No. 183512
File: 1489227628620.png (17.17 KB, 267x315, 1482453102934.png)

I think she became relevant because she posted her same face syndrome video and it got a shit ton of views, same with her Anatomy mistakes that young artists make.
Both kept getting recommended to me, I couldn't get away from them
On a different note,to add to the discussion; the only artists that are worth watching on Youtube are Audra Auclair and like, Iraville(they don't upload much tho). Joysan is also really pleasant/ I like art and her vlogs, same with Fran Meneses. Ashiyaart and pearfleur do some pretty stuff. An underrated gem is rabbitfears who does some really incredible artwork, how they're not super popular is beyond me.
sketchynatalia and Juicy ink are ok
Jacquelindeleon and happyDartist are ok too but both their art suffers severely from same face syndrome.
Jellie bee is eh, tumblr artsyle and draws alot of SU. Greywick is a tumblrina(agender pansexual (they/them)) has a large following and a heavy chibi/tumblr artstyle and draws mostly OCs/Dan and phil/markiplier/jackcepticeye etc.. fanart/.Their art is decent
Mediocre tier - I can't stand Baylee Jae or Holly hearts art(whos basically a Baylee Jae wannabe)
lemiacrescent and HC Brown are mediocre, whiny, and annoying as fuck and have figured out art drama videos = 100k+ subcribers
No. 183652
File: 1489414887993.png (93.02 KB, 232x221, keelerts.PNG)

>>183490OP's video kept popping up in my recommendations
When I finally started watching it I got hardcore HC Brown vibes holy cow
>>183512Honestly, I haven't heard of her until her CalArts rant, which was comedy gold, to be honest
>>183541I don't think I've seen too much of Baylee's work, I've only seen her copic marker alternatives video and she was so damn annoying
She kept complaining about how big or how small the writing on the caps was, it's insane
No. 183694
File: 1489451189428.png (126.4 KB, 279x323, miyazaki.PNG)

"HC Brown was a mistake"- Miyazaki
>>183514Too bad she can't handle people being blunt to her, for someone who's always complaining that people need to take criticism, she takes no criticism and hides behind foul language and her audience
No. 183771
>>183652I hate that sudden abndace of purple/magenta on everyone's shading.
What are they trying to do? Be the next egoraptor by imitating his shitty shading and bright ass coloring?
Get a grip that's the last guy you want to aspire to be in the future.
No. 183909
>>183490Who's the Youtube artist who does that 'hoodie' character?
It's really annoying.
No. 183910
>>183512Sketchynatalia is just alright as well. Personally I can't stand her voice and she has a very nondescript face, but her art isn't bad. Not interesting, but not bad.
Lemiacresent's coloring is beautiful, but she's got hardcore horse-sameface going on and her OCs look really obnoxious.
Holly is just a miserable bridge troll. I saw a thumbnail with her face on it and the first thing that came to mind was "female Quasimodo". She's prolific, but I hope she soon realizes that she's got zero fanbase beyond equally greasy teen fujoshis.
No. 183917
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>>183910>Holly is just a miserable bridge trollyeah she's unfortunate looking, she looks like a foot
No. 183921
File: 1489614578174.png (931.04 KB, 830x592, Hollyfaces.png)

Looks like Holly gives her characters the same lopsided Idaho potato head that she has.
No. 183928
File: 1489619226895.jpg (17.55 KB, 225x225, Download (3).jpg)

Rausch.Inga on instagram makes atrocious paintings of popular cats and sends them to their owners for them to share. The way she talks about these paintings is super cringy. Also, she posts dumb self portraits
No. 183931
>>183490This video was in my suggested for so long that I broke down and watched it. I've never wanted to choke the "Your teacher wants you to learn the rules before you break them," line into someone so much as I did when watching this.
She's so full of herself, and this drawing is horrifying - the amount of asskissing in the comments is astounding. "My teachers dont get that its just my style too!!!1 I luv ur art!"
I also have legitimate issues with Proko though, he's a cow in his own right.
No. 183932
>>183928I agree with the other anon, most of her paintings aren't that bad at all? The technicolor is not my preference but that's about it.
This one freaked me out though:
https://www.instagram.com/p/BPhmIQOD6VM/?taken-by=rausch.inga&hl=en No. 183934
>>183932>>183929Hmm, I see. I find her art extremely off-putting but it's interesting to hear what you guys have to say.
For me, I feel odd about the motives. I guess, internet cats paintings don't float my boat. And I don't like the paint application, it looks random to me in a trial and error kinda way. Also makes me feel like she tries hard to avoid defined shapes. I don't have anything against this sort of style, it just rubs me the wrong way in this case. And I think the colours are childish. With the cat motives it's all too cheesy for my taste and the animal colours which often are realistic and the colours around seem to clash in my eyes in most paintings. But that's all subjective. Maybe was a little quick with "atrocious"..
No. 183937
>>183934My inner monologue upon seeing that thumbnail was "nice colors." Haha.
Some of them definitely are a little icky like you say, but I feel you picked one of the worst to make your case. I would absolutely have that on my wall.
No. 183960
>>183945He really loves drawing himself
Also his display pic kinda looks like Elliot rogers
No. 183980
>>183490Kek, I was waiting for this thread to pop up.
I don't understand these art youtubers, their art is usually mediocre. They give career advice without actually having a "career".
I do actually work in the art field and I'm shocked by their popularity, most of them are college dropouts (so they don't even have a degree, which would be fine if that did not reflect on their lack of skill) talking like professionals while drawing in a how to draw manga style.
Holly Brown has a lot of knowledge theory-wise but for some reason her art is so melty and doesn't reflect any of that. If you try to critique her art (how she draws jaws too big, necks too thick) she gets extra defensive in the comments. But then teaches her audience to "take critique". I'm so confused.
No. 184037
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>>184032That is true. She also kept going on about how thumbnailing comics isn't necessary, how she's so good at backgrounds (and never skips on them unlike anime artists) and inking, etc. but look at how she placed the characters on the top. They're sinking in the panel. She eyeballs her perspective constantly so her backgrounds are always deformed, and in this page we can see she herself skips on drawing them half the time. Even her inking isn't good because she doesn't use thinner pens for background elements, which makes everything flat. In that middle panel, the two characters completely blend into the scenery, it's bad inking.
There was also a time when Holly tried to animate and would tell her audience that animation is SOO easy, it's just time consuming!! well… search her animations in her channel for a laugh.
Sorry for rant, it's just I'm afraid they're creating this mentality in kids to disregard their art teachers, don't get a degree because "you don't need one in this field so that makes university useless" and draw bad anime because fuck everyone's opinions (surprise, anime art in western countries will hardly get you any work, specially if it's to the quality of OP's video)
No. 184043
>>183498her videos are kinda growing on me tbh
like the anon said in the other thread, i too feel very bad for her. She's clearly in a dark place- her art is the only thing that keeps her going. Her colours are very nice, she's quite proficient with traditional medium and she works very hard. I hope she finds some friends in the real world soon.
No. 184128
File: 1489885682228.png (1.56 MB, 905x923, tumblr_om285cQFpf1upe1ufo1_128…)

Do you guys have any recommendations for Youtube artists that are actually GOOD?
I'm a beginner at art (as a hobby), and it'd be nice to have some good examples to watch.
No. 184132
>>184037i've said it before in another thread and i'll say it again: the marker of a lazy artist is that (almost) everything is face-on
these faces have about as much emotion in them as the blank wall in that back panel to start with - sigh guy looks like he's doing some office-style fourth-wall-break talking to the audience moment
also why do all of her lines look like someone put them through a vector program set to make everything as few lines as possible? why are some lines (sleeve of right guy in top panel) just straight out missing?
the figures are more convincingly wooden than the damn wall panels…
No. 184135
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>>184128The one that comes to mind is Audra Auclair her stuff is really great
No. 184138
File: 1489896225934.jpg (717.71 KB, 850x850, hydrangea_buns_web_by_thienbao…)

>>184128Check out Bao Pham, he doesn't have a lot of video's but his paintings are amazing.
No. 184140
>>184139That's totally true! It honestly wouldn't take that long to correct in PS.
>>184138That's such a lovely style right there.
No. 184170
>>184136oh god i'm
>>184037 who made the comment about it looking vectorized and i'm a little horrified to find out i wasn't wrong… what the hell even reason would there be to vectorize it unless she's trying to get it to be clear for billboard sized prints?!
No. 184175
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>>184037>traditionally inking>converts inks to vector anywayBUT WHY
what a waste of time
No. 184188
File: 1489961186069.png (789 KB, 761x485, why.PNG)

>>184183>why is the drawing of herself so portly and dumpy?Because she is. She's always talking about losing weight, admits shes fat, but in her vlogs she eats like shit
I mean just look at her pig pen of a room
>>184187I laughed
No. 184219
>>184216One time I watched a stream in which this girl and a couple of her friends were trashing Baylee Jae and she just walked in the middle of their conversation, fucking kek
I do think she wants to be loved by those other artists, though, she's just really opinionated and probably jealous.
No. 184224
File: 1490016974891.jpg (1.14 MB, 1400x1400, D7niQFK.jpg)

>>184219>Baylee JaeIs the reason she spells her name so retarded just so that she doesn't have crossover with pic related?
No. 184227
>>184199I thought that was weird too! Also, her and her boyfriend live so close to San Francisco, I wonder how they afford that huge place. It doesn't seem like they have any other roommates.
Also petty, but her nose contour drives me nuts. It just makes her look dirty.
No. 184276
>>184224I wouldn't be surprised if that was the case
>>184219Pretty sure her and her friends pride themselves in making fun of other artists and hating on them, they literally call themselves the "hate club" or some shit
No. 184313
>>184224Bailey should make a youtube artist channel. I'd put money on betting that she's a better artist than Baylee.
Also she's way prettier. Baylee Jae has the face of a salmon.
No. 184329
>>184312>DonniedrawsHideous potato is right
I had heard about her from Holly and
her personality is just as sour as Holly's
holy fuck
No. 184334
good shit
No. 184382
File: 1490147166158.png (666.51 KB, 873x471, nails.PNG)

>>184329Her fingernails are so fucking dirty… gross.
No. 184697
>>184696"You don't work you just draw all day" is actually a very good question, considering how Holly always complains (and even made a video) about how you'll always be poor as an artist.
If it's that much of an issue then just get a job and draw on the side of that, Holly.
No. 184703
>>184696The doorknob panel in her video is really
triggering me. Who the fuck opens a doorknob like that!? Has she never opened a door before? For someone who is bitching about having to perfect her perspective, she does a really crappy job of it here. She couldn't even be bothered to reference a hand on a doorknob either? Ugh….
No. 184705
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>>184696>All the comments kissing her asswhat is it with people and being drawn to people with ugly art and shit attitudes
No. 184719
>>184696Wow… WOW!! What a passive aggressive, conconsending cuntbag! like, WOW. I truly am baffled by her. Did anyone else notice the cut marks are her arms? Obviously she desperatly needs some cognative therapy, maybe then she wouldn't get so
triggered over a lame ass comment.
Imagine saying something worse than, "I wish I could sit at home all day," to her in person! What a miserable bitch.
I mean, I understand the pain behind cutting (cause I used to when I was younger), but I can't understand her behaviour. Like, I wouldn't want to get to know this chick because she sounds so horrible to be around!
No. 184724
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>>184720I guess it just goes to show if you do "relatable" animation vids you're guaranteed a shit ton of subs
No. 184746
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>>184744yeah thats fair, artists don't even like themselves
No. 184747
>>184744I'm an artist and even I'm embarrassed by these YouTube artists.
>>184738Jesus fucking Christ does she ever stop whining? The whole "Fuck you, you don't know me!" attitude is never going to fly when the companies she's supposedly applying to find her YouTube account. They won't take her seriously and will blacklist her. She's going to need a fucking overhaul of her life choices if she's ever going to find work.
Also, she talks about keeping her cintiq in pristine condition but is living in a literal landfill. It really pisses me off too that she has a better lightbox than me lol
No. 184750
>>184738Eck. That burp in the beginning and all the trash on her floor. When she starts ranting she reminds me of LeafyisHere lol
How old is this chick?
No. 184783
>>184774I'm legit having DeviantArt flashbacks from the early 2000s from all these edgy artists.
Back then people would update their journals about how much they hate everyone and everything and how different and special they are.
No. 184796
https://youtu.be/TB90iDxOcIg(Not sure if I linked the video right, sorry)
Holly Brown gets rejected from CalAlts and dosen't understand why, then bitches about it.
This chick is such a salt mine, I'm addicted.
No. 184800
>>184799>literally diagnosed with narcissism[citation needed]
>has otherkinMore like special snowflake who claims to be a true blue narcissist to seem cool and damaged chic
No. 184819
>>184810So what your saying is these kids are self diagnosing themselves with a personailty disorder that includes enjoyment from inflicting pain and using manipulation tactics such as gaslighting?
I don't want to be the one to do this, but someone should send them disturbing pictures and videos and see how quickly their empathy comes out lol
No. 184952
>This chick is such a salt mine, I'm addicted.I hear that, anon.
I'm surprised this video wasn't posted from Holly. Probably the single most self-absorbed piece of shit "tutorial" I've ever watched. Does she really think she has room to bitch at artists who are JUST learning to draw when she can't even sketch basic fucking anatomy lmao?
No. 184975
>>184974lmfao between the two drawings holly's isnt even that different. its just not anime style, her shit is just as boring and generic.
why the fuck does she think she has a right to talk about this stuff???
No. 184993
>>184974Does she even know what sameface syndrome is?
It just means all the characters look the same. All she does is go on about how the first drawing is of a girl who "looks dumb", but the second one "
maybe looks smart". Both are generic and ugly.
It would've been decent if she had just drawn like two or three girls with the same expression/face shape, and then two or three girls with different ones to compare.
Useless video.
No. 184995
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>>184952Those asses are made of cardboard
I noticed in every community there's usually the super politically correct people which make up the majority and then there are a couple of edgelords that drive in the part of the audience that is anti SJW and too edgy. Holly is filling that role here and that's why her videos are popular. Nobody ever actively compliments her art that much, only her personality or her fujoshit comic characters.
She always complains about 12 year olds but I recall people telling their ages once in a stream and her entire audience was 14-16.
No. 185031
>>185027she actually mentions how much she makes in this vlog
I'm actually surprised at how much she makes holy fucking shit
No. 185035
>>185031i feel less sorry for her now, knowing she makes frigging 3-4k a month
she works pretty hard so it's not all undeserved
No. 185039
>>185030wow that style she had before was so much more appealing, and you really could tell the age of each character unlike the ones she has now. it also shows alot of personality, edgelord stuff but at least it still shows.
like how can she say this sucks compared to now like lmfao
No. 185040
>>185032you wouldn't be bitter if you got off your ass and marketed yourself aggressively enough to get that kind of fanbase. not white-knighting her, but success as an artist doesn't (except in those one in a lifetime cases) just get handed to you for doing your thing. the difference between a successful artist and a good artist is all marketing.
get on social media, learn how to use tags correctly, pump out some fanart/pick a niche and pander to it. it's not hard, it just takes work.
No. 185041
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anyone can do it if you work hard enough
No. 185042
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off topic but this is the most active thread on the site
wtf is this chan about? i found it by googling nonsense
are there actually women here or is it like danger/u/ where everyone jokes about roleplaying as girls(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 185144
>>185056cry more
have you seen the amount of shit she puts out?
not saying they're all good, but she does put the effort in
No. 185155
File: 1490836293491.jpg (183.65 KB, 623x679, Moomintroll.jpg)

