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No. 2172675

A thread for venting about difficult stuff going on in your life.

Previous vent thread:

Follow all the /ot/ board rules & don't reply to bait.

Don't come to this thread to make fun of anons' vents, to demean them, or to try and be funny with some shit snark reply. It's annoying. If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say it at all.

No. 2172690

Then you should still be aware of the average moid and their porn consumption, even if you want to blindly believe your nigel is different. It's not just channers and redditors and it's not something condensed in one class/race/religion etc. It's quite literally every moid from early age onwards. They openly and shamelessly talk about it in public too, so I don't get your sentiment.
Just saying this in the minimal offchance this is just someone very very sheltered, even though the weird "you must be bitter because someone cheated on you" responses tell me otherwise.

No. 2172695

>blindly believe
It’s not really blind belief when you’re sat next to them every second of every day and can see what he’s doing and how he lives his life though, anon

No. 2172697

Oh boy.

No. 2172698

anon if you look through the phone and find nothing then that's a good thing that your guy isn't addicted to porn. check his phone and report back

No. 2172702

If anyone has a problem they didn't cause themselves, i'm all ears.

No. 2172705

I understand a man cheating but damn how insufferable do you have to be for your girlfriend to cheat on you? That should be a massive wake up call

No. 2172707

Defending your nigel on here is such a pointless activity, go do something productive, damn.

No. 2172710

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Thanks nonnie. I'm trying to not let me get this down but with app dating sometimes celibacy seems easier. I'll wait a day or two for an adequate excuse and then I'll consider burning his house down. I'd do it now but I really fecking liked that prick.

No. 2172713

My Nigel offered to make me dinner tonight and it’s a big deal because he’s never done this before. He wanted to do it because I had a hard week, wow that’s really sweet. Cut to 6pm and he’s texting me he probably won’t be over at my apartment for an hour, still needs to go to the fucking grocery store. HE WORKS. AT A GROCERY STORE. HE LEFT A GROCERY STORE, WENT HOME, DID FUCK ALL FOR AN HOUR AND A HALF, AND NOW IS GOING BACK TO THE GROCERY STORE. We won’t be eating dinner until like 8pm. I told him to fucking forget it and that it isn’t relaxing or nice for me if I have to wait until 8pm to eat, and he keeps just trying to convince me otherwise. He is a sweet guy but I think he’s actually fucking clinically retarded. I would kill to see him have half the responsibility I do, it would actually fucking kill him. This is the second weekend in a row that’s going to start out with a big fight over me having to eat around his retarded schedule. I’m literally in fucking law school and he can’t pack a bag for the weekend, pack his car, shower and shave in an hour and a half?? I’m actually going to go fucking ballistic I’m beginning to resent him so badly. No one gets how much stress I’m under and if the dinner is shitty I’m going to go fucking nuclear.

No. 2172718

same. it's not even from PMS or anything i feel like that every week

No. 2172729

There are psychopaths about. Normies fail to recognize them. Its my duty to protect normies from psychopaths. Getting attacked by both normies and psychopaths. Its ok.

No. 2172742

This is the average nigelfag…

No. 2172743

>I’m literally in fucking law school
That’s your first mistake

No. 2172745

Do you have anything going on in your own life.

No. 2172748

i hate who i become the couple of days before my period. how i force myself to eat past fullness and just roll around procrastinating. its the complete opposite of who i am and therefore its really hard to cope. i cant even bring myself to do enjoyable things, i just do nothing, i dont feel like im even deserving of fun things around these days i just want to reset and puke up the food and begin the day anew

No. 2172753

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Just needed somewhere to rant.

I cannot stand seeing people in the BJD community drop thousands of dollars on discontinued dolls… just to do their faceups themselves, and do an awful job of it. It's infuriating me as someone who has had to put aside getting my first BJD for years now because I just don't have the money for it yet. Someone in a large BJD server is making the attached monstrosity and sure, as far as BJD faceups go its not that bad. But for this specific discontinued doll, which they supposedly spent a large amount of money on, why not just send it to a professional? They clearly have the money. This isn't their first faceup either, they say they've been doing them for years, so what's the excuse?

Then again, I'm almost positive this is a recast. The eye-holes don't look right despite them supposedly not doing any modifications to the doll, the skintone is off compared to the standards of the company (even if you adjust for the fact that resin will not come out as the exact same color every time a doll is produced), and they've acted really shady in the server about where and how they acquired this doll. This specific doll is also very popular to recast, as it's a very popular doll in general.

No. 2172755

i legit dont see whats wrong with it? can you post some examples of how pros do it? i also hate it when rich collectors spend thousands on shit they dont take care of.

No. 2172756

Nope! And that’s precisely why I don’t experience the distress OP is describing kek

No. 2172759

I don't engage with deadbeat losers anymore. I will make polite conversation but never reveal anything about myself or ask them anything, and will ignore or gray rock them whenever possible.
I grew up in a poor rednecky environment myself and it was crazy how poverty breeds cruelty and pettiness. Lots of problems these people had were completely preventable but they craved only instant gratification and never thought about consequences, and now it's everyone else's fault but theirs. When I was a teen they tried to bully me by spreading rumors and picking on me any chance they got because I didn't want to hang out with them and drink or fuck 20-something losers. Now they still try it because they don't like that I'm not broke with 5 baby daddies and a dead-end wagie job or on drugs.

It's not about money, it just really wasn't hard to not be a teen mom, not drink, not start smoking, get decent grades and go to community college. I did okay for myself, but whenever I go home you'd think I was Jeff Bezos from the nuclear asshurt I cause. They of course always insinuate my "success" (I have a normal desk job, no kids and a regular salary) is because I slept my way to the top or did something illegal. Then they try to rope me into some local drama and ask for my input like what I think about cousin Bessie and her deadbeat husband's latest fight. I say anything and I'm taking sides and will get called an uppity bitch.
Don't care, sort it between yourselves. There's never any self-reflection or attempts at improvement, just endless seething about others who have it better. Then you wonder why your life is shit.

No. 2172765

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Here's an example of a more professional faceup on the same mold. It's in the details; mostly that the person who owns the doll is being so heavy-handed and using a much thicker brush than they should be. Their detailing is shaky and far too thick. They are clearly trying to copy a faceup like this one as well, so side-by-side you can really tell they're missing their mark. To me, this is like if you bought a very expensive figurine you need to paint yourself, and then tried to paint it with a standard paintbrush instead of something smaller. You wouldn't be able to get the details right.

It doesn't really matter, I'm just so annoyed. Especially since they're acting really smug about even owning the doll at all in the server, while ruining it.

No. 2172780

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the sob emoji pisses me off so bad i swear its always the most annoying condescending fuckers using it and not to mention the lolicon associations god i hate hate hate it

No. 2172785

lolicon associations? nonna wtf are you talking about that's some twitter shit

No. 2172795

the brows and lashes do look pretty fucked. sad

No. 2172796

you dont want to know

No. 2172801

The crying emoji has pedo meanings? What does this mean

No. 2172803

nothing, nonna's full of shit

No. 2172804

no im not why are you being annoying. just google dorontabi and stop irritating me

No. 2172810

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shes talking about this meme

No. 2172813

I need to eat a whole pizza by myself right now

No. 2172815

saying the sobbing emoji has "lolicon associations" because of this is so chronically online i'm shocked nona even knows about this site. acting like a child and refusing to elaborate is also fucking retarded

No. 2172819

Is this a meme? I’ve never seen this before

No. 2172820

wtf is your problem leave me alone?? i didnt elaborate because i didnt want to explain some pedo shit to you that youd be better of not knowing jesus christ

No. 2172822

Off. Better off. Can't help but agree with the other nonna that you're clearly struggling to integrate here.

No. 2172824

I can almost guarantee that you'll find worse on the cow boards or in the news stories that fuck with you thread. The anons here are made of stronger stuff.

No. 2172825

oh my god i forgot one f on off. ive literally been on this site for 3 years why is everybody dogpiling on me when i made a post about being annoyed in the first place

No. 2172827

He finally showed up saying he was down to hang out like we planned but like motherfucker you've been MIA for like a day and a half, and I'm expcted to just not question it? Fuck off, go cry to your discord kittens that I also went off the grid. I'm playing Maplestory for 4 hours now fuck you

No. 2172828

My hair is brown but it looks gray under direct sunlight kek, especially in photos

No. 2172871

its a very popular lolifag meme, mostly in weeb spaces.

No. 2172872

This looks so cute. I hope i become rich so i can buy one of these and botch it like the untalented bitch i am.

No. 2172914

I’m not her but I hate this line of thinking so much. Saying it’s literally every man just gives men an excuse. Because if it’s truly every man then it’s ingrained in them to behave that way, there’s nothing they can do about it, and we shouldn’t criticize the behavior or expect them to change because according to you they’re incapable of that.
Bleak blackpill takes like this only serve to help men and make excuses for them. Not every man is a gooner, and any worthwhile man should abstain from porn so that he isn’t associated with inhuman trash.

No. 2172917

Ladies with very pale skin can we please learn to talk about our skin tone without referring to ourselves as ugly, sickly, malnourished Victorian children? The self flagellating is really unnecessary.

No. 2172923

I've always wanted to be a fashion vlogger and I feel like I'm getting older and older and I just can't bring myself to do what I love. I always wait for the right time, I'm always thinking I need more clothes or I need to get less ugly… Having a platform was easier in the 2010s, everyone's was just being themselves and nobody was too poor or too ugly to make content.

No. 2172926

I like the term creamy when describing my own skin

No. 2172936

do it anyway, I want to see 30-40 year old fashion that's not target shopping momcore
Fashion content always seems like it's either only meant for teens/college age, or silver postmenopausal 55+ chic grans if you look for "mature fashion"

No. 2172945

>Because if it’s truly every man then it’s ingrained in them to behave that way, there’s nothing they can do about it, and we shouldn’t criticize the behavior or expect them to change because according to you they’re incapable of that.
This is a retarded conclusion to make. Under no circumstances do we need to accept or tolerate something just because it is normal, or common, or even universal. If all men behave a certain way and there's nothing they can do about it, accepting that means we are equipped with important knowledge that informs our choices - for example, choosing to avoid men entirely, or finding ways to mitigate their damage. Sticking our heads in the sand only hurts us and benefits men. If we're lucky, maybe women will realize that if all men are shit the best option is to decentre them, remain vigilant and stay single, not to accept that it's inevitable and unavoidable and therefore forgivable (which you seem to think is the only possible result of believing AMALT).

No. 2172953

but that actually gives us more of a reason to criticize them, not give an excuse

No. 2172994

We were talking about porn use. That cannot be "ingrained", though most moids still consume it and don't magically stop because they have sex/relationships like the original anon implied.

No. 2172996

Every time I go to a certain gas station to try and hit on the cute cashier he is on a phone call in his ear recently. We had a couple nice conversations before now I barely get a smile out of him. Probably got a gf I can take a hint but I liked his smile

No. 2173004

I hate that I can't just be honest to moids without getting in danger, especially when they act dumb. It's always the same shit.
>Can I get your number?
You should know why the second I said no, you retard. I am not interested. If you want to know more details, it's because you're ugly and you stink. The fact that you think you can ask me out AND are delusional enough to think I'd agree, all with that unwashed ugly visage, shitty clothes and flabby body is a personal insult in itself. Leave me alone.

No. 2173015

i called my crush (sorry) for the first time ever and i was so awkward and quiet because i was very nervous and scared.
he hung up on me… the suffering will never end
he also didn't reply to my texts after i think he hates me and i ruined everything and he will probably block me and i will never be able to talk to him again
i'm not 12 i know i sound like it but i'm almost 21
man i just feel like my life is so ridiculous and has absolutely no meaning

No. 2173017

my first dog has had a nasal tumor for about 2 years and my parents got her radiation and medications for it but we were warned it may not work, at first the tumor shrunk then it spread to her brain and mouth. well today my mom let me know she has been walking in circles and keeps bleeding. i am so sad. she will have to be put down probably soon. i don't want her to be in pain.

No. 2173033

I am so sorry nona. I know nothing I can say will make it feel any better, so instead I’ll give you some advice as someone who went through the process myself not too long ago.
First, if you are able, being there when it happens will be healing in the long run. It will be difficult to do but you’ll look back on it as a positive memory years from now I promise. Being there with your dog in their last moments is a comforting thing in a weird way.
Second, get some memorabilia. There are so many options, you can get a cast of their nose or their paw if you want something pricey. You could keep some fur in a little jar. A nose print or a paw print on cheap canvas is easy enough to do. It might not be a top priority now but it will be nice to have.
And last, if they have any special quirks like a weird bark, or a loud snore, or anything like that make sure you get a recording of it. I didn’t want pictures of my girl as she got sick because I wanted to remember her healthy and happy, but I missed out on recording her bark and I regret it a lot. She had such a weird bark and I wish I could hear it again

Best of luck with everything

No. 2173040

thank you so much for your reply. my mom is going to let my brother and i know asap once she brings her to the surgeon monday. i am so glad i have lots of videos and pictures of her over her 9 years. i should tell my mom about getting a paw print casted. i got photos of both the dogs printed on nice canvas a few years ago. i have not taken many photos or videos of her when i visit since she's been sick honestly because it's too painful, her black fur slowly got white on her face and her nose was always dry and peeling from the tumor and it bled sometimes. over the past few months one side of her face has become slightly swollen. i am going to visit probably after my night shift ends tomorrow morning to see her and it's going to hard. she is meeting the surgeon monday and i'm not sure if they're going to schedule putting her to sleep forever then but i think that's going to be the outcome of that appointment.

No. 2173054

Apologies for this vent being very weird, I am aware of it. Firstly, why are my emotions so strong? I actually have symptoms of apathy and have had flat-effect since childhood that I managed to almost semi-unlearn, my family used to make me feel very weird for it. I don’t feel emotions in regular day to day life like most people do, like if all I did was work 9-5 at an office job and just went home and ate and slept I would never feel emotions, ever, they come up in specific circumstances. However when they do, some of them are so intense it’s unmanageable.

An example is my crushes, which I think might be the strongest instance. I like this girl right now and it hurts so, so much. To me she is the most beautiful, purest angel. I think about her every day. I genuinely think a scientist should study my brain whenever I think about her, there has to be an explosion of chemicals, also structurally something must be up. Anyway, I’ve erected a shrine for her. I don’t talk to her by the way, if I did I could be completely normal, to others I seem normal but odd parts of myself like this I hide completely and will never show to anyone. But I’m in so much pain right now, thinking about her, I love her so much, she hasn’t done anything incredible but I find the flavour of her soul so incredible, like the key to the universe.

No. 2173070

I'm one of the people who still use tumblr in 2024. This is a weird complaint, but I wish there were more blogs run by radfems/terfs/gender-critical women that weren't so constantly negative.

Pretty much every radfem blog I can find is just a huge archive of horrific posts documenting atrocities being committed against women and girls. I think it's important to document these things, but it kind of sucks that this is pretty much the only thing that we post about all the time. Every time I make an account to follow radfems, my dash becomes so depressing that I end up deactivating after a couple of months. Even the funny ones constantly post about rapes, femicide, and child/domestic abuse.

I wish I could follow gender-critical women who just run normal type blogs (meme blogs, fandom blogs, travel blogs, etc.) It's not because I don't care about women's issues. It's just that I want to be able to have a good time reading funny blogs that aren't run by a creepy moid or some mentally broken gendie. It's impossible to find any good fandom discourse that doesn't inevitably get hijacked by trans shit. I just want to shitpost and have fun discourse with the girls.

No. 2173077

Sorry this is probably tiring I just have nowhere to get this off my chest. I’m crying because we don’t have a working printer and I really want to print out my favourite picture of her because I’m convinced it will help me spiritually. Even though I worship the shrine I really cannot worship the picture because it’s too far, she is not some idol, but she is an angel. I worship the feelings she gives me and her soul but not her if that makes sense. Still I need to picture and I think it will make this feel complete. But also I’m in a dilemma because one we’re poor and I obviously do not work… Also if I print it off and somehow there’s some way to access image history my mum will find out that not only am I lesbian I’m some freaky orbiter lesbian and that seems terrifying

No. 2173085

I'm so fucking tired of myself. I am constantly trapped in my own head of self defeating thoughts and shame. I get frustrated at myself for getting angry at things that I shouldn't have be angry at, I take things far too personally all the time, I spend way too much time ruminating about things that nobody gives a fuck about except myself. It's a constant wrestling match of trying to gain power over myself and control and complete despair of being completely powerless over even myself. I hate this. I want it to go away, I'm so done. Every time I try to relax I just can't and then I get angrier that I'm not relaxing and that I can't relax. Would killing a scrote fix my problems

No. 2173087


I had to put down my own childhood dog a few years ago. He was also full of tumors and old as hell. He was normal the day before, and then suddenly he couldn't get up and was struggling to move or breathe.

We took him to the Humane Society. They do all of the services that other nonnas were mentioning, but cheaper than a lot of veterinarians. They took good care of him medically, and we could pay them to make a paw print for us. They also took care of his cremation. I would recommend looking into it. Our veterinarian was completely booked up with appointments and couldn't take him until the next week. This would have only prolonged his suffering.

I stayed in the room with him as he was being put down. If it makes you feel any better, it was legitimately the most peaceful way to die that I have ever seen. They gave him the first shot (a sedative) and he was instantly relieved of all suffering. He fell into the most peaceful nap I've ever seen, and then they gave him the second shot. The whole thing was over in less than 15 seconds. I still cried like a bitch in front of everyone.

Honestly, the best advice I can give is to just let yourself grieve in the exact way that you need to. Our dumb mammal brains are built to form incredibly strong bonds with the living beings around us, and your neurochemicals barely know the difference between a beloved human and a beloved animal. If you're over it in a week, that's ok. If you're fucked up about it for a while, that's ok. It's weird, but I had some of the same grief thoughts about my dog that I had about close friends and family members who died. I'm not even one of those dog-obsessed people, so I didn't expect to be all that bothered by a pet dying. I thought I wouldn't even cry when he passed. I was wrong af about that one lmao

No. 2173088

>Would killing a scrote fix my problems

No. 2173093


You mention having flat affect as a kid. Have you been evaluated for autism or any other neurological disorder? I have seen a couple of case studies of individuals with almost the same feelings that you're describing, and they all either had autism or a Cluster-A personality disorder. (Schizoid personality disorder, specifically. Despite its name, it has nothing to do with schizophrenia, delusions, or hallucinations.)

It might help you access therapies that can help you, or point you in the direction of good coping mechanisms.

No. 2173094


Could you put paper over the screen and (gently) trace her face? It won't be as detailed as a printout, but it might feel nice to have it in a more tangible form.

No. 2173097

Me too. Tumblr is nice but it's so polarized. There are a lot of lowkey gender critical people who post about their lives and interests and occasionally shit on moids/trannies but it can be really hard to find them. They're not super open about it usually because there's so many batshit insane users. I hate that most fandom posts are usually being made by the most annoying trannies/handmaidens on Earth who reblog virtue signaling crap 24/7 with the occasional interesting thing sprinkled in. It's tempting to follow super open radfems but those people tend to be constant doomerposters

No. 2173099

my bad, this post was meant to be a response to >>2173085

No. 2173100

hate when my favored sibling takes the car he knew I was planning on using after work, behind my back, when he already has 2 trucks that he can use. He does this so often so Im stuck at home miserable, and laughs while "apologizing". He knows the entire family will turn on me for speaking up.

Why couldnt I have had a sister instead?

No. 2173101

My art from a few years ago is so hideous I feel a pit in my stomach when I think about it or look at it. Why did I ever think that looked okay? My art now isn't that amazing either but at least it isn't as terrible as that.

No. 2173104

I haven’t been evaluated for any psychological condition. I was meant to be seen for potential depression at 16 but you had to chase them up about it so, just didn’t bother. I’ve read about different clusters and I don’t remember relating to any of the cluster A disorders. Autism… I seem to relate to autistic people, not the actual criteria, if that makes sense.
Oh, that’s a good idea actually! I don’t know why I didn’t think of that. Thank you.

No. 2173105

you had to be there at one point to get to where you are now though nonna

No. 2173111

i look identical to what happens when you put young varg vikernes through a gender-swapping filter. if he got facial feminization surgery it would literally be my face.

No. 2173113


I wrote a massive post about my shitty brother in the last thread. The level of obsessive preferential treatment that parents have for a favorite boy is insane. I have faith that we will both make it out of this bullshit. One day we will be free.

No. 2173115

me too, i want GC friends only but i also… want to have fun. venting or talking about the news is fine, but nowadays everything everywhere seems to need to be morally superior and a political grandstand 24/7. what if i want to have friends who think like i do to have fun with? what if i just want non troon supporter friends to get drunk with and watch vinesauce? all the friends ive made in my adult life either were TRAs that ghosted me when i politely disagreed, a tiktok zoomer, and narcissistic people who only seemed to want to be friends to have someone to complain to.

No. 2173119

might want to read it later. yes, and my brother knows hes preferred so he takes sadistic glee out of constantly belittling me or screwing me around. like every tiny opportunity. I just want peace. He wont leave me alone. And Im the most totally financially etc reliant loser I know of. Hope youre right that we can all make it away and be free.

No. 2173121


I just googled him (I've never heard of him before) and his young face looks extremely normal. I have seen thousands of both males and females with this phenotype. If you're insecure about it, people probably don't give as much of a shit about it as you think.

People on this website act like you're disfigured and disgusting if you aren't a perfect 10/10 with an ultra snatched instagram model face, but this is not the truth.

(Also, thank you for giving me a new true crime topic to google. I had no idea that the Swedish and Norwegian death metal scenes used to beef so hard that they were murdering each other. Interesting.)

No. 2173122

oh and my shithead brother plays the victim too. like he tells mom, "I think [my name] hates me", then boymom takes his side and interrogates me about it. even tho Im never rude to him, one time he said this for because I didnt laugh enough. Another time, he said this because I made a negative facial expression for a split second, because I didnt like that he stood there watching me lift heavy groceries. Other times for no reason at all, "just a feeling". he does this once in a while, constantly, for years. No matter what I do.

Does your brother do this type of stuff?

No. 2173124

ayrt, thank you so much. i will tell my mom about the humane society i think she would like that and a paw print, maybe a cremation as well. both replies are so sweet i feel like crying. i have so much going on right now, and so does my mom.

No. 2173130

yes varg killed his own bandmate and i believe was the one who found Dead when he shot himself and took pictures and sold merch with the picture on it and wanted it to be an album cover. i also believe there's a rumor he made jewelry out of his skull fragments and gave them to people as special gifts. it could have been euronymous who found Dead though

No. 2173133

ayrt but are you sure you're not replying to >>2173054? I'm a different anon KEK but I do have autism

No. 2173134

no, it was euronymous who did all the shit with deads corpse. varg did murder him though.

No. 2173136


yeah, I clicked the wrong post lol.
…BUT I made this other post to rectify it.


(here's to hoping I didn't click the wrong shit two more times)

No. 2173144


lmao my post was LITERALLY about my struggles having a boymom. To this day, she lets him fuck around with zero responsibilities, and expects me to be the only sibling who does anything around the house. Despite him having a job, he is not expected to pay for anything around the house.

I won't rehash my massive essay to avoid boring everyone, but both of my parents are old and sick. I dropped out of school to take care of them after a massive emergency. I just finished a two-year degree to help me get a job, and my mom is already telling me that I'll be expected to help pay bills. My brother still pays nothing. All I want is just to get my shit together and gtfo, but I also have a weird guilt complex about leaving them.

As for weird interactions, I haven't had anything happen to me that's exactly like what you're describing. My brother doesn't gaf if I like him or not. My main gripe with him is that he's openly allowed to talk down to me and treat me like complete shit. He's knows that he's above me in the family hierarchy, and he's also obsessed with the idea of being respected as some kind of highly-esteemed figure, despite doing literally nothing to earn respect. He's been like this since we were kids, and mom always takes his side.

The worst instance I can think of is a time he tried to strangle me when I was like, 12. I don't even know what I did to provoke that. My only guess is that maybe he decided that I wasn't listening to him? He goes on long tangents about boring shit all the time and I tune them out. It was late at night and I was reading a book while laying down on my bed (we were spending summer at our grandma's house and I was forced to share a room with him.) Then my older brother just started strangling me, with his full weight on my neck. I tried to fight him off, but I obviously couldn't. I screamed as loud as I could, and he instantly bitched out and jumped off me, trying to hide what he was doing. Mom came running in the room and I told her that he tried to strangle me (I was crying and had marks on my neck to prove it.) She asked him why he did it, and he said something like, "Because I'm SICK of the LACK of RESPECT!"

He received no punishment. She didn't even yell at him. She just made him spend the night in her room instead, "So you two kids can't start fighting with each other anymore!" As if I was an actual participant in the situation.

No. 2173145


Sorry for clogging up the threads with my long ass posts, but I have nowhere else to talk about this.

The thing that drives me insane is that the favoritism is so cartoonishly pronounced that it sounds fake. If I posted my experiences on reddit or something, everyone would say I made it up for clicks.

Honestly, I think this is just what it's like to grow up as the sister of a favorite mommy's boy. Growing up, I knew a bunch of other girls in similar situations.

No. 2173150


Also, idk what your level of financial education is, but I believe in you. Literally 1 year ago I was completely useless financially. I had zero clue how to exist in the real world. After I decided to get my shit together, I started looking up basic financial advice to help me, and it turned out not to be that insanely complicated. I have a basic plan now for getting out of my house, and only need to start making around 45k a year to do it. Other people have also completed the same plan with less (I'm not saying it's easy, but it's possible.) If you're starting from the same level as me, I can point you to some of the things that I found useful.

No. 2173155

I’m so tired of this pain I’ve been going through for months now. It started as no periods, then it was hip bone pain, then now it’s uterus cramps. The cramps are so painful, and the only answer I have is an official PCOS diagnosis but when I seek out other people it seems like no one has the same symptoms as me. I’m so tired of this cramping pain and I just want my periods back. I wonder if I have Endo too, I’ve had Endo symptoms since I started having periods.

No. 2173168

Meant to say earlier, thanks for making me feel heard. I found and read your other posts in the previous thread and Im so sorry to hear all that youve been through, and sorry to hear that you were strangled. Im truly amazed at all your hard work and dedication, to not only looking after your dad [sorry to hear of his medical issues, just found out my dad has multiple heart blockages but so far is doing okay], while pursuing schooling/career. I was too stupid for a STEM degree, so took a meme degree, and could not ever get a job back when I had references years ago. I have extreme social anxiety/agoraphobia/fear of being attacked. I was strangled in kindergarden by a moid who is now an award winning medical professional making 100k. Plus domestics growing up didnt help either.

My favored brother has mentioned disturbing "jokes" about attacking women for annoying him like laughing/talking too loud, and pressures me to go places with him driving me, even to medical appointments that I want private from him. Hes really creepy and is almost always home. Harassed me everytime I went to the bathroom, for years, mom said he did so deliberately because "he thinks you dont like him" as if I deserve it. Now I have trouble emptying fully, cant relax my muscles to let all the pee out. I help with cleaning and cooking, yet mom says brother "does everything" which is so insulting. Brother literally asks mom to make him tea, or meals, anytime day or night. Lunch, dinner, evening, 4am doesnt matter. Same with if he demands laundry for her to do, for the next day, right before she wanted to sleep? Too bad. Mom gets up drops everything [even if were chatting, she ditches me] and serves him. My brother is nearly 40, mom has hip problems, still she slaves over him.

Your posts reminded me..Once when I was 12 my brother tried to run over my foot, months after I had toenail removal surgery. He wouldnt talk to me on the way back when I asked him why he did that, and played a song really loud he knew I hated. I never found out why. I assume he was mad because he had to pick me up from school? On a day I was really badly bullied no less. Similarly, my mom didnt punish him or yell at him. Same year, brother whined to mom that he had to spend $15 to buy me a magazine, so Im not even worth that to him. And Im the bad one for wanting to avoid him?

More recently, dad [with multiple heart blockages] was going to go on a work trip and wanted someone to drive him, so asked my brother who likes driving and has his own truck. Dad pays for everything btw. My brother laughed and scoffed, with an attitude like, "who do you think you are?!" to his own dad, and refused. Mom said to dad that she worries that dad will abandon brother, as if hes a little boy. Then mom turned to me and said, "cant you go instead?" That just says it all, doesnt it? Dad ended up not having to go, as another coworker went on the trip instead of dad.

There needs to be more shaming of boymoms, and research on boymoms experienced through the lens of the blacksheep daughter. And more coping techniques.

No. 2173169

In my unprofessional opinion, it’s probably endo.

No. 2173170

and yes please share the resources.

Are your mom and brother both misogynists, because mine sure are. Not sure if I mentioned this, but years ago, mom told me that once I was born and came home from the hospital, my brother destroyed my room, because he wanted a brother instead of a sister. Mom laughed when she told me, like she thought it was cute. Of course when I asked her about it more recently, she denied ever telling me this. But Ill never forget it.

No. 2173176

This is going to sound SO retarded but I’ve had 2 things I’ve “self diagnosed” myself (with heavy research) be actually correct and diagnosed and I’m almost certain about Endo but can it really just come so suddenly?? Out of nowhere? I hate this.

No. 2173182

My seb derm was triggered by the shitty sea water where I live a month ago when I went on a speedboat and now it won't stop flaring up in waves. I'm so upset I can't just run into the ocean like when I lived in Australia. It cleared up my skin and scalp within a week and I haven't had issues since 6 years ago. I'm going to buy some dead sea salt from Amazon and I'm hoping that might give me some relief. Sometimes I wonder why I'm cursed to have shitty skin and I just want to shave my head

No. 2173189

He lives at home at 40 and thinks he's hot shit? Moid entitlement knows no limits. Hopefully you can transcend this environment while maintaining contact with your family to the extent that you'd like.

No. 2173205

thanks for the encouragement. yes the favored one, my brother says to mom that he feels sad that it feels like dad wants him to move out and or get a job, mom insults dad and says brother has a right to live here, poor brother who wants to hear that from his own dad? etc.

brother even parks his 2 trucks closest to the house. he cares more about his trucks than his parents and I. when it rains, snows, whatever, he can also have the advantage of going in the house quicker. when carrying heavy groceries, which fucked up my back, that was more distance for mom & I to lug everything from the distance we were parked at, to the house. he only recently started lifting heavy groceries, mom always told him, "no you shouldnt have to, we'll get it instead!" he even built a giant canopy to protect one of his trucks from the weather. it blocks flowers from getting sun, it could be so nice if he would move and take all his trash with him.

No. 2173243


Financial information sources that helped me:
(Putting up this part first and then responding to your other posts)
DISCLAIMER: I do not agree with the personal political opinions of every individual I will list here. I actually disagree with a lot of them, but their financial advice checks out.

>The cornerstone: Budgeting.

The 50-30-20 budget is the most common plan. This will give you an easy, basic template that helps you figure out how much money you need to live.
60-20-20 is the modified version for lower income people (i.e., if you make around the 45k/year.)(Assume that all number in this hypothetical are after taxes.)
This budget operates on a monthly basis, which makes it easier to understand than an annual budget.
If you make 45k a year, then your monthly income will fall around $3,750.
60% of your total monthly income is for needs. 20% is for wants. Another 20% goes to retirement/investing and saving. (You DO NOT need to spend ALL of the money in your needs/wants category. If you have some from those categories left over at the end of the month, put it in savings or investments.)
RENT: This is within the needs category, and makes up the bulk of that category. Your total monthly rent should ideally fall around 30-40% of your total monthly income. If you make $3,750/month and pay 40% for rent, then your rent will be $1,500 (try to find the cheapest housing possible that is still safe. If you can get your rent to a lower percentage, this is good.) The rest of the "needs" category is for other things, mainly bills.
Once you've calculated your ideal rent, you can plan everything else around that.
There are many women living alone who have posted videos on youtube breaking down their personal budgets using this plan (and how they adapt it to their city's cost of living.) I recommend looking some of them up.

>Cheap housing: Learn From Travel Nurses

This is one I know about because of being around the health profession.
There are sites like furnishedfinder. They exist specifically to offer cheap, affordable, furnished housing for rent. Mainly for travel workers, but anyone is allowed to use it. Inclusive of basically everything you need for daily living. Most of the clientele is made up of travel nurses, but some landlords don't care what job you do as long as you're honest with them. Bad credit is also less of an issue because these are private citizens renting spaces, not huge companies that will run your credit.
The housing on these sites are meant to be 100% ready to live in the second you show up, no set up or further purchase required. The listings include furniture, cookware, bed, hairdryer, etc.
You also have the option of renting rooms rather than full units for less cash. I've seen rooms in my city for around $800. You'll have to share the house with the landlord, but most of them are middle-aged nurse ladies, which makes me feel safer. I will likely take this route to get my first housing after moving out from my family situation. You don't have to stay in this type of housing forever, just until you have enough money to buy and furnish your own place if you want. I met one woman who used it for a quick escape from an abusive situation.
Make sure you read all the info listed about the space before applying so that you'll know what to expect. Not all of them are great.
Inside info: on the back end, a lot of these websites don't give the landlords notifications when someone applies to rent a space. After applying, send them an email introducing yourself and saying you're interested to make sure they know.
If you want to know more, travel nurses (and other travel health workers) post info about the housing sites they use on youtube and reddit.

>RAMSEY BABY STEPS: Financial planning advice, retirement, saving, etc.

Dave Ramsey is an old Christian boomer from Tennessee, so I don't agree with him on a lot of things. His financial advice has literal decades of data backing it up, though.
Google the baby steps and follow them. He has a radio show/podcast, and videos on youtube explaining how to do the things he recommends.The 50-30-20 budget is good for understanding money on a month to month basis, but Ramsey is a good source for setting up long term goals for svaing/investing/retiring.
He is a good main source for financial advice, but I have one issue with him: he doesn't believe in using credit at all. I wish I could do this, but it basically isn't possible in the modern world. Many people follow a modified Ramsey plan that includes credit cards.


Idk where you are in this journey, so I'm assuming that you're starting from zero like I did.
Only use a SECURED credit card with NO ANNUAL FEE.
Do not pay for anything with a credit card unless you already have the money to pay off the charge. Then, pay it off ASAP.
NEVER float a credit bill (always pay it 100% at the end of the month.) Some people freak out about getting a credit card with a bad interest rate, but the interest rate literally only kicks in if you don't pay off the card before the month is over.
Don't cancel your first credit card. The length of your credit history is a major factor in your credit score.
Every beginner card has a bad rate, so it's something you'll have to live with for at least a few months.
Some of you are going to clown me for this, but go on youtube and search "Graham Stephan how to build credit".
He and his fanbase can both be cringe, but his credit advice is actually good. He explains pretty clearly how to start from a 100% beginner and build credit. Actual accountants have given me the literal same advice as Graham Stephan, just in more complicated language. He also has advice for fixing bad credit. His face is still punchable, though.
I don't recommend to try anything crazy with credit card churning or points or whatever. I am mathematically stupid, so I like to keep my financial business as simple and risk-free as possible.

I think I'm running out of space in this one post, but I can post more detail about different topics if anyone wants.

No. 2173253

I had to have my cat put down during a medical emergency. He started having uncontrollable seizures and I rushed him to the emergency vet. Within minutes of being there he was wrapped in a blanket and calm after being sedated. Breathing deeply like he was having the best sleep. I cradled him in my arms, cried, sang to him, and then while I was still holding him the vet put him to sleep forever. I got as much time with him alone as I wanted and then he was given back to me so I could bury him myself per my own request.
It went from an extremely traumatic situation full of panic to just simply watching him fall asleep, calm, held by me, knowing he was safe and loved. It really was such a peaceful and easy process, I wish more people knew that so they could have less anxiety and grief going in.
It’s not some cold, scary thing. It’s very private and they will do everything they can to make you and your pet as comfortable as possible.

No. 2173256

Aw, thanks for thinking I'm good at math. I'm actually terrible at it. The highest class I can pass is basic algebra. One of the reasons I went into an allied health field is that it had less complex math. Otherwise, I might have gone for nursing.

This just activated another deep memory. When I was little kid in elementary, I think one of my teachers wanted to have me tested for dyscalculia (so I could get referred to a special class for it,) but my parents wouldn't allow it. My mom also had a weird complex about not having a "special" kid.

>mom has hip problems, still she slaves over him.

Very relatable. I have no idea what drives boymoms to act like this. I could never.


My brother is absolutely a misogynist. He constantly critiques the appearances of women who would never look his way.He's gone on rants before just to complain about women. Anytime he doesn't like a woman for any reason, the first thing he does is talk badly about her appearance. He's the type of guy who sits on social media calling Margot Robbie ugly. I'm pretty sure he's into redpill type content. Like bro, the reason girls won't date you has nothing to do with your skull or whatever. You are agonizing to speak to. You choose to be a loser in life. You barely brush your teeth.

My mom? I have no idea. She has never said anything that implies she hates women. She just has a massive preference for her son over her daughter. Maybe she has some kind of subconscious misogyny, idk.

No. 2173270

If more men raped other men rape would be a bigger offense and the sentence would be harsher

No. 2173274

It’s due to boymoms that a scrote grows up to be this entitled, he should have been beaten.

No. 2173276

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>Genetically wired to be attracted to moids
>Every single one, without fail, is a piece of shit
I'm done playing evolution's game. I'm giving up on bringing more kids with my affliction into the world.The cycle of shit ends with me. I'm not going to subject anyone else to this.

No. 2173278

Same. Maybe one day I’ll adopt an unfortunate girl but I refuse to doom anyone else to this fate

No. 2173282


This is not even a vent, this is just the truth

No. 2173298

I don't know what's happening and it's scaring me. I'm laying in bed and almost fell asleep twice, and both times when I woke up my chest was kind of tight and I had to manually breathe and force myself to inhale and exhale and my vision wasn't right, and when i snapped out of that i could hear blood rushing in my ears. Both times I tried to lift my head once and it felt like i jerked my head up just for it to come back down. I don't know if I'm having sleep paralysis or actually suffocating. I'm so tired and I just want to sleep.

No. 2173307

I need to be lobotomized or to become a mad scientist because no way society turning out this way. Covid 24 cooking up

No. 2173374

I could never be a radfembecause Im too gay. I love bimbo style clothes because it looks reallt fucking hot and appeals to my monkey brain. I dress like this myself cuz I think its hot. Radfems can't comprehend that some women are genuinely gay and attracted to this stuff. I dont care if they think i am pickme, pandering, cringe etc I genuinely like this shit.

No. 2173379

I can't be a radfem because I genuinelly believe in female supremacy, not equality with moids.

No. 2173383

I wish radfem circles weren't so straight and lesbian-hating in the case of some groups because I'd love to be able to talk about reappropriating 'bimbo' shit and similar for a gay female gaze without the constant drag but "but moids get off on it tho!"

No. 2173387

>Neighbor’s baby screeching and wailing 24/7
>Idiot keeps her windows wide open all day so everyone can hear
>”Hey maybe close your windows at night so people can sleep and not listen to your colicky kid”
>Immediately get the “but I’m a TIRED MOM” sob story
>Don’t care. Close them or I’m reporting you for disturbance.
>”You know people are cruel when they can’t stand the LAUGHTER OF CHILDREN”
>Your child is literally not laughing ever, quite the opposite
I hate melodramatic preachy elder millennials jfc

No. 2173395

The whole Gaza war is making me sour in the way everyone forgot about Ukranie so fast. I got two ukranian friends (they moved to my country when they were little) and every now and then I wake up to "My familiat was murdered" messages by them, one of them even moved to there for a bit to help her father in hospitals.
Of course the whole gaza thing is important as well, but it's so demoralizing how every single person (even big japaneae game devs for some reason) are talking about it while not giving a shit about the other one, people I know are dying and they're invisible now…

No. 2173406

well duh, you're on pure libfem bullshit. like what you like without trying to sanitize the reality men are looking this shit up and jacking off to it, see femininity is a sign of submission, and that you've been influenced by misogynistic messaging. at least >>2173374 is honest she simply likes it.

No. 2173407

I dont get it because theres little that can be done plus you already have everyone in the muslim world that cares about Gaza. Ukraine still needs a lot of support from western countries who are trying to forget.

No. 2173410

Nta you should stop obsessing over what moids think. Moids don't worry about what women think before doing shit, why should we.

No. 2173417

women lying to themselves and developing cognitive dissonance to survive is a part of how patriarchy functions. having a clear understanding of how femininity functions is important because it ties to other aspects like how women are socially and finanically pressured into femininity through advertising and objectify ourselves, and seeing ourselves as incomplete without these beauty rituals.

No. 2173422

How is lesbians shlicking to bimbos a form of lying to oneself? Go obsess over moids more retard. This is exactly what moids want, for them to live in womens heads rent free. Truly the straightest ideology.

