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No. 2278154

And relax
previous: >>2266222

No. 2278159

Just got a massive tube shoved up both my nostrols

No. 2278164

what exactly is retarded about using the word "anonymously"?

No. 2278168

I hate night anxiety I hate night anxiety I hate night anxiety I hate night anxiety I hate night anxiety sooooooo fucking much, I just want to SLEEP IN PEACE and not stay up all night because my body randomly goes into panic mode for hours for no reason

No. 2278201

I’ve actually been offline for a bit and the farmhands haven’t been that annoying lately (probs because of Thanksgiving fever of they’re burgerfats like me) but if they misbehave I wish to serve all of them 100 jerk chickens with ghost pepper on them.

No. 2278205


I swiped right on a guy and we talked for DAYS until I eventually asked him if we could facetime. He said he couldn't, and so I asked him again another day and he made another excuse.

Eventually I was like I feel like you're avoiding facetiming me? There's no way you're this busy, especially when you've been messaging me all day.

He proceeds to tell me he's not comfortable because he's gained a lot of weight since he took the photos he posted on the app.

I was like there's no way you look that different and that I think he's just being hard on himself, and he's like no I've gained a lot of weight.

I told him , "This is awkward because I need to know how you look. If it was the other way around you'd be mad"

He goes ,"I thought looks don't matter" and this is when I get bitchy cause I can't deal with stupid. I go ,"I NEVER said that. You know they do, let's be real. I think it's deceitful to post outdated pictures" He tells me he wasn't being deceiving and that those were just the pictures he had posted at the time of making the account. I told him he needed to update them then, and he said something along the lines of "just leave me alone". So I sent a voice message and was like I don't appreciate you vilifying me. I didn't do or say anything wrong. I'm not vain and I think it's fucking weird to go into a situationship hoping I fall in love with you through texts alone, that way when you reveal your looks , I won't care because I'm so in love". He tells me my language is vulgar and that I'm a rude and nasty person, and basically says to piss off. And I go "gladly"

I ended up feeling really bad and messaged him one last time saying I'm sorry if I hurt him and that I got a little carried away in the end. He goes "I respect the apology. We're not a good match. Best of luck"…

…… so you still think what you did was okay?

No. 2278209

Some of you are young because if you seriously don’t know this is how men act at this point then idk what to tell you kek

No. 2278215

You've put too much thought into this situation and you don't even know what the fat shit looks like. I wouldn't worry about it

No. 2278216

You should have been even worse to him, he’s an immature victim complex loser who will die alone and it’ll be his fault. Good riddance. Sorry for the waste of your time though. But it’s never wrong to flat out dump men over stuff like this or whatever isn’t meeting your relationship standards, otherwise women end up bowing to them and scrambling all over to please and appease them and their stupid egos and personal problems forever.

No. 2278223

Honestly I wouldn't even assume the pics he used are him at all. Sounds like a complete catfish using a random person's photos.

No. 2278231

It was because we spoke mostly on instagram, where all his photos were also from a while back.

He was really boring. He also always got offended when I was in no way trying to offend?

During the discussion I unfollowed him on accident and he asked why. I joked that it was an accident but that it's not like im missing out considering he doesn't look like his photos. He goes , "If you think that hurt my feelings then you failed miserably". I was like…. no? I wasn't trying to hurt your feelings. I'm literally just saying those photos aren't how you look so I don't care to see them.

No. 2278235

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>I ended up feeling really bad and messaged him one last time saying I'm sorry if I hurt him and that I got a little carried away in the end.
I'm not gonna call you a dumbass, but I will say this. Women have got to learn to not give a fuck about how men feel. Because caring too much about men being sad is exactly how women stay in shit relationships, or come crawling back to their exes because they genuinely believe that their moids will kill themselves for being dumped. Ehatever heartbreak a woman feels about a relationship, a man feels only half of that if anything at all. If a man is ever more devastated at a relationship ending than the woman is, chances are he's fucked up in the head and either wants to kill the woman, or is already on his plan to do so.

No. 2278241

One time I told a guy during a breakup that he was going to die alone and that all egyptian men are scumbags. I said this because he kept talking about other hot women even though I told him it's not funny (He claims that's why he did it. To tease me)… my dumb retarded ass sent an apology text saying I was too harsh and he left on READ. That's what my dumbass deserved and I will never do that again. I also will never explode on a guy again.. because that shows how bothered I am. I'd rather casually cut it off and humiliate him with me not giving a fuck.

No. 2278243

Did you reverse image search the pictures that you were able to see of him?

No. 2278246

It was him. It wasn't a model kek and I had him on instagram where the account was 100% real, with friends tagged in photos and everything.

I think some people are just that retarded.

No. 2278251

CAN WOMEN PLEASE STOP BEING FUCKING AWFUL TO ONE ANOTHER? My friend gor her period and stained her pants and a bunch of women were laughing at her. I'm so disgusted. Thankfully one lady saw her crying and helped her out.

No. 2278264

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>Know guy for a while now
>A decent person to me
>I soon develop a crush on him over a 3 month period
>We both go out on a get together I planned and confess to him afterwards at his place.
>He gives me a look after I confess that still makes me feel like shit.
>Says he doesn't see me that way back, I suddenly want to cry.
>I end up crying thinking I put him on the spot making this awkward and He tries his best to comfort me
>He tell me he is flattered but isn't looking to date anyone
I wish I could die. the drive home was killing me every second I was in the car with him. We have good chemistry. I know I fucked up and I hate how he was nice about it. I need him to ghost me. I need him to leave me. I don't want to see him anymore. I hate it. I think i should kill him so he doesn't tell anyone I know.

No. 2278265

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>I also will never explode on a guy again.. because that shows how bothered I am. I'd rather casually cut it off and humiliate him with me not giving a fuck
Yes, that's what you should start doing. If your intuition and intelligence is telling you that a scrote isn't worth it, don't let it hurt you. Tell yourself that he was a poor investment and move on, like you just lost a game at Chuck E. Cheese's yet you still have a bunch of coins left. If you ever do find yourself in your feelings and deeply emotional or even sorry about it, never ever let the moid see it. Treat them like how children of cut off narcissist parents do, and "gray rock" him. If a moid values YOU and wants to be alongside YOU, he will come to YOU and prove that to YOU, and he will only prove it by being useful, dedicated and as unretarded as possible. Note, most moids fail to prove their redemption.

No. 2278267

that's terrible. i don't know why it has to be like this. it's so tiring and i'll never understand it.

No. 2278285

I was only born because my parents wanted someone to take care of them

No. 2278290

this is genuinely upsetting, I am curious the ages of the women who laughed and hoping they were like teenagers or something…

No. 2278291

I have such a nice outfit but I'm too fat to look good in it right now and even if I wasn't, I have absolutely nowhere to wear it because I'm a fucking loser with no friends.

Nonnas goodbye I'm gonna jump off the balcony

No. 2278292

I would imagine a lot of parents have kids for this reason, selfish assholes

No. 2278295

I have a lot of cute outfits and basically no social life. I don’t know what the point is, but it is what it is. Just wear it for yourself and don’t jump

No. 2278302

my job is making me wanna kill myself and they’re taking too long to transfer me to a different department even though that department is desperately in need what the fuck i don’t think i can handle it much longer especially since it’s retail slop

No. 2278303

It's such a skinny girl outfit though I def have to starve at least. Then I can take a pic in it and post it online. Only to change back into my pajamas and cry kek.

No. 2278320

girl HE catfished you and you apologized to him? You did nothing wrong. You didn’t need to apologize at all, he made his own dumb choices and you don’t owe shit to this stranger scrote

No. 2278327

I need to block Reddit and hide the hate thread, it is way too rage inducing. I want to stick my head in the sand and never come back out. The idiocracy is unbearable

No. 2278341

i hate cumbrains who cry about receipts when you say their beloved moid is a predator, especially when hes a social media retard/"influencer". your life is worthless just like his

No. 2278393

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I just hate working.
I hate having to go to a miserable job and I miss my cat every time I have to travel for work.
My job pays me well and I work semi remotely so I should be grateful and I know I’m luckier than most rn but all I can think of is that I’m wasting days of my life away from my cat so I can pay for Israeli citizens healthcare. I hate this country sm.

No. 2278454

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i feel such a terrible sadness and im heavily considering doing ketamine and coke in my bedroom again. ive come really far and im going to graduate soon but i think my medicine stopped working and i feel stuck, unable to create or be happy or feel like im getting anywhere. pathetic

No. 2278461

I want my crush so bad… he's super hot but also just moves and conducts himself in a way that's incredibly attractive. He's got a bad personality though, so theres not much to be done. I don't even necessarily wanna have sex with him… I just wanna observe him or something. I don't think he'd be interested in me though, I get the feeling he would nitpick women. I still keep feeling insecure about my skin and looks and find myself getting make up and skincare, even though it doesn't lead anywhere. I wish there was a way to get closer though, but I'm not really sure in what way I want to be closer exactly.

No. 2278465

Planning a wedding and it's genuinely the most stressful thing I've ever done. My family/in-laws have become absolute demons with their demands. small ceremony turns into invite everyone we know and then we need the BEST decor and cake and venue and music. You need bridesmaids and ring bearers and flower girls, bridal shower, bachelorette party, honeymoon, minimoon? rehearsal, reception! of course I'm still paying for and planning all of this (my aunt suggested I take out a loan, "that's how I did it!") but if my wedding isn't a lavish multi-day affair my mom will hate me and my cousins will think I'm poor… my mom is acting like the entire reputation of our family name is on my back and maybe it is idk the older ladies do love their wedding gossip. I should've just fucking eloped.

No. 2278478

My dad works like a dog from 4:30 am to 10:30 pm daily. I'm sick of this. I fucking hate this world and how unfair it is to people who are hardworking and just have shitty cards dealt to them. My dad comes home exhausted but forces himself to stay up because if he doesn't he would go days without enjoying any tv or time with family.

I also feel like such a piece of shit because I complain about my extremely easy job that isn't from dawn till dusk. I'm so lazy.

No. 2278487

being 27 feels like being in purgatory no wonder so many musicians killed themselves at 27

No. 2278498

I was addicted to k for a while when I was graduating. You shouldn't do it, at least smoke weed or something to the fill the void so you can focus on exams. Doing more is just temporary happiness. Sure, I know the little happiness is good and all but you should at least wait until you got some school stuff sorted to become a ket demon.
Also I hate coke so that combo sounds like a nightmare kek

No. 2278508

Male bodies are meant to be worked like dogs, its literally what they’re built for. He also probably watches teen porn so who cares

No. 2278512


No. 2278517

we get it you were molested(bait)

No. 2278538

Thread pic is literally me. I'm back from my shift (it's early morning where i am)

Also I'm geographically illiterate and I had a small awkward moment at work ugh

No. 2278574

I'm 26 and I get the feeling. I don't feel like I've aged that much beyond the 18-21 bracket but also my thinking process definitely feels more mature and less brash. Old enough that younger people will start thinking you're cringe for enjoying your hobbies but still young enough that older adults don't take anything you say seriously. I finally understand why some people just stop saying how old they are. Life is meant to be lived, who cares.

No. 2278599

Asked why men are so weird on Instagram and immediately had my comment removed for hate speech.

No. 2278775

There's a huge spider in my room, this isn't Australia why the fuck is it here? We've had several huge spiders in my room, and sometimes in other parts of the building and I know they're not harmless because one of them bit my mother when she slept like 2 years ago and she went to the hospital because she couldn't breathe well anymore. We're in Western Europe so it makes no sense. I saw it a few centimeters away from my face in the middle of a meeting when working from home I bet everyone noticed I looked like I was about to have a heart attack.

No. 2278799

>go on a get together
Idk nona was it just the 2 of you on this get together? Maybe this is a blessing in disguise. To me, it sounds like he was stringing you along or just enjoyed the attention you have gave him.

No. 2278822

My stomach is upset again, just drank some water first thing in the morning to calm it down. I feel better and less gassy, but still uneasy

No. 2278824

I have to do things that remind me I exist in this world and it makes me want to die. I don't want to tell anyone my name, I don't want to get pictures taken and I don't want to talk to anyone about my life

No. 2278827

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i know i've gained a shit ton of weight in a month cause last time i wore these panties they were loose as fuck, so loose i was considering throwing them away but now they are really tight on my inner thighs. i don't even want to weigh myself cause i'll end up having a melt down. i simply can't stop eating lately and i don't know what's going on. i'm typing this as i'm eating kneaded bread

No. 2278828

It's been around 7 years since my childhood cat died and I still have nightmares about it. Just last night I woke up crying after I dreamt that she was dying and I couldn't be with her during her last moments, that used to be such a big fear of mine before she passed.
I really wonder if I'll ever get over it, I had such a deep bond with her I literally felt like a part of me was ripped out when I lost her. It sounds silly when you remember I'm talking about a cat, but she was all I had since the age of 2 to 17.

No. 2278830

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I'm tired of losing friends. Sure, these friendships started when I was younger, and we just happened to grow into completely different people than before. We spent so much time together, and now I have to let it all go because they happen to be immature and irresponsible, and non-responsive to my tries to discuss and salvage our shit. I'll be much better without them. But goddamn.

No. 2278878

>parents dead
>no close friends
>remaining family hardly checks up on me
>took solace in art
>got popular
>fake friends didn’t like that so they spread rumors i like kids by saying i was an adult for things i did as a teenager a decade ago
>begin to hate opening social media
>husband doesn’t comfort me anymore
>he never compliments me
>realize there was an incident of dubiously consensual sex a few months ago (i don’t blame him, i should’ve put my foot down more)
>i ask him to be more compassionate towards me and nothing ever changes
>realize i might never be actually happy

i want to die so bad. why is this happening to me? i miss my mom

No. 2278889

Well first you sound like a child inside of an adult’s body. Stomping your feet about why the most emotionally unintelligent sex on the planet isn’t giving you affection isn’t going to solve anything because males are not females and heterosexual females who keep going into het relationships completely clueless about this reality need to get a grip. Divorce his ass, take his money, make sure your name is on the house when it’s being sold and move on with your life. Now for the internet thing, kek, prove those fuckers wrong? Block every single one of them, report them, and make a megapost debunking every single one of their claims because they have zero credibility. Your mom is dead and she’s not coming back, stop wallowing like a little girl and defend yourself.

No. 2278893

You really honed in on the Nigel thing and not much else. Embarrassing girlboss larp. I bet youd be upset if you were in the same situation

No. 2278899

a friend of 4 years up and left and I feel horrible. Sometimes I just want to leave all my friends for their own good. I always inevitably upset them so it would just be better for everyone. I'm not sure what to do with myself now.

No. 2278904

I wouldn’t be upset at all if I was in a similar position because I would never place myself in that situation, ever. Don’t try to drag me down to your level bitch kek

No. 2278905

i wanted to come delete this post because i felt bad i accused him of such a horrible thing when it was literally just a communication problem but it was 1 minute after the deadline, i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm so sorry he's not a bad person, he doesn't hurt me, he would never intend to hurt me, i just didn't say no clear enough and i told him to just hurry and finish, that was me consenting, he's a good person, he's not a bad person at all, i'm sorry, i didn't mean it that way, i feel so guilty, the guilt is eating me up inside, i'm sorry i love him so much i'm so sorry he doesn't deserve that i'm sorry

No. 2278910

I seriously want to know these types of women survive in this world kek

No. 2278913

I never understood the type of women who could crypost this way about their men and I found them frankly annoying at best and infuriating at worst, because of their lack of backbone and naivety. But now I'm realizing they do sound like little girls on a woman's body, that may explain the sheer retardation(baiting)

No. 2278917

They’re deadass so annoying, I think the thing that almost made me crack the fuck up is when they mentioned “husband”, like seriously?? Underdeveloped girlhood arrested women get into marriages and relationships because it’s like going from one household to another, they’re searching for a new mommy and daddy through love instead of developing themselves kek

No. 2278918

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No. 2278938

K this will probably be my last post identifying myself as an anon who went thru Hurricane Helene. Just wanted to say that I left the toxic brother in law's place and moved into an airBnB that a really nice landlord put up for people whose lives got fucked by the hurricane. I'm living with another hurricane person in a house that would normally be rented for over $1000 a week for $600 a month, all utilities and wifi included. It's great, the biggest house I've ever lived in. The rent is really cheap, albeit for only 4 months, but that gives me enough time to find a permanent place. My town has drinkable water again but a lot of people don't trust it. I'm on well water here.

This is the vent thread, so my only complaint is that this house is out in East Jesus Bumfuck and it's a bit of a commute to get to my job, and sometimes the cell signal here is terrible. So there's a vent. Mostly I'm glad that my personal hurricane drama is over.

My friends who lived out of their cars in a parking lot for a whole month moved home with their families for now, in different states. So we won't see each other for a while until (if) they decide to move back. I've mostly gotten over my hardships, but there are still a lot of people living in tents, even a lot of single moms with kids, and if I think about it too hard it makes me sad as hell. I started crying in a Ross when I was out buying socks yesterday, and had to leave. I'm not normally a person who cries, and never in public. It's getting cold here and there are constantly people online in facebook groups begging for a vehicle so they can take their kids to school/get to work and asking for tent heaters. It's still so fucked up.

No. 2278975

Tried to do something nice for my friend but I'm pretty sure it backfired and now I've probably messed stuff up permanently, I'm sure she'll hate me after this. Ughhh I'm so anxious waiting for her reply

No. 2278979

its just shameful to do that stuff again when im getting my bachelors, im closer to my mid 20s than early at this point. but im in a lot of internal pain. thank you though nonnie i should stay away from that good feeling. wish i could smoke weed but i get paranoid and for some reason im scared of not having control of myself kek (yet ket seems to be a more comforting idea to me? pfft) nicotine used to help me with exams but i dont want to get addicted again. i guess im fucked, nothing helps this depression and im going to fail these classes. maybe my medication can get bumped up. childish i am, child child, i have it so good

No. 2278995

Watch out guys we got a real Stacy here

No. 2279005

Nta but is that farfetched that some women do actually got brains? Not every woman is susceptible to this type of circumstances because they simply wouldn't be attracted to individuals that could cause them

No. 2279014

so you can't be young and naive now? you're either born a stacy? kek, it reeks of male

No. 2279047

been away from this site for a minute. but i need to be around females and fem energy. oh my god i drowned in men and male energy bc my austic ass is scared of girls (again) but now i got accused of sleeping around and my virgin ass is like oh shit male and female relationships are complex if ur an adult. because of societal shit idk if im coherent i legit got out of the hospital a couple days ago. im adjusting to real life but like idk man i want a girl bestie..one who isnt obssesed with race and politics and gender bs. i just want to be cringe,free, and contently happy. maybe i should try the friend finder here. i hate life rn but also love it bc i aint depressed just all over the place with this med im taking. i just want to talk freely u know and say the most retarded shit ever. but like irl only certain guys allow that and its hard to find women who do as well. god i just had to complexify everything hmm. ok rant vent over. for now lol.

No. 2279053

I haven't looked in the "news stories that fuck you up" thread in over a year because I know it's awful but I went and did it anyway today ffs
Life is so much better when I stay out of the depressing threads on this site, I wish there was a way to put a filter over the site to weed out all the moid and trans stuff too

No. 2279057

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I wish I could give you a piece of advice that would bring immediate relief but it sounds like you might be in your head too much and letting the grief and anxiety dictate you. I hate therapyfags but you’re someone who might benefit from talking to a therapist and building some self esteem. Take a break from the internet and go volunteer somewhere or take long walks when you can. I’m so sorry about your mom and idk how spiritual you are but I like to believe that the ones we love never leave us and instead show up in different forms when we need them most.

No. 2279064

>not retarded means you're a man
you'd fit right in with /r9k scrotes

No. 2279067

Thank you for the update anon me I'm sure others are wishing the best for you. Remember you can only do so much, when you have some money to spare you can help others with it but right now the most important thing is to focus on your own situation

No. 2279068

I messed up my Thanksgiving banana and now I could cry. It tastes fantastic but the bananas went brown since I made it last night. I'm probably be the only one who eats it. I guess i can redeem myself with the other sides.

No. 2279071

I’m an alcoholic and it’s so embarassing. I am literally powerless to alcohol and we always have it in the house because my brother is a whiskey guy who can actually moderate his intake. I quit drinking for 3 months this summer and it felt so good but now I’m back to drinking 4 nights a week. I’m stupid and I keep worrying that I’m going to die, if not now then I’m definitely doing damage to my body in the long run. I was a stoner for 8 years and now I can’t afford weed so I drink all the time. I literally fucking hate myself and last week I was looking at going to an AA meeting while my boyfriend was out of town but 36 hrs later I was at a party having 3 drinks when I said I’d only have 2, etc. I can never say no if someone offers me alcohol. I quit cigarettes cold turkey after the death of a family friend almost 2 years ago but I don’t know what could make me stop drinking for good short of someone I know dying (which doesn’t seem that far fetched, I have some friends who are very far gone). I hate my life and myself and I’m so jealous of anyone who can just have one or two drinks socially or can keep alcohol in the house without having a constant nagging to drink it.

No. 2279074

Why are you sorry what random people on the internet think about some man? You should be more sorry to yourself, learn bodily autonomy and how to say no. Talk to your husband, if you can't have an adult conversation about how he isn't supporting you and how you don't feel secure enough to say when you don't want to have sex then you two shouldn't be having sex. Learn to communicate with each other, marriage is a partnership, you wouldn't want him to be scared of telling you how he feels either.
I'm sorry about your family anon, you have a lot to recover from and hopefully time will help you but I agree with the other anon who suggested you get some professional support. You do need friends that you can trust but you could also look into seeking grief support networks, or even self help books if you can't find one or afford professional support.

No. 2279079

>"I'm all alone and no one cares about me"
>Has a husband
Why do people always say they're totally alone when they have a husband/wife (that they swear is good) and a fairly successful life (bullies on the internet don't count, they literally don't exist in your life)?

Then why did you write that in the first place if you're so guilty??

No. 2279099

You could be surrounded by people you love all the time and still feel lonely. I’m not gonna armchair dx the op but depression can cause someone to think like this. She also mentioned feeling disconnected from her husband so put two and two together, it’s not hard to imagine.

No. 2279100

I said fuck it, I'm in a foul mood. Let's have junk food for the first time in like over a year. I ate an entire can of Pringles. Oh my god is this what organ failure is like? I've never been hungover but I imagine this is similar. My eyelids are swollen from sodium, I look like I drank all night long. Can't stop sweating. My usual snack before bedtime is fruit so my body must be so confused like a child struck for no reason. This is hell. It's like I ate a pack of cigarettes before bed. I can feel the chips under my skin moving like bugs. Not really but goddamn I'm never doing this again. Holy shit. If I had to work today or drive anywhere I'd probably cancel.

No. 2279123

Well what I'm not going to do is diagnose anon with depression over the internet on lolcow. She didn't mention anything about depression, and there are people who will cry about being lonely while they have several people in their lives who coddle them 24/7 so who knows.

No. 2279137

there's nothing more MALE than pretending to be born a Chad/Stacy whatever, specially when you know these types were bullied to death in highschool but cope by pretending nothing ever happened and playing Regina George/Patrick Bateman on a fucking imageboard

No. 2279141

I know this is off topic but now I'm trying to imagine how the children of Regina George and Patrick Bateman would turn out

No. 2279143

I wish I made another female friend into the same scrotish hobbies I was into. Having guys friends like that is just not the same. I thought we vibed well together, and she ghosted me…

No. 2279144

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No. 2279147

Me too except I never had one to ghost me

No. 2279157

It's just a small pool when too few women are into it. I really didn't vibe with the few women I met through rowing which is mostly a male passtime. In my quad boat, one was a nationalist, one was a cop, one was a scary anachan.
But I met a lot of fascinating and interesting women through bridge which is played mostly by women, and my bridge partner became one of my best friends.

No. 2279175

they're not getting what they need from the people around them so they still feel lonely, it's not that hard to understand. I empathize with >>2278878 because i'm in a very similar situation. I'd be your friend nona!

No. 2279197

This year has completely shattered me and I have no idea how to deal with it. Lost my friend group and I have no idea what caused it because no one will tell me. I knew things were getting rocky between one friend and I because she broke my trust, I just couldn't address it otherwise it would make things worse for me. Got diagnosed with a mental disorder that makes me question literally every decision I've made, and my therapist told me that she could no longer work with me because she didn't have the means to help like I needed. At least she was honest but now I have no one in my life I can talk to about things and I just feel like a terrible person who's unfixable and unbearable to be around…I can't fucking live like this.

No. 2279224

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Seeing a mother or father with their teenage daughter always makes me tear up. I miss my parents so much, but at least I can call my dad. Sometimes I look in the mirror and I see just how much my own face resembles my mom's and it makes me sob. I wish I had spent more time having conversations with her instead of wasting my time being an annoying teenager!!

No. 2279256

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I’m sorry for your loss nonny. My dad passed away unexpectedly last year so I understand the regret you feel, not making the most of the time you had together. If I could go back and do it over again I would but I try to give myself some grace that I was a shitty kid doing shitty kid things. And despite that my parents loved me anyways. I try to view it as a testament of their love for me rather than a deficiency of my character.

No. 2279258

Samefag, but i meant to write 'banana pudding" and now I'm realizing how silly this post looks kek.

No. 2279286

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i miss my mom so much. she's had dementia for 10 years (since i was 18) and has just rapidly regressed since then. i live in a different country now and its so hard to communicate with someone who has lost their ability to speak the same language as you.
my childhood was very traumatic, some part due to her but i can't hold it against her. she came from a war-torn country and i speculate that her family's ill health is a consequence of that and being exposed to chemical warfare. growing up, she worked full time and did 99% of all the housework and child rearing. i can't even do all the housework with no kids. i also fucking hate my dad for it. i would still have my mom if he were a better husband and father. i would love to tell him what i really think of him someday but he's my only immediate family that i speak to so that'll have to wait.
there's so much i would want to talk to her about. my childhood, my siblings, people we knew, etc. and i no longer can. i feel so much regret not asking these questions but at the same her dementia came VERY early at the craziest time for our family. i feel if i were older at the time, i would have handled it much better.
i always find myself crying before holidays and family occasions probably in part because i know so many people who still are able to talk to their 60+ y/o mom and have a relationship with that when my mom isn't even 60 yet. i didn't get to have a mom like that for 20 years. so many people are able to improve their relationships with their parents as an adult but i didn't even get a chance with mom.

No. 2279334

This post made me cry. I really hope you find peace with your situation and I hope all goes well for you.

No. 2279337

It's funny when an anon acts unhinged towards me and someone else responds to her too educating her on why she's a weird freak. Sometimes I feel targeted on here and I realize schizophrenia isn't personal lots of anons are just sick and see special meaning in shit that isn't there and their aggression towards me is just a reflection of their own inner suffering. Must suck to suck

No. 2279354

Do you have celiac disease this isn't normal

No. 2279360

I'm getting my eyes checked because my sight has recently gotten a lot worse, I've always hated glasses because I have a huge nose and look stupid in them… It's so silly but I feel so depressed knowing I'm gonna undoubtedly have to get them soon. Just another insecurity to add to how I look

No. 2279367

Oh nona, I am so sorry.

No. 2279380

Don't be embarrassed anon. I have an ED and am addicted to sugar and it's super pathetic. It's literally JUST sugar and I still can't go a single day without eating it. It's terrifying to feel so powerless to something so stupid as a food item, especially something we happily give to kids because it's so "harmless".

No. 2279444

>apologizing to a moid

No. 2279473

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So im painstakingly reviewing and deleting photos and videos one by one from my iphone that span from 2017-2024, and holy shit, i was so fucking annoying and cringe as a teenager. I peaked in awfulness at 15(in 2020).
I used to think my peers were so cruel for avoiding and bullying me, but i understand it now. I want to beat the shit out of 15 year old me. I was also a huge bitch to my sister for no reason?
I have no right using lolcow with a history like this. I can't believe i forgot i was like this. should go ahead and make a thread on myself kekkkkk.

No. 2279488

Oh my god anon i'm so sorry. Im tearing up. Your mom sounds like she was a very strong person. It's so fucked up that someone as strong as her had this happen. I wish you and her peace.

No. 2279513

I'm so bored of being ugly

No. 2279522

my vent is that i'm old enough to be your mother

No. 2279526

>should go ahead and make a thread on myself kekkkkk.
I agree! Please do!

No. 2279528

I didn't even realize tomorrow was Thanksgiving, holy shit, I've been in such a dissociative state that nothing feels real. I don't know what to do when I feel like this, I can' t feel anything

No. 2279529

>15 in 2020
Jesus Christ

No. 2279530

Tomorrow isn't Thanksgiving? I think you're dissociating still.

No. 2279531

setting nona up for failure

No. 2279532

You're still young enough to save yourself, you know?

No. 2279535

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Didn't even FUCKING know Thanksgiving was tomorrow, time is going by so fast and it is surreal, I mean it seems like March was a week ago, Jesus. I have done nothing in that time but get worse. Feels like I'm losing control and I can't feel anything most time, just feels like empty and disorienting. I don't really know how to describe it, sad and scared? But also apathetic and I just want to sleep all day.

No. 2279545

I know. It feels like 2024 was barely here, man. I already gotta think about what to do for my next New Year's Resolution.

No. 2279555

No I'm fine now since I'm an adult done with puberty shit, but man I can't believe i used to be like that since im mostly normal now.

No. 2279560

I feel the same way. 2020 was so fucking crazy that i forgot that 2021-2023 happened so it feels like 2020 was last year.

No. 2279567

Everything feels evil

No. 2279571

i wish i could stop hanging onto the mistakes and regrets that past teenager me did

No. 2279581

Nonnas, I’m going to buy a gun and shoot myself in the temporal lobe.

I was talking to by 65 year old grizzly but handsome neighbor about his dogs and thanksgiving, and he didn’t want to stop talking to me which I enjoyed very much. But because we talked so long I forgot the part where he said he’s allergic to poultry and not all meat. So he mentioned something about gelatin and I was like , “you can’t eat gelatin though!” And he’s like “what..?” And I was like it’s made from pork bones. He goes “But I can eat pork and beef…” and I was like “ohhhhhh I forgot sorry , I’m just really tired”. He was like “yeah I was really confused why you said that haha”Anyway he continued speaking to me for like 15 more minutes so it clearly wasn’t that big of a deal to him, but I feel like a fucking retard. I hate having ADHD and social anxiety, I forgot shit so easily and am too focused on what I should say next.

Let me share some more social reasons I hate myself:

* I cut people off without meaning to and until someone eventually tells me to stop cutting them off. I’m just trying to be an active listener and also say what I need to before the conversation develops into another topic and it’s too late to bring up whatever I wanted to say.

* I randomly get really loud when I talk and I had a hot guy tell me to lower my voice once cause I was like screaming…

* I get so anxious over small conversations, but only before I begin. I went to ring the doorbell of one of my neighbors to offer to walk their dogs since I walk daily (they never walk their dogs… ever), and the ANTICIPATION of waiting for them to open the door was unbearable. When they opened it I was completely fine.

* I just assume everyone hates me and thinks I’m weird. A self fulfilling prophecy.

