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No. 2439369
Have you found out that if you express anything about a cow inside their thread you get banned or dunked on? Well this is the thread for you!
>Do you want to rant about how much you hate a cow without disrupting the thread? Go ahead!
>Do you want to sympathize with the cow and talk about how it's not too late to change? Do it, nona!
>Do you want to blogpost to compare your life to the cow in question? Here's the place!
Express yourself, have fun!
Post your pessimistic, optimistic, negative, positive, controversial, rude, or relatable thoughts.
This is not a thread to complain about threads, bans, or mods, do that on /meta/.
However, you can complain about the fanbase of the cow or the people who dislike the cow here.Previous Thread:
>>>/ot/2312101 No. 2440483
i dont know who pumpkin gentleman is but their art looks so similar to this person i remember named junospy who was infamous in the spooky month fandom for drawing tons of nsfw of skid and pump (both little boys) and its making me tweak out
>>2440419i hope her mom is okay atleast the whole thing is so sad
No. 2440630
>>2440615the way jealous weebs would see someone eating at mcdonalds or something and unironically be like
>she doesn't deserve to go to Japan, if I went I would only eat traditional food and visit traditional cultural sitesand shit like that kekkk. It was worse on PULL than lolcow as far as I remember though.
No. 2440724
>>2440580That was posted on Mikan's thread
>>>/w/345488 not addy
No. 2440870
The current sperging in the Addy thread is absolutely retarded. I want to make fun of Addy for being a virtue signalling hypocrite and a woman hater, not read weeb infighting spurred on from some random redditor's post. The crying over her buying the $500 painted garage kit is stupid too, if anything that's something that's actually 100% in line with her ~shop small gaiz~ virtue signaling. People should criticize Addy for having a knockoff of that cross girl figure instead, which is genuinely pretty shitty of her There's plenty of other more easily accessible figures/books by that artist as well, why the fuck would Addy go out of her way to buy a fake? If she bought more new and official garage kits/painted garage kits rather than garbage like the giant overpriced Sonico would actually be something she could virtue signal about. It'd directly support the artist who made the kit (maybe even another small artist if she commissions someone to paint one). The only time I can think of her doing something like that is when she bought the repainted Sonico prize figure.
>>2440679I'm not sure why you're mad about the Addy thread because anons in Mikan's thread are stupid, I don't think Addy has made any THIS IS WHAT THEY DO IN JAPAN videos, at least not recently? All the videos in her current thread are about visual novels, consooming, random virtue signaling and hating women.
Besides there are multiple levels to fast fashion, just because Shein is the absolute bottom of the barrel doesn't suddenly make Free People ethical (another brand Addy has shilled). A lot of trending alt fashion/cheaper non alt brands in japan right now isn't great for sustainability since it's mostly plastic. Any brand that's using some sort of ethical/sustainable method will use that as a selling point, look at how Mikan flaunts her ethical factory label and how she prioritizes using cotton. Even small Japanese brands will put MADE IN JAPAN on the listings of items made in Japan. It's a selling point. On the opposite end of that some small brands (usually jirai adjacent) will literally take garbage from taobao and tack stuff on it like some bows (usually things like plain bags) and sell for a huge markup- some may even leave it exactly the same but take some pretty pictures with it so it sells. Popularity lets them get away with a lot. There /are/ multiple brands that are more slow made with good materials/handmade by the brand owner/made in Japan but they aren't making jirai/ryousangata stuff, it's more stuff like Mikan's pink cutesy style or lolita/lolita adjacent. Nobody's saying that because it's fast fashion you can't wear it. Nobody is going to have a fit if you wear Dearmylove or some other plastic brand instead of small brand $800 made in Japan wool/silk blend lolita dresses (not an exaggeration check out lococo.lolita). But if you do buy plastic fast fashion and proudly proclaim you care about sustainability as Addy does, you would be a hypocrite, hence the dogpiling from anons. Nobody's having a fit in the Jirai thread over the ethics and sustainability of their clothes because none of them make it a part of their personal brand.
I do think the anon saying that Mikan's style is dated is stupid though. It's really not and doesn't look out of place in Japan.
No. 2442707
>>2439369PicMix-chan, I love you and your work.
