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No. 743957
Unleash your inner stupid.
Last thread:
>>>/ot/738107 No. 743963
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I wanna be freed from this pain
No. 743964
File: 1613796972054.jpg (36.65 KB, 300x422, 300px-Ribbit_King.jpg)

This game is better than the new Mario Golf looks
No. 743973
File: 1613800645526.jpg (61.45 KB, 500x416, original.jpg)

>work around animals with zoonotic parasitic infections
>also have digestive issues
>wonder eternally whether or not I have worms or if it's just IBS
ive been stressed for two years straight
No. 744104
File: 1613824229646.png (107.28 KB, 300x241, Bliss_(Windows_XP).png)

>>744102unless it's windows xp. it's just a picture of a hill but it's
chef's kiss No. 744118
>>744115Sure, but I've been on the pill and implant, which made me massively depressed and gave me a whole host of side effects. I've had the shot where I bled constantly, and I don't trust condoms. If I got pregnant, I would just keep aborting. And I know what millions of other people are doing, and that's fine, that's their choice. But this is my choice. I am fully comfortable with my decision, and I honestly don't know why you've taken it upon yourself to crusade against someone else's bodily autonomy. You might not agree with it, like I might not agree with your stance, but I am happy to let you get on with your life and opinions with this. The operation I want is laparoscopic, 3 small incisions and 20 minutes long. It took them that long to put in my implant, and a whole hour and a half to remove it. This way, I will no longer be stressed out by my own fertility, or worrying that if I did get pregnant, I wouldn't have to go through the potential trauma of abortion. And as the other anon said, on the absolute miniscule chance I do change my mind (I would put my life savings on me not changing my mind, that is how certain I am), we could adopt. But as I say, I have zero interest in children so I wont be doing that either.
tl;dr - I know what I want, I respect your reasoning, but this is my decision and not for you to be worrying about.
No. 744148
File: 1613829755478.png (634.39 KB, 547x1024, 5AEB78E0-8ADC-4EAD-86C3-B7AF5C…)

>>744102When I got my first iPhone (the 6) this was the default wallpaper and I just really liked it so I never changed it lol. I do change my lockscreen and computer wallpaper a lot though. When I switched to a 7, I realized this wasn’t offered as one of the default wallpapers so now I just don’t change it because I’m worried even if I download it online like picrel, the quality of the photo but not be like the original kek.
No. 744170
File: 1613831833112.png (691 KB, 1024x503, imagen_2021-02-20_083702.png)

good morning sweethearts
No. 744174
>>744167The reason why I said that is because, one of the reasons space agencys are so interested in Mars is because of how bad the environment on Earth is. Idk if regular people will ever be able to go up there, that's why I also said that it'll probably just be rich people, look at how expensive the SpaceX rideshare thing is. It's just some thoughts considering how things are going on Earth. I agree that they wouldn't send people up without training though
>And being taken against your will would definitely not happen.I didn't say that?
No. 744184
File: 1613834672741.jpg (27.55 KB, 275x275, 1578842424256.jpg)

My cat was doing the uncertain "do I have room to land" head bob from my windowsill and so I cleared a bunch of space on my bed for her and she still jumped right into my coffee cup why's it gotta be like that
No. 744188
File: 1613835113665.jpg (468.59 KB, 1701x1004,…)

>>744102My motive was that I never looked at it. Always had my browser open and never shut my laptop off, always sleep. had no other applications I used so I kept the car preset.
Finally changed it to some library background if that makes you happy anon
No. 744191
File: 1613835181015.jpg (52.7 KB, 638x479, nh4lJ1w22gauo1_640.jpg)

>>744102My brother has a totally black wallpaper background, it kills me inside everytime. I don't know if it's worst or better than the default wallpaper though kek.
A bit out of topic but why are men's room super bland too, I just don't get it ?!
No. 744192
File: 1613835345588.png (158.12 KB, 937x887, 463263425463.png)

Who even wants their fetish porn to be aesthetic?
No. 744195
>>744193Nut milk is
Not milk
No. 744204
File: 1613837068735.jpg (Spoiler Image,78.68 KB, 400x320, 7193.jpg)

I just had BCC and I'm finally getting my tubes tied! No more IUDs for me. I'm so excited. My gyno is a guy too and he didn't even try to pressure me to have kids like my last one.
>>743973Can't you go to the hospital to get that checked out? Also your job sounds cool as fuck. I wish I majored in entomology instead of a language…
No. 744208
>>744204>I just had BCC and I'm finally getting my tubes tied!Careful, that anon from earlier might come back to tell you how you're gonna regret this.
Jk, congratulations! Enjoy your baby-free life, anon!
No. 744210
>>744203>who is the US gov in debt to? Themselves?Mostly private citizens who are mostly Americans.
>Why don't they just pay that shit off with all that money they put into militaryYou need a top-notch military to be a world super power and protect your interests around the world.
>they have 4 trillion so just pay it off like you're making the rest of us doThere's no good reason to do that. People trust the US gov to pay back loans on time, so they will keep on lending to them.
No. 744225
>>744204ANON, when I tell you I thought you said
>I just had BBC and I'm finally getting my tubes tied! I fucking died, I seriously was like "Uhm, was it that painful??"
No. 744233
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I want to straighten my hair
No. 744235
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I just potted a cactus without gloves or any other tools hehe who said long nails aren't good for anything
No. 744255
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It’s so strange observing generational differences between siblings. I got new glasses today and my sister who’s basically my a late millenial says I look fine in them, but I honestly think I look moronic and weird in them because I keep comparing myself to internet or online trends while she’s so not that updated with the internet and tbh she seems so much more content, she has no social media either
Like damn the digital space even fucks up your ability to view your face accurately and fairly
No. 744270
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Jacking off before getting out of bed is such a life pro tip. I’m always in a good mood if I start the day cumming.
No. 744275
>>744267>a 10 year old is too young to have childrenAnon, what? Who said anything about 10 yos having children?
I think you completely misunderstood what I was trying to say. This is about age generations NOT family generations. Let's say Sibling A is born in 1992 and sibling B is born in 2002. Sibling A is a millennial and sibling B is apart of Gen Z.
No. 744276
>>744269>>744269yeah you must be confused I mean generation such as what
>>744271 anon said, I’m talking about millennials and zoomers
No. 744285
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>>744270“jack off”
No. 744287
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Everytime I see a yellow fever scroid shitting on white / other women I fantasize about cucking him and stealing his cute Asian gf for myself.
No. 744290
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nonny, I just really, really hate the word schlicking
No. 744294
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I've said it before and I'll say it again, I bet that there is someone on this site that wants to dom rat-faced Nikocado Avocado when he was a twink. I'm waiting for his entry in the "men you're ashamed to say you'd fuck" thread
No. 744306
>>744271Gen-X was a term first used to describe people born after the invention of the atomic bomb, the first people described as Gen-X were born in 1945, 25 years before 1970, they are old enough to be your mother's parents, which is why she cannot be a part of Gen-X.
>baby boomers because they were born in 1957 and 1965.The oldest Baby-boomers were born in 1946, during the post-ww2 population birth increase, they were 19 years old in 1965, and thy could have been the parents of someone born that year, which is why someone born in 1965 cannot be part of the same generation as them.
>If you were born in 2003 and are a solid zoomer, and you had a sibling born in 1995There is an age difference of 8 years between these two people, the same age difference between your mother's brothers born in 1957 and 1965, you described your uncles as being part of the same generation, but not the people born in 1995 and 2003, this is inconsistent.
>but you sound willfully ignorant of a very common use of the word lolCommon in advertising campaigns twisting the definitions of words in order to sell products to costumers who have adopted their self-made labels, but I don't see why an incorrect use of the word should be accepted just because of that.
>>744274>I'm talking about age generations NOT family generationsThere's only one proper definition of the word generation as applied to people. When you equate generations to age-groups, the age limits of such a generation become arbitrary, which is why the anon I replied to above described two pairs of people, with the same age difference between them, as being the same generation, and different generation.
>>744275What are the boundaries of the age groups you picked? Why did you pick those boundaries? Is someone born in 2002 a part of the same age group you choose as someone born in 1999? If yes, then that's 7 years apart from someone born in 1992, less than the 10 year age difference you choose. If no, then why do you consider people 3 years apart in age as being part of different age groups? Do you consider people born in 19o3 and 1995 as being in different age groups?
No. 744313
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>>744310>>744312The point stands, anons.
No. 744315
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>>744312I honestly think dua lipa is hot and that's just a bad picture. but I kind of like masculine looking chicks anyway so
No. 744317
File: 1613845472543.jpeg (51.21 KB, 634x624, 8BF466AA-7AFB-4C45-9D7A-B12C91…)

>>744313Anon, Dua Lip just looks like that.
No. 744321
File: 1613845558684.png (54.52 KB, 714x464, gens.PNG)

>>744306>There's only one proper definition of the word generation as applied to people.Nope. See pic
>a set of members of a family regarded as a single step or stage in descent.>the average period, generally considered to be about thirty years, during which children are born and grow up, become adults, and begin to have children of their own.Family gen
>all of the people born and living at about the same time, regarded collectively. "one of his generation's finest songwriters"Age gen
The "boundaries" of millennials is 1981-1996 and Gen Z is 1997-2014/15, and I didn't pick them. I used 1992 and 2002 cause those are 10 years apart like I said in my post. I did not say you
have to be 10 years apart to be born in a different generation. I was just saying if two siblings are born 10 years apart, there's a pretty good chance they will be born in two different generations. That anon already told you what she meant by generation. You're confused. Let it go.
No. 744323
File: 1613845658145.jpg (199.08 KB, 1500x990, James-Charles-Transforms-Dua-L…)

>>744320Yes that is James, Not Du Lapeep
>>744317>>744315Dua Lipa is very pretty. I sideeye anyone who says women with "strong" features look like men
No. 744330
File: 1613845924341.jpg (40.15 KB, 630x354, M_DuaLipa_070220.jpg)

>>744328She doesn't even have drag make up on in this pic
>>744313 imo.
No. 744351
File: 1613847583588.png (8.18 MB, 4000x3000, collage.png)

Quick guys, cow print or white nails with a pink-blue-purple accent nail. (Ignore the crappy image quality)
>>744341Enjoy your Nasty Patty I guess
No. 744375
File: 1613853295420.jpeg (2.38 MB, 1668x1984, 7183907E-7C03-43B7-9E8F-160FE9…)

