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No. 2149352

A thread for venting about difficult stuff going on in your life.

Previous vent thread:

Follow all the /ot/ board rules & don't reply to bait.

Don't come to this thread to make fun of anons' vents, to demean them, or to try and be funny with some shit snark reply. It's annoying. If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say it at all.

No. 2149357

> If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say it at all.

Posting it again

No. 2149361

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>>2149357(infight bait)

No. 2149362

Tired of all the retards trying to be the class clown and make fun of anons obviously having a hard time. I'm gonna start reporting a lot more of the non-contributions itt because it's annoying to see speds use this thread for their snarky infight bullshit.

No. 2149372

well i didnt just start casual sex cause he was just an available a penis on a fleshbag. he has been nice, interesting and gives me lots of attention during the day but my chronically online upbringing and anxiety made me comfortable being at home and watching a movie/playing video games instead of going out in society. so i have been declining a few public dates he has asked me on prior to this. i am still interested in getting to know him i just dont plan on fucking him or doing girlfriend shit anymore for validation. and for those saying how can you hate men then fuck them - hate has to stem from an experience no? also, idk horniess? i wanted to have sex. and sure im definitely dumb for thinking giving up sex and intimacy would bond us in a way traditional dates would. its just annoying to give up so much to a dude, and i was very honest and open about myself - just for him to be like "you can be secretive" and have zero enthusiasm towards being exclusive and talking about potentionally dating. like its not up to me to read his mind and communicate things he has doubts about by throwing a dart of a board and hoping i get it right. i get i did this to myself, thats why im venting. but i mean shit, my bad for not knowing everything off the bat. sometimes women have to experience life to learn from it. i did what i thought felt right and was wrong about it. im willing to still let this dink wine and dine me in a traditional sense cause I do like him still, im just pissed off and annoyed by him at the moment and am taking back some of my energy, giving out consequences to actions. if he doesnt bring the same energy he has been while I gave out sex then I'll bail.

No. 2149440

i hate being a short woman, i feel like i have to watch what i eat constantly or else i'll wake up one day in a 500lb hamplanet body. it's stupid i even care about looks but i've seen how even slightly chubby women are treated and i don't think i'm vain for wanting to avoid that.

No. 2149442

genuinely what the fuck do you want from this guy, this dude is literally asking you to go on dates and you say no and then act like he's insane when he calls you "secretive". you ARE being secretive lmao. ive reread your posts like 5 times and i have no idea still what youre trying to convey

No. 2149456

was this you asking to be exclusive friends with benefits or were you asking to be boyfriend girlfriend?

No. 2149462

IKTF I got a bf and relaxed for 2 months and blimped out I wanna cry. He kept making me steak and buying me meals it's not my fault I let my fucking guard down because we were being active outdoors, fuck my life

No. 2149465

feels like i've reached endstage depression, i've lost every interest i once held dear to my complete anhedonia. i've tried every medication, supplement, and therapeutic modality under the sun, eat a healthy diet and exercise but despite everything i just become more miserable with age. in the past few months i've entirely lost any hunger cues and it really feels like my body just wants to fail because it's not living for anything. i just live off of liquids that i force down my throat for calories. if i can't even gain simple, basal animalistic pleasure from eating food, it just feels like it's over for me.

No. 2149477

>go out on a date w/a scrote from tindurr
>brags about how much money he is making and his industry clout
>pretends he can't find me on socials to add me
>showing pics on his phone of a cute dog that his ex got, very guarded about anything else on that phone whereas I am openly showing him mine with pics of friends and hobbies and such
>a woman calls him during our time
>he admits this is someone he is dating
>get down to the nitty gritty talking about past relationships and expectations
>"Oh well actually I'm technically still married but officially separated 4 months ago."
What a waste of two hours. Free drink though. Trash human, who even falls for this shit?

No. 2149509

i told him i wasn't ready to make things official yet but that i felt like we should agree to be exclusive and not have sex with other people. i had just wanted him to be a bit more like "yeah i think we should cause i cant imagine being with someone else" lol or maybe even want to be gf/bf cause im awesome but respect i wasnt ready

i want to eventually be in a fully committed gf/bf situation but doing so after only like a month of knowing his seems so soon? like maybe the 3 month rule applies here but i fucked up and did things backwards by having sex. its not just a fuck and chuck, he comes hangs out with me, we watch a movie, cuddle, fuck, cuddle more, then he messages me the next day at like 6:30am when he wakes up. i guess i was just disappointed that it seems like he's into to me but when i tried to talk about his feelings about dating he came off like he wasnt that into me and that "he still had more to learn" before he'd even consider it. meanwhile im like sucking the soul of this dudes dick and reacting to his instagram reels indivually and playing stardew valley and it takes two with him. i guess im coming off as weirder than i thought. i do appreciate the brutal honestly yall, i need it.

No. 2149510

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>loads of terrible scrote stories
>still tries to find date with a scrote
i pity your types of women everyday, praying for you sweetheart

No. 2149515

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Are moids actually fucking retarded? There was this one i was talking to and he sent me a video of some woman with a fat ass running on a treadmill with see through pants, at least i think idk i didn't click on it. Anyway this faggot had the audacity to ask me if i liked it, no i fucking didn't, i am a heterosexual woman. That would be like if i sent you my yaoi porn stash and asked if you liked it. I didn't explicitly state my sexuality but most women are straight, and even if i weren't how fucking braindead would you have to be to come to the conclusion that i'd like that shit. Slowly distancing myself from him not just because of this as well.

No. 2149516

Just wondering, what is your living situation like?

No. 2149526

why are you talking to a moid in the first place who would send you ass videos? lmao

No. 2149527

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when i was a teenager i wanted to be like that bitch zooey deschanel or however you spell it. i wanted to be that quirky girl nlog with the retro style that was oh so popular in the early 2010s when i was only a wee teen. back in like 2017 or so i was one of the first people (not to toot my own horn) that started bringing back the early 2000s, maybe i should bring back the early 2010s now that i am in my late 20s and manifest my quirky dreams of yonder??? this is not really a vent but i am just realising how easy it is for people to go through life not know a personal style, to still either be a trend setter or a slave to trends but never really have a style that is set in stone.

No. 2149529

>feels like i’ve reached end stage depression
finally i have a word to describe this. i’m sorry nonna you’re feeling like that and you tried everything, sometimes it’s fine to just sit in stillness and not expect anything to change.

No. 2149531

>i told him i wasn't ready to make things official yet but that i felt like we should agree to be exclusive and not have sex with other people.
and he said he wasnt going to, so you literally got exactly what you asked for when you told him this..? people cant read your mind and reply the exact way you want

No. 2149532

Sounds like a retarded autist just like 99% of online moids. I would stop talking to him.

No. 2149536

There was a guy that was ex-classmate of mine that was like this. He pulled up a downloaded TikTok video in his photo gallery and showed it to me, it was a fat hairy ape man with a giant gut flexing his jiggly arms as a thirst trap. He had multiple screenshots of this tiktok guy in his gallery. He asked “you get it, right?” To his surprise I grimaced and shook my head. He asked me if I was gay. He had peak bislut male taste. That guy he showed me looked like Ron Jeremy. Even straight women would think that’s ugly, he thinks everyone has his Reddit psyoped coom taste.

No. 2149537

It’s that avatarfag who’s into “nerdy boys” (incels)

No. 2149541

He’s a braindead coomer but I’m also a braindead coomer so theoretically it should be the perfect match, but I have the social skills not to send shit like that

Trust me, I am

Based, glad you humbled his ass

What the fuck are you talking about

No. 2149542

i like how they didn’t even specify where they were talking to this dude, immediately thought of discord just by the japshit reaction pic

No. 2149545

This was in class btw, right in front of the professor. Men really have no shame showing their coomstash.

No. 2149553

being involuntarily committed to psych hospitals and sketchy teen rehabs when i was 13-16 changed me forever and i don't trust anybody anymore. i was being abused neglected and living in such shitty horrible dirty condition, but my family acted like i was some evil monster who caused all those problems. my dad literally would threaten to kill all of us but he never got sent away and they never took his threats seriously. but since i didn't have rights when underage i took the brunt of it all. strangers came and put me in a white van and drove me 3 hours away while my family told me that's what i needed. i don't know how i can ever live normally again. they put me in rehab and said i should be on dr. phil, they brought family in from out of town to visit and mock me while i was institutionalized. for what??????? all i did was smoke weed and cut myself because i was completely powerless to change anything about my shitty situation. i wasn't loud, i wasn't even slacking on my schoolwork, i wasn't mean to or abusing anybody. i was just a teenage girl and they treated me like i was a fucking monster that needed to be locked up whenever i rightfully and unsurprisingly acted out after years of mistreatment. it's actual insanity how little empathy people really have even the people who love you

No. 2149557

I allowed myself to be strung along by some internet moid throughout the entirety of my 20’s and recently started no contact the beginning of the summer. I’ve met a decent xy and he’s been the total opposite of former moid. Attentive, thoughtful, makes an effort to see me every week. (Hates troons) seems well put together. I wonder why he didn’t have a gf. We’ve been seeing each other every week since June and I really can’t wrap my head that there’s an actual moid I’m attracted to showing me the same interest in getting to know me. He’s a good time filler and I wonder if he’d ever ask me to be his gf.

No. 2149565


No. 2149570

It’s engagement bait Nona

No. 2149572

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its only as real as the channel's audience wants it to be. this channel has thousands of people whiteknighting the recipes because americans eat like slop and they genuinely like what they're seeing in the videos. its fucking sad

No. 2149581

It's perfectly fine, have a house, don't have to work, great spouse, I feel undeserving of it. Should be locked away in a monastery or something.

Thank you, I appreciate it and I'm sorry you're going through something similar. I've at least learned to accept things as they've come, but maybe too well because i'm so complacent.

No. 2149583

Every guy at my campus is unattractive???? I have seen maybe two handsome guys total. Thank goodness I have a moid already because I would be miserable as a single girl looking for a partner

No. 2149586

ok but imagine how good this would be with like, chocolate milk instead of water. or milk with dark chocolate melted into it

No. 2149588

it sucks so bad nona i feel you, we can't just let loose and be like every other normal person. i hope you can find peace with it because you deserve to enjoy those special moments with your nigel, this wouldn't be a big issue if it weren't for the standards women are upheld against.

No. 2149592

Why are you intentionally un-capitalizing the first letter of all your sentences? Honestly curious.

No. 2149596

why are you asking me when most users of the entire internet does the same thing

No. 2149602

So you’re doing it because other people are is the answer? Kek

No. 2149605

your reading comprehension is nonexistent and you're worried about capital letters. the question was: why are you asking ME specifically?

No. 2149607

nta but some people's devices doesn't auto capitalize. posting on my laptop rn and it doesn't do it, however my phone does auto capitalize

No. 2149609

nta but the last time i used better grammar some schizo anon immediately assumed i was some other user on here while trying to vent about my life. so mine is intentional for a different reason.

No. 2149634

went to my friends bday party that was being attended by my narcissist ex best friend the other night and it confirmed to me why i was right in slowly and continuously going no contact.

he pushed my friends nose into the cake and got mad when she took the cake that was on her nose and wiped it on his shirt, and was literally performing and singing and dancing at the head of the table as we were talking and waiting for the right time to cut the cake. we were all super tired since we had just went skating so it didn't match the energy at all. i think his ego was bruised bc he was bad at skating and kept getting called out for it by the employees. then the mood just died when he did the cake thing. i walked home with his friend and roommate without him and she was like "omg anon was being such a little trickster tonight. they had so many tricks up their sleeve today hehe". the enabling.

No. 2149643

i just get too lazy to capitalize sometimes.

No. 2149648

it's fucking ANGEL FOOD CAKE you retard? what is with these anti-american spergs bitching about food they could only eat twice in their shitty third world lifetimes

No. 2149665

Yeah I’m confused too. Also I thought cake mix needed eggs and butter

No. 2149667

Nona Im so sorry to hear that your family abused you and betrayed you like that. No one should ever have to experience what youve been through. If possible please try to get a good therapist to help you process the trauma.

If you havent already, consider going no contact with your so called family, including anyone who enabled or excused the abuse or mocked you while visiting. If possible, any of them, at least the main perpetrator, should be committed, since they sound very mentally ill. There might be a way to accomplish that, not sure. One day, theyll be vulnerable elderly people, possibly with health issues. Maybe theyll be sent to a very abusive old age home?

Your comment reminded me that theres an entire industry, promoted by dr phil called the "troubled teen industry". Without consent or knowledge of the victim, and with consent and knowledge of the parent(s), complete strangers kidnap children and teens, usually at night. Theyre sent to horrific abuse camps, with cult/indoctrination tactics. One was hosted in Mexico, some in the Caribbean, with starvation, cages in the desert. This one girl was forced to bathe in infested waters and had maggots in her wounds, was unresponsive and wouldve died if her mom didnt come to her senses and rescue her, after multiple attempts to get her out. Of course her xy sibling supported sending her in the first place. On dr phil, the sickos then mock any natural negative reactions of the victim, and probably get off on it. Danielle Bregoli aka Bhad Bhabie was sent to one of these places, and called out that moid POS dr phil on socials. More victims are speaking out. This abuse needs to be brought to an end.

Theres a documentary done by Paris Hilton of all people who was sent to these camps, and a kiw ifarms thread exposing some of the scumbags behind the troubled teen industry.

Its truly terrifying what so many children and teens suffer. All because of mentally ill adults who have a punishment fetish, or who try to scapegoat away their own guilt onto their child.

No. 2149677

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have been sleeping like shit lately, it's so miserable. thinking about how many more nights like this i will have to endure in my life is depressing, i just want to be able to sleep like a normal person

No. 2149678

Dont worry, you can lose the weight if you put your mind to it. Ive definitely had my ups and downs on the scale.

Idk your situation and not trying to be mean, but is it possible your bf is deliberately fattening you up? Moids sometimes do this either as a fetish. Or to make themselves the "hot and fit" one in the relationship as a power dynamic/control thing, so that they can leave the other person at anytime for someone else. Or get you addicted to certain foods, and have control over you that way.

Steak sounds good, but not sure what other kind of food he buys for you. Your health should be prioritized. You probably know this, but sugary, deep fried, or fast foods over time can cause heart disease, gallstones, and other potentially painful conditions.

Making meals at home is usually healthier and cheaper, while knowing what is in your food.

No. 2149679

The guy I've been crushing on has started hitting on another girl, I hate being heterosexual.

No. 2149681

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I need to listen to my body more often, I've been trying and whenever I listen to my body I feel better, I should set some boundaries so I can feel even better, maybe someday I will stop hating myself so I can be better.

No. 2149682

We can do this, nonna, let us have a last shit night together, let's sleep at a decent hour tomorrow.

No. 2149701

I once again binged on salami diarrhea take me

No. 2149707

I wish I had confessed to the guy I liked in my previous job, so I wouldn't be a virgin loser today

No. 2149713


No. 2149714

Being a virgin doesn't make you a loser nona. Sure sex is fun and feels good but it's honestly not all that it's cut out to be. Lots of more interesting and fun things to do imho

No. 2149764

im lazy

No. 2149796

Dating a ridiculously attractive man sucks it is not fun for me. I don’t care if he wants to marry me or rejects advances, the constant flirting and people losing their minds over him fawning is annoying and I don’t wanna deal with that amount of attention. I’ll never not be insecure so someone who is secure can have him. I might dump him this week after a year together. I don’t want a slob or a chad I think I’d actually love being with the most mid man ever. My insecurity isn’t going away, I am well into adulthood at this point. I already think low of myself so yeah I know this is stupid logically but my emotions will triumph cause I can’t stand it.

No. 2149800

Nona.. Please don't be retarded. i hope its a bait

No. 2149816

im so tired of working to have shelter, food, and water. if i were a man i would live in a camper car with a gun saving up money for a house. theyre so lucky that people dont care about them doing retarded shit or saying vulgar things.

No. 2149817

Why did I go to bed so late last night, now all I wanna do is sleep but I have so many things to do… I'm definitely going to bed early tonight

No. 2149864

someone sent a pdf of the textbook we need in the class groupchat and i replied with "basado, thank you" like a fucking shut-in idiot and i regret it. it's been a while since i've interacted with people and i'm instinctively typing like i'm on an image board. i'm definitely thinking too far into it and i know no one cares but it's haunting me. i'm stacypassing and have immediately blown my cover on the first day. it's over.

No. 2149881

sorry nona but I laughed at this, you'll always be stacypassing to me

No. 2149882

I think you're fine nona, "based" has become such a normie thing to say for the zoomer age range

No. 2149892

I like LC and anonymous ibs in general because I like the feeling of talking to people in passing without having expectations thrust on me. I'm scared of expectations and I hate talking to people enough so that they know me. For some reason it feels like such a huge weight on my shoulders. I hate going to the same stores or restaurants more than a few times, because when the cashiers or servers start to recognize me I feel like I have to start being who they think I am. It's like that with everyone. I hate knowing that if I talk to people or interact with them then they get to know me and see me and think about me. Here, I can talk to anybody and everybody and I never have to feel guilty or afraid because I don't know who anyone is and nobody knows who I am either. It's not that I don't like talking to people or anything, I actually love to do it, but only when I'm sure they'll never see me again. In a weird way I feel like I can be more myself around strangers than I can be around those that know me. It's like I can be more honest around people I don't know, and I can have fun, but as soon as it becomes routine I have to stop. I wish I was normaler.

No. 2149924

My BF wants to visit his family again soon, which means his nephews will be there. His sister keeps shoving her newborn to me, even though I have long hair and the baby keeps want to tear it out. The whole program is sitting around the babies and them going "awwww" when it twitches on the floor or the older kid tries to destroy another piece of furniture. I don't enjoy a single second of it, but I also run out of things to talk about with his parents within a few hours, but he always wants to stay overnight and then they usually make him (us) stay at least until lunch.
I don't find any of the kids charming, the older one in a spoiled, obnoxious tyrant and the little one does nothing but barf. They think that spending time around these kids makes me want to have them sooner but for me it just makes me want to reconsider having even one, and his family will be included as little as possible. His sister is also completely mom-brained and since she can't have any more naturally, just wants to keep adopting more babies, even though her husband is a fucking parking clerk, they have debt and her older son is a nightmare already who keeps harassing women (almost pulled a random woman's hair in a diner and his family keeps justifying this as "just a healthy interest in girls").

No. 2149927

You have my sympathies nona. Fiance's brother had a baby 2 years ago, now all we do at every family party is sit around in a circle and stare at the kid and talk about how cute it is. There's another family party on Sunday I gotta go to… I really do love the kid but I can think of a million funner things to do than just stare at it and talk about how perfect and wonderful and amazing and genius they are kek. Also the worst part of it for me is we used to have family parties at normal times but now everything is revolved around the kid's schedule. Mother in law wanted to do a 4th of July party (burger holiday incase you aren't a burger) at 10am because of the kid's nap schedule!!! What the hell do you do at 10am for a party where you light fireworks at night?

No. 2149928

I hate coming off drugs. All I do is cry and think about killing myself, but it's not even anything it's just withdrawal. I keep reminding myself of that but I just can't stop crying and wishing I was dead. Seriously never do drugs, it makes you turn into a whiny baby for 2 weeks if you can't get a fix.

No. 2149930

One of my least favorite types of women are the kind that have only had female friends but because they're insecure and have no real experience with men they act like major pickmes and are quick to talk shit about women. I just don't understand it. They're always a bit overweight or kind of unattractive do you know there's a reason why they've never been picked to be a man's mommy and lover replacement "bestie". These women creep me out. How could you want something like that. It's like they're bitter they're only close with women. I think I need to distance myself from her, she's bringing me down.

No. 2149936

Nothing to add, except for the fact that I'm the exact same way. I accidentally forget about my best friends because ibs are so much more fun

No. 2149946

I have the same hatred towards being perceived and recognized. Running into an old schoolmate or childhood friend is one of the biggest horrors for me, because something about them knowing me makes me feel too intimate, I don't even want to think about there being people out there that are aware of my existence outside of my immediate family.

No. 2149974

>I've been feeling sort of depressed lately
>"It's because you don't get out enough!!! You don't have enough friends!!! You need to socialize more!!!"
How do you let people know gently that you have Aspergers syndrome and you really really don't like to be around anyone ever and that the reason you're depressed is actually because of MDD not because you don't have more than 3 friends? Seriously I hate that whenever I'm sad or blue everyone around me wants to bring up how the reason why is because I don't have enough friends. I have 2 friends. That's enough for me. I don't want more. More friends isn't going to fix me. Bleh.

No. 2150042

I’m not sure where to post this, but I’ve tried many times to understand what’s going on with me and to talk about it with friends, family, and therapists. All I ever hear in response is that I should be happy to be this way. But I hate it. I’m too kind to people, to the point of sacrificing my own well-being. I become a complete doormat whenever I get the chance to be kind. Morally, what I do feels right, but I keep screwing myself over.

For example, in university, I’d always say I was fine with switching courses or making changes for others. And yes, I was fine, but it also made everything so much harder for me. Why do I keep doing that? These aren’t terrible decisions by themselves, but they make my life unnecessarily difficult, especially since I’m already struggling with premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD), which I’ve mostly got under control. I’ll say yes to something and then end up with no time to work out, which makes me feel like crap for weeks. For some reason, if I don’t exercise, I become a shell of a person. It’s not about how I look; it just does wonders for my hormones or brain.

I’ve been told by my therapist that I’m highly sensitive and gifted, but I have no idea what to do with that information or if it even matters. They advised me to make my life more comfortable, but I only feel comfortable at home. I’m not my boss; I can’t change the fact that we have an open-plan office at work, which is awful. And I like going outside and seeing people, but I hate how noisy, angry, and competitive most people are at work. Should I stop doing what I love just to feel a bit better? It sounds so unfair. All of this feels unfair.

On one hand, I feel like I’m weird and not made for this world, but on the other, when I do share how I feel, people seem to want to help, but they don’t really know how. Apparently, I have to advocate for myself, but where am I supposed to find the energy to do that when I’m barely surviving? And to make things worse, men make everything even harder by being sex pests.

But yeah, I keep being nice, even when it hurts me. And it’s not like I’m always a pushover—in fact, I can be the opposite. But when something feels morally right, I just can’t say no, even if it’s at my own expense. Is this autism? I can’t even cross the street at 2 a.m. if the traffic light says stop, even when there are no cars. If I see people being unkind, it pisses me off to the next level.

I’ve seen multiple therapists for my depression, and they all say I’m fine, but I don’t think I am. I keep making my life miserable because I can’t stand being unkind or dealing with mean people. It’s exhausting. I’m so tired of seeing people and doing things. I can’t even be a NEET because social media drives me crazy. Most of the threads are hidden on my lolcow. Why am I so stubborn? It’s like I was born without any sense of self-preservation, except when it comes to others.

I feel like such a loser, like I shouldn’t have been born. I wish I could just get over these tiny things, but no, everything matters to me. Sometimes I feel like part of my brain didn’t fully develop, and I’m stuck being a child who cries and feels too much about everything.

Also, sugary food hurts my mouth. Not even my teeth, but my mouth itself. It feels like I bite my tongue. It goes away, but it’s just so weird and annoying. I can't enjoy most sugary food like birthday cakes.

No. 2150047

thats why im just venting. my issue was with him saying i was secretive when i was giving him all of me. same logic applies to him that i cant read his mind if he has issues with me he’s not communicating, so im cutting off sex and intimacy until we cant actually date normally and see if he’s worth it the hassle.

No. 2150109

Have you tried medication nonnie?

No. 2150119

Yeah I have, but I'm not on any right now. Usually I wait until October and take it until March or April. My depression isn't the sad boo hoo kind though, when I'm depressed I just feel very low-energy and I suffer from a lack of volition. It's annoying that I'm going through it right now kek, but I wish I could talk about it more with my family for support instead of hearing the same thing again & again. But what do I expect from people that believe mental illness is make-believe. It's just frustrating all around!

No. 2150120

>stay at hotel
>keep a little bag on my nighstand with my vibrator, eye drops, nasal spray, all that shit
>cleaning lady knocks on the door
>go out and explore the city a bit while she cleans
>check my nightstand later that day
>vibrator is fucking gone
>literally used it the day before so i know i had it with me 10000%

I've been home for a couple of weeks now and I've gone through my ENTIRE apartment. That bitch stole my used sex toy. Who does that? Why would one want to do that?

No. 2150123

Well I’m not a doctor, but it could be you might benefit from taking something year-round. It sucks remember to take a pill every single day, but if it makes a big difference in your energy levels and motivation it can be worth it.

No. 2150128

I had a friend similar to this. It was obvious she treated me like competition and often made negative comparisons in reference to me even though I don't give a shit about the troglodyte moids she wanted to date. She was overweight yet was obsessed with her appearance and would always dress in styles that she thought would appeal to moids. She even once talked about how much of a "slut" she is but also wanted to get married and have kids fast. The whole thing made me really uncomfortable and annoyed with her. She was such a pickme to the max. We both stopped talking to each other and naturally drifted apart.

No. 2150130

I am never going to be able to leave my current job holy shit, I've applied to nearly 100 places and had interviews that led to "we're going with someone else" and mostly radio silence. I'm actually in hell.

No. 2150160

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I hate that I'm tall
I hate that I'm W I D E
I hate that I have big boobs so I look even wider
I thought I looked okay today until I stood in the elevator next to my girlfriends in uni and you could clearly see how fucking big I am and I hate it. I'm like one head taller than my peers. No wonder drunk troons mistake me for one of them. If I wasn't so obviously a woman I think most normal people would too. No matter how much I fix myself and look feminine I look like a gorilla the moment I stand next to a normal woman.
I hate that I had to inherit mom's height and dad's wide set bones. Why could it had been the other way around? Mom's beautiful frame and dad's manlet height? Fuck I hate myself so much and I hate that it's shit I can't do anything about even with surgery. I just have to learn to live with this shit.

No. 2150161

Today, I will not drink. Today, I will not drink. I have an excellent list of why I won't. Today I will not drink. I'm trying to think of what I can do to resist the urge. Usually I drink right after work. I will go out and take a walk this time, even if it's for just 10 minutes. Then I will go in my room and get high and play video games. Just don't drink. I can do this. Gah… lord show me my strength

No. 2150163

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Was going to post something lengthy but it all comes down to this picture.

No. 2150166

I’m the same way (tall with broad shoulders and big boobs) and it drives me nuts as well but you definitely shouldn’t believe literally anything drunk troons say. It says more about how they delusionally view themselves than how you actually look. I’ve had troons tell me I’m “clearly not REALLY a woman” because I wore jeans and sneakers in front of them once instead of my usual dresses and heels.

No. 2150167

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Life isn't worth living

No. 2150169

I fucking hate the audacity of troons.

No. 2150180

Yeah I know I know, it just needs to happen a couple of times for it to turn into a primal fear kek I am literally a troonphobe
But I'm glad to talk to another tall nonnie, idk how to deal with all the insecurity that comes with being a giant. Maybe I should put my lazy ass into gear and hit the gym more proper so I can look like a proper amazon instead of a doughy…piece of shit?

No. 2150223

might not be much help but you sound cool, i think tall broad women are like amazon warrior women and it makes me swoon

No. 2150244

Get so annoyed by my pickme mom, all her "advice" revolves around centering men. Get married so he can't leave you, make sure he feels like he is the man and smart build up his confidence, oh make sure you do this or that for him. My mom will apologize for having stubbly legs in her 60's or not drawn on eyebrows, she the type of pickme that if she sees you in the sunlight she'll shriek at any perceived chin hairs and get intense second hand embarrassment trying to reach at them. I went full crunchy no makeup yeti mode a few years ago and like to be socially dominant over my bfs so I have a hard time relating to her. All she wants to do is gossip about my lil bros and try to control people, she still controls me pretty well with guilt. She has 0 friends all she does is fight with my dad all day about stupid shit, I was just over there and he was sulking and acting pissy over nothing and my mom was all upset feeding into it. That's what happens when you kiss a man's ass for decades, you get a toddler that ruins the mood over little shit, I'll never make her mistake

No. 2150248

>thinking placebos actually help mental conditions with no physical form
>how can medicine rewire the brain with something that can’t be perfectly pinpointed
>more excuses to flood people’s bodies with toxins and mental reprogramming

No. 2150262

What if everyone actually thinks I'm super annoying and they hate me. There are two friends in my life I know like me because they display it a lot, like seeking me out to hang out and stuff. And then there are people from hobby groups I'm in, and we usually meet up in bars, but it's like, posted in the chat group so anyone can go.
What if they all dread it when I say I'm going? What if they talk shit about me behind my back?
I hate it when people shittalk others behind their back. I hate the insincerity. I try to never participate in it because I would hate it if happened (lbr it probably does) to me.
I hate socializing sometimes, but I crave it. Not all the time, just a normal amount I guess. I'm human. But it's so anxiety inducing sometimes to not know what people really think.

No. 2150280

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No. 2150294

i wanna kms because beginning of 2023 i started letting myself go and i gained 10 kg, rn i weighed myself and i noticed i gained 3kg more. if this goes on ill be 70 kg soon. im gonna start working out and taking care of myself tomorrow, i dont wanna be like this anymore. someone also please motivate me and encourage me

No. 2150296

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I haven't had mcdonalds in years and years and honestly I just want to order a cheeseburger and fries and a coke and maybe a vanilla cone, eat it all, cry my heart out, then pass out in bed. Without feeling greasy or fat or gross. I hate that I have such tremendous guilt around food.

No. 2150299

Holy shit that's disgusting

No. 2150304

that looks like she’s undergoing the effects of those toxins poisons you people keep shilling, chameleon ass eyes

No. 2150310

Psychiatric medication needs to be taken constantly. With most meds it takes around 1 month for you to start feeling the effects. It may take around 2-3 months to fully stabilize and for you to start feeling the full effect. What you're doing by taking it only during a small amount of time then quitting is akin to doing skincare twice a year and wondering why it doesn't improve your skin.
Get fucked. You never reached rock bottom. You never reached a point where you would give all your limbs to be able to feel emotional stability or happiness or simply not feel fear all the time again. You never suffered from chemical imbalances in your brain. And if you reply to me with "ackshually I have clinical depreshun" I'll know you're nothing but a larper or are in so deep with your "toxinz" MLM shit that you can't understand that there is a whole world of science around you. Go pay hundreds of dollars for placebo teas, enemas and rocks you retard.

No. 2150312

okay butterfly, your soul is eternal and unchangeable and when you are affected by something like hunger or tiredness youre actually not. Drinking alcohol also would never do anything since youre a very, very special girl.

No. 2150320

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Get some extra guilt by getting a happy meal with those low quality cute sanrio toys, I enjoyed my guilt a lot, I only wanted to kill myself for a few minutes before the food started doing its thing.

No. 2150323

Listen if you wanna be critical or something take it to /pt/ where it’s more welcome

No. 2150324

>doesn’t know who Jessica Walter is
Time to play Underage or Just Retarded

No. 2150326

what are you talking about, i hate blogposting but i’ve started taking ssris in high school, used to go to a therapist during that time and even got hospitalized once by accident. the ssris i took were lexipro and risperidone, they fucked my brain up and always made me feel spacey and light-headed because they probably do interfere with normal functions in the brain.
hunger is physically proven, if you don’t eat you die or get malnourished. mental illness is the illness of the mind, something that can’t be physical and is purely intuitive and controlled by the brain. you can’t necessarily prove it, for all we know these people could have mysterious illnesses we will never know about because of this. psychiatrists just want your money and to gather info on you to get better at marketing to other patients

No. 2150332

>what are you talking about, i hate blogposting but i’ve started taking ssris in high school, used to go to a therapist during that time and even got hospitalized once by accident. the ssris i took were lexipro and risperidone, they fucked my brain up and always made me feel spacey and light-headed because they probably do interfere with normal functions in the brain.
Then you should have told your psych and tried different ones. There is no blood test to tell what chemicals will be better for you, you have to stick to it and try. Again, you have never truly suffered from mental illness. You have never reached the point where a little bit of spaceyness is preferrable to wanting to commit suicide daily. Once again, go shove an amethyst geode up your ass.

No. 2150335

You need to put your foot down. You're not even married yet, you don't need to tolerate his retarded ghetto ass family for a single second. At this stage of the relationship you should be getting extra special princess treatment not being dragged by the hair to family meetings. Tell him about the boy pulling your hair, make him yell at the boy in private! Love yourself oh my god

No. 2150342

why would i try the same poisons? the poisons just don’t plain work and neither do the psychiatrists and psychologists getting paid to emulate the support system you don’t have in your life, it feels unethical to me. also most female psychs and therapists are male-identified so they never get where you’re coming from
>boohoo victim mentality pity me you don’t suffer as much as meeeee
everybody has had the passing thought of ending their lives when enduring struggles, suicidal ideation isn’t rare. i’ve been properly diagnosed by a legitimate psychologist and have done a psych test (how else would they put me on the meds? kek i guess they just give these poisons out for free, one of the most legalized drugs has to be ssris)

No. 2150343

I'm the second ayrt and no offence but you're not my doctor nor me and I don't appreciate the mansplaining about psychiatric medicine I've taken for almost 17 years. No offence but I'm not an idiot and I don't need to be explained these things. You don't me and you don't know my health records or what medicines I take. Why pretend like you know me just to make a snarky comment about how my mental health is like skincare twice a year? Seriously you don't know me.

No. 2150358

it literally makes people and the gay fish in the water retarded when we pee it out and it goes into their homes

No. 2150363

Um stop pissing on fish? Freak.

No. 2150377

Still hung up over the first scrote to give me attention. Ughhhh. I’m scared I’m never getting that again. It was so pleasant to feel the warmth of another person. I’m so sad.

No. 2150463

I want one of those toys so bad but I can't afford a fucking happy meal

No. 2150481

My boyfriend is so genuinely retarded & braindead. I am seriously questioning my relationship, how do you forget something I said hurt my feelings not 2 hours after I said it? You can't. Its purposeful.

No. 2150504

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The quality degradation is killing me. Picrel is from the happy meal toys released in 2000, now we’re stuck with felt cushions.

No. 2150507

he didn’t wipe his ass and watched porn

No. 2150509

thank you so much for your reply nona, i really really appreciate it and im sorry im seeing it so late - i closed tab and tried to ignore since i was really embarrassed about posting my long vent lol. ive never had anyone validate me like that. usually when i try to talk about the troubled teen industry people just dont understand. unfortunately my family still controls me to this day, however my father did commit suicide shortly after i was released from my 2nd rehab (although i dont think it was totally because of what they did to me). i think he did feel incredibly bad though, since he was the one who advocated for me to be put into rehab for the 2nd time after i had been raped by a 26 year old man when i was 15. they did nothing to treat me for that during the 3 months i was at that rehab though, even though i tried to talk about it, so i was basically just stuck there in a new unsafe environment right after being assaulted. all they did was force me into the 12 step program, tell me to accept God, and punish us by making us carry around heavy boxes if just 1 kid in our group acted out. they even let the adult males at the rehab interact with the teens and i never wanted to die more until then because i was trapped there with males creeping on me. the rehab psychiatrist even told me during our first meeting, that my problems weren't real and any problems i did have were caused by myself. both of my parents were in therapy and on medication while they were abusing me too, and their decisions were backed up by their therapists and several other mental health practitioners. so unfortunately i will never trust any mental health practitioner or adjacent "expert" ever again after what i have seen and experienced. but thank you so much for your reply it really means a lot to me and kind of feels like a revelation, as nobody has ever really validated that i was abused and betrayed. it is rare that anybody takes me and what i say seriously, i mean i am still a mess but i know what i went through was wrong. love u nona….

No. 2150520

this is fucking awesome. Yeah the quality is attrocious they would have looked so cute in that style.

No. 2150527

jfc apparently my dad fucken eats peanut butter out of the jar. fucken disgusting. ive been using that shit.

No. 2150530

Holy shit those are so cute

No. 2150533

I'd be so pissed if a family member did this, especially a male one. I remember getting angry at my mom because she thought it was okay to flush tampons down the toilet.

No. 2150606

I'm losing weight too nonnie. Been very unhealthy and my doctor was disappointed that I gained so much kek. Let's do this together. GIVE ME 10 JUMPING JACKS RIGHT NOW!

No. 2150612

I hate hanging around my boyfriend's family and I'm so fucking tired and he's upset because I keep flaking out on hanging out with his family I AM FUCKING TIRED I DON'T WAKT TO GO I HAD TO GET UP AT 4 AM YOU STUPID RETARDED USELESS FUCKING SCROTE I DON'T WANT TO EAT FUCKING CARBS AND SIT ON THE COUCH SURROUNDED BY PEOPLE I DON'T KNOW HOW TO TALK TO FUCK YOU RETARD FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU. I'm contemplating just taking a nap and ignoring my phone today I cannot fucking deal with this I'm TIRED.

No. 2150615

My brother's girlfriend does that too, and she licks the knives she uses before cutting cakes, as in, during a birthday party she cuts the cake and the proceeds to lick the cream/filling off the knife before cutting another piece, in front of the guests.

No. 2150617

I remember these, I loved them so much.

No. 2150626

Thanks for the encouragement and concern, I'm definitely stopping with the snacks and big servings. I rationalized that since we hike and disc golf a lot it cancels out (fat logic plagues me). Rose tinted glasses are off thankfully before I went up a size or anything but I'm sad that I undid months of weight loss progress

No. 2150669

Nta but whoa just like that episode of Raising Hope. Mawmaw licks the cake knife, hands the plate of cake to pawpaw to give to the guest, and he coughs on the slice of cake. Pretty sure they drop a slice on the floor and feed it to Virginia anyway. It was funny but so gross. Have you ever said anything to your brothers gf? It seems so crazy to actually do that.

No. 2150674

I hate that on any video regarding children and them not being cared for well there are droves of comments that “so many people want children”. While millions of lonely children sit in foster care and orphanages and group homes. The people who want children and won’t even become foster parents first are the worst types of narcissists. So what was the point of you bringing YOUR child into this awful world? Try fostering a baby or young child in a safe loving home first and see if dealing with a child that is going to have issues from being separated from their parent goes well. If it goes good great you’re ready if not, grow the fuck up and stop dreaming like the rest of us. Unless you’re Uber rich and even then if you just pawn your kids off to do stupid shit all day you suck too. I’m just so tired of people saying that shit. Idk why that one comment drives me up the wall next to “As a mom of 12 I’m applauded at her behavior “ while they shit on a single mom who was probably put in a shit spot by her moid.

No. 2150678

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Been crying my eyes out today and not really sure why. I feel like there's a pit in my chest and it just aches. At least my cat fell asleep next to me. Gonna watch last year's Love Island now.

No. 2150704

I turned on the kettle but then I remembered how neglected I was when I was a kid. My father never bothered making food for me so I would drink several cups of tea to try and feel full. He would leave the house, go do god knows what, and come back with food for himself, but none for me. He wouldn't pay for my lunch or pick me up after school either. I had to walk home in a blizzard at 6 years old. I wonder how different I would be if I wasn't neglected. Turning on the kettle is muscle memory for me and I do it subconsciously when hungry until I realise "wait, I can get actual food, I don't need to drink this"

No. 2150712

I had a panic attack earlier because I walked under the hot sun for prob 2 ish hours with no protection. I wanted to bring a uv umbrella but my mom and sister were making fun of me so I just went out raw and in the flesh and holy shit I must’ve aged 10 years.

No. 2150776

Seems like everyone I talk to has a good job, stable life etc. except for me. I know this isn't true, I can't be the only one who screwed things up for herself but my god I'm surrounded by normal people why couldn't I have been that.

No. 2150806

I'm so scared of the day my baby my cat dies. She's a non-pure breed house cat, so she should get quite old, but to think my floof sphere is middle aged with her twelve years now…

No. 2150830

In my country there are strict requirements to become a foster parent. Sucks because I would love to do that.

No. 2150839

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>Finally start moving on from my ex after almost 2 years
>Instagram will NOT stop telling me to follow him.
I don’t get it. I finally stop looking at his socials all the time and now every time I log in I have picrel as my top notification. I’ve never seen this type of notification before until about a month and a half ago. It recommends two people but he’s always one of them. It also gave me the classic “X is also in Instagram, follow them” last week. This is a new account that Ive never followed him on. I don’t look at his profile on here either. It’s literally been my top notification every time I log in for weeks.

No. 2150845

Why am I being accused of gaslighting when I ask for proof I supposedly did something oh so bad? The bpdchan in my friend group constantly splits on everyone and loves accusing me of shit I didn't do during her episodes but when I ask her to provide an example she shuts down and screams I'm gaslighting her like what. She's also constantly coddled by most of them and yes I need new friends but we are financially all stuck together ke

No. 2150855

Anyone else feel like not ever speaking again? Or at least for a year? I don't feel like there is anything worth communicating anymore except affection for my cat or greetings to my mother.

No. 2150860

I work with mostly older moids and fucking hate it. They are so fake, smug and annoying. Think they are so funny with their "I hate my wife" fb meme tier humor. I chose this career because it is relatively easy way to make money but starting to think it was not worth it.

No. 2150864

I am so goddamn tired of working at target holy shit. I hate everyone who shops here.

