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No. 2189373
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People should stop politicizing hair and eye color. Women should be able to dye their hair whatever color they want, wear wigs, contacts, whatever they want, without it stirring up racial arguments or triggering seethe. Gyaru are correct.
No. 2189411
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>>2189407she wished death upon me but you are right I should ignore it
No. 2189415
>>2189412Lots of things look weird to me, but I move. I wish you the same power
No. 2189545
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>>2189533you could say this about any group of men, among countries that actually report rapes they're only ranked 41
No. 2189630
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>>2189625Don’t talk that way ab my King
No. 2189710
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>>2189701When Jesus was born 3 magi (magicians) turned up to his birth and worshipped him as their king. Magi derived from the scythians, who practiced shamanism, magick etc. The scythians hats are actually the origin of the symbolic wizards/magicians hats. Scythians were blonde people who lived in Persia. Jesus actually went to go study with these Magi in his 'lost years'.
No. 2189713
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why are there so many jews and jew apologists on this imageboard? makes no sense, most places on the internet on both spectrums of politics as well as irl are sick of israels shit, yet lolcow is distinctly always crying when jews or israel are mentioned. le heckin ebin contrarian female imageboard am i right ladies? ban me idc, you know i'm right.(polshit bait)
No. 2189715
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>>2189710Oo I heard about the 3 magis before but I didn’t know about that. Then why do they keep shilling Jesus as really looking like picrel?
No. 2189722
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Chocolate Jesus is the best Jesus
No. 2189723
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>>2189671>>2189693>>2189694>>2189699Sorry y'all you may not like it but this is how Jesus actually looked like.
No. 2189734
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>>2189731>jesus didn’t have a perfect fade KEKKK
No. 2189740
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>>2189724not when they get in the sun, and he was a carpenter and wanderer, not a concubine
No. 2189747
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wAIT I solved it!! Jesus was Japanese(baiting)
No. 2189752
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Men have become completely useless and need to be thrown away
No. 2189764
nonny I wasn’t physically there in 33 AD so my sincerest apologies
No. 2189768
>>2189757I think its the opposite because people have known men are awful for most of history but put up with it because of stuff like this but now shes pointing out they dont even do this (also this was in response to that guy who spent $4000 of taylors guitar just to smash it up)
>>2189760Is the "most" in the room with us now?
No. 2189811
>>2189809>Drought Not everyone lives in California kek
>crop die offsWeird fanfiction
No. 2189812
>>2189760>Most of us don't want to actually live in a world without men>>2189766>Keep your shit opinions on twatter please.>>2189769>ntayrt but i kind of agree i dont want to have to do the gruntwork that men are physically built for, so>>2189770>You deserve to live in a world with rape because you're a lazy cunt.Telling women that they deserve to live in a world with rape is hateful towards women.
No. 2189832
>>2189811I'm from the north of brazil, more specifically from the Amazon rain forest, from a city called Manaus. We went through 100+ days without rain,
in a rainforest. We never get fog, but we had it this time. It was composed of particles from the many, many fires that happened in the forst, both manmade and natural. That's also highly abnormal.
The forest has very poor soil so it lives off of itself: dead leaves and other materials feed the flora. Because of that, deforestation causes desertification. The Amazon is literally turning into a desert.
So open your eyes, the world is bigger than America, and the global climate is all connected.
No. 2189838
>>2189834Our climate
will impact you.
No. 2189840
>>2189812I literally quoted the part I was referring to stop putting words in peoples mouths.
You claiming anytime hating men is just an excuse to hate women is silly. I certainly dont agree with that anons last comment but women not wanting to rely or live in a world with men is not a covert way of hating women.
No. 2189842
>>2189791, how am I being defensive? I'm asking for the fruits of all the online edgeposting about how some women deserve to be raped. What's the point if all you do is talk shit online? That's the real blackpill, that even our wokest misandrist women don't give enough of a fuck to do anything.
No. 2189854
>>2189791That’s clearly a male saying women deserved to be raped but sure, it’s those mean radfems!!! Shut the fuck up with that shit already, getting a male to ejaculate into you doesn’t make you speshul and more better than other women, it just makes you seem like an easy target. This website doesn’t accept trannies, handmaidens, or pickmes, fuck off back to ugly man worshipping websites like Reddit, Tiktok, Twitter, 4chan and just about any other social media platform because this is the only place where we’re allowed to not put scrotes on a pedestal, with the exception of retarded /g/ faggots running around fangirling over some dude that could be her father.
No. 2189879
>>2189819Watching the quoted interaction lead to the observation that man hate is often used as an excuse to hate other women.
>>2189835Watching women tell other women that they deserve rape is the blackpill in this scenario.
>>2189849Misandry = man hate. So man hate doesn't exist? What the fuck? Can't we just agree that telling women that they deserve rape is wrong and move on instead of performing acts of mental retardation to try and justify it.
No. 2189880
>>2189867Disagreeing with someone doesn’t mean they’re ignorant, also I hate this constant reaction of
> reee you’re trolling because you don’t agree that America will turn into a desert!!?!Anon, I’ll say this once: get over yourself kek
No. 2189889
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I hate earrings on men, they just look like faggots kek. This trend is even increasing much to my dismay.
No. 2189896
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>>2189890Not me, I took this pic from X nonna
No. 2189935
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A moid posted a video of a woman getting beat up on snow an hour before so the baiting retards itt is most definitely the male that hasn’t been banned yet
No. 2189999
>>2189988This post is where it started
>>2189770Reposted because I quoted the wrong post
No. 2190000
>>2189955The problem is it's not just 10k follower accounts, it's also random idiotic women. There are also retarded autoandrophiles who don't even hate men. They just hate that they're not men and that they can't rape other women the way men do. Those aren't grifters of any sort, just mentally ill retards. I don't see them as anywhere near as dangerous as men because, as I said, they are schlubby shut-ins who don't even know how to use guns, but they are hiding out in their shitty Discord servers and Twitter group chats. At least two of them have been discussed in 2X and in the /snow/ thread. One specifically talked about getting off to actual accounts of women being raped, another was boasting about being racist and a pedophile toward younger girls, the gorefags are less relevant but I've been around them. All of them are no different from teenage pickmes who worship male serial killers or the dumbass TikTok coomlit pickmes into BDSM "novels", except that they're even more pathetic because they have the tools to read and know better, but they'll still shit up radfem spaces and claim superiority.