No. 2279582

How? How can I see myself one day and think I’m gorgeous, and then the next day look at the same photo or video and think I’m disgusting? What kind of disorder is this? I can’t take this. Some days I refer to a list a made of all the surgeries I need to get done, then the next I think I’m damn near perfect. I wish I can post a picture of myself and have everyone tell me if I’m pretty or not, and what work I need. Some men think I’m gorgeous and literally became obsessed (they’re handsome and successful) and sometimes they refuse to look my way. Same with girls. I’ve never been told I’m pretty, but if I say something about my looks (not even compliment fishing, just a passing comment) they tell me I’m gorgeous. I really don’t know how I look. I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I need this to stop or I’m going to fucking kill myself.

No. 2279584

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its really hard to let go of lc because its a mindless habit and because i have no "community" online or in real life. but i think its made me scroll more, consume posts and have no unique thoughts, and im no saint but the gossip aspect feels so evil, like its tainting me. but i guess i feel that way about most things lately. i wonder if i should make a neocities, or tumblr, i could encourage myself to create things again, and id have a place to share them. for some reason i cant work on things i love if im too alone, i fall into bad habits. i feel so negative and lost. maybe its performative but it just feels nice to think of making my own blog, to do things and share them for something outside of myself. i feel like im getting retarded is all and it needs to end, but getting back to being a more positive, creative person doesnt happen as quickly as id like. i feel AHHHH

No. 2279588

i cut people off unintentionally too, nonnie. its really hard, because the thought slips our minds and then it comes our turn to speak and we're stood there all deer-in-headlights. i have a recommendation i myself have been trying to employ, and you will look autistic doing it, too, but pick your battles i guess.
aside from being patient and just keeping your input to yourself as someone switches the topic (because i assume if they wanted your input, theyd circle back to it or not switch?) you can try to keep a notepad and write down your points. this only works in certain scenarios i know, but it avoids people getting annoyed

No. 2279589

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i want to quit my job because they denied all the days off that i asked for. i told them i only wanted to work a certain amount of hours and they agreed, but they haven't respected that.
i hate working retail, i miss all the fun my friends have. technically, i don't have to work because i am provided for, but i would be living like a peasant if i quit with no money to go out for food, to have hobbies, to even enjoy things.

my hours clash with all the fun things my friends want to do, and my work won't let me take any of the time off. i didn't even ask for full days off, i asked to not work after 4pm, but they want me to stay until 9pm. my friends have Christmas parties, secret santa gift exchange, light viewing nights, and i literally can't even go with them because i'm the only wagie moron working retail. i just want to quit this shit job. maybe living like a peasant will be better for me.
fuck this gay earth

No. 2279595

My ex dumped me bc he is the avoidant type and cant commit to a relationship right now. Im pissed off at him cause i was nothing but good to him. Yea i was depressed but i was honest and communicated it well unlike him. he didnt want to try to make it work cause hes a stupid boy

I have so much love to give nonnies, it hurts when the wrong person gets it.

No. 2279623

I think I might break up with my boyfriend, I love him very much but he is leaving me unfulfilled. He makes me feel annoyed more often than not and keeps changing his mind about things. I feel unhappy.

No. 2279629

I can't wait to quit this shit job, I'm so tired, but I also want them to pay me the second part if this month so I can leave with all the money I have to get paid for my service.
I honestly deserve so much more, they should unironically pay me for the wasted time I had to spend there, but whatever, I'm also already half-assing this work now because I'm sick of everything.

No. 2279630

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I realize this website is completely shit now yet I keep coming back for more. I’m so hopelessly retarded and desperate, I really wish there was another female-oriented website like this that doesn’t have a bunch of retarded women on it.

No. 2279635

one if you bitches needs to bite the bullet and make one already

No. 2279639

Is there an equivalent of AOL chatrooms in current day I feel like shit posters would thrive on something like that

No. 2279641

nonna I'm dying of laughter at the thought of writing in a notepad as my friend is speaking. I honestly admire your willingness to do so but I could never.

No. 2279643

Takes too much time, money, plus women rather stick with what they know and rather stay around males than actually go where there isn’t constant AI porn and scrotum. Also it would be subject too many cyber attacks from jobless trannies, I’m surprised this website isn’t subject to it with the amount of (correct) tranny hatred.

No. 2279649

Kpoptards and fujochan managed to do it…I don't think they get overwhelmed by scrote posters. But we'd have to follow their lead and make it specifically about a topic that's male repellent or at worst attracts a few stray gay moids.

No. 2279650

Same, nona. Idk if this is what bothers you, but for me, the infighting is getting to be too much. Some anons come here just to start shit and it's so exhausting. Imageboards have always been a place to blow off some steam and troll a bit, but the vitriol is reaching a whole other level.

No. 2279651

Oh nona I’m so sorry. You and your family were dealt a shitty hand and it would be a difficult situation even if you were a few years older during the onset of your mom’s condition. Mourning the time you will never have and the relationship that could have been is entirely understandable. I’m sure that’s complicated by the fact your mom is still alive but inaccessible to you. It’s okay to be upset about things and be bitter that others have what you don’t. You’re in a unique situation that many people, especially in your age range, can’t really fathom or cope with. It’s even more isolating I bet because of that. You’re doing great despite it all, your mom sounds like an amazing lady and I hope you can find some way to connect with her and at least your memory of her.

No. 2279654

I had to go to the ER twice in the past 7 days to get vaccines (both methotrexate). I have an ectopic pregnancy my HCG isnt declining & both times the nurses were so rude and mean and passive aggressive…like I chose to really be there for fun. I want to fill out a complaint. Being there in pain was torture&I thought abt it—I wasnt rude at all. Not even once. So idk why they decided to let out their work frustration on me

No. 2279655

That’s what drives a lot of women away, if men aren’t the main topic (which that kpoop ib is pretty much filled with) they won’t want to use it.

No. 2279656

It was.
He's not the type for attention seeking, maybe we are JUST friends after all.
I don't hate that but I'm still feeling shitty from it.

No. 2279660


No. 2279661

Funny joke.

No. 2279662

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No. 2279666

Fuck you're so annoying. This is why this place sucks. The only one bringing up men is you, the only one who constantly thinks of men is you. Lolcow sucks.

No. 2279668

Is this ai?

No. 2279676

I mean NTA but objectively is that not true? Women are more likely to congregate with the common interest of attraction to men. It’s just heterosexual behaviour. The women who don’t have that interest are more likely to just be ok with sharing spaces with men.
Spaces like lolcow manifesting are incredibly rare (and even then the % of males is definitely higher than fc and hkc)

No. 2279685

my speech has degraded so much because i basically never talk to anyone. now i barely sound native in my native language lol, i have to try extremely hard for anyone to understand me.

No. 2279693

I don't want to try anymore I'm so tired the universe is constantly scheming against me I can't win.

No. 2279699

same kek I thought I was the only one with this problem. when I speak my accent also changes spontaneously

No. 2279741

Wish I weren’t so mentally ill. Every time I see her or think about someone with her I want to cut every inch of my skin. I feel so much painful feeling inside and there’s nowhere for it to go. The sad thing is this isn’t even an ex or an irl, just someone I’m obsessed with

No. 2279744

how do you see her then if she's not an irl sorry i'm retarded

No. 2279763

When she/her friends post

No. 2279766

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i'm genuinely reconsidering my friendship with my close friend because i just can't handle his bpd-chan behaviour.

he bases his entire self-worth, happiness and well-being on this idea that he needs a partner/best friend that he does EVERYTHING with, like he NEEDS someone to latch onto to be there for him at his beck and call to play games with him and VC with him and hang out etc etc. not sex, not intimacy. just flirting at best and nothing more.

he said, verbatim - "I want someone to obsess over me and wanna do everything with me." not only is this unrealistic but fucking insane.

He’s jealous that i have a partner that i get to hang out with, because he’s under the assumption that him and i are like that, but in complete honesty my boyfriend and i DO live together, but we’re not hanging off of each other 24/7, it’d drive us both fucking insane.

over the past year and a half he's latched onto specific people who he either inevitably drives away because of his clinginess, or are too depressed or busy to be as social and enthusiastic for the standard he expects. and he crashes hard over it. like SUPER hard, he gets inconsolably depressed and then he just starts acting extremely petulant and sulky for weeks.

it doesn't profoundly affect my life but it just seeps into conversations between us and our other friends. and i love him like a brother, i don't like seeing him be depressed and shit.

i feel bad for him solely in the sense that this is entirely preventable, I've POLITELY but firmly mentioned to him that his goal isn't realistic and his response was "i knooow but i just want it."

If this was a one-off incident where he was just at his lowest point, i’d disregard it and move on but this shit is cyclical.

he’s a fun guy and he’s cultivated an entire group of friends who like him, but he doesn’t seem to care beyond pursuing the idea of that ONE best friend/partner. and it just feels like such a big fuck you to all of us and that none of us are enough for him. He always has nitpicky complaints about everyone because he can't handle someone NOT being completely ideal and perfect.

we ARE his friends, we hang out with him and chat to him, but because we aren’t attached to his hip and fawning over him, apparently we mean less? He’s even said he’s not content with people just liking him, he wants to be loved.

It completely devalues my efforts as a friend and i just feel like i shouldn’t bother because he’s too fixated on this stupid idea than valuing the friends he HAS. I give up.

No. 2279838

The only way to repent from all my wrongs is to kms. But doing that would also be a sin. It would hurt the people I love. So I'm not sure what to do anymore.

No. 2279845

I do love my mom a lot, I want her to be okay, she's sweet and smart too. She deserved better in life and I wish I could offer her more than what I can offer her now. I'm scared of losing her.

No. 2279847

I don't know what to do with my life other than completely disappearing

No. 2279849

Guys I really don't understand. I posted a few days ago that my best friend never sent me the address or time for the photoshoot she was doing for her company (that she said she wanted me to come to).

It was two days ago, and she just texted me asking how I've been.

???? What do I even say..

No. 2279862

How exactly am I meant to deal with the unfairness of life? It's so fucking unfair. I can't just accept it. I need to get off this planet.

No. 2279865

My COUSIN kissed me and grabbed my breasts without any consent. I was in so much shock because I never expected him of all people to do that to me. My dumbass was too worried about making the situation awkward for HIM (I'm insane. I'm actually insane) and so I pushed him away and said something like "We can't. Family gatherings would be really awkward". I didn't immediately leave his house either cause I didn't want to make it awkward. I fucking hate myself. I despise myself.

I've seen him once since at a family gathering and the way everyone loves him and admires him makes me sick. What makes me even more sick is if I ever told any of them, they would either not believe me or belittle what happened because they think so highly of him.

I'm not going to go to thanksgiving dinner tomorrow. I'm just going to lock myself in my room and cry. My life is fucking horrible and this was the last thing I needed.

No. 2279874

Another year, another major surgery. Why does new health problems keep happening to me?

No. 2279927

I didn’t see your original post so disregard if not relevant. But I would probably say “Good but confused, I thought your photoshoot was on XX day? How did it go?”

No. 2279933

the fag obsession on lc is starting to annoy me. i don't mean discussing actual literal fags but bringing them up randomly when someone posts some random model or whoever they're attracted to in situations that have nothing to do with them. is there any man who ISN'T gay to farmers or what? or like "you can't enjoy that because a fag might jerk off to it" when men jerk off to literally everything. men create fetishes over knees for fucks sakes. it's like every single thing in the world belongs to fags and women can't have anything, might as well not enjoy anything at all because faggots breathe oxygen too. you cannot let homosexuals control your brains like this nonnies

No. 2279962

Dude the skinny faggot you posted on /g/ is not hot. He's hideous. And I'm not even the anon who called him gay kek

No. 2279965

i didn't post that, i'm talking about a thing that occurs in multiple threads throughout the site for the past few weeks.

No. 2280061

If you see a distressed stranger and ask "are you ok?" you have to be prepared to actually help them.
I had a panic attack and was still in shock crying in public, a gendie looking girl decided to ask if I was ok and I sobbed out "no" and she went "o-oh.. good luck" and fucked off because she clearly had no interest in actually helping. It just made me feel worse and more abandoned.

No. 2280069

Was reading my country's tranny subreddit for a laugh and there are so many American trannies wanting to move here kekkk. They're so fucking dramatic and think they're the most oppressed group ever

No. 2280161

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I've been soooo infatuated (I would say it's even limerence) with a fucking internet personality for a full year now and I hate it. I've never had "romantic feelings" towards someone before, not even for this guy. He was always there, existing; but I guess the planets aligned and made everything fall into place so I could become their clown to laugh at. For real, there's been ZERO days where I do not think of him or fantasize about meeting each other,connecting with just a gaze and having our short summer romance. I pretty aware that I'm mostly idealizing him sinceI don't really know him and he's mostly an impossible, but even that HE IS THE ONLY ONE I WANT, HE IS THE ONLY ONE THAT CAN MAKE ME HAPPY. I got this feeling that I will never feel this for anyone again, and it makes me kinda sad realize that I might living all my life longing for someone that doesn't really exist. I'm going insane, I wanna pull my eyeballs off and kill myself,this is so humilliating.

No. 2280170

This is how everyone sees men:
Well groomed scrote with fitting haircut: gay
Hairy roided ape with ugly haircut: straight
And i hate it, this is all mens fault for pushing this shit on each other, now they don't even wash their ass on fear of being gay.

No. 2280179

Is it jerma

No. 2280236

Im such a fucking failure piece of shit im gonna kill myself i just did everything wrong

No. 2280258

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No you're not

No. 2280264

What happened

No. 2280269

I left the door open, my results arent in yet and im already in turn for my hospital consult, im a mess

No. 2280290

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i'll stop being in denial actually i'm addicted to weed yup. i used to be an alcoholic so this is way better, but i want to stop. not that i'm all day high but the damage is there, sometimes i confuse words when i'm talking and that didn't happened to me before. but i need to get a fucking JOB and i apply to everything and still i get nothing. i hate my lazy life please give me a job i'm descending into NEET madness

No. 2280300

How the hell do you afford weed when you're neeting. I swear I'm an aussie and I can't imagine how many americans just sit there and have the weed delievered. Is it almost free? Sorry for sperg, but you can do it nonnie

No. 2280310

I’ll never forget the look on my mother’s face when she realised I might be gay. I know she’s deep in denial now but it’s terrifying. She looked at me like she didn’t recognise me. I’m dependent on her right now and desperately trying to stop being so (mental health issue) but I honestly am just afraid of losing my relationship with my mother. People talking about cutting off homophobic family like it’s so easy.

No. 2280315

i'm not american and there's weed crops all over this shit country, so much of them that it's black market price has went down over the years despite being illegal (and cops don't give a fuck about weed and it's dealers), doesn't help that it's cheap and you get more as the more you pay. i buy it with my savings but they're starting to get low now too kek

No. 2280412

>decide to get pc to play games bc my macbook keeps cucking me
>nothing fancy, refurbished laptop from a few years ago
>download skyrim, have a blast playing it, a little slow but no real issues (aside from usual bethesda bugs)
>decide to buy detroit: become human on sale (story seems cool, plus the twinky robot is super cute)
>takes forever to buy bc new debit card and in a different country
>time to download, 50 GB (sidenote: when did games get so fucking big???)
>takes six hours on my slowass cell data
>next day, super excited to play, took so long to get here
>game can't run because i don't have the right graphics card (at no point in the process was i informed of this)
>now have to try and get refund
>turns out i'll probably have this same problem with lots of other games

I'm really upset because I don't even care about shit like resolution and framerate, I just want to explore the story. If there was a mod that replaced everything with clipart and stick figures I'd gladly take it. But now every game needs to separate itself from the others by making everything as big and complicated as possible. Gotta get those sweet sweet Kotaku hype articles, so let's throw in whatever we can think of. That said, I understand now why gamers get so pissed about glitches and bugs. If I'd shelled out $900 for the poopenfarten ultraxxx mountaindew graphix card, I'd be pretty mad if the textures didn't load in.

Sorry for blog

No. 2280445

I owe money that I can no longer afford to pay. My bank keeps calling me, but I am going through so much anxiety picking up the phone from their calls. I will eventually have to pick up, but Jesus, I feel like killing myself, lmao!

No. 2280450

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its been a month since my pet died. sometimes im still in denial, ill look at the spots he used to lay in and i cant believe that someone so important to me for so long is gone forever. its the forever part that is still really tough because it was recent enough i can still remember exactly what he was like, how his paws felt, etc. but eventually more time will pass and it will have been even longer since the last time i held him. i wish i could have spent forever in that final week with him, but that time is already gone. i used to acknowledge how lucky i was to own 3 wonderful animals, i knew it was a blessing that couldnt last forever. i just have such a hard time accepting that that joy is over, that decade of my life is over, and that my sweetest baby had to go first.

No. 2280452

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I've had nightmares before where I'd wake up one day to find a thread about me on LC where all my personal information got doxxed and nonnies are writing greentexts about my cowish behaviour while nitpicking my appearances. I don't even have any social media that would cause me to get doxxed but seeing all that happen to YP is honestly kinda surreal.

No. 2280456

Kekkk I’m just imagining anons doxxing me and putting a face to all the mentally deranged sexual fantasies I’ve posted on /g/

No. 2280462

Honestly I am curious to see what anons can dig up about me. I would like to think my digital footprint from when I was younger and didnt practice security is mostly gone but sometimes nonas find unexpected shit

No. 2280463

oh nonnie…i really wish i could hug you because no words would be enough and i guess neither would a hug. im so sorry for your loss

No. 2280466

Same here, I had dreams about it today, I don't know what to feel about it

No. 2280491

All it takes is one LC lurker out there to snip out your posting style. Maybe from an instagram or Reddit comment. Put all the pieces together and dox your personal info…crazy

No. 2280499

I'd rather kms

No. 2280505

Do anons here really type the same as here elsewhere? Kek. I changed my typing style to integrate, there is no way I type the same on literally any other website.
That being said, even if you did that doesn’t seem identifiable to me. YP is a specific case who has very specific spergouts she apparently does not contain to one social media site.

No. 2280512

ill take your hug in spirit, thanks nonna

No. 2280514

Anons would roast me if I ever typed the same way I do anywhere else. I'm forced to larp a humorless, pragmatic autist in here

No. 2280518

I dont use other social media or my full name online in the public but I think its time to ditch my lowercase typing for grammar and capitals. I’m going undercover nonnies. I’m becoming a new person. Maybe this will give me experience when I start writing with a pseudonym.

No. 2280520

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i don’t want to go to thanksgiving dinner

No. 2280526

Pretend to be sick. Eat a LOT of chili, just a LOT and then spend about 40 minutes audibly shitting and crying in the bathroom. This will spare you.

No. 2280528

Tbh Im such a narc I would probably love the attention. But nonas can be brutal, some comments would probably make me also consider suicide.

No. 2280531

that’s a funny idea, but for politeness’s sake, i will simply suck it up and do the bare minimum (eat the food and sit with my relatives while not speaking)

No. 2280538

That's why I'm wary of posting art or any identifiable thing on here. But I think a lot of nonnas already did, and now I wonder if that would really make a curious anon do it you know?

No. 2280542

You're such a good person, anon. I am ready to fight tooth and nail so I don't have to go spend Thanskgiving with my stepmom's family because I simply would rather stay home. I will think of your inner strength and use it to be a better person. Next year. I'm still not going to go this year.

No. 2280544

It's not just typing style too. If you drop an opinion outside of here that seems too based, like it can only come from a farmer, it's possible that someone insane enough can put the pieces together. Plus anons here tend to overshare very personal info on the off topic boards.

Like, I've managed to dox a personal lolcow before, based on the information I know about him, and this guy was a terminally online autist who never left the house. Many people don't realize how easy it is to find your personal information out there.

No. 2280554

oh yeah then whats my first name

No. 2280562

it starts with the letter a

No. 2280663

i hate my stupid,misogynist grandpa. he treats and talks to my grandma so horribly. trying to not go off on him this holiday season pls lord

No. 2280672

I had no idea who Lisa was until she started showing up in my feed(s) because of that VS event.
Are you telling me this average plastic surgery'd woman is who everyone goes nuts for? kek wtf

No. 2280675

Honestly the fact it hasn't happened yet baffles me, I was a careless sperg as a teenager and even today I still walk on the wild side. My PL is so high I glow.

No. 2280695

Whenever I get texts from random phone numbers I get so scared. Especially when they don't respond to me

No. 2280713

I tried to offer my hand to my pet today and he bit my nail. It was right after I fed him so I thought he would be used to my hand. I feel pretty bad because not only did I clearly make him mad, but I also kind of freaked out because I didn't expect him to lunge at me. I wish I could tell him sorry, but I'll just leave him alone.

No. 2280729

I'm very mentally ill but treatment worked beautifully me so I can function normally now. It took 10 years of hard work and therapy and during this time I slowly conquered things I wanted: anxiety doesn't dominate my life anymore, I have decent self esteem, I have a sense of self, I have a career, I have friends. I'm even able to host parties, which is something I always dreamed of.

My latest achievement was being able to have a relationship. I'm dating a man now, and it's light and fun. Most importantly, I know that if we break up, I'll be able to move on and find another man if I want to. This is insane to me, 30 year old me would never have thought this was even possible.

I'm 33 now. My ideal life always had a child in it, even though I knew it was basically impossible. Even though part of me feels happy and acomplished with my evolution, another part of me hates myself for taking this long. I don't see myself having a baby with my current moid. I don't have the time to search for a man who wants children and with whom I would also like to have a child. I fought and worked hard but it wasn't enough. It's too late. Part of me is celebrating, but another part is mourning.

No. 2280755

going to be completely emotionless while cooking and eating thanksgiving dinner today because my family takes any kind of emotion i have as either me being hysterical or me being fake. i want to kill myself but i have to do thanksgiving. they love me but i don't think they realize how much they hurt me. i'm going through a 6 year relationship break up right now too, starting yesterday, so yes, i might be a little down but my god i wish they would realize it's not all about them. just a little "i'm thankful for you" or "are you feeling ok today?" would make a world of difference. i mean, we are close and they know what im going through. but instead they get mad at me as soon as they see me because i had to borrow scissors from grandma for 1 minute to open packages. if i raise my voice even a little to try to talk over the running water in the sink, they freak out and ask me why i'm yelling, and when i can't take it anymore and walk away because i already felt like shit before even seeing them, they say "and happy thanksgiving to you too" in the most snarky tone. i just want to die i don't want to cook i don't want to see anybody

No. 2280756

Was I too harsh for my bestie?

I have this female best friend and I consider her as one of closest people in my life. She started dating her boyfriend for about one and half years ago and I started new job that consumes my time and energy so we don't see each other that often nowadays. It's fine, most friendships have inactive periods.

We haven't really spend time for a long time so she invited herself to visit my parents with me. My parents are generous hosts and my mom is a great cook and we have big social circle so my parents are hosting guest every other week.
I wasn't super thrilled about my friend inviting herself because she's a vegan and it means extra work for my mom, who is old and has some health issues so she does not have limitless energy. But I agreed that she can come to visit us. I thought, why not, we are best friends, after all.

Well, today she asked if it's okay that she goes to her friend's birthday party. She got invited in the last minute.
I told her that my mother will probably be disappointed because we already started planning recipes that we are going to make her.
My friend said fine, I can come.

Later I realised that I don't really want her to visit my parents. I told her that she does not have to come but I don't want to host her any other time during holidays. I don't want her to see my parent's place as a bed and breakfast she just can book whenever it suits her, and when she does not have anything better to do.

My friend is very dear to me and she has been very good friend to me but I've feel that I have not been appreciated or prioritised as a friend lately.

No. 2280759

sorry for confusing ESL rambling: the party my bestie got invite to is in the same day as we planned to visit my parents.

No. 2280783

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My mom's bf looked at my ass or crotch when I was in normal clothes.

Obviously I can't tell her because her relationship makes her happy and she's had a hard life, if I move out soon instead of doing uni whilst living at home, it won't even matter anyway. But this guy has a daughter, so I feel like he can't be a creep, my mom says he's so nice, and does nice things, so I feel like I'm making it up, even though, especially when my mom's not there, I've caught his eyes moving downwards or pretending to look at something else. However, he does drive me to places sometimes, and is nice to my mom. Otherwise he talks to be seen talking, the embodiment of a walking r/lookatmyhalo, if I'm making sense- says very obvious things in a self important voice as if it's profound wisdom, and is performatively nice and fake. I feel like he's almost smug that I'm uncomfortable. My sister said he did the same before she moved out too, even when she was 14/15, she said he groaned and looked at her weird- his eyes FOLLOW you across the room in a weird way. She's quite calm and composed, so hearing her say she felt homocidal towards him was a shock.
My mom adores him and harps on about nice things he may have done five to ten years ago. I don't know…he is nice, in a performative, smug way, but I still know he looked at me that way, and seems to enjoy my discomfort without making it obvious. Still, the way my mom worships him, I feel like I'm making this up. A part of my head wants to say 'you're making this up, you're looking for attention' but I wouldn't do that, I really would want my mom to be happy. Am I a POS for focusing on his flaws and not appreciating the nice things he does? (chores for my mom or picking me up from work) I feel terrible, because I'm making my mom said by running upstairs when he's here, she thinks I'm being difficult and bitchy because I can't tell her the truth. Maybe I am dramatic and ungrateful

No. 2280798

35 is the age when your fertility declines, so unless you're from a particularly barren family you've probably got at leave 5 years to find a decent moid if you take a home grown baby
After that, there's always IVF and adoption. You don't have to have a baby, but if you want one there's still time.
I'm going to foster in my late 40s, depending on how that goes I could realistically adopt at that age, still. Good luck.

No. 2280807

That sounds absolutely exhausting, how can they be so obnoxious towards you? I hope you get to be away from them soon, you shouldn't at all have to endure being treated like that!

No. 2280812

Just found out my 50 year old, married dad has been seeing an escort for years without telling my mom or any of us. He has four kids and has been married for 20 something years. At the end of the day, I guess forgot my dad was still a man.

No. 2280817

>At the end of the day, I guess forgot my dad was still a man.
Nonna this is heartbreaking… I'm so sorry

No. 2280818

Thats disgusting nonny, I apologize for your dads idiocy

No. 2280832

He's likely to cheat with an underage girl or be into gross "teen" and stepdaughter porn so I think that he may end up hurting your mother eventually. Your mom is just another cover for his degeneracy so he can deflect and maybe even gaslight if others catch on. Like the people who say a moid can't be a pedo if he's also into adult women because their views are very black and white without nuance; everything has to fit a very strict definition for them and two things can't be true at once, so they forget that men's sexual preferences can be a spectrum since they only care about what feels good on their dick whether it be a microwaved grapefruit, a donkey, or some poor groomed child/teen. The problem isn't you, it's him, and I hope you can someday work up the courage to voice your concerns. Maybe you and your sister can approach her together so you have backup and don't feel alone and alienated.

No. 2280851

~1/7 girls with stepfathers are sexually abused by them, there's a real chance he's with your mom to get to possible victims. if he's appearing nice it's to sink his teeth even more into her. tell her he's a creep. he is affecting you relationship with your mother and do you really want this man in your life long term, who knows what other family members he would be sexually abusing?

No. 2280853

My dad is my best friend but I can’t be around him anymore. I think he’s becoming senile.

Cuts me off
Finishes my sentences incorrectly
Talks about things that I beg him not to because it’s gross (told him I got harassed by an old man and he used the word horny. Told him that’s a gross word to use around me and he kept saying it)
He’s always mad at my tone even when I don’t have one .

It’s easier to not speak to anyone it seems

No. 2280866

I made plans with some friends and I immediately regret it. I'm so scared of what can go wrong but it'd be insane to cancel now

No. 2280872

im not a man but sometimes i feel like i mansplain to people
someone will ask for support znd ill start detailing practical solutions they probably already thought about and rejected
i hate myself

No. 2280882

He's been with my mom for over ten years, so I don't think he's going to leave her now, or cheat, he seems to just take the opportunity to 'peek' whilst staying with my mom. But yes- that is true, being into an adult woman doesn't stop you from being a peedo, although I'm not a minor now, we both were recently, and if my sister saw that at 14, I believe her. I wouldn't shatter my mom and make her lonely by telling her though, she should have someone who loves her to spend her aging years with.
Again- he's been with us for so long, after the sister he creeped on moved out. I think he genuinely loves my mom, but that doesn't make him a good person or not a creep. There's no other young girls in the family after I move out- I feel my mom might as well have good company as she gets older, he makes her happy, since she's been so good to us and given so much. But it still makes me sad to have this secret between me and my mom, to not be able to be myself at home anymore.

No. 2280897

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Do you know this fat feeling when you order a piece of clothing online and you look at it and thik to yourself 'fuck this is huge, I need to return it and order smaller size' and then you try it on and it fits perfectly

No. 2280898

My boyfriend is an extreme neat freak and it reminds me of the lectures my mom (also a neat freak) used to give me when I was a child. I am not a super messy person just normal with a very demanding job so sometimes I am just glad when I have the time to do the laundry or go grocery shopping. In his apartment everything is always spotless and I am often afraid that I mess something up or am not up to his standards in terms of cleanliness. One time I came over after a 12 hour shift, had a cup of tea and accidentally put the teabag in the wrong trash can. He freaked out about it and I felt really ashamed about it. Or one time I put the plates in the wrong spot in the dishwasher.

No. 2280905

I know my nan loves me but there are times where her old hatred comes out and I remember thinking how I didn't know what the fuck I did wrong when she would treat me like this. Now I know she just has some resentment against my mother since she's not as fortunate or stable as my uncle or aunt but I don't know why she has to project that shit onto ME. Both grandparents have done this to me all my life and it took nan's beloved sister confronting her about her treatment to get her to stop treating us that way. To this day she still has some pre-established belief that we will break and steal the stuff that we borrow even though we NEVER HAVE, EVER. Unlike mentioned aunty and uncle, who have harmed her more. What the fuck did I do? Or my mother? I love nan but there is still barely any trust and it worsens as she ages but I feel obligated to visit her in her old age.

No. 2280908

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I was just going to make a chocolate cake from scratch but of course my sister uses one of the cake pans so I just will make it after thanksgiving. I dont even fuck with this shitty booty holiday anyway I just wanted to bake a cake and say I put my blood sweat and tears into it and really mean it. But of all the pans we have why would you use the cake pan to make your shitty jiffy cornbread!?

No. 2280912

Just pissed that my brother is going to marry a MAGA pick me ho and she’s at my parents house right now for Thanksgiving acting holier than thou as usual. Lord grant me the strength not to throw wine at her.

No. 2280913

Years ago there was some retarded religious event in my town and my dad made me attend. He made me pose with his friend's daughters to have a picture taken for the local newspaper. It's online too. I want that picture removed. It's the only picture of me online and I fucking hate it. I need it nuked from this earth

No. 2280918

Yeah, I pretty much talk the same way here as I do in real life. I barely ever comment/post anywhere else.
Kek, I'm curious, how do you type normally?

No. 2280931

You can contact the paper and request for it to be removed. Most smaller newspapers have some policy on the right to be forgotten.

No. 2280935

kek this makes me wanna watch Matilda

No. 2280938

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Miss Trunchbull is unironically such a fucking delightful character kek

No. 2280956

I’m so sorry nona this is the worst I absolutely hate family members that cannot handle other people having emotions simply because they were never comfortable with their own. I’m dealing with the same shit right now with my dad and I want to explode

No. 2280962

The older I get the more I understand her. A lot of kids DO need to be put in the chokie and the only things that brings me joy are in fact sweets.

No. 2280965

i have the opposite problem where i have to force myself to type like an excited toddler outside of here with 100 emojis and exclamation points or else people think i'm weird and rude

No. 2280969

i'm done eating thanksgiving and am ready for the guests to LEAVE.

