No. 212676
>>212673Not even gonna watch that video because cringe. I have worked with 3 different Wacom tablets and they work pretty smoothly, and if it was actually faulty she should have just contacted customer service.
See, that's why I really dislike her. She comes off to me as one of those people like Holly Brown who want to seem like they're badass and brutally honest when they're just hairless chimps unable to control their emotional outbursts.
Some people may misinterpret the complaints about her critique sessions as it being people not liking to take harsh criticism, but in reality it's just her ranty-chimpness that makes it annoying.
No. 212677
>>212672>Also Stephs Dad died last month (leaving her now parentless) and she didn’t miss a single upload or use it for click bait etc, which I really admireI was trying to find out some more stuff about her personal life when I heard about that, do you know anything about her mother passing?
Their channel is more child-oriented, but I think they are really sweet. It was great to watch how fast Adam progressed, it goes to show you can do great if you put your mind into it. And Steph can make some nice character designs when she puts herself into it.
No. 212687
>>212686Yeah, I think I saw her mentioning that.
I also noticed her hands seem to tremble a lot, I wonder why.
No. 212691
>>212686Yeah In one the videos where steph showed her old paper games (rimzies?) she made as kid it seemed like most of them were for her grandparents and her uncle and aunt to play with her so must of stayed with them often. She said her grandparents passed away. I actually got a bit emotional at one point when she said it feels like they live on through the game staying how it was the last time they played.
I find adam to be annoying at times but im sure they play up their personalites a bit bc they have a young auidence. Like other anons said its good bg noise, plus they have a really sweet relationship and they are creative with video topics unlike many art channels. And yeah its fun to see adam approve, I was surprised when they first said he had only been drawing to improve for a year or two, and that he is colourblind. Maybe baylee should take some inspo from him kek
No. 212696
>>212691I think the only thing I don't like about them is the amount of Art Challenges they do.
But I suppose it goes with their styles of fun art videos.
No. 212698
>>212687She comes across as a anxious person and has mentioned before not liking leaving the house much etc. So it could just ber nerves but that’s a guess
>>212696 I usually feel the same way about challenge videos but with them I don’t mind so much because they never state they’re making serious art on their channel (and they actually draw off camera too which a lot of art youtubers don’t seem to do anymore)! I kind of see them as like a “art attack” kind of a channel
No. 212729
>>212727Sara Tepes comes to mind first, most of her channel are Huion products reviews. It became like a trend few months ago, whenever Huion came out with new product, everyone and their mothers make a “non biased” review.
The thing is, these products have very low ratings on Amazon. People saying thay stop working after a while etc.
No. 212735
>>212724You can already tell some of its quality when most of their selling point is "it's cheaper than Wacom". I know it's pretty much unavoidable for display tablets to be compared to Cintiqs, but it's so often it makes me think it's part of their briefing to ask for people to say "it has -all these issues- but it's cheaper than a Cintiq guys!!!".
I can't tell they are bad because I've never used them, I've heard of people having their graphic tablets for a while and working okay tho, but I'd much rather buy a Cintiq 13hd than a bigger size tablet with apparent issues for a similar price (like the KAMVAS Gt-221 which is 100 bucks more expensive supposedly but has a 22 inch screen).
That said, I don't think all of those people are necessarily selling out. Some of the reviewers don't own Cintiqs and are probably blown away by being able to have a display tablet, specially people who do a lot of traditional art and may not be that used to the eye/hand coordination separation that comes with the regular graphic tablets. I never know if people are just being generous with their reviews or if they are genuinely not picky and the issues don't bother them.
If anyone has used a Huion display, preferably if you have used a Cintiq as well, what is it like?
No. 212762
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Anybody have an opinion on dorotero
I like there art it’s cute
If you’ve never heard of them I supplied a picture of one of there pieces on instagram
No. 212775
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Lemia back at it again
No. 212779
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he's like Baylee's age right? Imagine being that old and your art is still the same
She's another one of those artists that has to use clickbait to get people to watch her videos because otherwise no one would care for her shitty art
No. 212782
>>212762>>212781It's her head, it's too big
Also her arms are kinda small
No. 212786
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>>212782I think it was a chibi like style
No. 212799
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Oh man I didn’t even see that thanks for showing it to me! That’s pretty crazy that she found the thread, honestly from a video I saw with this one comment I pretty much assumed no one ever spoke out against her or that she never speaks out about that stuff. Cuz I went on her tictail and there were some people complaining about the not so fast shipping, but as for her claiming she doesn’t delete messages it’s kind of weird that she never responded to mine :/
No. 212800
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Also here’s the Instagram DMs and yup to this day they’re still not opened or even read
No. 212801
>>212799Have you seen her Kickstarter page? There are a lot of comments complaining about her failing to deliver. don't know what exactly is her deal, but she seems to fail short to deliver a lot of different stuff.
No. 212804
>>212803You can talk about both.
Also, if you're not familiar with these threads, when you're not bringing in new information for the thread (such as screenshots and stuff), sage your posts by typing "sage" into your e-mail field.
No. 212806
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Oh ok thank you! Also yeah there’s this one marvel centric artistic called MintMintDoodles and I know A LOT of marvel fans adore her art but honestly I don’t see the hype behind it. Her style has been the same all these years and I wish she could improve and try something new but shes probably not
No. 212811
>>212782Yeah I agree, the head is too small, the face is too realistic for a chibi style imo
>>212786that arm on the right girl is too short, how do you fuck this up when you literately have another arm next to it for length comparison lol
No. 212822
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>Dear Wacom, this is the future of all Wacom products in my house.
>Thank you. -istebrak.
Destroying a 400$ tablet and saying, muh Wacom products is evil!!!!111!11!!
Then, reviews huion products.
>People are so defensive to Wacom products.
People prefer Wacom products than Huion products because, Wacom tablets works smother than Huion tablets.
No. 212823
>>212822Please don’t tell me that’s the 22/27 cintiq that she destroyed…
What a waste!
No. 212833
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>>212823Yes, she destroyed a cintiq 22/27 tablet. What a waste of money and time. Slap in the face to beginner and digital artists in general.
facepalm No. 212844
>>212833Come on, this can't be a Cintiq. Are you guys sure?!
What a fucking retard, I hope people take this as a warning to not take her ass serious
No. 212846
>>212843She does! I got tired of her ass after she was being hella whinny during election time in 2016. I hate when artists go on politic rants.
I kinda feel that Casey Golden has a bit of a subtle bitch aura too.
No. 212863
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>>212822So I lurked a little bit in order to be fair and try to not let my strong dislike for her speak first, she claims to have tried to fix it and I've indeed heard about some issues regarding the bigger Cintiq models.
Still, I think those types of rage fits look extremely autistic.
>you don't get to complain>suck a lemonSo she's one of those people who expect to be the only ones able to sperg without anyone being allowed to say anything about it?
Istebrak is pretty much Holly Brown levels of insufferable by now.
No. 212868
>>212844 Apparently is a Wacom intuos5.
You're right I hope people don't take her seriously.
>>212859Instead of destroying the tablet why not sell it? But, no destroying the tablet for no reason.
>>212863>For those who have a problem with my thoughts on Wacom, I wholly can't care.What? The way she acted is unprofessional. You're right, I don't like her either. She is H.C. Brown in a whole new level.
No. 212871
>>212868In a level she is even worse than Holly. While Holly does have an entitled tone, she's still on a "Youtuber who does tutorials" sort of deal, Istebrak's thing seems to be to present herself as a serious teacher/instructor while her skills fall short and her attitude is borderline unacceptable.
I am glad more people have realized she sucks, I see a bunch of people defending her shitty attitude under the guise of "it's just harsher criticism". More like irrational outbursts. Instructional videos are no place for rants and personal feuds. Even if Wacom absolutely left her hanging, she could have made much better impression by being rational and thinking things through instead of going apeshit.
And why is it that those people who preach harsh criticism seem to be the ones who can't take an ounce of people not agreeing with them?
No. 212875
>>212800I’m still lurking haha, I kinda enjoy reading this site on different forums I guess? Also yeah I enjoyed being honest about my issues with my online store too.
I’m not gunna lie, stuff has been taking too long. All post is out now though I think?? Anyway I don’t reply on instagram because I get tons of replies and they have to be screened - it’s not my fault nor yours but ig is not the best place to contact - sorry!
If you guys knew the sheer extent of pure and utter bullshit that I’d faced from Royal Mail you’d all understand a bit more BUT I’m not here to place blame elsewhere - it’s still my responsibility to make sure people know.
Kickstarter is still being worked on and it’s a fucking ball ache because I can never log into my kickstarter!!! Also I do believe it was updated recently, but that’s another thing, I post updates and they don’t go through and I am never using that hellsite again.
Regardless, yes I’m still taking time. My manager/housemate is working her hardest but she has jobs to do other than that - however she’s been sorting out missing products and chasing things up and being amazing in general so she’s working very hard! There’s emails and places to contact her clearly labelled on my store so it’s just up to the customer to contact the right person because it’s out of my hands (thank fuck for you guys because I’m a useless bag)
Anyway yes tldr I fell short, I let people down and I’m sorry, and I’ve taken the shortfall of companies I trusted on my back because of my inability to communicate and face problems without personal fears and emotions getting in the way.
No. 212877
>>212875Sup, Jellie Bee.
Mind answering a question? As a creator who lurks here, do you see some useful feedback or does it all merge into a pulsating ball of hatred?
I wondered because we try to keep the Baylee thread more towards artist criticism rather than personal attacks in case someone lurks there, so they don't assume our only purpose is to tear people down and may actually take something positive out of the whole ordeal. I am aware we are not a sea of roses, tho.
No. 212887
>>212877Hi. Artist here. Not one of the bigger ones, but my name has been thrown out on the last thread a bit. I think some people are way too harsh on some things people can't control (making fun of Baylee's weight, really guys?). And some people don't seem to understand that we have no control over who likes our videos. Personally, I know full well that I don't deserve the audience I have, and that there are tons of artists who are just better than me who deserve way more. But I have no control over that. I'm just making videos and hoping people like them, and I know a lot of other artists feel the same.
That being said, I have also taken some of these criticisms to heart. I lurk and read what everyone says and I do try to use that to make my own art and videos better. Mostly I've learned that my art isn't really anything special or unique, and that i should definitely go back and re learn some of the basics. And I definitely suffer from same face syndrome, which is something I never really thought of before! So all in all, some of you guys are really truly petty and awful, but there's a lot of you who offer genuine critique as well. Shrug.
No. 212888
>>212887Well, I mean. Weight is not something that's always out of someone's control, specially when you eat like shit… just sayan.
That said, yes, I don't condone people talking too much about other's appearances because I think it really doesn't matter, so it brings the general quality and credibility of the critiques down a notch and tends to be quite petty.
About the people who say others don't deserve their following, I find it to be a very…stupid thing to say. Popularity=/=skill in most fields. And I have a particular type of beef with artists who sit around sulking over the fact that their good art (which probably isn't as good as they think it is) isn't getting any recognition because muh -several excuses- while the "mediocre" artists are putting time and effort into marketing themselves and building their artist personas, thus gaining popularity.
Also, why do I have a feeling this is Monique Renee or someone else from the YTAC
No. 212890
>>212887So here's a question – if you feel you don't deserve the following you have, why don't you promote lesser artists that DO deserve that following? By saying this it comes off as condescending, you realize that right?
There are so many ways for you bigger artists to help those that don't know how to market themselves well or are too afraid of the limelight, and NONE of you do ANYTHING to help them. All you do is boohoo about "oh I dont deserve you guys there are so many better people out there" just to make it seem like you're modest and a good person.
Actions speak louder than words.
No. 212892
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>>212887>So all in all, some of you guys are really truly petty and awful, but there's a lot of you who offer genuine critique as well.Tell us something we don't know
Usually the more sane people tend to disregard the petty shit, since the main focus is art and their shit attitude.
Also, it's interesting that all these artists suddenly have popped, now I understand being linked here/googling themselves but is it paranoid to think that maybe some yt artists come here to talk shit about other artists? Just a thought.
No. 212893
>>212891I don't think you took my comment in the right context. I said nothing about holding hands or expect bigger artists to outright place another's artwork on a pedestal for everyone to see.
What I meant was, maybe it would be nice if they see an artist they like – show their work? Say "Hey I like this art because whatever reason" and that's it.
You really took my comment into an entirely different context. I said help, not do the marketing for them.
Please take a chill pill.
No. 212894
>>212888Wow, you were right. It's Monique. I'm genuinely curious as to how you knew it was me lol. Weight doesn't have anything to do with art so I genuinely just ignore comments like those-they come from a mean spirited place.
I really appreciate your opinion on that! I know a ton of people who complain about that, especially on the first thread. But myself, and all the youtubers I know, put a ton of effort into our videos, and work really hard. Some of us may lack in art skills for sure, but we work hard to make content every week. I know a ton of people bashing Chloe for her art and I think that's a bit unfair. She works extremely hard and is really trying to get better at her art skills. People seem to forget that we're just people, and some of us got lucky and made popular videos. We're just doing our best, really!
No. 212895
>>212892>is it paranoid to think that maybe some yt artists come here to talk shit about other artists?Nope, this was already mentioned in the other thread
>>>/ot/208321I think it's possible
No. 212899
>>212897Ah then forgive me for that, I really did not mean it that way! I know marketing yourself is a grueling and difficult process – I'm taking marketing classes myself – so to just give people all the attention without having them work for it does not help either sides. I should have worded my question better I suppose, but they seemed to have understood what I meant.
Thank you for pointing that out, anon.
No. 212906
>>212899It's alright, I always talk about this because I've seen it happen way too often where people will believe popularity is pretty much a given when you're decent at something, which is not really the case, and then they end up as sulking old men blabbing about how their art is not properly appreciated for -x- reasons.
While I think it's completely optional and in no way an obligation, it is indeed nice of bigger artists to help out smaller ones who seem to really be applying themselves.
No. 212908
>>212906I agree. Even if you work hard, in the end it all comes down to luck.
You can draw beautifully and have no one see your artwork because get this - they just don't see it! It could either be due to the wrong tags you're using, the fact that you're starting off with original work, or something of the sort. Some people I know are amazing artists that try to market themselves and work so hard to do so, yet they barely get anyone seeing their work.
You just need to get that one person that will get the proverbial ball rolling. Because the more people see your art, the more chances there are to gain fans, the harder they want to work at their craft and so on.
That is, those who actually work hard to improve…unlike some artists.
No. 212909
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>>212866I absolutely adore bokkei and her artwork is beautiful. Her video artschool vs self taught is mind blowing and well explained.
I recommend Cesar Santos.
No. 212913
>>212909Now, I created the last thread and as much as I love trash and salt
I encourage people to also post about artists/ytartists they like and why they like them, just so we're mixing it up.
I really love Joysan's art and vlogs, she seems very genuine and I hope she goes far. Same with rabbitfears, they're not very well know on yt but their work is so flowy and incredible.
No. 212929
>>212877Hmm, I think, as someone who is more connected to some on a personal level, some of the criticisms are good and some are just mean. However, I am also of the belief that everyone is entitled to voice their opinion.
Being a YouTube artist is hard because you don’t get a good balance of feedback- the praise is wonderful and I’ve been humbled by the people I’ve met and helped - but criticism is something followers would be scared to do publicly and so when the criticisms do come up on here it’s worth noting for sure!
I’m always trying to share my favourite artists and support where I can, and Joysan is an absolute star. She really deserves more followers and I’m so proud to own some originals and be considered her friend - she’s a good bean!
I have a ton of artists I’d love to share but I gotta get ready for my muggle job so I’ll pop back later!
No. 212942
One of my problems with Youtube artists is that the popularity you gather isn't hand in hand with your skills. We know that to get popular you have to draw fandoms and women. So many women. Witches, tattooed girls with colourful hair, thick brows, thick lips, round glasses, y'all are so sameface it's cringy.
I haven't got an issue with drawing women. But there's no variety, it's the same tumblr aesthetic over and over and the same pretty face features and you get popularity, subs, likes and patreons but you don't stop to work on the skill and on drawing challenging subjects and improving, but you think "well I'm getting attention so I must be getting better!" but you're not, not really. And then the attention you're getting puffs up your ego and the idea of criticism is suddenly below the belt. But you don't think of yourselves like that, of course not, you wanna feel humble and appreciative but someone who dislikes you is suddenly a loud voice in an echo chamber of compliments.
Some of the artwork is nice. But as Into the Woods lyric went, "nice is different than good".
No. 212944
>>212943it's especially funny when they don't even look like the artworks they are doing. I mean, I'm not saying you HAVE to draw only in your image, but constantly drawing this one specific type of woman with specific features (straight upturned slim nose, thick lips, intense eyeliner to give that long cat eye effect, freckles, thick chunky brows clearly ripped out of instagram), it's just an extra layer of poor skills, imo. You just draw the same thing again and again because that's what you learned and saw online and you aren't even changing much.
Where are the different face shapes? eye shapes? glasses, noses, lips, cheekbones, wrinkles, etc. And the only reason they put so much effort into it is because it fucking sells.
No. 212957
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>>212942>Witches, tattooed girls with colourful hair, thick brows, thick lips, round glasses, y'all are so sameface it's cringy.T h i s
bonus points if they're ~ POC ~
There's way too many styles out there that look like that, it's frustrating seeing the same thing being regurgitated over and over again
No. 212969
>>212957I also thought of Jacqueline when reading that description.
I honestly don't mind the idea of people drawing similar face or body shapes, what bothers me is that they all seem to have the exact same vibe, same poses, same medium, same stupid microbangs.
