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File: 1722626492884.webp (36.16 KB, 747x471, AFA19E2D-6830-4B43-A35D-68D5FA…)

No. 2117413

Previous thread >>ot/2105455

No. 2117414

>get raped multiple times by the same moid
>friend starts dating him
>I tell her how he’s been abusive to me
>”it’s fine (it hasn’t happen to me yet)”
>tell her about the rape
>she tells him, of course I get accused of being a manipulative liar
>she takes his defenses and keeps on dating
>he becomes abusive after only a month of dating
>she keeps dating him
>eventually gets raped herself

Saw this shit coming a mile away and I am at a loss. I can’t even be sympathetic to her.

No. 2117419

This is bait btw. Imagine being desperate for (you)s on lolcow

No. 2117439

If this isn't bait, she would have been dropped as a friend the minute she started dating that scrote. Blocked and never thought about again.

No. 2117440

Idk if you're that anon who always keeps bringing up (you)s, but these don't even exist on lolcow, what are you talking about? If you're that anon then you're just being really easily identifiable.

No. 2117443

it's some fucktard from 4chan who keeps nitpicking people at random, probably an underage moid

No. 2117466

File: 1722628409765.jpg (59.77 KB, 570x570, 406b94f116e322ea564bf3621ed3d2…)

why would i choose art as my career path everything i do is useless and my skills are worthless. i contribute nothing to society. in an apocalypse i'd be eaten first and i'd deserve it.

No. 2117472

Why don't you try different mediums? Maybe the medium you're using isn't just your thing.

No. 2117474

don't be a ngmi-chan and get back to drawing

No. 2117478

holy shit what is it with anons on this website and being a fucking schizo? why do you think everyone is the same person? there are probably hundreds of posters on here on any given day why would you assume two people are the same person for bringing up a common concept that everyone who has been on 4chan (who has thousands of daily active users) knows about, several days apart? pure mental illness

No. 2117484

something in that post must have hit a nerve

No. 2117486

Lovingly shut the fuck off retard, you can literally materialize what's in your brain, how is that useless? I sweafmr to god I don't know what it is about artist that makes them unable to see how great their work is. There are so many who feel the way you do and then I look at their work and it's actually amazing? fuck off

No. 2117489

chronic soda drinkers and people who gain weight from their soda intake are bottom of the barrel to me. It’s pure syrup and the only appealing part is the fizz, sparkling water reigns superior.

No. 2117492

Why the fuck is scrotefoiling banned? It's fucking obvious when an autistic man is typing. Some of the concern trolls sperging out about Imane Khelif's chromosomes are obviously rightoids who don't give a shit about women, they just want to focus on the tranny issue, which is why they keep insisting on calling the person "he" when we don't even know anything about the individual.

No. 2117493

File: 1722629292531.png (2.58 MB, 2560x1450, image.png)

i'll be alright

No. 2117494

>Why the fuck is scrotefoiling banned?
Because then every discussion on this god forsaken site would just be
>anon has an unpopular opinion
But yeah I agree with the rest of your post

No. 2117497

Don't upload this pic the other artwork in that series had such a profound impact on me that I changed my legal name and ran away from my life

No. 2117502

No pls post this other artwork you speak of

No. 2117504

I need to see.

No. 2117506

Why the fuck would I be farming YOU’s on lolcow of all places you bitch.

No. 2117511

why would you invest in an art degree,just build a following on social media so you can freelance/contract it’s way more easier. 90% of college degrees are all fluff

No. 2117512

Access to professors and expensive tools maybe

No. 2117514

Blogpost vent, but I found a baby bunny nest in my yard earlier this week, and I’m having a really difficult time not being an absolute basket case about it. I know how emotionally “disregulated” this is of me, but I tend to get really wrapped up in worrying about animals. As in, it sometimes can completely ruin my day/week. I contacted a rehabber who suggested I cover the nest with a laundry basket, which I did. Mom has been coming and going every morning and evening for feedings, and I can see the babies moving under the grass when I check on them. But I can’t drop this feeling of absolute dread. It has been incredibly hot, and there are storms coming this week. I know very few bunnies make it to maturity to begin with, and to make matters worse my neighbors insist upon having several very aggressive outdoor cats who constantly kill animals in our yard. I can’t even have my dog outside unsupervised without worrying about her finding one of their “gifts” and rolling around in it. And now I just feel like I’m serving them a baby bunny buffet. I’ve already had several other animal emergencies this summer and honestly I’m just getting so overwhelmed, and I’m starting to feel like my panic about the situation is abnormal. I can’t even sleep because I keep having horrible nightmares about animals dying, and I’m so mad at my neighbors for being so irresponsible (both about their cats and the local wildlife).

No. 2117517

File: 1722630142123.jpg (366.12 KB, 1332x1888, anna haifisch.jpg)

ntayrt, i'm >>2117493 but i assume she meant picrel

No. 2117518

Fucking DHL cunts I have been waiting for my package for a week. They failed to deliver twice because they are too stupid to find my apartment.

No. 2117519

>I changed my legal name

No. 2117535

So nobody could ever find me again and I'd be free of everything that was ever placed on me.
Will not be opening this thread until this post is buried so I don't have to see this picture I'm trying very hard not to look at it because as soon as I read the words I cry every time.

No. 2117540

Just press (hide) next to file, what the hell

No. 2117543

Fuck my cursed ass life

No. 2117544

Sorry some art can have a profound impact on others.

No. 2117546

File: 1722631193554.jpg (273.78 KB, 680x392, Party-Girls-Looking-at-you-POV…)

I know this is going to sound pathetic but it makes me really sad that I don't seem to fit in with any online female friend groups. I try and interact with some but I get ignored. Some of the girls I follow and try to interact with will repost my random memes but they won't follow me back or anything. Literally feels like they're giving me the picrel look when I try to interact and be friendly.
All my online 'friends' are male, and I know most of them are just hoping to fuck/get nudes eventually and will ditch me when they find out I won't deliver so it doesn't feel real at all but I'm desperate for friendship so I go along with it in the meantime. Feels like shit honestly and I'm really upset about it today.

No. 2117549

I've cried to it as well. I just don't understand why you don't just hide it if it bothers you that much.

No. 2117550

Here is your autismo diagnosis

No. 2117582


No. 2117588

Girl i fucking saw it too i wanna throw up and die

No. 2117591

Was this on YouTube?? I’ve gotten two separate live videos recommended to me today with NSFW thumbnails but then the livestream is just of a couple walking through the jungle catching fish in a stream

No. 2117594

>but then the livestream is just of a couple walking through the jungle catching fish in a stream
i just saw this exact thing. the thumbnail is a woman without pants on showing her pubes, right? i was shocked out of my fucking mind

No. 2117598

No some disgusting troon posted cp here again, it happens sometimes. That they resort to stuff like that shows how truly vile and irredeemable they are. Not a single fucking good tim exists on this planet. But we are the evil ones of course. Humanity is a joke.

No. 2117600

No, it was here on the front page, it was horrific.

No. 2117603

Ah is it that one tranny? Im sorry you saw it, he's truely a disgusting piece of shit. I tried to quickly look away, but it truely made me so upset. I want all those men to be killed already

No. 2117604

all of that over a drawing? i understand feeling emotional but not this, especially the name change

No. 2117605

Shut upppp he's a man beating women until proven otherwise SHUT UPPP

No. 2117606

it was so vile it made me want to cry
i saw that too and it made me laugh. i have no idea how they got away with that thumbnail

No. 2117610

Probably a tranny on drugs, lines up woth cp spam.

No. 2117613

it's just an educated guess on my part. tifs don't own cp and most poltards are troons anyway. the chances are good it is one, especially since they all eventually out themselves as pedophiles. the agp ones at least.

No. 2117614

I hope one day you realize what a moron you're being right now and feel deeply ashamed.

No. 2117616

You drink plain sparkling water? The taste is horrible

No. 2117620

Just a warning nonas, I opened crystal cafe a few minutes ago and saw some posted there too, presumably by the same subhuman. The stuff getting posted today is significantly more graphic than any of the other times I've seen it happen, I feel nauseous. I'm probably going to just avoid opening the front page at all after this.

No. 2117630

even worse things have been postet here in the past, male evil knows no bounds

No. 2117631

same here i've been unwittingly exposed to CP before but never something so horrifying that i literally could not remove from my mind just by seeing it for two seconds. it honestly disturbed me so much i will try to never open the front page again even if it's convenient to see all the recent posts

No. 2117633

Opening meta first is a good idea to see if there’s a warning

No. 2117642

I just take all my CF posting here. It's too much of a risk and so heavily unmoderated

No. 2117644

Unfortunately this doesn't always work. When I opened the front page earlier today I also saw some, and nobody ended up mentioning it at all.

No. 2117648

I wish that I wouldn't have exposed myself in the world

No. 2117672

Swear I'm not baiting but I just caught up with the entire Imane Khelif saga because I haven't been following the olympics and it's depressing, she looks like every other gymrat butch woman I've seen with female facial structure and I'm super fucking disappointed in seeing J.K. Rowling call her a straight out man even when it's an intersex woman and not some fucking MTF tranny trying to cheat his way into womens' sports like that hulk swimmer or the trust fund weightlifter troon. You can't even be trans in her home country. Khelif already represented Algeria at the Tokyo olympics and nobody gave a shit back then, she lost during the quarter-finals. It's an entirely another discussion to have if intersex people should be allowed to compete in women's sports (for the record, I don't think they should) but a literal muskrat and Russian telegram rumor psyop framing her as man is so fucked up, I know women who have a Y chromosome and the only symptoms they might show from it is being tall and infertile and they live their lives entirely as women.(this topic has been quarantined to the gender ideology hate thread)

No. 2117685

I just wish that I would've never exposed myself into the world. I ruined my fucking life. I'm too schizo and spastic to partake in society. I am a fucking abomination.
I ruin everything that I touch.
I just wonder why I am not well adjusted and living my life the way that I have always wanted to it should have been easy.

It should have been easy to live my life the way that I have always wanted to live it

No. 2117686

I think trannyism is more complex than people say. Like, just because JK Rowling says she's a TERF, I'm not gonna worship her or believe her for it. I don't support troons, but in the case of the boxer it's very obvious that she's competing in the right category for her. Assigned female at birth in an Islamic country, raised a as a girl and grew into a woman in an Islamic country, has participated in the Olympics before with no issue, everyone that knows her considers her to be a woman, etc., I don't think she's anything besides a woman. I think it's funny because sometimes, people will be so troon-obsessed that they'll make everything about troons. Like, okay if Imane has a genetic condition that helps her gain muscle, why is that so bad? Why is it that only mutant freak WOMEN are chastised and cast out of the Olympics, not the mutant freak men like Phelps? It's weird, but sometimes people will be sooo against troons online that it crosses over into being against women.

No. 2117690

Samefag to add, the only "source" for Imane having XY chromosomes is LITERALLY a Russian telegram rumor and there's no official statement stating so. It's based on the Russian-funded IBA (International Boxing Association) suddenly disqualifying her in the middle of a tournament because she defeated a Russian opponent. Now that plenty of countries are boycotting IBA-led contests due to the Russian backing they're pissed at the IOC and are trying to drag the Olympic boxing circuit down and started a rumor on Russian telegram saying that Imane was disqualified because she "had XY chromosomes" (and Russian newspapers presented it as a fact) and there's LITERALLY NO FUCKING PROOF FOR IT. Elon Musk and that Logan douchebag tweeted about it and everyone just accepted it at face value and ran with it. Embarrassing as fuck and shows how masterful the Russian propaganda machine is and how they're the ones fanning the flames of the culture war in the west. Fucking J.K. Rowling took the bait hook, line and sinker and I always thought she had a good head on her shoulders. Fuck, it's so bleak.

No. 2117692

I'm surprised you guys are mentioning this here after what happened in the last vent thread kek

No. 2117697

>Why is it that only mutant freak WOMEN are chastised and cast out of the Olympics, not the mutant freak men like Phelps?
the olympics are divided by sex in the first place for women to have opportunity to have competition with each other. people get mad because they seem like cheaters for continuing when they have a condition that can lead to developmental advantage inaccessible to 99.99% of women. the real blame should be at the olympics for not setting clear rules and testing people.

No. 2117701

>Why is it that only mutant freak WOMEN are chastised and cast out of the Olympics
Women had to fight to participate in the Olympics. If Imane has XY chromosomes, it's a man with an unfair advantage who is taking up a spot an actual XX woman should've had. Now go to the gender ideology thread if you want to keep arguing about this

No. 2117708

take your retarded olympics tranny/intersex infight to the gc general this is a fucking vent thread i'm so sick of seeing this shit everywhere it's literally inescapable

No. 2117712

For real it's so retarded.

No. 2117726

They keep posting about it in practically every thread kek it’s driving me insane. And I’m super anti troonery, but jfc fellow anons.

No. 2117729

File: 1722637809190.jpg (81.82 KB, 800x1000, 6038c2c46a0a07f71143b6e9ea303d…)

Link one website that actually cites an official source for the claim with test results specifying what her condition is and how she didn't pass. The test results were never published, and there probably are none. IOC has gender tests in place and she passed them two times already, the only time she "didn't pass" was when she defeated a Russian opponent during the world championships led by IBA, a corrupt organization at odds with IOC and an organization boycotted by multiple countries around the world because they're ran by Russians and run extremely dubious and shady conventions at their competitions, and she was suddenly disqualified and only NOW it's suddenly being claimed by telegram rumors that it was "her having XY chromosomes". Make of that what you will.


Have you never seen female boxers before? Even picrel looks more masculine.

No. 2117743

I’m a young adult. I’ve been assuming the moment I finally force myself to start going outside will be happy. But I’ve been a NEET for so much of my life/childhood that I’m starting to realise… this is really scary. How do I explain to others the reason for my lack of life experience is that I only started to leave my room very recently? Honestly it almost seems like daily life is such a foreign concept to me, like imaginary, it only exists in my imagination and accounts of it I read online. I didn’t conceptualise that I’m going to be socialising with people regularly again if I go to uni. My last memory of that was when i was attending school at like, 14. I mean that’s why I want to get out of here but… it’s really starting to scare me. People do this every day? No break, no breather? I can’t believe I let it get this bad, that I can barely even remember what it’s like to be like that any more… I’ve forgotten.

No. 2117754

I feel you nonna!! I’m sorry you’ve been going through it. Situations like yours can be incredibly isolating, and it just gets worse when you feel you’ve been knocked down after trying to put yourself out there. If I could offer some unsolicited advice, I would say to look for friends in places where neurodivergent people tend to gather. While I won’t make a blanket statement, normies will be a lot less understanding of your situation than some fellow NEETS. Look for nerdy activities, like tabletop gaming, small local conventions, alternative music scenes, etc. As someone who has been in your situation, those are definitely the places I felt the most “accepted” after experiencing some low points in life.

No. 2117761

>"Sorry, it's hard for me to talk about, but I grew up in a cult and I'm not familiar with X. I never got taught about X, so I need some extra help if that's okay?"
This line has saved me a few times. Only use it for people you're sure you won't meet again. Usually it persuades them to treat you more cordially as well, and to do more for you. I.e., when I needed a credit card cancelled and the bank teller told me I had to go online and spend a few hours with call representatives, I acted confused about what "online" was and started crying saying I'm unsure of what to do, she ended up doing it all for me in 5 minutes. (In my head, I thought: so why didn't she just do her job from the beginning? Why does it take me crying to spur her to do something so obviously simple?). It also works if you buy a cheap 20-30 dollar flip phone to use as a burner, and act like that's your "main" phone, so people are more ready to believe your lie. The only thing is you have to be really good at acting confused or unsure of yourself, if you act like you're anything besides a down on your luck retard they'll see through it.

No. 2117784

What the fuck kind of convulted shit is this? If you don't want people to know you were a friendless NEET then just don't talk about your private life, pretend like stuff from years ago happened more recently, or lie about having a social life by talking like your online friends are irl ones. No need to LARP like you were part of a cult of all things. Absolutely nobody is going to care about their random classmate being an ex hikikomori as long as they don't act like Chris Chan.

No. 2117803

>What the fuck kind of convoluted shit is this?
Sorry my life is convoluted my bad I guess

No. 2117832

I hate the old shooting faggot from the olympics who has been going viral, of course he steals the thunder and gets more worship over kim yeji from the day prior

No. 2117840

I think that you think of yourself entirely too much. The "cult" excuse just solidifies yourself as a narc. You want to set yourself apart, draw attention to yourself, simultaneously try to force these people into having empathy for you in a self-created, false situation. There is no reason to lie about that. I gauruntee you that if you really have used this story, people aren't talking about cutting you slack behind your back, they can sense you are full of shit. There is genuinely no scenario in which you need to lie about something so asinine. That is, unless, you revel in the coddling and attention.

No. 2117853

Yep! You got me. They sense I'm full of shit but societal convention restricts them from calling me out. It's perfect.
>That is, unless, you revel in the coddling and attention.
Not only do I revel in it, I adore it.

No. 2117854

>you should do x
>no i think i should do y
>goes back and forth like this
>fine, do whatever you want
>UGH then i guess im doing it YOUR way then since you'll be upset otherwise
wtf…… like youre only willing to compromise once no one wants to argue with you anymore?? why are nearly all men like this? once you give them permission to do whatever they want thats when they turn around and act like youre forcing them to do shit

No. 2117867

Unlikable and weird

No. 2117870

You caught me! What's your mailing address so I can send you your medal and your trophy?? Also what time works for you for the parade? You definitely need a parade!

No. 2117873

File: 1722645630201.jpg (56.15 KB, 371x363, 1000001788.jpg)

>>2117870(scrotefoiling, infighting)

No. 2117874

Boo hoo now I'm crying because you called me a scrote after medfagging about me and playing an armchair psychologist boo hoo hoo I am so affected by your replies boo hoo

No. 2117881

Unlikable and weird(infighting)

No. 2117887

>Unlikable and weird woman
>On the unlikable and weird woman website

No. 2117902

Kinda insane how horribly autistic women are treated. Kinda insane how male autism is more acceptable and forgivable than female autism. My brother can treat my mother like shit and she’ll happily take it, but with me if my tone even seems slightly not perfect she’ll scream at me for my attitude.

No. 2117913

I hate how hard it is to budget as a single person who wishes to live alone in a modest house and not a flat/house share. I don't even spend much on my hobbies(except for the cats and occasional domestic travel), but trying to save anything to pay off my loans, get a car and put something away in savings seems impossible.

That's just misogyny innit?

No. 2117916

Living alone is a luxury in itself to be fair. Sometimes I wish that after the 2008 recession, governments worldwide would have learned their lesson and focused on improving housing stock and real estate regulation, but alas.

No. 2117920

File: 1722647707105.jpeg (1.67 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_7556.jpeg)

I got a job through a friend, not to sound ungrateful but I really hate it mostly due to the fact that I really can’t acclimate to the work load well, another thing to mention is I was so socially awkward after a long time of being a neet it’s difficult for me to get along with people well. A week in and it felt like everyday was hell, deep in my mind I knew this job wasn’t for me at all after a couple of days of probation, even though my coworkers are very nice and helpful but I just couldn’t catch up. My biggest dilemma is that my mom was very proud of me and was rooting for me to get the job, the second reason is job market is very grim rn and I don’t have a backup plan of what I should do next. We had a meeting today and my senior told me to pick up the pace, and I felt like shit all day. I can’t quit but I don’t wanna stay either, my life is sad. I just wanna be happy. When will this end?

No. 2117921

Goddamn your mother had something busted with her eggs/father’s toxic sperm if she came out with two spergs kekk

No. 2117927

>That's just misogyny innit?
I agree, it is just insane to me that men’s autism is more accepted than women’s because men are way more apparent at showing it than women. We are just better at masking, and socializing at base, yet if we deviate from this even in the slightest we are horrifically bullied and shunned by women and men alike. I love shitting on men don’t get me wrong, but I would like to note how I was bullied throughout my whole life by other women because of my weirdness and how I wasn’t like them at all. Internalized misogyny is a bitch, huh? Women should talk about it more.

No. 2117928

No, I don’t care about the Olympics.
No, I don’t care about any athletes who may or may not be participating.
No, I don’t care about anything happening in Paris.
No, I don’t care about what any world leader, political figure, or sports commentator said about any of the above subjects.

I just wish you could mute words irl.

No. 2117929

KEK didn’t see this reply before the one I just posted but no shit. Me and my brother have different fathers actually, but she’s had drinking problems in the past and she has a shitton of mental issues.

No. 2117937

Yeah it is awful. I wouldn't even say women are better at masking, it's that we were forced into learning how to mask or else risk non-stop bullying, and in some cases that did not help because others can 'feel' that there's something off about you. Whereas with men, people, especially women, tend to give them a pass for their behaviour. It sucks and I'm sorry you have to experience it, especially since they will probably expect you to look after them once they grow old.

kek anon

No. 2117943

I wish that I didn't have to deal with physical health issues. Fuck Elhers Danlos and my jaw pain. This shit is almost literally unbearable. I am going through pain that is 9/10.

No. 2117974

>be involved in a weird reenactment type cult
>originally brought in cause I used to date a weirdo
>earn my keep, apparently
>take offer into sekrit kool kids klub cause I want to have friends and do cool shit
>do cool shit
>at cost of realizing these people only like me cause I'm useful and a bitch with a purse
>once they get what they want they go back to being distant and expect me to do legwork, like a cult
>don't fall for the bait so the times I hang out with them is less often and only if I am in the area for work and have nothing better to do
>I'm still kind as fuck to them cause I am a good friend like that
>recently came into money to the tune of thousands
>excited and wondering what nice things I am going to do for myself that I have waited decades for
>they catch wind of this
>leader invites me out to see deadpool at bar theater place, I agree cause I do not have to pay for tix and I am out that way for work already
>leader wants to discuss "business" with me
>meet up with everyone
>ask one friend how she liked her bday present I got her since I was not around when friend gave it to her
>catch up with friends
>lead pulls me aside
>I order everyone a round of drinks (gee, how nice of me..)
>he is telling me he is investing in crypto and mining and how he is exactly thousands of dollars away from his $30k investment goal and other people already invested in the crypto and they all just wanna earn passive income and how I could totally see a return with this…
>"Are you asking me to give you the money I just got? Unfortunately no, I was going to spend this money on myself for something I have dreamt about for decades. It's so volatile, I'm concern for your guy's investments. Even property would be better and make more sense, in fact, if you're already saying you have tens of thousands in cash already, then why not?"
>don't even tell them no completely, offer a few hundo but no more which even then is generous
>they show me some bullshit calculation for supposed return per month and it would be higher than the investment so bullshit
>I could tell they expected my compliance
>they didn't get it so now they are blowing me off on my movie night

All because I didn't want to invest in their crypto LOL. Cult shit.

No. 2118120

File: 1722655333590.jpg (82.36 KB, 450x675, 6cb700fd29891366cc53149c77a3aa…)

I really hate modernity so much. I hate AI, i hate trannies, I hate incels, i hate porn, i hate modern anime, i hate modern geek culture, i hate smartphones, i hate the modern internet, i hate zoomers, i hate modern gaming, i hate esports, i hate livestreams, i hate pickmes, i hate the modern art community, i hate modern fashion trends, i hate modern music.

I just hate everything so much, i would kill half the population to live just for one year in the 00s. Everything around me is fucking depressing.

No. 2118122

T. Grimes describing her relationship with Elon Musk

No. 2118149

ily nonna for this

No. 2118156

same nona… everything sucks

No. 2118179

Same same same

No. 2118189

i thought you were gonna say you wanted to live during the middle ages or something. i share your sentiment though, geek culture especially have been super shit.

No. 2118193

I'm so depressed nonnies I don't even know what I'm holding on for. Like, I'm struggling everyday and for what reason? What am I doing? I don't even know….

No. 2118195

once you die, you are going to be dead for all of eternity. might as well stick around and see if you will come across something cool by chance while you’re still alive

No. 2118198

>weird reenactment type cult
sorry to pry but sca or another reenactment group? had to ask because i know some minor houses are batshit insane

No. 2118203

Because if you have eyes, you'll notice lolcow doesn't have the "(you)" function, and you won't bring it up, because it doesn't apply. Could've just said "desperate for replies".

No. 2118204

What the hell is a "you function"?? Can you people start describing all the odd jargon you use? Some of us have no idea what you're talking about.

No. 2118212

It's from 4chan, anon, don't worry your cute little head about it

No. 2118215

Oh okay thanks for explaining. I never use that site so whenever anons here talk about it I feel like the odd one out.

No. 2118217

have you considered being a lolita unabomber?

No. 2118221

dont encourage my inner demons

No. 2118222

Yeah there aren’t enough lolita unabombers out there

No. 2118226

Most newfags have never set foot on another imageboard before. They most than likely found LC through tiktok.

No. 2118227

i am always disappointed by everyone including myself. i need to be more forgiving, but i feel like i have no one to rely on. it's a scary way to exist.

No. 2118233

NTA but only on LC will you find other anons angry that someone didn't waste their impressionable youth on 4ch. I found out about this site in 2017, then when PULL closed down I migrated here and began posting instead of just lurking. I really started spending more time on this website around when Jill started her DID arc. I don't care if someone comes from TT, as long as they follow the rules and don't act weird.

No. 2118241

Imageboards all share the same culture, you can tell people who have never used IB have a certain paranoia to their posts. They are so used to social media and everything being attached to their names and lives they are incapable of accepting that you cant tell whos behind a post in an imageboard. They are really annoying posters.

No. 2118251

It kinda sounds like you're just making stuff up based on how you feel. That's okay, but I'm not gonna take it seriously.
>Imageboards all share the same culture
I've never been on another IB (for any substantial time otherwise) besides LC so I'm not 100% sure, but I'm gonna go on a limb and say LC has a different culture than 4chan. Maybe they had a similar culture in 2014, but after a decade apart I think our userbase is different from the one on 4chan.

No. 2118255

All imageboards share the same anonimity culture. Only in lolcow you have anons trying to claim x poster is y x z poster just to infight.

No. 2118257

Another bitter millennial on this platform, many such cases

No. 2118258

Ah, I see what you mean now. Sorry for being obtuse earlier. I understand now.

No. 2118259

I wish i was a milennial.

No. 2118261

Maybe you are the problem

No. 2118264

Tell me with a straight face that any of the things mentioned are akshually good.

No. 2118266

You’re not even good yourself let alone the things that you mentioned kek

No. 2118267

Perhaps. If you actually enjoy the modern state of the world then i envy you.

No. 2118271

I think mobile smartphones destroyed the world unironically. The internet was a much better place when you had to sit down at your desk to use it, rather than it being in your pocket available 24/7. It's hard to be in the moment when the moment can easily be captured by anyone around you and uploaded online in 5 seconds and suddenly you're being doxxed and harassed by teenagers across the globe. I always feel on edge when I go out, because I'm afraid someone is gonna record me and ruin my life. I don't even do anything particularly crazy or weird, but now I double-think everything I do just in case there's a psychotic millennial afoot with their phone ready to record me and complain about me on TikTok.

No. 2118273

Because I’ve always hated these “i was born in the wrong generation” posts, you will learn to live with it. Every generation has its own problems, if she couldn’t find joy at this point in time she would probs have sth to complain even if she was born in the right timeline that she wants.

No. 2118276

No. 2118277

I already live with it, a pretty depressing life though. Knowing i will never be able to date without having to compromise for a coomer and having to walk on eggshells if i want any kind of art mutual friends is depressing. This is the vent though so i am allowed to vent about it.

No. 2118279

Anons aren't allowed to complain in the vent thread anymore, can't even complain about legitimate stuff like the Internet and all hobby spaces being destroyed.

No. 2118281

Yeah, the vent thread is actually about making fun of anons' vents and infighting about them apparently.

No. 2118282

My grandma called me late at night (11pm), and asked me to help clean out one of her sheds out because some guy is coming to check it out tomorrow for renovations. Keep in mind, my lousy uncle was staying in the shed but now he's somewhere mooching off some other lady. I was like yeah sure whatever but I already knew it was gonna be dirty as fuck in there so I suited up in sweatpants and a sweater. The whole time I kept smelling piss but I didn't know what it was. Then just as we're wrapping up and almost done cleaning, me and my grandma get a liquid out on hands from a trashbag…IT WAS HIS FUCKING PEE!!! It spilled all over the floor too, it was there basically the whole time but I couldn't tell because I was also smelling soda and juice so I just assumed that's what it was.
Honestly it might partially be my fault it got on us. There was some huge fast food cup with brown sludge in it, I assumed it was old soda because it looked like syrup. I threw it into one of the bags without thinking about it, I think the bag must've broke and it leaked. Ugh. Keep in mind, this is literally a shed. He could've just stepped outside to pee. I don't regret helping my grandma but I hope she doesn't let him come back. And he's so shitty to her, plus he makes her watch his kids all the time. Unfortunately my grandma is too kind.

No. 2118283

I know we hate the “you’re the same anon”foiling but I’ve feel like I’ve seen this same pattern a couple times now.

No. 2118284

Samefag, please excuse the poor grammar anons. Its 1 AM and I just cleaned myself up and I'm still upset.

No. 2118286

The design of the cellphone is very soul sucking

No. 2118287

What pattern do you mean?
I'm in a similar situation where I try to help take care of my grandmum and part of that is making sure my degenerate uncles don't manipulate her. It's a lot of work, and I empathize with your situation. It's good of you to have helped her out though, you should just focus on that and remember that your grandma will always be grateful for the help.

No. 2118288

File: 1722663123357.jpg (61.02 KB, 672x1000, 51S6RH57nXL._AC_UF1000,1000_QL…)

omg, this cosplay is of the mc from the first manga I ever read at 11 years old. I loved this manga so much even though it was clearly a sloppy amateur first work for the author in hindsight. I still have a beat-up (from carrying it around everywhere in middle school) copy of volume one sitting on my bookshelf

No. 2118292

This weird fake wisdom shit is always so fucking funny. You're on lolcow, let another anon vent for fuck sake.

No. 2118293

File: 1722663258113.webp (47.43 KB, 1125x1089, my-favorite-thing-to-see-in-th…)

Samefag but being hunched over your phone scrolling and scrolling and scrolling your 10 second dopamine shots is bad enough on its own, but seeing how its made people act is just disturbing. Trying to be a "vlogger" or "influencer" is just…strange. Constantly setting your phone up to record yourself before doing things, meticulously planning how to act in these sponsorship tiktoks/videos so that your audience feels more inclined to listen to your suggestions, posting about your personal life constantly to strangers who do not know you, posting your children from birth. Don't even get me started on smartphones and tablets being given to small children, that'll be taking the cork off the champagne bottle.

No. 2118303

File: 1722663571253.jpg (130.02 KB, 1124x1091, dont oiss me off.jpg)

I know this is gonna sound stupid but, I really believe the world can change. the current era that we're living in is obviously unenjoyable for everyone who is alive. Small children who are being neglected by their parents in place of a tablet and a bottle of formula, teenagers watching porn and videos of people getting murdered, getting addicted to vaping and drugs, having sex, adults pretending that they're children. I really cannot fucking stand the I'm a 22 year old teen UwU shit.

No. 2118304

I'm the opposite, I don't mind the influencers themselves because there's always been annoying narcissists, but I do hate everyone that isn't one yet is still obsessed with social media. I have a cousin that's 2 years younger than me, but it's like there's this huge gulf between us because she speaks exclusively in TikTok and Twitter references that I either don't get or that I don't find funny. I think the most annoying type of terminally online social media addict is the Dollar Store Dasha Nekrasova wannabe. You know the ones; everything is depressing, everything is ironic, everything sincere is bad and should be laughed at, everyone should want to kill themselves, etc.. Maybe it's because I'm older and I was never interested in social media even when it first came out (I was one of those people that hated MySpace kek), but it surprises me when I hear about people spending HOURS on TikTok or Twitter everyday. How can anybody, even the biggest loser out there, spend more than 30 minutes at a time on TikTok? I've used it before and there's some funny videos, but to use it for more than 30 minutes seems asinine.

No. 2118306

The sponsorships part is so crazy to me. I wish we could go back to when people online recommended something it actually was a real recommendation. Now it's either they're being paid to shill something they don't even use or like, or they are shilling hard in hopes to get a sponsorship. Everything is so fucking fake now, I hate it. I hate the money grifting. Give me back the internet before it was solely used as a device to get into my wallet.

No. 2118308

Yeah, I’m a younger zoomer but you genuinely have to be braindead to be able to consume that much of Tiktok shit for hours. It’s why I never get how people get addicted to social media.

No. 2118309

>I really believe the world can change.
It kinda sucks but I really think the only solution is the creation of small intranets and the closing of the global information network. China figured it out way ahead of the game when they created the great firewall. Other countries need to hurry and follow suit.

No. 2118315


No. 2118318

Bots. It's going to be 95% bots and the rest clueless normalfags thinking they're talking to real people. I think unplugging from the net will become counterculture soon.

No. 2118319

Checked the thread name to see if it was the tin thread but no it’s the vent thread kek

No. 2118323

>I think unplugging from the net will become counterculture soon.
It already is, it's just most people online aren't aware of real world counterculture because they spend all day online so they're not privy to it. Being "offline" will probably be common by 2028, usually it takes about a decade for the counterculture to become the mainstream.

No. 2118325

>she speaks exclusively in TikTok and Twitter references
Fucking disgusting tbh. And I've always felt as though influencers were a little bit cuckooo because why do you want an audience watching you all the time so bad? And I think children posting their whole lives on social media is dangerous, not just the posting part but also the accessability to strangers and adults. Teenage girls these days are always posting oversexualized shit trying to get attention from men, and its just heartbreaking

No. 2118326

oops KEK you're write

No. 2118369

>filed a report against a scrote
>can't talk to my friends about it cause they are witnesses
>got my nails done and getting my hair done tomorrow
>binge watching a show while doing skin and haircare at home
>order cookies from my fave shop because I'm late on my skin care and want to stay up to get to my appointment on time
>notice actress is hot, regret ordering
I haven't even eaten that much today lol I'll just put the cookies in the pantry for my roommates

No. 2118375

I hope everything goes well with the report nona and that they follow up on it!

No. 2118393

i tried reading a fucking webtoon called "one room TA" which is a yaoi/BL/whatever because my friend wanted me to read it because "it's so funnie and wholesome ecks dee it's my favorite!!!" and i'd do anything for her she's so precious, but it's got absolute shit storytelling with a k-on-but-male looking art style, under-developed characters, and drawn out drama with no actual pay off (it just fizzles out like the author has never written tension in her life). i check the star rating and it's over 9 out of 10 stars. i check the comments and they're all saying how original and not-stereotypical and how funny it is. i know the comments section is full of 14 year olds but i'm losing it nonnas my friend has shit taste.

>speaks exclusively in TikTok and Twitter references that I either don't get or that I don't find funny.
>How can anybody, even the biggest loser out there, spend more than 30 minutes at a time on TikTok?
you reminded me how one of my nephews is a consoomer at 10 years old. i went round last month and he showed me the things he'd bought: makeup, a shein wig, tubs and tubs of slime that have all gone flat, bracelet beads spilled all over the floor, "bad bitch" juice boxes(??) and waterbottle smellies (like rings you put over a water bottle and they smell nice while you drink? but they only fit one waterbottle so you have to buy the bottle to put them on). he doesn't use any of stuff he buys, he just collects them and then does his homework and plays roblox on his laptop which he uses with a light up mechanical keyboard and mouse he plugs in(????) and then later goes on tiktok.

at least he's not a porn addict (<- i checked) redpiller moid at 11 tho and just sticks to "safe(r)" girly tiktok while his parents ignore him. although to give credit where it's due his mother did teach him about stranger danger and internet pedophiles and it's actually saved him a few times.

anyway he showed me a 25 minute skibidi toilet compilation and i pretended to laugh at the whole thing just to give him some familial connection. then we made funny videos on one of his ipads and drew each other on ibis paint with his apple pen. i feel insane just typing that out. i think i need to kidnap him and take him to a theme park.

No. 2118402

>I think mobile smartphones destroyed the world unironically
i genuinely believe this

No. 2118425

who in the hell is giving him the money to buy those things

No. 2118457

unfortunately his parents. my nephew's dad is a manipulator (the whole family sees it) and i'm pretty sure is in competition with his son's mother for his attention (a boydad??), so when his mother gives him pocket money the dad gives him extra money or buys him whatever he wants immediately instead of just hanging out with him or teaching him life skills like how to save up money. so as a result my nephew has developed this happy-go-lucky no-brains attitude to purchasing whatever tiktok influencers are shilling as the current product-of-the-month.

No. 2118467

he?! i feel like if any boy back in my day was buying makeup he would have gotten bullied.

No. 2118475

Kek I didn't wanna say it but I don't think that anon has to worry about her nephew turning into a redpiller moid unless they let gay ones into the club now

No. 2118481

there are gay redpillers, like milo yaannopolus and blaire white

No. 2118483

I always thought it was just a fetish thing for them to be honest

No. 2118492

its always a grift/fetish for all redpillers. They are all gigafags too. Andrew tate said he would do a tranny in the ass before dating a masc woman.

No. 2118501

This is why I can never take rightoids seriously. Whenever they start talking about issues they have it comes off as really sexual in ways that they aren't even aware of.

No. 2118613

File: 1722674102262.jpg (122.37 KB, 561x640, 1624891400340.jpg)

Maybe I don't have hyperhidrosis, maybe I'm just a waterbender that hasn't learned to control its powers just yet

No. 2118625

im jealous of trannies how they dont seem ashamed of posting most degenerate and needy shit online on their main accounts, I feel ashamed by simply existing and regret everything I have posted on instagram for some reason? I know its such a first world problem but now Im just thinking oh god people from irl who follow me now thinks im cringe loser after posting about my hobbies

No. 2118644

Seeing this word makes me shudder. I hate this stupid disease. If it's any help to you, the Botox treatments help a lot and if you live in a place with nationalized healthcare and have your doctor write you a note about it, usually the Botox treatment will be covered. If you don't wanna do the Botox treatment, I'd recommend Drysol or another very strong antiperspirant. When I was younger, I was thinking about getting the nerve-severing procedure, but my doctor told me usually when they severe the nerve of the problem area, another area will become the problem area and the sweat will just reroute to there. So for now, it's just Botox and Drysol for me. The other thing I recommend is if you have anxiety, try to get that treated too. Once I started treating my social phobia, I noticed my hyperhidrosis symptoms decreased a lot as well, not all but at least a 40% reduction.

No. 2118656

i think i want to cut off all my online friends

No. 2118680

It’s the female socialization, don’t let it hold you back!

No. 2118693

I think using Twitter severely negatively impacts my mental health but I cannot stop I don't even post I just look at the for you page and feel dread looking at retarded posts with 100k+ likes and tranny infestation. I think I should put a time lock on it or something but I'll just turn it off. I looked at random person while doing errands today and a lady said she wished I was her granddaughter and the schism bothered me. I think I should pledge to not use it anymore. ugh disgusting I also don't belong to any strict political groups so I just get angry at every possible political post kek

No. 2118695

At this point Twitter is kind of like cigarettes. Like it's bad for you and everyone kinda hates it, but you're still the one choosing to do that. Y'know what I mean? It's the same when smokers complain about the coughing. Once you get of Twitter, you'll realize that the whole app was really just there to make you feel angry or upset. That is literally the point of the app. So why keep using it? I think the big reason people stay is because of the communities they've built on there. If you have friends that you talk to on there, reach out to them and ask if they wanna be friends through messaging apps.

No. 2118696

I agree, and I've also stopped using Twitter recently and I feel a lot better. But
>and the schism bothered me
What is this about? Like what does that lady wanting you as a granddaughter bothering you have to do with Twitter? Sorry I'm retarded

No. 2118699

Ntayrt but that sentence also confused me kek

No. 2118726

File: 1722680502331.jpg (78.51 KB, 1170x714, Healthy+americanht+murky_d3eca…)

Terrible news nonas, the women in my apartment complex hate me. I've always had trouble making friends because I'm very quiet and mildly autistic, but I figured since I've never interacted with anyone in three years, that I would have a clean slate.
The one autistic girl invited me to the pool party they were having but when I went down and sat beside them, everyone but her literally got up and moved to the other side of the pool. No one but her talked to me for the hour I was there.
And I think it's because I had to call the cops on my neighbor when her moid beat her unconscious and I thought she was dead last year, because I've seen her often hanging out at the pool with them, and she got back together with him after she got out of the hospital so she probably talks mad shit about me.

No. 2118730

>the women in my apartment complex hate me.
I wouldn't stress about this too much nona. I think most people dislike their neighbours. It kinda sounds like they're being rude for no reason, and if I were you I'd stop trying to put myself out there for them because I don't think it's working. Still I'm sorry that that happened to you and hope you feel less terrible about it later on.

No. 2118732

i'm really sorry to hear that, nona. fuck em, you did the right thing by calling. at the end of the day, you're living there to have a roof over you head, not to make friends with those bums. i hope you don't let it get to you.

No. 2118734

Its because I use it to post art, I just put a <10 minute time lock on it so I will hopefully only be able to post and reply to comments. Your post about smoking resonated with me, it's stupid for me to realise just now but it's literally just ragebait so I keep looking at ads. Like if someone was peeling another guy's face off on top of a McDonald's billboard so I would remember $5 McDonald's happy meal deal forever. I will at least attempt to not allow my misery to
be monetized if not for any other reason

Sorry I didn't explain it coherently. I was feeling doomerish and irritated about the quality of humanity because of twitter and am socially isolated so it's my main perception of human behaviour. I was taking a family member to the doctor and she was very nice to me so I thought 'ah maybe something's wrong'.

No. 2118742

>but it's literally just ragebait so I keep looking at ads.
Bingo. When the paid verification thing I realized right away what it meant and I stopped using Twitter shortly thereafter. It's crazy though because now we're in a situation where government leaders and well-known politicians and public figures (or their aids, but same thing in the end) are all actually using the ragebait advertisement app, which is insane when you really step back and think about it. For the art thing though I do sympathize, but I do wanna say that I think by 2026 or 2027 there won't be a lot of artists left using Twitter besides ones like Stonetoss, so it's best if you start trying to figure out ways to promote your art online off Twitter now. I'd suggest making a portfolio website and advertising it on your Twitter profile, that way people can find you outside the social media platform.

