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File: 1723509441746.gif (Spoiler Image,558.43 KB, 220x275, IMG_2180.gif)

No. 2133244

“it’s gonna be a bumpy ride” edition
>no racebait
>no infighting
>don't reply to bait
>rest of /ot/ board rules apply
>farmhands are always watching

No. 2133247

Posting these gifs should be a bannable offense

No. 2133249

This thread pic is so gross you should be ashamed of yourself BARF it's nasty and disgusting I hate it

No. 2133251

Good threadgif OP

No. 2133252

File: 1723509943795.jpg (38.17 KB, 542x543, 1615073086400.jpg)

I could have spared us this indignity

No. 2133254

Do it anyway, I'd be glad to ignore this retarded thread and post to a new one.

No. 2133262

File: 1723510533860.gif (430.61 KB, 220x111, IMG_2182.gif)

what did you say to me bbygirl

No. 2133263

this is the second vulgar threadpic in a row. i grandly prefer the American Dad motif to this

No. 2133265

another negative nancy that wants a boring black and white 1920s newspaper painting or some ugly dated shit. chill the fuck out

No. 2133267

File: 1723510645822.jpeg (123.71 KB, 338x369, IMG_2176.jpeg)

I was going to use this

No. 2133268

It really smells like zoomies and balls in here.

No. 2133269

someone use this one and I will delete this one you got 10 minutes left unless you wanna be stuck with this one lmfaoo

No. 2133270

i can't last 10 days with this hideous threadgif.

last threadpic was tastefully cheeky, this is an abomination. i am a strong anti-stantard but i can agree even a stan pic would be better here.

No. 2133272

Whoever posted this thread is a scrote holy fuck. If you're not a scrote please try to assimilate retard.

No. 2133273

Nanami is so ugly

No. 2133274

I’m dying so hard there’s literally nothing wrong with the threadpic it’s a meme kek, acting so inflammatory for no reason

No. 2133275

Last one was funny and a play on an iconic tumblr meme. This one is just lame zoomer stan twitter shit Sorry OP

No. 2133276

oh hell nah, where’s the shitpost anons because this did not meet the right crowd KEK

No. 2133277

It's a fugly scrote. Kys.

No. 2133278

no one wants to see some dude grinding up against the wall even if it is a “meme”

No. 2133279

Stop being a personalityfag

No. 2133280

File: 1723510975635.gif (2.86 MB, 640x494, IMG_1780.gif)

No. 2133281

ntayrt but there are hundreds of anons who love not only Francine but also lesbian Stan

No. 2133282

File: 1723511042394.jpg (51.52 KB, 735x727, 87d137eb148cb0a19418b61e012f84…)

Your vulgarity knows no bounds motherfucker?

No. 2133283

my unpopular opinion is that its embarrassing anons here are in many ways stuck in 2011 and reject everything because "MUHH ZOOMERS" "STAN TWITTER!" etc and pretend a lot of zoomers here are not grown women in their 20s with big girl jobs and funny jokes

No. 2133284

Can the twitterfags go

No. 2133285


No. 2133286

there aren't even hundreds of farmers who use lolcow.

No. 2133287

A fugly moid grinding against a wall isn't a funny joke it's a fugly scrote.

No. 2133288

I literally have no idea why they hate it so much, the other gif was an ugly moid as well. I think it’s some kind of concern trolling

No. 2133289

who the fuck is talking about that retard

No. 2133291

ayrt, go read the last hellweek thread, newfag. There’s roughly 8k farmers

No. 2133292

those are all my alters

No. 2133293

File: 1723511228769.jpg (3.18 MB, 4000x6000, DSC08491.jpg)

Guns are really cool. Blaming gun violence on guns existing is just a way to deflect from the real problem, moids.

No. 2133294

>I-I have no idea why users wouldn’t wanna see some twink spanking his mattress and some freak grinding against his hallway!!!

No. 2133295


No. 2133297

I bet you find it hot, don’t lie anon stop pretending you don’t go on /g/

No. 2133299

My unpopular opinion is whoever used this gif should die

No. 2133300

Somebody make a new thread

No. 2133301

Someone tell me what happened to the old user base because the older farmers wouldn’t give a shit about this threadpic

No. 2133302

You know that isn't true.

No. 2133305

Stan twitter was not a thing in 2011 you high schooler.

No. 2133308

It’s pretty true, how are you going to tell me when I’ve been there they wouldn’t give a shit

No. 2133309

Roger vibe

No. 2133310

tbf you couldn't see the other one's face and dry humping is a bit grosser than belt whipping pudding

No. 2133311

Faggots like you made them go away with your unfunny gifs you fucking liar

No. 2133312

yea my apparently unpopular opinion is if you cant handle this threadpic gif you dont belong on image boards

No. 2133313

I just feel like we can do so much better, we’re more than this!!

No. 2133314

Not true at all kek, that I know

No. 2133317

>actually believing that
wasn't that only the amount specifically during 2 weeks anyway, not for the site as a whole

No. 2133318

No we aren’t, stop lying

No. 2133319

Extremely mediocre thread pic especially compared to the last one, what the fuck were you thinking? On our lolcow matriarchy promoting mediocricity and laziness, you deserve a month long ban for this. anyways, the Momopurin being abused should become thread theme.

No. 2133323

>lolcow matriarchy
no1currs this isn’t a feminist website I just want shitposting back man, go to ovarit with that shit

No. 2133325

>This isn't a feminist website
You say that like you want to say this isn't a female only website… smells like balls in here.(scrotefoiling)

No. 2133326

nta but if you can laugh at a humping gif but can’t detect satire in someone’s tone then maybe you’re a little too autistic for us

No. 2133327

matriarchy doesn’t necessarily equal feminist, it just means matriarchy

No. 2133328

Shitposting died with dumbass shit thread

No. 2133330

tumblr humour is cringe and not funny

No. 2133331

I’d rather have every threadpic be francine than see some scrote humping shit be bumped to the top of the catalog

No. 2133332

just because I didn’t care about the satire doesn’t mean I didn’t know it was satire

No. 2133334

Based and true and I agree. Can one of yall make a new unpopular opinions thread to replace this foul shit.

No. 2133335

File: 1723513055392.gif (17.1 MB, 524x640, hatsune-miku-miku.gif)

what about his for threadpic

No. 2133337

no it didn’t, it ended when dumbass shit thread was removed. because a lot of anons love larping as the mean popular girl running some high school student council they love going around giving people the equivalent of online chastising for not having a “hall pass” and wanting everybody to be miserable. all the OGs got banned, got bored, or migrated somewhere else (4chans/kiwifarms) or just stopped posting here completely

No. 2133338

Guys we don't have to try so hard to be funny when picking a thread Pic. Sometimes it can be a nice landscape, or perhaps a beautiful wild animal, or a cute cat meme. Anything but a fugly humping scrote.

No. 2133339


No. 2133340

You are for real schizo if you think you're the only one who's been here for like 8 years kek.

No. 2133341

yayyy, do you want a cookie for wasting your life here for 8 years? you don’t have authority over shit

No. 2133342

I agree. Women should be encouraged to learn how to shoot a gun.

No. 2133343

Can you go back to baiting LSA with your faggot scrote presence please.

No. 2133345

I was here you fucking retard no need for your lowly lolcor expertise to explain how things go

No. 2133347

GIF OPs are annoying and make reading this site harder for no reason. Yes I hide them, used to be not every other regular thread was a GIF for the OP and I wish the people using them fuck off. Sites should all ban GIF avatars and let you disable autoplay. Can't imagine how shittier xitter would be with GIF avatars.

No. 2133348

no because you can’t tell anybody what to do. you’re just a regular person trying desperately to have some kind of authority over someone. not everybody is a scrote, tranny, this or that, that kind of paranoia is the kind that drives so many people away from this website

No. 2133349

File: 1723513607306.gif (2.38 MB, 640x640, mikudayo.gif)

post pics for next thread pic!

No. 2133351

File: 1723513635508.gif (1.65 MB, 240x240, lcdf-chatdufutur.gif)

No. 2133352

you’re just as insufferable as the types crying “why isn’t this here for people who can’t read or see colors and can’t hear!?” crowd. god get a fucking grip, i bet your parents are tired of you as well lol

No. 2133353

Holy fuck that scrote babble. I don't care about driving people away you faggot I care about not having my eyes assaulting by some XY genetic failure humping a wall.

No. 2133355

File: 1723513714035.gif (2.42 MB, 498x298, hatsune-miku-miku-hatsune.gif)

No. 2133356

File: 1723513721673.jpg (44.33 KB, 625x423, d4063511b3ff2b99ddd96adba30639…)

No. 2133357

File: 1723513736415.gif (1.31 MB, 148x158, lcdf-chatdufutur (1).gif)

No. 2133358

File: 1723513744741.jpeg (158.65 KB, 736x1021, IMG_6385.jpeg)

>scrote scrote scrote scrote scrote scrote scrote scrote scrote scrote scrote
You done yet?

No. 2133360

File: 1723513779370.gif (1.99 MB, 640x640, miku.gif)

No. 2133361

If jannies were smart they'd nuke this thread and start anew as it's obvious the summerfag is trying for a dumbass shit thread resurgence.

No. 2133363

Go study for 9th grade summerfag.

No. 2133364

File: 1723513982598.gif (1.33 MB, 417x498, IMG_2183.gif)

Tell me what your real problem is against dumbass shit thread, tell me

No. 2133366

I didn’t know ifunny was now twitterfag shit too kek

No. 2133367

voting for this one
but i kinda like this one too but it'll piss off the anti-gif anon

No. 2133369

File: 1723514082965.gif (733.74 KB, 220x278, girl-fight.gif)

No. 2133373

I was actually going to use that one

No. 2133374

I remember this one kek

No. 2133375

Kek I remember this

No. 2133376

Somebody used this one many threads ago and it caused an infight similar to this thread kek

No. 2133378

File: 1723514212639.gif (368.02 KB, 220x215, dustpan-hitting.gif)

they didnt get to use it actually(gif spam)

No. 2133379

unfortunately that thread got locked due to discrimination against queens

No. 2133381

I would lowkey kill myself if I ever was forced to live in a matriarchy. The amount of nagging and berating would actually kill me I would be begging to be surrounded by dirty ass men, that’s how grating and unbearable it would become.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 2133384

I guess it kind of depends on who would end up being put in power

No. 2133387

I've been nagged and berated more by men than by women tbh

No. 2133393

I feel like a lot of women like to treat women like the men they know in their lives, and it’s always in a condescending, overbearing manner. It would never work.
Males nagging and berating I never take seriously; it’s like hearing your 80-year-old grandparent rant at the television screen that wasn’t even turned on properly. I don’t take female nagging seriously either, but it’s pretending to have power over others, and it’s headache-inducing. I wish they would stop

No. 2133394

this. all the low T ass men that are in power now are more shrill than a librarian who didn’t have her morning coffee

No. 2133397

This website is cooked.

No. 2133403

I prefer baked food

No. 2133406

what's wwith all the shitty unfunny low-res gifs, did this thread get raided by twiterfags?

No. 2133408

Francine you deserve better! You deserve fancy feast!

No. 2133409

lock this disgusting thread up, this twitterfag shit is disgusting

No. 2133410

i wish you could post polls on lolcow, that way people could submit their thread pics and anons could vote for the best one

No. 2133416

Technically you can, with some poll websites you can make any poll and post it here.

No. 2133421

If I wanted to see a gross moid I would've asked OP to turn on their webcam

No. 2133422

We should all love Francine, she’s a stacey

I like this one, maybe jannies should delete this thread and someone can make a new one and start over cause it’s all fighting over non topics and shit posting

No. 2133462

There’s no point in going to Japan anymore. All the weeaboo stuff you can get there is accessible easily at the store or online now.

No. 2133464

why would you visit a country just to shop?

No. 2133471

yeah right it's not like there's any place to visit in japan, it's just a giaht shoppihg mall

No. 2133474

but i wanna go hot spring

No. 2133589

Yes please, stay home weeaboos. They're working like slaves to please you and they are tired of looking at you. Lol

No. 2133651

>They're working like slaves to please you
As they should be, my parent's employees worked real hard to earn that money.

No. 2133678

That's wrong, if you want to be a consoomer that bad there are events or collab cafes there too, and merchs that are exclusive to them. And the food in Japan in nice… unless you go to a collab cafe then it's a gamble. Your post reminded me of people going to Dubai instead, who brag that there are huge malls with brands that are present online and irl in many countries and the AC everywhere as if that could ever convince me to go there even one second.

No. 2133688

there is unparalleled coom and weebery. go to the basement melonbooks in akiba and marvel at what's legal and normal, go to an anisong bar and buy rounds for the drunk salarymen that keep requesting idolmaster songs, go to a hole-in-the-wall maid cafe and chat up the 35 yr old oldfag otaku ojousan cooking omurice in the back, go to 1 city block and visit 5 different 5-story sex shops, and go to a seedy girls bar (or host club idk) and get wasted on unlimited chuuhai.
there's tons of fun and experiences to be had.

I will agree that it's likely not worth it if you're not a total degenerate.

No. 2133694

Jesus Christ anon I just like the scenery and museums, plus it’s close to where I live…

No. 2133782

I just want to go to 7 eleven

No. 2133823

Family Mart has better food, but 7/11 is better to withdraw money without extra charges.

No. 2133826

File: 1723543783348.mp4 (62.6 KB, 232x232, haram.mp4)

i love bald miku. pic unrel

No. 2133829

Better yet, guns should be for women only as they are the only ones trustworthy unlike schitzo moids.

No. 2133839

If you live in the USA I heard they're bringing over the Japanese 7/11 foods over to the USA locations

No. 2133840

Imagine the pickmes giving their guns to their scrotes

No. 2133844

What's the point of even considering these unrealistic girl-power fantasies?

No. 2133845

Oh look it's the fantasy-hating anon again. All our thoughts must be ultrarealistic at all times.

No. 2133866

Small breasts are elegant and beautiful. I hope my fellow nonas with them do not feel insecure.

No. 2133875

Let the nonnas dream

No. 2133878

Exquisite copium

No. 2133879

I'm on the small-ish end of the titty scale and I'm glad for it tbh. I hope no nona feels insecure about their bodies in these trying times because all boobs are beautiful

No. 2133881

Miku in her #baldforbieber era

No. 2133890

This is an unpopular opinion? I have medium sized breasts but it's obvious to me that smaller ones look better. Clothes usually fit you better too.

No. 2133895

Yeah, this is true. I have breasts that are way too big for my frame and they bother me ngl. I wish I could have smaller breasts myself, I feel really confident when I wear clothes that flatten them. They must be easy to move around with, too.

No. 2133902

I got small toobie tits nonna ain’t nothing ~elegant~ about them but I like your spirit kek

No. 2133912

They’ve become more accepted in recent years, and it probably does vary by country, but medium - large breasts are still the beauty standard and always will be. In the west at least, it is much harder to find bras (of any size) that don’t have some feature intended to “enhance” the size. Even the online communities I have seen for small breasted women, rather than truly accepting and embracing it, share tips to try to make them appear bigger. It is very sad to see.

No. 2133917

I can buy Japanese food in America. I can go to hmart or a Japanese restaurant. I’ve already been to Japan, the food wasn’t that great. My state has a huge Asian population, we even have K-pop cafes here. I don’t need to go back to Japan or Korea.

No. 2133920

It's a losing game too because they do it for moids' approval and yet those retarded apes will still whine about the appearance of natural big boobs. Just embrace your natural shapes nonas it's not worth fretting about other people's opinions.

No. 2133930

If you're into things more niche than weeb stuff, it is still the best place in the world to shop. I don't get the weebs who come solely for anime stuff though. When I browsed the anime stores, it is pretty much nearly the same kind of shit you can find at home. There is more variety, sure, but you can still just buy it easily online.

No. 2133936

>Clothes usually fit you better too.
Maybe I'm too flat but that's not true in my case. The fashion industry is so messed up that you have to wear a bra or a bralette with most tops or dresses to not flash everyone and I'm so flat that bras my size don't exist at all and bralettes look like shit with most blouses and cute dresses. I wear basic tshirts and sweaters most of the time.

No. 2133943

I never went to the US so I don't know how the food there can compare to what's in Japan but I assume you'll have a lot more choices than me if you're in a big city. I'm considering visiting NYC someday and it seems like there are a shit ton of restaurants there.

No. 2133955

So we are just going to let an ugly man be the thread pic?

No. 2133969

I hate bralettes with a burning passion.

No. 2133970

File: 1723553531068.jpeg (73.56 KB, 840x600, 7ED0E61A-8A4D-40F3-8A30-8AD896…)

>I'm so flat that bras my size don't exist at all
Nona, have you tried using this size calculator? https://www.abrathatfits.org/calculator.php
The standard knowledge surrounding bra sizes is completely inaccurate, small breasts are usually all considered to be A cups, and people think that the higher the letter the bigger the size gets, but in reality it doesn’t work that way at all. In my case, I’m not completely flat, but 32A (generally smallest size in stores here) didn’t fit me right either, but I wore that size for years thinking there was no better option, until I found out that I was actually a 28D. You should definitely use the calculator and read up on this stuff if you haven’t already. I hope you will be able to find a bra size that works for you.

No. 2133984

I'm flat enough that it's considered a medical issue and public healthcare can partially pay for a boobjob if I ever decide to get one, which will never happen because I like how I look. I've been shopping for bras for 18 years in stores in different countries, tried a lot of different brands, sizes and styles and I've never found anything other than bralettes. It's not even that I have no breasts at all, they're visible but very small to the point where I had to dress like a bum for most of my life to not look like an exhibitionist.

No. 2133991

File: 1723554405138.jpg (18.32 KB, 264x57, sigh....jpg)

nta but amazing site! also its such a shame a basic necessities for women always has to be "inclusive"

No. 2134000

I get the gripe but I'd rather not see MTFs going around braless.

No. 2134008

Yeah, unfortunately the calculator was made for a subreddit, so it’s to be expected that there would be troon pandering. I guess in a way though, it shows just how wide the range for bra sizes actually is. If there are sizes that fit literal men, then it’s likely that there are suitable sizes out there for most women who have struggled to find one too.

No. 2134017

Literal men who get surgery to seem lile they have breasts, so they really don't count.

No. 2134021

I’m sure a lot of them are probably pre op and pre hrt, and just want to wear a bra to get off.

No. 2134035

Same, I just wear sports bras or bralettes now. It’s not ideal but literally no bras fit me, and ones that do fit somewhat are extremely uncomfortable and dig in where they shouldn’t or I have to keep adjusting them all day to keep my boobs in the cups. They’re literally so small that even bras with the very thin layer of padding to obscure nippies doubles/triples my tit size and makes it look like I stuffed my bra or something. I can’t even go braless because my nipple to tit ratio is fucked and the shape is so off it looks like I have tranny tits or extremely puffy nipples and no tit fat. It’s annoying.

No. 2134041

I agree completely. A lot of them end up with such weird little man tits. Before I peaked, I used to know an MTF who always insisted on showing off his freakish cone/elf-shoe boobs as they were "developing." I still shudder at the thought.

No. 2134056

>public healthcare can partially pay for a boobjob
What a stupid waste of taxpayers money

No. 2134058

Delete the thread faggot jannies(take it to /meta/)

No. 2134059

>flat enough that it's considered a medical issue
How can a flat chest be considered a medical issue, what health problem does it have? Is this related to breast feeding?

No. 2134071

Almost nobody here qualifies for it and they only pay for a few hundred euros, so patients have to argue with their private health insurance companies to get the rest paid off by them. I already got surgery once to remove a huge tumor in one of my breasts, no way I'm doing anything else if it's not necessary because recovering hurts a lot. On the other hand of your breasts are too big and fuck up your back public healthcare does the same thing, and will only pay the full amount if you wait until your back is completely ruined so they don't care too much about preventing irreversible back pain. I don't get why, it's really stupid.

No. 2134074

I don't even remember what it's called exactly but I think that's the reason why it's partially covered last time I checked. Not like getting implants in your chest will help with that. That's not what I suffered from though.

No. 2134084

As I predicted years ago, the tranny trend is now dying down and less and less people are trooning and people still being in hysterics about muh troons taking over are stuck in a 2018 mindset caused by endless doomscrolling and not going outside enough, and they constantly play into right wing conservatoid fearmongering. Tranny circles even call it "workplace detransitioning" because so many people who used to be hardcore TRA themlets in their early 20's have now grown up, graduated and entered the workforce and after realizing how stupid their obsession with gender is they decided to go back to being regular people.

No. 2134093

People in their teens and 20s are gonna be more restless and need more sleep than people in their 30s. I remember being so tired in my 20s but now I can’t even stay asleep longer than 4 hours and then I’m up bouncing around like a rabbit. Idk why people say young people have my energy.

No. 2134096

I think the fad is stronger where I live than ever, but I am in a pretty rural area that tends to be around 5-8 years behind what is trending in the bigger cities. This gives me hope it will eventually go away. I'm tired if seeing men who are women larping wearing garrish temu leggings that are practically see-thru due to the cheap materials, and with their horrible physiques and ratty wigs, it's a complete eyesore.

No. 2134101

They call large inner labia a medical issue too despite it being totally normal and common. It's literally just about male preference

No. 2134117

I live in a big city and I feel like it's growing here. Not with older people but with the younger generation. Almost every time I go to a crowded area, I'll see at least one early 20s/late teens-looking tranny. Unfortunately, I think younger people are more prone to falling for the troon brainwashing. Of course, I'm living in one of the epicentres of troon shit so this pattern likely isn't the case elsewhere.

No. 2134132

I’m guessing ayrt is millennial, gen z trooned during the pandemic. A ton of normies I went to high school with either fully trooned or became enbys/pronoun havers during 2020 and I went to an incredibly small high school grad. 2018

No. 2134139

Chilla's Art games are not that good and they're barely subversive, everyone just kisses their asses cuz they're two Japanese dudes that speak English.

No. 2134159

They only got popular because of vtubers and streamers playing. all of their games have surface level commentary on Japanese society atleast they show being a woman in japan is nightmarish they've been making games for so many years but can't fucking make a operable game without bugs.

No. 2134174

I and another anon were talking about breasts so flat that the women affected by this can't breastfeed, and women who are flat because of specific health issues like a delayed puberty caused by hormonal imbalances or whatever, it's not the same as men being degenerate and making women insecure over their healthy vulva. Although the way doctors suggest surgery is usually more related to these flat women being insecure over being flat. Now I wonder if it really works on their self-esteem because when you're that flat and you get implants I assume they won't look very natural and the skin will be stretched in an equally unnatural way? I read a book about plastic surgery recently and one of the women interviewed by the writer got surgery for that and was even more insecure than before because she couldn't stop thinking about how her new breasts were fake anyway.

No. 2134181

I would absolutely hate an irl conversation with Nonnies here.
Anonimity sometimes is a saving grace.

No. 2134191

Nona it's my unpopular opinion that we'd get along very well.

No. 2134197

When did Chilla's Art become lauded for artistry and creativity? Were they not always sloppy shitpost games that follow the exact same formula every time? When did people start taking it seriously? I'm confused.

No. 2134198

ntayrt but are you guys racist against southerners now???

No. 2134199

I would kind of love the opportunity to have a group conversation/ class discussion IRL with nonnies only kek

No. 2134204

things would get physical fast

No. 2134205

are you kidding that sounds like so much fun??

No. 2134206

We need a Lolcow boxing match

No. 2134207

At least 1/3 of the posters here are probably male, so idk we just had the Olympics controversy

No. 2134209

I've met a farmer irl she was pretty chill kek. 4channers on the other hand prove that you should always remember stereotypes when it comes to incels.

No. 2134214

I want to marry a fellow farmer, I'm not even kidding.

No. 2134215

Whenever I see ladies IRL I wonder to myself how many of them I could’ve met before on here lel

No. 2134229

I think a kind of paradoxical situation is going on where I live where it's getting worse because there's more outspoken pushback. The mentally ill gendies are digging their heels in even though nobody else likes them.

No. 2134235

I kinda give them props because their games (from what I've seen) seem to take women's issues seriously and don't sexualise the protagonists. Same goes for Puppet Combo even though some of their protagonists are retarded.

No. 2134237

I remember when channers were acting smug because "LOL OUR /POL/ MEETUP WAS SO DIVERSE ECKS DEE" as if it was a win to advertise that their white supermacist board was full of LARPing self-hating tards kek

No. 2134260

why is it unrealistic?

No. 2134266

it would never happen

No. 2134274

why not?

No. 2134278

Holy shit, I just looked up some photos and why the fuck are there asians and LATINOS KEEEEEEKKKKKKKK. And some fat chick

No. 2134280

A /pol/ meetup sounds like a coup

No. 2134282

britanny venti was there. It was hilarious.

No. 2134285

oh of course she was kek

No. 2134313

Men who sleep on their stomach and talk too much are gay.

No. 2134334

File: 1723576047789.jpeg (120.72 KB, 1200x905, IMG_7072.jpeg)

I liked the other thread pic better

No. 2134343

NO omg why does she do this to herself

No. 2134349

Sense of humor really reflects who you are as a person and I'm tired of people pretending it doesn't or that it's somehow separated from your personality or it's "just a joke", kinda like how they do the same shit with claiming being into BDSM doesn't say anything about you and it's "just a kink". Pure copium

No. 2134384

Cillian Murphy is the type of monster I'd give birth too in Medieval Bosnia after drinking throughout my pregnancy, and after the midwives saw the creature I birthed they'd immediately throw it in the fire to destroy it & report me to the local priest, and then I'd have to undergo rudimentary Alcoholics Anonymous treatments and exorcisms.

He is so unbelievably deeply ugly that it scares me. He has the Richard Ramirez and Rodney Alcala phenotype. I struggle to identify him even as human, he looks like something a child would dream up hiding beneath his bed or lurking in the closet. Or like a wax-sculpture that came to life to take revenge on its creator. Seriously I can't watch anything with Cillian in it because his face, body language, movements, and voice all creep me out to the extent that I feel nauseous. My entire body and soul is telling me "RUN" whenever I see a picture of him.

No. 2134387

civilian murphy

No. 2134394

sickening murphy

No. 2134398

My unpopular opinion is that I would bang Cillian Murphy, I guess. I also think the murderer in Texas Chainsaw Massacre is cute, though. So I think something's probably wrong with me

No. 2134399

Yeah he should be tried as a civilian and shot dead by court martial.
He is sickening. His presence is a toxic bog miasma. Being around him is liable to give you a disease.

No. 2134402

There is something wrong with you but you still have time to delete this post and pretend you're normal and live in denial which is what I'd strongly recommend.

