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No. 2180456
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this is funny because straight women literally date and fuck pedophiles, rapists and uglies and have babies with their husbands who spend their time sticking their dick in a twink while you’re off at work kekkk
No. 2180476
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The specimen youre attracted to
No. 2180479
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Lesbian equivalent to this?
No. 2180485
>>2180479they know they can’t bring any up because it was bait, just ignore them
nonny kek
No. 2180492
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>actual sex is what is enjoyable, probably because it’s the most natural
L, your scrote stinks, your pussy has an infection from your nigel’s unwashed dick, balding, hit the wall before I could even type all of this out, ugly, hideous, no standards it at least he’s tall awooga, no swag(infighting)
No. 2180538
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Yes a old crusty one which should be discarded as soon as noticed
No. 2180544
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No. 2180615
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post a good yaoi couple please
No. 2180619
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>>2180616You don't call me retard fuck you
No. 2180644
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every time I come in these threads
No. 2180842
>>2180814It's a shame how women's stories of regretting abortions are weaponized by religious fundies (usually) when they could be used for making women aware of how mentally draining the procedure can be. Not that they should be scared out of it, but so they can be aware of what may be instore for them mentally. I also think more should be invested into post-abortion counseling. Either way women's autonomy being in the middle of a culture war is very annoying
>>2180815NTA but in the US it's in some red states where this happens. IIRC the heartbeat thing originates from texas but i may be wrong
>>2180828Same goes for alcoholics, I'm no alcoholic (i refuse to drink ever) but i've seen so many people dismiss their daily wine as normal. Very abnormal
No. 2180883
>>2180777>very young childrenWhat age are you talking about? moids online usually say 14 is prime and natural but from my experience I was cat-called and harassed since puberty (12)and so were my friends and so on.
Men irl are no better than men online, they just hide it better, they show their true colors behind a screen.
No. 2180895
>>2180842>when they could be used for making women aware of how mentally draining the procedure can be.I agree. The problem is a lot of women have trouble thinking for themselves because they've been socialization into taking into consideration the feelings/opinions of other people to the point where they put it on the same league or above theirs. To have these types of conversations you need to be able to control having an inmediate emotional reaction and know how to separate your emotions vs the decision that's best for your life and properly weigh out if your emotions/potential trauma would affect you more than a decision that would affect the rest of your life. Women should be more selfish.
Also, i don't disagree with women being conscious of who/how many people they are having sex with, but a lot the opinions/shame about women's sex lives doesn't come from a place of concern for their well-being, but from a place of wanting to control and shape women into their own agendas of how a woman should behave.
No. 2180916
>>2180903you're correct. had the misfortune of coming across an adult only roleplay website once and the number of males vocally into "ageplay" (barf) is staggering
>>2180908because there's enough women protecting their kids and just enough moids who either are normal or pretend to be publicly shaming the pedos into being more discreet
No. 2180995
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>it's another episode of borderline asexual women doing mental gymnastics to justify simple male hypersexuality
No. 2181646
>>2181637/ot/ is the most homophobic board on lolcow imo. As a bi
nonnie I disagree with your main point though, I think being straight is by far the most common sexuality although all three exist in nature.
No. 2181674
>>2181673> hating gay guys makes you a newfag Ok
nonny kek
No. 2181723
>>2181713Ok I know you only mentioned drag queens one in that paragraph but I will seriously never be able to understand why normalfags love droog qoons so much. My mom called me this afternoon saying
> omg nonny i just saw bob the drag queens tour bus!And I wanted to run down to wherever she was and save her before those disgusting faggots could get their hands on her
No. 2181876
I wonder if we have any nuns here? Those are the real husbandofags kek
>>2181874Woah woah NTA but…is this your way of admitting to not being old enough to use LC kek?
No. 2181909
>>2181878>>2181857I used to think this too when I found out some gulls where 30yo+ old farts
kek how embarassing
You're either here forever or you leave and never came back. I hope you never do
No. 2181933
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>>2181878>>2181884You will feel differently on your 26th birthday, love.
Also sometimes I wish the age limit here was 25.
No. 2181940
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>>2181922It’s very popular among the kind of zoomers who’ll see this meme and immediately set the picture as their phone bg
No. 2181942
>>2181857>Kids? Bfs?1. No I don't want that shit
2. We have a bunch of nigelfags and mommy posters anyway
No. 2181943
>>2181937Just add the Elsie pigtails on the woman.
>>2181939If they leave tiktok and lurk moar here there might be hope for them.
No. 2181953
>>2181910Too old for what though? A lot of the posts you read daily here are made by people older than you. The things you are laughing at with fellow anons, those fellow anons are older than you. If the "old" anons disappeared this place would be dead. You're out of place.
>>2181940Leave Junji Ito out of this nona, I'm not a zoomer and I bought the Tomie X Hello Kitty merch…
No. 2181993
>>2181960DA Mima doesn't get raped in perfect blue, it's a TV show or movie and the male actor apologises if the scene they're acting in is uncomfortable for her because the director is a shit and keeps making her reshoot it. Spoilers
the reason she's shooting the scene is because she's trying to change her image from an innocent idol to a mature actress, the point of her being made to shoot something as grim as that within perfect blue is because her female manager, who was previously an idol, has been living through Mima and projects onto Mima. This eventually leads to the manager trying to destroy the new Mima because Mima herself destroyed the manager's "idol Mima" who she lived through. It's a rape scene being acted because the manager is watching her idol be violated which leads her to make an attempt to kill Mima for violating her, the manager. The manager can't hear the male actor asking if Mima is okay (which breaks the tension for the audience), so her resentment towards Mima builds throughout. The manager actually walks out iirc because she's so disgusted, the audience is made to think she's walking out in solidarity for what Mima is being made to go through to change her public image, as the manager is also Mima's friend who has looked out for her, but you learn she was just projecting the whole time and wants revenge. If you wanted to read into the rape analogy I'd argue that the manager was assaulted and wanted to protect Mima from that, not just for Mima's sake, but because the manager's unstable emotional state relied on it. Great film. Highly recommend.
No. 2182032
>>2181978>>2181990Kek Da for both, but this is reminding me how my mum reads manga on bato, she doesn't have an account so she writes down all the titles in a reporter's notebook and rates them out of 10. I had to teach her how to install adblock on her new laptop so she could read more manga. When she's not reading manga she's studying for a qualification and working towards her own business, I taught her how to use tor and she's downloaded a bunch of psychology books. Sometimes she browses pinterest and makes the family hand made cards and hand sewn gifts like pencil cases, tissue holders, and tablet protectors, it's really cute. When she's not doing those things she's chatting with her friends and when she's not with them she's zooming them or reading webtoons.
She tells me "if webtoons makes me watch too many ads I unsubscribe" KEK. She really likes checking out the webtoon canvas series and says she gets sad when the webtoons with potential stop updating. She rolls her eyes when "yet another creator advertises their en-ess-eff-double-you content on their patreon and tell me to subscribe." Lmfaooo. She tells me when her comments get 2 thumbs up and when her comments get replies from the creators.
No. 2182156
>>2181961>If fags are busy fucking each other, they can leave women alone Oh,
nonnie… I hope you never learn about ancient Greece
No. 2182157
>>2181963I think it's interesting that men on 4chan don't talk about how you have to stop using 4chan at a certain age. You ask them and they're like
>idk, i guess 30 or 40 is kind of sad to still be hereAnd they're not even serious about it, they make jokes about being there forever and move on. Some boards even occasionally have threads for posters who are 30 or older to chat with eachother, but on the whole, no one really gives a shit because everyone's anonymous. On female boards, anons act like women are elders at 26 and their only interests should be Botox, child-raising/husband-minding, paying taxes and the colors beige and vomit. Men are allowed to just be people and just do whatever, but women need to be like, uber young and fulfill certain tasks by certain ages or else they're not just old (definitely too old to enjoy anything silly, use the internet for anything besides Facebook or have hobbies), they're also worthless and should kill themselves. It's all so dumb and neurotic, I hate female socialization.
It feels like some sneaky normalization of the typical groomer's rant about how women above the age of 25 are out of their prime, "turn joyless, scold me about everything, something something this is why I deserve a young girlfriend/wife" shit, too.
No. 2182162
>>2181978NTA but my mom has… real hobbies KEK being retarded on the internet is not a "hobby". You're not developing any skills nor learning anything when you talk shit on lolcow, you sound like scrotes who think being a redditor or playing WoW all day counts as a hobby. No one said women should lose interest in anything that's not men and baby making as soon as you hit 26, but let's not deny adults who have their shit together usually have better, more productive things to do than being here.
Especially as a mom. Your life changes forever when you have children, I can't imagine my mom wasting time on imageboards at all.