No. 2118745

100% if they’re all hanging out together including the moid then she told them a completely fake version of events. Women who go back to abusers end up telling everyone around them total fabrications constantly to cover for the moid, either to increase their own safety and avoid attacks from the moid, or because they are so insane they will gladly do anything to maintain the relationship. Everyone I know had to give up on helping a woman we know in an abusive relationship because apparently she was hiding that she knew he was a rapist, was preying on teenage girls and so on, because covering for him made it so she could continue her delusional relationship. She was saying other women made everything up and were all after him and crap like that.

No. 2118746

check out this thread an anon is talking shit about you >>>/ot/2118328

No. 2118757

I'm pretty sure you're the anon that was talking shit about her and now you're doing this because your first infight bait didn't work.

No. 2118780

I thought I was a narcissist for the amount of people I dropped. But there's also plenty of people I kept and love and I'm just too retarded to realise it was gut instinct and/or they were genuinely shit for me.

No. 2118781

Sometimes we don't even realize how shit our network is until we get out of it. Just remember in the future to trust your gut instinct because it's usually not wrong. I wish I had learned that lesson way earlier than I did.

No. 2118801

File: 1722683554801.jpg (277.23 KB, 1080x954, Mopcow Painter.jpg)

I honestly feel like shit and borderline retarded rn so I can't even attempt to argue online at the moment. Here's a drawing of a cow may everyone be well

No. 2118803

Did you make the drawing?

No. 2118804

something life altering happened 2 months ago, highlights after that (mostly sober, and previously only moderately schizo if under major stress):
at one point i was convinced i was going to be sexually enslaved and subject to extreme torture for people online to witness
for weeks would question reality, think i was stuck in coma, have constant "realisations", synchronycities (that was cool), forgot how a washing machine worked etc
randomly for some reason came out as trans to a close friend, declared that trans is "past, present and future", cryptically mentioning nikola tesla, david bowie and imagine dragons as explanation
would sometimes feel like i was at the edge of "enlightenment" or a major breakthrough in science
and tons of other stuff, now i am back to "normal"

No. 2118806


No. 2118808

File: 1722684036594.png (221.43 KB, 355x451, 1608824473726.png)

I always think I'll never get over it or recover, but I always do in the end.
There's still one person I still dislike, and another I feel iffy about, but I don't have the obsession or "if only"/"what if" feeling anymore. I didn't really notice it before or give myself the credit, but the scars really did heal. Feels nice.

No. 2118814

really cute dont let the haydurs get to you

No. 2118816

My family has this thing of talking and joking inappropriately and it makes me uncomfortable and sick, like actual visceral reaction, but nothing worse when they do it and children are present! I'm staying the night with my mum and while I love her to bits, but out of nowhere she is going on and on about SEX, her SEX LIFE with every moid she has slept with and PORN infront of my 12 year old brother. Poor kid had the most sour and uncomfortable look and kept asking her politely to change topic… I actually had to tell her to shut her trap with this kind of talk around both my brothers who are minors and that she is making him really uncomfortable. Ruined her vibe but okay?? Don't speak stupid infront of the kids wtf
My granddad does this and my grandma, an aunt and an uncle have their own pervy comments and tendencies- like this shit was normalized among them and even if it's just jokes keep thhat shit away from the next 2 generations

No. 2118821

>pickme gets mad that you called the police for a domestic violence situation, convinces other women (who are likely also pickmes if she didn't just lie about you to them) to stay away from you
It feels like shit, but this might be a blessing in disguise, nona. Since they're still together, the dumb moid will probably strike again and assault one of her friends next time (if he hasn't already). Be glad that they haven't included you in their destructive bullshit.

No. 2118836

My friend never shuts up about her lifting and working out and tbh after 2 years she still looks the same. I guess if you eat like shit and only lift things for execerice it's not actually doing anything. She keeps calling me weak and poking fun and I'm alright thanks. I don't lift weights but I have an active job with long hours and very little opportunity to sit down. I do bodyweight exercises and yoga so I wont get fatigued at work. Men at my work can lift no problem and very few of them look well. I just don't think lifting things is a workout. She doesn't even stretch then injures herself and honestly probably has more recovery weeks than anything. Like. She pays gym membership to lift things a few times a week if she can be bothered, I've never saw her run.

No. 2118839

Sounds like you guys aren't really friends

No. 2118842

>spends entire day sleeping because I was feeling sad about how much of a failure I am
>wakes up at dinner time and spends entire night online
>it’s now 6am
I’m so fucking retarded I fucked up my sleeping schedule and for what? Because of self pity? I hate myself.

No. 2118846

I did the same thing so at least we aren't alone!

No. 2118851

same here nonnies

No. 2118852

Aw that makes me feel a bit better actually

No. 2118857

Nightowls stay winning.

No. 2118862

File: 1722686635457.jpeg (27.12 KB, 284x284, b7ecc58a9f1d037e419237717b4e01…)

I'm so hungover once my parents leave in an hour I'll make myself a big plate of pasta or rice and smoke a joint, I feel miserable but not for long nonnies.

No. 2118880

I guess the truth is considered as fake wisdom now, there are always somekind of horrible historic events that happened every point in time kek. I guess someone forgot 9/11 happened in 2001, just to refresh your memory.

No. 2118881

me too genuinely. i guess im gonna do an all nighter and try to fix my atrocious sleep schedule. wish you the best

No. 2118892

Thank you anon, that does make me feel better. It really sucks cause I feel like all her kids (including my nutcase mom) take advantage of her. I'm sorry about your situation too, much love!

No. 2118910

I have to stop being friends with poorfags it's driving me insane. My fake friend and I were talking about lotions, and I recommended a product for her and she said she was interested and that she was gonna buy it on her pay day tomorrow. I tell her "oh, I have Prime if you want I can buy it and you pay me back so you get the free same day delivery?" She says "sure." So I go and buy it and it gets delivered. Tell me why she starts texting me about how she didn't really want the lotion but now it's here and she doesn't have the money and she's too broke to spend money on lotion yadda yadda and all I'm thinking is like "girl really? you just asked me to buy this for you yesterday now you're trying to act like I randomly bought it out of nowhere?" It was $20 and she's acting like I bought her a Faberge egg or something. So I tell her it's fine if she pays me back later, and she starts talking about how now she has to ask people for money like it's my fault for doing what she asked me to do. So over being friends with broke people that don't know how to use money. You got paid literally today you have 1500 in your account you can't spend 20 on lotion?

No. 2118933

>waterbottle smellies
I think something is wrong with me because I laughed so hard at that
>he showed me a 25 minute skibidi toilet compilation and i pretended to laugh at the whole thing. then we made funny videos on one of his ipads and drew each other on ibis paint with his apple pen.
This is me and my little brother, word for word kek. I feel bad he has such a lame childhood

No. 2118935

you should never ever lend someone money or offer to buy them things with the promise that they'll pay you back unless you're willing to accept that you won't see that money again. for every honest person who fully intends to pay you back there's another who will fuck you over

No. 2118936

An old friend of my mom already got an euthanasia date because the cancer treatments weren't working. I don't know what to say except crying out of empathy

No. 2118941

i'm confused by your post. did she ask or did you offer? it sounded like she was going to buy it herself

No. 2118953

>like it's my fault for doing what she asked me to do.
Anon you literally offered

No. 2118958

It sort of went like,
>I tried this new lotion, it's really nice.
>"Oh, what's it called, I was looking for a new one."
>It's this one
>"Oh, send me the link I want to buy that on pay day."
>If you're gonna buy it anyway, want to use my Prime? Just pay me back when you get the cash.
>"Oh, great! I'll add my shipping details now"

She was going to buy it, or so she said, I was just trying to be nice and get her same day shipping. She did pay me back, but it was after like 10 minutes of her awkward grumblings and it felt like I was forcing her to pay me for something she didn't want. Which is weird because she was the one that typed in her shipping detail on my phone. My vent is more about how I don't think $20 is expensive and I think it's cringey that she did all that theatrics over $20, and how she tried to pretend like she had buyer's remorse.

I know, I know, I offered, but we've been fake friends for like 2 years now and she's usually good for paying me back quick like if we get dinner or something. I'm more annoyed at her response and reaction and pretending like she doesn't have $20 to spare when I know she just got paid and she's about to buy two ounces.

No. 2118964

So you're also the type to invite her at expensive dinners and expect her to pay you back everytime

No. 2118968

Yeah when we go to McDonalds I ask her to pay for her own meal

No. 2118969

I'm just taking a guess, but it sounds like she might be bad at managing her money and regretted buying it, and by proxy is upset at you for allowing (for lack of a better word) her to impulse buy something that wasn't worth the expense. If she'd waited until payday, she might not have decided to buy it at all.

No. 2118970

I know that it's all just him projecting onto me but my dad's constant criticism and scolding nevertheless hurts and never fails to ruin my day.

He's fat and never does sports, so now he decided that I must buy a new bike (it has to be biking, other sports are not ok), just because he (supposedly) used to bike when he was young. My dad himself has 5 bikes and bikes max 5 times a year… But instead of getting active himself, he goes off on me.
He does this in any aspect of life, I'm never allowed to make any decision of my own, to do what I want, only his opinion, his tastes are right, meanwhile I'm a well-earning pushing 30s woman in a first world country…

No. 2118975

You're probably right and you sound smart. I'm just frustrated I guess that I'm in my mid-20s and I'm still around people that think $20 is a lot of money. I guess I'm so irritated about it because to me it represents more of how I've failed to find & connect with people that are on the same career level or life stage as me. Not that I think I'm some hotshot, but I'm trying to surround myself with people that think $50 is expensive, not $20, if you get what I mean.

No. 2118986

in your original post you said she asked you for it two times but you're the one who offered. and she payed you back? what are you complaining about.
what sort of vent is this
>i offered something to my "Fake" friend and she made excuses she couldnt pay me back
>why'd she ask me for it i'm only doing what she asked
>she payed me back anyways
>what's her problem, i did what she asked, 20 dollars isn't expensive

>My vent is more about how I don't think $20 is expensive

your vent mainly sounded like you were mad that she asked when you're the one who offered. $20 dollars is expensive to some people. just go find some rich friends, or actually you should just decide to have no friends since you're referring to people as "fake friends" after years of knowing them. i really have no sympathy for you.

i absolutely don't get what you mean. you sound superficial as hell, i'd hate being friends with you. sorry that some people are poorfags, boohoo

No. 2118993

I love coming on LC, posting in the vent thread, and then getting psychoanalyzed by some rando who doesn't know me.

No. 2118997


No. 2118998

i'm not "psychoanalyzing" you, i'm commenting on the details that you yourself provided.
i often have sympathy for the nonas who post in here but i have trouble finding anything to sympathize with you

No. 2119004

I'm just saying it's wack when someone posts a vent and anons try and get snarky in the replies. It's a vent. If you don't have anything supportive to say don't say anything at all? Why did you feel the need to comment that to begin with?

No. 2119013

because your vent was basically a long winded "poor people are soo annoying i need to get better friends" even though you set yourself up for this.
i don't know how you expected to not be criticized. plenty of vents in here get shit on, and i've had more sympathy for many of those posts. some anons come on here and have some really dark shit to vent about and you're on here complaining about your "fake" friend who you offered to pay for them when they were gonna buy it themself. just go into the "Get it off your chest" thread if you don't wanna be scrutinized for your superficial problems

No. 2119020

I'm not gonna infight with you I'm just weirded out my vent impacted you like that.

No. 2119023

it pisses me off when a woman gets married and takes her husband’s name. it’s 2024 your dad is no longer transferring his ownership of you over to your man. you can keep your name.

No. 2119027

I think everyone should just switch to the Icelandic surname model and it'd make everything less annoying.

No. 2119031

I think it's finally over. I hope it is, anyway. What a nightmare. Looking back you're way worse than a narcissist.. you know exactly what you're doing and you get off on it. That's psychotic behavior, my dude. And for you to let her threaten me knowing full fucking well it was your lies that got us all to that point in the first place… Fucking coward. I'm sure you spun marvelous webs about what me, being sure to make me out to be the bad guy when I had no fucking idea what was going on. You're a grown ass man. For what? Sex? Pathetic. No one can live a fulfilled life with sexual pleasure as the top pursuit. Degenerate, perverted, disgusting. You deserve each other, if for no reason other than the rest of the world be spared from your awful. I cannot wait for this anger to go away. You think she's crazy?! You should count yourself lucky I've learned to control myself… The shit swirling around in my mind would put all the previous bullshit you've brought upon yourself to shame. It really sucks that people like you get to live lives pretty free from consequence of your absolutely selfish, vile behavior. I hope you two self destruct in the most magnificent way and that it really, really fucking hurts. I've never meant it more than I do to you.. it's a borderline true curse at this point… Fuck. You.

No. 2119052

still patriarchal and ties back to the dad-ownership thing

No. 2119067

I should have specified I meant them more neutral option of naming the sons after the father and the girls after the mother. Like it a set of twins would be Francis Dadson and Frances Mumdaughter.

No. 2119069

oh that sounds cool actually. you are right we should switch to that.

No. 2119085

I wonder why my areolas had to grow so big. I feel jealous when I see other women's areolas, which are usually smaller the mine. Sometimes I don't even take my bra off when I'm with someone.

No. 2119123

Bigger areolas mean larger spiritual radiance. You are closer to heaven.

No. 2119130

I doubt this.

No. 2119134

you're right!

No. 2119137

But it's scientifically proven…

No. 2119138

Even if it were, which I doubt, I'd still doubt it.

No. 2119153

Trying to decide between
>spending $900 on an official doll of a character I like
>save that $900 to eventually go meet up with my boyfriend and maybe fuck him in cosplay
It would unironically cost way less for the cosplay and take less time to even get him the cosplay than it would the doll. The trip to see him, however, is a little more than $900 since we're very far apart and I would need to take time off of work.(not a vent)

No. 2119164

the doll

No. 2119182

The doll. Why doesn't your boyfriend pay to meet you?

No. 2119185

No. 2119186

Ask him to send you 900 dollars for the trip but then just block him and buy 2 of the dolls so your first dolly can have a friend.

No. 2119187

Drop the lotion recommendation

No. 2119190

normally i would encourage travelling over buying something, but in this case, 100% the doll

KEK nona, agreed. i love this idea

No. 2119194

This must be the pussy that actually smells like fish, we found her(baiting)

No. 2119196

It's really not a good lotion and I only recommended it to her because we're fake friends, but it was literally Jergen's moisturizer lotion, the cherry scented one. Literally bottom tier inexpensive lotion, I only use it when I run out of my good stuff, but I thought she'd appreciate it because she's broke so it's good value for the amount of lotion you get.
What the fuck kind of retarded comment is this? Kill yourself.(infighting)

No. 2119201

That’s what it’s going to be smelling like when you have sex with that likely unwashed scrote. You’re disgusting as fuck anon

No. 2119202

I'm not her, I'm just grossed out by your presence and I wish you would kill yourself?

No. 2119204

I don't understand why you as a mid-20s adult deliberately have fake friends

No. 2119211

>kill yourself maybe??
Don’t care, enjoy your pregnancy and STD scares while I chill not having to have a dick upside my pussy.(infighting)

No. 2119213

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Well because on every other Wednesday after yoga I have 3 hours of free time and she lives two blocks from the yoga studio so what else am I gonna do for the rest of the day? I think we're both pretty aware that we don't like each other at this point.

No. 2119216

semen-chan having toxic sperm spilling out of her while nonsemen-chan chills enjoying the rainy weather and sipping tea with no dick worship in sight

No. 2119220

kek, here comes the high and mighty anon who "doesn't want to infight" and doesn't think she's some hot shot for wanting to surround herself with people who think $50 is expensive and not $20
you're showing your true colors nonnie, have fun surrounding yourself with fake friends your whole life acting like your shit don't stink. you're the shitty friend btw, not the one you're complaining about. people who don't like each other normally don't spend time with each other by the way, because that's the sane thing to do

No. 2119230

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this is why I limit the amount of female friends I have. too much yapping and drama over nonsensical shit like lotion kek, who gives a shit you sound like an unbearable person

No. 2119232

Thanks I guess

No. 2119238

Having to distance myself from my real life friends because they're handmaidens is so depressing. It's not that I can't tolerate different viewpoints from me, it's that they bring up social justice and troon shit unprompted when we're all normal women, and having to walk on eggshells is exhausting. I know they would all drop me like a hot potato anyway if they knew about my beliefs, it already happened with one friend. I was extremely lonely with no friends in my late teens and early 20s and it feels like I'm back at square one a decade later because of this nonsense.

No. 2119240

I wish I was fucking high right now maybe that would make me mighty enough to deal with all the BJ chan bullshit. Also had to delete and repost to add this: I specifically meant I wasn't gonna infight you, you specifically, the other retards are fair game.

No. 2119243

do you have to be high enough to live with yourself for sucking dirty cock orr

No. 2119246

BJchan could you go to the confessions thread and answer the question I asked you there

No. 2119247

>so what else am I gonna do for the rest of the day
….hang out with someone you enjoy being with? you are very strange and not in an endearing way, unfortunately

No. 2119252

I just said all my other friends are busy? Duh? Also I'm really not trying to be endearing really I was just venting about something annoyed that happened to me but then a bunch of anons got angry at me for not being broke and knowing how to handle money I guess? I don't know sometimes it's like you pick and choose which random anon to crucify when the other infights die down.

No. 2119261

i didn't mean high as in drugs, but i see what you're saying. understood. i'd rather not infight you either. i still think you're a horrible friend though.

>a bunch of anons got angry at me for not being broke and knowing how to handle money I guess?
that's not at all what they were angry about and you know it. don't pretend like it wasn't explained to you why you're the asshole in the situation several times. you just don't want to recognize you're the problem. by the way if you have no one to hang out with, try being alone sometime. learn some self-reflection, maybe

No. 2119265

you're calling people retards but nobody on your supposed level wants to connect with you (jeez i wonder why surely it's not your immature highschooler attitude. you're literally in your mid 20s calling people "fake friends") kek the jokes really write themselves . you are not the serious person you think you are

No. 2119267

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not crucifying you at all. i just think you should learn to enjoy your own company instead of deliberately having fake friends. you're a grown woman acting like a middle schooler. have a good day

No. 2119269

Jesus christ, I didn't realize it would be so unanimous.

>Why doesn't your boyfriend pay to meet you?

He is, the plan is we go dutch and pay for our own flight fees because we're meeting inbetween rather than one flying to the other.

>Ask him to send you 900 dollars for the trip but then just block him and buy 2 of the dolls so your first dolly can have a friend.

There was someone else I was dating before this bf that I would've done this to after the shit he put me through, but I really genuinely love this boy. He is a keeper.

No they're not me and you are schizzing the fuck out and making an asshole out of yourself. I respect the choice of not getting a bf if you don't want one and being independent. That's cool. Idk why you blew up and decided to tell me I'm stinky because I decided I don't want to be alone anymore and finally met someone that adores me as much as I adore him. You can definitely be independent and happy, but being bitter when people talk about having partners is a sign that there's something deeper going on that you should work out.

No. 2119270

fuck i'm so frustrated at myself and my lack of commitment to satisfying my ambitions. i used to write a lot but never entered competitions or published any of it, because i was an anxious perfectionist who hated the idea of standing out. now my writing is definitely good enough to win something, or at least bring joy to people (though i need to practice kek) but i don't have the spark i need to get the ball rolling. it all feels hopeless yet i'm disappointed in myself because i feel i'm wasting my skills by not sharing or using them. ditto acting and fun theatre/arts stuff, i want to participate but those groups are always full of gendies and soft-left types and i cannot stand them!! ugh

No. 2119275

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I know is part of the recovery, but I don't think I can deal with the diet I have to follow up my surgery.

No. 2119279

>No they're not me and you are schizzing the fuck out and making an asshole out of yourself.
i don't know what you're talking about but that was meant for the shallow anon with her shitty lotion who's bitching about poor people aka "fake" friend who she voluntarily helped and then backtracked on it
i'm not involved in whatever you said and i have no idea what you are talking about. if i accidentally quoted you, my bad.

No. 2119284

>I didn't mean high as in drugs
Yeah, I know, I was playing with the words to have a bit of fun. That's part of my vent, that she went ahead and dropped $150 on drugs for the week the same day she was haggling with me over $20.
Yeah I'm calling the anon, the one that called some other anon's pussy stinking like fish, a retard. If she wanted to a nice reply she should have been nice. Sooo tired of anons acting like assholes here and then getting confused when people respond calling them assholes kek.
She said you were stinky because she's a retarded asshole that wants to bait and infight and it's really not any deeper than that. I told it to kill itself because it pissed me off when it attacked you and called you stinky.

No. 2119285

I wish that none of this shit would've happened to me.

No. 2119287

I have no idea either, I looked away and there was a ton of replies with >>2119194 randomly thrown in as well as >>2119211 and some other anon telling them off for me, which I appreciate even though it's not necessary. Having a bf is definitely scary and most men are not worth it.

No. 2119293

>Having a bf is definitely scary and most men are not worth it.
i agree with you nona. that's why i say get the doll. but yeah i have no idea what was happening either, i was also pretty confused.
i recognized the lotion-poster (the one defending you) and called her out, i'm sorry if you thought that was meant for you. best of luck and i hope he treats you well

No. 2119300

Yeah sorry I'm the lotion girl, and the fish comment really just made me upset and I reacted to it instead of reporting so I told the anon to kill herself. I didn't mean kill yourself to anyone else just the anon that said the other anon has a smelly fish pussy. I don't have time for that misogyny it's just too early right now I'm in a reactive mood I apologize.

No. 2119301

Ahaha, thank you, and no worries. My only regret is that I wished the doll shipped sooner.

No. 2119302

Again you're fine and thank you as well, it was really random and schizo.

No. 2119320

God my mum is so disgusting sometimes that it makes me physically recoil. She has super long dreadlocks that she washes once a MONTH, and to make matters even worse, just now she was putting some things into the dishwasher, and while doing so, her hair was brushing against all of the dirt and shit that had dripped onto the inside of the door. I pointed it out to her and she got annoyed at me. My autism can't take this.

No. 2119326

I don't know why you're getting jumped for this, your friend is sly

No. 2119332

How long is her hair? Is she not annoyed by it touching everything?

No. 2119335

because anon offered to pay, her friend never asked

No. 2119343

She merely offered the convenience of same-day delivery with a promise of later payment. Her friend agreed.

No. 2119348

Thank you! If she didn't want to buy it, why'd she deadass take my phone from my hand and put in her shipping address and tell me she'd pay me back the day after! And then to go and say you're too broke to spend $20 on lotion but you're gonna go out and buy 2 ounces for $150? Come on.
Girl I'm begging you please re-read what I typed because in my OP I very very clearly wrote, and I'll even quote, "I can buy it and you pay me back," I wouldn't have ever offered to buy her shit and she knows that, she knows I don't like her enough to spend money on her, so she knew well that she was gonna have to pay me back. The whole vent was because she was acting like she had trouble paying me back when the time came and acting like $20 was big girl money when it's not even enough for a McDonalds meal? And then to go and buy $150 worth of loud!!! That's why it irritated me.

No. 2119353

It's to her tailbone, and it doesn't seem like it. For decades she just had shoulder length curly hair, until she got dreadlocks, and ever since, she has just kept adding in extensions every few months. She constantly fidgets with it too, even while driving.

No. 2119360

>Girl I'm begging you please re-read what I typed because in my OP I very very clearly wrote, and I'll even quote, "I can buy it and you pay me back,"
yes nonnie, i understand. i read your post. i also just read this post you just wrote in which you again told us that you OFFERED. she never asked for you to do that. she said she was going to get it herself. you refer to her as a "fake friend" in your original post and you were playing it up like she asked you to do it when she never. asked.
if it matters to you this much, just don't offer next time. a simple solution to a very superficial problem. just don't offer if you're this upset over her being slightly stubborn about paying you back when YOU OFFERED.
you're spending time with people you don't like and offering to pay for them, with the expectation they will pay you back when you yourself claimed "i don't think she likes me either." come on. she payed you back and gave you a little trouble over it, big fucking woop

No. 2119361

imagine the smell

No. 2119363

Sorry that happened to you. Speaking as someone who also seems to have poorfags gravitate towards me (because I am often generous; people tend to think I am more successful than I really am) it's just their nature. It's hard not to take it personal. Don't presume she even had a "payday" cause otherwise paying back $20 isn't shit and most decent people would do this in a heartbeat…if they had the money. Unless this person brings some sort of fun or benefit to your life, expect that they will keep treating you as a resource. Humans aren't so far removed from animals and most will seek to exploit where possible. The key is to have strong boundaries and a set of excuses as to why you can't front and buy things for them left and right.
Gift them what you can without any inconvenience to you, and draw a line when you feel the ask or implication is too far.

No. 2119370

I don't think she doesn't like me, I know she doesn't like me. Listen, if you can't handle the politics of fake friends, that's fine by me it's your life! But it works well for me, because this is my life. Furthermore, it was an OFFER. She accepted the CONDITIONS of my offer, which was payment when item was received. If she didn't want that shit or was gonna act foolish over it, she didn't have to accept my offer, she didn't have to do all that. The only reason I offered to begin with is because I'm a good Christian but apparently this is how people repay kindness. The whole thing that irritated me to begin with is her acting like we didn't have a 15 minute convo about lotions and that she didn't agree to buy it and how she couldn't afford it and making all those gay excuses. All over $20! And finally it's PAID it's been pissing me off since you first said payed but the correct form is PAID. We're not on a boat.
Thank you for the advice. Just to be clear I've known this flop for 2 years and I'm aware of her bank statements and pay-days because she's an over-sharer. That's how I know she just got a check for $1500 and why I know she just spent $150 on weed because she spends either 150 or 200 on weed every week that I've known her. Usually I never buy her shit because I don't like her, but in the past when she's asked me to use my Prime she paid me back no fuss about it. I hope your post doesn't trigger more poorfags to start crying. I hope you have a good day, thanks for responding to me and offering advice.

No. 2119378

File: 1722704903923.gif (771.19 KB, 220x216, F6D706EC-F442-4DDA-8612-B39417…)

bought a $100 jacket and the left sleeve is sewn on completely wrong at the shoulder, it's so uncomfortable that i can't wear it. i can't return it either so i have to sit here and seethe about my shitty financial decision that could have instead gone into something useful.

No. 2119381

Take it to a tailor or a seamstress, they'll be able to fix it for under $40.

No. 2119382

>I don't think she doesn't like me, I know she doesn't like me. Listen, if you can't handle the politics of fake friends, that's fine by me it's your life! But it works well for me, because this is my life.
it honestly doesn't sound like it's working for you. genuinely to me that sounds like a miserable existence, and i'd rather be alone than play pretend with other people.

>Furthermore, it was an OFFER. She accepted the CONDITIONS of my offer, which was payment when item was received. If she didn't want that shit or was gonna act foolish over it, she didn't have to accept my offer, she didn't have to do all that.

of course she's going to say yes. you offered her free shipping on something she was going to buy anyways, she could save a few bucks. saying she didn't have to accept your offer is absolutely foolish. you simply just shouldn't have offered if you're going to get this bent out of shape about it.

>The only reason I offered to begin with is because I'm a good Christian but apparently this is how people repay kindness.

wow, really? i never would have been able to tell. this is the exact attitude you people have towards everything. you think you're being kind when you're being awful and deceitful.

>And finally it's PAID it's been pissing me off since you first said payed but the correct form is PAID. We're not on a boat.

"Minor spelling mistake. I win" girl stfu

No. 2119383

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last night i had a rare opportunity to go to a rave with all my closest friends at the same time. my dear friend / ex gf was djing at this rave, my best friend who lives in japan is back home on holiday, and my boyfriend also had a ticket. we decided to have predrinks at mine and i drank so much prosecco because it just tasted like sprite basically and i had no idea how fucking drunk i would get. ended up throwing up four times and started crying about my fucked up family and how i miss my mother who i am estranged from. boyfriend and best friend looked after me until i fell asleep and then they went to the rave and had an amazing time. i woke up 4 hours later alone and discovering that i'd missed my only opportunity to hang out with them all together for probably at least another year since my best friend lives in japan. i'm beyond devastated i'm heartbroken and it's probably partly because i'm hungover but jesus christ. i can't believe what i've missed. my ex is my FAVOURITE DJ OF ALL TIME she is unbelievably good and we had mdma and everything but i just fucked it. by total accident! i rarely drink alcohol so i had no idea what i was doing. lesson learned. i am fucking retarded. they are all being so kind to me and looking after me but nonas it fucking sucks.

No. 2119386

No. 2119388

You really shouldn't offer to do nice things for people who dislike you. I understand your reasoning completely I've also tried to be a "servant" to people around me but if they don't like you they will just shit on the nice things you did. You are basically offering to do something that requires a high amount of trust for a person who doesn't trust you so it just puts you both on edge.
If she had asked you to buy the lotion with your prime subsscription you should have 100% done it, but offering just makes you seem like you're trying to hard, makes the other person think maybe you're trying to fool them or you're better than them or something…

No. 2119390

You're obsessed with her. I bet you're the broke friend in your friend circle.

No. 2119395

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>"Minor spelling mistake. I win" girl stfu
No dipshit I brought that up to help you because again I'm a good Christian, I specifically brought it up because it's an easy tell for when you post, kind of like how I could immediately recognize this post in picrel was you based on 1 word and the typing style. The post where you're replying to another retard talking about how baiting as a personalityfag is fun and how you wanna try it or whatever. It makes you look fucking dumb and I don't want you looking dumb because I'm nice, so I tried to help you out and this is how you act.
>The only reason I offered to begin with is because I'm a good Christian but apparently this is how people repay kindness.
Jesus and Judas were literally the first fake friends. Way to out yourself as a protestant.
>genuinely to me that sounds like a miserable existence
If you seriously sit there and think up and dream and imagine the type of person I am based on a few select excerpts of my vents, that's on you girl. Nobody else is that retarded enough to do all that. I'm not sitting here saying your life is xyz because you're infighting with me. We're both on LC girl, we're both fucking misfits, what's not clicking for you?

Lesson learned. To be clear though I do think I'm better than her and I try to make that abundantly clear through my interactions and conversations with her.

No. 2119397

You're welcome, I don't know what's going on with a lot of millenials and zoomers but I noticed people are starting to act entitled towards other people's money. It's rarer to see paybacks, it's almost like taking advantage of your trust and friendship is seen as "good" and expecting decency is the true "evil." They'll claim you're the one being deceptive and holding shit over their heads when the reality is they have already won by getting the resource from you and are darvo'ing when you dare ask where the promised return is.
They make you responsible for their feelings around their taking, like some weird parentification, which absolves them from feeling guilty for not thinking about you.

Idc, you can be a poorfag yet have integrity and show gratitude. There is something seriously wrong with people right now, their morals are in the trash.

No. 2119400

The whole boxing situation is making me want to scream and plug out my internet cable forever.

No. 2119402

i'm obsessed with her when she's literally taking screenshots from other threads and claiming their me kek

i stopped reading after the first few sentences. you are a deranged christian, not a good christian. there will never be sense knocked into you, and i'm not the only anon who called you out on your bullshit. take care

No. 2119403

I find anything Olympics-relates to be wholly uninteresting and an indulgent distraction to highlight humanity's most privileged. I could not care less.

No. 2119407

Her and my fake friend should just team up and call themselves the broke baddie squad at this point because anon is obviously in love with my fake friend.
Yeah, I get what you mean. This is also a part of it, like when she was on the phone with me coming up with excuses it was like she was trying to get me to just say "oh forget about it" but no I don't care if I look like Scrooge girl you're gonna give me back what you owe me or I'll just call an attorney I don't give a damn like that.

I'm honestly surprised my vent got that strong of a reaction out of people, I thought being annoyed at people not paying you back was normal, but then I forgot most of the userbase is the person that asked you to pay in the first place

No. 2119408

It's always the weed smokers with a dogshit ability to handle their money. They prioritise that skunk-stench garbage over basic needs

No. 2119410

You really should care about this. >>>/ot/2119336

No. 2119411

nta but if you get caught at least own up to it kek its kind of obvious thats you in the pic

No. 2119412

I should really start working on this mentality.

No. 2119415

we're on a anonymous image board, seriously who gives a shit if it's me or not? why the fuck should it matter

No. 2119420

Girl just say its you. The truth will set you free.
$600-$800 on weed a month, rent is $700, payday is only $3000 a month… That's what I'm talking about. So many people act broke and pretend to be poor when really they're just shit with money and don't have any self-control. Especially the pot heads. Spending more money on drugs than your rent is crackhead territory.

No. 2119423

it matters because its integration kek she did you a favour by telling you anyway

No. 2119428

If you're going to be combative with anons across /ot/ you should make it less obvious you're the same bored anon shitting up the place

No. 2119430

Fake friends are super common and I can't help but to think anons having the reaction they do towards posts like yours know they have been guilty of the same behaviors and know they probably aren't very good friends themselves. Hey, it's ok, we've all been selfish before but don't excuse the shit behaviors, right? Most grade school children know this sort of 'friendship' is wrong.
Here we are anonymously venting our frustrations about bad friends and their inconsideration–which harms nobody–yet anon's vitriol and animosity is directed towards you at a greater level than people who objectively took from you.

No. 2119436

>Girl just say its you. The truth will set you free.
you're pathetic. genuinely. i mean that 100%, and i've never argued or baited on this thread before. if you apparently know my typing style so much you'd know that. i called you out and you doubled down. it's annoying to see people like you pretending you're doing favors for people and pretending to be nice when you're fucking shallow and deceitful as hell. i'm done replying to you now.

there's like 10 people posting today, i'm not worried

No. 2119440

Don't invove money with poor friends or friends in general.

No. 2119446

KEK that's why I told her and instead she's gonna get pissy that I called her out because she's a little pansy that can't take the heat.
Idc just know that the correct form is "paid" not "payed," and if you continue to use very specific typing styles with the same misspellings across the board, it becomes easier and easier to identify you with each post made. That's why we all try to talk the same here.
That's what I mean, I don't take it so seriously honestly like I'm secure enough to admit that I'm not the best person and that, yes, I do have fake friends, but that's just part of life? And for some reason because I posted a vent I'm the bad one or something. It's whatever

No. 2119478

the anons that like to think they're so unidentifiable are always the ones with the most unique typing quirks and styles kek

No. 2119502

Ask her to bring it with her next time you see her and keep it for yourself lol problem solved

No. 2119540

i’m really scared. my health is getting worse. no matter what medicines i take, i am getting worse. i dont know whats gonna happen to my family when i die.

No. 2119549

What the fuck have I done to deserve this life.

No. 2119570

>so how much do you hate yourself?
I looked at a picture I took of a bottle I was holding a few days ago and immediately thought "damn that's one hella ugly wrist" and I can't stop thinking about how ugly my wrists are now.
And no, ten years searching and I still haven't found a psychiatrist or doctor that takes my self hatred and body dysmorphia seriously.

No. 2119576

I said it once here and I'll say it again: I won't accept comments about driving coming of people who don’t have a drivers license yet. I’m so tired of this one friend making stupid questions and remarks like “anon you should have parked here” (I can’t park there) “anon it was this exit not the other one” (it’s faster this way) “anon you got the wrong direction” (they were the ones who had to give me indications and of course they did it late as always) “anon can turn right here” (it’s forbidden) “but everyone does that!”
When I try to explain my point they always get so offended like bitch? Just learn to drive and then you can make all the mistakes you’re seemingly dying to do? Then you’ll get faster to places and won’t depend on others to get to the destination? People are so ungrateful gosh

No. 2119586

It's always the 25 year olds that never took driving lessons because mummy and daddy drive them everywhere. I see some Zoomers brag about how they never got their license because ~cars are bad~ but we live in a car world, if you don't know how to use a car it's basically like not being able to use a telephone.

No. 2119591

>we live in a car world, if you don't know how to use a car it's basically like not being able to use a telephone.
No, you live in a car country. I live in a civilized country with advanced public transport that makes life easier for its citizens.

No. 2119592

You don't even know where the fuck I love anon so I don't really give a damn what you think about me

No. 2119599

Equating not knowing how to drive with not being able to use a telephone makes it kinda obvious what shithole you live in

No. 2119604

Where I live it’s pretty necessary owning a car because public transportation is horrible here but I can’t understand how people can be so conceited when I’m driving them to places all the time.
When I didn’t have my license and I depended on others I wouldn’t have DARED to be an asshole to others? Like, when I got directions wrong I said sorry instead of trying to make me look like I wasn’t the one who did a mistake.
I always tried to make things easier to people who drove me places and this one friend basically expects a taxi to take them everywhere all the time. Of course I’m not doing it but still, pretty ungrateful.
And you’re right anon, they always try to make it look easy and not a big deal but they’re the one always searching for excuses about not having a license yet. I had terrible phobia about driving and also I was broke and I still did it, I get if they don’t want to drive because of whatever but still, they try to make it look like it’s their choice and I’m sure it’s not kek

No. 2119610

do any of you ever use your legs for what they’re made for?

No. 2119616

Yes I do but when routes that you can do by car in 15-20 minutes takes 1 hour and a half by train or 2 hours by walking, driving is pretty helpful, don’t you think?

No. 2119629

It really is the same thing. Both tech have been around for roughly the same frame. Both tech are incredibly important in society. I don't know why Europeans pretend like not knowing how to drive a car is a good thing, I don't know if it's an ego thing or what but it always come off as so stunted.
>Grrrrrrrrr no!!! You shouldn't be allowed to drive… Only walk or take train… You don't have train? POORFAG!!!!!
That's how they always sound to me kek. Maybe I don't wanna spend an extra hour waiting around for buses or trains and maybe I have enough money to afford a car and gasoline.

No. 2119643

Did you mean to reply to that post?

No. 2119656

my bf looked at porn that included a girl dressed like Elsa and now the whole frozen series is ruined for me. I'm a parent of a small kid so this makes it even worse as I now feel awkward watching it with her.

No. 2119660

I've ruined my life. I wish that I could turn back time. Do everything differently. Avoid humiliating myself in public and having the whole planet harass me in endless ways. I can't even attempt returning back into society after all of the shit that has happened to me. I wanted to have a career. It's incredibly hard for me to accept that these things have happened to me. Also, I don't understand why it is me. I am beneath all the lolcows and the freaks and I have been met with endless amounts of humiliation and disrespect that I simply cannot recover from

I should have been successful.

No. 2119678

I ate a large Diary Queen frosty and hate myself for it

No. 2119679

And he's still you're bf and not you're ex.

No. 2119717

i dont want to start a fight over politics

ive been following the war in ukraine since 2014,
i dont know why it has affected me so much, but i cant help but feel despair and powerless seeing and hearing about what has happened/is happening to ukraine
i cant believe anyone sides with russia, after everything the russians have done
i really hope ukraine is able to rebuild itself after the war ends

No. 2119729

I hate all of you. I ponder digesting razors just to be done with you

No. 2119750

I still remember where I was when Crimea was taken. Such a foul play. It's crazy Russia has been slowly and quietly building power over the past two decades just to squander it with some kind of botched forever war.

No. 2119769

>Crimea was taken
Heard it was mostly populated by Russians that were obliged to not even speak the language
Moids conflits come from two sides and the Ukraine army and politicians are just too dumb

No. 2119771

No. 2119772

i remember staying up watching it on television when i was 18 and my mother came in and said
"normally i would want you to go to bed, but this is your cuban missile crisis, i did the same when that happened"

No. 2119775

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No. 2119795

>le bed propaganda
Any quick research gives you 80+% of russian speaking people there even before it got "taken" so why is that so hard to believe?

No. 2119797

You're absolutely right and it's embarrassing
t. a weed smoker

No. 2119804

No shame I was there too girl, I was spending half my cheque on drugs, but then I realized I was acting like an actual toddler and I smacked some sense into myself. Sometimes when we're so caught up in shit we don't even realize what's up.
In Belgium, some of them speak French, and some of them speak Dutch, but they're all Belgians. In Ukraine, some of them speak Russians, and some of them speak Ukranian, but they're all Ukranians. Does that make sense?

No. 2119847

I am a schizo sperg. I shouldn't have been allowed into society

No. 2119856

Yeah and I imagine if one city decided to sign and be attached to France, the rest of Belgium wouldn't throw a fit like the Ukrainian president did.

No. 2119889

All the newfags in the gender thread are so annoying. "b-but he lived as a woman so he isn't a real man!!!" like jesus christ peak faster you act like you only saw your first troon yesterday, why are you even on lolcow if you insist calling some men "she" because "it's the nice thing to do" is in any way reasonable. God I stay away from talking to people about troons off this site because I forget how annoying unpeaked people are, talking to semi-troon cultists is so draining(olympics trans sperging out of quarantine)

No. 2119894

Hearing about the same retarded infight for the 40th hour is even more draining especially after the repeated farmhand warning but yet you're still here talking about it outside the quarantine thread and you're still engaging in the infight. That's what's draining.

No. 2119914

I am done with this world.

No. 2119925

Had a nice talk in a group chat with everyone. Then all of a sudden a guy comes in, tells everyone he had such a bad day, if anyone just wants to listen to him. Only me and some other guy are nice to him and let him talk. Then he starts talking about that one girl, he knows for like a few weeks on the Internet and is in love with and she has cut contact with him. The girl is 20 and he is 34!!! He even admits he is mentally ill, takes meds against it and has verbally attacked the girl three times!!! But somehow she is the bitch for not continuing the "relationship", telling him he manipulated her. When I carefully pointed out there is a huge power imbalance in every aspect because of the age gap, the girl is the weaker person and should not be in such a relationship where she can be easily exploited, everyone acts shocked on behalf of the man. "How could you judge him. You don't know them. This girl could be very rich. It's about his feeling and not some moral point." What kind of sick shit is that. He is a fucking groomer and tried to get control over an almost child to use her as sextoy. No middleaged man sees a 20-yearold as a serious relationship but as an easy target. Are this all grownup people that retarded?