No. 2173434

i meant this post >>2173422 about reappropriating bimbo aesthetic as libfem bullshit and lying to yourself, not the first anon schlicking to it.

No. 2173447

You and your family know best for your dog. My childhood dog passed away about 2 years ago today and my dad and I fought about putting her to sleep (I wanted to put her to sleep, he didn't). She struggled a lot during her last month, despite everything I did (alone!!!) to try and make sure she was comfortable. It took a massive toll on me. I sit in a space between thinking "she didn't need to suffer for that much longer" and "I'm glad I did everything I could for her up until the end".

I know you all love her very much, and giving her peace in her final moments is the best thing you can do. Other nonnies have already suggested paw/nose prints, which I also would second. I have my dog's paw prints, and we also have an imprint of her paw too. I also saved up some of her fur from combing, but to this day I do wish I had trimmed some to have more than just a bundle of her undercoat (my logic at the time was "I don't want her to go to heaven with a whack ass haircut!!" kek).

Losing a pet is not easy. I am still grieving two years later. I handle it much better than before and most days when I think of her I think less and less of her suffering at the end and more of our happy times together, but there are still many days where I will cry. Just a few hours ago I was at the gym and had to take a moment for myself because I was about to burst into tears because I missed her so much kek.

We have a pet loss thread here if you want to post more about your doggy, and maybe post photos of her. >>>/ot/1364964 I wish you and your family well. Thank you for taking care of your sweet girl up until now. I am sure she knows you all love her very much, and she loves all of you too. Take care of yourself nonnie

No. 2173464

Same. I dont want moids to be equal, I want them to be lower than dirt. It's the only thing they deserve after all the abuse women have suffered for centuries.

No. 2173465

That's so shitty. I have a child myself, but keeping your windows open is a shit move. Dont bother your neighbors. I would complain about her too

No. 2173468

I dont like muslims, so I dont care about Gaza. Ukraine was literally minding their own business when Russia attacked, but Palestine and Israel have been fighting for over 70 years, so why do we suddenly give a shit?

No. 2173498

Lol what do you think the Ukraine Russia war just started in 2022

No. 2173508

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No. 2173520

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Everyone around me is so retarded

No. 2173525

Ukrainian refugees are not in a diplomatic crisis/open air prison, and military conflicts have a great repercussion on internal politics, especially in the context of very important worldwide electoral moments.

People like you confuse me, you have no sense of geopolitics, all you care about is what shows up on your tiny screen

No. 2173540

You can’t even bring up what’s happening to women in Afghanistan without someone screaming at you about Gaza.

No. 2173545

File: 1726930004380.jpg (27.97 KB, 719x762, c7bb6e4897efa24b1952a51d733eda…)

Today I woke up with the feeling that something bad will happen so im very anxious, I think the new guy I met will ghost me soon so maybe thats why. I also miss my cat.

No. 2173551

that's mostly liberal islam apologists or muslims mad people are criticizing islam

No. 2173575

Didn't the annexation of Crimea start the Ukraine war? Ukraine did get fullscale invaded suddenly but Russia has been targetting Ukraine for years.

Meanwhile a failing Islamic terrorist group kidnapped a bunch of civilians at a music festival slaughtered and raped the women, hung their bodies up in the name of their religion and terrorism yet they're also somehow victims because some of their civilians get bombed. Clown world.

No. 2173599

Law girl dating a retarded man who works at a grocery store…

No. 2173616

What women who complain about getting attention from moids don't seem to understand (or pretend not to) about women who don't get that sort of attention is that what the latter group envies is not the attention but the indication of high "value" in the market. Yes moids are worthless and terrible and whatnot, I'm only interested in dating women, but no one likes to feel worthless and unwanted. The few times I got attention from moids I didn't even feel good about it, but fuck if I didn't feel like I at least existed as an attractive woman to someone. That's really what it's all about, and I wish women would stop being dishonest about it.

No. 2173632

You only date women but crave attention from moids?

No. 2173634

NTA but I get her, I used to go out looking forward to moids asking me for my number but I had 0 intention ever pursuing anything with them and if they asked I said I had a boyfriend (I didn't). I know it's pathetic but I craved the validation that I had value in their eyes.

No. 2173707

Yes? People like to feel hot and have someone pay attention to them. I got cat called and asked for my number a lot when I was younger and while the men were creepy I miss the validation. Do I want to date those men? Absolutely not, but it’s not like it’s better to be invisible and have all men, not just catcallers, treat you like you don’t exist just because you’re fat. Women were nicer to me too because you can’t be mean to a hot girl without being called jealous and ugly by an orbiter.

No. 2173711

You miss the validation of being CATCALLED. You have the tranny mindset. Get better.

No. 2173719

Not scrotefoiling at all, just a comparison; you sound like those retarded agp trannies that are upset that wearing a tiny pink skirt that shows their ass crack doesn’t give them the attention fully clothed women get kek. Like the “cis female privilege” the trooncels have been going on about.

No. 2173733

Getting attention from moids doesn't mean you're high value or attractive. I still got harassed by ugly old men when I was a depressed 120kg whale who properly washed herself twice a month max. Men have no standars and the "value" they make up is completely based on whatever situation they're in. Often times "getting attention" can also mean they just see you as easy prey.

No. 2173737

Yep, that’s what I said. Catcalling for me was never that bad, I obviously wouldn’t miss it if they said really gross things. I got called hot, sexy, beautiful amongst many other nicknames for pretty girls in my language and asked for my number a lot. The moids were ugly but I like compliments, so.

No. 2173740

Not just the mindset.

No. 2173744

I think you're approaching it with the wrong mindset. Also,
>using the word high value
kek. I never was appealing to moids and they always treated me like i'm invisible or as a basic bro. When my woman friends would rant about moids giving them attention, it wasn't that I ever get jealous moreso FOMO and I can't relate to them. You're also constantly seeing on the internet how women can bag anyone and get attention from moids in a heartbeat which isn't true and can make you feel like you're doing something wrong. The "i'm worthy…to gross scrotes!" mindset is toxic and you should learn or read books about that you exist for yourself and feeling like you're taking up space for not appealing to them correctly is how they get you

No. 2173754

Ntayrt but anon what kind of validation does catcalling really provide to you?

No. 2173863

File: 1726937816844.png (238.71 KB, 360x360, pngtree-anime-girl-riding-a-bi…)

Thanks to the europoor couple who intentionally trashed my cycle by ramming their pram against it.

The mechanic fixed it for me for free. No one would ever do that for you because you are both so ugly ♥ and so is your baby ♥ SIDS will find your infant's crib inshallah ♥

No. 2173865

I explained it further here >>2173737

No. 2173868

>>2173243 Thanks for taking the time to post this, Ill look into those resources.

Sorry to hear you were denied the help that you could have had. Youre so lucky you didnt grow up hearing your mom constantly refer to random women or even icon shapes of women as "dumb bitches", how feminism ruined the west, how "single, liberated bitches" are in the workforce worried theyll flirt with my dad, etc.

My mom brainwashed me into being antifeminist, from as early as I can remember. As of about a year ago, Im only now finally realizing that she was very wrong on that.

My brother watches map walsh, and mom constantly gushes over an openly pro-rape rightwing moid that threatened my life then banned me [and shes sick of hearing me remind her of this]. If something bad happens, they both always blame any woman nearby for something. Brother hate watches the elderly woman neighbor with binoculars or stands in the dark quietly eavesdropping on her, because he heard her correctly stating that he doesnt repair our place. Brother also eavesdrops on me and dad, literally hides behind furniture, then tells mom and they laugh about it. Mom and brother both rant everyday, almost every conversation, about how much they hate the neighbor, esp if they hear her talking. They constantly watch camera footage to see if the neighbor did anything that annoys them.

Both mom and brother hate women, so they back each other up, even agreeing they wish they only had male neighbors. They both hate nonquiet women. Even though Im quiet, I still was told to be quiet first thing on Christmas one year by brother "in case the neighbor hears us talking".

So much more. Brother has been stalling our passport applications for 2 years now, I want to travel but cant thanks to him. Another thing, when I went to the dr, mom and brother asked me if I could ask questions about brothers medical issues, because hes too lazy to make his own appointment. I could go on.

No. 2173875

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>ramming their pram
how are you still alive nonna and why do Europeans own prams

No. 2173876

Pram = baby buggy. That is a tram.

No. 2173881

another thing was when I called my brother a creep for years of admitted deliberate bathroom harassment, mom told me to never call him a creep again, implied I deserved it and took his side. brother gets mom to shout at or threatens to take something of mine if Im in the bathroom and shithead brother "needs" to use it, even though theres another one available.

No. 2173883

I'm talking about a buggy or 'stroller' as they say in the USA. They did it with so much force. When I asked them to pay the damage they started insulting me and calling me names

No. 2173888

oh..kinda disappointed you cant own personal trams..

No. 2173891

give me sympathy for being victimised by eurofags!!!

No. 2173892

>"high value"
>wanted to be desired by moids despite being (((SSA)))
post hand.

No. 2173901

so if all of your friends commisserated about being assaulted but you hadn't been would you still experience this FOMO? Actually dont answer that. no one is entitled to a compliment. Get standards and stop seeking value from men who probably would make fun of some weird fatal flaw they made up on the spot that ony you have to therefore deem you unworthy of humanity. Grow up. I bet your friends and the women in your life call you beautiful but of course that means nothing to you because it isnt coming from a useless scrote. PATHETIC

No. 2173906

There is this woman I’m friends with on Facebook just bc we have lots of mutual friends. Pretty sure we’ve never met in person. Lately she’s taken to posting about her babydaddy drama, her health issues, and worst of all her 10 year old daughter getting admitted into a psychiatric hospital for suicidal ideations. It’s posted to Friends instead of Public, but it may as well be public because of how many people she has on her friends list. I cannot imagine my mother posting this insanely sensitive information about me to a bunch of strangers. It’s disgusting to watch but I can’t bring myself to look away. Some people really shouldn’t be allowed to have kids.

No. 2173911

call cps

No. 2173913

And tell them what exactly? That this woman I’ve never met and whose contact info I don’t know is probably maybe abusing her kid?

No. 2173914

NTA but that’s a lot of assumptions and projection about someone you don’t even know. For all you know, she could be keeping these thoughts to herself and only saying them here anonymously, which I see nothing wrong with.

No. 2173923

here's your cookie

No. 2173926

No. 2173939

Bongs on here are so disheartening

No. 2173940

Welcome to Hangover City, Population: Me

No. 2173943

NTA but my mother tried to murder me when I was a child and CPS laughed in my face, they don't do shit but make the abusive parent beat their kids harder

No. 2173944

Tch. Skill issue.

No. 2173947

No. 2173953

No one ever fucking replies to me on /g/. On the other hand I always get replies on here. Why.

No. 2173958

I have the impulsive urge to come out to my extremely homophobic mother

No. 2173961

My brother was 4 when i was born and he badly wanted me to be a girl for some reason kek. When they bought me home the first question he asked was “is it a girl?” In a really stern serious manner, and then he really wanted to hold me. I have no idea why.

No. 2173962

you arent de/g/enrate enough.

No. 2173966

Samefag my parents and my entire extended family wanted me to be a girl as well. There was already enough boys.
I think I do get a degree of preferential treatment but there have been times where I’ve been belittled, like told I don’t have to be successful or smart and that I can just marry a rich man, and told to learn how to cook so I’d be a good wife. From the age of about 5 they’d tell me this. It sucks because I believed it and then I grew up to be sort of mid so it’s not happening kek. I don’t know what I’m angrier at, the misogyny or the setting me up to fail. I should have studied harder.

No. 2173973

atayrt, seems like he wanted to protect you, and values you? this just felt cruel to read, like the universe is rubbing it in that other girls were valued for being girls but I wasnt, but you probably didnt mean it.

No. 2173980

wish my misogynistic mom wouldnt practically disown me if I played music from women singers whenever were driving somewhere. only angry or sexpest moid rock music allowed.

No. 2173982

I’m so fucking pissed off, I made plans with this guy I really like because I thought I wasn’t working and he booked tickets for us, now I’ve just been informed I’m expected to work until closing I hate my fucking life

No. 2173986

Things weren’t all roses for me either, read the second reply. I still experienced misogyny. I’m so sorry if it felt like that though I didn’t mean it that way. Maybe I shouldn’t of said it.

No. 2173992

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I'm having that weekend restlessness/anhedonia again. I start watching a movie but I get bored of it, so I start reading a book instead but that doesn't engage me eith so I keep cycling through activities but really I just want the day to end already

No. 2173993

My friend (early twenties nerdy white guy) made a playlist for me and it has some US rap, it's not bad stuff but some of it has "player" or sexist lyrics and idk why but imagining this pasty white nerd bobbing his head to the "kingpin" verses is both amusing and infuriating.
So impressionable + actual cultural appropriation + corny as fuck

No. 2174007

I’m not a burger, but how do you genuinely consider that “culture” to appropriate? Do you actually consider that a cultural facet?

No. 2174016

Nta but if you can't comprehend that hip hop is an art form then you have no understanding of how culture and its proliferation works.

No. 2174035

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I hate that even normies are accepting of trannies in their spaces. I liked BV but guess I ain't gonna buy from there now.

No. 2174037

Where did you get that from? Obviously hip-hop is an art form KEK where did I say it wasn’t? I’m saying listening to sexist music is far from fucking “”cultural appropriation”” and also the implications of that are retarded, Do you people hear yourselves?

No. 2174046

So white people simply listening to music by black people is now cultural appropriation? I mean it’s not great he likes misogynist music but he’s not running round with his pants sagging or donning cornrows or dropping n bombs.

No. 2174054

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>go to gym
>speaker at the back is absolutely blaring tiktok top 100
>so loud you cannot hear anything else
>have headphones on full blast and all i can hear is billie eilish
>meanwhile completely different music is playing at other end of gym adding to chaos
>go up to front and ask if they could turn it down
>"OMG nona we were juuust saying how loud it is i'll go ask the boys in the back to keep it down!"
>walk back to squat rack
>lady from front walks to back towards where music is coming from
>hear her loudly go "yeah some girl was complaining ohh my god"
>lady walks out and sees me and gives an uncomfortable smile
>it's obvious she didnt realize i could hear her conversation

wtf was that.

No. 2174057

What is BV and what have they done?

No. 2174060

Bacterial Vaginosis.

No. 2174069

big vans

No. 2174070

bomestic violence

No. 2174073

Kek it's Bottega Veneta. They invited Imane for their spring summer show. All the fashion normies are calling it "queen" at its pictures.

No. 2174076

So did Imane end up being XX or Xwhy? Wait
Bit much, no?

No. 2174078

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>have annoying long-term health issues
>feel better
>yay, I can be more active
>suddenly way worse
>have no energy and surf LC all day

No. 2174080

No. 2174082

The way you worded it was vague and implied that you were questioning the status of hip hop (as a whole) being a legitimate facet of culture. You didn't specify that it was the sexism in the lyrics you were questioning. There are a lot of racists on this site who spout rhetoric like this so it seemed par for the course.

No. 2174091

Yes please, please can we talk about fat people I need some entertainment. I’ll start. I fucking hate fat people
Kek funny you’d assume that, I’m just a non-burger black person. Still though, I think it’s a retarded line of anyway. Hip-hop is black American culture, rationally a white american is “”appropriating hip-hop”” less than an african or non-American black person would be but who will always be considered the appropriator? The white person. Disregarding the whole idea around appropriation to begin with, which I don’t agree with. Just funny standards.
It’s interesting how people (especially americans since it’s such a melting pot) centralise visual race over actual cultural ties. It’s in the same ballpark as people coming for non-EA people wearing kimonos but wouldn’t do the same to a Korean or even a Vietnamese or something, similarly I’ve heard Asian-Americans fetishise or say racist things about countries their families didn’t even originate from (black Americans too) and they get away with it, simply because of what they look like. A random example is omocat with Japanese culture, she would have been cancelled already.

No. 2174097

No. 2174111

>um akutaully im black
and im Donald trump, your post alone oozes tiktok brainrot fuck off tikturd

No. 2174116

What the fuck are you on about? So what am I, white?
>your post alone oozes tiktok brainrot fuck off tikturd
This is so bizarre. Are you saying black people… can’t.. have.. tiktok brainrot…??

No. 2174117

Why did it have to turn out like this? Its so over

No. 2174122

There has literally been someone baiting about black people all day, please the ignore it anons for the love of God

No. 2174123

>no reading comprehension
point proven

No. 2174126

youre on a anonymous forum you dont think its suspicious when someone points out their race? its not racebaiting to suspect it might be a larper

No. 2174127

I ate 5 pouches of fruit gummies pretty fast and now I feel sick. too much sugar, ugh.

No. 2174130

It was relevant to the discussion, retard. Stop being schizo, literally nothing indicates me not being black, no racebaiting or nothing.

No. 2174134

Every super-woke person I know was posting on social media about how “beautiful” she is.

No. 2174153

None of what I said was relating to the cultural appropriation aspect, you're honing in on something I wasn't even speaking about, which was the validity of hip hop as a cultural art form. I get that you wanted to go on your enlightened non-american anti-idpol tirade but this is 2024 and we've all heard the same shit 1000x before.

No. 2174162

Then why’d you reply to me kek? My comment was reponse to the anon who said that some guy was culturally appropriating, unironically >>2173993. You’re the one who started spouting about ~cultural art forms~ and all that shit. Don’t reply to me and then complain that my argument has nothing to do with you when it wasn’t meant for you.

No. 2174169

I replied to you because you replied to my post? What are you smoking because I wish I was that fucked up rn

No. 2174176

Do you have short term memory loss? I am the first reply to OP, literally right after their comment. You replied to me. Jesus fucking christ I swear anons are getting more schizo nowadays. We had a few moments of peace when lolcow first came back but now it’s back to shit with genuinely sub 80 iq retards who can’t read and would fail and English comprehension paper.(infighting)

No. 2174188

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Ok, so when you hover the cursor over the link, it shows the message to which you've replied. This is a screenshot of me hovering over the link on your post, which shows that it is a reply to my post. If you're just bored and trolling that's cool but you should probably see a neurologist.

No. 2174206

Can you not see… that in your comment that I replied to… you… replied… to me??? …FIRST???
As I said I am black. Also idk why you’re agreeing with her when she’s talking about a different thing. You’re both retarded. I’m leaving for my own peace of mind jesus christ

No. 2174217


Ok girlies I'm not even black hhhh, calm your cute little pink nipples, the "cultural appropriation" was just an exaggeration tbh, it's just cringe to wanna posture as something you are not, i.e : a cool masculine guy from the hood, and all his hoodly hardships

What this anon said thank you for telling them

No. 2174232

The average IQ in here just went up by a standard deviation.

No. 2174275

The fact that the majority of people on this planet are absolutely retarded is hitting me hard today and listening to their retarded opinions makes me want to shoot myself in the head.

No. 2174294

She went out of her way to ruin her own life by wasting a decade on a scumbag MARRIED scrote who kept breaking her heart (and is very obviously still in love with him even after the appalling shit he did) and now she wants to cry to me and my sister, whose childhoods were fucked up by her being a doormat to her shitty boyfriends, about how uwu depressed she is. And how we should totally just let her scream at us whenever she's in a bad mood because of muh mental health. Fuck off. I don't care what fanfic she's written in her head, she hasn't put us first in a LONG time. She's even tried to blame it on the fact she was groomed at 17 and "undiagnosed ADHD" (which she probably does have) as if that excuses her unrelated actions 20 years later. And then she wonders why all her friends turn out to be backstabbers. I really wish I could help her but objectively she's got nobody else to blame but herself.

No. 2174308

I'm thinking I should get out while I still can, it only gets worse by the day. People think entirely on the basis of vibes now, there is no discussion of the material except in tiny dying enclaves. Women's rights are being eroded worldwide by either end of the political spectrum, and the world is tumbling into total destruction of all ecosystems. Everything is just going to cost more as the earth dies and it's harder to grow any food. Resource wars will break out. It feels like a fool's errand trying to eke out an existence as a woman on this godforsaken earth.

No. 2174324

That’s when you go NC when you can. Fuck parents like this, a parent that prioritize relationships rather Ethan their own children is a retard, unfortunately you can never convince women who are dick crazy, especially when they’re older.
You and your sister deserved better nonna. I’m sorry.

No. 2174355

I’m missing my dad a lot tonight. I wish he was still here.

No. 2174384

just saw your other comment. Okay, no worries. Have a nice day

No. 2174397

This might not help much but Im so sorry to hear that youre going through a difficult loss. At least you got to experience happy memories with him. Sending hugs your way.

No. 2174410

I hope this Spearmint tea works to bring my period back.

No. 2174416

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i wish mothers wouldn't pass their insecurities down onto their daughters or force them into beauty and gender norms.
i was having a great day out with my family, and when we came home i commented to my mom that i liked my outfit today and she just, out of nowhere, said the only thing she'd change is my nose. i have a pretty strong roman nose like literally every single other person in my family, none of us have straight or button noses, and i never thought about it negatively until today. hell, even in my worst insecure phases my nose was always the one feature i liked, and i just feel like utter shit about it now.
and the thing is - this only happens when i look feminine. i've had short hair and dressed in masculine clothing for most of my life because that's what's practical and comfortable for me. i decided to let my hair grow out recently and i've started wearing skirts and dresses instead of my usual clothes because i feel like experimenting and i want to see what it's like. ever since i started doing that she's become both more supportive and more critical of how i look and how i want to look, i feel like a disappointment for not performing femininity the way she wants me to.
she isn't cruel or anything, it's just little comments like the one about my nose or how i look like i've visibly gained weight (which she did mean as a compliment, but growing up hearing about her talk how disgusting it is that she's fat and talking about gaining weight like it's a curse just made me feel like shit) or visible disappointment and abruptly ending the conversation when i tell her that i like the things that she dislikes or that i don't like what she does. i know it's a misunderstanding, it's just the fact that we have different worldviews and styles and whatnot, she doesn't mean it to hurt me, and i know that, but it still fucking does. i hate being this sensitive but hearing it from her makes it feel 100x more painful. i've been teased for this shit by other family members, and i've gotten worse comments from others but they've never gotten to me, unlike this.
this is just a hunch, but it also feels like she's relieved that i'm becoming "normal", aka. heterosexual. she's been pretty open with her opinions and feelings on gay people, even though she's also told me she'll support me no matter what, but it feels like now that i'm starting to do stereotypically feminine things she believes i'm growing out of this "phase" of same sex attraction and being a tomboy, which i'm not. again, it feels like i'm disappointing her by not fitting the female gender role.
i wish i could tell her what i feel but with our history i know we'd misunderstand eachother and get into an argument. i don't want to make her feel guilty about these things because i know that she's trying and she doesn't fully understand why i am the way that i am or why i like the things i like, and i know i'll never be able to fully understand her either but i still try daily to give her compliments and make her smile because she's my mom and i want her to be happy. it's just that i'm already very very aware of how much i fall short of what i'm supposed to be and how much i don't and can't fit in and i just wish i didn't have to hear it from her. i don't know how i'm supposed to feel at this point.
it feels like the best choice would be to leave this behind, cut my hair short and dress masculine again and leave the experimentation for a time where i can do it on my own. i wish this shit was simple for once.

No. 2174424

is your mom narcissistic at all? my mom is somewhat, she once told me she was pretty at my age than i was (but then added i was also pretty). some women compare their looks to their daughters. if you're becoming more feminine and she's making comments on what you change, she might think you're more able to be influenced, which might take on another angle unfortunately if you're interested in women. whereas when you dressed masculine wouldn't seem like could have much influence.

No. 2174426

This woman I talk to on Tumblr is in her mid 30s and talking about how she thinks she would like sex better if she had the right genitals. (Claims to be an ace lesbian). Now half the shit on my dash is about delulu pooners & their 'successful' phaloplastys. I just want to shake her. I don't feel like I can say anything because all these people are insane

No. 2174437

My mom is insane. I had a severe ED where I was very, very underweight and she saw me go through that. I started working at a desk job for a few years so I gained weight. I was still at a healthy BMI and toned, and was nowhere near an overweight BMI. I once was telling her how it's funny when you get a desk job you gain weight and I told her my weight flippantly not thinking it'd be a big deal. She goes "wow, I weighed less than that at your age and I'm bigger boned than you." Like wtf? My entire teenagehood, childhood, and most of my adulthood was way thinner than she'd ever be. I was just shocked she'd say that. I've lost weight now and am still "healthy", but it makes me feel like shit. Why do people act so concerned when you have a visible ED and then when you gain weight, it's like they just want to peck at you? It makes me feel like the only acceptable BMI is 18.5 on the dot.

No. 2174445

As of today, I've washed my hands of my ex. She thinks I'll continue to be hurt by her, but she doesn't understand my tolerance for BS is low and I won't stick around.

No. 2174457

i'm so sorry nonna, that's such a shit thing to say to you.
and she isn't, my father is the narcissistic one kek. it could be that case, but it just feels more like she's happy that she's finally able to have a daughter to share these things with. i think it's less about having power over me and more about her wanting what she thinks is good for me, she probably sees the feminine gender role as something to aspire to become and she thinks it's a sign of love to comment on these things, to not let your daughter be ugly of her own volition because it's one of the worst things a woman can do in our society.
that's where i appreciate her though - she's not extreme, and while she still pushes these things she doesn't push too hard. she's told me many times her priority is always our health and happiness rather than societal norms, which is a very rare mindset where i come from.
with the masculinity, i just don't think she knows what to do? i'm almost 100% sure she never expected or even though about having a child who is gay or gender nonconforming in the way i am. i think me becoming more feminine feels like she's finally on solid ground and isn't lost, it's something that she knows and can guide me on, unlike what i was before. and that's where an issue lies, she probably thinks the gay tomboy stuff was me exploring and that i'm now settling down, meanwhile for me being a tomboy and being into women is the norm, it's the feminine stuff that's more likely to be a phase.
i'd hate to break it to her though because i can see how much she appreciates things like this, even if it's just us walking around the mall or trying on old clothes. i don't want her to feel out of place or like i'm a different person, i still want to have these bonding moments with her even when i leave this phase behind.
i feel you nonna. i hate that skinniness is used as a competition between women and it's even more vile that it happens so often between mother and daughter. and yeah, i've noticed the same thing about bmi, anything outside of the 18 range is either too fat or too thin, even if you look the exact same. i hope you can break through the bullshit that gets thrown at women and i'm glad you're at a healthy weight after all that's happened to you.

No. 2174461

my mom has never approved of my weight. all throughout college, she switched between saying I was too fat and too skinny when I would come visit and it was either random or it was the difference between 105 lbs and 115 lbs. I think people don't know how bodies work and assume that if you hit the right weight, you'll automatically be hot, so if you don't have nice curves, they'll never think you look acceptable if they prefer curvy and the best you can do is waifish or athletic.

No. 2174471

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I want to lose weight and get fit already, why must this be so hard? I go to the gym 3 times a week, eat nicely, barely snack and try to spend the majority of my days not sitting or laying down, isn't this healthy? I wish I could just safely restrict without my family getting worried about me skipping meals, I would be able to sleep more at night and it's not like I'm physically hungry all of the time, it's basically just me getting used to eating all day long that made me get fat, if it wasn't because of that learned behavior, I would be able to lose weight, diabetes or not, I could be doing better.
I just wish I had been born with some weird illness that made me unable to gain weight and that I could eternally be an xxs or something like that, I would be so happy, I could go anywhere to buy any clothes I want and everything would look great on me, I wouldn't have to try nor wear shape wear so I could look decent, I could wear the baggiest ugliest jeans and t-shirts and everyone would think I look cute.
I don't even care about having thick hair or strong nails, I could just not get my nails done and have ratty ass hair and everyone would still think that I look chic or even pretty.
I could also wear whatever I want to wear because everyone would think I'm endearing or brave for wearing whatever I want, not ridiculous or pathetic.
My knees would be suffering less and I would be able to keep my hyperextended legs all of the time because it would be considered elegant and not a bad thing that needs to be corrected and that hurts me.
I just want to be skinny, I don't even want to have a strong build, it doesn't look cute and doesn't make it easier for anyone to get clothes, it's basically like being fat but with muscles instead of fat.

No. 2174482


It's ayrt again. Just woke up.

Holy shit, your mom is an actual psycho. No wonder your brother turned out to be such a piece of shit.

I think I actually lucked out in terms of my family's political leanings. My parents have always been more left-leaning politically. (I'm trying to be vague about them bc I'm scared of doxxing myself.)

When my dad was young, he used to be non-political and never vote. During the 2nd Bush presidencies, he registered to vote just to get George W out of office. In his words, "Every time I've seen the Republicans get elected, they destroy the country." Like I mentioned in other posts, my dad works in a pretty strenuous industry almost entirely populated by blue-collar workers, and he says that all the legislation that conservatives push to try and "help" blue-collar families have only ever fucked him over. Despite the recent medical emergencies, my dad is actually one of the most intelligent people I've ever met, and propbably could have been a college professor if he came from a rich family. He had an encyclopedic knowledge of basically all political events that have occurred in his lifetime, and will openly argue with Republicans and their policies.

I know that saying you have a good relationship with your dad on lolcow is like asking for a hanging, but I actually have always had a great relationship with him. He has always defended me from my other relatives and was the only person who would punish my brother for doing shitty things to me. Unfortunately, his job required a lot of traveling, and caused him to be gone for almost half of the year. Those times were when a lot of the crazy shit happened.

As for my mom - I live in the USA, but my mom came from an EU country. At the moment, it's socialized, has a pretty left-leaning government, and has a fairly high level of development for women's rights. My grandma (and other family members who still live there) have benefited a lot from living under the socialized system, and don't understand why the USA is so scared of implementing similar systems. My mom is the same way.

This is in stark contrast to how it was just a few decades ago. Both of my mom's parents were born in the 1930's. In the wake of WWII, a literal fascist dictator took over the country (a real fascist, not whatever dumb shit twitter calls facism.) To start with, the civilian death count immediately following his take over was massive. My grandfather's dad and two older brothers were taken away by the government under suspicion of housing spies or some shit (they were not.) They were never seen again. That was normal back then, and almost every family from their town has a story like this.

The way that women were treated was insane. The dictator's administration created extremely strict rules of dress and behavior for women. They thought that women's behavior was single-handedly responsible for all deviancy that afflicted mankind, and that controlling them was the only way to keep society pure. Women doing anything slightly "inappropriate" or "unfeminine" was cause for them to be taken by authorities. Policemen would interrogate women on the street for being "suspicious" (just walking around), and then the women would "disappear". Certain creepy policemen would target a woman and then follow her around until she was alone somewhere. Because of this, women used to walk around with their husbands or male family members as escorts. My grandma has a scary story about walking home from the grocery store, and getting stopped by an infamously creepy policeman because of "inappropriate dress" (like 1% of her collarbone was showing.) The only reason she escaped is because her nice elderly neighbor (who used to be an important city council member) was passing by and pretended to be her dad. My mom was a young child at that point and was with her when it happened. They both would have been taken. Once again, that was common back then.

Sometime when my mom was still a kid, the dictator asshole finally died and there were a million protests for the people's rights. By the time my mom hit 18 and moved out, women were given a significant amount of freedom. Her family was too poor to send her to school, but she was able to work jobs, rent apartments, and have bank accounts in her name. She moved across country to a city she always dreamed of living in and had a good time being free-spirited. After she met my dad, they also traveled all over the world together. She would have never been allowed to do these things if she was still the subject of an ultra-conservative, ultra-religious government.

It honestly pisses me off when I see the new wave of women pushing "trad-wife lifestyles" on tiktok or whatever, and campaigning to take away women's rights. These women and girls have no idea how lucky they are to have been born into an era where they can make their own money and aren't at the complete and total mercy of the men around them. They have no idea the level of sexual and physical violence that women were subjected to when society was completely organized around male supremacy. We still have problems, but modern society is significantly better than it used to be.

I honestly think antifeminism is just a cope for certain women who feel like they're too useless to survive without a husband instructing them on how to live. Like, sorry that you can't stop yourself from fucking up our own life without an authority figure controlling you, but that doesn't mean that the rest of us have that problem. If you want to give up your personal rights, go ahead and give them up. Stop voting, close your bank account, and quit your job. No one is stopping you. It's obvious that they just want to project their own personal failings onto all women to take off the shame of failure. "I'm not a loser! My failings aren't my fault! All women are hardwired to be like this!"

No. 2174489

I ruined my nervous system with a benzodiazepine addiction. Now I have to work out about 2 hours every day. If I don't do it, I'm barely conscious the next day. I can't even take one day off. I like working out, but not being able to have even one day where I don't do it is ridiculous. I took a break yesterday after a 40+ day streak and struggling to sit in my chair all day. Fuck psychiatrists and their stupid pills.

No. 2174491


>mom constantly gushes over an openly pro-rape rightwing moid that threatened my life then banned me

Can we get some more background on this situation? Like how the hell does something like this even occur??

Also, idk what your passport situation is, but there are probably some things you can do to get your passport pushed through the system independent of your family members. You can probably call whichever passport agency you work with and engage with them as a singular customer rather than as a family group.

No. 2174504

I'm sorry to hear that, I got put on benzos when I was 13 and I'm sure it didn't help with my mental health in the long run. Are you saying the benzos gave you neurological damage? I didn't know the side effects could be so severe.

No. 2174505

that's fucking terrifying nonna. is it ok to ask when you stopped taking them and what damage it's caused? i'm still in active addiction and i'm in the process of making a taper plan to finally get rid of these fucking pills after some 2 years. in any case, i really hope none of your side effects are permanent, and i've read that they rarely are, but i don't know how true that is since health professionals only recently seemed to realize how badly they've fucked up. stay strong and share your experience whenever you can, it's shit that we need to do the job of psychiatrists by warning people about these drugs but the system is fucked and i don't want to see yet another person get sucked up into this never ending rabbit hole.

No. 2174530

I think it depends on the benzo. I was taking Clonazepam and that works on the nervous system.

I stopped taking them in October 2022. I have to make a point that my addiction was quite serious and I was taking very high doses. The detox was horrifying, I had seizures, extreme nerve pain, nightmares, trouble sleeping and symptoms of dementia among other stuff. I spent 8 months in bed recovering and I don't remember most of it. Some days I couldn't even lift a finger and my body just refused to move. I also suffer from incontinence since then so I pee myself a little every time when I sneeze. I lost a lot of muscle mass and my cardiovascular system has weakened because of this. The memory loss seems permanent because I can only recall some things from my past and they are pretty random and did not improve over time. Lost a lot of skills, had to learn basic things like writing or using a knife again. Coordination was extremely shit. I ate a lot of mushrooms to rebuild the neural networks that were damaged, so I mostly recovered my brain functions. Playing various video games also helped to stimulate my brain and restore functioning, but my body gets exhausted easily so I have to be very disciplined about my workouts and going outside every day. Otherwise I have days when I'm barely conscious, just one slip up and the next day I feel like a zombie…

No. 2174534

I’m so fucking tired of my girlfriendddd I hate that I love with a woman who acts like a teenager just because her family is rich and ai benefit ai literally just can’t take it for much longer. I will because I can’t afford to leave but ugh I wish I had left months ago when I still deeply loved her as a friend. Spending 3 months in a relationship you want to leave will make you loathe anyone fr.

No. 2174543

That's terrifying I'm so sorry you went through that. I have 0.5mg Clonazepam pills and I've only taken it once or twice because I'm too scared to use benzos regularly. I've heard so many terrifying stories about them.
Can I ask how long you were taking these abusive doses for?

No. 2174568

I was taking it every day for about 10 months but constantly increasing doses starting from 1mg (I had extreme anxiety and constant panic attacks) and that went up to 8mg per day in the last 2 months before I started tapering off. But I knew I was hooked after the first time I took it, because I was suffering from the anxiety for such a long time that the relief felt incredible and I couldn't stop thinking about taking more. Unfortunately, the more you take it the more you lose the capacity to determine how retarded you are becoming because of this. So I felt like I was completely normal while acting like a crazy drunkard all the time and got almost hit by a car a few times because of poor reaction, made some very poor decisions at the time as well that I'm still experiencing consequences of.

I forgot to mention I also developed psychosis, I assume due to the damage caused to the neural networks, but that resolved itself over time thanks to mushrooms (I didn't tell any psychiatrist about this because I have a deep mistrust towards them)

No. 2174569

I can't even imagine what you are going through nona and I hope you get relief soon. Psychiatrists need to stop prescribing these drugs and giving them out like candy, or at least correctly inform people about the dangers of taking benzos and what could happen

No. 2174573

Thanks, I agree wholeheartedly. I'm doing pretty good right now, but the physical exhaustion is really annoying. I feel like I should start working but I'm worried because of these energy fluctuations that I will be unable to perform at any job properly so that makes me discouraged from even looking for anything.

No. 2174576

I'm straight and this mindset is still so strange to me..and from UGLY men? if ugly men especially were "complimenting" me that way I'd think there must be something wrong, it's the total opposite of validation, like I must also be ugly to attract something like that. why would anyone want an ugly man's opinion

No. 2174577

Weird question but have you been to the doctor since quitting and gotten an examination on your nervous system? If the exhaustion you're experiencing is something diagnosable you could try to get some kind of disability benefits so you could rest and not worry so much about finances until you feel fine to start working. Unless your finances aren't an issue of course, then that's great.

No. 2174582

I think some would take the view that if some ugly underling moid doesn't even think they're "hot" then they must be on an even lower rung themselves. It's a self-esteem issue.

No. 2174590

Yeah I did that but the cost is too high for such examination and I can't afford it.. And if I wanted to use the refundable diagnostics, the waiting list is very long and it takes about a year to even see a doctor. So I would have to do everything from my own pocket and since they don't really know what's up, they want to do a lot of stuff. I was treated very poorly by free healthcare "professionals" so far like a junkie and been told I did this to myself and I don't have the mental capacity to hear words like that from anyone after the hell I've been through (one healthcare "professional" told me that my abusive ex's SA was my fault because I allowed him to etc.)

No. 2174596

>one healthcare "professional" told me that my abusive ex's SA was my fault because I allowed him to etc.
That's insane. No wonder so many people don't want to seek out professional help for their problems when they're met with dismissal and judgement like this.

No. 2174649

it was a woman, too…

No. 2174690

there have been maybe half a dozen times in my life where i've been able to hear what someone else (usually a stranger or someone i don't know well) was saying about me and every single time it has been so negative. i'm beginning to wonder if im autistic or something because before each time i thought i was being very normal and friendly, only to hear what someone was thinking about me and find out they thought i was deeply stupid or unlikeable. it happened again today and i feel so embarrassed. please tell me i'm not the only one who has had this experience. tbh i feel nervous now when i'm out and i can hear anyone talking that can't see me because i think they'll be talking about me.

No. 2174699

No. 2174701

lmfao thank you for invoking this

No. 2174705

I wish I had more fat on my booty.
My sister went on birth control and it gave her child bearing hips she now has a much curvier body distribution.
I'm considering it, thoughts?

No. 2174708

I don't think you need to go on birth control to fatten up nonners, maybe just start eating more dairy and carbs? And do more leg exercises? Walking uphill and upstairs is definitely good for your pelvis/legs/thighs

No. 2174709


idk if this is going to come off as conceited, but I'm weighing in because I think I have a lot more contact with people irl than a lot of the people on this board seem to have. I have a job and hobbies that involve constant interaction with hundreds of different people, and I am very well-liked. I was also extremely weird as a kid and possibly autistic, and I had to manually teach myself how to interact with people and be funny.

The people who don't like me still talk shit about me behind my back. The only times I have ever caught people talking about me is when they are talking shit. This isn't because everyone I meet secretly hates me or whatever. It's just that most of the time, if someone likes you, they feel no need to talk about you when you aren't there. Personally, I don't think I have ever randomly started talking about a person I like just to tell everyone how much I like them when they aren't even in the room. The only people I know who do shit like this are usually moms talking about their kids.

Sometimes characters in movies/games/shows will do shit like this to advance the plot, but it does not translate to real life.

No. 2174710

Do you think they would be friends

No. 2174711

I hear u, tbh I have pretty toned legs but the juice is just lacking. I thought birth control would help, since I noticed such a drastic difference in my sister, it's like all the fat just went there which I never even thought was possible, so wondering if other nonnas have a similar experience

No. 2174715

Can't let them smell blood, I hope this doesn't sound too edgy (actually fuck it this has me ruminating to myself rn) the more you care what people think the more they use it as leverage over you. People just dislike others for sport tbh especially if they are otherwise uncontroversial, you'll be a lot more liked if you stop caring about these things since it removes the fun of disliking you if it grants no hold over your feelings.
I'm having trouble expressing things but basically fuck people, it's my experience that less attention and care towards people translates to more respect from them in every sense of the term. Because they are little bitches and again, I fucking hate them.

No. 2174719


I wouldn't go on birth control just for that reason, but make sure you get the exact same thing shes's taking if that's what you end up doing.

