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No. 2189360

>no racebait
>no infighting
>don't reply to bait
>rest of /ot/ board rules apply
>farmhands are always watching


No. 2189366

there are some entertaining males on youtube, not all of them are faggot fake 'feminists' or brainless redpillers, and this guy is definitely not one of them. he is so funny and real don't tell my bf i laugh too hard at his jokes

No. 2189368

Shut up Ariana

No. 2189370

I started watching Wendigoon and his work is actually pretty interesting, it made me kek a little when he started crying at the end of Purgatorio

No. 2189372

he's cool too, i find his bible thumping quite endearing

No. 2189373

File: 1727796362957.jpg (13.97 KB, 236x314, 8c0d5a2638e8c477073dd3ef8e6cc4…)

People should stop politicizing hair and eye color. Women should be able to dye their hair whatever color they want, wear wigs, contacts, whatever they want, without it stirring up racial arguments or triggering seethe. Gyaru are correct.

No. 2189391

I think gyaru is kind of weird just like white girls trying to look Asian

No. 2189399

people who say god is either a man or a woman are kinda dumb, god is god and god does not have a gender

No. 2189400

If it's fun, who cares?

No. 2189403

God is literally the Sun and she is going to poison all of you troglodytes in due time for not appreciating her light

No. 2189404

that was oddly agressive and schizo of you, I never said I disrespected god but how come god is "Female" ? Please explain

No. 2189405

what the fuck is it with the low res 2004 ass threadpics

No. 2189407

Another dumb fucking infight woop tee doo

No. 2189411

File: 1727799269332.jpg (110.36 KB, 640x634, 0b10c03ef135988897801907fba96e…)

she wished death upon me but you are right I should ignore it

No. 2189412

Cause it still looks weird and brings me discomfort to see white girls LARPing as asiatics, and asians trying to make themselves look white or european

No. 2189414

I think it’s dumb to question His moidhood, Him being capable of getting young Mary pregnant should make it clear of what He is

No. 2189415

Lots of things look weird to me, but I move. I wish you the same power nonny.

No. 2189417

God is totally just a butch who did specialized IVF with Mary to create our savior Christ. That definitely what happened.

No. 2189423

Do you have a better pic nonny

No. 2189425

God is either both female and male or neither. God can impregnate, and also birth on God's own. God is the one true hermaphrodite, just like nature itself has hermaphroditic traits. In a sense, God is the one true troon.
Men just call God "he/him" because they want to subliminally implant a sense of divinity to themselves out of envy for women actually creating and birthing life.

No. 2189433

Tbh I see how Jodi Arias is liked, but I think it's pathetic obsessing and ruining your life over a jawless balding ugly retard moid

No. 2189438

i was joking but now the sun really will kill you for questioning her gender identity

No. 2189440

Well not really a “troon” because troons have to transition and He is already perfect

No. 2189454

She'd recordings of his weirdass pedo fantasy phone calls. The one played in court. Aswell as other not as bad but not very mormon friendly things. A double life having mormon son trying to keep shit private and show different sides to different people.. could've just outed all that while he was alive and walked away.

No. 2189461

My unpopular opinion is that christcucks shouldn't be allowed on the internet because they're all literal schizos.

No. 2189475

Why do you hate fun and theory?

No. 2189481

Were all the people who met and encountered Jesus schizo too anon kek

No. 2189484

The fundamental idea behind a "God" is that it creates life. Men don't create life so I don't see how males figure into a divine creator. There is no metaphysical version of having sperm like there is for giving birth (the ultimate expression of creating, which is female exclusive). Women can give birth to themselves and males, while men can do neither. If there is a God its just a woman, there's no maleness about it.

No. 2189491

Though tbh, gyaru isn't even about trying to look white or European, just dark-skinned with brightly colored hair, heavy makeup and a loud "American" aesthetic.

No. 2189492

Clearly, considering they believed he was a god.

No. 2189495

>she calls herself a feminist but still believes in the monotheism jew

No. 2189497

No. 2189522

Actually they didn’t, people were cruel to Christ during His life kek nobody believed that He was the Son of God that’s the whole reason they crucified Him nonners

No. 2189524

calling god a man = scrote or scrote worshipping
calling god a woman = cringe and tryhard, probably has a nigel
realizing god is like nature or gravity or the sun, just some alien eldritch other that is apathetic to us and even saying it has no gender is retarded because it’s just a sentient force = based

No. 2189530

modern feminism is kind of cringe tbh and i'm not even saying this in a pearl davis woman-hating smug pickme way, but genuinely the movement has become obsessed with shit that does not matter and i'm tired of people blathering non-stop about stupid irrelevant nonsense.

No. 2189533

Jewish men are legit sex pests who no one points out their creepiness enough. 61% of Israeli moids think “forced sex with an acquaintince” isn’t rape.

No. 2189534

people love to point out how creepy Jewish men are it’s just that we get called “antisemitic” when we do kek

No. 2189536

The people who didn't believe were not christcucks thus not schizos.

No. 2189537

Only women should inmigrate from the middle easy

No. 2189540

This is why the Holocaust was a fucking mistake. Now everytime you criticize Jews they’ll pull the “nazi” card because you think their moids are sex offenders or that they should fuck off and stop meddling with American politics which impacts our own citizens

No. 2189542

The holocaust was in the right, it's just people today who are in the wrong.(bait)

No. 2189543

But they were still encountering Him irl though, like able to speak to Him and shit kek do you think they were just imagining Him

No. 2189544

Thanks for proving christcuck retardation by being obtuse on purpose.

No. 2189545

File: 1727807732817.png (1.1 MB, 924x9042, screencapture-en-wikipedia-org…)

you could say this about any group of men, among countries that actually report rapes they're only ranked 41

No. 2189548

Sadly this depends on the country's definition of rape and not a "standardized" definition. It's why places like the UK and Sweden rank so high while shithole mudslime places rank the lowest. It's well known that Israel is a safe heaven for pedophiles and that their women get sexually assaulted a lot in the MANDATORY military service.

No. 2189550

It’s not really being obtuse when it’s simply stating a fact, just because the people around Him didn’t believe in His power doesn’t mean that they weren’t seeing Him and encountering Him face to face. People actively chose to go against Him, even to the extent of killing Him and hanging up His body for everyone to see. Do you think that was like a group hallucination or?

No. 2189551

Am israeli and this is true. Bunch of braindead monkeys, this is especially true for mizrahim who possess the social etiquette of macaques lol

No. 2189552

I've lived in Israel for a few years, granted I was never in the military, but I feel much safer walking around at night than in the US.

No. 2189556

Most rapes are not even stranger danger type of rapes, they come within family, friends and acquaintances.

No. 2189557

Where did you even see me denying his existence? Stupid fuck.

No. 2189561

You tried to say that everyone who encountered Him must’ve been schizophrenic, and then when someone pointed out the facts of His existence to you you called them retarded and claimed they were being “obtuse” in response to the evidence that we do have of His time on earth. Sorry I had to delete and repost because I wanted to add that this unbridled anger in response to someone else’s correction of your comments is weird as hell kek

No. 2189562

Only women should be able to masturbate.
It's a sin if men do it because they're men. Women are much more capable of self control and can check themselves more reliably, though it should be treated like food. Find yourself getting fat and you need to lean off of it.

No. 2189563

i once heard if men dont jack off their penis atrophie kek

No. 2189564

are you white or otherwise visibly american? that could be why

No. 2189566

nah i gotta disagree some women jerk off to gay porn too much and mutilate themselves

No. 2189567

my unpopular opinion is that masturbating is kind of nasty

No. 2189568

You're reaching because you know you're fucking stupid. My reply was in the context of christcucks, and christcucks believe he was god. As simple as that. Keep wallowing in your mental retardation, lowQ monkey.

No. 2189569

>though it should be treated like food. Find yourself getting fat and you need to lean off of it.
The difference is that with a woman it's self harm and can be given help, with men it's pedophilia and rape.

No. 2189570

i jacked off to gay porn as a teen and it made me a stacy

No. 2189575

Anon I think you’re kind of confused because Christianity isn’t believing that “jesus is god” kek its believing that Jesus Christ is the son of God who died for our sins kek…not that they’re the same person

No. 2189577

i'm not white i'm just pale

No. 2189579

nta but keek

No. 2189582

>Everyone around me is retarded because I can’t understand what they’re talking about

No. 2189583

Off topic but I hate anons who use nonners, from what I've seen 6/10 times they're trying to blend in

No. 2189588

I haven’t seen it used much until recently

No. 2189596

>conveniently ignoring the holy trinity because you're losing an internet argument
Christcucks, everyone.

No. 2189598

ntayrt but it isn’t ignoring the holy trinity to correct the difference between a son and father

No. 2189601

And yet they are still the same which also makes Jesus a god. But anyway, imagine if your own doctrine doesn't make sense to you because it's of course fucking nonsensical and schizo. lmao.

No. 2189603

What is with anons who get so angry like this over the existence of God kek like are you upset that you’re alive too or something? Jesus kek

No. 2189607

if you disagree with this statement then you’re basically saying dangerhair xe/flip/it troons have a point whenever they talk about gender

No. 2189609

I seriously can’t think of a reason why the modern person needs a dog. Dogs are for hunting. Not for putting sweaters on and letting them bark as loud as they want in public.

No. 2189615

>runs out of "arguments"
>ur just le angry about le god >:((((emoji)

No. 2189618

I guess I should’ve added NTA but the endless hurling of insults kind of just makes it sound like you’re upset about something

No. 2189622

Something about this thread just attracts infighting schizos. You can literally start an infight about bread and keep it going for 3 days.

No. 2189625

Nta but it's really pathetic that 2000 years later women are still idolizing the ancient equivalent of a rich hippie that loved to fuck prostitutes and convinced poor people he was the son of god to fund his backpacking adventures in order to convince Jews that he was his kang.

No. 2189626

And religion is a really stupidest possible thing to infight about cause everyone is just repeating the same arguments and questions everyone has had for literally like 20,000 years

No. 2189628

No. 2189630

File: 1727811312652.png (2.18 MB, 1170x995, jesus holding a pepe.png)

Don’t talk that way ab my King

No. 2189633

jesus was not a white man with straight 1b hair he definitely was type 3/4 and darker skinned

No. 2189636

he was israeli he looks pretty tan to me, JC was not Africana

No. 2189640

i didnt say he was african not only african people have dark skin and curly hair try again. and jewish isnt a race its a religion

No. 2189641

israeli is also not a race

No. 2189643

right, he was israeli…christcucks aren’t the only retards in the room…

No. 2189645

doesnt exist

No. 2189647

judaism is an ethnoreligion, jesus was an ethnic jew

No. 2189648

jesus was ethiopian if we are being really technical

No. 2189649

just like how Ariana is African kek

No. 2189651

The ancient Jews were ethnically Levantine. Christcucks are fucking dumb once again.

No. 2189652

exactly Morocco and Algeria are in africa correct?

No. 2189654

tell that to the vatican

No. 2189655

Pardon me for not checking their DNA test results before talking about Jesus

No. 2189656

He was judean not israeli, the retardation is unmatched today

No. 2189657

What about for jobs and workplaces? I'm under the belief that as long as someone dresses appropriately for work it shouldn't matter what color their hair is or other things like that. As long as you look clean and presentable why does anyone care that your hair is green or some shit?

No. 2189659

OK No matter what he technically ethnically is, he was born in Israel locationally. Just like how if you’re born in America you're a burger, Christ was born in Israel making him Israeli I hope this can put a lid on this

No. 2189661

Grown adults dying their hair is kind of ridiculous, that’s something you get out of your system as a child

No. 2189662

actually he'd be Palestinian because israel isnt real

No. 2189663

Don't worry nonna, I know that as a woman following an Abrahamic religion you don't actually possess the ability to verse yourself in the subject. It's ok to be lowQ. Someone needs to keep blindly caping for this Jesus guy two millennia after.

No. 2189664

The fuck is that OP image? Very weird.

No. 2189665

someones never watched OG Bad girls club on Oxygen and it shows

No. 2189670

I can't really agree here. A LOT of families/mom's won't allow their daughters to dye their hair. My mom would not allow me to dye my already dark hair black until I was 17 and she still bitched at me for it. I absolutely know I'm not the only person who had that experience either, especially if they were in some modest/religious household.

No. 2189671

Palestine didn't exist until like two millenia after he died

No. 2189673

Can you post proof?

No. 2189674

No. 2189675

I propose we find all the people who still have Canaanite DNA in them and hand over Israel and Palestine to those people who are actually native to the land instead of European colonizers and Arab goatfuckers.

No. 2189676

Yes it is it's called isreal for a reason dumb dumb

No. 2189678

Because they need to constantly gaslight themselves just how trannies go TRANS WOMEN ARE REAL WOMEN?

No. 2189680


No. 2189682

A baby penis sucker is angry.(infighting)

No. 2189683

I understand none of these words.

No. 2189684


No. 2189686

Are you the same mentally challenged nonna from the black girls thread who keeps accusing everyone of being a jewish moid lol? You're obsessed

No. 2189687

It's rightful British clay

No. 2189688

No but if the shoe fits…

No. 2189691

Anyone who genuinely thinks that communism or socialism will ever be instilled in America is highly delusional I almost feel like they’re trolling. It will never happen kekkkk

No. 2189692

Well amurrika is not a purely capitalist society either so…

No. 2189693

Jesus was Persian and looked white. I've studied his origins extensively.

No. 2189694

he was brown lol, definitely not some ashkenazi convert

No. 2189695

Ew gross nonny

No. 2189698

>jews when they figure out they’re killing their own people

No. 2189699

No, he was from an Indo-Aryan tribe known for being blondes.

No. 2189701

Post links pls

No. 2189703

Zionists don't care about regular jews though. Zionism is a cult within judaism that many Jews disagree with.

No. 2189705

So trve, we mvst preserve trvdition

No. 2189706

source: delusions

No. 2189708

It must be one highly powerful cult if it’s able to cause a decades long civil war that’s now turning into a clear genocide kek

No. 2189710

File: 1727813177513.webp (131.38 KB, 397x600, 1000002357.webp)

When Jesus was born 3 magi (magicians) turned up to his birth and worshipped him as their king. Magi derived from the scythians, who practiced shamanism, magick etc. The scythians hats are actually the origin of the symbolic wizards/magicians hats. Scythians were blonde people who lived in Persia. Jesus actually went to go study with these Magi in his 'lost years'.

No. 2189711

goddamn nigga they look like GNOMES (i’m a woman chill nonnies you’re just racist as fuck)

No. 2189712

retarded take

No. 2189713

File: 1727813293256.jpeg (49.26 KB, 500x376, a3cxwjjxj6cd1.jpeg)

why are there so many jews and jew apologists on this imageboard? makes no sense, most places on the internet on both spectrums of politics as well as irl are sick of israels shit, yet lolcow is distinctly always crying when jews or israel are mentioned. le heckin ebin contrarian female imageboard am i right ladies? ban me idc, you know i'm right.(polshit bait)

No. 2189715

File: 1727813357292.jpeg (70.62 KB, 512x298, IMG_2677.jpeg)

Oo I heard about the 3 magis before but I didn’t know about that. Then why do they keep shilling Jesus as really looking like picrel?

No. 2189716

i’m sick of israel’s shit too but learn to spell it correctly, newfag

No. 2189717

how would that mean he was one?

No. 2189720

I know right? The jews killed Jesus…

No. 2189722

File: 1727813557377.jpg (29.37 KB, 260x453, 1fd4efa8221f43e4560a02a0da2988…)

Chocolate Jesus is the best Jesus

No. 2189723

File: 1727813559488.png (261.93 KB, 740x869, historicallyaccuratejesus.png)

Sorry y'all you may not like it but this is how Jesus actually looked like.

No. 2189724

levantine people are light skinned

No. 2189726

no im gonna continue touching your precious imageboard with my grubby jew hands. idk about the israel stuff though zionism is retarded

No. 2189727

This is the opinion of a boring person.

No. 2189731

I’m pretty sure Jesus didn’t have like a perfect fade kek his hair was probably long because there weren’t any barbers in his era

No. 2189732

True most zionists in USA are evangelical Christians according to reports.

No. 2189734

File: 1727813885761.jpeg (81.47 KB, 563x759, IMG_2678.jpeg)

>jesus didn’t have a perfect fade

No. 2189736

You are right and idk either because it's not discussed a lot but when it is it brings all the schitzo apologists out

No. 2189737

Why are religious nonnas even here, specially talking about religion? Shut the fuck up and let your husband write the arguments. You should be shitting out children not fighting people on the Internet.

No. 2189738

they accuse you of being a muzzie if you say shit about their retarded religion kek

No. 2189739

You know what’s crazy is that earlier this morning I was talking mad shit about jesus and god and then when I went on tiktok and was scrolling through the videos I got a positive video about Jesus and how you should incorporate him into your life. These saturn and saturn’s son worshippers are spying on you through your phone to sell you junk and jesus

No. 2189740

File: 1727814092466.png (716.03 KB, 866x720, Fy17OPjWIAEBB2p.png)

not when they get in the sun, and he was a carpenter and wanderer, not a concubine

No. 2189741

No tf he wasn’t this is pure fanfiction but so is the Bible so I’ll let you believe it

No. 2189742

Literally, kek

No. 2189745

No. 2189747

File: 1727814404885.jpg (108.23 KB, 429x605, GYAEYNxWAAE2cbj.jpg)

wAIT I solved it!! Jesus was Japanese(baiting)

No. 2189748

No. 2189751

scythian nonny please where did you go.. I ant to know more about how jesus is related to donald trump

No. 2189752

File: 1727814592410.jpeg (379.42 KB, 1169x1693, GYyZ5A-bQBYItcG.jpeg)

Men have become completely useless and need to be thrown away

No. 2189755

the Bible is more of a journal that was written in by multiple people

No. 2189756

>source: your cope

No. 2189757

I will never understand these posts, not yours I’m talking about women who post stuff like this. They seriously think some pretty vacant buildings are worth keeping men around who just rape, kill, steal, and take advantage of you. This is why we need more women to learn engineering and construction

No. 2189758

And some were omitted (like Barnabus)

No. 2189760

Most of us don't want to actually live in a world without men

No. 2189764

Well nonny I wasn’t physically there in 33 AD so my sincerest apologies

No. 2189765

Or BC, I don’t know the difference

No. 2189766

Keep your shit opinions on twatter please.

No. 2189768

I think its the opposite because people have known men are awful for most of history but put up with it because of stuff like this but now shes pointing out they dont even do this (also this was in response to that guy who spent $4000 of taylors guitar just to smash it up)

Is the "most" in the room with us now?


No. 2189769

ntayrt but i kind of agree i dont want to have to do the gruntwork that men are physically built for, so

No. 2189770

You deserve to live in a world with rape because you're a lazy cunt.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 2189772

Not doing construction or physically difficult work does not mean that I am lazy or do not do work period, anon.

No. 2189774

> i don’t wanna do construction
> yew deserve to get raped!!!!1
please, take a xanax

No. 2189780

These days a lot of machines do that-we should just get machines to replace men period.

No. 2189781

>man hater wishes rape on other women
When are we going to admit that hating men is just an excuse to hate women?

No. 2189784

you cant really reproduce more people with a robot anon

No. 2189786

You just need some sperm not the whole scrote if you wanna go that way but the world's overpopulated as it is. Men brag about ending women with robots all the time.

No. 2189788

Why do so many people think the world is overpopulated? It’s not physically possible for the earth to run out of space for people

No. 2189791

NTA but slow down there. Do you yourself even do construction or anything similar? Post proof. Somehow the internet has all le based edgy ""butch"" radfeminists who hate men sooo much, but none of them ever want to come together to build an actual women's commune and show everyone how it's done. Instead, they post rubbish on lolcow, tumblr and twitter, and only ever seem to lift their arms to eat potato chips. Why?

No. 2189797

Do you really think places like India and China aren't overpopulated? Where so many people can't even find jobs to support their family and/or are so piss poor and don't have enough resources for everyone? Mostly speaking in the case of India here though. Even in other countries, resources are running out and it's becoming harder to find jobs with excessive immigration. Also climate change as well. Sure the Earth can physically fit probably trillions of people but it doesn't mean even half of them can survive.

No. 2189798

>Anon thinks its about space and not resources
>Anon thinks putting people everywhere is a-ok
If you see a school bus, any school bus, please just hop on. You need it.

No. 2189799

File: 1727816084240.jpg (55.87 KB, 730x598, n3a5yorcgvl21.jpg)

>When are we going to admit that hating men is just an excuse to hate women?

No. 2189800

I don't play DnD with strangers for the same reasons I don't have sex with random people. No one should be doing it.

No. 2189801

I don't play DnD at all but my stepfather is a gigantic 30+ year DnD vet autist and he found great friends playing like that. Why do you think it's a bad idea? If I understand right every group should have a session 0 to see if people vibe together right?

No. 2189802

I’m not really worried about China or India as a burger

No. 2189804

You're not worried about India as a Burger? How? Do you just happen to be one of the very lucky people that don't happen to live in a majority Indian area like most places are becoming?

No. 2189808

Because I don’t live in India? Also I don’t know what locations you’re talking about but I haven’t witnessed that myself where I live

No. 2189809

Anon, the planet is headed for crisis in the next few decades when we run out of several limited resources used to make practically everything we own. Droughts and crop dieoffs will probably kill billions. More space on earth is needed to supply a life worth living than the actual physical space a person's body takes up.

No. 2189811

Not everyone lives in California kek
>crop die offs
Weird fanfiction

No. 2189812


>Most of us don't want to actually live in a world without men

>Keep your shit opinions on twatter please.

>ntayrt but i kind of agree i dont want to have to do the gruntwork that men are physically built for, so

>You deserve to live in a world with rape because you're a lazy cunt.

Telling women that they deserve to live in a world with rape is hateful towards women.

No. 2189813

Maybe that would've worked 20 or 30 years ago, but the hobby is so diluted right now with retards, posers, normies, and "wokies" who cannot handle any sort of "dark" theming that trying to play in public groups is as much of a landmine as trying to have unprotected sex as a gay man.

No. 2189815

It's not fanfiction, production of several crops has already been dramatically reduced. And no, not just in California. Please learn about the world you are living in.

No. 2189821

Well crops are still alive where I live so I’m not sure where we’re supposed to go from here

No. 2189827

They may not be for long with the way climate change is going

No. 2189832

I'm from the north of brazil, more specifically from the Amazon rain forest, from a city called Manaus. We went through 100+ days without rain, in a rainforest. We never get fog, but we had it this time. It was composed of particles from the many, many fires that happened in the forst, both manmade and natural. That's also highly abnormal.
The forest has very poor soil so it lives off of itself: dead leaves and other materials feed the flora. Because of that, deforestation causes desertification. The Amazon is literally turning into a desert.
So open your eyes, the world is bigger than America, and the global climate is all connected.

No. 2189834

I know the world is bigger than America, I’m just saying I’m only concerned about America

No. 2189835

>nonnas are presented with an hypothetical scenario where rape apes don't exist but go defensive because even when they could do the greater good in a hypothetical scenario they would rather not work in this hypothetical scenario

No. 2189838

Our climate will impact you.

No. 2189840

I literally quoted the part I was referring to stop putting words in peoples mouths.

You claiming anytime hating men is just an excuse to hate women is silly. I certainly dont agree with that anons last comment but women not wanting to rely or live in a world with men is not a covert way of hating women.

No. 2189842

I'm >>2189791, how am I being defensive? I'm asking for the fruits of all the online edgeposting about how some women deserve to be raped. What's the point if all you do is talk shit online? That's the real blackpill, that even our wokest misandrist women don't give enough of a fuck to do anything.

No. 2189848

The weather in Brazil can’t really reach North America but ok anon

No. 2189849

Misandry is not real nonna

No. 2189850

Nta but climate change is affecting America too. Do you just not pay attention to our news? Or not notice how our natural disasters are getting worse and worse???

No. 2189852

You cannot be this dumb to think climate change only affects certain countries.

No. 2189853

The majority of wildfires are started by people, and if you’re referring to hurricane helene hurricanes have been a thing for millennia they’re not a byproduct of climate change

No. 2189854

That’s clearly a male saying women deserved to be raped but sure, it’s those mean radfems!!! Shut the fuck up with that shit already, getting a male to ejaculate into you doesn’t make you speshul and more better than other women, it just makes you seem like an easy target. This website doesn’t accept trannies, handmaidens, or pickmes, fuck off back to ugly man worshipping websites like Reddit, Tiktok, Twitter, 4chan and just about any other social media platform because this is the only place where we’re allowed to not put scrotes on a pedestal, with the exception of retarded /g/ faggots running around fangirling over some dude that could be her father.

No. 2189855

Much of the US will become a desert too. Do you ever read the news?

No. 2189856

It’s clearly a scrote at this point, we need to make this place more inhospitable for tradthots seriously

No. 2189857

> will become
Like 200 years from now or something kek? Because I can tell you for sure that’s not happening in the North of burgerland anytime soon

No. 2189858

Absolute retardation. Google is right there.

No. 2189859

What does google have to do with the fact that the weather in Rio can’t really effect someone in Oregon

No. 2189861

No, more like 30 years.

No. 2189862

Also you’re such a gullible retard, I’m not the anon you were responding to in this post. You should’ve reported the post and ignored it but you’re such a newfag you really thought it was me. Ahhh yessss pretty buildings mmmmmm worthy of keeping the rape apes around, you sound so smart

No. 2189864

File: 1727817679597.jpeg (125.23 KB, 637x1078, a7o60yr4wz2c1.jpeg)

No. 2189866

It takes a lot longer than 30 years for a desert to form anon

No. 2189867

No shit natural disasters have existed for ages. Look at the effects and the frequency of them though. I know you're trying to fake being ignorant to troll but you just look retarded.

No. 2189869

I fucked up this post real bad and I'm not redoing it but you know what I mean.

No. 2189870

Hatred of men is real, it just doesn't mean anywhere near as much as misogyny in the world. There are no misandrist death squads or anything like that.

No. 2189875

It's been in the process for awhile now, rivers are drying up all over the US. Cacti are dying in the south that have been there for hundreds of years. Cactuses can no longer survive in Arizona because it's become too hot. Do you live under a rock?

No. 2189876

Do you all retarded libfem bitches think moids enjoy breaking their backs at manual labor jobs? Do you think scrotes go to college just because? Apply to be burgerflippers just because? Scrotes don't want to suffer life long physical injuries because they like it, they do it because the world needs those jobs. If men didn't exist we would still need those jobs thus there would be women doing them, and unless you're a lazy psychopathic bitch then we can agree that living in a world where women get injuries from manual labor is preferable than to live in a world where millions of women get raped on the daily just because you want someone else to move heavy things around.

No. 2189877

kek this fucking thread

No. 2189878

I wish there was such a thing as misandrist death squads

No. 2189879

Watching the quoted interaction lead to the observation that man hate is often used as an excuse to hate other women.

Watching women tell other women that they deserve rape is the blackpill in this scenario.

Misandry = man hate. So man hate doesn't exist? What the fuck? Can't we just agree that telling women that they deserve rape is wrong and move on instead of performing acts of mental retardation to try and justify it.

No. 2189880

Disagreeing with someone doesn’t mean they’re ignorant, also I hate this constant reaction of
> reee you’re trolling because you don’t agree that America will turn into a desert!!?!
Anon, I’ll say this once: get over yourself kek

No. 2189882

>get injured for me or you're psychopathic
go to hell, how about that

No. 2189884

Ok that’s blatantly false KEK there are cactuses everywhere in arizona. This just sounds like the words of a eurofag who read some shit on the dailymail

No. 2189889

File: 1727818138036.jpeg (41.44 KB, 350x466, IMG_8683.jpeg)

I hate earrings on men, they just look like faggots kek. This trend is even increasing much to my dismay.

No. 2189890

Stop self-posting

No. 2189891

I wish there were, women need to kill men more

No. 2189896

File: 1727818295753.jpeg (84.46 KB, 640x562, IMG_8684.jpeg)

Not me, I took this pic from X nonna

No. 2189897

Don't forget the weeb perverts.

No. 2189898

You are schizophrenic and got angry at me because you saw yourself in my post. No moid ejaculates in me, porn addict. You build nothing, you aren't trained in self-defense, you aren't fit, you probably don't know how to use a gun, you may even deliberately be a NEET in your father's house, but you still come online to say unhinged shit. Functionally, you are the same as the libfems and tradthots you resent. This is also why tradthots and stupid pickme e-girls are shitting up the radfem movement right now. What's the fucking point?

No. 2189899

Moids complain about manual labor jobs but don’t realize its because its CHEAPER to pay off a bunch of apes to do it than to hire teams of engineers to help create a specialized machine for it. In fact there’s very little manual labor jobs in general now, the fat construction fucks don’t do shit and take forever because they work on the budget and time of the city while sitting in their bobcats. The oil rig moids are slowly getting replaced by tech nerds so that way they don’t have to take human error into account when unkept pipes burst or pay up for when something happens and they end up exploding due to negligence. Even agriculture is all machines and sitting on your ass in a big truck just driving the same fields for hours at a time. If all moids were gone it would be easier now than ever tbh

No. 2189902

So gross and faggy

No. 2189905

Can you guys stop getting trolled by the "tradthot" from the Amerifag thread. I think she's lying about her and her hubby by the way, because when someone pointed out an inconsistency in her story she didn't respond

No. 2189907

What’s the unhinged shit again? Kek, thag I think women shouldn’t trade their sanity just for men to be used as worker bees to build some fucking useless cathedral that was likely built off the high taxes the church/monarchy was issuing at the time? Kill yourself

No. 2189908

>would not even consider having an injury if that would mean that no woman has to get raped ever again
It really is blackpilling how little women are willing to do for other women including themselves.

No. 2189909

It does though, the Amazon rainforest was a huge carbon sink. Now that it's burning down, co2 emissions will accelerate and warm the globe even faster, which will absolutely affect us.

No. 2189911

Except they/you literally are being ignorant kek. It's not even about disagreeing.

No. 2189914

You're free to injure yourself doing hard physical labor.

No. 2189915

It's so obviously the same 2 or 3 anons who shit up this thread every single time kek

No. 2189916

Why do you think nona is self posting?

No. 2189917

Being able to understand the fact that if there’s a thunderstorm in Rio de Jainero that it will not be raining and thundering over Los Angeles isn’t ignorance it’s just fact. You’re ripping your hair out over nothing nonny

No. 2189918

>still trying to justify telling another woman that she deserves to live in a world with rape

No. 2189920

I wish I had the type of schizophrenia to make me think the world around me is this small

No. 2189921

It was a hypothetical shit-brain.

No. 2189922

Im not ripping my hair out, I'm just calling you what you are (a retard).

No. 2189924

The unhinged shit is the foaming at the mouth at the drop of a hat and "blackpill" female paraphiliacs getting off to videos of other women being beaten because "something something the state of the world, they deserve it". I don't give a shit about some cathedral, and I also don't give a shit about LARPs and hypotheticals. There are no militant feminists in the real world, and that's part of the reason why this gender is so cucked but all you want to do is seethe and play "Nooo I'm the edgiest" with other women like it's Mean Girls for autistic troglodytes. You're already killing yourself, please continue.

No. 2189926

>getting off to videos of other women being beaten
When did this happen?

No. 2189927

I wouldn’t care if they banned abortions. I know the female members in my family are going to be alright if they ban abortions or if the states start deciding to ban or place heavy restrictions on abortions and that’s all that matters honestly. I’m not really concerned with the wellbeing of women because they don’t care about their own wellbeing to begin with, look at the lovecraftian beasts they convince themselves that they love and want to be with. I’m good(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 2189929

We all already live in a world with rape.

No. 2189930

not saying this because i agree with everyone but a reminder, once again, this is the unpopular opinions thread kek you’re going to see an unpopular opinion (shocker, i know) so instead of having a shit fit learn to scroll

No. 2189931

Years ago, I joined RF and BP spaces to link up with educated women. The BP spaces quickly devolved to that, and there are still some "blackpillers" on Twitter doing it.

No. 2189933

This is so blatantly incorrect that only someone who knew the correct answer would say it. 6/10 bait, you fooled most of the thread, but you went too far.

No. 2189934

Based. Not all women deserve sympathy from fellow women. Just look at this fucking thread and how much they love scrotes.

No. 2189935

File: 1727818900913.jpeg (322.63 KB, 759x782, 42CBDF53-9824-4F9F-8188-9888D2…)

A moid posted a video of a woman getting beat up on snow an hour before so the baiting retards itt is most definitely the male that hasn’t been banned yet

No. 2189937

Everything you say is a hypothetical, because you can't imagine taking action in the real world even in your all-woman utopia fantasies. It's not like women communes don't exist. Put your money where your mouth is and join one if you're going to accuse everyone else of being lazy. Or is that too inconvenient for your privileged first world crybaby ass?

No. 2189938

Then what about the cases of rape/incest/life threatening? What if you use birth control and it fails?

No. 2189939

Kek I just know you’re lying, is that all that straight women love to do is just lie just like their male counterparts? Stfu

No. 2189941

Making the observation that women live in a world with rape is very different from telling a woman that she deserves to live in a world with rape.

No. 2189943

I’m sorry if this is meant to be bait but are you joking? In what world would a sunny day in Brazil make the rain go away in New York?

No. 2189944

Not straight, and not lying. Go and look at the radfem cow threads, I know you won't because you hate having your shit community talked about. Keep caping for the actual straight women sucking their boyfriend's dicks every night, neo-nazi tradthots claiming radfem, that's troo sisterhood.

No. 2189946

>birth control failing
ntayrt so i can’t speak for her but if you didn’t want to get pregnant you simply wouldn’t have sex, not pop some dumbass pill and pray that it works

No. 2189947

I’ve lived this long not being raped, never experienced incest, been on BC for PCOS and stopped taking it on my own because I didn’t want to face any of the long-term side effects after reading an article about this young 20-something year old woman dying from a blood clot caused by BC. No thanks. I also don’t have sex or hang out with men, so I’m perfectly fine and it decreases my risk of rape because most rapes are committed by men you know.

No. 2189948

Wasn't the original poster. Just saying I would prefer the hypothetical of women having to do gruntwork if it meant men didn't exist.

No. 2189950

Then go do that. You don't have to live near men ever again if you don't want to.

No. 2189953

So imagine suddenly there was another female-only rape-free world we just created. Why wouldn't women who want to live with men deserve to stay in the current world with rape?

No. 2189954

If BPers really care they should take action somehow beyond arguing on the internet.

No. 2189955

Yeah but those 10k+ political twitter accounts are usually grifters trying to make a career off of people’s genuine beliefs, they aren’t the main representatives of radical feminism. For example, like Posie Parker or JK Rowling they just happen to dislike trannies and gender ideology but it doesn’t mean they fully agree with everything a radical feminist would say.

No. 2189957

nta but because i love my nigel and don’t plan on forcing myself to turn into a lesbian anytime soon, sorry

No. 2189958

In addition to sex ed, I think there should be more emphasis in schools on how horrific pregnancy is and how awful/expensive/hard it is to raise a child. Showing birth videos isn't enough. People need to be more educated on the agony women go through for 9 months, and how it can literally kill them and how many bodies will never ever be the same. Also more education on post partum depression. What ever happened to being forced to take care of a baby doll in schools?

No. 2189961

Why punish women for having sex? How come its always moids talking about banning abortions instead of sterilizing moids and stopping then from being rape apes? So males can go and get tons of women pregnant but woman has to deal with the burden of an unwanted child. A child that will either be a burden to society because they’ll grow up doing fucked up shit to others or will be abused in the foster care system and trafficked.

No. 2189962

I wish I had the type of autism which made me this happily oblivious. The typing styles, hyper aggressiveness and subject matters (plus the fact they camp in this thread almost exclusively) is a dead giveaway lmao

No. 2189963

The hypothetical is meant to be world-scale. Trust me I don't surround myself with men.

No. 2189964

Read the thread before replying nonsense, retard.

No. 2189965

WW3 is going to happen. Not because of terrorists or 'justice' but simply because the economy is bad and war is an excellent money maker for the MID (Military-Industrial-Complex).

War sells billions of dollars worth of armaments, reduces and displaces populations (= more refugees and migrants), creates billion dollar rebuilding contracts for damaged infrastructure, and lets the winners loot resources such as oil, gas, gold, coal etc, also allows the victors to install puppet leaders into the countries they destabilize and defeat.

No. 2189966

getting pregnant after having sex isn’t a punishment anon, it’s the reason sex exists in the first place. if you don’t want children, then you wouldn’t have PIV with some smelly scrote, period. really easy to understand.

No. 2189968

Oh I'm not totally against you there. I pop birth control and don't have sex even though I heavily prefer women, and I'm probably asexual so I digress. But sadly very very very few people are like me and asexual, and most relationships sadly tend to require sex. Then you kinda gotta think about if it's worth being lonely, but to me it is because I'm antinatalist, but not everyone is as autistic as me.

No. 2189970

See you in the relationship advice/vent thread in 2 weeks! Kek

No. 2189971

Women couldnt have communes because men would just turn up and rape everyone. Look what Muslim scrotes do to villages comprised of mostly widows and old ladies.

No. 2189973

Even if a perfect world without men existed, that still doesn't justify telling another woman that she deserves to live in a world with rape. There is nothing that justifies telling a woman that she deserves rape. I don't even understand what there is to argue about?

No. 2189974

ayrt i’ve never had the opportunity to lurk that thread before, is it bad kek?

No. 2189975

I'm convinced you are a tranny trying to make lesbians look misogynistic and insane.

No. 2189976

America has plenty of all female communes. No shit third world arabs won't allow their women freedom.

No. 2189977

Reaching too much with that unintelligent thought.

No. 2189979

I was watching a video online saying there is a woman only club in dubai or some place I'd never visit, but so many women were like "We need more women only clubs so bad!" and so many men were commenting "Who is paying for your drinks? why even go if there are no men?" i wish all men would kill themselves. There are actual men only spaces irl, but NO women only spaces when you think about it.

No. 2189981

So female-only communes are only possible as long as men allow it lol.

No. 2189983

Women doing manual labor wont stop men being rapey psychopaths kek. In thirdie countries women do almost all the labor and are essentially a slave caste, and still get treated like shit.

No. 2189984

>There is nothing that justifies telling a woman that she deserves rape
>unintelligent thought

No. 2189985

Yoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo nonnnnnies
why is it that
whenever I pee
I still feel the sensation to pee like a weight on my bladder
Am I dying(integrate)

No. 2189988

Point out where I said women deserve rape.

No. 2189989

What percentage of American women live in all female communes? Probably not even 0.1%. If all women moved to female communes tomorrow, moids would gather weapons and storm it and rape everyone.

No. 2189990

Yes. Men are half of the world. You can't escape male influence. In civil societies women have the freedom to live away from men. Don't know why this is so shocking to you.

No. 2189991

Your bladder isn't fully excreting itself.

No. 2189992

wrong thread anon kek

No. 2189993

Or you have a UTI.

No. 2189994

Someone cursed you.

No. 2189996

There's a Jewish tranny larping as an anti abortion zionist Christian lesbian right now.

No. 2189998

> christian lesbian

No. 2189999

This post is where it started
Reposted because I quoted the wrong post

No. 2190000

The problem is it's not just 10k follower accounts, it's also random idiotic women. There are also retarded autoandrophiles who don't even hate men. They just hate that they're not men and that they can't rape other women the way men do. Those aren't grifters of any sort, just mentally ill retards. I don't see them as anywhere near as dangerous as men because, as I said, they are schlubby shut-ins who don't even know how to use guns, but they are hiding out in their shitty Discord servers and Twitter group chats. At least two of them have been discussed in 2X and in the /snow/ thread. One specifically talked about getting off to actual accounts of women being raped, another was boasting about being racist and a pedophile toward younger girls, the gorefags are less relevant but I've been around them. All of them are no different from teenage pickmes who worship male serial killers or the dumbass TikTok coomlit pickmes into BDSM "novels", except that they're even more pathetic because they have the tools to read and know better, but they'll still shit up radfem spaces and claim superiority.
Radical feminism is politically dead, it's just a bunch of online LARPers at best and grifters at worst. I've already accepted it and settled on trying to help women around me IRL and try to lobby against trans shit without wrecking my life if I ever think I have the right to call myself a "feminist".

No. 2190001

Why deny a woman the right to abort even if it means she did something YOU don’t like? There’s tons of women who are moid poisoned and that’s not gonna stop the centuries of being forced to depend on men or seeking the opposite sex for straight women. You all only think about grown women needing abortions when you don’t mention the possibilities of needing it for medical emergencies where the mother is going to die because of the pregnancy, little girls being forced or groomed into being young mothers, or the high chances of giving birth to a child with defects. Whatever gives women more freedom for their choices, the better

No. 2190002

No. 2190004

Nonas on this site are too westernized and privileged, they dont realize how much men violently hate women and would rather both genders suffer than see women be free. Men would rather die trying to oppress us than let us have freedom and live themselves. All those Kurdish and Afghan women with guns still ended up getting captured and gangraped. You cannot contemplate the psychopathy of the male moid unless you are one.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 2190006

is he putting a grenade up her ass?(samefagging)

No. 2190007

Still waiting to see where I say that women deserve rape.

No. 2190008

No. 2190009

ok you are definitely a male posting his snuff folder

No. 2190010

Fanny (the one that gets off to women getting raped) is not in any way shape or form a radfem or blackpiller. Maybe she is AAP but doesn't she mostly do a loli girl larp

No. 2190013

90% of the people in this thread are retarded libfems with Nigels, you won't change their minds.

No. 2190014


>You deserve to live in a world with rape because you're a lazy cunt.

No. 2190015

The only women who fantasize about rape are sheltered western women who've never actually been raped or ever even been under threat of rape.

No. 2190018

Glad a couple of us remember this.

No. 2190019

anon it’s not because she “did something i don’t like” kek. obviously you only have sex for the purpose of reproducing more people, which was something she was well aware of prior to doing it, yet still made the conscious decision to have sex. it’s not punishment or anything like that it’s just cause and effect kek. if you don’t want to get pregnant, don’t have sex.

No. 2190020

The fact that you think it's Fanny is hilarious. She never claimed radical feminism. Please, look at the radfem cow thread. The previous ones, not just the latest one. MaskedSadism and that other bitch are the tip of the iceberg. I've spent years in these communities, I'm pointing you to /snow/ and /2X/ because there's no other way to show examples after I left everything.

No. 2190021

Still waiting.

No. 2190022

I could believe that I see the shit they post on twitter

No. 2190024

Abortion is also cause and effect.

No. 2190026

samefag but i am genuinely curious if you don’t like men why would you have sex with them? also PIV doesn’t give any woman orgasms so what is the point

No. 2190027

Why am I not surprised, they've plagued a few other threads last week too

No. 2190029

People can have sex for something other than procreation, you don’t like that women are with other men solely for pleasure and think its okay for women to have no abortion rights because of it. Women will in engage in shit you don’t like but that shouldn’t be a reason to shackle them down, no different than telling women to lock themselves inside and cover up because men will rape them no matter what

No. 2190030

abortion is actually murder, because you’re ending a life. having sex is something you do when you want to get pregnant, so getting pregnant after having sex isn’t really something you can pretend to be shocked at because sex doesn’t exist for pleasure. it just feels good because you’re supposed to physically enjoy reproducing so we continue doing it.(baiting)

No. 2190035

where is the pleasure even coming from though kek what

No. 2190036

Is the "tradthot" anon just typing in lowercase now or is this her friend?

No. 2190038

I agree that abortion is murder but it's a justified one, even more when it's a m"le baby.

No. 2190039

>muh murder!!!
Okay you’re retarded, we’re animals first and foremost and if we were pushed back we would easily go back to infanticide and inducing abortions for survival. Personifying a mass of flesh that could not survive outside of a womb does nothing but uphold moid thinking. Moids are so envious of women for being able to create life and end it that they’ll use talking points you parrot to keep women down

No. 2190041

What’s the point of sitting in the unpopular opinions thread if you don’t know how to cope with seeing opinions you disagree with

No. 2190042

why do you always come crawling out of the woodwork when abortion is brought up

No. 2190043

anon, murder is the act of killing someone. when you abort a fetus, you’re killing it. i hope this helps.

No. 2190046

Please mods…

No. 2190048

it’s not against the lolcow rules to be against abortion kek

No. 2190049

Then prohibit replying to other posts in this thread. Turn it into yet again another braindead monologue thread.

No. 2190050

File: 1727820773222.png (1.31 MB, 1354x2460, roboboyfriends.png)

More reason we need to research and make our own robots. They would be attractive, nice, and wont make us pregnant when we dont want it. Win win.

No. 2190051

How come you aren’t calling a fetus a person then? Why call it something that needs to gestate a whole person when it isn’t? If you rip out a first trimester fetus it won’t grow up, it’s just a mass of tissues

No. 2190052

Fetuses arnt people though.

No. 2190054

what the fuck is wrong with you???? why are you posting this shit????

No. 2190055

if it wasn’t a person then there’d be no need for an abortion, but it is alive hence why there are people who do commit murder against their children

No. 2190060

>if it wasn’t a person then there’d be no need for an abortion
WTF is this dumbass logic? Abortion means to stop something-in this case the pregnancy. Its not a reference to the fetus being a person. Its why you hear the term to "abort mission" or "abort operation".

No. 2190061

dude, are you just pretending to be stupid abortion is the act of killing the fetus and removing it from the womb

No. 2190062

this may be specific to my country, but i think we should stop treating teenagers as juveniles when they commit violent crimes. im constantly seeing news stories of groups of teens brutally beating other kids, filming it and posting it online. of course after the initial news article there's never any follow up, they never post the delinquents names or faces. i think they should all be named & shamed and have it follow them around in life. play stupid games win stupid prizes.

No. 2190063

Why are you moving the goalposts my argument is this >>2190052

No. 2190065


No. 2190066

it’s not moving goalposts to need to re-explain something to you 5 times. the fetus is a person, if the fetus was not alive, there would be no need for an abortion (the surgical act of killing the fetus)

No. 2190068

NTA but if your fetus isn’t alive why do you need to hire some guy to kill it

No. 2190069

That’s always been my question but i was always to scared to ask because I didn’t want to get jumped kek

No. 2190070

>to need to re-explain something to you 5 times
Theres at least two of us responding to you
>the fetus is a person
[citation needed]
>if the fetus was not alive
Never said it wasnt alive, just that its not a person
>there would be no need for an abortion (the surgical act of killing the fetus)
Removing an already dead fetus or non viable fetus is also known as an abortion.

No. 2190072

nta but you actually don't need surgery, if you're early enough (first trimester) you can take the abortion pill

No. 2190073

well we know the fetus is a person because it’s being born from a human body…? do you think it’s a centaur or some shit kek what even is this

No. 2190074

I dont think having an outdoor cat is too bad if you don't live in the USA. Not every country has coyotes and raccoons and other wild shit like in america.

No. 2190075

poisoning yourself to excrete your child is still murdering the child

No. 2190077

woah really? i didn’t know that kek coyotes are burger specific

No. 2190079

You're confusing human with person. You really shouldnt be having these debates.

No. 2190080

A ZEF is not a child.

No. 2190081

There are other cats and other bugs/stray animals that could also potentially have sicknesses.

No. 2190082

what other countries has wild coyotes roaming in their backyard? to me its wild to hear americans basically live in a forest. Worst we get in my country is cats, dogs and pigeons

No. 2190084

The cat can still be run over, killed by retarded psycho moids/moidlets, get mauled by a loose dog (or fenced if the cat sneaks into the backyard), etc. I feel like people just think cats should be able to roam outside just because they can climb trees kek. Fuck no. They belong in a house. Spray the shit out of them if they get too annoying wanting to go out, problem solved.

No. 2190085

zef? like die antwoord…?

No. 2190086

If you dont know what ZEF stands for you should not be engaging in an abortion debate.

No. 2190087

the PNW is basically like Americas rainforest kekk we see wolves and deers even in metro areas, and Californias bobcat situation doesn’t really seem like it’s lightening up anytime soon

No. 2190088

i don’t know what that acronym means would you like to share it with the class?

No. 2190089

And even then, more likely than not wherever you live, outside is dirty. why would you want to get your cat all dirty/disheveled and have them coming back into your house spreading all the dirtyness? Nasty as fuck kek. One of my cats is a retard and has gotten out a couple times and thankfully he just sits there on my steps and has no clue what to do. Cats are retarded, they should not be allowed outside.

No. 2190091

Google is your friend but ok, zygote, embryo and fetus.

No. 2190093

thats why i said not too bad compared to the usa, not that its completly fine. I live on a gated community that doesnt allow big dogs and where the cars run abysmally slow not to run over children or pets. My cat mostly just likes to sunbathe on the grass and visit my cousin then she comes back.

No. 2190096

File: 1727822334981.png (1003.02 KB, 1170x1358, sigh….png)

those are separate words so makes sense why it’s not coming up as an acronym when you google it

No. 2190097

Maybe if you live on a farm in buttfuck nowhere. However even if there is no risk of your cat being killed by some retarded moid, getting hit by a car, stolen by well meaning people who assume it’s a stray, or eaten by another animal… there’s still the fact that cats kill wildlife and cause ecological damage

No. 2190100

tbh i think it's a new acronym. never seen it in medical or legal literature before

No. 2190101

If you google "abortion zef" (bc we are talking about abortion) it comes up but not sure why you are complaining after its been explained.

No. 2190103

Hopefully none of your neighbours are too crazy about their yards/gardens. A lot of people will trap outdoor cats and drive them out to the bushes where I live.

No. 2190104

File: 1727822527904.jpg (322.55 KB, 1280x1680, KJG_O_p308.jpg)

I know he's a massive coomer but i like his art and he's one of my biggest art inspirations. I just like his fun doodles when he's not drawing big titty ladies getting fucked.

No. 2190105

and they are all separate words so really it makes the most sense to use the individual word for the stage at which the baby is at instead of an acronym describing several different states of being

No. 2190108


No. 2190109

Great argument there idiot.

No. 2190110

Having a neutral canthal tilt is worse than having a negative canthal tilt

No. 2190113

File: 1727822795780.gif (1.22 MB, 200x214, 200w.gif)

Fine, do that then, no ones stopping you.

No. 2190118

File: 1727822924763.jpg (92.5 KB, 735x520, 47995bca32dff5f07923c9c5f9e659…)

Men replacing all women with sexbots: nothing but coom, would likely still prefer to rape people and kids because they're fucked up and crave degeneracy

Women replacing all men with robots: world peace, utopia, evolution

No. 2190121


No. 2190161

kek the threadpic keeps making me laugh

No. 2190169

There are anons on here from lots of different religions, if that upsets you then you shouldn’t be on here. If all you want is to sperg about jews, then /pol/ would be a better fit.

No. 2190173

Link fucking sucks, just like every Nintendo character.

No. 2190177

sucks my pussy with a passion hell yeah

No. 2190178

Wrong, there are amazing Nintendo characters who aren't uggo moids.

No. 2190186

have there always been so many tradfags here?(not an unpopular opinion)

No. 2190188

Which Nintendo character do you think gives good oral?

No. 2190190

because tardwives hate troons too i assume

No. 2190197

There's always been nigelfags and pol scrotes larping, but I think quarantine really worsened it. No doubt there's real handmaidens in the bunch. Worst thing you should do is argue seriously with them because they're brain dead and they have all the other websites in the world to echo chamber in afterwards

No. 2190199

stop being mean to each other when you disagree about minute shit. us arguing with each other is what scrotes want

No. 2190215

No. 2190221

Agreed. Personally I rarely get into arguments here and I just don’t see the appeal. Just laugh it off and move on. Yet, women need to realize that other women are also in some ways responsible for us being stuck in patriarchy by being so overly critical of each other.

No. 2190225

I disagree.

No. 2190227


No. 2190239

No. 2190242

File: 1727828984591.png (100.02 KB, 288x476, 1000027547.png)

I don't know, but the worst would be this selfish piece of shit

No. 2190246

>implying Louie would even want to give oral
He's too selfish for that, he'd fuck you until HE comes, eat all your food and then leave. That selfish whore of a Hocotatian. Plus he's probably legit retarded. He lives with his Grandmother and eats bugs.

No. 2190252

Country is the new Emo

No. 2190261

I really don't care if a woman is fat, it means nothing to me. A scrote, though? It should be a crime to be male AND fat, pick a struggle. I don't want to see moids as it is, let alone a sack of rolls huffing and puffing within my vicinity and cracking the cement underneath him with every step. I'd tell those lot to rope but, well..

No. 2190263

My unpopular opinion is that emojis should not result in a ban if they are used sarcastically and in jest like >>2189615 inb4 "REEE INTEGRATE NEWFAG"

No. 2190265

i just think it’s gross and visually unappealing

No. 2190267

That's not even an emoji so that mod is retarded. It's an emoticon. Also I agree that emoticons should be allowed though not excessively… but I understand that there would be retards who would be announcing themselves every time they posted.

No. 2190272

I’m gonna get redtexted okay farmhand I KNOW but sometimes I just want to use ❤️ ironically but nooooo.

No. 2190274

nta but just use ♥ kek

No. 2190276

I think I’ve seen someone get redtext-ed for using that one but also true

No. 2190277

Farmhands love to LARP le ebin oldfags but will ban you for ;_;

No. 2190280


No. 2190282

current farmhands feel like those whiny hall-monitor posters who always run to /meta/ when they start losing an argument or are being ignored or otherwise see something they personally don't like

No. 2190309

It was the pandemic that brought the plague of mentally ill women pretending to be radfems to the site. LC was created by a man for cosplay drama from 4chan's /cgl/ board. Do you seriously think that the fresh out of 4chan user base was full of baste radfems and man haters?

No. 2190334

File: 1727834728578.jpg (151.67 KB, 932x530, dookie.jpg)

Ever since I read this post I feel physically disgusted when I see a fat guy. They are like the parents in spirited away when they go piggo mode

No. 2190446

>Oldfag sperging about LC becoming too manhating and reminding us a MAN gave us our lolcow for the nth time
Do you ever shut the fuck up. You can go back to /CGL/ on 4chan I'm sure the woman hating culture there is way cozier for you, no mentally ill radfems on sight

No. 2190452

Women who still date men and plan on having sons but claim to “hate men” are so silly to me. If you’re mad at your ex just say that.

No. 2190455

you cant really plan the sex of the child you have thats up to God nonnie

No. 2190456

only adopt girls, problem solved. nonna is right hating men and having sons is mutually exclusive

No. 2190464

Amniotic fluid test + abortion + hardshipmaxxxxxing

No. 2190472

I hate you all, you disgusting mentally ill dykes. I just know you don’t get any pussy because other women find you physically repulsive and unlikeable and I’m glad you’re alone and unloved and unwanted in this world, rotting in your filthy hovels with your yuri manga or whatever the fuck. I can smell you through the screen.(bait)

No. 2190473

phyllis chesler, a prominent second-wave feminist, talked about the fact that all the feminists somehow always ended with sons, no matter how hard they tried. she figured maybe god had a sense of humor

No. 2190478

your boyfriend watches porn behind your back(report and ignore)

No. 2190483

Speaking of rotting, don't you have some hairy unwashed balls to suckle on?(responding to bait)

No. 2190484

And you write this sort of vile shit despite the fact a woman gave birth to you. You should have been drowned in a bucket like a sick puppy.

No. 2190486

kek are you ok? im right tho. are you dating a man?

No. 2190489

This is not racebait, only my white nonnies will get this, but dating nonwhite men is more trouble than it's worth because of their insecurity. I would rather rub my clit with sand paper than have to fake laugh at another "muh ethnicity" joke. I get it, you are insecure you are dating me as a _ race, but guess what- YOU WON! I'm out with you, I'm dating you, I am your gf. Why do you keep minstreling? Who the fuck is it for? You are just making me uncomfortable? Why are you making me uncomfortable? Is it because you actually aren't happy with me and deep down you want a _ gf and not a white gf? You think your ancestors are high fiving you for winning a white women but deep down you want to belong and want a women from your own culture. You resent me and see me as a whore and consolation prize and simultaneous sexxo whore that proves your place in the white man's world. What's your fucking worth to me as a man? You can't be an equal partner with that mindset. Maybe I should just stick to whites.

No. 2190492

I saw a really pretty blonde white girl the other day holding hands with a fat black moid. Not even a good looking one, a fat Down syndrome looking one.

No. 2190496

Leaving abusive moids isn't difficult at all and women who claim that are just retarded pickmes addicted to male approval(bait)

No. 2190509

Ok but please don’t call yourself a feminist
>hates women who need abortions
>hates mothers
>hates women in abusive relationships or indeed any relationships
>hates heterosexual women, aka the vast majority of women
You genuinely hate women more than a lot of men do. You’re a misogynist and I’m tired of you shitting up this thread, you have a whole board to post this blackpill bile only you’re too stupid to access it.

No. 2190514

Just don't engage nonna, the attention only encourages them.

No. 2190517

It's a scrote quoting buzzwords who has been taking part in baiting the lesbian threads in /g/ and baiting straight women in /ot/ all week.

Mods aren't deleting bait posts like this despite me having seen them deleting posts like this in the past. Don't know what's changed.

No. 2190571

Cats are peak design
>cute by default
>pissing/shitting manners are built in their system
>cleaning is bulit in their system, you only have to bathe with soap and water once in a while
>don't need to be trained so they dont end up with tard rage
>eat the rats and insects in your house, free fumigator
>is happy with a bowl of food and a leaf

No. 2190575

>>eat the rats and insects in your house, free fumigator
Mice sure but rats? Rats in my neighborhoods are as big as my cat they're scary as hell.

No. 2190581

Wrong thread. Cats are super popular for those reasons. It's only unpopular to idiotic moids who think that cats are only women's pets.

No. 2190598

You definitely should black women been trying to tell you this but we get called bitter and jealous all men view other women as conquests it’s all a competition. They are experimenting with you even if they treat you like the “prize”. They constantly compare other women to each other but the issue is a lot of white women fall for this “I’m the prize” narrative and instead of listening to black women and other WOC who say that black men and MOC are using you and will dog you out eventually we get called bitter losers by WHITE WOMEN! White women then tell their biracial daughters they aren’t good enough but are better than those coily haired nigger girls. White women need to start calling these loser men out but a lot of white women LOVE feeling like the top dog so they will never be in solidarity with other women of color because they inherently put their white supremacy before their gender! Thank you for coming to my ted talk and I’ll take my ban

No. 2190604


Also I’m not coming for OP I’m just glad she is waking up to reality. Men use racism to pit women against each other so they can have access to all races of women while making women feel like they need to put their race above their sex. Hence why every race of man doesn’t want their women being other races but all of their ideal types are women from not their race. It’s all a game and so many women play their role and it’s embarrassing

No. 2190609

Also it’s not just white women all races of women do this shit when it comes to black women you all come together (white, Latina, Asian, Arab) to shit on black women when it comes time to dating black men instead of heeding our warnings it’s weird. But that’s a different topic

No. 2190632

File: 1727865032934.jpg (79.26 KB, 675x1200, 6fef87dfdc970a940115fb42f34156…)

I'll risk a ban just to mention this: wasn't it proven by marriage stats that when white women marry black men, they are more likely to end up killed by their spouse? If men are generally broken humans, black men are literal voids. I'm talking comparable to Indian scrotes level of psychological hopelessness with these moids. When nonblack women brag about "stealing" black men from black women, all I see is them "stealing" a greater likelihood to end up married-to-divorced, beaten, or even killed. But becoming a baby mama will probably happen faster than all three of those options.(racebait)

No. 2190640

>bathes all over with tongue that's been on ass
>doesn't chase rats
>overhunts birds
>will bring dirty carcasses as gifts
>shitting/pissing manners not built in unless you provide indoor shit collector, will piss and shit on bed or walls otherwise
>untrainable, will attack unprovoked
>will throw up fur balls because owner can't be assed to brush fur
>knock shit over for fun
>isn't happy with bowl of food or leaf, but owner doesn't care so free roaming it is
>sleeps in the middle of roads and enters other people's yards, if accidents happen it's never owner or cat's fault
Peak design indeed

No. 2190647

guess ive gotten lucky

No. 2190656

>shitting/pissing manners not built in unless you provide indoor shit collector, will piss and shit on bed or walls otherwise
This is literally every animal kek. If you keep your pet indoors and don't provide them a toilet, where do you expect them to shit?

No. 2190658

>walks all over kitchen counters, tables, desks, and beds, tracking microscopic fecal particles everywhere
I dislike dogs as well but at least they stay on the ground. Cats get their shit literally everywhere. I could never feel clean in a house with a pet

No. 2190664

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100% agree cats are disgusting and their owners too 10/10. They always have cat hair on them and always have an underlying smell of piss. When my sister had a cat and she would give me old clothes they always reeked of cat piss. They also don’t tell you that cats give attitude and can let you know when they are pissed by literally pissing everywhere out of spite. I don’t even hate cats I just lived with about 4 to realize I would never want one of them in my house. I don’t care how fancy the litter box is you still got shit and piss accumulating in a corner in your house. All love to black cats though the best cats to exist this isn’t for them they do no wrong and I would let them piss and and shit all over my apartment if it meant they’d cuddle me

No. 2190675

How do you deal with having a toilet you piss and shit in that is (presumably) in your house?

No. 2190676

Are you serious I don’t drop dueces and leave it to pile up before flushing it down the toilet. When litter boxes start having plumbing then compare the two

No. 2190677

A few of these are just because retards let their cats outside though. They’re an invasive species and really should be locked inside at all times if they’re kept as pets.

No. 2190679

I always wondered why I’ve never received any male attention my entire life (not that I was ever really pining for it, I’m actually way more thankful for this now that I’ve grown up) and it was because I dressed and presented myself in a way that didn’t appeal to the male gaze. I didn’t wear makeup, I barely shaved, covered up most of my body because I didn’t feel comfortable showing it off. I was living as a regular female that’s been unaltered and not beautified, nipped, tucked, something that has to be made into a visible product for others to consume. There are many women who create videos, reddit board, etc. on dating and beauty is always involved in these spaces, why would I want to alter myself just to make myself more appealing to a predator? It’s like slathering blood all over yourself as a zebra right in front of a lion and hoping they take the bait, something about appealing to men just feels kind of suicidal and dissociating. Even if I am attracted to men as well as women, I think I’ve become way less attracted to them over time and it feels so freeing. Separating yourself from men is freeing. Separating yourself from women who make it their life’s mission to appease and appeal to them is freeing.

No. 2190694

if your sister's home stank so bad that even her clothes reeked of urine then that's on her. she obviously wasn't taking care of her cat properly or cleaning up after it. if you have shit piling up in your cat's litter box then you aren't scooping it enough

No. 2190698

Nonna I relate to this so hard as another woman who's never received male attention in her life and is happy for it too. Me being a lesbian is what's saving me, I think I'd be pretty lonely if I was heterosexual instead.

No. 2190700

There should be more solid colors of sock weight wool than there are horrific vomit-inducing color mixes of the cheapest dyes stirred together. Why is it impossible to walk into a shop and find black sock yarn but I can buy something like "CLOVER", which is a horrific mix of green and red, plus some blue where their dyes were improperly mixed together resulting in an uneven amount of blue per skein. And this is a fucking oldschool professional company, not some woman's side business out of her kitchen.

No. 2190701

I love dressing up and wearing skirts and dresses because coordinating outfits is extremely fun for me, but I don't shave my legs or do makeup (I have visible pores on my face, idc) and it makes it so that men don't hit on me either. The only compliments I get are from women, and it really makes my day when they notice how creative my outfit is, or that the colors go well together. If a man compliments a woman, it's always how her body looks or how her style makes her look like a certain porn category to them. They're basically complimenting you for performing femininity and being a good sex object for them. I think unshaved legs and my weird style really repels them, kek. It's great when women wear what they want and what feels good to them without caring if it looks sexy to men. I always thought there's an extremely fine line between dressing for yourself vs. dressing for the male gaze.

No. 2190704

It wasn’t my sisters house that smelled just her clothes because the cat when it was a baby peed on all her shit. My friend that I lived with she let her cats pee everywhere cuz they were sick and old it was sad. But yeah I’m more mad at cat owners than the cats themselves

No. 2190709

i think dry shampoo is overrated. freshening up your hair between washes is one thing but a lot of people i see using it still look greasy and should just actually wash their hair instead.

No. 2190714

Yay I’m glad I’m not the only one, I just never understood why I was getting ignored but it was probably for the best. I didn’t have to deal with them.
>they’re basically complimenting you for performing femininity and being a good sex object for them
Pretty much, they even started bastardizing soft femininity and started sexualizing it. They ruin everything. Most women really do dress for other men whether they like to admit it or not, the only way to actually not dress for men is to not dress in a way that appeases men and society, unironically. Whenever women decide to dress modestly men applaud it because they view it as a hijab, they no longer have to place the responsibility of not being a coomer on themselves on now on to other women, but inherently there is nothing wrong with female modesty but when a woman decides to dress with a little skin she’s still applauded because she’s now become an object for everybody to look at and obtain. There is nothing wrong with like women dressing either way, it’s the fact that they’re always placed in contexts of male validation and sexualization that ruins it. It’s so annoying because I know why I see a woman having her boobs practically flopping out of her shirt and it’s not for us women kek, they do it for men unfortunately.

No. 2190722

>jannies are molly coddled faggots who don't believe we can criticize and expose scrotes if they're not white
typical, this place is still going to shit, and whoever tossed out this ban needs to go fuck a dildo with lots of nails sticking out of it.(ban evasion)

No. 2190723

why should I care about what happens to white women though, I don’t see you caring how these scrotes kill black women more than they kill you(ban evading racebaiter)

No. 2190731

>the only way to actually not dress for men is to not dress in a way that appeases men and society, unironically
Anon, men coom to airplanes and corpses, there's literally no way to avoid their bullshit. Though I understand your point, because there are women who deliberately dress a certain way to attention whore, you could wear a full hijab or go topless and it wouldn't really change their perception of us. Do what you want and wear what feels right to you

No. 2190733

that’s basically what I wrote nonna

No. 2190742

go back to pol white boy

No. 2190743

nta and i hear your frustration but honestly everyone should read the statistics of femicide rates of all races of women and how much femicide spikes when it involves men and women of the same race. Once you notice that no matter the race you are the men of your race hate you enough to murder you at high af rates. It will cause you to not want to be involved with men of your race anymore. But then once you date out and you hear the little evil things they say about the women of their own race compared to the women of your race you won't want to date them either if you actually cared about women more than getting your rocks off and boosting your own ego. My thing is if men can murder women that resemble them and literally BIRTH them with ease wtf do you think they will do to women that don't look like them once the going gets tough? This is why i fucking hate race wars and how many women fall for the myth of race just because they are the prize race of women to be chosen for the century. Or if they do get peaked by the men of their own race they just turn around and date men of another race that is also terrorizing the women of their own race. WHERE IS THE SOLIDARITY?! it's clear as day race was invented by men for men so that they can conquer whatever race of man they are envious of's "woman". I don't get how grown women don't see this and play into race wars for the ultimate benefit of males. It truly is sad seeing women morph themselves to appeal to these fucks

No. 2190745

You said there is a way to not conform to what men like, but they literally fuck anything, it's a dead point. There's no way to avoid them so might as well do what'd you like

No. 2190746

yuppp which is why I’m confused as to why it matters they’re black to that anon (assuming it isn’t a kiwi scrote)? all of them commit crimes against women kek

No. 2190747

Because they want the dick nonna, simple as. Literally every time a women lets moids come between her and other women, it's for sake of dick. Even if she doesn't intend to touch it, she's seeking the validation of its owner and by extension the rest of (patriarchy) society by falling in line and fighting her fellow woman for scrotes' amusement.

No. 2190748

yeah but that’s basically what I still said though

No. 2190750

tbh if moids didn't exist so many ladies i know would dress 10x "sluttier" (my friend's words not mine) because of the freedom.
>Whenever women decide to dress modestly men applaud it because they view it as a hijab
i hate this so much. i like dressing modest because the clothes are comfier for me and i hate that it gives off a bunch of religious wacko vibes that moids still fetishize. just wish women could exist in peace for five goddamn minutes

No. 2190776

I know! The point is that cat owners seem to think that their pets are 100% literal angels who are completely independent and human-like and that's not true because they're just like any other pet. Like "happy with a food bowl and a leaf" seriously? Is that all you do with your cat? Doesn't need to be trained? Cleaning or brushing it only once in a while?

No. 2190783

yeah this is either a troll or a blatant polfag kek

No. 2190821

If you let your cat outside on purpose I assume you see animals as objects and them dying doesn't really affect you. Also anyone who feels personally attacked by statements like this are genuinely not good people because they refuse to put their animals safety first over their own hubris.

No. 2190826

Absolutely. I had a neighbor who let her cats outside when she lived here and continued to do so after she moved to a wilder area. Within a year of moving, all of her cats had disappeared. I feel so bad for them, poor kitties never stood a chance.

No. 2190827

Yes. Unfortunately, like 70% of straight women revel in pickmeism and fighting over dick like rabid dogs. You can't even escape it when you take out the interracial stuff. There will always be a stupid woman who tells any other woman who tries to warn her about some demonic piece of shit moid that she's "just jealous!!". Male validation is like a drug to these people. Racial dynamics just feed directly into the existing pickme mind virus.

No. 2190830

NTA but that it's exactly how moids think.

No. 2190831

I was being facetious and referencing aziz anzari's comedy act in which he literally says that every time he bangs a white women he imagines his ancestors high fiving him

No. 2190837

I’ve been waiting for him to kill himself since master of none

No. 2190842

Skinny moids are already unhygienic so imagine a fat one who probably just stands in the shower and thinks water will rinse him off

No. 2190852

I find fat women unattractive too. But fat men are much more uglier because they have no excuse and are always dirty. A fat lady will always smell good and still take care of herself most of the time, a fat scrote is just someone who let himself go.

No. 2190860

Based nonna. And this is why female consciousness will never be reached.
I sometimes wish we had the comradeship that men have between them, men will back up pedos , rapists and abusers for bro code, while SOME women will give up everything in a matter of seconds for a scrote, there are even women who become groupies for serial killers kek and those who are ready to give up their rights for scrotes who feel like ladies.

No. 2190889

Because women just don't like women.
Why would you help someone you look down on? This puts it plainly enough, doesn't it? >>2190827
Sure, female solidarity is nice but 70% are stupid pickmes so fuck them, stupid women.

No. 2190900

This song would be so much better if it was sung by another person, her voice is too mushy.

No. 2190904

tbh I've seen similar behavior from lesbians who throw women under the bus in order to be accepted as one of the guys and reduce predatory male scrutiny. Part of being stuck in a patriarchy is that male approval will always be worth more socially than female approval (until we collectively knock that notion on its ass), and all women are incentivized to center moids in this system as a means of survival. It comes back to wanting the metaphorical dick because that dick comes with validation from society, such validation was a necessary part of survival for most of our ancestors.

No. 2190907

insecurity and they’ll fucking murder you if you don’t buy them some hot cheetos or whatever dumb shit those invalids fling their shit everywhere over(racebait)

No. 2190923

Moids are literally the biggest target for other moids. Unlike women, who get killed by men closer to them, statistically men are more likely to get killed totally at random by another moid, or simply die under the hands of an XY for several bullshit reasons (common robbery, drug related punishments, random violence, etc. Not saying women are exempt from this, it's simply not as usual as domestic violence for them). Male "comradeship" is strictly self serving, moids do NOT value other men's lives unless convenient.

Women are very rarely this dangerous or lethal towards their own, even with all the "competition" and pickmeism, women understand at large that we're inherently valuable at least to not go around killing each other, because we could but simply don't. Our biggest predator is a male, not our own, and that in itself should make you guys understand the nature of our gender. This is a blessing in disguise.

No. 2190945

culturally, i cannot think of a more annoying group of people than east asians. the fact that its so ingrained in them to nitpick the tinying things, like gaining a few kilos of weight, meaningless physical features, seems just so fucking tiring and draining to be around. like they're collectively vapid. not to mention how pedophelia is accepted in their societies, so they trash women of other races for "aging badly" in order to cope with the fact that their men openly want to fuck children.(global rule #7)

No. 2190972

Two things:
I don't think Sabrina Carpenter is pedo pandering. I'm not a fan of hers, her spotify stunts put me off completely, but I don't think she's infantilizing herself.
I don't think all "unconventional" tumblr art is bad. Drawing diverse bodies is fun. Drawing ugly people is fun. People with disabilities exist and deserve to be recognized. It's only bad when they mush every disability and ugliness together.

No. 2190984

I was just reading both those threads kek.

No. 2191057

The world would be better if women stopped moralfagging each other

No. 2191079

Cats are so easy to train, I don't understand why people don't just train them to stay at the garden and roof

No. 2191092

That sounds like a lot of cope for you being ugly.

No. 2191093

Leaving cats outside also allows them to kill wild birds.

No. 2191096

"hard faced" always sounds like a compliment to me even though ik it's not supposed to be. how tf is "hard" supposed to be a pejorative, it just sounds cool.

No. 2191101

nta but imagine caring whether or not moids find you attractive… sad

No. 2191111

nta but that post didn’t say anything about men finding her ugly

No. 2191119

Nta and I'm not ugly and I don't get attention either, and a lot of (self-proclaimed) ugly women still get attention.

No. 2191224

File: 1727905886513.jpeg (Spoiler Image,136 KB, 780x1032, desperate link.jpeg)

No. 2191313

Old fags have a problem with phone posting because they’re just old people adverse to technology. I know back in 2003 you could only go on the internet from your big brick computer but it’s 2024 now and you need to be open to change. Everytime an anon complains about deleting and reposting posts or emojis I just know they’re over 30.

No. 2191365

All men are guilty until proven innocent.

No. 2191368

>t.zoomer newfag that doesn’t understand that letting everyone be able to post made the internet shittier so phoneposters were always seen as a sign of decline in quality

No. 2191369

File: 1727912487208.jpeg (57.6 KB, 680x668, 5F10F57C-D34E-441E-9E0D-21FED9…)

It’s crazy the shit you see when you’re an attractive women who doesn’t act like a complete idiot. Moids show their true colors almost instantly if you’re actually paying attention. I swear some moids will have completely consistent, normal interactions with average women and then act like complete retards once a women they’re really attracted to comes around. Not in a shy awkward way but in an extremely insecure way where they try and tear you down to their level while being completely cordial with the women they deem non threatening. This so why it’s not a flex to get picked. So many of these moids use more average looking women as placeholder while secretly pining after the women they want. Even when they do get the women they want they almost always self destruct.

No. 2191396

Men make women’s lives complete hell and then have the audacity to play the victim.

No. 2191426

it’s weird to me people can acknowledge short girls have small everything else. smaller hands when held up to someone. your heart is the size of your fist, your other organs are going to be smaller too just to make a body work and fit in your body. but the second anyone comes close to saying we have smaller vaginas too they freak out as if we are calling them loose and not like. complaining about it.

No. 2191445

This gets even worse when you have the face of a teenager and everyone thinks you're more than 10 years younger than you actually are. It's like they pull out their worst set of moves when talking to me and think they can manipulate me with these shit tier tactics. The horror… At least it quickly shows their true colors but I would rather not experience it at all. Just act fucking normal is it that hard

No. 2191506

The worst moids do tend have their “safe” strung-along girlfriend who thinks pouring more into the relationship will redeem it, while bitterly pining over other women (and/or men). It’s so gross.

No. 2191512

because you don't? genitalia isn't set in stone like everything else, there's manlets with 8inchers and smol beans uwu with a loose fit down there.

No. 2191516

men’s genitals vary a lot more. you wouldn’t argue about us generally have a smaller uterus. about smaller women having trouble giving birth sometimes. there is literally less space between our hips and thighs. do you think the vulva of a six foot tall wide wet woman is the same size as a five foot tall narrow hipped woman? like seriously why is it the vagina canal that triggers you? why are you getting weird about it.

No. 2191518

>men’s genitals vary a lot more
Literally conjecture.

No. 2191520

bad post

No. 2191523

>narrow hipped
you said it, a 6ft tall woman with narrow hips may have the same problems as a teeny tiny narrow hipped smol bean. we're not moids, vaginas are made to be more equal, specially the canal. but the uterus isn't the same as the canal and they do indeed vary by size.

No. 2191524

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No. 2191532

File: 1727921305735.jpg (57.55 KB, 632x407, 637188449962070000.jpg)

The obsession with past decades from zoomers isn't your average "i was born in the wrong generation" shit. The culture has become controlled by an algorithm designed to make you as angry as possible because of the fact that everyone became tied to social media post-pandemic. The pandemic quite literally killed any culture the 2020's could have had, it's no surprise these kids long for a time before it.

No. 2191533

okay but a narrow hipped six foot tall woman is still going to be larger than a narrow hipped five foot tall woman and probably a large hipped five foot tall woman as well? their skeletons and organs in general are just going to be significantly larger

No. 2191536

>six foot tall wide wet woman
Why are you being fucking weird

No. 2191537

it’s supposed to say hipped clearly

No. 2191540

I’ve never heard of a six foot tall woman struggling to give birth, but I have heard of short women struggling so clearly that’s not true.

No. 2191542

Nta but I have kek? Why is this a competition.
It's probably because it honestly just comes off as a humble brag. Men already prefer shorter women and talk about how they love to pick them up and stuff during sex. Now tall women gotta be reminded that men also pick short women because they're tighter

No. 2191543

yeah like small women should be slapped for going around implying larger women are loose or gross or whatever but i do think it’s just not possible for every body part except one to be affected in size by being a smaller person.

No. 2191544

but being tighter is simply not true, i've seen this question a lot of times in 4tards and moids nearly always say height doesn't do shit, what makes the difference is 1. childbirth, 2. fitness, and 3. weight (moids say fatties are tighter unironically). smaller vaginal canal? maybe, but it's a organ that expands upon arousal, not that it really matters unless you have a weapon of a dick

No. 2191546

how could that possibly not be true if the size of your hips your internal organs etc are all smaller. like could someone do something to make themself not tight sure but??? childbirth barely changes things long term generally so that’s kind of a misogynist myth in itself that you can get loose. i wouldn’t trust men on 4chan to know about anything especially not about sex with women? wouldn’t a fat woman just be more squished together down there the same way a tiny person would be lol.

No. 2191548

Vaginas don't work like that. What contributes to a vagina's tightness is the muscle tone of the pelvic floor.

No. 2191550

manlets with 8inchers
men’s genitals vary a lot more
honestly, this doesn't really make sense, and I think it's a psyop so that men don't feel too exposed and vulnerable when women can reasonably make guesses about dick size based on their general height and frame size. I'm sure smaller men have smaller cocks.

No. 2191552

you guys are like reaching to compare women with different size and shaped hips and pelvic floor tone because you can’t argue that it’s just physically smaller on a smaller person

No. 2191553

biggest dick i ever saw was on a manlet but i’ve seen taller men with comparable ones because the size of their dicks is not constrained by the amount of space between their legs. otherwise it would be pinched all day cos that’s not where it sits. i do think you’re probably right though that typically a smaller man is going to have a smaller one but mens dick sizes are honestly random as hell sometimes it’s so weird.

No. 2191555

My theory is actually you can tell by the size of their adam’s apple. Not sure it holds since it’s a different type of tissue but I wonder if both tissues are affected by a certain gene or hormone.

No. 2191556

File: 1727922768560.jpg (18.36 KB, 474x255, pelvic floor.jpg)

It's not about size, it's about muscle strength.

No. 2191559

Nah dick size really is random. Not to mention the fact that some grow like crazy when erect. Seen one that was like 2 inches soft and then grew to 7 inches erect

No. 2191560

You guys… yes that obviously matters too??? And so does the size and shape or the hips. There are multiple factors but be serious. We are comparing two women with the same tone and shape and size of hip because that is how you compare a trait. Stature plays a part just like those things are when looked at alone.

No. 2191626

Lana isn't a lizzy shes more of a beth because she fat

No. 2191628

What does this mean?

No. 2191630

LDR's real name is Elizabeth but her stans usually refer to her as Lizzy and she referred to herself as Lizzy Grant during her crack days but now that shes old and in her diabetes era she has more Beth energy

No. 2191631

are you literally retarded men act like average/ugly women are subhumans to be bullied and mistreated, you aren’t some fucking special princess for performing femininity. what is wrong with some women thinking their “prettiness” is what makes them a target, you’re being targeted because of misogyny that affects all women, go fuck yourself

No. 2191638

Kimiko is seriously one of the most poorly written characters ever kek

No. 2191643

kill yourself, false

No. 2191650

Not what I said at all, learn to read.

No. 2191655

File: 1727935751168.jpg (38.42 KB, 512x800, 305915146-512-k383657.jpg)

dont talk like that about my first waifu

No. 2191656

Most Cows are boring and not even worth indulging in the milk, speaking as an ex-Amberverse fag. In the end, the reaction channels were more interesting and more milky but they eventually got boring too. These new-aged cows are even more boring.

No. 2191662

which kimiko the one from the boys? i was just watching that show kek

No. 2191720

File: 1727946999251.jpeg (24.9 KB, 568x540, IMG_3558.jpeg)

I thought I was the only one who peeped this humble brag same with short girls saying they are tighter? Who cares? Why would I or any woman want to be tight for these men? Doesn’t that mean that the tighter you are the more painful PIV sex is? And isn’t the more aroused a woman is the more open she becomes anyway? And when she isn’t aroused the tighter she becomes? Why are short women bragging about experiencing more pain in sex and childbirth and not disgusted that men usually 6ft+ solely go after you short women because they know the tighter a girl is the more sex hurts her? You don’t find it weird that big men with bigger dicks on average solely seek out short girls? Especially if this is such a “known thing” that the smaller the girl the tighter she is. Men are disgusting and you idiotas allow them to be by competing to be the most prettiest smallest girl while being shocked your man wants a child next because hur dur the smaller you are the tighter you are so of COURSE little girls are the most tight girls to exist!!! See what these moid themed conversations allow men to get away with? A lot of women perpetuate pedophilia by pandering to these moids and spreading these weird humblebrags

No. 2191721

Im 160cm(avg for some but ppl in my country call it short) and i cant feel any guy below a certain length and width so i doubt that's true. I actually hooked up w a guy who was weird lyrics happy i was short and surprise surprise he had a tiny dick which i couldn't feel lmao

No. 2191738

Refusing to ever remove your engagement/wedding rings is stupid, don't come crying when it gets damaged or lost.

No. 2191800

this is something they never consider because they don't see sex as something meant to be mutually enjoyed. they think their purpose as a woman is to gratify men so it never even occurs to them that sex isn't supposed to be painful. they're very sick in the head and it's sad

No. 2191903

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I don't think people Tophiachu and ShawtyBae are actually lolcows. They're just unfortunate looking fat girls that normies and kids on tiktok decide to bully and hate watch. They don't really do anything interesting and they end up getting revenue from all the hate watchers. The hate watchers get mad that Tophia won't get a job and puts all her donos into food and being lazy. I mean of course she is, because these people gave her a platform to live off of. Surprise surprise that someone gets a following online and lives off it. They should stop trying to create "lolcows" of people they find ugly.

No. 2191952

I’m so glad I grew out of that wanting a man and needing to find love before I turned 30. Imagine being in your 30s still dealing with abusive relationships, being insecure about your looks on a blind date with some random you met on tinder, desperately searching dating apps all the time to find the right guy….id rather kill myself

No. 2191961

This isn't fooling anyone sis. If you truly didn't care, you wouldn't have posted.(infight bait)

No. 2191963

>you’re not fooling anyone
This is an anonymous image board

No. 2191969

No. 2191973

Who do I need to fool? We’re anonymous so I’m basically talking to myself

No. 2191978

Slow day for infights?

No. 2191981

You’ll never find a bf or husband who will love you. The closest thing you’ll ever get to a man loving you is from your son or father. This is why boy moms are so bat shit because it’s the first time a male has genuinely loved them and wanted them around.

No. 2191983

Can you go drink your morning coffee or something maybe your mood will improve nonna

No. 2191984

This is kind of a cynical view, did your boyfriend not like you nonners?

No. 2191986

That's not true at all. That's like claiming everyone is an NPC but you. If you really didn't want to tell anyone about it, you would write it in your diary.

No. 2191987

NTA but I agree Kimiko or Minako or whatever the fuck her name was was seriously the most annoying character and I fast forwarded through all of her scenes

No. 2191989

From what I’ve seen most straight men would rather be hanging with their boys or cheating. They seem to just have the woman around to keep the house from going into chaos.

No. 2191990

Talking to people anonymously is the best way to talk about offensive things you don’t wanna get canceled for by people who actually matter

No. 2191992

Oh ok so you haven’t had a boyfriend, your opinion is based off other peoples experiences?

No. 2191993

Your bf doesn’t love you and if you ever get terminally sick or disfigured he’s gonna leave you. I’m sorry if that hurts your feelings.

No. 2191995

I feel really sad for anons who will never experience unconditional love, it is really amazing and makes life livable no matter how hard you’re struggling with other shit. I know my husband doesn’t spend time around other women because he has very specific standards and could legitimately never find someone that would remind him of me, so he just loves me by myself kek. Any straight anons here who are close to giving up on love, don’t.

No. 2191997

I already have experienced terminal illness and disability and he’s stuck by my side every minute of the day to take care of me and make sure that I feel loved and safe, I promise you that real love does exist nonny, it’s not just shit you see in movies.

No. 2191999

I’ll only believe your husband loves you unconditionally if you got a terminal illness and couldn’t fuck anymore or if you got brutally disfigured in acid attack and he stays to take care of you

No. 2192000

So your literally dying right now and you scrote is around?

No. 2192001

Yes ma’am he has stuck around for the last 7 years, even before I became unwell. I am incredibly lucky.

No. 2192004

You’re dying. Your brain is loopy and you don’t have the strength to check his hard drive to see what he’s up to. I can’t trust your opinion.

No. 2192007

>unconditional love
Miss me with that fake shit, I would never give unconditional love to anybody.

No. 2192009

It’s ok nonny we share a computer and bedroom so I can see what he’s up to 24/7, I do appreciate your genuine concern though

No. 2192010

Unconditional love exists but usually you’ll only get it from parents

No. 2192013

Oh damn you're one of those nigelfags who brag about spending literally every single moment with their partner, don't you sometimes wanna hang out with your friends or have a little walk by yourself?

No. 2192020

I go outside by myself all the time, but I don’t really see any benefit to having friends, I feel like my husband is all I need(derailing)

No. 2192023

nigelfags are so insane, they act so snarky about their nigel on here, but when they find out their bf jerks it to "teen destroyed by BBC gangbang" they pretend like they had no clue and they are the victim. See you on the Love After Porn and the relationship threads, anon, KEK

No. 2192024

Are you both NEET? I'm so jealous

No. 2192031

I’m sorry about whatever relational trauma you experienced but my husband is staunchly anti-porn, and he also has a wife so I don’t really get what he’d need porn for when we could just do it? I don’t think it’s snarky to live a healthy lifestyle and find a man who does the same

No. 2192033

I did with my ex too, and he wfh. He was still secretly watching asian and cuck porn on his phone and had a ton of it on his pc downloaded in hidden folders. He's just hiding it

No. 2192036

I'm sorry, but I think when someone tries really hard to defend their nigel on lolcor, I immediately think they have a weird bpd-tier relationship or they feel insecure about it. I hate how every day we get a random woman on here replying to every post with "but muhhh nigel would NEVER" and "but he is DA BEST! sorry femcel!" If I'm in a happy relationship,
I can't imagine caring so much about what farmers on here have to say, to the point I reply to every single post and reiterate the same points the last nigelfag made yesterday. This is lolcow, what exactly did you expect? kek It's so weird and not normal, that's my unpopular opinion.

No. 2192040

I wasn’t participating in this convoo so I can’t speak for them but it reads more as a Q&A than an aggressive defense of a random guy kek, take a chill pill anon

No. 2192041

>my unpopular opinion is that these women are insecure about their relationship

No. 2192043

I think when someone tries really hard to gaslight an anon into thinking that their nigel is sewww bad and is cheating on them with porn that’s kind of just as annoying

No. 2192049

They act very fake concerned with "why are you so bitter I'm so sorry you only had shitty exes" and "I hope one day you meet true love uwu" but their posts have a weird smug undertone, I feel like this is the only thing they have going on in their lives.

No. 2192052

He’s playing the long game so when he does he gets that big check so he can go marry someone else immediately after your funeral

No. 2192053

nta but all the OP said is that she believes that real love does exist and that her relationship has proven it to her…it doesn’t surprise me that a few of you are very miserable and angry, considering how hard it is for you to even have a conversation with people who aren’t alike to you kek.

No. 2192054

So when u die

No. 2192056

I just can't relate to sharing so much personal info to counterargument someone online. Maybe if I were bored and bullshitting everything.

No. 2192057

Ntayrt but wym personal info? No one posted identifiable information

No. 2192062

File: 1727978108067.jpeg (28.77 KB, 276x183, IMG_5368.jpeg)

>I don’t really see any benefit to having friends, I feel like my husband is all I need

No. 2192064

How boring.

No. 2192067

Not really, I am in a happy relationship, but you will just never see me on here everyday defending my moid and having arguments with people that lead to nowhere. Does he say he is very against porn and he'd never watch it because it harms women? Yes. Am I realistic about every moid's nature and I accept that there is a huge chance he is lying? Yes. I'm very happy and we never fight, but I am just not that gullible and naive. The whole "bitter femcels" excuse about why people disagree with you is getting old.

No. 2192078

Kek. Take the L nonita, she beat your ass with her life experience.

No. 2192087

All of you playing dumb, as if this argument doesn't resurface every 8 hours on here and this example is the first in lolcor history.

No. 2192100

you shouldn’t even use the word “moid” if you’re still entertaining a man in your bed, kek. you don’t actually hate men. there’s a level of scrote acceptable enough for you let a porn addict and misogynist hit. you and every other nigelfag are retarded

No. 2192104

nigelfag: my nigel loves me
nigelfag: no he isn't
anti-nigelfag: YES HE IS REEEEE

It just reads as seethe and jealously.

No. 2192106

men famously do not lie or reveal their abusive scrotal ways even after decades of a seemingly happy marriage

No. 2192108

File: 1727980069247.jpg (139.22 KB, 1080x1343, GOgGC3EbwAIaOdW.jpg)

female cats are more affectionate than moid cats

No. 2192109

NTA but if someone is presently happy then what is the point of feeding them weird fantasies about their husband turning out to be some supervillain?

No. 2192110

Sure but why waste time seething about another anon being in a relationship on an anonymous image board? Scroll past it or tell her she's a retard and move on.

No. 2192112

I agree, I also think they are way more intelligent in my experience.

No. 2192115

Nah my male cats are sweetie pies. My female cat can be affectionate, but usually only to me.

No. 2192116

No. 2192120

oh im not saying they cant be affectionate sorry if i insinuated that but i find female cats are more lovely to be with moid cats can be a bit aggressive at times

No. 2192123

You sound pressed and jealous anon, anything you wanna share with the class? You all perpetuating the idea that it’s simply impossible for men to NOT watch porn, are part of the problem. You’re just as bad as some that think porn is ok. You are literally pushing the idea that there is no way a man could be in a stable relationship and not have a porn addiction, and that stems from something inside YOU. Like do you think you’re being progressive or are you just a retard

No. 2192124

I miss my lady cat so much. Dasha if you’re reading this I love you

No. 2192129

retard isn’t enough. personally i don’t often rail on nigelfags, women will always be so retarded as to fuck and suck men so it’s pointless to go on and on about it, but i guess other anons do it to inspire some sense of shame or self-reflection. like realize that fear of consequence and the law are the only things that keep your sweet ~nigel~ from raping you when he gets horny, from fucking children, from indulging his t-addled brain in whatever way he pleases. if you disagree just look at countries in the middle east or south korea or even history. men are pit bulls. they can be cuddled up to, and you can put them into cute outfits, and you can teach them fun tricks, but a dog is a dog kek. let that in your bed if you want to but if you don’t want anyone pointing that out keep it to yourself

No. 2192131

So you're just a BP schizo that's escaped containment.

No. 2192137

Biggest red flag for me too that and she’s on lolcow maybe I’m projecting but when I was in a happy relationship Or just doing well in life I never visited lolcow but when I was experiencing life and relationship hardships I camped out on here. Judging by the lolcow graduation party most anons decide to leave this sites when their mental health, life and relationships are on the up and up and only tend to come back when they are spiraling. I just can’t see a happy woman on lolcow defending her Nigel she would just be too busy fucking or texting him. But if she’s likes having 0 female relationships then I love it. Don’t turn to women when shit gets tough in fact why are you on lolcow go to 4chan and brag about him there

No. 2192141

hmm…no argument. go diddle your nigel

No. 2192161

Anon I hope a man comes along that you wanna suck and fuck and then maybe youd stop sperging retarded shit on the internet. Seriously, the projection and jealousy does make you look schizo. You ignore the fact that you are literally part of the problem. You hate men so much? Don’t have sex with them and shut up. No one is forcing you. But you’re so petty you can’t get dicked down that you wanna stop other women from getting laid haha, you’re a loser(infighting)

No. 2192167

Nobody is jealous, we just know the true nature of men, and are in despair that despite all they do, women still choose to end up with them.

No. 2192184

Then express that in a single post and move on. You're never going to convince someone else to leave their nigel over the internet.


And now we're entering mental illness territory.(infighting)

No. 2192195

Nta but wishing someone to get a nigel sounds like a death threat to me kek.

No. 2192219

if i see a hot guy i appreciate his appearance but understand he is still male, and to fuck or suck him would be akin to going out into the woods and eating the first tasty, brightly colored mushroom i see. i am smart enough to not eat the mushroom, i am smart enough to not fuck the male. sorry that you aren’t

No. 2192227

Girl we been in mental illness territory, its lc.

No. 2192228

You definitely don’t have any female friends because if you did you would know that it is extremely easy to get dicked down. All you have to do is make an account on a dating app and the men will invite you to their place hook line and sinker. Hell just go to a bodega at any time of day and there will be a man ready and willing. Please stop acting like having a male live with you is some sort of prize or hard feat in fact times are tough and rent is high you are going to be seeing many hobosexuals clamoring to marry the first girl they see because 2 incomes is better than 1. You ladies are being played

Getting married as a woman in 2024 is a net negative for women and a net positive for men. They are remaining stagnant in the work force while women on average are earning higher and higher even out earning them. Men see it too and are desperate for marriage because women are their meal ticket. Men are the biggest gold diggers and women like this Nigel obsessed pick me are easy bait

No. 2192230

Corporate offices should have nap rooms. I’d punch a clown for a post-lunch nap rn.

No. 2192233

No tf they shouldn’t work should just be 4-6 hours instead of 8.

No. 2192235

samefag id probably punch a clown anyway but I digress

No. 2192238

Even better! You’re hired Anon.

No. 2192246

I'm not >>2192161
You're talking to more than one person.

>retarded psychoanalysis

Seething that hard over someone you've never met being in a relationship is not normal psychology and it is this which leads to other anons speculating as to why.

Even in a territory where everyone is mentally ill, some will be more mentally ill than others.

No. 2192309

File: 1727987169080.jpg (25.62 KB, 500x355, 2ee188487b4de726e2058a68094aaa…)

>y-you're just bitter and angry because you're jealous and need some dick to shut you up, stupid feminist!!
Heard it a bazillion times, yet my nonnas still take it seriously. I'm not going to state the more obvious, but when will they understand that it's incredibly fucking easy for a woman to get laid no matter what.

No. 2192334

It's easy to get laid but not easy to get a good Nigel. Most anons here would drop the misandry act if they found prince charming.

No. 2192345

I would not, how horrifying.

No. 2192347

Kay, would they then come here to blog about it?

No. 2192362

I don't know if this is actually unpopular or not, but I really despise the "overcorrection" to those videos where women are being hyper vigilante of sex trafficking/kidnapping in hotel rooms, dark parking lots, etc. Now I'll admit that chronicling your paranoia on social media is definitely overkill, but I also think those videos come from a genuine place of fear and lived experiences. It's fine to say "it's not likely to happen to you" but often it feels like it devolves into mocking and being dismissive of real problems women face in their daily lives. And of course the woke moid brigade loves to roll them out as an example of W H I T E women victimizing themselves. It just feels (at best) incredibly mean-spirited to make an example out of someone's legitimate fear. At worst - it's just misogyny.

No. 2192363

It's bait. They did the exact same shit in multiple threads (vent, american thread), also same posts, a while ago but this time added terminal illness to their larp/samefagging.


No. 2192373

File: 1727989625734.jpg (163.83 KB, 2508x1672, take this.jpg)

>every woman in a relationship on this website is in fact the same person posting bait across multiple threads

No. 2192377

prince charming doesn’t exist retard. there’s not a single modern male that doesn’t watch porn or doesn’t somewhat buy into misogynistic modes of thought, that’s the point. i don’t envy any woman who can tolerate ANY level of scrote, i don’t care how hot or (seemingly!!) decent he is.

No. 2192438

Male cats are mean and vindictive. Female cats are sweetie pies. Mother in law's male cat will shit and pee in her bed if she doesn't feed him at the exact moment he wants it, or if she doesn't something that mildly upsets him like rearranging furniture. My own mom's male cat when she was a child would pee in the stovetop burners every morning. But my fiancé's female cat never did anything like that when she was alive. She was so sweet and snuggly. For some reason she loved any gore on tv kek if there was a show on and someone died in it she'd turn her head to watch and purr

No. 2192479

Yeah right, we all know you're gonna be simping for Nigel once you've found The One. You can drop the act now sis

No. 2192489

Lol for me it’s the exact opposite. My boy cats are simple cuddlebugs and my girl cat bosses them both around all day. She’s a bitch but she’s sweet to me.

No. 2192535

nta but anon, please get real

No. 2192548

Nigelfags so insecure in their relationships with porn rotted men they have to constantly spout how everyone else just needs to find the right guy and then automatically they will become happy. Several radical feminists are married and have children. Gail Dines comes to mind. The friends I have in long term, secure relationships never feel the need to talk about their Nigel or put single women down. If you're in a happy relationship you'd never feel the need to constantly tell others how totally happy you are. Simple as that.

No. 2192552

File: 1727996049314.jpg (Spoiler Image,63.12 KB, 1017x651, scaring-customers-oliver-broml…)

No, kicking this man out of a restaurant is not equivalent to discriminating against women, gay, or black people. This is not equivalent to discriminating against people with missing limbs or the handicapped. All the "They should kick out the karens who complained, just don't look at him" comments are pure virtue signalling and they know it. It's a horrible condition to have but you'd be terrified if you came across his face with no warning, especially sitting down to eat in a public place.

No. 2192554

Imagine projecting like this on animals. Come on, one thing are humans which have a conscious; and other thing are animals. I had both female and male animals, both act according to their instinct and the education provided. If you are retarded enough to not know how to train a cat regarding of their sex, I don't know what to tell you…

No. 2192560

Did you even read what I wrote kek none of those cats were mine

No. 2192562

I know you're probably just saying this because he's a man, but honestly it is terrible to kick people out just because they have a physical deformity. My grandma is a burn victim and while most of her face is fine, I can't imagine her being kicked out of an establishment because of her scarring.
>you'd be terrified if you came across his face with no warning, especially sitting down to eat in a public place.
I honestly would just mind my business. Im not even sure who stare at a stranger's face while at a restaurant tbh.

No. 2192566

Nah, seeing blacks twerk and yell is much, much worse. It's a bit shocking to see the poor guy's face but unless you're maybe a little child this wouldn't leave any lasting feeling other than maybe some sorrow for him. All the ones that SHOULD be discriminated against are genuine, active nuisances beyond just simply existing in a shared, public space.(racebait)

No. 2192567

You apply too to that retarded mindset, projecting human psychology to animals.

No. 2192569

i mean it kind of is? his face isnt even that disfigured and ive seen irl burn victims. but if children were present i could understand it a bit

No. 2192570

Jeez I'm sorry that all the male cats I've known are mean?

No. 2192575

He's not even that bad. Zaid the burn victim (who YouTube decided was so scary looking the video he was in needed to be age restricted) is probably the "worst" looking person I've seen.

No. 2192577

Mean is something that humans can be, because they are conscious of their choices. These cats acted on instinct solely, because they didn't have a conscious and didn't have a correct education, according to your accounts.

No. 2192581

I'm not gonna lie to you nonners, I think that I'd be more scared of a big rowdy black teenager than a guy missing part of his face(racebaiting)

No. 2192584

Right, and they're mean. Girl I'm in the unpopular opinions thread, clearly this was an unpopular opinion to you.

No. 2192588

It's a retarded opinion, sorry

No. 2192589

Quit being retarded already, this is getting old.

No. 2192591

> I'd be more scared of an actual threat than someone missing part of their body
> KWIT BEING RETARDED!!!(racebaiting)

No. 2192596

No, not saying this just because he's a man, but
Remembering this person exists, and the men who's hair transplants leave them looking scalped and dripping blood wherever they walk, the man I posted about is tame in comparison. It's more seeing the stitched up unhealed/ wounded faces twisted or missing parts is what's distressing. You can't deny seeing it is distressing but I am sorry for what they all went through.

No. 2192597

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No. 2192606

Mustard on pizza isn't gross I wont be shamed out of doing this any longer

No. 2192607

File: 1727998139842.jpg (94.06 KB, 736x736, 1000068588.jpg)

Makeup should be more about being creative and having fun and less about covering imperfections. Going out would be more fun if doing your makeup like pic related wasn't considered almost the same as going out on a bikini.

No. 2192610

I agree with you he should cover up the crusty blood. Get one of those long cloth bandages to wrap around the head. It's really off-putting/gross to see blood and wounds while at a restaurant

No. 2192616

I agree, unfortunately this would never catch on though. I hate it when people are like "makeup is about expressing yourself" expressing yourself by covering up your acne? stop lying

No. 2192620

Shayna is the it girl and female celebrities are culturally appropiating her aesthetic and cow ethnicity

No. 2192625

I hate those videos where parents let their free range teen and adult autists harass the performers at Disney by touching and grabbing at them. Obviously they are trained to work with kids, but I'm sure it's pretty unnerving to have a person with the body of an adult man grabbing at you without being able to tell them to stop. And it makes me even angrier that so many of the retarded parents post it as a feel-good moment. It's absolutely not lost on me that 9 out of 10 times these are moids too. That type of behavior would never be accepted from female autists.

No. 2192628

I dont see what's so fun about putting time and effort into putting uncomfy gunk on your face for the sake of achieving a desired aesthetic. It's still extra work and an unpleasant feeling solely to look a certain way, and moids would never bother.

No. 2192630

i like love bites i don't get why they're so taboo i am a NEET tho so i can see why theyre nsfw but it doesn't apply to me

No. 2192631

agree but i often flounder after i'm done with my eye makeup. i'm so clueless with what to do with blush and contour etc lol

No. 2192637

Nobody else can even have an opinion on this, I think you might be the only person who's tried mustard on pizza

No. 2192644

ntayrt and i love mustard on pizza. bri'ish mustard and the american french's mustard (more preferable).

No. 2192732

Not a lot of people here can handle this statement but women are responsible for troons just as much as men are. Women tend to be just as obsessed with gender roles and stereotypes and if you don’t envision that you’ll get bullied and forced into questioning yourself. Happened to me. Still happens to me, people have accused me of being a moid several times here because I might use some moid language.

No. 2192737

A lot of women are troon's little flying monkeys. My brother was telling me about a conversation he was having with his friends (who are women), he told them he is so offended everytime a tranny tries matching with him on a dating app. One of the friends of his started calling him a bigot yada yada, talking about how sexuality has nothing to do with genitals but instead what you identify as, and that either way "sexual reassignment surgery looks exactly and functions exactly as real vaginas do"… my brother obviously refuting everything she was saying and in the end his friend finally said "I'm angry at you because I honestly agree with you but I think that's morally wrong of us" kek.

No. 2192738

Older threads from 3-5 years ago who were maybe not the most the most active at the time are the most fun to binge

No. 2192743

I get what you're saying and I don't think anyone claims women had no part in it when TIFs and handmaidens exists, but I wouldn't say women are just as responsible for the trans movement as the sexpest moids who nailed dead rats to a rape relief shelter and harassed them till they closed. Normie and gendie women may have been stupid enough to give them a finger, but male trannies are ultimately the ones who took the entire arm and drowned all womanhood.

No. 2192766

I don’t think early 30s and early 20s is that bad of an age gap. Idk why people in their early 20s always grow up and act like they got groomed in these dynamics. I’m 32 and my bf is 23 and our childhoods were the same, we watched the same shows(shit like victorious and sponge bob), did the same shit and now we have the same tastes in everything.

No. 2192770

the guy i dated who was ten years older than me didn’t know any of the same stuff i did

No. 2192802

This is an unpopular opinion in the horror spaces I'm in, but Terrifier is just a bad horror film franchise. I don't only say that because of the extreme misogyny (though that does contribute to why I personally don't like it), they just aren't actually scary. It's a copy paste of every slasher film, but with a completely mediocre killer, who should at least be visually interesting. But that movie is just so, so boring. It really just feels like torture porn, but not even creative torture porn. I can watch Saw movies, which are absolutely torture porn, and be kind of entertained because it's somewhat interesting. Terrifier is just bad.

No. 2192807

terrifier doesn’t even count as a movie in my mind

No. 2192845

Let me preface this by saying that I think there's a real difference between an age gap where the woman is older compared to age gaps where the men is older, the latter is far more likely to be predatory and controlling, so I have no problems with yours. But you're also pretty fucking stupid if you think people's problems with age gaps is about your shared or different taste in media and hobbies.

No. 2192858

I’m unbothered by it if it’s an older woman and younger man. Anyways, zoomer boys these days look 10 years older than their female counterparts.

No. 2192916

The average IQ on lolcow is probably 85.

No. 2192917

yeah if you only count yourself

No. 2192918

This is not how IQ works

No. 2192919

When anons leave lolcow.farm for crystal.cafe, they raise the average IQ of both websites.

No. 2192937

Kek does anyone remember the legal retardchan in the Depp v Heard threads?

No. 2192970

Kek nice burn

No. 2193050

I don't care about Halloween, it's a low-tier holiday.

No. 2193052

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No. 2193055

File: 1728043590872.png (122.67 KB, 918x1053, tumblr_pxqs3pwFGu1xmkxngo1_128…)

THATS IT NO Invitation to the witchy sabbath for you. We shall frolick naked around the bonfire without you negative nancy's

No. 2193063

I tried so hard to be a good little handmaiden in college because I was conflict-adverse and desperately wanted friends. I have higher self-esteem now and openly think what I want. Social pressure runs strong and a lot of young women just don't want to be isolated for wrong think

No. 2193064

Which holiday do you like most? I love Halloween because I love the autumn season

No. 2193067

I feel this way about all major holidays. It's all just an excuse to sell plastic landfill fodder and processed slop. There's no deeper meaning to any of it any more.

No. 2193082

File: 1728046592322.png (239.17 KB, 783x220, 1000008287.png)

I like this artstyle

No. 2193089

Anniversaries and birthdays. Thanksgiving is my favorite autumn holiday it just needs to be saved from the black Friday and early Christmas garbage.
It's a holiday celebrating plastic yard crap, tropey slop movies, and candy. calm down.

No. 2193123

you like the most fucked holidays where you are forced to be with family yuck. Halloween is great because no one can claim it as "their day" It's everyone's day to be silly and goofy but all around spooky

No. 2193127

>plastic yard crap, tropey slop movies, and candy
I find it insulting to reduce them to a hyper-capitalistic day. Women who were and are called witches should be remembered and celebrated every day. Turning their story into something mystical or spiritual is, frankly, idiotic. Men killed those women in the name of petty, patriarchal beliefs. You are making a mockery of feminicide.

No. 2193134

Many adult animals are cuter than their baby counterparts. I find big hairy adult cats cuter than kittens, big fluffy sheep cuter than lambs. Odd I guess but they're so sweet to me

No. 2193136

NAYRT but chill its not that deep. Every single holiday is reduced to hyper commodified crap now, our religion is capitalism

No. 2193217

Then, escape the religion.

No. 2193225

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>Takes a joke response seriously
We are never beating the autism allegations.

No. 2193390

Black women have it the hardest in the USA but like with women of all cultures, 90% of their problems would be solved if they left their men. When I think of black American women almost all of their problems boil down to their scrotes.

No. 2193401

going outside makes me enjoy using this website, why am I actually enjoying using this website right now? is it because of the sun beaming in my face? the fresh air?

No. 2193415

true but that‘s never happening, they love falling into the extremely over the top jezebel sexual goddess stand by her man trope and christianity, they simply won’t let it go

No. 2193480

black women are leaving their men though hence the whole "divesting" movement. The TRUE issue is black women, like all races of women once they find out their scrotes hate them, think that other races of men will then save them but they fucking won't. Also black women have literally been brutalized into accepting christianity and oversexualizing themselves in ways most people can't even begin to conceptualize because they never took the time to read basic slave history. They dont know what really happened to enslaved women and how the brutalization of black girls and women's bodies persisted into the 20th century ALL over the world. Not just america.

Also also as a black woman i loathe people that use the term jezebel at black women. Even before I knew I had curves I was sexualized for my body i developed boobs at around 7-8 and we get VILLIANIZED for it our entire youth. I've gotten detention so many times in the summer for wearing the exact same shorts as my white friend who has less curves. For A LOT of black women no matter what they wear they will give off an oversexualized jezebel trope because that is what society has been conditioned to think of when they see our body types. To demonize black women who embrace their figures by calling them jezebel's is sick. I get it the rap genre ruined the black woman's image in today's modern society and i hate them for it too but with or without rap black women would be seen as oversexualized harlots for just existing. Case and point Sarah Bartman. a teen who was just minding her business in SOuth africa when the disgusting french brutalized her in unspeakable ways.

TLDR: Watch your mouth when you talk about black women

No. 2193501

Insightful and based nonna.

No. 2193530

Why are “new age hippies” so fucking annoying. You are not a hippie you’re wearing aliexpress clothing. I think the style is so ugly but their attitudes are always uglier. Every hippie bitch I’ve ever met turns out to be a nutcase BPD chan.

No. 2193536

Literally every single race of women have been brutalized. The only difference is that black women have movies and documentaries made about you.

No. 2193542

why are you trying to make this a competition? she’s just explaining things as someone who actually belongs to the group that they were talking about

No. 2193544

Yippee movies and documentaries that came after civil rights movements!!!! You have a bunch of movies about your struggles, don’t worry nobody is taking up space in your precious “white woman only” land. It’s the straight up narcissism that come from your lot that genuinely makes me cringe, get a grip(racebait)

No. 2193545

>inb4 i’m brown!!!!
Not our problem. Most black women worked and died for our rights, it’s your turn now.(racebait)

No. 2193549

you had a civil rights movement, and it was happening as black and white moids were forcing themselves on Vietnamese women and children. Try harder.(racebait)

No. 2193550

> no racebait
> no infighting
Use your eyes, anons.

No. 2193554

Learn to integrate twitternonas

No. 2193555

Go take that up with black scrotes, what were and are black women supposed to do about that while dealing with misogyny and discrimination?? Go take that up with black and Vietnamese scrotes and quit that bitter shit, no one cares go make me some pho kek

No. 2193559

oh for the love of god could this thread be autosaged any sooner, the ot wipe was not enough to shake the infighters out. when will you fuckers learn to READ

No. 2193564

This is controversial but as a Slav it kinda makes me happy that the main foreign oppressors of Slavic women were Turkish and Arab men because they’re kinda good looking. I would kms if it was a french twink trying to rape me.(racebait)

No. 2193566

Kittens' clumsy mannerisms are cute but physically they aren't as cute as grown cats.ot took me a while to get used to their blueish eyes. Somewhat related, people who only want dogs as puppies are insane, puppy phase is hell. puppies are much more work than adult dogs, unless you got a Belgian malinois or something, hut then again, no one told you to do something retarded like that.

No. 2193571

I have never heard the term jezebel used in my life. Not saying I doubt you, but it's kinda odd that you've heard it multiple times.

No. 2193575

Genetic analysis shows that the Ottomans didn't rape, but the German occupiers did

No. 2193584

The ottomans were literally known for trafficking Slavic women and boys into Anatolia. Almost every sultans wife/mom was Caucasian/Slav.

No. 2193588

As a Turkish nonna I recommend staying the fuck away from Turkish men because they're absolute scum on earth like every middle east/Balkan moid out there

No. 2193589

No. 2193592

It was prestigious and aspirational to be a janissary or sultana
It was escaping the toiling peasant life for a place in the Imperial court

No. 2193595

This is obvious moid(scrotefoiling)

No. 2193599

Lucky you, I have and i'm not black. Its not used a lot these days but its certainly not odd.

No. 2193601

No. 2193604

Males can't experience real sex dysphoria

No. 2193618

Let's see you harvest grain and live off of it, then you can moralize

No. 2193621

>as a Slav it kinda makes me happy that the main foreign oppressors of Slavic women were Turkish and Arab men because they’re kinda good looking.
Fuck off to the deserts and never come back, you worthless whore

No. 2193627

I like working overtime. One hour more makes no difference if I've been at work for ten hours already, the day's over, anyways, but do this a few more times and I get an entire day off, which turns a five-day week into a four-day one, which makes ALL the difference.

No. 2193631

Would you live in a shitty Eastern European resident evil village or live with a cute middle eastern dude make your choice

No. 2193646

File: 1728078058066.webp (2.95 KB, 800x534, Flag-Greece.webp)

Statistically, Turks and Arabs have very small penises. In theory, it might hurt less if you were raped. But then again, they might make up for it with in extra violence due to their lack of executive function and poor self-control.
>t. greekanon(racebait)

No. 2193653

I already live in middle east hellhole you idiot

No. 2193658

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Yours sincerely, Turkanon. ♥(back to /pol/)

No. 2193680

How is this an unpopular opinion tho?

No. 2193681

Assblasted kek

No. 2193692

this thread cracks me up, u guys are hilarious

No. 2193696

Most antinigelfags are just bitter bitches that just got out of a bad breakup. The rest are lesbians mad that their crush married a dude or something.

No. 2193701

Please to not engage with the literal retard who admitted to wanting to start an infight because they were bored.

No. 2193705

Shut up you disgusting piece of shit. You're gross slave

No. 2193706

A lot of responses to positive happy posts about being in a healthy relationship with a man are often very aggressive and jealous sounding

No. 2193707

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No. 2193711

Does anyone know the origins of this cat and if it's safe… you shouldn't point knives at kitties.

No. 2193720

I think men with hybristophilia are just as problematic as female hybristophiles since they would simp for female serial killers and let them commit crimes

No. 2193721

the original pic is something else not a knife i think actually

No. 2193725

I once joined a discord server for female hybristophiles to lurk on and some of the women there were genuinely talking about dating known rapists and sex offenders because it turned them on and also giving each other tips on how to approach a man with a past like that. I still cannot tell to this day if they were telling the truth or larping but judging by the amount of women trying to "fix" serial killers in prison, I'm gonna say yes it was real for sure

No. 2193729

that explains janelle wilkins

No. 2193731

Anon: I have a boyfriend and I’m happy
Other anons: Oh so you fucking hate women? You think men are gods gift? How could you enable such behavior by dating one? You’re actually a disgusting whore and your moid is cheating on you and I know it because I said so. I’m gonna go kill myself now

No. 2193739

Anon: h-
Nigelfag: My boyfriend ate my pussy so good today kekkkkk I love my nigel so much he is so perfect and understands me well hehe idk if you nonnies have ever experienced male relationships bc you're lowkey autistic femcels but it's so nice kekkk we fuck every day btw we have sex 10 times a day and he knows what a clit is kekkkk love you nonnies tho hehe I showed lolcow to him too oopsie

Cannot wait for 10 people to accuse me of jealousy now because everyone making fun of their relationship is a seething jealous retard who will die alone duh

No. 2193740

female hybristophiles supply other women and children to male rapists as co-offenders, female criminals don't commit sex crimes as much for these male hybristophiles to be part of.

No. 2193743

Maybe it seems like jealousy because it’s obvious bait 99% of the time and you all fall for it, replying to them raging about how much moids ruin everything. 9/10 You all have to include your own personal trauma too which makes you look guilty. Look inwards kek you both look stupid as fuck

No. 2193744

>I showed lolcow to him too oopsie
This is so real. Every time anons talk about showing their male friends/partners this site I want to yell at them. It's like that one anon who admitted to showing lolcow to TIMs she wanted to impress.

No. 2193746

Nonna, users will make posts just talking about how happy they are with their relationship and get responses like
> your boyfriend is cheating on you and watches cp when you’re in the bathroom

No. 2193750

They're so fucking annoying with this type of shit. Moids literally hide the fact they go on IBs from their girlfriends

No. 2193754

Maybe closeted gay guys but it is kind of hard to hide your computer screen from the person you’re spending every day of your life with

No. 2193757

It's a lot easier than you'd expect.

No. 2193760

Well, I’m not gonna stop scrolling lolcow if my husband happens to enter the room

No. 2193768

People who haven’t heard it clearly didn’t grow up in the church (probably for the best!!) It’s incredibly common in more religious Christian circles to refer to young girls and women as having the “Jezebel Spirit” for the most mundane things. I never had the issue because my parents were a little more liberal but I definitely heard my friends referred to as “Jezebels” more than once.

No. 2193779

why are there people justifying women getting brutally raped and pillaged, what the fuck is going on with this website right now?? kek

No. 2193780

There entire personality is being a cumbeard for a fucking faggot moid, these nigelfags take cuckqueen to a literal level

No. 2193783

terrifier and other horror movies like it (lights out, night swim, etc) are just studios picking up popular short films on youtube. someone saw an admittedly cool looking killer clown online and built an atrocious franchise out of it bc we're drowning in reboots and remakes.

No. 2193787

NTAYRT but where do these fantasies come from when conversations like this start?

No. 2193790

>cute middle eastern dude
No such thing.

No. 2193792

maybe if niglefags weren't annoying and retarded with their nigelposting that borders on a weird brag most of the time and a superiority complex over things that don't even exist outside of their heads nobody would get annoyed by their posts. They always spew cartoon tier shit about love or tell anyone not interested in dating that they must've been raped by their dad and some other incel talking points, I used to defend them but now I get why anons hate them, it's like they're baiting for infights on purpose and carefully craft posts with things they know would 100% warrant an angry reply to them.

No. 2193794

> borders on a weird brag most of the time and a superiority complex over things that don't even exist outside of their heads
Nta but can you tag some of the posts you're talking about

No. 2193795

how much you want to bet it’s one of those arabic incel beasts trying to make it seem like slavic women find them cute, it feels like it was written by a moid

No. 2193796

>it's like they're baiting for infights on purpose
Lol you’re a quick one.

No. 2193798

well when you say stuff like “your nigel is definitely cheating on you” it reads more like bait compared to a post written by an anon high off their joy

No. 2193800

They have a whole thread in /g/ dedicated to posting about their nigels but still post in other threads and mention lolcow to them as a way to be above the “stinky femcels” here. They’re no better than trannies with how much they love to include their nigels in their posting

No. 2193801

>spending ever day of your life with
Horrifying, I could never imagine such a loss of identity and individuality.

No. 2193802

> normalfags are as bad as trannies
Uh this is a little extreme kek…

No. 2193805

No, she's right. Normalfags are as bad as trannies. Always invading and taking over spaces not created for them, until the original inhabitants are left homeless.

No. 2193806

> stinky femcels
When has that term ever been used during discussions stated by hetanons in happy relationships? I must’ve missed this

No. 2193807

nta but you do realize this is completely nonsensical right kek. the average lolcow user is a normalfag. stop choking on your tears

No. 2193808

> you are as bad as criminal degenerate men just by being a normal person who is in a happy relationship!
Some of you should consider trying this new drug called Prozac it can be really good

No. 2193810

This is what happens when dumbass shit is autosaged for 8 months and theres 0 peace

No. 2193816

Lurk more and you'll see what I mean, basically the whole thing about how love changed their lives and made them special etc. etc., kinda sounds like mental illness when you remember they're talking about a man, I don't think anyone should let another person have that much control over their emotions and mind, that's dangerous imo and it's sad it's considered a normal thing. Like, why can't they rely on themselves and find happiness within and make themselves feel special on their own? Why depend on someone else to give you that when they can take it away any time, whether intentionally or by accident? you're just setting yourself up for disappointment. I think it's an unhealthy practice, I especially despise the financial part of it and sharing a place with someone else, that's just horrible.
That's fair, but I think the anons who reply with tat just do it to get to the nigelfag and deter them from posting again.
>happy relationship
This is the delusion I'm talking about, nigelfags think they've cracked some code because they live with a man in exchange for sex and emotional labor then get upset when called out for it and for their contribution to the patriarchy, especially married ones. Literally there's nothing special about this lifestyle since it's the norm, yet they want to flaunt it as an achievement so bad, the way of the true loser with nothing to show up with for themselves. They do shit even animals are capable of and still feel the need to brag for some reason.

No. 2193817

kek you must feel called out, those troons and nigels all have the same tendencies to bait and spam illegal shit on the website so its all the same to me. older threads would have anons mentioning how they can’t browse lolcow anymore because their exes are frequently searching for them and harass them on and off the site. ive seen moids post their girlfriends nudes here as a way to get threads on them and have seen farmhands delete it because they were obviously vendetta posts.

No. 2193819

> nigelfags think they've cracked some code because they live with a man in exchange for sex and emotional labor
Actually the only posts I've seen have just been them being happy? And there's not rules against posting about being in a healthy relationship so
> those troons and nigels have all the same tendencies to spam bait and illegal shit
I'm confused now. So, are you accusing nigelfags of being transvestites/AGP's who spam cp now?

No. 2193822

File: 1728086412809.png (979.68 KB, 1080x1358, 1000005315.png)

i've never liked her but i like her glinda larp phase look, she is so cute to me right now. can't believe she's wasting this on fugly Slater

No. 2193823

For the final time, this thread is for unpopular opinions. Not for blackpill anti-relational arguments or tinfoiling about what you think nigelfags truly are. If you want to argue about how much you hate straight women, go to 2X. This thread does not exist for recycling the same topics every 5 hours, or arguing about your personal opinions, or baiting about how normalfags are somehow just as bad as troons (?).

No. 2193824

i can't handle the shape of her face and the way her mouth is constantly agape like that

No. 2193827

>arguing personal opinions
>on unpopular opinions
anyways anons who show their nigels lolcow should be banned on site just like troons who don’t integrate

No. 2193830

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No. 2193831

Don’t be obtuse, retard. Posting an unpopular opinion is one thing but using this thread as your diary and reposting about the same dumb bullshit that no one cares about is getting really, really fucking annoying. For everyone. So please, return to reddit or twitter or wherever this batch of children came from.

No. 2193833

File: 1728086928165.png (7.38 KB, 963x55, nigelfaggotry.png)

I agree with you but like a nigelfag was literally instigating, and they usually do most of the time. Why is it always blamed on the people who don't like nigelfags? This kind of misunderstanding worsens the infighting imo
Ugh popular opinion bring dumbass shit back and nuke this thread into oblivion
I actually really found ariana cute pre plastic sugery, i found her curly hair really cute too. her sicilian features are super cute too bad she got rid of them all. I think she's botched now but I never found her ugly

No. 2193836

>reports posts
>nothing happens
>encouraged to take it to meta
>takes it to meta
>nothing happens
are they infighting in the janny groupchat right now or something? get the fuck over here

No. 2193838

Nigelposting was never liked and has its own containment thread, the normalfags are the ones that are trying to change the culture when they bring their males around here not the other anons arguing against it

No. 2193841

Jannies love this thread, they won't do anything about it.

No. 2193842

>pic related
This is not a nigelfag, that is a scrote trying to blend in.

No. 2193843

First AYRT, and I’m sorry I’m not saying this to sound rude but a lot of the responses to nigelfags lately have sounded more like angry jealousness (and a lot more like bait on their own) instead of a legitimate critique of the anon themselves.
Then my only recommendation to you is to report posts that you think are breaking the board rules/defying the culture; instead of posting bait in response to posts you do not appreciate and infighting for 72 straight hours.

No. 2193847

nta but we have no way of knowing if its a nigelfag or just another poster

No. 2193848

Fascinating how you conflate heterosexuality with romantic relationships rather than sexual attraction. Nobody hates straight women, we hate when a woman in a relationship brings the topic somewhere it doesn't belong and makes everything ever about it. This is supposed to be a female only website with topics that interest and center women, and it's nice to take a break from the whole forced relationship and romance thing by coming here, but the posting about romance and relationships is a roundabout way to talk about men, so ofcourse it ruins the mood. This is probably one of the reasons the bechdel test thread was created. And as other anons said, there are threads specifically for relationships and romance discussion so the like minded nigelfags can talk about it amongst themselves, but instead they go to the most random ass threads possible to post about it for some reason and get upset when someone says no1curr. Some of us, or af least I am, not interested in romance and dating despite being attracted to men, so seeing it brought up and discussed all over the site is so boring. But I don't reply to anons aggressively though unless they're doing the whole "you just didn't find the one who will love you so much and dick you right to change your mind yet", then I do a little trolling with the aggressive replies about cheating and porn watching because it's fun to be petty and those anons are obnoxious af. Idk about the troons and CP thing though, never encountered that personally.

No. 2193849

>you havent found the right dick yet
ntayrt but was this an actual repsonse someone posted? is it a reference to something? because i don't see anything when i google "lolcow.farm dick right"

No. 2193850

File: 1728087369332.gif (940.16 KB, 220x124, IMG_5380.gif)

No. 2193851

Once again: write it in your diary, this is not your twitter or your blog.

No. 2193852

You really think someone who places importance on dating and relationships won't think people not in one must be broken bad people? Lol

No. 2193853

I love corn and I think it belongs on things like pizza and hot dogs. It's so lowkey savory yet sweet.

No. 2193854

There’s so many lesbian hating tradthots here so it wouldn’t be surprising if it was a nigelfag, they like to bait up the bi and lesbian threads constantly. If you really wanna see scrotes trying to blend in and fail check celebricows and the black girl threads, its nothing but racebait and seething

No. 2193855

Nta but yes, just passive aggressively so the poster doesn't get too obviously clocked. Hell just scroll upthread kek.

No. 2193856

nta, but i don't think anybody thinks that they're broken or sad for not being in a relationship, it is their behavior and the way they immediately start authoring fanfiction about the other anons nigel being some degenerate hog i saw one nonny use the word "supervillain" KEK which is kind of what gives off a vibe of them being a little bit maladjusted.

No. 2193857

I remember arguing with an anon in a previous unpop opinions thread about this and she insisted love exists and anyone who doesn't want it just haven't found the right one yada yada yada and how it's sooo speshul to he wanted and be obsessed over by someone else etc., sounds annoying and narcissistic if you ask me. I can't remember the thread number and it was months ago, though. She mentioned being married I think and insisted it's a miracle, she had a bit of a tradthot mindset, too.

No. 2193858

ew..thats fucking weird. and that also doesn't sound like it would be written by someone whos actually been in a healthy long term relationship, thats some shit that a hopper like Shay or Dasha would write kek.

No. 2193859

ngl it does feel good to be loved by someone who'd do anything for you, nigel or not

No. 2193860

>lesbian hating tradthots
Trannies from 4chan's /lgbt/ board. A month or two ago, I searched their archive for mentions of lolcow. And lo and behold, it gets mentioned a lot in their "lesbian" thread for the past year, which directly correlates with the sudden bait against lesbians here, so my guess is that the trannies from there love to seethe about actual lesbians here.

No. 2193861

> I remember arguing with someone who was happy about being loved
> Sounds narcissistic if you ask me
Years of watching actual narcs on lolcow can taint your vision kek…

No. 2193862

ewwww. yet shitpost threads are somehow worse for this site's culture than this retarded thread. Nonnies on this site are so funny and I'd rather have threads that attract funny women rather than threads that attract handmaidens and scrotes.

No. 2193863

> tradthots
do you mean actual tradthots or just anons with nigels? because actual tradthots aren't spending their time on lolcow KEKKK they're busy changing diapers nonny

No. 2193864

If you don't know what the word tradthot means just say so.

No. 2193865

I'm built different, I'm apathetic to that stuff, don't need it and sometimes feel weirded out by it because I prefer putting myself first and I'd never do anything for someone else if it won't benefit me somehow, so I look down on people who don't think this way because they're just stupid to me, I can't be a manipulative evil person either and take advantage of that either because I find those people so pathetic. They have nothing going on it their lives, no hobbies, no interests, no personal goals, no friends and family, nothing to dedicate themselves to, so they put that energy into a stranger they're not even sure if they're worth it (90% of the time they're not), it's a huge gamble and a waste of time that gets you nowhere, I'll never understand why do people do it. If the answer is to reproduce or something, I don't want that either so I guess I'm doing well.

No. 2193867

no i know what the word tradthot means, i'm just saying that tradthots aren't really wasting their time arguing with us because they have babies to burp and laundry to do…not every nigelfag is a trad or even religious

No. 2193868

the vent thread is nextdoor nonita

No. 2193869

thb we do have a mom thread and have had anons in the past few months mentioning being pregnant with their nigels, so they’re definitely coming in droves and trying to emulate trad shit but failing. The snow tradthot thread probably brought more in because women were vendetta posting each other and bringing in their fans to whiteknight for them. There’s also the fact lc’s userbase is aging so the teens that were lurking at peak lolcow 2015-2016 are now in their mid 20s

No. 2193870

Ok NTAYRT but…do some of you guys think that just having a baby at all is trying to do the trad religious aesthetic kek?

No. 2193871

Have you seen tradthots online. They're not spending time busy with babies or doing housework or anything. We call them THOTS for a reason.

No. 2193873

>being pregnant with their nigels
lmao sorry i'm immature
ok so i'll ask again, are we talking about posts where the poster is talking about trad stuff or is it just a post about being in a heterosexual relationship?

No. 2193875

Hey check out the jugs on her

No. 2193876

? All I said is idc about relationships and people who do are retarded? Struck a nerve there or something?

No. 2193878

NTA but it reads more like you’re venting so that’s probably why she recommended that you vent in the corresponding thread

No. 2193879

> i'm built different
exactly, you're retarded

No. 2193881

My bad, didn't mean for it to come out that way, I was just describing what I observed.
Found the offended nigelfag with no real life, lol.

No. 2193882

> offended by stream of consciousness venting in the unpopular opinions thread
anon, hang up your hat

No. 2193884

why is making fun of moids such a touchy topic. all men deserve to be mocked, i don't care if they're some nonna's pet scrote and that "he's actually one of the good ones guyse!!1" all men deserved to be bullied, their suicide rate is still too low.

No. 2193885

Because certain anons have semen clogging their synapses and non-disabled people have to cater to their feefees for some reason.

No. 2193886

that's what baffles me because moids on other IB's literally make fun of eachother when they defend women. It's kind of depressing.

No. 2193887

making fun of men isn't the problem at all, it's getting angry at anons who happen to mention the men in their lives and bullying them too that is mean and just unreasonable. i know we're all very different from each other but i don't really think that should make us get angry with rach other

No. 2193888

If she wasn't offended she won't be angry at post and feel the need to insult me somehow rather than counter my argument/opinion. It probably rang true and she didn't like it.

No. 2193898

i mean it is kinda retarded to bring up moids in a positive light on here, since this is one of the only places left where women can talk shit about men without being censored or receiving thousands or death and rape threats. if nigelposting gets you so many negative responses maybe use your brain and move to a pro-nigel thread? or just use a different website, you will get positive responses literally everywhere else. i don't want to hear about this or that nonna's fugly moid who 99% of the time isn't fucking relevant to the conversation when moid dicksucking and misogyny is all i see day by day online and in real life. at this point i'm starting to buy into the tinfoil that most anons that pull this shit are baiting moids/trannies.

No. 2193901

then why not just report posts that you think are bait instead of dragging out an infight for several weeks

No. 2193902

> At this point I’m starting to tinfoil that women who are in healthy relationships with a man that loves them are baiting trannies
Aren’t all of the troon men “lesbians” as they claim

No. 2193903

No, nigelfags need to know that they are hated here. Every time they even think about posting something dickriding men, they should feel bad about themselves. They need to be chased off the site with pitchforks.

No. 2193906

well i dont know if this crossed your mind anon but usually reporting someone who you think is baiting is the easiest and most effective way to at least get them banned and therefore make them incapable of shitting up the thread, utilizing the report function instead of contributing to the derail makes more sense.

No. 2193908

Nta but what is the report even gonna look like? "Nigelposting out of containment"? I don't think that's a thing, but it should be.

No. 2193912

Nta but because they're evading.

No. 2193914

so…is it just someone posting about their nigel at all that you consider to be bait? or, is it actual bait/rulebreaking posts?

No. 2193916

To be fair, it's a bit hard to not make fun of anons with Nigels when they post stuff like "My Nigel inhales other ppl farts in public, how explain to him its not ok?". Like, they could change "Nigel-kun" to "my cat" or "my dog" and it would make more sense.

No. 2193917

when did this happen?? KEK

No. 2193919

Why do nigelanons get a free pass to broadcast their retardation in every thread? They already have all of /g/, why do they feel entitled to shit up the rest of the board. And then also have the audacity to play victim after this? Why do they get special treatment?

No. 2193923

well because there are some topics that are a part of every day life that don't really need to be contained to a specific board. kind of like the example the other anon used, talking about your cat isnt contained to one board. its not even nigelfags specifically either, talking about your girlfriend isn't unwelcome across random threads. but really the bottom line is, if you think a post is "bait", report it. if a post is breaking rules, report it instead of ripping your hair out over heteroanons existing. for the health of the board.

No. 2193924

File: 1728093276670.jpeg (236.11 KB, 985x1001, 1708092117761.jpeg)

I don't know about that, sometimes the bullying seems justified.
Never 4 get

No. 2193926

can we get a tl;dr

No. 2193927

No, read the posts, it's only 4.

No. 2193928

These are the people who have to audacity to ask not to be bullied on a lolcow site. Nigelfags are the biggest cows in existence but we're not allowed to treat them the way they deserve to be treated apparently.

No. 2193929

they're not being highlighted when i click on the link

No. 2193931

asking to report bait instead of shitting up the thread for every other citizen on this website ≠ asking "not to be bullied"

No. 2193933

File: 1728093715707.png (684.27 KB, 700x867, 1699745589188.png)


No. 2193934

I’m too lazy to read too KEKK just sum it up

No. 2193935

i dont see how this relates to the topic of our discussion anon

No. 2193936

We'll stop when they stop dicksucking outside of containment, which they never will because asking a nigelfag not to dicksuck is like asking it not to breath.

No. 2193937

> porn language
and there it is

No. 2193938

I think it's a bot who sends random scrote pics.

No. 2193940

she’s right though

No. 2193942

>Not to breath
Kek this made me giggle

No. 2193943

File: 1728094075106.jpg (202.94 KB, 1080x826, Screenshot_2024.jpg)

No. 2193944

>nitpicking word choice because no argument
And there it is to you too.

No. 2193945

>long distance "relationship"
does this even count…?

No. 2193947

In what world would it not count?

No. 2193948

i think if the first image you get in your head when a woman claims shes in a healthy relationship where shes well loved is her sucking dick then you're just as pornsick as any male

No. 2193949

because thats not really a relationship or a life together KEK…thats basically a friendship where you send each other nudes. this is really the best example you could find?

No. 2193950

If you don't understand the figurative use of "sucking dick" I can't help you.

No. 2193952

i still dont really get how talking about how someone else honors you is sucking their dick

No. 2193953

Don't try to no true scotsman heterosexual relationships, you're so desperate to not look bad. First it's blaming trannies for the posts nigelfags make, now it's "not a real nigelfag unless xyz conditions are met".

No. 2193955

Nta, but i definitely saw nonnas complaining about being bullied for Nigels in the past. Not sure about this thread now though, i just came.

No. 2193956

actually being in a long distance relationship is kind of hogwash? and it sounds like she doesnt know this guy very well to begin with…

No. 2193959

I’m too lazy to scroll up and find an example but there are so many real nigelfags who have actual husbands or personally live with their scrote and get to know them for real, not just some stupid faggot they talk to sometimes on discord and never had an encounter with face to face

No. 2193962

Short women shouldn't be allowed to reproduce because they produce manlets.(bait)

No. 2193963

we all saw that

No. 2193965

And they're as annoying and cringe

No. 2193968

I'll never understand, the one site on the internet where women are free to discuss almost anything without scrotes jumping down our throats, and so many anons take this rare opportunity to talk about their fucking husbands and boyfriends who no one cares about and wish they were dead. Everyone here wishes your scrote was dead, and you know that but still expect us to congratulate you for shacking up with a rapeape. Make it make sense.(not an unpopular opinion)

No. 2193972

>Everyone here wishes your scrote was dead, and you know that
Who gives a shit about losers on an imageboard?

No. 2193973

You sure seem to give a shit about those imageboard losers once we don't kiss your ass and clap for your relationship like good girls.

No. 2193974

I understand. But, you have to remember, nobody is expecting you to “congratulate them” for anything or even respond to their post, period. But responding by baiting and saying things like “your nigel is cheating on you” in some kind of attempt to rile them up is nonsensical. Learn2scroll.

No. 2193975

No, I'm just tired of seeing your femcel rage when anons want to discuss their relationships.

No. 2193976

if youre gonna hate on nigelfags at least post an example of their actual posts instead of a discord kitten whos probably never talked to a man irl

No. 2193977

women are free to discuss almost anything without scrotes jumping down our throats
So why are you hitting the long jump

No. 2193978

>femcel rage
nta but femcels dont exist

No. 2193981

Lol you can't convince me the anons complaining about nigels don't have sour grapes.

No. 2193982

blackpillers are just another manifestation of female intrasexual competition shit

No. 2193984

Just go ahead and say what you really want to say. Say you think we need a dick to fix us. Say it.

No. 2193985

nta what is sour grapes?

No. 2193986

Oh, you again.
They already did >>2193982. So i suspect baiting.

No. 2193987

i never understood what that term meant

No. 2193989

it's not about fixing you it's about how fucking fixated you are with the dick.

No. 2193990

As if you're not a loser on an imageboard yourself either. Don't come here if you don't like it then.

No. 2193991

ok what does sour grapes mean though i remember hearing it when that faggot used it in his incel video essay in like 2019 but he didnt explain what it meant

No. 2193994

>We want a place free of dicks and dickbrains
>A-actually it's you who's obsessed with dicks! Girls who don't like talking about boyfriends are the real dick lovers!

No. 2193995

True but only if you mean the insane blackpillers who need to stay in their containment and not not run-of-the-mill nonas who complain about nigelfagging

No. 2193996

Use Google you vapid stupid cockroach, you mentally deaf fucking mouthbreather(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 2193998

i think you all have massive personal issues with sex and sexuality and that makes you go fucking unhinged about the subject and get mad at other women when they have sex [with men, i don't understand why any so called lesbian would spend so much fucking time thinking about het sex] because i think you actually wish you could have less mentally ill attitude toward sex but instead fixing that you get fixated on other women's dicksucking and dicks

why do you care about women talking about their bfs and dicks. it 's still fixating on the issue to get ballistic over it. as a dyke i just personally ignore it because i don't give a shit about it. it's white noise to me.

No. 2194003

did you ever consider that i asked because google wasnt helpful and the only result i received was fruits?

No. 2194007

File: 1728097325033.gif (1.15 MB, 400x400, 2637370952738.GIF)

Having sex is wrong.

No. 2194010

True, you make him watch whilst you use a vibe.

No. 2194011

Popular opinion.

No. 2194012

I have sex with young men no older than 22 on the regular. They have to have visible ab definition and thick hair past their ears to talk to me. I do not suck cock under any circumstance. I make them drop and do 20 push ups when I first meet them and they go something like "ahaha yea boiiiiii!" and just do it. I don't like dick unless it's perfect, in which I am the victor in this shitfest. Sexlessfags and Nigelfags both envy me. The latter is in a worse spot though because your gamer bfs gunt likely presses into you during his 2 minute mount and prevents you from closing your eyes and pretending he's someone else. After I have fit cavewoman sex with men over 7 years younger than me I then go on lolcow and post about state enforced castration.(not an unpopular opinion)

No. 2194013

100% but she will never tell you that (she knows deep down)

No. 2194019

File: 1728097919709.jpg (166.24 KB, 1284x849, tumblr_cf3c5372caea2a80c1a57d6…)

I like cats and dogs and all but I support kill shelters and think euthanasia programs for strays should be much more widespread. There's going to be animals who hide anyway so just grabbing and humanely executing them would be fine, right?
It would also help pet owners be more responsible and keep their pets more indoors even if they want to keep risking their pets getting run over by letting them roam outside.
Maybe corpse disposal would become a problem, but can't we keep burying them to act like fertilizer in parks or something?

No. 2194020

and then i crawled out from beneath your bed stood up and clapped

No. 2194022

I’m sick of the anons who are incapable of scrolling past posts that they don’t like and try to strong arm everyone into only posting things that they want. It’s honestly embarrassing and makes me think that the average age of lolcow has been lowered to 15.

No. 2194025

No don’t kill kitty

No. 2194028

I wonder what it feels like to see it redtexted everytime you use it but continue to unironically use it

No. 2194031

Where is the unpopular opinion

No. 2194033

Like nothing because a word being colored red doesn’t mean anything lol

No. 2194035

Back to tiktard if you don't want to integrate.

No. 2194041

I like cats too much to agree with this. I have encountered many feral cat colonies, but I have never even seen a stray dog that someone didn't own, so idk how much of a problem feral dog packs are. Dogs can be pretty dangerous so tho so if there was a n epidemic of stray dogs at the level it is at with stray cats I'd support culling them. What I AM very supportive of is a mass culling of pigeons. They are one of the worst invasive species to have to deal with I hate how they shit everywhere including on people.

No. 2194042

nta but im gonna put peanut butter under your fingernails if you dont stop

No. 2194044

i think instead of euthanizing the kitties they should be donated to local farms, they're amazing for pest control it is what they're made for

No. 2194049

In the states, there are a lot of these Feral to Farm programs and they seem to be a good solution. The cats that are adopted out to farmers are already neutered so there isn't a fear of creating a new feral cat colony either.

No. 2194051

They’re common in more rural areas. Not really comparable to the size of feral cat colonies but seeing a random pack of four to five feral dogs isn’t uncommon. I’m a burger and remember no one being allowed to walk to school for a month or so because of all the feral dog packs making it too dangerous.

No. 2194057

catalog more like fatalog

No. 2194058

I've never understood what the point of executing strays were. Aren't they wild animals like any other?

No. 2194062


No. 2194063

Dogs and cats are harmful because they breed too much, people feed them, can carry infectious diseases for people and other animals and are either dangerous or decimate local wildlife.

No. 2194070

Nope. Do this to humans, not animals. Hope that helps.

No. 2194072

fatalog more like fagalog

No. 2194074

I'm a huge animal lover, cat lover, and took care of a feral that helped me through a hard time and I still agree with this. I wish non cruel euthanasia was more common instead of the fucked up shit Australia does. I also think that people should go through training or background checks before owning pets and that pet curfews should exist everywhere. Or license cats the same way they do dogs.

No. 2194077

What does Australia do? I think here in the states what shelters will do when they have too many animals is they gas them in large groups. I know animals aren't on the same level as people or w/e but the holocaust comparisons by vegans seems pretty apt here.

No. 2194087


No. 2194093

The general sentiment of my unpopular opinion is not limited to just feral animals, hope this helps

No. 2194094

I think most people take jobs way too seriously. Who fucking cares if you’re on your phone during downtime at a food service/retail job? Bosses act so autistic if you’re not working your ass off every single minute of your shift kek rarely any job is THAT serious

No. 2194096

Yeah and it's worse when you see that some of the blackpillers genuinely think that they are so feminist and that it's a form of activism.

No. 2194100

i thought blackpillers don't call themselves feminist and have issues with feminism as a failed or pointless movement.

No. 2194106

ntayrt, there's been a small but growing(?) group of online women who call themselves radfems, for example, but their entire body of work is stuff like screaming at other women for daring to live non-doompilled lives and not ideating murder-suicide with a rapist every waking moment

No. 2194110

She likely means the culling of feral cats by shooting them. We do have humane euthanasia for animals, but typically ferals are shot.

No. 2194136

Okay I am scared to say this one on lc and I want to preface this by saying obviously women are superior in every other way, but there are less funny women than their are funny moids.
It's definitely true that most moids are unfunny, and yet funny women are even fewer.

No. 2194137

i'm crying kek

No. 2194140

I think women are funnier and more clever, but most of us are more exposed to moid humor so we're socialized to think moids are funnier and women aren't as funny.

No. 2194141

That's actually a really interesting point nona, that's really thinking on the next level. Which means, I might just be retarded and like retard humor.

No. 2194144

ngl it's because most people find funny women annoying or tryhard

No. 2194145

>obviously women are superior in every other way
What about physical strength?

No. 2194146

A woman's right to choose what size breast implants she wants.

No. 2194147

Nothing wrong with either of those things nonners, I still love you and think retard moid humor is hilarious because I grew up on 2000s comedies

No. 2194152

nayrt but unpopular opinion: yes.

No. 2194155

Men are built for labor and service

No. 2194157

Women have better endurance, resistance to disease and most importantly common sense to not get into dangerous situations. Muh physical strength means nothing in a world where guns and tools exist.

No. 2194164

Honestly, I don't think the Joker was anally raped, it looks like he is just stripped and hosed down. I think /tv/ is flipping out for no reason and they're just retarded. It's extremely funny to watch them though.

No. 2194167

Speak for yourself to toot my own horn I was voted the most humorous in my senior year superlatives. I didn’t have moid humor I was just an autistic nerd who actually would just call out popular/nerdy/weirdo boys when they bullied the girls and have all their ire directed at me by getting into roasting battles kek .

No. 2194169

scrotes get scrote cancer what's your point

No. 2194170

Moid moment.

No. 2194175

>females are more than 9 times as likely to suffer Urinary tract infections than males.
>In young sexually active women, sexual activity is the cause of 75–90% of bladder infections, with the risk of infection related to the frequency of sex
I will never have sex

No. 2194176

File: 1728112234489.jpg (410.93 KB, 1440x1799, IMG_7269.jpg)

A lot of people have trouble supporting candidates they wouldn't have sex with. One reason why female presidential candidates typically aren't allowed to rise is that they make this fact extremely obvious and hard to dodge. It's much easier to ignore when it's one old man versus another, but the current US race is making the truth more evident than before. Donald Trump, Joe Biden, etc would have more support from women across the board if they looked like this. Regardless of politics, Kamala Harris isn't just a female candidate, she's also quite attractive, and her sister is even prettier. For many, the choice is obvious. Republicans realize this, and that's why they rush to accuse her of sleeping her way to the top, call her a whore, "Pocahontas", etc, but all it does is bring more attention to the problem. Generally, people would rather hear from Disney's Pocahontas than Big Jack Horner.

No. 2194177

Imagine feeling insulted because someone told you that testicular cancer exists. Men are so weak.

No. 2194180

Men have shit on their bear because they don't wash their hands. They are the source of most diseases.(responding to moids)

No. 2194184

File: 1728112895245.webp (38.6 KB, 800x1200, Kamala-Harris.webp)

Calm down. Right-wingers are very simple, almost innocent. You wouldn't be accusing her of pulling sexual favors if she didn't fit into your porn-addled MILF fantasies. She is an attractive older woman with flawless skin, long, healthy hair, full lips and a lovely smile. Hunchback Trump of 78 years with a piglike face, a 2003 fake tan and a bad toupee to hide his long-deceased hairline isn't part of anyone's fantasy, and people would prefer to look away.

No. 2194186

File: 1728113015648.jpg (88.13 KB, 881x881, 00harris-howard-promo-mediumSq…)

She's hot as fuck, tim walz is the same age as her and she looks much younger than. He looks like he's 75. I remember thinking kamala was 45 and thinking she had some hot mom vibe to her. Women are just must more recognizable to me facially. Her younger photos with her short hair are her best to me, though

No. 2194193

She's 59. In trying to deny that she's good-looking, all he did was bolster the point, kek.

No. 2194194

are you a faggot or something. who cares, men grow cheese in their foreskins

No. 2194196

i think men who screech about vaginas being ugly/gross/dirty/unclean are closeted homosexuals. actually, is this an unpopular opinion… i dont know.

No. 2194199

File: 1728113878864.png (130.2 KB, 1843x348, cockflaps.png)

yadda yadda go lick a man's unwashed ballsack if you love dicks this much. also, picrel(Report and ignore )

No. 2194200

It's bizarre to me how this tranny looking asymmetrical ugly woman made it through this day let alone being seen as attractive

No. 2194201

i smell a stinky rotting fag in here..hmm also smells like monkeypox too

No. 2194202

Nigelfags must be killed and then we should hump their corpses(alogging)

No. 2194203

hmm smells like poopy buttholes and dirty enema water! kekk

No. 2194204

File: 1728114059771.jpg (41.15 KB, 612x397, gettyimages-700702502-612x612.…)

>i-it's all makeup
The famous cope of the angry, unfucked man when faced with attractive women, along with "I-I don't like vaginas anyways, th-they're icky!". We need a sour grapes bingo.

No. 2194206

nona are you sure the scrote you're replying to is a straight man

No. 2194208

kek why did you just post a random chart with no context. schizophrenia?(report and ignore)

No. 2194210

so have you ever accidentally shat all over your boyfriend's dick

No. 2194212

do not reply to the prolapsed anus diaperfag. report and ignore we dont want monkeypox here

No. 2194213

ok mr poopy foreskin(Report and ignore)

No. 2194214

And yet you still go to wars and commit suicide over it(Report and ignore)

No. 2194215

Nice confirmation in case anyone still wants to deny this thread has been been the most male infested one for a while now

No. 2194216

File: 1728114431857.jpg (1.32 MB, 2935x3663, 1718497187777.jpg)

learn from the example of our autistic sisters r/truefemcels nonas

No. 2194217

My pussy is perfect. I use a menstrual cup so no shitting blood cloths. My girlfriend's pussy is also perfect and smells like vanilla.(Report and ignore)

No. 2194223

A man calling a woman "ugly" doesn't really work because men will even fuck a McChicken. The gay ones would still drag their dick through glass to live life as a woman so they could fuck straight man.(Report and ignore)

No. 2194224

Moid bait but I’ll bite - have you considered it is because there is a lack of comprehensive sexual education for women’s health? Have you considered it is because even medicine is in the fucking stone ages for women?? Germ theory was discovered in the 19th century.(Report and ignore)

No. 2194225

Based, stop giving the attentionwhore scrotes attention

No. 2194226

File: 1728114765642.jpg (21.74 KB, 400x400, OIP (34).jpg)

do not engage with the scat lover let it mald with its bald head why moids wont fuck it.

No. 2194228

I thought the moid in that drawing was wearing a tube top and a bracelet at first, kek

No. 2194229

Y'know what he is probably just mad that his straight crush would rather have sex with a woman than stick his dick up his loose cavernous butthole

No. 2194231

The UMPO thread is attracting so many scrotes lately. I can't tell if its existence has been a net positive or negative.

No. 2194242

Johnny Test was not that bad, it was just mediocre

No. 2194253

You have got to be fucking shitting me. That was by far, no contest, the most grating show of my youth, it was an instant TV-shut off, I couldn't handle even a second of it. Both main characters were fucking obnoxious, like evil mirror universe calvin and hobbes where you want to beat them to death with shovels, the sisters whose only personality traits were "mean for no reason because eww older sister suck hahahaha + obsessively in love with boy, this is not misogynistic though because um also they do science which we see 0 of and is just a mechanism for obnoxious boy to be more obnoxious with the help of technology", trope upon trope upon trope and the fucking obnoxious music and sound effects and voice acting, god, I hadn't thought about that show in years and now it's all flooding back. You are wrong.

No. 2194261

dammit, I missed the faggot scrote infiltrating

No. 2194272

the monkeypox kicked in its aids ridden body for to die over frothing at the mouth. id say it was best you missed it imagine all the diseases you dodged

No. 2194274

yes desu when zoomers run in 2040 it will be chaddicus massive cockitoo the 4th vs broody emokid69

No. 2194276

whip crack

No. 2194327

Me too. Life sucks.

No. 2194328

I honestly really liked that show, I honestly had no idea that people hated it until I saw people talking about it online.

No. 2194332

No. 2194333

dasha looks like a white version of azealea

No. 2194334

I like the entire larp, the look and the voice. Yeah, she's a bit uncanny valley looking now, but not in a bad way and it suits the larp.
I am indeed entertained by this entertainer, unlike with most others in the current entertainment industry

No. 2194337

File: 1728125601261.jpeg (680.99 KB, 1170x1104, 1727826215112.jpeg)

To be fair I don't think Lana del rey marrying an alligator tour guide is that cringe at all, I think it matches her aesthic and is kinda kino. Like ok I know pretending to be mid class is fucking weird when you are a millionaire but it does match with the songs she sings about and is "movie like"

No. 2194340

What movie? The Hills Have Eyes?
>uwu it's hollywood
Oh, the industry controlled by fat ugly rapists and child molesters. Okay, alright.

No. 2194358

But he wouldn't be this ugly in a movie. No one would care if he was good looking.

No. 2194360

File: 1728129109697.jpg (164.31 KB, 2000x1500, lana-del-rey-barry-james-oneil…)

I gotta be honest yes he is ugly and it was a massive downgrade if you look at her previous boyfriends, but maybe the alligator tour guide got her pregnant and she felt like marrying him?

No. 2194362

I think it's a psyop/pr stunt. I don't know and don't care how, I just can't accept that a millionaire woman would date a human raisin like this.
>inb4 cope
Yes, I am.

No. 2194363

File: 1728129531130.jpg (114.03 KB, 1500x1000, lana-del-rey-jeremy-dufrene-ny…)

some women date ugly old men to feel younger and pretty but maybe she has a kink for older men?

No. 2194393

I believe in the redistribution of wealth when it comes to influencers and celebrities. Liquidate all their wealth and stream it to those who have their generational wealth practically stolen which is the 99%

No. 2194403

absolutely cringe, this is disproven by just using this website daily. there’s plenty of hilarious posts here, shut up with your stupid garbage good god i bet you’re a scrote trying to sneak in your misogyny with integration “tehee we women are superior!! but they will never be as funny as men” go back(scrotefoiling)

No. 2194406

>lana del rey
>maybe has a kink for older men


No. 2194424

>Anon posts her unpopular opinion on unpopular opinion thread
>You-you must be a moid! Get out!

No. 2194440

You can post your opinions but we don’t have to agree with them, don’t be so thin skinned.

No. 2194445

File: 1728136966402.jpg (123.89 KB, 1242x860, 1000000733.jpg)

The main reason nigelfags get bullied and get called cocksuckers is because any criticism about men's behaviour towards women gets met by "did she have a bad breakup"? so of course anons are gonna dogpile you for trying to gaslight women about picrel and how women are abused, tortured and manipulated physically, mentally and socially that acksually you just have to find tru luv. go back to /g/.(restarting an infight)

No. 2194450

these newfags keep calling anons mentally ill for hating men

No. 2194535

I know this is really unpopular but they’re gonna divorce within like a year kek…I don’t see lana doing very well with that stepmom job

No. 2194540

Question: are you middle class? I find that repressed, conflict avoidant people are almost always unfunny, which is sadly a pretty common type of middle class woman. Women who aren't plagued by this often are very funny. Besides, women's jokes don't even register in many people's minds, which is in itself a deterrent

No. 2194581

Buncha cope

No. 2194584


No. 2194586

the faggot has been reposting and shitting up ot for a while

No. 2194589

>females are more than 9 times as likely to suffer Urinary tract infections
Strange how the male who was shitting up the thread with 'durr roast beef' posts on repeat said this multiple times today too

No. 2194593

I think companies should be held financially responsible when their products or packaging is found in litter.

No. 2194602

The more I watch online content and what people are like IRL (whether it's only what they portray online or not or both), doesn't matter which platform, the more it feels like this world has become a bad extension of The Sims 2, it's surreal.

No. 2194607

Yeah, he posted the spoiler twice. Just ignore and report anything that reeks of dick cheese and testicular cancer

No. 2194611

Smells like aids, monkeypox and hiv in here.

No. 2194612

People who regularly complain about being bored are usually just boring.

No. 2194620

Insurances should pay for at-home nurses if the person is single and lives alone, I don't think most people can actually take care of themselves while sick.

No. 2194630

leave my husbando alone

No. 2194634

Seconding anon, don't mess with my husbandos they're intelligent in their own ways.

No. 2194639


No. 2194641

what’s wrong with blondes nonna

No. 2194644

eh, some blondes can be cute. You also have to understand that blondes along with gingers don't even make up a third of the human population. It gives them that pretty=rare edge that brunettes don't have.

No. 2194650

Redhead kids get bullied, then they grow up and find out red hair is this whole 'found a rare unicorn' sexual thing.

No. 2194664

This isn’t unpopular here but it is an unpopular IRL opinion these days, “sex work” should still be a crime. It technically is still a crime it’s just that no one gets charged with prostituting themselves anymore. I think sexual degeneracy of all kinds should always be punished.

No. 2194675

File: 1728154134764.jpg (73.26 KB, 640x641, 2747637974557.JPG)

He should cut his nails

No. 2194676

That or just troon out already(baiting)

No. 2194680

What is it with anons like you aggressively calling for non-troons to troon as of late?

No. 2194682

I'm not attracted to him but I find his vampire-likeness endearing. He's like a baby nosferatu whose family went bankrupt and now he has to do with hand me down suits that are too large for him and junk food.

No. 2194685

What did I miss lately? I was making a shit joke

No. 2194688

haven't you seen the reviewbrah tinfoiler posts? he's a biological woman

No. 2194695

Not with that voice.

No. 2194696

File: 1728155655195.webp (10.38 KB, 640x264, 2738558318052.WEBP)

Don’t kid yourself. This is not a male phenotype.

No. 2194698

'lorde' is not a gender

No. 2194699

British is a phenotype though

No. 2194703

Side by side Lorde looks infinitely more female compared to little greasy autist viscount on the right. TransBruh is debunked.

No. 2194708

Reviewbrah is just malnourished and autistic and probably has fetal alcohol syndrome lol

No. 2194709

Not all males are the ogre phenotype. He's more of a rat.

No. 2194710

erm akshully she’s from new zealand!!

No. 2194712

File: 1728156148318.jpg (202.72 KB, 620x827, 53p3d8kzy3x31.jpg)

>meekly asks you to bring him KFC after his bottom surgery
wat do

No. 2194714

File: 1728156195950.jpg (33.31 KB, 667x1000, 61cg2lnHXmL._AC_UF1000,1000_QL…)

Reviewbrah is a hermaphrodite, lorde is half human and half zeta reticulan

No. 2194715

File: 1728156230160.png (654.95 KB, 680x862, asshole face.png)

He has a similar facial vibe to Richie Carpanter, the ratty snout look

No. 2194722

Why is he in a hospital? Did he finally get diagnosed with marfan?

No. 2194727

I bring him KFC of course

No. 2194732

No. 2194749

is he terminally sick or something? he has been looking pretty unwell in the videos lately

No. 2194762

He eats a shit ton of fast food, of course he's going to be unwell kek.

No. 2194777

I think white/gray/silver hair is so beautiful. Especially when it's long. If my hair started to gray I would just let it and not dye it, kek. I've always been jealous of young people who get gray hair early. I wish my hair would get gray. I think it makes them look ethereal and wise.

No. 2194791

So it's attractive in women and undesirable in men. How does that in any way contradict OP?

No. 2194803

I mean some of us don't care about fertility? Wtf is this logic.

No. 2194807

Uh, no? Women are attractive at all adult ages. Moids hit the wall fast and hard.

No. 2194822

The fuck are flat hips

No. 2194825

I said what I said. Women are attractive at all adult ages. Go outside if you need examples.

No. 2194828

No, but she's cute.

No. 2194829

Are you slow? She literally looks fine. Seems like you just have a phobia of old people.

No. 2194832

You can't even provide evidence. Women may age better than men but that's all. They are still unattractive and old

No. 2194836


No. 2194837

This same man has been ban evading and malding for hours. What a life.

No. 2194838

i cant wait to be a cute old woman

No. 2194840

Sleep peacefully at night knowing one day (hopefully) you will be old, wrinkly, grey haired and ‘decrepit’. Retard

No. 2194843

sorry you're having angst about your inevitable aging nonny. hope it gets better for you

No. 2194845

Is this how you cope? By calling me a moid? lol I just stated facts(ban evading)

No. 2194848

File: 1728161028719.jpg (213.63 KB, 1365x2048, hereslookingatyoukid.jpg)

go back

No. 2194852

The fact that I'm going to age and get ugly still doesn't change the fact that old women are ugly. How is it related to me?

No. 2194853

dont reply to the baiting scrote or youll get monkeypox

No. 2194855

Fuck I cannot wait for this to be me

No. 2194856

right kek anyways I think avocados are disgusting

No. 2194859

why nona? is it the texture?

No. 2194861

agree, they are overrated

No. 2194863

yeah thats a big part of it, I've tried it but i just cant, and it also doesnt taste like anything to me

No. 2194864

Avocados only taste like nothing when they're bad.

No. 2194871

Unpopular to the general public but I cannot understand the psychology behind having an Instagram and a tiktok and a Facebook and a tumblr and a Twitter. Like the fuck? How can you post so much of yourself across so many different platforms? It doesn't make sense to me.

No. 2194873

some people just crave attention and it’s also becoming ridiculously common for everyone to try their hand at becoming famous and it’s just so so pathetic.

No. 2194874

how old are you lady

No. 2194878

Imagine spending your saturday afternoon just trying to piss everyone off. If he’s still here reading this cmon brother go on a walk, please!

No. 2194880

for real kek. unimaginably pathetic. someone needs to get a hobby, or maybe some friends

No. 2194881

they replied with 18, no wonder they’re such a sperg about old people kek

No. 2194882

File: 1728162373298.jpg (61.53 KB, 462x343, shocked.jpg)

maybe he wants a lolcow girlfriend and wants to neg us into settling down with him before we hit teh wall !

No. 2194887

if they are really 18 they could be a pick me who is scared of aging and she projects that onto us so she feels better about herself

No. 2194902

File: 1728164027101.gif (3.59 MB, 498x372, 11a7907bc3b1177074e480353a01c7…)

Either way, that's too old to be this stupid

No. 2194917

File: 1728165400119.jpg (1.4 MB, 1200x772, fishies.jpg)

I think having a fish as a pet is superior than having a cat or a dog

No. 2194919

No she’s beautiful!!! Don’t fall for that ugly man psyop now ugly women who look like Jill are boootifullll~

No. 2194921

Is is the tradfag who’s been bragging about pregnancy and having a nigel the one who’s been the scrote all along kek

No. 2194923

>low maintenance
>wont shit all over the house
>aesthetically pleasing
>basically an art installation
>can play with them, sorta
>can buy them silly little fish tank decorations they won't destroy
>Don't have to even remember their names, who cares
>won't attack you/others
>nobody fears them
>no allergies against fish
Huh… now opinions like these are eye-opening and exactly what this thread needs

No. 2194924

that’s not going to stop anything but make it more dangerous for women

No. 2194926

Based opinion

No. 2194930

careful anon you might be banned for “dog hate sperging out of containment” kek

No. 2194931

File: 1728165740349.png (44.19 KB, 185x180, huhhh.png)

>But you can think that way if it'll help you to sleep.
oh so you are a female lesbian pedo instead of a auto-pedo pick me ok
yes the fat old woman in >>2194902 is ugly but considering you feel old at 18 and want to kill yourself >>2194900 before you reach your 40s you probably look like her, yikes xister

No. 2194941

File: 1728165960273.jpg (122.41 KB, 1280x914, 3838857.jpg)

yes fish are so cute and if you want to opt for a clean pet fish are the easiest to take care of! but as long as nonnas buy a decent aquarium, I gotta ask what are your fav fishes?

No. 2194945

This is one of my favorite pictures. Thanks for posting it, sister.

No. 2194949

LoL you're funny. I'm not attracted to most women so I'm not interested in grooming any girls. I didn't said prepubescent girls are attractive so idk if your old brain works slow or what. I said I'm going to kill myself because I don't want to be an old woman. I look masculine. Why are you keep attacking me instead confronting my points anyway. Young girls and women always will be the most attractive

No. 2194952

File: 1728166531899.jpeg (7.23 KB, 257x195, download (1).jpeg)

Ntayrt but my fav fishes are seahorses

No. 2194955

File: 1728166811964.png (344.71 KB, 720x723, 1000027588.png)

Kekkk is this your doing?

No. 2194956

File: 1728166819800.webp (23.17 KB, 860x484, betta.png)

I'm boring, I dig these period clot fish

No. 2194958

You're keep projecting. I'm not interested in marriage or whatever. I just want status and value

No. 2194962

Oh… you think status and value are synonymous with fuckability… that's sad. Go make money.

No. 2194968

>can't afford eggs

No. 2194970

File: 1728167074643.jpeg (159.39 KB, 1600x900, 6F5033B3-5E97-4A2C-8D35-7A43E2…)

I have wanted to start a tank with cardinal tetras for a year or two now. My current setup doesn’t really allow me to own fish sadly so hopefully one day… favorite fish is a French angelfish. Picrel is a juvenile.

No. 2194972

A womans status and value is determined by her physical appearance. I'm saving up money for surgery/fillers to look more attractive. So you don't have to worry about that

No. 2194973

File: 1728167135235.jpg (Spoiler Image,80.25 KB, 853x1390, 1000027589.jpg)

Contains a heady whiff of shit genetics and shame.

No. 2194974

Why won't farmhands put it out of its misery

No. 2194975

Top kek ily nonna

No. 2194976

mmm kefir!

No. 2194977

>saving up money just to throw it away
NGMI. Just stop hanging around males.

No. 2194978

File: 1728167270672.jpg (103.18 KB, 1080x1350, CFhLKTLhCfh.jpg)

>I look masculine
true you will never be a woman lesbian tranny maybe you should kill yourself already since ur not a neotenous stacy you have shitty genetics and a man skull filters and surgery won't turn you into a 5ft kawaii godess ur always going to be a fugly obese white man :3(emoji/infighting)

No. 2194981

Genuinely speaking, if you're worried about ageing there are a lot of plastic surgery procedures you SHOULDN'T get.

No. 2194982

I don't talk to males. Stop projecting already god damn it

No. 2194984

Anon I guarantee you don’t need surgery or fillers you probably just need to fix your posture, breathe with your mouth and jaw closed, annd lose some weight. I cannot think of a single woman in this world who actually legitimately needs plastic surgery.

No. 2194985

Is this somewhat supposed to make me feel bad or smthn? I'm not attracted to east asian women lol

No. 2194986

File: 1728167404166.jpg (97.26 KB, 750x600, Cherry-Shrimp-Tropical-3667204…)

oooh anon I'm getting convinced… Recently I've been watching those "make a low/no tech aquarium" videos. It'd be really cool to have one of those tanks when I settle down and be able to add a hydroponics section above it too. I saw someone grow strawberries this way.
I'm not sure what my favorite fish is. To be honest, I like the shrimps and nerite snails more because they clean up algae on the tanks, but they breed so often, it'd be good to have a few fish that can thin down their numbers. Two female fish so they don't get their own breeding problem, I guess.

No. 2194987

That girls is a becky btw

No. 2194989

I'm 45 kg already.

No. 2194991

Wrong, no woman only eats a carton of eggs throughout her lifetime.

No. 2194993

File: 1728167626123.png (131.66 KB, 408x312, 1724459206321.png)


No. 2194997

File: 1728167875565.jpg (38.73 KB, 500x375, 1000027590.jpg)

And what does it mean if even the most desperate and lonely of women still won't pick you?

No. 2195003

File: 1728168145714.jpg (23.74 KB, 396x360, 1322794874002.jpg)

No. 2195005

havent you been doing this for over 12 hours

No. 2195006

What is wrong with her face shape here?her chin looks square shaped.

No. 2195011

so do you have like, any hobbies or anything… do you do anything all day besides scrolling through social media and being an "epic troll xdd"

No. 2195015

Please do not respond to the ban evading baiter. We are deleting their posts as we see them. Anyone replying to them will get a ban. You are encouraging them to continue posting by responding.

No. 2195019

Aye aye cappin

No. 2195023

Thanks for not calling everyone retarded this time

No. 2195059

my mom used to have really dark almost black hair and when she started to gray it was almost like highlights throughout her hair. it was so beautiful. i miss her. great opinion nona, i agree.

No. 2195070

Always has been. She's just lost a lot of weight so it's more noticeable

No. 2195071

her hands/stubby fingernails disgust me so much.

No. 2195079

You date someone your age and still not share the same interests or hobbies to be fair

No. 2195080

I think that the reddit atheist meme is dumb considering how many of those types have converted to being annoying reddit catholics/orthodox christians at this point.

No. 2195107

i’m the second person and yeah. i don’t think the relationship was right, i had health issues and was a very very young twenty. him not knowing the same stuff was not the problem and i like my partners to show me things and teach me things. i do not want a man stupider than me. a woman i don’t have to be as picky with, but part of the draw of the older man was that he was a lot smarter than me and i want to be around people like that. there are pros and cons and any older man can be anything. that’s not really the problem with older men but i think that person knows that.

No. 2195117

Gay women (lesbian and actual bisexuals) on average are a lot less attractive than straight women. They tend to either put no effort into their appearance, or dress intentionally retarded if they are gendies. All of the other local gay women I know are extremely fat, and dress like retards but I also live in a small south Texas town.
I just wish they would put as much effort into impressing other women as straight women do for moids. Not frivilous or unhealty things, but just making sure to exercise and present themselves cleanly and smell nice. It just kind of feels like some women don't feel that other women deserve the effort.

No. 2195118

File: 1728173541524.jpg (458.22 KB, 2048x982, 1000017059.jpg)

I want to kill myself(wrong thread)

No. 2195120

you can’t i like the images you are drawn to too much your mind is too sexy noooo

No. 2195121

i don't know if it's unpopular but i love betsey johnson and how tacky and bold it is. okay, i've spoken my truth.

No. 2195122

she is why coquettes will never take bows from me

No. 2195124

My tinfoil is they're gay or/and butch/tomboyish BECAUSE they're ugly and don't want to put effort into their looks, and think another woman would want them "the way they are". I'm only attracted to attractive women and would like to be hot for them because it's only fair.

No. 2195127

She's had a recent resurgence in popularity recently though, so this is a pretty accepted opinion.

No. 2195129

There's so many suicidal women here I don't think Unpopular Opinions is the right thread.
Also same

No. 2195141

really, when? that's fun to hear!

No. 2195145

I think most SSA tend to be inclined towards some aspects of male socialization from a young age more than OSA women that's why they pick up some habits from male socialization/expectations.

No. 2195150

Nta but hasn't it been reported that SSA people in general have a higher tendency for addiction? Overweight gay people strike me as the type to struggle with impulsivity and addiction, nit necessarily that they're more prone to the opposite sex's behavior because of attraction.

No. 2195152

Not sure but in my experience grossly overweight lesbians are a thing from countries with an obesity problem, and I think it became a stereotype because murrika is too culturally relevant worldwide to ignore. If you go to Europe or Asia you will hardly find obese lesbians.

No. 2195156

I don’t like seeing suicidal posts

No. 2195178

NTA but I agree with you. Although alcohol addiction rates are actually pretty high within gay communities, same goes for drug addiction. Couldn't that be boiled down to gay bar culture though?
I think this is true other than the obesity part because that's just an american issue although I am american. I'm a lesbian and I was a scrawny greaseball with a shit diet as a teenager while other girls looked much more well kept compared to me. Like one of the nonas said, I think it's a socialization thing. Moids aren't expected to put effort into themselves so lesbians kind of project that onto themselves I guess, I did as a teenager. However, I definitely keep up with myself now that I'm older so I guess it was just a maturity thing. I never dressed "retarded" though, I always just wore a band t shirt with baggy jeans, still do, kek

No. 2195264

>what does sour grapes mean?
>you have massive personal issues

No. 2195267

i think you'd be amazed at how wide the pool of people who scratch and claw for attention here is

No. 2195290

>If you go to Europe or Asia you will hardly find obese lesbians.

Yeeeeeaaah… sorry to burst your bubble, but I'm from an (thirdie) Asian country and like half of the butches here I see are overweight.

No. 2195293

I missed another scrote infight??? I am so unlucky this week!

No. 2195296

bar culture maybe, but nobody here has mentioned addiction as a side effect of shame, loneliness, or isolation yet so I will

No. 2195297


Thread has reached 1100 posts. The thread will be locked and you will be unable to post in it shortly after it exceeds 1200 posts. Please begin preparing a new thread and post a link to it when it's created.

No. 2195300

>low maintenance
I love having fish as pets but this isn’t true, those little bastards are so delicate and keeping them alive can be stressful. Although it does depend on what species you get.

No. 2195306

File: 1728186589952.jpeg (63.86 KB, 595x516, IMG_6750.jpeg)

i wasn’t all that interested in this ‘global’ girl group produced by both major kpop and hollywood companies, katseye. there’s a netflix doco on the bts and it’s honestly disturbing as fuck.
the survival show on youtube was poor quality, but seeing the doco really puts it into perspective. these girls were effectively lied to and told they weren’t signing up for a survival show, and under that belief trained for 1-2 years away from home and family.
here comes my unpopular opinion. the girl on the bottom right (manon) really bothered me.
so majority of the girls had all been training for 6-12 months at this point, and this girl gets scouted via instagram purely for her looks. she can’t dance, sing or act for shit. she joins them in training and doesn’t show up for rehearsals despite being objectively the worst there. she would go out at night and break curfew, and ended up getting to live away from the other girls with her rich aunt in beverly hills or something. she showed little improvement during the show yet debuted with the rest of these talented girls who worked their asses off. can’t blame the other members if they secretly hold some resentment towards her, i know i would.(kpop as a topic is not allowed on lolcow)

No. 2195310

Who asked? This isn't the k-pop thread.

No. 2195312

shutup retard, the group isn’t even kpop. + there are no kpop threads

No. 2195316

File: 1728187411326.jpg (59.64 KB, 480x641, b763b9d6919920b01d817372c6fe5c…)

Imagine training for 2 years just to dance and pose in a way to make Korean guys dicks hard. That's all kpop is, whether it's ceo dick or random Korean coomer dick. It's the worst "genre" in the world, someone get these girls some instruments and show them how to form a real band. I offer this pee pee guitar to any Korean girl practicing static uninspired cutsey dancing and rehearsing her "oppa oppa" voice in the mirror until her eye is twitching from daily strain and calorie deficiency. Go to an actual live mic and shriek it out and form a Korean girl band that makes the anti feminists seethe so much they'd probably get you international headlines from the massive scale of butthurt.(kpop infighting)

No. 2195319

It is a kpop group. It's under a kpop company and they promote in Korea on shows for kpop groups. Just take it to whatever choachan's new site this.

No. 2195320

I've heard two songs of theirs now from listening to the local top 40 station and both were far too repetitive and otherwise unremarkable. I didn't know there was a documentary until one of my coworkers told me about how it was total garbage and was mad they brought the rando talentless girl in at the end, but honestly, going off the two songs I heard, it seems there is no expectation for them to be able to sing anyways as it was just talk-singing and chanting. Still, I agree with you that it would make sense if the others harbored resentment towards that girl for getting to coast on in.

No. 2195324

piss guitar

No. 2195326

op and agreed nona. whenever i see shit adjacent to it showing the ceos and men involved it makes my skin crawl. all these fat pigs standing around 14-18 year old girls and scrutinising their bodies and faces to fit their ideals. i’d really appreciate an actual korean girl band. and that’s the only music i tend to care about regardless of country.
pop and the music industry is corrupt and soulless no matter where it’s made.

are you really that triggered i posted my personal opinion about a rando group? i’m not hyping it up. the company is a shared project between american and south korean companies.

No. 2195330

you slow? i’m saying i’m NOT interested in pop with that sentence.

No. 2195333

>are you really that triggered i posted my personal opinion about a rando group? i’m not hyping it up.
How did you even interpret that from my post kek. IDC if you're hyping them up or not, you just seem unintegrated as fuck.

No. 2195335

i meant i care about actual bands with musical ability bigbrain, not just girlgroups

No. 2195338

Nyart but people who tend to be like "this is the only one genre that I like" do tend to gave shit taste in my experience.
In my country, "girl band" is usually thought of more as an all-female rock band but stereotyped as singing only about "girl power"

No. 2195343

so sorry that it wasn’t typed perfectly for you o heavenly nona.

anyways, is the ‘tall poppy syndrome’ only really an AU/NZ thing? i find myself falling into it all the time, seething over richer more successful people than me if they came from a similar background. i think i should be allowed to hate rich people as long as i admit it stems from jealousy.

No. 2195417

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Girl no one gives a fuck about kpop opinions the kpop thread got nuked for a reason. And they are a kpop group they literally only perform at Korean music shows and do Kpop themed dance challenges on all their SM. Only teenagers care about this shit. Also Manon was hired as the visual because she fit the look and if anyone knows anything about kpop you’d know there is always a talentless member that is just there based off looks. Manon is on the same level as all of them none of them out perform her otherwise she would’ve been dethroned as the most popular member but she isn’t cuz most fans only cares about looks so the other members need to be thanking her for having the look that lets people pay attention to this flop ass group. GET OUT CHILD

No. 2195422

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The post like a moid thread shouldn’t even be allowed to exist on this site. It’s not even ironically funny it’s just disturbing and disgusting. Anyone who posts in there is a dumb pick me

No. 2195425

Agreed that it's unfunny but how does making fun of men equate to wanting to get picked by one? Also hide the thread if you don't want to see it

No. 2195431

It’s not making fun of men it’s blatant misogyny disguised as making fun of men

No. 2195434

I feel like women are allowed to do that because they don't actually believe those things.

No. 2195435

More women have internalized misogyny than not even on here

No. 2195439

It's not a lesbian thing it's an american thing. Lesbians in general are more attractive. Because we don't dress like street prostitutes with no fashion sense or plaster our faces for appealing to males. We're usually more natural. Most lesbians look like most straight women (except bimbos)

No. 2195444

I also live in a thirdie asian country but have never seen a fat butch. The only two butches I knew in real life was skinny. Butches are rare anyway

No. 2195447

Kpop stans are really retarded and mentally ill. You can't even obey the rules of one website, despite having an entire site in the same format just for yourself. Anyway, no one should be taking kpop anything seriously. That shit doesn't count as music, we all know what it actually is. Get some taste. If some girl joined that gay bullshit to fuck around and be pretty, good, and may it continue to happen. Get the fuck out of here.

No. 2195449

No pop music is music tho. It's just porn

No. 2195454

The legacy of Madonna

No. 2195495

This is not true why are you lying a lot of lesbians either dress like clowns straight out of 2013 or like a stereotype of a 1980s trucker. Most don’t even have fashion sense because they think it’s a straight women thing. Straight women do it better take notes

No. 2195500

And to drive home my point most lesbians first crush is on straight women because we dress the way they like

No. 2195509

>baggy male clothes
>I see it all the time on black lesbians
kek that's just stud style nonna. there's plenty of lesbians who dress in a "conventionally attractive" style, but most of them don't fall under the butch umbrella.

No. 2195510

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im kinda basic i like to wear stuff like picrel, and it could be Mt area but the lesbians ive met in person dress really nice. unpopular opinion (i think) but as a lesbian i think flannel jackets are ugly as shit

No. 2195512

I deleted my post on accident sorry but I know that’s a substyle but lesbians still can’t dress better than straight women. You guys just have to take that loss. There is no way.

No. 2195513

Shut the fuck up lmao, I’m straight myself and we can’t dress for shit. Boob cutouts for male attention don’t count as fashion, sorry. Lesbians dress for themselves and for the art of it, straight women dress to trigger dopamine receptors in men. Not the case for everyone but it’s a rule of thumb. Know your place

No. 2195514

Nona this is how my mom dressed me in 2007 you are not helping the lesbians out KEK

No. 2195518

my bad lol guess im unsure whats trending these days

No. 2195519

This is how southeast Asian middle class women dress

No. 2195520

Speak for yourself >>2195513 and if that were true for only straight women then bimbos wouldn’t exist in the lesbian community now would they? Almost as if like lesbians straight women aren’t a monolith and don’t all dress for the male gaze so how about you stfu. You probably can’t dress either. Also some women like their bodies and want to flaunt it why is that suddenly only for men? Maybe get style and stop shopping on SHEIN(infight bait)

No. 2195523

>some women like their bodies and want to flaunt it
Sounds gay

No. 2195525

This is the single most libfem coded post here. Embarrassing.

No. 2195542

My first crush was a lesbian traditionally feminine looking girl. Cope cum pussy(infighting)

No. 2195544

Is it because i said some women like to dress "slutty" because they like their bodies? I am speaking about myself. When I dress "slutty" its because I like the way my body looks in the dress. In fact the only reason why i stopped dressing "slutty" was BECAUSE of the unwanted attention I received from men. So its actually disrespectful to say any and every woman who shows off her body is dressing for the male gaze. Most women would dress 100% more "sluttier" if men didnt exist. I am not a liberal feminist don't ever put that title on me I should smack you. It's just annoying that people paint broad brushes on straight women calling us "walking prostitutes" as if lesbians also don't partake in sex work. And again some women are just naturally curvy (myself) so no matter what we wear we will be seen as "walking prostitutes". If bimbo lesbians are allowed to be a substyle of fashion why can't it be the same for straight women?

No. 2195545

yeah right your first crush was probably your straight best friend like the lot of you.

No. 2195546

also calling someone cum pussy for saying you cant dress. Lesbians are never beating the bitter that straight women will never choose them allegations

No. 2195547

LMAO girl, you cannot be serious. You seriously posted a picture of yourself to show failed het women in here "lesbians are not ugly fat women!!!1!1" We don't have to prove anything. Gtho

No. 2195548

NTA but a lot of butches also enjoy hyperfeminine, sexy-looking women walking around in trendy outfits with styled hair, makeup, big jiggly tits and asses on display. This is what political lesbians and quasi-asexual "sapphics" who were just normal straight women last year want to erase so badly. It's not all cottagecore and holding hands and never even kissing. Not everything is just about the male gaze. Sometimes, women are just horny for other women in ways some other women might find triggering or garish.

No. 2195549

keeek god the cope. Yes anon, you totes dress for yourself, thats why you also see men in crop tops and high heels irl, it has nothing to do with wanting to look sexy for moids

No. 2195550

>calls coerced rape sex work
>”bimbo lesbian fashion”
yeah you’re from twitter, go back or learn to integrate without acting like a libfem

No. 2195551

Lol the copium. We ended up together, we kissed and had my first sexual experience. She was gay too

No. 2195552

there are lesbians right now pimping themselves out on OF stfu

No. 2195556

THANK YOU this is where i am getting at! Its gross to call women walking prostitutes just because men have sexualized our body parts in disturbing ways. If it was 1950 all of you would be seen as walking prostitutes for showing ankle and wearing jeans.

No. 2195557

A couple of people who claims to be lesbian on an anonymous board cannot be applied to a sizeable portion of people in real life. I hope that's helped

No. 2195559

Just because you are an anomoly doesnt mean the truth no longer exists.

No. 2195563

can you read? i said like picrel its not me lmfao

No. 2195565

I know I just decided to paint a broad brush on lesbians to show how rude it is to paint a broad brush on straight women

No. 2195568

It’s so retarded when anons say that dressing like a self proclaimed slut is for themselves, if it wasn’t for moids shaping most aesthetics these anons wouldn’t dress like that at all. The same way body modifications are seen as beautiful in remote villages, all things that society deems beautiful is made to satisfy men first and placate women second

No. 2195569

Ah yes true lesbians filming themselves for men to jerk off to KEK(infight bait)

No. 2195641

Someone like Sexyy Red will always have more infinite value than a scrote. They can call her a whore, dirty, ghetto, etc. which is all true but she can always be fixed, men cannot unless they are dead.

No. 2195645

They’re all flooding in from tiktok and twitter, there’s no way to stop them, the mods don’t care and the other anons are too busy fighting about fandom shit, likely caused by this new influx of underaged newfags, to notice. I really don’t care about accepting other viewpoints especially when it’s braindead and ignorant, libfems are just fully braindead/ignorant/naive and lead women to our absolute death, embarrassment and destruction. Liberal feminism should be shunned and fucking destroyed for all of our sakes

No. 2195646

learn to integrate or shut the fuck up newfag

No. 2195647

Most women in this website have AGP(bait)

No. 2195666

Thank god the dumbass shit thread got saged instead, huh? Really took care of that newfag problem. kek

No. 2195697

No. 2195706

Can we have dumass shit back and autosage the Fandom, vtuber etc threads instead? Better yet just don't let the site be indexed by google?

No. 2195715

Men existing prove that God isn't real

No. 2195729

I hate that when you get into your mid 20s, people start saying you’re almost 30. There’s a difference in a 5 year gap. For example a 85 year old isn’t going to look and act like a 90 year old and a 35 year old isn’t going to look and act like a 40 year old most of the time. 5 years is a lot in human years.

No. 2195734

Protein heavy/low carb diets are a scam from the fitness industry, they just want to sell you weird shakes. High protein goes almost hand in hand with high fat, everyone I've known with a "high protein diet" had some sort of health issues or low energy. Like eat meat and cheese with every meal but no boiled potatoes because it's supposedly unhealthy, who are you kidding at this point?

No. 2195736

I notice it working in a nursing home. There’s a difference between the people in their mid 80s and early 90s. Take Frankie Valli for example, this was him only 5 years ago and now he can barely speak/move live.

No. 2195739


lol look at gen z trying to change the pushing 30 narrative when it was literally them as teens online calling any 20 something milennial they talked to no matter their age "pushing 30". If you are past the age of 24 news flash you ARE pushing 30. There is barely a difference from 25 to 30. Signed a 30 year old. Maybe in terms of you career, bills, and housing but everything else is the fucking same. I even look the same at 30 as I did at 26. The most aggressive changes you will see in your 20s is how you look at early 20 vs how you look at late 20s. Early 30s vs late 20s is indistinguishiable hence PUSHING 30.

No. 2195741

when i worked with 24 year old gen z they all thought i was also 24. The crazy thing is I thought they were all 30.

No. 2195743

I am 32 and I think saying people over 24 are pushing 30 is silly. At 25 I was still chasing guys from tinder, binge drinking, worried about wearing a size 0. At 32 I own a house and have an actual career. I’m not the same as I was at 25 and I probably won’t be the same at 35. If you can go 5 years and nothing about you has changed, I see that as problem.

No. 2195747

that's what you were doing. At 25 I had my own house and was married. Its all relative.

No. 2195749

Most 25 year olds aren’t doing that. Another unpopular opinion is most people in their 30s, don’t look 25-28.

No. 2195750

also you can be chasing after men that dont want you and still pushing 30.

No. 2195752

that is literally a popular opinion

No. 2195753

I see many people on here saying 30 somethings look mid/late 20s and I don’t agree

No. 2195754

most 25 year olds were doing that in 1990. just because gen z gets coddled doesnt mean they arent pushing 30

No. 2195755

hell most 25 year olds were doing that until 2008.
yeah its usually people who are IN their 30s coping

No. 2195756

I’m not Gen z, I’m a millennial. I’ll be turning 33 in a few weeks. I’m not desperate to stay young forever so I don’t feel the need to be in the same category as a 25 year old.

No. 2195758

Pushing 30 does not equal being 30 or even peers with 30 year olds it means you are on your way to the age of 30. words mean things.

No. 2195760

Nah, I'm a zoomer and I honestly believe that most of the people around me don't start look "old" until they're in their mid forties, and even then they just look their age. Most adults don't look SUPER youthful but there's a middle ground between looking like a teenager and looking old.

No. 2195764

I don’t agree with that. That’s like saying me at 33 is pushing 40, even though there’s a huge difference in appearance and lifestyle between the two. That’s like saying 16 is pushing 20.

No. 2195770

23 is not pushing 30 though i said 25+ is pushing 30. YOu wouldnt say a 33 year old is pushing 40 but a 35 year old is in fact pushing 40 as they are already half way there. Just because you dont agree with the truth doesnt make it any less true >>2195764

No. 2195776

I guess 1 year olds are the same as 5 year olds then

No. 2195780

your brain does not drastically change from the age of 25 to 30 that is a false equivalence

No. 2195781

NTA but as a 30 year old, 25 is not exactly what most people would consider pushing 30. 5 years is a damn long time especially at that age.

No. 2195789

we are going to look back and ask why there wasn’t a middle generation between older millennials and old alpha/young gen a because the 25-30 year olds right now are the same age group lol. like name a difference.

No. 2195790

Yes a lot of things change and a lot of experiences happen in 5 years unless you’re retarded or a loser who doesn’t go outside

No. 2195791

i love being 30 and born in 1994 nothing to cope about. its you gen z bitches that are scared of even pushing 30 let alone being 30

No. 2195793

Gen z is in between

No. 2195795

i said aside from career changes nothing really changes most people still have the exact same friends at 30 that they did at 25 COPE

No. 2195799

There are 40 year olds who have the same friends as they did in college, doesn’t mean they haven’t changed mentally since then. Also the “muh brain is fully developed at 25” narrative has already been debunked, which is why Gen z uses it as an excuse to act like everyone under 25 is basically underaged.

No. 2195801

i’m saying that older millennials basically should have been gen x and younger zoomers gen alpha. or there should have been a different group because let’s be honest the internet changed things and so did increased life span and fertility options.

No. 2195804

5 years is not that long ago though when we turned 25-26 the lockdown just hit. Tell me those 5 years ago was a long time and not a drop in the pan in all sincerity.

No. 2195810

and this is exactly why i will tell them that they are pushing 30 once 25 hits

No. 2195811

1 and 5 is crazy in terms of development. the stage of life when you finish your masters if you went to school and start being a real adult with full responsibilities and start thinking of a family at 25-30 is basically the same besides 25 year olds being just as close to 20 as 30. i think the biggest difference is accepting you’re not a kid anymore, by 30 you’re used to being viewed as an adult and not a kid still in college.

No. 2195812

Nta but I think during the Covid era I made the biggest life changing decisions and had the most life changing experiences. That’s why 25 and 30 felt like light years away for me.

No. 2195815

idk dude you are still pushing 30.

No. 2195816


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No. 2195829

I was 29/28 during Covid. I feel like I’m a totally different person mentally. If a person who can go 5 years and no parts of their personality changes or matures, I just assume they’re emotionally stunted or stupid.

No. 2195830


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No. 2195834

so you are pushing 40 now. Again saying someone is pushing 30 does not mean they are now 30 years old it means they are at an age where they are maturing hence pushing 30

No. 2195835


Thread has exceeded 1200 posts and is about to be locked! Please create a new thread and post a link to it.

No. 2195865

32/33 is early 30s. Also, I do think the body changes around 30s too because there are clothes I wore in my mid 20s, that fit differently now despite being the same weight. A lot of stuff changes in 5 years, people die, big events happen….if in 5 years nothing ever changes with you that’s a issue.

No. 2195874

Noone cares

No. 2195877

You do thats why you’re talking kek like I said there’s a difference between mid 20s and 30. The average human is only going to live until like 80, 5 years is a lot for our life span.

No. 2195895

Samefag but The only people who can’t see why 30 and 25 are different are zoomers who read an article that the brain is fully developed at 25 once, so they use that as an excuse to pretend they’re smol children before that age and can’t be held accountable for anything because “they’re just kids” and people in their 30s who can’t cope with letting their 20s go

No. 2195938

30 isn’t old and shayna isn’t interesting.

No. 2196232

Only women are so addicted to this idea. It's literally always women, I'm so sick of this. You love treating eachother like the post-wall hags you get so angry when men call you, and you love drilling retarded insecurities into yourselves and each other. Shut the fuck up. No man is worrying about "pushing 30!!1" when he's in his 20s. Go post a YouTube video about empty egg cartons or something.

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