No. 2134416

would you want to watch them have sex?

No. 2134420

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Re: what I said here

No. 2134425

I would brown eyed cillian
Blue eyed is a little spooky for me

No. 2134444

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Girl dinner.

No. 2134448

Would. Willem Dafoe also.

No. 2134457

this image explains it so well! it drives me mad how misunderstood bra sizing is.
>until I found out that I was actually a 28D
similar story. i am 30DD but absolutely do not look anything like how most people imagine D cups and it took me ages to even realise I was that size because I assumed I must be a B cup, or C at most.
as long as they're getting their bra online and not making poor female shop assistants measure their moobs in an enclosed space

No. 2134494

I would cry if I was in the same room as this thing

No. 2134706

Boob size discussions are so so childish only because who even cares about boob size anymore? It's like the one of the lowest on the totem pole in terms of attractiveness. I can imagine the only people who care are girls who have some sort of body dysmorphia issues due to crappy moids in their life

No. 2134738

robin williams was never funny

No. 2134741

Neither was Jim Carrey or Bill Murray.

No. 2134743

Men with short legs are DISGUSTING.

No. 2134744

She looks prettier with brown eyes.

No. 2134760

Women in the US develop such severe health problems and look worse on average postpartum because it's the only country where women are expected to immediately act like superwoman after birth instead of resting properly

No. 2134763

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Young Cillian was pretty fine why did he have to hit the wall at light speed?!

No. 2134765

yep. the cure for majority of postpartum problems is rest- and women in the us don’t get that.

No. 2134766

i thought this was that white jimin skinwalker dude

No. 2134771

Idk he always had that old scrote look to him

No. 2134773

I know Nietzsche was probably very autistic but I genuinely feel like he'd have stop being a huge spergy doomer if he met a woman that liked him and returned his advances and wanted to get married. Not saying Lou Salome should have said yes to his proposals because she most definitely probably had good reason KEK.

No. 2134780

oli london?

No. 2134783

same anon from before but my opinion must be REALLY unpopular because I actually don't find younger cillian attractive, only older

No. 2134787

Nah nonna its pretty clear my opinion is the unpopular one as the other nonna's have let me know here kek.

No. 2134797

Some guy said Pete Doherty would have been revered like Oscar Wilde was if he was from that time alluding to how intellectuals would spend time in opium dens. However I like Pete Doherty and I do not like Oscar wilde but I get the sentiment and agree.

No. 2134801

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i’d rather be stuck in a room with rancefag than witness an astarionfag ever again

No. 2134820

A lot of their movies did not age well humor wise either. Seeing them perpetuate the le quirky humor into old age was also cringe

I will say that JC and RW both had capabilities acting in dramatic roles which is a range that i don't think Murray has.

No. 2134835

girl e coli infection

No. 2134840

I'd rather be constipated for one month

No. 2134841

Yes. Willem Dafoe also has a big schlong

No. 2134849

The only things Isaac Kappy was right about were that some people in hollywood are abusive (this should be obvious) and that Dane Cooks girl game nights were hunting grounds for predators. Pretty much anything else he said was just outright far right satanic panic schizophrenia and I'm sick and tired of people upholding him. I hate Isaac Kappy and he probably raped women himself and went schizo out of guilt kek

No. 2134853

Samefag and I'm saying this as someone who watched a multitude of his livestreams trying to find the gold buried in the shit- he was fucking annoying

No. 2134858

The Bear is too agressive for me

No. 2134868

Seven Fishes stressed me out. Felt all too familiar I guess. Also the pacing of this show is weird.

No. 2134889

Outside of situations out of their control, I can't feel bad. I always see American moms brag about how as soon as they came home from the hospital they went to work, cleaned the entire home, chased down 5 kids and did 2 hour pilates classes, never let the baby dare cry for a single second or some stupid shit all while cursing out other moms who took care of themselves properly and wonder why they end up with heart problems at 30 and their dialastis rectis (?) doesn't heal up properly

No. 2134906

I'm not a mom so maybe I'm wrong but I never understood why mothers say they can't take showers after having a baby, is it really that bad to let it cry for five minutes?

No. 2134916

even at his current age with the dried up dehydrated raisin face?
sometimes i'll see anons say "oh i didn't get the appeal until watching clips of him" but hearing him speak, and the way his personality is made me hate him even more. even if he had a better design he's so insufferable.

No. 2134921

Yeah, and JAW has mouth breather face

No. 2134926

most american mothers i see online complain about the lack of maternal leave. idk where you got all that from. retarded pickme tradthots aren’t the majority

No. 2134950

I've seen women online get ripped apart for sitting down and eating, changing pads/bandages, etc. But at the same time they tell women they shouldn't be allowed to get help postpartum and that "shouldn't have had kids then"
it's working moms and tradthots, I've even seen anons here call women lazy/slobby for not working out starting 1 week postpartum. but can't be CF either cause that's selfish and this and that. In america every single thing you could ever possibly do as a woman is wrong and then when you point this out you get bashed anyway. idk how american women socialize when it feels like everyone actually hates you

No. 2135084

People who want tipped workers to get a living wage would simply either not consume the service or pay the tip anyway but protest against the higher ups. Consuming the workers labor and then turning around and saying "akshully me not paying is to help you" is just copium especially since they'll turn around and disrespect the workers anyway

No. 2135109

Chubby men are more mentally stable than skinny men.

No. 2135116

I'd rather marry a skinny heroin addict with 500 felonies than touch a fat male

No. 2135118

Chubby is not the same as fat

No. 2135124

I'd rather marry a skinny heroin addict with 500 felonies than touch a chubby male

No. 2135128

This is true but only because men who are skinny are usually skinny for unhealthy reasons. Like smoking a lot or being drug addicts. Or they have autism and don't eat all and play video games all day and survive off of red bulls.

No. 2135141

fat men are the worst offense. how can you be a man and be fat? they dont have hormonal swings like women do, they dont get pregnant, they dont breastfeed, they moid metabolism, they have no excuse. A fat man means he has no self control over something basic like eating and spends too much time sitting down on their computer. If the average men is a coomer, a moid staying all day in front of a screen is consuming the most disgusting porn, if not something illegal.

No. 2135145

I'd rather a man fret and be thin than eat their feelings

No. 2135183

I am willing to believe skinny fat/chubby males are more 'mentally stable' than super skeletor males but there isn't anything more unattractive than seeing your coworker buy a whole pack of lil debbie's donuts and eat them in one sitting in his car alone.

No. 2135231

Fit > chubby or skinny.

No. 2135233

almost all the current issues in the west is the slippery slope in effect. I can't feel bad especially when I know a lot of people being affected by it are all part of the slippery slope. You still see people denying issues like inflation, cost of living, lack of worker protections, etc

No. 2135243

even if a moid looks like a god if he's not mentally stable he instantly becomes a solid 2/10 by default, and I'm not even saying that to make them rethink, it's actually impossible to be sexually aroused by a moid who acts like he belongs in the mental hospital

No. 2135244

….? Ok? And people that exercise are generally going to be more mentally stable than people that don’t.

No. 2135249

depends, moids with bad genetics can work out and eat good on the reg but still act unstable, they're just defects that need to be deleted so they can't bother women

No. 2135250

they're using food to cope instead of being druggies or whatever other sins they commit.

No. 2135282

We can’t 100% blame men for why female pop and rap stars push sex so much because most scrotes don’t even listen to them. For example most scrotes don’t listen or pay attention to ice spice, Megan the stallion or Carli xcx but they still whore themselves out.

No. 2135293

We might not be able to 100% blame normie male music listeners, but we can absolutely 100% blame the male-directed record companies that promote said pop and rap stars.

No. 2135294

I think those male directors are pushing more towards women and gays. Gays and women wanna self insert as baddies who get money or whatever

No. 2135298

Oh, I stand corrected. We can 100% blame normie males for the state of female pop/rap. Thank you nonna!

No. 2135307

90% of mental issues and emotional distress can be changed with money and change of environment (including the removal of people who caused them this distress in the first place)

No. 2135312

The "moids will be shitty anyway" mindset is the same tone as "boys will be boys". Moids need to feel threatened by the fact there's men better than them, shutting down conversations on what moids are better than the others just makes them think women shouldn't put in effort into finding better cause they're all the same right?

No. 2135315

America does have extensive culture, it's just that America/Americans are seen as a "default" so people think that means there's no culture in the USA.

No. 2135318

Facts. I’m like 90% sure some of the blackpill-chans here are self-hating males projecting their own disgust with themselves onto the whole gender. Like just because you cheated on your wife doesn’t mean every male is going to, Edwin.

No. 2135324

the problem is when you try to say this, the balance of attention immediately goes fully to blaming women for the industry and trying to control them and losing sight of men's roles. men still run these companies so it's better people fixate on men.

No. 2135325

every blackpill feminist/radfem must be a male projecting then. women couldn't possibly just dislike men for valid reasons.

No. 2135326

I said some, not every. Learn nuance.

No. 2135335

I only ever see "woke" americans promoting the idea US doesn't have culture

No. 2135336

yes your scrotefoiling is vewy nuanced

No. 2135339

If this was the case they'd just join in on scenarios of moids being shitty to circlejerk about how crappy moids are, not shut down conversations comparing and contrasting moids, but it seems like perfect opportunities to bash moids en masse get buried here but when we're actively making moids insecure that's the conversations anons want to shut down with "teehee they're all bad anyway don't try to find chad"

No. 2135345

i'm not a part of that infight and thought you meant something else. imo i think looking for a good nigel is unnecessary, so i wouldn't care.

No. 2135350

>America/Americans are seen as a "default"
only by americans kek

No. 2135359

What I said applies to them too.

No. 2135378

>blackpill chans are self-hating males
Why would self-hating men tell you to stop having sex with them? Explain all of these men out here then kek. Even the most self-hating ones are addicted to porn, no man even the ones who proclaim to be “feminist” would ever reject the idea of sex. This logic makes zero sense, you can be a woman and not want some nasty dick inside of you and reject the psyop from other women desperately trying to make these dick worship rituals seem normal because it’s not and it never will be. Choke on that cope like you love to choke on chodes
I disagree, acknowledging that men are inherently shitty makes it easier to detach from them because teaching them to override their instincts doesn’t work.

No. 2135383

Because then they can blame their own bad behavior on women for trusting them in the first place instead of bothering to be better. I personally know for a fact that a guy I used to know still lurks and posts here. Occasionally I recognize his posting style and thought process. It’s not that hard to believe.

No. 2135384

They don’t care about being better and they don’t want to, what are you not understanding? Straight women… what is going on with you lately?

No. 2135392

This is such a dangerous mindset to promote. It can apply in situations where the woman genuinely knows better and has the resources to leave, but people forget how easily influenced social norms are especially if it means putting women down. I see people going out of their way to blame actual children for being raped by adult men because "she should've just got out". People really need to grasp that any sort of behavior that is even slightly misogynistic people will grab onto hard into it destroys women

No. 2135395

Exactly, that’s…literally what I’m saying. Look, most men know that most men are trash. But the ones that aren’t complete trash make the especially trashy ones seethe and feel insecure. It’s easier for them to say “no, those guys are all just as shitty as me deep down!” because then they don’t have to think about their own shittiness. Or they think that being aware of their own shittiness makes them better somehow than the guys that don’t hate themselves. We will cover more moid psychology in next week’s class.

No. 2135396

It's not implying "boys will be boys" but acnowledging the reality of men. A lot of women assume men think, feel and act like they do and project their humanity onto them, giving away their nuance, empathy and kindness when men NEVER do the same in return and even if they try they it will always be less than what you give them.

No. 2135399

victim-blaming can get to nuclear levels of retardation. but i don't think it's a bad thing to tell women to be more aware of how they can prevent putting themselves in danger. in my case, having a more cautious mindset is beneficial, like i actually want this to be encouraged instead of recklessness. or by pointing out how women also enable misogyny by being pickmes/promoting ideas like sex positivity, because women do actually participate in this.

No. 2135401

No, all men are trash, there are no good ones unless they are dead, there are only ones who haven’t been found out yet or hide their behavior behind a golden retriever mask. Men sometimes tell you the truth and that is their truth, they know something about other men that we don’t and we should pay attention to it because it’s exactly what I said, a man is only good before he’s found out.

No. 2135403

Unfortunately that's the reality we live in nowadays. If you're a woman it almost feels like a crime to be an abuse victim but almost nothing is said about the abuser, and it's even worse since they don't get punished most of the time either. If it was up to me I'd happily give a handful of abuse victims who are in that situation by being stupid a free pass than turning the entire world making any sort of conversation about women and girls being abused about how it was actually the woman that was stupid and bad

No. 2135404

Nothing is faggier than a big hulky roided muscle man who’s trying as hard as he can to look manly. Hulk Hogan is closeted

No. 2135407

Social norms can only go so far, women know how dangerous and difficult it is to coexist with men but they still feel obligated to be in relationships with them and birth their children out of the fear of what they can do with their dicks. When you start tackling about what type of coercive fear this is (heteronormativity, PIV, rape, casual sex) you’re met with backlash from these women who definitely know what you’re talking about but for some reason trying to do a subversion on you and claim you’re the really scrote-brain for pointing out their hypocrisy. They’re almost too afraid to admit they trade their safety and individuality for the piece of cookie crumbs men throw at them which is mainly money, jobs, a marriage that thwarts off her abusive family from knowing she’s really a lesbian.

No. 2135409

And what will turning every single conversation pertaining to a man abusing woman about how stupid the woman was being accomplish? Silencing women? Letting people turn the blind eye to the abuser ? Bravo I guess

No. 2135410

I think both are retarded, don’t walk into a situation where you know men can’t be trusted/don’t let your children be in situations where they can be preyed upon.

No. 2135412

>a marriage that thwarts off her abusive family from knowing she’s really a lesbian
That’s uh…really specific nonnie. Do you have a story for us?

No. 2135416

The reason idgaf is because I can't cosign that men are allowed to make mistakes in their judgement with a "shitty" woman, but if a woman makes a mistake in that judgement (and usually these women are not even truly women, but often are barely teenagers or 18), suddenly she should have known how the world operates by 18 or whatever. I am not advocating that women not be careful in who they select, but I think it is crazy to blame women instead of questioning why a man gets away with whatever he did. Women are raised way more in sheltered environments by their parents. We can't forcibly remove such women from their environments (which often reinforce pickme attitudes and the idea that men will save them and are "good", etc.), so why response with a "choose better" mindset when clearly they would have if they had those tools?

No. 2135418

I mean women aren’t robots or automatons, they have to address their part in enabling men eventually. It’s also not silencing them or turning a blind eye to their abuser it’s actually having them focus more on why they want to be surrounded and give sexual pleasure to their abusers and oppressors which is men. A lot of women are too afraid of being left to be uncomfortable but what would you rather have: an uncomfortable conversation with another woman/parent to stop her from making the same mistakes or be in an uncomfortable situation where a man will certainly victimize you?

No. 2135420

>a handful of abuse victims who are in that situation by being stupid a free pass
this could've been prevented by being educated and cautious though. which is more helpful than just ignoring this possibility and not mentioning it ever (that you can prevent yourself from being put in dangerous situations).

No. 2135426

No kekkk it was just an example but I’m sure that happens, a lot of these women jump from shitty households to these unequal marriages and relationships because they mirror the same toxicity.

No. 2135427

i wish we could infight about dumb shit

No. 2135430

Obviously yeah, but this mindset has lead to all sorts of disgusting behavior from moids. Once it became normalized to victim shame for any reason at all it shouldn't have been a surprise it immediately got taken up by perverts, rapists, etc trying to shut victims up

No. 2135432

yea but the women itt are none of those things. i wouldn't listen to a rapist trying to shut victims up, the way they talk about it isn't even similar to anon's message. again it's a good thing to be cautious and wary of moids. it depends on if it's coming from women or men i think, the intentions are entirely different.

No. 2135433

That's not what victim shaming ended up accomplishing though. Even women who left are being shamed now. Hell even on the lolcow PINK PILL thread y'all shamed a thirdie in an arranged marriage who got beaten by her husband until she miscarried for being stupid. If you can't discuss how victims can avoid abuse without somehow shitting on women more than ever spending a second on what the man did wrong don't even bother, you're just giving shitty men exactly what they want. Hell they even say it themselves "why did you stay with me then"

No. 2135434

now you're just grouping different people together and ignoring what that anon is really saying.

No. 2135435

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futa is troon shit and posters who say it isnt are coombrained troonoids or handmaidens

No. 2135436

Educating women on how to avoid abusive relationship=\= spending every last bit of your mental energy sperging out about women who've been abused, including those in hostage situations, were children when it happened, etc. the Alice Leilani thread is a good example of this, she's a cow yes but she left a bad relationship and anons actually fucking hate her more for being abused at some point in her life than her abuser

No. 2135438

this but what if
>one thread dedicated to infighting once a year
>call it the Thunderdome
>let it run for 2 weeks
>the entire threat is non stop retard tier infights, baiting, and arguments
>the nona who argued the most gets permabanned
>wins her freedom from lolcow

No. 2135439

I think anon is ignoring what I'm saying, normalizing publicly blasting victims and making all conversations about what the victims did wrong just makes it more socially acceptable to allow disgusting levels of victim shaming. If you want to educate women to avoid abuse you'd do so privately, not create a literal stigma around being abused more so than being an abuser

No. 2135440

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No. 2135443

huh? i have nothing to do with that.

No. 2135446

like i said victim-blaming can get really retarded. that doesn't mean you need to shutdown every conversation advising caution because it might be from someone that hates victims.

No. 2135450

My point is that victim shaming created a slippery slope, even if you had good intentions by "educating women" the only thing it ended up accomplishing was creating a hate boner against battered women. Normalizing any behavior like that just creates a leeway for misogynistic people and abusers trying to shut victims up. That's exactly what ended up happening

No. 2135454

i am not responsible for the hate boner against women, actually. this response >>2135436 even acknowledges that you CAN educate women from ending up into abusive relationships. like you said, if they come from sheltered environments from pickmes, how are they supposed to know better? these conversations shouldn't be shut down. so you are confusing that with being derogatory towards victims like moids in a youtube comment section.

No. 2135458

before we go any further - are you understanding what I am saying by victim shaming creating a slippery slope?

No. 2135459

i can see how it's negative in the mainstream and how it can be co-opted by rapists.

No. 2135460

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I walk a lonely cock sucking road, the only non cock sucking road that I’ve ever known(off-topic)

No. 2135463

and that's the issue, the obsession with victim shaming, especially publically just created a social acceptance for rapists and abusers to shame and silence their victims. If you want to educate women you need to find better ways than creating a train for abusers to jump on with you

No. 2135469

it depends on the people. in small conversations it's more manageable, i'm not trying to start a movement. for me if i'm being derogatory moreso directed towards women that did know better but still put themselves in shitty situations (which i know of actual radfems that do casual sex with garbage-tier males. they claim to believe in misandry but still fall for sex-positivity anyway. the sex positivity movement got co-opted by male "feminists" but i still think the original meaning is trash).

No. 2135472

only ONCE a year???

No. 2135475

I don’t get why lasik surgery is a thing and why people want to get it even despite the risks. If you have bad eyesight that can be (somewhat) remedied with glasses, what the fuck is your problem. Wearing glasses is really that too much of an inconvenience?

No. 2135477

We need more great thinkers like you in the world.

No. 2135482

personally its way better to either not victim shame or educate women on abuse privately than the situation that we've created of abusive men hopping on your ideas

No. 2135486

but i want people to be exposed to these ideas. it has been actually helpful for me to be reminded that i can just choose not to do some things at all. i think BPers are more frustrated with pickmes than actual rape victims.

No. 2135487

I'd prefer a seasonally smackdown but overall I like the idea. I have some much infighting in me

No. 2135488

women get upset hearing that all men are shit because they plan on giving birth to a moid or dating one. They try to paint it as victim blaming but the truth is they know if they admit this reality to themselves they can’t fuck scrotes anymore with a Good conscience.

No. 2135492

No. 2135495

Some women are heterosexual, Carol.

No. 2135496

I feel like they wanna keep living under the delusion that “I can’t believe this man cheated on me or abused me because there are good men out there, I was just unlucky and didn’t know!”. If they really accepted the reality that all men are bad they’d have to move through life totally differently.

No. 2135497

you'd rather abusive men and their handmaidens scream their damn heads off at victims, children, women in forced marriages, etc to "expose women to the ideas" than simply just educating women privately? you have your priorities extremely off anon

No. 2135500

abusive men would like to thank you for shutting their victims up

No. 2135501

I am a mom and I don’t understand how there are so many women who procreate with a man who doesn’t wanna sit down and cuddle with his baby for an hour while mother showers. What do you fucking mean your husband doesn’t want to hold his offspring? What do you mean he doesn’t want to feed him for a while? What do you mean he doesn’t want to take care of his child? How the fuck do you even get into that situation? I’m sorry if this comes off as aggressive or judgmental but I just find it insane how that even occurs

No. 2135503

Telling you that all men are abusive isn’t shutting you up, that’s telling you reality. If you need sex with scrotes that bad just make it a casual fwb thing with no serious attachments, you don’t need to have their sons and move them in your home

No. 2135504

Is your husband unemployed? even if your husband does childcare the minute he comes home to the minute he leaves for work again, it's still survival mode for women within the hours he is at work

No. 2135507

not all women are lolcow pinkpilled anon or chronically online, that doesn't mean they deserve to be abused

No. 2135508

My husband owns his own business so I guess thats what the real issue is…there’s young ladies marrying miserable wage slaves who take out their self-hatred at their lack of success on their wife and kids kek

No. 2135509

One of the reasons why women always end up being harmed no matter if they "victim blame" or "dont listen to other women" is that many women are ultra moralfags and always want to do the "right thing" meanwhile moids dont care about being morally consistent and do what benefits even if they harm somebody else in the process.

We should focus on deprograming women of being martyrs and thinking of empathy as a virtue. Empathy is not a virtue, it is an ability one has like being able to see with your eyes and a tool to understand contexts. There is a difference between having empathy and acting on said empathy. Kindness you could say is a virtue, however the belief that "it doesnt cost you to be kind" is a lie women are psyoped into from a young age and escalates onto adulthood. Emotional labour and taking away focus from yourself especially when you are demographic who is being attacked definitely has a price. Women romanticize the idea of being a martyr in hopes of their kindness being reciprocated in the form of praise, empathy, nuance or love but it never happens because they themselves downplay their own and other women's efforts and men are parasites and they will always give less and even nothing in return than what you give them. Women project their own thought process, feelings, virtues and humanity onto men and expect them to do the same but it never happens. Women still hold on to proclaiming feminism is for the equality of both sexes, but men dont want to be equal. It's hard for women to hate men because from a young age she has been programmed to put others needs, feelings and desires above hers and at the same time shame other women for diverting from the program.

Women are gaslighted and sent to therapy so they can be sedated for rightfully turning out crazy. If there is anyone that has a right to externalize their problems, its women because their problems ARE external. Women cheat? wdgaf men kill women for less. Women steal? it was funny. Women say something problematic? its her opinion, separate the art from the artist. Your workplace wrongs you? bomb the place. Anytime a woman does something problematic bury it, ignore it and support women unconditionally unless it harms women and benefits scrotes.

No. 2135510

Telling you that all men are abusive is not telling you that you deserve to be abused. If I told you that if you shot yourself in the head with a gun, that you’d die, that doesn’t mean I’m telling you deserve to die….thats me telling a fact that shooting yourself in the head will mostly lead to death.

No. 2135513

business owners typically work even more hours than a normal wage slave anon, and even then I'm 100% positive you have loads of behaviors chronic mom-shamers would attempt to hang you for. we're all on the same boat

No. 2135515

if we did it more, it'd normalize infighting too. once a year is ideal to keep the hardcore fighting at bay while still not harboring infighting as a positive thing

No. 2135516

you can't possibly be comparing women who haven't developed the pink pill mindset ending up getting abused to actually shooting yourself, seriously?

No. 2135521

Imagine being attracted to your oppressors and then get surprised when they do you wrong kek

No. 2135522

anyway my unpopular opinion is that suicide isn’t inherently a bad idea across the board. Some people really would be better off dead, both for their own sake and the sake of the people around them. Mostly moids. Never try to talk a moid out of suicide.

No. 2135526

that depends on what kind of business he owns though. restaurant or store owner? oh yeah, he may as well be a wagie too

No. 2135527

I’m personally glad there were women who told me that most/all men were shit. I dropped the delusions of finding a handsome man who will take care of me and got a good job and my own shit. Just because you crumble down on the ground crying because someone told you that all men are abusive, doesn’t mean all women will react that way. My world isn’t going to end just because someone told me my prince charming doesn’t exist. You’re not gonna find a scrote to love you and treat you right and that’s ok.

No. 2135531

why can't we have a healthy mindset regarding this at all? Why is showing mercy and sympathy for women who fall victim of scrotes suddenly bad?

No. 2135534

financial businesses, firms, offices, blue collar businesses all require loads of work. This smells like a LARP

No. 2135536

it's the truth, men dont love women and never have. In the animal kingdom the females just have sex with the males and raise the offspring with other women. Men are ugly and emotionally deformed, women lose more from a relationship than gain from it, opposite is true for men.

No. 2135537

Just because I say all men are shit doesn’t mean I’m saying women in abusive relationships deserve to no sympathy. You probably take offense to this and are projecting because you plan on marrying or having sons one day and you think I’m saying you deserve to be abused by risking being with scrotes. You would prefer to live in lala land and pretend you are just unlucky because that would mean giving up dick and marriage.

No. 2135538

i meant what i'm talking about specifically. i already explained why it's different

No. 2135539

Quality post drowned in a sea of shit

No. 2135540

LARP of what exactly…hundreds upon millions of business owners are able to oversee their employees from afar, which includes working from home. I guarantee your husband can hold his baby while sitting at his desk kek. If for some reason he doesn’t want to, then oh well! You got knocked up by the wrong dude!

No. 2135541

>Never try to talk a moid out of suicide.
Some of them are stupid or violent enough that they try to injure, traumatize or kill others while killing themselves. Like the pilot who caused a plane crash with hundreds of passengers onboard just because muh depression. And the people who throw themselves in front of subways or trains and ruin everything for everyone involved and yes it's personal, fuck them, at least die on the spot or don't do it at all so I can go home after work asap instead of making all of us stuck somewhere else for hours.