No. 2119936

This might come across as silly but I feel so lost and left behind. I’m jobless, floundering, and I have no idea what I’m going to do. One day I say I’m going to keep studying for this corporate job, the other I say I’ll keep trying to get this tech job. Sometimes I just say fuck it, pursue your childhood dream of becoming a writer. It’s what you wanted to do as a kid. But then I feel so lost - where to start? What to do? There seems to be a Process to everything in this world - interactions, job, relationships - but I feel like I’m actively locked out of it. I don’t know how to do anything that actually translates into something concrete. I feel pathetic because I’m in my early twenties and I still live with my parents and I’ve never even dated. My classmates have moved out. They have well-paying jobs that afford them good lives. They have relationships. And I don’t, I haven’t had any of these things for the past 5 years, and I’ve been trying. I’m trying not take every person’s well-adjustment to life personally but every time I see one of these normal people I want to shriek. Or go off the grid completely: become homeless and run an mp3 blog, sleep in libraries, end up somehow homeless in Peru. And I’ll probably cry about it then too because I wan’t fresh wipes and a nice shower.

No. 2119989

>But then I feel so lost - where to start? What to do?
To go forward we have to go backward. Imagine walking backwards, so that you're back is against the direction you step. When you're walking towards adulthood as a child, you can't be sure of what's in front of you. Once you're an adult though, you're already familiar with the road you already traveled, so walking backwards towards it is much easier. It's strange but as an adult I realized the one thing I actually wanna do is still the same thing I wanted to do when I was 8 kek.
>I’m in my early twenties
You have a good 50 or 60 years to figure it out. Everyone's early 20s is shitshow and everybody goes through shit times and comes out on top. You will too. Don't stress too much about life just go with the flow. A healthy person never goes to the doctor and asks "oh but why am I so healthy?" they only go when they are sick. In the same vein that a person that's living should not question "why am I living?" If you have to ask why you live then it's might be indicative that you aren't really living. Sorry if this was rambling I just wanted to reply because your post reminded me of myself when I was younger.

No. 2120039

I was just reading the top of the thread and it’s crazy seeing cp. my brain refuses to even remember it unless it’s brought up. But it’s crystal clear image in my head that flashes and I have to do something physical to get away from it. I’ve been through fucked up shit in my life but this is the closest to a trauma response as I’ve ever been. It’s like a black hole. Ringing in the ears, tearing up, I remember 9/11 less clearly than the first time I saw it. Then I think about people like Jillian, no doubt she’s fucked up but she does not know true horror. Or maybe she does. Idk.

No. 2120085

I wish that none of this shit would've happened to me.

No. 2120090

Planned to go to an event today and it looked really fun but my friend couldn't go and I don't have any way of getting there myself/too anxious to go alone anyway. My other friend has been ignoring me since last night and I feel sick and just sad and bored and frustrated, I can't think of anything to do. My creative hobbies don't sound fun nothing sounds fun or funny to watch or read, I can't cook or bake anything since eating will make me feel more sick, can't talk to anyone, they're very small and stupid problems to have especially considering how truly horrible things have happened to me in the past and I didn't even feel as bad about them but I just feel so dejected and alone and like nothing will help me feel better. I would even hang out with my brother rn but he works until 1 am ughhh I should've just tried to somehow go to the event anyway

No. 2120105

My life is so stagnant and disappointing. I have no ambitions, I'm too autistic to manage basic human interaction most of the time, I'm too fearful of going out to the point where I procrastinate on getting groceries when I'm starving and turn down good opportunities all the time. I'm unemployed, living with my overbearing parents, I have no car (and not allowed to drive their car because it's new and expensive), I have about 4 friends that all have much better lives and live in different cities than me. I find myself even missing high school sometimes because at least I got outside, socialized with people every day, had a couple good friends, and had actual career goals and assignments to focus on. Now it's all gone and I've just been sitting here for what feels like months straight doing absolutely nothing besides staring and feeling sorry for myself. None of my old interests or hobbies bring me joy anymore, none of the online groups I was in are active anymore, everything reminds me of how sad my life is at every point.

No. 2120110

For 4 years I owned my precious cat and I never had an issue. Then suddenly I developed a severe cat allergy, confirmed by blood tests. He's one of the few good things I have left in my life. I honestly just want to die now.

No. 2120111

There are meds for that anon, don’t give up!

No. 2120112

Don't say that nona. This happened to me too. I had cats for 21 or 22 years then one day I wake up and my eyes are burning and there's hives all over me. Hated it! But, good news is if you keep your cat brushed out and groomed, and keep the house clean, the allergies should lessen. Usually for me the allergy isn't bad until I really touch the cat, so I try to wait to pet her or cuddle with her until evening when I'm back from work. I pop an allergy pill when I get home and I'm fine for rest of night. Seems gloomy and doomy at first but I realized quick I'd rather keep my cat and spend $20 on allergy pills a month. Hopefully it works out for you! I'm sorry the allergy happened too.

No. 2120113

Samefag too lazy to delete and wait 5 mins but also my cat allergy got me into a drug test program that paid 600 for 4 hours of work too! So maybe there is hope for you too!

No. 2120121

Big areolas are hawt. I hope my future wife has huge ones

No. 2120140

da hell did I ever do to you faggot

No. 2120157

God. I destroyed my life. I shouldn't have let myself into the world or controlled myself at least.

No. 2120166

I'm with you anon. I have giant salami sized areolas and they're brown to boot. I'm envious of the women who have cute perky boobs with pink nipples and small areolas.

No. 2120223

I’m so damn tired.
I’m still 21 but, I don’t know, I feel like I’ve already ruined my life, I can’t feel joy for new things anymore.
I was dealing with depression (+ living in a small city where you can’t find much to do after finishing school) and, now that I’m finally overcoming this, I feel like there’s no use to learn or to do anything. I’m tired, I feel like I’m trapped, I feel like there’s nothing waiting for me in the future anymore. I really wanted to stop thinking this but it’s incredibly hard.

No. 2120258

Ay. Not all women. If you're saying this, I doubt you're like this. Only bottom tier female losers who fell off after high school act like this.

No. 2120270

fucking yap yap yap blah blah blah who gives this much of a fuck over lotion you are so fucking insufferable. you sound like you find ways to make everything in your life into a problem yet can't figure out why you have drama.
>envious over porn standards
skill issue. dinner plate tits are for those of the most highly discerning palates. give me baseball sized cedar brown fat fucking saucer tits or give me death.(infighting)

No. 2120272

I guess I'd be less insecure about my body if my mom hadn't nitpicked it all throughout my youth and made me ashamed of puberty. Yeah, skill issue.

No. 2120274

This isn't the post like a moid thread.

No. 2120276

You're respinding to a scrote if it isn't very obvious by the "yap yap yap" and immediate pivot to talking about your breasts.

No. 2120277

So there was this moid I had a crush on back when I was 19-20 and I used to be so angsty and sad about it because we went to different colleges and he almost always had a girlfriend. He'd respond to my messages less and less and by the time I graduated college I don't think we talked at all anymore, which made me sad because I thought of him as a good friend too. Anyway in the last month he's messaged me twice about random music shit and I don't get it. We used to talk about music a lot, but why message me now after so many years? It feels so pointless to even respond. I think the old me would have been so happy that he's trying to initiate contact again, but I have no idea what his intentions are and it's been so long since we last talked I don't even know how to have a conversation with him anymore.

No. 2120278

He hit the wall and isn't doing good, so now he's going back through his contact book to find the girls he knew from college that pined over him and your contact page came up. He thinks you're the same person you were then because he's still the same person after so long. Don't let it get you down too much.

No. 2120284

That's what I was thinking kek. He's probably feeling lonely or something and grasping for someone to talk to. I think I'm more irritated about it than sad. I don't get why moids are like this.

No. 2120294

My MtF coworker is really into my work crush and talks about him obsessively. Yeah.. I think I’m going to try to get over him, I’m just grossed out now.

No. 2120314

I need to work but I have a headache and really don’t want to

No. 2120321

Is your work crush straight if you know?

No. 2120326

I’m pretty sure, he’s talked about having an ex girlfriend before, but the way the troon talks about him and the things they want him to do just puts awful thoughts in my head. Either way I don’t really want to “”””compete””””. I’d rather just move on tbh.

No. 2120328

If you don't have other people driving you wherever you want you're kind of a loser.

No. 2120333

As a zoomer who never got her driver’s license, I have no clue how you can brag about it. I hate not being able to go places whenever I want to unlike a car, or spending a ton of money on ubers or busses. I live in a place with like… somewhat half decent public transport but not really. That being said, the fear of car accidents is very very real, they can be so insanely deadly it’s horrifying.

No. 2120339

Someone close to me just found out his friend has been on estrogen since January. This guy was super intelligent, capable of critical thinking, over 6 foot, perfectly good dick, etc., started dating a troon, now he wants a vaginoplasty. In response to concerns about surgery prospects he's like "oh you don't know, the technology is really good these days". When asked what's motivating him, the only thing he can say is he's dissatisfied with his face in the mirror, particularly his nose, as if estrogen does anything to your nose, but he has genuinely deluded himself that it does. What the fuck.

No. 2120342

A scrote is so braindead he'll chop off his dick just to spite his nose. Classic. I love to hear it. Hopefully he 41%s soon after.

No. 2120345

clearly he isnt that intelligent kek

No. 2120354

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Small birds keep dying in the yard of my new house and it's making me depressed and anxious. A few hours ago I found one struggling on the ground squeaking before it died and it's made me so fucking upset that I've just been sitting on my bed feeling like crying but nothing is coming out my eyes just hurt. I should clarify it's only been two but I don't know seeing native animals die fucks me up really hard

No. 2120360

Samefag it's also super unlucky to have birds dying around your vicinity so maybe it's also triggering my OCD esque superstitions and that's why I feel this awful suffocating sense of doom

No. 2120364

do you live next to a nuclear plant or something. i see a dead bird like once a year

No. 2120369

No, I live out in the arsecrack of nowhere too so it can't be pollution. The first one had a injury on his stomach so I think he might have been attacked by something. The one that just died had zero injuries on her at all and it really freaked me out.

No. 2120370

You have to trigger OCD esque superstitions that cancel out the first superstition. Throw a handful of salt behind your shoulder with your right hand on a walk and don't look bad at it, all your bad luck will be cured. But also, if it's hot where you live, you could set out a dish of water for the birds in your area to be a bird bath? I know for the past couple years, the climate changed so much where I am that now seeing squirrels and birds killed by the heat is very common in summer times, so maybe if you set up a place for them to cool down and hydrate it could be beneficial for both parties?

No. 2120395

I'll try that later, thank you very much for the suggestion. Superstitions are really strange to me, I know they're a bit silly but also they're so nerve wracking.
Also, I do have a birdbath set up but it's also the tail end of winter where I am so I doubt it has anything to do with heat (it also doesn't get that cold here either). Very sad that your summer has been killing smaller animals, birds are incredibly sensitive animals and I feel like a lot of people don't realise it.

No. 2120399

samefag, oh my god take a shot every time I said "also" kek

No. 2120420

Don't worry, it's not silly that you believe in superstitions. It's easier to believe in superstitions than it is to believe that some man in the 1960s went to the moon. But some retards still believe the latter. Just be content in your superstitious lifestlye and keep hopping over the cracks in the sidewalk. Life is too short to not have a little fun with it.
>Very sad that your summer has been killing smaller animals
It's really sad tbh. I like to hang around with the squirrels and I always feed them because we all love each other, so when I see them falling out of trees dead of heat stroke it hurts my heart. I don't need to see graphs or hear scientists talk about climate change, I'm living through it. If you told me when I was 10 that by the time I was grown, it'd be so hot for so long that animals would drop dead left right and centre, I would have been so scared and sad. Now it's just the new normal.

No. 2120434

I’m tired of being sick

No. 2120473

The more I'm stuck dealing with the women in my family, the more I understand why the men of my family try to avoid their wives and their incessant negative yapping. This much complaining and judging is so bad for the soul for crying out loud!!!

No. 2120540

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No. 2120543

omg its her again! shes always shitting the board with her obvious typing style. kek-chan please we know its you.

No. 2120547

that twittard needs to fuck off holy shit I sleep twice and this tard is still shitting up the board

No. 2120553

Yes… we must finally redtext "kek." I say in its place, we start using THH (tee hee hee). It has the exact same ring as kek.

No. 2120561

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>try and get off lolcow and use cc
>cc shit up by baiting moids from /pol/ with obvious antisemitism and pedoshit
>back to lc I guess

I should just leave all imageboards but then where will I go? back to reddit with the circlejerking and bots? the vacuous imagewhoring on instagram? the site elongated muskrat only ruined further? god every form of internet media feels so limpid and dead

No. 2120571

but isn't your own surname still your dad's surname? i don't see much of a difference tbh it's still someone else's

No. 2120574

File: 1722758512224.jpeg (406.24 KB, 1170x678, IMG_6407.jpeg)

antisemitic moids oh antisemitic moids
don't pretend to larp as women
leave our spaces be
fall into a boiling vat of lava I beg of thee

No. 2120576

you should raid male dominated websites with female friends and conquer them

No. 2120579

I'd need to be a lot more organized than I usually am with more female friends

believe me when I say I've trolled 4chan individually many times, but I can only take so much of reading their mind numbing bs before I need to detox

No. 2120582

it's going to be hard individually, but just a few friends should be able to do a decent job if you focus on just one board, since most boards don't have that many unique posters

No. 2120635

no, it's mine because i grew up with it. (actually, it is my mother's surname but i know that's not the case for most people my age). we have to break the cycle somewhere.

No. 2120640

I just wish that none of this crap would've happened to me. I would be at peace with my fate.

No. 2120653

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Decided to stop describing movies or songs/albums as "fun" because it's currently become synonymous with "this really isn't good but um im bored and it's listenable". Anytime you see someone on twitter being like "omg it's so fun" it's about something that REALLY sucks but they want to support the artist. No more. Other people can be spineless and praise absolute garbage just because they're afraid of rocking the boat while their faggot tasteless mutuals watching but im so tired of it. Im tired of watching grown adults pander so desperately to teenagers and sacrificing any talent or potential they have to chase algorithms and look a fool. Peter pan syndrome is played out.

No. 2120668

I’ve been struggling to find a job for a long time despite being well educated with a STEM degree. My biggest problem is that most places are looking for someone more experience, whereas entry level jobs unrelated to my degree don’t want me because I’m overeducated and obviously on the lookout for something better, and they don’t want the hassle of hiring someone who’ll leave them after a month. So I’m unemployed. But the most infuriating thing about this is that everyone I meet keeps assuming I’m a high school dropout and that if I only worked harder in school I wouldn’t be in this situation. But the reality is that I got top grades and have a masters degree and I did everything right, it’s just not good enough. If I hear one more person suggest I go back to school to get my “diploma” I’m going to jump out of a window.

No. 2120673

I’m in the same boat, nonna. The job market is so ass right now. Fingers crossed for us both.

No. 2120675

move abroad and teach physics at an international school

No. 2120688

im in a terrible form of adhd paralysis where i dont even feel like watching my comfort show or doomscrolling, replying to strangers on facebook is boring, and my friends have no new gossip after a very stimulating day of gossip. i need to fucking chat shit but have no idea what to do

No. 2120768

I should have killed myself a long time ago.

No. 2120930

Your husbando (out of the billions you have) would NEVER love you if he was real you obese, annoying, hideous blob. He wouldn't even look at you. Have you seen his canon love interest? You're quite literally the opposite of her in every way. Please kill yourself.(alogging)

No. 2120938

Damn true

No. 2120940

i would rape him anyways

No. 2120945

more importantly, your husbando would be ugly if he were real.

No. 2120947

that doesn't affect husbandofags because they think all real men are ugly anyway. and rightfully so

No. 2120981

ackshually nonalita I'm a skinny qween anorexic and I'm loyal to him

No. 2120982

As someone in the middle of doing a stem degree this is my biggest fear

No. 2121015

about to get myself kicked out
not sure what to do

No. 2121034

My personal lolcow would never browse here, I could never subpost my nonitas.

No. 2121035

vented about this before but really, never ever take charity cases with men, especially those below your level, they'll get over their head and choose to remain fucking stupid even if what you say is 100% true
what a fucking idiot,I should have never bothered with him, he would never even know how to appreciate a woman of my level, he can roll in the mud
lessons learned, always trust your gut and be a bitch sometimes
legitimately flabbergasted at the retardness of moids

No. 2121044

100%. My ugly balding scrote ex used to neg me daily. Cannot believe I let myself be broken down by such a disgusting man.

No. 2121067

I wish there was a way to just look at fanart of female characters drawn by/for women.
I don't want to see coomer shit, I want actual genuine fanart that has to do with the series.

No. 2121084

>relatives come over for breakfast
>still here when the sun is setting
Every single time. They stay till midnight sometimes. Get a grip.

No. 2121085

the lack of gratitude pisses me off the most

to add to what I said because I need to vent about this too, I asked the guy if when he'll have a wife, will he hide and avoid conflicts and discussing problems too? his answer was "there won't be any conflicts because there will be someone who takes into account what I say too" , as if I never took into account his (childish) takes. The absolute naivete that a relationship doesn't have conflicts, holy fucking shit.
istg nonnas, some man are manchildren for fucking life, run and never look back

No. 2121090

I am too scared of killing myself but I realized that I have no other option

No. 2121107

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Starting to slip back into anhedonia/depression again. I start things to drive my thoughts away from feeling miserable only to drop them because they don't hold my attention. I have to force myself to do my hobbies basically. I can't wait to leave work because I'm bored beyond belief but when I would finally have the time to do something sensible and meaningful, I literally just lie down and scroll because anything else takes too much effort and/or my inner critic rips apart any of my creative efforts. I feel like I will never be happy

No. 2121132

ive started to hit myself im so frustrated

No. 2121153

can't you go for a walk instead

No. 2121172

since i removed the heart that my rapist gave me for my steam profile, he's been acting really unhinged. adding his beloved uwu ex (who he admitely tried to cheat multiple times) on steam, adding multiple random discord egirls, playing valorant with probably underage egirls. making shitty soundclound music with vague references to me, copying concepts of my style and neocities page for his shitty music and song covers, overall lowkey skinwalking me. he always gave me tranny vibes anyways.

then he unblocked me on facebook and didn't block me back after 48 hours so i actually blocked him this time and fuck that faggot. i also checked the shared valorant account i made and this tranny was indeed playing with more autistic egirls. i wanted to chimp out and join the match (while disconnecting him) to scream these retards that they were playing with a pedophile rapist, but just waited their novelty matches to end and change the password for good.

then this porn addicted faggot went and really tried to hoover me over a retarded game account, because HE needed it to play with egirls that suck at shooters and only play for male validation (i was one too). didn't read + deleted, it made me less obsessed with this retard. sorry you have to play with your egirls on your actual account now!

No. 2121176

im so fucking useless wow

No. 2121181

I’m British and the news with violence is annoying me now. People are stupid but the hypocrisy of whenever Muslims parade around the streets of the U.K. with extreme Islamic beliefs is ignored. Plus the three kids who were stabbed in Southport here victims of a terror attack but the news doesn’t brand the little monkey bastard who killed them as a terrorist. It’s annoying and the double standards protecting Muslims in this country knocks me sick. Everyone’s as bad as each other nowadays but that truly does piss me off.

No. 2121182

Oh look, it's me going to my friend's weddings, and birthdays, and baby showers, and special occasions to only be treated like an NPC with crickets when it's my birthday and I ask them to come.
Wow, people totally aren't dogshit! Golly gee, here's to another year where everyone is the main character but me!

No. 2121198

I want to off myself. I can't possibly recover after the things that have happened to me and all of the forms of disrespect that I have been placed through. I have been stripped off of my humanity.

In these times. I wish that there was someone to hold me. I wish that I would have a significant other. That they would treat me well and understand how much I have struggled with both my mental and physical health since I was a child. So, that I would not throw myself off of a building.

No. 2121199

sounds like you're the one stalking him

No. 2121204

I try but recently it feels like that makes things worse since my problem is having so much to do in not much time

No. 2121206

i am, but i can't get this out anywhere because that would be giving him a reaction. not that easy to break a trauma bond, but anytime he tries to reach out, i become less obsessed.

No. 2121217

I hope you find better friends, nona. Maybe it's time to distance yourself from those so-called friends and not reciprocate. If they can't be bothered to celebrate your special day while you do everything for theirs, they can get fucked.

No. 2121224

kmskmskmskmskms it's so hard to find a job I'm so doomed I feel like I'm never going to make it and that I'm going to end up giving up and proving my dad right about all his death prophecies about me. I didn't spend all those years telling myself it's going to be ok to passively absorb his bullshit into my subconscious but guess what the fuck happened. kmskmskmskmskmskms

No. 2121228

drink up a bit nonny.

No. 2121233

They're shit and do not deserve you. To not even stop by for a quick hang out if they're busy or apologize and plan for a later birthday hang out is horrible. Time to return the energy they give to you. Fuck 'em.

No. 2121235

go away with the bad advice

No. 2121239

you’ll never get a job with that negative aura

No. 2121244

drink harder

No. 2121265

> I can't wait to leave work because I'm bored beyond belief but when I would finally have the time to do something sensible and meaningful, I literally just lie down and scroll because anything else takes too much effort and/or my inner critic
I can relate a lot to what you've written, nonnie. I think it's hard because even if you ever DO have the creative spark to do something, personally, I'm drained from work or school. The only thing I can say is try not to beat yourself up about it. Whether you're working part time or full time, having to deal with stressful things all day really takes it out of you. I think it's hard not to feel anhedonia when you have a list of things you have to get done, and when you get those things done you just feel so drained.

No. 2121271

Holy shit I just realised she still put everything else of him over my wellbeing, a damn word promise over what I would feel and repress to tell her off.
Everything we said with the psychologist in the drain because "oh he told me to say this when I see you"
You even said yourself that I hate that other one too, yet you can't think twice before relaying what she said in the phone call like yea. I must have been such a burden they couldn't wait to spend time with him instead.
Fuck everything, I still feel like I'm just being forced out of my house, a stray chihuahua that bit the family member and is now living in a paid shelter.

No. 2121273

Hate family gatherings. Hate being such a fucking loser sperg. Can’t even look these people in the eyes

No. 2121275

I love being neurotypical and able to follow conversations, look people in the eye, smile, laugh and understand the nuance, sagire and a variety of jokes that autists can’t. I’m living the life baby

No. 2121280

one day I too will understand the sagire

No. 2121323

My friends want to go to a really fancy Brazilian restaurant that like.. brings you meat and cuts it off the thing at your table. I guess there’s also a buffet or whatever. Every thing is high calorie as shit sounding. I should be just as excited but it is making the eating disorder relapse I'm struggling with just telling me to purge in the bathroom. For fucks sake, me. Get it together. I don’t know how to say that the idea of going there is overwhelming. I am the only one who doesn’t wanna go and my reasoning is a bitch baby one.

No. 2121327

>moving to a smaller apartment so i decide to size down my closet
>i go to platos
>”erm these are too business style for us go to clothes mentor”
>i go to clothes mentor
>”erm these are too youthful/ junior style go to platos”
ok. goodwill bins it is

No. 2121340

I should have killed myself a long time ago. A long, long, long, long, long time ago. I should have ended it.

No. 2121372

I hate not having friends, I hate that I left fandoms, stopped being comfortable with everyone and now wasting my whole day on my phone gives me zero dopamine

No. 2121386

Like fogo de chao? It doesn't have to be high calorie you can just eat meat and taste the other things and savor life with your friends instead of deciding to dedicate your life to being a sequestered anorexic

No. 2121388

Im paralyzed with fear. Gotta move out, I live in Argentina: inflation means my rent from last year (70usd) is now 280. I need to pay 280usd next month. What the fuck am I going to do. Staying in this tiny town with literally NO friends is making me want to kill my self so bad, I got no close family either so I need to move to the capital city… where rent will be at least 50% higher.
What do I do? What if I move to a place where they charge 350usd a month and next year I’m expected to pay 800usd? And next year 1600? What then? I’m so scared. I don’t even have any co-signers lol. I have a dog and a cat and zero friends in this city. But to be in a place where I can meet people I need to bleed money. What will I do in December? With no family to spent the holidays? I’m so scared.

No. 2121416

Has anyone dealt with mental illness to the point where you are completely neglecting your hygiene?
My situation has gotten so bad that I have dreads in my hair. I don't know what to do. It is impossible to untangle it. My only option is to shave my whole head…
Has anyone gone through this?

No. 2121417

Yuppers. I’m trying my best but man idk why my brain is screaming at me about it. Talked to one of them about it and came up with a better game plan. She brought up the likelyhood of our friends shilling it as “lots of food” off the bat making my brain turn it into something else. Which she’s not wrong. Still going to give it go.. I just gotta keep my head out of the anachan gutter

No. 2121444

Time of the day to look up instagram profiles and see how they're all living a better happier life than me

No. 2121451

Wet your hair thoroughly, massage conditioner into it, and very slowly brush it out starting from the bottom. This will take a while, be patient. You might want to cut the bottom 2-3 inches of hair off straight off the bat if it's too much to handle and work on salvaging the rest. Make sure your hair is wet as you work through it, add more conditioner and water as needed, you want to lube your hair up as much as possible for this.
Once you brushed out as many tangles as you can handle, wash the conditioner out, gently dry your hair, and continue working on it another day.

No. 2121457

that's just what they want you to think. happy people don't post their happiness on instagram. i don't even think they post on social media at all

No. 2121469

I spent the last 12 hours throwing up and it went through my nose almost every time and now everything smells like stomach bile because i assume the entirety of my nasal passages are coated in bile residue. Which is of course only making me more nauseous. But if I netti-potted my nose or whatever I'm sure I'd barf. fuck this. I always get like 3x sicker than everyone else on the same illness, idk why. The rest of my family wasn't this sick. I eat healthy and am a healthy weight, why does my immune system struggle so much more than everyone else. When I got COVID, I was sick for an entire month.

No. 2121480

The whole fucking planet is calling me a black dog. What do you think about that?

No. 2121493

If they travel around around with their friends they sure as hell are living better than me rotting on my bed. I appreciate the warm quote nona, but we're just doomed for depression

No. 2121524

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sick of having hair sick of losing hair just wanna shave my head so fucking bad reeeeeeeeee

No. 2121532

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Lmao, my friends are such sly ass grifters I can't even blame them for their shit
>friend invites me to advanced concert tix
>not gonna say no to free tix
>have to drive, agree to buy her merch
>end up also buying her food
>realize she got tix for free from another friend
>just got the free food, merch, and transport from me
>bitch didn't pay a dime for shit

No. 2121535

My "family" is batshit fucking insane. I have been trying to escape them ever since I was 12. Considering all of the crap that is happening to me publically. I can't return back to society.

I just wish that I wouldn't have ruined my fucking life.

No. 2121612

I'm sorry anon. I can relate to this so much, especially the highschool thing which is sad because I'm 30.

No. 2121624

27 and same, nonnas. The last time I even had a real conversation with someone irl besides my mom was over a year ago

No. 2121645

My grandmother yesterday began screaming and swearing at me, slamming my doors and telling me to move out while I was trying to decompress and have a cry after a hard day. This happened after my mother blew up at her over text for talking behind her back. (I had told mum because she deserved to know???) Like my nan was mad that she was caught in her backtalk and not how she was upsetting everyone around her, kept saying "I am allowed to talk about her like that because I help her!" Then my mother like the bipolar retard she is then tried to hurt her by bringing up an old affair from the 80s which was the only thing that shut nan up. Bussed back to my mother's tears rolling down my face and was just wondering how is this family so fucked in the head. Why can't we resolve things normally? They made up, but that oldbay seemed so insincere.
She messaged me today, saying sorry but only for what she said to my mum, not for how she treated me. I'm too old for this stress they act like fucking highschoolers.
I wish solo renting wasn't so expensive

No. 2121670

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I feel like i am unhealthy about my niece. Two years ago I disliked children and had a stress free NEET life. But now i’m constantly paranoid about my niece every single time shes at my brothers place and not here at home being baby sat by me and my mom and dad. i don’t know if shes safe or happy at whatever shit apartment my brother and his wife live at. I am scared that she might get kidnapped because she is so tiny and vulnerable or that some scrote like her uncle will abuse her. I cry thinking about her and wish she can always be here at home playing hair salon with me, watching Bluey and being safe and happy. She’s my world and if something bad happened to her i would kill myself.

No. 2121679

>I had told mum because she deserved to know??
Don't bite the hand that feeds you next time. If you know your family is explosive and high-strung, don't spread gossip.

No. 2121680

I feel you, the only thing keeping me tethered to this earth is my dad, the boyfriend I somehow have, a part time job and a dog but I still feel incredibly unfulfilled and cry most days

No. 2121694

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I keep snacking and eating at inappropriate times,I feel like such a fatty.Gotta reset my diet and start over,pray for meee.

No. 2121705

I wish that nobody would have to go through the abuse that I have been going through. Basically, after all of the shit that has happened to me. Simply, I can't step back into society.

I've had the whole planet dig my grave in millions of ways. Plus the whole world is telling me to kill myself. Everyone is telling me to kill myself.

No. 2121916

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I only got sober because I noticed that my friends started drifting away due to my addiction, but now those friends are gone forever and so is my ex so I have no reason to stay sober. Fuck this is agonizing

No. 2122072

I destroyed my life. I want the last 6 years of my life back. Also, I wish that none of this crap would've happened to me.

No. 2122100

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i wish there was more fan artists drawing in a cartoony and semi realistic cartoony style because i am so fucking sick of seeing anime literally everywhere. fucking hell where is the originality and diversity? everytime i feel like i should just quit drawing i remember that if i do i won't be able to have the kind of content i want to see more of. want something done right gotta do it yourself but god i wish i didnt have to.

No. 2122103

What do you mean with cartoon style?

No. 2122132

I think my friend's is messing up her own life and idk how to cope. I know I can't save someone from themselves but I also can't just abandon her and watching her life make no progress is painful and annoying.

She's an autist who lives with her elderly mother. We grew up in the same neighborhood so I've known her since we were kids. She's gotten obese in resent years (after being very skinny her whole life until then) and has a food/sugar addiction. She says she now has trouble focusing and just can't do literally anything on her own but refuses to think it has anything to do with her rapid and massive weight gain. She says she wants to lose weight but then begs me to buy snacks for "us" to try with any excuse she can (it's on sale, it's rare or exclusive to this far-away store, new flavor, limited edition…) and bargains with me to let her eat more snacks (I have literally no control over what she eats!). Pretty sure she's at the very least pre-diabetic.
She's now a neet and lets her mother do absolutely everything despite her being in her 70s, she plans to live on disability support but has been denied it many times already. She's a shopaholic with the tiny amount of money she has, she gets new money by sexually pandering to/scamming men (who have a fat fetish, but she refuses to admit that).

I think the most annoying part is that she infantilizes herself so much because it's the only way she gets pity and attention. She now can't cook, clean, care for her own pets (2 cats and 2 family dogs, one of each are "hers"), nor can she drive or do any shopping unless it's for herself, so snacks and expensive brand fashion she can't afford. Because I knew her since she was a kid I think I'm one of the few people currently in her life who knows she's not really like that. New people assume that it's just how she's always been because of the autism or something, so they let her get away with it and on occasion even judge me for being so judgmental of her because they expect nothing from her unlike I do. I want better for her than to keep falling down this pit.

No. 2122133

Do you mean like in old super hero comics?

No. 2122147

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I am not allowed to think my thoughts transcend reality. I am not allowed to think my thoughts transcend reality. I am not allowed to think my thoughts transcend reality. I am not allowed to think.

Everyone is in my mother fucking head. Everyone is in my mother fucking head. Everyone is in my mother fucking head. Everyone is in my head. They hear my thoughts.

Everyone's getting married. Having friends. I have to deal with 16 years of suicidal depression completely alone. The whole world is calling me a black dog.

The whole world is calling me a black dog. The whole world is calling me a black dog. The whole world is calling me a black dog.

No. 2122186

The one time I went and made a point of trying exactly one bit of everything, it didn't end up being an obscenely huge meal

No. 2122194

My ear hurts (insert sad face)

No. 2122206

Bitch you can bite me how many times you want but you're not leaving this room alive. I hope the high was worth it because I'm going to zap you to death

No. 2122213

Yaaaay. I can't walk back into society!!!

No. 2122218

I’m so exhausted. Called the suicide hot line and actually got someone for once and just made this very sweet southern lady listen to me cry about how I miss my grandma and my family hates me despite all the thing I have done. for 45 minutes. Embarrassing

No. 2122249

Six weeks into a hospital stay and I'm going nutty. Men being put in female-only rooms "just for the night", then being there a week later while the women complain about feeling unsafe. Entitled patients wanting constant staff attention. The occasional nurse or healthcare assistant who decides they don't like you or another patient and do little petty things to make you feel even more miserable. Constant cockups with medication and breakfast (they always forget my weetabix…).
These are only few of the qualms I'm having, but sadly I've got no choice since I fucked up my leg so badly my femoral nerve needs time to heal and I can only walk with a zimmer frame or crutches and the physios aim to have me walking before I'm unceremoniously booted out.
…I just miss my doggies at home so much. And I won't be able to see Twisters in the cinema.

No. 2122250

Time to kill my self. Slrryvsuicide hot line lady. It just can’t be fixed anymore. I wish people cared about me. I want my grandma

No. 2122251

I wish that none of this shit would've happened to me. I should have killed myself a long time ago. Just, so I wouldn't suffer this extreme social humiliation. I can't step foot into society again.

No. 2122259

Nonnie please come back and say you didn't do it

No. 2122270

Pathetic and unimportant, but being active in a small fandom that is dominated by this one person sucks so much. Yes, their fics are great, but I don't feel like there's even a point in posting my own since they basically own the ship tag on AO3 and I know I'm just not as talented as they are.

It's the second time that's happened to me. I was happy with my obscure ship, then suddenly someone joins late and just takes over the fandom for it completely. Ofc they then befriend the other handful of fans and from then on everything only ever revolves around them and the way they write the characters in question becomes accepted as canon.

Guess it's time to move on yet again…

No. 2122286

God I've been working in healthcare and advocating for "vulnerable peoples" for 7 years now. The events of my shift tonight make me wanna scream fuck the homeless and fuck this whole stupid country. LET IT ALL BURN, IDGAF.

No. 2122289

What happened if you don't mind me asking?

No. 2122295

Yes, please do tell. I want to hear what it's like for a healthcare worker so I can see the other side of the coin.

No. 2122301

I don't get this post. What do you think is going to happen if you write the characters the way you want to instead of following this person's headcanons? Isn't their talent going to make more people interested in the fandom and get them to read your fics too?

No. 2122318

I’m never helping anyone with anything ever again, fuck that.
>friend calls me and says she’s about to be homeless, asks me for money so she can move out of her “abusive situation”
>offer to help her look for a new place and find her a job
>ask old boss if she can schedule an interview for her, boss says yes
>sorry nona that job doesn’t work for me, i hate working with people and get anxiety
>offer to contact other boss for other job, have to inform first ex-boss that I got clowned on and cancel
>nooo I caaan’t it’s too physical and I’m disabled
>offer to ask THIRD ex-boss
>noooo it’s too scawy that doesn’t work for me
girly wants an office job she can do remotely with no education or experience or to be given free money, but turns her nose up at jobs I had to do to move out because she thinks she’s too good for them - sorry I mean “they give her anxiety”.
I’m just so tired of this adult baby. She has to be coddled all the time and never wants to do things that aren’t on her terms but complains that her life is going nowhere. Of course it isn’t bitch, neither are you! Her life is spent whining on Xitter and throwing herself pity parties while bitching about her “abusive” parents who bankroll this grown woman’s life. You’d think she would at least have fun hobbies that aren’t consooming with all that free time but nope.

No. 2122337

I’m okay. Sorta. I cried for 2 hours straight to my nigel then managed to calm down. Have been struggling really hard lately. Family issues I really need to talk about more. Health issues causing stress. Stress causing eating disorder related brain rot. Insomnia caused by stress and health issues. Useless anxiety over food not helping much. Which all just leads to feeling suicidal. Recipe for disaster. Big time. Today will be better I hope. If I can sleep…

No. 2122342

My boyfriend shaved his pubic hair for me (even though I didn't ask him to) because he said he enjoys looking hot for me. I loved it, gave him lots of attention and praise and ran my hands all over his body. I constantly reach under his clothes to feel how smooth he is. He loved it as well and I thought everything was fine. Later we start talking about pubic hair again and he mentions that trimmed looks hygienic and clean and that it shows the person takes care of themselves, saying this when I have a full bush. I got annoyed at him because it felt like he was hinting at me to trim but I don't give a fuck. I take care of myself, work out, eat well, dress nicely, but I enjoy having my full cute bush and my underarm hair. It's womanly and sexy. I'm going to make him eat my hairy pussy when I get home and he can complain about it all he wants. Loser. Men are so gay sometimes.

No. 2122362

people who choose to buy expensive new cars should have to pay higher taxes

No. 2122364

It looks hygienic to him probably because he's a pig. It's more hygienic for women to have hair.

No. 2122369

It's unmasculine to be concerned about pubic hair too. Centuries ago men would have murdered each other to inhale unwashed unshaved pussy, and nowadays "men" complain instead of being grateful that their face is being smothered in pussy.

No. 2122411

Some people are so privileged and entitled. She doesn't realize how good of a friend you are. I'd love to be able to have a connection with a friend who can refer me to three different jobs. With the way the job market is, beggars can't be choosers. Better set up a gofundme on the bird app, huh?

No. 2122418

Her parents already support her. What the fuck does she expect? For you to pay her rent?

No. 2122423


No. 2122431

things that never happened

No. 2122443

Stop helping her before it backfires and makes you look unreliable as well even if that's not true at all. I have some friends like that, not as extreme though and now they're still neets, I'm glad I never went as far as personally recommending them to former or current employers or it would have ruined opportunities I had.

No. 2122446

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death to canada for waving its treasures in my face

No. 2122454

it's not that good tbh

No. 2122459

i don't need you to help me cope

No. 2122690

A close friend of mine is a lesbian, and she is struggling a lot with dating– I don't think there is much of a surprise to anyone on LC how pretty much all lesbian spaces have been invaded by "queers" (spicy straights) and gendies, and almost all her hobbies are fairly male dominated. She is really pretty and very forward so it is a surprise that she's been single for 10+ years and struggling so much. But we have this conversation twice a month, and it only goes in fucking circles. I don't know what she expects of me at this point.
Me, and quite a few of her other friends are also struggling with dating in our 30's, no matter our sexuality. I, and a lot of other people have been single for just as long as her. It sucks FOR EVERYONE! It sucks in a very different way for her as a homosexual now that there aren't a lot of places for her to go, yes. I am aware. I've been doing my best to be a huge support for her. But I have no words left to say. I don't have the energy to repeat the same conversation all the time. But she is one of my closest friends and I love her so dearly, so I want to be there for her. There are just times I can't take having the same. fucking. conversation. AGAIN.

No. 2122713

>watched Misery
>feel that Kathy Bates is a bit too relatable
What do I do

No. 2122822

My brother is dating a chick that could be in the >>>/snow/2011789 trad carnivore whatever larp thread. I was kind of excited to meet her because I do think modern living has a lot of shitty baggage and we’d do better to stay away from processed food, be outside more, use natural products, etc. Come to find out she just buys “natural” products that are trendy and expensive and ship from Canada (we’re in south USA…) She makes most conversations about herself and had an illness when she was young that she clings to for identity. She did an allergy test and claims to be deathly allergic to lemongrass essential oil but then put crystal light in the beer she was drinking…like what? I’m also sort of insufferable about what’s bad for the planet (oooooh organic beef tallow from Canada, when we have beef farmers down the street) and the ails of modern society but she’s like next level. Lol.

No. 2122835

Read the book! It’s so fucking good, I also saw the movie first but the book really fleshes her out. See if you still relate? If so, move out to a farm…who’s your Paul?

No. 2122843

I can't work. I don't have friends. I don't have a boyfriend. The whole world is harassing me. I am being called a dog. YAYYYY

No. 2122850

Your brother is smart, he found himself a way to get free homemade oreos or hamburgers or whatever. Those types of girls are so useful

No. 2122875

i feel you nona. in high school i begged my psycho mom to let a homeless friend stay at my house. then she slept with my ex boyfriend. i'll never help anyone else unless they lay their lives down for me first

No. 2122885

become fixated on a male author and take it from there

No. 2122999


No. 2123012

It's so exhausting loving someone much more than she loves me. I know I should get over myself and stop putting in the effort but I can't help but care about her so much, I look out for her and support her even when she barely does the same back. I want to let go but I don't know how. Times like this when she purposefully ignores me and acts extremely distant make me think about all this stuff again, but I know the second she goes back to paying more attention to me I'll forget all of it and be even more pathetically devoted to her. God I hate myself I don't know why it's so hard to just leave.

No. 2123068

I'm going through a very bad and stressful period of my life and I'm feeling so sad and hopeless. Usually crying and simply letting it all out helps me a lot but for some reason I just can't cry. It's so frustrating, I really need it right now…

No. 2123107

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No. 2123129

I'm a miserable combo of both of these where there's no audience/fandom for my deteriorating out-of-practice art and life is passing me by even in that purely self-indulgent domain

No. 2123253

You pee in the kitchen?

No. 2123278

Knowing suicide is an option is the most comforting thing I know, it’s probably the best coping mechanism. Nobody really cares if you die or kill yourself so there’s no strings attached to anything, but the hardest part is figuring out how to kill yourself without the fee of pain. I don’t actually mind death, I just hate the few seconds to hours of dying where you’re in pain and just want it to end. I don’t understand why it’s so hard to effortlessly end your life without feeling pain.

No. 2123294

I just want to put myself out there for commissions why is that so hard ohmygod

No. 2123315

The woman I loved with all my heart, the one who rescued me from the worst domestic violence I’ve ever experienced and helped put my abusive partner in jail just slapped me in the face. Not a playful one either, she pulled her arm back and everything. The worst part is I’m not even mad at her for hitting me, I’m mad at myself for being stupid. She’s right, she’s the one who rescued me, she’s the one who gave me a baby, and the family I never thought I’d have, and I’m just a leech on her resources at this point. It’s so fucked up. When she loves me, she’s the most affectionate, cuddly, giant teddy bear of a woman you’ll ever meet, but when she’s angry, it’s like a nuclear bomb. She’s threatened to hurt me a lot, but this is the first time she ever actually did it. I don’t want to admit it, but I’m starting to get scared of her. I’m so guilty, why am I scared of the woman who rescued me? If she didn’t rescue me, my abuser would’ve murdered me, I’d be dead if it wasn’t for her. I love her so much but I’m so scared.

