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No. 2107174
A thread for the daft, the dim, the silly, and the merely confused.
Previous thread:
>>>/ot/2085845Please follow all global rules and remember to report and ignore bait: avoid infighting.
If you want to ask random questions and hear other anons’ personal answers, check out the Random Questions thread instead. This thread is more for asking silly questions and getting concrete answers.
No. 2107213
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Breakfast and then brush your teeth, or brush your teeth and then eat breakfast?
No. 2107296
>>2107226I've always assumed it makes more sense to brush after eating breakfast because it gets rid of any coffee acid and food particles in the mouth. When I brush my teeth at night I also floss and mouthwash so my mouth doesn't seem nasty in the morning.
>>2107294They also get fat from eating garbage
No. 2107332
>>2107235I went ahead and made an alt and got to see what I wanted.
>>2107246Whoa, now who wants to kiss??
No. 2107591
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Why are there so many artist salt threads kek? Dafuq is going on in there?
No. 2107898
>>2107851Do you think women turn 25 and become a monolith with the exact same hobbies of… keeping their house clean and doing art? Have you ever interacted with a woman over 25 before?
Assuming you've just phrased a question about finding hobbies weirdly, I recommend finding some form of exercise because that is what you benefit most from as you age.
No. 2108054
>>2108041>haha I used to care about that too>haha back when you had an autonomous sense of self?It's unfortunately the social programming that women are supposed to become vacant shells and womb machines. The truth is, when women get into a relationship, that's their entire life. Nothing else matters. They can have decades long friendships dissolve because they have a man in their life now. Women in relationships won't go anywhere without being chaperoned by their cockmonkey, and a lot of their hobbies are actually just their boyfriend's hobbies. Obviously this isn't true for all women, but it's true for all chorecucks. If women like you are more outspoken about remaining as individuals with a personality and hobbies outside of homemaking, you'll have an easier time meeting other women. If you suppress it, you'll never get a chance to see if the people around you are like you.
Have you considered joining a Facebook group for concerts or artists you like? Facebook skews older, so you should find adults who would want to go with you.
No. 2108065
>>2108054It's so sad. I always feel bad about playing video games and sometimes seeing the hours I've clocked up on some titles but I haven't got any kids or a partner living with me.
What really gets me is that it's hard to find people irl to talk about music yet there's so many communities online but I can never find local ones on fb. I might make an instagram. I would love to find concert buddies. My brother has friends solely for gigs and those friendships are decades long. I couldn't even tell you why some of my closest friends aren't even in contact anymore. Women just seem to get sucked into bubbles depending on where they work and live and it's like bye bye previous connections I hardly knew ye. When I was in my early 20s I had a nice network of friends with different hobbies and literally all of them got severed by break ups in some ways.
No. 2108216
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>>2108201i think men who try to look sexy by larping as christian grey dommes are cringe as fuck, but the whores who just show their abs and dress in whore clothes are sexy to me
No. 2108259
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I can't plank at all, as in, can't even get into the proper form-at all. I can hold picrel for what feels an eternity though (it's just an anime opening). If I do it enough, will it help me get into a plank one day? The thing I'm struggling with with planks is my butt losing to gravity, if it makes any difference.
No. 2108394
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Do you really get used to heels or is it cope?
No. 2108402
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>>2108394I think you just learn to tolerate the pain better so its a cope. Personally as I got older I’ve noticed I’ve been more aware of how uncomfortable heels are
No. 2108450
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>>2108394It's cope. It's painful, bad for your feet and legs, impractical and humiliating. Women are just cucked into dressing sexy with clothes men design for them. That said, lolita is entirely impractical, but it's for women's gaze. You could 100% find those types of shoes styled with a flat or short heel. Picrel would be more comfortable if you're going to a park or museum.
No. 2108484
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have any other nonnas ever suddenly lost all attraction to men? i previously considered myself bi because at the very least i had ~3 male irl/celebrity/fictional crushes, but in the past year i stopped finding even my longest-term husbandos attractive. it sounds retarded but i process "attractive" moids irl the same way i would process an ai-generated attractive man. nothing in particular happened for me to feel like this so idk kek
No. 2108497
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Why the fuck normie women are so masochistic? Every time I try to find something sexy it's just these straight dumb bitches lusting over daddy doms and serial killers.
Sorry but a huge number of problems in normie women's lives are self created. They complain all the time about having to shave and wear uncomfortable/damaging clothes as if it was illegal for them to not do it. Like, at this point I am convinced that normie women believe that they will literally just die the second they walk outside without shaving their legs. Why is that such a taboo to them? It blows their minds when they see me, who doesn't give a shit about beauty or youth or performing femininity for moids. Why are they like this?
No. 2108566
>>2108521NTA but you're lying. I've never shaved in my life and no one ever dares to comment on it. There has not been a single instance in my life where my image was negatively influenced by my body hair or masculine attire. I was airing out my hairy pits during the entire duration of my scholarship meeting and I got it covered ONE HUNDRED PERCENT. The most important event in my life, and my looks had
zero effect. Only mediocre people are hindered by such trivial shit.
No. 2108730
>>2108724I feel it's one of those things you can't control, I personally don't feel just and never managed to
trigger it.
No. 2108792
>>2108784Wow thanks for giving me hope nona.
I really just want to live in my coom fantasizes and nothing else. Like im not asexual, but i just know no one can give me what i want. Cant wait to have fun all by myself. Is anybody else like this?
No. 2108920
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Is this a normal hairline? I feel like if this hairline were on a male celebrity, farmers would say it's receding. I noticed a lot of other female celebrities with similar hairlines.
No. 2108947
>>2108566I agree with you that most people are too cowardly to be their authentic selves but pretending like women don’t get harassed for being gnc is just false.
>>2108849Isn’t morning breath just dehydration?
No. 2109093
>>2108779ACKSHUYALLY you're not supposed to eat after brushing unless you wait about 30 minutes (which most people aren't going to do if they need to go somewhere), it's actually worse for the enamel so you're better off brushing
after eating
No. 2109188
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How much of a red flag is it if a scrote says he takes pictures of the pussy of every girl he hooked up with/dated (including his ex wife) and has them saved in a folder on his phone? He says he doesn't even jerk off to them. Yes he asked me for mine too. (I blocked him lmao, creepy ass)
I know this is weird but I can't pinpoint why. Please can someone help me articulate it.
No. 2109221
>>2109213It's either that or not graduating and staying in retail part time and earning less than minimum wage for the next years to come. I endured it for a few months then got way better jobs the next years else where, it was far easier than when I grew up in school because labor laws are strict so my manager could only be passive aggressive from time to time to not raise suspicion and everyone else hated her too. It's not like she was showing that side of her shit personality until I was hired.
>I have a backbone and society can go fuck itselfGood for you, I'm like this most of the time as well but I didn't want to end up dirt poor, unemployed and homeless because nobody else wanted to hire me, for the exact reasons I listed earlier in the thread. A friend of mine is being exactly like you and she's basically unemployable. It's backfiring now.
>>2109217Not all of them think so. The ones who believe that are easy to spot irl because they say the craziest shit unprompted, they're precisely the ones who would shit on normal women minding their own business without thinking about it twice.