>>2442627Your English is pretty good nonna, don’t sell yourself short.
No. 2442854
>>2442707>>2442778Thank you nonnas!
Yeah, I also think that her parents being addicts caused some kind of developmental problem. These kind of things are a spectrum and often not easy to pinpoint. I’m also no medfag. But it’s so obvious. You’d be surprised how many normal looking people are actually intellectually disabled. And Luna doesn’t even look normal. She has that retard look 100%. I wouldn’t sit next to her in a bus, even if she was not stinky, because I would be worried she would talk to me and show me the messages from her mom to ask me if her moms hate her or something.
No. 2444755
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I've been following addyharajuku since the consoomerism threads, I find her annoying so I am glad she has her own threads. That being said, I feel as though her style of content makes it harder to find her milk. It was funny to read her threads during the first few but her milk is dry now and I am bored of the same updates each time. Since she just records those houlier-than-thou TikToks or Youtube videos, we don't see much of her personal life. Not that she has much of one. If she made vlogs, even occasionally, I think we'd see much more milk coming from her. Her being a bit of a friend-less, hobby-less NEET is probably what stops her from vlogging, she would need to actually do something with herself to get viewers. I appreciate the farmers for trying regardless, I would be disappointed if the thread died.
No. 2444838
>>2444755It's because she actively browses here and was smart enough to clean up her act aside from getting
triggered from the occasional anon calling her fat. I think she's still slightly milky on the regular but there's been an influx of underage twitter transplants who don't understand what the purpose of the thread is
No. 2446496
>>2446370it's a huge mystery. I have a lot of screenshots of her old stuff, but she really fell off the face of the earth. Do you remember her DID phase? Her escorting phase, which she blamed on an ex-bf?
I wonder if she went back to Germany and is just too embarrassed to say that. Not sure she can get permanent residency in the UK easily after Brexit with no job or partner to pay for everything. I think her male name is Noah, correct me if I'm wrong. Quinn was just an online name.
No. 2447503
>>2446679Records like that are not public in Japan like they are in the US. Only relatives can request info, so unfortunately we won't know until she says something.
>>2446715Nothing has been confirmed, only random comments from Margo (hard to believe anything she says) and some random Tiktoker who has no proof.
No. 2447841
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Jillian is obviously retarded and her fashion sense has regressed, no one is denying that. But there's better stuff about her to nitpick. Her designs/drawings are usually eyesore but this logo is totally fine, better than the old one. She has a rainbe autism brand, it fits. It's not a logo for a law firm goddamn.
No. 2447928
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I don’t think Andy is milky enough for her own thread. Being fat and annoying by itself doesn’t make you a cow. She should have stayed a consoom/jirai thread regular.
No. 2448372
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Not the cow itself but that stupid farmer who keeps posting videos that could’ve been a screenshot. Literally WHYis a video needed. A ss is less effort! I’m mostly listening to music on my phone and these videos are making it stop every time. Example picrel
No. 2448380
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>>2448372We're really doing this again?
No. 2449678
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whats your favourite milk/favourite cow milkiest moment? i always go back to the boogey/metokour fake cancer stream. It always brings a smile to my face to see boogie scream about how his tipples were molested.
No. 2450770
>>2449936I don't believe she has amnesia or whatever, I do believe she does have a fucked up memory in the way that weed fucks up your memory, she probably does have some trouble deciphering jokes but literally only because she's high and brainfog from chronic smoking is a thing. Things took an obvious dip as soon as her boss introduced her to weed, and I do believe she's making HUGE mountains out of molehills just so she doesn't have to get a real job or pursue an actual career. And I also don't believe she's smoking to extremes either, I experienced the same symptoms when I was taking like 3-4 hits a day, which is nothing compared to a lot of chronic smokers. She's probably doing a few bong hits a day, but even a few rips will fuck you up if you do it chronically. Anything she's experiencing is from weed, and/or a bad reaction to weed (like racing thoughts or intrusive thoughts, too, and let's not forget she drinks monsters and caffeine and weed can be a VERY bad combination). She does not have amnesia or multiple personalities in her head or seizures or autism, she's probably just experiencing negative effects of weed and making a munchie deal out of it.