Radical feminism is politically dead, it's just a bunch of online LARPers at best and grifters at worst. I've already accepted it and settled on trying to help women around me IRL and try to lobby against trans shit without wrecking my life if I ever think I have the right to call myself a "feminist".
No. 2190050
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>>2189966More reason we need to research and make our own robots. They would be attractive, nice, and wont make us pregnant when we dont want it. Win win.
No. 2190066
>>2190063it’s not moving goalposts to need to re-explain something to you 5 times. the fetus is a person, if the fetus was
not alive, there would be no need for an abortion (the surgical act of
killing the fetus)
No. 2190070
>>2190066>to need to re-explain something to you 5 timesTheres at least two of us responding to you
>the fetus is a person[citation needed]
>if the fetus was not aliveNever said it wasnt alive, just that its not a person
>there would be no need for an abortion (the surgical act of killing the fetus)Removing an already dead fetus or non viable fetus is also known as an abortion.
No. 2190096
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>>2190091those are separate words so makes sense why it’s not coming up as an acronym when you google it
No. 2190104
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I know he's a massive coomer but i like his art and he's one of my biggest art inspirations. I just like his fun doodles when he's not drawing big titty ladies getting fucked.
No. 2190113
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>>2190105Fine, do that then, no ones stopping you.
No. 2190118
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>>2190050Men replacing all women with sexbots: nothing but coom, would likely still prefer to rape people and kids because they're fucked up and crave degeneracy
Women replacing all men with robots: world peace, utopia, evolution
No. 2190242
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>>2190188I don't know, but the
worst would be this selfish piece of shit
No. 2190263
My unpopular opinion is that emojis should not result in a ban if they are used sarcastically and in jest like
>>2189615 inb4 "REEE INTEGRATE NEWFAG"
No. 2190334
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>>2190261Ever since I read this post I feel physically disgusted when I see a fat guy. They are like the parents in spirited away when they go piggo mode
No. 2190509
>>2190496Ok but please don’t call yourself a feminist
>hates women who need abortions>hates mothers>hates women in abusive relationships or indeed any relationships>hates heterosexual women, aka the vast majority of women You genuinely hate women more than a lot of men do. You’re a misogynist and I’m tired of you shitting up this thread, you have a whole board to post this blackpill bile only you’re too stupid to access it.
No. 2190517
>>2190509It's a scrote quoting buzzwords who has been taking part in baiting the lesbian threads in /g/ and baiting straight women in /ot/ all week.
Mods aren't deleting bait posts like this despite me having seen them deleting posts like this in the past. Don't know what's changed.
No. 2190598
>>2190489You definitely should black women been trying to tell you this but we get called bitter and jealous all men view other women as conquests it’s all a competition. They are experimenting with you even if they treat you like the “prize”. They constantly compare other women to each other but the issue is a lot of white women fall for this “I’m the prize” narrative and instead of listening to black women and other
WOC who say that black men and MOC are using you and will dog you out eventually we get called bitter losers by WHITE WOMEN! White women then tell their biracial daughters they aren’t good enough but are better than those coily haired nigger girls. White women need to start calling these loser men out but a lot of white women LOVE feeling like the top dog so they will never be in solidarity with other women of color because they inherently put their white supremacy before their gender! Thank you for coming to my ted talk and I’ll take my ban
No. 2190632
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>>2190609I'll risk a ban just to mention this: wasn't it proven by marriage stats that when white women marry black men, they are more likely to end up killed by their spouse? If men are generally broken humans, black men are literal voids. I'm talking comparable to Indian scrotes level of psychological hopelessness with these moids. When nonblack women brag about "stealing" black men from black women, all I see is them "stealing" a greater likelihood to end up married-to-divorced, beaten, or even killed. But becoming a baby mama will probably happen faster than all three of those options.
(racebait) No. 2190664
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>>2190658100% agree cats are disgusting and their owners too 10/10. They always have cat hair on them and always have an underlying smell of piss. When my sister had a cat and she would give me old clothes they always reeked of cat piss. They also don’t tell you that cats give attitude and can let you know when they are pissed by literally pissing everywhere out of spite. I don’t even hate cats I just lived with about 4 to realize I would never want one of them in my house. I don’t care how fancy the litter box is you still got shit and piss accumulating in a corner in your house. All love to black cats though the best cats to exist this isn’t for them they do no wrong and I would let them piss and and shit all over my apartment if it meant they’d cuddle me
No. 2190679
I always wondered why I’ve never received any male attention my entire life (not that I was ever really pining for it, I’m actually way more thankful for this now that I’ve grown up) and it was because I dressed and presented myself in a way that didn’t appeal to the male gaze. I didn’t wear makeup, I barely shaved, covered up most of my body because I didn’t feel comfortable showing it off. I was living as a regular female that’s been unaltered and not beautified, nipped, tucked, something that has to be made into a visible product for others to consume. There are many women who create videos, reddit board, etc. on dating and beauty is always involved in these spaces, why would I want to alter myself just to make myself more appealing to a predator? It’s like slathering blood all over yourself as a zebra right in front of a lion and hoping they take the bait, something about appealing to men just feels kind of suicidal and dissociating. Even if I am attracted to men as well as women, I think I’ve become way less attracted to them over time and it feels so freeing. Separating yourself from men is freeing. Separating yourself from women who make it their life’s mission to appease and appeal to them is freeing.
No. 2190714
>>2190698Yay I’m glad I’m not the only one, I just never understood why I was getting ignored but it was probably for the best. I didn’t have to deal with them.
