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No. 2139249
Discuss the happenings, drama, cringe, etc. of Neocities, personal sites, webrings, and other small communities, and how they used to be in the past.
Other possible topics of discussion:
>personal sites vs social media profiles>creating shrines and fanlistings>joining webrings and cliques>how socializing on the internet has changedPrevious threads
>>>/ot/1914925>>>/ot/1520815>>>/ot/1320546Search for personal/non-comercial sites: help: No. 2139310
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>>2139249interesting thread nonna!
i occasionally lurk trashchan, specifically the retro board. modern site but its themed after oldweb interfaces and has lots of 90s and 2000s media and culture discussion, ive been using it to get into more 90s stuff as a zoomer. not very active though sadly.
No. 2139639
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"rent lowering gunshots" yeah, because you're really gonna save those dying palestinian children by wishing death on internet users who don't care to involve themselves in a political shitfight
No. 2142986
>>2142793Oh dear how will I ever recover?
I guess I'd be more hurt if I treated my website like social media and not like a place to put all my hobbies and art.
No. 2143062
>>2142880>>2142793Genuinely interested in examples because most men and mtf troons make sites that look like they came from the same factory. It's always stuff about dicking around with old tech but never detailed enough to make it actually interesting or shit like their uni coding projects. It's stuff that you don't actually look forwards to or want to share with others when you discover it, not that that matters because I support personal sites being fully self-indulgent but it is what it is. On top of that their sites always follow the same minimalist design layout and get abandoned when they get bored with what is essentially their online portfolios.
Scroll through the lainchan webring that's full of techbros and you'll see 90% of the sites fall into that category. The 10% actually has some cool stuff on it and is updated regularly.
And what's the point of cool js scripts and animations? It's basically just bloat. You don't come back to someone's website because their title spins or their page transitions in a cool way when you click on a link, sites aren't meant to function like a 5th grader's first powerpoint presentation and that's a feature of modern web design that many people find cancerous.
All good gendie sites I've seen are actually made by other women, but even then most people being clowned on in this thread don't exactly have good websites and just use them as a carrd and not much else.
No. 2143234
>>2142793this is an anonymous website, you can't find each and every one of our websites and we can't see your (probably shitty or nonexistant) website either.
sidenote, there's people around you who secretly hate trannies and it has nothing to do with their level of creativity. it also has nothing to do with how open or closeminded they are.
this tourist really got mad we insulted their website and thinks they know everyone who is posting here kek
No. 2143282
>>2143234Figured it might be one of the mentioned losers like Dreamie or Swirl, but if so aren't they gonna get in trouble with their little group for using "
TERF" slurs? Or are they gonna claim reclamation of Tranny for the Trans community or some shit.
No. 2143334
>>2143282kek i was wondering the same thing. i could definitely see it.
it looks like they were trying to pretend like they weren't a newfag by putting words together that they read on here and thought it might help them pass, of course, not realizing that they are retarded. i wouldn't be surprised if it was some self-hating tranny either, but i'm certain it's someone who was posted in these threads who likely took it too personally. they probably even know their own website is shit
>>2142986this is exactly what i was thinking when i read it. i've never posted a single status update and everything on my website was made by me. i'm certain that's more than i can say for whatever pre-made tranny dumpsterfire site they're trying to praise. i hate browsing neocities because of the retards who treat it like twitter and how practically every site you come across is made by a genderspecial who's ego is so inflated that it's hard to even look at their site. the projection coming out of that persons post tells me everything i need to know
No. 2143644
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>>2143062I wonder how the troons would feel knowing their heckin mangaka was
problematic topic) No. 2145057
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>>2144543>MRW I go to the Yurinomicon site expecting some moeshit and see Chiaki and Karen from Kisaragi Tsugumi's Butch × Butch oneshot doujin that is only archived on one site since she nuked her twitter and no one fucking knows it even exists except 100 people in 2017.I've got to contact her.
Thank you, Nonna, for being a hater and linking this today.
No. 2148060
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>>2144543This freak who wants to have gay sex while married and wants to groom children and force women to have sex with incels for money is in Xandras community. GG retardcafe No. 2148072
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>>2148060His word vomit article in defense of porn is prime millenial retardation. It's just 'muh FANTASY' over and over to avoid talking about the actual human beings involved in porn and impacted by it. Of course he looks like this. Soulless coomer eyes
No. 2149200
>>2149025AYRT if you're in charge of a project you're responsible of who you feature. If mods can't run a 5 minute background check, usually their (many) bootlickers can and will. Communities like 32bc are full of terminally online people whose favorite pastime is witch hunting and love writing their retarded spergs about it. Yet troon pedos are always the exception, even when their sick EPI fantasies are proudly displayed.
Yes, this applies to all rings, WoTI included, but the common DID genderspecial is annoying at worst.
No. 2149488
>>2149473Samefag but holy shit, for a software developer this faggot is either completely retarded or retardedly brazen. From his blog you can find
>His full name>His general location>Where he went to school>Where he's employed>What he looks likeProbably so much more too and yet he kept up his schizo anti-feminist post.
No. 2149508
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>>2149503I only speak truth.
No. 2149534
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His "how to work with me" is hilarious. Any other nonnas who have had important adult jobs know how impossible and difficult he would be to have to collaborate with on projects. No. 2149619
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of course this cretin thinks troons are more "real women" than actual women No. 2149655
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She fascinates me and not for the reasons she wants. For context, she’s not as masculine or as bulldykey irl as she thinks she is, she’s rather feminine-faced and has a feminine figure. She never passed as male, and despite being a ‘realist’ she is somehow convinced that she did and could if she tried. Her gaze is fixed to her navel with not a hint of self-awareness. She comes off as someone who revels in her diagnoses but despises anyone with the same ones on file. If anything, she should have evolved to that point of insufferable antipsych that denies the existence of all mental illness. Her whole schtick is “ooo I’m so crazy ooo I am as crazy as a man, I’m the only woman that really is a man on the inside ooo look how gay I am, I want to love women as a jock, I’m not an autoandrophile!” What she writes constantly contradicts itself, she goes from hating on men to defending le innocent fags. Sometimes she’s spot on, other times she needs to put the phone down and take a break from KMFDM. I would say she’s Holden Caulfield in the flesh but that would validate her detrans habits. Do not let your kids use tumblr or listen to industrial music. God save NorCal women. No. 2150117
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>>2149460Grandma's last post was politisperging weeks ago and she stripped down her site of all the Javascript addons and images. I actually like the look of the static site more, but I kinda miss her banter and commentary. I know in past blog posts she's implied (if not stated) being ill so I hope she's well and touching grass
No. 2150124
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>>2149508Are you sure that's the same guy who wrote the incel screeds? Matthew Graybosch is Starbreaker who is a pedo apologist, but Risingthumb is run by a guy named Leonard. Unless they're the same person on an alt.
No. 2150564
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>>2150398This guy wrote the antifeminism blog.
>>2149436 No. 2151277
>>2150398Greybosch is a pedo apologist and coomer, but like
>>2150564 said, it's a different man.
No. 2154493
>>2143328this is unrelated to the overall topic but i feel like i should correct misinformation. mizuki isn't mtf. she's one of those girls who tried on he/they pronouns for a while but then distanced herself from that persona in order to reinvent herself as a transfem
she was in a server i was in a couple years back and infrequently used voice chat, so this is how i'm aware of it. this was before she started lying about her race and the fact she's married with children as well (both the wife and children, who's ages she can't keep straight, don't exist).
anyway if i had a nickel for every time a cis girl pretended to be a two-spirit plural otherkin transfem for perceived social credit, i'd have two nickels. weird it happened twice
No. 2155165
>>2154898i don't know about the pictures of her on her site, they might be real. but yeah, the ages for the kids would change. first they were 5-year old twins but then the next time she'd talk about them within the year, one of them would be 7 and the other 6. she also sent someone a picture of the wife and upon reverse-image searching it would be one of the first results for "alt black woman". conveniently wifey had no social media either
again no one has any obligation to believe this but i knew her when she went by vesper and none of these factors were in the picture
No. 2155591
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What is this random DNI that was posted on the NC starter pack about? I don't know which site it came from but like it seems like questioning mizuki's troondom has been a topic of discussion
>>>/ot/1915198 No. 2155596
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>>2155591that's referring to the mizuki from project sekai (picrel). the writers listed her gender as unknown so everyone instantly started troonfoiling about her being a mtf and had a shitfit when the game they/themmed her in the english release
No. 2155897
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>>2155576even more than dreamie
No. 2156155
>>215589723 years old and being this retarded…kek.
>shi/hirHow is that any different from the standard she/her? Does she have a mental breakdown and kill herself if you type 'e' instead of 'i'?
>two boyfriends lain and mihaelMore like two girlfriends named Laura and Michelle kek
>two kidsWhy do the most mentally ill ones always have kids? Someone save these kids
No. 2159600
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>>2139639same retard from before is back at it again kek, almost wish she would post it so we can all have a good giggle
No. 2159646
Wah, I missed you all….
Have any of you done any work on your sites/similar while LC was down? I was as unproductive as ever, but I did manage to make a super simple game and I finally got some layout ideas for some old pages I have been wanting to remodel.
>>2159600>lolcow farmsI wonder if these people even know what the old web is about, it seems they just want social media but with customization.
The indie web isn't plataforming biggots any more than any other site, said biggots are just random people who bought some hosting to put their shit on the web. What are they even aiming to do with the cancelations, force them to stop paying? Freezing their bank account? kek
They wouldn't last a day on the old days, you're bound to find shitty people or sites whose views you disagree from time to time, as long as it's within legality, anyone can write whatever they want on their site. That's what the "Go back" button is for, I can't imagine wasting my time chasing down thousand of websites to cancel them.
No. 2159705
>>2159469hampter alive!
>>2159600>platforming>lolcow'dthese people are utterly clueless. i don't even know what they think the old web was. they always give themselves away as soon as they post a status
No. 2159707
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>>2159600>chances are i'm gonna get lolcow'deveryone online has such a big persecution complex these days. nobody cares about the neocities blog posts of a barely literate child. they think everything is about them and that everyone wants to dox or stalk them when literally nobody gives anywhere near enough of a fuck to even read their about page
>>2159646i started working on a page for displaying some of my work on my site while lc was down, i'm excited to finish it
No. 2159847
>>2159600Kek. Too late. Old web nonnies are already pointing and laughing.
I did fuck all with my site. I wanna up my art game before I work on the site (it's mostly for art), but browsing he neocities pages was kinda entertaining while lc was gone.
No. 2159917
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Hmm woah I wonder why no one wants to buy from you… (And all the notes are just Soap going "Still none :\"). I don't think anyone outside 14 years olds are into that kind of drawings.
Went thru his NC profile and it's mostly him complaining, what a sad life he must have. No wonder he bases his worth on whatever others think of him and so spents his days trying to seem morally superior than others to look good.
No. 2160043
>>2160035It's always about quote-unquote "cryptoterfs" and not beliefs that are an actual danger to people like the amount of neo-nazis crawling all over 4chan and mastodon.
>>2159917I've seen people do commissions in favor of donations, and it's successful because their art is actually good. This is just cartoon furry fetish art only repressed gendies like.
No. 2160046
>>2159600>>2160035It's just going to be a repeat of fatass strawberry gashes' retarded bigot article. It will list all the same le evil
terf names that circulate around neocities discords. I predict that like with the release of sg's article, women that aren't even radfem will get harassed because guilt by association or because they don't have 88x31 tranny buttons all over their websites.
No. 2161706
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Neocities tifs might be the most stereotypically feminine women I have ever come across. It's so funny kek! How am I supposed to take your man larping seriously when you're into pink, picrews, and collecting various cutesy blinkies.
No. 2161799
>>2161763>>2161706Makes sense. Once they delue themselves into thinking they aren't women anymore, their brains go all out into indulging in all the cutesy things they refused to let themselves enjoy because ~I'm not like the other girls~. They don't perceive themselves as girls enjoying stereotypical girly things anymore, but as guys breaking gender/society's norms by liking cute stuff.
Internalized misogyny, which includes the refutal of stupid small things like enjoying baby animals just because they're associated with women, is one of the main causes of why girls turn into tifs.
So their websites pretty much fall into two categories:
1) Cutesy shit due to everything I mentioned above
2) Bad edgy, crude and unappealing design/art on an attempt to get taken as a man seriously
No. 2161823
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>>2161817I think someone did. Big talk considering she probably turned her profile off out of fear.
No. 2162623
>>2161817i know i won't be missing her brainrotted status posts, but i'm sure she'll be back up in less than 2 months because people like that just can't hold themselves back to post their retarded streams of consciousness because they are the exact type of people who thrive on social media using it as their personal dumping grounds. people like this don't realize they would have been bullied off of the internet back in the day
>>2161823>Big talk considering she probably turned her profile off out of fearkek it's funny because she acts so aggro all the time, but can't take any heat at all. what a narc
>call me taboo slurs all u bitches want>bitchesthank you for the permission. i will continue. funny how you exclude yourself from criticism even though you'll happily use "slurs" and be aggressive towards groups of people who don't align with your tumblr ideologies. keep seething, troon! god it's so funny, people who act aggressive like this always have the thinnest skin ever
No. 2162720
>>2162678I guess she checks this thread regularly, she deleted her posts already.
I don't know what is funnier, her not lasting even 2 days with her profile off or her visiting a site full of the people she considers need to be exterminated. Be ware soapfriendo, maybe our mean ideologies will rub off on you since we are so manipulative according to you…!
No. 2162722
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>>2162720yeah, something like that. she's acting like us looking at her publicly available posts on social media platforms is stalking kek
No. 2162723
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Just saw she linked her MFC page on her Neocities profile & of course she takes fetishy pics of her $5 figures No. 2162748
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>>2162722We aren't even digging up old shit, we are simply reading her front page and stuff she wrote less than a week ago for a quick laugh.
But their ego is too big and think anything that isn't kissing their ass is a hate campaign against them & a doxx attempt kek. Anyways, her text tag seems a goldmine, totally normal things a well-adjusted person says.
No. 2162806
>>2162748she acts exactly like a 2011 tumblr addicted sjw.
>>2162753kek anon. finally this thread gets some lulz, i've missed having a smallweb cow acting up.
No. 2162827
>>2162678fucking KEK. 2 months really was generous, that's amazing. these people can't go 2 seconds without posting their garbage thoughts online. all of this she could keep to herself and then she wouldn't be posted here. it's hilarious. keep seething, pathetic tranny! your identity isn't real and you're using it as a shield for how empty you really are inside
>>2162722her definition of stalked is amazing. just replace the word stalked with "talked about" and then it would be true. she shouldn't flatter herself that much, no one gives a damn. you post things online for people to see, they will read it and perhaps even gossip about it. no one showing up to your goddamn house
>>2162748>regularly talking about actually murdering people and wishing death on peopleit's amazing when people who think hating trannies is the worst crime but fantasizing about murder is totally fine and acceptable as long as it's against someone you ideologically disagree with. hmmm….
No. 2163376
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>>2162827She's a retarded kid living in a suburb of portland who's only hobby is gender. (imagine living so close to your mecca but you cant even get there lmaoooo.) This is probably the most exciting thing thats ever happened to her.
archived melonland posts:
pg1 No. 2163413
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>>2163376thanks for the archive nona. i wonder what her parents would think of her fantasies about killing and eating people?
No. 2163452
>>2163376thanks for the archive nona, and nice find. you're right. this probably is exciting for her. she seems incredibly self-centered. i like how in your screenshot the first pic's answer is basically just
>me me me me me me me me me and then
>i'm nothing but a secluded internet addictno kidding i never would have guessed kek…
imagine having art that looks like this
>>2159917 and thinking you could be a "pretty decent local artist" anywhere, let alone fucking portland kek.
>imagine living so close to your mecca but you cant even get there lmaoooofucking kekkkk. what a pathetic tranny. no wonder why she acts so aggressive on her feed. i was going to make a comment upthread about how she probably never leaves her house and i love that she self-reported it for me
No. 2163808
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>>2163805the dodge caravan awaits
No. 2164666
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>>2164059>>2164113if she actually cared about muh palestine she'd get a job and donate her entire check to tumblr fundraisers.
No. 2164997
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oh my god who cares, people make websites for themselves and not dumbass ipad kids
No. 2165016
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>>2164997love that she gave us the formula to repel genderblobs. squint, seize, best viewed on windows 98
No. 2165052
>>2164681i organise my site based on how regularly those pages are updated. for example, shrines are kind of "one and done," whereas journals are expected to update indefinitely. a shrine to my all-time favourite songs will be in a different section than a diary about "songs i'm currently obsessed with." however, they share the same topic (music), so i'd definitely want to link them to each other, even without putting them in the same folder.
as for creating and publishing content, it sounds like you just need to build your time management skills. there are tons of resources to find about that online if only you'll look. personally, i focus on what's most important to me (usually just what's most fun, kek) and do that first. maybe your DIY page just isn't enough fun right now. don't beat yourself up about it, just work on something else and keep enjoying your hobby site. everything gets easier with time and practice, from file organisation to finding inner peace. if i can do it, so can you.
>>2165016>squint, seize, best viewed on windows 98anonita, my sides…
No. 2165078
>>2164997If someone makes a page of resources, tutorial etc I can get why others get angry at it not being user-friendly but even then that's the webmaster's loss, if they prefer style over visits that's on them. I like to make my site readable and lately I have been trying to make my pages more mobile friendly but that's just because I like going back to read my own site and because I use mobile more at night. I even follow someone whose site has light pink 6px font because on her words, that's more comfortable to her eyes and more readable, so each person has a different opinion on what's accessible.
Said girl also has "Simply use your browser's zoom-in feature if the text is too small" in her about, queen.
>>2164681I honestly just stoped caring. I simply write the content in an almost plain-text HTML page (I do give the page a background and put the text inside a centered div so it's more readable, but that's all) and when I'm done I link the page on a bullet list at my front page. I changed my organisation to "a site map is the only thing" and its working well, I separate it on general ideas rather than being an interrupted list so it's more readable but the good thing about websites is that you can do whatever you want.
Want to move the page after publishing? You can do it. You come up with a more complex layout for it after awhile? Simply update. Nothing is set in stone, I'm doing better since I stopped eating my head on layouts and organisation.
No. 2165123
>>2164997>oh my god who cares, people make websites for themselves and not dumbass ipad kidsexactly! it's my PERSONAL site, therefore it's mainly made for me. i'm not gonna sweat over every single thing because someone might be upset or disgruntled at how i make my site. it's for me, they can click off and look at other people's sites, god damn
>>2165000>I hate mobile and accessibility spergsme too, it's fucking obnoxious. i can design my site however the fuck i want. "smart"phones weren't even a thing for a majority of the time on the oldweb. these people are fucking annoying virtue-signaling gatekeeping assholes who think we have to cater our pages to be digestible for everyone. no one gave a shit about this in 2005, but now the moral police have to show up and shove this in your face every other week.
No. 2165440
>>2165419The statistics are also uncertain, yes 60% of internet users browse it on their phones, but how much of that 60% is
exclusively phone-only?
Almost everyone has a cheap PC or laptop in their houses, they're practically mandatory for work. If a page someone is interested in doesn't work in mobile they will check it another day on their PC and viceversa.
>>2164666I was the one who picked the threadpic this time around and for some reason it makes me happy to be a little part on a cow pic kek Thanks for the edit nona
No. 2169314
File: 1726649340749.png (219.68 KB, 958x854, 78989978.png)

