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No. 2162077
A thread for venting about difficult stuff going on in your life.
Previous vent thread:
>>>/ot/2149352Follow all the /ot/ board rules & don't reply to bait.
Don't come to this thread to make fun of anons' vents, to demean them, or to try and be funny with some shit snark reply. It's annoying. If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say it at all.
No. 2162115
>>2162093I think the most important realization is understanding it doesn't mean anything to be a "good" person or not
Being a good person means different things to everybody depending on what they value in life, so you shouldn't care too much about whether people think you're good or not, you should instead focus on what kind of values fit your life best
No. 2162152
plus I even know it's all psychological
I start to imagine humiliating scenarios where I just try to initiate a conversation and they start nagging me
like what am I? 12?
No. 2162175
>>2162165do you know what a decade of depression does to ones appearance
at least I'm planning on fixing my hair, gives me an excuse not to try until I feel perfectly comfortable with myself, first
which I know is never going to happen anyway
No. 2162205
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So fucking sick of seeing CP bots on YouTube, I feel so fucking ill whenever I see them and I can't use my extension that hides everything but the video and search because I can only get internet on my phone and my laptop can't find my phone if I try to hotspot.
No. 2162215
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I have complete and utter writer's block. I have a dissertation to write and short stories to finish. Coming up to a year now of not being able to write ANYTHING.
My dad died earlier this year and it's just beginning to hit me now - I suddenly began to cry every day.
My crackhead brother stole my record collection and sold it while I was on holiday.
Battling suicidal thoughts on the daily at this point. I keep striving, I keep getting out of bed, going to the gym or going for a walk. But I don't know, I'm feeling a lot of overwhelm - a lot of emotions I don't know how to deal with.
I want to slaughter my brother, but what would that do?
No. 2162228
>>2162226 only talks to people outside of her family about once every 2 months
is that supposed to be a lot? I spent years in that situation, probably how some people end up being terminally online
No. 2162239
I've been keeping an online journal since 2015 and i've literally been whining about the exact same shit for almost a decade now. Self-loathing, body dysmorphia, extreme boredom, the complete lack of companionship and support, plus being a complete burn out after high school. Everytime i make some minor progress in my life, seeing how little progress i've actually made makes me incredibly depressed. It's like thinking you walked a marathon when really you just walked to your bedroom door. Plus, the memory loss problem that come with ADHD are really making me upset lately. I keep having to ask stupid questions, make dumb mistakes and everyone around has to think i am a complete joke. I know they talk so much shit about me in the class group chat i am not a part of and they don't want me in. I feel so uncomfortable, i don't trust myself to do a single task right. I don't know how i am going to make it after school, i feel like i am completely wasting my time and humiliating myself. I can't remember the last time where i've felt so low about my future apart from now, i just want to give up. Plus, those same bitches in my class were bragging about being neurodivergent and how quirky it makes them to want certain things in a red marker. I'd do anything for my adhd and autism to be removed. Seeing people think it's a fun quirk and having a good time triggers the fuck out of me.
No. 2162256
>>2162175I feel the same way honestly. I suffer from CPTSD and it’s aged me
really bad…I’m only 22 and I look like I’m in my 30s kek.
No. 2162263
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>>2162244Thank you for you kind response and I'm sorry for your loss too - I hope you have healed somewhat since then.
I feel similarly to how you did in that I have no drive to get down to any of my work. It's not that it suddenly seems pointless, I just simply don't care about it at the moment.
I have reached out to both my profs and the school admin. They have all been kind and understanding.
The trouble is, I feel a terrible sense of guilt and that I am letting them down all the time. I keep telling my supervisor that I think I can get something done by X date and then don't do it. I'm wondering how long their patience will last. I suppose I am just being silly, as in the end it's my education and my project, but still I can't help but feel like I'm letting people I respect down.
How did it end up working out for you? Did you complete your studies? How long did it take for you do be able to get down to things?
No. 2162280
>>2162260>I'm supposed to be hanging with literal high school teenagers, makes me want to kms to be honestThen simply don't?
Use that time to be reading and studying as much as possible, and getting to know your professors. This is much more valuable than partying and hanging out with people.
Also you'd be surprised how little people care about older people going back to uni or whatever. It's pretty normal nowadays so don't let that get to you.
I went to grad school in my mid-30s and just occasionally went to parties or bars with my younger colleagues once every few months and it was fine and they didn't care that I was 5-10 years older than them. They just saw me as the fun older person who would sometimes get drunk with them.
I spent most of my time making the most of the opportunity to really engage with a subject I was interested in.
No. 2162334
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nonny I could have written this myself. Constantly missing deadlines, unable to get myself to work on tasks no matter how much I wanted to, feeling like I was letting everyone down when I didn’t keep up like I said I could. For me it was worsened by the feeling that I wasn’t just letting down my professors but my dad as well, I know he would have wanted me to succeed and do well. But I felt paralyzed and still in shock despite it being months later. I just couldn’t.
One of the options given to me was taking a semester off from school, I decided to push through since I needed something to distract me from everything else. Like I was doing something and moving forward in some small way in my life. I don’t know if that was the right decision now. I didn’t want to take a break and be unable to continue school again once it was over. I was afraid of putting off what I thought was my future which was synonymous with also being able to move past my grief. I was tired of being stagnant and numb.
I’m sorry I can’t give much advice being on the other side. I’m still in school, yesterday was the one year anniversary of my dad’s passing actually. I had other factors in my life that contributed to my stress that first year
including a potential cancer diagnosis. But things are getting better. What helped the most was my therapist who happens to specialize in grief and LC oddly enough.
I’m always going to miss my dad and wish things were different. I’m still not use to him being gone. But it finally feels like that stagnation is changing and I am moving towards something. Please be kind to yourself. It’s easy to fall into the trap of blaming the only thing we can control, which is ourselves, in response to something so traumatic as the death of a family member. They wouldn’t want that for us. Your professors don’t what that for you either. Reach out to student health about therapy if you haven’t already. Consider joining a grief support group if you can’t. Things will be okay again. They’ll be different, but they’ll be okay.
No. 2162335
>>2161720oh shit is this why i hate everybody and don't have friends? 90% of people under 30 are like this.
i'm 25 and hung out with a friend when she turned 21 months ago and the entire day consisted of me driving her around (she doesn't have a license yet is graduating college in a year, and she completely ignored my wishes to be home by a certain time), we visited and toured an old prison where i could tell she was resisting the urge to photograph and film things for tiktok and did it by the end, when i was driving us to a bookstore she spent like 15 minutes trying to get me to choose a spooky song for her tiktok, then changed her mind and decided she wanted food when i just bought some at the bookstore, then when we sat down to eat at the restaurant she decided she wanted me to take her to the mall to the anime store, where i was inundated with weeb rage seeing how everything was cheap chinese shit marked up ridiculously, and she didn't take the single step at one point to properly put an item back on its rack and made herself look like a douche in front of the clerk. zoomers have m-muh anxietyy because they're socially retarded and don't pick up on showing others respect and following basic social norms. it felt like i was babysitting.
i deal with all ages of people at my job and zoomers are markedly autistic and have something off about them. yes i know i'm considered a zoomer, i don't care most still annoy me regardless of whether i'm part of the age group.
No. 2162346
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it's fucked up that they made finn so fine here
No. 2162374
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>TIF who has been stalking and trying to skinwalk me for 1+ year tried to contact me once again after I blocked her in a random social media because it was the only way i could remove her from my followers list
I'm tired of this bullshit. Never ever try to befriend and be nice to a tranny, nonnas, even if it's the only person alive in your fandom. I regret so much being desesperate for new friends a year ago I considered talking to this schizo.
No. 2162417
I was raised by a boymom. Massive vent post incoming. I also dgaf about using proper grammar on an imageboard, so who knows if this will even make sense.
I legitimately cannot stand the favoritism my failbrother receives. My mom basically calls the shots on how the household is run in my family, and she is IN LOVE with him. If I had done any of the shit that he constantly gets away with, I would have been thrown out of my house on my ass immediately. He gets constant, unlimited support no matter what.
He literally dropped out of university the first year he was there just because he was mad that he had to write essays. He has always considered himself an ubersmart math genius and says that anything outside of hard mathematics is a waste of time. He's not even that great at math though???? And it would surprise me if his IQ was a flat 90. Even if he was intelligent, it's hard to tell past all of his manbaby behavior.
After dropping out of uni, my parents convinced him to try community college. He dropped out again in the first year for the same reason. At this point, he was like 20. After that, he spent a solid two years doing nothing. His life plan was to sit in his room playing video games and mooching off our parents. I am not assuming this - I know because he told us all. He had screaming arguments with our mom, saying basically that she owed him free room and board forever because he didn't “ask to be born.” Motherfucker, neither did anyone else. Then my mom would cry and get upset, saying "he's probably just doing this because he's suffering from mental health! Psychiatrists are saying a lot of young men are depressed nowadays!" (I would never receive this treatment. When I was a highschooler, my mom would wake me up at 2:00am in a screaming frenzy and threaten to throw me out of the house if she found a spot that I missed while I was cleaning up the whole house. Failbrother's only chore was to clean his room, and he was allowed to go literal months without doing it.)
He got his first ever job in retail when he was like, age 23, and it was only because my dad FORCED him to apply. My dad isn't happy about shelling out all his retirement money to provide for failbrother, so he wants failbrother to at least TRY and build a life. On the other hand, my mom was literally cool with him living in his childhood bedroom and siphoning their resources for the actual rest of his life. Once again, I know this because she literally told me. Her attitude was basically "well, he went to a couple of schools for one semester! at least he tried!!!" (I would never receive this treatment. I was expected to start working at age 14 while he sat on his ass at age 18. I could make a whole other vent post just about that topic.)
He spent another 2 years or so working the bare minimum to keep that part-time job, just so that our dad would stay off his back. He blew all the money he made on going out to restaurants and clubs. In fact, our mom gave basically gave him an allowance as a grown ass adult because he was spending more that he was making.
Eventually, it became obvious that he was never going to try and improve his life on his own, so my dad forced him to go back to school for another year or so, and get a certification that would allow him to get a full-time job with real benefits and health insurance. He did manage to get a better job and health insurance, but he still works the bare minimum hours and blows all his money. He is not expected to pay any rent or contribute anything to the household.
He's pushing 30 now, and he is still living like this. I don't think he is ever planning to move out.
No. 2162418
>>2162417(Part 2)
Honestly, here's the real reason why I'm making this ridiculous monologue post: both of my parents are old and sick and it fucked up my life. Now I don't know what to do next.
I didn't go to college immediately after high school. I moved out and worked for a couple of years to save up funds for a college that I was planning to go to. I was accepted and had nearly everything ready. Then Covid-19 hit. Everything in my life was put off for an extra year. No problem, I could wait. I turned twenty in quarantine. Eventually, things started to improve, and I thought I would get things back on track.
Then my dad had two simultaneous brain bleeds. Turns out, he's prone to aneurysms. He had to be emergency transported to a different part of the state and given extensive neurosurgery. They told us that there was a pretty good chance that he would die. Luckily he survived, but he needed an extensive amount of rehabilitation. He had to learn how to walk and talk again, and was in and out of hospitals for the next two years. From the start, I knew that my mom could not do everything alone (she is also old and becoming very arthritic,) so I moved back home to help them. I did this because I knew that failbrother would never.
Why. The fuck. Could he not even help? The whole time I was trying to help care for and rehabilitate my dad, I was also expected to cook for failbrother and clean up after him, too. All he does is sit at home. He could have easily taken the role of caregiver for our sick dad, and he just didn't. Actually, worse - he spent the whole fucking time making EVEN MORE work for me to do, while whining about how hard the situation is for him to deal with. Despite the fact that he was contributing nothing and still blowing all his money partying.
The worst part, I guess, is that my dad isn't really himself anymore. He's much closer to his original personality now than he was a few years ago, but he lost a certain amount of cognitive ability. There are also some things about his personality that are just different now, but I don't know how to explain it. He changes day by day, too. Some days, he's almost 100% normal. Other days, I feel like I'm talking to a dementia patient. (My grandma had alzheimer's and went through all the stages of cognitive degeneration before she died.) It just sucks that the last years of his life are going to be like this. He and my mom originally had pretty nice plans for their retirement. Now I don't even know if they can exist without my help. I don't know if my dad is going to make it another 10 years, and I don't know what to do with my mom after that. She's in her late 50s now, but all her family members lived to their late 90s. Idk if she'll have enough money to support herself for that long after failbrother's leeching, so I might end up having to use my own savings to provide for her. She might demand that I take him in, too.
My dad is still extremely unhealthy. He worked a physically demanding job for decades, and it did a number on him. Last year, he was back in the hospital for an open-heart coronary bypass surgery, which took an extensive amount of time and effort to recover from.
Before the heart surgery happened, when he was still recovering from the first extreme medical emergency, I realized that I needed to stop waiting around or my life would go nowhere. I realized that my childhood dreams and my original college plans were unfeasible in my situation, and settled for an allied health program at my local community college. One year of prerequisites and then two years for the actual program. I managed to get it all done even despite the massive shitshow in my private life. My program had an ungodly amount of textbook reading and homework to do. During my program, I had to do 12-hour clinical days and then go home and cook dinner for five people. That shit was ridiculous, but I got it done.
I graduated this year, then had to take my national board tests to be officially certified and get a job. The second I graduated, she started riding my ass to get a job so that I could contribute to the bills. Failbrother still pays nothing.
No. 2162429
>>2162417>>2162418[dramatic epilogue]
Tbh one of the reasons I'm posting about this on an anonymous site is that I'm kind of embarrassed about how much resentment I have built up over him. I know that this is honestly a massive first world problem. My childhood was not bad compared to a lot of people. I was fed and housed, I wasn't molested, I have ok relationships with my family members (outside my mom and failbrother.) My adult life got started later than some, but I have a lot more opportunity than a huge chunk of the human race.
If any of you guys have advice on how to stop being so fucking bothered, I am accepting suggestions.
No. 2162487
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I have a horrible ache behind my right eye that goes all the way into my skull. I want to stay home and get some rest but I've gone back to college recently and I don't want to mess it up by missing class and falling behind everyone else. I also have those retarded emo bangs that cover one eye and every time I do the hair flip to the side to get them out of my eyes, it hurts my skull even more. And I can't even stop hair flicking, it's involuntary. Like blinking or breathing. Save me
No. 2162495
>>2162464Thank u anona. You are a legend for reading my massive wall of text.
Even though I can still be pretty angsty about my life situation and family dynamics, I actually have a decent amount of hope for the future. Because of the clinicals I did, I have contacts in good potential workplaces, and I'm in the process of getting hired at one of them. I actually have a plan for my future, which is nice for once. My field also has pretty decent pay for an associate's degree, so I can feasibly get out of my parents' house by next January.
The only problem is that idk how they will continue surviving without me. It's logically the correct move to leave this shitshow and my quality of life will probably improve immediately. I still feel guilty about just up and leaving my parents, though.
Even though I have a pretty thick level of resentment underlying my feelings towards my mom, I can kind of see at this point how her own shitty life circumstances caused her to end up the way that she is. I honestly think she likes my brother being useless because she gets dopamine hits from her "baby" needing love and attention. If she didn't have a favorite son to put in the baby role, I'm pretty sure she'd be one of those people who dress up their dog in baby clothes and push it around in a stroller. There were times when I was a kid that I used to hate her, but now my main emotion towards her is some kind of weird pity.
My dad had a job that required him to travel long distances, so he was away from home almost half the year. Most of the REALLY bad things my mom did happened during these periods of time. Looking back, I can see how a person with mental health issues might do some terrible shit when they're completely frustrated in life and overwhelmed by caring for children alone. It doesn't make me feel less angry that she did those things, but it does give me that weird level of pity along with the anger. One day I will talk to a therapist about this instead of lolcow.
No. 2162498
>>2162487Please go to any form of doctor and have them look at your eye. Even if it's just a minute clinic or smth.
Maybe keeping you hair out of your face with a hairclip/bobby pin will help you stop doing the flip?
No. 2162532
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It’s only the first week of classes and some BPD bitch has already glommed on to me and keeps pressuring me to be friends. She’s so fucking annoying. I tried to give her the benefit of the doubt and hung out yesterday and she’s just so transparent it’s embarrassing. Whenever people go on about how BPDchans are so charming and fun I think they’re just stupid and haven’t met actual fun people. Talking to her is grating and it’s obvious she’s a pathological liar and trying to one up everyone for no reason.
No. 2162547
>>2162518>>2162519>>2162533OP here and I wouldn't go as far as to call it sexual assault. I think both of us fucked up. He was drunk as well and there was the expectation of sex even before we went drinking. Apparently (I don't remember, this is what he told me)
he was having trouble maintaining an erection with the condom so I took it off and he just went along with it.I'm having a hard time believing that I did that cause it's so out of character for me. But like I said I think I thought I was dreaming, I was so out of it. I'm ashamed I let myself get to that point.