No. 2182179
>>2182170AYRT my mom doesn't "talk shit" at all besides with her friends and with me kek. She does use the internet recreationally and like dumb memes but I don't see how that's relevant nor comparable, dumb animal Facebook memes isn't lolcow. Normal, put together adults who are good parents aren't on lolcow, get over it.
>>2182172Can't you oldfags read? I never said once you're an adult/parent you're never allowed to use the internet ever again. But normie internet most people browse isn't the same as lolcow. It's like you're all so addicted to your precious internet retardation you can't even comprehend the idea that most adults don't waste their time collecting milk on retarded internet strangers
>>2181990>Also, how is women getting together with their mum friends to gossip any different or even preferable to us posting here?Because there's a stark difference between hanging out with real people in real life and gossipping about other real people and sitting on your ass all day stalking and doxxing cringy e-thots and nsfw artists who draw furry prolapses??? KEK quit pretending this is le wholesome activity comparable to shooting the shit with your irl friends
No. 2182190
>>2182179>my mom doesn't talk shit except with meI said
>group chats with friends and family members, etc. Why pretend to disagree just to repeat what the other person said anyway? Kek. The rest of your post is doing the same thing, except you want us to convince us that Lolcow (which was made/run by people in their late 20s to early/mid 30s) is supposed to be special and only for high schoolers or younger. This isn't Roblox, it's an adult site.
>Normal, put together adults who are good parents aren't on lolcow, get over it.If someone's a well-adjusted adult and/or a good parent, they care for their child. Lolcow doesn't hinder that any more than Facebook does unless the person is addicted. If you are addicted, that's a personal thing, but it's weird to project that on every other user.
No. 2182194
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wait, didn't someone once reveal that their grandma used LC? In that case, who the fuck cares if mothers and grandmothers are on LC. As long as they integrate, who really cares about anyone being "too old".
No. 2182197
>>2182179So why don't you go be a normal, put together under 25yo and go somewhere else? Surely lc isn't a good place to be for someone as respectable and cultured as you.
Imagine being so smug and conceited that you think you get to decide what other people do.
No. 2182220
>>2182183That's better, but still not comparable to gossipping with friends. I've noticed most oldfags who are protective over muh lolcow culture are here solely for the cows and seem to resent the female community for becoming too manhating and shitting on their nigels
>>2182197Because I don't consider myself a put together adult yet kek, I have no problem admitting that but the rest of you clearly do. How are you this thin skinned as an adult? it's the unpopular opinions thread, nobody's trying to tell you how to waste your life, calm down.
>>2182217I will, dw. Unlike you guys I don't plan on being here forever nor taking pride in it KEK
No. 2182245
>>2182179>most adults don't waste their time collecting milk on retarded internet strangersLC anons aren't most adults. The oldfags here would have been on 4chan when they were teenagers or in their early 20s. LC is now ten years old, so the original user base would now be in their late 20s or 30s.
>>2182220>muh lolcow culture>seem to resent the female community for becoming too manhating and shitting on their nigelsWhy are you even here if you hate the original user base that created the site and made LC what it is today? LC's primary purpose is a lolcow website, yet there's newfag retards that try to erase the site's history and argue with the anons that use the site for it's intended purpose. What is the demented origins of someone going to a website, refusing to integrate and then thinking that the existing user base is the problem?
No. 2182265
>>2182179>being this retarded and normie on a Mongolian basket weaving forumJust stick to Twitter or something, god damn. Your sperging about le corny, lifeless
femcels is cringier than whatever cow anons are following. Like seriously just go back if you hate it here so much, it's not hard? Just close the tab and walk away if you're so much better kekkkk
No. 2182270
>>2182265Nta but
>femcels Heh
No. 2182392
>>2182371Not who you're replying to, but the only threat I found is the one about discussion about the "scary 30". Which, sorry… there's more to talk about for us oldfags than that stupid number.
>>2182362You should make one. As we've seen today, there seem to be several older nonnas here who might use it.
No. 2182399
>>2182396There should be an ot thread for general discussion, because the existing thread is about things related to the age and people talking about their insecurities around it like
>>2182392 said and it's a bore.
No. 2182580
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>t. fandom discourse thread
No. 2182624
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Wanting, wishing or pretending to be a lesbian/gay it's very juvenile and I don't understand how after all this time so many anons still think sexuality defines your character or makes you cooler/lamer as if it was a damn subculture or choice, it's like they never grew up and it's extremely embarrassing
If you're 20+ and still doing that shit unironically just to look cool to random people on the internet, I'll just laugh at you for trying (and failing) to larp a literal sexuality. Madness
No. 2182654
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>>2182645ahem you might wanna take that back
No. 2182715
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No. 2182724
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>>2182715Im a culvers whore, apparently they’re the healthiest fast food!
No. 2182734
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>>2182729I’m being so for real. Apparently recently it came out that their burgers are the best on the market but I’ve known that for years of course
No. 2182741
>>2182736damn wtf i thought it was like a spicy sauce. disappointing
>>2182738100% fully agree. papa johns is the best even if its the greasiest
No. 2182746
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>>2182741Ok I found a recipe for it, it looks like there’s a little hot sauce in it but when I got it my taste buds felt like it was just ketchup and ranch however you could make this and prove me wrong
No. 2182785
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Michael Kovach is a bad voice actor and I'm sick of seeing him in every damn indie animation project.he also gives me bad vibes.his voice is so grating to hear I don't know why everyone wants to hire this crusty neckbeard so badly.
No. 2182873
>>2182715I can’t wrap my head around the obsession with this place. I’d never heard of it until I went to college but now they’re all over my hometown too. Chicken viscerally repulses me and I can’t wrap my head around the insane popularity of chicken tenders, fried chicken, whatever chicken shit. They sell one damn thing, how do they exist???
>>2182738Huh, Domino’s is actually my favorite. I like how seasoned the crust is and the pan pizza with white sauce is a few times per year fatty treat for me. I’ve never known anyone IRL to consider Papa John’s their favorite pizza chain but see people online call it their favorite all the time.
No. 2183097
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Paul Young is my favorite male character on Desperate Housewives and he’s the opposite of a villain. Some nosy bitch was blackmailing the woman he loved to the point of suicide, Martha deserved to die. He was the best husband of them all! Tom was a childish loser, Carlos was a selfish faggot, Rex literally had a secret family, Mike was a huge liar and drug addict, Orson was an OCD weirdo, need I go on?
No. 2183133
>>2182857Comphet was originally used by straight radfems to mean
>all women are socialised to be heterosexual and there is a compulsory heterosexuality within the culture that they must not give into.Some of these radfems also called themselves "Lesbians" with a capital L because unlike "born lesbians" who were "like men", Lesbian feminists chose to identify with women. Basically this meant stuff like buying from women, focus on political strength and rights. Unlike those born lesbians who want to have sex with women which is weird and unfeminist etc etc. Mary Daly was a bit like this. She called herself a Lesbian but was homophobic towards actual lesbians and said they were male identified.
However some lesbian feminists (who were bi) were like "wow this is awesome I get to have sex now with women and she actually cares for me and doesn't avoid doing the dishes after dinner. And she has a kid too so she understands me." IIRC Julie Bindel is a self identified lesbian but she came out at 15 so I have no idea if she's bi or not but she believes self identified lesbians are lesbians instead of just encouraging them to accept their bisexuality. She grew up during the time where lesbian feminists enjoyed having sex with each other.
Then Tumblr got a hold of the word comphet to use it as a shorthand for homophobia,
>i.e. "my family want me to like boys but I don't like boys but I feel I should or they'll kick me out. This is comphet."But then the wannabe-oppressed side of Tumblr who were never into women were like
>"I like boys but I feel I shouldn't because that's not very lesbian and I'll get my oppression card taken away. I'll just say it's my comphet that makes me sleep with them lol!"Then twitter and tiktok mostly just took the second definition and clap back with some accusation that you're some form of
terf or conservative of -phobic if you call them out. If you go on twitter and try and find lesbians 9 times out of 10 it's just a celibate husbandofag who wants a circle of female friends kek.
Some of these girls have genuinely been abused though and what they are experiencing is more like sexual OCD resulting from the trauma of rape and assault and neglect and they call it comphet because they don't want to think of males in a sexually-intrusive-thought way.
Some of these girls/women are actually attracted to males but think their thoughts must mean they want to be degraded and call themselves lesbian out of this sense of self protection. When in reality they were not born wanting to be degraded, their minds have just been traumatised and the brain is trying to figure out what the fuck happened to it so it plays the memories again and again and again.
Some girls/women are not attracted to males at all but believe their repetitive intrusive thoughts must have more meaning, and that must be the mysterious concept of "comphet" which must make them have violent thoughts. Again they were not born like this, their minds have been traumatised.