No. 2451446
>>2450988There's absolutely no proof that she bought a fake passport. It's a kid who took their cringe OC larp too far and got her entire family doxxed and ridiculed online because a bunch of psycho classmates thought it would be fun to fuck with the weird kid and anonymous people online got on board with it. It's quite clear that she has lived in Japan in her childhood, she has the childhood photos to prove it and if the dox is real, she looks very obviously Blasian. The anons going on about how her Japanese is "garbage" and "full of mistakes" are coping hard, her fluency fits for someone who learned it growing up as a second language.
>>2451364The entire thread should have been locked and the doxx should've been removed when it was revealed she was underage. Imagine doing cringe shit as a terminally online teenager, people you don't even know involving your family for it and having to carry that around your neck for the rest of your life.
No. 2451734
>>2451724uh, i dont think that anon is denying anything you said. literally everyone is saying that shes NOT legitimately retarded shes just fat and lazy
>>2451608 and larping as retarded so she can get free pitypoints. she doesn't have any condition, weed induced or not, she just has lazy fatty disease
No. 2452168
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There's so many people on the internet doing exactly what Jill wants to do, and looking so similar to her, it's actually impressive
No. 2452644
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>>2452168Jill needs to shop there
No. 2452711
>>2452168Kekkkk the 'not straight' tshirt. i bet she has a nigel
>>2452644 if a dumbass like that can pull off having her own business jill really has no excuse
No. 2453754
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>>2453429It does really matter anymore since mods agree with her and the anon that can't listen to music on her phone while browsing lolcow because Addy will upload her yap stories with music every time.
No. 2456879
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Shout out to the group of retarded stonerfags in Jill's thread starting a huge argument derail because they couldn't conceptualize the concept of being dependent on weed and having it make you retarded KEK. They were calling anons who thought she smoked every day newfags too lmfao. Anons in Jill's thread have a really annoying habit of projecting onto Jill in a way that makes them literally rage if anons criticize her about anything because they genuinely take it personally. Jill's thread is never beating the "most annoying lolcow demographic" allegations.
No. 2456924
>>2456910If you've only smoked weed once, you had absolutely no tolerance it probably knocked you completely off your ass. The average daily smoker is a working person who uses it to cope with some kind of menial labor job. By saying "everyone knows there are risks" I'm not sure what you thought I meant but clearly that includes things like "addiction". I don't think weed is detrimental to most people at all, or it wouldn't have been something that was only available medicinally legally for so long. And not just for extreme pain relief like cancer, in the case of opiates but psychiatric issues like adhd and anxiety. First time users will say they felt anxious while smoking, so it can't be possibly help with that (or something) the goalposts are always changing with this crowd so it's hard to keep up. And tbc, the only types I've ever confronted are people who never smoke weed but drink casually or completely straight edge judgmental types who hate all substances. Sometimes women who have dated a stoner
moid and had a horrific hobosexual experience, which I completely understand and don't really debate this with them
No. 2456936
>>2456924Anon I was smoking weed every day for years. It's not good for you if you smoke it chronically. Obviously you're part of the anons who project onto Jill and take it extremely personally whenever anons point out her objectively bad habits. I can tell you're a chronic weed smoker by that giant-ass "working class people use it to HELP them" cope. Please put the bong down, it would help you.
For context I have a drink every couple of months because a chronic condition I have make drinking way more trouble than it's worth, so I'm not an alcoholic. I've never done opiates… but you know what I've experienced? Negative effects with chronic weed usage for years. Please put down the bong kek.
No. 2456967
>>2456924Heroin addicts could also be functional if they try. So can alcoholics. Weed can be detrimental and make you do stupid shit if you are as immature as Jill is, of course weed isn't heroine but someone like Jill is not the type to tighten the leash and get back to work. Someone as immature as Jill shouldn't be smoking weed without analysing the way it makes her lethargic because she's not using it like someone who just came home from work and wants to relax and have fun. She's using it constantly with no balance to her life, and she's delusional about weed helping her with every other mental health "symptom" that she likes to make up in her head. I don't want to blame weed for everything because I believe people can use it responsibly, but Jill clearly isn't. Jill is the type to get worse the more she smokes it, it has a bigger effect on her because her life is already bad enough.
