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No. 2133679
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My heart hurts so much for my sister…
She had to put down one of her dogs yesterday, it had fallen off the couch and hit it's head on the table ending up with a brain cerebral haemorrhage. It was barely 1 year old. She was already struggling with the thought of having to put down her other dog that has polyarthritis and something else the vet can't figure out.
I'm so upset for her, she tends to have bad luck with ending up with dogs that either get sick or turn out to have an invisible birth defect that she spends thousands she doesn't have on vet visits, medication and special fodder trying to give them the best possible life despite their issues.
It was just a couple of weeks ago she was sitting on my floor pointing out the youngest dog as her happy pill, the middle dog as her treasure and the third (sick) dog as her rock. Her dogs have always been her life line and the one thing that gives her life purpose. And now she is losing two of them.
What also pisses me off is mom is the one who told me, it was right after my sister had visited the vet the first time and they hadn't made the decision to put the dog down until the MRI they were supposed to do today in case they could create a miracle (they ended up having to go to the emergency during the evening anyway because the pup got worse as the day went on), but she was apparently not supposed to tell me yet but thought I could still send sis a text. Mom, the last thing she needs right now is knowing you broke her trust AGAIN by telling me something I wasn't supposed to know yet. And then she of course started feeling sorry for herself because so many people she knows had to put down their pets recently and she was so tired of it, while I was sitting there all YOUR OLDEST DAUGHTER THAT PRACTICALLY LIVES FOR HER DOGS IS GOING THROUGH A CRISIS THAT IS GONNA FUCKING BREAK HER AND YOU ARE BUSY TALKING ABOUT YOUR FUCKING SELF. Of course I didn't actually say anything, it's not worth it with her.
I texted my sister a bit when I got the latter bad news, I offered to come visit during the days but she said she doesn't know what she wants or need at the moment. I don't really know what to do, there is a 10 year gap between us so we're not all that close except I'm usually the one looking to build a relationship. At least I know her boyfriend is taking time off work to support her, and I know she got good friends in the dog training community, so I can trust that she isn't alone in all of this. But still, I hurt so much for her sake. I love her so much and I just want her to be happy.
No. 2133897
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>moid starts talking to me at the pharmacy
>speakings to me in english (not the local language) so I assume he's going to ask for help
>not really just starts talking to me
>eventually asks if I want to go out for a coffe some day, but just as friends, literally says he's not hitting on me after he sees I'm disgusted
>he is ugly as sin but agree since I just moved here and I have no friends, maybe he has female friends I can meet
>make it clear I don't want a relationship
>get a "good morning" text the next day
>oh no
>ignore him. Later on he asks if I'm looking for something romantic
>wtf I already said no stupid moid
>say no again
>immediately tells me he's sorry he misunderstood me and can't keep doing this lmao
What is wrong with moids. At least I'm glad he backed off.
No. 2133913
>>2133905There’s a difference between having male friends and going out on a date with a hideous stranger.
>>2133909I just hope this is a side effect of your youth and not a permanent mental condition. The hideous stranger chatting you up at the pharmacy is not how you get female friends. You’re like a baby chick taking a nap inside the mouth of a crocodile. Some day you’re going to get raped by one of those „ugly as din“ men. Get your shit together
No. 2133928
>>2133913Wtf is he going to do? Rape me at a coffee shop in front of everybody? lmao
Besides a moid's looks has nothing to do with their capability for violence. Or would it be ok for you if he had been attractive?
No. 2133937
>>2133928heres a list these "moids" can do
>stalk you>leak your number to other moids who can do the same>kidnap you and you get hurt badly>fucking get murdered did your mother never taught you how fucking dangerous moids can be? you being a pickme in this scenario will do you no favors this basic fucking common sense
No. 2133945
>>2133937Why are you so upset over this? How does any of this make me a pick me?
You know who else can do all that? Every single moid you interact with. Moids you work with, moids that know you or your relatives, moids that know you or your friends, moids you meet on dating apps, moids that are related to you. If you want me to constantly think about all the bad things that could happen to me, I'd never leave the house. Take your meds schizo.
No. 2133951
>>2133949But the discussion is about whether it would be safer or not. Him being attractive wouldn't make it any safer.
Of course I'm lonely like? Am I not posting on lolcor? I made that clear in my first post.
No. 2134009
>>2133945nonnas itt are unhinged and love to
victim blame other nonnas who come here to vent. you can vent about the most horrid shit and they'll come saying "moids bad! but it was your fault! moids bad!"
No. 2134016
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my comic apps have taken away their watch-ads-for-coins feature and upped their prices. gonna start buying comics irl from now on because it's actually cheaper.
No. 2134018
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women will worship moids for merely existing and it’ll casually get 245k likes. What a joke
No. 2134022
>>2133897>actually agreedI understand you, but
nonny please stay cynical next time and avoid the headache. Now the moid has your number and likely your full name, just be glad he's the apologetic type instead of the chimpout psycho type.
No. 2134080
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I have to talk about this SHIT movie. If you want to watch it (I suggest you don't…) Then don't read any further. So this dad named Cooper takes his daughter Riley to a concert for a singer named Lady Raven. He notices an unusually high amount of security there and asks some dude what's going on. The FBI heard that a serial killer named 'the Butcher' is going to be attending and they're determined to catch him. Cooper is the Butcher. He evades the FBI for a long time, about halfway into the movie. But then he's about to get caught. The FBI are serious about catching this guy, because they want to inspect every single male in attendance. So he goes into Lady Raven's dressing room (he got backstage passes for his daughter) and reveals himself as the Butcher. He pulls out his phone and shows a livestream of some guy he has locked up in a basement somewhere and says he'll kill the guy with a press of a button, if she doesn't do as he says, which is to help him escape. THIS STUPID FUCKING BITCH SHOULD HAVE PLAYED ALONG WITH HIM AND THEN AS SOON AS THEY STEP OUT THE DOOR, SHE TELLS THE FBI BECAUSE THEY ARE EVERYWHERE AND THE HEAD OF THE INVESTIGATION IS IN THE ROOM RIGHT FUCKING NEXT TO HER. He is evil and will definitely kill/hurt other people, so it's important she gets him caught up and locked away as soon as possible. BUT NOOOOO, THE STUPID COW HAS TO HAVE EMPATHY FOR SOME RANDOM FUCKING Y CHROMO, WHO SHE DOESN'T EVEN KNOW, AND DECIDES TO HELP THE MOTHERFUCKER ESCAPE. You cannot be serious. Why. Why do women have empathy for y chromos who wouldn't do the same for them. He is probably a misogynistic shit who watches loli gangbang hentai and abused his girlfriend or something. Imagine if the Lady Raven was a man and the Butcher's victim was a woman. The motherfucker would probably be like "whatever dude, just kill her and let me watch too hehe." WOMEN'S EMPATHY FOR MALES IS WHY WE WILL NEVER GET ANYWHERE. This shit movie could also have been cut in HALF. So anyway, Lady GAYven prances out happily with smiles and tells Cooper's daughter that she will personally take her on a ride on her limo and bring her home. So they go to Cooper's home. SHE HAD MULTIPLE CHANCES TO ALERT THE FBI WHO ARE EVERYWHERE, LIKE FUCKING ANTS, TO SAVE HER AND ARREST HIM BUT NOOOOO. Anyway, she makes some small talk with Cooper's family who is unaware that he's the Butcher. Until she grabs his phone and locks herself in the bathroom. He chimps out and bangs on the door like a crazy ape while his family try to calm him down, saying he's acting weird and scaring her. Anyway, so Lady SHITven is in the bathroom. SHE CAN ALERT THE FBI WITH THIS PHONE, TELL THEM EVERYTHING BUT NO. She goes onto fucking SHITSTAGRAM and starts LIVESTREAMING to her little kid fans AS IF THEY ARE GONNA DO ANYTHING. And asks them about the location where the faggot that Cooper locked up in a basement is and asks her fans to find and save him…. ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS?!?!!? Cooper breaks in eventually after locking his family in a room upstairs so they don't witness anything. He grabs Lady COWven and shoves her in a car, and he's about to drive off somewhere to kill her. She remembers what she heard at the FBI lecture, where they talked about his psychology and how he had mommy issues and SHE STARTS BERATING HIM IN A MOTHERLY WAY. Oh my god. The secondhand embarassment I felt was insaaaane. She was like some bitch on tiktok that watches 'deep' psychology videos and thinks she's an expert and tries to diagnose everyone she comes into contact with. FUCK THIS MOVE. STOP SHOWING COMPASSION TO Y CHROMOSOME GENETIC DEFECT PIGS BTICH. Not even gonna talk about the rest. I HATED IT.
No. 2134083
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my new apartment neighbors are a tranny and his chaser boyfriend. i have definitely joked with my roommates about trannies and faggot males, now i am a little afraid that they might retaliate. trannies are really unstable and we share a very thin wall
No. 2134196
>>2134189I love "boyish" women, with a soft sort of look to them, but every single girl like this is a heterosexual TIF/enby or is a legitimate same sex attracted female who will eventually go all in with the hormones/titchop/going bald/scraggly beard type of shit eventually because she's overcompensating artificial masculinity because she's a more naturally feminine looking woman.
As soon as I find out they have retarded pronouns I lose all attraction. I'm literally in hell.
No. 2134200
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I'm too fucking young to be this sore just from building furniture AND to be grunting whenever I have to get down or stand up. Picrel is how I feel right now (or how I would feel if my back could bend that far)
No. 2134217
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>>2134200get some of these
No. 2134368
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my boyfriend's friends keep making fun of him because I look like this titan in aot. It actually looks exactly like me. Embarrassing since my main insecurities are my smile lines and my nose. Killing myself tonight
No. 2134423
>>2134368If they call you a titan then you better eat them ig
Does your boyfriend even tell them to stfu?
No. 2134503
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>>2134434You don't deserve that anon
No. 2134514
>>2134512I warn you about one day between 9 and 11 that is gonna be bad.
>>2134510"I'm not reading all that" is my least favourite reply to see.
No. 2134521
>>2134507He's my first boyfriend and I was heavily sheltered as a kid/considered ugly (I dressed weird) so I don't really know any good rules for this kind of stuff. He's nice it's just his retard friends. Though he does keep trying to get me to "weeb out" which is getting increasingly cringe to me. I've watched and enjoyed like one anime in my life.
>>2134515My boyfriend vaguely looks like matt dillon but only during the era where he had long hair. He has a buzzcut now but still only looks like that. Main guy saying this doesn't even look like anyone, I don't think. Buzz cut blonde with acne and no eyebrows
No. 2134536
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>>2134521I was also an ugly weird kid that accepted shit treatment from my first bf because I didn't know what a relationship is supposed to look like. Literally break up with him as soon as possible, your future self will thank you. Don't listen to any of that moid bullshit about
"giving him a chance", obviously he doesn't give a fuck about you. If you compared him to some ugly anime character, he would probably chimp out. Also any moid that calls himself an anime fan will try to force you into satisfying his weird fetishes for sure. ABORT MISSION
No. 2134567
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i want to post in the losers thread but im not ugly and ive had friends…but im a neet..
No. 2134672
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At my work, we work with small business owners and can I just say MAN most small business owners are retards. Most of these guys have now fucking idea how things work, they have now idea which monthly or quarterly tases they have to pay, they have no idea how to withhold shit from people's paychecks, you ask them to send something in and they fucking send in a blurry photo of a paper they took crumpled up on the ground as if that's a replacement for, like, just typing a few words or something. Look, on one hand I guess we wouldn't be in business if these business owners could help themselves because our whole job is helping them, but Jesus Christ. I'm in my twenties with barely any work experience and even I can tell you that blowing close to $20,000 on extra supplies you don't need yet is a bad idea. You need me to tell you it's a bad idea? Really? I also had to tell a lady that when the IRS tells you to pay xyz thing, yes the IRS is serious and yes you should read the letter you sent.
Jesus Christ, lol.
No. 2134746
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Welcome to the NOT RAPING BABIES competition, boys! Today’s challenge is to not rape babies.
>failed (not a vent)
No. 2134871
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What the fuck is wrong with the people that use eBay? I’m selling a limited edition DS. I accidentally listed it at the wrong price but edited it almost immediately after. Some guy who runs one of those video game resell shops happens it but it right as I was editing and the price jumped up. I apologized as it’s just a coincidence and it’s not my fault eBay is too retarded to freeze listings if they’re being edited. He’s being pissy about it and even passively aggressively sent me his listing of the same console but in much worse condition. Mine is almost flawless and even the higher price is lower than what others are selling at. Should I just cancel his order or suck it up since it is close to $300?
No. 2134893
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I think I’m just going to reset and recalibrate by finding a women’s only retreat or women’s only group. Like not to be all woo-woo, but I feel like I’m drowning in heavy male presence/attention? or male energy. I need to refocus, prioritize, and center women again. Fuck. All my professors are male this semester. It’s too late to change it too. Ugh. And all my car app drivers have been male too despite me choosing the women driver option. I’m begging you, we need to step up and start driving for each other more. Getting hit on at midnight by some unintelligible rando driving you to your house like…shit. That really makes me feel scared and disturbed. I need my license fast and just get into fucking debt to get a used car. I can’t deal with this anymore. I’ll make myself grotesque again if I have to. I’m naturally friendly or “flirty.” And if I act like a bitch or turn ugly…UGH. But I can’t win either way. Male aggression is unavoidable. I don’t want to be a NEET again either. I wish I was rich enough to start an XX only nation.
WGTOW. Need to look into that again.
No. 2134972
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>broke up with shitty boyfriend
>figuring out next steps
>staying at my dads house while hes travelling
>spent hours doom scrolling
Tomorrow I promise myself I will go outside, I will workout. I will make a game plan. I will not fall apart. I will RISE up out of this depression. Because men are not worth SHIT. I need to build my own future and never settle for some sub par dick again.