(It doesn't help that twitter is full of degrading porn that reinforces girls and women's negative beliefs that "women are degraded", that further interrupts their organic self discovery and keeps them on edge. It doesn't help either that algorithms are focused on making you upset so you stay on the apps for longer (so corpos can shill ads) so an algorithm will appeal to them and even just show you sexual content if it believes it will make you angry or stay longer or both.)
Unironically have known at least 10+ women like these last 2 examples who shut themselves away. The two that I know of that are still on twitter are still in the cycle of "oh it's just my comphet." Like find another way to stimulate your brain and delete your account.
Anyway both of these types haven't yet been taught the concept yet around trauma and OCD and how porn can even keep them trapped in the trauma cycle, so they just parrot what their tlist say because they'll do anything to belong. And since ~queer and comphet~ is the big thing at the moment that's the language they work with.
It seems everyone has a different meaning of the word and use it to describe different things. A majority of the people I've seen use the word comphet do not know that it came from straight radical feminists describing that identifying with men undermined their feminism kek. It was a statement. Nowadays it's used as a defense mechanism or a reason for past behaviour. Rather than a declaration of intent for future behaviour.
Those are my observations with how the word has been used.
No. 2183179
>>2183133>She called herself a Lesbian but was homophobic towards actual lesbians and said they were male identified.It always circles back to straight women's discomfort around lesbians kek. I feel like the time period you're discussing too is really the beginning of lesbianism being seen as a "girl's club"
>Then twitter and tiktok mostly just took the second definition and clap back with some accusation that you're some form of terf or conservative of -phobicthe pandemic is extremely notable in terms of really analyzing the trainwreck a lot of these girls have caused for the lesbian community. You discussed online porn making these girls think being a woman means wanting to be degraded, and everyone staying inside and online in 2020 really contributed to that.
>>2183170Wonder why efforts to integrate have died down so much, maybe we don't bully them enough
No. 2183199
Since everyone here is on the topic of lesbians (again), I made a forms where I'm collecting the opinion of farmers on the perception when being attracted to anime/cartoon males is actual OSA. Refer to
>>>/g/433551 for more info if interested in giving your opinion.
No. 2183440
>>2182220Curious at how old this anon was. i agree with the other anon who doesn’t get why young women are like this nowadays, I’ve always preferred to be in spaces with people more mature than me. People make fun of me when I mention my age on here but if everyone here was a younger zoomer this place would be absolute shit and I’d never want to go on here. Just go on Twitter/TikTok if that’s what you want.
It’s misogyny in the end. 4chan scrotes don’t think like this. And people have a really weird idea of what it means to be an adult (for women).
I wonder when this trend of ageism lately will stop. It’s getting worse and worse. People used to not think they’re old until they’re
at least 40, now “old” is when you’ve finished development.
No. 2183459
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fully convinced everyone who makes fun of this video is just mad they don't have a little white guy to dance with kek
No. 2183472
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>>2183459Every time I see a guy who looks like pic related I feel viscerally repulsed and get the urge to commit a hate crime. What the fuck is this phenotype even.
No. 2183484
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>>2183476Nonna, I'm a lesbian but even the genderswapped version is bad. Not repulsive but just not attractive.
No. 2183704
>>2183632hmm well to be honest it's very possible to have men in your space without centering or caring about them, if that makes sense. it's
also very possible to have male-centered normie women in your space, without that shit rubbing off on you or having to dip your toes too deeply into it. it gets lonely and they do look at you funny from time to time but none of this dooms you to NEETdom, it just means you may have to work harder to find true solidarity and friendship. and i don't mean to imply that that's easy, just that it isn't impossible. learn to compartmentalize, i guess.
like i'm tech
front end spreadsheet powerbi slave, i don't wear makeup, i wear plain dresses + tights sometimes because they're easy to style (that's as "feminine" as i get), and while i occasionally get weird looks and scuffed behaviors i just let the anger and resentment pass through me: it ultimately does not matter. these people cannot touch me. i don't envy their lives and i don't want to be a normie who's pregnant and married, i don't want to look at men without an edge of suspicion, i definitely have my self-grievances but overall i am very happy with who i am.
>tl;dr no you can definitely be blackpilled and still be in society. you just might be more a ghost than anything else + finding your "in" will be absolutely difficult, if you care about that
No. 2183892
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It's so strange how women became the main consumers for beauty (makeup, plastic surgery, hair,fitness and dieting, etc) when most men will simp over literal fat retards but most men complain about not looking good enough for women but most can't even be asked to shower or brush their teeth
No. 2183895
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>>2183707> many women dont even want to bring let alone mention their nigels while hanging outWhere?! God I wish this were the case. All around me has been nigel talk and surprise Nigel tagalong and nigel venting and nigel hunting for years. Other women shit on you for being even mildly GNC and/or making misandrist jokes and will dip for a crumb of moid attention. I can't survive in normieville. Send help and take me to wherever you live
No. 2184099
>>2184018Domestic abuse shelter is not a good suggestion because she will have to occasionally deal with angry men coming to the shelter and demanding to be let in. I used to live opposite one that was supposed to be a secret location but every now and then it would be found out and I’d see scrotes being hauled off in handcuffs. Working there would expose you to the worst of male behaviour second hand, cos you’d have to hear about it from the
It’s just a nonna who’s too lazy to get a job.
No. 2184343
>>2183472Silver lining, he's still a man and not pretending to be a woman.
These sort are becoming endangered due to that disease.
No. 2184349
>>2184344I wish I had this level of optimism
It would make me a better person
No. 2184371
>>2184360People also practiced sacrificial killing centuries ago but we don't do it anymore.
There's always hope that people will stop doing retarded shit someday
No. 2184401
>>2184386how is this an unpopular opinion this is just the basis for
victim blaming lmfao
No. 2184423
>>2184414Nonna ily. I’m glad you had enough courage to call him out and I’m glad he suffered repercussions.
I think destroying social life when possible is good along with jail time, but I also want to say that it’s sometimes hard to when that person has a more important social place, it can also backfire on the
victim too.
There are countless stories of “good guys” that raped women and when those women came out no one believed them.
No. 2184468
>>2184455I’d like to speak as an outsider since I’m not American, but I’m black.
You still have to take account about the fact that:
- a bunch of people on the internet do not represent a whole community;
- the abolition of segregation is still pretty much recent if you compare it to other historical events. To the point that Ruby Bridges is still alive.
- medicine is quite racist and biased towards white people still, have you ever wondered how certain dermatological diseases look on black skin? Rosacea? Lupus? A rash?
I don’t blame any person of color of being weary about it when time and time again this bias has been proven.
I’m in no way justifying it as ignorance is ignorance and can be harmful too, especially regarding health reasons, but I’m offering a possible explanation.
No. 2184474
>>2184465Sex with men in a casual way is not even worth it, because they only think of getting off kek, they see you as a flashlight to use , nothing more. A warm body feels nice sure, but not that nice when you don’t get anything else.
At least my vibrator takes care of me kek. I even do special nights where I take a warm bath and then relax on bed , just some background jazz and my trusted vibe. I finish so nicely that I sleep like a log right after, pussy still out kek.
No. 2184482
>>2184423i was extremely lucky the abuse was ended by him being sent away with the military. i didn’t process it for years, which was crazy. i’m the opposite of the other anon up thread; karma goes insanely hard actually. he got a dishonorable discharge within months of raping a virgin for unrelated reasons. it’s crazy i thought he might not have realized me crying and him not stopping and telling me he would leave me when i said i wasn’t ready was rape because when they called him in and he didn’t know why, he actually spammed me for the only time with desperate apologies and what did you tell them i dids and we can work through anything togethers with our closeness we can fix this privatelys. he dropped that fucking instantly when he found out whatever the real reason was, i heard it was drugs. i only became confrontational and sought revenge after i moved away and he couldn’t find me anymore. which was smart because i was repeatedly threatened even before i did anything but attempt to confront him privately. the hilarious thing is i never would have told anyone at all if he had apologized to me. i was very ashamed and i’m glad only people in his life know about what he did to me. i wouldn’t have wanted anyone to know until i realized he was an actual sociopath and wanted to protect them and get revenge on him.
so i fully fully understand i was very lucky. however, i do think almost if not any
victim can get to the position where their abuser can’t reach them EVENTUALLY. for me it was five years. revenge really is a dish best served cold. if i had raised hell at the wrong time i may have been threatened into silence eventually and then he would have gone on with his life fearlessly. knowing now that any one of his
victims and there are multiple can come out of the woodwork and even go back in and pop out again at any time and contact his job or his family or his partner absolutely fucked that monster up more. like i said he wears masks to cons now cos i may have posted his old cosplays and his name and what he did in the groups of the events and fandoms he’s involved in. oopsie!!! he’s paranoid as fuck and if i can’t make him feel haunted by his actions, this paranoia and living in hiding is something he can give me that’s almost as good.