No. 2162621
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Oh my god. Oh my. God. I hate these fucking people and I can't wait to be done with these fucking autistic spasmoids. And yeah maybe I am freaking out over nothing but this is a plaque of bullshit over four years, there's going to be a break at some point. "oooh look at me I love sucking up to you Anon please pick me" shut up you fucking wet dish cloth, I know you're talking about me behind my back because I have evidence you fucking coward. You are worth less than my little toe you god damn cowardly brain damaged fuck. "Oh Anon you seem to be bad at X, Y, Z so you must be autistic and I know that because I'm autistic" YOURE MAKING ME AUTISTIC maybe I don't want to talk to you and I've told you to fuck off in the nicest way possible but because you're retarded you can't pick that up. I hope you get smited for being such fucking idiots oh my god I actually pity you because it's like looking at a bunch of inbred special needs dogs every time I interact with you lot. And you barely know me why do you think we're friends, it's just like primary all over again where I'd be put with the low functioning retard who would pull on my hair and had no circulation in his hands because I was a "nice" kid. Fuck off I'm sick of being a tard wrangler. I hope you get fucking ebola! I think autistic women aren't actually that bad but you guys in particular make me want to drive into a brick wall because I hate you so much because you piss me the fuck off by the fact that I know you're still breathing somewhere on this shit hole planet.
No. 2162692
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my life is almost comically miserable and bad
No. 2162856
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I've been working in an "IT store" for 3 months now and the amount of sexsism is… something. Old retarded men will literally avoid or ignore me and if I'm not sure into something they instantly chalk it up to the fact I have a vagina and not, idk, the fact that I've been working there for 3 months there and we have over 500 items in the store. No, no, it's the vaginas fault.
I like how chill the job in general is, but as usual, old men try to ruin everything.
No. 2162892
Ok nonas im not gonna lie i might sound so petty and victamy but I'm so done but I live in a supported living shared house coz disability and lowkey being almost made homeless and I'm lowkey a fucking neat or however it's spellt or called coz of how much I've actually been moved around in the system and honestly I'm moving again in less then a year coz I'm too old to stay where I am (yay i hate the system) so like I cba to meet anyone or get invested in anything just to throw it all away like i did in January when I moved to this house. Now all this means as yall can guess that I don't really leave the house much, only time I do is to go shopping if my mum bothers to remember about me or the one week a monthish my boyfriend comes down for (he lives like 3 hours away by car and has a full time job with wfh weeks) meaning that well I see all the shit that goes on in this fucking house. Now I live with deffinetly 3 not 4 (this will come in in a bit) other people all male all immigrants to the uk (like me lol), 2 Africans (?) Who over all chill, ones never here and the other just has annoying tendencies but yk typical housemate stuff. Now the 4th is the issue one, he's Turkish (from memory) so not too far removed from my own culture so just know anything from here is said from the heart of a bitch from missogony hell upbringing and culture. Now as I said Turkish boy (TB onwards) is the problem, he's an absolutely misogynistic, infuriating asshole who I'd honestly love to just punch in the face if I could, now his "sins" started not long after I moved in when he moved in his girlfriend (hence the deffinetly not 4 comment above) who now lives here illegaly, but honestly she's lovely so.. But yeah from day one man's been breaking well the law really, but again it's whatever. Now me and at least one of the African boys (AB onwards) used to work our asses off to keep the communal areas clean and nice coz you know it's the thing to do but no matter how much we tried an hour or two later and boom there would be a mess again, eventuly i was the only one left cleaning it and frankly with my disability I can't handle being 4 people's maid on top of keeping my own areas clean meaning I was sacrificing my own areas cleanliness for the communal areas so we wouldn't piss of the landlord and support workers till eventually i got in so much burn out, pain and well trouble from the state of my areas that I joined in just giving up and not cleaning the communal areas and ever since we live in filth (including a rat infestation that trust i had to deal with) with the only cleaning being staff coming in angry once a month or so, I used to help them at first but since again I was the only one doing it I just gave up and said I'm tired of cleaning everyone else's shit. Now I obvi clean after myself which is a dent in the problem, why do I bring this up? Well to clean up esspecially after cooking you need to you know throw shit in the bin… we had to put the kitchen bin outside coz no one would take it out, now I'll addmit this used to be the one thing I wouldn't do purely coz I would take the bin out for the binmen to take and then bring it back also after a month of the bin overflowing instantly I just stopped using it so I just bin all my trash in my room (except like meat and stuff) so I just don't touch that bin anymore and well it's still just there overflowing outside probably attracting us another rat infestation ill have to deal with. And that's without going into the time TB graced us with like 15 bags of trash just dumped next to the bin or the amount of times there's just full trashbags thrown in the garden. Now that's all in the past (and there has been more) but for the sake of my feeling a bit better rn typing all this far and well the sake of saving yall from my shit writing some of TBs recent crimes are, calling a member of staff a cunt coz he said taking the bins out was everyone's job, taking a bunch of my and someone alelses cookwear and plates and just shoving them outside next to the bin coz he's taken up most the space in the kitchen cabinets leaving us with none meaning we just leave them neatly put on counter tops, taking one of the ABs freshly done laundry that was hanging out to dry where it ussuly is and shoving it outside into the rain, using people's food, taking peopels food out the fridge to rot and some other things but as I said like it's all pretty petty shit and I know that but it all adds up and I need some people i don't know to scream at about it and we'll what's a better place then literally anon lolcow lol. If any of you have read this then thank you so much and if yall gonna say that I'm the problem and whatever then yeah fair ig lol. I'm gonna go do some escapism now thank you all for reading if you have once again
No. 2162928
My new therapist has been really helpful for me. They really are nice to me and they encourage me to find new people to befriend in real life, but man, I really don't feel like befriending people at all, they've said that not everyone is the same and that I should give it a try and that good people do exist and it's okay to be rejected or hurt, but man, it really hurts when you try to help someone, give them your time whenever you can, ask them how they're doing, ask if they're okay, etc and then poof. I know everyone is human but it hurts to feel used and then thrown away because said person demanded more and more from you when you were already doing your best. I can never get to hate these people though because in the end, I wasn't good enough in some shape or form. I don't want more conflict in my life so I don't want to engage with people anymore. I would vent more but at this moment my interpersonal connections and friendships from years ago are not worth it anymore. My therapist tries to help me not be harsh on myself but man, perhaps I was way too trusting and stupid.
I just want a hug. An honest hug.
No. 2162973
>>2162934This is what I mean. Don't give too much of yourself to others because said others will pull out situations like that.
Nonny that wrote the og deleted post, protect yourself from people like that, it's better to find real friends out there than on any imageboard. Whatever the posted girl did, being annoying wasn't enough of a reason to get outed like that, that's a weird reason to get posted and I'm surprised farmers didn't call this out immediately.
No. 2162975
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my coworker was going on about how she doesn't eat breakfast and i so badly wanted to say this to her
No. 2162978
>>2162933>i pay attention to what people always talk to me about and a lot of my past friends i was someone to complain about the same 2 or 3 problems with and nothing ever changed.Same here, but they always get upset when you've had enough and finally enforce a boundary. People can be so fucking hurtful towards when you don't want to be their doormat anymore, perhaps because that's all you ever were to them. I hate it.
>I want friends to have fun with too on top of regular complaining, i don't make friends to become their therapist but it often seems like that's the role they thrust onto meSame. I wonder if it's even worth it.
No. 2163003
>>2162982fuck. i never eat breakfast bc im never hungry in the mornings and also dont like breakfast food but i do get lattes almost every morning.
gonna have to do some research and change my ways after reading that
No. 2163008
>>2163000True, the funniest women lean heavily into their female audience and moids label them as either crazy or vapid.
Women also aren’t allowed to be ‘
problematic’ in the slightest because they’ll get cancelled and called a horrible groomer, animal abuser, whatever sounds scariest whereas male internet celebrities can do the barest of minimums and be wholesome heckin chunguses forever. And yet they still aren’t happy with that and end up diddling children.
Trisha is the only one who’s virtually uncancellable atp, but people still try.
No. 2163025
>>2162975As a kid my school went through great lengths to provide every kid who didn't eat breakfast at home with a basic breakfast at school because pretty much all studies show that kids perform a lot better if they just eat breakfast. The brain needs fuel. I'm sure the same is true for adults. Plus fasting seems to
trigger overeating, as can be seen by all binge eaters.
People who humblebrag about not eating are usually overweight and looking for excuses for it. "Oh I didn't eat breakfast, I'm not fat because I eat a lot, I'm not a pig who overeats, right? I'm just big boned, don't judge me please" like calm down, you still gotta eat to function being fat isn't a crime
No. 2163040
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Everything fizzles out. How do people keep friends for years and years? Maybe I'm just not built for this.
No. 2163102
>>2163090I could, but then I'd be alone and I like studying with them (they do well)
>>2163094Are they all emotionally five years old? JFC
No. 2163152
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>>2163142In the sense that I was born against my will to be part of a larger machine I will never have a meaningful impact on and any big action I take just hurts myself and leads to my own downfall because I'm a cog not a player
No. 2163235
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Decided I’m gonna workout every day this month and after the 1st day I can hardly move my legs I can’t take it I’m never gonna have a fat ass
No. 2163276
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I overheard my dad talking shit about me and comparing me to his friend's daughter saying she could drive, and I couldn't, which is fair enough. I do have to get my license soon but I'm still in college and have a difficult course compared to the other chick where I have almost no free time because I have a lot of coursework. I'm trying my best, jeez. I hardly have time for driving lessons. But the thing that really ticked me off was when he said "she even has a husband." What the fuck, kek. That disgusted me and it really hurts too. She got married at 19 to a thirdie who is fat, ugly and old because her dad is uber religious. That's not something to be proud or happy about. Fuck that shit. If my dad ever brings up marriage to me I'm sending us both straight to hell. I hate him. He doesn't even care about me, just sees me as some pawn in a game that these 'friends' of his play where they all stick their noses into other people's lives and brag about who's kid is more successful. Fuck that. He can adopt her if he likes her so fucking much. He's constantly bringing her up. Always talking about how she's better than me because she's 2 years ahead of me,
got married, drives, is religious and dresses like a ninja wearing a binbag kek. Appearances mean nothing. "Religious" girls sin the most actually, because they're repressed. The two perfect, religious angels he compares me to all the time, have both had a million boyfriends. Both online and and in real life. They've done heinous things with these moids. Another one was in love with her own uncle. Meanwhile I've never even BEFRIENDED any moids. He doesn't say it out loud, but I know he thinks I'm an immoral whore because I wear pants and have my hair out. Retard. You want me to drive? I'll drive. Want me to get a job? I'm on it. But don't you ever force marriage or your disgusting religion and culture onto me, you slimy faggot.
No. 2163324
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>>2162975i eat ramen with some fish in it and usually spinach, yogurt and cookies for breakfast because that’s all my depression mind can withstand, that would make a dietfag/anachan kill themselves. i guess i’m just poorhealthmaxxing because i can’t afford the better things right now kek
>>2162845god I forgot her name… she’s not a staple of meme culture or anything but 39daph (unless she did something retarded) but she’s probably one of the few female streamers i can stand i just hope she’s really not another one of those “uwu bbygorl talk in wittle voice and act stupid and small” silicon valley californian asian girl streamers who are constantly whiteknighted, she seemed chill like jermoid but you never know ig
No. 2163349
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this was ages ago but i'm still baffled and kind of upset
>get dogpiled for using the word milquetoast
>other anons use it and no one cares
>get shat on for using more than one question mark
>other anons use it and no one cares
is my aura stinky or what. i wasn't typing differently from anyone else, and both of those things have been done for years.
No. 2163350
>>2163314It's perfectly normal to skip breakfast or any other meal if you compensate that at some other time in the day that's convenient for you.
It's insane to be
triggered by someone else's dietary habits, don't let them get to you
No. 2163404
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>>2163386mfw my rare husbando is mentioned on lolcow
No. 2163489
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I'm kind of afraid I'll accidentally manifest my own death. I haven't been seriously suicidal for a decade now, yet my brain still repeats "I want to kill myself", "I should die", "I want to die" daily. But there's no feeling behind it, it comes up randomly like a meaningless mantra.
No. 2163538
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I don't have any friends and I spend almost all of my time working or at college. I've had a counselor and a relative ask if I ever do anything "fun" for myself and I don't. I've spent time doing things alone like going to concerts and hiking or thrift shopping and other shit every website will tell you to do but it just makes me think it would be better if I was in a group or had someone else with me. If I had a job that paid a ridiculously livable amount I'd probably just work all the time and never do anything else.
No. 2163556
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I was browsing a thread recently and I came across a name that I had not heard in a while. She was a girl I was vaguely familiar with online but I couldn’t find much information on her. As I was looking for traces of her previous internet personality, I came across this image board. It was to share nudes but the men on them called them ‘wins.’ I have never sent or taken a nude before but even then I’m still paranoid about someone mentioning me on there. There was a board for sharing ai deepfakes and it made me realize that being ‘ugly’ or gnc isn’t enough to detract a man. There were all sorts of women getting posted, most of them related or family friends of the moids on there. It made me very paranoid and although I’ve removed my likeness from the internet a long time ago, I did send a picture to my face to a guy I met off a dating app. After I sent it he stopped talking to me, presumably because I was not attractive enough to him. A couple days later I unsent the photo but I was freaking out that he may have downloaded the picture. This new trend of ai deepfaking is taking a toll on me, I get restless wondering if someone who hates me would do that to me. It makes me want to only outside with a mask or avoid going out completely. I find it so unfair that no matter what, I as a woman have to be the one to lower my quality of life just in case there’s a weirdo that could possibly take a picture of me. I can no longer take photos for the causes I support or the communities I’m involved in, in fear of my face being used to generate porn. I wish I could forcibly delete all photos of me that family members have posted. Something inside me wishes that women would start creating databases like the ones men have for women, especially since dickpicks are so easy to acquire. I wish there was some sense of justice in the world, but I know that there would be too much moralfagging to scare them out of destroying our image. It’s not vanity to be scared of your face being used to generate porn because men will generate it of women they know just to have a sense of ownership of them. Being female is enough to warrant that response. I feel so sick, I desperately need some justice in this world.
No. 2163564
>>2163553I understand your deal but kinda a piece of shit move to be glaring at families in public.
nonnie. It is tough feeling like you are doing all the "right" things and still feeling lonely.
No. 2163594
>>2163556I used to report those sites and subreddits for some time, and during that period, I was exposed to a lot of disturbing deepfakes and conversations where men talked about sharing creepshots of their own sisters, mothers, or aunts. It took a significant toll on my mental health, and my anger toward men remains as strong as ever, so I completely understand where you're coming from, anon. This experience is one of the main reasons I've decided not to have children. It might sound like schizocore paranoia, but the possibility of having a daughter who could become a
victim of this kind of exploitation is alarmingly high. And even if she weren't targeted by deepfakes or creepshots, she would still face the harsh realities of misogyny and sexualization from a very young age.
No. 2163595
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>>2163556sites like these and pimeyes horrify me, i will never look because i'm 100% sure i've had nudes (which are years old at this point) spread around. i regret ever doing that. i'm afraid that someone, if they wanted to, could have a picture of my face and put it into pimeyes and see my nudes. at least the deepfaking phenomenon makes it so i could just say they're deepfakes i guess?
No. 2163760
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>Breakdowns are getting more frequent and worse
>Quit job to see if they stop
>They're just as bad, big regret
>Offer for new, really good job
>Have breakdown and quit on Day 2
I have become one with the jobless BPD meme. Seriously considering becoming a retarded welfare stoner.
No. 2163848
>>2163140What you’re essentially doing is putting a bandaid on an open wound.
Depending on someone is not the solution and being the caretaker of someone can be exhausting and will probably strain your relationship as your boyfriend will think that you simply wanted to live with him to completely flock all your issues on him and make them his responsibility (which is what you want to do). And also your boyfriend is not equipped to handle what looks like depression.
Do you have the means to see a therapist?
No. 2163941
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i am starting college on february and i dont feel ready. For context i dropped out of high school when i was 16 and finished it online around covid. I dont remember anything from school. I am already regretting enrolling. Why am i so retarded.
No. 2164043
>>2164009It's not your heterosexuality, you're just hyperfixated after all these years of pining.
>At least find a handsome man to keep my mind off this scrote or something idekThis is literally the cure kek. As soon as you'll find someone like that, I gurantee all your "attraction"(being used to having this person as a crush) will vanish within a few months maximum.
No. 2164048
>>2164012>>2164026OP here, yeah I am not doing anything about this crush anymore, but the problem is my brain - I get sad and jealous when I see it happening and I don't want to be as the rational part is aware he is not really a catch.
nonnie, I was thinking finding someone attractive enough to date and have fun with could maybe help. All this hyperfixation happened because I broke up with my ex at the beginning of covid, became isolated, then met this guy at work one year later while still somewhat isolated and now this is happening…
No. 2164075
>>2163556I need to stop coming on lolcow because posts like these just send me down a spiral of freaking out because I sent pictures of me to this or that guy
I don't send any pic anymore and don't even have any profile pictures anywhere, but I'd send pictures to my ex boyfriend. Scary
I hate the internet, I hate pictures, I hate phones and I hate AI. But most importantly I hate men for corrupting every single bit of technology.
No. 2164086
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Mfw I’m flirting with some 10/10 guy from OLD and he asks to meet up today when I’m already high as fuckin balls and I already told him I’m not doing anything
No. 2164107
A guy who I don't speak to over a decade contacted me. Apologized, said he was wrong, and wants to reconnect. Long story short, he freaked out, said nasty shit to me before blocking me, all because I wanted to stay friends and didn't want to date him. I had actually forgotten about his existence. If I saw him on the street, I wouldn't even look at him twice. What bothers me is that he admitted in between the lines he was low key stalking me. Just thinking about it makes me digusted. My mind can't help but spiral out of control and start imagining all the other people who could also be potentially doing the same without me knowing. My rapist being one of them. It doesn't help that my rapist did, in fact, stalked me a few years ago, but who knows if he's still doing it. I'm already super private. My social media is just a placeholder to mingle with normies. There's very little public information about me. I'm so mad about this looser, mad that he even contacted me. Can't they know their own place? I don't believe nor care for his apology, but now I'm freaking out and feeling exposed all over again.
