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No. 2283395

>no racebait
>no infighting
>don't reply to bait
>rest of /ot/ board rules apply
>farmhands are always watching


This is not the debate thread, this is not the argument thread, this is not the change my mind thread. This is the unpopular opinions thread. If you see an unpopular opinion that you do not like then please, lovingly, learn2scroll.

No. 2283397

ew the white bar makes it ugly i'm sorry

No. 2283415

Don’t tell people who are going through shit to look at people who have it worse. No bitch, that doesn’t change how shitty my situation is and looking at people who have it worse just makes me sad. Doesn’t make me any more grateful. Trying to distract me from the fire doesn’t change the fact that there’s a fire.

No. 2283423

Jacob Elordi looks hot with a beard … he’s cuter without but I like it.

No. 2283429

standards underground

No. 2283547

This is gonna be very unpopular and controversial but I don't care. A lot of poor people have very shitty behaviour in a way that's different from shitty rich or middle class people. And if you're less intelligent and also poor that's the perfect recipe to create someone who is a nuisance to be around. Vulgar, disrespectful language in professional settings, uneducated, judgemental towards anyone who they consider "privileged", using physical intimidation as a tactic to dominate, short tempered, loud mouthed, catty. Poor moids are even more likely to be misogynistic shits and physically abusive, especially if they work in hard labour. They also despise anyone who was lucky enough to have a better upbringing. I'm aware that some of this is the product of trauma, it's not easy to grow up as dirt poor, but I also know poor people who are actually educated and intelligent. But a lot of them don't try to change their poor person mindset

No. 2283550

>>DAE some poor people are trashy????
very brave of you to post this opinion anon

No. 2283563

I don't disagree with this, and I'm from O'block (Deemed the most dangerous and underprivileged neighborhood in the united states). A lot of the people I grew up around were downright nasty to people who had more, even if those people treated them completely fine. A lot of them played victim even though they were fully capable of doing more for themselves and their families. And you're right, a lot of them never educated themselves because in the ghettos and in lower class environments, you can get what you want with your mouth and even fists sometimes. I left O'block mid high school and came back recently to teach for a year (in 2022). They all hated me , parents and students alike. They even knew I came from parkway gardens and they still didn't give a shit. They hated that I got out of the ghetto. They hate that I don't talk like them anymore or look like them. I had a student threaten to kill me just because I told him I wasn't going to deal with his attitude and that he doesn't intimidate me, but I didn't report him. What's sad is there were so many of my students that wanted to learn and participate, but they were scared to because it was deemed uncool and almost some form of betrayal. I realize a lot of that rage stems from trauma and bitterness, but I was a traumatized and bitter child myself and I never acted like that. It's easier for the ego and for daily living to weaponize your struggles than to actually put in the work to improve yourself.

No. 2283580

I was very poor as a kid, and have interacted with broke/non broke people all my life. I never really determined any specific behaviors when it came to money throughout my life. I’ve seen wealthy people be some of the most close minded people I have ever met; and for arguments sake, would say their wealth creates an eco chamber where their mindset is not threatened. Poor people have to interact with a more diverse populace, creating a more open minded person. Diversity benefits education, learning about someone different than you, is learning. Making a more educated human. Same could be said about the wealthy being able to travel or whatever. I don’t think money or wealth is a way to determine a person intelligence. What makes you think you are not a “poor” person?

No. 2283586

I worked with both middle upper class and low class people and there's a stark difference. Middle upper class individuals tend to be more compassionate, educated and respectful, unless they're mean stacies or rebellious teens, while poor people usually have no class, they are rough and pissy, especially poor men. They're not open minded as you say, a lot of them are in fact very much stuck in their ways. And you can notice this behaviour in poor-turned-rich people who like to flaunt their wealth and behave like aggressive thugs. The nicest and best behaved poor people I met were those who came from families who prioritized education and school.

No. 2283590

>and inb4 middle class individuals are also shitty
I know that, I grew up around them and I know all the drama, but it's only when I started working around A LOT of poor people when I got my first job at a fast food chain and I realized their behaviour is way way worse. I had a moid colleague who grew up dirt poor who kept harrassing me because he found out I was middle class. And the others weren't much better, with a few exceptions.

No. 2283739

Men are against abortion because they have no say in the matter. In a society where women were mostly pro-life, my oh my men would be pro-choice in retaliation.

No. 2283740

I grew up in a poor neighbourhood but was intelligent and went to a good school, and I kind of think I’ve ended up more classist than the middle and upper-middle class peers I went to school with. Being poor itself is something I sympathise with, but being wilfully uneducated is extremely grating to me.

No. 2283742

Samefagging but I’ve realised good education and home environment / parenting is so essential to character. Rich people are worse in different ways (especially the very wealthy)

No. 2283759

The fujo vs yurifag wars are so retarded, both like mongolian cave paintings depicting homosexual relationships, what's the point of all of this sperging?

No. 2283762

What's with all the Pepe thread pics?? Why can't we use Cece???

No. 2283846

men are against abortion because they want to control women's bodies, punish us for having sex, and believe that we are not entitled to the same level of healthcare as men because we are inferior to them. their beliefs are rooted in misogyny and would still exist even in a society where women unanimously supported abortion.

No. 2283857

>In a society where women were mostly pro-life, my oh my men would be pro-choice in retaliation.
The beliefs of religious societies prove this isn't true.

No. 2283897

That's what I mean though. Going against what we believe in counts as a way of controlling us. In my hypothetical society if having a child made us powerful they'd strip it away kek

No. 2283904

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Hellfire is kind of overrated to me. People shill this Disney song so hard because of its dark religious and incel themes, and sure it's more heavy than other Disney villain songs, but Hellfire just never really shook my bones like how it does for Frollofags. Maybe it's because when I was a kid, I always already exposed to dark themes and plots (my mom let me watch Kill Bill), or maybe it has to do with me being used to the way passionate Christcucks talk (my grandmother is Catholic and Christian kids love to threaten Hell at you for anything, so maybe I was used to the idea of Hell and fire and shit).

No. 2283913

>Men are against abortion because they have no say in the matter.
>In a society where women were mostly pro-life, my oh my men would be pro-choice in retaliation.
well no, because anti-abortion beliefs inherently place limits on women in a way that pro-choice beliefs aren't. women who fight for women's rights to pursue abortions are never seeking to limit women's rights to have children. you're right that when men are pro-forced abortion/sterilization/eugenics, it's still about controlling women though

No. 2283976

Yep, agree with you 100%. It's a little bit different for kids now, when everything is on Klarna and every influencer decks their home out in Temu, but yeah, being poor fucks with you big time. There's so much bitterness. Kids grow up with miserable sad sack parents who hate everyone who isn't on benefits, the parents hate their kids because they need someone to take their personality disorders out on, their lives are shit so they turn to drinking and gambling and make their lives even worse, the kids grow up resenting their peers for not living in Dickensian London, and they repeat the cycle themselves.
The people you're talking about have hit a point where their perceptions are so warped that no normal person from a vaguely functioning household can understand how it's possible for anyone to act like that. They stop existing in reality, everything is tinged by their hatred, in the same way that a conspiracy theorist's mind is always seeing aliens and lizards everywhere. Their lives revolve around fighting an enemy that only exists in their imagination, gloating when they one-up that enemy, and getting revenge on that enemy. The enemy is basically anyone who isn't them. Any poor person who wins the lottery is the enemy. Any poor person who doesn't gamble away their money or choose cigarettes and beer over baby food is the enemy. Everyone who buys brand name food is the enemy. It's the ultimate crab bucket.
Of course, when they buy baby food instead of a six pack, they're good parents and get to gloat over being better than all those other shitty parents who can't look down on them now. When they buy brand name food they're winning at life and showing all those fuckers that they're hot shit and can afford Kellogs too, fucking wankers aren't so posh now. Talking to them is like talking to a doll with pre recorded phrases that only coincidentally have anything to do with what you said. They need therapy, which they won't ever get.
When I was younger it was the shittiest kids with the shittiest lives that were like this, there were poor kids who came from families that were desperate to be seen as respectable and they were generally normal. Now they've all gotten worse. I guess that having Drunk Elephant doesn't stop the less-poor kids from picking on the poor-poor kids for buying it on Afterpay.
Same, I was used to hysterical older family members sobbing about Hell all the fucking time so Frollo wasn't anything new. I did enjoy seeing him get put in his place at the end though, that was refreshing and it made me reconsider religion and the religious lunatics around me. It was an eye opener.

No. 2284003

Fsub women (and the women who lean that way) are literally pathetic. Especially the few who know how retarded moids are and still want them to call the shots in the bedroom??? I’m pretty sure that my own distaste and disgust for dominant moids is precisely because I do not respect men.

No. 2284006

>dark plots and themes
That movie is overrated meaningless dumb trash

No. 2284008

I don't know, I like watching women fight each other.

No. 2284208

i'm glad that my name is so common its not possible for me to have a digital footprint kek

No. 2284210

The reason why even people who are aware of the importance of keeping your opsec clean end up getting doxxed is because they believe they're irrelevant or not important enough for people to care about their digital footprint.

No. 2284243

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this photo is uncanny and scary. she looks disturbing and she should have chosen another photo. also her lyrics are cringe and bad.

No. 2284244

"Scary" is an overstatement, but whoever does her makeup must either hate her or be completely faceblind.

No. 2284245

this hairstyle is really not cute

No. 2284416

I don’t owe my parents or elders respect. If you’re an asshole to me , I will be an asshole back.

No. 2284424

For me it's mostly trying accentuate her obvious nose job and undereye when her eyes are pretty small. The overlined lips, and awkward blush/highlighter placement I can live with.

No. 2284437

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I genuinely don’t see drawing smut for money the same as selling your body.Ive seen a lot of other users equate drawing a character with their dick out to prostituting yourself when it’s feels more like your prostituting an anime/cartoon characters.Never when getting commissions have I felt I was showing off my boobs or whatever.I respect their opinion but it does seem like a stretch.Maybe there’s something I’m not getting but I know it does feel good to objectify male characters for money.

No. 2284440

Who the fuck says that, what a weird opinion and I don't think this would be an unpopular opinion here because how is drawing cartoon characters naked the same as having irl sex with strangers. Probably the same people who say sex work is work

No. 2284441

the difference in how she looks and is styled in her old music and here is disturbing, she doesn't even look like the same person

No. 2284450

I usually spend time in art related threads and have seen this quite a bit.Maybe I just spend too much time on them and believed this belief to be more widespread than it really is but those who say this are really set about it.My bad if it’s a lot more unpopular than I thought it was.

No. 2284476

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Never cared if a child's attempt at Jfashion is shitty. Children under the age of 11 shouldn't bother you if they wanna play jfashion dressup with whatever they have and post it online. Let the kids be kids and making accounts to humiliate them is extremely fucked.

No. 2284520

Huh? Threads? Like LC? I thought you were seeing this sentiment on Twitter. Must be the trad invaders.

No. 2284525

she is naturally pretty but the drag queen makeup isn't doing her any favors.

No. 2284533

We need more apu

No. 2284544

Children under the age of 11 (preferably 15 tbh)shouldn't be posting pics of themselves on the internet to begin with. Jfashion should be for teenagers because the scene is rife with people normalizing really inappropriate and harmful things for them to be exposed to like loli/JK, age complexes, AGP creeps, provocative dress styles, eating disorders, sugaring, etc. Plus being exposed to those communities early on is mentally unhealthy because of the bullying that goes on.

No. 2284692

There’s no such thing as gender socialization, males are biologically violent and parasitic and many women are biologically stunted and passive

No. 2284699

You’re right but you’re gonna get swarmed on

No. 2284715

You are autistic and can only think in black and white terms

No. 2284733

Whenever people say "heh, you're going to get swarmed" like this it sometimes makes me think that it's a masturbation sort of thing, like a tranny wearing a revealing outfit outside and making smirk when women freak out.

No. 2284739

Nobody’s thinking about tranny dick but you, got something to admit?

No. 2284740

That’s very specific but I didn’t mean it in a smug way, just that this specifically is an opinion that triggers a lot of anons on here

No. 2284742

I hope you can accept your amazing open-mindedness sleeping next to your hairy monkey who you think you can teach them out of their centuries of innate behavior they always manage to fall back on

No. 2284746

I'm admitting that I see both using a similar mindset, they're both mental masturbation using other people as fuel ig.

No. 2284752

The first thing you mention is a tranny revealing his fetish to the public as if there wasn’t any other kind of examples you could use, you’re a straight weirdo lollll

No. 2284758

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Anon, look at the site you are on.
Look at the threads on the front page. Think of how it would be a very easy example to give across the feeling I was trying to describe.

No. 2284798

I am confused by this comparison. It's a reasonable prediction to make on a site full of feminists.
And what makes you so sure it's not biology + socialisation?

No. 2284807

Because of sexual antagonism, nobody socialized males to reproduce at the expense of females and that’s what it all comes down to.

No. 2284855

Other than Samsung, most of Korea's soft powers are built on self hate. (Skincare, k-pop, k-drama, plastic surgery) which don't produce any value to the globe at large and only exacerbate women's insecurities.
Also imagine if SMAP got into a UN general assembly, everything Korea does makes me cringe

No. 2284863

It’s incredibly easy to become homeless and although I have a masters and a roof over my head , I could definitely see myself ending up on the streets.

No. 2284975

The substance is overrated and just another one of those "deep messages" we've heard countless times since we were in school. Metaphorical films are boring.

No. 2284981

The "bully who peaked in high school and falls from glory" idea is a fanfiction-esque trope and is never the case irl. They often had rich parents and were swarmed with education and career opportunities in high school as a result and will only continue to peak in university and further education/career and be more of a bully there.

No. 2284982

Every single one of my bullies are thriving right now kek. Have never had a moment of suffering in their lives.

The world is incredibly unfair , and I’ll never be okay with that fact.

No. 2284984

Same. I was bullied because my family was esl, poor, and theirs weren't. My family continue to be esl and poor and things don't change.

No. 2284997

Bullies exist in poor areas too though

No. 2285015

If I had a daughter who wanted to date older guys or do porn I’d honestly just kick her out and block her until she stops. I’d just let life teach her the lesson she needs to learn and let her back into my life when she’s learned.

No. 2285021

i kind of like the eastern european customer service experience, especially if the service/product theyre providing is actually good. no vibes just getting what i need and fucking right off

No. 2285026

>Luke 15:11–22

No. 2285028

It looks faceapped

that's sick

yeah but at least if a poor moid rapes a girl, he has a chance of going to jail, rich men will go to brothels with 10 year olds and eat caviar off of their feet and shit

No. 2285052

People claim that not liking dogs is a sign of someone being a bad person, but imo dog nutters are more likely to be retarded people(dog sperging outside of containment)

No. 2285055

If a woman gets caught up in a inappropriate relationship with a much younger man, women need to keep their mouth shut and stop trying to save the young scrote because the man they cook dinner for every night and have babies with is most likely jerking off to 18 year olds every night

No. 2285065

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The picture the photo is based on looks so much more natural.

No. 2285066

how much younger though? if its still an adult i dont give a fuck about it but if its still in the "1x" age range then its fucking gross

No. 2285070

It’s gross but it’s not your business. That’s men’s job to handle.

No. 2285071

Yeah you’ve put into words exactly what I was thinking when I read that gay ass post. It’s my least favorite genre of post that I see here and on other places on the internet. It really is self indulgent and masturbatory. The tranny comparison is funny and true but my biggest gripe is that it’s very cowardly and shows that you can’t stick by your convictions or simply state that you agree with something without thinking about how others will view you. They have to preemptively pretend to acknowledge all the “hate” that they’re going to get as if their totally benign and low energy post is something controversial and noteworthy.

No. 2285079

I hate when women say we shouldnt stoop to men’s level and we should be more civil/logical than them. Why not? Being the bigger person obviously isn’t working out for us. Women always say “well you’re gonna do that just because men also do bad stuff?”….hum yes I am. It seems right now all women do is try to be mature/bigger person and just get shat on.

No. 2285085

I hate sabrina for being so unoriginal. At first i thought the kiss decals and aesthetic were cute then i found out she stole it from somewhere else.

No. 2285130

More civil, no. More logical, yes.

No. 2285146

Churches that accept donations should be taxed. Enriching God's house means enriching his land and all his children. They should also be required to house and financially support believers who come to them in need.

No. 2285147

If we all acted like this we'd be on top within one generation max.

No. 2285155

We should absolutely stoop to men's level when dealing with moids but save all our logic and civility for women.

No. 2285161

Amen sista

No. 2285162

Mangled plastic surgery mess, the editing on top make it look completely ai.

No. 2285176

I agree, women need to give the same energy back, but I’m afraid we’ll never do that. When I say this to my friends they act like I’m being crazy kek, last time I said that we need more women serial killers that kill men.

No. 2285185

I don’t take women seriously as feminists until they’re like in their mid 30s. Yeah it’s easy to talk a big game about hating men, being a girls girl when you haven’t met a scrote you wanna pop out a baby with yet.

No. 2285191

Depressingly true

No. 2285228

People who go into the health care industry just for money are usually gonna be better doctors and nurses than the ones who go into it because they wanna be some kind of savior

No. 2285230

I feel you

No. 2285232

In my country, surgery to fix a deviated septum is covered by the national health insurance, so you can get it done for free at hospitals. Usually, people will still go to cosmetic surgeons instead and pay the cost of a septoplasty. They do so because it's a well-known fact that the surgeons that perform the surgery for free at the national hospitals are known to botch a person's nose and make them ugly, whereas the cosmetic surgeons will fix the issue while preserving the look of the nose, and sometimes even improve the nose too. Sometimes after getting the free septoplasty, people will save for a year just to get the septoplasty revised at a cosmetic surgery clinic because the results from the free surgery were so poor.

No. 2285234

Wanting to do jobs like modeling or professional cheerleading is the ultimate sign of being an attention whore pick me with low self esteem. What do you mean you’re willing to be paid less that an Olive Garden waitress but it’s all worth it because you get called hot?

No. 2285236

Kiwifarms' beauty parlor's off topic board is nicer and less sexist than /ot/. You can't breathe here without someone calling you a whore or a similar insult.

No. 2285237

I knew that the /ot/ I loved was dead when I saw anons laughing at rape jokes and implying that rape was a humiliation upon the victim.

No. 2285238

Not disagreeing with you in the general sense but DCC have so many opportunities now it’s actually insane. 99% do not know how to capitalize on what they are given.

No. 2285242

Like what? They get paid 15 an hour and they have to pay for all their cosmetic procedures to stay pretty and they’re not allowed to interact with the players. They don’t even get paid a lick of what the guys on the team The only perk I can see them getting is being able to say they got picked for something that requires you to be attractive.

No. 2285243

>>2285237 wtf? what thread did that happen in?

No. 2285249

Those like you always hate the players but never the game.

No. 2285250

So basically they get access to a cheating scrote and some free injectables. That’s not worth it at all.

No. 2285251

/Ot/ has been overrunned by retard tikturds newfags we need a Hellweek badly

No. 2285252

They get their cosmetic work like teeth and Botox paid for and there have been girls that went on to marry players but what I was talking about was the insane amount of exposure they have been given since the Netflix show. The show on CMT didn’t really get them connections, but just in the last couple months the team has made appearances at a formula 1 race, the Mike Tyson v Jake Paul fight, a Kacey Musgraves show, and performed with Laney Wilson on Thanksgiving. The last couple have literally been in the last two weeks. That gives one so much access to much more than being an NFL cheerleader. Like I said, though, from what I’ve seen, none of the girls are banking off of that outside of TikTok and a couple doing vlogs on YouTube. If they were smart they would be networking like crazy right now. Their pay is shit and honestly it should be what it is but they also should take advantage of what they have been given in the last 5/6 months because very few get that type of exposure while doing practically nothing.

No. 2285253

Being a model or a cheerleader is not playing the game correctly because you could make the same working at Walmart without all the abuse

No. 2285254

If you think that’s all they are given access to, you are just as naive as the ones on the team not making moves.

No. 2285259

There's no point to a Hellweek when ban evasion can be performed in 30 seconds with the click of a button.

No. 2285260

Ok what are they given access to besides marrying a sports guy or freee cosmetic shit or more opportunities to dance in booty shorts at different events than they usually do? More instagram or tiktok followers?

No. 2285263

Do you not realize how many people it takes to put on the events that they have appeared at? Talking to a Formula 1 mechanic would open more doors to better finances than shaking ass on a field and hoping to marry a player would. They have been given access to people that make things happen; they don’t have to bang Mike Tyson to change their lives. You’re thinking very black and white.

No. 2285268

So what? They’re just seen as disposable objects who are there to be entertainment for scrotes in between the shows, the scrotes will forget about them within 20 minutes. The only women who actually end up “successful”, are the ones who stay in it for years and when they’re “too old”, then they become the ones who abuse the new cheerleaders and pick the future disposable objects.

No. 2285272

You’re not getting what I am saying and this isn’t the thread to debate you so I won’t. I’ll leave it at DCCs have access to better connections than any other NFL cheer team. If they’d stop marrying their hick high school boyfriends and focused on connections, they could be so much more successful in life.

No. 2285275

You keep saying they have connections but I bet you can’t name one dcc who is a household name. They don’t have anything because that industry sees them as a step up above hooters waitresses and they technically are and women are willing to deal with it because being picked for being pretty is an ego boost.

No. 2285277

You need to re-read my comments. I am specifically speaking on the last 5/6 months and have stated how wished they would take advantage of what they have been given in that time. On a side note: one doesn’t have to be a household name to be successful. Most successful people are not known.

No. 2285280

There’s nothing for them to take advantage of because the system they’re working in is set up to keep them at the bottom. The same benefits they could get as a dcc, they could get by not being one. A lot of dcc are already educated women who come from good backgrounds and are college educated but they want attention and that’s better than pay/benefits.

No. 2285285

There is plenty for them to take advantage of. A University of Kentucky education with an office job would not have offered them what they have been handed in the last couple weeks. You really don’t get it kek networking and connections get you further in life. Certain Netflix contacts alone that I know they have had access to are a gold mine but like you, they are too naive to see it.

No. 2285299

Women who do porn can become successful through net working too, that doesn’t mean that’s the norm. I’m sure they do get some connections but it’s never going to the extent the guys on the team do, even though their bodies get damaged just as much but like I said there’s always going to be a truck load of pretty girls willing to eat shit because they want validation and to be able to brag.

No. 2285302

You’re thisclose to getting it but the porn association killed it

No. 2285310

I consider being a dcc in the same category as porn stars, strippers and cam girls. Their only purpose is to be jerk off materiel to scrotes and dance around for them like monkeys while they wait for the real show. You actually think when they’re “net working” that most of the people they’re interacting with aren’t just trying to get access to their body?

No. 2285447

Then you’re free to leave. I like you’re praising a male dominated website as well, it’s almost like no matter what nigelfaggots will find a way to praise scrotes who are way more sexist/misogynistic than this website will ever be kek

No. 2285455

File: 1733076688650.png (1.19 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_8138.png)

I wish the mods would unlock all of our old, hyperniche threads!! I think they’d make the website so much more fun. Look at what we lost

No. 2285462

>LAW thread locked
Kek did a lawyer get pissed or something also theres a difference between bait and hobby threads not that you'll understand since you're still seething about this for no reason

No. 2285465

>Look at what we lost!
>Women deserve rape thread
kek WHAT?

No. 2285467

could've used a better pic ngl

No. 2285469

Kek I’m sorry i apologize i should’ve cropped this image better that was lazy of me
? Seething is when you’re angry about something anon

No. 2285476

if I were you I would just delete, crop the pic and repost

No. 2285477

Ah my bad anon I thought you were that one anon who was sperging out on other anons who wanted husbandofag less threads.

No. 2285483

No no kek, I just miss seeing a lot of different threads get bumped instead of the same few threads over and over again

No. 2285484

They locked it because some pedotranny started mass bumping them since he couldn't spam cp anymore.

No. 2285485

A few months ago there was this movement on /ot/ to use more of the niche threads because all the real anons are tired of seeing the same 5 threads being bumped, but sadly the 5 threads won out.

No. 2285506

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white women dying their hair blonde all the time is pick me behavior. They could have the option to have thick, healthier darker hair but they would rather go bald to keep scrotes dick hard. Being bald with burning scalp with crappy extensions is more preferred to them than their own hair color.

No. 2285510

>let’s talk about suicide

No. 2285512

it's because colorism exists in white communities too and not just POC ones and that blonde blue eyed whites are more favoured than brunnete dark eyed ones, but we aren't ready for that discussion yet

No. 2285519

No thank you

No. 2285520

Brunettes are scared of being black women, that’s sad. Welcome to the klerb wassup sistah(racebaiting)

No. 2285522

shit bait.

No. 2285525

you need to try a little harder than that

No. 2285526

Wassup twinnnnn ahhhhahaa type shittt type shitttt(learn2integrate)

No. 2285534

no one writes klerb like that and that quote is from 2 jewish women on a based show called broad city. You guys are just anti black retards and if you are a black woman typing like this then you are a pick me for white supremacy aka a loser

No. 2285536

??? this is me >>2285512 and i was literally the one who called the other anon for baiting >>2285522

you're trolling is borderline retarded and has nothing to do with what i said. They know brunnetes are white, the goal is just to look the whitest and most albino as possible.

No. 2285542

Anon, there’s a massive difference between colorism and someone having personal preferences of what hair and eye colors they’re attracted to. I think it’s kind of ridiculous to compare that to actual racism

No. 2285545

There’s moids that camp out in threads and slip up when they post obvious racebait. Kiwimoids admit to lurking here and we’ve had threads linked directly to 4chan multiple times in the past few months so I’m sure its them shitting up this site

No. 2285554

do you mind telling me where i even mentioned racism or are you just

i mentioned colorism. Which is intra-racial discrimination. Discrimination inside the same race and affects all races. Lightskin looser hair-texture black women receiving better preferential treatment than dark skin black women and being the standard in media and for what moids want. Asian women with bleached skin, double eyelid surgery and a v-line face being preferred over caramel asian women with natural features and being the standard in media and for what moids want. Blonde girls with bleach fried hair, blue eyes and a small pig nose being preferred over white women with dark hair/eyes or a roman nose and being the standard in media and for what moids want.

No. 2285556

Why do any of you care what men want though

No. 2285557

why the fuck do you think these standards exist in the first place? pleasing men and impressing other women. signalling to men you're a preferred choice and signalling to other women that men prefer you.

No. 2285558

you don't get it you are acting obtuse on purpose because you have the privilege to not care, it's more than just what men want its how society treats you based on that. And colorism is way more than just men since in highly colorist countries like India for example everyone engages in the discrimination of dark skinned women and skin bleaching is very popular there.

No. 2285561

I don’t understand what you mean by privilege? Also
>pleasing men and impressing other women. signalling to men you're a preferred choice and signalling to other women that men prefer you.
I can’t imagine feeling this strongly about blue eyes, sounds exhausting

No. 2285564

pleaase learn2ignore obvious racebait nona

No. 2285566

I don't think it's the same so I agree with you on that, but at the same time I would never draw porn commissions myself. I have a friend who draws the weirdest fetishes for money and I'd never stoop that low unless I was really desperate, so I kinda get it, but equating it to prostituting yourself seems extreme.
Biologically stunted? Do you mean for being less physically strong than a male? You live longer on average as a woman and they have weaker immune systems and other inferior qualities physically so they seem worse off to me and more stunted in a general sense.

No. 2285575

for the second time colorism has nothing to do with race you room temperature iq having retard. It's a internal thing inside races not outside, any race can be affected by colorism. Stop trying to shut down this convo by falsely labelling it racebait.

what privilege? you think bullied and discriminated for your appearance and being viewed on the lower hierarchy and having trouble with jobs and dating because of that as not being discrimination?
You don't think the way black women with coily hair were being treated for a long time as not being discrimination? You don't think people calling you a nappy headed bitch, grabbing your hair, telling you to fix it or saying it's inappropriate in a job setting as discrimination?

No. 2285583

You literally did it again kek, you’re trying to compare having brown eyes to black women experiencing racism. Are you retarded?

No. 2285586

Nta but colorism isn’t racism. A black person can be colorist to a other black person.

No. 2285587

well yeah it becomes about race when you try to act like being bullied for having a big nose is the same as being bullied for being fucking black dumbass

No. 2285593

You can be colorist but not racist. For example a person might dislike darker skin Indians but are ok with lighter skin ones.

No. 2285594

some of you are too slow on this site. Racism affects all black women no matter their appearance meanwhile colorism only affects the darker ones of the race.

No. 2285595

NTA but I think the point that’s being made is that colorism doesn’t exist against white people because personal preference ≠ colorism

No. 2285599

ayrt, the original post wasn't about black women though dumbass? it was trying to say that white women can experience colorism which just isn't true

No. 2285600

I think colorism exists within the white community but it’s not as extreme as what poc do to each other. Poc learned colorism from white peoples at the end of the day.

No. 2285602

i'll say it again, the original post that brought up this topic was not claiming colorism against indians or black people. they were trying to say that white women experience colorism for having brown eyes

No. 2285604

to be fair if they are one of those spicy whites who look latino or arab then they definitely can experience it.

No. 2285605

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Anon, you need to understand the word you’re using before you start using it. Colorism is based on skin tone shade kek. Not eye color or hair color or nose size.

No. 2285607

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My unpopular opinion is that hot weather is preferable to cold weather.

No. 2285608

nta but based on their skin tone? absolutely, but based on their eye/hair color or nose size? definitely not, and thats the claim anon was making in these posts:

No. 2285609

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colorism has evolved over time and things like featurism and hair falls into that subcategory too.

No. 2285610

I do see white scrotes are obsessed with women with “lighter features” like blue eyes, green eyes, light hair and think young women with these features look more “innocent”. I think poc learned this behavior from white people and it mutated into the modern colorism we see today.

No. 2285611

How dare you? I'll murder your family.

No. 2285613

nta but yeah, against indian/black people though. not white people kek. not liking someones nose isn't colorism. also, much like the anon upthread i'm failing to understand why you guys care at all about mens preferences?

No. 2285615

Arabs do treat Arabs with darker features like shit

No. 2285617

there is a difference set of features that races have that in some cases it becomes more than just the skin tone to identify someone's ethnicity, read this >>2285609

No. 2285619

I somewhat agree If the Temperature is nice like 30c or 20 not like fucking 40 or 50c but I still prefer winter dying by frostbite is way cooler than heatstroke

No. 2285621

I’ve seen plenty of white people who have this blonde hair and light eyes complex with each other though. They don’t hate each other for it but blonde/light eyes girls are definitely on top.

No. 2285622

NTA but posting tiktok ragebait just revealed you as being a braindead zoomie

No. 2285625

>look i saw it on tiktok so it’s a real, pressing issue!
these are the people who are angry about the alphole thread

No. 2285626

There are plenty of white women who would rather be bald than have darker hair. Why do you think that is?

No. 2285627

Yeah, right at the start I thought it was sad, but the more she spoke the clearer it became that she is either trying to be funny and failing or baiting.

No. 2285628

I agree

No. 2285630

No one thinks that.

No. 2285631

not that anon but do any of you go outside or are in a group setting with white people or are white yourself? I've noticed the same thing she mentioned in her video happen in real life albeit in a less hyperbolic sense than what she was talking about.
I don't know why white people aren't allowed to talk about colorism, so just because it's less bad compared to asian/black colorism then it shouldn't be talked about?

No. 2285632

because they’re mentally ill?

No. 2285633

If you include my ex too we have a deal.
30c/85f is the perfect temperature. And if it gets hot enough people aren’t expected to do certain activities at risk to their health. If it’s stupidly cold no one cares and just tells you to put on another layer of clothes.

No. 2285634

I work at a hair salon and there are so many women who barely have any hair left from frying their hair to be blonde and getting extensions that look like a rats nest after a week. They’d look better with their own hair but they’d rather be bald headed with no edges.

No. 2285635

>i work at a hair salon and women get their hair color changed here!
well yeah obviously?

No. 2285636

Why would they rather change their hair to be blonde and be bald, when they could have their natural hair color and actually look good?

No. 2285637

the only kind of racism these blacks sitting in front of their pc all day face is reading the word nigger online. if they went into the real world they would understand that colorism exists within communities, whether its colorism in black communities or colorism in white communities, asian, etc.

No. 2285638

I just think that what you’re referring to, which is more like preferentialism, shouldn’t be compared to colorism

No. 2285639

Hey don’t pin this on all black people. I’m black and I can see white people have their own little form of colorism. We learned it from you so it makes sense kek

No. 2285641

i wish colorism was as severe on men as it was on women. I like to imagine a alternate reality where white men are the ones being made insure and questioned on ''but what race are you really?'' if they aren't blonde, snub nosed and blue eyed and being made to bleach and fry off their hair every month, that black men were forced to bleach their skin and wear wigs while black women are allowed to look the way they wanted while only dating lightskin men, that asian men were all getting plastic surgery procedures and bleaching their skin.