No. 2280976

Omg thank god you weren't my p6 teacher who noticed me having a melt down because my mum decided to give me a sex 101 introduction before school drop off so she could better explain to me what an affair was and my dad was fucking a whore and destroying a family. My teacher gave me extra care and attention without making a scene. My mum started to become physically abusive towards her kids to cope with her marriage and all being hit did to me was make me sneaky with bad behaviour and anxious

No. 2280977

update: this thanksgiving was quite fun, most likely due to me being tipsy for most of the duration. my grinchiness was unwarranted

No. 2280990

Me too, but I stopped doing it this past year because I don't care anymore, they can think what they want. I do use some emoticons ironically though sometimes kek

No. 2280996

Was looking forward to eating thanksgiving dinner but now that's ruined because after eating only a small amount I got too bloated with a stomach ache and nausea, probably period related since normally I'm able to eat more than this

No. 2281000

I hate having to interact with people, the only thing stopping me from going back to being a hikineet is not knowing how to explain the gap in my resumée once I inevitabely run out of savings. Probably a stupid idea but it's tempting to just claim I tried to freelance and just failed because the market is shit or whatever.

No. 2281013

I hate this stupid house. I hate this stupid fucking house. My dad:
>everytime i go into the kitchen, he follows me there, to go "look" into the fridge, to sip coffee he leaves in the kitchen, to take out his food, to go into the terrace to move something, or to put his cup so that he drinks later. Even when im preparing food, he goes into the terrace to smoke. He watches movies all day and the moment i go into the kitchen, he stops the movie and does all of these things. And then has the audacity to ask me "why do you always stop when i come?"
>when im in the terrace listening to music, he sneaks his head and when i turn to see him he goes away. Or he sits down and starts smoking, or goes to move something.
>he is geriatric and alcoholic, so he has urinal incontinence. I used to sit in the living past 12:00pm so i could finally be alone since i my mom and i share a room. No i can't sit there because it reeks of piss. He also cleans his piss with the bathrobe behind the door, so the bathroom always reeks of piss. He also doesn't wash his hands after and walks around in just boxers. The whole house reeks of piss.
>even when he goes to the bathroom he loudly breaths, sighs, grunts, coughs, i can't even not hear him. I even hear him sometimes when doing anything in the kitchen all the way to my room.
> his teeth are rotten and worn out so he can't chew anything other than soft foods. What does he eat? He mixes chicken and chops up rice, salmon, and mixes it with water, then he eats half of it and freezes it, he next day he chops up more food and mixes that with what he froze yesterday, then its half of it again, and freezes the rest, so none of his food actually fresh and has his saliva mixed in. he has like four containers of this in his freezer. But im the crazy one for constantly washing my hands for wanting as little contact as possible.
>he rinses his mouth in the sink and leaves all of the residue to dry in the sink. So everytime i want to wash my hands in the bathroom i have to scrub the sink, and i can't do it after 8:00pm because the water gets cut off at that hour.
>i have to wash my hands after touching almost anything in the kitchen because no matter how much i clean there is food residue in the fridge door, the counters, the microwave and even the soap bottle.

I do have OCD, but am i seriously crazy if im grossed out? The only way i can temporarily overcome it to get through the day is to make my mindset "nothing matters, the house is filthy but it doesn't matter" and try to become as apathetic as possible but it just pisses me off and makes me not want to live. Im gonna kill myself.

No. 2281023

I think I'm quite normal by every metric that matters and even fairly attractive but I've been so lonely my whole life it drives me insane like god has definitely shadow banned me. I'm 22 now which I understand is still young at uni the second time somewhere new and it's still friendless suffering the only thing that takes my mind off it is my hobbies and weed. Idk just kill me I have no patience left for myself.

No. 2281024

Perhaps during this Thanksgiving Americans can have a think about giving the States back to the natives and if not then shut the fuck up about colonialism

No. 2281027

I've been sleeping terribly having constant nightmares after moving to my new flat and I just found out it was built on top of an old graveyard. Leave me tf alone ghosts do not play with me I am not the one

No. 2281030

you're not crazy, that's foul

No. 2281032

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The thing with Emilie Autumn and the AI art stuff is that she genuinely thought it'd work because of all the time she spent bullshitting throughout her career. It's a uniquely millenial "old hat" conceit. She saw people call her out, so instead of backing down, she doubled down with that old sketch, thinking "Everyone loves a great story". She didn't realize it'd make her look worse, and now she's kind of stuck with a massive L. It may have worked in 2005, it's like she has "can't teach an old dog new tricks" syndrome. In general, she doesn't seem to want to create anymore. No good/fun merch, no new music, no new books. That's what's so scary about getting older. I don't want to reach a certain age and just stop evolving mentally or give up on what I want to make. It happens to so many people.

No. 2281043

Why tf do they not make circle lenses in + prescriptions?? I don't buy the bullshit that there isn't a market for it since practically every cosplayer/Jfashion influencer utilizes them. I used to be able to wear non prescription circle lenses just fine until my eyesight gradually deteriorated (I used to wear glasses as a child, stopped wearing them as a teen, and I guess it all reverted) and now I can't see too well without at least a pair of readers on. I wear regular prescription lenses 98% of the time now but I just want to be able to have fun playing around with different colors and styles like I used to because circle lenses really make a look pop. I'll never be able to afford laser eye surgery to fix the issue permanently so I guess i'm stuck missing out on all the fun. Goddammit.

No. 2281046

The states never actually "belonged" to anyone the Indians who'd migrated there first were just living there before the Europeans and Anglos settled there and claimed it as theirs

No. 2281052

>well technically you found this house, you didn't build it. no one's like, a thief or an intruder or anything just because they brought disease, killed half your family and sequestered you to the attic
>get over it lol, the house doesn't belong to anyone
nta but kekkk

No. 2281053

But there was no house built on the land in America that Indians/Asians initially inhabited? Because nobody owned anything

No. 2281054

Ntayrt but are you really crying about something that happened almost 400 years ago

No. 2281056

me too. even the age. but my family never sent me to a university idk why. we probably couldve afforded it. just taking community college classes in my bumfuck town

No. 2281058

I feel abnormal for not being all that interested in dating moids. I feel like the whole 4B movement thing would be my natural route without pressure and influence from society. By society's standards, Im weird and broken for just not finding moids interesting/beneficial. So now I have to stress myself out over winding up with a moid someday so I can be "normal". I just want to go back to not caring about this shit, like how I used to be.

No. 2281060

Why speaking takes so much energy aaa
I wish I could communicating by whispers or signs, speaking makes everything difficult for me because one of my ears often "explodes" internally when I speak and I have no idea how to describe this sensation better. I also hate people who talk too loudly for the same reason. I don't even like asmr type of stuff but I wish we could communicate in less noisy ways, my ears feel like they're not made for listening…

No. 2281061

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ahem, 403 years ago

No. 2281062

this is such a weak way of trying to tiptoe around genocide and subjugation. stop being a pussy.

me to turks, armenians, first world women, jewish people, black people, white people, south koreans, the japanese, indians, china, russians, and everyone else

No. 2281065

Hows that being a pussy though, the Indians never tried to make America a country of their own they just sort of squatted there

No. 2281067

yeah! lets get over shit and sing kumbaya! that is literally what Thanksgiving is all about

No. 2281068

how is this even a vent and also what a dumbass idea. i mean they can and do run for political positions sometimes? you just want every politician to step down and give the positions to random natives in bumfuck montana?

No. 2281069

you thinking the society they built wasn't good enough doesn't justify them being killed/raped and infected with european diseases, sorry

No. 2281070

>Shut the fuck up about colonialism
colonialism hasn’t been a thing since the 1700’s though nonnie. this is why non burgers shouldn’t comment on American culture kek

No. 2281071

too bad that'll never happen and america invests itself in taking advantage of history to create a present that serves the wealthy. keep sucking that fat national cock nonny

No. 2281072

Ok well do you want me to kneel over their graves and apologize on behalf of the pilgrims?(bait)

No. 2281077

>So now I have to stress myself out over winding up with a moid someday so I can be "normal".
No you don't. Especially if you don't plan to give birth to children. Don't ever do something just to fit others' standards and expectations. You're not abnormal just because you don't fit what current society dictates as a norm. Are you simply not interested in relationships period? Do you prefer your own company, other women, pets? Live true to yourself. The feeling of inner peace and being comfortable in your own skin is unmatched. Besides that, finding a decent moid is hard enough for women who actually like men and want their company. You have the freedom to live unbothered by any of that.

No. 2281078

You're either 13 or you were homeschooled. This is a "Earth is flat" level of incorrect statement.

No. 2281089

god i feel the same lately. have never dated anyone or had any romantic or sexual experiences and honestly dont want to. people treat sex and romance like it has the most value of anything ever but i honestly dont care. men seem very selfish and boring anyways

No. 2281090

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is that your fetish or something? a certain subset of people are very weird about this, it's always
>this bad thing happened
>no it didn't/it was actually ok
>yes it did/no it wasn't, what the fuck
>ok WELL do you want me to kneel down and beg for mercy and lick their feet, go to different parts of the country in chains with my buddies, wear a sign on my neck reading "so sorry" and let these people FUCK MY WIFE as REPARATIONS??? is that what you want???
try just being normal or something, only narcs center everything about how much they hate themselves or how they totally dindu nuffin. maybe look to political organizations that represent whatever people are being talked about and listening to them kek

No. 2281094

I WISH IT WAS JERMA. It would make sense being attracted to him since he is quirky and funny enough, but no. I'm not that lucky.

No. 2281108

Nta but can you shut up like stuff some corn bread in your mouth please(infighting)

No. 2281111

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I'm starting to like a guy and I really hate it, because the way I like people isn't healthy at all. I become obsessive and dependent on his attention and have a lot of bad thoughts. My self-esteem is destroyed. Fuck, I was feeling so peaceful not caring about anyone. Why is it happening again?

No. 2281113

if you don't want someone to keep posting about something, the absolute best thing you can do is not reply things like "omg shut uppp". if you do reply, it's basically just bait to try and drag it on. just a tip for the future, nonna.

No. 2281115

she is my personal fucking evil succubus demon haunting my mind it literally feels like a curse this just isn't normal this is demonic ic ould really believe that if i was religious because it is actually sucking the life out of me and so out of left field to all of the rest of my past until her. i want her banished from my mind palace but also i want to disappear into these soul-overtaking fantasies. see that's the demon curse talking. is what i would say if i believed in demons.

No. 2281116

Welp it was explosive diarrhea happy shitsgiving everyone

No. 2281117

I think i’d venture to say that foreigners having a shitfit about Thanksgiving events of 499 years ago are baiting more than me for saying ‘please shut up’

No. 2281118

Nope I went to public school and thats what they taught me nona

No. 2281119

why do you assume everyone's a foreigner, and why do you do so while using french quotation marks? are you a larper? kekkkkk

No. 2281121

What is french about not using “ “ ? Also the original post was obviously a non burger complaining about Thanksgiving keek

No. 2281122

ntayrt but what the heck are french quotes

No. 2281123

It's not possible to LARP as American because technically anyone can be American

No. 2281124

french and other non burger users tend to use ‘ rather than ' or "

i thought it was pretty clear that more people than the OP were discussing the subject, lmao

No. 2281125

this might be a big shock to you but in America we believe in freedom, which means we have the freedom to use both ' and " interchangably

No. 2281127

Well the big long paragraph crying about how much you hate Americans who don’t give a shit about crimes committed by our ancestors (i.e. , crimes we did not commit) kind of sounds like it was written by an angsty non burger who makes their hatred for Americans their whole personality

No. 2281130

sorry, i just don't buy that you're an american. you're gonna have to post a photo of your passport and your social security number, or just give up here and stop larping. it doesn't have to be this way, just immigrate (legally!) and you're home-free, friend.

No. 2281133

Millennials aren’t very funny

No. 2281134

what "big long paragraph"? are you ESL or something? and where exactly is the hatred toward americans, kek?

No. 2281136

>what do americans think about?
>ummm zoomers and millenials

No. 2281137

Did you actually read the posts you were responding to? Anon, this post >>2281108 (which you responded to here >>2281113 )
is in response to this post >>2281090

No. 2281138

ntayrt but scroll up and read the original post, we're not your babysitter and its not our job to spoonfeed you

No. 2281139

That post doesn’t say “what do Americans think of this” though

No. 2281140

that's not a big long paragraph, it's 4 lines of greentext, and it doesn't mention americans. do you think it's only (or even mainly) americans that act that way or something? the people in that image are british. maybe work on your reading comprehension.

No. 2281141

Nta but Op's comment is one of those edgelordian
>Americans need to think about what they've done!!
posts, when all of the Americans who actually did commit atrocities against Natives are already dead

No. 2281145

The conversation we're having is about Americans and Thanksgiving (you know, an American holiday) though nona. also how am I supposed to telepathically know that they're not American though? I'm obviously going to assume we're talking about Americans, because thats the topic of discussion.

No. 2281148

nta but the post was responding to a comment that was about the american/indian dynamic

No. 2281149

it's pretty clearly aimed at >>2281072 and people that act that way in particular ("a certain subset of people"), not all americans. and idk, those photos have been floating around for years, and google is always available.

No. 2281152

I'm OP. All you Americans are retarded I was having an argument with a faggot burger on Reddit and he kept calling me a coloniser cause I'm British kek

No. 2281154

>google is always available
What does this even mean? You expect me to do research on weird white people slave line pictures in the middle of a lolcow conversation about thanksgiving lmao?

No. 2281155

That doesn't make any sense at all? How would british people be colonizing anything if they're still british and never became American

No. 2281156

you're seething and misreading posts on lolcow, so i think you have time for that, yeah kekkk

No. 2281157

that's not what was implied?

No. 2281158

Idk what is confusing you so much. I wrote a vent after some moid kept calling me a coloniser just because I'm British. Not the first time I've heard an American online use that as an insult.

No. 2281160

It's not really seething to not know that the people in the picture were british

No. 2281162

you seem pretty flustered about it

No. 2281164

not all americans are retarded or in support of what happened, though? that much is clear.

No. 2281165

Where exactly, anon? We're having a conversation about Americans on thanksgiving

No. 2281167

Americans who are alive now didn't have any power over what was happening at the time though so our opinions on the events of the 1620's don't matter

No. 2281169

here: >>2281154 and >>2281137
i think you should calm down, you just misinterpreted the post and got weirdly hung up on the british thing. shit happens lol

No. 2281170

i think everyone who learns about history and politics disagrees with you. homeschooling is not good nonny.

No. 2281171

I don't really see anyone whos not being civil right now anon

No. 2281172

>you seem pretty flustered
>you need to calm down
nta but this doesn’t even really read as an infight to me right now just a mildly aspergian disagreement

No. 2281173

then you can relax, it's okay

No. 2281174

Who's been talking about home schooling? We're talking about Thanksgiving

No. 2281175

a previous anon mentioned it, scroll up.

No. 2281176

Oh but nona we're not talking about thanksgiving. We're talking about the poor treatment of the indigenous population of the Americas by settlers who always insert themselves into global politics but would struggle to point most countries out on a map

No. 2281177

Nona I am relaxed about this discussion, I'm just stating my opinion that you can't really expect people to give a shit about things that we had no power over

No. 2281179

File: 1732850130277.jpg (138.09 KB, 736x736, c6dd7250d9c06fba4e46db6db609ee…)

i will never have this

No. 2281180

No actually the original post is about how people think Americans should think about what happened to the Indians on Thanksgiving, if you scroll up

No. 2281181

you didn't state that, though. are you posting in multiple threads?

No. 2281182

Anon I wrote the first post after I had an argument with a moid. You're actually very slow and possibly retarded

No. 2281183

NTA but you sound mildly autistic, i'm not convinced this is the right conversation for you.

No. 2281185

Here, let me help you out:

I don't know why you're calling me slow when the post authored verbatim says
>Perhaps during this Thanksgiving Americans can have a think about giving the States back to the natives and if not then shut the fuck up about Colonialism

No. 2281186

They're either the most boring troll alive and/or autistic

No. 2281189

Why does everyone slap the word autism on literally everything these days? That's not what autism is. Autism is a neurological disability. Me reading a post about thanksgiving and being capable of reading the words on the screen is actually not a sign of autism.

No. 2281191

Yeah. It just so happens a yank had a go at me on their turkey hallmark holiday of thanking the natives for rolling over to militia warfare and disease. A funny coincidence

No. 2281192

that was you? that just means you got a reply here >>2281090 and just yelled "reeee shut up!!!" because you couldn't actually argue with the suggestion given or the observation made, and now you're trying to pretend your dumb posts represent all americans. this is embarrassing, kek.

No. 2281193

Nta but a lot of people think a mild misunderstanding or miscommunication = autism now

No. 2281194

Your reading comprehension isn't good at all for an adult perhaps you should be tested

No. 2281195

find a carer

No. 2281196

Actually the shut up comment wasn't mine, you must be new here if you don't know what the acronym NTA stands for kek

No. 2281197

No it's the over fixation of a small detail in a bigger picture and lack of reading comprehension you would expect from an adult

No. 2281198

I think my reading comprehension is perfectly fine, considering that the post is implying that Americans should "think about what we've done" on thanksgiving. I'm not sure how you'd expect me to inuit that OP got into a fight with a man and was letting off steam via that post, anon.

No. 2281199

my bad, i forgot that post read "NTA". what i meant was, you yelled "well it's big long paragraph about hating americans!!!" because you couldn't actually argue with the suggestion given or the observation made, and now you're trying to pretend your dumb posts represent all americans. this is embarrassing, kek.

No. 2281200

NTA but what small detail was I fixating on? Could you please maybe tag those posts for me?

No. 2281201

>NTA but what small detail was I fixating on?
KEK, busted

No. 2281202

When did I claim or pretend that I speak for all Americans? I stated my personal opinion.

No. 2281203

I'm asking kindly, what detail do you think I was fixated on? Because I read the post and responded accordingly based off what the post verbatim states..

No. 2281205

none of you can possibly care this much about indians. go eat some pecan pie or something oh my god let it go

No. 2281206

when you pretended >>2281090 was aimed at americans in general, not just yourself and other strange individuals, including those from britain.

No. 2281209

IMO, it's not very kind to pretend to be a different anon for the sake of an argument.

No. 2281210

What post did I make claiming that that was targeted at all Americans?

No. 2281211

America is a country founded by immigrants desecrating the native populations. I wrote the original post. I know what the intent of the words mean. They were aimed at retards like the one I encountered that uses the word coloniser as a slur against brits. How ironic on this day that faggot had the gall. I'm sure the irony is lost on him because the American public school system seems fucking atrocious

No. 2281212

Anon, the mods can see our post histories. It's impossible to pretend to be multiple anons at once because you'd just get redtexted or all of your posts would be deleted.

No. 2281213

I had a pretty retarded holiday. I realized that my family is kind of abhorrent. Which means by extension I am in my own way. I've been trying to "grow up" and not focus on the negatives and instead try and focus on gratitude for family members. But then we all got together and
my little brother is an abusive piece of shit to his girlfriend, inheriting the verbal abuse my mom threw at both of us when we were young and my father's lack of empathy. He wanted to break up with her because of some mistrust about cheating (he's cheated in a past relationship and now he's wigging out about her possibly cheating) and they break up and get back together and blah blah it's a whole mess and long story short I have no sympathy for him and a lot for her.
Also my mother randomly blurted out that it should be her right as a homeowner to only choose to rent to white people. We were having a hypothetical discussion about renting to people and she just blurted it out. My mom is a boomer but has never said anything so water-on-the-brain retarded in a long time. Perfect timing for the political party in power that wants to uproot every regulation and policy we have and throw it into a blender. maybe my mother will fulfill her hypothetical dream of becoming the ultimate racist landlord. My dad just sucks period, I can't even get into it here. Fuck my life.

And the worst part is if I call them out aggressively instead of what I did (basically "uhhh mom that's illegal you know. you can't do that." and started talking over her when she started chuckling like it was a silly little comment) my parents would basically act like I'm ruining thanksgiving by not putting up with the stupid shit coming out of their mouths. I'm ashamed of them.

No. 2281214

No. 2281215

ok it’s time to go back to venting let’s wrap it the fuck up

No. 2281216

so why did you try to do that?

No. 2281218

In neither of those posts do I say the words "this post is targeted at Americans", I assumed we were discussing Americans because the conversation we were having was about Americans and the comment was also responding to Americans and the topic of an American holiday
Do you wanna tag what posts that you think are all the same person?

No. 2281219

mods dead confirmed

No. 2281220

this was probably the lamest baiting ever. do better next time (and get tested for autism), nonny.

No. 2281221

Is this a new form of bait? Accusing other anons of baiting when they write a coherent, well thought out response to you?

No. 2281222

>NTA but what small detail was I fixating on?

Holy fuck I'm not that anon (NTA) you replied too, but in the green text you wrote, "Not that anon (NTA), but what detail was I

You're either a retard, a retard trying to samefag or a retard

No. 2281224

i can’t put my arms down!!!

No. 2281225

nta but nona you might wanna at least finish writing your post before hitting reply

No. 2281226

reply again if you think you're in love with me

No. 2281227


No. 2281228

just report and ignore mommy

No. 2281229

Repetition is used for emphasis

No. 2281230


No. 2281236

I genuinely hate living in an apartment so much, the stress and sleep deprivation from having annoying inconsiderate neighbors is negatively impacting me. last apartment I lived in I had a schizophrenic scrote living below me who would scream and yell (usually with all his windows open of course) and he would sometimes blast music. there were also a group of drug dealing asshole scrotes living above me that would constantly party and do drugs and blast annoying music daily at all hours of the night. now I'm living in a different place but still in an apartment and the jobless shitstain scrotes above me blast music, stomp around, drag furniture across their floor, yell and basically make noise 24/7 plus the obese unkempt hobbyless loser next door blasts her tv constantly. I wish I could win some money in a lottery or something, I just want to be able to afford a small house without any attached neighbors in a quiet safe neighborhood. I can't live the rest of my life hearing constant disturbing loud noise because I'm forced to share walls and ceilings/floors with the dregs of society.

No. 2281239

I hate holidays bro leave me out of all of them. I dont even care for Halloween anymore. Everyone puts on this fake facade when they know deep down they hate this shit too. Like why is it 11pm and no one has said grace or did any of this kumbaya bullshit. But if I just go to bed IM the asshole

No. 2281243

the guests left and we're done cleaning. we have so much leftover. turkey as always is so dry.

No. 2281274

I was never a very smart or studious person which is basically a death sentence in our society. I am unable to concentrate for long periods of time and am especially bad at math or logical thinking. I am a very quiet person so I befriended the quiet, smart and studious girls in my school. Oral performance is 50% at schools in my country so teachers usually assumed that I was somewhere in the range of my friends who were always perfect. I cheated on almost all of my exams. I did it because I know that doing well in school means getting into university. And getting into university means landing a better job. Sounds edgy af but for me it was about survival. I am now getting a degree and still cheating on all of the exams. I am not a very bright student and a lot of the topics give me headaches. But we are allowed to use a law book in all of our exams and I basically became really good at art forgery. I still have another year to go. I fucking hate school and studying. But if you want to be successful you either are an extrovert that knows how to connect with people or be smart and good at math so you can get a stem degree. I suck at both so I have to find a different way.

No. 2281275

Been officially dating this guy for one day and asked him what life would look like if we were married , just as a hypothetical. He says he expects me to do everything around the house because he would let me live with him “rent free”. Sorry but wtf do you mean rent free? Who refers to their wife as living with them rent free . That’s the bare minimum. I know some people here are going to say that’s a fair thing for him to say and that often couples go 50 50 but not in my culture and also rent free is a crazy way of putting it

No. 2281276


No. 2281277

You’re not going to believe me but everything about this is me to a T. The last month of my masters I emailed my professor and pretended I was hospitalized to get out of doing a major project . No, I was just burnt out and severely depressed and too dumb to do it.

No. 2281295

>I know some people here are going to say that’s a fair thing for him to say and that often couples go 50 50
i doubt any farmers would, he sounds vile. if he thinks he's got cash he can pay for a cleaning service.

No. 2281337

File: 1732864815951.jpg (270.5 KB, 1143x1200, 1726251708009.jpg)

All i want is a decently looking boyfriend that is kind and sweet and not some insane right leaning extremely misogynistic dude. Men like this are so hard to find in the country i live in unless they are gay, everyone is so radicalized here the only guys who hit on me were all weird conservatives, please free me from this shithole.

No. 2281345

i just took 2.1g of mushrooms and everything was a lot…. like too much. i feel like the weight of the world is in my chest.

No. 2281346

also, i feel like a stupid baby

No. 2281348

I fucking hate my ex so fucking much I hope he suffers through the entitled bullshit he put me through.

Literally tried having sex with an unconcious women yet still walks around thinking nothing wrong of this? even though he claims to be such a feminist, and LGBTQ too! he's just a chimp, waiting for his satisfaction unnable to do anything that doesn't give dopamine immediately. I've always worked hard for what I have, due to my poor upbringing, and this motherfucker told me he had it similar even though he's 21 living at home with NO job and NO future school, literally sitting at home playing pokemon and other shitty online games all day. He's a balding alcoholic but if you dare bring this up he will cry. Motherfucker NOTHING bad has happened in your life yet you act like such a fucking victim, get a grip, I hope he suicides as he will never put in the effort to improve, at least he won't harass women anymore

No. 2281351

How are you feeling nonnie?

No. 2281359

In a small server with a moid who I can't fucking stand, he's such a gross pervert and obnoxious leech, tries to make everything into a sex joke and tries so hard to be funny or accepted. It's my close friend's server and I guess he's kind of her online friend, she also said point-blank that he's annoying and doesn't like him yet still entertains his pathetic attempts for validation. He posted a vent about being suicidal and I so badly want to suicide-bait him from an alt account but my conscious keeps telling me it's a bad idea. It's hypocritical of me since I'm also suicidal and have probably thought/posted very similarly to his vents so it would probably just backfire on me, but god I wish he would actually go through with it.

No. 2281361

Discord scrotes are sex pests

No. 2281365

Everything will be okay and if it's scary just remember time passes and it will get better. Try and enjoy yourself though! Do something you enjoy.

No. 2281384

I want to leave America but I know I have nothing to offer another country.

No. 2281385

I called in sick for a uni seminar but Im not but I have a presentation today I dont want to do. Now everyone will be dissapointed in me

No. 2281391

I wish I could do that but they require proof.

No. 2281413

My mom abandonned me six month ago, can you imagine how much of a piece of shit you have to be for your own mother to cut you off from her life ? I wish it didn't hurt me as bad but it really does.

No. 2281419

My dad is a fucking moron who couldnt stop breeding and had me at 43 and now I have a fucked up genetic disorder that no doctor has ever heard of because his geriatric sperm was riddled with mutations. I have so many issues with basically every part of my body and I will probably die of cancer. I don't know why anyone would willingly do this to a child. The man has 8 fucking toes and 9 fingers and he didnt stop for one second to think hmmm maybe I shouldnt reproduce

No. 2281433

File: 1732874751188.png (251.4 KB, 587x444, IMG_9337.png)

still not over fumbling the 6ft+ wasian with nice hands and dimples.

No. 2281496

God I hate working in a male dominated field and as if it is not stressful enough, when there is finally another woman around turns out she is a hardcore PICKME and fucks you over more than a moid. As if men aren't sociopathic towards women enough, a good number of women support that shit because they think what? Men are suddenly gonna have empathy towards them?

I am turning misanthropic

No. 2281499

Going to the employment center today after avoiding it for a bit (I was working before but recently became unemployed). Last time I went the woman there straight up told me I shouldn't have any anxiety and be better off in life at my age (I'm in my mid 20s) and acted really mean and condescending for no reason. Like sure I know I'm a failure and should have a steady job by now and not still be looking but I was literally there because I'm trying to do something with my life kek? Like why react like this when I'm just trying to go out and get a job again. Plus I was in college and already had a job before so it's not like I wasn't doing anything, so it just felt totally uncalled for. So now I just feel anxious about going again, doesn't help that last time I went they barely even helped me out.

No. 2281500

Anon ignore her you’re taking control of your life and doing something about it and she’s a dumb bitch. Going to the Jobcentre is hard as fuck and people who’ve never done it don’t realise how difficult it is to lay your cards out and do something about your life and anon you’re doing it and I love you

No. 2281505

You're doing an amazing job and fuck whatever anyone else says. It's not easy to take accountability for the things that happen in your life, hence why most people continue to be shit instead of improving and seeking out help. I'm proud of you nonna, you have nothing to be ashamed or embarrassed of.

No. 2281516

Nonas I’m scared my tampon broke my hymen. Usually I can feel the wall that the tampon stops at/pokes but this month I cant and I remember feeling a sharp pain when I was pulling it out on the first day of my period this month. My family is religious which is why this scares me, I only recently switched to tampons since they’re much easier to walk around in

No. 2281518

Another year, another holiday season of wanting to end my life.
I can’t do it anymore, not for another year. I think I’ll very much do it once I secure a carer for my cats.

No. 2281530

I've never seen anyone working in an employment center who didn't have a negative IQ, so don't listen to that woman and cheer up.

No. 2281546

File: 1732888986699.webp (84.74 KB, 800x929, AllMatters_typesofhymen_blog.w…)

The hymen never leaves the body, anon. There's typically a hole inside it. If you had no hole there (or a very tiny hole/small holes), you'd most likely have to get surgery to prevent complications with menstruation and/or sex.
The hole can stretch a bit wider and/or thin out, but it grows back over time. Just be careful when you insert/remove tampons.

No. 2281548

She probably tells herself that shit when she looks in the mirror because she's older than you and ended up working at an employment center. It's bitterness, and likely envy. Don't take any of it to heart, you're doing great nonny.

No. 2281550

Incels shouldn't even be a thing. What do you mean involuntary celibate? Somehow I see cute girls with the most ugly, hairy, fat, disgusting old men in the world. Just go on /g/ and see the unconventional men thread. And the worst part is that they feel GENUINE love for these creatures. Males shouldn't call themselves incels. I'm the real involuntary celibate. I'm the one who will never be loved. I will never find a girlfriend because SSA women are already pretty rare. Some are in relationships. And I don't trust a lot of people because of one girl I knew who swore she was lesbian but got a boyfriend anyway. Other support trannies. And I'm an undesirable ethnicity on top of that. KEK. "Incels" have it so easy

No. 2281577

I don't get it either, the ones who are crying about being an incel the most don't even want change because then they won't receive male validation. I don't think you're an incel though maybe involuntarily single

No. 2281606

>undesirable ethnicity
I expect all sorts of insults for this but in the creative queer lefty scene, if you are not white and make yourself known as being SSA you will have all the pussy thrown at you that you can handle. The only problem will be navigating who is just looking for a fetishistic queer PoC experience uwu and who is actually looking for a relationship.

No. 2281628

Yeah, I can't stand kweerios. I'd like someone who doesn't give a fuck about the TQ+ and gendie shit. I also don't want them to feel like they have to get with me because of muh diversity or some forced woke shit. I just want to have a normal relationship like anyone else

No. 2281716

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Rejection from women feel so fucking awful. Been trying to reach out to get more normie friends, or at the very least non-spergy nerd friends. The only normie people I get along with are moids, but I want a stronger feminine circle but I always end up finding out I'm either the pet oddball or the only one in the group that isn't a part of their group chats despite me being the one that is pushed to arrange get-togethers at my place.
I always work hard to contain my power level, I'm pretty sure I'm not weird and I always try to meet people where they are mentally and personality-wise. But still, that is not enough. Every time I get hurt like this I just want to die.
I have a small circle I've had for many years, I love them but they are handmaidens and a bit spergy. I want to have a wider circle of people around me so I can always ask for opinions from people from a completely different point of view, and experience different types of people so I can constantly evolve as a person. But I guess I'm too much of a loser for people to bother with.