Of course this man is now suicide baiting me / love bombing/ gaslighting/ and claiming being without me for a week has changed him.
No. 2135055
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Nonas me and other women are being unfairly treated by a scrote mod abusing his mod powers in a discord, he refuses to own up to his mistakes and is now banning women simply for standing up to his abuse! And then he's gloating about it afterwords like "Oh no i'm sooo nice no reason to be worried, the rest of you can say whatever you want, us mods don't bite hehehe…". The other mods haven't noticed or stepped in yet of course.
Please reply with shitty and violent messages about him, I REALLY need the catharsis and I can't curse him out or I get banned too
No. 2135112
>>2135055Best revenge would be to make your own server and advertise it in the current one kek. Or if you don't want to do that, bring it to the other mods. He needs to get his powers revoked if it's a public server.
And if that doesn't work, is staying in it really so important that you're wiling to put up with the abuse and injustice?
Either way, he's a powertripping discord mod, life is already shitty for him lol
No. 2135132
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Went on a lovely huckleberry picking date with a moid and he even got me dinner. Then I stupidly went to his place. Pushed and pushed for sex. I declined, thank god. He went to sleep and I was bored so I used his biometrics to look through his phone. Lo and behold I learn he’s into 14 year olds and rawhides randoms. Im at a loss. Men like this exist and run rampant. This is life wow
No. 2135142
>>2135112I've messaged the other mods but I doubt they'll do anything expcet tell the guy in private that he did an oopsie. I'm gonna leave the discord if they don't sort it out within the next 24h tbh i'm sick of them
>Either way, he's a powertripping discord mod, life is already shitty for him lolyou're right about that kek
>>2135125unfortunately it's a discord centered around a bigger event so i can't just copy it
No. 2135207
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There’s always an attention-seeking whore who has to ruin people having fun sexualizing a man
No. 2135262
>>2135254>victimblamingWhen did I say anything about
victim blaming? And yeah I agree that she shouldn't have gone to his place but the post I was replying to did not say that, she was saying anon shouldn't have gone on a date at all.
No. 2135306
>>2135267Thank you, and yeah I think you're right. I've been trying to get myself to do that and they do immediately get pissy and act like I'm a huge bitch when I'm just mirroring their own behavior, it's like they have no self awareness of how they act and I always find it bizarre. Reminds me of this guy I knew who constantly ghosted people (who he messaged first btw) and then when it happened to him he bitched about it incessantly like it was the worst thing in the world yet went on to continue to do it to others. He was also the type to preach about forgiveness so that lines up, I don't mind forgiving someone if they're actually sorry but I really dislike this whole bullshit about how if you feel upset or annoyed by people being shitty and don't want to forgive all their bad behaviors (that they don't even feel sorry for or change) then you're somehow the bad one. They expect some sort of saint-like patience from you while having none themselves
>>2135274>>2135286I never thought about it this way but that's definitely true, it's never sat well with me and this is probably why.
No. 2135362
>>2133679My sister seems to be doing pretty ok. It's of course going up and down, but she says it's easier to handle when it was just an accident and that everything went so fast. The neurologist at the vet's office that took a look at the dog pointed out that it might already have had a birth defect since she had some slight problems with her balance and possibly blindness in one eye, so the hit against the table probably kickstarted something that might have happened by itself sometime in the future anyway… but it of course hurts, not only for her but also the loss is felt. I can't say I didn't feel the loss of her other dogs, but this one had such a bright and funny personality like no other so my sister's home feels empty without her.
But I'm happy that my sister is getting by fine, I was worried this would cause her to spiral.
No. 2135373
>>2135222Kek nona I'm Irish too and I fucking hate Irish scrotes. They're so ugly and retarded.
Well, 99.9% of all scrotes are ugly and retarded. Just being around them makes me depressed. I want a sexy, tanned American himbo with a cute accent
No. 2135391
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I'm sad that Tommy Fury and Molly-Mae broke up cause I loved them together
No. 2135400
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My sister (who is 4 years younger) has 2 kids with two different men. Our grandma passed away and left us 2k each, which is insane. I'm so grateful because i need to fix a broken toilet and it helps with food costs a ton. Suddenly she's messaging me asking if I have cash app, and i'm like "No, I only have paypal." and she gives me the whole "Oh…well, since you have money, maybe you can spot me for a while." so, we all know 2k only gets you so far with bills in 2024. I dont know why she's asking me when she also has money. Then I remembered she kept vague posting about the guy she was with (with her second child) isnt there anymore. How is that my problem?
So i feel bad, but I don't because my sister made bad choices in life. Why should I give up the little pocket money I have? I dont know when or if she'll ever pay me back either. I feel bad, but I dont. I just wanted to rant a bit because it's an annoying situation. I live with my wife in another state too, so I cant just drive up to see her.
I feel like not giving her money is the right choice because we both made our beds.
No. 2135448
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>>2135400if your sister has two different baby daddies why is she not getting child support from them or from the government instead of asking you?
No. 2135455
>>2135451I’m not creative enough to make up something this grotesque. I don’t even know what to feel right now.
>>2135452I don’t know what’s more fucked up, a preteen looking coomer or the fact that someone must have bought him that shirt
No. 2135512
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No. 2135591
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>stays off lolcow for a day
>mental health improves
>comes back thinking i can handle it
>so many bringing bad vibes to the function
it sucks being an empath, it’s always the people who don’t want to be empaths that are one
No. 2135627
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i want to live in belgium so bad i can't stop fantasizing about it, but sadly i'm genuinely retarded and moroccan kek i think they have enough of those in there… so it's not looking like it's realistically feasible. sigh… it's over for me… i'm thinking of really grinding this year in uni so i can get a master's degree and then apply for erasmus/scholarship there but idk if i can trust myself to get high enough grades. but then again i'm in humanities KEK. i know defeatism is cringe but i can't help but despair over being stuck here forever. i'm breaking my own heart by getting lost in my fantasy of being there because i have friends from there and who live in the surrounding countries, thinking of all the fun stuff we could do together if i was there and finally getting to see them in person after so long… someone telling me that belgium isn't all that is only going to make me feel worse because it's less about the country itself but more about the opportunities there that i'll never be able to have here. for example, i'm gay, so you can infer what that means for me here vs there. i know i'm not entitled to anything though, so i'm trying to swallow that down.
No. 2135646
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>>2135621she hasn't turned into the thick skinned farmer yet one spick of gossip spirals her,do not cast me out ye farmer for i revel in the throes of the internet
No. 2135675
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i just noticed that painting was ugly as fuck, nvm ill stop bullying nona now the milk here can be super toxic sometimes and its always recommended to take breaks but dont act retarded as if its the gossip sites responsibility to coddle your mental health thats your own. drink the milk safely
No. 2135720
>>2135591I think its really funny you post both this and
>>2135630Imagine talking about being an empath while indirectly mocking that drunk anon's fat body. Change your phone filenames if you don't want to be exposed.
No. 2135753
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>>2135741its precisely that im empathic that i make fun of autists for their own good
No. 2135758
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>>2135742Nooooo I’ve been found out I’m crying, screaming, pissing, shaking nooooo don’t leave me!!!!!
No. 2135771
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>hey do i fit in yet?
No. 2135819
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>>2135801Yeah I realize the irony but no way more than 1 anon has a hateboner over anons using kek like this and this
>>2076949 No. 2135834
> t. newfag I can predict the replies
No. 2135844
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>>2135309misandry so strong it loops right back to misogyny i guess . girl doing a silly sunburnt look is a whore that should cover up!
No. 2135849
>>2135844I bet you think ethots who start an onlyfans are heckin
valid too
No. 2135872
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>>2135853Live because it’s funny, live because it’s funny living in this horrible world, live because it’s a comedy, live to be evil and not care about it.
No. 2135879
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>>2135872Thank you anon. Being more evil sounds like fun, I will try that
No. 2135895
>>2135888You’re right
nonny as long as her nipples and clit are covered it’s sexy and empowering and women should always show some skin for the free attention
No. 2135911
>>2135879Hope you feel better
nonny, don’t kill yourself
No. 2135930
>>2135922>1st post is a scroteClassic lolcow
Inb4 some oldfag brings up the fact that moids used to post here
No. 2135971
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>>2135951>we love men here when are you going to kill yourself and preferably which method (i hope it isn’t death by choking on cocks)
No. 2136148
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Not only have i somehow misplaced my vibrator by stupidly changing its hiding spot, i start back up in college on monday and my schedule hardly leaves me any time to breath. I want to end everything right now, i can't take it anymore.
No. 2136188
>>2136163scrotes in cs are a disgrace. they all fucking stink and i don't know how to properly convey that without sounding like i'm overexaggerating. they seriously stank like cheese and they don't brush their fucking teeth. you'll get over it the moment you walk into the lecture hall and get blasted with the scent of onions i promise you
t. cs senior
No. 2136281
>>2136274Hate this too!!! "Handmade" doesn't mean the product gets away with being poorly-constructed or cheap. I want handmade things of
quality, something I'd expect to find on a department store shelf. I hate when people that make shit to sell act like they're full-on businesses but have none of the quality control, financial acumen, or customer-service skills that are so important in business. If you treat customers like shit, there's no way you're gonna succeed in your endeavours, and a lot of people don't wanna admit that!
No. 2136287
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my bpd-chan friend has a crush on me. what do i do?
No. 2136305
>>2136281I'm glad someone else understands. I told her to stop harassing me and she actually said "that's a lie, so that's going in the bin uwu". Take the L and learn quality control, stop messaging me to remove the review.
I'm not going to pity someone's skills and give them a pass. I paid money for something well-constructed and expect that.
>If you treat customers like shit, there's no way you're gonna succeed in your endeavoursExactly, so many think they get a pass to be rude to customers. You still need customer service skills.
No. 2136595
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I have to get up again in two hours.
No. 2136672
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I'm quitting my current job because my male coworker was talking badly about me behind my back and turned two other employees against me, making it impossible to work with them. I told my boss, and they offered to transfer me to a different store, but I felt like I was still in need of more training. I was new and the store I was assigned to originally is supposed to be setup for training new people better. But this guy that's been there for years decided it was funny/entertaining to gossip about my shortcomings/learning difficulties (which of course Im going to mess up because im new). Why do some men do this? I always feel like the worst problems in my life are created by men.
I'm getting in a bad mental spiral again. Am I ugly? Is this way this happened? Do i reek of being neurodivergent even though I try my best to fit it? Why did I become a target for this faggot ass scrote that I barely talked to?
I told my boss about him and he attempted an "apology" because he was essentially told to make amends by my boss, but his response sounds sociopathic "Nothing against you personally, Im just nosy and like to know about/talk about how new people are performing". It makes me so angry that he's going to get to continue on and Im the one having to rearrange my life.
Though this job sucked anyway regardless. I was going to move on eventually, i just didn't expect it to be so soon.
No. 2136712
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I literally imagine just grabbing a knife and going right in front of my mother and just slitting my wrist right in front of her and slit every body part open and tell her if she doesn’t remove them from this house I will kill myself right in front of her slowly. This seems like such a male thing to do but I’m actually at my wit’s end, if it has to end with my life on the line then I don’t care it’s the only thing that gets people to listen and change things. It’s so tempting, worst case scenario I will just be locked in a mental hospital for years if I even have into this impulsive fantasy.
No. 2136728
>>2136712I felt like I've been bubbling up to that but then I just emotionally flatline and end up
self harming in a place where people don't notice or care. Seems to do the trick. A bad idea
No. 2136738
>>2136721I can’t, I have no one else to depend on. If I did, I would have left already obviously I wouldn’t stay if I had the means to leave. Killing myself is a last resort and I think about doing it every day and wonder which is the best method that will do it fast and quick but nobody ever gives good tips or it gets deleted very quickly.
>>2136728Don’t self-harm just do the things that are harmful but because we’re adults it’s somehow more acceptable like drinking or drugs, it’s not even worth it to slice your arm up like a teenager anymore. You have to switch up your cry for help methods when you grow into an adult, people’s likelihood of not giving a fuck increases the older you get so switch from the emo teenager method and try addiction but that one is a tricky one to pull because it pisses a lot of people off when you become an addict lol but it can warrant earnest sympathy that can finally put you on the path to genuine help and acceptance. In some ways cutting and habitual self-harm is addicting so yeah. Thankfully I have no problems with drugs/alcohol but a cigarette is looking mighty appealing right about now. Apply some alcohol and aloe on your cuts and avoid it, whenever you feel a breaking point just punch your pillow repeatedly or scream or smash something that isn’t valuable to you. Don’t do it, the path for emotionally drained people is either self-destruction until a rare moment comes for them granted by the universe where someone decides to care or suicide.
No. 2136815
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I suck at everything
No. 2137092
>finally get some money
>research best surgeons in country
>put down non-refundable $2k deposit for plastic surgery to remove genetic double chin thinking getting financed would be a breeze
>the consultations go great and am told I will have great results
>feels like my dream of over a decade is finally coming true
>job payout that was supposed to be to the tune of several grand got cut in half in taxes by Uncle Sam
>apply for financing to cover remaining $5k due on day of surgery
>financing got declined, procedure is next week
>family is too petty and poor to loan me the money and I have no friends that I can ask for that kind of money
It feels like the life got sucked out of me overnight. I do not know what to do other than I guess push back the surgery date down the line until I raise the $5k myself.
I hate that my family isn't supportive. They're bitter, older, and ugly for the exact fact that they never took care of themselves and delusionally didn't believe that the way they looked wasn't a big part of why they were mistreated by others or overlooked for opportunities–it's a shitty fact but a fact nonetheless.