I like to imagine a alternative world.

No. 2285642

usually cause they think blonde hair is cuter, not because they’re sitting up all night biting their nails over white colorism (if such a thing even exists)

No. 2285643

i'm not pinning it on all black people just a fraction that don't think it's real because they don't see it or experience itn themselves. defective empathy

No. 2285644

true, the only people denying colorism are the ones who benefit from it.

No. 2285645

>but what race are you really?
What is this in reference to? I’m white and I live in one of the whitest states in the world and I’ve never been asked this question or seen someone ask this question

No. 2285646

I understand what this nona is trying to say. I'm south american and there really is an obsession with being blonde and blue eyed even among white people, but it's proportionally very small. It's definitely a thing, but it's within the margin of people who go to extremes in any other aspect of life, like people who are obsessed with having extremely fit bodies.

No. 2285647

Why do most white people think blonde hair is cuter? Most white people I’ve met hold blonde hair on a pedestal and are super excited when they have blonde daughters. One of my friends has dark hair and her sister has naturally platinum blonde hair and the blonde one is considered the “pretty one”, even though they look exactly the same kek

No. 2285648

In what way do I benefit from being able to gauge the difference between colorism and preferentialism

No. 2285649

usually cause they wanna mimic celebrities or models, simple

No. 2285653

its not mean if you laugh while youre saying it

No. 2285654

Why do they want to copy the blonde celebrities the majority of the time but not the brunette ones? Most celebrities aren’t even naturally blonde themselves and are bald under the wigs

No. 2285656

can i be honest, colorism among whites mainly only happens in white countries where the white people are of a darker complexion. Like in those Mediterranean countries or the balkan ones where blonde blue eyed women are worshipped.

Most countries like Scandinavian ones there is almost NO colorism and they don't give a fuck how dark you look. The only white people doing this retarded colorism shit are insecure swarthy mediteranian people who hate themselves and americans. These are the only two groups of people who do this shit.

No. 2285657

because they’re attracted to them? i can’t speak for women who dye their hair blonde anon kek i’m brunetta

No. 2285658

Samefag people like Sabrina carpenter, Paris Hilton and Ariana grande barely have any hair left when you see them without wigs or weaves

No. 2285659

this… this is so retarded. i'm from the UK and i know for a fact that not only is colourism so prevalent here in our white communities, but i literally have scandinavian friends that have experienced this in their own countries too. i'm not even going to mention how huge colourism is in white communities in america, especially in the south. what kind of retarded seething grudge do you have against southern euros?

No. 2285660

I live in an area that's 99% white and trust me, nobody fucking cares about this shit. In white communities it's perfectly normal to have blue, brown, green, hazel or green eyes, it's perfectly normal to have blonde, black, brown or red hair. Specifically where I live, black hair would get more attention because it's the least common and there's an above average amount of gingers. Everyone else is just various shades of blonde or brown.

No. 2285661

Imo having light colored eyes is even more important than blonde hair. I'm not gonna pretend brown people suffer discrimination or whatever, but when you have blue or green eyes you're automatically prettier. Maybe because they're rarer?

Although when it comes to rarity, ginger hair is the rarest in the world and it's considered ugly, isn't it? Like, it's made fun of, at least in american society? I'm not american so I'm not sure.

No. 2285666

White colorism is really common in Australia. If you know you know. Blonde hair/blue eye "true blue" Australians love discriminating against the "wrong" type of white immigrant. I had a Greek coworker who was labelled as Arab by true blues.

No. 2285679

Poverty creates golddiggers. It’s not the rich spoiled Stacys who had everything growing up who ends up like that. They just marry the first rich son that her parents set her up with and she’s set for life. Golddiggers, on the other hand, have to DIG around to find the rich men themselves. And it could be a low ball, too; as long as the man makes around 6 digits, she’ll have him. That’s why the whole tradfem thing is so stupid and why all men will suffer from it but hey, if that’s what they want..

No. 2285681

why are you putting all the onus on black people weirdo. you just wanted to type out the n word. its okay ill call you a cave dwelling neanderthaal so we are even

No. 2285699

>where I live, black hair would get more attention because it's the least common
i experienced this firsthand when i moved from new england to CO. the first few time a sandy-haired midwesterner said they loved my hair i thought they were joking

No. 2285705

I can't speak about other countries, but jews in america aren't oppressed, in fact quite the opposite. They reap all the benefits of white privilege and on average live better lives while still being able to weaponize their perceived "oppression" to silence people who dare criticize them. Compare the life of the average indigenous or black person here to the life of the average jew and you'll quickly see what i mean.

No. 2285715

If I were you I would stop while you’re ahead. A lot of autistic Jews on here that are going to lose their shit because you didn’t victimize them.(baiting)

No. 2285742

>you bitches have never seen the movie pearl
Yeah I'm definitely not wasting my time watching some boring ass wannabe 70's noir series written and directed by moids, you can have fun basing all your opinions off of fiction though

No. 2285798

My unpopular opinion that gaga's third best era and last best era was the artpop era.

Her artpop era was so creative and she produced all of her music for that album but unfortunately that era of hers flopped and gays for some reason stopped caring about her after 2012.

I think the reason why her recent music is so bland and boring and there is nothing ''gaga'' about it is because her most creative album artpop flopped so she doesn't want to create any more risks any more so she play it safe by creating boring music.

No. 2285808

Damn, it's a hilarious fact that Mossad is even here, on the autistic girl's corner of the internet.(baiting)

No. 2285834

I've seen them post blatant israel propaganda in the news that fuck with you thread. I can't tell if it's out of ignorance or if lc is legit just filled with zionists kek

No. 2285838

Sometimes I wonder what media young straight white kids even consume today. Every new thing I see that is big with zoomers seems to be filled with LGBT+ and POC characters. Arcane, Wicked, Bridgerton, Spiderverse, The Last of Us, Euphoria, most new MCU and Star Wars etc. Arcane is what got me thinking about this, because literally every couple there is either same-sex or interracial.

I don't hate it but is there literally anything that's aimed for straight white audiences anymore? When us millenials grew up, we had shit like Harry Potter, LOTR, Buffy, literally most media had white characters with heterosexual romance plots as main focus. I'm not trolling, I'm genuinely curious how young ppl today feel about this shift in media.(baiting)

No. 2285843

They get nothing and it’s what they deserve

No. 2285856

artpop is my favourite album of hers

No. 2285862

I'm a 19 year old white woman and I like yaoi and Touhou.

No. 2285863

Oops samefag, I didn't read the kids part kek

No. 2285864

Back to tumblr

No. 2285867

I suppose you're a handicapped enbi transmac half Polynesian half Haitian lesbian Muslim part of a system?

No. 2285868

Don’t you have more rapists to vote into office

No. 2285871

No I just think white ppl are ugly(racebait)

No. 2285875

>Bringing up American politics outta nowhere, at an unrelated thread
Schizophrenia (and autism)

No. 2285877

Joe Biden didn't win though, the other rapist won.

No. 2285878

nta but 1) this isn't the american thread 2) not everyone on this website is american

No. 2285881

Jeeeez anon, kek

No. 2285924

Things have actually gotten more decentralized and people have retreated into their own niche corners when it comes to the media they consume or where they go on the internet. So yeah white zoomies won’t just watch these things just because it’s in the mainstream when they could just do their own thing ig

No. 2285928

they just watch whatever the algorithm on socmed told them was popular.
besides im sure a straight white person can still find white characters in media in tyool 2024

No. 2285943

We supposed to talk to you like you're our grandparents anon kek? i agree i do think using obnoxious internet slang irl is really embarrassing

No. 2285944

The one thing I don’t like about Gen z and Gen alpha is they’re too uncomfortably weird with adults. They talk to 30 something year olds like we are their peers. I don’t remember young people being like this in the past. Young people used to have respect for their elders, now they have none at all.

No. 2285946

>respect for their elders
I know you might feel old nonnie but 30 isn’t really elder territory, you’ll probably start getting called ma’am or madame in public when you’re 50+.

No. 2285948

Asking personal questions about an adults love life etc or being over brash unprovoked. Young people do stuff with adults now that I would’ve been scared to do when I was young in fear of getting my teeth knocked out.

No. 2285950

I’m an elder to people 18 and under.

No. 2285952

Ikr? Unless someone is actually old enough to be my mom or dad, I'll talk to them with basic politeness but it's not like I'm gonna speak to them like they're the damn president kek

No. 2285953

I’m sure you may feel that way but to people 50+ you’re all babies

No. 2285954

That doesn’t change the fact that I’m an elder to people young enough to be my kid

No. 2285956

Well maybe if you gave birth when you were 12 you could have an 18 year old kid at 30 but I really know what you’re expecting from young people who don’t know you or care about you anon

No. 2285958

that actually is very weird and inappropriate, you shouldn't ask any strangers personal questions about their love lives? but if i'm friends with someone who happens to be a little older than me i'm gonna have a normal conversation with them

No. 2285959

I expect them to be respectful and not rude. It’s no coincidence why no one wants to be teachers anymore, the little roaches are despicable now.

No. 2285960

Samefag I don’t* really know what you’re expecting, sorry I’m not gonna delete because I hate the flood detection bullshit error

No. 2285962

nta but the last time teenagers and kids were meek to their teachers was like, the 60s. either learn how to whip your class into shape or stop your whining

No. 2285964

This is reminding me of when I was in high school, a new teacher who was just starting to teach came and worked for my school, and one time she had a big sperg out and actually cried in front of the class and left school early one time because she set out our assignments for us to pick up off the table, and by the time everyone was done taking their papers, the table was all disheveled and messy. She expected a class of 30 kids to just..silently grab a paper lol. And this was back in the early 10’s, I can’t imagine what kind of crybabying the zoomer teachers are doing now

No. 2285969

I was a kid/teenager and the early 2000s and we didn’t act like that. Maybe it’s because I’m black and white people have always been calling their mom a bitch etc but that kind of behavior is abnormal for black kids, but I’m starting to see them act like that.

No. 2285973

asking personal questions to people you don't know is super weird, and also not what i was expecting of alphoids considering the big hyper sensitive autist culture. if your students were asking personal questions about your love life/marriage then you should probably write a report about those students or write an email to their parents. exercise your power!

No. 2285976

I have no idea why it flopped, maybe people just got bored of her and her antics two albums in. The meat dress was in 2010 and I thought that might've been a jumped the shark moment for her in terms of her eccentric image. Personally I thought artpop felt like she was coming into her own, stylistically, like the music finally caught up to the artistry and weirdness.

No. 2285977

If my teacher was a lolcow user too I dont think I’d have that much respect for her

No. 2285978

ew I forgot about the meat dress

No. 2285979

I’m not a teacher but I can see why from their perspective they don’t wanna do it anymore.

No. 2285980

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Okay I'm just gonna come out and ask: why are white parents so lenient and nonchalant when their kids disrespect them and treat them like shit? kek I've gotten the belt in my face for even mumbling cuss words in my own room. I'm not saying white kids should be abused, what I AM saying is that it's weird that white people are so…okay with their kids "doing the most" compared to any other race.

No. 2285982

nta but why do people think white children are mean to our parents? where did this rumor even start

No. 2285987

>why are white parents so lenient and nonchalant when their kids disrespect them and treat them like shit
What are you talking about anon?

No. 2285991

NTA but I've seen white kids curse and scream at their parents while they just stand there. This type of behavior is especially common with moidlets, they seem to disrespect their mothers the most. I can say a lot about black households and black moids but I've never met a black moid who would think of treating their mother that way without consequences.

No. 2285992

>White children are badly behaved
Americans stop generalising role world based on their experiences challenge, go

No. 2285993

i've also seen homeless black people, does that mean all black people are homeless?

No. 2285994

>I’ve never met a black moid who would think of treating his mother poorly
Kek have you just never met a black moid then, or?

No. 2285997

my exact thoughts lmfao

No. 2285999

Yeah I kind of assumed that eurofags would naturally clock out of the conversation and leave it alone. The vast majority of anons on here are fellow burgers anyway, so I feel like it's not a stupid assumption that other burgers would answer.

No. 2286000

well usually if thats something you're witnessing in public, the parent is maintaining their composure and obviously isn't going to punish their child in public, because they'll get accused of being an abusive parent. at least thats what i've seen happen to parents who choose not to remain chill and wait until they're home to give their kid a whacking

No. 2286007

I don’t mind getting cat called. I think it’s kind of worse never to get cat called at all.

No. 2286008

To clarify, I have come across plenty of black moids who disrespected their mothers, just not one who didn't get some sort of consequence in public for doing so. When I was in elementary school it wasn't uncommon for black kids who cursed out their parents to get the belt in public. Might be a difference in attitudes

No. 2286013

bad b8 m8

No. 2286014

My baltic friend was the only brown haired brown eyed person in his class for a few years and he did get singled out for that. It wasn't full on discrimination but being singled out as a kid is uncomfortable.

No. 2286028

Black women need to ally with white women. Stop with the retarded competitiveness, you literally protect and defend the most violent and dangerous race of men in the world, what the fuck are you doing?(racebait)

No. 2286036

I don’t think black women competing with white womens is the problem. I think the problem is white women wanting to keep their status in white privilege at any cost and being flip floppy with their beliefs( example people like Chappell roan and Lana). All it takes is one scrote to come around to change everything they believe in.(report and ignore)

No. 2286041

Samefag and a lot of straight white womens realize hold this mentality that they’re still gonna hang out with sexist, racist, homophobic relatives, friends and bfs(Chappell town for example)because “they can separate politics from the person” which probably doesn’t feel safe for non-white women or lesbians

No. 2286058

I'm American, I was adopted at birth and have kinda olive-y skin that gets tan in the sun and thick, black curly hair. Growing up in a town with mostly straight-haired, blonde, blue or green-eyed girls (lots of Mormons, kek) kinda sucked, I admittedly did have a complex about it and I was envious of the popular girls who got the attention of the guys I liked, who were always much lighter looking than I was. People mistook me for being Hispanic a few times and I was embarrassed by that for some reason, I just wanted to be seen as "white" like everyone else. I remember girls in middle school making fun of how frizzy my hair was and I heard a girl saying my hair looked like a witch. I didn't know how to style my wavy/curly hair and my mom didn't know any better, she has straight, thin hair so I learned to brush out and blow-dry mine like she did, no wonder it was a mess kek. (Think Hermoine in the first movie.) I did an ancestry test and it turns out I'm like 40% Italian, no wonder I'm swarthy.

No. 2286093

The biggest blockade is this self-serving addiction to trying to flatten everything down to "the black womenzz r jealous of white womenzz because white women be stealing their men!!1". Black feminists have listed off their actual issues on trying to find solidarity with non-black women over and over, but some of you love being pickmes, dismissing other women, plugging your ears and guzzling cock far too much to pay attention, and at the end of the day, you'll still condescend and pretend you care about women's issues by making dumb posts like this. Just from an external non-American perspective, I can see white women (even in feminist spaces) don't support or care about black girls like Chrystul Kizer, who got trafficked and raped by a white moid (who also did it to countless other little black girls/produced CP of them), neither do they support black women who stand against black male violence. They watch and do nothing (or join in, if they're pickmes) as black women specifically are singled out by white and black men for misogynistic and racial abuse/humiliation both online and offline, because it's suddenly not a "women's issue" (ie not their problem because they somehow find it hard to relate to or empathize with their fellow woman if her skin is too dark). They only care when there's a threat of violence or insult against white women, and then they want all the black women to be their footsoldiers with no reciprocation.
White women also don't need to be complaining about other women protecting the most dangerous men when the majority of them vote to keep rapists and pedophiles in power to please their husbands (or just to screw over other women over class or skin color), even to the detriment of their fellow white women lmao. Only difference between a white pickme and a black pickme is that the former has more leeway to screw over all women on a wider scale. Both are the problem either way, but I understand why even the black women who aren't pickmes don't want too much to do with the majority of white women. Only a small minority are sensible to ally with at this point.(responding to bait)

No. 2286097

You're right, but catch the jannies ban YOU for "racebaiting."

No. 2286112

>neither do they support black women who stand against black male violence

Hmm, let's see how this would go
>the violence done by black men towards black women…

No. 2286119

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LMAO black men are not nearly as dangerous to society and women at large as white men. Black men are only a danger to black women and each other. But no one cares about that. I doubt when people say black on black crime they realize it’s one sided and it’s black women dying at ridiculous rates at the hands of black men. Also how dare you say this do you even know the history of black women and white women solidarity in America!? IT DOESNT EXIST BECAUSE WHITE WOMEN LOVE BLACK DICK MORE THAN WOMANHOOD REEEEE.Never forget white women had black men join their suffragist movements while leaving black women out legit BANNING us from joining. But we should team up with you KEK. You bitches should be teaming up with US. And should be reading about what your males did to black women and little black girls for centuries. Had your males use our bodies as fodder since our ancestors were babies.do you know what a bed wench was? It was a little black girl forced to lay in bed with her rapist every night. And do you know how white women treated these little girls? They beat tf out of them every day for “seducing” their degenerate husbands. And instead of siding with us you sided with the black males who sold us into slavery for no reason other than they didn’t want to be alone and kept dying. Sided with them because you guys love big black dick more than female solidarity.

Maybe look into that and realize it’s not envy why black women don’t like you guys. It’s just doing the math that you girls don’t like us and would rather us be your mammys/slaves than friends. You guys got the right to vote in the 1920s. Black women had to wait decades until the civil rights movement where we not only fought for our right to vote but EVERY minority woman in this country’s right to vote. Black womens feminism involves and helps EVERYONE. White womens feminism only helps white men. I say this because you guys constantly use your right to vote to keep the status quo of white supremacy chugging. Because most of you care more about appeasing your Nigel’s than female solidarity. I say this because look at who the majority of you vote for and support and look at who the majority of black women support and vote for and you’ll have your answer as to why we no longer trust you. These other races of women don’t have centuries of living intimately with you girls so they don’t understand either.But they’ll learn the hard way, the same way we had to. White women you and your Nigels need us more than we ever needed you. Remember that. End rant.(report and ignore)

No. 2286120

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the concept of pride in the gay rights movement feels dumb to me nowadays. and it may be why i felt so uncomfortable for so long to just admit that i don't like the opposite sex in all seriousness. what is there to be proud of? that's like being proud of being right handed, or being able to walk, or knowing how to talk to others like any other person on earth. i feel like this pressure to be very out and proud and loud about it makes me embarrassed and not feel so much affinity with other out gay/lesbian people out there. i just want to live my life. i want this part of me to be so boring that it becomes nothing to be proud of, and it ends up being a trait that is as interesting as what the color of my eyes are.

No. 2286121

So because black pickmes will be mean, you won't try to help any black women or girls? Then black women are also right in avoiding white women, considering the racist white pickmes in their folds that'll call them slurs or try to undercut them at every point (before you try to cry "it's not all of us", once again, reckon with your voting stats and what the majority clearly wanted kek), and even the "liberal" ones doing nothing to leash their deranged conservative, racist/misogynistic husbands lol.(report and ignore)

No. 2286128

Everytime we have these conversations I wonder why women have to like each other to fight for power/rights. Men don’t like each other but they still want power and will help each other get it. The problem isn’t pick mes, the problem is women have no self preservation instinct.

No. 2286129

and this is just how you treated black women in this country. I don't even have the time to go into how you and your nigels treated and continue to treat Native women in this country.

No. 2286133

This is why i roll my eyes whenever anons here think that white women are somehow incapable of racism and that it's purely a moid issue. How can you align yourself with somebody who already sees the worst in you without knowing your stance or anything about you? They also act like it doesn't soothe their own ego to attack other women of other races and hear other women be called ugly and be put on a pedestal of attractiveness and desirability. And we are the pickmes? Plus western feminism as been completely decimated by liberal feminists, typically white, who want to put troons, whores and gay men at the forefront while ignoring non-white women who are actually fighting for their lives.(responding to bait)

No. 2286134

girl honestly, this. it's also why, even as a pro separatist, i seriously doubt most women have what it takes to engage in the current 4b trend for long, or that they have the patience necessary to live with other women indefinitely in a separatist environment, such as the famous all female countryside communes that lesbians have set up. until women get over this weird need to always get along with a woman or a group of women 24/7/365, we will never be free. we have to hate men more than we love each other as women.

No. 2286135

I'm Irish and don't celebrate st Patrick's I get it. We just can't cope with drunk attention seekers in public.

No. 2286136

Men kill each other any chance they get but when they need to work together to stay on top they do it. Womens problem is we just don’t have a hunger for power like men do. We really just want peace and men don’t wanna do that, not even with each other.

No. 2286137

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I just read about how a white woman Nell Butler from the 1600s gave herself, her children, and her entire lineage to slavery over some black enslaved dick. Her family had to fight for like 100 years to get taken out of slavery. SHe put majority of her biracial black daughters into the horrors of slavery for black cock. That is how deep rooted white women's pickmeism goes.

No. 2286141

Marrying a woman as a moid, wasting years of her life and even having children with her and then telling her you're a faggots is abuse, period. They've always known because it's impossible not to know, even the most closeted fag knows. The only time I'd excuse it is when it comes to Mormons forced into conversion therapy, but these faggots knowingly use women as their free private incubators and then run off with the 20 year old AIDs carrier he's been cheating with this whole time.

No. 2286144

i completely get it and agree, i also want peace more than anything, and i think that example i use of the all female private communes is a huge example of this. there's women out there who dream of a place where she can come out of her home and into the street where she will never have to fear harassment or violence, never have to fear being talked over or yelled at by someone larger and stronger than her on the basis of sex, never have to fear rape if she's out in the late hours of the night, and can do whatever she wants with the peace and quiet that this safety provides for her. perhaps re-framing the desire for peace for power might help in the long run, maybe even renaming it as empowerment to attract the wishy washy libfems who think anything can be seen as empowerment lol.

No. 2286145

I don’t even think this is just about black dick. This is just how women in general act when they’re deeply in love with a scrote.

No. 2286147

So many black daughters get raped under black women’s households and the black mother has the audacity to go to those daughters faces and tell them that they liked it. Pickmeism is a disease that exists in every ethnic community, not just white ones

No. 2286148

The thing with men is that they hate us that they'll band together like a bunch of queer brothers to put us down. Everything is a dick measuring contest to them. It's only in the last century women got the right to vote. Women are the most marginalised social group and they can't stand that we've the mental fortitude to not kills ourselves enmasse like them over fuck all

No. 2286150

Meh I think if women went the violent route like scrotes did centuries ago we would be in a better spot now

No. 2286154

Definitely not. Men are monsters and women aren't. I'd prefer not to join men in their hideous nature. Just let the y chromosome degrade out of existence. That's why all the aliens are watching the planet. Once the men are incapacitated we'll make a new species.

No. 2286157

Being the bigger person isn’t really doing much for women though. Yeah we are more nice and civil but scrotes are crushing us in every aspect of life.

No. 2286158

Nah. If I could change anything about women I'd want women to have a stronger self preservation instinct like >>2286128 said.
Men didn't defeat us with violence. They dominate women because most of us are chemically hardwired to sell our souls for cock. Getting over that shit would mean we could properly utilize our sexuality to make men our scroteslaves. You know, making these chymps work for us instead of the other way around. Tbh I think it would be a win win anyways.
They would gladly kill one another for us. I mean, shit, they do that anyways even with our weak self preservation.

No. 2286161

Weed makes you retarded and sad, it's also highly addictive and anyone who claims otherwise is lying to themselves

No. 2286162

Being a femme sexy queen isn’t gonna work in places in the Middle East for example. In those environments women are just going to have to start killing.

No. 2286164

They really aren't though. We've closed the gap very quickly after a relatively short time. Girls out perform boys academically. Women outrank men in management positions. They can't be beat on violent and psychotic tendencies but they can have that. Put it this way, if men think they're so brilliant why do they make women responsibile for rearing the children. If anything men need to be segregated from each other. It's once women have educated them enough for a man to give a fuck to talk to boys that issues in behaviour starts. A lot of mammals have it right keeping a token male around and no others except juveniles. Men can fuck off

No. 2286165

tru. They need guns.

No. 2286166

You’re trolling, right?

No. 2286168

In the west. Most of the world women are being ran over like dogs because we don’t have a hunger for violence and power. The only reason scrotes allowed us to have rights in the west is because white scrotes see the benefit of giving us a little freedom so they can make money off us.

No. 2286169

Lmao no offense but
>if men think women so stupid, why did they deign to let us do boring, mind-numbing repetitive tasks

No. 2286170

No women fought for the rights in the systems men designed. Education helps women far more than handing them a gun. Stop being so scrote brained. Although ill turn a blind eye to any female uprisings that kill men like that

No. 2286172

Men are so much more prone to losing it and killing infants. They know they've no mental fortitude to do anything unless their fantasising a gay montage of them self levelling up.

No. 2286174

Yeah they “fought”and then scrotes eventually were like “ya know what? They wanna work and get debt that’s great for us! Let’s give them a go”. If scrotes in the west were like Arabs or something we would be chained up somewhere in a basement with no one to do anything about it. It’s a sad reality but it’s true imo.

No. 2286175

>Men didn't defeat us with violence
Pickmeism fuels the patriarchy, but its origin is male violence. I see pickmeism as something that originated as a reaction, like how one may fawn as a survival response

No. 2286176

Scrote brained and racist.

No. 2286178

The fact that you think what is said is racist proves my point kek. Too much of a sweet bleeding heart.

No. 2286181

Maybe cause I'm not an ignorant retard and not every Arab nation or person is a religious extremist chaining women in basements. The more women engage in politics and with the system the more equality and levelling up society and women experience. There's a lot of charities you can donate too if you don't have the time to volunteer.

No. 2286183


You mean scams where the money food doesn’t even go to the people in need

No. 2286184

nta but I'm a strong proponent of importing all Afghan women and female children to America and exporting all the retard conservative moids to afghanistan. Both of them are secret closet cases anyways so they would be happy

No. 2286186

You're allowed to research things anon and find out how wrong you are. I guess I've just imagined how connected the world is and how easy it is to directly give money to those communities. No point arguing what we should have done in the past. What are you going to do now you going to go commit an incel inspired mass shooting? Spare me anon

No. 2286187

I’m doing my part by never having children

No. 2286194

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>the hyperniche thread in question

No. 2286216

We're going through a weird economical slowdown while having Rapid technological advancements and it's a weird time to be alive in the west. We've all watched our parents and grandparents come from this nuclear generation of housing and work/life balance to now being over worked for less return. Maybe if shit works out in a few years the generation after gen alpha or will be baby boomers reborn and I'll be dead and jealous after probably dying in some shitty shoebox apartment alone

No. 2286220

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I used to believe this as well, and it's a justifiable belief when the vast majority of charities have poor ROI/impact per dollar, or in some cases actually have negative utility (do more harm than good)

There is a movement, however, to try to create some clarity and give quantitative measures of impact to different interventions. If you are lucky enough to both: have disposable income, and be in a country where the currency has relatively higher value than many other nations, consider looking into some of the following organizations

Giving What We Can
>Resource with lots of information about effective giving

>One of the leading charity ranking organizations with a historical emphasis on global health (there are others that use different moral and ethical frameworks to prioritize animal welfare, climate change, etc)

Open Philanthropy
>One of the largest funders of effective charities, publishing lots of their work and with a high standard of transparency

Contributing to causes that aim to maximize the welfare of other beings may not be something that your own personal beliefs align with, and that's fine, but if anybody else does find that idea compelling then I'd encourage you to check out some of the above.

No. 2286221

Same. I'm bisexual but it's such a nonissue that there's really never any reason to bring it up, ever, so hardly anyone I know even knows that I am. I don't participate in any of the performative LGBTQ+ shit at all either, it feels embarrassing.

No. 2286222

Kekkkkkk zoomers are unfortunately the Great Depression to the Baby Boom, you might be on to something. It’s seriously unfortunate

No. 2286225

i think its dumb that you can only go to college if they think you're already smart and if you cough up 131,000 dollars

No. 2286239

Ya know what, I completely agree. Why do I need to be smart to go learn stuff. Just let me try and retain whatever I can, isn’t the point to learn anything i am capable of. Doesn’t mean I’ll pass and become at doctor but why can’t I try anyways

No. 2286297

You’re just like me nonna. I feel like some people only ever talk about their sexuality because that’s the only thing they have going on.

No. 2286299

Treating sexualities different from heterosexuality like a normal thing (as they are) actually improves acceptance, sensationalizing them and making them special just alienates them further.

No. 2286305

black women are too small of a group to have an impact on anything. You're better off having discussions with the moderates and conservatives

No. 2286306

You got racebaited but you’re so right nonna, speak your truth.

No. 2286381

I preferred glass onion over the original knives out. It was a fun, campy romp and I liked the jokes more. Great movie, idk why everyone shat on it.

No. 2286446

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The fact that "swifties" are on Twitter acting like absolute seething and racist retards over Beyonce being picked as the "best pop artist" over Taylor Swift…kind of proves your point. This kind of tension in America, even just socially, is pretty much why I laugh when I see burgers talk about doing a 4B movement. What same page are American women on, if they will call a woman a fucking monkey just for being more "popular" than their favorite singer? Too many different religions, too many different lifestyles, too many different cultures, too many different races, too many differences, not enough women will fit on the same page when you're in a place like America where picking race, class, and pretty much anything over your own gender is still programmed into the mindset of virtually all women in this bitch. 4B in America? American women can only fucking dream about uniting and developing a strong mental fortitude as Korean women can. I know I'm talking about American women in general, but if you're picking up that I'm also talking especially about a certain women…you would be correct.

No. 2286466

Many of these online "feminists" are just venting their frustrations of picking garbage men to be with and now use feminism as a cope. Now, let's mix it up with victims of abuse because I'm not talking about that. They also dgaf about helping women, it's just men men men.

No. 2286470

the 4b movement in Korea is also not that big to begin with. there are idiosyncratic elements in that movement that makes it work in korea as you mentioned that does not make as it applicable elsewhere.

No. 2286478

>there are idiosyncratic elements in that movement that makes it work in korea
Could you elaborate?

No. 2286486

I think it’s ok to shame other women for being losers(for example pick mes and sex workers). Men shame the losers of their gender and no one cares so idk why we can’t shame ours without being accused of having internalized misogyny.

No. 2286489

Almost like a homogeneous people are good when it comes to uniting and standing for each other. Oh well, at least America will always have its super great mixing pot. We're really benefiting from that.

No. 2286494

Right. People don’t realize that the reason Korean women can come together and help each other is because they’re all Korean. Women of different races are gonna have a hard time empathizing with each other and then you have white women on top who only care about getting power for themselves.

No. 2286496

You do realize that the system men created cannot exist and operate without women kek If women collectively get tired and say "fuck it, I don't want to be part of this" then the whole system collapses. They didn't "give" women rights, they compromised so women won't decide to make a revolution later on. So many women in the west nowadays think feminism is useless because they believe in the illusion of egalitarianism but without that, they would start thinking differently.

No. 2286499

The gave women rights for the same reason the gave black people rights. More wage slaves. It’s hard to have a good wage slave if they have no rights to own or buy anything.

No. 2286500

I agree with you but Swifties are on a whole other level, the mental illness is on par with Kpop stans. Expecting them to represent the views of the average American woman is a bit much.
There's no denying that the racism is there though. It's incredible how vile all the uwu inclusive girls are, black women are their inspirations and best friends until those black women step outside of the Tumblrfied boundaries that their so called allies drew for them. Then it's a bloodbath. And I doubt that only the hardcore Swifties got assmad about her losing to Beyonce, the chance to shit on a successful black woman brought all the casual fans together under the guise of being upset that Taylor lost.
Collective identity isn't ever going to be a thing in the USA but that doesn't have anything to do with the 4B movement taking off. Women who choose to abstain from scrotes don't need to agree on why they're doing it.

No. 2286501

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If you let young zoomers and alphas ruin media for you; 1) I don't think you really liked it in the first place 2) you're severely addicted to the internet and thus no better 3) you're a very Sensitive Sally 4) All of the above. I'm going to emphasise that I'm talking about media because some illiterate is just going to skim this, the degradation of things like subcultures is a reasonable criticism. You don't get upset when anons talk shit about things you like, or maybe you do and so are the most annoying type of poster, but for some reason some anons pop a blood vessel when a sped child likes something that they're going to forget about in six months maximum. You don't have to go on Tiktok you know, or tumblr or twitter, it's very easy not to go on there unless you're a dopamine and cortisol junkie who is actively frying their grey matter and are making themselves retarded in the same way a chronic alcoholic is retarded. You're like children, nooo red is MY favourite colour and you're smelly so it can't be yours. Why do you care what dribbling inspid retards think? Why do you take it to heart? If you are struggling with this problem set up some website and app timers, if you have a Windows computer you can very easily program it to shut off connection to your WiFi for a number of hours daily. Treat yourself better.