I thought it was a shitty move of hers to try and milk the Inktober tags with the same watercolor/colored pencil art she usually does.
No. 212971
>>212968I like her, mostly. She's fresh meat, just out of school and her style is still in baby steps stages, but I think she has potential because she really doesn't strike me as lazy.
I also don't think she has that much of that "same face syndrome" if you look through her comics, there is a decent variety of character shapes. I don't like the amount of weeb in her, but I'm not the best judge of that because I hate anything anime related.
No. 212974
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>>212969I mean, if you google jacqueline de leon this is what shows… the queen of tumblr POC without the POC features
No. 212976
>>212971I'll look into her comics then. It's just the stuff I see on YouTube that's bothering me. Every video I see of hers that has her turning other characters into her style just has the same feel and facial features as every other character in every video she draws for. She doesn't take advantage of the varying proportions and facial features – just uses that same nose, same or similar face shape and same mouth.
But I'll have a look at her comics, maybe I'll be proven wrong.
No. 212977
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How exactly do you guys define "sameface syndrome"? Because there seem to be people who mix up sameface and style.
Pic related would be a style, they have certain characteristics that place them together but every feature is slightly different and they wouldn't be the same character if you swapped their faces.
No. 212983
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>>212980>it's just a very minor case of same-face and fear of going off-model on the modeler's part to me.can you explain how? similarities=/ sameface. the eyes and expressions in anon's pic aren't even similar. sameface is like pic related. if you think anon's pic is really sameface you are lucky.
No. 212984
>>212981But how is that arguing that it ISN'T same-face syndrome? You say Disney does it but have you SEEN the meme going around about Elsa, the Queen and Anna? You say Marvel and DC but if you really look at it, most of their characters have the same build, same facial structure, same proportions – that is same-face syndrome. When an artist doesn't want to leave their comfort zone or routine and everyone looks like a carbon cut-out.
However, I will argue that comic artists might HAVE to employ this due to the nature of weekly, monthly or yearly comics because of deadlines. But that isn't an excuse.
No. 212992
>>212990That's not the example I was talking about?
But this argument has gone on too long unsaged so I'll leave it be.
No. 212994
>>212974At least the guy is a bit different, she really needs to draw more dudes
I think maybe theres a formula with this kind of style, like a lot of (alternative?)girls relate to it? Like they see these drawings of pretty girls and are like "omg that looks like me" or "omg that looks like my friend" and then tag their friends/show the art to someone and boom it spreads and Jacqueline gets more exposure. that's my theory anyway
No. 212995
>>212989More like pointing flawed logic. That's what your phrase implied.
Also, sage your posts.
No. 212996
>>212992no, you said > going by what the other anon said it's not same-face is it
but the other anon's example was actually not even close to sameface you retard.
No. 212998
>>212984Moana and Rapunzel are not sameface because they have different features.
Also, what I'd really like to know is why is it so demonized lately? I know in extreme cases it makes things look lazy, but people talking about "extremely mild cases" look like they're nitpicking.
No. 213000
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>>212968She's ok but I personally don't find her style very appealing. She seems like the kind of person who would appeal to young teens that are really into tumblr and that's her shtick.
Is tumblr style still a thing? I've been hearing around that Tumblr is slowly dying and more artists are moving to instagram/twitter.
No. 213015
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>>212913 I agree with everything you say.
I also recommend Dan Beardshaw and Dino Tomic aka atomiccircus on deviantart.
Both are great artists.
No. 213018
>>212994I think Jacqueline fits that "alternative" (which is actually very ordinary) style herself and her expression of the things she likes draws in a lot of the other similar girls into her style.
You make generic things for generic people. Sometimes just for popularity, sometimes because you're in the crowd yourself.
No. 213022
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I don't care what Jacquelin looks like IRL but I mean she could definitely afford to be a bit more creative with her womens facial features and their skintones considering she's a pale white girl with tumblr hair
Having a "style" is not the same as having sameface. Females are often the victim of sameface in animation and anime and drawing, you see so much variety in men with wrinkles, strong jaws, nose shapes (bulky, pointy, crooked, hooked, curved, slim, wide), deep set eyes, wide set eyes, scars, chiseled cheekbones, like you see they put so much effort into making someone's personality and character evident from the first moment you see them. How many times do u see a male character and know they are the hardass tough guy who don't take no shit? Or you see a guy and think ah yes the gentle intellect, or the creepy Uriah Heep guy, or the weak soft non-macho guy, or the stereotype of the thin gaunt butler with a hooked nose and high cheekbones and downturned eyes, and you just feel like he's gonna poison you in your sleep and steal your money?
And what do we get to show for it with females? pretty faces, pretty eyes, pretty straight or small upturned noses and thick lips with perfect bodies
Even if you don't idealise women you can still sameface. My friend is a comic artist and she really doesn't see how similar all their facial features are. She draws one nose, a pretty chunky wide nose with a pointed tip, and relatively average eyes with very thick brows, and a nondescript mouth that's neither here nor there in shape and size but is mostly used for talking or expressions, like, that goes beyond "my style is this" and it becomes "I learned to draw this from every angle and it's all I do without thinking about it"
No. 213025
>>213022>pale white girlNo way, she looks like she's at least half hispanic.
Also "muh women idealism", back to tumblr with that bullshit.
No. 213028
>>213024You can literally look from Japan to America and womens' faces are less creative than mens. You don't need tumblr for that, you need eyes and observational skills. Unless the person is doing intense stylisation and caricatures you're gonna have to look hard to find distinguishable, interesting female facial characters or even bodies, that doesn't involve changing hair or eye color or outfits.
>>213026Realism is very mechanical and uses grids to copy bit by bit exactly what you see. Being good at realism doesn't mean you're good as an artist once you stop drawing in realism and need comprehension of basic art skills.
No. 213029
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>>213028>females look all the sameReally? Because if you have tunnel vision for the goody-goody characters, most of the princes also have a very stereotypical handsome-strong built mold.
Quit playing the "women are victims" card.
No. 213030
>>213029okay one of them is literally a lion so wtf are you playing at;
second ah yes the small pointy noses, high arched thin brows, high cheekbones and thin lips with red lipstick is super special, thanks for pointing that out
No. 213031
>>213030You have a fat face, several types of different jaw shapes, wrinkles, a nose that despite being small is arched, Cruella's pig nostrils, if you really think those characters all look the same you need some glasses m8, your womynism is affecting your vision.
I'll give you my apologies for the lion, tho. I didn't compile the image and it was already there.
No. 213033
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>>213022Look at all these creative and diverse men! I certainly don't see an excessive amount of strong builds, strong jaws and handsome faces with pretty smiles. People relate to handsome/beautiful people, that's why it's often used.
But women are objects, right? Right, poor women. Such evil, evil animators.
(Again, ignore the lion and think of Beast's human form instead.)
No. 213040
>>213039So you're telling me the princes which go along with those princesses are not super stereotypical handsome males as well?
People tend to make villains ugly in general because it's an easy way to get your audience to respond negatively at them. And even on that there are exceptions. You have "ugly" female villains like Cruella, Ursula or Irma, while Maleficent and the Evil Queen have more traditionally beautiful features.
And you have "ugly" male villains, like Captain Hook, Jaffar or Mr Facilier, and more traditionally handsome ones such as Gaston or Hans.
No. 213086
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Moving along,
what are the thoughts on Qinni?
I think she's pretty good
No. 213145
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What about so-lux I haven’t been fan of there more recent art tbh
Photo is from one of there latest pictures
No. 213150
>>213145lux-so bad
couldn't resist
No. 213151
>>213150Good pun
But yeah
I liked their older art better
No. 213178
>>212863Now thinking back on it, doesn't it seem a bit odd that she would get two faulty tablets?
It may be bad luck, but isn't there also a possibility of the problem being her…
No. 213601
>>213595I had a friend just like this and was going to make a post about her last night.
She gets all, "I'm insecure about my work" but the moment you critique her or tell her to change things up for the companies that she wants to work for, she suddenly gets massive confidence and gets angry with someone for having "the nerve" to critique her work. Even if she was the one who asked for feedback. I guess she was only looking for the positive kind. After that, she'll try and make you feel guilty for giving any critique. Enormous pity parties and guilt trips.
She also gives shitty advice to her fans and because they're teenage anime weebs and furries, they gobble it right up.
The way I doubt with them was to continue what I was doing and not helping them anymore. I stopped sharing video processes that I bought and started standing my ground. Eventually she left.
No. 213637
>>213601The cow in question for me is 27/28 and about intermediate level. She doesn't do studies, not open to change and makes whiny depression posts whenever she gets rejected by a company or zine; but is always going on and on about how companies asked her to work for them. I don't believe that horseshit. If they asked her to work for them, why would they reject her?
She refuses to change her style, even though the companies that she wants to work for look for completely different ones. She wants everyone to kiss her feet and that includes companies. Her echo chamber and her fiance enable her continue thinking that her shit doesn't stink and she makes no mistakes. They have said that she's unique and shouldn't change.
No. 213651
>>21363727/28, not open to change and doesn't do studies… is that Baylee? Kek. It's understandable when they are very young, but when someone is almost 30 it starts to get sad.
Also, I assume you have some reason to not post her openly here? I am fairly curious to see her work.
No. 213660
>>213651It sounds like Baylee. She always complains that she's broke but manages to pay for dumb non-essentials like Spotify and other subscriptions, even on sites that she never uses anymore. Something happened to a friend of hers recently and she made whiny tweets about how
her life was rough.
I want to post who she is, but I'm waiting for the drama between us to die down first.
No. 213706
>>213595>>213601Are you me, anon?
>I stopped sharing video processes that I bought and started standing my ground.I do this too to my friend since I wanted to help her improve. Two years after she dropped out of her course to pursue animation she came back to me and she all of a sudden "missed" me and then she explicitly said to me about her improving more when I'm around.
>>213630She's 22. Same age as me.
>>213637This reminds me of another cow I know irl. A friend of the cow in
>>213595. She's 23, and she's worse than the cow I mentioned before. She once asked if she could join the circle of art friends we had (though we only accept people we're comfortable working with). When I said no, she complained about it on a graphic designers' conference two weeks later and boy were the speakers felt awkward answering that question. I even heard lots of rumors about her. She's just too stubborn to do life studies because she wanted a cartoony/anime style.
Seriously though, everytime a youtube animator complains about not being taken seriously, I just want to tell them to learn their fundies first as well as reading books and actually doing studies when animating.
No. 213806
>>213706>Explicitly said to me about her improving more when I'm around.Same here! I was starting to wonder if we were talking about the same person but then I saw the age. My cow in question said that I pushed her to get better, but she was talking shit about me "pushing" her to her fiance. They both thought that I was being too harsh(because I didn't sugarcoat my critiques) and didn't know "how to handle someone with depression". That last part made me furious because I have been diagnosed by two doctors with major depressive disorder. Just because I don't use it as an excuse or crutch, doesn't make it any less true. But of course they didn't listen to that. I said my share to her and she tried to turn it around on me. She takes no responsibility for her own actions unless they bring positive results and worshiping fans.
>She's just too stubborn to do life studies because she wanted a cartoony/anime style. This too sounds like my cow. Even though I told her that the companies she wanted to work at look for semi-realism, she was hellbent on doing anime. Her fans even thought that anime(mediocre tumblr anime) was semi-realism(Magic the Gathering style) and that the cow was too unique to be questioned about it.
It wasn't until after that whole incident that I realized that I was holding myself back during the time that I was helping her. I had to hold her hand while trying to move forward and she wanted to drag her feet, which held us both back. When it comes to situations like that, you have to let go of their hand or you're not going to make it. At least not as quickly as you would like. That doesn't make you a bad friend, but the art community is competitive and you can't let someone else hold you back.
Surround yourself with people who don't hate doing studies, don't mind critiques and are actively working hard. I swear it will save you so many headaches and your art will improve fast. If you drop that friend and her fellow cow, you'll improve immensely.
No. 213807
>>213806So she's 27 and still draws anime and hates doing studies? She sounds 'tistic.
>didn't know "how to handle someone with depression"This is ridiculous. If you're a snowflake you're gonna be a snowflake whether you're depressed or not.
No. 213817
>>213815You're pretty much describing a typical tumblrette womanchild.
Indeed, anon, being around those people will only drag you down, they're intoxicated by their own stupidity. Surround yourself with people who have better mentalities.
No. 213883
>>213817This sounds right. I was just looking at artstation and seeing how many better artists there are in comparison.
Thanks, anon.
No. 214024
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Is anyone particularly picky about the style of the artist they follow? Skill is one thing, but I think style can really boil down to personal taste.
Also, how do people feel about yt artists that draw anime? After being around other art websites, there's some people that really don't like straight up anime which is fair if you want to pursue a job in the art field.
No. 214061
>>214024Yes. I don't mind people drawing in anime-influenced style, but if it's a style that looks like your typical generic ass anime then I wouldn't bother following them. It sucks seeing a lot of those popular anime artists whose works still look flat as fuck, and I don't think I'll understand how they were able to get a large following.
Imo most youtuber artists (mostly the popular ones who live and breathe art drama and shit) who draw anime need to work more on their fundies, and I guess try to get out of their comfort zone as soon as possible. For that fujo like Holly, she needs to study actual people and try to draw faces that don't look like potatoes/have those hideous jay leno chins.
>there's some people that really don't like straight up anime which is fair if you want to pursue a job in the art field.Hmmm. I know an artist irl (though we never talked since we never meet personally so I just admire his work from afar) who draws anime style most of the time. The difference between him and the other anime artists is that he knows how anatomy works and his style some sort of 'depth' to it (idk how to explain this properly it's just that the way he draws anime doesn't look flat like in most generic anime). He stated(?) before that he's not that good in realism (never saw him do studies but he does a lot of anatomy, composition and color theory practice which is good) and despite lacking in realism he was still able to land a job in an animation studio in Dubai for a short tv series.
>After being around other art websitesHmmm I remember this one artist (different from the one I mentioned before) complaining about how everytime she goes to Artstation the concept artworks look almost the same. What are your thoughts on that? I'll try looking for that specific tweet.
Also, what are your opinions on artists who ONLY draw portrait art(I mean the ones who only copy and nothing else)? Imo I don't care if they do that for a living but for some reason people who aren't into doing actual dawing like to shit on people who can't do portrait art.
No. 214065
>>214024>Also, how do people feel about yt artists that draw anime? Hate it and won't watch anyone who blatantly draws that way. It gives me "teen who refuses to take a step forward in art" vibe.
I'll give a pass to people who are influenced but put their own twist on it, altho if the influence is too blatant it will generally "meh" me from them.
Inb4 weeb tears
No. 214157
>>214102It's so annoying when people do those "guise I am going to spill some tea but don't say the name in the comments!" types of videos.
Anyone knows who it is?
No. 214180
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>>214176Wait, nevermind. Will Terrell had posted about this in 2015 on Facebook.
The link seems to be broken. tho.
No. 214181
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No. 214232
>>214225I'm pretty sure you mean aesthetic…
And I myself prefer a middle ground. I don't like overly cluttered spaces like Miss Kerrie J's but Minnie's is also not my thing.
No. 214475
>>214463Yeah, I think that's right.
I also have to keep in mind that those things are so much cheaper in America than where I live, so it looks like she spent much more money than she actually did. She mentions getting a few of those whole sets for under 20 bucks, that's the price of a single Copic or Tombow marker for me.
But while that amount of supplies is really dreamy to look at, I think I would be really anxious having that many. I doubt she uses all of them frequently, and having too many stuff going unused makes me uncomfortable.
I never see extremely good artists having that many art supplies, crafters are the ones who seem to hoard the most. Collecting stuff like that can actually be a distraction from improving in art itself.
No. 214485
>>214295Lmao @ Lemia in the comments
That ending was ridiculous, it's just a sketchbook for crying out loud.
>>214462Pretty sure Kerrie uses mostly markers to color her art, however she does use gouache and watercolor as well.
She does own a plethora of art supplies, and I want to say it's because she's an adult with a job so I guess she just plugs in all her money into art.
No. 214618
>>214566I've seen that style before and I can't put my finger on what's it influenced by.
I just know it looks like it was drawn by an autistic edgy tumblr teen.
No. 214847
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>>214843>since all he does is shit on bad content on Deviantart while being an underproductive and mediocre artistok but this tho
And the usual defense is along the lines of; don't need to be a chef to know when a cake tastes like shit.
Which is fair, but it also makes you look bad if you complain about bad art while simultaneously having bad/mediocre art yourself.
Like, I love looking at cringe worthy art as much as the next person but that shit gets old really fast.
Not to mention he likes to suck the dick of all those "animation channels" by "roasting"/critiquing them.
No. 214861
>>214847It's kind of like experiencing a dual-layered cringe. That seems to be the appeal that a lot of the technically bad/mediocre channels have outside of their intended audience. Seen that Braveryjerk interview of CWC? It's funny that not only did someone manage to get an interview with CWC to begin with, but that person also ended up being ridiculously unfunny and disconnected from reality.
That chef defense could work in a few cases, but I think you'd agree that someone that isn't a chef, or is a bad chef, shouldn't be giving tips on how to cook or which knives to use. Sure, a lot of people will ignore any "how to draw x" video on Baylee Jae's (not the porn one) channel. That doesn't change that there is an audience that will take it seriously, and likely the drawing equipment videos as well (because all of these underage hobbyists need to know how superior Copic marker$ are). My main issue is that the one audience that doesn't know well enough to avoid that stuff is also the target audience, and an impressionable one at that.
