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No. 2085845
A thread for the daft, the dim, the silly, and the merely confused.
Previous thread:
>>>/ot/2065903Please follow all global rules and remember to report and ignore bait: avoid infighting.
If you want to ask random questions and hear other anons’ personal answers, check out the Random Questions thread instead. This thread is more for asking silly questions and getting concrete answers.
No. 2085909
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How do I seduce someone over the phone? Or flirt, I guess? I still want some plausible deniability though.
No. 2085932
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French nonnas, explainez vous si vous plâit, what was Macron even trying to do?
>Far right/populists get more seats in parliament
>Far left/parties to the left of Macron's get more seats
>Macron's party loses the majority government
I don't know that much about French politics, so maybe I'm getting something wrong, but I sometimes see that meme formular of apologizing to Macron for doubting him, and I don't get it. What did he win by doing this?
Is he just mad about people not liking him and trying to kamikaze the country on purpose?
No. 2085976
>>2085971And the women who don’t do that shit still sexualize their female characters, there’s no winning. It’s so tiring seeing women creating generic usually ugly) burqua’d moid characters (if they’re Anglo add a dash of wokeshit/fatness/etc) while the women are attractive boobie princesses
>>2085973Yaoi and joseimuke while I like both humanize their male characters too much. They usually dress pretty prudish as well, the majority of joseimuke is maledom slop and never focuses on domming the moid sadly
No. 2085980
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>>2085976be like me and learn to draw and code to make your own slop
No. 2085983
>>2085975This is very true. Derail but my friend who is a 10/10 gigastacy spends hours taking care of herself putting on makeup wears revealing clothing yadda yadda settles for 3/10 black moids because they have a big dick and are tall, like holy shit. They’re usually pieces of shit too who treat her poorly
>>2085980Don’t worry I’m on the drawing part already, I wish you luck.
No. 2086023
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>>2085965Yeah, it truly is annoying. I want more of those long-banged faceless POV protagonists like scrotes have.
No. 2086141
>>2086135Ayrt and
>I don't want to hear a scrote's opinion on my breasts.Completely agree, it’s irritating from either sides hearing their opinions on small boobs, like I don’t care if you think small tits are a symbol of youth or unwomanly or whatever scrotes like to repeat ad nauseum
>>2086138Reminds me of this tim I knew who would routinely harass me because I have “no tits and a flat ass” but at the end of the day it was probably jealousy because he’s 6ft and built like a mason jar while I am short and unmistakenly have the body of a woman.
Also his bf would hit on me and he was aware of it and didn’t care kek. Sad and disturbing No. 2086239
>>2086215From what I've experienced back when I was a fat kid, and from observing my fat brothers, it sometimes starts in childhood with parents letting their kids eat suagr and carbs as much as they want and not eat vegetables and protein, so they get used to that as "food" and when they grow older, it's hard for them to eat anything that isn't sugary and greasy. I had instincts to eat vegetables and protein on my own though and eventually lost all the weight when I stopped eating snacks, processed foods, copious amounts of carbs, fried food, sugary drinks etc., while my brothers still eat that stuff and prefer them over homecooked food. And when they do eat homecoming, they eat double the servings because they're just used to eat a lot of snacks and fast food and need more calories to feel satiated. They also don't move at all, playing PS games or scrolling social media 24/7, so their calories aren't being actively burned and they store the fat.
No. 2086246
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>>2086215Coming from a vet medicine side of things, it's likely a lot of under diagnosed conditions such as retentions, hormonal disorders, thyroid, etc. it doesn't help there's a weird "metabolism doesn't exist" push and people literally advertising to others to not get properly medicated and that humans are just too stupid to track their calories correctly, which can be the case for some but I highly doubt it's the case for every single person reporting such only because animals have similar issues and you can't really accuse a hypothyroid cow of putting too much butter in their hay and not adding it to the calorie tracker properly
No. 2086271
>>2086263do you mean this as in actual, documented cows with threads of their own, or just having plenty of cowish traits?
Either way, the answer is 100 percent. Every anon you've ever spoken to has just been Kiki Kannibal using a different IP address.
No. 2086282
>>2086239 said, as well as ultra processed foods. The lack of education surrounding nutrition, endless HAES and inclusivity retardation rotting the minds of impressionable kids who think it's possible to need industrial equipment to get out of bed and be healthy at the same time, and the ease of ordering food online instead of making it at home.
Counting calories is way harder than you might think, since calories on food packaging can legally be up to 20% less than the actual calories. So if you think you're eating 1500 cals of 'healthy' processed food, you might be eating 1800 calories of food with the same nutritional content as a brick. Plus, accurate portion measurements are insane. Most people watching their diet will pick a 'healthy' cereal to start the day, assume that one portion is one bowl, and not realize that they've had like 3 portions in one go. Add that up throughout the day and their 1800 calories turns into 2500 calories, and it's no wonder their calorie counting isn't working.
And then there's the dangers of food you buy, whether at a fast food place or a restaurant or ordered on an app. There's so much extra grease, fat and carbs even on food that seems super healthy at first. It's incredibly difficult to make the switch from buying ready made food to cooking at home. I've given up on a lot of friends who were dieting but had cheat meals every other day, and their idea of cooking at home was buying frozen and microwave meals. Getting someone like that to put a vegetable in their food was like getting a toddler to do algebra. At the end of the day, if someone wants to lose weight so badly that they commit to the genuinely difficult lifestyle changes that weight loss requires, they will.
No. 2086315
>>2086215whole bunch of reasons
>bad food / habits in household growing up >lack of knowledge about good eating habits>lack of nutritional content in food people overconsume >attaching bad habits to eating food, such as comfort/boredom eating or drinking alcohol to socialize>heath conditions that affect what people can eat or their ability to be mobile and burn calories sometimes people are also just unaware of how many calories they eat or what's in their food….I found pancake mix at a store recently with over 700mg of sodium in a serving. Not everyone is going to glance at that information before buying pancake mix.
No. 2086322
>>2086301You type like you have brain damage. It would be embarrassing if you're actually an adult. I won't get into women with genuine disabilities that keep them in wheelchairs or in beds, or hormone disorders like PCOS, since I'm sure you you already think you know the answer to their problems, but I will bring up that obesity is strongly correlated with sexual assault.
>Of the patients seeking gastric banding or gastric bypass surgery at Syracuse's Upstate Medical University since it began its bariatric program in 2002, "at least 20 percent of them have been victims of abuse, often sexual," said program director, Dr. Howard Simon.>Other factors in the connection between child sexual abuse and obesity, along with eating disorders, might include a desire to “de-sexualize” to protect against further abuse, as well as a range of psychiatric conditions>Childhood sexual abuse is remarkably common and is thought to affect up to one-third of women and one-eighth of men.>by mean age 24, women with documented histories of sexual abuse were more than twice as likely to be obese as their non-abused peers. when you're older you'll understand why other people who have different lives than you and actually have problems in their lives struggle so much with their body. If you're under 18, it's your lack of experience of the world, but if you're really an adult, you have an empathy deficit. Sure, some obese people are simply lazy addicts, but you tend to learn when you're an adult that people are individuals, and two people can have different reasons for being obese.
No. 2086339
>>2086322are you retarded lmao most of americunts are obese you can't tell me most of them are sexual abuse
victims or disabled. or have health issues.
(infight bait) No. 2086349
>>2086339>can't readIt says right there that 1/3 of women experience CSA. Stats range between 1/3 to 1/4 of US women experience CSA. Add the adult rape statistics of 1/6 women experiencing attempted or actual rape. Are you retarded? Do you leave the house? Sexual assault isn't exactly uncommon. 42% of American women are obese. It's entirely possible over half of them are
No. 2086433
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>>20864155% is really strong. That's way up on the high end of how strong they get.
you could try the batman's wife method
No. 2086986
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What’s the best cat litter for covering up the stinky poops? I’m using the basic cheapey one but I want one that will help with the terrible smell.
No. 2086993
>>2086986pine pellet if you get the pellet system litter box or make your own litter is pellet shaped and doesn't clump. when moisture hits it (cat piss) it breaks apart and falls down through the holes. toss the poop up top and toss the pissy smelly litter underneath and keep the whole pellets that are left and smell like pine. easy peasy.
if your cat's litter smells super crazy bad you might want to change their diet or something.
No. 2087016
>>2087008>>2087007Nope just never thought about this specific aspect of being a stripper before sorry
>>2087006Yeah like imagining having an involuntary orgasm due to grinding on a customer, and what that might be like afterwards and moving on from it, (only to do it again a few more times? Idk I've never been a stripper) sounds like it would be extremely fucked up and exhausting.
No. 2087036
>>2087025I don't think strippers are actually thinking that the scenario is hot, I'm pretty sure most of them are thinking about how to make the most money so they don't get kicked out from their apartments and such. So I really doubt that even with the whole physical grinding, even if it was directly against the clitoris, they would manage to reach an orgasm because 1, the moids are always hideous and gross, 2, I don't think you can feel sexy and empowered while being treated like a piece of plastic that will be discarded later, 3, I really doubt any stripper is into that for fun and most of them must be very depressed, to the point that the whole thing doesn't make them feel aroused.
Actually, this makes me wonder just how can strippers have boyfriends and such, I would just rather die than do anything sexual after being sexually exploited.
No. 2087067
>>2087065Maybe it's because women with male roomates will complain about them more, so you're actually just experiencing a type of information bias, you hear more about male roomates so you believe most anons have male roomates when in reality the complainers just have male roomates and the ones with female roomates don't complain.
Me persoanlly I've only ever heard complaints about roommates from female friends who roomed with all males, whereas I who has only had female room/flatmates don't complain.
No. 2087550
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Anons who work and live on their own, do your parents know how much you earn? Am I rude if I don't want to disclose it to them?
No. 2087637
>>2087550My first lease needed a guarantor. Sat down and did the maths with my mom just so she knew it wouldn't come to them chasing her up. A track record of never hitting em up for money has bought me privacy since. During that first lease though I would've understood any follow up questioning.
My brother is bad with money, asks for help alot and cant explain where his (decent job) wages are going exactly. If you're not hitting them up for money or they didn't co-sign anything then they've no cause to really insist on knowing.
No. 2087737
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>>2087724Tattoos inject ink into the dermis level of the skin. The epidermis is constantly shedding, and eventually the dermis sheds its cells too, which is why tattoos eventually fade. UV rays also destroy the ink pigment over time. They shave you beforehand. Most people just let their hair keep growing over their tattoo areas, like a leg tattoo would have leg hair still growing. I don't think the tattoo needles affect the hair follicles.
No. 2087835
>>2087724I've got three tattoos on my left leg (one at the ankle, two at the thigh), but I'm not an excessively hairy woman
if I shave/epilate, I stop at the knee so no shaving was required for me for the procedure, and they're still all very visible.
But like nonna
>>2087737 said, the only damage that can be done on the ink and/or skin is UV light (hence why you're not supposed to stand in the sun with a freshly made tattoo)
, and of course any damage to the deep layers of the skin like second or third degree (acid) burns, deep cuts, excessive skin stretching etc.
No. 2087994
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What's the art in this banner from?
No. 2089133
>>2089118God forbid I don’t want to live in this shithole country. I genuinely don’t know why some Americans get so offended when you point out our country is fucking awful
>>2089116Sadly I don’t think moving states is gonna change americas beyond retarded politics
No. 2089204
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>>2089181Oh, so that's why I love the smell of onions and mud…
No. 2089281
>>2087080>What's the point of emotions like anxiety feeling like physical pain?Anxiety makes you alert to your surroundings and makes you plan ahead.
Pain makes it so you don't do things that harm your body, and if those things happen you pull away to prevent further damage.
No. 2089346
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is it too childish or weird to put a small stuffed miffy charm on my day-to-day backpack that i use when i go to and from work (i have an office job)? picrel is the charm and it's about 10 cm. my backpack is very masculine and gigantic kek so the charm doesn't look huge or anything on it.
No. 2089373
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When people say to put salt in water for electrolytes, is table salt fine?
No. 2089451
>>2089422Nah, those things are only asked if you wanna open a bank account or work legally (obviously) wherever in the EU you're moving to from your country of origin. Otherwise no authority or company on site gives a shit, as long as you have some sort of bank account in the EU and/or an ID from country from the EU.
The rest is kinda up to you if you wanna be transparent or not, I moved away from my EU country of origin in 2017 and only ever mentioned a change of address to my bank "at home" this year, and only after an unsuccessful phishing attempt was made on that bank account.
No. 2089547
>>2089083If you can't get citizenship by descent (like if your grandparents were naturalized as US citizens) you can learn German and get your bachelor's in Switzerland/Germany/Austria basically for free. I guess French as well.
Once you have a local degree, I think you have 1 year to find a job and can become a citizen shortly after (in Germany at least).
No. 2089607
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>>2089587You could try tying the bed to your waist with some rope and then drag it upstairs, if you fall, you will fall on the bed, right?
No. 2089610
>>2089607>>2089607Oh did anon mean the mattress? You should be able to drag or push that up yourself on the long side like
>>2089604 said.
No. 2089612
>>2089587Is it the mattress or the frame?
If it's the frame deconstruct it and assemble it upstairs. Try get an electric drill, any cheap one will do. Using a hand screwdriver is pain incarnate.
For the mattress. Push it, don't pull then gin, Red Bull and lots of swearing is all I can recommend.
No. 2089619
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>>2089587If it's just the mattress, it should have handles on the sides that allow you to pick it up and move it
No. 2089751
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>>2089684If you have absolutely no way of getting help I have a method of getting heavy stuff upstairs that I've used before. It was for an Ikea dresser but it should work here. Red is the sides of the stairs, black is the mattress, blue is either a rope or bungie bands.
>1 Tie one side of the rope to something sturdy ala the top left. Tie it as hard as possible. >2 Wrap it around the bottom the mattress and then on top of something else sturdy. Like the top right. I wrapped it around one of the stair banister struts but if it's not solid then if might break>3 Wrap the end of the rope around your hand >4 Retard run as hard as you can to push it up the stairs. Once it's up pull and wrap the rope around your hand so it wont come back down. >5 Repeat step 4 until it's up the stairs and contemplate why people really need to have a second floor in their house. No. 2090063
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>>2089346You could comprise with a small metal charm like picrel.
No. 2090064
>>2089083It's very easy. Anyone that's telling you otherwise is just angry they can't do it so they make up lies about how "hard" it is to leave to relieve their own ego-stress. If you're 18, you're just at the start of your life. If you really want to emigrate, it's important to take yourself seriously & remember that everything you aren't changing, you're choosing. It's not gonna be quick, but if you make a plan and stick with it for the next few years. If you really work hard and diligently and avoid distractions, you could probably be out of the USA by age 22 or 23.
For the next year, work 2 jobs and save up all the money you can. At least 50% saved from one job, 100% from the other. After the first year, you can quit the 2nd job, but for the first year while you're young you have to push yourself and work your ass off to make money. This year of work is the foundation to your plans. As you save money, go to the bank and ask to make a savings account that you can invest with. Most banks will offer a free investing seminar for clients where you can learn about how to invest your money. The younger you start fiddling with stocks, the better. Don't be discouraged by people saying "oh, you're too young!" or "oh, you need millions to make money in the stock market!" because it isn't true. If you know any older people around you that are interested in finances, ask them about stocks and ask them for help, they'd be glad to share their thoughts. Invest 30-40% of your savings into stocks options with strong dividends or growth. To leave the country, you should have at least $30,000 saved by the time you're 22 and a globally-accepted credit card with a limit of up to $10,000. It seems like a lot of money, but it takes a lot of money to start up fresh somewhere new.
In this year, plan out where you'd like to move, what it's like there, what the rent is like, the job market, safety, etc.. Once you decide on a place, look into visa options for that country or employer sponsorships. Most countries will offer a list of "needed" jobs that will expedite your chances at obtaining a work visa. E.g., in the USA, architects are a sought-after job so it's easier to apply for a work-visa if you have architect experience, and you're more likely to be accepted on the condition of your profession. All countries are different, but usually some shared professions between them are medical technologists (like radiologist techs, hospital techs, etc.), teachers, scientists, nurses. You can usually find these profession lists on government websites under work-visa pages.
After a year of saving, using some of the money you saved, attend a community college near you that offers cheap tuition to get a diploma for one of these aforementioned jobs. Most programs will only take a year or two, so it's a very quick process. Don't attend a well-known college or anything, just the cheapest accredited option. While in college for your main diploma, try to learn Spanish as well. It's best if you become fluent in Spanish before you reach the age of 22. After you graduate, get a job in the field as quickly as you can. Since the pay-grades of these types of job are usually higher, this will become your main income for the next bit of your plan. You will want to work at this job for at least a year with no issues before you start looking at job-postings overseas.
When you're looking at places to work, forget Europe or Canada. The best option for Americans looking to leave is a stable and secure country in Latin America with high standards of living, like: Uruguay, Chile, or Panama. You'd be close to home, your US$ savings would be strong, great weather, strong job markets, and a standard of living very comparable to the USA. That's why I strongly recommend that you learn Spanish as soon as you can. The visa requirements for these countries are also very light for Americans, and the work-visas (and after you have one of those, residency permits) are easy to get. Once you're ready, start reaching out to job-listings in these countries and looking for a job. If you have any questions throughout the whole process, contact an immigration lawyer in the country you're looking to move to. Usually their fees are much lower than American immigration lawyers, and they're more versed in their national immigration laws. After you get a job offer and your work-visa and residency permit settled out, all that's left to do is actually emigrate. Have a good-bye party and pack your essentials, and hop on the plane.
No. 2090186
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how do i get rid of this error? all i want to do is remove the date and other info from an image, which i normally do by going to the image properties but now i get this message all of a sudden.
i already googled solutions and tried them, still didn't work. i'm the only one in charge of my computer so who do i need permission from? i made sure the "full control" option for my user was checked under the folder properties too, went to the security section, all that, still get this message
No. 2090472
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>>2089373No, you don’t want to put table salt in your water. I recommend getting a trace mineral seawater complex, this is a blend of magnesium, potassium, sodium, chloride, sulfate, and boron. This is very hydrating. It is recommended to drink 4 droppers full a day, in a liter of water. 1ml dropper full to 1 litre of water, 4 times a day
No. 2091048
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Imagine yourself and 500grams of sliced ham on a hot summer day like it is today. When the wind blows on your skin it feels good and not as hot as when the wind is still. The wind also blows on the ham. Does the ham spoil later when the wind blows on it and sooner when it's still? It's still the same amopunt of degrees but since the wind makes YOU feel like it's less deegrees and feels nicer, does it affect the ham's condition too?
No. 2091132
>>2091129Next time you autistically stare at each other, smile at him.
If you're really autistic, make sure you practice your flirty-sexy smile for a few hours in the mirror until you're happy with the expression you'll pull. If he's receptive, do it twice more, and on the third time invite him over to talk with a little wave-gesture. Then just chit chat for a bit and flirt. It's not that hard you just have to put the charm on.
No. 2091201
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>>2091195How big are they? I'm picturing roma tomato size. Personally I would make a lasagna with 10-15 of them (could freeze portions for later if it's just you eating), make a salsa with another 10 or so (that will keep for a week easily), make a tomato-heavy salad like panzanella, blend them and make fresh bloody marys (it's seriously next-level when you use fresh tomatoes for that), and by that point they should be all gone.
No. 2091362
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Why is it always the ugliest men who are into "phenotypes?"
No. 2091378
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>>2091362He looks like that guy in desperate housewives who murdered those girls but Lynette didn’t care and made him deliver her baby on the couch
No. 2091753
>>2091746It depends what you want from him
nonnie, but usually stroking their ego too much isn't good for them, they just think they are hot shit and discard you after a while. (He also might think you are a slut if you show any sexual desire at all, that depends on the moid though) But being honest to yourself is always good. Maybe give him some milder compliments if you really want to fuck.
No. 2091767
Is this a good enough guide for serving being submerged in pee for 2 mins??: Okay so ur stuck in pee and u gotta survive, no time to freak out just act fast or ur toast. First, plug ur nose or the smell will mess u up, cant afford to be dizzy now. Hold breath too if u can, avoid inhaling the toxic fumes. The amonia is bad for u, very bad. Next, float if possible. Pee is liquid so u can swim in it, kinda gross but survival first, yknow? Keep ur mouth shut too, none of that getting in. If its deep, find the edges, try to get out. Use anything floaty to stay above the surface, even ur clothes if needed.
If u can reach any clean water, rinse asap. Amonia burns, its bad for skin, can cause blisters. If stuck too long, move slow to avoid splashing more. Mental game strong, keep focused on getting out. Visualize clean places, think of showers. U will get out, just stay calm and keep head above. Avoid panic or itll be worse.Remember this moment, tell no one, keep ur dignity, survive.
No. 2091871
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When you see a youtube thumbnail with a female avatar do you
>automatically assume its a tranny
>think its a real woman
i have clicked on some many videos with femal avatars that ended up being trannies they just filter me automatically nowadays. It sucks because i make youtube videos with a female avatar and i wonder if other people think the same when they see my thumbnails…
No. 2092207
>>2092192I just find it so dishonest, at least someone bisexual is bisexual, at least moids who are in the closet are in the closet. Don't play in my face about liking men with wigs but swear it's not gay. It's just fucking weird.
When men are into actual women, they never have a issue showing their attraction, so the fact they are so touchy about transgenders isn't because "Society" it's because they know it's not straight. They don't need to know what a woman is when it's time to have kids or talk about our bodies/sexualize us.
No. 2092313
>>2092186If they're built anything like my bathroom bin with a battery-operated lid (manual bag tying), they should hopefully last for years.
Might also be dependent on bag size/thickness as to how well it works.
No. 2092567
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This is not how the handle of a bag should be finished, right? I'm worried about this handle being easily damaged and probably ripping apart at some point, but I don't know how to fix this, what do i do? (can't return it either, it's a gift)
No. 2092573
>>2092192>"female presenting woman"Maybe he just didn't know the official newspeak for cis woman.
>>2092567That looks like PVC to me. I know there's some kind of goop people use to cover raw edges on real leather bags, but I wouldn't worry much about PVC since it's probably going to fall apart eventually anyway. But I guess you could.
No. 2092820
>>2092807First of all, I'm so sorry this is happening. It makes me fume that there hasn't been any justice for you. I hate that you have to live with this trauma hanging over you while he lives free. I hope you can heal from this ♥
>i thought about extorting money from himDo not do this. While cops don't gaf about rape
victims, but they would about this crime and now you've posted about it to the internet. Easy to trace back to you. Trying to get him fired and ruining his reputation is a better path as its not illegal. Be careful not to make any defamatory statements, though. Do you have a lawyer or means to hire one?
No. 2092829
>>2092807your desire is understandable but fucking with him isn't going to achieve anything but handing him the opportunity to frame himself as an innocent
victim and you as an unhinged crazy liar. in the event that you are able to pursue legal action against him you'll only be damaging your own case. you could even end up facing charges yourself if you try to pull some revenge act that only works in the movies and fictional reddit posts.
No. 2092833
>>2092815i don’t live in the us (i used high school as like an equivalent) but there’s a teacher shortage here too, these monsters shouldn’t be allowed near minors or any women whatsoever
>>2092820thank you nonna, i appreciate you greatly. you’re right, the extortion part was more my being emotional than anything i think im way too meek to pull that off either way. i do have a lawyer who’s been employed to help and assist me and has informed me about how the police is doing with my case (aka not doing anything, they haven’t even touched it). she’ll also be present at court if it were to ever get that far (doubt).
>>2092829you’re right nonna, this revenge fantasy thing is really naive to even consider. i just boiled over just now, i try not to think about it because its too painful and then i bottle it up and eventually have a meltdown like this. i’ve calmed down a bit now.
thank you for grounding me, nonnas.
No. 2092930
it's not all of them, just a random handful
No. 2092996
>>2092947Is he a gassy person in general?
Can you honestly say you've never done the same or when masturbating?
The motions can stir up the gas.
No. 2093093
>>2089083>>2089083Why would you want to move out of a country that
>has the strongest economy in the world >so many job opportunities>can purchase a detached house with a backyard>low income tax>is so vast you have so many options where you can liveSome of you Amerilards really need to spend less time on twitter if you thinking living there is that bad.
No. 2093121
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What do these two flags mean?
No. 2093156
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>>2093125I think right is omnisexual
No. 2093164
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why the fuck would they need to make marion collard so ugly as edith piaf
No. 2093165
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>>2093164bc edith piaf was ugly
No. 2093171
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>>2093164she literally just has on the same exact style of makeup
>>2093165she wasnt ugly at all, fashion was just different then; thin eyebrows and red lips were all the rage
No. 2093184
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>>2093179my bad nonna here it is, like a nice shiny cueball
No. 2093190
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>>2093178auyrt i literally didn't say a word about laugh line or botox or wrinkles, you're making up a strawman to get mad at. i'm just not a fan of this kind of birdlike physique.
although the styling sure doesn't help, the super thin eyebrows they had in the 30s and 40s were extremely unflattering and ruin facial balance imo.
No. 2093279
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>>2093272have you tried those deterrents for your fingers like picrel? i know you said besides wearing nail polish but tbh the only thing that made me stop was getting my nails done at the salon and wearing acrylics for a while, i don't get them done anymore but ive stopped biting altogether
No. 2093435
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Alright fellow Femcels, what movie should I watch
No. 2093438
>>2093435This is just a "female anger" movie chart and I'm tired of the word
femcel being used for that purpose. It makes it sound dumb. My rec for today for you is Black Swan though just because I've been thinking about it recently.
No. 2093439
>>2093436True but also
>>2093435I haven't seen Neon Demon for awhile so I'd choose it over the rest based on my own current feelings.
No. 2093440
>>2093435i believe a true
femcel cannot relate to the hollywood film woman's experience, so there's no such thing as
femcel movies. at least not this mainstream crap.
No. 2093444
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>>2093440Zoomers love larping as ""
femcels"" because it makes them feel like picrel.
No. 2093445
>>2093435>femcelsI hate this word so much.
>we are like incels but gurlsFuck off
No. 2093447
>>2093435god I hate the term
femcel even implying women are capable of being on the level of incels is a crime
No. 2093448
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>>2093435if you want to watch a movie about an actual
femcel watch this one
No. 2093478
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>>2093435are "
femcels" the new version of this?
No. 2093486
>>2093435Movies that "
femcels" like:
>Movies about having sex with men>Movies about women suffering>Movies about having sex with men while sufferingNonnies:
>Where are the movies about male ryona No. 2093488
File: 1721177905055.jpg (93.35 KB, 735x739, 17dd32370dbafbe1444c016f6c2c38…)

If femcels aren't real then why did you get a bingo
No. 2093496
File: 1721178265872.jpeg (724.25 KB, 1284x1261, IMG_4598.jpeg)

>>2093488As an actual
femcel this is a terrible bingo list made by some poser bitch or moid
No. 2093497
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>>2093488No such thing, only Stacies browse this website
>>2093496Don't reply to bait
No. 2093892
>>2093488…so a
femcel is an autistic woman?
No. 2094239
>>2094094But like
how does it feel? Is it a mental thing or an actual reality?
does it feel like when you rub your clit but inside your vagina? No. 2094241
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No. 2094245
File: 1721235968890.gif (2.64 MB, 550x550, reverse burpee.gif)

>>2094144squats and burpees (good for working on your explosive upward movement muscles because you basically jump from a squad as part of the movement). try variations like
reverse burpees too (picrel)
No. 2094312
>>2094086I spent 6 years in a relationship where att I would've described it similarly. I wasn't against making friends but moreso didn't have motivation to because I was pretty quiet, someone who doesn't need a whole lot of social interaction and having him already felt like enough. Idk if you have a good family set up at least but I didn't and my god did my world feel ripped out from under me when I was so blindsided with a break up. Loneliest I've ever felt. All over a break up. The only person I could really talk to about it was a paid professional I could hardly afford.
That was my dumbass lesson. Never had a 'catastrophic' feeling break up since. Sure as hell took something away from the therapist, break up or not it's important not to put everything into one person. I honestly thought I was gonna end up with a bpd diagnosis with just how hard I took the break up but didn't and been ok since.
No. 2094380
this is the pickme take. I prefer having friends over having a ~romantic partner~ any time.
No. 2094847
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>>2094825picrel is literally you right now
No. 2094993
>>2094239Sorry for very late, long, and cringe response but to me it’s like clit stim but less intense, because the way the dick should be rubbing inside will still stimulate the clit nerves but from the inside, it doesn’t feel as strong as rubbing the clit directly because it’s not exposed. And I say “should” because jackhammering is not appealing due to how our nerves work. However like I said earlier I feel some dicks are made specifically to please you because I wouldn’t even know if my bf was jackhammering or not since we work so well together, and this is how it should be for everyone, but unfortunately so many men just suck. All the anons saying it’s just mental most likely have either not found someone that’s good for them, or their bodies just don’t feel good during PIV at all, which is normal for a lot of women too. Could I orgasm from it? No, because I’m not built that way, but to me PIV specifically with my current bf physically feels as good as it can get without an actual orgasm (which he’ll always give me before or after anyway), and this is what it means to experience pleasure from PIV. I’ve legitimately have had the worst sex in the world and trauma from past moids to the point I thought I was broken, then somehow my 0 experience boyfriend came along and changed everything, which still surprises me.
No. 2095184
>>2095181A story about me (as in literally me) being narrated by an omniscient narrator, no 4th wall breaks btw, in which I'm an average woman, so no super models acting as me please, who discovers something absolutely amazing by chance (I'm too autistic and that thing was part of my hyperfixation of the moment) so then a scientist/expert must come stay at my house (a very humble apartment in a big city) in order to make sure the thing I discovered is actually that thing that he/the team of scientists/experts was looking for. Shenanigans happen and he falls in love with me, but I don't really love him because I'm too depressed, so he does anything in his power to make me fall in love with him.
You could call it "a discovery of… love".
No. 2095618
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>>2095582This one always helps me, it's good as a preventative exercise too. You should apply enough pressure to feel a stretch but not enough to make it hurt. Feel better soon.
No. 2095673
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What are some terrible things India has done? Not to animals or to women or even to its own castes, specifically to other countries and groups of people? asking bc i saw this quote "if you are not ashamed of your history even a bit, then you didn't learn history"
No. 2095725
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why does he look like a greasy, slovenly Redditor now?
No. 2095739
>>2095721a few days seems tryhard, but i guess you can do it
nonnie said
No. 2095743
>>2095734More or less a week
>>2095736He was practically grovelling at my feet though
No. 2096132
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Do you think Buck Angel would have an easier time pulling straight men than gay men (with knowledge of her biology/trans identity)? Trying to settle a dumb argument.
No. 2096151
>>2095889Can you make your ears "pop"? Sometimes it's just that internal pressure that blocks sounds so things sound odd until they pop (usually when you yawn).
Another thing to consider is what else you've been listening to, I used to listen to some really fast paced songs and no matter what I followed it up with the next song sounded like it was put on 0.5x speed and super slow.
No. 2096229
>>2096204I'm copy+pasting this from the intro of an research article.
"In the late 20th century, the term gay took on a third meaning of stupid or as a general term of disparagement. It is uncertain how the term devolved into the third meaning, but according to the Historical Dictionary of American Slang (Lighter, O’Connor, & Ball, 1994), it first appeared in this context in 1978 in America."
No. 2096251
File: 1721391877896.png (781.57 KB, 640x876, FeUevYXX0AMPY3Y.png)

Nonnas can you help me make list of current twitter/tiktok phrases? Which ones immediately come in mind for you? (I tried googling but the results were pretty lame.)
No. 2096424
>>2096397I like it, you could kick him in the
taint and he wouldn't be able to run away.
No. 2096528
>>2096482YES this happens to me
>>2096517nta but maybe go on a long walk on a really sunny day so you get max vitamin d and that’ll def turn your head pink
No. 2096732
>>2096731It's not racist, saying that it's racist is just a way to avoid the truth that, indeed, men are violent as fuck and will kill/rape regardless of the punishment they could receive.
Unless the statistics explicitly say it's certain race of men, then it could be considered racist, otherwise it's dumb to even bring race to the discussion when it wasn't even mentioned, I would even be like "um, what are you trying to imply? This doesn't even name any race".
No. 2096740
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Is it normal i forget words? and i mean waaay to often, daily even? I am super concerned, I am only 23 and i dont know if its just me being retarded or if i should genuinely be concerned.
No. 2096773
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What are some benefits of being single? Ive been single for years now and have been feeling bad about it ever since i started my new job and everyone there has a typical married-to-moid life. I need to be reminded of why being single is good bc I just feel a bit like a loser rn.
No. 2096809
>>2096773I don't know what line of thinking do you have regarding relationships and being single, but remember that the real losers are people who can't survive on their own and need someone else to prop them up emotionally, financially etc. And remember they probably get more cons than pros in a relationship, as well as all the headaches that come with a relationship. Like living with someone else who is essentially a stranger and the danger that comes with that, the inconveniences such as them making a mess and not cleaning after themselves and all those little things that drive me crazy personally about living with my family, let alone a stranger I fuck. Remember how he'd probably be like "I pay for x and do y and blah blah blah so you owe me things that aren't even equal to that and are too much in comparison", and so on. Or how he would try to control your life, who your friends are, where you go and with whom, all the phone monitoring shit whether it's him doing it or you doing it to make sure he's not cheating/watching porn or worse etc. Sorry if this is too edgy but relationship people are so weird and retarded to me, I can never understand this shit.
No. 2096929
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>>2096924They don't tend to like it, but you should keep doing it anyway.
No. 2097139
Why do so many people I know not shower regularly? They don't smell that bad but they admitted to me "yeah I shower once every few days" and it grosses me out. You're an adult what is keeping you from just getting up and showering for 2 minutes a day?
>>2097050Bit weird but not really a red flag
No. 2097326
>>2097139I don’t know and don’t care what hygiene habits other people have as long as it doesn’t offend my nose or look dirty. I’m so gd tired of the same infights
>I shower once a day>ewwww you’re nasty I shower FIVE times a day after prayer>I use a washcloth>ewwww you’re so gross, I only use the finest silk to exfoliate my delicate princess skinI super don’t give a shit
No. 2097347
>>2097332personally i don't think so, unless you're trying to be ana tier skelly/not dropping below a healthy weight…but feeling attractive and confident will benefit your life in other ways, and wanting to improve yourself isn't misogyny.
my personal rules with beauty culture are like
>am i obscuring or warping my natural features (so makeup out, wigs out, plastic surgery out, etc.) >am i making it tough for my body to be a body – can i move around with ease while keeping my dignity (so high heels out, shapewear/corsets out, anything super short or revealing that makes it impossible to bend over without showing my ass out, etc.) No. 2097373
File: 1721491805419.gif (1.23 MB, 400x300, kissie.GIF)

>>2097347>>2097349>>2097350Thank you for your input nonnies ♥
No. 2097719
>>2097703Thanks, ngl I don't really like it either but if it's for somebody's funeral, well it's their funeral.
Should I worry about how long make up lasts since this is for "emergencies"?
No. 2098067
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I just saw this on insta. I'm a bit surprised since i thought i would never see the word moid on insta. And it also getting so many likes. Has moid always been a normie word, or is it that the general public has become so terminally online that even they use words that are mostly used on image boards?
No. 2098076
>>2098060I had bad social anxiety but I've gotten A LOT better. In short:
>trying challenging things on your own gets better results than therapy, including CBT>Going to therapy can help in very short-term, but it's a trap that makes you ruminate in your anxiety so you never get better. Only go a few times then quit, implementing the techniques on your own is key.>Running away by taking breaks makes anxiety worse. There are no true "breaks" there is only "rotting away alone and wasting time" as they do not make you feel any less anxious or energized when you come back - which is the point of a break. Realizing that for yourself is important.>Start small and celebrate all victories. After every seemingly super easy challenge think about how you overcame it, how easy it actually was and your anxiety was for nothing. If it was hard, think about how you still managed to do it.>Doesn't matter if progress is slow, as long as you do not stop you are still moving forward.>Practice similar experiences on a smaller scale. If talking to a shopkeeper gives you anxiety, then practice asking for something on a family or friend (do not tell them it's practice). If going to a brand new place is scary, go into a place you have been to but the last time was years ago.>Realize that you can ask for help in most places. If you go into a new facility and don't know how it works there, asking "This is my first time, how do things work around here?" is normal.One important thing imo is to realize WHY you have anxiety. It's not just "stupid bad evil thoughts dumb brain makes so you feel bad" they have an actual function. They are your brain spotting potential threats, so you can avoid them and stay safe. Knowing that helped me a lot because I was then able to think like "yes brain, that COULD happen so good of you to spot a potential threat for me. Now that we know of that let's move the thoughts on to something else." Trying to ignore it doesn't work so I have to acknowledge the thought to put it to rest.
Another thing that helped a lot is embarrassingly seeing someone else with anxiety be a whiny depressing bitch about it. Made me realize how insufferable and exhausting I probably also sound, and I didn't want to keep being that annoying to everyone kek
No. 2098346
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>>2098286Your therapist after listening to you for an hour
seriously though it means nothing anon your therapist was just having a smoke break, don't read into it so much No. 2099143
File: 1721609012303.png (462.63 KB, 640x427, Mental-Prison.png)

How can I break myself out of my obsessional tendencies without paying my entire rent budget to a therapist that doesn't even do anything. I've been obsessed with a particular person for so long now that it has completely ruined my life. I can't break out of it because nothing else interests me. I feel so trapped and like my world is getting smaller and smaller. Does anyone think having a psychedelic experience would help me break out of my rigid obsessive thought patterns because that's my only idea at this point other than killing myself
No. 2099173
>>2099143I've noticed that I tend ti get a bit obsessed with my friends, something interesting that helped me stop thinking so much about said friends is hanging out with other people while with that friend, and then talking to that person (not the friend) seeing another perspective humanizes the person and helps you with seeing the not-so-nice things of that person.
Something that also helps me a lot is having something else to be obsessed with, like my husbandos, I can be safely obsessed with them, I don't spend money on them like how I would do with an irl person and I can daydream about them guilt-free, I can make Playlists, sing for them, make stuff, write and so on, and because it's all in my head, I don't need to feel embarrassed, hell, there's other people like me out there and it even feels like a relief.
I hope this helps somehow.
No. 2099177
nonny…. my problem is that the person i'm obsessed with isn't even someone I know irl. Well that's not the only problem with it. But the details don't matter. I can't break out of this obsession. I try to get into other things, sincerely try, and none of them interest me. I tried going for all-day hikes in rough terrain looking for rocks, in creeks wearing chest high waders, covered in mud, falling off of train tracks, getting stuck on a ravine… and still the only thing I could think about and dwell on the whole time was this person and all the baggage the obsession comes with for me. I really feel like I'm beyond help which is why I'm considering drastic measures at this point.
No. 2099199
>>2099193>Psychotherapy is bullshit but DBT/CBT is a more proven methodsee this is why i feel like I'm beyond help. I've tried both of these, several times and I recently stopped because I couldn't afford it anymore and it didn't seem to help at all. A single 50 minute appointment with these types of specialists run me $150+. I'm a secretary. I don't make that kind of money. And I haven't gotten anything from it so far in my whole life.
>An ex friend of mine with obsessive and neurotic tendencies got memed into the shrooms larp and she got really bad.If you wouldn't mind, could you tell me what happened to her? I'm probably going to need some strong motivation to not try it at this point because I don't have anything else to try except catching the bus
No. 2099222
>>2099193>>2099199Psychotherapy has saved my fucking life. I went from hopeless suicidal neet to employed with friends and hobbies. My social anxiety is manageable and I'm finally
The thing is that therapists are people, and just like other people, you may not get along with every single one you meet. You need to find someone that works for you. Someone who:
- can read your facial and body language
- is able to understand how you react to different types of speech (e.g maybe you thrive when being talked to directly, maybe you need a softer approach)
- whom you feel comfortable sharing difficult or painful experiences
- whom you feel comfortable hearing uncomfortable things from
A therapist is
not your yes man. A therapist is
not there to tell you what to do in a given situation. A therapist is there to help you understand yourself and. Your feelings. A therapist will
not do all the work for you. A therapist cannot wash your brain free from your traumas, fears and mentally illnesses.
I will defend therapy to my dying breath because it brought me things I never thought I could have, but it took me finding a woman who fit all the criteria above, and it took me doing a fuckton of work by myself.
No. 2099244
>>2099199Ntayrt but honestly psychedelics are not the big cure-all that people make them out to be, but I'll be devils advocate and say they can be helpful if done safely. I did take a decent amount of shrooms once when I was feeling desperate, like yourself, and it only helped for maybe a week or two before I went back to my usual neurotic self. I personally get the same results with consistent therapy. If you're dead set on trying it, micro-dose every now and again. The introspection might help you. I don't want to recommend you take a big dose and risk your health on the off-chance you have a come-to-Jesus moment, you know?
>>2099222I'm also a therapy fan. Also cbt/dbt is just a form of psychotherapy anyway so it doesn't make sense to shit on it but then say specific forms of talk therapy are good. If you get a shitty therapist that lets you talk for an hour with no direction so they can take your money, then yeah, it sucks.
No. 2099553
>>2099143It doesn't have to make it worse like anon said, it works different on every individual. I think it's worth trying out because if you're that obsessed you can't get any worse lol.
For me a therapist wouldn't work either, i abosolutely can't have other people's opinions about me in my head. The fact that you seek help in all the ways possible tells me you're an intelligent being capable of helping yourself.
I did shroms for several years now, about 5 times a year, 85% of trips were good and i learned a lot, some trips were worse but nothing that bad… but i also learned even more from them too. The key in shrooming in my opinion is to seek adventure, not being introspective. That's what helped me the most.. to see other things than the depression of your daily life. To me it seems like people who focus on themselves and their problems while trpping maybe get some answers but they could get much much more if they interracted with nature and the visuals around you like they are friends. It makes me so much happier and it energizes me for like 3 months.
I don't think you have anything to lose, it really isn't that scary and schizophrenic like some people try to tell you, especially for firt time users.
No. 2099660
>>2099629unfortunately it's easy for teenage girls to get brainwashed by creeps and end up like shayna so i'd definitely keep an eye on her but maybe she's just trying to be an edgelord.
>>2099651 has the right idea. show her what the moids who are into that shit actually look like.
No. 2099684
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How do I help a friend dealing with depression? I have been looking online but most of the advice are things im already doing (dont tell them to cheer up, avoid telling them to be grateful…)
Nonnies that have been/are depressed: how would you like your friend to help you and what advice do you give me? I feel silly asking this and thank you so much to all my nonnitas
No. 2099747
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i deleted some photos from a microsd, is it possible to get them back somehow? i regret rage deleting my older drawing out of shame
No. 2100470
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What does this meme mean? Its being used everywhere, does it have a backstory or something? I cant really tell because its being used in various context.
No. 2100736
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How do I turn off my mind's filter? I look at pictures taken by others and I look so hideous, but I look at the mirror and think I look OK.
No. 2100764
>>2100761I think with solitair you just have to practice, anon, I made
>>747326 three and a half years ago and nowadays it's easypeasy and I don't believe it's because I got any smarter.
No. 2100915
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Have any of you guys had your wisdom teeth removed? Did it change your face? I already have a small mouth/smile and I’m worried it’s gonna make my face look even more shrunken in and grannyish. I don’t think I actually need them removed, but I’m told that the bottom two are impacted and that I can get all 4 removed for free.
No. 2100974
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What do male hookers irl dress like? Woman ones in media are always shown wearing exaggerated stripper clothes, but are their male counterparts the same?
No. 2101025
>>2100974I'm south american and in my country a manwhore has to wear femenine clothes to be identified as one even if they aren't trans. So that's how you get 40 years old man wearing a clearly plastic wig and tight jeans to signify he is selling ass.
I have a stupid question myself. How does depression make sense as an illness? It's nonsensical to me that a person with a healthy body can get the "i don't want to move and i want to die" disease, where even moving from bed to go to drink some water and eat feels like an unbelievable tiring task. Even from an evolutionary perspective I don't understand how or why it happens
No. 2101041
>>2101025>How does depression make sense as an illness?Living things that move around need feelings to react to things around us. Usually negative feelings have a direct cause such as losing a loved one, physical pain, being shunned from the social group, your nest is damaged… but the brain isn't perfect. So imagine depression happens when the brain overdoes it, it was supposed to turn on the sad-tap for a while so you know "what just happened was a big loss, avoid it in the future if possible", but when it was time to turn it off it had rusted shut. The brain forgot how to turn the sad off again, so the sad hormones just keep going when they no longer should.
Or another scenario, nothing happened but all of a sudden something
triggered the tap accidentally. Which in of itself causes confusion because humans like to see patterns - so you try to find the source of the sad activating, but there is no source. So you get confused and scared at this invisible threat. Constantly scared and exhausted, expecting this threat that never happens.
>It's nonsensical to me that a person with a healthy body can get the "i don't want to move and i want to die" disease, where even moving from bed to go to drink some water and eat feels like an unbelievable tiring task.Again, it's simply telling us how to react to things around us. If you are a group of 5 cave man humans and one suddenly dies - you've lost 20% of your entire population. Your power, defense, and overall probability to survive has been cut down massively. The survival of that person was literally crucial to your group, and possibly the species surviving - so to make sure you as humans all do your fucking damndest to keep your whole group alive the brain makes it so you undoubtedly understand just how bad this loss was and what it means for you.
We weren't made to live in big cities and have food and other resources all around us. Everything was hard to get, clothes, food, companions, a home. To us modern people it may seem silly to react with big bad sad depression to some minor thing - but once upon a time that silly thing may have been the difference between life and death.
No. 2101137
>>2101128it makes you feel numb overall, including libido but it's hardly the only issue
you feel detached from everything, it's horrible
No. 2101202
>>2101199When their face becomes furry. That hideous furry artstyle with the big eyes and huge nostrils that furfags love. If it's a human-like face then the body can be anything
>>2101197Depends if it's a long term relationship with finances shared or not
No. 2101207
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>>2101199Anything more animalistic than the Thundercats is too furry for me to be attracted to.
No. 2101222
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>>2101199Well according to lolcow EVERY animal drawing is a furry drawing, picrel is from the furry thread.
No. 2101224
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>>2101199I think it has to be either cartoon or leaning into realistic animal head with human body to maintain a good look. A lot of furfags have the same bloated faces with anime eyes and badly inflated muscles. Pic related looks nice.
No. 2101235
>>2100915>but I’m told that the bottom two are impacted and that I can get all 4 removed for free.Nona please do NOT get teeth removed that do NOT need to be removed! Barely anyone in my country gets their wisdom teeth removed, because unlike in the US it's not seen as a problem unless they are directly causing you issues. Most wisdom teeth will never actually be an issue, but the US (and some other English speaking parts of the world) have a super weird obsession with removing wisdom teeth.
Every surgery no matter how minor comes with risks. It's stupid to take those risks for no reason. And even if you do it and are lucky enough to heal just fine you'll now have extra holes in your mouth for literally no reason. Remember if it's "free" YOU're what's being sold. Maybe it's free practice for someone pulling teeth for the first time.
No. 2101270
>>2101241Listening to TWENTY lectures? You are better off asking a classmate for their notes, looking up quizlets for the test you are taking, etc.
I guess it would be possible if you have no other duties than studying. If you took a ton of adderall and listened to the lectures on 2.5 speed you could get it all done maybe within a week or so depending on how long the lectures are.
No. 2101297
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Am I gay if i like to watch anime featuring cute girls and if not sexualized, really like their aesthetics. I’m completely heterosexual and only attracted to men but I really like cute anime girls
No. 2101312
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How would u caption this image?
No. 2101321
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>>2101311For example, with something like this?
No. 2101330
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What is the most pickme animal? As in, which species itself posses the highest level of inherent pickme energy
No. 2101384
>>2101350Idk why everyone is so
triggered in the replies. Once again proof that lc is filled with bitter obese women
No. 2101385
>>2101384Other than
>>2101357, which posts are
triggered nonnies?
No. 2101521
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>>2101413lol I never said that. Weight loss is a simple formula, I never said doing so is easy though. Like depression you can get help for whatever food related problems you have.
>inb4 muh PCOS (you can still lose weight) No. 2101610
>>2101561Maybe get addicted to healthy snacks to replace the nicotine or any unhealthy snacks you have. But tbh with you all the healthy snacks that aren't dark chocolate suck ass. But some of my favorite healthy snacks to prepare are leftover rice with egg and sesame oil and green onions. It's like half a bowl of rice mixed with one egg yolk, then fry the egg whites, and add the rice mixture until it's golden, then add green onions and some sesame oil. You get iron, protein, carbs, fiber, and healthy fat. I also like making boiled eggs for breakfast and keep 1 or 2 in the fridge, and snack on it by making deviled eggs or just smashing it with a fork and adding mayonnaise and seasonings on it then eat it on full grain toast. Light enough but also satisfying. Also tuna with mayo, lemon juice, and your choice of seasoning as a sandwich filling or with boiled pasta to make a salad with your choice of vegetables. Turkey breast is also a good snacking option that's high in protein, so you can make sandwiches with that and add vegetables. Or fresh real cream cheese on toast with some black olives, cherry tomatoes and mint leaves. Or halloumi cheese fried in olive oil with some za'atar, mint, and cherry tomatoes and some whole grain toast. Oatmeal topped with banana, peanut butter and mixed berries, seasoned with cardamom, cloves, cinnamon, powdered ginger and some artificial sweetener. Greek yogurt (full fat because low fat has too mucu sugar to compensate for the lost fat) with nuts and fruits, plain and not flavored because the flavoring has too much sugar. I got hungry writing this but I hope this is helpful to you.
No. 2101808
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I've got absolutely no sense of fashion. How wide can lose fitting jeans be before they start to look like picrel?
No. 2101999
File: 1721772152563.jpeg (210.39 KB, 736x791, IMG_1873.jpeg)

>wakes up from nap
>go on lolcow
>same threads at the top
>same repetitive discussions be made
i’m so bored which websites do you guys go on when this place is boring/slow?
No. 2102096
>>2102044Visualization. Instead of trying to remove all thoughts, first try to replace them. I use a chalkboard that I imagine has a number five written on it. I think about every detail I can imagine in the scene. The grain of the chalk on the board, the little dings of the board itself, the smell of the chalk in the air. Then I imagine myself picking up the eraser, erasing the five, and then writing a four. Imagine the texture and weight of the eraser, the sound and smear it makes as you erase, and the resistance of the chalk as you write anew. If your mind wanders at any point, don't berate yourself, just bring it back to the scene by focusing on a certain sensation. The more details you can imagine, the more feedback your brain has, the less likely it is to invent more thoughts to keep itself occupied. Count down like this from five to one. Throughout this all, continue taking deep breaths through your nose and out your mouth. And then stop for the day. Like any muscle, it needs time to build up. Then do it again tomorrow. Eventually, you'll find yourself able to get into the right headspace with little effort.
No. 2102101
>>2101879>>2101901thanks ladies <3
>>2101916girl, fuck you kek
(<3) No. 2102118
>>2102094why are you on here then? kek and i just went outside and came back and had ice cream, go fuck yourself
No. 2102124
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Whdo do people on here hate pakichan? Or is it just fujolards who get triggered because she's anti yaoi?
No. 2102140
>>2102121The polite form of that term is "anal retentive"
In more formal situations, you don't say "anal", you say "anal retentive"
No. 2102275
>>2102124>Or is it just fujolards who get triggered because she's anti yaoi?Mostly this
Farmers found her annoying in the past because she'd derail threads with her rants about pakistani men or the varg nonsense but it was never to the extent of the seething hatred the newfag fujos have for her nowadays
No. 2102280
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>>2101378thats a man, nonna.
No. 2102302
>>2102280I think this was drawn by Michael Whelan
He still makes art like this I think
Really good fantasy artist
No. 2102366
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>>2102285his magic sword gives him a rush of energy when he stabs and kills people, and micheal whelan (the artist) probably wanted to fuck him.
No. 2102528
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how do I stop my pads from twisting when I'm wearing them? I feel like a freak woman, that doesn't know how to take care of herself and is completely alone in this experience. I wear normal cotton underwear like picrel, I have tried putting on the pad every way possible, and somehow it still twists and turns and rolls up…
No. 2102570
>>2102564that's flat out retarded though
how can you believe that shit, I've seen reasonably intelligent people believe it too
No. 2102585
>>2102584it does actually
catcalling is prevalent in the west because these people keep entering the country
No. 2102592
>>2102586that's not relevant to the topic but my parents don't tend to meet black people
you seem upset for having your question answered
No. 2102604
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>>2102600Yeah, nah you're being retarded. White American men have been documented cat calling and sexually harassing women in public since at least 1850. Your immigrate sperging literally has nothing to do with the question even if anon was being slightly provocative asking it
No. 2102630
>>2102554Abrahamic religions all aim to civilize men (with many exceptions, like war time), telling them to not be violent and sexually amoral. Whether they succeed is another question but every core tenet is basically 'don't kill- don't cheat on your wife- don't get angry' etc which is naturally attractive to women. Women are religious because it's often their only claim to moral authority and the only thing that provides an illusion of control on their life and the men who have power over them. Generally, women are not less susceptible to spirituality and religious awakenings, they probably are
more sensitive to it and are more serious in their approach for a myriad of reasons
No. 2102632
>>2102616>harass women (especially non-muslim women)It's strange that you think non-muslim women get harrassed more than 'muslim' women by 'Arabs'. They don't. It's really bad either way but muslim men (and men in general) are more likely to harrass women from
their group. My white friends get catcalled by white men much more frequently than my friends who aren't. Men are just territorial like that
No. 2102694
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How many months do babies stay in the annoying screaming stage? Asking because I live somewhere with very thin walls and my neighbours got a baby that wakes me up at night with screaming. It's so fucking annoying.
No. 2103052
>>2102835So tailoring will vary. It ranges from having yourself or someone put in a few tucks here and there to flatter your body shape, all the way to having clothing designed and made specially for you.
When most people say tailoring, they mean the first. You can look up YouTube videos on how to tailor your clothes, but it's relatively cheap to get done if you've got a high quality clothing item. Search for the word tailor, or look up who does alterations in your city. It will be cheaper in bulk, so if you're getting six pairs of pants hemmed at once, it's a lot cheaper than having them done one at a time.
No. 2103235
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Eurofags and indiafags how true is this? Is this typical tranny illusions?
No. 2103265
>>2103256Once was already too many
No. 2103296
>>2101330Tifs pick bugs and frogs, because they see those as "slimy critters for BOYS"
Normal pickmes pick something they think guys like, that they also think isn't girly. So they'd pick something like a hyena or an iguana. Idk if the animals themselves have pickme energy tho
No. 2103910
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I want to preface this by saying I'm dumb when it comes to financial stuff but I recently made a Wise account and put my money in a Jar so it gains interest. It's been going up steadily so far alright, but for some reason the 'total balance' has been going down at the same time. Does anyone know why this is? I keep money in two different currencies, maybe that has something to do with it?
No. 2103913
>>2103640It's not necessarily him but do a bit of digging to check. Typing style is easy to change and we all know scrotes lie.
Go through his history and find information that matches up with what you know about him, for example if you know roughly where he lives/works/spends time see if the places he posts about are in that same area. Look for 'funny' stories that you know about that he's exaggerated for attention. Does he have any links, like links to Amazon wish lists, social media accounts, Youtube playlists, anything that can help you identify him?
No. 2103919
>>2103657Ok. I'll do that.
>>2103913He doesn't have any known social media links. That's part of the reason why I looked up his username, trying to find more about him. The redditor with the same name is apparently "transgender" which is like the opposite of what the guy I'm talking to is like, so I'm not sure about anything.
No. 2103954
>>2102331Yes, I'm Balkan so there's a lot of Romani people in my town. They're not any different from anyone else: the poor act poor and desperate because they are, the ones who aren't poor act no different than the rest of us. Those UK shows are about Travellers who are not Romani but are also called gypsies, to clarify.
What really pisses me off is when people go like ooooohhh it's in their culture to steal, lie, marry their kids off young etc. Is it? What do you know about Romani culture? Where did you learn this, your racist uncle? I'd lie and steal too if I were poor, uneducated and homeless I'm pretty sure. So would you. All people saying this have never spoken with one of them ever in their lives or had Romani classmates.
No. 2104010
>>2104004For the new email, is outlook secure or is there someone else I should use? I don’t like gmail
Also I would have to change the password on a lot of other accounts too like my paypal
No. 2104453
>>2104067you don’t have to pay or use a bootleg, try this: or look into activating the license with powershell. i’ve done something similar but i can’t find the exact post right now, sorry nona
No. 2104565
>>2103577A cockroach laying eggs in my ears, I clean my ears daily because of that, I got this phobia when I was living for a few months in the apartment of an uncle of mine.
He just closed off the apartment and he's living in another country, my brother and I had to live there for a while because our home was full of dust and shit because of a renovation.
The problem is that the whole building was infested with roaches, and it was literally impossible to keep them at bay.
I swear I woke up once with a roach near my face, like, I had to clean everything every time I needed to use anything because it 100% surely had a roach there.
Gosh I wanted to kill myself so hard.
In the end I developed this annoying mania I guess, of cleaning my ears daily with hydrogen peroxide. Just talking about this makes my ears itch.
No. 2104632
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>>2104610I think they're correct that corsets get a bad rap for what is essentially pre-spandex shapewear. Women weren't tightlacing outside of a slim era in the existence of stays, yet picrel is what most people think about. But I also think most historical fashion influencers are insufferable in general and overcompensate when it comes to corset education to the point where it feels like shilling.
No. 2104652
>>2104610tbh they're pretty right– most people have an assumption that corsets = tight-lacing, but that was a fashion trend and not how the majority of women ever wore them throughout history, and even the shape most people are familiar with was a specific style and not something more casual/less hourglass-shaped like many stays were. They also weren't worn against the skin (they went over the shift), so those scenes in movies were the corset is removed and leaves clear imprints on the skin are incorrect/border on a fetish kek. There were also different options for how rigid/stiff they were, both when it came to fashion trends and a given woman's needs– generally, formal dress meant stiffer and more shaped with whale bone and all that, and casual occasions or working women having options that were just quilted fabric and worn looser, with less regard towards the fashionable silhouette, so the idea that all women were being squeezed breathless for centuries is also dumb.
All that said, I do agree with
>>2104632 that some of the historical fashion people harp on about them a bit too much and it does feel repetitive at the least. Corsets are an interesting topic though, with how the perception of them has changed over the years and their actual role in everyday fashion, but they don't need to be brought up constantly.
No. 2104798
>>2104782I meant what are some types of husbandos like when some
nonnie says "this husbando is very a puppy type!" So I wanted some examples of them.i should've been more direct sorry!