I rather fuck nikocado avocado than blobby driver OWO
No. 744394
>>744375You're in denial
nonny, give in to big tiddied Driver san
>>744351Do both, 3 fingers for the first option and 2 for the cow print
No. 744397
>>744392c'mon anon what do u mean?? u can see it very clearly
No. 744412
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I got a five head and I like guys with five heads. Are my children gonna have 10 heads?
No. 744421
File: 1613856899605.jpeg (174.14 KB, 1920x1080, 4FEFEB69-A305-4303-9A5B-F07F53…)

>>744384That’s the truth and i love you.
No. 744474
File: 1613861690867.jpg (14.37 KB, 400x400, c09bdf0f1a390f6f5ba1a7961e3b98…)

I have developed a little crush on a fic author since she's been playfully "flirting" with her readers and sharing more stuff about herself, and we would have never been together anyway, but the fact she has a gf makes me a tiny bit jelly.
>Tfw no dom gf that lives in a different country.
Where do you even find dom lesbian/bi women.
No. 744489
File: 1613862510483.jpg (22.58 KB, 346x304, spongebob-simp-meme-2.jpg)

>>744475>>744478hhh anons I know you're right. he's not even cute objectively, I'll get over it
No. 744498
File: 1613863304522.jpg (Spoiler Image,116.06 KB, 1280x729, la belle personne2.jpg)

I made a radfem post on unpopular opinions. Now I'm being bombed by scrotes …heh, scrotes mad
No. 744501
File: 1613863807129.jpg (81.62 KB, 750x1334, EL-fz2RUYAES4Jt.jpg)

Hanyu Yuzuru has the ideal male body. This is peak performance and what moids need to strive for.
No. 744502
File: 1613863814126.png (160.68 KB, 426x340, 2.png)

A website I visit has a makeup advertisement with this dollar store James Charles copycat reject in it
No. 744505
File: 1613864014027.jpeg (107.73 KB, 600x960, C89369C1-D412-45E5-8E30-E5BDE0…)

>>744474Shoot your shot,
nonny. You never know.
No. 744515
>>744118>I respect your reasoningGood on you anon, but that person deserves no respect, fuck their shitty opinion. Women don't need to experience motherhood to have a full and a beautiful life.
In any case regretting not having children is so much better than regretting having them.
No. 744521
File: 1613865716256.jpg (82.73 KB, 960x960, he.jpg)

can you guys please reply to my posts i'm hella lonely
No. 744522
File: 1613865966525.gif (3.83 MB, 444x250, largefella.gif)

>>744521Anon, look at this huge Maine Coon!!!
No. 744538
>>744294why dom him? rip to all the sub or non degen anons in the unconventional attractions threads
also now you've doomed it to happen
No. 744545
File: 1613869581238.png (86.82 KB, 500x366, 35465774.png)

I feel like the fact my local gamestop only sells t-shirts large and above is a weird signal about the health of their customers.
Also all the weirdos work at my gamestop
No. 744587
>>744323This is literally makeup for drag queens and trannies.
It makes (most) women look more masculine, and men look more feminine. The end goal is to make them indistinguishable from one another so that trannies can pass more easily. If everyone is wearing a mask of exaggerated costume makeup like it's normal, then individual features will be hard to distinguish from one another.
No. 744589
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No. 744604
File: 1613873867520.jpeg (394.34 KB, 1280x960, C067B460-7938-4B4F-9426-22DCBB…)

aw fuck not again
No. 744626
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I wanna peel my gotdamn face off
No. 744639
File: 1613879777432.jpeg (71.04 KB, 600x719, A90A2DA5-78A4-423F-B46E-06D7E9…)

>>744610tell us a joke funny girl
No. 744647
File: 1613882509836.jpg (Spoiler Image,54.1 KB, 564x1262, fe3bcf668a066556221f48a1179bee…)

>>744642Shhh it's okay, he waits for you to come back
No. 744664
File: 1613884467315.jpg (47.58 KB, 680x595, 420.jpg)

>>744647i could cry hes so beautiful
No. 744709
File: 1613890877904.gif (1.94 MB, 342x360, yesman .gif)

>>744695>>744696>>744698HI CUTIES DO YOU MIND IF I TAG ALONG??
No. 744716
>>744709You may
tips m'fedora. What a pleasure seeing you here.
No. 744789
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No. 744836
File: 1613914503691.jpeg (342.84 KB, 733x627, 5D0E8FDF-0E0D-4C60-9E36-5227A8…)

girl is u real?
No. 744842
File: 1613914947916.png (28.63 KB, 590x414, tesastyhswgfs.PNG)

>>744835At least yours can be archived here, the drama I wanted to watch was just some stupid twitter art discourse lmaoo
Sidenote, it's kinda funny to see how people can go from being super cocky when they're stating their (stupid) opinions to self-deprecating cry typing when they get called out on it, pic related. I mean they apologized so whatever, but you're 24, just say your sorry without acting like a damn 15 year old
No. 744851
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>>744834Sorry I don't have any more I just happened upon it in the wilderness. I can't believe they actually use these photos for ads. I went looking for one but I only found this woman with the passable body but deformed angelina jolie face
>>744836I hate how zoomers will believe everything on the internet and ask these sorts of people "omg how can you look like that" and they always say "I waist train and have good genetics uwu!" and then everyone thinks waist training is some sort of miracle
No. 744883
File: 1613919864801.jpg (32.96 KB, 716x960, kwurqo7boxf41.jpg)

I know a lot of women with kids talk about how bad pregnancy can be, but I still want a baby and to experience holding my newborn after he is removed from my body and seeing that lil fucker grow up and (hopefully) go great things. I think pregnant women are so beautiful, and I do wanna have my own kids and adopt some day. It's one of the things that motivate me to work towards a stable life
Pic unrelated
No. 744889
File: 1613920486664.png (1.27 MB, 833x1489, dracoxreader.PNG)

Just learnt about reality shifting trend on tiktok and not to be a boomer but wtf? Can't you just read fanfiction like the rest of us? I sure did stuff like that when I was a baby but it feels so weird to see adult women larp with such intensity, I guess covid boredom is taking it's toll
tl;dr with a mix of meditation and manifestation you shift to another dimension leaving behind your clone operating on "autopilot", people doing it claim it's 100% real with cult-like conviction
No. 744910
File: 1613921835620.jpg (23.94 KB, 460x442, 363.jpg)

Out of the articles we have to present, my classmate picked 2/2 about trans issues/transwomen. He also writes with the complete american trans rights terminology and perspective, even though we're eastern european. It's pretty unnerving to see.
No. 744921
File: 1613922973174.jpg (16.96 KB, 256x256, pain.jpg)

>>744910oh I feel your pain. another one of us lost to americanization. when will it end anons
No. 744949
>>744912Possibly, I don't really know why someone would be so interested in trans related news if they're not involved (either as a tranny or a
terf). Especially when he throws in shit like "detansitioning actually almost never happens" into his essay.
No. 744959
>>744949Yikes. I'm noticing more troons here in western EU. I didn't think this shit started to leak in the east too.
Thanks globalization, I guess.
No. 744977
File: 1613927334527.png (1.1 MB, 1200x930, 55635466354.png)

Really gotta learn how to torrent one day.
No. 744981
>>744965I still have times where I feel like I'm not quite wired with the brain of either sex. I can't relate to certain things like I've never worried about being beautiful. My social skills don't match up with most womens. I wouldn't call it dysphoria but I feel somewhat out of place in the category of female. I don't feel like that warrants transition anymore as I don't feel male either. I kind of get why autistic women transition at much higher rates though. I'm not autistic but it's that feeling of not fitting the mold. I wanted a clear answer on why I feel so out of place. I went down the wrong route for answers.
I only took hormones, feel like I passed very quickly and was shocked at how litte time it took. Others seem to take years to pass so that was a shock to the system and made me feel uneasy. I have a voice now that still sounds male when I'm tired or not softening it. Some of the facial hair stayed. Clit growth all stayed. My body shape went back to normal. I don't regret it but if I stayed on it long enough to have male pattern baldness I would.
No. 744986
File: 1613928181052.jpeg (354.54 KB, 745x1168, 0FF201EC-91EE-43C3-A759-772C1D…)

being a retard I decided to lurk 4chan today and come across this shit, had to cover up the nasty porn it posted as well. amazes me how they love to crown themselves as anti-degenerates while their entire beloved website has porn ads burning holes in your eyes
discretion it needs to be chained and never fed to again
some entity
some god
come and strike down its penis and castrate it immediately
No. 744992
File: 1613928865802.jpeg (123.69 KB, 884x315, EE23AEE0-260A-49C4-BB1C-0C0432…)

>>744986According to that logic, a man can be raped by another man and the rapist shouldn’t have a lifetime in jail because it’s not like the rapist would let himself get raped, and since he can’t experience the
moral repercussion of raping another man, it should be okay for him to get out of jail after a few weeks, because even if he raped again, it won’t be such a big deal.
booh hooo the big baby man got raped by a dude, he should have defended himself or something, right?
No. 745003
>>744992Yeah, yet they always bring up male
victims. They don't care about the women. This isn't about logic or objectivity at all, it's simply selfishness and lack of empathy for women. They just hate women but try to make it sound logical, when really it is emotional for them
No. 745050
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>>744636>>744639The mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell
No. 745080
File: 1613937530022.jpeg (551.7 KB, 750x732, E18A2056-2F0C-42B5-A02B-08C940…)

trisha and her adam sandler kawaii cosplay
No. 745113
File: 1613939379791.png (130.32 KB, 918x341, 3447687453.png)

It just loops backs to were it started
No. 745160
File: 1613941613564.jpeg (79.98 KB, 750x544, 332C5968-81A6-4CE6-93C7-A63E4E…)

the existential dilemma of being a scrote
No. 745172
File: 1613942302189.gif (2.65 MB, 480x320, giphy (1).gif)