No. 2286507

This is sadly correct, but braindead tradthots and pickmes will always pretend not to hear this and insist you're just trying to compete with them for dicksirability. Competing for dick and sperging about desirability is literally all pickmes can comprehend on this planet. It's not a dimension or an aspect of anything, it's literally the thing for them, and they love to not only project the same mindset on every other woman, but derail feminism itself with their ball worship and desire for male power/validation (not women's liberation or female empowerment, male power and validation).
All discussions of race relations and general power differentials between women will be rerouted to shallow dicksirability politics and poorly-veiled attempts at negging because the pickme problem has become too widespread to properly deal with, and that's one reason western feminism is crumbling. Even radical feminism got cucked by failed tradthots who thought it was just about not supporting trannies (they also hate lesbians and women of other races, which is antithetical to radical feminism, something they don't know because they don't read feminist books or learn history), or that just want to garner male attention by pretending to be misandrists. It's pathetic.

No. 2286510

On the topic of zoomers, I find it so cringe when millennial women make videos bashing zoomers for looking "old" while claiming that they STILL look like teenagers. When I watch these videos, all I see is insecurity and a desperate want for validation. They don't look "younger", they look their age . They are just healthy and have good skin.

No. 2286512

I think people associate looking their age with being ugly so they insist they look younger than they do. Most people in their 30s who gush about looking younger, look their age to me.

No. 2286534

On some level I think they're doing it because they know zoomers are age obsessed and it's an easy shot, but yeah it's just another insecure pickme manifestation. I bet they don't say it as much, or at all about zoomer males.

No. 2286536

Kek I could kind of get it if they were claiming to look, like, 23 or something, but TEENAGERS?! First of all why do you even want to look like your awkward teenage self, second of all, delusional.

No. 2286540

Lmao anon trust me those millenials who make those posts are even more afraid of aging. This has nothing to do with zoomers fearing anything but instead its millenials doing intrasexual competition with zommers which is embaressing as fuck because why are you 35 competing with literal teenagers.

Im a millenial and i remember having a boomer woman who was 60 years old when i used to be 16 at church basically try to compete with me and put me down and i kid you not she pulled the dame shit that millenials are doing now by saying how young she looks like a teenager and that i look much older than my age.
Its embarrassing behaviour and it makes me sad how there will neverbe young and older woman solidarity due to the pickmes on both sides.

No. 2286562

>there will never be young and older woman solidarity due to the pickmes on both sides.
Join me nonna, in spreading the gospel of female solidarity across all age groups
You will meet resistance from both young and old women who will not understand you, but over time, maybe even after you are gone, the seeds will have been sown in others

No. 2286580

I think women below the age of 30-35 who get their tubes tied or get a hysterectomy because they don't want children are generally retarded. Acting as if your opinions and priorities and wants out of life won't change when you're older is retarded and I genuinely think treating these surgeries like they're fun tattoos is going to give a lot of leeway for anti-choice and birth control sentiment years down the line when the straight women who get these surgeries inevitably change their mind after settling down with a Nigel.

No. 2286583

Nah, it's retarded to think women can't make up their minds and know they'll never want children. But I do agree it's retarded to pay for such an invasive procedure instead of making scrotes wear condoms. Getting your tubes tied doesn't prevent any STD either so you're gonna have to use condoms anyways kek.

No. 2286593

The same sentiment could be said about women who get aesthetic mastectomies to imitate a male's appearance. Priorities and opinions change when you get older.

No. 2286597

I'm a zoomer and i love older women because they give zero fucks, idc if they make fun of my generation because it's funny and true most of the time, i would have been nothing without my mom and all the other older women in my family who i looked up to

No. 2286599

They are retarded and can't make logical decisions; it's for the best, because if they had a child they would ruin the child's life anyway. You need to be a complete emotional wreck to completely destroy your body just to avoid having children. You could just be abstinent, or still have sex but y'know, avoid the 1 (one) act that leads to pregnancy. But no, they completely destroy their reproductive organs and it's probably a sign of self-hate and internalized misogyny more than anything. No one who engages in such impulsive self-destructive behavior could ever be a good parent.

No. 2286615

babies are worthless

No. 2286619

Ayrt, I agree. I feel like most women who go the surgery route to avoid having children are usually straight women who are in a relationship with a retarded moid who complains about wearing condoms and they're too weak-willed to force him to wear one or they usually have extreme levels of anxiety, like almost OCD levels. They can even have PIV with a condom and still make the moid pull out before orgasm if they're that scared. A lot of women want to take the shortcut because they are afraid of confronting the men in their lives and having to reconcile the fact that he might not really care about her and she's wasting her life stuck in a shitty relationship.

No. 2286625

Nah, fuck old pickmes as much as young ones. Not everyone is like your family members lol.

No. 2286634

Getting married before of being at least 5 years with someone is pure retardation.

No. 2286638

I would only accept this as valid if you thought the same of any women having children before 30-35. Because creating another human is a way bigger and more important decision than not creating one.

No. 2286644

I actually think the opposite is true. After being with someone for 18 months, you know whether or not you want to marry them. Waiting 5 years to get married is just how you speed-run divorce.

No. 2286648

Mutilating your body is nowhere near comparable to being childfree kek. If anything, getting a double mastectomy is more comparable to getting pregnant in the sense that they're both harmful irreversible alterations to your body and your life will forever change negatively afterwards. You're a retard and your scrotelet will grow up a retarded rapist.

No. 2286652

what's the rush? nta but 5 years is fair before you legally and financially tie yourself to them like that

No. 2286671

being a single mother won’t have a bad effect on the kid, it’s just the kind of women who usually end up single mothers usually don’t raise their kids properly. If a single woman who’s like a rich therapist, with a big house and stability decided she just wants to go to a sperm bank and be come a single mom the kid would be fine. Kids don’t need fathers.

No. 2286683

You know what? I agree with this. Most people already get and have gotten raised from their moms taking on most of the child work than the fathers, with or without him being in the picture. If we lived in a perfect world where the type of women becoming single moms had mental stability, financial stability, and access to things that families need (food, education, safe spaces for kids to play), the number of kids raised by single moms who get absolutely fucked up by the time they reach adulthood would statistically go down.

No. 2286685

There is something about birds when i look at them that they are very intelligent. Not just birds but other animals too. If animals relied less on nature and more on thoughts i think some of them would have had the pitential to be on the same level or even surpass humans.

Im actually starting to feel disgusted by myself when i eat meat. Because i feel like we are more alike with animals than we think.

We all started off as a singular cell organism and all share the same ancient organism that then evolved into all living beings we see now.

The fact that there was a gorilla (she was called Koko) that knew how to use human sign language shows we are more similiar than we think.

No. 2286703

I agree with everything you're saying, but wasn't the Koko stuff untrue?
Aside from that, the whole idea of animals being akin to objects has always seemed like a massive cope for humans maltreating them to me.

No. 2286711

I don't have children and don't plan on it but don't be retarded and say that a hysterectomy to prevent child bearing isn't an every worse mutilation than an aesthetic mastectomy.

No. 2286713

You're an actual autist, it's really not. Pregnancy, however, really is as terrible and irreversible as a double mastectomy. Tying your tubes is reversible and invisible kek, it's not comparable in any way.

No. 2286715

I watched the first part of wicked and it was good.
It was better than i expected.

There were definitely alot of good moral messages and symbolism in that movie.

I also think Ariana did a pretty good job as her role as glinda.

No. 2286724

Listening to people speak Spanish feels grating on my ears. Listening to people speak Chinese actually sounds nice to me. I'm putting this hear, because other burgers keep shilling Spanish while shitting on Chinese.

No. 2286727

I think people forget that humans have self-domesticated ourselves (technically wheat did I guess.) A sausage dog would be instinctively and physically retarded in comparison to a wild dog and so are humans in comparison to most animals. The only advantage we have are our hands and incredibly control freakish tendencies. Also chickens and sheep are quite intelligent and I won't stand for their continued stereotypes.
NTA but a hysterectomy is when you remove your uterus, you kind of can't reverse that. Tubal ligation is majority of the time permanent and has chronic symptoms such as incredibly painful and heavy periods as well as bowel, bladder and blood vessel damage. As well as increased chance of ectopic pregnancy which can kill you. Surgery to reverse it can be as low as 50% successful (and the success rate lowers about 10% every few years) and can lead to additional injury and health problems, some types are also irreversible because there's nothing to reconnect. Please at least do a brief Google search before calling other people autists.

No. 2286728

>Pregnancy ruins the pure virgin's beautiful body!
Is this not incel rhetoric. Grow up.

No. 2286729

NTA but you can lose teeth amongst other things during pregnancy though that anon is 100% from you know where

No. 2286731


It's over, and it will never get better. Polite detachment is the best solution

all pickmes are retarded, avoid them all

because they're allow to scream back to their parents and actually articulate their discomfort.

No. 2286740

if women were flopping in school and work, men would claim its was genetic and we're so inferior and its never going to get better. But now that many women are doing well, they're exploding

No. 2286744

yes and we should continue

melting pots are only fine if the economy is fine and there's a larger group to mix into

I never cared about Swift but I hate her fans

No. 2286746

File: 1733157383041.mp4 (1.67 MB, 576x1024, 1000019306.mp4)

>little timmy: shut the fuck up, bitch! I hate you! You're always telling me what to do! Stay out of my life!
>his parents: oh, he's just expressing himself and articulating his anger to make sense of the situation at hand! He is a child, please be patient with the adolescent baby.

No. 2286748

Being friends with someone a lot hotter than you is awkward. Idk how some women do it.

No. 2286752

Honestly, I'm pretty sure this is the reason most mass shooters are white.

No. 2286753

whats wrong with her mouth, why it is like that

No. 2286755

We all know about the tooth thing. In my anecdotal experience no mother I know has experienced tooth loss from pregnancy even though they all experienced the wider ribcage, weight gain, slight breast sagging, etc. Also, like, prenatal supplements are a thing. You have to eat healthy during pregnancy. I guarantee most, not all, women who lose teeth during pregnancy are most definitely not eating a beneficial diet or they just generally have very poor teeth genetics. Some people are just unlucky, and age also makes you lose teeth.

No. 2286756

This is what cc looks like to me

No. 2286757

Why do you keep posting about this topic? Weirdo

No. 2286764

see THIS is why trannies won and are now having our hard won lgb rights set on thin ice, it's because there's too much retarded muh pride parade muh weird fucko fashion muh sex parties after we won the marriage equality in the west. it became this super festive thing instead of just a regular biological reality for a few people that experience same sex attraction, and that it should be regarded as normal and boring instead of this hyper unique special snowflake phenomenon. it was understandable during the 50s and 60s when lgb people were sent into the insane asylums, but then once that became a big no no and once we successfully attacked the conversion therapy camps and our rights to marriage/adoption, like… we should have rolled back on the retardation and make it into this boring thing. but no. we continued the rainbow corporation crap and now anyone who likes the color purple thinks they are non binary and totally oppressed.

No. 2286767

Can you all stop with these stereotypes?? Most white parents don't discipline or beat their kids in public because they view it as uncivilised and don't want to get judged for it. Many of them beat their kids in private though.

Also there is nothing cool about child abuse. This is why so many black people and hispanics have generational trauma.

No. 2286769

exactly, it's nothing to brag about and many of us have to spend years in therapy to unlearn the psychic damage

No. 2286775

i get really embarrassed when people scream at how young i look despite being in my early 30s precisely because of this. i was careful with my skin and health during my 20s so of course now i enjoy nicer skin in general, but i always cringe when both older and younger women gather around me and hound me for my age and then act shocked when i tell them the truth. i could never compete with younger women because i'm just not interested to do so, in the end it ties with trying to win points with scrotes and i fucking hate men with a passion so no thanks.

No. 2286776

it feels like we wasted and ruined this opportunity and I'm just hoping the backlash won't be extreme, like I'm hoping for 1995 levels of homophobia as opposed to 1960s

No. 2286781

Wear sunscreen folks, makes a difference

No. 2286784

Most of them burn my eyes and break me out for some reason. I think the problem is they only make them for light skin people with good skin.

No. 2286786

i have sensitive skin and mineral sunscreen is the most gentle for me. they have some good ones that doesn't leave much of a white cast behind these days.

No. 2286795

Have you used a face moisturizer that has SPF in it, or have you put regular full body sunscreen on your face?

No. 2286804

If you are begging with your kids out in the winter cold you are an unfit mother and they should be in foster care. I call the police on families begging on the roadside in the snow, it's despicable. Go to a fucking church or shelter don't make your babies suffer. Oh wait I forgot the shelters won't let them do drugs there my mistake

No. 2286820

I never ever understood this stereotype, because in my commonwealth country if you did that, there was a one in four chance you could have been physically abused as punishment later, and this was during the nineties to noughties. I know someone who was punched by her father for taking a single ice cube out of the tray, someone who had metal brooms broken over arms and legs, someone who was dragged by her hair and had her stomach stomped on and kicked by boots multiple times, all really fucking heinous shit all done by white parents to their children. Child abuse is child abuse, it's not something you should take pride in going through or wish upon annoying children.This stereotype seems like an probably untrue Americanism more than anything.

No. 2286825

Brain damage from being beat too much as a child

No. 2286863

People don’t like Ethan slater but I get why he did it. Of course an attention whore fame hungry guy is going to leave his wife for someone as famous as Ariana grande. It’s his wife’s fault for breeding with an ugly attention whore theater kid.

No. 2286895

Agree, I hate Spanish. It's probably the ugliest language I've ever heard in my life. I don't get why it's shilled as some sexy, romantic language. It's not. Italian sounds better. As for Chinese, I think Mandarin sounds beautiful but Cantonese is meh

No. 2286901

Same, I think Spanish is super ugly and it’s one of the few languages I just can’t stand listening to. Never understood the hate German got when Spanish is literally right there.

No. 2286902


No. 2286906

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like I'm the only one who brought this up? don't be dumb, keep up.
The fact that you think it would be child abuse to not let your child talk to you like you're a punching bag just goes to show that there's some truth in the stereotype that some people never stand up to their own kids when they're out of control. I think it's weird that you're making fun of child abuse victims by even insulting the concept like that. You were probably the type of kid demonstrated in the video. Maybe that's why you're ass mad about it, hit dogs will holler.

No. 2286913

No. 2286920

>18 months
Way too little for me. People tend to show their true colors a few years into the relationship, not barely a year in. You're more likely to speed run divorce if you rush into a relationship where you don't even know the person that well.

No. 2286934

Do you only talk to them or go on dates once a month or something? I can't imagine needing 5 years to get to fully know someone.

No. 2287015

no one wants to say this but the reason why so many marriages end in divorce is because couples cohabitate before marriage and that raises the risk of marital dissatisfaction by tenfold. in terms of getting to know someone before marriage, it takes 6 to 12 months before their true colors show up, so if you like how they are at their best and are okay with their bad parts by that time, then there you go.

No. 2287020

>I can't imagine needing 5 years to get to fully know someone.
Here's my unpopular opinion: most couples don't really like each other and are pulling this same tired excuse of needing to know someone for a century before marrying them, because deep down, either they are hoping that someone better comes along or the stagnation makes the more emotionally involved partner feel forced to leave the relationship since it's not developing the way it's supposed to go. When someone finds someone they're crazy about, trust me, they don't need a lot of time or any pushing to commit. That said, marriage is definitely not for everyone and marriage needs to be seen as optional.

No. 2287024

I think it's more about seeing how life changes affect somebody. 5 years is likely long enough to see somebody go through a job change, major personal loss, different friends, etc. and be able to observe how they change as people and what types of patterns of behavior seem the most deeply rooted. You can "get to know" somebody in less time, but if you want to know how they're going be 20 years later, you'll have a much better guess after 5 years than 1

No. 2287033

do you know how many "best friends forever" break up after knowing each other for a decade? or how many couples who've been together for just as long, have kids, get married later on, and STILL divorce? it's not the time frame or life changes that you should be worried about, it's how the individual manages the ups and downs in life appropriately. you could know one unhealthy person for so many years and end up burned by them, or you could know someone who is at least aware of their shortcomings and work hard to become better people and that's the one you can count on. i hate to sound like one of those scrotes, but 'choosing better' is an advice that should be strongly encouraged for everyone.

No. 2287133

I am glad there is someone who understands.

No. 2287138

The people who are saying otherwise are retarded and motivated by hormones kek.

No. 2287141

So marrying someone after knowing them for 2 years is a better alternative? Zero survival instinct, now I see why so many autistic women end up as battered DV victims kek. Go ahead and marry your Nigel after 2 weeks because you're desperate and see how it works out

No. 2287159

My great aunt met her nigel in 1976 on June 2nd when she was 26 and he was 19. She married him in 1976 on June 29th, and they were happily married for 65 years until he died from cardiac arrest after she made him shovel the driveway during a snowfall. A real Stacy knows how to identify a mate with low self-esteem so that he's easier to control, manipulate, and keep in line. A real Stacy doesn't need to wait 5 years to figure out if a moid is worth it.

No. 2287165

Noooo anon you don't understand, if they make them laugh and are attracted to them it's the universe personally saying to get married, don't sign a prenup, and live together after 1 month of dating by sitting on his couch and eating doordash.

No. 2287177

Why would you waste longer than 2 years on a man if it isn't something permanent?

No. 2287179

That's how I want my bf/future husband to die, serving me

No. 2287183

This is my dream

No. 2287184

No. 2287209

All of these are true at the same time because satisfaction and likelihood to stay married is the result of many factors, and you can observe statistical trends for indications but still, REASONS MATTER.

Pre-marital cohabitation does correlate to lower satisfaction, IF the reasons for it were practical (financial, "testing" the relationship), i.e. not living together because you like and want to be around each other

Getting married after being together for a long time because you think marriage will change something also is more likely to end in divorce

> to dating less than one year before a marriage proposal, dating one to two years significantly dropped the future likelihood of divorce, about 20 percent lower at any given time point. Dating three or more years decreased the likelihood of divorce at an even greater rate, to about 50 percent lower at any given time point.

In the above, the qualitative feeling of how well you know the other person is also positively correlated with staying married

So don't be dumb and marry somebody right away, but also don't think that you can have a successful marriage without both of you actually loving each other, and wanting to be together and make things work

No. 2287213



did you

type your response

like this?

No. 2287218

I don't understand how living together first is a bad thing beyond tradtard reasons tbh. It's the best way to get to know someone, you won't get jumpscared by domestic incompatibility. they won't be able to hide their worst traits so you'll know what you're in for if you get married

No. 2287221

>Abloobloobloo Reddit spacing
Fuck off image boards have a shit enough user interface without everybody leaving their text in giant unreadable blocks. Most users read on mobile and that amount of text would take up a full screen-length without any paragraph breaks

No. 2287222

There is 6 sentences in that post, and 5 paragraph breaks. It's excessive.

No. 2287224

Chinese sounds like someone is cursing at me even when they aren't. Unpopular opinion but turkish is quite a beautiful sounding language.

No. 2287225

Well, I appreciated the line breaks and it made me read the entire post from beginning to end so don't listen to the losers.

No. 2287230

Least obvious samefag

No. 2287245

assuming two people are actually in love with each other and they are both psychologically healthy as well as intelligent enough to be conscious on how their own actions affects the other partner, dating for 1 to 2 years before tying the knot seems sensible. i hear that to know someone, you must see them in all four seasons in a single year, and maybe one more in case you need some extra insurance. but any longer than that is unnecessary unless you're both super young, one or both are still in school that eats up most of your time anyway, you are not in a great place financially to make a marriage work, etc. but if other couples want to date for a decade and get married, by all means, go right ahead! idk why some are so angry in this thread kek

No. 2287287

I think the reason a lot of people hate 10+ years of dating is because a lot of the times, one partner is super ready to be married, they're already living like a married couple, while the other drags their feet and it can create a ton of resentment. Like imagine doing the domestic labor for a moid for a decade and he dumps you at a moment's notice? He still refuses to commit to you for life. What's he doing, waiting for something better to come along? Plus for major life stuff like a house or kids it's way safer financially to be married. It is objectively a shit position to be in

No. 2287304

I agree tbh. The reddit spacing thing is incredibly annoying because it leads to anons writing a single nigh on unreadable wall of text because they think that separating paragraphs is against internet law or something.

No. 2287313

exactly right. can't tell you how many times i've seen the super long-term partners where, once they break up, one of them all of a sudden finds the 'perfect' partner of their dreams and get married within a year's time. when you're with the wrong partner, the thought of marrying them either fills you with dread or you just don't feel anything, which is also pretty bad. you should be overwhelmed with joy to be with someone, i think.

No. 2287315

farmers don't like spacing and this is their site at the end of the day. i got banned for this reason before, so now i just don't do any spaces unless i want to make the last sentence super dramatic or something.

No. 2287333

The ex -wife needs to give the ugly offspring to him and Ariana to look after.

No. 2287347

Guys I think the best way to learn new things is to be blatantly wrong out loud, people like correcting and this is very efficient.
To be honest it is true, many western parents do not seem to discipline their kids so hard and their kids talk back to them. However I don't think it was healthy that I didn't think it was ok to say 'i disagree' because of my upbringing.

No. 2287363

To this day "reddit spacing" is the most retarded thing I've read on LC. That's just a proper paragraph kek, don't flatter redditors as if they could type.

No. 2287370

Late and NTA Korea doesn't have the racial tensions that America has, the average woman experience is more uniform. It's easier to band together since they have more similar values

No. 2287376

making paragraphs isn't reddit spacing. spacing out lines and double spacing for no reason is.
i swear zoomers just see phrases used and don't take the time to learn what the fuck they actually mean

No. 2287378

Nowhere in my post did I mention reddit spacing. Learn to read.

No. 2287382

I get genuinely more excited to eat a fruit than I do for 95% of deserts

No. 2287391

File: 1733187375561.jpg (47.58 KB, 600x600, 1000002435.jpg)

Same. 100%, even.

No. 2287392

Can you not read things that have more than 2 sentences per paragraph? What?

No. 2287401

i'm really picky about fruit ripeness. if it's ripe how i like it then it's fine but otherwise disgusting, i'd rather eat a vegetable than a fruit most of the time because at least i know they're consistent in flavor

No. 2287461

South Korea is a collectivist society with strong gender roles and family responsibilities that are influenced by Confucian principles. A more "for the greater good" mindset is made possible for the korean women who support the movement by this collectivist mindset. America is more individualistic, with most people prioritising themselves over the impact of their choices on society as a whole. Although there are still severe traditional norms that women must follow in some places of the United States, such as Mormonism in Utah, the Confucian ideals are often the tool that shapes the grand majority of women's lifestyles in Korea. In general, American women have much more freedom of choice and are not under as much pressure to follow them. For instance, choosing not to get married is not viewed as strongly as it is in Korea; therefore, it is not viewed as a key issue in a counter-movement. In contrast to the US, which is a melting pot, Korea is a homogeneous nation where the majority of the people are ethnically Korean. In the US, different women have different experiences with discrimination. Not that white women are immune to discrimination, but in general, non-white women experience higher rates of it (from their own men or others), and other women who do not experience the same degree of discrimination might not want to assist them because, in a sense, they are at the top of the chain. Non-white women might feel feminism does not resonate with them because they might view it as a "white women thing" and how it doesn't take into account intersectionality. Some women, such as Muslim and Mormon women, come from extremely patriarchal cultures and would never advocate for feminism. A very heterogeneous population with conflicting ideals and no to very little shared cultural background will not be receptive to a single movement. As I said before, the 4B movement is a bit overblown; most Korean women are not having children, and their marriage rates are not that high, but it's not because of the 4B movement.

No. 2287507

I think STDs are a meme and completely overblown by puritans who shame women, not men, for having unprotected sex. My friend is a female doctor and has gone to great lengths to explain by just having a IUD is fine, like you can't even protect yourself against HPV for example

With access to modern medicine every STD is curable or symptomless to the point it can't be transmitted when ongoing treatment. Therefore STDs are just a tool to shame women

No. 2287510

t. Chlamydia-chan?

No. 2287514

Oh no a disease that can be cured with antibiotics! How horrible, I can never live this one down. I've had it, also carrying HPV and unlike most hoes I know it because I get tested

No. 2287518

This is just untrue though.

No. 2287528

I got results from my smear I've hpv but no cells indicating cancer or anything but I have to get another smear in 12 months rather than every 3 years. My last smear was before my current partner and I was fine. And I also did an std test after breaking up a long term relationship because he was unfaithful and was clear. My doctor told me hpv doesn't come up on sti tests and men can't be tested for it. She also said you can get it skin to skin contact. My mum then told me when she first started dating my dad he had given my mum hpv she has issues with utis which I don't and has had to have cancerous cells burnt off. She said I could have even got hpv from a public toilet seat. I felt gross and ashamed when I was told but the doctor reassured I'm not bad and haven't done anything wrong and would I feel guilt over getting a flu virus. She said it tends to clear up on its own I don't have warts or anything or my boyfriend but I asked if we could just keep passing it back and forth and she said yea. Then I got information and pamphlets i didn't even have to tell my boyfriend about it but I did cause I felt guilty. I've been with my current bf for over 2 years. Last long term relationship ended 2 years prior and I fucked one other dude during my single period. So fuck knows where I got it from but I just hope everyone washes their hands after the bathroom

No. 2287529

But you literally said you didn't wanna treat it KEK

No. 2287542

You’re a nasty hoe and if you feel ashamed it’s because you should

No. 2287557

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They said that about tulips being sprayed with fungicides and now we have multi drug resistant aspergillus.

No. 2287558

You can get hpv and herpes really easily, with no sexual contact. Atleast I hope thats what they're on about

No. 2287564

Abstain, abstain you wenches! So sayth the holier than tho tradthot!

No. 2287577

At least you know that if you ever get tested for IQ it's coming back negative

No. 2287578

I agree at least about herpes, where I grew up hpv vaccines were standard. Herpes is just tough because it's uncurable, but 60-80% of american adults have oral herpes and "According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), about 12% (one in eight) persons ages 14-49 in the United States has genital HSV-2 infection; however, as many as 90 percent are unaware that they have the virus" which really sucks if you're part of the population that's aware you have it.

No. 2287580

Kek, just so anons know, this is a personalityfag with a fetish. It's also baiting about chlamydia on CC.

No. 2287581

Nta but the shame I felt having hpv whilst I prided myself being picky with men and being loyal and all this shit that doesn't matter because I still ended up with something probably sexually transmitted. I was so angry at my boyfriend thinking it's his fault and he got super defensive and it was a mess I rang the doctor for more reassurance lol. You literally do take a risk with every sexual encounter. And you have moids online decrying they're entitled to sex and to end the male loneliness epidemic we need more access to legalised prostitutes. Those bitches are not getting smears after every client ill say that much!

No. 2287591

I got the vaccine against hpv around 2006 and 2007. It's effective against about 90% of strains but low risk strains like mine that present no symptoms can still be caught. It sucks. Can't believe I'm looking forward to my next smear to see if it's gone lol

No. 2287599

I got hsv at 20 from a guy who forced himself on me while I was drunk, and we haven't talked since, the shame is the worst part of it by FAR. i don't think i'll ever get to experience a long term relationship because no one wants a partner with herpes.
aw anon that sucks

No. 2287600

Obviously. I've reported their posts, but jannies are sleeping, so maybe it'll get a redtext in the morning. Another epic fail from the moderation team.

No. 2287604

That's awful anon I'm so sorry. You have absolutely nothing to be ashamed of. It's not like you decided to go shopping for a virus one day, the stigma is stupid

No. 2287611

crazy since herpes is pretty common. so many young kids or teens end up with cold sores just by sharing a soda can with a school pal.

No. 2287616

Yeah, but I'm terrified to tell anyone I like that I have it because they would probably run for the hills and even using condoms doesn't fully prevent the chance of transmitting it to someone else (and moids seem to hate condoms anyway).

No. 2287641

I'm so sorry anon that's awful

In case it helps I will tell you about a likable guy in my friend group that let it be known he had herpes but didn't talk about it unless anyone brought it up. When people tried to joke about it he would be very matter of fact about it so it wasn't possible to make fun of him to or he would just laugh at you for not having a better joke to make about him. Herpes jokes are only really funny to children and mentally immature people, it's like laughing at someone for having a lazy eye. Eventually he got a really hot girlfriend, she was able to have enough time to decide how she felt about it before dating him.
I am not saying you should shout it from the rooftops but maybe it's worth considering if it's easier for you to keep it a secret or not.

No. 2287694

It’s shitty that gate keeping is hard to do now

No. 2287713

Friends come and go, prioritize your family and romantic relationships over them

No. 2287719

sisters before dicksters

No. 2287728

It's a circumstantial thing, if you have a solid relationship with your family you can devote more time to them than if you had a really shitty and disjointed one.

No. 2287743

Obviously but what I'm saying is that friends are very temporary, and if you have a good family situation and a nice nigel, don't fall into the trap of prioritizing your friends over them. Always be cautious

No. 2287745

File: 1733207088970.jpg (50.26 KB, 640x510, lrwkchwcjbm71.jpg)

mbti is a fun pass time and the biggest haters of it are usually asshurt that they got told that they're not supreme master race inxj.

No. 2287755

I can only see the lipstick as a giant cancerous mole

No. 2287766

Cringe. See you in the relationship advice thread

No. 2287771

It's only fun if people treat it like horoscopes or Hogwarts houses and not as genuine scientific fact.

No. 2287776

As a hime I don't want more people to start enjoying yuri, all the swarms of people who started liking it in the past 2 or so years have been doing it wrong. I don't want men in or around yuri at all, and most women can't understand yuri and accept it for what it is, they have to keep trying to make it like yaoi(having tops and bottoms, toxic yuri, etc).Or they go the other way and act super puritan about it and get angry if you want to read or watch something where the girls actually fucking kiss each other and get into drama instead of 4 seasons of UWU handholding.

No. 2287794

JK Rowling struck gold with the sorting by personality bit.

No. 2287810

This site is probably where an opinion like this is most popular

No. 2287813

I wish we could ban talking about dick sucking on this site, it's so nasty I don't get why anons bring it up all the time

No. 2287819

True but at least some people will understand not sucking dick, try posting this on reddit and it's all 'enjoy being cheated on xoxoxo'

No. 2287821

I never sucked dick in any of my relationships, it is possible. Don't take everything men say at face value. I don't really think you want a relationship though.

No. 2287822

Most animals eat humans. Even cats and dogs if they get hungry enough.

No. 2287823

NTA. This is true! However, pigs will happily eat anything dumped into their pen, including people. They don't need to be starving to do it. It's why pig pens are the first places checked when foul play is suspected on or near a farm.

No. 2287824

Postpartum depression isn’t a real thing. It’s just a symptom of someone who already had mental illness issues and shouldn’t have ever been having kids in the first place. Those women who spazz out and kill or abuse their kids already had previous mental illnesses and if anyone told them they wouldn’t be able to handle being a mother they’d have a fit and call anyone who said it sexist.

No. 2287825

ackthually postpartum depression is a symptom of the fetus not being able to colonise the mothers brain as completely as it should have. thats why its more common after having a female child (theyre less virulent).

No. 2287827

Oh, that makes sense. Maybe that’s why I always see women saying stuff like “if you’ve never had a baby boy before, you don’t know how strong the bond with a baby can be”.

No. 2287829

I can understand why you would think that, anon. However, I disagree due to the hormonal and physical changed involved. I get annoyed when I eat too much at Thanksgiving and my stomach hurts for too long. I cannot imagine my organs literally rearranging themselves for months on end.
I think something that especially contributes to ppd is men in general. The idea of pushing out a baby but being forced to essentially raise it on my own 80% of the time or more because I'm the one who carried it (aka did all the work) when nigel and I agreed to a partnership is enough to make any woman lose it.
In conclusion, I think the solution is prison time for men who are subpar husbands and fathers.
I do not understand a word you just said and I think you are a little unwell.

No. 2287832

Part of parenthood is kind of being able to handle doing it alone if you have to. What would they do if their husband suddenly died?

No. 2287833

I think this is a big argument against the nuclear family dynamic. It makes you very isolated and constantly on the brink of ruin should anything happen to one member of the family.
Ideally, women would be getting help from their families, who would also be beating the husband into shape from the start. But unfortunately this is not reality for many people.

No. 2287836

An aspect of parenthood is being able to handle any tough thing thrown at you. A lot of women are not mentally strong enough to do it, which is fine but they don’t want to hear that because people feel entitled to kids.

No. 2287839

Oh, I'm definitely not arguing with that. There are women in my own family who should not have kids, want them just to have them, and have them against all good sense. I see the way they raise their children, and I will forever hold it against them. Sorry if I implied I didn't think those women exist.
But I still do think post-partum depression is real and there are mothers who want to be good mothers and can be good mothers who suffer from it. There are just too many hormonal, physical, and chemical changes involved for something not to go wrong sometimes.

