their supposedly feminine husbandos, being up their cervix and other gross shit like that. These weren't TIFs either, just women in the fandom sphere. Their only understanding of attraction is a masculine aggressor invading a female object, so they dissociate from their own biology, substituting retarded moid porn terms for their female attraction. And, to bring it back directly to the ugly male psyop, so many of the "princesses" they talk about assfucking are hideous or old. It is grim when even women's fantasies have been colonized.

No. 2354538

Giving yourself an eye infection to own the femoids

No. 2354543

Why can't men like this honestly just kill themselves

No. 2354554

He doesn't even look masculine, just retarded. Like why is his expression all "duhhhuuurr"

No. 2354599

>I don’t want to fuck a twink with gayface who looks like he cries after sex
Kpop prettyboy idols can actually be as misogynistic and degenerate (in a straight way) as any other man. Wasn't there a scandal where a bunch of them were sharing women's nudes and sexually abusing women or some shit? Being pretty doesn't mean a moid is gay (or any less degenerate, sadly).

No. 2354603

For many, masculinity = looking brutish and retarded

No. 2354626

>she's surprisingly popular with that kind of moid
Yeah obviously, because they're fat fetishists. They're not your ordinary coomer. There will be a coomer audience for literally anything. I'm willing to bet that most moids don't consider her fat version physically attractive.

No. 2354666

File: 1737331303790.jpg (73.29 KB, 1019x418, oh shut up.jpg)

Samefag here but I came across this and it indicative of the UMP. This fucking "everyone deserves love" when there is a fear women will stop marrying/fucking men (its already happening, big time) when men have been making women jump though hoops on their appearance and personality just makes my blood boil. As shown in previous threads the uglier the moid the more shitty his personality is and no, they dont deserve anything let alone women for merely existing.

No. 2354688

I thought this was the guy from Shameless at first that people keep trying to shill as hot

No. 2354699

I always find it funny when they say better for “society” when over half of that society needs to be subjugated and miserable for this to work.

No. 2354711

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posting again because he's repulsive

No. 2354719

it's so wild that Trisha Paytas used to be his escort

No. 2354730

Thank you for the effortposts based nonna it's been a while since I got a reply as long as my post kek
>I would also love to run a game for other nonnas here that would be interested, if I figured out the best way to exclude moids from potentially infiltrating
That'd be great, what I mentioned before was the first time I truly gave TTRPG a shot, so I'd love to play with a female-only group because I think that's the only way I'd be able to play comfortably and get more familiar with RPG.
There have been Discord servers here that were relatively moid-free and the few males that managed to join were quickly discovered and kicked out. They used voice verification. I don't give a fuck if I have to verify by voice, especially if we're going to use voice chat to play anyway.
>I have witnessed similar situations as well, where women in this subculture usually have very damaged self-esteem because of their general lack of interest in typical 'girly' things (like makeup and fashion).
I stopped joining that club's D&D sessions because some of the moids were too annoying during the game and when it was time to go home (with me and my sister being the only women left) the main organizers, every time without fail, would start making jokes about cartoon porn. I'm absolutely disgusted at my sister's choice of social circle, but there's nothing I can do except hope that my manhate and relative self-confidence rub off on her and that she learns to stop being a pickme on her own without being traumatized by moids' most awful traits (which is something I had to go through to snap out of it, but some women aren't so lucky and keep being deluded despite witnessing these horrors). If only she met other nerdy girls like herself so she didn't have to hang out with a bunch of perverted scrotes who engage in casual misogyny, both online and in real life. Thankfully most women naturally wise up with age. But still, in a way, I feel guilty of introducing her to such niche, male-dominated hobbies, I feel like I ruined her life.
>we just never had a place to indulge it. Apparently we still don't, but we can make it.
That's so true, but with tranny shit being so prevalent in geek spaces, I think it'd be a bit hard to do that right now without being cancelled for troonphobia (or the community imploding after trannies take over and destroy it from within) outside of "TERF" places like LC.
>A lot of my skills in art (and specifically 3d) come from my desire to see beautiful moids come to life. God bless the women who dedicate themselves to modding vidya, that's where I started too.
I hope to become a decent enough modder that I can fix the shit in your pic by inverting it.
>You can't rely on moids to honestly portray an accurate representation of what females want to see without injecting their own self-interests into it.
That's what I've been thinking lately about female fans of mixed gachashit. Some of them are starting to wake up to the fact that the scrote devs will never give female playerbases more than crumbs, and are rightfully angry. But they could also realize that it's up to ourselves to be the change we want to see, we can't just expect males to pander to us in any meaningful way. Usually male devs start a franchise with some decent husbandobait, and once they've secured their female side demographic, they uglify the males or introduce more and more moid coombait down the line. Sometimes, on extremely rare occasions, men can make wonderful pieces of media for women, but this is just an exception that's becoming rarer as porn addiction and incelism become more common. We could become professional artists, programmers, musicians, even indie movie directors and change things for the better, most women are too comfortable with being constantly treated like an afterthought as a demographic and not doing anything about it. If more women realized they don't have to settle for moidslop and that they can take matters into their own hands, we'd probably have more cute male actors and more depictions of beautiful men in media (and hopefully moids would start trying to pander to us for real when they realize that it, too, can be profitable).
>I know I use to feel guilty about it, but the only way to tip the scales is to be as overt with it as they are in literally everything. Above anything else, we shouldn't have to self-police our own fucking fantasies, especially if we're talented in creation.
Preach. I will always advocate for women being unashamedly self-indulgent.
>I think I will end up doing both handsome villains and ugly villains, that's where their range of representation can be, much like how they portray female characters kek.
Yeah that seems like a good idea and it's a more accurate reversal. I wish you luck!

There's a female gaze media thread on /m/ for this exact kind of recommendation, and there's also the movie thread where more knowledgeable nonnas might answer.

No. 2354759

I'm so glad women are finally waking up that marriage only benefits men.

No. 2354760

It's fair if women have to settle down with moids they aren't attracted to in forced loyalty, completely neglecting their own sexual desires. It's also fair that they will take on the majority of labor in their relationship together.

His use of the term 'females' in the same sentence as 'men' is quite telling. You, female, do not deprive me, a man, of love (aka sexual and domestic services).

This is also just more proof that moids are incapable of love in the same sense women mean it. To them, love is just a life of servitude to them, that they deserve for simply existing and women just have to appreciate this grim fate of ours because it's supposedly fair. We naturally ask how the fuck could we love someone as romantic partners if we aren't even attracted to them, but that doesn't matter to moids. This is fair in their mind because all they care about is taking advantage of others, and will likely trade up if the opportunity ever presents itself.

I don't have trouble convincing my friends of the harsh reality of male behavior, but the hardest truth for them to accept is that romantic love as we know it has always been a ruse moids fool us with. You sound like a resentful psychopath if you bring this up, but I feel like they show themselves all the time, and yet it's so hard to warn other women.

Worst of all, women think ugly moids will love them more than a moid they're actually attracted to, but we know that the ugly moids think they deserve a mommy bangmaid because it's 'fair'. They straight up say like in >>2354666. All the while moids don't really provide anything to our lives, except some vague notion of feeling less alone. How do I talk about this with my friends in a way that doesn't sound insane?

No. 2354771

I don't care if the haters try to say their relationship was fake, I know that's not the case.

No. 2354779

>it's fair to everyone
>but women opt out of it given the choice
>it's also a self-benefitting decision
Penile copemath. Why would women opt out if getting a man was as much of a prize as getting a woman and it was in fact equivalent (fair) exchange? Revolting parasite.

No. 2354784

On the two sites I saw this posted (reddit and twitter) a lot of people were saying the same thing. I'm glad social attitudes have changed enough that many people do agree women shouldnt have to give up their happiness to placate a mediocre scrote.

No. 2354792


No. 2354824

File: 1737339282978.png (97.66 KB, 330x237, Screenshot 2025-01-19 181402.p…)

which one is supposed to be attractive

No. 2354830

KEK surely this is haram?

No. 2354859

There's gotta be a name for the strategy where men call themselves attractive hoping women will be convinced by their say so.

No. 2354870

File: 1737341025036.jpeg (Spoiler Image,315.55 KB, 627x783, IMG_7529.jpeg)

No. 2354890

Congrats on the pregnancy!

No. 2354998

Bizarro world. Long, thick eyelashes is a hypermasculine trait.

No. 2355415

File: 1737381517014.png (626.15 KB, 991x787, why did she do it.png)

horrors i have to witness when looking for reference of average looking people

No. 2355518

File: 1737385821652.png (17.71 KB, 1194x146, jej.PNG)

moids when you don't like roidpigs:
(also post male butthurt)

No. 2355561

File: 1737386825059.jpg (85.77 KB, 850x574, sample_fecc2831217aac04ab32bac…)

Dwarfposting is the male equivalent of women making characters fat,ugly and trannies. Its just a cope by ugly insecure moids.

No. 2355624

>i want to fuck uggos!!
then do? literally no one is stopping you, you arent oppressed for having shit taste and liking bottom of the barrel ugly scrotes you can easily find at wallmart buying chicken nuggies.

No. 2355628

Wtf why would a woman like this be with that thing

No. 2355629

Just because anons want to pretend they have high standards here doesn't mean they're fucking male models kek. I thought everyone knew this? You do you anon.
Not attacking you nonnas btw, I think everyone deserves to hold out for someone they deem worthy. But tbqh your Nigels are never hot honestly and there's nothing wrong with that either.

No. 2355651

We really need to hammer it down that muh skulinetey = obese DEI vitiligo themlet with EDS and POTS

No. 2355659

She's mad that we're not pretending he's attractive. Selling yourself on a fuggo takes collective effort, you can't afford anyone dissenting.

You see, the most cucked thing about women who like ugly bastards is the fact that they're unable not to push their perversion into the mainstream. Plenty of moids like BBWs, amputees and retards, and they're entirely content keeping them as a shameful fetish while outwardly elevating conventionally attractive women to keep the pressure on them. Women do not understand this concept, they just can't enjoy their orc rape shamefully and in private, they have to pretend the orc is actually a prince.

No. 2355667

This is a lot of pornspeak.
>women who like ugly bastards is the fact that they're unable not to push their perversion into the mainstream
The majority of men being ugly is already mainstream and widely accepted. Go outside and touch grass.

No. 2355682

You are so right. Literally no moid ever gets angry when women get called ugly, yet this thread has been making pickmes seethe since its inception. My biggest problem with uglyfuckers is that they are genuinely convinced their ugly men are actually attractive and try to gaslight normal women into finding them attractive by putting down more objectively attractive men and the women who like them. Its basically an ugly male ego busting sport and those pickmes are their strongest players. I honestly wish i could meme myself into liking ugly men, because they are literally everywhere, a fucking plague. Meanwhile liking pretty men makes you a pariah with women and men.

No. 2355693

>no moid ever gets angry when women get called ugly
Wrong, but it's for a selfish motive. They do get quite angry whenever their flavor of beauty is criticized or mocked because it's an attack on their ego and interests.
>genuinely convinced their ugly men are actually attractive and try to gaslight normal women into finding them attractive by putting down more objectively attractive men
This is human nature in general. Everyone wants to believe they are dating the best of the best for whatever made up reasons and everyone else is a pleb. Not to spoil things, but plenty of attractive people have been looking down on uglies and whom they find appealing for a very long time. I do not believe for a second that pickmes who like ugly men are a majority of this phenomenon.
Men have, however, always promoted other ugly men. It benefits men the most to saturate this narrative because they all stand to gain the best women. Pickmes are just part of the psyop but not the motivators nor the reason for why matters are how they are.

No. 2355696

For real, if they really are into those muh skuline drawforcs, why do they need other women to pretend they're not ugly? Why is it impossible for them to coom to trash unless a female third party pretends it's treasure? Weird, homo-asexual behavior.

No. 2355704

L2read. Why do they keep forcing an already forced meme? Why do they act like hideous DEI manospheres are some kind of an underappreciated phenomenon the beauty of which must be recognized by every woman alive, or else the pickme just can't coom?

No. 2355716

>Everyone wants to believe they are dating the best of the best for whatever made up reasons and everyone else is a pleb
lmao as if men dont constantly complain their women are ugly and fat and neg them to do shit they wouldnt themselves do for them

No. 2355717

Because pickmes are products and victims of mainstream narrative pushed by men. If men started bullying each other tomorrow and suddenly the narrative was all against ugly men, then the pickmes would follow suit because of the advantages. It makes sense. Women are not the problem no matter what degen trash they want to individually promote.

No. 2355720

>as if men dont constantly complain their women are ugly and fat and neg them to do shit
Incels gonna incel even when they find women who tolerate them. This isn't how the majority of men I see actually behave. Maybe there's a correlation between maldos and their screentime causing this type of behavior.

No. 2355725

>This isn't how the majority of men I see actually behave
99% of men wouldnt date women if they didnt shave

No. 2355730

free my sister

No. 2355748


No. 2355753

have you ever touched grass? waxing and shaving is a million dollar business

No. 2355761

So men didn't magically touch us until the invention of the commercial razor blade huh? Funny that…

No. 2355764

why do you think men used to go for pubescent girls back when it wasnt illegal? pickme chan your moid would have never choose you if you didnt razor your legs to look like a little girl, while he's allowed to look like a grotesque orc

No. 2355766

Men aren't ever gonna reject relationships and sex. That's why women being held to high standards while men get to be ugly fucks is a psyop on their part. Humans were not hairless for most of history. Nor did they naturally have beachball tits that defy gravity nor baboon implant asses. Or perfect skin and hair.
It. is. a. psyop. to. benefit. men.
Do you know what thread you're in?

No. 2355767

>hair is the reason why men go after little girls
Lobotomized dumb bitch.

No. 2355769

part of the psyop is women shaving to look like eternal little girls while men are allowed to be hairy apes. You are using the ''muh evolution'' when everyone knows men back then men used to fuck and impregnate underage girls.
why do you think men like women to shave? think, idiot. They want you to look like a little girl. They are all pedophiles.

No. 2355773

Because hair is also associated with masculinity in modern society. Are women shaving their mustaches and chin hairs because that magically makes them look like 10 year olds or is it because it's embarrassing to share facial features that men have? Fuck you are stuuuuuuuupid.

No. 2355776

All humans are born with hair, it has nothing to do with ''masculinity''. Men want women to shave because they are pedophiles and the only humans that dont have hair is children. Imagine being a pickme a defending moids in lolcow out all places.

No. 2355778

Then why is having hair on your head, especially long hair, considered feminine but shaving your head bald is considered masculine? Why pick and choose with which hair is masculine and which is feminine?

No. 2355779

Yes it does are you being obtuse?

Thought experiment:
Would men choose unshaved pubic hair on a woman or unshaved facial hair on a woman? Granted they were forced to pick while having preference for neither.

Body hair is different than hair on your scalp. I'm disappointed that nonnas here might actually be this retarded. Big yikes.

No. 2355780

Remember that a man in a relationship with a woman is by default better off than a man who's single, even if that woman is physically undesireable. The benefits of dating a woman (access to sex, emotional and physical labour, social status of a married man) are undeniable. And men will absolutely date a woman as a placeholder if he can't get better or until he gets better, just to enjoy the comforts of being with a woman.

No. 2355784

they're not disagreeing with you to defend men, they're disagreeing with you because you make everything about pedophilia when it isn't. you having POCD doesn't make everyone else psyop defender

No. 2355787

At this point i dont know if you are being retarded on purpose or you want to defend your nigel that wants you to shave and cant accept he wants you hairless because it makes you look more youthful, not more feminine. All humans start growing hair after puberty, men and women. The only group of people that doesnt have body hair in their bodies is children. Now think again, if all humans after puberty have body hair, and men like hairless women(a trait only seen in children) what does that make a men who like hairless women?

No. 2355790

It doesn't make sense as an argument anyway. By twelve years old I already had pubes and hairy legs and arms. Older men weren't predating me because of my body hair, they were doing it because I could be manipulated.

No. 2355792

your nigels have ''teen'' in their pornhub history tab 100%

No. 2355795

File: 1737394242783.jpg (53.17 KB, 640x640, 1680628578452847.jpg)

Is the Nigel in the room with us now?

No. 2355798

You are the one defending men who like women who look like children.

No. 2355823

And you eat your boogers and sniff your fingers after you scratch your crotch. Are we just making shit up now? Weeeee.

No. 2355830

Why are you so angry at men getting called pedophiles for liking a trait thats only present in children? its very suspicious you get this angry at something that shouldnt personally affect you.

No. 2355846

Maybe you're a pedophile trying to point fingers to take the sus off you because you're making misrepresented arguments about the reasons why men predate on little girls and trying to blame adult women who shave for it. Weirdo.(infight bait)

No. 2355853

literally where did you get that from my posts? i never blamed women who shave, i just said that shaving is imposed onto women because men are pedos. You can cope and seethe and lie to yourself about how its ackshually because its more feminine, but femininity is something thats inherent of woman's biology(wider hips, boobs, a bit of chubb because of the uterus) women arent born hairless, we are forced to shave because of men. You seem like the kind that defends jojifuku freaks and women like shayna who put on bibs and diapers to larp babies.

No. 2355865

>present an argument that pedophilia is not the case nor the sole reason why men prefer shaving because they equate body and facial hair on women as masculine
>this is pedophilia to you, this is "defending men" and "defending shaving" to you
Hopeless retard. Enjoy your pedo tinfoiling alone.

No. 2355869

I don't get this infight at all. Both are true. A lot of men dislike hair because it doesn't look like their shaven loli animoo porn and a lot of men dislike hair because they think it's manly and disgusting. Both are true

No. 2355875

>unironically beliving men whent they tell you they like hairless women because they look feminine
lmao that's your problem, you believe scrotes. Scrotes will always lie about how their true intentions. Its been known for years that pedophiles like it when women larp as children(there are fbi studies about it, you can find them in shayna's threads). A man who's attracted to a characteristic only found in children is a pedo. Cope and seethe all you want but it's the truth.

No. 2355888

also, men like tomboys and its a known fetish of them. How come men are okay with ''masculine'' traits when its short hair, baggy clothes and doing sports but draw the line at body hair? none of those scrotes into tomboys ever like hairy women. So, they like the ''masculine'' traits, but they dont like the ''adult'' traits. Its very telling. Same reason why men like femboys and the trannies they fuck to be shaved, because it makes them resemble teen boys.

No. 2355967

So answer the thought experiment you dishonest little tart:

Would a man pick:
>a woman with pubic hair
>a woman with facial hair

No. 2355976

I genuinely have no idea what your gay experiment is supposed to accomplish because men like women without both pubic hair and facial hair. You are desperate to wk men.

No. 2355983

Because if all men care about is a clean shaved cooch to act out their pedo fantasies then they will 100% reject a woman with pubic hair without question. You're not answering the question because you know that while many men do not care about pubic hair on women ALMOST ALL of them will care if she has a mustache or a beard because the bigger issue is that body hair is construed as masculine. Goes against your shit for brains pedo argument. You are such a dumbass.