It doesn't help that we don't know what type or variety of weed is she's smoking. Maybe she has mentioned it before but I can't remember which one it was. I'm tired of this weed debate that has been going on for days, it's boring.
No. 2456971
>>2456938That's not a career, it's a degree. A career is a
job. She could have 50 degrees but she's not using them. Don't call people newfags if you can't even speak properly.
No. 2457239
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>>2457235I can see what you mean a bit but fry lady has a sturdier bone structure and more life in her eyes.
No. 2458856
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I just read all of Safa Abbas' thread after seeing picrel on the home page and holy fuck, what a ride. I'd have never guessed someone who looks like this would run such a vile and nasty account. If anything in the candid photos of her she looks shy and reserved. I know that it should be obvious, but things like this always remind me to never pay any mind to anyone online who has a superiority complex. She makes me think a bit of Lorena/hex in that regard.
No. 2459251
>>2449678When Kaka's posts were outed and we had that keekweek theme.
The LACE drama was pure milk too.
No. 2459594
I believe everyone, especially people with severe anxiety, have days where they kinda struggle to function.
Personally I have days where the lump in my stomach just refuses to go away and it's a struggle to even get out the door because the feeling of just wanting to throw up and curl into fetal position is crawling under my skin, but I still do what I have to do because I'm an adult with responsibilities. I'm pretty sure that's what Jill refers to when she has her "fight or flight for days", it's just severe discomfort that won't leave due to stress or understimulation. I don't think her weed and red bull consumption really helps or is fully at fault, but I think they rather exacerbate her already feeling anxious because she either had an uncomfortable talk with Louise or the reality of her life hit her like a truck: she's a failure to launch that ruined her kawaii influencer career and has no friends, living with a fiancé that will never actually commit to marry her, all she has is her rainbow prison and weed.
Her "fight or flight" responses are actually just the sinking feeling she gets whenever she opens instagram and sees her peers doing something with their lives or travel. But because she's a narc that refuses to leave her party kei past behind, she has to make up a reason for why she can't have whatever they have, and since munchie behavior is rewarded with attention and a sense of authority in terminally online spaces it was the natural choice out of many excuses she could think of at the top of her head.
I don't think she actually believes her own lies, she continues to build up lies on top of lies together with her undisclosed (perhaps, if we are feeling courteous enough to give her some benefit of the doubt) made-up trauma. It's not only to try and convince us that call her out, but also to convince herself. What she's saying is the result of her regurgitating her lies every night to justify her choices.
I fully believe she has meltdowns where she screams and punches her poor plushies and walls, because whenever she runs out of people/situations to blame she has only her own mirror image staring back at her. And with mommy dearest coddling her less, she has to face reality of her own failure. If she has any sort of fight or flight going on, it's not
triggered by trauma - it's
triggered by her own miserable existence as it is right now. SHE was the one that was supposed to have an influencer career, SHE was the one that was supposed to always be mommy's golden child, SHE was the one supposed to launch a successful brand, SHE was supposed to be the one to travel the world, SHE was supposed to be the popular one, SHE was supposed to be the first of her friends to have an aesthetic wedding with her twink, SHE was supposed to always be on top of the social totem pole, SHE was supposed to have it all and her peers would be jealous of HER and her TALENT. Yet, here she is.
I know this is a very autistic analysis of someone I only know through /w/, but I have known people that are so similar to her - minus the weed - it's almost scary. I recognize the cycle. And as much as some anons wants her to snap out of it and get her act together, she won't, because it won't line up with whatever narrative she has going - despite reality telling her the opposite over and over again, in her mind she wants to believe she is still the up and coming influencer she once was. Kinda brings my mind to the manager in Perfect Blue kek
>>2459581Thanks you, I thought I was going a bit overboard kek. Had to delete and rephrase a couple of parts, and spoiler my a-logging at the start kek
No. 2459657
>>2459552Kek they act like yelling babe across the house isn't normal for couples.
>>2459570No one said a single thing defending him regarding any of that. Complaining about how he sounds due to his accent and how deep his voice is, comes off as racist when he's just speaking normally. You don't need to try take twist that into "you're a wk".