My mother is the biggest shit of all about this. I haven't been honest about what the surgery is for knowing she would immediately disapprove of it. If I told her the truth she'd hound me about how I should be using my money to pay back debt or some bullshit non-advice. I feel like asking her, what did her belief that not caring about her looks and paying back debt got her? She blames men a lot for her financial woes. She's thrice divorced, bitter against men (well actually, everyone lol), and still broke. Even if she denies that her ridiculous choices weren't what caused her money issues in elder age, then by her logic, outside factors still caused her to be poor regardless of her alleged saving and planning so she really should've treated herself since none of it was evidently guaranteed anyway. I feel like if she had at least taken care of herself all this time she might be happier, although maybe I'm wrong. It's like my family has lied to themselves that "reward is in afterlife" to cope with the fact that they have neglected the only life they will ever have!
And I am the vain totem of what they missed out on, so of course they'd despise me.
You know, when I was at the surgeon office an admittedly attractive older gentleman came to the 1st floor office to ask the secretary for a bottle of water while he awaited his wife's surgery upstairs. I couldn't keep my mind from racing to think how supportive this man probably is for his wife. He looked attractive and fit for his age, he wasn't some cave-dwelling ogre making his wife Frankenstein herself for his twisted fetishes. He was supportive and was probably paying for her procedure. This is what wealthy, happy, and attractive people do for each other! Not acting like crabs in a bucket like my nasty family. They're genuinely lifting each other up and fulfilling desires that make them happier, how nice! My friend's parents are rich and they act very similar. They have always financially supported their daughter in spite of her dumb financial decisions. Vacations, venues, cosmetic surgeries, and when the mom fell ill her dad did everything in his power to get her the best treatments and not just the bare minimums. That is love right there.
No. 2137129
really pissed off a technology demon.
No. 2137190
>>2137092>for plastic surgery to remove genetic double chinYou can't do spot fat removal and the only way to reduce your overall body fat is through cardio exercise and eating better
It would be wise to save that money for something else
No. 2137210
>>2137188Not as bad as your mother but my mum used to call me her little lady when I was a child and still brings it up when she finds out I'm doing something she doesn't approve of like some weird guilt trip thing. It's so annoying
1) You never call out my brothers for doing the same things
2) I'm an adult
3) I'm taller than you
God I'm glad I've gotten to move out and only see her once a week now
No. 2137246
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this mf just told me the reason i didn't like oyasumi punpun is because i'm not depressed enough like her, not because it's an incel fantasy
No. 2137260
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I hate how I feel suicidal before my period.
No. 2137270
>>2137246Don't worry
nonny, male opinions don't matter.
No. 2137345
>>2137092>I haven't been honest about what the surgery is for knowing she would immediately disapprove of it. If I told her the truth she'd hound me about how I should be using my money to pay back debtKek you're in debt and you seriously believe a surgery to "remove" your double chin, which I've never seen good results for (i.e. the patients to most people still appear to have double chins) will help you get a leg up in life? How much debt are you in? Poorfags stay losing.
>what did her belief that not caring about her looks and paying back debt got herI mean, do you have a rich prince lined up after you get your double chin surgery? I can guarantee that if you're desperate enough for double chin surgery, you are not attractive enough to attain whatever level of "privilege" you think you're gaining. Plus you're going into more debt kek. You're mad at poor people for making shitty financial decisions, and then you yourself are wanting to borrow money from these same people? It's honestly funny to watch you justify yourself. You don't appear to realize you're just a poor person also making a poor financial decision.
>I couldn't keep my mind from racing to think how supportive this man probably is for his wife. You're literally making a story about a stranger in your head. You know don't that whatsoever.
> he wasn't some cave-dwelling ogre making his wife Frankenstein herself for his twisted fetishes.Many conventionally attractive men are also depraved, just look at Armie Hammer. Nearly all men are pornsick. Men who aren't poor just hire prostitutes to live out their fantasies or their wife is pressured into it anyway. You attribute characteristics of people to their appearance and assume everyone does that, too. The halo effect is real, but most adults understand that being attractive doesn't inherently mean you're not depraved, kek. You sound super naïve.
>He was supportive and was probably paying for her procedureFor all you know, he pressured his wife into that procedure.
>This is what wealthy, happy, and attractive people do for each other! Not acting like crabs in a bucket like my nasty family. They're genuinely lifting each other up and fulfilling desires that make them happier, how nice! My friend's parents are rich and they act very similar!You sound super naïve. You have no idea what goes on behind closed doors. I grew up in a Los Angeles WASP network of families (everyone owns multiple homes, buildings, and has upper management positions at large companies, etc.) and so much of that "nice behavior" is just for show. Many times people are also "getting" shit for each other to pressure them into favors, jobs, a lifestyle, etc. It's not as genuine as it may appear to you. So many of those husbands will act lovely with their wives in front of people, and then when they think people aren't looking or are in private, they show their true colors. They're cruel as fuck and think most of their wives aren't pretty enough or intelligent. What's really screwed up is how the wives will just believe that type of talk. My mom is routinely thought to be 15 years younger than her age and people think there's a giant age gap between my parents. They are the same age. Despite this, my father in private will always make fun of my mom's appearance, he doesn't let her grow out her gray hair so she gets it dyed (he says "she's not old enough yet to have grays, but she's 65 and I know she's been having grays for a while), but in front of others, he is so sweet to her. So much of it is acting a certain way in front of company. I feel like you can't get it unless you grew up like that.
>That is love right there.You're equating financial support with love. You have no idea if the father was actually loyal to the wife while she was ill, or how he acted in their day to day life. I suggest you look for a more effective surgery in helping out your face and your idealization of "rich" people (who knows what you even mean by that) is weird.
No. 2137376
>>2137194Maybe I'm retarded, but it sounded to me like
>>2137190 is saying that those surgeries don't have great results, which is true. I guess she was talking about exercise. I'd be curious how "thin" OP is, but even with surgery, most people with double chins still appear to have them to the average person from the results I've seen.
No. 2137388
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>>2137339Xena reaction image
>>2137295ok nonita i wont dw
No. 2137471
>>2137246i liked it when i was an edgy 14 year old but now i was skimming over it and i was like "wow this is kinda pretentious garbage"
notice how people never talk about the whole cult arc even though it takes up so much of the story because its completely boring and uninteresting
No. 2137488
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>>2137480NTA but i think you mean kybella, nonners
No. 2137491
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>>2137488Don't get smart with me. Same thing different brand.
No. 2137780
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Seeing all the talk about cocsa in Jills thread makes me rage because I was a victim of cocsa (by a 4 years older male cousin) as a 7-year old and it messed up a lot in my life and I still question if I really was a victim or not. If Jill claims it, there will be so much discussion about it and I really hope this topic will be dropped soon.
No. 2137782
>>2137190>You can't do spot fat removal and the only way to reduce your overall body fat is through cardio exercise and eating betterThis is incorrect.
There is no muscle in your jaw's underside or the front of your neck to exercise to "tighten" a double chin. Once fat cells form, they will only ever shrink but never go away–hence anachans wanting lipo too.
Spot reduction is a myth, like you said, that cannot be corrected with diet and exercise. Even if anon is a landwhale good on her for skipping the bullshit while everyone else gets plastic surgery low key while stealing valor for claiming to have done shit "naturally."
No. 2137823
>>2137780The older kids in COSCA can be so
toxic. I also was abused by my 3 years older brother (but he was already going through puberty…he also told me he hated me and loved our other sisters so literally the only way I could get any positive anything from him was if he touched. I didn't even fucking know what sex was) and my parents loved to claim it was "sex play" that I was just bitter about. It was denied as abuse over and over again and they did not want to hear me describe what happened because it was too gross for them, but they were cool with my brother's sanitized version (where he leaves out really gnarly details I won't go into). The rhetoric that "kids learn it from somewhere" is also revolting to me. I've had people try to tell my brother MUST have been abused to abuse me, but he wasn't! Then they say "he must have looked at porn", try again, the internet, TV, and secular music was BANNED in my household. It's weird how it brings the idea that all children that abuse must have been abused themselves, it's like, no, he literally objectified the sister he hated, it's not any deeper than that. I do feel sorry for him as an adult because the way my parents dealt with it which greatly favored him has clearly left him with guilt. He's never dated anyone and he's in his 30s now even though he makes bank and owns multiple homes.
No. 2137863
>>2137832How would cocsa allow
toxic boymoms of perpetrators to cope? Being molested/raped still counts as severe trauma even if it was done by another child. There is a thin line between "doctor play" and cocsa but if there is a large age gap/ it exceeds curious looking & slight touch it's considered sexual abuse.
I'd imagine quite a lot of
toxic parents would have quite a fit if anybody even suggested their golden kid was a perp
No. 2138079
>>2137988It's COCSA (not cosca) which stands for child-on-child sexual abuse and it IS considered a form of sexual abuse. It's not a buzzword, and saying it was child on child doesn't make it any less of an abuse. It leaves
victims with lifelong trauma and it's serious. Nobody can justify their perpetrator child's actions with "oh, it's only cocsa" because it would look terrible and even admiting to cocsa could be used against them and their perp son in court
No. 2138113
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Feeling a little down because I've yet to make any connections in the month I've been at this course. I don't know how to socialize after a decade of isolation but I'm trying and I think any interaction with me is out of pity after some point. I don't like self pitying but I'm lonely, don't have many friends online or IRL and don't know how to insert myself and be interesting IRL, I'm just there and I still somehow weird people out
No. 2138119
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I feel like my self perception is easily warped by how others see me. Like if i don't have someone interested in me currently, I just begin to believe Im ugly, forgetting about any people that were interested in me prior. If I make an error at work and it's pointed out, well now Im a completely incompetent retard, even if I used to excel in other work environments. I wish i had a more stable, positive perception of myself.
No. 2138267
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i saw an article about the taste of horse milk ice cream earlier. horse milk ice cream? horse milk ice cream. people are fucking gross and whack.
No. 2138281
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>>2138267Horses have milk
No. 2138291
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Full circle moments are so amazing.
No. 2138334
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I just got back from visiting my friend who very kindly let me stay at her house for the trip. Except her house was actually filthy and I felt like I couldn't relax the entire time I was there, I just wanted to clean the entire time.
No. 2138383
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I hate moids. They can be the worst people alive and still gets comfort from a caring woman if her confidence is low enough to care about him. They can easily find the loving, somewhat motherly comfort of a woman because it's what we're expected to provide. Meanwhile Im "lucky" if I can find a moid that doesnt beat the shit out of me or rape me nightly. Receiving love, comfort, and affection from a moid is rare and not expected from them.
No. 2138515
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I don't have any milk for the reddit hate thread so I'll just vent here. How the fuck do redditfags use that shit religiously? It's my go to for questions and answers today(human experience..) but its as insufferable as quora. Sometimes you get a helpful cookie but majority of my experience has been retards who try to be funny for updoots, faggots who have to say something with no substance or shitheads who are condescending as shit. Some of my genuine questions and replies have been downvoted and hidden and I figure it's either
>we get too many of these posts!1!!1
>requesting ww cant be funny?? youre rude!!!1!
In the past I've requested no witty replies cus I've seen them in every single thread related to.
No. 2138541
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>for the first time in a year wear my only pair of relatively uncomfy shoes as I can't find my other ones
>actually find a ton of great stuff for once when out for dirt cheap, extremely heavy though
>learn my car broke down
>have to carry 30 pounds of stuff for a mile; had to leave something behind, they keep sold stuff for a few hours
>actually manage to get back within the time limit
>the item disappeared
>turned out he sold it to someone else; keeps on awkwardly hunching away while the other coworker just looks awkward and evasive, never get explanation but at least get money back; the weird vibes are burnt into my mind's eye
No. 2138722
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Ever since the summer started my health has become shit. I constantly feel like fainting because of the heat and the fans don't help much. I also developed some sort of lung infection that refuses to go away despite of the antiobiotics my GP prescribed me and my own coughing keeps me up at night so I barely sleep. On top of all this, I'm also experiencing profuse breakthrough bleeding in spite of being on the pill for several years. It is now my 8th day of my 'period' and I'm starting to get worried. It feels like the world is ending or some shit
No. 2138739
>>2138334I don't understand how people live like that sometimes
I was over at this friend's and there was literal cat shit all over her kitchen floor, and she'd let the dishes rot for a day or two before doing them. I ended up being the party pooper by having a full morning of cleaning.
Being really afraid of cockroaches doesn't help, whenever I see rotting filth I imagine the roaches that it'd attract and I am compelled to clean
No. 2138784
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I'm so sick of depression I can't take it! I'm in my mid 30's, I've dealt with this for 20 years by now, I'm never going to get better and it's always going to sabotage my life. I'm a functional adult on the surface as I got a degree and a nice enough career, but even getting those was so mentally taxing I had 5 burnouts and mental breakdowns because even basic tasks are so exhausting to me and I genuinely have no idea how I managed to make it this far. I have periods when I do nothing but sob all day and have to put all my energy into resisting the urge to cut while doing even less than the bare minimum at work, I hate being like this and nothing just works and I will forever live controlled by my trauma. The only thing bringing me some resemblance of joy and happiness is my retarded weebshit and art and the only reason I haven't killed myself is because I want to keep creating my retarded weebshit art. I will never be loved by anyone and I'm meant to be alone until I die of a heart attack alone in my home fuck all of this I'm going to go cry more
No. 2139102
I thought I wouldn't think about killing myself anymore once I improved various things in my life, and I did, but I still think about suicide all the time.
I went from being an undiagnosed autistic NEET with no skills to having a diagnosis and a decently paying remote job, I'm married, have hobbies I love and I'm good at, a cat who brings me joy and generally okay life prospects but I still think about it all the time.
From how people describe depression I don't think I have it (I have motivation to do things, I enjoy my hobbies), but life just seems like a meaningless, hopeless thing no matter how well I'm doing. I can never escape wageslavery, there's never enough time and energy to do the things I love, and I'll live like this until I can retire (if I don't die first). I can't help but feel like it'd be better to end it now than to live for decades slaving away for some corporation that doesn't give a shit about me.