No. 214874
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>>214861Interesting point anon!
>My main issue is that the one audience that doesn't know well enough to avoid that stuff is also the target audience, and an impressionable one at that.Same, honestly. It's even worse when they jump into defending an artist, even when the artist is in the wrong.(Holly,Baylee..)
Hell, some artists can't even take they're own advice, they'll shout about "oh you need criticism!" but the second you criticize THEM they lose the're shit.
It makes me so angry that these hypocritical stagnating artists try to give advice to other impressionable ones.
And don't me started on those channels that are youtube basic as fuck and try to start drama shit over nothing, like that video Lemia uploaded about "My art teacher hates anime and/or me?". That video got a million views, like don't most people know that if you draw anime in art school/class you'll get made fun of? Having an anime influenced style/ implementing some elements of anime style into your own is fine but drawing straight up basic anime? Nah (Unless you're only trying to appeal to a solid weeb/tumblr demographic like pic related.). It makes it seems like she's being persecuted for just drawing anime, but it's actually because she/and a lot of her audience don't understand that drawing anime can't get you very far and you have to study real people to get good, not drawing kawaii uguu anime girls over and over again with bad anatomy
On another note, I hate the shilling of copic markers that some artists do, especially from people that don't know how to use them. I have nothing against copics, but they're not the greatest things on the planet.
No. 214893
>>214874I think it's weird how they bring out the crazy collector in some people, like Miss Kerrie J or Baylee. You can get along with a limited amount of colors just fine.
Why is it always the unimpressive artists who are so obsessed with having tons of supplies?
No. 214895
>>214893Maybe it's the idea that if you have better supplies your art will also be better.
Mostly false, but if you believe it, I suppose spending a few bucks on a nice marker sounds easier than doing a few value studies.
No. 214903
>>214874>Hell, some artists can't even take they're own advice, they'll shout about "oh you need criticism!" but the second you criticize THEM they lose their shit.This is one of the major things that will keep those artists at the beginner/intermediate level and never going any further.
>It makes me so angry that these hypocritical stagnating artists try to give advice to other impressionable ones.Boils my blood too, anon. Especially when the impressionable ones start attacking people who dare critique their idol.
No. 214925
>>214922Not that anon but those are very rare instances. He could have also known the right people. Networking is just as important as skills.
>>214923This. CtChrysler is on the higher end of mediocre.
No. 214934
>>214923>if he hasn't done any realism studies, he's either 1: lying 2: studies but not from life e.g. anatomy books/other people's drawings or 3: really doesn't study from lifePretty sure he does number 2 since he once posted his box of artbooks that one time. He has an understanding of anatomy though.
>it's a bit hard to give an opinion on someone if you don't provide a name.I want to, anon, but I'm a bit scared that I might drag his name down since he has a small following (and the chances of making it look like a self-post).
I chose ctchrysler as an example since his work is closest to that guy.
>>214925>He could have also known the right people. Networking is just as important as skills.Yeah I've heard he was referred to a studio by a friend of his (who's also an animator).
>CtChrysler is on the higher end of mediocre.I stopped following him a year ago since I got tired of his work.
No. 215010
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>>214874The pic you provided isn't really "basic anime", it looks pretty stylistic to me. Pic related is what most people think of when they hear the term "basic anime" - dull, seen a million times before, can't tell artists apart etc., however artists who draw this way rarely care about originality as they purposefully want to imitate their favourite style.
I get the frustration over art teachers being dicks about anime though. I've been seeing the "anime can't get you far" and "all anime looks the same" meme for over a decade and I'm amazed it's still not over. Instead of encouraging people to try out stuff, to explore more possibilities and to practice figure drawing and other things they're just told to "get rid of that anime style". Despite anime having multiple different styles that are distinguishable from each other. That has lead us to multiple ex-weebs just moving on to copy the basic ass Calarts style because instead of being coached to explore, they've directed to a new source to copy. You ever seen anyone being berated by their art teacher for ripping off Marvel artists or Rebecca Sugar? Exactly.
If people want to draw in anime style, I don't believe they should be told they're going in the wrong direction as anime can be just as inspirational as any other form of media. People keep repeating the whole nine yards of "you should learn how to draw from real life!!" without giving advice as to how to, instead focusing on bitching about the style. Go ahead and tell them the proportions don't make sense, that the perspective is off, the lighting looks uncanny, clothes look like rubber etc. That's a lot more helpful than being
triggered over a weeb drawing kawaii uguu anime girls.
sage for offtopic sperging
No. 215060
>>215010>The pic you provided isn't really "basic anime"whoops sorry I'm kinda shit at explaining stuff but, What I meant for that pic was that,while it is stylized it's still anime-ish and people who usually draw like that do it as a hobby/for AA conventions/making weeb apparel etc. and not so much for an actual art career. I mean I'm sure that person could pursue an art career if they wanted to, since their coloring and anatomy is pretty nice. I didn't mean that pic was "basic anime"
I get where you're coming from tho
My gripe is mostly with weebs like video related who stagnate and do stuff like this in college with little to no improvement. You wanna draw anime? That's fine, but at least try to get better at it.
No. 215109
>>215060Not them but as someone who really likes the anime style I agree with you completely. It always annoyed me when people blindly shat on anything that remotely resembled anime since I follow a lot of artists that usually draw in an anime style and do it very well. The important thing is that the artists that draw anime stuff well already have a solid grasp on art fundamentals and can proficiently draw things other than anime. Meanwhile, the weebs that just stick to How to Draw Anime tutorials and tracing over pictures never really learn the basics of anatomy or anything else and it really shows, like in the thumbnail of that video you posted.
That being said, I'm totally fine with kids and teens starting off drawing anime. It might not be the pro way to start but it's way more fun than studying shapes and anatomy pictures and it makes no sense to discourage them when they're just starting out. It's only a problem when they don't improve and go on to an actual art college, like you said.
No. 215161
>>215147A lot of people unfollow if you're not super active (as in not posting every day or every other day) so some slower artists I follow post the WIP then delete it once they upload the completed drawing. A couple reupload the WIP in the same post, too.
Personally I hate using multi-image sets because they ruin the quality of my images, sometimes? It's really fucking weird.
No. 215163
>>215161>Personally I hate using multi-image sets because they ruin the quality of my images, sometimes?I often use multi-image sets and the quality of my images were never ruined for me.
Tbh I got kinda tired of adjusting to their new algorithm. I heard that they take into consideration on how long you've been checking out someone's posts, thus giving giving it more boost compared to other posts.
>post the WIP then delete it once they upload the completed drawing. A couple reupload the WIP in the same post, too.It feels weird if I do that. Also, I only get irritated when someone posts too many WIPs? I don't mind if it's one or two WIPs, but FIVE? Really? It also bothers me when there's a few differences between their WIPs (I don't mind if it what they posted are line-art, then base colors, then the finished work).
No. 215217
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>>215215Wow, another youtube artist who doesn't improve. We don't see enough art-cows who do that.
pic related: how Spechie draws hands.
No. 215225
>>215114It's a rough time when you see artists that are really good but don't have a lot of followers.
But if you draw in the right style that can appeal to a lot people you can rack up a following quickly I guess
No. 215232
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>>215222There's not much milk from this cow called Spechie. Her deviantart ( is pretty cringy but that's not unlike deviantart. Spechie just seems like an edgelord in her early twenties.
pic related: her drawing of a hawt male
No. 215242
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eh spechie is pretty cringy but she isn't a full blown cow.
I will say tho that this profile pic is exactly like those ~*Gamer GuRl*~ pics when they take selfies with Xbox controllers in their mouths, like c'mon people tablet pens in your mouth looks ridiculous
No. 215374
>>213595Apparantly my cow kept whining to me about the animation school she's in. She kept complaining that all she does in that school is make reels and nothing else and bitches about the professors who go there.
She then tells me she wasn't able to pass her reel on time due to depression and shit and she even started a fight with one of her friends who exposed her for being that way. I swear she keeps pulling the same insecurity card despite being actually great in drawing and goes on and on about how depression is slowly eating her alive.
Speaking of depression, I know a lot of people who has them and they even succeeded despite that and they don't even have to flaunt it around people (unlike said cow). She's slowly getting a bad rep for all the shit she's started and well… I stopped pitying her.
>>215217>that handI once fell into the Youtube "Animation" Community and wow I've seen so many bad animations. Would be nice if those "animators" would try to at least make an effort to research on how to animate properly in the internet, since I've seen a lot of tutorials out there. That community is also growing since I found out that some other potential cows irl jumped on that. It's pitiful, really.
No. 215383
>>213601Try not talking to her for a while and see how she reacts. Cows like that
hate not getting attention. When I ignored the cow that was in my life, she sperged so hard and it was great to watch since she caused me so much distress.
The depression card doesn't work when it comes to deadlines because clients/companies don't give a single shit about your depression. They're a business with things that need to be done and if they can't handle the job, they'll find someone else who can.
No. 215546
>>215539That sorta backfires making you look like a coward, tho. If you get to speak your mind, so should they.
>>215536Some people are really hard to let go without conflict. Do you think she would publicly talk shit about you if you told her you weren't interest in being friends anymore for -x- reasons?
No. 215564
>>215546>Do you think she would publicly talk shit about youYes. She talked shit about her classmates and after hearing their side of the story I doubted her words when she started venting to me. I doubted because I was with her before she transferred and she's still the same cow I know. Back then she didn't pass bc "muh depression" and it's already clear in her social media accounts that she was doing something instead of actually doing homework. Same thing today, except all she does is play Dota all day. She even go and claim that she didn't pass requirements bc of anxiety and her classmates even called her out on her bullshit.
>>215559>guilt tripDoes suicide baits count?
No. 215580
>>215559Yes suicide bait counts. My former friend would always use this card any time I tried to speak my mind. If it wasn't nice or sugarcoated it meant that I was not only insulting her but calling her worthless too. That even included critiques. and half of the time she would send her boyfriend to do the talking for her who would also try and make me feel like shit by saying that I was making her suicidal.
Also, if she's venting about other friends, I can almost guarantee that she's venting about you too.
No. 215584
>>215578Hello Jellie. I just watched the video.
Starting out with a critique, while crying in a video can be frowned upon, it gets a pass when the video is talking about someone who passed away. What doesn't get a pass is using a crying face in the thumbnail, because it makes it look like you're milking your own situation for views.
And I'm sorry about Pixel.
Secondly, I think you're doing right to postpone the Canada move. You don't sound like you're very healthy in the head right now, and moving alone away from many people who work as a support group can be terrible. Also, going there without work would also probably not be best for you if your intentions are career driven.
I've heard from a few very good industry professionals that focusing on your art first instead of frantically looking for work was best at times, and that opportunities would start to pop up if you focused enough on your work for it to be excellent (always using social media, of course, it doesn't work if no one can see your art).
I'm glad that you got a retail job now, sometimes managing everything on your own spirals into chaos (which seems to be what happened), the structure from a more conventional job can do your head some good.
No. 215585
>>215584oh, that was just the generic thumbnail auto generated by youtube, I just uploaded and left because editing it was so draining. None of the others were typically better though, I'll make a fresh one when I'm done with my current video. Filmed & edited last night and woke up a lot lighter, so was able to get another video edited.
Yeah, I need to focus on my art more than finding a job. I'm trying to do that and I'm slowly getting into that mindframe. I gotta find what makes me happy and want to work in animation, rather than trying to find jobs. My portfolio needs a serious updating.
Thanks for letting me know about the thumbnail, and thanks for your kind words about Pixel.
Imagine a heart emoji right here.
No. 215596
>>215559Talking and blocking is also cow behavior, unless what you said was just a very mellow explanation of why your friendship doesn't work instead of anything provocative. The best defense against guilt trips is being confident in your decisions.
>>215564Well, if it's that obvious she's a mentally unbalanced piece of shit in her social media, perhaps her publicly smearing you won't have that much of an impact. All I know is that it doesn't sound like being around her is positive in any way for you, quite the opposite, so severing the tie could be beneficial even if it's a bit hard.
No. 215837
>>215564>DotaWait. This person sounds familiar. Do they draw a bunch of Dota art too?
>>215574Also good on you for starting to get your shit together. Trust me, working in another field can help you with your art sometimes.
No. 216172
>>216157I remember seeing her art a few years ago and she's pretty much in that "Loish Style Ripoff" tier. I guess over time she tried to make her own style..? But it still just looks like Loish. I don't like her stuff tho, just throw some coloring on some half-assed wonky lines and thousands of favs somehow, I don't get it.
I also don't get why she hasn't improved her anatomy, it's bad. That's just my opinion tho.
No. 216346
>>216302Watching this video I actually started grimacing and visually cringing.
This person is an amateur when it comes to art and they're complaining that drawing is their "job". Plus, they sound incredibly childish – both in their tone of voice and their choice of words.
This is laughable.
The easiest way to make this statement is just to politely tell those asking for free art…NO. And then move on. Don't reply to their messages afterwards, don't draw attention to them – just say no. Or you could mention that whenever you're doing requests they can ask then, especially since this artist looks like she needs all the practice she can get.
No. 216777
>>216669The crying bothers me a bit to be honest (referring mostly to the original video where he took the first clip from). When people cry on video and it's not for reasons such as talking about someone's death or similar subjects, it frequently gives me the feeling of oversharing or even sharing for sympathy points.
I understand perhaps his intentions were to really show people the truth of his emotions, but I think that's one of those cases were just an honest, realistic heart to heart would already convey his point.
No. 216810
>>216777If I remembered right it was the death of his long-time feline companion that drove him to tears because he had never expressed his actual thoughts and feelings on the matter before and it just kept eating him up. He said he wasn't going to cry but he had held it in so much it just came out.
That is, if I recalled correctly.
No. 216813
>>216809I agree. He's always 99% of the time showing his audience a happy-go-lucky attitude and smile. He never shows his weakness to his audience and never panders to them in a money-hungry way – from what I've seen.
It just isn't like him.
No. 216858

>>216813>It just isn't like him.That's naive. While i think the assumption of him just being a nice guy isn't that far fetched, let's keep in mind people's personas might not always be completely genuine. It's just the mask they choose to put on when facing their audience, which may or may not be true to their own selves. Lots of people who watched Baylee Jae in the past thought she was an absolute sweetheart and now have changed their minds since she's shown a more asshole-ish side of herself.
>>216809>>216810Yeah, what drove him to full on tears was the cat but he was choking up before that. It would be ok if it was just that, but I think he milked the situation a bit too much. His thumbnail is him crying and the video is titled "Addressing my mental health". Pretty clickbaity. On top of that he used footage of him crying on the burnout video. I don't know what his genuine intentions are, maybe he's just desperate with the situation he's in and wants some support, but I've seen people asking for help through better means.
No. 217027
>>216923Mentioned here
>>214067I can't stand vocal fry. That's the main reason why I avoid In Liquid Color's videos.
Danica doesn't manage to put out an interesting personality. Even with a change of subject in each piece it mostly just feels like I am listening to the same voiceover and watching the same video over and over again. I like the art, tho.
No. 217201
>>217126Her stuff is mediocre at best. Boring.
>>217180>Anyone else thinks the way Gweakles talks/behaves is cringy?That "skit" in the beginning definitely is. Yikes.
No. 217244
>>217190Same, I want to believe it's not her
We've gotten a shitposter or two in the past week so it might be one of them
No. 217247
>>217180I found the breathing into the microphone obnoxious, but yeah she is pretty cringey
I kinda feel bad for her, her art is actually pretty alright and she's better than some of the more popular youtube artists
but her last couple of videos haven't broken past 2k views except for this recent one.
No. 217402
>>217111The problem though is that Baylee became a bitch over time. I regularly participate in her thread and I've noticed many comments regarding how she USED to be nice and endearing, leaving me to believe that fame might've corrupted and overwhelmed her.
We'll see how Jazza goes but he's been at this for a while and has more subs than Baylee yet he still seems genuine, hopefully it stays that way. I have high hopes for him.
No. 217416
>>217180>T_T sorry for the low quality audioGet a fucking pop filter jfc I could barely stand watching this because of how much she BLOWS ON THE FUCKING MIC
Get away from it gdi you don't have to deep throat your mic to get good quality audio.
Step back, speak loud and clear – or get a better fucking mic.
The way she speaks is so grating and annoying, she speaks way too slow and the breaths on the mic was driving me absolutely nuts.
Here's a tip, if you know your audio quality is not the best – DON'T POST IT. Redo it until you get it the best you can manage. I have an odd feeling that she didn't review this footage because if she watched a second time with the voiceover, she would know how fucking annoying those breaths were on the ears.
I have never heard of this person but now I know to avoid her videos.
My ears are dead.
No. 217840
>>217823Aside from obvious @kimjunggius:
No. 217906
The latter has gotten real lazy within the past year though when it comes to original work and has bad same face, but her techniques are nice.
No. 217985
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A youtube "artist" who really grinds my gears is SuperRaeDizzle, her channel consists almost entirely of these stupid art challenges, which to me is the cheapest type of art video, because everyone knows that's how you get those sick vieuws and subs right? The only thing she's good at is copying a picture (realism) and those aren't even that good. Every time she attempts to draw something out of her imagination, it looks like a freaking 12 year old drew it, even though she claimed to have graduated art school. Everytime she calls herself an artist I cringe. It's also obvious that het audience is a bunch of 12 year olds, constantly praising her for her mediocre realism drawings.