No. 2164230
me and this girl became friends around may and immediately we clicked and became one of each other's closest friends. she told me that she had wanted to get to know me for a while and that she had a crush on me a while ago (she's bi, but when we started talking she had just got a boyfriend) but never took the initiative to say something until may when we sat next to each other at a conference and she struck up a conversation with me. the first time we hung out we had really deep conversations about our mental health and trauma bonded basically. i told her things i had never told anyone before because i felt really comfortable with her for whatever reason. when summer break rolled around we didnt really talk much for the entirety of the break but thats normal as far as uni goes i think, i didnt think much of it. when we met again at the end of last month it was like nothing happened and we were as close as ever.
well that was until a week ago where we got into a bit of an argument. for starters she has a boyfriend and has cancelled our plans or ended them early to go hang out with her boyfriend a few times, which i never complained about because i understand people have priorities. well, my birthday was at the end of august and she said she wanted to take me out. we were initially supposed to go to dinner last friday night, but then postponed to saturday because she felt tired. on saturday at noon, my other friend (who coincidentally, this friend doesn't like very much) told me how her crazy ex has been spamming messages and calls which made her feel anxious. i told my friend to rain check on our dinner plans so that i can go console my friend with the crazy ex. i didn't think this was much of an issue.
at first she said okay then half an hour later she sent me a message saying that she was annoyed with me and that she made a reservation for a birthday cake so it was shitty for me to cancel last minute. i told her that i had no idea she made a reservation and i thought this would be a casual hang out where we just find a random bar and hang out for a bit. i told her i can still come and she said "no its ok you should be there for your friend" and that was that. after that i sent her a longer message explaining the situation of my other friend in more detail, which she ignored for 2 days.
i know this probably sounds clingy and annoying but i have told her about how i have anxiety when my friends leave me on delivered for multiple days, especially if the conversation we had before was argumentative. it makes me think that they are mad at me and not open to have a conversation about it. anyway, after 2 days she responded to my message saying "dont worry, you dont have to explain your friend's situation since i don't care about the details anyway". honestly her response made me feel pretty hurt. i didn't respond to this message and a few days later, she sent me a completely unrelated message about some bag that i also haven't responded to. we attended the same event since and it was very awkward and we didn't say a word to each other.
i don't want our friendship to end but at the same time messaging her first after this would make me feel like i'm literally begging for an apology or effort from her, which i don't want to do. i've been hoping she just apologises or at least tries something to fix this but she hasn't said a word. i feel (probably not just feel, but am) pathetic because the first few days legitimately felt like i got dumped and was going through a heartbreak, even though this was only a friendship. she meant so much to me and i loved spending time with her so much. i identify as straight but this whole thing honestly got me questioning my sexuality and whether or not i developed a romantic crush on her during this time and that's why it's hitting me so hard. and the worst part is i have a feeling that she doesn't care about this nowhere near as much as i do and she's just going on with her life as usual.
sorry if anyone's reading this and i sound pathetic i just needed to get it off my chest
No. 2164257
>>2164244I know, it's really annoying. Common sense is telling us that it's obviously a bitter tranny, so why do they keep fucking around in the thread he made? Are they newfags? Newfags,
report and ignore.
No. 2164260
>>2164257>>2164244imagine if the retardanons who put in effort replying to moidbait put in effort in highquality posts
lolcow would be heaven
No. 2164276
My friend will be on a layover in Japan for a week, my mom suggested I joined her, we've been talking and planning, now I'm realising it's only two weeks and I haven't booked shit and maybe i shouldn't go after all.. therellbe a radfem meeting but i just don't know, i got dogs and cats on medicine and so many damn birds, and the partner just got accepted to nursing school, will start a day after i leave so i still have to find people in the middle of nowhere to look after them. My mom keeps telling me it's fine, she's relieved I'm having doubts, worry etc, then again she was okay when i went to Guatemala for a few months.. I'm just confused.
I'll never get the chance again though, not like that anyway.. is it worth it? But you'll regret everything you turned down..
No. 2164309
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>>2164291You could always start a Gladys West thread and watch their tiny minds explode. She was a mathematician and computer programmer that made crucial contributions to GPS and satellite technology. No. 2164310
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>>2164291I'm black and I'm gonna keep it honest from my chest: you gotta ignore what 4chan retards, white supremacists, or what anyone else thinks. Scrotes also like to say that males get higher IQ scores than women, but with your own two eyes and from what we see and know about how much pointless destruction moids commit on a daily basis, would you really think just IQ tests are enough to say that moids are more intelligent than women? No, you wouldn't. So why would you think a white male is more entitled to loving science than you just because he's white or a male? Take it from a person with a job that forces them to interact with about one hundred people almost every fucking day, the average and vast majority of white males are most definitely not geniuses or exceptionally intelligent, but the losers of these motherfuckers will still scream into the void that women need to be sex slaves, and that every race other than them should be extinct. As long as you love your interests, care and make enough time to understand it, and aren't afraid to apply what you learned to life, or a job, or more hobbies, you should not feel like it isn't meant for you.
No. 2164494
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>>2163349This was in the bunker thread on junku right? Don’t let it get to you, anons were unhinged and being forced to share the same space. A lot of stuff that normally wouldn’t garner any hate got shat on for hours.
No. 2164506
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>>2163595the problem with us is that we aren't as sinister as scrotes. we should be deepfaking them and posting their shit on grinder/gay sites/craigslist/onlyfans/senator's email inboxes etc then the law/access to this would be changed in a heartbeat. the only problem is most male bodies are undesirable by default and you'd have to look at a lot of garbage bodies unless the AI decides to fake their workout routine too.
No. 2164517
>>2164503Ask questions, questions, questions, questions. Why do you feel bad about those times? What could you have done differently? Was it your fault? If yes, why? If no, why? What do you want to do about it now? What would be a healthy way to put the thought to rest? Now every time you have that thought, ask those questions. Gradually lessen those questions as you have those thoughts; your goal is to train your brain to automatically follow those patterns and end with you able to dismiss the thought, always pattern your questions with that goal in mind.
Practice visualizing taking the feelings such thoughts being up and putting them away. Look at the feelings, acknowledge the feelings (oh, I feel ashamed all of a sudden because I thought about X but I know it wasn’t my fault and things could’ve been better, I am just hurting myself by focusing on this feeling) and stuff it in a box! I visualize myself stuffing it in a box, in a box, in a box until I feel better or can carry on.
Distractions. Sometimes remuneration happens because we have too much time to navel gaze, try doing anything else that makes it difficult to subvocalize (I find picking something that pisses me off is the best, so I play platformers) and practice not letting yourself get washed away in thought.
Keep in mind the more you do something, the easier it becomes. If you spend a lot of time on these thoughts it is easy to get stuck on them, so try doing the opposite.
I am not a professional, these are just things that worked for me.
No. 2164520
>>2164310Seeing women thrive in these fields is what has always solidified it for me. There’s nothing women can’t do. We are brilliant , quite literally.
I’m a woman in STEM and it’s something I’m proud of and in my course there are other women , who are also doing amazing too.
No. 2164540
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>>2164511It’s all over the place. I get upset when I think about how it feels my mom didn’t protect me enough as a child, how it feels like my ex who broke my heart used me as a rebound, I feel guilty that I still think of said ex and what he did even though I’m dating someone else now.
Sometimes it feels like my mind intentionally reminds me of things I want to put behind me obsessively just to hurt my own feelings and I don’t know why.
>>2164517Thank you anon, I found myself getting too in my own head so I went to the gym and I think I’m gonna journal about my thoughts.
No. 2164580
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I miss my dog and can't wait to see her tomorrow and put my face in her fur while we cuddle. This is night 4 without her with me. Fuck this gay Earth for forcing me to be a wagie, I just wanna spend all my time with the my dog
No. 2164590
Reading the kiwifarms manhate thread made me realize how much of a blessing lolcow is.
Female hate is ubiquitous across the entire site + several threads dedicated towards hating women and girls whilst We get ~1 thread to hate on men and 1 out of 3 post is from men seething, hating on women and randomly race sperging.
I fucking hate how women have WAY more and better reasons to hate men then men do to hate us, but we still are not allowed to freely hate on men anywhere they way they hate on us without our spaces being raided, getting doxxed and getting death threats. Women would never dox, harass and send rape and death threats to pieces of shit like Andrew Tate like men do to some teenage girl venting about a man.
Men hate women because they think we are all hoes (and thats the most morally wrong thing apparently), whilst we hate them because they are disgusting, violent brutish monsters who constantly murder us, beat us, oppress us, enslave us and rape women, child and fucking animals. Women do none of this shit yet women get the most hate.
It makes me wanna go postal on men.
No. 2164611
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visiting my parents this past week has been torture. i thought the worst part would be my moms alcoholism or my grandmother's dementia. but no, its my ape moid father's constant adult temper tantrums at nothing. we just left my nephew's 5th birthday party at which my father also consumed hard liquor and he was ranting about the kid being spoiled and annoying even tho there was not a single issue at the party. it was pouring rain and even tho he gets road rage every time he drives anywhere, he wouldnt let anyone else drive the 4 of us back to their house. realized after 30 years on this earth that my mom's in an abusive relationship basically. i hate men so gd much, my dad probably thinks he's a male feminist yet he refers to women at "skirts" any time one of us challenges his autistic worldview. i fly back morning after next and i can't wait. pic rel, me 2 myself rn.
No. 2164711
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>>2164310>>2164291>Scrotes also like to say that males get higher IQ scores than womenSpeaking of this, picrel makes a good point. At the end of the day all this IQ sperging conveniently ignores what influences IQ in the first place. Your IQ correlates highly to your mother's and it's not because of some intractable genetic quality, it's because the burden of education rests on mothers. People from certain areas of the world or social strata tend to score lower, but it's also because development greatly affects how much energy/chance you have of developing your intellectual faculties. You can study for an IQ test. And that's not even getting into the subject of 'who gets tested for IQ and cares about it' which is pretty interesting (it's mostly rich kids with neurotic parents. poor/middle-class overachievers dgaf). Anyhow, IQ
is real but you aren't a mass of inert flesh, you are a human being with as much potential to shine as any of these amerimutt moids
>>2164696>She even called me a misandristTell your dumb roommate to smear your walls with shit and see what she says
No. 2164747
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Fuck you anxiety you fucking stupid useless disease of a bitch. I had so many plans but now every time I try to leave my house I have the massive urge to pee and/or vomit(flight or fight I guess), I can feel my heart beating through my skull and every single muscle in my body seizes up. My mom's bday celebration is on Wednesday and I have to mentally prep myself that the 20 min walk is a safe place that won't set me off. FUCK FUCK. I didn't used to be this bad; bitch disease crept up on me, slowly, insidiously. No one warns you if you go neet mode for a while you go insane apparently. What level of bullshit evolution is this?
I went to the doctor and she said try mindfulness and therapy before medication. I have to spend two days hyping myself up before I can leave the house to make a therapy appointment. I am not sane and not in a good place. Give me pills. Any pills. Put them in my eye sockets, I don't care, give me back my normal life. Please I'll do anything.
No. 2164751
>>2164711I took a few of those MENSA practice tests for fun one night. I scored ridiculously high because I like puzzles and do them in my spare time. I’m dumb as shit. I never really took IQ too seriously after that.
Somewhat related but I assume it’s similar to how men traditionally do better in spatial reasoning tests. One theory is that the skill is developed more in men at a young age through exposure in video games. I’m better than average at it because I sew and have to imagine 2D patterns in 3D forms often. If more women had the chance to develop the skill I’m sure they would do just as well in the tests as men.
No. 2164759
>>2164620nevermind now turns out she wants to date me
ppl are weird man
No. 2164768
>>2164751I think that spatial intelligence is one of the few tangible brain sex differences (just like how girls have better verbal IQ and are
immensely better at face recognition), but yes, that difference turns into an abyss due to the environment and this constant signalling around women being so dumb and bad at whole areas of life
No. 2164834
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Okay yeah it's definitely a baiting moid that's trying to sow insecurity among women by deliberately playing retarded about women's oppression and accomplishments. Report and ignore.
No. 2164839
>>2164834Can't decide if this is the self-hating tif who posts stuff like this and getting
triggered whenever nonnas talk about self defense against moids, or an actual moid this time. Either way, I'd love to start a thread discussing women who contributed to inventions or literally got robbed by men, plus discussing the amount of historical oppression even those women had to face, though I don't want it hidden away in 2X..
No. 2164860
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Earlier today I told my mother about how I hate how men act weird whenever you make eye contact with them in public, and it's like everytime I make a comment about people staring at me in public she says it's because of how "small" my body is and that I'm "young" and I'm "attractive but don't see it" and how "men are visual creatures". This usually then proceeds with her launching into a long story about how she used to have men staring at her, me saying I don't care about appearances and still find them weird for it and her saying she understands but still going on and on.
I feel like it's making me start to fear losing such attributes and hyperaware of my body, to the point of having developed slightly disordered thoughts around eating, or just general anxiety around maintaining my youth when I haven't even been an adult that long. I was trying to bulk this summer for the gym and I was worried about becoming obese when I was only eating 400 calories above maintenance. Lately I've noticed that I WANT to gain some weight, but I keep having those comments enter my head, and hearing her say that my current weight is my "perfect look" or that I'll get "bulky" lifting in the gym is not helping, even if my rational mind doesn't take it seriously and I want a decent amount of muscle. Ive even had other women talk about my body or how I'm young unprovoked and it's weird. Outside of the physical aspect I do not care about men, let alone random men I don't even know, and I want someone who understands my gripe not someone who makes me feel even more uncomfortable.
No. 2164864
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I hate being short and having hypothyroidism, it feels like I have to constantly eat at a deficit to not gain weight or bloat even though my thyroid levels are fine.
No. 2164883
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I joined a woman’s community on x and every post is about men and fucking, like do thousands of these women not have any hobbies outside of dick??
No. 2164925
>>2164883>do thousands of these women not have any hobbies outside of dick??probably dude. you must remember that normies make up the bulk of the global pop and there's nothing more normie than fucking and sucking the opposite sex, especially when you're of the sex trained from birth to worship and capitulate to the other. femsoc is a bitch.
t. someone who hates trannies and men but still finds myself feeling bad for like, fucking chris chan sometimes
No. 2164928
>>2164924anything that isn't heartstopper tier, preferably dead dove core. some gay books i really really loved are.
>the winter prince >mcglue>the god in flight >mysterious skin>dream boy thank you in advance nona if your friend can recommend me anything…NOT as meat loves salt though i already know about that one kek
No. 2164941
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I feel like shit. Had to go without air conditioning today, it only blows hot air. Decided to try and be productive. Got kitchen floor vacuumed and mopped, bathroom floor vacuumed and mopped, washed the sink and windexed the mirror, vacuumed my room, vacuumed living/family room, and washed sheets and towels. I took breaks in between and drank plenty of water as well as had a coconut water. I feel nauseous as hell. I got the place opened up since the murderous sun is gone but the cool air isn't helping. I'm going to get the gel pack from the freezer and listen to something.
No. 2164943
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>>2164941i respect the hard work you put in, nonna
No. 2164944
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>>2164883someone kill me someoneeeeeeeeeeee kill me
No. 2165001
"He's over emotional, like a female." Why do you keep saying this? Do you realize you're the only male in the room? What are you expecting from me and mom? To high five you and say "yeah bro, so true, femoids are fucking crazy am I right." Are you handicapped? Are you trying to be funny? Snarky? You realize if there were men in the room they would see you as a faggot right? Look at your life, you're a pathetic, weak, frightened little loser who can't even stand up for himself. You have an entire floor of our house filled with garbage because you're too fragile to part with it. Our neighbors think we're impoverished because you've filled our yard with your hoardings. God forbid you might someday decide to fix one of our broken cars or the garage or one of the countless broken appliances or take up gardening and not have some obscure broken piece of wood or plastic jug you "need" for it. Is that what you tell yourself? That you'll get around to it one day? It's been 30 years, that day is never coming and even if it does you'd be too lazy and let it slip by you, claiming "oh gee if only I had the time." Are those 8 hours you spend at the computer every day not enough time to get one or two things done? You are pathetic, lazy, self serving and fragile, yet somehow you think so highly of yourself. I'll never forget that time you gasped when I ripped the top off your shredded wheat box, I'd never seen such an overt display of faggotry over something so miniscule. I'm not sure what gives you the confidence to shit on stereotypes of women when you are at the bottom rung of the hierarchy of stereotypes of men. Your daughter works harder than you've ever in your entire life, she's stronger than you, more rational, more stoic, has better outlets for her emotions, and her presence highlights how sad and pathetic you really are. She will achieve more in this decade than you ever have in your entire life, keep clinging to the cope that women are overemotional while your sex tard rages and commits the majority of impulsive crimes because none of you can control yourself. You people can't even go through a midlife crisis without blowing your brains out, pathetic.
No. 2165083
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>>2164860> This usually then proceeds with her launching into a long story about how she used to have men staring at her, me saying I don't care about appearances and still find them weird for it and her saying she understands but still going on and onOmg with all due respect don't listen to this pickme bitch, women like this are so pathetic. It's what happens when you peak in high school and don't develop a personality outside of being pretty, then you have a daughter to live vicariously through. My own mother is like this and I barely talk to her anymore because she's so difficult.