There are different pills that use different hormone, and therefore cause different side effects. I have heard of women gaining more fat around their hip/butt area when taking pills that mimic progesterone, but I wouldn't know if that's what your sister is taking.

I'm not a birth control pill alarmist - it works well for a lot of women - but I have heard too many crazy stories of women's natural endocrine systems getting fucked up from taking bc that it gives me pause. I'm kind of leery about using it if I don't have to.

No. 2174722

I get it, I should probably really look into the options and side effects, idk if that's possible but I'm not taking anything that could give me a mustache. Cardiovascular diseases would be tolerated but not ideal.

No. 2174723

The old web was such a special place and nothing has really taken its place for me. It was so easy to get involved in a forum and share your creative works, make friends, no moralfagging, civilized discussion. The modern web is not the same. I feel stupid for feeling this way, but I feel like I don’t “belong” anywhere online where I used to have several places I belonged and felt safe. I have real life friends who are lovely people but they don’t share my “niche” interests and before I could have met people online who did. I’ve just kind of accepted I have to do all my hobbies alone.

No. 2174727

Anyone else open up to people then regret it so much? I met this girl that I instantly clicked with and I shared to her a lot about my mental health struggles and my personal life which I never do with anyone, in fact she's one of the maybe 3 people in my life that I've ever shared anything personal with (also she liked to drink and I'm a lightweight so a bottle of soju in and I'd start answering anything she asked).
But now she mentions it in a joking way often and though it doesn't really bother me since it's just a joke, I do wonder if I told her too much. I've told her about how I've never had close friendships and how I don't have a close relationship with my dad. And now whenever we banter, she mentions these things in a joking manner like "how do you feel having no friends/no father figure?". Although I usually don't care, when we had a fight and didn't speak for a few days I was really beating myself up for telling her these things because I thought "she can use this against me now".
I feel like I always struggle between wanting to open up to people emotionally and just keeping everything to myself because I don't trust them and I don't want to say too much in case the friendship doesn't work out.

No. 2174734

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I am so desperate for some kind of psychiatric validation that there's something wrong with me, and that my experiences aren't just the reality of being human. I don't know how miserable I would be if this is what living is meant to be like. Do people actually have friendships? As in, specifically, social bonds of mutual interest and shared enjoyment of each other's company? Friendship, a positive emotion towards others, is real? Do people actually have relationships, and desire them? What does a sincere want for friendship feel like, how do you maintain that feeling enough to keep friends around? How do you tell if you enjoy something or if you dislike it? Doesn't everybody become ambivalent to it all after awhile? I want the idea of friends, but the action of having them and maintaining them feels like I'm being eaten alive. The idea of seeking romance is nigh repulsive to me. I know what loneliness feels like, but do other people not feel like being around others is more painful than being lonely? I don't understand. I sincerely, truly, don't understand.

I'm rewatching Kamisama Kiss, for reference, and that's what prompted this, but I've been thinking about this in general for awhile now. I know no reality would compare to a shojo romance anime, but I'm watching it and thinking… wait, is this show supposed to be referencing a real emotion? Like it isn't just for the sake of fiction? This has to be some kind of mental illness. I was diagnosed with ADHD and anxiety as a teen, but that's it.

No. 2174735

You're not alone in feeling that way. There's no joy in social media anymore imo. If it's not a dumping ground for the insane, it's flooded with crap that I can't be fucked to watch or scroll through just to get to the few good creators who make content I genuinely enjoy.

No. 2174740

that sounds passive aggressive and mean. bringing up what someone shared with you that is clearly something very painful as a joke is cruel. i like teasing my friends but those things are too far. does she really even respect you? i've had friends who didn't really respect or understand me before, it's not a good feeling (but it was as a kid and i found it funny).

this genuinely sounds like autism, lack of social understanding, alexythymia, lack of interest in romance (there's absolutely nothing wrong with this but a lot of autistic people have different views towards sex/relationships than other people). i was diagnosed with autism and do have the urge for friends, it's nice to see and be seen through connecting with others though i don't trust most people to understand me.

No. 2174742

I'm so slow doing my homework for my class it's embarrassing. For a basic problem I've spent 2 hours having to review a topic to feel comfortable enough to try it and look for examples. I'm almost done but god this is one of five questions, the rest are actually harder.

No. 2174744


I also don't comprehend the feeling of loneliness, but I don't relate to your distress about it. I don't mind people being around me, but it doesn't cause me any psychological harm when they are gone. I actually prefer it. I love being utterly isolated for weeks at a time. I was unironically thriving in quarantine.

I also occasionally like to consume romance media for fun, but I never want a relationship IRL. I hate having to maintain relationships with anyone, even platonic ally. I hate sharing space with anyone. I can also turn the media off anytime I want a break, and drop it completely if I get bored of the character. Doing this IRL is…more complicated. It vexes me when I hear moids talk about how "Women aren't built to be alone!!! You'll regret choosing to be alone eventually!!!" Meanwhile they are the ones fantasizing about killing themselves just because they can't get a gf.

I have occasionally found IRL people attractive, but I have never had a crush or any feeling comparable to romance in media. It's possible that this is some kind of mental pathology, but it doesn't really cause me any issues.

The lack of desire for friendship is something I also relate to. Once again, I have no issue with interacting with people who just happen to be in the same room as me. I almost exclusively positive interactions with them. But once I'm home, I want them all to leave me alone. This is my space and my time to do what I want. No, I don't want to text or call. No, I don't want to hang out. Leave me alone.

No. 2174745



IDK why this word was split into two

No. 2174747


Same anon. I don't usually post much, but it's rare for a topic to come up that I relate to in this way.

I honestly wish I could live like a ghost. Sometimes the childhood cartoons I watched would have an episode where the main character would become a ghost (usually as a parody of Ebeneezer Scrooge,) and be able to travel around and observe everything without interacting. This was always a source of anguish for the character, but I always thought it would be so nice.

Sometimes when I say this, people panic and assume I'm suicidal or something. It's actually the opposite - I love being alive and I want to experience everything. I literally wish I could live like a background character. I want to go everywhere and do everything, but never be noticed and never leave a trace.

I don't want a network of friends and family. I don't even think I want a home. I would love to be alone and drifting around forever.

I've thought about starting a thread for people like this, but I'm not sure how many people actually relate to it.

No. 2174750

I understand this completely. I love the idea of being able to observe people without ever having to interact with them. Back when Omegle was alive, I'd use the questions feature all the time, just to watch two strangers talk. There's something so nice about the idea of doing things without having to be there for it. I like to go on walks at the very beginning of dawn, when nobody is awake, solely to look at the trees and fences like I'm the only person left on the planet.

I don't think there'd be enough people to make a thread for it, unfortunately. Even if there was enough, we aren't the types to interact with others, so I don't think it would be used much.

No. 2174752


Yeah, the fact that we barely interact is what killed the thread idea lol

The only solution I could think of was to make it more of a "tips and tricks" type of thread, where we share advice for this lifestyle. For example- advice for living alone as a woman, fun new hobbies that don't involve other people, which jobs allow for minimal interaction and maximum mobility, etc.

I still think it would die out fairly quickly, though. However, a general "living alone" thread might be a good topic for this site. I'm sure plenty of us have interesting stories and good advice.(integrate)

No. 2174762

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my mom said some really terrible things to me in an argument tonight and essentially confirmed everything i was afraid she thought of me. she probably was just saying it to get a rise out of me, but i can't bring myself to see it that way. i don't think i'll ever forget. i don't know how to cope with being the black sheep of the family

No. 2174794

posting on tumblr
>under 200 followers: is anybody there? Is anybody fucking there?
>1,000-2,000 followers: yay we are having fun together this is so wholesome
>more than 3,000 followers: anything you say can and will be the nucleus of a tard meltdown eventually by the most annoying and brain dead follower of a follower possible
seek to maintain the middle ground

No. 2174797

Idk how average noface posting people ever got even close to 200 followers on tumblr. I only ever used it as a pinterest alternative due to the fact that it's like talking in an empty room if you actually make text posts.

No. 2174809

Or if you just shitpost (like I did) and don't pander to the gendie crowd.
Gave up on Tumblr after the pornpocalypse cause that's when the troons started to shit up my feed.

No. 2174815

I'm on tumblr for fandom purposes only, so I post collections of quotes and images and that gets sufficient followers. I don't wanna make friends or write text posts, but I have all this stuff saved and I may as well use it.

No. 2174823

things either get better, or i will kill myself
simple as

No. 2174836

A fandom friend is trying to convince me to join but I'm afraid it will be just empty screaming into the void when the thing I actually enjoy is having a conversation with people so I'm hesitant.

No. 2174840

me with every fandom i've been in. it's painful

No. 2174844

Now I'm going to go out of my way to push your buttons. Asshole.

No. 2174852

Sorry for being sad about my friends I guess.
I just dislike how fast everyone moved from it, news included. It's like as if Rusia suddently stoped the war.

No. 2174859

Annoyed that no matter how woke a space online is, class is absolutely never discussed. Of course it makes sense because than like many online figures who consider themselves breadtube/leftists/whatever they'd have to recognize they might actually be very privileged. Sure your family might not be millionaires (although some of them absolutely are) but you grew up without a care financially and were able to pick some bullshit social studies because you always had family finances to fall back on. It's grating to me how many of these figures online will talk about how oppressed they are as if their family isn't loaded and they went to private school.
Reminds me of how I told someone I hadn't gone on a proper holiday since I was a child and you'd think I told them I was beaten as a child randomly by how awkward their reaction was.

No. 2174862

Ethnic tension is a fire regularly stoked so that we are too disorganized and distracted to get ideas against the few who hold us as wage slave cattle.

No. 2174881

I haven't pooped in 2 days and even before that it was just tiny pebbles. I tried again this morning and I was legit afraid I would get a brain aneurism from pushing. And I don't understand why I'm constipated, I eat fruits and vegetables literally every single day. Pray for me nonnas, send me shitting energy

No. 2174885

that sounds like it was a far too rapid taper which caused severe withdrawal, plus clonazepam is short acting which makes it extremely hard to safely withdraw from. i'm so sorry you had to go through that and that the psychiatrists who started the shitshow in the first place won't help. a saving grace for me has been r/benzorecovery and the benzobuddies forum, i'm pretty sure there are posts there with info on how to help your brain recover, as well as some discussions on herbal remedies that can help with prolonged symptoms as well. good luck nonna, i hope it gets better for you!

No. 2174898

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>bpd mom has some retarded drama with her husband's best/only friend because that friend didn't do a favor for her once
>tell her her husband is not going to defend her or confront his moid friend and will just drop some minimal lukewarm criticism at best
>suddenly switches her tune just to disagree with me and defend her husband, says "Well anon, it has nothing to do with him, I'm not really asking him to take stances or break off their friendship"
>next day, mom wanted her husband to show his moid friend something related to the drama
>he didn't
>instead her husband does exactly what I predicted
>she has an epic now 37 minute long meltdown, including both threatening to run away and doing the equivalent of grounding her husband
Kek told you so bitch.

No. 2174957

Fiber doesn’t magically fix constipation. Based on the pebbles, you might be dehydrated. Lube it up. That or the muscles that move your food don't do it properly and you need more electrolytes like magnesium and potassium.

No. 2174962

I recently achieved something that's really minuscule but has been incredibly important to me for years. I feel like I've brought it up to so many different people but I haven't really been congratulated on it, I just get some questions asked about it and then they nod and move on. Not that I want a huge celebration about it, it just feels weird that I don't even get a simple "congrats" or "happy for you." I would've assumed most of these people had known about how much it means to me so it's making me feel insane, and doubly insane for caring this much (about their reactions or lack thereof). I can't tell if they think it's weird/stupid or if they just don't realize how big of a deal it was for me to begin with.

No. 2175028

I had two days off from work and now I have to fucking go back what the fuckkkk. I literally feel like I could cry.

No. 2175031

What is it that you achieved nonnie? Congratulations whatever it is.

No. 2175055

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This year has been hell. One of the worst years of my life, up there in the top 5. I'm so fucking done that I've legitimately started praying and begging for something higher up to have mercy on me. I don't know what I have done to deserve this when all I wanted was stability. I'm not an arrogant person and I try my best to be kind to others and mind my business. I'm 26. I should be out there enjoying and laughing until my stomach hurts. Nowadays I can only drink coffee and try to resist the urge to drive to the edge of the country and disappear off the map. I just want things to get better. I want things to be stable again.

No. 2175085

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>Another date
>Another moid who's icks themselves out as soon as they hear my accent
I hate this but I'm not going to pretend I'm something I'm not.

No. 2175086

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I want a fat ass but depression makes me too exhausted to exercise. And having an ugly body makes me more depressed. Make it end

No. 2175092

Congratulations! Whatever you did, you deserve to be proud of yourself for accomplishing it.

No. 2175115

what kind of accent do you have?

No. 2175127

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listening to my neighbors having loud sex for the 3rd time this weekend when it should be meeeeeeeee getting my back blown out

No. 2175128

I'm a traveler/gypsy/knacker/current slur. So that kind of one. This sounds like me.

No. 2175133

anon you're a gypsy? where? in the uk? I hope not, gypsys are the worst here.. sorry..

No. 2175134

Samefag I'm not currently this loud but I'm still passionate lol.
Britfags and Irishfags please pop in and say we are the scum of the earth

No. 2175136

everyone find me awful to talk to, and they are absolutely right, except I do it on purpose, just to spite myself, and revel in my own self-inflicted loneliness, what the fuck is wrong with me

No. 2175137

you are. you're the bane of the earth when you all end up in our cinema carparks or fields with caravans and leave behind all of your crap and rubbish and nappies from your shoeless kids who run around causing havoc. we also have a gypsy who is a frequent shop lifter in a store I work in and she has no shoes on.

No. 2175151

I grew up in Ireland but currently living in England.
Case in point. I'm decent, my family is decent but you're gonna tar us with the same shite.

No. 2175154

its very hard for me to go on lolcow because i constantly compare myself to prettier girls. it makes me wonder if i should get lip filler, if i should get wig or dye my hair. i want to make changes and feel prettier but its hard to decide what is silly & what is not.

No. 2175156

>in uni
>class has a written assignment due every week
>unclear grading criteria for these assignments
>completed 3 by this point and waited as long as I could to submit them in hope of feedback
>finally get feedback for first one
>get docked marks for not adding something even though it didn't say I needed to in grading rubric
>made this mistake in all submitted assignments so far because I didn't know
>because they took forever to grade the first one
I know that professors have a lot on their plate, with lots to mark, but… sigh

No. 2175157

bongs get tarred with the same shite all the time on here kek. so yes im gonna do the same for gypsies. they are a plague. however if you have isolated yourself from it and don't do the actions that make gypsies the way they are, then you're ok I guess

No. 2175159

i think that accent is nice nonna

No. 2175161

it's just an Irish accent, its ok if you close your eyes and ignore the fact it is coming from utter retards mouths

No. 2175164

To be honest, at this moment in time, I would rather have gypsies than migrant scrotes

No. 2175166

>Britfags and Irishfags
Everyone in Europe hates gypsies, it's not just the bongs and leprechauns

No. 2175167

Woah I didn’t know gypsy Irish people were a thing? Are you actually genetically gypsy (like romanian/caucasian) or are you just an Irish person who adopted the gypsy lifestyle?

No. 2175168

My first post was about dating someone who wasn't a travelers but ok thanks I feel blessed that some monarchy masturbater nonna can validated my hesitance. King Chazz won't love you more than England will take over the world again.

No. 2175170

Nta but I wonder why it is that everyone is so racist to gypsies…I love my husband he’s gypsy. I saw a post on here once by another anon who admitted to having a gypsy nigel as well so I definitely can’t be the only one keeek

No. 2175171

Europe is united with their hate for gypsies
KEK seethe

No. 2175172

Where are you from?

No. 2175174

I’m a burger, me and my husband are both born in the United States but his family is from Romania and I’m just a regular American

No. 2175179

Is he Romanian, a 2nd gen immigrant, or is he an actual gypsy? There's a big difference between all of those things, and actual Romanians can't stand gypsies kek

No. 2175181

there are plenty of reasons to hate them. google it, or we would be here all day. I remember when my mum was a child, (this still applies today though) and the kids on the street would play outside in the front gardens with toys and bikes. when the gypsies were around, they would have to put their toys away because they would steal them. they were recently a bunch of them illegally in a carpark of a recently closed restaurant near me. sometimes police are even scared to move them on as they get violent. They are just primitives and manage to irritate the entire society.

No. 2175183

He is both romanian (child of immigrants) and actually gypsy. They are not travelers anymore though they stopped doing that when he was small.

No. 2175184

samefag, if anyone knocks on your door and asks if you want your driveway re-tarmaced. they're gypsies kek

> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tarmac_scam

No. 2175186

Damn. That’s really crazy. I’ve never had any problems with them but I’m sure things are very different in Bongland

No. 2175195

Romanian does not equal gypsy or roma. Please educate yourself

No. 2175199

Girls u ever had one of those bitch made female friends that are like… Shy and kinda lame, generally but also very vicious and selfish in the sense that they only wanna take and never give?

Like they use you to go out and do cool things meanwhile they always hide things that could benefit you.
Idk just something about that specific archetype of friend that makes me wanna slap them, like literally what's the point of you? Who raised them like this? Jfc

No. 2175201

Do they also do the rose scam where you live? The one where they give you a rose, and if accept it try to make you pay money for it. I recently saw this happen to a young girl who didn't know any better, and when she tried to give it back the gypsy scrote got aggressive with her until she gave him money. It's really no wonder everyone hates them

No. 2175202

Ok so I guess he’s both Romanian and Gypsy? All I know is what they tell me about themselves anon kek I do apologize, I wasn’t trying to offend any Romanianons

No. 2175203

I'm sorry nonna but this is a gypsy bitching thread now

No. 2175205

Damn I can't even relate I never met one irl and I actually think they are historically pretty cool

No. 2175207

Nta but I think they’re cool too nonny, gypsy men are very sweet

No. 2175213

The men in particular are migrant adjacent aka disgusting

No. 2175217

Meet one irl and you'll change your mind. They're pure shite

No. 2175218

A bit ot but I feel like it's really funny that when I was a kid children books still had gypsies as evil witches who would turn naughty kids that were given away from their parents into donkeys.
I'm not even that old but I feel like it's one of those "back in my day" things.

No. 2175228

educate yourself. they aren't cool.

No. 2175230

> gypsy men are very sweet
KEK are you retarded? you must have never met a real gypsy man

No. 2175232

I am married to a real gypsy man and he is very good to me, granted he’s not a bong gypsy like OP mentioned so they could be vastly different

No. 2175234

im guessing that person rarely interacts with gypsies because that is such a wild comment to make.''sweet'' lmfao what.

you are lucky, gypsy communities are basically if you combined the criminal nature of detroit with the dirtiest indian city you could think of and that would be your average gypsy community and city. And you can't even use the racebait excuse for this one because gypsies can be white too.(racebait)

No. 2175236

> so they could be vastly different

No. 2175238

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>he is very good to me

No. 2175242

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Visual representation of bringing up your Nigel on lc

No. 2175243

not you defending gypsies because the one you know happens to be adjusted.

I would greatly like to invite you to go visit gypsy communities in the balkans. There is a reason why these types of people are hated and it has nothing to do with racism.

No. 2175245

Why is him treating me well a red flag nonny

No. 2175246

this time it is deserved because he's a gypo

No. 2175248

Oh sorry I’m not balkan/eurofag though, all I know and can speak to are burger gypsy experiences

No. 2175249

Speaking as a whitey, the white ones are the worst from my experience kek

No. 2175252

care to explain?

No. 2175253

You are right I don’t interact with random gypsies because I only spend time with my gypsy husband so I can only reference how he treats me realistically

No. 2175254

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why are we talking about gypsies

No. 2175256

Nta but explain what? have you read the previous replies about why gypsies deserve their hideous reputation? google it

because of these anons >>2175128 & >>2175134

No. 2175257

Actual gypsy men shit in the bushes of public parks, take pride in stealing and not working, and don't let their daughters go to school because they force them to be married off at 13. Your husband might ethnically have gypsy roots, but he isn't actually culturally one

No. 2175258

A nonnie had a bad date because of her accent and here we are calling for genocide.

No. 2175259

Some anon mentioned being gypsy

No. 2175262

kek are you about to start caping for gypsies?
see >>2175257

No. 2175264

He is culturally gypsy, his family is gypsy (meaning they fall in line with their cultural values) and ethnically romanian (that’s what he got when he took a DNA test), and we live in America. Do you feel like he’s not gypsy because he doesn’t shit in public nonna kek? My Lord

No. 2175269

> culturally gypsy
meaning the gypsy culture is currently being followed
> a member of a community traditionally having an itinerant way of life, in particular an Irish Traveller.

No. 2175270

i typically don't care about anons bringing up their nigels, but the fact that anon is dating a gypsy and she doesn't care that she is LITERALLY dating a gypsy.

yeah maybe burger gypsies are different but as a eurofag the gypsies are terrible and unironically xenophobic too which is funny because they live in literal filth, set dumpsters on fire because they like the smell, throw garbage all over a community that when you walk its literally a shit ton of garbage everywhere, rob everyone even poor people and broke taxi drivers, make their children work as beggars and pitpocketers, huge child abusers, pop out 7 children by the age of 16, etc etc and they out of all people still think they can discriminate against others. also what this anon said too >>2175257

they are all bad no matter their ethnicity.

Who was calling for genocide you literal schizophrenic.

kek you should have your boyfriend take you to the gypsy streets of romania and live there short-term so you can experience the full gypsy experience. I would love for you to do that.(derailing)

No. 2175273

What are you talking about nonna? Hes not irish kek
I don’t think it’s necessary to immigrate to a shithole country just for fun, anon

No. 2175276

>I don’t think it’s necessary to immigrate to a shithole country just for fun

i said short term noona <3

No. 2175277

that was the official 'gypsy culture' definition I copied from google. your Nigel isn't following the culture or part of the culture if he isn't human scum

No. 2175280

I think she meant it so you would immediately change your naive outlook on gypsies

No. 2175281

Stop derailing about gypsies in the vent thread.
Let this post also be a reminder to not instigate or engage in race related arguments.

No. 2175282

Ehh I’m also the type of person who hates traveling, I won’t even be in the car for an hour let alone a flight for 16 kek

No. 2175283

You’re right farmhand, go derail about gypsies in the bong thread instead

No. 2175286

Gypsy isn't a race(derailing)

No. 2175288

> engage in race related arguments
with all due respect mighty farmhand, this is the vent thread and we are venting about disgusting gypsies. and they are people from a range of ethnicities(derailing)

No. 2175289

No. 2175290

kek these bans aren't for derailing really, farmhand is upset they got educated

No. 2175291

Read a book farmhand, it's not a race no matter how many redtexts you slap out

No. 2175331

I had a huge fight with my bf recently and he hasn't talked to me for 3 days…I gave him an ultimatum that if he didn't reply to me by Monday I'd dump him. All in favor said "I"

No. 2175333

I. If he’s somehow physically capable of ignoring you for that long he must have some kind of weird issues…I’m not able to do that to someone I love

No. 2175334

Dump him.

No. 2175336

Like silent treatment or both of you haven't contacted each other?

No. 2175338

aye. go pirate and make him walk off the plank of this relationship!

No. 2175365

Silent treatment is childish, from men and women alike (from men is even more ridiculous though) . If you’re an adult in a relationship properly communicating is the bare minimum.

No. 2175375

Only Europeans know the truth about Romani people kek, at least a portion of them. Some of them used to come in my hometown during summer and they would harass locals, beg , steal bicycles and electric scooters kek, my stroller got stolen too.

No. 2175381

I hate short form content, I like long videos that talk more how a normal person would talk. Short videos are stressful and depressing and it seems 90% of the time they bait you with some stupid shit by flashing text for half a second so you have to watch it multiple times to see it… it feels predatory

No. 2175384

If he wanna be silent to cause you distress so you'll come begging for him to talk to you again he's got the upper hand, so by giving him an ultimatum the pressure is back on him to initiate the talking.
It's VERY childish behavior so unless you're both at like early 20s at most this should be a massive red flag either way. But still, sometimes people do need some time to sleep on it and to think things through. In those cases the person should clearly communicate that need by saying something like "I need a few days to think, I'll come back when I'm ready to talk" rather than just ghosting.

No. 2175408

I shit my pants a couple times last week and now I’m scared to go commando ever again

No. 2175423

Why do I let men use me for sex? I'm naive as hell, I seriously thought "this one will be different". There is something seriously wrong with my brain. I feel dirty, disgusting and pathetic. I thought I was past this, but it happened again. I don't care about myself at all. I try, but I just don't. And men take advantage of that. I'm a whore for free.

No. 2175426

Kek in my country they regularly illegaly occupy fields where they'll shit, piss, build shitty unsafe "houses" and burn toxic substances but they'll get so violent that not even cops will go near their camps. Many of them stay around train stations all day to steal and they also make tiktoks about how cool they are and what they stole that day, I wish I was joking.

No. 2175455

"Woke" male "friends" who peddle bad bitch slayyy queen stuff to you because the only way they can admire or understand female power is through the lense of sexual promiscuity are not only incredibly sleazy and gross but also very dangerous do not let their bullshit go uncalled and best case immediately disengage from such brainless people

No. 2175458

I got involved with new age spirituality for a while and I regret it so heavily. Every few months I get this awful existential dread / anxiety. The worst of it has to have been the spaces that say you “choose your life / trauma for spiritual growth” which fucked me up so badly that I still get anxiety over it maybe being true and failing the growth and having to suffer more. I also live in such heavy anxiety about the “5D New Earth Ascension” that many of them talk about because of all the transhuman stuff possibly leading to something like that. For any other ex-new age nonnas how do you beat this spiritual psychosis BS?

No. 2175461

you articulated this better than i’ve ever been able to thank you nonners

No. 2175464

Also men who are apparently woke and feminist but seem to almost delight in and exaggerate the effects of the patriarchy to you because A. They find it reassuring to think the world benefits them more than it actually does. B. They are sadistic and want you to be unhappy.
Also what's up with them constantly quoting movies

No. 2175465

Have you guys ever genuinely gotten over and been able to overcome trauma? I just need some hope because I’m currently having an anxious spell that’s been going on for over a week and it feels like it’s always going to hurt and fear.

No. 2175467

What’s the cause of the trauma?

No. 2175469

I, personally, haven’t been able to “get over” anything yet per se but I am sometimes able to successfully distract myself from it for extended periods of time. If you start to remember something that distresses you, tell yourself (mentally) that you can’t remember what you were thinking about. And then redirect your attention to something else. Thats something that works really well for me.

No. 2175472

I do not get the raw milk trend. I worked in a dairy and hated when I had to taste test the raw milk straight from the tankers, you never swallow always spit it because it's fucking disgusting to drink raw milk. What's wrong with people

No. 2175473


No. 2175476

I hate my moid bf but idk how to break up with him cause the last time I did he astral projected into my room

No. 2175479

No he did not. You are just schizophrenic, break up with him

No. 2175481

Oh nonna

No. 2175482

Do you know if he actually was using it to stalk you and was describing stuff you were doing or did he just say “lol I went out of body into your room” because if it’s the latter it’s nothing to worry about and he’s just a new age troll. I say this as the spiritual psychosis anon that a lot of the evidence of the new age stuff is shaky at best and it’s usually just superstition or to scare you

No. 2175485

Thank you nonna, I’ll try this to see if it helps.

No. 2175486

Oh he basically mentioned being able to see me with my brother around the dining table and just describing that which was somewhat accurate but I suppose nothing too detailed

No. 2175490

Depends what you mean by “gotten over”. I’ll never be the person I would have been had I not experienced it, but that’s not the goal. It doesn’t haunt me the way it use to and it doesn’t affect my relationships like it once did. I attribute my progress to seeing a trauma focused therapist and EMDR.

No. 2175493

Idk it sounds like he could’ve easily just been recalling details from when he was at your house while you were still together. Do you already believe in Astral Projection and similar stuff because he may be using that against you

No. 2175494

This is the funniest fucking thing I've read in weeks

No. 2175499

Procrastination's a bitch if you ask me. I've been trying to start a video for a YouTube channel and I have nothing done in the past few weeks except for lazing around like a dumbass.

How do I deal with chronic procrastination effectively guys?

No. 2175505

Why the hell did you shit yourself nonna

No. 2175510

People actually do this?

No. 2175512

literally just break up with him and key his car, why are you baiting us with this story anon

No. 2175514

I have an essay due at the end of today, could've worked on it a couple days ago but I'm starting now because I love the rush..

No. 2175530

My anxiety is so bad recently I’m just in a constant state of nausea

No. 2175532

File: 1727038185932.png (66.03 KB, 254x252, 278196488_401776458135945_3281…)

>have favorite mascot character since forever
>Shop gets some cute stamps with them on it
>Sells out immediately because it's trendy rn

I hate this shit so much it's unreal. Half the things I like are trends atm and it makes me annoyed that I have to unironcally fight consoomer retards for shit they did not give a fuck about before. I hate tiktok and I hate retarded consoomers who ruin the market completely I WAS HERE FIRST REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

No. 2175533

There seems to be an epidemic of nonnies shitting themselves lately

No. 2175534

there's books called the now habit and procrastination equation i recall them having good advice
review of a book

No. 2175537

It wasn’t on purpose it just slipped out you gotta believe me

No. 2175551

seeing the comments on the skirby thread about her butt is honestly making me feel like crying because i have the same body type. obviously not shooped into oblivion, but i mean i have the same big hips-small waist-flatter ass body that people are making fun of. i have been going to the gym and gaining weight and it's a lot better now but my butt is never going to be as big as it 'should' be in comparison to my waist and hips. i hate that any time i have a positive or attractive trait there is something someone has to say that makes me feel ugly all over again. i've been told "you look good… from certain angles" by an ex bf. i feel that even when i am pretty i am still ugly.

No. 2175554

you need to be 18yo to post here

No. 2175556

i'm 24, you weird bitch.

No. 2175566

Awww nonna if you saw my comment about my friend w a wide flat butt don’t take it to heart, it’s only bc she literally sits on it all day gaming kek. You don’t have to look like coomer Instagram AI art slop to be sexy and cute in your body shape, I’m sorry something I said about a turd like Skirby hurt an innocent anon. Cable kickbacks will grow the upper glutes tho that’s what gives more of a peachy look, only way more toned down than filters and BBLs

No. 2175583

Are you from the uk? That’s what they’re like here. Scum.

No. 2175584

The LC shart curse strikes again.

No. 2175586

KEK i didn't expect you to see this, don't worry, i know realistically a comment about a random ethot has nothing to do with me. and thank you for the tip about glute kickbacks too.

No. 2175594

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she just was put down a few hours ago, we had a vet come and she was very nice. my first time losing a pet. it hurts that the last time she looked at me, licked my face was the last times. she is gone now. i'm just glad she is no longer suffering, today was her half birthday at 9 and a half years old. i was rubbing her ears and felt them get cold pretty quick when she injected her. sad but she is in a better place. pic because i've posted her on lc before, this was long before she got sick. rip

No. 2175597

thank you for your thoughts. my mom says she feels like a bad person for putting her to sleep and she's wrong, it was the right thing to do. she could barely get up today, did not eat today (but thankfully ate the nice steak my brother made her yesterday) and half her face was swollen, dripping blood from her dried nose. she got anesthesia and got visibly sleepy then the vet injected her. my mom had to leave the room which i understand. my dad and brother helped the vet put her on the gurney and she will be getting cremated with her favorite blanket. just so sad to watch her go but she was having a hard time sleeping and breathing the past 24 hours. we all did get the paw print casts and her paws look beautiful like badass wolf paws. after we talked about memories with her and it made it a little better. im just pissed i didnt take the night off of work now.

No. 2175606

nona, my dog was put down last monday. i know exactly how you feel. we found out suddenly she had cancer that had spread over her entire body and her spleen was taking up her abdomen and she had to be put down. it is heartbreaking to lose my friend but i'm trying to find comfort by thinking about how dogs aren't scared of death, they don't understand it and they don't feel anything except the pain going away and falling asleep. neither of our dogs had to pass away scared or in pain. i spent a few days just crying but then i suddenly got this overwhelming feeling of love and gratitude that i got to meet her and watch her grow up at all. i hope you get that same relief soon too. it's so nice you got to be there for her and keep her company. i was away from home but i'm going to visit my dogs grave as soon as i get back to say goodbye to her. you did the right thing and it's better to have loved and lost than not to have loved at all.

No. 2175611

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i like what you said and i agree. for all the pain the death of a pet brings, they bring ten times more joy while you get to live with them in your life and get to know them. i was telling my dad that it was sad remembering both of us standing watching out the front door for the lady to bring her to us when she was a puppy, our first dog we begged my mom for one for years. and she left out the same front door today. she became my mom's little baby companion and followed her around everywhere and my mom loved her so much. she loved to sunbathe by the pool while my mom read a book. i like to think she is sunbathing now. my bf grew up always having a dog and has lost many and he was with us today, very sweet of him to tell them that his dogs are playing with her now too.

No. 2175619

Oh nonna, I am crying for you. We just put my girl down two weeks ago, also at home, and she was my world. She had many health scares and beat them until diabetes in old age became too much. Just know that your dog loved you too and she is FREE now, free to run and play and be without pain. It is the hardest choice to make, to decide that it is time to say goodbye, but I am sure your dog had a wonderful life. Idk what country you’re in but cuddle clones has a lot of really sweet customizable stuff you can put your pet on, and even replicas of them. I got pajamas with my baby girl on them and a blanket and I have been sleeping with her favorite toy. It is gonna hurt for awhile but you will mend, and you’ll never ever forget your dog or how much you loved each other.

No. 2175624

My fantasies with my husbando be like
The next time you beat yourself up over what a ball-sweater said, remember that moids never know what they want and are currently killing themselves en masse (or at least threatening to) just because they can't breathe the same air as us.

No. 2175632

I suck at art and will never be good at it no matter how much I try.

No. 2175638

I have no personality, no interests, nothing. I daydreaming about having a soul.

No. 2175641

Im so uninteresting im bored of myself

No. 2175650

I'm making a reddit account so I can relate more to a male I'm going out with. Please bully me.

No. 2175655

Being a voluntary celibate woman is so isolating, it's a very abnormal way of life that very few actually have, I've never met anybody else like me.

No. 2175659

Why are you debasing yourself in this way anon. The fact you even went out with a Reddit user…. shameful

No. 2175660

I get really irritated when I read "y'all love supporting mental health awareness until we start talking about cluster bees or bipolar or any of the negative symptoms". You know who else is really tired of the symptoms? The caretakers, friends and families of the people who get the brunt of the mentally ill person's "negative symptoms". Sorry I don't feel particularly supportive towards people who abuse others. People who abuse others as a result of their "mental health issues" can find their own safe space to work it out and improve. Shut the fuck up about people being unable to handle "real" talks about mental health, it's basically a way of implying that we should glaze over how destructive certain people's behaviors are and how that aligns with mental disorder symptoms. I'm not clutching my pearls over schizophrenics, I'm being reminded of a time where I was abused, and seeing people laugh off that abusive behavior like "oh little mental health things" is infuriating

No. 2175661

It tastes pretty much like normal whole milk to me, but more satisfying. Not in any way weird or disgusting.

No. 2175669

I had a drunk guy pass out on me a month ago and I’m still compulsively thinking about him every night. Unfortunately he was the only intimate contact I’ve ever really gotten (I’m uggo.) I just wanna be over this already

No. 2175670

I'm guessing you liked taking care of him when he was vulnerable?

No. 2175673

No. 2175674

Had milk straight from the cow a couple times. It's thick, frothy, warm, and very heavy. I don't have any issues with milk but it gave me really bad indigestion. Delicious though, worth it.

No. 2175676

It's a very nice feeling. Even uggos deserve love nona, hope you find someone to take care of in the future.

No. 2175681

Live fast die young bad girls do it well

No. 2175682

It's illegal in the UK for how susceptible to disease causing bacteria and foodborne illnesses it is

No. 2175684

Thank you. I really hope so too.

No. 2175688

Always hated that gay ass song

No. 2175693

It’s technically illegal in the US too. They get around it by selling it with the statement that it isn’t for human consumption. I don’t really recommend consuming it since it really can fuck you up.

No. 2175697

Ew. Being self-aware about how much of a doormat you are is a bleak existence.

No. 2175708

elaborate more nonna

No. 2175711

Im so upset about feeling suicidal but there is no way out

No. 2175713

Nona please exhaust all other options you may have. Therapy and medication can work. Finding the right therapist and doctor is essential. If you have access to it please try.

No. 2175717

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i know it’s stupid but it makes me want to scream. i hate how yuri isn’t as popular as yaoi and how any decent ships or characters get ruined by stupid tranny shit. i stumble upon an interesting artist? yeah, he / they lesbian, dicks and top surgery scars everywhere. i stumble upon a fanfic with decent plot? yeah, trannies again, “ummm guys she’s actually a trans lesbian!!”. i even tried to distance myself from western fandoms and got into chinese baihe novels. turns out, it’s actually worse there. no english translations of seemingly decent novels, no english licenses for popular fan translated novels, little to no fanart. i don’t like most male characters, i do not relate to them and i do not want to read about them; i wish a lot of popular danmei would just be about women. like, a god & her devoted follower, a stupid neet who got transported into a fantasy novel and is now living her dream life with her hot demon wife, and so on… like it just would be so much better! i want to scream. please god oh please let there be more content made by women for women ABOUT women. that’s all i want.

No. 2175722

I have tried different meds and psychiatrist and did therapy but it didnt help much. My mom is forcing me to go to university because i have to study and gdta degree but i just dont have any interests or hobbies and barely a personality, its not worth fighting depression and ocd when i dont even have something i want to accomplish i dont even like talking to people.

No. 2175756

Nona from last thread: What deficiencies specifically did you have? I do bloodwork regularly and I never have any issues other than low iron but I'm willing to take supplements if it means nice nails.

No. 2175774

I don't want to take meds, I don't want to integrate into society, I hate everyone and I want to be by myself.

No. 2175779

Sadly you have to seek them out. seeing your madoka image you might like Shuninta Amano

No. 2175788

Was ready to hop on my bike after weeks of being sick and the seat is fucking broken why

No. 2175792

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I feel the same way. I just want to be free.

No. 2175795

I’m taking an online creative writing class this semester and this week, we were put in groups to read our classmate’s work. I don’t want to sound like an asshole or like I’m being overly sensitive but holy shit I did not want to read about someone’s graphic suicide attempt where they talk about slashing their own wrists in the shower. Kind of ruined my day since I’ve struggled with suicidal thoughts for years and haven’t been clean from SH all that long

No. 2175796

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That’s a pretty common reaction when you’re depressed. What’s going on anon?

No. 2175805

i keep having dreams that my boyfriend will cheat on me, and its only because i was cheated on by the only other partner i ever had and because of my deep insecurities that play peek-a-boo from time to time. its probably also important to mention my ex was very mentally disturbed and i was young and naive. i dont like that my mind assumes my boyfriend will cheat, and despite how most of the nonnies here argue such things are bound to happen, i dont think its healthy to let it consume me. hes never done anything of the sort, he doesnt watch porn, hes very committed to his studies and family, and its unfair that my mind has such worries. i see stick thin girls sometimes with their makeup done in little outfits and i worry what if one day he begins to like that? and it eats me up every few months, these fears. it wastes my time. i wonder if i should get lip filler, stop eating as much, do my makeup more. when i say it, i realize how pathetic it is and how it doesnt align with my values, but i just want to feel pretty beyond for him. i want to feel that confidence and security and love myself though im certain i could change everything in the world about my appearance and it still wouldnt help. id still complain about something. i just wonder if those girls are really more fulfilled, i wonder if its deceptive and trying to drag me in for evil intent when my life is so wonderful outside of this self hatred

No. 2175822

It's a shame Chinese GL doesn't get translated as much as JP/KR slop. Chinese yurifags are rabid as fuck about futa/trannyshit and keeping it separate from actual yuri. Also are you already in LC's (unofficial) yuri server? If you don't know many female authors you could just ask there for recs.

No. 2175828

I just don't get along with anyone and I'm tired of seeing people, overheating their retarded conversations, and having them say the dumbest things on earth to my face. Everything about other people and society disgusts me. I don't want to participate in this social rat race any longer. I'm miserable and I know I should take meds for the first time in years but I'm afraid that I'll become some sort of docile zombie. I was on a cocktail of meds for most of my life, too

No. 2175829

I hope I have a good week this week, or even an okay week. If I don't, I don't know what I'll do…

No. 2175883

I could genuinely be model beautiful if my nose wasn’t so ugly

No. 2175888

good thing thats the most impactful, low risk and widely available plastic surgery around

No. 2175894

Maybe, but it still leaves me feeling uneasy to alter myself in such a drastic way. If my life becomes difficult because of my ugly nose I will chop it off.