>>2162751Good news nona, her blog is back up visible for everyone. Took her 5 days, a new record on suppressing her need of attention, congrats! (Maybe it took her less tho, I haven't checked her up in a few days).
Plus a new post, lovely how she isn't even hidding on moraily anymore and just said in the open it's because she loves to harass others.
No. 2169330
File: 1726650645763.jpg (43.41 KB, 640x408, 1667061038436.jpg)

>>2169314>a new record on suppressing her need of attention, congrats! KEK
it really is always the most insufferable types of people who like to use their neat little palestine and tranny labels as a sheild. she pretends like she's a nice person on neocities and in her melonland posts but she's just some edgy tard using virtue signaling to divert from the fact that she's just vile and pathetic. like this shit reads as some edgy 14 year old's diary who looks up to serial killers and wants to be one some day. it reads like she's made up a person in her head in an attempt to intimidate others. here's the attention you ordered "soapfriendo"! such a soft and weak-willed tranny. trying to be two opposing things at once. i guess sitting in her room endlessly scrolling tumblr and neocities every day was getting boring
>harassment is beautiful to mesure thing, i'll believe it when i see it
No. 2169432
>>2169314>harassment is beautiful to meK but according to her logic she was getting stalked and harassed by lc and turned off her profile and locked her tumblr for a bit. So is harassment beautiful or not? Or is it only
valid when she spergs about doing it?
No. 2169560
>>2169314i guess we have formal permission to harass this retard now?
side note, crazy how bad her art is. it's shockingly bad. unable to express how someone could fail so bad at every single facet of what should make a drawing good. she's using bright colors as a sheild for how fucking bad this shit looks.
>>2169530>"How can I be a bad person if I support the right causes AND am a minority?" is their logic.kek it's truly sad. they really think that spouting their beliefs online makes them martyrs who are invincible to criticism. many such cases
>If she loves harassment now, then she shouldn't complain about anonymous forums like this laughing at her public posts from afar.yeah, guess she's enjoying the attention after all. really gotta marvel at the type of people who think any type of attention, bad or good, is worth receiving. what a loser
No. 2169643
>>2169314funny she says this when we all know how emotionally fragile she is.
>>2169560>crazy how bad her art is. it's shockingly bad.right i cant even tell what the fuck i'm supposed to be looking at every time i see it. colourful blobs and lines.
No. 2169932
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macaque being jobless suddenly makes so much of her sperging make sense KEK
No. 2170655
>>2170557I saved her lastest txt page when I saw she opened her Tumblr again, but I get a blank page after it loads her blog's background. I don't know if it didn't save correctly or if it's my internet being shitty. At least we still got the screenshots though.
I wonder how long will it take her to open it again, will she reach a full week? No. 2170660
>>2170655the link works for me, nice job archiving it nona, good thinking.
>will she reach a full week?kek i have to wonder the same thing, we'll see
No. 2171181
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>>2170655The link works for me, too. This post is my favorite because it's true. Nothing she does— whether it's drawing fat ugly blobs, writing whiney status updates, or spreading fundraiser scams— is "worth it." Literally ngmi. The best time to drop the homicidal gendie larp was 10 years ago. The second best time is today.
No. 2172037
File: 1726838704532.jpg (327.65 KB, 540x488, bafkreid5vwmygeihtnyyatxssirrc…)

Not milk, I just found funny how someone send non-anon hate to her on the anon hate website, truly a brave soul
No. 2179352
File: 1727290503965.png (2.29 MB, 2325x1584, mizuki.png)

Everything about Mizuki is a total lie, she lives in a very rural town in the middle of nowhere in Iowa in her parents attic. attached is the zillow listing of the attic and her real facebook page where she had a muslim larp era. She isnt trans or biracial and the whole "indigenous person growing up in japan" thing is a total lie. She is white and her parents run a church in their small town and her dad is the pastor. She doesn't have a wife or kids or a polycule like she claims, it seems she just takes weird diaper pics from the attic while her parents are at sunday service.
No. 2179354
File: 1727290582819.png (Spoiler Image,15.51 MB, 3470x3480, zooker.png)

Mizuki's fetlife. She isn't trans but pretends to be. She claims to have been on puberty blockers and HRT and had bottom surgery but this is just a dumpy woman.(spoiler all nsfw )
No. 2179355
File: 1727290651923.png (1.68 MB, 2938x2443, fake polycule.png)

Her fake polycule of fake accounts that she roleplays back and forth with. notice how none of them have a real picture, its all just anime pfps and stock images.
No. 2179357
File: 1727290686904.png (753.41 KB, 2678x2442, part1.png)

all lies
No. 2179358
File: 1727290710939.png (312.92 KB, 2678x1344, part2.png)

lies part 2
No. 2179361
File: 1727291125550.png (2.01 MB, 4176x2560, fake polycule.png)

>>2179355wrong pic. ignore the last four accounts, here is mizuki's "quad".
No. 2179367
File: 1727291287191.png (424.56 KB, 894x3054, fetish.png)

Her about page and fetishes
No. 2179371
File: 1727291477484.png (572.78 KB, 912x3147, owner.png)

She writes fanfiction about her fantasy life on a website for bdsm hookups. Here is her origin story with the wife who doesnt exist
No. 2179372
File: 1727291632013.png (893.93 KB, 897x4779, roles.png)

More about the totally real sex she is having with her not made up partners
No. 2179374
File: 1727291779816.png (433.01 KB, 952x2730, witch.png)

being a "death witch" is sexual for her too apparently
>I have, in many senses, been surrounded by death my whole life. Being indigenous unfortunately means that I have been surrounded by the disappearances, suicides, and losses to terminal illness of relatives since I was a child.
all this written by a basic white girl who has never left corntown, iowa
No. 2179377
File: 1727291827060.png (197.68 KB, 983x1014, dyke.png)

irl kikomi shit
No. 2179383
File: 1727292064671.png (1.8 MB, 1878x820, about.png)

the same photoset has abdl and ageplay tags on fetlife. she's wearing a diaper on her neocities about page
No. 2179388
File: 1727292287669.png (997.97 KB, 787x813, start mewing NOW.png)

>>2179387thanks for tuning in
nonny. hope the whole thread falls in love with this ugly backwater liar bitch
No. 2179453
>>2179390Nobody bothered to click on the Fetlife link I guess. I just tried it and you need an account to see anything
>>2179445This too kek. Until you see her naked she really does look like a man
>>2179357>I will not poop in my diaper ever unless ordered to>unless ordered to>unless No. 2179554
File: 1727302913448.png (86.99 KB, 1400x1000, ocs.png)

>>2179352I just went through her website which took forever to find the navigation on and she made shrines for her polycule ocs.
No. 2179798
File: 1727319800180.png (Spoiler Image,230.62 KB, 372x474, faceass.png)

she even shoops her ass red for pretend spankings. is everything about her life a larp?
No. 2180025
>>2179352Lmao "Indigenous person living in Japan" as if Okinawans don't exist
I'm glad I checked the thread tonight
No. 2180431
>>2180246Where is she getting kicked from? The anon upthread suggested people were too afraid of her to afraid of her to do anything. Do you have any stories about her? I wonder how her social skills are because in
>>2179357 she mentions getting cancelled everywhere she goes.
No. 2180900
>>2180431I’ve never seen her criticized for anything anywhere but here. She gets her ass kissed all the time even though she has 0 talent. Her circle of frilly Lolita handmaidens read this thread but they’ll do nothing. Love how being a
terf is a sin punishable by death but racefaking kikomichan? I pretend I do not see. I wish they’d pull up their bloomers and boot the zook.
No. 2181364
File: 1727394208647.jpg (237.04 KB, 1080x840, 1000008154.jpg)

The fanfiction on her website of living in Japan as a hafu is also worth a read No. 2181487
File: 1727400053243.png (104.46 KB, 427x300, spacehey.png)

>>2179439spacehey says two-spirit too. she can't even keep her indigenous larp straight.
No. 2181690
File: 1727414526905.png (Spoiler Image,910.08 KB, 1676x2160, fuyukoart1.png)

>>2180900literally anywhere she posts her shitty vroid art: omg so cute !!! it looks like a child drew it. Literally always has. Can barely count as art. I recently discovered she drew nsfw of her persona from back when she was active in dokodemo's server: looks HORRIFIC
No. 2181982
>>2180183I'm not responding to the anon moron, I'm responding to to the neocities raceshifter and her claims.
>>2180187It tracks with the declining literacy rates among youth and the fact that many neocities users lurk here.
No. 2182027
File: 1727432355237.png (49.33 KB, 204x400, fuyuko ref.png)

>>2181930She doesn't draw these. She uses basically what is a glorified 3d dressup doll on something called vroid. It's supposed to used for vtuber avatars but I think she just makes her ugly ass characters then draws over them in a art program No. 2182095
it's funny how mizuki also claimed being a troon on puberty blockers while also having her childhood in japan
>>2181690she needs to go back to her parents church
No. 2183192
>>2182095I know troons exist in Japan, but I highly doubt they've caught up to America and are sterilizing kids. Even her
POC larp is Westernized.
No. 2184000
>>2183991They all like to pretend they're above the drama but they all read lolcow. It's honestly sad they talk a big game about "
problematic" shit yet run and hide when one of their own is involved. It's spineless and cowardly
No. 2184132
>>2183853wait thats actually disgusting wtf. how the hell has nobody jumped her for that before?? was that her troon immunity or some shit at play?
>>2183983>>2184119i think a lot of adults on this side of the web (particularly the ones who havent had twitter/tumblr brain poisoning of some variety) tend to give callouts in general a swerve. i wonder if anyone's gonna quietly unassociate with her now that this is all coming to light …
No. 2184920
I never thought I'd be posting here, but honestly, I'm really disappointed. I've been a fan of the 32-Bit Café for a while now, and it sucks to say this, but I, along with a few others, have tried talking to Xandra about getting Mizuki removed from the server, and she just won’t budge.
People are feeling unsafe, and it seems like Xandra is more worried about how it looks to engage with drama than actually helping the community. She thinks this is an attack on the LGBTQIA community, which is kind of frustrating.
This whole situation has already done a lot of harm to the trans community, and keeping Mizuki around just feeds into the TERF talk about groomers. I really don’t want to be associated with that, and I want everyone to know that a lot of us aren’t okay with Xandra’s choice.(namefag newfag)
No. 2184935
I was just about to say that Mizuki is being looked down upon because she's an actual woman who allegedly "harms" the trans community, even though almost nobody gave a fuck about her depravity when everyone thought she was a TIM. I guess this retard
>>2184920 confirmed it.
No. 2184962
File: 1727561841776.jpeg (162.28 KB, 876x697, 2022.jpeg)

>>2184941>at least a yearshe may have been doing this a long time if shes been called out before
No. 2185367
>>2184920>>2185305Hi, thanks for trying to take out the trash in your community. Unfortunately the groomer shit isn't wholly "
TERF talk", what you witnessed (pedophilic behavior being excused and ignored) is the norm in a lot of TQ+ communities. Being more concerned she's lying about being trans and "making them look bad" than the racefaking diaperfag shit is the issue with your crowd. Unless a third party unrelated to LC spills more dirt, she's going to get away scott free at this point.
No. 2185640
>>2184304>>2184137has anyone kept track of who's disconnected so far other than
>>2184753? im curious to see who's dropping this chick kek
No. 2186523
File: 1727637605768.png (108.55 KB, 950x408, caferose.png)

>>2186474This is an imageboard.
No. 2186547
>>2186523sounds like it was more than just one person then.
>>2184119 called it.
No. 2186756
File: 1727644091776.jpg (67.65 KB, 1080x174, Zooker.jpg)

Ally still has her in it though
No. 2186871
File: 1727648446383.jpg (95.7 KB, 1080x445, 1000008235.jpg)

>>2185504Mizuki used to go by Ai and they/he in 2021. She has a lot of accounts under the username algolian including a Dreamwidth, (pre-debut) Twitch, Cohost, DeviantArt, Flickr and more No. 2186998
File: 1727654048061.png (159.1 KB, 1504x484, help.png)

it's so funny that ally pretends she didn't participate
No. 2187325
File: 1727669977469.png (85.99 KB, 874x322, xandra.png)

seems that someone commented in xandra's shoutbox about it… can't see what was said though. does anyone know? regardless, this reads like such a copout, so much for protecting the trannies and the pee oh ceas
No. 2187334
File: 1727670543408.png (1.21 MB, 1406x786, mizukiDA.png)

>>2186871samefag but i did a little bit of digging with this username, turns out she had a deviantart account under the same username with the same vroidy ugly kinda art which was made ~3 years ago. this one's supposed to be an oc sona… funny how there's no mention of being japanese here but i assume the japanese larp was still ongoing at this point because her alias is a japanese name and yknow how tumblr users are about using names under certain ethnicities and races kek. it also links to a tumblr with the url menherabunny but it appears to be either a hoarded url or wiped blog nowadays
No. 2187356
>>2187325god grant me the serenity not to alog. she needs to shut the fuck up. she cares so much when it's the terfs. yet, once again when it's a heckin
valid retard of gender it becomes none of her business. as much as I hate to say it, this is lending some credence to that lost handmaiden sperg up thread.
No. 2187365
File: 1727672729685.jpg (238.09 KB, 701x663, xandra1.jpg)

>>2187356She assures the overgrown children on her server that there's no terfs on it and that they'll be totally safe but she tunes into agoraroad every now and then, a place started by and populated by 4chan oldfags with the type of opinions you'd expect from 4chan oldfags. I'll never ever understand why terfs are at the height of the boogeyman chain, but a mix of transphobic, sexist, pedophilic and racist men aren't.
No. 2187391
File: 1727675347768.png (460.99 KB, 737x729, 7289432.png)

>>2187334nice find nona. i wonder how long she's been racefaking. this is egregious when compared to her actual pics. it's a shame we dont have more info on her from that era, but mizuki's current tumblr is dolleriumfluffle. she uses it mainly to talk about her DID larp. here's her text post tag:>>2187365>I'll never ever understand why terfs are at the height of the boogeyman chainoh nona, you know why
No. 2187459
File: 1727684633598.png (255.4 KB, 1112x384, 78sdfsf.png)