No. 2135542

>assuming a bunch of stuff about me (that isn't even true mind you)
>continuing to insist your husband has a magical business where he can just never work and take care of your crotch goblin and that we're all just stupid idiots for not doing the same

this reminds me of those tiktok arguments where a crappy bootlicker kept insisting the other person was x y and z, when in reality the person they accused of doing such was actually the successful one and they ended up being the lying low life

No. 2135543

File: 1723657257280.jpeg (28.94 KB, 500x500, 05f004a4-7be2-4fa4-a967-a29c44…)

thank you nonna

No. 2135544

what about e-thots that genuinely just make misogyny worse

No. 2135545

thats the monkeys paw, you "educate women on abuse" but abusive men ended up taking your own words to shut their victims up. find a better methods

No. 2135546

e thots are typically the first people to start victim shaming kek

No. 2135547

dont support their thottery but defend them if harmed by a scrote

No. 2135548

Nta but I hate ethots, they only perpetuate scrotism

No. 2135549

you're ignoring how these conversations can also help women, that is a benefit vs. that possible con.

No. 2135551

e-thots are the women that i hate, and the mindset of sex positivity, not rape victims.

No. 2135552

then have them 1 on 1 privately, cause I'm sick of seeing women expose their abusers, leaving, etc and every single reply was bashing the ever loving shit out of the victim

No. 2135553

Not telling women these things also leads them to believe men aren’t inherently evil, they think they’re just unlucky and need to keep falling for the same tricks until Prince Charming comes.

No. 2135554

i really think it depends on the context. can you actually compare this conversation to what you just described?

No. 2135555

did you read the post i made? what the hell about “your husband can sit at his computer and work while holding his own baby” sounded like “MY HUSBAND NEVER WVER WORKS!!!!!!!!”?
If my husband didn’t work that wouldn’t be something to brag about kek. I think you just have a difficult time reading context clues, which I’ve found to be a rampant issue with all the summerfags

No. 2135557

but if a woman makes a post saying "hey this man abused me" and then every single comment is just "wow you're so stupid for not doing so sooner, you should just shut up about it you stupid evil woman!" what exactly did you accomplish? how will women expose abusive men if you just humilate them for facing such in the first place?

No. 2135558

Nta but why can’t we say all men are shit publicly so women who haven’t gotten into abusive relationships can avoid them?

No. 2135559

if you think a woman is being abused have a private conversation with her, make posts about red flags, there's way better ways to introduce this sort of subject that are 100% more effective than going out of your way to shut down and humilate victims

No. 2135560

NTAYRT but 5555, that must mean she’s truthing nonnerss

No. 2135561


No. 2135562

I hate when women in abusive relationships or have been abused in the past say “it could happen to anyone”. Naw that could never happen to me.

No. 2135564

because people who know business owners/their spouses are typically eager to explain what they do, how hard they work, etc not "uhhh a mysterious businesss… that he can multi-task at, get good idiot!"

anyway my point still stands, I'd bet actual money there's a laundry list of crap you do that would get you ripped apart online like every other mom out there. you're not better, you should know as a mom there will always, always be hundreds of people telling you every single thing you do is wrong, no clue why you'd want to make this even WORSE as if it won't bite you on the ass as well

No. 2135565

And she’s right too ngl. Summerfags love to read half of a post and then get angry about the 2 sentences they read because they can’t accept the reality that maybe you shouldn’t fuck deadbeat losers who ignore you and his own baby to go make pizza or work at the dollar tree

No. 2135566

you can, just don't target actual victims and try to make women feel like they did something wrong for ever being abused in the first place

No. 2135568

Stop victim blaming. You cant just, like, expect them to avoid scrotes forever

No. 2135569

no1curr about your bait

No. 2135570

ok nta but
> muhhh mystery business
it’s not really encouraged to doxx where your loved ones work on here, anon. learn2integrate

No. 2135571

omfg naming what field you're in isn't gonna get you doxed. this is the first sign someone is bullshitting when they claim closing gaps "will get them doxxed"

No. 2135573

I’m not victim blaming, I’m just saying it could never happen to me and I’m saying this as someone with a bf.

No. 2135575

basically the "right way for women" on lolcow is
>avoid scrotes forever
>but if you do he must have a very specific business, do this exact thing, and nothing less and if you don't do that you might as well fucked an actual hobo
>don't get abused, even as a child or else it's your fault
>and don't get mad if I say it's your fault. because that means you're not allowing me to educate women

No. 2135578

Nta, you don’t have to avoid scrotes but if you love sex that much and just can’t say no to cock, so not have their children, do not move them into your home, have your own money and learn what love bombing is

No. 2135579

you realize if your bf comes out the woodwork and hits you, even if you leave right then and there the resident victim shamers and system you're encouraging will blame you and tell you it's your fault, right? I'm shocked some of you are still trying to encourage this, look at what happened to lauren southern, this sort of mindset will bring karma to you

No. 2135580

You are all incredibly retarded. read >>2135509

For women to get support if they are abused, we need to:

1. deprogram women out being kind and empathetic by default. Make them put their needs first
2. Everytime something bad happens to a woman, shift the blame on the scrote and drop a insightful pinkpill along the way without any mention on what the woman did
3. dont moralfag over women

No. 2135581

> anyway my point still stands, I'd bet actual money there's a laundry list of crap you do that would get you ripped apart online like every other mom out there. you're not better, you should know as a mom there will always, always be hundreds of people telling you every single thing you do is wrong, no clue why you'd want to make this even WORSE as if it won't bite you on the ass as well

What does this rage mean? I never claimed that I was somehow “better” because my husband takes care of his children. And I don’t really understand what I would get ripped apart online for…for having a good, harmonious relationship with the father of my children? Is that what you’re referring to? Also, what would bite me in the ass? Having a good father and husband to my kids who lets me shower and feed myself instead of leaving me to flounder? I really am not understanding this reaction at all.

No. 2135582

I don’t consider getting hit once and leaving being in abusive relationship. To me being in an abusive relationship is getting beat over and over again and staying.

No. 2135584

the original post was referring to how mothers specifically get shamed for everything they do and you replied by shaming women who aren't lucky enough to have people around helping? great job I guess

No. 2135585

ayrt, but why does it matter though kek? anons don’t need to tell you their life story in hopes that you’ll believe them and give them your approval. keep seething kekkk

No. 2135586

yet thats exactly whats happening and you can thank the normalization of victim shaming for that. I've seen women in those exact situations get screamed at for "not seeing the red flags sooner"

No. 2135587

none of you gaf about about solving the problem you just want to infight

No. 2135588

Oh no; that’s not what I said. I did not “shame women for not having help”. I asked the question, how do you have children with a man who doesn’t want them in the first place? How are you careless enough to put yourself in that situation?

No. 2135590

What solves the problem is not shacking up with loser men, which apparently is precisely what almost every hetero anon here loves to do! KEK

No. 2135592

because "successful" anons have a long history of lying? especially for the purpose of putting down women? if someone has such a great life and giving out amazing fool proof advice wouldn't you want to make sure they're honest first ? thats like internet safety 101

No. 2135593

There are rarely ever no red flags with scrotes. Men are so narcissistic that they can’t not show any red flags at all because they’re not self aware enough to hide them.

No. 2135597

who knows? but at the same time you're no better. if your "business" fails, your husband gets injured or cancer you're going to be on the exact same floor as all the women you're judging for not having help. Life is never 100% guarantee, the least we can do is help out and allow other women safe places for vents and discussions, especially in the time we're living in where mothers mental health are at an all time low thanks to the "everything you do is wrong" thing pushed by the internet

No. 2135599

For women to recognize and reject loser men they need deprogram themselves from being empathetic and kind as a default in women, and to peak about moids true behaviour. And even then "loser moids" is all moids. There are no good men, and the least bad ones are nowhere near as good as the average woman.

No. 2135600

this has got to be bait at this point

No. 2135602

my point exactly

No. 2135603

> if someone has such a great life and giving out amazing fool proof advice wouldn't you want to make sure they're honest first ? thats like internet safety 101
ayrt and no not really cause even if she did share what field her nigey works what effect would that have on the truth of her statement….?

No. 2135604

Based. If only they just stopped fucking them and stopped birthing them, all of their problems would actually be solved it’s crazy. That’s the real accountability women should be taking, take accountable of their futures and stop fucking them.

No. 2135606

because it's easy to catch people in lies when they're inconsistent, that's literally how we called out shitty house anon with her BS

No. 2135610

Well that sure is a fun fantasy nonna but I’m not particularly worried, walking around full of anxiety that some television style disaster is gonna occur just isn’t reality.

No. 2135611

ayrt, but there’s not really much to be inconsistent about cause all she said was he works from home and can watch his kids too

No. 2135612

i also dont care if humanity ends nonna, but most women are hetero unfortunately

No. 2135613

it's the fact that you keep gearing the discussion towards your situation even when that wasn't what other anons are talking about. Also samefagging

No. 2135614

>i also dont care if humanity ends nonna
Real. Female heterosexuality is compulsory.

No. 2135616

Samefagging is when you respond to your own post

No. 2135618

No. 2135619

Nta but I know women love their scrotes so what I do instead of flat out telling them they can’t have dick anymore, I try to give them harm reduction, much like what we do with crack heads! Instead of telling them no crack we give them clean needles etc. I think good harm reduction for women is having your own car and home, having your own money, not getting into relationships with men older than you by 2 years,, not having kids with scrotes(if you must have kids get a surrogate), get a gun. With all that you can still have all the dick your heart desires but it won’t completely fuck your life up.

No. 2135620

ntayrt but come on anon you’re embarrassing yourself now

No. 2135624

it's more about the pattern of bait she has. I guess thats the issue when I'm a chronic internet fighter. I've exposed multiple people for lying and it's the same thing, leaving out key details (like it's very rare for business owners to be able to work so little, especially excluisvely from home), and then claiming something extreme will happen if they're asked to clarify, accusing others of extremely bad situations for questioning them, trying to make other conversations happening in the thread about them, samefagging/clearly posting from multiple accounts "about how right they are", etc

No. 2135626

This makes sense because sperm starts to die/become unhealthy around 30-33. More chances of having retard babies.

No. 2135628

ayrt, but how can you expose someone who’s anonymous though? that part isn’t making any sense to me

No. 2135630

File: 1723659406298.jpeg (Spoiler Image,36.07 KB, 370x333, IMG_2189.jpeg)

These are the same anons calling you scrote-brained for telling them to abstain from sex with men.(baiting/derailing)

No. 2135631

I'm referring to fights I get into online, it's the same fucking pattern each time. I'm almost convinced it's either the same retard trying to get people addicted to the internet or similarly programmed bots

No. 2135632

oh my god

No. 2135633

whos this? and why?

No. 2135634

wait anon, so, you think you get into an internet argument with the same anonymous user every time? just to clarify sorry i’m a little retarded

No. 2135637

It's a fujo selfpost from the fujo thread

No. 2135638

Aw nonny you didn’t need to remind us of this

No. 2135639

not once but this has been going on for literal years and years, different subjects (but typically revolving around shaming women). You can bash me for being ~a loser~ sure but I've gotten into at least 50+ arguments where this same exact pattern happened and almost every single time the person ended up lying, especially if it's a "woman" and it ended up being a scrote

No. 2135641

Anon self-posting about her drunken sex encounter.

No. 2135644

why did this make me almost dieee KEK
a fat ugly beast who thinks it’s great to be a penis incubator
no fuck her and fuck these nigel lovers

No. 2135645

Nigel worshippers being built like that makes so much sense now

No. 2135649

NTA but actually that’s what women who have sex with random scrotes look like, that post was from a fujo who admitted to having drunk sex with some creep. Sorry I had to repost cause I realized I was using the term nigel wrong.

No. 2135662

>fujo thread
who would have guessed our resident shotacon edgelords are morbidly obese attention whores kekkk

No. 2135663

>Me when I take my cheesestick that’s been marinating in my lunchbox in my hot car and I take it out
that body tho

No. 2135669

Link to the thread? I'm curious now kek

No. 2135670

the way it’s just spilling out of the lingerie like one of those commercial sized canadian bags of milk wrapped in a teddy. unfortunate.

No. 2135677

Just look up the post number >>1974371

No. 2135678

kekkk. every time I infight I just close my eyes and imagine “yes, this is what the retarded bitch on the other side of the screen looks like and her ugly nigel probably doesn’t even look all that better too” and it calms me down

No. 2135680

No. 2135682

it looks like that specific anon didn’t even have a nigel kek, which makes it even grosser LMAOO she wrote in her post

> drunk af let random man lick puss n ass hwhe i was pass out n snoring he sen video lol still fj kex fucked h chming back @ 10 (2 hr) 2 fucm ass rAw n make m scream!!!!!

She definitely has the herps

No. 2135683

That landwhale didn’t post herself in the fujo thread

No. 2135685

The anons who spend hours here defending sex with scrotes all look like that

No. 2135687

Nta but it looks like that specific posts was in Confessions, but I assume she possibly could’ve been feeling a little too confident that night after getting random sex and posted it in several threads which could be why multiple anons remember seeing it in Fujos too

No. 2135690

Sex is embarrassing I don't know how you people live with yourselves after you do something so disgusting and lame.

No. 2135693

She posted there too but the whole post got deleted by /m/ mods instead of just the picture, I always have my favorite threads open in tabs so I saw it

No. 2135694

File: 1723661230022.jpeg (98.5 KB, 736x998, IMG_2192.jpeg)

High schooler behavior just typing shit out like a 2011 livejournal emo pretending he’s going to slice some barcode lines on his arm KEK
This is why women who don’t have sex with men should invest in looking healthier and better than nigel fuckers

No. 2135695

im sorry nonna

No. 2135697

I bet it’s the pissfag, she loves ugly and fat scrotes like herself plus she’s jealous rancefag isn’t as fat as her

No. 2135700

Hate to disappoint you nonners

No. 2135704

Nigel = boyfriend/husband in LC slang. I recommend using the term Scrote in this specific fujofattychan Soap Opera kek

No. 2135707

breastfeeding hospital anon will always be my fav nude meltdown

No. 2135731

nigel isnt meant to be an endearing term. It came from radfem sites and its meant something similar to NLOG. It was used to describe users who thought theyr bfs/husbands/male family memebers were ''the good men''.

No. 2135737

Ohh ok, I guess that’s what I mean then, the better word would still be scrote because this anon wasn’t claiming she was getting drunk sloppy sex from a “good man” kek

No. 2135743

Nope, it still applies. Nigelfags look as fat and sloppy as her

No. 2135752

it’s always “support other women” “be nice to other women” until they’re fat as this thread shows

No. 2135755

I don’t really see gluttony and sloth as being 2 defensible traits to withhold

No. 2135757

it's just some samefag obsessed with drunk anon for some reason. can't even hide the same wording/type style

No. 2135760

nta but could i maybe have example of the words she uses and her typing style cause i failed the Police Academy and my detective skills are bullshit KEKK

No. 2135766

I don’t hate fat women, but you should probably be prepared to be scorned if you post your nudes on here bragging about being a cumdump for scrotes while looking like a whale kek.

No. 2135767

Are you fat or something? Goddamn bitch hop on that treadmill and work it off, stop whining about it already

No. 2135768

just the weird obsession with her and nigels, capitalization and grammar style, capitalizing acronyms and overexaggerating the humor aspect

No. 2135769

Yup, both skinny and fat moids look disgusting to me. Like ew, how does anyone touch those things?

No. 2135772

Why do some many anons think you’re going to be coddled here? This is the wild west nobody cares about you or is your friend here, stop taking this site so damn seriously and go fucking lose some weight.

No. 2135774

nta but something to keep in the back of your mind when scrolling LC is that many anons mirror each other/loosely mimic other users in an attempt to ‘fit in’ on an imageboard of all places

No. 2135778

So basically the typing style for the entirety of this website? KEK

No. 2135781

>over exaggerating the humor aspect
I hate when anons are too serious and expect Walter Kronkite 60 minutes style conversations between users we’re on an imageboard we’re allowed to act retarded here kek

No. 2135782

Because this is a technically a site for women, they have the subconcious expectations of being spoken to with kindness and soft words at all times and lash out when they dont get what they demand of women. It's not just men who demand emotional support at all costs from women, other women do it too.

No. 2135786

I’d love a storytime on how she got that fat to begin with. You’d have to not work out /barely move and eat like 4,000 calories a day for 3 years. How is that even physically possible?

No. 2135791

File: 1723663326950.png (466.21 KB, 1015x811, 1718359472197.png)

>we’re allowed to act retarded here
I thought that was banned with my beloved dumb-ass shit thread…

No. 2135794

Sometimes I forget that she died

No. 2135796

Maybe because this thread has just replaced it

No. 2135804

Literally this all the way, it’s so tiring I really don’t care to coddle women’s feelings and I’m a woman myself.

No. 2135808

>nigel isnt meant to be an endearing term
So why do nigel havers use it endearingly

No. 2135818

That's what moid loving does to the female mind, I've seen anons here even call their husbands/bfs scrotes in the same breath as fawning over them without even registering that it's an insult.

No. 2135827

People should be forced to live in situations for the exact system that they voted for. So tired of rednecks and boomers voting against EBT, affordable housing, etc and then benefitting from things they vote against

No. 2135833

because they're retards who think using it ironically excludes them from being the type of woman the term "not my Nigel" is actively mocking kek.

No. 2135835

lmao the silence to this is deafening
>get a surrogate
You mean, support prostitution of women's wombs? Kek some feminist. Surrogacy is just prostitution for hetero women and it nearly always targets low income women who are desperate. It's predatory and is just prostitution.

No. 2135836

It’s the same thing as fawning over your shitbull dog only he’s human and wants his dick and balls cleaned off every few days after work. The nigel brag thread gives me a heart attack, they have so much “love” for those faggots but none for the ones they know in their lives. They feel emboldened by loving something (men) that even society acknowledges are nuisances and threats

No. 2135838

I wonder if any "wife/gf brag" threads exist on moid imageboards

No. 2135840

It doesn't, guess what does exist? Gf/wife nude swap threads, and much worse.

No. 2135843

I don't mind it/I like it. It feels like whatever women do nowadays we just get hated against regardless. I like being in communities that don't have ape out on women over every little thing

No. 2135847

Samefag I meant “women” not ones as in they should love the other men in their life kek
Nope. I’m sure there are ones on Reddit but even if they’re dedicated “good ones” it always has this flavor of bragging about your property, they brag about their wives and girlfriends like owning a nice car or boat, it’s completely different to these women who know everything little thing about their pet fuggo

No. 2135862

It's sad because women putting a lot of effort towards their relationship is the norm, so much so that moids don't appreciate how good they have it and think it's all just part of having a gf. When a moid starts acting like even half the average gf suddenly he's prince charming or something

No. 2135905

Well if you can’t do surrogacy, then go to a sperm bank. If you need sex or attention from scrotes, you can still have that without marrying them. I already know telling women to avoid scrotes all together isn’t going to work because a lot of them act like they’re gonna die without sex.

No. 2135933

I never even bother reading them, but I can't imagine what there even is to brag about regarding a moid. If he treats you right, it's the bare minimum, it's not brag-worthy just because most Nigel's are way worse. It'd be one thing if they all had rich, mega loyal, handsome hubbies spoiling them rotten with trips around the world while expecting nothing in exchange, but I doubt any nonas actually have that.

No. 2135953

The heterosexual dating process is so strange to me.
>my last scrote treated me like shit but he was so nice at first!
>oh I’ve found a new scrote and he’s treating me great!
>oh no my scrote is treating me like shit again
>we broke up
>rinse and repeat

Idk how straight women do this over and over and do see any patterns. Male sperm must have the same effect as child birth, its bad but when it’s over the body forgets how bad it is and you do it again again and again.

No. 2135964

Honestly, I wonder how much socioeconomic factors play a part in it because it’s so damn expensive to live alone now. And people generally would prefer to split bills with a romantic partner rather than a roommate.

In a world with universal basic income or something, I don’t think people would date or cohabitate nearly as much. Unfortunately that’s never going to happen

No. 2135966

I’ve never seen any of the rich celebrities or whatever being able to go a week without a bf so I doubt the only issue is money

No. 2135972

Making it seem like buying a house is super hard, expensive and impossible or that owning a house is super hard to maintain is just a psyop to keep people renting

No. 2135976

We only say that to women on lolcow, because if you're on this site you should know men's true nature, you're not some helpless normie who still believes her life is a sweet disney movie and her prince charming is out there. I'm 21 and I know this, so how the fuck are there 40 year olds still falling for it?

No. 2135985

We had nice grandparents we want to emulate

No. 2135989

because a lot of women don’t really care, if they fully accept that treatment then let them. i’m tired of caring for abused and battered women, just let them fend for themselves it’s exhausting going over and over this shit

No. 2135991

Nta but most of your grandpas met your grandma and she was 15 and he was 25. Idk why yall wanna follow in those foot steps,your granny has Stockholm syndrome.

No. 2135995

I only care about women in abusive relationships if they’re forced. Like some woman in Syria who has been trapped with her rapist because she was married off to him at 12 has my sympathy. If you’re some middle class woman in the USA, stop whining and get a job.

No. 2135999

People who spend $5000 on a bag when they could get one for $20 that works the exact same look stupid.

No. 2136002

I can't stop laughing at this KEKKK, of course this is what a hetero sex-haver looks like. Needs to get every last drop of male validation. Also, I want to squeeze her, because fatties fascinate me#

No. 2136003

I want a child, preferably a girl, because I love babies and I also want someone to take care of me when I’m elderly. I don’t want to have a relationship, though, and I personally know of many older women whose husbands left them for younger girls. Marriage doesn’t seem worth it.
I considered having a one night stand, but I feel like I’d be fucking over my future child if they don’t know anything about their father. But if they do know of their father, and their father knows of them, I’m gonna be chained to a man for the next 18 years. I wouldn’t even be allowed to move states with our child without his permission, or else I’d be accused of kidnapping.

No. 2136005

>i want my adult daughter to be shackled with the responsibility for wiping my ass and caring for me when i’m because women are supposed to be caregivers and continuously unconditionally give
we are never making it out of here seriously

No. 2136006

Adopt a girl. If you give birth to a scrote he’s gonna be fucked in the head being raised by a single mom and end up abusing you

No. 2136009

no? I want a daughter because
1) little girls are cuter than little boys, I never held a baby boy and felt as much affection towards him as I have towards a baby girl
2) of course I want to being a woman into the world, men are violent and disgusting. What if I birth a fucking Chris Chan? No thank you

No. 2136015

what happens if you birth a scrote then? unfortunately we don’t really have a choice in the matter

No. 2136017

So you’re saying a thin woman is more morally righteous?

No. 2136018

Nta but she could just abort it as soon as she found out but to be honest aborting every male fetus would be incredibly expensive and taxing on the body, the most promising chance at having a girl would be to have unprotected sex with some retarded deadbeat scrote who already has maybe 3-4 girl children already because the odds of having a girl are way higher in that case.
There was an anon in the pregnancy thread on /g/ who posted a detailed how-to on how to more securely ensure a girl child but it had some potentially dangerous advice. Might be worth a try though.

No. 2136019

being fat is a personal failing. it is your fault if you get fat and shaming is important for correcting this behavior

No. 2136021

I would have him play with girls and feed him a lot of food with estrogen. High testosterone is linked to men acting like feral demons, but it’s a thin line though because I don’t want him to troon out.

No. 2136023

So you’re gonna have a son and turn him into a sissy boy who will never get sex and live with your forever?

No. 2136025

No. 2136026

This sounds so retarded, he'll eventually grow up to be able to choose what food goes into his body kek.

No. 2136027

Ntayrt but yes, at least religiously speaking.

No. 2136028

that would just make him retarded. plenty of men are low T these days. like that would be child abuse and fucking up his bodys development, that wouldnt actually make him turn out to be a better person.

No. 2136029

> i don’t want him to troon out
but you want him to be a weird metrosexual sissy? why do you want him to be bullied

No. 2136030

Plus if he's not a feminine gay child he might commit CoCSA on the girls he's forced to play with.

No. 2136031

Just give him up for adoption or kill him in the womb

No. 2136032

Then when you die he’s gonna search for a woman to be his new mommy or become a serial killer

No. 2136034

this is basically what Iammes mom did

No. 2136035

Ntayart but yes. Go lose some weight fatty

No. 2136038

Not relative to humanity as a whole. Out of all the number of decisions people can make, they make the inefficient, unhealthy, and wrong decisions 99.9% of the time. Fat people are just more easy to attack because their wrong decisions are easily identifiable by their appearance. Non-fat people also have innumerable personal failings, but they are less visible usually.

No. 2136040

>flashback of chris chan’s mother in the hospital delivery room holding him

No. 2136041

I'm saying that a fattie is more likely to have self-esteem issues which means she'll look for attention from any moid she can get and end up having sex with him.

No. 2136043

That poor woman, I wonder if she ever thought her life would turn out like that…

No. 2136044

Depends on what weeks they allow you to abort it, they usually cut it off when you would be able know the sex of the baby.

No. 2136046

bullying is how you correct detrimental behavior

No. 2136047

He’s just going to end up shooting the school or using his tard rage to beat her skull into the wall that’s already covered with his shit. She’s just trolling anyways kekkk who tf would ever want that

No. 2136050

whenever i hear stories of matricide i get so sad

No. 2136052

sure but what you consume in your developing years is very important
what is the alternative? have a high t macho son that blacks out and does rape?
Not a horrible idea. It’s not like humanity hasn’t been killing off their infant girls for thousands of years.
lmfao nightmare fuel
I’ve only ever heard of India and some Muslim countries doing that
Oh yeah if he’s an actual autist I would throw him off a cliff. I’ve seen how autistic males beat on their mothers and sisters.

No. 2136053

If I was her I would have shot him, worth every single year being in prison especially if I figured out he raped my elderly mother. Putting down a male sperg and a rapist a 2-for-1 deal

No. 2136060

how was she supposed to know how he’d turn out as a small child though

No. 2136063

Ok, Thanks for the explanation. I was confused because it makes no sense for man-haters to hate fat women for their appearance in the same way a man would.

No. 2136064

If time travel becomes a thing, I'm gonna go back and warn her

No. 2136065

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Women who are into much older men are just as gross and fucked in the head/perverted as the old scrote they date. He’s getting off in her oooking like his kid and she’s getting off by fucking someone older than her dad.

No. 2136066

ntayrt but i dont hate fatties just for their appearance its more how they’re so disgusting to the extent where it is visible

No. 2136068

They even look similar…sickening

No. 2136069

ew anthony kiedis is so gross as it is, what is wrong with this bitch?