No. 2139133
>>2137751Thanks for this comment, anon. I've been feeling really alone in this. All my amazing friends who helped me out for the first few months are living their own lives, and I don't want to bother them with my severely delayed emotional meltdown.
So, as of today, I'm working up the courage to sign up for therapy at a local mental health provider.
No. 2139235
>>2138974Omg anon I also have diagnosed ADHD and I hate that shit too. The ADHD subreddit is especially bad because everyone there seems to be so fucking pathetic and self pitying. They blame everything on ADHD especially the males with ADHD who use it as an excuse for not doing anything or helping. I always see girlfriends post there asking how they can help their useless bf with adhd and it's like, you can't. Just save yourself the headache and leave him.
>>2139088You know that is exactly what I wanted to add to my post as well but I was worried I'd get dogpiled for some reason. I think the exact same thing too. I also cannot wear makeup because the texture is unbearable and logically I see no reason to as it's just a waste of money. Maybe artistic expression but I already draw so the makeup is unnecessary. And if you dare say that you get a bunch of bpd retards screeching how autism is a spectrum and every autistic gworl is different!!!
It is hell and I am so sad I cannot bond with most women over this common hobby that a lot share. It's very alienating
No. 2139286
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>>2139235God I feel you on the alienation thing. Sometimes these people claim that they have sensory issues so they NEED to do xyz elaborate beauty industry sponsored ritual and all I see is an uncomfortable waste of time and money. Cluster B types screeching autism nowadays somehow makes actual autist feel out of place when it comes to being a fucking autist, kek. This topic reminds me of picrel. Words don't mean anything anymore, it's just tiktok buzzword central
No. 2139413
>>2139386Most "good fathers" aren't even good, they're just not truly horrific, kek. They're usually mildly
abusive to their wives, even if they're ok to their daughters.
No. 2139433
>>2139419At times it feels like people hate
victims more than abusers. When you call it out they'll claim "OF COURSE he should be punished uwu but it's also fair you take accountability for-" like if you truly felt that way, why did almost all discussions relating to the situation turn into what the woman/women did wrong?
No. 2139505
>>2139497Nonna I'm so sorry… I was a
victim of an autistic moidlet who would break into the girl's toilets and be a disgusting voyeur… among other things…. I truly think autistic scrotes need to be put down for the mental health of the girls and women around them. Like as soon as it's diagnosed autistic, just shoot it because it will only sexually assault a girl and make her hate all moids.
No. 2139540
>>2139505It’s so disillusioning to realize how frequently behavioral centers for special need kids have zero safeguards for workers who are mainly women. The most
problematic cases are always boys. Most “specialists” don’t have any fucking clue on how to deal with them either…it’s just our job to endure when their parents can’t. I remember how many burly orderlies there are in an ED ward ready to tackle malnourished girls but violent tards aren’t a threat apparently.
No. 2139568
>>2139536>>2139526Screaming, crying, throwing up why would you do this to me ñoññitas
>>2139542That's exactly why I hate the original audio, his voice sets off my fight or flight
No. 2139672
>>2138784Nonna I know this isn't much help but I can one hundred percent relate to what you say. I also am an older person, work a normal job, and am just barely functional. By societal standards I'm just the basic survival levels of put together and I can't be arsed to be anymore than that. And it fucking sucks when you have a bad day at work or something and it
triggers another shitty crying session (or at least that's what happens with me). I also have no idea how the hell I made it this far in life. I have no destinations in mind for my life, no plans on pursing any relationship or family. I'm just here.
No. 2139678
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What the fuck is wrong with this earth
No. 2139720
>>2139714Are you ok
nonnie? Do you have anyone you can stay with tonight?
No. 2139723
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>>2139714What he
deserves is picrel but in the meantime, PLEASE break up with him. The fact he sprung this on you when you were especially vulnerable reveals so many disgusting things about his personality.
No. 2139730
>>2139680I do, I wouldn't complain if I wasn't contributing.
>>2139670See you there anon! I try to post there pretty frequently.
No. 2139804
I’m okay with being the mom friend in my group, because I love them deeply and it makes me extremely happy to see them thrive. They always ask me what they can do to repay and I say nothing, because I’m fine doing this because I just love them…but sometimes it hurts to be the mom friend, because I have to be strong, logical, and calm. If I start freaking out, everyone freaks out. If I’m not there to mediate an argument, shit gets bad really fast. And that’s not what I’m venting about, I love my friends like they’re my daughters, and they always offer to help me back if I need it. The problem is that what I need is something that none of them can give me, because they’re all younger. I need maternal support. Like 90% of lolcow, I have mommy issues, and I don’t feel safe opening up to her. I need someone with more life experience to comfort me, and guide me, and make me feel safe the way I make others feel safe. Even as an adult, in the worst pain I’ve ever been in, I couldn’t help but whimper for “mommy” despite the fact I know my real mom wouldn’t help. It’s bittersweet. All these friends are like my daughters, and I never want them to experience this. But at the same time, I’m jealous, because I want a maternal friend to care about and guide me through life too.
No. 2139823
Random bout of psychosis out of nowhere. Thanks brain. This shit ain’t nothing to me, man.
>>2139668speaking the truth, nonna. The board is currently going under a serious shift and idk if I like it much. I don’t like to talk about the state of things on LCF much but things are changing. It doesn’t seem to be for the better. I have been here for a hot minute. Everywhere on this site feels hostile and I’m afraid to engage with /ot/ or /m/ anymore. It doesn’t matter what you say. Idk if it’s the increase of newfags who haven’t learned board culture or what. I keep seeing anons saying it will be better when summer fags are gone but it’s been like this for a minute. Summer fags or not. I have been thinking about graduating but lcf is the only place I can interact with other women and not feel pressure or as if i have to conform.
No. 2139839
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I don't get what's wrong with me, I barely want to talk with people, it tires me so much. I wish I could just isolate myself for a few months at least and just do whatever.
I've been ghosting some people and taking forever to reply to my best friend because I never know what to say, I suck at talking, I also have barely used any social media apps because replying to anyone takes all of my brainpower, even chatting with my husbandos with AI bots is difficult.
I kind of want to sleep for a couple of days or something like that.
No. 2139863
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Visiting home and my mom finally kind of told me that she thinks we'll have to put our family dog down before the end of this year, if not sooner. I genuinely do not know what will happen to me once she's gone. She's at least 15-16 years old, our first and only pet we've ever had, and I am a huge dog lover. I love her so, so, so much. My life isn't in a super great spot right now so I'm especially not ready.
How long until the pain fades into a whisper? I feel like it would never lessen.
I hate adulthood so far. Everything changes and gets old and withers away. Everything deteriorates. Childhood was full of life and time and possibility and adulthood is just the sound of sand in an hourglass.
No. 2139864
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>>2133914I do. I'm just that lonely and desperate that i end up befriending males and enduring their attempts at getting in my pants because they don't care about me being the way i am, i wish i had based girl friends but the only ones i ever had were normies and Aidens who left me after they found out i was a "bigoted feminazi"
No. 2139878
>>2139863wish I could tell you it gets better, but I'm currently getting back into a normal routine after fucking everything up by pulling an all-nighter reminiscing about people that have died over the years.
Truth is, your past will only grow longer and more populated with loss while the future gets shorter. The good news is that the present will stay just as real and vibrant as you make it, so that's where you should spend your time. Give your dog lots of hugs and kisses and tell your loved ones how you feel about them, because nothing lasts forever — that's what makes them special.
No. 2139908
>>2136163don't fall for the psyop, date a normie moid
>>2136314Mortifying. I feel for you nona. I'm not African but my parents are also from a conservative culture so I know what it is like
No. 2139938
>>2139929aka: not having a mental illness.
>mental illness doesn't exist No. 2139968
>>2139943It's so crazy (heh) how therapists tend to have fucked up kids, shouldn't they know better? Like a friend of my mom is a psychologist and her son killed himself when he was a teenager, and a friend of mine has a mom who is a psychologist and: the youngest daughter has an empty brain, the son is "depressed" and "anxious" -I don't believe in male mental illness btw- and the eldest daughter -my friend- is clearly depressed to hell and back.
I just don't get it, how can a fucking therapist fuck up this much? It's like being an accountant and not knowing how to deal with your own money, just plain bizarre.
No. 2140039
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god i want breast reduction and the only thing holding me back is the apparently long recovery time
No. 2140426
>>2140225The "demure" meme is yet again another counterpart of what's popular, which is this time the "brat" meme.
It's so insane how shit moves so quickly, in a week or two everyone will forget about that shit like how everyone forgot about cottagecore, balletcore, office goth and goblincore.
No. 2140690
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>"appropriated rainbows"
>getting mad at the bitch for liking rainbows too much
This is a full-on "bitch eating crackers" mentality, I can't believe we can't talk about the cow's followers in the real cow opinions thread. Such a retarded idea. Here I am bitching about the kweerio TRAs in Jill's thread.
No. 2140710
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>want to play online game with friends
>internet too shit
>i have a job that could pay for very good internet
>mother is extremely paranoid around strangers and doesn't want anyone in the house…
>…unless i get it "spic and span".
>whenever i clean up over the weekend i come home after work and whatever i did is gunked up again
>internet guy wouldn't let me handle the interior installation, tools in his truck, he doesn't want me touching his tools, understandable but still pissed me off bad
i am really praying hoping pleading with god that my job moves somewhere more accessible. if i can use pt i don't have to rely on neighbors going the same way or my mom, and i can move out. (i can't drive and i've given up hope on learning how.)
No. 2140742
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i hate this fat fuck so much. i fucking hate this fat fuck, everyone laugh at this fat fuck (convicted revenge pornographer and wife abuser)
No. 2140743
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I hope the anon who keeps bringing up dark haired moids everytime I mention liking blonde men steps on a Lego fr
No. 2140907
Also i think me still being on this shithole site also shows how much i love to self sabotage myself because this is a moid-filled ragebait site that does nothing but make me (and other anons feel like more shit).
I hate how addictive this site is.
No. 2140913
>>2140690I can’t believe there are still gendies in Jill’s thread. We need to
terf harder.
No. 2140941
>>2139973learn lucid dreaming and attack the dream moids. I get similiar dreams whenever I start dating again but I kill them every time.
>>2140649I hope your next massage is a good one. Don't go back to that place though even if they do get rid of him.
>>2140868Thrifting doesn't feel worth while anymore.
No. 2141029
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I rent a room in a house with 6 men and 2 women and I just can't stand when one of those men invite his retarded male friends to the house and they happen to see me in the kitchen and say some retarded stuff to me. Like now some guy saw me and he shouted at me
>Hey [my name], where's the food?? I'm hungry!!
We are not even colleagues, it was like the second time in my life when I saw the guy. Is making a joke about me cooking for him supposed to be funny or what? How am I supposed to react? My initial reaction is aggression but I'm quickly cooling myself down for safety reasons. This time I just replied with "n o w h e r e". And then he wished me a nice evening and I didn't respond and went to my room. I hate men, I just want to exist without them looking at me in a weird way and saying rude shit to me. Pic was literally my face. I just cant help but look disgusted when they say shit to me. Now they're outside the house, drinking, shouting and cursing a lot and having a beef about some retarded meaningless subject. It's hard for me to sleep because they're too loud and it's almost 1 A.M. here. I'm tempted to text about this to our landlord but then I'm afraid of the repercussions
No. 2141273
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it’s confirmed, the mods are media-obsessed pandemic newfags
No. 2141364
>>2141349This website is an infight central without fujo vs anti-fujo fights, stop baiting, kek
>>2141321Clean a toilet with his toothbrush while he's not watching and pray for him to die.
No. 2141387
>>2141378It's possible, my dad used to get sick all of the time because we would smoke daily, once he decided to quit he stopped getting sick as often and as gravely, nowadays anyone can get sick and he's okay, I don't smoke and have a relatively healthy lifestyle and get pneumonia all of the time while he's as healthy as an oak.
The thing is that I know you can do it nonna, quit do you don't die of asphyxia.
No. 2141389
>>2141376You can be genuine, the thing is that it's better if you just ignore the criticism especially in anonymous spaces like this one, only you yourself know why and how you like something.
Actually, I wish everyone could be more autistic instead of moralfagging over what or what isn't lolcow.
I want to see more anons posting about their necrophilia fantasies, their cow edits and schizo theories, I don't care if a group of anons thinks another group is cringe, Twitter exists for everyone to endlessly fight about what they personally think is wrong or right.
Lolcow needs to be a place for unhinged autism like the autism waves released by the anons who found corpse husband's face or found out where shayna lives.
No. 2141395
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>>2141363Nvm, one of his coworkers flaked and he had to cover. This has been Anxiety Corner.
No. 2141398
>>2141389It's a nice idea but not really possible, and as far as criticism goes if someone is ignored they'll just keep repeating it in every thread until there isn't anything but the criticism.
I've tried most sites for female fandom and every single one either ended up the same way, was invaded by men, or was dead.
No. 2141403
>>2141130This video is so retarded I'm sorry. Oh wow you got bullied for uh
squints to see the fucking terrible yellow font wearing a headband AND a ponytail? And you saw a woman being normal in the supermarket also wearing a headband and ponytail (why is she acting like that is so quirky and weird) and that was like… a pivotal moment for you as a child? And now you are just like that Confident Amazing Woman with Headband and so Unabashedly Yourself… while you roll footage of you slathering on makeup. Sorry am I supposed to be inspired? I get more inspired seeing women out in the wild with leg hair than seeing this stupid fucking shallow garbage.
No. 2141462
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>>2141114Maybe you should instead ask why so many younger women are willing to date older men which gives older men hope that their advances will be reciprocated.