No. 2287840

Being in the healthy near underweight range just feels better. When I was that small I felt like I was more limber and could move better compared to now being on the bigger side of healthy.

No. 2287844

I can imagine this. Just going from 5kg overweight to almost healthy weight feels so much better. Fat is a curse.

No. 2287863

Guess the microchimerism got you too, rip(infighting bait)

No. 2287866

I am not a mother, I still think you are unwell. Hope you feel better soon!

No. 2287872

Ditto, never even had them try to bring it up to me meanwhile they were wildly loyal and focused on my pleasure more than their own, if I tried to flip the script I get the “but nonna I already feel good with you” women as a whole don’t have to settle, alot just choose to because they can’t stand being by themselves and have an extreme scarcity complex. I hate when nonnas go full retard “If you don’t do x you will be forever alone!!” Because I don’t like defending anything born with a penis but some of that thought process comes from women who can’t read social cues and keep entertaining the same type of moid in different fonts. You gave up and created a reality where your only meal ticket to emotional companionship is by being a cumdump, ofcourse you’re only gonna attract dudes who in turn think that way. Plenty of men even admit its not actually physically all that pleasurable, you’re just playing into a fetish of dynamics.

No. 2287873

I find Shayna to be the most boring cow on here, and it makes me roll my eyes so hard when I see nonnas bring her up in unrelated threads. I've truly tried to find the milk entertaining, but she's just sad.

No. 2287879

I'm in the middle on this, I don't think pigs are disgusting because they're an animal with a important
role in the ecosystem but they're one of the few domesticated animals that aren't really domesticated at all despite hundreds of years of being so. It's like if we bred slightly smaller blue crocodiles, of course they'd tear someone apart.
Like other anon said that's usually because of desperation. Man eaters are very rare even among wild predators and most historical insistences of that was either caused by people expanding villages into a large carnivore's territory that had no interaction with humans before this or they were starving on the brink of death. Polar bears, crocodiles/alligators and I think hyenas are exception (though hyenas go after children.) Humans don't taste good for some reason, for example most sharks will vomit after taking a bite out of a human. Pigs are just walking garbage disposals that will clean up anything, I don't think that's inherently negative but it's the truth.

No. 2287880

>I don't understand those words you just said, you're like, sooooo crazy
>The words in question were high school reading level tier
The American education system and its consequences

No. 2287884

NTA but do you know the most common cause of microchimerism is thought to be and thus why anon would reply like that? Also if you're the anon she replied to initially I don't think you know anything about PPD at all and should go back to your containment

No. 2287897

You can make your own conclusions, but fwiw the 'containment' this comes from is contemporary research into the topic


No. 2287905

I took the originally contentious points to be the inference that PPD was a direct symptom of the physiology of the fetus, which the linked meta analysis doesn't seem to mention, it briefly says
>Improving family and social communication and reducing gender preference should be important components of any such interventions.
Pointing to cultural sexism, not male fetuses being more effective "colonizers of the mothers brain"

No. 2287942

File: 1733230206252.jpg (202.37 KB, 904x2316, 1000011308.jpg)

If you're a fan of kanye west you're a fan of yourself

No. 2287943

File: 1733230245252.jpg (361.59 KB, 904x2316, 1000011309.jpg)

And these guys. Shout out to amazon for still not deleting my account after cancelling my payment back in July of last year.

No. 2287950

I don't understand why humans get so triggered at the idea of animals eating them.
You eat pig, so what's the big deal if pig eats you?

No. 2287969

Seeing some woman actually stand up for herself and being called a Karen really is retarded, anti-woman, possibly anti-white but I don’t really want to be called a coon but you can’t really be actively anti-white in a pro-white society that was built by them and catered to them, which I’m not really complaining about but I feel like there’s another concept or term that these women can use when they accuse others of being “anti-white” and that’s probably why a lot of white women say it’s anti-woman, because it certainly is. I’m 50/50 about Karen being a slur, while I don’t think it’s on the same level of female-targeted slurs like bitch, cunt, slut, whore, etc. there’s definitely a pattern I’m seeing that I wasn’t open to before because I was clinging so hard to the racial context of it out of intellectual comfort. I think they call every single woman a “Karen”, it’s evolved passed it’s original meaning which was meant to be for an upper middle class polo-wearing domineering soccer mom telling children to gtfo out of the streets with their bikes and now it’s a term for women which meaning is now “non-compliant woman”.

I don’t care if she was “racist” to this scrote (Indians have caste systems, have been oppressing their own dark-skinned people, the types who are even able to immigrate to the US and other places are types who belong to a certain caste system and parasitically move to Western countries and then preserve their wealth in their home countries like the Chinese) because nobody really cares about what she said in the video:
>”you think you can push people around, push push push”
>looks like a bus setting?
I’m going to assume that scrote was probably pushing people around and acting a goddamn fool until he got called out by a woman who wouldn’t shut up about it. I guess it doesn’t matter if a woman is subject to harassment and public annoyance by males, he gets full protection from civil rights more than any other POC woman does ironically enough). And yes, she has a point, even though she says it in the weirdest way her people were there before these Indians came kek, so she really does have a point no matter how non-PC and “rude” it is to point out. I think the honest truth is that centering white people as the central boogeyman is kind of retarded, there are so many groups who are equally as shit and if not worse in this current day Middle Easterners and Africans. White people are becoming the lesser evil, although this is not a declaration of trust and cowering down to them it’s so stupid to just blame everything on them. Slavery wasn’t even started by them especially sex slavery, it as started by Middle Easterners. Every single culture practiced colonialism, imperialism and discrimination, it’s actually insane when you start to even do surface level research about these things and it’s the complete opposite of what narrative is being told about racial groups. Anyways that was way off topic tl;dr Karen is definitely an anti-woman dog whistle to label a woman as non-compliant, non-friendly, not obeying her role in society (which is to shut up and black NPC background character) and to uphold all of these newer principles of anti-racism, diversity and colorful moral values that males are never forced to uphold and of course get to bend these rules. My eyes are opened today kek

No. 2287973

Oh my God, cunninglingus is normal between couples. Sucking and licking on an erogenous zone is a normal part of sex. Fair enough if you hate it but it's not degrading to give consensual pleasure to someone

No. 2287975

Lol even men make fun of women who do it

No. 2287978

Ok then those men don't get blow jobs

No. 2287980

honestly, as someone who has bad gag reflects sucking dick sounds nasty and gross

No. 2287981

Not to be a gross hettie but just sucking the tip and licking around the tip is enough. I also use my hand to go up and down the shaft. My jaw has never hurt and no man has ever shoved my head to emulate deep throating which I have no intention of ever doing. I also won't do anal. I will only allow my vagina to be penetrated

No. 2287984

Being a pick me and being racist usually goes hand and hand. She probably voted for trump.

No. 2287990

Definitely agree. If you never offer or talk about sucking dick, only talk about your pleasure, and act in your own self interest, then all the men who want blowjobs in the first place will get bored and fuck off. I don't do PIV, blowjobs, or want penetration of any kind or engage any any degrading kinks, don't tolerate any porn usage. Most women and men alike would alike would probably think that I could never keep a man but it's actually the opposite. I meet men who are actually compatible with me and put my pleasure first. Men who treat women as objects absolutely seethe at this because they think women should whore themselves out for any semblance of male affection.

You only get what you think you deserve. If you think you need to suck dick and do anal to keep a man, that's the kind of man you'll keep in your life.

No. 2287995

Nobody cares about your cocksucking hygiene and by definition you’re allowing your mouth to be penetrated too kekw.

No. 2287999

Yeah but I'm not getting throat fucked or anything. Oral sex is normal.

No. 2288011

The idea that disorders like autism and ADHD are always hereditary sounds like bullshit, but if you suggest otherwise you're an anti-vaxxer conspiracist who doesn't believe in science. No, retard, I just believe that environmental factors like obesity, drugs, and pollutants effect fetal development.

No. 2288012

its cringe, men dont deserve it

No. 2288029

Oral sex on women is normal. Oral sex on men is an abomination in het relationships and encourages moid entitlement.

No. 2288033

Jjba sucks. It's gay dragon ball.

No. 2288034

Gatekeeping is a good thing, for the most part. Being milquetoast and permissive of everyone and everything has ruined so many fandoms and social circles by letting people muddy the scenes up by bringing their personal baggage, kink, and other forms of retardation to it, and because those whom were reasonably gate keeping got shamed, those who should have been shamed and discouraged until they got their shit together instead infiltrated and changed those spaces forever. Now it's full of gendies, zoophiles, lolishos/pedoshits, and imbeciles who now dictate these spaces and throw tantrums when you call them out on their bullshit because anything goes and everyone is supposed to be valid now. If you raise issues with it, they gaslight you and you get dogpiled as the weird/unreasonable one for not appreciating their lolicon selfinsert for example, "omg it's just lines on paper bro why don't you chase the pedos touching real children" as if it doesn't bother you because it makes light of CSA all for the sake of someone else's coom. Absolutely no one should be caping for this shit, and women who do this are no better than moids. At the very least, keep that shit private, you don't deserve support and validation for your bullshit on social media.

No. 2288040

>someone who's never read or watched Jojo
Dragonball is repetitive, boring shonenshit. Jojo at least has interesting concepts and powers and doesn't wear out its welcome. If you're looking at it from a distance then yeah, it looks like the same roided out power leveling bullshit as DBZ but it's honestly not.

>t.someone who was formerly repulsed and disinterested in Jojo for the same reason

No. 2288054

As someone who's watched multiple seasons of JJBA expecting at least one of them to good, it's the biggest smelliest piece of steamy redditor turd ever animated. It was actually mind numbing from how utterly moidbrained and retarded it was. It's like Chris chan levels of autism made into anime. In fact, I think an animated adaptation of Sonichu would've had more cohesion.

No. 2288056

Another day, another spergfest infight about dick sucking…

No. 2288066

Gatekeeping is a good thing. I dont know why anyone would be against it. Having someone read a wiki or watch some random content streamer play an LP of a game is not the same as experiencing the game yourself or diving into the lore. Shit like that pisses me off, and I am not ready for the wave of sudden and new Silent hill fans who have ever only played the remake by Bloober.

No. 2288071

>Wants to gatekeep Silent hill of all things
Kek bit too late for that, literally one of the most popular videogames of all time

No. 2288080

white chocolate needs its own name because that abomination is not chocolate

No. 2288082

while i agree that gatekeeping is good, Silent hill has been popular since I was a child because of the movie that came out around that time. In fact when I saw the movie as a kid I didnt know it was based off a video game until I got older.

No. 2288109

Lol chill out. I'm not a dyke but I'd find it much more gross to poke my tongue in and around a vagina. I'm glad my boyfriend doesn't find my body disgusting.

No. 2288111

Who got banned? I was far less descriptive and explicit in my description of oral sex than sexually repressed anon

No. 2288113

This is such an autistic post. Literally just two people having sex kek.

No. 2288119

Agreed. I enjoy LPs and reading wikis of games or media I haven't experienced from time to time, but what I don't do is act like a know it all and insert myself into the fandom as if my limited, secondhand knowledge makes me entitled to participate in them. I think they can work as stepping stones for people legitimately interested in getting into said media, though.

No. 2288120

How is it degrading? It's two people engaging in a private sexual act, it's not some onlyfans whore deep throating some peyronies dick for 3 million followers.

No. 2288124

Do autistic women know they don't have to have sex if they don't want to, nor think about this creepypasta version of what their virgin mentally handicapped minds envision sex to be like? kek

No. 2288125

Where did I throw a slur? If you can get descriptive about the mess a man's dick can make, how is it offensive to state i wouldn't find licking or sucking on a vagina appealing especially with everything secreting moisture lol

No. 2288131

I mean there was anon upthread saying PIV and oral are degrading so like what is sex to her. Fingering?

No. 2288135

Seeing retards fall for the same bait over and over and over again is so pathetic.

No. 2288136

The "power dynamic" that you are imagining from watching porn isn't there in a committed relationship because he's ostensibly sucking on her pussy and fingering the shit out of her too, sex is literally degrading outside of a horny mentality because we all piss from there, it's gross. You should stop thinking about porn when you envision sex because it's not reality.

No. 2288138

There is also a slur for it in basically every language.

No. 2288139

Lmao makes you look like a pig stop watching pov blow job videos. It's offensive cause it has a job title in its name lol. Call it sucking off then.

No. 2288144

I do it in a hot and sexy way. What can I say

No. 2288146

I don't know where my baby is

No. 2288147

>ewwww the girl looks weird sucking on her boyfriend's wiener! I could never look so indecent
We are all arguing with a literal handicapped sped.

No. 2288148

>You're trying to pain me as some kind of a schizo detached from reality
NTA but that's exactly what you are kek what kind of person is suicidal since childhood because people have straight sex? Just kys already if it's making you seethe this hard
> I can literally google how this act is performed irl and know how irl sex looks like without having it
Cockchan actually thinks porn is the same as sex, oh man. Literally moidbrained.

No. 2288149

> men don't have to be pigs for women or masochistic
So you never had a man on his knees, grabbing him by his hair and making him desperately suck on your pussy like a crazed animal until you squirt (read: piss) all over his face and mouth, making him drown and choke on your juices? Why are you so obsessed and fixated on looking like a masochistic pig, instead of having sex the way you want it? Step it up nonna. You can degrade men during sex but you're too much of a wimp and probably a masochist with how much you talk about looking like a pig during sex.

No. 2288150

To the “it’s totally hot and sexy” anons ITT, why is “suck my dick” an insult?

No. 2288154

Lmao they're more triggered about what my face looks like sucking my bf off than I am. Keep thinking about me anon I love it

No. 2288155

Cause it's usually said by men in a power play gay way

No. 2288158

They mean it as a degrading way, ofc.

No. 2288159

Right so… if it’s degrading for another man to even be told to do this why’s it not degrading for a woman?

No. 2288162

It's not degrading if he eats her pussy back.

No. 2288163

Because it doesn't take a horny genius to realise a couple having sex will probably figure out where to stimulate to have an orgasm and kissing is a natural reaction to doting on something so we've learnt to kiss genitals. Sorry that disgusts you but its very normal

No. 2288164

>kissing is a natural reaction to doting on something so we've learnt to kiss genitals
Kek, wut? Blowjobs don't involve kissing a dick like it's a cute animal.
Though society would be better if all we needed to do was kiss each other down there.

No. 2288165

Some do lol

No. 2288168

Stop watching porn holy shit

No. 2288170

I don't watch porn, where do you even reach that conclusion?? It's just basic logic that to stimulate a penis or even a clitoris you don't just give it a few pecks.

No. 2288171

And the retards are still taking the same bait again and again and again

No. 2288172

lol you wrote a whole novel to defend a woman that is clearly in the wrong in the video and is harassing random people in the bus.
Just a whole essay to avoid getting red-texted for race-bait. Also kek at ''coon'' when you are clearly white.
I've literally had a similiar thing happen to me and im a spicy white where a random mentally ill elder went off on me because they mistook me as something else.
Im tired of you tradthots and pol moids.

No. 2288174

I beg of sexually inexperienced users to stop trying to mansplain sex acts they've no clue about

No. 2288178

Yeah, that's another reach that's not even true. Yawn.

No. 2288179

Then why would you assume i am close mouth kissing a penis

No. 2288182

kissing a dick (close mouth or open mouth) is totally normal when having sex lol i beg you sexually inexperienced or sexually disinterested people to stop posting

No. 2288189

Anon some women are just retarded too and she was absolutely not standing up for herself, she was screaming at a kid.
Just take your cockshit to /g/ or something it's getting boring

No. 2288191

Kissing a pussy is normal during vaginal oral sex too, these shut-ins are so retarded KEK

No. 2288194

I'm confused, how did the woman in that video stand up for herself? She's publicly intoxicated, allegedly screaming at a 4 year old and pulling the race card. I'm not saying your description couldn't be correct, but nothing indicates that. In the full video, even a white moid went to security people and vouched that she was being disruptive, and that the family didn't do anything. It's not as if white men love Indians or anything like that. And she's not an original American herself.
>she has a point
Since the European settlers killed off and subjugated the natives, does this mean non-white people can only be American if they kill off white people? I can't really support that. The sanest viewpoint on this will always just be birthright, America isn't any white (or Desi/Indian lol) person's ancestral homeland, but if you're born there, you are one, and through certain processes and assimilation, you can become one. Also, that woman would probably spit on you and call you a useless n-word while drunk/high, aren't there better examples to make for your point?

No. 2288228

A good feminist is an anti semite, Christianity and Islam are often discussed with treating women poorly, but no on talks about jews and their hatred and objectification of women
>moid who fought for porn to be legalized in the US was jewish (forgot his name)
>moid who popularized and normalized hardcore pornography was jewish (al goldstein)
>moid who set the standard for ugly men being the norm in porn is jewish (ron jeremy)
>pornhubs main lawyer who helped defend them from sex trafficking charges is not only jewish, but a rabbi (solomon friedman)
Ik the “muh west has declined” is a rightoid meme but jewish moids have unironically contributed to the fall of the west, specifically the us, with the popularization and legalization of pornography. They hate women just as much as any other abrahamic religion, but are much more insidious about it.(/pol/tard bait)

No. 2288229

This and >>2287969 have a certain stench to them

No. 2288237

Nazi sperg.

No. 2288239

no not a nazi and it's not an unpopular opinion to hate jews in 90% of the world. i don't even know why this is in the unpopular opinion thread.

No. 2288245

I don’t know, they’re favored by both neocons and neoliberals which make up the vast majority of Americans. I’ve pointed out the deeply ingrained misogyny in Judaism and even on here “feminists” who are quick to point out the flaws of white moids and other abrahamic religions get uppity when I mention that Jewish moids are misogynists.
The good thing is though, people are starting to wake up to this (specifically gen z as i am) because of the palestine conflict. This has finally allowed for critical discussion of stuff like how they actively treat women like sex objects, or how american jews weaponize their white privilege and leech off black americans and their talents without immediately being smeared as an anti semite.
See? This is what I mean. Any criticism of Judaism is labeled as “anti semitic” or “nazi” but you wouldn’t think twice if i said this about white moids. News flash: American Jews are extremely privileged, 44% of them have an income of over 138k a year and they’re very often in positions of power. Dont even get me started on jewish lobbying companies and how they funnel millions to bribe us politicians into sending money to shitrael.
Lmao, not in America or in the western world. People here treat jews like they’re some sooper special minority despite the aforementioned. It’s all so tiring

No. 2288246

Just take your sperg to /2x/ Jesus Christ you're still going??

No. 2288249

They’re just getting triggered that Nigel actually does think less of them for sucking on sewer pipe no matter how they cope on here.(bp sperging outside of containment)

No. 2288254

All religions are awful and I don't know why we can't criticise jews.

No. 2288265

>4 year old
alot of racebaiters and white supremacists don't see non-white children as human or even being children and immediately adultify them or demonize them.

There was even a tweet that went viral of some account X that was comparing the appearance of literal TODDLERS by their race and talking about how the female black toddler is so ugly and not human.
Supremacists are just sociopathic and low iq.

yes ive noticed the same thing they are playing two teams, when they get bored of racebaiting about brown and black people then they start racebaiting about jewish people.
this thread has been filled by baiters, it's either the race-spergs ot it's bj-chan spilling out of her containment thread.

Also for anyone who doesnt know this personalityfag, she is a ''blackpiller'' who joined the blackpill thread in the hidden board and has been shitting it up with schizo ESL word-salads, she is autistic and is from poland. Everyone calls her bj-chan and her blowjob obsessed posts, calling women pigs and rage always gets deleted when the mods wake up.

No. 2288267

She's a little based, tbh.

No. 2288270

The difference between filmed sex and private sex is the element of love and true intimacy, retarded sperglet.

No. 2288272

I don’t think most normie women have an issue with age gaps or men being into teenagers. Its kind of rare to meet a woman who would stop dating a guy just because he dated someone much younger in the past, as long as that young girl was of legal age they will gas light themselves. Most normie women only have an issue when it’s the woman being the creepy one.

No. 2288273

>when they get bored of racebaiting about brown and black people then they start racebaiting about jewish people.
Racebaiting… about jewish people? A white ethnicity and a majorly white religion? Nothing i said was untrue. I’m not a /pol/ moid saying things like “send kikes to concentration camps again!”, I’m pointing out that Judaism shouldn’t be exempt from criticism and is as guilty of misogyny as Christianity and Islam. The fact that you’d side with jewish moids over women says a lot about you!

No. 2288276

They happen to be Jewish but them being Jewish is not the determining factor for their immorality. You could just as easily blame it on them being moids, but for some reason you focus on the Jewish aspect like a weirdo. Your polsperging fools no one. There are bad people that happen to be Jewish, but they are not bad BECAUSE they are Jewish. A "good feminist" doesn't propagate moid logic and conspiracy theories period.

No. 2288277

no she is sick and chris-chan level of autistic, her guardian needs to sent her to a institution. BJ-chan even defended pedophilia in the past, there is nothing
you don't stop do you? enjoy the report i guess.

No. 2288279

Ignore nazi sperg. I want to see how long they talk to themself.

No. 2288283

Nta but I wish this was true. Judaism is inherently misogynistic in the same vein that Islam is.

No. 2288286

I find it fascinating and somewhat hilarious how the whole "evil jooz" conspiracy has lasted so long and was practically born from completely fabricated Russian propaganda. The rest of it became a coincidental self fulfilling prophecy I guess.


No. 2288287

Lmao it’s funny how you people don’t say the same about Islam and Christian moids, they are bad people because of their religion, but jews are just bad because they’re moids, totally not because of their religion which actively objectifies and treats women as 2nd class citizens!
Jew-chan, your own moids see you as inferior and a 2nd class citizen. Just remember that
How does criticizing Judaism in a respectful way make me a nazi? Or are you just throwing that out as a buzzword because everything that doesn’t depict you as poor oppressed saints is anti semitism or nazism? Remember your whiteness.

No. 2288288

oh okay. then some men just HAPPEN to be evil, they are not evil BECAUSE they are men. because you're are a latent fence sitter and moralfaggot, i'm sure you'll agree with me just fine.

No. 2288290

No one cares

No. 2288292

These Abrahamic religions suck because they were created by men, so they contain all of these biases and prejudices that benefit old scrotes of a very misogynistic time period.

No. 2288294

i say suck my clit personally

No. 2288295

i don't understand how jews only make up only 0.2% of the world's population yet there is always an envoy of jew defenders ready at any given moment on this niche imageboard. really weird.

No. 2288297

Lolcow isn't a racist site shock horror

No. 2288298

Ultimate pickmes, fr.

No. 2288300

Perhaps if she stopped trying her best to infight and degrade other users for differences in opinions she'd be more tolerated.

No. 2288302

jew isn't a race you retard. though i guess if you're a kike you might self identify as god's favorite race.(global rule #7)

No. 2288303

Nta but criticising a misogynistic pro-porn religion (not even race, kek) isn't bad either, shock horror.

No. 2288304

I'm not a fencesitter in the slightest and am a completely different 'player' in this argument. Islam, Judaism, and Christianity are about equal in the harm they've created, and I hate them all equally. I still don't feel the need to sperg about 'da jooz' and how they, specifically, are the source of all ills in the world because that's retarded moid logic spread by polfags. These people don't give a shit about Christian Nationalists and the hold they have on our government whatsoever.

No. 2288305

>self identify as god's favorite race

No. 2288306

yeah a couple of threads ago in the hidden board we got on the topic of things like grooming, pedophilia and teenage girls and bj-chan started spewing shit that made me look at her differently.
why are you lying as if most of us weren't there when she literally victim blamed 13 year old girls and acted like being 13+ makes you a adult? I was there when that fucking happened, also imagine being a subhuman BP roach and using ''handmaiden'' as a insult when bj-chan herself has said that she hates misandrists and feminists. Bj-chan is a HANDMAIDEN.
are you okay? MEDS NOW.
interesting how me calling a XY like you out immediately gets me labelled a jew, you seem close to calling me and others a kike too.

No. 2288307

One minute you're talking about semites, then Judaism. Then back to the slur jew. OK. Lolcow isn't xenophobic unless your a faggot moid

No. 2288310

Lmao in my initial post >>2288228 i mentioned actual jewish moids who normalized pornography and contributed to sex work becoming huge. But precious jewish people can’t do anything wrong, it’s all just a conspiracy.
Kek yeah. Is mossad on here or some shit or is it just tumblr brained women who think minority groups can’t be criticized either? It’s very deceptive and framing actual concrete evidence of jewish men being degenerate pieces of shit is anti semitic. These people value the feelings of the poor jooz l
over exploited women, usually minority groups.
You can’t be racist to white people
Yep. That’s what I’m saying, the issue is Judaism is somehow exempt from criticism unlike Christianity or Islam. Unique forms of misogyny exist between minority groups, as they do with straight white men. Pointing out how these intersect is important.(global rule #7)

No. 2288313

>why are you lying as if most of us weren't there when she literally victim blamed 13 year old girls and acted like being 13+ makes you a adult?
Receipts or it never happened
Proud husbandofag bj-chan stan kek.

No. 2288315

I bet the anons that don't wash their genitals with soap or their mouths are the seething weirdo defenders

No. 2288316

unpopular opinion but i think its fine for straight women to call lesbians dykes if lesbians are always in every thread calling every bi/straight girl cocksuckers. It goes both ways

No. 2288318

I'm not the og anon you're criticising and also are they not the same thing. Nobody was talking about ethnicity

No. 2288319

lolcow isn't a homogenous entity and you aren't my sister. just because you share genitals with me doesn't mean your brain isn't mush like the average male.

No. 2288322

It's deserved on the latter though kek

No. 2288323

Exactly. Anon tries her best to degrade the women itt that are heterosexual and have a healthy sex life. She's an absolute seething retard. If she wants to talk about people looking like pigs giving head, then licking out a woman looks like a pig feeding from a trough

No. 2288324

are you bj-chan , i remember bj-chan posting a similiar thing when talking about underage girls, or are you just a copycat?(encouraging personalityfags)

No. 2288328

Lmao I’ve complained about Christian nationalists multiple times on here and think they are just as damaging, just in different ways.
Moids love jewish pornography though. Nazi moids are obsessed with bbc porn which was popularized by a jewish moid. Not everyone who doesn’t fit your ultra safe politically correct wholesome uwu values is a moid. You want me to say a slur so bad lmao
Jew isn’t a slur unless I misread and you’re talking about kike which I didn’t call you, that was another anon. I know white jews have a persecution fetish but this is next level.

No. 2288329

Kek I love you anon

No. 2288332

okay and dyke is just a synonym for a manly looking woman which is what a lot of you enjoy looking like so whats the issue?

No. 2288333

File: 1733250375270.jpeg (232.75 KB, 1284x800, IMG_4807.jpeg)

women are controlled more by sex and being horny than men are.

No. 2288334

I'm pretty sure BjChan is straight, or at least one of them is pretending to be. I don't think lesbians should catch a stray for retarded hetero spergs.

No. 2288335

I don't though, seethe about it

No. 2288339

Untrue moidtake, but Brooke is such a cow. I wish she got more attention here but when I tried to bring her up in YouTuber drama no1currd kek

No. 2288341

why is she imagining 13 year old girls doing that though, do you not see how mental and pedo that is. In the hidden board she was basically that after that age they are not children and have sex lives and that she can't see them as grooming victims.

Is her statement not disgusting to you? Nvm you and another baiter will probably reply to me saying how what she said is perfectly okay and normal, so im done replying to you, this thread is filled with bait anyway, im out.

No. 2288344

Men just cum and move on with life, they usually get bored with the woman immediately after. If women gets some good dick they become that man’s zombie, that’s why I think heterosexual women are easier to control with sex.

No. 2288345

No one's actually insulting lesbians. This all devolved because anon up thread couldn't handle that oral sex is normal.

No. 2288347

NTA. Discussion of the issues with Jewish moids draws in /pol/tard moids and dizzy tradthots who think they're in good company, that their own little "team" is innocent, and they never fail to shit up every space insisting that women and black people don't deserve rights, men are the true victims in this world, etc.

No. 2288349

personally i dont suck "cock" I suck dick. Secondly sucking dick is fun and you actually have a lot of power as a woman. Dudes are extremely vulnerable and extra stupid in that position all you have to do is bite down really hard on the tip of their dick maybe even spin their balls in the wrong direction and they are incapacitated for hours. That is what makes sucking dick so fun. I love when men say "ow not so much teeth" cuz then I add more KEK

No. 2288350

The natural state of a female is to be male obsessed. Just look at how many anons on this site are obsessed with husbandos, male celebrities, and yaoiz.(bait)

No. 2288352

Nta but I love you trying to make letting a man put pee residue in your mouth as something empowering kek

No. 2288353

>But precious jewish people can’t do anything wrong, it’s all just a conspiracy.
No one is saying that. But the actions of these sick moids who happen to be Jewish does not mean that Jews are a monolith and that someone is evil by the basis of being Jewish. It's not some evil plot spread by the Jewish community as some ultimate goal that's part of their doctrine. That's what i'm getting at. Jews do not seek to convert others or make theirs the dominant religion in the countries they inhabit such as adherents of Christianity and Islam do. Therefore, I don't get what their being Jewish has to do with their actions particularly. Christian Nationalists want women to live as incubators for their moids and to impose mandatory prayer in schools, Muslims want to piss and moan about turning foreign governments of the countries they inhabit into caliphates or introducing Sharia law into them while forcing women to cover up, as well as having a fixation on converting people because it gives them extra points in the afterlife, so what does being Jewish have to do with the damage they impose on communities that isn't just related to them being moids?

No. 2288354

Right, no man has ever lost money, time and resources because he was too into the pussy. Btw, why didn't Jeff Bezos cum in his ex wife and move on with his life instead of marrying her and letting her divorce him, taking half of his billion dollar fortune and becoming the richest woman in the world?

No. 2288356

>i dont suck "cock" I suck dick
NTA but why make this distinction?

No. 2288358

>you actually have a lot of power as a woman
Only if the moid isn't a rapeape porn addict coomer with tard strength. If he's a faggy little uwu femboy then sure you can hurt his genitals.
Oop, totally forgot about that but yes, and then smegma because they don't wash their dicks.

No. 2288359

What are you even saying? What's your thoughts on 69ing

No. 2288362

Are we having a blowjob discourse too now kek?
If men were actually normal sex would be too. It isn’t supposed to be an act where one dominates the other, it’s supposed to be mutual and exchanging. That’s why lesbian sex works better and straight sex doesn’t. Men have wired themselves to think that sex is subjugation(see even faggot sex) where the one who gets penetrated is lesser then and therefore women are automatically lesser than since they’re the ones getting penetrated. Having sex with a man is inherently degrading for us women in the current society we live in. It’s not just sucking dick.’

But if you remove that aspect then giving oral to a penis is just the same as giving oral to a pussy, in the sense that it’s an act you do to please who you’re with and being close to that person makes you wet too.
Again it’s men who are the problem and what you’re doing is internalizing that.
News flash nonnas , majority of the women are straight and they’re aroused by males and have heterosexual sex, no amount of sperging is going to change that.

No. 2288363

Men in real life who get attached by good sex are rare, unless he runs into the rare female psycho who has good pussy on top of being evil. The average nice woman isn’t going to keep a man with sex but it’s easy to keep a woman with good dick.

No. 2288364

If you think that's obsessive, don't look at any male imageboard then kek.

No. 2288365

i mean i put my bloody pussy with probably pee residu in his mouth as well we are even. Sex is literally just putting your bodily fluids on each other and squirming around. Stop making it deep

No. 2288366

Stop engaging with the chronic ban evader, keep bp sperging to the containment board.

No. 2288367

im begging you to ban vpn's in this thread and the fandom one and to take anons advice in meta into CONSIDERATION

No. 2288372

I think its crazy that heterosexual women are being shamed for being attracted to men and liking them. To the point of getting mad that there are boards about yaoi and husbandos as if this isnt a site for nerds. This site is starting to feel like lesbians trying to psyop straight women into becoming polilez or some shit and its bizarre. We wont eat your pussies even if we do follow through with the 4b movement. SEETHE

No. 2288374

are you retarded have you never heard of the 69 position. get a life(report and ignore)

No. 2288375

>the evil dykes are running a psychological operation on us poor oppwessed het women
Lol there's probably only like 6 lesbian anons on this site. don't worry you'll never be oppressed for liking dick

No. 2288377

you suck at your job you obese landwhale. why don't you redtext "/pol/ sperging" for muslim hate or christian hate? i hope you get raped by a jew(ban evasion)

No. 2288379

some of the most oppressed women in the world are oppressed because they dare to like and engage in sex acts with men

No. 2288380

No. 2288381

stop blaming it on lesbians, that retarded sperg who was raging at women and calling them cocksuckers who just got banned + deleted is straight. Bj-chan is straight, she even admitted to it in the hidden board.

when are you going to join the moid suicide statistic?

No. 2288383

never because i'm not male. seethe and cope.

No. 2288385

Why aren't you redtexting the person calling trannies "they" in celebricows? I don't hope you get raped by Jews but you really do suck at this.

No. 2288389

hettie nona here and yes, count me among those who don't come to lolcow to read that shit.

No. 2288395

Pretty girls have worse taste in men than ugly/average women and it’s because they feel threatened if a man is on the same level as them

No. 2288399

Winter is better than summer

No. 2288400

Comparing this racist botched lip filler having BPD or whatever personality disorder she has that is known for making terrible decisions to women as a whole. You deserve a terrible life for this sentiment

No. 2288401

What does it mean if I consider my husband to be pretty though

No. 2288405

Wrong I'm pretty and all I can be attracted to are like stone-cut chiseled preppy Captain America types. I would rather hang myself than look at a fat neckbeard.

No. 2288406

Having terrible taste is more than just looks

No. 2288408

No I think they just know attractive guys on their level have terribly blank personalities with 0 substance since they’ve been coddled their whole life for being hot. Hot women while coddled too, had to still develop a personality because they are women. They know this truth and would rather personality over looks. Hot women honestly just lack taste because everyone assumes for them they should be with a fellow hottie.

No. 2288410

>Jewish men are specifically into pornography because they see it as a subversion of what Christian faith stands for.
I don't see it as all that deep since men have been exploiting women since time began. It doesn't matter to me the reason Jewish moids are into pornography, it would still exist without their influence. It's no better or worse than any other moid's reasons for consuming it. Christian moids consume pornography in spite of their faith, and it doesn't make sense to me why Jews would have Christians in mind specifically when consuming it because the world is much bigger than what we can contain and ascribe to various faiths. As for what's going on in Palestine and Lebanon, I do agree that it's based on superiority derived from one's faith whether they be Zionist Jew or Muslim.

No. 2288411

what if he’s attractive and has a personality though what then

No. 2288412

Not trying to bait but internet lesbians are some of the most insecure people in the world. Why do you care that the bisexual woman you broke up with is dating a man now? That's so fucking weird and possessive, like genuinely seething over a woman you had sex with having sex with a penis is such a huge motivator of mental illness within the male population but if a lesbian does it it's fine? I disagree, it sounds so desperate and bitter and possessive, like just move the fuck on already. Like unreal levels of mental illness, no surprise that these types are the terminally lonely ones too.

No. 2288415

Hot guys with personalities like average women not hot women

No. 2288417

It's not that simple, as a bisexual myself. It's usually because the bi was lusting after men openly during the course of the relationship or something like that, lesbians often have rather valid concerns. Most stories like that tend to have the relationship be for years until one day the bisexual just dips due to some ingrained het beliefs for a man

No. 2288418

Maybe I was talking to a psyopped hot woman but that’s what she told me when I questioned why she kept dating balding fuggos

No. 2288422

i think that in countries where men are forced to train at the military for two years women should be forced to do the same. And before you anons jump at me read the whole comment.
There women could learn combat, self defence or holding a gun which is important to know how to defend yourself if a civil war ever happens.
I really do think women should be forced to spend atleast 1 year in military training before 30.

No. 2288425

stop with this hot guy vs ugly moid retardation when all of them are moids at the end of the day. This weird double standard for moids that are semi-decent looking lately just allows those types of moids to get away with shit just because they are good looking like Wade Wilson for example. They all have moid biology at the end of the day.

No. 2288427

You are on to something because thinking back she would find the ugliest moids with the most questionable backgrounds and she did used to tell me it was because she liked to fix broken men. Meanwhile all those scrotes would actually end up breaking her while they stayed the same degenerates. She definitely was brain damaged. I take back my disagreement post

No. 2288429

Nta wade wilson isn’t attractive. Men who are well known women killers will always have women wanting to date them regardless of what they look like.

No. 2288434

Because most internet lesbians are straight women engaging in political lesbianism. Bi women make them seethe because they feel actual attraction to women and men, and it's nothing but life to them, not a movement or a concentrated effort (except in the case of febfems). It also makes them seethe when bi women choose men because it makes them wonder whether they'd still date men even if they were "organically" into women.
The amount of political lesbians online coincides with the "tee hee lesbianism is mostly platonic/just girls holding hands and cottagecore i'm so sapphic and pure" stuff. Lesbianism isn't a sexuality for these people, it's a club.

No. 2288435

weak bait + not even a lesbian
Just because you don't find him attractive doesn't mean that he isn't, we don't have to lie. The standards in america are so low due to moids looking like troglodytes so yes Wade Shitson is attractive for america standards.
All im trying to say is that viewing one men as saviours or upholding them over other men has never helped women and has only hurt them. Same goes for the rich vs poor moid debate where women treat rich men like they are high value just because they are rich and ignore all their red flags and then get surprised when the moid commits domestic abuse or molestation.

You have to hold all moids to the same standards and judge them equally because relaxing around moids leads to abusive relationships.

No. 2288439

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Omg your post reminds me of a LSA post of a woman talking about why she decided to stop labeling herself as a radical feminist. I screenshotted it because it reminds me of so many posters on lolcow kek.

No. 2288442

>they degrade pregnancy and motherhood which are inherebntly female experiences

Yeah i could tell this was bullshit and made up the moment i read this, this person probably never even engaged with radfems before because i never saw them shitting on mothers or pregnancy, infact it's the opposite many times radfems talk about how women's greatest power and worth is her ability to create life aka birth and constantly talk about that especially when it comes to relation of troons.

Also you can stop doubleposting just because your post didn't gain attention the first post.

No. 2288444

Not true there are so many radfems on this board that constantly call women who have or want to have children breeders. Please stop being a hit dog

No. 2288445

I deleted my post within seconds of posting because I replied to the wrong person retard

No. 2288446

you are confusing blackpiller feminists with radfems.

No. 2288448

Oh you mean the incels larping? Question. Which group of people hate straight sexually liberated women the most? Oh yes. Men.

No. 2288452

Nta but you're kind of retarded. even here on lolcow, some "radfems" shit on pregnancy and motherhood because you're just spreading a man's progeny. just because you only ever saw love and light hippy types and tradthots/boymoms claiming radfem when they just mean "i hate trannies" and nothing else doesn't mean that's the only type.

No. 2288454

No shit Sherlock and water is wet. It doesn’t change the fact that on the LOLCOW many radfem women parrot this same shit.
Because at this point in history you guys are indistinguishable from each other

No. 2288455

I've been here for a decade and the nigel havers seething has been a recent thing. You use to be able to get relationship advice on /ot and it wouldn't get derailed by virgins

No. 2288456

poor radfems opressing mothers….said no one ever.

Also isn't mumsnet and ovarit filled with GCers and radfems, that's the opposite of hating mothers or pregnancy.
Infact most radfems are becoming tradthots so they are the opposite of being against birth, infact they welcome it and think roe wade being overturned means nothing.

i was in hardcore radfem cicrles and even there they really didn't give a shit about pregnancy or mothers, so why lie.
Many radfems are also into the woo woo Goddess shit and are obsessed with the ''power'' of periods or birth.
You confuse blackpillers with radfems. Honestly some of you sound so paranoid like moids that are afraid they won't be able to spread their genetics.
Even if they were against pregnanacy (i wish) what's so bad about that?

No. 2288457

Been here for a decade but still don't put the slash after "/ot" ?

Get real.

No. 2288458

You only need to type /ot into the browser you autist

No. 2288460

So if i think my husband is hot that means I must be ugly?

No. 2288461

Average doesn’t equal ugly it just means average

No. 2288462

Okay sorry but being bitter and heartbroken over the girl you dated for 4 months, became official with in 2 dates, said I love you after the fourth, being a BPDemon and dumping you for a man is WILDLY retarded.

No. 2288465

If you were here for a decade you'd realize we type "/ot/" or "/meta/" etc. when talking about the boards. I don't understand why people LARP as oldfags. What do you gain from that? It's embarrassing.

No. 2288466

>i was in hardcore radfem cicrles
Source: Just trust me bro
I will trust my own lived experience and what others have corroborated over an anon who thinks everyone must be lying

No. 2288470

>source trust me bro
>I will trust my own lived experience

You are doing the same thing you retard, kek

No. 2288474

I know but what youre saying is that attractive people don’t get together, basically?

No. 2288477

No they go together real good I love when hot people date I’m just sowing seeds. Sorry. I’m sure you and your husband are looksmatched as the kids say

No. 2288484

When did I tell you to trust me, dumbass? I'm disagreeing with you calling me a liar, stop trying to gaslight lmao.

No. 2288489

Working isn’t really that bad, it’s the coworkers that make it bad. It’s rare to find a person who just wants to do their job and go home.

No. 2288495

That's like everyone ime.

No. 2288500

Imo working inherently sucks because it takes away time that could be used for better things, even if the work itself is fine it still sucks. Surprisingly I managed to make friends with lots of my coworkers and I think the biggest benefit is that I'm forced to socialize when usually I'm fine being a loner. I think it's good and healthy for me, but I'd still rather be home.

No. 2288505

this is exactly it, the social and emotional energy you have to give at work is sometimes even more tiring than the actual task at work.

No. 2288519

Yeah but those friends are talking about you behind your back and will report you to hr as soon as they get jealous. Making friends at work only works if you’re naive.

No. 2288543

And this is how I quit my really great paying job and even though I still regret it I would’ve probably quit again if I got hired back. All it is is gossiping. You get talked badly about if you don’t take your break with everyone else or don’t want to participate in random gossip. Anything you tell someone in confidence will inevitably spread to everyone. What you wear and even what you eat gets scrutinized and placed on a hierarchy. People compare it to HS but I think it’s worse than hs because at least you could fight your bullies and still be allowed back at school kek.

No. 2288550

God forbid a lifer in a workplace takes issue with you too. Oh no you're right Kieran it's very cool Michelle left school at 16 with no education and became a team leader, there's no way she'd act unhinged towards anyone with a bit of life experiences

No. 2288551

majority of the work day is wasted on socializing ime. like, on a typical 8-9 hour work day, i could get everything done in 2-3 hours and then the rest seems to be about who dicks around the most and who is the most popular at the company and other bullshit that is just not needed. the 40 hour work week was a mistake.

No. 2288555

I use to work long shifts but there was one department if you were competent you could do it in 9 or 10 hours or leave. When we had a tranny working with us and they made me be responsible for their training they'd forever keep going on about how it was so fun we get paid to just "chat". The stupid cunt tried their hardest to delay training and not do anything and just wanted to talk about the fucking us Democrats when we both live in the north of Ireland

No. 2288617

DA Can you just use he/she like a normal person kek

No. 2288625

I’m on the seventh episode of cyberpunk edgerunner. There was a lot of hype around it some time ago, but honestly it isn’t anything special kek.
I feel like everything now is way too fast paced, you can’t really flesh out a proper story in 12 episodes.

No. 2288716

i know this is unpopular but i don't really see a problem with the tradwave? if you and your nigel can afford for you to not have a job and just stay at home, then you should definitely do it and enjoy yourself if you don't feel like working a job kek. you should still have your own bank account and stuff though

No. 2288719

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No. 2288720

Probably unpopular cause a lot of the trad stuff people see online is the extreme end of the spectrum like ballerinafarm and the other right wing “trad” wannabes (who aren’t super trad by begging for attention online) can leave a sour taste in most peoples mouths

No. 2288723

ok ballerinafarm has to be a LARP for attention kek, she has like 80 cows? and i don't think actual an actual trad husband would let his wife compete in Mrs. World kek

No. 2288724

Being a tradwife entails more than just mooching of a male

No. 2288727

cleaning and cooking isn't so bad i don't think, i think it becomes actually distressing when you introduce pregnancy, a baby, and postpartum into the mix

No. 2288728

Oh for sure, his dad is the owner of some airline so they’re 100% just normal people who saw some trad pinterest posts and decided to join in

No. 2288732

Being a tradhusband means nonstop working and giving all your money to your wife so you won't be wasting money on sinful actions like gambling and prostitution and instead focusing on home and child care so obviously very few modern men are willing to do that.

No. 2288733

There’s a difference between trad shit and just being a single income household. Trad people are more crazy and religious about it, and they think it’s the only right way relationships should go.

No. 2288735

lol "tradhusbands" don't even do that

No. 2288736

well most people are religious to begin with
>giving your wife all your money
i think all husbands can only benefit from doing this

No. 2288737

I know one guy, and that guy is a virgin in his mid twenties because he's saving money for marriage and honeymoon before thinking of dating.

No. 2288739

>well most people are religious to begin with
No they aren’t, burgerfag.

No. 2288745

the tradhusbands that do exist spend every waking moment either working or with their wife
67% of america is Christian nonnie, also the trad wave is happening mostly in america

No. 2288748

no they don't lmao

No. 2288749

do you have a husband anon?

No. 2288752

If an American wants to offer me a green card I'll do my best tradwife larp. I'll be packing heat though (a gun).

No. 2288753

There should be a rule on this site against obvious ideological shilling/psy-opping. We all know conservative men are notorious cheaters and abusers.

No. 2288755

shilling is when you try to make people think what you're thinking, this is just the unpopular opinions thread

No. 2288756

How do you know that

No. 2288761

you lack a wife and are trying to convince lolcow of nonsense so it might be easier for you to hoodwink some woman or girl lmao. i miss the tradthot thread, it was full of great cautionary tales and a look into the retardation, hypocrisy and degeneracy of the "trad" scene. shame that one racist tranny shat it up.

No. 2288763

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No. 2288764

Tradhusband and conservative husband are two different things, but the first is basically impossible unless you win the cosmic lottery.

No. 2288765

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well i'm not a lesbian also i wasn't trying to convince anyone of anything, i was just posting my opinion because thats what this thread is for anon

No. 2288767

NTAYRT it’s not possible for men to poach a girlfriend from LC threads because we’re all anonymous

No. 2288770

>anon doesn't know about all the drama from the friendfinder thread or the drama between the lurking moid Steve (i think that's what he was called, i may be wrong) and Romanianon who were e-dating.

Newfag alert

No. 2288773

don't need one directly from these threads when we have a friend finder thread (moids try to pick women up from them all the time) and we know gen z/gen alpha girls and women come here and absorb certain opinions

yes, i can see you're not a lesbian.

No. 2288777

Well over the years I’ve spent here I’ve purposefully avoided the friend finder thread because it’s dangerous, I apologize for my inability to recall this drama

No. 2288780

how were you here ''well over the years'' but weren't there to witness the Steve vs Romanianon drama where romanianon was exposing her ex on multiple LC threads and both of them were making vendettathreads about each other.

That was like peak lolcow milk . Wish other personalityfags gave us that much entertainment like that, the new ones are stale and only know to be baiting retards.

No. 2288782

It must be great to say you’ve witnessed every possible lolcow infight but I don’t remember that, sorry to disappoint you anon

No. 2288783

Not that anon but I honestly thought she was just crazy and schizo making shit up like her usual babble about being a black dog so I would just skim/scroll past

No. 2288791

i know you're trying to be snarky but it was big back then even if you haven't seen it im surprised you didn't see it mentioned in passing by another anon.

kek yeah, that was before we knew more about her (before she went full sperg and become known as the resident sperg) I wonder what she is doing now? Both her and pakichan have stopped posting her. I kinda miss the old personalityfags.

No. 2288795

I wasn’t trying to be rude or snarky, again my apologies if for some reason you’re reading it that way, but I haven’t seen it be mentioned since 2019 because usually anons are distracted by other bait instead of taking a stroll down infight lane

No. 2288805

I genuinely hate fag hags and don’t think they get enough hate for being the final evolution of a Pick Me. It’s usually a middle aged blonde lady with bad luck with straight men who uses gay men’s ability to schmooze very effectively as validation, as if those men don’t shit talk women just like her and overall push themselves into female-centric spaces to be bitchy and catty.

Bring back making fun of male centered fag hags like we did in the 2000s

No. 2288818

no offense to any women here who do this but i hate hearing about women "hooking up" with guys or having one night stands or whatever retarded codewords they use for fucking random men. it genuinely grosses me out a lot and comes off like monkeybrain behavior with no self control. why not just go home and use a dildo or something… i have a pretty low sex drive so i cant ever understand it i guess.

No. 2288831

There's nothing wrong with being a housewife or a SAHM and neither are innately "trad". The problem with "trad" is that it has weird relationship dynamics that involve a woman being subservient and obedient to her husband.

No. 2288836

Heidi Montag's music is not that bad. Sure, it has the typical electro-pop sound that dominated the late 00s early 2010s but it's fun.

No. 2288840

i think the funny thing is that gay men have been mocking fag hags for the longest time and they still don't get the message. They even came up with that name for them. What more can we tell these women that hasn't been said already? It's so cringey to observe how much they will suck the dicks of men who find them annoying and aren't interested in being their little novelty.

No. 2288841

She is a bit of a trainwreck, but this trajectory for her career with a really good one for her. I will never forgive the Perez Hiltons of the world for being so rude about it and not letting her do her thing and give her a fair chance. She walked so hyperpop icons of today could run.

No. 2288872

most of the userbase here is incredibly annoying. the lack of self awareness when i see some autist wax poetic about how everybody else a newfag or came from [site they don't like] or younger than them therefore bad is just overwhelmingly cringe. it's not all bad, there are some anons that are incredibly based, and it's usually the ones that don't revolve their whole life around this imageboard.

No. 2288906

Sounds like you spend too much time on here.

No. 2288910

sometimes obvious newfag behavior is annoying though which is annoying and does need to be pointed out

No. 2288915

NTA but basically this. Shaming is healthy for the board OP, try not to take it so hard

No. 2289007

De/g/enerates are better than /ot/fags, but /m/fags are the most pleasant on this site. The anons who regularly participate on cow boards have bad energy to me (think the nasolabial folds ones)
I think it’s gotten worse recently to be fair. I don’t think they’re even oldfags.

No. 2289010

nta but i have the blessing of becoming more annoying the older i get

No. 2289098

Moids claiming they don't like or prefer tall girls is bullshit. It's true that they're less likely to approach them out of insecurity but most of them are frothing at the mouth when they see a tall baddie and the ones that manage to date a tall girl are usually envied by others

No. 2289102

Is it not average to use all boards? That’s probably an assumption. I post and frequent in all. Ot/ is the only one I assume scardy cats come to post for the first time.

No. 2289106

Thanks anon, you just boosted my self esteem. Can confirm, they live up my ass.

No. 2289107

I participate in /ot/, /g/, and /meta/. I've stopped going to /m/ except for specific threads. Even then I only browse, because I don't understand the mods and don't want bans.
I browse all cow boards but never post because I don't have milk to contribute, and don't want to "shit up" our sad, dying threads only to get redtexted. I do make reports when I see dumbasses breaking rules though.

No. 2289116

Ive been trying to finds some good comics about lesbians to read but every recommendation list on the internet is some weeb anime shit with characters that look like little girls. I can’t stand it. I want to see LESBIAN WOMAN CONTENT.

No. 2289122

Yeah the weird thing about cow threads is they seem dead but to the people contributing it’s still pretty lively. Users are still into their fave cows so it’s hard to get attention on new ones. Redtext sucks but that’s the reality, I think it scares anons off from participating in new cows they might see on their socials. It kills the life cycle but it seems to be a product of current social media. Everyone is super scared of retaliation. Theres more dead boards but no one seems to know about them anymore.

No. 2289127

Nah sometimes they tell the truth. There's lots of tall moids who draw the line at a woman being 5'2 when they're like 6'5. They just want someone who resembles a child.

No. 2289146

I mean fetishistic moids will always exist, like there are some guys that only date fatties. But average moids admira tall women

No. 2289157

yeah sadly moids always prefer the shortest women secretly, they are wired to be pedos because mother nature is fucked up.

No. 2289159

>Shaming is healthy for the board OP, try not to take it so hard
you've got to be kidding me. this is exactly what i mean. you think you're disciplining a dog or doing some service, in reality i would be so embarrassed to be anywhere near you or listen to you speak.

No. 2289164

This ridiculous condescending, "teaching" affectation terminally online overcompensators have developed (especially zoomers) is so obnoxious. They act like they're influencing the tone/showing people how to behave but theyre just very annoying and off-putting.

No. 2289165

Traumatized and or depressed woman: the idea of being degraded by a man makes me feel worse
Gross loser: oh you're comphet lesbian
Woman: I am not a lesbian actually
Gross loser:oh hehe have you tried femdom? You'll love it

No. 2289177

no female-oriented imageboard will ever truly have what's best for women in mind if it doesn't allow free thought and speech for anything and everything, including talking about topics that might make certain demographics upsetty spaghetti. for this reason alone, male spaces always end up winning, because they can say whatever the fuck they want in their spaces. we always have to keep things "civil" or not "bait" and basically police our thoughts and language 24/7 around each other, on top of policing our thoughts and language around men. be real.

No. 2289181

the irony of this post most likely getting redtexted, but yeah basically this

No. 2289192

Based. It's peak cuck behaviour to jerk off a moid for hours and get no pleasure yourself. "Femdoms" claim it's degrading because there's some mental humiliation aspect to it or whatever but men cumming is never humiliating. True femdom would involve the man servicing his woman while she get all the pleasure and he gets none.

No. 2289195

You guys say this on every post that never gets red texted

No. 2289196

Male dominated image boards are either complete shit holes or nearly dead. While LC is getting worse over time, it's still resisted and held out longer than other image boards.

Any image board that allows space for discussion outside of it's core purpose will eventually see it's original user base taken over by those that don't care for what the site is actually about.

No. 2289201

We're not even allowed to speak openly about rapists here, but male imagine boards can write about how much they love rape. It's messed up and I don't know why the mods censor is in that way.

No. 2289206

Male boards barely have any moderation and all eventually devolve into spam.

No. 2289221

Women need to understand that there’s a difference between a mans preference and a man thinking a woman is good enough to fuck. There’s a difference.

No. 2289227

I don’t understand women who still get distraught and heart broken over men after the age of 30. You’ve dealt with them for decades and you’re still surprised by them kek After a certain age you should have learned that you’re not supposed to be taking scrotes seriously or talking care of them, you’re supposed to be bleeding them dry for whatever you can get until they cheat on you. If an older woman is crying about emotional abuse or cheating I literally don’t care, she’s too old for that.

No. 2289236

the majority of people don't understand what a work-life balance actually is. being a workaholic and being a NEET are like two sides of the same coin, i could not possibly respect one less than the other.

No. 2289253

What is your definition of a workaholic?

No. 2289263

anyone who spends more than 8 hours a day working, most days of the year. imo even 8 hours a day working is too much, in a perfect world, people would be working 6 hour shifts rather than 8, but i understand this is not any one individual's problem.

No. 2289269

most of the women who behave like this stopped emotionally maturing when they were teenagers. they are devastated when moids act like moids because in their heads they're still fourteen and don't have a grown woman's comprehension of how men operate. it doesn't help that this type of woman tends to attract moids very easily because they sniff out her weakness like the predators they are

No. 2289276

Shorter shifts or working 4 days a week instead of 5+ is just objectively smart and good for societal well-being. The main reason companies don't do it is because then they have to pay for more employees and that cuts into their preshush CEO bonuses. Shame because it would cut into the unemployment rate quick.

No. 2289278

When i worked 4 days I was averaging 50 hours a week and had to struggle on my day off to keep on top of everything. Use to hate the married ones moaning when they had a partner at home helping. Some days I'd get home from work and be too tired to even take a shit. It was awful. 9-5 seems like a dream to me now.

No. 2289280

10+ hour shifts should be outlawed, I'm so sorry nonna. When I said 4 days I week I meant 4 days of 8-hour shifts, not your 13-hour nightmare shifts.

No. 2289283

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>anyone who spends more than 8 hours a day working, most days of the year. imo even 8 hours a day working is too much, in a perfect world, people would be working 6 hour shifts rather than 8, but i understand this is not any one individual's problem.
God, this is so fucking honest. Boring normies are always the type of workfaggots that act like being at work and straining your body is the best experience and way to spend your time in existence, and unironically think something must be wrong with you if you actually don't like spending most of your day working (that is when you're not SLEEPING), and want more time to have fun and actually enjoy yourself, and even your family. The type of workfaggots that think working all day, every day, breaking their backs, and working on shit like Christmas and Thanksgiving is "honorable" because they're as mentally whipped as a literally whipped horse that's conditioned to be chronically compliant with whatever the human wants from it. That's why it's my tinfoil that workfaggots are actually incredibly boring and lonely people, because their personal lives are so goddamn barren of hobbies they personally enjoy or bonded people that they view and treat work as their full life. Work and labor is the "hobby" they can find themselves comfortable with, and people at work (AKA a controlled environment) being the only way they can socially thrive. Picrel is the workfaggot's reaction when anyone is honest about working only being something they do to afford food and electricity, they're genuinely perplexed at people having fun at anything else and enjoying that more than being at work.

No. 2289348

i had a coworker who freaked out at me when i suggested to her that our profession/job description shouldn't include hours of unpaid prep, before work, after work and on the weekends.
>well that's what it takes to do our job!
no. that's what YOU lifeless workaholics turned it into, because you want to "go the extra mile" and be a "star". now it's just assumed that you will do all this or fall behind.

No. 2289374

If you find any good ones, then please post them on the lesbian media thread because I want to know too

No. 2289483

Then maybe you should start following the board rules if you don’t want to get called out/shamed for obvious newfaggotry and childlike behavior, anon. Just a recommendation

No. 2289488

>i would be embarrassed to be near you or hear you speak
ntayrt but you’re somehow not embarrassed to act like a misbehaving elementary schooler? cause i’m pretty confident that’s what OP was referring to

No. 2289495

I didn't say you needed 5 years (wasn't that person), I just think a year and a few months is way too little before getting married. I would have regretted it so hard if I married my ex who I was with for a similar amount of time.

No. 2289524

newfag should just get redtexted at this point because it's always some insufferable cunt accusing everyone of being new.

No. 2289533

no anon, i was responding to OP’s post which is referencing obnoxious, tactless, rule breaking behavior. not everyone acts like that anon. if that felt like a personal attack to you, maybe you should try becoming more normal

No. 2289731

Loser pick me(taking the bait)

No. 2289739

You’re a misogynistic pol tard(report and ignore)

No. 2289878

Women assuming their bfs won’t cheat on them because they’re not as good looking makes them want to cheat more. I get it because if I was with someone whose favorite thing about me is the fact that they’re better than me, I’d cheat on them too.

No. 2289935

The funny thing about this is that ugly men chase after pretty women, assume they think the way you describe if the women actually give them a chance, and cheat on them. Their own bitterness makes it impossible for them to accept that any women could look past their appearances, so they try to "punish" them lmao. This is one more reason why women should never try to see past looks re: men. It's not worth it because 9 times out of 10, the man's insides are secretly as hideous as his outer appearance.

No. 2289956

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this is why the whole psyop of shaming women for wanting a thunderchad was such a shit move. you be seeing examples like pic rel where the woman is good looking but then gets publicly cheated on by a human replica of smegma, and it's precisely because of what you mentioned. moids who know that their partners are better looking always end up cheating just to knock them down a few pegs. i wish i had enough fucks to tell women who have uglier bfs or hubbies that she can do so much better than him, but i know so many are pickmes so it's a lost cause.

No. 2289961

I can’t understand why anyone would prefer a dog over a cat. Why would you choose the pet that coats your hand in oil every time you touch it? The one that reeks constantly even when you bathe it? The one that cries and gets neurotic every time you get up to go to the damn toilet? They’re uglier than cats and dumber than cats too
>oh but dogs are actually useful!
They are so stupid and food obsessed they will gladly go to their deaths for a morsel. That isn’t a quality I respect in an animal, it’s sad and codependent.
>dogs are actually loyal!
They’re loyal to the ones that feed them, just like cats. Retarded stories like that dog who waited by that moids grave every day until it died are fake. The dog waited there because people were feeding it there. Dogs will chew off their owners face while they’re having an epileptic fit. They will get jealous over their owners children because they expect to be hardcore babied for their entire life and they get anxiety when they’re not the centre of attention. They’re not loyal, they’re retarded and needy.
Cats love their owners more because they don’t have a desperate crushing need to be around people constantly. They choose to be.
Dogs are such sad and grovelling creatures it makes me sad just to look at them.
My idea of hell would be getting reincarnated as a dog. I’d rather be a cockroach.

No. 2289967

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my sister's cat definitely wrote this. the cat would not leave me alone and cuddles with me sometimes a bit too much.

No. 2289970

Don't you have a containment thread for this mental illness?

No. 2289971

My cat is needy too but she doesn’t look at me with desperate sad eyes and whine when I don’t want to cuddle. I hate the way dogs do that, it feels emotionally manipulative and quite evil.
I don’t like that thread. I don’t hate dogs, I feel sorry for them.

No. 2289980

>I’d rather be a cockroach
ok gregor samsa

No. 2289982

I don't hate dogs but the older I get the less i like them tbh. Maybe I just hate how 90% of dogs are terrible and untrained, constantly jumping on you or trying to lick your face, barking nonstop, constantly underfoot and needy. Just not for me. I have met a few lovely dogs that didn't do any of that but I'm sure that takes a ton of work. Also as much as people clown on "cat house smell" dogs are smellier imo

No. 2289993

>cat house smell
They’re coping because they know their pets stink way worse. The only time a house smells because of a cat is when someone is a filthy cat hoarder, has like 8 or more of them and they never clean the litters. Cats have no scent. Their urine is more disgusting and pungent than a dog but that’s easily solved by cleaning up after them in a normal way. Dogs just stink all the time. Even when they’re back from the groomers, they reek. Dog owners that hate cats are the most unhinged violent retards ever. They will act like their dog is being boolied just because a cat stood its ground instead of letting itself be nannied to death by Luna the velvet hippo. They will call cats vicious and murderous but they will baby their dogs that have all the same instincts. The only difference is a cat is smart enough to find food for itself without scavenging off of humans.
Dog owners do nothing but cope. They think their pet is special and above other animals. They genuinely think their dog loves them more than people. Their dogs would forget about them in a matter of weeks if they found another owner. Dogs really don’t care, it’s greatly exaggerated how much they do because it makes socially incompetent retards feel better about themselves. Cat owners can enjoy their pets company without crying about not being worshipped and salivated over constantly.

No. 2290057

They both have their pros and cons, a dog can be relied upon to be a companion who prefers to have you around, but cats can be very independent. That can be good or bad depending on your lifestyle and what you want out of a pet.

Personally I'm sick of cats and dogs being the default and basically only pet options. I don't want either, I'm interested in rats and birds but when I start looking for specialized vets or boarding places or equipment I need or even breeders, it's either extremely expensive or not available at all in my area.

No. 2290120

Most debates are useless and people who love them are mental onanists. You don't agree with my position? Oh well, find someone that agrees with you then.

No. 2290123

Debates are only useful between two people who are either somewhat on the fence, or have the incredibly rare ability to listen to opposing arguments in good faith and accept them.

No. 2290124

wicked is trash and corny. I don’t get the hype.

No. 2290127

all of the remakes are trash and corny

No. 2290131

The theater performances are trash too and they always have the ugliest costumes. It’s kid bullshit, idk why Ariana is so emotional about it.

No. 2290151

Technically it's not a remake because it's never had a movie before.

No. 2290197

I adore having to shit. Everyone I know feels inconvenienced by needing to poop but I look forward to it. It needs to be a giant shit or else they're right it's an inconvenience. I only poop three times a week so it's usually the type of shit I like.

No. 2290229

aren’t all musicals corny in a way

No. 2290237

it’s rated pg lol what were you expecting? Not everything has to be serious adult shit sometimes people just want something fun and silly. it’s definitely over promoted and that is always annoying.

No. 2290251

Uh anon, you should be pooping 3x a DAY. Maybe go to a doctor?

No. 2290253

If I was an actress and got cast as Belle after watching beauty and the best as a kid religiously, I'd be emotional about it. Especially since everyone would want that role and I got chosen.

No. 2290276

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Attractive men only can be created with ai. They don’t exist in real life.(ai shit outside of containment )

No. 2290278

This is just a TIF rendered into ai

No. 2290306

if this is your idea of an attractive man i’ve got some news for you anon

No. 2290564

>i've got some news for you
Is this an accusation of homosexuality?

No. 2290609

You can get rid of cellulite with exercise and diet changes.

No. 2290612

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Why get rid of it? It just means you are thicker than a snicker and what’s wrong with that

No. 2290615

Spill the details nona, I think mine are genetic but if you're willing to share your secrets…

No. 2290658

Why be thicker due to packed fat when you can be packed with muscle??
A mix of a strict diet, weightlifting and lymphatic exercises. Avoid added artificial sugars and processed food, drink plenty of water, fresh fruits and vegetables, protein from nuts, fish white meats and boiled eggs. Dairy is good too as long as it doesn't have sugar or salt. No potatoes, no white bread, no pasta, no rice. Oat is your new best friend. Moderate intake of butter and lard, olive oil is best with fresh vegetables. The typical healthy diet. Also cook with cast iron/glass/wood. There are several other adjustments like buying bio and avoiding GMO stuff but you get the general idea. Primrose oil and other supplements you may need are a plus. Cellulite is a tissue disorder and the only reason it's normalised is because is primarily found on women.

No. 2290678

Get a hobby already.

No. 2290754

nonna that sounds extreme. 3 times a day is extreme.

No. 2290764

Cellulite isn't a tissue disorder. It's a naturally occuring tissue formation in women. There are theories on how to get rid of it, but nothing concrete. It is mostly thought to be genetic.

No. 2290766

To be fair it takes a special type of moid to NOT cheat. Handsome charming moids cheat because women literally throw themselves at them. Ugly moids cheat because they think they're the shit now that they scored a hottie. Even moids who are unironically obsessed with their gfs, they still find a way to cheat because they're impulsive BPD-chans at the end of the day. The only moids who don't cheat are the ones with a very strong moral compass, who are not that much into sex and female attention so one woman is enough for them, but they're like the 1% and usually they're paired with a woman who doesn't even deserve them kek while the rest of us have to suffer

No. 2290767

I feel like I'm going to accused of being a scrote for this but voluntary prostitution shouldn't be illegal nor is it shameful. What do you mean I can't do what I want with my body? Moids can rape and get off all charges but I can't make some money off of a pornsick man? I don't think prostitution is even shameful. Fucking a bunch of lonely rich men and taking their money in exchange for a few minutes of agony seems lovely. I'm a virgin so this isn't even personal, I just don't get the stigma. If anything I think porn should be illegal considering what it does to the minds of kids and young adults.

No. 2290768

I don’t think it’s shameful, because you’re hurting yourself much more than you’re hurting others. But it’s exploitative and 95% of them want to leave for a reason.

No. 2290770

That looks like a kid you weirdo

No. 2290774

I think you should revisit your opinions on the topic when you are not a virgin.

No. 2290782

Kekk I was about to say, a lot of her opinion is based off the fact she is a virgin. Diseased or even just gross ugly dicks aren't actually very fun! Online prostitutes make it sound like it's a pretty good deal, but that's because they sort of have to make it sound like they're having a good time because who actually wants to buy sex from someone who despises their "clients"? I'd say that it could be fun if the men buying sex were attractive and groomed, buuuut in reality those are not the people buying it. Those are never the people buying it. Actually having to interact with actual bottom of the barrel moids… it ain't pretty. Not to mention sex when not aroused is not only very painful but just… not a good time. The YouTuber Boogie2988 would hire prostitutes (idk if he still does). That and worse are the type of men you have to have sex with. Horrifying. Semen has a smell, it's worse if they use drugs. The sweat… some men grunt like a fucking boar. And the fun of stds. Not to mention these men don't even like prostitutes, they buy them while thinking they are above them. Why would you want to have sex with a man who thinks you're lower than dirt? The only pro for any of this is money and the men don't even always pay. You can get a pimp who will make sure the man pays up, but then you're losing your money to the pimp. There's literally only cons kek

No. 2290786

Most feminists support the nordic model, do you seriously think anyone here wants prostitutes arrested? Men should be arrested for attempting to buy sex, but selling it should not be illegal. Prostituted women are not the ones at fault, there should not be a market for the human body in the first place.

Also as a virgin you are seriously, SERIOUSLY underestimating how mentally and physically damaging sex can be, even amongst couples it's a risk. With a stranger who quite possibly hates you and gets off on hurting you, in a society that doesn't give a fuck about your suffering or safety, it's profoundly dangerous. Literally, it's the 'job' that results in the most deaths, the majority of which are murder at the hands of your customer or boss.

No. 2290791

I don't understand the obsession with blowjobs, like why's everyone here so distraught with that concept specifically? I know, "something something degrading and gross" yeah, but it feels like it's getting mentioned every 2 days in here and tbh it's getting ridiculous, I'd rather make myself a sandwich than think about what other women put in their mouths, some bitches just like that stuff I ain't gonna lose sleep over it much less infight non-stop

No. 2290793

A lot of women get think you’re lazy or a baby killer if you don’t care about being a wife or mother. I get looked at as more dangerous to normie women because I don’t want kids then the random tinder dates they bring around their kids all the time.

No. 2290794

"Nonna"..now people are going to think I am indeed a baiting scrote.

I agree with all of this. I guess I just think it shouldn't be illegal or shamed. But now that I think about it and about what >>2290786 said, it's probably illegal for the safety of women.

No. 2290797

It’s all posted by the same sexually frustrated fake lesbian. “Cockbreath chan”.

No. 2290801

When people ask me if I'm going to have kids and get upset with my answer, I tell them I got PCOS and I'm infertile (true). That tends to shut them up for good + makes them feel embarrassed for ever asking. Life hacks!!!1

No. 2290802

I do this all the time. I want kids but can't have them because of mental health issues, so I tell people I have pcos even though I don't. The alternative is being asked what's wrong with you mentally and or being told that's not a good reason to not have kids and that I'll regret it.

No. 2290803

It's posted by one person. If you see it report and ignore.

No. 2290804

I've never understood why it's seen as "selfish" to not have kids kek. Selfish to who? The kids who don't exist? That doesn't even make sense, yet so many people say it.
It's literally all posted by a ban-evading personalityfag who originated from the 2X blackpill thread.

No. 2290805

I just tell them I shouldn't be breeding because of my family history of insert random disorder. Make it dramatic and say that if I birth a kid it might die at the age of 5 or something kek

No. 2290808

>selfish to who?

They’re trying to imply that your character is selfish. Like if you don’t want to take care of a husband or kids and be selfless for your family, they think you’re selfish in other aspects of life as well. Just living for yourself and not working hard in some way is considered selfish to normies.

No. 2290818

Samefag when they hear a woman say they have no kids they assume you hate kids and you’re evil or you’re some slut who is so selfish that all just wants to do is shop

No. 2290819

not how you use that term

No. 2290820

It is what they’re thinking. They thinking women who don’t have kids are some kind of sex in the city “sluts” who just sleep around and who only want no kids so they can spend their money on clothes or they think you’re a danger to children.

No. 2290822

i meant the way they used the term samefag kek.

No. 2290823

I used it right

No. 2290824

I've done that before, go all somber and quietly say "I can't", and they fall over themselves apologizing for the subject they didn't think was too invasive to broach five seconds ago. Maybe a bit manipulative, but I'd rather they learn their lesson on me instead of asking someone who is torn up about her infertility and ruining her day.

No. 2290825

Alcohol should be made illegal and this is coming from someone who drinks everyday

No. 2290826

islam is right about alcohol tbh

No. 2290827

you didn't ….unless you are accusing nonna of samefagging

No. 2290828

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The prohibitionist ladies were based for picrel

No. 2290830

I definitely used it right

No. 2290837

……………………………………………….ok nonna.

No. 2290843

If women want to be sex and the city sluts then that’s their business. Only a retarded parasitic moid would get mad at that. Women deserve to revolve their lives around hedonistic pleasure if that’s what they want. Our ancestresses have suffered enough to get us where we are.
Imagine being pissed off because a person doesn’t want to revolve their life around pandering to and being subservient to the opposite sex, for what? A mediocre house to live in, snot nosed ungrateful kids and “protection” from some pot bellied balding moid that will refer to you as a “ball and chain”. How do men not get embarrassed by themselves?

No. 2290845

What is wrong with potatoes…?

No. 2290846

>only moids get mad at that
Women get mad about it too and think you hate children and they’re envious because they think you’re having the best time while they have to spend all their money on their kids/husband.

No. 2290849

THAT'S what caught your attention in that mess? kek

No. 2290850

nta but I think nonna's issue with them is that they're mostly starch/complex carbs. tbh the nutritional content of potatoes outweighs the 'sugar' content unless you're mega diabetic or are only eating it with other carbs

No. 2290856

There's a lot wrong with it. But potatoes are always unfairly demonized.
Yup, there's nothing wrong with eating it as part of a balanced meal. It has a good amount of vitamins, not to mention despite the carbs it's immensely filling and it doesn't make you want to shovel more carbs down your throat. And like any other natural food it has a lot of antioxidants. Bread and rice are heavily processed carb bombs with no redeeming qualities and potatoes should not be put in that same category.

No. 2290863

you didnt.

No. 2290868

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Picrel and the blowback to it was based. It's good to make moids seethe and let them insist taking a shower, not having a shit ton of wrinkles and shaving facial hair makes a man "look like a child"/"look underage", because it reveals their own insecurity (and a lot of things they deny and gaslight about how they think women should look too).

No. 2290876

You will get no argument from me on that. I love potatoes and am always disappointed when people act like they're little fat bombs waiting to turn your stomach into a 40 y.o. alcoholic moid's beer belly

No. 2290892

moids love to project their insecurities and flaws in women, just think about the whole "all women are sex addict hoes" thing

No. 2290896

Here goes my autistic opinion that will likely get me banned for racebait because apparently women shouldn’t think about “no-no” topics and we should just be treated like children but I seriously think East Asian people have a certain hierarchical level over other people and this is probably why a lot of people are passive aggressively trying to “joke” on this woman’s video. I get she’s retarded and who knows if it’s a troll post but I’m starting to realize that beneath the surface level of jokes, humor and memes there’s like some kind of power struggle going on whenever these things happen. It’s like you’re some weird person from an untouchable class when you’re the complete opposite appearance of these Kpop artists or dare to make fun of them or “mock” them and those who mock kpoop and aren’t apart of a certain caste in the human hierarchy are to be made fun. I’m saying this because I saw another video based on this video made some little ass kid where they replicated this video using Roblox animation and they used the other meme of that hijabi amputee (kekkk) but it was very interesting on how they used a clear humiliating mockery to equate to a black woman just shitposting on the internet. People unconsciously use subliminal messaging, I’m going nuts like a schizo but this is just something I started noticing I swear I’m not a wokefaggot but I started seeing this with jokes that are supposed to be surrounded by women as well but I’m on an imageboard so I guess that doesn’t really matter(racebait)

No. 2290899

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No. 2290900

I’m ngl anon would you believe me if I said I’m not pretending to be retarded and that I feel extremely fucked up from last night? Let me post goddamn it let me post like this letme be free

No. 2290912

This is true, people forget that humans are animals too, male mammals tend to be violent rapists

No. 2290913

pitbulls are illogically hated on here. I worked at an animal shelter for 6 years and not once did I have a bad encounter with a pitbull. All of my bad experiences were with chihuahas and rottweilers. Pitbulls are so loving and willing to learn. I know I'm just spewing the same talking points as every pitbull advocate, but it really is about how you train them. They have jaws of steel, but that doesn't mean they're vicious or dangerous dogs. I know there are cases of seemingly well behaved pitbulls snapping and mauling people, but that really is no different to any other dog. The only problem is that pitbulls, as I said, have extremely strong jaws. But so do so many other dogs. If you hate pitbulls, then you have to be able to hate all dogs in general.

No. 2290918

I agree with the ESL-chans, books are gay and retarded and writers deserve to have their books pirated and torrented. Influencers seriously think they’re above work so they’re trying to sell you garbage, a writer doesn’t have the same value as a farmer idc I said what I said

No. 2290919

I think the breed should be banned so black moids can stop breeding them to fight and neglecting them

No. 2290931

It's stupid because you could have no kids and still be someone who is a great friend, partner, likes kids, is kind, giving, cares about others, and contributes other things to society. Caring about others could even be part of why you don't want them, if you think you can't raise them appropriately and would be causing suffering for another person as a result. Or you simply feel your genes wouldn't be good to pass onto another person because you have a lot of physical and mental problems. I feel both of these personally, plus I have a really bad fear of pregnancy and everything it entails on top of it, it just sounds awful to go through and my body is already bad enough as it is.

No. 2290943

They do but it’s all performative. I’m sure they feel plenty of hatred towards them, and they desperately try to convince themselves that THEY are the jealous childless hags instead.

No. 2290959

If the Gilmore girls town was real it would be a sun down town

No. 2290998

Why just cos they’re all white? Isn’t that in itself racist? Maybe they’re just living their lives without constantly obsessing over black people.

No. 2291011

>because they’re white
Yes and it’s a small town.

No. 2291017

I live in a small town with almost all white people and I can assure you, nobody gives a fuck about black ppl. Most white people don’t. You just have a victim complex and have to make everything about you.

No. 2291019

>no one gives a fuck about black people

The fact I said nothing about black people and you’re bringing them up proves my point kek

No. 2291022

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I think it’s retarded that people are allowed to own these enormous powerful dogs that can (and do) regularly maim and kill people, yet im not legally allowed to own a serval.

No. 2291023

Mentioning “sundown town” is obviously alluding to a place where black people are murdered so it’s disingenuous to act like you weren’t talking about them.

No. 2291024

KEKKK this made me choke on my food holy shit

No. 2291027

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Racist people in sun down towns didn’t exclusively go after only black people though.

No. 2291029

Ntayart but I think the ambrosia salad and coin smell from the hand showers would be worse than getting killed and hung at sundown

No. 2291032

If the Gilmore girls town was real everyone there would’ve voted for trump

No. 2291034

I don’t understand a single word you’ve just said. What is ambrosia salad? What is a hand shower?

No. 2291035

Sundown towns historically refer to towns that would lynch black people at night. Cherrypicking screenshots from wikipedia doesn't prove anything, when you can scroll down to read the multitude of ways they specifically targeted black americans. Your screenshot literally has "colored people" in it, are we going to pretend that term didn't refer to blacks being separated from whites during segregation? Stop being a dork

No. 2291037

No I think Lorelei’s parents would’ve definitely voted Republican and her dad would have put insurance claims on the twin towers. I think Rory would be one of those centrist retards who starts saying the most offensive shit possible but then she hangs around the most obnoxious left-leaning people and starts adopting their opinions to make herself popular. Lorelai is the type that would’ve supported Occupy Wall Street

No. 2291039

This is why I can't ally myself with kpop stans. I know for a fact that you've posted other weird Asian-worshiping racebait here before and claimed black women who didn't perform ghetto aesthetics or stereotypes written, directed and produced by Jewish media were attempting to "dissociate from their race". You aren't stable, anon, and this shit makes no sense.

No. 2291043

At least the welfare of the serval species is preserved…

No. 2291046

People already have them as pets in the USA and they’re not born in the wild.

No. 2291047

I’m confused did you read anything that I said? I was making fun of kpop fans and basically saying kpop fans are subtly racist which is a known fact that nobody wants to discuss

No. 2291048

KEK you're in for a treat. I want to try ambrosia someday.
I do want to know more about this supposed coin smell from "hand showers". I don't know what those are either, I'm guessing it's an artifact from pre-modern plumbing.

No. 2291055

Wet dog smell. Christmas ham smell.

No. 2291056

BO from showering without using items like brushes, sponges, etc.

No. 2291058

NTA but you will not be getting anybody trying to engage with whatever the fuck you're saying if you can't present it in a not schizo way. I tried to read your post before, and it looked like schizo babble. I just went back for the third time after you made this post replying to anon, and I can barely understand what the fuck you're trying to say. You seem like a newfag for pretending to apologize for "coming off schizo" but then get mad at anon for having no idea what the hell you're saying. You're not entitled to people's understanding when you make no effort to communicate beyond slop, and you deserve the schizo redtext for this. Maybe try again when the weed wears off.

No. 2291062

Why are you taking it so personally? If you aren’t racist just move on kek

No. 2291064

Thank you, beautiful anons. I feel enlightened and a little grossed out kek.

No. 2291066

>english language looks like schizo babble
Low IQ tingz

No. 2291067

>hand showers
There’s a stereotype that white people don’t use wash cloths, they just use their hand to bathe

No. 2291070

Tax Evasion Wife-beating Americans learned the handwash from their beautiful Evropean ancestors ♥ I luv you america

No. 2291072

Thanks for further explaining, I didn't make that connection kek.
I use a loofah, so do people who only wash with hands really smell bad? I know men who do but is that just men being nasty? Most women I know who say they don't wash with a washcloth or sponge/loofah smell perfectly fine to me, and I have a sensitive nose.

No. 2291081

There's nothing wrong with using your hands to scrub yourself, in fact you can argue it's more hygienic than using a washcloth or loofah. Men tend to have worse hygiene in general so it doesn't matter what they use.

No. 2291087

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>it’s more hygienic than using a washcloth and loafah
Like clockwork just like the debate of not washing meat and chicken because “muh bacteria gets all over the kitchen”, you might as well just slather shit on yourself and eat soil at this point. Washing with your hands does nothing, especially for a large surface area that you’re washing which is your whole body and the nooks and crannies, holy sheet. I guess the alchemical change of metallic smell transforms you to the grand state of valhalla for the hand-washing evropeans

No. 2291092

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Well, I guess it's settled. For every black person still pointlessly rinsing their chicken with water before cooking it, there's a white person stupidly fingering their butthole in the shower instead of just getting a washcloth or even a loofah, and vice versa. This is the delicate balance to the circle of life.

No. 2291096

>and the nooks and crannies
How the fuck does a washcloth/loofah/sponge get into nooks and crannies better than your own hands and fingers? Soap is what lifts the dirt and bacteria from your body, not your stupid smelly rag that you probably don't even wash every day and is covered with shit.
>the debate of not washing meat and chicken because “muh bacteria gets all over the kitchen”
Yeah, this is bait.

No. 2291099

>pointlessly washing their chicken with water
Just like how some people think you should just chomp on unwashed produce from the store because it’s perfectly fine because the right people said it’s perfectly fine, trust the science gais!!! As if they don’t drench that shit in pesticides and other chemicals and the way they handle and pick the produce is enough for me to wash that shit like it’s a baby. It would be worse to not wash your meat because of this, the meat industry is known for their shitty ass practices. Ofc it’s another way to call black people “anti-science” for not wanting scum in their food, which even other people including the model minorities boil their meat and pick the scum that rises up while it boils so it doesn’t spoil the flavor of the meal but whatever since they created manga and cameras in the women’s bathrooms their words matter more or whatever

No. 2291103

You don’t use the same rags everyday retard you buy a bunch of them for each day and either handwash them with detergent, baking soda, etc. or throw them in the washer when you’re doing laundry for the week, like normal people do when they have towels. Who tf repeatedly uses wash cloths? Wash cloths are also infinitely superior to gay ass loofahs

No. 2291105

I'm responding to you instead of the bait kek.
I think it's so stupid when people compare washing veggies and fruits to washing chicken. Salmonella isn't killed by rinsing chicken? Cooking it at the correct temp kills it off. Rinsing an apple so the dirt from the store doesn't go into your mouth is what they teach you in preschool kek.
Also the idea of running a warm mildewy rag over my asshole and then washing that with the laundry makes me want to gag.

No. 2291106

I feel like that anon who drinks unpasteurized milk straight from the cow titty can come up with an explanation as to how things like that can train your immune system or something.

No. 2291112

What fucking reason do you have to wash meat? You think that gets rid of the bacteria better than cooking it? You’re wasting your time.
Don’t come to my house and don’t eat my food and don’t touch my body.

No. 2291113

We don’t wash it to get rid of the salmonella, we know that cooking at a certain temperature kills most of the bacteria off, we wash it off because it’s a filthy disgusting animal you’re eating and I highly doubt the minimum wage illegal migrants would give a shit about carefully doing their jobs
Tfw eating pesticides and microplastics is training the immune system kekkk

No. 2291115

>don’t touch my body
Damn are we breaking up already?

No. 2291118

You don’t appreciate my cooking just because I don’t bathe it in the sink with fairy liquid like a deformed Chernobyl child. You scorn at my body just because I don’t grate it with a Brillo pad every day. How dare you. Get out of my life.

No. 2291119

It's still nasty. You have shit particles and who knows what other kind of bacteria on those towels, so don't try to act like it's more hygienic than using your hands when you can just wash your hands with soap and they are immediately clean again.
>Also the idea of running a warm mildewy rag over my asshole and then washing that with the laundry makes me want to gag.
This is exactly why it's so nasty, and you know most people don't launder their washrags regularly so they are smearing shit particles all over their bodies (and vulvas if they are women). Wouldn't be surprised if using washrags gives women higher rates of BV and yeast infections.
Nobody has ever gotten sick from not washing meat, but they do get sick from spreading bacteria all over the fucking sink and kitchen. What you're doing is pure placebo, has nothing to do with science. The FDA is mostly shit but in regards to food safety there's a big reason why restaurants cannot wash meat, because it gets people fucking sick. I hope you don't cook for other people.

No. 2291120

>it’s a filthy disgusting animal
So why are you eating it? Washing it isn’t going to make it not an animal.

No. 2291124

I think it's also interesting that there has been a lot of articles coming out about how loofahs are really unhygienic because they collect dead skin cells in them and people don't replace them often enough. This extends to washcloths by virtue of what you mentioned wrt not washing them enough or correctly.
I'm getting flashbacks to anon who kept insisting that rinsing her cooch and taint with warm water was enough to clean herself, and using mild soap was what gave her vag a strong stank. Like, anon… I don't think that's the soap…

No. 2291126

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I mean I assumed that nona was drinking unpasteurized milk from some Nordic country cow that eats nothing by pure, fresh grass every day, gets a delicate balance of sunlight, and a sleep schedule better than most Americans. Maybe one of those Norwegian Red cows with a flawless coat, perfect hooves, and nontraumatized utters to give out thus liquid gold, unpasteurized milk. You know, letting her body absorb the nutrients of this 100%, free range, sent-from-Heaven Norwegian Red cow milk to enhance her bones, blood, muscle, and neurons to activate the buried genes of her tall, blonde haired, blue eyed, fair skinned, braided ponytailed viking Nordic ancestors.

No. 2291130

I’m not putting a loofah or a washcloth within 10 feet of my pussy. It’s too delicate to be rubbed at with a rough material like that. I don’t care what the hygiene gestapo have to say about that, those neurotic freaks can stay the hell out of my pussy. My pussy gets washed with soap and hands only.

No. 2291138

Because it’s tasty?
Oh my god this is not a difficult concept to understand. Human go to store. Store has a pack of wash cloths that could last you an entire month. Wash cloths rewashable. Use different washcloth each day. Laundry time!!!! Grug wants to wash them!! Washes them. Repeat cycle. You’re seething and malding at such a simple concept, there’s no shit/dirt/filth on them if you properly clean them and use different wash cloths each day, it’s not that hard and that has nothing to do with the efficacy of wash cloths just because humans are retarded and can’t do a few simple things to keep themselves healthy and safe. You’re not REUSING THE SAME WASH CLOTH you put it in a dirty basket when you’re done with a shower and then use another clean, unused one for the next shower. Just because many people don’t wash their hands doesn’t mean the efficacy of handwashing is entirely wrong.

No. 2291139

>It would be worse to not wash your meat because of this, the meat industry is known for their shitty ass practices
But meat does get washed, when it gets pasteurized/sterilized by heat. Washing it does nothing unless you wash it with I don't know, hard cleaning agents like chlorine.

No. 2291141

Smearing shit on a towel and letting it ferment until you throw it in the laundry isn't hygienic no matter how you spin it.

No. 2291146

So what about your dirty clothes, what about your dirty underwear you throw in your laundry basket until you wait to wash them, aren’t they covered in “shit” too? Kekkkk stop this shit right now. Washing with your hands gives off the appearance of cleanliness, not true cleanliness, your hands aren’t rough enough to wash off excess dirt, dead skin and god knows what else.(baiting retard)

No. 2291150

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>winter is SOOOO much better than summer
>I looove heckin spooky halloweeeen and hwite christmas and staying cozy inside while it snows and rains
>cold climates are the best
>there's only so much clothing you can take off when it's hot but when it's cold just layer more shit
>hot weather is sticky and sweaty and dirty I have to stay indoors because there's a/c
>you have to show your body in the summer it's gross
The above are all FAT opinions of FAT people. Any time I read something like this I know obese fingers typed the post.

No. 2291151

All this talk about washcloths but you american bastards still don't wash with soap and water every time after you take a shit. Toilet paper isn't enough. Imagine walking around with shit/shit particles stuck in your butt for hours or days before taking a shower. You're all nasty as fuck and have no right to call other people dirty.

No. 2291152

I have never seen this opinion

No. 2291153

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Woahhh why is this all applying to me?

No. 2291155

Not the same thing at all. Fine, I'll agree that some people with certain skin types might need to exfoliate, but I have sensitive skin so using anything abrasive fucks up my skin. Scrubbing with my hands is more than enough, and again, the soap with a bit of force is what washes off dirt and dead skin. You don't need to use sandpaper on your skin to be clean.
I'm American and I take a shower after I shit.

No. 2291157

ok but here's another thing - Americans have their shitcan in the same room as their bathtub/shower. The place where they clean themselves is coated in shit particles from flushing. The toothbrush is usually on the counter in the same room too. All American houses are built like this.

No. 2291160

A new opponent has arrived!!!

No. 2291161

most european houses are built like this as well?

No. 2291163

What the fuck do people even need loofahs for they just scratch your skin and make it all red. Pointless consumerism you need something to be clean it's like when people think not wearing perfume is stinky and less hygienic than wearing it

No. 2291165

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>but I have sensitive skin
Her outfit looks so insane to me I want these shoes so bad

No. 2291166

Maybe it helps for people who are really greasy? They have only ever fucked up my skin though.

No. 2291167

Poorfags think household essentials are now “consoomerism” kek

No. 2291168

Worrying about nano shit particles in the air is OCD and mentally ill

No. 2291169

I repeat what the fuck are loofahs even for?

No. 2291170

What are you doing to your clothes… are you shitting yourself? Using your t-shirts to wipe yourself? How is washing your hands enough to clean filth off of them, but for some reason washing other things with your hands still leaves them dirty? Do you use bleach when you wash your hands maybe? I agree that you should not apply bleach to your body when you shower. Your reply is strange to me.

No. 2291171

Loofah my clit

No. 2291173

I shit myself every time you post scarily good bait

No. 2291181

I hate the summer because I live in a tourist trap town.

No. 2291183

Nothing is ever going for be as clean as you want it. You may as well just take a flame thrower to your entire house every time you have to take a dump.

No. 2291185

Dry, flaky skin

No. 2291216

Idk summer in Ireland is pretty shit. The sun is hit or miss there's pressure to make the most of a good day and get sun. It's still cold so you have to bring a jacket or pullover everywhere. It still pisses down with rain. I like when autumn comes around because I have more weather appropriate clothes and getting dressed everyday doesn't need me seeing the weather app to see how changeable the weather is going to be. It's going to be cold. Winter I feel no pressure to have to go outside if I just want to feel cosy inside and I don't get FOMO kek

No. 2291219

I have a couple of loofahs and they go in the wash on a delicate cycle. They're really easy to use. You wet them in the shower then put your soap on it, lather it up and then use it to wash your skin.

No. 2291225

I don’t mind when some people under the age of 18 die or get life in prison if they were kids who misbehaved a lot and bullied people. They’re exiting life early before they cause more damage to ppl lives the older they get.

No. 2291231

I do not believe in muh minor exemptions in general. If you're a psychopath at 12 it's who you are innately.

No. 2291234

People who can’t afford a decent Christmas for their kids are beyond pathetic. They could literally go to the dollar tree and have a whole Christmas blast with gifts, food and decorations for under 50 dollars

No. 2291268

Those kids who bullied a girl to suicide, then went into the ICU to take a photo of her comatose body to laugh at should be jailed (at the very least). The teachers who watched it happen and joined in should never be allowed to teach again (also at the very least). I could say more, but it'd probably be a-logging. That's not "just kids being kids".

No. 2291278

I have yet to meet a poor person who didn't make their situation worse through their poor decisions, but fifty dollars is a lot of money when you're so poor you're putting the electric bill on a credit card.

No. 2291292

I don’t understand when American women complain about having to do all the cooking and cleaning for their bf or husband if they don’t have kids. Just don’t do it? Kek such a silly complaint

No. 2291306

Or they could break up too. One thing to keep in mind is that the housing market sucks ass and if they live together they might just be stuck together, if they end up breaking up because she won't be his footstool anymore she genuinely might not be able to find another living arrangement, etc etc. So that's bad, but in general American women seem to be very complacent. Even here you'll see anons sperg about hating men and the only reason is because they were a bit too chickenshit to actually set up boundaries, and too much of a pushover to take the time to set up boundaries in the beginning of the relationship that determines the strength of the connection. And it's like they HATE the suggestion to stop being pushovers. They will lash out at other women but then take their moid's retardation like some martyr punching bag. I don't get it. Surely if the moid walks out because you were direct and up front with him then he's not really worth crying over? I do not get it.

No. 2291315

It’s hard for me to sympathize with schools where school shootings take place because a lot of the time when people bring up concerns before said shooting they don’t care or ignore them. Teachers also get in on the bullying so how tf am I expected to feel bad when they get shot at? The fact that I can’t be safe at school because of a moid having a sperg out because other moids and teachers couldn’t stop being assholes is so annoying.

No. 2291329

We're still acting like moids shooting up schools is because of Muh Bullying? Is this 2018 or something? What year is it?

No. 2291336

Not the point anon

No. 2291342

Then what's the point? The entire post was saying the teachers are meanie weanie to the poor traumatized school shooter scrotes.

No. 2291382

Social media has pushed "toxic positivity" on me lately, and what the fuck is that? There is no such thing, only miserable fucks think positivity is a toxic trait.
A person being in denial and trying to cope by going "everything is fine" is not toxic positivity.
Someone being annoyed when you trauma dump on them out of nowhere and trying to divert it by giving a general "chin up, it will be ok!" isn't toxic positivity.
A person with dark humor trying to make light of something bad isn't toxic positivity.
It's just not a thing, you're just a miserable fuck who cannot stand other people being happy and you see everything as a personal attack. Positivity is just an outlook on life that it will be good or ok, it's hope, and nothing kills a person faster than losing all hope.

No. 2291428

Toxic positivity exists but isn't what you explained. It's more like being in denial of something and involving others in your delusions so they can't even say anything about their own problems. I don't know if that's a good case but you could argue that the HAES movement is typical fake positivity where obese people, mostly women, will celebrate being too obese to be healthy while saying that no, they're healthy actually, spread wrong information to cope and try to drag other chubby women into not caring for their own health anymore like saying that their bodies go into starvation mode if they start a normal diet. So when their influencers or famous people like Adele lose weight at some point they take it personally and spread even more bullshit online about how these women are insecure or betrayed them. The same thing applies to other issues, if you say you're concerned about something and you get shut down by people online who pretend there's nothing to worry about, it's fake positivity. But it's less of a thing now. Or I got better at avoiding this kind of bullshit recently.

No. 2291453

That girl Sabrina’s bf cheated on her with is so Good looking. I can see why he did it, I don’t even like women but when I saw her I felt a tingle.

No. 2291554

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Not an unpopular opinion. She's hot and sabrina carpenter looks like a blobfish when you take it out of water. She's pretty (even though I just insulted her), but no where near as pretty as the other girl.

No. 2291563

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I hate faggots.Rarely meet a normal one. Their standards are in hell because they're desperate for validation. The killer was literally masked and was recorded on a shitty security camera. What do you mean he's hot? All the comments are other faggots agreeing with him. Who next, Elliot Rodgers?

No. 2291567

His face has been revealed recently

No. 2291568

I don't see it anywhere. I see the one of his mouth and of him smiling but my point still stands. I know a guy with a cute smile and his upper face is fucking atrocious.

No. 2291573

Ppl are just meme hyping him up right now because they hate the American health care system and the rich. People are getting fed up.

No. 2291576

okay nonnas I stand corrected, He's really cute. But STILL the american people were thirsting over him when his face was covered!

No. 2291597

Even then the guy was methodical, smart, read at least one book in his life, and action oriented. I can't bring myself to care about the simping. People have simped for worse men lol.

No. 2291626

Women (generally speaking) give terrible advice to other women. Just take any male-focused podcast or commentator, no matter how gay, retarded or antisocial, take what he says and switch the pronouns: it's great advice to women. It's usually about preserving yourself and not being fucked over in some way. Feminists and nonas' advice is less retarded but it's still marred by blatant intrasexual competition ('leave him so you can be le based celibate radfem like me' coming from women who will date a moid in 3 months max), some bullshit about purity ('how dare you think xyz you are an NLOG/pickme/moidbrained', browbeating etc) instead of actually helping the woman you're talking to. Legit just listen to the kind of advice men give to each other and take it for yourself.