No. 2184558
>>2184455It’s because they can’t stop shitting our babies they don’t want to take care of and then get surprised when they become a statistic, they practice unsafe sex because they don’t have any knowledge on their own bodies. Don’t even get me started on the amount of men in our community who dick men down without even letting their girlfriend or sex partner know about it because no homo! They can blame this on “muh racism” but it’s because they are inherently racist and secretly wish for every single black person in their community to self-destruct, even a black person deep down doesn’t like other black people because if they did their communities wouldn’t be trash-filled crime ridden squalor, they would have ownership of their money and buying power, they wouldn’t prop up light skinned women while completely erasing a phenotype that most black women have. Black people hate black people, black people hate themselves and don’t expect people who hate themselves to give a shit about their health or others. Honestly I have the same wishes as these people, I wish this fucking lovecraftian race built for the gods to laugh at for centuries would just eradicate already. They don’t learn and don’t care to and every one of your
valid observations like you brought up with always be chalked up to some social justice bullshit like racism and discrimination despite our problems always being highlighted over others (not trannies though their problems are fake oppression), it’s because they don’t care about black people. Black people want everybody else to matter about black lives except for themselves, they want whites, asians, hispanics, arabs to care about them and take care of them while they have absolutely no knowledge and skills to support themselves, their communities and even create allies. Everybody is an enemy, everybody is antiblack, you can’t really trust anybody, so why are they surprised when people tread carefully around them, this is the culture they wanted so they better enjoy it. Enjoy their fucked up health while they continue to cope online and in real life about “black girl magic” and “black girl wealth” that doesn’t exist.
No. 2184612
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scarface is a garbage film and nana is trash
No. 2184822
>>2184558If this is
valid, so is every self-hating white guilter's ramblings, but you probably want to be white so you don't see that.
No. 2184885
>>2184386you are reminding me of my old classmate's evangelic mom, for fuck sake that's a
victim blaming mentality.
No. 2184917
>>2184589It’s because your mushy zoomer newfaggot brain can’t handle reading anything that takes longer to read “skibidi toilet rizz party” stfu
>>2184597Stop lying anon, they’re the most ignorant when it comes to health and science. Don’t be like that, don’t let these people guilt trip you kek
No. 2184937
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Engaging in hook up culture as a woman is fucking stupid even if the man is hot, he will fuck you and then tell all his friends you are a slut, I would say gay submissive boys who bottom for top moids are also dumb because they are giving too much intimacy and power to a dude who only wants to fuck and leave… only top men get happiness out of hook up culture change my mind and women/feminine boys should gate keep sex away from men as much as possible
No. 2184984
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>>2184954nonny in this pic she literally looks like a simpsons character kekkkkkk it’s killing me
No. 2184987
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>>2184948Arab/persian/Mediterranean/etc women who usually have Roman noses and small faces are definitely more feminine in the face than Dutch or German women, who have small noses but huge jaws.
(racebaiting) No. 2185018
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>>2184891i have the witch nose + man jaw combo and im proud
No. 2185033
>>2185021maybe. also the mods swooping in a few seconds right after i posted that made me kek, must have hurt a janny who was taking a break
>>2185025not weird, cousin rape in these people’s countries are normalized and that’s why they have such severely low iqs and high propensity to cause wars and drama all. the. fucking. time. literally look it up, they encourage cousin marriage and practically cousin rape because no person would consent to wanting to fuck and have children with their cousins, these people’s lives are literally just jigsaw from saw playing with their lives it sounds horrible
(ban evasion) No. 2185047
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To add to the small nose thing, I feel like small jaws in women are a bit overrated. A jaw that's small can easily make you look like a chinlet.
No. 2185054
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>>2185011I just remembered who she reminds me of for some reason.
No. 2185058
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>>2185047if they were already gonna implant her they should have gone bigger. when your parents let you mouthbreathe and only fed you soft slop foods, poor thing
No. 2185071
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>>2185055Mfw the innocent man hook hand car door man jaw women end up getting flamed as collateral damage
No. 2185073
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I used to hate my hooked nose but now I’m thankful I don’t have a nose like pic rel, so fucking ugly
No. 2185078
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>>2185071Fucking hell nona
No. 2185100
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>at least I don’t have a beak nose
No. 2185202
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>>2185195>their featuresI was talking about small jaws leading up to that "chinlet" look, not about myself specifically. Calm the fuck down, and quit larping as some kind of psychologist for random anons talking about features they don't like.
No. 2185205
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>>2185202>me me me me me me menobody asked you ugly gorilla. clearly you have some insecurities if you nitpick other peoples features as such. doesn't take a psychology degree to figure out you're a low person. i hope you like your looks.
(baiting) No. 2185251
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I think they're a cool couple. He is confident and secure in his looks and his career and therefore not jealous of her. Any other guy would've been jealous in one way or another but Rocky just seems so unbothered (look at Jay-Z ajd Beyonce lol, he's literally a billionaire with a successful career yet he's still so jealous! prob bc he's ugly as sin)
No. 2185326
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>>2185297>brown>Med>Med not white???
what are you even trying to say
every european country on the m. sea is white and clearly looks white
there's a handful of arab countries on the m. sea and they are obviously brown and not white and their features are very similar at times to europeans on the m. sea
i doubt you'd even be able to clock an italian vs an arab
also quit acting as if there aren't hook nosed northern europeans or whatever feature you think is 'ethnic' (other than skin colour)
No. 2185489
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Lesbians can be as creepy as trannies sometimes.
No. 2185497
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>>2185492Another. This one's a confirmed lesbian.
Multiple anons defended her. No. 2185556
>>2185489I feel like this one's a moid who just wanted to make women read sentences like "she's so pretty yet I have my cock in her face" while pretending it's a woman who typed it by prefacing with "I pretend I'm a moid and–" and following it with "what, like women can't have naughty fantasies?" afterward.
>>2185497this one though, unpopular opinion but I feel like it's not so bad. the first sentence makes it sound like it'll be bad by using the words torture and manipulation, but it's ultimately just "mad scientist uses a strapon/vibrator to sexually pleasure a woman"
No. 2185707
>>2185489It doesn’t even sound like a lesbian. Lesbians can sure be sexual and have fantasies too, I’m not saying otherwise.
But this just seems like the rant of a moid.
No. 2185727
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Abortion should be legal everywhere because of people like this. Instead of having a child that they tried to sell, they shouldn't have had one at all. Poor kid. No. 2185747
>>2185489Everybody shat on this one. Probably either extremely pornsick AAP woman like
>>2185492 said, or moid.
>>2185497This one was defended as a lesbian, not as a perfectly morally right fantasy. The way this fantasy was described isn't nearly as disgusting and moid-like as the other one. The "torture" is just giving a woman a sexy horny time lol. Several lesbians had the same fantasy but on the receiving end. What's more, this is from the "fetishes you're ashamed of" thread, so not only was it appropriate but you're crying about a sexually explicit post that was in the right thread just because you didn't like it/thought it was too "extreme" for you. Don't like don't read the thread, retard.
No. 2185823
>>2185497>>2185489Who even cares jfc. Men are out there talking about wanting to rape children and babies while straight women are pretending to be ddlg baby pedobait to appeal to them and yet a bunch of lesbos on here talking about their fantasies has you shitting your pants? Kek sorry my fault for forgetting that all lesbians need to shyly hold hands and be into cottagecore, apple pie baking, cuddling, give each other little kisses and the only time they're sexual is when making out clumsily like virgins. Anything beyond that is vile and a tranny wrote it
obviously. Only heterosexual women can talk about their femdom fantasies or wanting to ero guro torture a shy nerdy guy because the second a lesbian does it, she is as creepy as a tranny.
No. 2185842
>>2185835It's not about how we need to accept everything coming from a gay woman, it's about how anons here act like women are incapable of thinking anything sexual beyond some vanilla missionary positions and pecking somebody on the lips. It's so insulting, like women are some elementary school kids who think you get pregnant by holding hands. They act like women are all flowery uwu beings who have never thought anything vile in their lives and they never have any questionable thoughts ever, if you do then you're a tranny or a porn addicted cumbrain, while at the same time they're the ones sucking their moids dick, swallowing his semen and writing pornography fanfiction on /g/ about how they want to fuck this male celebrity like crazy.
>moments like that post is like a shooting star reminder that no demographic is truly safeNo lesbian or woman is going to start raping you like men have been doing to women in locker rooms and public places but continue being a dense retard I guess.