No. 217989
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>>217985Same honestly
Also I think most (artists) people would agree that being able to copy a picture isn't really that impressive. It can be if you add your own twist on it/or can do it so well it actually looks real, but for the most part copying is a pretty basic skill literally anyone can learn. Also just re-drawing pictures can get pretty repetitive and become boring quickly. Stylization, being able to draw from imagination, and having unique ideas/characters/appeal/taste however, is a different story entirely. It requires much skill and a tremendous amount of effort. These are skills that are difficult to get the hang of, which is why her Harley Quinn looks like hot garbage.
It reminds me of people who use the "but they did the sketchbook slam challenge!!11! so they can't be bad at art!!" argument.
It falls flat. While filling up a large sketchbook in a small amount in time may seem impressive at first glance, it's kind of pointless and a waste of paper if you didn't improve or learn anything new from it. Rushing to finish it,aimlessly drawing random shit and maybe doing 2 or 3 anatomy poses/studies on 2 pages out of the 600 pages isn't really going to get you anywhere. It serves nothing except as an ego boost when all their 12 year old followers applaud them for doing something that, again, any idiot can do.
No. 218024
>>217985> even though she claimed to have graduated art schoolWhich boggles my mind. How can you graduate art school and still know almost nothing about art? She also brags about her art being sold at a gallery for "literally 400 dollars", but who in their right mind would by any of her work for that price, aside from family and friends.
On other note, i'm glad she stopped doing "tutorial" videos, those were the absolute worst.
No. 218338
>>218337I prefer them to stay quiet or slap some sounds on their sketchbook videos. That one youtuber went "oh the haters and critics would say that I'll never blahblah" and it irritates me to no end. Yeah, I get that you're not confident enough in your skills but that kind of attitude won't get you better both personality and skill-wise.
She also unintentionally showed her numerous bruises on her arm (it sort of alarmed me because some looked kinda fresh) and when she tried hiding it she made it look like she's wiping her sketchbook with it. I wish she'd be more mindful of the things she shows online.
No. 218349
>>218321That was rough, she has some great potential tho.
I'd also prefer them to be quiet, but watching some artists with talking about pieces can be nice.
But listening to someone constantly shitting on their own art can get grating fairy quickly.
I like looking at sketchbook tours for fun and inspiration not to get bummed out and irritated.
I do think it's a really huge problem with artists feeling like they're not good enough and it can be a hard downward spiral of thinking you're not good enough in general.
No. 218445
>>218343Is it like… a lack of shame or pride in appearance or something? I always try to keep my nails clean but sometimes they end up stained by things that won’t come off, if I feel like someone’s going to see it I’ll put on nail polish to cover it.
idk maybe I’m insane lol
No. 218446
>>218445>I always try to keep my nails clean but sometimes they end up stained by things that won’t come off.If that happened to me I would just simply trim my nails.
Do you guys have any art product reviewers recommendations?
No. 218461
>>218446>>218447>Teoh Yi ChieEY
I was thinking of him too, he's the best and does a ton of reviews!
A truly chill and genuine dude
No. 218469
>>218467He puts in so much work for his viewers/readers. It's such a refreshing change!
And nws !
No. 218716
TL;DR at bottom
Hi. I have a question - so I'm an illustrator right (I'm guessing most of us are here), and I love this board because I get to see everyone's true and honest opinions of artists that are "on top" right now (and I love it). But I'm having some frustrations with my art and the art community right now. I don't have many followers (only 1,000+), so I'm no where close to being popular - BUT I made a new channel and new page to start fresh because I did not want to use my real name anymore (It's a long story why).
On my new account, I want to change up my art a lot. I feel like I do the same thing as everyone else sometimes - drawing only women with a certain look on their face and certain poses. I think overtime I've been getting progressively worse because I've been so busy with school (I take 5 classes) and work ,so I just whip up a quick bust illustration and call it a day. I'm also just learning how to digital paint (like painterly style, I do everything else fine), so my artwork isn't as smooth - but I do believe I have potential if I just practice enough.
As for the art community, I'm a bit frustrated. I've been seeing an influx of artists drawing women, with flowers (peonies), gold jewelry, witches, pastels, instagram "baddies" and everything of the sort and it's just BOTHERING me. The whole year I've been trying to market myself more but I felt as if I was getting no where, so I changed my "style" to try and fit in more.
I became frustrated SO quickly because I hated doing that shit and I felt I was creating a fake image of myself, so I quickly stopped. I started looking at traditional painters who do realism/semi-realism/etc and that have really good values/fundamentals.
Anyways, I think I kind of digressed? I hate a lot of artists and a lot of YouTube artists - I even came to hate my "friend" who blew up on instagram with 30k followers because she draws the same female "ugu" art over and over. I've become so frustrated, I started following traditonal artists instead that DON'T draw anime - mostly scenery and realism.
I would really post my artwork here to get a critique, but I don't want to expose myself lol - just incase I gain a following in the future (I know, that sounds pompous alittle, I'm sorry).
But I just have a question. What would you guys recommend I do and don't do in my future endeavors? Like, draw more men, less women? (Or balance it out?) Draw more scenery? Like just things in general everyone would like to see.
Thanks lol.
I'm an illustrator, changed my style to a generic tumblr and instagram aesthetic (drawing only women, etc.) to fit in more. I hated it, stopped doing that, and ended up hating my friend who gained 30k followers from doing the same thing. I only have 1k+ followers over the same time period. I created a new username to start over, what would you recommend I do and don't do on my new channel and page?
Sorry if my typing is fucked, just came home from work , it's 1 AM and I'm tired as shit lol
No. 218718
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ALSO, I'm a black artist who follows other black artists and I HATE the trend of art thats going on in the black community?? it's pissing me off to no end
like I really dislike Nicholle Kobi's art…she's literally everywhere and she doesnt even try….
No. 218736
>>218716I'm a casual artist who abandoned her long career completely and switched over to another field for the reason you described: I didn't fit in with the mainstream crowd. It was nearly 10 years ago (I'm a granny by internet standards). Chasing fame only makes your mindset toxic and purposefully forcing yourself into the mold and only following what others are doing simply doesn't work. Your desperate effort shines through and not in a good way either. Some people get lucky and happen to match with the trendy aesthetic and become big, some people don't. It seems to be a complete roll of the dice sometimes. My friend became huge and her art sells like hotcakes because it's accessible, following the latest trends and above all it's mostly fanart or inspired by some popular thing.
So my advice would be just to not sweat it too much. I became happier when I just drew what I wanted instead of what I thought people wanted to see. Fame sounds fun and all but do you really want to endure the pressure and people asking you for free art all the time?
No. 218740
>>218736Ah! Thank you so much. I did some rethinking after I posted that long ass comment and messaging a few friends about it. I'm going to take your advice.
But also, I guess I wanted fame because I never had it? From afar, it sounds and looks exciting, but I kind of feel bad for some artists because they have so many people watching them all at once and sometimes straight up demanding things. I'm not gonna lie, on my new account, I did think to myself that all I wanna do is draw fanart but then, I thought of sakimi-chan and it just sounds fucking miserable. So I'll stay in my lane and do what I love the most.
I think I want my YouTube channel to revolve around process videos, tutorials, and reviews. I refuse to have click-bait titles and thumbnails. Also, I'm not a rambunctious person, so I don't think I would be hooting and hollering throughout my videos so lol.
Thank you!!
No. 218765
>>218716>I even came to hate my "friend" I feel you, anon. Especially the "I even came to hate my friend part". I once used to give a lot of advice to my friend during college, but when she took my advice to heart and began making bullshit excuses when she didn't do her part in groupworks (not once, but SEVEN times) when she clearly blogged and posted her art while my classmates and I were still in class. Like, hell yeah, good for you for improving your art, but the fact that you didn't even give contributions to schoolwork pisses me off.
And when people bring up her shortcomings, she blames her depression for it. Even after she transferred to an art school she keeps pulling it out of her ass when people pointed out that she wasn't able to finish it on time.
Nowadays she comes back to me saying that she learned a lot more from me compared to the art school she's in and she keeps complaining about the amount of work she does.
>What would you guys recommend I do and don't do in my future endeavors? Like, draw more men, less women?Good amount of both. Idk I draw too many dudes and even tho I don't ship any of them with other characters ppl still label me as a fujo, which sucks to be honest. Also I get iffy sometimes when I draw women because I remember this tumblr-tier artist friend who kept shoving things down my throat. Like uhhh yeah I would do it but pls stop forcing it on me because I feel less motivated to actually draw them. I even had one artist angry at me mainly because I'm not feminist for drawing a lot of women (idk why I rarely draw women because the characters I give a shit about bc of their personality were dudes and when I try to draw an OC I get scared when someone lashes out at me for making an OC seem like a self-insert.)
>>218740>>218736>tfw I don't follow trends>gets like 1 new follower per month at average>draws illustrations of OCs>draws fanart but doesn't tag oftenEh, I'll just accept my death then.
>>218740>I did think to myself that all I wanna do is draw fanart but then, I thought of sakimi-chan and it just sounds fucking miserable.That's my thought too. As much as I like to draw my fave characters from existing media, I do hate pandering to the fandom (especially drawing explicit art of characters).
No. 218816
>>218740>>218736>>218718>>218716This is not really the thread for personal issues and advice (especially unsaged ones). Maybe this one would be more appropriate if you're looking for that
>>>/ot/210748>>218765I'm assuming you're the person from earlier in the thread, please refrain from using this for personal venting about people only you know about. We use this to discuss Youtube/social media artists and it's pointless to see someone complaining about some mystery cow.
Sorry my dudes, but this is derailing the thread.
No. 218836
The more I see these types of videos the more I feel bummed about Youtube "animators".
Are there any noteworthy Youtube animators there? Most of the ones I found usually have a very simple style. There are others though who don't use the reddit style and have fluid animation, but it's still not noteworthy though since it usually involves only the character talking/making small movements. I want them to try achieve something kinda like what Calarts/Gobelins students put out in their reels. Or learn how to animate properly.
>>218816Sorry anon, I just get riled up easily. The next time I'll do that I should take it to the vent thread instead.
No. 218861
>>218836Thank you! I'm glad to see someone equally as frustrated whenever people like this, and others, call themselves animators. It's one of my pet peeves as of late and I just get more and more frustrated whenever this type of "animation" is given a good light when it's NOT in fact, animation really.
As for the ACTUAL YouTube animators, there are none left my dear anon. YouTube themselves have chased away any good animators on the platform after the monetization algorithm changed. Animators were receiving less income for views, favoring length (which is death for single or a small team of animators because it means a lot of work) and how long people watch the video. Animators now have to tone down their animation skills on YouTube or make their own websites to host their animations because of this, cut costs of production because YouTube doesn't give a shit about actual animation when they have vlog channels that rake in the most views.
So sorry anon, I think the only real noteworthy animator that's still KINDA doing stuff is Harry Partridge (my idol) but he's taking his time because of the monetization and that his animations are amazingly fluid and take a lot of work.
Gildedguy is another good one that won an animation competition a few years back, he seems to still be doing stuff.
Catfat is amazing but his works are very rare, haven't seen him post much these days sadly.
Corax's animation was amazing, but again, they don't post much anymore.
And those are the only ones I have found that I really recommend. I have a ton more animators that I find quite good but I can't really recommend them YET, or they haven't posted anything in years (i.e. OneyNG). But as you can see, most (if not all) the really good animators are elsewhere and use Patreon as their primary source for income so their animations are usually only allowed to be viewed by the patrons.
No. 218932
>>218872>none of them market themselves as actual animatorsBut they do? By calling themselves animators and/or using "animation" in their name, they are inexplicably marketing themselves as animators. You don't see someone first think "Is this person an animator?" by reading a username with the word "animator" or "animation" in it – no, you automatically think they're an animator or that they animate, no?
Also, I've seen so many of the titles of their videos have the word "Animated" or "Animation" in them – which again, leads people to believe they are in fact, marketing themselves as an animator.
No. 218934
>>218925>>218916>>218911The thing is, it's kind of the scenario where a few bad eggs are ruining it for everyone else. Sure there are some animation memes that are really well done, and I've been inspired by so many animatics, but there are those who try to do both of these PURELY because they want the attention. They half-ass something or annoyingly spam it places so much that it's kind of bogging down what it means to animate and to make an animation.
Listen, I'm an animator and I know full well how much time it takes to animate - a short 5 second animation sometimes takes 2 weeks for god's sake - but I still feel that the more people try to copy this "easy" style of animation, the more YouTube will be full of it and the more people will think that this reddit-esque style IS animation – which in turn just cements the "animation is easy they should be able to shit this out every week cuz JaidenAnimations does it" notion which pisses me off.
I've seen SO MANY channels adopt this SAME FUCKING style. Little channels starting off. They have the same white figure, same dot eyes, fingerless hands (or stubby fingers), and sometimes with some hair coloring or something for "muh uniqueness". It's really irritating how many cookie-cutter "animators" there are on YouTube. And yes okay, let them have fun, but it pisses me off when they start to think they don't NEED to learn how to properly animate to be an animator (i.e. Holly) and they don't learn their fundamentals.
Encourage those unique to the cookie-cutter, reddit-style, storytime semi-animated "animator" stereotype that's saturating YouTube. Promote the ones who try something different because they want to animate because they like animation, not because they want to be the next Odds1out.
Okay I'm getting off my soap-box now. Sorry for the rantyness.
No. 218973
>>218934I don't mind the "non animation" since Youtube is not the platform to look for animation, the algorithm is not animation friendly and I'd assume most people aren't looking to work for pennies.
What I mind, however, is that a lot of those people have really basic boring personalities, thus making their videos extremely uneventful. I liked some Tabbes videos back then but I think she tries too hard to appear badass, which in turn is almost as bad as being basic sometimes.
I think your best bet is to find channels ran by people who used to be popular on Newgrounds, like Oney, but don't expect them to post often if you want quality animation. I think some of them might not even post anymore.
No. 219559
>>219113I dunno, I think it can improve quite a lot with practice.
I paint the same realistic shit since HS so Im one of the bad batch, but if you practice something often 2 years is a good time to have gotten better.
No. 219569
>>219113Two years is a very long time to improve if you're serious. The thing is,
>>219051 isn't improving very much because they're sticking with their comfort zone throughout the pieces they do. They might have changed the face shape but the eyes are the same, hair is the same, the neck isn't entirely as long but it's still similar, and her lips/nose are definitely about the same.
When artists do not leave their little comfort zone hidey-hole and branch out to try new things and grow – they will stagnate.
This artist has improved only minimally but it really only looks like they tried a different style.
A little humble-brag here so skip if you don't want to hear this shit:
Because I constantly try new styles and practice things I'm not used to, I've noticed that my art has been improving over just a couple of months inbetween. Every picture is better than the last because I've been trying.
No. 219605
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Don't get me wrong, i actually like Monique drawings
but this was shown in my feed and i found it quite funny
I do see the improvement, there is more armony in the newest, but, still the same face syndrome
No. 219747
>>219644Agree, all his videos are like that, so im thinking they are for kids, for heck, some of them (like this one) are quite cringey
>>219690I doubt sakimi created the style to be honest, is just a mix between anime and some realism (some..) i don't see anything wonderful about it, the difference is that he does speedpaints and she doesn't>>219690
No. 219750
>>219747She does speed-paints on her Youtube channel, but they are so few with no voice-overs because most of her work is pateron exclusive.
I used to really love her older art style before this whole pateron thing.
No. 219771
>>219770 me again.
does anybody else think that this girl is trying to hard to be quirky? i don't know too much about her, but waffles and her seem to be friends.
No. 219773
>>219771There is
something I don't like about her, and I still can't quite put my finger on it. She's one of those people who seem like they're bitches but are trying to be nice.
No. 219822
>>219610Ugh, I really dislike Ross Draws's content. The one type of videos I hate the most (that everyone loves to put on a pedestal) is when he takes someone's picture and "turns" them into that character. All he does is just draw over it :/ He doesn't "morph" them into anything. I think it's just the equivalent of drawing on a blank canvas lol.
but whatever - he's a nice person though and his content is for kids so
shrugs No. 219858
>>219758I honestly hated how this years drawing turned out.
Her face looks awful. It's a trend I've noticed with her every year - Her characters keep getting uglier and less detailed. She's gotten to a point where she's started to devolve and every year is looking closer to the original drawing (but with better colouring.)
No. 219875
>>219858I honestly thought you were reaching until I watched video. She actually does seem to be devolving and is making some
weird style choices. I prefer last year's so much more. It was a more unique style and it screamed a waffles work – this year and just looks like generic ugly comic book-esque. The facial expression is hands-down the absolute worst part of the picture, dear god she looks absolutely disgusting and kinda gross. I randomly watched one of her other videos this year and I was wondering why her work was getting worse, so it may be because she's been rethinking art lately cuz it really shows ya know? She doesn't seem to like art anymore I guess.
No. 219889
>>219886Oh I remember her! Yeah, everything seems to be becoming copy pasta at this point, which is sad.
I think when I was in high school, a rep from that school came to talk with us. Looking back, to me unless you're wanting to get picked up by Disney it's not worth it since the tuition cost is pretty high. But that's just my perspective.
No. 219897
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>>219875>>219858I don't see it. The gesture has improved, the pose is more fluid and her face benefited from not having those buggy eyes and generic dead expression of the first one. She may have a bit of an ugly face, but so did last year's, at least the new one doesn't look like it's dead inside.