No. 2355997

Not only is it hilarious you are comparing women getting 2 hairs on their lips to men getting full on pedostaches and beards, but you are proving my point because men who arent pedophiles would simply not care if women grow hair ANYWHERE. Because hair is natural and a sign of adulthood, while being hairless is a trait only seen in kids.

No. 2356000

File: 1737399179613.jpg (132.04 KB, 1011x1304, 1000000935.jpg)

Here's a thought experiment: why is shaving only enforced in women now? Why is hairlessness associated with 'femininity'? Why is youth associated with 'femininity'? You could argue that this is because women overall have less hair, or that women age better, but when it comes down to it, the reason these things are associated with femininity is because femininity is just whatever moids consider the most fuckable. If this wasn't the case, then why are other non-physical traits like submissiveness and purity also associated with 'femininity'? And if these traits associated with supposed femininity coincide more with teenagers or even younger more than they do actual grown woman, what does that tell you about what moids consider fuckable?

You answered your own question, granted they would pick neither of they had a choice. If they had a preference, and they do, it's to ensure that females look as young as possible while still being fuckable to them. You expect me to say they'll pick pubic hair, and you're right because yes, even twelve year olds can grow pubic hair sometimes. They're still fuckable because they still have all the other qualities of a child. It's the same reason moids still prefer large breasts, teenagers can also have large breasts, but they're still teenagers. A better question would be would they rather fuck a 12 year old or 45 yr old, both shaved hairless. Neither of them are in their sexual prime, but guess what most men would rather go for given a choice. And you'll have to actually guess because they don't want to be on a list, but they have so many masks off moments. This entire thread is an example of it, old moids pursuing young women and normalizing this pattern of behavior. They would go for younger if it was legal. You can even see this in the femboys that moids have started jacking it to, it's not that they're males who are more womanly, they're more girly.

The only reason shaving wasn't commonplace historically was because it was difficult to do. Men accepted it because they didn't know it was an option, and being with any female is better than being alone, but they have tipped the scales in their favor and will see to it that their preferences are recognized in everything but name. In the past, they just marry as young as they could manage instead, and parents would just warn their daughters the best they could to avoid it if they were decent, or allow it as the norm. When shaving was first advertised, body hair on women was advertised as not a matter of sexual dimorphism like you claim now, but on 'cleanliness' or 'purity' or 'hygiene'. Yet at the same time, moids did not shave their bodies, even though shaving your face as moid was fashionable back then. If it really was a matter of hygiene, then why were only women advertised to in this way? Because a woman is not to age, because 'youth' is what makes a female fuckable to them. Part of the ugly man psyop is that moids are allowed to age, women aren't. And if you don't think it's because of pedophilia, cp was legal in the United States until 1978. Same for the United Kingdom. In non-western countries where it is illegal, it's usually only because all pornography is considered obscene and immoral. Even now 'barely legal' or 'teen' is an extremely popular category. This isn't even mentioning the AoC and how moids protest any form of raising it. In countries where they don't enforce an AoC, what age do you think is ideal for marriageability? You can look at places in the Middle East for a hint.

If you really believe moids prefer less hair because it's more 'feminine', and not because it's an attempt to look more juvenile, I'm sure you apply your eyeliner sharp enough to slay the patriarchy too. If you want to shave, no one is stopping you, but it's stupid to think it isn't for any other reason than aping youthfulness aka looking more prepubescent. Even if a moid doesn't consciously know their attractions are pedophilic, it still is. Grown women usually have body hair, and at the very least pubic hair unless they have a condition like alopecia (and they have no hair at all).

Also kill yourself for 'big yikes'.

No. 2356004

If a woman had a full beard that's quite rare, whereas every woman has pubic hair.

No. 2356010

>w-women only ever get like 2 lip hairs!!!!
Dishonesty again. But the same goes for very thick body hair too.
Another thought experiment:
Why do men who shave their arms and legs mocked by other men for being feminine? I await your tardrage and pedofoil.(infight bait)

No. 2356018

i am very hairy and i still dont grow moustaches and full on beards TOPKEK the little hair i grow is barely visible and so is for literally other woman.
>Why do men who shave their arms and legs mocked by other men for being feminine?
because it reminds them of younger men and men hate looking youthful because it makes them ''weak'' it all circles back to looking younger. Not more feminine. Whenever men shill poo beards they always complain that men without them look like little boys, not women.

No. 2356028

Because they look more fuckable/'feminine' which is just byword for immature and exploitable. A moidlet getting their first hairs is usually celebrated that they're becoming a man, but a girl getting their first hairs is met with dread, and many girls are pressured to start shaving as soon as they start growing hairs. Be real.

No. 2356056

Men with body hair are ugly and it's not pedophilic to say body hair is ugly. I'm sorry that you're hairy but that's not because you're an adult, it's because you have unfortunate genes.(infight bait)

No. 2356063

File: 1737400449713.webp (16.45 KB, 1056x542, 1000000934.webp)

In other news: https://www.wideopencountry.com/billy-bob-thornton-was-once-told-he-was-too-ugly-to-be-a-leading-man-by-hollywood-figure/

"He bagged Angelina Jolie, so he must be hot!" Beautiful women do all of us a disservice by entertaining ugly men. Keep in mind Billy Bob Thornton is almost 70, and his character's ex-wife is played by 48 yr old model actress Ali Larter and his possible side piece is played by a 31 yr old actress. Vomit.

No. 2356068

ok now go say that to men see if they care lmfao you are going to keep shaving to look like a smol uwu little girl while they are going to keep growing poo ridden beards and getting fat. Men with hair are actually unhygenic, men into sports normally have to shave because they smell and the sweat in the hair can infect their open wounds, yet only women, who arent smelly even with body hair, are forced to shave. But i guess it has nothing to do with men being pedos.

No. 2356070

slav men shave their pits and are some of the most hypermasculine pigslobs on the planet. cope(infighting)

No. 2356088

I'm Asian and don't have body hair kek. If you want to say men shouldn't have body hair, I don't care if you police them and I agree since their body hair is more disgusting. Trying to argue that woman should shave is retarded though, the entire world is trying to control our bodies. If you want to direct your hatred of body hair on men, do at them, not at us.

No. 2356091

Women who defend shaving off all of their body hair and say they think men should shave too as a cope would probably quit saying that really quickly if they found a Nigel and he refused to shave kek.

No. 2356096

most women in relationships aren't shaving every day, you're telling on yourself here. women out and about wearing pants or leggings? probably covering a little outgrowth.

No. 2356097

Men dont even want to do simple things that requiere practically no effort like washing their nasty assholes and cleaning their penises after they pee, they would never put in the effort women put to look good for them.

No. 2356102

This isnt true, my mom does brazilian waxing for a living and she always waxing women who talk about their boyfriends. I dont know why you are desperate to defend men, when men wouldnt do the same for you.

No. 2356105

A little outgrowth is pansy shit. I'm rocking full hairy legs with shorts and anybody who doesn't like it can cope and seethe and get over it. I haven't shaved in years kek

No. 2356107

>my mom shaves people for a living therefore most women shave

No. 2356113

because if you were a woman and not a trolling man, you would know everyone woman does this to save time, because you would do it too. the maintenance is exhausting. hair has to be rice grain length to even get picked up by wax which is 3 days of outgrowth you idiot. try harder next time.(scrotefoiling)

No. 2356115

>so is for literally other woman.
Ehh I started shaving and waxing pretty young and so did every girl I knew. You don't know how hairy most women can't get because they dont show it kek

No. 2356117

>i say something on the internet despite irl proving me otherwise therefore i am right
i genuinely have no idea who any of you want to convince because if you touch grass and go outside you never see women with hairy legs or armpits. I am the only one i have seen in all my life who doesnt shave and isnt ashamed of it.

No. 2356119

No, I just got an Asian man who doesn't have body hair because I'm not a masochist.

No. 2356121

No. 2356122

TOPKEK at the scrotefoiling, literally what fucking men would defend women not shaving? they threw a mantrum back in the 2010s when some feminist in tumblr where showing off their armpit hair.

No. 2356123

you don't see it because it's covered by clothes you retard

No. 2356125

do you grow full on moustaches and beards like men though? i am hairy too but i never grow full on moustaches even if i have hairy legs that could rival bears.

No. 2356127

>women are ashamed to show their hairy legs so they cover them thats why you dont see them!!
whats your point retard?? they are still ashamed of it enough to cover it. You are literally proving my fucking point.

No. 2356130

File: 1737401752472.jpg (49.7 KB, 563x546, b685503cf5e82b22d7a0fae749d948…)

I don't shave my legs… nobody even notices or cares. I don't get this argument. Ever since I stopped shaving my legs I don't get as cold in the winter or as hot in the summer, and nobody gives a fuck.
This is fucked and akin to self harm to me.

No. 2356134

Idk If I can grow full moustaches because I started waxing my moustache pretty young and this repeated action can weaken the hair follicle over time….

No. 2356135

the dwarfposting thread yesterday was so good and accurate some butthurt poopbeard has to shit up the thread posing as a obtuse radfem caricature who thinks that the only true feminists are ones who rock three inch long legbeards. it is all so tiresome.

No. 2356138

>t.seething libfem that puts on make up and shaves ''for herself''
lmao at you claiming a man would larp as a radfem to defend body hair when men are the reason why women are forced to shave in the first place.

No. 2356140


No. 2356141

There is no reason at all to shave your own body hair off routinely.

No. 2356142

i consider myself radfem and shave when my legs will be bared like going to the pool because i don't want to attract attention to myself like a histrionic gendie but at work in my slacks the rest of the time i'm like a chinese crested down there.

No. 2356145

thank you for your useless contribution.

No. 2356146

>i consider myself a radfem
>i shave because i am afraid of mean words
words have no meaning anymore. If you shave, you are not a radfem. Nothing wrong with not being a redfem, but why call yourself that when you are too afraid of what moids think you pour hot wax on yourself to rock a bikini and be accepted by them? and shitting on women who dont want to do the same for male approval is also not radfem.

No. 2356147

do you get asked your pronouns often?

No. 2356150

>tries to make fun of a woman for not shaving
very radfem of you.(derailing)

No. 2356153

Nobody thinks girls who don't shave are histrionic gendies except for the terminally online. And the terminally online don't go outside.

No. 2356154

>Why are women attracted to young and attractive men? Let's explore this weird phenomenon.
There are so many videos like vidrel, it's insane. There is no way moids are that retarded kek

No. 2356159

Not shaving legs is not enough to make a woman get clocked as a gendie. I have not shaved in years and this has never happened to me. Why do you care so much about societal pressures. Kinda lame.(derailing)

No. 2356167

>I'm Asian and don't have body hair kek
No leg hair? No armpit hair? No pubic hair?(derailing)

No. 2356179

The only real take away here is that there's no reason to shame woman for their choices when everything, internal and external, pressures women to be beautiful as possible and moids are given every excuse for their repulsiveness. Women will always be naturally more beautiful, and will usually put the effort into looking beautiful anyways. Moids put zero effort into their appearance, and any beauty they have is ephemeral luck and will be lost with age. They won't put any effort into the pursuit of beauty, whereas women typically do. The effects are horrible. Many women are at least cute, while moids are sewer dregs, and yet somehow they are allowed to approach any woman, let alone be with them.

No. 2356269

>Muh choice feminism

No. 2356493

>any beauty they have is ephemeral luck and will be lost with age
And that is good. The solution is to enjoy them during that age only and let them go when their time passes, not to sentence yourself to a lifetime of coping with buying the whole pig just for the sausage.

No. 2356623

File: 1737417003768.png (528.47 KB, 500x667, 9n4dpeH.png)

how they drew him

No. 2356627

File: 1737417167892.jpg (75.03 KB, 612x816, monster gym.jpg)

>gay men actually prefer extremely masculine looking guys
>feminine gay guys actually struggle to find gay partners and often have to settle down with bimoids and chasers
>feminine guys are also normally popular with women
>somehow faggots still managed to convince straight men that being feminine is gay
>they played 4D chess with straightoids to convince them that gay ideals of beauty(roidpig, hairy, military haircuts) are actually super masculine and alpha chad
>meanwhile most gay porn features manly buff men with military haircuts getting their intestines ravaged by cock
>straightoids actually go to the gym to turn themselves into roidpigs sluts for gay men without even knowing it, while constantly berating straight men who want to strive for straight beauty standards that women find attractive

How do we break straight men free from gay moid's mind control? faggot's sissy hypno game is strong with them and as much as it makes me laugh to go to the gym and see all the straight moids lifting 500KG weights to be stronk like koku when in reality all they are achieving is looking like barafaggots i also want to get a qte gymrat bf that doesnt look like a smelly homosexual

No. 2356630

I mean it's accurate

No. 2356635

If you want the short answer, it's because they still don't see women as people and set out to impress other men instead.

No. 2356645

This is actually hilarious. I'm kekking so hard. I hope she finds a cuter white guy at some point.

No. 2356771

Honestly the drawing is more flattering. The drawing doesn't depict his yellow teeth accurately

No. 2356814

A lot of scrotes are pedos, but even in the 1700s and 1800s most marriages were close in age and in their early 20s. A politician having a really young wife would cause a big controversy.
I was trying to find the origin of your pic and found this site that talks about a book from the 1840s where the authors says a young woman with a old man is unnatural and she will either kill him or cuck him for a younger man. Kek.

No. 2357004

File: 1737430184403.png (509.53 KB, 627x940, gWNuOLx.png)

>He was an obese redditor
>He hated beautiful men with a passion. They weren't 'manly' enough
I really wonder how moids like this come up with their ideas about the world? my dad was in my country's special forces and he’s shown me pictures of his training and his unit members, along with soldiers from other countries they worked with, they were all young and attractive guys in their early 20s—most looked more like male models than 'dwarfs' or even modern action stars. also, my brother-in-law is a part-time firefighter, and guess what? most of his unit is also made up of young, fit guys. Some of them are a bit too macho and buff for my taste, but most are lean and good-looking, would this obese redditor really think that special forces and firefighters aren’t manly in his opinion?"

No. 2357020

Man have downgraded so much in 2025

No. 2357038

Ai ass image

No. 2357065

poison in the water supply

No. 2357320

I forget where an anon brought it up, maybe it was dumb questions, but it got me wondering too how many attractive men were lost during wars and the ones that went on to reproduce were those significantly more unfit and couldn't even pass basic training? Seems like a boon for ugly men to have access to traumatized and lonely women during war times.

No. 2357404

You guys are like grannies that share ai. All the "historical" pics you post are ai yassified edits. People seemed more attractive because people were only interested in platforming and filming the most interesting or attractive people.

No. 2357447

I didn't say I thought op picture was real but I have seen actual historical photos with attractive servicemen in them. Sounds like you're having a moment.

No. 2357561

It's not ai. I've seen that photo reposted long before ai was a thing.

I won't be surprised if the last 2 world wars were a conspiracy to eliminate all the genetically fit handsome males leaving us with only defective balding uglies to reproduce with. Patriarchal elites are very invested in making sure even the most repulsive genetic dead-end male gets a wife.

No. 2357566

This again? Post pics of young dad already.

No. 2357567

It's an old style retouched photo of a turkish soldier.

No. 2357590

women nowadays are so adjusted to hideous men as the default, they can't even fathom a handsome man being real

No. 2357647

You say the same shit every thread. Post those hot modern military men or it didn't happen.

No. 2357656

True kek

No. 2357657

I'm pretty sure that's not how it works, like the us barely lost any men compared to much of the world, and yet we all know how their men ended up. I think it's mostly due to rising obesity, lack of exercise, and an unhealthy lifestyle being the norm. I believe moids are like dogs and need the state to enforce standards to keep them looking decent looking and fit

No. 2357726

How young and retarded are you

No. 2357987

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I was about to watch Korean convenience store videos when this thing popped up on my recommend somehow. Can you imagine society allowing a woman to look as unfortunate and punchable as this man? It pisses me off sm, men are so bold that even when they look like this they dare putting their faces on their thumbnails as if anybody wants to see that shit

No. 2358004

File: 1737481244049.png (345.61 KB, 665x1014, oof.png)

He's only 23 btw

No. 2358010

>everyone deserves love
Um, no?? That's bullshit. Men are so entitled oh my god. Women do countless of selfless acts every day expecting just a crumb of appreciation at all, then there's these mfs who DEMAND to be loved while doing SHIT to win a woman's love

No. 2358307

File: 1737487825314.jpg (Spoiler Image,115.06 KB, 1080x818, 1000007196.jpg)

I feel the same about this guy. No idea who he is but his face is all over youtube and people just tolerate it. Also looks like the typical britbong moid teenager whos got an asbo.

No. 2358345

He looks like ssb9 without the creepy get-up

No. 2358372

Got that sex pest look to him
That vacant stare is giving me ALR vibes

No. 2358375

where are his ears?

No. 2358420

>starts off with woman
>ends with "females"
They're so debasing. Scrotes cannot hide their contempt for us even when demanding we marry and shit out kids for them to prove our 'unselfishness.' Boohoo, we're not your meek churchgoer mommies willing to martyr ourselves anymore it means we're loveless wahhhh.

No. 2358738

I know this has probably been articulated better in previous threads but I hate the myth that "men age like fine wine" when most men my age (30s) are bald or fat. one of my best friends married a guy who was really cute in his twenties but he's 35 now and has turned into a beer bellied gremlin.

speaking of, everyone seems to want to pretend only women are hit hard by aging and hormonal deficiencies the older we get, but nobody talks about men ballooning into cave trolls as soon as they hit 30. I feel like also the ubiquity of erectile dysfunction meds has tricked everyone into thinking men are still in their prime well after their dicks stop functioning. like sir being unable to get it up is a sign you are past your reproductive prime, go get a hobby and leave young women alone

No. 2358758

>nobody talks about men ballooning into cave trolls as soon as they hit 30.
Seems kind of obvious to me, but it's because patriarchal society has coerced women into a position where we, until maybe about 50 years ago, couldn't afford to choose a mate based on physical attraction alone. Marriage was, and in a lot of places still is, a "social elevator" for women. Marrying a hot young thang with no status, savings or prospects in his 20s is stupid when you would never be able to earn more than him or be of higher status than him without marrying a different scrote who has all of those things.
All of this to say that this coercive sexuality has come down to our time as tradition, where women think that a man having social power is inherently sexy, when in fact, it just looks like an outdated fucked up evolutionary survival tactic that we, as a sex, dont need to hold up anymore. Which is why no one complains about walled butt ugly men in their young 30s - men and women think social power is sexy so they don't have to care about looks.
There's an argument to be made that men have literally made other men uglier by generations of men having children with women who never wanted their grotesque asses in the first place. They're passing on the ugly genes.

No. 2359397

God forgive me for the words I’m about to utter, but the “hawk tuah” girls’ dating app has a baldness predicting fortune teller and height calculator. Fucking kek

No. 2359479

File: 1737544572827.png (60.72 KB, 1083x270, fitfaggotry.png)

Alas, they admit it.