>>185153chill, I highly doubt she lurks here.
If she did, there'd be a video about it already
Ngl At least she tries, her art is shit but decent enough that she can milk it anyway and its clearly working out for her. She puts out a lot of videos and posts on instagram everyday, people are drawn to people who put out a lot of content
On another note, are there any yt artists that you guys genuinely like?
No. 185426
>>185040I actually don't mind her prickliness - it's funny in a trainwreck sort of way, but I'm sure it has actual appeal. I don't subscribe to her but I can gather her abrasiveness is probably why she has more subscribers than you'd expect.
You don't have to be as salty as Holly about your equally shit art, anon.
No. 185449
File: 1491065598127.png (965.76 KB, 900x900, disgusting.png)

>>183652don't you even get me fucking started on Baylee Jae. She is another one of those artists who just shit out art videos and show off their massive collections of copics, promarkers, moleskines etc and don't have the fucking talent or creativity to use it. The main thing that made me despise her is her ugly youtube pfp. She took the time to think this up and draw it, she thinks it's funny.
No. 185470
>>185426not sure if i (
>>185040 )
was who you meant to reply to?? either way you are being way aggro bro
>>185449was this supposed to be an example of the world's most punchable face?
No. 185502
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>>185400She looks like a fucking caveman. Sounds like one too between all the burping and snorting.
No. 185522
>>185520Holly's been spending an awful lot of money lately. Isn't she supposed to be an online college student?
I'm guessing that youtube money's gonna dry up soon. Her (and by extension, Baylee's) fanbase is mostly underaged brats who are too young to donate to Patreons, so YT makes up the bulk of their income. But YT kind of unstable? What'll happen if this sudden influx of disposable income dries up in a couple of months. What'll she do then? Nobody's buying her comics like that.
No. 185523
>>185449My best friend and I went to go watch Zootopia at the cinema last year, and I saw a little girl (who looked all of 8) wearing a pin with this thing on it on her beanie.
If that doesn't sum up Baylee's fans I dunno what does.
No. 185535
>>185449The main problem I have with Baylee is how much she buys. I do watch her vlogs now and then, and you'll see her house FULL of stuff. She is renting a SIX bedroom house and every room is loaded with things!
What would happen if her YT money did dry up? Does she sell everything? Where will she move with all this crap?
No. 185557
File: 1491166906329.jpg (51.36 KB, 650x420, notsamefaceatall.JPG)

>>184974Ah yes, the good old "generic anime sameface" strawman every self-important Tumblr artist wants to beat up to seem more original and professional. I thought these died out by 2012 but apparently someone still thinks she's a genius for making this groundbreaking remark. Ironically the ones doing these "comparisons" have a huge case of the sameface syndrome themselves, they just don't draw in anime style. Her case isn't an exception. Looking at her webcomic can you really tell the difference between these two fucking characters' faces?
No. 185565
>>185557whoa I thought those were the same character kek
Holly's got her head too far up her own ass at this point
>>185400>I should just probably ignore comments on my vlog channel tooOr maybe you should just get gud Holly
even your audience knows your shit
No. 185568
>>185031Can we PLEASE talk about how unbearable it is to sit through any of her videos with the way she talks? Always burping, out of breath or leaning in too close to the mic so that we can hear her swallowing her own saliva, she's so nasty to listen to, god. How anybody can sit through 15 minutes of her disgusting habits and voice is a goddamn mystery to me.
Sage for ranting.
No. 185589
File: 1491230203385.gif (2.21 MB, 247x183, 1473149403990.gif)

Don't even get me started on Baylee fucking Jae.
She has 'in my opinion' and 'stiff' blacklisted, saying that "she knows her art is stiff and people can stop telling her about it".
She had to suddenly pay like 18,000$ because of taxes, could pay it off on the spot with no problems but joked about "I'm poor now haha" while sitting on her fat ass in her fat house buying new shit every day. Have you seen her toy room? It's completely stuffed to the ceiling with expensive shit.
Also she used to have a patreon but has it closed/uses it as a 'tip jar' because her fans are about 10 years old and can't give her any patreon bucks, so YouTube is her only big thing now.
Obviously I am damn jealous of her, to this day I refuse to accept how rich she got with her piss poor art.
Also she made an art tutorial book that will be published soon. Haha.
I could go on for years tbh
No. 185603
File: 1491246456188.png (302.64 KB, 1516x1055, IMG_5662.PNG)

>>185589Just looked her up and this comment cracked me up
No. 185608
>>185589yesss anon, let the salt spill
>>185596Yep, pretty sure her and her other two fujo art friends shit on Baylee
No. 185685
>>185589It feels good to rant about it hey? I wanted so bad to let my feelings out about her somewhere and I'm so glad others know how I feel.
>>185603So she's trying to make some sort of realistic portrait with her crappy dollar store colouring-in book art style. I would buy that and hang it above my fireplace while I lay sensually across my bearskin rug with my rugged lumberjack husband. This painting has me in tears.
No. 185690
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Baylee Jae and Jellie Bee swapped channels for their April Fools video; I don't like either of them but I found the videos themselves pretty entertaining.
There's a whole load of milk from Jellie concerning her former print business (Beespoke) and a robbery that apparently took place during last year's MCM where she 'had most of her convention stock stolen and two suitcases' from wherever it was she was staying and then she refused to tell anyone where it was so they could avoid it.
No. 185707
File: 1491326686078.png (1.48 MB, 1266x675, taste.png)

>>185608>>185685I have waited for an opportunity to rant about Baylee for ages.
Another thing that makes me hate her is how she lets her cats treat her drawing equipment and her drawings. She lets them sit on and walk over every thing she draws, in one of her vlogs she watched and laughed about how one of her cats pawed and scratched at her cintiq, I think that's when I lost it.
How can you be so careless about your expensive art supplies?
Oh wait she's rich enough to have a whole room dedicated to her cat's litter boxes and one cat stand with the occasinal trash lying around.
I hate to admit that I kind of used to like her old vlogs, she seemed genuinely nice, even if a little annoying (most terrible laugh I've ever heard), but then I discovered her art channel. Felt like a joke tbh.
Pic related is an original artwork which her parents decided would look professional enough to frame and display on a wall at their house in Arizona, which they are renting out. There's more of Baylee's art hanging on those walls too.
No. 185722

so i'm pretty deep down the heathers rabbit hole now (pls don't judge me i like musicals ok, and heathers was a decent film in it's own right imo, like a spiritual prequel to mean girls) after discovering a few different artists who have animatics for some of the songs, and they're pretty neat
but uh
holly made an animatic too, apparently, considering it just showed up in my suggesteds and fuck me gently with a chainsaw it's so bad. like, it's obvious it was a rush job, with the steep decline in quality by the end, but in general it's just… incredibly poor? shots are framed weirdly, some of the segments she seemed to put more effort into to appear actually "animated" are confusing choices, she seems to have no sense of syncing it to the beat (the mis-timed clapping? tip toppest of keks), the bizarre change in aspect ratio halfway through, the inconsistency with the backgrounds even when the shot of the character remains the same?? it's an absolute shitshow all around and it makes me mad reeeeeee holly get out of my fandom reeeeee
No. 185757
File: 1491355869622.gif (488.98 KB, 500x224, ......gif)

>>185722>rush jobYeah she's obviously trying to get in with the animation crowd, this shit is horrible and her subs are eating it up.
No. 185760
>>185722I saw this earlier today and i'm also into the heathers animation stuff going on atm, and just some of the artists making these are literally 13 years old and have such amazing quality in comparison?
Like she decided to put horribly drawn backgrounds in a animatic when you barely ever need to show those at that stage, and whens he tries to show something "animated" she has all the layers underneath still showing so it looks like a god damn mess.
and just some of the drawings i can believe with how much she draws they could be this bad
No. 185782
>>185722Those Jay Leno chins are
triggering me again.
Everything about the way she draws bothers me. Chins obviously and lopsided heads, but she can't draw a decent hand to save her life.
No. 185803
>>185722The faces here, being rushed, are better than the ones she usually does. She cut the Jay Leno chins a little down. But the rest of this is a mess.
The way characters are cut off
triggers me (1:51). What kind of shots are these? even in those where the character looks decently placed, once it moves parts of it are cut off. You need to have the entire action in the shot, Holly, not just the first frame. The poses are so stiff too, there's so much room for more movement… the fight scene killed me.
Some of these animatics I'm seeing on youtube are not that much better though, jfc. I can't imagine having to animate from these, it would look like shit tier flash.
No. 185819
File: 1491408086212.jpg (605.23 KB, 1930x966, hollys attempt at art.jpg)

>>185754at first i thought the animatic was done traditionally and edited a little as she put it all together but now that i look at it again it looks like it was all done digitally with brushes that are meant to look "traditional" and just… holy shit, i don't have any fucking words. a fucking cintiq. a c i n t i q.
>>185757yeah and i don't understand how? and the copious "haha i thought this was you singing at first holly"s in the comments as well… i don't get it, how can anyone look at this and think its anywhere near the definition of "good" or "ok"
>>185759may i refer you to this (>>183921) post anon, it explains everything you need to know
>>185760and the 13 yos are consistent, to boot. even as sketchy train-of-thought WIP ideas, their linework is leaps and bounds better – as opposed to holly's who's so utterly lacking in confidence in her lines that she has to trace over every single line she puts down on a piece of paper upwards of a dozen fucking times, among so much else. it's kinda sad, really. especially considering that learning how to be confident in your line placement is one of the easiest ways (imo) to instantly see improvement in the quality of your art, and how much bad art she shits out.
(also pls b my friend anon, none of my friends caught the heathers bug and i'd love to have someone to chat about it with ;__;)
>>185769never fear anon, galactibun just re-branded/jumped to a new channel
https://twitter.com/spibblehttp://spibbles.tumblr.comhttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0zH0Gip3BkreERjUocktKg>>185803>The faces here, being rushed, are better than the ones she usually doesidk mane those profile views in the boiler room are pretty fucking questionable.
the two other things that really fucking
trigger me about the animatic are the fact that she seems to have no understanding of what kind of skirt veronica is wearing (i.e. a tennis skirt) and how that kind of fabric would drape over the figure (it looks like she's wearing a petticoat under her fucking skirt honestly), and all the messy half-hearted scribbling to imply shading. seen throughout the whole video but especially on the crowd in the bleachers. just fucking take a mid tone grey and a big brush size and shade it reeeeeeee
it's so messy and awful looking and just shading with colour as opposed to lines would make it look so much neater (and probs be quicker). but then again if she doesn't scribble we've got nothing to distract us from her shoddy linework so :^)
No. 185820
File: 1491408377663.jpg (Spoiler Image,32.17 KB, 272x316, [muffled chipmunk noises].jpg)

>>185819sage for low-key tinfoil hat/shitpost
do you think holly might be a closeted furry?
No. 185838
>>185040just keep going, anons, traction builds slowly but eventually that snowball will become the size of a boulder
No. 185855
>>185832 Who says I haven't done all of those things? I've even done fanart for popular fandoms for a long while. It just works differently for each person. Some people are luckier than others.
I do try hard at promoting my work while working full time but I do agree that you just have to keep at it.
I've even started my own YouTube channel recently so here's hoping persistence pays off lol
No. 185939
>>185722This animatic gives me life. I've watched it so many times. Each time I find something new wrong with it. Like I love the part where she does a front flip up the stairs.
If you're feeling frisky try copying the arm movements with your own arms. The JD part has me laughing so hard.
No. 185941