No. 2104806
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>>2104774There's different types
>elegant husbandos (the type that makes you want to drink tea while holding your pinky finger high)>edgy husbandos (usually villains)>sweet husbandos (usually heroes that aren't from anime)>yandere husbandos (literally impossible to find)>shitty husbandos (as in they have shit attitude, usually considered brats)>animal husbandos (yeah)>way too young husbandos ("shotas" or shotas, depends on what are you willing to admit)>bizarre husbandos (characters like kirby or from jojo's bizarre adventure)There's probably even more types.
No. 2104811
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>>2104806>yandere husbandos are impossible to findWhat do you mean nona most of mine are yandere kek. Picrel is not my husbando but hes a well known example
No. 2104885
File: 1721945202611.png (1.37 MB, 1584x890, nonny doxx.png)

>>2104876>men hate tshirt>dangerously autistic>writes adam driver self insert fanfictionthis could be any of us, scary
No. 2104908
>>2104876what an interesting lady
in another video she says she had complications with a tumor and thats why her voice is like that
No. 2104978
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Why are conservatives always so gay? I swear every few months there’s always a scandal with one of them being a closet faggot who hires male escorts or gets off to tranny porn. Now I don’t have an inherent issue with homos, but I find the irony of all of it really, really funny
No. 2104998
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I know he had a shit death or whatever, but couldn't he just get a normal job instead of only going for acting jobs?
No. 2105194
>>2105167No. It was made for children before troonshit was trendy. There are retards who will tell you that BMO is non-binary, but he's just genderless because he's a robot.
>>2105190Even the gender swap episodes aren't "troon content." It's not like the Fairly Oddparents where a male character is made into a girl. Fionna and Cake is an entirely alternate reality created by one of the deities in the show.
No. 2105222
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Who else saw 13 Ghosts as a kid and loved my good sis angry princess? She was such an it girl
No. 2105258
>>2105254Nearly every single thing we touch at this point is nothing but microplastics and red 40. Hormone disruption and the average persons inability to regulate their hormones absolutely shows in body type. The food in the 80s and 90s contained significantly less sugar, sodium, engineered flavors, etc and we weren't getting
toxic plastics mass ordered to us through temu and Amazon
No. 2105401
>>2105399except it's unclear when you're ghosted and when he's busy
I've had some people reply two or three weeks after the last message and it wasn't because they disliked me
No. 2105419
>>2105401Dont listen to this
nonny, the eagerness and thoughtfulness of communication is absolute key for sussing out worthless prospective friends or lovers. It's the first flag, whether green or red. They're either eager or they're out. Don't invite them to be in the middle, making you confused and leaving you wondering, which can cause a dynamic where you chase validation and affection because your ego wants to "solve" why people are absent.
No. 2105517
>>2105484sex or anything stressful that could
trigger it early? do you have a long cycle? if these cramps are abnormal then i would say trust your intuition and go to a doctor now. im a freehealthcarefag tho.
No. 2105531
>>2105517No, haven’t had sex in like a year lmao.
My cycles have been normal, so normal in fact that it lands on every new moon so I don’t have to check the Flo app. So this is extremely odd and distressing.
>im a freehealthcarefag tho.kek same, I’m just worried about them judging me tbh
No. 2105601
>>2105598Choosing a method that isn't gory like drowning or suffocating, usually. Pills are ineffective. Getting into a car crash can be written off as a tragic accident.
That said, I survived a suicide attempt 2 years ago and am happier than I've ever been in my life. Suicide is the last thing in your life you'll ever do, so try every other option first.
No. 2105631
>>2105627>but he never shared it anywhereyou dont know that
he could also share it anywhere in a year, or 5 years as long as he keeps it saved forever
No. 2105642
Okay but there seems to be lots of people here who started out their relationships through internet dating? Surely they shared at least face pictures when they started out?
>>2105638I didn't post anything sexually suggestive. He sort of "liked" it with an emoji. I'm not sure he even knew that picture was me.
No. 2105664
>>2105642The replies you have recieved so far are probably from nonas who have not been in one and are against the idea in general. I have been in one for the same reason as you, which resulted in multiple IRL meetings and I didn't face any problems in this regard, but it's still important to be cautious. There are multiple factors that determine whether this is a bad idea or not, these are not all but are the main ones I will ask - How long have you been talking to him for? How much do you know about him? Have you snooped through his accounts / tried to track down his digital footprint (check out
>>>/ot/955088 if not)? Have you ever caught him lying to you? Do you have mutual friends? Does he watch porn? What are his views on women? Has he ever dated anyone else online or talked to other women with the intentions of a relationship, and if so, why did things end? If the answer to all of these questions are of no concern, asking him to send a picture of himself first before you do is still the best thing to do.
No. 2105715
>>2105667They are easy to lie about to some extent. With enough time and communication, cracks in the lies will start to show for at least some of them, unless nona is an idiot and doesn't pick up on any of them. If she has not been talking to him long enough to truly determine these things, or if the answer to any of them is concerning (which I suspect will be the case), it is obviously an automatic no. There's a risk with everything when it comes to moids. As long as that risk is properly calculated, and she does not send him anything sexual, she should be fine. Realistically, the same can happen IRL, and in that scenario it would be worse, as they are near you physically, and also automatically know more of your personal information as a result. In my case, the guy I dated was a part of mutual online friend group, so I had already known him for around a year and a half prior to dating. We talked to eachother one on one daily for months before I sent him a picture of my face, despite the fact that I already knew how he looked beforehand. I also made sure to have a good idea of the things that I mentioned before doing so, as well as other factors. E-dating can work out as long as you are cautious and savvy enough.
No. 2105877
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>>2102292Whatever floats your boat
nonny but they look like gremlins
No. 2105912
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>>2105907I'm sure this ugly fucker is a Virgo rising. Taurus sun moid. Awful. Throw the book at him
No. 2105993
File: 1722021100673.jpeg (515.31 KB, 1242x1681, IMG_5341.jpeg) these things really work? I just stumbled on it and I think I found my holy grail. It's a fan you put at the edge of the bed under your blankets so that you feel a breeze beneath the covers while you sleep. I love the 21st century.
No. 2106076
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>>2104876Can't understand a single word.
No. 2106136
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Is Roger dressed as Chris Chan intentionally in that episode where he's a whiny crybaby because his species can't survive being nice or is it just a coincidence? Cause I refuse to believe it is.
>>2106027If you still wash in between I don't think it's bad
No. 2106252
>>2105627if it’s been more than a month and he hasn’t asked to call or facetime and you haven’t talked about a meetup, something is amiss.
it is always a dumb idea to send anything first as a woman online, and many times it’s a dumb idea to send anything at all. be careful.
No. 2106488
>>2105856I've been using it since I was a teenager so I'm 'used' to it.
I don't go on the really bad boards though. And I hide a lot of posts.
This site is too slow when it comes to a lot of topics.
No. 2106519
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Is it possible to be banned from a subreddit so that you can’t see the subreddit’s posts, even if you search for them?
No. 2106827
>>2106815It was an account of a redditor liberal, posting shitty gaming and politics memes.
This person I liked was acting all thirsty and shit for me right up to the point where I posted a screencap of my internet name on another website. I bet he googled that name and found that twitter account which he assumes is mine. Suddenly after I posted that screencap, he did a 180 and completely changed his tone. lmao fuck this
No. 2106959
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>>2105856I use it because I like trolling moids and I've used it to get my anger out. Despite me being annoying as fuck on there they've only banned me twice.
No. 2106999
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>>2105856Imo sometimes I would get advice, links, images and tips on there I could not get anywhere else. Ignoring the moid autism is a skill that you develop eventually (or not). I do like the freedom imageboards like 4chan have. I stopped using it years ago tho as the boards I frequented basically died due to the amount of constant bait threads and people moving to other sites/discord for hobby discussions.
No. 2107019
>>2107006like where?
every forum is dead/dying and the level of discourse in discord is absolutely atrocious
No. 2107023
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>>2105856Channy jannies suck by the way
Free speech and totally uncensored my ass with /tv/ and /x/ mods deleting posts and entire threads that actually implicate celeb moids
No. 2107075
>>2107064Knitters/crocheters have Ravelry that's very active because people are excited to share their projects. Same for the ones who spin or dye yarn, there are a lot of IRL events for the yarn community.
Every craft that's based around sharing what you did, sewing, quilting, macrame etc., even wood carving, pottery and such, I reckon they also have active niche forums to exchange good tips and ideas.
No. 2107080
>>2107048Idk why but most women prefer written pornography or simple pictures instead of videos. There's a large market or erotica fiction written by women for women. You can try that out. Besides that yaoi is largely aimed at female audiences.
>>2107061Go back to blackpill thread and watching blowjob porn, blowjob-chan.