No. 2185860
>>2185851>If you get upset about something as lame as sucking dickstfw thinking swallowing a moids nasty semen and having his unwashed dick in your mouth is a good thing
we will never make it out of the patriarchy
No. 2185868
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when I never had sex or intimacy before I thought bdsm was super hot but when a moid choked me and slapped my butt I was like "meh". Bdsm is SO overrated and not even hot, vanilla sex and getting affection feels so much better. BDSM is a psyop just have cutesy sex with your bf instead
No. 2185886
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>>2185875literally no one ever said anything about sucking dick
No. 2185908
>>2185876This. I think that they’ve never experienced proper attraction and they’ve always had to give in to what a scrote wanted to do just to keep them. That or they’re virgins.
Vanilla sex is bomb, if you can’t enjoy it and need to be beat and called a “cumdump” “slut” “little girl” and be chocked to the brink of death then you’re simply retarded. When there’s passion and reciprocated care even a “sweetheart” can make you see stars. Spicing it up can be fun sometimes, but acting as if kinks are inherently necessary is stupid.
No. 2185982
>>2185959Why do women from socially dominant groups get off on pretending to be innocent after throwing rocks?
>engage in "lesbians are so dangerous and predatory omg look at this lesbian's socially unacceptable fantasy">lesbians reply and call you disgusting for sleeping with the group of people responsible for femicide, wife-bashing, serial killing, etc>"wait what why are you being SO MEAN"It's as misogynistic and scrotey to demand other women only have "normal" fantasies you like (especially if whatever abnormal fantasy they have isn't being acted on) as it is to mock straight women for giving men oral sex. Both of you are voicing disgust in a harsh way about things that don't even involve you, but at least the lesbian anons aren't doing it completely unprovoked.
No. 2185987
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>>2185959It's genuinely amazing to me that they justify being psychopathic with their sexuality, but justify it by saying they're not as bad as moids who rape children. If you have to compare yourself to a moid raping children to justify basically wanting to torture or rape a woman, you are already at the point of not being trustworthy. The
enormous meltdown of lesbos ITT who are just as psychotic as those exposing screenshots only peaks me on how unhinged gay women can actually be, despite the constant rush to defend themselves from unflattering statistics. Let me reiterate, they are creating wall texts of digital frothing at the mouth and having mental breakdowns on a keyboard to dehumanize straight women for literally just being aware that they are unhinged and that lesbians are clearly not some angelic population of humans that are better than everyone else just because they're female and gay. I genuinely cannot understand how a lesbian is better than me if she is essentially a human defect with how she abuses her own sexuality to degrade her own gender. Lesbians like that are specimens I will seriously trust less than some moids I've met before. They will scream, call us "cockbreaths", or even say we're "homophobic newfags", but it will remain hilarious to me because it's just going to be more of them scrambling to defend themselves. I will gladly let a exceptionally good man fuck me and trust him with my safety before I would ever even want to be in the same room as the lesbos in this thread.
No. 2185997
>>2185987This is the most cringe inducing wanna be deep thing I've read here in a long time.
>I will gladly let a exceptionally good man fuck me and trust him with my safety before I would ever even want to be in the same room as the lesbos in this thread.Acting like the lesbians here would love to be in the same room as you because you're so irresistible and pretty while moids fuck anything with a hole kekw from babies to corpses to literal burgers and vacuums but you do you girl, go get fucked by your
exceptionally good man.
No. 2186013
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Daffy Duck > Bugs Bunny
No. 2186017
>>2186012>Chris brownHahahahahahahahaha
Oh my God. Why is this the funniest thing ever.
No. 2186035
>>2185987If you're typing this while straight, understand that you are just as psychotic for jumping over all the straight women with dd/lg fetishes and writing "dark romance" tiktok lit cooming over acts of violence that actually happen to other women every day to complain about the small percentage of lesbians who want to dress up as scientists and force orgasms on other women or whatever. Why is one so easily dismissible for you, but not the other? It's an unpleasant thought knowing not just men, but self-inserting, brainrotted straight women would masturbate to other women being abused/exploited/raped if it ended up on the news, but that's just life and we're all just meant to shrug our shoulders and look the other way because men are the ones actually doing it, anyway. So, why am I supposed to be especially appalled when it's a lesbian doing it, or even something milder? The answer is most likely that you think same-sex attraction is already a thoughtcrime because it's not "normal", and having weird/"bad" fantasies is like a double-crime for a woman who already isn't straight. It's all so tiresome.
No, lesbians aren't an angelic population, and neither are straight women. Both can be fucked up. If your question is who is more of a "threat", by virtue of number and the heights of demented straight pickme derangement we've seen throughout history (example: Karla Homolka and other piece of shit women who were happy to rape/murder their own sex, including underage girls, to help their moids coom), straight women unfortunately win. But again, we have to look the other way because at least being straight is "normal". Stop playing stupid games already. In reality, you're probably more dangerous than the most terminally online lesbian.
No. 2186043
i see behavior here all the time that would get someone banned on any other website, and i see completely reasonable posters get banned because they hold opinions angry spergs and angry sperg farmhands don’t agree with. what i’m trying to say is a lot of behavior only flies here and seems normal and certain thoughts only seem correct because both the users and the staff are out of touch
>what do you meanugly male psyop shit, basically. or all the black and white crap about ONLY men loving certain things or ONLY women loving certain things. you try to call out this behavior as stupid and you might get banned, not the tard who’s seething so badly that she’s misspelling every other word and bringing up other occasions that made her seethe because she’s been replaying it in her head for weeks. it’s crazy how bad it’s gotten, sometimes lolcow feels like an echo chamber
>>2186038well actually it makes sense to me that lesbian women disgruntled with a male-centered world would discover radfeminism and eventually find lolcow
No. 2186052
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This thread fucking sucks ass, it's the same arguments everywhere on this stupid board, oh nooo lesbians versus heteros who gives a fuck!!! I want to be whimsical, I wanted to discuss Daffy Duck you fuckers
No. 2186056
>>2186043no real lesbian would have men on the brain this much. this just reeks of polilezes who think hating men is the same as being a lesbian
>>2186044sexuality is innate and can't be changed. most people are just bisexuals. being a 6 on the kinsey scale is very rare. again, hating men doesn't make you a lesbian.
No. 2186074
>>2186069Some stupid scale people use to trick themselves into thinking they are actually homo in a way so they can get
victim points for it when the only thing that makes you lgb is your genuine attraction to the same sex
No. 2186108
>>2186096She hurt women to help her moid get off. Many straight women like to self insert on other women being abused, and fetishize the idea of being a
victim. Fanny, herself, is a straight woman who hates other women when she's not self-inserting on them and wants to fuck and be impregnated by her father, fat Discord neckbeards, etc.
No. 2186119
>>2186112It's an overwhelmingly heterosexual trait for a woman. At least
>>2185489>>2185497are focused on the woman feeling pleasure, not pain.
No. 2186194
>>2186184>>2186183If you can replicate art styles, you can sell almost official looking art to people, and some people want to have a piece of official art even if they can't afford it.
Meanwhile it's harder to get a decent amount of people buying your original art pieces because it requires a different kind of mindset to enjoy them.
In this age of consumption, original art isn't as appreciated as copies of already existing art.
No. 2186387
>>2186383it's okay
nonny, it's a hard world out there when you only speak English.
No. 2186395
>>2186376My unpopular opinion is that ~phobia is a deliberate misnomer when it comes to social issues. Just another instance of newspeak.
Agoraphobia is not like homophobia or islamophobia in any way
No. 2186396
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>>2186391you're welcome nonners
No. 2186579
>>2186012He’s a piece of shit ,
abusive man that keeps on beating women. But his voice is good. I do listen to his songs on unofficial YouTube videos from time to time kek.
No. 2186585
>>2185987>the moid who picks me is a better, safer person than MEANIE HEAD lesbians ittstraight women are beyond parody. so funny that you bring up unflattering statistics. you're aware the highest cause of death for pregnant women in the us is domestic violence? and that straight women have a 6x higher chance of divorce after a cancer diagnosis than straight moids? keep seething over scawyyyy words, see where it gets you in real life. the lesbian domestic violence stat is about women who were abused in prior relationships with men btw, but i doubt a pretentious barely literate cockworshipping pickme is capable of understanding that. hope you get picked!
>>2186295>>2186287>>2186282>women with dark fantasies are LITERALLY the same as men who torture and kill women in real life>unironically believing in thought crimebeyond parody.