Taling about Allyrat, I find funny how her updates div is the most unreadable thing (who thought 2.5 lines of text being visible at once is good?) and hovering over her recomened sites their source code shows up for whatever reason.
I used to follow her but then removed the follow in 2022 or so. I don't quite remember what made me unfollow jer, but I have a faint memory she got into proshipping/media drama before. I wish I had saved caps…
No. 2187591
>>2187325So if I was an open
terf on my website and registered for the 32 bit cafe, that would be all fine and good as long as I didn't forum post about it?
>>2187459I feel bad for Ally getting sucked into this retard's drama
No. 2187600
File: 1727698203424.png (79.54 KB, 984x164, smugfatretard.PNG)

All of Xandra's journals are I'm 14 and this is deep. Like those low IQ people who are like "I hate small talk, talk to me about the universe uwu" Is she implying that there's a version in her reddit beliefs that we all outgrew after age 14 that is a evil
terf neonazi troonhater? No. 2187603
>>2187564Love how most neocities tards excuse all sorts of degeneracy and racism but heaven forbid you want to be around females only.
>>2187593Kek you're not wrong but I still find it endearing in a DeviantArt cringe kind of way.
No. 2188074
File: 1727722718070.png (605.72 KB, 864x826,

>>2186998Not surprising. She owns a fanlisting collective with koinuko called, where koinuko makes shrines to characters from the degenerate BL games she likes lol. Ally made a shrine about a character from a game made by the same company that makes most of the shit koinuko likes, so she obviously participates. She just doesn't wanna get called out on it
No. 2188439
>>2188399So you know how to greentext (barely) but not reply? Get the fuck out of here. The thread is crawling with newfags and tourists lately.
>>2187073How would anyone but Ally herself know what sent her over the edge? Selfposters begone.
No. 2192318
>>2191697He has a new url I’m phonefagging so I can’t post screenshots rn.
>>2191746He was in there until the very end too.
No. 2193093
File: 1728048224308.png (32.37 KB, 1366x642, 837434.png)

>>2192878God you're right, his index looks like this and somehow it took my browser 2 whole minutes to load the page. It also has a bunch of useless scripts on the code, but I doubt those are the reason, is he using his smart fridge as server and host?
No. 2193116
>>2193095Looking at the text, I guess he is on his hashtag eco-friendly era. Probably just another way to make him/his site feel superior since he is boasting about it.
I wouldn't be surprised if he tries to join one of these 30kb webrings later on seeing the minimal design and how he is keeping tabs on his data used; all these people know what to do is to change their appearance to try fitting on different groups.
No. 2194250
File: 1728118068926.jpg (366.32 KB, 1330x882, sparkle88ooo.jpg)

Does anyone remember sparklelollipop, AKA dreamies biggest fan turned lolcow lurker? I remember how she was starting to get annoyed by dreamies antics, turning into a baby radfem and then suddenly disappearing from neocities.
She came back 8 months ago under a new name "88oooo0". Seems she's another example of a too online girl falling into the online christian hole. She's also online dating a cop at 17 and is lying to him about her age. When asking for advice on her profile she got told it's a non-issue because the aoc in the UK is 16. Of course it's the weirdo neocities adults goading her into it. Considering the context of the people she's around I hope the 88 in her name was a totally random choice kek.
Why is the "troon handmaiden -> baby edgy 4channer/terf -> nazi tradcath larper" pipeline so common among neocities teen girls?
No. 2194306
>>2194250Judging by the way she talks about him, looks like her cop boyfriend is a good chunk older than her. Praying she stays safe, tradwife and pedo moid is the most dangerous combo.
On the pipeline, it's not just on neocities girls, but young people in general. At that age your brain mostly thinks in black/white and/or has very strong opinions with barely no middle ground (the way people act online also feeds this mindset). So when they X radical position has let them down, they jump onto Y radical position, the complete opposite.
No. 2194733
>>2194250i wouldn't believe her on any of it. she's always been a chronic liar and will say anything for attention. she got caught in several big lies before during and after the dreamie situation, most of which weren't even related to that drama.
she's a pathological liar; she's not even 17, she literally used to be in neocities servers admitting she says she's about two years younger than she really is.
No. 2195408
File: 1728195474211.jpg (128.49 KB, 1139x385, xandramizuki.jpg)

Remember guys, being a pedophile off-platform is totally ok as long as it's not illegal, but being transphobic off-platform will get you removed immediately!
No. 2195468
>>2195408So they welcome nazis and pedophiles with open arms? Yeah they're a bunch of groomers.
While I understand the "we can't control what the do off-site" part, no one has time to background check every single person and stupid shit like someone being a dumb jerk (as in randomly combative and such, minor things) outside isn't enough, but the reasonable reaction to someone coming to you about someone being racist, a pedophile, etc would be to remove them.
But no, apparently these are ok as long as you don't act out in the server/website even if you have knowledge of it. Thinking women don't have dicks though? Death penalty.
(Unrelated, but I'm a bit out the loop as I don't follow anyone involved nor use Discord, so I have been wondering for awhile who the fuck this Xandra person everyone talks about was until the other dat I realized she is following me on Neocities kek)
No. 2195643
File: 1728217803105.jpg (234.4 KB, 922x1017, 1000008298.jpg)

>>2195408Mizuki was making up shit about a closed Taino religion while being a white chick from Iowa. That doesn't count as being racist/hateful or anti-social?
No. 2195650
nonnie, if it's a fetish then it doesn't count.
No. 2195685
File: 1728220327657.png (60.4 KB, 793x392, 32shitcafe.png)

>>2195408I went to the 32bit cafe to see what it was all about. Some members were crying over an old troon's website. I click on the link and it's just some old man's crossdresser photobook. He talks about stealing his mother's bra and underwear and even some fetish story about how his mom forced him to wear a dress. I think the entire userbase is retarded No. 2195722
File: 1728222613851.jpg (373.15 KB, 720x632, captura.jpg)

>>2195685Her DIRTY underwear, that's so gross. If they think this is so beautiful it makes them cry, I now get why they have no problems with pedophiles around, different splinters from the same tree.
No. 2196083
File: 1728232510332.jpg (231.51 KB, 542x410, Relax.jpg)

>>2195685He's straight up wearing a sissy-like dress in one of the photos too. So brave and stunning! Totally not just a fetish!
No. 2196362
File: 1728243452736.png (53.95 KB, 818x250, Xandra32bit.png)

>>2195685also Xandra liked the post because of course she did
No. 2198852
File: 1728407981819.png (43.78 KB, 936x919, LMAO.PNG)

It's so cringe and pathetic Xandra is trying to pass this off as a pixel clique. She claims its to teach noobs how to do pixels but this is just using the paint bucket on a square. She is so smug and fat and retarded and annoying. Everything about her just screams HR retard with Dunning-Krueger. No. 2199073
>>2199060If this is the best milk we have for this thread it's fucking boring. Also have zero reason to believe she refused to kick the racefaker, the anon never provided her response despite saying she emailed back and refused and I'm beginning to think it's this sperging obsessive anon.
I might be a
nonnie who laughs at lolcows but I'm here for laughable milk and
>>2198852 is so inconsequential it's stupid as fuck. Let them have their little gay shit on that side of the internet, who gives a shit
Where's the idiots sperging on Neocities feed? Who has some real milk?
(infighting) No. 2199141
>>2199075Are you retarded? Spacing paragraphs isn't reddit spacing. Scroll up and lurkmoar, tourist.
>>2199079Got my hopes up after the Mizuki drop. That shit was grade A but you're right
nonnie. Just seems like this thread is a little dry and posting supposed milk under sage screams newfag/larping to me
No. 2200596
>>2200199NAYRT but can you actually recommend women's websites/blogs that are not obsessed with
TERF ideology and constantly sperging about troons? i'm exhausted, not all of us want to hear about it 24/7. why is there no middle ground anywhere online between "actual troon" and "only ever posts about troons"?
No. 2200665
>>2200596i don't know where you typically hang out online, but where i am there is plenty of middle ground and the TERFy women in my community are not "constantly sperging" about anything. did you even try to take the advice given by anons above? why are you so desperate to be spoonfed? part of the joy of the smallweb is discovering things on your own. if you need direct recommendations so badly, you could at least be more specific about your interests. right now nobody knows wtf you want except for the feminists to be quiet
>>2199744it really depends on what you want to read. i find lots of cool women online just by doing research into my own hobbies. try using alternative search browsers like Ecosia or even Marginalia. they tend to be older and/or more professional people than you'll find on neocities though
No. 2200713
File: 1728526200848.png (363.3 KB, 852x522, grandma.png)

Nobody cares about Grandma's site anymore so she's shutting down. Her AO3 stories are atrocious. Grandma Devastatia sure loves writing rape stories about underage girls. No. 2200732
File: 1728527964028.gif (1.32 MB, 336x333, cat4retard.gif)

>>2200596I’ve seen this sentiment come from overstimulated autists that spend too much time on lolcow in the troon threads and it all starts to merge in their brain, culminating in a hurricane milton size meltie capable of destroying discord servers. This anon may want to consider evacuating the computer chair.
No. 2200842
>>2200596Who is obsessed with
terf ideology and is constantly sperging about troons though, specifically on neocities?
No. 2200864
>>2200850I was being cheeky, my point is there's nobody on neocities or woti obsessed with sperging about troons non stop. The few sites like anti woman brands and that one radical feminism centered site were quickly abandoned and are largely impersonal.
The type of people that don't shut up about radical feminism are usually either older women doing activism and most of them tend to have blogs that are usually on substack or wordpress because they're more focused on the blogging aspect rather than a personal website aspect. On the other side of the spectrum, there's an annoying subset of underage tumblr radfems that constantly sperg about irrelevant discourse because they're tumblrinas first and radfems second and I sure am thankful they haven't discovered neocities yet.
No. 2200995
>>2200992She isn't, we do hang out in these…. I should've spoiled them, sorry.
Btw the other day I remembered about 2048 and I have been playing it on most of my work breaks kek I remember people would do custom boards/sites that replaced the numbers with characters and such. I wonder if some are still avaible, all the links I found on 2012 Tumblr post lead to a dead site
No. 2201005
nonnie how could you, now they're going to trannify that poor crouton!
No. 2201187
>>2200842>>2200864The only women who are sperging nonstop about troons and being a
terf IME tend to be on designated side accounts on social media, or private Discord servers. I think
nonnie is probably a TRA asking to be fed "cryptoterfs" on Neocities for callout purposes.
No. 2201979
File: 1728602571387.jpg (428.22 KB, 1080x1222, Screenshot_20241010_192107_X.j…)

>>2201924Yeah some dumbasses hacked it for Palestine whatever that means lol
Hacking group responsible: No. 2202212
File: 1728618639440.jpg (144.01 KB, 1080x418, Wbm.jpg)

>>2202147Look it up yourself, why are you so aggressive. Get out of here milk under sage newfag. Ever since you got here the vibes have been off. No. 2202666
>>2202222I don't have the tweets so you will have to take my word, but it started because the hacker hroup though the Internet Archive was owned by the US government, so they hacked it in protest of them funding firearms for Israel. Then when people told them that's not the case, they changed their reasoning to "Any page made under the US is in/directly helping Israel/the US government".
Complete retardation, I wish they used their brain for more than for hacking important websites for attention
No. 2202745
>>2202666Why not hack a pro-Israel website instead? 9 times out of 10 the people saying this shit are American, Canadian or British anyway (AKA also colonizer countries that support Israel), so they're part of the problem in their logic.
>>2202695It's such an insult to the people being genocided in Gaza. Pro-Palestine leftists literally can't do anything but virtue signal or act like antisemitic psychopaths.
No. 2203167
>>2202212Chill out,
nonnie. NAYRT, and more than one person may not like what you post in this thread. Maybe go for a walk and disconnect for a second, you clearly got
triggered No. 2204515
>>2204282But a hacking project that targets the Israeli government takes too much work,
nonnie. That's hard. It's easier to make 88x31 "Free Palestine" buttons, draw Miku eating a watermelon, harass random Jewish people, and take down the internet's biggest free library instead.
No. 2206178
File: 1728863707133.jpg (485.63 KB, 1080x1597, 1000013712.jpg) what are your opinions on Kyle's article regarding AI? There's a lot of freaking out and threatening to leave Neocities on my feed.
No. 2206451
>>2206178i don't give a fuck as long as he's not selling our data like the other
nonnie said. i feel like a lot of anti-ai sperging is just retarded fearmongering by people who suck at art anyway
No. 2206504
File: 1728882842519.png (588.33 KB, 966x1044, dimdenai1.png)

>>2206178Most of the illiterate retards are moving onto nekoweb where the main dev, just like Kyle isn't opposed to AI but he does dislike AI art more openly.
Techbros will use AI to code more efficiently, especially ones that work as devs. AI is so built into normal dev work nowadays because it is kind of helpful in that area no matter how much people dislike it. You've got ai assisted code editors, plugins etc. That's why you'll be hard pressed to find someone in this field that is staunchly against AI. Kyle is too naive and optimistic but this opinion is apparently a year old so I'm not sure why it suddenly became important.
No. 2206538
>>2206178Just woke up, so I will read it after, but to be honest I don't know why people are surprised, Kyle is already a cryptobro (as he accepts crypto for Neocities payments). I have been meaning to get my own domain and host ever since I started om NC because it, so I guess I will sped up my move.
People over-simplify the whole issue with AI though (it can be useful tool), and why did art even become the worst
victim of it? I dislike AI art when it's on something I have to pay (like movies or games, if they didn't had to pay for a writer/artist, why do I have to pay them to view the slop?) but the actual harmful use is all the deepfakes and scams they're generating, drawings are jist a nuisance compared to that.
No. 2206803
>>2206755NTA but to be honest AI art is the lesser of AI issues. Does it suck? Yeah, but it's nothing compared to AI-generated child porn, deepfakes, fake information, crime videos of innocent people, etc.
Some random person posting AI hallucinations of Miku is preferable than all of the above, and isn't like people didn't take stuff from artists before (from tracing to aesthetic collages)
No. 2207073
File: 1728929879429.jpg (72.48 KB, 598x516, Screenshot_6.jpg)

I was wondering how this whole deal even started, of course it stems from twitter retards
No. 2207248
>>2206991I don't even know why people even trust Nekoweb, that site is hold with tape and the same goes for its team. If they want some free hosting they should go to FC2, you need a FTP program to upload things easily there, but it's way more reliable than whatever host these kids made.
>>2207204While NC's purpose is to be a web host, it's also that guy's personal project so I can see why some people would want to move out not wanting to be a part of it. While the CEO/team of bigger web hosts probably hold similar values, at least they're fully impersonal.
For me, I'm glad it happened so I have another excuse to finally move my ass and pay for a domain and space on am actual host, AI and crypto aren't my liking.
No. 2207669
>>2206504I really wonder if the people sperging about this understand just how much tech-related fields have embraced AI. It's already being added to computer science curricula and web development workflows as the hot new thing. This is not very controversial to the tech world. It must be so weird to be Kyle. Imagine being a normie tech bro who cultivated a userbase of zoomers who are loudly boycotting your free service because of your mundane, industry-safe opinon, a whole year after you posted it.
>>2206991I'm surprised Nekoweb is still functioning. I kind of hope it does stay up as a containment zone.
No. 2207675
>>2207669>It's already being added to computer science curricula and web development workflows as the hot new thingEven funnier, machine learning has been in the computer science curriculum since the 60's, but its popular applied uses up until the past few years have mostly been in translation and speech generation which nobody cared to see as unethical. It's really not a surprise as to why an artistically challenged techbro would find ai art beautiful and inspiring kek.
>>2207484All I know is that doko and dimden had a spat which ended up with doko excluding herself from the project with the rest carrying on fine. I really am glad they're becoming the main spot for twittertards because these people see website hosts as "platforms" and they'll barely venture out of nekoweb if they made their site on there.
No. 2207714
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>>2207701I wasn't involved in this at all so I'm going off previous posts in these threads, such as this one
>>1908227. Pic related is full resolution. It seems they were arguing about dumb bullshit, not a lot of context but it ended up with doko being super passive aggressive to everyone before leaving
>>1908473. From all the posts in that server regarding Doko she comes across as a sensitive little child that needs to be handled with kid gloves, definitely not someone you can work on a project with kek.
No. 2209226
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>>2209223She's extremely scared of getting raided in any way, probably LC and general drama related. It's good to be suspicious of newcomers but I don't understand why their discord is open to everyone then and not invite only.
Some thread tax of her simping for 4chan.
No. 2210212
>>2209424she used to say she hated 4chan before it become trendy among TIFs to pretend you use it. she really enjoys trendhopping while pretending she hates people who trendhop.
>>2209234it has to do with the cake or whatever her name was situation. she's not just vaguely scared of raids, she's acted like a paranoid schizophrenic since that drama specifically happened. i don't know if the neocities-specific discord she ran is still around, but the one she had at the time was briefly turned invite-only because of it. though that was partially due to her trying to wipe her pedo friend's behavior and her original acknowledgement of the situation off of the server before more people joined and got screenshots.
she was not this intense level of paranoid before that whole thing happened, but she has always acted like a skittish, passive-aggressive preteen.
No. 2211115
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>>2211008She was a legit sicko
No. 2211120
>>2211115The way pedos tie themselves into knots to explain why they totally aren't evil and
everyone else are the crazy ones is so funny in a bleak way.
No. 2211249
>>2211008AYRT, 1) she was not a minor. she started claiming she was after the drama, before that she called herself an adult repeatedly. she later claimed to be a "mentally ill 15/16yo" at the time of the messages in a previous self-post, but if you follow her own timeline of her going through "three years of therapy" now and being "better," that doesn't make sense. the leaked messages are from 2022 i believe, she was at least 18 at the time and still talking about wanting to assault children.
>>>/ot/16539912) that actually is not the worst part, neither is the other screenshot shared. she had a "crush" on her nine-year-old neighbor and was regularly interacting with her and in the process of trying to groom her. she would regularly share her sexual fantasies about this child with suni, who regularly enabled her. with down the dumbass callout website with the screenshots is down but you can see it mentioned her by another farmer:
>>>/ot/1360801 No. 2211534
File: 1729203326077.png (545.96 KB, 1170x1853, one.png)

>>2211249I was never in that server, so I took it at face value when she claimed she was a minor, since teenagers can be pedos for younger children too. I don't know why she bothered lying, CSA committed by teenagers on children is more common than you'd think. It's still abuse.
>>2211261I thought she was asking questions to incriminate her, but I looked at the archived callout site and her confession to being a pedo in DMs was in April, but the more graphic conversations about playing lolicon games and seeing real CP were later in June and October. I bet Suni was okay with it and only came out about it because of some other beef.
No. 2211562
>>2211534you weren't in the server so you didn't see it go down, but yes it was specifically because they got into a huge argument that led to suni outing cakie as revenge. i don't think we know what exactly the beef was, but cakie either left or was kicked (a big deal because she was essentially head moderator underneath suni due to them being so close), and then shortly afterwards suni dumped the screenshots in the server and some sort of excuse for why she didn't tell anyone.
keep in mind, this was a server with a ton of minors that cakie was allowed to moderate for at least one full year, if not closer to two, after the original "i'm a pedophile" message here. suni let her self-admitted pedophile friend not just have access to a server full of minors, but be in a position of power over them, for a year minimum.
based on her callout post, she's a pedo too, so it checks out. from someone who was there at the time and watched how they interacted, it seemed to me like they would enable each other and excuse each other's behavior at first with "oh well we're seventeen so we can't be pedophiles!" of course, that excuse stopped working when they stopped being seventeen, and you can see the discussions about it get more extreme as they stop trying to excuse it. also important to keep in mind that suni only showed us what made her look good, and even what made her look good in her own eyes is her enabling a pedo.
>>2211431she started talking about her period and how she wishes she didn't have one when she self-posted, which ironically smelled even more troon-y to me. like a moid playing a caricature of a period-hating woman.
No. 2212642
>>2211576weirdly, no, not anyone i saw. suni pulled an "i was too scared to tell anyone" sort of
victim card at the time and because she had one of the biggest sites on neocities at the time, i guess no-one wanted to get on her bad side? i actually remember her freaking out at anyone who asked more questions about it and calling it
victim-blaming if you pointed out she shouldn't have hidden this for literal years. i think she lost a friend or two over it (there was some pompompurin-themed blog i remember slowly stopped associating wit her so publicly over it despite them previously being close, don't remember the blog name) but there were essentially no repercussions for obvious pedo-enabling.
the roxelle callout website was made by dreamie and the criticism of suni for this situation on neocities at the time was spear-headed by dreamie, so i can see how that would have put people off or made people not think it was a big deal. she also pulled shipping drama into it and i'm sure that made it seem like she was only talking about fictional things, which could have made people think that's all it was and not suni encouraging her best friend to groom a real-life child. everything between suni and dreamie was incredibly volatile too, so maybe people just wanted to stay away from it entirely. unfortunate case of "worst person you know is technically correct but handling it in the worst way possible and now no-one cares."
as for what made cakie's pedo-dar go off and feel safe telling suni, i'm near-positive they used to share cartoon CP with each other. given that they're both into it and cakie felt so comfortable talking about it with suni, the jump from "we both like cartoon CP" to "i feel safe telling you i like actual CP" makes total sense to me.
No. 2214041
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>>2211115Picrel is not NSFW, just… unsettling.
And lowrez. Sorry not sorry.For anyone interested, the "Unteralterbach" mentioned is a Krautchan visual novel where little girls aged 8-9 consent to kinky sex with an adult NEET protagonist. All the other adults are elther le heckin based fellow pedophiles or ugly moralfags ruining their kids' sex lives… because in this world, child porn is created FOR children. The game's basic assertion is that children are fully autonomous sexual creatures who don't need adult protection, that adults who try to protect children are stupid hypocrites making everything worse, and the best ending for everyone— especially the kids!— is laissez-faire degeneracy. You cannot make this shit up. I read some deranged scrote's review to get a plot summary and that alone made me want to crawl out of my skin. The only person who, unprompted, wishes for a world like that of Unteralterbach is a full blown pedo who is not just interested in raping children, but doing so repeatedly and getting away with the crime.
The DMs cut off, but I'm sure Cakie went on to explain what this game is about. I wonder if Doko played it herself after their convo? I don't usually believe in guilt by association, but I have no idea how you could maintain 6+ months of friendship with someone who keeps espousing their love of child abuse unless you're an aspiring abuser yourself.
No. 2214050
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>>2214041Excerpt from the scrote review. You can find the whole thing on VNDB if you're curious but be warned, the way he describes the heroines is legitimately disgusting. The version on his website also has screenshots. I didn't scroll far enough to see everything he included so… click at your own risk. I saw one screencap of a girl flirting with the protagonist and I wanted to throw up. I've had enough now kek.
No. 2230277
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Vivarism updated her old site after two years
No. 2231048
>>2230940NTA but I guess it's kind of a random thread bump, we have been so dry ob milk lately kek
Have people really moved away from NC after finding out about the AI blog post? I saw many goodbye posts during that week but no one I'm following moved out so I'm not sure how big the migration was. If all those terminally online users stepped away from NC it would explain why it has been calmer lately.
No. 2232249
>>2231048I think a few people have. I've not really updated since it came out either, but for unrelated reasons (hating the social media feed aspect of the site) I've been thinking of finding a new host and redirecting off.
Unrelated, but Flonne recently dropped the fact she's a farmer/reads the cow threads on here… I wonder how long until people start the "evul
terf dont interact with her" sperg again kek
No. 2232977
>>2232249I moved to a new host and it's nice, I really like being able to use php and have custom domains. Looked up a small host with Cpanel integrated as I'm kinda illiterate when it comes to tech and the moving was so smooth and easy. I recoment either Tea Cake or Leprd (I'm using one of these) when they open slots again, though I'm not sure if they accept terfy stuff in case you got that on your site.
Weirdly, it seems to have broken the webrings I joined that use onion ring scrip though… Someone else on that host also has a broken onion ring widget on their site, so I wonder if it's a problem on our host's part for whatever reason. I ended up making a fake widget to link to the rings + 2 members.
No. 2235627
>>2233350It was fixed! Looks like the owner just forgot to update my name on the .js file as well as on the main page (just changed the later).
When I asked the owner for the update and it didn't work, along with seeing someone with a broken widget, I just assumed there was something going on.
No. 2235755
>>2232977The onionring widget is sensitive to trailing slashes in URLs. If you don't spell your site URL in the widget code exactly as it's spelled in the site list, it won't work.
I wrote a PHP script that fetches the two JavaScript files from the webring hub and rewrites them before sending them to the visitor's browser.
No. 2235783
>>2235755Yeah look the post before yours, luckily it was just a slip by the mod.
Kind of unrelated, but why are there so little info on how to make your own RSS feeds manually for websites? It was super simple in the end & got mine running fine, but everywhere I looked they just wrote tutorials on how to make automatic ones for blogs, wordpress and such.
No. 2237739
>>2237721I forgot about premade layouts, I guess that's a better option then.
>>2237728I'm not lazy I swear.
>>2237731HTML and CSS. I know very little about coding and only just started to understand things like a month ago kek.
No. 2237756
>>2237699If you just want a quick site for the sake of it, go for it or premade layouts (the later will probably me more comprehensive, people usually write notes of the code itself so you know what to and how to edit it).
If you want to learn to code, using it is retarded, it's the equivalent of wanting to learn how to cook and then ordering takeaway instead of making the meal yourself.
Learning HTML/CSS is super easy, just go bit by bit and coding along tutorials. Don't focus on making a gigantic website all responsive with cool effects as your first site, start smaĺl.
The other day I made a super simple shrine that was basically a centered text file (a single div with images and text) and a bunch of people told me how nice it looked, the colors, graphics and font you use often matter more than how complex the layout/code is.
If you have any specific question aside from "wah wah it's hard", I'm more than happy to help. I made my first steps with HTMLDog's tutorials and I found them very easy to understand.
No. 2237762
>>2237743>>2237750kek thank you
>>2237755>>2237746I'm just getting started nonnas and I do want to learn everything in depth properly but I'm just too excited to make something that I had in mind for a long time and I can't hold it in anymore kek
>>2237756I have been using that site to learn and it does look easy from what I've seen so far. I forget everything quickly though so I need to practice coding more, if that's even a thing maybe I'm just retarded. Thank you though
No. 2237767
>>2237762anon, most of us are active to various degrees in this community because it's the one of only online places left that doesn't provide this sort of immediate gratification. building a personal site requires a bit of effort and creativity to forge your little place on the net.
while I can understand your attitude may be rooted in excitement as opposed to laziness; respectfully you can go back on insta or xitter with that kind of attitude. rip code from other sources and experiment until you get the results you want: it's called learning.
No. 2237773
>>2237762>I forget everything quickly though so I need to practice coding more, That's completely normal, don't worry nona. I tend to forget stuff as well, specially if I haven't coded in awhile.
Do you use any specific code editor? I use Brackets and it's super useful because after you write a tag it shows a dropdown with the possible variables it can have, and with its live preview it makes it super easy to play around. I believe the dropdown thing is pretty much a standard on every code editor though.
I also like to have a base HTML and CSS files with the basics of pages (The standard html/style/body tags for HTML one and the body/anchor/italics/etc tags on the CSS one) that way I already have a bit of the work done every time I want to make a new page, it makes the workflow easier.
No. 2237824
>>2237767Kek I understand. I apologize for sounding like an ADHD zoomie but I do actually plan on learning everything properly. Not to blogpost but it's one of the few things that I've had an interest in in a really long time so I think I'm motivated enough. The page I want to make right now is more of an itch that I want to get rid of, if that makes sense sorry I'm ESL.
>>2237773Nope, just playing around with the notepad using cheat sheets trying to figure out how everything works. I should probably use an editor though. Thanks for the tips
No. 2238275
>>2238076Copilot codes like shit as well kek At least stuff like JS, my friend googled how to do something and Copilot poped out and gave her the most stupid string ever (I don't remember it, but it was something like "false; false; false" repeating over 100 times).
In the end of the day, the first Stack Exchange result that shows up tend to give you a better solution and cleaner code. Specially for begginer, as you said AI code needs lots of clean up and for someone new it's best to give them the most simple code so they understand it fully.
No. 2238310
>>2238275AI stuff can be helpful with small snippets and if you want it to actually do something coherent you have to go full proompter mode and spend more time on perfecting the code with prompts than actually writing it yourself. It can be useful in explaining certain things through code, like if you wanted a css animation that works in a super specific way for example.
You can also use chatgpt to explain you code which is what I think could actually be of use to a beginner. If there's a snippet you just can't wrap your head around it's like your personal stack overflow but at that point that's just glorified google.
No. 2238448
>>2238413NTA but remember everything is boxes. Make a big box and position it centered, then inside that box make 2 or 3 ones and use flexbox or in-line to make them side by side, then inside one of them make more divs and so on.
Try using inspect element on any website, it makes it very clear to see how pages are structured. Look into flexbox or CSS grids if you want to make divs to be side by side rather than on top of eachother.
Putting this at the start of your CSS file might help as well if you want precise div sizing, as it makes elements take padding and margin into account (ie normally if you make a 500px div with 10px padding, the final box will be 510px in width rather than 500, but this fixes it)
* {box-sizing: border-box}
No. 2239114
File: 1730749678898.jpeg (123.52 KB, 720x540, IMG_5742.jpeg)

>>2238395CSS is a highly complex language. It is continually evolving. I believe that someone could get the basics down in one day… Like "oh okay, rule colon value semicolon inside the squiggly brackets!" But to grasp its nuances, limits, capabilities, best practices, and beauty, you need months and years of experience. And CSS knowledge alone doesn't guarantee a well-designed or interesting webpage. It's normal to struggle as we improve. It's normal for things to take time. I can only guess at your motivations for bragging that you got it down in just one day. I'm not holding it against you. I just want to give beginners more realistic projections of their learning journey. It's not a race, right?
>>2238375I consider myself highly skilled at CSS. I've been working with it in some capacity for about 8 years. I'm entirely self-taught. When I started making my own websites from scratch, it took me two or three tries, spanning 1-2 months, to build a decent foundation. I designed dozens of garbage pages and spent hours troubleshooting my cringefail code. It was fun though. I found myself troubleshooting less and writing more— still with references and resources at hand— after about a year, or a year and a half. After another year of experience, I'd say I was very capable. Now, after ~5 years of making websites, I'd say I'm a master. There's still tons that I don't know. My work isn't perfect. But
now I grasp new things in a single day. I needed all those months and years of practice to get here.
I only got here because I never rush my learning. It's normal to get frustrated. Even now, I have moments where I just gotta give up and go to bed. You will always need references, tutorials, and random StackExchange posts to guide you. Some things you can memorize, but why pressure yourself to have it all in your brain? It could more easily be in a pinned W3Schools tab. Maybe it would help to remember that CSS is a language unto itself. Would you expect to be fluent in Spanish or French after a week of self-teaching? And when you make websites, you're learning a handful of other things alongside CSS. HTML, web/graphic design, writing, drawing, image manipulation, maybe some Javascript or JQuery. Hell, you even have to learn your chosen code editor and decide how to structure your files. All that saps your brainpower, too.
To anyone who's getting frustrated: take a break. Remember that it's difficult to learn new skills. Remember why you're working so hard to learn things anyway. Don't go back to working until you come up with a reason that excites you. And as basic as it sounds, you just gotta take time away from the computer. Some of my biggest CSS and design issues I solved in the shower, or in a dream.
>tldr1 year to get the hang of it. 2 years to be good at it. 5 years to master it. Keep going everynonny. You can do this!
No. 2239210
>>2239114>Some of my biggest CSS and design issues I solved in the shower, or in a dream.This is so true kek
The other day I couldn't get this thing to work (just a small aesthetic thing, not important for the page itself) and I was pulling my hair because god everything was correct, there's no reason of why it keeps failing to load.
Then while sleeping that night, my brain went "Webpages read sheets from top to bottom. You're overwritting the effect since you put it before the other div style with the same effect but different variable on the sheet".
It was such a silly error, sometimes that stuff happens.
No. 2240148
>>2238448Thank you, you put it in plainer terms than most tutorial videos that only overcomplicate things. I was trying to use floats and it made me want to hang myself.
>>2239114And thank you too nona, these are all very good suggestions. This made me feel hopeful. I have the tendency to abandon things if I'm not immediately good at them but this is something I really, really want to learn.
>I only got here because I never rush my learning. It's normal to get frustrated. Even now, I have moments where I just gotta give up and go to bed.>Some things you can memorize, but why pressure yourself to have it all in your brain?This is what I'm trying to internalize, I suffer from imposter syndrome - if I can't recall every rule from memory or solve logical problems in under ten minutes then I'm clearly a fraud and should just give up.
>Some of my biggest CSS and design issues I solved in the shower, or in a dream.Kek funny how that is, sometimes things just don't click for me until I'm half asleep, deep in my thoughts.
No. 2240290
>>2240148Those videos must hate their viewers if they told them to position stuff using float kek
(It can be useful, but it's better and more secure to do so in other ways. Leave floats for putting images on text).
No. 2240939
>>2237699Anon who asked this. I concede.. ChatGPT is actually retarded kek. It seems allergic to keeping its hand off my code for things that I didn't ask it to change and I had to ask it not to do that everytime. It's been like two days and I've already given up on it. I did find it useful for asking questions though but it was very frustrating to deal with for writing codes. I've moved on to using premade layouts and while I couldn't find what I had in mind exactly, I think that's a good thing. Now I just have to work a little harder to find out how to make what I want on my own while still not needing to do everything from scratch. I'm still exploring all the possibilities and the limits of what I can do but yeah
>>2237963>>2238025>>2238076Sorry for the late reply but thank you nonas. I'm using visual studio code right now and trying to read different guides. I'm actually surprised by how many simple guides there are out there, it's been somewhat easy and very fun.
No. 2241025
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>>2240332I'm guessing ayrt assumed she meant "programming language," which is a common misconception about both HTML and CSS. You're right that it's a (well, the only) style sheet language, but colloquially, it's rarely referred to in those terms. Just like people seldom call HTML, Markdown, BBCode, or SVGs languages even though they all technically qualify.
>>2238375CSS is very simple to get started with, but takes a lot longer to master. Saw you mention that you were trying to use floats in
>>2240148 which is a good segue into my advice for you. Focus on modern CSS, use reputable learning sources, and get a good handle on when to use things (for example, float is useful if you want text to wrap around an image, but not for actual element positioning). If your primary concern is how to actually structure a webpage (vs the easy stuff, like setting background colors), you'll want to focus on flexbox and grid, like the other anon said. You will resolve 99% of your positioning problems if you can grasp these concepts. I often return to when I need a refresher. Also, if your code has a ton of absolute positioning and precise pixels (ie position absolute set to -134.5px), just know it will probably look bad on different displays and there's almost always a better way to be doing whatever it is you're trying to accomplish. You also can use units aside from px, like em and %, or even vh/vw. Basically, play around with concepts you're unfamiliar with and see what's out there. CSS has come a long way and has changed a lot even just within the last few years. A lot of things people used to struggle with now have very elegant solutions if you can find them.
No. 2246478
>>2245176>>2245939kek I’ve definitely seen her posting on other threads since then. I’ve seen her post her art
>>2245246I wonder the same thing. I don’t think anyone knows I post here so it is amusing when I see my site being mentioned
>>2245914You could always post hints here like past nonas have done to get their site found by others. That or you can join some of the web rings that are popular in this thread and interact with the members.
No. 2247335
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Anyone else enjoying the post election neocities melties?
No. 2247365
>>2245939The way she would openly shit talk people she knew or affiliated with in her blog was hilariously dumb. She was so convinced Discord was somehow the root of all evil when it was really her
toxic behavior that made it difficult to have friends online. She also joined some weird furry webring created by a zoophile before she deleted her site, but I lost the link.
>>2246478>I’ve seen her post her artWhich thread?
No. 2247639
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Has anyone seen this neocities petition site? They’re collecting signatures in a google form to send to kyle drake in protest of the AI blog he wrote. I can’t imagine how kyle drake will react seeing this sent to him
No. 2247726
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>>2247639I wonder if it’s being run by the gross owlmoid.
No. 2247924
>>2247335Depends, if they're trannies it's funny (nooo they're deadnaming me, time to occupy another country kek) but for women I do feel bad for them. Not a burger so I'm not very knowledgable on what's happening, but from what I have heard on the radio Trump's campaign seems everything but right, hope you all survive these 4 years.
It's gonna suck but it will pass, I think people are forgetting this isn't forever.
No. 2252928
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>>2248115Always have a default theme loaded, and have that theme selected in the dropdown. One could elaborate by setting a cookie to remember the visitor's last choice. This code will work in all browsers.
No. 2252934
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>>2252928I can't type. kek
No. 2254833
File: 1731283796361.png (168.17 KB, 1023x280, Tabatinga is tabalive.png)

>Apparently I had an impersonator
Nice save.
No. 2257103
File: 1731395238445.gif (8.91 MB, 2506x1140, kao.gif) drag and drop worlds, had to start making my own pixel art. anyone got a good link to an archive or webring? I used to search the waybackmachine's japanese sozai web material rankings, but so much is totally dead. sharing this gendie'd but well coded piece I grew up on Kisekae dolls
No. 2262630
>>2262515DA while I agree with you this line killed me.
>its just teenagers and young adults trying to express themselfs.They suck at is soooo fucking much kek. Several times my friends have been like "ughhh this tif made an amazing site!! I will NEVER make something this original!!!!!!" And I click on it and it's the ugliest thing I've ever seen kekkkk.
No. 2262639
File: 1731732879707.png (758.52 KB, 784x712, WANTWOMAN.png)

>>2262617i'm with snide-mini-essay-anon on this. "I wish I could find normal woman" is a tired topic in this thread. At a certain point it's time to accept neocities for what it is and socialize with other women irl.
No. 2262752
>>2262639agree that it's a tired topic here, but "accepting neocities for what it is" is far from the only solution. if you want it, you can take the initiative and build it… isn't that the point of this hobby?
if the thing deterring you is people camping the webring or listing to call out terfs (like the woti webring), just do it without mentioning it in the thread
No. 2263392
>>2262630It's hard to consider it self-expression when they all look the same.
>>2262639Except most women I know IRL don't have this hobby. If you don't like complaining about genders, just scroll.
No. 2263748
>>2263711you can run a free website host yourself, too, anon…
and I don't understand your attachment to specifically a webhosting service with this purpose anyway. it sounds like you just want to browse websites with a certain tone, and, in that sense, there's no actual difference between browsing the neocities homepage and a weblisting you might make yourself
No. 2263828
>>2262515They hated you because you told them the truth lol.
>>2262570Wild statement considering you're essentially expecting the Internet to revolve around you. How can you even make it irl when you can't even handle a bunch of tifs that you can block in one second? Stop throwing tantrums and log off, retard
No. 2263886
>I wish more normal women were in this hobby/easier to findyou:
>Stop throwing tantrums and log off, retardsomebody's throwing a tantrum but I don't think it's them
No. 2264223
anti-porn nonnies, if you were starting up a forum/board, what lengths would you go to in order to keep porn links off the boards? i would like to keep weird degens who try to spread their gross fetish art of kids' shows off my community as much as possible. i was thinking of implementing something like "if you own a links page on your site, and you want to link to it here, it can't have porn site links on it." Or if they're an artist and they link to, like, their twitter or w/e, they can't have a link in bio to their porn patreon/tumblr or something, or be actively retweeting NSFW adult stuff.
good idea? too extreme? i know a lot of writing/artfolk like to do nsfw stuff on the side, and that's their right, but i'm honestly so sick of how normalized all that stuff has gotten. like, it used to be that writers and artists were smart enough to keep that stuff separate from their mainstream stuff. idk, maybe i'm too unreasonable.
No. 2264230
>>2264223Just ban that shit outright
People on the early Internet used to have common sense
If you were in a listserv dedicated to an artist, nobody would be posting erotic or political stuff
It's not even about being anti-porn, it's about the internet devolving into a sewer. Instead of connecting people, it's become about influencing people to do your bidding and buy your stuff. Including bodies n feet n shit, sex sells.
No. 2264306
>>2264230thanks anon. that's my feeling on it too. I feel like SFW should just be the accepted default like it once was. SFW/NSFW was way more segregated back then and I think it's definitely something to aspire to again.
>>2264299no offense taken at all, anon! I don't really expect it to be a big community, yeah, and from a modding standpoint/trying to maintain a certain atmosphere, I don't think I'd want it to be.
it's not so much that I don't want artists who might draw porn to join, it's like, I don't want them sharing links to porn or something like a social media bio that immediately slaps you in the face with a link to an NSFW twitter or w/e.
i don't like the format of discord but i get what you mean.
No. 2264310
>>2264306NTA but I think banning NSFW/questionable links, images and text inside the forum is enough to keep a good atmosphere, the usual rules sites that don't allow NSFW abide by, I use the Animal Crossing forum and it's very nice.
It's imposible to police people for what they do outside your site, if you or anyone were able to do so not a single person would be able to join anywere. If for example, you put this rule in effect
>"if you own a links page on your site, and you want to link to it here, it can't have porn site links on it."It would work… for one or two sites deep. Maybe User A is fully SFW and their linkages are SFW sites as well, but there's no telling that if you follow one of these linkages, the new site won't have any questionable link despite being a SFW site.
No. 2264630
>>2264410lots. making HTML/CSS mistakes is something everyone stumbles with. for me it was stuff like making sure my tags were closed, double-checking my div names and stuff like that.
test everything locally before you push it out online, and you'll catch a lot of your mistakes. but you're new, so try not to stress to hard about this right now- just focus on getting in practice, and learning how to troubleshoot your code and fix stuff as it comes up!
No. 2267109
File: 1732028133033.jpg (52.57 KB, 386x364, stfu.jpg)

>>2254833she thinks she's so clever
No. 2278916
File: 1732714181709.jpg (222.66 KB, 1232x398, nephro-feelingmachine.jpg)

It seems that sugarteara/feelingmachine/nephro took down her site. She was a gendie but she was comparatively chill to the rest of her friend group, the annoying part is that she took down 2 large webrings. One of those is the alterhuman webring though, so nothing of value is lost.
No. 2285906
File: 1733095700868.jpg (230.02 KB, 1000x850, latestactivity.jpg)

did kyle do something to the preview thumbnails for neocities? they look all fucked up and squished now, before they were fine. they only look like this on the feed for some reason.
No. 2285917
>>2247335These don't look like meltdowns, people just sound exhausted other than like the first one.
>>2277358Very low and neocities is pretty big I can't see it just vanishing that
No. 2288221
>>2288198Oh, you're right. I got a collection of JP pre-2015 websites/blogs (many of them made with fc2) and not a single one has the Powered by banner or ads despite some of them being abandoned for a decade.
I didn't think much of it when I came across some new sites the other day, but I went back to my archive and all of them are clean. I think they first removed the ads and then the baner, I have a feeling I saw the credits until very short ago but now that you mention it, I think I haven't seen ads for 2 months or so.
I wonder if this will be a temporary thing or forever, removing the credit I can understand, but removing the ads on innactive sites as well is a weird (but welcomed) decision, the guys at Fc2 need to eat as well. Since you have an account there, haven't they made any statement about it?
No. 2292075
>>2291914Thanks a lot for the info!
Looked it up and I made a post elsewhere back in March with Fc2 sites and I had to mention you could close ads in them (each page of most JP art sites consist of 3 iframes/similar js, they looked crazy with all the ads on each frame kek), so I guess it's kinda recent.
No. 2296333
>>2296326First of all, always work on your site locally so that you have it fully on your device. That way even if by some ridiculously rare chance you get removed from whatever host you're on, you'll always have a backup. Second of all, getting "cancelled" doesn't really happen in the world of personal websites. There's a probable
terf blocklist going around neocities, sure, but no terfy website ever got taken down. Word of mouth kind of travels slowly through these circles, and user turnover tends to be pretty high as many people lose interest in maintaining their sites so past dramas tend to be forgotten about quickly.
The only sites that I've personally witnessed get deleted had extreme racist material, and even then it's a toss-up, many such sites still exist with no issues.
As for other hosts, people give even less of a shit. Even on neocities all you have to do to take eyes off your site is disable your site profile. Nobody will be able to follow you which will reduce the social aspect a lot but you can still follow others others.
No. 2299056
Sorry to interrupt but I've been wondering if anyone has had issues from Kyle for posting links to pirated material like for example? I won't be hosting any copyrighted material myself, only linking to their sites. I'm wondering if it goes against the rule of not breaking US law. Thanks!
No. 2299111
>>2299093You're welcome.
I doubt that Kyle personally reads every page on NeoCities sites. However, trade organizations are constantly scouring the Web for pirated material. If they send Kyle a DMCA takedown request, he'll probably comply.
If I were going to host any kind of file sharing site, I'd make it a members-only site where non-members never see anything but the login page. You'd obviously have to use a paid host for that.
Another thing that probably won't be a concern for most small personal website owners but is worth mentioning is Google page ranking. If Google receives a DCMA complaint, they'll reduce your page ranking in search results. The more complaints they receive, the further your site will be demoted. I've never received much traffic from Google anyway, so I don't care about it myself.
No. 2300058
>>2299111NTA but your last point made me laugh a bit because I put all the means I have to avoid my site appearing on Google/search engines kek I only want to exist on the personal website bubble.
I checked my stats today and for some reason I had a bunch of visits coming from Youtube since a few days ago though. I wonder how that works.
No. 2300979
File: 1733796690338.png (1.66 KB, 636x44, sad.png)

Is the women of the internet webring dead? It hasn't been updated in months and there doesn't seem to be any upkeep on it like removing dead sites.
No. 2301536
>>2300979People have lives. I'm on fanlistings that only update once a year or so kek So I wouldn't count it as dead.
(My button/URL needs to be updated and it bugs me a bit, but we can all wait. Hope the nona who made the rong os doing fine, but to be honest the latter half of a year is always so busy so I guess she's occupied with other things)
No. 2301615
>>2300386Thought it was imposible since I keep a low profile and often these videos only show popular Neocities sites, but…. God, yes I'm on that video kek.
Looking at the thumbnail I thought it was gonna be some annoying theythem, but it ended up very wholesome. Seeing live reactions to my silly stuff really made my morning, thanks a lot for sharing!
No. 2301645
>>2301623My webhost has CPanel integrated, so I simply use it. Looks ugly but does the work.
For others, I have seen people use FC2's counters and they look cute but I'm not sure to which extent it operates (as in, if it only counts visits or if it tells you which links people visit). I also used to have Statcounter back on my Tumblr blog days and it was pretty clean and complete.
No. 2302075
File: 1733852961697.png (71.76 KB, 328x217, grandma.PNG)

our grandma is back on nekoweb! No. 2302420
File: 1733862283464.jpg (921.58 KB, 1080x1876, Screenshot_20241210-141721_Fir…)

>>2302075She has a whole article on vtubers and I noticed there's a bunch of gaming stuff on her Amazon wishlist. Could we have a granny chuuba on our hands? I want to listen to her read her stories live.
No. 2302616
>>2302554Depends what you want to get from the stats. I'm just curious at the most popular pages and referees (to know which sites link to me, it's fun) so CPanel does the job for me.
Statcounter is much more useful in the way the info is more connected than CPanel, if I recall correctly the
IP [Opens to] Page link | Time spent on it
So it was good to know your usual visitors and their activity, I think you could even nickname the IPs so you know more easily if the same person visited twice or if you know your friends' IP. Meanwhile CPanek tells you that but mostly detached.
I think the only downside of Statcounter was it only saves a few hundred pages
No. 2303026
File: 1733879508856.jpg (38.57 KB, 680x383, webgranny.jpg)

>>2302420i like it when gamgam spergs out like this KEKKKK
No. 2303033
File: 1733879861530.png (203.93 KB, 983x320, 2024_12_10___20_11_047.png)

>>2302075and, of course, she has a blog post about agora road posted on the same day as
>>2291175 … a cesspool with no future but she still can't stop herself from posting here identifiably, kek
No. 2303039
>>2303033>discourage new users from joiningI wish this actually worked
>self-hating feminazislol…? Why? Because this site shits on e-thots and pickmes?
No. 2304257
File: 1733948501760.png (64.61 KB, 660x109, moar-grandma.png)

>>2302075Granny's still lurking. kek
No. 2305217
>>2303501>>2304857This gave me a chuckle
(my first thought were roman visigoths as well lmao)
No. 2306017
File: 1734048556178.png (430.91 KB, 683x818, gramma.PNG)

grandma nooo
No. 2316411
File: 1734757612046.png (26.77 KB, 218x121, definitelynotagirl.png)

it's really insane constantly seeing really well-designed and creative sites designed by women only to be plastered with shit like this. i get the indie web has a lot of weirdos, but where are women without gender brain poisoning oh my fucking god
No. 2320210
>>2319358While you're right and I understand you and the anons above, I feel you're forgetting how was the web back then. Yes, there were lots of webmasters who didn't care about metrics and simply updated their page with whatever new bikes had come out. But there was also an important sub set of people who lived for these and wanted to be the #1 website for whatever subject and would even badmouth others to try make them less popular, stuff like visitor counters and Clap have been around for ages for that reason, it's nornal for humans to want to grab others' attention with their hard work.
I feel the "Old web isn't about followers!!" crowd is the same as the "Old web never had drama!" one, clueless and whose knowledge of personal sites and their spaces comes from whatever others parrot.
No. 2320796
>>2320260Not really? Livejournal had
friends of people who were in your circle and could access your posts. There were people who were called "serial adders" and wanted to have as many "friends" as possible, but on sites like Livejournal it was literally just people who had access to your locked posts.
No. 2321208
File: 1735233900596.jpg (35.11 KB, 576x275, nekoweb1.jpg)

The official nekoweb discord stole the name neocities for its offical link so they could get all the clueless kids who want to join the neocities discord kek. Would be funny as an april fools joke, but considering it seems to be a permanent thing it comes across as extremely pathetic.
No. 2321261
File: 1735236026712.jpg (41.59 KB, 645x433, nekoweb2.jpg)

>>2321254They even took a slightly edgier direction recently and there's kids in there bragging about their kiwifarms accounts now.
No. 2321645
File: 1735248639772.jpg (57.31 KB, 1080x154, 1000061529.jpg)

>>2321261Can't wait to see these retards posted here.
No. 2322227
File: 1735288973766.gif (22.94 KB, 88x31, d6582ace273129c8fcf3bdf1e514df…)

Does anybody know when nenetl went down? I'm bummed that I missed it, she seems cool even if she wasn't oldmin
No. 2323176
File: 1735342676403.png (240.03 KB, 500x500, troid.png)

this caveman troid with a Neanderthal brow and 5 oclock shadow runs a straight up porn site screenshots of porn scenes with erect penises everywhere. No. 2323188
File: 1735343173884.png (Spoiler Image,1.5 MB, 730x967, ew.png)

>>2323182the fact that he even shows up on the activity feed means his site isnt marked as NSFW. This makes it easy for children to find.
>pic rel. "krystal's" beard No. 2323561
File: 1735368902768.jpg (112.17 KB, 798x801, yesterweb2.jpg)

>>2323203>>2323095>>2323287I still can't decide whether they're both the same person,
>>>/snow/1972643 this post points to it being true and I remember testing it myself and confirming it. The presence.html is interestingly enough wiped from wayback machine which corroborates this. Either way what I still personally can't get over is her bragging about being an LC admin on yesterweb of all places kek
No. 2328049
>>2327791I migrated to Dreamwidth not long ago after being in Fc2. I'm not even sure why because Fc2's blog customization and image hosting is way better, but after 2 years in DW I'm too rooted in it to move back kek.
I can't say it's gendercrit-friendly (pretty sure the reverse, actually) but I like the community there, it's pretty chill.
No. 2331583
>>2331130Ayrt and idc if they're women, they're still gendies as
>>2331327 pointed out.
No. 2332870
>>2332302No radical political statement is being made with WOTI, all women are accepted into the webring. Truth of the matter is, even if a hidden webring got made that never got mentioned on LC, it would have an overlap with WOTI and people would make assumptions based on that. This community is already so small, it's not hard for people to make connections. Even after being branded as a
terf and getting blocked by more than 30 websites - most of which are inactive and deleted by the way, I have people reaching out to me quite often because nobody cares that much. This isn't twitter or tumblr, and most people are open to communicate and aren't engaged in the community drama. The only real security measure you should partake in is not putting your real name out there.
No. 2343122
File: 1736645149584.png (126.94 KB, 876x847, fatrapixel.png)

Another loser with a boring site and no personality stirring up drama with woti because she can't get attention any other way. Must be a day ending in Y
No. 2343126
File: 1736645544458.png (35.72 KB, 598x247, image-35.png)

>>2343122She's such a hypocrite. She's in the free speech webring too so I guess that only counts unless you're a woman without pronouns?
No. 2343180
File: 1736650522268.jpg (350.92 KB, 1017x586, 00.jpg)

>>2343122checked her website and lmao
No. 2343189
File: 1736651562616.png (42.36 KB, 552x128, スクリーンショット 2025-01-12…)

>>2343122she's even using her status cafe to sperg about it all. girlie is so late to the party and she's getting all high and mighty about how the admin didn't respond when the webring was IA until quite literally a day ago. free speech for all unless you kiss the ground moids walk on, i guess
No. 2343452
File: 1736677693867.png (40.21 KB, 1430x190, Screenshot 2025-01-12 at 23.24…)

>>2343180she's since deleted this and posted this delightful little comment… because yes, calling out the hypocrisy of being apart of a free-speech webring run by a right-winger and opposing "cancel culture" is definitely being pissy!
No. 2344103
File: 1736717367276.gif (729.16 KB, 220x220, nikocado-avocado-mental-breakd…)

>>2343122>scrotes and pickmes when men aren't allowed to colonize women's spacesI don't know why they freak out over WOTI. It's not even a transphobic/radfem webring because female gendies are allowed to join. WOTI specifically doesn't police your beliefs. Anyone can join as long as they're an adult woman
No. 2344124
File: 1736719662765.jpeg (61.26 KB, 504x595, petra.jpeg)

>>2343126the dislikes on her site's about are even more hypocritical
No. 2344315
File: 1736726292846.png (35.07 KB, 1128x146, sped.png)

Great. The harassment is about to start again. Cant wait for the "um, just so you know, you are in a transphobic webring for terfs".
No. 2344388
File: 1736728067696.png (358.33 KB, 620x3073, Untitleds.png)

>>2344165her website is beyond boring. the most interesting thing is her screeching about polyamory on her listography and even then my eyes glazed over. she has no original thoughts in her head
No. 2344409
File: 1736728425533.png (Spoiler Image,1.16 MB, 1006x1020, eyebleachNOW.png)

>>2344388another funny thing is her obsession with game grumps. she draws hideous yaoi (unspoiler at your own risk) and makes cutesy edits of these ugly ass homeless looking men writes rpf on her ao3 too but seems to have scrubbed the gg porn
No. 2344937
>>2344388>many poly relationships are inherently queercongrats to the muslim men with several wives who are now totally
valid queers in the eyes of the all-knowing petra
No. 2344949
File: 1736767127908.png (1.14 MB, 1822x1286, YAOINOTFOUND.png)

>>2344720you know what makes this better
nonnie? she was also yaoiposting about dream and george from the dsmp on her blog as well. im surprised she never posted any fanart of them kek
No. 2344996
>>2344394Hm, then I would go for Neocities. Yoy get a blog plus whatever else you want to add your site.
I have seen people integrate their Fc2 and DW blogs on their site as well, but that makes you reliant on those sites and you could lose your entries if you don't back them up when the sites eventually close down. What bugged me when I hosted my blog over NC was having to add br and p tags all the time, but I think there are plain text -> HTML auto formaters around.
There's also sites like Bloggable and Zonekets meant to be integrations to your site for creating blog posts in a easy way (and have them hosted on your site itself rather than on a 3rd party platform)
No. 2345181
File: 1736780762334.jpg (690.82 KB, 1043x1468, Lg.jpg)

>>2343122I guess she wants to be the next sadgrl since she has a bunch of resources and a layout builder on her site. There's better ways to ask for clout and donations than making weak virtue signaling posts girl.
No. 2345185
File: 1736781140186.jpg (208.35 KB, 1080x879, 1000063406.jpg)

>>2343122These people are braindead. They see a pretty site and click follow. Herself included, or she would have read between the lines checking the ones in the webring.
>>2345181Yea she even has a ko-fi up lol
No. 2345459
File: 1736793570086.png (134 KB, 1141x614, untitlde.png)

>>2344949She hasn't drawn them but she has written more than 40,000 words of Minecraft YouTuber yaoi. And they have to be polyamorous too because of her retarded obsession. wonder what her girlfriend thinks about this. Maybe it's a TIM? I guess if it was a real man she would talk about her relationship more. She doesn't seem attracted to women at all. And I wonder why she cares so much about poly shit if she only has one partner. Maybe the gf is the one who's cheating and she just has to cope with it
No. 2347747
>>2347742I found
phenomenal women of the web, but no wotw to be exact. could you possibly link to the source you found?
No. 2347751
File: 1736964903832.jpg (43.01 KB, 402x240, Screenshot_6.jpg)

>>2347747nta but I think that's what the anon is referring to.
No. 2348319
File: 1736993522262.gif (5.8 MB, 360x360, bullshit.gif)

how it feels to click onto a cool website only to get jumpscared by the mark of the beast
No. 2348434
File: 1737000142893.jpg (248.08 KB, 594x478, YWNBAW.jpg)

>>2348336agreed, it feels extra patronizing coming from a troon
No. 2351545
File: 1737174650173.png (15.41 KB, 590x97, pickme.png)

this retarded nlog pickme went on a whole diatribe about how shes not like other girls even though i doubt she has all these "boy" hobbies otherwise she would be posting about them on her site. But instead its just another boring bland pinkslop site. These retards have no hobbies, talents or personality. She thinks she is a troon now. These stupid handmaidens try so hard. Of course she is active in 32bit cafe No. 2352058
>>2351545>boyish hobbies: video games, woodworking, mechanics, pc building, blacksmithing, and digging holes in beachesThis woman is cooked.
>>2351931this is the neocities thread in /ot/. you can't expect every post to be a mizuki reveal. tamper your expectations.
No. 2352063
File: 1737218366961.png (600.17 KB, 2074x940, kf32.png)

>>235154532bit got posted on kf this week too. kek
No. 2352389
>>2351931>>2352377ia, this reads more like grudgewank. boring self hating women are dime a dozen in this sphere.
>>2352063the 32bit mascot always creeped me out. the huge stomach looks more like fetish art than a fat cat, and i'm pretty sure its artist draws that kind of crap too
No. 2352561
File: 1737237224158.png (4.69 MB, 2480x1754, 32furfag.png)

>>2352510The talented artist has created a nice diagram to explain the very relatable anatomy. Makes it easy for the fat user base to self insert.
No. 2352696
File: 1737242083210.jpg (725.54 KB, 1500x1995, GettyImages-927768566-WEB.jpg)

>>2352561That's not even how fat cats look. The whole body would be round, not have a giant fupa that shows through clothes. This is fetish art.
No. 2352785
File: 1737245759807.png (507.51 KB, 705x706, wtf.png)

>>2352561>>2352063The mascot fupa really does look identical to furry diaper bulge art. I thought it was a stretch until I looked closely. Art fail or intentional?
No. 2352795
File: 1737246434932.jpg (768.17 KB, 1080x1619, 1000064023.jpg)

>>2352561It's definitely related to her insecurities around being fat. The only other 2 pieces of art on her site are also fat and gross. No. 2352921
File: 1737252544187.png (201.66 KB, 1268x950, beyondhelp.png)

>>2352063they are having a riveting discussion right now about "rage bait". No surprise half of them would like to smash that report button on any possible web site that offends them. This retard claims to be ill due to emotional distress from the internet. No. 2353136
File: 1737264489551.webp (37.7 KB, 1200x800, primordial-pouch.webp)

>>2352696NTA but it is v funny to me that you call that cat not having a giant fupa and it does in the same pic you posted.
Not defending anything but for the record, this is a primordial pouch. (I just love cats)
No. 2353190
File: 1737267433788.png (238.06 KB, 400x480, Cat_belly_480x480.png)

>>2353136Even skinny cats get them. Not to defend the hideous art. It's not drawn in a way that looks like it has a bit of a tummy, but instead looks like some weird diaper or inflation shit. Like the proportions look like furfag porn
No. 2353537
File: 1737282519593.jpeg (96.42 KB, 576x548, IMG_6618.jpeg)

>>2352921I'm trying to figure out what ~dehumanized~ group she's part of and it's only MOGAI crap. Heteroflexible? Demigray ace? In the same breath, she admits that this is just being straight. It's better than a trans identity with actual consequences for her health and body though. She writes about being physically disabled. I can't tell if she's munching or not but I want to believe her. That would explain the dehumanization thing.
No. 2354132
>>2352795Ugh come on. She looks nothing like a man and she knows it. Being a fat balding bearded woman with obvious and severe mental illness scares everyone off. If she lost weight she'd be so much happier with herself, it's clear that she's extremely insecure about her size.
>>2352921>It challenges muh existenceWords on the internet aren't going to wipe her off the planet. Nobody has to justify anything to anyone, but of course that doesn't matter because getting upset is her whole personality.
No. 2354780
File: 1737337228997.png (504.62 KB, 655x776, grandmasperg.png)

Happened to visit Grandma today and I saw she wrote about us again weeks ago. Damn, Grandma, can't you tell we don't think about you? Based on her sperging, looks like Retiree Nekoweggot picked up some Newsmax talking points, foaming at the mouth about coping and seething like the boomers on Facebook. And it looks like old Saggy Vag reaaaaaaaally didn't like being called out for her bloated JavaScript in
>>2306499, fucking KEK I had to even search the thread to see what the hell she was talking about
Believe me if she were my grandma, I'd put her in a home and slap a DNR on her medical record. She had the right idea before. Nobody visits her website, shut it all down.
No. 2354871
>>2351545>digging holes in beachesKEKKKK. this is a new one.
in all seriousness, these pathetic girls would crumple and cry 'but muh disability' if you confronted them about their overt misogyny.
>>2354809i enjoy reading her articles too for the sheer insanity. i also liked grandma's old site because she actually has the skills that most people on NC claim to have. plus, it was unique unlike 99% other sites, even if the ugly AI porn wasn't to my taste.
No. 2357820
File: 1737473957953.jpg (294.56 KB, 845x548, TW5Y2875286T7YUAQGYU14Y14T1387…)

No. 2358890
File: 1737506507332.png (117.02 KB, 730x456, 1000015742.png)

>>2357820>>2358688Kekkkkk good try though
No. 2358977
File: 1737509750859.jpg (32.98 KB, 720x552, AAAAAAAAAAAH.jpg)

>>2358744noticed my mistake too late thank you for saving me
No. 2358979
File: 1737509900243.jpg (301.23 KB, 845x548, fixed.jpg)

>>2358977samefag heres my fix
No. 2365367
File: 1737819407307.jpg (39.07 KB, 680x510, e4606f395c2062358b8dc3baba98dc…)

What's some content that you all wish you saw more of on the old web? I have lots of ideas for my website and update regularly, but I also love seeing unique ideas and different ways everyone takes their site
No. 2365890
>>2365367I'm super noisy, so if for example someone has a page for their clothes, CD collection, old Pokemon or whatever I prefer if they ramble about the object (any memories, how they got/found it, how they style it, anything) instead of simply putting the images one next to the other.
Those kinds of things are my favorite, I have also seen pages for thrift/ebay/similar sites and they're fun.
No. 2367601
>>2365367i agree with the other
nonny that i really enjoy reading indepth notes about people’s creative projects they have going on. also book reviews, essays & thoughts about whatever they’re interested in, stuff like that. it’s fun to hear about different hobbies and their associated drama that i’ve never heard about before
No. 2368254
>>2368193Oh glad it wasn't just me, I thought trying so many usernames (all the variants I liked were taken) and/ot wanting to make an acc again flew off their sensors.
On advantages… I don't think there's much difference. Fc2 has groups and stuff, but I think they're pretty similar (I have never used Blogger though, so I might be wrong. But in that case, the later is probably better/more modern kek)
I just really love how old but nice the blog templates are in Fc2, my blog used to be so cute. Current blog sites mostly have modern-ish templates (even if they're made by usets) or focus on minimalism.
No. 2368358
>>2368325Honestly I was just on the farmers one as I'm not very social (that's why I prefer a full blogging platform instead of Tumblr) so I'm not sure kek
There were a few that seemed to have lots of people, but I never joined any. If you're interested in the group aspect you might enjoy Dreamwidth, its communities are pretty active all things considered.
No. 2368684
nonny. I attempted to make groups but got little to no members. I did get some in one but no one except me posted for over a year so I deleted it. Does tumblr have groups/communities?
No. 2372572
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>create fc2 blog
>immediately blocked because I am marked as spam
No. 2374511
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>>2368920Same, there were lots of drama between the younger people and it was patient 0 on the current social media climate and cancel culture, but 2010-15 Tumblr was so fun. Making intricate promo posts, the journal themes, ask blogs…. I don't think anything like that would be possible again, both because we grew up and due the aforementioned climate. I'm still active-ish on it, but it's a completely different place and dynamic now even though I'm still on touch with my 2010s mutuals here.
I loved LJ and Blogspost, but stuff like leaving tags on posts and asks made it more dynamic and fun, even if it was a little bit less social at times. It was also more free-ish in a way, I see harmless posts/jokes that would get you crucified nowadays.
I always get into fandoms a decade later, so all the content I got are in abandoned Tumblr blogs and seeing strangers' friend group interactions makes me so nostalgic. Lol XD So Random!! humor please come back, I can't stand wojaks any longer.
>>2372572So we're all having the same issue, uh… I wish they were more transparent. They keep making updates, both good and bad, but we know no shit of what's going on.
Maybe they don't want to host forgein blogs anymore?
No. 2378412
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This is exactly what we don't need on Neocities. Disgusting.
No. 2381257
>>2380413Just a normal blog, but they frooze it before I could even make an entry on it. I also asked an irl to try make an account on it so I could use it, but she got it frozen immediately as well, neither os us use a VON or anything strange.
The account themselves are fine, but is the blog that gets frozen. I used to have a blog there in 2022 so I don't know what happened.
No. 2391999
>>2390836I always figured the reason gendies are let into the woti webring was to avoid issues, but is useless since is becoming more and more obvious gendies lurk this site (and not just this thread either)
That and by the end of the day those TIFS are women whether they like it or not kek
No. 2393601
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Does anyone else find it really fuckin funny that these gendies will link to someone that ships the Grinch/Cindy Lou (a 6 year old ffs) but will denounce anyone with even the slightest hint of GC views? No. 2393762
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>>2393601Gendies dont actually read through the sites they link, they just see a pretty button/site layout and add it to their collection because it looks good.
No. 2393777
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>>2393772oh so thats why the page has a wordy disclaimer about specifically no lolisho content
No. 2394095
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Vivrarism just released an essay regarding gender ideology and feminism can only hope for the best since shes surely going to be harassed and dogpiled for standing up against troons publically
>>2394087I wouldnt mind farmers finding their way to me kek No. 2394101
>>2394095This is her second time in the rodeo of being an open
TERF, I think she'll handle it fine. NC users can't read anything longer than a tweet and have short term memory loss.
No. 2394144
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>>2394095cognitive dissonance is one hell of a drug
No. 2394279
>>2394095scrolled through some of this, reading that thread of replies and saw that loser viscera-zombie i've seen around
>also every time someone says "terf" and "bitch" are slurs i lose 5 years off my lifeyou probably don't have much time left, you should get off neocities and take a walk in nature instead of hating on someone who disagrees with your ideology. ffs
No. 2394532
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its almost as if expressing regrets and the consequences/medical malpractice on "gender affirming surgeries" will get you orchestrated by the cult and reprimanded for "scaring trans kids away from taking life saving surgery!1!11!"
The audacity to compare getting a tattoo and cutting your hair to lopping off perfectly healthy flesh just because it hurts your feelings. What if I wanted to cut my leg off because I thought prosthetics looked cool and I could use it as an art expression? Would that be considered ethical? (to a TRA yes, because all that matters is affirming your feelings and making sure youre coddled and have everything go your way, even if its to the detriment of your own health)
Once again TRAs use flowerly language to overlook the problem and dismiss it with "you just dont go outside! the qweer people i know are nice and friendly!" yeah go convince a jehovah's witness theyre in a cult, all they tell you is "but everyone at mass is so friendly and nice!" No. 2394573
>>2394559the sheer irony of quoting "I cannot only be for myself, none of us can. We must all be for each other" when TIFs throw women under the bus in order to affirm
their own personal delusions. what a fucking joke, the only facts TRA have are poetry and ukelele songs about muh feelings!!
No. 2394597
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>>2394532Flonne said first it's not like a haircut but I think her eyes glazed over at this part
>>2394559The few studies that are there always show transpeople killing themselves
I put the images together for only one post. Hope i did it right
No. 2394752
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>>2394238flonne went off in her text file about this and oh my GOD i am living for it. it's such a breath of fresh air to see a woman openly going off about how "butch trans women" are just men when half the oldweb seems to be smothered in gendie bullshit. i hope her post peaks more TIFs
No. 2395600
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cry about it
No. 2395701
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>>2395659this bitch has 3 separate tumblr accounts, why couldn't she keep her ass there
No. 2396385
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My girlfriend sent me this website kek, the poems are so cute. I miss how alternative shit was before the pandemic. No. 2396436
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>>2396385queen shit, great find nona
No. 2396644
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File Garden is temporarily broken due to cloudfare issues, let this be a precaution to use neocities' built in storage to host your files rather than a 3rd party source if you use the site. 1 GB is a lot of space if you optimize your content correctly, and you should only really use a 3rd party site for supporter-locked files like mp3s and webamp. Always a shame to see media lost because of hosting services going defunct like tinypik and photobucket.
No. 2399366
>>2390979Thank you for calling it what it is: "learned helplessness."
I see a correlation between learned helplessness and the rise of corporate social media. People weren't nearly as intimidated by HTML, CSS, and JavaScript before Facebook as they are now.
Public awareness of the purpose and nature of the Web has declined in the age of social media. The World Wide Web wasn't made for engineers. It was designed to give ordinary people a voice. The goal of social media is to keep us on their websites and prevent us from wandering off the plantation. They've convinced everybody that monetization is the only legit reason to have an online presence. So naturally they're not gonna tell you about all of the cheap and free tools available to the average person.
When confronted with corporate overreach, everybody says "we need an alternative platform" - but nobody wants to be the one to make it. In my opinion, this mantra is the epitome of learned helplessness. Let's face facts. No corporation will ever empower individuals to go their own way. They need to keep us hooked on their products in order to make a profit. It's up to us to make the Internet we want.
I found that fear of JavaScript is more a case of psyching yourself out than anything else. I was intimidated by it at first, but I learned it quickly reading a tutorial. Then I realized how silly my fears had been. PHP was even easier to learn once I understood JavaScript, as they're very similar. You don't need to be good enough to write your own scripts. You just need to understand it well enough to modify somebody else's scripts for your purposes, i.e., by changing setup variables or whatever.
If you have concerns about privacy and security, you need to understand that modern browser-based JavaScript has a very robust security model. There aren't many ways you can compromise yours or somebody else's computer or privacy using JavaScript. A website owner can't learn any more about you with JavaScript than they already learn when you click a regular link.
You ladies have access to tools that the Boomers and Generation Xers who made the first GeoCities sites could only dream of having. Anyone who is interested in making a website is smart enough to make one. Do not sell yourself short. I may not agree with everything that's posted here, but I know you're all capable of realizing your dreams. I doubted my abilities too when I first started out. Doubt can be overcome with study and practice. Put aside all of your excuses for why you "can't" do something. Just do it.
No. 2399392
>>2399373You're welcome, nonna.
I've played a little bit of the original Silent Hill on PS2, but I haven't finished it. I think it would be an interesting topic for a website.
That said, don't do it for those who might be interested. Do it for yourself, without expectations about what others may think. In general, seeking approval and validation online is a waste of time. There will always be negative Nancys trying to shoot you down, no matter how hard you try to please people. There's only one person you need to please with your website: you.
Silent Hill trivia: I looked up the number on the broken record James found, and it belonged to a record in Roadrunner Records' catalog for which the song title and artist are unknown.
No. 2399424
>>2399392>I think it would be an interesting topic for a website. Indeed! I fondly remember silent hill fan pages that mimic the aesthetics of the promotional material and games, such as silenthillmemories.
As far as I know there is a fanlisting for Silent hill 2 and the webdesign is very good, however I am not sure if it is currently active. A general silent hill fanlisting has existed but is currently inaccessible.
I truly appreciate your advice and I'll take it to heart!
some silent hill 2 trivia: The iconic great knife Pyramid head wields was initially going to be one half a scissor for its symbolic value, but this idea was eventually scrapped. (though implications are still present in the game, as James is able to obtain a Great Knife from Pyramid head's lair)
No. 2399480
>>2399424Now that you mention it, I think SH2 was the game I started, not the first one.
I'm currently binge watching the whole Xena: Warrior Princess series, and trying hard to convince myself that Xena isn't a Mary Sue. I mean she's obviously flawed since the underlying theme of the show is her redemption arc. Nevertheless, Xena is too competent to relate to in some ways. Watching Gabrielle grow as an individual is the more interesting story arc for me. I like how Renee O'Connor has developed her character so well that she can carry whole episodes on her own without Lucy Lawless.
I plan to write a retrospective article about the series when I'm done watching it. Yes, it was created as cheesy, low-budget syndicated airtime filler, but the artists occasionally managed to accomplish great things with the means at their disposal.
Why this admittedly off-topic rambling about a goofy TV show? I want you all to have a proper valuation of your work. You don't need to create something brilliant to have an impact. Mass market pulp fiction will suffice if it resonates with the reader. Xena is scratching that itch for me at the moment.
It's quite possible that a simple personal website made by someone here will inspire others to do great things. I've had several people tell me how a seemingly inconsequential thing I wrote helped change their lives for the better. You never know how your work will influence others. Don't be afraid to put it out there. Don't let anybody tell you it's dumb. You'll seldom hear from the people who appreciate your work. Most of the feedback you get will be from trolls and losers. That's the Internet for you. But for every jerk who tries to discourage you, there are probably ten others who silently admire you.
No. 2399543
>>2399480> I want you all to have a proper valuation of your workThat resonates with me since creating long blogposts are something ive always been reluctant on due to feeling afraid that Im not knowledgeable enough on the topic to discuss about it or i'm sharing misinformation. But at the end of the day… its my personal website! my opinions are not fact and if theres something I'm misinformed of its not like I'm preaching
my words as gospel, thats for the actual series to depict.
A media that has scratched my itch is a dinky japanese mascot show called chiikawa and although I've seen other sites make dedicated shrines of the series that are much more fleshed out and pretty, I guess I could provide a unique perspective on why I think the series is so great aside from "cute funny mascots that fit a pretty aesthetic on my webpage like hello kitty".
For instance, I like how its a seemingly innocuous cartoon targeted for kids, but it has a rather bleak world-setting with cutesy animals doing menial jobs such as weed picking and placing stickers on fruits. What truly makes it charming is that despite the despair these cute things face on a daily basis, from something as little as feeling sad, to getting chased down by monsters threatening to harm them, they still persevere and live a fulfilling life enjoying the simple things such as a tasty meal and good companionship.
Thank you again for your kind words of wisdom!
No. 2399686
>>2399543> feeling afraid that Im not knowledgeable enough on the topic to discuss about it or i'm sharing misinformation.Sharing an opinion isn't "disinformation." an opinion is neither right nor wrong. It's only what you think or feel about something.
Honestly, there's too much fear-mongering about disinformation on the Internet nowadays. I don't get the need of grown adults to be babied in that way. An adult can research and decide for herself whether something is fact, opinion, news, propaganda, parody, pseudoscience, etc. If you read several different viewpoints, you'll see what the various writers' motives are.
As long as you make a good faith effort to do these things, you should be golden.
1. Do your homework, and know what you're talking about. You don't have to be an expert, but don't embarrass yourself with rookie mistakes either.
2. Back up your statements with receipts. Don't assume any facts or statements are well known or obvious to the reader.
3. Don't deliberately misconstrue someone else's arguments because you think it'll help yours. Find the actual flaws in their position. This will make you look smart and make them look dumb.
4. Be respectful to those you talk to or about. Don't talk down to them, and don't talk about people out of spite, schadenfreude, or malice. I mean yeah, you can troll the fuck out of them, as long as it's not mean-spirited.
No. 2400747
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in case anyone's been wondering what our old pal macaque/now ballonlea has been up to, she's been going on about the woti webring and our ebil terf website (which she claims to have blocked herself from accessing… lol) on her blog. picrel is really getting me though
>I have no conclusion. I just try to build my worldview on love and compassion
weren't you just telling women to die for reading yaoi sex comics on the internet?
No. 2401095
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Nonas I'm in love with the website I have found. It's an encyclopedia of medieval animals/creatures.
The info of each animal reads like a pokedex entry and each guy has a gallery full of fucked up drawings from the middle ages, I don't think any page I find will ever top this.>>2400747Had forgotten about her as well, no one on my Neocities TL mentioned her since ages ago (I didn't even know she changed her username).
Read her newest entry and god honest it seems like she has to log out from the internet for awhile, specially considering she has been stagnant since last time I read her stuff. I'm not even saying this on a "touch grass" meme way, this is purely genuine. Blogs and personal sites are usually the best place if you want to be online, but even them can damage you, either from their content or because you spent too much time working on your site and/ot looking at others' instead of interacting with the real world. When I was at my lowest, spending a few months with minimal internet access did wonders to my brain.
No. 2401227
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>>2401095What a gorgeous site! Thank you for the neat find, I had a blast scrolling through the index. Glad I have a resource to go to rather than dig through pinterest
No. 2401692
>>2401149Seriously. It was pretty obvious. After getting banned for personality-fagging, you would think she would cut out this coding mama shit. "You ladies" was pretty obvious. Going on about how we have it easier than previous generations is pretty on brand too
Just because Grandma isn't sperging about the woke doesn't mean she's not trying to weasel her way into this group as some kind of helping figure. Im just not here for someone who talks shit about us on her website and talks about us condescendingly then keeps coming back here to personality-fag because she thinks "Grandma" is a loving nickname when it isnt, lol. I don't need Grandma to talk down to me when she's catering to moids.
Grandma is not the ally you think she is. She changes her personality depending on the people she's around and has no issue with transgenderism. If you don't care about that to get help from her, then just use the millions of beginner friendly guides out there written by furries, gendies, handmaidens, etc., even on Neocities. The furries and gendies made the internet. If you want to actually learn how to get a leg up with coding or want to find easier ways to do things, I swear to you they have the answers, lol.
No. 2401961
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>>2401945Anon why do you want to join these groups in the first place? If they didn't keep retardation out (including some of dumb things you or I might theoretically say) it would just be a bunch of idiots posting things and you wouldn't care about it.
I swear some women have a persecution fetish and there is a whole slew of romcom-geared movies and music that cater to this
No. 2402435
>>2401546Who cares? This shit is Twitter tier drama because no one has ever posted DMs as proof that she has those fetishes. Even if it was true, that doesn't make her article incorrect.
>>2401957Nothing is stopping you from making one. Seriously, you can just use the Javascript code WOTI uses to have your based gendie free woman webring.
No. 2402476
>>2402435She has publicly posted about those fetishes before, look into the last Oldweb threads I'm pretty sure people posted screenshots about it.
(I agree with you regardless. But that's one of the reasons of why I don't want to get buddy-buddy with her even though she seems nice from the comments she has wrote on my guestbook. Men are out there doing x5 worse things so I don't really care, buy yeah different roads is the best)
No. 2402851
>>2401828>>2401637>>2401582I care because she's a degenerate and we should fight against those. Yumejos itt can seethe all they want but your fictional moid is not real and will never be.
Think about how unserious you look when you say TIMs and TIFs are delusional but in the same breath pretend a fictional character is real and married to you and that you can magically regress to being a child kek
No. 2403031
>>2402851>shes a degenerate and we should fight against those.I think you should recheck your priorities and think about the scrotes who openly trace off CP and make memes about wanting to fuck children. inb4 why not do both, dont be obtuse on which person is inherently more dangerous to society and other people.
>>2403015I run a blog specifically to write about my hobbies though I do have an alternate blog where I write about my day and personal life. As to why I dont use a diary, its because its faster and easier to type on a PC.
Its not narcissistic imo to create a personal page to log your day with yourself as the audience in mind, what would be narcissistic is to constantly blogpost on the neocities activity page in an attempt to get interaction from other people such as soapfriendo ITT and get mad when people don't give you engagement
No. 2403140
>>2402962>dismissing the anti-feminism and infantilization expected of women wrapped in “age play.”That only applies to women doing it for male attention and validation. Flonne literally doesn't go outside, is a lesbian and hates all men kek. Whatever she's doing doesn't impact anyone. Age regression is a mental illness but getting abused by moids is what makes them mentally ill. I'd rather hate on men than shame random women for something that doesn't affect me.
>>2403102>>2403031Seriously. If you care that much then go after the actual rapists and pornographers, not the hikineet undertale fan.
>>2403015If you think having a blog is narcissistic then you need to start keeping one. It's not selfish to write about yourself. Just have fun, don't overthink it.
No. 2403313
>>2402861The way this is what she's seething about
>Yumejos itt can seethe all they want but your fictional moid is not real and will never be.It's just so funny. It's retarded but it hurts no one, that's the most tame someone could be into. I wish I could hallucinate my waifu kissing me as well like the people at the /g/ husbando lifestyle thread.
No. 2403329
>>2403313maybe she could learn a thing or two and project her insecurities on a fictional character rather than take it out on anyone who attempts to befriend her
>Yumejos itt can seethe all they want but your fictional moid is not real and will never be.Just like the current state of your friendships tabs. never change
No. 2403353
>>2403329Who hurted you, nona… Please drink some tea, watch cute animal videos or something.
(Also I think you replied to the wrong post kek)
No. 2403717
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Wait she's harping on Flonne for being a sick ageplayer but she was ok being in a webring with zoophiles?
No. 2404641
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>>2404627That's what I've been thinking. Her obsession with him says something weird about her sexuality for sure, but if THIS is what she wants in a man I couldn't believe she's lesbian OR bi. The whole thing screams arrested development with the age play, 2016 Tumblr sexyman, lesceldom. It's childlike but not in the way she wants to be, yuck
No. 2404671
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>>2404627her fictional crushes tab says otherwise and has a disproportionate ratio of male to female characters
No. 2404732
>>2404687to be fair she
was an ex-gendie kinnie who kinned bungou stray dogs characters with her ex girlfriend.
No. 2404884
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Nekoweb discord collectively lost it after vivarism's essay, they even got warned later not to talk about it anymore kek
No. 2404898
>>2404884>can we agree if she moves to nekoweb after this we throw rocks at her Pleasekek all bark and no bite they dont have any factual information to refute flonne's points and are aware theyre unable to do anything about it or deplatform her. all they can do is throw a tantrum and spam the bee movie script because they can't fathom thinking outside of their cult mindset
>ignore as i said before theres not much hope with arguing with transphobescognitive dissonance is wild, stay delusional trannies
No. 2404992
>>2404943Show me caps of Flonne sending porn to kids or presenting herself as a safe adult/fandom mom in communities where they hang out, or bragging about eating vomit and shit on 4chan, or fapping to stories of real people dying of radiation poisoning, or cheating on her partners or betraying her friends. Nemu is one of my favorite cows. I wish Flonne was on her level, that'd be hilarious and this thread would have milk for days. Instead we're rehashing old topics and having the same cyclical arguments you see in the lesbian threads everyday. It's just not that interesting.
>>2404884Now this is interesting. Do you have any more caps or is this the only good part? I love watching them seethe. If they're not allowed to talk about it in the server I wonder how bad they're shitting themselves in dms. Thanks for bringing some actual milk nona.
No. 2405020
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no way someone in her guestbook is trying to loosely accuse her of being a rapist for not liking troons. are these people insane
No. 2405060
>>2405056who even is this
nonny and why does she have such a hateboner for flonne lmao? no husbandofag was as milky as Nemu was, she was a product of the "sex positive" culture online and had major 4chan damage
No. 2405928
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>>2404992>Do you have any more caps or is this the only good part?Unfortunately that's the only fun part besides maybe pic related.
No. 2405957
File: 1739891204512.jpg (169.25 KB, 758x669, cereza.jpg)