You'll watch the whole thing
No. 745189
>>745186Your grandma- actually
You're grandma. Now how you gonna act?
No. 745217
File: 1613944285351.jpg (104.58 KB, 1080x1097, Screenshot_20210221_223257.jpg)

poltards shooting their shot with terves under vanessa vokey's new "where have all the tomboys gone" video lmao I've seen everything
No. 745222
>>745211It's weird because I am also a sleepy drunk, but it's the last stage of my drunkness
First I get tipsy and I am laughing at every stupid thing, airhead vibes
After I get a bit more drunk, I get super horny
And finally, after drinking a bit more, my eyelids start to weigh
Maybe you should try drinking a little less and see if you're the same?
No. 745239
>>745217I genuinely think that Vanessa vokey doesn’t give a flying fuck about women’s rights. she lost her job because of TRAs and is now ebegging online and selling her artwork for cash. I place my bet that she will leave in about a year off of all social media once she gets enough money to go away, nothing about that girl is sincere but it’s so enjoyable watching people treat her like a radfem shoe0nhead in the comment sections, she grifted the fuck out of everyone successfully lmao
>>745223she must be really confused and not very familiar with the internet if polfags are able to get her attention
No. 745251
>>745080When you're so fat that an outfit that's baggy on a grown man is too tight on you.
She does look cute though in a mid-2000s middle schooler kind of way, if only because Adam, like most straight men, can't dress.
No. 745256
>>745245Really wish the poltards would fuck off already.
After the Samantha Lux video her channel really blew up. That's the only reason they found out about her and for some reason won't go away.
No. 745282
>>745268the fact that this is so true lmao I remember getting into an argument with one who keeps spamming in the comments of other radfem accounts and they just seem very estranged and old people not familiar with the ways of the internet
even in vanessa’s video, she talks very fondly of her childhood like a boomer would, I honestly think she is just one of those people who had a rare normal childhood away from the internet which is why she just seems so strange to me. im so accustomed to seeing lolcows even in communities that I happened to sort of like
No. 745332
File: 1613953959847.jpeg (72.08 KB, 569x600, 3DA2B468-A7E7-41C8-9E13-0ACE91…)

Tmi I am especially horny lately, what's up with this? I hardly have a sex drive but I realized something. I've been sedentary a lot of the time and lately been going on walks. Not even that much exertion but is this what's restoring my lust? I'm happy about it if so
No. 745339
File: 1613954220279.jpg (Spoiler Image,35.01 KB, 827x819, 1lqiK0Efd11aLcWEqa9ySZNNLfWa70…)

>>745332Damn, Skeleton daddy
No. 745342
File: 1613954702935.jpg (Spoiler Image,17.98 KB, 600x600, aps,504x498,small,transparent-…)

>>745340I apologize. Have some boobies
No. 745354
File: 1613956095973.jpeg (71.89 KB, 454x523, 0ECCC548-E38C-4975-A235-191A85…)

>>745339I hope the person who did this particular emoji has an itchy asshole in the middle of something important surrounded by a bunch of people looking at them, with no way to run away or relieve themselves.
No. 745358
File: 1613956144206.jpeg (35.09 KB, 768x1024, 4C5B7BA5-E049-4FAB-B79C-46DE49…)

>>745339…What the fuck… me too…
No. 745371
File: 1613956680409.png (Spoiler Image,151.03 KB, 512x512, u7Nb6gyYpDdRpV_K7vV8IWKMaoY1XD…)

>>745342>>745358>>745339Do you really think you can just post that … without me?
No. 745387
>>745379>The only issues y’all have is daddy issues. Issues are issues,
nonnie. Even if that's the "only issues" alt people have, how does this disprove my point to which I said "the whole point is that they have issues". Should we do a breakdown of the type of behavior that goes along with "daddy issues"?
Additionally, it can be mainstream online but you're not going to go outside and see a bunch of people dressing alt, as a mainstream. That's just not how it goes. There are plenty of trends that are considered "mainstream" but are rarely ever presented publicly. Which is what I said. You're showcasing your lack of reading comprehension.
>>745386kek, did you think you were saying something interesting?
No. 745392
>>745387>>745379>>745386samefag but you morons seem to think I was saying something like "being alt is super speshul and unique and we have LIKE… problems mentally and are scary!!!". I wasn't. I was saying that the anon that said alt folks that try to be all "muh unqieu subculture" are just predisposed to being cowlike, that's the whole stereotype anyway and has been since before it was """mainstream""" and that her statement wasn't any sort of revelation. But why'd I expect y'all tards to read lmao
>>745388I don't have any boots or piercings. Is that what you think being alt is? Huh, Stacey, Christian mom of 5?
No. 745393
File: 1613958549444.png (110.56 KB, 275x275, cat.png)

What do you guys even be arguin' about anymore? What is this conversation? Who cares?
No. 745397
File: 1613958727748.png (286.64 KB, 648x523, b04d2f2f-d6c5-4e67-930d-92bfd4…)

>>745393Alternative retardation in full swing
No. 745403
>>745401this is your first infight?
how new are you faggot get out
No. 745410
>>745395What do the two actually have to do with each other, though? In the end, they're all just aesthetics that can be taken on/off. Since a lot of alt fashion/culture/music bleeds into the "mainstream" regardless, we're either forced to conclude that being "alt" isn't actually inherently cowlike (bad apples/special snowflakes aside), or that "normal" people also have issues, which would render the whole point of saying "alt = issues" kind of moot.
It's more likely that since alt people already stand out, it's more of a spectacle when they're retarded/cowlike. I haven't really seen any sociological or psychological articles claiming alternative fashion indicates personal issues.
No. 745417
File: 1613959822710.gif (1.95 MB, 373x203, a69.gif)

>>745416im on your side bb. show that turd whos boss
No. 745420
File: 1613960098811.gif (425.88 KB, 618x618, download.gif)

when coomers rage i celebrate
No. 745428
File: 1613961213650.jpeg (51.3 KB, 437x600, A091743A-C966-4B73-8E50-64AE03…)

>>745413>about half a yearJesus fuck I hate you REEEE GET OUT!!!!
No. 745432
File: 1613961468424.jpg (50.96 KB, 543x761, 7vih7s2hbk451.jpg)

>>745428Where are
your credentials, hm? Everyone knows the call is usually coming from inside the house.
No. 745437
File: 1613961753810.jpeg (328.05 KB, 750x708, 3D7E7CF9-010C-458F-A86D-11AA54…)

hai binches
No. 745443
File: 1613962275622.jpeg (366.98 KB, 750x895, 42EF107E-848F-4AAB-936A-BF0F0B…)

fear me
No. 745444
File: 1613962691244.jpg (54.74 KB, 600x507, e917466e6958ee1e2910ce04617cc6…)

>>745417I fucking love clone wars, both iterations
>>745428Here's my oldfag card, it's made with professional glitter glue, from Invitea
No. 745445
>>745261She makes me feel alright,
She makes my heart sang!
(nta but couldn't resist)
No. 745449
File: 1613963480041.jpeg (92.27 KB, 933x1114, 0E552B9D-12BB-4527-8941-4A5BD0…)

>>745443Oh hell naw, spinch bub gonna slap that bubble butt
No. 745455
File: 1613963984190.png (152.38 KB, 892x590, itislaw.png)

>>745428can I transfer credits from /cgl/
No. 745518
File: 1613971131606.png (58.32 KB, 193x280, senior-business-man-suit-jacke…)

>>745510And let me guess, he's fat, too?
No. 745521
File: 1613971653946.jpg (46.78 KB, 448x560, 1613605937805.jpg)

>>745356>alt bitches are always on some cringe shit>be into eglI can't even be mad because autism is a requirement to getting into a niche japanese fashion and dropping a ton of money on it
No. 745548
File: 1613976383753.gif (553.67 KB, 498x282, 15674687.gif)

…pl-please I have pets, I-I've learned japanese to watch yukapon pedobait streams-
Actually, fucking end me
No. 745568
File: 1613977775254.jpg (143.07 KB, 900x1200, 18376713-1.jpg)

No. 745569
File: 1613977863394.jpg (47.37 KB, 720x540, 6144171244_4a5236d4b5.jpg)

>>745428i loved seeing you bitches dox tumblrinas when shoplifting was big on tumblr
No. 745663
File: 1613998977967.png (15.37 KB, 584x246, sigh.PNG)

Nothing inspires workplace confidence like a grammatically incorrect description on the job listing. Yeah, I totally want to apply to this sloppy ass shit. Fucking bleak.
No. 745670
>>745663anon it’s
walmart lol, did you expect anything more? at least they are trying to raise the damn wage
No. 745695
>>745672Oh no
nonny why would you do this to me
No. 745709
File: 1614001667009.jpg (71.24 KB, 409x500, candy-kid-409x500.jpg)

My roommate brought candy canes home from work and said she can't give them to her niece because her parents are strict, and everyone in our house is also avoiding sweets because they're trying to eat healthy… but not me so YAY free candycanes all for me!
No. 745718
>>745716I can't explain but it's a gut
wrenching feeling,
nonnie No. 745792
>>745788probably scatfags from /g/ tbh
>>745789nah I still feel awful afterwards and during it
No. 745795
>>745786Shitting feels good because you're "emptying" yourself, and this is gonna sound gross but
diarrhea is kinda nice because of how easily the boob comes out. I hate the cramps you get and the fatigue that comes after taking a huge diarrhea shit and how you feel kind of nasty afterwards though, so I think it feels a lot more tiring than good. A regular poop is relieving enough to me
No. 745807
>>745778God. I used to turn on the shower and lock myself in my bathroom and say I was "cleaning the tub"
I never fucking cleaned anything so I'm sure she knew.
No. 745823
File: 1614012012367.jpg (45.8 KB, 475x851, ce75d75b57bc6ff8a98fda4335c3e3…)

I just used the handle of a whisk as a dildo…wish i could just order one but that would be a mortifying conversation and I'd feel terrible using it
don't get married, farmers
No. 745828
File: 1614012449569.jpg (15.4 KB, 700x700, 74291.jpg)

>>745825The whisk handle was rubber, like this one. My hairbrush has a flat handle, maybe I should get a new one
No. 745865
File: 1614014963713.jpeg (151.54 KB, 750x750, E8D27557-CBE9-43D1-A4C5-C35061…)

can minors and other people stfu about masturbating or shit on tiktok?? it’s honestly so disgusting no one asked that you don’t wash your hands after doing it either oh my god ban sex overall
No. 745869
>>745866I care. It's a nice change from all the
> I love taking a big dumptalk that we've had today lol
No. 745872
>>745870no one needs to know it honestly make my teeth vibrate and skin itch when they talk about it
do you want me to buy you balloons and cake for being open about your nasty habits? kek
No. 745874
>>745872If you think it's a little uncomfortable, then fine, but you really need to grow up if it makes you
that upset lmao. Why would someone want a cookie for talking about something that's normal, especially on an anonymous imageboard?
No. 745881
File: 1614016343299.png (Spoiler Image,567.85 KB, 600x433, PAbhlft.png)

Oh boy, can't wait to drill my ass with these guys later. I sure hope no Anal Avengers or Anti-Masturbation people interrupt me.
No. 745886
>>745880You bitches crack me up, ilu
>>745881A N A L R E C T A L * V O I L E N C E
No. 745889
All genitals are genuinely disgusting and masturbation doesn't feel good. Same goes for shitting.
>>745881I don't get these meme animal dildos, doesn't that hurt?
No. 745890
File: 1614016550109.jpeg (249.43 KB, 1242x1043, C73F67A2-66D6-41FE-B2C0-1E61A3…)