No. 2150865

I haven't eaten anything in over 30 hours. First it was because I was grinding for two assignments due on the same day but now my housemate has her creepy discord mod looking moid over and I don't know when he's gonna leave and I'm too scared to leave my room so guess I'll just starve to death

No. 2150867

some people talk entirely too much. let’s just enjoy the silence

No. 2150881

you will not starve yourself due to some fucking moid, nona. go grab something to eat

No. 2150884

Go make your damn food

No. 2150892

Nah he's in the kitchen right now and he's harassed me twice before I'm not going anywhere near him

No. 2150902

Keep a stash of snacks in your room from now on to prevent this from happening. Living with roommates 101

No. 2150919

Sometimes I wish I just killed myself when I was suicidal due to blaming myself for my grandmother's death at 12. Life was still better than the shitshow I have now over a decade later kek

No. 2150928

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My mom said she doesn't understand what she did wrong in order for me to "turn out like this". I'm constantly tired and sad, mopping around, doing nothing useful. I'm 21 years old but I never do chores and struggle a lot to take care of myself. I took two gap years and now I'm having the hardest time in college and barely passing my classes, I'll be lucky if I can make it until the end of the year without failing any classes. I want to study hard but I'm not cut for it, I'm very low energy.
For context, I have depression since I was in 4th grade (10 years old). I've tried therapy and medication but it doesn't do much for me, and I struggle taking pills due to multiple suicide attempts by OD'ing. To be honest, I don't know what's wrong with me either. I tried to apologize to her and to say I was just born this way, but she got mad and started yelling at me that I was only using her to vent and that I'm never home with her, and then said that I'm forcing myself to cry harder (I think she meant for pity, I guess. But I was not doing that.) I don't live on my own because I don't have a job (never had one), I live and spend most of the time at my grandparent’s house. I don't visit her a lot and she gets lonely.
At one point I said that I was really sad because I was running out of time to graduate and get a job, and that eventually everyone would get tired of me and I'd have to live on the streets. She said I was being ridiculous but that's how I feel, I don't know how they put up with me. I'm a piece of shit and deserve to be throw away because I'm such a useless woman-child and embarrassment. I know my mom and grandparents will die eventually, and then I'd need a job, so even if they don't throw me out, I'll be struggling on my own, eventually.
I'm not good at anything and don't do a lot, sometimes I draw fanart or write fanfic but I'm not comercially good so I can't make a living out of it. I can write mediocre code and could likely be a codemonkey.
Honestly I want to kill myself but do it right. I've been thinking of drugging myself and sleeping at the train rails and get smashed, pain free. It's a bit grotesque and not what I'd hope for, but that's the only thing I could do that would 100% work. I'm scared of ending up disabled or at a psych ward again, so I can't risk it a lot. I don't want finals week to come because I know I will get a 10% at best, so I need to kill myself before November rolls around.
Honestly I hope my family doesn't feel too bad if I die, I don't think I have brought them any joy or pride in the last 10 years. They might be sad, but eventually they'll realize I'm a waste and then be happy I'm gone.

No. 2150945

Also, b4 anyone feels sorry for me:
>I'm a shotafag
>I have an eating disorder and self-harm and I don't care how much I harm myself, nor how that would affect others mentally or financially wise
>I don't help at home, not even a bit. Not a single chore, ever. And I get upset if anyone in my family tries to talk to me because I'm a brat.
>I don't do anything useful. All I do is spend other people's hard earned money.
>Whenever I have to do ANYTHING I get so stressed I self-harm, I'm one of God's most useless creatures

No. 2150946

>it is relatively easy way to make money
What is it? Honest question. I hate my career path and am thinking of switching.

No. 2151007

I'm too horny horny horny horny horny when does it stopppppppp

No. 2151043

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I wish everyone with a y chromosome would fucking explode I can't take it anymore. Every. Single. One. I need freedom. And I hate you dumbfucks that continue to date and marry men, we are never getting out of the trenches, you're cursing us all.

No. 2151057

My bad nonnie. I had an awful day and was not being reasonable. I forgot the God awful landscape that is adoption and fostering…I’m not judging you.

No. 2151062

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It's been 8 months since the break up and I'm still not over my ex. Can't wait for me to finally move on and then I'll promise myself to never get involved with another moid again because this has been hell. I've never been so depressed.

No. 2151079

You sound like someone i would want to be friends with. We are both codemonkeys who like to draw and we are both wastes of oxygen. I hope you get better, nonny.

No. 2151102

NAYRT but yeah, adoption is fucked. In my country there is a 1:10 ratio of adoptable children vs couples who want to adopt, so the waiting lists are years long. International adoption can also be sketchy because sometimes mothers are pushed to put their children up for adoption for unethical reasons. And don't even get me started on what a dogshit system foster care is. There are plenty of unwanted and lonely children out there, but most of them are stuck with their shitty parents because social services somehow thinks it's a priority for biological families to stay together, even if the parents are deadbeat junkies who struggle with staying sober for more than half a year.

No. 2151153

>International adoption can also be sketchy because sometimes mothers are pushed to put their children up for adoption for unethical reasons
oh yeah, international adoption seems really gross and should not have a good reputation. there is a good book, called the child catchers, which explains how international adoption works. all of the industry basically snatches and trafficks kids from poor families while buying their children (and lying to them that they'll still be allowed to talk to them, and they'll come back for visits, and have a better life.)

one of the most sickening industries to ever exist, international adoption is run by generally private companies, you can pay the agency and have a baby/kid from abroad really quickly. domestic adoption in the USA has a long ass waiting period and all these CPS checks to figure out if youre a suitable parent who can be allowed to adopt. CPS isnt perfect at all and fucks up countless times, but the private international agencies dont have any kind of checking/waiting period at all. obviously buying a kid as fast as u want one is fucking sick and evil. russia banned international adoption cause of sexual abuse.

No. 2151181

>make plans to go to see ldr bf and everything seems to be set
>was already late to make them
>had to use my dad's airline miles because i'm too poor to afford a ticket and he's traveling all the time
>send details to bf and he doesn't seem to have any complaints
>time i've selected puts me on a red eye flight that'll leave me time to get to my work shift because i forgot to request next day off
>bf abruptly calls me at 12am when i've just gotten out of the shower proclaiming HE CANT DRIVE ME TO THE AIRPORT THAT LATE and that I HAVE TO STAY AN EXTRA FEW HOURS
>can't sleep after being on the phone with him sounding like a condescending asshole for 30 mins while he lowkey makes me feel bad about my own decisions
>contemplate cancelling trip
>go to sleep after all that whining and whinging
>only get 4 hours of sleep
>try and get into change return flight to a morning flight
>have to use my dad's login credentials
>call dad and he grumbles at me
>tell him bf is finicky not me
>end up hysterically crying for 30 mins out of frustration even though flight is changed and it's seemingly solved
>now i'm going to have to beg someone to switch my workshift or come up with an excuse to call out
>in a situation that was completely avoidable if my bf could just down a redbull and drive me to the airport at 11pm, not be a lazy bitch

Am I the asshole for thinking he's being unreasonable? I've worked fucking work shifts when I'm half hungover or on 2 hours of sleep, him complaining about going to an event and needing a solid 8 makes me feel like he's being entitled that he can't even drive me or just pay for an uber. If he keeps acting like this and acts like a bitch during our trip I'm dumping him. This is the first time in our relationship I've felt genuinely neglected by him.

No. 2151208

>taking all this shit from a moid
>a long distance moid, at that
nona come the fuck on. he loves you but wouldn't do something as simple as driving you to the airport? he'd rather put you through all of this instead of making a small sacrifice? luhmao

No. 2151219

To be fair, we first met in person and just happened to live in different states. I do care about him distance aside. this disheartens me

He said he'd drive me FROM when I arrived but not TO back. Because he'll be too tired. Allegedly. If we even stick together that long, I'll see how he behaves next time I visit in October… but god I'm reminded. This is why I haven't dated anyone since pre pandemic. This is why. I should've just dated a girl. Men are annoying. There was this one girl I was into before I met him, but she turned out to be dating someone already. Fuck my life

No. 2151224

i know this will make me sound like a weeb but i genuinely cannot care about hollywood/american entertainment due to how ugly all the celebrities are. especially the men. where are the heartthrobs?

No. 2151226

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Well, I did it. I contacted every psych clinic within 50km of my home. The shortest wait time was 6 months and the longest was 13 months to get an appt. This country is such a fucking joke. I've been trying to find a therapist for the last 3 weeks, and I've called and emailed everywhere and still there's no point. Over 30 clinics but still I have to wait at least 6 months before seeing anyone. This is why everyone calls this place a shithole and why everyone wants to gtfo. I hate it here.

No. 2151227

jeez what an inconsiderate ass of a man kek. it's tiring for you to come all the way out to see him and fly back late at night, i think he can handle a bit of driving past his bedtime. i think long distance usually doesn't work out, even if you met in-person first. the reason it works is when people are willing to make sacrifices and deal with annoying things to actually be around each other despite the distance (or else it inevitably slowly turns into basically just e-dating, and if you want to actually talk to your partner a lot, you have to be ignoring real life and staring at your phone all day while longing for the memory of their touch…)

most people, especially moids, are not that considerate and do not like being inconvenienced. this can i guess be fine in relationships where you live 15 minutes away and it doesn't impact the quality/quantity of the time you spend together. the thing is that if your moid is too lazy and unwilling to do this, he eventually won't be willing to put in the effort to see you, bc as time passes people put less effort into relationships not more. unless you want to be the one putting in the effort/hassle of arranging to see him at his convenience all the time, i'd just dump your moid at this point if i were u.

No. 2151231

imagine delivering yourself to a moid, one that’s not even excited to see you. he won’t stop his vidya for half an hour and wipe his doritos fingers to pick you up from the airport. if it’s not too late to cancel yet just cancel this is so pathetic lol.

No. 2151246

I want to go to California so in the least I'll get a trip out of it and get to explore a place I haven't been to in years. The sad part is excluding the selfishness, he is an interesting man, he's talented, he's cool, but now I'm starting to see his hypocrisy in dubbing his father a narcissist when hes kinda one himself…

It's not even a fucking video game… he's performing at an event and claims drumming will give him such burnout he needs to sleep…. like he can't drive 30 mins to take me back to LAX from OC? Sounds like it's just an excuse to get drunk and not drive. But hell, I've even driven drunk back from events or driven to other places. Why couldn't he have one of his friends drive me? Or his bandmembers? Doesn't make logical sense.

No. 2151258

30 minutes is a super short drive especially in the usa kek wtf and how does drumming make you too tired to drive? nona, if you'd get on an airplane for him without thinking, he would drive 30 minutes no issue if he was really excited to see you. pls get some self respect. sorry for blog but this strikes a chord for me because i had a relationship dissolve because the guy moved to fucking poland, and expected me to take the train like 8 hours nearly every weekend to come see him there. and when i told him he should come see me instead sometimes he always made up lame excuses about being busy or tired, even though i had more obligations than him where i live. i was studying/working full time and he was just working on his dissertation halfassedly, and i'd need no self respect to also inconvenience myself all the time bc he couldn't be bothered to do it. and ofc then he found a gf in poland. you arent even asking him to get on a train, its fucking 30 minutes by car. but what it means is youre not the priority in his life as a gf. if you stopped putting in your efforts he'd literally just be texting you when convenient a man loves a woman who will rush over to him, at his own convenience, but then he can put u back in his phone when hes done and do whatever he wants. im not saying hes cheating or projecting that hard, but im saying that he views you as someone coming in to his world at his convenience, not a shared part of your world as a couple that will last. but its hard to view ppl you mostly talk to online that way so yeah

No. 2151268

Thanks nonnie, I hope you get better too. If you have your contact up in the friend thread let me know and stay well.

No. 2151272

it's so fucking hot. 95-100 degrees every single day always with 60%+ humidity. nobody takes me seriously when i say i can't handle the heat like they do. i don't know how much longer i can deal with this it's actually making me suicidal. when i spend the night at my bf's house, he has the thermostat set at fucking 80°, but he'll turn it down to 78° 'especially for me'. because it's too expensive to run the ac any lower. i can't handle this anymore i can't take it. the news recommends we put our thermostats at 78 during the day due to energy consumption. i want to die. it's all so fucked up this is way too hot it's not sustainable and i feel like im the only person being so badly affected by it . at my house i dont fucking care how expensive it is, i will forego meals and whatever else i need to if that means i can spend the money to run my ac at an acceptable temp. i hate this fucking hellhole. i probably need to get my thyroid levels checked since everybody else seems to just tolerate this shit without too much issue

No. 2151279

stupid vent: i am frustrated with my tendency to just put off doing any shit that's a little annoying (and not that bad.) i let stuff PILE UP and then everything i've been putting off becomes more intimidating because it's a mountain of shit i need to do. and i can never decide what i want to do first if i don't want to do any of it, so i decide to put off the decision and end up wasting a bunch of time. ironically, i'm hiding out on lolcow because i do not want to start my day yet… i do this with everything & only do work/chores/anything at the absolute last second, and it drives me insane. i tried to make a schedule for weekly tasks/chores and i dont stick to that because i keep thinking i can put it off one more day LOL. i realize i am apparently a very lazy person and i dont WANT to be but i also dont want to fucking start doing the things i want to be able to do. yes i do have an adhd diagnosis but i think it's just that i lack self-discipline, so i tend to do the things i actually feel like doing instead of the obligations.

No. 2151282

We'll see how the meet up goes. I just have a feeling he has undiagnosed autism or someshit because he's not really picking up on my cues i'm tired tonight even though I have no desire to facetime him this late and still need to pack. Maybe I'll just avoid his call if he tries and fall asleep.

No. 2151376

It truly is sad how many men have wasted my time. Truly evil and sad, the state of suitors. There is a small pool of genuine men, I am sure of it, but they are far and few inbetween. Many have addictions, many that are normalized today especially for men. They also follow herd mentality and heirarchies, and I am but a shy docile dimwit.

I want my parents to be happy and in peace that their daughter has a loving husband, but alas I am alone and they pressure me to find someone. I don't think this will end well. I don't even care about sex. What are the chances I'll find a normal, genuine man who isn't grossly overweight, doesn't smoke or drink copious amounts, isn't a gaming addict, WORKS, and doesn't cheat? Ha! Let alone even respects me.
My family will leave me a decent fortune someday. Maybe it's a blessing that these men haven't been made aware of that, and have shown their true colors early on.

No. 2151377

You're just 21, you can stop being a shotafag I used to be a shotafag too and you can be better. Did you think you would be a millionaire before being 25? You're starting life, you're still in trial period.

No. 2151394

My apartment complex sends out passive aggressive notifications to everyone to bitch about some of the dumbest things. You just want to look for more excuses to get more money out of people, we get it. How about instead of bitching about shit like the cleanliness of people's balconies you actually fix the damn gate that never works? You know, the things that affect the people that actually live here and not just your image for future residents?

No. 2151407

No, I never expected to be a billionaire, but I did expect to be able to hold a minimum wage job or pass my college classes (which are "hard" but not rocket scient either)
I also have to live the rest of my life with the sequels of medication abuse, malnutrition, and several self-harm scars so I don't know. Also the mental scarring of physical and sexual abuse. It's too much to bear sometimes. If I weren't so useless maybe my parents could be proud of me and life would be worth living but right now all I am is a bottomless pit of undeserved money and attention.

No. 2151409

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there's a perfect name for my male oc i want to use but it's a common ftm name and i just associate it with trannies. fuck.

No. 2151413

There's a shirt I want badly but it'll end up being over $50 and I already spent over $300 on various clothes and other useless shit recently. My medical bills are racking up too. Goddamnit.

No. 2151421

anon no it's not you're engaging in PT behavior. this is a dark path to go down. please find healthier ways to cope, i'm being serious

No. 2151426

its 40 degrees every single fucking day and americans are already talking about "fall" this and "fall" that. first of all, its called autumn. second of all, why don't you FALL back to reality and realise that autumn is a whole month away? nobody gives a shit about your pumpkin spice latte and "cozy vibes".

No. 2151427

Idk what's PT, sorry. Pathological? Also I'm not a pedo it's a merely fictional projection thing, like some people make headcanons with other kinds of stuff that are equally fucked up… I know it's not the best but also it's not like, a real thing. It's a self-insertion sort of thing.

No. 2151435

kai? aiden?

No. 2151449

Saw some people on twitter fighting over some stupid shit one 19 another 28 and the 19 year old said don’t you have taxes to pay like? Why not just call them old or make a joke about having a family or something? If you aren’t a leech and burden to your parents you’d have taxes to pay too. You’re fully grown at 19 and you don’t even have a part time job? Really telling on themselves here

No. 2151454

noah. it's the perfect mix of masculine but pretty, and also historical. it's for an edgy victorian era oc. it's my favorite choice of the ones i've gathered but it's just so tif-y.

No. 2151458

I hate slutty moids

No. 2151505

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I got extremely drunk tonight and keep thinking about suicide. I think if I was 100% planning on committing suicide I'd do an enema beforehand due to being concerned about shitting myself. I know it sounds ridiculous but hey, there was a recorded event of a man on the way to the guillotine making sure to not walk throug h a puddle. People want dignity even in death, as muxh as possible. idk I'd also write them a letter letting them know i wasn't meant to be born anyway and didn't want to live out the rest of my years being a financial burden on them because of my mental problems. It's sad but I have more faith in the govenment putting an IV in my arm to give me the death drugs than I do for them to give me any (free) mental health help that doesn't take a decade+ and I'm too FUCKED UP to do a job fulltime god DAMNIT

No. 2151509

an enema isnt enough youd need to not eat the last 2 days like they do to cattle and pigs before slaughter

No. 2151511

(sad) because ultimately in a capitalsit society life only matters as much as it can provide more money production and add to capital therefore my life is forfeit at least that's the sense i get

No. 2151514

shiiiiit time to get drunk and throw myself into sea then much cleaner kek

No. 2151516

if i drown in a pool will i be too submerged to shit myself?

No. 2151522

the whole pool would become poop soup

No. 2151523

interesting how you can poop yourself both when you give birth and when you die

No. 2151570

someone keeps rapidly ringing my doorbell at 3 am. it started a week or two ago and its always around the same time. i live in one of those college towns that had an infamous serial killer and now it's starting to really worry me.

No. 2151580

Can you set up a doorbell camera? Even if it’s not a serial killer that sounds pretty disturbing.

No. 2151591

nona i stopped taking my anxiety medication you cannot be saying this type of shit to me

No. 2151595

I just upped my bipolar medication and yet I'm getting secondhand nervousness
Praying for you anonona

No. 2151605

I 100% get questioning some of the arguments and occasional leaps in logic nonnies do. Everyone needs to be knocked down a notch and get off their hate boner for five minutes sometimes so it's nice to read the occasional level-headed post, or something that is simply an objective perception, even if they get unfairly dogpiled as whiteknighting for not posting only negative shit about a cow.
However, there are times where posts reads as fairly intimate and defensive in ways that makes me want to "hi cow", or rather "hi cow's friend". Maybe I catch on to those differently because someone I knew has gotten mentioned on lc before as a cow (years ago) and it made me want to go in and defend her while pretending to be a regular anon, but in the end didn't post what I wrote simply because I realized it's hard to separate the emotional ties that reads between the lines. As much as you pretend to be someone not related to a cow you can't remove the traces of having some sort of bond to them in the way you write - whether it be hate, love, friendship or acquaintance.
But on the other hand, what would going "hi cow's friend" really amount to? While lolcow isn't exactly mainstream it's recognized enough to most terminally online people that it wouldn't really be THAT surprising or weird for anyone with ties to a creator to come in and defend them when anons come to less than favorable conclusions based on the lack of background information presented anymore - especially since so many anons have admitted to finding lolcow through googling someone. Trying to call them out will not really amount to much except perhaps making them nervous that they are being called out, but due to lolcow's anonymity they can still claim innocence.

No. 2151608

I’m suffering from crippling loneliness because I had a falling out with my ex best friend a few months ago, and there’s no way we’ll ever be friends again. Now thanks to a retarded false rumor that she spread to everyone we know I’m basically friendless now. With my wageslave job and trust issues I don’t even have the time or motivation to find friends with similar interests that I can have autistic rambles at 2 am with. I’m never opening up to anyone ever again after this.

No. 2151609

maybe he brought you snacks

No. 2151615

itll be alright nonna there are many people out there, dont despair over one lost friendship if she truly was a friend she wouldve given you chance to explain the misunderstanding

No. 2151618

>thanks to a retarded false rumor
If you did nothing wrong not worth being friends with her then. Real friends wouldn't do that without a reason at least. And what kind of rumor if you don't mind sharing anon? If it's retarded not even worth your time, find other friends.

No. 2151624

thankfully this person rings around 2:47 am every time, not quite witching hour just yet

No. 2151628

>Don't come to this thread to make fun of anons' vents, to demean them, or to try and be funny with some shit snark reply. It's annoying. If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say it at all.

No. 2151634

Electrical engineering. Dont know if this specific for my country though.

No. 2151636

If you do it in the off your chest thread you get slapped with a redtext

No. 2151649

>comes into vent thread
>sees nonna venting

No. 2151653

apply on yourself it too and leave the thread. the only one whos a whiny complaining faggot is you

No. 2151739

Wish I could go back to 2014.

No. 2151755

Can I come back with you

No. 2151759

of course nonnie

No. 2151764

My obsession with this person is so unhealthy please help. I think it only got this bad because I’m being a hikkikomori so for a time my life revolved around them. But I even started cutting myself again because of them. It’s like I’ve psychologically conditioned myself at this point because they posted something and now I’m hurting and injuring myself because it’s overwhelming me. I don’t know I’m so fucked up and I hate myself because I’m just a creep

No. 2151766

In 2034 people will say the same about 2024 kek. It’s a cycle. Appreciate the now while you can, because at some point in time 2014, 2004, 1994, 1984 was all the “now” too, and they were still yearning for something else.

No. 2151767

Personally I find filling my life with other things helps with these sorts of infatuations. They never really go away but there is hope.

No. 2151786

Is it possible that you need an emotional outlet, and it just happened to take the form of this obsession? Based on my experience from my time as a hikki, you’re probably very lonely and physically frustrated, at the very least (possibly, i don’t know if you’re a shut-in type or if you leave the house) either way, this might be a symptom, rather than the problem. Are you lacking something in life? Try to identify what you need and address it directly rather than your obsession. Either way, I wish you well, nonny. I’ve also struggled with self harm and it can be very isolating.

No. 2151789

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No. 2151807

I am trying to fix my life including selling old shit like my beater car and I finally got sick enough of the low balling males I deleted the account. I wasn't even asking for much in comparison to the dealers here. There was a teenager in my DMs asking how the car worked… if you aren't old enough to understand get the hell out of my messages! Some other asshole was trying to pull the give me your number and code bullshit. All these people take me as an idiot. I'm already too stressed with work to deal with this in my off time.

No. 2151812

Women care about being nice and clean and pleasurable for others even after death. Bleak.

No. 2151818

>doesn’t wanna get shit all over herself
>this somehow means she wants to be fuckable

No. 2151843

Go back to the bp thread, you freak

No. 2151901

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just this

No. 2151940

Nonna, please don't go. You're going to regret it so much. He should be dying to visit you. If he makes you go through all this stress he doesn't love you.

No. 2151992

I have been eye'ing mcdonalds for the new collab. My millenial heart bleeds for yugioh x sanrio.

No. 2151996

working at mcdonalds

No. 2152000

There's a fucking difference between not wanting to BE COVERED IN POOP and slathering makeup on your face while you put on sexy lingerie before fucking killing yourself

No. 2152015

I can’t stop thinking about the moid I slept on it hurts so much

No. 2152033

put a hot water bag over it and some muscle pain cream.

No. 2152102

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It's my ex's birthday and I just saw through a mutual friend's IG post that they're all out celebrating right now. All of our mutual friends are there, except for me, obviously. I know they are also his friends and it's his birthday but I feel so betrayed in a way that they are all smiles and partying away, while I'm an absolute mess after he broke up with me a little over two weeks ago. All our friends told me that I'll just have to get over it, that this is an "issue" between us (the breakup) and that I'll find someone else some day. That's it. I don't know if I'm being selfish right now but it feels like they are more his friends. It hurts and I feel so excluded and discarded for some reason.

No. 2152137

i am getting so sick of how every other post seems like its either "MEN ARE CAPABLE OF LOVE, NOT MY NIGEL!!!"/I'm so obessessed I can't stop thinking about MOIDS!!! or HOW DO STRAIGHT WOMEN LIVE WITH THEMSELVES/Men are soul less disgusting animals that should all die!!!
God like I can't take it anymore. think I'm gonna park in the bechdel thread and never come out

No. 2152167

True, men are incapable of love though

No. 2152168

my ex used to say shit like, if you ever got sick or had an accident or were in a wheelchair or something, I would 100% be there to take care of you. Then he cheated on me and lied to my face about it for a year. Ha

No. 2152169

this is the only place women can vent about moids.

No. 2152170

I suppose you’re right. I just need to take a break in a safe zone lol.

No. 2152171

ew why

No. 2152258

i'm sorry nonna. that stings. find something to distract yourself for the next two months and you'll be over it. have you ever played wow? the new expansion is about to drop and its the perfect time to get into it. when i was going through a breakup i played wow all day long to distract myself and before long i was totally over it.

No. 2152266

Idk if i saw a troon today or a woman with a very square jaw. I tried to sneak some glances at this person and they can definitely tell that I was looking and stare back kek. If ur a woman I’m sorry queen but if you weren’t kys tranny.(baiting/alogging)

No. 2152328

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Sometimes I wonder if I'm getting old. It feels like yesterday I was hip with the kids, but I see terribly retarded slang like "femboy" and "cunty" and "omg hes so aro ace" being used all over the place and I wonder if this is just what my parents felt when I would say dumb slang as a kid and I just feel like it's the worst retarded shit when it's happening to me.
I also now wonder how come immortals in fiction aren't ever so disgusted by modern morality that they no longer bother with trying to argue, but they're still very disgusted.

No. 2152335

Yes that's what your slang sounded like to the adults at the time, it all sounds retarded when you're not part of it.

Honestly it always confused me why when kids hear an adult say their slang words back at them and they go "omg stop saying that, it's so embarrassing!!!", how do they never realize that is actually how the adults hear them when they say it too lol

No. 2152351

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Why the fuck are vasectomies not more common and advertised??
>it's reversible
>moid still gets hard
>moid can still cum
>worst risks is swelling after the procedure or infection if the moid is too retarded to clean himself (shouldn't have sex in the first place then)
Why do we have to take hormone changing pills with heavy effects or regularly insert very painful devices in ourselves when the moid option is this harmless? Wtf??

No. 2152355

men apparently need to be able to have more children to abandon

No. 2152356

Know a rich stupid moid who got offered to be a regional manager of some nursing homes across the country for over $300,000 salary. Just a guy at his church offered him the position. Maybe it’s my PMS but life seems incredibly unfair and pointless unless you were born into wealth. Not to mention a regional manager gets paid that fucking much when the elderly living in those places get subpar care and awful abusive shit happens often… I hate this.

No. 2152362

They're too obsessed with having a penis to be comfortable with a doctor handling it.

No. 2152389

In my feelingusu

No. 2152407

He'll be too tired? Sorry for tinfoil but you said this is a long distance relationship … do you think he might be a heavy drinker? Whenever my ex would say "I would do that for you, but I'm gonna be too tired" it was his way of saying that he planned to get shit-ripped and couldn't be bothered to do things after a certain time.

No. 2152412

My sister's boyfriend got a vasectomy and honestly both of them are so much happier since then (they even have what they call "the vasectomy dance" that they do whenever they've encountered a particularly annoying kid kek) so it's not like it will affect them negatively at all. They are just obsessed with the thought/concept of being able to impregnate a woman

No. 2152414

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picrel is me making plans with others in my uni class over discord knowing full well I can already tell I'm gonna have a bad case of sunday blues tomorrow and not leave my apartment
It's not a group project or anything like that, we are just gonna go over what the lecturer talked about yesterday but these people are so chatty we won't really get anywhere anyway

No. 2152419

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My friend turned housemate just had to get a boyfriend who lives in another country but still rather close JUST as we moved together. His ass is always here despite the distance and worst thing is that I absolutely dislike him. He's ugly, annoying, kinda feels sleazy and I gag when I remember we share the bathroom. And no I'm not in love with her, I liked her ex bf. I'd been dreaming of living together with a friend for years and when I get the chance there goes a moid to ruin it. Even when he's not there she's clearly texting him all day or calling him for hours. I get it because we don't exactly bathe in male attention but of all individuals I am disappointed in her choice, plus I didn't want to gain a surprise roomate for days at a time. All my expectations towards finally living with someone I liked went down the toilet and it has me seething.

No. 2152439

I think the place where I work is going to go out of business soon. Compared to the last 3 years, the restaurant is not doing well. I don't want to quit. I like everyone there and it's a very easy, fun job. I hate job hunting. I hate training at a new job and having to adjust to a new social paradigm. The social vibes at my current job are absolutely perfect, but I'm making less and less money each year.

No. 2152443

i feel like this moid is shit because youre literally going on a plane (which he should pay for this, or atleast partially pay for it) and delivering yourself to him and he cant even drive 30 minutes at night for you?? ungrateful ass man. you shouldve threatened to cancel unless he would drive you

No. 2152530

I hope someday I'll find that something that will get me obsessed enough to have fun drawing for it everyday

No. 2152546

Neighbour below mine is watching over his friend's dog. He's left it alone in his apartment the whole day. It has been barking and howling up a storm for ten hours. My noise cancelling headphones went out of battery and I'm wondering if the owner knows that this is happening. It's happened once before and I told the neighbour that if he's gonna watch the dog, he can't leave for that long since the dog barks because it's lonely. He said he wouldn't, but here we are once more. I feel sorry for the poor dog. Gonna pay attention to when the owner comes to pick it up tomorrow and ask if he's fine with the dog being alone for this long.

No. 2152573

One of my best friends got a Nigel and she’s been completely ignoring me. I saw her the other day while she was with him and she didn’t even say hello. I’m not joking.

No. 2152588

I would've cancelled immediately if I were in your place. Imagine your gf comes to see you by plane, pays for it herself, and you can't even be bothered to DRIVE FOR 30 GODDAMN MINUTES. He gives zero effort so give zero effort back.

No. 2152596

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All of the people I know have their shit together, they have committed to a career or having children or both and I'm just taking whatever random job I can find and still feel like I'm in high school and I have no idea what I'm doing with my life and I hate myself for it

No. 2152605

who is this doll

No. 2152608

iktf, ive seen her only like 3 times since she started dating him early last year

No. 2152613

I'll never understand successful thots who make 10-20k on OF every month and then lose it all. How do you fumble that hard? How do you lose that amount of money and income?

No. 2152624

I finally found it oh my god

No. 2152635

Trying to stop being a fatty-chan. Ate a homemade salad today. Trying to stop eating/consuming calories after 8pm unless it's like sparkling water. No you cannot take my 20 calorie Liquid Deaths away from me. No more fast food, trying to cut on snacks. The only fast food I'm going to have is Chipotle or if I find myself at out at dinner with family/my boyfriend I'm just going to get salads there. I'm trying, sometimes I stumble but I will keep trying.

No. 2152661

Update, neighbour finally came home, but he brought what I assume is his girlfriend too so now there's another bitch howling.

No. 2152664

Just make sure you get enough protein and other filling food during the day and not only rely on salads. Otherwise you will end up bingeing because your body is screaming for nutrients. Unless you eat out several times a week you can eat a proper meal at a restaurant and still lose weight as long as you are within a calorie restraint. Hell, you can even enjoy a couple of snacks at the end of the day if you've planned your meals properly.

No. 2152671

Me too I'd be freshly 17-18 and make better decisions

No. 2152677

I'm already on the plane. I'm shaking nervous.
Really hope he doesn't try and assault me or anything. He says he respects my boundaries but I'm afraid he won't. I thought I trusted him. When he pulled that with the driving fiasco I just felt dehumanized. I'm not saying there can't be compromise and I want a man to worship me but god forbid.

Was this the wrong decision? Well screw me im already going. I'm a grown woman and I made this decision already. Partially because I wanted to go to dank ass California. We'll see how it goes. I'm actually leeching off my dads miles so I'm not paying in full for this.

I'm trying to overcome the fear and pain I've been through the past couple years by going to an unfamiliar place, that's why even if me and the BF doesn't work out I'm doing this. I need to get over my fear and leave home. If I live to regret it… I made that decision.

No. 2152679

Idk what thread to put this in but it's kinda weird how people just lie to your face about what "medical" benefits treatments or products have. I'm watching a Japanese facial treatment video and the woman in it claims it will make your head smaller (in just one visit!) which is obviously bullshit and wouldn't even be a selling point in the west at all! Makes me wonder what lies we're being sold here that I don't even question…

No. 2152716

calculate your tdee and eat below it and you'll lose weight, nonita. i believe in you

No. 2152739

>be horny
>bumping handsome moid thread, audio porn thread, sexual fantasies thread, male pornstars thread
>no longer horny for one night
>the threads havent been bumped since my last post

its lonely lonely lonely out there

No. 2152755

beautiful post, thank you

No. 2152849

I’m so fucking tired of my dad leaving the brita water pitcher on the counter and not putting it back in the fridge. Then I go home and I want cold water and it’s been sitting out for hours. He does this every single time I’m so done with him

No. 2152876

Why is it important to you for other anons to reply to your hornyposting?

No. 2152877

NTA and I don't get it either kek, sometimes I overshare and post something that toes the line outside the appropriate threads and when someone replies to it I feel so embarrassed

No. 2152918

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No. 2152922

>musician (human STD)
>drummer (narcissist)

No. 2152923

> Musician (human STD)
kek that's so real

No. 2152934

They hated her for being a good person. The end

No. 2152936

she's a Stacy

No. 2152937

Samefag as twice above, imagine how happy that little girl is now. She made her whole year, probably. This is something she must have prayed about over and over again. It’s like a new beginning for her. Literally a miracle.

No. 2152945

She’s still based as fuck for killing a scrote at broad daylight. Probably suicidal anyway, she decided to go out like a legend instead of shooting herself like a loser.(responding to bait)

No. 2152956

does anyone else wanna petition kamala to pardon her

No. 2152962

wat(responding to bait)

No. 2152963

Well, they should ALL be shot in broad daylight.(responding to bait)

No. 2152967

>for nothing.
she saved another child from being abused

No. 2152968

I hope she gets primary tv permission and all the best commissary that could hold her over until Kamala pardons her.

No. 2152970

Being the only one that isn't drunk is so annoying.

No. 2152981

What is with anons posting about so much gross shit today, ugh.

No. 2152982

these are the kinds of people that deserve prison fanmail the most

No. 2152986

It's just scrotes baiting. This farmhands don't have any moderation tools anymore. They can post red-text at the bottom of a post, but since most baiters and scrotes use VPNs, it's meaningless. Summerfags love to respond to scrote bait which encourages them to continue baiting. It's sad that this website is basically defenseless against raids. In the past 3 weeks alone, I've seen 5-6 calls to raid on 4ch. Even itt, retarded newfags can't help but react to bait.

No. 2152998

Its not even bait tbh, there's just been so many posts about children being abused today. Like jesus..

No. 2153001

That's bait kek. They want to inspire reactions from anons. It's that simple. And anons still fall for it and say it isn't bait.

No. 2153011

Oh sorry, I didn't realize it was supposed to be bait honestly. Well I hope the posts get deleted.

No. 2153016

Bait doesn't mean like "weird opinion" or "angry post," it means a post that's made specifically to bait other anons to respond to it and to start an infight. Posting pictures of abused children is obviously moid bait. Literally just think about it for 10 seconds and it becomes obvious it's bait. Unfortunately, a lot of anons (no offense, but you're an example) can't recognize bait and they just fuel the trolls. It's obnoxious.

No. 2153019

NTA but unfortunately there are incels (r9k bots) and schizos that post dumb shit just to get a reaction. Women replying to their bait is most female interaction they probably get in their pathetic lives.

No. 2153026

Well jeez anon, I didn't analyze the posts to see if it was bait or not. I just saw a lot of posts about child abuse (this thread, the Twitter thread, things you hate, wish you never knew, and I believe some others) today and made that post to complain about it.

No. 2153033

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I need to vent and I need advice so any nonny nonny that wants to help I will be very grateful. I'm ESL so I'm going to try to explain as best as I can

I entered an online course for biology and they're making people that don't have social media like me to create a Facebook account, TikTok and Twitter because they want to have activities involving those. It's basically obligatory. They're using manipulation words like "it's for the greater good! And they're easy to make! Even old teachers have them! We respect your privacy!" When they don't understand that I don't want to give Facebook and TikTok my information. I paid for this course and they never said any of this shit before in the application process. I want to abandon this class now I don't want to do this. What should I do? I'm pretty sure there's no refunds and my actual career has nothing to do with biology anyway, I only took this for fun. It was a considerable amount of money though, like 90 usd.

No. 2153036

I get it, but seriously you need to get more used to recognizing bait and just reporting it when you see it.
Honestly this sounds retarded and I would just drop the course and lodge a complaint. Don't do shit that makes you uncomfortable, even if you already paid 90 dollars. The course sounds like it's fake bullshit.

No. 2153037

Anon, they legally can’t kick you out of the course for this if you paid for it. Go get your moneys worth! Don’t make a Facebook, don’t let them message you on social media, just enjoy the course. If they push further start getting aggressive. They don’t have real power over you. You will learn and they will have to teach you.

No. 2153090

That punishment is ridiculous. She killed one person and her handling of the body wasn't particularly grotesque. Someone needs to take a look into the judge to see if s/he has ties to pedos and wanted to avenge that scumbag.

Just let her do three years max and two years probation with mandatory counseling or some shit. It's not like he was anyone of value.

No. 2153120

1. they can't kick you out
2. you have the power since you paid. relax and enjoy your power. become hostile if they try to coerce you.
3. worst thing that can happen is 90 dollars down the drain. its only 90 dollars. who cares.

No. 2153127

can't you make a new empty email for these accounts and then never touch these products again? if you're uncomfortable with that too i understand. or maybe you can do an alternative where you email your responses.

No. 2153130

Tbh any course that depends on using social media doesn't sound like a course you should be taking. It sounds like bullshit.

No. 2153144

you're right it's a red flag and childish, but having students interact through discussion posts or make videos is a common assignment.

No. 2153149

I know, but usually those are on specific education websites tied to the university or college platform, like Blackboard. I'm just assuming anon is getting ripped off because she said she's ESL, so I'm guessing she's taking this course at some bummy third-world company that she should just forget about.

No. 2153168

I know a girl who is very very deep down the kpop hole to the point where she is incredibly extremely and I mean EXTREMELY unhealthily obsessed with this one guy in a boy group. She constantly gets like jealous and weird and infantilizes the grown ass man whenever she talks about him. She’s also really fatphobic and will say some shit like “ughhh last time he replied to a fan was this fatty bitch!”. Then she turns around and is like “lol my autism I wish I had friends!!!”. As someone who is also autistic it makes me sad. Why are you so cruel to other people and then you blame it on autism? Then you cry and whine about having no friends.

No. 2153193

To be frank the course gives me so many red flags, today I messaged the official account about my concerns about my privacy and not wanting to make an account and then later when the first class started they main guy from the association basically was like, tackling each one of my concerns publicly (without mentioning my name, but) almost trying to manipulate me and whoever was watching into thinking it's unreasonable to not have social media accounts. I felt like he was trying to show me a lesson or whatever because I did mention in my private message that I'm not too old and I know how to make an account but I won't make it because I don't want to and he mentioned something about age, then he mentioned how having social media is the best way to show science and biology posts to people when basically I'm sure everyone watching was a nobody. That it's our duty to talk about the course in our social media and that some people may think they're just using them to promote the course but that promoting the course is necessary for the greater good. Etc etc.

Now the only problem is that my partner is going to get really mad at me for quitting because he always always insists on me quitting shit and not wasting money and always looking at the bright side when my red flag detector is setting off with these people.

No. 2153213

Today (well, yesterday now because it's past midnight) was my birthday and I went out with lunch with my mom. I just recently got a new job working full time after being unemployed for a very long time. I thought she would be proud of me and stuff but instead she only said she didn't think I was where I needed to be in life at 26, and she says she hopes I can get a "real" job soon even though this job is an office job the pay I shit idk what she meant by getting a real job. And then she went on to talk about why I don't have a boyfriend and stuff and honestly the real vent is why the fuck do I even bother to interact with my family at all? Like I feel like a bitch and people make fun of liners but am I just supposed to sit here and be someone's punching bag my whole life? I mean goddamn I'm sorry I disappoint you so much I guess I fucken die or something Jesus Christ I know there's no making her happy but damn… Having no family also sucks in Christmas and birthdays and stuff because I have no one else to turn to, so I just keep coming back and taking abuse from these people who are supposed to love me.

No. 2153218

Happy birthday nonna

No. 2153236

Thank you. My birthday wasn't all bad, but my family is very hard to deal with. It really gets me down on days that are supposed to be nice.

No. 2153251

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Last night I dreamed that I had a girlfriend and she wanted to wear an outfit, but ended up making me wear it instead because she thought I looked cuter in it. It was so sweet, why can't my life be like this? I hate the real world so much

No. 2153294

I'm having insomnia and my stomach is kinda upset, I don't get it. Well, if my body doesn't want to sleep I can't force it, let's stay awake then!

No. 2153295

Are you lost? Tf you doing here?

No. 2153308

Turns out yall were right about the moid and I would prefer to walk around the unsafe part of the city at night and get shot by junkies right now rather than deal with him.

I want to die right now.

>do big adult things just to go see long distance boyfriend across country even though he said and did condescending asshole thing to me because I thought plans were already made

>arrive at airport
>bf says we were gonna walk around downtown
>cancels plans
>insists we go to his stupid house
>realize I'm trapped in a car with a man who's stomping all over me and verge on emotional combustion
>I feel so repulsed I don't even want to kiss or touch him
>already stressed about flight and other things
>he has allergies and his nose is making these horrible glorping bubbly noises that he can definitely control but chooses not to
>sends me scrabbling up a sensory wall
>keeps saying the word CHILLIN
>start telling him things about my past he doesn't know and why I have anxieties
>"zomg anon don't think about that stop talking about it!!"
>"but boyfriend it helps me to vent it out, why are you saying that?"
>what I really mean to say is are you invaliding my fucking feelings right now? really?
>in all that time you wasted we could've been walking around, you ass licker
>we arrive in his hometown
>wait for his mom
>I can't hold it together and have a panic crying episode in front of him which happens to me when I'm alone sometimes
>I tell him to go away if he doesn't want to see it and instead he witnesses the entire thing
>instead of being supportive he just starts saying "ZOMG THAT WAS SCARY" over and over and my shame deepens
>apparently doesn't know the meaning of the word "phlegm" when I say it to him
>did you graduate 4th grade you retard
>bemoaning his allergies again and making whiny groans like an over dramatic bitch while he does so
>ask him if he's ever had friend with a mental illness, he says he does
>try and explain to him that you can't stop episodes sometimes and that that's just part of life with a shitty mood disorder
>go to dinner with his mom who's nice unlike him
>I guess he inherited his "narcissistic fathers" shittiness without realizing how shitty he himself is
>get home from dinner and have better conversation with his mother than I've had this entire trip with him
>sit in bed
>contemplate slitting my wrists with whatever sharp object I can find and wish I'd made a better decision
>this motherfucker seemed nice enough at first and now he's entirely destroyed things in a week
>I hate men. I hate men. I hate men I hate men I hate men

No. 2153310

Did he know beforehand you had anxiety disorder or did it come out of nowhere? Also is he at least hot

No. 2153311

What a queen

No. 2153312

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I'm drunk but thought this was too dark for the drunk thread idk i think i'm bisexual (for men) lowkey but sex with a man really does sound like the greatest form of disrespect. like the most dehumanizing act you can engage in without like, literally being killed and turned into cuts of meat lmao men are lowkey demons like don't get me wrong women can hurt you too but the times I was hurt by a woman was typically in service to a fucking moid or moid sensibilitiesl. But it still makes it feel like there's no safe space in this world, like everyone is secretly out to hurt and abuse you or use them for their own fucking BULLSHIT I unironically think sex in all It's forms is evil. I wish it wasn't the case but I genuinely think sex is evil, like money. It corrupts, consumes and controls. Maybe love in itself is a fucking lie and the same shit. don't get me wrong i'd love to be held and cared for and feel safe but it all feels like a fucking lie. i don't want you to touch my fucking PUSSY OKAY because the fact you want to is obviously a sign to me you want to fucking hurt me you fucking piece of SHIT I wish you would fucking die die die die die die die die holy shit why was i born period it was a fucking mistake AAAAAAAA earth really is hell already and sex is a part of it. literally demonic. actually what keeps the circle of hell in contiuation of this earth. i've literally lost 90% bodily sensation and feeling on my own because I just view any feeeling especially sexual as a way for other people to control and hurt you to the point that even touching myself completely alone feels like a failure and it's not like I can feel anytihng anyway as I've trained myself to be completely numb DUE to my distrust and disgust and shame to the point that even touching myself feels like some sick psyop i'm tricking myself into into being hurt again FUCK

No. 2153318

when I'm drunk usually I dance to fun music or watch a comedy movie, not do all this

No. 2153325

He knew I had mental health issues yes. It's actually the bipolar that brings about the crying. and no he is not attractive enough to warrant this bullshit.