There's been some drama brewing in nekoweb lately.
>in the help section of the nekoweb discord a troon called Cereza complains about easily exploitable bugs that people who pay for nekoweb sub can abuse >due to the userbase being children who act like nekoweb is a gift from god that mustn't be criticized he gets memed and dunked on and nobody takes him seriously>he gets butthurt, proceeds to call someone out for having "retard" in their username>argument ensues>Cereza admits to using css to make a huge invisible follow button on the nekowebs explore page which meant that even if you didn't click on his site you'd still follow him unintentionally>dimden gets butthurt, purges Cereza's followers list on nekoweb>more arguing>Cereza lashes out at people after being misgendered>gets banned>writes pic related blogpost itself raises some
valid points, despite being written by a butthurt troon, such as the whole community being on discord and it being the only source of technical help. It's ridiculous to have to deal with masses of edgy children if you want any sort of help or to point out big exploitable bugs. Nekoweb will never become a respectable website host like that, but that's fine because they're probably not trying to build a professional image. They want to be the safe-edgy alternative to Neocities and nothing more. The discord itself is the cringe part, considering it's managed by children and it's filled almost entirely with children. Now that it's been out for a year or something I can really see how the community became extremely cliquey with a few people nonstop circlejerking in the discord. There's people that post in there 24/7 and they're all a very specific brand of insufferable that I think it's going to start turning away even other teens away from joining. It's also funny how the last part of the blogpost focuses on dimden and co. being transphobic considering the earlier posts about the Vivarism situation kek.
No. 2406224
>>2405957as much as it would be funny to see the whole project implode on itself, the site makes a good containment for undesirables to cannibalize each other rather than have their retardation fester in neocities.
On another note, I'm attempting to find more pages to connect to and it absolutely annoys me how a majority of neocities users are only active on the activity page and scarcely update or communicate via their website. Whats the point of even spending all this time coding a personal website if youre going to base your primary activity outside of the site in the first place?
No. 2406511
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>>2404696>>2404671this is what flonne personally has to say about it from her yume questionnaire on the old version of her site. she doesn't consider fictional men comparable to real men at all (honestly who would, fictional moids always smell a bajillion times better than real ones kek) and doesn't care for/like male anatomy. can we hop off this topic already
No. 2406617
>>2406511so it is just weeb autism, lmao. i don't get why people here were flipping out. a self-proclaimed
terf definitely wouldn't be like those gendies who pretend their husbandos are stunning and brave transwomen or liking dicks is still
valid lesbianism
No. 2406960
>>2406511When will these people learn that being straight isnt a bad thing? both gendies and terfs always bend themselves into a pretzel trying to justify how despite liking male characters and men they are still
valid lesbians uguu. She might have out-grown her gendie phase but her mindset is still set in ''straight bad, its not a fetish its ackshually a healthy cope, etc'' shit that trannies often spew.
No. 2407350
>>2406960Did you even read the post? She has an ex girlfriend and doesn't even imagine her favorite character with male genitals. I'm not even defending the skeleton husbandofagging, but nonas in this thread complain about how NC users never read websites or blog posts and turn around doing the same thing.
>>2407113Age regression fetishes weren't mentioned in the AYRT either, it was about husbandofagging.
No. 2407764
>>2407113I agree the age regression thing is weird but I don’t really think she does it for sexual purposes? If anything she just wants to be taken care of. That’s the impression I got when reading the bath blogpost about her and her ex on 5amgf. Given that in her recent post about not liking troons she mentioned feeling really fragile and desperately needing support she didn’t get as a teen which is why being a gendie appealed to her, I can understand why she wants to be cared for like. I kind of feel bad for her given what she’s been through and that this is how she feels the need to cope, though. I hope she keeps getting better.
>>2407674For starters, she literally talked about genderbending them because thinking about sex with them as men made her uncomfortable. Like for gods sake, you’re trying to imply she’s not a real lesbian because she has a crush on someone who barely resembles a real-life human male in mannerisms/appearance (bishies aren’t hairy fat moids like most of the population). Sans is a skeleton, so are you going to imply she fucks bones next? This is just getting to ridiculous levels of tinfoiling, post some actual milk about her or just give it a rest because this shit is boring and makes you look like a jobless little weirdo
No. 2407817
nonny. Some women are so used to thinking they're "special" for being lesbian they just can't accept they're straight like most of the population, or even just bi. They need that exclusive lesbian title. So they start doing mental gymnastics trying to reckon with themselves why they're totally still
valid. In a similar vein are the women who are straight and know they are but need special gendie vocabulary words to describe themselves so they don't have to admit it and lose
victim points. They feel very related.
No. 2408366
File: 1740008947902.png (5.51 MB, 2343x1284, image.png)

as retarded as the actual userbase and content are, seeing overly decorated and complicated rentry layouts make me happy. i absolutely hate how soulless modern web design is so I enjoy the highly customzied webpages even if theyre pretty superficial in reality and dont extend beyond an aesthetic pronoun card
No. 2410377
File: 1740111437578.png (1.06 MB, 1904x938, Screenshot.png)

Anyone annoyed with webmasters that hardly use their site and mostly use social media? I really like nyaa's layouts; web design is definitely her strong point since she managed to make a carrd look nice with its limited features. I certainly look forward to her site updates, but shes primarily active on her twitter which looks so bland with the default layout.
I know the obvious answer is that its faster to post in social media than to manually update the html/css every time you want to post something but aside from lurking, I dont see the point of having an active presence on social media when you've already put in a ton of time and effort creating individual pages for your site like a blogpages and artpages. It feels like a damn waste
No. 2410668
>>2410377…No? That's like complaining of people who take the bus or bicycle when they got their own car.
I use my website, off-site blog, Twitter and a forum at the same time because they all serve different purposes, it's not like using 4 different social medias (they all are the same nowadays).
Not everyone who has a website wants to make it their only internet presence, for me mine is more of a vault where I safeguard the most important things I post elsewhere to not lost them + to upload things that are only possible on a personal website like flash games or extensive pages rather than a social thing (though I like to talk to other webmasters as well and I write life updayes from time to time). That said I do wish some webmasters updated their site more often, but it's not the 90s anymore.
No. 2410862
After reading some posts here about a desire for a normie woman webring, I made one. Please keep in mind that it's extremely new and I'm still hashing out the issues. The js button isn't working as of yet but I do want that to work. I'd also like to add an option for people to add their own 88x31 buttons like WOTI has because I find buttons very cute. have some concerns about it being on github pages, so I haven't said anything especially transphobic, but I will be strict. No gendies. Not even female gendies. One must be a normal, mundane, natal XX wombyn with a normal life and normal hobbies. Autism is a given, though.
No. 2411054
Are there any fansites or creative web sites hosted on GitHub pages? It seems ghp is mostly used by programmer men to host their blogs they generate using static site generators. Am I missing out on fun sites?
>>2410862Thank you for this. I don’t see anything wrong with the phrasing so hopefully it does not run afoul of CoC.
No. 2414908
>>2414894You'd think a knitting/DIY autist would at least show pictures of her work yet theres absolutely nada on all the blog's entries. Usually I could pass it off as wanting to stay anonymous and not reveal too much information, but to have a blog made in such a short amount of time to serve as a placeholder for a "women only github hosted webring"…
Yeah thats suspicious.
No. 2414986
File: 1740357559855.png (151.62 KB, 1576x500, moidvoid.png)

>>2414953nta, but nobody said women can't use github. it's just a very strange choice to host something like a
terf web ring on an open source collaborative platform that smells like ripe programming socks. picrel for github woman statistic inflated by trannys.
layout is ugly, could be excused by skill issue No. 2415411
>>2414544It's being advertised on the hidden pirate board on that cuck indian moids imageboard so I'm pretty sure it's been made by a woman, albeit a newfag since all of that board is populated by newfags that shit up /ot/ and got angry at the mods banning them constantly kek. I don't think it being on github means much, OP probably did it to seem more neutral not thinking about the connection between github and troons.
However, if OP didn't want this webring to be known as a
terf webring 2.0 it shouldn't have been posted here. You'll be facing the same issues WOTI is, and because of that the webring seems redundant to the people that are already in WOTI or want to stay crypto.
No. 2415523
>>2414544>hosting it on github is such a moid thing to do too.Back when I moved away from Neocities because I bought a domain, my biggest contender for mew host was Github because it was free and let me use that domain. I guess I'm a man now.
(Nothing wrong with being cautious, but that is such a funny nitpick)
No. 2416841
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>>2415543Fan sites were made by passionate and creative socially awkward teenagers. A lot of these men are socially awkward but not especially passionate about anything except some niche programming topic or hiking, and they always have 0 creativity. I don't know why they bother making their own websites instead of using a blogging platform. They all look the same and have no unique functionality to justify the extra effort in generating them. picrel is a blogging site made to look like all those bland programming blogs.
I don't know if it's just me but I feel like making fan sites was relatively gender equal in the 2000s. Like it was extremely easy to find fan sites made by teen girls and college-age women as well as teen boys, in some fandoms like Pokemon there might even be more fan sites made by girls than boys. I don't remember any made by college-age men, though.
No. 2417473
File: 1740453132584.png (22.98 KB, 696x538, what.png) the most ridiculous "blog" i've seen in quite some time. wouldn't even be suprised if the tif running this site was lying about being 19 because she sure does act like a 13 year old.
No. 2417749
>>2417473It's probably a kid. 12 year olds did the same on myspace, it's just the new gen now. I've learned that (within reason) a lot of comments or posts I see that sound ridiculously childish likely are children. It kind of pangs my heart a little bit especially when you see them fighting and being
toxic to eachother on like, edtwt reply threads and I imagine how I would feel if it was my little sister being wrapped up in that elaborate hate lol
No. 2417751
File: 1740462037300.gif (1.17 KB, 150x20, dgouj0y-847f3678-18d4-4aa8-a90…)

>>2417473Sounds like a retarded tif honestly. Her badges are hilarious.
No. 2417764
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>>2417473If this isn't just a larp I feel a little bad for her honestly, she sounds stunted. picrel from the art page makes it really hard to believe this isn't satire of some sort though
No. 2418382
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>>2417473Site hasn't been updated in 5 months and a bunch of her orbiters haven't as well. zoomers are finally fucking off when they realize that followers and activity interaction in neocities mean absolutely nothing, thank god
No. 2418746
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>>2417764>>2418382tbh i think this may be a troll that got bored after awhile, her drawings are identical to antisjw parody art like sugarkinqueer back in the day
No. 2420837
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her site’s now called “michaelmas.” seems like the sudden name change broke all her image links
No. 2420849
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No. 2421027
>>2420837That's sad and pathetic but not entirely surprising, I guess, given the state of the internet. I remember her having a really turbulent home life. I hope she finds peace, but I doubt pretending to be a boy will help her mental health in any way
>>2421012Looks like it. All of her broken images are linked from her old vashti site
No. 2421039
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>>2421012not only that, but her files lack any kind of naming as well (from her 2025 page). are they not teaching these zoomers file management at school anymore?
No. 2421058
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>>2417473Which one of you retards..
No. 2421129
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>>2420837apparently she also cried to that tv glow movie all the troons have been raving about for the last year or whatever
No. 2421187
>>2420745>>2421027>>2421119i never caught up with her, but knowing what i do know i'm not surprised. she's pretty young and trans is a bandaid solution and easy way to find a subculture that functions as a support group (cult) when you're struggling.
who is the ivy person? could this be an enabler?
No. 2421197
File: 1740637575777.png (42.18 KB, 711x517, スクリーンショット 2025-02-27…)

>>2421187maybe? ivy's handle on neocities is loneliwish, and the two of them mention each other quite a bit. i don't see any pronoun or gendershit on her site, so i just assume shes a handmaiden. i think they might've started e-dating a little after vashti came out as a TIF based on this interaction on vashti's profile + ivy mentioning the 22nd as "the best day of her life". maybe she trooned out to date a straight religious girl?
No. 2422043
>>2421197Ivy refers to a girlfriend somewhere on her misc writings page, so not sure this theory actually holds
does anyone have recommendations for sites like vashti's? ones that place writing above all else? they could be about daily living too, but the quality of writing is the thing I truly enjoyed about her site. most people can't write for shit. it would make me too sad to continue reading her page after this, though, feels like watching myself as a teenager but I can't do anything about it
No. 2423795
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what happened to middlepot? this deters me from making a blog
No. 2423881
>>2423795She was just tired of having an online presence, it's nothing deep. Make your blog,
No. 2423890
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How do you all take her seriously
No. 2423927
>>2423890>misandrist>yumejoshiWhat do you mean? She's like your average /g/ nona.
I'm pretty sure I've seen her post in the husbando threads before>>2423883I wouldn't let this deter you from starting a blog. You can share as much or as little as you want. It's not like social media, where algorithms dictate your experience. How you interact with your blog is up to you
No. 2424329
>>2423795I don't get why would this stop you from making a blog.
She just bought a cottage with her boyfriend/family around 2 years ago and (understandably) wants to get off the internet, isn't like she was super active before either. The current climate makes me want to quit sometimes too, but I don't have much support/friends IRL.
I'm sad to see her go though, I have been following her stuff in private for years. I got so happy when I randomly got a linkback + guestbook message from her shortly after I started my website haha, I wonder how she found it.
No. 2424411
>>2423940Never played Undertale, what's the appeal of Sans to these ddlg women?
>>2423890>>2423795>misandrist>has a nigel>"growing family" implying she's pregnantOK.
No. 2424682
>>2423795People dramatically declaring that they're leaving the internet and closing down their website for no reason is as old as personal sites have been around. I don't know if any of you poke-nonas remember but there was a major Pokemon fansite, Eevee's HQ, that went on hiatus in 2006. This inexplicably inspired a trend of other webmasters deciding they also were going on "hiatus." Instead of leaving their old website up so other people can enjoy it, a lot of people seem to have this attitude that if it's not being updated all the time, it shouldn't even exist. It's a destructive mentality that robs the internet of cool old sites and fetishes the new over all.
This shouldn't stop anyone from wanting to make a blog. If you stop wanting to update your site, just stop updating. If you feel you have nothing more to say, then let your readers know you don't plan to update anymore and leave your site up. It's normal to move on from projects.
No. 2424887
>>2424682To be honest I understand nuking your whole in some situations. Domains and/or hosting cost money and not many people want to continue spending modey for it when they lose interest/won't update their site (I'm eternally thankful for those who do though). There's also digital footprint, though with things like Internet Archive it's hard to avoid, but I understand if someone decides they don't want their work or diary floating around visible to strangers.
But yeah the ones who simply turn their index to "Hiatus" or "Will come back when new site layout is done" is retarded. If you're gonna continue using your site, simply put a notice on the index/home and leave the site open if its not broken.
No. 2426691
>>2426627I basically feel the same way! I want to see webmasters passionate about what they post, I want to see more sovl. I don't even mind the samey web pages. It's just that the majority of sites don't feel "lived in". They're very surface-level. I guess it's not surprising since I imagine most people will eventually abandon their sites once the excitement of starting a new hobby fades, and they lose interest.
Unrelated, but has anyone else had issues with neocities' global activity feed? For some reason, my site will sometimes not show up when I update it, or it will appear hours later. I'm not shadowbanned or anything, so I don't know what the issue is.