I don't know why I find it so odious when a woman drolls on about how beautiful she used to be and how people used to give her princess treatment for it, it's really giving off such miserable Al Bundy three-touchdowns-in-one-game energy. Like I don't care, you're old and dowdy now with nothing interesting going for you, get over it.
Any well-rounded woman will have the common sense to get a career and some hobbies that make her happy instead of "enjoying her youth and beauty" because that's a diminishing asset and always will be, and will put you in the mindset of feeling like you're running out of time because your looks are fading which moids love to prey on.
Normal women with a sensible IQ have interests outside of looking good and I really recommend that you find a capable woman for a career mentor to talk to, and book a session with a female personal trainer who focuses on strength training for athletes for fighting the BDD brainwashing from your mom. Both of those really deprogrammed me from my pickme mom's upbringing.
No. 2165125
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Ew I accidentally clicked on a post from the cat hate thread on the front page. I hate that thread so fucking much.
No. 2165338
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>boss and coworker i'll call amy are going to a big event
>talking about their hair
>amy brings up hairspray
>says she used it
>amy's hair objectively looks fuller and shinier than my boss's
>so, you know, she's hairmogging hard
>boss goes on and on about her hair wasn't dirty enough that morning to use hair spray and that she washes her hair every single day so hair spray never works for her and also she has a full head of hair (this happened on friday so i don't remember exactly why she brought that last bit up)
am i overthinking this or did my boss shade amy there kek…scary
No. 2165458
>>2165455porn consumption is just caused by a lack of self-esteem, that turns into frustration
porn addiction however, is a reversal, it's the self imposed frustration that gives you an excuse to wallow in your own depression
it's only mildly related to relationships since most of them tend to fix nothing of the underlying issue
No. 2165459
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No. 2165507
>>2165486That’s great, stick with it! I had to stop for a few months because I got sick and all my hard work reversed (though it’s been easier for me to slowly ease back into it). I hope you start seeing results, even if it is just improved energy levels. Being rid of the brain fog is the main reason I’m never going back.
What I was doing (and am working back towards):
> light warm up > 30min jog everyday (or 2miles)> yoga everyday as cooldown (I have bad balance issues so this is more about fall risk reduction)> alternate days spent on weight lifting or high intensity work outs> light yoga routine before bed if I have the timeUltimately I want to phase out yoga for Pilates and adjust my weight lifting to a heavy lifting routine to really pump the muscles to help with getting my hormones around effectively. I also plan to do a hormone chart where they track the female cycle with blood tests and check for hormone issues.
Try to reduce processed foods too, just in general. If you have time to pre-prep meals or make them through the day from fresh produce that’s a really good step forward (you probably know this). My rule is if I don’t know the ingredient off the top of my head I don’t get it and no fake sugars or fats. I try to only use raw cane sugar and animal fat/butter/water to cook in.
No. 2165517
>>2165494I can’t say for sure, I only recently found out I have a vitamin D deficiency and I started taking supplements which is helping the fatigue so I can’t really attribute it to exercise.
>>2165507Thanks for the tips!! I didn’t know you could do exercises to help with balance, Intend to trip easily/lose my balance so this is great. My diet isn’t the best but it’s not the worst, chips tend to be my weak point so I’ll try harder at that too. Thank you, we’ll do our best together!
No. 2165574
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Weird vent but I have no idea what to do with my life. I worked my ass off to support my sister through college since our parents are half passed useless. Now she's got a good stable job and I don't know what to do with myself. I should probably try to find a partner and start a family but I have no desire for that and I think it's just going to continue the cycle of shitty parents. I donate to charity but it doesn't really feel like I'm doing anything. The only thing I really want to do is visit Antarctica but after that I have zero raison d'etre. I'm just numb and directionless. I need someone to need me.
No. 2165581
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>Lurking a PCOS forum
>Click random, interesting thread
>Women just sharing their experiences and stuff
>Random ass retard: "Don't forget not only women get PCOS!! Men get it too!! Like transmen, transmasc, enbies…
THEY'RE ALL WOMEN, YOU'RE A WOMAN, you're (unsuccessfully) trying to distance yourself from us yet you keep pestering us at our forums, trying to redefine what "female" means. Why don't you go post this shit at a male forum?? YOU KNOW WHY
No. 2165603
>>2165581This reminded me
>see obvious woman post on male dominated comment section about a similar topic>moids tell her she’s a mentally ill tranny and a retard and to gtfo>women in replies try to coddle herI think women need to stop being nice and tell these types to fuck off too. I’m so tired.
No. 2165664
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I started school this week and I’m already flipping out over a moid I’ve never spoken to. I moved country and went back to school to try and get over an ex and there’s a moid in my program who’s very attractive but I think it’s because he reminds me so much of me ex. I haven’t spoken anything but I know I’m projecting all of the unresolved feelings of the last relationship on to him. His demeanor also reminds me of my ex. It’s been 2 years since I’ve had a boyfriend and while I wish I could be with someone I really don’t know if I’m ready if I’m reacting this badly to someone I’ve never spoken to. I’m afraid I’m looking him to fix that wound which isn’t fair and will only result in me getting hurt even more. I feel like things will only go badly no matter what I do which is ironic because that’s the exact reason my ex broke up with me. Even if I don’t pursue him I know I’ll be pining after him to fill the void. If he starts dating someone else I know I’ll be hurt even though he doesn’t know me. I hate my ex and I hate how much he fucked me up.
No. 2165700
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I need to get off the couch and do something. I’m not even enjoying the time rotting here. I would feel better if I just even tried to do literally anything.
No. 2165721
>still live with parents (I'm a fucking loser)
There's a giant crack in NY wall that I finally decided to fix, it's huge and hard to miss, my dad never did anything about it so I figured it was up to me to fix it.
I have absolutely no idea how to do shit construction wise so I look it up on YouTube, guess you need caulk.
I bought some, but I didn't read anything about caulk guns, so I end up struggling to use it and my dad sees and starts laughing at me, takes it from me and says he'll do it and does a tiny bit before stopping and laughing at me some more. I try to take it and see if I can do it now that I saw how he did it, a small part of me thinks it might even end up a bonding moment, but he won't give it to me.
I'm take turns taking care of my grandmother who has dementia with my mom, so I left for a week, thinking that maybe he'll fix it for me like he promised.
I come back and it's still there. He gives the excuse that since my brothers go into my room a lot to play videogames on my TV that he couldn't ever fix it. I find my pillows on the ground and my bed fucked up.
I feel like an emotional crybaby but I really just want to die. I feel so fucking stupid.
No. 2165722
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In the past, a psychiatrist diagnosed me with BPD, but my new psychiatrist thinks I have C-PTSD instead. If your BPD symptoms only manifest in unhealthy relationships, are you still a bippie? I displayed BPD symptoms when I was dating a bippie as well as when I was dating a cheater with massive identity issues/repressed gender dysphoria, but when I was in a relationship with a mentally stable girl I displayed no BPD symptoms at all. It makes me wonder if I was just mirroring the people I was with at the time. Also, every bippie I’ve ever known was a serial dater. I have only slept with 2 people in my entire life and every time I break up with someone/get broken up with I stay single for at least a year afterwards, sometimes more.
No. 2165760
>>2165459Kek I’m the opposite, I’m all ass and no tits, I’m an A cup. I always wished I had full breasts, I also hate how my nipples look.
I guess you’re never satisfied huh?
No. 2165766
>>2165748Being able to talk about those things doesn’t make them smarter, it just means they care about those topics and like to discuss them. While you get up to their level (of engagement if you choose) you can try asking questions. Be curious and make connections, it’ll help you get to know them better regardless (you’ll learn if theyre rude, do they push a certain agenda, are they happy to explain, do they explain until you understand or get fed up, all good things to know about a person).
Don’t downplay your understanding either, especially if you’re in the US. I notice people here tend to be intellectually lazy and let others tell them what they should think and they appeal way too frequently to authority when they should instead look at their values and see if those square with the politician (political party) who they’ve decided to ride or die with.
No. 2165841
>>2165796CC is crystal cafe right? Idk their cultural mores there but if it’s a redscare word or whatever then congrats you found a cultural landmine on their board and again shouldnt take it personally (live and learn) because as you say, how could you have known? I know it’s hard but there are going to be times where people just want to be outraged or angry at someone, thats what the internet encourages after all, all you can do is learn not to take it personally. Eventually you’ll realize valuing the opinions of people you don’t know and have no impact on your real life (unless you let them) gets you nowhere and is a hinderance to your own personal development.
Don’t let randoms online wound your ego.
No. 2165855
>>2165819I'm the opposite anon, I wish my brain would let me eat whatever instead of being constantly grossed out by food, all my food gotta be almost tasteless or plain. I wish I could enjoy eating like everybody else, but it's always a miserable time
>I would prefer to die looking normal than like I am nowBelieve me, having such thing as arfid will make you look crazy. I look miserable, tired and wasted, I barely go outside because I'm ashamed of the way I look, I know I've brought this on myself with my autistic restrictions. Please don't feel bad anon, it's better to be a lil pudgy here and there it's not a crime to enjoy a good meal/ snack, take care
No. 2165861
>>2165735Thank you for your response nonna, it helps to not feel alone here. Living in a southern state must be beyond awful and I hope nothing bad would happen but you would get the care you deserve if it did.
whenever i try to discuss how difficult dealing with pregnancy prevention and stuff is, i get hand waved away,
This happens to me too, people will say BC is "99% effective!" or it's people who want children being like "Oh my GOD it's a blessing if you got pregnant! Why wouldn't you want a kid????". I've had the IUD pushed on me too and I get it because it's low maintenance but I heard getting that bitch in is EXTREMELY painful, may fuck up your body and I've heard too many tales of IUD babies. Hell no.
No. 2165894
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My allergies are acting up. My face hurts, my eyes itch, and my nose won't stop running. Fucking kill me, I'm tired of this bullshit.
No. 2165912
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i think i got the ick for one of my friends, if that's even a thing
>she's 25
>be out drinking together
>waiting for uber and some guys start to talk to us
>for some reason convo turns to age
>she asks guy how old he thinks she is
>he says 26
>spends the rest of the night seething because he guessed less than a year older than her real age
i can't stop thinking about this. what the fuck is wrong with her?
No. 2165915
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>>2165913i think it's the baby from twilight actually.
No. 2165969
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I feel so autistic whenever I’m around my girlfriend I slept at her place this weekend and I keep thinking about how missed so many obvious attempt she made to let me know she wanted to bang
Sleeping over again in a few night hope I don’t strike out(scrote)
No. 2166224
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When anons on this site get aggro and it's impossible to decipher wtf they're even mad about or what they want.
No. 2166252
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I messed something up at work and thought it wouldn’t be too big of a deal if I ignored it but a recent audit was done, the problem was found, I was emailed about it with my manager cc’d and I feel so stupid! I know I deserve the consequences of my actions so let this be a lesson for me I guess.
No. 2166256
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Just bought 900 bl/women's doujns. I bid $1 on impulse but won. Shipping will bitch slap me to hell, why am I so retarded
No. 2166261
>>2166031>no respect for naturekek nona plenty of natural blondes exist
men would fuck a pig in a wig anyway, what they prefer is irrelevant nona it should not make you seethe that other women play around with having a different hair color than you
No. 2166266
>>2166257might be an ingrown nose hair. I had one, and it eventually came to a head and
the hair came out along with the pus….
No. 2166293
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I bought men shoes thinking they were women shoes. I usually don't care, but I'm so insecure about my feet size (10W US). I like them so much, but now I can't quit thinking they are for men and they are manly.
No. 2166362
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>>2166323>>2166322>>2166309>>2166306Thanks, I'll wear them tomorrow. I thought about wearing them today and just imagined people laughing at me at work.
picrel, it's the shoes.
No. 2166401
>>2166267If it makes you feel better I regret it immensely. Tried to delete it but too late and I’m surprised I wasn’t dragged harder
>>2166261I wouldn’t seethe over being passed up for a natural blonde because that’s just nature. Kn aware natural blondes exist, I just hate the way scrotes go gaga over ugly cheap brassy boxdye blonde. It’s a pathetic status symbol for them. Oh look at my blonde gf, she has a hair colour any woman could have if they were willing to pay for it, isn’t she special, aren’t I special by default. It’s boring and lame.
No. 2166405
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I’m so mad at my fucking grandma. Today I wore a white graphic t shirt and a normal denim skirt like (picrel but black) and she went crazy over it, i overheard her saying to my grandpa “why would she wear such an ugly skirt when she has nice skirts? How can she walk around like that?” Fuck you bitch you literally got dementia and can’t even walk.
No. 2166449
>>2166438I’m an adult and this person knows I have had a way harder upbringing than them. They vent to me about the most trivial things which I don’t really mind because the solutions are pretty easy in her case so I feel like I can help her really easily. However she’s actually laughed when I told her some very real stories of dark shit that happened to me like “omg anon your life is so crazy wow I can’t believe it”. Maybe we’re just not compatible and she needs someone else who feels supported by her responses (because I don’t).
>>2166443Yeah that’s true, I feel like she just ignores me after a while if I talk about my life in any depth. She cuts me off if I talk about my long term exes and how they affected me but then goes on about her only relationship experience which was a short fling with a guy who used her. I need to stop enabling her and provide the same silent treatment atp.
No. 2166523
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>>2166432>>2166436This is the exact skirt. Black denim Levi’s skirt. What the hell is wrong with it? It’s just a denim mini
No. 2166547
>>2166401I'm not trying to clown on you nona but
>I just hate the way scrotes go gaga over ugly cheap brassy boxdye blonde.I've just literally never seen this in my entire life, ever. Where are these supposed men who love blondes? I hear men express what they like or judge women over all sorts of things, but not once have I heard any of them say they like blondes. It kind of seems like a myth
No. 2166563
If my aunt wouldn't make everything about me the oldest cousin and her youngest daughter.. i swear to god she looks for reasons to hate me. I give her nothing, i moved so far out and away and don't turn up to family events anymore- congrats, you did it, what more? Now her daughter has been in so much shit, and I tried helping bc she's my little cousin then she lied about so much while I was trying to help her, the black sheep already, i just stopped turning up. Her mother only believed her and kept being so snide to my mom about me.. I refuse to be a part of that. Now they all try to reel me back in but no-one knows the truth. My aunt meant to name her after me… how did everyone forget that, she's the golden child. I'm irrelevant, simply the oldest but they get lonely because I simply don't show up anymore.
Now I feel conflicted, my cousin got caught driving under the influence again and i don't know what to do. Golden cousin so everything is fine, but i do worry about her after all, fuck. Fuck.
No. 2166585
>>2166435>I’m sick of every time I tell my friend something personal or vent a little she just straight up ignores me and then asks some random question like “why do people eat ranch on pizza”I feel targeted by this kek so excuse me while I give me perspective from "the other side"
My friend has been a huge whiny annoying toddler ever since her breakup over a year ago. She keeps coming to me with frankly stupid self-pitying vents over and over and over again. The only thing I can do at this point is to say some minimum reaction like "sounds bad" and immediately change the topic just like your friend is doing. Letting her wallow in self-pity and rewarding her for whining by giving her attention isn't helping her at all. It's just keeping her miserable as it becomes her go-to tactic for validation and attention while it also sucks out all of my energy and time too. I've already reacted to what she's said a billion times, she knows my opinions already. She sometimes even half-heartedly suicide baits and I'm too tired to deal with it.
And frankly I'm sure my friend, like you, would want to call me out for not reacting enough as she sees herself as super supportive of my own vents too. But I barely even want to "vent" to her anymore because she's always overreacting and treating it as an emergency every time. If I say something minor like "I'm hungry but don't really feel like cooking tonight lol" she'll bombard me with replies like "omg nooo!!! Order some food on the app? Can you call your mum to come cook for you? Hang in there love it will be ok!!!" and I'm sitting there halfway through eating a yoghurt because I was just too tired to cook. She really is acting like a toddler, everything is so serious to her now. It's like not getting what you want the second you want it IS an emergency in her eyes, it's really hard to know how to deal with it. So often I'm left just kind of ignoring her because of it, hoping she'll calm down and move on.
No. 2166597
>>2166563Don't contact them. Nothing good will ever come of trying to find a place among people who hate you. I've been in a similar position and it fucking sucks but cutting ties is the best thing you can do for yourself and your cousin.
What exactly are you going to do to help your cousin? Hold her hand while she drives? Coddle her through life? Pat her adorable little head while she's arrested? Offer to do time in her place? Send her kind and heartfelt messages that she's going to use against you? Really think about what you can do to make her life better instead of leaving her to climb out of her messes alone.
There's a reason why so many ex addicts only recover when they're abandoned by everyone. You can't gamble if there's nobody left to give you money. Leaving your cousin alone is going to do more to help her than being her personal maid.
If your cousin wants to fuck her life up so bad, auntie's right there to pick up all the pieces. She wants you back because her own child's failures are too glaringly obvious to cover up and you're the human dartboard that she needs to take her anger out on. Speaking from personal experience, I wouldn't take any chances offered by your family to tell your side of the story, it's all going to get thrown in your face because they've already made up their minds. This is the sort of shit that takes years to sort out, and the rest of your family will need to experience your aunt's retardation for themselves before they can seriously consider your side of the story.