No. 2136072

It’s a male, every woman knows they’re going to come out busted in the head

No. 2136075

I think you just called them disgusting

No. 2136076

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She looks a lot like he did when he was young

No. 2136079

well yeah because it is disgusting to over feed yourself and be completely sedentary, that’s not how humans are evolved to be

No. 2136083

exactly having no self control is embarrassing

No. 2136087

i think being fat is kind of similar to being covered in tattooos, they’re just different kinds of excessive overconsumption

No. 2136091

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Some women have grandpa fetishes. With most gold diggers you an tell the vibe is kind of stand offish but when I see them together I can tell she’s genuinely into him.

No. 2136099

That's untrue, and it usually creates more problems. Being a bully is a personal failing similar to being a fatso.

No. 2136111

I wish I could smack these women upside the head to knock some sense into them, what the fuck are you doing

No. 2136118

Street food is so overrated, I hate when people soy face over it. Just make your own food at home, hello??

No. 2136132

I hate food carts with my whole being. One of the best restaurants in my city closed down to become a street food cart. Fucking idiocy

No. 2136144

Shitty house anon is baiting again. Idk how she even has time for all of this

No. 2136145

This, especially Mexican food. Most taco trucks just taste like a dry armpit

No. 2136151

tacos are always better homemade

No. 2136154

No. 2136156

It’s pretty convenient because they can engage in a fetish and all the blame is placed on the scrote. At 19 I couldn’t imagine fucking a 61 year old man.

No. 2136164

>all the blame is placed on the scrote
In what world? You guys get delusional about the world outside of lolcow

No. 2136166

so true.
i also view paying for food made with ground beef like buying dirt

No. 2136168

Most normal people are gonna side eye a 61 year old with a 19 yearold(men will give him a pat on the back but women will be disgusted.).

No. 2136177

like idk maybe I’d give it a pass if it’s something absolutely original and unique but tell me why a random street vendor in Thailand has millions of views just for making a Nutella and sliced banana crepe, and people in the comments are acting like it’s so amazing and wishing they had something like that where they live. like do you not have access to grocery stores?

No. 2136181

I’m gonna be honest nonnas this could easily be me kek, I wouldn’t date that particular scrote but I love old ass men over 40, oldest I’d date is probably mid 60’s. I know it’s gross but I can’t help it, they do something to me. I find men like Jordan Peterson, old and wrinkly, very attractive. And no it has nothing to do with my dad kek

No. 2136184

>hehe kek xD I love senile dick that can’t stay stiff and shoots dustpowder tehehe
Honestly just do womankind a favor and kill yourself(a-logging)

No. 2136185

Are you talking about this >>2135972 post? Genuinely how is that bait? Even poor retards can move to the countryside and get a house if they want one. Most people don't want to give up city life or work hard enough to afford one where they currently live though.

No. 2136197

Kek, I don’t date or fuck any of them so give me some credit. I don’t think I’d ever date a moid in general let alone one that’d die before I’m 50

No. 2136200

Oh then sorry for telling you to kys anon, I thought you were an enabler

No. 2136202

At least you admit it. Most old fuckers just claim they’re being groomed when they age out of their pedos preference, but I know most of them genuinely like old men.

No. 2136215

nta but to be fair it's easier to find jobs the city so that probably contributes. if you're in the countryside you'll have to drive for hours to get to a decent paying job

No. 2136218

You clearly haven't seen an updated house price from "the countryside" + a lot of mortgage lenders are denying normies even with good income

No. 2136223

You don’t even need to go to the country side to get a reasonably priced house but you will need good credit and at least 5-10k for down payment and let’s be real…most people who have to rent won’t have good credit or more than 100 dollars saved.

No. 2136229

why nonna?

No. 2136236

Idk about you but in my area 400k/2k monthly won't even get you a crackhouse
>Inb4 the city!!!
Lol no. I'm a days trip away from any major city. The cheapest thing you can get is an actual shitty trailer, and even then a lot of them require mortgage on top of trailer spot rental so you're paying almost 2k a month anyways

Idk what the obsession is with Americans denying the crappy housing market and accusing people of just being greedy/stupid or something. Denying economic issues has historically horrific results

No. 2136241

If you only need 5-10k, you can just get a second job, and save for it? Donate plasma? Not spend your money on retarded shit? Like it's really not that difficult.

No. 2136242

Has you actually went on Zillow and looked at houses in your area? I doubt it because you don’t have money for the down payment anyway

No. 2136246

Mods come get the resident baiter

No. 2136248

I’m not talking about myself because I own a house but most people I know don’t have that much money saved or wouldn’t even know how to save that much if they could.

No. 2136251

That's kind of their own fault then, all of the information you could ever want to learn finance or marketable skills is available for free online.

No. 2136252

No because same, I luckily brought before the housing market got as bad as it is currently, and even then the land taxes and insurance has skyrocketed over the past few years, which is the most common complaint I've seen among homeowners

No. 2136254

It's more like the ayrt gets really defensive when you bring up buying a house, I think because she's not in the position to buy one, so she calls everyone talking about renting or houses the same anon in a sort of Fregoli-esque manner.

No. 2136255

I guess "there are no economic issues and it's all your fault" is an easy bait but if you should go on reddit or something if you want genuine reactions cause you're just ban evading from your perma ban

No. 2136258

The nastiest, greasiest burrito I had was from a food truck. Made me never want to go to a food truck or street vendor again. Even the higher end food trucks always end up being way too expensive for the quality given.

No. 2136259

What? I've seen people who are doing well still admit there's serious issues with the housing market. I even know a lady who owns a massive expensive farm who is still willing to admit housing can be unaffordable for normies. It's only broke trolls trying to press the idea there's absolutely nothing happening

No. 2136261

There have been "economic issues" since the dawn of time. You're living in one of the best eras for independence as a woman.

No. 2136262

We live in historically the worse price of housing/wage ratio than ever before in history

No. 2136266

Some banks even give free information seminars. I remember during my undergraduate, I did 2 seminars with my bank and I learned a lot about investing and financial literacy. I still rent because I don't have enough saved up to buy a house, and personally I kind of like renting right now, but usually I noticed the people "stuck" renting never want to talk about their financial literacy or goals.
I really think the only food served from a truck should be ice cream. Whenever I see a food truck I just think A) how hot is it in that truck, B) how sweaty are the cooks, and C) how much of their sweat dripped into the food?
I get what you mean, but it really is a difference of reality versus internet. All the time in my country I see people whining about not being able to afford a home, but I check lesser-known cities in my country and suddenly I find all these homes for sale for cheap prices. I think some people just wanna live in the best cities on the Earth, and then they get pissy when they realize not everyone can afford to live in these luxurious metropolises. I make ~50k a year after taxes, with that money I could easily put a down-payment on a studio or 1-bedroom condo in a decent middle-tier city where I live. In fact, it'd probably be cheaper to do that than renting like I am now.

No. 2136275

It depends on your area. If you live in WV sure you have no excuses, but a lot of western states (Montana, Idaho, Utah, etc) are charging extremely expensive prices for actual shacks that are hours away from any city and jobs. I literally use to rent a loft above an abandoned store that smelled like crap for like 500 just before COVID, I checked it now and the realtor is out their damn mind trying to sell it for 3 mil, not even joking. They keep up the same properties for years on end too because they actually think some rich unicorn is gonna swoop their place up. I guess when you have an army of drooling retards denying this is an issue in the first place you can do whatever you want

No. 2136283

You can just move though if it's a problem? All the job offers I see have coverage for moving expenses, so even if you didn't have much saved up, it would still be easy to do.

No. 2136284

it probably was better a few years ago before the housing shortage become this acutely awful.

No. 2136289

>All jobs are offering moving expenses
Id like to see statistics on this cause I've never seen this in my life except for in major cities

No. 2136290

File: 1723677381038.jpeg (1.84 MB, 1284x1316, IMG_3832.jpeg)

This is house is tiny but I wouldn’t mind living here.

No. 2136294

I mean not all jobs obviously, I'm looking at jobs relevant to me and not every job in existence. But I know those jobs exist so why don't people just look for them?

No. 2136295

This looks like a trailer, which isn't an issue but you also need to account for lot rent, which can be 400-1200 a month on top of mortgage. Remember to read descriptions

No. 2136297

I don't know how it's working in America, but my country has a "worse" housing crises according to the online poorfag mob.

In your post though, you're bringing up the Western states. So I clicked onto Zillow, chose the Salt Lake City area (I figure Utah would be the most expensive because I think it has the biggest population of all the states you mentioned), and I found a bunch of 2-bedroom condos for under $300k. Since median down payment is 13%, I'll just use 13% of $300k which is $39k. That doesn't seem unaffordable to me, even with my job at $50k/year salary, I'd probably need 2-3 to save up enough money to buy it, which isn't that bad.

This is what I mean when I say it's a difference of reality versus online. Everyone online says "oh houses, nobody can buy a house!" when it should be more like "oh, anyone can buy a house if they save enough and work hard enough, but it's harder to save now because most people live outside their means thanks to credit cards."

No. 2136299

Relocation packages are typically only a thing in big city companies, you know the thing you just told us not to move to. Homes in cheap areas often don't have a lot of jobs available

No. 2136300

The jobs I see have relocation packages to small towns. But could just be specific to the field you're in? Idk.

No. 2136302

File: 1723677814562.png (533.74 KB, 1068x1848, 1000000133.png)

Anon it is important you acknowledge a lot of the "cheap at face value" homes have lot rents, but not only that you posted a trailer in a 55+ trailer park. Trying to use an "affordable" trailer without factoring for lot rent + the fact we won't be able to move in here in the first place isn't the "gotcha" you think it is

No. 2136304

Can you give me an example? Statistically only 20-30% of jobs that require relocation offer packages, almost all of them are in large cities

No. 2136307

Most anons saying they can’t get relocation packages because they are unemployed

No. 2136309

File: 1723678130068.png (281.83 KB, 1080x876, 1000000134.png)

Relocation jobs are incredibly rare, most that are only 30% of new hires are offered relocation packages. All of them are in major cities. If you're gonna BS at least look at statistics
>Inb4 you find a single niche job listing posted by a scam company claiming to have a relocation package for new hires in bumfuck Egypt

No. 2136310

I'm in healthcare, there are tons of good jobs available in small towns.

No. 2136312

Nta but I guess you’re gonna be a rent cuck forever. Imagine being 70 and still having to pay 2k a month in rent

No. 2136313

Rural hospitals are incredibly underfunded and aren't offering relocation packages except to very high ups like doctors. In healthcare you'd know this

No. 2136315

I own a home dumbass, it's possible to do well for yourself and still admit to reality

No. 2136317

I don't work rural atm, thought about it though cause of the pay.

No. 2136318

>the housing market sucks!
>Just move! All jobs are offering relocation packages left and right!
>But they actually aren't
>Uhhh you just want to be stupid forever!!
Is it possible to say the economy needs to change? At all?

No. 2136320

The economy needs to change but it’s not going to change so you either gotta figure it out or be 80 years old still trying to figure out how you’re gonna pay rent every month

No. 2136322

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Rural gets paid less? And they certainly aren't offering relocation packages

No. 2136324

Why would it change when retards like you act like free insurance to shut everyone down who discuss economic issues?

No. 2136326

Why do you need a relocation package to move to a new state and find a job?

No. 2136327

For my profession, rural pays like 50% better than cities do. Dunno about other professions.

No. 2136330

It’s not going to change because talking doesn’t change anything. If you aren’t willing to live on the streets and not pay rent it doesn’t matter what you say. Rent lords don’t care about your opinions.

No. 2136332

You work in healthcare and haven't heard the millionth horror story of someone relocating on their own dime just to get laid off after a few months? It's incredibly risky to be unemployed in a new state especially if you don't know anyone. I'm sure if we did listen to your amazing advice and it went south you would just pull the "wow how stupid are you to move on your own dime without x y and z"

No. 2136334

And what might that be? Because statistics aren't in your favor at all

No. 2136335

Yes? That's literally how we have changed economic issues since the beginning of time, is by talking about it

No. 2136337

Physician. I know travel nurses do well too though.

No. 2136339

When I was a cna I moved from Ohio to New York with no relocation package. I found a place first and then filled out applications to a ton of places before moving. People relocate to different states without jobs/relocation packages all the time because we aren’t weak and scared of risks.

No. 2136341

Travel nurses are typically sent to big cities, also didn't you literally just claim to be an RN like yesterday?

No. 2136343

No, I have never claimed to be a nurse. I think you're confusing me with someone else.

No. 2136348

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New York CNAs are paid 30-50k a year, after tax that's 20-39k. you'd have to find a place for 1k or less in New York, not even FB marketplace sublets are that cheap anymore

No. 2136349

Oh im sure

No. 2136350

You’ve never heard of roommates?you think everyone who lives in ny is rich?

No. 2136353

Yeah, they also ignore that a lot of households aren't single income. Houses make more sense for married couples anyway.

No. 2136354

What do you think a sublet is? Or are you gonna pull up a 55+ trailer park, not include pricey lot rent again to show us how cheap everything is and how we aren't trying

No. 2136357

>Women need to be SAFE, stay scrote free too!
>But actually no live with random scrotes or else you're not trying hard enough!
Everything we do is wrong

No. 2136360

I moved to upstate ny and there are plenty of places there under 1500 a month to rent. You don’t need a plan or a good job to move states, you just have to have the will. Your fear of change and hard work does not apply to everyone on earth.

No. 2136362

>your husband is a random scrote
You people are so exhausting to talk to. Seriously, use your head before you spout nonsense.

No. 2136364

Find female friends who want more out of life and roommate with them

No. 2136370

USA doesn't have good workers protections at all and healthcare is the top profession known for firings and lay offs. Imagine you do all that and then end up getting laid off for taking your exact advice and now you're in a new city where you don't know anyone, homeless and have an eviction on your record. Oh wait that's still our fault because there's apparently not a single thing wrong with the economy and we're all just stupid and shouldn't fight for rights

No. 2136373

If I get fired I just go and find a new job lol I’ve been fired numerous times in my life and not going to stay stuck in situations because I’m scared of being fired.

No. 2136376

File: 1723679721880.png (283.69 KB, 1080x873, 1000000137.png)

You guys were literally just flipping out on women for dating any scrote at all in the first place I can't
Women are way, way less likely to seek roommates, and the ones that are are roommates with other people they knew previously

No. 2136379

Just because other women are less likely to do something, doesn’t mean you can’t. You do know that in life you have the choice to do whatever you want?

No. 2136380

File: 1723679795459.png (196.36 KB, 1080x593, 1000000138.png)

And what are we supposed to do for rent within the time we need to find a new job? Or is it our fault there's zero regulations on job posts too?

No. 2136381

And there are reasons for this.

No. 2136382

No, again you're confusing anons. Not everyone is the same person. And logistically, most houses in the past were owned on 2 or more incomes. It makes perfect sense that it would be difficult to afford a house on 1 income.

No. 2136383

……youve been fired numerous times?

No. 2136384

If you're pressuring people to drop everything and move to a new city for affordable housing ASAP surely you can acknowledge some hurdles instead of saying "yeah it's hard so what"?

No. 2136385

I don't care who it was, just so sick and tired of being told everything we do as women is wrong

No. 2136387

I’ve been fired numerous times in my life and in all my 33 years on the planet I’ve never been made homeless because of it. Idk about other peoples experiences but it’s never been hard for me to quickly find a new job after getting fired shrug

No. 2136388

Nta but healthcare is notorious for firings. There was a period during COVID where chain hospitals were hiring loads of people with sign on bonuses then firing them before they qualified for it

No. 2136389

Most of us started at a blank slate. We got training to get jobs that made sense, we moved to where it made sense, and we chose a life that made sense. Choices exist. Refusing to do anything to better your situation at every stage is also a choice, but don't complain when it bites you in the ass later.

No. 2136390

I’m not pressuring you to do anything. If you feel happy living with your parents forever that’s on you but don’t try to tell other anons who want to go out into the world that they can’t just because you can’t.

No. 2136391

Why not make a plan out of what is statistically likely then? Say someone gets fired, it takes them 5 months to find a new job. How to make rent within the time frame?

No. 2136393

not gonna take job advice from someone who cant stop getting fired

No. 2136395

I have a house for the millionth time. I guess my problem is I want to fix issues by discussing them instead of just shitting on poor people

No. 2136396

You can do all of that and still allow people to discuss economic issues. What's so hard to understand about this?

No. 2136397

I’m not giving you advice lol I’m just saying it’s not hard for me to find new jobs. Your scenario is asking me would I be worried about not being able to find a job if I got fired and I’m saying no because I’ve been in that situation before. Stop trying to twist my words to fit your argument.

No. 2136400

No one is stopping you from discussing economic issues, but if you say something blatantly false, you're going to get pushback. This doom of gloom of "no one can buy a house ever" simply isn't reality.

No. 2136401

Nta but how unlikable do you have to be to be fired constantly? Are you just going up to your coworkers daily whining about how easy it is and how they're all just not trying hard enough constantly and wondering why no one likes you?

No. 2136403

Less unlikable than one has to be to not get a job in the first place.

No. 2136404

What is "blatantly false" I've been describing them? Last I checked I didn't pull up a 55+ trailer and didnt include lot rent to whine about how everyone was too stupid it looks at Zillow

No. 2136405

You’re this triggered by people who can own their own homes that you’re making up fanfics? Lol

No. 2136406

Kek bingo. Anon is coming at me for being fired but she can’t even get hired.

No. 2136408

It's clear they just want wallow in their own misery and complain about how everything wrong in their life is really someone else's fault. Keep grinding, queen.

No. 2136410

Not everything you do relates back to you being a woman. I’d tell a man the same thing

No. 2136412

We're women too. I'm not telling you you're wrong because you're a woman, I'm telling you you're wrong because you're wrong.

No. 2136414

I think you replied to the wrong person, I was the one talking about cheap condos in Salt Lake City not trailers kek.

No. 2136415

There are millions of homes in the country besides the trailer anon pulled up. Stop being disingenuous.

No. 2136425

You've been explained multiple times the reality behind face value "cheap" homes

No. 2136426

That's funny, no one would dare tell a man to drop everything and move to a new city for cheaper housing with zero plan b or anything all while refusing to acknowledge the statistically most likely issues in the job market. Even retarded blue collar moids who like whining about how pussy everyone is are capable of acknowledging these things

No. 2136429

I've moved several times, on my own, with no help. Stop trying to make this a
>woman are helpless and can't do anything ever

No. 2136430

Men do it all the time, I know of tons of young men who just pick up and move where ever . It’s only women who are told they need to be rich or have a husband to make any moves in life.

No. 2136436

Possibly but no one would scream at them how they're not trying hard enough for not doing such because its ridiculous to expect someone to do something so risky. Only women are expected to take such big risks

No. 2136439

>only women are expected to take such big risks
men take those exact same risks at a higher rate than women do

No. 2136440

Loser men get called losers all the time. You’re just making this about women because you’re a woman.

No. 2136463

I live here and not only is that a super shitty tiny trailer home, it is in the shit part of the city. Sure it's cheap but is that good enough to have homeless junkies around your house 24/7?

No. 2136466

Absolutely not. No one would curse a scrote out for not wanting to be in a situation where he's likely to become homeless with no plan b or support system, yet you're lazy and stupid if you don't do that as woman even though homelessness is exponentially more risky for women. Incredible

No. 2136475

Usually it’s only women with their panties in a bunch too scared to try anything without a man’s help and that behavior is encouraged in us. Don’t claim that people encourage women to go out and fend for themselves because that’s not true. The world benefits from us being helpless babies. Society uses scare tactics like claiming we are gonna be raped/murdered if we go out into the world and aren’t married first, so we need a big strong man to protect us before we can do anything. Women knowing they can actually fend for themselves would take too much control away from men. Don’t try to make this a sexism issue because you’re full of shit.

No. 2136476

Unironically you have to be lazy and/or stupid to end up homeless as an able-bodied independent adult. If your situation is that bad, why are you spending hours arguing on lolcow when you could be doing anything else to improve your situation?

No. 2136479

blue eyes are freaky to me and make you look like a husky

No. 2136484

Ikr, these people just want to complain about anyone who's in a better position than they are. They fundamentally see themselves as victims and believe they deserve everything just for existing without wanting to do any work. It's unfathomable. When I came across people who were doing better than me, I was respectful and kind to them, and asked them about their journey/experiences. When you're polite to people and show genuine interest, they are often willing to give you advice on how they did things. I learned so much from people that way. And yet these women just wanna bitch about their landlords or the housing market or wall street or eating the rich or whatever is trendy at the moment. Like get a grip and take control of your life for once. No one else is going to manage your entire life for you. At some point you have to figure things out.

No. 2136487

There is no justification for a male to have anything other than a flat stomach. Moids don’t have wombs.

No. 2136492

I agree. You can kind of tell that about them when they see a post innocuous like:
>Buying a house is easy!
and instead of taking the time to say something like:
>What tools did you use? How did you do it? What can you share that might help me?
instead, they start going on crazy rants about how the OP hates poorfags and how she's a liar and a rat and all that. Idk what kind of mental illness it is, but it definitely features an all-encompassing victim complex.

No. 2136497

Also, megakek that she was complaining about the potential of becoming homeless, then complaining that cheap houses are near homeless people. Like do you hear yourself?

No. 2136508

These women want to live in luxury apartments in nyc like Carrie Bradshaw with having to put in no effort. To them anything less than that is poverty and not worth it. A lot of zoomer kids have this mentality that if they can’t live like a rich baller then there’s no point in working or ever leaving home.

No. 2136525

What's better? Being homeless, or having a home that is in the vicinity of a hobo? Kek.
This is what I've been saying for so long. It's like, they wanna live in the most desired areas with the highest cost of living, but do it without working hard or being born rich. News flash to all the young Zoomers out there, but NYC has always been expensive and the TV shows about people living in NYC aren't real. People have had to live with roommates in NYC since the 1920s. It's just how it is. A lot of Zoomers struggle with living inside their means as well. They think things like food delivery, movie streaming subscription services, brand new phones, are all basic necessities and not luxuries of the 21st century. Meanwhile, they laugh at cost-cutting measures that helped their parents like couponing, waiting for sales, and investing. It's such hardcore denialism it annoys me. A lot of Zoomers don't wanna hear: "Hey, you have to be frugal and stay within your means if you want to save money and succeed in the world" and get irrationally angry. Throwback to the other day when an anon in another thread posted something like "Oh, getting your meals delivered with Doordash everyday is much cheaper than grocery shopping." Ugh. The state of the youth.

No. 2136531

Some conveniences like delivered groceries make sense if you're putting in the work to justify it. Like yeah, I had groceries delivered when I was working 90-100hr/wk, if you're only working 40 hrs, why the fuck can't you drive your ass to the grocery store? Doordashing every meal is just retarded and lazy though. That's how you get fat and kill your braincells while draining your wallet.

No. 2136533

I remember I told a zoomer they could cook at home to save money and then they went into a rant about how people expect poor people to eat shitty food. I don’t understand how not eating out everyday is telling you to eat shitty food….

No. 2136536

malcolm in the middle is one of the worst TV shows of all time. just a family of autistic ugly males with a narc mom. nothing sexy about it

No. 2136537

Home cooked meals are so much better tasting and healthier than takeout. This new generation has had their brains ruined by social media.

No. 2136538

I don’t think a show about middle school aged boys is supposed to be sexy

No. 2136539

i’m not talking about just frankie muniz i’m talking about the entire show

No. 2136540

Nona where did you get the idea it was a sexy show KEK

No. 2136541

TV is so mindless and boring. Like, let me sit in front of this screen and watch fictional people say unrealistic and unfunny lines with simulated laughter for 30 minutes. And then they repeat that every day. Like, do you not have any hobbies? Goals?

No. 2136542

I think grocery delivery is different from like food delivery. I imagine it's mostly old people or cripples that use grocery delivery, so more power to them. I'm talking Doordashing like McDonalds every day. The other thing that irritates me though, is that they'll say they're so poor and that groceries are so expensive, but then they're also too good to go to foodbanks or charities. I used food banks at least once a month when I was really broke, because that's what they're there for.
They get really defensive really quickly when anyone points out a way they can improve their life. It always includes hyperbole and logical fallacies, like the slipper slop, too.
>If you cook food at home, it's a lot cheaper than ordering out!
>"Oh, so you think all poor people should eat gruel every day and you want us to all kill ourselves because if I don't have my McNuggets once a day I will kill myself and it'll be your fault."

No. 2136543

anon the dad, mom, and older brothers (frances, the other ugly one, and frankie muniz) are not all middle school aged.

No. 2136544

exactly, i fucking hate watching TV because there’s nothing interesting about it and it’s just mindless behavior. the retard sitting next to me on the plane is watching with no fucking headphones

No. 2136546

Are you in the middle seat or the aisle seat?

No. 2136548

Last time I flew, there was some boomer watching tiktoks with no headphones at full volume. Mindless media consumers are annoying as fuck.

No. 2136550

window and they’re in the middle

No. 2136551

Oh yeah window is the worst seat to have. You should say you're having an angina attack and that you need to get into a emergency-exit seat so you have extra leg room. Usually it works for me but you have to really play it up for the stewardess to believe you.

No. 2136553

i’m speaking GENERALLY!!! there is nothing sexy or attractive about this show at all

No. 2136556

I mean not every show has to be sexually appealing. You could watch euphoria if you need a show with an adults and teenagers being sexy. You probably just don’t like Malcom in the middle because you’re looking for sex in a family comedy show.

No. 2136558

>a narc mom
Um who are you talking about? There's no narc mom in the show. If you're talking about Lois, and you're calling her a narc, then obviously you missed the point of the entire show and now you're coming online to spew hate and lies, which is weird and fucked up.

No. 2136560

i don’t mean sexy as in sexually appealing. i mean sexy in the aesthetic way. i don’t feel a visceral attraction to the actors or their characters, which is the whole purpose of creating a show; to create characters that people want to continually watch

No. 2136562

>spew hate and lies
kek, why do you feel the need to defend a fictional mom

No. 2136563

> missed the point of the entire show
oh no not the heckin point of the show!! cry me a river, i hate that retarded dad, i hate the attention whore mom, and i hate all those ugly faced braindead sons

No. 2136565

Someone relates a little too much to a character who’s meant to be an antagonist.

No. 2136568

>sexy in the aesthetic way
Maybe I'm retarded (probably) but I have no idea what you mean. It's a family sitcom, I'd find it weird as hell if someone found the actors sexy and watched it solely for that

No. 2136570

>i don’t mean sexy as in sexually appealing. i mean sexy in the aesthetic way.

Well that what sexy means. I think you have some subconscious feelings you need to unpack if the reason you dislike a show where the subject is a family and their underaged sons because it’s not sexy….