No. 2123318

Leave her. Think of yourself for a second. Do you think you deserve to be scared and assaulted? Just because she lied to you about being safe and reliable? The good feelings are the feel good hormones lying to you. You're not safe with her. You are in danger still.

No. 2123329

Your lover should never hurt you and make you feel unsafe. That's not acceptable and your feelings shouldn't be diminished because you feel "worthless."

No. 2123331

Someone can do a good thing, even many good things, but that doesn't automatically make them a good person. You escaped a terrible situation once and survived, I believe you're strong enough to do it again. If you've got a baby it means you have to leave even more. This abuse WILL escalate over time, take it from someone who was raised with abusive stepdad, they're always nice when it benefits them but it doesn't mean a fucking thing. The good things she's done for you in the past won't make the present or future pain go away.

No. 2123346

I feel like my life will never be the same now that I've developed chronic pain (spine issues). I have to discard a lot of my favorite hobbies.
Fucking scared of MRI results. I'm not even that old what the fuck. Nor fat, nor unfit.
Corporate jobs, not even fucking once.

No. 2123347

really hate how much of being an adult is sucking it up and talking with people you don't like and pretending to enjoy things you hate

No. 2123349

is she trans

No. 2123356

So you swapped a shit partner for another shit partner.
She helped put your last partner behind bars. How much does she hold that over your head? Does she let you know that you'd be dead if it wasn't for her? Does the threaten you and then tell you it's nothing compared to what you went through before? Does she belittle you because you needed her help to leave? Do you feel anxious to keep her around because you feel helpless without her as a shield? Did the abuse start during pregnancy, when you were stuck?
Do you think she went for a frightened lonely woman for a reason, and it's time for you to leave?

No. 2123367

I think the reason I stay despite her being mean is that I’m afraid that I’ll lose custody of my kid once I’m homeless, and she’s a legal guardian, since we’re married. So far, she’s been amazing with my daughter, sometimes I think the kid likes her more than me, but I’m terrified that if I’m not there to be the one she takes her frustration out on, she’ll start taking it out on the child who looks exactly like her old punching bag.
I know logically that I have to leave, but it’s almost like she planned for me to be with her forever. My family loved my ex, so they cut me off the moment I reported him to the police. I wanted to get out of the shitty little town I lived in, so we moved to another country and got a nice house for half the price it would’ve cost in my home country. I thought she was being a kind and providing savior, but I’m realizing how bad the situation really is now. I don’t speak this country’s language, and I’m on a marriage visa. I’m scared to leave, I have no idea what’ll happen to me or my kid.
She’s normal, but I’m not surprised you think that. She’s told me all of the relationship that she has “male behavior” but I assumed she just liked masculine things.
She does all of those things, but only when I’m being stupid, like accidentally breaking something, or embarrassing her in front of her English speaking friends. I didn’t realize it was this bad. She’s a woman, I never thought a woman could abuse like this.

No. 2123369

Fuck that bitch, take your baby and run for the hills. You should never be scared of someone who's supposed to be your lover, and you're not indebted to anyone you're in a relationship with no matter what they've done for you. And next time she hits you, punch her back.

No. 2123378

If you're scared she could hurt your child, that means you absolutely need to leave no matter how hard you have to fight. I wish I could give more advice on what steps to take but that's such a tricky situation. Try to see if a women's shelter can give you resources for legal guidance.
>She’s a woman, I never thought a woman could abuse like this.
Someone's relationships with women hurt the most. You're not being stupid, she's just an asshole. When someone actually loves you, things like doing something embarrassing is never enough to hit or berate you.

No. 2123380

> she’ll start taking it out on the child who looks exactly like her old punching bag.
So she's your biological kid?… anons the court system will probably be very much in your favor, what court is going to allow the abusive lesbian step-mom to see the kid of the woman she was abusing.

No. 2123394

I get a little envious when I see kids with supportive parents. My mom never encouraged my hobbies or would tease me about wanting to try something new that she didn't think I could do. I know we couldn't afford to put me in any clubs or programs but she didn't have to be like that. I get support from my boyfriend now but I still struggle with low self-esteem.

No. 2123405

Same, I feel like a huge bitch about it but I live in a HCOL area full of rich techie couples who practice "gentle parenting" and I seethe every time I see them. They also tend to live in nice homes and get spoiled rotten as a bonus. I just got mocked for wanting to try hobbies my mom didn't like or told I'm a liar when I said I did my homework or got a good grade. If I ever asked for any toys I'd get a sarcastic "suuure" and an eye roll.
I'd never take it out on anyone or anything like that, the seething is purely internal and personal. Just stings that I went through all that bullshit for no reason and I'll never get any good memories like these kids will.

No. 2123518

Walks into public bathroom at my university. Girl is in there yelling at her phone, blocking the stall doors. I awkwardly try to step around her/push past her so I can piss and she turns to me, snaps "umm I'm not talking to YOU", turns back to her phone and says "ugh yeah some bitch in the bathroom thought I was talking to her". Didn't even make eye contact with her or say anything that would indicate I gave a fuck about her stupid conversation. Why are people like this, I cannot imagine not only being so self centered and unaware that I dont realize I'm blocking the door, but also nasty enough to call some random person a bitch for it. I can't stand that people camp out in bathrooms anyways, sorry I came in here to piss and don't care about your phone call. This is the third time something similar has happened (usually they just sigh loudly the second I walk in, these people are all 20+ year olds btw), everybody I meet here is super aggro and weird I don't get it at all. I know it's not me because every other city I've lived in people are normal kek

No. 2123526

No one can help me

No. 2123532

>She does all of those things, but only when I’m being stupid, like accidentally breaking something, or embarrassing her in front of her English speaking friends.
That's verbal abuse, you don't deserve to be insulted because you made a mistake.
You need to talk to a domestic violence org in your country/state|province/city. They can help you develop a plan to leave and a plan for how to deal with her until you can leave. Because if nothing changes, she will hit you again, and again, and again.

Until you can talk to someone, pick up these books.

Why Does He Do That? by Lundy Bancroft
pdf: https://archive.org/details/LundyWhyDoesHeDoThat

Should I Stay or Should I Go? A Guide to Knowing if Your Relationship Can–and Should–be Saved by Lundy Bancroft
Free pdf: https://archive.org/details/LundyShouldIStayOrShouldIGo

The verbally abusive relationship : how to recognise it and how to respond
pdf: https://archive.org/details/verballyabusive000evan

No. 2123535

Probably on coke if she's that randomly hostile in a bathroom

No. 2123541

If that's true, I'm so sorry and hope that you can find something decent to make your situation tolerable. If it's just hopelessness or depression talking, I hope you find your way out of it to the people who can help.

No. 2123547

I never understood taking phone calls in public bathrooms. What if someone starts shitting really loud in the stall while I'm on the phone?

No. 2123548

That’s the problem. No one can help. The people who care have their hands tied.
Mine are extra tied.
My family doesn’t give a rats ass.
Idk what 2 do. I just want someone to come get me.

No. 2123614

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>Mom watching retarded propaganda
>One of the guys unironically used the word inter-dimensional
I wanted to scream "the merge" so badly

No. 2123625

Ily anon, you are a soldier

No. 2123627

Where are you? US?

No. 2123639

i am 23 years old and i feel so lost. i have zero desire to do anything with my life. i hate school and don't know what to study since i have no clue what career i even want. i work a shit wagie job that i hate, i spend all of my free time either working, sleeping, or day dreaming that my life is better and that i lived in a much more interesting world. where i am happy, have friends, a boyfriend, and success in life. i have zero talent since i am too tired to do anything after work. i am so depressed and so miserable. never had a boyfriend, my friends since highschool live far away and they all are doing better in life than me and i am starting to resent them.

i am so alone with no one to talk to. i act like my life is okay and that nothing is wrong, but the truth i want to die and i feel like my existence is pointless.

No. 2123682


No. 2123692

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i need to break up with my nigel because i still love my ex-boyfriend (who’s probably committed suicide) more than him and i’m not sexually attracted to him but he’s obviously in love with me and a very kind guy, so i’m very opposed to hurting his feelings

No. 2123693

Kek ew no I use the bathroom like everyone else. I just have a complicated and very stressful living situation

No. 2123704

Oh okay sorry I said that I was just confused by the wording of your post it seemed like you were going to pee in the kitchen but couldn't because there were people in there sorry I misunderstood and accused you of peeing in the kitchen it wasn't my intention I hope I didn't hurt your feelings because I didn't mean to do that I was just confused so I wanted to ask for clarification sorry

No. 2123706

why'd you use such a scary pic nonna

No. 2123728

Oh my god why is doing a task that you've been putting off of so fucking difficult to pick back up. Anons the dread is killing me I wish there was a gun to my head to make me realize that this task is so simple.

No. 2123730

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How do I stop feeling like life ends here? I’m 22, but I feel so old. I was an online high schooler and went for an 18 month college program online that didn’t work out, so I never had a real high school or college experience. I feel a little jealous and some longing for that real college experience. It feels like everyone around me is so much younger, especially on the internet it feels like literally everyone is like 16-18. I feel like I’m not allowed to be stupid or cute or silly, I have to be a mature grown up woman, all the while I’m sitting playing Roblox. It feels so over…how do I get over this?

No. 2123799

US. Rural. Fuck Appalachia. Unsupportive family who want to throw me away. Basically already have. Little resources (mainly cuz I’m not on drugs and am just retarded). Said resources keep failing me. Friends all online. Useless neet. Don’t really see a reason to keep going. Really don’t. I’m so tired. I am able to function I just need some serious help due to my health decline. The help doesn’t exist here. Does in the cities. Just now here. I need a life raft so bad.

No. 2123823

I don't want to sound ~ le evil but I can be really mean to people when they push my buttons and it seems to me like someone in my close circle know that very well yet keeps doing it, does it mean they want me to blow up at them…

No. 2123863

imma be fr that sounds extremely sad. i don’t wanna lie, i don't think you will ever get the college/hs experience but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try to go to college now if you want to. it will be different tho since you’d be an older student but it’ll still be great i’m sure.

No. 2123869

File: 1722932602874.png (127.1 KB, 1112x621, roblox.png)

>I’m 22, but I feel so old
If you feel old at 22, you need to start talking to real old people. I'm being serious too, I learned a lot from older people in their 40s and 50s when I was in my early 20s. It's easy to feel "old" when you're only surrounding yourself with people your age or younger, it's much harder to do when you're confronted with the reality of older people being much more experienced and wiser than yourself.
>I feel like I’m not allowed to be stupid or cute or silly, I have to be a mature grown up woman, all the while I’m sitting playing Roblox.
I was curious so I went to look up stats and I found out that 41% of Roblox users are above the age of 17, so don't feel so bad about playing Dress to Impress or Natural Disasters. I bring it up because a lot of mature older people still have "childish" hobbies or interests, it doesn't make them any less mature it's just they're able to compartmentalize their interests instead of letting them take over their lives.
>How do I stop feeling like life ends here?
Start thinking about your future in a serious way. You're 22 now, you're not a teenager anymore, you need to figure out what you want in life and how you can achieve what you want. When I was your age I was going through all the same things, I think it's just part of being that age, but I sat down one day and really thought hard about what I wanted in this life - then I went about figuring out ways on how I could get what I wanted. Life is long, it's almost 80 years for most people now, and sometimes it really can take all those decades to achieve the things we want. You're finished the first 1/4th of your life, now it's time to figure out what you're going to do for the next quarter. If you can't figure out what you want for your life, just think about what you want for the next year - do you want to improve your health, or work on a talent, or hone a skill, or travel somewhere, etc., etc., and focus in on that.
>on the internet it feels like literally everyone is like 16-18
If you spend more than 4 hours online a day, you could consider yourself addicted to the internet. Scale back your computer and mobile phone use by focusing on in-person hobbies and interests, join some local clubs, do some volunteer work, explore your area, just find a way to get out of your house and into the world because the world is where we live, not the computer.

No. 2123881

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That is it that it is. This is the final straw. I am calling a new fucking therapist this week despite my fears to set up a consultation because I'm so fed up. No. Begone demon, begone forever, I just want someone to help me, no more judgment, towards strength, maintaining actual friendships, having better hobbies, trying my hand at finishing school and finding a better job. Peace. Stability.

The camels back is broken. I am sick and goddamn tired of chopping myself up into oblivion

No. 2123896

Same. I live in Eastern Europe. I am struggling both with my mental and physical health. I don't really have a family and my dad is batahit fucking insane. I don't have friends a boyfriend. Accessing mental health services is nearly impossible. My only friend has given up on me and is dating my ex. I unironically talk with ChatGPT daily. It gives me some form of comfort. I know that a robot won't betray me.

No. 2123903

Fuck. I wish that none of this would've ever happened to me. It's the last fucking…..the last fucking thing. I genuinely cannot attempt to return to society after this crap. I just wish that none of this shit would've ever happened to me.

No. 2123904

>How do I stop feeling like life ends here? I’m 22, but I feel so old.
Life ENDS here? What life do you even have at age 22, you've got nothing! Your life hasn't even begun, what has ended is your childhood, but you're not truly an adult until you realize you can still do whatever the fuck you want no matter how "childish" people think it is. My entire adult friend group are girl gamers and sleep with plushies in bed at night kek and most of us are in healthy loving relationships with stable jobs too.

No. 2123912

I feel like we've (accidentally) gone back to letting kids be kids for longer again. Historically kids would live at home well into adulthood until getting married off, and only then MAYBE moving out, but only if possible. So being 26 and still living at home wasn't actually unusual, and despite being an adult you'd still be "the kid" of the family.
Then western society for a while decided that kicking out teens is totally normal. That living with your parents at 20+ is embarrassing and a sign of failure and immaturity. Until of course the house market semi-recently went to shit so no one can afford to move out and we're now back at 26 year olds living at home as "the kid" again. So historically it's pretty normal.

No. 2123981

>Then western society for a while decided that kicking out teens is totally normal. That living with your parents at 20+ is embarrassing and a sign of failure and immaturity.
I always thought that seemed bizarre. Family should help one another through hardships and all that. I can view men in their 20s or 30s+ living at home as embarrassing and failures considering all the stories I read online, especially of nona's useless manchild brothers, but I couldn't think the same for women.

No. 2123988

I wish that none of this would've ever happened to me. I'd be more at peace with my life. I can't even kill myself after all of the shit that has happened to me.

No. 2123997

>attemps to stab brother
>hey mom I bought the mustard in jar
>"ohh like he did!"
Is her brain this rotted that she can't come up with literally anything else but that? I don't know, "why, was it good, what for, how much did it cost"

No. 2123999

It's just me and 16 years of suicidal depression. My batshit insane dad. Mental and physical illness and now the whole planet abusing me. I've never been in a stable relationship. I've never had a man love me or care about me. I've never had friends. This is it. I think. I've been attempting the same shit for 16 years. It's over.

I am done.

No. 2124001

You have access to Internet that's enough, watch some gay drama. I heard The Boyfriend on Netflix was cute

No. 2124002

This book I'm reading is making me realize how maladapted I am
>male character "shows confidence" by acting like her accepting a date after rejecting him is a done deal
>tells her he's taking her to a hotel he booked BEFORE they order at the restaurant, keeps looking at her boobs
>tells her he's always been a whore and is now wanting mature women instead, pointedly looking at her ring for her dead husband
>tells her taking another man's (not dead husband) woman makes him excited
>new friend lies to her about something she's desperate to know to trick her into attending church
>makes her confess very personal things too cause she's really desperate to know this thing
>"I actually don't know anything about it, just wanted you to attend church hehe"
I would immediately leave in any of these situations (especially the one with that whore moid) but the main character is acting so normal and taking it maturely and reacting maturely and isn't overreacting at every chance like I would and it makes me really realize how fucked up I am now after years of not interacting with people normally. I need to get out and be normal but I would genuinely not tolerate any slightly shitty or disrespectful behavior and that's like the only thing people do in my culture. Idk I guess I'll never see the point in tolerating these small annoyances. I wish I could, I wish I was a normal socialized person. Seems like a community is nice to have.

No. 2124007

No. Consuming media doesn't bring me joy anymore. Especially since I have burnt through everything. I am not living my life. Watching gay drama won't cure 16 years of extreme suicidal depression and the extreme interpersonal abuse that I have been placed through

No. 2124018

Yea not with that attitude

No. 2124021

Shut the fuck up. Imagine telling someone with severe suicidal depression to watch gay drama. I'm not gonna argue with you and shit up the thread tho.

There's something obviously wrong with you.

No. 2124027

You've been writing the same vent for days now, you wanted some pity replies and get more miserable at them. Go outside

No. 2124032

No. I don't want some pity replies. Shut the fuck up. I don't want to be told to watch gay drama when my suffering has transcended anything that a human being could comprehend. It's the vent thread. I don't see why I can't vent about wanting to end my own life.

Yea, go outside and take a breath of fresh air. No? I'm struggling with extreme panic attacks and mental illness and have been on endless mendication. Just take a breath of fresh air and go outside. Go on a walk. Watch some gay drama. It will surely fix it.

I've never seen a depressed anon vent about wanting to take their own life and being told to watch gay drama. What the fuck do you expect me to say after that?


Thanks for deciding it for me. That I want some "pity" replies.

No. 2124033

What about a straight drama?

No. 2124037

Nta but you two are seriously miserable if you're getting joy out of mocking someone venting about her decade and a half long depression

No. 2124038

Get that angry dopamine rush nona it's good for your heart
She's so Nigel obsessed maybe a husbando pillows could work

No. 2124043

I recommend the Vent app, you can flood the timeline with suicide posts and decide who can reply or have a few "we care about you" comments

No. 2124047

>inb4 it's useless when the whole world is against me!!
Which famous artist are you nona

No. 2124058

OP anon. I feel for you. I wish I could offer some comfort and help but man idk for myself. We can be in a weird boat together. IG.
>>2124043 vent is a good platform. Not a lot of users and a lot of people who use it then never again. Would be hard to be found on it. I used it for a long time and have been considering picking it back up. I used it for legitimate years. You can lock your account also and just be screaming into the void. I really recommend it.

No. 2124086

I have some of my coworkers on my social because I never post anything and networking to get a good job is huge in this company. anyways I "befriended" this tranny who said he was autistic but now I'm believing he lied and actually has bpd to avoid the stigma. "befriended" because he got way too attached immediately and pulled away dramatically because I couldn't hang out all the time every day. he's been going between completely ignoring me at work to hovering around me waiting for me to say hi (I dont). the bpd is so blatant I'm angry at myself for lowering my guard. anyways he knows I'm autistic about cats and I think he's trying to bait me because he just posted a very vague thing about his cat being "hurt" which I know it's absolutely nothing beyond a joke of "she step on lego xD", or possibly something but she'll be totally fine and requires no vet assistance.
if you're wondering how I know. it's because he's extremely predictable. not trying to sound edgy I'm being serious. my coworkers and I could predict what he'd do like 2 weeks in advance for example
>he got dumped by another tranny
>he posted a story related to games and he only posts about it whenever he plays with a certain coworker
>I predicted he's playing with said coworker and will be spending the night at his place and get high
>he does exactly that
I'm assuming he's baiting me because he's having a meltdown over this coworker banging 2 female workers, since he actually thought he has a chance. he usually throws a pebble against me whenever that guy isn't available or some other 2 week love interest.

No. 2124157

So many beautiful people on the street, on the bus. I’mm never leaving my house again

No. 2124205

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Sometimes I wish I did like a lot of my friends did right after high school/early-to-mid 20's and studied in Japan or South Korea for a while.
Then I remember how much I was struggling with getting my feet on the ground and extremely unstable mental health until my late 20's, so objectively I'm better off with it as a "could've been" fantasy rather than how badly it could have possibly ended up if I had actually moved there the way I was back then.
God, my life would have been so much better if I had just gotten the right help earlier, but at the same time idk if perhaps maturing with age also possibly helped me to get to where I am mentally today.

No. 2124225

The average person was never meant to have this much lore.

No. 2124257

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Stayed 6 days at my long distance boyfriend of 5 years house and he didn't have an urge to have sex. All I did was suck his dick and I feel like he thinks I'm ugly now. Is it over for me?

No. 2124264

Yes. Never do that again.

No. 2124267

This gave me second hand humiliation

No. 2124270

mental illness is ruining my good standing at my job, especially with all the extra stress i have right now. don't have any money so i have to cancel my EEG and all the other neurologist shit i needed to be done, and i have to move into a really shitty house in a shitty part of town with no furniture.

No. 2124285

Having a ldr for that amount of time is so truly retarded, sorry nona

No. 2124289

shiddy bait

No. 2124292

What do you think he was doing during the 5 years he couldn't have sex with you irl? Least worst scenario he jacked it to porn, fried his brain and now he's addicted and prefers porn to real life women. It's not you it's a him problem.

No. 2124305

Porn sick limp dick. He does not find you attractive. Dump.

No. 2124314

"I think it's funny because sometimes, people will be so troon-obsessed that they'll make everything about troons"
"sometimes people will be sooo against troons online that it crosses over into being against women"

couldn't have said it better myself anon. I have resigned from actively getting in in-fights here, but the hyper-accusatory trans-panic bitches ruining every thread with "LOL OK TRANNY" when a woman doesn't match their assumptions about being a woman is so played out and old.

No. 2124317

I've been seeing a lot of professional artists I love have to get day jobs to get by lately and it's so depressing. It's been my dream to make a living off of my art since I was a kid and for a decade I was ok with having a shitty retail day job and doing art on the side but now I'm sick of it. I was a retard and fucked myself over by not gaining new skills and I make so little I don't have any savings to use for school or learning a trade, plus I have no idea what profession I can get into that won't make me want to rope on a daily basis. The job market is so bad right now that I'm lucky to be employed at all, especially since there's little opportunity for me and my area. It's so over.

No. 2124327

>I have resigned from actively getting in in-fights here
You're saying this like it's a bad thing. Infights are retarded and gay and you shouldn't be aiming to be in one or start one ever.

No. 2124345

I dunno anon, I read your post like three times and it's still incomprehensible to me. Maybe you need to be checked for brain rot, too. I say this politely, and with respect.

No. 2124432

I should have ended my pathetic worm life a long time ago and avoid being abused and dehumanized by the whole planet but in my case stepping into society means that I will be abused and dehumanized in endless ways.

No. 2124437

And the parents are crying again. God I hate them so much

No. 2124489

I can’t stand my dads girlfriend stupid bitch copes with being a ten-year-live-in-gf by pretending that shut up ring he gave her gives any authority over his adult offspring You’re not my fucking mother if I let you raise me I’d be an enabled retard just like your real kids

No. 2124512

Cmon anon it's the fourth time you mentioned whole planet already. I don't know you so maybe you're exaggerating things?

No. 2124519

File: 1722968939424.jpg (30.11 KB, 388x800, b800.jpg)

i wish i had more money…. i'm currently hopping from one min-wage-job to another to escape fast food and do something more chill, but still the pay is so bad. i'm tired of having to hunt for discounts to be able to buy food. i want to be able to buy whatever fruit and veggies i want without having to look at the price. i want to buy nice things without having to wait for them to go on sale. i want to be able to eat out more often.
also the only part-time jobs that i can do while also going to university are shitty min-wage jobs, at least in my area, everything else isn't compatible with my classes time-wise or isn't worth it because it's too stressful.

No. 2124554

Get a burner phone. When you leave the house, leave the life360 phone at home and act like you forgot it. Usually you can find cheap phones on eBay, and you can but monthly reloadable SIM cards for it. I'm sorry you have to go through this though, it sounds so suffocating. I have a lot of sympathy for women who are still treated like toddlers by over-protective (& often domineering) families.

No. 2124560

i'm actually trapped in a fucking prison. i live in a disgusting city and there is nearly 0 real nature to relax in here. it is all skimpy little parks, everywhere there is shit tons of people and you can still hear the cars anywhere you go. i can't even go out by myself anyway because my family is insane and wont let me walk in those parks or even in my neighborhood alone, even though we live in an extremely safe and rich area. even when i was little i wasn't allowed to play in the front yard or roam the neighborhood. i don't even know what to do anymore. i'm not allowed to go out by myself but nobody ever really wants to accompany me either. and i've got this constant messaging all my life that the outside world is so dangerous for me, that nothing and nobody is safe and that i just need to stay inside, and it's hard to unlearn all of that. my parents put a lot of effort into making me afraid of everybody since a young age. i'm 22 years old now and it's still the same and i can't be free from my family because they're all i have and they control me. someone is always watching me on the life360 app that i am forced to have on my phone. i just want to experience the world and live an actual human life like i see other people my age doing but i don't even know if i can anymore. i have my needs taken care of by family i guess but i feel crippled and want to die.

No. 2124583

i apologize, i deleted to fix one tiny retarded mistake lol. unfortunately i dont know if this would work because they know i bring my phone everywhere with me, and would be super sus if i "forgot" it, they would probably have a conniption fit lol. and im not in charge of my own finances.. i have considered this though and wonder if i could make it work. but thank you so much for understanding nona- usually when i try to talk about this people are like, well at least you have family who cares lol. but really it is so suffocating, i don't even feel like my own person who can actually do things most of the time. i don't think they understand how agoraphobic and depressed they have made me. when im in my room for days its fine, but when i want to leave the house and go to the mall alone, everybody start freaking out..

No. 2124585

No. I am not. Weird shit is happening to me that I wish nobody would have to go through and nobody would believe that this crap is happening to me either way. The weirdest part is that normal people are doing this to me.

I genuinely wish that I had schizophrenia so that I wouldn't have to actually go through this.

The whole world is calling me a black dog. They made a band in Japan where they are depicting me as an ugly dog in front of everyone. Hundreds of thousands of people are going to concerts of a band that is dehumanizing me in public. They are using all of my messages and placing things that I am genuinely experiencing within my life into songs while I live with my batshit dad in a moldy apartment. I don't have one single friend and I struggle with severe suicidal depression.

Quite literally the whole world is dehumanizing me and I do not exist as a human being anymore.

No. 2124610

Yeah but their music is really catchy.

No. 2124613

what is the band called? surely their audience doesn't know they're referencing you right?

No. 2124614

Get the royalty fees

No. 2124618

Maybe you should make a thread about this to spread awarness of their abusing you.

No. 2124645

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They are called Petit Brabancon. They are degrading me in public and depicting me as an ugly dog in front of everyone.
Everyone in society has been abusing me ever since I was a kid. It is happening in front of everyone. Nobody cares. I just get told "we are sorry this is happening to you" "go to therapy" "get help". Or I get turned into a lolcow and have my problems down played. My therapist might call me a black dog if our relationship wasn't pay walled. I've been struggling with severe suicidal depression ever since I was a kid and nobody has been taking me seriously. To this moment. I don't have friends. A boyfriend. I have nobody.

This is about me. They are depicting me as an ugly dog in front of everyone. That is supposed to be me. Hundreds of thousands of people are paying for tickets to go see the band. They are using and objectifying all of my problems. The DM's that I have sent him. I've been told them repeatedly that I want to commit suicide. Everything that I do or say. They turn it into a product.

I am watching an ugly ass incel get 20 million views on a a YouTube video and get a beautiful wife. While I wake up and go to sleep in the ugliest apartment in the world with my batshit insane dad struggling immensely with both my mental and physical health and then I have to hear some tranny talk about their problems and gender identity while I am being degraded in front of hundreds of thousands of people. Depicted as an ugly dog. There are millions of pieces of merch where I am being dehumanized and depicted as an ugly dog pushed out. They are acting upon my impulses in public.

While I just wake up and go to sleep in a shitty apartment with my batshit insane dad. On the verge of homelessness daily with no friends. No boyfriend. Nobody.

To this moment everyone is acting like none of this crap is about me even though it is and I get sent to therapy. Even though in my situation it is impossible to access mental health resources.

Imagine being depicted as an ugly dog in front of everyone. Dehumanized in front of everyone. Having hundreds of thousands of people partake in your dehumanization and having it monetized.

To this moment everyone is screeching at me and telling me to go to therapy or people are straight up laughing in my face. What is happening to me…is extreme. It would basically turn anyone into a criminal or it would be turned into a huge internet thing.

But to this moment people are acting like this is not happening to me. That this is not about me. That this has no emotional impact on me.

Again. Imagine being portrayed as an ugly dog in front of hundreds of thousands of people. Having hundreds of thousands of people pay tickets to partake in your dehumanization. Having your genuine experiences and problems used in lyrics.

Anyone would commit suicide. People do not have empathy for me.

I cannot step back into society after this. Also, I know that I won't receive justice nor empathy. That everyone will ignore it and pretend like it isn't happening to me. Because basically everyone is partaking in it.

What hurts me the most is that the people doing this have normal amounts of empathy. Including him.

No. 2124651

Why do you think that dog is depicting you?

No. 2124652

This kind of sounds like one of PT's fanfics she uploads. You should contact her and see if you can ghost-write for her. I've always wanted to read PT's memoir.

No. 2124655

It is about me. I've been sending him DMs for about 3 years. Nobody believes me basically. They keep telling me to kill myself. This is happening to me. It is having a huge emotional impact on me. I will never be able to return into society after this. My only option is suicide.

No. 2124657

Sending him DMs of what? Did you send him your face or something?

You said no one believes you when you tell them this, so how are you being humiliated if no one even knows that dog is supposed to represent you?

No. 2124658

No. This is actually happening to me. I wish it didn't. I wish that I had schizophrenia. I don't want to be degraded in a band where I am depicted as an ugly dog in front of everyone LMAO.

I genuinely wish this wasn't real KEK. It is unironically happening to me.

Imagine being depicted as an ugly dog in front of hundreds of thousands of people and having that monetized.

I just wish that none of this crap would have happened to me. I'd be at peace with my situation. I wish that all this shit was a fanfic.

No. 2124663

Absolutely no one around me hates men and it makes me so lonely. When my ugly male coworker wouldn't stop asking me out, I reported him and I ened up being critized for reacting. I know part of the reason why is because he was always kind when making his advances, but he just wouldn't take "no" for an answer. After, he went around asking the other girls to check if I'm mad at him and I was hearing from people who had never even said hi to me before. I've ignored everyone except for one girl I trusted before she said, "Well actually, I had a dream that you two were dating and you seemed really happy". And I've heard from other people mention that they'd be happy if it was them receiving gifts or that I was cruel for being angry and humiliated him at his workplace. What?! He's the one who put me in this situation in the first place. He had multiple chances to stop before, when I had kindly rejected him privately. Deep down I know I'm in the right, but I wish I had at least one person irl validating me. Its driving me insane.

No. 2124692

Oh I don't doubt you're being terrorized by this band, that seems genuine to me, I'm just saying you have a similar writing style to PT. Take it as a compliment, she has an English degree.

No. 2124697

Let's assume this is really happening to you. No one knows the band was inspired by your face to make this dog character. Therefore, you can ignore what is happening and try to live your life without having this burden weighing on you.

No. 2124709

I drank too much caffeine today and then I fought with my parents. Now I feel like I can't breathe and I have a feeling of doom like something terrible is going to happen. I hadn't felt strong anxiety in a while so this is really overwhelming me

No. 2124722

Fuck them for not taking you seriously and fuck him for persisting. I know they wouldn't want to be harassed by an ugly ass moid, even if they get free gifts from him. You go there to do your work, not date. That's inappropriate on his part. I can't believe they're wagging their finger at you. Also, what a creep that woman is for dreaming about the two of you dating. Do you think you'll find a new job elsewhere, nona?

No. 2124723

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It is impossible to step back into society and my only option is suicide. Imagine the whole planet has crossed all of your boundaries and that you have turned into a public urinal. I cannot attempt to reintegrate into society after all of this.

I could have been living in Tokyo. Struggling with both my mental and physical health alone. Being in the same situation as at home. Living with my batshit insane dad. I wouldn't be able to go outside anymore. Attempting to get a regular job while walking amongst people that are wearing merch where I am being degraded.

I do not have dignity or integrity anymore and I cannot attempt to reconnect with society when normal people with regular levels of empathy are humiliating me. I can't step back into society.

Again, I could have been in Tokyo.

Hirofumi Takamatsu is a normal person with regular levels of intelligence and empathy that I'd like to be friends with and he is in a band that is degrading me in public.

Basically I have been denied access into society and everyone is partaking in my abuse. This is how it's been ever since I was a kid.(take your meds)

No. 2124730

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Hirofumi Takamatsu is someone that I would like to believe is on the same level of intelligence as me and someone that I'd like to be friends with. Yet, he is degrading me in public.

Simply. I cannot step back into society anymore. It is over.

No. 2124740

Been unable to work but am in study, really need a laptop or desktop as I'm easily falling behind, but finances are rough and I get squat from gov support. Last month I got a quote from the tech store and took it to my social service office since they'll provide and support "as long as it's necessary to my study or work" and I've been fucked up the ass with 4 appointments telling me "we can't help you you're not elligible!", to "yes we can actually", BACK TO "wait nevermind no we can't" and now it is "we'll try if you attempt to go through the study support department". They let alcoholic junkie lowlives with 20 kids live off the benny with this shit and I've known distant rellies who have had quotes approved for expensive TVs and speakers but i can't for the life of me get a solid answeeer for something I just need help with, what the fuck. Glad I've saved enough to be comfortable trying to go for a used.

No. 2124747

You have to be more assertive. The typical bureaucrat response is to send you away with some bullshit response and hope you never come back and just give up. Maybe they have to file a form to get your pc fixed and they just find it annoying. When you speak to one of those people act assertively. Do not leave unless they give you a definitive response. If they ask you to call someone, ask them if they can do it for you. If they are trying to send you away, ask if there's anything else you can do to speed up the process. If this doesn't work with the first person, do this with the next until you find someone who wants to help you

No. 2124750

Now I wonder if any dog hate lurkers have any schizo posting of you

No. 2124776

I like my job and all, but whenever I'm taking my leave I end up wishing I could just entirely go back to being a neet again.

No. 2124802

i dont feel like myself

No. 2124820

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I hate my camwhore neighbor so much holy shit why do they all have the worst boundaries? don't fucking text the groupchat with me and my nigel in it (that solely exists for us to split the shared internet bills between our households) about your relationship problems stemming from you being a massive fucking whore. she's not even hiding it, she complained about me knocking on the door to drop off misdelivered perishable groceries in 90 degree weather because she was "streaming", then had to bring it up when we ran into her only to act coy and say "oh you dont want to know!" when I asked what she streams, right in front of my nigel?? Literally just lie or something, anything. And now I feel like shes purposefully walking around in her house in her camwhore lingerie with the blinds up (our house is less than 100 ft away, with our bedroom window pointing towards their living room window)

No. 2124827

Why do you share your wifi with people that live in a different house than you that you don't know? What?

No. 2124835

I know I'm late but like, anons have always referenced (you)s on here even though it's not a feature of this site. They don't literally mean you're looking for (you)s, it's just another way to say someone is baiting.

No. 2124837

nta but I've been here for years and I've never seen it used before either. If anons have used it, it sure isn't common.

No. 2124839

nta but wifi sharing is pretty common in apartment complexes

No. 2124841

I don't know anon, maybe you just haven't paid very much attention kek. I'm not saying it's the most common thing ever on here, but it's not rare either. Even if you've only been here for a year you should've caught into it by now.

No. 2124849

Yeah but in OP it says "our house is less than 100 ft away, with our bedroom window pointing towards their living room window" so it's obviously not an apartment complex. I'm not trying to be mean but I'm getting annoyed lately with anons that don't read the entire post and then reply with stuff that doesn't have any relevance.

No. 2124872

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I'm just floored seeing nonita in here saying they'll vote for Trump just because Kamala isn't anti tranny. Like, I get it, fuck their "rights" but I want my right to my own bodily autonomy back. That should take precedence over your hatred of agp men. You stupid bitches need slapped…

No. 2124876

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I looooove kamala but I kind of recognize it’s impossible to change a trump supporters mind, same goes for supporters of like every candidate ever. I’d rather focus on the moderates and those who don’t want to vote at all, although seeing so many women cape for a man who was on epstein’s island is a little depressing. But it’s whatever

No. 2124879

If it makes you feel better, I'm pretty sure none of those anons are gonna leave their NEET nests to go and vote in real life.

No. 2124893

If someone is going to vote for Trump a third time they're not changing their minds, pandering to moderates is absolutely the way to go and IMO, makes the dems look more classy than they have been lately (relative to Biden's presidency I mean).

No. 2124912

Should I cancel my trip and go to the psych ward? I don’t think they are going to want to let me out quickly with the fucking state of me. I no longer know what to do. I’m just very tired. I keep telling I should be here. There isn’t a reason to.

No. 2124918

It's definitely common and always has been, even you "been here for years" anons don't lurk enough I guess.

No. 2124925

No, go on the trip unless you're a danger to yourself or other people. It's going to do a lot more for your mental health than being institutionalized. If it's a work trip or something like that you can bail

No. 2124926

That’s the thing. I am a danger to myself but I know it’s better than being there at the same time. I just know I will go then come home and immediately fall apart again. Having such a hard time rn. Idk the last time I have been as low as I am.

No. 2124946

Honestly Nona if I were you, I would go to the psych ward, especially you are a danger to yourself. You are also at risk of hurting yourself or attempting during your trip, and it is better to voluntarily go to the psych ward then to be held for ~72 hours against your will. But then again, I do not personally know you, so make the decision you think is best for you.

No. 2124950

Idk. I just don’t know what to do. There isn’t a good answer anymore.

No. 2124955

Can’t stop eating can’t stop binging can’t stop can’t stop can’t stop

No. 2124967

If you think there is any chance at all you will attempt, please go to the hospital. I know the psych ward isn't the best place to be, but I would rather you be alive then dead, Nona.
If you can keep yourself safe (and be honest to yourself about this), then there are outpatient options you can look into depending on where you live.

No. 2124974

Outpatient has done nothing but screw me over. Not on drugs therefore they don’t care. If anything they are why I’m set up for this. No one cares about me.
I just can’t do this anymore. I wish I had a physical support system. I wish my family loved me like I tried so hard to get them to. I wish my friends weren’t so far away.

No. 2124991

I want a little treat but it's late and I don't feel like driving. I have some hazelnut soft serve in the freezer but it's only ok

No. 2124995

Same anon. I just don’t know what to do. I can’t ask my family without it being made into a huge mess (and being held over my head + shamed). My friends and boyfriend can’t do much of anything. I’m terrified of calling anywhere because I know I can’t say anything that won’t get me brought somewhere. I don’t want them to send EMS and police. I will willingly get into a cop car and drive away before the whole shebang. My step mom’s best friend is my neighbor. If she sees I’m the reason the ems and cops are here she will call that nosey annoying cunt. I rather have to ask for forgiveness as to why I’m in the ER and no one knew until last minute and lie about a welfare check. I almost want to have someone call one in so I can at least have that card to pull when my step mom and dad look at the police scanner report on Facebook. My case worker will be so pissed at me.
During all this I think my cat is getting sick? I have to take her to the vet tomorrow. I can’t go. I have to take her.
. I don’t see a reason anymore. I don’t know what I’m supposed to do
. Everyone is just letting me drown :

No. 2125009

Fighting the urge to not kill myself because not a single dentist office in my city takes my insurance, and I’m in so much pain

No. 2125013

I wish dental care was free, it's so horrible having tooth issues and it's really painful. Sorry if you've already tried this or if it's unwarranted advice, but have you considered asking a dentist about payment plans and taking a line of credit out from the bank? That's how I got my last cleaning, scaling, and a filling done because I was in a similar situation to you with insurance. Either way, I hope you feel better.

No. 2125016

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Men will never humanize women the way these retarded pickmes humanize men

No. 2125020

How would she know they're "just chill normal dudes"? What a dumb pickme tweet to post. Of course guys will behave out in public at some idol concert since they wouldn't want to be kicked out. Doesn't mean they're not nasty, depraved fuckers. You wouldn't see men make posts like this lol.

No. 2125042

What is this "woman/femme" shit she's blathering about

No. 2125072

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I just found out my manager dates one of his employees and he already got her pregnant. And he's like 10 years older than her. I'm so god damn uncomfortable with this.

No. 2125092

woke up with my brother screaming at my sister. thought he was going to get violent. start panicking and hyperventilating and grab my niece and go to my aunt's house. aunt asks what's wrong, I try to explain. she goes to my house to see for herself. comes back saying my brother was rude to her, that she already has enough problems of her own, we need to sort our own shit out, we need to get jobs so we can feel useful and if my uncle was home he would beat his ass for talking to her like that. looks at my niece and says she is the one who matters. should have never went there. she doesn't care about us. never did. I feel stupid and embarrassed. I feel trapped in this house. I wish I had the courage to kill myself. it never gets better.

No. 2125101

Woman or any feminine person. It's retarded. They assume all women are feminine, or that if you're not feminine you're not a woman. Retardation to the extreme.

No. 2125123

I wish I had new england lolcow friends

No. 2125129

New England is gay and fake

No. 2125134

i live here and this is true

No. 2125155

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A judge mocked me in court today because he accused me of filling out my small claims form incorrectly. I am not a lawyer; sometimes I represent a small company when the owner is traveling.
He said my totals for monetary damages were incorrect- but they were exact. I asked him to elaborate so I could adjust it in that moment if I was in error.
He spat back “If you are going to act like a lawyer at least do your research”. This coming from the man who was just joking with the male attorney before me about the fact he cant spell “monetary” damages… a judge who went to law school…
He ended up siding with me and I won the case. I went straight to the ladies over at the clerks office and asked what I did wrong- they couldnt find a single issue- and they process several of these forms a shift.
Then one of the clerks asked me if it was Eric- the bald judge and I said yes! Thats him. She rolled her eyes and said he was a dick and her coworker nodded.
This is not the first time I have dealt with an asshole judge, and of course the other was a male. All the female judges? Fantastic, patient, understanding of small errors.
Its like they see a woman holding her own without a law degree and they lose their shit.
I hate men; I hate how condescending they are the moment they are in a position of power. Such little dick energy. For now on Im requesting a continuance any time a male judge is in court.