No. 2166611
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I have no idea how to relate with fellow students, what do they even do with their life? their days? their friends? all I can do is try and be autistic about studying and help whoever comes by way, but seems like no one really cares about that anyway, they just want to have some fun, and I'm missing out
plus that makes me lose all my motivation and in the end, I feel like I'll be the only one to fail, because even as they all do the bare minimum, at least they've got something to look forward to, while I'm just trying to fill the void, until I give up and spend weeks sheltered at home not going to class, halfly dropping out and binging on whatever imageboards send my way, just to keep the suicidal thoughts away
I don't think I'll ever make a single friend, everyone singled me out already, I think I'm just paranoid and victimizing as well, I figure everyone goes through this endless stream of social euphoria, while I lament myself and have only myself to blame
everyone looks so clean and proper, perfectly bland and easy-going, I feel so ugly all the time I try to hide myself most of time
trying to go back to school has really messed with me
No. 2166625
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>>2166611That's some pretty severe anxiety you have there nona. You're too preoccupied with how you present yourself and what others think of you that you're getting lost in the sauce and can't pay attention to what's most important which is the here and now. I'm a recovering NEET so I get it, but no one is judging you especially not as harshly as you are judging yourself. Expecting you to perform at the same level as others when you're dealing with a lot already is just setting yourself up for failure. The only way to get better is working through the discomfort you're feeling, not retreat back. Future you will be grateful that you persevered through this. Do it for her.
No. 2166630
>>2166523>>2166606>>2166601what these nonnas said. I hate trends with a fiery burning passion.
Mini rant here but I'm not that old and even I'm seeing things that were popular when I was a kid, then become lame and outdated, now again become trendy. Normies behaviors and opinions surrounding clothing is so arbitrary. What even is "looking nice"? The image you posted of the girl with the all black outfit is definitely not to my taste, but still looks "nice". I feel like looking nice is just being clean, having a decently coordinated outfit and maybe some other minor common sense things (like you don't want to clash too bad for example like basketball shorts and a wool sweater might not match lol) there's nothing wrong with a plain tee and a clean solid denim skirt. Anyways is 2024 wear whatever you want just wash your hair and put on deodorant.
>>2166405You should tell your grandma she is gossiping and being judgemental over superficial things. The gossip specifically is a big no-no in the bible it's mentioned so many times as is literally ruins lives. She's acting like the kind that runs people out of the church and it would be wise of her to tame her tongue.
No. 2166647
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>>2166625funny thing is, while chatting up with some of them online, I have zero issues expressing myself, besides making myself sound kind of pushy and desperate for replies (one wall of text for every two-word answer), I guess it's not really helping, and most of time it makes me feel as if even if I pushed myself to engage in real life conversations, I would come off either as some utterly deranged stuttering dork at best, or an asshole at worst, since the only coping mechanism I know of during stressful social interactions (all of them) and to avoid total embarrassment, is to make myself sound detached and annoyed to the point of driving everyone away
No. 2166653
>>2166647The only way you will get better at communicating with people is by being around them.
You should match a person's energy, if they are giving short replies, a wall of text won't make them more engaged in the conversation.
There's nothing wrong with being dorky, embrace it.
No. 2166660
>>2166658KEK what?????
you shouldve told her she should go to a neurologist because a brain tumor might be the reason shes this retarded
No. 2166666
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quints for bladee(not a vent)
No. 2166679
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>>2166653that's why I try to vent here instead, like I've got this awful habit of trauma-dumping whenever anyone even hints at giving me the time of day, there's no better repellent but I feel like that's all I can handle without feeling like I'm giving them the wrong idea
No. 2166691
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I'm doing studies on Prolific and one of them was a study to see if women were meaner to other women while on their period. It's like a 4chan incel wrote these questions. They kept asking if you were jealous of attractive women or if you would talk shit or be mean to them.
Am I being sensitive or is this fucking stupid?
No. 2166755
>>2166585Anon I was talking to her about my very serious health issues that I seldom ever mention and she can’t even help herself from changing the subject immediately. Like god forbid I have my own problems and need to mention them or else I just leave out significant parts of my life like nonstop emergency doctor appointments and taking off of work for my health. Meanwhile it’s “ugh today I made a really bomb sandwich and it was so good”. I barely vent about half of my problems to this friend and when I do it’s because I’m mentioning them to her for the first time. I also don’t pine over moids at all (but I was in an
abusive relationship that traumatized me); she’s constantly talking about some scrote who used her for a couple of weeks which happened like 2 years ago.
>>2166596Yeah it happens at work too but I don’t take it as personally bc coworkers aren’t my friends. It feels worse having a friendship with someone who doesn’t even care for your wellbeing. However when it comes to my coworkers, I have noticed clear difference when I ask about other people’s weekends—the ones who like me will ask me the same back typically and the others will just go on about their weekend and then never ask me the same.
No. 2166793
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has anyone else here been diagnosed with bpd and if so, how did you deal with it? i am going through this currently and finding it really hard. i don't want to be a bad person or feel the way i feel anymore but this diagnosis is making me feel doomed. i want to be normal and happy, and someday have a normal and happy family.
No. 2166822
>>2166793Yeah, do you actually self harm yourself? I think a lot of women are being overdiagnosed with it personally so I would try to look into whether or not you actually have it. I personally do have BPD, went through DBT, met a lot of people with the same experiences, and it gave me a whole different perspective that we’re not monsters but just people (mostly women) who were villainized by impatient parents at a young age and lack a lot of coping and emotional regulation skills because of it. Of course only we can undo the damages ourselves and honestly I have days where I feel like my situation is hopeless because I basically grew up with physically
abusive, tyrant parents and I only understood that I could have any sort of boundaries in my mid 20s. I genuinely thought boundaries were a way of punishing others and that I had to be constantly available 24/7 because of how I was raised. So if you do decide to do DBT, be prepared for realizations like that and to have to reevaluate your family because most likely your BPD is a result of your home environment.
Oh and ignore all the shit on the internet, there’s a lot of weirdos who are far too obsessed with BPD people. You can tell they’re completely unhinged themselves which makes sense. And if they’re family members of a pwBPD then take it with even more skepticism because recall that family dynamics are basically what create Cluster Bs—I met a lot of other people with BPD and most of their parental figures had some sort of NPD, and then those same unfit parents usually raise another child who is more likely to have NPD since the BPD kid is the scapegoat and the other child is the golden child if that makes sense. If this dynamic sounds familiar then you might indeed have BPD. Otherwise I would try to fight against the diagnosis because of the stigma it could pose later on.
No. 2166844
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I cannot fucking stand the way that straight women bend over backwards to defend gay moids. I saw that video of a drag queen impersonating Chappell Roan and squirting red wine out of a codpiece to imitate periods and the hags are coming out in hordes to defend the performance because it’s “art.” They’ll swear up and down that lesbians are the predatory ones while defending the men who always seem to be in predatory age gap relationships, promote creepy pedophilic twink beauty standards and think everyone over 30 is an expired wrinkly dementia patient. The way that gay men act on stan Twitter disgusts me. They are violently racist, violently misogynistic, violently lesbophobic. And believe me I’ve known plenty of gay men. The majority of them are just as bad as the stan Twitter twinks online if not worse. A gay moid I used to be friends is a diagnosed sociopath who is completely obsessed with me and I should honestly get a restraining order against him. When we were in high school he would sneak out every night to go fuck 40+ year old pedos from Grindr who knew he was underage. My bi/gay/trans woman/whatever fucking identity of the week he’s latched onto as of late is known as the town creep and everyone avoids him like the plague.
No. 2166879
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I often find myself reflecting on the fact that I’m heterosexual (for the most part) but would never date or entertain a modern man in the slightest. Do I have libido? Yeah. Do I bring a lot to the table? Hell yeah. Am I self sufficient, healthy, active, and well grounded? Yes. Would I make an excellent partner? Of course. Would the fact that I’ve never been in a relationship or had sex before be something he likes? I’d like to think so.
Maybe I’ve never met a man I like, I dunno. But it’s weird seeing everyone around me idealize being in a relationship, and I just don’t see myself being there. I don’t want to share my life with someone. I want to be on my own. I also think men are ugly as fuck 9.99/10. Even overweight or disabled woman can be gorgeous when she smiles or puts in effort, so how the fuck are men ugly from birth to death? And they keep getting uglier? Just how the fuck is being in a relationship supposed to benefit me at ALL? I hate that shame woman for perceived promiscuity while simultaneously acting like all they really need to bloom is just a little bit of dick. Please, die.
No. 2166934
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i miss having women in my life.. wish i had a bestie to hang out with
No. 2167012
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Why did my sister text me for my bday: "you're 24 so mindful so cutsy and demure" I told her to stop sending me tranny memes and she said no, I showed her a pic of Gorlock the Destroyer and she didn't respond. How does she know that meme? She is 33. I only know it because of this fucking website.
No. 2167020
>>2167015reminds me how I used to sleep in my bathtub wearing industrial earmuffs for years because my neighbors wouldn't stop banging against the floor all night shaking my whole bedroom
probably the worst time of my life
No. 2167255
>>2166898fym. It’s an internet dive bar not an insane asylum. I can talk about whatever I want
>>2166909thanks nona. I kind of have given up the idea that there are good men in general. Not even in the romantic sense. It just seems like every man there is has some sort of innate instinct to hurt woman. The worst part is I can tell they enjoy it. I just don’t think I’ll get the partner (or many woman at all) I deserve in this lifetime.
No. 2167313
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ASEXUAL MEN ARE NOT REAL! Also the more a man tries to present like a nice cinnamonroll alley the more he's hiding something, how is this not common knowledge? How are there still women denying this when these men get outed over and over? Are they not up to date with public figures or what? I'm gonna start listing off celebs too in case anyone forgets. Feel free to add more
>joss whedon
>john mulaney
>ezra miller
>anthony kiedis
>literally every male youtuber that's been outed in the past several years
the more "uwu" a man larps or tries to identify with a ton of labels and movements the more you need to watch out
No. 2167325
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Was debating leaving my fake friend group because they only ever used me for my money/drug plugs and being decent-looking for their photoshoots. They turned sour on me recently due to jealousy over how I spend my money on nice things instead of being happy for me like how I always hype them (not my fault they cannot keep meaningful employment and refuse to work jobs 'beneath' them including the jobs I got them in my company which they threw away). Also I got a ""pickme"" reputation among them for fucking a couple of the dudes behind closed doors but not wanting relationships with them so that totallyyy makes me a pickme–meanwhile the other girls in the group take their tops off at parties and kiss each other for attention and have definitely fucked other dudes but no one bats an eye.
They won't tell me the truth and won't say shit to my face because they know deep down that they are the assholes, and doing so would for good make me not give them any more of my resources or effort.
What they don't know…is that they are fucking stupid and transparent and I intend to stay and spite them with my brags about my life and make excuses for why I cannot loan them money and help anymore.
They're the types of bullies to takr advantage, talk mad shit then ostracize someone from a group but then play victim when their targets react. I'm gonna make em good n salty, I hope they tell me to leave kek.
No. 2167862
I've been in a relationship again for a bit more than a month. I left my physically abusive ex in January of 2023 and lost all hope in moids. I just thought this one was just going to be a good short-term thing, but we really, really liked each other. I've never had so much in common with someone new on so many levels, and he's so understanding, patient, truly gentle and very much my type. I'm so surprised that even after several days staying at one another's I'm not getting cranky like I usually do. He's oddly very tuned into how I feel without me necessarily needing to say it. I feel like I can be intimate again without being afraid and I've had my first orgasm with another person in years. This is all fine and whatever but I'm terrified. I really don't wanna fumble this. I've been so brainwashed by my ex that I can't help but worry how I'm gonna fuck this up because I'm not enough and I'm gonna be disappointing. He's genuinely great and I could see myself settling down somewhere with him down the line. It just feels extremely daunting to get into something serious again. I've only been in 3 or so long-term relationships before, I'm closer to 30 than 20 now and I kind of expected to stay single for a while, this just happened because it felt very comfortable and right. I don't feel like I have to try hard, wear any makeup, be anything else than what I was when single, but I fear he will tire of it/me in general. I've always got this underlying fear to be found out. That other women could be more attractive, fulfill his needs better, don't have baggage as heavy. I guess this is somewhat normal new relationship anxiety as I settle into this, but the feeling I'm not "dating around" like I was in my late teens/early 20's without thinking about the future anymore is hitting me like a truck. I've never really discussed the "this could be the person I spend the rest of my life with" feeling with any of my friends before nor braced for it. I guess I'm seriously afraid of letting myself possibly fall in love.
No. 2167923
>>2167313I think asexual men are "real" in the sense that men with medical issues exist. Detrans men who can't produce any hormones for example report having no sexual feelings (and missing it). Do note that these men do NOT claim to be asexual though, they do not see it as an identity at all and know it's a medical issue caused by trooning in their case.
Any other man I've seen who has claimed to be asexual have been like "just because I'm asexual doesn't mean I don't masturbate and watch porn, in fact I watch a lot of hentai, I'm still fully asexual". They're just celibate porn addicts.
No. 2167948
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I’m so tired of my boyfriend. We’ve been together for 1.5 years now but we don’t live together. I just feel like everything about him is pissing me the fuck off lately and it’s a challenge to not argue with him. At the end of the day I love him and we generally get along in person, but with the little bit of distance and our conversations all being through text it’s so easy to fight because he’s so goddamn stubborn. I feel like I’m punishing him by choosing to avoid him until I’m feeling up to it again but I think he deserves it at this point
No. 2167949
>>2167862I'm really happy you are happy, but keep in mind what you are experiencing is the honeymoon period of being in a new relationship. You're infatuated with him and not noticing all his flaws, he isn't actually as great as you think, and that's a fact. Just saying this because women who come out of
abusive relationships have very low standards due to being used to hell on Earth. Sometimes these "too good to be true" relationships ARE too good to be true, because narcs prey on lonely, vulnerable women and they are really good at seeming like they are perfect until they know they got their hooks in. And please make sure you don't open up about your trauma or ex until way later down the line. Sorry for raining on your parade, and I'm sure you're aware of all this, but I just want you to stay safe. I'm rooting for you though,
nonny. If he genuinely is a great guy then you don't need to worry about fumbling anything, just be your genuine self and communicate with him once you can be sure he's trustworthy.
No. 2168050
>>2168045If anyone makes fun of you they're probably a stupid monolingual
like me. I believe in you Nona!
No. 2168124
I was talking to my parents about some celebrities that were very popular in the 90s, and it was all well and good, and then my dad said he believed Hilary Clinton had them murdered. That the man was beating her in the race for senator of New York. The man I was talking about never had a political career, and I suspected as much, but since I hadn't looked too deeply into it all, I just said something like "oh really? Hmmm, I wonder." And come to find out, my suspicions were correct. It makes me sad, because I know my dad is smarter than that.. And so is my mom. Or maybe not anymore? I hate social media, I hate how it's changed the two people I've always looked up to the most, it makes me want to cry honestly
No. 2168142
I lose. I don't think I can keep dating this he/they/she anymore. She brings up the stupid gendie shit every time we're out and I don't know how much longer I can entertain the retardation. Using the fact that she stopped wearing dresses at 4 as some proof she was always a tranny? Or saying female pronouns are 'too girly'. It's so fucking retarded, I can't even call us girlfriends or her my girlfriend. But see, female pronouns are too girly, but male pronouns are not too boyish? You don't want to be called a girlfriend, but boyfriend is okay and preferred?
I notice another thing with her, and it's retarded so bear in mind, but she refers to cute animals and such immediately as 'he' first, no matter what, it's her default. I gave her some plushies and some Sylvanian families stuff and she called all of them 'he', she called my plushy that is most definitely a she, a he. I don't really know how to break up, because otherwise things are going well between us, so the excuse of 'things aren't working between us', would be such a flat lie. I'm even more retarded than her to continuing to date her for so long… it isn't even just this, her first date was redflag city and my special needs ass continued to date her. It's on me. And she's so fucking attached and going on about how everyone she loves leaves her, how insane she is, how broken she is, how much she hates her exes and is so not over them. Man. Also, lc keeps giving me a system error while I was trying to attach an image with this post.
No. 2168149
>>2168142>And she's so fucking attached and going on about how everyone she loves leaves her, how insane she is, how broken she is, how much she hates her exes and is so not over themThat's manipulative and gross. I used to have a best friend who was attached to me like that, we were both young so I felt like I had to "prove" to her that I wouldn't abandon her, even when she would instigate arguments with me on purpose (she admitted to this). Honestly just tell you you'd rather be friends, tell her the romance isn't there for you. It's not so much that things haven't been "working out" as it is that you just aren't feeling the spark. That's a perfectly
valid reason the break up. As for calling everything he, I can't stand that. My aunt taught me and her daughter to do the opposite, we always pick she first.
No. 2168189
>>2168149What you've described of your past friend and yours's relationship is exactly what it feels like sometimes. Like, I have to prove to her I'm not evil and bad like the people before that she never stops complaining about till I had to explicitly tell her to please, for fuck's sake, stop talking about your exes with me every single conversation we have. So, she's lessened how much she talks about them and say sorry before she talks about them. Great.
>we always pick she first.Based and I'm glad you understand that nitpick of mine, kek.
>>2168161I can't stir up that hornets nest, and I don't care to, that will just make her even more stubborn in her gendieshit and feel righteous and vindicated. I know when I break up with her, she will smear my name every-fucking-where, like she has her all exes since HIGHSCHOOL and how much I've ruined her life.
I really fucked up getting into this shit.