>>219875>so it may be because she's been rethinking art lately cuz it really shows ya know? She doesn't seem to like art anymore I guess.You are reaching waaaaaaaay too far buddy. Seems like you're just parroting what people have been saying about Baylee. I'm not a huge Waffles fan, there are some things that annoy me about her, but one thing you can't say about her is that she doesn't care about art, she's one of the only generic girl channels that actually tries new stuff rather than generic pretty girl expressionless same angle portraits.
No. 219899
>>219897>You are reaching waaaaaaaay too far buddy.You do know she made a video where she has said herself that she's going through an "I don't want to do art" phase right? Right?
She says it
herself in this video. I can tell you're not a huge waffles fan because I guess you might not have known about this video? But I've been watching her for years and have noticed a bit of the regression in her art and enthusiasm for it.
No. 219906
>>219903Your point is valid, I should have reworded my post and not taken what she had said in the video out of context, forgive me.
However, this art block is probably the reason why many have said her latest drawing didn't show much improvement and why people (and I myself) think she's regressing. In all honesty before this video and before this art block hit, her posing, expressions, etc was so much better than the art she does now.
The reason a lot of YouTube artists seem like they're regressing is because they don't take breaks. Yes drawing every day is a good thing, but when you do it for so long and you start thinking it in a way that "I need to draw something today or else I might lose subscribers", it becomes a job and a chore. Then you start losing your enthusiasm for art, which she seems to have – at least in terms of how she was before that is. She's trying to push through this art block by just making more art and it's just going to make her dislike it in the long run.
I actually prefer the older one so much more because it was really beautifully detailed, had good expressions and just showed off her style – a style that only she could pull off successfully. Her flow has improved, yes, but her anatomy has gotten worse because she doesn't know exactly how to incorporate that flow where it makes sense.
And you
cannot tell me that the expression is better than the older version's, because I cannot see in any way how it could possibly be any better.
No. 219908
>>219903, but the title of that video is one of the mentioned reasons for not being her hugest fan. It may be some kind of joke that went totally over my head, but she crosses the line a bit from being happy about her work into tooting her own horn.
Also, Kasey Golden's comments on her videos seem so robotic. Them generic comments fishing for peeps to go on her channel.
No. 220024
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Why is Hyojin liked so much? Her work is nothing special, you've seen her style so much from just about every other person. Not to mention her actual animation the keyframes almost snap into place between each other and always just seem like a rushed job rather than taking the time to really make an animation/artwork that's great and well thought out.
No. 220413
>>220409i mean, you say that like it wasn't going to happen lol
i remember when i first came across her art. i hate how she always adds A THICK BLACK OUTLINE to everything. like you stupid cunt, use sepia/brown on the skin. it just makes her art look more tacky than what it is. and how she always adds grey to everything, how muddy her colors are, etc.
i just don't see what others do in her art, it's ugly but i guess that's because im not basic boho bitch.
No. 220506
>>220450I think her materials might have something to do with that. I remember watching a video of her making a skin tone palette where if I remember correctly she had both professional paints and some cheap colors, which sounds pretty silly to me. I understand using shitty paints when it's all you have, but if you are a professional and already invested in better paints just stick with those.
Anyways, brown paint has a tendency to being a pain in the butt with patchyness especially when it's cheap. I don't know if she still uses those and I'm not using the materials to justify it, she should select her materials better by this time or notice the patchyness and try to do something about it.
I'm trying to fact check but currently can't find her video.
No. 220556
>>220537It looks like it's one person doing it, just ignore and move along
>>220506You might be onto something anon, I also think that Jacqueline doesn't seems to know how to color darker skin tones
Like the wrist/arm is so muddy, but she doesn't seem like she's trying to improve, especially when you have all these people in the comments boosting praising anything and everything. She has great potential but she needs to draw other stuff than just muddy hands and witch girls with tattoos
No. 220557
>>220413I mean, a thick black line is more a stylistic choice than an error or a mistake. It's not bad, just not your taste
The muddy colours thing is a big issue though. I like her stuff, but she needs to drop her old subpar watercolours and maybe learn more about how to mix watercolour
No. 220570
>>220567I think that she has a point. While yeah, you're right there should be some standard for people to improve but sometimes people treat their personal preferences as if they are objective values rather than something that is personal. You should give it your best and not half-ass something, steal, etc.
A lot of people treat what they personally consider to be "good art" as the same standard everyone should be held to. It's basically the difference between "I prefer paintings like Van Gogh and your art just isn't my cup of tea." and "If you aren't painting like Van Gogh you're not producing good art and your art is bad."
You are basically telling someone that they're not good based on your standard that isn't objective.
No. 220725
>>212673Holy cow, wouldn't have ever thought Istebrak would be mentioned here. I was in her art group a while but got frustrated at the people there trying to copy her opinions and teaching style. They worship her at every turn. She is undoubtedly a technically skillful artist, and I have big respects for her to give critiques for free. She'd be the right person to teach art, if ONKO she had a more respectful, patient attitude towards her students. She yells and swears at them at an almost Hollyish level, and constantly says they can't draw etc.
Iste has no credibility whatsoever to tell the people (some really young) in her group what the industry wants, and how to get paid for their artwork. And she really does say such stuff a lot.
She almost never does anything finished or time taking herself, just some studies and sketches. I don't know if she really has that much work as an instructor that she doesn't need to, but she never got hired by a real gaming company or the like. She did a couple of covers for some lousy fantasy books some years back and that's about it. It must be both her attitude and the lack of creativity her work suffers from. She loves the basic tropes and clichés, teaching the kids to kill their imagination and positive attitude towards art before it's too late.
The worst is that she can't keep her (right wing) politics and conservative/stuck up gender ideas (not talking about her telling how to draw male & female anatomy) away from her lessons. I think she even mentioned being a Trump supporter. It just feels very unprofessional and cringey. "It's my fucking channel so I can say what the fuck I want to you little losers".
No. 220737
>>220725 comments were not just about Trump, but about being conservative and whatever they meant with "stuck up gender ideas" in general.
No. 220811
>>220727I knew I'd get someone raged by mentioning the Trump thing. I don't care of Iste's political views one bit, even if they were the same as my own. Also my own values really had nothing to do with this.
I just find it extremely tacky she promotes her ideas so out of context, and rerails her lessons into raging about SJW's & hate for feminism to a bunch of 12-year-olds (generalizing, but a bunch of them are very young) who take her every word as the ultimate truth. And the adult students & viewers will have differing opinions anyways, lots of them will find her too childish and leave.
It's just not respectful and not the right time for that. If she was a raging SJW I'd be just as confused. If you want to be a professional teacher you probably should not use words like special snowflake, SJW, moron, idiot, nazi (in the wrong context)… During your lessons, that is. It's just so tacky. One of the things that makes me facepalm at her.
No. 220884
>>212944Yes, it's boring as fuck, and gets a E for inventiveness, but an A* for market research.
Don't hate the player, hate the game~
No. 220887
>>220692>>220858Yep, she can't do anything besides copying
she's was of those channels that appeals to the bottom of the barrel audience/artists so if it wasn't for her basic bitch channel ideas, her art alone would not be able to get her very many subs
No. 220998
>>220980Lemia pisses me off for some reason, she always seems so full of yourself.
I think what she described does happen but I rarely see it among artists older than maybe 15/16. I also see younger fans of popular artists do this to anyone who critiques their "idol". Everyone has eyes so if someone you consider beneath you criticizes you without being rude, just suck it up and either consider it or ignore. People who revenge critique are usually full of shit but I really wonder what kind of circles she runs in where this happens regularly lmao.
Also really don't think this was worth a 24 minute video, she could have made it more concise.
No. 221087
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>>220980holly's comment on this video
No. 221102
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anyone else put off by the way Lemia draws, what I assume is, curly hair? I don't know on what universe hair looks like this (even if it is stylized), but her hair looks like turds.
No. 221317
>>221087Holly is so fucking annoying - I see her comment paragraphs on every single fucking thing like she's important. She can barely draw like, what the fuck?
>But I'm more prone to listen when people give solid reasoning, and actual tips to solve the problem with the work. Pointing out flaws is pointless if there's not a solution to fix them.I mean, I guess I agree, but the way the last sentence was written made it seem like "if it's not written in the way I LIKE IT, then I refuse to LISTEN". Like hun, sit down lol.
Also, side note, I always laugh when people start mocking her in the comments. Someone did that on that one Baylee Jae video about critiquing lol.
No. 221318
>>220968>Or maybe the students were just shit. I know there are crappy teachers out there, but the ones who are always complaining about their teachers tend to be the ones who draw crappy anime.Uhm, exactly! Whenever I listen to these stories about teachers being rude to their students, it's because they draw shit anime. I also hate those videos that are titled "MY TEACHER HATES ME BECAUSE I DRAW ANIME."
I mean yeah, because you refuse to learn the fundamentals and blame it on them for being "old". But keep on drawing those pointy chins and beg for donations from your 12 year old followers.
No. 221321
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Does anyone have an opinion on Jaltoid?
They are an animating couple on YouTube - but they are known to give their shit opinions on "problematic" topics (like their opinions count for anything) just because they are popular? I used to follow them on twitter but everyday was something new for them and it was pissing me off. I wanted to see animations, not a long thread about how you're upset that you can't say the "n word".
Then they go ahead and complain about how they aren't making money and beg for donations. Yuck.
No. 221356
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>>220692She tries so hard to prove she's a "professional", it's embarrassing.
No. 221369
>>221367she's not a talentless hack and she draws and improves, but for some reason, I'm unable to connect with her at all. Or I'm possibly just envious kek
but yeah, idk. part of me doesn't get what in her content made her that succesful?
No. 221371
>>221367I've watched her videos before but I'm not subbed.
I think she has nice art but somehow I can't really connect to her as a person, she comes off a bit fake to me. I don't know why.
No. 221380
>>221377yikes sounds like Venus Angelic
I don't get how someone can sit through videos like these. you can tell when they put it on when it's not consistent in each video.
No. 221381
>>221377Hers still sounds less forced to me, but they all start to sound similar after a while.
A lot of girls related to the "anime" community do this though, like the "VAs" and streamers.
No. 221384
>>221382sorry i pressed post before i even typed anything out
fucking mobile
Anyway, I cant take her fake cutesy voice seriously with her (…australian?) accent slipping through. 'I went to a christmas pardy… pardy' yikes'
No. 221930
>>221926Sketchbook tours have been pretty trendy lately. And so are all the 'tips to fill you sketchbook' videos. I'm not sure what the point is, like, I get needing inspiration to fill a sketchbook but I don't think you need a video to tell you how to fill up space. It's basically get out and draw, or do studies/practice. Lots of those vids are the same. "use a sticky note. block colors around your art to give it more visual interest (For who exactly?). Glue stuff in and draw over it", etc.
I think artists should be honest with ourselves, like are we getting a sketchbook to actually do practice and studies or do we just want to pretty something up to show off? IDK. It isn't like the two are mutually exclusive necessarily but it does get a little samey.
I can already see a bit of cannibalization going on in terms of copying 'techniques' to fill sketchbooks to make them more appealing for videos.
No. 221933
>>221926A someone who works mainly digitally, I use my sketchbook for anything from sketches to fully finished traditional pieces, purely because I don’t plan to ever do anything with the traditional pieces but they influence how I work digitally (if that makes sense) but I do think it’s a trend with YT artists to be like “oh I need this sketchbook to look perfect to show off online”
(Saging cause this might be a bit too much about me)
No. 223264
>>223257I think it's a common sentiment that sketchbook tours are more of a finished product than an actual sketchbook. I think most people have multiple sketchbooks, they tend to show the more calart ones and not the ones which has figure drawing practices.
Although I wonder if the popular YT artists (like Baylee, Jelly) even do figure drawings at all
No. 223366
>>223364That was meant to be a reply to
>>223257This is my first time replying to a post. Sorry bout that
No. 224080
>>224078There is a thread for Baylee
>>>/snow/440185Tell us what was the fight about in that other thread
No. 224083
>>224054It does look chubbier, just compare the thighs and arms.
But again, witches and tattoos over and over again. Maybe her vids wouldn't feel so same-ish if she injected some personality into her voiceovers.
No. 224086
>>224080 Did, Didn't know she had a thread.
Kind raises red flags seeing how all the artist youtubes I don't like band together and after talking to Baylee. Anyone who is friends with her I can't stand. I see a trend with the group, no critiques, gives bad art advice, art doesn't improve, and have little kid fan base.
No. 224157
>>220657Okay so I tried watching this video since at first I didn't want to after watching Spechie's other cringy videos and I just…. ugh I'm starting to hate her too.
"She ended up failing me. Claiming that mA pUrTfUlIo dIdN't fIt tHe gUiDeLiNeS oR wHaTever… she was mad at the 17 year old girl who gotten farther in art than she ever would."
This and the other times she used that shitty voice when she quoted other people really riles me up. Also her art isn't that great. Yeah she learned a bit in digital painting but they're still shitty and her art isn't consistent. Ugh. Youtube is a mistake.
No. 224179
>>224054The constant sponsorships they do make me want to never use Squarespace.
This has nothing to do with the drawing but I don't like the angle she films most of it at at all, it's really distorted and hard to see the drawing.
No. 224201
>>224196I had the first twitch when I saw it was Happy D, and then the Squarespace ad did me in. I understand how getting paid for stuff on Youtube includes that kind of stuff, I just can't stand when everyone talks about the same thing or plugs the same product at the same fucking time. Jacqueline DeLeon just spoke about them too.
It's hard to not feel like we are being used for money with that kind of stuff, like I don'T mind it when it's done a bit more subtly or tastefully?
No. 224301
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>>224284I just fucking saw that shit, I don't think I've ever seen something THAT cancerous on a board before.
but honestly /ic/ is a real garbage dump, with a couple of gems. I will say it's helped me grow a little bit of thick skin, but eh it's easy to see who's there to shit post and who actually wants to improve.
No. 224421
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>>224392/ic/ is the Artwork/Critique board on 4chan, there are some good general threads on there but there is alot of shitposting
and durr hurr women artists. There's a handful of some great artists that pop up once in a while, but most people on there are decent or beginners
No. 224426
>>224421A-are you telling me that I can't make a comfortable living selling furry porn?
Please don't crush my dreams of escaping NEETdom ;_;
No. 224427
>>224351>>224301Sturgeon's law has always been applicable to /ic/, but honestly, it's really gone down the last few years. The Sakimichan bitching, Tumblr gender/race wank, art school is a scam, "is this famous artist shilling on /ic/?", etc. threads have taken over and you hardly ever see long lasting study, collab, subject-specific threads anymore.
There's a couple good study threads up right now, but man, it's felt like a wasteland.
Also it bums me out that a lot of my favorite artists have left, but there's a few really great artists still hanging around.
No. 224444
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>>224427I think posts like pic related just say it all.
No. 224458
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>>224444I think it's funny how some of them can be a million times worse than the crazies on here, shit is wild
No. 224620
>>223266>>223264Yup, I do figure drawing regularly but I do it from a computer as there's no classes near me.
I normally keep them in sketchbooks or in newsprint pads.
No. 224684
>>2244444chan threads are ok for when you're starting out, but I wouldn't recommend sticking around when you get further down the line as the mentality cultivated there is not too beneficial to artists.
Good to get you out of your beginner shell where you think you're actually a great artist and "it's just my style" when people critique you, but once that thick skin is formed and you've been properly humbled I'd just keep moving.
No. 224747
>>224743Literally if you've used one, you've used them all, anon. I don't personally prefer PS, because it's not very "drawing" optimized, an artist has to almost wrestle it into doing what they want it to do, at least that's been my experience. It's a program that wants to do everything.
Bottom line is, by all means learn on what you're comfortable with. once you've got your basic tools down (layers, color wheel, select, brush settings, etc.) you can pretty much use any program and nobody'd be the wiser. Yeah, people will
tell you photoshop is the industry standard, but unless you're working in a studio with other people who use PS or a client specifies PS files, or something, it doesn't make a difference.
Use what you're comfortable with. There isn't anything on PS that you can't learn on SAI except for maybe like…text tools.
No. 224775
>>224743it depends
>>224747is certainly on to something as long as clients don't ask you for .psd files.
if you're planning on working with a team of other artists, or if you're freelancing for a company that requires you use photoshop actions to expedite your workflow, then not so much.
having used both and also having freelanced for a company alongside other artists, if you have no real preference to begin with, i would jump in to photoshop vs anything else.
it has a slightly steeper learning curve i guess, but once you get the basics down, it can function as simply or as intricately as you prefer.
it's an industry standard for a reason.
No. 224776
>>224747It's been the opposite for me, I haven't had to wrestle with PS at all.
>>224743It really depends on the style that you want to go for. Rough sketchy lines? Photoshop is better for it. Painting? Photoshop is better. Cellshading or clean lines? Sai or Manga Studio/Clip. Manga Studio/Clip might be better for the anime or clean lines look.
>>224775Also this. Any time a client wants my file, it's always a .psd. Sometimes I have to swap with other artists at work and it's also always psds.
No. 224866
>>224743Yeah you can use just about anything as professional as long as it can export a .psd.
I've tried many and don't think I've ever run across a program than doesn't have this option, except for RETAS studio, which is an industry standard all by itself anyway.
No. 224867
>>224853lmao she's soooo maaaad.
Like, this is kind of a "who cares" topic, so yeah, real self-serving.
No. 224882
>>224853"Edgy people are typically an asshole just to be an asshole"
"I wouldn't say I'm an asshole-"
Yeah, sure, Spechie.
No. 224955
>>224949To be honest, the way she talks irks me. Most of the "art theft" videos I've seen have faults/lack points and I guess because of that it discourages the use of references in general/encourage people to do master studies (with credit).