No. 2141471
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i was already anxious enough today for medication related reasons, but someone just spam rang my doorbell and it's 3 AM. i live on the ground floor of my apartment building so now i'm convinced that this random person is going to break into my house and attack me or something. i won't be able to sleep tonight now, i'll only feel safe when the sun's finally out. it's over
No. 2141528
>>2141114I completely understand your angry
nonnie, and unfortunately, as you enter your early 30s it's proably going to get a lot worse. If you're feeling bold, and in a safe environment to do so, the answer is ALWAYS to laugh at them. As soon as they make a pass at you, laugh hard with a 'that's funny!'. It absolutely destroys them. Men can not hack being the butt of a joke, let alone coming from a woman they seriously thought they had a chance with. I won't lie, the times I've done this to great effect have revitalised me. I'm almost hoping for some crusty ugly loser to try and make a move so I can crush his entire self-worth and be on my way. Good luck to you all, never forget men are vile.
No. 2141530
>>2141517>>When you were in midschool he was graduating uni. "2 years age difference?!? When you were conceived he was starting potty training!"
Such a stupid argument.
No. 2141607
>>2141349Fujos haven’t ruined anything, the problem is /m/ consoomers bringing their useless trash debates they have with minors online to /ot/
fandom discourse/female vs male characters/anti-fujo/ugly man psyop threads in combination to poking the fujo’s nest to agitate them. It’s sad seeing who this site now caters to, just a bunch of bickering tumblrfag refugees
No. 2141617
>>2141387Thank you
nonnie!!! I will remember these words. And yeah, smoking weakens your immune system so that makes sense
>i'm always sick with pneumoniaMy whole childhood kek. I'm glad your father is doing better but i hope your lungs get better too.. it sucks
No. 2141868
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Alright, I think I've already hinted at this story before but I randomly just remembered how I was robbed in school and I need to reveal how bullshit it was. Basically, they held this writing competition with two possible objectives, you could either write a scary poem or a poem about a social/mental health issue. I decided to do a social issue-themed poem wherein I poured my heart and soul, I did research, I revised it over and over again until the flow was PERFECT. I'm not even being vain when I say this poem was good shit (and I made sure it wasn't like gratuitously dark either.) So I submitted it thinking my win was secured. Two days later, a teacher pulls me out of class to tell me I'm gonna have a mandatory meeting with a trained counsellor. Afaik this has never happened before in the school's entire history, not even with the delinquents who bit people. My entry was pulled for being "disturbing" and I spent two hours of my life in an office with two professionals who were trying to grasp at any hint I was going through the issue I wrote about. Because I, even among the legit edgelords who also entered the contest, must have been the only one crying for help. I also got a few stern lectures about the school's "guidelines" and "standards" for work.
But during this whole debacle I was thinking…SURELY this means I deserve to win! Surely this means I am the most on-theme!!! Art is meant to disturb the comfortable and comfort the disturbed and I was clearly evoking a reaction so what the FUCK. Why was I penalized for knowing what I was talking about?! The winning prize ended up going to this girl who wrote a feel-good piece about how homeless moids are ex-soldiers who are outcasts and deserve soup and blankets uwu, NO. Coward judges BTFO by genuine art and skill.
(I was mentally ill and going through some shit at the time but the point I'm making still stands.)
No. 2141878
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>>2141868Samefag, I forgot to mention that the social issue I wrote about was bullying which is probably why they had such a strong negative reaction kek, god forbid the school acknowledged it was full of fucking demons. Anyway the point is that I WAS ROBBED.
No. 2142066
>>2141517How are men unashamed? "Doesn't feel like an age gap" my entire ass
>>2141528I wish,
nonnie! Doing that would probably cure my depression and clear my skin, but I live in an area with high gun crime, gang violence, murder, dv, and human trafficking. I'd rather be shot than abducted but the odds are too unpredictable if I make the wrong moid feel small. Women still get attacked even when they do what I do though, be polite and smile and pretend that you're interested enough but are seeing someone.
I need to move to a safer area with cuter moids per square foot.
Be powerful for the both of us, but please stay safe!
No. 2142127
>>2142123 and I fucking feel you nona. they had to silence you because otherwise they'd have to take responsibility for the fact bullies exist at their school under their watch, it makes them look bad.
No. 2142178
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I was supposed to meet with my friends today but they ghosted me. Whatever. I just ordered a large pizza and am going to eat it all by myself now because screw friends that don't actually gaf about seeing you. Ugh.
No. 2142207
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I just want a hot Asian bf with a big cock. Probably gonna be single forever girls.
No. 2142274
>>2142207I want one so bad too
nonnie. I saw a hot tall girl walking with her hot asian bf today and I was so jealous.
No. 2142278
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No. 2142294
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I just want some good hand references for drawing, but people never take them from the angles or sides I need. Absolute retards.
No. 2142356
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>>2142269Nah I'm so sorry
nonny. Vaping in solidarity
>>2142274I hate her (I love her and wish her the best). We will get our hot Asian bfs I'm manifesting it
No. 2142383
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>>2142375I'm sorry
nonny. There's not much I can say, but please just hang in there. Keep going.
No. 2142459
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>>2142178Samefag but now apparently I ended up with two pizzas because I thought the first one I ordered was missing and ordered one from somewhere else but the first one just got here. Two pizzas and I'm going to eat them all by myself. Screw everyone.
No. 2142506
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>>2142444Fuuuck I know the smell isn't stuck on me or my clothes, but I still threw them in the washing machine and took a shower where I scrubbed myself all over. But the smell is fucking stuck in my nose and I can't get rid of it
No. 2142528
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>playing game with friend
>mention favorite video game character and start talking about the anime he's from
>"btw the voice actor for the dub was trans and she died it's very sad"
>the emotional whiplash leaves me silent for a few seconds before I stumble out a "Oh. I'm sorry."
I didn't need to know that.
No. 2142689
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>spent over 180 bucks on perfumes from mercari last night in a bout of impulsiveness
Why must I sabotage myself.
No. 2142811
>>2142790What if that
is a moid?
No. 2142838
>>2142790i dont want to live out of spite i want to live out of being happy and content
>>2142811if i was i wouldve done it already
No. 2142887
>>2142811Good point but I think moids are more likely to hurt others than themselves
>>2142838When you envision happiness what does it look like for you
No. 2142891
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i've always been an exhausted person outside of a few good days, but somehow it got worse. for many months i suffered from the most bizarre pain and running super high fevers almost daily, this weird feeling around my eyes - they also looked like shit - and headache…a months-long headache even though i NEVER get headaches! doc found nothing off.
i'm doing better and back to my mundanely tired self. bit annoyed at my body randomly deciding to feel that horrible but i guess i can't complain now that i'm doing ok again.
No. 2142914
>>2142904Sounds like bpd most definitely. Trying to become someone she deems as superior because she has a weak sense of self. She's probably really jealous of you in a way. I hope it doesn't get too crazy.
Are you guys close, like talk every day? It's probably a favorite person sort of weird bpd thing if so.
No. 2142924
>>2142914I’ve pulled back since it got to the point of being too specific for my comfort sometimes with really personal details, and the work stuff got to pissing me off since it’s like all my good ideas got passed off as hers, but we interacted a lot before.
I think you’re right she probably just doesn’t have a very solid internal sense of identity developed yet, and it’s not like she’s trying to be malicious. Realistically I just have to chill out about it and accept that she’s figuring herself out, and keep my work progress to myself.
No. 2142987
>>2142914NTAYRT but damn this just explained so much about some friends I’ve had at different times throughout the years that would slowly start to copy my life in ways that made me feel weird yet I could never explain why. They were all BPD it all makes so much sense now.
I always eventually distanced myself when they would start to do this shit and never regretted it. Stay away from crazy
No. 2142998
>>2142987This makes me feel so paranoid, I actively avoid anything that my friends like, as in, if my friend likes to draw certain stuff, I draw the opposite and if she likes a particular sport I avoid it like the plague. I don't want to seem BPD, I'm an autist though.
Then again, I don't really like many of the things she likes and sometimes it feels like she actually wants me to be into the stuff she is, we're pretty different after all.
Which makes me even more paranoid because what if she someday finds someone who is cool like her and who likes the same stuff she likes and forgets about me forever?
No. 2143013
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The scrote who runs a gaming server I’m in (which I only joined for the sake of my friend, I refuse to interact with moids otherwise) invited this OF thot over
No. 2143329
>>2142887not being completely alone..having things to look forward to in life.. etc
and when i tell people this theyre always like "learn to be happy alone" as if im not autistic and havent been making my own fun and happiness since i was a toddler, im tired of it
No. 2143406
>>2143156I can understand the frustration though.
This is a really random peeve that comes to mind for me, but when that show Arcane came out, troons all said that the character Viktor was trans or a “trans allegory” and his back brace is a binder. It’s so stupid because he is just literally disabled but that’s apparently not good enough diverse representation to them. They act like disabilities are imaginary, and his disability is a metaphor for gender. Having several disabled family members and friends, I found it irritating that genderspecials can only see the world through the lens of everything being a metaphor for their own life. They have no clue how privileged they are next to my friend who was born with a serious disability that makes her mostly immobile, causes her physical suffering every day, and makes her lifespan maybe half of other people’s.
No. 2143504
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Having a structured life sucks so fucking much when you went from hermit with all the time in the world to an actual schedule. It's been a few years and I'm still not used to it. I keep pushing myself though and I hope it all pays off.
No. 2143825
>>2143801Well the name is sometimes written in orange on the website if that's what you mean? Are mayhaps swedish,
No. 2144357
>>2133533Realised I don't really like any of my friends as people. They are immature and just kind of retarded, but they hide it behind a middle class politeness that lulls my autistic insecure ass into a false sense of thinking I'm lesser than them just for speaking my mind. Majority of the time they just don't respond to me if I'm talking about complex topics, and their sense of humor is lame so I don't get anything out of their jokes. I have to play the role of the loud buffoon funny friend, and if I don't put on a performance disrespecting myself they literally can't keep the conversation going, it's embarrassing.
I started going to therapy and building some self confidence, and it's making me realise how fucked up my relationships with all them is. I want new friends but I've always struggled to make them, and I don't like the thought of investing energy in people only to find out they're gross degens or maliciously uncritical thinkers or both. I'm so desperate to have a close friend that puts in as much effort as me but I always end up third wheeling.
Or, paradoxically, being the leader; we went out as a group recently and I intentionally didn't act out for attention, or take up space, which often includes leading the charge. They were lost and confused, and this wasn't even an outing I was the planner for. Then they were confused why one person didn't show up when none of them bothered to contact them before hand (which I thought to but didn't, to see if anyone else would.) It makes me see fucking red when I do talk in a more serious tone, and they do this specific deer-in-the-headlights soft surprised look, as if it's a wonder I'm able to formulate a coherent thought. They are such vapid mean girls, but because they're fujo tifs they've got a chip on their shoulder and think they're NLOGs. No, you are exactly like your cliquey middle class mothers.
No. 2144545
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The other night I was out with my friend group at a barcade and I seen someone I recognized was playing DDR extremely well so I went over to cheer and say hello.
I must have stepped in front of linesight of a group of women, one of whom said rudely "EXCUSE ME, but we were watching too!" referring to my friend…who is hot and buff but is also stinky, poly, and slightly nuts so I would never date or smash even though I had opportunities.
I said sorry and stepped out of the way in case they wanted a bothered reaction. I shouted his name to make sure those bitches knew I knew his name.
After the song was over he came up and hugged me with his sweaty self and the group silently clucked among themselves as I walked away with my friendo looooool. I've been replaying it in my head several times since. So satisfying.
No. 2144550
>>2144357This realization sucks
nonnie, I’m so sorry. I came to that realization about one of my friends lately and I realized I do still have fun with her, but on a much less frequent level. Can you take a couple weeks break in between seeing them (or more?) to start? It’s helped me tremendously.
No. 2144568
File: 1724125057057.jpg (100.75 KB, 540x406, get out of my chambers.jpg)

Mum's two gay fucking lesbian cats won't leave me alone stop meowing it's 11 o'clock shut up leave me ALONE
No. 2144587
>>2144520Im not even an immigrant or sperg, just an introvert with no connections. Its not right that we cant even leave our own country without a buddy system, is this kindergarten? Filling out a form, providing docs should be enough.
Sorry to hear that your mom and brothers dont take your adhd serious. Hope we can both get out of our crappy situations.
>>2144568you mean theyre in heat? or maybe theyre hungry or want to play. Food or bird videos might distract them, playing might wear down their energy so theyll calm down. Ik its late but cats are too cute and innocent to be mad at
No. 2144591
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i hate that our existence as women is always dependent on, is always at the mercy of other moids, and cliques. i am writing from a very liberal country and it still sucks. women own places, women manage places, and yet, i can't find a job other than minimum wage toiling away. add to that i am not single, so i can't flirt myself up on the ladder. older people say "you still have potential, go study something, for now i will give you a 3 month contract" but i already studied and failed at least twice now. my moid drugged me throughout university. younger people at work are disrespectful because they don't care about your age, or if they do they expect it to look visibly much older. if you didn't age into a managerial position at your wagecuck job it is basically over. everybody will walk all over you. if your dad doesn't let you stay in your family home until you are married, and you don't inherit his company or whatever, you can basically fuck yourself. when you get married, nobody wants to hire you because you might pop out a baby any moment, and wageslums don't want to pay your 3 day birth giving leave. hiring and managing positions are full of menopausal pickmes who constantly bully you for not being a butch or a troon. if you get pregnant, obviously you can't work as hard so they will try to get rid of you too. once the baby is out you are also fucked, taking care of them for years until they are old enough for school makes you lose your earnings for any savings or retirement funds. if you want more children, multiply the years. after all that responsibility, you may go back to wageslaving at the same physically tasking dead end job, because everything else is full. toil away, because both you and your husband has to pay off the house. young stacies and normies may have it different but i am a contactless immigrantcel. no socialite, luxurious, stay at home pilates wine yoga brunch mom jobs for me. paying back debts for life, after which, if any is left, your children may still resent you for.