No. 2168275
>>2166691Both of them because they're cute women, but yeah stupid questions trying to "prove" women are eachother's worst enemies talk moids love to spew
>>2168212It looks like left is the younger version of right because they have the same features besides changed eyebrows. Right one just looks like left put on a little more weight
No. 2168308
>>2166691Are women on their periods meaner? Ah yes, the monolith that is women, no nuance at all. Of course some of us are meaner, what a dumb fucking question. I’m in pain, I feel gross and I’m tired, leave me alone! Better question would be: why do women get mad when I harass them? Just give cranky women space, holy shit.
When moids chimp out everyone instinctively knows to leave them alone for fear of death but when a women is raging they come along to poke, prod and demean. Is it because they know they’re not going to die? Whinging about women being mean is so brain dead, what’s she going to do? Yell at you to fuck off and get out of her face, oh nose violence.
No. 2168324
>>2168254It is so sad, that story breaks my heart, it is even closer to me since she’s black. And so many women go through this right now too.
As much as the left is full of retards that support gender ideology , if they can at least guarantee women’s safety then I think it’s better to vote for them. It’s just a matter of choosing the lesser evil.
No. 2168331
>>2168189Seriously what are you doing with this woman? You’re even more of a retard for remaining with her for so long or she has the best pussy in the world, but even then I still think it wouldn’t be worthy.
Grow a backbone nonna and put yourself first.
Who cares if she’s going to badmouth you? Who cares if she gets more into gender bullshit? You’re not her therapist or emotional support animal.
No. 2168347
>>2168254Sepsis and pregnancy are literally in my top 3 fears. This sounds like an actual nightmare I would have I fucking hate this. I hate how the country has come to this where women have to die because they cannot take care of/do not want a baby. It's so fucking awful. I research a LOT into abortion, all methods and pregnancy because I'm really autistic but I do have some potentially life saving tips for anyone in this scenario.
>If you get a pill abortion, DO NOT take it vaginally, if something goes wrong doctors will be able to find it in there, always take it by mouth>If you suspect something is wrong and you go to a hospital, say that you might be having a miscarriage. Do NOT ever mention the pill. There is no way they know unless you took it vaginally.>If you suspect something is wrong remain in contact with your pill provider >Depending on how far you are when you take the pill, you should be seeing clots and clots come out.I'm so sorry for this woman and her child that was left behind because of fucked up men. I fucking hate it.
No. 2168348
>>2168347*who may eventually find themselves in a scenario where they need a pill abortion
I forgot to edit that part.
No. 2168358
>>2168254If you’re American and you want to do something email, call or write that local government and any one in positions of power in that area. The people making these decisions are people, they can be reasoned with and made to bend to public pressure. Don’t expect the federal government to help us, dems have proven again and again they couldn’t give less of a shit if solving something means they lose out on a political football. Don’t let people evoke the boggieman trump, he agrees with letting states decide and that means local governments that we have easier access to. Given how things seem to cycle in this country I wouldn’t be surprised if abortion ends up in the courts again under a different legal consideration.
That said it is depressing how dehumanized women are treated by all sides, it absolutely sickens me and I’m so tired of it. I can see now why separatists think the way they do and there really is a need for female only systems, because men are fucking morons and the powerful are fucking callous.
No. 2168359
>>2168353shhhhh SHHHHHHHH
>>2168355how would you know if you haven’t tried it personally? there are plenty of people who find benefits from it
>>2168356erm excuse me this is serious business
No. 2168379
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This didn’t fit in the twitter hate thread, but this is the second time I have seen something like this on twitter. About a Korean girl being sexually assaulted by her own brother and the parents doing nothing. I rewatched the burning sun doc earlier and it just shows how romanticised Korean men are. I admit I did due to being a frequent watcher of kdramas. But god.
No. 2168479
I honestly resent my uni friend, even though she didnt (really) do anything to deserve it.
We simply don't vibe, and ultimately she is a good person, but I can't do anything but pretend I still like her, for now.
I walked up to her in our very first semester last year because i thought she looked unique and 'cool', but as time went on, everything about her started to irritate me - her nasally monotone voice, her generally lethargic nature of walking and emoting, her milquetoast sense of humor, her undeservedly judgemental opinions of everyone else in the group, and the fact that she is barely capable of keeping up with college in general, and yet(!) thinks she deserves to pass all of her classes (that she went to 50 to 30% of the time - and she doesn't work or have any chronic illness that i know of) and go to a higher-level college (which is good, but probably only marginally better than ours, it just has great PR - she doesn't know this because, frankly, she believes the PR and is quite naive in general). Probably her worst personality trait is her being super nonreciprocal - I've done her a lot of favors in and out of class, and besides some (quite thoughtful and great) gifts, she's always doing shit the last minute or not at all, several times she even gave me false info that really put a damper on my (and her, admittedly) grades. And she's absolute garbage in group projects, if we're doing it together im guaranteed to carry 90% of it. Honestly, I feel like I'm "her bitch", and sometimes I think she may be doing this intentionally.
I hate that im forced to be with her ALL THE TIME, since she pretty clingy and refuses to socialize with anyone else in our group (which im trying to do while she isn't in class). I really do have to pretend that we're besties for the time being, because unless she flunks out, we'll be in the same group for the rest of the 4 year degree.
Anyone who can maybe tell me how to tell her to pull her weight, at least? I'm probably never going to like her that much as a friend anymore.
No. 2168623
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I am filled with rage. Always.
No. 2168718
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>>2168712fuck scrotemin, fuck the mods, fuck you
No. 2168730
>>2168700KEK nona i was about to bat for you because of course they assume everyone who disagrees is a 'pickme' or anti-feminist.
>Dworkin ultra black-pilled super-feministTheir LARP isn't even convincing. It's very clear they want other women to be just like them (unhappily celibate)
or like looking down on other women for flimsy moral reasons
No. 2168788
>>2168743No, it's just obvious that at least some of the uber-blackpilled pseudo-separatist anons have a sad dating history (or none at all) and try to sublimate it by convincing others their celibacy is some kind of based 'political' choice.
>>2168756I know already. Doesn't change the fact that many women are unhappily single, especially if they struggle with loneliness. Humans aren't entirely rational
>>2168753>it's not even always what they say that I dislike, it's the fact that it feels like so many anons are constantly competing on who can be the most righteous Exactly.
>>2168775Isn't it strange? I wonder why they pick 'feminism' for this instead of religion. Maybe they know 'NEVER ever have sex and if you do you're a traitor' is a ridiculous statement that no sane human can live up to. They can though, because they're dysfunctional enough to have zero romantic or sexual life
No. 2168792
>>2168771This isn’t online “activism” this is real life kek, moids statistically kill and rape and in many counties are the preferred sex to be born while female infants are killed, femicide, FGM, patriarchal oppression in different cultures, etc. these are REAL things. Men being shitty is a real thing, it’s provable and exists in reality. I’m not a schizo for living within reality and speaking the truth. I’m not immature or annoying for stating the truth. It’s also funny you bring up “healthy libidos” while it’s practically a meme that women don’t orgasm with males sticking their dicks inside of them because men really don’t care about you or anybody else, it’s all about the end goal and that attitude extends to their sex lives. They’ll pretend to be good, nice, understanding and patient johns to trap their next
victim and to keep a woman’s intuition from constantly being alarmed of his true nature. Men aren’t stupid, this is why we’re both here arguing about what they’ve done and continue to do and is provable and their actions are a lived experience of many women. I can’t stand women who just allow this shit to continue existing, it’s one thing for scrotes to exist and be horrible but it’s another for nigelfags to enable men by being with them. Women checking out and deciding to be single is why a lot of male violence and inceldom is building up, there’s a genuine connection to the patriarchy and heterosexual women who do their darnest to keep it alive. I’m fucking tired of trying to be nice and hand hold straight women because they want to be whores and give into their sexuality, I really don’t care, I’m tired of coexisting with literal monsters and I don’t have to be around them or their consorts just because I’m biologically programmed to be “attracted” to them.
No. 2168806
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Holy shit, we’re going to be stuck with scrotes for thousands of years until the species just dies into complete mush and ash. Capitalism will continue, rape will continue, crime will continue, racism will continue, nothing will end ever and people will try to frame you as “scorned” and “traumatized” because you want to true suffering to end. This world is nothing but a horror movie.
No. 2168815
>>2168792all you guys do is recite the same tired points, huh? anon.. we get it. men are more likely to be violent criminals. there are men that aren't rapists or killers though. a sane respectful heterosexual relationship is completely plausible. if a woman dates a rapist, then i could see how it's evil on her part.
>>2168806okay, you're just starting to sound like a cow at this point. please keep tardraging over something normal.
No. 2168870
>>2168835You are so over the top, maybe you
should leave anon. I'm sick of all the extremism from the actual newfags.
No. 2168898
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>>2168893You're lying, you haven't been here since 2014 or you would know that's blatantly false.
No. 2168911
But see, the very fact that you think that it’s supposed to be a luxury makes it so that healthcare for all women is put in second place, because if you think that this isn’t important then others are very much justified to say that they do not care about endo, PCOS and other female exclusive diseases either. It starts from there, we should advocate for women’s medical care and abortion is, unfortunately for you, an healthcare concern. A woman recently died of sepsis due to abortion complications in fact and you think that we shouldn’t guarantee it?
You’re viewing from a morality point of view when that isn’t the point, at all. It’s not a matter of “cream pies” or whatever your fantasy is, we as women are entitled to services for us, it’s our right.
I do agree that we need to raise our standards, but I’m also not going to sit here and expect that every single woman goes 4B either. I am practicing celibacy because I’m tired of dealing with men in general, but I’m not morally superior because of it. It’s human nature to want company and straight women desiring a fulfilling relationship with a good man isn’t the sin you’re making it out to be.
No. 2168930
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>>2168917Yeah my bad you're right
No. 2168935
>>2168777How do you explain non-rape
victims and women who do not have a medical emergency getting an abortion then? They fall completely in the category of women that anon is describing. They should be aware that their bodies are completely theirs to control, our focus on reproductive rights for women should always prioritize preventing conception from even happening in the first place.
No. 2168945
It’s the lack of nuance that gets me honestly and, I know that I’ll probably cause another infight by saying this, but I think that it often comes from women who are either exclusive attracted to other women or women who have the option of excluding men all together.
I’m bi and I do recognize that practicing separatism is easier for me, I can still have a fulfilling relationship after all.
People who say “just never romantically involve yourself with a man again!” don’t acknowledge how human loneliness plays a role in each one of us and how seeking love and seeking intimacy is just something that’s wired in us, no matter your sexuality.
I think that spreading the notion that yes a relationship isn’t all you need in your life and that cultivating platonic relationships, academics/career and inner introspection is very important, but it’s still okay to wish for it is much more productive than simply saying “leave all men alone!”.
No. 2168947
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>>2168938Threads get locked just after 1200 posts.
No. 2168949
>>2168944Idk I broke up with my exfiance in 2014 and was posting here during that time, what she is sarah now I remember the lead up to all that and she was young.
Either way. Fuck men the pushback against any semblance of being free to post here was a great thing for lolcow
No. 2168962
>>2168935Do you seriously think that women are having abortions every month as a plan B because they’re barebacking men left and right? You sound like those pro-lifers who sit in front of clinics shaming women.
> How do you explain non-rape victims and women who do not have a medical emergency getting an abortion then?I’d explain it by saying that it’s a medical service and that they have the right to use it. If a woman doesn’t want to proceed with her pregnancy she has the right to, I’m not going to sit and lecture her about how she should take it as a punishment because she was stupid and had sex, like you said in your previous post.
Again you’re pushing the morality view on it when this isn’t a matter of morality.
Give me a good reason on why abortions shouldn’t be accessible actually, also saying that they should be accessible to only a few doesn’t count. I’m throwing the ball in your court because me and other nonnas have made great points up until now.
No. 2169070
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I miss GoSupermodel. It was my first venture into non-flash-game-internet. It felt so huge and alive. Had a go at its new version, it's not the same. The roleplaying was pristine because it was so predictable, all was anonymous and vaguely cringe, I miss the Tokyo Hotel was everywhere,/Someone dies/everyone is a vampire RP thread. My character intro used to be this specific pic of the actress Juno Temple, cause I loved her hair. Felt like I needed to mourn this a bit.
No. 2169079
>>2169054Here’s just my thoughts based off what you wrote: why does you voicing your feelings constantly result in him fighting you and shutting you down instead of him reassuring you and working with you to make your relationship better? Why is it on you to never be bothered by anything, never bring anything up, or want anything different again? Sure, people can just be petty or insecure because of stress and mental health issues—but is it always that? Is he actually putting in the effort? Is he a partner who will support you through hard times and hear out your needs?
You say his patience has ran out. Is it tons of different little things, or unresolved recurring issues he hasn’t actually worked on over the course of your relationship causing you to either simmer in misery or bring it up yet again?
No. 2169092
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i have made a huge mistake and played with feelings i shouldn't have
No. 2169121
>>2169078I honestly felt the mood improvement in a few days but the adverse effects were difficult ngl but I was able to rationalise them due to the medication. Had a couple of intense panic attacks but I got my period today and this is my second cycle on it and my periods have been a mess and this one just crept up without any dramatics lol
No. 2169178
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I want to end my stable but loveless relationship and move on confess to a friend i love. I don't want to break up and immediately confess, i'd rather take time to assess what went wrong and recover a bit but it wouldn't change the fact that im hopping from a person to another. But i'm scared she'll slip away from me… I keep telling myself it's just a vague crush and i even worry that i'll never deeply fall in love again (because i have this retarded oneitis that dates back to my teenage days). But then i hear her talk about making a new friend and my heart jumps out in fear she dates said friend..? It's like my heart is simulatenously dry, cold yet oozing with disgusting, sticky longing. How would i even go about confessing? I'm retarded
No. 2169180
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>>2169176sorry gonna post a bunch of screenshots
No. 2169228
>>2169219His record is available on a website. We’re in Scandinavia and anyone can look up your name and it will basically doxx you with your address and number. if you pay a small fee it will list the criminal charges. Everyone in this country knows about it and its legitimacy. I want to reply back to this with a screenshot of the charge translated to English but they don’t accept screenshots since they can be edited I guess.
“Because we have less context around behaviors that occur outside of Twitch, we generally require that evidence of these activities is verifiable before we will take action. In most cases, this includes direct links to public posts or content directly uploaded by the infringing user. Screenshots and other content from third-parties that may be edited, doctored, or falsified are generally not considered to be sufficient unless they are supported by other verifiable evidence or confirmed by our third party investigator as authentic. Additionally, we will consider law enforcement action(s) as an input when assessing the credibility of accusations and evidence.“
So I’m gonna give that a shot I just hope they don’t think I’m lying about it because these investigators are American they won’t know how to navigate the site. It’s kind of our sex offender registry in a way.
No. 2169315
>>2169308I have been looking, of course.
I just lost my job recently (last week) and I can’t help the workload he’s getting from his job.
I am doing everything around house, preparing meals and trying to get him to relax. I don’t know what else I can do…
No. 2169320
>>2169315ahh, i'm
>>2169318 and this adds context, but kek why did you call yourself a NEET instead of saying you lost your job? NEET implies a lifestyle. anyway i'm sorry you're going through that.
No. 2169323
>>2169320I may have mistaken the meaning of NEET, I thought it was just that you’re currently unemployed.
Yes, it is not recent because we’ve been looking for houses for like, 3 years now but neither of us have family that can backup on a rent and it’s basically minimum requirement regardless of your income or job.
We thought we had found a place that would let us in without guarantees (aside from our own resources) but recently found out there will be a selection and most probably won’t be chosen.
He’s basically given up, I can’t blame this on him.
No. 2169335
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>Be me
>Love and adore art of all forms since childhood
>Draw and paint all the time, every day, become really good at it by my late teens
>People compliment me everywhere I go but nobody really encourages me to take it further and pursue my dreams in art
>Little by little, give art up and by my early 20's I don't draw anymore
>Get a degree and a white-collar job that pays well but is soul-killing and makes me miserable
>Grind like this for years, climb the corporate ladder
>The pandemic hits when I'm in my 30's
>There's nothing to do, can't even meet my friends so maybe I'll start doodling a bit to pass the time
>Slowly pick up art again
>Rediscover how much fun and how fulfilling it is to draw, paint, sculpt, design etc.
>My corporate day job starts feeling bleaker and bleaker
>Getting up from the bed is almost impossible, my job is most likely going to be taken by generative AI in less than a decade anyway so why bother
>Art is the only thing giving me happiness
>Become bitter and resentful that I allowed people to influence me to abandon something that I truly loved and cherished in my life but also recognize that I would be broke and starving if I did become an artist
>And that job would probably also be taken over by AI too
>Feel like laying down and rotting in bed waiting for death
No. 2169565
I've been taking care of the daughter of my mom's friend since she is going to college nearby. Her family decided to rent a room in our house. I've been witnessing so many of her bad habits and it's been a frustrating and slightly depressing experience.
First off, she is really fat and this is because, of course, of her awful diet. I see this woman getting two to three large spoonfuls of sugar and dumping it into her tea-based drinks. She also will snack on ice cream and prepackaged cakes while working on homework. This is pretty much her eating routine every day. Worse, her family enables her horrible habits by bringing her these shitty foods every time they come over. I am honestly disgusted whenever I see her just eating sugary slop.