No. 2291633

Women’s advice is always “communicate” or fuck older men because they’re more mature

No. 2291637

Exactly kek, we're lucky that more and more women are honest about what dating actually is, shielding younger women from geriatric tards but they're still outnumbered by idiotic women.
Always good advice but then they mysteriously forget that men can hear you very well, they just don't care. It's not that you're communicating wrong, they don't care and you're better off listening to 80IQ grindset advice

No. 2291640

But at the same time no relationship advice really works unless you’re trying to go for a sugar baby life style. If you’re looking for love with men you’re not gonna find it most of the time. The only people who can have successful relationships with scrotes are women who just want money.

No. 2291648

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Please tell me what’s the difference between this and a male? Mosquitos, who are parasites btw, suck off the blood (energy) of its human host while giving viruses, diseases, and other disgusting shit in return, the same thing that happens during nasty ass coital with a male. Why am I being programmed to have sexual with something that mirrors a mosquito?

No. 2291653

>it must be intrasexual competition it must be because they’re jealous and mateguarding it must-“
Or how about they’re telling you the fucking truth? What you’re not narrowing in is that despite their decent advice, they still do the opposite of that very advice they give to other women which makes them hilarious hypocrites. If you want to increase your chances of rape, trauma bonding, and overall female energy drainage the nobody is stopping you from making that fucking choice, that’s the choice most women commit to because they’re all cowards who can’t fight for shit anymore.

No. 2291654

makes sense to me

No. 2291668

I know it comes across as defending dating/marriage but i'm not, actually the best course of action for women is developing themselves without a man in mind and being very aware a man can radically change your life for the worse. This is what wise women say, we agree nona. What i didn't realize is that, for some this advice is not very well conveyed (saying 'just leave' at any trouble women express is counterproductive, they're not listening kek) and it can be a way to feel better about their own dating life, or lack thereof. Emphasis on 'can be', ofc feminists who cite violence statistics do it for a good reason. But even in that group you'll find sabotaging tendencies, one of which is acting like being single will fix all of your problems instead of talking about material independence, how to achieve said independence etc. It's not the majority of feminists but it's a thing (boy craziness and unconscious rivalry, moralfagging) and i wish i realized this earlier.

No. 2291669

My unpopular opinion is this guy couldn't sing to save his life. His voice sucks, and it's worse without music it even sounds off key a bit. William Duvall is a better fit for the band. This also makes me feel better about my own voice since it doesn't souns this unpleasant.

No. 2291673

Being single will fix all your problems though. Can’t run into the problem if you’re not there.

No. 2291685

No literally just leave, it’s useful advice. The one thing keeping them there is their lack of willpower and faith in themselves to get out of that stupid situation. Scrotes are right to some degree, a lot of women want to be treated and handled like women when it’s completely useless to do, coddling them like they’re a child and like they have the illusion of choice is kind of disgusting. They either leave or die or stay destitute shackled with problems, it’s their choice (mainly applying to Western women who can actually make this choice without being burned alive or mass raped/killed for daring to speak up). I wouldn’t advise any woman to stay in a hostage situation no matter the degree of severity it is, and I’m not just talking about DV/marital rape and all of those but the simpler ones such as shackled with pregnancy, kids, marriage, STDs, etc. What you’re expecting is for these women who give that advice to manipulate these other women’s autonomy to do what we say when you know that’s not entirely possible, they will stay there because that’s where they truly genuinely believe that’s where they should be. I’m so tired of these arguments and viewpoints because when it gets down to the dark truth: a lot of women can’t be saved. Sorry, a lot of them can’t be saved. I think feminism is for women of a certain character and willpower that a lot of women struggle to have within themselves and nobody can ignite that besides themselves and their thirst to find out the truth themselves. Actively helping them is a waste of time and resources, if that’s what you’re meaning? Plus they already get more help and support for supporting the maledom than single women who are seen as a threat towards it, so idk what else to say.

No. 2291700

You're absolutely right but so many people will get upset if you say this. The only people who think about hair and eye color all day are brown haired brown eyed white women. Natural blondes and redheads literally do not give a shit or think about how blonde they are all day. It's why most neo nazis and the most racist people you know are all white people with brown hair and brown eyes kek

No. 2291703

>posts my weird opinion in the lesbian thread
>a reasonable, level-headed responder
>nobody calls me hysterical, psychotic, jealous, etc.
>posts my weird opinion where any woman can see it
>they all call me hysterical, psychotic, jealous, a dyke, etc.
>goes straight to hyper emotionality
>petty bitch energy
I wish I was a lesbian seriously

No. 2291705

I'm borderline underweight but have all these opinions because I live in a coastal city with 80% humidity and 50° C in the summer. I also like cold showers and taking a walk on a windy day, which are impossible in summer. It's so hot that I use the water heater, turn it off, and let the water in it cool down thanks to the a/c so I can take my cold showers. And I have to shower every time I take a walk outside at night because of the gross weather. Also there are no good summer dishes imo, winter and fall dishes are superior in every aspect, and I enjoy having cold foods, drinks and ice cream during winter, so refreshing.

No. 2291706

> Natural blondes and redheads literally do not give a shit or think about how blonde they are all day.

I don’t agree with that. I’ve seen blonde women saying they think women who say they’d look better with darker hair are just jealous and trying to sabotage them. You must remember that pick mes exist and if they have something physically that is seen as better than what another woman has, they’re gonna flaunt it.

No. 2291755

On the topic of colorism. The way light skin black women act when a man likes a darker black woman is so funny. You can tell she’s boiling and you can see the rage in her eyes. She’s trying so hard to be a girls girl but you can tell she’s fuming.

No. 2291763

>I’ve seen blonde women saying they think women who say they’d look better with darker hair are just jealous and trying to sabotage them.
Because they are absolutely right. Dyed brown hair looks like shit on someone with a naturally more fair complexion. Also it's rude and creepy to tell someone to dye their hair unprompted, I assume sinister motives. Same with people that encourage women with long hair to chop it all off, it's jealousy and sometimes a fetish

No. 2291765

the ugly ginger wigs on all the side characters in wicked are fucking ugly. why did they do that? looking like ice spice if she was a peasant in the 1800s. fugly

No. 2291767

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Not always. Zooey Deschanel looks 10x better with black hair than she does blonde and I believe if she never dyed her hair darker her career wouldn’t have took off like it did.

No. 2291768

Not necessarily, I've only ever seen this specific discussion online and my family and general area is brown eyed brown haired white people. I know more about colourism in India, China and SEA from irl exposure than the hair and eye colour debate. I wish there was a way to see where the anons sperging about this come from just to compare cultures.

No. 2291770

Being a virgin in your 20s, as a woman, is a bigger red flag than doing OF or sexwork.

No. 2291771

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same fag >>2291765

were they trying to make this freak look normal by making everyone else ugly?

also this literally gave me a fucking fright. jump scare of 2024

No. 2291773

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Is shilling the hell out of blonde and red hair on women a white person thing/culture? Black is the best color for hair on fair skin. The contrast is so naturally pretty. I don't understand why white people think traits like blonde hair is better than things like picrel. Is their beauty standard just picking the most recessive genes and calling them attractive just because they're genetically BTFO so easily?

No. 2291778

Can you please explain why you believe this?

No. 2291790

I should clarify that I meant it in a way where the colour becomes darker the older you are. Why? Well, cause it implies extreme piety, asocial behaviour, neuro divergence or billion other traits people might find undesirable even if they're fine with one particular trait. You'll never know what you'll get.

On the other hand if you just upload to OF you're at best extremely savvy, rich and beautiful or at worst slutty or ugly and poor.

No. 2291796

As a natural blonde I do sometimes like to think about it to be honest. But in a more “all these dumb bleach headed ladies are obsessed, I’m lucky” type of way. My hair is obviously not bright and there’s a discourse on TikTok that is annoying, telling everyone that no one has naturally blonde hair, it’s just light brown. So it that sense I do care because I still think my hair is very light, when some others would tell me I’m delusional.

No. 2291797

libfem take

No. 2291798

File: 1733452784934.jpg (117.02 KB, 735x810, 2Q==(15).jpg)

That woman is gorgeous. Completely agree with you nona. I always think pale skin looks great with dark hair, and dark skin looks great with light hair. I like the contrast I guess. Though I don't see the latter that much.
Always found her so cute too

No. 2291799

I think non-whites with blonde dyed hair or wigs look cheap but to be fair white women with dyed blonde hair look cheap as well

No. 2291808

She looks like that princess from Star Wars.

No. 2291814

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I always thought natural red suited darker skin over blonde

No. 2291815

Maid cafes are worse than hooters and the women who work in them are usually bigger whores than the women who have their tits out. Women in hooters are just normal women paying for college or their kids, the women at maid cafes are usually full blown escorts and porn stars.

No. 2291822

They are extremely depressing. Before I became more aware of how men are, I had a male friend (never again) who went to Japan and became obsessed with maid cafes. He would go to Japan just to spend 80% of his time in them. I dropped him immediately. I know for a fact that most of the girls who work there hate their customers. I do wonder how they feel about their female customers though.

No. 2291824

i don't hate pitbulls because they bite. all dogs are capable of biting. i hate pitbulls because they are capable of worse damage than all of the dog breeds out there, and they are responsible for the most kill rates against humans and other pets. your last sentence doesn't make sense, either. of course i like dogs, i just like non-pitbull types. you know, like a normal person.

No. 2291826

>Selfish to who?
selfish to the rich christian families who want to adopt children if they can't reach 12-15 kids before the wife reaches the age of 35. selfish to the military complex who needs more young bodies to send them out to other countries and get them killed for our gub'net. selfish to the billionaires who needs people to work in their slave factories like amazon to work in shitty conditions to get profits. selfish to the pedophiles who want more babies and children to rape, many who are also famous.

No. 2291831

>it in a way where the colour becomes darker the older you are
I hope you're not intentionally attributing the colour of a vagina to social traits because that's what that sounds like .

No. 2291858

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breckie is just more sexual and that's what men like. sabrina does try to be exlicit in her concerts (idk i've never seen them), but in her pictures, there's something kind of understated as well. breckie, on the other hand, puts on things like pic rel and has zero shame.

it kind of shatters the whole idea that moids pin against women and warning women to not look and/or act like a whore too much, or else men won't fuck with you. so many relationships and marriages and families fall apart because the scrote finds a whore who is unapologetic about her sexuality and what's funny is that the whore ends up getting the bigger cash out when he dies or she gets the ring once he divorces the first wife. really makes you think about why moids push for wanting a virginal waifu when they are obsessed over only fans type.

No. 2291862

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Beckie has a normal height and curves. Sabrina is built like a pit bull.

No. 2291864

File: 1733457178311.jpg (124.57 KB, 1303x2000, sabrina-carpenter-barclays-1-1…)

yeah okay but you can feel the energy between what you just posted versus sabrina here. beckie is more in-your-face about it, sabrina holds some of it back. men like the former way more no matter how many times they try to lie about it.

No. 2291876

Easily one of the top skin/hair combos.

No. 2291882

My unpopular opinion is that Sabrina and Barry probably never even liked each other that much, they were probably just banging and then they got a ton of attention about it since they're both famous. They both decided to cash out on it and act like it's a way bigger deal than it is.

No. 2291899

NTA but I feel like anon is right? Like yes, you are right, her dress is more understated, but that's because she's shaped "like a pit bull". I think if she was shaped like Breckie is, she would be wearing the things Breckie does.

No. 2291926

>Also there are no good summer dishes
white(go back)

No. 2291964

>what’s the difference between this and a male?
well, for one, a mosquito that's feeding off of blood will be female

No. 2291974

Us and Get Out are both annoyingly shitty movies with daytime television level flimsy storylines and I hate that you get called racist if you say that

No. 2291984

Damn, really? I've been saving to watch them with my friend when she comes to visit. Can you say more? What makes you feel they're flimsy, or what do you dislike about them? How did you feel about Nope?

No. 2291992

lmfao I think this all the time but I've always been too afraid to say it. It's true: loving winter is a fat person trait. They get hot easier and are embarrassed to show their bodies so they can't dress comfortably or go swimming. Summer is for the staceys.

No. 2291997

It's a fact, not an opinion.

No. 2292013

Every time they complain about "swamp ass" you know exactly how big it is

No. 2292016

I never really noticed until a morbidly obese friend complained to me about her coworkers being mean to her. It was winter, very cold outside and the office was heated like it should be, everyone was dressed normall except for her because we saw each other after work that day and she had a tshirt and a cardigan, and she kept opening the window in the office all day long because she was hot. I didn't want to upset her because the reason why she was hot and everyone felt normal was obvious so I pretended I agreed with her and that her coworkers were assholes.

No. 2292037

I know this might come as a shock to you but you can be skinny with a fat ass I’m living proof.

No. 2292057

Showing your spread open asshole for $7 a month is not savvy. You’ve ruined your life and your career prospects and your parents wish you were never born.

No. 2292061

That loathing song is retarded and pisses me off. LOATHING! UNadULTERATED LOAAATHING! Ugh, yuck as fuck

No. 2292063

Her hair is obviously bleached blonde there that is not a natural color and you can see her brown roots lol. She has naturally brown hair and dyes it darker but you never see her with blonde roots, blondes who dye their hair dark end up looking balding, there's no way she could keep up with blonde roots that fast.

No. 2292065

no skinny person has an ass huge enough to get swampy

No. 2292070

Unless they get massive implants

No. 2292071

It's true that if you are mid or ugly and you want dumb moids to find you hot you should get a tan and go blonde. But if you're pretty you can pull off dark hair. When I hear people talk about blonde privilege I just lol because I'm considered really pretty by people and I get compliments on my dark hair all the time. What blonde privilege? I'll pass on every ugly moid trying his shot with me because I look "approachable and girl next door" which is why the blonde look is popular. I'd rather be unapproachable as fuck and I'm pretty sure I am because only women approach me to compliment me in public, men avoid eye contact or are rude to me bc they assume I'm going to be a bitch and tell them off if they hit on me and it's so funny

No. 2292097

Enough with the incel takes

No. 2292100

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Why is assisted death/death with dignity/euthanasia so controversial? There are some states of being that should not even be legal because it is so unethical.
What if i were to take someone and
>cut off all arms and legs
>pour acid on their penis to render them sexless
>poke out their eyes so they cant enjoy movies or beauty
>rip out their eardrum so they cant enjoy music
>rip out their tongue and teeth so they cant enjoy food
>fuck up their nose so they cant enjoy no longer smell flowers.
>run acid on their entire body so they are constantly itchy and dry but cannot scratch themselves obvie
>(they survive it all)
How would it be ethical to keep them alive? How would it be legal?

No. 2292106

>pour acid on their penis to render them sexless
That would make you based.

No. 2292109

Since that doesn't happen often, I think it's dumb to give that particular example, most people would die right away from the shock, specially moids because they're delicate insects.
But I do think euthanasia isn't a bad thing depending on the case, and each case would need to be treated very closely and very sensibly.
Mostly because everyone changes opinions constantly, it I had an euthanasia business I would get pissed off if someone told me that he/she changed opinions and didn't want to die anymore after getting all the shit ready.

No. 2292111

I have a pervasive pathological fear that I'm going to develop some kind of severe painful disability or degenerative disease and not be allowed to die. It freaks me out.

No. 2292112

Because the government and the rich are definitely going to abuse this if it because wide spread. For example health insurance companies instead of approving life saving procedures and medications, they’d just suggest assisted suicide because it’s cheaper for them.

No. 2292113

Also you can also see it happening in places like Canada. They won’t help their poor or people who aren’t all that sick but their treatments are just expensive, they just suggest they should kill themselves.

No. 2292115

Because there's morally grey cases where the person is capable of surviving or they're in a mental condition where a doctor going "you can kill yourself btw" will just boost their suicidal thoughts, if a doctor gave you a gun when you're suicidal, you're likelier to shoot yourself.
Also cases where there's someone else giving consent or they're not great at medical paperwork, you can absolutely take advantage of somebody if the laws aren't careful about it. Lazy family members, angels of death, misdiagnosis, lots can go wrong.

No. 2292122

I don’t understand why old fags brag about being old fags. You take pride and being a loser for longer than someone else?like instead of having money or owning a house you’re 32 and mini modding.

No. 2292125

Being an oldfag doesn't mean you're a loser, specially in here, the whole
>loser fat faggot on imageboards typing mean comments and posting CP
Shit is only on 4chan and similar places. Most anons in here are relatively normie adjacent.

No. 2292126

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This may sound extreme, but it got to a point. Imma need people to stop writing female characters with rape trauma, mfs have proven to NOT handle that topic with maturity or respect, look at the fucking mess with Berserk, Mouthwashing and thousands more examples. Moids use it as an excuse to add cheap drama to a plot and further sexualize and humiliate their female characters, they don't understand the severity of rape, its mere concept. Imagine getting SA'd just to see people making jokes and drawing porn of characters that suffered a similar fate to you, I'd be heartbroken. Stop that nonsense, the world and society aren't ready for such a painful topic, it's only a laughingstock. I trust female writers to handle this topic better I guess, but still…

No. 2292132

So I'm naturally blonde and have wished I had shiny black hair, dyed it, and realized that most blonde hair is so fine it looks like shit and when ur natural hair grows in you look bald because it's so light. So even tho nobody has said I'd look better darker, I sure as fuck wouldn't do it lol. Just saying. People do get really weird about blonde hair though.

No. 2292134

I hate having black hair tbh, not because of weird racial complexes or an aesthetic fixation, but because when you're born with it, it's literally the only color that will suit you best no matter what, and anything lighter will look slightly crazy, besides "almost" black shades like dark purple or brown or whatever, it's such bullshit

No. 2292136

thought you were talking about old guy men at first because of the way you spelt oldfags kek

No. 2292142

i agree, males should never write anything about rape

No. 2292148

reminds me of my younger sister's best friend growing up. one of the few people with naturally very pale blonde hair I've met. when her parents separated and were going through divorce, she had her emo phase, and let one of her older sister's friends dye it jet black. it didn't look great, but I was happy for her in that she was expressing herself. then my sister came and told me her friend's dad said she had to "dye it back" or some shit. and that's when I knew her dad had no brain because I had been dying my hair at home for years. you don't dye dark hair to get blonde. and if you dye blonde dark, it's a commitment.

No. 2292152

I don't agree that everyone looks their best with their natural hair color. IMO, Katy Perry, Amy Lee and Dita Von Teese look/looked best with black hair, Rihanna, Beyonce and Tyra Banks look/looked best with either red or brown hair, and Tommy February6, Koda Kumi, and Devon Aoki look/looked best with brown or blond hair.
That said, low quality dye jobs and/or wigs are universally hard to pull off. Repost for fucked up grammar.

No. 2292154

I agree, somewhat. although I think Katy looked best in blue hair.

No. 2292158

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Apparently Anya, the female character that's raped by the PROTAGONIST, actually gets pregnant from this encounter. Anya was also designed based off of Shelly Duvall. Devs having a celebrity crush, perhaps? Weird that they would set this character up to be raped, considering that. But then it gets weirder. Anya is apparently going to be voiced by a TiM when the devs release official voice acting for the game. Now, one of you can prove me wrong, but I have the intuition that Anya's character is a fetish for the devs' behalf.

No. 2292161

I would love to have another Covid lock down. Especially now since I’m in school, I’d prefer doing school from home.

No. 2292165

Isn’t it a little dishonest to criticize a story you only know bits and pieces of from second-hand accounts? Are these your actual thoughts, or are you repeating an opinion you’ve heard from someone you admire?

No. 2292168

>Imagine getting SA'd just to see people making jokes and drawing porn of characters that suffered a similar fate to you, I'd be heartbroken
It's not surprising at all but it is a skin-crawling feeling yes. Honestly, do they not know any other ways to write trauma?

No. 2292169

It's a game that's been taken over by gendies who want to fuck the ugly rapist, and the devs are hiring a tranny. You're right, I should not be giving a fuck about this game at all, and should move onto something better, which is objectively anything. I don't trust anything with a tranny in it.

No. 2292171

when women write about it, it’s often because they’ve experienced it themselves and it’ll be the most heart breaking and moving and infuriating piece of art you’ve ever seen. the tale immediately comes to mind. when men write about it, it’s because it turns them on.

No. 2292173

To be fair you do occasionally get deranged exceptions like Fanny kek

No. 2292176

i found the reddit sa support groups really helpful but to probably no one here’s surprise but to my complete shock, every single time i posted without exception i would get 3-5 dms, most of which would start out normal and caring, by men with rape fetishes trying to trick me into telling them details of what happened to me. i would post about my feelings about it mostly, sometimes i would post the events leading up to it and signs that he should have stopped during it without a graphic depiction of what he did. the posts were only “sexual” because of the subject. they were mainly about me wanting to die now. and men saw a suicidal young woman and were like is anyone else going to jerk off to this or tell her she deserved it? i wonder to this day about every man around me’s secret reddit accounts and what they do on there. i was genuinely floored the first few times it happened and it definitely traumatized me further in a way. it was just worth it to me to be able to talk to people who had also been through what i had. they were the only people who could get through to me and make me feel like it wasn’t my fault and i wasn’t dirty now because to have those thoughts, i would have had to read other women’s stories and apply that line of thinking to them and of course i could have never. empathy for them made me treat myself a little better. i think that’s what a lot of women got out of posting there besides tips about medications or strategies to avoid panic attacks and stuff. it’s just fucking sickening that there were just as many men if not more lurking just to harm us. i don’t think of men and women the same now.

No. 2292185

Disgusting, but certainly not surprising at all. I'm very glad that you found sincere comfort and help in those communities that line of thought is also how I learned to be kinder to myself, which, most of the time, is the best we can do but the bitter reality is that being an SA victim is treated differently than being a victim of any other crime and that's just seen as normal.
>I don't think of men and women the same now
Good. That's wisdom. It's horrible and we shouldn't have to accept it, but as you saw yourself, predators are always hunting for what they view as easy targets and men as a collective cannot be trusted. The lazy shock value writing being complained about itt is a consequence of this.

No. 2292194

Anyone can look up a plot synopsis anon.

No. 2292221

I believe women can be pedophiles and can rape children but I don’t believe they can rape men or other women. The only case that would be the exception imo is if they are a handicapped person.
I also think it’s ridiculous that the majority of male artists have some semblance of allegations (especially bands, often pedophilia too) and it doesn’t even leave a dent on their careers, but this doesn’t seem to be the case for women. I’m neither a fan nor have a clue about anything to do with the allegations about Melanie Martinez and that’s exactly why it’s interesting - I know she’s apparently a rapist before I know anything else about her. Yet tell me why it took this long for me to find out my favourite band had a member that repeatedly raped teenagers but “we don’t believe it, she’s probably lying” is apparently acceptable in this case. It’s not fair that women are always held more accountable.

No. 2292235

the problem with the Melanie allegations are that the people making them are vendettafags who have hated her for some time and now see this as a justification to slander her without any care for or the allegations are true or not.
If this was a moid then everyone would have noticed the lies and inconsistencies like how Timothys dates for when that happened don't match up. Idk

No. 2292248

also just to add here is a good thread from a couple of years ago showcasing all of the things Timothy lied about for anyone interested

https://x.com/lovesickpalaces/status/1343946869685153792(this is an imageboard)

No. 2292287

Why wouldn't they be able to rape other women? Some women are physically stronger or more structurally powerful than other women.
If you're a rich woman, you can kind of get away with raping anyone.

No. 2292291

NTA but rape is forceful penetration with a penis. Most of us including many courts of law define it this way since it's inherently a moid exclusive crime. Anything else is sexual assault or molestation.

No. 2292302

I disagree with the need for a penis. Digital rape (ie penetration via fingers) exists, and so does rape with unrelated physical objects. The US also doesn't define rape that way, though the UK does.
To add, by that logic, women also can't rape children.

No. 2292304

rape is penetration of any orifice by anything. it can be a finger. also most rape isn’t violent and by force. it’s by someone you know and a lot is coerced or when the victim is incapacitated.

No. 2292306

Rape is forced sex. That it's considered for a male needing to be involved for it to be considered forced sex, implies that penises have to be involved for the decision of what sex even is. one could use that to make the claim that lesbian sex isn't real sex if it can never even be counted as rape. I've already seen anons take the belief that lesbian sex is literally just glorified third base. I'll let you do with that as you will.

No. 2292316

I’m the original anon, I think lesbian sex is “real” sex (dumb debate, not everything has to revolve around penises) but I don’t think the “rape” people talk about when committed by women is rape. In the case like >>2292287 said, if the woman is genuinely much stronger and is holding them down or is in a position of power or blackmailing them, I suppose I would consider that rape. But if it’s a simple case of coercion or lack of consent I don’t believe a woman can rape neither a woman nor a man and it feels like a psy-op that people are trying to treat it as oh-so the same level to appear progressive.

No. 2292325

Local politics matter even less than federal.
City governments are where classical idea of corruption occurs the most by far.
Electoralism as a whole is just a dead form of political change in America.

No. 2292336

Kekk. Now you made me think about it and it's true most people I saw who passionately hated on summer were always some degree of overweight, usually very autistic too so they didn't like going outside to the beach and other places. While with winter they basically just stay indoors then claim they totally love the winter when they aren't even out in the cold 9 times out of 10. Also winter sucks ass if you don't live somewhere where it snows, it's basically just grey and cold and that's it.

No. 2292341

what if i have money and a house and don't mini mod tho, am i still cool

No. 2292345

wait what? if it’s coercion or there’s a lack of consent it’s not rape? you’d say that about a man doing that to a woman?

No. 2292346

what if i'm hot and rich?

No. 2292348

NTA but it's literally has zoomer written all over it. That alone can make any sane person dislike it.

No. 2292354

I literally said I’m talking about women.

No. 2292369

NTA, but by what logic? If a woman fingers me without consent or coerces me into letting her eat me out, it's just as much of a violation as a moid doing the same.

No. 2292372

That's your personal definition of rape, not the UK's definition. Rape isn't sex and rape is an inherently male crime, sorry lesbians are being excluded from the rapist club I guess. You can still commit sexual assault.

No. 2292373

If you can't get pregnant from it and a woman can never replicate men's force, depravity and misogynistic degenerate behavior then no, it's not the same as when a man does it. Female on female rape is always without exception less brutal and traumatizing than male on female rape. Name a single victim of female rape that experienced the horror Junko Furuta did. Women simply aren't capable of such cruelty.

No. 2292374

I think that in that situation you’re just letting it happen. With a moid there is more to it that makes it dangerous or impossible to try and make it stop. This is different if a woman tries to rape a child or handicapped person (or in rare extreme differences in strength)

No. 2292381

I can't get pregnant from a man's fingers or tongue, but it will always be disgusting and violating. Actually read my post.
>Female on female rape is always without exception less brutal and traumatizing than male on female rape.
This is just minimizing women who have experienced female rape for faux feminist reasons (I say faux because you are siding with female predators over victims, thinking it's a dunk on men - it isn't because they also agree with you and don't think female on female rape is a big deal, they jack off to it). A male on female rape case doesn't need to be Junko Furuta levels to be evil and horrific, so why do you make that a rule for female on female rape?

No. 2292382

>I think that in that situation you’re just letting it happen
Victim blaming moment

No. 2292383

Thinking women can’t sexually assault other women is why you fat dykes are all just barely a step above incels.

No. 2292385

>you’re just letting it happen
regardless of whether woman-on-woman sa is rape, this is a vile thing to say about any sexual assault.

No. 2292391

File: 1733503703790.jpg (55.25 KB, 736x514, 189a61e237e4851ad04f66e11d8f25…)

>Thinking women can’t sexually assault other women is why you fat dykes are all just barely a step above incels.

No. 2292392

yeah i agree the victim blaming had me floored. i literally hope this person doesn’t ever experience someone they love and trust not taking no for an answer and taking what they want from them because it is just as traumatic and your hands are just as tied as if you’re being physically held down.

No. 2292394

This reminds me of that group of girls that killed another girl because she was kind of flirting with the gang's leader ex girlfriend. They literally put stuff into her hours before killing her, I'd say that's literally rape not just SA. If you get "creative" with it, a woman can very much traumatize or rape at the same level a moid could

No. 2292399

If a man fingers/eats you out without consent, that'd still be sexual assault, not rape as it wasn't forceful penetration with a penis. Read my post.
>This is just minimizing women who have experienced female rape for faux feminist reasons (I say faux because you are siding with female predators over victims
If I say someone without an arm doesn't have it nearly as bad as someone with no limbs at all, that's not "minimizing their experience as victims", moralfag, it's an objective observation of reality. What they experienced was still horrible, but there's still levels to trauma and it's not comparable to victims of male rape who almost never make it out alive. Faux feminist reasons kekkk go back to reddit where you and all the trannies can kiki about female rapists being a thousand times worse than males because men's rights. No one sided with female predators over victims, go back retarded moralfag. If you can't name a single victim of a female rapist that ended up with her arms cut off, throat slit and thrown down a highway left for dead after the rape, then no, females who commit coercion aren't "just as bad" as male rapists.

No. 2292401

Is it not obvious that straight women argue the case women can’t rape much more kek wtf? Lesbians defend the idea so as to defend that lesbian sex is real sex

No. 2292402

>Name a single victim of female rape that experienced the horror Junko Furuta did
Silvia Jenkins, easily. And before y'all come at me saying they just abused her, no, the women also forcefully SAd her with objects, so stfu

No. 2292404

It's insane because they think they're keeping the focus on male violence on women. They aren't, because no one was ever even thinking of female violence on women in the first place. Men can't even pretend to give a fuck. Victims of female on female rape go ignored and unheard all the fucking time because straight men think it doesn't matter unless a dick was involved, ignorant straight women think "Oh, well how bad could it have been with no dick involved?" and both SSA and non-SSA women who want to be able to prey on other women without accountability both say and think "I don't have a dick, it wasn't that bad, you are just hysterical". All these people are actually obsessed with muh almighty power of the penis contrasted with some inherently submissive state of existence in womanhood that makes women doing harm somehow negligible, and I wish castration on them. They all secretly agree with bj-chan, lmao.
On a statistical level, one is more common than the other, but 1) that doesn't actually matter outside of debate and political theory, rape is still rape (I understand that for some retards, all of these things only exist in the vacuum of debate and theory, and they have no care/understanding of it in real life) and 2) most victims don't report anyway.
Literally nothing is gained for women with this "Women can't rape women" horseshit, idiots have gone so far to shine a light on men's violence that they step on other women and victim blame them.

No. 2292408

You can take pride in living longer than someone else, especially when lots of people won't even make it to your age, be it due to bad luck or just having an objectively inferior body that can't survive long term. You could be the biggest loser ever to society but if you are healthy and old you already succeeded at life because your goal as an organism is to live. Obviously it's cool to be rich and have your own house but those are just artificial, manmade measures of success. That said, I wouldn't brag about age to random people because that's just kind of weird.

No. 2292412

Unless you've personally experienced being tied/held down, how would you know? aren't you minimizing other victim's worse experiences by saying your coercion experience was just as bad?

No. 2292413

>If a man fingers/eats you out without consent, that'd still be sexual assault, not rape as it wasn't forceful penetration with a penis. Read my post.
What country do you live in? Not all or even most countries follow this logic because it was made up by men obsessed with their own peepees and looking to excuse themselves for using other things to violate others.
>If I say someone without an arm…
No, retard. You tried to "whataboutism" female rape because it doesn't match with your flawed political view. You brought up an extreme case on purpose. Show me one example of you feeling the need to tell a woman who was raped/assaulted by a man that it doesn't count because she wasn't Junko Furuta. Go look up Shanda Sharer, then find her family members and inform them what she went through shouldn't be considered rape and torture because it was other girls raping her with a foreign objects and abusing her. "N-no it's not victim blaming it's just not as bad tee-hee" female socialization is really a trip. You go back to Reddit and fellate some more dick, talking about how trauma is only its most severe with a penis involved while nasty men can jack off thinking about it. Kill yourself.(a-logging)

No. 2292414

Would it kill you guys to actually use paragraphs and divide your post accordingly? I swear you'll not automatically turn into a redditor

No. 2292417

As if defining rape as an inherently male crime benefited MEN kekkkkkk, you do realize amplifying the definition of rape to include sexual assault committed by women just gives them the opportunity to falsely accuse women of rape, which they wouldn't be able to do if we continue to define rape as an exclusively male crime?
Nobody's denying that women can commit sexual assault, retardnona. Just that it's not the same as rape. Enjoy your ban for a-logging, unintegrated sped!

No. 2292418

Using proper paragraphs literally gets redtexted as (reddit spacing). Are you new?

No. 2292419

you sound like a reactionary. No one here thinks that or said that female rapists are worse. Meanwhile you said that female on female is LESS worse. Both are bad. Why are you trying to make this a competition? Makes me think you are hiding some skeletons under your closet or have SA'd a female acquaintance

No. 2292420

Every day it's the same thing. Every day it's the exact same thing. Every day is a reenactment of a reenactment. You have had this exact same discussion ten thousand times. In the next life, will you continue? When will this discussion end? Will it end in this life, or the next, or the one after? Will it ever end?

No. 2292421

Nta you sound deeply mentally challenged, like seriously. This is embarrassing. Of all the hills to die on…

No. 2292424

Agreed and men also get off on and fap to female on female rape so i don't understand why the polilez's try to excuse that and say it's not that bad.

No. 2292425

I don't care about your retarded tinfoil kek, male rape IS inherently worse in every way.

No. 2292428

Back to reddit, handmaiden

No. 2292429

Samefag, notice how the one who attempted to make an argument about "which is just as bad" is you after insisting coerced female on female rape simply wasn't real. Moving the goalposts and calling women "moralfags" for caring about female rape victims, can't make this shit up.

Sure, pickme. That law was devised by the based feminist women who still run the justice system today, that's totally how it happened.
>muh false accusations
Spoken just like a rape apologist MRA. Do you know how statistically insignificant false rape accusations are? How many rapists walk free anyway, and how difficult it is to even report a rape for victims? What next, "I'm afraid to be alone with other women because what if they accuse me of rape"?
Go worship men's balls and validate both their lesbian rape fetishes ("not as bad as when it's a male raping them anyway") and straight ones ("yes destroy that whore with your mighty dick") some more. I know it's your favorite thing to do.

No. 2292430

Tell me why does this site romantizes lesbians so much again? They're insufferable and usually creepy tbh,(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 2292431

>extreme piety, asocial behaviour, neuro divergence
Wife requirements
>There are some states of being that should not even be legal because it is so unethical
Nice way to say you're uncomfortable with pain and would rather see someone die than be in pain (or old, depending on the euthanasia defender)
>But I do think euthanasia isn't a bad thing depending on the case
This is how it started out in countries that are currently mostly 'assisting' mentally ill women with suicide
Exactly. I don't think AYRT means it but she sounds like rape is only bad to her because moids are the ones who overwhelmingly commit it. It's not about rape in itself and what it does to human beings
>victims of male rape who almost never make it out alive.
Wow, you're retarded.
Nailed it.

No. 2292434

and we all agree that male rape is wrong but you are obviously lacking empathy for women of female violence too considering in your other post you literally refer to female on female rape as being just ''coercion'' >>2292412
you are a retard who refers to rape as coercion, your opinion is worthless

No. 2292437

the people being insufferable and creepy are not the lesbians. Its the febfems and the straight ones who identify as political lesbians.
A actual lesbian would never defend female on female rape.
Stop blaming lesbians for the things moid trolls and political lesbian larpers post.

No. 2292438

because i have experienced different types of assault and sexual assault and a lot of victims have also. i would never say one was worse but a lot of people do have the opinion actually that some of their assaults that were less violent but by people they trusted fucked them up worse. it’s not necessarily the physical trauma that sticks with a person unless they are permanently injured scarred or disfigured. it’s the psychological aspects of abuse. it’s the same with physical abuse and it’s why men don’t understand why rape is worse. it’s not just that you are physically hurt it’s that you were also degraded and emotionally traumatized. i don’t trust strangers but i was never supposed to. i don’t trust the people i’m supposed to and that’s hard for people to understand.

No. 2292447

Anons love finding excuses to say shit about lesbians. You see us as just men. If I denounced straight women every time they were retarded everyone here would hate me but maybe I should since clearly the benefit of the doubt is a one way street. Men are terrible, but straight women are in second place for sure.

No. 2292449

Is it wrong that i get aroused when i imagine a threesome between donald trump, putin and elon musk and that elon is the bottom taking both of them?

No. 2292457

this is a moid troll everyone, don't reply and just report.

No. 2292459

It's funny how everytime shit hits the fan and anons start infighting, a random fujo comes out of the woodworks and shares her gross fetishes outta nowhere. Like, nobody asked yet they do it anyway, it's like getting flashed

No. 2292463

your welcome

No. 2292464

No I agree (half ironically). And why would moids say this? They love straight womens’ Stockholm Syndrome. But even though I only I agree semi-seriously, my unpopular opinion is that it’s completely fair to only respect straight volcels. The ones leashed to a Nigel I treat nicely but they’re almost always in a pathetic situation and that just makes me depressed

No. 2292469

Samefagging, nigelfags are still better than the retarded one night stand whores. You always know when you meet a woman who engages in one night stands because they act a certain way around moids and it’s so fucking cringe. Even worse when they’re bi (or “bi”)

No. 2292472

from what i observed women like you who say shit like this online always end up being the biggest cocksuckers in real life. Reminds me of all those rudefems where a majority of them got exposed for being bisexual and straight in real life meanwhile online they were like ''death to all bisluts, straight women are our enemy blah blah''. Your extreme views are a projection of your guilt.

No. 2292473

>not fucking men on your 20s makes you a defective autist
kek OF hoes are not business savvy or rich. the average ewhore makes about 200 dollars a month and now her whole reputation is ruined, she will never have a career and also can't be a sahm because no man wants a used unclean whore raising his kids. You're going to end in the streets getting pimped out just like an other crackwhore. And this isn't an "incel take" it's a fact and everyone who isn't an airheaded bimbo knows it.

No. 2292483

Anons always say this kek. And somehow it’s ok to call lesbians “akshually cocksuckers” but when anyone denounces fellatio as degrading everyone and their mother comes on here and talks about how meaaan that is and it’s totes misogynistic. I don’t hate bisexuals though. I’ve had much worse experiences with straight women and the “bisluts” anons sperg about are probably just straight anyway. And I don’t hate straight women, volcels are based. They rolled an unlucky draw in who they are attracted to but have the self-control and mind to not be retarded.

No. 2292492

so posts like this >>2292383 bashing lesbians get to stay up but criticizing straight women is suddenly not okay

No. 2292493

70% of fat dykes are actually genderqueer goblins who are definitely not lesbian

No. 2292494

sometimes i feel like some anons here are 2 seconds away from admitting how they really feel about prostitutes and pulling the 50's housewife sentiment or scrote sentiment of ''how dare my scrote go see those filthy sluts if it wasn't for them my scrote wouldn't be sleeping around with other women, all prostitues belong behind a dumpster and i don't care what happens to them and don't see them as human beings'' or the ''they are dirty, they have been touched, they are no longer pure'' but they hold themselves back because their takes won't be as palatable..

I am someone who is very critical of porn and prostitution but i do not agree with some of the takes here because they come from a place of malice and Intrasexual competition instead of a place of care and worry for women.

No. 2292495

you’re right that that’s what happens but you don’t have to sexually degrade the woman who is a victim of circumstance or social conditioning. like it’s worthy of at least pity if you’re not good at empathy.

No. 2292496

wow you just said exactly what i was thinking

No. 2292499

A lot of women are too emotional, too annoying, too obnoxious to be around and are quick to use emotional manipulation and teenage girl tactics to get what they want despite them being adults. Older women are much easier to be around as they’re able to regulate their emotions but their version of “regulating” them is by being a passive aggressive little cunt to everybody instead of being confrontational.

No. 2292502

The only time LCfags will defend lesbians is defending their right to qualify as rapists

No. 2292503

Ok on the topic of prostitutes I wonder all the time what makes a woman decide to become one. My older sister was a licensed beautician (or whatever it’s called now) and she still quit her job to become a whore. What gives?

No. 2292504

yeah i have been critical of the porn industry and prostitution since 2018 and it's really exhausting when i go look at anti-porn spaces and they are just filled with tradthots who hate women or men who are on their no-fap journey talking about prostituted women as if they are not human and are the cause of every bad thing, like there is zero empathy from these people.

I hate getting lumped in with misogynists and i hate how pickmes/misogynists use anti-porn as a excuse to rage on women and put the blame on them for men being coomers.

No. 2292506

bitch I don't care about men or what they do. my livehood doesn't depend on men liking my pussy. It just pisses me off when whores think they can shit on virgin women and claim they are superior because they regret their shitty choices deep down. Funny how you didn't bother to defend virgin women earlier. Do they not count as women unless they fuck men?

No. 2292510

NTA but what qualifies as a tradthot these days? Is it just any woman who’s married to a man and happens to be religious? Because usually actual trad women aren’t in online spaces

No. 2292512

I think many anons have empathy for trafficking victims and women who are getting abused while just trying to survive, and anger toward people that perpetuate these systems. There seems to be less sympathy for certain types of prostitution such as the phenomenon of first world women joinging OF for example, who are choosing to degrade themselves because they think it's an easy paycheck.

No. 2292513

Males can’t get raped, sodomized sure, but not raped because they can clearly defend themselves against it while women mostly can’t, try getting into an intimate moment with a scrote completely alone with him and you’re getting chased through that room and that huge roid pig shoved you down because males are physically stronger than women. Your little socialization bullshit isn’t going to explain why they have such a strong natural interest in domination and violence. Case closed.

No. 2292515

im literally a volcel, are hostile as fuck and just like a moid you only know how to call women bitches or whores. I have the human ability of empathy that's why i defend when someone is very clearly being malicious and ingenuine also i didn't see whatever argument about virgin women was had because i don't sit on this thread all day unlike you.

No. 2292517

i hate how men can pretend anyone critical is just trad and some kind of bigot too. like it’s to try and make you look bad so they can abuse women freely lmao. i hate them.

No. 2292519

anon…bless your heart but you are very clearly gullible if you think these types of posters don't feel the same way about street prostitutes and poor/druggie ones.

No. 2292521

darwinism? low iq?

No. 2292522

i think it’s in their head because i didn’t see anything about that. i was a virgin until i was forced and i hate sex and i was treated A LOT better before i was raped and still had my virginity.

No. 2292523

What do you mean "2 seconds away"? I've already seen anons say the most vile shit possible about women in prostitution. They do not think of them as people. I don't know if you've noticed anon, but we have a lot of mentally unstable, aggressive and socially ignorant freaks on this site. Most of it is just rage bait anyway.

No. 2292525

Every time a male says he was raped make sure to laugh in his face and take joy and pleasure from his fake victimhood. Males enjoy their sodomy which is why they make jokes about it and wish it would happen to them because even they are honest and know that even consensual sex borders into rape/compulsory territory. Women are forever traumatized and shattered because of rape, males think their emasculation and hatred towards another male/crazy female cucking him is the same as a rape victim which are young children. Funny enough how they seriously think women ar rob the same level and can even become a rapist, even 9 year old little scrotes figure out how to go and rape other little girls because it’s in their genetics to do so and a culture that encourages this genetic behavior as well with pornography and retarded parenting.

No. 2292526

>i was a virgin until i was forced and i hate sex and i was treated A LOT better before i was raped and still had my virginity.
What the fuck? I'm sorry nonna.

No. 2292527

well that's what I have observed from my time here, but maybe you're right. people suck

No. 2292528

I’ve never seen a moid say he was raped, they always enjoy sex

No. 2292531

Male interactions just ooze homoeroticism. You know I don't think males are capable of going even a few moments without thinking of their dicks.

No. 2292533

They enjoy being sodomized, idc

No. 2292535

All males are basically faggots who use straight women as surrogates to perpetuate their genes

No. 2292539

I feel bad for trafficked women in third world countries/drug addicts etc but not for privileged American bitches like shayna who were given everything on a silver platter but still chose to let men use them for cash and they act like it makes them "sexy and business savy".

No. 2292540

Sometimes I try to picture what they look like, or what their lives are like, and it's always really sad. The asylums should never have been closed.

No. 2292546

Your post ends in 420, that's good news for me

No. 2292554

reading the lesbophobic posts here was a wild ride, but honestly, unpopular opinion incoming: there are loads of misogynistic ssa women out there who say the most degrading shit against women, specifically against straight women, that obvious creates a cycle of shit flinging on both sides. had i been born a straight woman and was victimized by sexism from pretty much everybody in my life, and then come across a lesbian/bi woman who swears they are "all for women uwu" who says degrading things to me just because i'm exclusively attracted to the oppressive class.. i think i would've snapped eventually tbh. it doesn't make lesbophobia right, don't get me wrong, homophobia is still homophobia by any other name, but being in certain lesbian circles over the year, i've definitely overheard of disgusting things said about straight women. that said, if you're a het who's on a mission to get a lesbian fired from her job or something because you're uncomfy with her orientation, yeah you should kill yourself.

No. 2292555

As gross and horrible as I think it is for western women to do this shit to themselves a la Shayna, I can still find sympathy and pity for them. Women are brought up believing their body is the only thing they have of value. Ignorance isn't something I have hate for. If someone doesn't get it, then they just don't fucking get it. Either because they're stupid or because it's never been explained to them in a way that resonates with them. My belief is that having compassion for even the Shayna's of the world means that there is still a chance I can help them recognize their own ignorance and they learn some fucking shame. If I come at them with vitriol, it only perpetuates the issue. In my opinion.

No. 2292558

Good post anon

No. 2292561

As a straight woman, I've never felt objectified or degraded by a lesbian. The only similar thing I can think of is retards like BrujoAri who derail conversations about female objectification in Hollywood like Doja Cat basically performing naked by going "HGGNNGN BOOBAAA", but that's because she's a spicy bihet who has to overcompensate by faking her attraction to women and imitating moids. Most lesbians I've come across are too self aware and guilty of coming off as predatory they hardly say anything, and most are into butches or masc women anyways.

No. 2292567

I hate how you can't talk about being abused in any form by women in most "radfem" spaces now because all women are pure and good and the people who screech at victims of female-on-female abuse are often polilez straights who think they're defending lesbians but obviously make them look worse. Talking about being groomed by an adult woman as a girl or having a male abuser's handmaiden gf abuse you is seen as a dirty little secret.
But to this post, no actual lesbian thinks women can't SA other women, kek.

No. 2292568

Both your post and hers are anecdotes, so making these sweeping generalizations really does nothing for the conversation. None of us have a control group of lesbians we are studying.

No. 2292573

They're still going?

No. 2292578

She is always the mediator, the angel sent by the Goddess. Be grateful for her existence!

No. 2292579


Thread has reached 1100 posts. The thread will be locked and you will be unable to post in it shortly after it exceeds 1200 posts. Please begin preparing a new thread and post a link to it when it's created.

No. 2292580

To you this is all about feeling superior to straight women and nothing more.

No. 2292581

Well, duh, I'm sharing my own anecdotal experience as someone straight, not conducting a serious investigation. Are you retarded?

No. 2292585

>warn str8 women about men
>"ummm acktshually you just want to feel superior to us!"

No. 2292586

>male brained straight women
It's called over compensation for her own internalized misogyny. You don't have to forgive her for being vile but you aren't better for holding hatred for straight women because of your bad experience. If you were as mature as you think you are, you'd understand why a woman might say such disgusting things and realize the problem is still males.

No. 2292587

You think straight women need to be warned about men? So now you're the lesbian savior of the straight women? But also, you hate them and they're shitty whores. Okay, thanks professor.

No. 2292588

you are cow-brained, not everything revolves around you and your stupid cow. Adding Shayna out of all people into this discussion to defend anons who use being anti-porn as a excuse to be misogynistic just proves how the anon saying this place has the most brainrotted mental people is right.

No one cares about your shithole thread where all day you spend looking at some woman's nudes and commenting on her vagina.

No. 2292591

anon, honestly i wonder if these are just male trollS? like the percentage of posters here if you turned their webcams on i wonder how many of them would even be women.

No. 2292592

Lmfao ask yourself that. Why even make the post contradicting someone else's anecdote if it wasn't to do just that, contradict? You don't need to stand up for lesbians and lesbians don't need to stand up for straights. Stop making your sexual orientation so fucking important. God the infighting with women is so fucking pathetic.

No. 2292594

i wasnt AYRT, retard. and anyways, how would a man benefit from trying to push straight women to stop engaging with men? that makes no sense

No. 2292596

It's about creating rage bait and division, I don't necessarily think it's a male posting but I can understand the anons line of reasoning.

No. 2292597

ok so this site really is filled with mentally unstable anons taking out their traume out on other women.

Guess fucking what i had a terrible experience with two lesbians irl but im not going to go label them all as being pickmes or pedos because i am not a retard like you.

No. 2292599

arguing about lesbains is boring can we be done now?

No. 2292600

so you think all straight women are sugar babies who are sucking dick?? You need to lay off the porn and go outside and maybe talk to some women.

No. 2292601

Nta but you don't understand men online. They just love ragebaiting and seeing everyone eat each other, especially women. It's all amusement

No. 2292604

>i don’t hate straight women? i just think that they are usually the ones who are awful to women?
What a ridiculous statement. Majority of women are straight women. You think women are more awful than men are to women? You think her words are more harmful to you than the man who raped you? No I didn't think so. One mentally ill woman taking out all of her rage and feelings of inadequacy on you does not represent the whole of womankind.

No. 2292605

i didn’t say any of that i am a completely different person than those posters i was not in that argument i am just complaining about why we have to pretend it’s lesbians who are the problem and be homophobic? when i’ve never heard a lesbian say that shit ever. only women who are defending men.

No. 2292607

>i just think that [straight women] are usually the ones who are awful to women?
NTA but it sounds like you still hold her more accountable than you do your actual rapist. Sperging about how not even reddit moids were that vile to you as if that proves women are indeed more nasty, when the one who raped you is still a man.

No. 2292608

the type of women who are usually awful to women. not the type of person in general. obviously men are worse and my rapist is the worst person on this planet.

No. 2292609

Piss poor bait, get better at it.

No. 2292610

>the type of women who are usually awful to women
Again, majority of women are straight women your statement makes no rational sense.

No. 2292611

it doesn't need to make sense because they are baiters who want to create division amongst women.

No. 2292613

oh my god. the worst type of woman is a straight woman defending a rapist. the worst type of person is a rapist. can you guys stop being mean to me now.

No. 2292614

Even if she isn't baiting and is just really caught in her emotions, which makes sense, it's a traumatic thing that's happened to her and this girl came at her with full force of her own emotions, it's tragic. But regardless, this discussion is pointless and only makes us all angrier and only reenforces our own biases because we are using hateful language and obviously no one's mind is changed through aggressive speech. We're just wasting our time. This place makes me sad, not gonna lie.

No. 2292615

attention seeking bpd baiter

No. 2292619

Okay anon, your anecdote, while tragic, doesn't take into account the billions of other possible anecdotes. Want to hear one now? When I was sexually assaulted at a party at 16 by a 23 year old man, his biggest defender was a lesbian from my class. Do you see now why your statement is just garbage?

No. 2292620

Nta but god this really confirms it for me. Straight women want to have their cake and eat it. You tell a woman who is clearly absolutely traumatised that she should hold men in general accountable for what a straight women said about her rape? What the fuck? Why are you even defending that pickme bitch? You can hate both men and retarded handmaidens, some of you act like you can only do one or the other.

No. 2292621

yes. that’s shocking to me. i wonder what she even got out of that. that’s disgusting. i’m very sorry that happened to you.

No. 2292624

>Straight women want to have their cake and eat it
They already do anon

No. 2292625

this might blow your mind but not every het/bi woman is a dick sucking sugar baby handmaiden centering men. Are you ok

No. 2292626

anons love to pretend everyone they’re talking to is the same person, and that every woman who posts an opinion they don’t like is a lesbian

No. 2292629

You make sense anon, I’m sorry you’re reliving your trauma by arguing with anons about it. Your feelings are completely normal.

No. 2292630

>Do you see now why your statement is just garbage?
No, why would your obviously fake r/thathappened "and everyone clapped" lesbophobic bait make me change my mind? Back to reddit, you don't get any karmafarming here

No. 2292631

I really suggest you calm down and read more carefully. I clearly said she isn't to be forgiven and what she did was vile. It's about understanding why some women do what they do because that understanding is what leads to change. The core of the issue is MEN and the reason that girl acted that way is because of MEN. And clearly that girl was mentally ill to be saying such horrific things to a survivor of rape, so giving her words so much weight only hurts herself. She needs to let go of that, especially if it's painting her experience of all straight women.

No. 2292635

Wow, so now because my own experience doesn't fit within your narrative I'm lying and making it up? This is a real traumatic experience I went through and you think you can invalidate me because you don't like it???

No. 2292636

yeah i came into this discussion after the really bad posts and i didn’t say anything nasty or misogynistic about any type of woman. i think they mistook me as the person saying awful things about women who have sex with men but why would that have been me. i posted what a horrible woman said about me for being raped and it made me feel awful and my post was about that. why would i have just been saying awful things about women too. it just makes me feel worse lol. and obviously i hate my rapist the most why would that woman have even known about it if i hadn’t come forward against him and what he had done to me.

No. 2292637

>and the biggest defender was a lesbian
Well, aren’t you gonna tell us who it was, anon? Go on, post her name or instagram username so we can confirm your story.

No. 2292638

Nobody defended the pickme, absolute retard. We're saying it makes no sense to paint straight women as the final boss of all evil when a moid was still the one who raped her. Learn2read, retarded sperg

No. 2292640

Thank you anon, thank you for having the maturity and compassion to say that

No. 2292641

NTA but it’s obviously falsified, nonny. And adding a bunch of question marks isn’t making anyone wanna believe you more.

No. 2292642

it's just hilarious how they say these things about straight women and talk about them like all straight women are whores and bitches (doesn't that mean that their mother is a whore too by their logic) but if you tell them to stop then they get upset and accuse you of attacking all lesbians, such fragile people ong, they can dish it but they can't take it.
funny how you are now behaving just like that straight girl in your made up story, so everyone's story is fake except for yours.

No. 2292643

>This is a real traumatic experience I went through and you think you can invalidate me because you don't like it???
No, I can invalidate it because it's clearly and obviously fake. Try harder on your bait next time

No. 2292644

>I was raped and the rapists biggest defender was the class lesbian!
Literally sounds like a tumblr engagement bait post from 2016

No. 2292645

Which straight girl in which story? You're lost, retard

No. 2292646

Would you say this to the anon who had the experience with the straight woman saying vile things to her?

No. 2292649

>And clearly that girl was mentally ill to be saying such horrific things to a survivor of rape
Oh boo hoo, poor her… poor victimised girl who is only a pickme bitch because of scrotes… Shut the fuck up. Have some accountability. Straight handmaidens aren’t some oogo boogoo babies who can’t think for themselves.

No. 2292650

Holy shit. This really happened to me.

No. 2292651

No I wouldn’t, because it’s obvious that this little fantasy was cooked up just right now for the sake of the conversation in an attempt to make lesbians look bad. I’m not even a lesbian but you didn’t do a very good job.

No. 2292653

your mother is a whore who met your father by escorting….such a loose hetty betty. She let a man cum inside her…can you believe that???? FILTHY WHORE. She probably sucks dick too.

No. 2292654

Accountability for what? Straightness?

No. 2292655

Yeah, yeah. Try reddit, I'm sure you'll get your updoots and asspats there

No. 2292656

Well if you say something that sounds like it’s fake on an anonymous imageboard, sorry, but people aren’t going to take you seriously kek. Unless you’d like to tell us which lesbian did that to you?

No. 2292658

No, it's not a fucking fantasy and I shouldn't have to defend myself because I chose to share something like this. I can't believe this right now.

No. 2292659

NTA but now you just sound insane kek, go lie about being a victim of bullying after sexual assault somewhere else.

No. 2292662

That is NOT me, that is some other anon.

No. 2292663

Just like I don’t believe your “lesbian defended male rapist” story

No. 2292665

>give me the name passport and picture so i will believe that

also you:

No. 2292667

What do you mean "which lesbian?" We were both 16 years old and I don't hold this against her, we were literally children!

No. 2292668

Literally who said that. Stop putting words in people’s mouths and pretending lesbians said it. It’s like your insecurity makes you fantasise about how the scary lesbians who think they’re superior to you must think about you

No. 2292670

Are there no anons from backwater shithole towns? I've met a few trashy lesbians who would defend a rapist, don't know why this is such an improbable story. Inb4 we don't believe you!!!! I'm NTA.

No. 2292671

kek that's not me, your mother is a hettie betty, how do you live with that?

No. 2292674

For fucking being a handmaiden you retard. It wasn’t a man who was saying those traumatising things to her.

No. 2292675

The fucking Tumblr moralfaggy victim speak, my sides kekkkkkk. It really thinks we're gonna believe it if it larps as indignant enough

No. 2292676

i’m sorry people are being mean. people are fucking AWFUL to rape victims i have no idea why anyone thinks anyone would ever benefit from coming forward because of how much backlash there is. every time. i don’t understand why that girl was like that but i believe you. because people are literally like that for no fucking reason. just to hurt others. it’s not really that wild to believe that someone would act like that towards you. i swear a man could do ANYTHING and random people would pop out of the woodwork just to defend him still.

No. 2292677

This entire conservation is so terminally online it's painful to read. A woman being a lesbian doesn't automatically mean that she's a good person, a woman being straight doesn't automatically mean that she's a bad person. Someone's sexuality is not their personality. People are individuals regardless of their sexual orientation.

No. 2292679

>I don’t hold it against her even though I’m still posting about it on lolcow all these years later
And this confirmed that the story is fake kek, 16 is way too old to be defending a rapist, and I’d also hold that against someone for the rest of their lives if I had that experience.

No. 2292681

Were you homeschooled your whole life? This is such a bait coded reply.

No. 2292682

>I don't hold this against her, we were literally children!
You were literally trying to use your r/thathappened story as proof lesbians are evil rape apologist KEK wdym you don't hold it against her, retard?

No. 2292684

I wasn’t participating in this convo and was just lurking until she tried to say that the biggest rape defender she ever encountered was a lesbian classmate kek, and I don’t really believe it because it sounds fake as fuck and made up for the purpose of having a response during this argument.

No. 2292686

Thank you anon. It's not like it was for no reason, she was deep in his friend group, and she was a kid like me so yeah she said some really dumb shit to me. I even thought she was right too, because I wore a mini denim skirt and drank hard liquor for the first time. It was 2011 and things were different then, people gave way less of a shit about victims then than they do now.

No. 2292687

Your mother is straight and has given oral before.

No. 2292689

Do you know what bait is? How is that bait at all? 16 years old is way too old to be defending a rapist, and I don’t understand how homeschooling is related to this conversation? I went to public school personally

No. 2292690

You get to just invalidate rape victims when it's convenient to you? I didn't say I was raped by the way, it was assault. I was passed out and he did stuff to me orally.

No. 2292691

File: 1733510811570.jpeg (26.55 KB, 700x460, IMG_2509.jpeg)

No. 2292694

>straight (presumably adult) woman tells a rape victim she’s a whore and traumatises her
>”Ummm the reason is scrotes! You should be blaming scrotes for this not straight women! It’s scrotes’ fault!”
>16-year-old dyke “allegedly” defended male rapist
>”See! Seeee!! What did we say about dykes!”
kek the double standard is real. no accountability for handmaidens but so quick to point fingers at lesbians. how can no one see how retarded this is, it’s like you don’t hear yourselves

No. 2292695

Nta but are you attempting at changing the topic of conversation now because you’re angry none of us swallowed your spoonful of creamed corn? Go back.

No. 2292696

disown your mom or you're not a real lesbian separatist radfem.

No. 2292697

Women are only handmaidens because they wanna get picked by moids. What would a lesbian have to gain from defending a rapist man? I swear some of you retards act like it's incomprehensible to acknowledge a woman who's free from the moid attraction psyops is less likely to defend moids. Lesbians are on average more feminist than straight/bi women because they don't have to brainwash themselves into ignoring male pattern violence

No. 2292698

i was the person she told the story in response to and i believe her. she wasn’t using it as an excuse to say lesbians were evil. she was trying to say that all kinds of people do it, she has a story too of the opposite of what i was saying, and it doesn’t mean that sexual orientation is a factor in her case either.

No. 2292699

>You were literally trying to use your r/thathappened story as proof lesbians are evil
That is not what I was doing and if you were actually reading the conversation you would have clearly seen that. I decided to tell this to her because I was trying to make a point that saying "straight women are the most awful to other women" is a bizarre statement to make because of a personal experience.

No. 2292700

And so has yours. Do you really think this hurts anyone?

No. 2292702

THANK YOU anon, oh my god. Your opinion on this is the only one that really matters to me right now because you're the one I was speaking to so I REALLY appreciate your response.

No. 2292703

>You get to just invalidate rape victims when it's convenient to you?
Anon, it sounds like you’re misinterpreting our responses to you. We’re saying the story you’re telling us about your lesbian classmate defending your rapist (oral rape) sounds fake. Not that you’ve never been sexually assaulted. The tale you’re trying to tell us about the lesbian in your class trying to defend the guy who raped your mouth is obviously false.

No. 2292704

>The tale you’re trying to tell us about the lesbian in your class trying to defend the guy who raped your mouth is obviously false.
What makes it obviously fake? He didn't rape my mouth, he did the oral on me. What makes it fake? Because she was a lesbian?

No. 2292705

And the cherry on top, usually victims of rape don’t go around describing how we were raped but, y’know, I guess this anon is just NLOG

No. 2292707

how many times do i have to tell you i have nothing to do with that other anon whose story you keep calling fake because lesbians are all feminist angels who would never behave like pickmes in real life.
bruh, i swear i am talking to terminally online people. Very clearly people whose only lesbian experience is though the internet and through radfem separatist echo chambers. Go talk to them irl. They're humans with different values and can be pickmes just like hetero women.
im not the one saying shit about straight women now am i? Walk what you preach.

No. 2292709

Literally no one is talking about oral sex with moids and mothers, I don’t know why you’re trying to insert this into the argument.

No. 2292711

what in the tumblr, go back.

No. 2292712

Post the lesbian if real.

No. 2292713

Yeah I think you going out of your way to specify that a gasp lesbian defended your rapist sounds like it was made up for the sake of conversation

No. 2292716

people should have cared because what happened to you was horrifying in like a dozen different ways. that man should be dead for even being at the same party as a child your age and i can’t say what he actually deserves for the rest of his behavior because i’ll be banned. i’m sorry people are saying awful things to you right now because of a small portion of your story and how it was initially presented. i actually find this really upsetting to even see happen to you and i wish they would stop because it’s exactly the behavior they’re claiming to condemn and it’s not at all what you were trying to do to me when you explained why you didn’t agree with my reasoning. there is absolutely no reason to treat you this way and it’s discouraging to see.

No. 2292718

Oh you're right, I'm being a victim all wrong. Thanks for reminding me how I'm supposed to talk about the assault.

No. 2292719

Twitter zoomer polilezzes itt seething kek. Most of you are bisexual or ashamed straighties anyway.

No. 2292720

No, nobody ever said lesbians are angels. I’m just saying your hyperspecified story about the lesbian classmate sounds falsified. All there is to it.

No. 2292722

You’re welcome!

No. 2292724

>ooo oo the lesbians are actually bi and ashamed of being attracted to men
Say something else for once…

No. 2292725

Thanks again anon. I just need to stop responding. This isn't what I expected to get in response. I thought my point would be clear, but this is lc so it's my own mistake. I feel like such a fucking idiot.

No. 2292726


Thread has exceeded 1200 posts and is about to be locked! Please create a new thread and post a link to it.

No. 2292727

And if it wasn’t made up you wouldn’t feel the need to defend the imaginary lesbian, either

No. 2292729

Integrate or go back,tiktoktard. I've met lesbians irl and my point still stands: On average, they're more feminist because they're not shackled to their attraction to moids and thus don't ignore their violence and sexism. No one is saying lesbians are all mother Theresa, just that they're less likely than anyone to be rape apologists.
It's such a painfully unintegrated tumblrtard kek it's actually really funny

No. 2292731

I'll say something else when it stops being true.

No. 2292732

That's not me you're responding to.

No. 2292733

it was the
>she was a child, i don’t hold it against her!
for me keeek

No. 2292734

Why am I going to hold it against her when we were so young? Like I'm supposed to believe she'd still be this way 13 years later?

No. 2294126

She’s literally in here degrading women for being virgins. It’s deserved.

No. 2294267

The world would be a much better place of it was ruled by undying omni-benevolent god queens. I know monarchies are outdated but I get why they were popular. Unfortunately the good rulers would die and get replaced with bad rulers, if only some immortal beings could descend from the heavens and Shepard us to peace.

No. 2294322

>it's the x for me
go back tiktok/redditard

No. 2450358

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I hate only fans and online sex work so much, I constantly see young girls that get popular online completely diverge from what they were passionate about in order to do sex work. Nora Fawn is an example, the reason she got popular in the first place was because of her fashion but as she got more popular she started doing online sex work. Obviously it was super upsetting finding that out escpecially being a fan. I don't even hate her, I just hate the fact that the only way to make a decent living as a woman online is through sex, I hate moids, I hate the platform for pushing this shit in every corner they can. Now the majority of her content is targeted primarily towards gooners instead of what it used to be before. Every picture I see of her now has her ass as the focus point and i'm just so tired of women online shoving their ass in my face i'm sorry…

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