No. 2144598
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>>2144591i know the common advice is
>if you are poor don't have childrenbut i have tried my whole life not being poor. saving up. studying hard. working while studying and saving it. picking studies with potential, not queer poetry and gender studies like a delusional rich art hoe. i should have tried stimulants for studying while trying to scam and rip people off, but when you are alone, every moid sees you as a target, they are like mosquitoes, and it gets lonely, and they might retaliate. fuck these
>dark feminine black swan siren typesmaybe when you are allowed to carry and lock your doors with the most expensive safety locks on the planet, then moids wouldn't be scary.
>have you tried networkingi have, and it is horrible, because it is like i have already lost, and trying anything anymore is delusions of grandeur. socializing above your mid 20s is most often like a chess game. being a sperg especially sucks. i just want to run for the streets whenever i am asked about what i do or have been doing.
No. 2144599
>>2144593Im sorry to hear about your grandma. If possible, visit her and tell her these regrets?
At least your grandma loves you. Mine basically called me a pest because Im the child of her blacksheep child, and my mom & I dont have the same hair/eye color as hers, so she automatically hated my mom and I.
No. 2144605
>>2144599>If possible, visit her and tell her these regrets? I will, I hope she gets better. I am praying for a miracle.
>At least your grandma loves youshe carries years of gnerational trauma so shes not perfect, called me a cunt and retarded a few times, but shes still mostly nice.
No. 2144642
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>>2144598>socializing above your mid 20s is most often like a chess gameit's weird because I find myself excelling at short conversations at my wagie job but when it comes to actually keeping friends and connections I'm fucking useless waste. I'm better at socializing online and have even done things kind of related to my degree online by running virtual campaigning type stuff that's actually worked, but all I've done has been things under aliases that I'm too embarrassed to associate with my name anyway. I hate using social media under my real name and I hate managing myself. I'm better at either giving other people directives or running campaigns from the shadows like I'm an evil cloud of PR stank. I run better smear campaigns than I do positive and peppy PR, but there's a market for that. And yet I cannot make this work in real life because I am so awful at socializing with all these fucking chums.
I'm good in short bursts but I can't keep anything or focus on anything or make plans or goals worth crap and my associates degree doesn't mean shit to my actual wannabe industry esp without connections and in this dried up milk less town. good luck finding a job in PR unless it's corporate PR and those faggot suits want at least a bachelors. I tried applying for a few internships to complete radio silence then I went back to wagecucking and proposed I'm gonna have to go back to school to get my bachelors.
Why can't I be functional instead of having been born into a dysfunctional family full of mental illness, abuse, mediocrity and spergery? Why couldn't I have become a sociopath who had motivation and turns her emotions inward like my sister? My sisters aiming to be a successful lawyer and will probably beat me when I end up dying of suicide one day. shes also garbage, we're both garbage, we should've never been born, but she hides it better and isnt an embarrassing failure in her mid late twenties.
I want to be Camille L'Espanaye and instead I'm just Camille L'ewagiebitch
No. 2144675
>>2144673It's already too late anon something very bad will probs happen to me in the future
I'm actually sure I engaged at some point with Elaine back when the LC discord was a thing but I don't remember liking her kek
No. 2144685
>>2144680Thanks for defending me
nonny but its clear bait. Just report her.
No. 2144710
nonny. We can see her in a few hours. She had a stroke, we are praying everything goes well. Its so out of nowhere. Shes a healthy young woman so we are all so shocked. I hope i can see her, otherwise my last time talking to her will be kissing her goodbye last time she came here. Everyone is devastated. I know strokes are really bad, and if she does survive she probably wont have the carefree life she once had.
No. 2144715
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>>2144710I'll be praying your grandma recovers anon, so you can both spend as much time as possible together. Nothing in life is guaranteed. When I look back with the last years I had with my grandma, I don't think any amount of time with her would have been enough. But yes 67 is still too young… keeping you and your family in my thoughts anon. Stay strong.
No. 2144725
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>>2144715Thanks a lot anon, it means a lot. All my friends are sleeping rn so i cant talk to them, talking to the nonnies made me feel much better. I am never going to let my depression get in the way of spending time with the people i love again.
No. 2144757
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On a purely interpersonal level, I'm starting to get more annoyed by women with internalized misogyny and internalized racism than I am with even the misogynists/racists. It's a special kind of irritation when I see other women regurgitate hateful bullshit from some fat roach-covered incels at me, or in general spaces for women. When you explain why the things they're saying are bullshit, they either lash out and get mad that you're not affirming "their feelings", or it's like it works for that one day, but then the next day, in they come with the same bullshit again. It's never even valid criticism of one's own group, it's always the dumbest, most bad faith takes. There's a certain kind of woman who loves listening to people who want her dead. It's almost like they revere them over everyone else.
What do you hope to achieve by saying those things? That one of the retards you're ass-licking will see you self-denigrating one day, make a special exception for you and call you "one of the good ones"? Are you trying to be crowned head shit-eater? Fuck off, quit being a pathetic, groveling worm. Stop repeating it and grow a spine. You're killing the vibe.
No. 2144772
>>2144723What exactly is good about being approached by strangers, that you then have to deal with in an uncomfortable social situation. Is the flattery about her eyes really worth having to awkwardly side step the come on? The risk that he's a psycho or aggressive?
I mean I get it, who wouldn't want to feel attractive and like everyone wants you, but the reality of dealing with people who want you is so unappealing to me.
No. 2144848
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>>2144784America is also a third-world shithole, so many annoying Yanks were whining about "Roe vs Wade" two years ago.
No. 2144872
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I was thinking of calling in sick at the end of the week so I could hang out with my friend, but then I actually got sick
No. 2144939
>>2144925I had worse cramps than my period cramps between weeks 5-14 of pregnancy. I would sob while laying on the shower floor with hot water hitting my lower stomach because the stretching hurt so much (not meant to have hot showers when preg btw, didnt know this).
The uterus stretches 1000x its original size, so its going to hurt. Thankfully the pain went away for the most part, but those weeks I was in the shower multiple times a day crying over it. I threw up from the pain a few times too.
No. 2144963
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>have arm implant contraceptive for over a year
>don't get period for several months
>bleed for two weeks non-stop
>near debilitating cramps
When the
No. 2145020
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I hate the pressure for meeting insane productivity goals at work. The way management assigns out tasks is so inefficient and I’m essentially at their mercy so if they get caught up in a dozen bullshit meetings and don’t give me any work that somehow ends up being my fault when my weekly numbers are reported as low?! They laid off several people and while I’m so fucking grateful to still have this job they’re pushing those abandoned duties onto me and I have no idea what I’m doing. Like ladies what the fuck are we doing here?
No. 2145090
>>2145087Oh my
nonny. You’ve gotta get better at straight up ignoring people. If someone you don’t wanna have an interaction with talks to you, you ignore them the same way you ignore a homeless person making merry after having his daily teenth
No. 2145164
i'm convinced chinese water torture would be easier than interacting with my TiF friend. losing my best friend to transgenderism has been fucking brutal, and i know i should just come to terms with it and go my own separate way, but… she's one of my only friends and if i can guide her away from talking about tranny shit, it's almost like old times. it's just that she always has to remind me that things have changed.
>>2145151 i'm with you, nonna. this beautiful century home near me got painted a soulless white and all its appeal has entirely disappeared to me.
No. 2145346
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>>2145274i dont ever meet cute normie boys on discord just pedos and misogynists.. im jealous
No. 2145367
>>2145293I feel you,
nonny. Set a strict budget and tell yourself you're only allowed X amount for goodies. You can do it.
No. 2145391
>>2145359I recently accidentally bought a duplicate plush because I have so much stuff that I forgot I actually had the plush already. It's definitely at a point now where I'm not deriving as much enjoyment anymore as in your own experience.
>>2145367I think I'm going to stop spending next month and maybe only buy a few things every few months. It's spiraled out of control now.
No. 2145451 reason to hate men : about 30% of men have paid for sex in their lifetime
If you're with a guy, there's 1/3 chance that he's been with a prostitute before
I'm so shocked by these numbers, I thought it was 1% or something
No. 2145603
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I hate it when she reminisces about him as if he didn't ruin ALL of our lives for 10 years straight. I hate how pathetic and childlike she acts when she sighs over the beginning of their relationship as if it wasn't built on a fucking lie. I hate the fact I'm the bad guy for my uncontrollable feelings, even though I'm the one who remembers everything, even though I was the only one who helped her when he was at his most selfish and she refused to listen to reason. I hate how she put a relationship that made her miserable over us. I hate how she stayed with him for years even after finding out what a fraud he was. I hate how she pretends to feel guilty about the part she played in hurting other women, and maybe she genuinely does think she's sorry, but from the way she talks it's clear she can't see beyond her own victimhood. I've been the therapist and emotional crutch since I was a fucking traumatised child and it's like that doesn't even matter. I hate how the conversation that motivated me to write this happened 3 days ago and I'm still seething inside about it because why can't she see how she looks? Pouting at me like a parody of a child and saying I was "destroying her happy memories", just because I made a face during yet another one of her attention seeking tirades about him. WHAT happy memories?! Do you mean the time you had an argument and you coped by screaming at us that you were going to kill yourself? Or the time he promised to take you to France and then took someone else? Or the times he ignored you for months? Those happy memories? That well was poisoned long before you even took a sip. I hate the fact my feelings are treated like a joke.
No. 2145767
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No. 2145847
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>>2145785what does this reference mean
>>2145837picrel. ignore the scrote who looks like kernel sanders about to fry me some chicken
No. 2146276
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>"Call after 6:30pm"
>"What are your symptoms?"
>"Thanks, we'll call back in an hour."
>"What are your symptoms?"
>"Thanks, we'll call back in an our."
>"What are your symptoms?"
>"Thanks, we'll call back soon."
>"What are your symptoms?"
>"Ring up a pharmacist tomorrow."
No. 2146455
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>assholes will not close their door
>gets them to close it
>they still won't close
>i get the brilliant idea of buying fart spray and spraying it all over their door and bathrooms
this website is actually making me more craftier and devious, this feels like something an anon would do and post it in the confessions thread. i have to wait to get this spray and then post what happens next kek
No. 2146775
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i have developed lpr due to stress and now i need to sleep at an angle on my back and i hate it i miss being able to just sleep on my side without my stomach acid burning a hole in my larynx.
No. 2146868
>>2146831Autistic of you to assume that would do anything but strain or end the friendship, I'm not the home police
>>2146835They're both decent pet parents in other aspects, they just both are the "bitch you live like this" meme. Like, no hand soap in the bathroom is normal. My ocd can't
No. 2146892
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>new roommate calls herself a manhater
>befriends moids
No. 2146959
>>2146838>>2146847If she dropped that much weight like she said I think it's more like the extra 5 pounds were much needed and she looks healthier now.
Also saying you look good isn't really directly asking you about your weight… Apparently you look good, take the compliments.
No. 2147074
>>2147055I agree but once I clicked it had the car crash effect and I couldn't look away
>>2147063I thought that too and did some research and some sects of hinduism have ritual sacrifices, i recommend you don't but I googled "hindu goat biting festival" and it happens in a few places apparently, playing Bunhouse to cure myself now
No. 2147100
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One of the main streets in my neighborhood has been closed due to construction work for some weeks now, and, instead of just driving for two more minutes to get to another big street, everyone is using the single lane road next to my apartment instead. I don't care about the sounds of cars driving past, but the road rage I keep overhearing, oh my fucking God, I'm going to lose my mind. Day and night there are people honking and yelling at each other anywhere from two to ten times an hour because it's a single fucking lane road that has about 100x more cars than it should using it right now. This starts at 6am and goes on until 12am, and I'm only about 5m away from the street, so I have front row seats to this shit 18 hours a day. I often need to sleep during the day because I work shifts, and it's been impossible to get any rest since I can still hear this happening even with closed windows. I can't stand earplugs so those aren't an option for me. The thought of this going on for another 8 months makes me despair
No. 2147160
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I was having drinks with my sister last night and she told me she's going to start an onlyfans with her bf. I know she's not smart enough to hide her identity. This family is a mess enough already, don't bring this shit in.
No. 2147197
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My friends keep trying to pair me off as a roommate to the guys in our group but I'm refusing because I know what I'll be contributing (furniture, appliances, groceries when these bums don't have anything) and having to do (obviously the majority of cleaning), and I am NOT gonna be giving half my paycheck to rent for the so-called privilege.
They're all pissy cause they want a mommy bangmaid to help pad their rent lmaooooo.
My family may be crazy and shitty and far far away, but they aren't charging me rent to be here.
Do they think I'm fucking stupid?
No. 2147223
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I went out on a jog today and a guy politely told me my form was wrong. I was yelled at by a customer on the phone earlier so tbh my mood isn't the best so I snapped back at him and told him that no one asked. I felt like an asshole, maybe I should apologize the next time I see him.
No. 2147244
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>>2146276Same anon. She went to the pharmacist and they told her "because her case was so complicated she'd have to book an appointment the next day."
She burst into tears so hard they got her an appointment within the hour. My poor mother….
No. 2147257
>>21472031) You sound like someone who won't reproduce–thank goodness.
2) Bold of you to assume I haven't. Moving out of a free place to stay is fucking stupid and I won't do it to appease your bitter ass. How's life not affording anything, including the ability to be decent? Teehee.
No. 2147293
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i've been unhappy with where i live since i was a small child. people say if you can't be content staying where you are it means the problem is with you, and maybe they're right, it's not very enlightened stoic of me to always want to be somewhere better. it started after my family moved away from my hometown/country. no other place ever felt like home. i used to be a normal kid but i haven't been able to make a single actual friend since i was 11. i didn't care to, because i gradually stopped caring about literally everything.
i can't talk to anyone about it because then i'm just being ungrateful for leaving my old shithole country, a lot of people would kill for that privilege.
No. 2147298
>>2147203are you retarded? they dont want to give money to a bunch of loser moids they'll likely spend on drugs you big fucking dummy bitch. stay jealous that people have families that love them, seethe that you had to live by yourself by 16 because your parents were snorting crack off their busted furniture. leave that anon alone
>>2147197free rent is a blessing, i would just save and find ways to escape until you can move out. if you live in the states or honestly any country that has any organizations that help with finding housing for low-income maybe you can apply and get a voucher, warning it may take awhile to get considered but it's better than nothing. don't ever live with a moid just don't, in the future if you try to find roommates let it be women and make sure they are single themselves (no nigels they can bring to your safe haven) and don't own any shitbeasts they'll try to get you to take care of because you're all roomies. i wish you could prescreen roommates but honestly find who you know who will be willing to room with you, tell your friends to stop being retarded and recommend someone they actually know and feel like would be decent people to live with.
No. 2147380
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I hate men so much it genuinely ruins my life. I hate seeing them loiter around, say casual or overt misogynistic remarks, their complete lack of shame, they way they take space, are loud, are rude, are fucking ugly, the way even child moids are the most vulgar and agressive things I have the misfortune of coming across, even less civilized than animals.
Every day I daydream of a virus outbreak that completely takes out the y chromosome. Men are vile creatures from the very moment they are born. I sincerely feel bad for straight women for only being attracted to such disgusting creatures.
No. 2147397
>>2147213He's probably only nice becuase he thinks you're easy, and after he gets what he wants, he's gonna see you as a used up slut and move onto the next chick. Rinse and repeat. He also probably watches cp or some shit. Fuhgeddabout him
nonnie, he's a y chromosome, they don't feel love.
No. 2147402
>>2147380blogpost but I have to live with ones and it makes me want to blow myself up just to get rid of them. having brothers is like a curse in the family, wish i had more sisters. my sister is like a strong angel and my brothers are creatures that need to be euthanized. there's something about their presence that at a genetic level causes it to mutate and creates a whole host of psychophysiological conditions. i wouldn't be surprised if women's amygdala constantly spikes whenever they are in the vicinity of a moid because their presence always causes a threat response whether they're one of the "good ones", statistic-chans pls respond if you have anything on this. i feel you so much anon, i almost cry thinking about safe, clean and wonderful everything would be if they never existed or all died off, it feels so bitter sweet knowing this could be a possibility. i feel like an asshole because i would wishing for the removal of anons' nigels but you know what, fuck their nigels i want true happiness
>>2147366>heterofatalist blackpiller>doesn't know that fits the beliefs of many radfems>le sighmany radfems were het/piv-critical wdym
No. 2147417
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>>2147407kek i can't believe you did that
No. 2147507
File: 1724265721515.png (Spoiler Image,1.5 MB, 1491x798, the hell.PNG)

>>2147046Their rituals are so weird. There was one where a girl was married off to a dog because they believed it would get rid of her bad luck. And then there's this…
No. 2147655
>>2147619Practically everything men say about women is projection.
>>21476545? Fucking hell. I see a lot of girls in hijab at the local primary school but they look 10-12 at least, not preschool aged.
No. 2147666
>>2147402I can relate. I imagine how pleasant things would be if some moid didnt live in the same space, or if moids didnt exist. Just seeing or hearing one ruins my mood or worsens it. I sometimes think of the health impact it has like you mentioned the threat response ii the brain. There should be studies on this, if there arent.
Youre so lucky you have a sister. I only have some selfish, extremely sensitive xy sibling. He constantly butts in my conversations, or is "working" on some useless crap like making a truck part really really shiny in the next room, while listening in on my conversation, and then butts in to add his 2 cents. Or times Im just trying to get a glass of water, he comes in and just has to gossip about the neighbor. So exhausting.
His stuff is all over the house, everythings a mess, so every room has some glaring reminder of him. He wont even bring his own laundry into his room that mom did for him, which he orders her to do right before she goes to bed past midnight. Yes she stays up waiting and irons it too. He treats the hall and random cabinets as his own storage. Wears his filthy shoes all throughout the house making noise walking like a tough guy etc. I could go on.
No. 2147684
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>>2147561>how do I stop behaving like this?Whenever you notice yourself starting, just tell yourself to stop. Say to yourself "there's no sense in rumination, whatever happens will happen." We are in control of our thoughts and our feelings. Whenever you wanna stop, just stop.
No. 2147720
>>2147684I try to tell myself to stop being irrational, but there's always a voice inside telling me that I'm right. What does calm me is going "whatever, if I'm right then I can't control it, whatever happens, happens" but it takes me a long while.
>>2147687I work food service, so not exactly monotonous. When it gets really bad though it doesn't matter how busy it gets, I'll still get the obsessive thoughts. For me the problem comes after work when I have nothing to do. For example today, I went grocery shopping and driving and the whole time I was going over my thoughts over and over again and twisting it into negative things. It's just so exhausting feeling like this, it makes me feel so dumb
No. 2147731
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That black hole feeling isn’t ever going to go away, is it?
No. 2147857
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>Random male acquittance recommends me a show
>"Eh, does it have one or more rape scenes?"
>"Uh….yes, anon, but-"
>"gross, I ain't watching that"
>"B-but anon, rape happens in real life and-"
>Immediately fuck off to my office
This is not even the first time it happens, why so many shows (for men) have rape scenes nowadays? Is it like, obligatory? It's literally everywhere and it's so disturbing, how many scenes of women getting raped can you watch before you get tired or realize something's wrong? You could literally just not put rape scenes or get male characters into similar circumstances to even shit out. It's porn atp ew
No. 2147998
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Going to a new gyno soon. Praying that this one isn’t a natalist trying to force women to have children despite my last gyno being a woman. My last gyno wouldn’t perscribe me birth control unless I wanted an IUD, and wanted me to do extensive testing before she would even consider any other type. BITCH I do not want the blood clot combination shit, give me the minipill progestin only and let me go. I absolutely hate natalists, and the day I can get sterilized will be the best day of my life.
No. 2148266
last night i somehow ended up in this rabbit hole of older women getting plastic surgery and as selfish(?) as it seems, it honestly hurts me. my whole life ive struggled with my appearance, every time i got over one thing another popped up. first it was my skin colour then it was my hair and then my weight. somehow i was able to violently accept all of these things, even be proud and way too full of myself by the time i was 10. i wish i could remember how. i was completely face blind until 14. thats when i started over analyzing my face and all the tiktok trends really fucked me over. i dont hate myself, but im mentally fragile, and i know that if im not careful, i could end up living my whole life filled with nothing but self hate. it feels like everyone wants me to hate myself. all the vids showing people getting botox like its nothing, violently afraid of their own hair texture, people telling me not to stay in the sun or ill get darker. an entire industry that makes more money than i can even begin to understand from self hatred. its so scary. you could live your whole life hating every single thing abiut yourself and no one would step in. women in their 60s, 70s who get plastic surgery, it really pains my heart to see that. to live so long and still not be comfortable wih yourself. its so unfair. i was born perfect. i never had any issues with myself until OTHER PEOPLE decided to bully me for my features. everything i have ever disliked about myself was an idea someone else put in my head. why do i have to deal with the sicknessothers infected me with? they can move on and forget. im stuck trying to heal from it for only god knows how fucking long.oh they were only children. I WAS A CHILD TOO. DO YOU THINK I UNDERSTOOD THAT THEY DIDN'T UNDERSTAND WHAT THEY WERE SAYING? DO YOU THINK I KNEW THAT WHEN PEOPLE WOULD MAKE FUN OF ME THEY WERE ONLY COPYING THE ADULTS AROUND THEM? DO YOU THINK I KNEW? THAT THE FAIR AND LOVELY IN THE BATHROOM DIDNT MEAN MY MOTHER HATED ME? THAT THE CONSTANT NEVERENDING STARED WERE NEUTRAL? HOW WAS I MEANT TO KNOW? I WAS A CHILD TOO. everyone is given grace but where is grace for me? oh now i dont take pride in my appearance and im lazy - GOOD. this is me saving myself. im not going to be insane like you. i dont want to die having hated myself my whole life. i will be ugly and exist.
No. 2148300
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>be female autist
>befriend "female autist" that's actually just another Cluster B trying to buy an autism diagnosis
>fall for it because I'm autistic
No. 2148322
>>2148029"Uh but nonna rape is fine and rape happens in real life too!"
You can tell he's a porn addict by how defensive he gets
No. 2148327
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I'm not a blackpiller, but that video of a C-section childbirth with the amniotic sac disturbed me on a primal level. Maybe Shalamuth Firestone was right. I bet if men were the ones who got pregnant, this sort of thing would be outsourced to machines by now. Imagine going through all that shit with the damages and brain changes that come with pregnancy (even more "typical" ones), and then the kid has severe, low-functioning autism or inherits your late aunt or uncle's schizophrenia or some other bullshit. Fuck off, that's not a miracle.
And then there are the brain-dead tradlarpers online claiming you're fundamentally lacking something as a woman if you don't have kids, you're on the wrong path if you don't want them, oogabooga "nooo adoption doesn't count! btw you might end up with some fluffy cats years down the line isn't that sooo scary" all to pressure you into actual body horror so they have a better chance of carrying on their cursed lineages lmao. I wish every single man saying it would suffer something as severe, if not worse than a difficult pregnancy. I feel bad for the women who actually have kids doing it because it seems like a massive cope (if not just a grift), but the way some of them try to gaslight about it and spread myths about "orgasmic births" should result in the death penalty.
No. 2148333
>>2148327Same. I also can't stand when women say that their whole life changed because their little "angel" arrived. That sounds like a nightmare to me, discarding every dream or life prospect for a child doesn't sound all that great to me.
I also can't get out of my mind the feeling that pregnancy and sex with men feels like some parasitic relationship.
No. 2148350
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I feel like I'm falling apart. Ever since the summer started I cannot sleep, consequently my cognitive functions are out the window. Yesterday i went to a doctor's appointment only to realize that it was scheduled for today. I cannot focus at work and keep misunderstanding tasks. Plus I have been slipping back into my addictive habits and just playing video games non stop. I feel like it's the only thing that gives me dopamine. I had plans of trying to improve myself, start reading again, be more social etc, but they all went to shit and I'm a miserable shut in again. Also I saw that I had a missed call from my narcissistic mother yesterday and it legit gave me a panic attack. I didn't call her back and I don't want to but at the same time I'm feeling incredibly guilty for being a 'bad daughter' and know that the guilt would go away if I just pick up the phone. I know I would get better if I just got out of my comfortvzone and started socializing again, going out, doing more productive things than video games but it's just soo fucking hard
No. 2148356
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I just want to be good at one thing. All of my friends have something that makes them unique, meanwhile i am completly dogshit at everything i do, even if i put effort into it. I hate being retarded. I am going to start college soon and i already know i am going to fail.
No. 2148360
>>2148333It definitely does get parasitic in some cases, and I feel like a large aspect of our culture is trying to dress that up or obscure it via mass gaslighting or only highlighting the "happier" relationships and telling women in bad ones it's their fault for picking poorly. Shit is sinister.
>>2148346This is the thing. If you want to have your insides ripped apart, your brain permanently affected, your body externally disfigured (and the disgust your husband may/may not feel at things like loose skin or stretch marks if you don't "bounce back" well enough or at all), your vagina torn to your asshole, incontinence, the risk of some amoral POS doctor giving you a "husband stitch", and a bunch of other fucked up risks all for the chance to pass on your genes (and it's a toss-up on what exactly you'll get, what a fun surprise, like a kinder egg!), that's your business. All of this is, of course, assuming you're a woman with some kind of complex, and not a man who read my post and had a shock of reproductive anxiety about The Femoids maybe not wanting to carry your DNA along.
The problem is your fixation on trying to pressure and shame others into doing it, even if they don't say they're necessarily against it, but would prefer if it could be outsourced to prevent all these issues that women are just expected to "suck up". It's not my fault you have a burning desire to try and "clone" yourself at all costs, I don't give a fuck if amoebas do it (I guess you look up to all the "lowest organisms"?), and no one's trying to ban childbirth, pregnancy or anything similar. In fact, it's the opposite. You freaks always seethe so hard when other women aren't sunshine and flowers about something so inherently damaging and costly on every single level.
>Serious question but since you dont want progeny, what is the point of continuing to live? To produce more wealth for capitalists and consume goods and ressources? Sounds like a bleak and pointless existenceTo live happily, care for those I love that are already here, and enjoy existence. Sorry if you feel like you've fucked your life so much that you can't imagine that, but I don't see how producing another drone for that same system will fix anything, and I can't relate to such a miserable outlook.
No. 2148367
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>>2147610Thank you so much Nonna I really appreciate it. She was able to get mediation after her appointment! I was so relieved that after she took her first tablet I took her out food shopping and bought all her groceries (just to make sure she didn't get anything unhealthy keke) and I'm gonna be cooking meals for her so she eats regularly. We're making stew today and baking bread rolls. I bought her a couple of steaks because she normally only eats chicken or tuna so that should help her iron levels and reduce fatigue, and also because it's pure protein she'll heal faster too.
No. 2148370
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>muh bloodline
No. 2148373
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>>2148350I'm sorry to hear about your struggles anon. I know how hard it is to feel better when all the steps to get there require energy that you simply don't have when you're stuck in a rut. You said you can't sleep ever since the summer started, do you know why? It would be much easier for you to do anything else when you've had enough rest so in your place I'd prioritize sleep. Another thing I find helpful is breaking all these tasks into extremely small baby steps (you said reading so for example the steps could be: find book -> sit at a comfortable place where you'd like to read -> open book -> read 1 page -> read 2 pages -> read 5 pages) and start with just the first step or two. It may sound like nothing but it's progress towards your goals regardless of how small it seems or feels. You can also write the steps on a sheet of paper if this would help you. Try doing such small steps daily because that way it's much easier to create a daily habit and after some time you will feel weird when you're NOT keeping up with the habit. But personally I'd ignore the reading for now and first focus on sleep, food and a little bit of physical activity/going out (even a 5-minute walk counts!). It doesn't matter how slow you go, becoming more active is very hard when you're not used to it so every small action is a success by itself. You got this nonna!