Another thing is that she doesn't know how to drive and refuses to learn. I've had to help drive her multiple times when she couldn't catch the bus on time and when her classes go on late into the night. I don't get what her parents were thinking having her stay in our home when the main campus would take anywhere from 20 to 40 minutes to reach by bus and the school has multiple buildings spread far apart. She claims that if she ever tries to drive, she would get too distracted and would cause a car crash. I get being afraid of driving because that was my experience too but our state is so car-dependent that it is a pretty much a necessity to living here.
She also does not seem to have the sense to use a search engine. It is frustrating when she asks me questions like whether I know the bus time tables like I actually take the bus and know the time tables like the back of my hand. Same when she asks me if a shop is open. This is stuff she could have just basically done a simple Google search. She is terminally online yet cannot even do that.
Recently, I also found out she secretly identifies as some sort of gendie which honestly should not have been surprising. She is an out-of-shape, geeky woman who has no confidence in her appearance. It's sort of annoying because now I have to extra careful about anything I say around her.
Witnessing these horrible habits has made me wonder how fucked the younger generation is. I'm only about ten years older but how are teens this fucked up? How the fuck did her parents fail this hard? They aren't poor or lacking in resources. I understand the lockdowns really messed young people up but goddamn it must have really fucked her up. She embodies so many of the horrible zoomer stereotypes though like the poor diet choices, the refusal to learn to drive, the inability to effectively utilize technology, and the gendie beliefs. It makes me depressed to see what these people will grow up into and how the future will look.
No. 2169576
>>2169572can i ask what addictive drugs cause people to gain weight? i always thought that addicts lost weight
t. only ever smoked weed
No. 2169578
>>2169565>She claims that if she ever tries to drive, she would get too distracted and would cause a car crash.she needs to grow the fuck up. i had bad anxiety when i started driving years ago and now i love driving, have for years. it's not that bad. all she's gotta do is put the phone down and pay attention. what a baby
>terminally online yet does not know how to use the internettypical zoomer
No. 2169622
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On the verge of just biting the bullet and befriending gendies. It's already hard to find normal people and even harder to find ones that share my stupid specific interest. Why…
No. 2169633
>>2169622Kek, are those the only people around you?
I wouldn’t be able to stomach it , gendies can’t help but overly fixate on themselves, you’ll hear the trans discussion everyday and at best you’ll become a support and validation animal at worst you’ll have to bite your tongue at the bs they will spew.
Do you go to college or do you work nonna? Can’t you meet people from this places?
No. 2169634
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>>2169629I had a taste of friendship after years of talking to no one and I need more.
No. 2169648
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I can't do it anymore, I am so lonely and so fucking miserable. I am the most embarassing person to be around and I just know people talk behind my back and discuss me.
I am forever alone, I have never had a boyfriend and it's killing me. Why can't I just be like the rest, why can't I just be normal? At my age, it's normal for people to have had at least 1-2 serious relationships and multiple flings, etc. There are people in relationships, actual relationships with a fellow human being, and here I am, a complete alien. Am I even human? Why is it so hard? Am I cursed? Is it my face? Why don't people like me? Why do women bully me and why to men avoid me? It's so hard being forever alone, since people judge you and make fun of you.
Yeah, I am a loser, I spent my youth and formative years in online fandom spaces. I wasted it, all of it. While other people were having normal developments, I never really developed past the age of 12.
Why am I so invisible? I first felt comforted by this website, but then I saw all the posts on /g/ and got reminded that I don't even have an escape online. Just in my head. And all the girls mentioning their relationships, such suicuel. How can pretty girls get not one, but MULTIPLE men that like them, and in my 2 decades on this planet I can't get one?? How? Am I an alien, am I that repulsive to look at? Am I that different? And the fact that these women can get so many guys, they can actively pick and choose? And exes?? Literally how?
I feel like I'm not even a human being, I am something else. Something went wrong. Maybe in my genes, maybe in the house I was raised in, maybe it's society or maybe it's just me, and it's all my fault.
How come all these normal people get such normal and nice experiences, meanwhile I'm just stuck at home? Isn't university meant to be a place to grow and meet new people? Why don't I get to have that? Am I that entitled? Though I don't really want much, I just want a connection with a fellow human, I want to feel human. I feel like a hollowed out machine, or like a programming code that wasn't written correctly and now doesn't function. Like a toy in a factory that was misproduced and discarded.
Why is it everybody else? Why not me for once? Am I even a proper woman? I can't even call myself a human
No. 2169660
>>2169654We are so close, she's the only person in my life who knows so much about me. We just hung out for coffee the other day. The type of person she is, I wonder if my attempts at trying to make her question this will do anything except make her angry.
>>2169656A solid friendship down the drain just like that?
No. 2169683
>>2169648I completely understand how you feel, I'm also only in my 20's and I've never had a proper bf either. I don't wanna do dating apps, I don't know how to connect with other people like that and I've felt like I'm ugly because no man has ever been interested at me. However, even if I've had slumps because of these feelings, I gotta understand I'm young and that life is still starting. What
>>2169662 said is right, no man will save you from these feelings, it's something you gotta deal with yourself. You gotta first learn to be happy with yourself before trying to share that happiness with a man. And women will always be there for you, I struggle in general to make friends and tbh I don't have many women friends, but they'll always be willing to hear what you say and help out. Focus right now on your friends or making friendships, even if romantic relationships look attractive and seeing people you know in them give you a great sense of jealousy, they're not a solution.
No. 2169764
>>2169622The last time I hung out with a gendie, we were listening to music and she got extremely offended because the word "crazy" was used in a song (they didn't like how that word is used to describe symptoms of mental illness).
Along with some basic intuition, it's so easy to weed these freaks out. Oftentimes will literally do it for you. That being said, I do not recommend befriending them in the first place because it's just not worth the effort kek. Like everyone else has said, they're extremely self-righteous energy vampires who only think about themselves.
No. 2169796
>>2169786>I just find myself staying bitter and paranoid thinking that maybe all these people lied to my face rather than lying to the person in question.If they lie to you, they lie about you. Your friends sound like immature cowards.
Also, it's a red flag that you were hoping they would lie to someone else for your benefit.
Lying and gossip are poisonous. You have to learn how to be honest with yourself and others, and to look for people who are equally honest.
No. 2169801
>>2169648Sounds like you're dealing with anxiety. Everyone gets anxious sometimes, but yours is creating self doubt to a point where it's detrimental to your health and relationships. At this point, it's
really hard to rewire your brain by yourself. You need someone who will help you identify your unhealthy thoughs and behaviors and help you rebuild yourself from the inside out. Basically, get therapy. I say this with love. Good luck nona.
No. 2169837
>>2169810Take this with a grain of salt because I never had bdd, but I think my point is universal to a lot of internal suffering.
Take your focus from inwards to outwards. From self to interaction with the world.
Your weight, shape and characteristics mean nothing by themselves. You may be a helium atom or an iron atom. But it's when you interact with other elements that the alchemy happens. Life happens.
Stop navel-gazing, the navel is shallow and dark and nothing new happens there.
The world is large and wide and it's a pity to be stuck in a self-reflective loop. We are meant to be part of it, by exploring it and making an impact on it with our every word.
No. 2169859
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>feeling extremely weak and malnourished
>didn’t even eat all of my breakfast so feeling hungry and have to wait until later to eat
>playing roblox in the afternoon as a grown adult
>makes stupid purchase buying robux
>trying hard to cope about this stupid purchase made
>feeling extremely anxious about my life
i should just use the remainder of my money and drink myself to death, honest to god
No. 2169950
>>2169920Thank you for being brave and honest enough to admit this. You're not alone at all, anon, I promise.
Over the years this site has vastly changed a lot of my crucial viewpoints (all for the better tbh) but properly integrating can still be challenging, even on casual /ot/ or /g/ boards. As a relatively experienced forum user I still chalk everything up to either keeping to myself or only participating if I'm absolutely certain my response isn't coming off as either "blogposting" or "humble bragging" in any way.
TL;DR integrating is fucking hard when you're autistic (and socially inept) while doing your best to properly join internet discussions kek. I think the best we can do is stay quiet and simply observe until we're feeling confident enough to comment in a way that adheres to a forum site's rules. There's no rush and our fellow nonies will always be there, so take as much time as you need!
No. 2169970
>>2169901I feel you so much on the flea issue, my bro adopted a stray kitten too small for anti-flea medication and one of us transferred them to my indoor cat and it was pure hell until my cat had two rounds of anti-flea treatment and I called the insecticide dudes to spray my whole house.
Ever since then it's been sunshine and rainbows in my life, but I kid you not I've been close to total mental collapse when I had these beasts biting me.
What I'm saying is, it will pass if you address it and stay persistent, and afterwards it will feel like the world is heaven.
Take care of your dog, poor thing must suffer even worse than you, don't wait on your idiot parents to do it.
No. 2169986
>>2169925I can't imagine caring this much about other people's business
How is this a vent? Boo hoo, one of 8 billion people isn't doing what I like
(read the thread rules) No. 2170005
>>2169996Stay hopeful and persistent because it will pass, I promise!
The tiny scum has evolved to be hard to kill, but nothing is more lethal than a knowledgeable human
Keep on! Victory is ours
No. 2170016
Laughing at other people's antics
Not getting
triggered and venting
No. 2170021
>>2170003>Being mentally ill or on drugs doesn't mean you get to be an asshole and everyone is just perfectly alright with itShe probably can't help it at this point, anon and her dad should genuinely just stay out of her way. The mom even excused herself for an hour, it sounds like she's at least trying to keep from fucking with anyone's peace
too much.
No. 2170023
>>2170018I'm expressing my opinion that it's stupid to vent about what some random thot said on her own account
Let people be
Or they won't let you be
Because you are the people
(integrate) No. 2170037
>>2170028What drives you to crave power over me? Ordering me and pressuring me like that. Minimodding has always been a bannable offence.
This website is not a cult. It's just a platform, and you'll always be exposed to uncomfortable opinions when interacting with 8 billion people in the world.
(derailing) No. 2170045
>>2170039I've been here much longer than you have
I can tell by the "girl what"
I'm not picking a fight with you. I'm sharing my view. Take it or leave it. Don't have a meltdown over it.
No. 2170047
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for fucks sake LET MY NONNAS VENT
>Don't come to this thread to make fun of anons' vents, to demean them, or to try and be funny with some shit snark reply. It's annoying. If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say it at all.
No. 2170049
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>>2170023>Let people be>Or they won't let you be>Because you are the peopleI like getting high and shitposting too
No. 2170063
>>2170056search around for your text program and OS's data recovery protocols in case its in there somewhere. ask chatgpt to dumb it down if its complex
this is why I write in google docs
No. 2170069
>>2170049It's the literal truth and how society functions.
A meme picture you post on a Macedonian folk dancing forum doesn't negate it.
No. 2170154
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I was molested by a relative when I was a child and it's in the back of my mind everyday. I haven't told a soul because I feel ashamed it was someone who I'm blood related to. I've been sexually assaulted by other people and those memories don't hold the same shame/disgust as this one. I wish I had somebody I could confide in who would understand, most experiences of assault I hear about are committed by male friends/boyfriends/husbands, so I don't feel comfortable enough to talk to other victims. There's another layer of guilt when I think about what it would do to my family if I ever talked about it, and how much strain it would put on our relationships. It has been so long since it happened and I feel pathetic for having it weigh so much on me.
No. 2170243
>>2170218That's lowkey
abusive of him. All he had to do was not go skinhead but he doesn't give a shit enough to not go nuclear. I swear he is testing your love making himself ugly on purpose. Reminds me of when my ex got ENORMOUS ugly glasses behind my back. Was a sign of the end
No. 2170327
Thought it was obvious but my vent about the old man tiktok lover was, again, obviously about the psyop. I don’t care what a single woman does, I care that since I have been a child up until now I have seen literally everyone young women try to push the narrative that young girls should be with old men. It disgusts me to my core because you can directly see the impact it has on little girls. I myself fell for the psyop when I was young and naive, because it was pushed on me that older men are so much more confident, mature, capable, understanding, blah blah blah.
You get told from a very young age that you just mature so much faster than boys your own age. And so when you see these girls older than you talking about their sexy, mature, silver fox daddies who treat them so well and care for them so gently while you deal with mean and horny boys, of course it makes sense at that age. Until you’re faced with the harsh reality that any old gross smelly weird man who wants to be involved with a very young girl is a predator and no different at all than the guys your own age in terms of maturity, intelligence, and kindness.
If you’re mad about any of this then go kiss your geriatric for an extra dinner date night out to chilis this week and keep to yourself, all I ask is stop trying to indoctrinate teen girls so that your senior citizen moid’s friends can get laid.
No. 2170386
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>finally get the motivation to start drawing again
>feel extremely lethargic and sluggish all day, end up doing nothing
i dont even know why i feel like this wtf
No. 2170393
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I keep thinking back to some guy I talked to on a dating site one time that hadn't had sex for 10 years. I feel like that's going to be me eventually. It's already been about 3 years so far. I can't do the casual hookup thing and really have to be in a relationship to be intimate with a moid. But I also don't really meet any moids I'd want to be in a relationship with anymore. And I've been looking for a while. I feel like Im doomed I guess. Just live a life of frustration, disappointment, and having the annoying feeling of "Im missing out" haunting me. I dont think they're going to come out with cute AI robot boyfriends within my lifetime either.
No. 2170396
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american politics is so fucked and its sucks more that the rest of the word has to deal with their retardation because the fuckers have to put their noses in everything so if they fail they take everyone else with them
No. 2170643
>>2170594As long as you don't ever travel to any other country or interact with people from other countries it should be okay I guess.
Maybe just give up English and consume stuff in dutch at this point, don't waste your time learning something you won't use ever.
No. 2170697
tuesday night this sweet looking old couple came in, they sat in my section, i served them, really nice throughout. good humour, very polite, the husband gave me some advice as he used to be a waiter, told me about wines, just nice overall. well last night they came in again, sat at the same table except my coworker served them. the staff room and guest bathrooms are very close to each other, i'd just left the staff room and saw the husband. i just stand there and smile and he says "it's nice to see you again" which i respond similarly, i ask him if it's his last night in iceland and we make some small talk. before the conversation ends he grabs my arm, gives me a peck on the EAR and says "it's nice to see you again" all while i was trying to get away from him. i felt so fucking violated, i walked away and avoided talking to him the entire night.
obviously old guys are creepy. the night before i'd notice him making eye contact and then immediately looking down at my chest and talked to me more than his wife did. i didn't tell any of my coworkers and when the wife was alone i helped her pay and chatted with her a bit. i didn't wanna tell her what her husband did bc she looked really uncomfortable and i wouldn't be surprised if this wasn't the first time, i just feel awful for her.
it ruined my night, even if it doesn't sound like a "big deal" it's still extremely violating. he had no idea how old i was and still did it. i hate saying this because it sounds very pick me but i'm 20 but look younger than i am, thin and petite, and older men make it such a dreadful and violating experience. feeling like i'm constantly being stared at and getting unwanted attention from them, always trying to find a chance to be alone with you so they can do weird shit. it makes me sad because i genuinely do love serving and talking to people, especially in a country with a lot of tourism it's really interesting to talk to people from all over the world. it makes me very happy to see people leave with a smile on their face while they wave to and thank me. every girl i know that's worked as a server has had horrible creepy people try to hit on them but it feels like we're expected to just smile, laugh and ignore it. it's even worse when their wife is with them and i just have to give her a look of "i'm so sorry" while acting like it doesn't bother me. i didn't tell my coworkers even though i wanted to because something like that would've gotten them kicked out instantly, i didn't want to ruin their last night here and i didn't want the wife to feel humiliated or ashamed of her husband being a creepy dickhead.
sorry if this is kind of a messy post but i just wanted to get it off my chest. lcf is probably the only place i could post about something like this and not have a retarded moid try to blame me for it or justify what the old guy did.
No. 2170700
>>2170697Sorry that happened to you anon that's gross. I was out at a bar and a random man grabbed me from behind and started kissing my neck and I got away but everyone was just laughing and I felt so violated and upset. My ex bf thought it wasn't a big deal he witnessed it didn't even pull the guy off I had to struggle.
Feel bad for the wife in the situation too and I probably would have done the same as you and just go into quiet shock. Fuck men. That definitely should not happen and it is probably the right thing to tell someone so the man could face immediate repercussions to know it's not right and not ok.
No. 2170716
>>2170327100% agree on everything you said nonna, I noticed the young woman-old man narrative pushed down our throats as I got older, it's a fucking psyop
pretty boys in their 20s will always be superior
No. 2170734
>>2170704thanks for that anon, it's just that social conditioning women go through where we're taught to act like it's normal and to not be bothered by it. it's become so normalised for men to do whatever they want and if you're not okay with it or tell them to stop they act like you're the weird one. i know it wouldn't have been my fault if their night had been ruined but it was obvious this wasn't the first time he did something like that and i could see the same "i'm sorry" look in her face. i am a very forgiving person but i'm trying to be better with standing up for myself so stuff like this doesn't happen again.
>>2170700that's awful, i'm so sorry that happened and i'm sorry no one stood up for you. i hate how normalised it is, people will just laugh or ignore it when it's such a terrifying situation. the fact your ex didn't take it seriously makes it worse and i'm relieved to hear he's an ex now, what a piece of shit.
No. 2170792
>>2170777Honestly if it’s happening
every time, after a while you gotta stop and ask yourself what is it about you that keeps either attracting the wrong people or finding fault in everyone.
No. 2170846
>>2170825Ayrt, damn
nonnie what are your interests? Maybe we can connect on the friend finder thread.