No. 2186603
People pleasing is manipulative and you can't say this without a million people pleasers saying "I do it because I'm scared!!!!" but Narcs and Borderlines do what they do because they're scared too. Toxic traits are all just mental health symptoms. You tell everyone shit is okay and then go off and tell everyone except the person who is bothering you how horrible and awful they are so when you eventually snap and can't take it anymore, you control the narrative and isolate the person you're mad at due to your built up resentment, leaving them blindsided and confused and alone. And I've been the people pleaser, there's no "I DID speak up!!!" about it, you prioritize making other people happy with you so you don't have to deal with the discomfort of confrontation so you're extremely unclear about your boundaries and blame everyone else for not being able to read your mind. It hurts on both sides which is precisely why I realized I had to clean up my fucking act, it's manipulative and controlling, and you seek to passive aggressively punish people for not living up to your ideals and subtly guilt trip them because you lack the ability to be clear, and when they can't read your mind, you go on a whole ass smear campaign because you're too resentful to see reason. Now if someone is nothing but a gentle yes man, I assume they're talking shit about me behind the scenes where they feel it's "safe" and I avoid them. I've tried telling these people it's okay to speak up and I will never be mad at them for setting a boundary, but they still can't and then blame me for not being a mind reader.
No. 2186692
>>2186588Straight women care very much about lesbians. Growing up, we had a very open lesbian girl in our middle school and during PE the straight girls would always loudly talk about how they're going to the bathroom to change now because they don't want the "lesbian girl ogling them and getting horny" even though she never spoke to anyone and minded her business. They always ridiculed her, made fun of her and called her slurs too. I was battling some internalized homophobia back then so witnessing that from straight women growing up really made me in denial about my own sexuality for a long time. And like anon stated above, straight women act like lesbians are going to start raping them and like they're some irresistible breed to lesbians, as if we're horny dogs who will attack anyone and anything with a vagina and start scissoring them on sight.
Don't get me wrong, I do think some lesbians can be creepy, I've met a woman before who'd always hit on straight women and then go full
femcel anytime she was rejected, but they are not the majority. Heterosexual women who dislike lesbians or have this homophobic image of them are unfortunately common though. There is a reason why some straight women always talk about wanting to befriend a gay guy and have a gay bestie but the thought of having a female gay bestie makes them uncomfortable and shudder, suddenly it's not OK anymore. They will kiss their female friends on the lips to make men horny but then turn around and talk rudely about lesbians and how they're creepy for simply existing.
No. 2186720
>>2186710You’re not doing very good press for lesbians anon..
>>2186716Will you share a picture with us next time?
No. 2186726
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No. 2186728
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>>2186035> self-inserting, brainrotted straight women would masturbate to other women being abused/exploited/raped if it ended up on the newsNot to mention, the amount of het women who would simp for literal serial killers that have brutally raped, tortured, and murdered women as if they're rewarding these degenerate moids for their sick behaviour. Sometimes it really feels like the only thing standing between women and dismantling patriarchy and achieving female solidarity are these diseased het women.
No. 2186738
>>2186711Me too. I’m sure that there are homophobic straight women who act like lesbians are ready to pounce on any woman.
But I’ll always feel comradeship with any woman as long as they’re not misogynistic , pick me or a TRA kek. I really don’t care who you shag in your private life.
No. 2186753
>>2186745Honestly a man who is sadistic would do the same too or even who doesn’t want you to fight him off. There are literally men who beat up women to an inch of their life while raping them and use objects too.
You’re saying that because for a woman to do that you have to imagine her to be very depraved to the point that they would resort to using objects.
No. 2186758
>>2186745The douchbag will drug you, give you ecstasy to the point that you don’t remember shit , while he rapes you and brings his friends around to piss on you at the end while taking pictures.
Let us not act like men are just stupid and want to fuck so badly that they resort to rape. They want to humiliate and overpower their
victim too, otherwise they would hire a prostitute.
No. 2186761
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>mfw nonna says rapist moids just put their dick inside you and that's it
No. 2186765
>>2186745>waahhh women are SCARY I'm SCAREDGoogle "toy box killer" or "Junko Furata case" or "Daisy's Destruction" or
Women are only dangerous when they are picked by dangerous males, and encouraged by him to be
No. 2186796
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Do women who were raped by lesbians write articles about seducing their lesbian rapists to "regain control"?(off-topic/bait)
No. 2186799
>>2186711This is how I feel as a lesbian, most straight women are chill but you still have to skim them out from the homophobic annoying ones. Clearly alot of annoying ones online
>>2186774I don't know, let me check
No. 2186852
>>2186840Tea with strong flavor will be black, oolong, and green. I've heard pu-reh is strong, but I've never had it. Rooibos is technically an herbal, but it has a ton of healthy properties such as being an antioxidant, lowering blood pressure, and lowering cholesterol. Avoid white tea if you don't like subtle flavors. Avoid herbals in general aside from pure jasmine, chamomile, or rooibos imo, they tend to have lots of artificial flavors that defeat the purpose of tea. You can probably find a black or green tea blend with spearmint in it.
As for teas that taste sweet, there aren't really any. They're earthy and can range from smooth to astringent. Milk oolong has a very creamy texture but I wouldn't consider it sweet. If you want sweet, I'd look for tea blends that include vanilla or dried fruit. A tea shop will let you smell things before you buy them.
No. 2186880
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matcha is the best tea if you prefer sweet over earthy
No. 2186882
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>>2186869>>2186877Only metal like picrel and glass ones are
valid, and the ball ones are often kinda shitty quality and can open up and let the leaves out or have too few holes to make the tea good.
No. 2186893
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this is my favorite black tea atm and also easily available if your country imports this brand
No. 2186925
>>2183097Actually good point that I failed to see. I just hated every man there and thought Orson was the least bad because of how much we would do for Bree(except when his dumb moid brain acted up at his wheelchair arc and he was crying over his 'muh moidhood').
Maybe because Paul is ugly is what made me not pay much attention to him.
No. 2186933
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Lurking into the shilled ugly women thread in /g/ makes you almost fall for the ragebait that’s posted there. It almost blackpilled you because those same ragebaiters are the ones who posted in the ugly moid thread talking about how they want to fuck literal subhumans, it’s crazy. Anok Yai??? Ugly??? Seriously??? Ragebait. As cliche as it is, it’s just male-identified envy cloaked as “just my opinion”, you’re a fucking braindead retard or an actual racist if you think this woman is ugly full stop. Crying about how ugly women deserve “”””hot”””” men but go around calling objectively hot women ugly is crazy to me. Anyways tl;dr this is just proof I fall for it every single time kek
No. 2187023
I got you anon, I’ll take one for the team for you.
No. 2187028
>>2187020Cool, still a double standard though. Straight women are allowed fucked up fetishes but lesbians are not. There are bi women with the same sorts of fantasies for men and women too. You just expect their brain to, I don’t know, undo them?
>>2187022They called me a moid in the fetishes you’re ashamed of thread for a normie fucking fetish but I’ve seen them thirst over 17-year-old moids… kek
No. 2187034
>>2187028men arent the
victims of 90% of rapes and violence… there also isnt an entire indutry proffiting off men getting raped and abused for ''kink''
No. 2187040
>>2187031KEKK what happened to the previous rhetoric? It used to be that women can’t rape, and lesbians can’t rape each other too. Suddenly lesbians are the unhinged rapists?
>>2187034And if the genders were flipped /g/ anons’ clits wouldn’t get hard to male snuff? Yeah I beg to fucking differ
No. 2187047
>>2187040are you new or something? no, no one here cares about moids here and no one would care if they get mass snuffed because they are a shitty sex. But since this is a female-only site we do care about the well-beign of women. Acting like a
victim because women dont approve of your woman hating fantasies here is fucking stupid.
No. 2187061
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this is the world men want to regress to
No. 2187218
>>2187210Why are you giving a pass for rape
victims with rape fetishes?
No. 2187222
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>there's nothing shameful about giving rape apes your body as a prize while getting no orgasms and abuse in return
Can someone get the libfems out of here pls.(bait)
No. 2187225
>>2187222Found the
femcel. Have sex before commenting on sex.
No. 2187229
>>2187222The tiktok faggots have now arrived into the building and are failing to integrating. They seriously think “
femcels” exist kek
No. 2187242
>>2187239Again, you're a
femcel, you're as experienced in sex as a penguin is at flying.
No. 2187248
>>2187242NTA but you're being cringe,
femcels don't exist. You sound like a moid
No. 2187250
>>2187248>femcels don't existThen why are so many anons on this thread giving ridiculous takes about sex? I was being generous by calling them
femcels who are ignorant of sex, because otherwise they're purposefully lying to stop women to have sex with men so that they could have sex with those men instead.
No. 2187276
>>2187250>they're purposefully lying to stop women to have sex with men so that they could have sex with those men instead. This is stupid.There's so many men out there how the FUCK would It be
these exact men. Dick is abundant and
femcels do not exist.
No. 2187284
>>2187230Yeah…. even in fds they talked about how sex isn't all it's hyped up to be. All the pickmes here who complain about le
fEmCeLs are just delusional and dilated by a patriarch that doesn't serve them
No. 2187294
*has bookmarked
No. 2187297
>>2187282can someone edit a picture of gabe from the office saying shut up about the sun to say shut up about sucking cocks and then can the owner of this website just make it so anytime certain phrases are
triggered they can only see that image and not the rest of this website ever again thanks that would solve this i think
No. 2187304
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>>2187300>Women are always perfect creaturesI agree for this particular case but women are capable of being sociopaths too kek. Cluster B isn’t a men-only thing
No. 2187305
>>21872963 out of 4 of the female perpetrators had been raped or molested by men.
>Melinda Loveless was born in New Albany on October 28, 1975, the youngest of three daughters, to Marjorie and Larry Loveless. Larry was drafted into the U.S. Army during the Vietnam War, reaching the rank of sergeant, and although horribly emotionally scarred, he was treated as a hero upon his return. Marjorie later described him as a sexual deviant who would wear her and her daughters' underwear and makeup, was incapable of staying monogamous, and had a mixture of jealousy and fascination with seeing her have sex with other men and women. They lived in or near New Albany throughout Melinda's childhood.[5]The main perpetrators dad was literally an AGP tranny army veteran who molested her as a child.
No. 2187316
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>>2187304Werent the murderers lesbians? Lesbians and tifs are moidbrained and have male biology/high testosterone levels.
(retard) No. 2187319
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>>2187304I think I have the dyke version of the serial killer chaser thing like 50% of true crime women are afflicted with. I love sociopathic women. More female murderers please
why can’t a woman love me so much they would murder for me smh>>2187316Disproven since there are plenty of lesbians with below average testosterone. Also the studies demonstrate that they have higher progesterone and lower oestradiol - progesterone inhibits aggression whereas estrogen promoted it too so… T is also such a small variable (do you think women with PCOS commit the most crimes?)
No. 2187322
>>2187319i don’t feel this way about real women with real
victims but i feel this way about villanelle in killing eve
No. 2187329
>>2187328i only care about male
victims when there’s a woman killer
No. 2187331
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>>2187316Explains why the average farmer is violent, rapey, anorexic and bi.
No. 2187339
>>2187328From my experience it’s one of two things: 1, women are more equal strength-wise and thus more likely to initiate with each other. This is probably the biggest thing because most straight women are very aware of how dangerous it is to provoke a moid, and that if they even
speak the wrong way they could end dead in a trashbag. 2, I know some people hate this generalisation but at least in my instances our relationships have been more intense/personal? I think when things go south it’s more likely to go deeper and get worked up emotionally. My ex held me at knifepoint not to leave her once (not that she would have done anything) and I know my other SSA friends (mostly gendie “T for T transmascs” though) have had messed up instances like this (threatening sh, other BPD shit)
>>2187331Anorexic women have lower T, as well as lower hormone levels in general
No. 2187352
>>2187344lots of /pol/fags who come over here and spam bait. there was one who was really persistent the other day and kept ban evading and sperging about how lesbian adoption should be banned. Also autistically baited in the vent thread about how women who say "i wish men were gone" as a hyperbole were actually wrong because they'd all die or stupid shit like that. The weird spike in anti-lesbian baiters are probably /pol/fags (the ones arguing lesbians are all moidbrained DV committing rapists) with some of the infighters just being straight women. Moids love that specific DV statistic (said statistic includes kinsey 4 women who've been in relationships with scrotes) so of course they're spamming it. The other day there were a bunch of baiters too writing retarded posts "WHY HAVENT YOU ALL SETTLED DOWN YET?" and deleting it like 10 minutes in so they don't get banned. If you see anything outrageously homophobic, report and ignore
>>2187340What is with these shitty sources they keep spamming
No. 2187516
>>2186933>anok yai>uglyDefinitely some fat jealous retard, either non-black self-proclaimed
femcel type or a black woman who thinks every black woman in media needs to be unattractive so they can be "relatable" to herself lol
No. 2187520
>>2187491On god, some anons go way too far to defend every bitch on the planet it pisses me off. I got into several
abusive relationships, some of them quite scarred me yet I didn't feel the need to torture a girl for months until she died. Excuses on top of excuses, fuck her and her gang. All of them are still alive and out of jail too which is some bullshit, I'd kill them with my own two hands if possible
No. 2187544
>>2187331>More attractive and symmetrical (but not more masculine) faceBullshit researcher likes pretty boys at least
>>2187523I unironically need a translation for this
No. 2187873
>>2187850Unrelated but a lot of women I know cry about misogyny from other women but when you’re playing so well into the stereotype, can you really blame other women for making fun of you for wearing ridiculous clown makeup and talking in a way that nobody takes seriously and would discount your intelligence? They love true crime because being a queerio, hair dying and being goth or emo isn’t counter culture enough for them to be the ~sexy bad girl~
>>2187865The media is tan by professional psychopaths and frauds at the very least, it’s even worst when you know someone who could be your neighbor is slurping up buldak noodles in front of their rolling camera while talking about a scrote raping and killing their mom and then going out to shoot down a whole school of children. It’s gross as fuck, the news is there to report on the news, they’re dressed professionally and aren’t eating like pigs in front of you while telling the news or else the public would find it highly disrespectful
No. 2187885
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No. 2187894
>>2187892Someone said that it was the same. I completely disagree, so I felt like sharing my perspective. I never said that anyone here is forcing me to go do it? You keep misunderstanding me.
>>2187893Okay. That isn't my fault, I just came in and shared my opinion.
No. 2187961
>>2187937Yes. And..?
>>2187942>an ownWhat?
>>2187955Idk about as sweet and valuable kek, but yeah they can be decent
No. 2187972
>>2187955Lol. They can be
useful. But let’s not get carried away.
No. 2188017
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i don't believe in rehabilitative justice and i think every moid who spams picrel in response to women saying pedophiles and rapists can't be rehabilitated and deserve death should be assraped with hot rusty pipes in minecraft
No. 2188047
>>2188035Scrotes who think rapists and pedos can and should be "rehabilitated" aka they should face no consequences for their actions. Basically a real mask-off leftist moment.
No. 2188066
>>2188017based nona.
Also don't know why moids can't differentiate between crimes of cruelty like rape and crimes of desperation. Not the same thing but to expect that much from a moid is stupid on my part.
No. 2188077
>>2188017I think people deserve rehabilitation for non-violent and minor crimes. And arguably also self-defense. I'll defend any woman who murders her
abusive husband.
No. 2188131
>>2188066>Also don't know why moids can't differentiate between crimes of cruelty like rape and crimes of desperation.That's the thing, they probably consider raping a little girl and traumatizing her for life just as morally righteous as a starving man stealing a loaf of bread. Scrotes are amoral creatures who constantly refer to sex as an "urge" or a "right" and will use muh mental health to excuse any and every depravity (while of course never extending the same grace to female CSA
victims who grow up to be traumatized BPDemons and expecting them to be the perfect
No. 2188142
>>2188131This this this!! This a hundred, THOUSAND TIMES over!!!! Males will always excuse their perversion and blame it on their inherent sexual needs. They're like fucking animals man. I will never trust a moid in my life ever again. Absolute fucking voids of lifelessness
They know exactly what they're doing.
No. 2188212
>>2188210You’re right why should I really care about abortion laws if women willingly shit out
victims and predators? Glad we’re on the same wavelength anon!
(infighting) No. 2188222
>>2188167They do have trannies to fight against, evidenced by how Korean women had to mass-protest a womens' college trying to admit an MTF a few years back. Western post-modernist queer theory has also sunk its talons into the Korean LGB for almost a decade now. They're able to fight back through collective action, not due a darth of trannies, even when they have to be very stealthy about it because Kormoids will start a witch hunt to attack and stalk women to death if they think she ever has a feminist thought. You don't even know what you're talking about. I bet you love your token foreign
WOC only when they're politically convenient.
No. 2188224
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>>2188211your reading comprehension is abysmal
No. 2188245
>>2188215Can you really liberate yourself if you don’t hate them?? Yeah and that liberation requires you to completely
separate from them. Stop having sex with them. Stop giving them children. Stop marrying them. Stop dating them. Stop sharing your wealth and bank accounts with them. Stop caring for them. Retard, and you faggots are the ones bringing up 4B like that’s supposed to be inspiring. Yeah these Korean feminists are able to move waves because they don’t have a cock in their mouth while arguing about me about “real feminism”, fuck out of here
(infighting) No. 2188258
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>>2188232Sometimes I wonder if I'm just arguing with underaged or ESL people because this shit is ridiculous.