No. 2136571

If she's an antagonist in your mind you're probably some kind of Satanist or another miscellaneous barbaric creature, so your opinion on Malcom in the Middle is unimportant.

No. 2136572

File: 1723686312684.png (174.29 KB, 506x713, scale.png)

I've never heard of this show, it doesn't look very sexy

No. 2136573

the style of the show is unimportant. whether is a sitcom, a drama, etc a huge part of casting for the show is casting actors that people want to spend 45 minutes-an hour looking at for multiple seasons in a row. this family being so ugly and the plot of this show itself sucking is probably why i never heard any rave reviews of it, or know any of the producers names

No. 2136575

NTA and I know you’re making a joke but it’s not really making me kek, it just kind of sounds like you’re sympathizing with a physically unattractive character who’s purposefully written to be unlikable and indefensible

No. 2136576

Nta so you’re mad that the actors who are underaged aren’t sexy enough for you?

No. 2136577

But they aren't supposed to be hot? Like the 4th son is weird as fuck looking with those giant ears, it's funny. Comedy

No. 2136579

no one agrees with you about defending the honor of a literal caricature
>you're probably a satanist

No. 2136580

i’m saying the show as a whole isn’t sexy, the actors being ugly as all fucking hell is just the cherry on top. i’m not calling the young actors specifically unsexy, i’m calling the show unattractive and the actors being ugly happens to be part of that problem

No. 2136581

sitcoms don't aim to evoke that kind of feeling, more humor, coziness and turn off brain vibes are what they're aiming for and people want

No. 2136582


No. 2136583

Not everyone watches family sitcoms to get wet like you do

No. 2136585

i think anon is saying they casted people that are too bland

No. 2136586

where is the humor or coziness present in this unenjoyable television show, there’s not a single heartwarming or dopamine inducing storyline

No. 2136587

Idgaf about the other ones but you must be autistically face-blind if you think Jane Kaczmarek is ugly. Like for real stop insulting Jane Kaczmarek you're pissing me the fuck off first you're calling her a narc now you're saying she's ugly like get a grip stop trying to start beef with me because it's not gonna work so? I'm LOLing at your whole existance right now.

No. 2136588

isn't the mom like every other sitcom mom?

No. 2136589

she's gonna be in for a shock when she goes outside and 95% of people are uglier

No. 2136590

Well damn, at least I'm not mad a comedic family sitcom doesn't have characters/actors I want to fuck

No. 2136591

you gotta start brain-off-maxxing

No. 2136592

What is this advice? Why should anyone turn off their brain ever?

No. 2136593

No, she works at a retail/pharmacy store. I can't even remember what any other sitcom wife does besides being sexually harassed by their ugly husband

No. 2136594

I didn't want to get involved in the argument but yeah calling her ugly is a bit weird. Sure she's not a bimbo only fans model that men will drool over or anything, but she looks completely normal kek.

No. 2136596

maybe? i don’t watch sitcoms but i know women are usually portrayed as shrill and unkempt

i’ve gotta be honest passerby strangers are at least slightly better looking than the people in this shit

you’re confusing visceral ateacfiom /sexual attraction

No. 2136597

you gotta stop taking-everything-literally-maxxing

No. 2136598

come on you gotta admit that sexy was a bad word choice for what youre trying to say.

No. 2136600

You've gotta stop being-confusing-maxxing

No. 2136601

What's the difference between visceral ateacfiom and sexual attraction? I never heard of the first one.

No. 2136602

I’m not a lesbian

No. 2136603

i don’t know what this means

No. 2136607

Did anybody say that they were fucking lesbians? Seriously stop responding to me because it's getting on my nerves and it's pissing me the fuck off. Saying that if you like Jane Kaczmarek that means you're a lesbian is seriously stupid and dumb and fucking imbecilic. This is stuff I expect from senile dotards not healthy normal people, so I'm assuming you're not healthy or normal. For real all of this is because you're hating on Jane Kaczmarek every fucking post and it's not gonna slide with me because guess what? I'm here. So next time you wanna cyber-bully Jane Kaczmarek think twice and hold your forked tongue behind your gross teeth.

No. 2136608

Didn’t know the mom from malcom in the middle was a lolcow user

No. 2136611

anon all i said is that the actors aren’t sexy, the characters are unlikable, and the storylines aren’t intriguing

No. 2136614

File: 1723687240083.jpeg (284.94 KB, 1389x2048, IMG_3833.jpeg)

Dating in your 30s is kind of boring because none of he guys are cute anymore. I wish I could be 18 again and go back to to fucking 18 year olds. I don’t even understand why women over the age of 30 are still tryin to find love.

No. 2136615

this episode with bryan cranston and the fat guy competing in some video game competition is really insufferable

No. 2136616

I feel the same way. When my bf smiles and I see his crows feet I puke on the inside a little. I only have a tiny faint line between my eyes it's fucked up and unfair men hit the wall so hard. I enjoyed sleeping with young men but they just wanted casual

No. 2136618

Have you ever considered subtle mental abuse to convince him to get Botox?

No. 2136620

I wish I could switch spots with all the young pick mes who want men my age. I’ll take their men and they can have mine.

No. 2136625

You will all be mad at me but I've always liked older men due to daddy issues and I'm old enough anyway but I actually love the way my boyfriend's eye wrinkles crease when he smiles lol

No. 2136627

Oh no you’re mad I’m not attracted to your precious waifu!!! Get a grip

No. 2136631

I don't hate women who like older men, I just don't understand it. My bf is the same age as me, and I think that's ideal, cause he's attractive, and we're on the same page in terms of life stages.

No. 2136634

Serious question: are you mentally disabled? Did I say Jane Kaczmarek was my fucking "waifu" whatever the fuck that means? You don't even know me but I know you: you're a loser. To come online and insult Jane Kaczmarek and spew vile hatred and bigotry towards her is the behaviour of a mentally ill cretin. Jane Kaczmarek is a fantastic actress and she does immense charitable works and she is a great woman. I think you're a shit person so you're jealous of Jane Kaczmarek and you want to tear her down and ruin her and destroy her. Guess what? That isn't what's happening because what's happening is everyone realizes that you're a psychopath and that you just hate goodness and you hate love and you love suffering. When my mom was arrested in '01 for drug possession and I had to go to foster care, were you there for me? No. But every night at 7PM on channel 11 Jane Kaczmarek was there for me. Were you there for me when the towers fell? No. You weren't. Jane was. She was a secure, accepting, loving, mother-figure to me and millions of other girls across the world. So next time you try and talk shit and lie and deceive with your little trickster fighting words and your anime references and all that stupid bullshit, leave Jane Kaczmarek out of it because she doesn't deserve all your hatred and bigotry and lies and evil, nobody deserves it but especially not her. You're just an autistic loser bully. I feel bad for you.

No. 2136638

Idk I just like it more. I've dated a younger guy once and I hated it. Dated guys my age in high school and college but I like men that are more put together and they have to be tall and attractive still.

No. 2136641

> calling another anon autistic after writing an essay about an unpopular opinion
she who lives in a glass house shouldn’t be casting stones, nonna

No. 2136642

I live in an apartment retard and it's not made of glass it's made of bricks like normal so I don't get your point. Don't respond to me if you hate on Jane Kaczmarek.

No. 2136644

Nta but I feel like the ayrt is clearly just being overdramatic as a joke

No. 2136650

I know you're not ESL because you mentioned 9/11, what gives? Is it autism?

No. 2136671

File: 1723689896613.webp (75.47 KB, 828x1036, IMG_3835.webp)

The celebrities that get shilled as hot are so ugly

No. 2136677

File: 1723690168653.webp (7.67 KB, 450x350, sabrina-screen-cap-ppp.webp)

There's another thread for this, but I agree, she looks like miss piggy

No. 2136679

File: 1723690508900.jpeg (99.47 KB, 736x919, IMG_7250.jpeg)

It's so jarring how different she looks compared to a few years ago. She used to be cuter. I hate her styling and whatever excess surgeries she got

No. 2136683

tf did they do to her face exactly? looks like it hurts omg

No. 2136684

I think botox. Her face looks weirdly bloated and tight.

No. 2136687

Definitely Lip filler, possibly something done to her cheeks and chin

No. 2136690

File: 1723690827939.jpeg (178.07 KB, 640x624, IMG_7251.jpeg)

Another pic from this era.
She probably had a little work done by this point but it's nowhere near as uncanny as it looks now

No. 2136702

I don’t think she’s ugly at all, I actually find her really pretty but the makeup she does is so bad. I hate the color scheme it doesn’t suit her at all, and it’s always overdone.

No. 2136717

Do you live somewhere where a housing crisis apparently isn't happening? I knew people working 2-3 jobs that ended up homeless before. Landlords in America can literally kick you out because they want to turn your rental into an Airbnb, you can literally get fired for no reason at all and it's 100% legal. Moving to a new place where you don't know anyone or if your job will retain you and then telling someone they did something wrong for doing exactly as you said is pretty bizarre. At least in an area where you know people most people can stay with friends or family if something happens, if you don't know anyone you're fucked

No. 2136724

No, but telling women "move to a brand new city where you know literally nobody in the country with zero workers protections or else there's something wrong with you and you're not trying hard enough" is pretty crazy
>Inb4 wow but but you just suck!!!
Nope, actually ended up homeless because of God awful advices like yours. Moved to an area with good pay, influx of jobs, and affordable housing, within a year it got gentrified badly and 400 dollar rentals quickly turned into 2k rentals and people were getting evicted to turn apartments into vacation rentals, while I kept my job thankfully I witnessed a lot of people falling back to doom-applying for months on end and never hearing back. Had to live in a tent in the woods all summer while I worked with COVID patients, ended up moving back home
>Inb4 but but roommates
Tried my damnest to find what I could, the entire town was all old people and couples who didn't need roommates, the few rooms I did find for rent they ended up being creepy moids and I actually ended up getting SA'd because of this
>But but regardless it's your fault!!

You can always tell how much of these "it's always your fault no exceptions" advices are from people who've actually been in these sorts of situations and people who are living with their parents LARPing

No. 2136733

Hopefully when your parents die they leave you their house because from what it sounds like, once they’re gone you’re gonna be on the streets.

No. 2136739

I've moved states 3 times by myself and I never had a problem. And you're talking about rent, but I never even suggested renting. I suggested buying a house because rent keeps you poor, which is true.
>I knew people working 2-3 jobs that ended up homeless before.
There's no way it was just them. Either they were spending irresponsibly, or they had kids when they couldn't afford them. In either case, they were being stupid.

No. 2136741

I'm doing much better for myself now and actually have a nice house and career I'm proud of, but doing what the anons said has gotten me into dangerous situations that I wouldn't wish on my worse enemy. I feel like a lot of "rags to riches" folks forget where they come from or their own experiences and therefore are careless with giving "advices" that end up getting people deeper in trouble

No. 2136742

>rags to riches
You don’t need to be rich to move states or put yourself in dangerous situations kek

>I own a house and and I have a good career

It doesn’t seem like it. You have a poor person mentality and have it stuck in your brain that trying anything new will end in death.

No. 2136743

>Either they were spending irresponsibly, or they had kids when they couldn't afford them
Glad you never lived in an area with a housing shortage but that's the reality of it. You can apply to every single rental within your budget in the area but "they're all being lived in currently", even if you do everything perfectly
>Just buy!
Depends on your financial status as well, during the time this happened to me I had zero credit cause I brought my car and cash and never had a credit card, and it's not like I can pull a great credit score out my ass overnight and get a home within the week, but within the few months that's simply just reality. Transitions can take time and are a thing

No. 2136745

Nta but you don’t need a fantastic credit score to get a house. You can get a mortgage with a 620 credit score which isn’t good.

No. 2136746

>You don’t need to be rich to move states or put yourself in dangerous situations kek
I never said you did, but you are risking a lot when you move to a new city without a lot of money or back up plans
>It doesn’t seem like it. You have a poor person mentality and have it stuck in your brain that trying anything new will end in death.
You've never talked to anyone who's successful then, even at the time when I was talking to higher end staff like physicians they genuinely thought I was an idiot for going to a new city with a normal plan (work, get a cheap apartment, etc). The only time I've ever seen people give these advices are anonymous people on the Internet with weird complexes towards certain groups of people, and we all know how that goes

That being said, if "move to a new town where housing is affordable and there's good jobs" was such a foolproof plan why does it fail so many people?

No. 2136747

I never said you did, just that I had no credit history, and to build credit history you would have to take a few months, in which I was still homeless. These sorts of issues can't exactly be fixed overnight

No. 2136748

Advices isn’t a word so you couldn’t be that successful if you don’t know that

No. 2136751

>if "move to a new town where housing is affordable and there's good jobs" was such a foolproof plan why does it fail so many people?
Because they make stupid decisions. If you're in a situation where you have no savings in case rent goes up, you've already planned badly. You can't just get low rent and call it a day.
She's ESL. She probably moved to the US recently and made horrible decisions because she didn't research anything and is now blaming the concept of moving to a new city for her problems.

No. 2136752

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Weird nitpick but okay?

No. 2136755

Why would you move to a city alone with bad credit though?

No. 2136759

>>2136614 I'm glad I like twinks and older men so I'll never deal with this problem…

No. 2136760

>If you're in a situation where you have no savings in case rent goes up, you've already planned badly. You can't just get low rent and call it a day.
Again with assuming the worse? I did have savings, being homeless eats up savings fast. You need a gym membership for showers and such, if there's not a planet fitness or cheap gym you have to pay for that, laundry can be pricier, since you don't have access to a kitchen or place to store food you often need to get already made food somewhere, weekly rates can be 2x as much as an apartment monthly if you're even lucky enough for a hotel to be available during an area facing a housing shortage. Idk why some people are so obsessed with the idea any bad financial situation is 100% their fault especially after they did exactly as you said

No. 2136761

Because in her LARP world it doesn't matter

No. 2136763

Nta but I don’t understand why you ended up homeless if you had savings and a credit card. Why not just use the credit card to pay rent?

No. 2136764

My parents kicked me out as soon as I graduated HS, there were zero jobs in the area, also didn't you just insist this is such a great plan? Now you're taking it back unless "you have this or that"? Which is it?

No. 2136765

I said repeatedly I didn't have a credit card, what?

No. 2136767

>it's all your fault, take my advice! And if my advice doesn't work it's all your fault anyway!
If the economy goes in a great depression 2.0 we will never have it fixed, just non stop screeching about how "it's all your fault"

No. 2136768

Your parents kicked you out but before you said you ended up homeless and went back home

No. 2136769

>also didn't you just insist this is such a great plan? Now you're taking it back unless "you have this or that"? Which is it?
Your problem is that you're incapable of reading situations. Moving to get a job is a good idea when someone plans for it. It sounds like you went about it in the wrong way without doing research and it led to bad outcomes. That's not because moving for jobs is bad, it's because you didn't take proper precautions and didn't plan well for emergencies. Again, the intelligence factor comes into play. If you don't have enough savings, get another job, or get qualifications to get a better job. If you don't have credit, start building it. If you are so poor that you can't afford rent, go to food shelters. Buy things second hand. Don't waste money on shit you don't need. I'm sorry, but it's obvious that you were not responsible handling yourself.

No. 2136771

They kicked me out cause I didn't have a job, since I was employed it was fine. Also my parents became looser since my dad got laid off and had to face the same doom-applying as everyone else so grew out the boomer mindset that you can just walk into anywhere and get a job on the spot

No. 2136773

Since keeping employment is pretty much impossible in your world due to at will employment aren’t you scared everyday you’re going to be homeless again?

No. 2136776

So first you're screaming bloody murder about how stupid people are for not immediately moving to a place with affordable housing and good jobs, then when they do just that and it doesn't go how you plan it's also their fault anyway?
>sounds like you went about it in the wrong way without doing research and it led to bad outcomes
Places are changing rapidly anon, did you not know this? People previously living in cheap areas are constantly being priced out, tale as old as time
>That's not because moving for jobs is bad, it's because you didn't take proper precautions and didn't plan well for emergencies.
What precautions should I have taken? I had a job, savings, etc. I just got priced out like a lot of people do
>If you don't have credit, start building it. If you are so poor that you can't afford rent, go to food shelters. Buy things second hand. Don't waste money on shit you don't need. I'm sorry, but it's obvious that you were not responsible handling yourself.
Again, yes this works, not these things cant happen overnight. Do you not understand how these things work?

No. 2136777

At this point you just seem more obsessed with villianizing struggling people than you are in touch with reality. Enjoy your ban

No. 2136778

No one said that you have to move to a different city to find homes and employment but you’re saying it’s impossible and it’s not. It was hard for you because you’re stupid. An intelligent woman could move to another state without getting murdered or ending up homeless. You can’t use your experience as a dumb person to say that’s gonna be every woman’s experience.

No. 2136779

Your situation didn't happen overnight either. Things were fine until they weren't, and you didn't plan until things got bad.
I understand how the world works, because I've also gone through the process of building credit, and gaining qualifications, and working like everyone else. I worked really hard to get where I am today, so when I see people like you who do everything wrong and then say I'm out of touch, it's a bit irritating. I'm living in the exact same world and country as you.

No. 2136912

she should have never gotten lip filler and botox. the lips look very off, and her face is so damn tight, it hurts to look at. She's so young too. She was so pretty before the surgeries. What she has done to her face doesn't suit her at all. Skinwalker

No. 2137093

Did I fall for the bait if I respond only with this post

No. 2137094

Already ugly now, imagine what she’s going to look like in a few years. She’s in the fast track of looking washed up and old like Kylie Jenner probably from all of those cosmetic procedures

No. 2137109

Most people are depressed because they’re trying to find love and happiness in other people but they really need to find it in money. I spent years trying to be friends with people, date, engage with family and find love and was miserable. I didn’t become happy until I had money and was able to consume. Friends/relationships are not necessary for happiness, you just need cash. Going out to a nice restaurant or buying a cute top makes me feel better than going to a friend and trying to open up just for her to judge me kek

No. 2137115

File: 1723727538635.jpg (262.06 KB, 667x1000, 1000_F_121295742_KbWIq0LowMVch…)

An evil witch has cursed you. Now, nobody will there for you in your time of need.

No. 2137119

It'd be nice if women just stopped caring so much about looks etc of other women. They tear you down for not doing your nails, wearing pretty feminine clothes etc.. Then people are surprised that many young women who just aren't interested/don't want to bother with that stuff rather troon out so they don't have to be looked down on constantly by women who spend lots of time and money on their looks and expect others are required to do so too. It's not a game I want to participate in.

No. 2137122

I don’t get why we have to care about “black mayne getting incarcerated” or prisoners being used as slave labor a “human rights violation” maybe just don’t be a scourge to society and you won’t become a slave to the state. I also don’t believe that most of the people in prison are non-violent offenders, committing robbery for example requires you to involve physical harm or threats of violence/ending somebody’s life. Prison wouldn’t even be a bloated overpopulated institution if we removed all of the male population since they create and commit most of the crimes.

No. 2137125

I honestly never get bothered about stuff like this and get the general impression they dont.

No. 2137131

Agreed. I'd willingly socialize more if I wasn't constantly being negged by my female peers. I never understood caring so much about your friends and acquaintances' appearances. You don't have to kiss your friends or acquaintances so why do you care if they're attractive?

No. 2137133

There is just nothing appealing about being married having children or becoming a workforce slave. I would rather stay at home and have a shit job, earn from a rent house, and just dick around until its time to die. People who pretend they get anywhere by slaving to a corporate job are dumbfucks who throw their lives away considering the state of the world and where its going. They're going to replace most jobs with automation and AI at this point anyway. Stop kidding yourself that working hard for corporate points will get you anywhere in life but screwed. At the end of the life you will have nothing to show for it but wasted time.

No. 2137138

Do you also bang or date ugly as fuck men if you hang around such women? I often encounter it and the joke is always on women obsessed with appearance to the point they're fucking neurotics.

No. 2137139

I think all women should start becoming NEETS. Just stop working and stop caring for others, watch how society buckles under pressure because of this.

No. 2137141

Being cute is one thing. Being an insufferable neurotic is entirely another. Cute should be effortless and you should enjoy life. Otherwise get the fuck away from me, at the rate you are going you're going to have wrinkles by the time you're 35 anyway.

No. 2137155

Society is already hell with or without people working and caring. The only people who care are on their own, used, or taken advantage of by capitalism. Big money bulldozes everything in its path. I should care why?? I should care about porn guzzling men why?? I should care about raising crotchlings on this planet why? For once in your life be real with me isntead of fucking lying like the conniving conartists you are

No. 2137163

Nta but like working hard because I can pay for all my hobbies, going out to eat, my nice car etc. I can’t imagine a life just paying rent and living pay check to pay check. Sounds miserable even if people try to act like they’re loving living a below average life.

No. 2137165

Stop posting photos of Sabrina Carpenter

No. 2137173

Well if you are enjoying it thats one thing, but being a wage slave and giving up on what you actually love for material things sounds like another kind of hell

No. 2137174

Most broke people can’t do what they love because they have no money to afford it

No. 2137177

If you’re dating a man with a lot of money and status being cheated on should be expected and not something you care about

No. 2137181

I read your post multiple times and I'm not sure what you're trying to say. My point is that caring if your friends are wearing the right clothing and makeup is weird. You don't have to kiss them so why do you care if they're up to the standard you hold for yourself? If a girl is repulsed by another girl's leg hair or lack of nail polish she should keep it to herself. I didn't say anything about moids.

No. 2137187

Your low standards are sad because that moid is still going to expect sex and affection from you even though he's sticking his dick everywhere.

No. 2137203

It's better than Roseanne and the Conners
Also, Lois beats Roseanne

No. 2137207

Is actually Carrie Bradshaw

No. 2137208

I genuinely hate the word minor and think it's sooooo overused. Like people forget that you can say "teenager" or "child" or "underaged". It's bordering on meme territory. I swear people did not use it as much back in the day.

No. 2137209

I don't judge women who flash people. It's just harmless fun. No one has been raped by a pussy before so there's no criminality involved.

No. 2137211

I don't care when scrotelets get sodomised. 99% of the time they were asking for it.

No. 2137217

Me too. Reeks of someone who spends all day on tiktok/twitter

No. 2137225

Minor should only be used in legal context

No. 2137226

Nonas will morality police you or claiming that you are baiting, but just remember that moids dont care about female victims, so i dont care about moidlets getting diddled by pastors or some shit.

No. 2137231

Sabrina Carpenter has 0 appeal, they’ve been shoving disney actresses down our throats and trying to pass them off as some kind of triple threat actress/singer/artist bullshit and it’s just not working because none of them are talented or attractive

No. 2137232

Slightly off topic but this reminded me when my loser friend reposted 'heartbreaking' news stories of Palestinian moids getting sodomised by Israelis. Am I supposed to fucking care? Let them give each other AIDS and die off. She never posts anything about women suffering, only men. What a fucking loser

No. 2137233

I think flashing is trashy as fuck. Why would you show your tits to random people? Where’s the “fun” coming from?

No. 2137234

Tilda Swinton is a man

No. 2137256

Have you seen her peepee nonnie?

No. 2137258

No. 2137268

I wish nonbinary was a legit sex and be born as that so i wouldnt be female

No. 2137271

so would that be like no genitals, no sex organs, and some XXYY chromosomes ?

No. 2137276

ewww not the Y, i would have XW chromosomes

No. 2137279

No. 2137283

i haven’t heard that one before ouu

No. 2137285

not having genitals doesn't preclude you from gender expectations, anon. you've seen what happened to actual intersex people.

No. 2137291

intersex people are either male or female just with rare conditions/variants. i wouldnt be male or female but a third individual sex.

No. 2137293

W chromosomes are a female-only thing in the animal kingdom nonna. You'd still be female.

No. 2137298

You'd have to post on lolgelding then and that place is a ghost town. No milk

No. 2137304

i'm saying you'd be given gender surgery.

No. 2137344

File: 1723738465236.jpeg (59.66 KB, 337x182, IMG_2190.jpeg)

I think being a schizoid/schizo is more awesome than being autistic. There’s something so mythic and whimsical about slamming a bunch of word slop together because your brain is working a million concepts at once that come out nonsensical. If you ever do that in front of a sperg or ADHDfag the sperg would just give you the Xanax stare while the ADHDfag would glitch out and freak out mid sentence by the verbiage. I’m not even talking about real schizophrenia or psychosis which people confuse for schizofags schizotypals they unironically bring more value to society than a bunch of bug collecting soulless muntanrs like autists and ADHD people are assumed to have.

No. 2137350

Based but only female schizotypals.

No. 2137362

Ive suspected myself of having schizoid for a while but I don't want to be an annoying self-dx fag.

No. 2137363

File: 1723739204075.webp (23.3 KB, 339x508, IMG_2207.webp)

any woman with these descriptions would have been a priestess worshipping a god inside of a cave

No. 2137364

I feel like it's a misconception that people accuse people of having schizo disorders when several mood or personality disorders have schizotypal elements but calling someone who has them a fullblown schizo is just misrepresenting what they're actually going through

No. 2137366

ie a bipolar person or a bpdfag not on any kind of meds or in enough therapy whatsoever can develop delusional moments or bouts, but they're not delusional in the way a full blown schizophrenic or even a schizotypal person are

No. 2137372

I can't tell the difference between autists, ADHDfags, schizos, or bpds. They're all the same to me

No. 2137377

I agree, it’s probably just normalfags attributing the antisocial element as schizophrenic.
Stop comparing those nasty autists/adhd havers to schizos, they’re way more interesting and soulful than those hollowed out beasts of the night

No. 2137387

I'm not comparing them I'm just dumb and genuinely don't know what makes who what

No. 2137392

I've definitely had delusions as coping mechanisms to get though bad depressive episodes but I'm also aware I'm being delusional and would never tell a doctor for a time I believed I was in a Trueman show

No. 2137398

So you're not a schizo type. Maybe just maladaptive daydreaming or something.

No. 2137399

I can tell the difference between my delusion and reality but I've also had a lot of outlandish things happen in reality that some have called me delusional over, even though I'm not

No. 2137401

>slamming a bunch of word slop together because your brain is working a million concepts at once that come out nonsensical
I'm schizotypal and kek is that an actual thing? Never experienced it.

No. 2137402

Did you use picrel because you think justaminx has it? It made me read your post in her voice kek, also I agree

No. 2137404

Thank you for validating me lol I did use to worry I also smoke weed and my dealer told me about an older man smoked some weed freaked out and went to a+e told them about the smoke and got detained lol

No. 2137406

That's not what schizoid is though. Schizoids just are antisocial losers who don't want human connection and shut themselves in. They don't tend to suffer from weird thoughts or hallucinations

No. 2137408

i’m kind of scared to be honest with my psychiatrist because i don’t wanna get diagnosed as schizotypal

No. 2137410

Same. Like I've had so many antisocial things happen to me cause of others and I've stopped telling people about them because I'm just trauma dumping but also its my fucking experiences I'm trying to cope lol

No. 2137416

yeah the thing with schizophrenic and schizoid people is they don't believe they're delusional like me

No. 2137419

Yeah it's not as if I don't want to be social it's as if my antisocial tendencies and lack of relationships are more of a result of not dealing with trauma properly. I don't like being alone. I cry and sob all the time and I try to make efforts to improve upon it despite my mental woes and nobody wants to keep talking to me

No. 2137421

Nta but I know for a fact that I’m not delusional which is why I’m even more scared to speak about it to my psychiatrist because then she’ll just brush it off and diagnose me as schizo

No. 2137424

Isn't that schizotypal? People with schizoid don't have hallucinations or delusions

No. 2137426

the only reason my current shrink hasn't is that she's known me for upward of 5 years and knows I'm not schizo at all, but if I go to a new psychologist or psychiatrist saying the same shit they're gonna say I am

No. 2137430

Lots of different disorders lead to delusions of grandeur but being a schizoid is a specific thing. A therapist would be more likely to diagnose you with BPD tbh

No. 2137438

I’m not diagnosed with anything other than agoraphobia but I’ve felt similar to what the nonnies are talking about with feeling like you have weird beliefs but you know they’re untrue so it’s not a delusion. And I’ve had that like my whole life and I once mentioned it to my therapist and one of my specific almost lifelong ones and he asked me if I change my behaviour in anyway because of it and I said yes, because I have despite knowing it’s not true and he said that could indicate I actually believe it to a certain degree which fucked me up a bit ngl

No. 2137440

Yeah doctors these days usually think woman = BPD

No. 2137477

I knew a schizotypical guy and ngl conversations with him were some of the most intelligent I’ve had. Great writer. Very peculiar person. Still very anti-medication last I heard, but I get where he’s coming from.

No. 2137479

That Kdrama movie Parasite is really shitty to people who have seizures

No. 2137495

Yeah it has symptoms that mirrors thought disorders so it makes it harder for the afflicted to express coherent speech and thoughts. I was diagnosed with it a few years ago.

No. 2137502

nta but its always been that way i cant count how many times i was diagnosed as being bpd since 15 until they finally diagnosed me with fucking adhd (the meds had already done their damage by then) always go with female doctors moids fucking suck

No. 2137512

I personally think she’s just a drunkard but also pretty sure she has borderline personality disorder or was that some kind of joke within her community? Idk kek. I just remember her getting shipped off to some mental facility by her former friend QTcinderella on stream and she looked like a hot mess (I’m also not sure on how accurate this is or if I’m being affected by the Mandela effect) but I remember seeing a clip. I honestly think she will die from the suddenness of alcohol poisoning, she’s on the fast track to ending her own life just like Eugenia. I’m going to post this prediction if she doesn’t stop she will eventually die by choking on her own vomit from the poisoning and it will be so quick and sudden nobody would expect it, I also feel like she probably does other drugs as well.

No. 2137579

She's diagnosed with BPD iirc

No. 2137700

You should be able to legally sue people who give you bad advice and it goes south

No. 2137702

I think depending on the advice / encouragement they gave you you probably can

No. 2137712

So can we talk about how anorexic/skinny women with EDs are treated compared to fat women? It is just really fucked how ana women are treated like "uwu baby noooo ur so ill please be kind to urself it's okay if you don't wanna recover you do you queen" and when it's fat women they're treated less than dirt and hated and shit on? Fat women can have EDs too.

No. 2137720

It's the perceived notion of "control", skellies view themselves as superior and able to abstain and control themselves, whereas anyone who is fat as lacking in self control and being undisciplined. I think these ideas rub off on others, since the majority of people who are unhappy with their weight are unhappy with it being high rather than low, so everyone can low-key relate to the "fat=undisciplined and lazy" takes. It's the idea of choice, an anorexic is ill whereas a fat person could never unwillingly be fat in their eyes, it's all just bad choices and totally conscious decisions.

No. 2137746

Halo effect, but it's also the reverse in cultures where fat is desirable and skinny is ugly

No. 2137761

You see, people want to kill unattractive women.

No. 2137763

NTA but I understand that feeling

No. 2137769

I feel this way about how anons here treat tifs

No. 2137770

I will always be grateful for my father who loves me dearly and supports me no matter what. I can't imagine how humiliating it must be to date walled men. God does pick favorites.

No. 2137821

can you elaborate pls?

No. 2137825

Same. Feels good.

No. 2137828

My dad's rich too he just loves me financially and from a distance so the men I date have to give me attention and money as well it's what I'm use too and probably why I broke off my first engagement and still haven't married cause I don't need to marry for shelter and safety just for love and fun and my type of fun comes from men taking care of the finances and letting me blossom kek

No. 2137898

I’m so mad about it.
When I was a teen my parents both died in a car accident which made me become a shutin who stayed indoors and comfort ate a lot, amongst other things like stress, abandonment issues and panic at the thought of losing my grandparents who i lived with. Didn’t help that my grandparents wanted to make me feel better so they bought lots of treats for me to have and allowed me to stay home from school, and the cherry on top of that shit cake were the antidepressants I was forced to take so you can guess how quickly I ballooned up in weight. When I finally started going to classes my classmates were MERCILESS. Any explanation for why I was now like this was ‘lies’ or ‘excuses’ for being lazy. Apparently someone told a few people I got pregnant and that’s why I became a landwhale. You’d think I was a serial killer from how mad people were that I was now ugly and fat, not that I was some Stacy before but I didn’t get bullied and I had some friends. My junior and senior year were suffering and I thought about kms daily.
Months before college I managed to lose a decent amount of weight by running and starving myself, but it was pretty slow, I only reached my ugw by the end of freshman year. I still hated my saggy stretchmarked body but I covered it up with good athleisure so I looked skinny. It disgusts me how I suddenly became a person with feelings to others.

At some point I got to know a few girls with an ED and it stuck out to me how, even though they knew they weren’t right in the head, they still felt so superior over women who weighed more and shit-talked them very casually. Not fat women, literally anyone who wasn’t a bone rattling skeletor was called a lazy fatass, ugly fatty, dumpy mom or something to that effect. They particularly hated mothers for some reason and their favorite phrase was ‘no excuses’ if you try to defend them. But oh my god if you clap back at them then you’re a cruel mean girl who’s bullying poor widdle mentally ill gorls, they just need help and understanding that’s all. Everyone treated them like precious babies who must be protected because they’re so smol and frail they use raisins for bean bags. They loooved being called the smolest beans of all time and played it up a lot like I’ve never met a person who was about to faint for 8 hours straight.

They were vicious snakes who never had a good word to say about other women but everyone treated them like weak princesses that must be protected at all costs and when I was spiralling I got laughed at and told to keep my legs closed. I’m still full of rage.

No. 2137984

fat people also have a mental illness

No. 2137989

yeah but noone coddles them. unless it's a moid.

No. 2137998

>>2137828 My dad's rich too he just loves me financially and from a distance
That's not love, sweetie. I'm sorry.

No. 2138010

nta but i have a complicated relationship with my father too, he's very emotionally distant and throws money at me, and yet he's the nicest member of my family because the rest of my family are so shit by comparison that even his negligent behavior seems affectionate. my father cares in the best way he can, but he's too emotionally stunted to actually love normally

i wish i was never born

No. 2138019

File: 1723763223266.webm (272.75 KB, 464x720, 1723159694695.webm)

people complain so much about fat women and make a big spectacle out of it when there is just as many fat men if not even more and look like creatures from the undiscovered part of the sea in comparison to fat women

No. 2138046

nta but why do you care? there are no good men and your father is no exception, given what you said in your post. Dont give moids your time and affection if they only substract from your life.

No. 2138055

Nihilism and such philosophies can only be fully understood by women, men into nihilism are just chronically depressed antisocial hoes

No. 2138073

>Fat women can also have EDs
did you not read the post or? or do we not think EDs are a mental illness? go on

No. 2138077

Men will act like they've got the saddest lives ever because they "only" have a few online friends that their stunted empathy doesn't allow them to care about.

No. 2138078

I'm so so sorry nonna, it sounds like your life was extremely horrifically rough and I cannot even imagine going through what you did. I'm really sorry those girls treated you awfully too, no one, even skellies ever cares to think about what other girls go through unless they're just like them. Just like a lot of people can't gain weight due to medical or societal conditions, the same goes for fat people and their struggles. Honestly I may as well add on another unpopular opinion, ana-chans are just as misogynistic if not more than moids.

No. 2138085

That's what the original OP said though

No. 2138086

i worded my post terribly, sorry. I wanted to say that other than people with hormonal or endocrine problems, people that eat so much they become fat are mentally ill. A lot more people have BED than we know.

No. 2138115

Gee wonder if thats why I said in my first post I have daddy issues lol

No. 2138140

I hate the anime mascot of this website, Elsie. I wish they would change it to someone who looks like a grown woman and not like lolishit. I know it’s supposed to be cute and appealing for everybody to like but it turns me off that it’s a blonde, blue eyed child.

No. 2138148

make a new one nonny

No. 2138159

Lol fat. It is laziness and a lack of respect for yourself.

No. 2138163

You're proving her point. Cute little attempt at trolling on lolcow though

No. 2138164

Yup, same here too. I hate to say it, but some women really seem like they have turbulent love lives because of low-trust they developed in early childhood and not having a good relationship modeled by their parents.

No. 2138167

nta theres an anon trolling for the past few days basically just claiming everything bad that can happen to you is your own fault

No. 2138174

I got bullied for being skinny. Kids will find anything to bully people about.

No. 2138180

>everyone is the same person
You were talking to like 5 different people yesterday, and yes, managing your finances poorly is entirely your own fault.

No. 2138184

not that anon, also not the argument I was referring to

No. 2138191

>zoomers can't even be trolled anymore because they'll actually side with whatever the trolls are pushing
we're doomed

No. 2138197

Don't fucking bring that shit up again, nobody is talking about that instance

No. 2138202

it's an easy bait so it never gets old, now she keeps trying to use it again and again and accusing everyone of being the only anon that fell for her nonsense

No. 2138234

I miss trolls being funny/unserious, when it was more about acting stupid to frustrate people instead of just acting literally evil

No. 2138235

the consequences of tiktok

No. 2138245

Being ana-chan (in most cases) is inherently misogynistic because its literally destroying your body and mind just to be beautiful. It's most common on teenagers so i don't expect them to get it right away, but how can you be a woman in your 20s and not realize you are literally objectifying and torturing yourself for beauty? of course i understand it is ingrained in women's minds that being beautiful is the most important thing, but given most ana-chans are aware they have an eating disorder and aware it consumes so much of their thoughts, mind and life it should be even more obvious misogyny runs so deep women are willing and feel the need to ruin their organs, metabolism, guts, hormones, bones, and mind just to be visually consumed by others.

No. 2138251

it started pre-tiktok, I noticed in uprise during the trump vs hilary election of 2016 where a lot of beliefs that most people would've blown off as trolling turned a lot more serious

No. 2138264

It's more a consequence of irony poisoning, which has been occuring before tiktok's existence. I think the rise of insincerity pushes people to take on more 'edgy' opinions under a veneer of 'irony'

No. 2138283

>the rise of insincerity pushes people to take on more 'edgy' opinions under a veneer of 'irony'
adding to this, this basically just gave people "protection" to say or do gross things because "they're just trolling, they just want your reaction, don't feed them" which is good in theory, but in return retarded moids will do shit like spam CP to CSA victims or something with zero consequences when in reality these morons should've been put in jail

on lighter sides of things you have people making whole businesses from what was originally troll view points, like how the "metabolism doesn't exist, you're just lazy" started as a rage bait point but now people are buying snake oils and influencer books and crap that are basically just "never ever eat and work out 5 hours a day" instead of just getting treated for their issues

No. 2138289

>managing your finances poorly is entirely your own fault
kek, dying at double chin-chan

No. 2138302

It's the kind of image obsessed narcissism that's normal for preteens and disturbing in adults.
>Women are worthless and bad people if they aren't pretty
Anorexia should be exclusively a <16 year old diagnosis, and people over 16 with it should get a different diagnosis, like "Image Focused Personality Disorder." Similar to ASPD and conduct disorder.

No. 2138307

reminds me of abby from abby and matt, she bragged about climbing mountains, hiking, etc almost daily while freshly postpartum and now complains about pelvic floor issues and pissing herself

No. 2138311

>Anorexia should be exclusively a <16 year old diagnosis
Anorexia shouldn't be a diagnosis, per se, but a symptom. Look-related forms of anorexia aside, some cases of ana can be a PTSD response to SA to regain control, OCD folks who think everything is poisoning them, depression and not having energy/feeling meaningless to eat, etc. Purely looks related anorexia should fall under body dysmorphia

No. 2138315

I'm not the fatso, what are you on about ana-chan

No. 2138318

nta but how the fuck do you have time for any of this? you practically live on here

No. 2138323

Yeah this is how it was treated when I was inpatient. Funny enough the 1 therapist who had this approach was a recovered anorexic. It's often a need to control, everything in their life is out of their control but they can be totally in control over how much they eat. For me, once we got my depression under control, the controlling need over my food was relaxed. I notice when I'm stressed out I get the urge to stop eating and count calories

No. 2138324

Who said anything about trolling? Most depressed people don’t get fat, she was probably fat before and thinks eating slightly more than what she was already eating is what made her big.

No. 2138325

I wasn't referencing the heart wrenching post that fat-chan referenced earlier. I was referencing the weird double chin surgery anon. I feel bad for fat-chan.

No. 2138328

I had to cycle through therapists for this. I'm young and female so ofc not wanting to eat people assumed it was purely looks related when I just got over GI issues that caused me to puke frequently so had a fear that eating was just going to make me puke

No. 2138330

because i'm not the person you think i am? there are multiple people saying the same thing as me. you just don't believe more than one person would disagree with you, which is silly

No. 2138336

No, but I'm not the anon you think I am, but I don't see why any other anon would randomly obsess over an old argument that they weren't involved in, that doesn't even make sense

No. 2138338

i was here yesterday, but i never discussed finances or houses prior to that so i think you're just assuming anyone who mentions those topics is one person, which is untrue.

No. 2138341

So you randomly involved yourself in an old argument for whatever and then continue bringing up a random anon from said argument when it's a dead horse? Yeah not buying it unless you're actually heavily mentally ill or something. No one gives this much of a shit about infights unless they were involved

No. 2138348

No, someone else brought up the topic and I responded. That's how discussions work. You're clearly heavily invested yourself if you get this worked up any time someone mentions finances, which affect literally everyone.

No. 2138351

The anon that "brought up the topic" just vaguely mentioned a troll for the past few days with the same pattern of trolling, didn't even refer to the argument you're talking about in general. You just assumed it was all about your favorite financial anon for some reason and attempted to continue the argument

No. 2138353

Samefag but I think the fact that the anon mentioning the pattern of trolling (which has been common here for years) and you immediately assumed it was about your specific infight confirms it was trolling/bait as well

No. 2138367

people think women don’t have insecurities anymore when they age because they think older women aren’t human, they’re just moms out here to navigate young people through life. In their mind older women are just moms and shouldn’t care what they look like.

No. 2138374

Samefag also I am admit i had this mentality when I was young working in a nursing home. I couldn’t understand why women in their 80s still cared about wearing makeup, staying thin and having their hair done. We subconsciously think women shouldn’t care about themselves after a certain age.

No. 2138393

Because they said the same thing about the convo being a troll yesterday and it wasn't. At this point it's just confirmation bias and you're going to keep accusing me of being some house troll, so whatever. And people are convinced any discussion about topics they don't personally care for are bait. That does not mean anything, especially when it comes to think that most people have experience with, because it's a point of discussion anyone could have.

No. 2138456

File: 1723779373454.jpeg (129.78 KB, 640x480, IMG_7070.jpeg)

the fairly oddparents earlier seasons was one of the best Nick shows. yes it's total garbage but it's amazing

No. 2138460

Nobody was even talking about that whole house situation because it's retarded and baity as fuck. Stop. Originally calling someone a troll because they responded to an anon's long post about her struggles with weight and being persecuted for it, saying "lol you're fat" is a troll. That is literally trolling. Forget about the dumb situation yesterday that nobody was even bringing up except to defend it for some odd reason

No. 2138462

Lena Dunham was unfairly canceled

No. 2138463

Didn't she say she fingered her baby sister or some shit nona? That's very sinister to me

No. 2138464

She was like 8 though. Men do that as full grown adults and still have careers.

No. 2138465

That's still inexcusable to me. I'd feel the same about any male who did it too

No. 2138477

I loved Fairly OddParents growing up in the early to mid 2000s, when most TV shows made for kids were at least watchable, if not great.

No. 2138489

Again, no mentally stable person cares this much about an argument they weren't involved in. Fuck off

No. 2138506

I already said that I was, dumb bitch(infighting)

No. 2138534

There's literally been the same troll method here for literal years and it wasn't just that anon who called it out, it was going on in other threads as well. Take your L and go

No. 2138546

The troll era has come to an end. You can post the most stupid condescending thing you can think of for brain rotted tiktok users to go "actually I agree", and then people legitimately scared because it's a belief that's common, and then ofc you have the iamverysmart retards coming in and going "obvvioousslly it was fake how could everyone not have seen??"

No. 2138613

I'm in my 20s and I agree. Older men are ugly to me but younger guys really do just want to play around. Men stop looking cute at around 22 usually.

No. 2138617

It’s pretty obvious when the only question women over 30 are ever asked on the internet is what advice they would give to women in their 20s. TikTok brainrot also makes teen girls and early 20s women believe they own the universe and everything after that is just being a gross old hag who should stay out of the way and invisible.
When I saw a video by an old woman vlogging about her daily life it was really sad to me that most of the comments were younger girls going
>you mean to tell me we can be girlies going to cafés forever?!
>I don’t feel so bad about getting old now
As if being old means being locked up in a cage and whipped daily. Sad!

No. 2138626

I've seen so many women that look like actual teens get called old

No. 2138631

I don't get the big deal? Why do you want random men asking you about your life? I thought it was a good thing getting older and not having creepy men want to know random crap about you

No. 2138632

Learn how to read please

No. 2138637

>It’s pretty obvious when the only question women over 30 are ever asked on the internet is what advice they would give to women in their 20s.

No. 2138639

yep, she also put pebbles up her sister's cooch and even lena herself compared herself to a creep in regards to making her sister do 'favors' for candy or some shit

No. 2138654

Nta but the idea moids, especially creeps, will lose interest in you as you age/have kids/etc is a lie. I'm old and have kids. Creeps have increased if anything because moids feel more comfortable being gross/explicit with older women

No. 2138658


all these people are annoying and i genuinely think everyone should strive to be normal. i am a normie and i am very proud of being one

No. 2138670

>i am a normie
shit mentally ill people say for $100 alex

No. 2138687

Women going 'white women bad' is female intrasexual competition 99% of the time. They're resentful, they often covet white moids beneath their pseudo-activist exterior or hate WW because they see them as competition for their smelly moids. It's pathetic and ugly.
t. a not-white woman

No. 2138699

We need to treat moids like we do for women. Cancel them over every little thing. Call them pedos for dating someone two years younger. Tell them their rape and abuse stories are their own fault and they're actually the bad ones for trying to ruin some poor woman's life. Accuse them of being misogynistic and a screaming harpy if they complain about any of this. Make websites dedicated to over analyzing their every little mistake, word, bad selfie, etc. demand nudes and sexual behaviors then tell them they're crappy worthless whores for doing such

No. 2138703

This is too much effort and gives in to the male pathological need for attention. Can't we just decenter moids and not gaf about them?

No. 2138716

I agree with you but if your a normie why are you here? Not being snarky I’m genuinely curious, if I was a normie I’d be on Facebook or instagram with the rest of my friends and family kek, do you just not like social media?

No. 2138719

No. 2138732

Going to the gym is such pickme behavior.

No. 2138742

i don't have any social media and i like using imageboards

No. 2138750


No. 2138755

she's just fat

No. 2138756

She likely means because you put effort into becoming more attractive for moids/You’re in a “moid doninated” space

No. 2138789

What if they’re just trying to be muscley? My cousin used to go to the gym everyday to get jacked, I always thought she was based for that

No. 2138807

that poor womans face has been so misused

No. 2138832

she's pandering to moids muscle mommy fetish. Barf

No. 2138843

>stupid shit in public while being recorded
anyone wouldve been pissed off if you met any alpha shit moid or that times moid rape apologists. she wasnt in the wrong to be angry at them

No. 2138844

ew youre pandering to the moids feeder fetish barf

No. 2138845

Shut the fuck up oh my god

No. 2138853

What if you go to a female-only gym because you're a lesbian and wanna get ripped so you can carry your gf and impress her?

No. 2138855

Well now that sounds based.

No. 2138856

this has to bait. how is feeling strong and keeping your body healthy pickme? i remember an anon posting a similar bait comment and being told she's dumb as hell for it then too.

No. 2138857

Yep, that’s the one. Read it again.
>what advice they would give to women in their 20s
Where exactly did I mention creepy men asking for personal information?

No. 2138863

you don't sound like a normie tbh

No. 2138864

I prefer male friends because they’re just more useful. They do stuff like mow the lawn, take out the trash and move heavy shit I don’t wanna move. Women are only good for going to brunch.

No. 2138866

most cancelling and bullying is homosocial, look at how lolcow has mostly female cows and kiwifarms has focus on male cows. men don't care to bully each other for pedophilia because they don't find it a big deal or are pedos themselves, and are only doing more so now with Not Like Us making it a… meme. No regard for victims, just interested in clowning on each other. Women care a little bit more but still often don't care about female victims, and are more focused on cancelling other women. Both sexes love cancelling women because it's easier, since female socialization makes us care about our reputation and social pressure more.

No. 2138870

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> men don't care to bully each other for pedophilia because they don't find it a big deal or are pedos themselves
its always the latter

No. 2138877

That is true, men are a great source of utility.

No. 2138894

Using males is based

No. 2138895

She’s a lesbian kek, she just wanted to be strong and jacked. Why do assume everything a woman does is for men?

No. 2138980

dumbass shit may have been one of our worst threads but forcing anons to sing best friend by toy box is one of my favorite memories, all I needed to say was HOOH HAH, HOOO HA and everyone knew what the fuck was up

No. 2138983

Dumbass Shit was one of our BEST threads and I will bare-knuckle box anyone who says different.

No. 2138986

I feel like it was the best thread for community but our worst thread for infighting about the dumbest shit possible

No. 2138990

Worse than Unpopular Opinions? Come on…

No. 2138991

>Dumbass Shit was one of our BEST threads
we all know thats not true. so much cancer from that thread alone.

No. 2139059

I can understand why men treat women like trash because if I was in the gender with the position of power, I’d be doing them the same way. I’d probably be cat calling 18 year old boys and having babies and leaving my young husband at home alone to do all the work. I can’t hate the player, I just gotta hate the game.

No. 2139105

No way, this thread and the vent thread and celebricows is the worst for dumb infights

No. 2139145

I mean there's nothing to stop you from doing that now. You can just catcall moids from a safe position (like you're in a car and they aren't) and make sure your husband gets slapped with 100% custody when you peace out (courts over here are more likely to award fathers custody when they ask for it). You'd have to pay child support and maybe alimony, but you'd probably handle that with more grace than any moid currently does.

No. 2139189

I hate working with lazy people. If you’re not gonna put 100% in the job, don’t come at all.

No. 2139208

It's annoying to see a horrific news story from a place like the Middle East, Africa, or India get posted, and someone just has to make it about immigration. It seems insensitive. 

No. 2139216

This but when people complain about immigrants getting free housing, food, etc and how "Americans shouldn't be struggling while immigrants get a free pass" and then when American citizens do struggle they vote against social security programs, tell them to fuck off and just get like 20 jobs and live with 8 people in a studio and to eat nothing but expired canned goods and ramen

No. 2139284

Americans who "troll" by shutting down people for speaking about issues are some of the stupidest people alive. Why would you ever think it's a great idea to create an environment to silence people for trying to fix these issues, or try to convince them these issues are happening at all?

No. 2139330

Agreed, all the non-lazy people have to pick up the lazy person's slack by working even harder. They just don't get that their laziness is making everyone else's job miserable. Or they don't care.
But I've had some jobs where one person being lazy is solely their own problem, not anyone else's, and watching someone being lazy in that context really doesn't bother me. Like, dig your own grave, it' doesn't matter.

No. 2139388

I wish moids felt as threatened by women as they make it seem on social media
>Muh false accusations
If men were scared of false accusations they wouldn't be so easy and fuck everything that allows them to. They'd be cautious with anything sex related and they'd avoid beefing with women via cheating, harassment, insulting appearance, etc if they actually thought women were just falsely accusing that much
>Muh man vs bear
If you were insulted by the idea women are finding a bear safer then you'd go out of your way to present yourself as a safe person, not bitched and complained hoping women would change their mind without actually putting in effort to allow women to feel safe. Only moids would sit around demanding women see them as safe without actually putting in effort to be safe
>But male homelessness! Male suicide!
Go see how moids react to homeless women and female suicide and answer that again. Men are also typically the first ones to vote against affordable housing, inflation control, more jobs and higher wages, etc cause they all wanted to brag about how they'll work in literal feces 100 hours a week to afford a torn up studio apartment and a single can of beans a day unlike single moms in section 8 housing and food stamps because God forbid you use programs your taxes go to in order to benefit yourself instead of blowing up brown people
>But women can find a rich man and be set for life even after a divorce!!
Who cares? Typically in those situations the woman is giving up her career and doing free labor. Alimony/child support is just a security measure so you're not on the streets when your moid wants a younger woman. Also isn't it moids typically hating on career women anyway? You can't complain about women who are in positions to support you and then get upset you're not being supported

No. 2139393

Moids love to pretend to be victims

No. 2139411

File: 1723839198521.jpg (359.75 KB, 1220x1830, yse-triangle-source-d-amour-iv…)

I prefer when lingerie companies use regular thin models with airbrushed bodies against a white background (even better if the head is cropped) rather than body positive, heat-of-the-action, real models like picrel. Even if the model is skinny they will have them jutting out their hip bones in an "unperfect" way to create that body postivity look. I feel like the body of the model is always the focus rather than the clothes which end up looking underwhelming, ill fitted and are harder to projet your own body into compared to simple catalog pictures. It makes me want to not buy their underwear.