No. 2125158

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I ripped up every single one of my tarot cards and threw them in the trash. It was felt so cathartic. I’m done believing in bullshit, good riddance

No. 2125159

>don't eat enough
>rendered immobile because i feel like i'll faint if i do anything even the slightest bit strenuous
>eat a lot so that i'll have the energy to get things done
>rendered immobile because all the food i ate made me sleepy
this is no way to live

No. 2125179

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Good on ya, nonna, might as well just be reading goat entrails

No. 2125222

I feel nervous to have a solo lunch with my aunt tomorrow we have never done that before. I have been supporting her a lot this year and we have grown closer in many ways I'm honestly guilty for not suggesting this sooner. I feel heartbroken that she has cancer I just wish that things were different. I wish I could jump in a different reality where I were a more social niece and she were healthy and things were different. But I just need to make the best of what's happening right now and stop being an emo little dork and enjoy the time with my aunt

No. 2125228

My father, who has frequently stated that he finds women's voices annoying, has started coming up to me unprompted when I'm talking to other people and mockingly imitating my voice and laugh.
He may be my dad but some days I honestly feel he should just go off and die alone and unloved somewhere when he hits old age. There are so many men who fundamentally dislike women and yet leech off of the labor of women in their lives. He doesn't deserve to be married to my mom.

No. 2125231

I genuinely hate men. I have open misogynists in my family and I have men who do nice things for women and are generally considered by women to be exceptionally nice men, yet they express in lrivate the exact same misogynistic opinions about women, nust coated in the idea that they only treat women kindly because they take the high ground towards unreasonable creatures. There are not trustworthy men, they will always find solidarity with each other, and any kindness exhibited a male is only for self gain or self satisfactions. They're cancers.

No. 2125237

I would end up hitting him tbh. I've hit my dad before for disrespecting me.

No. 2125242

Accommodating my sugar daddy has become too much, I'm over it, its become too big of a part of my life. But I don't know how to quit - he's spent maybe 200k and I pretended we could end up together. I have a career, I can just walk away, but its weird emotionally. I think I might get an airbnb in his city for a month and then cry that I hate it and could never move there. Or maybe tell him I've only been pretending to like threesomes and really I hate them and he should find a girl who genuinely can handle it long term as part of relationship.

I have no debt and fat savings, I'm done being owned by a moid

No. 2125251

I genuinely am going to do it next time. I really am.

No. 2125267

My dad became like 95% less insufferable after I started to regularly call him a faggot when he started shit with me
Because really why is a man beefing with a girl? That’s gay as hell lmao

No. 2125274

Really wish I turned out normal, but instead I am jobless, can't drive, barely have an education and am too autistic to do anything. Can't wait to sleep for another 12 hours

No. 2125287

This is literally me except I work a shitty part time job with a bunch of teenagers

No. 2125289

Same. I can't even get driving lessons because where I'm from they're like a hundred an hour. Where am I going to get the money to pay for that

No. 2125293

I love you nonna

No. 2125315

Genuinely think you should take other nonas advice and start calling him gay and a faggot whenever he bothers you. Make it a thing, "you don't like female voices because you're a faggot". Straight men are naturally homophobic so he'll hate it. If he gets mad that's a sign it worked.

No. 2125318

Love to hear that nona! I've got friends who left religion and they've become so free afterwards when they realize they're "allowed" to not believe it anymore

No. 2125428

can somebody manifest me a cute nice bf. ive never had one and im really lonely

No. 2125472

Just download some free otome game.

No. 2125541

Good on you for holding your own against him

No. 2125568

Found the horniest book ever but I'm on the first day of my period. Fuck irregular periods

No. 2125573

We really don't care

No. 2125575

Nta but it's the vent thread retardina, you don't need to care

No. 2125624

What book anon? Save it for later

No. 2125641

There's no birth control quite as effective as sharing walls with a couple with a newborn and a dog on one side and a family with two toddlers, a school boy and two dogs on the other. They make noise in shifts.
If the baby isn't screaming the house down, it's the toddlers throwing tantrums. If it's neither of those, it's the kid tard raging at his computer. If all of them are asleep, it's the dogs losing their shit at anything moving in the vicinity of their doors. And if it's none of that, then it's the new mother's pet male chimping out at something or the single mom in the other flat screaming at her kids. Can't have a single moment of peace.

No. 2125653

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I have no money atm, I’m sick with a scratchy throat and stuffy sinuses, hungry but not hungry because the sickness is messing with my appetite, everything is bothering me, my birthday is coming up in a few days and the only thing i want to do is just kill myself to relieve this pain. i didnt get any of the jobs i interviewed for which made me sad and depressed and idk if i can get a job soon and it’s scaring me so bad i desperately need money and help but i have no one. i’m so royally screwed in every way i just want this to end. i’m hungry for ramen too yugh

No. 2125662

For the fans by Nyla K but it's gay. It has some of the hottest descriptions of male bodies and sexual pleasure I've read tho

No. 2125674

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No. 2125681

Thanks nonna! Hope you have a great day

No. 2125686

Have you gargled on salt water?

No. 2125687

We should go back to multi-generational housing and leave apartment/city living for single adults/childfree couples. Humans were simply never evolved to raise children completely on their own, even back in "the day" most families without help relied on actual neglect to get crap done but that just resorted to children acting like neighborhood terrorists

No. 2125744

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I don't think I was meant to have friends. I feel like a dog groveling for friendship/human interaction no matter if I try either offline or online to make friends.
I'm truly my happiest when I'm alone and I think I'll just stay alone. Enjoying my hobbies alone and focusing on work/school alone.

No. 2125749

I need an explanation on how people can still be so obsessed they keep shit talking me SIX YEARS after I've cut all contact with them, also why tf do they keep inventing new offense monthly, we're not even in contact how come I keep pissing you off ????

No. 2125750

i'm so sick of my brothers girlfriend. she's been living with us for almost a year now since her dad kicked her out for being a cokehead. she's so dirty, doesn't pay rent or help with anything around the house and to top it off she tortures the cats when no ones around.
she HATES my brothers cat especially and won't let the poor cat go into his room anymore so this cat cries outside his bedroom door now.
my parents ended up putting cameras around the house and they caught her picking up their most skittish cat and dangling her over the railing of the stairs, then throwing her up in the air.
i went upstairs last night and noticed a big chunk of hair is missing from the top of one of the other cats heads. it's a clean cut like it was done with scissors or a razor and is extremely noticeable. my parents are out of town on vacation so it's just me, my boyfriend, my brother and his girlfriend at home and i KNOW it wasn't me or my boyfriend obviously. i asked my brother about it and he said it wasn't him and he would ask her about it. i'm just so done. why the fuck would you do that? what went on in your brain that made you decide to go get scissors and take a chunk of hair off this cats head? i have no words other than what the fuck? and now i don't feel good about having to leave the house for work and leaving her alone with the cats.

No. 2125756

I’m in a bad mood and I don’t know if it’s because everything objectively sucks and feels hopeless or because of my new meds

No. 2125758

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theyre nice but they cant give me a hug or kiss…

No. 2125763

i can’t stop crying. i have sores all over my face like i have monkeypox. my period won’t come. i wanna hurt myself

No. 2125767

She sounds like a fledgeling serial killer.

No. 2125768

OMG what a psycho, I hope you can get that bitch out of there. If it was happening at my house, I'd beat her ass, that's too much for my nerves.

No. 2125781

right?! my parents and boyfriend have all been sick of her for a while now but ive always given her the benefit of the doubt because she's always been nice to me. i literally helped her with tying up her bathing suit last night before i went upstairs and noticed the cat. i have 2 cats of my own that stay in the basement with me and i'm scared for them too. as far as i know she hasn't been mean to my cats but i feel like its only a matter of time. i'm literally worried she's going to poison one of them or something.
i really hope my parents kick her out or my brother dumps her.

No. 2125787

dude grab that bitch by the hair and shove her out the door RIGHT THIS SECOND

No. 2125795

There's really just no excuse for how one treats those weaker than them. No matter how she treats other people, bullying helpless animals is an ugly, ugly trait.

No. 2125797

Honestly he's homophobic enough that I think he'd actually hit me if I said that. He's in the habit of grabbing me out of the blue and holding me so I'm immobilized just to show he can do it.

No. 2125806

Truly psychotic behavior
I don’t think I’d wanna live in the same house with someone like that

No. 2125811

How do you know they’re shit talking if you have no contact

No. 2125814

I don’t think they exist sorry

No. 2125816

That sucks, being sick on/around your birthday is the worst (happened to me last month, all I did was cancel my bday plans and lay in bed with a fever). Also job hunting sucks, but you can always take a crap job temporarily for quick bucks, then ghost as soon as you land a better one. That being said, just rest right now! Make getting over the sickness a priority, everything will be easier when it's over.

No. 2125827

This is the last time I ever use a Pajeet's shitcode. I referenced it and now every other Pajeet at work won't stop saying I wrote it. It's not mine, god fucking damn it!

No. 2125834

My mom guesses what's gonna happen in any movie/show we're watching and will call it out right before it happens and ruin the surprise for retards like me. Jeez mama I get it, you are very smart, you're right 99.9% of the time, but why can't you just enjoy the show?.. I get speculation can be fun and I'm all for it most of the time.. But it's like she really gets a kick out of it and thinks she is so much smarter than the people who made the movie/show/book/whatever. And she probably is but damn

No. 2125847

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I'm trying to get so much off my shoulders but it hard to get my mind off all of the past bullshit I've experienced with her/ my group.

She is nothing but a user, she always was. I kept being friend with her and helped her out thinking that I was doing the right thing and that she would appreciate it and reciprocate eventually. That never came.

She would skinwalk so bad, lying about doing activities that I did, taking and retelling my jokes/phrases. Whenever she could be called on the lie, she would just gaslight until I got top tired to continue.

She never had any consideration for me. Would ask to borrow money that I would never get back. She would demand I draw for her channel but would take 6 month to pay me for my work. She's always late or would only stay for like 20 during a planned event. And worst she gave my covid twice, after lying about having it before coming on long trips. That was before a convention and a comedy show. She doesn't care about putting anyone else's health at risk.

For the last month I've been trying to get something back from her. She had my portable phone charger after the trip to the comedy show and would make no attempt to give it back. I contacted her multiple times to ask whenvwe could meet up. Eventually, I just broke down and said that I'd go to her place to get it. She cancels, because she decided to go to a street festival on a whim. It was one that is close to my place, and of course she conveniently forgets to bring my charger… I couldn't let it go. I didn't want to leave anything remaining before I cut her out or it would drove me crazy.

I remember the day before I went to her place, she had the audacity to ask if we were still "cool", after everything.

No. 2125868

Take the hit and buy a new phone charger. And from now on until the end of time, every time she contacts you or asks to hang out, say you're too busy. She deserves it, sounds like.

No. 2125869

okay you're a white woman from michigan please stop acting like you're better than everyone for voting third party (aka throwing your vote in the trash because you like sniffing your own morally pure farts)
also its weird that you act that way when you're non biney but I guess you can just revert to calling yourself a woman because you're one of those people who does nothing to change their outward appearance to affirm the gender you want people to refer you to as, so I'm sure that threat of people that are not cis and straight being targeted by the government wasn't an issue for you, because you were never threatened to begin with, because you're a fake ass bitch who lies for attention and flexes your fake identities to feel morally superior to other people
are you still having dreams about hindu gods communicating to you? lying ass bitch

No. 2125873

This one girl on my Facebook keeps going on about Chappell Roan is so egotistical and has a bad attitude but she literally does the same shit and isn't even famous to back it up. I don't even like Chappell, it's just this woman is annoying me for not realizing how much she is projecting.

No. 2125879

samefag but all you do is share posts made by people who claim to be indigenous, saying that we need to collectively work together to resist the status quo, but you do nothing for literally anybody and expect everything from the people around you, I suppose it's easy for a jobless grifter with a penchant for lying to stand behind ideas and movements that they can't even maintain in their personal lives. You don't give a shit about anything that doesn't affect you, contrary to what you make people think. You're the least selfless "psychic empath" I've ever met, and if "karma" was real, you would have gotten yours a long time ago.

No. 2125887

Right to work in the US is bullshit. Basically you can be fired at any time for any reason. Recently my girlfriend was arrested for a non violent crime and she was fired. She lives in a really rural area so it's not like she can find a new job in her field.

No. 2125895

Sometimes I just lose my mind with this website but then someone bumps the "cow yourself" thread and I get to see what kind of deranged sad NEETs post here and who are just crazy enough to actually out their insanity in that thread, and it all makes sense. I try to think about the posts in that thread every time I see someone being so fucking idiotic it makes me want to scream into a pillow.

No. 2125901

Undesirable, but I think a way to get around this might be to work at the same place for 10+ years. Multiple people have tried to fire my mom at her old job just because they didn't like her but she was invincible just on virtue of having worked there for so long. kek

No. 2125913

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Why is someone still able to leave me a voicemail after I blocked their fucking number. Leave me alone.

No. 2125917

I have another rant about a similar person. This toxic ass woman keeps calling my job and harassing me and my coworkers. We've blocked her number but she can call the operator and get connected to us. We're working on changing our system, but until then, this bitch calls us for about an hour straight (we always hang up on her before she gets to start in) before finally doing something else with her life. And I know a lot about this bitch, because when she first started calling, I actually tried to work with her (big mistake). I know her family, I know her boyfriend, I found her social media, I've seen her tiktok, and I know her "real" name, and not the fake one she gives us, and I have her e-mail address and phone number. She calls us and goes 'SHAME! SHAME!' into the phone, or requests random people to talk to like a fucking freak, or calls us cunts or bitches, or says that we want her dead because she's autistic. No you stupid bitch, I want you to stop taking out your anger on people that didn't do anything.
If I ever find a better job, or leave this job, I am going fucking ape shit on this person. In my darker moments I've fantasized about showing up to their house and scaring the shit out of them (idk how I'd do that but it's a great thought). I've thought of contacting them directly and telling them exactly how I feel, and letting them know that if they want to keep harassing people I know who they are and where to find them. But that won't do anything. She is too much of a narc to understand that she isn't the most victimized person in the world.

No. 2125918

Yesterday a woman came into the restaurant and wanted to sit on the patio, where the chairs have armrests. She was so incredibly huge that she could not fit into one, I've never seen this happen before and I've been working there for 3 years. She very bitchily asked for a chair without armrests, so I grabbed one of the wooden inside ones, and she could barely balance herself on it. Every time I checked on her at the table she said the food and drinks were good, etc., but we need to do something about the too small chairs. At the end of the meal she left me a shit tip and said she was going to mention the "excessively small" chairs in a review.

No. 2125952

Undirect contacts, they keep babling about their sick obsession to randos and it always end up in my ears somehow, even tought I ask them to stop telling me. I get so inironically triggereg every single times

No. 2125971

Not sure if that's necessarily good advice. Working at a place that long will guarantee you less money than job hunting and it doesn't always shield you. My mom worked at a place for 15 years and then was suddenly let go with little explanation. What does help is making sure your workplace needs you by knowing a skill nobody else does. Then they'll value you because it'll be too much of a pain to replace you.

No. 2126086

My zoomer male coworker told me he's not like other men here, he's secure in his masculinity and that's why he takes care of himself. Despite being overweight and greasy. Kek right after having several conversations with me talking bad about another coworker who I'm friends with, saying he doesn't respect women and he's ugly. I never respond when he says any of this I just look at him kek. This kid has a fiance, which he corrects me on anytime I say girlfriend. Why the fuck is he bringing this negative shit over to me just because I get along with another coworker. He even calls himself "80% gay" yet he's being a huge pissy pick me with his insecurities spilling out all when I dont even give a fuck about him. I'm civil with him and we have similar humour but the only reason we talk is because he comes over and starts talking non stop and doesn't take hints. It was a huge fit at the end of the day and I've had enough of listening to his shit. He had the audacity to say "you know that guy likes you, I wouldn't cheat on my boyfriend with him. He's so ugly, I would actually say sorry that happened to you if someone cheated on me with him" and that's what started all this. I talk to a man he doesn't like and suddenly he's talking about the possibility of me cheating in my long term relationship. Get a fucking grip you attention seeking male feminist.

No. 2126092

How do you overcome the shame from failing at something and seeing someone younger than you do it because they’re better and then feeling like you’re a failure in public?

No. 2126095

Not being a NEET doesn't disqualify you from being deranged and sad, unfortunately that's the price of visiting a dump and pretending to be above it.

No. 2126098


Thanks nonnie, I already got the charger back. I couldnt stop until I had it back. And now I'm trying to cut all ties. It's hard because we're in group chats with other friends (who arent bad, but im not as close with), but I think I may need just scrub everything. My ex friend is the type to turn a group and out a person that she doesn't like… I don't think it's even worth it to try

No. 2126099

That's why I mentioned it is undesirable. You don't want to stay at a place that treats you like shit, anyway.
>My mom worked at a place for 15 years and then was suddenly let go with little explanation.
Was this a layoff? Because I specifically mean cases where you are considered the one at fault.

>What does help is making sure your workplace needs you by knowing a skill nobody else does. Then they'll value you because it'll be too much of a pain to replace you.

Assuming someone has been at their job that long and isn't completely incompetent, that should go without saying. Most people, after working for somewhere that long, usually have in-depth knowledge of at least one or two internal processes that the company knows would be too expensive and time-consuming to train a new hire on. This is why they tried a back-handed way to let my mother go by cutting her hours instead. They would rather force you to quit than deal with firing you at that point.

No. 2126104

Went out and bought a veggie & dip platter for lunch and the broccoli smells like shit so i can't eat it in the office. uuuggggghhhhhh. why do the best vegetables have to smell so bad

No. 2126123

My friend wants me to go on a road-trip with her and I want to go, but her car doesn't have seat belts and I'm not comfortable driving in it. I can't even bring it up or else I look like a scaredy-cat but I just don't want to go flying through a windshield in any case.

No. 2126151

The no deo argument reminds me of my bpd vegan ex who was anti deodorant he actually got fired from his masseuse job because he was too stinky to the clients. He did stink too and sweat like a pig and got redfaced at the slightest activity despite being a normal weight and muscular (because being a vegan isn't healthy or normal and he was delusional). I hate stinky people so much and I hate that my clown ass is reminded of him sometimes if I smell really bad BO in public

No. 2126159

tired of moids being able to say bitch and cunt all day long but if i say faggot or tranny it's suddenly a hate crime

No. 2126214

Feel like a horrid person, crushing on someone else while I have a bf. Sometimes I want to break up with my bf because he is such a sheep and doesn’t really problem-solve and isn’t really handy. He also doesn’t always communicate when something is wrong and will just mope and sulk. I just wish I didn’t always have to be a leader. I don’t know what to do and I feel horrible.

No. 2126219

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I hate when my mom cuts up fruit with the same cutting board and knife as she cut an onion and then acts like I am an ungrateful person for not eating watermelon (or whatever fruit) that tastes like onions. She’s been doing this since I was a kid and it’s the bane of my existence. Is this a mom thing or is it just my mom? She’ll be like “I RINSED THEM OFF” and act like I’m crazy even though I can taste the onion plainly even though I didn’t see her cut it and couldn’t have known ahead of time to hatch my evil ungrateful daughter plan of pretending fruit tastes like onions

I’ve been wanting watermelon so bad this summer and we finally get one and she ruins the whole thing with onion. I am devastated

No. 2126237

You want to end up like princess Diana just to not look like a pussy in front of your friend, who has no survival instinct btw? No? Then don't get in that car and try to live for a bit longer at least. Try and see if there's a way to use another car, maybe you have one, maybe you or your friend can rent one, but don't get in her car.

No. 2126245

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>noo anon what you researched is not what I wanted please let me give you the information
>ooops anon i dont have a computer please let me send you screenshots my snotty boyfriend sent me and put it in a document tee hee
eat shit and die

No. 2126254

Can you not buy your own cutting board and cut your own fruit?

No. 2126264

I hate being on this website full of autistic people who can barely hold a conversation and are threatened by different viewpoints.

No. 2126271

This is definitely a mom thing because my mom and my step-mom do this too anon

No. 2126272

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Boyfriend said he'd move on sooner or later if we broke up, I'm not sure I'd move on, I think there's a chance I'd kms. It's making me want to get with this other guy while we're still in a relationship

No. 2126273

I hate when people ask me for something and then when I go out of way and take time out of my day to do it for them, they don't even acknowledge it or say thanks. I don't care how small it is, like who raised you to be such an inconsiderate piece of shit that you can't even do something that basic? Is it not common sense to at least acknowledge when I've done what you asked for when I didn't have to? Like you literally bothered me first and then don't even bother saying anything. I don't need a trophy but jesus christ I hate how people just completely lack any sort of decency nowadays even for the smallest things. The worst part is when people who do shit like this pretend I'm satan when I slip up in their eyes but them lacking any sort of basic ass decency is okay apparently and totally doesn't make them a bad person (it does, if you lack something this basic I genuinely think you're retarded). I hate people so much and they make me not really want to be kind at all when all I get is either indifference or being treated like shit every fucking time

No. 2126284

You should cuck his Sheldon ass. I hate brutally honest types that can't just be nice. My man better say I am the most beautiful woman in the world and that he'd die without me

No. 2126289

Any man that says this shit to you doesn't deserve you. Literally why would you tell your gf you'd move on unless you're already planning on leaving or just don't like her

No. 2126295

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>another woman worrying over a nigel
kek, straight women

No. 2126296

so you're implying your nigel is lying to you when he says you're beautiful? KEK

No. 2126302

Nta but don't be a retard.

No. 2126308


No. 2126400

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I haven't done ANYTHING this fucking summer, part of it is because of the unstable fucking weather that I react harshly too but also because taking on two summer courses was too much for me so I've been pretty exhausted.
But it is also because I realized I lost a lot of friends. A couple of years ago, because of a couple of incidents, I fell into a deep depression so I didn't have the energy nor motivation to be the one to arrange activities and most of my friends were so used to me being the one to get in touch first they just sort of… forgot about me, I guess? And it took a huge toll on my confidence, because you start thinking "is something wrong with me? Did they ever actually like me?" etc. It has sort of messed me up to the point it's gotten really hard to reach out to the friends I still have, I still have to take the first step if I want to do something but the relationship at least feels like it's going both ways. I don't blame them or have any hard feelings, they have their own lives and issues to focus on. If fate wants us to reconnect then it will do so.
But because of my insecurity I have created a dumb fucking cycle that makes me miserable, and I don't know how to get out of it. I want to bring it up to my friends, not in a way to guilt them into anything or whatever but more because I want support in breaking this cycle. But at the same time I feel like I'm in a glass box - even if I try to reach out, will they really, truly understand exactly how lonely I am? Exactly how stuck I am? Or will they take it as an hyperbole and wave it off? I say I want support, but what if it turns out I don't actually know what I want or need? Maybe I haven't actually recovered from the depression, my emotions just got temporarily redirected because I got a cat that has helped my mental health a lot.
Help me anons, I don't know what to do. I'm in a hell of my own making.

No. 2126409

>noooo why are you bothered about animal abuse you need to only care about humans being harmed noooo
I don't know about you, but people with normally-functioning brains can care about more than one thing. But I would save 100 dogs, cats, rabbits, seagulls, etc before you specifically anyway lol

No. 2126416

remind your faggot dad you have every right to call the cops if he puts his hands on you. IMPORTANT: if he does it again you have to actually call the cops tho

No. 2126418

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Got a tooth removed and pain in my ankle where I can’t put my full weight on it, I just want to go back to the gym nonnas

No. 2126419

nta but this is advice id expect to see on twitter or reddit. real life is more complicated than just calling the police.

No. 2126421

is calling the police going to solve her problems? no. but the asshole needs to be reminded that its a crime to put your hands on someone and so ANYONE has the right to call the cops on them

No. 2126422

unless the cops have been called to your house before, calling the cops will spook your dad

No. 2126425

if she still lives at home and her parents provide for her what do you think is gonna happen after? where is she supposed to go after the cops visit? a womens shelter? it lacks foresight to just say "oh call the cops!" because it'll only make the situation worse and more dangerous for her.

No. 2126432

youre so right, she should let her dad smack her around instead

No. 2126435

do you think after the cops come her father will turn a new leaf and realize the error of his ways and repent and find jesus? or do you think he's just gonna get angrier and more violent? which one do you think is more likely?

No. 2126437

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Who the fuck would decide suicide is a sin, no matter what, except evil fucks who want to ensure labor and get away with callous mistreatment? It's evil to create an atmosphere of guilt and shame behind suicidal ideation. This is just one of many reasons why abrahamic religions are fucking cursed, and I resent the fact that so much bullshit has shaped the world. Non-abrahamic religions are full of shit, too, and that's because people are evil and full of shit. Not a single one that just teaches to be a good person without some bullshit. All of them have some psychopathic faggot who raped women or kids or animals at the helm, and their acolytes do the same. Non-religious systems (like governments) are the same. I hate this shit.

No. 2126438

Religious leaders think anything that doesn't involve giving them money is a sin.

No. 2126440

your advice is for her to be a doormat to men because men get violent? we're never making it out of patriarchy

No. 2126477

after befriending and slowly distancing myself from an aggressive autistic woman, I completely understand what you mean.

No. 2126484

If she calls the cops, the chances of him being arrested, prosecuted, and jailed are low. Protecting her safety is more important, and the best thing she could do is go to a women's shelter.

No. 2126485

Smelly people are low empathy and lack observational awareness. Being a rancid fuck is not something you should want to subject others to.
Make accounts online that can't be tied to you and do it to them back.

No. 2126488

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>not interested in soymoid at all
>give him the bare minimum and one word replies
>leave soymoid on read, hopefully he leaves me alone for the rest of the week
>30 minutes later get a "so wat r u doing :p" message

No. 2126494

I need to cry so much it's painful but I don't want my mom to worry about me…
We live together and I know she would worry a lot and I cannot schedule my crying session when she's out for groceries and crying myself silently to bed isn't an option, I need the good cry. Nothing happened, just my way to cope with built up stress, my friends are all physically away too so I guess I'll let it build up some more.

No. 2126506

ok yeah idk if it's sleep deprivation or whatever, been crying all night. I think I'm definitely still depressed after all, and I can't bring myself to ask for help. I don't want to be the friend that drains the energy of others with their rambling and self wallowing. If it wasn't for my cat I would have killed myself, and I'm on the verge to undo all the progress I made in therapy a few years ago and start cutting again.
Maybe I'm spiraling, idk. But the feeling that I could go out into the forest and never come back and nobody would take notice is so real. So so real. Everything hurts. Yeah, I'm spiraling. My existence if futile, worthless. Every little thing have always pointed towards the fact that I shouldn't exist, I've always known that. It's always in the back of my head.
At least I have the cat. At least I have my beloved cat.

No. 2126516

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I should have bought the jeans I really wanted because NOW THE SIZE IS GONE. fuck

No. 2126554

I am stuck in life. I am surviving and have a job where I sit at a desk and that's all, and I mean literally all, I have going on. I go to work, do the same repetitive low-level tasks I do every day, then come home and watch youtube videos until I go to bed to go to work again in the morining. My commute is 2.5 hours a day. It honestly doesn't matter though because the only thing I'd do with the extra time is watch a couple more youtube videos.
My life is just over the line to be considered not an abject failure by family and society, but that's it. I know I will be pitied (and am, to anyone who's figured out how empty my life is) if anyone gets to know me because I let it get this bad, so I don't let anyone get to know me, and there's no way out of this. I didn't realize this was even a trap I could fall into until I was in it. Like, oops, you failed to make friends in college and now you will have nothing and nobody for the rest of your life because making friends as a working adult is a myth. And I've gone so long by myself now that I lost the desire to even interact with others at all so I don't enjoy talking to people or socializing anymore even if we get along, I just count the minutes until I can leave and go be alone eating dinner in front of youtube again. I want a redo that rewinds back to age 18 so I can do this over and not get stuck this time, because its too late for me now.

No. 2126575

Just block him.

No. 2126620


No. 2126629

I feel so inadequate for an adult (that I am, or I'm supposed to be at least). I've been struggling with so many issues. I have managed to solve some of them but it still feels like they're way too many and they're affecting me way too much. I am lucky enough to be blessed with very understanding friends and family, even many acquaintances have been very kind to me when they've seen me in a bad state. I really appreciate this but I can't help but feel even more inadequate as a result of it. People tell me "I'm here for you, you talk to me about it" but it's always me who is venting, not the other way around. Of course I'm not saying I want to see people feel down but I'm not stupid. I'm well aware that life is hard and they definitely also have many struggles but unlike me are actually dealing with them properly and not having breakdowns and crying like a child. I can't help but think that the reason for this is that after seeing me in such a vulnerable state so many times they can't rely on me to give them emotional support when it's needed. And that really hurts because I don't want to be a selfish asshole who only takes and never gives, who can't be there for others. It makes me feel so insecure - why can't I also be strong and take care of my problems by myself? Why does it take me so goddamn long to make so little progress and why do I fail even when trying so hard? How am I supposed to offer help and support to my loved ones when I can't even help and support myself?
The reason for this vent is that once again yesterday I was feeling down and when my flatmate asked me what's wrong I overshared a bit and talked about some matters in my personal life instead of just telling him it's no big deal which would've been the better answer. He's my flatmate, not my therapist. I'm wondering if I should apologize for oversharing and bothering him with my bullshit when I see him later today, it feels like the right thing to do. God, even he who doesn't know me so well is such a kind person for having so much patience and consideration towards me. I really don't deserve it, at least not right now. I have no idea how to return the favor.

No. 2126635

Dating in your thirties is impossible, all the guys are either balding or they have kids. Or are just generally ugly and undesirable. All the good looking, mentally stable guys have been snatched away by women luckier than me. Sometimes I find guys in their 40's that have the silver fox/older gentleman look going for them that I like, but they're all divorced or just generally have more life experience than me which makes us uncompatible cause I'm a loser who still likes video games and works a part time job at 31. I know dating younger would solve a lot of my problems but the issue is that I'm not into younger guys at all, they feel like children and I feel like a creeper praying on them. I think I'm doomed. I've come to accept it though, being single doesn't feel so bad anymore exactly because the options are so limited. And I will never settle for anything other than someone who's a 10/10 in my eyes.

No. 2126648

Sorry if this is unwarranted advice, but when I used to go through this I would play a sad movie kinda loud, so that if people heard me crying I could just say the movie really got to me.

No. 2126677

I wish the social media I use allowed for scheduled posting. I think I might commit suicide soon, and I've already prepared a hand written letter but a part of me wants to write something on my socials as well but that's probably just the angry part of me that is being petty and want a last fuck you to the world.

No. 2126703

How do you survive on a part time job?

No. 2126711

I have zero debt and my monthly expenses are really low. I get by just fine, I have money left over to put into savings even.

No. 2126718

I'm tired of this. I've concluded I dislike communicating whenever there's a disagreement, but not because I'm afraid of conflict, hell sometimes conflict can be energising. I just have been proven time and time again that communicating doesn't do shit and the chances of the other party or situation changing is negative zero.

No. 2126735

File: 1723108273663.gif (525.93 KB, 220x174, IMG_2124.gif)

receives $200 from parent
>spends some at the local grocery store
>alredy down to $130
>decides to spend a little to get myself a birthday present which wasn’t technically too expensive just $15
>pays $7 of the subscription fee just so I can get the item in time
>goes to sleep thinking nothing will go wrong
>wakes ups be checks email
>payment declined??
>wonders why
>checks bank account
>$25 taken because i borrowed a cash advance i couldn’t even pay back because i’m going through dire financial times
>forgot to cancel the subscription for the stupid thing as well
>has to take $25 more out of the $105
>not even eligible for another cash advance anymore
>back down to $81
>almost back to being broke again
I almost want to cry. First world problems I know, but goddamn they couldn’t have just waited a little longer on their greed of course not. Why is the universe working against me lately fuckkk

No. 2126736

Girl get a grip on your finances

No. 2126737

I am unemployed for 4 months and honestly I'm afraid to go back to work. The last workplace treated me like I was nothing and had zero growth so I stormed out and quit because I snapped that day. I wish I can be more careful with my work but I just do a sloppy job because I'm not good at what I do (it's art/video based so not like it pays well). Stuck on whether I should uproot my entire life and pivot to something completely unfamiliar or stay in limbo and feed off from what little savings I have. I don't think the freelance job likes me either so idk if I'll stay there any longer. I also have a new chronic illness come up that makes me feel like I'm choking so that's great. I'm a useless adult that's nearly 30 that has nothing and can't do anything right.

No. 2126739

What is with this new twitter/gay man speak being allowed here now

No. 2126741

idk what country you live in, I think you should either go back to school or find a different avenue. you should definitely shift gears especially if you’re starting to have health scares. best luck to you nonna I hope you find something that pays well, the workplace isn’t too shitty and unbearable and helps you find your way in this confusion and chaotic world. i’ve been in that same situation

No. 2126767

Thank you. I'm not from the states but prices are indeed increasing and I may consider switching careers.

No. 2126786

Fuck menstruation, what a shitty life we got

No. 2126792

A lot of users on this site will be like “omg you’re a lesbian?! BASED” but will lose their shit over any user expressing attraction towards women by accusing them of being a moid.

No. 2126808

>she really thinks 'girl' was invented by Twitter and homosexuals
You have a serious problem

No. 2126825

My older brother is a typical example of a conveniently attractive moid in my country, and he also has a really common name.
My issue? He is such a typical example that most conveniently attractive moids here look somewhat similar to him, and I feel icky about sharing my bed with someone that shares his name. Makes the dating pool feel pretty damn shallow kek

No. 2126847

My biggest pet peeve are scrotes acting like my dad or mentor, it's so disrespectful. You don't need to show "concern" for me. You are not above me. Have had many male friends and some exes do this. Even my little brother has tried to act this way towards me (we do not speak because of how snobby he is). I had to cut off a male friend recently for acting this way, I think it was my fault for oversharing but I won't be spoken to like a disobedient kid. I don't allow myself to be bossed around or teased or anything, if you can't just be normal with me then fuck out of my life

No. 2126868

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it's been a few months since i've finally weaned myself off my medication after 3 years of taking them and now my anxiety is killing me. i can't stop worrying about everything and i'm not sure how i coped before medication, but I don't want to take them anymore. i finally feel like myself again, but at what cost?

No. 2126909

File: 1723125789753.png (21.17 KB, 474x454, 2024-08-08 10_02_12-Window.png)

i'm so fucking annoyed that charli xcx has proved so easily that you don't need to be talented, particularly good at music or marketing, but gen z'ers and gay men are literally so retarded if you can come up with a concept consumable enough for them they will latch on to it and make it a success. ITS LITERALLY JUST THE COLOR GREEN WHY IS EVERYTHING "BRAT" NOW I'M EVEN SEEING IT ON THE NEWS I HATE IT!!!!

No. 2126912

Isn't this kind of a paradoxical campaign though? Like the sensation specifically came from how shitty the marketing was?

No. 2126925

This is so stuck in my head..
I came to goon, 4' 10", a biscuit loose.. A china wing, a peanut butter house… 40 in the cow…

No. 2126928

it comes off as a literal meme prompt and not clever in any way to me. she'll be selling jars of air next.

No. 2126932

I love it

No. 2126948

i hope you heed the advice of the image attached in that case

No. 2126952

>mother fussing in the kitchen because she cannot get her ninja blender to work
>know if I don't intervene it turns into big drama bc the bitch has no chill
>start messing with the blender
>she gets a phone call from healthcare provider
>in old fuck fashion, she's gotta have the conversation blaring on speaker
>figure out that she wasn't locking the blender
>it starts
>can't figure out how to turn it off immediately cause there is no off button
>need to press speed button four times so it gets louder before it shuts off
>You could just take the phone off speaker and had gone into the other room you know….you're welcome btw.
>"Sorry anon, but [excuse]."
I fucking hate her ungrateful ass. Wish this boymom could have had a male child and gotten the school shooter her rotten ass actually deserved instead of a daughter-servant.

No. 2126959

Anon you should have ended the friendship when she literally didn't care about fucking your literal rapist. What the hell for fucks sake doesn't that already led on her damn character to you?? She didn't even care about you getting sexually assaulted, hell! Get some self respect!!!

Literally wtf is wrong with some of you anons in this website you'll excuse literally anything a fucking pickme does just because she has a coochie too no matter how vile and misogynistic they can get. Some of y'all should gain some awareness that the world is a misogynistic shithole and most women are sadly enablers in it and we need to focus on protecting our pace and that of little girls who are the most vulnerable to misogynist abuse. Bleh.

No. 2126960

It’s not that serious

No. 2126961

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My boss contacted me earlier this week about being promoted to a new department and scheduled a meeting for today to go over the position but I just learned that I’m actually competing with five other people for the position and it wouldn’t come with a pay raise. Instead I’d be “gaining knowledge and experience” instead. I feel so fucking stupid. I really don’t want this promotion now - what’s the point in taking on added stress if there’s no fucking bonus or pay raise in the end? I don’t want to come across as a bad worker or ungrateful if I turned it down but I’m so pissed off.

No. 2126963

Your brothers will always be demonic dusties. They will always zap the energy and soul out of you and your mother’s by eating, napping, not showering, and being dusty. Your brothers have evolved from another planet and shouldn’t not be used as a marker for civilization as they would die without mommy or gf’s compassion. Thank you for reading.

No. 2126964

if you're not getting a pay increase then you're not actually being promoted, they're just giving you a new title so they can hoist more work onto you and then not pay you accordingly

No. 2126965

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I fucking hate how jobs are allowed to treat employees like garbage or in my case a prospective employee. I don’t care anymore, I refuse to give any job any single atom of effort cause they don’t give a fuck about wasting my or anyone else’s time. I went in for an interview and they kept me waiting in the lobby for 15 minutes without saying a single word to me. Also the employees talked about me as if I wasn’t there. I knew this job was gonna suck cause the recruiter called me and was definitely in the Philippines or something which is a bad sign but this put me over the edge. Just fuck my time right? I have nothing better to do but sitin this lobby. No warning call no email, nothing. At this point I would rather make less if I didn’t have to deal with middle management ever again. FUCK ITS RAINING TOO. I JUST NEED ONE MORE PART TIME JOB TO NOT BE STARVING. Ugh stay in school nonnies…..

Pic related cause I want to go back to when the dog was the most important thing in my life.

No. 2126970

being ugly is really hard

No. 2126971

Im an only child

No. 2126980

im so fucking tired my eyes are watering from trying to hold them open but i'm at work so i can't just nap. women should get mandatory paid time off of work during their periods.

No. 2126984

lol what a dumbass reply

No. 2126990

The excuse they usually go with is “but they’re mentally ill uwu” as if it’s other women’s responsibility to deal with that.

No. 2127004

don't take it, like the other anon that replied said they're just using it as an opportunity to take advantage of you. if i were you, i would graciously thank them for the opportunity but tell them that the new role does not align with your professional goals at this time. you're obviously not a bad worker if they want to give you more responsibilities, so i wouldn't worry too much about that.

No. 2127011

>women should get mandatory paid time off of work during their periods.

No. 2127023

My anxiety is off the rails today. I feel like i'm going to die

No. 2127029

Trying to do my remote job but my dad keeps screaming at my mom oh my god. She's adamant on taking care of him because he has "dementia symptoms" but to be honest he's an asshole regardless and idc. That's not how you treat the mother of your children and I hope she stops putting up with it soon. Also I need to move out I can't live with a moid that thinks of me and the rest of my family as a social investment.

No. 2127030

Samefag but I recently moved into my mom's basement so I guess with that he thinks he can be as loud and abusive as he wants. Charging me rent for this shit too in a bit.

No. 2127074

I'm really feeling like shit and spiraling into a really dark place mentally for the first time in years, so I called my best friend but she was on her way out on a walk and asked if she could call later.
It's been almost 4 hours, she might have forgotten because the call was so quick but I'd feel like a clingy attention whore if I hit her up again. She is the only one I feel I can talk to because I don't know how to open up to others.

No. 2127085

File: 1723139504513.png (39.37 KB, 743x361, sleep.png)

>Can't sleep before 5AM without medication
>Get vivid nightmares with medication

No. 2127105

do y'all nonnies ever do that thing where u go afk from a groupchat to see if anyone checks up on you? its been a whole week n no one has messaged me.. am i that unimportant?

No. 2127107

No you're an attention seeker

No. 2127110

integrate before you post this isn’t discord newfag

No. 2127113

no, you freak ass weird ass bpd-chan

No. 2127114

thats kind of cringe ..the more attention seeky yo behave the more people ignore you and its best you seek your own self worth within yourself not from others

No. 2127146

I do it but I'm not exactly the picture of mental health. You (and me) should probably ask what worth you add to the groupchat rather than expect validation for existing. It's obviously different if it's a friendchat.

No. 2127214

Why is my sow mother always the first to point out when I've dared eaten something in the house but does shit like polish off my entire bag of family size cheetos in a single night (and treat that like a funny joke) and demands that I not bring home any sweets or hide them because she cannot control her binging? Mind your own business, fatcakes.

No. 2127227

File: 1723146881537.gif (187.14 KB, 500x215, rainymood.gif)

>At a festival last weekend.
>Chilling in the campsite blaring tunes and getting wasted before going Natasha Bedingfield.
>I asked a friend if could play a song and she gave me her phone
>She snatched it back instantly but I could see lolcow on it
>I wanted to tell her you're not alone
I'm not going to out her but like I want a terfy or at least nerdy friends…
We were near blackout drunk so I think she'd prefer none of us remember it

No. 2127235

It's a fucking gossip site you're acting as if you two made out kek
Send her a text saying you saw

No. 2127245

File: 1723147554516.jpeg (121.51 KB, 736x712, IMG_2132.jpeg)

rollercoaster ride
got the roof down
kiss me hard in the rain

you got that candy-colored eyes
pink and gold chain
million dollar babe, whip it out like i’m propane

No. 2127260

Oh my god, I've just remembered that my childhood bedroom was practically themed after these scribbly cartoon girls. So nostalgic.

No. 2127303

File: 1723148859124.gif (713.72 KB, 275x165, 1719024183890.gif)

Our friends are all very lefty. If I get drunk and blag everything about us being terfs I can see why she'd be worried. Also this is supposed to be an anon site, I'm breaking the first rule. Anyway if you're here S love you

No. 2127310

i cant even let me masturbate in peace. im so schizo where if i thought of a certain thing when i clicked on the fic i wanted to masturbate to i cant stop thinking that said thing. im even rewrinting and writing again this post because if i write about xyz that means i like it. when will it end.