Also, the whole "stealing art styles" bothers me. Yeah, I know, stuff like this happened to an artist I look up to almost a year ago (she said stuff about brand identity and all) and it makes me both sad and happy she changed her "style" because of the constant comparisons despite their works looking different (in a technical sense) despite having almost the same subjects/flowers used in their artworks.
sage for ot, but I want to hear your thoughts on "art style theft" in general.
No. 224961
>>224955stealing art styles is a dumb concept because the people claiming it usually only point out the similarities and ignore/defend against the mention of differences. cringy artists who claim style theft are just insecure about their talent, and stans(on tumblr especially) usually just wanna fight and imply their fav artist is a ~yonique uwu butterfly~
i feel like there's a point in which when trying to cater to a group, styles end up super similar organically, like with anime. tons of studios copy eachother's styles and no one really cares.
No. 224967
>>224955Honestly I think that youtube artists like to use the term "art thief" as a buzzword to get clicks on their videos. It's such a sensationalist, hot-button topic because they're making it seem like if you're influenced by someone you're automatically stealing. Usually these videos aren't anything but just that discussion, or someone who felt their art style really WAS stolen or something.
And that isn't to say that art theft doesn't happen, but there's a huge difference between "this artist used influences from these other artists and made it their own" and "This person LITERALLY stole my fucking art and reposted it as their own".
It's so fucking tiresome.
No. 225037
>>224853>"Yeah I'm an asshole, but only if you give me a reason to be! XD">"I'm just naturally dark and brooding guys, I'm not pretending! I'm REAL not like those fakies!"No Spechie, people call you edgy because you are.
>U can make gud art when ur tormented!!That's funny because people with depression often become unable to make any art.
No. 225092
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anyone else frustrated with galactibun/cryptidsp00n's art?? her style is super tumblr and generic, her animatics on youtube got popular but i found them very bland. not to mention every other tumblr preteen started copying her style (the circular faces, huge mouths, heart tongues etc.) personally think her style's gotten a little better, but what do y'all think
No. 225122
>>225092How old is she now, 15? I think she'll evolve over time.
I recently found this korean watercolor artist and I quite like her work, it has that storybook feel to me.
No. 225131
>>225106Can't stand her, tbh, but can see the appeal. I stopped watching after she announced her pregnancy and kept making videos about it, I feel stuff like this doesn't belong on an art channel. Make a vlog channel and do whatever you want, I came to watch some art stuff, not pregnancy updates… Also the vid where she tells her husband she's pregnant for the first time was so fucking awkward and creepy, it belongs in the family archive, not on the internet. It's such an intimate moment, imagine you filming such thing in secret and putting it on youtube for the whole world to see (even if your husband doesn't mind). It's so tasteless, this kind of oversharing is too much.
Her reviews are funny tho, I can give her that.
No. 225149
>>225107Why are people picky over drawing similar face proportions? If you can distinguish the character and it's not an Anna/Elsa/their mom situation it's fine.
Pardon for using your innocent comment as a gateway to this subject, anon.
No. 225207
>>225176Complaining about sameface also gets boring really fast. There are cases where it's justifiable, but it's like people have learned one thing alone to look for and just parrot it around.
And yes, excusing mistakes as "style" is stupid, but at the same time there is a difference between sticking to a certain style and doing sameface. Earlier in the thread people said Rapunzel and Moana had mild sameface syndrome even if all their facial features were different.
Also, some people use the sameface syndrome thing as a guise to push their agendas. Like bitching about you not representing X ethnicities or sticking to beauty standards.
No. 225241
A lot of people honestly misuse "Same face" syndrome when they mention it because they think faces look similar/done in the same style = same face.
Rapunzel and Moana for example are done in the same style. You can look at them and tell they are made by Disney. However, their faces are not the same. Rapunzel has a smaller nose, smaller jawline, thinner eyebrows and smaller lips while Moana has a broader nose, thicker eyebrows, a slightly chubbier (?) face, etc.
Some people even tried to say Elsa, Anna, and Iduna have the same face but… That's literally mother, and two sisters and even their face structures have slight differences in them.
Same face is when you can overlay the eyes, nose, lips, etc. of a character and they all look like they are one character with different hair and eye colors. Faces being similar in structure can be attributed to the style of how the person draws, however, many people confuse having a style with having the same face which is why I've started ignoring complaints about same face syndrome tbh. Too many people use incorrectly to make themselves sound smart and like critics.
No. 225364
>>225355You can just picture how many comics you've seen where the supposed punchline revolves around one of those things
>I like eating and have no self control>I like buying things and have no self control>being unable to handle adult life>me vs. other people (me=bad/other people=good) and other insecurities in general>expectation vs. reality>me when thing happens vs. me when contrasting thing happens>anxiety>not liking doing hard thing>visual metaphor as to why (insert year) was hard>autistic screeching over 2016 election>complaining over people asking you to draw themI would also add bowel movements but I think laughing at poop is one of humanity's most precious legacies.
No. 225393
>>225355I love relatable comics when they're witty and have some sort of substance to them but god I
HATE these mundane ones that get reposted everywhere. Like you said, they're just stating obvious facts and not really practicing any sort of structured humor.
>>225364>complaining over people asking you to draw themI swear this is every "relatable artist comic" ever. I know people asking for that are annoying. But so are overused "ohmygosh that's totally #ME" comics.
>I like buying things and have no self controlAnd this I outright hate. People need to stop thinking it's quirky and cute to be financially careless all the time.
No. 225412
>>225409I like Robin's videos a lot. Her tutorials are helpful and straightforward, and her personality doesn't irritate me like so many other artists on YouTube. I agree though, I think she should branch out and experiment more instead of realistic painting all the time.
I really like her as a person too, she seems very sweet and I feel bad that she's been going through rough times (I think she mentioned something like that in a recent video? To be honest I haven't watched her in a little while).
No. 225415
This seems in the same vein than what
>>225365 was saying.
Also, why is she linking to Holly in the description bleeegh
No. 225416
>>225409I liked how she had her own thing with her videos. It was one of the most original artsy channels out there.
That one video where she was performing with the huge hands and some dude was walking around in a cloud costume cracked me the shit up.
No. 225496
>>225409She talked about this in her latest video, and I thought it was interesting.
Can't say for sure but I'm pretty sure she got divorced or there was a family death/illness, she stayed with her mom for quite a while. I like her work a lot, hope things get better for her.
No. 226020
>>226001>>225978>what do you think of ____Is there a criticism you're too pussy to anonymously voice yourself, or do you genuinely have no opinion yourself and therefore want someone else's?
Usually people who just ask for someone else's opinions are self posters dipping for compliments, if that's the case you need to hide it better
No. 226025
>>226020It really does look suspect when the person has under 2k subs and the video doesn't have much to judge that would make someone think they're a cow enough to be posted here.
I know people post Youtubers under positive lights sometimes, but that's generally accompanied by some "I like this person" sort of comment.
No. 226063
>>226061Honest question/discussion:
What does tumblr inspired/tumblr art mean at this point? I feel like there are so many things that get that label and I genuinely don't know.
I think her art is ok but lacks refinement, wonky proportions, lack of variety etc.
No. 226064
>>226063I don't even think people think about what "tumblr inspired" means before saying it at this point, I think it's just a buzz term people like to parrot to undermine the art in a shorthand way that they don't have to explain.
so it doesn't really mean anything to me when folks say that…
as for her art, eh, it's a little too head and shoulders for me, just based on her vids. and a little too Lisa frank: heavyhanded on the saturated colors/galaxy/sparkle for me personally.
No. 226076
>>226063tumblr style is basically what we have in Bad Art thread. They try very hard to have a "different" style which results in retarded weird faces, girls are usually fat, have stretch marks, harm scars etc.
>>226061 I would call a marriage of tumblr and pinterest kek
No. 226092
>>226089That could be basically anything.
>>226076I get the "drawing fanart and making the character intentionally unappealing for 'representation'" = "tumblr", but it's like the minute someone draws a red nose or anything but a generic cute face people fall over and scream "tumblr!!!"
No. 226364
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This is not a youtube artist, but what do you guys think of tokiskeffington? I think she is pretty good, but super tumblr inspired and has some anatomical issues..
No. 226365
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This girl too, i quite like her
No. 226386
>>226365>drawing edgy cutesy characters wearing Death Metal shirtsPass
>>226370That just showed up on my feed too.
No. 226423
>>226322I'm not a native English speaker either. But our generation had been fed English a few hours a week for over a decade at schools, so all her constant repetition of "you guuuuuuys
giggle I don't know how to say that!" and her rough accent sounds weird especially for a person who has been living abroad for years. It comes off as a "cutsy outlander" persona for me, since obviously she's not making those videos on the go. Or perhaps, she's actually stupid and unable to google how to pronounce "Derwent", but I refuse to believe that.
Compare the way she speaks with Mateusz Urbanowicz's videos. He has a rough accent, but he's actually putting some effort.
No. 226426
>>226423She lives abroad at the Netherlands, not an English speaking country.
But I do understand the part about just googling how to pronounce something. It's way too often I see people struggling to guess how to pronounce something they could easily google (including, most of the time, native English speakers). I'd include that in her "rambling too much" problem.
No. 226465
>>226426I know, but it's seemingly easier to drop one's accent a bit if you don't hear your native language on daily basis. Also afaik she doesn't speak Dutch not even with her boyfriend she lives with and works from home, so I guess you see my point. That's another reason why I compare her to Mateusz.
>>226427It's not so about making mistakes (I did not point any), I watch a lot of videos made by non-natives. If she was just "rambling" too much on a livestream I wouldn't care, but that's not the case.
I'd explain what I mean by this, but hmmmm…? You know guys… I forgot the word!!
Hahaha… you know… I'm too busy being cute to put some effort :)))) Sorry!
No. 226482
don't you need to be 18 to post here?
No. 226508
>>226087>>226093Chii24 is now DoopieDoOver
I didn't see anyone mention her new name, but she's still her same old self - filled with drama and complaining on social media about her trash life lol.
She's good friends with Jaltoid now, so they engage in the same drama and whiteknight for each other - it's very annoying and whack lol.
No. 226552
>>226533I can see that. I think he's overrated, as well. He draws those weird bug-out eyes and for some reason his style reminds me of a cross between Family Guy and Newgrounds stuff (which isn't surprising given his origins on NG)
I honestly don't think he's the guy to go to for drawing tutorials and technique, though he used to be so ubiquitous when it came to things like Flash animation, I learned a lot from him when I was learning stuff yrs ago, but I think he's the kind of guy you outgrow…
No. 226565
>>226563Click on the post numbers to link to other replies.
I personally don't like Jazza's art but I don't have any issues with him as a person. He seems fine to me, kind of obnoxious and overly animated but his audience is mostly younger so it makes sense to me.
No. 226568
>>226565Thanks for the tip anon!
>>226567Oh my god, that bothered me so much. I mean isn't he supposed to be a proffesional? He should know you should never shade with black. It makes your art piece look muddy if you do so.
No. 226601
>>226093>>226508Damn such a shame that happened to her; to be honest, I don't even know how she got popular. Was it her persona?
And I miss Ayame/Soundphase cause they were the only one that actually had better art as the months went on.
No. 226617
>>226616Oh my god…
yeah she has improved
No. 226621
>>226542That's ok, Proko's facebook group is better. Istebrak's group, the only art you'd get consistently good critiques from is black and white portraiture.
Proko is an exceptional youtube teacher, it makes his student's critiques competent.
No. 226622
>>226621Istebrak is the type to throw a temper tantrum because you didn't do exactly what she wants, meanwhile her art is not nearly good enough to justify such a big head.
Proko, on the other hand, is someone I can get behind. Altho, is it me or does it seem like people are shy with their critiques on that sort of facebook forum?
No. 226626
File: 1517261878188.jpeg (369.08 KB, 750x589, AC625A9D-4A78-4CFD-86B0-F97CFB…)

What do you guys feel about Cinna_mart on instagram ? I think her art is different but sometimes she has a bad attitude
No. 226689
>>226633Nope, you're all set.
>>226622Most of what's submitted there has a solid critique on it. If you don't get one, just critique a few posts and ask them to return the favor.
No. 226751
>>226741Eh, that's just good marketing. It's the same as general creator's "Buy me a coffee" or "Adblock forgiveness" It just makes the donation seem more meaningful.
Youtube doesn't pay most content creators well.
Who deserves to be paid by an eight year old's parent's credit card is a different story.
No. 226752
>>226741I'd probably feel self conscious to do that if I was them, but at the same time nobody is pointing a gun to no one's head for them to pay anything, so I don't see anything inherently wrong with setting up the donations if they aren't putting up a dishonest pity fest.
>>226751I don't think who "deserves" something is as easily measurable as people seem to think. Take Baylee as an example, as much as the effort she puts into art is small, given the quality of her art, the effort she puts in keeping her Youtube channel consistent per se makes her deserve subscribers.
No. 226756
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What are you guys' thoughts on LolliBeePop from Twitter, she mainly got her following from 'relatable' comics. I don't really have anything against her but something about her style kinda irks me. It feels very formulaic imho. Thoughts?
No. 226762
>>226760It depends on how you do it and what you're selling. I don't think something being common makes it less creepy though.
It's not really like any other demographic. For instance, pulling the sympathy strings of kids is worse than the strings of adults. You're bound to get more hate for it.
No. 226923
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>>226876Saved a few comments from the spechie video before she deletes them
No. 226958
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>>226920Looks like someone who would have a reality show about baking cakes
No. 226959
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>>226876I often forget that Spechie has more subscribers than Holly. Also didn't know she deletes comments. Hmmmm
Also, pic related, her patreon. Her art isn't consistent, based from looking at artworks of her avatar.
>>226920>not following directionsThis is a problem with a lot of artists. Yeah, there are some who can draw well, but that doesn't give you an excuse to not follow guidelines set by your teachers.
>The reason techniques exist is because artists came up with their technique… and it was THEIR technique. So I believe that its beneficial to learn from techniques but tweak them and follow your own.So in a sense he refuses to learn from techniques since he's gonna alter them anyway. Learn from the masters first, tweak them later once you've mastered said technique. People are getting too excited to form their own style
At this point I'm getting headaches from so many art youtubers complaining about their teachers. Sure, some were out of line, but hey, don't forget, they're here to help you get better at art, so at least follow guidelines.
No. 226965
>>226959Spechie is one of those people
That draws themselves way cuter than they actually are
I hope She grows the fuck up up and improves her art instead of complaining and making mediocre videos on YouTube
No. 227166
>>227142I like her style, it's really cute and she seems nice. But when you look at her figure studies you can tell her style is holding her back. She needs to stop stylizing her studies, it's not helpping her in understanding the forms. You can especially see in the animals she's new to like the platypus, she doesn't understand the structure and is just making it up.
But this may also be just the constraints of the challenge. It's a stupid ridiculous challenge.
No. 227174
>>227166It's cool that she finished it but oh my
god am I sick of seeing this useless 'challenge' I can't wait til its popularity fizzles out but big youtubers keep picking it up and doing it while saying "Guys don't do it".
No. 227467
>>227458Oh, shit really I thought each one went to some sort of cause, woops.
well then. just circlejerking, I see.
At least the unofficial ones can be somewhat creative sometimes. I dunno. the YTAC rubs me the wrong way just on principle, it kind of goes against the point of "youtube art community" by just gathering up popular artists or summoning guests artists they deem worthy to bask among their popularity lol.
actually, Rebecca there mentions she has been a guest artist in the past so I guess she's riding off that bit of popularity too.
No. 227476
>>227474I didn't see but damn, what the fuck? People can't ask a simple and genuine question?? Like how the hell do you spend thousands on art supplies but yet you can't spend a few extra dollars on archival art supplies? Like I know archival isn't cheap, but there are some archival papers (Arches, Stonehenge, etc.) that are valuable investments.
ATLEAST spend the money on paper. Lord have mercy.
No. 227482
>do some artists on Youtube act elitists when it comes to those damned things? I'm guessing you mean elite when it comes to Copics? Yeah - it reminds me of when people spend hundreds on branded clothing and bags, to show it off as a way to let people know "haha I got this because I have MONEY and I'm BETTER than you"
It's essentially the same with Copics - they can spend close to 1,000+ on getting the whole set and other expensive art supplies just to let people know they got money, and you can't achieve the same results because Copics are expensive and untouchable.
Well, that's atleast my take on it.
No. 227484
>>227483Like, I do understand the price that comes with Copic - replaceable nibs, refillable, double sided (even though I never cared for the chisel nib) and the ink is good. My main problem is they aren't archival for shit - which is what I expect because Copics were made for concept designing - no necessarily long term archival pieces.
What are the limitations? I would love to hear because I have Copics (I have the Ciaos and clearly not the whole set because I don't care that much). I use them for basic sketching.
No. 227487
>>227484LIke you mentioned the ink isnot archival, the price is prohibitive and this is just me but I absolutely hate the way they bleed, like most alcohol markers. I feel like even when you use paper specifically for those kinds of markers, you end up putting down more than necessary and wasting so much ink.
I don't think they're worth it, just overrated for what they are.
No. 227488
>>227484I totally understand the pricing because of the import fees along with the store fronts needing to turn a profit from them, I do use them and find them fun to play with.