No. 2139423

True, plus it's more accurate to imagine what clothes look like on you since there's more young women who look like this than having abs, bony, or just straight up fat. It's also nice droopy natural big breasts are becoming more normalized in lingerie modeling, where as previously it was all small or medium breasts and the only representation of large boobs were either fatties or big fake Pamela Anderson basketballs

No. 2139459

I think we disagree anon? kek

No. 2139498

Get yourself a man who doesn't mind being cucked by a superior fictional man

No. 2139509

>cheating on your husbando with 3dpd

No. 2139516

He don't care, he's into it, stop kink shaming my husbando

No. 2139629

People into lolita and j-fashion are not to be trusted.

No. 2139645

you're right and you should shame her

No. 2139647

Women typically want to be left alone at work. If a moid is claiming a girl is coming onto him at work 99% chance he was likely flirting with her for a while or he's mistaking interest in her for her being interested in him

No. 2139648

Hell freakin yes

No. 2139660

how is this opinion remotely unpopular? Even most moids would admit that this is true

No. 2139704

>If men were scared of false accusations they wouldn't be so easy and fuck everything that allows them to. They'd be cautious with anything sex related
This is why I don't tell men I'm sleeping with that I have herpes. I block them after the fact especially when they tell me they have symptoms kek

No. 2139711

I disagree. You’re supposed to use accurate sizing to tell whether it will fit you (be sure you’ve been bra sized correctly and etc). How does a photoshopped picture help you exactly?

No. 2139787

Idk about that anon. Most women wouldn't go through pregnancy repeatedly just to leave the baby with the dad. Most women do not stay attracted to teenagers as they get older. And trusting your husband to take care of the house instead of cooming all day long is just naive. I feel like women often try to get on moids' level (or pretend to) for revenge or to hurt them or whatever but in the end it's a big cope. We are not like them. Even if we had more power, we wouldn't be out there acting like rape apes imho.

No. 2139807

It's an example of how the world is built around uplifting assholes and keeping good people below. Women get taken advantage of because we're empathetic and trustworthy, but at the same time people will villianize women the most because it's the gender we actually expect to change things if we're told something is wrong. You can pull up cold hard facts about how crappy men are and they won't change anything, no one will even bother because they know men don't care, for women they'll overexaggerate if not straight up make up crap about women expecting women to bend over backwards for them. Tell a woman she's doing something that's hurting people and she will immediately evaluate her choices and change her behaviors, tell a man he's hurting people he will just hurt more people

No. 2139817

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>Most women do not stay attracted to teenagers as they get older.
>We are not like them. Even if we had more power, we wouldn't be out there acting like rape apes imho.

No. 2139818

I am so appalled by this. Why are you, an adult educator, attracted to snot nose acne faced little boys?

No. 2139820

>Almost all teachers are female
>And since humans suck there's bound to be situations like so
>Ummm this is proof women suck!!

Good thing most teachers aren't moids, instead of this handful of women there would be like 50+ daily arrests and parents would send their kids with body cams to school

No. 2139825

>dude trust me women are as bad as moids, do not trust the statistics trust this random twitter meme with 0 sources attached

No. 2139827

I don't really get it either. There's nothing attractive about little pissy teenagers, especially not the current generation of them

No. 2139836

The same reason why moids go for greasy, dumpy, stinky, emotional wrecks of teen girls, it's not about appearance or personality (as much as they claim) it's just they're easier to manipulate and it's about power.

You can tell a pedo the victim they were originally interested in was actually 30 or something and they'll lose interest and suddenly they become ugly even though they look the exact same

No. 2139837

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Because teachers who rape and molest children are pedophiles. Pretending that all women can't be peodphiles just gives a cover for female pedophiles to sexually abuse children.

No. 2139841

the fact that men will see stuff like this and go ''god i wish that were me!'' proves female pedophiles arent prevalent enough to be a genuine threat to men the same way pedo scrotes are a threat to young girls. You are capping for moids that dont give a fuck, there is way more ''teacher student'' porn or ''step mom/step son'' porn than actual cases of women abusing children.

No. 2139842

Unpopular opinion but i do think if you don't actually want to take care of your kids you shouldn't have them

No. 2139843

>the fact that men will see stuff like this and go ''god i wish that were me!''
No, the majority of men are disgusted and enraged by children being sexually abused, you spend too much time on 4chan.

No. 2139845

What? Even on YouTube and Instagram you see moids drooling over the idea of a "sexy" teacher molesting them.

No. 2139846

>No, the majority of men are disgusted and enraged by children being sexually abused
it was a prevalent enough statement that fucking south park had to mock it in an episode. Moids are nasty and dont give a shit. They only pretend to care when they want to shut up women about our struggles.

No. 2139849

That's not unpopular? This isn't the 50s where people had kids just to say they did it and then let family raise them

No. 2139852

Yes it is anon. There are so many deadbeat fathers and parents who dislike their kids/having to be a parent and barely try to hide it. Saying you shouldn't have kids if you don't take care of them may be popular, actually doing it is not.

No. 2139853

Once the kids hit puberty it's not the same thing, let's be honest.
I've had friends who were traumatized by sexual grooming from a male teacher in high school
There's an element of coercion there that just doesn't exist with these female teachers because the boys become insanely horny during puberty
It's still wrong and should be dealt with harshly as these teachers destroy the legitimacy of female authority figures everywhere in the eyes of males
But it's not the same in terms of its impact on the adolescent whatsoever

No. 2139854

pretty sure this is the circumcision-obsessed moid. he also screeches about female pedophiles and sex offenders. dont give him any more attention

No. 2139855

As retarded as you are I'm sure you know what "most women" means. You can screencap random tweets and articles all you want, it's not gonna beat the crime statistics showing that males commit 90%+ of sex crimes in all countries.

No. 2139858

NTA but they commit 90% of crimes in general
I remember I was researching the genetic and neurological causes of psychopathy and there are specific genes that will cause males to become psychopaths but not females
It's sort of like how X linked diseases work, men are an order of magnitude more likely to be psychopaths than women
Though to be fair psychopaths are only like 1% of the male population and career criminals are around the same % if not less

No. 2139859

men are a mistake

No. 2139884

Totally the same as men, I take it those male students were raped to the point of perforation, beaten to death, had their legs bent so far apart they popped out the sockets, photographed and shared online, gang raped by the teachers friends and family, raped after being killed, dismembered and thrown into a lake? No? Well then I’m confused…

No. 2139886

Most vile woman
>21 yr old teacher sleeping with a 18 yr old consenting student
>Happens like .1% of the time ?

Most vile man
>Raping literal infants to death
>Raping animals to death
>Other infants and animals they rape that survive somehow have severe organ damage beyond repair
>Happens way way more than teachers sleeping with students

No. 2139890

No one wants to admit an ungodly amount of moids have committed some sort of pedo related crime, especially with the increase of social media giving men access to teens, with no consequences. The female teachers fooling around with teens is literally nothing when you consider the fact that every single adult moid has likely groomed an underaged girl on discord at some point in his life. Female pedos get plastered all over the news because it happens so little and the story is shocking, make a story about how some 20 something video game addict was found to do some ddlg roleplay on discord with a 14 yr old and that's just a normal Thursday

No. 2139900

dont forget about all the scrotes that marry little girls.

No. 2139901

This. Look at all the pedo youtuber moids that get outted on the daily for grooming girls. Meanwhile the worst a female youtuber has done is talk about her period with a 16yo faggot scrote.

No. 2139904

Men don't take serious boys being abused by women because in their mind if it doesn't hurt and feels good it's not rape.
It doesn't matter if the boy grows up into a fucked up adult, they won't acknowledge it as rape.

No. 2139916

I feel like there’s some people on here that say “y’all” and “girl” just to rile people up and get them upset. Ofc you’re the annoying one and not these retards failing to integrate, yup

No. 2139919

Talking Heads makes some of the most annoying, pretentious music. I say this as a long-time fan who has listened to their entire discography multiple times, including side projects and solo careers. I swear all their music is “life is so normal AND crazy! life is mundane. I’m just a normal little funny guy.” It’s the tif tumblr of music. David Byrne is tif bait. He’s the precursor to Neil Circumcision of Lemon Demon. All you need to do to be considered a genius is to be a lanky nerdy white guy with Asperger’s (btw he’s never been officially diagnosed, it’s really obvious he plays it up like Nathan Fielder). I think the music started losing its charm when I found out David left his wife when she got pregnant. His reason was that he did not feel passion for her anymore. No Talking Heads fan ever brings this up. They coddle him and infantilize him even though he’s in his 70s. To them, he’s just this innocent dorky sperg that can’t fit in. His “weird little boy” complex is so apparent and forced, I get second-hand embarrassment from watching him in interviews. Not because he’s socially retarded, which he definitely is not, he is extremely self-aware and curated every one of his mannerisms. I could sniff out a fake sperg easily, compare him to Gary Numan, that guy is an actually shy guy that has social difficulties, at least when he was younger. I have a better time believing Kramer from Seinfeld is a real person than David Byrne’s nerd boy persona (which he stole from Mark Mothersbaugh of DEVO). Talking Heads realizes Byrne’s ego through music form, it got even bigger after he discovered afrobeats. He damn gentrified afrobeats to make them digestible for art school students. His other band mates are pretty milky but I can’t help but side with Tina Weymouth, she speaks the truth about David. I find her relationship with Chris Frantz very wholesome from what I’ve read. She says that David used to tell her that she was too emotional, while Chris would tell her there’s no such thing. Honestly, I love when they tag-team against David Byrne because he never faces backlash. He even used to rewrite song credits and put his name first so he would get the largest royalty. I’m watching Stop Making Sense right now, I don’t know how I ever thought this was genius or groundbreaking, they have to bring in touring members to actually have rhythm. David Byrne can’t dance or be funky for shit and I’m tired of people pretending that it’s artsy. The stage props are so mundane it’s pretentious. His voice is extremely grating, it sounds like he has pubes stuck in the back of his throat, but that can’t be true because he is the type of guy to not perform cunnilingus because of “muh sensory issues.” I still have many good memories of listening to Talking Heads during my formative years but it feels so immature to have ever liked that stuck-up slop.

No. 2139921

Wowww 6 women so spooky, compared to millions of faceless moids chatting it up with 8 year olds on so many chat rooms, Discord and Kik which was a haven for those creeps for years. This is like people making a huge deal out of that female youtuber talking to her young audience compared to the rest which were moids raping and trying to fuck their underaged fans.

No. 2139927

>There's an element of coercion there that just doesn't exist with these female teachers because the boys become insanely horny during puberty
This is "that 12 year old girl was asking for it" levels of delusion.

No. 2139931

I dont take this shit seriously either. Moids dont care about women so I dont care about them.

No. 2139934

I like talking heads but god anon this has me cackling

No. 2139935

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>Happens way way more than teachers sleeping with students
I'm curious why you say "sleeping" instead of "raping" to describe teachers sexually assaulting boys. Do you think an 11 year old boy can consent to sex with a 42 year old woman?

No. 2139936

Why are you defending scrotes? They would never defend you.

No. 2139940

tell me more

No. 2139947

I still don't get what's the big deal, women aren't trafficking little boys at the same volume as moids, women aren't the ones producing the majority of child porn and the majority of moids literally think the boy is lucky.
Plus it literally never hurts the boys when they get "raped" unlike girls who are scarred for life and sometimes even get killed, also, did you notice the woman turned herself into the police? She has a tiny shred of soul unlike moids that continue to rape until they're found out.
But yeah, poor moids, who will ever defend them? They suffer soooo much during the 6 months at jail that they're even allowed to go to the Olympics after raping 12 years old girls repeatedly.

No. 2139948

Wanna know why this is a news story? Cause it's shocking, unusual, something you never see everyday. Meanwhile male on female rape cases never make the news because it's common and boring

No. 2139959

no one is saying it doesn't happen, were saying it's a drop in the ocean compred to the amount of moids raping kids. yet it gets a disprpoportionate amount of attention. bc moids like it make it sound like women are as bad as them

No. 2139971

the apple river stabbing guy deserved to go to jail. he was using his googles to look for his friend’s lost phone (which was insured, his friend told him to not worry about it) right next to bunch of drunk teens and they got uncomfortable and told him to leave. he then picked up a knife, meaning he was already planning on stabbing someone, came back and started bothering the same group of teens that repeatedly told him to leave. sure, they were shittalking him, but they are fucking teens, he could have just left. the teens only started to “beat” him after he slapped one of the girls so hard her glasses fell off. and even if it was self defence, they were all backing up a d running away from him after he stabbed a d disemboweled the first kid. instead he started chasing them around to stab them. he was just some murderous scrote and he deserves to rot in jail. i have no sympathy for a violent psycho like that. plus he just went back to his friends and continued tubing like nothing happened (psycho moid behavior) and lied to the police too. i’m sick of the retarded boomers trying to make this case a zoomer vs boomer thing. they were a group of loud annoying teens and he was a murderous psycho. you don’t get to go on a stabbing rampage just because you find bunch of kids slightly annoying.

No. 2139988

Chris and Tina are milky as well because they think they pass as innocent angels that were done wrong by David. The truth is they were all snooty art students with huge egos. Many Tom Tom Club songs were not written by them, yet they stole the credit for many years. Tina seems to have first started hating David when he rejected her during the early days of the band (which I don't get, she was very cute when she was young, maybe she wasn’t ‘curated’ or pandered enough for him). David was more attractive than Chris, who she was only girlfriend with at time. Maybe the Heads would have remained together longer if she had just dated her first choice. Also, David absolutely hates it when you call the “THE Talking Heads.” He hates “the.” Fairly embarrassing, but when I was in my early teens I thought David Byrne was peak male, but it’s obvious to me now that I was only attracted to him because he seemed approachable and somewhat spergy, which deep down I knew was a forced performance. He's Cillian Murphy levels of ugly moid psyop. I knew many tifs that thought he was the hottest shit and tried so desperately to emulate his mannerisms and speaking patterns. Don’t go on Talking Heads twitter, they all want to fuck his geriatric grandpa ass made of dust. And don’t get me started on the Big Suit. He does weird stuff for the sake of doing it. There is no thought behind any of the ‘kooky’ shenanigans he pulled on stage. He comes off as a toddler that babbles and screams just to get attention. He’s the baby that yells your name until you turn your head just to do an underwhelming cartwheel. He is so in love with himself but tries to pass it off as an over-thinking personality. If he could marry himself, he would, because it seems nobody could truly ever impress him or be as interesting as himself. Maybe the only person he ever respected was Brian Eno, notorious talented whore producer. David Byrne should have been written off as a Mark Mothersbaugh skinwalker from the very beginning, but sadly DEVO wasn’t promoted as well as TH so most people don’t know that David Byrne is unoriginal. When he speaks, he sounds like someone who was asked to perform an impression of Rainman after watching the movie once. I don’t know why people even bother with interviewing him, he’s like a toddler that bring a soggy Cheeto as a gift and everyone coos over it. Someone will try to have a decent interview with him, and if he’s not giving a look of “I’d rather be home jerking to myself in the mirror in my 4-sizes-too-big banana republic clothes” , he’s pretending to be distant and in his own little world, which he is, but its not the genius autism world with equations floating around, he’s in his overpriced RISD dorm doing pigeon dances. He’s always been self-assured of his opinions but he tries to come off as humble and unaware of his ‘sheer genius.’ I don’t know why magazines ask him about his political opinions, he always replies with the NPR-up-to-date safe liberal word salad. Why do we care what David Byrne has to say? How does his music come off as intelligent and therefore make him a source worthy of interviewing? He sounds like Lois Griffin saying 9/11 was bad. I can at least attest that he had a great ass when he was young, he didn’t deserve such a great ass. That was wasted on him.

No. 2139990

kek anon I always thought if cillian were taller he'd be perfect as the role of biopic david

No. 2139999

A Talking Heads biopic would be disastrous. I wouldn’t be surprised if the actors that portrayed the band ended up hating each other like the actual band. Of course David Byrne would be played by Cillian Murphy, that’s a comparison I’ve heard before. Chris and Jerry would be played by some ugly actors being shilled as attractive. Tina would be probably played by Sydney Sweeney or any blonde that’s popular right now, they’d probably puts loads of makeup on her and make her dress more femininely than she did IRL, because men would not watch the movie if she actually looked like the real Tina. The story would be biased in Byrne’s favor, and then the real Tina would write another tell-all book debunking the story.

No. 2140019

nah if you put in 100% then people will have higher expectations of you and the higher ups will make you do extra unnecessary work. you should only do the bare minimum or maybe 50% at most.

No. 2140034

I know it's going to sounds really edgy but i mean it.
I'm 100% sure male rape victims actually enjoy when they are raped by a woman.

No. 2140048

The only time they act hurt over it is when women bring up rape by men.

No. 2140096

They don’t enjoy the residual mental effects

No. 2140112

IVF should be banned but not for religious reasons, but because it forces people with crappy infertile genetics to pass on their infertile genetics onto their kids, who will consume IVF yet again. Consumerist dream pipeline to take over our bodies. Also it's always the most unbearable psychos in the fucking world getting it for some reason, don't know why but all couples I've met that get IVF are the worst

No. 2140119

File: 1723887242146.png (1.19 MB, 844x714, ivf is wrong .png)

All the IVF babies I’ve met are ugly too. I have twin IVF cousins and they look like sloth from the goonies

No. 2140121

i think the adult ones do (or if the moid is a fag) but the children? no.

No. 2140123

It would and should become less of an issue if people could accept that there are viable life paths without children, that it's not the end of the world if you don't have any and it shouldn't be the default plan for everyone - it's for people who really, really want it and can attain it without drastically reducing their quality of life (ie spending all that money and experiencing so much discomfort and disappointment while doing IVF). It should be a lot easier for people to simply let go of their plans to have kids, like they might give up the idea of a certain career or being an olympian or a celebrity or something. Great things to aspire to, sure, but it's not a human right to get what you want and it shouldn't ruin your life if you don't succeed.

No. 2140186

Thisss. You know you've lost when you have to resort to cropped tweets with no names and no sources to "prove" that most women are in fact just as deviant as men. Even one of the two cherry picked articles is about a woman who groped a boy, because it's considered shocking enough to generate clicks. Can you imagine if they wrote an article for every girl who got talked to or touched inappropriately by a male?

No. 2140206

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This thread was recommended to me the other day and almost every single reply was about a creepy moid pedophile, with the exception of like 2 old women who were villainized for being ugly and unmarried, and 1 female high school teacher who dated a student after graduation. But redditors still screech that women are just as bad as men and repost every single female teacher mugshot

No. 2140211

I don’t think it’s a good thing that women aren’t as bad as men. We live in a world where bad behavior is rewarded and I’m tired of women being victims. Women actually aren’t as bad as men, but it’s not a good trait to have to survive in this world. I noticed most successful women are narcissists and sociopaths because they operate in the same thinking scale as the average man.

No. 2140224

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This. In my experience the only way to win in a relationship with moids is to be a cunt with them. When i was a beta pickme paying half for dates and even buying things for moids i got trashed and treated like garbage, now i am actual a mean cunt to them they shower me in gifts and let me call them moids and scrotes. Men love asshole women which is why they lust after stacy killers like jodi and the pedo teachers.

No. 2140239

IVF parents are also the worst to interact with because they either spend the rest of their lives making their ‘miracle baby’, IVF, and their infertility their entire personality.

No. 2140242

this is one of the reasons why most men love bpdchans. as much as they like to complain about crazy bitches there is nothing more exciting or attractive to them than a woman who is pretty and keeps them on their toes.

No. 2140250

Not even just in the context of dating. Women with personality disorders are usually successful in general. I can look at a woman like this and see she’s insane like a man.

No. 2140264

Samefag but why don’t we ever get evil blood lust women on women’s side. They’re always routing for men’s best interests.

No. 2140273

I'd be a little less leery of IVF if there were more barriers to access and not just amoral doctors agreeing to implant embryos in whoever pays up. Passing both genetic testing and mental health screening and undergoing parenting therapy should be the bare minimum to access services that let you science a whole new human into existence.

No. 2140448

I’m an IVF baby and all that’s wrong with me is autism. Not too bad.

No. 2140613

Idgaf about your CSA if you use lolicon to "cope".
Just kill yourself already

No. 2140620

Moids have to jump through hoops and literally dedicated parts of their lives to "proving" how women are as bad or worse than men, but they live in the only period of time where women are expected to do almost all housework, childcare, relationship effort, etc while also working. Western moids are being financially supported by women than ever before, and on top of that they get loads of free labor but will claim women are actually worse than in the past. Moids can be ugly, unfunny or whatever and find a desperate enough woman so he can just play video games all day and never cook, clean or anything, despite of this he will probably repeat online about how awful women are nowadays when his behaviors would never ever fly in his ideal time period

That being said, why even try? If men think we're the worst regardless of efforts there's no point in trying to prove ourselves

No. 2140622

No. 2140630

I frankly do not believe people who say this. it is a known predator tactic to lie and claim "I was abused as a child, this is all part of the cycle of abuse, poor me" and I am sure lolicons who say they use it to cope are similarly lying, unless it's actually self harm and not coping, in which case they wouldn't be furiously defending it the way they do.

No. 2140666

if you’re a celebrity with tons of money and resources and you get addicted to drugs, i don’t feel bad for you. if they continue to use and never seek help, i don’t feel bad if they die. there’s poor hard working people who get grifted by doctors and big pharma every single day and those doctors will never see a jail cell. the only reason doctors like the ones who prescribed for michael jackson and matthew perry are getting investigated/charged is because of the publicity. no one would care if they were a manual laborer who got addicted after back surgery. no one would give a shit if it was a street dealer taking advantage of a homeless teenage prostitute.

No. 2140817

>>2140630 being abused can lead to fantasies of abuse and rape, but the thing is: it's not a cope, they just say it is to be judged less by others.

No. 2140878

> the only reason doctors like the ones who prescribed for michael jackson and matthew perry are getting investigated/charged is because of the publicity
I get what you mean when it's pills or Ket now that it's dished out for depression, anything on the usual list of abused meds you can see how reactions are swayed by someones status in life. MJs docs are a bad example because it was Propofol abuse. Nobody gaf about all the pills he was on too. 60 consecutive nights of an anesthetic drug given outside of a hospital setting without equipment on standby is unmatched territory to this day

That doc got 4 years, served less than 2, still a practicing physician abroad now.

No. 2140891

Why do elderly people get away with behaving this way??

No. 2140892

Real answer, many of them are intellectually disabled. Aging really messed with your brain.

No. 2140897

Japanese fashion and subcultures used to be so cool in the 90s-mid 2010s, now their fashion and trends are so fucking gaudy and ugly as fuck. The clothes suck and their hair always looks greasy and thin.

No. 2140899

If they are so "weak" and "disabled" that they have to harass other people then maybe they should just go to a nursing home and never go outside.
The general population shouldn't suffer because of them also notice how both elderly women and elderly men always chose to pick on women or girls. So they are not mentally disabled enough to do the same shit to men that they do to women…that's interesting.
The fashion was always gaudy, even back then. You just have nostalgia.

No. 2140935

matthew perry also abused women and mj abused kids, dont feel bad for them at all!

No. 2140936

Yeah, there was a culture in the 90s and early 2000s. After social media blew up around 2013ish, things really changed. 2020 solidified no one being original anymore. That's why we have so much 'core' bullshit now

No. 2141157

Normalize death threats, they don't mean anything anymore.

No. 2141159

I’m going to kill you bitch

No. 2141161

Where did the "core" shit come from? And like… why is it a thing? Cottage core, fairy core, scene core… styles that already existed but they just renamed them. Or like scene core they just took scene and added core to it kek

No. 2141166

Sending death threats is bad for both parties involved

No. 2141168

If there's more then not I don't want it then and nobody understand.

No. 2141169

You're not kidding, the repressed rage behind those facial expressions kek.
Personality disordered women love easy validation which they get from being desirable or "one of the good ones" to men. They see other women as threats to their princesshood.

No. 2141173

No. 2141174

Semi-related: do you all think that telling someone to kill themselves is a death threat?

No. 2141188

I don't, the death threat would be someone saying they'll kill themselves though maybe.

No. 2141190

What about reverse death threats? What if we all started saying retarded shit like "I bet you'd love to shoot me in the head, I bet you'd loooooove me to neck myself wouldn't you, you sick fuck, here's my address so you can act out your sick desires since you CLEARLY want me to die"

No. 2141197

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No. 2141208

I agrre, this >>2141197 would be their reaction, nonna.

No. 2141260

>gross old man berating the youngest girl in the row of seats he can find
Hope he gets stabbed, why was he shoving his cane between her legs? Old men need to be put down. I’m sad no one stood up for her, even the cops just let him rage at her. You can tell he feels like he’s somehow superior to her because when she started to match his energy he got physically violent with her, what a pathetic fag.

No. 2141268

We get very few but they’re rarely discussed, my favourite is Runa Tamura. A Japanese terminally online neet who murdered and dismembered a rapist troon. Both her parents helped her conceal her crime but she was unfortunately caught and charged with life in prison along with her father. She also apparently frequented imageboards and hated men so I like to think she’d like it here kek. I hope she’s doing okay and her mom is coping okay not having her family with her, I guess I hope her dad is okay too cause he seemed to genuinely care about her.

No. 2141340

I do that sometimes to shut some angry moids "What, are you gonna punch a frail asian girl? Come on, do that!", "Is that how you were raised to treat women?" for some reason I love do it with witnesses around. I don't do it much often, I prefer to avoid open confrontations. But after huge white man pestered me with birds and took a photo of me, he demanded to pay, I rejected, he started to whine what his "boss will kill him", "And so?", "And so?!" his face was so red and even raised his fist to my face, I was scared shitless but also felt some adrenaline rash "Come on, beat me!". It was in crowded place, without nothing saying he left me alone. I thought I would lose some teeth, his fist was bigger than half of my face. I can't recommend this method, angry men are unpredictable and result may vary to worse.

No. 2141341

This. His cane was on the side and he purposefully put it between her legs like the rape ape he is, while the policemen just watch. He's clearly energetic enough to stand in the train and ignored the woman leaving her seat because he was targeting the girl.

Life for defending herself? So sad. Must be horrible for the mother

No. 2141343

Is her prison allows internet access? Spending time here would relieve her life in sentence a bit.

No. 2141357

>I noticed most successful women are narcissists and sociopaths because they operate in the same thinking scale as the average man.
Are most of them "girl's girl"? Would be cool to have cutthroat successful women to have female solidarity for struggling ones. A dream society.