No. 2281719

I have no energy I feel so heavy and sluggish like Kiersten dunst with chains around her legs in melancholia. I can’t tell if I’m just depressed or my body is actually exhausted.

No. 2281733

samefag, thinking about it now I've realized it has kind escalated my social anxiety, which probably makes me a bit off-putting. I've developed a slight stutter and stumble on my words more nowadays because I'm so scared of being judged and hurt that I look like even more of a fucking loser. No wonder people don't like me.

No. 2281739

Nona don't beat yourself up. Normies kind of suck to be honest, no offense to them but they're so sensitive to anything even slightly out of the norm. Like you could be wearing the wrong brand of shoes and they'd have something to say about it. If you stutter a bit and they don't like it, imagine how you'd feel if you did manage to befriend them and they then went on to trash talk a different girl for stuttering or something else equally harmless. I know you'll find friends it just takes a while and can be awkward and scary sometimes

No. 2281750

i think im actually retarded. i always think "oh yeah this is it" but when i say it, it eventually falls flat. i can never read the room well. its kind of keekky how i put so much effort into my own thoughts to try and keep up with a conversation, i feel like an alien pretending to be a human.

No. 2281762

File: 1732897700192.gif (496.2 KB, 500x341, tumblr_madghtZUsa1rx8lgjo1_500…)

yesterday I wore really tight shoes, which caused blisters on both feet. Today I wore different shoes because I had another busy day and while the one on my right feet looks as it did yesterday, the one on my left feet (between two toes) got so much bigger. It now has the size of a damn pea (or even bigger than that) and not only is it uncomfortable, but it also looks super disgusting. I've read that you are not allowed to pop those things. fuck.

No. 2281777

That's understandable but also makes you a volcel, not an incel

No. 2281787

>AI is a free psychologist
I do this out of desperation and I'd say it's about as close to a psychologist as reading a well tailored self help book is. It's better than nothing, and probably better than a bad untrained counsellor, but at the end of the day you know you're just talking to an interactive book. It can't actually pass judgement and advise you, you are alone and you have 0 accountability if you decide to ignore what it tells you to do because you're there only person in the conversation.

No. 2281796

I wish i had whatever normie women have that makes them find fullfillment in male validation and being a martyr

No. 2281813

>It can't actually pass judgement and advise you, you are alone and you have 0 accountability if you decide to ignore what it tells you to do
Unfortunately a lot of psychologists are like this too, they only help you with resources to calm yourself down and never give real advice, you make your own choices

No. 2281817

does it freak anyone else out that thyroid cancer is on the rise in young adults?

No. 2281823

Omg the new audio girl is so annoying and loud, she's always trying to be the center of attention at all times. She's never quiet, she has to sing or say something or laugh loudly when everyone is trying to work. I try to ignore it but sometimes it's too much. Maybe I'm not entirely normal myself but fuuuckk I'm currently at the before waiting for my headache to get better.

No. 2281824

No I actually feel really optimistic about cancer in general
With the rapid advancements in medicine I'm almost completely sure it will be easily curable very soon

No. 2281826

File: 1732901256254.png (1.13 MB, 1134x841, PELTOR-X5A-AUTISTICTIC-1.png)

been using earmuffs 24/7 for years now, even and especially while trying to sleep
my face skin is starting to peel from constant irritation

No. 2281828

Idk nonna sometimes I get freaked out because I’ve heard so many stories about chemotherapy and radiation therapy making cancer worse or causing it to spread. And it just makes me cringe internally, the idea of really young adults and teenagers being diagnosed with cancer

No. 2281835

I really encourage you to follow medical news, it will shift your entire worldview away from a doomer perspective. We are making giant strides

No. 2281843

they're never gonna cure cancer it makes a lot of money

No. 2281844

literally exactly this!! why would they cure cancer when they can keep sucking people dry?

No. 2281847

even more money if it causes side effects and the doctors assisting you quemo dont do anything or give you any help so you have to go to another doctor to fix your problems

No. 2281850

I had a fight(?) with my neighbors and now feel uncomfortable at home lol. It's a young couple, so I hope they'll just get pregnant soon and then move out again because I know for a fact realistically their apartment is too small to raise a child there.

No. 2281868

1) "They" and their loved ones are gonna get cancer just like everyone else
2) I know some "they's" doing medical research in Big Pharma
Keep that shit in the tinfoil thread

No. 2281898

I hate that being a bald woman with piercings seems to make people think I'm very confident and makes them want to approach me. I'm retarded and agoraphobic so I always forget to smile and speak in a monotone voice like a freak. If I'm relaxed I love talking to women about being bald and my piercings, but it's rare for me to be in that headspace outside. I've been shaving my head since I was a teenager and I can't recognize myself (and feel ugly kek) without my piercings so I cope since I'm most likely never going to change up my look. I just wish it didn't make people stare at me like I'm an alien or approach me for seemingly no reason.

No. 2281907

I hope my dad drops dead

No. 2281923

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same with my dad, nonna!

No. 2281965

Going to a new restaurant in the city alone, what’s new. If I don’t do things alone,
I’ll never do them. No friends, no one.

No. 2282065

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My TiM brother is here for thanksgiving. If any nonas remember me, I’m the one with the troon brother who got massive bolt-ons as part of his gender affirming surgery or whatever the fuck. While here he has brought up bras and how hard it is to find a bra no less than five times. He keeps showing me shitty comics that are suppose to be relatable about how hard bras are to shop for. He’s complained how he has called multiple stores asking if they accept TiM clients for a fitting and they have all said no. He obviously wanted me to volunteer to measure him or give advice but I just have a flat “oh wow” when he was complaining about not being catered to.

I’ve literally never talked about bras or bra fittings with any of my actual female friends as much as he is forcing it on me. If it’s that important to him he can figure it out himself like 99% of women are forced to do. I refuse to be forced into a handmaiden role by default because we are related. I hope his cone tits make him sick.

No. 2282084

not particularly, there's some preliminary research suggesting there could be a link between thyroid cancer and vaping. between a lot of cancers and vaping, actually. i would caution vaping anything except for weed. but weed also is concerning due to contaminants… but there are contaminants in literally everything now.
i know a lot of people in radiation oncology. radiation therapy should not make cancer spread. it consists of precisely hitting the tumors with a strong dose of radiation. what can make cancer worse or spread is not adhering to your treatment plan. the centers will reschedule patients who don't take their treatments ASAP, even working over time because patients show up 5 hours late to their appointments. there are some cases where people will develop cancer after successfully being treated with radiation but that is VERY rare. i would say having cancer twice is better than dying from cancer once but circumstances definitely vary.
chemo is far from perfect but it's saved countless lives in the decades its been used. immunotherapy is going to replace chemotherapy eventually and it's VERY promising. if you have someone you love with cancer, please ask their oncologist about immunotherapy to find if it is an option for them.
i know someone who had an aggressive kind of kidney cancer that couldn't be treated with radiation or chemo. he was able to have experimental immunotherapy almost a decade ago and is still alive to this day. he also isn't frail or visibly weakened from it.
this is not true. if you live in the US being blackpilled about the healthcare industry is understandable but understand that the US isn't the whole world. also some cancers are already 'curable' and the vast majority of ones are treatable with existing and new treatments.

No. 2282088

Good, go alone and have fun instead of just waiting for others to agree to follow you and then try to change your plans to your liking.

No. 2282135

that's super creepy, good on you for grey rocking and not giving in.

No. 2282147

i have a myomectomy major surgery scheduled for next friday. im freaking out bad right now. i could staight up die nonas. its basically the same recovery as a c-section as they'll be cutting me open and through my stomach muscles to pull out my uterus and remove a large fibroid. this whole thing has been so stressful with arranging to be off work and get short term disability cause my surgeon says i should take 6 weeks off work to recover. i didnt work out or eat well and didnt cut back on weed likei should have an now theres only a week and im afraid im gonna bleed out on the table and am shaking yall. plus my last internet bill didnt go through so i had to ask my mom for $100 until i get paid and just realizing they'll want more money on dec 1st which i dont have. everything is fucked and im scared.

No. 2282183

My life is a big fat joke and everything is always stolen from me. What even am I anymore.

No. 2282185

I’ve vented about feeling hated by cashiers before, but this time I’m really not reading into things. There’s this one middle aged woman who always wishes everyone in line a nice day except for me. I’ve been avoiding her because of this, but today she was the only one working so I had to go to her register. This time not only did she not greet me, but when I asked for the receipt, she threw it in the trash. I just stood there assuming she was going to print out a new one, but then she started scanning the next person’s items. Honestly I’m not resilient enough to handle situations like this over and over, it’s not making me stronger or helping my anxiety, it’s making me hate myself more. I feel like a disgusting subhuman, disrespected and hated by everyone.

No. 2282192

I'm sorry to read that you're in such stressful situation, anon. Focus on your health and don't worry about asking for money, your mother should understand, and if she doesn't ask her anyway. Try to stick to the pre-surgery protocol as much as you can. If you don't have any weird prexisting blood conditions you'll be fine, but stick to the rules just for 1 week so you feel more relaxed before the surgery. I think it's much more important that you take care of yourself AFTER the surgery. Everything will go well ♥

No. 2282208

I'm getting real sick and tired of one of my friends constantly talking about how she's "attracted to all women and maybe 2 men" and yet you can guess who she exclusively dates and cries to me about. I'm not even a lesbian but no wonder lesbians despise this bihet behavior kek

No. 2282212

If I were you I would disguise myself as someone else very convingcingly (fake voice included) and buy some stuff, then I'd be nice to her and, just if she's actually nice to me like she's to everyone else, then I would unmask myself right in front of her and see her reaction. Or you could go to her register with another person (relative, friend, whatever) and proceed to be nice to her, see what she does if you have another person by your side. If she remains a sour bitch I say you should stalk her and mess with her in minecraft. Anon you don't deserve to deal with any of that.

No. 2282213

I have a former HS friend who whines all the time about his boobs hurting now that he's on HRT. Ew, moobs.

No. 2282225

I'm bisexual but I hate bisexuals because of this

No. 2282228

Copied my entire personality, fine. But now my accent too? Bitch you're a fucking bong that speaks like a roadman, why have you stolen my accent now too?

No. 2282230

Samefag I hate the "all women" shit. No you're not attracted to all women, let's be realistic in terminology. This just sounds like aesthetic attraction at best and so you look nlog or something like that at worst. If she was younger and on tiktok she would definitely post shit like "uwu imagine if we were both girls and held hands and wore strawberry dresses". Barf.

No. 2282235

thank you. i think if i have one week of being as healthy as i can it'll help, even if just mentally.

No. 2282238

holy fucking shit i hate criminals and i hate women who defend them and talk about muh muh human rights. are you fucking retarded? what about OUR human rights that they keep on violating but the justice system does nothing about it? i believe criminals and women who defend them MUST be sentenced to death and nothing of value will be lost. how are you a woman defending a fucking rapist, you utterly low iq scum? god, i hate her, she’s a fucking cunt, a pick me, a fucking maid.

i live in a quiet suburb but our neighborhood has been plagued by crime this past year, there have been multiple rapes, car thefts and home invasions with assault rifles and MACHINE GUNS, like what the fuck is this shit? it’s to the point that you can’t sleep in peace at night and living this paranoid is so tiring, my sleep pattern is completely fucked up. whenever i hear or think i see something from the corner of my eye, i panic.

last night, a disgraceful vandal, thug, criminal, hoodlum, etc. tried to break into a neighbors house with a gun and a big ass knife and she sent an audio crying asking for help, it was about 12 am so everyone went outside to help her, kicked the criminal and someone beat the disgrace with a bat (deserved, but a bullet would’ve been better) and then this BITCH that lives in the neighborhood too, who has a home restaurant and feeds criminal looking males comes crying and screaming, making a big deal out of it, starts recording us and talks about ‘his human rights’ and how he is a ‘defenseless man’ AND THREATENS US. what’s wrong with this retard? i legit hope he breaks into her house, and i don’t care if he kills her, if she ever asks for help, we decided that we won’t be helping her. she’s so retarded and thinks she can defend herself, yeah good luck defending yourself from criminals with guns and knives with peace and love, kekkkkkk. she loves defending criminals and it’s probably one of the hoodlums she’s fucking.

i will call the department of health on her stupid ass a thousand times, i’m pretty sure her food permit isn’t up to date because that shit looks unhygienic as FUCK, she has been living here for two years max and came out of nowhere. that home restaurant used to have another name and owner (they dated), and the food was actually great but now she changed the name, the quality changed and the clientele too, it's mostly dodgy-looking moids and truckers. sometimes you can even see RATS outside like who the fuck allows this shit restaurant to stay open? it’s all so bleak, no one knows where the previous owner went, they could’ve killed him for all we know. this sounds bad but i can only hope that someone kills her in hope of this shit ending, because before her arrival we never had break-ins and actually had peace.

i hate living in latin america, i hate living in fear, i hate knowing that i’ll probably never be able to leave this shit continent permanently at least in a legal way, i hate how this country has turned into a shithole so quickly, i hate how a moid can assault, rape and kill, walk free and have a hundred maids caping for his subhuman ass and his human rights. i hate our justice system. what a fucking joke. i hate this and i want to die

No. 2282297

Thanks nonnas, I appreciate your encouraging words a lot. I went by now and everything was okay, turns out today it was a different person working there so I felt relieved I didn't have to deal with the other woman that was rude to me, I was treated just fine this time around. I'm hoping it leads to me finding employment again soon, I hate how anxious I get about these things but I'm trying to power through.

No. 2282315

He can measure his goddamn self. What a creep.

No. 2282322

It's post holiday cleaning day and I'm having an autoimmune flare up. If I can post here with swollen hands I can certainly vacuum and do dishes too but still, I hate this shit kek

No. 2282351

My family pisses me the hell off. I wish i could legally disown them all. They never speak to me unless they want something, usually money!

The delusional bitches were poor their whole lives and think i owe them because they “took care of me”. Yeah, you also made me the sole bread winner as a teenager, took all my money, tried to discourage me from moving out so i could keep working. Then when i moved away, demonized me to anyone who’d listen.

I’m no contact but these bitches pop up like roaches every few months. Sending me photos of bills and their empty fridge. God just leave me the hell alone!!!

No. 2282355

I've became antisemitic in the past week and it's legitimately made me super fucking depressed when you realize Jews control everything. Overrepresented in medicine, entertainment, law, tech, etc. They are the CEOs of every industry and pushed for institutionalized segregation in the form of suburbs. Not only that but they popularized and legalized pornography in the US and eventually worldwide. Jews are why Americans send billions to Israel every year that could be used for our citizens. They also have all the benefits of white privilege while still being considered an "oppressed minority" in the modern day. How the fuck am I supposed to be happy with this information? Should I just kill myself? What can someone like me even do?(/pol/ tard)

No. 2282364

Move on from things way outside your control? You're doing the same to the impending doom of climate change and war and various other things.

No. 2282365

Why does the part that they're jewish bother you though? They're a small number of jewish elites who don't represent the larger group any more than US billionaires represent you or your values. And what about all the shit heads in charge and positions of power who aren't jewish, do they get off for free because they happen to not be jewish?

No. 2282378

is /pol/ open on your other tab? kek what the fuck

No. 2282380

And do what? Be a wage slave to a Jewish CEO who steals my profits?
Jews are 2% of the population and make up a high percentage of noble prize winners, CEOs, billionaires, etc. It's not like non-Jewish white people who make up the majority of the US population. It's fucking alarming. Hollywood is 60% Jewish. They actively want to ruin western society specifically in America, which is why they push degeneracy like sexual deviancy and violence that actively contribute to disenfranchisement of groups like black Americans. I'm white but it still disgusts me.
Jesus fucking christ, no one can criticize you people without one of you waltzing in screeching about pol or anti semitism for pointing out simple facts. Most of this site likely agrees that black people are overrepresented in crime statistics, trannies are overrepresented in suicide rates, so why can't we agree that Jews are overrepresented in positions of power? I've never even used /pol/ either.(racebait)

No. 2282382

So do christian child molesters. Get off the internet

No. 2282394

I don't like Christians, but last time I checked they haven't founded and run hedge funds that harm America like Blackrock. They don't control the housing market which has impoverished Americans of all races besides their own kind. My county with a large black minority is currently sending 16 million to Israel. Our major city is majorly black, and also majorly lower class, but they instead to help the thriving Jewish upper class in a country thousands of miles away.

No. 2282402

i know this is horrible for you and one situation probably doesn’t give you much hope. but honestly knowing that one woman was able to cry for help and people actually cared and came has me in tears. bless the people who protected her and fuck pick me bitches who would rather women be raped and killed in silence than a single man face a single consequence.

No. 2282408

I'm choking on my own saliva because of anxiety. You may think it's retarded but it's actually quite uncomfortable, I feel like I'm chocking and gasping for air

No. 2282409

I am a fucking failure.

No. 2282422

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If there was ever a presidential candidate that would be prone to terfing out I feel like it would be her.

No. 2282428

i agree, nonny. i'm really glad that she was able to send an audio, and that most of our neighbors were awake and everyone could run to help her because this could've ended terribly. whenever i'm mad and fatalistic about this crime wave, i think that at least i live around decent people who still care and you can count on

No. 2282431

Doubt. She was hard hard core pro-tranny. I'm as much for the next female pres as the next nonnie but she was not based

No. 2282434

I miss my body, I still cannot get used to this new form, it's so uncanny and painful. I've lost count on how many times I wished to heal, there's clothes sitting at my wardrobe, new and unworn, because they don't fit me anymore. It's starting to feel like a pipedream, a fantasy. I'll never get outta this situation, am I? I'm never getting my body back, I'm staying this thing forever, it'll take a miracle at this point. It's been so long, nobody should be in such situation for this long, I'm rotting and going crazy, please help me, I can't do this alone, I swear i didn't do this on purpose, i want to be normal too

No. 2282441

i hate the meme from coping amerifags that harris was le based girl boss terf, she lost because she was a handmaiden

No. 2282442

Pointing out that it's mostly jews in positions of power is not "/pol/ babble". I'm not a moid but notice how you' make no effort to refute my claims? Because they're true.(/pol/ tard)

No. 2282460

This has to be bait because in what way was she a handmaiden?? Do you even know what that means?

No. 2282463

>hates kikes
>doesn't acknowledge that they control america
And through nepotism, now America is basically run by Jews and those industries favor other Jews which bars any non-Jewish white person from getting into them. In the banking industry, a non-Jewish white practically has no chance of getting into that field.(/pol/ tard)

No. 2282467

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>Driving home from work today on the deathtrap that is the motorway
>Bus tries to merge into my lane while I'm in front of a massive truck that's right up my ass
>Indicate and merge into free lane, seconds before I'm crushed
>Asshole doesn't see I was about to be a bus truck sandwich with me filling.
>Proceeds to slam on the horn and flash lights at me for the next couple kilometers
While I was on the way back I saw some completely destroyed car on a tow truck with ambulance and fire brigade around. That is my future, I'm going to die on this road going to my shit job.
Diagram provided because I'm not good at dem describing words.

No. 2282471

The support for trannies, the libfem dick sucking podcast and the allegations against her husband all indicate that she was. However the opinion that she was still better than Trump is perfectly valid.

No. 2282501

Nta but really? You just used racist terms yourself. How are you any better

No. 2282583

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why does my ex who abused me and treated me like shit get to have a better life than me? its unhealthy but i have a bad problem with stalking his socials and when i look through his posts its all him happy with tons of friends. he actually has twice the amount of friends i have and i believe a lot of them know what he did to me or at least his nature towards the women hes dated (i saw one joking about him being abusive). why does he get to be out there living a happy life while i face the consequences of his actions? people say karma is real but when i look at him and his life i dont believe it

No. 2282591

Nobody puts their worst moments on social media and he probably anticipate that you'd stalk him so he's doubling down on the things he knows will make you feel insecure. Put your phone down and go outside whenever you feel the need to check on his life. It's more productive than dancing to his tune.

No. 2282648

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I’m sorry nona, it’s never easy and even when our abusers face negative consequences it feels like it’s never enough compared to our pain. I’ve been reading picrel in an attempt to heal personally. It’s been somewhat painful seeing my relationship written out but I also think it’s necessary for me to move on. Here’s a Google drive link to the pdf if you’re interested

No. 2282676

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>Go to job interview at a higher end restaurant
>Wanted to work in the backlines, but interviewer liked my personality
>She said she'd rather me be a hostess
>Asks me questions, me and her click really fast
>Tells me that she'll let me know if I have to apply again to the position
>Shakes my hand and welcomes me to their team
>Says we can squeeze you in the next training and to bring my documents
>Get a call by the hiring manager saying that I do have to reapply and you don't have to re-submit your resume, then call back
>Reapplies and calls back but it's a different person and they just take my name and tell me we'll get back to you
>Get an email 2ish hours later saying that they're going to pursue other applicants for this position
This is just a generated message right…. Right…. I'm going to call back again tomorrow because they said I have a job???

No. 2282682

thank you nona, i’ll make sure to give it a read ♥

No. 2282722

I hate my roommate. Every time he comes back home from a short trip my mood drops. He's perpetually cranky, i can't discuss or muse about anything without him chiming in with a disdainful tone, trying to outsmart me when i'm more of a knowledge sharer. He chimps out, he can be extremely dramatic and attention seeking, it's not even conscious. He's got a former gifted kid complex and grew up around people who enabled his thirst for attention since forever. He shouts and punches things because of chores but doesn't let anyone come close to them. Everyone here is tense because of him. I don't do much anymore when it comes to cleaning because i don't want to be in proximity of a massive male shouting and punching the air. He used to think he was autistic (kek) but i suspect he thinks less of me because i actually am one (snide remarks, always followed by passive retreat). I know i'm not the best roommate myself but i simply refuse to be around agressive people, ffs you're 30, why are you acting like a teenage BPDfag. I wish i could entierely ignore him but every time i'm in the same room as him (usually around dinner) he thinks every grunt, stare and gesture is directed at him. He doesn't react with chimpouts or pathetic displays like your usual BPDtard but you can tell he's extremely alert. Moids are so damn solipsistic, i do not care about your sorry ass. It's fucking exhausting, i didn't leave an abusive home with BPDemons to deal with this BS again. I'm going to try and move out ASAP, i can't take it anymore. I accepted this because of extra low rent + he's related to my nigel and there's a family obligation between them. But i'm not related to him, i'm grateful for his family's treatment of me but that doesn't mean i should put up with his retardation. I've tried to confront him but he always backs out right before it happens, like he tests people with passive agressive gestures (slamming doors in your face, moving your stuff, the list goes on) but if i text him or talk to him to put things to rest he goes 'nothing is wrong' and submissively nods. My god, what a retard. What an absolute retard. To hell with him, i'm done with trying to see the whole picture. I was grateful for the fact he does 90% of chores but i'd rather live in a pigsty, completely alone, than deal with a bitchy male. Life is too short to tolerate living with people you can't stand.
Edit to add context (yeah, it's really long already kekkk): another layer to my annoyance is how my nigel has to placate him all the time. It's always been like this, he wants to break out but he's been ordered to stay around him like he's a nurse or something (if you couldn't tell, the roommate is ill). He was neglected in favor of my retarded roommate because he was muh high IQ sensitive flower who needs to have a constant adult presence to feel alright. He told me about a core memory from his childhood was laying down in silence, listening to my roommate's histrionics and the adults tending to him while he was alone, as usual. I don't know why it upsets me so much but living with them, i can feel the weight of this memory, the fact someone can be this coddled to the detriment of others. This is completely alien to how i was raised with my siblings so i have very little patience for this 'best boy' complex shit. Both me and my roommate are the oldest and i would have never, ever gotten away with what he does and gets.

No. 2282742

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I am just feeling very very hurt about my ex cheating, I mean I feel stupid. He went on tinder and swiped right on everyone, he admitted, he tried fucking troons and actual obese ball shaped women. He was like literally ferally horny for anything that moved, and I AM THE ONE WHO LIVED WITH HIM AND ALMOST MARRIED HIM. My pride is totally hurt. I cannot believe I used to beg for him to pay attention to me. I also cn't believe I used to think we were making love. I was just another thing, this sounds shitty of me to say, but like, why did he cheat on me with such fugly girls? My ego is crushed.

No. 2282743

and the troons? Does this mean I am manly or sometihng?

No. 2282745

Ugh, I'm sorry nona. Yeah, might as well call back. Also the person you talked to could've been fired. for a while I was convinced I had some weird curse following where every time I got a job somewhere the hiring manager would be gone within 2 weeks of hiring me for reasons people didn't want to talk about, so shit happens, especially in restaurant world

No. 2282756

he wasn't paying attention when he watched The Perks Of Being A Wallflower

No. 2282787

i'm sorry. i do think karma is real and like the other poster said, his social media is a highlight reel, he's not going to post about his problems. also sometimes karma isn't instant. maybe his is still on its way, just when he thinks he's doing great maybe his world will fall apart. maybe he's got a nasty disease coming someday. try to stop focusing on him and stalking him. move on and focus on your own healing and how you can improve your own circumstances. this is how your life will get better. universe will handle him when you stop obsessing.

No. 2282811

Im really sorry, getting cheated on by someone who you thought was making love to you is gutting. i had a million questions too like you and that feeling like a fool. i have come to the conclusion it will probably never make sense to us. something is broken in their brain when they do these things. we probably will not be able to make sense of it because our brains are normal and we understand what it means to love someone. but yeah it's confusing and fucked up. i feel your pain.

No. 2282963

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I hate when people try to "figure [me] out". Makes me feel like I have an obligation to be more interesting when there's nothing much to me besides just wanting to enjoy my time here on this earth doing things I like. The curse of being nice and not minding being social every now and then…

No. 2283030

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I took a week break from drawing (because I don't like drawing or doing anything much at all on my period) and now I feel like I just can't draw anything good. I feel like I was not only doing better a week ago, but also having more fun. Now I'm getting anxious and heart beating a little fast when working on new drawing, what the hell.

No. 2283067

I don’t want to lose my virginity before marriage.This guy knew that . We had been talking for an entire year when suddenly he kept asking to fuck to which I said no. He became an asshole overnight. Talking about all his past fucks through text , talking about his celebrity crushes in detail. I told him to fuck if and he said “don’t have to ask me twice”

Yeah, im never finding love. Every man I’ve met has always turned out to be a sex obsessed porn sick piece of fucking shit who just wastes time.

No. 2283108

I just got done cleaning the kitchen, it was disgusting. I live with an elderly family member but I had a chronic condition for a year and couldn't do much. Dead roaches and their shit everywhere. Threw away 5 bags worth of crap. I wish I could say I feel accomplished but it's still a kitchen I can't cook in. I don't even have my kettle anymore because it got infested and I had to throw it away. I miss cooking. All I want is my own place where I can cook my own meals, decorate how I want, and not have to clean up after anyone else but everyone guilts me if I mention wanting to leave because he hasn't lived on his own in 40 years but it's not like I can afford it anyway. The kitchen is clean now but tomorrow morning it'll be wrecked again. Sigh.

No. 2283131

You're not retarded nonna, anxiety is a full body nightmare. Sometimes I get so worked up I get that choking feeling and severe chest pain. If you can manage it try making a nice cup of hot tea (non caffeinated). Sometimes small sips of a hot drink can relieve it a bit. If you don't have any tea some hot water and honey can have the same effect.

No. 2283206

When I get anxious (mostly social), my vision starts to blur. It’s the worst

No. 2283215

Nothing worse than being so broke you can’t even afford going to fucking Taco Bell.

I’ve spent 1000s on such dumb shit over the last 5 years. So many restaurants, so many clothing items that I never wear, so much room decor. It’s crazy what severe depression will make you do in hopes that these things will somehow fix your life and fill the crippling void in your heart

No. 2283217

I get that too, it's so jarring. I wear glasses and my vision is shit so sometimes I just take them off for a sec so the wonky vision is less obvious and doesn't further exacerbate my anxiety. If you find yourself in a social situation where you're getting overwhelmed try finding a quiet spot (bathrooms are good for this) and just closing or covering your eyes for a bit while you take deep breaths. I hope things get better for you nonna, anxiety is exhausting

No. 2283228

I opened up an Etsy art shop with a bunch of paintings on wooden slabs. I sold stickers too. People who have only met me once bought from me, and my own best friend didn’t. She didn’t even post my announcement on her story. The stickers cost 15 at most including shipping, which she wouldn’t even need to pay because I would just drop it off to her.

Fuck her. Fuck everyone in my life who never manages to show me no love or support. I’m honestly about to just end my life. I have no reason to be here .

No. 2283231

My parents are visiting for Thanksgiving and are both still here, they were hungry and didn't want the leftovers so I went out and got subs. They didn't have what my dad wanted so I got him turkey sub. Came back, said what happened. Dad took a bite, then shook his head and put it down and slammed his fist, said "how could you get me turkey, we JUST HAD TURKEY" and then I asked if it was bad, and he just shook his head and didn't respond, i asked again, he said "my appetite is ruined" and rolled the sandwich up back in it's wrapper. Mum got involved, which made him more pissed and he stormed off, then my mother began doting and asked if I had childhood trauma from him, which I do not but it made me a bit uncomfortable. I love them but jfc it's retarded, it was literally a turkey sub, he didn't even pay for it. My socially battery is done and I have to spend a week with in-laws once they leave.

No. 2283259

Everyday men give out about how unfair and skewed dating apps are. It is not women's fault they're like 80% men and 20% women. Women are warned against strange men so to online date and actually meet feels very unwise. Then you have a lot of men that have no idea how to show respect towards a woman and after enough of those men you will avoid the apps. Then there are men that are in relationships using them to sext and cheat. Men need to honestly learn to integrate with society it's embarrassing

No. 2283261

why do grown men throw temper tantrums like this, how are they not embarrassed by their own behavior, literally acting like a 5 year old

No. 2283296

Because it gets them what they want. When they're not consistent with their reactions it puts everyone around them on pins and needles, trying to read their mood and mind so they won't blow up. It's a form of control. It also means that because they're always catered to, they're disused to dealing with the negative emotions of being denied.

No. 2283335

Wtf is this normie ass shit

No. 2283357

and this is exactly why i will never, ever go back to teaching in physical schools again and stick to online teaching for as long as i possibly can. being a teacher is literally one of the worst and most draining jobs on the planet. i am so grateful i don't have to physically be around children, staff, faculty, and parents anymore. the video is meant to be light hearted but that is just the reality, and it's not funny at all. you go home a grumpy overworked zombie every single day and your life is basically over.