>>2190701>they’re basically complimenting you for performing femininity and being a good sex object for themPretty much, they even started bastardizing soft femininity and started sexualizing it. They ruin everything. Most women really do dress for other men whether they like to admit it or not, the only way to actually not dress for men is to not dress in a way that appeases men and society, unironically. Whenever women decide to dress modestly men applaud it because they view it as a hijab, they no longer have to place the responsibility of not being a coomer on themselves on now on to other women, but inherently there is nothing wrong with female modesty but when a woman decides to dress with a little skin she’s still applauded because she’s now become an object for everybody to look at and obtain. There is nothing wrong with like women dressing either way, it’s the fact that they’re always placed in contexts of male validation and sexualization that ruins it. It’s so annoying because I know why I see a woman having her boobs practically flopping out of her shirt and it’s not for us women kek, they do it for men unfortunately.
No. 2190722
>>2190632>jannies are molly coddled faggots who don't believe we can criticize and expose scrotes if they're not whitetypical, this place is
still going to shit, and whoever tossed out this ban needs to go fuck a dildo with lots of nails sticking out of it.
(ban evasion) No. 2190745
>>2190733You said there
is a way to not conform to what men like, but they literally fuck anything, it's a dead point. There's no way to avoid them so might as well do what'd you like
No. 2190750
>>2190714tbh if moids didn't exist so many ladies i know would dress 10x "sluttier" (my friend's words not mine) because of the freedom.
>Whenever women decide to dress modestly men applaud it because they view it as a hijabi hate this so much. i like dressing modest because the clothes are comfier for me and i hate that it gives off a bunch of religious wacko vibes that moids still fetishize. just wish women could exist in peace for five goddamn minutes
No. 2190860
>>2190747Based nonna. And this is why female consciousness will never be reached.
I sometimes wish we had the comradeship that men have between them, men will back up pedos , rapists and abusers for bro code, while SOME women will give up everything in a matter of seconds for a scrote, there are even women who become groupies for serial killers kek and those who are ready to give up their rights for scrotes who feel like ladies.
No. 2190889
>>2190747Because women just don't like women.
Why would you help someone you look down on? This puts it plainly enough, doesn't it?
>>2190827Sure, female solidarity is nice but 70% are stupid pickmes so fuck them, stupid women.
No. 2190923
>>2190889>>2190860Moids are literally the biggest target for other moids. Unlike women, who get killed by men closer to them, statistically men are more likely to get killed totally at random by another moid, or simply die under the hands of an XY for several bullshit reasons (common robbery, drug related punishments, random violence, etc. Not saying women are exempt from this, it's simply not as usual as domestic violence for them). Male "comradeship" is strictly self serving, moids do NOT value other men's lives unless convenient.
Women are very rarely this dangerous or lethal towards their own, even with all the "competition" and pickmeism, women understand at large that we're inherently valuable at least to not go around killing each other, because we
could but simply don't. Our biggest predator is a male, not our own, and that in itself should make you guys understand the nature of our gender. This is a blessing in disguise.
No. 2191369
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It’s crazy the shit you see when you’re an attractive women who doesn’t act like a complete idiot. Moids show their true colors almost instantly if you’re actually paying attention. I swear some moids will have completely consistent, normal interactions with average women and then act like complete retards once a women they’re really attracted to comes around. Not in a shy awkward way but in an extremely insecure way where they try and tear you down to their level while being completely cordial with the women they deem non threatening. This so why it’s not a flex to get picked. So many of these moids use more average looking women as placeholder while secretly pining after the women they want. Even when they do get the women they want they almost always self destruct.
No. 2191516
>>2191512men’s genitals vary a lot more. you wouldn’t argue about us generally have a smaller uterus. about smaller women having trouble giving birth sometimes. there is literally less space between our hips and thighs. do you think the vulva of a six foot tall wide wet woman is the same size as a five foot tall narrow hipped woman? like seriously why is it the vagina canal that
triggers you? why are you getting weird about it.
No. 2191532
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The obsession with past decades from zoomers isn't your average "i was born in the wrong generation" shit. The culture has become controlled by an algorithm designed to make you as angry as possible because of the fact that everyone became tied to social media post-pandemic. The pandemic quite literally killed any culture the 2020's could have had, it's no surprise these kids long for a time before it.
No. 2191542
>>2191540Nta but I have kek? Why is this a competition.
>>2191426It's probably because it honestly just comes off as a humble brag. Men already prefer shorter women and talk about how they love to pick them up and stuff during sex. Now tall women gotta be reminded that men also pick short women because they're tighter
No. 2191550
>>2191512manlets with 8inchers
>>2191516men’s genitals vary a lot more
honestly, this doesn't really make sense, and I think it's a psyop so that men don't feel too exposed and vulnerable when women can reasonably make guesses about dick size based on their general height and frame size. I'm sure smaller men have smaller cocks.
No. 2191556
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>>2191552It's not about size, it's about muscle strength.
No. 2191655
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>>2191638dont talk like that about my first waifu
No. 2191720
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>>2191631I thought I was the only one who peeped this humble brag same with short girls saying they are tighter? Who cares? Why would I or any woman want to be tight for these men? Doesn’t that mean that the tighter you are the more painful PIV sex is? And isn’t the more aroused a woman is the more open she becomes anyway? And when she isn’t aroused the tighter she becomes? Why are short women bragging about experiencing more pain in sex and childbirth and not disgusted that men usually 6ft+ solely go after you short women because they know the tighter a girl is the more sex hurts her? You don’t find it weird that big men with bigger dicks on average solely seek out short girls? Especially if this is such a “known thing” that the smaller the girl the tighter she is. Men are disgusting and you idiotas allow them to be by competing to be the most prettiest smallest girl while being shocked your man wants a child next because hur dur the smaller you are the tighter you are so of COURSE little girls are the most tight girls to exist!!! See what these moid themed conversations allow men to get away with? A lot of women perpetuate pedophilia by pandering to these moids and spreading these weird humblebrags
No. 2191903
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I don't think people Tophiachu and ShawtyBae are actually lolcows. They're just unfortunate looking fat girls that normies and kids on tiktok decide to bully and hate watch. They don't really do anything interesting and they end up getting revenue from all the hate watchers. The hate watchers get mad that Tophia won't get a job and puts all her donos into food and being lazy. I mean of course she is, because these people gave her a platform to live off of. Surprise surprise that someone gets a following online and lives off it. They should stop trying to create "lolcows" of people they find ugly.