No. 2127320

just hate that my mom acts as if she knows everything even about things she logically doesn’t. you haven’t worked in an office in at least eight years, what makes you think you know more about the office tech than i do

No. 2127400

I hate PMS. I was reading up on genetic mutations and came across this pretty common syndrome that causes delayed mental development in children. After looking it up on google i saw this adorable kid who appears in media to spread awareness. He looks just like one of youngest siblings and idk why but it fucked me up so bad. I actually sobbed (multiple times) from thinking about how cruel it is that children have to suffer from disabilities and all the baggage that comes with it, things like chronic pain, vulnerability to abuse, mockery, not being able to live a full childhood unless people are putting in money and effort. My tears are back in full force as i type this kek, my nose is running, i straight up feel like an idiot when PMS gets this bad

No. 2127415

I feel you Nona, PMS is a million times worse than the actual period for me and anything involving kids/animals sets me off for hours. You're not an idiot for having compassion for others and reacting to your hormones, in fact I'd say that having empathy for others' suffering even while you're having a shitty day yourself is a sign that you're the complete opposite. It's better to try controlling your reaction to your feelings instead of beating yourself up about them. Take a break from the news/social media and play a game or watch a movie to distract yourself from the sad thoughts and try to get as comfortable as you can, manifesting as much positivity as I can for you.

No. 2127425

Why would you not tell her nona? That shit is my dream

No. 2127426

Thanks so much, this is such a sweet reply… I'll definitely do that, i think i'll go watch a movie and get over myself lol

No. 2127427

I'm really sick and tired of how the dynamics of this country are and want to see change for the better. I know I'm going to be somebody in the lifetime, I may not be where I want to be right now but I will eventually. I will be the change I seek daily.

No. 2127428

you're right and you should say it. i couldn't get past the intro for the 360 video because of all those annoying guest influencers/celebrities, they all talk like a parody of what gay men think women talk like

No. 2127432

Im thinking about giving my ex who hurt me really bad another chance. The wound is still open but I just love her so much and I think it could work. I think she's starting to see my side and how bad she hurt me. I am scared though. I spent most of my life being abused by my mother and now that I am free I don't want any conflict in any of my relationships, but other people seem to not be on the same page as me. She made mistakes but we're so young that I can't hold those things against her. I really believe she's working on herself and it's possible for everything to be ok if we try again.

No. 2127446

File: 1723153692224.png (1.03 MB, 1128x1314, walking garbage.png)


No. 2127463

Nona, NO. BAD NONA. I'm telling you this for your own good, this is a terrible idea. No matter how much you love your ex, she is your ex for a reason and you deserve better than to be hurt by everyone in your life. Don't become accustomed and desensitized to misery.

No. 2127647

all the hope within me died when she decided to go by “he/him only”. i don’t get it, i will never get it. i genuinely want to cry because i have to pretend all the time in group chats like “yesss he/him” and be respectful when i actually do not understand any of it. it hurts me even deeper when girls like this tell stories of how they were young and stupid and “thought they were lesbian”, but now they found their true self and date men who of course i’m sure of it 100/100 times also pretend to be respectful for obvious reasons… i’m sick and tired. i wish i had irl girl friends to discuss my silly interests with, none of that gender bullshit, no men, no male characters, no yaoi or just anything based around men. but i can’t find any connections like that so i just stick to random discord servers and group chats where i have to be respectful… maybe it is possible and i’m just weak. dunno.

No. 2127649

File: 1723161907598.jpeg (31.41 KB, 460x434, 944BDCD0-F45E-441E-8CD5-AB94A6…)

Pharmacy was out of stock of my meds and won’t be able to fulfill my script until next week. Meaning I will be unmedicated during my vacation. Why is nothing ever easy.

No. 2127700

Currently scared shitless after my psychiatrist appointment. He’s very concerned that he may have misdiagnosed me (currently it’s CPTSD, depression, ADHD) and believes I may have II Bipolar disorder. Growing up with a bipolar mother who was always off her fucking rocker, I am now genuinely terrified that I’m going to end up a nutcase like her.

No. 2127701

Aaahhhh so lonely. Just want to be held to sleep.

No. 2127703

If it's not a controlled medication, you could call some other pharmacies nearby and see if they have it in stock. If they do then your usual pharmacy can transfer it to them. If it's a control, you'd have to get your doctor to send the script to the pharmacy that has it, and I'm not sure how much time you have left before your vacation. If it's Adderall then I'm sorry, nona.

No. 2127720

thank you for the advice nona. It’s not adderall but it is a controlled substance and my flight is leaving early tomorrow morning, so unfortunately I am just shit out of luck. I’m most pissed about the pharmacy telling me it was ready for pickup only to get there and learn that was a lie. Just not looking forward to the fallout from this and feeling like crap.

No. 2127732

That's totally unacceptable on their part, they should have contacted you as soon as they got your script to tell you it's out of stock. I'm sorry my dear, try to take it easy as much as you can.

No. 2127747

I can't come to terms with the fact that some creatures come into existence and experience almost nothing but suffering until their death and that's it. Like those baby monkey experiments where they take a baby monkey from its mother and put it in solitary confinement for its whole life. Like that's the enite experience of that creature, it doesn't get anything else. What is the point of that. you pop into existence and suffer terribly and then pop back out of existence. What the fuck? Why is that a thing? I understand there is no such thing as fairness and that that's a human-made concept but I can't wrap my human mind around this stuff, it's too un-work-through-able.

No. 2127753

maybe it’s a karmic cycle and the monkey was like hitler in a past life or something

No. 2127756

ok but even then baby monkey hitler in this scenario was born without having memories of being hitler and was in effect a new creature so the same question still applies

No. 2127759

why are parents like this

No. 2127803

I want to kms, I can hear the hamplanet who lives next door having sex with some strange scrote she picked up off tinder or from a bar or whatever. I have to be up for work in 6 hours this fucking sucks so much. I hate living in an apartment. it should be a requirement for developers to add some sort of soundproofing in apartments because every single apartment I've lived in I've been able to hear everything my neighbors say and do. might as well live in a trailer with how shittily these buildings are constructed.
they've been going at it for like 40 minutes now I hope the scrote gets tired and passes out soon, tomorrow is going to be a bad day at work. my dream is winning the lottery and being able to afford a house so I can finally have peace and quiet plus a space I can decorate however I want.

No. 2127807

Would anyone like to share a story about one shitty job they slacked at to help me feel better about my shit performance this week at work? I'm struggling and don't want to get talked to or possibly fired kek.

I feel like they'll fire me for being slower than usual (depression spiral) and also might see me be on my phone when I shouldn't (I need to stop). I always do my job well and finish on time though

No. 2127812

samefag now the idiots upstairs have turned on some loud appliance like a vacuum or something… I will never have a single peaceful night/day as long as I'm stuck living in apartments

No. 2127813

What kind of story? I have stories of smoking weed while I was supposed to be working, and I have stories about being yelled at for not knowing how a machine I’ve never even seen before works.

No. 2127816

Ayrt, any stories you got nonnie I'm all ears.

No. 2127834

One time I was supposed to access a storage room to get some stock out and shelve them, but no one told me the code to get in, so since everyone was so spread out, I took the opportunity to fuck off in one of the changing rooms and take an edible. I managed to successfully slack off for a few hours. I had my vpn on, so I could watch some stuff on those kissanime type websites on my phone. It was fun, but my cotton mouth was killing me. I eventually came out to get back to work, and when my supervisor asked me where I was, I told her that I didn’t know the code (truth) and that no one was around to help me (lie). I got away with it because no one gave a shit. There were times where people would tell me to do something that I had never done before in my life with no instruction, and would yell at me when I asked for help, thus solidifying my hatred of moids. The women were undoubtedly nicer to me, even my boss, although she was a snarky, manipulative, greasy and pimple-spackled hambeast.

No. 2127858

Probably cringey, but sometimes I'll go to the toys section just to look at what kid me would have loved. I grew up poor so I lost out on a lot. I can't really enjoy it now,
too old lol. Something like Disneyland would just leave me tired and annoyed rather than happy, but I like to image what kid me would have felt to go. Kid me wouldn't have been annoyed at the planning, wouldn't have back and foot pain. She would have liked it a lot. Kid me would have gone crazy at the tech available for kids, that sort of thing. It full of regret and probably unhealthy but I like doing it lol. Even at child cartoons, I don't have the patience for them anymore but I look up moments and think about how much I really missed out on.

No. 2127890

File: 1723178814418.jpeg (29.84 KB, 275x218, IMG_9016.jpeg)

My bunny died today

No. 2127891

File: 1723179077516.jpg (77.95 KB, 736x552, 1000003039.jpg)

I am so sorry. They are hopping in bunny heaven

No. 2127916

File: 1723180597758.jpg (251.57 KB, 1600x1200, 1300357723254.jpg)

I can't keep a secret to save my life and I know the second I get drunk I'd spill the beans to the whole group.
>Oh yeah me and S are part of this whole funny terfy fringe internet site based off 4chan. You gals should all join. This isn't weird
I'll try drop some hints but for now I'm I'll keep quiet unless she approaches me. It's better this way. Cows are solitary creatures by nature after all.

No. 2127918

Sorry to hear that nonna. Rabbits are lovely

No. 2127920

aw im sorry nonny

No. 2127922

File: 1723180803873.jpg (60.63 KB, 540x540, holy fucking shit.jpg)

>just found out hamletmachine drew furry-futa on female bestiality rape with knotting and called it "girlfriend werewolf knot"
i can't STAND her she's a huge fucking retarded piece of shit, i swear to god when the average shitter artist isn't drawing bubble-thighed china doll lolis holding hands they're just drawing male on female rape and calling it FeMsLaSh. the "femme" looks like a fucking tranny too because the hips are narrow as fuck. HM is like if a yaoi artist became a massive fucking pickme. the ultimate fall from grace. i only even know of hamletmachine because my exgirlfriend bought her starfighter comics from a con 10 years ago. i KNEW the moment HM posted that fucking "MiCkEy AnD jEsSiCa" shit in 2017 it was over. an artist with a rape fetish will only ever draw rape. male/male, male/female, female/female. the characters are just mere tools to project a fetish onto. there's no authenticity. there's no affection. there's only predators and violation and i can't STAAAAAAND it. mickey is meant to be a ~butch lesbian~ but looks like a fucking broad shouldered-narrow hips 6'4 moid. jessica is meant to be a ~femme~ but looks like a 5'5 narrow hips tranny. WHY fucking bother drawing women when you make them look like the male characters you secretly wish you were actually drawing you fucking cuck. and then on top of that making the ~butch~ a retarded looking anthro wolf with an omegaverse rape rod attached, almost like that mentally challenged sped isn't actually attracted to women and has to dehumanize a butch woman and her "femme victim" as much as possible to muster up enough horniness to warrant drawing that absolute foul abomination of a lesbian couple. i thought i blocked HM on twitter but NOOOO. a (now blocked) ""sapphic"" mutual retweeted that shit and went crazy on my timeline saying "THIS IS THE HOTTEST FEMSLASH EVER. AND IT'S NONCON TOO. BASEDDDD." Fucking SHUT the fuck up you're all so fucking braindead i swear to god if i shot you in the head none of you would even flinch you'd all still be posting futa rape and yelling BAAAASEDDD on shitter like primitive fucks with undeveloped brains and no self awareness. and WORSE, I'D end up seeing you do it jeeesus fuck.

No. 2127923

I'm so sorry for your loss nona. I hope you know your bunny loves you and will be watching over you

No. 2127949

I hate being average height, goddammit.

No. 2127972

Positive vent. I live with my sister and the last two times her BF has been back from working abroad I've noticed pregnancy tests in the bin. Last one was positive. It's the first kid in the family. I'm so ready to be that weird kooky aunt. Ahhhhh I wanna tell everyone

No. 2127978

I had to unfollow her a very long time ago for this Mickey and Jessica bullshit. Literally "draw a guy, call it a girl". I lurked a few times after that and she also posted actual troon shit, tagged or described as such but I don't remember which characters from some shonen manga, and some disgusting as fuck giant insect porn.

No. 2127979

Oh fuck, my air conditioner may be fucked, I hope it blows up and only kills me.

No. 2128003

when it comes to online friends most people have no object permanence. if you are online and you participate in conversations then they will acknowledge you and if you are quiet, you will most likely not be remembered. that’s because online socialization is different than irl socialization. stop overthinking it. they stopped texting you because you were simply not online.

No. 2128013

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My BF and I got approved for WFH so we moved out. Went rural. Get that nature life. It fucking sucks. There's only so many hikes and nature walks you can go on. I know I'm vapid and petty but I miss dumb city shit. I want my London. I'll never be able to afford a flat but I want my city shite. He loves it here but I am dying. I'm not knocking rural people but it really isn't for me.

No. 2128017

It was planned that I would share an office with one of my coworkers on fridays and it turns out that he is doing homeoffice today and I was so relieved. The office always smells like a fecking polecats den when he is there. I don't know what this guy is doing or eating that makes him smell that way. He is a big, muscly dude and is actually really nice but every time I have to enter his office to sort some documents I pray like lord jesus in heaven please make the time go faster so I can get out

No. 2128050

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I was drinking with my roommates heavily last night. Woke up this morning and went into toilet hugging mode. Roommate is gone but I'm pretty sure she heard me puke and her new BF said he'll cover for me and made me breakfast. What's his game? I'm lesbian af, I'm not subtle about it and he knows that. Somethings up. I'm still wasted but I don't trust breakfast men

No. 2128052

Always make sure you see them eating a bit of it first. Otherwise you don't know for sure if it's been poisoned or tampered with. I've read too many poisoning stories to trust any food served to me that I didn't oversee being cooked.

No. 2128071

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We ate together. I had like three bites then excused myself for aforementioned toilet mode. During food he asked how much he should revolut me for the bag we shared. He seems decent but in a way too much decent way. Patrick Bateman vibes. I'm going to stay in my room until he leaves. I've never had this level of house terror before.
Please just fuck off dude. Let me smoke and puke in peace

No. 2128078

I'm in a stupid business trip and the hotel they put me in has the worst pillows. my neck hurts so badly, i woke up. The guy in the room next to me is snoring so loudly, i can hear it through the walls. i haven't slept in almost a full 24 hours. Fuck this trip

No. 2128079

I think he's just being nice and trying to make a good impression. He knows you won't fuck him off bat so the fact he isn't tuning you out already shows no ulterior motives.

No. 2128096

Yeah it might be that. He's leaving now. I always get paranoid af when I'm coming down from MDMA. I'm gonna keep my peepers on him though. Breakfast men are always suspicious kek.
Looking back I hope I didn't seem bitchy.

No. 2128216

in my experience it's so rare for men to cook that i honestly can't blame you for being a bit suspicious kek

No. 2128236

Nta but I know tons of men who cook. I guess it's easy to be mind-poisoned but it's gotta be unhealthy to always assume the worst.

No. 2128290

boogie was so poignant with “I HATE MY LIFEEEEEE IM IN TREMENDOUS PAIN IM IN TREMENDOUS PAIN HELP ME HELP ME IM IN SO MUCH PAIN IM IN SO MUCH PAIN” like he was so right in that moment, same

No. 2128302

I‘ve been struggling with anxiety, agoraphobia and depression since I was 14 and barely am able to live on my own. I have no friends and am highly dependent on my parents. Especially when it comes to things like doctors appointments, because I can’t use public transport (bc of my phobia). (Cabs are really expensive here and Uber or similar doesn’t exist.)

My parents are on vacation this week and they really need this. I want them to have some time for themselves.
However, now yesterday for some reason my teeth randomly started hurting really bad. I had this before and it went away the next day, so I just took an ibuprofen and went to sleep. And it did stop hurting, but this morning I woke up with a fever and my cheek being bright red.

Since it started with my teeth hurting I wanted to go see my dentist. Which would be a struggle as it is, since getting there alone is a huge struggle. But to make things worse, my dentists office is closed for vacation for two weeks anyway. The replacement office is … bad, to say the least. Me and two of my family members have been there for emergencies before and they only made things worse.
I tried to find another dentist near me but they all refuse to take any new patients and tell me to go to that emergency-office I mentioned.

As I was really desperate, I called my parents and asked them for at least some advice. They told me to go see my GP instead of a dentist, since it might be something non-teeth related as there is no swelling and my teeth don’t hurt anymore. So I tried but they’re on vacation as well. The replacement praxis was closed already.

Now I consider going to urgent care. Which is an awful thought because not only is getting there by myself a huge ordeal, but my anxiety is already through the roof because I‘ve never been there.

It sounds so pathetic, but I could need my parents right now. I feel so alone and overwhelmed with the whole situation, on top of already feeling like shit due to whatever is going on with my body.
I‘ve broken down twice already and had a panic attack. I‘m exhausted.
Part of me just wants to pump my body with more ibuprofen and hope for the best until my parents are back on Monday. But who knows what might happen until then.

I feel so pathetic bc there are people my age having families and all that shit and I‘m here crying for mommy like a little kid.
God I hate myself.

No. 2128308

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Pinterest has been completely overrun by AI

No. 2128341

I relate to this so much nona. I've had to hear everything from any apartment I've ever lived in. Having to hear neighbor's sex is especially bad because it freaks me out. One time the banging on my wall was so bad it woke me up in the middle of the night and I thought someone was trying to tear it down. I didn't know what was going on until I heard the moaning. Another time an unhinged neighbor seemed to have some psychotic episode because I could hear him keep screaming and throwing shit at the wall. It was probably because I tried to bang on the wall myself to let him know to be quiet, but I guess you have to be careful if you don't know whether or not the moid next to you is insane. lol

Anyway they probably don't even notice or care, but I've liked to switch the name on my WiFi to shit like "Hey loud sex neighbors" to try and embarrass my current neighbors. That can keep me anonymous so I don't have someone possibly unhinged coming after me once they know what I look like, while still letting them know they're annoying pieces of shit.

No. 2128363

I used like looking at comfy cottages and now it’s all ai slop

No. 2128367

Why is it all the same blockheaded girl? Are they using a real woman's selfies as a baseline?

No. 2128440

For some reason my parents have insisted on getting my almost centenarian grandmother a new computer that is in every possible way different from her old one and has too many separate parts. (She used to have a laptop with a USB mouse but now the mouse and keyboard are all bluetooth wireless on one of those all-in-one computers.) This damn thing was complicated enough that I couldn't set it up without help and I'm the family's go-to tech wiz. I'm the only one who lives close to her, so of course I'm going to be the only person who can help her with tech support. Would have been fine if this was her old computer, I know how to work it just fine and 100% of the time can understand her problems with it enough to fix it (usually she just activates the magnifier by accident.) I don't like this new computer whatsoever, and Grandma didn't seem that impressed with it when I helped her set it up the first time. No fucking clue what my parents are thinking (other than that they want a computer identical to theirs in her house so they can use it after she dies), but I'm tempted to tell them that since the computer is like theirs, they can be the ones to help her with tech support over the phone. At least they haven't gotten rid of the old computer. This just makes me so mad because she's losing her grip mentally, this is possibly the worst time ever to change one of the tools she regularly uses. Not that they'll fucking listen. This is the second time I told them that her old computer is just fine and it wouldn't be wise to change things around on her, but nobody fucking listens to me.

No. 2128466

Not to be mean but this really pulled at my heart strings and I just think you should say fuck off to your parents and get her her old laptop back. Sometimes we have to put our foot down.

No. 2128468

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Fell down the stairs last weekend like an idiot and broke my foot, I was going to go Sziget (third biggest Euro festival) so now I'm living vicariously through my friend's posts and Sziget's live stream. Everyone looks hot as fuck and and I'm stuck in my bedroom. Kill me.

No. 2128475

Also samefag here but oh god they're banging loudly again and I'm also supposed to be at work. I can't stand it anymore. There needs to be a support group for people who have to put with inconsiderate neighbors. I read about some moid who literally killed himself because he couldn't stand the noise from his neighbors. I'm not even surprised. This is some of the most torturous shit a person can go through.

No. 2128479

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No. 2128480

Scream in their face and tell them that you have a child that stays with you and that they’re pedophiles for knowing that a child stays with you while still making loud sex noises

No. 2128489

I wish I had the luxury. It's the butt scoot to get down and the crazy crawl to get back up to take even take a piss.

No. 2128522

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i almost always look sickly and dead because i have problems sleeping and a blood autoimmune disorder, i just want to not feel ugly for once without concealer under my eyes..

No. 2128525

Thank you nonna and that's not mean at all. I will be doing exactly that the first time I need to run tech support for Grandma. She still has her old laptop and my parents said that if the new computer doesn't work out, she can just go back to her laptop (and I'll set it up), I'm just seriously annoyed that they did this at all because it's so unnecessary. They do lots of half-baked grand gestures while living out of state, and then get annoyed when everyone else doesn't trip over ourselves in gratitude because we're too busy dealing with the consequences.

No. 2128526

If they're inconsiderate enough to be making noise like that in the first place, I have no hope that people like this would stop no matter what you say. I could call the cops on them but they're black so I don't want them to get shot or some shit.
Honestly wish before signing a lease somewhere you could have a trial run of living there one or two months. Or that landlords wouldn't be so predatory and at least let you sign month to month instead of only per year. Or that serious screening (Are you moving in with a moid? Do you have dogs or kids? If yes, then get the fuck out.) was done to determine how quiet a tenant will be and that landlords actually took noise complaints seriously. Renting somewhere you hope is quiet is always a cointoss.

No. 2128537


You guys are too naive. Moids don't do anything to just be nice. He's got ulterior motives, he might just be playing a long con

No. 2128538

>I could call the cops on them but they're black so I don't want them to get shot or some shit.
They won't get shot just for being black and having sex too loud (assuming you're a burgerfag. idk about the police in other countries). If they're routinely keeping you up at night, they're probably keeping the other neighbors up as well and it's a legitimate noise disturbance. Call the non-emergency line if your landlords blow you off, that's what it's there for.

No. 2128539

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>I could call the cops on them but they're black so I don't want them to get shot or some shit.
Can’t relate, I called the police on my black neighbors a couple of times already

No. 2128545

if they get shot that has nothing to do with you nonna

No. 2128549

This pepe is horrifying

No. 2128576

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It's grown up baby sinclair

No. 2128577

>they're probably keeping the other neighbors up as well
To be fair, I'm misophonic and just hate living near other people so I don't know about this one.
>Call the non-emergency line if your landlords blow you off, that's what it's there for.
Might go straight for that non-emergency line and not bother with the landlord at all then to be honest. No landlord, in my experience, has ever done anything anywhere else I've complained to them at. They really only care about collecting your money and that's it.

No. 2128596

Today I broke down crying because I hate summer so much. Sobbing loudly on the floor because I am so fucking tired of the heat. I'm tired of being sweaty. I'm tired of being itchy. Everyone looks so fucking ugly in summer. Men are always ugly, but look especially off-putting when it's hot outside, and I've yet to see any woman look nice in a summer dress. So much yucky, disgusting sweaty discoloured skin everywhere. Everything and everyone stinks. If this heat doesn't end soon I will not stop screaming until my lungs are ripped apart. And it's only going to get hotter with every passing year. People should just fucking die.

No. 2128654

i hate living in this shit fucking country. i can't walk to the grocery store without some schizo ranting and raving about our lord and savior. can't tune into the news unless i want to be bombarded with the hundreds of shootings that happened in the span of a week. everyone around me is a retard tiktok user who hasn't picked up a book since they were in elementary school. all of our food is poisoned. i just hate it and i want out

No. 2128677

My poor baby sister was just cheated on by her bf of a year and I’m emotionally retarded and I don’t wanna pry how can I console her without bothering her?

No. 2128680

Sometimes I want to live in one of those small nation states where there’s no race riots, none of the people who make politics their personality traits, no mass shootings, no culture wars, etc.

No. 2128691

My mom is ALWAYS calling our apartment buildings maintenance office to fix random things that don’t fucking matter. I can’t take a shit in peace because here I am on my day off explaining to a Guatemalan guy that only knows 5 total English words that my spastic mom needs to have the silver hook in her closet replaced with gold one to match the vibe of the room.

No. 2128694

Photoshop a tiny dick onto a photo of him a spread it around. So sorry you sister is hurting, but it’s a good things this nasty moid will be out of her life.

No. 2128711

Tell her you're there if she wants to talk, and if not offer to do something fun together to take her mind off things

No. 2128758

I’m so sick of seeing Chappell Roan everywhere even though I know nothing about her, she could be cool as hell and make amazing music and I’ll just never know because I’m annoyed by seeing her shilled everywhere

No. 2128761

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Decided to quit drinking for a while. Waking up with bits of vomit in my hair, bruises on my hands and knees and another missing phone was taking a toll on my life. I've managed 3 weeks, longest since I was 16. Yay! I was meeting with a friend for coffee yesterday and I told her I won't be at Xs thing tomorrow
>You're not that bad, Y is way worse (I am and it's not a competition)
>You can come and not drink (I will)
>You're being kinda selfish by not coming (I guess I am but like do you want a bitch who has a 50% chance of pissing herself there)
I wish as an adult there was more social stuff to do besides drinking. Drinking works for some people but I'm a complete mess when I'm drunk. I'm going to join a running club on Monday. Maybe I can be a mess at that.

No. 2128776

As a nonny in her 30s, I will tell you that there is a nearly mutually exclusive divide between the people who hang out without alcohol ever and the people who ONLY hang out to drink. Very few are in the middle (brunch drinking doesnt count), and going sober and not fucking yourself up regularly makes a lot of people lose interest in you, like a circus monkey that stops performing.
The athletic hobby club idea is good, sounds boring and normie but there are good people out there who care about health and provide good motivation and companionship.

No. 2128784

Keep it up!! I need to take a break, too. I quit for 2 years so I could devote myself to finishing my degree. And when I got it, I started drinking again. It was fine at first, but now instead of 2 beers after work I'm drinking more and more, my life is getting sloppy again, and I'm feeling more and more depressed. Please know that life can feel super hard when you're sober but it's destined to be even harder if you are bad at controlling drinking! I believe in you!

Also, your mental and physical health is more important than the opinions of others. Friends will tell you that "you're not that bad" but they don't live inside your head and they don't actually know how bad it really is. Like, don't dump your friends or anything, but remember that you have to brush a lot of stuff off when it comes to people who can't understand.

There are people who want to do fun shit without drinking, and it looks like you're willing to try new activities, which will definitely help meet people who can socialize without drinking.

No. 2128797

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It makes me kinda irrationally angry when I post a cutie in the unconventional men thread and some anons see that the thread is bumped and post their fat ugly internet dude for the millionth time… No i don't care who he is. No i don't care.

No. 2128800

I feel both of these. I currently live in a bumfuck nowhere desert city and it’s so unbearably, blistering hot outside. There’s nothing to do and nowhere to go and you can’t even walk outside in nature because 1. There is no nature or trees and 2. It’s too FUCKING hot to live! Even my pepper plants I tried to grow on my balcony stopped flowering and won’t fruit because it’s too fucking hot.
The “night life” here is pretty ghetto and unsafe for women, there are literally no meetups (all of the websites/groups for these are old and out of date), majority of the population here is overweight and unhealthy, and I started getting fat too since moving here.
Drinking and watching TV is the main form of entertainment here, and it’s so hard to resist it when there’s just nothing else to do.

No. 2128822

you've gotta move. come to pacific NW and be reborn.

No. 2128833

Ugh, I just feel like shit today. Well, more like the last few weeks. I hope things are going to get better soon, I'm not used to feeling like this anymore. I really really don't want to go there again and sabotage everything I'm trying to do with my life.

No. 2128845

Thanks everyone!
Yeah I'm 27 and I can see divide. Ironically the biggest mess (besides myself) is the most succesful. Weird how that is. Still though everything is either small coffee dates or getting wasted. I'm going to really try at the running. I've set a goal with my sister to be able to run contunously 5k before Xmas
Honestly some of my friends are cool but some are toxic. The same girls who say I'm not that bad are the same ones asking the boys to get a bag at 9PM. They're nice people and I love them but like we need to get our shit together. I'm trying but I can't make them.
I'm from bumfuck too. I live in a village just shy of 2k people. 7 bars and nothing fucking else. It ain't hot but it rains constantly. I'm mostly here because rent is cheap and I'm close to my fam

No. 2128896

Why is going to a hairdresser always stereotyped as female when males go like ten times more often? Keeping hair short takes WAY more upkeep than long hair does. Men are like "wahh my hair grew half an inch, it's SOOO long I just can't stand it, must have another human cut it for me now" like ok bob, but me going maybe once every six months makes it a girly thing?

No. 2128921

What exactly do you do that makes people not like you?

No. 2128946

Probably deleting posts…

No. 2128980

Hate when people are loud or otherwise disruptive of peace in (indoor) public/shared spaces. Volume up on their phones on the train/restaurant, yelling inside, etc. I knew deep down that my bf was guilty of volume on his phone in public + being loud when playing video games, but I wrote it off because he's not on his phone that much and I rarely see him play games. Just found out that he's pissed off his new roommates because he is indeed loudly talking with people while gaming. Obviously it's not intentional, I think he just didn't even consider how his new place's design would make it easier for noises to travel. He's going to apologize to everyone and regulate the noise of course, but I'm pissed that it even came to that. It's reignited my hatred for people who are oblivious to how much they're disrupting everyone else. There is no reason anyone should hear your music/reels/tiktok/videogames.

No. 2128984

The millions of memes about being too pussy to tell the barber what they want are funny.

No. 2128993

Have you seen the post that shows a lego with plastic eboy hair and the guy asks "what picture can I bring to the barber instead of showing him this"

No. 2129016

I know this shouldn’t be a shock to me but slowly realising I’m probably a lesbian instead of bi is really fucking with me for some reason. I don’t know if it’s internalised homophobia (or lesbophobia specifically) because while I know my family would put up with me if I was just bi they’d absolutely disown me immediately if they found out I was just lesbian. But urgh… it’s so weird. I’ve thought I was bi since I was 11 for fucks sake. It’s only just now that I’m really realising that, no, I really just don’t ever like guys, it’s not just because they’re ugly or their shit personalities, so why the fuck did I assume I ever did? Because 1 or 2 boys made me nervous during high school when I didn’t actually feel anything sexual for them (or even have a developed enough sexuality to perceive it honestly)? I’ve realised the way I look at “pretty” guys is just as style inspo lmao, that I want to be perceived like that (please I’m not a troon). But anyway. It’s just so sudden, it’s kinda scary, I feel a little caged. And isolated, now there are so much less women I relate to. Fuck. And now I know my family would really hate my guts if they knew, too. I feel overwhelmed…

No. 2129019

You are under no obligation to tell your family.

No. 2129039

ever since i started arranging to get accommodations at work for my disability they've been giving me 1 shift a week on average instead of 2-3. this feels illegal but it's probably not. i need a new job…

No. 2129042

In my country you'd s ay i drink like a cow. Everything you put in front of me. My moid was mean tonight. He's allowed whatever he does, but he gets insecure when I make some stupid ass post on radfem twitter. I'm tired, but I need him for his muscles. There's a lot to be done and I can't do it myself so I'll use him for that and then hopefully get away. Today was a fucking challenge in nodding and agreeing.. I'm really tired,lol

No. 2129043

it wont get better

No. 2129112

>but I need him for his muscles.

No. 2129113

I wish I was a narcissist sometimes. Maybe then I'd stop saying sorry for everything and at least prioritise my own needs and get some good social/career opportunities

No. 2129120

I'm closer to 30 than 20 now and I know I want a child in my future. I was SA'd in my own childhood, groomed and tiffed out years ago, but when I detransitioned my breasts were already gone. Everything in my reproductive and hormonal system is back to normal now, so I know I'll be fertile when the time comes, but I'm scared that the time will be coming fast (many very close relatives are already old and it's painful to imagine having a baby and said baby never meeting those people). And it hit me I'll never be able to breastfeed my child. Of course I'd thought of that at the time but I didn't give a shit because I was a fucking retard. I never thought I'd ever want a child. I thought of holding my baby and feeling it reach for a breast that isn't there and the grief and the guilt are incommensurable. When I see people advocate for teens to cut off their healthy breasts it doesn't just make me sick to my stomach because I disagree, but additionally because I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy this feeling of total grief and helplessness that you won't be able to connect with your baby in that way. That this is an experience you'll never, in any way, be able to live and share with the baby. I wish I could scream this, that I didn't have a career and that I could say it on TV, I just wish no one else would have to go through this. And yet it keeps coming and coming, teen girls hit their early 20s, come to their senses and lose everything. Some days living in a world where we continue to allow this makes me lose interest for life. I just wanna cry or drink.

No. 2129134

You will still be a wonderfull mommy even without breastfeeding. Most women I know weren't wanting to do it after a month or two out of pain or other issues. But I do not negate your pain and hurt. Thanks for sharing nonny

No. 2129231

I don't know how to tell you this but saying to girls who already hate having breasts and being female
>b-but how will you connect with your future babies!!
and thinking that would help is possibly the most retarded idea I've heard in a while.

No. 2129244

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I'm so fucking sick of my shitty friend group and my friend's gf. I finally brought up to the "nicer" girl/her sister that their clique is so fucking shitty and mean about/to people - "we're an inclusive group" my fucking ass. We had a 4th of July BBQ and I realized that if it wasn't for a nearly unrelated guy bringing his army of dudebros over, we'd have like 5 of us left. No other friends came. Everyone that used to hang out with us slowly left except for the worst girls. I still hate seeing people, mostly other girls, get trash-talked, and then suddenly invited to everything as if nothing's happened, and it's obvious 2 of the worst ones are hiding that they want to say awful shit. I don't think my friend's gf has ever really liked me or anyone that comes around, she just happens to get along with people for periods of time and then is a huge bitch again. Apparently they all used to be a lot worse, but eventually went to a professional about it. It's kinda worse since the core group, my high school friend, her parents both have cancer and I swear the gf is just turning into some vulture looking to take over the house. Everyone we had before has just been replaced by her friends and aging parents, and people I mutually knew from high school have been pushed out. Fucking hurts.

Fucking hate these girls since I'm pretty sure they set me up with the biggest asshole they could find (mutual friend who hangs out with other, unrelated asshole women, somehow), lied to me that he was decent and "checks all the boxes" and made it into some huge joke that we're "together." We've gone on a few dates and I cannot stand him anymore, I'm mostly biased by the friend set-up bullshit, he's decent in some ways but I hate how he talks to people. It shouldn't surprise me given how the girls in the group talk to him and how funny he finds it.
Thinking of how to word a breakup message while I have to return a stupid thumb drive to the group 1 last time. I don't want to nuke everything and then still have someone's shit in my house even though it's inconsequential. It's obvious the sister thinks he's a piece of shit, I couldn't even bring up anything nice or cute or funny without her jumping down my throat, so I stopped talking about him. The gf has my phone number but won't text me, goes through my friend to ask "how's your date lmaoooo" and acts like I'm so much closer to this guy than I actually am. She really obviously thinks he's stupid and I hate how she's talked about him anyway. I don't want to date him but I feel bad for him in a way too. Fuck these people.

I thought I was finally getting some decent female friends since it's been a few years of knowing these girls, but everything just went upside down after my high school friend started dating the main girl, the rest invaded, and the parents having cancer ordeal started. Fuck.

No. 2129254

You know, there’s a middle ground between never prioritizing yourself and narcissism…..

No. 2129259

I don't know if this helps but, my aunt had a full double mastectomy due to breast cancer at 29 and still had 2 kids afterwards. I didn't ask if there were any medical challenges specifically (I don't actually know what your body does if you don't have milk ducts, she had a lot of tissue removed) but both cousins turned out just fine. Her rule of thumb was just to use recommended formula and make sure they're a healthy weight. 0-3 they don't retain a lot memory recall-wise, 3-10 years old is a lot move pivotal in terms of emotional bonding. You'll be ok.

No. 2129278

I'm aware. There's just that appeal of the other side I like to think about. Realistically it's a no-no, but yeah.

No. 2129320

That's a good point. I know it's retarded, when I posted it was a completely personal thing I just thought of today (that didn't even matter that much to me in the years since I detrooned). I know when it was told to me pretty much word for word at the time it only comforted me in the idea that I was just not meant to be a woman since I hated those breasts and didn't care for their "purpose", and eventually I went through with the surgery. Which is why I feel really powerless and frustrated. I wish there was any way I could say anything and change things but I know that's not possible, it's cult mentality, the more you try to convince someone out of it the harder they go into their belief. It's part of what adds to the sinking feeling of watching a slowmo car wreck. You only realize what was being said to you at the time mattered once it's too late.

It does help actually. I didn't know all that. I've been seeing my sister nurse and raise her baby since last year and though I'm very happy for her, it made me think too hard about all this, I started feeling a little sad about my possible future and I ended up not talking to her much about any of these topics. I still hope I can bond with my child any other way, I'm sure a lot of mothers who can't breastfeed for one reason or another do it all the time, but feeling robbed of an experience unique to womanhood just because I was groomed into an ideology at 13 is a specifically terrible feeling. Especially when no one knows the details and will easily say "you did this to yourself". I see some of it in the tif threads sometimes and I don't think many people see the nuance in the decision making process when it's an obviously traumatized teen girl doing this to herself.

No. 2129386

my friend is a mess and im starting to feel over her shit. for years she has been in one toxic relationship after another and plays victim even when she contributes heavily to the toxicity. she loves drama. she also won’t leave when the scumbag men she fucks with tell her to go, she pitches a fit and fights to be with them and it’s hard to watch her play herself. idk how she can pretend to not understand why a man with a new gf would still reply to her texts as if the sexual motive isn’t glaringly obvious. we’re not 18 anymore, we’re both nearly 30 and she’s been down this road so many times. she also obsesses over the exes and new girlfriends of her shitty bfs and exbfs and hates on them so hard and i want to shake her because she has none of this energy for the shitty men involved. i know i should be more sympathetic because this is low self worth at play and stuff but i’m so frustrated with her lack of improvement that i’m kind of burned out on feeling sorry for her.

No. 2129430

I think I’m developing vitiligo…. I don’t know what to feel about it

No. 2129470

I wish I could talk to people. The job I wanna get in the future requires basic debate and talking skills smh

No. 2129477

my older sister's 14yo daughter has been staying with me recently, and she's a good kid but she's absolutely exhausting and super expensive (i have spent literally ~£500 on her the past fortnight). and i REALLY need her to go home now, but my sister isn't picking up the phone or responding to my messages so what the fuck do i do?

her dad is meant to be coming down on a coach to collect her and then they'll go back up north together, but neither he nor my sister have let me in on any of the arrangements. there is ONE coach he can get at 11am today, and i have sent links to buy tickets to him and my sister and NO ONE is responding. i need to know soon because i'll have to buy train tickets to get to manchester so we can do the halfway switchover. i'm sooo stressed.

i'm back to work today (i work night shift nhs) so if i don't get rid of this girl by this evening then i won't have another chance until my night shift rotations end (plus i don't want her alone in my house at night, just in case). why is everything so fucking DIFFICULT. why can't people just answer their fucking phones ahhhhhhhhh

No. 2129487

Me too nona! I also have a friend (also nearly 30 too) who is messing up her own life and I'm so tired of watching it. Albeit she is doing it in the opposite way to your friend and is a neet living rent-free with her loving mother. She has given up on even trying anything but sugaring for creeps or attempting to find a new boyfriend to "save" her.
>i know i should be more sympathetic because this is low self worth at play and stuff but i’m so frustrated with her lack of improvement that i’m kind of burned out on feeling sorry for her.
Exactly how I feel too when my friend comes back time and time again telling me she's either trying to scam another sugar daddy for money or she talked to some weird guy on a dating app after telling me she wouldn't do it anymore.

I truly honestly wish she would meet someone exactly like herself, but with the positions reversed so she could finally see how pathetic her actions are, how they hurt people around her, and that she could change it all and have a better life if she only decided to try.

No. 2129521

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>try doing deep breathing because of my stress levels are terrible, even the tension is painful and seem to be making my sleep much worse
>start yawning and hiccuping a lot more afterwards; often lasts an hour
I mean I know I'm exhausted but this is just weird and annoying.

No. 2129530

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I was at a shop earlier, got in line to pay and noticed all these pins on the backpack infront of me. By first glance I was like "Oh it's just a weeb" then I noticed a ze/zer trans pin. Then I scaled back and it was this large honkin middle aged man with bright red lipstick in a light pink dress and a shitty wig. I thought how fucking gross then he turned slightly and was holding the fucking Ikea shark. I'm disgusted by these fucking troons waltzing about like this. The only trans I see are the terminally online stereotypes so you know they're just absolute degenerates. Fucking disgusting. I really hate them kek.

No. 2129535

there is this DID faker i know and used to be friend with that sent me a text to ask to hangout three days ago but i didn't answer because i don't know how to tell her that she only talks about herself for hours. Just today her mom that, according to her lies, sold her to child trafficking texted me to tell me my friend is in the psych ward and has no contacts with the rest of the world. The thing is that i already went wih her to self check into the psych ward and I KNOW, I'VE SEEN how much it's just bs to her, she wasn't in any harm she just wanted something to happen. I would feel bad if she wasn't a pathological liar and if she didn't steal bed in our already impoverished hospitals. Her mom text feels so predatory too, 90% of the tim she doesn't care about me but most of her friend go on vacation in the summer so she grabs onto me. Fuck idk how to cut ties with her

No. 2129564

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It's so funny when I get on here and the only reason anyone is replying to posts is to be as condescending as possible. Starting to seem like it's the only reason some of you post at all

No. 2129567

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My coworker in his mid 40s is such a fucking weirdo. He's one of those men who feel like they've been wronged by the world because they've been loser nerds their entire lives. The two of us were talking about being abroad and overhearing people who speak our native language talking shit about others, forgetting that someone there may understand them. And then this disgusting ass moid is like "I have a story! When I was young, me and my friend were standing in line. And in front of us there was a girl who had a very… well.. fine butt. And my friend kept talking about it, and after a while the girl turned and was beet red of anger because she understood everything we said." Nonnies I cannot put into words how disgusted I felt as he told me this. That poor, poor girl, she must have felt so objectified and awful. Apparently she told his friend to fuck off, but I told him that she should have knocked him out, but he was like "what he said wasn't that bad". Absolutely revolting. Luckily, most of the men at my job are sweethearts and many of them cannot stand this incel kek. I barely see him around, but he seems to like me and always comes up to me and says hi when he's at the office, I'm considering using this as an opportunity to neg and bully him.

No. 2129583

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>close friend asks over chat how I'm actually doing after I mentioned feeling anxious a couple of days ago
>after a few hours of thinking I decide to be honest for once and fully admit I'm doing really, really bad and why
>also explain that I find it hard to really make others understand how much I'm struggling, making it feel like there is a glass wall between me and others so it's easier to just minimize what I'm feeling or joke it off but I can't handle it anymore
>pretty much admit between the lines that I'm suicidal
>marginally mentions x thing to explain that how I'm feeling and what I'm thinking is not related to it
>friend's response is only focused on x thing and doesn't even touch on anything else I opened up to her about
>why do I even bother opening up to people

No. 2129618

I'm at rock bottom. I have no more energy to fight. I just wish I could die peacefully in my sleep.

No. 2129620

I have no notably harmful vices. I am a healthy weight. I work. I cannot and have not ever motivated myself to shower or brush my teeth more than once a week. I cannot force myself to like even slightly socialising with other people as an adult. I don't like talking to adults because they're possibly having sex and I don't like talking to children because I'm not a pedo. I have nothing physically wrong with me anymore and still cannot get over being abused as a kid. In every aspect apart from intellectually -(hopefully I'm not so intellectually impaired I can't realise it) -I have been permanently retarded. I think a normal person would kill themselves if they realised they would never have meaningful platonic, romantic or emotional connections and on a subconscious level I realise this and slowly die. Tomorrow I will try to brush my teeth again.

No. 2129623

Unrelated, but since this is the venting thread, I’ll voice my frustration about it. You get the same bullshit on Reddit, too. I know Reddit is infamous for being a shit hole, But it’s pretty much the only place I can ask for advice or get an answer to my question that isn’t from some stupid article that’s basically just one big biased ad. But every question posted is answered with some retard that thinks it’s his/her time to shine as a comedian instead of, y’know, actually answering the fucking question. Starting to wonder if there’s a single place left on the Internet to actually have your questions answered.

No. 2129624

I was telling something to this one friend who replied to me that other person already told her and my friend said a mean comment about my situation, judging me and making it clear that the other person did it too.
This is just rude, basically at the level of high school bullying. I can’t comprehend how people at our age can still act like this, projecting their insecurities into other people and having to have these moments to feel better about themselves.
If you talk about me with other people, I don’t have to know, specially is what you’re going to say not only doesn’t bring anything good to me but it’s a snarky remark that you know it will make me feel bad.

No. 2129629

rooting for you nona. Do you like animals?

we need Yahoo Answers back. In all seriousness I do think lolcow can be surprisingly good there's just not enough activity.

No. 2129632

is it just normal to be tired all the time as a woman? I eat healthily and enough, I do lots of exercise (cycling is my main mode of transport), I get enough sleep (I think I average 8 hours), I'm not on any medications. I just cried while putting my washing in the machine because I'm just so tired of being tired. I'm not anaemic anymore (was a brutal experience, ferritin was 7 and I would fall asleep for 2-3 hours a day, but my ferritin was 60 last time I checked). I was listening to the new RedFem episode about the Olympics and what Jen said about women who'd been on testosterone really struck me. "Imagine getting out of bed and having energy and a sense of vitality every single day". Is this just what being a woman is like? I really want to start weight training for about 500 reasons. would that help? what can I do? It makes me cry.

No. 2129636

Fuck this thing actually made me feel so much worse and I can't stop thinking about it. It's not her fault, it's hard to deal with friends that are in a really low place and she meant no harm. She is probably just a bit confused or just skimmed through everything until the last part. Maybe a lot of my explanation sounded like schizo ramblings even though it all makes sense to me.
But it really defined that glass wall I was explaining, I can be transparent and tell people how I'm doing but I can't reach them. It's like they're hearing what I say but not actually listening, but perhaps I am also the one covering my ears because I'm too busy looking for validation that my existence is futile. She, I, and a few other friends are supposed to have a picnic today but I'm not feeling it anymore.

No. 2129638

Do you have the phone number of anyone else she might be with or have regular contact with? With some sleuthing you might be able to get the number of her landlord or her boss. I would be calling them non stop. When they finally look at their phones they might have a little freak out (serves them right).

Your children will be OK. My aunt is allergic to dairy, it's more common than you think, and she did just fine with formula. It's one thing to feel sad for yourself but your kids will be fine.

No. 2129639

b12 or vitamin d deficiency could also be making you tired, have you been checked for that?

No. 2129640

completely normal when I checked in February, maybe I should try and get bloods done again. Thanks.

No. 2129646

Are your hb levels good too?

Find the thing that causes exhaustion is super difficult because it's a symptom for like 1000 different things and doctors don't really take you too seriously ime because it's kinda vague.

No. 2129657

I genuinely don't think it's a woman thing as I know certain women who have lots of energy. I do think it's a genetic thing. Yes you can get tested for deficiencies or medical problems, take supplements, exercise etc. But at the end of the day you might end up being more tired and sleepy than other people just because you were born that way. Maybe it's a good thing since it seems like everyone nowadays suffers from insomnia whereas I always get my 9 hours

No. 2129673

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I hate working weekends. All my friends are having fun and I have to do my waitress job and pretend to like assholes so I get a better tips. I'm like a trained monkey.
Can't wait to see what crazy fun I can have on my next day off on Tuesday. Wild times on Tuesday.

No. 2129695

This insomnia is making me want to fucking kill myself I can't live like this I'm going insane.
I'm sorry nonnie, I feel you I worked the weekend shift for a long time. Hope you can get out of it some day.

No. 2129732

why am i so unstable lately

No. 2129759

My mother keeps downplaying the role that having connections plays in having a successful career and it’s driving me up the wall, because her whole lifetime career rests 100% on her having the right connections. Her field is super small and everyone knows everyone and constantly hires their friends. It’s a giant nepotism circlejerk. People who are objectively bad at what they do still get given jobs because people like them. We were recently at an awards ceremony where the committee openly admitted they picked this year’s winner because they’re a nice person everyone likes, not because of the work they’ve done, and nobody saw a problem with that because that’s how the whole field operates.
It feels shitty to say but my mother is very mediocre at her job and if it wasn’t for her connections she would never get work in a million years. I’ve seen many people in their early 20’s and even late teens who are more skilled than she is with her 40 years of professional experience, who have to work a minimum wage job on the side and rely on sporadic commissions because they don’t have the connections to break into the professional sphere. Deep down I think she’s aware of it too because she’s asked me to stop showing other (younger) people’s work to her since it makes her feel bad. Yet she still has the audacity to insist that connections have nothing to do with it and it’s all down to hard work. It’s getting harder and harder to not throw this in her face but I don’t want to blow up our relationship.

In the end I guess I’m a dumbass for going into a different field and having to start from scratch as a socially awkward autist rather than going into the same field as my mother and riding her coattails. It would only cost me my integrity but at least I’d have a job.

No. 2129783


No. 2129801

Anon you should go to the picnic!!! Even if you’re numbed out, being around other people just flips a switch sometimes. If you want to be sure you’ll keep feeling like you’re behind the glass wall, skip the picnic.

No. 2129830

Thanks nonna, I tried a bit after writing my previous post - I had already made sandwiches and stuff so might as well I thought - but I just broke down and cried. Ngl from the outside it could have looked like the scene from a fake deep indie movie kek

No. 2129845

Walking to the store so I can piss because my shitty lazy fucking ass landlord can't be bothered to fix the major leak in my house and we have no water. Keep ignoring my texts and my calls, I'll disappear and you'll be left with no tenant and you'll finally have to repair the piece of shit.

No. 2129854

I signed up for an Internet course that cost more than 200 dollars and I suddenly realized while doing it how completely useless it is and how it's not going to help me at all. I genuinely want to die because of how stupid I was to purchase it. I always do stupid things on a whim and then I regret my choices immediately after like a moron

No. 2129881

I lowkey don’t care about troons in Olympics. Not because I don’t see what the problem is, but because I don’t see the point in busting my ass to stand up for a bunch of dumb bitches who’re just going to say some tard shit like “I’m not afraid to compete and lose against our trans overlords and give them everything they want!” They have way more power than me in this situation and yet they are choosing not to use it. If female athletes want to stick up for themselves and say something then I’ll be right behind them, but until then, I am not an athlete, and I have zero interest in competing in the Olympics in the future, so I think my time is better spent worrying about whether my boss thinks they can replace me with ai or not.

No. 2129884

you might be depressed or have something like chronic fatigue something. or maybe being anemic was more serious to your health, maybe get bloodwork done.

No. 2129886

if you stay while the kid is there they see you as someone you can dump the kid onto. leave the house while she's there and tell them you left.

No. 2129890

samefag, the kid is probably incredibly rude and unpleasant because they're being neglected and abused by their parents. it's natural she will lash out on what seems safe (you, an outsider who is regularly there) instead of them.

No. 2129902

I told my mom off the other day. Essentially I'm pissed at her because I can tell without them saying that her and my father think I'm crazy. Furthermore, I told her I resent her for not taking seriously my being molested by a cousin, and then again not taking it seriously when I revealed to her later that he propositioned me when he was 17 and I was 15. Her response? Because she's frustrated that I'm angry at her, she says "Why not take it up with your cousin?" and I realized that my mom will never be what I need her to be, and I need to give up. It's a silver lining I suppose, because now I have mentally severed myself from her, and no longer implicitly rely on her for guidance or advice, and I will begin to shed whatever influence she's had on me now. Devastating and liberating

No. 2129914

I am not gonna be able to live one year with another person I'm feeling so unsettled omg

No. 2129916

It happens, nonna. I’m glad you at least made the right choice and left, instead of becoming just like her.

No. 2129927

Yea if women didn't want to compete against troons they could just have a boycott or something. But they dont have anything to say so I guess they are content with how things are

No. 2129943

My plan was to finally die. I filled my cats food bowl to the brim and put out several water bowls for him. Mom would notice somethings up when she haven’t heard from me in a couple of days and drop by, so he’d be fine.
I shut myself in the bathroom and decided to cut my artery. And it’s almost fucking comedic… the only damn razors they had at the store are so fucking cheap they barely even fucking cut the skin. Shitty divine fucking intervention or whatever someone would call it I guess. Can’t even kill myself right. Not even the pills I have available can kill me, they just leave me unconscious for a day and then I wake up with shit in my pants and feeling sick, already tried it three times and same result every time.
Guess something up there, god or what ever else I can put the blame on, wants me to continue suffering with this inconsolable broken brain

No. 2129961

Yes nonita the universe said you must live so  you have to.

No. 2129964

I hate my BPD munchie skinwalking child abusing pedo apologizing attention whore mother and her menagerie of enablers so much holy shit please kill me

No. 2129969

make a thread for your mom. perfect cow material

No. 2129973

I haven't broke it off but I did talk to her and let her know that I need more time. She said she understood although to me she seemed upset about it. I did already tell her I forgive her, I don't think she deserves to have mistakes held against her but I can't deny that I'm still in my feelings a bit. I think I'm just still a little wary and salty but at the same time I love her so I really feel conflicted. I don't wanna become accustomed to misery and typically I wouldn't let someone back after hurting me but my connection with her just feels so unique from how I have felt about other people. I hate that she let stuff get in between us. I'll try to talk to her irl in a few days because I've been avoiding her. If I knew relationships were this complicated I would've just kept being a hermit. All the NEETs/hermits reading this: stay that way.

No. 2129977

Glad she doesn't have social media because she really would be cow material. I truly regret seeing the pics of her squeezing into my clothes from 8 years ago. Also, I forgot to add animal abuser to the list. I don't think I can take this much more to be honest. I don't even live with her anymore and I still can't handle it

No. 2129982

I hate my mom so fucking much. I hate seeing her first thing in the morning. It's like she lives to piss me off. If I wake up early, she copies me and follows me around. If I wake up late, the moment she hears my bed creak, she gets out of bed too and follows me. Today I woke up at 4pm and thought I'd go down and have some breakfast in peace but SHE FUCKING FOLLOWED ME AGAIN. So I went back upstairs fucking starving and she's currently camping in the kitchen. I want to strangle this bitch. Just looking at her makes me want to commit a murder-suicide.
inb4 anyone tries to call me disgusting for talking about my mum in such a way, she is crazy, talks to herself 24/7 and tried to kill me multiple times so shut up

No. 2129985

I'd rather not

No. 2129989

Tbf maybe you should’ve lead with that last bit

No. 2129994

NTA I hate my mom too and I hope she dies kek. Why is it okay to hate an abusive spouse who tries to kill you but not an abusive parent.

No. 2129996

Of course it’s fine. I’m saying maybe she should’ve briefed us that her mom is dangerous first because without telling us that (or not leading with that information) it sounds like she’s hating on her mom who just wants to have breakfast with her.

No. 2130000

This is cringe. If you're out of high school you should stop surrounding yourself with high school drama. You can make more mature decisions regarding who you hang out with now, you know.

No. 2130007

If someone offered to shoot me dead right now I would take it without hesitation

No. 2130011

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There's been enough posts lately by anons getting repeat bloodwork thinking they must have low iron or low B vits or low something and it not being that. I've had fatigue for years and no simple cause to be found. Then muscle and joint aches started that feel exactly like flu without the rest of the flu symptoms. Get that a few days a month (doesn't correlate with any point in my cycle) and I pretend I'm alright because I can't afford to be sick. Caught between feeling dumb for not chasing it up more by now but then not having the energy to attend a bunch of appts when they always had an 'is this even getting me anywhere?' feeling. Kinda ironic how much energy it can require to try and find out why you've low energy.

No. 2130014

I work remotely but my boss is just such a cunt. I’ve only been working in this job for only about 11 months and have been trying to find the same type of job that is also remote andthat pays just as well but get rejected from everything. I even get rejected from hybrid jobs. I’ll try to continue this job as much as I can so I don’t look like a job hopper, but I’ve been threatened with a PIP before by my boss. Everyone else in the company is okay, except the leadership has said numerous times that they really don’t care about work-life balance, and they’re “proud” of everyone working late nights and/or weekends to get the job done.

I wish I didn’t hate sex so much because I get jealous of those who earn a lot of money on OF and such, more at once than I’d probably ever see in my lifetime, (and no, I’m not a male or a bot). But I may ruin my life and not make any money, either.

No. 2130023

You're only allowed to hate your mother if she didn't feed you, asked for rent and wasn't there when you were an infant. Everything else you're just being an ungrateful cunt.

No. 2130025

I’m gonna get v line surgery nonnas I s2fg I will do it I’m so tired of having a man jaw

No. 2130041

Are you making a poor attempt at a joke? You should be glad your mom never tried to kill you or let pedos get at you and pimp you out. Even if you are joking, eat my shit.

No. 2130042

I'm convinced I have pmdd or something but I don't feel like getting birth control to test it, because I'm already on psych medication. Other than that, my meds can fuckup my sodium levels but those were fine last I checked. The only abnormalities in my blood panel were high hemoglobin and hematocrit, but doc tested iron levels and they were fine.

I was unemployed for 7 months and cycling through psych meds trying to find the right one, but I'm pretty sure my fatigue was an issue before then. I have no idea what's causing it.

No. 2130048

Lmao. My 23-year-old NEET sibling, who has never had a job or lasted even a week in classes, has been giving my the silent treatment for days again because when he randomly texted me bitching about how our father eats noodles, I simply replied, "Then go to different room." Wtf is wrong with him? I wish my parents would stop enabling that little shit before he ends up on the news, but they never will. He would make a fascinating n=1 case study.

No. 2130049

I posted this in two different threads but I wanna cry after having an altercation at work. My job wouldn’t give me my last weeks paycheck because I was still on shift even though there were literally no customers, nothing to be done. Hello it’s my money lmao??

No. 2130051

Absolutely love how farmhands will take days hemming and hawwing over whether racebait is actually racebait but redtext retarded shit in under 20 minutes. Great priorities!

No. 2130054

my mom fed me, didn't ask for rent, and was there as an infant, but she routinely beat the shit out of me and tried to cut off our fingers at one point

No. 2130065

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Tbh nonnas, I'm at a crossroads rn and I just don't know what to do. My friend introduced me to this job and I was ecstatic because it's been a long time since I had a proper job. The interview went smoothly and I passed it with flying colors, but I just can't get used to the workload and the nature of the job. This is the first time I've done something like this because I accepted a job outside my field of expertise so everything is new to me.
You have to take care of your students/clients/teachers after office hours, work never seems to end and I hate taking care of them. The dilemma here is my mom was rooting for me to get this job (I was a neet for a while), I don't have any savings and I don't have a backup plan so this is the only job I have. I just can't quit because I needed the money, my plan is to push through the probation period and actually see if I could do this. I just hate this job so much, it's a shame that my coworkers are so nice and helpful…Not even halfway thru the probation period and I knew this job wasn't for me and it's killing me every day to be in that position, I have so much to lose. Every day seems like hell on earth working there, Idk if I could make it at all.

No. 2130077

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Recently told my abusive mom to kill herself. She kept coming to my boyfriend’s house (who I’m living with) and leaving creepy letters. My boyfriend said it was funny but eh. I feel like this isn’t something I should go around bragging about, even if I am proud of myself. Just wondering if I really did a good thing or nah

No. 2130086

you did good she's weird

No. 2130087

Samefag but I'm no exaggerating when I say I'm worried he'll end up on the news some day. He's literally a khhv moid who stews on /pol/ and /int/ all day, has no life or aspirations, hasn't felt the sun on his skin in a decade, clearly has an excessive amount of anger and feels attacked over the littlest things. He is also extremely impressional and completely 180s his political beliefs to align with whatever group he's into at the time. I can't be the only one who has a moid sibling like this.

No. 2130090

Thank you this might be a corny thing to say but my heart swelled when reading this I really need therapy or smth

No. 2130109

Only thing I'd advise (that's if you haven't already) is to have a solid fallback plan for if anything goes wrong with the bf/current living situation. Always make sure that mom/dad whoever it is isn't still your fallback plan by default before you go full fuck your shit uncensored on em. That's the way to do it.

No. 2130119

If that can make you feel any better everyone is faking it to an extent and it takes years to develop at a basic level. Even if it sounds like you're reciting a script at first that's normal

No. 2130128

I’m working on that but times are tough and I’m a little too depressed to work right now. I’m practicing my hobbies as consistently as I can until I can figure out a way to monetize them, but my boyfriend makes enough money to take care of us both and he doesn’t even make me do housework so I honestly feel kinda guilty Kek.

I won’t brag about my Nigel too much because I know farmers hate that but just to dispel any worries: he cooks me three square meals a day (even if he just uses hello fresh) and supports my dreams by funding them and telling me I do amazing work. He’s also very protective (keeps his arm around me in public and holds my hand in crowds) which is important to me (I’ll admit because of my shitty childhood) and honestly gives me more patience than I’d be willing to give anyone else. So even if I’m reliant on him and would prefer not to be, things could be a lot worse. Thanks for your concern though.

No. 2130177

My dad is generally great. But he doesn't get how much despair I'm in over never being able to afford my own place (still live with him). He used to charged me $300 in rent, but after I got allowed $100 extra in disability support each month (because I'm a stupid autist) and he found out how "much" money I had saved (I save as much as I can and have been for nearly a decade because I really badly want to buy my own house one day, it's still not even close to enough) he raised it to $400 because to him I'm "well off" and "have more money saved than him". Yeah dad because you go on expensive trips regularly, you buy very expensive equipment for your hobby, you already own a car and a house and boats - things I will NEVER be able to afford! Even after saving for nearly a decade!

I can't work full time but I work 75%, which tbf is more than most autists, and I take saving money very seriously so I can one day have my own home. He has a high paying job and doesn't really get that it's a big deal to me and that I would be able to move out and have my own life faster if he allowed me to save more. Worst part was that he's casually told his girlfriend and me that he doesn't want his kids (me and my brother) to inherit his money, he'd prefer if it went to "society" for some "greater good". He acted like it wasn't even a big deal to say it in front of me. My disabled autist brother can't work at all and lives fully on support with staff taking care of him, money could secure his rent so he has somewhere to live for the rest of his life. And the fact that it means dad doesn't even really consider us, his own kids, as part of "society" that is worth investing in hurts really bad. I can't get over it. I can't help but wonder if it's because we're both autistic. We're not even the drooling weirdo kind of autists (no offense to them) but I work hard at a real job and my brother is a walking science lexicon who is a great conversationist who just can't do physical labour very well. Helping us isn't good enough for our own dad.

It's extra hard and confusing because other than that he's a great dad. But this has made me feel so unloved by the person I have unconditional love for. It's not that I expected him to pay for me and I'm sure I sound spoiled and like I just want his money… but I can't help to think that if I was rich I'd spoil all of my family, no questions asked. Their happiness and safety would be a top priority, so for him to not feel the same about us hurts so bad. I'm worried about the future if my brother will be ok and if I'll have to support his living situation, and meanwhile our dad is like "I don't want him to inherit anything". Idk I feel so lost.

No. 2130178

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Waking up all week feeling like picrel. Come on brain, stop being such a bitch and give me some happy chemicals. I went jogging and ate salads. This is the deal.

No. 2130181

My friend is an insecure mess and instead of working on it, she’s projecting those insecurities around. She’s 32 years old, obese and basically has a bitch attitude but it’s like she’s living in another dimension where she thinks she’s the boss, an empowered woman who needs no one and of course we can’t talk with her about food or diets because she says she eats healthier and better than any one us.
She criticises everyone and everything, specially the lives of the closest ones to her. She has an opinion about our love life, about our career choice and even the way we spend our money.
Truth is she’s the only one who hasn’t had a partner that lasted more than 1 month, she still lives with her parents, she has a shitty job with shitty payments and no matter what she does, people don’t like her because she’s insufferable.
When we tried to talk with her in good manners she always got defensive and attacked us like we’re the ones always doing the wrong things so of course we had to keep some distance from her.

No. 2130184

Jesus, I'm sorry he said that about his inheritance. I fucking hate how men care more about ~muh image and muh legacy~ and social validation than spending money on things that actually make sense.

No. 2130189

he's not a good dad otherwise, he's a bad father for not financially focusing on his disabled children. it's one thing to have these standards if you weren't disabled but both of you are. it's disgusting reading this. there's a term called communal narcissism, maybe that applies to your dad.

No. 2130219

My dad passed his tism on (and a condition that means none of us can ever drive) then had a strict 'my kids move out at 18, ready or not' rule. My mom would've never let him actually stick to that but then she died so he got his way. Like why have kids? And it's his genes making shit hard. Not a cent of support, no "you can come back if you're ever really stuck or uh homeless" or a free act of help once you're 18. Doesn't want to leave a penny behind him either but he's spending it rather than donating. It feels personal but we never fought. It's just his 'views'

I get embarassed when people ask about my dad if I know their version of a parent is that at 30 they could still could turn to their parents in a crisis whereas I feel almost disowned for no reason. I tend to pretend like I just got really independant all of my own volition at 18 to avoid further questioning. People dont get it and tbh I'm glad most people can't relate.

No. 2130222

I hate my face so much and the longer I look the more distorted it becomes. Why can’t I just stay the same

No. 2130248

Have you had your thyroid hormones checked?

>Would weight training help?

Yes but don't overtrain

No. 2130252

I hate the amount of clothes I've hoarded in my life, I haven't thrown anything out since I was 14/15 because I always told myself I'd get rid of it once I moved out but now with the housing crisis it won't happen anytime soon. It's such a first world problem which makes me even more ashamed. I have a closet full of clothes and probably random things I didn't want anyone to find, a set of drawers with clothes piling out and two chairs with both a huge stack on them. I feel so empty but I'm scared if I declutter it I'll overdo it or think back to a clothing item that I had and didn't wear at the time. It's not even something that doesn't happen with me, I've repurposed and altered a ton of clothes I didn't wear for years. I'm just so ashamed I wish I could do what I thought I'd be doing at this age and pack up my necessities to go live on my own. It honestly makes me want to cry how much of a mindless consoomer I've been, I'm going to clear out my set of drawers and go to the donation bin I can't stand it anymore.

No. 2130255

If it's as bad as you say you could probably sell it second-hand and make a lot of money. Every year I sell all the things in my wardrobe that I don't wear anymore and I make 300-500 dollars just from 5-6 garments. That could probably help fund the move-out endeavour.

No. 2130260

Go check out some capsule wardrobes if you wanna be REALLY inspired to declutter, nothing makes me wanna get rid of clothes as much. And go with your gut instinct about what you really love and will wear or what you won't, the only thing I retained from the Marie Kondo trend is the concept of 'sparks joy' because that forces me to be realistic about my choices.

tbh I disagree with this for people who struggle to clean out their clothes. Adding extra time and effort to the task makes it 1000x more likely you'll put it off or decide against it. And when you've really hoarded too much, the best thing you can do is be absolutely vicious about chucking stuff out and not letting yourself second guess it.

No. 2130262

Thanks nonnies, I have 3 garbage bags now (two small ones for diy/alterations and things to sell and one big one for the donation bin). I really love those capsule wardrobes but they freak me out because of how quickly everything must wear out, I already found a couple extremely ugly things though so I hope I can at least manage to downsize to a normal amount.

No. 2130284

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I will never stop maladaptive daydreaming. I know it has negatively impacted my life. I have been “living” in the same fantasy world since I was 5, however, and I genuinely don’t think I want to live irl without it. It’s not just a crutch to me, it feels like my life’s magnum opus. For better or for worse, it is a part of me forever. I don’t care what mental health professionals say, I’ve never brought this up to a counselor or therapist because I don’t want to be treated for it nor do I want it to go on my “record.”

No. 2130288

Yeah, my imaginary fantasy world has been going strong since 2007 and the twists and turns that have happened in it would astound the average observer. Maybe in my 70s I'll write it all down so some other retard can read about it and continue the legacy when I'm gone.

No. 2130292

The world is hard and cold. My fantasy daydream is soft and warm. I have a whole life I’ve built there and I prefer my fake life over my real one

No. 2130306

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Forming my fantasy world is my counting sheep. I think about the history and geography of it most nights. High level it's like Earth and it has massive Saturn like rings that divide the planet. I wish I had artistic or writing talent to get it out of my head and onto something. I don't care if anyone reads or sees it I just want to get it out there.

No. 2130319

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Visiting my best friend for the first time in a year and her moid is such an asshole I hate him. She is constantly on edge making sure she doesn’t upset him over completely benign and minor interactions. She’s already been told to break up with him multiple times by different people so saying anything is pointless. I hate this. I hate seeing her so miserable for just some loser. Ugh.

No. 2130322

If maladaptive daydreaming is bad then why is my fantasy escapism so awesome and cool

No. 2130359

I haven't been here for a while, but I'm having hard time and need to vent. I'm visiting my parents for the first time in half year.
Quick backstory: my "mother" was abusive, controlling and manipulative throughtout my whole life, and for the past 3 years I have been doing what i can to have no contact with her exept the minimum needed to have any relationship with my dad. My relationship with my dad is… wierd. We are civil and polite, but there is a rift between us caused by unadressed issues. I still love him very much and I feel that he loves me, but I know if I can save this relation.

I arrived this morning and I already hate being here. During years I was stuck at home I have devoloped some unhealthy coping mechanisms, such as binge eating/bulimia, dysocjacjon and dwelling on suicidal ideation (i was also depressed for almost all highschool). For the past couple years, I have been working to get rid of all of it. Now that I'm back (my mother is awful, as always) it feels like my brain is going back to my old thought patterns. I am lying in bed, I can't sleep, i don't know what to do. My go to behavior is to put on headphones, watch yt videos to disctract myself from everything and eat untill I wont feel anything. This is how I learned to cope, but then this behavior started to destroy my life. I try to resist the urges, but the emotions are unbearalbe, and I have no clue how to deal with them in a healthy way. This is not something that can be fixed by breathing exercises xd(xd)

No. 2130361

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It's 2.45am and I just got home from a 10 hour shift at work and meant to go to go to sleep immediately but now I'm suddenly hungry as fuck. I already brushed my teeth and don't have anything quick to eat because I forgot to buy anything you can prepare in a couple of minutes yesterday. All I ate since 12pm were 2 dry hotdog buns because work was really busy. I'm too exhausted to decide, so can someone please do it for me. Should I get up and make myself a meal or go to bed hungry and eat after I wake up

No. 2130363

I will never understand this. I've had a couple friends with husbands that were universally hated by all their friends and their family but they stay even though they treat them like shit.

No. 2130364

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They call it maladaptive daydreaming and im just dreaming of my nonexistent musclepig bf with a cute face and we are riding bikes over a bridge while the sun is setting. Why can't I be happy somewhere

No. 2130366

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I'm happy for you and your dream bf nonna but my picrel is how I feel about your picrel

No. 2130367

try sleeping, for me eventually the hunger dies down

No. 2130370

Okay. Thank you anon. Closing my eyes now and ready to go crazy on some spaghetti in the morning

No. 2130372

i'm curious to know what your maladaptive daydream looks like because i have personally have two kind idk if this is called maladaptive daydreaming but if this isn't i don't know what is
>the power fantasy where i re-imagine my life from the start up until my 90s
>the universe i made up for a comic i will never start where i imagine cool edits with my characters/ people praising my work

No. 2130376

NTA but my daydream lala land is actually quite dark and scary on paper because I use it for trauma catharsis kek, but at the same time it feels incredibly cozy.

No. 2130384

OHHHHH it’s so over my crush said he’s taking this girl out to a cafe oh nooooo oh well… we won’t see each other like ever again anyways since he has to go back to college and i don’t go to school at all

No. 2130403

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my maladaptive daydream life is as follows at this point in time
>I elope to another place and live the life of my dreams
>someone tortures me and subjects me to gut wrenching horror and trauma until I expire
more often the latter than the former given my mental state right now

No. 2130490

I was going to post this in the stupid questions thread but it just became a vent, hence posting here. Is it selfish if I want my boyfriend to clean up the kitchen when I’m in the shower? I had cooked dinner for us and always clean as I go, including messes that aren’t mine (like the dog puking or taking out the trash). I think it’s a part of maturing to clean up as you go, even if you didn’t make the mess. It is nice to do for others and keeps the kitchen clean. It also makes things move smoother. I was going to make dessert after taking a shower and was hoping he would clean the kitchen (putting away dishes, taking out trash) while I was doing so, which I explicitly asked him as well (to my chagrin). When I came down from my shower, he was doing some random task that made the kitchen even messier than it was before… I don’t even understand anymore at that point. Am I selfish and arrogant?

No. 2130504

Whoever doesn't cook is supposed to clean up after, in most situations. That's just basic etiquette.

No. 2130506

no you are not selfish

No. 2130517

What task could he have possibly been doing to make the kitchen even messier? Don't make him dessert. He's like an animal, you're rewarding his incompetence

No. 2130526

He was loading his new dishware that he bought in the dishwasher as opposed to the dirty dishes from the dinner earlier. And yes, he bought enough dishes to fill the entire dishwasher. Just now when I went to the kitchen again I simply took out the trash myself and started doing the dishes. He then took one of the dishes that apparently had grime left on it and genuinely said to me “does that look clean to you?” WTAAAAFFF so immature I just told him to leave and I would be more persistent if his actual mother wasn’t here!! Sorry if this is rage bait I just have to VENT!

No. 2130530

Sorry just to clarify. The kitchen table had Amazon boxes and packaging all over it from the new dishware and now the dishwasher was occupied so either all the dishes would stay in the sink or have to be hand washed lmfao. It also meant that during my whole shower he did not do anything. I had such a nice time with him the past week so things like this are so stupid because they are entirely preventable for both of our sake!

No. 2130536

Hes a bum. When his mom leaves you better beat his ass

No. 2130537

Doing literally nothing AND going out of his way to pick up and critique your dishes? If you didn't shoot him a look and threaten him under your breath you're crazy

No. 2130544

Please give me advice about this on what I should do, because it now became an argument! I’m sorry for spamming the thread, I feel compelled to because I am restricted due to his mother being here. He ridicules me when I say that everything falls on me, because he said that what I did was “2 second work” anyway. He also says that I simply did not give him enough time to clean the kitchen and that I am impatient. My reasoning is the following: FIRST clean the dirty dishes and take out the trash, create a clean workspace, THEN do whatever extra task if you have time. I am able to clean a kitchen quickly, so I don’t know why he isn’t. He is trying to claim that I do a bad job at cleaning etc because I do it fast, that I “half-ass” it. I don’t even know where to begin with this anymore. I don’t understand how people can think like him. I told him that his reasoning comes from a place of immaturity where there is infinite time. I explained that this is how a child thinks because adults don’t have infinite time like a child. You have to learn to prioritize, and it is appalling that we are the same age but I have to parent him. I refuse to parent him and I refuse to carry the full load of the household chores if we do end up getting married, which is why I am so upset with him. His avoidant attachment solution? Walking out on me. I am on the brink of just breaking up, but that’s impulsive and I won’t. I am extra irritable because I didn’t even get to finish my meal due to this entire ordeal and not having space in the kitchen! I wish his mom beat his ass at times like this because we both have single moms but somehow mine taught me how to run a household and his didn’t teach him jack. We had plans to go on an evening walk with the family dogs and now it’s too late to do that all because this man was unable to get the kitchen clean enough for me to finish the dessert I had already prepared ahead of time. AAAAAGHHHH

No. 2130545

Since you don't live with them, you can leave and go back home anytime you want, right? Take care of yourself. Maybe find some time to hang out with or talk to your dad, but if it's this bad, you're almost crossing the line of abusing yourself by visiting. Just leave and maybe try again some other year.

No. 2130558

I was rarely made to clean my room growing up and I guess it was just not a battle my parents found worthwhile when I would resist it so hard so my room at my parents house has always been kind of a hoarded mess, I moved out 4 years ago and just left it as is which was so shit of me but they already had a spare room and didn’t need mine for anything. I just came home for the first time in 8 months and someone completely cleaned my room and I’m humiliated that someone saw just how gross it was, took hours to clean it, and also probably found extremely personal writing/objects. Within 5 seconds of opening drawers I found diary entries from when I was a teenager about having sex, I’m going to fucking kill myself for a multitude of reasons this is so humiliating. As an adult I use all of my energy to keep my apartment clean but I’m so worried they think my apartment looks the way this room did. I wish my parents didn’t know me my entire life and got to know me as an adult with my shit together, I’m so fucking embarrassed about who I was as a child/teenager. Whenever I think I’ve become a good, admirable person I have to remember there was 20 years of being an irritating useless sperg preceding that.

No. 2130563

Do you want to spend the rest of your life with a scrote who doesn’t do shit, and then criticizes you when you do shit that needs to get done? I think that would be a miserable way to live, honestly.

No. 2130569

I quit my really toxic job today and while my parents and boyfriend support me I’m so anxious. This job wrecked me physically and mentally but the fact that I have no extra money coming in for a month or so really makes me wanna throw up. Why did I do that? Why couldn’t I have waited to get something else? I’m such an idiot. I think I might try to go back to another job I had but I might be on the do not rehire list for reasons out of my control but I may try to get myself removed from that list. I’m so anxious. Hatred for myself but my job did nothing but ruin me.

No. 2130573

Nta but did his mom witness any of it? How long have you been together? Is he usually like this? The "does that look clean to you?" is bad especially if he wasn't cleaning any of it himself, he's not in a position to criticize you. You should have told him "ok I'll leave it to you then" and stopped. I know it's very frustrating not to be able to enjoy the things you were looking forward to (the dessert, the walk outside) but if you forgive and do everything yourself just to preserve the good atmosphere, he will never learn. I hope for you that it's a rare occurrence, maybe he was super excited about his new dishware or something, otherwise it does look like you'll have to parent him and do more household chores.

No. 2130592

I was in a similar position like you where I was stuck at a miserable, depressing job. I was so fed up that I printed a ton of my resumes + references + general cover letters and just walked into places where I knew my experience would shine. Long story short, I was able to quit my job the same week and ended up receiving five offers. The job I ended up accepting originally was not going to invite me for an interview because of my hours. I reached out to them and offered to send my availability once again just to see if things could work, since my hours changed. This persistence is what got me a job with a salary much higher than my previous one! I went from being in an extremely draining position to rejecting multiple job offers, purely because I walked into multiple locations, followed up with them with thank you emails/calls, replied in a timely manner and gave them a face instead of an anonymous online application. I hope this doesn’t come across as a brag, I genuinely just wanted to share this as motivation. My boyfriend was the one to push me to walk in so I could leave my stupid job, and it unironically changed my life. You have hope and plenty of opportunity. Pursue a job that you actually enjoy and do not give up!!!

No. 2130595

i think years of celibacy broke my brain cause i hate the idea of someone else feeling pleasure via my body. like my pussy exists to pleasure ME only. tf you mean you “desire” me? only i can know my desires and i don’t care about yours. fuck off.

No. 2130602

Celibacy has made me think of sex as a completely private thing for me only. I don't want a man to know what I look like naked, or know what I'm like in bed, or know what turns me on etc etc. I don't want any moid to have information he could tell others about or have opinions on. That's secret knowledge that I keep to myself, literally none of their business!

No. 2130615

I'm the anon that attempted suicide yesterday. I'm currently lying in bed pondering if I should tell someone. I've never told anyone (except my former psychiatrist) about any of my past suicide attempts, not even my ex and I tried to overdose on my meds three times during the course of our 1-year relationship. I haven't really had any serious suicide ideations, let alone attempts nor done self-harm since I finished my therapy a few years ago so I don't know if the thought of talking to someone about it would be considered progress or attention seeking and manipulative.
The marks look so fucking silly, like they are a little bit deeper than a scratch but too far apart for it to be feasible to blame them on the cat. Looking back on it, it was kinda comical how the blade kept bending back and forth whenever I tried to push it down deeper. At least I'm never buying that brand again even for shaving my legs kek

No. 2130622

It definitely isn’t manipulative, I hope nobody would label you that for opening up.

No. 2130642

My friend is always complaining about me not opening up but the moment I do she always makes me feel guilty for the thing that I did or I said, like dismissing my feelings at all. I would get it if she gave me some advice that could be helpful for once but most of the times she’s just twisting my words or repeating them to make me realise how dumb I was.
I.e. two weeks ago I was explaining to her how I cut ties with someone who was pretty toxic and demanding and that I know I feel much better because keeping that distance was an eye opener for me. I tried to explain to her the manipulative behaviour this person had with me and basically the reason why I decided not to meet up again and all she did was to repeat over and over again that it was my fault to trust this person, that it was my fault for not seeing it before and that I was guilty because I chose to keep up with this person before. Me, me, me.
Of course I don’t want to tell her things if I feel like everything will be used against me in the end.

No. 2130700

>He is trying to claim that I do a bad job at cleaning etc because I do it fast, that I “half-ass” it. I don’t even know where to begin with this anymore. I don’t understand how people can think like him. I told him that his reasoning comes from a place of immaturity where there is infinite time. I explained that this is how a child thinks because adults don’t have infinite time like a child.
Sounds like it's more about differing standards. There's always one person in a couple that's more Type-A about some type of cleanliness and to them theres def such a thing as a job done so fast that it wasn't done and resentment sets in if it's not worked out. Hard to judge through a post but when I'm working and splitting tasks 50/50 I take dishes on as my default task because men speed washing dishes and me finding shit on already cleaned dishes is one of my peeves. I care way less about the standard of other tasks so splitting shit with that in mind avoids most drama.

Assuming you're both working so aiming for a 50 split I would've thought you cooking meant the clean up was on him. If you're not working/50/50 its more complicated.

No. 2130705

NEVER let your parents know how much money you make or how much you have saved up

No. 2130707

I hope you are feeling better nona. No matter what you decide to do in regards to opening up it would probably be a good idea to throw out all the knives in the house if you can. Same for any other blades.

No. 2130718

Why do my parents act pathetically and cry in secret because of me? Can't they just act like adults?

No. 2130732

stop using your autism as an excuse for everything, you're lucky to even get 100 because "autism" is a fake mental disorder like NPD and isn't a disability

No. 2130735

oh sorry holy shit i misread, you said you get 100 dollars EXTRA, which likely means you're getting 800+ dollars a month to sit your fat neet ass on the computer and do nothing. do you know how much most people get to do that? 0 dollars. yeah i don't feel bad for you

No. 2130738

Scrotes are so worthless I'm actually losing it.

I'm, for whatever reason, trying to date. Men are so ugly. Men hit the wall at 20. Men are disgusting. They are all worthless and should be grateful I don't geld them on sight.

I asked a moid at work to help me with adjusting something heavy. He is a foot and a half taller than me and 3 times the size. He hems and haws about it and says, "I think you do it like this." Ok you worthless sack of shit, hop to it. Do it. No he just stands back, thinks about it, wastes more oxygen with his impure existance. I step forward and do it. He says something like I hulked out to do it. I laughed it off. But he is right. My fury at the incomprehensible waste of human potential that he is allowed me to move the heavy thing.

They should really just live in suspended animation until we need something heavy moved that a machine can't move.

No. 2130743

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A lot of "anons" on here throw out insults that definitely give off "the call is coming from inside the house".

No. 2130745

It has been like that for at least a year..

No. 2130746

it's giving purr sis. it's giving very much "lipstick alley" with this post a bit

No. 2130748

Probably differs by country so I was confused. Living with a well off parent, working 75percent, getting a disibility payment that tops it up more and saving for a house would be scamming the system where I am. Do they not means test? as in having serious savings and no full on rent rn to pay would get disibility bucks cut?

No. 2130752

>pay for cabin food and 90% supplies for bday camping weekend
>in a great mood being silly playing games taking pics
>get period randomly, mention it offhand
>bf smirks and goes oh that's why you've been so emotional huh
>go uhh what? I've been really nice and flexible this whole trip what are you talking about
>he goes into oh shit apology mode
>go That was really rude I've been nothing but nice to you and took you here I don't deserve snide comments
>gets on his knees and apologizes and cries
Lol someone's emotional and it isn't me. maybe don't be retarded and start fights with your gf for no reason. Men really are so clueless

No. 2130756

idk, it's hard to predict how anyone would react. And even if they wouldn't consider it manipulative, I don't want to risk it turning into sympathy which would just make me feel dirty and even more pathetic. I just want someone to listen and feel truly seen.
Dunno if I'm feeling better but thanks for the concern (really), at least I'm not spiraling anymore for now. Though I won't get rid of any knives, but I did get rid of the razors since they sucked anyway. Haven't talked to anyone yet, still considering the pros and cons.

No. 2130757

Based. Men love to be treated like dogs.

No. 2130778

Reminds me of alot of posts on mom reddits where any time there's a special occasion, everything has gone just dreamingly, hell you maybe spoiled the guy if it's his occasion.. there's the out of nowhere and usually petty as hell need to find any way or reason to bring the mood right down. I wanna know the chimp psychology behind it.

No. 2130780

i hope im dead by the end of the year i cant take this anymore

No. 2130788

Ghosting my 'friend', all she ever does is complain about how much of a victim she is or try to make me feel bad about myself so she won't feel so insecure. I've had enough, I'm so sick of acting like I don't deserve to be treated with respect. Better be alone than with people who make you feel alone.
He sounds like an asshole, you deserve better nonnie.

No. 2130789

You're retarded because "it gives off" is a common phrase used long before "its giving". I've never used lsa btw but your schizophrenic snark is exactly the kind of braindead verbal cowshit I'm talking about

No. 2130792

There's no point nonna. Most of the uncalled for snark comes from summerfags who don't go outside enough to hear offline lingo.

No. 2130805

Learn to read. Anon works part time. Stop seething and siding with a grown ass scrote stranger because you're butthurt that nobody pays for your NEET ass. Besides, it's a man's responsibility to pay for and support the children he created. Supporting children they create is literally the only evolutionary purpose of moids.
Some of it differs by country, when a person is diagnosed with a disability, and whether they're able to work full time to support themselves. In burgerland, you can receive Social Security Disability Insurance as a "Disabled Adult Child", regardless of personal income (so it's different from Supplemental Security Income which does means-test and calculates your belongings as well as income sources), if you were diagnosed with a non-curable disability before the age of 23 and one of your parents is already receiving social security benefits, then you're in the system under your parents' name, SSN, and work history benefits. Means testing for disability is kind of shit in the first place because disabled people (primarily women) are at a much bigger risk of abuse both inside and outside of the home, so yanking a person's benefits just because they have secure housing with someone else is a quick way to make them financially dependent and more vulnerable to abuse.

No. 2130814

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Idc I'm still calling it out. Can't say anything without some actual literal retard trying to condescend you when they have no idea what they're talking about

No. 2130830

I'm so done with having anons coming into all types of threads and do nothing but try to cause infights by being snarky or obtuse over shit that isn't even relevant. We already have a problem with that shit since twitter and tiktok realized we exist we don't need bored teens on top of it all.

No. 2130853

>you averaged 8 hours a day of screen time last week
Just kill me. That's 56 hours I could've spent reading, cooking, or doing art, or studying another language. Two entire fucking days on my phone.

No. 2130887

at this point i'm not sure if they're being deliberately obtuse or if their reading comprehension is so appallingly poor that they're incapable of understanding even simple posts and think making disproportionately hostile comments will keep everyone else from noticing that they're a retard

No. 2130888

I was supposed to practice some coding today, but I can't bring myself to get my ass up from the couch. I have literally done nothing today except browsed lolcow, and idk even how I managed to do it for several hours today when it's been so damn slow.
Wish me luck on getting my ass into gear tomorrow, because it's ten days left until uni starts and I barely remember anything I've learned this past year since we got summer vacay at the start of june, and I've been too busy with summer courses to really sit down and practice.

No. 2130910

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My SO and I have agreed that I cook and do the laundry while he does the cleaning and the dishes. Which sounds fine to me in theory but what actually happens is that he constantly tells me that he will do the dishes/cleaning the next day, then the next day, etc until the dishes have piled up and there are literal flies circling around the sink and the trash is also piling up at which point I decide to do everything myself and I feel like a tyrant/martyr. He has a busier social life than I do which means he obviously has less time to do these things because he's out with friends while I'm sitting at home which means I could easily do everything by myself but… I just don't know how to solve this, I feel like either I have to do everything or else the house looks like an absolute shitpile

No. 2130911

Could be a bit of both. I'm also so tired of anons that go into threads that clearly aren't for them and start shitting on it. Okay, then that thread topic or containment thread you entered isn't for you. I can't tell if they think they're le epic trolls or if it's a part of main character syndrome epidemic that's been worryingly tangible these past few years.

No. 2130915

>he obviously has less time to do these things because he's out with friends
Nope nope nope nope nope. He has time to do these things, he is just choosing not to because he would rather prioritize his friends over you. Most of us learn while we're still children that we don't get to play with our friends until our chores are done.

No. 2130929

nearly all the millennials I know who work in the us school systems all hate to read, binge drink, claim they do not have time to do many things that would help their personal growth and health but somehow have time to go out to the bar or go on fancy vacations out of the country for several weeks. They also cannot seem to put their phones down in social settings, and they take any opportunity to brag about how difficult their jobs are and how it takes special people to be able to handle kids in modern day classrooms.

No. 2130934

Stop cooking and doing the laundry for him and only do it for yourself. He didn't hold up his part of the bargain so you don't have to keep yours. There's no excuse, he can finish his chores and then hang out with friends. I would reconsider the relationship or at least think about living on your own if possible unless you want to be stuck cleaning up after his mess.

No. 2130935

Maybe you should move to a better area, I’ve heard horror stories about states like Georgia and Florida hiring anyone. The state I live in is one of the top three for education and I’ve only seen that behavior from subs/paras fresh out of college.

No. 2130947

Wym he has less time to do chores because he has a busier social life? Responsibilities like chores always come before going out. Work before play.

He either genuinely doesn't care about living in filth or he knows you'll just do his chores for him if he puts them off long enough. Either way his behaviour is a problem and you should address it.

No. 2130953

born and raised in georgia and i can confirm the education here is horrible, besides the fancy big universities
it sucks because taking college classes has been way more difficult than it should be because in middle/high school the teachers were completely incompetent and basically let everybody pass for free with zero effort, so i didnt learn any good studying/productivity skills

No. 2131010

funny the state I live in is ranked within the top ten for education in the country

No. 2131011

My mom is a very hedonistic addict and she’s using meth but also smokes weed and I think she’s uses the weed as a cover up she will straight up say “I’m sooo high I don’t know” while taking care of my younger siblings if they ask her for anything. She takes off to the casino and is gone til the morning and my little brother is very sick and she left him here yesterday and it’s been one day

No. 2131018

This old crazy fat bitch with 7 kids running around all night. Like she’s a college girl (I don’t think they even party as hard as her) but really she’s a 50 year old with small children she has to take care of. She disgusts me. I hope I resent that I’m half her

No. 2131059

If they are here again tonight, I can't be responsible for my actions. I'm pretty sure I'm legally insane at this point.

No. 2131113

Please report or intervene somehow if there’s is truly neglect!

No. 2131175

i was referring to "the call is coming from inside the house" obviously lol. look how fast you tried to cover your boomer ass

No. 2131179

>offline lingo
"the call is coming from inside the house" is literally black twitter lingo. that anon is trying to sound like a black woman on purpose and she's just mad her pasty ass got called out on it

No. 2131183

>Learn to read. Anon works part time.
that's even worse. people who make $800 a month for a nonexistent "disability" (autism) shouldn't be allowed to work. and if they work, they shouldn't be allowed to make 800 dollars a month on top of the money they make. i don't disagree with their dad, they're literally making two incomes wtf.
>Stop being butthurt nobody pays for your NEET ass
no, and fuck you for trying to act like someone getting 800 dollars a month for a nonexistent "disability" ISN'T getting a leg up in life that they don't deserve because autism doesn't exist. i hope their dad steals all their government money because they don't deserve it. that person works AND gets fucking money from the government, that should literally be illegal because it's unfair to other people

No. 2131191

yes, it is very scamming the system, i don't care what rationale there is for it and i don't feel bad for that anon whatsoever, their dad is right. the whole "umm it's so they don't end up dependent!!" thing is BULLSHIT and makes no sense. first of all, that person is living with her parents. most people who live with their parents don't get 800 dollars a fucking month to "make sure they can have a way out if their wanted to uwu." plus, and i can't emphasize this enough, autism is not a disability, it doesn't even exist. and this person IS ABLE TO WORK PART TIME. how are they "disabled" in any meaningful way?? people with social anxiety who "can't work" deserve income more than this leech who gets 800 dollars even though they've proven their ability to hold down a part time job. i swear "autism" is such a fucking scam to get money. all NEETs should get paid before employed "autistics" because we literally don't have any income at all while they're basically making 2. based dad for noticing that and calling it out

No. 2131199

I don’t want to sound overdramatic but I think it’s dehumanizing how most bus stops where I live have zero trees around for shade. I’m standing here rn with an extremely old man and the sun is beating down on both of us

No. 2131215

Yes anon, it's horrendous. I live in a place where it is 100+ all summer long and maybe a third of all bus stops have shade. The buses aren't that frequent either, on Sunday for example some routes only pass once an hour and are often late on top of that. My bus stop used to have a cement bench and trash can and they took them away at the beginning of the year, my only guess is because homeless people were sleeping on the bench.

No. 2131217

Samefagging to say always carry a parasol with you, you'll still be a hot and sweaty mess but it does help a lot.

No. 2131222

My friend is really hung up on this guy who she went on a couple of dates with, but who didn't want to pursue anything serious. She's overanalysing everything he's saying and it's a bit pathetic because it's as if she's deluding herself into believing that he secretly likes her like that, but that he's too emotionally constipated to admit it. She keeps saying that she's good at reading him, and I'm thinking no, you aren't. She's a great person and I wish she could move on. If he actually liked her like she wants him to, he would've showed it.

No. 2131225

>Boyfriend post Free Fridge PICK UP ONLY + YOU WILL NEED 2 PEOPLE/HELP
>Nothing wrong with it, just that it's missing the metal plate for the freezer to separate bottom top goods.
>Gets 5000 messages
>It's first come first serve
>Post Postal Code so they know the estimate
>My boyfriend cannot help due to back injury and I cannot help since I have a big shoulder surgery in a few days
>Constant questions where it is
>Refer to post
>Can I come in a week?
>Can you help me move it?
>No sorry
>Finally found one (or so we thought)
>She asks for measurements, we provide
>She says okay good, we're coming in a fucking Honday Odyssey
>Sure not my problem, just make sure it fits
>We're waiting
>She suddenly messenger calls bf
>Asking questions that should have been asked before
>How old is it?
>uh idk? it's pretty modern
>Do you think over 10 years old?
>Mind you she's already halfway through to us so why is she asking these questions now
>Boyfriend says ya sure it's 10 years or so
>then ask about rust/wheels in our language
>Couldn't understand cause thick ass accent
>Again why are you asking these questions now
Funnily enough, earlier today we sold washer/dryer to someone and they were so prepared, proper truck, had help, and even the moving straps.

No. 2131227

True, I actually bought one but I’m afraid to use it because it’s so damn big. Does a regular black rain umbrella work?
I might take the material from the parasol and stitch it to the umbrella.

No. 2131229

It's asshole design because "fuck the poors who rely on public transportation". I did an summer internship where I had to walk over a mile in the sun just to get to a bus stop, not even counting then having to walk over a mile to my actual office when inside the building (Because it was hilariously large, yet still had no actual good way of getting from one end to the other other than parking in front a designated parking lot). I hate car-centricness so much.

No. 2131234

Why can’t my parents understand that I feel no need to go out. I know I’m a shut in but I don’t mind it. It’s Sunday and 93 degrees outside, where the hell am I going to go? Not like I have money to spend anyway.

No. 2131236

lol I relate to this so much. Even if I was a social person I still wouldn’t want to go out in this hot ass weather.

No. 2131239

I remember when I was 7, I'd go through the movies on my dad's computer when he left for work and secretly watch them. This was 2010-2013. I'd always look for the goriest movies. Today I randomly remembered a scene from these movies I saw years ago, Piranha 3d and Piranha 3dd, and so I rewatched them again to see what the fuck it was that I watched all those years ago, (not all the way, just sort of skipped through). And I hate them so fucking much. Why the fuck do the piranhas only bite the men in the legs and then when they attack the women, they bite their chests and butt. Weird as fuck. I want a gore movie where only moids get cut up and brutalised in the worst, most nightmarish ways ever.
Only good scene in these shit movies was when there was a severed cock floating around in the water and some piranha ate it then vomited it out, kek.

No. 2131243

Day 3 of having no running water, I'm walking to the store just so I can use the toilet again. Fuck neglectful landlords, they would never let themselves go this long without an essential utility. The last landlord I had even left us without electricity for a week in the Summer heat because our breaker went out when he was out of town.

No. 2131246

>Work just little enough hours to be able to say you're technically part-time so you can still get all your disability benefits for an unprovable, invisible meme disability
Smart. And I thought legal scamming methods didn't really exist anymore in 2024

No. 2131251

post this on r/legaladvice

No. 2131275

I work part-time, study full-time and volunteer on the weekends. I received food stamps so I can make rent. All of the conversation about receiving benefits etc reminded me of the conversation about this. Some people around me think I should work more and not receive EBT because I am young. I simply don’t work more because of my study (bio major) and volunteering responsibilities on the weekends. However, I don’t have anybody to properly compare to. Am I a scammer?

No. 2131280

It’s not fair that you’re expected to find happiness and live life during your teenhood, and then spend the rest of your adulthood dedicating most of your precious finite life doing something a lot of us don’t want to, until we’re old and retire, or unexpectedly dying sometime during that. I’m expected to have made my memories, to just regard the teenage years with nostalgia and longing, “oh, remember back in the days when we had fun, i miss those days”, it’s what they all say.

No. 2131290

Why the fuck would being a woman make you tired lol. Though I do feel more energy when I’m fitter, and there are less women who are fit, so maybe it’s that.

No. 2131297

Do men lose up to 5 tablespoons of blood a month?

No. 2131298


Thread has reached 1100 posts. The thread will be locked and you will be unable to post in it shortly after it exceeds 1200 posts. Please begin preparing a new thread and post a link to it when it's created.

No. 2131301

Anemia is more common in women because our bodies dump iron every month on our period, I guess anon is referring to that?

No. 2131305

? Anon was talking about women taking testosterone though, it doesn’t stop you from having periods. The implication is that it’s innate, not down to iron levels… obviously getting enough nutrients is the first solution…

No. 2131307

>Anon was talking about women taking testosterone though
I read the post another 2 times and wtf are you talking about, no she didn’t kek
>it doesn’t stop you from having periods
Yes it does, high T women have irregular to no periods a lot of the time. That’s literally what PCOS is.

No. 2131320

>I was listening to the new RedFem episode about the Olympics and what Jen said about women who'd been on testosterone really struck me. "Imagine getting out of bed and having energy and a sense of vitality every single day". Is this just what being a woman is like?
You read it twice? You’re not very good at reading kek. But again, the implication was that testosterone just grants you energy. Maybe it does, but female sex hormones also play physiological roles like that - what I’m saying is feeling tired is not an inherently female thing and anon should look for the source of the problem, basically. I do think fitness is a big part.

No. 2131329

Sorry you lack reading comprehension. Her being tired has nothing to do with having high testosterone, she said that having high T like those Olympians would make her feel more energized. What’s not clicking?
>I do think fitness is a big part.
Fitness won’t stop you from leaking 5-6 tablespoons of blood a month.

No. 2131333

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I use regular collapsible rain umbrellas and they're fine. I don't recommend a pure black one though, black absorbs heat. Some umbrellas have UV protecting coating on them.
That's awful anon, I'm glad you don't have to deal with that anymore. It's not all the walking that bothers me either, it's all the empty space. Having to navigate this kind of crap is so bleak, and half of the crosswalks in my city don't even work. If your parents couldn't afford to gift you a car like mine, you're just kind of SOL until you can afford your own, and many jobs will turn you down if you don't have a car.

No. 2131339

just learned from a mutual friend that she went to the hospital because she self harmed so much she bled a lot. And the worst part is that i don't feel that bad. I think learning to prioritize myself mean holding onto my happiness, i didn't want to see her the day she cut herself and i don't want to feel bad about it. I maybe feel like assuming she was lying she like all the other times and making fun of her with a friend is kind of wrong but still, i've already been friends with deeply suicidal people and it drains yu so much. I'm so happy with my life right now, i'll join the college of my dream next month, i'll have an international intership, i'm eating better, going out, i don't want to lose that to someone i don't even like that much. It feels weird being so selfish but it feels right

No. 2131340

>Fitness won’t stop you from leaking 5-6 tablespoons of blood a month.
You do realise that this part is fixed if you get enough iron… I already said that nutrients are the first place to look. I don’t see your point.
>Sorry you lack reading comprehension. Her being tired has nothing to do with having high testosterone, she said that having high T like those Olympians would make her feel more energized. What’s not clicking?
You’re either baiting here or retarded so I’m even not going to respond to this part.

No. 2131350

>women aren’t naturally more tired than men, just consume more iron!
based retard missing the entire point

No. 2131352

>match with a guy on a dating app
>he messages "so beautiful!! Your eyes omg!"
>checks my images
>you can barely see my eyes properly in them
Bitch as if I can't tell you sent the same message to all your matches. I'm just mainly swiping out of boredom anyway (I don't expect to find the love of my life on one) but it still annoys me when moids don't even try. Stay single and unwanted forever, shit dick.

No. 2131356

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Most of the bus stop where i live have little roof over them, it's really usefull when it rains, snows or when you need shade. Is there a way to join/ create an organization idk if that's the right word to presure your city to make better bus stop ?

No. 2131359

? Yes, if you’re tired from period blood loss, you need more iron. If I am missing your point, what is your point? Is there some other reason why you think women are naturally tired?

No. 2131376

i’m straight and tired of men and have seriously considered if i can be a lesbian. this is not sarcasm. like i was never really attracted to a girl but if one wanted to date me i wouldn't reject her. i was raised in a muslim household even though i recently realised how dumb the religion is, my abusive dad expects me to have kids even though i never will since i'm sex repulsed. its over.

No. 2131393

Why do I have to battle a cold or possibly the flu in 35C weather. So annoying

No. 2131409

let me convert you nona I’m joking. It sucks but I genuinely think the hardest advice to give is to straight women who are fed up with moids because genuinely what can you do? The majority of scrotes are genuinely dogshit, even if only secretly.

No. 2131423

>let me convert you nona
nta but conversion therapy camps should be legal but only for converting hetero to homo.

No. 2131426

This is my schizo theory but given enough time and complete control over a person's day and the content they consume I could easily turn anyone bisexual through pornography consumption. Basically only allowing you to cum when given the "right" stimuli. I don't think you can stop the person from having their natural monosexual attraction but you could turn them bi with some work

No. 2131436

I was raised with the boot of religion right on my neck and all I can say is more power to you nonna. There's no modern religion that supports women.

No. 2131447

Yet another day wasted on my phone 12 hours of screen time. I guess I was avoiding drawing but I didn't even eat for dinner. I don't know if I should tackle an incoming depression or just turn off any devices for once. I really hate feeling like I'm no different than drunkers and smokers.

No. 2131457

I don't think you can "turn" someone bisexual, I think it's like a latent switch that's in everyone's brain that can be turned on through environmental stimulus.

No. 2131465

I consider myself completely straight but I got really attached to my ex-best friend at one point and it was the same type of love that I felt towards guys I dated. Was that lowkey les? idk. We don’t talk anymore because I became too freakishly attached.

No. 2131467

Surprisingly based but no one seems to agree, probably because it’s “problematic”, but I don’t see why it should be. Sexuality being psychological and not a physical in-born thing doesn’t make it any less “you”, in fact it makes it more you since your ego is a psychological structure. But it’s the same reason why someone can seemingly go all their life liking one gender and suddenly that attraction is turned off, and vice versa. Most bi women in my experience seem to consider themselves straight for a long time, never ever feeling attracted to women until one experience which opens the floodgates, and that’s when they suddenly notice attraction to other regular women they come across. It’s not much unlike a drastic change in personality. It happens and can be induced, but you don’t have control over it, so it’s still technically true that you can’t choose your sexuality (just like you can’t just your character traits). I spoke about this in the questioning sexuality thread once like a year who because I’ve experienced this happening first hand in friendships.

No. 2131476

my carpal tunnel has recently been really bad from excess screen time and drawing is hard for me, draw while you can choose to

No. 2131489

This faggot keeps making horny replies on my art I draw of my husbando. Men ruin everything.

No. 2131498

Disgusting. Block him, or mute him if you need the engagement.

No. 2131501

In past couple of days I was contacted by 2 people from my past, and it's kinda worrying? I feel so embarrassed, because they were so interested in talking to me and catching up, but like even though I've been doing some things with my life it's still not enough… And I overshared too much about bad shit in my life, why can't I just stfu sometimes? But it was still nice that they decided to talk to me again and to learn what they've been up to. Like a female childhood friend opened up to me about being bisexual, since I'm open about being a lesbian and I'm only person she told in her life, which is so sweet. But i'm still so embarrassed about sperging and just being awkward fuckk

No. 2131506

samefag, those two people are for sure not familiar with each other so it's extremely random, basically both decided to contact me in span of two days

No. 2131512

Oh no, I have one now. Somehow survived all of high school, college, and every job I've ever had so far, including that internship, without needing a car or relying on rides. Alot of it was very awkward and painful (Taking 2 hours to and back just to get to class at one point, including a rideshare and two transfers. The rideshare because there wasn't even an actual bus stop in my suburban ass neighborhood so I had to use it to actually get to it.). You do realize really just what a dispropriate number of homeless and mentally ill use the public transportation. Creepy and uncomfortable encounters were normal. At least I met several interesting people along the way, including a cool Argentinian guy that guessed where I'm from my name!
>If your parents couldn't afford to gift you a car like mine, you're just kind of SOL until you can afford your own
They could but they still got me one where I had to pay off half of it myself. They only payed half the car and left me with the rest. When I asked for help with getting my first car, I figured it'd be something I can…pay entirely in cash. Not that would put me in even more debt on top of the one I already have. gfdi I needed only a car, not that shit. Oh well, at least its not alot and something I could realistically have payed off by next year with my current pay.
>many jobs will turn you down if you don't have a car.
Yes, it's true. I'm sure at least part of why I was rejected from one job, even if the work had nothing to do with having a vehicle, was because they noticed I didn't drive myself there. I don't have much other explanation because my interview should have gone great and they looked like they were otherwise completely ready to hire me. I also know for a fact that managers look down on you if they find out you rely on public transportation and start assuming you will be habitually late. That's what happened at my internship. I had been on time every single day yet my manager stilled asked me whether I think "this will be a problem" if I were to come on full-time. lmao

No. 2131524

Should I try meds for depression? It scared me reading about the adjustment period being even worse or how they didn't work anyway.

No. 2131527

File: 1723414514507.gif (1.71 MB, 275x155, doggone it!.gif)

I found out that even blue light ages your skin. ARE YOU FUCKIN KIDDING ME. Not safe outside, not safe at home.

No. 2131538

Thanks, I wish I never knew this.

No. 2131539

It doesn't.

No. 2131544

don't. easily the worst mistake of my life and set me back several years. find some other ways to cope

No. 2131545

It does, but only a fraction compared to the sun. As in, 1 hour of being in the sun is comparable to insane amounts of time being in front of a high-brightness screen.

No. 2131549

idk, I had only bad experience with them. All of them made me unable to cum while i was taking them and basically nothing else major, kek

No. 2131550

Nta but how so? I’ve struggled with depression all my life and I wonder if I’d be in a better place if I started taking them early. I’m still considering them now. But people seem to believe it makes things worse?

No. 2131553

The anorgasmia was frustrating enough that I would quit every attempt I had at using antidepressants. Exercising and just forcing myself to get over it is what I do now to keep it at bay.

No. 2131554

Worst that happens is you react poorly to them and deal with the side-effects for a few months, best that happens is you're cured. The benefit surely outweighs the chance for consequence?

No. 2131556

Exercising actually helps?

No. 2131561

The adjustment period sucks, but if it ends up working for you it changes a lot and really worth it. Remember it's not a magic remedy, it's simply there to help you stabilize.
The thing is though that there is a risk that you might have to try a few until you find one that both works and doesn't have any side effects/have milder side effects that you don't mind living with. Imo people make it all sound so much worse than it actually is, it's more about patience and communicating with your doctor.

No. 2131562

It sounds like you actually have a mental illness, if you've had depression for your entire life. So, you'd benefit from trying anti-depressants since there's actually an illness to treat. A lot of people that go on anti-depressants aren't actually mentally ill and they don't have MDD, it's usually just they have shit lives and they're reacting normally to that. It's like, okay if someone loses their job, and then their dog dies, then their relationship ends, of course they're gonna be sad for a while - but, doctors will hear they've been sad for a while and will just chalk it all up to "depression," give them pills meant for actual sick people, then be surprised when the pills cause negative side effects. Sometimes, people just have shit lives and their "depression" is just the normal human reaction to what's going on around them, so instead of pills they need help in fixing their lives and making themselves happier.

No. 2131574

Ended up not talking to anyone today, one of the things I kept my mind occupied with was reading up on the Mr.Beast drama and smile at some of the silly anons in lc threads. Now that it's night and dark I've been lying in bed staring at the wall, and after dealing with a pile of intrusive thoughts I couldn't shake off I was in a place where I couldn't see any other way out than trying to kill myself again and make sure I do it properly this time with better tools. But suddenly I got extremely sick and had to go throw up, which kinda sobered me up. It's not the first time I've noticed this happening when I start spiraling "too fast", so I guess I've somehow managed to condition myself into having this weird allergic reaction to losing my grip completely during the years I've been somewhat stable kek but this ended with me on the floor with my back against the bathroom door, knocking my head against it (not in an autistic rage way, more like a few light what-should-I-do knocks).
I don't want to talk to my family about this, my mentally ill mom will just rage and my older siblings will confusingly flail around trying to figure out what to do which will leave me feeling like an even worse younger sister than I already do. I don't want to put myself in the emergency psych ward again, my previous visit there left me even worse and I don't want to give up what little control I still have nor leave my cat. Getting in touch with a psychiatrist will be hard since there is no guarantee there are any available times right now, and I've always struggled with them taking me seriously because I'm so objective in how I explain my mental state so they mistake it for me being able to take care of myself. The only immediate thing I can think of is calling my best friend tomorrow, she is the only one I feel really understands me since we've known each other half our lives but she is neck deep in preparing to move in with her girlfriend 4 hours away so I don't wanna bring this shit on her too. Guess I'm gonna knock my head against the door for a bit longer while looking over my options.

No. 2131578

Ntayrt but didn't that phrase come from a tv show or movie or something like that? Idk I remember hearing that way before twitter was even invented.

No. 2131593

Nta but I'm black and no it's not kek

No. 2131594

Having a toxic mother that constantly makes me feel like shit but not wanting anything bad to happen to her is the most exhausting feeling ever. No one talks about toxic mothers enough, especially not bipolar ones.

No. 2131595

I just looked it up and it’s not. It’s from a shitty Christmas horror movie from the 70s. I don’t care what lingo anons use but can’t you people use google for 5 seconds?

No. 2131596

I wish I could stop feeling so angry. It seems like I go from 0 to 10 but the truth is I’m just constantly sitting at a 9 and all it takes is a little push. I’m just so deeply tired of life and tired of people, the longer I live the more sick of it all I get.

No. 2131643

i wanna start going to NA but it's frankly impossible to do so without getting recognized since i still live in my small hometown and know everyone, especially other users and plugs etc. and i can't get professional help without fucking up my whole life basically. i'm scared because i have so many obligations right now that i've poured so much time and pretty much all of my money into, things i've undertaken to fix my life, that would all be ruined by a single drug test. at the same time, addiction is fucking it all up for me anyway. i don't know what to do.

No. 2131644

yeah sure and i'm your uncle. it's so cringe when white tiktok moms try to pull off black lingo casually lmao

No. 2131651

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Isn't that a devils sacrament type of situation? Anyone who would see you at NA would be there themselves, no?

No. 2131656

yeah but a lot or at least some of the people in those groups are burnouts already involved with the police and social services etc. i have everything to lose if showing up would incriminate me in some way.

No. 2131684

I'm glad my friends assault and marital rape charges are going forward. But knowing that asshole, i need to have a meeting with her lawyer and tell her how we truly met. She helped me clean and in the garden. But i also sold her moid weed. That will be a fun talk. Shit, i didn't even consider all that. Worth it though. Moid better end up in jail. Also kek he's balding it's hilarious, also lied in letters the first trial and ended up crying

No. 2131689

No. 2131717

nta but yes. like a lot

No. 2131753

can you find an online group?

No. 2131764

that doesn't mean that it's not black twitter lingo you annoying cunt. you're like people who say "ackshually pussy means pusillanimous"

No. 2131768

the bathroom is right next to my room and when my mom takes a shower she always listens to the most obnoxious podcast with two gay scrotes screeching and imitating the real housewives in the most annoying flamboyant loud nasally voices. it is the most annoying sound in the world. shut up shut up shut up shut upppppp

No. 2131773

>"ackshually pussy means pusillanimous"
Nta but holy shit this brings me back to an ancient long-ass infight I spawned when I said leggings were ugly and ruined outfits and some anon got so angry at me they called me a pussy or something and then said this exolanation word for word when I was called them misogynist for using pussy as an insult or some shit KEK.

No. 2131781

people outside of black twitter use it. hell i've seen redditors use it for ages, does that mean it's reddit lingo? no

No. 2131788

just because white reddit/tiktok moms try to fit in with the drag race faggots they watch by saying other things gay men stole from black women like "it's giving purr" is the same shit

No. 2131791

idk about the OP who used it but i heard that phrase before twitter even existed. since it's from the 70s and was referenced in tons of other media, sites, etc chances are anons got it from somewhere else. personally this is the first time i learned about it supposedly being a twitter thing

No. 2131792

it's been used for longer than tiktok has even existed… the other shit i don't know anything about. but the call is coming from inside the house is not any lingo lol

No. 2131799

My throat has felt super dry all day and I'm worried it could wind up being covid. I really hope it's not because I visited my grandma today for her bday, there was a sign in the care home she's in that said a covid breakout is in the area. She'll be leaving next week so I hope she doesn't catch it again before that

No. 2131800

samefag but it's like if someone said "have a gay old time" is twitter speak just because one twitter user said it or something. it never belonged to any group
drag faggots didn't popularize it either. i feel like I'm in another timeline kek

No. 2131801

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im getting over being sick and my sinuses are so fucked up in a way that is hard to explain. my FACE feels uncomfortable!! pulling on my nose or applying pressure to my cheeks provides 1% of relief but its not enough! i feel like im going crazy b/c my face just feels wrong

No. 2131808

… I'm not the OP. Are you alright anon?
But black women don't say that, or at least didn't before recently. In fact I've never even heard anyone black say it before it became a thing on social media.

No. 2131813

i feel like anon is just confused because it's become a more common phrase lately? but it's really not tied to any specific race or group at all, other than maybe american english speaker in general. it's not a recent saying or slang like "it's giving" or whatever.

No. 2131814

because you are white, have no black friends and your idea of "what black women say" comes from 50 year old fonts on lipstickalley

No. 2131832

all my friends (3 people) are friends with a troon who hates me because I'm annoying and constantly shittalks me despite me literally never talking to him, and I was only in his vicinity once. It's so annoying because I can't do anything about it because I'll be a friendless loser.

No. 2131839

Sometimes it's better to be a friendless loser than to be friends with people that sit idly while someone else berates you. It's not bad to be friendless; it's much better than being friends with people that gossip and talk shit behind your back. It sounds like your friends aren't deserving of that title.

No. 2131850

No idea how to say this without sounding retarded, but since it's small comments about me being annoying and not in-depth discussions on why I suck, I don't feel justified losing their friendship. I like them a lot, and since this tranny came around nothing really has changed apart from me being nervous when he's around. My friends say if he goes too far they'll stop talking to him and reassure me they like me better, so really all I can do is seethe about it.

No. 2131862

Keep projecting schizo, kek.

No. 2131878

Kind of pissed about how my blood work panel was normal even though I'm constantly tired, underweight, cold, nauseous, and eating enough is hard because eating makes my stomach hurt. I wish I knew what my problem was.

No. 2131883

>buy food with the intention of eating some and saving the rest since I know it'll fill me up quickly
>Eat, only get a few bites in before I'm full
>continue eating anyway because I have no self control when I'm full
>super sluggish because I'm completely stuffed
>hate myself and want to hit myself
>Feel guilty and fat for eating so much
If I wasn't so disgusted by vomit I would make myself throw it back up. I hate how sometimes it feels like food controls my life

No. 2131918

>My friends say if he goes too far they'll stop talking to him and reassure me they like me better
So you're gonna let your friends dictate your own feelings to you? Fuck them, they sound like manipulative cunts. Plus the fact that they're friends with a troon speaks volumes.

No. 2132014

>your boomer ass
? "The call is coming from inside the house" was also not invented by twitter. You're schizo as fuck and annoying to boot. I know you think you're being some like regina george gatekeeper or whatever but you're a whiny faggot.(infighting)

No. 2132100

ooh you said faggot, that's the lolcow word! that's raw as FUCK, you sure do belong here!(infighting)

No. 2132132

It's so disheartening to try to point out clear sexist or pedophilic tendencies in anime/cosplay/gaming communities of mostly women and half of the group still disagrees and think there is nothing sexist or inappropriate about a 15 year old anime girl being drawn with massive balloon tits and being presented to kids under 10, and the other half stays silent. They say they're strictly against showing porn to minors, but if you show an obvious loli drawing in a bikini seductively sucking popsicle they're like "there is literally nothing sexual about this whatsoever" and it's SO frustrating. They will give everything the furthest benefit of the doubt and twist it to be as non-sexual as possible no matter what even though it's clearly meant to literally be porn.

No. 2132135

I agree with you. What's worse is that it's not just disagreement, it's like willful ignorance. They will deny and deny anything is wrong, even when it's so obvious. It's why I stopped watching anime after 2014 and fell off from the community, because it seems like everything made post ~2013 is just really gross and sexual and based on fan-service aimed at pleasing the most degenerate of fans. I'll always love 90s and early 00s anime and it was so fun being a part of that community, but the gross elements started outweighing the fun and ruined the whole thing for me.

No. 2132164

nayrt but re: past 2013 i feel like you just have rose tinted glasses on, there's a ton of weird sexualization and fan service in older anime too. it's always been there, even insanely popular and beloved older 80s-90s anime like urusei yatsura had an entire episode about the teacher being attracted to lum and tons of sexualization of the main girls. if you want anime without any sexualization or weird fanservice shit seinen featuring pretty much only adults with male main characters usually is usually decent, megalo box had none of it and mr tonegawa (it's a spinoff, main series is kaiji) was fine too other than one joke about hentai. both are from 2018

No. 2132173

>it's like willful ignorance
This so much. They like the porn aspects themselves, so they pretend to be "intellectualsh hurrdurr" and like they can see beyond your narrow little pearl-cluching mind simply so they can excuse their own behaviours too. Because they know they're telling 14 year old girls "step on me mommy" as a joke and that it would look bad if they admitted it was sexual in nature.

I used to only get males telling me stuff like that, in their cases it would be "actually a bikini is totally the perfect fighting outfit for a woman and it's totally not at all about it looking sexy" like get for fucking real.

No. 2132181

Any nonas that can explain this bloody behavior?
I have a friend that I sometimes consider close. She is a very successful and inspiring woman, she lifts everyone around her up and she is just a master at making you feel good about yourself and feel included. There are periods where we are super close, and then she can suddenly turn and doesn't reply at all when I try to get in touch and act cold, prioritizing other friends that she starts obsessing over instead (she is a very outgoing extrovert, so I'm just happy to see her going out having fun because I know important that is for her). After months to a couple of years she gets in touch with me again and is all "yeah it's too bad we drifted apart" as if it wasn't one-sided, and suddenly we are super close again until she seemingly gets bored. Because of this odd back-and-forth I don't open up to her quite as much as she opens up to me, I've spent hours into the night when she's struggling to support her and give her advice so she says she considers me someone very close to her but yet she still ditches me after a few months to a year.
And no, she is definitely not BPD. I just want to understand the reasoning, perhaps from nonnas that might have similar patterns themselves so I can understand the mindset.

No. 2132185

You mean blue light coming from electronics? Can you link the source of the study?

No. 2132189

I'm due on in 2 days and crippled by anxiety. I just want kind words and tenderness

No. 2132197

Congratulations, and good luck nona! I'm sure you'll do great as a new mom, your baby will grow up healthy and happy!

No. 2132201

Thank you for your kind words anon, however I think you misread my post. I am due on my period, not due a baby. However your miscommunication gave me a giggle that I needed

No. 2132203

Oh! Well congrats on your period clot baby then kek I hope your period won’t be too heavy this month and that you’ll feel better and less anxious soon!

No. 2132212

I really need to study and prepare for uni next week, but I can’t bring myself to. Every time I start I lose focus within five minutes, and because I’m so damn depressed right now that it’s hard to get around to even starting… If I can’t get around to it these coming days I guess I’ll just hope the first lesson of the new term will kickstart my memory and motivation.

No. 2132222

Wait until I tell you that time ages you too

No. 2132226

Embrace the crone! She'll come for you anyway.

No. 2132228

Sure but that doesn’t suddenly mean gay and lesbian people don’t exist. Unless you think lesbians forced into marrying men need to get over their homosexuality and deal with it or something.

No. 2132232

I'm not like that, but I struggle with "time" because I have a great memory for fun things I did with friends. So to me a conversation I had 7 months ago is still fresh in my mind like we just hung out yesterday, so my hanging-out-need is still met. Difference there is to me when I see them we never "drifted apart", because in my mind we talked only yesterday!
I think your friend sees you as a "backup" and takes you for granted, you're a toy on a shelf available when she wants it. She probably does care about you, but not enough to consistently want you in her life all the time. That can be an ok relationship, if you're both ok with it. But it's not fair that it's all on her terms only.

No. 2132293

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Holy shit nonna I relate to your post so much… sigh. As
>>2118303 said, I also believe the world can change and it will change. Hopefully

No. 2132313

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>Lost 15kgs in total
>Still looks fat

No. 2132324

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had to put my dog down today nonas, about 2 hours ago he passed away. he was my family pet, went to work with my dad since being a puppy due to separation anxiety. he was such a lovely boy. i stayed with him when they administered the sedative and the euthanasia which was incredibly difficult for me to do. im at such a loss right now, such shock, i can't even start to think of what to do without him. i've dreaded this moment since he was a puppy but he was 13 years old nearly and his legs were starting to go. i love this dog so much and letting him go has been the hardest thing ive ever done. my entire family is distraught, my parents were with me during his send-off. i can only wish to see him again eventually. he was my perfect sweet angel and i wish he could've lived forever. april 27th 2012 - august 12th 2024

No. 2132335

I’m so sorry for your loss, he sounds like he was a wonderful companion to you. Take your time healing, these things hurt so badly but think of all the amazing memories you have with him and I’m sure you have him all he could have wanted in life and more. He passed knowing he was loved and with people who cared deeply for him. Take care, sending my deepest condolences.

No. 2132344

My sister has been living overseas for the last couple of years, and we didn't talk much during this period, mostly because of me, I just don't respond for ages. We didn't have an open conflict or anything but there were really annoying moments, she's so fucking whiny and she was the first to ignore my questions and wishing me happy birthday a week and then a month later out of passive aggression. I don't respond partially due to passive aggression, too. I'm just sick of her egocentricity and tendency to play the victim and dramatize when she has to do even just something little for someone else. At the same time, she expects other people to do whatever she asks for. But she doesn't even ask though. Last time we talked, she simply said she needed something and it was implied I have to do it. I felt a bit guilty for staying quiet prior to that so I didn't react and I kind of agreed to do it but she wanted to add something to this plan later and I stopped responding once again so I didn't do anything anyway lol. I used to feel bad for that because I was raised to be a people-pleasing pushover but I really dislike my sister as a person. She's not evil or something but she's so goddamn annoying and entitled. I actually often feel tense when I just see that she texted me because it often means she just needs something or the lectures/"valuable advice" that nobody asked for are coming. I really don't want to text her and I don't want to meet up.
Forgot to add that she's coming back soon and I'm obviously not happy about it

No. 2132366

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No. 2132378

Repost from 2X but a few days ago I was approached by a scrote in one of my favorite nature spots. I see the people he was with quite often and I do not want to go back there and risk running into them. He started to touch my back, put his arm around me, his friends made comments about my looks, it's the most unsafe I've felt in a while. It's the only nice way to go from my home to the city but I guess I won't be able to walk there alone anymore. I'm so crushed, besides some errands I've stayed inside since it happened because I apparently can't even go for walks in broad daylight anymore without being harassed. I feel genuinely miserable.
I'm so sorry nonna, I hope you are able to take some time for yourself. It sounds like you gave him a great life.

No. 2132379


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No. 2132606

thank you nonas, it's been a tough day but your words have given me some comfort. lots of love

No. 2132815

I made some traveling plans with my best friend around the beginning of the year and they're coming up soon and we just got into a huge fight the other day that I still feel awkward and anxious about. Enough so that I don't even feel like going with her anymore, but I'd still want to go on my own since it was my idea + I was going with the intention of it being a birthday present for myself since it's happening around the same time and the plans involve stuff that I care about really personally. But there's absolutely no way I could even discuss it when she's the one who paid for both our tickets (she offered at the time, I asked her if she was sure at least twice and she insisted), I'm certain things would get heated all over again and then none of us would be happy, so I'm probably just going to stick it out and go anyways.
Luckily she recovers from these situations so easily and I'm probably the only one who still feels bad about it. But something like this happened another time when we went for a concert, and I still remember more of the things she said while we were arguing in the hotel than the concert itself, and it was hard to enjoy anything with the mood afterwards. Obviously going somewhere immediately after arguing is different from arguing a couple weeks beforehand, but I dwell on shit like this too much so I feel like it could end up ruining my mood anyhow.

No. 2132960

it’s so fucking hot I think my brains are cooking

No. 2133055

Bitch is less than 100 lbs. Even my cat could lift her.

No. 2133079

not being born male makes me so suicidal and im trying to get over it and i wont troon out bc even if somehow magically i pass 100% it wont make me biologically male so ill suck it up and get over it but like sometimes i feel like delusional people are much happier doing that than me being real

No. 2133093

Yey for sneaking into my house like a rat just to spend some time with my cats. I don't know what else I'm gonna do

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