No. 2359518

Yeah, men love to admit that they're huge faggots

No. 2359581

File: 1737549289428.jpg (713.48 KB, 1330x997, befrgirl.jpg)

And of course he has a cute gf that's way out of his league, fuck outta here. I wish women would stop validating ugly men with sex and love

No. 2359699

free my sister

No. 2359793

We should talk about asians being memed into being in relationships with ugly white guys. Now that's a psyop.

No. 2359811

100%. Every Asian friend of mine has married some white dude who can't hold a candle to her in any way.

No. 2359816

Kekkkk, I can't imagine her scrotoid fans are happy about that

No. 2359826

Another pickme gutpunch: men want women other men want. He doesn't need you to be nice, he needs you to always be .3 seconds away from cucking him.

No. 2359835

File: 1737560509415.jpg (5.95 KB, 305x300, 1000031329.jpg)

Is this why they seethe so much over men dating ugly, slutty or mentally ill (in a way that isn't fun) women? Because they parasocially self-insert into each other's relationships like gay retards?

No. 2359862

No. For the most part it's jealousy/bitter reminder that this is the best they can do (against their delusions).

No. 2359930

I’m convinced young men being coerced and pressured into drinking by older male frat boy culture is a fucking psyop. So many young cuties could’ve prevented early walling and beer bellies by being straight edge. Everyone knows alcohol speeds up aging especially in the face. I’m so sick of men doing absolutely nothing in regards to anti aging and not caring at all about looking youthful, they put 0 effort into their looks maybe beyond basic hygiene and genuinely think it’s fine to start balding at 23 and do nothing at all to stop it even if they have the money. There’s a guy at my work who is 26 but has the hair and gut of a 40 year old man, he’s got nice qualities and I happened to see a photo of him when he was around 18 and he was so much better looking with a full head of hair. God I hate men and their shit biology and their retarded lack of self care

No. 2359947

Our Prohibitionist girlies of yore tried to warn us but America was so stupid they drank literal poison and wouldn't stop.

No. 2359950

They also preached against prostitution and other general degenerate activity but moids gonna moid

No. 2360314

Seconded, its depressing how so many are falling for it as a biracial white Asian woman I fucking hate these white fetishists moids who think they are suddenly a 10 in my eyes bc they are white. Dont get me started about being asked if I have a "sideways pussy" like wtf is that?S

No. 2360359

i have a theory on this. i think its caused by asian women pining over white men moreso than it is white men pining for asian women. I know that there ABSOLUTELY are white men who fetishize the shit out of asian women and they need to be shot, but in terms of numbers I think they're outweighed by asian woman wanting white men. if you're a white man and any woman at all is pining over you, bc ur a man who would fuck anything, of course you'd go for the asian woman already pining over you. I don't actually think it's just because of white men fetishizing, it's gotta be some weird mentality asian women have about white men being better/more desireable. which is insane btw they're just men at the end of the day. can any asian women confirm or deny

No. 2360365

I know there's a weird beauty standard in Japan where "hapas" are seen as greatly desirable as long as they have a Japanese father and a white mother, is there a similar thing that's reversed?

No. 2360459

it is white men fetishizing because they prefer the thinnest race that looks the youngest, plus economic and class factors. upper class east asians and whites are most likely to be in close proximity growing up in private schools, wealthy suburbs, and in prestigious universities at stem majors. both groups are raised to min max their careers and relationships, it would be considered a huge blunder by the family to become a female engineer and date like a latino plumber, even with healthy hot genes, it would be a huge loss in potential wealth, the qualitative aspect of healthier offspring is never accounted for. he would get roasted and the family would never respect him, asian families don't even respect jews that much because they're so ugly, inbred and carry immune disorders like ibs. there's never a safe career to date for love or looks even amongst white collar professions because the world is always changing, technology degrades everyone's skills, and inflation is constantly eroding your salary; there's never enough money to ensure everyone is cared for.

No. 2360794

Apparently luigifags just discovered that he followed Aella as one of his "evopsych" parasocials. Personality headcanon enjoyers BTFO again.

No. 2360829

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No. 2360840

This psyop is going so far that normies are lashing out, how is that not a sign???

No. 2360843

The copes in that thread are insane, women really do ghostwrite men’s own lies, guess Nigel only looks at Asian ass abuse to steel himself to the horrors of this world.

No. 2360861

Y-you don't understand, he was only doing it to research the horrors of prostitution and also to laugh at her, even though he unironically simps for all other midwit techie thielslop (which he also follows post-ironically and for research only).
>mfw all this brain pretezeling for a swarthy mophead with a pig nose

No. 2360874

He didn't follow her. Luigi is proof though that women prioritize physical fitness and a head of hair over all else though. Males can continue seething about muh personality.

No. 2360891

Why is it normalized for men to be sloppy fat fucks on their wedding day? And yet the bride will do every diet in existence and meticulously plan out how to look best on their wedding.

No. 2361253

it is just straight up socially acceptable now for men to not gaf about important moments their girlfriends and wives want to immortalize, I have noticed this trend also with things like pregnancy announcement shoots or family portraits. mom will be made up, hair done, nice blouse or dress, and dad will look like a hobo. it's incredibly disrespectful but then again hetero relationship posturing on social media (at least where I'm from) is very much about how much of a martyr you can be for your moid. "see! I love him even tho he embarrassed me in public for the ten trillionth time!!! I'm a good woman!!!"

No. 2361629

men are cringed out by women who simp for them like this

No. 2361636

Prostitutes are more respectable than these kind of women

No. 2361860

I’m normal and have no clue what this means. Can someone explain this to me?
Jewish nepotism is something else

No. 2361896

File: 1737650113930.jpg (297.72 KB, 1080x1440, 1000019543.jpg)

A lot of people have been saying that Zayn Malik should do the role. If he does I hope they get rid of his stupid haircut and piercings

No. 2361899

my god, have you seen those women trying to practice their smiles for their wedding days?

No. 2361900

his eyes are so incredible

No. 2361930

nona he has the eyes of a wimp that'll cry if you tell him his butt looks big in his jeans kek please

No. 2361931

NTA but that trend was pure compliment-fishing cringe.
Some people are so close to understanding that visual appeal is not the sole and paramount virtue for women, but they're stuck in the "actually, it's okay because your natural dorky / horsey / wrinkly smile is prettier!" gap.

No. 2361932

Isn’t drop pop “satire?” Pretty sure that’s a fag trying to be funny

No. 2361937

Ugly beard. They are so lazy, can't even shave daily. Defo not a partner material.

No. 2361969

Not asian but I've seen way more men fetishizing asian women than the opposite. There's many more loser anime nerd male fans than there are cute asian women wanting white guys even if the latter group also exists, by a longshot. A lot of those guys I just see whining daily about how they wish they had a jp gf and she's nowhere to be found so if it was really that easy and asian women wanted them more than they want them and they outweighed the number of men who want asian women, they wouldn't be single.
They can't be serious with this one. Kek'd at the bottom reply though.

No. 2361974

>a wimp that'll cry if you tell him his butt looks big in his jeans

No. 2362001

IDK the exact proportion of asian fetishist men vs white fetishist women, but our community is absolutely plagued by white fetishists. this also applies to the men, the difference is of course the asian men don't get to choose as often. the white loser anime nerds are maybe just a bridge to far for some women but I think a lot of asian women do lower their overall standards for white guys. POC loser with no job is unacceptable. White loser with no job is slightly more acceptable. And so forth. Embarrassingly large amounts of them end up dating white racists who subsequently creep on their hapa daughters and traumatize their hapa sons. Like the guy who drugged and tried to sexually assault his own daughter's friends at a sleepover. He 100% exhibited some red flags that his wife completely ignored. As another example, I remember years ago reading an article some woman wrote about how she went on a date with a guy who asked if her vagina smelled like orange chicken… and then still slept with him! no idea why she would be retarded enough to admit this, let alone under her actual name in a published article. It is a real problem. In every single asian forum and online community including even here, there'll be some dumbass whining about how their shitty white boyfriends treat them like shit and yet they continue to stay and ask for advice on how they can maybe lecture them into being less racist. There's asian girls on tiktok bragging about how their white boyfriend is totally woke and not racist for stuff as basic as being willing to eat a fucking spring roll.

No. 2362006

That sounds like bullshit. Hapas in Japan are always treated like second-class citizens.

No. 2362027

Kek I love how both ugly western moids and brainwashed western women immediately noticed "wait, men can look different…?"

No. 2362055

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This is the dude who dated Kate Moss kek

No. 2362245

I think his eye color is pretty but he is average at best, I never understood the buzz around how "hot" he supposedly is either. virtue-signalling pickmes go crazy for mid white guys and guilt trip women who don't find these men attractive

No. 2362384

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Anyone else have this experience as a child?

No. 2362385

Honestly no. What country are you from?

No. 2362389

Does it matter? I’m not western at all btw

No. 2362393

It does matter because this is not a sentiment I've ever heard, and you not being western doesn't come as a surprise. We westerners probably have our own equivalent but none come to mind.

No. 2362409

File: 1737675351770.jpg (257.15 KB, 739x934, Screenshot_20250124_103412_Chr…)

Why pecs specifically? Are they trying to compete with our boobs?

No. 2362420

Meat milkers are simply the best cut on a male’s body. Prove me wrong if you can

No. 2362545

File: 1737679346962.mp4 (1.11 MB, 640x360, 7734857348.mp4)

I need to move away… anywhere (except probably Britain) is better than here, just look at this tragedy

No. 2362548

What's the tragedy, exactly?
>ugly moids
Yeah, but how does your video relate to moving away?

No. 2362550

that mexican guy is so cute. I am from latam and i have never seen a guy like that, he has that princely russian look. Its not fair.

No. 2362586

The brutal contrast between the german and the mexican guy? And all moids in germany look that tragic

No. 2362657

File: 1737683424156.png (1.03 MB, 1106x844, Screen Shot 2025-01-23 at 8.49…)

The only live action role he is suited for is Quasimodo. Kek we have Rachel Zegler being called too ugly to play Snow White but the fact that this creature is even being considered says it all.

No. 2362660

Yes, and they put in so much effort just to get married to a moid who will get a haircut at minimum.

No. 2362665

Dont bother with the weeb men in Japan. Most of them are degenerates.

No. 2362667

The second guy is so cute

No. 2362674

Him being in Japan is irrelevant, non-weeb German guys in Germany look exactly the same.

No. 2362683

You said you wanted to move anywhere based on watching a video about guys in Japan. No the mexican guy caught my attention tbh.

No. 2362687

nta but i understood she was talking about germany. You are a bit slow-

No. 2362691

>about guys in Japan.
Once again, Japan doesn't matter, it's that jump from him to the mexican guy that once again highlighted to me just how insanly ugly german moids are. I could show you millions of clips and pics of uggos, but today I came across this video and that specific moment in it caused me to be shocked again.

No. 2362699

The transition was brutal. It’s nice to see a cute Mexican moid representing though kek

No. 2362704

File: 1737686310709.png (232.88 KB, 662x534, IMG_9097.png)

we were discussing this in the fandom thread, but those posts are mostly made by virgins whose understanding of relationships and sex is influenced by bl, fan-fics and rp with other similar people on discord, they don't understand things like that, all men, even the ultra-masculine ones, moan during sex, and for good sex, you have to grab them them as well

No. 2362708

british love? sounds like a genre of historical romance

No. 2362711

Oh no she's lost

No. 2362715

boys-love, and this isn't an anti-fujo post but the seme's in yaoi mostly starfish in bed

No. 2362723

i never liked anime and i tried to avoid it at all cost but why boy and not man or is that a western translation of the word

No. 2362728

The mexican guy's ugly too.

No. 2362732

>muh personality
Why the fuck would I bank on that? Moids don't have souls. If I'm gonna be cursed with heterosexuality I might as well have something nice to look at.

No. 2362763

i dont know, why do people call their nigels boyfriends and not manfriends

No. 2362776

Weeman did a prank in Jackass and some dude was getting set up to be cheated on with Weeman and the guy was like I'm her boyfriend and Weeman well I'm her manfriend. And I think about that at least once a week.

No. 2362784

because the word was created back when people married young, so they literally were boys and girls before they tied the knot

No. 2362808

So glad I was able to cleanse myself of this kind of wrongthink. I had it for a brief period in fiction (never IRL) because another woman sold me on the contrast. Then I realized I had to keep trying to hunt for appeal aspects to see eye-to-eye to them instead of letting my own nature judge my desires. It didn't take long to figure out that these poor women were praising themselves for eating shit.

No. 2362809

File: 1737691821353.png (Spoiler Image,310.22 KB, 599x694, FFinQKC.png)

>Guarantee you the moids who sexualize Link also like that he's a child in most of the games. Meanwhile women who enjoy Link had a childhood crush on him but end up enjoying Twilight Princess Link in adulthood.
It's weird that they don't realize they come across as complete degenerates when they refer to women as "femboys," or that they seem like gay pedophiles and it's always the fattest, ugliest and weakest moids like vaush, who have these fetishes.

No. 2362858

that's the original meaning (shounen-ai)

No. 2362907

File: 1737697333676.jpeg (19.96 KB, 449x330, 615614dbb2624.jpeg)

every documentary i watch about this faggot tries to convince me he's attractive. Where? he looks like a fat little boy. Moids will have blue eyes and blond hair and thats enough for the world to cocksuck them into oblivion.

No. 2362933

True crime have a low standard for what constitutes as attractive.

No. 2362937

Idk who his mum is but he took after her

No. 2362956

True crime as a whole loves to call male serial killers attractive, or at least bygone publications and bios. They tried to tell us Bundy was sexy and charming when he was weird and smelly.

No. 2362978

I never understood how people could claim Bundy was attractive with a straight face. He has that rodent physiognomy

No. 2362992

File: 1737700853193.jpeg (331.67 KB, 828x1288, IMG_1418.jpeg)

On today’s episode of copium:

No. 2362995

Kek they really do. I know someone who's mom was asked out by Bundy (I live in one of the cities he terrorized) and she was not at all interested cause he was ugly and offputting. Kinda crazy that her turning him down made him ask out another woman who he then killed. But anyway yeah a lot of people I've seen online who were acquaintances or whatever of him even say he was not attractive and gave off a strange vibe. I think they just make this little narrative about him being "hot" because it makes a more compelling and interesting story, like oh this hottie that everyone wanted was murdering people! When in reality he was ugly and weird and there's actual living people who are like no he was ugly and weird kek.

No. 2363014

At least it's generally an accepted opinion now that it was entirely police incompetence and that none of these men were cunning genius

No. 2363228

But that logic will only encourage women to stop putting effort into their looks if a balding fat haggot is the reward.

No. 2363255

What's with guys with no status holding onto this sort of thing?

No. 2363290

Happened to me years ago. I haven’t shaved, done my hair/makeup or dressed up in 6 years. It’s just a humiliation ritual to entertain ugly men. If my reward is a kurtis conner looking mf I’m becoming a cavewoman.

No. 2363298

>it makes them feel like they're better than they are because they pulled a guy that's attractive
So they got somebody who's hot without putting an effort in themselves, isn't that a big win for them? kek Why wouldn't they feel good in that scenario? lol he makes no sense. Moids feel like a winner all the time if they bag an attractive girl (so nearly always), just look at all those rich old manlets proudly clutching onto their model gfs.

No. 2363299

This makes no sense, relationships aren't a math equation that has to be equal to a specific outcome. There can be two attractive people in 1 relationship. It doesn't end the world.

No. 2363300

The moid is trying to beg women online in a self-soothing attempt. Let it passively aggressively seethe about pretty boys in peace

No. 2363301

File: 1737725154267.png (2.43 MB, 739x4800, 1737681687061.png)

repost from the fandom thread but i believe troons are some of the biggest pushers of the ugly male psy-op, but they will disguise it through "feminism" or "misandry", but it's just incel jealously

No. 2363305

Well until I can see that comic character's face I can't say for sure if they have a point or not.

No. 2363307

Am I blind or is their no ugly moid shilling going on? And I agree with them here, making wonder woman a housewife is lame.

No. 2363317

The sad thing is this actually works, women get off to being “the hot one” or things being “balanced” but it’s only because they’re insecure, deep down nobody wants an uggo. He’s also implying only uggos and mids want beautiful women which is hilarious.

No. 2363321

That is so depressing. The seething male in the tweet also inadvertently admits he's an ugly male because he doesn't take time to consider what attractive males want. If attractive males want a 'mid' woman then why is he crying? Because beautiful women don't want him, an ugly scrote.

No. 2363331

I just don't think there's ever going to be more demand from women for men than the other way around, men always want women more and it applies here too. I can see what you mean by losers who aren't as bad as the anime guys being more dateable for those women though, I agree a lot of women still do have very low standards.
Most women if anything tend to feel threatened if a guy is beautiful (unfortunately), it doesn't make them feel better because in society your entire value= your beauty if you're female. A woman could look better than her bf and still get dogpiled for being ugly and walled simply because he's slightly above average for a moid or something.

Also, you can tell this is projection because the logic here applies way more for ugly males, they feel more validated and make up for their own lack of any beauty and think they're hot shit just because they got an attractive gf kek. The set amount of beauty for a relationship and the status thing just sounds like classic moid copium too, women who go for you for your 'status' don't love you and wouldn't fuck you if you were broke and somehow you think that's ideal. The ideal couple should be two people with similar levels of attractiveness, not one fugly man and a beautiful woman otherwise you'll end up with ugly kids if you're unlucky. And many pretty women are into pretty boys as well, they just end up settling because men are so ugly.

No. 2363659

these moids would kill themselves if they went to a jpop or kpop concenrt. All the beautiful asian girls they want are lusting after pretty boys that look their age and make an effort to look good for them.

No. 2363685

File: 1737742784878.jpg (352.98 KB, 1410x1080, Picsart_25-01-24_13-17-21-294.…)

You know you can look things up before you spout nonsense right? The word "boyfriend" in the romantic context originated in the 1900s, when dating culture became more popular. People typically got married in their early to mid twenties then. Also, before boyfriend and girlfriend were used romantically, these words were used to describe platonic friendship. Boyfriend comes from girlfriend, which has a much longer history of being in use platonically as a word for girls to describe their female friends.

No. 2363687

File: 1737742847565.jpeg (774.93 KB, 1170x1444, IMG_1259.jpeg)

>the man’s status matters much more than looks

Says an ugly man KEK

No. 2363688

Oh please David Lynch is fine. Even as an old man he's pretty handsome imo.(do not defend ugly men itt)

No. 2363690

He's pretty much one of the better looking ones. Thats what you hope your man looks like at that age, no lies.

No. 2363693

They just cope about that and say it's only teenage white girls who are into them kek (especially for kpop) even when it's not true

No. 2363694

He’s a dead Polanski defender. And that’s the only picture I’ve ever seen where he isn’t red.

No. 2363695

File: 1737743098565.jpeg (458.2 KB, 672x1057, IMG_6486.jpeg)

women shilling this caveman as hot and his repeatedly self inserting as a love interest just shows how low we've stooped

No. 2363696

Idgaf about David Lynch I just like Pikmin

No. 2363703

does anyone have that picture of the kpop meetup. The male girl-group kpop fans were all morbidly obese basement dwellers while the girls were all pretty and skinny. /vt/ards did the same with male vtuber fans female vtuber fans and it led to the same result. Its only fat ugly pickme women who usuallydate ugly fat guys because they think those moids are like them and prefer personality over looks, when in reality those guys cope and seethe that they cant land a stacy and have to settle with a landwhale.

No. 2363724

I don't have it but I know what you're talking about kek. Didn't know they did one for vtubers but that doesn't surprise me, almost every vtuber male fan I've seen has ended up being an ugly loser and even when they aren't they're still repulsive to most non pick me women because of their coomer personalities.

No. 2363782

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moids still seething over luigi

No. 2363799

Why is he trying to make this about race. Wasnt there an hispanic/black robber who got bonded out of jail to become a high fashion model? he looks like a manlet

No. 2363880

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Uglhee! hee!

No. 2363975

No one cares about if he's white or not, the proof of that is that faggot who tried to assassinate Trump was white and no one was sucking his dick over it (outside of him just failing to actually do it) and how not every white shooter gets the amount of simps Luigi has. The guy in this video could magically change his race and he still wouldn't get women thirsting over him like Luigi simply because he's ugly kek, he's simply crying racism just like troons cry transphobia when women don't want their dick.

No. 2363989

Kek aren't Italians considered POC by lefties? That's quite problematic of him to say uwu.

No. 2363996

Insecure manlets never fail to make me smile. Thanks for posting anon, I needed the laugh.

No. 2364002

Kek no one has considered Italians not white for 100+ years. Only nazis and retards still cling to that.

No. 2364069

Sage for semi-off topic ramble I guess but a few years ago I read Stephen Donaldson's The Mirror of Her Dreams, and while I liked it overall, the protagonist is attracted to a man who is described in-universe as being fat and ugly. She is a pretty young woman and her actual love interest is her age and (imo) looksmatch but the subplot between her and the fugly moid has always stuck with me… but given the author's other books I'm not surprised.

A lot of fantasy books are like this, just ugly men projecting their wish fulfillment fantasies onto the page. Female authors do it with romantasy but the female protagonists are not only the most powerful beings ever but also ethereally beautiful, unlike moid-catered fantasy where 99% of the main characters are plain or outright ugly and still bag 11/10 supermodels. Yet when women use fantasy as a means to explore their (admittedly sometimes weird) sex fantasies where every romantic lead is hunky and beautiful moids lose their minds… so men are allowed to have silly wish fulfillment but women aren't. Most obvious socially-enforced nonsense ever yet moids still have the audacity to say women prefer fugly moids because of muh personality. Any time a series gets popular with women men develop the most pathetic crabs in a bucket mentality kek I remember them being butthurt over Twilight too back in the day

No. 2364171

Insecure manlets never fail to make me smile. Thanks for posting anon, I needed the laugh.

No. 2364314

Hoping she's fleecing him for money and has a way hotter dude on the side.

No. 2364762

t. mid fatty

also daily reminder that moids want you to be a golddigger so you should never give a single fuck when they pretend to hate them

No. 2364892

File: 1737776579933.png (415.67 KB, 893x737, barafagg.png)

So this is the kind of poster that defends ugly moids and hates these threads. TOPKEK. She even uses good ol' argument of ugly men being a more 'mature' taste.

No. 2364902

this is such a retarded nitpick, do scrotes ever say a woman's eyes look too "strong", "oh she looks like if i tell her i'm leaving her she'll just make plans with her friends."

No. 2364906

Idk why I'm bothered feeling self conscious when trash like this exists

No. 2364911

Remember that no matter how bad you look, at least you weren't stupid enough to have your semi-nudes leaked on lolcow

No. 2364927

she could be cute she just needs a better haircut and clothes

No. 2364928

She's also repulsive personality wise though

No. 2364939

her discord kittens are already showing up to wk her, she looks like a troon

No. 2364961

who told the moid on the left that that shit on his chin looks good, it makes him look so much worse bc it shortens the overall look of his face

No. 2364963

>woman is when you move forward too much in a kiss
i want off this planet

No. 2364964

i think they say serial killers are attractive and charismatic to make coppers seem less incompetent and idiotic, like "we couldn't have known it was him! he seemed like a stand up guy when we were talking to him, he didn't seem like he had a boy with a hole in his head to hide"

No. 2364965

>People typically got married in their early to mid twenties then.
you are so close nona, i believe in you

No. 2364966

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>balding in hs
jfc i am glad he decided not to have children

No. 2364970

File: 1737780324284.mp4 (3.02 MB, 720x1280, saveinsta-cam.mp4)

here, i have no idea about the vtuber meetup tho

No. 2364983

are you the same anon who posts female redditors from amiugly and mocks them

No. 2365003

Vaush and Destiny are both perfect example of how being a raging coomer porn addict indicates pedophilia tendencies and misogyny regardless of how much they shill chronic porn use as normal

No. 2365007

It's an American boomer-early Gen X thing. Older men would always rant about this, though they were usually more hung up about the car than the body. Either way, it was fixated upon features or things they couldn't have, or had one of those but didn't want to put in the effort to get the other (and it was ALWAYS the body).

It was interesting because it gave me insight into how much men project. They would always complain about it while having something expensive sitting in the garage under a protective cover to take out on the weekends. Usually, it's the mark of a late divorce (or worse, widower).

When I was in college, there was an older dude (he looked 55-60 so who knows) in our class who'd whip into his parking space in some vintage Lamborghini. One of those dudes who retired before 60 and wanted to study something creative. He would creep on a few girls when he wasn't whining about the class. Get super DUPER pissy when his tactics didn't work. No one cared about his ugly car either.

I can't tell you enough how embarrassing it is to see that in person.

No. 2365010

The Mexican is a welcome respite. What a beauty.

No. 2365012

Can someone explain why top-tier, rich, well-connected, most beautiful woman in the world type supermodels still settle with things like picrel?

No. 2365014

>Twinkhon-coded ciswoman
Every time

No. 2365035

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Stop being dumb. It's still bad but they are not literal children and this has no bearing on the use of the word

No. 2365036

Probably the combo of grooming, pressure, limited social circle due to fame, insecurity…

No. 2365038

Pickmeism. I hate those traitors. Thanks to them average women are condemned to a life of below average uggos.

No. 2365066

I guess but a supermodel wouldn’t really struggle with being “picked”, in fact she should be picking…

No. 2365070

being a supermodel is the most pickme career, you literally have to starve yourself to look hot for men

No. 2365072

It's not a matter of literally getting a bf, being picked by one man is insufficient to feed the ego, vanity and insecurity of a pickme. They're chasing the hypothetical phenomenon of all men seeing her as ideal/superior to other women.

No. 2365074

Low self esteem

No. 2365075

Yes you do have to do that but you also have to have like top tier genetics. Do they just all develop BDD after being nitpicked by industry fags or something?

What does that have to do with getting an ugly bf though?

No. 2365078

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I don't get it either. Probably insecurity. Like their whole job is appearance based and any minute flaw the whole world calls you hideous. So she goes with an ugly goblin with money and connections in hopes he doesn't leave her (he does).
Best strategy is to be like older Britney Spears and just use young cute guys for sex and then dump them in the trash when you're done.

No. 2365079

>female fans are all cute and well kept
>male fans are fat/ugly and stinky

And men have the audacity to screech about looks

No. 2365081

Projecting the image of a fantasy woman who isn't shallow and is accessible to average/ugly moids.

Though honestly for models and celebrities it's usually a money thing, they can gold dig legitimately rich men. Or for the less rich men, they probably think they're more likely to commit/be faithful. It's the 'normal' beautiful women dating uggos who are generally pickmes.

No. 2365105

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>It's the 'normal' beautiful women dating uggos who are generally pickmes.
I think that’s the case for Mrs Midwest. She claims to have modeled at one point and also dated a fellow model and then… ended up marrying the human embodiment of a weird looking toe.

No. 2365113

kek he already looks 40 here

No. 2365134

I fucking hate when pretty girls are pickmes. If i was drop dead gorgeous there wouldnt be a single college aged twink in my neighbourhood that doesnt know how my pussy tastes. Literally whats the point of being pretty if its not to fuck attractive guys?

No. 2365147

100% agree anon and I am considered to be very pretty by people lol
I had low self esteem in high school though so uggos had access to me
But in my early 20s i got even prettier and also get medicated for my mental issues that caused low self esteem and since then I dated models, millionaires and tiktok famous eboy dudes
But a lot of pretty women give in to the ugly male psyop because hot guys are pretty hard to find and a lot of them have tons of options like even if youre hot, they have tons of other hot girls to choose from just because they're so rare. An attractive man gets a lot more benefits than an attractive woman imho. So I understand why women date down, I just can't make myself do that because sex repulses me and feels like assault if its not with someone physically appealing

No. 2365150

>Or for the less rich men, they probably think they're more likely to commit/be faithful.
i'm guessing it's this because most of these women are already richer than those uggos so there wouldn't be any point in golddigging. even then i'm sure they'd learn those men are still unfaithful too eventually? it's still so baffling

No. 2365151

Lmao what, not a good example they're looksmatched, you are probably just a kpopfag who thinks the average Asian girl looks like she could be in blackpink

No. 2365153

Nevermind he's uglier than her she's like a 6 and he's a 4

No. 2365181

She's an average Asian girl that takes good care of herself, but he looks like an stereotypical Pixar man. That's not looks matched

No. 2365383

I've observed that being with a moid who makes less than you may be worse. Moids are extremely insecure and hateful, and that insecurity will outweigh the benefits of being with a woman out of your league who doesn't mind that you're a brokie. 10/10 he'll end up stealing, cheating, and possibly killing her. Same goes for going for uggos cause "he won't cheat! He has a better personality!" A hair trigger away from being wife killers.

No. 2365400

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No. 2365429

That's why you should never "be" with them. Cohabitation is a meme and always benefits the male at your expense.

No. 2365434

I swear, it's always overweight chicks, be it just a little plump or full on hambeasts who like barafaggotry, dilfs, fatties, and other unsightly men. Do they genuinely have these preferences or is it just low self esteem?

No. 2365442

Who truly believes this.

No. 2365464

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Not all of them thankfully.
Reddit pick-mes at it again, why is reddit filled with them?

No. 2365490

This whole argument about how once your brain develops you start liking ugly men is so stupid, I'm in my late 20s and it's been the opposite for me. When I was a teenager I didn't really know what I liked and as I grew up I realized I liked pretty men, hated beards, fatties, baldies, and so on. My tastes weren't well formed so I feel like my brain was more susceptible to the ugly man psyop when I was younger and more impressionable.
Idk I've seen a lot of normal looking and even pretty women being pick mes for ugly men too unfortunately.
They would look better if they shut the fuck up and got a wig or a hair transplant so I don't have to look at their gross bald shiny head.

No. 2365593

People, especially women, up to the 50s or 60s supposedly all marrying at only 16 is also a huge psyop. They married if the girl got pregnant but non of this was planned and seen as good. But borderline pedos just love telling you that until just 2 generations ago it would have been sooo normal to have a childbride as an adult moid and they all totally loved each other and stayed together all their life!
One of my grandmas was nearly 40 when she had her first and only child and the other grandma was 23 and I always assumed that she was the norm until my mom told me that it was an absolute accident and they were still considered very young and had no money (that's also opposite to what they love to claim, e.g. everybody back then being able to buy a house at 20).

No. 2365596

You're right that most girls those days married at 16/17/18 because of an accidental pregnancy. Not just that, but 99% of the time, it'd be their same aged boyfriend they'd get hitched to because high school kids can't keep it in their pants. Very very few girls were getting married at 16 to 30+ year old dudes.

No. 2365602

I think in cases like hers she just so surrounded by the absolute worst type of moids yet still so desperate to be in a relationship that she tells herself that an ugly guy is most likely to not treat her as shittily as all those moids around her talk about women

No. 2365605

She clearly doesn't value herself and that's really sad.

No. 2365609

a bishie would make her feel insecure about herself since she's let herself go. she can have all the dwarves no one cares.

No. 2365622

I love how brutal Chinese netizens are kek, those scrotes deserve to be shamed.

No. 2365623

Brittany gets predated on by gay men trying to gold dig her

why would someone do something like that to their future kids?

No. 2365700

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No. 2365708

How can you be a 17 year old male who looks 40+ and not just kill yourself immediately

No. 2365711

God, this poor kid. I guess he has to become a baseball hat guy now.

No. 2365723

File: 1737834562724.webm (1.71 MB, 480x854, post wall at 22.webm)

what causes men to bald out so young nowadays

No. 2365724

Microplastics and internet porn

No. 2365725

Having children with geriatric moid sperm, especially when the moid in question was already ugly and autistic. People place blame mostly on microplastics and diet, which definitely contribute to haggard males, but for shit like that 22 year old looking 50 and the 17 year old who looks 40 I think it really has to do with older male sperm, and letting bottom of the barrel moids have kids.

No. 2365764

Recent data from UK biobank suggests that it's a change in phenotype (faster life history) rather than lifestyle choices and environmental exposures. Generally it means faster sexual maturity, which innately implies faster aging in mammals.

No. 2365850

Hormone gel on everything everywhere because the world is centered around one generation of porn sick people

No. 2365861

Please don't tell me this is the same moid

No. 2365864

Nooo, he is reacting to the happy couple spending his 22nd birthday alone, bald, and single.
What would cause faster sexual maturity and ageing, then? Hormones in the food I guess.

No. 2365882

testosterone is literal poison.

No. 2365885

In my shithole country girls getting married young was the norm. In many backwards shitholes this shit still happens sadly.

No. 2365899

Oh so fucking non-bald men will be illegal because over 18's will all be bald? THIS is a legitimate reason for a mass shooting. I swear men have no real problems.

No. 2365961

Blaming gay men for straight men wanting the roidpig look is retarded. There's no 4D psyop involved, it happens because men don't want to listen to women I.e "a fish doesn’t tell you how to catch it" or whatever the saying goes. Shrimple.

No. 2366094

That saying pisses me off so bad I wish anyone who says it without a hint of irony gets diagnosed with untreatable colon cancer.

No. 2366220

File: 1737853305153.png (1.66 MB, 946x3118, JFAYGvi.png)

It was a narrative they tried to splice together

No. 2366235

This happened twice to two different non-white men, the black guy who was chilsed as fuck and had hetrochromia and Jeremy Meeks. I think Luigi is cute, but he is not fit to be a fashion model and hyper focusing on this completely misses the point of why people are enamored with him outside him being cute. It also makes me wonder how moids reacted to Jeremy Meeks when he first went viral.

No. 2366238

It's only when it's someone suspected of doing a based assassination that it becomes humanization, not when it's rapists and fathers killing their children and wives. Then the humanization is just brushed off.

No. 2366261

am I the only one who thinks Luigi is kinda ugly or did I just miss Luigi slander? because I saw the luigi lolcow husband thread and I gaged

No. 2366262

You missed the slander

No. 2366266

he's been slandered all over the site since the very first thread anon kek

No. 2366439

Not solely. It's mostly just selection for those genetic traits.

No. 2366459

It's a bunch of cows in there. He's not necessarily ugly but he's hardly what they make him out to he. Hybristophile desperate hoes.

No. 2366466

He's mid, the fics they write about his angelic nature and 300 IQ are bleak tho

No. 2366471

My goodness he looks like a cancer patient I actually feel sorry for him. I'd cry every day if I looked like like this in high school.

No. 2366476

You missed the slander but you also missed the hourly dickriding from his defense force

No. 2366480

I still believe he was the fall guy and the whole thing is a psyop by the government

No. 2366482

>24yo moid kills himself after botched beard transplant
well deserved

No. 2366486

Kek, just be clean shaven it looks better

No. 2366609

>beard transplant
Beards are fucking gross why the fuck do these retards want them?

No. 2366611

File: 1737868057791.jpg (87.64 KB, 662x890, 1728700928545438.jpg)

Its the third time i fall in love with a fag. Are there really no cute straight men? how to cope with being born moid-brained and wanting cute guys instead of cavement dompigs

No. 2366614

I wonder how he'd react if the CEO killer was a woman?
tbh even tho I'm a weegeewife if I could choose who assassinated Brian Thomson I'd want it to be a Stacy. Imagine her pretty smile all over the news. She'd probably get away with it too because women are more intelligent and cautious than men

No. 2366619

As opposed to gay men being cavemen bottompigs? Maybe you just want to be around men you enjoy talking to

No. 2366622

No, i want a cute guy that looks attractive and sadly only gay men seem to put effort in their bodies. I dont even think its possible to find a confident straightmoid, i have a friend who thinks its gay to wear tshirts with cursive lettering. They are such manchildren i just find them so repulsive.

No. 2366627

So you've developed crushes on those guys for looks alone? Maybe you just don't have much to pull from where you live. Also if you want a man that puts in that effort, you have to do the same

No. 2366629

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>So you've developed crushes on those guys for looks alone?
do you know which thread you are on?
>Also if you want a man that puts in that effort, you have to do the same
all my girlfriends waste thousands to look hot for their moids and they cant even do the effort to shave, what even is the point. At least those gay twinks shave and look cute for their roidpig tops, good luck getting a straightoid to do the same for a woman.

No. 2366630

Nta but there is about one genuinely hot/cute moid per 1000 and even then there's chances he's just a faggot. Nonna could look like a goddess come to life but that wouldn't change the fact that the majority of men are uggos. Also lurk more newfag.

No. 2366633

This story was just insane all around. Very sad.

No. 2366635

>very sad
one less beard-uggo is always a uplifting story

No. 2366636

>lurk more newfag
You guys are addicted to saying this to people who have been on this site longer than you. Of course it's rare, which is why I stated that she'd have to put in the same amount of effort for a man who actually goes out of his way to hypergroom. I swear some of you think ugly man psyop means guys who are abnormally attractive should somehow be your looksmatch. Not the case unforch

No. 2366638

No one said that, retard. You made that assumption yourself. These threads are also littered with examples of women who hypergrom while their moids are ugly as sin.

No. 2366640

Men are way less likely to be with an ugly woman though, so it's best to be honest with yourself and manage your expectations instead of crying about how hot gay men are. The hot straight ones wouldn't be in your crosshairs either

No. 2366647

Take your meds pickme-chan. Everyone ITT knows that even women who put effort into their looks dont get attractive men. Its not about women hypergrooming, its about the double standards of women being expected to do all that shit and be happy with men not even bottering to do the bare minimum.

No. 2366649

>guys who are abnormally attractive
If the average moid is much uglier compared to the average woman, what's "abnormally attractive" is just a normal handsome man. And you're not even long enough here to read what this thread is about, who are you trying to fool kek.

No. 2366656

It's not a pickme, it's a moid. The "lower your expectations and accept ugly men" and immediately assume anon must be ugly is the giveaway.

No. 2366664

>Also if you want a man that puts in that effort, you have to do the same
This is not the case considering the numerous cases of pretty woman/ugly man pairings that have been posted in this thread before. There really is no way to leverage yourself into the truly beautiful league of men unless you are lucky.

No. 2366747

Kek, imagine if the girlfriends of bald males shaved their heads. How fast would the relationship fall apart because the woman isn't fuckable anymore?

No. 2366749

Men leave their gfs after they get diagnosed with cancer, they would never stand next to a woman whos as ugly and unkept as them.

No. 2366754

what a blatant attention whoring attempt, what fucking need was there for him to rain on their parade by tacking his fucking ugly mug onto their video.

No. 2366758

has to be fake

No. 2366770

the gfs of baldies should be doing that kek it's only fair

No. 2366776

>and good looks
lol wut and then a pic of neanderthal right below lmao

No. 2366786

Honestly the audacity of moids to film self-pitying parades like this and expect sympathy. Bohoo feel sorry for him because he's ugly and doesn't do anything against it but still thinks he deserves a woman at his side just for existing.

No. 2366850

not a ciswoman, just a woman.

No. 2366885

Surprised jannies didn’t crack down on the obvious /tttt/ trannyspeak if they can crack down on unintegrated zoomer slang

No. 2366911

He looks like bald Luigi.

No. 2366913

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Honestly I really resent Stacies who date men much uglier than themselves. It only serves to add to overall male entitlement and them believing they deserve a hot gf because some other ugly scrote got one.

Part of Belle Delphine and Hannah Owo's appeal to their moid fans is that they're both gorgeous girls who date fat, mid moids with small dicks.

No. 2366917

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Now that I think about it, all the women who I consider to be most gorgeous in the world, always have the ugliest ever bfs. Never once have seen their partners and thought 'I want a guy like that'. They're always hideous, cheaters, shitty scumbags who abuse them and blackmail them and leak their nudes, etc.
It seems like such a waste of genetics, grooming, beauty, only to shack up with some mid loser with a tiny dick.
Pic rel is one of the 'better ones' but he's still ugly as fuck to me, and also abused, cheated on and manipulated Taylor for years to the point she actually sued him after they broke up.

No. 2366918

Personally I think he's ugly as fuck. Looks like Moe Syzlak.

No. 2366924

>what causes men to bald out so young nowadays
Unironically, porn addiction. It fucks with moids hormone, dht and prolactin levels. I only know one moid irl who is a genuine nofapper and coincidentally he has a full head of hair. Meanwhile every other moid I know is balding badly. I hope porn addicts keep cooming though because then I'll be able to weed them out better based on their hairlines.

No. 2366926

Thank goodness their kids got her genes and not his, the children look absolutely angelic.

No. 2366929

Paul Bernardo isn't a model, but he was definitely more attractive and charismatic than Dahmer, Buddy, Luigi etc who just come across as weird mid autists.
He's bald now, the karma all evil moids get.(do not defend ugly men itt)

No. 2366932

I can't remember where I saw it, but I'm certain I read that babyfaced men are more likely to be sexual deviants and criminals.

No. 2366933

Both Luigi and the moid in your video are ugly. Deal with it.

No. 2366937

Stacies get into relationships with uggos usually either in it for money and cuck him anyway, or purposely do it so that she maintains the upper hand in the entire relationship and basically secures the moid as her unwavering simp who'll take a bullet for her. Attractive narcissistic men also do this to women.

No. 2366941

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Speaking of which, it's insane how much 'old disgusting man and young nubile girl' is pushed in media and especially porn. Young guys are getting off to disgusting old coffin dodgers raping traumatized and trafficked teenage girls, thinking they can be like him one day. It's vile and should be illegal.
In Japan its also a common and popular trope in hentai and porn, the disgusting fat ugly old bastard and a beautiful young girl, and its almost mostly young males watching this shit and getting off to it. You also get retarded Asian pickmes encouraging it and trying to make it seem cute and adorable. It's even worse because many poor Japanese high school and college girls end up whoreing themselves to gross middle aged men for money. It needs to stopped.

No. 2366942

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And of course disgusting neckbeards and Japanese coomers try to make it mainstream and spread 'hilarious' memes out of it, getting off to the idea of old men cucking their wives with much younger women. TMD.

No. 2366943


It’s fucking vile

No. 2366944

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Yeah and I hate these pickme tards who try to get internet and moid approval updoots by indulging these stupid pornsick coomer fantasies.
I guess its a good thing Japanese women are refusing to have kids.

No. 2366952

Using these characters is even worse because that's not just a younger woman, that's his daughter.

No. 2366953

Especially disgusting since this porn trope is never just having ugly but nice bf, he is always abusive to the girl. Literally the "women actually like being raped" argument by scumbags in meme form.

No. 2366956

moid content always has this extremely nagging presence of wishful thinking, hard to put into words. like it's a matter of life and death to convince you of something

No. 2366961

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Damn, poor kid I’d kill myself kek. Someone shave his head and make sure he’s infertile so we stop creating the school shooter phenotype.

No. 2366996

Men know they are innately worthless and expendable, so they've got to stretch the imagination to its limits and do as many mental gymnastics as possible to uphold their blanket fort and put women in their place through revenge fantasies. Thankfully most of the moids who wank to this content will never know love and never breed, there is no need to wish ill upon them, their lives are sad and disastrous enough.

No. 2366998

How disgusting. I'm not an animu fag so I didn't know. Gotta love how western moids blame da jooos for their gross incest kink when Japanese moids have been trying to perfect it for decades.

No. 2366999

Fucking ew that's his daughter and she gets raped by him I fucking hate moid memes and their stupid edgy humor and I fucking hate this manga too

No. 2367008

Men have zero loyalty to anything including one another, so like the eternal tranny, they are seethingly jealous of and threatened by female friendship and loyalty, even between female family members. So they fantasize about sabotaging and violating sacred female bonds, just like the ones between mother and daughter. 'Stepdad cucks mom with her daughter' is also an extremely common trope in western porn. Nothing gives negative-value men jollies like the idea of two female family members hating and fighting with each other over his tiny withered chode. Not even the nastiest grossest femcel fantasies can come close to the pathological sexual psychosis of the average man, it's shockingly disturbed.

No. 2367016

Even when men "hypergroom" they're not doing anything the average woman doesn't already do. Shaving, nice hair, nice clothes, staying in shape etc. Therefore a man who does this (and doesn't look ugly) would be an average or even slightly below average woman's lookmatch, because even women who aren't that pretty typically still shave and do all this other extra shit that moids don't do.
They would go full copium mode and say ermmm it's different because men naturally go bald more frequently and she just shaved her head on purpose!! As a woman you should totally not care about if he looks good or not because a man's value is his status…Or whatever other retarded shit they say.

No. 2367021

Yep. It's insane how far straight women will go just in order to not be labelled unfuckable by moids. It's sad. The amount of new labels and treatments for minute things that occur with the female body is insane. It used to just be about cellulite and ingrown hairs.

No. 2367028

Pretty sure Asian women want handsome men just like any other normal woman does. Thing is Asian culture is extremely cruel and brutal when it comes to appearances so Asians usually end up with horrible self esteem. I think there was actually a study that showed Asian American youths have the lowest self esteem of any demographic (black people had the highest) but anyway it leads to many Asian women thinking they don't deserve a handsome white man anyway.
I've seen so much self hate tiktoks from Asian women crying about how Chad won't date them and how they wish they were a blonde blue eyed all American or European girl, and I really get second hand embarrassment: their confidence is non existent and their self esteem is piss poor.
Also I guess most white Chad types are usually pretty racist and come from either very trailer trashy or very snobbish WASP families and so their families and community would look down on them for dating a non-white woman. Men generally also innately have reproductive anxiety and an evolutionary fear of their genes being cucked, so they freak out at the thought of having offspring who don't resemble them I guess.

No. 2367048

>replies to three day old post just to racebait
definitely not a seething white moid(scrotefoiling)

No. 2367069

File: 1737906362183.png (217.69 KB, 529x463, ugly_ogre_vs_cute_woman.png)

Moids on twitter are seething over this normal looking woman making fun of Beardson(Ugly mysogynist ogre), calling her walled, mid and obese etc… Has anyone seen this too? Moids can make fun of how we look all the time but the moment we reverse it they pee their pants in anger, so overly emotional.

No. 2367072

Maybe it should be the case. after all the average male looks like an abomination so an "abnormally attractive" male would just be as attractive as the average woman. And if males can buy prettier younger partners with their status and wealth then women should be able to do the same.

No. 2367074

At this point males and women don't even look like the same species.

No. 2367076

>5/10 out of league of 2/10
>5/10 isn't pretty
Strictly speaking, they're both right

No. 2367077

True, i very rarely see women who rival the ugliness of the average scrote, from my memory the only one who can come close is maybe Tophiachu

No. 2367079

Doesn't matter to me, shes cute and made scrotes mad. That's better than half of what 8/10 and higher stacies are doing since they are too busy competing with other women, posting thirst traps online and being pick-me bitches.

No. 2367088

I saw this too, there were several scripted coping by saying she secretly wants him or something. Like no a women confident in her superior looks don’t let this fat fuck troll her.

No. 2367092

I know I always complain here about romanian men but holy shit everytime I go outside I'm so disgusted by their caveman phenotype. Round faces with the shittiest bone structure ever. Even without the trademark priest beard they're still so goddamn ugly why does no one have a nice jaw and cheekbones why do they all look so bloated. And no it's not even the fault of alcohol, even the guys who rarely drink have this bulky appearance. And even if they don't follow the balkan phenotype they are ugly in a different way. Sebastian stan is considered handsome, and he clearly mogs most of the specimens here, but he still has that short bulky face and I don't find that appealing at all. Also I worked at the mall and I had to interact with a ton of customers and I didn't see a single attractive man.

No. 2367138

She becomes a 6-6.5 when she dunks on uggo scrotes

No. 2367139

stop rating women. you're part of the problem. only rate males.

No. 2367153

It’s honestly so sad to see anons entertain the look scale stuff.

No. 2367156

No. 2367187

Completely agree. They laugh at average women for defending ugly men while in the same breath making fun of these women for considering themselves out of some ugly scrotes' league. Ugly women are constantly told to stay in their lane, then somehow still get laughed at when they do.

No. 2367226

THANK YOU, nonna… It’s a disaster here. Literally 0 decent bone structure or hair genes. Wtf is going on?

No. 2367256

The 50s and 60s were actual shithole time periods for women's rights

No. 2367289

I saw this as well. She's 100% out of his league because even a normal or average woman still looks leagues above the average male ogre on the right. She's based and these ugly men who love to talk shit about women's looks online deserve to get humbled. They're so comfortable with hating on women's looks and believe theirs don't matter at all because uhhhh males supposedly have value even if they're ugly fat fucks and only women should be judged on their beauty in their chimp minds so they get a pass to be ugly. When in reality beauty and being attractive should matter even more if you're a male considering their only purpose in life is to impress women so they get to fuck and don't end up as another incel shooter killing people due to a lack of pussy.

No. 2367304

File: 1737921368978.jpg (1.32 MB, 3917x2891, 1729907978417250 (2).jpg)

You're a wilfully ignorant retard then. Indians are probably the most self hating people on the planet followed by Asians.

No. 2367309

This is horrifying if it isn’t bait tbh even worse thinking about how their ex scrotes are probably ugly.

No. 2367314

Why use a /pol/ collage though

No. 2367317

That's ironic considering so many white people keep fetishizing asian features and trying to be asian in general these days. I've seen a lot of white guys act like just being asian instantly makes a girl more appealing compared to if she was white especially if they're into anything anime related. Though I guess they aren't usually "chads".

No. 2367325

Moids love dividing and conquering women for their fetishes. It's sad to see so many normie girls fall for it, we all deserve better.

No. 2367326

File: 1737922903788.jpeg (35.99 KB, 237x525, IMG_4887.jpeg)

Asian ≠ Asian Americans
Asians who live in their own countries have no self-hatred. It's only when they grow up in a racist and foreign society that they become your picrel.(ban evasion)

No. 2367333

Nona… indians are asians.

No. 2367335

Don't forget the pickme bitches who enable the moids

No. 2367336

who the hell is that

No. 2367337

When people say "asians" they're usually referring to east and southeast asians. There are 4.5 billion people living on the asian continent, no one is talking about middle easterners, indians, or russians when they use the term.

No. 2367340

She actually puts in the effort to look good, that faggot looks like he pisses on coke bottles

No. 2367348

I’ve had this experience with every single male I went to high school with. I would say that the majority of guys that were in my year were good looking, since I’m from a Nordic country and my school was wealthy, so they tend to not only have good genes but also care for personal style and have money to afford nice clothes and haircuts. But after graduating I guess they all went too hard on drinking/smoking and modern fashion, where they just dress like retards with ugly earrings, buzzcut and stupid fannypacks. All of them aged tremendously in just a few years and no longer have a semblance of attractiveness. It was incredibly shocking to me! I think it also has to do with what the girls around them are into. I’ve noticed that near me, university is pretty left-wing and so a lot of the men have noserings, creepy moustaches and “ironic” outfits to appeal to anarchist/socialist/vegan etc partygoers. In high school the kids were still under their parents’ wealth and control so they adhered to a more proper and refined look. I’ve noticed this even with the more preppy schools where they study law and economics, in their free time the men go to lousy festivals and make themselves look like clowns. I don’t understand how they aren’t shunned for it! Alas, even if they didn’t they all have wrinkles and pudginess despite being under 25… so sad

No. 2367367

Why edit Lucy Liu like that? I've seen both Korean and Japanese moids bash her and complain that the west only picks "ugly" Asian women to represent them (she resembles the general populace more than most idols do, she just hasn't had surgery).
Asian countries seem so aggressive toward women who haven't had their eyes cut open for an extra fold, jaws sawed to make their faces egg-shaped, noses broken and then reordered, etc. Meanwhile, the moids are allowed to be ugly.

No. 2367376

This except the guys I went to school with were never attractive even in their youth

No. 2367378

File: 1737925891479.webm (2.82 MB, 576x1024, 1735982331180.webm)

>the moids are allowed to be ugly

No. 2367385

You will be sorely disappointed if you go to China, those are the exception nonna. It's like thinking actual Korean men look like kpop idols. Whole thing is a PR scam, like how they used to lie that British men were handsome decades ago.
China even tried to ban handsome men (by female standards) from TV because they were "too feminine" (ie they made ugly bald old scrotes feel insecure).

No. 2367390

Based, as she should. Scrotes are seething because they know she's correct.

No. 2367397

If a moid has been a skelly from pretty much puberty to say, 29, and still has lots of hair on his head,is it safe to say he will stay a non-bald skelly for another 5-10 years? Are qt skellies immune from walling?

No. 2367399

lol come to england

No. 2367402

Why don’t these scrotes pay for alopecia steroid injections. Sage for blog but I was losing my hair in patches, so I went to the dermatologist and it was covered under insurance I get from the state no less. It hurt, sure, but it was worth it and I’ve never had a problem since. I’ve been growing my hair out after that too and it’s even healthier now.

No. 2367403

The image you refer to is a /pol/ edit. Terminally online men like to complain that Asian women are better than westernized Asians because the Asian ones get plastic surgery to appeal to their sensibilities while the western ones are ugly and feminist. It's an unfair, stupid image and you are totally right but one can't call it out too specifically lest we break a rule.

No. 2367404

>those are the exception
At least there are exceptions. Every moid in the US is ugly.

No. 2367407

You're missing the point, that Asian Americans are very different from Asian Asians, not just in physical appearance, but also in personality, value, culture, and spirit.

No. 2367412

Yeah, you're right, I suspected /pol/ had something to do with it. Just gross and sad all around.

No. 2367416

men bald at different rates, some have a only slightly receded hairline at 40 while others are totally bald. so it's difficult to say how long his hair will stay like that but it's a positive sign that it's not noticeable at that age. as for being skinny, most people gain some amount of weight as they age unless they really take care of themselves so I wouldn't expect that to last, but it's possible he won't end up like a blimp if he's habitually a light eater

No. 2367419

Yeah they are the exceptions like the top <1% of men just like every other country that has a tiny sugar sprinkle of exceptional pretty boys. Those Chinese apps like red book are trying to push handsome people to make people think they have it better in China than in western countries when in reality most chinese men are just as ugly as sin.

No. 2367422

This is exactly it. I kind of hate the xiaohongshu shit, it's making zoomers think China is great when it just isn't lmao.

No. 2367425

File: 1737928107281.jpeg (250.35 KB, 992x992, IMG_4921.jpeg)

>meanwhile, the top <1% in the US

No. 2367428

i noticed that skelly guys with little to none body hair tend to age better. Testosterone is truly poison.

No. 2367429

File: 1737928367311.jpg (49.89 KB, 736x651, 9c5c6e717d0ea8ee9cad867e806502…)

It's ironic because Chinese women see men like this and think American men are handsome.
In reality, all women deal with the ugly men problem, but Indian and Pakistani men might be the absolute worst.

No. 2367432

>Chinese women see bearded middle aged hairy moids like this and think bearded middle aged hair moids are handsome.
What the fuck are you talking about?

No. 2367437

Are you ESL? I'm not referring to the photo you posted kek

No. 2367438

Maybe, the only guy I know who still looks ok and isn't bald in his late 20s fits this description. But I've seen other ones of this type fall off hard after a while so idk

No. 2367439

There is (surprisingly to many) some evidence behind the idea that suppression of anabolic growth is beneficial to male longevity. A renowned gerontologist even wrote a paper saying that you need to be literally like a skeletor from a Russian folk myth to live long. No, I'm not kidding.

No. 2367440

File: 1737928967056.jpeg (138.15 KB, 1080x1350, IMG_4922.jpeg)

Oops, my mistake.
But the moid you posted is ugly as sin.

No. 2367446

I picked him because he's the exact type I've seen Chinese women online thirst over kek, they like the blue eyes and blond hair and angular (but gracile) features

No. 2367450

does anyone have recs of chinese dramas that have men that look like this? no weird dynasty shit historical fantasy tho

No. 2367451

>they like the blue eyes and blond hair and angular (but gracile) features
your pic was unrelated then

No. 2367454

I think you're blind kek

No. 2367458

He doesn't have blonde hair?

No. 2367474

That’s not even lucy liu but a porn actress of japanese descent. Moids. Whenever I hear men complain about americanized asian women it’s always a huge red flag to me because it’s pretty clear that they’re mad that they can’t fetishize them as easily purely because of the fact that they were raised overseas and speak English. To them, native asian women are more subservient and “available” and all resemble their favorite kawaii idols/actresses because they saw a handful of those women online.

No. 2367479

No, it's obviously photoshopped

No. 2367516

NTA but stop pretending to be retarded

No. 2367566

I went to meet my friend at her college one day and even 19-20 yr olds are incredibly haggard looking. That's the peak age of youth and they look horrible, not a hint of charm. Even male influencers are disgusting, we used to have some actual decent looking male celebs in the 2000s but I don't know one single famous or semi-famous handsome romanian young man currently.

No. 2367636

File: 1737939321154.jpeg (427.55 KB, 558x837, IMG_4943.jpeg)

Who's the retard?

No. 2367667

Still you. The anon didn't say it wasn't photoshopped, just that the person in the photo was a Japanese porn star (which they are).

No. 2367730

>"It's photoshopped"
>You're a retard
>*proves it's photoshopped
>Uhhhh you're still a retard

No. 2367755

your a man ik who you are(scrotefoiling)

No. 2367763


No. 2367780

You'd have to be a mega autist to not see it's photoshopped. The sky is blue read all about it in this nonnies thought-provoking post.

No. 2367809

China has a lot of males, which means a potentially higher number of good looking guys than in America

No. 2367898

Who is this?

No. 2367951

>beard transplant
I'm sorry what?

No. 2368115

he looked different while dating her

No. 2368129

File: 1737977654272.png (263.45 KB, 535x452, lollmaoeven.png)

This has to be a joke kek

No. 2368132

Noen Eubanks

No. 2368138

Crucify me but if the moid was better groomed they would be looksmatched

No. 2368144

He's the exception, not the rule. He doesn't look romanian at all, I'll post later a pic of what the average romanian moid looks like

No. 2368147

if better groomed includes losing 30lbs sure

No. 2368148

Not Romanian but I relate so much to every moid around having a bloated face, kill me

No. 2368152

Most of those pretty women who put effort into their looks tend to be pick mes or just oblivious to the ugly man psyop. To get that rich and high up in this patriarchal society you usually need to already have those tendencies of wanting to pander to men so you can more easily become successful. A lot of them also seem to enjoy the attention for looking pretty and how dating an uggo makes them look better by comparison.
Holy copium

No. 2368155

He would have to lose lots of weight, get rid of the beard and hopefully not have a terrible jawline under it, get a decent haircut and not be balding, and decent clothes. That's a long way to being looksmatched

No. 2368162

he doesn't have eyebrows and his hairline is already done for kek

No. 2368166

I have a feeling you wouldn’t say that if she was 20 pounds lighter.

No. 2368168

Is that a farmer or a 4channer?

No. 2368183

what compels someone to admit this out loud on the internet? idgaf if i fumbled a Alain Delon look-alike, you will not be catching me on TT wishing i was white

No. 2368184

>I've seen a lot of white guys act like just being asian instantly makes a girl more appealing compared to if she was white
well you clearly spend too much time on 4chan then, the men who fetishize asians/hapas are mostly ugly creepy yellow fever incels. attractive normie men's type is firmly blonde tan stacy, occasionally they will date a lightskinned Latina with a big ass, that's generally as exotic as 'chads' go.

No. 2368185

No. 2368192

esp since they're on equal playing grounds, the photos are their pfps, something which is going to define the feeling of your account and is one of the first things people will see of you, and the woman is dressed up pleasantly and found a nice spot in her house to take a nice photo, the scrote just held up his phone to take a selfie, gave the fakest smile and done, you can almost imagine his face returning to it's scrote scowl after he takes just one photo.

No. 2368213

>disheveled tub of lard is as hot as young Marlon Brando

kek in what universe…

No. 2368230

File: 1737988520555.jpg (269.24 KB, 1400x700, AOg6aLv.jpg)

This is old but I disagree. It's a massive part of the psyop that most male comic characters have a harem of beautiful female love interests. While every female superhero is stuck being loyal to only one scrote who often acts as more of a self insert for scrote fans of female superhero.
Even wonder woman the oldest female superhero is stuck crying over one scrote, while batman would've had a new supermodel love interests by now. Another example is Jean Grey.
One of the most iconic xmen characters but she literally has 2 love interests, with one of them being an ugly manlet who is decades older than her. But both wolverine and Scott Summers have a string of love interests who all look like supermodels.
Even fictional stacies are victims of the psyop

No. 2368233

File: 1737988747913.jpg (199.45 KB, 674x1024, u6TD6UJ.jpg)

Not even getting started on the amount of ugly self inserts for scrotes in comic. The thing is the worst one cause it feeds the delusion that women have to ignore looks, care about "personality" AND endure terrible sex. Just pure scrote delusion

No. 2368235

I don't actually, more like just anime, jpop and kpop communities in general or anything remotely related to asian media. You don't need to go on 4chan to see lots of women and men finding asian traits desirable these days, even Ariana Grande got accused of trying to look asian at one point and she's a mainstream pop star. I technically also knew one normier white guy that had an asian fetish and he wasn't bad looking at all.

No. 2368240

That and I've also seen people go on that one chinese app recently and idealize the asian people there a lot too

No. 2368291

>5 minutes later
>log into your lookism account
>abloobloo about how it's over for you because you're ugly and asian

The most amazing part of the moid psyche is how everything they say is meant to shill something, to themselves most of all.

No. 2368299

A white girl could say the same "he left me for a latina" or "he left me for an asian girl" lol

No. 2368300

Well to be fair ariana grande played around with all the races kek

No. 2368310

I get the feeling they're just fishing for compliments.

No. 2368404

True kek. But besides her I've seen random egirls get accused of asian fishing or whatever too

No. 2368420

I feel bad for saying this but this would be Premium milk. Can you imagine her/her moid's threads if they'd be in our age?

No. 2368431

I've seen girls get accused of Asian fishing for just having cat-eye eyeliner or dyeing their hair black, it's nearly all bullshit.

No. 2368436

White fever is an actual mental illness kek

No. 2368465

File: 1738003906485.jpg (160.94 KB, 1080x1272, 1737994819661704.jpg)

moids seething that the Japanese woman in their game doesn't look like a 12 year old anime character(derailing)

No. 2368478

they remind me of Claire and muskrat for some reason.

No. 2368501

Ariana is Sicilian, North African, Greek, and then people wonder why she looks 'ethnically ambiguous'. You realize North Africans like Pokimane can look Asian or Hapa, Sicilians can look like Quadroons, Greek women can look like Latinas etc etc. People just wanted an excuse to hate on her.(derailing)

No. 2368516

File: 1738006821650.jpeg (198.46 KB, 989x1264, IMG_1852.jpeg)

but anon the race bending memes are funny(race derailing)

No. 2368538

the japanese women in this game look chinese, anon. japan complains about this too.
>inb4 you can't tell east asians apart

No. 2368566

>A renowned gerontologist even wrote a paper saying that you need to be literally like a skeletor from a Russian folk myth to live long.
I can't find anything about this. Could you share the name? That sounds interesting.

No. 2368572

File: 1738009739121.jpg (120.01 KB, 1200x775, ariana.jpg)

>Ariana is Sicilian, North African, Greek
Is she though? Or is she mostly Italian, 2% NA and 1% Greek? Either way Mediterraneans in general can sometimes look a little racially ambiguous no matter which side of the sea they're from but Ariana is in another category altogether. Her being a weaboo isn't the end of the world though.(derailing)

No. 2368581

What does this have to do with males being hideous

No. 2368586

That was literally my first thought too.

No. 2368590

Don't Italians have distant ancestors from those places and that's why it shows up in their DNA results? Populations kept mixing and somewhere down the line you'll have distant non white ancestors because of the constant conquering?

Some French people have distant moor ancestry for example(derailing)

No. 2368600

this is a thread about ugly moids nobody cares about your vendetta against some random celebrity woman who you are mad looks hotter cosplaying as a latina than your ugly ass

No. 2368652

why can't we make jokes on this site anymore
anyways even as a Ghoulriana she's better looking than uggo celebrity moids, never said she was uggo
Now the thing she's dating, that's an uggo

No. 2368679

No. 2368687

4incel post

No. 2368717

Pretty sure she's based on either Asaji or Lady Kaede

No. 2368779

Good to know nonnie. I will observe from afar and report back with my findings over the years unironically (he is a childhood friend)

No. 2368969

>moid content always has this extremely nagging presence of wishful thinking, hard to put into words. like it's a matter of life and death to convince you of something
Well put.

No. 2369012

He looks like Ethan Ralph. Judging by the picture, I'm assuming he's built like him

No. 2369067

nonna do you not know how much plumbers make or are you saying blue collar jobs are not respected by asians

No. 2369208

File: 1738044474282.png (492.17 KB, 747x867, cdgd.png)

The truth comes out. Redpill scrotes destroyed, ddlgroids in full retreat.
>Quizzed after their brief encounters, both men and women tended to rate younger dates as more desirable future partners, suggesting men do not have a monopoly on putting a premium on youth.

>Psychologists on the study said the results were surprising because academics often presume the global trend for older men in married and cohabiting couples mirrors the preferences of both partners.

>The researchers analysed questionnaires completed by more than 6,000 blind daters who used a matchmaking service to fix them up with a potential long-term partner. Overall, men and women were equally more attracted to younger dates, at least after the first meeting, the authors report in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

>Paul Eastwick, a professor of psychology at the University of California, Davis and the study’s first author, said the finding would be “shocking to many people” because men tend to be older than women in romantic relationships and women generally say they prefer older partners.

No. 2369343

They’ve convinced themselves that younger women prefer them but what they really want is financial security. That’s why as soon as women who marry old men are single they get a young toy boy.

No. 2369355

Kek, this should be surprising to no one, but women self-policing is so prevalent that even as I read this to my normie female friends they tried to deny it. "N-n-nu-uh, I prefer more mature men!"
We live in a first world country, and while it's no matriarchy, if we could just be honest with ourselves we wouldn't need to have studies like this. It would just be as obvious as it should be.

I understand why a lot of women feel like they need to play coy in even in more developed countries, but it's so exhausting when even amongst ourselves in private, women lie to each other about our preferences. I always suspected this to be the case, but the fact I know so many women who claim the opposite, I was beginning to wonder if I was an outlier for being put off by older moids. Pickmes have been more effective at gaslighting me than any propaganda. It never changed my own preferences, but I really started to think I was the weird one for being so shallow, only to realize they have been virtue signalling the whole time.

It can't be understated how pernicious moid meddling has been in female choice, but I appreciate that the article mentioned at least how some women always claim the opposite without blaming them for being deceivers or w/e incels call us once they understand the truth. It really is just a difference in whether women have enough mobility to refuse old, busted scrotes.

No. 2369402

I think that when those women talk of "mature" men, they mostly mean some stereotypes like "CEO daddy" or "rude mafia boss" or something like that.

No. 2369413

It's definetly some dark romance fantasy with an older mature man who is actually HOT but little do they know real haggots are ugly as sin kek. Of course I would also prefer a slightly older man over a younger one if they maintained their looks as well as women do, especially since younger men don't want to commit but the reality is that men hit the wall at like 25 if they're lucky, and sometimes as early as 21….

No. 2369419

When women mean mature "older" men they are talking about men 3 or 4 years older than them afaik

No. 2369436

I just think all moids are pedophiles tbh, even gay scrotes go after young looking ones and lust after boys aged 15 or 16 and have boy scouts fantasies

No. 2369442

The fact girl sexy school girl/girl scout/cheerleader costumes are a thing is crazy to me. How can women go to any shop and see that in full display and not realize men are pedos.

No. 2369447

File: 1738064854495.jpg (14.94 KB, 638x423, 5445563f6bb3f712247d5fb9.jpg)

Friendly reminder.

No. 2369490

Nta but exactly. Despite so-called daddy issues never in my life did I find old scrotes attractive. Whenever the topic of younger men was brought up all my friends had this theatrical visceral reaction but now some of those in their mid/late twenties have partners 3-4 years younger and they realize how dumb they sounded back then. My younger friends still have this romanticized view of older men but I believe they escape the shackles of this psyop soon too. I now actually have a clear preference for younger guys and wouldn’t even date a 30 year old at 26.

They are. Just spend 20 minutes on Reddit and you’ll see how openly men lust after minors or pedo-baiting OF whores.

No. 2369544

All men are sexually omnivorous, their 'preferences' are whatever doesn't run away fast enough.

No. 2369552

Right? They seriously cant see what a problem that is? Even shit like sexy nurse/doctor is a thing, which is so gross considering how many women have to face sexism in places like STEM and the medical field specifically. It's creepy af. Men never have issues shopping for halloween costumes, but almost every woman costume is Sexy version of [x]
I hate the "dont like it, don't buy it crowd" when that's all that exists unless you make your own costume. It also is telling when the sexualizing starts as young as 12/13 years old for girls.

No. 2369561

Definitely, most men aren't exclusively pedophilic. It's more like they take whatever they can get and childlike/innocent features = easier to rape or coerce into sex

No. 2369583

There's definitely an old moid psyop in addition to the ugly moid psyop. Because women have been treated like property for most of human history, it's been deeply ingrained in us that we have to find a moid with money to "take care of us," and because old moids hoard all the wealth, it steers us in that direction. But now that we can earn money for ourselves (and are outpacing men in degree attainment) it's time for us to stop prioritizing money and start setting higher standards. If I'm the breadwinner, I want an attractive moid who meets all of the personality criteria I have. That's the expectation men had for women for the longest time, but now it's our turn.

>I read this to my normie female friends they tried to deny it. "N-n-nu-uh, I prefer more mature men!"

Get better friends. None of my friends would react this way. They like hot men their own age, not nasty geriatric predators who take advantage of women they think are young and naive.

No. 2369585

Did that woman just stick literal rocks in her vagina?

No. 2369590

Moid celebrities literally just pay for the "Sexiest Man Alive" spot. It's blatantly a psyop.

No. 2369623

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The average straight couple is just some guy + a woman who is stunning, has good skincare, makeup etc.
But scrotes still want to bully women into dropping any standards by calling them shallow for not only caring about "pErSoNaLiTy". We have so many romcoms featuring ugly men getting pretty women thanks to them being "nice" or smth.

No. 2369634

Literally why. this is so gross

No. 2369644

He looks like he could be her dad

No. 2369645

Yeah by all means they should be satisfied as the dating dynamic is still rigged in their favor even in the modern day with how much women are pressured into not valuing looks out of fear of being shallow and all the psyops. They'll still sit and seethe about how women's standards are just too high though, makes you think about how insanely undesireable and retarded they must be that they can't get a good looking gf even under these circumstances

No. 2369656

This world is so fucking gay

No. 2369658

Yeah, any moid who complains about being unable to find a gf must really be a rancid existence given how damn easy it is for so many goblins to date beautiful women.

No. 2369670

This is what I thought as well

No. 2369732

Connor Beaton, who I would describe as a diet MRA, was once complaining about the results of a study where people were polled about whether they would reject someone who only met 80% of their standards. Generally, the men said yes and the women said no, which upset Beaton. Here's the thing, though: relationships are way riskier and more costly for women than they are for men, and not just because half of all female homicide victims are killed by romantic partners. Pregnancies are dangerous for us and they make us vulnerable, so if a woman wants children, she has to find a guy she's certain she can trust long-term to be stable, loyal, etc. Additionally, women can only have children for about two or two and a half decades of our adult lives, so if you want kids (granted, not all women do) any time you spend dating a guy you can't settle down with is time wasted. It's important for us that a partner meet all of our standards.

And as far as I can tell, the study didn't specify which 20% of the standards the potential partners weren't meeting. If I had five criteria, and one of them was "not a sex offender," You're damn right I would reject a guy if that's the 20% of my standards he failed to meet. Neither Beaton nor the people who ran that study have any clue how single women think.

No. 2369738

If said grooming includes liposuction and thousands worth of hair plugs, sure.

No. 2369746

I agree with everything you said, but generally I also think the standards themselves are different. Men just want an attractive, compliant woman and that's pretty much it, it's why so many of them seem content with sex dolls or going and paying someone from a developed country who clearly loathes him to marry him. Women generally take values and personality and all sorts of things into account (I think that's partially why they seem "picky" according to men, though of course a lot of that is bullshit). An attractive man with a decent job is good, but he's not worth it if he's secretly an asshole or a porn addict or something. And those "minor" details, the 20% of the standards they supposedly aren't reaching, are crucial.

No. 2369895

Same. Men over 25 I find mostly repulsive. I have an ice about skin texture, men with big pores, wrinkles, dry or saggy skin or whatever are disgusting. Hair loss is also gross.

No. 2369994

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No. 2370001

The unshaven look is so disgusting this is the biggest psyop of all

No. 2370015

He literally looks like an orangutan

No. 2370024

I don't believe moids when they say they only want these things ('feminine'/attractive and compliant) or even when women say that moids only want these things. I'm not trying to project humanity onto them or even empathize. It's actually the opposite. Their priorities just differ based on what they want at any given time. I get what you're trying say though, but moids aren't even happy with pretty, submissive girls. They are generally opportunists and if they know they won't have to face consequences for their actions, they will likely go for it. It's not all men, not because some men are more virtuous, just that not all men can afford taking that kind of risk and recovering from it if found out. And not all men have the opportunity in the first place. It's easy to be 'a good man' if you have a lot to lose being a 'bad' one. Think about the shock when it comes out that some famous actor or whatever cheats on his beautiful wife with a homely servant. It really shouldn't be all that shocking when moids are also the first to point out that 'a man has needs' or that it's natural for moids to crave novelty (and a 'high status man' deserves the novelty, duh). They rarely face consequences, and most moids are sympathetic towards him. Even if a moid has the option for a more attractive woman, they might still opt for a less attractive woman in a long term relationship, thinking it would serve them better than risking one with a more attractive woman who might leave them or have other unpredictable traits. Conversely, a lot of moids 'settle' for a plain but motherly woman, while secretly fantasizing about their ideal woman (which is ever-changing), always hoping to trade up or at least hoping to have some secret liaison. This is what the average man will end up doing because this is his best option, while a wealthier man will have the means to many options, sometimes at the same time.
When I was much more unattractive than I am now, I still had moids trying for me because of my 'personality'. I don't think that any of them were capable of actually loving me (in the limited way moids are capable of it), so I never entertained romantic relationships with them. I was just something they believed they could get their paws on at the time. Sometimes these moids would have prettier girlfriends too, and they would complain and compare them to me, especially in regards to perceived intelligence or hobbies/interests. It wasn't that they thought I was actually better than them, these moids just assumed I would be easy, or at the very least, momentarily stimulating even if I didn't fuck them. Having these experiences forced me to reevaluate a lot of my 'friendships' with moids, because I didn't think they would want to fuck me given my unattractiveness and their commitments, yet this awkward dynamic still manifested. Speaking to women of all levels of attractiveness (subjective, but still), this isn't an uncommon phenomenon unique to me either. There isn't anything special about any of us, we were literally just women who happened to be there.

It's the same reason why moids can will complain about so-called 'sluts' while also following Instagram models and jacking off to porn, or whining that more sensible presentations of females are 'woke' and yet still preferring to be married to a modest, reasonable woman. Women are still tools in the scrotal brain, and while appearance will always rank pretty high, it doesn't really matter to matter to them, depending on their situation. One night stand? Doesn't matter. Summer fling? Most attractive female you can seduce. Marriage? Average, stable woman. It's just parasitic behavior, jumping from host to host at different stages in its life cycle. I actually do believe them when they say they don't care about looks as much as we think they do, because their standards are so shit and they're guided by the whims are their penises. Of course they would prefer to be surrounded by as many penis-pleasing women as possible, but any woman would do, even if they do it begrudgingly. Ultimately they just want to take advantage of whatever situation they are given. Some are complete idiots, but the majority have at least enough cunning to know how to make the best of their life's circumstances, whatever that might be. A lot of married men admit they think they aren't attracted to their wives, but that it was worth it in exchange for whatever she brought to the table. They will pretend like they 'gatekeep marriage', but marriage benefits them more than us. Even if they think their wives are ugly, a warm hole is still a warm hole to them, and if they play their cards right, they can always get other holes on the side without her ever knowing.

If they do pick pretty, submissive women, they often times aren't satisfied with just that. They get bored, because they aren't mentally stimulated by a woman they have nothing in common with, and it's in their biology to mate with as many women as possible. Even if a woman is obedient but still somehow an independent breadwinner and a nurturing tradwife at the same (and a lot of women are both careerists and a homemakers in reality), they won't be satisfied with this because an obedient woman won't push them to meet their potential, unless they fully realize they have no potential and stopped caring. Most moids reject the belief that they are inherently kind of worthless, and a woman like this will only convince him of this truth and he'll resent her. Really only bottom barrel scrotes will be satisfied with this, because their worthlessness is undeniable to them and everybody else, usually early on in their lives. Aside from that, moid psychology is a careful balancing act of self-delusion.
So they'll always want more, for whatever purpose. The only reason sex dolls and rape tourism are so popular now is because they are getting more desperate and coming to the same realization we are (their insignificance), and they want us to believe that they don't need us. It's not like these concepts or practices didn't exist before, but it was really only for the most loser-y of scrotes who couldn't get a wife even when they had a major advantage historically. Most men think they're better than that and deserve better than that but the illusion is breaking. They think they can induce a FOMO in women, and we'll just go back to being happy to be picked. Obviously this isn't really working, so in their desperation, some of them actually do have to resort to these things to appease their little pps. They're not actually happy with this though. They just want women to lower their standards just enough to accept them, so they can have the prestige of a 'legacy' and comfort of a stable home life. For the great majority of moids, their best bet is an average woman who will pop out a few babies for them, provide them company (emotional labor), housekeeping, home cooked meals, etc. But average woman are starting to realize what a farce this is too, so they're throwing everything at us to get us thinking they're a scarce resource. That will never really work though, which is why there's such a huge push to induce the same kind of conditions we had in the past that pressured most women into relying on moids. Whatever it takes to get any wife that will provide them a comfortable and ensured lifestyle, that's the bare minimum they think they deserve. She doesn't have to be a Stacy, she doesn't even have to be super traditional. It's just the one thing they think they're owed, and even if they have that, they still won't be satisfied. They won't be satisfied with an extremely beautiful, compliant woman either. They will always look at other women and wonder.

Besides the obvious threats of violence or other poor outcomes, women are more picky because we're more loyal. Whoever you pick, you pick with the sense this is the one and only for the rest of your life, or at least as long as the relationship lasts. Generally we have a better sense of empathy, and if it isn't innate, it's browbeaten into us by society that we must be considerate, loyal, virtuous, etc. You have to be more picky when you know your potential spouse can kill you, your offspring, or just simply abandon you one day, which they often do as soon as you become a burden and can no longer offer them anything. You put everything on the line. Moids aren't picky, because even if they do get married, they don't have the same risks we have. Not only is violence not a worry for them, even if they are with one woman, they're not really with one woman in their mind, and if they can get away with it, they're not with one women in reality either. Marriage isn't the burden they pretend it is, that's also a part of their scheme. Despite what they say, moids cheat at a higher rate than we do. They also have more relationships overall than we do. For us fidelity is law, and for them it's merely a suggestion.

No. 2370033

File: 1738098307102.jpg (29.14 KB, 612x407, 1000000963.jpg)

He has eyes like a pig.

No. 2370035

Wonderful write up, let’s also discuss the burden of unnaturally high amounts of empathy women have. It’s to our detriment yet we keep doing it, like a pit bull mauling knowing it will die if it keeps doing that. It feels artificially bred into us, or over-nourished. I know it can be fixed because I did it to myself.
>For us fidelity is law, and for them it's merely a suggestion.
But WHY? It’s fucking retarded to be loyal to something that couldn’t give less of a shit about you. It’s unnatural and backwards. Cheat back! Abandon him back! Stop being such a fucking pushover

No. 2370038

he's looks like a bloated tardbaby

No. 2370040

to be fair I don't think macaulay culkin was ever shilled as good looking, he was just known for being the cute kid in the home alone movies when he was little. brenda is definitely better looking than him though.

either way their thousand yard stares in that pic are freaking me out, god knows how many stinky middle aged hollywood pedo dicks they were made to suck during their time in the industry, just tragic really. i wish them well.

No. 2370041

This is really well-written, nona. Imagine me snapping my fingers in agreement.
>>For us fidelity is law, and for them it's merely a suggestion.
>But WHY? It’s fucking retarded to be loyal to something that couldn’t give less of a shit about you. It’s unnatural and backwards. Cheat back! Abandon him back! Stop being such a fucking pushover
If relationships with men are inevitably favoring them, might as well play the game equally. There is no way to make them play fair like so many women have and self police themselves to do so. Might as well treat a scrote how he treats women to get even.

No. 2370048

If you focus on their hands, it's like she's holding the hand of a bloated corpse

No. 2370055

belle delphine is what moids want and I think her popularity proved it. a sneaky, dark triad, narcissistic slut with bpd and plastic surgery who looks and acts like a 14 year old nymphomaniac and will 100% cheat on them. please never believe men who say they want pure or trad or modest women, it's absolutely untrue.

No. 2370056

I think we should have a version of eugenics that just selects out the moids with bald genes. Like if your Nigel is a cueball he gets a vasectomy and you're required to use a sperm donor with good hair kek

No. 2370058

>Generally we have a better sense of empathy, and if it isn't innate, it's browbeaten into us by society
This is why I can't take it seriously when moids accuse le modern evil women of not being nice enough to them. I had to actively train myself to be even 10% as apathetic and "selfish" as they are naturally

No. 2370066

Men's ability to separate love and sex is frightening and almost inhuman. I really think male sexuality is based around hate and contempt.

Have you noticed how pedos also generally have hate and contempt towards children, even though the children are completely innocent and have never done anything to them? Non pedo men act the same towards women. Male sexuality is based around hatefucking and wanting to kill the women they get horny for. It has absolutely zero to do with love. In the male mind, fucking something is an act of sadism and humiliation to the receiver. It's why men will fuck each other in the ass during wars. Male sexuality is a pathology. It's nature's biggest mistake, through and through.

No. 2370068

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I said this before in the fandom discourse thread, I'll say it again: moids don't know what the fuck they want. They think they want a girl who looks like a porn star and has a ton of knowledge of sex, but who is also a blushing trad virgin who is saving herself for their worthless obese hairy asses. Obviously they give no consideration to what they would ever have to offer these women in return, or whether they're worthy of female companionship in the first place. It's all a fantasy and they'll die alone with their dicks in their hands.

No. 2370073

Same. There's been so many opportunities where a moid was rude or mean to me. Usually they were ugly, short, brown, fat, whatever. I could have said the nastiest things ever back to them but I genuinely would often feel sorry for them and not bother because I knew they would either chimp out and attack me or end up killing themselves probably if a woman ever honestly told them how repulsive and unloveable they are. Female empathy towards men is just suicidal altruism, its honestly tragic.

No. 2370075

Why do you guys write shit like this. Not every guy is like this, you're just radicalizing the other black and white autists on here and making them more detached from reality. Then they're going to take the misandry too seriously when they still want to date like any other normal woman.(defending men)

No. 2370077

Holy shit, the “not all men” tiktokers are here. Who name dropped us?

No. 2370079

Even Belle has mostly been forgotten/irrelevant now. Her spawns and calfs, the monsters she helped create, have become more popular than her. Men wanked to her then moved onto the next in line of the millions of e-girls. Like this nona said
>>2370068 men don't even know what they really want. Gotta love how they project fickleness onto women when the moid is the most fickle creature on earth. One minute telling you he hates lip fillers and fake tan, the next jacking off to some porn bimbo with 500ml of saline in her lips and a fluorescent orange glow.

What's certain is that all modern men have been incredibly spoiled by the massive array of beautiful women online, and became the most entitled generation of men in history. It's completely unnatural for men to have ever seen so many beautiful, perfect, surgically and digitally enhanced women as they have on the internet. The average wurstie from the first world has probably seen 10,000 or more top tier women naked. Meanwhile Grug was lucky to see one particularly attractive female in his whole 30 year lifespan. We are living in the most unnatural, unhealthy time in history, quite literally being poisoned in every way: our minds, bodies, souls. And yet we are expected to just adjust to this hideously toxic world.

No. 2370084

File: 1738101125112.png (267.68 KB, 477x402, avgn.png)

wtf how did he age 20 years in the span of 6 years?

No. 2370085

Everything that post said is true, you just aren't ready for the male nature blackpill. Can't blame you.
Women in a relationship with a male literally have to spoon-feed themselves copium every morning to deal with the fact they sleep next to a biological killing, raping machine every night. She prays he won't fuck another woman the minute her back is turned, then carries on with their day, trying to ignore reality as best as she can.
Female heterosexuality is Stockholm syndrome on steroids. The reality of men is simply too much to bear for most women, so they project their own humanity, empathy, and kindness onto their kill-rape machine and hope for the best. To be a woman, you need to practise extreme cognitive dissonance everyday just to not want to slit your wrists at realizing you share half the world with these wretched creatures.
You either love men, or you understand them.
To understand men is to have every positive illusion you ever thought about humanity shattered, so most women choose the former just to get by. As I type this to you, let it sink in that both of us are products of millennia of men raping women. We are literally the product of thousands of years of rapists and rape victims.

No. 2370086

This photo looks like a True Crime youtube thumbnail. Creepy.

No. 2370089

File: 1738101621763.gif (763.1 KB, 220x372, hey-pal.gif)

>replying "not all men" in a man hate thread

No. 2370093

Couldn't believe this scrote is only 29. I could have sworn he was 40.

No. 2370096

Read about the École Polytechnique massacre, it will get rid of your ''not all men!!!'' mentality. If it doesnt, then fuck off, lolcow is not your hug box.

No. 2370097

We pretty much have to abandon any hope for monogamy. It's just in their nature, and unless they are truly frightened by what might happen to them if they cheat, they'll do it if the chance presents itself, and if he's actually attractive, it probably will. Aside from their general scroteness, I don't think there's enough attractive men to go around for every woman. Some women might be able to attain an attractive man, and he may even be physically loyal, but that's just one man of a very limited supply of men. It's probably best to just enjoy them casually while they're still attractive and build up your closest relationships with friends/family instead. It's probably even better if you avoid moids in general, but I can't fault any woman from wanting to enjoy herself. I just don't think you can expect monogamy from them, and they're almost always more draining than actually helpful. They're at best, a good time for a very limited amount of time.

You're right in that they do (or did) want Belle Delphine. Where you're wrong is that they don't want pure/trad/modest women as well. That's the point. They want both. There's not a single kind of woman they want, because they want as much as they can get, usually for different reasons. The thing to realize about men is that their fantasies are ever changing, because they are highly suggestible when it comes to sexuality, and they're programmed to pursue any woman who will give them a chance. Moids don't only use women for sex, and I think this is important to note because a lot of women will be 'friends' with moids not understanding that moids will use women in any way they see fit. It doesn't have to be purely sexual. A moid even being in the presence of a woman gives them more credence. They don't have to want to fuck that particular woman, but they can provide the cover they need to get closer to women they do want to fuck. And they'll still fuck the girl they don't want to fuck just because they can. Even gay moids use women. They don't want to fuck them, but they use them in their symbols of status to other moids they actually want to fuck as well.

The most disturbing thing about them wanting virginal tradwives (as an archetype) is often because there is something very fetishistic about it. I mentioned why they would prefer them for practical reasons, but there's also a disgusting sexual reason as well. Corruption is a common theme in their 'kinks'. Idk, maybe they realize how dirty they are, maybe it's porn-induced, but a disturbing number of moids want to take something 'pure' and 'innocent' and twist it to their desires. They liked Belle Delphine in her time, and sure sluts have their own appeal, but there's a different kind of appeal the 'pure' have to them that's more disturbing to me, especially since it often does go hand-in-hand with pedophilia. A slut is a slut who will do what you want, but there's a lot of moids who simply get off on the idea of breaking a young woman or girl in as a form of domination. I almost wish they preferred NPD sluts and only NPD sluts, because then it would be at least be mutual and they would get what they deserved when the NPDemon is unleashed on them. That's not enough though, they have to haunt women who choose to be chaste, and they haunt girls.

No. 2370107

Anon… everything that anon said was true. It’s frankly dangerous to lie to young women about the true nature of moids. I have a nigel who is honest about his thoughts to nearly an autistic degree, and he has echoed that anon’s thoughts to me exactly. He encouraged me not have sex with him so soon when we first started dating because he knew I would get emotionally attached through sex much quicker than him and he didn’t want to use me for my body, despite his basal instincts. Moids don’t need to respect you, like you, care about you, or even find you pretty to have sex with you. They will fuck anything, even contemptuously. This is one of the hardest pills to swallow for many young women when they enter the dating scene. Women and men both desire and experience sex differently. Male sexuality is sociopathic.

No. 2370116

File: 1738103096688.png (934.1 KB, 952x716, average boymom.png)

>here's a lot of moids who simply get off on the idea of breaking a young woman or girl in as a form of domination.
Reminds me of how common and popular nun porn is. When i was younger i never understood it, because to me nun is synonym with older woman in a quasi-burqa who screams at you, the total opposite of what i would consider 'sexy'. I was so innocent i didnt realize they didnt get off to irl nuns themselves, but rather the idea of corrupting and violating a woman who choose to be chaste.

Speaking of, i am so tired of going to party stores and seeing the female outfits. Its always school girls, nuns, nurse, maid, cheerleader, sexualized fucking dorothy costumes, who is meant to be a little girl and played by a 16yo. There are even fucking Wendy's sexy costumes, sexy costumes of the little girl on the logo! insane. Imagine if women did the same and sexualized school boys, boy scouts, sports players, male nurses, priests. You went to buy a peter pan outfit and instead of a normal outfit it was a whore peter pan. They would absolutely throw a bitch fit about how they are opressed.

No. 2370119

Sexy cop looks like she would quickly and eagerly turn her bodycam off at the first sign of a "no"

No. 2370122

my favourite is sexy mickey mouse, ready to hand you a cease and decist

No. 2370123

Kekkk, I imagine they hunt as a duo.

No. 2370127

You really think the misandry on this website is fake? Are you retarded?

No. 2370133

>I don't think there's enough attractive men to go around for every woman. Some women might be able to attain an attractive man, and he may even be physically loyal, but that's just one man of a very limited supply of men. It's probably best to just enjoy them casually while they're still attractive and build up your closest relationships with friends/family instead.
I find myself thinking this a lot. Men are held to such abysmal standards that for every five gorgeous women there's probably one equally handsome guy. And that's setting aside all the non-aesthetic standards that cause women to be better romantic partners than their male counterparts. And the fact of the matter is that we're not lions, it's absurd to expect a bunch of women to "share" one guy, not least because the kinds of moids who are into that tend to be egomaniac sociopaths. Straight women really are best off just focusing our energy on improving familial and platonic relationships. We might as well save up our money and have kids single using a sperm donor, since moids don't contribute much to parenting anyway– studies have shown that even when women work full time, we still do most of the housework. I guess moids would still be useful for casual sex, but not much else.

If the world made sense, humans would be like birds, where the males have to invest a ton of energy into being beautiful because females are inherently the more selective sex due to the cost and risks associated with pregnancy. Women risk so much for relationships and babies, yet for some reason we're also expected to do most of the preening and men aren't. It's horseshit.

Say I meet a "perfect" guy, or one that fits my standards. Then I have to live with the constant anxiety that he'll cheat on me because I'm not a supermodel who wants anal every night, or because he's bored, or any number of other reasons. That sounds exhausting, and not really worth it regardless of how great the guy supposedly is.

No. 2370135

The people taking this photoshoot considered him acceptable. They couldn't even bother to get him to moisturize his cracked lips. He looks like a random man they just pulled off the streets

No. 2370137

File: 1738104010786.gif (362.81 KB, 220x151, rat-pizza.gif)

The fuck is the middle one with ears and pizza-shaped pockets supposed to be? Pizza rat?

No. 2370143

I think that's supposed to be a sexy chuck-e-cheese.

No. 2370157

Given the population of luigifags, I think there are a lot of larpers here.

No. 2370163

>sexy chuck-e-cheese
KEEEEEK i dont know who's more pathetic the woman that wears that or the moids that gets off to slutty chuck e cheese

No. 2370165

Unironically, yes. I feel like you can tell the difference between a performative man-hater and a genuine one. Usually the performative man-haters, despite having these excessive exaggerated man-hating fantasies, have nigels that they believe are one of the good ones. Whereas the genuine man-haters, while having the possibility to have the same level of exaggerated man-hatred, will also add in actual reasons the hate men and the evil that they do. The fake one will say "all moids are pigs" the genuine one will say "all moids are pigs, over 98% of sex related criminal offenses were done by moids."

No. 2370166

Nta If it's any consolation, my friend told me this site helped her see the light and she decided to break up with her ugly bf.

No. 2370182

If you genuinely hate men you're in denial and sexually repressed unless you're not straight. You wish you had their good Nigel but you can't so you seethe that all men and "nigelfags" are evil instead.(bait/defending men)

No. 2370186

We can all agree that men can be misogynistic and still desire women. Why can't it be the same for women? They have to turn into morally pure nuns to be true "manhaters"?

No. 2370188

Alright tiktokfag, I didn't report you the first time but now it's time to eat shit and die.

No. 2370190

File: 1738106023372.jpg (59.45 KB, 600x549, Ow_the_edge-3575188427.jpg)

>i-it's time to eat shit and die!

No. 2370194

>You wish you had their good Nigel but you can't so you seethe that all men and "nigelfags" are evil instead.
I don't, because I'm not straight. I don't even seethe over nigels or men either, I've just noticed the difference in certain man haters here and was pointing it out. To be honest, I don't think it's inherently hypocritical to hate men but still date them either but I do find it funny when a nonnie goes full AM regarding men and then reveals she keeps on herself. It's like the woman version of "never ask a white supremacist the ethnicity of his girlfriend", never ask a man-hater nonnie the sex of her partner.

No. 2370195

>misandrists are just jealous!! muh good nigels!!
Having fun scrubbing the shit stains out of your only natural predator’s underwear?

No. 2370196

The problem isn’t that they still have Nigel’s or whatever it’s that they make exceptions for him and his eventual Nigelings.

No. 2370200

What's the reason to not hate males?
What's a nigeling…

No. 2370203

Baby Nigel.

No. 2370205

It just proves that the brainrot did not, in fact, start with FNAF kek

No. 2370206

Are you implying Luigi is gonna have kids? He's never leaving prison.

No. 2370211

We’re talking about Nigelfags, what?

No. 2370214

I thought you were tangentially commenting on the Luigi fans and not just answering that anon's concerns soz

No. 2370215

Anyway, I thought all those "never skip leg day" memes that were popular for quite a while would have been enough to make most people not skip leg day, but half of the gym moids I see have pathetic scrawny legs.

No. 2370221

They probably think it's gay

No. 2370292

It reminds me of how those vile rapey Muslim scrotes in the UK had both their Muslim tradwife broodmare maids kept at home, and harems of their white underage 'loli rape slaves' that they were basically free to do anything in the sick male realm of fantasy to for years (even right down to murder and mutilation). And yet these males were still angry, nasty, bitter, ugly, hateful scrotum rats despite having their every whim, both domestic and sexual, catered to. What an absolutely abysmal gender XYs are, literally incapable of happiness or contentment, only existing to spread their own misery like parasites to women everywhere.

And I use Islam as a frame of reference because the Islamic take on women is basically word for word incel ideology that all men ideally wish to implement in order to try and control women, the right wing scrotes protesting against it would do the exact same if also allowed.

No. 2370296

You're right, I also noticed most men have shit leg genetics. Barely any muscle mass, birdbone ankles, non existent calves. Seeing a man with genuinely thick defined strong legs is a rare and sweet relief.

No. 2370300

I think that thread is just 3-4 extremely autistic nonas spamming nonstop. Personally I think Luigi is ugly as hell, genuinely no idea why people praise him for his looks. All those famous murderers like Dylann Roof, Bundy, Dahmer, Bernardo etc look like ass to me.

No. 2370302

America is sick of seeing ugly moids like this >>2370084

No. 2370311

I think we should publicly shame men for their looks far more. Ask them 'Wow, did you get fatter' when we see them. Say 'Really, more food?' and pulling a yikes face when we see them grabbing for something to eat. Start recommending them minoxidil shampoos for hair loss out of nowhere. Ask them if they've considered ozempic, taking HGH, or getting on roids. Laugh and point out how puny and weak their muscles are in front of other people. Openly lust over conventionally hot prettyboy type Chads in front of them and talk about how you wish more guys like that existed and ask why only ugly guys seem to exist. Ask if they've ever considered getting a nose job. Tell them their eyes look crooked today and ask if they have a lazy eye. Men do this kind of negging shit to women literally all the time, I don't see why women shouldn't. Even Carl Jung admitted that deep down all men worry about women's opinions of them. And the whole lookism fad is proof that men care greatly about looking good to women. Moids literally ended up memeing themselves into getting 50K worth of unnecessary surgeries because of lookism kek.

No. 2370322

At least when women claim they hate something in a man, they actually do. The girls who are obsessed with tall men are never gonna jerk off to a manlet for instance. But that's not the case for moids. My ex and his friends were all like "eww lip fillers are so gross that's the worst thing possible why would women ruin themselves like that it literally never looks good", meanwhile half of their following were weeb e-girls with obvious lip fillers (and other surgeries on top of that)

No. 2370325

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It makes me so sad that developed male calves and ass are seen as a gay trait it makes me so sick. Yet another thing the gays have taken from us.

No. 2370340

Males are so retarded they probably can't identify real lip fillers because they spent years masturbating to dramatically overdone lip fillers in porn and hentai

No. 2370366

Here's a crazy thought: different anons… have different opinions.

No. 2370375

File: 1738112536369.jpg (Spoiler Image,379.76 KB, 1125x1389, Tumblr_l_214658321741549.jpg)

If you nonas want to see some straight moids with fat asses, take a look at hockey players. Tragically though, they often have gorilla-like faces. Guys with nice faces and good butts do tend to be gay, unfortunately.

No. 2370381

Yeah that's definitely true. Honestly I've started realizing that the more men protest about how much they hate certain types of women, the more it means they're actually obsessed with those kinds of women. It's a pattern I've noticed over and over again.

No. 2370384

Yeah hockey moids probably have the nicest bodies, study and strong all over from neck to ankles. Shame their faces are usually so busted.

No. 2370389

I used to get hives and the hairs on the back of my neck would to stand up when I would hear my ex venting about some woman or type of woman he disliked, because it almost always meant he was secretly obsessed with her. I remember him sending me a video of some woman making a ragebait tiktok about how many guys she had fucked in all sorts of places and my ex was saying how disgusting and degenerate it was, then of course I found out she was one of his favourite pornstars kek.

No. 2370394

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Yeah, though there was that one hockey moid that got popular a while back. The constant injuries fuck up thier faces

No. 2370395

Why does he care? She's a total stranger to him. I feel like the only reason you should care about someone else's number of sexual partners is if they're dating her, or it's a family member engaging in it not for pleasure but for self-destruction. Or I guess maybe if the person is some kind of psycho spreading an STD they know they have on purpose, which is already a crime anyway.

No. 2370396

I didn't realize the only reason he found thet ragebait video is because he'd been following her to begin with kek. He was doing some fake outrage to me to try and feign morality I guess because he was obsessed with me being his 'good girl'. Of course I found it very weird and suspicious at the time that he was watching this woman to begin tie at all kek. And my suspicions were confirmed when I saw comments he had left a couple months earlier. But yeah, whenever a man starts talking shit about another woman, its usually a sign they want to fuck her

No. 2370397

with at all*

No. 2370398

he was hot but he doesn't look like thAT ANYMORE

No. 2370401

I can't speak for every anon, but I like men's bodies, I just despise their socialization, proclivity towards violence, poor hygiene, sexual dysfunction, and entitlement. If they thought and behaved the same way women do, I'd probably be super promiscuous kek. As things stand, though, their character is a huge turn off, so I just look at the menu without ordering, so to speak.

No. 2370404

Just looked this guy (Michal Mrazik) up and I made myself sad. He's still cute, but he apparently had to quit hockey due to an injury. He could always pivot to being a male model though kek. I know it's gauche to pity moids in this thread (damn female socialization) but if an injury prevented me from doing my favorite thing for the rest of my life, I'd probably kms ngl.

No. 2370405

File: 1738114214062.jpg (26.62 KB, 435x600, michal-mrazik-2024-2694.jpg)

Decided to look him up to see what he looks like currently, why do moids choose to age themselves by growing unnecessary facial hair. He has good bone structure and he is only 22 the face pubes and haircut do no favors

No. 2370411

>still cute
>is this
He is busted
>only 22
Nevermind he's fully fucked for the rest of his life. There's no coming back from that violent of a wall slam

No. 2370413

He'd look fine without the nasty facial hair. Moids are retarded and they all try to pull of facial hair (even though most of them can't) because other retarded moids tell them they look like children without it. Fact of the matter is, if a guy's ugly, he's ugly regardless of facial hair, and if he's hot, he looks worse with facial hair 90% of the time. I can think of maybe three male celebrities who look good both with and without facial hair.

No. 2370421

>he'd been following her to begin with kek
Personally, if I had a Nigel, I wouldn't be comfortable with him following porn stars. Unfortunately though, they have zero self-control, and if you told them that, they'd just make a side account to follow escorts and porn stars on.

No. 2370430

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He kinda reminds me of Nolan Patrick, another (ex?) hockey player. Ironically he also had his career cut short because of injuries. He used to be so cute, but he's aging like fucking milk. I'm glad though, he's a massive loser irl so his downfall is great to watch. He doesn't deserve the pretty face anyway

No. 2370436

>Philadelphia Flyers

No. 2370455

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crosbyanon, is it you?

No. 2370457

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No. 2370459

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Speaking of hockey players, any other nonnies been tricked where they see a player on the ice and he looks attractive? And then when he takes his helmet off he's fuckinh ugly as sin? Me and my friend call it getting hockey fished kek

No. 2370464

> Openly lust over conventionally hot prettyboy type Chads in front of them
This should work ideally but they usually just cope and seethe by treating this behavior as anomalous and accusing these men of being effeminate/gay while negging women about those preferences. They’d rather not put any effort into their looks and expect women to settle for them since they see it as emasculating and then wonder why no one wants them.

No. 2370471

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Will Smith (of the SJ Sharks). Without his bucket on, he looks like someone digitally de-aged Willem DaFoe (that's not a compliment). His ginger ass is going to get fucking annihilated by twink death.

No. 2370477

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Many such cases, the hockey gear is part of the appeal. I think that goalies are thr biggest victims of hockey fishing, but maybe that's because I have a soft spot for them, their helmets are cool and make them look more attractive than they actually are kek

No. 2370604

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My theory is that most of the ugly male psyop is perpetuated by dumb women.

No. 2370608

truth NVKE

No. 2370610

can you stop posting luigis fucking face outside of the containment thread?
Thank you.

No. 2370611

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This is moid-takes level

No. 2370612

his thread quite literally has women agreeing to be sisterwives with each other if they would get a chance at him, it's embarrassing

No. 2370614

Nta but Luigi is proof that women get so attracted to not only personality, but the headcannoned personality of a real moid.

No. 2370616

Twink death claims yet another victim

No. 2370618

>women writing uwu yaoi hurtcomfort fanfiction to think of england because it's their only chance of getting mildly aroused
it's so over

No. 2370620

>to think of england
nyart wtf does that mean

No. 2370622

You could google it and then you'd already have the answer

No. 2370623

'To think of England' means to just accept being fucked by a moid without the expectation of pleasure, often used in the context of marriage and conception.

No. 2370625

dont half the women in there talk about raping and beating luigi up?

No. 2370626

It's like when you get something unpleasant done like a vaccine or blood test, and they tell you to think about going on vacation to distract yourself. Having sex with an ugly ogre is the same thing but 100x worse so they need copefic, fantasy or distraction to get through it.

No. 2370627

Femdom is a gigacope.

No. 2370629

"To lie back and think of England" was related to British royal women "doing their duty" as birthers of the next generations of moidlets when they were married off to a fugly king. In contemporary usage it's used to refer to the cultural expectation that women should endure and submit to sex with their husbands.

No. 2370631

It absolutely is.
t. someone who thought it was possible to be the one with the upper hand

No. 2370632

>implying it’s possible for a woman to rape a male

No. 2370636

What do you mean anon? What happened?

No. 2370639

It's really gross how they ignore his predatory yellow fever and play it off as a joke

No. 2370640

Nothing happened because I’m smart enough to know that it cannot favor me completely. Also because nobody here has sex.

No. 2370643

I don't know, there are some whitepills in the /g/ relationship thread. Anons talking about their good relationship with their Nigels in which they're able to be dominant. It's not impossible for femdom to not just be entertaining a guy's humiliation fetish for him, but actually taking control of him (in a loving or more harsh way).

No. 2370644

I have sex

No. 2370645

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No. 2370649

>don't post this ugly moid in the ugly moid thread

No. 2370650

Thats literally what they will tell him if he complains

No. 2370651

i know a few farmers that admitted to posting fake stories/nigel brags in those threads to manifest a relationship like that how much can we take seriously?

No. 2370655

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Yes! They even have their own version of animu waifus, along with keeping their broodmares and rapeslaves, they literally believe they will be rewarded in heaven with houri, which is where the 72 virgins thing comes from. Read any description of them and they're 'gazelle-eyed' virgins with paradoxically high libidos and gigantic tits. It's not enough to say that they're rewarded these perfect, otherworldly beauties, they actually describe them in detail the same way you'd expect any incel to describe one of his animu waifus.

This is only for the moids of course, women don't get anything even remotely similar in heaven (except that she gets to be with her scrote husband while he has heavenly sex with his other wives and animu waifus), and according to them, most of hell is populated with 'ungrateful' women. A virtuous woman isn't even allowed a perfect fantasy husband in their idea of heaven. Being submissive to a scrote husband and not going to hell for her obedience is the best a Muslim women can hope for after all her suffering.

European moids can say they hate Islam, but there's a reason 'White Shariah' is a meme. This is their ideal afterlife as well. Racism is the only thing holding them back, but they would love to think women are being eternally punished for being disobedient and ungrateful, while they reap the rewards of every coombrain desires for simply being 'good' moids who promote the violence and aggression of patriarchy.

No. 2370661

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I used to think nice round asses in men were an anime invention until i started watching gay porn to use as reference for my drawings. Now i want a bf with a fat ass but all the guys i met have convace asses from spending too much time playing videogames.

No. 2370669

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No. 2370671

why did they do that to my boy

No. 2370673

Checks out. Most of the women I know in real life who claimed that their Nigels preferred to take a submissive role all had something in common. Their Nigels were too weak or fat to take an active role and being passive was just easier for their pitiful bodies. It's just less work for them if the woman is doing everything. The others who liked being submissive were actually just 'switches', and they were usually more fit Nigels by comparison. As in they'll tolerate and even get off to anything sexual a woman does to him, but he's gonna want to turn tables too and subject a woman to whatever depravity he has in mind.

I'm sure there's unicorn cases, but having talked to other women I know personally, there's a definite pattern in their personal moids if they supposedly are 'submissive'.

No. 2370682

I heard the women and children thing on the Titanic was perpetuated by the media at the time in an attempt to prevent women's suffrage. Typically in shipwrecks moids were twice as likely to survive than women. The Titanic was 100% an anomaly, I believe basically women had a higher survival rate because the captain ordered his crew to shoot moids who were trying to get dibs on the lifeboat over women and kids.

No. 2370689

Including the woman in the personal lolcows thread that started sperging about her fat "humble" Nigel that "spoils her rotten".

No. 2370691

>the captain ordered his crew to shoot moids who were trying to get dibs on the lifeboat over women and kids.
topkek. Its honestly insane how redpill moids keep shilling the narrative that men are protectors when its just not true. Outside of the femicide rates, in the Ecole shooting NONE of the male classmates stepped in to help their female classmates. Worst part is that moids wants us to believe that those moids are victims too. They were FIFTY FUCKING MEN against one single shooter. None of them wanted to help the women or risk their lives for them. Men are scum.

No. 2370697

Glad that stupid faggot Ecole survivor killed himself out of guilt.

No. 2370698

You know if that shooting was the other way around scrotes would be shitting their pants in glee since it would be "confirmation women are the weaker sex"
Also how come femicide is never considered a hate crime?
These women will literally die in the same targeted manner as any other hate crime but they aren't a protected class at all. Not that it matters in 2025…

No. 2370714

Did you play the game? They’re not the same character lmao

No. 2370745

What does yaoi have to do with anything

No. 2370751

Plus, not enough hot prettyboy chad types to lust for.
If i want to see a hot man i have to draw him

No. 2370757

this applies to all 3Dfags tbh. did you see the retarded copes and fanfic lanzafags, rooffags and samhydefags were coming up with?

No. 2370776

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Add wrestlers to the list

No. 2370778

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And just one more because why not bless the anon who said how to find these ily

No. 2370789

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>this guy was 30 when he was arrested for murdering his family over a camwhore
BALDING AT 30 NONNIES. so much for aging like wine.

No. 2370802

Men will cry that women initiate divorce more often, instead of just killing their spouse and children like they do I guess lmao.

There is definitely a link between family annihilators and ugliness. If you think like a moid, their shallowness makes sense, once you realize they are not capable of the same kind of theory of mind/empathy we are. Most women regardless of looks are generally pretty mild-mannered, but males of the species advertise who they are with their appearance. An ugly moid is ugly inside and out. Good-looking moids can be rotten too (they are still male after all), but the most evil scrotes are often the most ugly. Balding, obese, poor facial proportions, short etc.

No. 2370803

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I remember reading about the SS Atlantic and saw picrel. This image is upsetting to me even if it's not graphic. There's just something disturbing about how artfully moids try to depict the death of women, as if our bodies are still an object to admire, even post-mortem. Especially contrasted to the old ugly face of the seaman.
All the women died in this shipwreck, and it's fucked up because part of the reason was that women just happened to be segregated into the part of the ship that sank first. There wasn't really any way around this either, they had to be segregated because single women are not safe in the presence of moids, though husbands could stay with their wives. Victorian 'sensibilities' kek. What good that did them.

It wasn't even intentional, and yet moids are still indirectly responsible for the death of every woman on that ship, simply because they can't be decent enough to be trusted in close proximity.

No. 2370817

>There is definitely a link between family annihilators and ugliness.
they are always out of their wife's leagues but still kill them most of the time to cheat on other women. Men are so selfish.

No. 2370822

this is such a creepy image looks like he's getting ready to rape her
I hate men

No. 2370886

I hate that men do this so frequently, he could look passable if he just grew his hair out and got rid of that ugly facial hair. So many of them totally ruin whatever looks they have by failing to do basic grooming and getting hair that's way too short and unappealing. Standards that are put on women should be on men instead (growing hair out and shaving), it would do wonders for them not looking like they hit the wall in their early 20s even if you can't really do much about their skin and other signs of aging.

No. 2370902

>implying posters there are farmers

No. 2370918

He looks like green goblin

No. 2370979

wipe the facial pubes away and let his hair grow longer and he'd look so much better
why,why WHY do moids fall for the facial hair psyop,it's so fucking gross

No. 2370986

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this basically proves my theory, there are many overweight, unattractive and balding moids who are incapable of embodying the young male protagonist or even the tough macho action hero, so they opt to insert themselves as creatures such as goblins, orcs, trolls e.t.c you saw this with baalbuddy comics, where all the female characters are portrayed as longing for these revolting monsters drawn like fat ugly men, said ugly moid characters are also portrayed as being more stronger than the lean young men, even though, in real life, the vast majority of warriors who have ever existed were fit young men rather than balding and obese men

No. 2370988

Every single time I see these horrible fucking comics im reminded of my ex boyfriend who was 4 inches and phimotic who loved them, especially the ones with horny elves getting turned down because he had a fetish for rejecting women and I just want to kill myself

No. 2371002

Yep. nowadays even young moids are balding and ugly since they no longer do manual labour, and they feel oppressed by seeing women liking male characters who're young and pretty (like male elves, you never see a hot elf anymore) or young and fit.
It's especially bad because the moids who make the bug decisions in entertainment are usually either ugly flabby geeky types or decrepit old men.
you see it in every area of entertainement, form ugly male video game protags to orc porn to casting decisions in live action media (e. g. the ugly decrepit short-haired pale elves in rings of power, or having 20-something twink era napoleon played by a wrinkled old scrote)

No. 2371009

Late but could you provide the essay/video. Sounds like something that could be looked more in depth in this thread, especially if the study goes into specific standards

No. 2371035

That's not a twink

No. 2371104

They're not even trying to integrate

No. 2371131

I'm convinced men ganged up and killed really hot guys into extinction millenials ago.

No. 2371133

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>or that they seem like gay pedophiles
this is another example, picrel was from a video recapping an 80's Mario OVA that featured Princess Peach marrying a handsome young prince named Haru in the end. Of course, there were moids who were personally upset by it, but then a few other men outright admitted they wanted to rape the prince(who looks like a young boy), like, it's weird that they don't realize how gay and pedophilic they always come across.

No. 2371172

Holy shit i fucking hate men and their homosexual degenerate desires that take away twinks from women. From ancient times, from Greek to Chinese they'd portray women as stupid and incompetent breeding slaves and set up all the young hot educated men with wrinkled nasty shits as some sort of picture of true love. Fuck them fuck everything. These days I just cope by drawing and obsessing over twinks who actually love women, both their bodies and souls, without being fucking faggots