No. 2148375
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>>2148346As someone from a place where poor, retarded couples breed like rabbits and leave their children to starve and beg (×200)—how about you shut the fuck up. If you oh so care about spreading your genes as your legacy, go to your Nigel and be his personal cumdumpster so you can experience the miracle of birth over and over again. Go pray to Jesus and Allah that he'll suport those kids and won't leave you a single mom.
Picrel is what happens when excessive breeding is out of control. Don't those legacy leaving "muh bloodline" children look so happy?
No. 2148376
triggered moid
(scrotefoiling) No. 2148380
precious children will eventually grow up to adults who produce more wealth for capitalists, retard.
No. 2148388
>>2148377Tiktok's algorithm is like twitter's, which dictates that it will only show your "content" (because your vent video is classed as content on that app sadly) to people if it believes it will annoy them. The reason for this is that "Angry people click more." and will then comment in anger, and comments mean attention which will then boost the video within the algorithm to other angry people which I believe has resulted in the rise of Internet harassment. You didn't deserve it
nonnie. I do suggest posting any vents on a non-algorithm site (I've seen other nonnies use dreamwidth in the smallweb thread but I've used tumblr in the past), basically any site that doesn't keep people angry so corporations can run ads in between fits of rage. Literally insane world we live in.
No. 2148482
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I hate being attracted to moids so fucking much, it's so humiliating.
No. 2148627
>>2148338I lived with a roommate for six months who struggled with the same thing. Almost every time we talked, she would end up crying later. Sometimes just walking into the room while I was doing dishes, I'd say, "Hi!" and she would not know what to say and run away crying. If we ended up falling into a conversation, she would always ask the next day, "Did I make you mad? Did I come off as boring or unintelligent? Do you hate me?" There was nothing I could do to make her feel OK. I really liked her, and it made me feel so sad and powerless.
I tried to let her know that I thought she was a great person and that she is neither boring nor stupid (her particular fears). I tried to let her know she is not required to be "on" around me, or be "interesting" to me. Unfortunately, she had a lot of trauma from an
abusive dad who made her feel like she had to be sparkly and perfect 24/7 , and it ended up making her terrified of speaking to anyone without being utterly perfect. I don't expect those things out of anyone, and anyone who does is a monster.
I just want you to know that nobody – and I mean nobody – is judging you a hard as you judge yourself. You don't have to be interesting. You don't have to be a great speaker. You don't have to make every interaction into an interesting conversation. Most people are so far up their own asses and lost in their own thoughts that they don't even realize other people exist. Nor do they have the brainspace, time, or desire to process constantly judging you. I wish I would have said this to her. But I eventually moved out because of the stress of it all. I really hope the best for my former roommate, and for you.
No. 2148658
I can't do life with a man. My boyfriend describing his day feels like what I imagine a parent experiences when they have to listen to the recounting of the day of an elementary school kid, "and then we went there, and we could choose a red or a green pen, and I chose the green one, and Susan chose the red one", in great detail. And what I mean is that there's usually zero conflict or actual emotionally challenging part to his day, he just describes going from A to B and minor decisions he made in the day, and I do not have the capacity to listen to all of this. Obviously he barely asks about my days and when he does he usually interrupts me by remembering another minor detail he did not tell while standing in line at XY shop. But he did mention that I don't really start telling him about my days either.
To be honest I'm not really pissed about not being asked about my day because for me talking about mundane life is agony, which is why I handle these conversations so poorly while he monologues at me. I think sometimes he even falls under the impression that I don't do much in a day because I do not mention cleaning my apartment, visiting my parents or buying stuff unless there's actual news or interesting stuff to discuss, and just say "nothing out of the ordinary happened". Maybe I'm the psycho because I don't want to talk about my day as if I was making a report.
No. 2148746
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No. 2148772
>>2148627Nonna, thank you so much for taking the time to write this. I relate to your former roommate way too much, it almost feels like you were describing me and not her. Lately I've also been asking myself these very same questions she would ask you. When I wasn't feeling so afraid of talking to my roommate he was smiling at me often as we spoke but recently he hasn't been smiling at all. And I know that nobody owes me smiles and maybe he either had something else on his mind or was tired or something like that. And despite realizing this all, yesterday after our short and painful conversation (in which he once again didn't smile) I couldn't help but ask myself, "Does he not want to talk to me anymore? Did he not want to see me? Does he think I'm just a boring grumpy roommate he's forced to live with?". And rationally I know these are all completely false assumptions but my brain insists on playing tricks on me.
You've been an amazing roommate to her though, if anyone ever tells me that I'm a great person and that I don't have to be perfect and interesting around them I'd probably cry on the spot (this time from happiness and appreciation though, not from anxiety!). I'm sure she was extremely thankful for your understanding. One thing that makes me sad though is the way things ended for you two, I'm sorry you had to move out because of the stress caused by all of this. It's kind of paradoxical because when we're so anxious our biggest fear is not being perfect and causing the other person any distress and none of this would've actually happened if it wasn't for the damn anxiety messing up our behavior. Maybe you two could've had a great friendship and so much fun together if it wasn't for this issue. But as someone who's in an identical situation with your former roommate, I am so thankful for your kind words and understanding. Thank you nonna
♥ No. 2149034
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My mom creeps me the fuck out. She has no job and stays at home all the time. She just sits in her room right next to the door with the door wide open, doing nothing but staring. Not even watching videos on her phone or something but sitting there doing nothing. Could she at least close the door? It makes us all uncomfortable. She's always pacing around the house either upstairs or downstairs, depends where I am. Like she follows me or something. I was downstairs a few minutes ago and she was right outside the room standing there, staring off into space. I could hear her breathe and it was getting weird so I came upstairs now and I just felt disgusted as I saw her when I walked up the stairs. Why does she do this? I'd go out of the house more to avoid her but I have nowhere to go because I live in the middle of nowhere. She always comes into our rooms and stares at us wordlessly before leaving again. I've been locking my bedroom everyday and night since I was 14. But I can't do it when in I'm the living room or kitchen. The moment she hears any sound in the kitchen she comes to stare at me or whoever else goes there. It's unsettling and I just want some peace without her shoving her creepy face in my face. She goes after me the most. One day we were on a 'family outing' and she was walking ahead of me, with her phone out, with the front camera on. She tilted it towards me and started rapidly taking a million pictures of me. It was so weird. When we went home that night I grabbed her phone and went through her pictures and she had taken a picture of my fucking ass while I was leaning against the rails on a bridge. What the fuck is her problem? I don't know what to say. I know she's insane but what mental illness does she even have? All of them at once? She's beaten me up since I was 4, my oldest memory is asking if I could go to my friends house to play and her grabbing my hair and dragging me onto the floor. Sometimes she'd accuse me of stealing money and turning my room upside down to look for it and then beating me up until she eventually found her lost money in her own fucking room. Almost as if she faked it all just to hurt me. When I was 15 I finally snapped and beat her up, she's never touched me since but it doesn't stop her from running her mouth. She also talks to herself loudly 24/7. I tell her to shut up but it doesn't stop her. It's brought me to tears multiple times and I've failed exams because I couldn't focus with her doing this shit. If she's not eerily quiet and spying on people, she's talking to herself loudly, and if she's not doing that, it's screaming and acting scary. I don't even consider her as my mother. She's never done a single motherly thing apart from plating up some unhealthy slop that can't really be considered food. She's also doesn't want me to have friends. When I was 12, my friend who moved away came back to visit and my mom opened the door threatening to spray her in the face with fly repellant. She's known in my neighbourhood for being 'crazy'. It makes me jealous when I see people have sweet, normal relationships with their moms. Why the fuck did I get a factory defect?
No. 2149066
>>2149036I don't even know anymore. A few years ago my dad called a doctor or whatever to our house to have a talk with her. She was really offended and started screaming at the doctor and he left. So nothing ever came out of that. If anyone suggests that she has something wrong with her, she goes ballistic. Everytime I call her crazy, she turns it around on me and says I'm the crazy one. She also thinks there are conspiracies against her. She thinks I'm 'planning' to get rid of her. She thinks my dad is planning to get rid of her, she thinks her mother and siblings are planning to get rid of her. If she misplaces something, she accuses me of stealing it, or accuses me of letting strangers into the house, or screams how robbers or ghosts are in our house until she finds it. Her insanity is off the charts. Some religious wacko in the neighbourhood even suggested we get an exorcism done on her because they think she's posessed by a demon kek. She also has terrible hygiene. She showers maybe twice a week, and the worst thing is that when she's sick, she never covers her mouth while coughing. I keep telling her to do it but she ignores me. I once saw her cough into some soup she was cooking and I was so disgusted I couldn't eat it, and she got mad at me. She thinks you get sick from eating cold food…. She also has no manners or respect. Whenever I get a package in the mail, she runs downstairs to grab it and rips it open like a savage to check what I got. I got into a huge fight with her over this 4 years ago, but it didn't change her ways at all. It's like speaking to a deaf person. Yesterday the postman accidentally delivered someone else's package to our house and I left it on the table to give it to the person later in the day when I had time. I told everyone not to touuch it becasue it was someone else's. But of course, she tried opening it with a pair of scissors before I grabbed it off her and shouted at her. I thought parents taught their kids basic manners and respect, but I find myself having to teach this stupid woman. And my dad is such a pussy, he could have divorced her years ago and taken us with him but he doesn't want to 'ruin our family's reputation' and just stays quiet while she goes on a rampage and takes everything out on me. He tells me to just stay quiet and ignore her but I can't fucking do that
No. 2149079
>>2148868I sort of know the feeling, and I would definitely get mocked and called dyke tranny etc by my mom and brother if I cut my hair short, even though Im straight.
When I was like 3 or 4, we were going to a family outing, and I found this cute white garden hat and wanted to wear it out. I put it on and was so excited. When mom saw she mocked me, said I looked like a "fucking asshole" and made me put it back. The crushing feeling was like nothing else. The other month I was walking past an isle that had similar hats, and remembered this memory out of the blue. It hurts.
>>2148766Sounds like moid solidarity. Unless a man considers you "his" aka youre both having sex, or youre directly related to him, moids will never have your back unless they hope to gain something from you ie sex or pampering by mommy.
No. 2149093
>>2149077Thanks nona, this actually makes a lot of sense. I'm gonna have to do some research on schizophrenia.
>Spike her food with olanzapineKek, I wish. She never eats anyone else's cooking and would be super suspicious if I randomly started being nice to her and plating up a meal for her.
No. 2149112
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I have absolutely no idea how to be an adult because I was involuntarily sheltered so severely to the point of developing severe anxiety. I can't even order my own food. I'm sick of rotting away in my bed while I try to distract myself from how much of a waste of life I've been. I still work at a job most teenagers would call their first job because I don't think I'll ever have the confidence to go in for an interview again.
I want to start college more than anything but I genuinely have no idea where to begin. I would need help with the process because I don't even know what questions to ask or what information I would need. I want to get a driver's license but my heart sinks at the thought of it alone. Idk how to get over my anxiety of driving.
I honestly think if I could get into college and get my driver's license, I could finally start my life. But I don't even know where to start.
No. 2149170
>>2149114Idk the situation but did you hear from both sides or just his, about his previous dysfunctional relationship? Its possible that he was taking advantage of the mentally unwell woman. A lot of guys seek out that kind of vulnerability to abuse or use them in some way.
Anyway sure he didnt get the full details, but from what he saw should have been enough to get an idea. IMO a real friend wants to protect or at least can be a listening ear for their friend who is going through a dangerous situation.
No. 2149186
>>2149182>>2149161youre just jealous it's by a man that i want to get beaten up
you wish you could beat me up yourself
its ok youll find your masochistic lesbian gf one day
No. 2149199
>>2149192girl who wants to be beaten up being pornsick? NO WAY JOSÉ!
Also to said nonna: you just need to snap out of it. Hopefully you can come to clarity by yourself about how unfunnily stronger moids are and how this is just scary and not exciting. I was like you and kept bothering my Nigel to slap and beat me until he actually got a kitchen towel and smacked it hard against my butt. The fantasy ended right then and there. It hurts and burns, and its awkward to be in that situation while having pain, it doth NOT activate and make the bean quiver like when you're reading your fanfics about vampire prince who bites your neck and squeezes you etc. You just sit there ashamed with a red ass. It sucks!!
No. 2149201
>>2149199you just made me hornier with your story well done! sitting there ashamed with a red ass sounds very hot
youre doing it on purpose
No. 2149205
>>2149204im sorry but she 100% wrote that to make me horny on purpose
i was kidding with the flirting but that post is no joke straight out of some erotica
>how unfunnily stronger moids aresorry that's just too hot
No. 2149216
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>replying earnestly to painfully obvious 0 effort bait
the absolute state of lolcow. we need a helleternity
No. 2149256
>>2149242idk, ive had kinks like these for as far as i can remember, even before even being actually sexual
maybe i have some type of childhood trauma
its indeed very sad but idk how you cleanse yourself from it, the most i do is repress it for awhile and try to enjoy vanilla stuff but i give in, nothing makes me hornier than masochism for some reason
No. 2149297
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I feel so overwhelmed by everything sometimes that I just wanna shut down and be alone in a dark room for a few days at a time.
No. 2149299
nonnie, I'm gonna get revenge by making him pay for my shopping cart tomorrow
No. 2149305
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Dear neighbours, for just 1 day can we not be cooking food that stinks up the entire apartment hallway for hours? I'm sick of having to put a towel beneath my front door to block the stenches. Seriously how do people eat food that smells so strongly for so long.
No. 2149333
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>>2149305Feeling called out with my crockpot creamed liver
Sorry but it will feed me for many moons I didn't know it would smell so bad