No. 2141382

No, they are mercenary towards other women for the same reason men are towards other men, it comes with the mindset
This is why men will look at women supporting each other and call it "in-group preference" as if we have some kind of hive mind instinct instead of just being able to empathize with each other better

No. 2141390

Satanic panic is stupid and some Satanists are probably more sane than evangelical christians

No. 2141391

>Life for defending herself?
Apparently the rape was a separate occasion, so she actually lured him back to a hotel room weeks after the rape so she could kill him. Incredibly based but unfortunate for her sentencing because it wasn’t seen as self defence, and they doubted her story of the rape despite many other women coming forward with allegations of abuse. I hope she has freedom one day, she doesn’t deserve to be in prison.

I kind of doubt it but I really hope so.

No. 2141394

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Eric Roberts was prettier than Julia Roberts. Rare case of a brother looking better than his sister

No. 2141399

Emma looks like her dad and her sister looks nothing like him, genetics are weird

No. 2141436

Agreed, but I never really found Julia pretty though tbh, it's like her features are too big for her face or something

No. 2141443

bongers have my favorite insults i think they string words together in a bizarre way that takes a lot of creativity. somehow low IQ brits seem to have a natural talent for this. 'malteser head' like who thinks of that kek

No. 2141909

If you are close to someone with gender dysphoria, you are not a good friend if you co-sign them mutilating their genitals.
At the end of the day, they have the right to do it if they're an adult, and they won't always hear you, but if you decide to go full-on cheerleader about it instead of making even a slight attempt to warn them before they do something they'll regret and have to cope about 99.9% of the time, you've placed things being okay between you for a little while longer over their wellbeing as a person.

No. 2142119

People obsessing over gypsy rose, both super fans and people obsessed with ripping apart aspects of her life to claim she lied about everything are some of the most psychotic people alive

Although she is pretty milky having a thread about her would be entertaining if there was enough moderation to shut down the "she's a liar who manipulated a poor disabled man" comments

No. 2142140

I dont follow her at all and I find it interesting that people online are such performative activists that completely forget the self righteous moral code theyre constantly wagging their fingers about when it comes to real people. Suddenly, people don't care about the psychological wellbeing of an abuse victim. Suddenly, everything is just mindless entertainment, the kind they're always trying to police other people for. So hypocritical. They never practice what they preach and only preach to feel important online.

No. 2142147

100% just internet trends or misogyny. Even at the beginning multiple people said that since gypsy wasn't going to be immediately adjusted to internet lingo/social norms people were going to cancel her ASAP. It's just weird to see so many people siding with Nick now despite all his antics or even worse painting him as the actual victim when he came up with the plan to kill DeeDee and did the actual killing. Like so what she got some weird discord groomer to go to jail? He was in his 20s and thought gypsy was a teenager and started the whole "this is called BDSM" type crap. Gypsy probably did the world a favor before he found some other teenage girl in an abusive situation to roleplay child molestation with online

No. 2142155

It came from hardcore punk. Which turned into emotional hardcore. Which shortened to emocore. Which shortened to emo. And now core is used to easily create a label for anything.

No. 2142185

Agreed, it’s also strange seeing people switch up so quickly from “morning after pills aren’t an abortion pill” and “women don’t need a reason to want an abortion because it’s her body and her right.” To “omg gypsy just killed her baby with a pill while laughing!” And “how dare she not want to have a baby with the fat man, and now she’s having a baby with the new guy!? What about the fat man who wanted a baby with her!?” Like shut the fuck up, if she didn’t want the fatty to be her baby daddy so what? Does she not have the right to choose who fathers her kid? Jfc I hate it

No. 2142210

Gypsy got an abortion? You're right though, I remember most gen z and millennials being super pro abortion until recently, most because they can demonize women for "killing their babies" even though that was never the argument previously

No. 2142239

No she took a morning after pill about 5 or 6 days after having unprotected sex with the fat ex. People were calling it an “abortion pill.” She said she wasn’t ready to have a baby, but then got pregnant with the new guy within a month of that incident. So everyone got on her case telling her she wasn’t “not ready” to have a baby she just didn’t want the fat man to be the father. It’s like yeah no shit kek, obviously that’s true but it was so weird people were mad about it. So everyone is allowed to choose who fathers their baby except gypsy kek, people are just pining after reasons to shit on her

No. 2142250

Oh yeah for sure, I see her get ripped apart for all sorts of normal behaviors. It's all just bitch eating crackers syndrome
>She had a baby registry!
Almost all millennial and Gen z moms have one lol
>She has baby daddy/relationship drama
Are we just gonna act like we don't live for this kinda drama when it's anyone else? Kek
>She dyed her hair/got a nose job/etc
Who fucking cares

No. 2142283

Flamboyant gay men do not act "like women" or "feminine", they have their entire own expression and since it only exists within men it's an expression of their masculinity - not femininity.

Same with butch lesbians acting "male" or "masculine", it's an expression of femininity that males could never ever achieve. We can see this within troons who claim to be butch lesbians, they don't even have the capacity to understand what it means to act "butch" in a feminine way even though they themselves are men.

No. 2142289

Haven't been following the drama, but it's 100% valid to not want to have a baby with any moid you see unfit for whatever reason

No. 2142296

Incredibly based opinion

No. 2142309

>bitch eating crackers syndrome
OT but this is the second time I saw this on here WTF does it mean? Is from Twitter or something?

No. 2142316

This is still predicated on the belief that "masculine" and "feminine" are innate natural phenomenon and not sociological in providence. If you distill your belief, it eventually enables transsexualism, just like all beliefs in any "gender" role system.

No. 2142317

When you're so obsessed with hating someone that you'll get mad and be like "look at this stupid fucking bitch, she's eating crackers"

No. 2142323

Oh, okay. Still I'd caution against using "bitch" so freely here it's kind of mean-spirited and misogynistic, even if you don't mean it like that. Just a BTW.

No. 2142327

>I'd caution against using "bitch" so freely here it's kind of mean-spirited and misogynistic,
Bitch this is lolcow, this site is literally built off of being meanspirited and making fun of women kek

No. 2142329

Never in my life have I seen such an uptick in "gentle reminder UwU" speak on lolcow. Where did you even come from.(no emoticons, even ironically)

No. 2142339

Yeah I know it's LC, but IDK if you noticed or not but not many anons actually use the word "bitch" because most anons don't like misogyny.
Well I came from the homepage, because I was wondering what the crackers thing was about because it was the second time I saw it from an obvious twitard so I just wanted to ask to see if I was right, and lo I was right, it is a Twitter thing. Just like saying "bitch" all the time is a twitard thing.

Also nice emoji kek. You're totally not a summerfag from Twitter.

No. 2142390

>unironically thinking anons have never used the classic oowoo face in a sarcastic manner before a retarded and inconsistent janny decided to ban issue a retarded ban
Newfags pls go. You are not a mod and you don't need to do the sjw friendly reminder thing.

No. 2142392

>calling "bitch eating crackers" and using the word bitch twitterisms
Are you retarded kekkkkkk. And you wouldn't have even been able to see the crackers part of that post from the homepage, it's too far in the post for it to show on the homepage.

No. 2142432

nta but it is a twitterism tho kek why get defensive over that part

No. 2142439

"Bitch eating crackers" is old as fuck. Just because it regained popularity in like 2020 doesn't mean it hasn't been around for longer.

No. 2142448

No it's not, you're making shit up

No. 2142450

i don’t know what anything means anymore

No. 2142455

shh sweet nona, it's okay. don't worry about anything

No. 2142464

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I fuckign hate you little kids

No. 2142467

Actually, kill yourself bitch. Owoo

No. 2142478

This. And the CNC people out there. Rape isn't kinky..

No. 2142486

It first appeared on Instagram Threads in August 2023, then it got copied on Twitter, so it's not even originally from Twitter retard

No. 2142492

"Bitch eating crackers" has been in the internet lexicon at least since 2018.

No. 2142496

"CNC" is just a subtler, less obviously disgusting way of saying "rape fetish"

No. 2142497

See even you are using Google University when many of us have heard it long before then

No. 2142500

Anon you can even go on urban dictionary and see it's been around longer that last year

No. 2142504

It’s more popular on reddit these days.

No. 2142508

Idk what that site is and knowing how anons here act it's probably going to lead me to some fucked up virus website, so nice try at trolling but it didn't work. Retard.

No. 2142509


Thread has reached 1100 posts. The thread will be locked and you will be unable to post in it shortly after it exceeds 1200 posts. Please begin preparing a new thread and post a link to it when it's created.

No. 2142515

you are right. urbandictionary is a dark web gore site. dont go on there!

No. 2142516

…Urban Dictionary? Is this your first day on the internet? You've never googled what a slang term meant and saw urban dictionary? I swear some of you are literally aliens and this is your first day on earth

No. 2142520

Ugh I knew it was gonna be something like that. Seriously sick of newfags trying to make me click off this website and go into virus territory or whatever. Thanks for letting me know nona, I appreciate you telling me what the website was about. If it's that bad someone should seriously report it to the cyber police.

No. 2142554

Slut shaming is good.

No. 2142555

Yes but i don't think AYRT is implying it's innate. I don't agree with her wording but i think i get what she means. Femininity goes way beyond superficial markers like fashion or interests. Things like feminine norms and the way society is organized undermine women's confidence in their intelligence, makes them over-reliant on sacrifice to feel valuable, unable to value themselves outside of servicing someone else (as a wife/mother/caretaker etc.), it goes on. Gay men aren't plagued by these issues, they have overlapping issues with women (beauty standards, sexual violence) but they are otherwise very male-typical. This is maybe why calling them 'feminine' and butch women 'masculine' can feel off. GNC people diverge from their socialization and don't necessarily suffer too badly from the aforementioned issues but it doesn't mean they are socialized as the other sex either. AYRT's example of troon 'butches' really highlights this, troons can't reach the specific position that is 'woman with masculine traits' because they aren't part of the sex that's physically weaker, doesn't possess genitalia that penetrates, is socialized into empathetic attitudes, didn't go through male puberty (and all the real psychological changes it entails), which then informs their masculinity to such an extent.. That you may as well think of butches as closer to feminine women than to men. Or flamboyant gay men as really masculine, but this is less understood and accepted, unless you're aware of gay misogyny and aggression

No. 2142558

ESPECIALLY for men because they're the ones who spread most of the STD's.

No. 2142583

You are definitely a high schooler. Also embarrassing to admit but I’m pretty sure ‘Bitch Eating Crackers’ is from at least 2015 and started on r/BeautyGuruChatter.

No. 2142604

No, I think it was even earlier. I remember seeing it in like 2012 on those 1890s-1920s women memes. Do you remember those? Like they were around with all the other OG memes, it was just antique illustrated figures of women and like a quippy remark on a simple colour background.

No. 2142627

Bitch you better be joking

No. 2142635

whats wrong about slut shaming? whats the difference between slut shaming an calling women pickmes like anons do here

No. 2142639

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This thread basically

No. 2142641

I feel like you think you're being profound but you're making up a weird non-issue to dismiss domestic violence and how glaringly common it is for men to abuse women.

No. 2142648

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I think the dumbass shit thread was the perfect containment for the most retarded and braindead of infight-topics. Fujos and anti-fujos could duke it out there and it was light fun. Now there's what, four threads on the topic? And don't get me wrong, some of the threads on /ot/ are… okay… but I feel like dumbass shit thread still being around would negate the need for a stupid question thread and random question thread (I still don't know the difference). I know I'll probably get banned for bringing it up. And maybe I'm just looking at it through rose-tinted glasses but I feel like dumbass shit, unpopular opinions, and vent thread were the trifecta of retard containment. Plus now we get banned for shitposting and we don't even have a retarded shitpost thread.
>inb4 they are still here just autosage
Might as well delete em
>inb4 take it to meta
Maybe I will
>inb4 misc. reeing
Please sisters…

No. 2142651

Fuck tendies gave me a chuckle

No. 2142658

I've been wondering why we've been having an influx of ultra specific thread subjects, the absence of dumbass might actually explain it

No. 2142662

It's still there. You can still post there.

No. 2142670

>We autosaged dumbass to discourage a specific group of users from posting
>Autosaging serves it's intended purpose, people stop posting
>What do you mean we killed dumbass????? It's still there!!!! You can still post in it!!!!!
You can't autosage a thread to discourage posting only to turn around and claim it actually totally doesn't do exactly what you intended it to do.

No. 2142672

I'm not reading your ranting bitch I'm just saying you can still post retarded shit there

No. 2142683

You're right and the mods/admins need to bring back that thread. it was easy to hide and ignore. Now the tard is everywhere on this board.

No. 2142700

I don't even understand why it was taken away or autosaged in the first place

No. 2142703

I don't hate gay moids any more or less than straight moids. I dislike them all equally. I don't get anons who specifically hate gay moids the most.

No. 2142711

you're going to get shit for this but I agree
I won't ever forget that anon who knows possibly troll who was sperging about her husband because he was in proximity to a gay dude claiming he caught aids from him kek

No. 2142716

made the new thread:

No. 2142718

No. 2142721

No I disagree, I think the increasing amount of womanchildren is alarming and the only website that allows them to be grown adult fans of cartoons made for children is this website. I unironically blame radfems for encouraging ex-tifs with detransition guilt to come here and "peak", all they do is eat hot chip, lie and talk about fujo and consoomer shit all damn day.

No. 2142723

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Victims don't seek abusers. They're just more vulnerable to violation because it's known that no one cares how they are treated.

Telling victims that they're wrong doesn't help anything (and is scapegoating). Telling victims that their bf is wrong doesn't help anything either. You have to tell the abusive bf himself, and create consequences for his behaviour to drive the point home.

Blaming her and ignoring the abuser actually rewards him with silence. That keeps the abuse going and it abandons the victim which ironically may lead her to feel she has no one else but him. Unfortunately if she grew up with abuse as her "default" she's going to grow up into a woman who feels "familiar" and thus more "safe" with abusive behaviour without even realising it. There's no other option but to stand up to him. You need to create something negative for him to really protect her.

No. 2142724

Samefag inb4 "go back tranny", not a troon and I don't like them.

No. 2142729

I think threadpics following a motif is way more fun than random dumb photos (especially of shit like animu)

No. 2142734

Why would you make the new thread now?

No. 2142736

This isn't unpopular. I got mad when I saw the new Confession thread pic. Fuck newfaggotry.

No. 2142743

Stupid questions thread is for questions that would be shameful to ask because it should be common sense or common knowledge. For example: "what language is spoken in Mexico" or "how do I use conditioner".

Random questions is for asking other farmers questions about themselves, like random facts about their preferences, hobbies, or lives. For example, "what's your favorite color, nonnas?"

Both threads have been around for years, they're not recent at all.

No. 2142753

autosaging destroys everything

No. 2142757

I don't quite get what you're saying, you think this is the only website that has woman into cartoons and anime…? Also I don't think radfems are trying to get tifs to come here, tifs do that on their own to be edgy

No. 2142760

I agree. Summerfags, lurk or gtfo and go back to school. I hate you all.

No. 2142770

No shut the fuck up that is a DUMBASS SHIT THREAD tradition. I swear you fucking libtards always trying to revoke what is good and true in this world let people shitpost, shitposting is not newfaggotry ackkkkkk this another form of nonny’s torture porn!!

No. 2142788

Newfag. You're literally complaining about NEETs and weebs on a site created to document cosplay drama.

>shitposting is not newfaggotry
Says the newfag. Shitposting has always been banned outside of /b/, later the boards /s4s/ and /trash/ were added. When LC was created shitposting was also banned because LC was a splinter of /cgl/, not /b/.

No. 2142792

there is no /b/…

No. 2142799

/ot/ used to be /b/

No. 2142800

Stop bumping the wrong unpopular opinions. This thread is not done yet.

No. 2142802

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I'm talking about 4chan, prior to LC's creation. Also there did used to be a /b/ - random board on LC. The board was renamed /ot/ - off topic because no one wanted to recreate /b/ on 4chan.

No. 2142804

There needs to be another hellweek but instead it’s hellmonth

No. 2142809

No. Hellyear.

No. 2142815

No. Hell.

No. 2142822

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No. 2142830

No. 2142843

Suck my clit, minimod(infighting)

No. 2142846

Profuse vomiting

No. 2142864

Vomit harder, maybe it’ll make you skinny enough to not hate joy

No. 2142870

Then explain the shitposting threads in /ot/ that were allowed after that until they were culled because the mods got too lazy. No1currs about this being an offshoot of /cgl/ and this and that, newsflash websites change in nobody’s favor and they don’t always succumb to a bitter nancy’s wishes. We’re all unhappy, you should be happy that we are all unhappy about their retarded decisions for this website because that’s what you thrive off of.

No. 2142884

I think it's good if it was utilized to make proper progress, instead people would rather slut shame some teen girl for wearing shorts or having girls nights or something stupid, but we aren't slut shaming moids who are easy and everyone just defends homewreckers/romanticizes them

No. 2142929

Woah totally cool hot topic shady asf comeback

No. 2142939

Stop it

No. 2142945

Or you’ll what?

No. 2142951

You’ll never be Maddy

No. 2142988

The “fuck you dad” crossed out like she changed her mind about it literally killed me, excellent work nonna

No. 2143047

'Take it to meta' is just a excuse to ban, when you take it to meta it's radio silence on their part. The mods are retarded and so fucking lazy and there is no arguing with them when they get their ass kissed by farmers for doing the bare minimum, that "cerbmin" is a big joke. Maybe it truly is shaymin all along making us suffer for laughing at her godawful layout. Can't believe I miss it when ot was broken, that was peak shitposting.

No. 2143065

>post funny things for years
>covid era newfags show up
>retards think shutposting is 100% serious and assume I'm retarded instead of having a sense of humor
>they get mad and call comedy a scourge necessitating a containment zone
>no more funnyposting, only mad and vent
>"why is everyone so mean and upset on this site?"

No. 2143077

The no fun allowed police really did ruin that place, lolcow used to have a lot more of a silly spirit.

No. 2143093

You get banned for adding uwu as a joke or for “not integrating” when you shitpost.

No. 2143105

god exactly, the mods never take themselves to /meta/ despite telling everyone else to

No. 2143177

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Here's an unpopular opinion: consent alone as the basis for judging sexual morality is a bad idea because it's arbitrary
You can change your mind from one point to the next, so there's no actual standard that can be followed outside of the person's head
For example, Title IX courts in colleges create a prisoners dilemma where both parties involved in a sexual liaison are incentivized to report each other because the first reporter for a sexual assault is the presumed victim
Back in the day we used to just outsource these norms to religious beliefs everyone shared but nowadays we need to have some legal standard on what is morally acceptable sexual behavior and what's not
I'm not going to make arguments over how we should draw the lines for what is or isn't morally acceptable sexual behavior as that's beyond the scope of my unpopular opinion, but rather my argument is that the current system without any rules beyond "affirmative consent" is just mind-reading for moids and they are terrible at it
Now we're in a situation where the ones who are actually self conscious and not creepy are afraid to even talk to us while the ones who are creepy predator types aren't bothered about harassment charges in the first place
Moids need a clear set of do's and don'ts that aren't dependent on them reading the signals because the well intentioned but clueless ones will fuck up the messaging and the malevolent ones will take advantage of the ambiguity

No. 2143194

who let the moid in

No. 2143205

why would you want a socially retarded man anyway? If they're not capable of talking to and treating a woman with respect, they aren't worth your time. ANY man that is put off women because they fear their intentions won't be understood is a man with suspect intentions in the first place.

No. 2143207

>affirmative consent" is just mind-reading for moids and they are terrible at it
Moids are only pretending they can't read the signs, they can but dgaf or are aroused at women's distress.

No. 2143220

Bureaucracy and love don't mix too well. One is mercantile and premeditated, the other comes from the heart.

No. 2143221

Fair point but this could also go the other way
I've only been approached a few times in my life and none of them were by moids I would describe as socially aware, with one of them becoming scarily persistent
I met my bf through social media which was a lot smoother because there's no anxiety about talking over the internet, and meeting IRL was a lot less awkward
A lot of people don't have that option though, either they aren't on social media as much or don't have friend networks they can use
Yeah those are the malevolent ones I described, and they love ambiguous rules

No. 2143224

If we were only talking about love, I would agree
But we're talking about everything between love and the drunken one night stand
You have to draw the lines on what is or isn't acceptable behavior and why
If we say everything between consenting adults is okay, then you draw the line at consent which can be retroactively revoked, or altered by substances, etc
It's not a standard that would be legally acceptable in any other circumstance

No. 2143248

The whole consent thing strikes me as ill-conceived and dehumanizing. It reeks of prostitution. I don't understand why would anyone act like a whore and have sex with someone they don't love, and later while regretting it blame anyone, but themselves.

No. 2143299

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On one hand I miss dumbass shit because I appreciated that it was a thread on /ot/ where I didn't need to be srs bsns and could fuck around, it also had community spirit.
On the other hand I'm glad it's autosaged because it encouraged me to post the most cringiest shit imaginable and embarrass myself.
So, I dunno how to feel about it. I do agree that the board overall has become much worse without it, though

No. 2143321

Getting embarrassed about shit you say and do on an anonymous website site is just woman brained non sense

No. 2143323

Go back

No. 2143342

>having a sense of shame and self consciousness that isn’t dictated by anyone other than the self is a female trait
I mean your not entirely wrong, men have no shame and will rape babies, animals, furniture and elderly people if no one is around to watch them.

No. 2143346

True but at the same time female socialization is still cringe. I’m not going to be embarrassed to infight or kiss mods asses for social acceptance from people who can’t even see me.

No. 2143347

Well neither am I but I’d much rather a nonna be selective about what she posts rather than shamelessly sperg up every thread kek

No. 2143353

Women who are shallow and materialistic are going to be happier in life than women who care about love and connections with others

No. 2143357

so will be the debt collectors i agree

No. 2143359

unfortunately this is true and that's why i'm aspiring to become a materialistic narcissist who steals money

No. 2143360

I think women who are shallow and materialistic are more likely to chase good careers so they can pay for all their consuming. That’s how I am.

No. 2143362

so will the irs i agree

No. 2143363

Always get your bag AND THEN worry about love and human connection. Being 100% independent makes it much easier to choose the right people to be in you life and will make you much happier.

No. 2143374

I agree with this tenfold. Women project some kind of human persona on to men and then wonder why men are not living up to this projected persona they placed on him, they desperately try to turn shit to sugar instead of swallowing the bp every woman hates to confront in her life, men are only worth the resources they have and nothing else if you’re going to even tolerate being around them.

No. 2143375

kekkkk how much debt do you owe?

No. 2143381

I say there should be a healthy balance.
I've never seen a people-pleaser be truly happy because they forget their own needs, and even if they don't there's always someone around them who isn't happy - and in turn that makes the people-pleaser not happy.
And I've never seen a materialistic person be truly happy because they're always chasing more, never happy with what they've already got and trying to fill a void that is infinite.

No. 2143385

I think having friendships with women is also pointless, not just connections with men. Consuming has always made me feel so much happier after a bad day than venting to a girl friend, that’s why I dropped all my friends too.

No. 2143394

You’re so right about this. Women also constantly expect to be able to uplift and inspire the men they’re with to become better humans, which is next to impossible. You can’t craft a callous stupid loser into a perfect partner.

No. 2143423

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You don’t know what you’ve got ‘till it’s gone…

No. 2143428

This is just sad

No. 2143475

I sympathize with you so much kek, especially when they have boyfriends, husbands and children’s you’re the last priority compared to their picket fence fairy tale even though her male is weaponizing his own incompetence against her and cheating on her, her scrote babies are acting out and she grits a smile because thank god it isn’t a demanding little girl demanding attention and love like my precious baby boy~ and doing all of the housework while juggling work and putting her children in daycare where they will get molested and beaten without even knowing it. I honestly feel like heterosexuality is such a scam because it will always require you to prioritize your oppressor over your fellow woman, it doesn’t matter how much self-help copium you swallow I’ve never seen the opposite of this where men make their women and children their whole world, if they did it only comes out of a place of having a trophy because men think their sperm is worth creating a “legacy” for but otherwise men are able to maintain their own individuality and self interests outside of their marriages while women make their marriages and relationships a central part of themselves which is so sad, it doesn’t matter how much you say “I’m a mother/girlfriend and still put myself first on some days” it really does not matter, women are absolutely unable to love and support other women when they are giving their own energy and life to men and their trophy legacy children.

No. 2143482

Of course other places men can make a bunch of jokes but women being funny oh fuck no, shut it all the way down. You have to go around censoring your speech unless you want the robocop farmhands speeding down on you banning your posts because you just did a bad. The annoying mass reporters is another thing that’s ruined this site as well, they just get their way because the mods hate everyone on this website like how a cop hates a baby daring to cry and wail in its presence. You’re modding for free on a dying imageboard, why are they being so fucking serious?

No. 2143501

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I HAAAAAATE spinner luggage!! I hate that it’s all that’s on the market nowadays and it’s nearly impossible to find cute, fixed wheel luggage. I’ve never traveled with a checked spinner suitcase and not gotten it back with at least one wheel fucked beyond repair. I don’t CARE if I can’t wheel my suitcase in all directions!! I’ll gladly take the instability over having to replace my luggage anytime I go anywhere!!

No. 2143511

Spiking the punch bowl at a party sounds really fun

No. 2143565

The luggage in that photo looks too cute to use. I can understand why she has it in plastic.

No. 2143570

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If you had the opportunity to spike the lolcow punchbowl what would you put in?

No. 2143572

I’d give you all a nice big fat dose of Ativan

No. 2143578

I would put some sugar in it so the anachans of lolcow get extra calories before the fatties of lolcow down it in seconds.

No. 2143579

Whatever Jim Jones put in the Flavor-Aid

No. 2143581

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Male blood and I would bring this too

No. 2143584

chode pizza kek

No. 2143585

New threadle


No. 2143586


Thread has exceeded 1200 posts and is about to be locked! Please create a new thread and post a link to it.

No. 2143603

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Hope you’re not planning to party with any french dance crew anytime soon, kek

No. 2143751


No. 2143754

A Happy Meal toy.

No. 2143765

My vaginal discharge

No. 2144955

It's every man for themselves on public transport. I've been trying to be polite my whole life. Turn down music on my headphones, not have any phone calls, don't have a conversation with my friend when everyone is quiet and other basic etiquette stuff, but it doesn't help when no one else bothers to. So no, sir, I don't care if you hear the music through my headphones. I'm using it to tune out the idiot talking on the phone a few seats back. Don't want to hear it? Get your own headphones and shut up.

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