No. 2153357

Feel u nonnie.

No. 2153365

“I’m a trendsetter, not a follower, much personal style, toot toot”….”maybe it’s time for me to stay trendsetting by being several years late to reviving the hipster trend”

Make it make sense, sis.

No. 2153366

He seemed less undesirable when I first met him. Even up until the flight reservation thing. I was excited to see him. We first met in person months ago and I was very attracted to him back then.

Right now? I want to flee.

The only thing he hasn't done after trampling on my feelings is assault or rape me and I don't think he'll try that but I really don't feel safe right now.

California is so beautiful and full of potential and fun for my touristy ass… and here I am trapped with a local who wants me to be miserable. His dick is not big enough and he is not attractive enough to warrant the level of ego. I can see why his exes dumped him.

His mom is way nice, works a very cool job as one of her jobs and he was repeatedly rude to her tonight which made me even angrier. That's your mom you ungrateful shitlord. And damn I thought he was a momma's boy too! I guess you really can't learn a lot doing long distance huh? Once you see the reality in person it's run for the hills!

No. 2153369

>one week
gurl you are the red flag in this situation.

No. 2153371

We've been dating for two months but yeah I probably should've dumped him a week ago, the problem is it was my first boyfriend in years and I really wanted to try and make it work and have at least one meetup

I guess I am an idiot for that

No. 2153372

Not even trying to be mean anon, but I really hope this experience taught you something about LDR. There's a reason why all of us on here say "LDRs aren't real don't get in LDRs" whenever someone brings it up.
Don't reply to that retard and you aren't an idiot. You just needed to learn a lesson, that's all. Everyone has to suffer from the learning curve, so don't get too down on yourself for it. It sucks but at least you learned something. I hope that you find yourself out of the situation soon. If you really need money to leave, contact your dad and tell him about what's happening and ask for help getting back home. He's already changed the flight once, so I'm sure he's familiar with how to do it again. In the future please avoid LDRs, they are literally nothing but suffering.

No. 2153375

Thinking about it I'm a touchy feely person when it comes to intimacy so I also don't really understand why I found myself in an LDR. It only made the distance agonizing if I can't be with someone. Once I met him again it just didn't have the same spark knowing my opinion of him was changing.

I am bi and contemplated a girlfriend instead of a moid, but the girl I was into before I met LDR moid turned out to be taken and crushed my heart. I think I'd probably have better luck finding a girlfriend after dumping him if I'm willing to wade through the rough seas of local dating apps to avoid all the wannabe throple couples and fakebians or fakebi's. It'd be more worth it. I'm really tired of men, I've had a few flirt with me locally at my job including some more attractive than LDR moid but the older I get the more I realize that men who are actually capable of caring about women are slim slim pickings

No. 2153376

Is it related to your final grade, or “basically” required through pressure tactics?

If it affects your grade, make burner accounts. If it’s merely participation pressure, just don’t do it.

No. 2153391

why would you post if you didn't want anybody to reply, just write in your journal then

No. 2153399

You. Are. Responsible. For. Managing. Your. Own. Triggers.

Nobody called anyone an idiot but OP herself, I said “red flag” because the entire post is TL;DR greentext about you having zero empathy for your partner, attacking him for trying to be supportive with good advice to stop ruminating , after you havin zero regard for whether or not he was prepared to talk about your past traumas, expecting him to accommodate your emotions instead of regulating them yourself like an adult, have a panic attack about it and tell him to go away, then getting upset that he cares enough about you to experience real emotional fear for you during your mental health crisis, make no space and give no validation for HIS fear emotions, nitpick unimportant vocabulary words, continue being insensitive about his physical and psychological pain, patronizingly reject the reality that your mood disorder does not absolve you of responsibility for behaving with kindness and compassion even when you are struggling, bond with his mother over dysfunction in his family that puts him down, contemplate suicide because he doesn’t exist to accommodate childish outbursts, don’t even realize that you expect him to be perfect while you expect to get everything you want from him exactly how you want it, without any work or reciprocation on your part, generally seethe with contempt for your romantic partner while you have zero respect for the fact that’s he’s a human and not perfect, and none of these things you listed are toxic or abusive in any way, literally hate this man who is willing to wade through your BPD minefield

You are a whole relationship red billboard. The only fix for your problems is DBT. People don’t get to weopanize their disorders or use them to manipulate loved ones.

No. 2153400

You sound like a BPDfag I used to know.

No. 2153402

Damn bait is so low quality now it's sad.

No. 2153415

Autistic BPD-chan e-dates an autistic scrote dweeb, goes to meet him and splits over his retardation for the entire time, writes word salad post about it on Lolcow. Like pottery.

No. 2153417

>Like "pottery."
Bait is so low quality now it's sad.

No. 2153429

God why am I so ugly what did I do in a past life to deserve this reeeeeeeee

No. 2153431

Try your best this life cycle to do good acts and achieve positive karma so that you will be reborn as lotus flower. Namaste nona I believe in you.

No. 2153440

As someone with a lot of "woke" friends it's downright depressing seeing how they've gotten unironically antisemitic. These same people that would always talk about how alt-rights are nazis with everyone slightly different then them being alt-right, are now agreeing with shit that's straight up "they run everything" and worse. I can't call them out because it's a losing battle.
Genuinely not trying to start shit here about the conflict, it's not about that. It's just sad to watch happen.

No. 2153457

That sounds sad. I used to have a few lefty friends but I stopped hanging out with them because I felt like their opinions were sometimes contradictory, depending on what was popular at the time. I’m sure I probably do the right thing, but it was still sad to witness

No. 2153475

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trying to teach myself that I'm not responsible for other people's mental health. People are rarely there for me in turn even when I'm at my lowest, so I shouldn't try so hard. But I also way too easily notice when someone is struggling and I can't leave them alone, so I periodically get emotionally burnt out because I spread myself so thin trying to be there for people and I don't want to anymore. But at the same time, the thought of someone being alone during harsh times is pure torture, I don't want anyone to feel as lonely as I do when my mental health is spiraling.
I'm feverish today, so I couldn't attend a study session today. The guy holding the study session is going through some stuff right now so he mostly needs it as a distraction, but it seems like others are ghosting and it takes absolutely everything from me to not call him on discord to check on him and do the study session from a distance because I know I will take hours and I will personally feel worse even if I'm technically just ticking some obligatory "good friend" checkbox by doing it.

No. 2153476

But it is true though? at least in america? Aren't most big companies owned by Jewish moids? pointing it out doesn't mean they're being racist or antisemitic ? Just like pointing out how many nazi scientists were in nasa doesn't make you germanphobic. Most sjw teens don't understand the nuance but they're aren't in the wrong in this case.(quit sperging about jews)

No. 2153481

I know I should spend less time looking at screens and I know I should excersise more regularly and I know both things would make me happier, hell I already have hobbies I could easily practice without a lot of screentime. And yet I don't do any of it.

No. 2153482

Holy fuck you've been sperging about jews for 2 hours now poltard can you drink bleach already or fuck off from this website it's getting annoying

No. 2153485

Calm down.

No. 2153487

Wrong anon I have no issue with the Jewish people just pointing out basic facts zionists on the other hand can rot.

No. 2153490

There is a baiting scrote in here. He’s obsessed with the Holocaust and has been shitting up the threads with it. Probably butthurt because his wife left him for a cute curly haired jew. my vent is I wish summerfags would stop falling for his bait. You don’t argue about Da Jooz online. It’s like the number 1 rule of the internet

No. 2153492

There's been at least 1 baiting scrote in every thread since the Imane drama when it got plastered over 4chan. Too bad farmhands are asleep right now.

No. 2153526

I keep having dreams about my old best friend, just laughing together being dumb and acting stupid. I miss her so much but she went on the gendie DID tourettes' faker train, I just hope I can meet someone like her again someday. She was amazing but ever since our break I haven't been able to connect to anyone, it seems to be cool for other zoomers to overshare every second of your life and they just assume I don't have anything going on just because I don't yap about my uwu victimhood the first 2 seconds we meet each other. Do I just accept that I've become too closed off to have friends? The last nice conversation I had was with an elderly woman at my work, maybe I should do volunteer work and go keep the elderly company. It seems nice to have a few people to go to, make some tea, listen to stories and play a board game or do a puzzle and I'd be doing something good as well.(emoji)

No. 2153532

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i wish i wasnt a bpdchan

No. 2153538

File: 1724585427048.jpg (131.8 KB, 540x543, evolve or repeat.jpg)

Eh, you won't be in a few years if you just start DBT and reading books to help yourself.

No. 2153542

My sister has always made poor choices about her relationship. She was with a scrote who made her excluded from our worlds for more than 8 years. She basically disappeared and only decided to talk to us when she needed money or something.
Then when he dumped her he met someone only one month before and she was a victim of domestic violence, even having to be arrested twice. Of course we tried to interfere but it meant nothing, they got back together like 4 or 5 times. It was around that time when I decided I couldn’t stand it anymore, I choose to put myself in first place because I had to go to therapy because of them being the toxic couple they were.
I only saw her thrice in those two years, when he didn’t know she was with us. Of course our relationship got so distant and bad because of that. When they broke up for good, I told her that I wished she met someone new but with time, again and again it was me trying to make her see her mistakes.
Two weeks later, she was in another relationship. One month and a half after, she told us she’s getting married to this man, who we don’t even know. I can’t deal with it anymore.
Since April we must have talked like 6 times, nothing more. Now she asked me to go to their wedding and I told her I won’t go, I don’t feel comfortable and I don’t even know her fiancé ffs! Not that I have any intention to, I just can’t deal with it.
I know she’s selfish, I know she’s dumb, I know victims of DV can’t see it how we see it but ffs, I tried time after time after time, I had to go to the police to pick her up, to the lawyers (whom I paid), even to the council to ask which were the consequences of her living with her past abuser in our house; I had to take medication to sleep, to be functional again, I had to go to work and then run to the hospital with an anxiety attack which left me thinking I was having a stroke. I implored her to be safe; to take care of herself, even with tears in my eyes, begging her just to put herself first.
And then she mets someone new who promises her the world in one month and she doesn’t see the damn red flags! All I hear her say is that she’s so sure of her decision and that people who can’t be happy for her just don’t care about her. I already told her that being against her marriage this soon doesn’t mean I don’t care about her or nor that I love her but all I got was an “ok”.
It’s so unfair and I don’t know why I keep trying to change things that are out of my control. She just doesn’t care. I tried and I tried. I paid for her therapy just to discover she used that money to go and make some wedding plans with a stranger. I just can’t.

No. 2153543

nayrt but beautiful pic!

No. 2153547

DV victims have to want to escape and do better for themselves, you can't do it for them. you're justified in setting boundaries and not going after her betrayal by using her money on another relationship rather than on therapy. she's been turned against you and may put that man before everything else again. it's like dealing with an addict. i'm very sorry anon you're in this horrible place.

No. 2153568

I’m never getting that night back ughhh I’m so lonely. That was the only time I’ll ever get a proper hit of oxytocin and it flashed by so quick

No. 2153570

I’m sorry to hear that anon. You’ve done more than enough. Prioritize yourself

No. 2153571

I fucking hate facebook, my mother is constantly on it, when I try to watch TV she will look at the facebook shorts with the volume on and I don't know which is more annoying: the same short unfunny audio repeating or constantly having to hear new one while I'm trying to watch something. I have pointed out several times that I find it distracting/annoying/rude but no she doesn't care, even as a kid I wish she had spent her freetime doing ordinary things with us but no it's always facebook facebook facebook

No. 2153578

Thanks anon but kek, no WOW for me because my ex plays it and the last thing I need right now is something that reminds me of him.

No. 2153582

I'm too FUCKED UP to do a job fulltime god DAMNIT
I know that feel. Even working part time receptionist was misery and I never got better at it. I quit most jobs after a few shifts. I can't do basic mental math I'm slow and I have bad social skills. I only am not suicidal because I'm so selfish a part of me thinks I deserve to be supported, good luck touching me I'm behind 1000 layers of cope. The only thing that makes me want to keep trying is the love for my family

No. 2153584

internet addiction is widely prevalent among gen xers and boomers. so many of them are obsessed with facebook

No. 2153600

I actually look like a fucking man.

No. 2153609

>Pretend to be TIM
>start gofundme
>say your parents are kicking you out
>ask for money
>receive money

No. 2153624

You could earn fucking millions of dollars, anon.

No. 2153635

Wishful thinking. I’d probably end up on the other farms.

No. 2153664

I feel that. On top of that I sound like a TIM and get they'd by other people too. fml

No. 2153678

"Everyone I don't like is BPD"

No. 2153685

you type like a moid

No. 2153704

i did this 3 years ago and it worked. i put my brother in a cheap shitty party wig and made him take a mirror selfie in a dark room with his face covered, made it the pfp of a twitter account i built up for 2 months to look legit/interacted with other troons, increasingly sprinkled in tweets about my abusive transphobic family stealing my wig and not letting me transition, my gfm got a lot of traction and i harassed my trans mutuals to boost it for mutual aid. honestly even a real woman could do it this way if you get a shitty wig and cover your non-male jawline with ur phone. u gotta pretend to be a tim and write it like “im a brown disabled lesbian transwoman and i can’t get a job for myself because my abusive family prevents me from living my life and my mental health is ruined.” my last tweet was that my parents found out about me being my true self online and then i deleted the account after ppl saw it. i got 700 euros to buy gender affirming clothes and for medical transition and i bought a drawing tablet kek

No. 2153707

Thank you for your words, anons.
Right now she sent me a message in which she calls me narcissistic, she’s telling me that I’m acting like a spoiled teenager that doesn’t want her to get better. She told me that I’m acting like I can’t stand people being happy, that I always have to ruin it and that I should be grateful because it’s an important day to her and she made the favour of inviting me but I’m just rejecting because I’m salty.
She literally said that she’s not responsible of the stories I’m making up on my mind because of her past, that it’s not her problem. She cut all ties from now on (or it seems), she’s “truly disappointed” with my behaviour. Mind you, when I told her I wouldn’t be at her wedding, I wished her the best and I told her I hoped this time would work out. I guess she was expecting me there just for the money / gifts. I can’t find another explanation.
I wish it didn’t hurt me as much as it did. Normally I would write her back something trying to reason with her but right now I don’t ever want to talk again. Again, it’s all about her.

No. 2153812

Holy shit I completely forgot to request some official document from the government I need to get into the computer sytems at my internship that I'll be starting tomorrow and processing the request takes them anywhere from 1 to 4 weeks. I am soooo fuuuuuucked.

No. 2153815

As a south asian woman, I hate the societal pressure to marry so damn much. My parents are relatively fine, they are disappointed but have accepted that I will only marry when I want (which may be never). But random acquaintances think that it's their job to save me from my grim fate(?) and bother me by bringing me marriage proposals from random men. I'm not even against marriage in principle, but what am I supposed to do when I have never liked anyone romantically at all, not even a little crush as a young girl? I am trying my best to become financially secure so I can survive after retirement (here children are always supposed to take care of their old parents, no benefits from government). I don't mind the idea of adopting a kid but I will probably not qualify and I don't think I have the necessary parental instincts for it. I should probably immigrate to a first world country, I'm still relatively young but the life of a single old woman would be lonely and boring in this place.

No. 2153822

I've found that the lower quality the males/deal for marriage, the higher pressure you have to marry asap in your country. its like socially enforced life support for them, marry our brothers and sons asap because they have skid marks in their underwear and we wanna offload them onto you.

No. 2153826

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Conservative moids are so hypocritical and annoying. You say you're conservative, yet you've been clarting your girlfriend for 8+ years with no ring? You got your girlfriend pregnant before marrying her? You're addicted to diddling yourself to the most nasty porn out there? They piss, bitch and moan about women being hoes yet do nothing to incentivise being in a relationship! 'Trad' but are allergic to commitment (not that any sane woman would stick around anyway)! Can't even compete with women in the job market! Are less conscientious, less competent, less educated, and earn less than women in most fields! They can't even take ownership of their failures, they have to conjure up a conspiratorial reality where women are favoured by the school system! Sad!

No. 2153828

see if you can get someone from that gov office on the phone or in person and tell them to please expedite and say it's an emergency but don't elaborate. be persistent, but nice and grateful so they feel powerful for doing a peasant a favor.

No. 2153831

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they say they want trad life but they love the progressive freedoms their moms had, and want you to work and pay half the rent and your own car payment. tradshit males are modernists in denial because they refuse to acknowledge a healthy "traditional" relationship would require "spoiling/simping for" a woman to some degree, including handing over finances for household use.

No. 2153840

Don't worry, about the time our generation dies off things will start to normalize.

No. 2153848

Sick and fucking tired of my """adult""" sisters treating me like shit because I didn't take the same education trajectory they did, meanwhile they verbally abuse our parents constantly despite them bending over backwards for them.
There's shit like if I even walk through corridors to get to the bathroom and they happen to be using the kitchen (they never tell any of the rest of us when btw), suddenly there's pans being slammed hard and shit being thrown around, doors being slammed so hard one time the twat nearly cut her own puppy in half.
It's ironic because of their uwu autism excuse that they can't stand me because I use crutches and the noise ""triggers"" them, meanwhile it's all fine and good for them to slam shit hard enough to break the coating on the table, because uwu autism.
So fucking tired of it. I visit once a week and they cant even reign in their bullshit for that long. My mother is basically a battered mother at this point, because in her words, if she ever even dares question them, they'll have their little narc fits and break shit, knowing full well my mother actually does have a specific ptsd-related panic disorder that gets set off when domestic violence is even hinted at.
sage because im seriously at the end of my tether and am screaming into the void(emoji)

No. 2153860

Why not just improve their food/drink with a hearty dose of laxatives before they attend some fancy event? Think.

No. 2153883

>go to small party
>forget to eat dinner
>wahtevs I'll be fine
>drink 2 ½ seltzers and 3 shooters
>not even full on sloshed wasted
>just a bit drunk and wavy
>drink some water cuz thirsty
>mouth starts watering
>ummmmmm what the fuck haha noooo don't tell me….
>full on pukes in front of strangers
>runs to bathroom and barfs in toilet
>embarrassing but it's all good because it was only on a hardwood floor and in toilet
>go outside and sit with people
>45 minutes later, barf on grass
>only stomach acid so it feels like throat is closing up and I can't breathe
>full on slap my thigh like a retarded sped because throat hurts

Literally so fucking embarrassed. I was not even that drunk. I didn't blackout, I remember all of it. I wasn't being retarded and embarrassing and sloppy, I just puked like 3 fucking times because my retarded ass forgot to eat dinner. Fuck me. In front of people I don't even know, too, so now they think I'm just a loser who can't hold my alcohol when this is literally the first time in my life I have ever puked in front of people that weren't my immediate family and the first time I ever puked because of alcohol. Fuck me. Ugh I feel like shit for this. It was a great party too!!!!! Fuck me, seriously.

No. 2153889

Conservative moids can't even chop wood, let alone build a fucking birdhouse properly.

No. 2153898

God I feel so fucking alone.
I'm so tired of feeling like I'm just an option cause I'm convenient, I'm so tired of feeling like "the safe friend".
Last month one of my friends got really sick and had to be in the hospital for 2 weeks. I still don't know what kind of illness she had, I only learned it cause someone else posted about it on fb. She would always complain that I never want to hang out with her, but them got pissed of when I told he that it's because she always wants to drink, and go to bars, and clubs, and be out at fucking 4 in the morning and drunk, and I don't have the health psychologically nor physically to do it, and is not something that interests me the least. Hell, last time we were supposed to brunch with friends, and she asked if we could move to a sports bar, cause that's the only place that sells alcohol that early, fuck. Some other friend basically stopped talking to me because I told her that it's irresponsible to have sex without a condom with a guy you barely know. Like, what the fuck am I supposed to do. Am I supposed to coddle them and tell them everything they do is perfect? That I don't hate their misogynistic scrotes they have for boyfriends? I just work and keep working, and I convince myself is because I want to buy stuff; but the truth is that recently I feel like I'm only trying to feel the void, to stop thinking. I don't think about anything else when I'm working, and surely is hard to think about friends when you're only thinking about the next thing you want to buy.
But I don't have mo one to share the things I like, I have no one to accompany me to places, I have no one to tell them I feel sad, or to complain to about my coworkers. Everyone hypes up women friendship, but nobody tells you how hard it is, and how inevitable it's for it to eventually get ruined because some moid decided to get involved. I hate it I hate it I hate it. I don't get the girls that say they don't need friends cause they have a boyfriend, what a way to admit you don't have a personality that doesn't revolve around your man's dick. I'm so fucking tired of it, and I just want it to fucking end. If I'm supposed to not have friends, then I'd rather get used to it quickly instead of feeling like I'm a fucking failure at being a "girl's girl" because I can't keep quiet and not tell my friends I think their boyfriends are a bunch of fugly braindead scrotes. I fucking hate this.

No. 2153937

Just found out the branch transfer of my most hated co-worker fell flat, I feel like I feel more like crying than he does. I hope he gets fired some time soon, him moving was the only thing keeping me from wanting to throw a chair in his face on the daily.

No. 2153946

I feel some weird maternal instinct towards people 5-6 years younger than me (I’m 25) like they’re retarded children but the instant I see someone who’s closer to my age like 24 I’m just disgusted like you’re fully grown take some responsibility

No. 2153959

she was so fucking beautiful and handsome I’m never going to be over her I’m going to be tortured with longing for her for the rest of my life I just know it. I keep staring at pictures of her on my camera roll and I know everyone would say to delete them but to me that’s like deleting a priceless work of art because there is no one in the world that comes close to her beauty and cuteness so what, I’m expected to go without looking at the pinnacle of human beauty for the rest of my life? No way

No. 2153960

lol if you tell them this, they'll make some retarded excuse like how women supposedly don't find those abilities attractive anyways so why bother

No. 2153969

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More updates for those interested (idk of anyone is but yeah), I'm trying to withdraw from the course


They insisted everyone has to have social media, even old people in the course have social media, having social media and doing activities there is of utter importance and will have an evaluation. Basically no social media = why am I even taking this course? And they were very passive aggressive with it on facebook livestream


Now they're saying they're trying to help me and giving me all the attention and facilities so I continue the course. Now they said that I can simply watch the Livestream on YouTube and send a screenshot to them that I actually did attend it, then I asked "but what about the stuff about sharing things on TikTok, Facebook, Twitter, you told me it was part of the evaluation" now they're like "no don't worry but we still recommend using Facebook and some activities will be done there"

What should I do? Should I watch on YouTube and continue with the course? Or should I drop it because they were passive aggressive and manipulative? I haven't been an angry customer towards them at all, I've been simply asking things about my concerns.

No. 2153979

Just drop it and do a chargeback, it seems similar a multi level marketing scam than anything educational, where did you even find this course from?

No. 2153988

Puking in front of people is such a horrible feeling, like puking in general just makes you feel like an animal but it's so embarrassing to have someone witness it

No. 2154026

It's from an actual institute

No. 2154034

Seems like they want to advertise their course and institute to outsiders. Do other classes make you do this, too?

No. 2154040

Doctors, especially general physicians and those still completing their residency, have such massive egos that I'm not at all surprised that so many people have unpleasant experiences with them. Male and female doctors are the same, though women tend to be more normal on average whereas moids be powertripping wherever they go.

Sadly my sister is one of those egomaniacs and she's insufferable to converse with now even though she's not even halfway through residency. I've noticed that most of her body of knowledge is stuff she learned in university combined with personal opinion. She doesn't read new studies or educate herself any more than that, any argument is started and ended with "I'm a doctor and you're not".
We just had an argument about some new study and she said she doesn't care because it's wrong. It was well-supported, experiments are perfectly reproducible and designed well. I know because I work in a related medical field as a researcher and that's how we reached the topic in the first place. But she is a doctor and she thinks it's wrong so it's wrong. Would absolutely dread having her as my PCP. Having had shit experiences with GPs it all makes sense now.

No. 2154065

Late but commiserating, yes they are so retarded and the porn sick ones are so mentally ill they don’t realize other people aren’t all degenerates. Had a guy begging me to send nudes (I didn’t) and then offer to send me a blow job video as a trade. Why the hell would I want that lmfao. Retard. Apparently many porn sick men think what turns them on will also turn you on, they’re brain dead.

No. 2154082

I've never been in a class in this institute before but they even referenced how people tend to say exactly what you said but they only do it "for the better good of environmentalism"

No. 2154091

They're playing games by forcing social media engagement via their captive students. I've worked at an online institution I hated who did this. They'd make little kids record videos they could post on Facebook and students had to like it. Basically they want you students to be the bot farm (not even free- the likebots who PAID THEM).

No. 2154114

I had a friend who was doing her residency for dental school and her ego skyrocketed during that time. We were very close friends for a time but we stopped being friends and drifted apart as it increasingly felt like she looked down on me for never having pursued a medical profession after my biology degree. During my time getting my degree, I found the premeds utterly insufferable. It really gave me a sour impression of the whole medical field. I later tried going back to school to get a master's in a medical field but I couldn't stand the dogma surrounding it and had to quit for my own sanity.

No. 2154124

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I had a small breakdown today after seeing a memory pop up on my social media.
It's been years since I cut her off, and it's so much for the better. The fact that I'm not the only one that still struggles with self-worth because of her, she was an expert manipulator that could get under your skin in no time and trust her. She could have been an irl Regina George if she had been able to hold back her jealousy and hatefulness towards others.
She is still one of the worst people I've ever met, and I should hate her. Sometimes I do. But while she was one of the most toxic people I've ever encountered she was also an absolutely amazing friend, which was why she could get away with being absolute shithead for so long. She knew exactly what you needed when you needed it. She could spontaneously show up outside your door with her and take you out on an adventure. You could call her in the middle of the night and just talk shit. I have met few people that has made me laugh as much as she did.
I miss her friendship so much. But I don't miss the selfish, jealous bully she was. She could have been so much better, but she leans so much into her narcissism. And from what I've heard through the grapevine, she still hasn't changed. And probably never will.

No. 2154131

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There is a fallacy in academia where titled individuals deem that their education over and they close their minds forever. They decide to never have curiosity enough to conceptualize or surmise again, just dismiss and degrade. They cannot conceive a peasant can have any idea of what is causing such and such ailment/outcome, even if you have irrefutable evidence.

This is a big reason why we cannot blindly follow those who boldly say they're authorities at the forefront of science; many have actually turned their backs on that forefront and only gaze at their own narrow trail trudged through old ideas in old institutions.

Never forget that the first person to have visually witnessed bacteria with a homemade proto-microscope was dismissed as a lunatic by academics and died unrecognized for nearly 200 years before germ theory.

No. 2154138

due to retarded government decisions i won't have neetbux for several months, i need to shut off my gym membership because of the cost and ofc there's no fucking way to turn it off online, i thought i'd be able to turn it off before the auto debit goes through this month but apparently not because naturally they make it as hard as possible to stop paying. idk why i didn't consider this beforehand.

No. 2154148

He's definitely going to come out as nonbinary and later full on tranny in the future.

No. 2154227

You ever hate a job so much you just wanna quit with no backup plan

No. 2154254

I was constipated since last night and accidentally triggered my lactose intolerance today. Pain.

No. 2154265

I keep having dreams about one of my exes from high school. They always revolve around me trying to get back in contact with him and missing him but just barely being able to see each other again. Other times he's trying to leave his relationship to be with me. I always question if dreams have meanings that translate into reality- like maybe he is trying to get in contact with me and misses me irl. We only dated for a few months on and off, haven't spoken in years and ended on bad terms. Honestly I hardly know him. I don't even think about him outside of passing intrusive thoughts of 'I hate him'. I'm in (what I consider to be) an endgame relationship with someone who is possibly the best match for me (having the same interests, sense of humor, emotional support, the family loves me, etc.) and these dreams really throw me off. I get this strange feeling of comfort that I may be able to see him again one day or he may be thinking about me. I don't hate the dreams as much as I should but I know I would finally have peace of mind if I could find out why this happens and how I could make it stop.

No. 2154271

My friend lost her job a while ago and couldn't keep up with rent so she's been sleeping on my pull out couch for the last month. She says it was redundancy but I think she was fired. She's "always" looking for jobs but I think she's getting high and playing games or watching internet shit all day. Her parents also send her money when she conveniently wants us to go out and get wasted. Even then I've came home like three times now and the house reeks of wine and she's asleep. Probably happens way more often than I've noticed.
I know somethings up. Every time I try to talk to her about it she brushes it off or changes the subject. Help me, help you bitch.

No. 2154278

People have such a weird idea of what a doctor is. Yes I listen to rap music and go drinking. What I do and how I act in my personal time doesn't mean my level of care is any different from another physicians. If you're that butthurt about someone not being like the stereotype in your head then go outside, jesus. And stalking me around town is pathetic, get a day job and some sga's in your life.

No. 2154285

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i hate how ugly i am. i wish i looked average at least. i hate my mom for marrying such an ugly guy with bad genes.

No. 2154337

Feel like I’ll never be able to have a relationship with someone. I’m on medication that almost entirely kills my sex drive and even then I find myself so disgusting I don’t want to tarnish other people by touching them. I struggle to even touch other people and when
I push myself and try to connect I mess it up somehow. I feel like I’m destined to be alone.

No. 2154341

I want to die. Not enough to, like, do anything about it… But I don't know how much I'd really mind not doing this anymore either. I realized just now that, under the right circumstances, I could not be find for like a week. And it's not as though those circumstances would even have to be that wildly different than the norm. A whole fucking week. I don't even think life for the people I love would be all that different without me. You'd think that would be enough to motivate a person into making significant life changes, but.. it only makes me want to recede deeper into my hole. My friends never want to hang out with me. I've never had a relationship in which I'm actually valued. Even at work my job is entirely inconsequential.

I am not okay today.

No. 2154342

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I hate that as soon as I’m stressed my digestion gets all fucked. I’m moving overseas in a few days and mentally it’s not fully registering but physically it’s killing me. My mind feels calm but I just left the last hangout with one of my best friends for awhile and my stomach is in so much pain. Fuck I wish I could just enjoy things without keeling over.

No. 2154358

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I'm living with my older sister and her family temporarily and it's so awkward because the two of us don't actually get along that well, we're complete opposites personality-wise so I feel like the family anxiety weirdo vs them all being constantly loud and normal. She used to get so mad at me for being an introverted dork but I know I can't change how I am.

No. 2154371

I need to realize that half of the shit I'm worried about really doesn't matter

No. 2154382

You and me both anon

No. 2154383

I suck ass at my fast food job and I'm so ashamed of it. I've been working there for 7 months and I'M STILL BAD. Idk man I know it's considered a braindead job but I feel like it requires a certain level of physical and mental agility that not everyone has (I certainly don't.)

No. 2154384

Ate beans like two hours ago and I still feel full, I hate this shit can't these little bitches digest faster?? At this rate I'll have dinner at like 10PM ugh I'm never doing this shit again

No. 2154434

Hate waking up from a nap and being all groggy and disoriented

No. 2154441

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I wish I didn't feel subhuman

No. 2154445

sometimes i wish i wasnt such a bitch lol

No. 2154449

I really loved growing up in the 90s and 2000s. These days suck media wise but the convenience of being able to watch everything I've already watched before or to find more media from that time is a blessing. Humans were just better.

No. 2154450

Virgo season more like anxiety and sore stomach season fuck that bitch

No. 2154455

Hard agree

No. 2154456

i was talking about this yesterday with my dad but i wonder sometimes if i'll ever find peace in my life. i'm a quiet person, not necessarily meek or a wallflower, just quiet. i'm not a big talker, and some people i just automatically don't vibe with and can tell there's something off about them, so avoid them whenever i can. truthfully all i want is freedom, peace and quiet, and to not have randoms bothering me or trying to meddle in my life. but for some strange reason i seem to attract toxic and negative people and i don't know what i'm doing to give off these signals. there's always some asshole buzzing around in the background of my life, a person who can't seem to accept that i don't want to be bothered and don't want to know them. mainly because i can already tell that there's something wrong with them: they have bad energy, things they say give off red flags, they're too aggressive, stuff like that. yet no matter how much i refuse to engage with them or keep my distance, they won't leave me the fuck alone. then of course when there's an inevitable confrontation and i tell them how much i hate them for annoying me, they act surprised that i dislike them. like bruh, you can't be this fucking dense, can you? what part of someone giving you simple answers to your obvious fishing gossipy comments didn't alert you to the fact you're not getting anything out of me? i've been doing a lot of introspecting lately and this is a consistent pattern i'm trying to tackle more consciously. i'm very open about the fact i'm private, and don't really like socializing, so i can only assume there's something i'm unconsciously doing which draws negative people to me.

No. 2154457

How often do you stand in the rain and let it wash down you?

No. 2154462

I think it's just that you aren't much of a talker which is what toxic people, people like narcs, want. I'm assuming you don't frequently speak out about your wants/needs/opinions very often which allows these people to capitalize on you, as people like that tend to think quiet=weak. Some people also cannot just take the hint.

No. 2154479

ha, not as much as i should!

>I'm assuming you don't frequently speak out about your wants/needs/opinions very often which allows these people to capitalize on you

no you're right i don't and this is something i started thinking about after my dad and i were talking. i was raised in a dysfunctional home so i never really got a chance to express my opinions or wants since we had a raging narc taking up all the time and energy of the family. so i just learned to be invisible, as being invisible meant i was ignored, and if i was ignored i could do whatever i wanted. the only time my family ever noticed me was to complain about me not talking, but then when i would talk, they'd still complain so i just gave up eventually lol. it's something i need to work on.

No. 2154482

Bfs family orders pizza and I was excited because I've been craving a pizza for so long and i havent eaten all all day due to their itinerary. They order taco pizza (?????) And sausage and mushroom. I'm so tired and at my wits end from socializing all day and doing everything they want while being away from my own home. i almost genuinely cried. Why no pepperoni? Idc if I sound bitchy. All I wanted was a simple pepperoni pizza and I get two I wont eat. Whatever. I'm on my period and wanna go home so badly.

No. 2154489

Like oh my God why are some anons actually creepy. For what???

No. 2154503

>invite friend over
>mom makes deviled eggs
>she acts grossed out and calls it white people food
I’ve actually never been so embarrassed, how are you 25 and acting like that..

No. 2154523

Since i was at least 9 I genuinely expected to kill myself once i hit 18 because i knew i would never be successful because i was terrible at school and continued to be. I held on to this belief and remember contemplating it a lot once i did hit 18. Im 19 now and will be 20 soon kek. Since i graduated, i have done nothing but study math because thats what i struggled with the most in school. I now don;t hate math anymore, but now it’s all im willing to learn. When i think about learning something other than math, it sends me into a panic. Math is reliable. There is always an answer, but other things are not so concrete. I dont even know what the fuck im supposed to do with the math. I just feel like it’s the only safe thing i can spend my time on. I still think of suicide everyday, and want to give up so bad, but really i dont want to be a fucking disappointment again to my parents and so badly want to fix everything, even though it seems futile

No. 2154559

>I dont even know what the fuck im supposed to do with the math.
Isn't math important for engineering jobs and science?

No. 2154582

Yes. But i still feel directionless. I dont know what kind of math to study and what for. Im mostly reviewing the stuff a missed in school so far, but im struggling with basic ass school math and its so embarrassing. Im hoping to start calculus next year. I hope it will be wi=orht it but i doesnt feel that way.

No. 2154586

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lesson learnt I'm never touching a long distance relationship with a 20ft pole ever again

No. 2154632

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Neighbor won't stop playing the same shit over and over

No. 2154633

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The back of my legs and inner thighs are covered in painful, weeping, open sores. No matter what I do they won't heal. I am in constant pain and I've been bumping asprin back to back. It doesn't help that the dogs I have to live with are causing my skin to flare up so I have take a lot of allergy pills on top of that to stave off the feeling of my skin burning, flaking and getting itchy and bumpy. I've begun to fly into autistic rages in the isolation of my room if I hear my family's or the neighbors' dogs bark that I just start tearing at my scalp and crying and start punching walls. I can't even look at my mother or father because all I think is "hahah retard your family unironically prefers the novelty of a pet than your own comfort and quality of life! lololol" I'm in pain and I'm foggy headed, any pants or panties fuse with my skin if I wear them for more than five minutes due to the constant ooze of puss. I can't sleep because of the pain so I ended up staying up until I'm too exhausted to keep my eyes open. If I walk it hurts. If I sit it hurts. If I lay down it hurts. The asprin isn't working unless I take a whole bunch. I hate this, I feel like I'm genuinely going insane from the discomfort. I'm waiting back on a call to see if I have a bacterial infection caused by my eczema but even if I do have one, there's not much I can do unless the perscribed antibiotics are cheap but the doctor I talked with said if it is a bacterial infection I will need to be hospitalized for IV treatment but I don't know if I can even afford to do that both financially and that I have my semester starting soon. I hate this. I hate this so much.

No. 2154644

My butt hurts

No. 2154674

I feel the pain emanating from this post…such emotional written words

No. 2154677

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I closed their fucking door and I’m going to keep doing it, I’m just no longer afraid anymore and I’m tired of being a doormat and a ~nice girl~ trying scurt around my anger and rage because when I rage it makes people scared for being reasonably angry. I’m tired of being nice and nobody listening, fuck you, can’t be an adult I won’t treat you like one. I can’t fucking stand males who are 12 in the brain but are 30+ years old. I’m tired of their disruptive energy in the environment, I’m tired of their smelliness and uncleanliness but they’re allowed here because um, males provide the bare minimum apparently. I’m finally going to be courageous and stand up for myself, I have nothing to lose. I hate shitty males, shitty male family members and shitty male family members you’re practically forced to live with because you’re a poorfag who made bad decisions so now I can’t even move but damn can’t a woman have a PEACEFUL and clean environment????

No. 2154707

I'm scared. I need a lot of courage to get through today and the coming months.

No. 2154771

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I had something similar to you nonnie, its very painful, embarrassing and mentally draining
The cheapest way i found was to get some rubbing alcohol to dry the wounds, decent anti-itch cream as needed and wearing shorts/underwear at home to avoid pants sticking and ripping the wounds open again, giving it time to dry out and heal.
It's annoying but you'll need to wash your sheets more than often, vacuum and sanitize everything you often touch in your room, and block the animals from entering.
It seems like we had the same thing, so hopefully this helps alleviate even some of the pain and i hope you start healing nonnie.

No. 2154893

was this meant for >>2154040? and
>And stalking me around town is pathetic
you're anon's sister?

No. 2154902

>open Reddit
>first post I see is a mother asking whether her (super smart, intelligent, wise beyond her years) 16 year old daughter dating and having a sexual relationship with an almost 25 year old scrote (they met when she was 15 btw) is bad because "he is such a good influence on her" and now she doesn't know if she should forbid her from seeing him
>all the top comments say it's fine because she isn't a child anymore, and that some 16 year olds are just "very mature" and thus able to have a healthy relationship with a fully grown man
>have to scroll incredibly far down to see some posts saying this is grooming and the moid is a creep, but they only have 20 to 30 upvotes while those top comments have almost 600
I hate this fucking pedo country. There are people under this post arguing that there is nothing wrong with adults having sex with 14 year olds because, by law, this technically isn't illegal here in Germany. I hoped that it became less normalized for 13 to 18 year olds to date scrotes in their mid 20s in the 15 years since I was that age myself, but I guess it didn't. I'm so fucking disgusted by the fact that many people I interact with in my day to day life probably have the same mindset as these Reddit pedophiles

No. 2154935

I fucking hate my anger issues I let resentment pile up before I ghost someone because I'm not confrontational fuck I hate it so much. I'm about to let go of my only friend and even though she's barely a friend she makes me so mad, she thinks she can tell me I'm a useless piece of shit time and time again and get away with it? I hope you drown in your own self pity you miserable attention whore. I'm almost happy to not have anyone anymore, maybe I won't be so spiteful all the time. All she does is bitch and moan about how horrible everyone else is and then wonder why I don't like to talk to her anymore, maybe it's because I don't want to end up on your social hitlist and I'm tired of listening to you complain and complain about how the government won't give you free money. She'll tell me I'm ~privileged~ for having an actual job while getting free money and complaining that it's not enough while she could get a 10 hour a week grocery store job and that would make ends meet from what she's told me, she'll complain about having no money, turn around and say she teehee ordered 35 euro's worth of aliexpress shit. She doesn't even have any hobbies that aren't consumption based, fuck I can't stand her. I wouldn't even really feel this way if only she kept her mouth shut about other people but she's such a perpetual victim I won't take it anymore. I hate being this spiteful but I thought this frenemies bullshit would end once I wasn't a teen anymore, well hell no.

No. 2154941


No. 2154967

How does one even function normally after realising the true nature of men? My mind is constantly racing and I feel like I'm going to go insane and kill myself soon

No. 2154969

I saw that post too and closed the app lol

No. 2154995

Even before you said it, I knew you were talking about Germany based on just the first two sentences of your post. Germans are such sociopaths. Try to get out of that sociopathic country while you can nona, cuz it's just gonna get worse and worse.

No. 2154996

Marriage doesn't mean anything anymore, because vows are non-binding and people who work day jobs don't need each other, and spend 9 AM through 5 PM separated and imprisoned by economic social forces.

No. 2155027

>playing disc golf with my bf yesterday
>almost done with the second hole, my disc is in he has a couple more shots when someone throws a disc
>we look back on the hill and some old couple are silently just playing through??
>get pissed at their rudeness so we decide to take a break then start again
>walk around the path not past them back towards our car
>nearly to the parking lot and one of the old people runs up to us to ask if we saw their red disc
>very shortly tell her no and turn around
>she keeps blubbering and I again say NO and she turns around and leaves
We didn't take your fucking disc you stupid old bat, it's dense forest my bf lost his too. And we were playing ahead of you, why would we have seen it? It was a par 5 hole you didn't throw it all the way to the goal on the first throw with your skinny ana grandma arms. Fuck away from us go get bit up by mosquitos and fall in the mud

No. 2155032

you deplatform them from your life entirely, shifting your view of them to essentially another lifeform - definitely not human. They are living demons infesting our world, but the world itself is beautiful, so there is a lot of joy to be had once you stop giving men time and attention.

No. 2155042

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I'm so fucking tired of my parents catering to my brother no matter what he fucking does. Growing up he was always the troublemaker and I was the one with the good grades, not doing stupid shit, saying please and thank you, yet he can be moody, not respond to their texts, complain about every little thing and still get what he wants.

We just had lunch and I just got up from the table after I've had enough of them shitting all over me and diregarding my feelings. My parents suggested that my brother should come over for dinner again tonight and that I(!!!) should make dinner for him and I and I was like..what the fuck do you mean? I'm not a maid? And then they tried to talk me into it because I'd be a "good sister", so I just got up and left while my mom yelled at me for being "dramatic". I'm so fucking tired. I initally planned on staying at their house for a couple more days but I'm leaving tomorrow.

No. 2155050

My younger sister is leaving for college the first time today, I'm trying not to show it or think it but I will miss her so much since we'll be in completely different countries. It's so hard to let go.

No. 2155053

don't do anything for them again and when they get old let them see how their favoritism towards your brother pays off after he doesn't lift a finger to help them

No. 2155069

don't beat yourself up, anon. the people who saw will likely forget, and you'll remember to eat a little something beforehand next time.

No. 2155081

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I moved across states back in May and planned on going back home and getting the rest of my things in March but my dad sent me a text yesterday giving me until October or else he’s just going to pack everything into boxes and toss them. I don’t have the time off or money available to make the drive up there (30 hour drive) until next year and I have a couple of sex toys stashed in my closet that would be humiliating if he found them. I understand that my parents want to clean and redecorate the house but it kinda hurts like “You don’t have a place here anymore.” The closer we get to the election the more hostile he’s getting towards anyone who isn’t Team Trump so I don’t like to discuss politics with him but yesterday he went off on me, called me brainwashed, then sent that text a couple hours later so I can only assume that’s why he gave me that ultimatum.

No. 2155100

Just lie. Tell him his last text made you think maybe you are brainwashed and you want to learn more about Trump. Then let him sperg about Trump and think he convinced you to vote for Trump until you can go get your stuff or try to convince him to put in storage.

No. 2155111

i tried pimeyes searching a picture of a cow and got banned and even though i know it's inconsequential and stupidly minor it's causing me ocd recursive thinking anyway.

No. 2155117

When I was a kid I always wondered what my husband would be like or who I’d marry and now that I know and am with my husband I’m just so enamored and shocked that my whole life led up to being with someone so amazing and beautiful

No. 2155123

You could be me writing this, about an old friend I had to cut off because of her raging bpd. When it was good, it was so, so good. Until it wasn't. Then, she was bullying other women constantly, flying into random rages, manipulating everyone, etc. I still miss her from time to time, even though it's been years since we've even talked, and she actively tried to ruin my life. Sorry you're going through this. You don't have to hate her, even though you feel like you should. Missing someone is normal. But you understand why your life is better without someone like that shitting it up.

No. 2155164

i think some pig took a creep shot of me at the store. i was bending over to pick up some eggs, and then when i turned around i noticed a guy walk past me with his phone in his hand, slipping it into his pocket with the camera app open.

i've been photographed before in public with some men just really openly doing it, like just completely unabashedly pointing their phones at me and obviously taking pictures i hate scrotes so much

No. 2155167

I'm sorry this happened to you nona. Ever since it first happened to me I've been paranoid of scrotes when they have a camera facing towards me. Its so unnerving and i wish phones in the US and other countries would be like the ones in Japan where you can't turn off the shutter sound, so you can at least be alerted when a scrote is trying to take a sneak picture of you.

No. 2155176

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I wonder how long it will take me to get out of this imprisoning life situation and the relief I will feel when it happens. Manifesting winning the lottery

No. 2155179

It's scary how lawmakers had to pass a whole LAW to change a key feature in a whole industry because of male degeneracy
Even in hospitals, I was a bit shocked to see sometimes you could not hospitalize male or female patients, not because there are no beds left, but because the bed left would make it a male/female room and that cannot be allowed
Like male sexuality is literally a widescale societal problem at this point
just put fucking oestrogenes in the water for real or something, that'd solve so many problems

No. 2155181

I wish the Y chromosome would hurry up and go extinct already. Evolve it into something more useless and less of a horny threat.

No. 2155193

yeah i really wish it was a thing where i live too, sometimes i think i should just start dressing in nothing but oversized hoodies and maxi skirts and basically go burkha mode to avoid this and all other shit, but it's just so demoralizing to think that i can't wear a damn t-shirt and regular jeans without this kind of shit happening.
doesn't help that i've ben recovering from an ana phase for the last year and i have been feeling, for the lack of better word, dysphoric about my hips and ass area because they've gotten so shapely after gaining weight and shit like this doesn't help at all.

No. 2155195

I hate men. I think some guy took a picture of me on the train this morning, and i wake up to Instagram removing one of my art posts for "sexual content" and i 99.9% believe it was a scrote who was mad i declined his advances. Pretty much all of the drama i ever had to deal with was either caused by a male directly, or one of his pickmes that was mad he's a whore trying to sling his raggedy disgusting scrote dick in any hole he can. Fuck.

No. 2155222

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I never realized how mentally weak and childlike the average adult is until I started seriously working and being forced to interact with around one hundred people almost every day. When I was a young child, I had the impression that most adults were fairly intelligent. God, how that perspective changed. The average person really seems to be borderline retarded. Is that just how it is in America? I miss being a NEET and not having to watch so many normies throw infantile tantrums and handle warranted rejections worse than an actual child.

No. 2155231

I'm so fucking upset, rationally I understand that it may not be entirely my actions fault but I'm in this gray zone where I feel good enough to go and potentially kill her with my germs, or don't go and once again making a last decision to bawl on her. Plus I'm depressed I don't feel like I would be able to go out and walk all happily, or even cook. I'm so upset gdi I should have taken sounds decisions for once, always fucking up with my shitty non existent judgement.
And this wouldn't have to happen if he just died right there I blame everything on him as the source, fucking die already die die die. But I just know she's gonna pass away before I'll be able to see her again honestly I'll just kms then

No. 2155232

having older friends has really shown me that people will be retarded for the rest of their lives. i used to always think, when i get older i'll have it figured out, i will gain that wisdom that comes with age, some day i and others will be smart but no after witnessing the +50 drama and idioticy of the older people i know, i've realized it's hopeless. we're gonna be stupid for our entire lives apparently.

No. 2155238

Does anyone else act weird when they’re listening to music? Like sometimes I rock back and forth or I move my head hands about oddly and tbh I don’t really remember what I’m doing - I think I just kinda get lost in the music so I end up losing control over my body without realising. Anyway someone walked in on me like that and now I’m really embarrassed.

No. 2155239

Yep, my first job was really eye opening, and not in a good way. Most people don't grow out of their high school mentality. It really sucks when you realize that sometimes the people who are your managers/supervisors (making more money than you) are less intelligent and less mature, despite being decades older. This is a welcome to the real world moment. It's always like this, everywhere. I've had service industry jobs, worked as a college instructor, and recently ended a high-end gig at a museum. And most adults are still giant babies, across the board.

No. 2155240

And my mom can only ask "are you on ur period nona?" I get it, I have a schedule and we make it a running joke but I'm already visibly upset does that fucking matter now? Really have nothing else to say?

No. 2155242

So my moid and me drove my friend to the closest city for a meeting with her lawyer about the first court date on wednesday.. it's for rape and abuse by her husband and we just found a parking spot near the office and.. there the fucking ogre is. Just walking down the very fucking street. We all just froze as we watched him. It was surreal.
Then when getting the parking ticket in a side street, i almost ran into him. He was looking down so i quickly stepped back in the alley and all three of us were just standing there as he passed the alley and didn't notice us at all. It was a funny feeling, i think it somehow helped my friend too.. Just surreal, i could've been stalking him to find out where he lives and parks for ages now, damn.

No. 2155246

My neighbor aggressively playing basketball by himself since 8 am kys ugly scrote

No. 2155254

Moving your body to music is normal and not weird, especially if you believe you're alone. It is also normal to feel embarrassed after someone walks in on you (kek), which in retrospect you will probably find hilarious

No. 2155257

I always eat 5 vegetables a day but I’m still losing sleep over fear it isn’t enough why can’t I just be normal? worry about real issues? jesus.

No. 2155261

I finally filed a noise complaint against my upstairs drummer neighbor and I just got a call from the prosecutor's office to confirm details and provide evidence and name some witnesses. I'm so fucking anxious, like I know I deserve to be able to live and sleep and work without some crazy drummer hoe driving me nuts all night and I did try everything before going the legal route but neither she, nor her landlord, nor the building's admin gave a fuck.
I know I deserve peace in my own home but I still feel like I'm making too big a fuss even though they keep telling me from the prosecutor's office that this is literally their job. I've been repeating in my head that I deserve respect but I'm still shaking and I'm so anxious because why couldn't she just get some of those pads to block the noise from travelling?? Or rent studio space???? I've been asking her to please soundproof for years, I wasn't even asking her to stop, just soundproof! but noooo we have to go the legal route, make everything difficult, ughhh

No. 2155262

this feels like a human explaining to an alien what it's like to be human lmao

No. 2155272

KEK. But it’s not like I’m dancing at all, I am genuinely just moving oddly.

No. 2155273

You're describing how I feel anytime I legitimately try to dance

No. 2155275

LOL, actually I’m pretty good at dancing so can’t relate

No. 2155297

im actually retarded. i think overthinking might actually be my downfall why do i think that everyone hates me

No. 2155311

Why does she keep repeating what I should be doing? Do whatever you want I don't care, it's your fault anyway I'm sick not some windows open in the hot summer dumb bitch

No. 2155314

I'm so not gonna be able to stand 1 year here

No. 2155330

I want to eat like absolute fucking shit every day of the week and not have it make me fat or give me pimples and increase my risk of whatever disease exists. Why do i have to eat bland ass food to not die? I want to eat five bags of chips a day plus pizza plus a whole box of icecream and just chill. Why is that not ok? I dont fucking want to work out

No. 2155333

>ugly orbiter scrote helps me drive home from hospital
>he fucks around in my car while I am in surgery
>he fucks with the sound in my car because scrotes cannot tolerate not being able to listen to their precious beats for a few fucking hours
>now the bluetooth pairing in my car no longer works so now I can't listen to my music and I have no idea what the fuck he did and nothing is working

Shoot him. Shoot him right between the eyes.

No. 2155344

Seeing the stuff going on in Korea with deepfakes about CHILDREN is really depressing me. The fact that their own gov sides with these scrotes is utterly deranged

No. 2155363

>long ass fic marked as complete
>it is incomplete

No. 2155371

The worst is when the supposedly completed story's last chapter is just an author's note that's like "hi guys. sorry, but I am not finishing this story"

No. 2155385

Sorry for scrotefoiling but I feel like there's way more scrotes on this website than we think
Like I'd say roughyl 40% of users are male undercover
You can tell by their takes on certain topics, or the fact the female fantasies thread is 10x more active than the regular fantasies thread

No. 2155392

Kek what, that’s because the straight nonas have a bunch of thirsting threads while we only have like… 1 and a half. Husbandoposting and fetishes you’re ashamed of is way more active.
That being said I agree - I just think that on /g/ it’s mostly fag/tranny moids, not straight moids kek

No. 2155431

My family is so rude, so unmannerly and so unpleasent that they make me cringe so hard. My grandma for example doesn't give a fuck about acknowledging others and come off as unnecessarily rude, SHE WHO raised me up so strictly to have good and refined manners, sheeee who forced me to act and chat like a little lady, she who called me marimacho for playing like a normal child. And it's not in a based way like "women don't have to be pleasent all the time", no, it's actually agressive with no purpose, just to hurt others. My cousin took up that rude attitude and now that its entering into adolescence is worse. Having a talk with them is impossible. They don't even greet properly at guests! here we kiss, we shake hands, we chat, we make the guests feel welcomed. And the amount of verbal diarrhea that comes from my grandad it's ashaming, dude can't keep a gross thought for himself and my grandma isn't shutting him anymore. She actually encourages him because she knows I don't like to hear obscenities that ain't ever funny. To think we used to drink whiskey watching futboll and talking about politics with him… And my dad tries to be nice on his own but has some bad habits like staring too much, and when he is around his wife he becomes rude like her. It's so bizarre how they behave. I, the misfit of the family, ended being more social and nice that them, the normal and succesful ones. I know I sound like an uppity bitch but they behave so nasty that Caligula would have blushed like Morrissey sang. I don't get it, it's something bad now to watch your manners, to recognize the other as a person with dignity and feels, to not expose yourself?

No. 2155434

Yep it’s troons and scrotes. Whoever bought the site wants it that way

No. 2155461

I mean I know there are scrotes here cause I've talked to 4moids who admitted they post here, but I've also been accused of being male a few times because people are incapable of acknowledging that women have varied thoughts and are not a monolith. Men might come here as a novelty to see what the women are up to, but they're not the ones who stick around day-in day-out because they like the company of other women.

No. 2155480

i've been going through the worst stomach ache of my entire life for the past 7 hours straight i feel like i can't take it anymore. i've gone to the bathroom so many times and lost 2 pounds in couple hours i feel so depleted and exhausted and it still fucking hurts so i can't rest. it felt like i was having contractions in my entire stomach or some shit just horrible horrible waves of pain one after another that make my whole body seize up i feel so exhausted my head hurts so bad

No. 2155486

I think the moids only go for the horny threads though, I kinda trust that it's women for most of the other threads. You would be surprised at how many women are moid-brained, including myself.

No. 2155493

They have always been around, scrotefoiling is against the rules not because we don't know they are here, but because we can't know just by a post who is a scrote and it only led to huge pointless infights to point fingers at each other. Take every post with a grain of salt and dont idealize what a woman should be.

No. 2155498

NTAYRT, but the amount of internalized misogyny this place has is depressing. We constantly bitch about the patriarchy trying to determine what a woman, otherwise she may as well not be one, but women here do the exact same thing to each other.

No. 2155521

When I said "you can tell by their takes on thigns", it's more like trying to lower women's expectations for stuff in general or defend some scrote behaviour or whatever
I don't think thats moid brained thats just defending their cause you know what i mean

No. 2155529

were you the person scrotefoiling in 2X

No. 2155547

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Using dating apps in your 30's be like
>cute face
>fat, hairy body
>cute face
>nice body
>believes he can hide his male balding patterns with hats
>nice body
>still has nice, luscious hair
>poly or "doesn't believe in monogamy"
>nice body
>nice hair
>but has a kid
>nice body
>nice hair
>no kids
>but has a shit job, no future aspirations
>nice body
>nice hair
>no kids
>good job
>"male feminist" or clearly one euphoric moment away from trooning out
oh for fucks sake NEXT

No. 2155549

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Im going on so many dates with ugly moids just to feel like at least im trying to meet people. I dont care what anyone says. Men really hit the wall before 25 (most before 22). I try to date younger moids too but theyre harder to find, especially cute ones on dating sites. Plus if youre older, its pretty much a given that theyre only interested because they have an "older woman" kink. It doesn't feel fair. Can't i date a cute/prince like moid even just once? I know it's impossible to find a good looking one that isn't a narcissist man whore but it would be nice to actually like looking at a moid for once. Im so miserable because I feel like im letting young me down. She would have wanted a happier love life for me than this. It just doesn't feel possible. I dont want to date a fat, balding moid with a shit personality but it feels like thats what 99% of the dating market is. I feel like a stupid girl buying into the fantasy of a prince charming. But i also feel like that's what i deserve.

No. 2155551

nope was on g

No. 2155554

Where are you finding the cute men? All the scrotes i see are ugly with all of the other issues you listed. But also sometimes i wonder if I'm actually just a flat out lesbian who likes penetration instead of bisexual because i feel like I've only been genuinely attracted to like two or three men in my life.

No. 2155555

kek I'm the anon above you nonnie, I get your frustration 100% but believe me it's better to be alone than have to deal with a moid below your standards. That is how you get into toxic/abusive situations like I did. Sometimes I feel like most decent moids that still got the looks got taken early and the rest of us are left with the scraps. I just want a good-looking moid that looks at me like I'm his whole world

No. 2155572

Use the last one but then dump him when he starts with the trooning process

No. 2155573

he's gonna cheat bitch

No. 2155577

File: 1724704991374.jpg (9.44 KB, 261x168, 127575457_175816934235812_6934…)

using dating apps as a lesbian be like
>cute face
>obese or anachan
>cute face
>nice body
>"poly and partnered"/looking for a third
>cute face
>nice body
>has kids
>obvious bot account
>cute face
>nice body
>no kids
>profile filled with flavor of the month political slogans
>cute face
>nice body
>no kids
>no political shit in bio
>cute face
>nice body
>no kids
>no political shit in bio
>she/her or no pronouns
>doesn't have a real job and isn't in college, bonus point if she can't drive
the punchline:
>meet The One
>cute face
>nice body
>no kids
>no political shit in bio
>she/her or no pronouns
>isn't demanding
>has a real career or goals
>ghosts you after the first date
i wish i could slut out for easy attention like hets ngl

No. 2155585

KEEK this is so funny and true now I’m wondering if women are thinking I’m anachan too fuck

No. 2155587

more like every lesbian profile is
>join my queer art group!
>obsessed with sports
>wears snapbacks in 2024
>lowkey beats women
>"femmes only"
>chappel roan/pligiva rodrigo lesbian who's obviously straight or bi
>sapphic picnics uwu
>pastel aesthetic and works at an art or music store

No. 2155588

>doesn't have a real job and isn't in college, bonus point if she can't drive

No. 2155589

you forgot
>troon #1
>troon #2
>troon #3
>catfishing troon

No. 2155590

I hate how much I overthink. I mailed something semi-anonymously to a friend today because I wanted to surprise her and cheer her up a bit, it's something small that she previously told me she wanted. Every time I think of it I'm terrified that she's going to be creeped out or mad at me for mailing her something without asking first, and I also feel like I'm somehow overstepping even though we've been friends for a while. It's supposed to get to her within the next couple of days and I'm so nervous anticipating what she'll say to me when she gets it and finds out I sent it.

No. 2155592

you’ve heard of the hot/crazy scale, but there’s also a cute/aiden scale, where the hotter one is, the deeper they are in the koolaid.

No. 2155593

Jesus nona, you must either have low standards or live in the only place on planet Earth that has a decent amount of cute men populating it. Where I am, even those top 1% of profiles dating sites show you to rope you in when you first sign up are all fugly. I gave up on OLD because of this, but when I used it, I could swipe up to like 200 times without seeing a single handsome scrote

No. 2155594

>Where are you finding the cute men?
Men who aren't attractive are irrelevant, and are thus not on my radar unless they can offer me a temporal service such as washing my car or doing my plumbing where I then forget their existence once they are gone. I have given ugly men enough of a chance thinking I should lower my standards to fill whatever void is causing me to try dating every now and then, never again am I kissing a frog or even giving them a slither of my attention.

No. 2155599

>>>doesn't have a real job and isn't in college, bonus point if she can't drive
oh i fear it is so over for me!

No. 2155600

I'm sure she'll like it anon, just imagine how you would react if someone sent you something you talked about wanting. Even if you weren't friends it's still a nice gesture that no one would complain about. I hope she can return the favor in some way though, I feel like getting no reaction is sometimes worse than a negative one

No. 2155601

Yes, but where are you finding them? Because they're basically all fuckin' ugly on apps and in person.

No. 2155604

I actually hate work environments with zoomer managers who procure a clique of zoomer underlings to be friends with and subsequently allow them to just stand around when there is urgent shit to get done and then think it's okay to push that work onto the introverts who don't care about cock/clit sucking their annoying zoomer boss.
Burn in hell you pimply retarded inbred looking bitch. Inb4 some anon calls me a boomer, I'm a zoomer too. I fucking hate this shit.

No. 2155605

I honestly forget about any ugly moid the moment I swipe left on them because they aren't worth any iota of my attention span, my post is about the few cute ones that I actually take a brief moment to check more than one picture on. Should have specified but I didn't want to overexplain
Scandinavia. We got a fair amount of moids with convenient looking faces, but with a whole list of "but…"s. Mainly male pattern baldness because of how fine typical scandinavian hair is, and the ones that aren't pretty are the ones that hit the gym to compensate so at least in my range I see a fair amount of guys with nice muscles but ugly chubster faces

No. 2155610

fwiw i wrote this and don't mind dating women working retail or whatever as long as they're applying to real jobs in their field. it's more about having no serious goals.

No. 2155623

Ah, that explains it. I'm in the US. Loool

No. 2155627

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>Talking to mom
>She asks a question so I proceed to look it up
>Start explaining to her the differences
>Does not acknowledge me is instead on her fucking phone
>"Oh were you saying something?"
Why the fuck do I bother? She's such an asshole. Probably wouldn't even believe me because y'know only Facebook/Telegram is fucking credible.

No. 2155629

People, especially my ex, complain that I don't open up a lot. If any of them would just do the simple act of actually asking me a question or two, it wouldn't be a problem. I have so much I want to share and talk about, but no one ever takes a moment to actually ask, why? Do they just expect me to start talking? I brought this up to my ex and he told me that he didn't feel the need to ask questions because "if it's important you would just tell me, right?". Well no, I want you to take an interest first. Then I'll share. I always ask questions and pay attention to what a person might want to say about their hobbies, feelings or work. I lead by example all the time, but no one gets it, probably because unlike me they don't really care either way, just like to stroke their little "you're so quiet lol" egos.

No. 2155631

skill issue on their part

No. 2155633

I usually just stop talking and walk away, if I get asked again, I just ignore the question or just say "Ah, idk" or "cool I guess" and that's it.

No. 2155635

my mother does the same. absolutely infuriating

No. 2155639

what about women who didn't go to college and don't mind working retail? i don't fit in this case, i'm just curious because i know some people can be happy there and make livable money

No. 2155654

I relate so hard nona. So many people just do not have social skills and are just self-absorbed twats who love being interviewed.

No. 2155675

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I just spent all day getting yelled at by customers for something that's not my fault, and another company completed fucked up something that I had no control over. The paperwork is a nightmare. I'm going back in tomorrow to start it all over. GOD I hate being the only receptionist. When people choose violence, they always take it out on me.

No. 2155679

Do you work in a hotel

No. 2155683

I wish you nothing but luck!! It's getting so common for lesbians to be they/thems or super political. It sucks so hard.

No. 2155689

Beyond annoyed that there are barely any gynecologists around me and that I have to go to midwives who are just going to ignore me and my wants for birth control/sterilization because their whole job is to force pregnancy and only take care of pregnant women.

No. 2155707

I feel so sad tonight, it’s one of those nights I really just wish I had someone to hold. The last woman I truly liked is now engaged to a man and I just wanna kms nonnies, I’m already in my mid 20s and lesbian dating feels like a lost cause (that post above made me laugh but it’s also tragically true) and I have started to think I will die alone if I don’t get insanely lucky lol

No. 2155816

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All my life I've always noted people with "goat eyes"– the kind of eyes that look kind of soul-less, it's really hard to describe. It's pretty rare and I've only ever met a couple people with them. I don't look at myself that often but I was going through old family photos from when I was in high school, and I realized, I think I have goat eyes. That's one of the reasons (of many) that my face is repulsive to people.

No. 2155824

If you ever interacted with a goat you know they are very soulful and kind. My grandma's goat Betsy is a great ally to her and she is a very loving and gracious animal and her milk is very delicious. So if you are thinking you have goat eyes, just remember goats are very wonderful creatures and that they are good friends to many people out there. The reason your face is repulsive to some people is the same reason why the crucifix is repulsive to demons. The people you repulse are the monsters that deserve to be repulsed.

No. 2155989

I feel like a freak whenever I like someone a lot. Doesn’t even have to be romantic, friendships too. It’s so overwhelming, I feel like I need to dissipate so much excess energy, I end up trying to remove it by fidgeting or doing something and I’m constantly trying not to seem excessive because it’s not normal to like people that much (or that easily). Like wanting to hug them and squeeze them a bunch even if they don’t see me as that close yet or getting overwhelmingly happy when I see them and feeling the urge to jump around a bunch. Friendships feel like biding time trying to pretend I care less than I do until we’ve gotten to a point where it’s acceptable to like them that much (or half that much…)

No. 2155992

I only slept 4 hours the night before this so I knew I should've caught up on some sleep.. but no I only slept 6 hours and now I feel tired. I need to make better decisions in this life.

No. 2156012

This is so cute wtf.

No. 2156094

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I'm so goddamn tired of the last few years every day on Lolcow being groundhog day. It's all on repeat. The same infights, the same arguments, containment threads for inflammatory topics never fucking work, they're possibly the worst solution to infighting because these people are so attention starved they just want to argue instead of discussing. Oldmin should've shut the site down like she threatened to but Shaymin, not wanting to lose her autistic womanchild community of Shaynafags, took over only to drop the ball completely and opened the doors to the new kind of cancerous userbase due to the utter lack of moderation.

I haven't read an interesting conversation in ages on this fucking site because everyone just wants to fling shit endlessly, every argument goes in neverending circles no matter which board the thread is in. I don't know if it's just because I've grown older and been around since 2015 but I'm constantly surrounded by literal teenagers or adults in arrested development with extreme black and white thinking laced with 2016-esque skeptic brainrot from watching SJW cringe compilations, baby's first critical thought with the same big brain arguments I've seen written out a million times in my life and oversensitive rightoid twitterfags accusing others of being oversensitive leftoid twitterfags. And if it's not them, it's just full on clinically depressed NEETs and scrotes mostly bitter about women having friends or something that makes them happy. Everyone keeps falling for the same bait, time after time. The same. fucking. bait. Why wouldn't they? Moderation is around only for around half a day. The manhate is a joke too, most anons aren't radfem or "blackpill" but reactionary NLOGs who take more pleasure in feeling superior over other women than observing the patriarchy and would 100% sell each other out if a sexy Nigel offered them his dick. The "gender critical" anons? They rarely even bother to mask their homophobia anymore, it's been so far normalized here there's no point in doing so. And yes, the homophobia includes lesbians. Ironically enough I feel like /w/, as cancerous as it is, is the last of the remnants of the old Lolcow.

Whenever I see the "cow yourself" thread bumped again just to witness another severely mentally ill BPD-chan listing out reasons why she should have her own thread here instead of being one of the anons posting, I realize just what kind of company I am in currently and wonder why I even come here just to be disappointed every single time. As a functional adult with a real adult job and an adult life and a nuanced outlook on the society due to years of actually interacting with it IRL, I can't even justify coming here with "it's a female imageboard" because I'm probably like 10 to 15 years older than the current userbase and end up wanting to punch a wall exposing myself to this retardation.

No. 2156101

me too

No. 2156106

I agree, though it's not surprising imageboard users obsessed with following lolcows are not mentally stable functional adults. If they were, they wouldn't be here. If you have a job, education, irl friends and a fulfilling life, you don't spend 10 hours a day on imageboards. It's common knowledge cow watchers are just as unhinged as the cows they follow, the only difference is that they don't post their shit online like the cows do.

No. 2156107

I don't understand how Twitter is still managing to stay up, it's literally possibly in the worst position it's ever been. There is straight up cp/soft core cp on there with over 1k-4k likes, I've reported multiple accounts and they don't fucking do anything. It's repulsive, I hate men, I hate the stupid pick mes who contribute to these accounts with their recreational cp, I hate subhuman pedo trannies and I fucking hate the brain dead normies and zoomers who don't even have the decency to report and instead repost or reply to this shit with "zomg das a child!!" As if nobody can fucking tell

No. 2156110

Having autistic parents is so horrible and draining. I can't wait to go no-contact.

No. 2156111

Do you think its possible to use AI to moderate an imageboard? Do you think it could ever happen?

No. 2156112

I mean if we could get AI to do it all for us it would be dope as hell

No. 2156113

Dat a cute kitty

No. 2156115

But i dont follow the lolcows i come here for ot/, g/, and m/. I want an imageboard for women. Period. I dont want to have kids and i dont want to get married i want to meet people through the internet and share funnay memes and smut

is that so much to ask

No. 2156130

AYRT, it makes sense that most of the userbase is just unhinged nutcases stalking cows and spamming infighting in threads around the clock because they don't have to sit for 8 hours in an office out of their awake time and then go take care of necessities, but I wouldn't even be bothered if it was just autismos sperging if it wasn't the distinctive kind of /pol/faggotry or straight up misogyny thinly veiled as """feminism""". They should sperg about trains or lego sets instead or at least develop parasocial obsessions with cows instead of accelerationist concepts.

Honestly I wouldn't be surprised if AI was used to help with moderation more in the future, IIRC the automatic child porn filters (like what admin put in place AFAIK) work very much like that because it's inhumane to make some untrained minimum wage worker be exposed to tons of child porn, mutilation and gore just to spare everyone else from seeing it.

I think so too, thanks for contributing to the positivity on lolcow nonna

No. 2156131

I keep having dreams about my ex-best friend from when I was 13/14 (who I of course had an intensely weird, sort of almost romantic-like relationship until she chose another girl who was so insanely jealous of me and cruel to me and who was evidently trying to steal her from me specifically, fucking up my psyche forever apparently). I’m SICK OF THEMMMM! I’m a grown ass woman and have not spoken to this girl in over a decade. why am I still thinking about her. we don’t live in the same city, we don’t have the same friends… it’s a fucking nightmare. free me from these chains lest I continue to wake up with my day immediately off kilter because some idiot monkey part of my brain cannot move past this girl who was always kind of a lunatic anyway. the dreams are always about some kind of reunion and whenever I wake up I always have the stupid urge to message her which I am literally never going to give into anyway. GODDDD. imagine there are like 100 crying emojis here. I’m sick of it!!!!

No. 2156156

She's just salty that the moid did not want anything official either.

No. 2156157

my boyfriend is such an "erm akshally" type of person it ruins my mood

No. 2156163

Sounds like limerence. What we experience during childhood greatly shapes us when we are adults and that time of our life is also extremely emotion-driven, when you are a teen everything is amplified, especially negative emotions like heartbreak.
The person you're thinking about does not exist anymore, they are a memory, you'll never have them back and you're thinking about them because you never had closure.

No. 2156167

I think I developed an addiction to jumping around my room while listening to music, it's so annoying and I can't stop. I have been doing this ever since I was 13 and I'm 20 now and still do it.

No. 2156169

im really trying to kick sugar and unhealthy foods for my health but i have the fattest craving for some cocoa covered dark truffles. it always comes back to chocolate. then when i have some im disgusted for myself by not being satisfied with fruit.

No. 2156172

Why are you with him

No. 2156175

You two should dance together

No. 2156179

I’m so lonely it’s a joke. Felt someones foot accidentally touch mine under a table and almost cried.

No. 2156182

I guess you found someone else then nona. I just get this urge sometimes, especially when I'm stressed. When I was younger it was even worse because I could jump for at least 2 hours on end. I was also caught one time, I guess I was loud and my mom came to check in on me, it was so humiliating because I was sweaty like a cow. I guess it's good exercise though.

No. 2156190

I've had sex a few months ago for the first time, with a man. I no longer see him so he's not available.
I want to do it again so badly so much so that I'm contemplating on using tinder. I would just have sex and nothing more, because I don't want to bother dating a man, but at the same time is it really worth it? I know that most men suck at sex, but I happen to enjoy PIV a lot, so it would not be a problem. But I'm also scared of STDs, pregnancies and stealthing.

No. 2156192

I think it's ok. I've been doing it since I was a child, I'm 30 now. Are you active enough otherwise? Maybe your body just feels like it has to move more or you have a lot of unreleased energy? Maybe even some strong emotions that you can't or don't know how to express/release and jumping/wild dances help with it kek

No. 2156198

Since I'm a student and sit a lot, I go to the gym three times a week for an hour and a half, although not during summer because it's too hot.
>Maybe your body just feels like it has to move or you have a lot of unreleased energy?
It might be that though. Well at least it's not anything harmful or detrimental in my daily life, so I can't really complain.

No. 2156203

Try implementing chocolate on the healthier choices. I like to mix my sugar free yogurt with a spoonful of nutella and it's bomb, or even putting some melted chocolate on my porridge or on top of my toast with sliced bananas.
It's not like you have to flat out cut everything, a good diet is one you can sustain long-term after all.

No. 2156206

Everyone around me, mainly my family, keeps looking at me like I've just said the most retarded shit every every time I speak. It's always been this way, no matter what I say or how I say it they always act like I'm the dumbest stupidest subhuman trash alive. I don't even want to talk anymore. I feel like and actual retard. I wish I could be alone in a place far from people so I could be myself without people constantly telling me I'm a stupid retarded piece of shit.

No. 2156218

I hate how lonely I am, I've never dated a boy before, and everyone around me has. How do women get boyfriends even. Is there hope for me?

No. 2156226

I was like you like 2 years ago
Got a boyfriend and realised I was just as lonely
Women get boyfriends for companionship and a sense of security ; men get girlfriends for sex, that's about it.
It sucks, cultivate friendships instead. Trust. You'll regret wasting your time on a boyfriend.

No. 2156292

Yep, got a bf who I thought was into me because we had the same interests. Great! We'll have so much fun talking about stuff!
Turns out I might as well be talking to a wall. Either he goes "uh huh" while barely listening or contradicts everything I say and plays devil's advocate on purpose to piss me off. At least a wall doesn't fight me on the sky being blue when he's feeling antagonistic.

No. 2156309

Have a non-restrictive ED and trying to recover is such bullshit. Nobody even really believes you have one if you're fat due to BED, and all recovery spaces are filled with anachans trying their hardest to humblebrag every second of the day. Like yes you are the tiniest thinnest princess in all of the land, but nobody needed to hear that in a discussion on how it sucks to be overweight and have an eating disorder. I can't even look for resources or inspiration from other people because the comments are so bad on them they're actually setting me off into wanting to give up.

No. 2156314

I ended a near decade-long relationship last year and have spent some time healing. I'm in no rush to get into a relationship again, but at this point I'm not sure I could if I even wanted to because every moid on the planet is addicted to porn and no porn use is one of my non-negotiables.

On the bright side, I'm bi, so I have a larger dating pool to choose from, but:
1. I've only slept with three women and have only formally dated two, both of those were in the early 2010s so I'm out of practice and barely knew wtf I was doing to begin with.
2. Men are idiots and even when talking to a guy I REALLY like, flirting is effortless. When talking to a girl I really like, it's like I'm suddenly 13 again with my first crush and can't put one word in front of the other to string a coherent sentence together.
3. I fantasize about sex a LOT and even write smut, but have a low sex-drive IRL and very little sexual experience with fellow women. I worry I'll find an amazing girl but then we'll hook up and she'll think I'm lazy or a pillow princess or just a fucking idiot, idfk.
4. While I am a member of the LGBT community, I take issue with one of those letters, and most women (and men) I'd be interested in dating would be horrified to know I don't fully support the actions of the group that one letter represents.

So between not tolerating porn, being generally liberal-leaning with one little caveat re: the T in LGBT stuff, having a low IRL sex drive, and having no idea wtf I'm doing in bed with other women, I just feel like I'm doomed to either stay true to myself and die alone, settle for less, or hide a part of myself/my beliefs from someone I think is truly amazing lest they leave (or worse–leave, and tell everyone I'm a bigot) after finding out I don't blindly support sex work or men in dresses co-opting my identity.

Doomed to die alone with my cats. But honestly that sounds better than dying while married to a porn addicted scrote or a fellow feminist woman who thinks sex work and letting men into female spaces is empowering.

No. 2156343

Every person is different and no woman is the same as the other, don’t think that you’re out of practice, because you don’t need practice to date someone. If it’s awkward the first times so be it, don’t preclude yourself of nice experiences just because you’re afraid.

And about the other thing, I found that most people in real life care little about the T, they support them passively , it’s more of a “yeah I’ll respect your pronouns, you’re a woman, ok next” , lesbian women and even bi women too. Just don’t go full on TERF, maybe play dumb and ask questions to gauge how they are. If they’re raging TRAs you’ll get it and you’ll be able to distance yourself in time or maybe you’ll find your perfect terfy gf who knows.

No. 2156344

>While I am a member of the LGBT community, I take issue with one of those letters, and most women (and men) I'd be interested in dating would be horrified to know I don't fully support the actions of the group that one letter represents
I think you're underestimating how many irl lesbians are TERFs and how little moids care about trannies. Unless you are planning to date terminally online zoomers, being a transphobe isn't going to hurt your dating chances whatsoever. Normie adults really don't give a fuck about trannies beyond giving lip service like "oh, as long as they aren't hurting anybody!", and most of them can easily be peaked if you educate them on how your average TIM is an AGP freak

No. 2156360

Kek I agree. I never realized how many LGB people shared my opinions about troons.

No. 2156368

she was one of the most stunning women EVER. my grandma, when she was young in the 60s, 70s, always got told she looked like her. and it makes me so mad to think people thought she hae a long nose???? i fucking hate anglo-americans. i guess if you don't have a stubby pig nose, you're considered having a long nose.

No. 2156371

i mean if so many people share this opinion then why are online spaces absolutely dominated by troons?

No. 2156372

Because normies don't hang around online as much

No. 2156378

That fucking sucks anon, what tools do you have for dealing with your eating at this point in time? What have you tried, what worked? What didn’t work? How big are you, is exercise an option? How busy are your days? Do you live with others? What have they done beside talk therapy to help you? I’m curious because I’m overweight but I never thought to do some sort of out patient care, mostly I’ve tried to increase my movement and decrease the time I’m in the vicinity of my kitchen because I know my eating impulse is shit. Im slowly whittling away at my poor eating habits, I’ve found that paying attention to when I go to eat and diverting myself helps and having specific mealtimes (though my portions need work).

No. 2156389

In the biggest tl;dr way, treatment for BED isn't focused on your weight as much as trying to control your binges and self-image. The thing is, anyone who's spend a second online knows how much the internet hates fat women so trying to fix your self-image to even just a neutrality level is a constant battle. Any time I'm feeling a bit better about myself I manage to find something in the wild about how having fat/stretchmarks/loose skin/whatever is disgusting.
I'm personally in the very obese category and unfortunately I hate working out. I've tried plenty of times and no amount of making it a habit ever gave me a feeling of satisfaction afterwards. I wouldn't mind trying something more fun like an actual sport but once you're an adult those are either filled with people who've done it for 20 years already or it's sports I physically cannot do (nothing to do with weight, it's something I was born with).
As far as I'm aware there isn't much even offered beyond talk therapy when you have BED. There's no form of inpatient for it, and my country won't even give me ozempic or similar stuff despite plenty of people with BED saying it almost cures it. So I'm just kind of stuck trying to work through my demons on my own basically.

No. 2156405

I had some disgusting pimple faced musty freak of a scrote use his body to push me out of the way so he could get into the family restroom before me. This is why we need male genocide. Fuck you grody fugly faggot.

No. 2156409

Really appreciate the encouragement and advice, nonnies. I have shared my views (gently) with some close friends and shown them some research and other evidence re: the way women and children are harmed by troon rhetoric, and they've taken it really well, with some even revealing that they're basically closeted terfs like me, so y'all are probably right. I'm just worried I guess. Girls are just so gorgeous and have an effect on me that even the most handsome man doesn't, and I worry I'll either say something retarded because like I said, flirting with men is effortless but talking to women I'm into turns me into a shy weirdo, or I'll manage to conduct myself like a normal person but then we'll get in the bedroom and they'll be like "WTF?" because it's been almost a decade since I went down on another woman.

Y'all are the best, ty for the reassurance. Maybe I'll be able to find a pretty (or androgynous, I'm into both tbh) girl who won't mind taking the lead in the bedroom and being patient while I figure out wtf I'm doing lmao.

No. 2156414

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I feel like I have a hundred different things I should be doing, but no idea what to prioritize so I just end up getting nothing done.

No. 2156450

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am i terrible at expressing myself in a cohesive, easy-to-follow manner that other people can understand or do an increasing number of nonnas suffer from poor reading comprehension? i suppose both could be true. it just seems like whenever someone responds to anything that i post half of the time they completely misunderstand whatever i was trying to say, even if it was simple, or they act outright aggressive.

No. 2156462

The more I see news from Korea, the more I wanna get my friend the fuck out of there. I've never wanted to check anyone's phone but her husband, show me your fucking phone you scrote.

No. 2156505

Realised I have a tif in my bachelors program, it's interesting how I went from thinking it was a pathetic, possibly little person man who was off putting. Now I just avoid her like an animal avoiding an obviously sick animal, she seems so just off now. I also cannot stand how most of the people there are 25+ but the ones in their early 20s act like literal children, why are you screaming at this language lecture?

No. 2156518

I hope I die tonight in my sleep amen

No. 2156524

>I worry I'll either say something retarded because like I said, flirting with men is effortless but talking to women I'm into turns me into a shy weirdo
Honestly a shy person is cute to me, because it means that they do like me and find me attractive and most of the time with some patience they tend to open up and be more comfortable. So don’t worry too much.

I’m bi too and I can understand how flirting with women can be different than with men. I tend to be passive with men, I don’t like taking the first steps with men, because I don’t think they deserve it lol, but I’m much more straightforward with a woman and I like taking the first steps. I usually try to gauge if they’re bi or lesbian by complimenting them when I’m in real life, just to test the waters.
I’ve taken Ls many times since I tend to like the women who look more feminine and said women turned out to be straight most of the timers, but they were always good sports about it and never were weirded out. It’s not impossible and women aren’t these scary deities that you believe they are, you’re a woman too after all.

No. 2156529


No. 2156537

I fucked around with my ex's longtime friend. Because he had the audacity to lie to me about wanting to date/fuck the resident attention whore in our friend group. I know the reason, but I hate how he had her on his lap and pawing her under the guise of her "being like a sister" meanwhile he'd throw a tantrum and accuse me of trying to make him jealous if I ever expressed interest in anyone else. And attention whore has literally fucked everyone else in the friend group and is in a poly relationshit with three others but I'm the slut like??? Double standards much?

I really like his friend. He was kind to me and when he calls me "darling" in his low-pitched, southern accent it makes my heart melt. Fuckface could never sound or look like a man, ugh.

No. 2156589

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Broke up with my boyfriend. It's only been a few days and I miss him so much I feel sick. I'll meet him in a week or so once I've calmed down a little to talk everything out, exchange belongings etc, but for now I just can't get over the gaping hole in my life where he used to be. I loved him but we were totally incompatible emotionally + arguing a lot and it was making me stressed, resentful and bitter. I wish it didn't have to be like this.

No. 2156597

Yearning about the future helped me the best getting over people. In a couple of weeks or even months he won't even cross your mind

No. 2156600

I was in your shoes last year, it's hard to dump them when they didn't really "do" anything and it was just incompatibility. Good on you for trusting yourself and knowing whats best for you

No. 2156605

Sorry to hear that nonna, I know it feels shitty right now but it's better than staying in a relationship with someone you're incompatible with. It'll take time, but you will get over him eventually.

No. 2156610

>or do an increasing number of nonnas suffer from poor reading comprehension?
it’s this but it could also be lack of care. it is just an imageboard and sometimes people are shitposting from their phones and bored and angry at work (as i am now)

No. 2156628

>get over the gaping hole in my life where he used to be


No. 2156629

Don’t be a cunt.

No. 2156646


No. 2156720

Fuck it. If I can’t fit into this mold, I’ll just go beastmode. Changing my name to beast. Fuck you!!!

No. 2156804

i just want to die so badly, theres seriously nothing worth living for anymore, ill never have true love, my family replaced me, my wrist is too injured to enjoy art (my lifelong passion) anymore. theres no happiness. just misery and jealousy and isolation

No. 2156808

Men are like taxi. One go, the next one come. You be all right! Tear today but smile tomorrow.

No. 2156818

I wish I could drive. More than anything, I wish I lived in a car-free place with wonderful public transportation that most people can go to a from work to. I hate how my mom has to drive when we both have severe ADHD and she doesn't pay attention a lot of the times and it's horrifying, then she gets upset why no one wants to go in the car with her. My stepdad constantly is rude to her about her driving, even though he can actually take a bus and a train to work in around an hour max but he just won't. It makes me sad. I wish America could just do better with public transportation. I have so much car anxiety that I don't think I could ever drive because literally everyone else is insane and deadly.

No. 2156823

Remember when delusional kpopfags wanted nothing more than to marry a Korean man? Insane how the tables have turned and it's really sad about how Korean men at this point are no better than the likes of scum (Indian men). I hope your friend can leave there nonna.

No. 2156869

i have no interest in fostering a connection with my nigels family in any way at all. i dont know why everyone sees this as a red flag.

No. 2156877

Nona, I kinda think my friend is one of those assholes because she's there married a to man who isn't even cute. She's not even into kpop anymore, no wonder

No. 2156882

there were kfags who actually moved to korea? all because they liked a boy band?

No. 2156900

what do you have against his family?

No. 2156971

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I was going to post in the general art thread but this is more of a vent so I am putting it here. I hate how I am in that “just okay” stage with my art. I have been stuck here for years ever since I went through burnout, and while I can render well I am basically an okay draftsman. I can’t illustrate or draw anything without heavy reference, to the point I basically can’t draw anything decent unless it’s just a copy of something else.

I’m fast, what I do make is pretty good, but it doesn’t mean I can make any art that I actually want to make. A bit cringe but I think I took an interest in art purely because I wanted to make fanart in middle school. Now I’m an adult and it still frustrates me that after so much time and effort I can make things but still can’t make the trashy fanart I have always wanted. It’s even worse because I ended up being able to render realistically very well, so I know I’m capable, but it’s like I took the wrong path to get where I wanted to. Ugh

No. 2156990

gross fucking moid tried to hit on me on the subway. just stared off by doing a cringe pickup line and kept trying to hold my hand?? who the fuck does he think he is? he told
me he is jobless (wouldn’t have guessed) and has a horrible beard, and wouldnt stop doing these shitty lines. i made sure to make it so awkward he left out of embarrassment so that was really satisfying.
the only dudes interested in me are grandpas and 4s, i’d very much rather have no one looking at me.

No. 2157006

There's no such thing as a wrong path in art. You already have skills that you can now expand on, that's pretty good. Rendering and drawing from imagination are different skillsets so don't feel discouraged if you're better at one than the other. When I struggled drawing bodies without relying on reference I invested more time into studying anatomy using Morpho and that really helped. Removing the guesswork is the best you can do for yourself.

No. 2157045

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My brother called me today. He asked if I've made any friends on campus and I could tell he was sad when I said "I don't feel the need to make any,". It probably sounds like I'm a child, but I'm 24. I'm going to try to join a club that's about my hobby or something… I feel so terrible because I know he only wants the best for me but I really am happy with my own company. I didn't even realize I had absolutely no one I could call a friend until he asked me today.

No. 2157059

I wonder this but in all aspects of my life. I hate being misunderstood and overexplain shit and try not to but it's like I'm speaking another language sometimes.

No. 2157063

Thanks anon this actually made me feel a lot better when I was worrying. She ended up being really happy about it, I need to figure out how to stop assuming the worst outcome for everything kek

No. 2157075

NTA but my cousin studied abroad there and dated some Korean scrote. She was always so paranoid about men (rightfully so) so I wonder what the hell was up with that.

No. 2157080

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My new neighbor is my age and very outgoing, bubbly, and knows how to talk so well. I am the polar opposite and I just might even have a touch of the tism. Any interaction between us is always painfully awkward especially when my parents are around to see it. I’m sure they wish I were more like her.

No. 2157095

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You know something I don't like about moids? Their absolute lack of integrity, I hate that the most about them and it personally pisses me off. They say one thing and do another, pretend to like a type of women but secretly want another, say they want to kill a group of people then get found fucking 5 of them at a trashy hotel. They fuck kids and animals, even sandwiches, as if there wasn't something on their mind telling them that's fucking gross, they routinely fuck people they hate or find repulsive, they cannot even respect their OWN bodies and dignity, they're the true hoes. Men NEVER stand on their beliefs if they got any to begin with they're cowards and never face the world with their actual opinions, just what's convenient like the rats they are. They don't got a "core" or something that stops them from going beyond the values they decided to uphold themselves, men are whores of mind, body and soul, easily swayed by temptation and impulse. Zero discipline, zero INTEGRITY, nothing a scrote says it's true because they're, as I already said, hoes of mind, body and soul.

Why are men so unashamed of being inhumane and coreless? Why would you flex the fact that there's something literally wrong with you, that you barely qualify as sentient and that your existence is detrimental and a tragedy for our species? Men routinely shame women for displaying benevolence, "doing the right thing" or simply standing on their values, because in a world dominated by sociopathic scrotes benevolence and mercy are not only shamed but openly discarded. These values were never a problem, it doesn't make you weak, it's only a problem because scrotes exist and disrupt the natural course of humanity with their filth.

No. 2157121

Like a little over a year or so ago I made it a priority to minimize looking at shit that upset me online. Stopped looking at any politics, avoided negative youtube drama type shit, stopped rage scrolling front of reddit, ect… I basically only look at a very curated reddit with 90% cat pics and lolcow. I love this site cause their arent many online spaces where I truly felt similar to the women on it. I have always felt strange and abnormal and struggled relating to other women. But here I didn't feel crazy anymore.

But also here's the thing. Lolcow is also depressing as hell. I hate seeing all the worse of humanity get posted here. I know im seeking it out but I can't help it when I'm here. It can be hard to avoid it, even in threads not related. I'm not blaming the site or anything but I feel like I'm too mentally unwell to see this shit constantly. I have grown up terminally online and had a shitty childhood so I'm already prone to depression. I really hate to leave but I feel like I have to. Honestly wish I could just get off the internet altogether and touch some fucking grass but it's hard when you've done it forever and are socially retarded. I'm just so sick of all the pedos, pickmes, coomers, porn, degens, trannies, ragebait, redpill shit,ect. I hate humans. But I really hate men. It honestly has kinda destroyed my mental health. Like I always knew bad men existed but I didn't really understand that even the "good" ones don't see you as fully human. I feel like only places like lolcow is where women can truly peak. The rest of the internet will gaslight you into accepting shit behavior or believing the good ones exist out there and are the majority.

Idk guess I'm just screaming out into the void. I wish I could just be normal.

No. 2157124

You're probably not as bad as you think

No. 2157151

My old college (small, all-women’s school) recently announced that they will no longer be accepting trans students (both tims and tifs). For the duration of college education I was able to keep my transphobia hidden but now students, alumnae, and professors that I used to respect have all begun pissing and shitting over the new policy change. Everyone has been posting instagram stories and creating facebook groups to “combat” this change and some have even tried to get me to join in. I’m tired of pretending that I don’t hate trannies but I also don’t want to lose my old friends and community support. I’m worried now that I’ll run out of excuses (my ig is professional, i don’t use facebook, etc.) and either succumb to the pressure or snap. Might just take a break from social media to avoid it but most of my current social circle includes other alumnae. Just hoping that the school remains steadfast and doesn’t reverse the policy.

No. 2157155

Have you ever had such a bad day at work that you went home and started applying for jobs at other places?


No. 2157160

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Thank you for the advice, you’re very kind. I know the answer to my problem is to continue drawing but it’s been hard to find the time recently. One day I hope to be able to do linework like picrel, but until then I’ll just keep practicing.

No. 2157183

I’ve been so tempted to just walk out mid shift lmao

No. 2157191

I actually had to leave the dinner table looking at candid photos of me and the family, I couldn't hold the tears in I'm so insecure.

No. 2157201

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My own personal lolcow is a homewrecking friend of a friend. After finding out months ago she was having a boy and “crying for weeks” because she was certain it was going to be a girl; she gave birth the other day and it has to be the fugliest baby I’ve ever seen and I tried really hard not to think this and let my feelings about her cloud judgement but it’s undeniable. Poor moidchild lmao.

No. 2157202

Consider at least emailing the admit responsible with a message of support. Even if you can’t publicly support it consider saying something. Don’t let the morons be the only voices, that’s how we got here; by letting racist morons who can’t understand biology bully us. Once the cult deprogramming kicks in and it stops being trendy to support male predators your friends will come around or pretend like they were against it all along, that’s how trends/religions work.

No. 2157212

If I ever get annoyed at work I will immediately start looking for jobs online kek, like while I'm still at work. I don't actually plan to leave, it just makes me feel better.

No. 2157227

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I hate grown ass adults who are picky eaters. Of course you don’t like anything I cook because you’ve fried your taste buds with all the sodium in fast food! If it’s not breaded or fried it’s disgusting apparently? I genuinely cannot imagine going through life not liking any type of fish, fruit, or vegetable. The thought of eating fast and frozen foods daily makes me nauseous.

No. 2157245

Menstrual blood clots topped with semen.

No. 2157253

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hijacking your post: im friends with a moid who basically eats nothing but fried greasy slop, then he complains about having constant diarrhea. hes an autist with sensory problems but thats not an excuse to be so unhealthy imo, theres a thousand different ways to prepare vegetables, he could experiment and find a way to incorporate them into his diet. colon cancer speedrun.

No. 2157264

You’re totally right. I’ll email the board and president tomorrow about it. I’m very thankful they’ve made this change and I’ll try to find other alums that support the policy change to do the same. There are a whole lot of rich, old alumnae who I’m sure are pleased, and their voices definitely trump the whining of the gender specials in the recent class years.

No. 2157267

As an autist who was once a picky eater, I'm grateful my parents actually beat me into eating more foods. Autists like that piss me off because I can't help but think they've been coddled.

No. 2157274

>friends with moid
>complains about having constant diarrhea
>sensory problems
Why the fuck do you hang out with this gross sadsack to begin with?

No. 2157278

kek…….. true. i dont really talk to him 1 on 1, and when we do hang out its with the rest of our friend group.

No. 2157285

it's good to enjoy your own company but if you don't have literally anybody around (including family) then maybe you should make a friend or two? just one, at least

No. 2157291

I know people on this site hate on autistic people and shit, and I don't mind parents disciplining their kids if necessary, but it's deeply disturbing that your parents were so willing to beat an autistic young girl, that just off and fucked up I'm sorry

No. 2157294

What a dumb bitch, imagine being pressed over somebody telling you your cooking is ass, who even cares that much kek(infighting)

No. 2157297

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lmaooo I've done this for the four or so years I've worked at my current job. Here's to one day finding a job that actually sounds better than the one we're at.
I am venting because my sweet little cat doesn't understand that I am working and I can't play with him all the time. Also, even if I could, he's so insatiable and bored(?) with the usual tricks. String? Doesn't give a fuck. Toys that make noise? Lame. One of those automatic rolling balls? Afraid of it. Same with the flopping fish toy. The little springs, I should get those again. But he gets sick of them quite quickly, like, not even 5 minutes and he's back to meowing at me. The laser is also waning in interestingness for him. And finally, the shadow game, and he is bored of that too. I'll even take things and put them under a sheet and wiggle them around and he'll attack them, but it seems like he's bored again. I just need to cycle in a new toy. But what? what does my boy want!?

No. 2157300

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Need to look into manifestation because I am at my fucking limit. This npd bpd misogynistic victim cosplaying bitch cant coast on simpering and asspats for this long without some form of consequences. Praying for her downfall isnt enough I need several Haitian shamans and deepweb hitmen. Karma I've seen what youve done for others.

No. 2157303

I know it's fucked up but at the same time, it was one of the few good things that getting beaten did to me. It forced me to eat a wide variety of foods rather than microwaved hot dogs and frozen pizza like my childhood self would've preferred and I now eat a pretty healthy diet. Yeah, I guess it's also pretty fucked up that I hear about some super picky autist and just think they wouldn't be such unhealthy eaters if they were beaten like me kek..

No. 2157322

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I really hate living with my roommate but I live in a bad neighborhood and my parents who have key to the apartment have been physical in the past so I need someone to physically protect me

Not American and teasers/spray are even illegal where I live. Inb4 move I am poor and too retarded to shit out money

No. 2157332

I'll try hard to make friends this semester and moving forward, it's just difficult because I've never felt the need so I don't know where to start. He said something like "If you got married right now, would you have bridesmaids ready?" and it bummed me out because I absolutely wouldn't. Before today I didn't care about any of this and now I feel like I'm living life "incorrectly".

No. 2157342

I don't know why but I just hate everything. The only thing I like is hating. I hate when people like me, I hate when they dislike me. I hate being around people, I hate being alone. I hate people who like the same things I do, I hate people who like the things I don't. I don't know what's wrong with me, am I just a cunt? I am not mean at least.

No. 2157346

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I’ve been fighting the urge recently to make my ex moid’s life hell. Nothing illegal, just inconvenient and disconcerting on the receiving end. What I hate the most is feeling myself fall back into old patterns of behavior that are not healthy and harm others. But the only people I really harm have been men so I don’t feel bad enough to stop.

No. 2157351

I really need therapy but I am so afraid of it. I don't know why I am scared, it just all feels overwhelming. To make matters worse, I can access mental health services for free in my country, so I feel guilty because I know others wish for that. It's strange, my issues heavily impact my day-to-day life and I'm dysfunctional, but I feel like my problems aren't as severe as they need to be for treatment. What if I spend decades using limited resources whilst somebody else who is much more in need and willing to help themselves could use what I have? Do I even want to get better or is suicide just too inconvenient for me?

No. 2157365

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mental illness is taking me in a brand new form. my metamorphosis into a fresh insane bitch is starting. I'm not ready. i vomited again tonight and coffee is the only this i consumed today. i hate this

No. 2157391

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>major depressive disorder
>11 suicide attempts
>therapy doesn't work
>psych ward didn't work
>relationship doesn't help
>family bonds don't help
>hobbies don't help
>NEET who can't find a job
>can't drive
>medicated out the ass
>getting fat due to meds

No. 2157396

Do people even, like what they say they like anymore? I hate to care about what other people are doing. But it involves them coming into spaces I enjoy and ruining everything. It seems now you can spend a few hundred dollars on a personality, shipped and packaged at your door within a week.

People used to be diehard fans of things and like it for years. Now they toss it in the trash the next year or few months. I am scared to actually make new friends within these spaces now. I feel like I am struggling all over again.

I do appreciate fast fashion to a degree because they started making things accessible to me that I liked and could not get for years. Also in better sizing because everything I wanted then was S,M, and L in the worst fabric and sizing. But then I realized people with the personality of burnt toast buy an excessive load of Shein clothes that are awful (and they admit that later) so I get roped in with them and accused by screeching banshees online telling me I am supporting the corporate beast regardless of what I get.

People always have to find a way to cancel something for some reason. Even if it is miniscule. When it gets popular of course.

People switch up extremely fast nowadays and I miss the feeling of a community.

No. 2157409

my grandma's funeral is in 2 days, I need to look for pants to wear but I don't want to. I hate thinking about this, I hate thinking about death, I don't know how to deal with it. I also feel like a piece of shit for not visiting her anymore even though she didn't remember me

No. 2157415

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I will confess for the past three years, I have been able to maintain my grades (all A's) because I have been cheating. I am lucky that last year was simply general education, however this semester I started the actual bulk of my classes. I was feeling so prepared, telling myself that I would finally stop my chronic procrastinating just to fall behind in the first week. Convinced myself to sit down and go through the material, realized I cannot remember anything the second I look away and it's just so hard to understand things. Now I am thinking what is the point, I am retarded and it was a mistake to think I could become good in school when I have failed at it since kindergarten.

What to do to get better? I looked it up, I don't think I can really change my lack of memory and difficulty with learning the most basic of things. Maybe, I could fix the procrastination once and for all by quitting all my distractions. Today in class, I tried very hard to focus on professor but as always without realizing I end up daydreaming.

No. 2157423

I don't think I can do this internship. I think I'm genuinely too stupid for this. I probably should've gone into manual labour instead but it's too late for that.

No. 2157446

Your school is so based lol. You don’t need to post anything imo, it’s your account and that’s it. Tell them you have a private account and it’s not like you’ll reach engagement but anyway who cares? A no is a no.

No. 2157456

Holy shit, that's awesome, although your school is liable to be sued depending on the laws in your area. I hope they stand firm on that policy, as unlikely as that is. Honestly, I'd just ignore all the people trying to drag you into it. They'll get distracted by something else in like two weeks.

No. 2157458

Yes, absolutely. It's a very common experience, you aren't alone at all.

No. 2157459

I'd recommend finding one or two people that take the same classes and studying together with them. Sometimes they can explain things you don't get and vice versa. If you can't study together, just discussing things is also good. Talking about stuff you learn is the best way to make sure it stays in your mind. I would hear a lot of the best students from my classes discuss material directly after lectures or they'd meet friends from other departments and try to relay it to them despite them not knowing anything about the topics. If you really don't have anyone to yap to, it still helps to say things out loud without reading off a paper, kind of as if you were practicing a presentation or something.
I have the same issues with memory and understanding and I would always post here about how hopeless it felt to force myself to sit down and study for hours only to forget most of it and have to do even more of that tomorrow kek but in those last weeks before exams it was always easier to go over topics I had spent time summarizing during the semester than completely new stuff. You probably will remember some bits and pieces and that's a lot better than nothing. Using pomodoro timers of like 15–30 minutes studying with 3–5 minute breaks worked well for me because I also have time blindness and can't focus for indefinite amounts of time. If your material is very complicated, just take extra time, look up every word you don't get and read over sentences until they start to make sense. Uni is supposed to be like a full-time job, so you shouldn't feel bad or discouraged if it takes a while. I could also never follow professors for very long (unless it was the good ones that would give us short breaks every 20 minutes when attention spans end) but it helped a little to repeat what they were saying in my head. Many people told me to take notes, but figuring out what to write while the prof had already started a new sentence was impossible for me. If they share their weekly material before lectures, it's good to at least skim it so you'll have an idea of the parts you'd want to focus on most. Also ask around or google how others in your major/school study, sometimes they'll have more specific tips about ways to approach subjects or they'll know what profs like to prioritize in exams. Good luck, don't let it get you down so quickly. Everything is difficult at first but at the end of the day it's only words on paper and the grades won't matter to your employer.

No. 2157460

>After finding out months ago she was having a boy and “crying for weeks”
I'd cry too if it turned out I was having a parasite instead of a daughter.

No. 2157501

i will not cut i will not cut i will not cut i will not cut i will not cut i will not cut i will not cut i will not cut i will not cut i will not cut i will not cut i will not cut i will not cut i will not cut i will not cut i will not cut i will not cut i will not cut i will not cut i will not cut

No. 2157504

I cannot stop ruminating about idootic things like how almost everyone in elementary school thought I was stuck-up when actually I had paralyzing social anxiety and that's why I was constantly trying to avoid everyone

No. 2157506

Weird how common that train of thought is for normies. People that don't have issues with social interaction can't even imagine it

No. 2157507

You sound exactly like me. I got called frigid and slutty at the same time, somehow, because I came across as distant and cold. Really I was just mentally ill kek

No. 2157519

My mum takes victim blaming to a whole new level, she goes as far as to blame the victim of a gruesome car accident for uh… getting run over while she was on the crosswalk and the car was speeding? The mental gymnastics on this woman.

No. 2157527

I just hate foods that have too many things going on at once.

No. 2157529

My neighbors woke me up fucking at 6am moaning like farm animals. Am no longer being considerate and will use my computer speakers at any time of day I desire

No. 2157533

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Idk where to post this but I got CATFISHED by a moid on tinder I was actually nervous to see him because I thought it was gonna be a buff guy but when I saw him I was genuinely put off because I didn’t know he was that fat. I live in A pretty small town so I was like oh my God how come I haven’t seen this really handsome dude around but lo and behold that handsome dude didn’t even exist. I immediately looked up his profile and looked at the pictures again because I just couldn’t believe the levels of catfishing. He was looking up in the face pic to hide his double chin, he also put his arm in a pic of him holding something and the gym one I guess we was sucking in really hard or something or maybe it’s an old pic. Either way yeesh and it’s a shame because his arms were pretty buff and he did have a cute face, but the fatness of his body turned me off and he almost kissed me I was like I can’t believe I was nervous this dude is gross and owes me for gracing him with my fine presence.
I drew a thing of his pics on the left vs him on the right irl. Crazy how people can just lie like that like does he think he actually looks like his pics?

No. 2157536

Kind of retarded but I'm never ever going to sit awkwardly in a circle with my coworkers for break. I will never talk about things not pertaining to the job. I am less sociable than the autistic moidthing that works here. I hate talking to people at all. I do not have social anxiety, I am not particularly socially inept and have had normal platonic friendships (never felt sexual or romantic feelings towards a person) just hate. I think this started when I was born mixed race and created a seperate reality internal world because I didn't look like a real human being (at the opinion of a 6 year old). I think if I took any drug ever or drank I would instantly become a serial killer or schizophrenic. I will not go to therapy probably because 1. Talking to someone 2. I don't want a medical record of mental illness. 3. My GP who I've had since I was a literal infant decided to call me a 'good girl' when I let him look at my tonsils and it made me disgusted enough I haven't seen a doctor for 4 years.

No. 2157541

You remind me of that woman I saw on reddit that refused to tell her coworkers about her marriage and children for multiple years and when everyone found out they were pissed at her when her explanation was just that she's a private person. I think you are just a free thinker, you question why rather than submit. It actually is cucked to be forced to sit and socialize on break, a break is a break and you should spend it in a way that recharges you and if small talk doesn't then don't do it

No. 2157546

A dentist did this to me the other day but he was fruity as hell so I didn’t mind so much. Still patronising though.

No. 2157548

I clicked on this image thinking it would be from the photoshop thread on snow, oh god nonnie this is so terrible. >>2157533

No. 2157551

are you me? I had to leave my job because I was so tired of everyone giving me dirty looks for saying no to their daily soup run! I would literally just lie about my life or give the vaguest answer when they asked how my weekend was. I ended up getting fired when I asked if i can work from home Full time instead of part time. I didnt even need to be in the office except to listen to everyone gossip. I had a fucking work laptop and couldve easily did my work from home. Its so gross how jobs in 2024 force you to come in to basically highschool 2.0

No. 2157552

I also hate talking to people I don't like because I have nothing to tell them or I know they just like gossiping. So I try not to talk too much to my coworkers and the ones I dislike the most are the ones who won't stop initiating conversations as soon as we have enough free time to take a short break. It feels like even more work to do, and my manager is the type who likes to come up with events that are sort of mandatory, like spending our lunch breaks picnicking in a park nearby or everyone going to the office at the same time even when some of us are supposed to work from home that day to socialize and I'm starting to consider looking for another job to avoid this, but I know it's similar or even worse in most companies.

I have a question though, were you like this as a kid too? Because I was, I got along with some of my classmates but didn't really care beyond that and was always treated like a weirdo for not giving a shit about befriending others, I thought something was wrong with me for liking reading books to pass time during recess instead of forcing myself to interact with racist kids calling me slurs as a result. I wish smartphones were a thing back then so I could ignore everyone even more efficiently.

No. 2157557

Oh my god nonnie I'm so sorry, at least this will be a funny story in a couple of weeks! It could be that the other pictures are pre-covid, lots of moids are in complete denial about how they let themselves go during the pandemic

No. 2157560

I’ve been the weird kid since I was literally 3 years old. I thought it’d get better in adult life but I’m still incapable of holding relationships

No. 2157572

It was the first time I went alone to him and by god I will not get molested by an old man while simultaneously having a sore throat.

It's an outside job so I literally just walk opposite direction into the forest to do my shit in isolation and return on breaks to my car. If you're similarly schizo-y I would recommend surveying/environmental or other forestry jobs

I was within normal rage of shyness with some friends all through school. More than shy it was bluntness and avoidance that was the problem. I was really into reading books, drawing and fantasy all the time though and spent all my time doing that too. I think at the time it was easier (less social interaction) to have acquaintances to avoid pity actions but I might of not liked any of them because I ghosted both primary school and hs school friends as soon as I graduated. They said to my face that I'd probably never talk to them again after graduation and I couldn't even be bothered to go there so predictions true, so Facade must not be able to hold up for multiple years I guess (they had each other I did not groom girls to be my defence and then abandoned them if anyone's worried).

I think you should just try and bore the social inviters. I have just told my supervisors that I like to be assigned tasks alone and I am always going to the same location on break that I beeline to so they don't come up to me or ask me to go other places consistently. Also immoral but if a man talks to me I always act like I can't hear the first few times so he gets frustrated and identifies a better target. Works.

No. 2157574

I hope so too! The school’s justification is that the will states that only “women and girls” can attend, and they want to use the historical definition. Hoping that this is reason enough for them to stick by it, as there could be legal issues if they didn’t make this change, as wills must be honored in the original intent/meaning of the author and there’s no way that someone from the late 1800s/early 1900s would be thinking about “gender identity”. There are also a couple of other women’s colleges in the US that don’t admit trans students, so it’s likely that my school will be safe legally.

No. 2157579

You're not retarded. Offices in 2024 are full of landmines. Giving out info can easily result in uncontrollable gossip or people feeling like they're close enough to you to treat you like shit. I learned recently that Gen Z tends to avoid any socializing at work, which makes total sense. I had to learn it when i switched from a labor-intensive manual job (relaxed, genuine coworkers) to an office job (mix of highschool and daycare for adults) and got fucked over. Unless it's a very small company and the people are reasonable with their gossip, it's not worth it.
Edit: oh, you have an outside job. Point still stands, workplace culture is so hostile anyways that i wouldn't be surprised if even some outside jobs were like this now

No. 2157601

>I think you should just try and bore the social inviters.
I try to but some people think it's an invitation to start harassing me (or others like us) and it's pissing me off. You know, the type that sees a room where everyone's busy, focused on their tasks and says "oh wow it's soooo silent here! haha" and then pester the shit out of everyone? There's a guy like this in my team and he even gets offended when I eat lunch during lunch break, chew my food and don't answer his questions right away to avoid chocking on my food so he repeats the same questions over and over again. Sometimes he does that when I'm on the phone or in an online meeting. He also changed his days of telework so that I had to deal with his presence three days a week instead of two for a few months and I thought I was about to have a mental breakdown because he will not shut the fuck up but there's no way to tell him politely because he acts and looks like an autist so he doesn't get all the hints and complaints we already gave him. He never says anything interesting, his voice sounds awful, he's so loud that he prevents everyone from planning meetings with clients in out open space, and expresses himself like a corrupt politician too. My manager is less annoying than him somehow. I don't mind having small talk with other coworkers because they don't actively bother me as much but they also have their moments.

>I think at the time it was easier (less social interaction) to have acquaintances to avoid pity actions but I might of not liked any of them because I ghosted both primary school and hs school friends as soon as I graduated.

I did that too. Not having a facebook or MSN account back then helped a lot. I kept up with my high school friends on a messaging app on my first smartphone after we graduated but it barely worked so I deleted the app and never looked back, and I know I didn't miss out on anything that way. I'm a grown adult with a few very close friends and in hindsight it made me realize that dumb teachers and adults treating kids who don't care for friendship with their classmates are beyond retarded. Forcing yourself to hang out with someone you have nothing in common with and you already see in class almost everyday just because you live in the same area and were born the same year isn't a necessity. Seeing that you and maybe other people had the same experience makes me feel less insane now.

No. 2157607

I'm so tired of working and rich or NEET acquaintances asking to see my hobby work. Good for you having all day to dedicate yourself while I'm burnt out. I'd love to sleep in with free shelter and housing but that isn't my reality.

No. 2157611

>i switched from a labor-intensive manual job (relaxed, genuine coworkers) to an office job (mix of highschool and daycare for adults) and got fucked over
I think the real difference is related to whether you have to clock in and out or not, and if you work with the same people with a similar schedule or not. Because I worked retail as a student and nobody had the same schedule so it was easier to avoid being forced to pointlessly interact with coworkers than during all my office jobs where everyone is always stuck with each other in the same room for 8h or 9h in a row and has their lunch break at the same time. A friend of mine had a job at a factory where she had to clock in and out a few years ago and she was minding her own business as much as she could but everyone was gossiping about each other all the time because almost everyone started and stopped work at the same time and it was in a small town so everyone above the age of 40 knew each other already on top of that.

No. 2157616

I'm so tired of retail wagies and normies being mad at me for being happy, they are justified for being mad but not directly taking it out on me. It Makes me hate normie women especially. Most seem to have a problem with insecurity and jealousy, that's why they cling to that live laugh love shit and tear other women down and stuff

No. 2157620

Something about your writing style is weird

No. 2157637

you’re just retarded

No. 2157644

Another give away is the way it went straight to "I HATE WOMEN!!!!" kek

No. 2157653

>gen z doesn’t socialize at work
shit really? maybe in countries other than America, I wish my fucking younger zoomer coworkers would stop trying to hang out w me kek

No. 2157655

> I hate NORMIE women because uhhhh live laugh love…and stuff
Really not trying at all kek

No. 2157658

It's so weird and obvious kek. Ofc we will get banned for saying the truth. Oh how I yearn for last year, when it was expected of nonas to point out obvious scrote posts. Unironically, seeing anons scrote"foil" made me much better at recognizing how scrotes type and think, and how they bait. Now we are supposed to pretend like the baiters and trolls are all girls and that no moid would ever enter here. Meanwhile they attack our realm every day.

No. 2157687

>seeing anons scrote"foil" made me much better at recognizing how scrotes type and think, and how they bait.
i completely agree, for me too it has helped my pattern recognition so much. and i'm a bit of a newfag and didn't become as active on the site until this year, after the mods put the bans in place. but nonnas happily take their "scrotefoiling" or "take it to meta" bans over being silenced which i love them for as it helped me learn.

No. 2157694

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A THIRD interview?!? FUCK fuckity FUCK

No. 2157714

Today I witnessed a 20v something actually bullying a 30 something at school, it was fucking disturbing and I'm glad I did something but maybe this triggered something in me, because I have been crying for a while now at home. I was so calm and okay in class but what the fuck was that, moids are disgusting

No. 2157715

Sweet nona, it can take time but good for you to start a hobby or something, new school is a lot to take in and on top of that to make friends? very hard sometimes

No. 2157717

The fuck is a "20v" something? Why the fuck are you crying? I don't get it.

No. 2157719

is it about a job? I swear, job hunting is impossible nowadays. The pay better be good nonna

No. 2157728

At least you GET interviews

No. 2157734

This talk about the job market is making me think about how nothing is going to get better. I don't see how it can. I feel like something horrible is going to happen in the near future because this job market seems incredibly unsustainable.

No. 2157740

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>Lost 13kgs
>Higher BMI but still in health range
>Thought I look slim from the front
>Saw a video of me that my friend took
>I still look wide as a fridge from the side
Why live?

No. 2157744

Half the time I scrotefoil, it's not so much that I think the anon in question is a scrote, but that they're projecting a heavily moid-centred worldview or expressing latent misogynistic opinions. IMO part of integrating is being conscious of an internal (and sometimes unconscious) moid-centred viewpoint.

No. 2157745

The pay is pretty good, the process has just been taking weeks and now it’s down to just me and one other candidate. Can’t believe how competitive the market is rn.

That’s true, earlier this year I was getting nothing but ghosting and rejection emails.

I feel the same way. I’m pretty sure the US is headed for a recession regardless of who gets elected at this point.

No. 2157761

The problem is as developed countries continue to turn away from industry, more and more jobs are divorced from meaning. A lot of jobs now are inherently meaningless because they rely on pretending that the virtual world is part of reality and not just 0s and 1s displayed on screens.

No. 2157776

same nonna. It depresses me so much. It's so bleak, it's already at rock bottom and it will somehow get worse, I can feel it
i think it will be good if we were to return to a pre-industrial society but that's just me being autistic

No. 2157788

Slipped as v is YO in my language and idk dummy, maybe I'm tired and triggered somehow, maybe read and not meddle in my vents

No. 2157808

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I'm 10+ years younger than both my siblings, so even as an adult it's been hard to have a relationship with them even if I try and I know they love me. Mom got fairly abusive after both of them had moved out, which caused the relationship between us to be close to non-existent; she would compare me to them (among other emotionally abusive things I still have severe trauma from), despite the fact that I was still a kid and the age difference I was made to feel inferior and like a mistake compared to their successes so I felt like I didn't deserve their company, and I could overhear her around the corner trashtalking me to my siblings who didn't know me well enough to really comment on it. After I moved out she would call me and cuss me out for not having a relationship to my siblings or relying on them, which of course caused me to distance myself even more.
But after I hit my mid-20's I started gradually reaching out to my sister, I realized how much I needed the sisterly bond in my life and we have a decent relationship but we avoid talking about how we grew up. But last year or so I've been opening up more, testing the waters to see how she would react. Since I was so young when she and our brother lived at home I didn't see much of their side. She never really comments much on it, but I have noticed that she calls mom out more often - not exactly in my name, but she admitted a couple of days ago that when I opened up a little bit about mom's behavior she actually had enough of mom's hypocrisy and kinda cracked.
It feels great to finally be defended, and I'm so happy I have her. I want to reach out more to my brother, but he runs a couple of his own companies on top of having a family so it's hard to get in touch with him because he's always busy. But we do have a bit of a relationship and I feel like I can always rely on him if I need to. But not in the same way as I can rely on my sister.

No. 2157816

I hate my boyfriends literal retarded brother and if we had to take care of him I would leave my bf. Point blank. I cannot stand this moid who audibly groaned when I tried to mention to my bf quietly I needed pads.

No. 2157841

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I’m moving out of the country today and had a massive sobbing fit over leaving my dog. I don’t really feel all too sad about anything else but I couldn’t look at her without crying. I’m going to miss her so much. She’s the sweetest dog ever and is so funny and has helped me heal so much. I wish I could take her but I can’t. I never understood why people would go hysterical over their dogs and now I do.

No. 2157889

Well you're definitely healthier and probably feel better in general, eh? I'm proud of you for that.

I just got healthier by putting on a little over 25 lbs and being in a good weight range (I was not deliberately anachan, I was in an intensely stressful marriage, which I left last year). I feel stronger, my sunken face unsunk itself, and I know my arms and legs look better. HOWEVER, similar to your grievance, my boobs are still ABSOLUTELY MAN-TIER FLAT, like you'd think some of that 25 lbs would have gone THERE, but NOOOOOOOO God hates me

All that aside, your overall health is what matters most of all

No. 2157923

I feel very annoyed when people insist on something you can see isn't true with your own eyes. I loved Margot Robbie as Sharon Tate, but they have almost no resemblance to each other and it annoys me when people insist they do.

No. 2157950

My cousin, unprompted, sent me a video of him and his friend bothering a starving dog and her puppies, and one of the puppies was born deformed where it's two back legs didn't work, so it was slowly sliding along behind it's family. Then his retarded subhuman friend kicked the poor puppy and they started laughing. I need to buy a plane ticket so I can break both their legs and humiliate them in public by kicking them down. Fucking faggots. I want to save the poor baby

No. 2157952

I haven't been regularly to the farms for quite some weeks, at least not as I used to, I've barely checked the milk of one thread. Lurking a bit in /ot/ and /g/ makes me feel nostalgic and happy again, I love you anons. August has been a dreadful month for me but September will be better

No. 2157956

just kam holy shit I hate that I read this, send it to the police of that country anonymously

No. 2157957

i'd donate to your plane ticket fund

No. 2157958

Call your aunt or uncle (whoever you're related to) and tell them about it if you think they'll kick your cousin's ass for it.

No. 2157974

Fuck that, call whatever local animal welfare society is there and tell them to prosecute your cousin for animal cruelty

No. 2157996

It's a thirdie country and the police are corrupt as fuck, hell they probably engage in animal abuse themselves. Horrible place.
Thanks nonnie

No. 2158015

I have a very stereotypical case of daddy issues, where as a result I sought out older men as a teenager a lot. From 13-18 I only wanted much much older men, like 40+. I realize now it was just my desire for a father figure and positive male guidance, manifesting in ways that were really harmful to me. I look back on it now with nothing but disgust, as someone in my early 20s I don’t even have interest in men who are 30. I know I was the victim then, I know it was on those men to make better choices, but I carry SO much guilt over that.
I gave every single one of those men enough reason to believe that little girls want old men. I made so many men think it’s okay to pursue little girls. I know that as I’ve gotten older and have addressed my issues and know better now, those men have gotten older and still pursue girls that are currently the same age I was. If I was their first experience with someone underage then that means I made them feel emboldened to try things with other minors. And I am so unbelievably sorry for that. I hate myself for ever giving any man a reason to think that is okay.

No. 2158018

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I hate how absolutely terrible I am at maths fell behind somewhere between grade 9 and 10 and didn't get anything at all from grade 11 onwards, with how big the city I live in is, I'd have thought there are some courses in community college, but seems like that's not a thing and at this point I'm half-way considering looking into getting a tutor, but I'm wondering just how useful it'd be if I can't tell her "This is what we learned in mathematics last week and I need to understand this by X because we will have a test then" lol. I know Khan academy exists but I'm not really a fan of learning stuff on a screen lol. Maybe I'll just get some workbooks for 9th graders lol.

No. 2158020

>trying to stop doomscrolling
>get sick
>resort to doomscrolling because too physically weak to do anything else

No. 2158023

I hate that there's a wk on the thread I frequent and there's nothing that can be done about it. Especially because it's just a low IQ retard trying to troll and bait. Le sigh.

No. 2158075

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I wish I had someone to have a matching pfp with, how do people make and keep lifelong friends I'm so sad.

No. 2158106

They are well past the age to know that doing what they do is immoral and subhuman, don't beat yourself up about it. That being said, if you know that those men are to this day in contact or grooming/assaulting underaged girls then you have a moral obligation to report it and help stop it.

No. 2158152

I can’t help but feel inadequate to my younger sister (she is 24, I’m nearly 28) she has a long term bf, a house, a car, many friends and she is pregnant. I don’t have any of those, all I have is years of education that doesn’t even matter and mental health issues. I think it is the fact I’m older that I feel even more useless. And embarrassed. I hate myself so much

No. 2158157

Ugh I even feel embarrassed for posting this, whatever I guess.

No. 2158188

It's okay nonnie, I'm also the older failsister so I get you.

No. 2158191

How do you deal with overly jealous women who acts like you are trying to steal their men- when you clearly are not?
I work with a man renovating my property and she strolled into my home uninvited and barely spoke to me but walked around with the man as he talked to her about his renovation projects. His demeanor changed, and he scurried to grab his things and left when I tried to engage in conversation with her. She was curt and smug. Like she was asserting her dominance. She indicated I was an idiot for not buying decor from TEMU- like really?
Bitch you couldn't even afford this house or renovations- fuck off.
First off, I am docking his pay for leaving early because fuck that. Secondly, I am going to tell him tomorrow she needs to stay off my property if she is going to be rude to me. I would just fire him, but we are almost done with the projects.
For future interaction women like this, how do I tell them I wouldn't touch their crusty ass men for a million dollars?

No. 2158192

Idk if it's a me problem but when you tell me someone did you wrong or I witness them hurt you and you're my close friend, I also don't care to be around said person.
This I guess doesn't apply to everyone? I can't keep track of "Oh this person fucked you over but you're inviting them to your birthday party."
Maybe it's cause I'm way too black an d white when it comes friendships but it's annoying.

No. 2158205

The only one I would still know how to find is married now to a woman his own age. I would 100% do everything in my power to make sure these men could never hurt another little girl if I knew how to find them. I definitely do not sit idly by while these things happen, I’ve called predatory behavior out to my own detriment before. That’s the bare minimum we all owe each other

No. 2158209

While it’s not fair that you have to do this, I’ve found the best thing is to mention being in a relationship, even if it’s not true. I dealt with this recently when I was in a meeting for a project I work on that is all men my age besides me. I made sure to add a little “Well sorry to head out early but my partner is waiting on me for date night!” before I left, and that seemed to ease the tension a little

No. 2158213

Ironically my daddy issues manifested themselves in the opposite way, I’ve always found older men disgusting, well in general the whole male sex, I see them as these beings devoid of empathy and who are just capable of just taking, taking without giving anything back. I’ve never trusted a man and I do think I’ll ever will date one despite being straight.
My bio father was a useless drunkard and my stepfather, who raised me from when I was little to when I was a teenager and who called me her daughter ended up cheating on my mom. I just got disillusioned all of a sudden.

No. 2158214

Nonnie don’t blame yourself too much. These men would feel entitled even if the vulnerable girls wouldn’t give them attention, they’re that disgusting.

No. 2158228

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Listening to my friends talk about their childhood and family life really blows me away. I'm 26 and have only recently realized how shitty, uneventful and overall pretty neglectful my childhood was in comparison to the people around me.
Multiple friends I've had from different social circles have talked about their parents opening a savings account since their birth so that their child has a good amount of savings by the time they'd leave home. I have never had anything like that and neither have my brothers. My parents were too busy beating the shit out of each other, drinking and smoking, and buying fast food. My mom never took me out to learn new hobbies and never taught me any sort of life lessons about being a girl or being a woman, and is overall a really narcissistic person who views people as something to boss around or take advantage of.

To hear people randomly drop bits of info that their parents were supportive, looked after their future, cared about them enough to put money aside for them for the future, etc. Is wild. It's really really wild to me and it actually makes me sad, to know that for some reason, I guess I wasn't "worthy" of the things that actually mattered as a child.
I don't even speak to my mother anymore unless I can't help it, and my dad died a few years back. To hear other women talk about their mothers and how they have good relationships, their mothers are smart or have nice hobbies or are just nice women in general, I get super jealous. I get so fucking jealous, because I know I will never have that, and that I've essentially grown from dirt with very little financial security and absolutely no headstart in life. People love to glorify the "struggle" but they don't realize how alienating and how embarrassing you feel when you come from that life and see others around you doing far better because their parents actually gave a fuck.

No. 2158237

I get this. My coworkers got nice wedding gifts from their parents and families and mine only gave me gas/grocery money for a week and hand-me down cooking utensils.

No. 2158256

I realized I hate my boyfriends family after spending a week with them. They are conservatards and sheltered while believing they are worldly because they travel to rich areas where only other white people exist. They also excuse so much misogyny and the shitty men in their family because "their trauma" that happened almost 2 decades ago. My boyfriend is literally the only normal one. And he feels a huge obligation to take care of his brother should anything happen to their parents, but I absolutely despise his brother.

No. 2158307

Nitpick this nitpick that jesus christ

No. 2158350

God some people need psychological help if they let this live rent free in their head this much

No. 2158360

What are you talking about nona…

No. 2158409

I know the feeling, but from the opposite side of the tracks, financially. Cut ties with my mother a few years back. She taught me… hrm. Not really much, come to think of it. She taught me how to manipulate people/browbeat them into doing stuff for you, but as far as practical skills go, my dad did 90% of that. It sucks.

No. 2158421

I feel better seeing that all my bullies are fat and ugly now. Male ones are balding and with pubic hair beards, looking like 35 year old pedophiles. The female one got fat and looks like a 40 year old and married some balding scrote (we're still in our mid 20s). They bullied me for being ill and my school absence that was caused by that illness, they threw trash at me and spat on me (it's hard to find something more humiliating than someone spitting in your face), they wouldn't allow me to sit anywhere, they would throw my clothes on the floor and step on them, they would mock me when I was stuttering while trying to answer when a teacher asked me a question etc. If I got an A, they would start booing and saying I didn't deserve it because I was stupid, and if I got an F, they would be so happy about it and laughing at me. Every day looked like this. It was hell for me, I wanted to kill myself at 12-14 and sometimes I still have nightmares to this day. When I went to a different school, I had to learn that not everything people said to me was a mockery, which was hard after 3 years of constant treatment like this. I never believed ANYTHING nice that people said to me. I always thought they mocked me, like people in my school. Also the bullies called me ugly often. And now when I'm an adult, other people consider me beautiful, both men and women compliment me. I was once offered modeling but I refused because I was still extremely afraid of being perceived by others. I'm also thin and actually look my age or younger, not like a 40 year old, and I didn't even put special effort into taking care of my body, I had no physical activity, I didn't like to drink or smoke, no sun exposure because I always preffered spending my free time at home, and no junk food because my stomach gets upset very easily. And I know people who actually value what I say and what I do, not just my looks. It might be petty of me but knowing my bullies look like shit now makes me feel satisfied

No. 2158451

Fuck them and I just cursed them for you. Tonight at 11PM EST join me in a group manifestation effort to make them paraplegic. Happy that you're doing better now anon.

No. 2158459

Lmao thank you anon

No. 2158485

trannies and tenderqueer "rebel against the system! make a nun clutch her rosary! fuck it all and do what you want (but if you misgender me or my characters, i'm going to throw a fit tehe!)" types have completely invaded all my goddamn hobbies even the super obscure ones. i'm not mad, just numb. i feel so empty. i mean seriously i'm just at that point where i can't tolerate them in any capacity i hate they/thems i hate tit chop scars i hate the she/they "femmes" shamelessly playing the most generic characters you could ever envision for a troon to play i hate the way they all TYPE LIKE THIS??? LMAO !! or have other weird , typing traits such as placing a space after each and every punctuation mark . . . . this , wouldn' t be so grating were you 16 . . . but you are 35 fucking years old grow up

No. 2158499

I wish I wasn’t retarded and paranoid. I don’t exactly want to be a normie but at least to have better judgement would be nice.

No. 2158587

Wanted to just hang out outside my room for once, and let my guard down in my own home. Big mistake. Moid relative starts telling a story in front of others, about how his shitbox broke down. Poor him, he had to walk home in a safe (for men) neighborhood! How he tried to contact me for a ride, but I didnt answer. Maybe if he didnt constantly harass me everytime I go to the bathroom for years on end, admitting it was "revenge for not liking him" even though Im not rude, and harasses me when I go out via text (if I dont respond soon enough, other relatives interrogate me as to why. They literally ask me the minute he sent it). So I just needed a break, and dared to not check my phone THAT 1 TIME.

Told him he could have asked another relative to come by and pick him up, but hes like "no I wouldnt do that". So its ok to expect only me to drop everything, but not others? This was after he spent the few months before that taking the car I use just so he can get coffee/donuts, despite me wanting to use it to get my mind off grief. Even though he has 2 cars of his own.

This same male relative turns other relatives against me, attacking my character behind my back like a cowardly snake. I hate men.

No. 2158594

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No. 2158607

I need some self confidence and a better set of brains in this life

No. 2158616

i don't have mommy or daddy issues i have big brother issues. which somehow feels more stupid and disgusting. i wish therapy helped but it didn't so i know i'll be internalizing it for the rest of my life. it's sick and depressing, i wish i could get a severe concussion and forget 90% of my childhood.

No. 2158633

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i really want to do the light eyebrows w/ dark hair look like mia goth, so much so that i already plucked my eyebrows to hell and am now considering getting a box of hair dye to lighten my eyebrows… i know my fiance is gonna fucking freak if i do this considering he has already expressed discheesement at the idea but…….

No. 2158637

That shit makes me skin itchy.

No. 2158675

my friend is dating an asshole moid, cheater blablabla you know the drill, i told her to try and date a sober guy. she agreed, i told her date a guy with a stable career or studying for one. she said "i'd be embarrassed" i asked her what this means. she ignored the question?

is it embarrassing to want to date a guy who has a fucking actual job now? shes way more liberal than me and the only other friend we have (me and this other friend are much closer) and dates absolute scum hippy losers and just stays with them even when they are revealed to be axe murderers or whatever. she retains empathy for them throughout the entire process until they leave her.

i think i've just outgrown her as a friend. i like her as a person and i laugh at the crazy shit she gets herself into but i dont understand her at all. but i cant just stop being friends with her because i only have two friends and we're all autistic and thats our group. we keep telling her to just dump this guy and try again if she absolutely needs a moid but of course that never works out. i feel bad about it but me and my other friend just end up talking about her behind her back and trying to figure out why shes letting these guys walk all over her. we give textbook advice about it from experience but her mental state is years behind (we are all 25 for context) she doesn't want marriage or kids and keeps toying with the idea of open relationships when she clearly doesn't want them just to keep moids around. she wants to do freedom camping alone without a big dog or security measures, her backdoor has had its lock broken for a week and her only concern was being robbed. like bitch? do you have no danger instinct? im just worried shes gonna be on the news one day

No. 2158686

When I was practicing piano lessons in elementary school, my older brother and sometimes dad interrupted me, constantly. Saying "play it faster", "youre playing it wrong", or talking about anything to get me to stop, even upsetting me to the point of crying. Eventually I quit piano, in part due to intense bullying at school and not being able to practice piano at home.

Why cant men just leave girls and women alone in peace, and mind their own business?

In preteen years, I said wanted to be a chef. Mom said no, because youll get fat. Such a crushing feeling that I remember to this day. I wasnt obese or anything but was a bit chubby due to shitty diet, because she thought fast food was fine for our health. Lost weight and now she says Im too skinny. I had extremely low self esteem, still sort of do.

Dream crushers, the lot of them.

No. 2158740

I'm doing an internship rn and I think this one lady really doesn't like me. I have to switch offices every day because there isn't a set workspace for me so I always have to find out who is doing homeoffice the next day and then move all of my stuff accordingly. One time I forgot a document and a hairclip of mine and this woman chewed me out for it. Maybe it's just social anxiety but I'm getting very strong dislike waves from her.

No. 2158767

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i was exhausted from my work shift yesterday and i picked up an extra shift today because my roomate sis it was a good idea. it wasn't a good idea, i already feel horrible

No. 2158776

First interview in years today and I am so worried. I'm more than qualified for the role, it's just data entry making sure window orders are put into a database correctly. I have experience maintaining a client database and organizing their information, did that in my last job. The interviewer is named Larry how bad could he be sounds like a nerd I'll just tell him everything I've done and how excited I'd be to transfer and build my skills there, I predict I will be ok as long as I show up and don't chicken out

No. 2158783

good luck

No. 2158798

File: 1724936970982.jpeg (48.99 KB, 559x548, IMG_0669.jpeg)

i don’t want to be diagnosed as an aspie or autist but people in my life, even my own mom, have told me i act or behave autistically. someone at school even went behind my back to ask one of my best friends if i had autism. granted this was only during my pre-teen years, and while i did entertain the idea back then my mom drilled the mentality that having an official diagnosis of a mental illness of her daughter is going to reflect badly on her. not only that but i have this preconceived notion growing up that admitting that i am mentally ill will lead me to becoming ostracized further and is as good as social death. this is also exacerbated by my gender critical views during that same time frame, and seeing gendie and mental illness shit overlap a lot in tumblrite circles nailed the coffin for me on how i view autism. it didn’t help that most of the treatment procedures are expensive, and given my lower middle class background i can’t seek medical help anyway. i hate myself for thinking this way, but it’s so deeply ingrained into me i don’t think i will ever actually get myself diagnosed. maybe i will learn to make peace with the possibility of me having undiagnosed autism, and live life to the fullest even without treatment

No. 2158811

I'm almost always the one initiating conversations with my rl friends in our group chat, I already noticed but recently I tried to check how long this could last with nobody in the chat being inactive and nobody talked for like two or three weeks. So I recently sent a message, made the mistake of proposing we see each other and try a restaurant nearby and one of them accepted, and I suddenly feel like not going anymore. I don't like having to adapt my schedule to anyone's schedule, and I bet she'll say weird shit again. I'll be busy with a lot more work soon and I'm considering just ghosting everyone for a little while for my own peace of mind and seeing if they would even notice I'm barely there in the first place.

No. 2158812

I know it's a vent so sorry if this is unwarranted, but I just wanted to tell you that I empathize with you. I think a lot of autists that were missed in childhood grow up thinking that there's something deeply wrong with them, and since they don't know what it is, they can't make strides to correct their behaviours or to grow. If you suspect that you have autism, even if you don't, you can always still read self-help books aimed at autists and try and improve your problem areas. Even if you never get a diagnosis, you can still grow as an individual and learn new methods for coping with issues that you experience. It gets easier the older you get and the wiser you become, and a lot of us are rooting for you. You can even check out the autism thread, there is a lot of good advice in there.

No. 2158813

I don’t know what an autism diagnosis even do if you’re not fucked up enough to qualify for neetbux or special accommodation at work/school. There isn’t really special treatment for level 1 autists beyond regular therapy.

No. 2158835

I kept a tab on an ex's reddit account (I know). He recently commented under a post bitching about "dead-end" jobs and how he's stuck with his current shitty overnight one in spite of his fancy useless degree in a field that he never exhibited any talent or drive for.
What he won't admit to reddit is that I hired him into the company under that account as a site supervisor and put him in good standing with a new manager. I trained him so much that the new manager was talking about making him an assistant manager in less than a few months from hire!
Another thing he won't tell reddit is how within a week after I left him alone at the account, he nosedived this opportunity. By being lazy, using my name to refuse work, acting retarded, embarassing me because I had trained him, and all to the extent that the new manager demoded him to a regular employee working overnights–which is still kinder than being fired.
When I confronted him about not doing the simple, spoonfed tasks that he would do in order to be streamlined to success, he replied that if I truly loved him no matter what that I would just have to keep forgiving and giving him chances and that he'd try. Obviously, that did not work on me.

I cannot believe he's such an ungrateful sociopath. No sad posts about him even feeling lonely or missing me. Just games and bitching about the only decently-paying job I gave him and assblasted that he has to work like everyone else. Wish I could spit in his face and rub it in with a brick.

No. 2158924

This feels so stupid to even be complaining about but I just broke up with my boyfriend because I couldn't help the fact that I wanted to be closer with my husbando. My boyfriend wasn't even abusive or bad; maybe a bit controlling and had jealousy issues but he wasn't a bad guy. I feel selfish for choosing a fictional character over him and he's still finding ways to dm me to beg for me back. I feel like I made a mistake but he was definitely not going to tolerate my husbando so something had to be done I guess.

No. 2158925

Stop checking up on him. He’s a loser who’s never going to change and he’s not your problem anymore. Continuing to check up on him is just going to frustrate you more because it’s going to always be more of the same.

No. 2158933

File: 1724944850924.jpeg (17.96 KB, 275x275, 7C9695F4-96BD-48CD-B8C5-2C5022…)

The zoom link for my class returned an invalid meeting ID error so I can’t join class and will be marked absent today. The class is recorded live and streamed for remote students to watch. Technically I could go in person but it’s a three hour drive round trip so I just attend from home. I’m so annoyed right now

No. 2158936

Have you emailed the professor yet? They might be able to send you the correct link.

No. 2158945

I emailed the professor within two minutes of class starting. But since she is in class I doubt she’ll see it until afterwards. She has a strict policy about always having a plan B so being unable to join the zoom meeting probably won’t be counted as a valid excuse.

No. 2158946

Eh, sounds like boyfriend was inadequate anyway. Obviously he couldn't measure up to someone who doesn't even exist. Seems like he was boring. Good on you for letting him go. Maybe someday some real person will be able to distract you from your fictional love life, but until then, do what makes you happy and don't settle!

No. 2158948

>so being unable to join the zoom meeting probably won’t be counted as a valid excuse.
Take a screenshot or a screen recording of what happens when you try and click the link. This falls under a technical issue, and it's the host's fault, not yours. If she still counts it as an absent, forward a complaint to the IT department about what happened and CC the department she's under.

No. 2158949

Ugh, I hate this. When professors say things like "plan B policy" what they really mean is "I'm not even gonna attempt to listen/empathise with your reason lol"

No. 2158974

So fucking sick of trying to make an “””honest living””” i should just go back to whoring

No. 2158993

I work at a coffee shop (not Starbucks) and there isn't a shortage of retarded moids:
>ugly middle aged men leaning on the bar counter that don't even say "excuse me" staring at every move i make expecting me to guess what they want
>regular old bald moid that usually comes in on the weekends and asks for his beans to be grinded while standing up the entire time staring at my back as i work the machine
>the random filthy military recruiters. easy to identify because they all ask me the same questions
>that one time i had a shift with a coworker and some greasy moid asked if calling her cute would get him a discount
>too many old moids getting pissed at me after i tell the price of a small cup of drip coffee
>a boogie city fag who asked if our vanilla syrup was organic and looked disgusted when i said no
>the dozens of gym bros that won't stop groping their girlfriends as they order
Sick of men but old men in specific. Do they really expect to find black coffee under 3 bucks that isn't from a gas station? Annoying pieces of shit. They're all painfully predictable.

No. 2158998

i fucked up and weighed myself, need to lose 4-5 kilos asap. time to restrict calorie intake i guess

No. 2159002

me too nonna, it killed my mood so fast

No. 2159006

I'm so tired of feeling like the only person who dislikes trans ideology in all my friend groups. I live on the west coast in a very liberal city. Lately I've been feeling so burned out from it all. I have been feeling like I should "give in" and just identify as non-binary to make things easier. Cause by their definition, that's what I am. But because I view trans ideology as just that, a religion, I know I am really just a GNC woman and that's completely fine and normal. But it's hard seeing other women I'd like or respect going down that route instead of just being different types of women. I know I need to just be strong and stick to my values. But it just feels like it'd be easier sometimes.

No. 2159009

I was at the doctors and before he weighed me, he asked me what I thought I was. I just assumed 60kg because that's my usual weight but I haven't checked in ages. After I got on the scale, he was like "60, huh?" Turns out, I was fucking 65 KEK. Awkward.

No. 2159011

My friend is so bad for inviting herself places. I had mentioned to her that I was trying to convince my bf to book us (as in him and I) a vacation for Christmas and she immediately was said "well let me know, I'll bring my son and my mom would probably want to come too". like no offense but why would I want to go on an all inclusive vacation with my bf and have you tag along with your autistic 4y/o son and mom. That would just ruin the vacation… I'm gonna make sure if we do go that we book an adults only resort so she can't try and pull that.

No. 2159020

Never let a moid ruin your confidence. They are legitimately retarded

No. 2159022

I work a remote job in tech and I feel schizo, like the work I'm doing isn't real and for the hours I'm doing it I don't feel a part of reality. Tempted to learn a trade.

No. 2159031

I know to be kind to myself because I'm still fresh but we just hired some other person and they're a lot more experienced than I am and that was the point but their expertise showing through is just so humilating I feel like a waste of air, why do you need me here

No. 2159034

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Anon omg same. I need a switch up so bad, seeing the x trilogy for the first time this year kinda inspired me. If you go through with it I hope you love it.

No. 2159039

They didn't even make her boobs square, not autistic enough 0/10.

No. 2159061


No. 2159122

roblox porn exists too kek

No. 2159140

if i learn a language, draw something, or write a short story (and take my time, doing these projects for several hours) and show my friend, he either completely ignores it or changes the conversation. hardly recognizes it. but now, later he will copy me and suddenly start trying to learn that language, draw, or write at a very beginner/amateur level. like i humor him and give him my full attention, but no it isn't fucking impressive what you are doing. i can't figure out why he is doing this? i come to him excited haven finished something i'm proud of and care about and he ignores me, but i have to compliment him for his scribbles. i feel like a bad friend and don't know how to resolve this yet.

No. 2159147

One of my friends does this too. She never gives me encouragement on what I do and dismisses my work or gives me backhanded compliments while I keep sincerely cheering her on with her projects, and I've come to the conclusion that it's just jealousy. It's sad but it is what it is, some friends just are that competitive and it's an ego issue for them. They think you'll "grow a head" if they compliment you, but in actuality it makes them feel less competent if they recognize your effort and skill.

No. 2159153

The best, and only, way to solve it is to get better friends. He's a bitter jealous asshole. Don't let his talentless ass hold you back and ditch him.

No. 2159154

And there’s your problem. Imagine having a male friend platonically neg you with your accomplishments and hobbies, that’s pretty sad.

No. 2159197

File: 1724958022674.jpg (23.79 KB, 235x347, 1631584051019.jpg)

I realized some days ago that almost every single problem I have in life, no matter how big or small it is, stems from commitment issues and now I don't know how to go on.

No. 2159216

I wish a very bad day and season on all the scrotes that drive RAM trucks.

No. 2159221

The male ego probably. He probably wants to one-up you by picking up your interests and of course, his male ego will make him think he'd be better at it/than you despie just starting it. Or he wants to skinwalk you. Either way, he feels inferior to you. I'd humour him and give generic comments so he can stay at a shit level honestly.

No. 2159275

Ok, I’ve finished tricking myself into thinking males are people. This was an embarrassing period, but I’m over it!

No. 2159297

>try listening to an audio from soundgasm
>"This guy's voice is alright"
>go to his Twitter out of curiosity
>his persona/avatar is a skinny black anime boy
>unexpected, not into black guys but whatever it's just audio
>he actually face revealed
>in reality, he's a short fat filipino man and he gets mad when people are like "wtf i thought you were black"
>can no longer listen to the audios without imagining some fat manlet moaning into the mic while sperging out at someone on twitter with his phone in his hand
I hate moids so much. Don't fucking face reveal to the world if you know you're not attractive jesus christ

No. 2159299

File: 1724961787729.png (Spoiler Image,314.21 KB, 403x656, Screenshot 2024-08-29 130058.p…)

where do people go for uncensored gore these days? trying to find a pic of the moid who cut off his dad's head and it's all blurred. i can never find the uncensored shit anymore. RIP liveleak(not a vent)

No. 2159301

File: 1724961817404.jpg (613.57 KB, 3024x4032, b1911670f09016292a8a08b09c0a73…)

>get to the building to "meet with Larry at 1"
>there are like 18 other people in the lobby, whatthefuck.jpg
>lead us into a conference room
>they'd be interviewing us for 2 minutes at a time out of the room
>the interviewers: the company's owner and 2 other hiring managers
>they put on the Emoji Movie while we fill out paper applications and they call us one by one
Well that was a waste of my fucking time doubt I will hear back

No. 2159303

why do you want to see it?

No. 2159306

why not? i remember how the internet used to have tons of gore videos and they all get scrubbed. there's some faggot on youtube gloating about having the uncensored version and he paid for it. i should be able to see uncensored moid on moid violence if i want.

No. 2159307

File: 1724962020792.jpg (194.9 KB, 419x549, IMG_7163.jpg)

First thing when I look it up. Fuck this gay earth

No. 2159312

I saw that video before it was scrubbed. I considered downloading it, but decided there was no reason to do so. Would've done it if I knew it'd go rare so I could sell it to retards (and would've reposted it for you anon).

No. 2159313

thank you anon, i finally found it. kek i love the way he casually said his dad is now burning in hell. i love schizos

No. 2159316

Lol I shouldn’t have watched that. I wanna throw up.

No. 2159344

I don't want time to pass. I want to remain here when things aren't as bad yet. Only bad things are waiting for me in the future. I want to remain here. I don't want to suffer.

No. 2159345

my ex who was long distance keeps going to the city i used to live in when we were together. he had never even been to this province while we were together and i would visit him instead. it's been a few years now and i added him on social media again (as a friend) and he moved to my province shortly after, has been going to my old city frequently and sending me videos every time he goes there. for some reason it's just weird to me. he could possibly be hooking up with someone from there but i just find it kinda weird. like he's trying to get a response or reaction from me or something

No. 2159375

File: 1724966503728.jpg (13.26 KB, 522x348, 1000016120.jpg)

>tfw accidentally summoned infighters in 4 different threads just by being, retarded? stupid?
Idk what I did wrong but I'm sorry. I've gotten so many angry replies in the past day in the most random threads when my posts weren't offensive, weren't insulting or anything like that.

No. 2159383

damn, 12 days old and still on the front page…

No. 2159392

Lmao when you get to your mid 30s and don't have kids people really like to use the fact that you don't have kids as the reason you accomplished something. Yeah and???

No. 2159394

File: 1726038622677.png (882.47 KB, 1336x898, husbadomoa.png)

i was starting to get a little pissed by the second day kekkk

No. 2159395

wait do you mean they say you only accomplished something because you don't have kids, or was it a typo where you meant they say you haven't accomplished anything because the only accomplishment is having kids?

No. 2159430

My fucking images…

No. 2159507

File: 1726043084645.jpg (68.73 KB, 641x389, 928hc9.jpg)

i dont know where to put this. anyway i made this during the outage

No. 2159514

Thank god it's back I got a ban on cc for no reason and I'm hungover, I needed this.
Kek nonnie I love it

No. 2159518

I'm actually really depressed about the image wipe and I think I'm over lolcow for a while. Sucks because I really liked this place but I don't think it's worth the effort now

No. 2159523

Just got my period after my workout and I'm feeling exhausted

No. 2159525

File: 1726043548659.webp (57.71 KB, 600x421, heavily-worn-brake-disc-car-60…)

we can make new images nonna

No. 2159543

No right now I think I'm just done with it. I don't wanna use /ot/ after this. I'll just go back to lurking the cow boards once a week. It's over and I'm really upset about it.

No. 2159564

does aliexpress for real expect me to send them a photo of my credit card and bank statement just so i can make my purchase??? the fuck??? what kind of scammer shit is this???

No. 2159578

every single image i've ever posted on this board is gone? is so insane and unbelievable and i don't comprehend how they deleted so many photos in such a short amount of time without the farmhands noticing anything?

No. 2159586

File: 1726046068726.jpg (Spoiler Image,256.5 KB, 1024x2048, GXBn2dpbIAA6yDF.jpg)

i ask random men for dick pics, and i print them out and keep them in a little dick shrine with dick-shaped candles. when i light the candles, i imagine the dick i'm focusing on shrinking to nothing. i've been doing this for 3 years. one of the men had an accident that affected his dick, so i think it's working.(wrong thread)

No. 2159598

did you mean to post this in the confession thread? cause this isn't a vent girl

No. 2159606

I'm so glad lc is back. It went down at the worst time and the best time for me. I got sent a test from my previous company to showcase that I'm capable for the position I applied for. With it being down I was able to study and not be distracted. I really fucking hope I get it. I'm so poor right now.

Also well done to admin. I'm so glad the cow boards weren't wiped. Even though they're mostly dead it's the best thing about this website

No. 2159624

I'm fucking shaken, my cat knocked over my tarantulas enclosure in the middle of the night, and I just woke up to a nightmare mess, the entire cage was upside down, substrate everywhere and I expected to find the tarantula either crushed or picked to pieces by my cat. But he was just chilling on the floor, and I was so relieved i cried. He's an 11 year old man, he's so slow and oooold like how did he even survive with my cat all night. I put him in a smaller cage on a shelf my cat can't reach so he can retire in peace. He didn't throw hairs or bite my poor, stupid little cat, he's such a nice old man, but i've been crying all morning and I can't believe both of them are unharmed.

No. 2159642

i didnt know tarantulas had urticating hairs. thats cool. i think tarantulas are cute, your spider sounds nice

No. 2159648

Aww I'm glad they're okay

No. 2159649

tarantulas can live for so long?! i am glad your boy is alright he sounds chill

No. 2159650

>trying to not misgender a tarantula

No. 2159651

wait nevermind

No. 2159653

He's clever too. Cats are usually only interested in catching something that moves, so by staying still he avoided getting the cat's attention.


No. 2159654

KEK nonny

No. 2159655

does he have a name?

No. 2159657

I've had so many Internet opinions I've had to keep bottled up while lolcow was down. Omg.

Blake Lively. Terrible eyebrows.

Dr Disrespect. Mental retard that flirts with teenagers on twitch and pays to cam with a tranny for sexual pleasure.

That retard that begged Moses Hacmon to sleep with her and she'd even pay is back doing the rounds calling moses a rapist because h3 is dying and ethans tourettes on stream is getting the best of him

No. 2159658

her cat and her tarantula… come on I'm on fucking lolcow you really think I'm on some gendie shit right now?

No. 2159665

Yeah they can cause respiratory issues if thrown at other animals though so that's why I was so worried lol
aw thanks nonie
yeh, males usually only live for max 10 yrs tho, so he's like old old.
Kek nony i just like to call him an old man because it makes him seem cuter idk. And his name is Lurch.

No. 2159701

How do you think I feel when i, as a person with consistent episodes of hipoglicemia, finds out my dad (who definitely doesn't need anymore food) was eating the last serving of slow carbs (oats) we had? I was feeling faint so I went to the kitchen to eat something, guess what? No oats, no nothing, he ate it all. I asked him next morning why the hell did he do that if he doesn't need them, he said "because I felt like it, was bored", he got pissed when i reminded him that I need the oats because there was literally nothing else to eat that wouldn't spike my blood sugar badly, he still was pissed…somehow. Why do i gotta explain this to him every time

No. 2159704

Why are cats such menaces towards small wildlife? I don't understand why anons like them so much(derailing)

No. 2159708

Why don't you go talk about this in the designated thread instead of baiting

No. 2159714

Nonnas I am so sad right now. Yesterday I got a job interview and was offered on the spot, I literally got two job offer emails for the company but they wouldn’t work when I clicked them. Now I got a rejection email. I’m literally so confused. Why?

No. 2159722

because thats usually what cats eat!

No. 2159723

call them and ask them what the fuck happened and that you want your job!!

No. 2159724

>When another anon says something I don't agree with, it's definitely bait

No. 2159726

I have to wait for a couple hours when their job line opens. I even got an exact start date too. I’m so insanely hurt and confused.

No. 2159727

You're literally baiting right now kek

No. 2159730

Hey, I was just posting my opinion, if you are so convinced this is bait or whatever, I'll simply stop posting about it then. Happy?

No. 2159732

No. 2159736

File: 1726053621143.jpg (35.28 KB, 500x340, 1632013188379.jpg)

Getting permabanned daily for breathing, having to use malware-installing proxy websites if I want to post and being coaxed into using a scrote-owned cuck imageboard really humbled me kek. I want to be less of a cranky bitch on here from now on.
Long live lolcor! It's good to be home.

No. 2159742

I feel the same way, I think we've grown a lot during our pilgrimage

No. 2159743

File: 1726053796289.png (36.1 KB, 400x400, nty rance.png)

dont insult cuckquin's board. Hes not into cucking he just host it because cuckfags lost their home, he's a nice gentleman with a heart of gold. Many funnies were had and many fights were fought in his land.

No. 2159745

Samefag, this is such a great image

No. 2159750

that is so fucking beyond unprofessional of them. i hope you still have your job and there was just a clerical error anon

No. 2159752

I will not infight with you I will not infight with you. Wishing you two the best.

No. 2159755

he was a quing

No. 2159757

I missed this place like water in the dessert so happy is back

No. 2159758

File: 1726054364723.jpeg (26.99 KB, 493x622, 1641948537099.jpeg)

So proud of you nona, we can keep this up, we're above the infighting

No. 2159760

File: 1726054463375.png (21.29 KB, 584x144, dbff3bb6-79c6-4a60-a55c-0b0bad…)

why do you even want to infight me anon…

No. 2159762

A storm is coming. And it smells like dumbass shit. Soon.

No. 2159763

File: 1726054807591.jpg (52.39 KB, 735x720, 2dca9abbfbec4f8100f947be729cdc…)

Mueh heh heh heh heh

No. 2159769

Why did I start absentmindedly scrolling /g/ in public…

No. 2159770

Sick of hearing my upstairs neighbor's fake moans every night, can't she just go to the moid's place? At least she's in her 50s so there's no risk of her having a baby in the future.

No. 2159772

quick lets use up this damn thread so we can have one that actually has a threadpic

No. 2159774

I'm tired. I'm sleepy. I'm sad. I'm missing someone and have no way to contact them. I'm also tired.

No. 2159775

Is he really an Indian? He might make me rethink my stance on Indian moids, some of them must be okay.

No. 2159785

India literally overtook China for highest population in the world and that's without counting those who emigrate (which is a whole range, from shit to diploma mills, to highly educated, and trained in the English language to lose their accents to integrate into the top rungs of (usually American) society/companies)

No. 2159790

yes he is

No. 2159792

if we cant have the dumbass shit thread then we'll bring the dumbass shit to another thread!!

No. 2159795

I had an anxiety attack last night and thought I'd sleep it off, woke up feeling the same way, plus nauseous. I want to rip my insides out eeeuuuuugh

No. 2159796

File: 1726056583407.png (111.92 KB, 400x393, cWsr455AL534S.png)

I work at big events as a waitress as a side gig and today's employer asked me to come in half an hour early. It's pretty normal to get asked to come fifteen minutes before the shift starts because you need to be shown where to put your bags and shit, but really? Half an hour??? Kill yourself

No. 2159808

>hair falling off
>Another missing period, wouldn't mind if my ovaries weren't full of cysts already, gotta add some health anxiety over cancer too, uh?
>Can't sleep
>Almost fainted at least 5 times just this year
Yet I was classified as the "dramatic" and "intense" one in my family. I wish I had actual friends to talk to, someone who won't simply tell me to suck it up and forget it. Suffering from women-only diseases opens the door for some of the worst gaslighting you've ever witness, I barely feel human anymore, I feel like an alien despite this being such a common condition

No. 2159815

Does it ever get better? I'm starting to get bored of suffering relentlessly

No. 2159936

File: 1726064418638.webp (19.9 KB, 403x461, CCDF684F-546A-422F-9133-BAEC24…)

I missed you bitches so much. Please imagine me kissing every one of you on the forehead

Whenever you start doubting your stance on Indian moids, please refer back to the news stories that fuck with you threads >>2146125

No. 2159952

I was supposed to be on a 7 day hike right now on my 5th day. My idiot friend that didn't actually train injured himself on the 2nd day cause he was walking like an idiot. I wanted to keep hiking alone but the weight of the tent and the cooking ware would have been too much. Fucking hate him right now. It was still one of the most amazing thing I ever did. I will try again next year or maybe by mid october without him.

No. 2159957

It was so scary. I waited to call them and the lady was so nice and she said that it got pulled back and she wasn’t sure why, maybe an internal hire and I think she could tell how hurt I was when I heard that by my voice. She felt super bad and said she would check and call me back if something happens. Minutes later as I was telling my mom the bad news she called back and said that she pushed me up the ladder and texted someone so my offer got resent and it worked this time. I kinda felt like a baby because I started to cry a little, but everything worked out! I am so grateful for this lady. I wish nothing but happiness and peace for her.

No. 2159961

So happy for you, nonna! Don't feel bad about crying, it's a normal reaction to something upsetting ♥

No. 2159997

I need to take several showers after having to the cuckquean site (but I still enjoyed hanging out in the shelter with those of you who were there with me)

No. 2159998

You nonnas weren't fucking kidding.
The male entitlement exists and I knew this but what the fuck, it's off the fucking charts.
Never, ever accept ANY kind of favor or help from a man. Even if they're fat and greasy they somehow form this expectation in their brain that you owe them romantic feelings or shit like that when you are is polite, respectful or grateful. What the hell is this? How do they think a pretty girl would ever be attracted to them? The ugly man psyop is so fucking real that these moids legitimately believe and feel entitled to hot women! This is giving me a headache.
Paying my dues and never looking back.
In retrospective accepting favors from men got me nothing but trouble in the long term. Politeness was a mistake, I'm going to be a bitch from now on because apparently that's the only language they understand.
And ofc, you're a bitch, slut and a whore if you don't wanna have sex or are interested in them. Yeah, fuck no.

No. 2160025

I am so anxious I feel itchy underneath my skin and want to throw up. Unsure if I should tough it out and go to work or be miserable at home

No. 2160032

My ex, whom I dumped 8 days ago, just left flowers outside my door. I posted about him in the shelter last night, he's the one who decided that showing me his autistically organized megafolder full of hundreds of porn dvds would be impressive and a "turn on". I walked the fuck out immediately. Flowers aren't going to make that better, mate, you done permanently fucked up and you disgust me.

No. 2160036

cc's autobans are so retarded. i was banned on literally every device i have for 0 reason, even on my phone which i had never even gotten to make a post on but the first time i tried i was banned. i think i made a total of 3 posts on there that were extremely innocent, mundane replies that never even got responses. i really wish they wouldve posted the banned word list. there was no message, no appeal option, and literally every single vpn i tried was banned too.
i missed lc so much

No. 2160047

what's cc?

No. 2160059

Lurk more

No. 2160086

Crystal cafe

No. 2160090

>he's the one who decided that showing me his autistically organized megafolder full of hundreds of porn dvds would be impressive and a "turn on"
Were they real life dvds or on a computer somehow ? No idea why I care. It’s even weirder if they’re real but it’s weird regardless.

No. 2160093

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I am extremely new to lolita so my opinion is null and void but i made the mistake of going on r/lolita. I don't know why I didn't stick to the river and lakes im used to i truly don't. Seeing grown old men (they are not trans they state that they are men) in these outfits are not sitting right with my spirit at all. At least when trans women do lolita they make an effort to look like women first and foremost. These are straight up men in lolita posing like little girls for an obvious kink and fetish. And people on reddit are taking them seriously and giving them advice and shit and not telling them to fuck off. WTF has Lolita become since I first heard about it in 2010!? I thought what made Lolita so based was that it was such a gatekept fashion. Why are you guys letting creepy old men into it. MAKE IT STOP.

No. 2160094

“Small wildlife” and its a tarantula in a box

No. 2160097

>At least when trans women do lolita they make an effort to look like women first and foremost.
KEK what world are you living in, this is not true.

No. 2160101

Yeah they were real dvds, organized by "genre of woman" (barf barf barf)
The image of him opening up the folder and starting to slowly turn the pages is permanently burned into my eyeballs and I'm still nauseous over it

No. 2160102

Please lurk before posting.

No. 2160117

What good is my cycle being about three days longer for the past few months if I bleed three more days, too? That's not what I asked for.

No. 2160119

God I miss the junku thread vibes, even the infights there felt more normal and sane than anything that happens here.

No. 2160120

I see what you mean but this was a fat greasy old man it just I wanted to scream but I didnt want to bother the lolita threads with nonmilk.

you'd be surprised but i've been here before.

No. 2160131

Tbh I enjoyed my brief weird time on junkuchan, felt like a sleepover but in a dark basement with queans cucking just one room over
Personally glad to be back home kek

No. 2160144

It was fun. I enjoyed being a retard without fear of repercussions and the inherent silliness of being excommunicated to a cuckquean fetish community.

No. 2160156

I like how the first day back /ot/ immediately jumps into infighting. It’s good to be back.

No. 2160158

Every time I look at the catalog its like a punch in the gut kek…and this happened right as anons were all putting so much effort into blingee thread pics and cute gifs…

No. 2160162

I confessed shit there I never would on lolcow, junku was something else. I don't miss ritard, rancefag and nty all in one thread though

No. 2160175

I hate the reviewbrahfags please make it stop
Jesus where do you nonas even find these autists

No. 2160183

Why are you guys learning this so late… are you people mentally handicapped

No. 2160194

Most men don’t show their abusive side at the beginning of a relationship. It’s common for them to wait until after marriage or the birth of a first child. The abuse often happen gradually.

The more younger and more privileged you are, the easier it is to ignore how disgusting men can be.

No. 2160204

>300k images deleted.
>All interesting threads are for the most part unreadable.
>/ot/ is still open.
>Same 5 chat threads being used.
>Unpopular Opinions is still the top thread.
Yeah this is depressing. Been open for less than a day and already /ot/ is even worse than it was before.

No. 2160213

I HATE living with roommates, I hate the constant noise. Why is it so hard for people to be considerate? I hate this housing crisis, but I have nowhere else to go, sigh. White noise, save me

No. 2160219

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I fought with my moid best friend last week. We were lying in bed and i started watching runawaysiren's new video about moids. He got triggered and started sperging about it, then asked me the bear or man in the woods question. I told him i would rather be killed by a bear than have even a slight chance of being raped by a scrote. He started malding hard after this, saying that only a miniscule amount of men commit crimes how not all men uwu yada yada. I told him i had terrible experiences with men, from being threatened with a knife to almost being sexually assaulted to being catcalled when i was 13. He told me those are only personal experiences and they dont matter. Faggot didnt even shred a tear when i told him all the shit i have been through thanks to men, he was more concerned about white knigthing his retarded rapist gender. Anyways, hes my only close friend and i do enjoy spending time with him so i let it go and forgot about it. A few days later he dms me on discord saying he needs to rethink our friend because, despite liking me as a friend he thinks my beliefs are toxic(he's offended). I decided to tell him he was a faggot and blocked him. You are trying to threaten me with ending our relationship you dumb faggot? when YOU are the one that didnt show sympathy when i was vulnerable to you. Dumb retard faggot our friendship is over, cry about it. GO find another woman who likes your balding cheap ass. I got a line of simps waiting for me who actually buy me shit and dont make me pay for everything. He's actually useful and can cook, unlike you. He's also rich and has green eyes unlike your ugly poop eyes and receeding hairline. I can and will replace you with something better. Retard. Who the fuck do you think you are to get on your high horse and threaten me to end our friendship if i dont stop hating moids. Men are unbelievable.

No. 2160223

>moid best friend
Stopped reading there.

No. 2160224

This is so retarded, men aren’t hiding anything, it’s just you who lives in perpetual delusion of what their true nature is. You also browse lolcow.farm compared to other normie women who re restricted to more scrote psyop’d media, you know this board where we have a news thread, opinions thread, 2X board where it should be written on your forehead that scrotes are angry, aggressive, hairy, emotionally and mentally immature expendable specimen.

No. 2160227

tbh you're an even bigger retard for remaining friends with that scrote even after his man vs bear and not all men sperging
>I got a line of simps waiting for me who actually buy me shit and dont make me pay for everything. He's actually useful and can cook, unlike you. He's also rich and has green eyes
holy retard, kekkk why are farmers themselves such cows?

No. 2160228

Nona I feel you. Even when you get along with roommates, the constant noise and activity can be intolerable. Last year I finally a place to myself. It's so embarrassingly tiny (275 sq ft!) and it's also embarrassingly expensive, but fuck it, I will starve so I can have my tiny cave of solitude that is all mine

No. 2160229

its hard to find female friends when you are a butch into autistic male hobbies

No. 2160231

this. most moids hide nothing, it's retarded pickmes who decide to brush every misogynistic comment off as a silly joke, then act shocked when he's actually a misogynistic coomer

No. 2160233

damn bitch just let me vent for fucks sake

No. 2160235

Your "beliefs" are toxic? You were talking about your personal experience, how can the truth be toxic? I hate him. Friendships ending sucks, but if your weird flex about simps lined up is in any way true, you're going to be totally fine without him.

No. 2160237

Anon this is the vent thread not the “critique my life choices” thread. Please be civil.

No. 2160262

>how can the truth be toxic?
because it triggers him
> but if your weird flex about simps lined up is in any way true, you're going to be totally fine without him.
sorry for the autistic rant, he's actually jealous of that guy thats why i started rambling about him. I know it hurts him to know there are men who treat me better.

No. 2160268

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The sky is incredibly grey today my nonnies…

No. 2160271

How do you not know not to call trannies "women" then?