Originally, I used to use the markers for full projects because I didn't know what lightfastness was or why it was important. In the span of four years of using them full time, I found that if you wanted to work big, it was going to kill the marker so I was kinda forced to work smaller. Also, if any major errors were made, it's rather hard to hide the mistake were with paint you could always wait for the layer to dry and go over that spot again. Another thing is that to get smooth gradients requires a few markers close to each other on their scale, where with a medium like colored pencils you can just change your hand pressure. But like you said, the fact they aren't archival is what bothers me the most hence why they're reserved for conceptual work or sketching.
They're fun to play with, but buying the entire set seems like a waste to me.
No. 227495
>>227487The bleeding part is most def true - I forgot about that. (Can you tell I haven't used them in a long time? lmfao. I mostly work digital).
And it is true, even the paper for Copics specifically tend to soak up a lot of ink. It is overrated!!
>>227488I agree - I tend to work small with Copics - never big. I just mostly use them for concepts and then uploading it to my Instagram.
A few years back I used to be OBSESSED with wanting to have the whole set, but I realized I don't even need that many?? I wish people would stop obsessing over getting the whole set because it made me think I had to get the whole set.
No. 227496
>>227470>>227467What's with this idea that things have to be inclusive? When something is overly inclusive, it's an almost confirmation that it's going to be shitty or mediocre.
If you have no standards what usually happens is that people who are doing things for years get mixed up with complete novices and the novices bring the overall quality down.
Now, having popularity over quality as a standard is questionable, but at the same time I see no reason over being anal about the YTAC. It's just a bunch of basic girl channels getting together and doing basic boring stuff (with a few exceptions). I don't see it as any sort of desirable position, and people complaining about it almost give me a bit of a "I'm upset because I wanted to participate but can't" vibe.
No. 227500
>>227498Exactly, LOL.
To sit here and think you've never been influenced to buy something because you saw a more popular person (or the person you idol) using it is bullshit - especially when you're just starting out.
No. 227501
>>227499So, were you watching them on Youtube or looking at their Deviantart accounts? Because the usage age of these websites is 13+. No creator has any obligation to cater to an audience that isn't even supposed to be watching them.
Even if you were allowed to be there, the world doesn't revolve around making good decisions for you. That's your parents' job.
>>227500>To sit here and think you've never been influenced to buy something because you saw a more popular person (or the person you idol) using it is bullshitNobody is insinuating that. Everyone is influenced one way or another, but there is a huge difference between just being influenced and bitching about how people should act differently because "it's influencing me negatively".
No. 227560
>>227531I like Caez, but I find the videos, while having good points, have some bleh pacing and feel longer than they actually are and are kind of hard to sit through because of it.
Decent art though
No. 227643
>>227501But everyone here literally bitches though. What’s your point?
>>227266My god , that face looks horrendous.
No. 227707
>>227643If you're going to samefag and drag on an irrelevant issue at least sage your posts.
This is indeed a place for complaining about cows, however, it's not a place for your own issues such as being influenced into buying Copics.
No. 227766
>>227765Different anon, but I don't mind the hauls, studio tours, and collections. It's just a different focus I guess.
I can agree that it's overwhelmingly not actual art, but I would still call it an art themed channel. Just not a drawing channel. But therein lies the marketing issue i guess.
No. 227778
>>227769There's also the fact that people tend to look for artists of reachable skill level.
So it's likely the big masses of beginners aren't going straight up to Marco Bucci's channel or something like that.
No. 227800
>>227769A lot of it is about marketing. As someone who can get the views I'll tell you it isn't too hard. If you do your research into what's popular it's pretty easy.
Like people have said these people are achievable. You need to recognize that the demographics for art youtube is very young. You can do fine with an older audience if that's what you want, but you typically end up with a much smaller channel (and there is nothing wrong with that, different demos have different amounts of pull. A small dedicated audience of people with money is great).
I find that a lot of talented artists don't understand thumbnails. They tend to make them too professional because they actually understand art. But 'professional' is not what you want to go for on youtube. You want approachable, helpful, fun, you want something that makes beginners think, "wow this is someone I can talk to."
Look at all the thumbnails on these popular videos and you will see trends. Pictures of faces, bright colours, readable at a small scale. Remember Thumbnails need to be attractive at 1/2 an inch tall on things like phone screens.
If you actually want these people to learn, you have to meet them at their level. You don't have to be a bad artist by any means, but you need to make them think they are allowed to talk to you and that you aren't too good for them.
And studying SEO will do you good too. Get over your fear of clickbait, you are in the shitstorm that is the internet and no one's going to find you unless you play the game. Tutorials, tips, hauls, sketchbook tours, these are the things which are actively sought after. You can ease off it once you get traction.
If you want to get far with this, study the fundamentals of youtube, online marketing, and learn to attract the demos you want.
Sorry, I know it's frusterating to see shit artists rise to the top. I'm just a nerd for this shit since it's basically my job. I used to do ebooks which is basically the same shit where the best marketed rise to the top not the best quality.
No. 227933
>>227919christ what a whiner. This is the first video I watch of hers and it turns me all the way off from subscribing to her. This so unprofessional. I don't want to watch 25 minutes of her whining and fussing about her
blaming her patreon failure on the radio silence of her audience. Sometimes that happens especially if you're an artist.
No. 228110
>>228100Sakuems returned on the last challenge, apparently.
I always wondered how it was from the inside, if there was some sort of group chat where people would bicker and be passive aggressive towards each other.
From the outside people might even think everybody is friendzies but I bet in reality it's like those work Whatsapp group chats where everyone is awkward with eachother. But I might be wrong.
No. 228144
File: 1518156838504.png (208.31 KB, 559x395, unknown.png)

sage for not being a youtube artist
So this is me and my friends personal cow. basic snowflake material. Boring white girl who gains attention by being a toxic bitch towards everyone she meets but blames her "Alter personalities" when she acts up (Her alters are all "sexy" bishie men like in the yaois). The purple thing is her level of art skill, but she stole her OC pic and pretends she drew it.
No. 228146
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>>228144Here's her "arguing" between her personalities/herself. (She is 100% serious)
No. 228147
File: 1518157134480.png (22.37 KB, 532x201, stupid_5.png)

>>228144of course, it's contagious
No. 228148
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>>228144Here is her acting tough when another content creator says something. Her alters will murder you, careful
No. 228237
>>228142>>228143There's not much else to say. I've not been in it for a while now, the conversation wasn't too busy when I was in it. Lots of the usual compliments and happy stuff.
Having spoken to the YTAC artist who commented here, I've proven that I was contacted twice on Discord - when I had dms blocked by people who weren't my friend.
It's up to the YTAC management to sort something out better for future artists.
Again, the vibe of it when I was in it wasn't what I wanted, so I highly doubt I'll ever return.
No. 228245
>>228237Ytac artist here who spoke to her: I'm very frustrated at how she was not contacted like I thought she was, and if this situation occurs again I will be doing my own best to make sure that person is contacted on multiple platforms and given ample time to reply, even if I have to do it myself. I was not aware of this and had thought she had been contacted multiple times & am going to speak to management about setting up some guidelines for contact attempts and time to give if someone doesn't show up on release there.
I'm really glad she posted here so that we can hopefully make changes so this doesn't happen again.
No. 228250
>>228247I don't think they'll be a problem with me sharing this, so I'll answer.
I don't know about how it first started, I was not an original member. We have a manager who volunteers her time. She takes care of a lot of the Facebook stuff, organizing new members, any paperwork, the calendar, etc. (which, by the way, was voluntary. I saw a lot of posts about Baylee not being included, that was her own choice.) She does not usually participate in the challenges, though she is a talented artist. Rules that are changed/modified are done so with discussion & everything is voted on by members, from rule changes, to new rules, removing members, to the final theme via poll. We have made mistakes & changed past rules, and I am hopeful that we will be able to use what happened to the artist who posted here to change the system so there's a clearer process for the manager to follow if that situation occurs again.
Overall it is a very democratic system.
No. 228336
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Any thoughts on iorin? I think their art is decent but their always raging on how hard it is to be a japanese/filipino/muslim/transboy in iceland.
No. 228351
>>227919Becca drives me crazy. How can she complain about low subs when she wants to do the opposite of everything smart. Her marketing is just the worst. She seems so set in her ways when it comes to getting herself out there.
Like case and point, "I don't get people that do kick-starters for pins, that's only $400." Yeah, and I rarely run a Kickstarter I can't already afford. Kickstarter is an amazing marketing tool. It's basically a preorder system with a built in community and it's a much lower risk model. People will rarely shill your patreon, but you get tons of engagement for a kickstarter because of the novelty.
I learned the from Sparkler Monthly's model and advice from Rooster Teeth. Art related things, especially comics do amazing on kickstarter and very few fail. So why not mitigate the risk?
No. 228447
>>228431That video made me think about how much the racial diversity agenda has been pushed into the idea of same face syndrome, even taking a bit of the credibility off the later. You don't need racial diversity to have different face shapes, just mess around outside the standard face proportions we're taught.
By this I do not mean you shouldn't draw different races, it's good to draw all sorts of different things, but it seems to come from a similar pushy philosophy that gives us all those atrocious forced token characters, which are more harm than good.
No. 228468
File: 1518307586874.png (298.46 KB, 500x389, 500px-BooksOfAdamFaces.png)

>>228447Sameface syndrome often gets misunderstood in general. It's not JUST that the faces look identical in shape etc. but also that all the characters have the same facial expressions all the time (like the generic eyebrow cocking meme) and general appearance. Pic related, every character in it has a different facial shape but they all still look like the same character.
Anime gets criticized for sameface syndrome a lot, but in the end a lot of characters in anime are easily distinguishable by their body language, eyes, hairstyle and clothing even if their face shapes and noses are identical. Because let's be honest, those are the features you're going to be focusing on when you first meet a person. And a lot of bitchy artists like to pick the low-hanging fruit and write a post about ~the sameface syndrome~ while oversimplifying the issue to the face shape/race/gender of the characters while consistently suffering of it themselves with their 50 ambiguously brown undercut transgirls.
No. 228539
>>228507I think a lot of it has to do with newer artists looking at artists with more established styles and getting worried that theirs hasn't taken shape yet. their priorities are out of line so instead of doing the studies they jump to trying to mimic other styles to find their own, without reasoning why others do the things the way they do it.
the obsession with "finding your style" is pretty nauseating, but with some course correcting, if a newbie or younger artist is up for it they'll do the work and realize style comes later when they've gained more of a foundation and glean influences from things in life besides just other artists.
No. 228549
>>228539Can I add a caveat here? I think it's important to copy other styles as a beginner artist. Don't stop doing that. You can learn a lot. Don't mindlessly draw in it, but actually think about it and how it functions, why it's appealing etc. It'll help you down the road.
It's one of many studying things to do, less important than most fundamentals but not worthless. Draw tons from real life, but if you want to eventually make a cool style it's good to learn how and why others work.
No. 228558
>>228549same you replied to,
I agree with that caveat anon, absolutely.
No. 228883
>>228881Sorry I deleted by mistake this part lel
"Does anyone here agree that we need a Instagram artist thread? Because I don't want to distort the thread"
No. 228944
>>228881It's fine to post Instagram people here as well.
Well, saying "not that I'm jealous" does make it look like you're jealous, but I understand the annoyance. I also don't like when people use their hoe ways to get attention on things because it feels cheap.
No. 228998
>>228881I just saw her on the trending page and was not surprised to see the name at the end of the post.
She's actually the first "hot" artist I've seen, face-wise anyway.
She seems like a smart cookie to have made brushes for her entire artistic process so she can just churn-em-out. Would like to see her draw some ~bodies~ in the same style though.
No. 228999
>>228881I was looking her up and just realized that those hot girls seem to usually be Russian/slav in general.
Art by day, russian bride by night
No. 229071
Anons, what are your thoughts on vector artists in general? For some reason I get mixed feelings on it since there are a lot of people in my area who gets known for just tracing over celebrity photos.
>>229030You forgot to use 30 hashtags for more chances of getting noticed.
>>228881Also she has potential. I hope she'd get out of her comfort zone and try drawing more bodies.
Though I can understand that some people get irked when they merge their selfies with their art when seriously most of their followers are only there for the art. I follow an artist on IG who sometimes posts some selfies too (she's not "hot" like the one you mentioned but she showed some of her surgery scars once in w while which I find disturbing yet inspiring).
>>228468I know a lot of comic artists who suffer the whole sameface thing., especially ones with "simple styles".
No. 229075
>>228881>>229071There is value to posting some pictures once in a while, tho. But it's better if they have some more context than a selfie, like the artist showing themselves on their workspace or something else they are doing.
The reason why it's good is that as the inherently social creatures we are, seeing the human behind the work makes us feel more connected. I bet at least a few of us have watched videos more out of liking the person than the art per se. Another reason why those "just music" time lapses tend to be mind bogglingly boring, there is not much for us to cling on. We want some personality to come out of our host.
No. 229099
>>229087>Keep your fans and watchers updated…bitch make a journal…make a post.I can understand if people inform ahead of time about planned surgery…. and if said artist is in need of immediate surgery and people bitch about said artist on not updating then I think those followers have gone a bit too far.
>cintiqI don't know, maybe it's just me or I think that the only people who deserve cintiqs are the ones who "mastered" fundamentals in art.
>Honestly I can’t stand when actual artists do a bunch of these.Same here. A lot of artists these days think it's ~okay~ to do these rant videos since other artists they follow do so too. It's like a disease spreading.
No. 229100
>>229099>I don't know, maybe it's just me or I think that the only people who deserve Cintiqs are the ones who "mastered" fundamentals in art.I used to feel a lot like that towards Cintiqs or Copics, but then realized if you're overly anal about it it's probably because of jealously or some misguided thought that you have the right to police other people's wallets. Also the underlying thought of "me/this other person is so much better than Johnny, but Johnny has a Cintiq and we don't, how unfair". Of course I'd expect everyone's eyes to turn if some kid who is just starting out got a Cintiq, but a lot of the times even if the person using the equipment is shit, they still have some sort of other job and worked for what they got, one way or another.
So yes, I do understand the feeling (and feel like that sometimes), but ultimately think it's a little bit childish.
No. 229107
>>229087I mentioned this in the other thread but the only reason she got popular is because she did 'rant' videos with drama in them (without naming names like a bitch). Her channel is basically sustained by drama/rants, which is why she bottomfed off Holly
right after the shit hit the fan.
But she honestly doesn't have anything substantial or of worth to say, aside from talking shit. She kind of reminds me of LemiaCrescent in that regard.
I remember unsubscribing to her because her vids got whiny and samey like every other art youtuber, but her window-eye/button nose sameface style art didn't really convince me to stay either.
No. 229111
>>229100Okay but I’m more on the side of the other anon. It goes back to artists that buy the tools and expect the tools to make the artist rather than learning the basics as an artist and buying tools you can actually utilize. A lot of beginner level artists that get praise from others (who aren’t artists) convince themselves they are ~professionals~ and then buy a shit ton of supplies and stagnate for years while singing their own praises online.
Michie isn’t really a good example of that nessarily because while I do find them cringy and annoying, they do appear to be aware of their skill level and strive to improve. It’s more the Baylee and Hollys our there that piss people off. Then again you are correct in that policing how someone spends their money is stupid. But you’re still allowed to think they’re stupid af lol
No. 229160
>>228881oh good lord she's terrible. What on earth is the point of just drawing the same hot girl, all at the same angle and the same distance from the viewer. I want to find someone who is a fan of this artist and smack them upside the head.
This is the most extreme example of my least favorite art genre, "the same stock photo model I've drawn 1000 times and it's really saturated" I've ever seen
No. 229163
>>228881I don't see that many selfies on her insta? Many artists post selfies on their instas, I really don't see what the issue is. also her work is very good, she clearly can draw.
(TBH saying 'you're not jealous' kinda makes you sound jealous)
No. 229210
File: 1518756991201.png (1.01 MB, 652x1270, Screen Shot 2018-02-15 at 11.5…)

>>229163"her work is very good"
literally everyone she draws has the same lips, nose, and chin. I guess it's pretty to look at if you are not interested in art whatsoever, but learning to draw one woman is not knowing how to draw.
No. 229214
>>229210It's repetitive but it's not bad.
Not what I'd aspire to achieve as an artist, but you guys are reaching a bit.
No. 229255
>>229253Glad I'm not alone in noticing this. I see a picture:
>that looks goodKeep looking
>wait the anatomy/linework/everything is fucked, it's just colored well No. 229258
>>226920His teacher could have been more specific in his critique, he wasn't very helpful.
You would have though he would have looked at directions and referenced other artists since then, it would help his art immensely.
No. 229295
>>229289Im the anon who started the flame war on this girl, Yeah I don't like her art any bit, also she mocked her fans that ask her to draw them, and then she process to drawing them as an "ugly annoying fan" ( with unibrow and acne) I think she's full of herself but her art isn't that good, I say her name but I know a lot of other girls that do the "selfie showing boobs and cute face" and draws hot girls or herself, I know Im wasting time "hating" them but I try to do my best as and artist and I don't want to sell my art because I'm cute or because I want easy money but well..
If I found the pic of her mocking her fans for asking a drawing I will post it.
No. 229297
>>229293Yes, ultimately there is no point, but what bring us to complain about said Youtubers is generally cow behavior, like being rude or whinny people. Things that grind our gears. That's why I find it difficult to believe people would be so angry at her for just being boring, without some underlying reason.
For example, boring profiles like Bymariandrew make me angry. But it's not just because it's boring and the art id terrible, it's because it embodies something I hate, which is being whinny, pretentious and annoyingly feminist.