No. 2175937

i didn’t know that server existed! i’m now genuinely curious, thank you nonna. also yes, that’s one of the main reasons i decided to look into Chinese GL. i might start learning the language just to be able to read those novels…
thank you! i will definitely check her work out.

No. 2175960

I have really fucked up teeth and soon I will start Invisalign. In a few days actually, and I am scared. Having messed up teeth I think is part of my identity, I literally can't picture myself with fancy teeth. I am so used to looking like a snaggle toothed hillbilly, having pretty girl teeth will be peculiar. My teeth are a big insecurity, and I am certain I'll be happy when they're fixed but it will be so unfamiliar. I know the shape of my teeth, and how the press against the sides of my mouth, all the irregularities are comforting.
I'm just nervous.

No. 2175963

ugh why can't things like this happen to me too. I'm so ugly nobody gives me a chance

No. 2175968

Had a great time at a metal festival this weekend but must vent about this troon I saw both days. Planted his ass against the front of the stage sitting down the entire time between sets then stood up and just stood there for every show while being 9 feet tall and was wearing a vest that says “sorry about your view” on the back and his boyfriend thing was also a giant with the same patch. I have been to countless shows and I know it’s whoever gets there first but why the fuck do you Marfan syndrome faggots have to stand in front if you’re so tall and wear those patches on purpose to block any decent view and you’re barely moving the whole time? Like a human blockade of faggotry. 41% soon. I know the metal scene has a rep for being a cesspool of shitty moids but I gotta say in all my years I’ve never been harassed or assaulted at those shows so this is a minor vent.

No. 2176000

I started my period today fml hope I can power through it and get my projects done.

No. 2176008

Having better teeth will be more comforting nonna

No. 2176019

I'm so fucking done with this company. I've been working here for almost 4 years. Last year on december my boss told me that in 2024 it will finally be my turn to be free on christmas and usually people take the whole week free and I asked her back then if I could have the whole week and she was like sure sure no problem. I was asking basically every month, to remind her. And today she told me she will only give me free for 23th and 24th of december and that on friday 27th of december I will have to come to work. She gave another girl a whole week, even though she agreed to give me a whole week a fucking year ago. I already had plans and shit, it's not even worth for me to take a trip go my home country if I'm only free for 4 days instead of the whole week. Fuck this job I want to cry

No. 2176021

Most (straight) women want to be in a relationship with a man and even if they want to remain single they still have hookups or fwb, and the few voluntary celibate women are religious. Sex is such a central part of most people's lives and I just don't get it.

No. 2176022

He was very very drunk and so was I. He also wants nothing to do with me now if that makes you feel better kek

No. 2176023

A friend keeps calling me toxic and femcel. I would be laughing if it wasnt for the fact he compares me to men who actually hurt women. Why are scrotes like this.

No. 2176032

Just show him stats nona

No. 2176035

ofcourse he doesnt believe them kek he's a jordan peterson stan btw which is ironic

No. 2176037

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Just got woken up by mum. It wouldn't have been so bad but she decided to pop in when I spent last night having a steamy love affair with a big old bottle of Smirnoff. Nothing better to start your Monday than seeing your useless alco daughter covered in her own piss. I feel bad that she's associated with me. I feel bad that anyone is.
At least she got me up so I can have my biweekly teams meeting with my manager in 25 mins. Just gotta blah blah for a while and my black hole of existence will continue getting money.

No. 2176054

Ah, I want to tear my hair out. I have a whole story planned out, I know exactly what I'm going to write, but I've been suffering from the worst writer's block ever. I can't even write a single sentence that I don't hate.
I'm just writing for my own amusement and don't post my stories anywhere, so it's not like I have an audience that's waiting for me, but I've been writing daily since picking the hobby up again three years ago, and now that I'm stuck for no apparent reason I'm really unhappy. :(

If anyone has any tips to overcome my block, I'd be grateful.(:()

No. 2176058

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the normalfags will not make me conform to society. I am going to keep on hatin'. Fuck them.

No. 2176061

I've had it with my cousin. They already own a dog that she wanted (just so happens to look like mine, surprise dumb bitch mine were outliers, you went and got a livestock dog you idiot.) So since she was pissed that her dog didn't want to spend time with her, is rather withdrawn and does his own shit. Instead of actually going to training etc, that was left to her mom. And now her mom has a super close bond to the dog— of course!— and she was pissed bc it didn't just end up like mine that are big but super cuddly and sweet and want to learn bc they love me since ive had them for 8 years! No, that wasn't good enough so now after she already had a suspended license bc of amphetamine and weed she went and got herself a bully dog, that her current bf isn't allowed to keep in his home. 7 months, has experienced violence before. Then she tells me, yes, cant leave her alone so she puts her in a crate. One she already ruined and I'm just at my wits end here. I told her very strongly that she is setting that dog up for failure. Going to end up at the shelter in a few years and no-one will take her like any other barely trained bully breed overflowing our shelters.
I was rather stern and direct with her and she's been ignoring my messages ever since.
I don't know if i did the right thing, but she's a damn adult now and needs to think before she acts. "Oh dog destroys so much so when i go on a walk i lock her in a crate." So youre going for a walk and don't bring your dog?? What the fuck am I reading. She's a bully breed, she needs intense working, attention and to keep her boredom at bay.
I'm at such a loss. I feel bad for being too direct maybe but i truly worry for that dog.. what do you do?

No. 2176066

I've been trying to tell them for years they got an entire livestock dog— a dog that's job it is to live with livestock— of course it barely listens to normal dog shit. It just doesn't have a job and thats why he takes off, would rather sleep outside and listens to his own gut. That's a whole livestock dog. Why the fuxk would you pick a dog that just looks like my 3, but not inform yourself. I can literally see that it's a livestock breed. This has been bizarre before even. Meant to name her daughter after me, keeps pulling me down in front of my mom for nothing, js bc I have my own life and farm and shit hours from them.. "oh, nonnie looks so bad!", "oh does nonnie feel okay being by herself in the country? Oh, can she even manage?" "Cousin make sure you don't end up like nonnie."

This has been a competition all my life i neither knew about nor signed up for. And still they won't leave me the fuck alone. Fuuuuuck and a dog will suffer yet again.

No. 2176071

I feel so bad for the dogs but fuck the humans, let your cousin be a spiteful piece of shit and find out where it takes her. I'm amazed at how spineless you're being about this. Go beg cousin for her help since she's sooo good with dogs, ask her to train yours because your dogs never destroy the house and you've always wanted an aggressive furniture obliterator.
Or just ignore her completely and let her dog use her as a chew toy. It's not your job to baby retarded relatives, she has parents to do that for her. You have a fucking farm to run, she can't seriously expect you to sit by the phone twiddling your thumbs until she messages you demanding to be spoon fed.

No. 2176073

an actual farmer nonny.. you sound really cool

No. 2176074


No. 2176078

I am being pretty spineless I admit. I just haven't had a good relationship with them for a while.. I guess since my cousin dove into drugs, ruined my flat (two times!) I thought i was doing a good thing giving her a place to crash. She literally pulled out my sex toys to show her friends, I've never felt as humiliated with someone i trusted. But her mom defended her i just started disappearing.. never got an apology i didn't specifically ask for. Technically even my cousin is being set up for failure. Just can't keep quiet when she sends me pictures and wants me to congratulate her as if i didn't notice her throw her first dog to the wayside.. when she mentioned the "box" i fucking lost it. She's the literal reason dogs like that are fucked in the long run.. now she's doing the "adult" thing by just ignoring me. Fucking hell what a mess. I still want her to feel comfortable to reach out to me, walking that line isn't easy. I worry about her too, now just a dog makes it even worse all together. She'd be the kind of person that surrenders it again.. our shelters are full of mistreated and barely trained bullies. I am frustrated.

Thank you for listening, i apologise for ranting I'm just so lost and both angry. Poor dog, so sweet and cute but literally destined to fail.

No. 2176080

I can milk your cows and bring you the milk afterwards! But nah, I'm technically just an idiot living in the country with too many animals. Thank you though, I appreciate it.

No. 2176081

We've LET you stay in our home, and how do you repay us?
You steal from us, not even slick. You leave your stuff in the room, you say things you were going to do and never do. You drink every all the time.
You then get angry with US cause we went out to a nature parc without telling you. You made your own son cry because you stole a bottle of alcohol and straight up lied to him when confronted.
Nonnas, make of this a lesson, don't let your boyfriend's mother stay with you. I'm just awed that she's upset that we went out and didn't tell her, we're almost 30 and frankly, I don't need to tell you anything.

No. 2176082

my two closest friends dislike each other (one a lot more than the other) and it's so exhausting having to constantly walk on egg shells around them. and i feel like as a result i'm a bad friend to both of them, because i keep things from them that the other person has said because i don't want it to hurt their feelings and also don't want to make that person feel like i am exposing what we talk to in private to other people. i wish they could just both get along or at least tolerate each other, especially because the reason for this animosity is due to their nationalities which is so retarded.

No. 2176092

Thank you both! I don't want to specify and de-anon myself as it's rather niche but I had gotten my hands on a holy grail item in a near-lifelong collecting hobby of mine and finally completed a sort of sub-collection(?) with it.
Again, it's small, but I had been dreaming of it for so long. I keep getting the urge to bring it up to my friends again because I'm still over the moon about it but I'm afraid of coming across as obnoxious now. At least the happiness will probably last longer than those urges.

No. 2176110

kek so you're just a consoomer? you made it sound like you actually achieved something. no wonder no one congratulated you

No. 2176134

I'm gonna sound super irrational, and most likely spoiled, but I just really wanna let it out. I hate my uni. I used to "enjoy", but I can't pretend anymore. I hate faking that I care about what ever we are discussing about. I can't just change my major because I already payed my tuition and I'll have to start all over again. And I doubt it'll make a difference too.

I wish I wasnt lazy and genuinely liked "learning". But seeing everyone in my class drone on enthusiastically about the requirements given to us and the events we have to attend pisses me off. And they aren't even doing anything to me. I can't relate with how eager they are for each class. I prolly sound really stupid rn. I know I just have to get this shit over with and get my degree, but being surrounded by those type of people makes me feel dead inside. Surprisingly, this is the first time I felt like this towards a group of people in my life.

I guess they're hella boring, or I'm hella boring. I just hate them. Going to uni feels so pointless. Living feels pointless.

No. 2176150

Nona, I feel you. I just saw a group message that was one of my coursemates saying how he wants to gather a posse to go to this fucking thing that does have to do with our degree, but fuck off. I have no energy, I just want my degree and I will act civil at school but this weird ass "we should do shit all the time, let's go volunteering every fucking other day and if you don't, we will talk about how you must not care". Boy, I do care but not enough to fucking waste my time with this shit.

No. 2176179

One of my friends recently made a group chat on Instagram, there's only four of us but one of our friends does nothing but send reels. She sends like 5-10 a day and I don't understand how she doesn't take the hint.

No. 2176180

Whoa you're so cool and unaffected I bet the people around you love hearing what you have to say about their hobbies and lives.

No. 2176197

Nta and it's great you got to complete your collection, but it IS silly to expect people to congratulate you for buying something, even if it's rare and you've wanted it for a long time. As someone who doesn't care about collecting things, I wouldn't even call that an achievement. It's not like you won a competition, or graduated, or got a good job, or anything else that actually takes hard work and effort or changes your life in a positive way. So ease up on your friends, they aren't being mean or uncaring, they just don't get it. Maybe talk about it in some kind of collector community where people actually understand your excitement instead

No. 2176204

ntayrt and i'm a consoomer myself, there's definitely artistry and skill in curating a collection and hunting down a rare niche item for a reasonable price, and the dopamine hit is amazing… i'm happy for you. but it's completely unsurprising you weren't getting any congratulations, it's more than enough for someone to show interest and ask you about it. no matter how you cut it consooming isn't an actual achievement on the level of actually honing a skill or craft. this is just a fact and it shouldn't alienate you from your friends.

No. 2176205

I agree with the other anons to an extent that getting a collector's item isn't really something you should expect people to congratulate you for, but if these are your close friends and know that this stuff is important to you I do understand why you would feel sad about them not even saying congrats or happy for you. If these are just casual friends or acquaintances then maybe your expectations are too high, but best friends and family that's a bit different I guess.

No. 2176213

No. 2176222

Yeah, I would hope that close friends would at least pretend to care about their friend's interests and just be happy that the friend is happy but who the fuck even knows anymore.

No. 2176225

I think your feelings are valid. When my friends talk about how they're excited over stuff I don't give a fuck about I still at least pretend to be enthusiastic I feel like that's a normal thing to do.

No. 2176226

i agree with the consensus as well but it also depends on the person and their life and how they act. do they do nothing but talk about their collection and purchasing habits, have no other hobbies, financially struggle and waste money, or talk about purchasing stuff constantly to these people, who also might not be in positions where they have disposable income? i had a male friend do that and while i celebrated enthusiastically when he did get his holy grail, he was an almost neet living with his parents refusing to move out and shitting on people for being broke because he had no bills and all disposable income because he was a thirty year old giant man baby. no we don’t talk anymore. it got to the point he would get irritated and call out lack luster responses to being texted at 7 am about the stuff he just bought like good talk bye when i was like just like that’s cool. eventually i snapped and was like so when are you moving out in response to the latest round of mystery boxes he complained were valueless. he said he couldn’t afford a house and didn’t want to rent. like this person in the thread doesn’t seem like that, but sometimes consoomers are absolutely oblivious to how boring and annoying they are being and can’t read the room. it’s honestly weird to me they need to have this acknowledged enough to even have these thoughts about their friends let alone need to vent about them.

No. 2176243

what did she hide?

No. 2176252

Goddamn it I hate how I look in photographs. I know everyone says this and that candid photos are often unflattering etc. but the other people in the pictures look the same as they do in real life, just with their eyes closed or whatever. So that means the weird goblin in these photos is what I really look like and the kind of okay-looking woman in the mirror is a lie.
I wish people would respect it when I ask them not to take candid photos of me and put them online but apparently that’s an unreasonable thing to want. Fortunately autumn is coming and soon I can hide my ugly mug behind scarves and shit.

No. 2176291

astral project him back and go up his asshole

No. 2176293

seems like she went out with other people and didn’t invite that girl and now she’s switching on her because she feels owed something

No. 2176302

>steal drag aesthetics
As if the faggots didn't steal them from actual women.

No. 2176312

I have some sort of undiagnosed social disability that impacts my executive functioning and social skills. I tried to get mental help like a dozen times until I just gave up. I've been a neet for multiple years with multiple failed to launch attempts, at least a dozen, I always fail. My mantra is "if I get a job everything will be ok" but either I don't get hired or it doesn't work out. I think I was born to disappoint everyone until my death

No. 2176316

I'm gonna turn 22 soon and I'm only just starting to glow-up. I feel like i wasted my life being an awkward ugly duckling that never leaves her room. I have 4 years of youth left before society considers me a hag. I hate it hate it hate it

No. 2176329

babe, that’s the reason society is telling you you’re gonna be a hag soon. no one wants to admit most teenagers are actually kind of ugly ducklings most of the time and not the way they are on tv being played by a 25-35 year old actress. they have to convince you right as you come into your beauty that it’s only something that’s gonna last like two years so you better settle down fast! the good part of your life is only just beginning to even start. they’re all just worried that they’re gonna lose their hair before they can trick anyone or insecure about having already lost it so projecting it all on women.

No. 2176338

>humans live up to 120
>is 21
>has wasted her life

No. 2176341

people with bpd need to be rounded up and gassed worldwide en masse for the sake of society as a whole, they do nothing but play victim and control the narrative. being neglected as a kid by my own cluster b family and turning to tumblr and having that type of behavior already normalized to me made it so basically every person ive had in my life for a significant period had bpd and it has ruined my self perception and i am always convincing myself i am evil for the most minor of things. realizing its people with bpd that made me this way and getting away from them and being seen as a normal person has been both amazing and harrowing, holy fuck, these people, if you can even call them that, are a blight on society and truly worthless in every single way, i hope they stay stigmatized because they fucking earned it.

No. 2176346

im 26 and people still mistake me for being between 18 and 21. they literally dont believe me until i show them my ID. stop worrying about your age. nobody can really tell at first glance. start doing a more thorough skincare routine and just live life as you want, i was fat between the years of 19 and 22 and lost it all around age 23 and people started seeing me as a desirable young woman. you only feel the way you do because it's the biggest age youve ever known. when youre my age youre gonna look back at now and wish you had lived that period of your life a bit more fuller and worried less. you are so, so little. have fun, make mistakes, dont worry about it. live life the way you want to, only you are worrying about your age. if its an insecurity, just dont tell people.

No. 2176349

Give it up for day 4 of no communication from my boyfriend
I figure even if he did talk to me, I'd get a text dump about something only he cares about. I vented to him the other day about my finances and he posted screencaps of his gacha rolls (It's all shit btw Pokemon Masters is gonna EoS soon anyway)
If I did the same back in response to his infodumping he'd have a tantrum kek

No. 2176350

I'm not even joking you seriously need to let go of the idea that you will turn into a grandma at 26. Like you seriously need to disconnect. You haven't even aged out of the dominant demographic most media is marketed to.

No. 2176354

>people with bpd constantly play victim
>my cluster b family made me this way
>my tumblrina friends made me this way
>they normalized this behavior
Not to be rude but you're still kind of playing into the bpd victim complex.

No. 2176361

I'm in so much mental and physical pain. I tried all the meds. Tried everything. It would be so much easier if I had someone actually involved in my life. If I had a boyfriend or a husband.

No. 2176368

i can see how it appears that way from a single anonymous post, but it took me a lot to get to the point where i could recognize that i am not solely to blame for all the things that have gone wrong in my life. i have done nothing but blame myself and think its just all because im a bad person who must repent, so naturally upon realizing i could have been mistreated and had my perceptions warped, i feel angry. ive done a lot of thinking about how things got this bad and while i don't completely absolve myself of any blame, ive made enough of a connection that im not going to get involved with people with bpd any longer.

No. 2176371

The reality checks help, thank you nonas

No. 2176376

Wow, I'm 21 and people think I'm in my 30's! Lucky you nonita
I'm almost 22 too, I haven't glewn up yet but I think I'm getting there

No. 2176378

This is so true, we have no idea how long our generation is going to live. Considering the new discoveries in biology, it seems that in 10-15 years it can become possible to be functionally immortal or at least live longer than anyone would actually want.

All this ageism nonsense that is pushed on us is based on the length of life of our grandparents. Don't give into it. People are maturing much slower, look how young everyone looks compared to the same age 20-30 years ago. Look how many people in their 60s and 70s are picking up weight lifting (you should do it if you haven't already, I'm really pissed off I only started a year ago) and becoming more physically capable than many 20-something's

No. 2176383

samefag but also doing cardio will keep you young and healthy. I recently read a study that 6 hours of cardio per week can make a 50 yo have the cardiovascular capacity and stamina of a 30 year old after only 6 months

No. 2176427

I know exactly how you feel nona it's insane and unfair when you finally wake up and realize just how bad it is. Trying to retrain your brain to align with a non-batshit insane modus operandi is really hard and not many people give you credit for it because they're used to being around stable, loving people and take that for granted. Sending you strength to heal and wisdom to see through the bullshit.

No. 2176431

Just don't say this to any psychiatrist or you will get diagnosed as a narcissist

No. 2176449

thank you, it really is difficult to find people who understand because most people come from households where their self esteem was nurtured at least a little bit. most people will just see you as a mess so i keep my issues to myself now for the most part. the only reason i was able to wake up is due to my partner who i met at my worst and his reaction was complete shock at how badly i let these people affect me.
i've actually been told that feeling extreme anger as you wake up and start to realize you deserved better is normal and any fears of being a narcissist that i have is just me not understanding what normal self esteem is supposed to feel like. trust me, i've been scared of that outcome before and have spent a lot of time scrutinizing my behaviors, feeling like i'm just a covert narc who needs to keep my self esteem low to prevent hurting others.

No. 2176453

Good. I was told that I am passive and lack accountability because I'm pointing fingers at everyone. After spending years to change my way of thinking and putting responsibility where it belonged instead of thinking I had complete control over the situation I was told that I am a histrionic narcissist. I'm never seeing a psychiatrist again kek
The fear of becoming like them and the constant second guessing is something I relate to very deeply.

No. 2176454

you're pretty based nonna i'm so sick of how we have to be super nice to people with bpd and how it's soooo stigmatized meanwhile these people literally NEVER want to get help, and if they get actual professional help they ignore it or only go a couple times max. i've watched bpd people ruin relationship after relationship and even if they think they are the problem, they eventually just turn it back

No. 2176460

Imo something that doesn't help is mental health shit becoming SO mainstream that it's constantly misused. It's pretty annoying how everybody on the internet now diagnoses their opps with BPD/NPD based on the pettiest bullshit imaginable kek

No. 2176464

nta a lot of people have the tendency to protect and look for excuses for people who are downright abusive and destructive and I will never understand that. BPD people are very aware of what they are doing and how they are making other people feel. They just think their own "suffering"- which they fuel and intensify themselves on their own with no reason other than to keep freaking out, is more important than everyone else's and they always need other people to regulate their own emotions and do absolutely nothing to learn that themselves.

No. 2176468

this is true too. i noticed a lot of moids in particular will always throw "bpd!!" at a woman who is slightly more emotional than the average person. i think letting mental health be mainstream isn't inherently abad thing if it encourages people to get help, but then i notice those with bpd/eds/stuff similar will find communities on like twitter where it's a hivemind and there is no focus on recovery or getting better
makes me wonder how much bpd/npd are misdiagnosed for each other or are comorbidites

No. 2176474

A lot of autistic women are misdiagnosed with BPD.

No. 2176494

I feel like there was a sizable amount of that but now every bippie and her grandma are claiming the 'tism just because they feel they can pull it off because a few autistic women have experienced a misdiagnosis.

No. 2176501

Don't forget the hordes of people claiming that everyone who is slightly rude or indifferent towards you is a NARCISSIST trying to LEECH ON YOUR GOOD VIBES kek. "Top 10 ways to instantly detect a narcissist" and then they either describe a cartoon villain or someone who is just kind of an asshole.
Probably. But, once you consider how difficult it is to get cluster bees to accept treatment compared with the success rates of behavioural therapy, it kinda makes me wonder if some of the patients actually just needed to learn better coping mechanisms for something else that was affecting their behaviour. That being said I am FAR from a professional so I can't really comment on this besides tinfoil.

No. 2176536

I'm really a stupid bitch because sometimes I come on here and whiteknight women and sperg about how they can do no wrong as if I didn't become this mentally ill because of a shitty woman.

No. 2176553

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No. 2176571

If it's your mom I relate kek better to be a women's wrongs activist than a self hating scrote lover, I think we got the good ending all things considered

No. 2176577

Birth control ad

No. 2176580

Idk if this will make you feel better but in my experience women who experience a lot of misogynistic oppression will often take it out on other women they see as being below them in the pecking order, so uplifting all women should alleviate this somewhat. This is what I tell myself as an eternal pickme punching bag.

No. 2176586

Kekkk nona I completely understand. I just innately hate the men who did me wrong a million times more.

No. 2176588

>umm misogyny is why women shouldn’t take accountability for their actions
ntayart you sound retarded as fuck

No. 2176601

My homework is to make a meme targeted at teens to educate them about COVID 19 and social distancing. It's 2024, how is this even relevant? And being assigned "meme creating" as homework makes me want to die. Can't I just write a research paper instead of having a "fun" assignment like this?

No. 2176609

That’s not what I said. I said that kicking an asshole makes them an angrier asshole who will then turn around and kick someone smaller.

No. 2176618

yeah but what does that have to do with anything, why isn’t she allowed to be angry at her shitty mom

No. 2176640

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The only BPD person I’ve seen actually put effort into getting better made a comic about just that. Large toxic mental health circles just become an enabling circlejerk because it feels better to feel like everyone else is the problem.

No. 2176647

> These guys really need to cheer up
Kek that's exactly how I feel when I make the mistake of checking out "communities" with my disorder. I can't stand the constant self-pity and "THEY'LL BE REEEEALLY SORRY WHEN I KILL MYSELF" posts.

No. 2176658

Kinda related I know how you feel was sent pics and vids of me kayaking this past weekend and I have major moon face, pops from regular show tier, and my arms look huge. I didn't know it was that bad. I'm just disappointed in myself. I was coping that at least I'm ugly but I slimmed down and now I'm just fat and ugly as well. Major L will take months to undo to be regular ugly again

No. 2176672

Fuuuuckkkk I can't sleep

No. 2176721

Why does period basically make me at a barely functioning level I don't understand why does it make me low energy and retarded how am I supposed to get a job if I'm out of order 4 days a month, am I supposed to take speed on those days to function at base level wtf

No. 2176733

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Fuck I’m tired. How do people do this five days a week, every week?

No. 2176739

Just take midol with caffeine.

No. 2176742

I'm sooo fucking hungry. Decided to splurge and order food but it's taking so long. I contacted the restaurant and they said they're having a lot of orders so that's why mine is delayed but still, my stomach legit hurts.

No. 2176743

File: 1727131201514.png (35.42 KB, 275x199, 1717270454245.png)

My mom wants me to order her this radiation detox tea. I'm tired of her throwing money at this type of shit. She just spent money buying nicotine patches and gum. It adds up so fast because it's never just one thing, no, it's multiple. I want to break her tablet and force her off the internet.

No. 2176752

I remember being horrified in school when I found out that some tribes in Africa make women stay in a period hut during their menses. Then I thought about it. If you kit out the hut with some home comforts and sanitation I'd be absolutely happy to be excluded from society during my monthly bleed.

No. 2176755

The truth is that people want someone to judge and label as less than, no matter how "woke" they are. They use working class people as scapegoats because they see them all as evil, ignorant bigots, which means it's okay to hate them. To this type of people, all rich people are open-minded and kind, and all poor people are closed-minded and sociopathic.
That bothers me a lot. We as a demographic don't have anyone on our side.

No. 2176783

I don't know why I still use /mu/, the retarded fags there piss me off. They complain about no gf all the time, but are so hostile towards the women who like the same shit they do and accuse them of being posers. Not talking about myself, I don't go on there announcing I am a girl, but they regularly complain about pictures of random women in band shirts.

No. 2176790

I don't live in burger country sob

No. 2176795

I hate it so much. So much. so fucking much. I never thought working 5 days a week to barely manage rent would be a reality.

No. 2176797

We need period days for women. They should be allowed 3-4 days off a month for period. I can barely function. I almost got written up for being 'snarky' with a retarded male customer. I hope he dies

No. 2176799

Why did my mother have to die before the cozy game renaissance that is happening right now

No. 2176839

Same here and I hate every second of it. Is there a specific cause for your inability to fall asleep nonna? Or just random insomnia?

No. 2176848

What an awful day. Everyone's been so mean today, irl and here too.

No. 2176872

File: 1727135473177.gif (103.2 KB, 498x498, IMG_7654.gif)

Waiting for a friend or someone in my family to call me and say happy birthday. There’s still a few hours left in the day!

No. 2176873

Happy birthday!
People who get a lot of birthday messages are usually the ones who talk about it, if you didn't let anyone know, it's not surprising they don't know. It's not because they don't like you, it's just that memorizing all your friend's bdays is impossible. Do you know all of theirs by heart?

No. 2176875

happy birthday nonna

No. 2176889

File: 1727136033830.jpg (134.99 KB, 675x1200, 1000014045.jpg)

Wishing you the best right now, maybe you could commemorate her in some way in one of the games?
Sorry nona, I hope you wake up feeling better tomorrow and you're met with more kindness.
Not a friend or family member, but happy birthday! You three should treat yourself to some cake pops.

No. 2176893

File: 1727136171055.gif (62.01 KB, 200x172, piske-and-usagi.gif)

Happy birthday!

No. 2176900

File: 1727136462382.gif (1.42 MB, 435x500, happee birthdae.GIF)

Happy birthday nonita, remember to make a wish!
Shit now I’m craving cake pops so bad

No. 2176909

>maybe you could commemorate her in some way in one of the games?
Thank you, I don't know how to do it but I know she would have loved Tiny Glade and it makes me so sad…

No. 2176916

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Happy bday nonners!!

No. 2176922

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You nonas are my family today, thank you so much

No. 2176932

This time I'm really gonna do it

No. 2176934

I'm sorry for your loss. I miss my mother too. She died over 10 years ago and think she would have absolutely lived for the drama happening right now, especially for celebs. She also would have totally played the dead rising remaster with me.

No. 2176945

I hate myself so fucking much and everyone hates me too.

No. 2176962

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Guys we gotta break down the door and help her!!

No. 2176970

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I feel like my problem is that I take things at face value and that's why o have a hard time explaining myself, I also have been having issues with my speaking, i stumble over my own words, lately I've been kind of "Yoda speaking"? Which is weird because I've never did this before, like I say the secondary phrase or part of a sentence first and then the first part, like.
>oh yeah, to the mall, I went there
I don't get it, I didn't do this before, maybe it's because of the around 2 years I spent at home not going out at all? But it's weird, I would still speak with online friends, sure, it was in English and not Spanish but that's speaking too, isn't it?
And my social battery is so weird, aomet it's really, really low and I need to stay away from others and sometimes I'm okay and I can have fun.
The thing is, that even by text I have a hard time explaining what's going on in my head, which isn't much but still, and now my friend is getting mad at me because I have a hard time saying eloquent shit, it's like my brain shuts down and doesn't know how to respond at all.

No. 2176979

No you’re not dumb as

No. 2176997

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It's so hard to hear some people still have mothers when they hit 60…

No. 2177093

Why is there a rogue jannie being retarded? Just the way to end my day

No. 2177127

This sounds like a fake story and in very bad taste.

No. 2177142

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Had a miserable day at work, management asked me to stay late making it a 12hr shift (that I don't get overtime for), I really wanted to get food and work on a project or watch a movie to relax. But I'm so tired I've just been staring at the ceiling for an hour. Maybe I'll have a nice dream at least. Good night.

No. 2177160

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ntayrt but I’m also a member of the dead parent club. I’m still in my 20’s and am the only one in my age range who has gone through this irl. I’m really bitter that people around me can celebrate life milestones with their entire family because they’re still alive. It’s really hard and I don’t think it will ever stop being hard, but there will be days where it’s easier too. They loved you and no amount of time passing will ever change that nona

No. 2177161

I've been so tired and busy recently I didn't study enough for my grad class and I feel so embarrassed submitting my half done homework. But I wasted time cause I was so tired instead of studying.

No. 2177164

Yes one of them deleted my post for no reason. I was just sharing my hopes and dreams on it. Thanks for ruining my day janny

No. 2177237

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Another night I'll be spending crying due to not having just been born a more normal person. Instead, my family thinks I'm a lazy, unmotivated piece of shit. It feels very bad seeming so high functioning.

No. 2177286

Been less than 24 hours and my period is already kicking my ass so bad. I just wanted to get things done this week.

No. 2177301

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Oh fuck right off

No. 2177305

>She still doesn't know how to pirate

No. 2177307

Movieboxpro time!!

No. 2177310

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Arr anon, go to the piracy subreddit and check their megathread. They have a whole list of trusted streaming sites for movie and tv shows. Scroll to the streaming section, the ones with the goat emoji next to it are the best ones. I've been using braflix and nunflix.

No. 2177317

Samefag but make sure you have an adblocker like UBlock

No. 2177349

I always feel like I’m going to throw up. Just always feeling uneasy

No. 2177355

I'm so tired, both mentally and physically. I barely slept last night because of stress and I'd love to just spend some time sleeping in and relaxing by myself but I have to travel today and spending 12 hours at airports and train stations while being on my period is the last way I want to spend my time off. I can't wait until this week is over so I can come back home again and finally get some time for myself.

No. 2177391

I don't know why but I'm having serious problems sleeping. Even if I do sleep it's for a few hours every few days. I'm so sleep deprived I've started having auditory hallucinations.

No. 2177399

My legs and feet are hot and I can't sleep

No. 2177404

My mother loves me but I don't think she actually likes me, if that makes sense

No. 2177414

I was forced to make an instagram after many years without one to survive socially and academically at my new university. I nuked everything on my previous one from high school years ago, and quit social media since. With this new one, I used it for a few weeks to follow people from my new university, the campus accounts for updates and events, and so on. Then for some fucking reason today the algorithm caught wind of who I was, and blasted me with suggestions of dozens of people from my past and high school, and I nearly had a full on panic attack because half of these people contributed to my mental illness and bullying, and I hadn’t spoken to in years. For fuck’s sake. Forget it, I don’t wanna use this shit anymore. Even just seeing their names and blurry icons made my stomach drop. I want to be dead to these people, and I don’t want them to know I’m alive either. Hell, I don’t want to know that they’re alive either. I had put all that behind me. I don’t wanna think about how they might be happy or successful or whatever now. I had forgotten about most of them. I only made one of these stupid things so I could join a study group, and instead got hit with a bout of such severe panic I haven’t felt in some time. I think I tinkered with settings correctly so they shouldn’t be recommended me, but I hate feeling like this. Why the fuck is social media so important to existing in social settings, why the fuck do I have to feel like this about people from my past, ugh.

No. 2177426

i'm lost, is this for a college level gen ed course or something?

No. 2177442

Nonnas, I'm crying. I merged in front of a moid today. He flipped me off. I flipped him off back and kept driving.
He shows up next to me on a completely different freeway 10 minutes alter and throws a drink at me! I managed to throw one back.
I keep driving and he pulls up to me AGAIN on ANOTHER freeway and THROWS A DRINK AT ME AGAIN.
I'm livid. This time he tries driving away, even getting off the freeway. I hit his car with two of my canteens and a gallon jar but didn't wet him back because I was behind him.
I'm so embarrassed and depressed and want to fucking kill myself. He got away.
Nonnies, can you all please collectively pray for the death of this moid with me? That he pisses off the wrong person and gets shot- or drives into a brick wall and bursts his stupid 4 door jeep like car into instant flames while he flails inside unable to get out? Please?

No. 2177453

this is some looney tunes shit

No. 2177457

how do you even throw a drink from a car on the free way kek but if this is true you need better anger management skills nona. yes that scrote is annoying but you would've had a higher chance getting the last laugh by letting him throw the drink then reporting him for harassment or property damages or something

No. 2177463

i feel like such a retard because I was born with such privilege yet wasted it by being mentally ill. two parent household, both parents have high income jobs, no violence, i'm physically healthy, able-bodied etc… every opportunity was handed to me to lead a normal life. yet what do i do once puberty hits? develop mental disorders that i have followed me into my 20s. i thought i was getting better because this past year has been really positive for me. i lost weight, made new close friends and started to put myself out there more. but this month everything just hit me at once. anxiety, depression, eating issues… i really feel like i will never be completely normal and free from all of this. and all of these issues are literally made up. i don't have to worry about not being able to eat my next meal or afford a roof over my head. instead i'm worried about being fat and ugly and not having friends. it's pathetic.

No. 2177464

Anon wtf don't ever escalate road rage situations, it's extremely dangerous. Don't even flip people off let alone throw shit at their car. You never know how psycho a man might be, he could've followed you, he could've had a gun, he could decide to run you off the road, people die like that. It's not worth it. You should be less embarrassed about him getting away and more worried about your temperament on the road, focus on cultivating as much chill and patience as you can while driving.

No. 2177474

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>start uni
>my therapist wants me to do this! I will challenge my severe social anxiety and depression!
>skulk around not talking to anyone and looking at the ground, terrified 24/7
>some people tried talking to me in the beginning but they started to realize I'm a complete sperg weirdo , especially in groups

I don't know why I expect things to be different when I keep doing the same thing. I'm so socially behind and afraid that I'm not in a state to even begin socializing. I can barely go outside without anxiety, as soon as another person is in my vicinity I become so anxious I forget how to walk
I'm so disappointed in myself for doing this for my entire life, I'm letting my therapist down and I've cemented my status as the tragic autist with a school shooter vibe
It doesn't even matter that my school and class has a lot of weirdos - I always, without fail, feel that I'm the most unlikable and socially stunted person in the group
Is it even possible to come back from the amount of bullying, parental neglect and growing up isolated that I've experienced? I'm an autist to begin with but I feel like life just fucked me, irreparably, and I am not capable of existing with other people. At all. And yet, I feel extremely sad about this, so I want it to change - but when I am put in any social situation, but ESPECIALLY groups in a school setting, I just freeze and play dead and go mute
I'm so sad my life is like this. I'm almost 30 and I'm a terrified 8-year-old still

No. 2177482

This is probably worth seeing a doctor about, if you can. In the mean time, maybe try taking a couple of tylenol PMs? Don't take more than two, those things knock me out for 14 hours.

No. 2177483

Damn I meant to respond to this one >>2177391

No. 2177490

i used to be 100% exactly that way, hated socializing, being in groups, talking etc. it got better. you probably think me getting better means i'm inherently less spergy, and maybe you're right, but i bet you could do it too, it just takes time. i fought the urge to put my head down until it got slightly easier, i pretended i didn't cringe when talking, i tricked and gaslit myself into becoming more confident. most important part: listen to people, be attentive, get interested. if you still don't gaf about them go find someone else.

No. 2177519

Gained 8kg and losing it is so fucking slow. I refuse to buy any clothes for this temporary fat body but I keep wearing the same 2 outfits over and over kek. Hope no one notices. I hate going out. I want to lose it all asap, but I never want to go down the anachan route and lose what little muscle I have.

No. 2177530

>I keep wearing the same 2 outfits over and over kek. Hope no one notices.
Don't worry. I intentionally do this and no one cares. I think the only people who care are consoomers who tie their clothes to their identity.

No. 2177532

I want to be euthanized

No. 2177544

My day was so frustrating jesus fucking christ I am going to shower and think of my waifu to go to sleep. And I'll be busy in the morning and can't sleep in

No. 2177581

I think women who get lip filler or ha are literally mentally ill. That shit looks so nasty, I am fucking shocked when I see young girls ruining their faces like that
And the most hilarious part is that THEY THINK IT LOOKS GOOD.
Duck lips make a face 1000x punchable.
It's disgusting nonnas,I am beyond repulsed by this.

No. 2177597

So do I and if it meant I have to give them permission to livestream it or let them record the process so I can have it done for free then so be it.

No. 2177623

my boyfriend and i just broke up. what do i do

No. 2177627

Celebrate the weight off your shoulders and enjoy your new freedom.

No. 2177647

fat fat fattie

No. 2177648

I fucked up my life is over

No. 2177649

t. me who ate too much sweets yesterday

No. 2177654

WHEN will the boxy trend end? I'm trying to find a jacket that is cut to shape but everything is baggy, baggy, baggy, either straight or cinched with a belt. They look like shit on me!

No. 2177665

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No. 2177722

My art sucks

No. 2177736

It will get better, you need to keep practicing and lower your expectations. The improvement happens even if you don't notice it.

No. 2177738

thank you, seriously. I'm trying to improve by studying another artist and the insane talent of some people is demoralizing

No. 2177748

>be me in 2020, i was 17
>getting groomed by a pedo since 15
>get taken from my home by cps because of neglectful parents
>get leukemia, as if all that wasn't enough
>have trauma from it all
>during my hospitalization i make a new online friend
>she's a little older and from another country
>she's had sexual trauma since age 4 and yet
>she was always strong, ambitious, resilient and had a heart of gold
>she convinced me to leave my groomer and helped me emotionally recover from everything
>she saved me from suicide twice
>always was there for me and we were best friends
>fast-forward to now
>have several unopened messages from her
>don't open them out of lazyness
>open them 3 hrs later, turns out she overdosed 2 days ago, slept 2 days and then overdosed again today
>call police in her country but i only have her name, village and number, not her address
All i can do is wait now. She hasn't contacted me back and it's been 4 hours. She could be dead right now, what makes me scared is that I took way too long to answer her and police will take a long time to find her, and in such situations every second counts. The worst thing is that she overdosed because her fiancé cheated on her. The strongest woman I know might be gone because of a man. I want him dead

No. 2177749

>the insane talent of some people is demoralizing
It's how i feel when i see artists my age or younger draw better or faster than me. Especially people like Yaelokre who seem to do it effortlessly

No. 2177759

call them again and ask for an update right now. if they haven’t found her yet, freak out at them. make sure they take this seriously. do you have any contact information of her family or other friends. or know their names to try and find social media or a phone number? this is the first post on here that has moved me to tears and i will lose my mind if they do not take this seriously enough and the world loses that woman. i’m so sorry nona. i wish i could give you a hug, female friendships like that are so rare and i’m so happy you’ve had such an amazing friend in your life after you’ve experienced all of that. i lost my her. i don’t want this to happen to you. it’s not fair.

No. 2177760

That’s ok.

No. 2177772

Just discovered that my piece of shit ex gf has a new crush (possibly relationship). She only ever came to me to ask for favours after breaking up and recently used me and my friends to get votes on a cosplay competition (which we were all participating in). Said she wanted to meet up at the con, etc.

I feel extremely angry and I don't know why. I guess that must be because she dropped me like I was nothing and just kept using me afterwards and I was too stupid to really notice. Doesn't help that deep down I probably still lowkey like her.

Now she got a brand new toy to mess with, meanwhile I've been single ever since. Doesn't feel fair, I guess.

No. 2177774

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I've been taking antidepressants for a few months and my doctor prescribed me a higher dosage that I will start taking in a few days. I feel strangely excited about it. Am I a drug addict now? I'm kind of scared.

No. 2177780

I absolutely hate with an unlimited amount of hatred people who put zero effort in a friendship, not talk or even send a message and then say things like "I always think well of you" or send bullshit meme reels that say shit like "that one friend you can not talk to for months and when you meet up it's like you never spent time apart" or something, while being explicitly told that I want to meet up multiple times and not giving a fuck and also spending time with other people. The expectation of being on good terms with someone even though you put absolutely zero effort for it to be so is so disgusting. And when you confront them about it it's always some bs excuse like I have autism. They even invented some shit called "pebbling" and try to shill it as a cute way of keeping in touch by spamming someone with reels instead of asking what's up or seeing eachother in real life because they are too lazy. It's so disgusting and I hope people who do this have lose all friends and have no one to talk to when they need it the most.

No. 2177784

This is what people have done to me my whole life. I'm constantly being sent memes or songs. When I feel the desire to have someone genuinely close to me and fully invested in my life. It's incredibly distant.

In my case. Everyone's been doing this to me.

No. 2177785

they used to call that bread crumbing and it wasn’t uwu socially acceptable for overwhelmed people who need boundaries and self care and to not perform emotional labor. it’s one thing to be distant friends. but yeah sending you reels being cutesy about being a flake to the friend you are flaking on is insane. i would do something passive aggressive like act confused about why they sent the reel as if they sent it to you in a bad way to make fun of like “ugh i know aren’t those people the worst that reminds me of so and so..”

No. 2177787

I don't make eye contact but my psychologist insist I make unprompted convos with others and socialise when I could as well avoid it's so annoying omg

No. 2177799


I normally don't wish anything bad on other people but I've been on the receiving end of this bullshit so many times that I hope they get what they give. I've always been an accomodating person who is fun to be around and this has made me into an interaction starved demon who is always looking for 15 interesting activities just to secure some time together with people who are nowhere as fun or interesting to be with and ruin the vibe with their constricted behavior, drama or some other bullshit like not being able to have a normal conversation or watching fucking tiktoks in the middle of an interaction for no good reason. One girl literally stopped listening to what I was saying to her and launched fucking genshin impact in the middle of the conversation when we would meet less than once every 3 months. Then said its because of adhd. Help me god

No. 2177814

Looking for advice. Posting here because I like it better than /g/.

I'm in my first year in uni, commuting two hours away from my home, for a degree I love.
In the other hand, I have the chance to switch and start next semester in a local university, with a program I like less. Both have 20 to 25hr/week programs.
One factor is that I hate my hometown and I know for a fact I will cross paths with some pest scrotetard I hate who go there (misogynistic and full of sex lies about me.) It's not a big uni and my hometown is quite small, so word does get around, since people are like this here, even at 40, they're all useless gossipers.
I'm shy and I want to make friends who have common interests and I plan on moving away from here anyways. Should I take the bullet for 5 years and endure a 4hs/day trip every day for a college experience I like more? Or try to graduate with better grades and more easily, given more time to study? I'm a STEM student and I need all the time I can get to study.

No. 2177818

I can't focus on anything. All of my thoughts are all over the place. I'm starting to believe that I might be intellectually impaired. I can read any kind of text or understand any sort of information. My level of comprehension is incredibly high. Then I turn into a jellyfish. I can't reproduce the information and my stream of consciousness is disrupted. To the point where it is impossible to hold a coherent conversation with anybody.

No. 2177820

Rent a room closer to the uni you study the thing you love, obviously.

Microdose magic mushrooms, supplement other mushrooms like lions mane extract

No. 2177825

I cant afford it, otherwise I would have done that already. The options I have switching or commuting.

No. 2177828

I think it would be a waste to resign from something you love but idk how you would deal with the commute. Some people adapt to it pretty well. You can always use the time to study, watch stuff or play games. It's not worth going to a uni you dont like just because the commute is shorter imo. And you could eventually figure out a way to move closer like making a friend that you can rent a place together etc.

No. 2177831

I’m so flawed in so many ways. I’ve only recently becoming truly self aware but the effort I have to put into fixing myself is so daunting it just makes my head spin

No. 2177832

I did nona. I tried shrooms. ADHD meds. Antidepressants. I tried everything. There's something wrong with me that can't be fixed

No. 2177837

I know the feeling. You can improve. Just take one day at a time. You know where you want to go that's good. Do some breathwork sessions on youtube to reduce feeling overwhelmed.

Sorry to hear that but don't give into the thought you can't be fixed. Self talk is a powerful thing. If you keep convincing yourself nothing works, it really won't. Try learning tai chi forms start with 8 and 24, they improve memory greatly. Give yourself enough time and affirm that you are improving every day by talking to yourself in the mirror and write in a journal by hand (typing is not good for this and doesn't have as many beneficial effects)

No. 2177840

Ok but this time I'm really gonna do it

No. 2177843

You're excited about the prospect of feeling better. I felt that too when I was adjusting my pills

No. 2177846

I feel so goddamn exhausted all the time. The worst part is, I can't tell if it's mental or physical? I've probably got every test done under the sun, plenty of tests done for my heart, blood tests, CT scans and MRIs of my chest, abdomen, and pelvis, etc, there is absolutely nothing wrong with me. Yet I'm so fucking tired all the time. I drink a small cup of coffee in the morning because it gives me some energy (and happiness, I feel truly happy when I have the energy to do things) but it also leaves me feeling more tired when it wears off. I'm so sleepy, detached, and numb all the time and it sucks. Not having energy to do things, yet not being able to sleep the day away, is one of the worst feelings in the world.

I'm fit (but still at a healthy body fat), I eat well, I workout, and it's actually depressing that there are severely overweight people and old people who have more energy than me.

No. 2177847

thank you nonna I’ll try breathe slower

No. 2177858


I'm sorry to hear that, it seems your nervous system was in overdrive for a long time, this is a natural reaction to long term stress from what I found out from having similar experiences. Try the video I'm posting for a few days and see if there's an improvement. It helped me a lot when I had similar issues.
I also heard that you should delay coffee until 90 minutes after waking up to not crash later on. Going out in the sun in the morning also helps.


No. 2177869

I'm so tired

No. 2177871

I've had a few dates with a man and I really enjoy his company so far but he wears the ugliest clothes. He's good looking but his style makes him look so unattractive. I don't want to dump him for such a dumb reason, but it really turns me off. Why can't most moids dress themselves properly?

No. 2177874

You can fix him nona

No. 2177876

>parents found a possible car to buy that's over 300 miles away in total
>make a comment saying that's pretty far, ask if they're going to use my car for that
>they act shocked and offended over me being reluctant to drive that far away
After everything they've done for me, I'm so rude for showing hesitation and speaking up for myself once for having to drive so far away to possibly buy a used car. You can find plenty of cars in-state, and we even bookmarked some. I forgot my role of being a subservient daughter who doesn't question their decisions. They can use my car, I only wish it wasn't such a far away drive.

No. 2177891

see >>2177858 we all can change

No. 2177892

Our breakup was months ago but I’m still so mad at my ex’s friends for playing a way bigger role in the break up between my ex girlfriend and I than she, or they, even realized. The fact that she’s too much of a people pleaser and relies so much for emotional validation from her friends makes her blind to it, and I feel like I never got the apologies I deserved for having my first real relationship ruined.

No. 2177914

I keep being scammed out of my money all the time but I don't want to fight it because of how non-confrontantional I am and how exhausting it is dealing with shitty customer service. I found fraudalent transcactions on my credit card the other day so I cancelled it and got a new one with expedited shipping which the rep told me would be free. I come to find out now I've been charged $20 for the shipping anyway. Don't want to push this because I know it's going to only cause me additional headaches with how incompetent they are. Plus I already said "Fuck it" and paid the balance.

In addition, it looks like I was scammed out of my money from the store I bought my couch from too. It was supposed to come with a free ottoman, but I told them in the store I didn't need it. I come to find out they not only included it anyway but also charged it, so I had to tell them again I didn't want it and asked for my money back. They said something about how if I cancelled it I wouldn't get my money back because something something protection for it was included so it would still make the total come out the same. I don't know what that was about but the protection ended up being cancelled anyway once the ottoman was removed. This put me out of $300 but I don't want to fight this either because of knowing the additional problems it would cause me. I'm sick and tired.

No. 2177926

>classmate I'm good friends with is very likely to get an internship at a company
>the one I was supposed to be at fell through at the last minute so he told me to send an application
>I had the interview yesterday and I think it went fine, I made sure to mention that classmate and I have done quite a few projects together and that we communicate well
>other classmate I'm also very good friends with asks me if it's fine if she also applies for the company
>girl you have literally no need to ask for my permission, go ahead and do it
>she has an interview tomorrow
>both her and the other classmates are convinced I'm going to be the one doing the internship with either of them and are super excited over the thought
>I don't really care
>I just want to land this fucking internship
>their excitement at the thought of doing it together with me is really cute tho

No. 2177956

I'm almost 30 and I still don't know how to regulate my emotions, I just avoid them because if I try to face them they quickly turn to anger. I'm tired of being like this, and that's just one of many reasons I feel like I can't function like a normal adult human even though I try so much and want it so much. What is wrong with me? Could I have autism or something?

No. 2177963

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Can you give an example of a situation where your emotions are difficult to regulate?

No. 2177972

Could simply be related to some sort of trauma, I recommend you look into DBT. I had been struggling with regulating my emotions and extreme thinking all my life* until I did DBT and now I'm practically the most well-functioning adult among most of my peers. It's a great way to develop the tools you need and how to handle stressful situations in healthy manners so I recommend it. I wouldn't say anything is wrong with you, you are just missing the knowledge in how to analyze and deal with extreme emotions.
to the point I was misdiagnosed with bpd, until I finally got to meet professionals specializing in bpd and they pretty much went "nah mate, you're just regularly fucked up", patted me on the bum and let me do their dbt program anyway out of pity

No. 2177983

helps a lot with regulating emotions! Or other types of breathwork (the guy has a lot of different ones in the channel but there are other channels if you don't like him or he triggers you). I also had to learn how to regulate emotions at 30+. I know it's hard and can make you feel retarded. It's a skill that is acquired over time. Doing breathwork, yoga and weight lifting daily has helped me so much, it took me a couple of years but it's definitely worth the effort, now I am calm most of the time, even before my period and I used to have extreme mood swings in the past. There is nothing wrong with you. You probably just didn't have a good role model to learn it from.

No. 2177987

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Tfw I'm an actual bisexual woman who has never dated a man and has no desire to do so, is exclusively only attracted to women and has only dated women too but yet all thanks to the bihets and fakebians every time I try approaching an actual lesbian I get judged like crazy the second I announce my sexuality. Not like I blame them but please I'm so sick of the bihets too, every bisexual woman I tried starting something with ditched me for some dick which almost made me go crazy. Even my ex gf secretly cheated on me twice to fuck a moid while I was making heart eyes at her. I'd never call myself a lesbian because it feels vile to say you are one despite having an attraction to moids but the posers have ruined bisexuality forever I cannot take it anymore nonnas!!!!!! I just want to date, love and fuck a woman who's also genuinely only interested in women

No. 2178000

Men in the workplace who make shit up to get women fired (and it’s always an ego thing the guy won’t admit) deserve to burn.

No. 2178005

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Something is consuming me and taking my life away from me. I'm going to be stuck like this forever. At this point. The whole world has taken everything that I had left away from me. I do not wish this upon anybody.

No. 2178009

When I feel I'm being criticised, when I feel embarrassed, when I feel something is unfair, when I am sad etc.. as a kid I'd freak out and start screaming and throwing shit over the smallest things and in front of everyone and anyone. Now it doesn't happen often but as I said it's because I avoid the feelings, if I try to deal with them I can't control myself. It only happens in front of my partner because we live together and I can't always run away. I'm afraid it's going to ruin our relationship, he's actually scared of me and feels he has to walk on eggshells. I hate myself for that because my own ex put me through the same shit.
I've never heard of that, I've done CBT for OCD, is it similar? I have to look into that. But yes, you're probably right it could be related to trauma. I grew up in a household with a lot of screaming and shouting and being "disciplined" with spanking and violence. My siblings turned out normal but I have other mental issues and my first serious relationship was with a mentally abusive and probably narcissistic guy, so maybe that's why I wasn't so lucky.
It's difficult for me to follow instructions while being relaxed because I'm deaf/HoH and need subtitles lol but thank you. It makes me hopeful to hear you've managed and that I can still change myself. I recently signed up for a workout class for women, I was supposed to go today but my face was swollen and my head pounding from my recent anger outburst so… Lol. Next time. I've been thinking of talking to my doctor too but I feel like I've spent all my youth being diagnosed and undiagnosed, going in and out of psych and I'm just dreading the thought of doing it all again, but I still have so many issues to deal with, so it's probably for the best. I need to figure out the best tools to deal with this before I ruin everything for myself.

No. 2178022

This is a really minuscule thing to be upset about but my boyfriend was just talking to me like I was so dumb. He was talking about putting up thin slatwalls in the kitchen, and said he was worried about it looking too modern. And I said modern? I’d be worried about it looking too dated. He said it was a trendy, new thing and hadn’t been around for a long time. I disagreed, and said I had seen it all my life growing up in the south. I’ve seen it in plenty of southern homes, specifically poor southern homes and trailers. That’s why it looks outdated to me.
He just couldn’t accept that was true. He said I hadn’t seen this style before, of thin boards with spacing in between. No matter what I said he just refused to believe that was true. Then he finally ended the conversation by saying “Ok I believe you” and when I said “No you don’t I can tell” he said “I believe that at some point you have seen a VERSION of this, but not this exactly”. I don’t know why that upset me so much it just felt like he was speaking down to me, as if I knew less than he did. So rude

No. 2178032

I don't think that's miniscule, that would piss me off so much. But I'm also the anger anon from above so idk

No. 2178060

So your boyfriend can't admit when he's wrong even for the most trivial shit. These types annoy me.

No. 2178077

I haven't done CBT so I don't know if it's anything similar (however I have heard of people having done both to deal with different types of issues). But in my experience we had group therapy with home assignments that focused only on the emotional regulation, combined with individual therapy sessions where you work through your trauma and building up your self-worth. If it sounds like something for you then you should definitely look into it!

No. 2178079

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I don't wish my life upon anyone on this planet.

No. 2178100

GOD I wish people stopped using someone's appearance to decide whether theyre good or bad

No. 2178107


No. 2178109

spotting for a week, thought it was from ovulation at first, but it never really stopped. Now I'm getting my period (on time). I had first divorce hearing last week so that's probably why.

Now my ex is unleashing holy terror and threats and I don't understand exactly how the process here (EU) works and why he's allowed to do this shit. He was pronounced 100% guilty at the hearing (he didn't even attend it).

I talked about this situation in the spring, it involves domestic abuse, identity theft, fraud, and severe financial abuse. I have the top divorce lawyer in the country (financed by a loan) but jesus christ I still don't even understand why there was no clear instructions from the judge to stop fucking with basic needs in my life.

I need to apply to more jobs but today I'm just fucking dead. Cramping, depressed, exhausted. I work all the time, either on the case (did all the calculations and money tracing myself to avoid extra costs), on figuring out all the shit he did, on applications, on therapy, and sometimes on my doctoral dissertation, which is overdue but tbh I will raise hell if the university tries to give me problems about it. I have a lot of documentation about what I'm going through and my work is good.

I hate that he can still make me feel so afraid even from thousands of miles away. I hope he spends the rest of his life slaving away to pay, he's a useless abuser and pervert rapist who is now trying to make me lose my right to live here. It's hard to stay calm even though I have been consulting with women's organizations to help (I stayed in a DV shelter for awhile). it is all so exhausting. His family must not give one fuck about me. Mommy gives him everything he wants.

No. 2178136

I would put this in the things you hate thread but it would get too venty and personal for it, so I'm posting here to get it off my chest.
I hate having a family. I hate having parents and siblings, especially when I'm the elder. I hate being alive and human all together. I wish none of this happened to me, because it's truly the worst thing to ever happen to anyone. People who say they want a family don't know what they're talking about at all. Nothing pisses me off more than someone who's all like "I want to get married and have kids and a big family" because it will probably result in someone like me being created, and suffering all the consequences. Sorry this is too vague but the details are too retarded and specific to be mentioned. I'm just really angry and upset at it all and how things have accumulated in my life, I wish it never came to this. This will be my life from now on, it will be wasted, as if it wasn't already wasted. I want to do something horrible.

No. 2178160

I was having a wet dream this morning. In my dream I was masturbating, literally on the verge of having an irl orgasm, when my phone notification woke me up from my friend texting me saying how she needed to rant and then didn't even text me the rant until a whole ass hour later. God fuckin damn it

No. 2178202

this convo i’m overhearing between my coworker and my husband is pissing me off. obviously she doesn’t want to cook your spoiled brat his chicken nuggies and spaghetti after a long day at work just agree to the pb&j and sliced carrots and shut the fuck up

No. 2178204

Straight women bring it upon themselves.

No. 2178220

"I hate being poor" no you don't you hate making dumb decisions and not managing your money properly. You're fucking salaried with a planned baby on the way, don't fucking talk to me about being poor. What am I even supposed to say?

No. 2178222

>I don't understand exactly how the process here (EU) works and why he's allowed to do this shit
court systems are truly antiquated and easily weaponized by abusive men to terrorize their female partners. look at the french court terrorizing gisele pelicot. men never cared about women being abused and it's mostly women working in domestic abuse that have lead to improvements for abused women.

No. 2178233

How come someone can just lie to your face
How can they just mistreat you and forget all about it
call you ugly because you're not his taste of porn of the week, then blame you for not interpreting him calling you ugly the right way
sending you porn, then blaming you for not being someone he can "confide" into and for not interpreting it as a call for help
pretend he is allowed to do anything to you since his dad is richer than yours (what kind of achievement is that supposed to be when his dad beats him up and kicks him out?????)
threaten to contact your family with your nudes, but oh you should have known he wasn't going to do it
now you're not sending anything anymore and you're not trustful in the bedroom. How come!! Well he's sexually frustrated now. Better go watch porn, more fun!
insist he'll go on and try finding a "replacement" for you, then oh but you shouldve read through it as him trying to catch your attention
no, hes never bad, oh nonooo, you're just misunderstanding! you're paranoid!!!
and oooohh he's such a victim! everyone's abandoning him! poor little thing!
how can someone just lie to your face like that over and over, it's beyond me
I've never met someone this awful and hopefully never will again
I wasted my time, I wasted my first times, I wasted my hopes, now I'm jaded, disillusioned, disgusted, resentful
May this hatred fuel me to become a better person
If it simply does its job keeping me away from this loser, it'll be good enough
how did i take so much shit
i fucking hate you and it's all deserved,not that you care, you just want someone to advise you on how to pass as normal

No. 2178239

NTA but who the fuck cares about what happens to men? Keekkkk what

No. 2178241

I'm so confused, why would your coworker be cooking for your husband's child?

No. 2178243

its some bored scrote baiting, report and ignore

No. 2178247

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No. 2178248

Do you mean her husband anon? Kek

No. 2178252

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I’ve become way more angry than my body can take. This amount of seething exceeds the amount of stress your body should have. I’m tired of going everywhere and not being able to say what I want without censorship, moderation and alteration. In my real life it’s like all of the words that have been bottled up inside of me are rising to the surface and I can’t stop it anymore. Things that used to make me feel better don’t anymore, they’re just empty distractions, even walking and physical activity doesn’t get rid of this suppression and rage I feel practically every day.

No. 2178256

I can't fucking stand people who have no table manners. Moaning/groaning into your food while you're making out with it, slapping your tongue on the roof of your mouth and chewing with your mouth open allowing your rancid breath to air out is why you're 250lbs with bad knees. Muh anemia, muh medication, muh ass. Treating a soggy donut like it's your husband's unshaven, unwashed asshole is trashy. At least do this nasty shit in private and stop molesting my damn senses.

No. 2178262

>unshaven, unwashed asshole
I read this while I was eating, gross

No. 2178263

Me @ my cat.

No. 2178265

One time I saw my sister tickle her boyfriend’s dick (albeit through his pants) under the table and I still haven’t fully processed it
Nona this gave me a good chuckle and I relate as a cat owner

No. 2178272

I feel this deeeeeepp

No. 2178273

I thought my parents smacking/loud chewing and heavy breathing while eating was bad enough, God damn.

No. 2178292

I wanna gamble lol, I'm such a dumbass but it's such quick money

No. 2178296

Worst is when they don't stop to breathe or when they don't even chew and just straight up swallow their food, barn animals

No. 2178305

i started playing a kids game i really loved when i was younger and it's making regret joining tumblr as a twelve year old so bad. i joined for the fandom and to make friends because nobody i knew irl cared about this game and all joining tumblr did was make me horrifically anxious and otherwise mentally insane. granted i definitely did some things that were a little off-colour because, yknow, being a literal child and having undiagnosed autism, but still… i was fucking twelve?? being harassed and blamed for stuff that didn't i didn't even do????? most of these people were in their late teens as well… i made some good friends there at least and am tempted to go back given that most of the people involved are long gone from the game but i still feel weird about it all to this day as an adult, especially since the last time i had a sideblog for this game ppl tried to accuse me of stalking. idek if its worth it but i want a place to talk about that game again and maybe make friends my own age

No. 2178419

Need more information. Do you mean that he-
(A) Just doesn't know anything about clothes and dresses like a randomized sim?
(B) Purposefully follows an extremely ugly fashion trend?

Problem A is common among men, and can often be remedied. Problem B is more challenging.

No. 2178432

ntayrt, but I know one woman who has been through DBT. It's not a drug, it stands for Dialectical Behavior Therapy. It's a particular type of therapy designed to help people regulate the severity of their emotions. It was originally created for people with BPD, but they have since branched out to using it for different type of people suffering from emotional dysregulation.

No. 2178438

same.. I'm having my first period in 5 months and it's not fun. the cramps are like in my vagina too. it's weird

No. 2178439

ntayrt but holy fuck are we the same person? having mine for the first time in 3 months and it’s extra extra bad. hang in there nonna it’ll pass. is it PCOS?

No. 2178478


No. 2178486

same here nonny i hate my family and being alive

No. 2178504

Stop being an immature brat and speak up if I angered you. Youre almost thirty years old, learn to communicate. This is why you're still single.

No. 2178545

Me too. I understand your rage..

No. 2178581

I feel this. My families is full of narcissistic assholes, none of which care for me except for my narcissistic mother (and not in a good way, mind you). Yet at the same time they are the only and last people that would ever even try to care. I don't really have any friends left. Once they're gone I will be 1000000% alone in the world. If its like this for you too nona then it may be worth it to at least have a semblance of comunication open.

No. 2178596

Yes, even though I was never officially diagnosed the doctor told me I "probably" have PCOS, I also have some facial hair and other symptoms. I also have thyroid problems. It sucks

No. 2178601

i guess i am still prone to feeling lonely every so often. tonight it came back particularly hard due to some new life adjustments. what is not new is that i go to university online, have a long term long distance boyfriend i visit every couple of months, and do side work from home or clients homes. simply put i am very isolated, but have been this way for most of my life. i do things to get out so that is not the problem, and although i wish i had friends i find it very hard to relate to them. many girls in their early 20s have full time jobs, live on their own or with a partner, have children, or they party. the people i could maybe find like me are just as hidden as i am. i know. icant be so picky, but i also dont know how id meet someone. and it seems the only time this bothers me is when i let it, when i think of societys standards, when i begin to feel ashamed. but when i dont think of any of that, and i focus on my animals and family, when i do little things during my off periods and keep busy im just so grateful and content, and the lonely feelings almost never come around. oh, tonight its just hard. i just feel really ashamed to be living at home, to be friendless, to be so isolated and shy. i check lc for an hour a day just to feel as though i have a community and to catch up on events going on in the world or online. but if it werent for the comparison to societys standards i wouldnt feel this shame sometimes. i get to cook and garden and clean the home as my rent payment and read and have hobbies and go places and i work and go to uni, its just unconventional, thats all. but i probably should learn to speak up a bit more for myself and build more self esteem.

No. 2178630

I don't think it's standards or comparison.
I think it's an unhealthy way of living that's been normalised by the covid lockdowns.

No. 2178634

nta but i knew this was gonna be Isolation
luv u nonnie great taste

No. 2178638

but i cant afford to attend school in person and my jobs pay very very well, if i did something in person id get paid minimum wage for more stress? so what is the solution?

No. 2178646

just lost all feeling and attraction to my bf

No. 2178687

What happened, anona?

No. 2178701

I can feel it. I can feel every manipulate move I make in an emotional fear of abandonment display happening I can watch it all happen in front of my eyes and I hear the words I say and I just can't stop it it feels like the only way for the other party to see my point of view, if I browbeat them in a fit of emotion they'll understand it. This must be what being possessed by a demon must be like I genuinely must be evil or something. It's only after it happens can I have actual, grown up conversations. That is when I can finally conduct myself like a human being. I don't know how to stop it. I'm so irritable that everything feels like effort, I go along with everything because I have no clue what is good for me and what is bad for me because it all requires the same amount of effort. I always think I'm so sensitive and things aren't such a big deal because I didn't like this other thing but in hindsight it was actually pretty nice. I just can't determine my feelings in the moment. Ever. I'm anxious 24/7, everything scares me the same. It's always on such a high level when resting. Overly anxious about how I'm looking, how I'm carrying myself, what words I use, how fast I'm talking, trying to mitigate "thinking time" because I'm nervous how every reply I give is a thoughtful side glance because my mind is too busy generating results in the surprise of being spoken to and seen.
I don't know how to stop it. I know it's weird and to stop doing it but I can't. I can't stop being a fucking retard.

No. 2178708

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Was talking with my friends about people pressuring themselves till their breaking point and I slipped and told them about how I did the same to my last suicide attempt and I feel liberated in a way but also very bad and guilty at the same time since it feels like I just “dropped the bomb” even though they were very reassuring and such aaaaaaAaaaa

No. 2178709

i don’t give a shit about bi erasure bc in 2010 I told people I liked girls but everyone kept insisting I must be bisexual, probably bc the boys didn’t want to lost their chance with me and i went with it because i had no idea that lesbianism existed. So i did date boys and I tried dating many boys and even in college i realized i was probably a lesbian but i was still told i must be bisexual because i liked watching men’s hockey and I liked male hockey butts and it made me question my lesbianism again so i tried dating men again but i ended up just getting abused and it wasn’t until i ghosted and blocked all of my friends and moved to a new city that i finally got to explore my lesbianism on my own terms and i eventually got married to my lovely wife. so fuck bi visibility, bi erasure, whatever. determine your own sexuality, it’s stupid to let other people define it for you and i was stupid for letting people tell me who i was attracted to. i love women and i only love women and i’m the evil lesbian your parent’s warned you about.

No. 2178726

Sorry, but you're obviously bisexual.

No. 2178757

The only way I can kill myself is throwing myself off a bridge but I am so scared of those minutes when I would be in the water, drowning, questioning my decision.
Wish guns were legal in my country.

No. 2178789

My best friend trooned out when we were kids. We're in our early 20's now, and I still love her very much. No amount of TRT she shoots up is going to change that. But I just feel sad for her. She's not growing out of this phase yet, and I obviously can't go to her and be like "Hey, do you understand what you're doing?" because I don't want to make her feel ostracized or alone. She's one of the most special people in my life. I don't want her to be angry with me for trying to help her, and I also don't want her to be upset with me for not saying anything to her when she finally does detransition. I don't want her to finally come out of this and be like "why did you never ask me what I was thinking" at me.

No. 2178791

Maybe you're not supposed to kill yourself anon

No. 2178797

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I'm starting to feel guilty for having resentment towards my boyfriend's mum. She's currently living with us after she separated from his dad. She hasn't found a place yet, and it seems like she isn't doing the effort to find one.
She moved in earlier this month and to this day, there are still plenty of boxes in the living that she keeps insisting she'll take care of.
She proceeds to make me do drive her to places because we live far from anything and she doesn't know how to drive.
She has a drinking problem and has stolen alcohol under our nose until I actually caught her in the act and my boyfriend confronted her.
We went out to a national park and there was 0 data or anything. She got pissed at her son, but also at ME for not telling her?
First of all, why the fuck should we tell you anything, you're in our home, and we're grown. Second of all, you are not related to me, so do not give me attitude, what the fuck.
Whenever she washes the dishes, she leaves them greasy, it's barely washing at this. I have to go and rewash whatever she washes because it's filthy.
She also likes to remove the sink drain thing, so food starts going down the sink.
She has this thing where she puts butter in. Every time she puts in above where the cups are, and I bring it down cause wtf don't do that. One day I stopped out of anger, and she is so drunk she doesn't realise that it's up there and pulls out another dish of butter so now there are two.
I've confronted my boyfriend, he says it's going to be 1 month, and I'm counting down the days, however by the looks of it, she's not doing the search or has yet done any visits to places to move to. I'm about to quit my job and move back to my parents until she leaves, I literally cannot take this anymore.
I cried to my mum about it. My anxiety and PTSD at an all time high.

No. 2178799

read up on the testimonies of the people who survived jumping off the golden gate bridge

No. 2178812

I feel like there is no other option left for me. The doctors just keep giving me wrong meds, nothing works, therapists just care about money, I have nothing, my own brain wants me dead.
It eats me so much it starts to feel like just a fact. Everything is fucked and I should end this misery.

No. 2178814

I am on a pro-ana forum (I know) and even there I can't escape them. The forum is run by a middle aged MTF TROON!!!!! I hope they commit suicide.

No. 2178821

I wish I could go back to December 2023 before shit hit the fan. I could've prevented some situations from happening. I didn't think this entire year would be so shit and I was actually feeling hopeful in January, lol. I'm still stuck in the same place.

No. 2178839

I need a few days before I talk to this bitch again so I don't do or say something out of character kek. I just hope she doesn't try to reach out until I'm ready. I'll try to be the bigger person.

No. 2178866

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Public opinion is malleable like warm plasticine. From a position of power people can easily be made to support something to their own detriment. One doesn't even need to convince the majority, only create an impression that the majority is already convinced and everyone will have to fall in line to avoid getting attacked by the ordinary citizen.

No. 2178867

Can't stop thinking about him oh my god, I need a pill that makes me asexual

No. 2178868

It's embarrasing how obviously the maker of this meme thinks he belongs to the 20% when he's actually solidly in the 80%.

No. 2178869

My coworkers already hate me because I’m quiet and autistic. Yet again the same story, and I hate feeling immense pressure to look and act a certain ‘feminine’ way in order to avoid peoples’ ire. Somehow people who only talk about sport and food are considered smart but I’m ‘dumb’ because I don’t speak much. Love normie logic sometimes.

No. 2178875

Unironically, are you next level ugly? Or is he next level attractive?

If the answer to both those questions is no, then you need to dump him. You can do better.

No. 2178888

Found myself in a "that's a pity invite" discourse after I sincerely told someone they could come too as I was talking impromptu plans for that night. I do understand how tone could make it sound bad but jesus, I was sincere and enthustiastic when asking them. Anyways, why are normies the ones who will go crying to others how they heard you say this but they figure you mean that, so now you're the bad guy anyways. Fucking retarded shit, I just told her that I don't invite people to things if I don't want them to be there, it was a light show outside, not like it was a party I arranged either way.

No. 2178905

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No matter what I do. I return to this cursed ass apartment that I fucking hate. I can't believe that I'm 30 and stuck in this loop. My dad is batshit fucking insane. I have promised myself endless of times that I would never come back here. No matter what I do. I return here. To this apartment that I hate. To this town that I hate. I fall out of society entirely.

I'm struggling immensely with both my mental and physical health. I'm pretty dysfunctional because I cannot focus on anything. There's not much that I can do. I have been on endless medication. I did go to therapy. I can't afford it. Plus I'm continuously depressed because I have no social authority. I don't have a boyfriend, family, friends. My mental symptoms are so powerful that I am never going to be able to have a career. Wealthy people with friends, families, significant others do not get sent to therapy like I am. The therapist doesn't give a shit about me. He's going to go back to his wife and offer her all of his love. While I am continuously depressed because I'm deprived of love, intimacy, human connection. Everything that I've always wanted is to be married. It's never going to get to happen.

I've faced so much social rejection. An ugly and obese incel would probably reject me. I have nobody and I'm constantly talked down on by people that are less emotionally and intellectually complex than me.

Having a boyfriend/ husband would fix me. I'd like to experience for once what it is like to be loved, to be the first option, to have someone genuinely involved into your life. To spend quality time with your partner. To have them genuinely care about your needs. I'd like to get to live my life for once. I'd like to not be made to feel like a dog for once.

All of my interactions with people have felt like interactions with narcissists. Where I am talked down on, invalidated, pushed aside, bread crumbed.

Nobody's ever been fully involved with me.

At this point I have given up on my life. On my looks and hygiene. Not only is my life horrible. I have become society's public urinal. I do not wish that anyone would have to face the harassment that I have been placed through. As always, everyone is acting like it isn't happening to me. Like I don't have feelings and this stuff isn't harming me.

I'm gonna be gaslit to my grave.

No. 2178917

Woke up depressed and unmotivated, I need to do some schoolwork so I'm prepared for tomorrow's lecture but I don't feel like it. I just wanna sit at my desk and stare at nothing today, and tbh I think I'm gonna give myself that for a few hours.

No. 2178926

it's 4 am and im awake in bed. me and my boyfriend broke up last night and i don't even know how to feel. it ended on good enough terms and he admitted he can't be what i want in someone without me settling/changing priorities. it's just weird that it's over now. the other day i was wondering how to bring up future plans and here we are

No. 2178969

me too

No. 2179010

you're bold for posting this. is mypancakeaddiction ran by a mtf troon? i've been on all of them and always end up leaving due to far leftism being the norm there and it's full of enbys and FTMs who tend to be obese and never lose weight even into a normal BMI

No. 2179014

removing the under a bmi of 14 requirement to diagnose anorexia made the problem worse. like not even joking people who aren’t even close to anorexic thinking dieting is disordered eating or giving the attention to someone with bpd who is acting out anorexia for attention.. but also the people who latch on to that label self diagnosing themselves and then stay on those sites and make themselves worse…

No. 2179015

it's pretty annoying how AN is a coveted label when all eating disorders are legitimate problems and all of them ruin lives. i don't see the point in doctor shopping and nabbing an AN diagnosis when a person is clearly not underweight and never has been. like, what am i supposed to think of an obese person who says they are anorexic. i have far more respect for those who say they have BED or bulimia even though they wish they had AN. and not being allowed to be "fatphobic" on those sites is retarded, they'd never survive the old days of MPA

No. 2179017

Original anon here. I should clarify that I didn't even spend money on it, and very few pieces of the collection in question had to be bought. I just used "holy grail item" to convey that it was something I'd been wanting for ages (a little under 2 decades now).
Regardless, everyone saying it's not right to expect a congratulations for it has made me feel better about not getting any lol. My bad

No. 2179030

i hate myself

No. 2179044

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i'm sorry for posting about such a shit game like overwatch but i genuinely hate the player base so fucking much. they're the most fragile little faggots on the face of the earth. blizzard absolutely coddles them and it's gotten worse ever since overwatch 2 was released. i had a tank that held the game hostage because we lost ONE team fight and claimed he wasn't getting healed. he outright refused to play and was just afk. stupid moid kept saying shit like "this is what happens when you don't group up or heal". god we need another fucking draft because there's too many useless scrotes with too much free time on their hands.

i've had multiple accounts across so many years of playing since the game came out. i've had a lot of them perma banned because i shit talked a lot and said things like tranny and retard. i'm down to 2 accounts. i don't type any slurs anymore and i hardly even curse. even just telling someone that they're throwing or playing like shit or saying "tank diff" is enough to get suspended now. recently i got suspended for a month for lightly shit talking. right after the suspension ended, i played for a week, shit talked again (less shit talk than before) but then i got suspended again. i absolutely despise the toxic positivity this game expects you to have. it will put you with throwers, hackers, and straight up retards (not to mention their match making is shit which causes more frustration) and expects you to not say a word. fuck you blizzard, you ruined overwatch with your greedy monetization. i pray for the day your trash can of a company goes under, you bunch of tranny pandering greedy hacks.

No. 2179046

Why the fuck is the traffic so bad here. Something that should be a 10 minute car ride becomes 40 fucking minutes. I just want to get home, finish my work and go to sleep, jesus christ.

No. 2179047

Every night I hope I don't wake up the next day. Suicide is too scary and difficult and I understand there can be a better future. I just don't want to work for it anymore. I'm too tired.

No. 2179051

No one fucking likes me and honestly they have no reason to

No. 2179081

I've started starving myself again for the first time since my teens. I'm in dizzyness hell but getting thinner is addictive and makes me feel like i'm doing smth good

No. 2179089

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not since my teens, more like on and off every year since my teens but same.

No. 2179113

I'm so lonely why is making friends at school so hard. I should have just stayed at my old school even though it was a horrible environment at least I knew people and it was near my hometown, now I'm in an entirely different country with absolutely nobody to talk to or do anything with. I was so excited to come here but now I'm unfathomably depressed, why is it so impossible for me to meet and socialize with people like a normal person?

No. 2179117

i can't stop giving fuck about everyone. it seems like all i do is try to please others i don't even live for myself anymore. i don't care about my studies i don't care about my hygiene i just want to the people in my life to like me and it's doing the OPPOSITE. i get treated like shit despite all that i do and when i try to stand up for myself? i get blamed. i'm gonna go fucking hysterical. i'm so retarded what have i been doing with my life to feel so guilty by just existing? god i want to destroy everything and everyone. i've been so stupid. i need to stop thinking about people and actually think about my own well-being for once. fuck this shit i'm gonna go walk for 5 hours and rethink my entire fucking life

No. 2179122

I cannot stand grumpy and unstable old people, I cannot stand when they spit and throw food, I cannot stand dementia at all and just because someone is old it doesn't mean that I have to deal with it. I don't have the right mindset for it.

No. 2179166

Had a fight with the moid, he just went off for ages and I started recording it for the first time bc I didnt drink that much that night for the first time (yeah I'm stupid he always picks fights when he can gaslight me bc "well you had weed.", "well you had something to drink.", "well, you have adhd and didn't take your meds.")
And I do remember the night, what the issue was (it started bc I moved his plate in front of me so i wouldn't forget it since i meant to get up, he took it as i was indirectly accusing him of not taking care of it.. like i don't care, just don't want my dogs to get at the chicken bones. Generally thought I'd just take care of it while I'm up. No pissy feelings, just the next to get up probably and didn't want to forget. Meant for me, not him. I don't mind and don't ever give him shit.)
So now I'd insulted his dignity and whatever the fuck. Managed to calm all that down (cant recall how often i simply apologised), but genuinely wanted to know if he had a bigger issue with me rn, since clearly i make him uncomfortable or piss him off now with absolute no reason.. so like maybe he dislikes me currently and everything i do is shit and an attack. And it was stupid, bc he didn't understand what i meant and kept going on.
Now I have 20 min of audio saved and can't dare listen to it. Bc I know it was me apologising and him ranting at me while i asked him to stop.
I can't face that yet. I'm so spineless. I'm so scared and old and fucking lost.
Can't even listen to the audio bc I'm so scared. Then again, in that moment i truly felt like just killing myself to make it end to make it stop, to get him to please stop berating me for nothing.
I think he broke me in a way..
And there i sit in front of that audio and can't bring to play it.

No. 2179172

i recently started seeing ellio kennedy-yoon on my timeline a lot and i get so sad. she was such a cute normal girl before and she's still cute but she got a haircut, cut off her breasts and is a he/him now. she's a professional singer and has a wonderful voice and it makes me so sad thinking about the possibility that she might decide to take testosterone at some point and ruin it.

No. 2179173

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I'm SUBHUMAN and a black dog.

When I return to this apartment and live with my hoarder batshit insane dad. I give up on everything. On my looks. On my hygiene.

My house is filthy. I have dreads in my hair. Everything is all over the place. I'm in agonizing mental and physical pain. I smell terrible. I don't brush my teeth.

I used to be above average in looks. Then I gave up because there was something wrong with me that made me incapable of adapting socially or gaining any form of social authority. I couldn't get into a stable relationship. In all of these years. Nobody has ever been involved in my life. I've never been in love.

I'm just witnessing everyone move on. While I've fallen off the face of the planet. Well, I wasn't part of society in the first place.

I don't wish this upon anybody. Everyday I wonder why the fuck did it have to be me.

No. 2179179

You two get together and find a way not to make it about moids you should always take care of yourself. Not to make it with moids but to spite them when youre 80 looking after your garden and mental health while they drop like the flies they are. Nonie on the farm too, get your shit together you don't need a moid, grow some muscle if that's your worry. Now go meet and find beauty in nature that isn't all about fucking men.

No. 2179188

he is an abusive child and you should leave with all your things or change the locks and put his things in a storage unit the next time he goes to work. there is no coming back from this level of emotional and verbal abuse. you
can’t breathe around this man without risking a twenty minute freak out. you should literally never give him a second thought because i do not care about how annoying you have ever been, there is no fucking way anyone could be annoying enough to make a chimp out like that understandable. i look at people like that now like they are fucking crazy when they act like that. you did not owe that man an apology and i know you know that but i’m going to say that too. if you killed this man and i was on the jury i would acquit you as a victim of psychological terrorism.

No. 2179189

sometimes i wonder how much seething and rage my rapist has after i cucked him with my ex. i bet he didn't expect that or how suddenly it was. totally deserved.

No. 2179194

Fuck off no you don't. There's plenty of options and you're only on one of those paths. You follow that through to the end with all the strength you got and as far as it will take you and only then do you look for the next. And there's plenty of "next". Go hike. Touch grass, not in a bad way. Get some perspective that isn't social media and news and shit, but the beauty that life actually got. You'll be okay, i promise you.

No. 2179195

i hope you made his life hell.

No. 2179206

>mom makes comment about body
>decide to impromptu diet
>mom nagging me for not eating
She needs to shut the fuck up and mind her business, I don't tell her in her face "oh you look like you're ready to burst out of your shirt" after she ate a whole ass bag of Butterfingers. Saw it in the trash even

No. 2179207

I'm definitely not one to roll over, but I'm not an asshole either.
You gave me the strength to listen to it and I feel so much more stupid now I did. I don't think I can keep this going, i feel sick listening to how he berated me for absolutely nothing. I like his kid, I'm terrified of having to slaughter my roosters alone, of all that.. but fuck it. I've not once felt I was capable of doing that myself. It's time i learn..
Fuck, fuck, fuck that was hard to listen to.

No. 2179221

Listened and am apparently a "man hater", brought up the "I'm sorry i didn't mean it like that" up to 43 from my side… and I got berated for 20 min, constantly interrupted and incabable of having time to form my own thoughts. Guess there was a reason I didn't want to listen to it.. Fuck me I'm so stupid. I need a therapist again, lol. I want out of this dynamic. I know I'm too much with the whole "wanting to communicate", but I don't insult, hurt or am angry with my partners.

I feel so damn stupid.

No. 2179223

noooooo i was so hyped to try this new matcha latte this morning and it literally just tastes like a big cup of milk im so sad….
at least the banana pudding tasted good

No. 2179231

Stop talking to me! I see you mother fuckers more than I see my loved ones, you don't need to talk to me everyday asking me how I'm doing as if literally anything changed from me ignoring you every day prior. And now I have a new cowork who has to be on some strong pills or cocaine because she doesn't walk, she rubs around, constantly smiling, you can't even glance over at her or she'll come over and start vomiting words so fast you can't respond. Why me! It's so painfully clear I have no interest in small talk, they have to be thirsty for validation because these two fuckers are persistent.

No. 2179240

I know. Its not MPA, just a smaller, less active forum. Yes the FTM/Enbies are annoying but I just think of them as mentally ill woman so I don't really care about them. I can see what you mean about the leftism on MPA, it's a lot more annoying than other ED communities.

No. 2179243

I fucking thought red meat is good for you! Why do I feel like I have a rock in my stomach the next day!

No. 2179263

I actually hope I don't have any children because the sole idea of raising a failchild like the retards I have to teach makes me want to kill myself.
I hope my uterus stops working or that I get PCOs, I already have fucked up hormones anyways, but I would have the relief of never having to worry about having kids.
I just don't understand how someone can pick some obscure as fuck career path that requires you to fucking travel, and then not want to fucking learn English, go study history or become a stripper you fuckface, don't make me waste my fucking time because you're a fucking waste of space nobody loser.

No. 2179277

I’m so fed up with how nasty everyone is to women over the age of 25. I can handle it from scrotes because they’re subhuman but seeing women say things like “omg why are you wearing a skirt above the knees you’re almost 30 ewwww!” Is so disheartening. Like what should I do, kill myself, disappear forever? Be your mummy servant and wash your balding bfs crusty cum out of your tacky shein garms annd cook you both chicken tenders? Disappear into the ether so everyone can sufficiently admire your youthful beauty without the distraction of a 29 year old crone in the background? I’m so sick of young women on here calling women of z30 “post wall”. Some of you sound just as bad as men and I hope it hurts like a bitch when you get older and look in the mirror and realise your one redeeming quality is fading rapidly. I hate you all and I hope you have terrible lives, I’m so serious.

No. 2179280

I need to throw up but I hate when I’m having a punch of editor eggs and aches

No. 2179285

Matcha outside of Japan tastes so mid, even in the specialty shops.

No. 2179294

Every time they make a post whining about their life being over because they are turning, gasp, the ripe age of 24 or 25 makes me laugh my ass off

No. 2179297

Any doctor will tell you to at best limit your intake of red meat. It’s not good for you. If you have an iron deficiency I suggest taking an easily-digestible supplement.

No. 2179298

2 days ago I walked to the shop (I usually don't do the shopping so I am not used to this) which is about five minutes away from me. Since then my legs, my knees and thighs specifically, have been incredibly weak. It's hard to walk and I lose my balance getting out of bed, going up and down the stairs is worse on my knees and I have to focus very hard to not let them buckle. I've never had to deal with this little mobility before and I'm 21, I feel like I might die soon.

No. 2179308

I thankfully have nice friends who are standing by my side currently. My parents are both are extremely old and sick at the same time, and being the elder daughter, I'm stuck taking care of them both while also taking care of the house and my siblings. I got a housemain to help me with things since I'm busy with university and this being my last semester, and I'm swamped. They got angry at me for doing this and yelled at me, which is why I got upset and felt the need to vent yesterday. My financial situation isn't the best right now, and I go to university by the bus which comes too early sometimes and I don't get to have breakfast at home and have to stay hungry since I can't afford food from the cafeteria. My friends knew about this and they buy me food and bring me food with them from home to help me, and they try their best to help me with our group work. I feel horrible for putting them in this situation, but I guess that's what friends are for.
My parents have always been shitty to me and only saw me as some free child slave, so that's why they're upset we have to pay someone to do the work I refuse to waste my time and university work for. They refuse to eat anything she makes and keep throwing up like some anachans, and I have to be the one who makes the food so they eat, but it still wastes so much of my time, and they also get pissy when I order takeout instead.
They've also always been abusive and controlling of the very finest details of my life, and they won't let me move out and have some legal power over me despite me being an adult, so I could get arrested for daring to own my own place and moving there, and I could lose a job if they want me to. They probably want me to get married and have kids so they can have their first set of grandchildren, which would fuck my life even further knowing the retarded trad culture here and how marriage is living hell. Being a mother and married is what got my mom where she is right now, she got breast cancer from birth control abuse, because she didn't want any more kids but my dad was insisting on more, so you can imagine what kind of "relationship" or lack thereof they have. All my dad sees in my mom is a housemaid who feeds him and changes his clothes and cleans after him, to the point of dismissing her sleep schedule and forcing her to sleep only 4 hours a day, which ruined her health further. Now he's doing the same shit to me and she also expects me to do her role, but I hate both of them and don't want to take care of them. I wish they'd just die. But even if they do, I'll be stuck with my siblings and the drama around the inheritance. I'll never be free.

No. 2179309

I feel like an alien pretending to be a human being kek. People endlessly baffle me and I baffle them back. It's like we're different species

No. 2179310

ignore the retarded posts/baiters. i look good in a miniskirt and will continue to wear them until i don't want to anymore. nobody has to start dressing like a librarian/teacher/mom at a certain age.

No. 2179317

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I’m on my period rn and I feel like I’ve lost like, a fucken quart of blood today

No. 2179324

Misery loves company. They're like the miserable married women with kids who pester you to change your mind and get pregnant. They will grow old and miserable in a prison they created for themselves, and normal, healthy women over 25/30 will continue on with their hobbies, skills, intellectual fulfillment and worldly experience gaining. There is no happy ending for women who believe that women over 25 are "old" and cringeworthy if they aren't mommy maids.

No. 2179333

I wish my retarded ass brother and his stupid bitch wife actually gave a shit about their daughter, because now it's my job to raise her, even if I don't want kids. She's not a brat or anything, she's actually a very sweet little girl, but i feel awful for her knowing that her parents drop her off with me 6 days a week, and only pay attention to her baby brother. Her dad is an onion type parent, he doesnt speak to her at all because she couldn't engage in "meaningful conversation" no shit you fuckin retard, shes four. She doesnt give a shit about your job, she just wants to talk about dolls. And at this point, i can't just stop taking care of her because she literally has nobody except for me. I don't want her to go into foster care either, where she may be worse off, so I'm stuck raising someone else's kid instead of enjoying my 20s

No. 2179339

is there any legal path to asking your local court to repeal whatever legal hold your parents have over you in your country?

No. 2179342

> Her dad is an onion type parent, he doesnt speak to her at all because she couldn't engage in "meaningful conversation"
I hope he enjoys care home food!

No. 2179345

I miss when I was going through my manic episode so much I want to cry. Life was so good

No. 2179347

I know it sucks and it's unfair to you, but I think what you're doing is really noble, nonna. Foster care can be so horrible. You are saving her from so much abuse. Please stick by her, she will love you for choosing to take care of her. I wish you both well.

No. 2179353

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The more I think about today, the more annoyed I feel, so I have to be a mediocre teacher because the students, which are at least 18 years old, are also mediocre wastes of space? Why? It's idiotic, I just hate when people defend mediocrity and indifference, trying to play it out as just being young.
I am young, do you think I want to stand there and drone about a bunch of information I already know of to a bunch of ingrate faggots? I don't, I want to be at home, playing games and getting paid for existing, but here we fucking are.
I was talking to a friend and like, this group has been worse than the group of pre-school students with two low functioning autists that I had to teach English to, at least some of them had interest in learning. These fucking idiots are just there to warm up the seats, I honestly hope they can't pass the required tests to fly because that would get them and a bunch of people killed.
>but English isn't an important thing to learn~~~~~~
It wouldn't be if the fucking manuals weren't in fucking English, and the manuals are the shit they have to read in order to fucking fly.
And then my family goes
>just don't pay attention to them!!
And I don't, but I'm talking about this whole thing because it's insane, I'm fucking insane I guess, because I guess I shouldn't be worried that future pilots can't fucking read the manuals of the fucking planes and can't pay attention at something for more than 15 minutes.
Like, I used to be a student too, I still am a student, I was at French classes a few months ago re-reading shit I already know of and I was respectful enough to participate in class and not go
>uwu I'm embawassed
Omg fucking kill yourself, seriously, how the fuck can you talk about fucking, raging alcoholism and your family and shit humor but be fucking embarrassed to read some retarded text written in retard?? How?? HOW?
And just because I will be 29 years old soon and have a fucking career doesn't mean I don't understand, that I don't also know that the classes are long, but the material is shit they already fucking know, it's just in another fucking language Jesus, it can't be that fucking hard to read shit with pictures like in pre-school and not see that wing and fucking ala you stupid fuckface, like the shit you stuff your face with but metallic and attached to a body made of metal that flies swooosh all over the allowed airspaces depending on your license and fuel you stupid idiot asshat animal beast retarded faggot god I want to kill myself.

No. 2179400

nona are you middle eastern? this sounds all too familiar. you're gonna make it, just one more semester. would you consider going abroad for study/work later on?

No. 2179409

going to therapy for the first time in years in a few minutes. wish me luck please.

No. 2179420

It's good that you're taking care of your mental health. Good luck nonna!!

No. 2179421

i’m samefagging
>haven’t had period in months
>start birth control (minipill)
>start bleeding OBSCENELY within the first 2 days of starting
>heavier than i’ve ever bled in my life
>kinda scared, saw that it can either be normal or “oh god oh fuck to go the ER”
>it’s only been going on 4 days but no sign of stopping
what do i do

No. 2179422

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Is being called a black dog considered bullying?

No. 2179426

Go to the er bitch what the heck

No. 2179435

what was the context

No. 2179441

How heavy is the bleeding? I was told it is an emergency if you pass clots bigger than a quarter and or have an unnaturally heavy flow. As in, you are going through a super tampon or overnight pad in an hour sort of deal.

No. 2179447

my ex was one of those guys who was so controlling and he cared a lot about what i wore and "aesthetics" and tried to act really macho and homophobic because he was a closeted fag. I was afraid of him back then but I wish I would have laughed in his face and called him a faggot the first time he tried to mansplain women's fashion to me and tell me what to wear. I was so naive but looking back it's so obvious. Gay ass bitch, he was a tiny little manlet too. Napoleon complex ass bitch.

No. 2179469

Just being around humans.

No. 2179482

The court is the legal uphold unfortunately. >>2179400 is right.
I'm not allowed to study abroad either so there's really no escape. Hell, I'm not even allowed to exist the house alone, let alone travel. I've been considering suicide since ever, and I guess the time for it has come. I found my dad's shotgun, might practice using it for future use.

No. 2179535

I love you, anon. I'm obsessed with aviation. Flunk as many as you can if they don't know English. A lot of crashes and runway incursions have been caused by misunderstandings. They really need to know English to fly.

Are all of them men?

No. 2179546

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Does anyone else struggle badly with identity? Idk if it's mental illness (or autism) or I meme'd myself into dissociating so much now I don't know who I am. Let's say that yadda yadda past traumas and yadda yadda I changed many houses (I moved out, social security took me once, once I ran away all of that because I was living with a rapist and people brought me back because but he's your dad nonny!! You can't live without him!!)
Bad stuff to the side, to survive I divided myself into three distinct personalities, the social one, the efficient one and the safe one and now that I'm safe externally, went to therapy and learned to control them and started to live, I have no idea how to go on.
Let me be clear about one thing: I don't believe in DID at all nor I'm saying that this is a special mental illness, just asking if any other nonas went through this. Trauma took away most of my late child hood and then years so I find myself engaging with jeuvenile hobbies and then something in my head goes "Yeah no that's stupid" or when I'm out doing errands as a grown up, filling up job applications, doing interviews, signing rent contracts I go "man I want to go to the toy store and get a little toy." but not in the adult way, in the child way.
And these states are so strong, they make me question who the "real " me is because they don't feel like hues of me but actual different people to the point I scold myself for thinking differently.
I don't have BPD, I don't have any personality disorders, the closest my therapist went was intense daydreaming but this is ruining my life, I wish I felt whole.

No. 2179562

thank you nona. it went really well and i'm hopeful about going back!

No. 2179566

"Juvinilie hobbies"
Consider this anon, "play" is a child's simulation of adulthood. The parents only job is to simulate adulthood in a safe manner so the child is prepared, if this duty isn't upheld then the child will be rendered abnormal, socially and even in their physical development and brain chemistry. There's nothing wrong with playing as an adult, as long as it isn't at the expense of doing your adult duties - such as socialising with loved ones and cleaning yourself. Beyond that, have fun

No. 2179567

Samefag, yes I also struggled with identity until I realised you are your behaviour and nothing else

No. 2179571

I hate being the designated English speaker at work lol We're in Europe and all of us are young, I shouldn't be the only one able to string together a sentence or two.

No. 2179577

I really, really hate having seizures for no reason. I’m tired of being a sperg.

No. 2179623

Nona do you have a passport? Is there no way for you to do a midnight run and escape the country? Sorry If this is ignorant of me, but I really think you would be a million times better off running away, even if your financial situation isn't good. You could try getting a working holiday visa for a country. Or even just going to any country that isn't under sharia law

No. 2179627

Same anon, you just have to get through one more semester then you could get a causal part time job to save up. I know it feels like nothing is worth it right now, but you can get out of this nona. Your life is worth it, you are worth it.

No. 2179632

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>start a credit card to build credit
>credit score is already in very good range
>drops 20 points in the span of two months in spite of me completely paying the whole credit balance off monthly
>turns out it's probably because the other account it's linked to usually has a bit less money in it than the credit card balance because the money I make goes into paypal first and needs to be manually transferred
thinking I shouldn't have bothered because who knows how long it'd take to increase the score 20 points even if/when I make sure the balance is better.
this is so dumb but I guess I asked for it for not knowing how it worked…

No. 2179635

>decide to start reading again
>wants to read about lonely pathetic women so I can resonate
>pick up Convenience Store Woman
>short novel that half of it was some incel ruining her happiness
>Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine
>Some fat ugly moid going into her life as well

No. 2179638

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Fuck my professor for assigning something today at 2 pm that's due tomorrow afternoon. Fucking retard. She doesn't answer anyone's emails either and made me cry on the second week of class. That's why she has a shitty number on ratemyprofessor.

No. 2179642

Met a cool male recently. We went on 4 dates so far and its been great, or at least I thought so. Since our last date on thursday he's been communicating less and less with me. I've been the one to initiate all conversations this week. Well today I decided not to, and he hasn't spoken to me. Not even a hey whats up. I'm a boring lifeless husk so I'm not surprised he backed off once he realized it though.

No. 2179643

I feel like I lost all of my creativity due to years of traumatic events that started 2 years before covid… I used to be so creative, I painted, wrote stuff, wanted to draw a comic, had so many ideas, wanted to make music. Now I feel like everything is so fucking pointless and redundant.

No. 2179647

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Today I sent an extremely revealing, bold and cringe e-mail and I can’t take my mind off of it. I don’t know what possessed me whilst writing it but I was certain that it was a good e-mail ; I reread it an hour after sending it and was horrified. I don’t know if I will be able to open any replies to it for at least a few days.

I needed to send something like it, to stand up for myself, but it’s just so long and over-laboured. I’m so risk-averse that I can’t even send a slightly confrontational e-mail without almost immediately regretting it. I’m really glad I sent it but Christ I’m reeling.
I want the strength to bee myself all of the time… because I always end up betraying or doubting my convictions

No. 2179653

I don't understand what it is about me that makes people take such polarizing reactions. I don't even talk to people. My entire family is already dead, what more do they want from me? Why do they want me to suffer more? It's literally just random girls from the internet who like spreading shit like I'm abusive and then point to vent instagram posts I've made as evidence. I don't even know these people and those who I did know, I cut them off because they were killing my vibe. Why can't they just leave me alone, why do they insist on making my life harder? They even say I fool people by appearing like someone who "lost it all and yet persevered" but that's literally what happened to me. I try not to react publicly because that fuels the fire, but why do I have to be subject to this? I'm always in my own corner, minding my own business, it's these people who try to start shit with me and then lose their fucking minds when I refuse to engage, which I refuse to do because the second I do, they twist my words to say I'm guilt tripping them or manipulating them, but if I just let them do whatever they want, suddenly I'm uncaring and remorseless. Like, can I just live in peace? It's a lose/lose situation. I just hope they'll fuck off if I give them zero reaction whatsoever and these BPD ridden hoes find some new supply because I've been through too fucking much to continue giving them my emotional energy. I want to succeed in life, I fucking refuse to let my life be shit forever, these suburban cradled bitches have no idea what it was like out there losing family member after family member to poverty and they need to pick on another surburbia born bitch with a wide wardrobe and vaguely emotionally abusive parents and constant access to boba shops and dunkin. I will fucking crawl out of the hole I was forced into at birth and it will all be on my own power unlike these worthless nepo bitches who have a full ride through college.

No. 2179658

I don't want to blame you, but this is kind of inevitable for interactions on the internet. Don't share any identifying information online, it's literally never worth it.

No. 2179659

Maybe you overworded/overworked whatever you sent but the problems and emotions you were expressing are still true. Don't stress about it. What's done is done.

No. 2179663

I don't want to get too personal, but my parents were neglectful to the point the internet became my entire world. I had no one and nothing but the internet so I became wrapped up in online shit. Tumblr became my basis for how human morality should work, so I figured when these types of people had an issue with me, I needed to fucking listen and adjust my behavior, but upon going full "ok i will not express my will at all so i dont accidentally manipulate you", they twisted the narrative against me anyway. It was a lesson for sure. I'm going to stick to posting the content I already do and become more of a mystery creator, like the ranfren author.

No. 2179666

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gifrel is all i gotta say

No. 2179667

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I hate when I tell my parents something extremely upsetting and stressful and they hit me with "it could always be worse." Yes, it could be technically worse guys. Thank you for the love and support like always. I love you guys, too.
(I have to be mad at my parents or I will burst into tears over how they don't love me.)

No. 2179673

do the epic bold stacy cringe thing and just punch the motherfucker in the face until he bleeds. no emails, just punch them and kick them hard

No. 2179674

Thank you for the reassurance, nona. I will keep your words in mind when I try to sleep tonight kek

No. 2179676

I made the mistake of reconnecting with an ex and giving him another chance, and unsurprisingly there's a ton of incompatibility issues that I'm not entirely convinced can be worked on without me compromising a shit ton. I hate dating so much… And this is immensely shitty but I think I only gave him another chance out of loneliness, and I fear the only reason I liked him to begin with is because he likes me. That's it. And now I'm afraid to break up with him because he was very cruel and extremely harsh the last time that happened…

No. 2179694

happy birthday

No. 2179712

After years of making fun of Ugg boots in their heyday, I decided to buy a pair for fall. I thought I'd look like a cute autumnal girl in them, but holy shit do I NOT have the right legs for these things. I'm not even fat, but I have big dancer calves and these things make my legs look like tree trunks. Ugg, indeed.

No. 2179718

>go on a camping trip with friends
>we are beat after trip, throw everything in the car
>it downpours when they drop me off at my house
>guys I can handle it just let me get my stuff
>they wanna go home and don't wanna move
>they live more than an hour away
>they leave with my stuff
>not getting any of it back soon if ever at all
I HATE this shit. High school friends did this to me. Guys do this to me. It's so damn annoying.

No. 2179722

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All of my interactions with people have been strained most of my life. I felt like I had to beg people just to stay. My whole life I've been pushed aside, devalued, inferiorized. Basically, made to feel like I don't have feelings, needs or desires.

My BFF started dating my ex immediately. She was the only person that I've ever felt comfortable around. She immediately ditched me for my ex.

I genuinely want to get into a stable relationship for once. I'd like to finally be a priority in someone's life. To mean the world to them. To finally feel protected and important. My whole life I've had to chase people like a dog. I'm everyone's fucking fan

Been going through the same shit for 16 years. I give up(you have to be 18 to post here)

No. 2179723

I'm sorry. I've had something similar happen too and I didn't get my shit back. I hope they give it back to you without too much trouble.

No. 2179755

the new chick ive been training at work for a week in a half is a halloween & nightmare before christmas obsessed self described "boy mom" and today when i wore my cute clown sweater it turns out shes also a "nooo clowns are creepy get it away from me" type. just cliché and annoying in every way

No. 2179756

Kek I knew a girl who had a phobia of clowns and would get triggered when people sent her the clown emoji in text

No. 2179760

tell her she’s fired

No. 2179774

Decenter other people and become really cool. That's the only way

No. 2179776

samefag; I can’t handle knowing that I’ll die of “natural causes” before I even turn 30.

No. 2179779

I wish I was asexual I hate having a sex drive when I’m too ugly to do anything about it. It’s so humiliating to be attracted to males. I want to skin myself

No. 2179794

Nonna, I don't know what you are going through but I hope you can somehow find something that will help you with your seizures and medical stuff. Dealing with medical shit is a nightmare, even if it's not a serious issue, but if it is a serious issue it's always a thousand times more difficult.

No. 2179819

Please hang in there, friend. We believe in you. This situation is extremely difficult and unfair, but it's not hopeless.

Adding on to this, there can be major differences in how easy it is to move from one country to another. Certain countries have agreements with each other that make it much easier for their citizens and residents to pass through each other's borders. There are immigration lawyers who exist specifically to help clients use these arrangements to slowly work their way towards their goal destination. For example, some people go from Iran to Turkey, then to Albania, then to Germany. Once you have any amount of money to spare, try and get into contact with one of them. There may also be some charity organizations that are founded to help women in your situation.

You also mentioned that you're going to school. Once you've graduated and gotten a couple years of experience, you could try the EU Blue Card Program. The whole point of this program is to recruit intelligent foreign workers who already have experience in their fields, upgrade their degrees and credentials to EU country standards, and then integrate them into the workforce as smoothly as possible. Each country has different standards for how much experience you need to have in your field before they'll take you, so read each country's requirements. Some people find this process easier than taking the route of a normal student visa or work visa.

A couple other random methods I've seen people use to move to better places include:
- international Au Pair agencies: I know a couple of girls who did this. One was from Indonesia and the other was from India, and they both used the same agency to move to Canada. I met them while I was on a trip there. After spending some time in the country working as Au Pairs, they managed to get student visas so that they could earn degrees and establish themselves in the country. Speak to an immigration lawyer before going to school in your host country if you are on a work visa.
- If you don't mind doing agricultural work, you can sign up to WOOOF and volunteer for locations in nicer countries. If you can find one that is open to hiring you after you volunteer with them, you can use this to get a work Visa. I met one woman my age from Turkey who managed to do this. Once again, speak to an immigration lawyer before taking jobs or enrolling in school.

I'm not going to pretend that it's easy to do all of this, or fair that you've been put in this situation, but it's worth a try to see if you can escape you country before you make the final decision to off yourself.

No. 2179820

Please do not hope for PCOS, it doesn’t even make you infertile like some people claim, it just gives you some difficulty heavily depending on if you ovulate regularly or not I am also childfree with PCOS and it is no walk in the park.

No. 2179831

I'm this anon and they left her at my house overnight AGAIN!!!! It's not that i don't like the kid, she's a sweet girl, but I can't fucking take care of her like her parents should be. I live in a studio apartment, shes bored out of her mind and all i can offer her is tv or an iPad since there isnt a single thing in my house that she can use even as a makeshift toy. They didn't even bother bringing an extra pair of clothes either, probably cause they knew I'd say no if I knew they were gonna make her spend the night, so shes sleeping in day old underwear and one of my t shirts. I feel like shit for being annoyed at this situation, cause this isn't her fault at all, but I'm so fucking frustrated. Her brother gets to stay with his mom's grandparents because he's related to them, but those pieces of shit won't let her stay because "she isn't related to us," god fucking damn it i hate that bitch and her family. Im spread so god damn thin right now, and there's no way I can leave her alone or ask othsr family to help since they all live far away. I'm 23 years old, I should not be raising a child that isn't mine because her parents are fucking retarded.

No. 2179891

Unsure where you're from nona, but is there a goodwill/thrift store near you? 90% of the time, the ones I've been to will have stuffed animals/various toys for sale at (mostly) reasonable prices. Perhaps a pile of these + a box to store 'em in may entertain the crotchfruit (that you've been saddled with caring for) more than an iPad ever will.

No. 2179930

I used to find males attractive (I am bisexual, and will always be, this is not an "I dated men but I'm a true lesbian" cope) but these days I can't stomach them. I see a guy online and I get upset, I start thinking "I bet he's a misogynistic piece of shit. He will bald and lust after little girls in a few years, too." I cannot find them cute, funny, or even tolerable. I can't listen to any man speak without rolling my eyes. I think of having sex with my boyfriend and I gag, I talk to him and I can't hide my contempt, I can't go on any longer. The thing is, we are in a LDR (driveable distance, not e-dating) and I haven't mustered the strenght to go to his place and end it. He hasn't done anything, I just hate all men. I even get upset by seeing heterosexual couples in the wild (I bet he's cheating) or seeing teen scrotelings walking around (I bet they share deepfakes of their classmates). Any man I see, I assume the worst in my head and judge him. Is this insane or based? I can't tell.

No. 2179931

both insane and based

No. 2179940

I went no contact with a failed decade long ldr relationship. There is no way to contact each other because we were only connected on one messaging app. Nothing in my life changed as he never tried to actively be apart of it. Why did I waste so much of my life on something I always knew wasn’t going to become anything? I was in denial I guess. I can’t even feel sad about it anymore, what was there to lose?

No. 2179941

I want to go apeshit and ruin my life, leave my partner and move to the other side of the world

No. 2179958

Relatable. I'm definitely bisexual and won't deny it but these days thinking about men makes me wanna puke and I'd rather be forever alone than date one of those demons. Yes, especially seeing minimoids in big groups outside on the street is annoying as hell.

No. 2179970

become a 2Dchad husbandos are perfect

No. 2179981

Got on new antidepressants. That shit ramped up my weight gain so fucking bad I gained 10 lbs in a fucking week WHILE EXERCISING AND DIETING AS I NORMALLY DO. Bonus? I feel just as depressed as before - not even granted the grace of a fucking placebo effect. Sometimes I want to go back to my old meds but it's just an abused wife type scenario - that one made me violent.
Damned if I do damned if I don't. Makes me sick to my stomach how my doctors shrug about the weight gain. My self image is already garbage; but gaining weight and not fitting into my clothes or even being able to afford new clothes is a new low for me. Death is preferable.

No. 2179984

samefag I am under 5ft tall so this is VERY significant weight gain. Being a midg is miserable.

No. 2179987

I had a job interview scheduled for today and nobody showed up?? I really need a new job!!

No. 2179988

i’m so stupid. i fucked up my teeth completely and i have no money to afford fixing them. since my childhood i had health problems, but my neglecting mom would never send me to any doctors. i wasn’t vaccinated too till my yearly youth when i managed to move out and earn some money to visit the hospital. also i never had into the habit of washing teeth. and now its too late. last time i went to the dentist he shamed me for having fucked up teeth with lots of cavities, and honestly i am scared that will happen again when i do have the funds to visit the dentist again… i do not know what to do. two of my teeth already are broken to the point of no return. other are painful, dirty and in cavities. nonnas i am so tired.

No. 2179991

I used to have really bad teeth aswell and at some point i had a lot of pain and a thick cheek. I had to go to a clinic (like from the hospital) to get it checked and unlike in your case they were very professional and careful. I had to get a lot of teeth removed in an operation and now i feel fine. I hope you can build up the curage nonny! The doc who shamed you definitely is unprofessional!

No. 2179997

Friend of a friend is dating someone who un-ironically talks like the people in the "post like a moid" thread and when we tell her to break up with that guy she just says "they have a unbeatable bio chemistry, we don't get it".
Imagine being her. It's kinda funny because I'm not particularly close to her but it's so fucking cringe to act like this in your late 20s for a guy who does katana reviews online.
Oh and she got addicted to ritalin to lose weight for him apparently. I just can't

No. 2180000

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Been doing Pilates to try to get rid of cellulite and all it’s doing is making my ass bigger.

No. 2180002

You can't get rid of cellulite. All you can do is to reduce stress, stay active and eat a healthy diet. Almost all women have cellulite. It isn't a skin condition. Supermodels have cellulite.

No. 2180020

>That gif
>Those trips

No. 2180023

Still can't get over how mean people were to me the other day. I'm such a pussy I should kms for real.

No. 2180038

hey, fellow pilotfag here. Are the people you're referring to either Indian or Chinese scrotes, by chance? Just curious

No. 2180043

It's so over, girls. It's completely fucking over. If you're attracted to men, you better start forcing yourself to like being choked, tied up, humiliated, etc., because to men that's the bare minimum now. They rot their brains so hard with heavier and heavier "kinks" (violence against women), they normalize it so much, that just having sex with a woman isn't enough. If you're not willing to be their sexual punching bag, you're worthless. And we all know men don't date or fall in love with a woman's personality. Shit like that doesn't matter to them. You're either a good enough lay or you're nothing. (Reposting to fix typos)

No. 2180049

that reminds me of a friend/acquaintance of mine who is a substitute teacher and recently went to a middle school, where a 7th grader said "Ugh choke me daddy" under her breath and the whole class laughed. (He's a good-looking guy tbh.) He was super uncomfortable. I don't know if I'm just an old pearl clutcher for thinking this is weird - but it's weird right? I remember being in middle school and laughing/joking about sexual shit but kids feel too "grown up" and brainrotted before their time now

No. 2180051

Thanks anon. I know this but I never had cellulite until maybe a year ago so I’m still getting used to it. My mother is one of those lucky women who doesn’t have any and she’s almost 60.

No. 2180052

That’s bullshit. From my experience, at least.
I’m a millennial (in my 30s) and lots of girls were saying shit like that when I was in middle school. I grew up in a middle class town, so there were no excuse for them to be so sexual at that young age.
I remember being 14 and my friends talking about sucking dicks and wanting to fuck teachers.

No. 2180056

Nope, we're in latam, but at this point they may as well be Chinese because it's like they don't understand plain Spanish either.
I really will make them have a really shit grade so they have to learn English again, or at least warm up the seats again.
Surprisingly, 2 of the most retarded students are a woman and a moid, the others (a few moids and another woman) just follow their lead like they're in elementary school and like life is a Disney movie about school.
The mob mentality is so bizarre, I wonder what makes full-fledged adults act this way? Well, I think I know, it's their burned out brains because they spend their days consooming shit on their phones, they have shit daily routines, a shit diet and seems like no morals or sense of responsibility or even sense of duty it seems.
Like, you would expect future pilots to be more serious, specially because this isn't cheap at all and requires people to risk their lives in so many ways.
I just don't get it.

No. 2180068

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I want to vent about the same shit infinitely. In my broken ass English. Simultaneously, I don't wanna clog the vent thread.

I just want to be loved.

No. 2180074

I love you.

No. 2180075

happy to hear that! and thank you nonna, you calmed me down a little bit. i decided to ask in my local chats / communities for recommendations, i’ll add that i (or like “someone i know…”) have mental issues that prevented me from getting treatments and that i desperately need an empathetic doctor. hopefully it helps.

No. 2180076

i love you, nonna. things will get better.

No. 2180079

Today my absolute nightmare came true, I was woken up by the police knocking on my door because I overslept so badly, that my workplace called them on me.
My parents also had to tell their workplaces and worry for ages after the police called them and nobody knew there I was.
I lied to my boss and said I was so sick that I simply didn't hear my phone but I'm nevertheless so terrified of having to go back to work. Everybody has to know, I'm responsible for many people at work, it was a huge hassle to find somebody else to do my work today and on top of that I'm still in some sort of training phase and my boss is so new that she only knows me since 2 weeks, meaning her impression of me now must be horrible. I'm also scared that the neighbours saw the police in front of my door and tell the landlords.

I've had this habit of only sleeping from 2 to 5 for ages because I hate my job and am depressed in general, so I'm always overwhelmed and procrastinate and then work til late at night…I have multiple alarm clocks and I always talked about what if I really don't wake up and now it really happened
I just want to die now, I have zero idea how I should face all that

No. 2180082

Anon who recently got out of jail?

No. 2180086

>mother that abused me as a child is forced into close proximity to me because my grandma was dying (she died today rip but that's only partly the issue)
>The issue is that she never shuts the fuck up and will talk for hours endlessly with no response
>Keeps saying 'I'm glad she's died like that' repeatedly at least 15x to me to no response
>Haha I know I'm annoying but 'continues talking'
>Starts talking about how she needed to prioritise her dog

Getting distracted by how much I wish she was killed as violently as possible such a fucking faggot holy shit. I remember crying and screaming at her to leave me alone when I was trying to sleep when I was under 10. Insanity.

No. 2180088

nah it's creepy. i understand kids are retardedly inappropriate at times especially around friends and i have an out of pocket sense of humor as well, but the least they can do is not make these jokes at school/in front of faculty. always weird when kids would openly demonstrate attraction to teachers, but it was a thing when i was in high school too. moids were already doing it in middle school and it was gross.

No. 2180090

Huh, no? The police came as some sort of wellness check, not because I had any history with them

No. 2180092

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Off to a full day of classes on only 4 hours of sleep as a weakling who needs at least 9 per night

No. 2180097

She sounds mentally ill. Sorry nona, it must be exhausting.

No. 2180105

I’m cold and miserable and always sore in the head I hate eating less

No. 2180142

Unfortunately, I legally need their permission to make a passport, I'm not considered independent from them unless I get married, which is the last thing I want. Running away at midnight isn't viable either because I don't have a car and I don't know the way around the city to go to the airport, and in all cases they have all my legal papers, even my birth certificate, which if I needed in the country I'm fleeing to hypothetically, will miss my chances out even more. It's such an embarrassing situation at this point.
I appreciate your kindness and concern. But "people" from my country got us banned from immigrating to all the good countries because of their retardation there. They're by far the worst immigrants in history. And I don't think we have local immigration lawyers, unless I should contact one from a potential target country? I'm not that picky as long as I can have a place to live in, healthy food to eat, and a job that pays me, and maybe some nice nature and weather, and ok sane people. But I feel like it's too late for me, despite only being 22, I'm getting as sick as my parents because of their negligence and abuse and how they denied me healthcare for too long that my condition got too bad, so even if I successfully immigrate, I'll have lots of baggage to carry with me and I might end up not making it the way I envisioned. But at least I'll die somewhere nice I guess. I'll look into the programes you suggested though, thank you again.

No. 2180153

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Something humiliates me. I can't stand living my life for one more second or minute. I want to tear off my skin.

No. 2180163

In what form is their permission needed? Would they need to fill in a form and sign it, or do they need to turn up in person and grant their permission? Depending on how it's done you can forge their signatures and maybe find a way to get your passport mailed to a safe address, or see if you can get the mail before they do. Idk how feasible that'd be.

No. 2180181

L… Lily?! (I'm sorry I'm probably being schizophrenic)

No. 2180211

Got an important phone call but my mom picked up since I was sleeping, so she decided to wake me up by putting my phone in my face while on speaker. When I panicked she yelled at me. Poor lady on the other end had to hear all of that. She kept snapping her fingers at me anytime I spoke (even though the woman is talking to me because it's my phone call). After the phone call my mom said she wanted to put me into psych for "misbehaving". I think anyone would wake up frazzled they were awoken to cold glass on their face and a strange voice talking while their mom barks at them.
I think she has dementia.

No. 2180216

You should put her in a home. Soon.

No. 2180218

And here I am again, annoyed. Bitch, of course I'm going to worry about your reading speed in spanish if your English speed is as retarded as it is. She reads like
>ladiehs and chentlmn
>the weahther is
Fuck off, how are you supposedly the best at your English classes outside the academy if you can't even fucking read?
It's absolutely retarded, I can't wait to not ever see their faces again, I will wait for them to crash their planes before I travel again.
They're not even paying attention or participating, of course they're not going to learn fucking anything. Plus this is an advanced level, this is fucking C1/C2, it's not my fault their asses aren't prepared and need to be taught the fucking ABCs, maybe pick another motherfucking career that doesn't require you to learn a second language you retarded losers.

No. 2180232

idk how straight women think that by acting cool girl owo and being the perfect pickme ewhore will make them more valuable to moids. can't stop laughing when they post their wishlists full of polyester hooker bikinis (sometimes for "cosplay") and end up deleting them because simps didn't pay enough. i've never dropped my frigid misandrist act, never shown my body to the internet and still got unrequested simps buying me shit. kek.

No. 2180233

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Nonnies what's it mean when a scrote started off flirting with me a little and making comments about how I'm pretty and easy to love but now he says he thinks of me as a daughter? I'm all fucked up kek, does he like me romantically? Sexually? Does he think I'm ugly now so he doesn't like me like that anymore? Does this mean he likes me more now or less?

No. 2180236

I'm the 2nd ayrt. Your situation is one of the most difficult I've seen on this board. Hang in there, friend.

Yes, when I bring up immigration lawyers, I mean one from a potential target country. I kind of added that in as a disclaimer because I don't know your exact situation, and the advice that has worked for other people might not be 100% accurate to you. Speaking to a professional can give you much more specific, useful advice. There are some who do online meetings, so you might be able to save up and schedule something like that in the future.
There are a decent amount of people who can independently find the information they need and figure everything out by themselves, but I don't feel responsible telling you to try that.

If you haven't already, I would recommend searching for as many stories as possible posted by emigrants from your country. See if anyone else has posted their method for escaping.

Right now, it looks like your biggest obstacle is the passport. Your two main options are to do what >>2180163 says and try to forge their permission, or try to find some reason for them to agree to make a passport.

If they are muslim, you could use this as a reason for them to leave the country. Assuming you're not from Saudi Arabia, you'll likely need a passport to cross the border and visit Mecca. Since they're old and sick, you can try to convince them to visit it one last time before they die, to make sure that they are right with god or whatever. Convince them that you also HAVE to go with them, not only because you are their caretaker, but because you also want to visit the holy places and show Allah that you are his true follower. If you are usually not very religious, try to frame it like, "I know I'm not the most devout person, but I still believe that it is important to be in the good graces of Allah. Before my parents die, I want to make sure they are in good standing with him."

…and yeah, there is a portion of retards in every population and it drives me insane how they ruin life for normal people. I wish we had some kind some kind of agency that could specifically locate sane women who are trapped in shitty countries and send a helicopter to extract them.

No. 2180268

I hate my face so much I hate my face

No. 2180297

Been having mental breakdowns near daily that last for hours. I'm so burned out of just being alive.
I can't see positivity in the future and have lost interest in anything I used to enjoy.
I wish that I could save enough money to take time off but the cost of living is so high I feel like I'm trying to climb up a slide.
Goals that used to feel achievable are now just fever dreams.

No. 2180298

my sister came home and is screaming about people moving shit in her room after she comes home after a few months. why can't this bitch do this when my mom came home. she just called us retarded lmao. bitch is screaming like she's in elementary school with a potty mouth.

No. 2180320

My depression is killing me. I’m at the point where I cannot even be glad that I’m at least not in prison or something because honestly I rather be in prison than feeling like that. I’m already dead, there is nothing I like or enjoy anyway. Topkek at my life

No. 2180347

I'm tired of being the "freak". My life should have unfolded well. What the fuck is this shit.

No. 2180386

Its my birthday n I hope my ex and the man who assaulted me dies. I'd settle for life ruined.

No. 2180399

>as long as you're not from saudi arabia
Yeah….about that….

No. 2180404

Happy birthday anon, may all your wishes come true!

No. 2180406

I'm hoping that the pedo who groomed me fucking dies as well, hangs himself off a bridge when he's inevitably exposed as a nonce either by me or one of his MANY, MANY OTHER VICTIMS. Or. Lives his life as a exposed pedo, ruined. Either one works for me. Lol. You just gave me a new idea, nonnie! I'll be sure to wish this on my birthday.

No. 2180437


No. 2180440

Thanks you~
May all our wishes come true

No. 2180459

I hate shitting and I hate wiping my ass. Waste of fucking time. I can’t believe we haven’t evolved out of this nonsense yet.

No. 2180461

my grandmother committed suicide this morning. she shot herself in the head. i tried to save her but it was too late and i watched her take her last breaths.
seeing someone die that way is the most horrific and visceral thing i've ever experience and i dont know how to even begin processing this. she was my favorite person in the entire world

No. 2180468

I'm so sorry, that sounds incredibly traumatizing.

No. 2180469

imagining such a beautiful world for you both

No. 2180502

Nona my heart goes out to you both. I'm so sorry.

No. 2180512

>I wish so much my country would have school shootings like USA has.
Are you retarded

No. 2180535

Antidepressants are shit. Stop taking them and look at alternatives. Microdosing mushrooms has long lasting effects and almost no side effecfs. You can also microdose acid or see if you have access to ketamine and use that once a month.

No. 2180547

OP is so butthurt with that thread description, booooo you stink

No. 2180555

This is all caused by women if you think about it because they allow it and for what. If women were harshly rejecting behaviors like this it wouldn't be happening. This is why I hate dick chasing women who have no self worth and think having a scrote is some kind of status symbol

No. 2180586

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>it's all wimmens fault

No. 2180614

ntayrt but I personally am too afraid of my own mind to do mushrooms or acid ever. I have the most insane dreams every night, some very disturbing. Who knows what would happen on shrooms or acid.

No. 2180659

My mom is crying her eyes out. My Step-Dad was in the ER last night and he has a history of breathing issues and got pneumonia, he’s currently in the hospital. Honestly I have such a messy relationship with my mom but I still feel for her and really hope he’ll be ok

No. 2180690

I know I'm retarded for being on tinder in general, but I'm so sick of every scrote using it like the straight version of grindr.
>Not looking for anything serious
>I have a gf, let's be discreet
>Open relationship, looking for a third
>The most walled moid you can think of looking for 'Short term fun'
Jesus fuck, this is a DATING APP. I hate how the STD fandom (aka moids) have made it so it's now ridiculous to look for dates and relationships in dating apps as opposed to casual hookups. This was never tinder's original purpose, hence why there's an option to report couple profiles (which I do, constantly)

No. 2180695

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>STD fandom (aka moids)

No. 2180696

i really really hate how forgiving people are with shit products if said product is related to something they consider "cute".

i started playing that cardcaptor sakura gacha game and it's basically one step away from being a scam. it's even bad at being a cash grab. the prices are too high for the shit rewards and even if you got what you wanted, there's absolutely nothing to do in the game. you log in, tap a couple of things, spend money, and that's it. at least other popular gachas have an actual game to play.
they also have been charging more than what's advertised, they charge you multiple times for the same transaction, and people sometimes don't even get their rewards.
and if you complain you get droves of losers telling you to please think of the starved developers who won't feed their babies if you don't spend money on their shit game. the customer service is atrocious and people will make excuses because "they probably don't speak english!"
i wanted a cute ccs game and i would be more than willing to pay if the game was entertaining but this shit is atrocious

No. 2180704

That happened to me when I went on Celexa. Absolutely fucking killed my libido, too. That shit suuuucked

No. 2180705

Literally the worst gacha I have played. If you want a fun ccs game emulate the gba game on your phone

No. 2180727

Okay. I laughed at the STD Fandom part….. I think I'm beginning to dig radfem/moidhating humor since I've been quite the pickme "wahman inferior lol" humored girl. This is a step.

No. 2180735

Nta but I feel sorry for you and every other woman who didn't grow up naturally hating males and finding women to be the superior sex. I wish you a happy healing nonnie and hope you will see the moidhating light in its full glory.

No. 2180740

AYRT this is so fucking embarrassing I can't believe you admitted this even anonymously. What the fuck are retards like you even doing in imageboards where we mock your precious superior moids?

No. 2180743

Wondering if I did got out bed to eat that burger she bought would've helped my depression. She came all the way for me, if I didn't worry about dirty hair maybe we would've talk, cry, and maybe I would graduate school normally, have fun in university together and didn't have to live through all that shit with my brothers. It's one of those sudden regrets that changes your life direction, I just knew I fucked up and I got even worse.

No. 2180745

There are two types of nonnas….

No. 2180749

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When you are weak. People want to hurt you and get rid of you. Which is strange. I think another natural response is to protect, nurture and love.

Maybe it's just me. Out of everyone. It is just me being treated in this way.

No. 2180769

I have insane dreams every night too and never had any issues on psychedelics man, how can you be afraid of something that has so many potential benefits. The only people I saw lose control on psychedelics are people who have low IQ (like legit really dumb) or alcoholics.

No. 2180772

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> STD fandom (aka moids)

No. 2180778

It can trigger psychosis tho. If you are predisposed.

No. 2180797

For most of human existence, humans would live in a tribe of 10-25 people their whole life. Interactions outside that group were limited and often violent to the point of senseless deadly attacks and back-and-forth revenge cycles. Humans also killed roughly 1/3 of their own newborns.
So, we do naturally have a great deal of instincts towards empathy, high-investment child rearing, social group formation, and in-group aid. But we also display high rates of ignoring, discarding, and attacking those who don’t fall into our desired in-group and its perceived wellbeing.
Contemporary society involves meeting and interacting with such a mass amount of people that it also affects how those stats look and how it feels to navigate those categories. Family can be put out of sight and out of mind, friends can easily be discarded for a new batch of friends. Peer groups change constantly throughout life and can be beneficial or a mere nuisance. There’s limits to how much people desire to aid those they view as a perpetual problem, especially if it’s perceived as a character flaw instead of a physical illness.

No. 2180800

NTA but psychedelics aren’t all “love and light” unless you’re only into the new age / new thought circles where they only talk about that stuff, plus lots of people get addicted to them and later end up regretting the experience because they develop stuff like psychosis like the other nona said

Yeah I’ve read a lot of people who do them end up being mentally broken afterwards. Usually because they have some sort of Gnostic / Simulation Theory type of vision, in some rare events they start believing they’re literally possessed by demons from hell and develop schizophrenia and stuff similar to that

No. 2180812

Same guys complaining that “women only want Chad” as if girls are supposed to eagerly flock to the droves of out of shape ugly balding losers who also have zero good qualities or personality traits and no desire to commit to an emotionally invested lifelong relationship. They have nothing to offer and deserve their zero matches and “male loneliness epidemic” meanwhile I know countless guys who actually have something to offer a relationship and care about their partners and are therefore happily engaged/married already.

No. 2180833

idk man they healed my psychosis that I got from prescription meds so that sounds like a load of bullshit and very questionable.

>plus lots of people get addicted to them
you can't get addicted to psychedelics, if you keep taking them they stop having any effect because you build tolerance very fast and they have no after effects when they stop working that would make someone want to take more like stimulants or benzos. Anyway, regular antidepressants actually have more potential harmful effects, and they have no actual healing benefits - they don't cause the brain to repair itself like mushrooms do. They just clog the serotonin receptor with an artificial molecule which does nothing, like a tampon, and slows down the usage of the serotonin produced by the brain. So you have more serotonin left over but you have your receptors clogged by this thing that does nothing, so your life quality decreases gradually and you just become indifferent to everything and numb.
Additionally, microdosing means you are taking a dose that is below the threshold that causes any noticeable effects so it's like you didn't take anything, you just feel better and managing life and emotions is easier. You don't trip out on a microdose, hear voices or get "bad" trips or any actual psychedelic effect that would cause you to go into some massively self reflective state that would impair normal functioning lol

No. 2180841

I hope the manhating topic won't ever come up with my psychologist because I'm not going to argue that akshually not all people are bad what a sad thought! I swear therapy feels like brainwashing

No. 2180846

I was feeling a bit more hopeful about the future, making plans about finding a job and trying to move out, but I really just want to snap my fingers and disappear out of existence. I hate that I've been crying in front of my mother and talking to her about the same shit for a month only to reach to the same dead end every time. I hate feeling pathetic.

No. 2180850

Typical psychedelics fan, blames users instead of the risky unregulated drugs. Also there is nothing you can accomplish with these drugs you couldn't just do through regular introspection and doesn't risk post hallucination syndrome

No. 2180852

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Its pissing rain so I decided what a perfect day to grab a nice hot chili or soup! Made it to the drive thru and the guy on the speaker tells me they don't have either. What the fuck!!!!!! It's prime lunch time what do you MEAN you don't have any?! I don't like any of their other food so I just didn't get anything. Waste of my half hour lunch break and gas. Now I'm cold, hungry and annoyed

No. 2180861

nta but even though they are not physically addictive and tolerance will prevent daily use, people very much do become "addicted" to psychedelics. i have met people whose entire personalities and ability to function have been destroyed after doing too much acid/shrooms. yet they still keep going. i'm not anti drug by any means but it's just dumb to act like you can't be addicted to any substance.

No. 2180887

If it does you can give her an example of how common mass rape is in the military. I've seen old footage of men retelling stories of groups of upwards of a hundred men descending on an area and assaulting all of the women and girls there. In these stories every man participates and the ones that don't (or say they don't) cover for the ones partaking. I've never seen anyone be able to keep up the ~not all men~ argument after that. Sometimes they try the "well those men are in very severe circumstances and have PTSD and are operating in very violent conditions" but that just further proves the point that ALL men are capable of rape and dehumanizing women if they're stressed enough or know they can get away with it. And the fact that in horrible conditions their first inclination is to rape the women going through the same trauma really speaks to the innate nature of men. I've never seen a traumatized, stressed woman rape a little boy to relax.

No. 2180888

File: 1727383369162.jpg (47.08 KB, 1273x607, wtf-triggerwarning-before-horr…)

I just got a trigger warning before a horror movie, and I need to understand why the FUCK that's a thing. I've never seen this before.

No. 2180892

Reminds me of when they did a social experiment or art installation thing where men were allowed to circle around a woman and after a while, some of them started groping and ripping off her clothing. Men are naturally violent, disgusting creatures. Women dont ever think about assaulting or raping anyone, but men do. All men are capable of rape. All of them. I dont trust any men.

No. 2180896

Exactly. Like what. You are watching a movie rated R, what do you expect?

No. 2180907

Yes, Marina Abramovic's early art installation, I know what you're talking about. The group was given various tools to use to interact with her, some gentle and some violent. The women in the group did stuff like hand her a flower, take a photo, kiss her on the cheek. Some just stood and watched others interact. But the men started getting violent, ripping hair out, cutting her with the thorns on the rose, ripping her clothes off, one held a gun to her. Some people tried to intervene but I think most of them either left or just watched in horror. That's another really good example of men's innate nature that people try to deny.

No. 2180913

Thank you for adding onto that. I was so horrified when i first saw the photos of what the men did. I'm convinced they are just beasts in human skin. Women can live peacefully without men.

No. 2180921

>i have met people whose entire personalities and ability to function have been destroyed after doing too much acid/shrooms. yet they still keep going.

sure but you can replace "acid/shrooms" with a lot of other stuff in this sentence and it will still be true, so it's addictive in the same way as anything, so let's say video games or fast food. Any psychological dependency can destroy lives and humans can develop that kind of relationship with literally anything if they have poor character. Doesn't change the fact that mushrooms have a lot of beneficial effects and surpass antidepressants in every way when it comes to healing depression with long term results. And are generally safer than other medications you can get from a psychiatrist, have lesser abuse potential than alcohol, which is legal etc.

No. 2180925

Aww damn, I thought the women were being normal. Sorry for my misinformation it's been about a decade since I learned about it.

No. 2180926


No. 2180927

So what?

No. 2180931

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No. 2180932

Man I wish I were a scrote then I could beat the shit out of my babymommas and multiple kids by them, cheat on them, steal from my family for drugs, get in fights and go to prison multiple times, and everybody will still kiss my ass and scramble over each other to hold my hand and help me with my problems and empathize with my childhood trauma. Instead I'm a quietly addicted heavily traumatized daughter so even if I directly ask my family for career help or even just not offering me alcohol multiple times they sneer at me and mock me and act like I'm just choosing to be a piece of shit. I never hurt anybody and am a black sheep but actual male demons in my family get such intense coddling

No. 2180933

Nta but I think everyone could benefit from less men, including men. Any man in jail is already a genetic throw away. So are extremely mentally ill men, and violent ones.

No. 2180938

What answer are you expecting kek? If men didn't then neither would we, so what? Someone/something else would take our place. What kind of retarded question even is that?You are either a butthurt moid or a pickme.

No. 2180940

You need to go back.

No. 2180941

*didn't exist

No. 2180944

>so there’s not much that can be done about it.
Nta but we're not making plans to end men's existence we're just shooting the shit. It's okay if you disagree but your being really autistic about it. Let the nonnies fantasize

No. 2180946

Wherever you came from; your newfag is showing.

No. 2180950

>so it's addictive in the same way as anything, so let's say video games or fast food
Sure but you don’t see someone literally screaming and crying in a breakdown about how reality is an illusion and the aliens are coming for us when they play too many video games unless they’re so mentally fucked that they literally can’t separate fantasy and real life, saying deranged stuff like that, however, is pretty common after doing psychedelics


Ok except we’re getting overpopulated anyways so maybe less of us existing wouldn’t be so bad lol. Also the suicide point is dumb, lots of people have shitty lives but fear death so much and don’t wanna cause such pain to their loved ones that they can’t bring themselves to end it no matter how bad they want to

No. 2180954

Very cute. Go back to /pol/.

No. 2180955

Every person I know who began doing shrooms turned into an obnoxious idiot who couldn't shut the fuck up about how much they love doing shrooms and how they wanna do them again and how great shrooms are and it was so funny/amazing/interesting when insert retarded story that happened while they were high and shrooms are so life changing and they really want to do them again soon and shrooms are so great and they love shrooms. I had to cut off some friends while they were going through their shroom lover arcs. It's genuinely impossible to be around them when you aren't into drugs because psychedelics become their sole personality trait

No. 2180956

Okay. How about males prove they can respect women by doing so, and then maybe we'll talk about the rest.

No. 2180958

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No. 2180961

Now here's the newfag.

No. 2180963

You don't pass, moid. Quit trying so hard(scrotefoiling)

No. 2180964

There's no pacifist answer to the male question

No. 2180967

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No. 2180968

Can this poltard get banned already

No. 2180969

Okay? Why would I give a shit if I no longer had a life? Kek I just wouldn't be sad about it because I wouldn't exist at all. you're extremely autistic

No. 2180970

First anon you replied to. I'm not even the second. That poster is just an obvious newfag.

No. 2180972

Bait harder

No. 2180974

So you don't value your own life? Why should anyone care about what you have to say, then?

No. 2180976

Well, you clearly care enough to come ask women why we don't wanna reproduce with scrotes kek so you tell me

No. 2180978

If you don’t frequent imageboards then leave lolcow you newfag. If you can’t lurk for at least two years you’re not meant for this place anyways

No. 2180980

Nta and I don't want to argue overpopulation or under population because I don't know enough about this subject but I am curious as to why people think we won't ever reach overpopulation when the population has only been growing at a steady rate since the 1300's. Is it really wrong to assume it'll continue growing at the pace it has been, and we'll reach 12 billion within the next century or so.

No. 2180981

Yeah, you're being asked to question your own ideology, and all you can come up with is "well, I don't care!" Like a kid.

No. 2180985

>I don’t know if it’s a large pool of users or just a select few
it seems like a lot of nonnas, it makes sense unfortunately. in general family abuse is underdiscussed (especially of daughters). a lot of nonnas will also be awkward and have autistic traits, and disabled kids are more likely to be abused.

No. 2180986

I think it's overpopulated already because everyone is becoming gradually more retarded

No. 2180988

If we didn't exist then we wouldn't be here having this retarded exchange. Any other stupid questions you need to get off your chest?

No. 2180991

Anon there's no way you've been here for four years (on /ot/ of all places) and never read someone reference /pol/ or called a racist maybemoid a /pol/fag.

No. 2180998

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Integrate! Newfags, get your Integrate! Only costs a few years of lurking!

No. 2181000

Nta but yes ♥ begone pickmeisha.

No. 2181001

Never said I didn't care, retard KEK you're the one who assumed any woman who thinks it's preferable for the human race to end than for misogyny to continue eternally "doesn't care about her own life". You're the one with the retarded autistic hypotheticals here, scrote, not us
The whole "argument" is just so nonsensical, so what if I wouldn't be alive without moids? I just wouldn't be alive and the world would keep spinning and women who were already born would still be alive. What's your point kek(scrotefoiling)

No. 2181003

nice going matey! I'll pray for your reading comprehension nonna

No. 2181004

Wtf are u even on about? I don't care about the hypothetical of men not existing cause I already exist but If they didn't then I wouldn't care cause I would not exist. On a scale of stupid to dumb, how brainless are you?

No. 2181006

that's true, but it's not fair to compare an activity like playing video games or shopping to a substance that can induce permanent psychosis. just saying "well they're safer than antidepressants!" doesn't mean much when you're also talking about how unsafe antidepressants are. i've used them myself and i still think it's retarded to put them in the same danger category as video games. saying that psychedelics can become addictive and cause severe side effects isn't controversial to anyone except the most tarded drug users.

No. 2181007

Yeah it can be very all-consuming, euphoric experience and unrelatable to someone who never did them because it's something that the average person can't imagine. Think about it this way, kids get obsessed with something adults don't understand and talk about it all the time and want to engage with it all the time because they're in on it, and for the adults it looks stupid from the outside or just uninteresting because they don't understand it. And taking them is a very life changing experience and can be quite shocking, especially for people who haven't developed spiritually before that for example.

No. 2181008

Probably because the /pol/fag accusations currently being posted in this thread make no sense.


>people should respect each other

>reee /pol/fag

It's just another instance of a terminally online retard and probably a newfag that doesn't realize what they're actually saying.

No. 2181009

"ignoring men" Not everyone can ignore creatures that go around raping literal newborn babies until they die from internal bleeding. I would absolutely give up my existence for the sake of no other baby girl having to die from a disgusting pedo scrote shoving his dick inside her until she's limp and lifeless. And that's the difference between scrotes and real humans: real humans have empathy for others besides themselves

No. 2181011

Can you at least stop pretending you're not a scrote yourself kek you don't pass(scrotefoiling)

No. 2181014

Because this is a completely hypothetical scenario born out of your terminally autistic brain and the "Kill all men but you'll have to die too" button doesn't exist in reality. Take your meds, poltard(infighting)

No. 2181016

You have to be low iq to not realize that the >>2180942 anon is trying to covertly derail the topic about irl misogyny.

No. 2181020

I think people who need to do drugs to have a spiritual awakening are stupid

No. 2181021

Even your typing style is scrotey af kek(scrotefoiling)

No. 2181022

Would you choose being a sex trafficked woman or never existing at all

No. 2181024

You argue and type exactly like a Redditor kek

No. 2181025

It IS a scrote kek, I know people scrotefoil all the time but I refuse to believe a farmer would be this retarded. When he pretended he'd never heard of 4chan and immediately upon googling it recognized it as a "tranny site" I KEK'D

No. 2181028

Can I use the vent thread for its intended purpose or are we still fighting? Anyway. I'm listening to an interview podcast and this moid has been ranting for an hour and a half and shows zero sign of stopping. The host has done fuck and all to rein him in. These interviews are usually only an hour long. I can't keep up with this weird ass conversation.

No. 2181031

>Anon, you’re having a really hard time coping etc etc
Nta but you are the one who got upset and started a big infight all because a Nonna said a hypothetical about wishing men didn't exist after discussions of them committing mass gang rape. It is you who can't cope with people disagreeing with you.

No. 2181035

I'm so sorry if a moid put you through that or if he expected you to do that stuff. I've never been with a moid that asked me to do that stuff but I've been so disappointed with men I've enjoyed being single. I don't even miss having sex with a partner and I tend to have a high libido. Remember ladies, there's absolutely nothing a man can do sexually that a machine can't do. Vibrators and dildos are a godsend. Having sex with men isn't even worth the risk with how degenerate and useless they are. Crazy how they're getting replaced by cats AND little machines that run on 2 AA batteries. lmao

No. 2181040


>if men didn’t exist, none of us would

would that be so bad

No. 2181045

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Wait, so this newfag went and did that whole "we need to be grateful for men" bullshit because of an anon venting about wanting scrotes dead because of horrible cases? Yeah, let's pile on reports. Fuck it.

No. 2181047

Getting pedantic about men's "value" to our existence after reading a post about the mass atrocities they commit is pretty weird, anon.

No. 2181051

Since you're here let's do a misogynistic reddit moid Q&A: What age did your hair start falling and what age did your erectile dysfunction started?(scrotefoiling)

No. 2181053

>But nonny NOT ALL MEN!!!!!

No. 2181054

I'm aware that it's asinine derail and the /pol/fag accusation still makes no sense. It's like not being a baiting retard is exclusive to /pol/.

No. 2181055

no because the desire to not exist is not the same as the desire to kill yourself.

No. 2181058

>Some of you need to work on your reading comprehension.
You mean read between the lines cause it's pretty obvious what you are doing scrote.

No. 2181061

are u a newfag

No. 2181062

You lack reading comprehension.

No. 2181064

Kek I think this scrote might've gotten a full bingo of retarded MRA "arguments":
>Men commit atrocities? Interesting, so your dad is a rapist and you want him dead also?
>You wouldn't be alive if it weren't for men
>You're just mad because you don't have a man in your life who loves you, cat lady!
>You only call me a man because you're obsessed with us-I mean THEM! (scrotefoiling)

No. 2181067

No you said that 30 times because you couldn't cope with seeing anons vent and fantasize after hearing about horrific crimes men have committed. Go cry to Nigel about the terrible misandry you witnessed and stop taking everything so literal.

No. 2181068

It's hard not to hate autistic people when they reply like this.

No. 2181069

Exhibit A

No. 2181070

How does acknowledging that posting bait is not a /pol/fag exclusive behaviour make me a newfag? This is fucking retarded.

No. 2181072

nta, but
>reeeee it's not a mass atrocity unless you're bad as hitler!!

No. 2181075

NTA but give up already, scrote kek no one's taking the bait

No. 2181076

*autistic moids

No. 2181077

Does it even fucking matter? Why would you care about it when we are referring to a very obvious male troll?

No. 2181080

stop doing meth

No. 2181081

>everyone that disagrees with me is a man
Here we go again.

No. 2181084

Autistic women can be just as retarded tbh, the biggest handmaidens and pickmes are usually female retards unable to comprehend how misogyny works who think all men are harmless smol steven universe beans from their fanfiction

No. 2181085

sure but even farmers aren't this retarded

No. 2181090

This thread says otherwise

No. 2181092


You mean derail with idiotic and meaningless statements?

No. 2181104


No. 2181105

File: 1727387734733.jpg (68.27 KB, 1016x775, 1000009242.jpg)

You're either a scrote or a really autistic pick me. Just in case you're the latter, let me explain something to you: some people like to use hyperbole when they're venting about something, especially if it's about something terrible like rape. Do you get it now, retard? Can you fuck off somewhere else instead of asking irrelevant and pedantic what if questions to people who are just ranting?

And if you are a scrote, just fuck off completely. The rest of the internet is your echo chamber but of course you need to be here trying to fact check women because you need to feed your fragile little ego. Kys.(scrotefoiling)

No. 2181108

>A thread for venting about difficult stuff going on in your life.

No. 2181110

Have u been paying any attention

No. 2181114

There is nothing to comprehend cause there is zero depth to them.

No. 2181115

The irony of this post took me out.

No. 2181116

it's retarded that you don't understand that if none of us would exist then there wouldn't be anyone capable of regretting the fact that we do not exist so it wouldn't matter lmfao

No. 2181119

Seconding this whole post, the obsession with taking everything extremely literal while also have her feelings hurt by nonnies who hate men absolutely reeks of autistic nigelfag.

No. 2181120

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No. 2181122

But if you genuinely preferred the state of nonexistence and want that for all of humanity why do you choose to be alive instead of taking your own life everyday

No. 2181128

>And if you are a scrote, just fuck off completely. The rest of the internet is your echo chamber but of course you need to be here trying to fact check women because you need to feed your fragile little ego. Kys.

No. 2181129

Jfc can you stop spamming and doubleposting repeatedly

No. 2181130

I use the high male suicide rate for cope everyday, cheers me up like a cup of hot coffee with whip cream on top. It's also a good rebuttal when men claim women are over emotional, we're not the ones killing ourselves at the slightest instance of hardship kek

No. 2181132

lmfao you seriously lack understanding of the concepts you bring up

No. 2181133

>Would you rather be dead than sometimes come across dudes?
>Blah blah kill yourself

No. 2181137

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No. 2181138

Doesn't really work when women attempt to kill themselves more than men, they just survive it. Men die more from their suicide attempts

No. 2181140

How do you not see how those two things are a contradiction

No. 2181142

Yes actually. Autistic moids don't exist.

No. 2181143

Yeah but they also use it to show that men have it worse than women or that they are more serious about killing themselves or whatever

No. 2181144

>funny hehe misandry memez men r trash amirite
>probably just bitter because her boyfriend cheated on her

No. 2181145

Yes because they're inherently more violent and impulsive. Women are better in every regard.

No. 2181147

it's not a contradiction sperg lmfaoo

No. 2181148

>mentally ill anti-nigelfag
No where in this derail has anyone mentioned being in a relationship. Single women are just as capable of posting inane arguments as women in relationships.


It's starting to smell like trannycord in here.

No. 2181149

Yeah this thing is definitely what we think it is kek

No. 2181152

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No. 2181156

But you will always sometimes come across dudes as long as you're alive. Even if you're just scrolling through social media. That will always be a possibility if you exist. If you truly never wanted to see them again, then kill yourself. But you clearly don't care as much as you say you do.

No. 2181157

what kind of workplace calls the cops when a newbie doesn't show up on time lmao
that is crazy
anyway don't feel bad, and don't let anyone make you feel bad. you overslept, big whoop

No. 2181159

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No. 2181162

It's a group of underage newfags that congregate in a discord channel, probably with trannies because it's discord after all, so they can coordinate raids on threads and upvote each other's posts.

No. 2181163

I refuse to believe a woman would cape this hard for men if she wasn't straight and either in a relationship or trying to be in one.
>"mentally ill"
So your feeling got hurt huh.

No. 2181167

can you go do something productive with your time

No. 2181168

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>man hate on lolcow
>"you must be mad because a man hurt your feelings!"
Oh this faggot is starting to sound like something very familiar. Report, everyone.

No. 2181171

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No. 2181172

he sounds like he has brain-rot/clinical internet addiction

No. 2181173

The actual newfags are the ones spamming reactionary posts all over the website about how much they hate dicksuckers, but okay.

No. 2181174

NTA but it's obviously two moids

No. 2181176

I love that this is one site we can openly bash scrotes for the waste of space they are. They should be thankful women in general dont want revenge on their sorry asses.

No. 2181177

Go to any /g/ thread about relationships.

No. 2181179

not appropriate anon

No. 2181184

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No. 2181187

I don't want to die. I dont want to live on a planet ruled by unpredictable retards. The solution? Total male death. EZ

No. 2181188

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No. 2181189

Right? Most "misandrist" women just want scrotes to leave us alone so we can do our own thing, but misogynistic moids want to and do harm women. Make it make sense.

No. 2181196

Never happening

No. 2181197

Careful Nonna, no fantasizing about hypothetical scenarios or the fun police are going to ticket you for not using very specific and literal language.

No. 2181199

No it's a man ready to settle down

No. 2181203

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No. 2181208

It's sort of sad to watch. Especially when they start getting into lolishit so they can seem cool. But, i have no empathy for them. I've dealt with some before and they always try to drag me into their female intrasexual competition and tear me down for not wearing makeup despite me being a 6'0 dyke kek. So many of those types on /snow/

No. 2181210

Kek, this is too real.

No. 2181217

File: 1727389302986.png (139.09 KB, 640x786, virgin bf vs nonvirgin bf.png)

No. 2181219

>get banned for derailing because I said gypsy isn't a race
>this autistic infight about nothing gets to go on for over 1.5 hours
Life is so unfair anons…

No. 2181227

non virgin bf is obv. gay and should run off into the sunset with his club guys

No. 2181232

Virgin bf is also gay and non virgin bf is his boyfriend.

No. 2181237

i ship it

No. 2181238

You should know that Josh doesn't have control of the site simply by the fact that we wouldn't have lost all /ot/ images in the hack if he did.

No. 2181245

You can kinda read the comic like they’re talking to each other
Non virgin is just tsundere while virgin is a secret slut who wants the dick.

No. 2181249

Happy birthday anon, I hope all your wishes come true soon!

No. 2181251

The ban evading baiter from Unpopular Opinions decided to shit up this thread as well, and we've purged their posts again. Stop responding to bait, stop giving them attention.

No. 2181255

I don't think he spends much time online, he's kind of a lot older than me and I don't think he's very tech savvy.

No. 2181256

Deleting these (honestly really tame) tinfoil posts is kind of weird

No. 2181261

/ot/ rule 7 newfag

No. 2181262

>>there's absolutely nothing to do in the game. you log in, tap a couple of things, spend money, and that's it.
You're absolutely right. It's so boring to the point I even forget to log in or that I even downloaded it on my phone. I've done two purchases so far, and only when the items had huge discounts.
Sure, the Chibi Sakuras are cute but I don't want to rewatch the whole CCS plot now in visual novel format just to get tickets, coins and other shit.

No. 2181271

>Tinfoiling with no basis to a claim
>with no basis to a claim
Come on anon we all know all (or most) of the mods are male

No. 2181279

my female therapist got it but i never went much into it, she's divorced though kek

No. 2181281

my mother beat me until I was 24 and didn't let me go outside much and now I am so profoundly retarded at 34 and had my entire youth stolen from me but society expects me to be an adult and go to work to waste more time on some menial job because I have no education to actually get a job that makes sense to waste my time in it's such bullshit

No. 2181295

They always delete ban evaders posts, its the only thing that stops anons from taking the bait

No. 2181296

File: 1727391129907.webp (83.91 KB, 1084x1355, 1000016766.jpg)

I'm in so much pain. I don't want to be alone anymore

No. 2181305

my dad didn't let me go out either or do anything out of pure paranoia rooted in misogyny. he never physically hurt me but he heavily verbally and mentally abused me so i get how you feel. i'm going to turn 32 soon and i lost out on a lot of things i should have enjoyed in my youth like going to college but instead i was really depressed and had suicidal thoughts for years so i kind of just stayed stagnant. luckily tho, i was able to work really shitty jobs in my 20s that eventually got me enough experience to get a really good and easy job working from home. i even get benefits and there's a lot of opportunities to move up. you don't need a degree to get a good job. learn new valuable skills and work hard. you can do this. you still have so much life to live. you owe it to yourself to make it count.

No. 2181318

>STD fandom
we should all start using this to refer to moids. it's so fucking funny.

No. 2181380

I can't believe I had an argument about whether keeping a journal (not even a diary) was too gay for a man to do. It's practical, ffs.
Is it only straight for a man to write if they make sure to call it a manifesto? Or as long as you make sure to add some stupid chuuni shit like journalmaxxing or whatever.

No. 2181393

File: 1727395319022.jpg (112.52 KB, 666x666, 1657162416243.jpg)

literally 95% of food in america has so much added sugar i fucking hate it. companies do this so we get addicted to their products. all to line their pockets faster in expense of our health. our legislatures do nothing about it because they're all being paid through lobbying. i just want a simple greek yogurt without the 12 grams of sugar for each serving. i have fucking pcos that's getting worse. i have to spend so much time reading labels and ingredients on everything i eat. i can't keep mindlessly eating sugar anymore!!it's literally killing me!!!

there needs to be regulations or restrictions on these greedy conglomerates but i know it will never happen because americans are purposely kept ignorant about what good nutrition actually is. there's not enough americans that know about the effects of sugar and how it's everywhere. our government wants us to think carbs and fat are the worst things when it's actually sugar, especially refined sugar. notice how there's never mainstream news articles about how bad sugar is. it's always "watch out for trans fat!!" there's high fructose corn syrup in the sandwich bread, shut the fuck up, gerald.

No. 2181400

File: 1727395678958.png (552.41 KB, 480x640, IMG_3243.png)

i am slipping into a bad depression again and worried. the bad thoughts take over and snowball and i thought i was bigger than this now? the main source is i feel so disconnected and alone, it starts from this tight chest sensation, i get the brain fog and stop wishing to do the things i love which im usually content with. i really need more socialization but i dont know how. i volunteer and i attend hobby classes sometimes but my other commitments are remote and pay too well/im too late into uni to switch to person. i think if i just had one friend i wouldnt feel so bad? i wonder if i should just dress up and go more places alone, maybe document it on a blog so i dont feel like im in an echo chamber with a diary? it also stunts me mentally i feel. the one person im close with, my boyfriend, i only see every few months. how do some people deal so easily? i just want to go back to having a rich inner world, feeling happy about things, feeling content alone, but i cant recall what helped me the most in those times. i also go to therapy and im on very good medication, is it just trying something new? mindset? where can i even meet someone my age who has similar interests or isnt pregnant/is also friendless and doesnt like partying? how can i continue to work on feeling okay alone? read more? im very hopeless. all i have is nature and animals but sometimes i still feel alone and worry about going to a bad place again. i think even of breaking up with my boyfriend because i dont want to be depressed when i really want to and should be happy. i cant slip back into this. im willing to fix it and do more, i am, even if it means putting myself out there. what a useless vent

No. 2181404

Tenko is one of the best Danganronpa V3 characters, you’re so real nonita

No. 2181434

dunno, i just woke up and kinda felt like it?

we've been having a hard time with stuff lately and i guess my heart just gave out/

No. 2181444

I just found out that my first female crush, who is so beautiful and perfect that i stalk on social media just got married to a balding obese guy who is older than her who she only met less than a year ago. I'm going to fucking kill myself, I can't cope. I mean the fat scrote looks like a kind man, but i am fucking sobbing, I don't know how to live with the knowledge that her (likely) virginity and ENTIRE FUCKING LIFE AND FUTURE CHILDREN are with this scrote. HE GETS TO BE THE ONE WHO SHE SHOWS EVERYTHING TO?? All out of nowhere. It's too painful. I can't even be happy for her. It's just horrible. I'm so devastated. I look at the pictures they posted together, and his nasty greasy looking self, and I know now that he has touched her intimately and she has given herself to him, I can't take it. It hurts so much. SHE LET HIM HAVE SEX WITH HER? SHE MARRIED HIM??? I don't know how to get these images out of my head. Did she want to have children and felt that this was her last chance in her late 30s? Is this why she did this? I am in disbelief. Please someone, tell me how I can deal with these feelings. I am shaking and I don't know how to cope. I need help or advice, anything. I know I am a terrible person for being a digital stalker and hating this even though she is probably happy, I feel horrible, but I am so fucked up over this, I don't know what to do.

No. 2181445

>make a post asking if anyone else relates to something
>everyone says no and acts unfriendly about it
>delete the post and feel very self-conscious

>have niche issue/experience/feeling

>try to look up if anyone has had anything similar
>no results
I seriously need to stop trying to reassure myself that I'm not the only one because every single time I end up wasting my time and just confirm that I am the only one. At least if I don't go looking I get to keep my hopes up and not feel so autistic and alien

No. 2181448

What's your experience nonnie, I could try helping.

No. 2181449

so fucking disgusting, so fucking disgusting, SO FUCKING DISGUSTING. I can't stop ranting, I'm sorry, I know I'm crazy. I know. But IT'S SO FUCKING DISGUSTING that he is holding her every night. I can't get these intrusive images out of my head. Every time I picture her I now can't help but picture him on top of her. WHY? WHY? WHY? WHY THE FUCKING OBSESE, GEASY, BALDING, FRIZZY HAIRED CLOWN OF A SCROTE? WHY?? This is literally torture for my mind. As if things couldn't get any worse for me living in my head. Now this is permanently cemented in there. I just can't believe this. I want it to all be a dream, I want to wake up and this is not real.

No. 2181456

it's a sign for you to start living your own life

No. 2181457

imagining their fucking newlywed life, i am going to kill myself. it's too disgusting, I can't deal with this. her showing her cute side to him. in a bath robe in the kitchen in the morning. i want to die. I just want to die. this is too hard for me to deal with and I just can't do it. I really cannot do this. all my stupid fantasies about being her husband in another life, and now I have to live with the knowledge she's playing wifey to this fat ugly scrote. GUH. I want to rip my eyes out. i can't take this. I can't take this.

No. 2181464

while that's unfortunate for her (even if she is happy) the only way to get over this is to get a hobby, nonna. you need to occupy your mind with something really engaging. or at least go do some exercise until you're exhausted. literally go touch grass. i mean that with actual concern for you. it isn't healthy to obsess over something like this. this isn't the last beautiful woman you will see settle for a gross ugly scrote. it happens all the time, unfortunately. we can only hope he at least doesn't cheat on her and treats her right. it's common for ugly fat scrotes to get a big ego when they're with a beautiful woman because they think they can get any woman they want.

i had a huge crush on one of my friends in high school. i used to get really jealous over her boyfriend. i hated him because he was always a dick to her and she was so sweet and affectionate. i would think things like "if only i was male, i would treat her right." but i had to get over it because she was straight. that's just life.

No. 2181471

12g of sugar really isn’t a lot though, the amount of sugar you need obviously varies based on your height and weight, but a good baseline is 35g a day to have a healthy blood sugar.

No. 2181473

I'm not strong enough. it;s pathetic but true. I don't have it in me to move on. I just passed out from hyperventilating too much. I don't know what I am going to do when my family arrives home from their trip in 3 hours, i can't function and I they will want to know what's wrong and I can't tell them. So they will be mad at me for refusing to tell them. I don't know what to do even in the very short term.

No. 2181474

Am I overreacting? I just don't get it
>be me
>be English teacher
>teach adults
>they all suck and don't have the right level of knowledge for the career
>have to teach fucking ABCs and 123s because they can't even read
>propose an exam before they begin studying at the academy
>the exam is made in order to help the students reach the desired level of knowledge
>that means at least a month or two with different classes depending on how shit is the score
>once finished that period they can begin their studies of the usual curriculum of the academy
>teachers stop wasting time teaching basic shit that students should already know
>we're talking about Mathematics, English and Physics
>students get to actually understand the topics that are being taught at the academy
But then
>whole family gets mad at me for proposing that
>they tell me that I'm overreacting and going over the line
>I'm literally the only actual teacher of the academy that graduated from university in order to be able to teach
>they tell me that I should just throw the content at them, teach to whoever wants to listen and fuck off
I don't know, I think it's seriously disrespectful how I have to waste my time in teaching retarded shit to adults that should know what to do, it's idiotic and insane, I don't get why I have to degrade myself to the level of some failadultchildren that are being given basically certificates to kill people and themselves and that badmouth the academy where they probably barely got accepted because the others didn't want a bunch of retarded idiots.
And like, in the end, I'm the one who is being badmouthed as well because they can't speak English in 4 days of class, because they have the attention span of dead goldfish and just don't give a fuck, I'm the one who is being compared with other people that I don't even know and shitty cashgrab academies because I want the retards to think and not to just make retarded "I love my mom" level of sentences because that is not the fucking level they should be at.
It's seriously frustrating, like, it's not my fault they're shit, at least in high-school and pre-school it's kind of your fault if they can't even parrot stuff in class, but at this level it's shitty how it's somehow your fault and you can't even propose a change because then you're the one exaggerating.

No. 2181476

Oh nonners share with us

No. 2181477

At this point I will make my own book of English for retarded lazy losers into aviation and kill myself.

No. 2181480

At this point it's a lot of different things. the most recent one was sort of specific to a community so it wouldn't make a ton of sense to describe without context

There is one that I actually saw at least a few nonas describing something similar to on here before. I have always had something that's kinda like gender dysphoria, but not in the way people usually mean it. I don't believe you can change (from either mtf or ftm), I'm mostly happy with my body, I think being a woman is very wonderful even if difficult sometimes, and I don't look even the slightest bit masculine in body type and even have a few very stereotypically feminine interests. But I have a persistent sense of "social dysphoria" if that makes sense. When I hang out with women I feel like a retarded bumbling man who's missing a million cues flying over his head and is hopelessly separated from womanhood. That's the only way I know how to describe it, I feel like a dude larping and imitating, like those posts of troons trying to blend in among women and everyone, himself included, can tell that something is off in the air. I desperately want female friends but never manage to click with them. Something about the way most women talk is like a different language to me. But I am actually a woman, and I know that I am a woman, I know that being a woman is biological and not a particular stereotype or archetype, and I want to be a woman.

It's really hard to explain exactly, that's just the only way I've been able to verbalize it so far. But it's hard to find similar experiences. Pro-trans stuff just pushes you to consider trooning out and anti-trans stuff just aggressively affirms that your sex is your sex and that's final (not something I need a reminder for as I already know).

Many people have thought that I am autistic and maybe that's part of it, for me there's just a specific gendered struggle with it. I have an easier time talking to men for whatever nebulous reason and it makes me feel sad because women are so wonderful and I am so envious of female friendships and grew up watching from the sidelines wishing I could be a part of it, but never managing to find my way in, and it makes me feel broken and dumb and sometimes like there must be something disgusting about me that women can notice.

No. 2181481

>they will want to know what's wrong and I can't tell them. So they will be mad at me for refusing to tell them.
do some breathing exercises, she's just a person, ugly guy or not lol

No. 2181482

I'm sheltered, yet pretentious, frustrated, yet cynical, needy yet demeaning, towards everyone
I deserve all the hate I get

No. 2181484

the american heart association recommends no more than 25 grams of sugar a day for women. 12 grams of sugar is practically half of that. it adds up quickly through out the day if you're not vigilant about it. again, i have pcos, meaning i have insulin resistance. i'd like to eat even less than 25 grams of sugar if possible.

No. 2181485

> t-tha AHA!!
Anon, that’s an association that thrives off of people having heart problems kek. Has it ever crossed your mind that they could be lying to you?

No. 2181486

And samefag; if you don’t like eating sugar you could always opt for a vegetarian diet, no fruit.

No. 2181488

I'm disappointed too that now as an adult I notice how unhealthy so much food being sold is. I don't have pcos but I am fairly short for an American woman so everything is super high calorie. Also there's so much random stuff added in, I'm not the crunchy "only eat stuff you can pronounce!!" kind of hippie but dang it would be nice to have more access to basic simple stuff rather than this contrived stuff. I do live in a place with less food variety though so part of it is just a local problem

No. 2181489

I had the almost exact same experience and I stopped having it when I stopped constantly thinking of myself as internally not woman-like enough to fit in with other women. Basically, you are perpetuating the discomfort yourself and that is constricting your expression and makes you feel like the odd one out, it's a vicious cycle and people can tell when you are uncomfortable they start acting different around you. So having this internal and constant "mental masturbation" of "I am weird" and "I don't fit in" is actually causing you to be weird and not fit in and be too focused on yourself so the interaction becomes unnatural.

No. 2181493

how do they thrive off of people having heart problems? genuinely, i want to know so i can research further. please explain instead of making fun of me. i don't know why you felt like you needed to do that.

also, i know not all sugar is bad. there's natural sugar in fruit that women with pcos can have in moderation. what i was ranting about is the unnecessary added refined sugar. there is a difference. a vegetarian diet wouldn't work for me, it would make it difficult to eat enough protein. i need to be on a high protein diet.

No. 2181495

Aw nonnie I'm sorry you feel this way in female conversations. I have experienced this before myself. It might be a little different from how you experience it exactly, but I will try to offer my best advice.
In my experience, it was a combination of low self esteem, social anxiety, awkwardness in general, and low socialization. Women scared me for a while. I did play into the nonbinary stuff for a while because it was easier to hide behind a label and distract myself with that than to admit I really am a woman despite the awkward and uncomfortable feelings socializing with women brought me. But that only lasted a bit in high school and I got over it, but still felt so fucking stupid talking to women. I only had male friends for a bit because, like you said, socializing was easier and less stressful.
I guess the thing that helped me out was again a combination: working on self esteem, telling myself that it is okay to feel awkward, it is okay to not know what to say, it is okay to "not click" with people, looking up basic conversational guides and how-tos, reminding myself that women are literally just people kek and that one woman not responding positively socially doesn't make YOU a failed woman (it just means you don't click as people) and just letting myself be awkward as fuck. Also in my experience males can usually be a bit easier to talk to, because there is a good chance that they might find you a bit attractive. Not trying to make anything awkward for you but it's just to remind you of what is likely.
I still feel awkward in a lot of conversations with women, but it's something I think you can work on. I don't think it's anything you should stress too much about because it can be fixable. I get shy around a lot of women still, but in my experience they're always so open to conversation if you know how to have smalltalk and seem genuine and ask questions in response. People loooove to be asked questions.
God speed nona.

No. 2181499

The AHA receives their funding from members (often ill people), corporate companies that produce these sugary foods (unrestricted tax-write off charitable donations), and the children’s heart foundation (which is primarily funded by family members/parents of children who either have heart illnesses or have recently died from them)

No. 2181500

My mom is a super lazy person and will milk her couple of tasks of the day and then go on to call everyone else lazy and ungrateful.
She’s almost 60 and has been on disability since she was 40. She wakes up at 12 in the afternoon, she’ll “clean” the bathrooms, does the dishes (when she’s not asking me or my dad to do them), and depending on the day will do HER laundry. She doesn’t walk the dog or anything, and she called ME lazy because I asked her to walk the dog once a day so I don’t have to squeeze his piss schedule 20 minutes before I go to work. She acts like she works a 9-5 like pls lmaoo

No. 2181504

i can believe that, since it's an american organization. i'll continue to look further into it on my own. i still think 35 grams of sugar is too much. assuming you're that same anon who told me i could eat 35 grams.

No. 2181506

I understand that’s how normal people would react but I am not normal which I thought I established pretty well via my meltdown posts. I took a double dose of my prescribed Xanax and I’m going to bed. It’s a mystery how i will get through tomorrow and the rest of my life.

No. 2181512

I feel so angry for you

No. 2181518

I know this is probably not reassuring right now, but I used to be crazy obsessed with someone and actually tried to off myself when we lost contact, before desperately doing crazy stuff to regain it (it worked, but it turned out for the worse overall). Life felt completely meaningless if we couldn't be together. But you don't need to get over everything instantly. There is no "the rest of your life," only today and the next today and the next. So focus on today. You don't even need to feel better right away, just work on occupying your mind day by day. Now I don't have that mess in my life and I'm doing so much better, actually I can now see that the supposedly amazing soulmate that I put on a pedestal was a total loser, and obsessions never turn out well even if you seem to get your way at first.

No. 2181526

Caught a glimpse of that Hazbin Hotel thread. Do we have actual elementary schoolers in our midst?

No. 2181530

File: 1727403541888.png (1.33 MB, 1080x2400, 1000017008.png)

I'm an object. I'm SUBHUMAN. I don't deserve to be loved. I don't deserve to have a normal social life. I don't deserve to have a family.
My life makes no fucking sense.

I'm just a black dog

No. 2181531

Ok morrissey let’s get you something to drink kek

No. 2181533


No. 2181535

thank you for the kind words nonas, I will keep trying to put myself out there and work on loving myself. Now that I think about it I think I have improved a lot over the years too, even if it's still tough for me I know there's been progress. And I will try to remind myself that it's okay if I don't click with many women since I don't need to be besties with everyone, just a couple of good friends would be nice, and I have plenty of time to work on it even if it's still challenging. Bless

No. 2181546

I distinctly remember my mom telling me my grandpa hated fat people and it made me afraid of him and interacting with him since I was a fat child. She explained that he hated her since she was obese and me by extension for being fat. I was afraid and sad being around him. I remember feeling ashamed being around him as a teen before he died (rare, only saw him less than 10 times my whole life) but my mom now swears the fat thing never existed. Whatever lady enjoy your trauma

No. 2181551

That's so sad. It honestly is devastating realising how we're made to hate our own bodies since we're little girls. My mom never explicitly told me to lose weight when I was a child but I could still feel that she wanted me to lose weight. I wish they would realise how much of an impact that has on a little girl and how it follows them to adulthood.

No. 2181552

I feel like I felt the most at peace when I had no close friendships. Ever since I made what one could consider "close" friends I have had way more anxiety about my social life than ever before. Recently me and one of my close friends had a petty argument and I had severe anxiety about it for days and couldn't function. During covid where hanging out with people wasn't expected at all, I didn't see any friends for nearly a year and didn't care at all, in fact I loved it. I don't know what's wrong with me.

No. 2181555

I have a friend who is gorgeous and she's dating an ugly obese guy and I feel so mean for saying this but when she talks about their sexual life I feel actually disgusted imagining them having sex. I don't understand how she can do it and feel turned on. I want to be a less superficial person because it seems like hot moids are always the worst kind of moids and her boyfriend is very nice in terms of personality and also takes care of her a lot (buys her shit all the time, takes care of her when she's sick, only gets her off and doesn't expect a favour back, is submissive etc…). I feel like I just physically could not look past his appearance. But then again what's the point if they're probably gonna hit the wall in a decade and all look ugly anyway.

No. 2181568

i think children being obese is a shortcoming of the parents, not the child. don't blame yourselves, nonnies. your parents should have taken better care of you and put in an effort to assure your health.

No. 2181573

My father was a creep who would screech that I'd gained weight when it was literally water retention from a period when I was a teen. I would avoid him and hide away in my room to the point of bordering anorexia. I can't even tell if someone's gained five kilograms yet alone one or two from fucking water retention

No. 2181574

Whenever I read stories like this online I get confused as to how mothers married to men like this don't poison their husbands to death

No. 2181578

That's insane. Some people don't deserve kids. I'm so sorry nona

No. 2181584

File: 1727408971149.jpeg (43.77 KB, 275x264, IMG_2345.jpeg)

I hate being ignored on here. You guys are my only friends. Also I miss the bunkers. Don’t know what the image says I just thought it looked funny

No. 2181585

Why is everyone talking about being ignored lately, just reply and keep posting or join a discord server or something.

No. 2181587

It’s weird, and not really talked about. I was always treated better by my family when I was smaller. Especially in early adulthood, my mum dotes on me more the thinner I am, but when I was a chubby kid it’s almost like she… adultified? me

No. 2181593

I see this, I was treated like an adult when I was a chubby kid and I'm treated like an old hag even though I'm just 29 years old.
I know being fat ages you a lot, but you would think people would bypass this first impression and remember who you are as a person.
A girl I know who is kind of fat, she's 15 years old and she's not only treated like an adult but she also has like, internalized being perceived as an adult? It's crazy seeing that irl, but then you see the little sister of a friend of mine, who is skinny as fuck and the same age as this other girl, and she's treated like a retard baby, there's no in-between.

No. 2181594

I noticed this too kek, my family treated me the worst when I was at my highest weight, especially my mom. I think deep down it was because she was insecure about her own weight and she was angry that she couldn't "protect" me from falling down the same rabbit hole and she expressed that through anger at me.
These days I'm losing weight and whenever I see my family they're much happier to see me and it's always the first thing they mention and really the only thing they compliment about me. The only thing they talk about is my looks, how much weight I've lost, my hair etc… At first it made me excited and motivated to lose more but now that I think about it it's sad. I wish they would compliment me about my achievements or personality.

No. 2181595


Thread has reached 1100 posts. The thread will be locked and you will be unable to post in it shortly after it exceeds 1200 posts. Please begin preparing a new thread and post a link to it when it's created.

No. 2181603

File: 1727410158600.jpg (752.74 KB, 1992x3070, 1000017012.jpg)


No. 2181628

Something I'm really getting sick of is everyone acting like Palestine is some pure desert heaven when its actually one of the most dangerous and deadly places in the world for women and girls to exist at all

No. 2181634

People defending Hamas and acting like Palestine was some sort of safe haven before the war are just disgusting. I'm not pro-Israel either.

No. 2181752

Scrolling through book recommendations (this time on reddit) really sobers me up on just how little importance woman and their feelings hold to the general public. I was looking for horror recommendations that featured woman but DID NOT involve them being brutalized in anyway or demonized mothers, pregnancy, periods, etc. The replies were limited or just flat out said that it was a normal part of horror and that woman should just accept it or get over it. I also looked at horror featuring animals and the difference was night and day. So many posts asking for (and receiving) recommendations about books in which animals were not harmed, and criticizing animal abuse in books. Not saying that I am enjoy or support gross descriptions about animals being tortured but I just feel jaded seeing how even an animal receives more empathy than a woman.

No. 2181754

have you considered writing your own book nonny? you can read it as youre writing

No. 2181766

Yea write a book where moids are torn to shreds and mind raped while the woman does the investigation or something

No. 2181770

I support both sides, death to their enemies!

No. 2181787

Every woman on this site is a hypocrite, moralfagging and talking about how women are oppressed and harmed then sexually harrasing a woman the second she steps out of line and doesn't act feminine, like a normie or positive towards gross shit

No. 2181789

Uh…pardon me?

No. 2181797

same here. every time I talk about this one specific experience I have it gets ignored by nonnas and I end up deleting it
this website was created to shit on famous women. this is not radblr. kek

No. 2181799

Why is this website one of the most moralafgging feminist misandrist places ever then

No. 2181811

I never thought much about troons until one of them stole my name when I was a teenager right after meeting me. Then I became aggressively "transphobic" (actually just a normal fucking person who doesn't want weird spic men skinwalking my existence). It's been about 7 years since I last encountered this man, should I pay him a little visit, my nonnies?

No. 2181814

Yeses do it. See how far his life's gone down the hill.

No. 2181815

>should I pay him a little visit, my nonnies?
Why would you do that? He's a creep, you would be better off avoiding him. You should find his email and phone number through OSINT and sign him up for a bunch of spam sites, and post it to 4chan.

No. 2181817

Samefag, use his "deadname" when the site asks for his name KEK

No. 2181820

Ahhh, I was planning on doing a little more than just dropping by to say hello

No. 2181824

Why are you talking like an anime, nonnie?

No. 2181825

I don't wanna be too verbatim with what I'm planning on doing cause I don't want the mods to get angry kek

No. 2181826

don’t. he clearly wants to fuck you. probably jerked off to you multiple times.

No. 2181830

Something must be up with my Adblock, maybe needs an update, but holy shit YouTube just tried to give me a 12 minute ad. It didn't work, I just refreshed the page and the Adblocker got rid of it. But holy fuck. A 12 minute ad? You've gotta be joking with me, that is insane.

No. 2181836

Girl if you're planning something you can't even confess to on lolcow.farm, you probably shouldn't be doing it. No offense but something about your posts feels off.

No. 2181837

Right like is she confessing to lolcow she's gonna murder him or something kek I feel like I walked in on a private conversation I shouldn't be reading

No. 2181840

The just randomly deciding to target someone after seven years of quiet is weird too. Like most nonnas would just check up to see how bad his life has derailed and then report any lulz back to the rest of us. The combo of 'spic' and 'my nonnies' sets off my unintegrated meter too ngl

No. 2181843

Ok not murder him, just send him a message! Also I should've specified it's been 7 years since I encountered him face to face, has has spoken to my family members over recent years and still continues to.

No. 2181844

you sound crazy

No. 2181848

>You sound crazy for wanting to seek revenge on the guy who cosplays as you and took your name
I understand this perspective, but definitely not as crazy as he is, nonna..

No. 2181849

Why would the mods get angry? Unless he's a cow and you're touching poop nobody cares who you message. We're all anon here.

No. 2181850

Is it just me or can Yandex image results be super fucked up at times? I searched something in Japanese and got some brutal gore as one of the images

No. 2181852

Did you see an option to skip the ad (before hitting refresh) or was it one of those that you have to sit through and wait for it to end?

No. 2181854

Why are you acting like an anime, nonnie?

No. 2181856

Kek you're making me giggle

No. 2181866

Idk why but you're sounding like a movie mafioso, like fr reading this with a thick new york italian accent lmao

No. 2181867

bf kinda annoyed me

No. 2181896

Oouuh kek thats a very generous way to interpret my plans to can this troon

No. 2181906

idk where you came from but you need to go back now

No. 2181912

Hey I picked up saying "ooouuu" from here, actually

No. 2181913

When you're openly talking about canning troons and acting like an anime character, I have to doubt that.

No. 2181915

File: 1727424630826.png (254.29 KB, 1242x1168, oouu.png)

Nonnie, I googled the word "oouu" next to lolcow.farm and this is just the first 4 that came up kek

No. 2181964

Im applying to jobs and I just started crying. I got myself together but I'm still having to hold back tears while I look for and fill applications. I don't even know what to call what I'm feeling. It's not exactly sadness or hopelessness but just something else entirely l.

No. 2181987

We're never getting out of the patriarchy if you, as a woman, is criticizing other women for being old and or not wearing makeup.

No. 2181992

True. I remember seeing a reel of a woman caked in fakeup saying
>I don't trust women who don't wear any makeup. Not even a little lipstick?
Or some crap like that. Fucking disgusting and retarded beyond belief

No. 2182017

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Wow I surely love having the whole planet harass me while I'm struggling with severe mental and physical illness all by myself. Having dehumanizing references made towards me because I'm chronically ill is so nice

No. 2182035

I know right. Go ass kiss moids on reddit or tiktok. How do these retards find lc?

No. 2182055

Patriarchy is another word for civilization. Feminism is this retarded idea that civilization somehow works against female humans. Feminists are retarded.(scrote)

No. 2182058

I fucking hate stalkers so much. I hope when i see mine, if I ever do, he'll kill himself like in oshii no ko

No. 2182059


No. 2182060

Theres a fucking moid in g and it's so painfully obvious to me but no other nonna can see it… this hurts me.

No. 2182063

I see it too nona. Just report and ignore. Don't feed bacteria

No. 2182064


No. 2182067

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No. 2182079

Yeah I'm a feminist, and you're a cock sucker.(infighting)

No. 2182097

I can't wait until the nonnies wake up! I want to talk to them so bad instead of the late-night lurking scrotes and scrotums. Stalkers and shit.

No. 2182106

I feel like I'm on a mental health/self esteem/social skills plateau. Like I'm miles better than I used to be and I function pretty normie these days but I still struggle in some ways and I've stagnated. I don't know how to break through this and just be good and normal once and for all.

No. 2182112


No. 2182114

Can't you just put some plastic wrap on it for now?

No. 2182120

I retraced my steps and found it in the utensils drawer….. I cri, nonnies..

No. 2182129

So in the end, nothing matters and everyone sucks. I got nagged and mocked by my family yesterday during my birthday because I should stop acting like people can change, I came back here too early because this shit opens at 9 am but the supposed entry time is 8 am.
Like, then what's the point of doing anything? I should just get AI to make a class for me and that's it, I should just kill myself anyways because the educational system is shit in every single level.
Seriously though, I told everyone that I fucking hate teaching and that I did this because there was no other option, I hate having to deal with any sort of public.
But then I'm the one who is being dramatic and everyone makes fun of me for getting frustrated.
Then what the fuck do I do? I just wanted to work at an editorial group or some shit and never interact with people, I told my family this ever since I was 13 years old, I've been telling my family that I despise teaching ever since I was 9 and noticed how teachers are treated like dirt.
But I'm being unreasonable and I should relax.
Then what fucking is it?
What fucking fuck is it?
Should I relax and just be mediocre? Should I still try to be good at teaching? Like what the fuck do I fucking do?
I just hate this shit, I've hated this shit since forever, I don't even know what the fuck I want to do anyways because this career is useless and retarded, I wasted my time studying useless shit that nobody even cares about, starting from me btw.
I should've listened to my friend when we were in college and dropped out right there right then, I could've done something else like killing myself or studying something useful like accounting or administration, maybe then I would've been more than this lesser thing I'm right now.
God I want to fucking die, I hope I suffer from an aneurysm, that I get crushed by some metallic thing or that I suffer a sudden heart attack or whatever else, just give me cancer and kill me already, I'm sick of this shit.

No. 2182131

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I hate how normies and particularly straights look at you when god forbid you simply tell them that you don’t think that the married straight life is for you for various reasons. Also when they act oh so bamboozeled when you refuse any form of straight relationship when they also go and complain to you how hard the married life is and how they can’t stand their partner.
I had a talk with my mom and while I can’t blame her since she grew in another time, the marriage and natalist propaganda was way stronger and live in a very traditionalist country, I was kinda angry when she said something in the lines of “I don’t know, something happened to you in order to have this repulsion towards meeting guys and marriage, it’s not like you”. Granted, nothing bad happened to me growing up, nor lived in an abusive household (my dad kinda liked alcohol tho and was emotionally distant, but wasn’t abusive like in most cases), but I just hated how she said it like there is something wrong with me for refusing this life of becoming a secondary character in my own life while being married to a moid. Then, she went on how living alone has disadvantages too, which I get in a way, but it ain’t that bad how most straights make it out to be and then said that I’m pretty smart to choose a good guy - that’s the very reason I’m attached to no guy lmfao. Oh, also the “but being in a relationship with a guy will help you grow” - in what way grow? Grow my chances of early death and depression? kek

No. 2182142

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i don't work today but i can tell by the tone of the text that my boss wants me to work today. i don't want to, please don't make me…

No. 2182165

I can’t even sleep through this, I’ve been lying awake tossing and turning with full body dread and disgust. I can’t get the images out of my head of him touching her, of her loving him. HIM? You married HIM? I can’t stop imagining his fat belly smushing up against her during sex. WHY HIM? Of all fucking people!!!!

No. 2182177

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I don't wish my life upon nobody.

No. 2182193

I'm excited to use my new menstrual cup but my period is late, I've been looking so much forward it aaaaaah

No. 2182196

What are the 3 worst things about your life rn and the best 3? Don't answer if you don't want, I just saw your vent several times and I'm curious

No. 2182211

I'm mentally and physically ill. To the point where it has turned me bed ridden. I'm in 8/10 pain. I couldn't keep up with my studies or work because of how severe both my mental and physical illness are. I don't really have a family. I'm kind of in the same position as a homeless person. I don't have friends. I don't have a boyfriend. There's absolutely nobody involved in my life.

The whole planet is harassing me.

I'm seeing everyone move on with their lives. Getting married. Be in love. Go on trips.

While my life is deprived of anything.

There's nothing good about my life.

Just endless pain and misery. Having someone genuinely involved into my life would make things much easier.

No. 2182224

Is there anything you can do to relieve some of your physical/mental healthcare problems?

No. 2182248

I tried everything nonnie. I already come from a broken family. I've been on 6 antidepressants. Antipsychotics. Was admitted to the hospital endless of times. Was in the mental hospital multiple times. There's no "help" that I can receive. The only help that I could get is having someone genuinely involved in my life. Being treated with decency for once.

I'm constantly basically on the same level as a homeless person because my disability makes it impossible for me to maintain employment. Somehow, I am expected to miraculously come up with money to spend on doctors. When people with friends, families, significant others, stable support systems are not being sent to therapy like I am.

It would have been millions of times easier if I had friends and a supportive husband/boyfriend. Nobody's ever actually been fully involved in my life.

When I went to therapy. I realized that the therapist has a wife. That he loves her. He has a family with her. If something bad would happen to her. He would take care of her.

While I am continuously depressed because I am deprived of love, support, any kind of social authority.

The therapist won't give a shit about me if I become unable to get out of bed or if I throw myself off a building.

To this moment where I have reached my limit. Where my life is deprived of anything. Everyone is telling me to go to therapy.

I've been treated worse than an animal in the medical system. Animals in shelters are treated with more dignity than I have been.

But that's how I have been made to feel my whole life. Like I don't have feelings, needs, rights.

Everyone's telling me to kill myself in a sense. To this moment where I have dreads in my hair and live in filth. Someone is trying to drain something out of me.

In my case. Nobody has even tried. Nobody ever will.

I wanted my life to turn out well. I tried my best. That's it. I don't have any normal interaction with anybody and I am too scattered to be able to carry a normal and meaningful conversation with someone.

I just wish that someone would love me for once. For the rest of my life. I don't want to be alone anymore

No. 2182274

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I’m certain I’m going to kill myself eventually. Not anytime soon, but I can’t imagine myself going on to live into middle age. It’s not out of vanity or anything, I have friends who are terrified of aging for whatever reason, but it’s not that. I just can’t imagine a life for myself. In a way it’s frustrating. I’m relatively successful compared to my peers, I’ve always been a high achiever. I had a shit childhood and a shit family life but if anything I overcame it. I just still feel so empty and hollow at my core. I’ve tried to get better and I have a good support system for the most part. Relationships have only ever made things worse. It sounds so emo and pathetic but I just think there’s something fundamentally missing from my core and it means I’ll never be able to live a normal life. I tried to kill myself at the start of the year and it honestly just felt like I was bringing the inevitable to fruition. I’m not sad about it, but I think the realisation has made things weird because I feel like I need to distance myself from everyone so that in the future when I do it nobody will actually care.

No. 2182291

I'm so sorry anon. Maybe you could try to make a friend by finding a penpal. I know it's old-fashioned and all of that but sending letters from time to time to someone (and recieving letters back) is a steady way to earn a friend. It doesn't take much of your time, specially if you are ill, and it gives you something to look forward to/be excited about. Regular postal service is usually very cheap and it can be even more economic if you exchange emails instead. Sorry if this is terrible advice, I'm not a social person myself.

No. 2182295

I thought I was going to do the same four years ago, but here I am. I have a job, a relationship,and things are going well for me, I won't say I'm happy, but I'm trying to live my best life now

No. 2182302

Personally I think life is worth living for the little things. I know this sounds so cliche, but I stopped being suicidal or thinking "I will kill myself soon" when I stopped seeking happiness in big things. Like having a really successful career, having a boyfriend, making something out of myself, being important etc… What makes me happy is things like smelling the chilly autumn air, having a nice chat with a friend, calling my family, taking a night at walk while listening to music, looking at the sky and seeing a bunch of beautiful stars. Even cracking open a nice crisp diet coke kek. Those are the times when I think "wow, maybe it's worth it to keep going to experience these nice things."
I really hope you find reasons to keep going nonny. The world is a better place with you in it.

No. 2182311

I'm tired of people thinking anxiety is le cute and le quirky. In real life I act like a genuine sperg because I constantly overthink everything I say. I recently had to write an email to someone important and by the time I sent it I was about to break down crying because I was so terrified by how they might react. This isn't how normal adult people live their lives, it's fucking pathetic and it doesn't make me look like an uwu shy anime girl, it makes me look like an autist. I wish I could transfer my anxiety to these people, then I'd finally be free and they'd finally understand what the definition of a mental illness is

No. 2182326

I got hurt by a man and instead of just taking it like I used to, I'm going to exact revenge. I'm done being a sponge for shitty behaviour. That's what attracted all the shitheads in the first place. These people think they can get away with anything because I want to be understanding even toward complete assholes. At least my non-existent boundaries finally got exposed.

No. 2182340

How do you tell someone you're still getting to know that you don't want to discuss a topic again? I've been hanging out with my neighbor and she's this cool older lady, but I legitimately cannot handle a fourth play-by-play of her past sex lives with her last three husbands and current boyfriend. I'd prefer to get the point across that this is a No No Topic without having to drop the brick that I was gangraped during a hospital stay and had a miscarriage from it so I don't like talking about sex that much. She's cool and I really like her, so I'd really rather not fuck this up and make it awkward. It doesn't help that I'm several decades younger and don't talk about my past much, so she acts like I've lived a much more sheltered life than her.

No. 2182383

My best friend and I were planning on having a picnic after I get off work, so when I got off I ran home to change into a pretty cream-colored dress I have. It’s light sweater material with cute brown decorative buttons down the middle, so I felt it was comfy but elegant, perfect for memorable photos at a sunset picnic with my friend.

Walking to the train, a random woman yells out her car window to me, “You fat ass bitch that white dress is too small!”

I immediately tear up, try my best to not cry but end up bawling in the train station while I wait for my train to go to my best friends house. I go to her house & change into an oversized t-shirt immediately, that dress was always one of my favorite dresses for many years, I now never want to wear that dress again.
I don’t understand why people are so evil. How can people be so heartless.

I have bad social anxiety so living in a big city is already difficult for me, I had issues with disordered eating for so many years growing up and have been bullied a lot, I seriously never want to leave the house after this.

What hurts is I know that comment meant nothing to that woman, she was just hatefully yelling at a random fucking stranger. She’ll probably forget she said it in the next week, if not the next day. But now one of my favorite dresses will never feel the same, and I’ll always be wondering if someone is looking at me thinking my clothes are too small. I want to buy a new wardrobe that’s 3 sizes too big disappear.

No. 2182404

Can't have SHIT without this stupid creepy stalking scrote hacking into my shit and trying to talk to me even through a fucking anonymous messageboard meant for GIRLS. I fucking hate grooming asshole pedo males so much. Why can't he fucking leave me alone????? If I ever see him in real life I swear to God on my life

No. 2182406

Nona do you mind if I ask what happened?

No. 2182414

She said what happened. Why do you want details?

No. 2182439

I sometimes wonder why I'm so moody, it's worse when I'm about to have my period. I feel a deep anguish and fear I can't cope with. I feel bad because I tend to be so mean sometimes, yesterday my friend was about to talk about minecraft youtubers again and I rolled my eyes with such bother in front of her I felt so guilty afterwards.
I live in constant fear, I feel people will come and attack me for what I do snd laugh at me. for no reason. I don't want to do anything at all because I'm so afraid of criticism and people attacking me. I don't have enough energy for being productive, I'm so tired of everything.
this feeling used to go away after I got my period but as now it just, persists. until I can't handle it anymore

No. 2182441

Pmdd? You may be low on B vitamins (B6, B1)

No. 2182450

File: 1727454189059.jpg (114.42 KB, 1080x789, 674300-2478198634.jpg)

Why are modern newfags so entitled?
>think oldfags and farmers older than them should leave the site
>demand that things they don't like gets banned from a thread even if it's explicitly allowed in the thread
>get mad when they get banned for not following the only rule of a thread (Bechdel test thread)
Have some fucking respect or get off our lawn.

No. 2182460

Weird thing to ask. The answer to your question is just "men", that should be obvious.
I'm sorry nona. I know this is an imperfect solution but maybe you could try to find out a shared interest or hobby between you guys and steer the conversation that way instead? Or generic pop culture shit? If you're comfortable with it, you could lie about having had a messy break-up or something and say that's why you'd rather not talk about relationships.

No. 2182468

I'm so physically and emotionally exhausted and I'm tired of being strung along holy shit why can't anyone communicate properly anymore

No. 2182498

i want to die because everything is expensive. why was i born in the worst time ever to become an adult fuck this shit i wish i was born in 1992 instead

No. 2182506

makes sense, I sometimes forget to eat or eat so little that might be the reason. now that I think about it, I don't know how I expect to feel good if I only have tea and cookies as breakfast and then don't eat anything for 5 hours until lunch

No. 2182512

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Sometimes I wish I had a friend group, since in my 29 years I never had one. But then when I remember all the talking and caring I'd have to do, it puts me off. It just sounds like so much work and to be honest I'm not really lonely. I actually noticed that the only time I feel like I need company is right before my period lol
I just wish I didn't feel broken for not really wanting or caring about company

No. 2182520

Sometimes I feel like the term butterface was made for me. When I dress up a bit nicely or sluttely I get many compliments by women, even those I don't know well (which is nice!), but all through my life I have very rarely gotten male attention unless they were trying to cop a feel while drunk. It makes me feel bad that I could never hold anyone's interest other than with my body.

No. 2182564

Hating myself is such a waste of time and energy. It's not like hating myself as much as I do is going to make any difference; it's not going to give me a thigh gap, it's not going to make my shoulders or ribcage smaller, it's not going to make my face cuter, it's not going to give me a smaller nose or a less awkward personality. Hating myself is never going to make me stop looking at my reflection with distaste.
But I don't know how to exist without hating myself, I don't think I want to just be "ok" with myself. I want to like myself, I want to be pretty enough to like myself. I don't want to just be fine with the way I am. Because that would feel like accepting some sort of consolation prize and I hate that even more.

No. 2182568

I don't know how to feel about my coworker, she seems so perfect. She graduated on top of her class with perfect grades and got a leadership role at our company right after university. I think that she is the most beautiful person in my company. She has a really cute and pretty face which is roundish and very shiny blonde hair. I think that is a cute contrast to her personality that is kind of serious and ambitious. Idk man. I don't know if I am jealous, want to be like her, admire her or something like that. I never felt like this before and it makes me scared to interact with her.

No. 2182595

It's jealousy

No. 2182692

Anon, I thought at first that you were from Syria or Yemen, so this is actually a slight relief. You are still in a terrible situation, but there is a slightly higher possibility of escape. We'll have to come up with a different reason for you to make a passport, but your situation isn't hopeless. Hopefully you're still in this thread to read my massive reply.

Remember, I'm not telling you that you need to get everything done right now. In every story I've heard from women who left dangerous countries, it's usually best for them to bide their time until they have enough resources and education to safely make a move. Some anons are suggesting for you to try and run away ASAP in the middle of the night, but I wouldn't recommend it if you aren't in immediate danger. Finish your education, build up your experience and credentials, and start saving up money. During this time period, try to get ahold of your important papers, including the birth certificate you mentioned. You may need them for identification reasons related to school, work, or money. Tell your parents something like, "You two deserve to rest and relax. You've done so much for your children! I want to learn how to take care of myself as much as possible so that you two won't be forced to do so much for me!" It might take a while to convince them, so keep bringing it up occasionally.

Even if you have massive resentment for your family, you are stuck with them for now and you'll have to work with that. If you can manipulate them in just the right way, you might be able to get some cooperation from them. In almost every story I've heard, it helps a lot if you can convince them that all the things you want to do are for the good of the family. Try using this reason to convince them of why it's important for you to go to school and get a job. That might get them to be less annoying about it. Most of the immigrant women I met used some variation of this argument: "Right now, I have the two of you to take care of me. But after you are gone, my poor brother/cousin/etc will have to take care of me! What if he already has his own family and children to feed by then? I will be draining money from their household. Look how much conflict is going on in the world and how badly it affects our economies. I could end up being such a burden on their house. All I want is to be able to help them."

As you are working on your education and career, wait for a reason to pop up so that you can make a passport. Maybe one of your parents will become ill enough that they will need to seek medical treatment, and you can convince them to see a foreign doctor. Maybe someone you know will move to a neighboring country and you'll want to visit them.

You can still try convincing them to let you travel for religious reasons, but with a different destination than Mecca. You might have better ideas than me, since I have limited knowledge of Islam's holy sites. I've heard of a couple of famous holy places outside of Saudi Arabia, such as the great mosque of Damascus. You could start dropping subtle hints to your family about how great and important that place is, and how amazing it would be to visit and see the architecture. Once they know that it is your "dream" to visit that place, you can start pushing them to let you go there, maybe with your father or a male relative as a guardian.
If you don't want to go to Syria, you could try another cool-looking, important site that strict, religious parents would approve of. In Turkey, they have the Suleymaniye Mosque, which is a UNESCO world heritage site. If you have a brother, you could try subtly convincing him that it would be cool to go to one of these places, and then convince your parents to let you go along.

If you have a male sibling/cousin/etc, another strategy I've heard of is to convince HIM to move to another country for better opportunities, and then convince your parents to let you get a passport so you can visit him.

Once again, it will likely take some time to put together and perform an exit plan, but it's worth a try. I would use the Blue Card program as a plan A, and then one of the other programs as plan B if it doesn't work out. Those programs can get you out of your country quickly, but it's hard to use them to establish yourself in a host country long-term. Some people use them to jump from country to country whenever the time limit on their stay runs out.

By the way, since I don't get to speak to a lot of Saudi women, I would like to ask you about the passport/travel situation in your country, if it's okay. In western countries, lot of the information that gets published about Saudi Arabia is heavily censored and biased, so we don't always get to see reality. Back in 2019, it was widely reported that Saudi laws were changed, and that women would be able to apply for their own passports without the permission of a guardian. It was also said that anyone over the age of 21 would not need permission to leave the country. Are either of these things true? Sometimes journalists claim that a progressive law is going to be created, but years later we find out that the law was never actually passed.

No. 2182693

I mentioned this a few days ago but I genuinely think I have something seriously wrong with my cooter.
>2 periods in a month 3 months ago
>last period came normally
>this current period was a week late and only lasted 2 days but I still have period cramps
I’m gonna go to the emergency room tomorrow and ask them to do some scans. I have an intense feeling of doom, idk why.

No. 2182697

Why does this reply sound like it's a moid trying to groom a minor online?

No. 2182702

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Greetings loved ones, let’s take a journie

No. 2182703

I feel like my previous boss emotionally fucked me over. I have a lot of religious and familiar trauma that I never got totally over with, but after a few years I was able to cope better and developed a more positive outlook in life. Then I started working at this job where my boss was a psychologist, and I genuinely trusted her at the beginning, so I confided my past to her, but she started using it to psychoanalyze every single thing I did, work-related or not. She would try to keep digging info about me, and when I finally shut her out, she started weaponizing my trust issues to make me talk.
It took years for me to get better mentally and a lot of the progress vanished in a few months because of that bitch. I'm starting to get better little by little, but I don't think I'll ever trust a psychologist ever again. She basically did the same thing to a co-worker to the point said co-worker had to see a therapist, and worst of all ¡, my ex-boss does it all under the guise of being some sort of maternal figure while her own life falls apart because she's a pick me that can't move on from her ex. She's one of the few people I genuinely hate.

No. 2182705

I'm so fucking sick of my female friend group at this point, they all get so offended when I say I prefer young men, one even called me predatory. Second I can't even say I prefer beautiful clean shaven men cause they insist that personality is sooo much better and that I should settle with an ugly bearded guy with a golden heart. Golden heart my ass. Oh and they also insist I should date older men cause they know better. My ex was a beautiful young man (not model tier but clearly above average) and they hated his appearance cause it was too "basic".

No. 2182707

im curious whats the age gap between you and your "young" boyfriends?

No. 2182709

The majority of Earth's male population is average/ugly guys, most of whom have beards. The majority of women have been marrying these exact guys for millions of years. They think this isn't basic?

No. 2182717

I'm 27, and the youngest I dated was 21 kek

No. 2182719

NTA but that’s not even an age difference you guys are both adults

No. 2182720


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No. 2182722

They think prettyboys are basic and boring and that a man needs to be kinda ugly to be attractive

No. 2182726

That's the point, she called me predatory and even I said that's a weird as fuck thing to say when all my bfs were adults, just younger than me

No. 2182731

thats normal, it'd be gross and predatory if you were dating 17yr/ 18yr olds. good luck on your relationship!

No. 2182739

It sounds like they're poisoned by libfem twitter logic if they're actually arguing that it's predatory for a 27y/o to date a 21 y/o. Turn the tables and use it against them.
>Yeah I'm basic. I'm exactly like all the other girls, because there's nothing wrong with being like other girls. Do you have some kind of problem with women who have "stereotypical" tastes?

No. 2182744

Objectively I think dating someone that much younger is odd, but at the same time it does not matter at all because 1. you're a woman and 2. men do it all the fucking time and nobody cares. If you were a moid I wouldn't approve of it, but you're not, so don't listen to them and do whatever you want. Date your young hot guys, it's not like you're going to abuse and take advantage of them for being younger like men do.

No. 2182755

I treated that guy so good actually, and he's the one who disappointed me big time but on the bright side at least he was hot

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