No. 2160279

Reading the vents in this thread besides the suicide ones/family ones (those actually make me feel kind of sad) make me laugh at how genuinely stupid and ignorant the general public is, it’s like schadenfreude the thread, what did they expect from making their decisions?? This is probably the most entertaining thread on /ot/ right now

No. 2160287

More like belongs in a pickme male worship pornbrain thread. This isn't a confession or a vent kek.

No. 2160293

Well, it's a thread for venting, and a lot of us are humans who interact with life frequently enough to make a few mistakes now and then. It's interesting that you've never made one, but if you did at some point, you might feel like venting about it

No. 2160294

get off your high horse, you are on lolcow and we are all retarded here

No. 2160296

I go out to eat with coworkers my age and don’t enjoy it at all. People say to fix depression you have to go out and do things, but what about when you do go out and do things, socialize, hike, outside work, playing with pets, exercising, and none of it does anything to lift your mood? I’ve done everything people say you’re supposed to do when you have depression and it doesn’t change anything for me. Maybe it would be worse if I didn’t do those things but it’s already so bad that if this is an improvement from some unknown baseline then what’s the point anyway. Every day is so exhausting to get through. Every single thing I do in a day feels like work. And not interesting work, boring difficult work.

No. 2160302

thank you nonna! oh how i wish i could have a place for myself, even if it's a cardboard box kek. I just can't with roommates

No. 2160306

NTA but if youre confessing your retardation and cow behavior on a site for laughing at retarded cows, don't be surprised when someone laughs kek. These threads are indeed hilarious

No. 2160317

I knew this, I just didn't realize how worse it had gotten

No. 2160325

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Yet you, dear nona, still shine brightly against it.

No. 2160333

Assuming this is true how do anons get so many people simpong for them? I barely get somebody attracted to me once every two years.

No. 2160346

if you are into autistic moid hobbies as a woman you are going to have moids forming lines to simp after your autistic ass.

No. 2160347

me when I read the whore rants and then they’re surprised the scrote treats them like a whore, come on nonnnyyyh(bait)

No. 2160362

Dw nonna, it's not true kek. Or like >>2160346 said, the "simps lining up to buy you stuff" are just gonna be ugly shut-in autists and the "things they're willing to buy you" will be nothing but discord nitro. It's way more admirable to bag a cute normie you can actually date than a thousand autistic uggos online

No. 2160395

I've been friends with this girl since forever and I had to tolerate every weird phase she had, even her DID phase, but ever since she's been in a relationship with her moid she became insufferable.
I also moved places for a while so I guess she got better friends in the mean time. But now that I'm back I just can't recognize her, she only talks to me to ask for money and favors. "Can you do my makeup for this event?" and she goes to that event with her moid and her other friends and I go fuck myself I guess. The other day she was venting to me and said she hated being "BPD". Are you for real? Sorry for "gatekeeping" a mental condition but you're not BPD because you have fights with your moid because you don't want to have sex and he's a brainless coomer. She also has a weird ass relationship and is also in love with another moid despite being in a 3+ year relationship with another one. No Ashley, taking pill cocktails because I was groomed by moids and subsequently developed a personality disorder and having a ugly ass arm with scars is really the same as having problems with your cheater moid because you don't want to drop him.
Sorry for the shitty English, esl.

No. 2160426

>moid best friend
>we were lying in bed

No. 2160431

yeah yeah laugh all you want. I wish i was born a moid so i could have friends who share similar hobbies.

No. 2160435

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No. 2160440

its funny because everytime i post about my hobbies here i get called a moid lel

No. 2160443

kek ohhhh dear lord

No. 2160444

Bros are not lying in bed together. You knew what was going on. That's also why you wrote about having a brand new simp, or more simps.
One of the funniest parts of female socialization is that line between self-delusion and euphemistic turns of phrase. All the fucking pretenses, even on an anonymous board. You knew he was a simp, you probably liked him too (but not enough to commit to or "pick" him) and then he showed his ass. It's fine. Stop telling us stories about "just wanting friends" and wishing you were born a moid because of hobbies. You know what's up, so does he, so do all of us here.

No. 2160448

the fuck am i supposed to do if scrotes are incapable of having friendships with women without falling in love with them? i get called an nlog if i say i have hobbies that are mostly popular with men, not even hinting they are better than hobbies popular with women, just stating a fact. But when i talk about said hobbies here they get called moidish. Fuck no wonder so many other autistic women troon out there really is no place for gnc women. Moids suck. You bitches also suck.

No. 2160451

It’s pretty ironic how hypocrite my friend can be. I wish she would stop being so obsessed with my life all the time jeez, if her life wasn’t as boring as it is, I’m sure she’d shut her mouth.

No. 2160456

nta but, it’s not weird to hang out on my bed with friends, or just sleeping in the same bed even. i do with both my female and male friends. if they take that to mean it’s something more then that is their own idiocy. often i even make sure to tell my male friends i am not interested in them, but i shouldn’t have to either.

No. 2160458

samefagging but also if you can’t find female friends with the same interests that sounds like a you problem. i’m not exactly the most female-socialised individual and i still manage to find women i relate to and/or tomboyish women to be friends with.

No. 2160461

>that sounds like a you problem
i live in a third world shithole not everyone lives in american. Its already rare enough to find anyone with the hobbies i like, let alone a woman also into it.

No. 2160463

This isn't a value judgment, I'm not even calling you an NLOG. I'm just saying you know what was happening, and what is happening, so be honest. You're enjoying being one of the few female fans of whatever hobbies you're into, and you like the special treatment that the moids give you. Making female friends is not only difficult if your hobbies are rarer, it doesn't come with the pseudo-princess treatment men offer, so you're reverse hareming it up. You sacrificed seeking out a real bond for this shit, these are the results, and it seems like you'll do it again. It's hard, unfortunate and somewhat understandable. Just don't act like you're this innocent hopeless flower who simply wanted to chat about her interest in painting model planes or some shit, but was so unlucky to be born female, and to this day you had no clue what that moid was there for, and why all those other moids are simping and cooking for you. I never want to read a woman type "I was lying with my male best friend in bed" in seriousness, it's too fucking ridiculous and you're a clown for that, "bitch" lmaooo

No. 2160465

that is why the internet is your friend. it’s even easier on here

No. 2160469

> You're enjoying being one of the few female fans of whatever hobbies you're into
kek you sound like a moid, are you going to sperg about how i am not a real gaymer gurrl. I dont get special treatment from scrotes i get sexpested by them. You are projecting your insecurities hard on me and in the end you end up sounding like moids who think women can only like hobbies popular with men if they are fishing for moid attention.

No. 2160472

i tried one of the discords one and it was nothing but trannies, i hate it so much. I have been larping as a brazilian man to make friends who are into the same shit as me, sadly i cant do this irl.

No. 2160473

>y-you're a moid
And now you're the same as the nonnies you complained about here >>2160440. All I ask is that you stop lying to our faces. If you want to make female friends, put in more of an effort. Stop going to moids knowing full well that they're just there to simp and DGAF about you, and acting shocked when they moid out. This isn't Reddit, retard, we don't support women playing dumb.

No. 2160479

i said you sounded like a moid, not that you are a moid, learn to read. You sound exactly like insecure teen boys who think all women into shit for men are ethots.
>If you want to make female friends, put in more of an effort
you say this but you sound insufferable and probably dont have a single friend irl. You have the exact same entitled attitude from my entitled moid ex-friend. You are trying to sound based and blackpilled but in the nd you just sound insecure and lack empathy, just like moids do.

No. 2160484

KEKKK agreed, she's such a retard. >>2160229 pretending to be a "butch" to save face when you were just pretending to have male simps lining up for you? kek
>Dumb retard faggot our friendship is over, cry about it. GO find another woman who likes your balding cheap ass.
This cope is hilarious considering he had more backbone than you to be the first to end the "friendship" and now you're here malding about being dumped by an ugly MRA baldy acting like he's the one crying over you. We need to cure autism, it's the ultimate pickme disorder

No. 2160486

>You sound exactly like insecure teen boys who think all women into shit for men are ethots.
For saying that you're settling for shitty male attention instead of looking for the actual women who like those hobbies? You really took "You're calling me an ethot!!!" out of everything I said, but I'm the one who should "learn to read"? Kek, if I thought they didn't exist and you only liked said hobbies for male attention, I'd tell you to keep doing what you're doing (which I suspect you'd prefer).
>you say this but you sound insufferable and probably dont have a single friend irl. You have the exact same entitled attitude from my entitled moid ex-friend. You are trying to sound based and blackpilled but in the nd you just sound insecure and lack empathy, just like moids do.
Entitled to what? Now you're actually projecting because these are the kinds of men you willingly surround yourself with instead of women. Nothing I said lacked empathy, it's difficult and many women end up in the same bind, but it can be pushed through. I have female friends because I don't lie to them, or expect to be lied to. This is because they care about me, and I care about them. You enjoy lies, and that's why you're suffering. Next up, you'll probably say "Well, women are too much drama, anyway!".

No. 2160487

>pretending to be a butch
its what i am, sorry i will never use the pedophile coomer term tomboy that moids love.

No. 2160489

> I dont get special treatment from scrotes i get sexpested by them
>I got a line of simps waiting for me who actually buy me shit and dont make me pay for everything.
So, which is it?

No. 2160490

Now that all the pictures are gone we should just shut /ot/ down until they are restored in a few months hopefully. 12 days wasn't long enough to drive out the trolls, the baiters, the infighters, that shit up /ot/. We're in the vent thread and it's just been a 45 minute long infight over nothing. What's the point of keeping /ot/, the history is gone, the culture is gone, why are we propping it up and keeping it alive???

No. 2160491

butch is an exclusively lesbian term, you retard. you're not "butch" if you're dating moids KEKK

No. 2160495

nayrt this is insane. being a woman in a male dominated hobby doesn't get you princess treatment, either moids harass you or they don't give a fuck about whatever you have to say bc you're just a vag to them. either way the vast majority of males will not let you have any kind of serious, earnest discussion about the hobby itself.
your fantasies about women in male dominated fields being thots who get special treatment sounds like straight up incel shit.

No. 2160501

butch is a lesbian only thing

No. 2160502

NTA but did you even read the og vent? anon was literally bragging about the princess treatment she gets from other moids kek it wasn't an assumption.

No. 2160504

I said "pseudo-princess treatment", not "princess treatment", because that's what it is. Read properly. They act nice because they want to fuck you. Not all will harass you, some will do as the anon claimed and do shit like cook for you. The OP knows this, and likes gathering what she calls "simps". Where are you getting "thot" from? A "thot" would just have sex with them, this is something different, it's not a fantasy, and it can be seen in multiple contexts and anecdotes (like with the OP herself).
Some of my hobbies are male-dominated. I don't bother trying to specifically make friends IRL on it once I know that. I either keep it to myself, see if existing friends have an interest or look online, and that's because I know what'll actually happen.

No. 2160511

>For saying that you're settling for shitty male attention instead of looking for the actual women who like those hobbies?
thats somethign you projected onto me. I dont seek male attention, scrotes give me their unwanted attention. I have tried finding women in the hobby through discord servers and forums but ofcs its all troons so i just started larping as a brazilian men to get friends without getting sexpested by scrotes. I cant pretend to be a scrote irl so i am stuck with unwanted scrote attention if i want to engage in my hobbies irl.
>Next up, you'll probably say "Well, women are too much drama, anyway!".
can you stop projecting your retarded mysoginistic stereotypes onto me? i literally never said anything abd about women in my posts but you keep trying to push me as an nlog who hates women. The only time i called you a bitch is because you cant stop being a bitch to me and making retarded narratives about me and my life.
its just one guy lel that guy and my ex friend are jealous of eachother so i was having fun comparing him to a less uselles, more rich guy.
i am not dating moids

No. 2160514

>i get called an nlog if i say i have hobbies that are mostly popular with men, not even hinting they are better than hobbies popular with women, just stating a fact. But when i talk about said hobbies here they get called moidish.
Out of curiosity what are your "hobbies" because I have a few "male" hobbies but am not a male worshipper like yourself. My job is male dominated but I don't understand your misogynistic logic. The concept of a hobby being "male" or "female" is demented. It's one thing to say a field or hobby is over or underrepresented, it's another to whine about not being able to find friends at all. You're being disingenuous.

You're not using the pedofile fetish term "tomboy" (which is understandable) yet you're befriending men, declaring hobbies male only therefore you must only befriend males and calling yourself a term lesbians use exclusively to describe dating preferences. Make it make sense.

No. 2160520

>i am not dating moids
so… we're expected to believe that moids are paying for everything and cooking for you yet you're not dating them?
>its just one guy lel
so there was never a line of simps after all KEK. everyone who comes here to larp as a Stacy is so obviously virginal

No. 2160521

>thats something you projected onto me
>I got a line of simps waiting for me who actually buy me shit and dont make me pay for everything. He's actually useful and can cook, unlike you. He's also rich and has green eyes unlike your ugly poop eyes and receeding hairline. I can and will replace you with something better.
Choose one and only one.
>i literally never said anything abd about women in my posts
>You bitches also suck
Choose one and only one.
You're using the word "projection" to deflect. It's not hard to ignore and avoid scrotes who obviously just want to fuck you, you just choose not to. You literally boasted about your line of simps and malded about women here. Enough, lmao, it's not misogyny, this is just how you're acting. "Retarded narrative" but it's all just shit you admitted to.

No. 2160524

> what are your "hobbies"
warhammer, building modelling kits, war thunder/ace combat.
> I have a few "male" hobbies but am not a male worshipper like yourself. My job is male dominated but I don't understand your misogynistic logic. The concept of a hobby being "male" or "female" is demented. It's one thing to say a field or hobby is over or underrepresented, it's another to whine about not being able to find friends at all. You're being disingenuous.
i literally never said it was a male only hobby, cant none of you read? i said it was mostly popular with hobbies. I literally said the same thing you sai about your job, so i guess you are misogynistic too for claiming your job is mostly done by men
> declaring hobbies male only
when did i say this? can you retards stop putting words in my mouth

No. 2160527

calm down retard i never tried to larp as a stacy, i was just VENTING in the fucking VENT thread and started VENTING without thinking about what i was saying becaus ei am angry, because again, this is the vent thread.
the ''you bitches'' was for you, retards. Who keep infighting with me instad of letting me vent in the fucking vent thread. You can snap at me, call me nlog moid worshipper and other shit but when i call you bitches for beign cunts to me unprovoked then suddently i am the misogynist? see how you are projecting hard onto me.

No. 2160535

When did I call you NLOG and moid worshiper? Even in that case, have you noticed other anons aren't being called the same thing? Maybe there's something about your behavior.
>muh vent
It's a vent thread, not shoe0nhead diaries. Don't post nonsensical bullshit here and get mad when we say something, it's not that kind of website.

No. 2160542

You were absolutely larping as a Stacy, retard. At least you could admit there was never a gaggle of moids begging to buy you dinner, but I gotta say you and the balding MRA sound like a match made in hell, you truly deserve each other kek

No. 2160545

NTA. There are literally anons here who are into Warhammer. Why would you need to link up with men IRL about War Thunder?

No. 2160547

the only person i have seen post about warhammer here is me and when i did it started an autistic infight with a nonna who wouldnt stop calling it moidshit

No. 2160551

you're trying to put the blame on me over things i have no control over. I cant control if retarded nerd moids sexpest every woman who shows even a slight interest in their hobby, but somehow i am the sole culprit of their behaviour.

No. 2160552

why does every day feel like a fitting end

No. 2160553

>balding, brown-eyed and ugly
Of course he is. He plays War Thunder lmao. What did you even expect?

No. 2160556

no, the balding brown eyed one doenst play warhammer. The one with green eyes does. Its an expensive hobby, even more for third worlders, so poorfags like my ex friend couldnt afford it.

No. 2160560

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I hate having to spend time with my misogynistic dad. He always says the most double standard shit without even a hint of self awareness. While we were waiting for my half brother and his family at a restaurant my dad starting ranting about my half brother's fiance. He always yaps on about how my half brother shouldn't be with a single mom. That she's only with him because he provides for her kids and that if he didn't have any money or worked at McDonald's she wouldn't be with him. Oh but when I dated a guy who worked at a grocery store, my dad told me not to be with him because "he wouldn't be able to provide for you because he doesn't make enough" So which type of moid should we pick in your senile boomer head???

And that's not all. He kept going on about how "She's not a bad person she's just a bad choice. Single mom's are a bad choice." Which is sooooo fucking funny because he was a single dad when he dated my mom and my mom didn't have any children at the time. But in the mind of a retarded scrote, only single moms exist, not single dads. Probably why he felt so comfortable leaving my half brother with his mom even tho she was fucking schizo. He really expected a 10 year old boy to "make the choice of a man" and choose to be with him. lmaooo nice cope you just didn't want to deal with him and you left him so you could be with my mom and start another family. By his logic my mom should have seen him as a bad choice but knowing him he probably felt entitled to her love. After all I was conceived by deceit. My dad poked a hole in the condom after my mom told him she only wanted one child. I fucking despise him I really do. I'm actually glad my mom cheated on him. I would never cheat but scroted like my dad deserve everything bad that happens to them. If there's one thing you can pray about for me, nonnas, is for my dad to die. And yes I mean it. My life would be better off without him and I wouldn't miss him. I'm trying to move out eventually one day but it's so fucking hard. I hate being his daughter.

No. 2160561

Wanted to reupload all the thread pics I made, but when I try to reupload them it says that the file already exists and I can't. I feel bad.

No. 2160563

I know a woman who likes Warhammer 40k and follows the lore collecting the books and figurines, and my sister actually plays War Thunder, it's a rather popular gacha game that occasionally YouTubers promote like world of tanks and raid shadow legends. Wow what a world! I too like some games and media that males by numbers like more then women. I've even been accused of being a male here too like you by mentioning them and getting in depth about the Touhou games for example- yet it didn't force me to befriend and seek out men, funny that?

>so i guess you are misogynistic too for claiming your job is mostly done by men

When I make a distinction between what you whine about as "male" dominated hobbies and real jobs its meaningful since discrimination is more important than your mindless moid dominated Warhammer shit. Having a lot of males in a fandom is not the same as being actively discriminated from pursuing education and employment, you're acting as if you're actually discriminated for liking warhammer, a fairly mainstream IP, albeit a bit old. You just want to befriend men, which is alright but don't pretend that liking warhammer has you doomed to moid purgatory. You can't complain about men then befriend them mindlessly in the same breath.

No. 2160564

email them to the admins instead

No. 2160565

I don't want to email them. I'm just kind of sad now kek.

No. 2160567

ugh single moms always get the shortend of the stick. No one ever asks ''where is the deadbeat dad?'' they always question the women who's actually putting in the effort into raising the kid. I am sorry you have such a retarded dad.

No. 2160569

Why not upload it to a catbox gallery instead?

No. 2160572

I’m starting BC for non sex reasons and they initially prescribed the estrogen one and I’m horrified of blood clots so they switched me to the mini pill. I went to go pick up my prescription and when I confirmed I didn’t want the previous estrogen BC I heard the pharmacist say “good call” under his breath.
What did he mean by this nonnas?

No. 2160576

lol i love how everytime i complain about not finding women into my hobbies anons just so happen to know 30 billion women who like the exact same hobbies i do! kek youa re going to keep getting called a moid for liking 2ho because you keep spreading the same retarded mentality that leads anons to think anyone with hobbies that have mostly a male fanabse are actually just larping for moid attention.

No. 2160578

File: 1726086750803.jpeg (23.93 KB, 320x304, 5JsphHw.jpeg)

>my hobbies are warhammer, modelling kits, war thunder and ace combat
>its too hard to find female friends, am a butch into autistic male hobbies uwu
>GO find another woman who likes your balding cheap ass. I got a line of simps waiting for me who actually buy me shit and dont make me pay for everything. He's actually useful and can cook, unlike you. He's also rich and has green eyes unlike your ugly poop eyes and receeding hairline. I can and will replace you with something better.(infighting)

No. 2160579

Birth control side effects are often understated and brushed under the rug. He probably knew about them or had someone in his life experience them. I know smoking is a huge risk factor for clots and that's pretty common tbh. Also kek at the fact that some deranged nonnies would tear you apart if you didn't specify it was for non sex reasons

No. 2160580

I said War Thunder. Are you a fake War Thunder fan? That's even worse.

No. 2160581

If you're comfortable answering, what are the reasons you're taking BC? because if it's for PCOS please know that you can alleviate it by natural ways. Most of the time BC is prescribed to women as just a shut up bandaid solution.

No. 2160583

>you can alleviate it by natural ways.
NTA but how so?

No. 2160585

No. 2160586

>wah wah you are just a nlog who wants moid attention
>here i will represent you using a woman whos considered ugly by moids this is you, you are ugly to moids therefore you have no value HAHA this will show the pickme!
the absolute irony of thinking i would get offended by being compared to a woman whoa ctually looks pretty cool and seems friendly, unlike you

No. 2160587

So you have no control over who you talk to and spend with IRL? Do you have like, a wrangler who keeps picking out men for you to hang out with and lie down in bed with? What's the situation here?

No. 2160591

again putting the blame on me instead of moids, moids arent capable of no harm at all its all women's fault

No. 2160594

i have to read like 3 spergs shitting on me at once and my sight is tired calm down

No. 2160595

Why am I so horny on my periods?? I'm just so horny I can't get my mind off the idea of being BRED

Dear body, it doesn't make sense to make me horny when you just ditched out this month's egg and your whole uterine wall, please stop being retarded, thanks

No. 2160596

>special treatment that the moids give you.
Absolutely fucking not kek. NTA but I stopped going to events for some of my hobbies (fighting games in particular) because moids flat out ignore you and get agitated when you want to participate or get super fucking scary. It's not fun at all.

No. 2160598

It is for PCOS. I’m not sure of the other ways outside of dieting. I’ve heard of supplements that may help but they never state where or how to get them. I just wanted my periods back honestly. I only recently got diagnosed so I’m not sure where to start.
For sure, I’ve heard of how it can wreck women inside and out but it’s usually the estrogen ones that are the culprit right?

No. 2160603

I'm not talking about you or your hobby, I'm talking about the OP and her "line of simps" kek

No. 2160604

>being a woman in a male dominated hobby doesn't get you princess treatment
The type she's describing exists but it takes a special kind of low self-esteem to lean into the egirl male club princess mindset. Most of the time women are confused by the male agitation around them and feel betrayed when they're blamed for breaking up the group (causing infighting by existing as a woman among low value moids).

No. 2160605

You're desperate enough for male attention to line up for simps, and your hobbies are inhabited mainly by trannies, groypers and balding autistic losers who are the scum at the bottom of the male barrel. You avoid the women who do like the same things and deny their existence. Of course your appearance is lacking.

No. 2160606

Women always get blamed for trying to move on with their lives from their retarded coward exboyfriends or husbands, but no one ever questions a man married 4 times. Let single moms live. Most of the time it isnt their fault for ending up in that situation. I hate men so much

No. 2160609

>this complete non-sequitur

No. 2160611

File: 1726087761440.jpg (2.63 MB, 3072x4096, ze pod.jpg)

just enrolled in uni after a decade of neeting for shit and giggles
turns out being around teenagers and their cute couples all day is just making me feel depressed
after only one week I've lost all will to even show up
not like I've talked to anyone there anyway, or ever will
thanks for reading my blog

No. 2160614

>lol i love how everytime i complain about not finding women into my hobbies anons just so happen to know 30 billion women who like the exact same hobbies i do!
NTA but which is it? Do anons know multiple women who share your hobbies, or are we all just calling you a moid and saying they can't exist?

No. 2160617

I know being an older student can be alienating but don't compare your journey to others'. I was in my teens when I started college and I regret not taking the beginning of my college years seriously. A lot of the students I leaned on in group studies were older and wiser, just generally more mature and more motivated than myself and other peers in their late teens. Good luck anon, and don't hesitate to get involved on campus. I regret not doing that more, and the years I was involved I made lifelong friends. I promise you won't regret it.

No. 2160618

The cause of PCOS is not always the same but a really common one is insulin resistance. That's what I have. The biggest thing you can do to help yourself in this instance is watching your sugar intake. You need to eat whole foods that have a low glycolic index. And if possible, cut out gluten and dairy or at least eat it in low quantities. Cut out all ultra processed foods and fast food. To lower androgen levels, you'll need to make sure your cortisol and stress is low. That means you need to get at least 7 to 8 hours of sleep, cut out or reduce your caffeine intake, and always eat breakfast. You actually never want to skip a meal if you have PCOS because you run the risk of increasing your stress because you're hungry. Your mind may not be stressed, but your body is. Drinking spearmint tea is also effective at lowering androgens. Taking a 15 min walk after you eat also lowers your blood sugar. I probably forgot other things but that's the gist of it.

No. 2160619

File: 1726087992312.png (19.92 KB, 540x365, smekcat.png)

i know you are anggy nonny, the break from the farms was hard on everyone, but especially hard on spergs like you and me. You can keep projecting your insecurities onto me, posting pictures of women who did nothing bad to you to make fun of their appereance while claiming you are a feminist, I am going to keep larping as a brazilian man to talk about my hobbies online. mwah kissies goodnight

No. 2160624

NTA but if multiple anons are telling you you're retarded, maybe just take the L and do some introspection, retardnona.
> I am going to keep larping as a brazilian man to talk about my hobbies
no more larping as a butch or a Stacy with a hundred simps? please introduce us to the whole DID system one day

No. 2160632

Pro-tip: It's not projecting if others are just talking about things you've admitted to.
>I am going to keep larping as a brazilian man to talk about my hobbies
So you are dropping the simp search? Ok good, don't do something stupid like reveal to them that you're female to try and get them to buy you things, and then come crying to us when things go south.

No. 2160634


No. 2160640

File: 1726088800785.jpg (372.7 KB, 1080x1955, 1000011756.jpg)

*glycemic index, oops

Please read my response to the other nonna. I really urge you to look at other ways to remedy pcos without bc. It can be done, nonna.
Dieting is not enough and you will actually make your symptoms worse if you're not eating enough. Look up "Tallene pcos" on youtube, she's a good place to start. She has a lot of self help videos for pcos. Pic related. As for vitamins, look into this website https://birdandbe.com/collections/pcos-management they have a really nice vitamin pack that has all the vital supplements you need and it's fsa/hsa eligible. There are certain vitamins we have to take and a regular multi vitamin isn't enough. The most help I've received has been from other women with pcos online. Doctors don't give a fuck about us.

No. 2160641

File: 1726088808725.gif (119.37 KB, 220x124, beyonce-computer.gif)

why did i open the null thread

No. 2160642

why the fuck would you get on the elevator with me knowing that it goes directly to my door after im telling you it goes directly to my door and im uncomfortable with you being in the elevator with me!? i fucking hate men they are so stupid and always in my presence when i don't need them to be. i cant even take out the garbage without interacting with one WHY!? i WILL NEVER DO AN ACT OF KINDNESS FOR A MAN AGAIN. I HATE taking out the garbage. This fucking place is fake bougie how tf do you have a shitty elevator that goes directly to your place but no damn garbage chute!? I CANT WAIT TO LEAVE REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

No. 2160646

I just dropped my garlic bread I was making for dinner, face down on the floor. That was my last meal until friday because I have no food and no money until I get paid.

No. 2160648

File: 1726089073543.png (123.68 KB, 689x600, 1000061432.png)

Just don't reply to her anymore, nonna, she's not like other girls, and we're all like other girls, we're not cool like her, we like makeup and high heels, she likes Warhammer, soccer and politics, she needs to find men like her because she's so male brained, that she doesn't understand how a woman can like anything that isn't hair accessories and nail polish.
She knows she's too cool to socialize with silly little girls who don't understand the deep meaning of life and how we're the ones who are always tearing each other apart, because she knows that a woman's worst enemy is another woman, we're so catty that we have a whole image board dedicated to tearing each other apart nonna, don't you see? We're all literally the worst of the worst.
Cries and hugs my knees, I awooo because it's moonlight, I'm a wolf/fox hybrid, but you can't be a hybrid too because in the only hybrid in this roleplay, it's your turn now, anonancia.

No. 2160650

I got so mean and almost lost my crypto terf status whilst we were offline, my uni is full of tifs!! I had a lecture where I had to listen to a pill popping idiot interrupt the lecturer to mumble some weird shit about how she loved, she used the word loved, our professor and if she could say it back to her. I feel like I'm the only sane one in that fucking course and building but I am just mean as shit, the weather keeps being summery and starting uni, the heat, the idiots, the ugly men, it's too much nonas! I got mean irl! I missed you nonas

No. 2160657

you guys must be extremely deprived from not being able to infight while the farms were down because never once i said i was better than other women. In fact i am the only one that didnt need to put women down during this conversation. meanwhile all you guys did is paint me as an nlog just for saying i have hobbies that are mostly popular with men and post pictures of women you dont know to make fun of how they look. You still cant point where i said i was better than other women, because you are making shit up to infight. I never even larped as a stacy either, thats something you made up because you are so fucking angry and retarded you interpreted a fucking VENT in the worst way possible just to have a justification to start infighting with someone. You are the cancer killing the farms, dumb unintegrated newfags.

No. 2160661

I've tried chatting with some of the students there on an online study group and they couldn't even articulate a phrase longer than two or three words, so they actually communicate by recording themselves mumbling in incomprehensible teenage lingo, now to imagine I could entertain a meaningful relationship with any of them… that's a stretch

No. 2160662

File: 1726089600098.png (15.65 KB, 275x210, IMG_0272.png)

Finally I can vent! I was on public transit, relatively empty compared to how it can get on this route. Some moid gets my attention. He complimented my tattoos, which would've been fine if he left it there. Then he started saying something and I figured he was asking for directions, because I couldn't quite understand his accent, and he was gesturing at his phone. HE TOOK A PHOTO OF ME REEEEEE. It was edited too, with different lighting. I went "oh…." with a grimace and he asked if I wanted him to delete it, I said yes, but who knows if he actually did.
Then a few days later some woman is facetiming someone (the other persons screen was nearly black, but it was probably her moid, it's always their moid), she had no headphones so when she needed to hear him talk she'd put her phone up to her ear. But every time she did that her camera pointed right at me. So I started death-staring at the screen every time. God I fucking hate when the students all come back to the city.

No. 2160666

This is what the infight is about? Because a woman had a male friend she rightly dropped? Kek. I don't get it.

No. 2160668

god quit sperging already, YOU'RE the only obvious unintegrated newfag here, "butch" wannabe Stacy autist. We don't give a fuck if it was muh vent, retard, you still tried to humble brag about having multiple simps before REEEEing about nonas pointing out what a cringe pickme loser you are.

No. 2160669

Nta, this is a vent thread anon, she's letting off steam. She's not trying to flex on you. Why are you seething so hard?

No. 2160673

Well, everyone can comment on vents on the vent thread, the get it off your chest thread exists so there are no comments about what anons are venting about.

No. 2160674

My friend wanted comfort from me because today is the anniversary of her adopting a much beloved cat that unexpectedly passed away last November. l love my friend but today is the one year anniversary of my dad dying and I cannot bring myself to care about her cat.

No. 2160675

i literally never did anything you said but ok kek. You are the one interpreting me saying that as me trying to flex, when my intention was saying to that retard friend that i dont need him because he's not the only friend i have in my life. But its fine i understand how anons are, they love to infight and not being able to do it for 2 weeks must have been hard on you.

No. 2160679


No. 2160680

Kek me neither, how can't they see that those last lines were written by an irritated woman trying to get back at an ex friend in her mind… Who hasn't listed retarded things to feel superior to someone you find annoying. Infighting isn't even that fun, idgi

No. 2160682

Kek anything to justify your mental illness. Never change nona!

No. 2160685

Aw that's entirely understandable anon. Did you remind her that this day is hard for you?

No. 2160686

Why are you so mad anyways? Anons are just saying that it's retarded to have moid friends and to assume women don't have random hobbies like Warhammer.

No. 2160687

thanks for understanding nonny, i need to start using tone indicators. Sometimes i forget we have legit speds itt.

No. 2160691

It's really strange that you think I'm angry anon.

No. 2160692

File: 1726090440641.png (101.59 KB, 806x342, Screenshots_2024-09-11-17-33-3…)

Now this is some anger.

No. 2160695

it’s really, really hard to eat food after you’ve been ill. even if you don’t feel sick anymore, you just don’t feel hungry and you don’t crave the taste of anything because nothing tastes right after vomiting up all your guts.

No. 2160696

I don’t see myself living past my mid 30’s.

No. 2160699

You're replying to every anon defending yourself.

No. 2160700

i wonder when i will fall in love next

No. 2160701

I think you’re gonna live to be 107 nonna

No. 2160703

If you don't want anyone's opinions, write it in your diary kek. She's a full blown retard who called herself butch while trying to brag about moids simping for her, while also seething and malding about a bald MRA scrote dumping her for not being enough of a pickme. Of course we're gonna kek if she's being such a cow, it doesn't matter if it's muh vent

No. 2160708

Exhausting nona, please.

No. 2160710

I'm not that anon.

No. 2160712

I was a bit of an asshole when she brought it up last night which I’m not proud of. She texted me about how today was the adoption anniversary unprompted and I just replied oh that’s my dad’s actual death day too. She just replied “oh anon, I’m so sorry” and then changed the subject… I’m a tiny bit bitter about it because when her cat passed the subject of her cat dying engulfed the discussion for months and I felt dismissed whenever I brought up my own grief. She’s a really good friend this is just one area that is a bit sore for both of us I think. My other friends have been really kind and thoughtful today which I appreciate, it’s just hard not to be miffed at my cat friend.

No. 2160714

Shut the fuck up and let me have fun with the sperging autistic cow, I missed this

No. 2160715

is any woman who isnt perfect a cow to you? we all make mistakes

No. 2160716

>i missed this
why cant infighters like you fuck off back to cc

No. 2160717

Months?? Wow. I mean like I lost my boy in November as well but I can't imagine bringing it up for months. I'm sorry she's being a little dense anon.

No. 2160719

Maybe play Warhammer instead kek.

No. 2160721

Couldn't that be said for every cow though? I don't get why farmers get a pass for acting cowlike just because we're anonymous, but if another woman no one likes posted the same on public social media no one calls you a boolly for laughing

No. 2160723

literally nothing is cowlike about my post it was a vent in a vent thread and i exaggerated some stuff to blow off steam because i was pissed, but you took it at face value and started sperging about it like an autistic toddler

No. 2160728

Her cat passed last November so about 10 months ago. I adore cats and when mine have passed it is absolutely devastating, but my patience is wearing a bit thin. I’m trying to be a supportive friend it’s just hard when my own grief is going unsupported. Thank you for the kind words nona

No. 2160729

Anon, cows are cows because they act out in bizarre ways in public with their names and faces attached to it. This is an anonymous ib and we're in a thread that is made for letting out your negativity. Making assumptions about another person's entire life because of one emotional post in an appropriate thread is mentally challenged behaviour.

No. 2160730

Can you stop projecting?
>you're all spergs and autists REEEE!!!!
you literally admitted you're such an autist your only friend is a balding misogynistic poorfag kek. And multiple anons made fun of your post, not just one

No. 2160731

I can only hope you grow out of this.

No. 2160732

nobody made assumptions kek she admitted all of it, lurk more before wking

No. 2160736

I can't stand other women that make being considered fuckable by men a personality trait. Congratulations of reaching the same level of desirability as a McChicken sandwich.

No. 2160737

I read the entire back and forth and I see you frothing at the mouth and an anon making a harmless vent and unfortunately taking your bait.

No. 2160738

It's called indoctrination and we are all raised this way. You're very fortunate to not be trapped in that mindset.

No. 2160740

File: 1726091786172.gif (602.33 KB, 220x146, IMG_2489.gif)

I can’t find the bechdel test so I’ll put this here
>mods getting ready to ban you when they decide to stop posting as a regular farmer in their favorite thread and turn on janny mode when they see your opinion that they disagree with

No. 2160741

>and unfortunately taking your bait
and yet you say she's not a cow KEK

No. 2160742

Here you go nona

No. 2160743

i am sure you are a gold star feminist anon, never made a mistake, never had a male friend, you are actually perfect in every way thats why you spent two hours infighting with me

No. 2160744

File: 1726091876630.jpeg (23.38 KB, 464x280, IMG_2250.jpeg)

Sibling doesn’t care enough about her pet’s flea infestation that it’s spread to our other pets. I stepped in her room for 45 seconds and 4 fleas jumped on my leg.
She complains that no flea med works so I told her to start manually brushing out her pet alongside with some better meds to get them off quicker but she threw a tantrum.
I can’t do this anymore anons, I want the pet to be okay but I also don’t want to clean up after someone else’s mess because she’s too busy watching TikTok or traveling to brush out her pet once every few days. I feel so dirty and like the gross lice ridden kid in grade school but it feels like it’s not even my fault.

No. 2160745

Taking bait isn't cow behaviour, it happens to normies. I'm sorry nona, do you even use the cow boards? How long have you been on lc? You're just very strange.

No. 2160747

admiting to baiting for attention on a vent thread where anons want to vent their frustrations in peace is bigger cow behaviour

No. 2160748

thanks gonna post it in there too kek

No. 2160749

NTA but shut up already. You were insisting you did nothing wrong, admitted to collecting simps, etc etc weird larper

No. 2160751

You should use a different gif nona, that one is filled with moid characters.

No. 2160752

baiting for attention is gigstacy behavior compared to bad nigel venting for attention which is just sad and pathetic, just break up with him

No. 2160753

Uh huh, definitely nta.

No. 2160754

Kek they weren't even dating. Thanks for your two cents.

No. 2160756

fucckkkk I forgot about that, it’s been so long nvm, thanks. dumbass shit thread my beloved…

No. 2160760

its not my fault you never passed the 4th grade so you cant comprehend a simple post venting and take it at face value because you are autistic. I will use tone indicators next time to aid the mentally challenged like you.

No. 2160761

You're welcome nona, didn't want you to catch a ban. I miss dumbass shit too.

No. 2160762

>Taking bait isn't cow behaviour, it happens to normies.
That's the etymology of the word lolcow. Lolcows can be milked for lulz. They are lolcows because they can be baited into an amusing response.

No. 2160763

Why are you samefagging?

No. 2160767

She didn't, one of those posts is mine.

No. 2160768

our normal replies compared to the chaos around us is like art

No. 2160770

Baiting would be cow tipping. Sounds like you don't actually go to this school.

No. 2160771

Two nonnies lost in a sea of madness

No. 2160776

Sure jan

No. 2160777

What's this, like an uno reverse? Nice play.

No. 2160778

NTA but you're literally the autist, stop projecting onto others, sperg. Nobody took anything at face value, you just lied because you're an attention whore. Same reason you hang out with bald men who end up ghosting you for not being enough of a pickmeisha
daily reminder that there's multiple anons here

No. 2160781

Keep dragging it out, you're really changing minds and hearts out here.

No. 2160788

File: 1726093292852.jpeg (158.56 KB, 736x915, IMG_2491.jpeg)

i’m chilling because i don’t fuck scrotes and love women so muchhhh. how does it feel for you hetties knowing a scrote could never bring you your fav box of la croix but only a broken condom and lost dreams?(bait)

No. 2160789

Stop trying so hard

No. 2160792

Thanks for the advice nona.

No. 2160794

I'm imagining that's you in the pic, nona. God bless.

No. 2160795

The term lolcow predates this site newfag.

No. 2160796

So you're like the Bluespike of the vent thread? That doesn't seem like something to celebrate.

No. 2160802

she’s so pretty, i got it off of pinterest

No. 2160803

How the fuck does correcting someone on LC make me in anyway comparable to a chris-chan ween?

No. 2160808

somehow i feel like if i had to date women itd be worse than dating men but its not like i tried

No. 2160811

Thinking about the anon who says she both nigel posts and man-hates in the same threads just to fuck with anons. So chaotic. Love her for it honestly.

No. 2160812

Sorry anon, I didn't realize you weren't the anon I was replying to. She was talking about baiting cows and that's what Bluesperg did, just making a point. There is a reason we don't cow tip here. It's spastic.

No. 2160818

>itd be worse
why do you think so? that makes no sense kek

No. 2160819

that’s technically all of us

No. 2160820

Jesus. Sorry you are being dogpiled on, anon. I hope that you will make a cool female friend that has the same interests as you. I definitely think it's better if that moid isn't in your life.
>getting in depth about the Touhou games for example
Nona can I ask you how you met your female friends? I want to befriend girls into touhou that aren't troons, I just don't know where to find them since I don't want to use social media much. Actually I'm honestly really curious how every anon here met their best female friends?

No. 2160822

What a pack of misfits kek

No. 2160828

>Actually I'm honestly really curious how every anon here met their best female friends?

No. 2160829

I met my best friend in the movie room

No. 2160837

cow tipping isn't the same as baiting, newfag, read the rules

No. 2160844

You're not replying to me in the context of the entire conversation, you read one or two of the the posts related and made an assumption. But sure, I'm a newfag. And how long have you been here?

No. 2160851

is it ok to shit up this thread with negative thoughts
i just feel so conflicted when the night comes
i just want to feel good

No. 2160854

Of course nonnie, but it would probably be better to use the get it off your chest thread so you can really let loose and not have replies.

No. 2160862

How exactly?
Maybe I should join them. I don't really like movies though.

No. 2160867

That's cool nona, there are also Tunesdays if you like listening to music. Anyone can add to the playlist so you can share songs with anons too. That's actually my favorite time in the movie room because anons have really good taste. Some of my favorite music of the last three years I've gotten from anons during Tunesdays.

No. 2160869

i hate when people speak too loud i think way too many people do it without realizing. it's not necessary to speak in a yell when conversing with someone 5 feet away and neither of you are hard of hearing. seriously it feels like the sound goes straight to the inside of my head and puts pressure on my ears from the inside and it physically starts to hurt

No. 2160872

>Actually I'm honestly really curious how every anon here met their best female friends?
I went to preschool with one. We have been friends for about 23 years. The other I met on a forum for illegal manga scanalations, we bonded because we both liked Hetalia. I’ve known her for 15 years.

No. 2160884

Long friendships like this make me so warm and happy inside, I hope you're all buddies until you're old based ladies.