No. 2459737
>>2459189>>2459657He's an ugly ogre exploiting literal children to fund their lifestyle. Ridiculing his unintelligible speech is the smallest critique he can get.
He does look and sound disgusting, though kek but that's personal preference, I guess. That aside, one can have a thick af accent and still communicate effectively. In Tom's case it's obvious he can't express himself coherently and the majority of the time Taylor herself has no patience for his disjointed rambling and starts feeding him words and sentences for the conversation to move on. Even in minute-long discussions she shows in her vlogs she's constantly interrupting him and stirring the conversation in a direction she wants. Doesn't sound like meaningful communication to me.
Anyway, she married him for his money, not soul to soul conversations, so it doesn't matter.
No. 2460870
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I just can't believe that sheep and cows are real! Wow.(retard)
No. 2461475
>>2461457I’d have still been her friend, I don’t think they were ever her true friends. She probably knew apologizing wouldn’t do any good because normies are so goddamn sensitive they literally can’t handle when crazy people are actually crazy. People who grew up in normal families where horrible things were never said to each other and then everything was back to normal just can’t get it.
>>2461455I have dealt with them. They have struggles and are difficult when they’re spiraling. They say crazy shit. But that’s what I grew up with, and I still love my mom even though she can say incredibly hurtful things. There’s a certain personality type that’s able to handle crazy people, but most folks don’t have it.
No. 2461717
>>2461515She’s better than her mother, she didn’t reproduce and then abuse her offspring. The only person she’s hurting is herself. She’s never done anything shitty to anyone else unless you count her saying unhinged shit when having mental breakdowns, and I don’t count that as some horrible sin. It’s literally just what crazy people do. If you involve yourself with people like that you have to forgive their meltdowns and realize it’s just what happens and they aren’t malicious, they feel hurt and lash like a cornered animal.
>>2461488I have been following the Venus saga since it began. I’ve read all her threads.
>>2461484Thank you nonna. I have family with addiction and severe mental health issues. I still love them even if they’ve said horrible things to me during their episodes. I know they still love me. I don’t think Venus has ever had anyone love her unconditionally - not family, not friends, not partners, not fans. It breaks my fucking heart. I don’t think I could fix her, but I wish I could be there for her and offer her acceptance and stick around even after she would inevitably attempt to push me away by saying some vile shit(it’s the nature of her condition and to be expected). I don’t think she’s ever just had someone tell her that they don’t appreciate what she’s saying and then actually truly forgive her for it, it seems like everytime she’s snapped at someone they hold it against her forever.
No. 2461727
>>2459203She is definitely mentally ill. I can't post every pic we have found of her because people have cowtipped, which is why she's stopped posting since the new year. Then she'd know that account is compromised and we'd lose access to seeing the profile pic there. But the photos of herself on even her whatsapp where she has people she knows IRL are completely fucking different from what she looks like. She wears contacts or photoshops her eyes there too.
It's one thing to photoshop yourself online and create some alternate persona to larp as a stacy looksmaxxer, it's already cringe, but if you use those kinds of photos on accounts where you have family added, who know what you look like, then something is wrong. In all fairness, those pics from her reveal are dated back to 2022, so she could look a bit different, but obviously not to the extent of her selfies.
No. 2461737
>>2461515My great-grandmother, grandmother and mother were all practically opposites so it's weird to think I'd be the only outlier. Either way I agree w this anon
>>2461681 but it's kind of funny how many modern "proverbs" only apply to npc types
No. 2462718
>>2459594>I'm pretty sure that's what Jill refers to when she has her "fight or flight for days", it's just severe discomfort that won't leave due to stress or understimulation. I don't think her weed and red bull consumption really helps or is fully at fault, but I think they rather exacerbate her already feeling anxious>Kinda brings my mind to the manager in Perfect Blue kekI agree with you on so many points in your post but I especially wanted to highlight these. I also believe Jill when she says she's anxious, it's stupid she calls it fight or flight but she probably does have some level of anxiety, overcompensating with weed and sugary things makes sense if you think about it that way. Because she is the golden child with a golden future that turned sour due to incompetence, and that is partly her fault. She probably ruminates in her head a lot and has the type of anxious brain where you constantly talk shit about yourself. It must be even worse in there than normal because of the BPD. She's stupid for thinking she has DID instead of working with a BPD/anxiety specialist though, someone that can help her set goals and realize how she's hurting herself and others.
Sometimes I think she simply does not have the capacity to rethink her choices and rather double down than realize how she fucks up all the time because realizing she's not perfect and successful like she wanted to be must hurt a lot. This is why it's easier for her to say she has autism and DID because it makes her feel irreparable and like nothing could had been done. It's easier and more soothing to be the perpetual poor
victim that needs help than to actually get your shit together and improve. She must feel so under qualified as well if she can only do a craft fair in the middle of nowhere. She has these sinking realizations but then she does nothing of relevance, having other's approval seems to be her #1 priority instead of you know, doing shit to get better.
I feel sad for her and at the same time I don't. I wonder if she knows it's all a ruse but wants to keep believing in her faked disorders to have some type of answer for her behavior, or if she truly believes her lies all the way like the munchie she appears to be.
No. 2462825
>>2462072Bad take. It's not that nobody noticed that Emily had a messy past– she was very honest about that. It's just that she had moved on and was trying to live her life and Shannon was committing all the cardinal sins of lcf: selfposting, trying to raise a personal army to harass some girl who committed the crime of having history with her Nigel, and so on. The lengths to which Shannon went were extreme and milky, all her misery was self-inflicted (like her whining about homelessness) and Emily reacted almost ideally: she provided us with more fuel and details, but otherwise kept a low profile and went back to her regular stuff instead of milking it all. Shannon was a much bigger pickme/NLOG and had not grown or moved on from their teen drama whatsoever, she revelled in helping her husband harass the ex she felt insecure about and tried to sabotage every attempt of Emily's to live a normal life. It's just not comparable.
>Poppy being forgiven for terrorizing Mars Argo just because she was a victim as wellI don't think that's the consensus.
No. 2463079
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pt's early lj artwork was genuinely really cute and soulful.
No. 2463429
>>2462072>Poppy being forgiven for terrorizing Mars Argo just because she was a victim as wellWhat about me? What about when Poppy terrorized me? And everyone else that went to her shows during her first tour? She terrorized us all too. The show was supposed to start at 8PM. The doors open at 9PM. Then we all go inside and all we hear is fucking "Africa" by Toto playing. Imagine standing around for 2 hours waiting for Poppy to come on the stage and all you hear is "Africa" by Toto. For 2 hours it's just "Africa" by Toto playing on loop, over and over again, for 2 hours. And then she comes on the stage after 2 hours of "
I bless the raaaaaains down in Aaaaaaaafrica" she comes on stage and dances around for an hour. Isn't that a sort of torture? Isn't that a sort of evil horrible thing to do to her fans that paid 30 dollars for a ticket? I didn't pay 30 dollars to hear Toto's "Africa" for 2 hours. It was midnight by the time we got out of there and she didn't even do an encore. That's when I realized that Poppy was a scam.
No. 2463452
>>2462825I'm not excusing everything Shannon did, she is a shitty person and deserves everything that happened to her.
I'm pointing out that Emily is not different from any person that's talked about in here. Yeah she was a minor and was a drug addict but so were lots of the people that were talked about on lolcow/pull 8 years ago. She just got lucky her presence online wasn't that big. It would be a lie to say that she wouldn't have a thread for being messy. She went through hard stuff, thank God her life is OK now and her and her kids are safe from the stalker shit.
>>2463429At least you got a funny anecdote.
No. 2464117
>>2464035ayrt, i'm so glad you said it because these people are really telling on themselves.
i'm a fellow web 1.0 nona and i know exactly what you're talking about. i also sometimes feel like i'm losing my mind when i see posts like that. in the end i roll my eyes, because you just know they're pulling shit out of their ass or getting misinformation from social media. they really are larping as if they experienced it when whatever information they are parroting is likely from tiktokfags like addy
>I feel like I'm losing my mind when I'm watching zoomer revisionists on this site trying to explain how the internet fandoms were in 2005 while having no idea what they're talking about.i think this is a really great way to put it honestly. happens way too often on here. i hardly ever post in the addy threads and i would never try to derail it further, but some of the crap they spew about weeb culture back in the day is actually insane and so far from the truth