Okay, anons, from now on we’re not allowed to talk about sticking stuff in our vaginas because anon is feeling really uncomfortable.
No. 745893
File: 1614016727061.jpg (Spoiler Image,54.16 KB, 960x576, gRnMU1a.jpg)

>>745889Ayrt, I think most people stick them up their asshole cause obviously the ass is more stretchable than the vagina. Bad dragon does sell human and smaller sized dildos though.
that pic is also the super itty bitty dildos they sell, pic rel. I unironically want one cause I think they're cute lmao No. 745904
File: 1614017121781.jpeg (178.29 KB, 960x960, 8082FA93-8AF7-4C0C-ADBB-BA0DE7…)

>>745893I browse their page every once and then and I always want the itty bitty ones, I wish it wasn’t so obvious that they’re dicks, it would be nice to decorate a squishy jelly filled keychain like pic related, but with a different shape and it’s just filled with tiny dicks.
No. 745929
>>745926You're making lot of sense
nonnie but where's the copy pasta image? I need the scientific proof.
No. 745940
File: 1614020105869.jpg (11.94 KB, 275x183, 8523450985421.jpg)

can we go back to talking about pussies or something jesus christ
No. 745943
File: 1614020291553.jpg (54.04 KB, 800x488, ca63df8.jpg)

I am a dumbass
I have insulin resistance and gluten intolerance yet I ate this cookie like an idiot
Now I am suffering, which I deserve I guess
No. 745969
>>745963I was thinking about this earlier today.
When I was a kid (13 & below), I had to ask my mom if I could make an acct on something & she would help me fill out the sign up info. Imagine how rare that is now, & how young some children who are filling out signup info are.
No. 745981
>>745966Exactly, you would need to create some sort of website with an ID verification system or something in order to make sure kids are not viewing stuff that they shouldn’t be looking at.
But yeah, the real issue is that kids without supervision have way too much free time on their hands to figure out a way bypass such things.
I wish there was a way to keep them away from the internet until they’re older enough to not do too much retarded shit with their name and picture attached to it, but everyone is permanently online.
No. 746012
File: 1614025583219.jpg (181.8 KB, 1073x999, Eu22PZoXUAEkDbm.jpg)

Do the creators of those anti-homeless benches realize people can simply fall asleep upright. Literally, I'm sure a homeless person will be more than tired enough to sit upright and sleep.
No. 746023
File: 1614026364393.jpg (100.01 KB, 1280x720, tumblr_pd9l66dK2s1w22gauo1_128…)

>>745980>>745964kind of want to be friend with her, the potential for crazy adventures is too high
No. 746038
File: 1614027235762.png (817.9 KB, 816x722, ocuyuss.png)

Oh my gosh a new gojira album is coming in april oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh I can't wait
No. 746047
>>746016Exactly. I'm sure even a short person pull their knees up if they didn't want to be in a sitting position. It would be easier to give more support to homeless shelters and make them more widespread instead of putting up these dumb chairs and shit like picrel. I'm pretty sure some places in NYC are even removing benches.
>>746019True, queen.
No. 746067
File: 1614028808240.png (353.85 KB, 1088x758, Ed1VdGBU8AARZAY.png)

I'm ashamed, but I just listened to a NSFW audio on youtube. I didn't even masturbate, just listened. This is the level of desperation you get to when you have no dom gf
No. 746076
File: 1614029323144.png (413.17 KB, 440x415, hidden.PNG)

This stuff happening rn in the Marilyn Manson thread is going to draw more outside attention to the site, isn't it?
No. 746093
>>746079I know there's a lot of adults who have sameface and everything else but I guess I question this person's age because usually (trained) adults understand the importance of practice and stylization/anatomy/light/colour studies and some go to art school to achieve that level
It's not really about experimenting with brushes, it's about using them in a very distinct way
I kinda regret bringing it up because I look like a dumbass trying to explain this while also trying to not doxx a potential minor. If they truly are a minor they're unbelievably good, more power to them
No. 746105
File: 1614031372680.jpeg (65.4 KB, 680x505, 5B0EBD6D-2720-435E-8810-39782B…)

I am so done lmaoo they are literally playing a mukbang video in the convienient store on repeat it’s so fucking funny it’s just some big fat lady who looks like chantal eating on the television
No. 746106
>>746097I recently did with my apple earbuds that came from TN, and they finally delivered it thank god
idgaf about your dangerous winter storms gimme my paid package
No. 746176
File: 1614038235664.png (438.3 KB, 600x586, shutup.png)

>>745865somewhat related but twitter minors do pic related so much I hate it
No. 746227
>>746223This honestly crossed my mind too.
Ive replied to him talking about anal quite positively but I was only winding him up. My feelings are still very much 'no playing around in literal shitholes for me'
No. 746245
File: 1614045759643.gif (1.51 MB, 434x250, salttruck.gif)

My roommate likes to workout in our living room often and he makes it completely unusable for me to approach because he fucking SCREAMS when he's lifting shit.
I used to work out 5-6 days a week for hours each time and I've never been this annoying. It doesn't have to be like this. I can't tell if he's lifting or falling down the stairs (which he's done twice so far). I can't fucking wait for gyms to reopen so he can constipate with the other scrotes
No. 746250
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where are the good men
No. 746259
File: 1614047958029.png (314.07 KB, 439x292, uso da.PNG)

I ordered 3 volumes of an old manga series off ebay and when I opened the mailbox, the bag was torn open and the first volume was missing.
No. 746338
File: 1614057754604.jpg (20.04 KB, 360x450, bastard.jpg)

>>746310I wandered all over Azura's Coast looking for this fucker, only to find out he doesn't buy soul gems. Fuck you, buddy. Creeper for life.
No. 746345
File: 1614059953610.gif (687.01 KB, 500x235, 38954923.gif)

>>746340Well we went with him because he seemed beta enough to be bossed around. To his credit he is, lol. Our other options were worse, including a non-passing troon, a Doordash-driving stoner, and a middle-aged woman who we could tell started judging everything the moment she walked in.
>I had to tell him yesterday to clean up his sink snot>tfw he isn't the only roommate who I had to tell that No. 746368
File: 1614066000975.jpg (27.53 KB, 720x358, FB_IMG_1614064605949.jpg)

>>746367At least you had one
I wish I had sex dreams with Jotaro or any other husbando of mine
No. 746371
File: 1614066960873.jpg (32.01 KB, 500x478, 1606936883503.jpg)

>>746368>>746367Lucid dreaming, anons. This is what you seek.
No. 746509
File: 1614087376811.png (40.31 KB, 212x304, yes.PNG)

>>746495The "bodily autonomy" argument, as if getting vaccinated (when you have an option, not forcibly) is an issue of civil liberties, is an odd one. Like, yes, everyone has the bodily autonomy to walk into the street and beat up a random person, and it could be argued that it's "physically repressive" to try to prevent them from doing it, but any reasonable and rational person can see why and how a person who does that might face personal or social consequences as a result of their actions. Freedom of speech and freedom of action have no relation to someone's perceived freedom to avoid the consequences of what they say and do.
>>746499>I bet you support abortion No. 746517
>>746513Nta but what? Are we not allowed to make jokes now? Also, surprisingly enough, when you state an opinion a lot of people don't agree with the opposing group is gonna tell you they don't agree
>serious situation…we're on an imageboard. The op conversation was just about anti-vaxxers
No. 746529
>>746522The problem is you're saying other women shouldn't do it unless it's "extreme" and acted like it was wrong to support abortions. Do you really think anyone would've cared if you simply said "
I don't want to get an abortion unless it's "extreme but I don't care about what other women do with their bodies"? And stop making multiple posts, just reply in one post.
No. 746531
File: 1614088267025.jpeg (60.31 KB, 960x708, C0F18F8C-9375-45F0-A27B-549D18…)

let’s move on from the retarded scrote shitting up the thread. how are we doing today ladies?
No. 746536
>>746530Girl, your grammar here
>>746505 was awful and made your post read opposite to how you intended.
No. 746574
File: 1614091306319.jpeg (40.92 KB, 720x720, F36ED246-88BA-4CB9-A0B2-3A41B2…)

vanessa vokey asking where did the tomboys go lmao
all tomboys or masculine women became nlogs for men
No. 746578
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No. 746582
File: 1614091779058.jpeg (139.93 KB, 493x386, C1C1DD48-572F-4B8B-85B5-DE880F…)

>>746575some troon-looking womyn grifter that is slowly picking up in radfem communities, also attracts polfags and precious puritan paleocons who hate trans people
i have a sneaky suspicion she is probably an actual lolcow and we just can’t find info on her
maybe im desperate for new milk because I’m tired of nitpicking every belly fold of a dry cosplayer/celebrity
No. 746586
>>746582>>746579Oh, thanks! Not a radfem so I had no idea who this was.
>maybe im desperate for new milk because I’m tired of nitpicking every belly fold of a dry cosplayer/celebrityI saw an anon say they wanted a radcow thread yesterday so maybe someone should start a thread in /snow/
No. 746607
File: 1614093880209.jpeg (466.63 KB, 670x1080, 16689EA6-6F70-44F4-848C-9B4789…)

>>746595I remember when a Samantha Lux’s brigade of parasocial fantards took it to themselves to dislike bomb her video basically talking shit about Samantha Lux, in which Samantha also replied to Vanessa. They were picking apart her facial features, calling her trans looking or man-looking which is pretty ironic but sadly true, but I couldn’t help but agree when they said that her artwork and photography was not getting a lot of traction so she has to start politically grifting in order to get attention. Lowkey I feel so bad for Vanessa but I agree with the troon brigade, she really needs to pick her ass up, stop doing really cringe and juvenile stuff like picrel, and act more seriously like the
adult human female that she is.
No. 746622
File: 1614094807994.jpg (16.89 KB, 340x255, Templar.jpg)

I haven't been to church in like 10 years and yesterday I just felt like going. It felt so weird and alien, I've been into valentinian christianity and gnosticism for a few years so mainstream christianity, especially catholicism, seems so weird to me, it's full of pagan shit implemented by Rome. Besides that I'm a tinfoil hat and I believe the Vatican is evil and kills babies and shit. I was looking around and finding examples of idolatry and paganism, one after another. I thought it's going to be a normal, casual mass, but it so happened that they had a special guest appearance of a fucking Templar Knight. A Templar Knight. I know Templars are involved in occult shit and freemasonry. There's also this legend they brought the Holy Grail to my country and not so long ago archeologists found some secret crypts under one of our churches built by the Templars. I don't know why but I just felt very uncomfortable sitting in front of this dude wearing his traditional cloak and talking about helping christians in Lebanon. Yeah sure, I knew this guy was shady. And the old ladies singing sad catholic songs actually gave nausea, I started sweating and trembling too, by the end of the mass I had a full blown anxiety attack. I only liked the parts when the priest was reading from Paul.
No. 746651
>>746643I've read the most horrifying article about a poly gay couple constantly reinfecting each other with giardia I think? The most unreal bloody diarrhea was being described and no treatment would work….can't stop rimming though! It was fucked. Just when I thought the story was over.. they caught something else. Antibiotics wouldn't work and the treatment was wiping them out financially and in terms of general health from very fucking long term antbios and long temr parasites with seemingly no working cure.
I would go back in time and unread it if I could.
No. 746657
>>746653I didn't know what kind of parasite a ringworm is tbh, I just picked one. If I knew the Parasite Police was gonna be on my ass I would done more research about them lol
>>746656lmao I love this anon
No. 746666
File: 1614098070901.gif (100.15 KB, 157x90, 929C431A-5831-4BBE-A72D-5FB01E…)

>>746662the shower challenge (bonus points: going outside) LET’S GO
No. 746668
File: 1614098188610.png (154.18 KB, 256x286, the beginning stages of drug u…)

Why did Cody Ko get so fucking ugly in quarantine
No. 746669
File: 1614098215941.gif (73.96 KB, 220x220, 1F1BFDDD-7EBB-42FD-8202-21B868…)

stinky-chan when she liberated herself with the power of shower and scrub
No. 746707
File: 1614100151868.jpg (3.21 MB, 2000x3000, Banana-Oatmeal-1.jpg)

I just remembered we had a whole thread where farmers would draw themselves and add little infographics. It was active until about a year ago. What the hell was that. You guys were really writing profiles about yourselves
>>746701Porridge/oatmeal is pic.
No. 746719
File: 1614100473981.jpg (88.07 KB, 1280x720, Euwc2YIXcAAakH2.jpg)

I have a pimple on my temple that I tried to pop prematurely and now it looks so gross ugh. Why didn't I just wait? I did the same thing to one on my cheek. Let's pray it doesn't get infected
sorry for reposting twice lol
No. 746742
File: 1614102090936.jpeg (59.38 KB, 686x386, 2882DD41-EF87-4014-99A6-3CB2A5…)

>>746735Anon, please say sike. We're not talking about washing our hands here. We're talking about potential build up of grime and sweat.
No. 746798
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No. 746830
>>746824>>746635I'm sorry but I cannot take these anons saying they don't shower and simultaneously judging op for getting clit gunk
>>746826I've never used exfoliating gloves, but I feel like they would need to be washed more often than a regular exfoliating face. The fact that they're gloves just makes me feel like they gather more bacteria. Other than that, they look nice and I imagine it would be very comfortable to wash with them. I'm sticking with my exfoliating rag though.
No. 746841
File: 1614107124306.jpeg (37.29 KB, 512x547, 82BB8815-34D8-4D93-9988-206607…)

I have had cramp in my leg on and off all day and I have tried walking, stretches, massaging it, standing on one foot, standing on cold floors, a cold mat thing around my leg and ibuprofen. What works best for you anons?
No. 746848
File: 1614107338481.jpeg (63.12 KB, 295x269, C73455EC-B60A-429E-A4E9-572A37…)

now I’m absolutely convinced that the majority of this website has a bunch of crazy white females on here
sigh how disappointing(bye scrote)
No. 746866
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>>746848Fii faa foo fum, I smell a scrote in my board
No. 746874
File: 1614108405952.png (536.92 KB, 600x732, 1611114110324.png)

>>746848I'm crazy asian ~female~ actually. Get off my board, rapemonkey.
No. 746897
File: 1614110099492.png (8.22 KB, 480x360, 1609435072653.png)

>>746874chinese or japanese
No. 746925
File: 1614111512597.png (6.95 KB, 617x80, jthrg.png)

i cant stop thinking about this lmao
No. 746949
File: 1614114197784.webm (2.85 MB, 640x360, 1597771543793.webm)

the cat ate my fucking nandos
No. 746979
File: 1614116827812.jpeg (339.35 KB, 680x735, C6759EDE-C1F7-4F72-A223-947F42…)

i don’t get how people can be hyped over the production and content of youtube videos
it’s literally just a passable video like calm down a majority of yt videos are mediocre enough to catch your attention but most of it is boring as fuck
No. 746989
File: 1614117168489.jpg (61.83 KB, 801x640, Screenshot_2.jpg)

No. 746998
File: 1614117458199.jpg (28.97 KB, 640x480, e5057901f266c627af0b56dcaacaa7…)

I can't take seeing more successful artists on social media living the life I want anymore
No. 747020
>>746998ikr it sucks so much like holy shit I want my terrible art to get 30k likes per post
why do these people get popular
No. 747028
>>747024>>747020The artist I'm having envy over isn't even doing anything particularly amazing honestly and her art isn't bad, I'm just jelly over her nice house and interior decorating, the fact that she is seemingly able to support herself from her shop and the fact that she's a big artist.
I shamefully admit that she may or may not have me thinking about getting a colored couch because of the photos of her home. I've never had art envy this bad before though, so maybe I should just use this as motivation lmao
No. 747034
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>>746998I feel that in a because I know I could have been in their place if I started earlier by not wasting so much time online. I feel bad because there are trends I could be on right now, but I'm to shit to do and I fear the internet will move on so once I can post everyone will mock me for being old.
Some dude I like is publishing their next comic and to celebrate their reposting fans work. I wanna send my drawing in, but I feel like it's to shit
No. 747064
File: 1614121829016.png (369.27 KB, 610x603, ehhhhh.png)

I sometimes wonder if I got famous I could completely destroy a small forum. Like if I had 50k twitter followers and I found a small forum with 50~100 active users, lc is to big for this, I only need .5% of my followers to make an account to completely destroy the forum culture. The mods wont do much because they don't really keep up with the site and they just run it for the users. The users don't post enough to fight back, site averages 1 post every 3 days, and most will jump ship.
I don't know why I want to do this. I just think it'd be fun to see a bunch of older stuck up forum goers and a bunch of younger 'I'm spwecial' twitter-tards fighting it to the death would be fun
No. 747105
File: 1614125158538.jpeg (157.43 KB, 615x1561, 0A39D41F-796F-4F32-AD03-F1CD60…)

stg most anons be looking like this and acting like they’re paris hilton and going to trample every scrote CEO in the world but in reality they probably stutter while getting their favorite applebees combo for brunch with their bf who doesn’t wash their ass
lord help me and this website goddamn
No. 747109
>>747105yo but forreal, some of these anons are loud af but you know irl they are that mousy limp haired chick in the back smellin the sleeves of their sweater.
stick it to the scrote they scream but irl theyre just as limp wristed as the men they scream at.
No. 747123
File: 1614126191043.jpg (128.82 KB, 462x496, 183 - OmyyL2b.jpg)

>>747118>>747121Yeah, some of them are stacy larping for sure but to say
>irl theyre just as limp wristed as the men they scream atlike, how dare you lower women to the level of men? even the worst women are better than scrotes.
No. 747130
File: 1614126351438.jpeg (70.39 KB, 565x175, 498A6821-4301-4BC5-9392-603B78…)

anddd that’s where I develop trust issues with a post
No. 747135
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>>747105>>747109log off if it bothers you. you act like you HAVE to be here… you don’t!
No. 747157
File: 1614127637373.jpeg (75.64 KB, 480x530, D29DD7E8-3D1F-43C4-8914-80AD07…)

>>747129>she can’t be productive because of a website You could say exactly the same about Instagram, Facebook or Tiktok, just because lolcow is “
like 4chan” doesn’t mean everyone browsing this forum is dependent of it.
No. 747160
>>747153No one said that it does though? Not the op, but I'm pretty sure the whole point of this post
>>747105 was just saying some anons here are probably pretending to be women they're not
No. 747162
>>747158That's your opinion, babe! I'd rather have lived through those experiences than not.
>>747160I wasn't speaking in relation to that post. I was specifically responding to
>Lmao maybe we need a thread about what classify you as being a stacy on lolcow like that retarded "why would people accuse you of being a scrote" thread No. 747168
>>747028Can I ask who the artist is?
I can honestly not get enough art YouTube vloggers.
No. 747169
>>747164Then what’s your solution? Let’s all be pretty little flowers talking about how nice is everyone and everything on earth?
It’s kind of retarded to pretend that everyone here will just mind their words like when they’re offline or on platforms with people they actually know irl.
But okay, anon, start telling us our daily mantras and how to cleanse our bodies from the ugly feelings that everyone has, you must be an amazing life coach.
No. 747174
File: 1614128557257.png (336.34 KB, 696x497, 71594507_2462917390660999_7339…)

Love when I'm arguing with another anon but bored of it and then another anons picks up where i left off like "thanks betch I was getting bored but wanted to have the last word"
No. 747175
File: 1614128640436.jpg (686.34 KB, 2048x1536, Eu72rJYVoAMxN3G.jpg)

>>747168It's ciaraturnerart on twitter. She doesn't have a youtube, but here is her tiktok if you're interested in that Pic is her living room that she recently posted and that's kinda what started my interest in her account lol
No. 747184
File: 1614129376813.gif (1.55 MB, 314x240, wkosQdU.gif)

>>747179yknow what i knew my post about smelling misogyny wasn't misguided. it's probably some black trannies that are mad they aren't women.
(racebait) No. 747185
>>747179probably some angry scrote
triggered by anons talking about their vaginas
No. 747194
>>747183I think you need to do some toning exercises, like lifting small weights.
Either that or just embrace your big arms, they’re not bad, and tailoring can fix any sleeves you might feel too tight.
No. 747199
File: 1614130245441.jpg (51.97 KB, 925x810, 84fd6668643d06ce6b068531463744…)

My crush really has me googling how compatible our signs are like a I'm a damn 12 year old again lol
No. 747216
File: 1614132082287.jpeg (438.9 KB, 587x1131, EFA9760B-6CB9-4CF1-B4F6-288827…)

anons will you take his offer kek
No. 747222
File: 1614132565153.gif (7.76 KB, 100x150, 20_0_years.gif)

>>747217my neopet account is older than some of you
No. 747224
File: 1614132601895.gif (402.45 KB, 220x150, tenor (5).gif)

>>747217Ayrt anon, what do you be thinkin'/sayin'? The only things I say on here that I wouldn't say irl is like "pee pee poo poo" bc people would think I'm annoying (rightfully so).
No. 747236
File: 1614133007319.jpeg (20.89 KB, 244x164, 8F48AD55-2520-4A0B-AFF2-969E43…)

>>747216Yes, if that means I get to feed him with these cool red pills every 4 hours.
No. 747249
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No. 747252
>>747243That’s basically what the whole internet has turned into, tbh.
First it was blogs, then it got acceptable to post all of your life everywhere with the hopes of going viral.
Which is why most anons would probably prefer being able to vent like in a blog, without the repercussions of going viral or getting recognized by the people we know irl.
No. 747258
File: 1614134807962.jpeg (24.4 KB, 267x320, 5812DD0F-8733-4162-862F-FE1B17…)

newfag zoomer moid discovers ~le female 4chan~ for the first time be like
>OMG how dare u hate men
>I bet your not even stacy !!!!
>perfect, I have now lowered their self-esteem and triggered their need to prove themselves to me
>why haven’t you had sex with me already s-stupid roasties
>back to 4chan: HOW DO I GET LOLCOW GF
>another newfag replies “what’s that?”
The cycle continues
No. 747265
File: 1614135577457.png (530.93 KB, 700x525, 5e2729bb62fa8160601e7487.png)

i get way too overly emotionally attached to the tinest things and personify inanimate things so easily it's embarrassing. i got so sad/ offended just now because a reddit bot in some thread i was reading got downvoted for doing his little job ): i'm the kind of bitch that would consider my roomba a pet/ part of the family
No. 747277
File: 1614137196985.jpg (109.51 KB, 828x826, c8d1b20.jpg)

I am so stinky
The only time that I am not is immediately after showering, but then I go back to funk mode 1 hour later even though I try my best not to
I hate being stinky
No. 747284
File: 1614138720754.jpg (8.78 KB, 300x300, FB_IMG_1610139197867.jpg)

I badly need and want friends, but I just feel like I annoy everyone I talk to. Picrel.
No. 747289
File: 1614139396765.jpg (434.54 KB, 1206x1000, SAVE_20210125_184305.jpg)

>>747280>>747282Oh why, anons! Have I ever tried to not be smelly by using
cleaning products? How innovative!
Maybe I should've said that I have metabolic issues that probably prevent me from staying non phunky for longer. I usually have to use men's sports products.
Society needs to return to monke soon so I can be considered a dominant female by sheer smell
No. 747318
File: 1614143655940.jpg (62.4 KB, 564x564, 1578848790108.jpg)

>nasty moid says I dye my hair bright colors all the time because I'm damaged and I want attention
fuck you dumbass
>female friend says I dye my hair bright colors all the time because I'm damaged and i'm trying to alleviate the pain of my latest existential crisis via changes in routine and pretty colors
queen…thank you for showing me the error of my ways…god what would I do without you thank you…
Now I just gotta convince her when I show up at her place with brown hair tomorrow that I was already planning on dyeing it back and she didn't hurt my feelings lmaooo
No. 747326
File: 1614144156913.jpg (65.65 KB, 868x867, i played it on easy (one color…)

this bitch too stupid for spider solitaire, i played for about 40 minutes and restarted several times but never got past the third stack
No. 747328
File: 1614144357353.png (576.91 KB, 747x927, 1605902734112.png)

>>747326bitch are you me, I feel absolutely retarded after willing through four rounds cause I keep fucking myself in the ass
No. 747334
File: 1614144985669.jpg (55.84 KB, 1242x1226, d5bee07011be05d877f8bd6a3e93cc…)

thank you nancy drew pc games for saving my life and teaching me how to be hot and smart.
No. 747369
>>747318 and I have to admit I'm going to see my work crush on friday and he loves the neon hair/weeb look and I'm worried he's gonna think my natural dark brown hair is boring…I have the dye sitting in my hair as we speak so I'm committed to it whether he likes it or not but idk he is always so kind and complimentary when I change my hair I wonder if he won't even notice if I change it back to brown…I hate that I even care lmao.
No. 747377
>>747376Don't have children.
>prove to a superficial community that buying love=I am a good parent.That wouldn't prove anything cause your child would not like you because you buy them random shit. It would literally have the opposite effect.
No. 747380
>>747377>That wouldn't prove anything cause your child would not like you because you buy them random shit.Silly anon, I would have indoctrinated that child to have obligation to me via shaming or instilling religious beliefs that value deference to parents no matter what. They'd owe all the gratitude and loyalty they could muster to me for giving them dumb shit, no less for covering the basics while they are unable to care for themselves. I'll make sure to gaslight that child (if they ever grow to know better that is) and tell them that their negative feelings towards me are unfounded. Cause if I did do something mean to the child it didn't actually happen, or if it did then they deserved it.
And all that really doesn't matter. Even if my child hates me, all I have to do is convince our family, friends, and community at large that they are simply a spoiled brat and I will be believed because I am a parent who outwardly gave my child everything and didn't beat or kill them.
No. 747381
File: 1614150583059.png (1.11 MB, 1415x1405, dudedude.png)

hannibal ftms are something else i tell you
No. 747382
File: 1614151308836.png (11.67 KB, 415x424, images.png)

I miss getting plowed so much
At least my subconscious could give me a sex dream to compensate for that, but nope
No. 747399
File: 1614153268633.jpg (156.65 KB, 944x642, GANG GANG.jpg)

TFW I do a "hi scrote" half-worried of catching a b& but then other anons also jump on to defend me and then farmhand redtext the scrote without banning me
GOD that's good shit. Is this what supportive female friendship feels like??? ♥
No. 747424
File: 1614157599328.jpg (43.21 KB, 277x248, tumblr_inline_o0ial0uDxe1qixmi…)

When I was a pre-teen at summer camp one of my roommates would bring so much stuff with her to bed and since she slept in the bunk above me I would sometimes wake up with her goddamn markers hitting my head, one time I woke up with her sketchbook hitting my arm.
Now as an adult with a big bed I realized I've been slowly starting to do the something similar. I bring my phone, my switch (or book), lipbalm and glasses to bed. I don't even put them on the nightstand because I guess I subconsciously want to respect my table lamps personal space so I have them lying in bed with me.
No. 747482
File: 1614168392724.jpg (68.53 KB, 720x540, hm.jpg)

that new driver's license song depresses me. bitch straight up got to number 1 on at 17 without even needing to try all because her boyfriend broke up with her. im not much older than her (she's 18) and i don't even have my drivers license let alone a number 1 song. why not
No. 747498
>>747482Did you put out a song?
You have no idea what is gonna stick but you have to at least throw stuff at the wall to see
No. 747534
File: 1614175777345.png (123.41 KB, 496x444, delet.PNG)

>Open leftthots thread
>First phrase I read is "maoist dr phil guy"
No. 747536
>>747482you can blame tiktok and her being at Disney (so connections) for making her career lmfao
honestly the song sounds like another “sad music” song that will be played during movie commercials and trailers or ads and no one will remember it
she’s like a female ed sheeran kek
No. 747538
File: 1614176532086.png (5.26 KB, 721x76, bust down cuntiana.PNG)

I love whoever this is. She didn't deserve to be banned
No. 747596
>>747584I saw lately that Young M.A has a strap-on set for sale on her site with her name attached to it…the dildo in it was super realistic and I'm like why would a lesbian want to wear a super realistic dildo? I'm sure it was mostly a money grab using already existant toys and just having the toy company send you a cut of the sales but a lil more thought would've surely meant more sales to the lesbian crowd they wanted buying them
Like you said, even a portion of straight women are turned off by the realistic ones
No. 747602
>>747584Same. A dick is nice when it's attached to a man I find attractive, but a detached plastic penis just weirds me out and looks kind of gross.
I wonder if it's the same reason that makes me not understand dick pics. I know scrotes overestimate how much women are into dick pics anyway, but I've known women that can still appreciate them coming from the right guy, while I never get it. If I just see a dick without the dude it's attached to it doesn't even really register as sexual to me. It's just a fleshy body part that looks more gross the longer you stare at it, like a way too high res closeup of someone's teeth or something.
No. 747611
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God I love spring
No. 747645
File: 1614185635454.gif (372.96 KB, 464x250, ActualWanDuckbillplatypus-size…)

I usually let my bodyhair grow out for months cause I like the experience of shaving super long hair, but god having smooth skin is so nice and I really don't wanna go back. I feel so soft and my skin looks clearer without hair
No. 747670
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update on
>>712498the city i live in just had a 1 month long covid lockdown, luckily i was able to go back to work this week and have seen this guy quite frequently.
>the day before the lockdown this bitch was constantly staring at me like i would turn around and he would stand there in the distance… staring… at my ass…>on this monday he was leaving and i was like BYE kinda loudly lol. he's always wearing headphones and never looks at me when leaving/entering so idk if my passionate good bye would be heard. well he heard me and gave a small, but really twitchy and weird, wave.>today i was like good morning! and you know what he did? he was like 'hello' but he was mumbling and talking kinda quietly so it sounded like 'hwlkllo'. >things are progressing really fast! hopefully he'll be able to form a sentence next week.this guy's beahviour weirds me out so much and i've been thinking.. reflecting even. is it all in my head? why does he stare at me? maybe he's racist and wants me to die? he is able to wear a slutty tight fitting turtle-neck that really shows off his pecks but is not able to say hello to me?? i've seen him and the rest of the finance fuckboys hang out/talk with girls (the girls at the uni i work at are super pretty and kind) and apparently he's able to communicate with them like a normal person. and he doesn't give weird stares to my other coworker who's the only
woc besides me, so i don't think it's racism either.
this guy acts like the biggest autist ever around me, god. every time he stares at me and i stare back, i'm the one who eventually breaks the eye contact because i'm weak!! i'll have to become stronger and keep staring/holding eye contact until
he is the one who looks away.
anons, do you have any suggestions for other ways i can communicate with him?
No. 747687
File: 1614187574385.png (415.1 KB, 444x599, what the fuck.PNG)

I genuinely cannot believe there are women in this world who own these ugly ass shows. I've never seen shoes this fucking gross
No. 747744
File: 1614190789176.gif (3.65 MB, 400x400, 1598641830748.gif)

this thread today is cute as shit
Hope ya'll have a cozy rest of the day, anons
No. 747751
File: 1614191128182.jpg (270.38 KB, 828x817, hfhaohSJXK1ffA4.jpg)

>>747744Thanks anon, you too qt
No. 747781
File: 1614192336864.jpeg (76.81 KB, 811x913, 460FC026-46FC-4D77-BDF0-2C5099…)

I'm so bad at responding to new people, but I still want to make new friends.
No. 747792
File: 1614193963148.jpg (57.09 KB, 465x612, 1.jpg)

I want a gf, but thinking about the fact I would have to eat pussy at some points kills me. Like, I want to, but what would I even do down there
Also, I wonder if people in the 70s knew how much drip they had. They knew what they were doing with the fashion and interior designing
No. 747796
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/ot/ activity be lookin like meme stonks lul
No. 747799
>>747796Is the lil fish guy for when bait gets posted or something
This is true though, lc is always dead during the early morning and late/middle of the night (in America atleast)
No. 747808
File: 1614195106841.jpg (115.54 KB, 810x1215, This is how Cher looks so good…)

>>747792Samefagging my own post, now that I think about it, there's no way people in the 70s didn't know how cool they are. There's no way Cher was walking around like this and didn't know how much of a bad bitch she is
>>747800Ty anon ♥♥
No. 747861
File: 1614198916831.png (220.02 KB, 405x570, her names coraline.PNG)

Are these shoes cute? I'm worried about them looking juvenile, but I'm also in my early 20s so I think I could get away with it. I'm not even sure what I would wear with these
No. 747862
File: 1614198955273.png (129.87 KB, 434x429, side.PNG)

>>747861sideview, I like how tall they are
No. 747876
File: 1614199842823.png (400.24 KB, 441x565, red.PNG)

>>747864They're from Shein
and coincidentally so is >>747687.. I know fastfashion brands are trash, but I've bought stuff from them before and liked it so I wanted to get more
I saw someone in the reviews paired the shoes with socks that had red hearts on them, so I think I might buy a pair of socks like that and pic to go with them. It's not an everyday outfit though, so I should find some other clothes to pair it with before I buy them. I think some kind of wide leg pants have the potential to look cute with these
>>747871It might be a pr relationship tbh.
No. 747880
>>747876those would look so cute together, I approve.
Also imo you shouldn't feel bad about buying fast fashion if you will actively wear it. But that's just me.
No. 747899
File: 1614200925994.png (Spoiler Image,520.56 KB, 720x807, Screenshot_20210224-130756.png)

This is the daily dose of internet guy I hate it
No. 747906
>>747876I mean, never trust the media, bubs and same
>>747879I am also one of the idiots who has a hunch taylor swift is gay or something and I am not even a fan, but I am 70% sure tom hiddleston is a closetfag with an ugly accountant normiefag bf or something without being a fan. So, basically insane.
No. 747920
>>747860I dislike Jennie, but I despise g-dragon with a passion, she could do so much better. Ignoring everything else about him, his music is shit and I hate 2nd gen stans sucking him off acting like he's the god of kpop
>>747879I really do wonder if any kpop idols will ever come out, even the faggiest of the fags end up marrying the opposite sex. The fact that Amber and Jo Kwon try to insist that they're straight makes me worried no one will feed us lesbian kpoppies
Min yoongi come out of the closet when? Bts are too big for anything to destroy their career by this point right No. 747936
>>747861I need them so badly!
i actually had a dream in which I was wearing shoes like those and haven’t been able to find the right ones until this picture they would look great with so many outfits.
No. 747952
File: 1614204193846.jpeg (56.84 KB, 640x640, 51CD53EE-C4D8-4F91-A501-86C807…)

>>747946Thank you, anon! They look absolutely pretty!
No. 747968
File: 1614205885622.jpeg (3.43 MB, 4032x3024, 1CEDA692-2CE8-4638-A0E8-707D29…)

>>747861I’ve been wanting platform maryjanes since high school, too bad I’m almost 30 and too old to rock them. My fam already bitches at me for wearing studded bracelets/belts and combat boots (pic related, mine).
No. 747979
>>747968Ayrt, I think those boots are so cool! I know I mentioned age in my post, but I mostly said that because I was worried about those shoes looking like some kind of ddlg wear but irl people don't care about that shit. You should keep rocking your clothes! I really don't think there's a cutoff age for alternative clothing and 30 isn't old at all. People act like once you hit 30 your supposed to dress in casual business wear 24/7
>>747975Good luck, anon!
No. 747985
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Girls I got the hanch
No. 747992
File: 1614207357622.jpg (111.89 KB, 1200x1200,…)

>>747985I don't know why I find it so funny, but someone posted a picture with kranch in the background and someone just replied "KRANCH"
No. 748011
File: 1614208750917.png (48.95 KB, 577x530, cleverbot.png)

I don't think cleverbot is doing it for me…
No. 748016
>>748012Yeah, well sharing is caring.
>>748013no worries anon, I appreciate the suggestion. Maybe when I'm drunk and just need ai ramblings. I'll try the ai dungeon now.
No. 748017
File: 1614208955229.jpg (100.04 KB, 1200x675, bladerunner.jpg)

>>748006getting strong cyberpunk dystopian feels over here
No. 748029
File: 1614209528712.jpg (395.5 KB, 1080x2220, 1613610194020.jpg)

>>748011>>748016Fuck cleverbot, go for AI dungeon.
Pic related, this is from an anon here that likes to play as Adam Driver fucking Chris Hemsworth lol
But you can just be you + your husbando (or celebrity crush)
No. 748037
File: 1614209757414.png (47.17 KB, 1024x292, wow.png)

Reminder to not take bait from scrotes.
No. 748038
>>748019Yes, it's scary how far the ai has advanced so the cleverbot is rather underwhelming. It's like it's still stuck in the late 2000s.
>>748029lol, that looks pretty good. But yeah, AI dungeon is all I ever needed. Honestly, I might just turn to the neet lyfe with this.
No. 748041
File: 1614209984821.png (Spoiler Image,86.04 KB, 878x573, nsfw.PNG)

>>748029Seconding this. Pic is from one of my rps, super detailed but this wasn't even one of the best parts
No. 748046
File: 1614210230358.png (44.42 KB, 510x426, cleverbot_rude.png)

>>748041okay that's really hotCompare that to mr notsocleverbot.
I'm just going to thank anons again for telling me about this.
No. 748053
>>748044I've been driving for over a decade and it still terrifies me. I live out on Long Island and people here are fucking insane. I have a car and can go anywhere I want yet I pretty much stay within 10 miles of my home, or take the LIRR.
Wish I could be of better help but I completely understand the fear.
No. 748057
>>748044Just like
>>748049, I've been driving since I started high school. I needed to, my mom couldn't get me to school. It's SO fun to drive. Especially when you have the windows down, playing your favorite jams, and no one can tell you what the fuck to do.
I've been in two car accidents. Both involved me taking left turns. Yes I am a little afraid but I still enjoy driving long distances. And I avoid driving at night (and that's OKAY!)
Also, throw 40 bucks at a dash cam and you will feel MUCH more confident knowing that if anything were to happen to you, you have evidence that it wasn't your fault.
No. 748074
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Is life in the UK as miserable as it looks on TV ?
No. 748079
File: 1614212547408.jpg (Spoiler Image,179.94 KB, 1631x1079, EtCd-OpU0AAuKfx.jpg)

I've been feeling so inspired and motivated by different artists lately, I know once I get off my ass and complete school shit, I'm gonna go on an drawing rampage
No. 748087
File: 1614213217170.jpeg (22.94 KB, 460x305, images (66).jpeg)

I always forget we can't post porny things anymore, not even drawn shit
I wonder where the mods draw the line
No. 748090
>>748044Honesly, as someone who didn't drive until my mid-twenties, you're going to have to just do it, Pick a time and place you know traffic will be calm and figure out how the car moves. Take some driving lessons if your feel you need to, personally I would highly recomend it. Personal experience showed me that anyone who isn't a specialized driving instructor will just yell at you rather than teach you.
Driving a car might be something to get used to for you rather than just waking up one day suddenly gaining confidence. Start small, get in the car and drive to work/school/store/ etc. everday untill getting there becomes second nature (it will). Then wander around your area until you get comfortable and work up to faster roads from there.
For motivation, you say you live in NYC but do you plan to stay there? Can you afford to? Aside from New England and maybe Chicago most of the country has pretty shit transportation and has been basicly built around the car. Unless you plan to stay where you are driving may be a necessity for you anyway.
No. 748120
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I've been watching videos by Jasmine Tookes and Vinetria and I am so envious. Why are they so fucking pretty
No. 748121
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>>748044So this is weird as hell but 100 percent true. I drove from ages 17-29 and never lost my severe driving anxiety. Once I started taking buprioprin it went away like poof. Don’t have any idea why but I’m super glad.
No. 748127
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stress-induced headaches are the absolute worse
No. 748133
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No. 748146
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>>747498>>747519>>747536i know this is late but thank you anons. it was bothering me more than i liked to admit. i have more motivation to keep practicing music now.
No. 748151
>>748121>>748077>>748049Thank you anons! I hope I'll be able to let go of the anxiety once I get used to it! This is also kind of lame but I like watching people drive because they look so cool kek I want to look cool.
>>748053I was in the car once with friends and we were driving back to Queens from LI on the highway and someone just swerved into our lane, no turn signal or anything, it was fucking horrifying.
>>748057Thank you anon! I was looking into dashcams before! Do you have just one in the front or both front and rear? Do you always put them away before you get out of the car? I'm scared of forgetting that they're out and getting my car broken into lol.
>>748090I'm most likely going to take lessons. My dad refuses to teach me because he says going through a driving school means getting a slightly cheaper insurance rate after, but I think it's for the best because I honestly don't really want my dad to teach me anyway since I think he's a pretty meh driver lol, definitely don't want to pick up his bad habits.
No. 748195
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Happy bc I'm about to get drunk (on my own, again)
sad bc I got little alcohol left and no more money.
Oh well. Tomorrow's the day I get my shit together. I'm seeing a shrink.
No. 748201
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>>748195Good luck for tomorrow,
nonnie No. 748206
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should I read the whole dork diaries series again as a retrospect and then cope with the fact with how shit it’s probably going to be by doing it ironically?
No. 748208
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>>748206Yes, and add on Dear Dumb Diary as well, scholar.
No. 748255
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omg mods finally banned anorectal violence
No. 748259
>>748255I hope he dies from lack of attention
Imagine boring
our mods
No. 748322
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My sexual fantasies are better than any porn that has been created
No. 748336
>>748327Another day, another woman brainwashed into settling because god forbid women ever have standards or be single
btw I think you're misusing cheerleader effect. That's when average looking girls seem better looking when they're in a group.
No. 748349
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Uuurgghh I'm horny and I have to wake up and go to work in like six hours. My dildo's useless as shit, I want real dick
God I'm so grouchy right now wtf
No. 748361
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>hear radio chatter at work, coworker letting my boss know that customer reported witnessing a car being backed into in the parking lot
>think "ha sucks to be them"
>hear boss's voice on intercom
>"will the owner of a blah blah blah – "
>it's my car
the returns on that karma were kinda fast I think?
No. 748400
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Just found out that my 32 year ild brother doesn't know how to transfer money online via accounts or with mbanking… I just… like what the fuck? He literally gave me 100€ cash…
No wonder I'm the one responsible for my familys finances at 25, none of them want to learn new shit
No. 748405
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Ramadan starts on my birthday fuck this
No. 748420
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Doing behavior therapy when you suffer from good girl syndrome is really confusing. Am I doing the assignments to get better or because I want them to praise me? WHO KNOWS IT'S A GODDAMN MYSTERY
No. 748437
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So Manson is obviously trash but the nickname 'Lasagna del Rey' fucking sent me kek
No. 748440
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Alexander the Great was so hot. It's the first time a historical figure (a 3d person) made me feel butterflies in my stomach. He's utter perfection.
No. 748445
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yesterday i got my first ever ban for sex work derail, yet another lolcow virginity taken ! thanks jannies i appreciate ur work against spergs like me
No. 748449
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What's the LC version?
No. 748470
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lolcow.exe has stopped working… this is probably just my computer being shitty kek but it's hard to post this i can't even see the shit im typing
No. 748471
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>>744501Is he inspired by Prince? Kinda interesting how Eastern men dress the way Western men used to back in the 20th century. Western men should start dressing like this again
No. 748480
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>>748440expectation is your pic
reality is this
No. 748503
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>>748501Go to Latvia if you want to get stepped on
No. 748550
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I love these little circle bitches you put on for acne
No. 748558
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>>748555Damn, her merch in general is really cool, I had no idea.
Whoever designed the website tho should go to hell for these flashing images in the bg.
No. 748578
>>748567I think the presentation of foods can really change the way we perceive their flavors, like waffles and pancakes, they can be done with the exact same ingredients but they taste differently.
Or when you have a cupcake instead of a piece of cake, it’s the same mix but the cupcake has a more rich flavor than the piece of cake.
or maybe they do have different recipes or something like that No. 748590
>>748578I guess it could def be a mind thing, but there has to be something else there. Maybe it's something in the red coloring that changes the flavor
No. 748656
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whenever I go outside to the store or to some food place all of the people always look like this, like is nothing going on in their brain it’s like only water content
no thoughts head empty
No. 748666
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>>747899ngl I think he looks hot… I wanna lick those abs.
No. 748669
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>>748659are you one of those ghouls I saw then?
No. 748675
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>>748656you must be 18 to post here
No. 748717
I remember doing that but with instant ramen packets and even frozen caprisuns holy crap I was just a dumb child
No. 748722
No. 748736
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I was trying to get lunch from the corner store and some random scrote eyed me up and down, and was like, "do you work out your legs?" My calves are huge, always has been.
I just loudly repeated, "please don't comment on my body" in the most disappointed tone until he gave up and left
No. 748740
>>748705He's definitely one of the most fascinating figures of all time. I wonder if we'd feel the same way if we were one of the solidiers he dragged across the then known world. But still, the fact that people followed him for so long says a lot about his charisma.
I think the wars and intrigues that followed after his death were no less fascinating, the so called wars of the Diadochi. And even his death is shrouded in mystery. My favourite battle from that time would be the battle of Raphia, one of the biggest battles of ancient times.
> do we have a favorite historical events thread?I love the idea but there were a few history related threads before and they end to be very slow with barely any activity.
No. 748750
>>748736fucking hate it when people comment on your body like they have any authority on it, or like it's any of his business. That reeks of peak maleness.
One time, I was walking to school in a cute dress for a celebration. It was a knee-length black bodycon, nothing skimpy, i wore it with a jean jacket. This dude comes up to me and asks how old I am. I answer truthfully, and he does this motion of his hand cutting across his throat like "Nuh-uh, that isn't for you, go change, hoe". I was fucking 14.
No. 748773
>>748750Absolutely disgusting, I hope he killed himself
Sorry that happened to you, anon
Unfortunately I'm going to be packing lunch more often now. At least I'll save money haha
No. 748797
>>748777I've had comments from strangers about my calves multiple times throughout my life, usually from men who throw in a "mm-mm" in there too. Just ick. Like you said, I'd be okay with it if it was from someone I'm friends with or someone who genuinely works out or something, but most often not. I remember first hearing it from grown men when I was in high school and I would just awkwardly agree that yes, my calves are indeed huge, no I don't work them out h-ha…
Now I'm almost 30 and I don't have time for this shit, they can take their 'tism somewhere else
No. 748809
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>>748801Don't stop yourself from persuing long hair beauties anon. Only worry when other red flags pop up.
No. 748816
>>748799> "some weird bitch taped her chest and pretended to be a male so she could join Alexander's army"Oh God, how many fantasies I had of doing the same thing.
I daydreamed about other historical figures as well but Alexander the Great is the most reoccurring one with a good reason.
> I have some military experience but that's in the modern dayI wish I could say the same for myself. I'm half blind and half deaf, I don't think I stood a chance even though I toyed with the idea a good number of times.
> and I still had days where I was weighed down by body armor, either sweating and sunburned or so cold that I couldn't feel my limbs, and tired/injured on top of that, and still bantering and getting on with my platoon mates. I don't know why but I'm so jealous. I wish I could experience that level of cameraderie and adventure. My life is boring and the only type of adventure I get is from books. Although I'm aware that it must have been brutal and quite dangerous too. Kudos to you for that. I know that the life you've lead (are still leading?) is far from glamorous and I admire you for what you do.
No. 748839
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gonna tinfoil and say that the drunk seething aging anons ways accuse other users of being underage
having a sense of humor is now being 12 and what is this
No. 748845
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>mmm idk guys should I buy this?
>this is so cute anon!
the fit in question:
No. 748846
>>748831> Who knows, maybe we'll be reborn in a different place where there's actually something worth going to battle for lol.Hopefully, anon, hopefully. I find myself being thirsty for ideas to fight for. Something that doesn't have businessmen as its puppeteers. At the moment, even if there's a movement that I care about it quickly gets overtaken by corporations and the movement becomes bureaucratic in its structure and actions become performances that solve nothing. It's a repeating pattern.
Anyhow, I'm glad I've found a fellow farmer that likes military history just as much. It would be nice to listen to your stories and talk about military battles throughout history.
No. 748866
>>748817I also find that using a firm, disappointed tone makes them admit guilt, cause they know what they're doing is wrong. He just started backpedaling immediately, loved it
Anywho, admiring your assertiveness, anon.
No. 748871
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im going insane
No. 748896
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took a bite of a corndog right as i scrolled past the troll spamming dicks in /snow.
No. 748901
No. 748945
File: 1614283167499.png (93.54 KB, 375x406, baby bear.PNG)

I'm buying a new phone, but I can't find cute phonecases for shit. They're all either tacky or just plain. I want something cute to go with the lil bear pop-socket I'm getting (pic), but all of the good ones are for other models. The phone I'm getting isn't even from some unknown brand, but the model must be unpopular. Sad.
I think I'll simply have to settle from buying from a store like aliexpress or something that'll take weeks to deliver urgghhh
No. 749023
File: 1614288210444.jpg (Spoiler Image,33.51 KB, 500x491, b6600a8a0d62359bf91e7ddbd3d30e…)

God I really need to start working out so I can wear crop tops and cute shit like waist chains
No. 749099
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Just ate like half a small raw onion just to entertain myself (and cuz I had some in the fridge) and not feeling 100% great right now ngl
No. 749111
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>>749099Why would you eat a raw onion for funsies. Read a book or smth.
No. 749146
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On the last session therapist told me I'm struggling with procrastinating on necessary things because I have a child mentality that responds with a firm NO to the everything the "parent voice" that says that I must do (neither of these two healthy), and while it's true I'm weirdly pissed at her for saying I'm a child and I don't want to go tomorrow. The ultimate childlish move.
No. 749267
>>749259Anon you can buy old school runescape gold at one million for less than $2.
No offense but you technically lost money wasting time talking to the scrote than what you scammed him for.
No. 749272
>>749252at my first punk show i was punched in the tit by a drunk crustie. then he threw up on my shoes.
tiktok punks never leave their bedrooms so that's probably why they've build up this fantasy of uwu~tolerant punx.
No. 749326
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No. 749338
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what’s the point of even being gay or bisexual in america or anywhere when mostly only white gays, lesbians and bis have more dating opportunities or sexual value? kind of mind boggling
No. 749344
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Feel like pure shit just want her back x
No. 749348
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I really like how lolcow basically organizes all threads into generals instead of making random threads for stupid bullshit. I wish other imageboards like CC would stop making new threads for every irrelevant thought that crosses their mind.
No. 749353
>>749350Same! I used to get one every time I went to Chuck E. Cheese.
>>749351Yeah, at like gas stations and stuff. I just can't get one right now because it's getting late.
No. 749361
>>749291I said myself and others, not all farmers. Recently in stupid questions (I think?) anons were talking about how anorectal violence anon is funny and pretty harmless to farmers.
>>749308I'm 22 and YES. Ik this sounds ridic but I feel so old when I look at the men that are in my dating pool technically at the same age range. I see characteristics of middle aged men before seeing any resemblance to their 18 year old self that they were 4 years earlier. I'm sure other women feel similarly but can't outright say it, part of me just wants to be like "yall girls see this too?" to make sure I'm not crazy when noticing how ugly and aged these guys are for being early to mid 20s. I was curious so I took one night to look up all of the former "cute guys" from my high school and already at 22/23 they're straight up ugly. What we regard as teenage girls as "cute" features on a teenage boy turns into a soft jawline on an adult man among other soft features that look terrible with weight gain. A lot of these guys went into fraternities where they drank a shit ton over their 4 years in school and gained weight. Now they're pudgy. Not to mention how many of the guys my age already have receding hairlines–even the ones who are attractive facially and seem to be at a healthy weight have really obvious receding hairlines just at 22/23.
I can't 'suck it up' because I'm literally completely turned-off by bald men or obvious receding hairlines and men who are not in shape or are visibly fat. Even if I find a guy who looks good right now I will early screen what a guy's dad looks like to make sure what I'm in for.
No. 749448
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>>749436>>749447Same, I get such creepy vibes from him. My brother tries to defend him by being like, "He used to be fat when he was a kid, he's not a douche!" Lmao all that proves to me is that he's an incel in a chad's body. Creepy ass, dating barely-legal women and bragging about his dick. He's IRL Gaston, prove me wrong.