No. 2283374

Girl please give me advice on online teaching. I’ve been applying to jobs like crazy and no one is hiring. I’m a licensed high school English teacher with a masters and an endorsement in ESL

No. 2283380

My parent's bought their house for $70,000 thirty years ago. I still live with them because my mom's health is really bad and for some reason the housing market got astronomically fucked. I just saw a listing online for a house a couple away from mine, being sold for $3,000,000. I really honestly thought growing up I would be able to live close to my parents, that was my dream. The exact house that is going for that much, I remember telling my parent's as a young girl that it was my dream home and I was going to live there one day. I really can not believe how away from reality that has become so recently. I'm heartbroken that owning a home is going to mean moving very very far away from here, from my parents. I don't even know if I can afford the whole state now, the housing here is that fucked. How did my neighborhood get this way? We are still the same class, yet our neighbors are slowly becoming the upper class. Why did they all move here? Why do they even want to be here around us? I'm just upset nonas. Apologies if anyone saw me post this in the wrong thread, I accidentally thought I was in the vent thread when I did that

No. 2283383

no worries nonna, just try to breathe. i work for a private online high school for an institution in canada, essentially teenagers and adults that didn't finish high school for one reason or another and now they're doing online high school to get their high school diploma. there's tons of these online schools that hire teachers from the usa and canada, but i also know people that are very happy with online tutoring, and there's literally an endless amount of jobs online for tutoring, especially if you apply to schools or companies from all around the world. since you're an english teacher i would highly looking into both of these options! there's also private tutoring on sites that let you set your own rates and produce your own teaching material, though it can take a while to build a rapport and get students. and of course there's always brick and mortar schools that offer remote-only positions, but those positions are the most competitive and elusive i think.

No. 2283461

I wish someone would rape my dad, it's the type of humiliation he deserves

No. 2283481

I know I work customer service but I am so tired of having to be nice to retarded people. People who come in after closing and expect me to smile and be so happy. I want inconsiderate people to feel bad and to feel my anger and sadness that I can’t go home because your retarded ass rolled up with a cart $700 worth of toys 15 minutes before close. You don’t deserve respect. Not at all.

No. 2283489

Waiting for my stomach to get hungry, it's been 7 hours, dude c'mon, wake up, we gotta eat something you idiot

No. 2283493

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No. 2283520

Nonas I have to see my dad tomorrow and I only found out a few hours ago- he lives abroad and I try to keep my distance because he treated me kind of shitty for a long time. Every time I see him I feel really nervous and depressed and unloved and I have to act. Just feel lonely and not okay.

No. 2283526

Does he still say and do shitty things to you? Has he ever apologized? Do you actually HAVE to see him?

No. 2283529

I have been really struggling with self harm urges lately. I have acted on them twice but it’s not enough. I’m to the point where I want to do something drastic like go to hospital level. I know that’s stupid and I shouldn’t but my brain is SCREAMING about it. Constantly. Randomly. All the time. It’s so passive and consistent that the pathetic baby shit I have done to give in and stop it is.. doing jack squat. I hate how this is a problem for me at my big age. Birthday is next month and in officially in my mid twenties. I’m so anxious lately too. My girlfriend says it’s okay if I wake her up if I’m awake and really anxious. It’s the weekend so she’s off work which makes me feel sorta better about the idea. Yet at the same time it makes me feel so bad thinking about it. Idk what to do. I already feel bad for cutting in general. I shouldn’t be relapsing like this. We have talked about them but I haven’t really admitted to the “I am constantly passive thinking about it” because it’s so embarrassing. My scars are bad but they aren’t horrible. I’m at least not the level of some of the girls that show up in the proana threads that have gored themselves but.. I do think about that. I have a therapist and one of the things we plan on working on is this but.. idk. I need to be seeing her more but insurance crap not helping. Medicaid is being so weird rn due to the election and the holidays that it’s been a bitch. I hate being disabled but that’s another rant for another day. I just wish this brain worm would go away. Before I actually do something retarded like goring myself.

No. 2283531

My mom is being so mean to me and assuming that I'm stupid and lazy and never doing what I'm supposed to when I ALWAYS AM. I'm so sick of it

No. 2283533

my uncle tried to rape me and i want to report it but ive bought drugs from him so i cant. i want to kms

No. 2283535

I hate how I make the same mistakes over and over again. I have a consumption issue, and every time it lands me in a horrible situation, I tell myself never again. I KNOW that the meal I just ordered isn't worth the amount of money it set me back. I KNOW I'm going to regret it, and yet I will probably do it again. I don't learn.

No. 2283538

So? He has absolutely no proof of that if he wanted to use it against you. You're not in possession of them right now. You don't have any drugs in your system. It's literally your word against his. Ruin his life.

No. 2283540

he does have proof in digital communications unfortunately. I have audio recordings and texts of him admitting everything though and i believe i otherwise would have a slam dunk case but i don’t want my life to get fucked too. idk i guess i’ll talk to a lawyer

No. 2283541

Yes he still does, I'm an exmuslim and he's religious and it's one of our major tensions and he makes me feel small and shitty about it sometimes. I also have to see him because he pays my tuition now in return of me staying in his life and I was jobless with no opportunity, help or work experience before which was awful.

No. 2283548

Sometimes I wish I could wake up and just magically become a moid. Life finally on easy mode. I'd barely be sentient. I could be actually fucking ugly with a horrible personality and still find some poor woman to love me unconditionally and coddle me for life.

No. 2283549

Am I missing something? Dealing drugs is a more serious crime than buying drugs. Why would he incriminate himself?

No. 2283555

Yeah it can be a lot easier said than done. It’s not always omg he cheated! I’m leaving! Sometimes you’re old, no job, and really you’re there and you’re stuck. The economy sucks ass, jobs suck ass, job market sucks ass, and you (as in me) are lazy and suck ass. Family sucks, no friends, and realistically, woman don’t make money compared to men. Unless we outdo them 10 fold. It’s just shitty because I know I’m in a social structure that puts me in this place, I put myself in this place, and I’m not a strong women that’s super smart and can get myself anywhere. I never thought I would be in this place either. My only saving grace, is that I refuse to reproduce. But yeah, I was just bitching. But also, it’s kind of hard to find a way out. Catch 22, I guess.

No. 2283558

i wanna be your friend anon you sound fun and enthusiastic

No. 2283584

I'm muslim (still). Trust me I know how tense father daughter relationships can be in our world (even though me and my dad are friendly). I'm sorry you don't feel loved by him nonna. Can I ask what exactly he did that was shitty to you? Did he ever abuse you? Or did you leave islam and that set him off? My cousin and her dad have the same issue, and her dad disowned her for it. Her dad (my uncle) tells me he's so hostile because he doesn't want to endorse leaving the religion. To him, her leaving is a one way ticket to hell, and he doesn't want her to go to hell.

That's no excuse to be an ass to your daughter (though in their case she was also an ass to him). I'm just trying to offer a different perspective. Maybe he loves you so much more than he lets on, but is just mad at your choices and or doesn't want you to think you leaving the religion is okay. I would just give him the shortest answers possible and find reasons to leave the room often. Say you're not feeling well and need to lie down. Stay safe and be happy

No. 2283587

Nonna, the DA has a budget. They are not going to use that budget to investigate and press charges on you. If anything you can report him for rape AND drug dealing. You can even make a deal. Say in return for ratting someone dealing you need to be protected from conviction of having bought from them in the past.

No. 2283596

He always was very strict, hit me as a child up until about like 16 mostly he puts me down verbally like shouting and belittling etc. he did things like bully me into wearing hijab when I was 12 calling me names, beating me for not reading/memorising Quran, throwing my ‘non halal’ books in the rubbish, beating me for having anything to do with boys, forcing me to go to some retarded Islamic girls school and denied me from going to Oxford when I originally finished school though I had the grades as he has to control his daughters. he does love me a lot but he can’t help putting this aggressive face forward to make me ‘strong’. He likes to bring things up I’ve done against me but mostly now it’s just pressure to be Muslim. I’m also quite sensitive though as I’ve gone through a lot the past couple years involving and not involving family just trying to grow up and be an adult so I understand I’m kind of a pussy when it comes to my family and life in general but I’m just a bit tired I suppose.

No. 2283604

Yeah you just described half of the muslim dad population I would say. Just be civil. Don't even give him a reason to let religion related topics to get brought up. Lie if you have to. If you're not interested in mending your relationship with him, just do what you need to do to get through the night with him. If you do what some sort of relationship, just be mentally prepared to never get it, because leaving Islam is something muslim parents do not forgive or brush under the rug. I'm surprised he even wants to see you. Many say to come back when you've reverted, and until then, sayonara.

No. 2283619

I’m North African living in Europe though and my country only really got crazy religious in the past couple of decades people were more into superstitions, and ‘folk’ Islam before and it was normal for a woman to not wear hijab as an adult etc but now it’s a uber religious hellhole wiping out our culture for nothing in return. My parents are both educated people with careers so they’re a bit more open and forgiving than a lot of Muslims but they obviously have a limit and it’s extremely difficult for them to keep me in their lives still. I want to work on the relationship and it’s going slowly but it’s also overwhelming having to deal with my dad and I think our relationship would benefit from a couple years apart for me to deal with it and figure things out in my own terms but I don’t think he’d understand that and I don’t want to lose my dad or anyone in my family forever as much as it’s hard to be around him. Most stressful part of it all is that I’m gonna be in the car with him for 5 hours- I managed to convince him that we should stay with my sister so I don’t feel uncomfortable with him alone but the car ride is concerning me.

No. 2283621

Hey anon, just out of curiosity what appeals to you about Islam? Sorry maybe that’s the wrong way to word it I mean if out of genuine curiosity. What kind of Islam do you practice?

No. 2283628

Update; it keeps getting worse. I am about to like find something semi similar to do. I have been wanting to cut my hair for a while and I’m about to do it cuz everything else isn’t working. I don’t wanna wake her up but I’m losing my shit lowkey internally. I’m trying to avoid cutting and avoid waking her up. All my stuff is in the lock box in the closet if I just give up and I’m so close to it. I should just wake her up I dunno. We are slowly just building up to self harm ideation to suicide idk what my brain is doing. Stress has been so bad lately that here I am I guess

No. 2283637

I would be willing to answer if it wasn't for the inevitable reeing that would erupt from nonnas. I'm just going to leave it at I believe in a God and it's the most believable religion to me. My heart doesn't melt over it, I literally just think it's true. Doesn't mean I have a good relationship with god or agree with all of Islam.

No. 2283673

Guys I messaged my ex asking if we could keep in touch (he cheated on me and I'm a dumb piece of shit with no self respect and I have attachment issues) and he left me on read..

No. 2283677

Anon I want you to know, as bad as that is, you are not as embarrassing as me. I almost typed out the entire thing but I realized I am not going to post such an embarrassing mess even when anonymous because it's just that bad. You are good, just don't do it again kek. Block him.

No. 2283686

Please get medicated as soon as you can. It sounds like you got OCD with how you relieve your repetitive thoughts with cutting. I wish I could give you a Xanax right now tbh. Wake your gf up it’s nowhere near as horrible as you think. Waking up the next day to your partner’s aftermath of a mental breakdown is even worse.

No. 2283693

I don’t think I’ll ever get to marry my nigel… maybe he doesn’t want to anymore. I always think he doesn’t like me anymore. I feel like I just frustrate him. It’s been a hard couple years for me… my friends left me, both of my cats died… financial hardship… he’s been with me through it all and I feel so bad. I’m not perfect but I try. He always asks me what’s wrong but I feel like I annoy him all the time. He doesn’t insult me or neglect me or other horrible things but it just feels different. He lives with me too. He wants to visit his family far away soon with me and he seems very very excited about it but I don’t know. What if we don’t make it to that point? Maybe I should
grant him the ultimate gift and get him a one way and a round trip for myself and leave him with his family. He wouldn’t have to deal with me anymore. He shouldn’t have to. I hate myself so much. He deserves better than me. I cry a lot, I’m always so emotional. That must be so exhausting to deal with.

No. 2283695

If he stuck with you through all of that then why do you want to leave him? I think it’s best to talk this out with him and tell him how you feel

No. 2283701

Anon you are projecting your own negative thoughts about yourself onto him, thinking he thinks the same way about yourself that you do. He doesn't, if he did why would he stay with you and want to take you to see his family? All of the negativity is just in your head. I deal with the same problem. Be easier on yourself, hopefully one day you will see yourself the way he sees you.

No. 2283703

Nothing in my life is going right, for months it's been just one setback after another and last night I snapped and threw away food, cosmetics and other stuff I thought I didn't deserve. I hate myself even more than I did before.

No. 2283716

I swear every time I like a ship it's always the ship that is disliked by the rest of the fandom and seen as problematic.

No. 2283721

I cannot access picrew, it's giving me a "request blocked", wtf

No. 2283741

use incognito mode

No. 2283749

youll get over him in time

No. 2283754

I hate being on the recieving end on such treatment but I just ghosted and quietly unfriended a moid from uni who kept bringing up 'milf tiddies' and other such filth in conversation casually without saying anything to him, I did the right thing yes?

No. 2283757

you did the right thing

No. 2283758

Forget "dodged a bullet", reading that felt like you caught the bullet and then gently crushed it

No. 2283779

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One of my aunts has slowly transformed from just messy into a delusional hoarder with a shopping addiction. It hurts to watch. Her home is 1200 square feet of wall to wall junk with goat trails, only 1 available chair in the whole house. She recently complained about how she bought a full size artificial Christmas tree, but my uncle wouldn't let her set it up. He isn't preventing anything. There's literally no place to put a Christmas tree. There was no reason to buy a tree with her house in its current state. I also have lifetime depression and fatigue, so I know that is probably part of the problem, but why be buying shit like that? It just makes your life worse. The boxed tree is just 6 square feet more shit that her family has to dodge every single day.

No. 2283781

why no one love me

No. 2283782

I hate myself so much. I know my issues are completely in my head. It doesn't matter if someone compliments me, I'll think that person is wrong they don't know the truth. That I'm useless, worthless, waste of space. I felt like this even as a kid and my life has been years and years of trying to hide it and pretend things are fine. They're not fine, I dont know what to anymore and I'm scared everyone will find out. I don't see any worth on what I do, no matter if people praise it or not. I'm disgusted by myself.

I wished I could be a sentient uncorporal being, without shape and form. That I could do all the things I love doing without the crushing reality they were made by me. When I'm just learning and creating, things feel good, it's when it hits me that it was made by me, that I resent it. I always wipe everything, delete accounts, delete emails. As soon as there's a shape of myself forming I want to die, I'm embarrassed and disgusted. Even this post makes me angry and I'm sorry for even posting this.

No. 2283785

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I had a sinus infection recently and I think it's turned into bronchitis

No. 2283790

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i don't think i'll ever recover from the supposed love of my life cheating on me while i was grieving the loss of my dad who'd passed two months prior, the best and only safe parent i had, my literal best friend.

it just makes me feel miserable. because i've done a lot of good in my life, i've not been perfect, but i try my best put good back into the world. even when i grieved i kept it private and kept it together to avoid dumping shit onto my friends and loved ones.

unfortunately my stupidity and naivete will always bite me in the ass because i'm a fucking idiot who assumes the best of people until they show me otherwise.

i hate it. i wish i could be jaded and protect myself better. i need to smarten the fuck up. i self-sacrifice to the point of detriment and i'm too trusting.

No. 2283796

I hate how I have decent vocal control and all the like but I can't sing because of my tone. I have a very ethnic tone/timbre if that's the right word and it just doesn't sound feminine at all. I've had "nonbinary" tifs envy my deeper tone but I hate how I don't sound either male or female like a fucking retard.

No. 2283797

stop oversharing stop oversharing stop oversharing. WHY DO I TALK SO MUCH?? I have no fucking fucking filter.

No. 2283805

I feel you so much nonnie

No. 2283808

Same. But if it makes you feel better, I like listening to people.

No. 2283816

I hate how it's so hard to talk about female-on-female abuse in supposedly radfem spaces because they think in the extreme that one should be supporting all women. No I will absolutely not be supporting some woman who pimped out her toddlers to pedophiles for money or a christfaggot who blames a child's rape on "it was god's plan". It's like a dirty little secret if your abuser/s were primarily female, especially if it's on the grounds of CSA

No. 2283820

i love people who overshare

No. 2283823

it's so hard to study on the weekend when im comfy at home

No. 2283825

Are any radfems defending women who pimp out their toddlers? Fr?

No. 2283830

I'm talking about those spaces online that claim to be radfem but are just a retarded echo chamber for god knows what. Female abusers often get defended by them because "they were probably just influenced by men" as if that nullifies the trauma they caused. I don't even know what radfem means anymore because it can range from anons on this site all the way to twitter 13yos who think "femcel" is the new aesthetic

No. 2283848

>sisters boyfriend suddenly comes to stay with us
>no explanation given for a whole week
>didnt speak to anyone
>made my mom do all his laundry
>turns out a few days ago he came over because he has scabies
>didnt want to infect his family

so he came over and infected us instead. fucking males.

No. 2283850

Your sister is the real demon in this situation wtf

No. 2283851

Unironically, people get murdered for doing way less heinous things than this.

No. 2283867

You need to beat up your sister for letting him do this.

No. 2283873

He needs to be castrated

No. 2283934

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My online friend isn't online. I am so bored.

No. 2283948

I hate having my birthday in winter and idk why I even bother holding a party when half the people cancel last minute because of illnesses or impromptu pre-Christmas overseas trip to escape the cold for a bit.
Also upset that I’ve barely heard from my best friend since she moved in with her girlfriend. She now never replies to my messages and when she finally picks up the phone she keeps the conversation brief, I get that her life is different now and it’s not that I expect to have hour long calls like we used to now but the only time she finally bothered to call me on her own since August is to tell me she got into the education she was aiming for and that she can’t celebrate new years with me like we previously planned. We’ve been best friends for 17 years and she couldn’t even bother sending me a happy birthday yesterday. What sucks is that I can’t tell her that her behaviour lately is being a bit hurtful because she can’t handle that type of criticism.

No. 2283951

so just curious, is there any reason you still have to see him? he was literally abusive to you anon…is it not possible to not have a relationship with him anymore?

No. 2283953

have you tried seeking professional help, like talking to a therapist, or doctor about trying medication? it sounds like you need more help than you can give yourself right now.

No. 2283954

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My best friend is both a sore loser and a sore winner and it makes me not want to play with him anymore. He actually sulked the one time I beat him in a race on this farming game and gets downright insufferable if the computer beats him at anything. The rest of the time he's actually fine, almost decent on moid standards, but competition makes testosterone flood his dumbass brain.

No. 2283955

I’m not sure where my relationship of almost two years with my boyfriend is heading. I love him and his family and he is really patient and kind and Im thankful for him but I feel like Im just not as exited as I used to be, I’m getting annoyed a lot easier, I struggle to have any real deep conversations with him, and we have different ideas about the future. I want to move out of this state soon and he said he is content to stay here for the next ten years. We are both college freshmen (I am very young I know) and got together in high school. I guess Im not sure if I can see us getting married and living together until death but also just the thought of breaking up hurts. Thank you to anyone who read this through it helps just speaking into the void. Thats the other issue, he is my only friend and I dont have any close female friendships, Im working on building those though.

No. 2283959

I am so unbelievably annoyed. I bought a PS5 that was on sale for Black Friday and Hogwarts Legacy, got it all set up and was excited to play, only to find out that the fucking controller was apparently built for GIANTS and I CANT FUCKING USE IT!!!!! I do have very small hands (have to buy children's gloves because small women's are too long in the palms) but I literally only played for 20 minutes last night and my wrists hurt all the way down to my elbows this morning. There aren't ANY controllers compatible with PS5 games small enough, so basically all I can fucking do is play games I could've played on my PS4 without wasting hundreds on a new console, I'm actually enraged. And of course the little faggots at Sony don't have a corporate email so I can't tell them how much I want to beat their asses. I can't even find a PS5 compatible one that's any significantly smaller it's FUCKING SO STUPID THEY DIDNT BOTHER FUCKING MAKING A SMALLER CONTROLLER FOR WOMEN FUCK SONY FUCKING LIMP DICKED LITTLE JAP MEN

No. 2283960

sounds like anxious attachment or maybe you have depression

No. 2283963

I'm thinking about an ex friend who used to call herself a misandrist, call men moids and iirc complained about shows where the men were goofballs and the women were serious and called them misogynistic, all while she would talk on end about her misogyny and rape kink and repost porn drawn by moids of women being abused. Genuinely, wtf was her logic on that? I haven't talked to her in a while, I hope she realized how dumb and pickme-ish that is, but it wouldn't surprise me at all if she didn't. I wonder if she's on here kek

No. 2283964

how is this even a question. obviously

No. 2283968

why do you hate yourself so much?
you're the only one you're gonna be with for life so you should try to learn to love yourself. you deserve to take up space just as much as anyone else does, others are not more special than you for whatever reason, they all have flaws and low self esteem too probably.

No. 2283972

holy fucking shit, i would be homicidal over this

No. 2283973

Kek did we have the same ex friend? Mine would listen to music by discord groomer type moids talking about how they want to abuse their gfs and mental illness 100 and perpetuate that as an aesthetic

No. 2283980

nah her music taste wasn't out of the ordinary at all, the pickme stuff was only visible in her weird taste in cartoon/anime porn and ships, even though I haven't talked to her in years I bet I could guess her current OTPs with like 80% accuracy, honestly thinking about that makes me sad, I wonder if I could change her mind by talking it out with her

No. 2283989

This is blackpilling as fuck. She's crazy

No. 2283997

Wish I could be there for you anon, I feel you so hard

No. 2283999

I understand and I've been trying to stop this unhealthy way of thinking, and I would say the same things you're saying to anyone else. I just always felt like this and it's almost a mantra in my head. I fed into it and I don't know where I got this idea from my early childhood. It could be that my sa contributed to it. I don't yet know a way to cope and deflect these feelings successfully. Self love is hard to build sometimes. But thank you, you're right. I need to try keeping things in a broader perspective instead of losing myself in my head.

No. 2284001

You didn't deserve to be cheated at all, much less in such a fragile moment in your life. I hope you get to meet people you feel comfortable sharing and counting on, you should try trusting some of them with your worries, you're not dumping anything on them, it's part of true friendship to be there for the people we love. You're not stupid, you just need to find trusting connections.

No. 2284054

Every day I pray that the TIMs in my personal circle will get posted to the TIM thread on /snow/, every day I hope and pray SOMEONE in my huge circle of friends and acquaintances feels the same as me.
Also, the stereotype of women hyping up trannies like they're cute little dogs or small children is so true, especially when they're drunk. It's funny to me and also gratifying because it's clear the only reason they talk like that is because troons aren't women. Yes it's libfem retardation and an even lower on the totem pole version of faghaggotry, but God it makes me so fucking happy.
>Oh there's [Troon], and she's dressed sOoOOOOooO pretty today oh yes I looooove that skirt!
Meanwhile with real women it's
>that dress is gorgeous you look so good omfg
There is a level of authenticity that is clearly not present in the compliment paid to the tranny. Kek, get fucked retarded scrotes.

No. 2284073

some animals like rats or something are living in the (crawl space sized) attic and they're scratching around loud as fuck. There's nothing I can do about it because I'm home alone for weeks while my parents are out of town

No. 2284077

>Every day I pray that the TIMs in my personal circle will get posted to the TIM thread on /snow/,
Do it yourself nona. I felt the same for ages, never daring to post the troon out of fear that they'd figure out it was me. But they don't go on lc, and if they do they wouldn't say it out loud kek so I just got the fun of him being roasted on lc and nobody ever caught on!

No. 2284080

I got a job, it's minimum wage cause I need to earn some money while I'm studying and the assistant manager keeps fucking over me just cause I'm apparently "too slow" and "too scared". 4 days in and he calls me to tell me to quit cause I'm not fit for this role and they're searching for individuals who are more competent. I call the actual manager, who was on a vacation and couldn't even see my performance and he told me to not quit and to not listen to the assistant. This shit is bothering me to hell cause the assistant basically attempted to force me to quit and I don't think that's even legal?? And he was acting kinda creepy, he did not sexually harrass me or anything of the sort, but he was watching my every move and kept pestering me constantly, touched my hands multiple times to "show me how to do it", told me multiple times that I look scared. I ignored him everytime and just tried to do my job, and now this fucker is telling me to quit after only 4 days of work. I think he wanted to bring someone else at this job but I was hired first and got in the way of his plan and now he's putting pressure on me to make me quit….

No. 2284086

Lowkey how I feel about a fujo friend who loves violent rape porn (just men raping men, but still). She'll rant about men being degenerate sexual freaks and rape-apes, but that is the literal content she seeks out herself and gets off to… It's way less creepy and gross than if she (or a male) was into females being raped of course, but it's still a thin line between the two and so much of what she says about men being bad is a reflection of her own actions. I can't help but feel it's a bit hypocritical.

No. 2284091

I'm pretty sure I have average sized female hands and I only play on my nintendo switch (in handheld mode at that) because every time I've played using a console it's been super uncomfortable and I can't even reach everything properly… they should really make a range of smaller sizes.

No. 2284092

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Went to boyfriends house for thanksgiving, his sister reeked so bad I couldn’t finish dinner. I tell him this the day after and he tells me he told her to shower and I guess she didn’t.
No she’s not disabled or 12, she’s a 30 year old stoner

No. 2284102

Refuse to play anything competitive with him and let him know why. He should be made aware that him acting like that is making others not want to play with him, males lack self-awareness so at least then he has the option to work on himself if he wants to.

No. 2284114

He intentionally risked and infected you guys against your knowledge, that's illegal in many places. I understand if you don't want to go full legal on his ass but at the very least you should make him pay for everything the treatments include, including gas used to go to the store and time taken off work etc. He is responsible for it, and if he refuses he's no longer welcome to ever stay with you. Oh and of course make him pay rent for staying there and for the groceries of the food he's eaten. He doesn't live there, anything he's taken is legally stealing.
If you can get him admitting to it written in text as proof that could be held against him in court or as a threat of taking it to court. Also make sure to go cough directly on him any time you're sick.

No. 2284125

But it's based and feminist if a fujo likes violent gay rape porn and cringe if a woman likes violent het rape porn.

No. 2284127

Easy. Fujos do this because they know moids are subhuman and deserve no sympathy unlike us.

No. 2284135

I’m really behind in an art class and I’m having a hard time finding the drive to complete the work. My art is really bad compared to what my classmates make, so even though we’re almost done I’m really dreading the last two classes

No. 2284136

Both are exploring their violent maledom rape fantasies either way. At least hetfags are honest about it but fujos are hiding behind layers of shame, denial, and delusion. It's no wonder they end up trooning out.

No. 2284138

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Not again.

No. 2284152

Idk, maybe she has had a problem with men so she takes out her feelings on drawings?
I think it's not as much of an issue if it's completely fictional, unless she abuses the men in her life maybe?

No. 2284190

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I hate my male housemates so much. They're noisy, they slam doors, they leave their beard hair on the sink, they blow their noses and piss in the shower. My room is right next to the kitchen and right now one of my housemates has a few male guests, they sit and drink in the kitchen, and they talk and laugh so loudly. Why are men so loud? Why do they think they're so important everyone has to listen to them? And one of them, who has a room above mine, often wakes me up with his loud music, with bass blasting so loud my walls shake (he was a nuisance for other people too so he was already warned by the landlord to tone it down, so lets see how long it will take for him to blast this shit again). If it wasn't for the housing crisis in my country I would be fucking moving out immedietely. I'm an autist and I can't sleep if I don't have total silence. Living in almost constant noise for 3 years and being woken up so often basically traumatized me. Everytime when I can sleep somewhere else, like at my aunt's house, even though it's objectivelly quiet, I'm afraid to go to sleep because I have this subconscious fear that something will wake me up. I've been sleeping only 5 hours per day for the last 3 weeks and I feel like a zombie. Sometimes I break down and cry at random moments because my brain is so tired

No. 2284194

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I think my aunt posts here, I fell in love with my best friend and have no idea how to confess or if I should even attempt to in the first place, and now I only have a day to memorize 10 pages of lines for a play because I'm such a fucking idiot procrastinator

No. 2284197

Nta but men should be abused sometimes.

No. 2284213

Some women's manhate is really just misanthropy, mental illness and frustration.
>wtf was her logic on that?
I'm really guessing there but my tinfoil is they resent men for their perceived superiority while joining on woman-hate because they're envious of their position. It's not really out of feminism or concern for women
It's not hypocritical, it's very human.

No. 2284221

I don't want to go shopping.
I don't want to go out.
I don't want to spend money.

No. 2284224

Start stealing

No. 2284230

i hate working in healthcare. its too much responsibility and i feel like i dont know what im doing. i always feel so anxious that im gonna mess something up and ruin someones health. so far i havent made any mistakes but i always feel like im looking over my shoulder waiting for some big disaster. i started psych meds to help me but i still feel this way. im gonna quit my job. i cant handle it anymore. im just gonna wait and see when a good time would be.

No. 2284233

shush fed

No. 2284236

As long as you're not being actively malicious, you'll be fine. I've worked in the medical field a long time and some of these people are inhuman in their active cruelty. They'll let people die just because they can't stand the sound of them crying from pain at night.

No. 2284254

Don't beat yourself up over it, it sucks that it has to be this way because of how horrible people can be to others but it's not your fault that others can't act right. Unfortunately a lot of people nowadays unironically believe they don't owe others anything, much less feel bad for their awful actions or give a fuck about anyone else, it's just natural to them. Your kindness and desire to be good to others are valuable qualities yet people will just try to take advantage of you and betray you, it's tragic really. You just have to protect yourself while trying to not become as bad as they are to other people, and attempt to find people who are less shitty who will be there for you, as difficult as it can be sometimes.

No. 2284261

I should never have gotten a cat holy shit. She's so annoying. She won't let me sleep. She keeps doing everything she can to piss me off, and now I have to worry about her on top of myself. If you're reading this, do not get a pet, it's not worth it.

No. 2284277

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I wanna really finish playing some vidya but I've been so burnt out lately and I'm too tired to even have fun

No. 2284293

I'm trying so hard not to freak myself out panicking about it, but I'm so scared my dog is going to die soon. I just lent my mom 740 dollars for her rent and she's not going to be paying it back for fucking months. I don't want her to die soon, I don't want to be stuck at home alone again while one of my childhood pets die. I'm trying not to think about it and cry, but I'm about to fucking lose it. It feels like she's all I have sometimes. I don't think I can handle having pets emotionally. Knowing that one day they're just going to be fucking gone forever is too fucking much for my stupid heart to take. I wish my family didn't push both of these babies onto me when I moved out. I love them so much so of course I took them, but fuck. This shit fucking sucks.

No. 2284294

just saw the tiniest sweetest toddler ever pushing her fatass beluga sized mother on the swing

No. 2284297

turns out my problem all along has been inflated expectations
including towards myself

No. 2284300

last time I tried keeping one of the family cats inside my bedroom overnight, it peed all over the sheets
never made that mistake again

No. 2284303

That means the baby will grow up to be very pretty AND very strong.

No. 2284306

My pure ocd has been causing what I think are delusions throughout my entire life. It’s scarier than like bipolar or even shizo delusions, because ocd delusions are related to very realistic things, so it’s hard to snap out of it sometimes , no matter how ridiculous it disturbing. Only once did I actually fully believe a delusion, the other times I just had paranoia and thoughts of whatever it was being possible (and trying to find out if it was really happening). Mine (and well as my intrusive thoughts and images) are all sexual in theme and it’s disgusting and super upsetting. I’m an amazing person with a disgusting mind.

