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No. 1225
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No. 1231
>>1230Janitors are mostly long-time users who apply.
Mods are people I know in real life and trust very well.
Only mods and admins (me) can see IP addresses or ban people. Janitors can only delete posts, move threads, and spoiler images.
No. 1233
>>1231how do you know so many people irl who talk about lolcows?
or are they just your friends?
No. 1255
>>1254Hey if it ain't broke don't fix it.
You have to consider that it was the continual updates and changes to 4chan that eventually brought it to its knees.
No. 1257
>>1256Yeah, like I just said, the "changes and updates".
And why are you namefagging?
No. 1268
>>1254Tbh this kind of thing is why admin-chan commands the devotion of the majority, if not all, of the users on this board.
Imagining it from admin's seat, if I didn't know a user who came forward to make the offers you described, I would be extremely reluctant to share that kind of responsibility/power with an anon. No matter how reasonable these offers sound from your perspective, from ours, it's a huge leap of faith to assume that you wouldn't eventually just go rogue and take the whole wiki/server/site with you.
Which sounds paranoid, but hey, it wouldn't be the first time we've seen that kind of behavior on the internet.
In addition, cooperative efforts inevitably lead to the development of bias, while admin-sama's cool, calculating, professional detachment is perfect to play the role of fearless leader…sempai/waifu.
No. 1269
>>1253Plot twist: admin-sama is actually a lolcow, who created the site to drum up drama/interest around herself, pretending to be male in order to throw us off her scent.
…o-or maybe he's just intensely agoraphobic. i want to believe.
(admin-sama, even if you're gay, you're not off the hook. we'll just start writing slash fanfiction and making creepy yaoi art for you.
you knew what you were getting into when you started all of this.)