No. 2109393
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How does Instagram determine who to suggest? First person was my ex and I’m surprised because I rarely look at his profile. I don’t have Facebook or my Contacts synced either. I have more mutuals friends with people I stalk way more often that I don’t get suggested but I literally got a push notification telling me to follow my ex. This is a brand new account that I’ve never followed him on
No. 2109406
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>>2109394idk, my local weed shop is advertising it??
No. 2109799
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wAzz' TTypiiNq liiKe 'dis aN iiNTernaTiiOn'LL tHiiNq or just a thing in my country? I can't believe I used to be able to type like that fast lmao Also, if it really was a thing outside of where I live, do you still remember the grammar rules? I feel like I kinda messed up; the only things I remember for sure is Gs turning to Qs and all Is becoming doubled.
No. 2109937
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Anons who are on anti-anxiety meds, what side effects and changes in your mind/body have you noticed since being on them? How long have you been taking them? I'm especially interested in responses from people taking Zoloft, Prozac, Wellbutrin and celexa aka medications that are apparently less likely to cause weight gain but any responses regardless of what you're taking are appreciated.
No. 2110029
>>2109937I've been on wellbutrin (generic) for 6 months and other than feeling nauseous for the first couple weeks, it's been working well for me. It didn't cause me anxiety like
>>2109941 said. That side effect won't be true for everyone and it would be silly to totally dismiss it because of that. As with any drug, ymmv. For me, I have a clearer mind and I'm more functional in my day-to-day life. If you also suffer from depression, it's a great drug. In general, I feel more like myself on it which is a risk with other antidepressants.
I used to take xanax but it's too addictive, especially since you can gain a tolerance to it. Would not recommend benzos in general for that reason.
No. 2110046
>>2109937I have been on Prozac for years. I have taken an occasional break but I do better when I am on it. It took about a six months to a year for me to finally feel like my anxiety and depression were adequately treated, so do be mindful of that when you start.
The only side effects I have are that it’s a bit harder to orgasm and I had some manageable headaches the first two weeks I went on it. I never experienced any changes in my weight.
No. 2110051
>>2110046Samefag, forgot to talk about the positive effects.
I don’t experience anxiety really anymore. I do have depressive thoughts still but that’s related to PMDD and not necessarily an indication the Prozac isn’t doing its job. I generally am more with it, am able to plan for my future, and actually look forward to it. Things don’t feel hopeless. I don’t have panic attacks anymore either and can generally handle stress better. I still feel like me, but I just am able to do things now.
No. 2110340
>>2110308nta but in the 2000s there were all sorts of "jokes" in the media and mainstream celebs about being attracted to teenagers, people making countdowns to when some actresses turn 18, etc. the 90s had a recurring trend of films about teen girls "seducing" grown men and portraying those men as
victims, older time periods around the 50s had songs from grown men about having teenage girlfriends or being attracted to them (sometimes this slipped in the 80s too, vidrel. this was a mainstream hit at the time). also in some countries real, legit CP was legal in the 70s.
No. 2110342
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>>2110340samefag, regarding cp:
No. 2110357
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>>2110346(last one, sorry)
No. 2110527
>>2110520Only maybe a couple times a week, but I wake up so clear minded when on those days, like a supercomputer.
>>2110526For most days it’s 9, if I slept less then 10.
No. 2110530
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>>2110496Googled this because I've been wondering as well but always forget kek. Although I stopped feeling tired after 8 hours of sleep ever since I started taking vitamins and iron supplements. I still notice that I feel more awake after only sleeping for 6 hours sometimes
No. 2110563
>>2110496Dunno how old you are but a couple years into my 30s I started finding 7 hours is the sweet spot for being rested and not having like a sleep hangover the next day. Something had changed but I had the 8 hour rule in my head so wouldn't just roll with it and felt like shit whenever I so much as got that extra hour in.
>is 7 hours of sleep enough? Yes, seven hours is enough sleep for the majority of adults. In a joint consensus published by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine and the Sleep Research Society, experts recommend seven hours as the "magic number" for most healthy adultsMaybe try for a consistant 7 and see
No. 2110600
>>2110542As in
>a thread to roleplay warrior cats>a thread talking about warrior cats roleplays>a thread talking about places to roleplay warrior cats>a thread talking about warrior cats roleplay autismOr something else?
No. 2110675
>>2110673jesus christ, ugh. how do women date these things knowing even
some moids are like this
No. 2110901
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Nonnies, what's your typing style like when you text friends and family? Do you type the same way you do on lc, or do you use more slang and emojis/emoticons? I don't have friends to text so that's why I'm asking, kek.
No. 2110978
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>>2110340Sorry for maybe a gross topic but i was really into Brook Shields for a couple of weeks and god her story is BLEAK. For anyone saying its all pedos these days, this shit was horrendous in the 70s. Everyone knows about the playboy pics of her when she was 10, but she wasnt the only sexualized child back then. There was a photographer named David Hamilton, who was straight up making cp and calling it art. You still can buy him photo albums because its considered "art". Also, in Europe it was even worse because there were so many gross borderline cp movies that were considered art. I dont want to name it so a lurking scrote wouldnt google it, but i can name a modern 2011 movie "My little princess" about a little girl who is photographed naked "for the sake of art". Her pics were also on playboy cover when she was 10. Based on the real story.
No. 2111054
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>>2111022Artifical food coloring. Plastic. Lead content from cheap Chinese garbage with no regulations. Healthy alternatives to food being twice as expensive as the poisoned regular food. Skincare products and makeup. Our ancestors weren't using 10 skincare products and lived decently long lives. I think there's something wrong with most beauty products. Just a tinfoil. The good news is you're mostly in control of all of it as long as you exercise, drink water, and do your best, diet wise. Try to minimize plastic in your environment.
No. 2111064
>>2111037We always had. The fuck you on we just didn't know what the fuck that was. There is no excuse to drink like crazy and eat red meat like we do now. Drinking is completely normalized. You see teens "joking" about being addicted to alcohol like never before. This normalization of alcohol is one of the worst things that happened to us, and it won't end until it gets as bad as smoking back then, but they won't convince anyone that cancer is getting worse cus of that. They also use it to make us dumber for the elections all over the world. And red meat is just not good for your body, people aren't eating just a bit here and there, for some it is everyday and it's insane.
>>2111041I said nothing about wine specifically, I was actually thinking about the beer lobby in my country, also having an opinion is bait now? Go to rehab, at this point you're not making your lifespan longer you drunkard.
>>2111038Thats kinda what I am saying, it's not about stopping completely but there is something weird going on and I see these crazy meat diets and this normalizaiton of alcohol where people drink alcohol like they should with water and it's driving me insane that everytime you say anyhing people think you mean ban alcohol, I drink wine and drunk alcohol before, I am just fed up with the alcohol propaganda and how you can't even criticize it the crazies come out of the bushes to call you a baiter.
No. 2111135
>>2111068Plastic contains molecules which get into your bloodstream and cross the blood brain barrier.
>>2111048You probably weren't tuned in to cancer news at age 6. Try googling articles about cancer from the time period you were that age in, I'm sure there was plenty. The discovery of microplastics seems recent.
No. 2111175
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>>2111141The molecules leach into the things you drink. Plastic straws enter your mouth. Your food is all grown in environments with plastic pollution. I'm not trying to scare you, but it's the truth. Do you know why it's so hard to conduct research on microplastics? Because it's so prevalent in the population, they cannot get a control group (people without microplastics in their blood).
No. 2111352
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I know this is the Stupid Questions thread but I feel like I've gotten brain damage reading the baiter's replies.
>>2111054The damage to the ozone layer is also contributing to a rise in skin cancer and therefore a rise in deaths caused by it.
>>2111102NTA but you can just sit on the toilet for like five minutes if you're at home and do a safety wipe afterwards. Also there's reusable cloth pants made for that. What do think women did before pads
inb4 "we had less periods hundreds of years ago" true but they still had them No. 2111791
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What is this supposed to mean, is it just a marketing thing? Surely if you care enough to pay for moisturizer you'd wash your face too, who is this marketing to?
No. 2112099
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If I put shredded coconut in a tea bag and steeped it, would it taste good or does it not steep well? Using this one btw
No. 2112107
>>2111955No, touch some grass and just do what you like. 30 is too old only on lolcow and in the heads of 19 year old zoomers who think they live in dog years.
There’s a shitton of artists around and over 30 who made it big later than the usual teen popstar cohort. JLo and Debbie Harry being the most famous example, but there’s also Rina Sawayama, Sheryl Crow, Sia, etc etc. There’s also a lot of singers who made music before but didn’t really do as well until later, e.g. Gwen Stefani, Fergie, Adele, Celine Dion (at least her English albums, she was already big in France by then). A lot of artists in the mid-late 2000s were older following the RnB/bubblegum pop boom of the late 90s and early 2000s.
No. 2112254
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What browser is used on the right screen? Any nonnas know?
No. 2112424
>>2112418He probably will reoffend
End of story
No. 2112495
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Is the sexual comments that aoc gets from conservatives supposed to be ironic or just actual degeneracy, because on 4chan it's always paired with "she's got big teeth and is disgusting brown femoid but I'd fuck her anyways"
No. 2112522
>>2112495It's probably an admixture of both. A lot of conservitard racist men are unironically into black, brown, asian and
poc women in general as some kind of sick effort to "colonize" them
No. 2112564
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Is the dating pool in London that bad, especially if you’re an American? Basically all the moids where I’m from that are single at my age are either criminals, single dads, or both.
No. 2112671
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Does anyone know what that neck lines are called? I've had similar since I was a toddler and it sort of drives me crazy. Kimora lee simmons is the only person i've ever seen with similar. I know nowadays those creases can be caused by tech neck, but what if you're born with it?
No. 2113212
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>>2113201if we were socially well adjusted why would we be on this corner of the internet
No. 2113225
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how does Nick get his mozzarella so fucking melty and liquidy? I have never seen white cheese like this.
No. 2113396
>>2113380Not to "um ackchyually", but South Asians and South
east Asians are different groups.
No. 2113440
>>2113431Ok… well, next question. Do you consider your partner posting thirst traps cheating? Because I would honestly excuse drunk shenanigans unless they were literally kissing or having sex since I’m definitely not the same when drunk. But I follow couples where one will make posts that are pretty obviously centred around their attractiveness on social media, that attract a fair amount of people in the comments thirsting over this person, somewhat inappropriately. I would consider this cheating.
>>2113433Unironically no, I was going to say I’m a lightweight but it’s like even the teensiest drop of alcohol
triggers a second personality in me
No. 2113479
>>2113440You probably shouldn't drink honestly.
I wouldn't like it if my partner posted thirst traps, would I consider it cheating? Not technically. Unless they act upon the attention they get from it obviously.
No. 2113550
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Why is all the edgy content made by women for women only revovls around self deprecation and masochism?? For example, if you remember that singer Nicole Dollanganger and her endless ray of rip offs, they could be making songs about killing scrotes and being the serial killers but instead they only like the role of the sad baby girl victim. Or take this retarded artist Trevor Brown, he only draws girls being victims of violence and he has a 100% female fanbase. I also noticed the women in fandom tend to loathe evil cool female characters like Makima (I just knew they would simp for her if she was a moid character). There is an eery realization that we won't get to be anything but victims in fiction and escapism media not only because of butthurt moids but also because the other women fucking hate it and will call it problematic or shit but absolute will swoon over a serial killer male characters. Picrel is the type of thing I like but its drawn by a moid so its a disappointment.
No. 2113562
>>2113529A bit of everything.
At least in the US, the actual administrative process to receive an abortion is traumatizing in it of itself. One knows you have a deadline cutoff to be elligible for abortion that is calculated based on when you first noticed you were pregnant, combined with then needing to find an available office that can get you in and not overcharge you before you are past the deadline and stuck with the pregnancy either way. This alone is an anxiety nightmare.
The day of your appointment, you arrive onsite to be greeted by protestors who remind you that you are a wanton harlot worse than Hitler just for being there. Upon entering the facility, due to demand and often lack of funding, the check in process takes hours itself. You're stuck waiting in a room with other traumatized women. Some of whom are crying, agitated, or just indifferent. The atmosphere is weird because women are there to get abortions for many different reasons. Because everyone is going through their own process knowing abortion is so stigmatized, it's not like anyone is there to form solidarity and connections.
The doctors and nurses tend to be very jaded, combined with having a thick skin from handling abortions every day and handling the death threats outside their walls, which makes extending empathy towards your situation a rarity.
Next you find out if you are elligible for pill or surgical abortion. You know you're up for some pain either way, but surgical tends to be more traumatizing due to the setup and pain and impending financial bill.
If you managed to get through the abortion relatively pain free, good luck handling your body's hormone dump which is similar to postpartum and will leave you with feelings. There is rarely follow up or therapeutic services rendered afterward unless you seek it out yourself. Because women are under such threat of stigmatization after abortion, it's not like most announce that they've had one so you can't even know if your friends or family would be supportive of it in order to be able to talk to anyone about it which leaves one feeling very isolated.
No. 2113583
>>2113563Hormone dumps are going to make you feel different things and everyone has different reactions.
It's hard for me to think of every scenario, but they are something that happens which is why I mentioned feelings in general.
It could be depression, mania, anger, anxiety, and so on.
No. 2113667
>>2113660I’m going to be completely honest I think this generation naming thing is a psyop. I don’t know what the aim is, but it seems pointless and
triggering to people’s fear of aging. It’s a marketing thing and therefore evil.
No. 2113683
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What's with the insistance on male nipples in manga? I even seem to remember a beach episode (or was it an OVA? Maybe even just a fanfiction…) of Fairy Tail where the male characters were confused about their lack of nipples.
No. 2113818
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Do people still print out a picture of the haircut they want and give it to the hairdresser, or would that be embarrassing? Do hairdressers still have magazines around the shop where you can pick out a haircut you like? Last time I went to a hairdresser was 7 years ago, and the last time before that, I was a literal child. I've been cutting my own hair for most of my life, but I'm considering going pretty short and I don't wanna risk doing that myself.
No. 2113838
>>2113818I think it depends on the country, I honestly just tell my favorite hairdresser to do what she thinks looks better on me and that's it, and I think I look great, I like my hair as it is.
But you could, in any case, compile a few haircuts and take them with you, I think printing them may be a good idea, you also wouldn't know what kind of styles they would have in the magazines because they could either be new and with stuff that wouldn't suit you or outdated and with styles that wouldn't suit you.
Try researching a bit about types of faces and look at yourself in the mirror while trying out stuff with your own hair (as in holding your hair so it looks shorter and such) and look for hairstyles that you just think are pretty and that you just want to try out.
No. 2113953
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>>2113824>>2113838Thank you nonnies, I appreciate the advice
No. 2114498
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Late last June I shipped a few heavy boxes to a friend across the country via FedEx. It arrived fine (both FedEx and my friend sent me photos). It's now about to be August and I still don't see a bill on my account. And my friend didn't pay for it because she would have mentioned if she had. What's going on here? Is FedEx really this slow? Should I take the W and move on?
No. 2114797
>>2114787That's why it's good to join clubs and recreation groups, it's the same group of people you'll be seeing at the same place talking about the same topics or doing the same activities every week. It's much easier to connect with people when you all have something in common, and easier to bond too when you see each other on a weekly basis at the same times. You don't have to make really good "friends" with anybody, but just talking to others and knowing about them and them knowing about you is important for self-development and staying sane. Plus, usually they'll help you improve whatever hobby it is that you have. E.g., my film review group has helped me find a lot of great new movies and has opened up a lot of new understandings and perspectives for me to explore with reading my co-members reviews, or my Pilates class helps me stay trim, feel healthy, learn new work-outs and tips from my co-members, and it helps me stay motivated to exercise. I've recently been trying to find people interested in bowling so I can start a bowling group because I love to bowl but none of my friends are interested in it. In life it's easy to sequester ourselves and be alone, but it's much more interesting and fulfilling if we go out and try to show up for things.
No. 2114896
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>>2114887Try harder but not in the ways you think; try harder to be kinder and more forgiving towards yourself, try harder to reflect while you're down instead of just rushing to get back up, try harder to see the good in people, try harder to appreciate all the different perspectives we find in life, try harder to be the best version of yourself that you know you can be. It's hard to make friends for some people, but by making sure you're feeling good about yourself & secure in your place in the world, you will naturally draw people in similar situations closer to you. Dust attracts dust in the same way that we really ever only find what we're looking for. I believe in you! I was in the same boat at one point in my life, completely friendless and I had been alone for so long that being around others made me so uncomfortable and ashamed. It took time and a certain understanding that can only be found after a long time alone to spur me into action to remedy my problems. I think you can do the same because if a loser like me could do it, surely you can too, if not at least try because what else is there to do?
No. 2115026
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How does it feel to see someone driving the same car as you? Do you even notice?
No. 2115028
>>2114978You shouldn't "grow thicker skin"
You should git gud
No. 2115039
>>2115026Yes but only because my car is a bit uncommon in my area and country kek it’s become a more popular make in the last five years or so tho so when I see other
Fiat 500 drivers we have a little wave. It’s like a Jeep wave but fruity and Italian lmao
No. 2115051
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>>2115026I'll probably sound retarded, but I don't know cars or car models like that. I can't even find my own car in a big parking lot without using my key fob. I probably HAVE seen my car thousands of times and didn't recognize it. I think the only car I could recognize without thinking about it is a Tesla Cybertruck because if be wondering if I was transported to an old videogame kek
>>2115039Fiat 500s are super cute! Cars like those and Volkswagens look like toy cars.
No. 2115053
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>>2115028thanks i'll go kill myself
No. 2115064
>>2114978Just either mute them, or start shit talking them back and you'll feel better. Even if it's a corny as fuck insult just do it: in a recent game I had a
toxic teammate and typed "be honest…are your parents siblings?" and my go to is to apologize for their small dick or mental disability. Pointing out a dumb mistake they made is good too. Gaming shit talk is like having an argument in elementary school on the playground, treat it as such.
No. 2115078
>>2115076getting good at video games is a sad thing in and of itself so i wouldn't worry about it
gaming is a shitty hobby that leads to nothing meaningful
No. 2115417
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kind of a rhetorical question in the sense that i'm not really looking for an actual answer but not opposed to getting one– i wonder if danobf anon still comes on here… not to encourage personalityfagging but i'm dyingggg to know more. like how she felt when anons kept reposting the picture, what was going through her mind when she posed it and the aftermath that followed, if she's still with that moid and how she feels about him still being memed here, etc…
No. 2115880
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What does Manic Pixie Dream Girl mean exactly?
No. 2115896
>>2115880It's originally a movie term. A MPDG is a quirky girl who exists mainly to "heal" or "fix" a male love interest. She's a wild child who does things juuuust a little differently to be cool, but not enough to be weird or embarrassing (e.g. she plays an obscure musical instrument or has a collection of vintage bottle caps), but other than superficial traits, she has no backstory and no relationships other than the male love interest.
IRL it's a girl, usually an nlog, who wants to be seen as the ideal female partner by being equally quirky and low maintenance.
No. 2115923
>IRL it's a girl, usually an nlog, who wants to be seen as the ideal female partner by being equally quirky and low maintenance.By that you mean that she's a tryhard nlog pickme, right? And not just an actual "not like the other girls" aka "weird, not fitting in" girl. Kind of like a poser who does it only for male attention/validation.
No. 2116180
>>2116097The International Boxing Association previously disqualified the two boxers from a championship competition last year. There are claims that the athletes are XY, but the IBA's official statement is that they underwent a non-testosterone related test by an independent lab and were disqualified based on the results.
The IBA has nothing to do with the 2024 Olympics so whatever they ruled doesn't apply. Olympic eligibility rules don't require chromosome testing, so if they are XY it wouldn't matter.
No. 2116188
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>>2116097I don’t understand how you can have female genitalia and XY chromosomes so i really fail to believe that hulk is a woman
(discussing a topic that has been quarantined) No. 2116257
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>>2115880Basically an NLOG who is high-energy, ~quirky~, and has a strong desire to "fix" depressed, introverted moids. Rare in real life, but common in fiction, particularly in the 2000s and early 2010s. Zooey Deschanel's character in 500 Days of Summer is a classic example. Ramona Flowers is another.
No. 2116271
>>2116188I'm skeptical but I'll wait for more evidence.
What I find hilarious about the entire situation is how algerians are suddenly crying racism and identifying as african and non-white when they shit on dark-skinned africans all the time.
No. 2116288
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>>2116097>>2116180algerians on twitter and reddit are proudly screeching
>there's no way she's a man because we hate homos and trannies here!!curious how they have no problem with her out in public dressed like this
No. 2116289
>>2116282Ntayrt but this stumps me, has it been confirmed anywhere that Semenya
literally fathered the children? If that's the case why the fuck did they allow him to compete in the olympics?? I read somewhere that said his testosterone levels were like 30% higher than the average woman's, and comparable to the average man iirc.
No. 2116313
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>>2116296>>2116300You are right I was too confident, but I doubt they would officially confirm it. I still think the situation is very clear though even if it turns out he is not the father. He doesn't look like a woman, it's not some "muh black women so masculine" racist thing to point that out. Comparing him to female black competitors makes that very clear imo. I understand nonas don't want to discriminate against intersex women, but this boxer raises a lot of red flags for me.
No. 2116811
>>2116790Ironically enough, when I wish for bigger wishes, like getting that grade on an exam or getting that person to like me or whatever, it doesn't happen
It seems god is only capable of giving us small trivial things, still nice but yknow
No. 2117149
>>2117137Half yes and no. Problem with Hitler is that he didn’t stop at Jews, and if he could he’d extend his terrorism to every single non-aryan he can. But he wasn’t wrong in noticing that Jews are the
root of most evil in this world, and the clutches they have on the modern world is genuinely scary.
>>2116676Not wishes, but if I fantasize about something long enough, it comes true. I wrote and rewrote a story a hundred times where the main character (who is based on me), gets an injury causing a specific scar on her side, and later I developed a disease that caused the exact same type of scar in the exact same spot. And then later I wrote a story where the main character's mother has her wedding dress destroyed in a certain way, and on the day of the wedding my mom's dress was destroyed in that exact same way by a freak accident.
It's probably pattern recognition, because none of the other things I've written about have come true (I've never won the lottery or gained superpowers), but I don't write stories where the people I love die anymore just in case.
>>2116790No, their wish for heroin is stronger than their wish for a home.
No. 2117198
>>2117137You are mixing a lot of different topics together. Firstly, tumblerinas larp as Jews because they want oppression points but are not quite desperate enough to fake being a completely different race. So they will larp as Jews because Jews can be white. They might also have a fascination with Jewish culture, which can be motivated by hatred and not just by appreciation. A lot of /pol/tards for example are fascinated, if not obsessed with Jews, even if they hate them.
When it comes to the palestine/israel conflict, this definitely was not a motivation for anything that Hitler did. In fact, if Hitler could have snapped his fingers and magically relocated all Jews to Palestine, he probably would have done it. There was even a plan for a while to relocate Jews to Madagascar, which in my opinion would make for a great what-if movie. Antisemitism during this time period was motivated by conspiracy theories, plain xenophobia etc. and had absolutely nothing to do with "palestinians", which Hitler would have considered subhumans anyway.
No. 2117200
>>2117147It's just kinda weird that I grew up being told constantly that the Holocaust was the worst thing that ever happen ever, and that we all needed to work together to ensure that it never happens again.
But now there's a Jewish ethnostate and they're committing genocide? And all the powers of the world are okay with it? So the moral is that everything I was taught was a lie, and genocide is okay sometimes, especially if killing them saves you. Which I'm okay with, because fuck the way Palestine treats women and it's time for those male bloodlines to be wiped off the face of the earth, but it's also confusing, because Jewish peoples seemed to be the loudest when speaking out against genocides but now aren't as loud now that it's them that are committing genocide.
No. 2117245
>>2117200War and genocide have been enacted by pretty much every ethnic group on the planet Earth. Israeli zionists will point to the 6 million Jews killed by the nazis and say that’s a real genocide, whereas only 40,000 have been killed in Palestine and Israel. That includes combatants, Palestinians civilians, and Israelis. I’m not agreeing with this argument, but I think it raises the question: at what point does war and ethnic violence become so horrific it becomes a genocide? I also think the Holocaust has led to radicalization among the children of survivors who have an “us vs them” mentality where survival, at any cost, is paramount.
>Jewish peoples seemed to be the loudest when speaking out against genocides but now aren't as loud now that it's them that are committing genocide.Jews have different attitudes towards Palestine, and many American Jews are very critical of Israel.
No. 2117407
>>2117142Trainspotting, Jennifer's Body, The first Scary Movie, Welcome to the Dollhouse, The Bling Ring, Cruel Intentions (does have quite a bit of romance but it's an enjoyable movie), Sugar & Spice, Not Another Teen Movie, Ghost World, Do Revenge, Ingrid Goes West
No. 2117500
>>2117429Traumatic experiences are fairly easy to explain, venting, feeling like you can't be public with it so you use here, finding others who relate since this is a large forum with women from all over the world.
I don't really see people sharing the types of things that could identify them, like people are very discreet here, I assume it would just be to have something to talk about tho.
No. 2117533
>>2117521It's psychosexual. Britons can't handle that their empire controlled a fifth of the world and lost it all in less than a century. Briton's don't like admitting that they even had an empire to begin with - in the sense that in every historical empire, minorities from across the empire emigrate to the metropole. They don't wanna actually admit to themselves that they
were an Imperial power because they'd have to come to the conclusion that they're
not an Imperial power any longer. It's too traumatic for them to accept. The whole "urgh I hate coloureds!!" mindset some Britons have is indicative of guilt mixed with shame mixed with anger mixed with fear.
>>2117527What culture do you think the USA is based on if not the Imperial British culture? What collective unconscious permeates the American psyche, if not the Shadow of Britain?
No. 2117557
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What are the indents on her stomach/ribs area? Is it just ab muscles?
No. 2117572
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>>2117570Are you sure? I don't wanna spam pics of her, but they seem more like her abdomen.
No. 2117595
>>2117586>The US has been so dramatically shaped an idealistic notion of equality, it has seeped into our culture and the narratives we tell ourselves about our own history, which in turn does effect our own version of patriotism and racial progress.Yes, and the city of Rome was actually really 100% for real founded by the hero-prince of Troy, Aeneas, fleeing from the great Trojan War. It's totally not a fake story used as a propaganda tool by the Roman elite to ground their historical revisionism or justify the state of their country.
I just think the whole "The USA is founded on equality and liberty and that's what it's all about!" line is so over-used and removed from reality. The country wasn't founded on liberty and equality, those things were just used as justification to separate from the metropole & are indicative of the idealistic culture present in politics at the time.
No. 2117657
>>2117654Same, maybe it’s an american thing? All milk is weird in concept (bovine breastmilk) but how is whole milk the
more weird option then the weird percentage stuff. I prefer plant milk though.
No. 2118100
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>>2118084Probably because LC is now like fucking omegle and you can't have basic discussion without it being abundantly clear you're talking to a man or a minor
No. 2118599
>>2118594I think what you mean to ask is if some compulsions relating to OCD stem from self-doubt, and the answer then is yes. Sometimes learning to be sure of ourselves helps to limit the amount of compulsions we feel. I don't have to lock the door 10 times, because I
know I wouldn't do that, and it's just my self-doubt coming through. I still lock it twice though because everyone can make a mistake and it's better to be safe than sorry.
No. 2118967
>>2118954If possible you should apologize IRL. Be as frank as possible, establish eye contact, basically directly ask the other person to forgive you. Don't grovel in a way that makes you seem eccessively pathetic but do use submissive, pitiful body language.
This takes people aback because usually conflict is never resolved unilaterally and you have to negotiate a mutual understanding. If one of the people involves just begs for forgiveness the other one will quickly accept the apology. If they don't, you either messed up really badly or they're a narcissist who enjoys seeing you humiliate yourself.
Through text, basically write the most submissive message possible. You can pull off being pathetic even without sending your bloody wrists just by using words. The goal is to fully accept responsibility while also making yourself seem dejected, desperate, like you did something horrible and you don't know how to live with it. Even the most avoidant people who don't know how to deal with conflict, provided they have any empathy, will quickly try to fix the situation if you write that kind of message. Again, if you receive no response or the response is dismissive it means the other person really dislikes you.
No. 2119044
>>2119038It's a literal physical dependence and nothing more. Nobody craves nasal spray and freaks out when they don't get it, the addiction part comes into play when you overuse it, then you body is literally dependent on it to not have blocked sinuses. People on it are kind of the retarded type who can't stomach to breathe through their mouths and wait out the inflamed sinuses, which is funny because that's what you do when you're sick anyway.
Tl;Dr, there are no fun effects of nasal spray like weed or coke, it's just a physical dependency.
No. 2119145
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Do any other anons feel uncomfortable looking at this image (or watching the scene iykyk)? I think it's kind of obvious fetish coom bait made by sick freaks as fanservice, but apparently I'm being too harsh.
No. 2119174
>>2119163>>2119155hank you for making me feel less crazy! Kek, I'm glad others can see what I'm talking about. To me, it looks like this is just meant to be like a drawing reference for someone else to draw something on top. The way she's clutching herself from the back and making that face, I can see it being used for something more sinister and perverted. And I really don't think that's unintentional. I brought this up in the anime thread and they all acted like
I was the pervert for being grossed out and thinking this was related to fanservice and fetish and I wanted to get opinions from normal people not weebs. Also, sorry I didn't spoiler it I didn't think to since it wasn't spoilered on the other thread. Thank you for making me feel less crazy kek I'm glad others can see it.
>>2119162It's gross but it's this scene of the character, she's supposed to be like below 10 or something, after she's held in her shit for a long time, in this scene she shits her pants. The whole thing was really gross. Apparently it was a major plot point to the movie.
No. 2119183
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>>2119174>that explanationDunno who made this but he needs to take a long walk off a short pier.
No. 2119200
>>2119183Literally there was 15 minutes of the movie where all that was happening was she was running around cluching her ass groaning in pain and wincing before shitting herself. And there were anons saying
I was the creepy one for thinking that it was gross and wrong!!! Fuck weebs.
No. 2119263
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Sorry, gross, but how do you get out old discharge stains from your underwear? I usually pretreat them but there are some old ones that are impossible to get rid of it seems like
No. 2119308
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when celebs go to events wearing dresses like this where they are 99% naked, do they think about the fact that thousands of men are going to masturbating to them? isn't it just like another form of soft core pornography?
No. 2119447
>>2119222I watched Chobits for the first time because I kept hearing about how good and classic it is. And holy shit the whole thing was the Born Sexy Yesterday trope, and the button to “reset” her is between her legs, there’s a whole episode where she’s just walking around looking for underwear and saying “Pantsu! Pantsu! Pantsu!” in a little girl voice.
It was creepy.
No. 2119708
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Anons, I like this cardigan but hate the cheap plastic buttons it comes with, which of these buttons do you think would suit it the best?
No. 2119827
>>2119242No, they do know. Dragon Maid's author was fucking everywhere and was really blunt about it.
His other works got adapted around the same time back to back. Interspecies Reviewers, PeachBoy Riverside, The Idetan Dieties only know Peace.
The only people that are shocked the dragon maid is like that are people that only know about anime off of reddit and twitter.
No. 2119835
>>2119827Actually scratch Interpecies Reviewers kek, that one was actually a different guy.
My point still stands though.
No. 2119872
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>>2119200>>2119183I watched the movie. Tbh it while it was really awkward, I didn't think it was to the point of being intentional fetish fuel, more of a too long funky animation montage where she meets the poop god, his hair and beard made out of toilet paper. It's bad toilet humor for kids (that being said, moids would use the movie as fetish fuel regardless of anything it did).
No. 2120382
>>2120371It's called equivocation and I very clearly remember that the whole "consuming media" phrase was coined by breatubers in their podcast wars. I remember the moment it breached containment too years later when that girl on TikTok that puts on that special voice used the phrase it and the TikTok went viral.
>Reading a book>Looking at an advertisement>Watching a movie>Buying a magazine>Playing video games>Watching TV series>Listening to music>Listening to podcastsAll of these are different things and I think lumping them together under "media consumption" is just kind of weird and trashy because the way I've seen it, it always comes across in an insulting way, as if to shame someone for reading a book or watching a film.
>>2120378Post an example of what you mean so we know how to answer.
No. 2120411
>>2120382>examplesLike vidrel or those old amvhell shorts on YouTube or even Take Me To Church
iykyk No. 2120431
>>2120411The old one with just the cuts and music is probably not too hard in simple video editing software, I've got a free one called LosslessCut.
The newer one has a lot of fancier effects though, probably photoshop involved.
No. 2120505
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Is there a reason ftm v-tubers or png-tubers don't use voice changers? Instead they usually add disclaimers like picrel
No. 2120685
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>>2120679>>2120658 holy kekoroni i looked more into this bitch and shes is such a cow kekkk might have to post about her in the personal lolcows thread thanks nona for introducing her
No. 2120812
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>>2120807draw scars on your cheeks
No. 2121043
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Do normal people feel overwhelmed by everyday stuff too? Like having to keep an apartment clean and tidy, cooking every day, having hobbies and a social life all the while maintaining a job. Or is this an autistic/depressed person thing?
No. 2121049
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what is this kind of art style called? i hate it but i need a name for it kek.
No. 2121080
>>2121048Can be very depressing
Dress in black
Takes themselves seriously
No. 2121135
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>>2121026OMG thank you for the easy mmnemonics,
nonnie!! This is so easy to remember. Mwah!
>>2121005Oh ok cool. Now I see what I was misunderstanding it earlier. Thank you too!
No. 2121229
>>2121221Harry Potter is going nowhere
nonnie, you better learn up in the meantime.
No. 2121307
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>>2121049I feel like there is a name for this but I think this kind of art style is based off of Matisse’s artwork which became popular in modern home decor as of recently
No. 2121671
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Are there any women talking about MLP in general on YouTube? I want to hear someone talking about random media like Winx and such, but I don't want to hear any moids or gendies talking about such things, I tried but they all suck, they scream too much, don't understand what they're talking about or are just retarded adding gendie shit to shit that doesn't make any sense, also, I heard someone call women "menstruators" and it made my skin crawl, like literally, I was disgusted.
No. 2121672
>>2121627Yes depending on the toppings. Protein and carbs are what make you feel full is, and protein is what keeps you feeling full/satisfied for a long time.
And yeah, anything can be considered dinner. I definitely think salad can be breakfast, lunch and dinner.
No. 2121682
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>>2121627I think salad isn't considered a "dinner" if you're going out. Like if I went to a restaurant, I wouldn't order a salad unless I wasn't really hungry. Likewise if I went to dinner with someone, I'd be weirded out if they only got a salad. On it's own, I usually make a salad alongside another dish (especially if that other dish doesn't ft. many vegetables) to make the meal more complete and nutritious. I think salad, if it's big enough and with enough protein, could be considered a lunch though.
No. 2121755
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I want to make an attempt on my life. About how much will it cost if I fail and end up in the hospital? (USA)
No. 2121786
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>>2121755the cost could be being stuck in a disabled body or living with disfigurement. even if you do gas method, if they save you in time you will be kept alive and possibly brain damaged, sometimes enough to feel but not enough to communicate or anything.
Just ride out your time, and use that time to meditate, research and learn how to escape the demiurge and another cycle of the flesh prison.
No. 2121843
>>2121755These anons
>>2121786 >>2121759 are right. It's unironically cheaper to be stuck in the psych ward for about a week or so than failing a suicide. It's the difference between one-time 4k amount (sometimes more or less depending on your circumstances) that you can choose not to pay if you don't care about your credit score vs being potentially forever in debt because you failed a suicide attempt and now need a live-in nurse. For the record the likelihood of being imprisoned or getting in trouble for not paying medical debt in the US is unlikely if not illegal in most areas.
No. 2122258
>>2122135Citing scientists isn't super relevant when you're the type of ""news"" as the daily mail lmao, everything is biased but the daily mail is on top of the bias list.
Simple answer is:
Best in mid 20's biologically, Best in early 30's for a mix of good biologically + good socially/financially/stability.
Besides, having children with your cousin… actually isn't that bad as long as it's not a continuous line over many many years like a lot of years.
No. 2122275
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How do I sneak two pairs of scissors through a metro station that's right fucking next to one of the country's few fashion institutes and doesn't understand why I'd need a 10 inch long pair of scissors? One friend's told me wrapping them in aluminum foil might work.
No. 2122308
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>>2122280yeah, there's always one at the entrance, but not for the exits, so if you've gotten through the metro station and security at some point then at your destination you won't be checked. This happened to me when on the trip back home. When I put my bag through the baggage scanner, they saw them and confronted me, they've told me that next time they'll have to confiscate the scissors(which were fucking expensive im not fucking giving them)
No. 2122702
>>2122647It just comes out like that tbh.
Restroom sounds weird, toilet sounds crass, and nobody says WC.
No. 2122925
>>2122906If your skin is yellow, it will overlay your blue veins and create green.
>>2122893Skin is thicker around the breasts, so I'd say yes, warm. Everyone has redness on their face. No one has a perfect single tone tiktok makeup cakeface irl, it'd actually be quite uncanny.
No. 2122937
>>2122468i don't want to leave them with friends, it's really unreliable and i don't have like really really close friends that would actually feel bad for losing my property, i guess i could see if i could leave them with faculty. stupid college, "best of it's industry in the whole country", "ranked 10th place in the whole world, 7th in Asia", can't have fucking lockers, everyone speaks mostly in English, we write everything in fucking English, we reference Anglophone media, but no, lockers are the one thing we won't have.
No. 2123499
>>2123486It just depends on how they affect you. If you notice they make you sleepy, take them at night, and if you notice they make you feel energized, take them in the morning. When I was on Prozac I always took them at night, but then when I was on Wellbutrin I was taking them in the morning with my coffee.
>>2123496I think they mean like, "
femcels" aren't a organized group like "incels" are. Like you don't seen "
femcels" going about shooting up schools or driving vans into crowds like incels do, but for some reason everyone is more obsessed with "
femcels." It's like when that journalist came here to write an article about us because we're all "dangerous
femcels." I take it as like, "
femcel" is a more tongue-in-cheek term that shouldn't be taken seriously, unlike incel. If that makes sense, anyway.
No. 2123511
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>>2123499this plus the term is constantly thrown around towards anyone who criticizes men
No. 2123517
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What are these tall bits of wall called that go above the roof of these buildings? I've seen them before. Do they even have a name?
No. 2123628
>>2123622So funny enough I called his mom today and filled her in. Shes very upset and demanded to him that they are meeting Thursday. I told her she needs to step in and help him with his mental health because I am burnt out and have nothing more to give.
He is pissed at me now, but I warned him last time he melted down I was going to call his mom. He fucked around and found out.
He also suicide baited me when I told him I cant live like this anymore.
No. 2123634
>>2123620He’s trying to seem sensitive as means of avoiding taking legitimate responsibility, when he cries to stop you from talking about something important he’s attempting to manipulate you into thinking that you expressing your feelings or you conducting a coherent, honest discussion with him is somehow
triggering him or bringing up distress for him when we both know those are crocodile tears. Smack that faggot across the face and tell him to man up or LEAVE!
No. 2123638
>>2123624Don't tell them that you're from out of state until you're given an interview. Just apply for jobs and when they contact you to schedule an interview, let them know you're from out of state and you'd be willing to relocate for the position. I've never heard of using specific job recruiters for out-of-state jobs, I always just looked on normal job posting sites and told them that I'd be moving to start the job. Usually they're fine with it as long as you're up front about it.
>>2123628Don't fall for the trappings nona. You shouldn't be concerned if he kills himself or not because it's nothing to do with you. He's pissed at you because he's embarrassed his mum knows about his fake sobbing now and now he has to explain to her what's up with that. With scrotes like these, there's no sense in trusting anything that they say or do because they're such pervasive liars that even they don't know the truth anymore.
No. 2123640
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If a guy I'm dating suggests I file bankruptcy, then marry him to rebuild my credit, does it mean he's trying to control me?
No. 2123648
>>2123632>>2123636>>2123634Ty nonnas. I forgot to mention I havent had sex with him in months- and he told me I was withholding sex to manipulate him kek.
Ohhhhh what a waste of energy and time for me. Lesson learned
I love all the nonnas thanks for the reality check
No. 2123652
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>>2123649thank you
nonnie No. 2123663
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>>2123640I think these shoes are perfect for you,
nonnie, they have a cool name, they have some turbo shit going on too, they're red like the redflag of your boyfriend and they're perfect for running away from his
toxic ass.
No. 2123768
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Is there any Chinese anons that speak Chinese on here? I have a weird/neurotic question about Chinese stuff but I'm not sure if there are any anons on here that can answer.
No. 2123812
>>2123788Nobody's made it yet and the old one is maxed.
I'd make it but I need to wake up early in the morning aka a couple hours from now and I am in such a bad mood I wanna
slit my wrist veins No. 2124091
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Is this not a weird skintone for the middle two? I don't see anyone online talking about this so it might be fine but it looks so off next to everyone else
No. 2124108
>>2124091nah the middle two look like simpsons characters youre not trippin
>>2123628hilarious, wish i could see his mom lay into that whiney cry
No. 2124422
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Does anyone know what happened to crystal cafe? I miss my sister site so much but I checked up on it after a little bit and it seems to be overrun with trannies and pretty inactive.
>>2124235I'm pretty sure the US government concluded that tiktok needs to be sold to a US company or else it will be banned. I hope that the chinese refuse to comply because tiktok has been ruining an entire generation.
No. 2124441
>>2124431Severely stunted emotional development, deep feelings of failure as adult human (and unironic pedophilia in males).
>>2124434He enjoys knowing you agonize over the smallest of crumbs.
No. 2124547
>>2124526I've used this word a lot, I think it's more common in certain vernaculars. Myself and people around me also use "kitty" to refer to the deck of cards, or to refer to winnings from gambling.
>"I'm going to rob from the kitty" = "I'm going to pick up another card from the deck.>"How much is the kitty?" = "How much money are we gambling?/How much money did you win from gambling."I'm not sure the origin of the word, but where I'm from it's common to use kitty in these contexts.
No. 2124600
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Who told JoCat to get that much confidence?
No. 2124605
>>2124600Why do scrotes never check photos before publishing them? Like okay he's trying to be "sexy"
BARF but his glasses are fogged up? I've noticed this with so many moids, it's like they just take the photo and then that's it they're done with it. The amount of scrotes that I've seen post pictures of themselves where boogers are fully visible in their nose is astounding. God I hate them.
No. 2124688
>>2124626Thanks, I'm getting myself back out there and I hope for improvement!
>>2124628Yeah I think that could be it, I'm soft spoken as well so I can never include myself into multiple people conversations. Or if I do everyone else has to be silent to understand what I'm saying
>>2124636Possibly! Thank you I'll look into it.
I appreciate you all
No. 2124698
>>2124650I'm at the end of my period though
>>2124690I'm at work kek I can't do that.
No. 2124702
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PLEASE HELP NONNIES. Fmovies went down and I don't know where else to watch movies online for free. Know any good websites? I cannot eat my dinner without a movie…
No. 2124735
>>2124726braflix is .ru
321movies is
not sure about the others.
No. 2124981
>>2124969If it's through messaging, it's the networks compressing images. The different phone OS makers refuse to let us do high fidelity messaging to eachother so we get compressed garbage from eachother, my sis has an apple and the pics I get from her are garbage looking so we just use 3rd party internet apps and they compress a bit too
Aside from that a metric fuckton of phones run on Android so you could see the lowest tier 3rd worldwide phone running it, if you meant android and not Samsung specifically.
No. 2125063
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>>2125001From my experience, it's the stupid AI that does some "scene optimization" after the image is taken. And Samsung cameras perform poorly in low lighting or darkness, you need to take pictures in the sun for it to actually look good. Picrel is one I took with my Samsung.
No. 2125238
>>2125221it does kind of explain some behaviors of both parties involved. the details were something to the effect of
>"word went around/spread around in [city actor is from]">this was why [actress did thing immediately after breakup and thing happened to her character on show]the thing that implied the actress didn't handle it well, resulting in some major things happening to her character (i'm being vague on purpose sorry kek) and the actor showing off his new girlfriend (at that time, not anymore) in front of her before he and the ex officially broke it off, which is why the ex reacted poorly. plus the timing/day of when this guy got with the new girlfriend was sort of close, but not by a lot? like about a week or several days i forgot.
the biggest detail that almost has me believing it is how he attempted to be secretive with one of these women but not the other, which doesn't make sense if he's supposedly not hiding something
No. 2125857
>>2125846I like him, and I've been thinking about him for a few months, pretty much every day. But I feel like he's not mentally very healthy. He has serious mood problems and disappears from his social circle for weeks at a time.
He finally asked me out but now I'm not sure if it's right to date someone like that. I haven't replied for a little longer than a week now. He hasn't said anything since then. I'm not sure how to handle this so I just didn't reply. I just wanted to know if I'm not doing anything too abnormal and mean by just ghosting him when I really do like him.
No. 2126330
>>2126310 i'm floridian, you might be onto something KEK
No. 2126558
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What's easier/cheaper to do? Get the waist taken in or the hem if the jeans look like this? That's the pair of jeans I want but the one with my perfect waist size only has 32" inseam but the one with 30" inseam is just one size greater than my normal waist size.
No. 2126764
>>2126722They have internalized misogyny and hate the strict beauty standards for women (bald pussy, big titties, tiny waist, no armpit/arm/leg hair) so they troon out in order to escape these standards. After all women = pretty, men = icky as society have ingrained in our minds.
Being as disgustingly hideous as possible means disassociating with femininity and more on the
freedom of finally not having to overanalyze everything about their bodies.
They "love" uggo men because they're projecting the love
others would have for them for being in their natural state—aka—having body hair, short hair and being a fatty.
No. 2127115
>>2126876It causes lengthy infights drowning out regular posts and makes the atmosphere shitty.
>shouldn't such people be bullied for their own good?>for their own good?What a stupid take
No. 2127118
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Is getting a hydroponic systems worth it? I live in an apartment so I can't have a garden but I see some small ones on amazon. I hear you can get lettuce and strawberries in like 3 weeks from them. I see some tower ones that would fit nicely in a corner.
No. 2127976
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How do women usually flirt with other women? I feel like I'm either being flirted at by this bi bpd female friend or she's formed a very close attachment to me. I'm socially retarded and can't tell, I'm not really acting on either assumption and I'm just being my lukewarm avoidant self and will probably remain that way until I figure it out.
No. 2128011
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Let's say hypothetically their tongues were battling for dominance. Whose tongue would win?
No. 2128102
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Dae falls into an almost paranoid, high-strung state right before their period?
I have the stupidest thoughts in that time and just absolutely cannot let things go, I replay stupid things I said a million times and feel like the absolutely worst and modt idiotic person in the world. This gets paired with paranoid thoughts like I'm gonna get fired or people are gonna leave me and I sometimes genuinely wants to off myself. I got blood hormones done but everything is fine
No. 2128372
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What's boyfriend air and why is it notorious?
No. 2128426
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I need someone to tell me who is in the right.
>have gaming sessions every week with a friend that last 5 hours
>due to finance issues I had to move in with my sister for a short while
>sometimes she will come into my room and talk to me for 5 or less minutes (the most she's done it for is 3 times in one session, one 'visit' just asking me what I thought of the food she made).
>we don't get to hang out often because of our work schedules so this is us catching up with each other and making plans for the weekdays when we don't get to interact.
>friend thinks this is disrespectful and makes her feel like she's thirdwheeling and starts telling me my sister is awful due to it.
>I think it's a given that something will happen during those 5 hours that will interrupt the gaming session for a short while, it's the exact same thing as "brb need to go pee/make myself some tea".
No. 2128449
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>>2128428>>2128430>>2128434>>2128437Thanks for confirming that my views weren't crazy and that it isn't rude. I just told her "it is what it is" and that's that. Not like I can (or want) to tell my closest relative to not talk to me when I'm hanging with my online friends (which is quite often due to it being a weekend).
No. 2128458
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Why do Westerners who seem to tolerate full beards shit on the type where you can eat without food getting stuck in it? It's objectively cleaner and you can actually see the face of the man so you can tell if he's handsome or not. Is it because of its islamic association?
No. 2128462
>>2128449How long have you been friends with her and how close do you consider your friendship? Because she's seriously overstepping for an online friendship, but I could see online friends of like 5-10 years
maybe being that direct about their feelings. This though
>somebody else just barges in and rudely interrupts or adds themselves and their opinion that nobody asked forThis is cray. Holy shit. Does she realize that she's talking about your sister? Being that snarky towards someone else's family member doing normal family stuff is the realm of teenagers and I'm assuming your friend is way too old for that. If she's usually this immature, I'd reconsider the friendship entirely. If you like hanging out with her and this is new, you might want to see why before writing her off.
No. 2128472
>>2128452>>2128462We've been close friends for around 4 years now and it'd be annoying to end our friendship over such a silly thing. She's great and generally we sort out our differences fairly easily.
My guess is that due to constant bullying as a child/teen she didn't get the chance to get used to these kind of situations/feelings. Figured it'd be best if I tried talking it out to see if the situation is salvageable.
But I agree, if she continues being rude towards my sister I will have to put a hold on the friendship or be straighforward about how weird it is for her to say those kind of things.
Thanks for the advice!
>>2128451kek stealing that
No. 2128487
>>2127116Guess it'd depend on the country. Where I'm from, no practice is allowed to divulge any kind of information about you, not even just simply whether you're a patient, so obviously no diagnoses etc either, unless you've give your explicit written permission that this one practice in particular is allowed access to that information, and patients absolutely will raise hell if this isn't being adhered to
at my dentist patients don't even get called up by Ms/Mrs/Mr full lastname anymore because apparently someone complained about this being a breach of privacy.