No. 2160886

>Actually I'm honestly really curious how every anon here met their best female friends?
Kinda embarrassing but we kept bumping into eachother in online TiF hotspots. We detransitioned together <3

No. 2160890

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Omg, that's great! I'm so happy you could support each other through that

No. 2160894

fandom spaces triggered my longest friendships, been in there since I were a kid. I wasn’t even into enstars but I had a friend that was so I just kind of went to their spaces too kek, it’s so niche but so connected. hm… posting on social media and meeting others who have similar fashion tastes, actually a lot of it is finding people who have stuff in common with me, and then becoming mutuals or dming them (even women on reddit kek, usually in the cosier subs after spotting them and interacting with them for a while). honestly i’m internet popular kek, I know so many people. irl, some people just match your vibe, yk? again I approach people who share the same fashion interests or if I come across another lesbian or something. I like just chilling with people I meet (women in particular). and online if you’re socialising with people a lot it’s easy to find lots of female friends tbh I don’t know why anons act like it’s so difficult

No. 2160911

>tbh I don’t know why anons act like it’s so difficult
Well, from personal experience, when I was in junior high I went through such extreme bullying that I had to change to a school an hour and a half away from my home. I was being beaten, having my stuff stolen, rumours about me doing hard drugs. I was legitimately scared to go to school. That's carried with me, those are formative years socially. I'm not completely socially inept, but I am still completely afraid. It's hard not to get into my own head and convince myself other people hate me. I was abused at home as well, so I just came to the conclusion that it was me. That there is something inherently wrong and unlikable about me. It's a thought that haunts me, really. It makes me feel like I'm worth nothing and like I shouldn't exist. I've built at least one strong online friendship, but my fear keeps me from keeping regular contact with people I really enjoy. Frankly, I've grown up hating myself, and it's not something I've conquered yet.

No. 2160917

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Thanks nona! I attribute our success to the lack of men in our lives. My preschool friend actually told her scrote that he wasn’t the most important relationship in her life it would always be her relationship with me kek

No. 2160918

I've actually told my husband the same thing and he said of course, I've known my friends longer and I have a deep connection with them. He understands the cat comes above him too kek.

No. 2160924

Agree but you shouldn't make exceptions for "trans women." Crossdressers, brolitas, trans, cis, whatever, moids are all the same. There are very few males who will ever pull off the look.

No. 2160929

I met her in uni, we clicked the second we talked to each other, a few minutes later she was already laying her head on my lap and I was playing with her hair while we talked about life.
As of now we talk daily and we meet up at least every weekend.
Such things don't just happen out of nowhere and it's honestly all about being lucky and spergy enough to get a friend who is going to listen to you even if she doesn't share all of the same hobbies with you, like my friend and I have completely different artstyles, completely different music tastes, completely different fashion styles and such, but we get along because we're mature and can listen to the other even of the stuff that's being talked about isn't a perfect match to what we like, and that's the issue with many retards that can't handle a real life conversation with others, not everything is going to be all about your special interests, you don't need to be like a clone of your best friend to consider her a best friend.
Honeslty, it's why I stopped talking to a girl I met in high-school, she would try to make me drop the stuff I liked because she particularly thought it was cringe at the time (now, ironically she has to live off that cringe thing) to thenpoint that she even told me to delete random games off my phone because it wasn't what she wanted me to like, she would try to always talk about her interests and such while ignoring whatever else I wanted to talk about or straight up making fun of the stuff I liked, it was utterly annoying and I'm glad I dropped her like a bag of explosives into the sea.

No. 2160936

I’m seething and jealous of this, need a female best friend badddd

No. 2160942

Your friendship with the uni girl sounds magical. I hope I can achieve this someday!

No. 2160973

Damn, I’m sorry, I hope you get through that. I think it takes just one good friend to open you up and get into the swing of it, if that makes sense. Funnily enough I only started making internet friends in elementary/middle school because I felt ostracised and had severe anxiety. I’m really grateful to them because I they helped me stop being afraid and paranoid around people like I used to… the me back then could not have had as many friends as I do now.

No. 2160982

You got cooked so badly kek

No. 2160990

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The government approved a ban on disposable vapes (totally agree with) and any flavored vape juice (less agree with). I know I should and need to quit nicotine but ahhh I hate it being forced on me. I'll come out better but still ahhhh.
They should've banned cigarettes at the same time if they really cared but they make too much money out of the tobacco tax.

No. 2160994

smonke big weeds

No. 2160998

I guess it makes sense for this era to end, the seed oil vapes are going to be the reason why a lot of gen X/Y’rs get popcorn lung at a young age

No. 2161004

Doesn't popcorn lung only happen with a certain additive that's banned outside the US?

No. 2161005

It's illegal and doesn't agree with me. I bought a flower mate and I mostly use it to smoke peppermint leaves that came with it. Smells really nice

No. 2161008

Wow that does sound nice. I hope you can kick the nicotine nona!

No. 2161014

i thought that breathing in straight seed oil vapors (like sunflower lecithin) can definitely give you liquid pneumonia and popcorn lung

No. 2161019

I'm a Euro and the thing I vape is Lost Mary pods but they seem to be the same group that made Elf Bars so probably the same muck getting in my lungs.

No. 2161032

>tbh I don’t know why anons act like it’s so difficult
Probably because some anons don't want to use social media, which is understandable imo. When I last had a fandom account I got stalked and harassed badly by a scrote and deleted everything, which did make me lose a lot of cool friends. It made me extremely paranoid. But now I'm lonely and I know to make friends again I have to put myself out there like you did but I'm worried of something like that happening again. So I don't know what to do. Sometimes I feel like he pretty much ruined my ability to socialise.

No. 2161082

My father has no energy to even breathe sometimes as he claims but he always has energy to scream at my mom for 2 hours straight over the randomest shit. I want to duct tape his mouth he literally sounds like a dog barking and one can literally hear him inside from down the street

No. 2161083

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>mom's bf has been staring at my butt again
My sister complained about him being creepy at 15, that he always made weird noises, stared too long, made weird noises in the shower etc. However he does chores for my mom and has been with her for over 10 years and often helps us out, plus, he has a daughter of his own. But it's true- I can't brush it off, because I keep catching him staring at my ass when he thinks I'm not looking, and it makes me feel gross. My sister is in uni so doesn't have to deal with it now.
But then I just feel ungrateful for all the things he does for us, even if he is smug and preachy. Family wonder why I don't 'come down and hang out'. That's why. I miss it being just my mom and siblings.
But he makes my mom so happy. So I'll keep it to myself, and study, bide time until I can move out.

No. 2161092

Vape liquid should be vegetable glycerin and polypropylene glycol, both of which are considered safe because they're already used as food additives and are used in inhaled medications. It's the additives such as colouring and flavouring that can cause issues. Nicotine is obviously a poison if too much is consumed.

No. 2161093

growing up in an all female household (no father, just my mother and grandmother) makes me find it so difficult to comprehend that shit like this happens to girls/women and you just have to deal with it. when my mum got a bf in my late teens and he was staying with us I barely left my room (yes he was a creep). maybe this is why i never got used to men though, i still feel uncomfortable around them for no reason - especially older men - maybe it’s because i didn’t grow up around them. sorry this is so unhelpful i’m just musing

No. 2161105

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how it feels knowing nobody understands you or is on your wavelength and only few esoteric beings understand what you’re saying

No. 2161110

Damn ikr

No. 2161113

No worries nonnie i get you, this just normal stuff that girls go through, but it’s still sad. I’m sorry you went through it too.

No. 2161119

Accidentally called my cat a gay baby, I meant to say good baby, I'm just a little stoned and I was doing the baby talk at him. God forgive me.

No. 2161126

Had plans to get dinner with a guy tonight who I thought I'd made clear I was only interested in being friends with. He comes to pick me up and shows up with a bag of stuff that he needs to put inside my fridge and it's for "after dinner." Manipulative bullshit. Of course he tried to kiss me when I tried shooing him out of my place

No. 2161141

We suffer in silence. Until we find our brethren and unload years of our inner world to them.

No. 2161142


Thread has reached 1100 posts. The thread will be locked and you will be unable to post in it shortly after it exceeds 1200 posts. Please begin preparing a new thread and post a link to it when it's created.

No. 2161158

Are you certain your cat isn't gay?

No. 2161163

I REALLY wish I could delete my sperg in female fantasies from last year. I mean I was fine with it being embarrassing since it’s anonymous but I actually wonder if I could be clocked by it and that would be so mortifying AAARGH no I gave away too many details! Honestly she/people that know her probably check out this site I’m just hoping no stupid autist backreads that hard urrrghhh. They would definitely know who it is because she’s a little popular and really resembles who I compared her to… I was kind of hoping we’d lose some of /g/ while it was down because of this… I was dumber last year! I swear my brain has grown since then! It’s not fair.

No. 2161164

gaby ♥

No. 2161166


No. 2161167

I hate to complain about a remote job, but I really cannot stand my job. Ever since I started working here, every shift I start and end thinking "i can't do another day if this". Plus with everything else going on in my life, it's too much. I want to quit so bad but no one has responded to my job applications and I'm not stupid enough to quit a job I just got with no backup. I'm on break right now because I just got so overwhelmed and restless that I needed a moment to lay down.

No. 2161175

Spent too much time on cc and the junku board, like I keep forgetting to sage, kek

No. 2161203

I hate people who ask you personal questions out of nowhere. Like, why do you care if I've had sex? Why do you care how many men X has been with? It's indecent and inappropriate.

No. 2161286

It’s so hard for me to keep friends, especially IRL. Everyone just likes to unadd and block each other if they don’t talk for a while so it makes it hard to reconnect or check in on anyone. I don’t think I’m meant to keep friends I suppose.

No. 2161311

I have an injury that's stopping me from working out and I miss my exercise orthorexia so bad. I just wanna work out man.

No. 2161315

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sigh, i learned a few weekends ago per my brother that my mom told him she tried to kill herself when she was about 14 via overdose and her dad (who was generally kind of a deadbeat/still not really ever present in our lives) felt horrible and comforted her over her attempt. on one hand, i gained some respect for him and feel bad about some dark edgy jokes or statements i'd made over the years that were unintentionally hurtful towards her. i only told muh nigel this and would never tell my family but, in spite of not wanting to make this about myself, i am pretty salty over my mom' reactions to me starving myself fairly underweight and cutting from 13 to 19. i got screamed at. i got a very strong negative emotional reaction that made me not want to ever leave my room again nor tell my mom anything about my feelings. my heart hurts that my mom ever wanted to end her life but i can't help but feel sullen over how she got comforted for that and i got in big trouble, shamed, guilted for my bad habits which i tried to hide from her in the first place. i want to keep my relationship with my parents positive so i won't ever confront her on it. but sometimes i get pretty upset that my mom didn't try to level with me when i was going through my issues. i just got yelled at and made to feel even worse. i'm super quiet around extended family because i think everyone thought i was a huge brat growing up. i cried a lot but it was because i felt uncomfortable and misunderstood. so many family pictures of parties where i'm crying and sad. now i realize all the adults must have written me off as a rotten child. i felt that way about myself. i knew i wasn't being treated fairly but couldn't figure out what was wrong. i got branded somehow. i was compared to the disliked women in my family openly to my face. i cried about it for years. it's not fair. my mom had it tough and her mother was a full blown narcissist and scapegoated my mom and her sister was the golden child. it wasn't right that i was unfairly treated as if i were some kind of unhinged brat. i never thought i was better than anyone but when i acted emotional or confused it was twisted into me being bad. i cried after my birthday party once and asked my parents if i was good. they said yeah but i am sure they don't remember. i have always second guessed myself. is it wrong that finding out this information about my mom has made me a little angry and bitter? i desperately wanted comfort over my depression, anxiety, eating disorder, and self harming and i only learned to harden myself, hide, and push others away. and not trust them. and it doesn't make me love my mom any less, and i'm sad she tried to end her life so young too. but, why did i get yelled at and ignored for my struggles? i didn't act unruly then enact those behaviors to get sympathy. i was treated by family and peers at school like i wasn't worth much and i wanted to hurt myself. no one knew what i was going through and i just kept to myself. i hated feeling othered. now i'm sure my family just got a kick out of assuming the worst of me, throughout my life. it's hard watching kids grow up too because i either see them getting branded too, or i'm jealous that they get the "you're amazing" treatment that i didn't get and are socialized normally. no wonder i avoid kids and don't want any of my own.

No. 2161328

Sweet person. Hope they are for me.

No. 2161337

It's not normal to just get blocked out of nowhere, anon. Even I don't randomly block people and I'm trigger happy for when it comes to blocking.
Usually people just ghost others unless needed and that's about it.

No. 2161341

potential Nigel candidate is so cute. I love hanging out with:

No. 2161355


No. 2161356

she means me so take a step back

No. 2161359

Being depressed and sexually frustrated at the same time is the worst hell. I want to kill myself and am in deep self-hatred, I can’t even look at myself, but all I can think of is sex, especially with this one person. I just end up feeling disgusted, and every time I feel like I need to masturbate I well up with so much anger at myself.

No. 2161362

Can't go to class unless I have my morning poop and I'm fucking constipated right now. I want to kill myself. I have 35 minutes left

No. 2161367

Time’s a-ticking nonny, class is almost here! Only 30 minutes left to excavate that turd… 29… 28…. 27……….

No. 2161409

I so badly crave having sex , to the point that I even have scenarios in the middle of the day.
I don’t want to date men or go out on dates, I just want the dick. Like I don’t even want to talk to them at all.

No. 2161410

it's ok nona, they likely won't find out and if they bring it up just deny it as they've got no proof

No. 2161411

Next time try drinking a cup of coffee at least 20 minutes earlier nonna. It always works for me.
Add more fiber and drink more water too. Try getting a stool for the toilet too.

No. 2161414

I like the male body and how it feels, but I don’t find men as people attractive, does it make sense? They’re always shallow, superficial in their thinking and lack any ounce of empathy. I’m in a real dilemma here.

No. 2161418

Don’t give up! I also went back to school at an older age and know exactly how you feel rn. That first semester back was the worst. I couldn’t connect with anyone and the gen-ed classes were almost mind numbing. I felt so crappy that I wanted to drop out. The next semester I decided would be a “fun” semester where I only took classes that interested me or were related to my major. That was the best decision I could’ve made. I finally met people who I had shared interests with and even met some people in my major who were my age. Keep going. You’re only a few days into this journey, you’ll meet your people eventually.

No. 2161423

i missed my lolcor so much.
i love you nonas i mean it.

No. 2161424

Same, there is no place like the farm.

No. 2161425

I had a fucking COLLEAGUE ask me if I'm a virgin

No. 2161426

im sorry to be that person but why dont you wear less revealing clothes?
not to blame his staring on you, he's a disgusting pig ofc, but you can't really do much about that so why not just wear extra loose clothes, a dressing gown on top of it
Autumn is coming so it'll keep you warm and comfy too

No. 2161428

NTA but where did she even say she wears revealing clothes? Do you think men never stare at modest covered up women? And just my anecdote but when I was younger I had something similar happen to me despite only wearing jeans and hoodies.

No. 2161431

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by "less revealing" i don't mean she wore things that were "revealing" in the first place, but even jeans can be considered "revealing" with how horny men get ; as long as the shape of your body is visible that can get them going
i mean she could wear something that makes it impossible to outline any shape of her body and maybe that'll spare her stares

i hate that i sound like a muslim telling her to wear a burqa right now but you know, i guess the muslims are kind of right to consider men will eye-fuck anything female-shaped, where they're wrong is they are blaming women for it

No. 2161447

Ignore the baiting retard.

No. 2161457

I hate pms so much god.

No. 2161461

If men will eyefuck your butt I don't see how it's delusional to cover up so it's undistinguishable

You can keep seething about how men are pigs (they'll still be pigs) or you can walk around in ample clothings when your pervy step dad is around, it's your call

No. 2161464

the situation is like someone sakd "oh but a thief got inside my house, but i swear i locked my door!!" and i advised them to get a stronger door, and someone came around and said "uhhh.. excuse me??? are you blamind HER for being stolen??? her door was LOCKED so it's not her fault she was robbed."

well yeah whatever keep getting robbed i guess(baiting/doubleposting)

No. 2161466

Or you can beat the shit out of him to make sure his eyes are caved in enough he won't think of looking at asses. When a dog is aggressive, you muzzle and leash the dog, you don't tell everyone to stay inside their houses because they might get bitten. If you cover up for a man you're only coddling him and confirming his sick views, that you wore revealing clothes to get fucked, and that you cover up when you don't want to get fucked.

No. 2161469

Clearly she doesn't want to be in conflict with her step father, I mean if yelling at him to get him to stop is an option, sure go for it ; why not do that AND wear a dressing gown, not like options are mutually exclusive.
Nonnie didn't seem like she wanted any conflict but I'm all for putting nasty moids in their place when it's possible.

No. 2161474

What if, hear me out, she didn't want to wear some shitty dressing gown in her own home? She can wear whatever the fuck she wants. The step scrote needs to fucking lower his gaze and stay in his place. Stop playing stupid scrote games. Stop treating scrotes like they're some kind of dumb ape who can't help sexually assaulting women, they are perfectly capable of restraining themselves.

No. 2161477

The craziest thing is that anon never even said what she's wearing. For all we know, she's dressed like Jesse Pinkman. But those anons gotta find some way she could be at fault for being perved on

No. 2161480

>those anons gotta find some way she could be at fault for being perved on

yeah, it's exactly what i said.
if someone robs your house, and you get advised to get a stronger front door, how is that person "blaming you"? it's just sound advice, i'm sorry

>Stop treating scrotes like they're some kind of dumb ape who can't help sexually assaulting women, they are perfectly capable of restraining themselves.

no, they are dumb apes. they're not capable of restricting themselves. that's exactly where we disagree.
i'm not saying apes can't be tamed though, but i don't think going around thinking they can "just" restrict themselves is helpful ; they're just fucking apes

No. 2161482

I guess I see it as anon could have a steel bullet proof door yet still got robbed and you just say to get a better door. It's not really advice and comes off as denigrating her

No. 2161487

Based and true, but still wasted on bait.

No. 2161490

idk you see nonnas seething all the time that men are just dumb pornbrained apes that are inherently inferior to women due to the testosterone rotting their brain, and then you get told they can "just restrain themselves"
which is it exactly?

No. 2161494

They can restrain themselves. It's just not in their own interest to do so, but they can do it.

No. 2161495

The funny thing is that even if you're dressed like it's -50° outside, scrotes are still gonna scrote, especially pervy step fathers. Nevermind no one should have to dress uncomfortably in their own fucking home, the moid is the intruder, so he has to adjust, not nonna. There is no winning unfortunately as long as you're trapped in one household and I wish it wouldn't be so normalized for women/mothers to have their bf living with their kids.

No. 2161500

>dressing gown
whatever i guess

> even if you're dressed like it's -50° outside, scrotes are still gonna scrote

my personal experience is i get catcalled and stared at less the more i'm more covered up, but maybe that's just me

No. 2161505

and again that's not saying it's on me that i get catcalled when i'm less covered up, yes it sucks i can't wear cute clothes because that means pigs will assume it's for them, yes the scrotes are disgusting and disrespectful misogynistic pigs ; but that's just how it IS
you have to deal with what the world IS not what it should be

if you get something stolen, it's on the thief, your phone peeking out your pocket isn't you "asking for it" to be stolen, and the world would be great without thiefs, and i'd love not to have to mind my phone every second i'm outside, but in the meantime you better hide it better

No. 2161510

Seeing so much stuff about Gaza is making me insensitive or annoyed about it, like when you hear a joke over and over and it stops being funny/make sense. Shit down there has been happening since Israel was founded and people are saying stuff like "Stop the massacre!! This has been happening for decades!!" But they're the ones acting like they discovered this right now.
Every fucking thread online that gets big has a gofundme page for Gaza and it's getting annoying real quick. That stuff has been happening since before I was born, it's no news, more like normal and expected, it isnt shocking anymore. The more I grow up, the more I start being careful about what I stand for and where my money goes and I wouldnt give a cent to muslim countries nor israelis. They both can rot. I don't care, that money doesn't make a difference anyway, because even if they get out, where do they go? Why aren't nearby countries doing shit?
I don't even want to get political, but I feel that only money wont solve shit, they're gonna get bombed anyway and people can't support an entire country by gofundmes alone

No. 2161511

The thing is that he will prey on her no matter what. It’s bs to tell a woman to cover up in order to not be sexualized, men sexualize ANYTHING, you could be covered from head to toe and it wouldn’t make a difference, especially if god forbid you have even a little bit of curves. Nonna should also be free to be comfortable in her own house.
Ugh this reminded me once again how much I hate men.

No. 2161512

>I don't care, that money doesn't make a difference anyway, because even if they get out, where do they go? Why aren't nearby countries doing shit?
More like because the people behind the gofundmes usually keep like 70% in their pockets
Don't ever give money to people pretending to do good, either give directly to a gazaoui that you personally know either don't give
Besides you already have your own shit to deal with

No. 2161513

But like every nonna is acting like covering up doesn't make a flying difference?
Like, you're telling me a man's staring isn't going to be ANY different whether you're wearing skinny jeans than or an ample gown?
Isn't that a bit delusional?

No. 2161517

I feel like the problem is more "who's responsibility is it to deal with the staring" rather than whether covering up will make a difference or not.
Sure, covering up would help, but why is it nonna's responsibility to mind her pervy father when she just wants to chill in her home? Why does she have to deal with an intruder preying on her?
Problem is, well she has to deal with it. She doesn't want him kicked out.
Now question is, is nonna ready to deal with conflict or not?
If she is, then she should yell at him everytime he's staring, tell her mom, make a scandal until he feels ashamed enough to stop.
If she isn't, then she should cover up and do her best to avoid him.
It's more of a strategy question than a morality question. Both strategies are equally valid.

No. 2161519

It will make a difference, I’m not denying that, but I’m saying that if her stepfather is a perv, he’ll perv on her , it won’t stop.
Besides that, what was nonna even wearing, what is considered covering up? Should she only wear full baggy gowns and baggy sweaters?

No. 2161528

>Besides that, what was nonna even wearing, what is considered covering up? Should she only wear full baggy gowns and baggy sweaters?
I mean that's what I'd do if I had a pervy father creeping around, until I can move out.

No. 2161529

The thing is that most of it is performative, you see these bunch of people who have flags in their bio, who repost and maybe protest in the safety of their countries.
Supporting Palestine is a good cause, I believe in it in the sense that no person should ever live in precarious conditions and at risk during war. But I also think that it has become a trend among youngsters rather than activism, look at how antisemitism is on the rise right now in fact.
The people who shout “free Palestine!” hardly care about other conflicts around the world. Just like any other trend it will pass without solving anything, we had BLM before, Ukraine after and now there’s Palestine. Give it another year and there’ll be something else to talk about.

The sad truth is that civilians can’t do jack shit for other countries, it’s all in the hands of the governments. What fuels all these wars is interest and money and as long as they exist we will never have peace.
Tim and Anne protesting at their school hardly does anything when their government fuels wars. Boycotting Starbucks hardly does anything when a fat portion of your tax money is invested to fuel wars. It’s the same as that US soldier who set himself on fire in order to protest, it didn’t do jack shit.

No. 2161535

It's a valid point, covering up could make a difference for some people, but the nonnies that say it isn't right have recht also, that you shouldn't have to creep around in your own home. I know you weren't meaning to say that it was right to have to creep around, just offering a solution, I appreciate the sentiment. I wish I could just be myself, being my comfy self isn't for the male gaze at all, I know you weren't implying that either, it's just sad to have to be aware of it.
He does stare even when I'm dressed normally, baggy clothes, covered up, so I'm really just biding time until I can move out. I miss hanging out with my mom.
I'm sorry such a discussion has become heated and misinterpreted, and am thankful to the people that listened, I can't tell anyone irl this, he makes my mom happy so I keep quiet, so I am thankful to have a place here.
The thing that confuses me the most is that he has a daughter he doesn't seem to creep on. I really thought men with daughters were innocent.

No. 2161554

Nonna I hope you can move out soon enough, I’m sorry you’re in such a difficult place, it’s like you’re between a rock and a hard place because you do love your mom (although I still think that it’s the responsibility of the parent to not bring a creep around their child) on one side but on the other you also don’t feel safe and comfortable.
> The thing that confuses me the most is that he has a daughter he doesn't seem to creep on.
That’s because she is his daughter, there are some men who do prey on their daughters too, but most of them don’t , but still prey on girls and women of the same age. It really doesn’t mean anything that he has a daughter.

No. 2161585

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this is why I absolutely can’t read or stand nigelfags anymore, it’s like living outside of ignorance and being too enlightened of the male-female prison and there are women who actively want you to stay trapped in it, they want you to stay trapped being raped, abused, mistreated, seen as lesser than just so they can live a fucking delusional tale. there’s nothing about what i say that is “mental illness” because that’s typical of scrote detractors calling observations of reality mental illness, but i’m the scrote because i see the lies and illusions falling apart? every single feminist writer or those who have wrote about the male condition in a fictional/nonfictional way have pretty much agreed that women also help keep the patriarchy alive and some love to do it while letting you insidiously drown in it just so they can live their picket fence family psychosis, we’re in a new fucking era and not much people will be able to survive it because it’s a war on information and most people don’t give a shit about seeking beyond it and coming to their own conclusions, just what’s constantly spoonfed to them like baby food

No. 2161591

>Jesus. Sorry you are being dogpiled on, anon. I hope that you will make a cool female friend that has the same interests as you. I definitely think it's better if that moid isn't in your life.
Lol no they deserve to be "dogpilled", you're being far too forgiving. They used some strangely iffy language that some took umbridge with to like butch and seem to ignore the intricacies of the shit they claim to like lol. War thunder in particular is incredibly popular, since it's a gacha game. Another good point is males tend to sour interest in things with pornrot and horrific shit hence me squeamish from them mentioning "2hus". Some of us have tried to engage in a hobby and males have convinced us to never engage with them again. I can appreciate wanting female friends but you don't need external validation for a hobby period.

Nona can I ask you how you met your female friends? I want to befriend girls into touhou that aren't troons, I just don't know where to find them since I don't want to use social media much.
I don't have friends who like touhou, I only said I like it. Ive played the games since I was a preteen, its not really a passing hobby of mine nor something I share with others much since its an insular singleplayer game after all. Males taint anything with women or girls in it so I'd rather not seek out moid validation for something I've appreciated most of my life. I said I have a friend who follows Warhammer and a sister who plays war thunder seeing as op said those things are nearly male exclusive, this isn't true. She did not really have much to say about this unsurprisingly other than she liked "2hus" too. I don't really need appeasement or validation from other people about a game series or something I like. I enjoy it as an insular thing since the community is tainted by male bullshit. I enjoy the writing, gameplay and music. I also don't call it 2hus or whatever the male worshipper op called it that male communities of pedofiles call it. I'm talking about the actual game, not the male idea of the game and their extended gross fandom.

>Actually I'm honestly really curious how every anon here met their best female friends?

Uni and work, but my sister is my closest friend to me. I'm open to a friend who likes the touhou games who isn't a subhuman male. It's incredibly rare to find anyone who actually plays them and doesn't just gawk at the disgusting male vocal communities shit. To me their post arose a point of difference between a naive attention seeker (from men) and trend follower and someone who enjoys something out of genuine enjoyment and appreciation. While I find it alien to need to have a community of yes men to enjoy a hobby, I can understand wanting female friends. I'm not sure if this is more suitable in the friends finder thread.

No. 2161597

Anyone who says things like “poop eyes” and shits on people with brown eyes is more than likely racist as well.

No. 2161601

That gives me so much secondhand embarrassment ugh I'm sorry you had to witness that University would be nice if not for all the retards

No. 2161605

The Poppy/Titanic/Mars thread is such a dead thread and I'm fairly certain it's like one person posting there. Titanic is a cow of epic proportions surely but he quickly faded out of the niche spotlight because he was a retarded XY failure abuser. His comeback with his bloated instaface wife was funny, bro your loving dad schtick is not going to catapult you to stardom like you so desperately want. He's a musical drifter. But even still the milk is dried up, Mars is too reclusive to even care about, and Poppy is doing fame-hungry LA immigrant shit like everyone else on Instagram. YAWN. I wish these freaks had REAL milk. Anyone still in that dried up crust hole of a thread probably actually knows these people through friends of friends of friends. I want MIIILK. Milk seems to be very lacking now in general…..(off-topic)

No. 2161606

*musical grifter.

No. 2161617

I fucking hate the difference in how I get treated wearing makeup vs when I don’t. I wouldn’t be ugly if not for the fact my nose is wide with a huge tip and I have to wear a layer a makeup in order to look pretty. I just want surgery to not get treated like shit

No. 2161623

NTAYRT but nona I am begging you PLEASE post on the friend finder thread. I'm exactly like you in the sense that touhou has been the main interest of my life since I was a preteen; I posted on the thread and now have two female friends who I talk to about it. To be safe you can always use a alt discord account/proton mail and ask for verification from the people you talk to. Before I posted on the thread I had only male touhou fans to talk to and I'm sure you can imagine how that went.

No. 2161637

Just heard someone's birth story and they lost a fucking labia majora due to complications with the ripping and tearing and I'm just not feeling good. I think I reacted accordingly but man what the fuck! a young woman at that! I also had to listen to these Indian tech guys screaming to people on facetime, how the fuck are they not reading the fucking room, we are in a closed space, a public vehicle and you force us all to hear this shit? Revolting.

No. 2161639

Gonna hijack your vent a bit nona, spoilered for bullshit Visually seeing the dead bodies doesn't do shit for me anymore but the hurt people do get to me, the bodies don't for some reason. I'm neighbors with Ukraine so naturally that touches me more, I'm sick of hearing american colleagues saying stuff like people are being racist if they care more about one conflict than another, like duh. I have family bordering russia, in Ukraine and all that, geez James, wonder why I would care more about this. Doesn't mean I don't give a shit about Gaza, doesn't mean I don't get fed up with the constant gofundmes for any reason.

No. 2161641

More mundane than a vent but I cannot relate to people feeling sleepy or sleeping better when it rains. I completely understand the calm and ambience but as a child if it rained I was constantly hypervigilant because it would make it harder to hear angry footsteps or screaming around the house. And the neighbourhood I grew up in as a teen wasn't the safest so there was that when it rained. Overall, noise drowning out potential danger sort of thing.

No. 2161659

My cousin came back home to find the door locked with the deadbolt. My uncle is inside, his phone is inside. She's been calling him like crazy.
The emergency services arrived, told her they can do nothing without the cops. The cops refused to show up.
So now my cousin is waiting for access to the flat she lives in from the private door0busting services, likely finding her own father dead immediately afterwards (he has heart issues like our whole side of the family)

I'm just. At home. Getting occasional update calls. This feels surreal.
The only ones who decided to stick around were the ambulance people. But it's been three hours. If it's his heart… well. They can take the corpse.

No. 2161677

I keep slumming it sexually and can't stop. I prioritize big dick and handsome and nice, which I can get and is my main and a couple fwbs, but I feel more "comfortable" with a chubbier less endowed. I also hate how I end up jestering and feeling insecure when I'm with a hot guy but I'm confident and above it with a guy I deem lesser and basically use him as a dildo and they get very charmed by me (sad). This zoomer autist weeaboo with tattoos and a mid dick has me in a chokehold right now even though I have several other men that are more hung on tap. I feel like I am wasting my own time cucking myself out of good dick for comfort. Honestly I think zoomer reminds me of my 10 year ex and it's lowkey like having him back, like eating a mcdonalds breakfast and it reminds me of fat childhood nostalgia, bitter comfort. I wish I wasn't so addicted to men to my own detriment. I'm a prisoner of my libido

No. 2161695

agreed nona ive been feeling this way for months now. the gfm's that get sent around are all obvious scams and its almost painful to see people reposting them everywhere. there was also some random ai generated image that said pray for gaza that was shared by literally EVERYONE on social media at one point and i view a couple people i know who shared it kind of differently now. like i think theyre kind of retarded now. it's very boomeresque to share an ai generated image for virtue signaling

No. 2161703

I can't deal with toxic shame, I hate how I'm my own worst enemy. Even the way I'm bitching about this is talking shit about myself. How do I get out of this

No. 2161710

Oof, I'm so sorry, that must be so stressful to deal with.

No. 2161711

What do you have to feel shame for? Or is it one of those neurotic things where you feel bad even for asking for extra ketchup at a fast food place?

No. 2161720

The internet brainrot that nearly every younger millennial and gen z person has is legitimately an issue. It’s so fucking weird that I’m technically more chronically online than even most gen zers, yet I am capable of speaking with my own and varying verbiage and having my own opinions and hobbies that don’t neatly fit into some core while they just are not, apparently. I’ve been trying so hard to make friends my age, and every time I meet someone I think I can click with we go to hang out and it’s them trying to farm me/us for content. Or they have TikTok level opinions that they express word for word in the same way, and when challenged or asked to elaborate they can’t or want to link you some video or Reddit post. And we can’t just hang out and be normal, it’s always gotta be “a vibe” and if it is, they will say nothing the whole time except about what a vibe this is, we’re in our cottage core era, hold up let me take a pic to send in 5 group chats and post on insta because we’re such girls’ girls living our brats girl summer, girlie pop! It’s always such mundane shit too. Were sitting on a park bench eating strawberries, not at the met. I’m all for romanticizing your life but somehow I don’t think this is that. God, I really wish I were exaggerating

No. 2161721

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brene brown has a book for women on it, i can't recall specifics but i think it was good!

No. 2161726

nta but thank you for the recommendation

No. 2161730

Anything under the sun. Mistakes, feelings, bad thoughts, the fact that I'm struggling with imaginary monsters, anything in my mind bothers me. Engaging with my hobbies just act as a distraction from the feeling and the voices.

Thanks nona, I'll give it a read.

No. 2161736

I actually feel pushed to put hands on this little cunt of a wee boy in my street. I live on the first floor of a three floor apartment building. There are parking spaces immediately outside and at the back space for 2 cars and where the garbage bins are kept. For reference there is a massive green space in the street large enough for football games and playing. But these kids like to play around the apartment buildings presumably so they're out of sight of their parents. But how the fuck can the parents be deaf to the fucking constant screaming. It's been every day since the schools started back at 4pm for the past two weeks and there's reprise when they fuck off for dinner but then they're back out until 10pm. Every other word is fuck. I've also heard them hitting into the cars. There's stones outside and they've taken to throwing them at each other. Paintwork on my car has been damaged. I'm about ready to go talk to their parents and ask if it would be alright if I could walk into their back garden and just scream profanities for a few hours every night? Like wtf. And the little fat ringleader is forever punching all the other kids, breaking toys and constantly screaming. Like they have a front and back garden. There's green space. Please for the love of God do people not understand even if apartments don't have gardens to fucking respect the residents. It's so fucking infuriating taking calls and then the little autists start screaming and fighting each other.

No. 2161742

What the fuck do i do with my life? Ever since i was a child i never had any dream, skill i wanted to learn or activity i really enjoyed doing. Before i was 10 years old i wondered and worried what i was going to do with my life when i grew up. The thought of being an adult terrified me because the thought of working so hard in my youth just to land an office job as the endgoal made me feel so empty and im not smart, charismatic and talented for other creative or different jobs as opposed to being an employee. Since i knew i was weird i tried my hardest in my early teenage years to curb my internet addiction and maladaptive daydreaming and even wanted to be more social but struggled because i dont mesh well with my own culture but then i fell ill with cancer and couldnt even go to school which forced into being locked up in my room all day. I finished treatment a couple of years ago but every day gets worse. I was more functional and productive when i had cancer. Ive developed OCD and my internet addiction is worse than ever to the point where doing dishes feels like hell for me mainly because i have many negative and intrusive thoughts and i don't want to be alone with my thoughts. Im in university now because my mom said i had to choose a career and study something to get ahead in life and to socialize with people and adapt to the world but i fucking DESPISE IT. I hate all the stupid shit i have to learn and whatnot. She says the society we live in you have to get a degree to get ahead i life and you will never land a job and its kinda true because my aunt has no degree and she can't get a salary higher than 500 dollars. I dread going to university and never do my homework because i don't want to be reminded of my reality, im not interested in any subjects and struggle to focus even 30 minutes to it because it makes me feel empty and like im aspiring to nothing and it makes me fucking mad why is life like this, i can't do this shit anymore, i have been suffering for so many years due to physical and mental illnesses and i have to fight these things to live the most mundane boring life ever and socialize and talk about shit i don't give a fuck about with normies and i doubt ill ever achieve anything else because im untalented, dumb and ugly.

No. 2161746

samefag PLEASE HELP i can't fucking do it anymore i watch baby videos and think about how my mother used to love me and how now im a dissapointment

No. 2161749

Damn being in my 30s without kids means every accomplishment I manage is followed up by people in my life being like "yeah but it's not like you have kids though" or "yeah that's easy if you don't have kids" or "I could have done that if I didn't have kids." Alright lol

No. 2161751

my coworkers stole my vaping spot. they all used to go out front to smoke/answer personal phone calls/ whatever else you need to get out of the office for. i started going out the back door to get away from them and vape by myself but ever since ive started going out there theyve started to go out there too. now every time i want to go out for a quick vape someone sneaks out there right before me and i end up having to wait. find your own fucking spots!!!!!!!

No. 2161757

>Wanted to change my life and get a "real job"
>Went back to college and got my bachelors as an oldfag (over 30)
>Got an office job that actually used my degree
>Decided I hated the job after 2 years; lost interest, stopped trying, got fired
>Went right back to waiting tables, which is wat I've done most of my life
And it has been great. The money is better. The social environment is much more my speed because I'm a crazy extravert and can always find people to hang out with. People who work in restaurants are funnier, nicer, less toxic, and seem actually smarter than people in office environments by far. I think I'll just wait tables until my knees give out. The problem is that my family and most of my oldfag friends hate it. They say I can "do so much better." But I really, truly do not gaf

No. 2161770

You should really lean into it and see how fast they switch up.
>Damn, yeah, having kids sounds fucking soul sucking and unambitious. Glad it’s not me.

No. 2161774

Bitchass cold set my gym progress back a week. Ugh. I just to be cured already.

No. 2161778

I've found from conversations with people and by lurking parent support groups online (when I was considering having kids) that many parents harbor jealous resentment toward their peers who are childless. The people saying this to you are either consciously or subconsciously regretful of their decision to reproduce. Enjoy your sleep and your accomplishments and don't let it get to you

No. 2161779

Eating trail mix from the vending machine in the break room is so humiliating. Dropping fucking peanuts and nuts and m&ms everywhere like a fucking pig and someone is sitting in the table next to me I want to kill myself.

No. 2161785

I lost more nuts. I think I should just die to be completely honest.

No. 2161789

My cat loves peanuts. Have to save him from stealing and choking on shells

No. 2161790

Or you could eat each individual nut and m&m one at a time slowly like a psycho, bonus points for making eye contact with the other person in the room while you do it

No. 2161794

Well I understand his peanut proclivity. But he's allowed to eat like a beast whereas I must behave like a civilized wagie. It's not fair.

No. 2161798

My only girl friend left the country. It hurts.

No. 2161802

Nta but isn't that actually healthier to do anyways? Everyone says that you should always eat such things slowly.

No. 2161807

I’m sorry nonna. I know what it’s like to be friendless.

No. 2161821

trail mix is all about combining the flavors of sweet and salty so it is customary to shovel huge handfuls into your mouth. Trail mix anon should eat it outside instead, she might make some cute squirrel friends

No. 2161828

I’m at Taco Bell and a fat old man won’t stop staring at me. I just want to eat my chicken quesadilla in peace.

No. 2161845

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I feel like I'm going nuts. My wokebro willie brother has started going on dates with trans women and goes on tirades about how "cis wamen" never put out for him and and how they are frigid. He talks about how much easier it is to talk to guy dudes and trans women and how much chemistry he has with them. I think be might be gay or bi. I just need to get a job and move out. Some of the things he says about women is so abhorrent. The worst part is, I've been forced to spend so much of my life playing caretaker to an absolute narc golden child. I wish I focused on my career and future instead of being a damaged wreck when I should have been more productive. Pushing 40 with the typical ADHD shut-in resume with $20 in my bank account sucks. My brother on the other hand built a finance career and is easily on the path to 7 figures and is 8 years younger than me. I wish I weren't mentally ill, taking in all my family's anger and feelings and being paralyzed when I should have acted, reactive when I should have kept quiet and impulsive when I should have exercised restraint.

No. 2161895

Well, he's definitely bi, if not fully gay, which is more likely. The reason he's going on tirades about hating women is that he was probably always gay, and internet brainrot has finally given him permission to be a fag, under the guise of dating trans "women." Sorry he's so annoying. He's probably already got multiple STDs.
Also you can't change the past, but you can alter your future. You should move out, even if you get a wagie job. It would be healthier for you than staying where you are. And get some distance between you and your brother. You said you were mentally ill in your post, but he seems far more mentally ill than you.

No. 2161912

I accidentally hit the wrong town when I ordered something. It just got delivered and I realized it now. I found the house and it's up for sale so I don't know if anyone lives there. Do I drive over there? Fuck.

No. 2161916

I go into random locked apartment building lobbies all the time because my order gets delivered to the wrong address. People just let me in and don’t ask why I’m there. I’ve also had something get delivered to an acquaintance’s house accidentally after I cat sat for them. It’s not that weird and most people won’t even question what you’re doing.

No. 2161917


Thread has exceeded 1200 posts and is about to be locked! Please create a new thread and post a link to it.

No. 2161918

Yea just go if it's not too far anyone. If anyone does live there, just tell them what happened.

No. 2161921

Thanks, made me feel better. I'll go over there. ♥

No. 2161924

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so I totaled my mother's newly paid off car a few months back. was borrowing it to help a friend move, fell asleep at the wheel, woke up when a junker someone had parked on the street stopped it, with my foot jammed down on the accelerator like I was trying to die. I wasn't, then, but since I've been wondering if maybe I was supposed to; life's been shit and I'm nothing but a mutilated pile of broken promises and wasted potential anyway (point and laugh at the detransing expooner, everybody! if you're entertained its continued existence has some meaning!). yeah that was me asking Sanic if I should've died in April and the "answer" made me laugh for a lot longer than it should have at least insurance paid enough that she bought herself a nice new midsize SUV and only owes three grand on it but my god I have been nothing but pain and disappointment to the woman who raised me and I know going inpatient again won't fucking help - I really should have fucking died and I don't understand why I didn't. (The how is just "modern cars are designed to save lives", which was at least fatally disappointing to the last scrap of belief in fate I had! So some part of me successfully died, there's that at least!)

No. 2161928

I am an idiot and fell for a "CLOSING SALE" on instagram. It was only $20 but I'm disappointed in myself

No. 2161931

You’ll be okay Nona! Get that package!!

No. 2161933

Textbook misogynist and homophobic gay man. He likes other men , but he’s ashamed to say so, hence why he dates troon, he wants to convince himself that he’s straight. No straight men likes dick.

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