Wtf is this… she sounds so insecure in this video, like she has no idea what she's talking about (spoilers: she doesn't). Her method is so wishy washy and not helpful at all. She's also skipping foreshortening and focusing only on each element of the face and not the whole. How are her followers supposed to figure that out?
Also, the sketch is terrible. The "perspective" is very subtle there, and the entire face is crooked.
To the art farmers, I'm also an artist, with an art job, and I'm not jealous at all of these people. Sure, I would love to have that income by doing jack shit, but these people are not making money from their art, they're making money from their youtube fame. Envying them is like envying any other youtuber with no particular skill. They're famous because they provide entertainment to some, and because their watchers are even worse at art than them so they're easily impressed. One day they will wash out like every other youtuber because they're mildly famous, not pewdiepie famous, and like in any other job, without any experience in the real world and subpar art, though tit. I can't imagine any of these chicks still making money from these crap videos at 40.
Not to say a youtube channel or social media presence for extra cash and publicity is bad, but the formula to success is combining that with an actual job and a good resume.
No. 185945
>>184962The "you should give up if you're not talented" thing pisses me off so much. Who has the audacity to even say that? Why is she knocking other people down?
One of my favorite artists replied to an anon who said they felt untalented whenver they tried to draw and they basically said "I don't believe in talent" and it really struck me, because yeah, FUCK talent. Some people don't start from the bottom, but that doesn't mean they also put in their share of hard work to get better. I've come to hate to downplay all the hard work my favorite artists put in to get where they currently are by just saying that it's talent. No, it's 99% hardwork and 1% talent. I respect all the time and effort they've put into their art, and I'm not going to dismiss it as simply talent. No one should give up just because they aren't good right off the bat.
ugh sage for my OT rage lol
No. 185966
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>>185964I don't think Holly understands skirts in general
No. 185968
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>>185964>>185966could she at least have the decency to reply to herself when she rants so you can keep track of it? god holly. also learn how to draw skirts
>>185963i've skimmed through a few of her videos, and she does seem to know what she's talking about. i appreciate how in depth she goes.
does anyone follow medders/ahmed aldoori? i really liked his video on colour theory
No. 185970
>>185968i was watching istebrak's early video on accepting critiques. She said something along the lines of, you can't use the excuse, "I intended it to be that way."
Like, if you don't know what you're doing your intention doesn't mean shit.
These people seriously need to spend a single week with an art director. Like, in a real world work environment your art directors or clients can be just as "mean" as these art teachers.
Your audience isn't the end all be all but I take everything said under some consideration. Because, guess what? Your audience is a client!
Rant done.
No. 185979
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>>185966>>185968finally went to see how bad the vid actually is and holy shit i found the originator of the salt. all this over one comment???
she really needs her own thread
No. 185980
Holy fucking god damn. Okay, so I've worked a lot of different jobs in my life, and one thing I've always remembered is this: the customer is ALWAYS right, even when they are wrong lol. This includes your audience! I mean, they are watching you for a reason, and these artists are getting paid to be watched! Why would you piss off your audience? Why not fess up and admit to your mistakes? Why not tweet, "I dun goofed, I'll try harder next time!" Hell, put in a, "thank you for the constructive critisim"
Noooooo… It has to be, "I meant to do that!" "I'll do more to spite people!"
Sage for not contributing anything lol
No. 185981
>>185979sorry to samefag, shoulda waited and made it one post, but holy god this shit is even worse than anon comments made it out to be. every face she draws looks like the halfway points on an animorphs book except the animal is a character from The Goofy Movie. she outmatches even the worst squirrel girl shit in smugness and punchability. that skirt is also 100% trash solely bc that was the main character she was """"animating"""" and it would have taken a lot of work to look good, just…. jesus. she works on a tablet and can't erase her lines cleanly enough that you can't still see a shadow of the mouth that was under the new one in the next frame?!
im not even angry at her fame rn or anything, i'm just genuinely amazed at this chinese knockoff lookin shit
No. 185982
>>185981>every face she draws looks like the halfway points on an animorphs bookActually laughed out loud at this. Brilliant.
And I completely agree. I feel like "thanks for the feedback" would be a much better response all around - more professional, less personal, and to be honest, more passive aggressive. If she's offended by the comment and wants to let them know, that says it all. Her actual replies come off as a childish public tantrum.
No. 185983
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>>185979>when the furry gives better art advice than youHolly is practically the Queen of passive aggressiveness
No. 185987
>>185963I love Istebrak. She's a bit asshole-ish IMHO, but damn, she knows what she's talking about and doing, so she gets a pass.
I think she only teaches online, AFAIK.
Her videos helped me a lot with basic facial structure/shading and anatomy in general. She's a great artist.
I just wish sometimes that she had a more amicable approach, she can scare some noobs with her harshness, and well, that defeats the purpose of a teacher, IMO.
No. 185990
https://twitter.com/HCBrownart/status/849775732960235521The salt.>>185987
Yeah, I think she's a good answer to someone who likes Holly's bluntness but wants someone with the skill to back it up (and you know, actual advice). I agree, I was put off by her at first but she's actually pretty sweet. Her google+ community is also really accessible, they offer some pretty solid advice.
Though, I'm also someone how had my best therapy session when my therapist bluntly said, "You know…you're really depressing to be around. Just stop dwelling on it."
I double checked, she was a professor, she mentioned it a a few times (though she has so many long videos).
tldr: If you want a blunt artist, Istebrak > HC Brown.
No. 186013
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This but though. I can't I'm dying. This was for her anatomy class.
No. 186111
>>186108Keep it to her /snow/ thread or it's gonna die out. I don't think there are that many farmers interested in her milk other than us the art ones, most farmers care about cringy weebs. Besides we can use this thread to bitch about the other youtuber artists.
What do you all think about LavenderTowne? She's showing up everywhere on my feed lately with her Disney redesigns. In this video I can't tell which one is the bad OC
No. 186118
>>186111If I remember correctly (I watched this video some weeks ago), her point in this video was that you have to consider the character's story, i.e origins, when you draw them. In her example, I think she talked about a character who comes from a desert (iirc). The one on the right is the first design and she deems it bad. She thinks the one of the left, the new design is better because shes's thought about the features and why they're the way they are.
All that said, I don't think her art is that good. But that's just personal preference.
No. 186120
>>186111Jeez her videos follow me everywhere, but eh her art is nothing special
It's kinda funny whenever I see the thumbnail, on the right it's pretty much symbolic of the deviantart times when everyone was making kawaii neko-chan OCs and then on the left is now the prevalent tumblr style - both are shit but I appreciate the effort
No. 186148
>>186111What is it with this attitude that just because you went to art school, you're automatically better than everyone else? I went to art school and studied my ass off but I would die before I made videos talking down to other artists who I deem inferior to myself.
Holly reminds me of this one guy in an anatomy class I took that had the gall to "teach" our class when our professor was running late. His own drawings were typical anime style or as my professor called them, "Egyptian hieroglyphics only terrible".
No. 186161
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>>186107At least it looks like Lemia can take a critique unlike Holly
No. 186187
>>184128>>184135Agreed, Audra Auclair is pretty fantastic.
I'm a fan of Juicy Ink.
No. 186198
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Baylee Jae did like a collab challenge thing with another artist. It's kind of funny comparing the two. You can tell which one is Baylee's lol
No. 186630
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Wow I never noticed how cross-eyed Sakuems is.
No. 186943
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Baylee has been getting shit on her latest video for 'copying' lavender towne's thumbnail format lmao
No. 186945
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>>186943Ok so her video wasn't
that bad honestly, it was just basic baby shit (Seriously, her best tip is using more hues per object. Who would've thought?).
It was only when i got to the comment section when I remembered why I hate Baylee lmao.
Pic related, a comment under that video, she got defensive when people mentioned LavanderTowne.
No. 186946
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>>186943>>186945Also, sorry for samefag but Holly commented on the video too.
It just goes to prove how knowing art theory doesn't equal making better art.
No. 186962
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>>186945>>186961Baylee is so full of shit
also the people defending her are just as obnoxious
No. 187064
>>187038Hah, I thought I was the only one who thought Mark Crilley's animu drawings were trash.
I mean, he should stick to realism because that's clearly what he does best and for as long as I've been following him, his anime style hasn't really improved.
No. 187186
>>187183She has to show off her copic markers to make up for the fact that she's 26, and draws like goddamn 13 year old.
Art Supplies don't mean shit when digital art is the future, and people are already creating amazing works of art with a ratchet version of Sai and a cheap Chinese tablet.
Ironically, it seems like Baylee is terrified of trying out digital art.
No. 187392
>>187186I'm surprised she isn't flaunting a Cintiq around. She seems to be so keen on copic markers (which she's pretty bad at using).
I wonder, do other more talented youtube artist actually like her or do they tolerate her?
No. 187399
>>187392>do other more talented youtube artist actually like her or do they tolerate her?I always wondered that too
I mean the art comm on youtube is kind of a huge circle jerk so it's hard to tell..
On another note,awhile back I watched one of her vlogs, she went to an artist meetup in Vancouver hosted by AudraAuclair, but in it Baylee seemed so out of place. I mean everyone was nice to her but she kinda just vlogged/kept to herself with every now and then talking to them. It was weird seeing her among other artist that are actually skilled.
No. 187475
>>187464I think it's more of the connotations of Copic/marker drawings, than the actual medium themselves. You don't really see a lot of commercial or pro-level work done with them (as far as I know? I can only think of industrial design or concept art mockups done with them). They just seem to be limited to weebs on youtube and relics on DA.
Maybe they're just training wheels for people too scared of water colors but too elitist for digital art?
No. 187477
>>187464I don't know about others but as a young weeb who couldn't afford a tablet, but could spend pocket money on a few markers that make totally flat layers of colour 'just like in anime and manga covers' they seemed like the better option. I guess thats what they are popular, and ofc them being from japan helps
>>187475I mean, plenty of pro artists defiantly own alcohol markers, but only really seem use them just to lay down quick flat colour or shading to commissions (Like the quick sketch commissions you see at comic cons). Ive never seen a full peice done with JUST markers by a professional artist, trying to blend and work with copics in the way baylee does is imo time consuming and not really what they are made for.
I get that the copic brand is kind of like a 'designer' name that people like to show off on yt and instagram but imo if you want to get into markers the winsor & newton brushe markers are miles better, and cheaper
No. 187480
>>187464I was on DA in the 2000s, and the most popular illustrators used Prisma and Copic markers. However most of them have moved on to digital art because its easier, faster, and has a go-back button to fix mistakes. I agree that using using markers is a noob thing to do.
I mean markers are always fun to use, but not professional tier so to speak.
No. 188006
>>188004Scott Robertson's actually a trained and experienced draughtsman and his books on perspective and rendering are considered one of the best resources out there.
It's fucking weird how many people go to Baylee and amateur-level YT artists to learn from when so many accomplished artists have resources available on IG or YT. I understand a lot of the demographic is 12 year old weebs, but man, it's so disingenuous to make videos about "do this, not that" or 'rules' and teach a bunch of impressionable people things that will wreck their art education.
No. 188199
>>187464I don't know, I particularly like using markers because I enjoy doing tradicional, sometimes even more than digital. Also I can't have a tablet and a pc everywhere, so markers and colored pencils are super handy for me, at least. I don't enjoy using paint as much, save for watercolor.
But yeah, copics are way fucking overpriced. They are like the apple of art supplies. I mean, yeah, they are nice, but overrated, have a cult following and became more of a status than anything else. Some chinese markers are way more cost-benefit friendly, lmao
No. 188318
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Wow it's almost like Japan doesn't have fat disgusting slobs 99% of the time fuck I can't stand this bitch
No. 188327
>>188318I mean all the boob sizes are different lol
Am I the only one who find headcanons kind of disrespectful? Like the artists worked hard on their characters and they get butchered by people on tumblr. I'm talking about "xy character is totally a trans black lesbian' for any generic anime girl when if they were the artists would have just made them like that in the first place?? Its not a 'headcanon' its just wrong. Personality headcanons can be fun tho
No. 188330
>>188329Yeah it pisses me off how popular those paintings of hers are. Her original stuff is always worse than the photorealism. It seems all circa 2005 deviantArt tier with the "cute faces on inanimate objects" and whatnot.
Her crafts and baking seem to be very good though, at least hell of a lot better than what I could do, it's just the manner she presents them in that drives me nuts. I just wanna see how it's made (which she does generally show off well with minimal amounts of her shoving her face in the camera) but there's always like a solid minute of her at the end posing and acting cutesy with whatever she made and it's just so cringey. Or when she's filming a video and she randomly starts showing off stuff she bought or her husband bought her like… okay, that's nice, why was that necessary?
No. 188331
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>>188318Pic related, also can't believe these are supposed to be different people! Clearly they're all clones of the same person due to having similar body types! Because it's not like they're all just the same ethnicity and at a very specific ideal height/weight range due to being IDOLS
No. 188371
>>188352What gets me about making them "realistic" is they truly could, Japan has such a bias against anyone tanned and "chubby" girls, she could have easily looked at typical japanese school girls and fit them into those molds. But no. Nico is now Hafu because her name is short for Nicole, Eli and Rin are trans and Nozomi is a self projection of herself. It's just gross.
I've seen other artists who do this shit go as far to pull immigration charts to "backup" these headcanons. It's just gross. Make them realistic japanese girls, not this poc trans hairy bulshit thats more offensive than forward thinking.
No. 188385
https://youtu.be/qlx0qSrmTH0?t=677So, Baylee admits she wants to be a dinosaur of the art industry, and not even bother with digital art. Wew.
It starts at 11:15 in case I fucked the link up
No. 188402
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>>188401also lol @ this thread saying digital art is superior, and using copics means you lack talent. you do realize when you fuck up on digital you can just erase it right.
No. 188412
>>188356I fucking love Little Thunder. Their recent foray into animation feels so goddamn effortless. Dunno how they do it.
>>1884022D art is all pleb-tier. Marble sculpture or GTFO.
But seriously, the argument was that Copics are generally not used for (industry-level) finished works (they're limited to industrial design sketches) and are largely a status symbol for YT weebs to cum over. Medium elitism is dumb, though. Execution is all that matters.
No. 188865
https://youtu.be/HpjjeHQf0Y8?t=455Timestamp at 7:35
Seems she's aware enough that her videos (and by extension her art) is looking stale thanks to her declining youtube stats, so she needs to adapt. Won't be surprised if she tries to do something gimmicky instead of trying to improve her actual art.
No. 188906
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>>188318>>188371>Nozomi is a self projection of herself.Pic related lmao.
There actually are chubby idol groups, but they're nowhere near as ugly and sloppy as Tumblr Love Live fans wish they would be.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G03ifZwtXNAhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nmdf4BjdbdEAs if these "i'm such idol trash!!" Love Live fans know anything about real idols.
No. 189586
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Could it possibly be your art sucks, and people can find better videos elsewhere??
No. 189889
>>184043"works hard"
She's slow as fuck and makes art in the most time-consuming way possible Watching her drag her ass across Photoshop is Cringe. She didnt even know how to pan.
No. 189890
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>>189586ah, I guess the reality is finally catching up to her
No. 189919
>>188886IIRC he made some videos about Dobson they were pretty funny
now he faps to his panda waifu
No. 190632
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Found this today.
If only her personality was as good as her art.
Don't have to be a rude bitch.
No. 190642
>>190632actually it looks to me that she's referring to a different comment made by the same user. I found this:
http://archive.is/wMSnzthis chick has lolcow potential
No. 190645
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>>190642Coincidentally, I was reading about tearzah just a day ago. She's a crytyping drama queen who abuses her pets, suicide-baits, rips off other peoples' art (then complains that other people rip off her art).
There's a bunch of shit on her and IG accounts calling her abusive.
Receipts collected here:
https://tearzahs.tumblr.com/https://www.instagram.com/hazraet/ (ignore the memes, scroll down for the screencaps)
She also edits her selfies to hell and back in a bid to look like an uguu living doll. Lots of milk potential here.
No. 190647
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>>190645An unedited selfie, for reference.
I'm only dragging her this hard because I can't stand hypocrites and people who fuck with cats tbh
No. 190649
>>190648That's Tumblr drama for you lmao. Everyone involved is usually a baby.
I mostly just found it interesting because she acts like her art style is Totally Original Do Not Steal, but other posts from that IG go into her stealing hairstyles, specific drawing techniques/styles, clothing and other shit from people.
No. 190650
>>190649https://twitter.com/dollieguts/status/864033192491327488maybe it's because your style is generic as shit?
she just keeps on giving lmao
No. 190662
>>190645>>190647Does she really abuse her pets…?
The cat in the photo looks pretty comfortable with her so thats why I'm wondering.
No. 190663
I went to look at her twitter and this one was my favorite:
https://twitter.com/dollieguts/status/864251575732232192It's a real surprise people can't tell her characters apart when they all look the same.
Speaking of her characters, she really has an unnecessarily large amount of mostly similar looking OCs:
http://ashkinoshita.tumblr.com/characters No. 190669
>>190662She once pulled on the back legs of one of her cats and broke them, drags them around, puts them in their carriers and shakes it around because "it's fun", throws them on the ground, reportedly slaps them when they act up, etc.
https://www.instagram.com/p/BQef7BaAM60/?taken-by=hazraetThere's another post detailing the thing with the carrier and probably a bit more, but I can't find it atm.
No. 190684
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>>190632Lmao I think she's referring to the comment.
No. 190783
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>>190765Their art is really something, too.
No. 190787
>>190765This was beautiful to read, thank you anon.
The art made me outright laugh.
No. 190810
>>190799omg i had to google that name and i cant believe it, im a big fan of her art, i had no clue she had such a history
i found her through steven universe fanart on tumblr
i relate to her, shes totally right. tumblr is a vicious place especially to people who have spoken up about it, which she has.
i hardly visit tumblr anymore because of the sjw shithole its become
No. 190934
>>188402I don't think anyone here thinks copics are bad, its just a fact that they are relatively outdated in professional contexts. Older experienced professionals will still use them but someone with a budding career is better served familiarizing themselves with a digital workflow especially as clients now have begun to expect multiple renditions of a piece to choose from (different tints, colorschemes etc).
That said Copics can look lovely though I think a lot of people deign to use them the way they once were, that is to say, as part of a multimedia piece.
No. 192251
File: 1495766770689.png (2.24 MB, 1832x2562, slugboxtweets.png)

There is an artist that recently got suspended on Twitter due to false DMCA reports that has blown up on my Twitter feed. He goes by the name of Slugbox, he's just your usual anime hentai artist. After he got suspended on Twitter, some users decided to come out of the woodwork and celebrate their victorious day after being silent for god knows how long about him. Many of them called him a pedophile because he "drew child porn". At first, i thought these were just your typical tumblr SJW spergs spouting words they only know when they hate an artist. But i did discover Slugbox did draw a 9-12 year old character named Vanellope from Wreck-It-Ralph in some NSFW art and NSFW situations. Slugbox said he'll be back in a matter of days and i wanted to document all of the tweets in relation to him.
I can't help but laugh at some of the tweets. They came out of nowhere and it will give me a giggle when he comes back. Won't be surprised to see some of these people triggered or these tweets deleted. Just wanted to share these tweets with ya'll. Enjoy.
No. 192256
>>192251he didn't do anything illegal and will be back.
he's been pretty chill about it, which i'm sure is rattling the twitter ppl.
No. 192371
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>>192256>>192330Same anon as before. Slugbox is back on Twitter posting regularly again. As for the people i posted earlier, they've been pretty quiet about him. Most of them haven't spoke about him for the past few hours, even a whole day. Some people have theorized that any Slugbox fan who finds these users shitting on him are taking their Twitter accounts down with false DMCA reports. Everyone, of course, is blaming Slugbox and his fanbase. I found one user named Nefepants, who had their Twitter suspended and went to tumblr and blamed Slugbox himself and his fans. The person who reported nefepants told them "I have your IP address uwu". Here are some links if you want a nice little laugh.
http://nefepants.tumblr.com/post/161056931454/oh-boy-the-piece-of-shit-who-got-my-twitter http://nefepants.tumblr.com/post/161036936669/so-i-just-found-out-that-multiple-accounts-that-i http://nefepants.tumblr.com/post/161039249664/because-the-asshole-who-reported-my-account-made My favorite is probably how nefe states that Twitter is full of "fucking redneck racists" despite the fact they made a new Twitter account.
https://twitter.com/NefeRexHere's another compile of Tweets i dug up. The picture of the person wearing Slugbox's shirt on the bottom left was a tweet by Slug's friends, if you're curious. The user simply took their image and just voiced their opinion about them wearing it.
No. 192378
>>192251One of the tweets (the bolded one in the far left column) is confusing me. Did he draw actual real children (like Shadbase) or IRL adults and underaged characters?
Like, the latter is iffy (I find it creepy when people make fanart/fanfics of IRL people at all, never mind sexual stuff), but the former is full-out disgusting. I'm not sure if there's any laws anywhere that actually cover that though, unless your family decides to sue as defaming your image.
No. 192380
File: 1495847544366.png (Spoiler Image,289.17 KB, 727x651, slugboxporn.png)

>>192378Most people think he got suspended cause he drew porn of Dot from Animaniacs and he also drew porn of Vanellope Von Schweetz from Wreck-It-Ralph. That's what most people say when they mean Slugbox drew "child porn".
He's never drawn porn of actual children, like Shadman. Mostly just fictional cartoon or anime characters. I spoiler'd the picture he drew along a few others, they're all on his Pixiv account. You'll need an account to see them.
No. 192517
File: 1495954895115.jpg (5.5 KB, 300x168, KiZ6d3l.jpg)

>>192380>caroline and justinehow dare you
No. 192828
>>192826Yeah. All these ""anime-inspired"" artists trace the fuck out of everything. Ilya Kuvshinov (who I'm still convinced is the same person as Numyumy) does the same shit. It's just paint-overs and overlays with bigger eyes.
Hell, I bet even a non-artist could do the same shit if they saved a photo of a person, enlarged their eyes + lips in Photoshop, shrank their nose, smoothed out their skin, then slapped some filters on the photo to make it look like a painting and change the lighting.
No. 192836
File: 1496157142805.jpg (6.5 KB, 275x240, 1485825516835.jpg)

>>192251>>192371>>192380Aaaaand Slugbox got suspended again. In addition to his suspension, Shadman got suspended as well. Same reason, DMCA reports.
No. 196614
File: 1498596504301.png (376.62 KB, 1280x720, image_baylee.png)

This drawing doesn't look like Lilo at all, reminder Baylee has 800K subscribers. Smh
No. 196661
>>196614I can't believe she still gets subscribers, her art is still the SAME she hasn't improved at all.
I wonder if Baylee knows her art is shit
No. 196682
>>196661When you surround yourself with so many artist it's hard not to notice. I'm sure she knows, but she probably falls back on the 'well I have more subs so HA" train of thought.
Seriously. Literally every artist she collabs with is leagues ahead of her. It's almost pathetic.
No. 196820
>>183490Honestly I generally like YouTube artists as long as they aren't total trash. A lot of people here seem to dislike Baylee Jae, but tbh I like her based on personality, and she's said she knows her art is mediocre in videos.
Options on other YT artists…
YES - Jazza, Doodle Date, Baylee, Waffles, Chloe Rose, Jenna Drawing
Sure - Jellie Bee, KiraKiraDoodles
Meh - Lemia, Happy D
Nah - Art Ala Carte, BananaJamana
NONONO - Mark Crilley, HC Brown
TBH my art is pretty trash so I can't rant about others having bad art, but Holly's art is garbage. Most people I don't like are mostly because people annoy me too easily. If they aren't on the list I've either never seen them or liked them so little I ignored them
No. 196843
File: 1498821213434.png (449.95 KB, 1241x1994, IMG_4749.PNG)

She needs to be here, honestly.
>She obviously copied cyarine but denies that she was inspired by cyarine.
>her reason that she wasn't copying were her brush strokes
>deletes comments that exposes her
>turned off the comment section for all the "hate" she received (but she turned it back on )
>accuses cyarine for "spreading hate"
No. 196857
File: 1498832854394.jpg (32.48 KB, 400x400, nNz0E3NY_400x400.jpg)

Not a youtube artist but streamer. Calls herself Queen of chibi art, can't draw anything outside her template. This is 90% of her artwork.
No. 196858
File: 1498832986190.jpg (278.6 KB, 1288x2048, queenofart.jpg)

No. 196859
File: 1498833193516.jpg (348.11 KB, 1559x2048, queenofart0.jpg)

No. 196884
>>196843>copy of Cyarine who is a (poor) copy of LoishIf you're going to steal, why not look at the big boys?
>9k folllowers>only 34 posts, nothing super technically skilledWish I could tap into the IG userbase at all, so I have to give her some credit for being able to market herself.
No. 197004
File: 1498954369332.png (114.96 KB, 1242x1066, IMG_4770.PNG)

>>197002She's turning 21 and she's asking for money? Does she even have a job?
No. 197017
>>196943I mean, I get buying followers in cases of being an IG model or vlogger or even a real celebrity because of negotiating for promotions and appearing to have brand recognition, but I don't see how that translates to art social media accounts. Bot accounts don't lead to networking or getting an audience who will pay for your projects, if that makes sense.
I wouldn't doubt if this kid (she seems young) bought them just to look impressive, but I don't get buying followers for art accounts.
No. 197107
>>197082you need to get on insta, post twice daily, and tag as many applicable things as possible; use half art tags (#digitalart #animegirl #design) and half popular tags (#makeup #pretty #ootd). only draw fanart until you hit 3k, then you can do what you want. youtubers are really popular in general, and drawing any famous people can catch their eye and get a shout out.
any cartoony or anime style will get attention; its much harder to be liked for real trained skills and paintings, and easier with talents and drawings (compare roberto ferri to mioree). if you colored a traditional drawing digitally, normal people get immensely fascinated by that and like it. make your whole workspace look good before you photograph the drawing.
like/comment/follow artists you like; their followers see that and will follow you too. keep that up for a month, and you'll have a solid following to sell to.
No. 198416
>>196820is it wrong of me to not like Jazza? His art makes me feel weird, and most of it has some uncanny valley attributes. It can be wonky, weird and disproportionate etc. I know he's not a fine artist, but an animator/illustrator, but the fundamentals are similar across the board and I really believe you shouldn't be able to move on until you really have them down.
And just because Baylee SAYS she knows its mediocre doesn't excuse the fact that she's HAPPY to sit in that mediocrity.
No. 198848
File: 1500409015806.jpg (650.66 KB, 1220x1841, IMG_7302.JPG)

>>198824Yeah, her anatomy is stiff and her characters have a severe case of same face but I will give her credit for being able to market herself. It always bothered me that she always draws the same thing and still manages to get a ton of followers and get the chance to go to comic con. But then again non artists are pretty easy to impress with an ok artstyle and skill level
She draws a lot of mermaids and witch girls surrounded by plants, I guess people like that for the ~ aesthetic~ And because they think the drawing looks like them
She's like a discount Audra Auclair
No. 198949
>>198848"She's like a discount Audra Auclair"
lmao so true!
No. 198950
>>198849…is she drunk? What's with all the slurring?
Who is Katherine Ward?
No. 198967
>>198950Another youtube artist, used to be shitty as you can see, but since she started artschool she've improved quite a bit
Her youtube is kalled Katherine ward art (Spoiler: she talks about jesus a lot)
No. 199209
>>198848i just checked this girl out on instagram and i immediately groaned aloud when i saw her art. the bright tumblr over-saturated red is not just on the nose and cheeks, its all over her characters! its looks so gross. even if you just disregard that on its own, her art just screams obnoxious.
>discount audra auclairlol
No. 199585
File: 1500844978862.jpg (75.01 KB, 694x376, w32er65.JPG)

>>198848that wonky face was bothering me
she's decent tho
No. 199822
>>199807wow I guess Bailey is getting desperate
Also I thought she was trying to lose weight? She's looking a lot bigger
No. 199933
>>199822 I lived when she said in twitter that this video was a total flop. Sorry but what did she expect? Mukbangs are usually livestreams, not videos.
Her latest 5 videos has been just shit, I don't understand why she does dumb videos when they don't get any views..
No. 199936
>>199807"It's gonna be like a live stream but not live"
what is the pooooint.
Just make it a livestream. It would be way more enjoyable.
>>199933Mukbangs can be videos, but usually they are edited so it's not fucking one hour long. What was she thinking??
No. 199946
>>199933It's baffling. She could be spending that time actually trying to get better at art.
"I can eat all the bacon I want!!" blaaaaaaaaaargh
Also, who the f funded hc brown's kickstarter for her ugly comic? For someone who makes all those anatomy videos and whatnot, she does follow up on it much in her art…
I get super salty because these hacks make a living out of it through their ability to market themselves and that feels like cheating. It's all smoke.
No. 200026
>>199936 Yeah, I couldn't sit through that video (or any of her videos as of late). Ever since her vlog about how people "shouldn't be sheep," her everything leaves a sour taste in my mouth.
>>199946 I understand your frustration, I mean it normal for people to be busy, but come on! We can all see from the vlogs how lazy she is.
No. 200403
File: 1501355545273.jpg (380.51 KB, 969x969, IMG_2223.JPG)

Anyone here familiar with revolocities? I'll admit that his art is p ok (except for that terrible case of samefacing), but he's a total faggot that bitches and whines too much. He's kind of an egocentric that he manages to kiss mentaiko's ass
No. 200594
Classy. Also, that poor cat is like "wtf is this mess where am I supposed to walk?"
No. 200673
File: 1501658118258.png (1.14 MB, 1536x1058, Untitled.png)

sliceddoll from instagram copies tearzah's OCs and style but denies that she's copying her. Don't get me wrog, I don't like tearzah myself, but dislike these kind of people.
No. 200675
>>200673* but I still dislike these kind of people
Sorry for samefagging and my shitty grammar
No. 200693
File: 1501673515004.jpg (281.61 KB, 2048x1536, 19667485_812272202274255_18162…)

>>200673f-found another one?
pic-rel is reinagoth/younggoth
No. 200698
File: 1501684915122.jpg (130.08 KB, 750x1000, IMG_2229.JPG)

>>200693How old is this chick? Where are her parents? ddlg needs to die
No. 200706
File: 1501694418474.jpg (28.11 KB, 480x480, 17634652_765553080279501_17557…)

>>200703>>200698she's 14-15 as I know
No. 200906
File: 1501897612688.jpeg (204.69 KB, 917x1200, A1614932-9990-4379-9120-F501A8…)

The face looks jacked. Why would you make that your cover image??
No. 200910
File: 1501904425287.jpg (15.73 KB, 321x164, refwds.JPG)

this whole thread is gold, along with this comment I found on baylee's new video.
No. 200978
>>200916Sophira Lou's was my favourite. IMO she's the best youtube artist (at least out of the well-known ones) her stuff is pretty solid, sometimes her style can be a bit off but she has some great concepts and uses nice colours. I met her in person at a con and she was super friendly too
>>200941there's a comment saying the horse looks like a potato lmao. Her coloring looks so patching and awful in this piece, like a first attempt at watercolour.
No. 201287
File: 1502251433817.png (20.03 KB, 827x228, baylee.png)

>>200910>>200941No Baylee, that's now why the horse looks bad. Being defensive about it will hurt you more. And the person on the comment wasn't even being an ass.
No. 201352
>>200910>>201287There's an old anime where a girl grows a dragon or a dinosaur out of her butt, or she like sits on it's head and her ass fuses to it or something?
Anyhow, that's what it looks like is happening with this girl and horse.
that girl is inside that horse
No. 201426
>>200978I think Sophira Lou's work looks nice because the details hide the anatomy mistakes, but I do agree she's probably the best out of the bunch.
LemiaCrescent is the worst, mainly because that one stupid video of her keeps getting suggested to me.
>>201373 perspective of the leg is totally off, I can't unsee it now.
No. 201434
File: 1502344008521.jpg (661.89 KB, 3365x1245, 1502238870142.jpg)

>>200916>>201426>lemiacrescent is the worstYeah her art is pretty atrocious, I'm wondering how old she is?
Not surprised HC Brown isn't in it, if she would stop being so unfriendly and drop this bitter bitch persona she could actually get somewhere.
Before she was "famous" I actually thought about befriending her and even buying something from her store(even with the wonky anatomy), but the more I watched her videos the more sour and a hypocrite she grew to be, it was pretty sad to watch but oh well, she doesn't seem like shes gonna change any time soon she's way too far up her own ass
I was curious as to why they don't have someone that's y'know actually really good like
>>184135 but then I remembered that these people are too busy doing actual work/commissions to participate in some dumb artist youtube collective for more attention
On another note I'm glad Audra gets so much attention, her art is so pretty and she works really hard to improve herself it's a shame she's too busy to upload consistently
No. 201515
>>201509this is a website dedicated to basically criticizing people, coming here and doing this makes you look stupid and butthurt
like for christ's sake people get it together and sage your irrelevant shit
No. 201520
>>201515True enough, but your criticisms half the time are terrible. Criticizing Baylee on patchy watercolor? Absolutely fair. Saying that every artist in the collective except Sophira is terrible and they're only doing it for attention? Not really criticism, and not really true. Criticism works best when it's actually true, when you start saying decent artists are all terrible just because they're not the absolute best, you look biased and petty.
It seems here that either you're really good, or you're really bad, with no room for artists in between. Lets be real, MOST of the artists in the collective are average artists, but that doesn't make them bad. It makes them decent artists, some of whom are better than others, all of whom are improving. To call them all terrible or just looking for attention is simply incorrect.
No. 201523
>>201520Can you sage next time if you're going to complain?
Anyway, it's their personality too but you may be a little too dense to notice that.
No. 201524
>>201523Sorry! Obviously I'm new here hopefully I did that right, tried to do the sage thing :)
I like to discuss artists and I'd like to be able to discuss their flaws & problems, but I also find it ridiculous when it's just bashing for no real reason.
Talking about personality flaws is also totally valid IMO, but to say "every artist in the collective wants attention" isn't specific. But I would agree personality is a perfectly valid thing to discuss, like Baylee's response to criticism.
No. 201525
File: 1502394877168.jpg (60.23 KB, 564x564, 95ee70516b0d77f0b51e3bb19602a0…)

>>201520>Saying that every artist in the collective except Sophia is terrible and they're only doing it for attention? Not really criticism, and not really trueI mean sure, you have some good level headed points here anon, especially about them being average! (Not to white knight)
But I also can't blame people for having high standards, I mean when I look for incredible artists, youtube isn't necessarily my first choice. Instagram, twitter , tumblr..etc, have a ton of really great popular artists that set the bar pretty high so it's easy to take one look at these popular artists on youtube and immediately compare them, especially since most people here are artists (I hope) and everyone knows how critical artists can be about themselves and others.
Not only does their skill play into this but also their personalities, like HC Brown for example, she's a decent artist but her attitude is awful and a huge turn off
Hmm the attention thing can be argued but eh, most people on youtube are thirsty for attention so
The thread is called general Artist SALT for a reason
I just wish there were more really good (non average) artists on youtube, it's more inspiring and helpful to watch someone who's really good as opposed to someone who is at the low/average level that's just me personally tho
No. 201526
>>201525Thanks, I appreciate that! You make some good points as well. Perhaps it's because the medium of making art on a video inhibits the ability to make good art to an extent? I tried once or twice and you have to adjust your position and drawing angle so that the camera can actually see what you are doing, and I can imagine it would be harder to film a long extended piece that takes more time to create? Whereas with instagram, twitter, tumblr, you're not filming and documenting the process, so you can take as much time as you want to create it, you don't have to worry about getting in the way of the camera and lighting and all that stuff.
That said, Audra is really phenomenal, as well as Danica Sills - and I really like Iraville as well, if you haven't ever seen her stuff. A lot of the good artists don't upload as frequently, probably as they spend longer on their pieces? I do think a lot of the collective girls are talented though, and they do seem to be improving, even if they're not at Loish or Audra level. Kirsty Partridge also creates some really beautiful stuff. I agree, it's really inspiring to watch someone who really really knows their stuff.
You've got a point about it being called artist salt as well, i can't really come into a thread about bitching and complain about bitching! I don't mind bitching, I guess I just felt like a lot of it wasn't for a valid reason.
No. 201540
>>201525>>201526Let's be real, the whole anonymous forum salt is for people to vent their immediate feelings and not have to deal with consequences, so a lot of thoughts here probably don't even reflect what people think completely and are mostly moved by emotion and impulsion.
The reason most of the popular Youtubers are really just average (or below average) artists is because video making and actual art making are different skills.
You can have someone who is pretty good at creating content on Youtube, yet their videos are centered on something really unimpressive. Just notice how some of those storytelling girls have over 1 million subscribers. Eventually you can find some gem where the person is good at both, but it's not always the case.
No. 201543
>>201525Some of the channels I think are worth taking a look and don't see mentioned a lot, there's a variety of styles/ages/mediums:
Bobby Chiu
June Art
Kelly Eddington Watercolors
Lioba Brückner
Marco Bucci
Warning that Lioba's personality may come off as a bit full of herself sometimes, but I think that's mostly due to the way Germans tend to be very blunt and honest. (Still annoys me a bit at times tho).
No. 201550
i would also suggest Apterus, BrotherBaston, BORODANTE, Tina Yu, LEK CHAN, Mike Henry, Minnie Small, Remarin, Ryan Pancoast, Sinix, Aaron Blaise, etc.
No. 201565
>>201545>>assuming people's nationalitiesAnd no, I'm not excusing, if I was I wouldn't be the one pointing out she sounds full of herself at times and that it annoys me.
>>Germans not being honest and bluntThat's German 101. Sounds like you haven't been around Germans by saying that. Obviously a generalization doesn't apply to everyone. Note that the bluntness does not equal rudeness, tho. It just may be considered rude when you're used to people telling white lies all the time. I myself find that no-bullshit approach delightful and not rude at all, because it's usually a kind of honesty that carries little to no malice.
No. 201568
File: 1502407433134.jpg (16.96 KB, 470x156, lord.JPG)

>>201565Don't derail and sage your irrelevant post
Anyway people seem to be catching on that Holly wasn't invited to the artist collective thing
No. 201591
File: 1502416588549.png (1.28 MB, 1184x737, peter.png)

>>201584Peter is highly amusing. Cracks me up sometimes.
No. 201621
File: 1502441128683.jpg (37.44 KB, 581x586, Capture1.JPG)

>>201439Hmm she doesn't look that old
No. 201656
File: 1502481020730.jpg (62.47 KB, 713x452, eh.JPG)

>>201653eh it's ok
it's as basic as Baylee gets
No. 201659
>>201656I'll give her some shred of credit for attempting an aged character but that left arm is ridiculous long. the colour scheme isn't very pleasant either. It's not
bad just— eh.
No. 201845
>>201838I mean that's a given
girl only has friends from youtube, I can't imagine anyone from any other website looking at her art and thinking it's good and wanting to associate with her
No. 201993
>>201882she is on a personal level, as in
she doesn't want to learn digital art herself. she'll avoid it like the plague if she can. i guess because since there are so many digital artists on Youtube, it's harder for her to downplay how bad she is.
No. 202013
File: 1502833284361.png (20.54 KB, 726x183, j.png)

>>202006She can´t take even the slightest bit of criticism.
No. 202014
>>202013that's exactly the type of reply that's trying to come across as funny, but you can just
feel how she didn't like it ahahaha
No. 202035
File: 1502842929691.jpeg (283.25 KB, 1200x1193, BE26BD55-D1C5-43F9-8A8C-1B3A30…)

How bleak
No. 202080
File: 1502863261123.png (700.46 KB, 946x535, ll.png)

>>202045I think her youtube following has played a big part in her not improving. Her fans tell her she is the best artist and defend her against all critique. Now that she is trying to sell an artbook and be a legit professional, more is expected of her and she just can't handle it. When she gets suggestions in the comments she either accuses the people of being the ignorant ones
>>202013 like this
or makes up lame excuses
No. 202085
File: 1502871123009.jpg (598.2 KB, 1058x1229, Screenshot_20170816-180728.jpg)

Lana jay art its everything wrong with the UWU cute aestetic
No. 202094
>>202080>this was taken at an angleThis just sounds like she's making excuses. Also, if I were her, I would always take photos at the right angle so the artwork won't be warped.
Though the eye still bothers me.
No. 202097
>>187183I skimmed thru this entire thing and cringed. Some of the stuff she's gluing to her face is delicate, like that finetec pan, and all i can think is "what happens if she sneezes and this stuff falls off? it probably breaks." She'd probably use her yt pennies to just buy more tho if that happened cos her husband probably pays all the house bills etc so why not.
>>188328I'm neutral on Bananajamana. Her paintings are really average looking, but cute. Her DIYs are ok. She doesn't handle criticism well, and her relationship with her husband makes me sad on a personal level because it seemed so easy for her to just pack up and get a visa for UK, when for me and the guy i've been with for years it's been an exercise in jumping thru hoops except the hoops get smaller and higher as time passes. Maybe my bf should consider a career change to youtuber so he can make the requisite amount of money to bring me over lol. That they both act like kids is weird af too.
>>201584PeterDraws is a gift to the world and i love his videos.
No. 202107
File: 1502894848192.png (758.71 KB, 750x1334, IMG_1694.PNG)

>>202086I really think that's the reason why I hate this here is an example of that style done right
Lana it's just so mediocre
No. 202127
>>202013you can practically taste baylee's butthurt lmao
speaking of yt artists, I always see this person commenting on most of Baylee's videos and her art isn't very good either but the fact that she has 7k subs is pretty impressive
No. 202160
File: 1502923417542.png (263.07 KB, 575x323, cr.PNG)

>>201434talking of the youtube collective, the one that drives me up the wall is Chloe Rose. look at this. from the comments, she knows how bad the anatomy is - but she still has the gall to a/ sell the work and b/ offer tutorials. how can you produce such rubbish and then ask for money. how
No. 202176
File: 1502931036028.jpg (70.91 KB, 810x443, trhrshrt.JPG)

>>202162it's funny because she redrew that piece and it still looks bad
No. 202186
>>202160that everything, i'm going to cry.
honestly i'm quicker to shit on the people who buy her pieces, it's on them for being fucking idiots.
No. 202190
File: 1502933822581.png (1.88 MB, 1158x1196, jMYRc2N.png)

>>202160reading the comments on this piece on her instagram is surreal, I guess her audience is just very young.
Also is this the same person who painted this, how is this possible????
No. 202192
File: 1502934141169.png (836.06 KB, 598x599, ugh.png)

>>202190there's a difference between copying and drawing. there's a surprising amount of people who are decent at observational drawing who can't apply that to anything outside of copying something that already exists.
pic related is what she posted right after. a commission, no less.
No. 202197
>>202192 wat
someone payed money for that
No. 202206
>>202190>>202192>>202160That's so fucking surreal. Drawing original stuff with no reference is what i'm best at and get the most positive feedback on, including anatomy and facial proportions, but I'm sure I couldn't do something like
>>202190. I don't know how to feel about this
No. 202245
File: 1502966448490.png (413.32 KB, 475x316, kw.PNG)

Katharine Ward, anyone? this chick goes to actual art school. another one that somehow sells work. 111k subscribers. there's kind of a lot of god stuff on her channel too
No. 202263
>>202260yeah sure, but then don't sell it for money, and don't claim to be qualified to offer tutorials
also, working without reference shouldn't really be an aim. it wouldn't have been wrong to look at a picture of someone holding their arm up to see how shoulders work before starting that blue pic
No. 202268
>>202263YTAC requires you to sell all artworks completed, she doesn't have a choice. She sold it for $30 and someone made the decision to purchase it - that's not on her, that's on them. If someone felt it was worth $30, that is their decision, and they are the only people responsible for it.
She hasn't done any tutorials on how to draw, especially none on cartoon/non referential drawing. She's given general tips to artists, which is not the same thing. She's skilled in one area and not another, that doesn't mean she can't offer any advice at all.>>202263
No. 202270
>>202268fair enough if them's the rules, but, you know, if you know you have to sell a piece and it turns out like that, you scrap it, realise you're gonna have to find a reference, and start again
maybe it was a question of time, but still
she does have a tutorial up called 'How to draw a realistic eye' but yeah it's true that the other videos are all of the 'ten top tips' variety, fair enough
No. 202276
>>202273Yes, one of the things in the YTAC is that all the artworks go for sale, so yeah it's just part of the collective. The discrepancy between her skill sets is pretty drastic, but I'm sure she will improve quickly. There was some nice work done in the hair, it's mostly the anatomy that struggled, and she's well aware of that.
Her channel is also primarily comedic videos, hacks, and top tip type things as well, I don't believe she's ever promoted herself as an amazing artist, though I do think she is talented. (If you follow her on twitter she did some lovely work for a magazine recently. She's very good with reference.) I actually think it's pretty cool that someone with a following put up work that isn't as good as she normally creates - I think it shows that it's OK to not be perfect. A lot of these YouTubers have a young audience, and it can be really intimidating if they see stuff like her Supernatural piece all the time. I think it can be really helpful to younger artists to see even more experienced artists struggle with a different style or medium. That's just my opinion though!
No. 202361
File: 1503089811475.jpg (60.57 KB, 542x417, yikes.jpg)

Please search Sanzaki Kojika on Facebook… you won't be disappointed. She's been drawing for so many years but her art never improves. She's always at conventions with booths and I just don't understand
No. 202403
>>202361Uhm…. this should be in the Bad Art Thread son…
Her art is like the epitome of deviantART. Makes me wonder how someone doesn't want to improve their art at all bc damn this is godawful. Especially for someone who's been around since 2003?
No. 202439
>>202407I cannot imagine carrying all that around on the regular. Like idk i work a regular office job tho and i'm not a yt art superstar so maybe i don't know anything, but my art kit for going out is super pared down.
I don't get how all these meh-tier artists have like 100K+ subs either like. wow.
No. 202646
File: 1503274189116.jpg (121.99 KB, 1200x600, collage.jpg)

>>202640Well maybe they got it sent to them for free, but get to choose if they talk about it or not. I think that's technically not a sponsor.
Also LOL at the modeling in those videos. Why leave this in?
No. 202747
>>202707>Disney animu basic girlsilu, anon. this is exactly the label description they should have.
>>202646gosh it is SO BULKY. but hey it can be used as a lap desk i guess? still like… my bf is a real honest to god professional artist and doesn't use bags like that or carry a fuckload of art supply with him everywhere. no one we know does.
It probably was just free shit sent to yt artists, but i'm not putting "being terribly impractical" down as something these girls wouldn't do aswell.
No. 203277
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>>202633>>202640if you actually follow the link in the description, it takes you to the website through a campaign link, which are usually used to track the traffic through the website. It doesn't necessarily mean that it's a paid advertisement though
No. 203278
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>>203254They both did something similar,art a la carte managed to make the girl's face proportionate despite it being a scribble challenge. Baylee's color scheme is very flat and uninteresting, and those proportions…she didn't even try.
No. 203282
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girls are prettier and funner to draw than guys, though
No. 203351
>>203329It's all about marketing. This is the same reason you'll sometimes see an human interest piece on the news about a 3 yr old "painting prodigy" who does shitty abstract stuff every other 3 yr old is doing. The only difference between him and the other kids is that his parents are marketing sharks and know how to sell his shit.
I feel this way about like 80% of modern/abstract art aswell. Like yeah these yt artists bother me, but seeing a canvas painted a solid colour sell for millions of dollars makes me cry a bit on the inside, cos it's not really art imo, it's just clever buying and selling based on who knows whom and who wants what, and what brings about lots of prestige, etc.
>>203348It was me for a brief time in community college, but I could never shake the basic.
I switched majors and I'm an accountant now, and just do art for fun.
It's scary how some girls never grow out of this stuff or grow up in general and manage to get a following for being this way
No. 203385
>>203329Learning to use that in your favour instead of getting salty is the key. First and foremost, before complaining the Chloes and Baylees are popular for no reason because they suck, learn to also recognize their efforts in places other than their own art. Baylee as an example might be beyond mediocre in art, but she puts the right effort into her Youtube channel and that generates results.
I'm constantly surrounded by musicians and I see this happen all the time. You have the technically amazing people who don't achieve much beyond being teachers because even if they are amazing at playing music, the way they present themselves is unappealing. As much as some people like to pretend -it's all about the sound- it really isn't most of the time, people enjoy savouring music as a whole experience, a.k.a also visually. And then they get whinny about how they aren't achieving much because this and that when in reality they are just lacking in other aspects.
You can sit around and cry about how everything is unfair or learn to play the game. And by that I don't mean being something you are not, I'm sure there are appealing things within yourself. Acknowledge them and play your strengths.
No. 203390
>>203351>It's all about marketing. This is the same reason you'll sometimes see an human interest piece on the news about a 3 yr old "painting prodigy" who does shitty abstract stuff every other 3 yr old is doing. The only difference between him and the other kids is that his parents are marketing sharks and know how to sell his shitI remember this article I read online about a 17-year old kid who sells 5"x7" monochrome portraits for $60 a pop to fund her education for art college. I like how her parents encouraged her to do that but this one comment stating that she should've sacrificed her beach trips so she can afford art education and use the money she earned for less privileged kids.
sage if too ot
No. 203392
>>203390sage for samefag
Also she comes from a privileged background so it's not really a surprise she got featured/advertised in an article. I got kinda salty about it but then again I'm impressed she got to her dream school by doing commissions instead of crowdfunding.
>>203306Is Ross the most photogenic artist of all time?
No. 203497
>>202633They probably all got an early access to the bags for free in exchange for videos.
It's depressing that all the meh-tier artists with insane fanbases get all the free loot for reviews, while the actually-good artists don't get a chance to try the good stuff and expand their meager fanbases…. mucho salty
No. 203550
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>>203271it's funny that you mention that since Baylee's bridal shower had her and her friends dressed as disney princesses
No. 203595
>>203550Imagine getting on the subway and seeing this. I've seen a lot of crazy shit on the L, but a group of grownass women dressed like Disney princesses would probably weird me out enough to change cars tbh.
>>203551you are not alone, anon.
No. 203616
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>>203615it's dat monarch mind control. doesn't work on every kid but these feeble minded dweebs never stood a chance.
No. 203662
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>>203550I looked for the vlog because that image scared me a bit, and after a wee bit noticed it's more os a basic girl thing than creepy womanchildness, judging by naked Joe on the fridge.
Well to each their own I suppose.
No. 203663
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>>203662Pardon for samefag, but cmon, this is 10/10 great.
No. 203766
>>203736lmao relax anon
this entire website if for judging people and their life choices
No. 203770
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>>203736OC here, I wasn't ironic when I said 10/10, I thought a bunch of disney princesses with dicks was hilarious.
Plus the ending of Baylee pissed drunk at McDonalds dressed as Belle sipping from a dick shaped container was excellent
No. 203797
>>203796 samefag
spell check is a little bitch lol
No. 203956
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This should be… interesting.
No. 204079
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>>203956 it… doesn't seem to be going so well
No. 204096
>>204084Really? Earlier in the thread
>>185690 mentioned something about her print business refund issues. I wonder what is going on.
What is the deal with Patreon, tho? Are people not getting their rewards?
No. 204157
>>204155This seems to be more of a surface problem. It looks like she's using watercolor on gesso which does generally end up having that bloomy, weird effect. It could also be watercolor ground, which I never used to be able to give an in-depth opinion but heard it also absorbs differently than watercolor paper. Can't say it wasn't a bit of poor decision making to choose that surface, tho.
If you check out some other videos, the ones where she uses paper tend to be better. Her biggest problem is the blatant sameface, but technique-wise she's not really usually bad.
No. 204159
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>>204118Later confirmed to be Jellie Bee in the comments.
I would like to see Jellie's side of the story as well, but if she really is deleting comments, that ain't good. Can't say I don't find it a bit funny when dirt emerges on those holier-than-thou SJW types as well.
No. 204260
I never liked Jellie Bee so it's cool to know that she really is a scumbag
Turns out Jellie Bee finally messaged that person not long after they posted that comment
No. 204265
>>204258At least she somewhat knows what she is doing, whether the art is considered good or not is more of a matter of style.
Her videos have a more cult-ish tone to them, which isn't necessarily my cup of tea, but at least it isn't disney-anime.
No. 204358
>>203271>>203282This shit is too real
& why are there so fucking many girls like this??
No. 204683
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Only one who finds it odd that Jellie Bee draws shippy pictures of her gemsona with her other Steven Universe OC? I mean, I can't speak for her relationship because that's between her and her partner, they might be in an open relationship, and for all I know this OC could also very well be based on her partner but if it's not, definitely an odd thing on my book.
Imagine coming home to find your fiancée drawing herself cuddling some OC from some tard cartoon
No. 204997
>>204991I don't get why she used to fangirl so hard over Baylee, she was pretty much better than Baylee already lol.
I know people lick her ass because she is more popular, but Jellie Bee seemed to act like Baylee was any good
No. 205039
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>>204159Wouldn't a "lawful good" individual make sure people who paid for their services received such services?
No. 205263
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You can look inside Baylee's artbook
No. 205306
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>>205286>>When you lack in art content so you have to resort to silly drama.Those drama videos are basically the bottom of the content creator barrel on my book, so the video idea in itself is pretty cringy.
But if we're gonna talk about the "drama" Baylee's opinion is not bad.
Pic related, it's what Jake Parker posted which supposedly generated such drama. And to be honest, how much of a tard you have to be to want to do INKtober digitally? Inktober, the challenge where you are supposed to use ink. It's not that hard to interpret. If you don't want to draw in ink, why do you want to participate? Oh yes, because all the cool kidz are doing eet. I guess they're trying to interpret it as the act of inking instead of the medium ink.
When people stretch the rules up to using watercolors and shit like that I tend to feel like they're trying to fit in without putting the effort to actually do what you're supposed to do in the challenge. But up to that point you can at least argue you did a drawing in ink and just added some more stuff, people wanting to do it digitally is just plain stupid.
No. 205311
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>>205306>>205305>>205303>>So if a person has a better time doing the "Walking One Mile a Day" challenge by using their cars, end of story, it's about bending the rules to best accommodate meWhy the heck do these people keep dictating their own opinions as rules against the one person who is actually allowed to dictate the rules?
No. 205312
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>>205306One person who is being like MUH DISABLED PEOPLE in the thread has a twitter description that almost seems like a joke
>>disabled jewish queer trans latino No. 205316
File: 1506123363302.png (57.47 KB, 611x681, inktober3.png)

>>itsa HURTFUL
>>you don't know how it feels
Clearly your biggest disability is being a huge pussy.
Keep complaining about things that don't even apply to you (as Baylee even said, if you are disabled you are obviously an exception) while some of your fellow disabled people actually achieve things in life instead of crying muh feelings on twitter.
No. 205318
File: 1506123903270.jpg (105.61 KB, 1024x683, Paris_Tuileries_Garden_Facepal…)

>>205316>>205312>>205311>>205310>>205306Sorry for the huge amount of samefaging, but I'm baffled. Every time I think I've seen the deepest pits of retardation this type of people have reached on the internet, I find something else. Reading through that thread on twitter is a whole new level.
No. 205323
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>>205286Does Holly comment on every single popular artists video?
Does she honestly think people give a shit about her shit opinions
No. 205331
>>205310>So the people who got mad over Jake's thing is mostly the Autistic Digital Artist Association it seems, which appears to exist backed up by the supposed constant stream of people saying "Digital isn't real art".I wish I existed in the art spaces you frequent but I come across a lot of art majors who feel like the digital medium is damaging the integrity of art and that its only value is for commercial work that they have to "stoop down" to do. This is coming from fucking illustration majors or people who are into comic books/animation.
But yeah, this entire debate is dumb because the intent of Inktober is to push yourself with a difficult medium. I've seen some people do digital inks but try to do as much traditional inking as possible, in spirit of the challenge.
No. 205336
>>205334 Samefag
I know that feeling, I ended up changing my major because it was so frustrating. I was originally a painting major, it like, yo, I'm here to learn traditional painting not fuckin' digital m8
No. 205429
>>205341>They'd rather be inspired by someone not-so-great than someone amazing because it seems more like an achievable goal to them.This is actually true. 10 years ago when I started art I looked up to artists who have decent art (by decent art I mean art that doesn't have shit anatomy and lazy coloring like Baylee or Holly's) and once I got used to the fundamentals I find better artists I look up to (oil painters and artists from the past).
The only that sucks is when one of the artists you once looked up to follow have stagnant progress. It's actually sad, to be honest.
No. 205431
>>205316>Clearly your biggest disability is being a huge pussy.This person reminds me of my friend who once messaged me in the middle of the night because she won't stop whining about her not being to finish her reel. She even pulls out the disabled card in Facebook for attention. Still sucks she's still rewarded with a fucking silver spoon in her mouth.
>>205323Why do these artists insist on using digital software for inktober? I always see Inktober as a way to get so used to traditional inking to the point where you have to avoid the same mistakes over and over again, unlike Digital Art where you can only abuse ctrl+Z to your liking until you get that one line correctly.
No. 205502
>>205431 Not to sound like one of those, but as someone with a legitimate learning disability, this shit makes me mad. I have to fight with administration on a near constant basis just to get them to sign freaking paperwork for my accommodations, so seeing people who fake it to get out of shit they don't wanna do is frustrating to no end!
They insist on doing it to be little shits. They know they answer and are using this as an opportunity to get sympathy points.
No. 205795
>>205620>>205743bloody hell. all you need to make perfect bound books at home is pva, a brush, a bone folder, brown paper, scrim, a ruler and some binder clips. and needle and thread if you want to sew sections.
OK it takes a little while before your hand bound books are saleable, but, like, ffs baylee at least try doing it yourself first.
and what about printing, has she any idea how much ink and paper costs she's talking about? people use professional printers for a reason. either that or the books she's talking about doing, if it's practical to print at home they will totally be small enough to make by hand. stitched or saddle stitched
and that's even before even thinking about how she has no fucking content worthy of putting in a book
saged for bookbinding rant, sorry
No. 206142
>>206133I agree that creativity is something that needs to be nurtured, but I do think some people are more geared towards that kind of thought process. I don't think she is. Her work almost never has a narrative or particularly interesting aspects of any kind; it usually revolves around wanting to draw a "cute, young woman". I do agree that she doesn't strike me as an analytical thinker either.I felt that was just her grasping at something to make up for her professed lack of creativity.
On another topic; I thought it was ironic that she was cheerleading artist's youtube accounts, and how there are other things out there than gaming and beauty channels, and how the little artist channels can make it big too! Considering it seems like she prioritises gaming over making art these days, that seemed laughable. If she was actually an artist, I don't think she would have stopped streaming art stuff on twitch, and made it all gaming - especially when so many people tell her they wish she hadn't done that.
No. 206301
>>206284yeah this sketchbook thing has been really disappointing - but then again, how could it not be? forcing out 20+ pages a day rather than making the challenge something meaningful and useful - just 'draw every day' like inktober is so much better - has just led to both of them cementing in the bad habits rather than learning anything.
plus baylee's idea of filling a page is to do a 30-second outline of a cat right in the middle and then move on. it's fucking embarrassing
No. 206394
>>206301Yeah, I feel - regardless of what she tells her audience - Baylee did the challenge because it was content for her videos. Not just the doing of it, but also the amount she was able to talk/complain about it.
She is terrible at sketching because she seems to not know the fundamentals of drawing. So all 600 of those pages were pointless because she has shown no improvement whatsoever. It would be like if someone sewed from 30 commercial patterns in a month; that wouldn't necessarily mean that they can replicate individual aspects to a garment design of their own like learning the basics of sewing would.
What's most annoying is that this so called "analytical" thinker can't put 2 + 2 together and come up with that truth. She will call people haters and continue to make money drawing twee, ill-proportioned garbage.
Sorry for my long messages XD Also, hey guys, did you know Baylee was getting married?! /sarcasm
No. 206509
>>206503When on a board, look up to the upper right. There's gonna be all the page numbers and "Catalog" written right by it. That's it. It shows all threads on a board.
Or you could write lolcow.farm/snow/catalog.
No. 206555
>>184334Okay, this is a really dumb question but I hope someone here can help me to understand because I can't even draw stick figures.
When you're drawing on a computer like this, are you using a tablet? And are you only looking at the screen while drawing? In high school we used to do that whole thing where you draw a person or an object without looking down at your hand–is that what's going on here?
I'm always so impressed by this kind of thing because it's like fucking mysterious to me lol, I barely have any idea how you do this.
Thanks to any nonnie who can answer this for me and maybe explain a little bit about how one goes about using adobe or whatever to make art in general. Sorry to be stupid.
No. 206558
>>206555I could be either a traditional tablet or a monitor tablet. Monitor tablets like Cintiq or Huion are kinda like a digital notebook, many people prefer it because of that. But the thing with normal tablets is that you don't need to look where your hand goes, rather where the line goes. So you don't need to look at your hands at all. Kinda like a pianist that needs to look at the partiture but not at his hands?
Anyway, some people don't get used to that though I usually prefer monitor tablets, even though they are more expensive. I personally prefer monitor tablets because I think they are more confortable in general.
No. 206562
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>>206559Seems like a simple trip to twitter had the answer. Also seems like a bunch of people were curious.
No. 206907
>>206829Why are people always trying to sneak watercolor into Inktober?
Feels like they're trying to draw the same way they always draw and pass it as a challenge
No. 206959
>>206907It's an ok drawing but if it's samey to what the artist usually does then what's the point? Also I don't see how it falls into the theme for the day…? It looks like just a regular cyborg portrait.
I've got a friend who's doing this and it's driving me fukken nuts. She's just doing the same full colour mediocre animu portraits she always does that have got same face syndrome, but since she abuses hashtags and people are afraid of her, she gets a ton of likes on her work. She could be a YT artist if she was on YT.
I'm liking the challenge of inktober and I'm trying to use as little as possible on it.
No. 207010
>>206965Seconded, the more skilled artists can make monochrome look interesting but the lower tier artists really need some colour to make things pop and not everybody has a wide array of colourful inks and pens. As long as it's only an additional element and the image is mostly ink then I don't see the problem, it's pretty much the same as painting with coloured inks.
People that use digital during inktober piss me off though, the point is that it's an annoyingly permanent traditional medium, if they can't brave it without the undo button then they could just post without the inktober tag. Fuck that "digital ink" bull
No. 207128
>>207127Some are angry 'cause their friends have them and they don't. Others are angry little kids who draw like shit have them, which I understand but ultimately think it's a loss of time to be bothered about.
And the most justifiable is people being upset some artists sell originals made with Copics (and other alcohol markers) despite them not being lightfast.
Otherwise, Copics are lovely for some purposes, like sketching and making designs/art intended for scanning and reproduction, due to the immediate results they provide.
No. 207135
>>207127 Oooh spicy debate! I'm glad we're able to bring some life into this thread.
I guess my issue is that people are taking time that could be spent on their own art and putting it into roasting young weebs with expendable cash. I got my first two markers when I was entering high school, and my art was pretty shit, but I'm glad I at least started grabbing them then because the taxes where I live increased and make the markers overly expensive. Personally, as long as the tool is being used and not hoarded (like what Baylee is doing with those Schmincke watercolors ;A;) then I don't see much of an issue with a smol bean buying a tool that interests them.
No. 207136
>>207135>I guess my issue is that people are taking time that could be spent on their own art and putting it into roasting young weebs with expendable cashUltimately you are right.
I think deep inside we are just upset about people we perceive as being less skilled than us having things we believe we deserve more than them, or that we deserve and they don't because we think they didn't put enough effort do deserve those things.
That can extend from being upset children have Copic markers to being upset Baylee Jae has so many subs with the art she makes.
It's a natural feeling but at the same time it's better for us to not linger on those. As you said, that time and effort can be spent on things that will actually benefit us in the long run.
Maybe I should do what I preach and get off anonymous forums to practice my art… lol
No. 207137
>>207136 (I'm the peep in the comment above yours, I found your response to this really interesting ^U^)
I do find roasting on online forms to be a bit therapeutic. It's releasing a lot of pent up frustrations that would otherwise leak into aspects of my life. Honestly, there is nothing wrong with expressing your frustrations at another person's success or even what supplies they have. I mean, I'm salty af about Baylee using Schmincke watercolors and not giving them all the love and care they deserve, but the frustration can be used as a drive to work hard to one day own a set too. So anon, feel free to roast the shit outta people lol
No. 207319
>>207178Subs are rarely, if ever, equivalent to the quality of someone's art. More like your social media and video making abilities and how relatable you are. Takes two different sets of skills to be a good artist and a good Youtuber.
That said, I think Min's drawing abilities are being confused with style. Even if we don't like her style, as it's not exactly my favorite either, it's clear that she is decently aware of what she is doing. She is not a bad artist, at least skill-wise.
No. 207459
>>207102I never said mastering colour was easier than greyscale, I said it was a harder skill to make an image look exciting in only grayscale than it is to just add a dash of colour. It takes more knowledge of composition and tonals values etc to make a strong and interesting grayscale image, wheras any beginner can draw a quick monochrome sketch and just wash over a few of the elements using one copic marker it will just pop instantly and catch attention at first glance.
So thatslikeyouropinioinman.jpeg
>>207103>>207124Are you guys okay? I didn't complain I just said that using watercolours in conjunction with inks is no different to adding an ink wash so it shouldn't be seen as 'against the rules'. If you don't agree you could just say so like
>>207166 did
No. 207480
>>207453Dude, I always hated that channel for some reason. I don't even remember exactly why, but I think it was the reason you described, her giving off wrong info. Also unappealing personality.
I think it's borderline embarassing to make a channel about something and be giving off half assed info.
No. 207482
>>207453Also now that we are talking about those watercolor channels, this channel does pretty good reviews but there's one thing that drives me absolutely nuts. The way she speaks, dat vocal fry sounds like a damned french fry machine.
Altho the trophy of <most annoying voice ever> still probably goes to HulloAlice. I almost feel bad talking shit bout her as she seems real innocent, but man. It's hard to listen sometimes.
No. 207502
>>207480Yes! A lot of wrong info here, and way too much focus on personal stuff for my tastes. She fits into the type of channel that has appeal not for the art or the infos, but for presentation and styling…
>>207482The audio is not top but at least she gives good information and keeps it mostly about the paints and painting.
No. 207512
>>207511What's wrong with being childish? So long as the bills get paid and the chores get done, what on Earth is wrong with being a little childish?
And if you're uncomfortable… Why watch her videos?
Like I'm not trying to be rude I just do not understand this mentality or why you would be bothered by someone's hobby when it doesn't even affect you a little.
No. 207513
>>207512 I am not trying to instigate a fight, more I'm trying to explain why the Disney obsession is weird to me.
I had to grow up really, really young due to circumstances that were out of my control. So, I had to let go of a lot of notions and behaviors in order to function. I guess these behaviors coming from people who are nearly ten years older than me just does make sense for those reasons.
No. 207514
>>207513No it's cool I wasn't trying to instigate a fight either. I appreciate you explaining. Gonna sage this post.
That totally make sense! I guess I just try not to be bothered by stuff that doesn't affect me, if it's not hurting anyone else. So while I can see not understanding it, I guess I don't get disliking it?
No. 207524
>>207515I hate those generic low value types of art channels.
Looks like something entirely based on trends.
No. 207531
>>207529Ehh have you seen her watercolor collection tho?
Not saying that I frown upon her because god knows mama hoards her watercolors too.
No. 207551
>>207459I agree. It’s because a lot of new artists using color don’t really understand color schemes or value yet and just oversaturate everything. Greyscale forces artists to learn about the fundamentals which is why most schools teach that first.
Regardless, l feel like a lot of inktober artists just use color/washes to hide their mediocre inking skills.
No. 207563
yeah I'm definitely guilty of that.
No. 207600
>>207545I've seen her at conventions and she's nice enough… Just her work leaves something to be desired. So much wonky anatomy going on.
I'm honestly just tired of seeing mediocre work getting so much attention when there are more skilled artists out there that deserve more. I know it's already been touched upon, the personality vs. skill aspect in YouTube videos so I'm not going to go into that.
No. 207640
>>207621>>207622>>207631Reasonable, but boring af. I doubt the people who show up here on this thread do so because they feel absolutely reasonable and calm about it all.
More likely they just saw one shitty video too many of a talentless hack and felt a need to rant without justification.
No. 207780
>>207761I at least appreciate that she drew a different body type than she usually does, but am I the only one who feels the head, and especially the neck feel disproportionate to the rest of the body? it could be the angle, I guess, but it looks odd to me.
I've seen a few more successful artists justifying using the same mediums they always do by saying the "challenge" for them lies in the making artwork every day, not the using of ink. And it comes off them just bragging about how busy they are.
No. 207781
>>207780I'm not sure about it being disproportionate because the whole angle she filmed in throws the perspective off a bit, but judging by the thumbnail it just looks like a chubbier girl.
I can appreciate the lack of her usual sameface on this, tho. I like the piece, it just bothers me how she's labeling it Inktober. If a classical oil painter did the same thing and tried to justify it as they're using ink to line it, something they don't usually do, it would be fairly ok (altho I am still anal about mixed media Inktober), but she already does that type of work all the time.
No. 207813
>>207789which is kind of ironic, as thngs get so swamped in the tag that unless you're Loish no one's gonna see your inktober pieces unless they happen to click on the tag within 20 seconds of you posting…
or I'm just salty over getting fewer likes than normal for inktober stuff
No. 208306
I like Danica overall and she has a lot of qualities, but am I the only one who thinks that the recurrent bruising/wounds themes are weird and creepy? In a bad way?
>>208299the idea I can deal with, the horn-toothing is awkward and clumsy
No. 208311
>>208306I don't mind Danica's themes, but there's something about her I can't quite grasp.
She diversifies poses and colors, yet to me her videos tend to always feel the same. Maybe it's her voiceovers that are a little boring? It bugs me a bit because she draws pretty well, yet I'm never too interested in watching her videos.
No. 208321
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Sometimes I wonder how many fairly known artists come here to talk shit about their peers they secretly detest
No. 208353
File: 1507772925168.png (1.71 MB, 1003x920, refregrew.PNG)

I never liked that girls channel
All she does is copy shit, like girl laugh at the mean comments and exploit them for money all you want
your art with still be boring as fuck
No. 208395
>>208299It does look like that kind of humblebrag at first sight, like those low tier drawfags that redline the shittest things in bad art threads, but this started off as something he did for fun with his kids because they wanted him to. It attracted enough attention when he posted it online that people called for more and the kids were up for it, so now they've got a Patreon etc
Those kids are so lucky if they want to go into art. Living in Japan with connections with Mangaka/animators, with a successful french animator dad to teach them and already a name for themselves. Even if they don't like art in a couple of years or it stops being entirely fun, they're going to learn a lot about work ethic and online marketing/promotion.
>>207813I agree, I kind of regret signing up for inktober now. It feels like all of the tags are so oversaturated though
No. 208400
>>208311I almost like her videos, but mainly just go back to them when I run out of other things to watch. She's very foot-gazey and introspective with her voice overs; to the point that it feels like the audience is just a sounding board for things she's trying to work through. Also, she strikes me as a very technical and analytical artist rather than an inspired, imaginative creative type. I think that adds to the boring, repetitive vibe.
She has that same face syndrome thing that often stems from the artist basically drawing different versions of themselves.
And - this is nitpicky - but ever since I noticed that she pronounces the word especially "eckspecially", I find it really grating every time she says it.
No. 208603
>>208321No we come here to read what you say about us.
Shhhh, we are lurking.
No. 208883
>>208306>>208311>>208400I mostly really like Danica and her work - and I like hearing the technical stuff she muses on in her videos, it's interesting to think about in relation to my own work, but it makes me feel so goddamn guilty as well - she makes me feel like I'm so lazy because I don't spend three hours planning my values or doing 20 colour comps etc.
also I wish she would just paint something. she talks all the time about wanting to learn and improve, but she always does inked linework filled in with watercolour. I wish she'd skip the ink sometimes and just paint. she talks in today's video about wanting to loosen up, and the way sketches lose emergy when you ink, and then carries on doing these careful lines etc.
No. 209199
>>208306I completely disagree with the "creepy" thing. Artists have different tastes and if she wants to explore different themes, let her be. It's like saying Goya's or Gentileschi's paintings were creepy in a bad way just because they depicted graphic/gory topics. To be honest, I'm tired of the same generic "cute-fantasy-girl" art style most female artist are going for these days.
And I'm not defending this artist in any way, it's the first time I have heard of her and I don't think her art is special in any way; in fact, it's pretty boring.
No. 209218
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Do any of you know Gweakles? Someone commented this on her video (fairly uncalled for, I agree, but still it's the internet) and she went on a bitch and moan on her Instagram story about "MUH NEGATIVITUH DON'T SAY ANYTHING IF IT ISN'T NICE". The rant is still up if you're fast enough.
Honestly, when are those people going to learn that responding to so called "hate comments" that way is only going to screw them over further, especially if you're being fragile-aggressive? Either ignore it or even delete it quietly if it bothers you too much, but don't bitch and moan about it.
She always struck me as childish anyway.
No. 209227
>>209218I think the criticism you've shown is quite reasonable imo you can't always be all rainbows and smileys and artists should know that. Personally, nothing has helped me improve more than the extremely demanding, tactless and blunt art teacher I used to have.
Also, anyone else annoyed by Happy D. Artist? She has a video about criticism and said that artists should only be criticized in specific things they wish to be criticized on. Which is pretty stupid since artists often make mistakes that they don't realize. She keeps on saying about how she "doesn't want to hurt anyone's feelings". Like, grow up, girl, the world is unforgiving and the art world is especially merciless.
No. 209228
>>209227Happy D is pretty annoying. I liked the type of videos she made but couldn't stand them because of her personality. I remember her making a video after last year's election where she described Trump being elected as a TRAGEDY and general drama queen behavior. At least it wasn't like Jellie Bee who set up a discord for emotional support or whatever… For fuck's sake. If you're gonna implode because some dude you don't like got elected, what else, do you melt in the rain or something?
The reason I went on this tangent was to say I think those girls who preach those things are just overly sensitive in general. They are probably used to be put on a little pedestal all the time and now that they've grown into what can be described as overgrown children, they still can't fathom the possibility of the world not being there to serve their feelings. So they go on to become artists and can't wrap themselves around the concept of people critiquing them, even if ultimately it can be for the better.
Is criticism always valid? No. Sometimes people are just being dicks. But it's important to deal with that with composure, or else you might discard valid critiques just cause it hurts your feelings.
No. 209229
>>209228Exactly. I think a lot of young girls like these take up art not as a passion, but as a way to justify their childishness and receive asspats by drawing the same generic shit, which gives artists the bad rep o being lazy and not taking things seriously, when in reality the art world is harsh and competitive as hell.
Also, in my opinion, I think the word "talent" is being abused. None of the artists shown on this thread have any talent or creativity at all. Check out Kim Jung Gi, Daniel Dociu or Craig Mullins for real talent.
No. 209233
>>209231Sorry, I deleted what I said because I was going to repost it with additional info. Usually prefer doing that than filling the thread with samefagging.
Original post pointed out them being untalented as the reason why they're here, in a place where we talk shit about them.
I was going to add that talent doesn't start when people come out of the womb. Most of those artists are young, and might be -relatively- talented or have potential. People like Kim Jung Gi or Craig Mullins have years and years of experience under their belts. Apples and oranges.
No. 209236
>>209234>I think some people are born with higher sensibilities or perceptive skills that make them different from the crowd.Yes, indeed, but natural talent alone does not do it. It takes acquired talent to make a great artist. Picasso's young age doesn't imply he just picked up a paint brush for the first time and started painting amazing pieces. I know a musician who's mind numbingly good in his early 20s, but when you talk to him you'll learn he's been playing since he was 9 and practicing seriously since he was 13.
I don't think most people on this tread are untalented for lack of natural talent, but for lack of pursuit and sacrifice into their crafts. I also think it's unfair to put people like Audra Auclair who have been mentioned here in the same throwaway basket as Baylee Jae.
No. 209286
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>>209218Man is she even relevant anymore?
She has 34k subscribers but barely breaks 2k
No. 209354
>>209234>comparing anyone to Picasso who was classically and academically trained from a prepubescent age by his pro dadNot that the rest of your post is invalid or anything but Picasso grew up in fucking superb situation to catalyze any innate artistic ability.
Anyway, everyone else has covered why a lot of these Youtuber artists stagnate or improve, but I just wanted to clarify that.
No. 209383
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>>209377>muh natural talentQuit making up excuses and go practice if you want to get better you uncultured swine
No. 209400
>>209353Hard time respecting grown ass western people drawing anime.
Skills are good tho.
No. 209403
>>209402Maybe she should set up a discord for scam victims the same way she did for fags having anxiety attacks because someone got elected
(Btw I was talking about Laaovan, not Zyra)
No. 209493
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Holly got another free tablet to review. I'm honestly jealous of the free perks she gets but I'm curious what shes going to do with her other tablet. Also i really hate the modifications she did for her keyboard placement
No. 209514
her responses are especially terrible
No. 209544
>>209535Hmm it look so like she does a lot of weird challenges and to be fair those kinds of video she naturally get a lot of views but maybe you're onto something
I mean all it takes is for one video to get 1 million views and that shit will propell you to a few hundred thousand subscribers (Like HC Brown for example )
No. 209548
Actually Jellie Bee here. Someone linked me here and I was super worried at first, but hand on heart you guys are all correct. I'm not a scammer, but I can see why you would all think that. I'm not even going to make excuses for my actions, I just let things get too on top of me. It's been a really rough few years and I can't tell a lot of people what's really been happening. All you need to know now is that I'm working on being a better person, I've moved out. I've been getting all orders out on time (other than fiascos like Royal Mail charging me wrongly and blocking my account) - things like the Kickstarter and Patreon I thought I could handle by myself and I couldn't. And instead of asking for help, I wasn't in a place I could ask and I let it just continue and get heavier and heavier.
I try not to talk about mental health a lot, because it's not an excuse in my opinion. I should be able to deal with it, but having had my finances ruined by the government, my life being in eternal torment by other circumstances and trying to keep my head afloat has been rough. I can only apologise and I'm trying my hardest to make up for the problems that have occurred. I now live with friends and me and Ryan have partially separated.
It's complicated.
But one of the friends I live with has had stern talks with me, has helped me more than anyone else and she's taking on a lot of the work that I could no longer face in my mental state. She's incredible, I owe her so so much, and we're working on getting everything done by the end of the year. I couldn't have asked for better support, and I truly hope that I change in the eyes of some of you, but I also accept that burning people once means its hard to come back from.
Again, it's my fault. I'm sorry, I'm truly working on it. Thank you all so much <3
Also someone said my SU work isn't as good as my other work which made me feel kinda happy, I worry so so much about creating original art that I panic and make fan stuff.
As for my gemsona cuddling another gemsona, it's just fiction lmao, just like roleplaying or anything else similar. Means nothing. I liked the way they played out as a story.
Any who! Criticise me all you like, it's only how I'll improve.
No. 209554
>>209552I have never deleted comments, honestly. I'm not that type of person.
As far as Patreon goes, I'm currently getting Kickstarter out of the way first. I did commissions and online store, then Kickstarter is next, and then Patreon by the end of the year. I have left posts on Patreon to get people to message me, but having had little response I know I need to get messaging directly.
Some Patrons have had rewards sent out, or rather exchanges for rewards because (sadly) it was that long ago I felt sending them older artwork was a cop out, and wanted them to have something fresh and therefore let them have hundreds of pounds of stock from my online store.
Right now, my friend/manager is super busy with her own business and once our last convention is out of the way next week, there's nothing left but to focus entirely on the missing Patreon and Kickstarter rewards.
I have often posted and not gone too silent, but I guess there were patches of time when I just couldnt face it and forgot about it all. It's still no excuse, and I'm determined to be free of all my debt to people by the end of the year. It's like I've been renewed, the change in just my personality is tangible, I'm a lot lighter, happier and ready to take on all the shit I've caused. My friend is an absolute powerhouse in terms of getting shit done, so believe me, my butt is very bruised from the kicking.
No. 209557
>>209556Basically, I fell behind a LOT with Patreon, Kickstarter and commissions, and people think that I've scammed them. In my defense, I've always given refunds when asked, I've never ignored nor deleted comments, and I've always owned up to my mistakes.
What people don't know is the harassment, the hate and other shit I've had from people within hours of making an order - and unfortunately I let it get to me.
But I am owning up entirely to my mistakes, I've delayed so so long. I'm learning, and I hope people will be happy once I fulfill my orders and commissions! I would be angry with me too, it's inexcusable.
No. 209561
>>209557It's good that you are explaining what's going on, but I urge you to do that before shit hits the fan some next time. I know it is very daunting, but in the end, being direct and honest minimizes the bang. People are probably still going to complain, as always, but when you're mostly avoiding subjects it makes everything look very shady.
Some of us also tend to judge SJWs very strongly, so when you started associating with that crowd, the judgment eyes got very active.
No. 209563
>>209561Yeah no, I get that totally. Tbh I have few friends who fit the 'SJW' thing, I've actually cut a lot of the people out of my life that were toxic in that respect. After being in super abusive friendships, then them dropping me and blaming their issues on my existence, I finally let go of those nasty people. I hope it truly has a positive effect on me in the long run!!
Thank you for the feedback, I'm truly taking it to heart n_n
No. 209564
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Has anyone ever thought of making their own art channel?
I've thought about this a lot but I'm not entirely sure on what kind of videos to make and if I'm charismatic enough to keep an audience lmao
No. 209565
>>209564I'd actually really love to, but English isn't my first language so I'm scared to talk in my videos - which will probably suck.
Also I am so slow at art that I probably couldn't keep my channel active enough.
No. 209571
>>209564I think you should!! I'm actually a super shy drip of a person so if I can get as many subs as I have I don't see why you couldn't :) if you ever wanna chat about it, contact me on my channel if you like! I have the charisma of a carrot, so don't worry! The problem is when you get carried away with trying to make it a career. It's a hard graft.
>>209565I know a lot of art tubers who dont have EFL so just go for it! It's a great way to practice and get over the discomfort of speaking a second language!
No. 209848
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>>209744Looks like lolcow is experiencing some technical issues, or it could be your computer anon
On another note, I think Emily artful makes uglyish art and tries really hard to be funny
I absolutely cannot stand her lmao
No. 209878
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>>209848Her drawings are fucking ugly but i think she is nice and i like to hear her talk.
I really like Mateusz and his gilfriend in instagram makes super cute comics
No. 209956
>>209878Y E S
I fucking love Mateusz, he's the coolest, his art is incredible and his videos are so chill
He's super inspiring and informative!
Also his watercoloring is so smooth, I'm jelly
No. 209986
>>209965I've noticed the similarities between the two before, like how they both started drawing anime and went into a more disney-esque style later on, or their big art supplies collections.
I see Kerrie as essentially what Baylee would be if she hadn't stagnated so strongly with her art.
No. 210065
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not exactly youtube artist related but seeing 'shitty' artists in professional fields kinda bums me out, i mean chris sanders the creator of lilo and stitch literally all his women look the same and he cant draw feet to save his life
No. 210076
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>>210065At least he tries rather than just cropping them out like Liefeld
No. 210531
>>210487>Imitation is the highest form of flattery.Say that to the lawyers
I don't like her personality because of the SJW/activist/muh hairy feminist pits crap, but what does she say about not copying that is so absurd?
No. 210653
>>210630She seems so much thinner! Her whole demeanor seems so much lighter. I hope most of her bitchiness was due to her own unhappiness and that she will be nicer now that she seems to be in a much better place.
I'm really glad she got another cat. I guess sometimes people who have only one pet for a long amount of time may feel like they are trying to replace their pets when they die if they get a new one, which is totally not the case.
No. 210690
>>210686Lemia always annoyed the living shit out of me, even when my Youtube taste didn't go much further than Baylee Jae and the sorts.
Part of it is the way she speaks, other is the animu style and her personality.
I also generally frown upon people who title their videos after art community "drama", like "Inktober controversy".
Sage for sperging
No. 210740
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Ardeesign over at Instagram rustles my jimmies big time.
First of all for being the stupid activist type, then she's always showing off her huge collection of watercolors while her art is ridiculously mediocre.
For fuck's sake, how artistically handicapped do you have to be to need 3 FREAKING HUGE sets of watercolors at the SAME TIME, plus a small one to paint a single bird?! Or is all that just to show off?
No. 210749
>>210668>>210671Created the thread!
>>210748Feel free to talk about art issues and tips.
No. 210826
>>210820She's far from being as bad of an artist as Baylee, but I do think she's trapped inside stylization.
She looks like she can't branch much further than her dolly-eyed, disney-esque style. Even her anatomy series is wonky. Doing life studies and attempting more realism could really help her. I think she has potential.
Not to police anyone else's bank account, but she seems like one of those people who bother with buying everything more than actually improving.
No. 210874
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i really enjoy Jenna Drawing's artwork, and find her videos pretty entertaining. Almost as entertaining as reading this entire thread late night. Artists that bother me are Holly Hearts Art and H.C. Brown. Both just bug me for some reason. Though Baylee's artwork is pretty bland, I'm pretty loyal to her because she's the reason I started drawing a few years ago. The art attatched is Jenna Drawing's work :)
No. 210902
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>>210895>$60H.. How..? Why? She said she's been drawing for 8 years? Does she have a deniability? So many questions.
No. 210921
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I've seen a rise of crappy doodly ladies on Instagram last year.
Bymariandrew as an example, a daddy issues writer type lady, a feminist and one of those urban hipsters who glorify their ~cultural trips~ (omg guys did I mention I loooved going to Brazil?) and is now supposedly an Illustrator with borderline embarassing art. Makes… comics? Or whatever those are, which sometimes are just handwritten text. She screams pretentious.
Pic related.
>no more men who look at my art and respond with "hm, cute."
So you want them to be honest and tell you straight away it's dog shit?
No. 210932
>>210921I've run across her as well, she's always so whiny I can't believe some people genuinely like her.
She always has these sad little victim type posts, from her breakup to crying to her followers about mean things people say about her on the internet. She draws literal stick figure cartoons, why does she expect the same amount of respect as a genuine artist?
No. 210944
>>210921>So you want them to be honest and tell you straight away it's dog shit?Sounds like she wants to be a sour tart but only get praise.
>My most sparkling witty text with a tepid "Haha"I have no idea who she is but I'm going to go ahead and assume her texts are not actually that witty. Also I had no idea what was going on with that drawings face for a while, like I couldn't tell if that was supposed to be her mouth and chin or nose and mouth.
No. 210947
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>>210921Oh, and look, she has a book… Sure to have a spot beside "Adulthood is a Myth" by Sarah Andersen in every basic obnoxious female college student's coffee table. Because soooo relatable amirite guise
No. 210949
>>210946> She spends 50% of her time whining about heartbreak caused by menGod I hate that shit. I understand dating can be a frustrating experience but try to have some self awareness. The woman is apparently 31 and is at the same time complaining about men who don't know what they want and men who want to settle down at the same time.
>>210947That face she draws angers me far more than it should.
No. 210950
>>210949>That face she draws angers me far more than it should.I think it angers you a justifiable amount.
What's with these people suddenly considering themselves to be illustrators with the minimum possible effort put into their illustrations…
No. 211072
>>211059It's a combination of a lot of things, like good artists aren't necessarily good at PR or marketing themselves, young artists may feel intimidated by advanced techniques/detailed drawings that are way out of their league (so watching videos will make them feel bad rather than have a sense of companionship like with mediocre/bad artist youtubers), or the good artists are too busy doing long projects to put out enough content (while shitty artists like H.C. Brown and Baylee can put out a vid a day because they don't actually look twice at what they draw).
Honestly it sucks, but it's understandable since being a popular artist is 50% art and 50% marketing. At least good artists can still sleep at night knowing they don't produce garbage and actually care about the craft.
No. 211124
>>211117Same. Her works are pretty much reek of same-face syndrome and she seems like she wouldn't try to draw faces with different facial features. Her "tips on drawing men" video
>>209508doesn't look like a man at all.
No. 211137
>>211129You mean like animated "storytime" vids?
imo I find those videos really cringey in general, especially that video you replied to. Also, I hate those kinds of videos as most of them reek of drama (and edge. Lots and lots of EDGE) and they pretty much get the most views.
Bonus points if it has something to do with art too such as: "ART TEACHERS VS. ANIME (+How Art History Proves Them WRONG!)", "JEALOUSY in the Art Community", "Art Block Controversy", "My Art Teachers HATE Anime And/Or Me", "What is "Real" Art?", "ART BATTLE: A$$HOLE TEACHER vs ME❤ Story Time with senpai ❤", "Why My Art Teacher's Negative Opinions Don't Matter".
I could rant all day about the "anime style" videos, but knowing that a lot of artists don't seem to bother actually learning their foundations (instead of making only "realistic" portraits to make their audience think they can do "realism") really riles me up because for them, making a "decent" portrait automatically makes you a good artist now and therefore "mUH aRT TeaCHER's opinION IS SHiT aND I shouLDN'T CARE ABOUT IT"
Also, put "sage" in email the next time you'd reply (do it in case you have nothing new to contribute to the thread). And welcome to lolcow, my dear anon.
>>209508I just realized that she disabled her comments in her video lmao
No. 211199
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>>211117So I screened through her IG and I see she can only draw girls with thicc brows and thicc lips (and the occassional dudes). Not that it's a bad thing but she should try drawing people with thinner lips/thinner brows so the subjects in her works would look a bit more diverse.
Also, pic related is she crying because her lip got stung by a bee?
No. 211203
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>>211117> especially the way she draws lips. it looks like it's immobileIt looks like a puffy asshole.
And this is irrelevant, but it seems like she used to be pretty cute, but obesity fucked her up.
No. 211709
>>211638Personally I like some her animations due to how smooth they are, but they are repetitive. She, in some ways, seemed like she had a bitchy personality.
On the other hand, has anyone heard of Kittydog? She seems like a nice person, but she has that "edgy Tumblr" personality and her art isn't good, either.
No. 211737
in regards to yeagar;
here is the stream:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mrm51s82hxUHer main response to critique was asking if we can do any better. Telling us to fuck off and other stuff. Apparently her viewers thought it was funny. Or at least the comments I saw flashing by thought it was funny. Also what ever male friend she had with her does drop nigga at one point. I don't expect anyone to watch the link but that is just a warning.
No. 211743
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>>211709Oh yeah, kittydog. Her art kinda reminds me of shinyeevee/pupom's old art.
No. 211754
>>211709Haven't seen much of kitty dogs personality but despite her subpar art I admire in the very least her animations
She's one of the few non lazy animation meme creators and she actually animates
No. 211755
>>211638She seems like she thinks her animation is top tier shit lmao
I mean it's okay but not that great tbh it's pretty obvious she cant animate extensive movement her animations look good because they are smooth but they don't have a lot of motion
No. 211756
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>>211754>lazy animation meme creatorsdid you mean sleepykinq
No. 211811
>>211806I believe that's an "animatic"
I don't linger on those channels, so it doesn't particularly grind my gears, but I can really understand where you are coming from with the annoyance.
No. 211828
>>211806>>211811pisses me off, too.
isn't the point of animatics to show a general concept of a finished product? animatics are pretty much the equivalent of thumbnails. if they can't produce finished products, they're not animating, they're just sharing fucking slideshows.
No. 211858
>>211811An animatic is a series of still pictures that convey a blueprint to the finishing product. They're used for timing, camera, and overall movement.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YcchrgJgryo This is an example of an animatic. What these YouTubers are doing are not in any way an animatic, I can't even classify what exactly they are as they seem to be in the middle of being an animatic and animation – so either a complex animatic or lazy animation (Most likely the latter).
>>211828I'm glad I'm not the only one.
>>211837Literally they can just call it a drawn vlog or something, it's not "animated" and you're not an animation channel if your characters barely even move or emote or even follow the principles of animation.
And as I mentioned above, they aren't animatics, just very lazy animation.
No. 211881
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Marreeps has a cute art style and all, but I don't understand why she has over 17800 watchers on deviantart. Everyone's face is literally the same, or at least very similar.
No. 211997
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>>211983Yeah you're not wrong, he does tween well.
Honestly my only beef with him is that I think his art style is getting a little weirder but whatever
How did you feel about the drama he went through?
No. 212021
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god reneesinnerirken is so fuckin trashy. she just shits some edge onto the characters of whatever fandom shes into and makes it into some shitty edgy drama till she gets bored of it and moves onto the next thing to infect
No. 212270
>>212245After watching a few videos where I liked her and was happy to find the channel, I found a critique video of hers where her first critique was basically a rant over the unexperienced person trying to make an overly detailed study. I stopped giving her any sort of credibility and didn't watch her anymore, I thought she lacked professionalism. Some people don't seem to see the fine line between being harshly honest and just being plain bitchy and that's not an attitude I expect from a so called instructor. I think she even talked a bit about a friend of her saying she should take it down a notch and being stubborn about it.
Also, while she's much better than Youtube "instructors" of the likes of Baylee Jae and company, she's still not good enough to be among other more serious instructors like Proko, Sycra and Sinix. And seems to have a bigger attitude problem.
Looking at some of the works on her website it looks like the work of a decent student, not the teacher.
No. 212294
>>212270but the whole point of studying is to master the basics. How can you move onwards to detailed art if you don't pull the brakes and learn the basics? You see that problem so many times on the internet, people get overambitious and place very high goals with very low skill sets.
Yeah she can be a bit intense but honestly after going to art school and having a teacher that basically called us unskilled idiots, istebrak is a walk in the park. She has no reason to be malicious or jealous unlike other youtubers who try to "teach" so just take what she says and learn from it. She's not doing those live streams to be friendly, she's doing it to teach.
No. 212319
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>>212294I'm not saying what she said was wrong, I completely agree you should focus on the basics before moving into more complicated things. Harshness does not bother me, what bothers me is that she sounds borderline whinny.
>so just take what she says and learn from it. She's not doing those live streams to be friendly, she's doing it to teach.I would, if her skill levels were proportional to the size of that teacher pedestal she puts herself on. Pic related, everything but the face looks like it was done by someone who barely started to have an idea of what to do. Dat left hand. That's in her online portfolio. She has better stuff in there but the fact that she'll add that plus a lot of floating faces already tells me she's not quite there yet.
I see no reason to lose time with her when you have people who are much better skillwise and actually give a crap about their own attitude instead of stomping their feet when people critique their ways. If she was the only option, I could sure look past her insufferable attitude, but since she is not -and again, against people who are clearly more skilled than her, I'll pass.
The same way I see people being snowflakes and bitching about any sort of critique, I see people in her comments excusing bad behaviour because they want to pretend like they are though and badass and kiss her ass.
No. 212480
>>212319Hm, I do see your point. Sometimes people are better teachers than artists. Like, looking at a piece or study and seeing what the problem is and knowing how to fix it is a valuable skill not many people have.
I actually am subbed to Sycra, although I think he's less a teacher and more.. just there. But it's been a while since I've watched a whole video in one go.
I feel like sometimes the Youtube artists (the quality ones) who try to make educational videos go on for way too long. It's gonna be hard to get taught properly through a Youtube video anyway, but I feel like they don't think their content through when you see a "How to X" and it's 35+ minutes long. I probably sound like I'm complaining- I won't fault you for that, but I guess I mean that they don't structure their thought process and plan ahead but they just turn on the camera with a vague idea of what they want to do and just roll with it.
No. 215576
>>210187Hey. I know who you’re talking about (me duh), but I’m not popular at all lol. Though my only existence is to be lol on and Fucks hating me for no given reason.
Love you ?
(necro) No. 215669
>>212330Not to the level that could be classified as animation really. I've watched Somethinglseyt, Jaidenanimations and Odds1out. Somethingelseyt just uses the same format they do, static poses with lots of mouth movement and a stiff arm move or something every once in a while – generally they're standing in place. It still can't REALLY be classified as an animation – to me. The only one I can see actually classifying as animation that's similar to that format is Domics. There have actually been a couple fully animated moments where we're not just watching the static figure.
I'm the same anon from the original post.
No. 227412
https://www.youtube.com/user/NerdyCraftsies/videoshttps://www.youtube.com/user/PolymomoTea/videosDoes craft youtuber count ? Some of them really try to jump on every trend like nerdEcrafter, she have skills but I feel like she really try to keep her tutorialeasy to make for kids or something
And in the same style there is polymomo tea making the same kind of shit but he doesn't always take the effort to make is pieces look great ( not removing the bubble for his resin, etc )
No. 294606
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Does anybody know who Draw with Jazza is? I've always disliked his art style due to personal preferences and I keep seeing his videos everywhere.