No. 2284312

I finally decided to go to a mall where there are a lot of good shops, but the only tram that goes there is absolutely horrendous, every time. I guess because it goes through a bad area. I get on and it's packed, to be expected. But on the side of my seat a guy was standing there gesticulating wildly that he really could've elbowed me in the head, I use dmy backpack as a sort of buffer between us. Then the guy sitting next to me answered his phone (talking super loud ofc) and I realised he had BAD breath. I was fully covering my mouth and nose with my hand, then eventually my jacket collar because it smelled like straight up shit. Unfortunately I couldn't lean away from him because of the guy moving unpredictably on the other side of me. Some people get off so I move to stand near the door, I look back and I see the gesticulating guy is full blown mental illness having a fight with an imaginary person, punching the air and everything. What. The Fuck.

Then on the way back there was a teen girl who was playing with matches ON THE TRAM and an adult man started arguing with her to stop, so then she started getting loud and confrontational. What the fuck ghetto shit is that? Who, WHO is playing with matches of all things in this day and age??? Her phone was right there, why the fuck was she playing with matches oh my godddddd I'm never doing it again. It's not worth it.

No. 2284321

Going through all my junk and deciding what to throw and now everything I own feels like something I have to throw and I'm in elimination mode thinking things like my washing machine takes up too much space I should sell it. I need to get out of this mindset before i go crazy. Everything is clutter. I could sit in a white room and still feel my head spin at the sight of my own skin.

No. 2284327

Average day on the trams istg. I have to use them pretty often and it's like being stuck inside a portable zoo enclosure.

No. 2284331

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I'm pretty sure people I work with think I'm thick because of my accent. It's 2024 and I have a masters ffs.

No. 2284333

Are you sure you're not just paying attention to politics a bit too much? Although, I don't know what the situation is wherever you live.

No. 2284336

>My family is religious which is why this scares me
Why would that matter? It's not like they check for that, is it? Please tell me it isn't.

No. 2284352

What are they gonna do, have you open your legs in front of them so they can check you still have a hymen the night before you marry?

No. 2284353

Keeping them waiting seems like a good choice. If he sees you as nothing but a sex object, sooner or later he's going to give up if he sees he can't use your body.
Sucks that you had to waste time on him when you could've looked for someone else, though.

No. 2284356

Your hymen can break from falling off monkey bars. Men don’t feel the hymen breaking. The hymen breaking causing bleeding is a myth. Tampons aren’t wide enough for a guy to even think you’ve been fucked prior. You’re fine , and any guy that would lose his shit because of a tampon is not a guy you want to be with.

No. 2284358

If she's from one of those hyper religious places, if she doesn't bleed during her first time with her husband her family will disown her. The fact that she's worried about that might make me think she's from there.

No. 2284360

It sounds like he, in typical narc scrote fashion, wanted to be your ~exception~ so he could feel special. Take solace in the fact the trash took itself out. Also, waiting is a good thing, but if you DO find the right person make sure you do your research and have an open discussion about sex beforehand!

No. 2284361

I’ve from a hyper religious culture , and not once have a I heard of a scandal where a woman didn’t bleed and everyone lost their shit. I know it’s a thing, but I think people are more educated on bleeding not being a sign of virginity nowadays.

No. 2284373

Apologies nonna, I was being a bit racist and ignorant there.

No. 2284378

You weren’t it’s fine kek. I’m just letting you know I don’t think it’s an issue anymore, unless nonnas family is from the stone ages or is clinically uneducated.

No. 2284380

I do, especially because these weight loss injections have a warning about developing thyroid cancer. I can't imagine fucking your thyroid unintentionally while taking a medication to lose weight, lose all the weight you want, and then have to get all or parts of your thyroid removed and be low energy and hormonally fucked for the rest of your life.

No. 2284383

>the fact someone can be this coddled to the detriment of others
Will you stand up to the plate and put this little bitch boy in his place? You may be the only one, hell, the first one to do this in this piece of shit's entire life. Do it nona. I swear to god it will make you feel weird but then it will feel good. Tell that piece of shit how fucking annoying he is. Get on his level. Do insane shit like throw ham slices at him. If he ramps up the misbehavior ramp it up ten fold. Make him scared of you. I fucking hate people like this. Make them afraid to treat you like shit.

No. 2284385

you've got this nona. I am in the same place slowly digging myself out. For different reasons (not depression related) but surprisingly, a LOT of people go through this same cycle of debt -> surplus over and over again. You CAN get yourself out of this. It's so common and yet so shamed in our society.

No. 2284386

Your father deserves to be physically attacked for that childish outburst. More people should be slapped to put them in their place when they do this shit to people. And your mom is an idiot, "did u have trauma from him?" bitch you married him what do you think?

No. 2284387

This is my last fucking straw. I went onto Tumblr again to see if anyone makes cute fanart of my husbando and the first post I see is some faggot's retarded headcanon
>husbando gets fat
>weird description of his flabby arm fat
>disgusting description of how another character fucks his arm fat
I'm done. I'm killing myself tonight. I can't take this anymore

No. 2284395

Colon cancer as well. It’s not known exactly why although the theory is it’s due to a number of factors but a major component is probably all the processed food, basically shitty diets that are all garbage that is awful on your digestion, no fiber and very little fresh food.

No. 2284396

point out everything he does like that towards your boyfriend until he brings up something the roommate is doing to you, then be like well i guess i also noticed he’s like this towards me… i thought i was gonna agree with the other nona and i still do on the principle of it. but don’t let the principle ruin your relationship and living situation and everything you have going with his family. you can’t be the one with the problem. it has to be your boyfriend who has the problem and confronts him. otherwise his whole family is going to see you as the problem and whiny and “a bad woman” for not being submissive enough.

No. 2284408

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there are white tourists in my small town trying to pickup women….its so fucking over i want these sexpests out of here

No. 2284410

>former gifted kid complex
Kek that explains it all. Local child scores third highest in his class in arithmetic then spends entire life shitting self because he’s not actually Einstein.

No. 2284413

>only to find out that the fucking controller was apparently built for GIANTS and I CANT FUCKING USE IT!!!!!
Playing FF16 with the giant PS5 controller was torture, I was shocked too when I bought the console.

No. 2284415

I think it gets detected sooner too. I just had my first colonoscopy because something seemed "off" and colon cancer runs in my family, turns out I had polyps already (thankfully noncancerous).

No. 2284418

My mom just slapped me across my face

No. 2284419

Is this also you?

No. 2284422

I remember reading an article about how gaming controllers are made for men’s hands and it makes it more difficult for women to get into gaming.

No. 2284430

I swear to god this new Dualsense is purposefully exclusionary towards women. My moid can palm a basketball and it sits perfectly comfortable on his hands, meanwhile it's literally the entire length of my hand. Sony has recently really been going "anti-woke" and they obviously don't want women playing their games or buying any of their shit. I swear to God they're trying to make it an exclusive boys club. I'm thinking about returning the PS5 because I straight up feel like I got ripped off.

No. 2284435

No. But I agree. If my mom slaps me in my face because I told her she can get her point across without screaming and demeaning people, I should be able to slap her back. But I didn’t.

No. 2284460

It's weird how they started increasing in size from PS4 onwards. If you include the PSX one with analogue sticks, then they stayed the same size for three generations.
I always preferred PS ones over Xbox's because of their smaller size. But Dualsense is about the same size as Xbox ones.
I guess this is to cram more technology inside, but it's weird they made it that much bigger.

No. 2284465

I thought that PS ones being smaller might've had something to do with Americans being bigger than the average Japanese.

No. 2284480

Are latinos and spaniards all mentally ill, retarded, or generally less intelligent than other races? They are consistently the only group of people who, arriving at a hotel, will just speak in spanish. "Hello, welcome!" - "hola!". "What's the name of your reservation?" - "tenemos una reserva-…." listen bitch. Are you aware I'm speaking to you in a different language? Are you not grasping that I don't speak spanish? I don't care that you don't speak english, we'll use a translator, it's not a problem. But why do you confidently just start speaking in spanish? Wouldn't it make more sense to start with "hablas espanol?" "No ablo ingles". Wouldn't that be more logical?
My wet dream is to just answer in latvian and keep speaking in it to them until they gain consciousness and think "hold on! We are having a communication issue here!"
Fucking RETARDS! It's only them, too. only, EXCLUSIVELY them. Blacks, whites, asians, indians will either speak in english or apologize / use a translator / ask if i speak their language first. Two years working in different hotels, it's just them. Why? I don't even care why I'm just here to vent. What if I just kept talking in English until they asked to use a translator instead of me doing it directly? I want to make them uncomfortable. It feels so arrogant. How can you go to a foreign country where spanish is NOT spoken and expect people there to speak it? B-but muricans do it all the time!! Yeah that's because nearly every breathing creature speaks english, and it is required to know to work at reception. But why is it only them is my question. Why only them? Shoutout to the korean cuties who always have google translate ready. Higher iq i guess.(racebait)

No. 2284490

I cannot find my glasses

No. 2284491

I miss being able to stay with my cats, staying in bed the whole day didn't feel that awful. Fuck my decisions.

No. 2284498

Bedroom, car, last place you had to look down and take them off because they'd fall off and bathroom. That's my process. Hasn't let me down yet fellow blind nonna.

No. 2284509

i've been feeling very ugly even though i get told im pretty. when i visited japan, i saw how nice everyone dressed and it exacerbated my already low selfesteem. im an introverted american who drives everywhere so i don't have an incentive to dress up or do my makeup. im not a teenager either so its not just being insecure. i just feel like a very ugly woman. ive never really felt beautiful. i hate pictures because im not photogenic either, i look like a tranny in pictures kek. idk, maybe my hormones are acting up.

No. 2284510

I’m a fat bitch so I need to lose weight. I go to work out and then I get sharp knee pains because my heavy load is too much on my genetically weak knees. What the fuck am I supposed to do? I earnestly want to get fit at this point in my life, but every time I start I enter a cycle of
>start working out, its going great
>feel a funny stiffness in my knees
>that stiffness turns into small brief sharp pains
>have to pause cardio until my knees feel normal again after 2 months
Even walking 10k steps does a number on my knees. I need to melt this fucking fat off but my body is actively working against me

No. 2284513

Lose weight through eating better before forcing your body through workouts it can't handle

No. 2284521

just found out my daughter has celiac’s and honestly even thinking about cooking an entirely gluten free diet has me stressing the fuck out. obviously i’m gonna do it bc i love her but damn… no soy sauce??

No. 2284526

They make gluten free soy sauces, mom anon! Good luck and wishing your daughter good health

No. 2284550

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Please don't fret. It looks intimidating but it's not so bad. It's just a lot of info to take in at first. I'm glad you found out while she's young. Some advice: check your labels even if the box claims it's gluten free. Some places use the same equipment that gluten was on so possible cross contamination. Spices can contain gluten too so just double check. As for soy sauce, I use picrel. Just take it a day at a time. You got this.

No. 2284553

You don't have to exercise to lose weight. It all comes down to burning more calories than you absorb. If you eat very little, you're naturally going to burn more calories than you eat and thus lose weight.
It's best to eat low calories yet very satiating food so you don't feel hungry all the time.

I think tofu is good for weight loss. It's low in calories, if you cook it well, it tastes almost like chicken, and you won't feel hungry for quite a while after making a dish with it. Sometimes I'd fry a brick of it with some veggies and would not feel hungry for most of the day.

No. 2284555

What >>2284550 said, and over time it'll become second nature to you to know what she can and can't have through looking at enough labels. I was in the same situation as your daughter and diagnosed young and now I just know if I can have something or not without really needing to check the label. One thing I can suggest is that you just start cooking gluten free for everyone in the house (don't know what the rest of your family is like), it doesn't make much sense to cook separate meals for her unless you have to.

No. 2284560

I went from chubby chub chub to anachan by eating buldak ramen, a salad, and coffee daily . Some days I would eat avocado toast with a poached egg instead of the ramen.

It was honestly very enjoyable after the first week of hell (cause I have a food addiction) I’m not Anachan skinny anymore (because I realized how ugly I looked at that weight), but I’ve kept the weight off for a year now.

No. 2284564

one of my friends is faking an illness and it's so annoying but i know there is NO ONE ELSE paying any mind. i don't want to make them feel abandoned, but i also wish they would knock it off already. even talking to my other friend group doesn't help because they have no compassion for the severely mentally ill and i can't vent at all without them wanting me to drop my friend.

No. 2284583

I wish I could get into discord but its too weird for me. Getting into “the right” discord group and then trying to fit in via a group chat system… and also giving people easy access to message you anytime is just a bit too much for me. But the idea of streaming your screen with friends and chilling on call sounds so cool. Really wish I was just normal.

No. 2284621

the title and thumbnail are stupid but this video (along with other videos) give advice on weight loss. majority comes down to weight, not exercise. so focus on eating better and then exercise when it hurts less.

No. 2284626

The people you hang around says a lot about you, if you hang around attention seekers then you’re likely to be one yourself, you even type and give off the vibe of one. You’re only around your friend because you get the sick satisfaction of knowing that you are on the same level of shittiness as your friend but you’ll never stoop so low to do such cowish behavior like she’s doing so you’re using it to feel superior. You’re just as pathetic as her, damn

No. 2284628

Ntayrt but you sound like you're projecting your own experiences onto her.

No. 2284637

I’m not projecting anything, that’s just the truth and that’s how human beings act, have you ever been around one, hm bot? So many bots around trying to act like they’re human posters KEK

No. 2284642

I found some group by a complete accident, and still it took me months to even start talking to anyone.
I really wish I wasn't living my life on hard mode. I feel like things that come naturally to everyone are often impossible tasks to me.

No. 2284647

Ohhh so you are projecting your own experiences on account of the schizophrenia.

No. 2284652

I really don't appreciate and don't enjoy anons who write posts just to get angry at anons who respond to them, or just pretend to be stupid instead of having a real conversation

No. 2284659

Ohhh someone’s deciding to be a cunt who thinks they can do what I can kek, you can’t. Try again

No. 2284731

It honestly does make me upset to the point of tears when I go on facebook and see my father supporting the children he has with his wife in ways he has never and will never do for me. I just saw a post where his wife talked about how he was such a great father and she and their kids love him so much, then another about how he fixed the toilet in his daughters apartment ASAP. It's just not fair. I so badly want to message him and tell him to kill himself, but I'm learning to not give people emotional reactions and what would be the point? He still won't care about me. I don't think about my father much because the trauma my mother caused me was much worse, but it does hurt me a lot. I feels like I didn't have either of my parents, I'm practically an orphan. I'm lucky to have my grandmother and other relatives that have cared for me in the absence of my parents.

No. 2284774

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I just want to go to sleep and not wake up tomorrow. I dont enjoy anything in life anymore and it feels painful to exist. I always feel so tired and have nothing to hope for. I am so deeply miserable and it feels like nothing good or beneficial ever drifts my way. I'm tired of fighting and trying to force something that was never working out for me anyways. I just want to die.

No. 2284837

The lack of sunlight combined with a few night shifts has never ruined me this hard. I can't sleep at night, only during daylight for some reason now and I'm barely functional during hours when I'm awake. It's impossible, holy shit. I thought I'm getting better, but now I'm worse than I've ever been.
It doesn't help that I have lots of stress going on and I'm generally depressed all the time. I wish I could sleep through this whole month and I actually need to sleep, I just can't do it

No. 2284865

I bought one on sale just to use with my PC, and realized it was way too big to use. I don't even know how actual kids use them.

No. 2284949

Nonnas im not even exaggerating,
Nostalgia is beating my ass tonight. I feel my heart physically aching thinking about my childhood. I feel paralyzed and I can’t stop staring into space. I can’t stop thinking about the early 2000s, about my uncles house , about playing on the Nintendo 64. I actually really really can’t handle this pain.

No. 2284953

I'm crying again. I wish Prozac would just sap all the emotion from my body.

No. 2284954

It’ll be okay. Crying is cathartic. It hurts now, but will feel better after. Maybe try a hot shower

No. 2284958

Watching interior design youtube videos were at first fascinating and inspiring, then little by little I got pissed off when I realize that nearly all of it is impossible to achieve. Im working and saving up, so Im living with family for the foreseeable future, and my unemployed older brother (Ill call him B) lives here too.

Walk out into the hallway? Theres tons of B's clothes hanging up. Watch out a random coat hanger doesn't poke you when you wake up for work in the early mornings! The hall cabinet is filled with B's underwear and socks. There's "no room" in his pigsty den that he won't sort through. Of course, mommy does his laundry for him on demand, and hangs it up there. Mom sees nothing wrong with this clutter, and Im a meeeean person for wanting a clear hallway.

B stacks empty soap and toothpaste boxes in the bathroom (he used to save empty shaving cans in his closet, until mom had to tell him to stop, due to a fire hazard). After mom or I move his empty boxes into the recycling, B slowly starts this habit again. The bathroom has a hole in the floor, part of the wall was taken down for "renovations" that never happen, but there are slats of wood still up so not exposed. Mom had to cut a large garbage bag and duct tape it to block the water damage/mold that would happen, B was too useless to even do that! B and mom think our senior Dad, who works full time 7 days a week, is supposed to do the renovations, not B. They trash talk Dad behind his back about it. I worry about B seeing me piss or shower due to these small nail holes on the bathroom wall against his room's wall, but I remember that his wall is covered in clutter, so probably can't see me anyway.

Walk into the living/dining area? There's stacks of boxes to the ceiling, large metal cabinets B likes to slam at all hours of the day/night, truck parts, stuff you'd find in a garage. B thinks Dad should build him a garage, and has been waiting for 10+ years instead of making one himself. Meantime, B built a giant ugly truck canopy that shades out a large portion of our garden. I wanted to paint this room, HAH! That would require king shit (B) to move his stuff, and that's meeean according to him and mom.

B also wears shoes that he wears outside throughout the house, so if I were to indulge and enjoy the cleanliness of SOMETHING ie. the floors, B will spread more filth by walking with his shoes all over the freshly cleaned floors. Is it worth it? Last time, B impatiently expected me to lift the floor steaming machine to move out of HIS way, then he walked on top of the freshly cleaned area.

B also changes his shoes every time before he goes into his room, putting on other shoes for his own room, as if his own pigsty shouldn't be subjected to the same grossness he spreads throughout the house. B changes his shoes right near the bathroom door, which is jarring as he does this quite often. There's no point in the day I can comfortably pee or shower without the sound of rushed stomping (B) going closer to the bathroom door, and him changing shoes, right near the door. B used to really enjoy harassing me everytime I used the bathroom, pointing out to everyone that I'm in there again and he needs in there, when there was an empty one available (but that one is "too cold" for B).

So, I get pissed off imagining what could be a B-free space, and the added stress that most men (not Dad, he's helpful) bring to a home.

No. 2284961


To add:

While heating up lunch, I set my plate out. Big mistake. B just HAD to enter the kitchen after he spent hours doing nothing hanging around. B deliberately stood near/over my plate, so his hairy arms are over top of my plate, laughs/talks with spit coming out and scratches his head.

B starts telling Mom & I about a comment section being full of stupid people, ie. who don't share his views. B said someone warned another person about a sexual predator, and laughed loud as if it was funny and called it stupid as if it's not true (he is sexist against women, thinks males are always innocent). I can't bear to listen to B. I changed plates, now I worry he'll whine to mommy about it because I'm meeeean for thinking he's gross, and I'll have to defend my actions which would be ridiculous. (Once, I made a pizza from scratch, and B found a flea on his sock, and held it away from himself, over top of my pizza like "Eww mom what do I do?" Mom and B made me out to be a big meanie weanie hurting his feelings, shaming me, because I asked him not to put fleas near my pizza I was making from scratch!)

Then B tells a REALLY FUNNY dream that he was going to wash the bathroom wall, and just stood there laughing for no reason like Peter Griffin. B said this was caused by watching so much Family Guy the day before. Cue forced laughter! I'm no super genius, but I could feel my IQ drop.

This was all just from 1 interaction, with my food prep to intentionally shorten the amount of time I'd be stuck being around B.

No. 2284994

I'm sorry nona, I really don't know what can you do because I feel like that too very often. But the feeling of having wasted the 2010s starts to haunt me more that my idealisation of the 2000s and we're almost in 2025 so maybe it's not a bad idea to let it all go and try to enjoy the present.

No. 2284995

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sorry anon. i'm also an adult living at home to save, and i also have a useless brother living here too (younger in my case) who is absolutely disgusting and babied by my parents. I was going to be set to move out in about two years, but due to government budget cuts, I lost my government contract job and can't find anything that pays as well. I don't know how long I will have to stay here but it looks like i will be near 30 unfortunately. I really sit and wonder sometimes what even is the point of living when this is my life, and all i have to look forward to is the cheapest possible town home with no windows that i will only be able to scrape together the money for by the time i'm 30. If you are single and don't have dual income, you can't afford anything in life around here. When I'm not working my free time melts away since i have nothing to do other than sleep through it. I have moments where i think, what would my child self think if she knew that this was what life was going to be? If it weren't for my parents i would self destruct gleefully, i'm held hostage in life by the people who created me. gotta perform my little ant farm tasks to please them.

No. 2285005

Jeffree Star there is a place in hell for you perfectly tailored to your eternal discomfort in a nightmarish purgatory of which you will never escape what a pompous bumpkin mean girl wannabe you are

No. 2285010

Context ?

No. 2285037

Just saw some clips of him bullying Eugenia Cooney and talking about sewing breast implants to her ass.

No. 2285039

I thought they were besties

No. 2285053

Every clip you see of them interacting is him just trying to humiliate her knowing damn well her body has already eaten half of her brain. Evil cunt.

No. 2285057

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Having one of those nights where the only thing keeping me here is knowing that I can’t have my nephews only know me as the auntie who topped herself. They always say it’ll get better but they never say when.

No. 2285067

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How do some people manage to look attractive all their lives? Not just when they are 20 but when they are 60 too? It cannot be surgeries and such, because then every boomer would be able to?

No. 2285081

struggle on, nonnie. whatever suffering you have had to bear up to this point is already past, it can only act on you in the present through memory. any future suffering yet to be borne can only act on you in the present through your anticipation of it. if you can carve out for yourself a place of pure base existence in the present— consciousness without thought—like the moment between wakefulness and sleep, may you find solace there.

No. 2285094

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Welp, I've been fired. Don't come back, just drop the laptop in and sayonara. I expected it to happen but I was hoping to stick it out till January.
I don't really care, it's been in the post for a while, but I feel bad for HR having to work on a Sunday to email me.

No. 2285099

It's my sister's birthday so I thought I could chill at home today until she's done with work and we could celebrate with my other siblings and our parents. My parents decided to invite that one uncle as well and nobody else. Why? "Because he's lonely" except the reason why he feels lonely is because he's a violent alcoholic who abused his ex wife and his kids, who ran away as soon as they could, he's greedy and tries to steal food and drinks from everyone all the time or doesn't participate during events, other relatives caught him taking things from trash cans in public several times as if he didn't have money, and the last time I had the misfortune of interacting with him he asked me to check why his phone had glitches and it turned out he was watching porn on it when I wanted to delete his search history. Fuck my parents and fuck this guy in particular. I would have left for the day if I knew he'd come.

No. 2285110

Money: Personal trainers, excellent food made by person chefs, stylists, makeup artists etc. these people have access to the best of the best and don't spend their lives slaving away for a handful of coins. Good genes also play a role of course.

No. 2285116

How long did it take you to lose the weight?

No. 2285121

Stalking old friends I might have had a crush and I always end up seeing with their boyfriends it makes me cry throw up

No. 2285142

i fucking hate trannies and how they've ruined every fandom space i can't even escape them on imageboards

No. 2285153

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It's not so much I think I'm a lesbian, but I genuinely think I would only feel truly emotionally, sexually and mentally fulfilled by being with a woman and it kills me inside to think about. Every time I try to cuddle up and love a man I feel like I'm trying to feel something that just isn't there

No. 2285156

ocd is the worst most painful disorder ever I wish I was schizophrenic instead

No. 2285157

I feel this nonna, I love walking and going on walks but after two or three weeks of it I always got sick for some reason. I now have a waking pad so I can just walk at home without catching any bacteria/viruses. can you swim/do you feel comfortable in a swimsuit? then I suggest swimming, it's very easy on the joints and a killer workout. unfortunately I can't swim and have a phobia of pools because I almost drowned several times, otherwise I'd do it too. also seconding what other anons said, fix your food habits first. if you're lucky, you only have shit habits and no weird emotional hangups around food (like me). you can do this!!!

No. 2285158

so depressed because i have acne now and i gained weight. i never had acne before until 2 years ago, it suddenly started back then. im gonna stop eating processed foods and ill be super healthy from now on especially next year, i cant keep living like this anymore.

No. 2285159

idk nona you sound like a lesbian to me what's wrong with that

No. 2285160

do you live in an homphobic contry ?

No. 2285182

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Backing up my old photos so they can live forever in the cloud and jfc what was I thinking? I can't believe I went out like that with zero self awareness.
I'm also coming to terms that me in a few years is going to look back on me now and feel the same level of cringeness. Don't do it bitch, I'll start smoking and give us both lung cancer.

No. 2285192

I think a lot of girls on here don't understand that a bf who encourages you to cut or starve or indulge in drug-use is abusive & will hinder your happiness in life

No. 2285193

/ot/ is turning into a cesspool of vitriol right before our eyes. I've seen nonas insult nonas in ways inches and groypers could only ever dream of, all while still insisting they're the most feminist of all. I wonder if it's men trying to sew discord among us? Or maybe I'm coping hard by thinking that.

No. 2285196

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I’ve already cut them off but I’m embarrassed to realize that all of my friends were either colorist or just straight up racist. I’m so triggered because I cut them off nicely when I should’ve rained hellfire. I think I was just in denial about how blatant racism is. But it’s so obvious looking back they all looked down on me as their mono racial token. Even my black girl bestie looked down on me because she looked racially ambiguous and I didn’t . The nonblacks were just straight up racist towards the end. That’s so creepy to have people look down on you and then call you their best friend. Weirdos. The gag is I’ve always considered myself to be my very best friend. I’m just mad because I gave those people great resources and advice when it came to fashion, music and just the arts in general. But because my skin tone didn’t match my hobbies they gaslighted me into calling them strange while stealing my personality years later kek. It’s fine I’ll have the last laugh. I always do

No. 2285199

*incels and groypers

No. 2285201

I just remembered this family member from my mom’s side I don’t even talk to called me to tell me since I don’t have any kid yet and I don’t pay school fees, why don’t I pay for one of her kids. Stupid woman.

No. 2285202

Style changes though maybe you're just on trend for certain periods. I got bullied for being emo and my long skirt twee phase got me called Amish kek

No. 2285204

insecure people are extremely fucking racist, don't let them fool you. any reason to feel superior over someone else is good reason.

they suffer more than you think.

No. 2285207

I'm sorry that happened to you, anon. Just stay mysterious. When you're actually unique and authentic/creative, it's typical to have copycats and fakes try to take advantage of you (especially while negging you). Race is the easiest thing for them to try and drag you down to their level over, it's pathetic.

No. 2285208

Are you African nonna? I am and it’s crazy how entitled relatives all are when one lives abroad especially.
My mom paid for my cousin’s schools fees because my aunt was a retard who was busy chasing men and shitting kids she couldn’t take care of (she even got with a scrote who has HIV). My mom stopped paying and only told her she was only paying for this one girl , not the other children (who are still small) and the bitch acted ungrateful and stopped speaking to my mom kek.

No. 2285209

cutting off friends can be so hard, I hope you find better friends with whom you can be your true self who will support you

No. 2285212

I just hoped I could connect with people with similar interests online but because one person thought I was creepy, they leaked my chats and never said anything while still replying to me. First a friend blocked me and then I found out through her calling me a stalker. I was a little retardly excited to talk but I made sure they weren't uncomfortable. Now I lost someone else I trusted enough to call with ( recovering hikki ) because they value the accuser more.

No. 2285215

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Fanny/Null_backdoorho used to be one of my favorite cows but after being exposed to even more misogyny from the internet, real life and even ex friends, I can't stomach even her "normal" sfw art anymore. Her and other women's pickmeism disgusts and upsets me too much. Ah well, I'll just go on hoping one day she gets exposed as the racist pickme she is and then her supporters start waking p to how retarded her beliefs are.

No. 2285216

Thank you girls for your kind words. I was planning on deleting this post since I find it cringe but my phone died kek. But thank you guys I don’t have friends currently but I hope to change it in the new year. Much love

No. 2285222

This NYE will be the first one I'll spend at home with my family since 10 years ago. I usually spend it with friends, and it was fun most of the time but my group of friends have been more and more divided because some of them moved to other cities or countries, some just stopped caring about the rest of us as much as before, some are too busy with work or other personal things, and this year one of them will go somewhere else to celebrate the new year with her family because she can't spend as much time with them as she would like to. It's making me feel like an old fart.

No. 2285233

I binged on an entire family size bag of chips last night and everyone wonders why I never have snacks in my house. I feel like shit from all of the sodium, and after I ate the bag I felt so horrible I just started drinking to try to block it out and I ended up having to lay down on my living room floor because I thought I was going to pass out. I’m so pathetic I’m so fucking tired of being an alcoholic I can’t keep doing this. The only way I can take it is to wake up and immediately start taking stimulants, which I have to make breakfast before I can take and the last thing I want to think about right now is food. I actually hate myself so much, why can’t I do basic fucking tasks and why am I such a fucking addict all the time.

No. 2285241

what was the reason?

No. 2285282

I wanna fucking kill myself. No one has ever been as retarded as me.

No. 2285303

My ocd has started to give me false memories as intrusive thoughts and I want to scream and genuinely kill myself. They're all about CSA, I keep getting false, vivid mental images that I somehow was the aggressor/rapist even though I was fucking seven. I straight up "remember" a false POV of assaulting grown adults. Sounds fucking ridiculous, well that's ocd for ya, absolutely irrational. I know it's nonsensical but ocd also is a plague. I haven't felt like I "deserved" anything yet but that's probably the next theme shift, woohoo!

No. 2285329

i ask my sister to drop me off 10 minutes from my house with like a 5 minutes notice and this is what drives my family into a screaming match, and then when dropping me off she screams at me at not immediately responding because i'm not completely sure where it is. it's my fault for running late and not simply driving myself, but damn the way things escalate is fucking insane. i'm supposed to have a nice time with my friend i wish i'd simply cancelled.

No. 2285343

>No one has ever been as retarded as me.
You wish

No. 2285368

Nothing confirmed as the reason but I took mdma at the work xmas party on Friday and got really messy. I've been spiralling since early summer though so it might be a cumulative thing.
Actions meet consequences

No. 2285420

I am going into treatment for my ED after moving and I'm now located in a very, uh, influencer-friendly area. I didn't want to move here, but the move was the right decision for reasons irrelevant to this post. My old treatment center was also in a major US city, but it was full of really chill and friendly people (the other clients, not necessarily the medical professionals). Everyone was friendly and genuinely cared for one another; there wasn't that weird, cringe ass competitive nature to it. Only one woman exhibited cow behavior but she got kicked out, kek.

I have so many fears about this new program

- what if the people at this place are fake and competitive af?
- what if there are some cows there who try to post about me or some shit on their cringe social media?
- are the vibes going to be completely different than my previous program?
- am I going to be able to remain successful in my career after taking more months off for treatment?
- obviously I don't want to gain weight but whatever I'm retarded so
- I had such a large friend group in my previous city and now I'm worried I'm never going to meet cool people because I'll be locked in anorexia jail for god knows how long

holy shit I hate having this stupid ass disorder

No. 2285431

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No. 2285439

AYRT– I hope the food they give me is even half that delicious kek

No. 2285457

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You can always tell when my mother is in a bad mood because she starts giving out the most passive aggressive and backhanded "compliments" out of nowhere lmao. She has a good reason to be mad but still, like, is that necessary

No. 2285501

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long distance talking stage scrote joked about me coming to his house and cooking him food. who the fuck do you think you are. you're supposed to cook for your guests not vice versa. i'll kill you

No. 2285514

and you’ll still cuck yourself for him despite the red flags

No. 2285521

nta but read the thread rules

No. 2285533

I'm genuinely proud to have zero sexual experience with moids and I'm osa.

No. 2285539

I'm falling into suicidal ideation again. My whole life I knew I would be a failure and here I am. A whole, complete failure. I should have died when I was a child. I should have committed suicide when I first developed the desire to. I was never supposed to be born. The reason why I feel this way is that my birth was not supposed to happen, and for over 20 years now the universe has been trying to rectify this mistake by taking me out. Every second I spend alive, I fuck up the timeline more and more. The right thing for me to do would be to die. I'm a cancer in reality.

But I'm so scared of pain. I'm so scared of dying.

No. 2285562

Lolcow was never a feminist imageboard it was made to document and laugh at cows first and foremost, ofc most people here are gonna be rude and judgemental towards other women, /ot/ in general is filled with rude people who sound like they had a bad day

No. 2285570

went on a nice trip with awesome and cool mostly lesbian couples but like one of the one guys there assaulted me by groping me a bunch and ruined the whole trip. This was supposed to be the small getaway to destress too but now im so much more stressed. I just want to not feel bad and feel normal at work tomorrow.

No. 2285573

That's horrible. Are you able to report this somehow?

No. 2285606

I think I'm bordering on psychosis again and I'm having some very scary and concerning thoughts

No. 2285620

Yeah, it's really stupid. A woman not having sexual experience isn't really a shameful thing at all because you could get sex from a male anytime you want even if you're ugly, fat, old, whatever. If you're making a conscious choice to not want to have sex with men (which you must be since again, it's easy to get sex with them if you really wanted to), I don't see why that would be an epic own or whatever to say you're a virgin as an insult. It only works for men since their lives and sense of self worth revolve around sex and trying hard to get picked by women.

No. 2285623

i'm not falling for this anon

No. 2285640

that's obviously the reason? why would you do that?

No. 2285651

My brother is an RA at his college and has just been informed that a 22 year old student is bragging about dating underage girls and keeps bringing a 16 year old on campus. I told him that he should do what he can to get him kicked out, but he's insisting he can't because he needs his job and that no one would listen. I understand his perspective, but come the fuck on man. He only doesn't want to risk his job because he's irresponsible with money and has no back up plans ever. And I would've risked my job to get this pedophilic scrote off campus, or at least kick up a fuss about it on social media if they chose to expell me over the self admitted pedophile. Its ridiculous how he would choose his shifty RA job that pays $100 a month and housing (which by the way he already is fucking up by getting professionally warned for keeping someone in his dorm room because he felt lonely) over trying to kick out this loser moid. I just don't understand how men can have morals like this and pretend that they actually care about victims.

No. 2285662

how do you know she is faking?

No. 2285663

Same fag, coming back to vent more. I also do wonder how his wife can tolerate publicly praising a man who's a complete deadbeat (apparently just to me but another woman as well). Even their daughter is only a year older than me because my father was playing both her and my mother at the same time. I don't feel like she owes me anything or whatever, I just want to understand the mentality.

No. 2285669

Sometimes I wonder if I just want a daughter so I can give a girl the life, attention and love I didn't have. Maybe it's selfish.

No. 2285672

Watching my friend fall apart. Not sure what's going on in her personal life outside the net since we're long distance friends. She's going schizo at mere reference that men exist. Yeah, we both hate them considerably but she's taking it to a paranoid degree. Everyone is an old male pedophile now, even people she has never seen before. I want to have conversations about why men suck on a level that is more nuanced or some shit but holy crap.
It's like she's drugged when we get into VC with how paranoid she is. "There's sperm in the water" type of rampage. I love her dearly like a sister but this has got to stop. I wish I was over in her country to slap some sense into her? But I just can't even stand being in VC with her. One minute she is afraid of every man, the next she's sending me in-jokes she has with the guys she befriends?????? What side is she even on.
Worst part is if I do have a moid friend, she instantly starts talking about how he's gonna rape me and I'm going to come to realization that he's a creep. Even if they're gay. Like dude? Might be the case sure but why does she have literally no other female friend but me, while also surrounding herself with men?
I'm so fucking confused.

No. 2285676

Call the police and report this shit if you arent living with them, you dont deserve this nona fuck that bitch I hope your alright now

No. 2285682

Anon, I am really sorry that happened tp you.They sound like assholes, just stop talking to them, I know it's hard but I had to stop talking to some of my family too. They don't deserve to see you

No. 2285694

Give me your strength. My friends of 8+ years made fun of me when I wore my hair in micro braids. They mocked how my scalp was visible between braids and that I looked ugly.

I truly loved how it looked, but cut my hair off to appease them. They mocked the texture afterwards. I'm desperate for affection and they've stuck around lingest, calling me "based but black". I suck at socializing offline. This is all I have and I'm afraid to move on.

No. 2285695

>that's obviously the reason?
Eh I've done other stuff, that's why I'm not sure it's exactly this. I've shown up to work tipsy a few times. I got the mdma from some grads and I don't think it was just that otherwise they'd be dropped too especially since they're on recent hire probation. I think I might've took a swing at someone but you don't usually black out on mdma so I'm not sure.
>why would you do that?
I can list off excuses but in reality I'm a very sad fuck up. Top to bottom. Sad jobless nonna, not a bit of serotonin in her brain, drinking wine and being sad. Saying she's sad for sympathy. Mentioning she wants sympathy so she doesn't get it, because she shouldn't

No. 2285696

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i am such a retard fml. my dad needed money so i sent him 50 without realizing i wouldn't get my paycheck the normal day bc of the holidays. fortunately i should be able to hold off my meds for a week and am fine with food & other stuff, but reeeeeee why am i so fucking retarded. also my dog got into my friend's cat food when i was with her for thanksgiving and yacked on my bed

No. 2285700

I seriously need my meds, any meds will suffice. I need to clock in ASAP

No. 2285703

it is an illness that has no external signs or symptoms, but the mechanisms and timeline of healing are well-understood. even if she did have this illness for real, she is WAY past-due for her recovery.

i think she is stressed about school, and the illness is her explanation for why she isn't achieving at the level she expected. i try to talk to her about school, her goals, her recovery, and she spergs out. i haven't found the right way to tackle the subjects yet.

my other friends are telling me to just drop her if she acts like this, but i just want to shout into the sky about my friend being a dumbass for 20 minutes before i go back and try again. even typing this out made me feel better. ty anon.

No. 2285707

My roommate's really nice but she has a tendency to buy food and keep it way past the expiration date. She gave me a bag of granola that she wasn't eating and it was two months past its expiration date, and she said I could have the tahini in the fridge and that expired almost a year ago. I know some stuff isn't bad past the date but I was hospitalized with e. coli a couple years ago so I get paranoid about food safety

No. 2285726

>have friend I'm close with and have been friends for years
>she calls me the online friend she's known the longest
>starts treating me bad, ignoring and excluding me
>apparently it's because I was mean to her when I was 13
>it gets to the point her behavior causes me a mental breakdown
>finally we talk and I apologize for what I said and she promises she'll improve
>she goes back to ghosting me after like 3 days so I block her
I still miss her so much after all this time. I regret doing it because it's been fucking years on end and I still can't get over her at all. I wish she could just reach out again and talk to me. I don't know why this particular friend affected my mental state this badly, can any nona help me out with finally getting over her? Please

No. 2285727

It always cracks me up when a picture of a trans person appears on the welcome page of Lolcow. It's so easy to tell which threads the pictures are posted in. They really are clowing us with the whole 'passing' myth.(not a vent/wrong thread)

No. 2285731

Not really a vent, nonna

No. 2285741

When people say that shit about how anorexic women are just autopedophilic whores pandering to men I want to go into a fucking rage. There's no point trying to explain it to them how many women are trying to starve the breasts from their bodies in response to being abused or sexualised, or that it's actually fucking retarded to base your understanding of a mental illness on the type of people who post on social media.
If you get mad, the dumb cunts win, I know, and get to sit smugly back at how unbothered they are compared to you.

No. 2285757

Yes, even on Lolcow, people talk about passing day and night. And I hate it.

No. 2285761

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sigh. when will it end. it only gets worse.

No. 2285778

Sometimes anons get so caught up in hating moids that they end up hating women.

No. 2285782

do you not realize how retarded and circular it is to support "sex workers" just because you hate the men that go to them? what do you hate more, the drug or the drug dealer? this should be interesting.

No. 2285783

I miss you as in I miss the person you used to be. I miss you when you were taller and cooler and always a bit ahead of me. I miss the times when we felt the same way about each other and I miss the times when we read each other's minds. I want you back. Please give me a sign if you want me back as well.

No. 2285786

I'm glad these women are at least getting some security but this just leads to normalising prostitution and treat it as if it was an actual job.

No. 2285793

NTAYRT It isn't as black as white like that. While its bad that prostitution is starting to get the regulations as if it is an ethical and "real" job, its still a benefit to the women already trapped in the system who would otherwise be screwed over if they were to have a baby. I can only hope that the maternity leave/pension benefits can be used as crutch to get out of prostitution for a better life/job but thats thinking optimistically.

No. 2285795

there's never a "right" way to have anorexia. anons on here will say you're an autopedophilic whore, an attention seeker, too fat to actually have AN, and/or a faker. Don't get me wrong: there are plenty of pro-ana cows that deserve to be laughed at, but it's startling to come to the realization that other women truly don't understand that the illness is most often rooted in something far deeper than vanity or moid-pandering.

No. 2285800

>this should be interesting.
this made me cringe

No. 2285813

I’m dying nonna

No. 2285837

>Go out to eat
>Ask boyfriend to take photos of me
>My breasts are so fucking huge they look so out of place
>Large body frame and wide shoulders on top of that
Holy shit can I fucking die. This sucks so much. I'm not even fat, just unfortunate frame.

No. 2285844

Fuck those people, nonna. They wouldn't know culture or taste if it bit them in the ass.

No. 2285855

are you sure you're not fat?

No. 2285866

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It makes me sad that I will never date a pretty boy. Moids are pretty only in their teens and early 20s, then it's never the same. As a teen and early 20s woman I was an extremely insecure NEET virgin and I was never as dolled up as the girls those boys used to date. I didn't go out, I didn't exist. And now, when I can finally afford all the stuff I need to be pretty and I'm not as afraid to go outside, I'm too old. I'm not 30 yet, but close. Sure, some women date younger men but I never saw them with those tik tok kind of pretty boys. And even if, those boys usually only use older women for sex and they don't form long term monogamic relationships with them. That's what I think at least. I'm just extremely bitter that I never went through that teen/early 20s puppy love phase with a very cute boy. I will never have this. It ended before it began.

No. 2285880

First off, you aren't even 30 yet, shut the fuck up, touch grass and go get your zoomie boytoy instead of basing your judgement on what you see on social media. There are quite a lot of women even in previous generations whose husband are decade younger than them.

No. 2285885

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No. 2285887

I promise you, I am not fat. I just have case of inverted triangle and unfortunate genetics. My mum's has breast reduction, and my doctor has put me on the government list for breast reduction. I just feel sexualised and awful for looking this way.

No. 2285889

Both my mother and my grandmother's husbands are literally 10 years younger. My grandma met him when she was 33.

No. 2285892

Nah you can always get it if you're in shape. I met my ex when he was 21 and I was 33 and we stayed together for 2 years. Best dick ever highly recommended

No. 2285898

I played overwatch after like 6 years and I'm so bad and silver 5…It's usually not my fault, but I'm used to games that don't really depend on one person's actions and this is so stressful wtf. I'm going to still play this shit because I like hurting I guess

No. 2285904

i hate normies because im an antisocial loser weirdo and wish i was like them

No. 2285909

same its killing me how do they do it?

No. 2285911

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I’m not going to have a future. I’m probably going to work mediocre jobs for the rest of my life. I’m still unemployed and nobody is hiring. Prices keep rising. I seriously want to die, this isn’t a plea for help because I know nobody can help me and nobody wants to. I’m not going to beat the impossible or triumph over this, I just wish for once in people’s lives to actually provide me decent advice and that advice is on how to kill myself with minimal pain and the body can be easily found and disposed of. I don’t really want my guts blown on a wall or my decaying body fused inside of furniture so I was wondering if it would be possible to do it outside? If anyone even care sneaking to read or respond to this do not try to talk me out of this, there’s nothing that can be rationally done because my life has been over before it’s begin and I’m not going to go through more struggling, stress and health problems just for some possible “betterment” that could happen in my life, it’s not rational to base your ideas off wishful thinking. I need some good suicide links now, there used to be a good website for this but it unfortunately got taken down sanctioned-suicide.org but please provide any links you have, I know you don’t want to get banned if you share them but I’m tired of this and I can’t live anymore.

No. 2285927

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>have nausea and feel bloated
>don't anything for a day
>try to eat a small thing next day just to stop the hunger
>instant diarrhea

No. 2285930

i am a normie and i'm still an antisocial weirdo

No. 2285931

I don't have much advice to offer you because I'm more or less in the same situation, had a real, real bad panic attack last night and wondered if it was really worth living like this, but you aren't alone, if that's of any comfort. There's a way out of this and it doesn't involve suicide.

No. 2285932

My dad is so disgusting its unbelieveable. He keeps moaning, sighing and grunting so loudly it makes me deeply umcomfortable i wish he would fall down the stairs or get decapitated.

No. 2285945

i dont wanna go to work i hate my fucking job i hate my coworkers i never wanna go back again i hate it thereeeeeeeee i hate it i hate it i hate it

No. 2285957

Low-key I wish I was challenged more by my major in college. I so do not see myself going into teaching sociology or into academia, and the workload that my course has is a joke and my profs suck. Besides, all the terminology and concepts just seem so fake and people are still arguing over what sociologists should study. Im only 21 and like 2 years into the course but I still feel like it's too late to take up something radically different.
I know I can study hard. If I know it's not wibbly wobbly abstract stuff, I know I'll bust my ass learning something useful and fun. But idk, getting a chemistry degree as a second one seems so dumb. Ugh.

Being on here automatically exempts you from normie status.

No. 2285963

Nonna pleaseeeee

No. 2285968

That depends on an individual. I'm convinced that some people just age faster. Some guys start balding in their teens and have the skin condition of a 60-year-old, while some get asked for ID well into their late 30s.
In high school, I knew one guy who looked like George Costanza.
>I was an extremely insecure NEET virgin
Well, I'm still here. Although I haven't been a neet for long.
>I'm just extremely bitter that I never went through that teen/early 20s puppy love phase
On one hand, I feel the same way, but on the other, It seems that this whole teen love thing is overrated.
From what I remember, people at that age would go through like 8 relationships in one month. Teen "love" seems empty and meaningless

No. 2285974

It's highly generic and unhelpful advice I know, I just always found comfort in knowing there's other people in the "there's no way out of this" stage of depression.

No. 2285975

samefag. My mom keeps telling me that living back home is bad and that she cant even buy us a month of food and honestly i just wish i was never born. I don't have anything im passionate about, im not a normie never been and never have assimilated despite my attempts to do so. Latam has a hypersexual culture and im starting to realize my mom lives in a bubble herself and thinks "yeah just go out and make friends!" like im interested in the current climate of talking and taking part in being the subject of degradation and having to interact with fat ugly dysgenic moids. I dont want to go to art shit because its either full of sleazy junkies and pickmes or neets and their designated pickmes. Even if i manage to get a place for myself only and neetmaxx as an artist for geek vidya and anime shit i have to be surrounded and its impossible to avoid tranny or coomershit since i don't have deep interest in yaoi or bl stuff so i can't be part of these communities anyway, and its off-putting how they always shit on femake characters while excusing amd praising the same traits on male characters. So i dont care about normies and having to see hairy ugly fat moids irl, i dont care about neet shit because its full of pickmes and coomshit, i dont have any interests and i have tried but theyre all pointless and i just dont give a shit. I wish i died back when i had cancer before i became dysfunctional or my mom never gave birth to me. Now i cant even wash my hands in peace.

No. 2285983

i like my job but hate my coworkers. i just want to go in, do my 8 hours in silence listening to podcasts and go home. im waiting for an overnight position to open up so i can take it and never interact with anyone again.

No. 2286006

Same. At least, I think It's good that we understand the reason behind it.
That's the thing. They don't "do" anything, they just are.

No. 2286015

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i wish i could quit my shitty wagie job and be a full time student, but i dont get govt benefits and need the money. it's so thankless and draining and i can't find anything better. i hate my shitty fat cunt of a manager and i hate my coworkers, everyone who was good quit and now we have a bunch of new hires who dont speak the language and don't speak english and don't know what to do because no one can really train them thanks to the language barrier. and our manager thinks yelling "learn [insert language]!!" is changing anything. bitch why did you fucking hire them then. i wanna kms. this takes away too much of the time i need to study and is just making me drag this degree out. i'm so jealous of the students who get funded by their parents. i'm so tired. and now this job is giving me health problems too and i just feel like i can't do this any longer.

also our new boss said we're not getting a christmas party this year because "he doesn't celebrate christmas". half of your employees are muslims and they still go to the christmas party because it's fun and FREE FOOD, that's the entire point, don't tell us these shitty excuses and just say you're cheap!!!

No. 2286023

I started to meet with my mother after three years of no contact, and I'm weirded out in how I see her more as my cute friend than as a mother. And when I say cute friend I mean that kind of friend which you have a little crush going on. She's so magnetic in top of that.

No. 2286025

how old is your mom

No. 2286026

Thank you nonna for trying at least lol

No. 2286038

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Missed the Punxnkisses drop. I'm so sad. At least I get to save the money on the items + shipping, I guess.

No. 2286044

She's 51, why?

No. 2286047

Horrible, horrible. You can't move?

No. 2286053

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I love animals, I just can't have ones like geckos showing up in my house free-roaming and uninvited. It's giving me heart attacks. I can't touch them, I can't go near them. I'd never hurt one, but I want nothing to do with them. Please stop showing up, I can't live with you running around and popping up out of nowhere. I can't live in this country. I'm sorry so many of you were killed, and I'm sorry I'm so frightened, but please. Don't come here. Just stay outside. Maybe find a human who adores reptiles and wants pet geckos, and live happily in their house, don't sneak around mine. I just can't take it anymore. My home isn't a safe space for every single species. The castle doctrine stays. I'm begging.

No. 2286062

omg a filo nona?! i have the same fears but with frogs, i can hardly go out during rainy season because they are EVERYWHERE. luckily they dont sneak inside like geckos do, but i dont mind them much so im able to shoo them away. I remember being unable to enter the doorway of my house one time because a line of frogs were perched on the house steps. one thing I certainly dont miss about living in the philippines

No. 2286065

aww there's geckos in my city but they never get close to the homes, i'd love to trade with you. i always try to catch one but never manage. sorry you're suffering though, i feel the same way about spiders. it sucks

No. 2286069

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I feel like such an asshole right now because of my anger towards my suicidal friend. I know this anger comes from fear and helplessness and confusion but still. I'm pissed off and don't know what to say or do. Like do I need to call a wellness check? People get so upset when you take their threats seriously. I know, I've been the bitch suibaiting so hard it gets my ass sectioned. I dont want to do that to my friend because the hospitals in her area are dogshit and will only make her worse (according to her). But if that's the difference between her living and dying then wtf else am i supposed to do? All her problems have solutions. She's just having a tough week. Honestly a tough life overall but she's survived this far, what's a little more??? But the other issue is that I actually am death positive and pro suicide or whatever. So I think it's her right to die when she wants to. But does she ACTUALLY want to? I'm not convinced. If she's ODing right now and im sending loving and inspiring messages into the void, then idk. I feel like an idiot. I just want her to be happy and reach her potential. Why is that so hard? I want to have more faith. I need to pray or something. I need God to tell me when it's time to call the police because I just really don't know. I'm so scared.

No. 2286075

If you feel like you should call, then you should probably call

No. 2286083

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Found out my relatives long term “boyfriend” (a tif she met in college and has been in a lesbian bed death “relationship” spiral for about a decade now) has gotten bottom surgery and I’m seeing red. They are engaged and have talks of buying a house together and wedding bells and all that. I cannot fucking believe I am going to be dealing with “him” and his bullshit for the foreseeable future.

No. 2286085

If she had bottom surgery, she won't be around for much longer. Take solace in knowing it'll all be over soon.

No. 2286090

I know… but I'm not sure. I have a bad habit of overexaggerating things (my friend tells me I do this) and worrying too much. I don't trust my own intuition and that's why I want a sign from God or something. I think she would try to erase all proof of her existence before a serious attempt and so far all her socials still exist. I just dont want to jump the gun and make things worse. She's been messed up by hospitals before. I worry that it will ruin her trust in me and demoralise her further. I'm sorry anon. Thank you for replying. Am I an asshole if I don't want to be friends with mentally ill people anymore? She doesn't have anyone else so I can't just leave her but Christ I hate this drama. I know I'm gonna stay but I wish it wasn't like this every other week.

No. 2286098

You don't need to fuck them and apparently neither does your friend so just do yourself a favour and get over it(bait)

No. 2286099

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When it comes to this person she’s unironically one of those trans people that’s alive out of spite, and is too autistic to reject the abject horror that would come with mutilating your genitals. This isn’t ending without some sort of extreme damage to our extended family, which I still love even if they are severely misguided. This tranny is trying to leave an imprint of their sucky existence on my bloodline and I cannot let it happen

No. 2286104

How about you trade places with my little sister and deep throat “his” makeshift tranny cock instead since you love sucking them off so much. puta

No. 2286106

When my friend was like this I called an ambulance. It's their own fault for giving you a suicide threat if something does happen to them. What else are you supposed to do? If they don't see how you would call someone in this situation then it's a lost cause.
>Am I an asshole if I don't want to be friends with mentally ill people anymore?
It depends more on whether the person knows they're ill and how they choose to involve you with it. Like personally I don't mind a sperg out every now and then if they are ill, but if they try to bait you with suicide threats and then don't reply to you, guilt tripping etc 24/7 then it's not worth it

No. 2286108

i have a hole inside of me, and i continue to come here for answers, for a remedy, but i think i am just too cowardly to face the fact that i need to live and create again. i think you have to have some degree of courage to live. im too content coming on here. emotions can make one sound SO dramatic! but its true. i feel so alone and depressed. this lolcow fortune cookie is a dud

No. 2286109

>Am I an asshole if I don't want to be friends with mentally ill people anymore?
At a certain point the question becomes "is it worth it to be friends with people that constantly bring you down?" Everyone struggles, but sometimes with these types of people it gets to the point where you stop being their "friend" and start becoming their "caregiver," and there's nothing worse than feeling responsible for another person that isn't even related to you. I dropped all my extremely mentally ill acquaintances when I entered my early 20s, eventually it's not cute or quirky anymore and it just ends up being a hassle. I don't want to deal with other people's bullshit just because they're too chickenshit to deal with it on their own. I got tired of being suicide baited and negged by people that were supposed to be my "friend," but their friendship extended only to manipulating me so that they could have my attention.

No. 2286117

i don't understand where this meme that if you're over 120 pounds then you're fat even comes from. maybe if you're a womanlet? i'm about 5'7 and even my current weight of 148lbs looks good on me, though i'm going to drop back down to 125-130 solely because i gained 20lbs in 2 years and if i do that again 2 years from now then i will ACTUALLY be fat.

No. 2286125

Thank you anons for your insight. It sounds like you've both been through really hard times and im sorry others mistreated you. it was brave to leave those people behind. In any difficult relationship i gotta weigh my options and see if it's worth it. Right now i know that this friendship takes its toll on me. I've already given her an ultimatum about getting professional help. She finally agreed to try for it but nothing has happened yet. Idk if something went wrong and she gave up again or what. She's actually very helpful and kind when she's not having breakdowns which is why i feel like such an asshole for second guessing our friendship. She wouldnt think twice about me when im having problems… I wish i was healthy enough to handle her. I wish she had other people helping her. It's just so hard anons. I dont think she's in danger tonight so I've calmed down but ugh it just sucks. Thanks again for helping me

No. 2286130

I'm about 5'7 and a half and 121lbs it's a good weight ime. I like that we can gain a couple of pounds without much difference

No. 2286138

ayrt, i mean, 120lbs isn't really a good weight for 5'7. it's on the cusp of being underweight, literally, it's less than bmi 18.5 which would make you underweight. 125 is more reasonable and since there's always a non-controlling 2kg (4.5lbs) of fluctuation happening inside your body anyway, chances are some days you're even less than 120lbs.

No. 2286140

>I've already given her an ultimatum about getting professional help. She finally agreed to try for it but nothing has happened yet. Idk if something went wrong and she gave up again or what.
It doesn't happen overnight, it's good if she is seeing someone and trying to take control of it
>She wouldnt think twice about me when im having problems…
Not so good

No. 2286153

I feel like i should argue that im not even half as needy as she is and dont cause as many problems, therefore it makes sense that im overwhelmed by her and she's not by me. But that seems like the asshole thing to do. Pretty sure i am an asshole kek. But yeah youre right that nothing will happen instantly. All i can do atp is wait and hope. I try hard for her every day and im not giving up yet. I just really hope it gets easier soon. I cant handle her by myself. When i think about how much this sucks for me, i know it has to be even harder on her. It's very sad. I'll keep praying.

No. 2286201

So with the fluctuations I'm dancing around normal. The nurse complimented my bmi last time I was in and while she was making notes said she wish more people were like that. I was beaming lol

No. 2286242

My living situation is a bit unique so I don’t want to go into details, I just need to commiserate about irresponsible roommates. Anybody else have experience with a roommate who just expects “someone else” to do it?
>puts dishes in sink and leaves them there, I’m always the one to load and unload the dishwasher or wash things by hand as needed
>takes out trash but doesn’t put a bag back in, lets trash pile up next to it until “someone else” puts in a new bag
>never rotates laundry, let’s laundry sit in washing machine for entire day, leaving me to rotate it for her when I need to do my own load
>doesn’t throw away empty bottles of detergent (we use different ones) but instead let’s them stack up on the washing machine
>doesn’t put clothes in hamper but leaves them all over the floor. Even when I put them in the hamper for her, the situation is back not too long after. I’m serious that there is a perpetual mountain of dirty clothes next to the washer
>dog is untrained and always harassing my pet/drinking their water. I love her dog but he’s her responsibility. I’d adopt him from her but she doesn’t want that. She neglects her animals but you can’t tell her that, she’ll start whining
>I pay a very very low rent so I try not to complain, but she does not have to pay anything at all (her family owns the house)
>leaves crumbs on table and counter, doesn’t wipe them off ever
>uses the vacuum but doesn’t put it back, leaves it in the middle of the hallway until “someone else” puts it away
>huffs and puffs when I’m cleaning the kitchen after work because the noise of the dishes is interfering with her show
>says she’s fine with me turning on the temperature after I ask her if she’d be okay with it, then she talks crap about it behind my back and keeps lowering the thermostat behind my back as well
I could keep going but it’s just driving me nuts. Please someone share your experiences because I think I’m going to explode but I’m so apprehensive to approach her about this because of her emotional response to any sort of confrontation. She also has her whole family on her side and she already badmouths me in a way, so I just don’t want to risk anything but I think I’m reaching my limit.

No. 2286246

if you look good then don't worry about the numbers. lots of different things influence that. boob size, water weight, muscle weight. it's not just all excess fat.

No. 2286247

This is called being a doormat for lazy forever-children. You sound like a people-pleaser that doesn't know how to stand up for herself, no offense. She sounds like an entitled and irresponsible brat. Unfortunately, you don't have the power to change her: she's always gonna be a lazy loser. The best course of action is to move out as soon as possible, until then, stop doing everything. Focus only on your own room, keep that clean, but let the common areas go to shit. You're being taken advantage of, but you're either too nice, or too naïve, to recognize that. Please, for your own sake and your own dignity, look for other places to live and leave this shit show behind you.
>I pay a very very low rent so I try not to complain, but she does not have to pay anything at all (her family owns the house)
YOU are paying HER to be HER maid. Let that sink in.

No. 2286301

120 pounds is skinny for an average 5'6 woman, wtf.

No. 2286339

>Some people may need to break things into smaller steps, such as:
>getting up
>using the bathroom
>getting dressed
>having breakfast
kek I'm really at the lowest level this is pathetic

No. 2286362

My immigrant parents can be so retarded

No. 2286368

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this is how i feel when i pirate and find cool shit using the internet and reserve image searching, maybe i am le hacker

No. 2286374

Me whenever my internet is fucking up and I run CMD and type ipconfig /release, not actually knowing if it does anything but feeling like Mr Robot

No. 2286379

>maybe if you're a womanlet?
Not even. It's still a normal and healthy weight. You'd have to medically be a midget by under an inch for it to barely be considered overweight.

No. 2286385

The way an elderly relative of mine that I live with speaks about people's physical looks has really been getting to me, especially the comments regarding girls/women. I can't even watch TV with her anymore because she has a rude comment for every other person on screen. It was especially bad the other day during the Macy's Thanksgiving parade. I told her the comments she was making about teenage girls was inappropriate but she continued on like I hadn't said anything. The worst, though, is when she gets on the phone with her "friends". Oh my god I don't think this woman has said anything positive about other women's looks in her life. The most positive I've heard is along the lines of "she's okay" which is followed by "but she needs [to lose weight] [a nose job] [a breast reduction]". She makes comments about my body as well, though she's more careful with her words. I've gained a little weight that will very easily come off in the new year but I know she's dying to say something to me despite her being obese. I'm dreading the day I overhear her talking about me on the phone.

No. 2286432

Respond to her by suggesting she get on Ozempic and fitted for a chin implant.

No. 2286524

Watch some old movies from the time she was growing up and copy the way the women act and speak. Then tell her that only the ugliest and most unwanted women talk like that about others.
If you tell her to fuck off in modern terms she'll gloat over triggering you. If you copy the way she was spoken to when she was younger, she'll take it to heart, even if she's still a spiteful bitch about it. I guarantee that she grew up with a self loathing mom and was criticized 24/7 growing up, throwing those barbs back in her face might make her shut up for a bit.

No. 2286528

I am tired of people using Bob Bryar’s passing away as another way to promote troon rights

No. 2286537

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i'm so thankful i DON'T have the time to play MMOs with my friend anymore because of work and college.

i love her to bits, i've known her for years, but she's so fucking weirdly insecure and it's grating.

she will constantly, and i mean CONSTANTLY, when we're in game, talk about how petite and cute her character is and how the race she plays as is superior because they're small and skinny.
I regret to inform that she is neither small or skinny in person, but i'm not gonna nitpick that because that doesn't make me any better.

she acts like my character is some kind of ugly butch fuck because she isn't a tiny elf. literal constant barrage of nitpicky, catty comments about how my character is dressed. my character's outfit is completely fine and i get a lot of compliments for it.

but again, it's not a big deal to me. because it's a game. these are in-game avatars. this behaviour is insane.

I don't take the game seriously. i spend about an hour or two a week on it collectively at this point.
I logged on today for the first time in months and she's immediately nitpicking me to hell so i logged off.

she's also extremely hung up about people copying her looks in a game that has a relatively limited amount of items you can wear if you're trying to dress 'sexy.' and it's so fucking weird how seriously she takes it. I don't get it.

she's in a server with me and some other girls, i used to post my eye makeup and shit, like everyone else, and whenever i posted she'd just start with "oh my god you're soooo prettyyyy. i'm so uglyyyyy." OVER AND OVER even though i'd ask her to stop because it's pitymongering and weird. I eventually stopped entirely because it made me that uncomfortable.

i love her but she takes the game way too seriously, she's insanely insecure and it's just grating to be around her so i rarely talk to her and avoid her entirely if i'm online.
I think I've outgrown her as a friend and i just need to pull the plug.

No. 2286544

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>I regret to inform that she is neither small or skinny in person, but i'm not gonna nitpick that because that doesn't make me any better
Kekkkk anon. MMOfags are either the most chill or weird individuals ever, there's no in-between.

No. 2286548

It sounds like you understand your own feelings, but before you pull the plug you should ask her why she's so obsessed with roleplaying as a Disney Mean Girl character in a fantasy game, and maybe directly log off after saying it.
Such a strange internalisation of a system that will never accept her

No. 2286564

Sometimes I feel suffocated by my boyfriend. He says "I love you" to me over 100 times a day. Whenever we spend time together, he always gives me really flowery over-the-top expressions of love every 5 minutes and I have to stop to listen to him and respond. I feel I have to put as much effort as well so I also return a flowery romantic speech. It goes back and forth, it NEVER ends. Yesterday we were trying to casually watch a show and I had to pause 10 times in one episode because he needed to convey another long-winded declaration of love for the 1000th time that day. We live a couple hours apart so maybe he just feels like he needs to make up for the physical distance.

I refuse to talk to him about it because literally every man I've met has been standoffish, aloof, and emotionally dead inside, and I can't stand to make him feel hurt for opening up to me and being emotionally vulnerable and open with me. He could handle it for sure, but I just don't want to take the risk of him closing himself off from me, even a little. He is a very warm and sentimental person, even if he does overdo it sometimes. We've been together for almost 8 months and I'm his first partner, so I think it's an actual part of his personality and not just a new relationship energy kind of thing.

No. 2286568

Are people really doing this? wtf

No. 2286573

yeah he had made a post somewhere with the word tranny in it and people are using that as a warning to others that death is deserved if you use such slurs. TRAs are already vile as is, and its telling when they go completely mask off with their hatred.

No. 2286586

I was exercising and fell on my face fuck this shit my nose hurts so bad and I even don't have anyone to comfort me

No. 2286602

why are there so many trashy single mothers who post the lewdest photos of themselves on social media alongside photos of their sons who are always named aiden

No. 2286607

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I have had it up to here. I just want to relax

No. 2286609

I want to have sex and I am losing my mind

No. 2286624

>jokingly ask nigel when he’s gonna propose
>he says he has the date planned but not the year
>jokes about it being in 2030
>he says in this decade
>gets a little sad
>he just tells me to have faith in him
So it’s never going to happen, is it? Our second year anniversary is this month. It’s probably genuinely over.

No. 2286627

two years of dating is not that long of a time imo. if you continue to pressure him, it’s only going to push him away.

No. 2286629

I just don’t want to become one of those people who are just boyfriend and girlfriend for years, like my parents were before they finally split up. I truly don’t want to pressure him but I already feel like he doesn’t like me much anymore and him just not having any semblance of a plan just hurts.

No. 2286631

The timeline shouldn't be a surprise it's marriage? 2 years is shit or get off the pot territory if you are dating to start a family. Within this decade is so disrespectful

No. 2286632

What the fuck is the issue with people wanting to get married so soon in a relationship? Do you want to get stuck with someone you don’t really know and might end up hating? Are you even living together? For how long?

No. 2286645

These are the same people going after JKR, aren't they? Insane

No. 2286646

This is oddly specific and yet, you're right. There are a ton of trashy single moms who post themselves on social media being trashy. Worse are they kids are being raised by social media, so you know they will turn out 'great'

No. 2286653

I’m not asking to get married now, just engaged. I would be okay with engagement for a year or two. Living together for a year now.

No. 2286661

Nonna you have to clearly communicate with him that you want marriage soon or else you are not a match. Please stop being such a doormat, joking about your disappointment and wishes etc. Even when he's your nigel, he's still a man. He's going to take advantage of you and your hopes if you let him.

No. 2286667

Tfw it’s already a horrible time in your life and you decide to go on lolcow.farm and the farmhands find your posts and redtext it, everything already feels like shit, your body is always tired, and then your VPN just starts automatically banning itself off the website for no reason. Then someone wants to make you an atrocious pig meal to eat out of full spite. Zero money in the bank and they’re already trying to steal invisible money I don’t have. Somebody end me fucking please just kill me I beg of you

No. 2286669

Why the fuck does my mom feel the need to tear me down every chance she gets? She resents me for being lazy but whenever I take any kind of initiative to start working again or pursue anything at all she's the first in line to tell me I either won't be able to do it anyway so it's better not to try or it's not for me according to her, yet when I ask her what would be considered "for me" she doesn't have an answer. It's like living with a school bully, I'm never good enough. I'm starting a new job and all she can do is be snarky about it instead of happy for me or at least for herself that there's a chance I'll get out of her hair eventually. I'm slowly becoming Erika Kohut, fuck me anons. Why does she not want me to succeed in anything?

No. 2286673

Why do you think that's gonna make a difference? Then he's just gonna keep you engaged for a decade and you'll still be whining about how you're never getting married. If you're already saying he doesn't seem to like you that much anymore, you only wanna marry him because of sunk cost kek

No. 2286678

>I already feel like he doesn’t like me much anymore
Actually disregard my previous post. Dump his pussyfooting ass. You seem like a considerate and gentle person and he's a pig stinging you along for convenience. You deserve someone who actually loves you. You think a man who is head over heels for you would give an answer like that? "uhhh maybe within this decade just trust me bro"?? DUMP HIM. When you're going to find your actual nigel, he'll be eager to bind you to him as soon as possible. You deserve better.

No. 2286680

2 years is a long time and long enough if you want to get married. I know a couple that got married within a year, a baby within two and they have been happily together for 7 years now. If a man acts hesitant about marriage after years it means he wants a better option. The only reason I didn't get married in my last relationship is because I kept saying no when he brought it up (I was waiting for a better option)

No. 2286690

Propose to him instead

No. 2286712

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>Try to talk to more people in my classes
>Naturally, I "click" with weird women, luckily I'm in classes that attract people into nerdy shit
>The people I get along with usually end up being fakebois on T or have some other nonbinary gendie thing going on
>Fun to talk about shared interests but most of them randomly spout dumb political shit and moralfag over nothing
>Realize most of the interesting/funny girls trooned out and are all reading from the same Tumblr Morals handbook
>Realize gendies have me walking on eggshells and self-censoring so it's not even really fun to talk to them for long periods of time let alone form a real friendship outside of classroom chats
Being friendless is literally less annoying

No. 2286733

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I chipped the blade of my favourite axe while cutting firewood.

No. 2286734

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I just can't stand this motherfucker. He's OLD and FAT and obsessed with me, literally in what world does he think he has a chance? I feel disrespected that he really thinks he could pull it off. He is literally the human embodiment of picrel and it disgusts me.

No. 2286735

eh anon I get you. I somehow got through college filled to the gills with illicit drugs. I almost got kicked out after falling asleep during an important morning class because the xanax I took the night before hadn't worn off. I took MDMA in an art history for women class. College is different though, I get it, but the point of me sharing is that sometimes we fuck up and do stupid fucked up things and the world still spins. I know you "deserve" no sympathy but I'm giving it to you because I know what it's like to play with fire and get burned. I hope you can forgive yourself from this and move on, because this is not the end of the world!

No. 2286738

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>There's a hole in the world like a great black pit
>And the shitty people of the world inhabit it
>And it goes by the name of London
Hate London, hate everyone here, hate my job and I hate myself for choosing a career beholden to shitty city life. I wish I could go back in time and slap myself for picking this career but here I am.

No. 2286796

I need to buy an axe guess I won't be going with a fiskars

No. 2286828

I got home from work only to find out that the electricity in my complex has been out for probably 12 hours. They have now been out for at least 15. All of my food in the fridge and freezer have gone bad. All of that fucking money spent on groceries gone like a fart in the wind. My phone has 25% battery left and I have to be up in 9 hours, so if my battery runs out while I sleep, I won't be able to wake up to my alarm. It's dark as shit here because it's winter and evening. I called the company that does maintenance and other things for this building, and they told me that the electricity should come back soon. That was three hours ago. Fuck.

No. 2286831

God, Hitoshi-san is so sexy. Look at his ripped physique and stylish hair. Why can't moids be like him in real life? I guess the only good scrotes exist in anime. I wish life was anime.

No. 2286834

Fiskars are good if you're going camping or hiking. They're light weight, well balanced and have a sharp edge. The problem is that the blade is hard and brittle. While this keeps it sharp, this means that if you accidentally hit a stone, a nail or anything other than wood, the blade will chip.

No. 2286846

I'll e-comfort you nonnie. It's been 4 hours. Does it still hurt? If so, I hope you get better soon ♥ Be careful next time, and don't let this put you off of exercising.

No. 2286884

i hate having a roommate at college. besides her having her partner over more than i'd like, I've started to grow annoyed with her for just about everything. last semester we worked better and were better friends, but im so busy this semester I hate coming home and having her be there. or doing something in my room and having her walk in and interupt it. i think the chances of me switching to a single next semester are low but god idk what to do anymore. shes not a bad person I JUST NEED TO BE ALONE.

No. 2286887

I need to start being more selfish, rude and self-serving. Being nice gets you no where in life, not even with your own family. Being an unlikeable cunt is clearly the only way to succeed in life.

No. 2286889

i'm having the same problem at my "women's" university, though if you called it that the fakebois and gendies would throw a fit.

No. 2286911

I said I will never contact him anymore but I miss him every single day. I even got hired at a shitty place just to focus on dumb drama and being yelled at work to maybe forget about him. But I simply can't, I just loved him so much and he abandoned me. I did everything I could, and I want him back. I don't know how to bring him back, I'm doing no contact for 2 months already and it hurts like hell, nothing is working in my favour. Please come back, I beg you, please come back to me. Please don't forget me, please come back I need you

No. 2286927

Thanks so much, it still hurts. I don't think it's broken but a bruise started to show up now kek

No. 2286931

My grandpa just called me telling me that my mom is dead, but she isn't dead. She's perfectly fine. Now she's telling me that when she was younger he'd always kill her pets, that he's very manipulative and that whole side of the family is.
At first I had just assumed his mental was starting to deteriorate. He's had a number of strokes and he's pretty old.
But my mom says that he's said similar things before when she didn't answer the phone right away decades ago.

So now I'm not sure if it him trying to emotionally manipulate me for whatever reason. Or if he's just overdramatic and panicky. My mother is trying to completely cut off contact from him, I don't know the full details. I feel stuck in the middle and unsure of what to do. I'm pretty confused.
He also told me he's randomly coming over to my house and wants to take me out to eat with my aunt, and I don't know whether to go with him or tell him to fuck off. I just wanted to relax and draw in bed today.
It's a world I don't exactly want to deal with.
Should I be pissed?
Should I feel concerned for the mental degradation of the elderly?

No. 2286935

I say fuck old people they are evil. If your mom says he was evil in the past just believe her, it's all karma

No. 2286936

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I don't understand, I still have nightmares about dating my ex. I don't even get these intense nightmares about my ex that abused and raped me. But apparently my brain is really hung up on him, I don't even think about him consciously because I want to forget about how worthless and awful he made me feel about myself during the entire relationship. And every time I've had a nightmare about him a lot of the hurt he caused me comes back. It's been 4,5 years there is nothing to ruminate about and I don't want anything to do with him. So why do I have nightmares where we are dating again? Because even in those dreams I'm looking for a way out. It doesn't make sense.

No. 2286938

I feel you anon. If I had the foresight I had now I would have chosen a career that would allow me to wfh. Living in the city sucks and if I can work from anywhere I'd already be able to buy a house and not be stuck in a shitty shoebox 30m2 apartment

No. 2286939

I had relationships when I was a teen and it was just a trainwreck at worst and okay at best. Most women at that age aren't even dating pretty boys either, they usually end up with some mid or ugly teen boy that treats them like shit. Most of them also seem to just be in it to explore and say they've done it more than anything else (not my case, but I knew a lot other kids like this) rather than actually experiencing an amazing love story or something.

No. 2286942

I am sick of delivery men ringing my bell all the time when it's not for me. It happens 3 to 4 times a day every day. I never open the door. The bell is loud as fuck and I never hear them ringing my next door neighbor (the person whom orders most of these packages). My bell button is not even the first one. It is so annoying. I hate living in a complex, I miss having my own entry.

No. 2286988

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today i woke up and my dad told me they called him from the hospital? and they were looking for me, he told them i was in another country (i was asleep kek) because it was time for my "yearly checkup" with a cardiologist, which is weird as fuck cause i haven't seen one since i was maybe six. i'm so scared of checkups and i've avoided them my whole life. where the fuck did they get my dad's number? it doesn't make any sense. they should've called me, i stopped being a minor almost seven years ago.
whatever, i have an appointment on the 10th and i was wondering if it's possible to exaggerate my pectus symptoms more to get free pectus carinatum surgery and put an end to one of my biggest insecurities. now i'm paranoid and feel like throwing up about them seeing me naked which is ridiculous, they have to assess the degree of my DEFORMITY. i get stressed over the dumbest shit. this is a step towards getting the surgery for free, i should be happy

No. 2287008

pectus carinatum and excavatum is a /fit/ meme and most people don't give a shit. I feel like surgery should only be done to save your life not for dumb shit like center of chest being too bumpy. I was insecure about rib flare last year and had to stop looking at that crap online. All surgery risks death your paranoia and feeling like throwing up is your survival instinct screaming at you

No. 2287010

Can you put a sticker or a label on the doorbells or something? Like DONT RING or something kek

No. 2287011

girl why you would ever willingly put yourself under the knife for a non-fatal deformity or condition is beyond me

No. 2287012

Need a sign that says please do not ring bell. It tends to work.

No. 2287014

college dorm living was one of the most depressing times of my life because of this simple fact. When and where can you EVER be alone??? Also woke me up to the fact that I was an introvert and needed alone time to survive. I hope you can get your own space next time, remember it’s temporary at least.

No. 2287029

I agree with you and I don’t think two years is even long enough to really know someone. I think more people should wait even longer to get engaged or married and I don’t blame people for waiting years.

No. 2287036

my theory is they feel shamed by society for being a single mom. So they lean into pick me ism and trying to ramp up their sex appeal to feel some validation from wherever they can get it. Idk

No. 2287042

My favorite local restaurant has shut down. I loved that place, I ate there so much they knew me. I’m gutted and feel guilty about considering to eat at the new restaurant that has replaced it but it’s not their fault the old one closed down.

No. 2287045

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I’ve been feeling kinda suicidal this year and especially lately and I honestly don’t want to talk about that with anyone from irl. I don’t wanna worry my parents and annoy my friends.
Although, I don’t want to commit suicide tbh, I’m scared of the pain that comes with and I think I don’t really want to die, suicidal ideation isn’t as strong as it was when I had my last attempt 5 years ago. It’s just that I sometimes don’t see anything going for me anymore - same shit, different day kind of thing, I feel so stuck and behind. I’m scared to make a change, I know that I will fail and feel worse, like the other times. I’m scared to make a decision, I’m a perfectionist (sort of, I’m insulting actual perfectionists that do things right, idk what other word I should use). My health kinda felt off too this year, my hair keeps falling off too and feel tired all the time. I want a long break, not suicide, if I really think about it.
I hope I won’t do something reckless until next week when I have blood test appointment, that gives me some hope to keep going kek.

No. 2287048

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i agree that it's retarded, they'll probably say it's not that terrible and send me home anyway or i'll back out last minute so it's just mental masturbation atp. i went from not caring that much, to it completely consuming my every thought and thinking that dying on the table doesn't sound that bad which is again, retarded.
i feel like most people's pectus isn't that noticeable though but i really feel like mine is, i can't even wear certain shirts or bikini tops cause mine legit looks like picrel.
whatever, lookism.net (rip) and /fit/ rotted my brain so >>2287008 you're right

No. 2287050

I want to get therapy for OCD but I'm terrified they'll think I'm actually my thoughts and think I'm a criminal or some shit. I have respect for the mental fortitude of people with worse subtypes like P-OCD as a result, I could never ever speak up about it. Hell, even other OCDers have thought my thoughts were congruous with what I wanted to do.

No. 2287058

I just realised I have a night shift on the day I have an early morning doctor's appointment. I'll have to either stay awake for god knows how many hours or will take a nap and then go. I bet both will feel like shit plus I'm about to get my period too. I asked in the work chat for someone to change with me but it's not likely. I hate my dumbass for not noticing sooner

No. 2287059

Read between the lines here. She saw a cardiologist when she was 6, and the condition she listed can be comorbid with heart defects. She "hates checkups" but wants to get a ~free~ surgery, something that historically requires many "checkups" both to evaluate for surgery, and to monitor any potential complications. She wants "free surgery". She's not well.
>mental masturbation
Oh it's you kek

No. 2287062

Nona check your thyroid hormone

No. 2287066

How many hours are between the appointment and your night shift, nonna?

No. 2287069

Four. And I was planning to go on foot because there's traffic around the hospital at this time. The shift is chill but unless I manage to take a nap before I go, I'll feel tired nonetheless

No. 2287084

It happened. For the first time it happened to me. A man saw me from a distance, went to hide behind a wall. When i walked past, he was masturbating furiously and trying to call my attention. I am desensitized.

No. 2287086

yeah i have bdd, more news at 11. and what do you mean about "it's you" i've never used that word here before

No. 2287089

jesus fukcing christ i literally just had the worst period cramps, no, the worst pain of my whole life for like an hour. it was sweating, throwing up bile, diarrhea, shaking on the floor, almost passing out ype of pain. i took one of my geanmdas morphines because it hurt so bad i literally feel traumatized

No. 2287095

God damn I wish I could feel the same confidence I feel during my ovulation week, but all month. Is that what being a scrote must feel like? Just experiencing blind, unearned confidence every day? Last week was fucking amazing and I felt so confident and sexy, I wanted to ride that high as long as I could and now that my period is about to start again my brain is back to the same old fatigued, uninspired, self-conscious bullshit. Rinse and repeat. I'm sick of hormones dictating my life.

No. 2287096

I don't know if I'm just incredibly sheltered or retarded or what, but even knowing this happens it still sounds insane to me. Can you say what country? Also that's disgusting and I'm sorry you had to experience it

No. 2287097

ntayrt but this shit happens all of the time in California

No. 2287099

It's times like these where I wish I didn't fuck up my college years by being a mentally ill recluse.

No. 2287106

Thank you.
Look i know you won't believe this but it happened in Florence, Italy. I'm probably going to get banned for racebait but the man was definitely NOT italian. The thing is, my friends, young and older, all have similar experiences. There is nothing we can do. Nothing we can do. Nothing at all. Do you know what else i had to witness? I was going to work. I turn the corner and there's a full adult man shitting on the ground. Out in the open. Yea, in Florence! Yes, in Leonardo Da Vinci's Florence, THAT ONE! He wasn't italian either, but thay goes without saying.
Wait what else? Oh yeah! There's non italians walking into the post office non stop asking each individual person in there for 20€. Yes they just enter the post office, walk up to people one by one, hold their hand out and say "can i get 20€?". They don't just walk into post offices though, sometimes they stand outside. Sometimes they stand next to you as you withdraw your money from the ATM. Can you imagine a 6'2ft tall foreign man standing next to an older italian lady at the ATM silently? She gives the money because what if he acts up if she doesn't? She'll have a broken jaw and he won't even get arrested.
Wait there's actually more. They installed screens next to kindergardens because…you guessed it! Foreign men would stand next to the windows of classrooms and just stare inside. 20 years ago me and my friends would do so from a distance to wave at our younger siblings. Can't have that anymore. Playgrounds have 0 children in them and 59 foreign men just sitting in them chatting. The occasional woman in a full burqa and her four kids.
Hold on! There's more. In supermarkets you will have homeless foreign men walk around with their bare feet, again, going up to people one by one asking for money. I actually witnessed a woman telling the workers at the shop "i'm scared! Why do you allow this! His bare feet are next to the vegetables out in the open!" And what do the workers do? They follow him (from a distance) and with a wide smile and a voice and cadence as if they're speaking to a child and not an adult male say "come on, now, you can't walk barefoot next to the food! Hehe, come on now, leave these people alone, you have to go". Do you know what would happen if an italian adult did the same? They'd call the cops on him.
Nonnie i'm sorry for dumping all of this on you. I am scared in my own city. I cannot go certain places anymore. When i have my night shift i have to take a different route to return home because past 6pm, there's 100 of them just sitting there, gathered up, chatting. Doing nothing. My friends have a shop near the station and they vent everyday about how scared they are / about the men catcalling them. Oh! One even grabbed my arm once! See i had blocked that out because this is the new normal.
In the historical city of Florence, this is the new normal. What is the solution? Other than leaving and never looking back, nonas, please tell me, what is the solution? What do i do?
My current plan is to save as much as possible and flee Europe ASAP. I cannot take this any longer and belieeeeeeeeve me. I am not the only one. Well. European nonnies know. I wish life could go back to how it was before 2015. My goodness this never used to be part of my life. It took less than 10 years for this happen. Less than 10 years. What's tomorrow? Guess what i do not care because I WONT BE HERE!

No. 2287113

It makes me feel so dumb when I go to a therapist and ask for help and she says
>Well nonnie I don’t think I’m equipped for you

No. 2287121

what did you say to her?

No. 2287122

wow what a shitty therapist

No. 2287125

We were talking about my complex ptsd, when she told me that I just let her know that I appreciated her candor and that it was better for her to tell me the truth about how she felt instead of biting off more than she could chew

No. 2287127

>Open CC
>Picture of huge slimey turd on homepage
>Most recent post is a moid saying "REE GO BACK AND WORK IN KITCHEN BITCH!"

I wish Snail would just end it and give the website to someone who actually cares about it. Why does she hold onto it when she hates it so much? Why do moids save pictures of human feces and upload them on the web? I wish a nuclear holocaust happened so I wouldn't have to deal with this, I'd be dead but that would be worth it if it meant all moids were dead too.

No. 2287129

My doctor also prescribed that for when I will get my blood test done, I hope I’m not doomed for life if I’ve got issues with thyroid.

No. 2287130

it seems like you unfortunately have bad experiences with therapists in the past im sorry nona but its for the best in the end to be frank from the start than to keep lying..but still there couldve been a better way the therapist couldve told you that

No. 2287150

that's better than being milked for money for months by someone who can't help you or even makes you worse, speaking from personal experience
also therapy only works for people who are already okay-ish and want to have a better life. If you have serious mental health problems, the current form of therapy that is widespread doesn't help at all.

No. 2287170

why is it so fucking hard to find nuanced and level headed video game criticism. i just want somewhere to talk about how bad some of these new releases are without women being blamed for everything. i understand that the decline of quality is attributable to some leftist weirdos, but rightoids making games also dispense slop too, its like no ones remembers the 90s-2000s.

No. 2287175

in the mood for cheating… monogamy is a prison

No. 2287181

Fucking tranny acquaintance tried to grope my friend's chest and tried to make her touch his neovag through his clothes to prove he does not have a dick. He waited until I left and was alone with my friend to do it. This is so fucking disgusting. My friend also has a husband who is very pissed and does not want her to be near him again. This cements the fact that he is an AGP and not an HSTS to me.

No. 2287188

>and not an HSTS to me.
All troons are agps nona,I'm sorry that shit happened to your friend i hope she reports him, fucking gross moid.

No. 2287192

Is he underperforming or did you settle

No. 2287193

>all troons are agps
This is not true, but that tranny was an AGP.

No. 2287203

Honestly just gonna assume every tranny is a sexual deviant and not just another faggot from now on. No exceptions.

No. 2287233

Ewwww what a creep. Make sure to tell everyone you know this guy is a sex pest who sexually harasses women, protect all women from him

No. 2287243

i’m a failure by all standards. social, professional, etc. i graduated and an unable to get a job despite trying, have no friends, no money of my own. i’m so ashamed and so broken down by how life seems to come easily to people. they’re socially successful, they don’t have to try. i feel so defective and ashamed and i dont even know where to start

No. 2287247

Yeah just look at it like this: what's more common, that an already statistically rare gay man (estimated to be maybe 3% of the population) happens to also believe he's trans?
that a straight man is sexually harassing and harming women any way he can think of that he can get away with?

Given the amount of sexual violence from men towards females happening on the daily, we already know the answer. So why wouldn't he just say he's trans so he can get free access to women to abuse? Even if you're woke as fuck, why would you think "faking" trans would be where that kind of man draws the line when it comes to morally bad things to do?

No. 2287250

File: 1733182261118.jpg (122.3 KB, 866x1390, stressed-businessman-with-a-gu…)

Why the fuck did I just see a screenshot of a hornypost I made six months ago in a /g/ thread on Tumblr while browsing the subject of the post's tag?

No. 2287258

kek! Take solace in the fact that another farmer agreed with your thirstposting enough to repost it on tumblr

No. 2287261

Pretend that you're a scrote and just assume you're the main character and deserve everything the world has to offer, that's how they skate by

No. 2287277

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i'm too retarded to finish college yet alone hold a job

No. 2287281

what kind of main character is jobless has no friends and has spent most of their free time alone. i need to know what my next arc is

No. 2287282

Not to kick you when you're down nonnie, but the phrase is "LET alone"

No. 2287286

fuck my stupid esl life..

No. 2287290

>what kind of main character is jobless has no friends and has spent most of their free time alone
have you ever seen an isekai anime

No. 2287294

You and me both. 25 and still in college

No. 2287295

Ugh nonna I'm so sorry, that really sucks. Try to get some sleep before the appointment if you can. The key to trying to cram sleep is to do it in multiples of 1.5hrs (90min), because that's the average sleep cycle. So even if you need to walk, that's about 2.5 hours to get ready and arrive if you only nap 1.5 hours before your night shift.
If you try napping and find you can't sleep, just closing your eyes and laying quietly in the dark can have a restorative effect. It can seem so wasteful, but I promise there is a WORLD of difference between sleep deprived, and sleep deprived but you rested with your eyes closed for an hour and a half.
So sorry I fell asleep on you btw, I got too warm in my bed with fresh sheets. I hope this advice reaches you on time and is maybe helpful!! Good luck!

No. 2287296

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I blush super easily when I'm nervous/embarrassed (so every time I talk to someone) and it ruins my life. Do you know how many times stupid fucking moids think I like them because I'm bright red when really idgaf about them???

No. 2287299

im still to nauseous to eat and i also needed to finish my final paper for a class today but i cant do anything. im just gonna beg for an extension
i used to do that when i was younger and had really bad social anxiety

No. 2287301

Nothing is effortless; those people are just putting on a show. Like Martha Stewart throwing stuff in a bowl, putting it in the oven, and pulling out the finished product from under the counter. Why can't you cook like her?

Don't be too hard on yourself, adult life is weird. Just get a bunch of shitty temp jobs until you either get hired on or you get inspired. You have to see it through though; dont quit because a shitty job turns out to be shitty. Growth only comes from pain and suffering.

No. 2287303

How much were you bleeding? I know everyone likes to pretend cramping is meant to be super painful, but that level of cramping can be really serious. Is it still happening?

No. 2287314

not much bleeding, my periods are pretty normal-light now that im an adult. it wasnt a weird consistency or anything either. uterus was just mad as fuck i guess? im not in agony anymore just feeling a bit dizzy and nauseous still

No. 2287329

Sometimes I get high and think about how healthcare is so expensive in America and so cucked by religion, there are women dying from pregnancy complications because a doctor won't touch her for fear of punishment. People killing themselves because they can't afford chemotherapy, people dying from not being able to afford insulin! Do you know how cheap insulin is! It costs them like 4 dollars to make and they sell it for 700 dollars! It's something everyone has, and needs to live and we're dangling that carrot over the heads of UNLUCKY people, waiting to see how high they're willing to jump to earn a profit. It's disgusting. I just think it's insane how there haven't been mass riots about American healthcare, like massive full scale riots and straight up guerilla warfare homicide over this. How is nobody dying in a pit of fire over this? No matter what you're fucked. I hate America. We could do it, it could be free but we have to be evil retards.

No. 2287341

If I was a doctor, I wouldn't go to sleep at night knowing I was exploiting people's needs for money. I would have to say something. If I was manufacturing such goods as insulin, I couldn't look at myself if I created a monopoly and then price gouged it to screw over the needy. That makes you an indirect murderer. I can't believe it either nonnie

No. 2287350

tbh you might have ruptured an ovarian cyst

No. 2287357

Ugh, I almost want to tell you to ask your obgyn what the fuck is going on, but they can be so useless. I'd say do it anyways but be prepared for a useless answer.
You checked to make sure it wasn't your appendix, right?

No. 2287360

wtf i hope not, wouldnt it still be hurting??
i have a checkup in a couple days so im planning to bring it up then. and yeah im pretty sure its just my womb i mean its in the same spot my cramps always are

No. 2287373

I experienced sleep paralysis for the first time in my life today and now I’m scared kek. I was just taking a midday nap and I went through paralysis three times in an hour, thinking there was an intruder in my room. I think I might need to get tested for sleep apnea at this point because my nigel says I also casually stop breathing if I’m sleeping on my back.

No. 2287386

For future reference, if you press down on a painful area in your abdomen, and it hurts more when you STOP applying pressure, that's an appendix burst, go to the ER scenario.
Also there are different kinds of ovarian cysts. Some don't hurt after rupturing, or so I hear. I think other anon is more knowledgeable about it than me.

No. 2287395

That does sound like a ruptured cyst, which can be pretty serious, especially if it's super painful like that. If you're sexually active it could also be indicative of an ectopic pregnancy, but I figure you'd've said something if that was possible. Whatever it was, that kind of pain shouldn't go unchecked, especially if it's not normal for you. Definitely bring it up at your checkup nona, & good luck!

No. 2287396

Idk if you already know this, but when you're experiencing sleep paralysis, wiggle your pinky. It will feel like you can't, but concentrate on moving it as much as you can. You'll feel it twitching very little, then you'll be able to bend it, then mobility will begin returning to the rest of your hand. After a little bit, you'll snap out of the episode, like waking up very suddenly. Some instances take longer to resolve than others, but this has never failed me.
You also want to try ONLY focusing on moving your pinky with as much effort as you can. When your mind wanders is when your brain starts thinking shit up to fuck with you, including some stuff I'm not going to mention because even just knowing about it makes you think about it and then it affects you when you're experiencing an episode of sleep paralysis. Unfortunately, your brain is in a weird place during sleep paralysis episodes so it is very responsive to your passing thoughts.

No. 2287403

I fucking hate celebricows retards and I hate jannies even more for completely giving up on moderating the thread and letting twitter/tiktokfags and gays run rampant. Thread is about to hit post limit and I know damn well none of these newfags are working on a new one and they're still wasting replies with non contributions like
>"Nonnie you're killing meee (in reply to the least funny post oat)"
>Straight up repost from literal years ago or something that was already posted in this same thread
My god shut the fuck up none of you are funny or witty. And don't even get me started on the Ariana and Lana wks.