No. 2188266
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>>2188258>MUH READING COMPREHENSION You’re not intelligent, you’re incapable of having back to back banter and constantly doubling down claiming people are misinterpreting your words when there’s such a thing as reading inbetween the lines. That’s exactly what you meant to say, you just use a bunch of fucking fluff to cover up what you really want to admit but won’t. At least I’ll just brazenly call you a cocksucker, I don’t even have to type up all of these words and waste them. You could be lying about being a lesbian just like that tradfag admitted to swapping their sexual identities just to troll people who made fun of them and their nigel
(infighting) No. 2188268
>>2188255The only reason I even bring up lesbians is because of lesbophobia being mentioned in this convo tbh.
>whiteknights womenI can't believe you really said this kek. Anyway trust me, I'm not vag hunting on lolcow of all places.
No. 2188328
>>2188247Well I have never met a fellow jazzhead fujoshi
>>2188248>>2188251The best music to read yaoi to is jazz, what's so hard to understand?
No. 2188380
>>2188371We need a real
terf island where this is physically possible.
No. 2188618
>>2188606same with male abuse
victims. i’m starting to actually fucking hate male
victims because every time women try to have a discussion of WHY men are beating us to death raping us to death killing our babies.. they derail the conversation entirely to talk about how it made them feel to see women talk about them like that when they are the
victim, usually magically of a WOMAN, and half the time the conversation stops to comfort him and half the time he’s there to just argue and call us
abusive whores. and the female
victims are sitting there like okay but why have all of us had multiple male abusers and you’re talking about a crackhead going through psychosis with a knife one time twenty years ago like that’s relevant to a conversation about women who have had back to back partners who raped them.
No. 2188634
>>2188633an elementary school boy. fine i feel bad for one male
victim that’s actually fucked. he should be castrated and have to live the rest of his life sexually impotent and hated by everyone.
No. 2188641
>>2188634Exactly. Like I'm not about to disparage a
victim for being a male. I want to hold abusers to some sort of repercussions. Scholfield hired the boy as an aide on this morning so the affair could be easier managed and easier access but omg it was probably just true love!!
No. 2188670
>>2188660>How is that feminist.Who said anything about feminism? It's not the feminist olympics.
>she has a nigel is retarded schizo behavior. Mentioning someone fucks their abuser is relevant. That anon had a good point and yet no one responded which is quite telling. It is true that western women waste their time on a settled debate of whether fucking their oppressors is feminist while 4B women actually act and seperate.
>Calling a woman a worthless cocksuckingCall a spade a spade. If a woman does this she is it. It's simple. I don't want to have to talk about disgusting shit and be seen as slanderous but many women do this so they force the conversation on us.
>>2188666Ah yes because incels don't want women to suck off men therefore they criticize womens degrading actions of their abusers. Gross and incomparable.
(bp outside of containment) No. 2188693
>>2188685Was it a 17 year old male?
>rather than us having a natural inclination to rub our sexual organs all up on and in each otherI can't speak for you but rape exists and sometimes teenage males rape teenage females. Oppressors are still oppressors when they're young. What is your argument here, that you were naive?
>>2188689I didn't say I wanted to be a teacher, I said I like and value education. You have a small and depressing mind to assume the only people you'd be teaching are kids. Have you ever studied at a university or done personal learning by yourself? Education means more than teaching elementary aged children.
No. 2188723
>>2188700>Just imagine I said it was as much malice as cock sucker? What's the issue?I never said that, the previous anons did and you both (or one) continue to use insults while ignoring arguments. There is a lot of malice in
>not wanting to fuck males>not wanting to be criticized for degrading sex acts with males>not wanting to see abuse statistics and call oppressors oppressors>not wanting to admit males are oppressors>Not wanting to seperate and not wanting to have kids with males >Seeing other women who speak out as nlogs >Seeing feminism as a competition other women compete in and women criticizing degrading sex acts as not feminist.from what I've seen of these past posts there's a common thread.
>>2188707>You want to rehabilitate and educate male oppressors? Definitely not. You can't fix males.
>pretend anything you've said is worth salt.And why should I listen to someone who fucks men, and hurls insults at other women who think differently. You've got the shit reading comprehension. You've completely lost all legitimacy and admitted so. You sound like you're being called out for cock sucking and strange natalist stuff I never even wanted to talk about. Defending a degrading act so heavily is indicative of something.
>Who you going to educate if you think every male is an oppressor and vehemently against reproduction you dumb cuntWho else are you referring to? Are males the only ones capable of education? Taking this and combining it with the weird no one will have kids!! Alarmist comment found on Fox news leads to the conclusion that you frame this as educating children or teaching a family. Why else are you randomly bringing up having kids and educating men? Why are kids and men so centered in your explanations? You are very obsessed with males. I feel like it's a waste of time discussing this with someone so far gone.
No. 2188759
>>2188733>SHUT the fuck up, it is not about "criticizing a degrading act", it is DEGRADING women who mention having Nigels in any capacity.I agree, let's criticize and degrade women for degrading themselves, good point.
>This is not a "radfem" site in the first placeI know, feminism has really failed in recent years. You're the one who randomly brought up feminism to begin with and said I'm not feminist for some reason not that I care. I agree I'm not feminist, this is not the feminist olympics. I think I've repeated this phrase three times now. As for the rest of your capslock seething I'm not reading that shit. You don't want to accept reality, it doesn't matter if you hide behind society at large, you live with strange guilt and horrible thoughts that read in your posts. You say the same regurgitated moid apologist trite shit I've seen for years on this site only on the casual boards and you're the plague of this site and the real world regardless of what you say as hiding behind majorities. If the majority of women were seperate from men feminicide and rape stats would fall overnight, where is the debate in this? And why would you assume I want to "fix" men lol? I think I've said enough and I'll quit the infighting. From your chimp out it's obvious where your opinions are, I've listed them already
>>2188723 though they're not exhaustive and they can be seen in your post history.
I'm glad I hit a nerve though at the very least, it was a unfruitful discussion but at least it didnt take much to pull the guilt and self loathing from you projected outwards in calling other women dumb cunts, that they're going to lay down and die for not wanting to have kids and fuck men, and for using a descriptor. Just think this whole discussion started from you being offended from another anon calling women a action that they do. Sucking cock makes one a cocksucker, there is no Olympic gymnastics you can do to get out of that one.
No. 2188787
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Chicken is over rated.
No. 2188803
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>>2188789It's an Ayam Cemani. As much as I would love to own one, they're rare and expensive. My current cock is a big black orpington. I also own brahma hens but I don't think I could handle a cock that big.
No. 2188836
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Every woman should own a petticoat I bet you all have a dress rn that would kill for a petticoat.
No. 2188849
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>>2188823My first cock was a big white cornish cross. I bought him at a agricultural fair. Initially I intended to eat him for Christmas. He had such a sweet and gentle nature I couldn't bring myself to do it. He lived for four years. After that I've only kept Orpington cocks. I also have a small bantam cock for my bantam hens. My current small cock is seven years old which is a good age for a chicken. Pic rel is a man holding a big brahma cock.
No. 2188850
>>2188844tbh, it's entirely dependent on what kind of activities you'll be wearing it for
standing up? either is good
sitting down? you're gonna want that petti
No. 2188873
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>>2188863this, they die of lifelong drinking and smoking and never going to the doctor under any circustance
No. 2188884
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It’s fucking weird when people shame others for buying nice things for their home with “you could use that on traveling!!” like as if they’re more minimalist or old fashioned for it. People didn’t have the luxury to just travel anywhere in the past. If anything, being a jetsetter is way more influencer consoom fueled than buying some high quality pieces for your home that you spend every single day in and using. And buying nice things for your home is often less expensive than travel too, unless you’re doing some full reno or something. A $1.5k piece of furniture is super cheap compared to the cost of planes, hotels, transportation, plus time taken from work. Is it cool to be able to see the world? Yeah, but we should ask why the hell people these days feel so entitled to it and just what is wrong with finding the beauty in your own part of the world?
No. 2188999
>>2188994Don't ask me, it's these retarded bitches thinking porn induced faggotry in those men.
>>2188995Because you will always see het women saying how porn induces sexual arousal for the same sex but somehow it's not real and you just gotta stop watching porn. The 2Dfags cope in a similar way but they just say 2D dick doesn't count.
No. 2189007
>>2188977It's because hetoid bitches on here get
triggered by any sort of sexual attraction to women (even if it's coming from SSA women) so the only way for them to rationalize that is project their female intrasexual competition onto these SSA women. If you jerk off to yuri and lesbian porn it must mean you're a pickme bitch doing it for male attention