No. 2191997
>>2191993I already have experienced terminal illness and disability and he’s stuck by my side every minute of the day to take care of me and make sure that I feel loved and safe, I promise you that real love does exist
nonny, it’s not just shit you see in movies.
No. 2192009
>>2192004It’s ok
nonny we share a computer and bedroom so I can see what he’s up to 24/7, I do appreciate your genuine concern though
No. 2192023
>>2192009nigelfags are so insane, they act so snarky about their nigel on here, but when they find out their bf jerks it to "teen destroyed by BBC gangbang" they pretend like they had no clue and they are the
victim. See you on the Love After Porn and the relationship threads, anon, KEK
No. 2192067
>>2192053Not really, I am in a happy relationship, but you will just never see me on here everyday defending my moid and having arguments with people that lead to nowhere. Does he say he is very against porn and he'd never watch it because it harms women? Yes. Am I realistic about every moid's nature and I accept that there is a huge chance he is lying? Yes. I'm very happy and we never fight, but I am just not that gullible and naive. The whole "bitter
femcels" excuse about why people disagree with you is getting old.
No. 2192104
>>2192036nigelfag: my nigel loves me
nigelfag: no he isn't
anti-nigelfag: YES HE IS REEEEE
It just reads as seethe and jealously.
No. 2192106
>>2192104men famously do not lie or reveal their
abusive scrotal ways even after decades of a seemingly happy marriage
No. 2192108
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female cats are more affectionate than moid cats
No. 2192184
>>2192167Then express that in a single post and move on. You're never going to convince someone else to leave their nigel over the internet.
>>2192176And now we're entering mental illness territory.
(infighting) No. 2192227
>>2192184Girl we
been in mental illness territory, its lc.
No. 2192228
>>2192161You definitely don’t have any female friends because if you did you would know that it is extremely easy to get dicked down. All you have to do is make an account on a dating app and the men will invite you to their place hook line and sinker. Hell just go to a bodega at any time of day and there will be a man ready and willing. Please stop acting like having a male live with you is some sort of prize or hard feat in fact times are tough and rent is high you are going to be seeing many hobosexuals clamoring to marry the first girl they see because 2 incomes is better than 1. You ladies are being played
Getting married as a woman in 2024 is a net negative for women and a net positive for men. They are remaining stagnant in the work force while women on average are earning higher and higher even out earning them. Men see it too and are desperate for marriage because women are their meal ticket. Men are the biggest gold diggers and women like this Nigel obsessed pick me are easy bait
No. 2192246
>>2192191I'm not
>>2192161You're talking to more than one person.
>retarded psychoanalysisSeething that hard over someone you've never met being in a relationship is not normal psychology and it is this which leads to other anons speculating as to why.
>>2192227Even in a territory where everyone is mentally ill, some will be more mentally ill than others.
No. 2192309
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>y-you're just bitter and angry because you're jealous and need some dick to shut you up, stupid feminist!!
Heard it a bazillion times, yet my nonnas still take it seriously. I'm not going to state the more obvious, but when will they understand that it's incredibly fucking easy for a woman to get laid no matter what.
No. 2192552
File: 1727996049314.jpg (Spoiler Image,63.12 KB, 1017x651, scaring-customers-oliver-broml…)

No, kicking this man out of a restaurant is not equivalent to discriminating against women, gay, or black people. This is not equivalent to discriminating against people with missing limbs or the handicapped. All the "They should kick out the karens who complained, just don't look at him" comments are pure virtue signalling and they know it. It's a horrible condition to have but you'd be terrified if you came across his face with no warning, especially sitting down to eat in a public place.
No. 2192562
>>2192552I know you're probably just saying this because he's a man, but honestly it is terrible to kick people out just because they have a physical deformity. My grandma is a burn
victim and while most of her face is fine, I can't imagine her being kicked out of an establishment because of her scarring.
>you'd be terrified if you came across his face with no warning, especially sitting down to eat in a public place.I honestly would just mind my business. Im not even sure who stare at a stranger's face while at a restaurant tbh.
No. 2192569
>>2192552i mean it kind of is? his face isnt even that disfigured and ive seen irl burn
victims. but if children were present i could understand it a bit
No. 2192575
>>2192552He's not even that bad. Zaid the burn
victim (who YouTube decided was so scary looking the video he was in needed to be age restricted) is probably the "worst" looking person I've seen.
No. 2192596
>>2192562No, not saying this just because he's a man, but
>>2192575Remembering this person exists, and the men who's hair transplants leave them looking scalped and dripping blood wherever they walk, the man I posted about is tame in comparison. It's more seeing the stitched up unhealed/ wounded faces twisted or missing parts is what's distressing. You can't deny seeing it is distressing but I am sorry for what they all went through.
No. 2192607
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Makeup should be more about being creative and having fun and less about covering imperfections. Going out would be more fun if doing your makeup like pic related wasn't considered almost the same as going out on a bikini.
No. 2192743
>>2192732I get what you're saying and I don't think anyone claims women had no part in it when TIFs and handmaidens exists, but I wouldn't say women are
just as responsible for the trans movement as the sexpest moids who nailed dead rats to a rape relief shelter and harassed them till they closed. Normie and gendie women may have been stupid enough to give them a finger, but male trannies are ultimately the ones who took the entire arm and drowned all womanhood.
No. 2193055
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>>2193050THATS IT NO Invitation to the witchy sabbath for you. We shall frolick naked around the bonfire without you negative nancy's
No. 2193082
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I like this artstyle
No. 2193089
>>2193064Anniversaries and birthdays. Thanksgiving is my favorite autumn holiday it just needs to be saved from the black Friday and early Christmas garbage.
>>2193055It's a holiday celebrating plastic yard crap, tropey slop movies, and candy. calm down.
No. 2193225
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>>2193089>Takes a joke response seriouslyWe are never beating the autism allegations.