No. 2170920
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I instinctively tend to flip off impatient drivers who honk at me and can't wait their turn, but I also forget that I live somewhere where drivers are not only retarded assholes but also insane and with guns. Pray for me that I don't get shot one of these days nonas. I'm usually a very safe driver but I just get so pissed off at these fucker low-lifes.
No. 2170932
>>2170777If it's this much of a pattern, do what this anon said
>>2170792I also had a similar problem, and still kind of do. I grew up in a dysfunctional family and for some reason (probably weak boundaries) the only people who wanted to befriend me were mentally ill, addicts, or narc-ish people. Because I would give them the time of day, and no one else would. I used to be so freaked out and call it my "crazy magnet" because I attracted so many weirdos. It took learning better boundaries and taking care of myself better, and suddenly more "normal" people entered my life. I mean, nobody's normal, but I don't have bippies and spergs trying to crawl up my ass anymore.
No. 2170992
>>2170932Ayrt, what are these boundaries you have learned? I admit that many times I go after the people who give me the time of day (narcs or narc adjacent bippies) and put a lot of energy into trying to be understanding and tolerant of them because I crave connection, or I start talking to someone who gives off sperg vibes because they might be my kind of soergery. They never are. They are all always emotional vampires who crave constant attention and validation, or the type that craves a target to mock and debase.
How did you do it nona?
No. 2171038
>>2170999I'm in my 30's kek, took quite a break from dating for a while to focus on myself but now it's - as you said - mostly leftover scrotes. Which makes trying to find someone a fucking waste of time because I spend so much time telling these toads to fuck off while I try to find someone worthy of my time and attention.
I'm also super nerdy so whenever I think I'm hitting it off with a moid that meet my bare minimum requirements they get super weird and clingy after 2 date because they're so desperate for a nerdy girlfriend so the thought of me getting away makes them completely drop the mask (which of course scares me off immediately because I got no energy to deal with that).
No. 2171077
>>2171073I'm trying
nonnie but posting in that thread feels like posting in the wind. At this point I almost feel like many of the anons who post in there probably aren't real doll collectors, they just like some doll photography and think it's cute.
No. 2171284
posted about these two last thread but i'm too lazy to link. this is long and petty and i don't care.
tl;dr two good friends of mine live together and they are messmatched in hell
>"housebreaking" her puppy for half a year, doesn't pick up used pee pads because she wants to reuse them. dog tries to avoid standing in his own pee, ends up shitting on carpet, she doesn't even disinfect it.
>Puppy is barely trained because she got him on BPD impulse and now slightly resents him. noticed chewed-up edges on things and made a comment about teething, she goes "oh, he's not teething anymore, he just gets bored." he misbehaves for attention, so she's constantly distracted and yelling at him. gives him treats to distract him, so he does it more.
>since the day he was old enough, she drops him at dog day care. "because he barks a lot," she pays $15 an hour, 8-10 hours a day to leave him while she works from home. she only makes around that much, so she's nets almost zero doing this. she'll drop him off just to go to the gym for an hour instead of leaving him the fuck at home.
>decided despite resistance to foster a senior dog too. she thought her dog would magically learn to be a good if it had a role model. instead, they fight and she thinks they're playing
>terrible with impulse spending and already filed for bankruptcy once at ~30. e.g. she decided she wanted a baby gate, but didn't wanna pay retail of $100. so she went on craiglist and found some for $30, so she bought 3. their house is halfway to hoarder-tier. her room is so packed that she's completely filled up the hallway in front of her room and can only access it via the connecting bathroom.
>that bathroom is only kept "clean" because the other one is in #2's room, which is so bad that she doesn't let anyone even look inside. it's on par with a gas station. toilet and tub haven't been cleaned since they moved in, and both are several different colors ranging from blue to brown. she has what looks like rust stains in the shower where there's no metal. of course, this is the cleanliest environment to leave her dildos lined up. the sink was covered with bottles, but none were hand soap…
>has health problems, but refuses to accept help and so lives in a self-made hell.
>room is a hoarder mess with a tiny path barely carved through it. her 2 cats have no choice but to nest in laundry piles and boxes of junk. she usually shuts her door, trapping them in, when she leaves because she's embarrassed. the cats have definitely peed in there but she is vehemently insistent otherwise. More than once, we've gone on vacation and something like a pair of her shoes were peed in. things from her have to be washed, and there's some stuff i've just let her keep.
>got a robotic litterbox (good) but it's cheap and barely covers anything up. it still needs to be manually cleaned sometimes, so it's always full and smells powerfully. because she put it next to the front door, it greets you. one cat has a problem with jetting out and spraying litter around, so you immediately walk into a gravel field. a roomba is all she needs, but neither of them seem bothered by it. if you spend a while there, your clothes will smell.
>one cat has trouble grooming, and he notoriously bites, so she can't help. he has random unconsolable fits (usually seeing cats outside) and has clawed her so bad she went to the ER, but that's just "his personality." his legs have gotten matted by this point. i've been begging her to have him put on cat prozac and get a sanitary grooming. she's too embarrassed, so she's insistent on "brushing him and trimming it out in small bits."
the most recent episode:
>looped in because #1 needed help picking up "a dresser" for #2 (not home). it was actually a 4-piece bedroom set #1 impulse-bought because it was cheap. looked at pictures, did autism stalker math of the size, told her no fucking way. she intended us each do two 1-hour roundtrips for this shit that wasn't even going to fit in our cars. truck rental was the same amount we'd spend on gas. argued with her for 30min because she insisted that grit and optimism would bend the laws of reality. "i have gas now but i dont have money" but can't understand that if she uses it, she'll have 0 gas and 0 money. bought the truck myself and told #2 she owed me.
>go over, realize they haven't cleared space in the house. #1 said she saw "some" space in #2's room. i look: 6" wide swathe of open carpet. junk piled 2-3 feet high against the walls. 5" ribbons of dust flutter off a box fan, sending cat hair swirling like snow. there is no space.
>go get stuff, it's even larger and heavier than expected. the wood glue is dried out and we can't carry it normally or it'll pull apart. it's also filthy and covered in cobwebs. she doesn't mind. i suggest we wipe them down, and she brings me a small hand towel and leaves me to it.
>carry the smallest piece in while she frets about something else. realize there's a dog gate in the way that's too small to pass through and too tall to heft over. i tell her it won't fit and her delulu ass says she'll get her measuring tape. i ask if she can take it down instead, and she clearly doesn't want to have to unscrew and remount it. we try to wrestle the smallest piece over, and the fragile old wood comes apart. tell her im leaving the rest on her porch and i'll come back when they have a place to put it.
>she offers me some weed as thanks. realize thatc omes in her "outside bong", which is almost a terrarium. offer to wash it because i don't want pneumonia, she isn't embarrassed, gives me the stuff, and goes off to deal with the dogs. spent 15 minutes trying my best, it's still 2 diff colors inside.
>go to her back patio, pass an old used pee pad on the carpet. outside, she shows me fake grass she got for the dogs to pee on. quickly realize that she doesn't mean for emergencies, she wants to train them to use it so she doesn't have to walk them. foster dog wanted to go outside, and she tried to command it to go on the fake grass instead. dog has been trained its whole life not to pee on patios and resists. she decides to wait until the it has to go so badly that it caves. despite her acting like she had to stay to be with me, she had no problem leaving later to sit in her car for her therapy appointment (at which point i awkwardly left).
they sent me a picture later of about a 10x3 square foot space they cleared off in #2's room and both were very proud, so at least it helped?
No. 2171660
I'm so tired
>>2170861Living at home at your age is more common than ever because of the fucked up housing market.
No. 2171718
>>2171630I have a day job (not art related) and I like spending my limited free time working on my own projects.
I only have so many hours to visit the pumpkin patch and draw vampire boys making out, I don't want to lose a week making a costume for a highschool friend's baby. The art comms aren't so bad, but at the end of the day, the requests are just boring and I don't have the motivation to do it.
No. 2171874
There’s this guy I know who is like peak frat boy energy. He is newly 20, 5’11”, not very fit but not unfit either? Idk he just has a normal young guy body. He has curly blonde hair, blue eyes, he’s tan. I guess he’s pretty conventionally attractive. He drinks way way too much, has a zyn addiction, is extremely loud and loves to party, very charismatic but also has a huge ego, and has slept with more women than he can even count. No job, relatively low intelligence, and yet I watch women flock to this man on a daily basis. I don’t understand it.
I’ve seen women beg to sleep with him over text. Absolute no self respect levels from these girls, texting him offering to drive to him just to give him a blowjob when he’s turned down their offers for sex. He has women on speed dial that will literally get on a plane and fly to him to have sex with him. Best friends have shared him. It’s disgusting and watching the way women behave around him has made me so disappointed in women honestly. Like this is peak incel complaints about women and I really didn’t think women acted like this. But I’ve seen it first hand, or I never would’ve believed it. He has NOTHING good to offer
No. 2171942
Earlier this year, I rescued two guinea pigs from someone who couldn't (and never did…) take care of them anymore. One of them had a mammary tumor from the very start, but because she was already a bit older and the lump didn't look easy to remove, I decided to leave it be instead of putting her through a risky surgery and difficult recovery.
I had to put her down today because it had become too hard for her to move with it, and when she laid on the table while the vet administered the final dose of the euthanasia drug, I saw that she had a large, painful looking abrasion where the tumor had been dragging on the ground. The vet assured me it wasn't really my fault, since she was extremely skittish and bit me whenever I had to handle her, so it wasn't like I could easily pick her up and check how the tumor was looking. I'm actually wearing a bandaid right now because she got my finger really good when I had to catch her to put her into her carrier this morning. Still, I feel so guilty for waiting too long and making her suffer. I just wanted her to have a nice life after being neglected by her previous owner, but in the end, I can't help but feel like I neglected her, too.
I didn't have much of an emotional bond with her due to her fear of humans, but I'm bawling my eyes out anyway because she was always so, so loving with my other guinea pigs. She loved to cuddle with them and never fought with them, even when her sister was being difficult during introductions. If she had had a better life before I got her, I'm sure she would've been so sweet to me, too.
I just hope she had a good time with me, and that she wasn't in too much pain, and that she enjoyed all the extra treats I gave her.
No. 2171959
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My aunt and uncle have bought into that established titles scam and the family is huffing industry-strength copium about it. Including such takes as "well all the other ones might be a scam but this one is legit" kek. Their most staunch defender is my other uncle who discovered Jordan Peterson a few months ago and now takes everything he says as gospel (I was hoping my mum would talk some sense into them but she becomes really pickme-ish around her male relatives so that didn't work out.) It's annoying but I guess sometimes you just have to let people learn the hard way.
No. 2172184
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I think I lost my side hustle. I had been getting few tasks to do from it but now I am actually down to 0. Granted, this was a shady too-good-to-be-true WFH job from the very beginning but I was actually getting paid from it. Even more than from my day job. I'm trying to reach out to find out what happened but it looks like almost no one who is removed from this platform ever does and the subreddit for workers in it is automatically censoring and removing any of my posts. This is so weird.
It's a shame if I've been removed because I was excited about using the money from it to furnish my new place, recover lost money, dine out, pay for doctors, etc. It's not like my day job doesn't pay enough for that but having extra income and safety net is always a plus.
No. 2172217
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Free from ban jail and I want to say farmhands are cringe and gay and please learn to read insinuations in jokes or posts thank you
No. 2172219
>>2172199It's DataAnnotation. It seems like your typical easy beer money job, but you could actually get a steady stream of projects from it and if you code the tasks from it were pretty high paying - up to $40/hr. Work wherever and whenever you want. Everything about it seemed like a scam but I actually got payed from it and managed to make several thousand dollars from it. Looks like that gravy train might have gone by though. Alot of people on it are now complaining about having barely any projects or none at all these past few weeks.
>>2172205That's how they work. They never communicate anything. You never get told whether you're doing well or poorly. You simply just get booted one day without ever knowing why. I can vouch that they actually pay the amount they say they will on these projects but yes, everything else is suspicious and there is virtually no way to get in touch with them. No one even has any idea who is behind this company.
No. 2172240
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this time last year my moid tells me i'm overly clingy and that our relationship won't work… so over time i break out of neetdom… get occupied again… he and family are my second priorities next to my newfound study… no dependance on his company to feel fulfilled… and now he's saying he misses me being clingy
No. 2172365
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My uni class has a really low attendance, most people do their studying from home because of all the tools available online nowadays. This has been, of course, been slowly driving our program's educational leader absolutely insane. So she has gotten the habit of every now and then (since spring) come in and have 30-minute sermons about "go-getter attitudes", how disrespectful it is to not show up, that we aren't trying hard enough and that is why we are struggling with getting internships (while at the same breath acknowledge that the ongoing recession is making things ten times harder for literally everyone). Again, I get that it is frustrating for her since it's her job to ensure we get internships and employments afterwards so the school can keep on getting grants from the governments but it's really demoralizing that us that ARE attending each and every class are the ones that gets shit on because she's pissed at the chronically absent ones.
A couple of classmates and I are considering having a serious talk with her about how just because she is saying all that with a huge smile and a pep in her step it doesn't make it feel like we're getting chewed out because of shit we can't help - such as people not showing up and no amount of networking helps when you're still not getting any emails back when you try to reach out anywhere for internships. No one can currently afford putting time and funds aside for an intern. It's not motivating that she does it, she is just breaking our spirits down even more. Hell, last time she went on a spiel of how disappointed she is that nobody wants to study IT for "the passion of it" and people nowadays just do it because of the money and possibility of remote work - which is the motivation for most of us tbh. Honestly the struggle to even get as much as a "no" from companies and people we send out emails to has been causing some people to consider dropping out, and her acting like this doesn't help.
No. 2172384
>>2172371SA, mental illness truly is something else. Imagine you wrote a post about a topic you wanted to discuss and no one interacted with it. A healthy person would go like "aw that sucks, I really wanted to talk about this." But a sick brain will spin it into "Everyone can smell how I'm a subhuman fuck through the screen and that's why they avoid me."
I wish I could scrub my brain with serotonin.
No. 2172439
I don't know how most people don't want to kill themselves, like even if everything is good sometimes, I still feel like it's only temporarily good and it's gonna get worse any second (and ofc it goes even worse than I imagine). I just want to be happy from time to time, I want to be relaxed and not care about how I will pay my rent and other shit this month. I want to be hugged, I want to have energy to make friends and to improve myself. I hate my life, I hate working. I don't even work that much, but those couple of days I do work are so unbearable. My body hurts due to how physical this job is and how tensed up I am, I'm too deep in my thoughts and have nothing to distract me from them. I think I'm too far gone, I'll never be normal, I've tried so hard, gone so far, farther than most people in my family, but it worth nothing, I can't even feel happy for shit I achieved, as I'm still stuck on a dead end job regardless of all the accolades and challenges I went through. I'm still as depressed, if not more depressed than ever, I choose the hard way and it gave me nothing. I'm still as lonely and as autistic about social shit. I still can't afford to get help and barely have anything that helps me retain an interest in this life. I feel like I'm getting worse and worse, bitter and more toxic than ever. It's like this process of personal decay can't be stopped, like I've passed the point of no return. And I'm like still young, but it feels like I won't be able to fix it for a very long time, if ever.
No. 2172477
>>2172445If a moid really likes you he's going to like you for
you, not because you shaved and put on makeup and a nice outfit. If you stop doing these things you're saving yourself the trouble by filtering out all of the coomer retards who will cry if they see a leg hair. My brother cheated on his gf because she stopped wearing wigs and he said he wasn't attracted to her anymore. She could've saved herself the trouble by wearing her natural hair to begin with and filtering out the retards.
No. 2172489
>>2172477>If a moid really likes you he's going to like you for you, not because you shaved and put on makeup and a nice outfit. bullshit
>If you stop doing these things you're saving yourself the trouble by filtering out all of the coomer retards who will cry if they see a leg'll just get the ones desperate enough to "put up" with it but they'll make sure to mock you for it with their friends/online and pressure you into shaving once in a relationship/grow resentful
No. 2172494
>>2172374just spent literally 3 hours shlicking
it has to stop
No. 2172502
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Drunk and staring at this image thinking about the pain of being a homosexual. I feel like I'm constantly trying to meme myself into feeling like I can lie to myself and be happy being with a man, because I feel like no woman is going to actually want me. I feel like any woman actually interested in women isn't going to want some pathetic midget failwoman like me and straight women will only enjoy that I can give them the loyalty and emotional connection they want from moids, but they'll eventually move on to the real deal. Men I know will take anything they can shove their dick into. Worthless. In combination with having to have to numb myself with drugs or alcohol to even think about fucking one.
I want love so badly, but it feels like an impossibility for someone like me. I feel so disconnected from the rest of humanity. Any time someone is kind to me I end up running away because I feel like they'll see how unworthy and pathetic I am and hate me for it, or else use me for their own gains and lie to me.
No. 2172514
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I love the watermelon background on magalichan but I don’t speak espanol kek
No. 2172647
He spilled something in my kitchen, I don't even care to go check. Bro is not supposed to be this stupid, never meet your friends nonnas.
(lolcow is not a chatroom) No. 2172654
>>2172534This made me snort loudly.
How did your brother find himself with a pooner? Is he a gendie too or did she troon out during the relationship? Is she taking T too?
No. 2172658
>>2172652I mean he barely uses it so I’m not sure what I’d be looking for
nonny, did your boyfriend or husband cheat on you?