I'm not saying that people shouldn't be talking about Bluesssatan, just they could be brutally honest about their underlying reason. It may not be your personal reason, but from these comments I really doubt there aren't people who are just jealous of her (especially the one saying "not that I'm jealous).
No. 229299
>>229297I know it's just a typo but I laughed out loud to myself at the idea of a YouTuber whinnying into the camera delay drawing mediocre art
I'm sure it would bring her stable viewership
No. 229303
>>229297making boring art embodies something I hate. I'm not sure what we're arguing about.
fyi, I'm not the same person talking about the picture she drew of her fan.
No. 229312
File: 1518815095658.png (288.34 KB, 891x524, bluesssatanuglygirl.png)

So here is…
Anyone here knows what she is saying btw?
No. 229320
>>229317To add to that, maybe people with boring art that annoy us do so because we are picking up on their shitty personality and not just the art.
In her pictures (all of them!) she has a nasty expression in her eyes. Which is nitpicking but, usually artists are quite sweet when you look at their photos.
Aside from that it's good that "hot" girls are doing things other than posting selfies and that shows some wisdom, so overall it is a good thing. But she is obviously quite shallow as evidenced by the type of selfie she posts as well as her art.
No. 229323
>>229320>To add to that, maybe people with boring art that annoy us do so because we are picking up on their shitty personality and not just the art. She clearly did that because she's annoyed people keep asking for portraits. Stop reaching for reasons to be offended, the ugly portrait is not directed towards you if you did not ask her to draw you for free.
>>229312It's not a very mature way to handle things, but I understand her frustration.
No. 229326
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It's me again, the anon who started the war flame on this girl. She's not bad-bad drawing realism, actually I can see a lot of improvement since her old drawings even If all the girls she draws have the same generic face , but there's not much about her yet, she's pretty new so I don't want to talk shit all the time about a person I don't know.
I want to move on, it just got bored fast, we can share a lot of things!
Anyone likes UrsulaDecay? ♥ she's amazing! She draws pretty girls , but not like the generic shit we hate, love her <3
No. 229378 craft youtuber count ? Some of them really try to jump on every trend like nerdEcrafter, she have skills but I feel like she really try to keep her tutorialeasy to make for kids or something
And in the same style there is polymomo tea making the same kind of shit but he doesn't always take the effort to make is pieces look great ( not removing the bubble for his resin, etc )
( I reposted it from the old thread, if it's a problem feel free to remove it )
No. 229396
They're probably confident they can go back to good art anytime. Muscle memory, that isn't how it works
No. 229550
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>>229545Why are people getting their panties in a twist over that drawing of Finn being "racist" if it's the way she draws her weird drawings even when the people are white? The only crime here is being weird (also giving him titties and that grandma shirt)
No. 229562
>>229554The kicker here is this and a couple of their other pieces are already in that thread.
I sense they could do good caricature art since they know how to exaggerate features, but this is really uncanny valley shit. The proportions are too weird and unappealing.
No. 229563
>>229562Enlighten us a bit further, I had never heard of this person before but after looking it up it seems tumblr hates her
It's really lovely to see the tumblr SJW crowd destroying themselves from the inside
No. 229572
>>229562I think RCDart's got decent shape design but none of the features they exaggerate have any basis in the actors' actual appearances, so they'd be a shit caricature artist.
>>229563They draw mostly transguy Captain America, focusing on his breasts and stretchmarks in a way seen as fetishizing his transness, instead of simply focusing on a non-passing trans person (just reiterating the complaints/criticisms I've seen). Then only draws Mexican women with mustaches. Also she's rude to even her followers in the Holly sort of way, but that's not as funny or interesting as all the drama about her art.
No. 229728
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This girl’s art seems pretty decent. I just wish she wouldn’t use the “tumblr art movement” and wish that she would paint in her own style- it seems very cookie cutter and cliche. Also painting on your body like that is a waste of paint to me. Insta art is ok sometimes.
No. 229751
>>229738Body painting is an art form, by the way. Altho I guess I get what you mean as in doing regular art on your body instead of using a canvas.
I don't care about them doing that, tho, just hope they ain't using toxic shit.
No. 229831
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someone who irks me is greywick. he's pretty mediocre at best but i feel like he hasnt improved much since his fanbase started growing since all his fans are like 9 year old phannies who hold him up to this mesiah level because he draws dan and phil and popular people in the tumblr crowd. also it just really annoys me how he draws eyes over the hair like in the attached image. anytime someone actually criticizes him on this he says "its muh style" or his followers do it for him. (u can see it in the comments on the post on instagram). his style is also just gratingly annoying at this point. he's pretty harmless but he's so fucking overrated and nobody had talked about him negatively from what i can see and its super frustrating
idk if i got his pronouns right i saw his friend call him a he once but that was over a year ago so who knows
No. 229943
>>229830You sound like you're both young and from tumblr.
We don't really appreciate that way of talking, as it's expected of people to adhere to board culture here. It's pretty clear you're new, so I thought it was polite to let you know first.
Don't use emoticons. Try to keep your posts straight to the point rather than a long ramble. Don't drag on talking about your opinions and personal experiences, and only do talk about them when it's relevant to the subject.
No. 230288
>>230253116 views, 266 subs…
No. 230441
>>230390>>230386Girl, I would stop like a stop sign if I was actually her.
On a serious note, I'm really not the artist. I'm just a subscriber.
To self-post would mean to actually show you guys my shitty art. Man would you guys have some firing material though, X'D I'm as bad as Holly Brown with her occasional backwards hands.
(X'D) No. 230464
>>230253This sounds like friend-post and not self-post, but yeah itz pretty obvious
Aside: Can anyone tell me why people lay down color and form first and then shade and outline? That's the opposite of me so I'm wondering if someone can explain why it works for them
No. 230951
>>230817Blame Tumblr. I can understand them wanting more representation in media but at the same time I don't want any forced diversity.
>>230849This. I have a friend who kept churning out art, and as much as I like how diverse her characters are, the story she shared to me was pretty bland. Would be nice if people focus more on storytelling first rather than focusing on diverse characters. Like, start writing a good story first then make it inclusive to people. I would buy something like that if people deliver that.
No. 231028
>>230951>Would be nice if people focus more on storytelling first rather than focusing on diverse charactersExactly, that's my problem with that type of art. And their thirst for diversity puts them in a complete blind spot regarding how much their story makes sense.
It also leaves people with that sour taste in their mouths about diversity, so they're really just hurting themselves in the end.
No. 231065
>>231033people who talk really slow like that think it makes them sound smarter, since people who do professional talks in front of audiences annunciate and talk with some sort of rhythm. The way she does it just makes her sound like she has no idea what tf she's talking about and she needs to spend five years trying to think of what to say next.
I never get people who have no charisma or sense of communication skills making videos online, like Holly Brown and this idiot. Just post on deviantart if you can't talk, no need to waste everyone's time.
No. 231412
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>>231033mr electric, send him to the principal's office and have him EXPELLED!
No. 231479
>>231412"people take one specific idea and then run off with it and put words in my mouth that I never said"
"'lemi you suck, you give toxic horrible advice and should go die in a hole ugh I hate you and your thoughts'"
None of the highly liked comments are even insulting her or calling her names… they're just arguing back against what she said in her video. Why is she so angry…?
No. 231583
>>231457Good ol Mateusz!
pumping out good ass content every time
No. 231600
>>231586This monotone is so hard to get through. Everyone builds up online personas, I don't find it that scandalous. If people here are against sad videos made for views, that's cool. I can understand that, but I find nothing really that wrong in expressing that stuff melodramatic and artistically. Like it'd be weird if she talked about her eating disorder in a typical Jaiden style.
I also am just cringing at the armchair psychology here. I think his main problem here is he's trying to make sense of irrational behaviour. Based on the terms he's throwing around like antisocial personality disorder. Like… that doesn't mean awkward, dude. That means a disregard for morals, the feelings of others. It's basically serial killer shit.
Occam's razor suggests she's just an anxious person who's story doesn't line up because it was month's between the video and vidcon. I mean, stories rarely line up because people forget things and hyperbolize.
No. 231648
>>231586> I never watched Alex's vidcon video.Obviously! This guy is a moron.
I actually thought this was a joke, his features and mannerisms remind me of the deadpan "Straight pride" guy.
No. 231909
>>231739holy shit that's hideous, no wonder she draws mostly females. She's got terrible bug-eyed bulb-nose same face, and it does not do well on male characters, yikes. That shading is awful too.
Somebody needs to do their studies more often.
No. 232066
>>232060I feel similarly about seeing those ridiculously forced "strong female" characters.
I also hate when they project themselves onto their characters while adding mary sue characteristics. So you're telling me this character who looks like you, a sensitive SJW on their 20s (don't forget the undercuts and microbangs) is supposed to convince me she is a total badass capable of anything, even if she gives me the exact same vibes as you, someone who looks like they cry because someone used the wrong pronouns?
No. 232321
not sure when to post this but i guess since this perdon has been trying to gain international fans lately i guess it's the time. (her first webcomic, but not in english)
her art is really good and from what i've heard she makes pretty good stories. but besides that she's pretty much a lolcow. she has lied about her ethnicity pretending to be indonesian-chinese (edits her pictures), in the past uses her social media (especially facebook and ig) to rant about personal things. she claims she's abused by her stepfather and has to run away abroad with nothing but a passport but the next few days she updates her english webtoon. a lot of people has bought her webtoon merch but she never sends them the merch and refunds are a complicated process
she also claims to have a really high iq, has become a biology teacher for college students (she's still college age herself), that her entire family is insane and abusive except herself. including saying that her mom threw out boxes of merch she ordered and that her little sibling threw out her cat (of course, not long after that she posts a picture of her cat all fine and dandy on ig)
now that the indonesian community is starting to recognize her scamming her fans by not sending out the merch they purchase, she turns her english webtoon to NSFW (indonesia blocks NSFW webtoons unless through vpn) and reuploads the entire webtoon, and changes her username. now she's on hiatus for both webtoons and her IG is filled with old pictures and deactivated comments.
this is one of her old friends in her friend circle. No. 232322
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>>232321same anon here, sorry, forgot to put an image.
No. 232356
>>232329>muH WESTERN SOCIETY demonizes sex!11Yes, I'm sure people are very sexually open in Saudi Arabia.
It's funny how she's putting herself in a liberal moral high ground while meanwhile acting like Eastern civilization only encompasses Japan and shit like that, ignoring the fact that people will go as far as censor pool ads in some West Asian countries.
No. 232364
>>232361Not to mention how you have some European countries that are way more chill about that stuff, wonder if she ever heard about the Red Light District in Amsterdam.
Basically a bunch of badly thought out arguments made to defend her ultimate goal of just "doing whatever she wants". Well, if you can do whatever you want, so can the people who are giving you shit about it.
That whole thing of "I do what I want" always rubs me off weird.
No. 232368
>>232360Kasey always annoyed me for some reason. I guess she has an underlying tone of whinny passive aggressiveness.
Like how she handled this, at first I thought the thumbnail was funny and all but as I heard her tone on the voiceover it gave me the impression she was trying to provoke/shock the people who were complaining about her channel not being child friendly enough.
I know people who assume everything has to be kid friendly are annoying, and for the record, I don't think people who go around thinking they're entitled to police creators are exactly right. But if the image you're presenting to people is telling them they're supposed to expect something you're not despite your efforts to make it clear, perhaps you should rethink your branding and communication, because it may not be the most effective at the moment. It doesn't take a wild guess to think fairly childish artwork is going to attract children. And if that's really just the way you want things to be, it's alright, but she could have handled this video more maturely by just communicating things to people instead of being a ranty bitch.
No. 232393
>>232356Holy shit she was whiny. I think she takes any opportunity to be negative. And maybe it's just me but some of the things she said felt like she was throwing shade at other youtube artists.
the majority of the time I actually like her videos bUT every once in a while, she'll put out stinkers like this one.
No. 232507
>>232356Westerners have a problem with nudity? France and Germany come to mind with their relaxed view on nudity especially. I'd say the west has been pretty open to sexuality, and creates art of the naked body, where some cultures won't even let you draw or paint humans let alone naked ones.
I think the issue with nudity stems from Europeans adopting Christianity, since it is an abrahamist faith, coming from a region that is very sexually repressed (artistically as well). Fundamentalists Christians started the recent sex-negative movement (Anti-nudity, pro-circumcision), around the American civil war.
Wish she wouldn't have made this video because it is a very nuanced topic and I don't appreciate that she simplifies the situation to the extreme and then acts better than the strawman situation she invented. :/
No. 232546
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>>232356From her comment section
>This is why I hate western societyWhy are these people on their 20s sounding like they're angsty teens?
No. 233026
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>>232995Renee is laying the smack down. I appreciate how she's not just kissing Lemia's ass but is being honest about her views.
No. 233057
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>>232995So this was Lemia's response to Monique lol
No. 233060
>>232995Ugh, that smug laugh at 1:46
I'm not against people ignoring critiques that weren't asked (though a thank you is still nice). But god, it's really not that big a deal. They're trying to help you! No need to be this nasty and passive aggressive.
No. 233061
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Here's the response before she edited the comment for anons who want to see it
No. 233068
>>233057>i'm old as timeSeriously?
Isn't she under 30 or something? Wouldn't being "as old as time" make you not sound like a middle schooler?
No. 233071
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Here's the response before she edited the comment for anons who want to see it
No. 236362
>>212863She has way too big of a head and honestly a fragile ego. I had watched her stuff before, and I kinda got sick of her tone in most of her critiques (and listen, I can take a harsh critique that hits hard, but not when someone just acts like a cunt and throws a tantrum), yet I see so many professional artists out there who make incredibly helpful critiques who are industry veterans, who keep a level head and explicitly showcase how to improve the persons work and use that info in the future.
I ended up watching one of her warm up streams yesterday to see what she was doing,and within 5 minutes she got
triggered because some girl had said "you community is toxic and thats a reflection of how you act". Did she sound rude? Sure. But the reaction by Istebrak was so goddamn ridiculous and compulsive that it just made her look like raging retard to me. Of course then you see the chat cheering her on like "Yeah fuck that snowflake, Iste" so she gets the idea that how she reacts is acceptable. The irony is how she keeps saying she "hates rude people" yet cant live up to her own standard. I absolutely believe we need harsh, deep cut critics in the world, but not this dumbass.
I mean for fucks sake, Steve Lichman gave a person I know on a Discord server a fantastic critique on most of his portfolio and he didnt once come off as an asshole, just professional and still was able to hit hard with what he was saying while doing it for free. Call me entitled to be criticizing what she does for no pay, but I only see her as being a negative influence on her viewers when they give critiques themselves. I suppose if you just want to be toughened up by her critiques so the other ones dont seem all that bad, fine. Go for it. She has good ideas and her lessons and challenges have helped some people improve, but the quality of the critiques themselves would be just as good even in absence of how she presents them in negativity.
TLDR; Iste has good ideas but she just comes off as a massive cunt sometimes. Her critiques do not need to come off this way and I feel like she does it in her aggressive fashion is because she just blows off steam from her day in it, which I honestly feel is only negatively influencing how artists critique for themselves. There are far better and experienced artists than Iste that give incredibly insightful critiques who don't act so pointlessly aggressive and just act professional.
No. 236686
>>236362I've had an excellent industry professional critique my work in such respectable ways. It's ridiculous how her community is a circlejerk of people calling anyone who gets pissed at her "snowflakes" when in reality she is the biggest snowflake who can't deal with anything directed at her.
And the girl you mentioned was not rude, especially if you consider the tone Istebrak does her critiques in and how much she preaches having though skin.
We can continue this subject in the other thread, if you wish.
No. 244273
Yeah, Istebrak is pretty terrible. I'm a new artist, and found her videos because she's talented and gives honest critique, which I do appreciate. Her G+ group is pretty decent too.
However, when you watch a ton of her stuff in a short period of time you really see some stuff. She'll randomly pop in with some stuff like "I really love Jordan Peterson" or "LGBT people in the West are no longer marginalized at all and have no more battles to fight, also Final Fantasy is a game for homosexuals so I won't buy Square Enix games anymore".
She also gets really weirdly directly aggressive about stuff, even when she's not giving specific critique. She'll mention something and then say "You fucking guys always do this, you don't deserve to use color yet, go do twelve thousand geometric studies before you paint a face, and if you don't like it you can just click that little red X and leave". But like, no one said anything. She just responds as if there's people giving her sass all the time.
She also gives straight up contradictory advice constantly. If you follow your reference photo too much, you shouldn't - never draw eyelashes or lip details, ever, and use artistic license. If you do those things though, you're a retard who is symbol dependent and can't follow a reference.
She yelled for like 20 minutes about people drawing fit, toned women with a faint vertical line down their abs, and swore up and down it was a fake thing that never happened in real life.
She rants constantly about people doing "masterpieces" before they've passed her personal test of being a real artist - you aren't allowed to have an idea or render a character or draw hair until you've drawn a thousand black and white sphere heads and rectangles floating in space.
And then of course she falls back on "I'm just being honest, no one else will tell you the real truth, please give me Patreon money or 400 dollars for personal tutoring so I can berate you one on one"
No. 244593
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>She yelled for like 20 minutes about people drawing fit, toned women with a faint vertical line down their abs, and swore up and down it was a fake thing that never happened in real life.
Yeah, gee, you're totally right as always, Istebrak. We're just being silly. It's really just fake.
Now every time I see a fit lady with one of those lines I'll remember her chimp ass.
No. 292155
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No. 413450
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>>413435>is this thread that hasn't been bumbed in 8 months still alive? no it is not, newfag. use the new one: