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No. 210752
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No. 210762
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>>210748>How can I get better?Doing studies (of photos, master paintings, real life, etc.), using underdrawings, drawing/sketching every day, and pic related. Also, not being too hard on yourself. The grind is frustrating, but if you practice a lot you'll see improvement quite soon and feel rewarded, then be motivated to continue (hopefully).
Though, I have the same problem. I don't draw as much as I want to because I let negative thoughts talk me out of doing it. It's self-sabotage. Gotta force yourself to slap away the doubt and draw.
No. 210764
>>210762Yeah, this. Just keep practicing and remember to draw from life (or maybe some realistic art like William Adolphe Bouguereau's stuff) and not your korean puppet shows or something. If you want to try something more stylized and ambitious, you should wait until you have a decent understanding of anatomy and perspective and shit first. It comes to some people slower than others, but it's always worth it in the end.
Lots of the artists in the bad art thread are still learning and instead of learning properly, they go straight to style and completely skip the boring technical stuff. That's usually why their art looks like shit (though that also has do do with their style being unoriginal and ugly).
might not be true for everyone, but I don't think I've seen any cases where it wasn't.
No. 210780
>>210748I believe the biggest issue you have here is mentality. Acquiring drawing abilities is something that takes years and years and tons of failures, so you have to be mentally prepared to accept failure all the time and move on. Your chances of making it as an artist are not going to go down by making bad drawings, they will, however, go down if you can't deal with the bad drawings.
We constantly compare ourselves to our artistic idols based on what they chose to show us, but sometimes we forget that behind those masterpieces are hundreds, thousands, millions of shitty drawings. The thing that sets them apart from us is not that they were blessed with some magical ability, but how they were capable of not letting bad drawings drag them down.
Also, don't fret over not having a shift of mentality in 30 minutes. It's also something which will take time and grow as you grow. We all have a few funks here and there where we feel bad about making shitty art. Just don't let it get to you too much. Just start somewhere, go make so bad drawings.
For the technical advice, don't run away from boring exercises. Besides books by authors like Andrew Loomis and George Bridgman, look up Proko's playlists on Youtube, like "Drawing Basics", or the extensive instructive video library on the website Ctrl+Paint.
Best regards, an Anon who thinks you can do it.
No. 210781
>>210778I think it depends on your situation. If you're young and broke, do it. Just remember to pay for your stuff when you're able to afford it.
I just recently started paying for Photoshop.
No. 210785
>>210765also: (very good video about principals of animation)
Here are some goof books about animation books I know:
The Animator's Sketchbook How to See, Interpret & Draw Like a Master Animator
The Animator's Workbook Step-By-Step Techniques of Drawn Animation
Animated Life A Lifetime of tips, tricks, techniques and stories from an animation Legend
pretty sure you can find them on amazon (or if you're not into spending the $$ just do some googling i'm sure someone out there uploaded them)
No. 210787
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Anyone from /las/ here?
No. 210788
>>210778>what do you guys think about pirating when it comes to art programs and things that are related to that? I pirated everything I have except for brushes, which I don't mind paying for. I'm not doing anything commercially nor do I post my art online so I feel like a non-entity. My college also has creative cloud available for the students to use so even if I didn't download the software I would just use a computer at school instead.
Like the other anon, I'll start paying once I'm in a decent financial position. For now I'm using an older version of cc that I know is compatible with all my brushes, whereas cc18 has a lot of new features that might not work with them.
No. 210792
>>210789Yeah, and photoshop 18 is also going to have a feature like lazy nezumi that removes the jaggedness from drawing strokes along with a brush box to organize tools.
I already have all of kyle's brushes and the brush box for 17 but all these additions make 18 worth paying for imo.
No. 210796
>>210792Crap, I already bought Lazy Nezumi…
Altho Lazy Nezumi has a few features other than stabilization, like straight line/diagonal rulers and circles and stuff.
No. 210799
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>>210798You can definitely just use HB if you want, but pencils are pretty cheap and I'd recommend picking up a few. My personal favortes are 4-6B pencils because they're soft and dark, and allow for more control over value.
I'd grab a few 3b-6b pencils personally.
No. 210801
>>210798there are super cheap sketching pencil kits with almost every pencil you'll possibly need in about every art store I've visited. you probably won't even need all of the pencils, but you'll have them just in case and they work just as well as the expensive singles sold by the bigger art brands.
>>210799, you'd probably get the most use out of the 3B-6B pencils.
it really does depend on how you feel using them, though. I know an artist that exclusively uses 4H-9H pencils. personally i think she's insane, but the results speak for themselves - it's what she finds most comfortable to use and she creates amazing pencil drawings. experiment.
No. 210805
>>210778>is it ok to ask for resources here?Of course.
> what do you guys think about pirating when it comes to art programs and things that are related to that? do you think it's wrong or are you like whatever?I use free software. But it's fine to pirate if you have no spare money. $30 a month is too much, imo.
No. 210808
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>>210806Yeah, i personally think it's great, especially for painting. A lot of free customizable brushed too.
No. 210821
>>210819Drawing from real life is preferable, but if all you have are pictures, it's much better than nothing.
Easier said than done, but have you tried staking out at a coffeeshop or restaurant trying to draw people?
No. 210824
>>210819If for some reason going out is too much of a hassle for you (I sure understand the feeling), try to do some exercises from paused videos. You'll get some more natural poses than the ones in most model pictures that way.
And as
>>210823 beat me to saying, drawing from life is not exclusively drawing people. Set up some still life in your room and draw it, it will be a good exercise.
No. 210827
>>210825I have this issue myself, anon.
I always get so self-conscious and worried when someone sees me drawing them.
I found what helps me is to try and draw as quickly as you can while their image is still in your mind every time you look up. Try to keep looking up to a minimum unless the image is completely gone.
This act of scanning and memory is actually what is taught in art schools and it really is helpful. It also keeps your lines loose and gestural because you're trying to quickly get down what you see instead of focusing on the details - which does not entirely help with improvement.
No. 210829
>>210825I also highly recommend Croquis Cafe. Their channel is full of different models of different body types, genders, themes and poses! What makes them stand out from the other figure drawing channels I've seen is they don't pause the model like a static image . When the model takes a pose, you can still see them subtly moving which makes it feel like a figure drawing class - which I've taken (and have found that these videos were actually so much better than the class sadly enough; the models my teacher supplied us with were boring in figure).
Use this for practice whenever you don't have the ability to go out and draw from life!
No. 210887
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What's your preferred art medium and why? I love coloring with copics but find stuff like watercolors too hard to control. It just ends up muddy
No. 210892
>>210887I love copics and especially brush markers overall. I also enjoy colored pencils (polychromos are my fav atm)
Trying to get in to digital art with an old wacom tablet but I just feel weird and bad, so more practice I guess
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Dumping some stuff, hope no one minds.
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Aaand, that's it from me for now.
No. 211444
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>>210787>>210813wtf what were your usernames??? i was a week 14, my username was Amoi. you can still search me up i think. I left because I did mostly studies, and idiots kept accusing me of tracing or painting over real photos when I wasn't. this is mine
No. 211473
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I see many like to draw people or characters with human features, does anyone else here draw animals?
I draw horses, dogs and birds. I really struggle with drawing realistic fur and horse manes, both on digital and on paper…
Pic is from my favorite potrait artist
No. 211565
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>>211473I love drawing animals, and draw a lot of house pets. A lot of people like drawing human subjects/studies, but I show a lot more of my own personal style and have fun when I sketch some animals.
There are a lot of good tutorials on drawing animals on youtube, escpecially for photoshopping or sai. It depends on what medium you want to use, but for me drawing animal fur was easiest with micron pens and stippling technique like
yuko higuchi, from above (also one of my inspirations)
No. 211570
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Does anyone know of any good art books out there? I just recently bought David Chelsea's Perspective book and I quite like it!
Also bought the Steven Universe Artbook (no bully pls) and it's really nice, the Backgrounds are especially gorgeous!
No. 211626
>>211557>>211563Sometimes they still sell older versions like this people seem to like Huion but I don't know how much I trust the reviews, and I didn't ever get to use one of them. Still, for 20 bucks it might be worth a try. No. 213623
>>213534Try keeping in mind that even if a drawing looks bad for starters in a new medium, it's not going to look shitty forever and the thing standing between a decent drawing and a shitty one is practice, so you might as well start now.
Alternatively, you could try different types of pencils which are harder to erase, like drawing with colored pencils (which also don't smudge as easily as graphite) to ease yourself into pencils.
As for cheaper markers, you can look on AliExpress for alcohol markers. I had a cheapy set before investing in Copics and they worked fine on getting me started. If I didn't have Copics nowadays I'd be buying Master Markers because they are pretty cheap for brush pen markers.
While it's true that those tools don't have a skill requirement as the other anon said, I wouldn't necessarily dive right into some expensive markers/tools unless you have a lot of spare money (and confidence) because it can mean you'll end up not using them much in fear of "wasting" the supplies. Copics really are pretty expensive for a non-archival medium.
No. 213897
>>213534if you're comfortable using ballpoint pens, use them. it's always beneficial to learn how to use different tools, but fuck anyone who tells you what to use and what not to use. whoever told you using pen is "not fine" is a dumbass. it's really about what you're most comfortable using. if right now you want to focus on practicing drawing without needing to get used to a new medium, you do you.
personally, i love using pen for practicing because when i use pencils i tend to rely on erasing to much and end up not getting anywhere. a pen forces me to think more before i place lines, and to fix my mistakes by drawing more sketches instead of just erasing and redrawing the one sketch over and over.
No. 213923
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>>213534Lots of people use ballpoints, but if you really want to challenge yourself you could move to ink pens. Fine liners and dip pens are cheap. Much less forgiving than pencil or ballpoint, but so much more impressive than a biro once you gain confidence and looks great paired with colour markers/inks/water colour
I had a look at cheap aliexpress markers like anon said and I think that even though they don't seem to blend well, they look ok for laying down blocks of flat colour.
I agree with others that you don't have to be amazing to splurge out on just a couple of copics though, just make sure that when you spend money on any art supplies that you really use them. You will never gain experience with a medium by being precious with it, really use that shit up or it's not doing you much good. This might also apply to
>>213446 No. 218850
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No. 219874
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I found 'drawing from the right side of the brain' incredibly useful. The most important part of becoming a better or more skilled artist comes down to observation. Instead of drawing what you think you're seeing, or the shorthand you're used to imagining, you have to look at real life.
This goes for everything from anatomy, local values, light, perspective, everything.
I'd also recommend watching Sinix Design on youtube, who does great videos on anatomy and the tricks your mind plays on you when you're trying to draw something.
Once you start to get a firm grasp on how your eyes talk to your brain and the shortcomings of that system, you can really begin LOOKING and SEEING what you're drawing, not just trying to 'fill in the blanks'.
I hope that helps - fyi I'm an illustrator, if you have other art questions feel free to ask. Pic related is a 2 hr piece I did for a tv series a long time ago, just so you don't think i'm full of shit.
No. 219877
>>219874First of all, that's a beautiful work of art. Everything about it is so calming and the sky looks real.
Secondly, thank you for your insight. I've been collecting enough info to start and told myself, if I don't start now then I might as well never and just now I saw your post.
Are there any other books you think that a beginner should read aside from the
Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain?
Are there any other youtube creators that might be usefull for a noob?
And since you're a pro and work in the industry which tools, hardware or software do you use on a daily basis?
Sorry for drowning you in questions.
No. 219888
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>>219877It's okay, getting started can be really hard.
I'd say the best place to start is something that doesn't require you to drop $$$ on it at first if this hobby fades in interest for you. Plus, starting with a basic pencil and paper is honest to god the best way to start drawing. It's only through time and skill that you translate the things you learned doing on paper into digital medium. Digital gives you a ton of extra steps you need to mentally adjust to - like, screen brightness, what format you save/draw in, blah blah blah. It's good to learn that stuff but right at the beginning, it's not necessary. is a stupid little link I pulled up on the first page of a google search, but tbh it's not wrong. The first and hardest thing to do is train yourself to observe things. Drawing is so hard at first because we're taught to 'see' things and how to interpret that, but not how to 'observe' and analyze things objectively. At least, not visually. The hardest part is learning to trust your eyes and put a lid on the part of your brain that wants to 'organize' or 'make it right'.
eg: eyes are halfway between the top of your head and your chin. Really really, they are like smack dab in the halfway point. But we don't mentally think of peoples eyes being the halfway point, we think of eyes as being large or further up the head (scalp, hairline and the rest of the skull that isn't face are still there we just mentally ignore those details).
You're really going to have to train the brain out of assumptions.
From the technical standpoint, there's a lot of repetitive exercises designed to loosen up your hand-eye coordination and/or get you started with using a pencil in a way that isn't 1 universal pressure, one direction, ect ect. that I'd add, when it comes to pencil strokes ect, it's always better to do a confident line wrong than a nervous/hairy line right. If you aren't confident people tend to do shorter strokes, looking for the 'right' line but it just adds noise to the drawing. actually don't want many youtubers and when I do, I usually watch videos of time lapse drawings that have music over them instead of the artist explaining themselves. I've found watching them work through visual problems and going "oh, huh I didn't know why they were doing that but there you go" to be very helpful. Some tricks artists use don't translate into words very well but when you SEE someone do it, it makes sense.
Hope some of this helps and wasn't a mess of half-thought out ideas anon. Bonus, what's Mariah Carey's' favourite type of coordination? HANND EYYYYYYEEEEEEEE
No. 219976
>>219888Thank you so much. This is a nice detailed advice on how to start. I'll make sure to post my progress in a few months.
Lots of love and happy new year!
No. 220653
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Does anyone here create pixel art? I would really like to get started, alas I have zero experience in drawing. I would just like to know how much will it take for me to get to a decent level and which tools I need to have for creating such art. Of course, any additional advice is appreciated.
Gif related is something I aspire to do one day!
No. 220703
>>220653Uh you have to know how to draw to draw in pixels sooo id say learning to draw is step 1
To answer your question it'll take you as long as it'll take to draw that good
No. 220721
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>>220703>>220708Thanks. It was silly of me to ask a question like that before doing a proper research. I've been following a tutorial just of now and I'll start learning how to draw.
Pixel art is so comfy.
No. 226205
>>226191Honestly? Get a tumblr. I found out about most popular things from there.
For anime you can also check MAL
I personally have found that drawing fanart didn't help me as much on instagram than it did on other platforms, I noticed that celebrity/YouTuber fanart does really well though. Make sure to be active on other artists' accounts and comment on their pictures (don't leave obnoxious "check out my account!!" comments of course), either they or people in their comments will check out your profile and follow if they like your art, plus it's good to make friends.
No. 226232
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>>226191>I'm looking into drawing from any popular series to see if it helps up my follower count.Don't. You're going to burn out pretty quickly. And the more you'll think about it, the worse it will get. Find a balance between things you like/want to draw and marketable. Follow a lot of blogs/profiles and interact with other people. Find some art friends, if possible. Just put yourself out there as much as you can.
No. 226815
>>226811Not the other anon, but drawing wise, it blows Photoshop out of the water. Some of the custom brushes out there are incredibly life-like, and pen's responsiveness only adds to that feeling.
But unfortunately, I find painting on it to be a lot more of an uphill battle than with Photoshop/Clip Studio paint (latter being my preference).
Procreate's also not a photo editor, so if you rely on a lot of transforming or intensive editing, you're going to have to adjust a lot.
I don't really notice that much of a difference between the glassy surface and a matte protector unless I'm inking.
No. 226817
>>226815Can you download brushes for it? I’m not
>>226811 but I’ve just started using Procreate and getting used to it. I’m really enjoying it so far.
No. 227432
>>227402Okay, laziness is actually a difficult topic because it matters more why you are lazy. It could be a lack of motivation, in which case you need to make the activity more exciting/rewarding or conversely by adding deadlines to add a bit of pressure. Setting large goals to achieve can help. Studying is a lot more fun when you can picture that light at the end of the tunnel and why your baby steps matter.
That or laziness could be a mental health issue. Depression, anxiety, stresses outside of art, and anything else can hide itself as laziness. And if you get a sense that something feels off in that regard, talk to a doctor if possible.
Even if it is just motivation trouble coaching and counsellors can really help since they can offer more personalize approaches to help.
Best of luck! I've been there.
No. 228672
>>227400 said, there can be a lot of factors into it.
First of all, consider what you want to achieve. Break it down into smaller goals and try to set realistic deadlines to get your butt to work.
I myself have recently become a fan of the Pomodoro technique, despite having disliked and failed at it in the past. If you're willing to try, I'd recommend starting slow, having a 20-30min session and slowly adding to it. I had that habit of trying to juggle doing a bunch of things at the same time, now I'm trying to give each task a decent amount of focus. It may seem daunting and annoying at first, but after you get the hang of it, productivity becomes addictive.
No. 241100
>>240983Yeah, you're right. I should just get on to it. Is it okay if I post some of my beginner drawings here
for other to laugh or should I create a new thread for beginner's art critique?
My main interests are medieval armor and some things from the fantasy world and some games.
No. 263301
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I'm currently practising drawing negative space only and it feels so difficult. How do you do it? I don't think I've mastered the r-mode of thinking.
No. 264041
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So, I really would like to tip my toes into digital drawing. Any tips for a starter pack for somebody like me that has absolute no idea where to start and what kind of supplies I need? And how much money I should at least invest in some decent stuff?
I already own several Adobe Programms but never uses any of them to create art.
>>264031I would say Twitter, Instagram and tumblr
No. 264045
>>264041I'm interested in this too.
I was thinking of getting myself a beginner Huion tablet within the $50 range to start with, and get myself a Udemy course on digital drawing.
I'd like to hear other opinions on it.
No. 264083
>>264031all the relevant ones
tumblr, instagram, twitter, deviantart
and artstation if you're not really beginner and looking for potential clients
No. 264088
>>264041>>264083Make them all at once or get some following on one, and make the others?
How do you even get noticed on twitter? I have never used it before but i feel like its better to make it when you have some following
No. 267285
>>264041 and I bought a graphic tablet the other day. It does what it should do and overall I'm happy with it BUT it's still feel really - unnatural to me?
So I wondered: Any tips how to get used to draw and make art on a graphic tablet? Any ideas how to feel comfortable with it and be better in drawing lines etc.?
I knew that it was nothing like drawing on paper but at times I feel like a completely idiot tbh
No. 267332
>>267285there's a huge disconnect between hand and eyes on a typical tablet. it takes a long time and a lot of practice to get used to but plenty of artists achieve great results with it. you'll get there!
for me it was just such an unenjoyable experience even after 10 years of using a Wacom intuos 3. since getting a tablet with a screen I enjoy digital artwork much more…but that's just me.