No. 2193480
>>2193415>>2193390black women are leaving their men though hence the whole "divesting" movement. The TRUE issue is black women, like all races of women once they find out their scrotes hate them, think that other races of men will then save them but they fucking won't. Also black women have literally been brutalized into accepting christianity and oversexualizing themselves in ways most people can't even begin to conceptualize because they never took the time to read basic slave history. They dont know what really happened to enslaved women and how the brutalization of black girls and women's bodies persisted into the 20th century ALL over the world. Not just america.
Also also as a black woman i loathe people that use the term jezebel at black women. Even before I knew I had curves I was sexualized for my body i developed boobs at around 7-8 and we get VILLIANIZED for it our entire youth. I've gotten detention so many times in the summer for wearing the exact same shorts as my white friend who has less curves. For A LOT of black women no matter what they wear they will give off an oversexualized jezebel trope because that is what society has been conditioned to think of when they see our body types. To demonize black women who embrace their figures by calling them jezebel's is sick. I get it the rap genre ruined the black woman's image in today's modern society and i hate them for it too but with or without rap black women would be seen as oversexualized harlots for just existing. Case and point Sarah Bartman. a teen who was just minding her business in SOuth africa when the disgusting french brutalized her in unspeakable ways.
TLDR: Watch your mouth when you talk about black women
No. 2193592
>>2193584>trafficking It was prestigious and aspirational to be a janissary or sultana
It was escaping the toiling peasant life for a place in the Imperial court
No. 2193646
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>>2193564Statistically, Turks and Arabs have very small penises. In theory, it might hurt less if you were raped. But then again, they might make up for it with in extra violence due to their lack of executive function and poor self-control.
>t. greekanon(racebait) No. 2193658
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>>2193646Yours sincerely, Turkanon. ♥
(back to /pol/) No. 2193725
>>2193720I once joined a discord server for female hybristophiles to lurk on and some of the women there were genuinely talking about dating known rapists and sex offenders because it turned them on and also giving each other tips on how to approach a man with a past like that. I still cannot tell to this day if they were telling the truth or larping but judging by the amount of women trying to "fix" serial killers in prison, I'm gonna say
yes it was real for sure
No. 2193731
>>2193696Anon: I have a boyfriend and I’m happy
Other anons: Oh so you fucking hate women? You think men are gods gift? How could you enable such behavior by dating one? You’re actually a disgusting whore and your moid is cheating on you and I know it because I said so. I’m gonna go kill myself now
No. 2193739
>>2193731Anon: h-
Nigelfag: My boyfriend ate my pussy so good today kekkkkk I love my nigel so much he is so perfect and understands me well hehe idk if you nonnies have ever experienced male relationships bc you're lowkey autistic
femcels but it's so nice kekkk we fuck every day btw we have sex 10 times a day and he knows what a clit is kekkkk love you nonnies tho hehe I showed lolcow to him too oopsie
Cannot wait for 10 people to accuse me of jealousy now because everyone making fun of their relationship is a seething jealous retard who will die alone duh
No. 2193800
>>2193792They have a whole thread in /g/ dedicated to posting about their nigels but still post in other threads and mention lolcow to them as a way to be above the “stinky
femcels” here. They’re no better than trannies with how much they love to include their nigels in their posting
No. 2193816
>>2193794Lurk more and you'll see what I mean, basically the whole thing about how love changed their lives and made them special etc. etc., kinda sounds like mental illness when you remember they're talking about a man, I don't think anyone should let another person have that much control over their emotions and mind, that's dangerous imo and it's sad it's considered a normal thing. Like, why can't they rely on themselves and find happiness within and make themselves feel special on their own? Why depend on someone else to give you that when they can take it away any time, whether intentionally or by accident? you're just setting yourself up for disappointment. I think it's an unhealthy practice, I especially despise the financial part of it and sharing a place with someone else, that's just horrible.
>>2193798That's fair, but I think the anons who reply with tat just do it to get to the nigelfag and deter them from posting again.
>>2193808>happy relationshipThis is the delusion I'm talking about, nigelfags think they've cracked some code because they live with a man in exchange for sex and emotional labor then get upset when called out for it and for their contribution to the patriarchy, especially married ones. Literally there's nothing special about this lifestyle since it's the norm, yet they want to flaunt it as an achievement so bad, the way of the true loser with nothing to show up with for themselves. They do shit even animals are capable of and still feel the need to brag for some reason.
No. 2193819
>>2193816> nigelfags think they've cracked some code because they live with a man in exchange for sex and emotional labor Actually the only posts I've seen have just been them being happy? And there's not rules against posting about being in a healthy relationship so
>>2193817> those troons and nigels have all the same tendencies to spam bait and illegal shit I'm confused now. So, are you accusing nigelfags of being transvestites/AGP's who spam cp now?
No. 2193822
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i've never liked her but i like her glinda larp phase look, she is so cute to me right now. can't believe she's wasting this on fugly Slater
No. 2193831
>>2193827Don’t be obtuse, retard. Posting an unpopular opinion is one thing but using this thread as your diary and reposting about the same dumb bullshit that no one cares about is getting really,
really fucking annoying. For everyone. So please, return to reddit or twitter or wherever this batch of children came from.
No. 2193833
File: 1728086928165.png (7.38 KB, 963x55, nigelfaggotry.png)

>>2193823I agree with you but like a nigelfag was literally instigating, and they usually do most of the time. Why is it always blamed on the people who don't like nigelfags? This kind of misunderstanding worsens the infighting imo
>>2193830Ugh popular opinion bring dumbass shit back and nuke this thread into oblivion
>>2193822I actually really found ariana cute pre plastic sugery, i found her curly hair really cute too. her sicilian features are super cute too bad she got rid of them all. I think she's botched now but I never found her ugly
No. 2193843
>>2193833First AYRT, and I’m sorry I’m not saying this to sound rude but a lot of the responses to nigelfags lately have sounded more like angry jealousness (and a lot more like bait on their own) instead of a legitimate critique of the anon themselves.
>>2193838 Then my only recommendation to you is to report posts that you think are breaking the board rules/defying the culture; instead of posting bait in response to posts you do not appreciate and infighting for 72 straight hours.
No. 2193848
>>2193823Fascinating how you conflate heterosexuality with romantic relationships rather than sexual attraction. Nobody hates straight women, we hate when a woman in a relationship brings the topic somewhere it doesn't belong and makes everything ever about it. This is supposed to be a female only website with topics that interest and center women, and it's nice to take a break from the whole forced relationship and romance thing by coming here, but the posting about romance and relationships is a roundabout way to talk about men, so ofcourse it ruins the mood. This is probably one of the reasons the bechdel test thread was created. And as other anons said, there are threads specifically for relationships and romance discussion so the like minded nigelfags can talk about it amongst themselves, but instead they go to the most random ass threads possible to post about it for some reason and get upset when someone says no1curr. Some of us, or af least I am, not interested in romance and dating despite being attracted to men, so seeing it brought up and discussed all over the site is so boring. But I don't reply to anons aggressively though unless they're doing the whole "you just didn't find the one who will love you so much and dick you right to change your mind yet", then I do a little trolling with the aggressive replies about cheating and porn watching because it's fun to be petty and those anons are obnoxious af. Idk about the troons and CP thing though, never encountered that personally.
No. 2193850
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No. 2193856
>>2193852nta, but i don't think anybody thinks that they're broken or sad for not being in a relationship, it is their behavior and the way they immediately start authoring fanfiction about the other anons nigel being some degenerate hog
i saw one nonny use the word "supervillain" KEK which is kind of what gives off a vibe of them being a little bit maladjusted.
No. 2193865
>>2193859I'm built different, I'm apathetic to that stuff, don't need it and sometimes feel weirded out by it because I prefer putting myself first and I'd never do anything for someone else if it won't benefit me somehow, so I look down on people who don't think this way because they're just stupid to me, I can't be a manipulative evil person either and take advantage of that either because I find those people so pathetic. They have nothing going on it their lives, no hobbies, no interests, no personal goals, no friends and family, nothing to dedicate themselves to, so they put that energy into a stranger they're not even sure if they're worth it (90% of the time they're not), it's a huge gamble and a waste of time that gets you nowhere, I'll never understand why do people do it. If the answer is to reproduce or something, I don't want that either so I guess I'm doing well.
No. 2193871
>>2193867Have you
seen tradthots online. They're not spending time busy with babies or doing housework or anything. We call them THOTS for a reason.
No. 2193873
>>2193869>being pregnant with their nigels lmao sorry i'm immature
>>2193871ok so i'll ask again, are we talking about posts where the poster is talking about trad stuff or is it just a post about being in a heterosexual relationship?
No. 2193881
>>2193878My bad, didn't mean for it to come out that way, I was just describing what I observed.
>>2193879Found the offended nigelfag with no real life, lol.
No. 2193919
>>2193914Why do nigelanons get a free pass to broadcast their retardation in every thread? They already have all of /g/, why do they feel entitled to shit up the rest of the board. And then also have the audacity to play
victim after this? Why do they get special treatment?
No. 2193924
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>>2193887I don't know about that, sometimes the bullying seems justified.
>>>/g/379835>>>/g/379863>>>/g/379885>>>/g/380107Never 4 get
No. 2193952
>>2193950i still dont really get how talking about how someone else honors
you is sucking
their dick
No. 2193975
>>2193973No, I'm just tired of seeing your
femcel rage when anons want to discuss their relationships.
No. 2193977
>>2193968women are free to discuss almost anything without scrotes jumping down our throats
So why are you hitting the long jump
No. 2193978
>>2193975>femcel ragenta but
femcels dont exist
No. 2193986
>>2193981Oh, you again.
>>2193984They already did
>>2193982. So i suspect baiting.
No. 2193998
>>2193991i think you all have massive personal issues with sex and sexuality and that makes you go fucking unhinged about the subject and get mad at other women when they have sex [with men, i don't understand why any so called lesbian would spend so much fucking time thinking about het sex] because i think you actually wish you could have less mentally ill attitude toward sex but instead fixing that you get fixated on other women's dicksucking and dicks
>>2193994why do you care about women talking about their bfs and dicks. it 's still fixating on the issue to get ballistic over it. as a dyke i just personally ignore it because i don't give a shit about it. it's white noise to me.
No. 2194007
File: 1728097325033.gif (1.15 MB, 400x400, 2637370952738.GIF)

Having sex is wrong.
No. 2194019
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I like cats and dogs and all but I support kill shelters and think euthanasia programs for strays should be much more widespread. There's going to be animals who hide anyway so just grabbing and humanely executing them would be fine, right?
It would also help pet owners be more responsible and keep their pets more indoors even if they want to keep risking their pets getting run over by letting them roam outside.
Maybe corpse disposal would become a problem, but can't we keep burying them to act like fertilizer in parks or something?
No. 2194176
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A lot of people have trouble supporting candidates they wouldn't have sex with. One reason why female presidential candidates typically aren't allowed to rise is that they make this fact extremely obvious and hard to dodge. It's much easier to ignore when it's one old man versus another, but the current US race is making the truth more evident than before. Donald Trump, Joe Biden, etc would have more support from women across the board if they looked like this. Regardless of politics, Kamala Harris isn't just a female candidate, she's also quite attractive, and her sister is even prettier. For many, the choice is obvious. Republicans realize this, and that's why they rush to accuse her of sleeping her way to the top, call her a whore, "Pocahontas", etc, but all it does is bring more attention to the problem. Generally, people would rather hear from Disney's Pocahontas than Big Jack Horner.
No. 2194184
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Calm down. Right-wingers are very simple, almost innocent. You wouldn't be accusing her of pulling sexual favors if she didn't fit into your porn-addled MILF fantasies. She is an attractive older woman with flawless skin, long, healthy hair, full lips and a lovely smile. Hunchback Trump of 78 years with a piglike face, a 2003 fake tan and a bad toupee to hide his long-deceased hairline isn't part of anyone's fantasy, and people would prefer to look away.
No. 2194186
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>>2194176She's hot as fuck, tim walz is the same age as her and she looks much younger than. He looks like he's 75. I remember thinking kamala was 45 and thinking she had some hot mom vibe to her. Women are just must more recognizable to me facially. Her younger photos with her short hair are her best to me, though
No. 2194199
File: 1728113878864.png (130.2 KB, 1843x348, cockflaps.png)

yadda yadda go lick a man's unwashed ballsack if you love dicks this much. also, picrel(Report and ignore )
No. 2194204
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>i-it's all makeup
The famous cope of the angry, unfucked man when faced with attractive women, along with "I-I don't like vaginas anyways, th-they're icky!". We need a sour grapes bingo.
No. 2194216
File: 1728114431857.jpg (1.32 MB, 2935x3663, 1718497187777.jpg)

learn from the example of our autistic sisters r/truefemcels nonas
No. 2194226
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do not engage with the scat lover let it mald with its bald head why moids wont fuck it.
No. 2194253
>>2194242You have got to be fucking shitting me. That was by far, no contest, the most grating show of my youth, it was an instant TV-shut off, I couldn't handle even a second of it. Both main characters were fucking obnoxious, like evil mirror universe calvin and hobbes where you want to beat them to death with shovels, the sisters whose only personality traits were "mean for no reason because eww older sister suck hahahaha + obsessively in love with boy, this is not misogynistic though because um also they do science which we see 0 of and is just a mechanism for obnoxious boy to be more obnoxious with the help of technology", trope upon trope upon trope and the fucking obnoxious music and sound effects and voice acting, god, I hadn't thought about that show in years and now it's all flooding back. You are wrong.
No. 2194334
>>2193822I like the entire larp, the look and the voice. Yeah, she's a bit uncanny valley looking now, but not in a bad way and it suits the larp.
I am indeed entertained by this entertainer, unlike with most others in the current entertainment industry
No. 2194337
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To be fair I don't think Lana del rey marrying an alligator tour guide is that cringe at all, I think it matches her aesthic and is kinda kino. Like ok I know pretending to be mid class is fucking weird when you are a millionaire but it does match with the songs she sings about and is "movie like"
No. 2194340
>>2194337What movie? The Hills Have Eyes?
>uwu it's hollywoodOh, the industry controlled by fat ugly rapists and child molesters. Okay, alright.
No. 2194360
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>>2194358I gotta be honest yes he is ugly and it was a massive downgrade if you look at her previous boyfriends, but maybe the alligator tour guide got her pregnant and she felt like marrying him?
No. 2194362
>>2194337I think it's a psyop/pr stunt. I don't know and don't care how, I just can't accept that a millionaire woman would date a human raisin like this.
>inb4 copeYes, I am.
No. 2194363
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>>2194362some women date ugly old men to feel younger and pretty but maybe she has a kink for older men?
No. 2194445
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The main reason nigelfags get bullied and get called cocksuckers is because any criticism about men's behaviour towards women gets met by "did she have a bad breakup"? so of course anons are gonna dogpile you for trying to gaslight women about picrel and how women are abused, tortured and manipulated physically, mentally and socially that acksually you just have to find tru luv. go back to /g/.(restarting an infight)
No. 2194675
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He should cut his nails
No. 2194696
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>>2194695Don’t kid yourself. This is not a male phenotype.
No. 2194712
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>meekly asks you to bring him KFC after his bottom surgery
wat do
No. 2194714
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>>2194703Reviewbrah is a hermaphrodite, lorde is half human and half zeta reticulan
No. 2194715
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>>2194696He has a similar facial vibe to Richie Carpanter, the ratty snout look
No. 2194843
>>2194832sorry you're having angst about your inevitable aging
nonny. hope it gets better for you
No. 2194848
File: 1728161028719.jpg (213.63 KB, 1365x2048, hereslookingatyoukid.jpg)

go back
No. 2194882
File: 1728162373298.jpg (61.53 KB, 462x343, shocked.jpg)

>>2194878maybe he wants a lolcow girlfriend and wants to neg us into settling down with him before we hit teh wall !
No. 2194902
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>>2194887Either way, that's too old to be this stupid
No. 2194917
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I think having a fish as a pet is superior than having a cat or a dog
No. 2194931
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>>2194894>But you can think that way if it'll help you to sleep. oh so you are a female lesbian pedo instead of a auto-pedo pick me ok
yes the fat old woman in
>>2194902 is ugly but considering you feel old at 18 and want to kill yourself >>2194900 before you reach your 40s you probably look like her, yikes xister
No. 2194941
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>>2194923yes fish are so cute and if you want to opt for a clean pet fish are the easiest to take care of! but as long as nonnas buy a decent aquarium, I gotta ask what are your fav fishes?
No. 2194952
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>>2194941Ntayrt but my fav fishes are seahorses
No. 2194955
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>>2194949Kekkk is this your doing?
No. 2194956
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>>2194941I'm boring, I dig these period clot fish
No. 2194970
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>>2194941I have wanted to start a tank with cardinal tetras for a year or two now. My current setup doesn’t really allow me to own fish sadly so hopefully one day… favorite fish is a French angelfish. Picrel is a juvenile.
No. 2194973
File: 1728167135235.jpg (Spoiler Image,80.25 KB, 853x1390, 1000027589.jpg)

Contains a heady whiff of shit genetics and shame.
No. 2194978
File: 1728167270672.jpg (103.18 KB, 1080x1350, CFhLKTLhCfh.jpg)

>>2194949>>2194972>I look masculinetrue you will never be a woman lesbian tranny maybe you should kill yourself already since ur not a neotenous stacy you have shitty genetics and a man skull filters and surgery won't turn you into a 5ft kawaii godess ur always going to be a fugly obese white man :3
(emoji/infighting) No. 2194986
File: 1728167404166.jpg (97.26 KB, 750x600, Cherry-Shrimp-Tropical-3667204…)

>>2194923oooh anon I'm getting convinced… Recently I've been watching those "make a low/no tech aquarium" videos. It'd be really cool to have one of those tanks when I settle down and be able to add a hydroponics section above it too. I saw someone grow strawberries this way.
I'm not sure what my favorite fish is. To be honest, I like the shrimps and nerite snails more because they clean up algae on the tanks, but they breed so often, it'd be good to have a few fish that can thin down their numbers. Two female fish so they don't get their own breeding problem, I guess.
No. 2194993
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No. 2194997
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And what does it mean if even the most desperate and lonely of women still won't pick you?
No. 2195003
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No. 2195118
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I want to kill myself(wrong thread)
No. 2195178
>>2195152NTA but I agree with you. Although alcohol addiction rates are actually pretty high within gay communities, same goes for drug addiction. Couldn't that be boiled down to gay bar culture though?
>>2195145>>2195117I think this is true other than the obesity part because that's just an american issue although I am american. I'm a lesbian and I was a scrawny greaseball with a shit diet as a teenager while other girls looked much more well kept compared to me. Like one of the nonas said, I think it's a socialization thing. Moids aren't expected to put effort into themselves so lesbians kind of project that onto themselves I guess, I did as a teenager. However, I definitely keep up with myself now that I'm older so I guess it was just a maturity thing. I never dressed "retarded" though, I always just wore a band t shirt with baggy jeans, still do, kek
No. 2195306
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i wasn’t all that interested in this ‘global’ girl group produced by both major kpop and hollywood companies, katseye. there’s a netflix doco on the bts and it’s honestly disturbing as fuck.
the survival show on youtube was poor quality, but seeing the doco really puts it into perspective. these girls were effectively lied to and told they weren’t signing up for a survival show, and under that belief trained for 1-2 years away from home and family.
here comes my unpopular opinion. the girl on the bottom right (manon) really bothered me.
so majority of the girls had all been training for 6-12 months at this point, and this girl gets scouted via instagram purely for her looks. she can’t dance, sing or act for shit. she joins them in training and doesn’t show up for rehearsals despite being objectively the worst there. she would go out at night and break curfew, and ended up getting to live away from the other girls with her rich aunt in beverly hills or something. she showed little improvement during the show yet debuted with the rest of these talented girls who worked their asses off. can’t blame the other members if they secretly hold some resentment towards her, i know i would.(kpop as a topic is not allowed on lolcow)
No. 2195316
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>>2195306Imagine training for 2 years just to dance and pose in a way to make Korean guys dicks hard. That's all kpop is, whether it's ceo dick or random Korean coomer dick. It's the worst "genre" in the world, someone get these girls some instruments and show them how to form a real band. I offer this pee pee guitar to any Korean girl practicing static uninspired cutsey dancing and rehearsing her "oppa oppa" voice in the mirror until her eye is twitching from daily strain and calorie deficiency. Go to an actual live mic and shriek it out and form a Korean girl band that makes the anti feminists seethe so much they'd probably get you international headlines from the massive scale of butthurt.
(kpop infighting) No. 2195326
>>2195316op and agreed nona. whenever i see shit adjacent to it showing the ceos and men involved it makes my skin crawl. all these fat pigs standing around 14-18 year old girls and scrutinising their bodies and faces to fit their ideals. i’d really appreciate an actual korean girl band. and that’s the only music i tend to care about regardless of country.
pop and the music industry is corrupt and soulless no matter where it’s made.
>>2195319are you really that
triggered i posted my personal opinion about a rando group? i’m not hyping it up. the company is a shared project between american and south korean companies.
No. 2195338
>>2195330Nyart but people who tend to be like "this is the only one genre that I like" do tend to gave shit taste in my experience.
>>2195332In my country, "girl band" is usually thought of more as an all-female rock band but stereotyped as singing only about "girl power"
No. 2195417
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>>2195306Girl no one gives a fuck about kpop opinions the kpop thread got nuked for a reason. And they are a kpop group they literally only perform at Korean music shows and do Kpop themed dance challenges on all their SM. Only teenagers care about this shit. Also Manon was hired as the visual because she fit the look and if anyone knows anything about kpop you’d know there is always a talentless member that is just there based off looks. Manon is on the same level as all of them none of them out perform her otherwise she would’ve been dethroned as the most popular member but she isn’t cuz most fans only cares about looks so the other members need to be thanking her for having the look that lets people pay attention to this flop ass group. GET OUT CHILD
No. 2195422
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The post like a moid thread shouldn’t even be allowed to exist on this site. It’s not even ironically funny it’s just disturbing and disgusting. Anyone who posts in there is a dumb pick me
No. 2195510
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>>2195495im kinda basic i like to wear stuff like picrel, and it could be Mt area but the lesbians ive met in person dress really nice. unpopular opinion (i think) but as a lesbian i think flannel jackets are ugly as shit
No. 2195513
>>2195512Shut the fuck up lmao, I’m straight myself and we can’t dress for shit. Boob cutouts for male attention don’t count as fashion, sorry. Lesbians dress for themselves and for the art of it, straight women dress to
trigger dopamine receptors in men. Not the case for everyone but it’s a rule of thumb. Know your place
No. 2195520
Speak for yourself
>>2195513 and if that were true for only straight women then bimbos wouldn’t exist in the lesbian community now would they? Almost as if like lesbians straight women aren’t a monolith and don’t all dress for the male gaze so how about you stfu. You probably can’t dress either. Also some women like their bodies and want to flaunt it why is that suddenly only for men? Maybe get style and stop shopping on SHEIN
(infight bait) No. 2195548
>>2195525NTA but a lot of butches also enjoy hyperfeminine, sexy-looking women walking around in trendy outfits with styled hair, makeup, big jiggly tits and asses on display. This is what political lesbians and quasi-asexual "sapphics" who were just normal straight women last year want to erase so badly. It's not all cottagecore and holding hands and never even kissing. Not everything is just about the male gaze. Sometimes, women are just horny for other women in ways some other women might find
triggering or garish.
No. 2195755
>>2195754hell most 25 year olds were doing that until 2008.
>>2195753yeah its usually people who are IN their 30s coping