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No. 2048756
Unleash your stupid here
>>>/ot/2030336 No. 2048766
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Do you dress "nice" or with your "go out clothes" inside your house? I'm kind of tired of dressing in my shitty pajamas. And how often do you do it? I grew up poor with bad self esteem and a strict mother that never cared about looking nice inside the house so I have a fear of "damaging" my clothes so to speak.
No. 2048782
>>2048771I don't like lace lingerie, I literally meant what I posted in my picture. Just nice clothes to go out
>>2048773>cute lounge wearI will consider this nonna thank you
No. 2048855
>>2048846Like extra long hairs? I have 3 of those, one on my chin, one on my back and one in one eyebrow. I usually catch and rip them when they're long enough and never saw it as abnormal.
Short fine hairs are normal too, we all got some peach fuzz.
No. 2048909
>>2048766Athleisure, I don't even have regular PJs
>>2048906I'm a burger so i shouldn't even speak but my friend moved there and said she struggled just to get a wagie job because of her poor Dutch skills
No. 2048914
>>2048906I was there for 8 months due to job stuff. Lack of Dutch wasn't that much of an issue, they probably spoke English better than me. I did find them very blunt. It's something that takes getting used to.
Also if you're not on the end of 5' get used to being the shortest person everywhere
No. 2048935
>>2048928The issue here is the ratio between wages and rent. The median salary is 1200€ while rent anywhere but bumfuck nowhere is 1000€+. I have a good salary but have to share an old rundown apartment with an Eastern European moid in one of the worst areas of the capital. My friend is paying double as me but he's staying in a nice area in Amsterdam on 20h/week job because the wages there are much higher.
I'm also sick and tired of the boomer ran work culture here. Wfh is unheard of unless you work for some big foreign company and even then the middle bootlickers pressure from in-office even if we're doing fuck all most of the time. And now they're starting to copy ameritards expecting you to do unpaid overtime and be available 24/7 even though there's no real emergency for anything.
No. 2048948
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How retarded is it of me to spend 230 dollars on Japanese rhinoceros beetles
No. 2048978
>>2048967I guess it's a good price then. Not sure why you want to breed beetles. It takes years of practice to breed beetles successfully. If this is your first time raising them they will most likely die due to your inexperience and you will lose the money (you could mount the dead bodies and resell them for like $40 I guess). Like, are you capable of maintaining the box of sawdust they're gonna live in at a stable temperature and humidity all year round? Because if not, you should get something native and get your beetle practice in before you buy these ones.
I'm against animal prison and the pet trade so I say don't do it, but that's just me personally.
No. 2049048
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>>2049024It depends on what I'm reading, but yeah. Like, if it has a light romantic feel, I'd imagine it in watercolor while if it's some grimdark fantasy, it'd have a grimdark artstyle. If it has lots of inner monologue, I imagine the direction being a bit more artsy.
Sometimes I keep art next to me to help imagine the vibe I want to think in lol.
No. 2049055
>>2048766All my nice clothes eventually become house clothes once they start getting a bit scuffed, so yeah I technically wear nice/go-out clothes when I'm just loafing around the house. I don't like wasting things, so I also will repair my round the house clothes until it's time to admit they've truly gone to god kek– if you're worried about damaging nicer clothes, maybe try picking up some basic mending skills? Might help if you can say 'it's not damaged/ruined, I can fix it' to yourself if anything does go awry.
My main advice though is to not just wear what's comfortable at home, but also what makes you feel good about yourself, whatever that means.
No. 2049105
>>2049082usually i start feeling run down or sniffly or scratchy or something…
you can take some zinc or one of those supplements like airborne or emergen-c to try and knock it down before it starts.
No. 2049157
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Has anyone here used these types of gnat traps before? How effective are they? Doesn't have to be the exact one in picrel.
The gnats in my house are literally driving me insane, and I feel like I've tried everything. Even those apple cider vinegar, fruit/fruit juice and dish soap traps havent worked for me at all. If anyone has any recommendations at all to get rid of them I'd take it.
No. 2049675
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What is this behavior called when someone ruminates on an event and convince themselves that something entirely different happened? Like so:
> X gets annoyed at Y and raises his voice during their conversation. Y keeps replaying the event in her head and everytime she tells it to someone, she exaggerates something but also convinces herself that they happened. In her first retelling of the event, she tells everyone that X not only raised his voice, but slammed his fist on the table. In further retellings of the story, X not only slammed his fist, but grabbed an object and threw it at Y, etc and eventually she becomes convinced that X was actually trying to kill her
No. 2049688
>>2049670just what you said, propaganda was pushed extremely hard, it was clip after clip after clip being taken out of context, cutting out bits and pieces that made depp look bad and amber look innocent, they got it to a point where most people didn't even bother fact checking
also when moids claim to be abused no one questions or asks for mountains of evidence, he literally just pulled the poop thing out his ass, didn't even DNA test like he threatened too and everyone just went with it. Imagine if a woman did that
No. 2049692
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What's it like living in a commie block? Why do so many people shit on "commie blocks" when the obvious alternative is homelessness?
No. 2049775
>>2049732Look at them with genuine concern and ask if they feel like they've had memory issues lately. Say that maybe they should have it looked up becuase you're worried about them. That way you can somewhat take back the power by insisting that they're "broken" with a bad memory. They might try to turn it back on you and say you're the one with memory issues, in that case smile at them and look even more compassionate like "aw poor little you"
Make it into a thing, any time they say something you can go "are you sure that's what happened?", "are you sure you'll remember that?" etc. Gaslight the gaslighter.
No. 2050230
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>>2049692It's not that bad - yes they're ugly, especially since if you live in one there are 500 other ones on your block - but you really just get used to it. "Commieblocks" are all different, many people who own the apartments do renovations on them so the windows/doors/infrastructure of the apartment looks more modern, so if its renovated it can be pretty cozy actually. That beinng said, sometimes the furniture, wallpapers and everything else is old as shit, so you kinda get transported to the ussr in the 80s. Especially the kitchens can look scary, the oven, sink, etc. look old and, just, stand by themselves (kinda like picrel except with less equipment because this is a communal apartment). It's not very soundproofed, though, so you can hear your neighbors more than you'd probably like.
Anyhow, commieblocks, as you call them, aren't very attractive, but they're also affordable and usually have a bunch of greenery nearby. I liked it much more when i was living in one of these houses than when i had a high-rise outside the city - now that's something that's actually pretty ugly.
Thanks for the interest, anon, it's kind of nice to see people are actually interested in how you live instead of just judging.
No. 2050258
>>2049694You could try one of those unscented all-over body deodorants I guess? Like Lume.
>>2050164Dissociative identity disorder or schizo.
No. 2050517
>>2050471Socipathic, not autistic. Autists wouldn't last long in the military just like they can't hold down other jobs (~80% of autists are unemployed). But yes, military men more likely to be
abusive or violent.
No. 2050724
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What are some good Madison Beer songs? Is there anything relevant about her? I haven't heard her music yet but it feels like yet another Olivia Rodrigo or Sabrina Carpenter to me. Just a pretty face singing songs for zoomers to enjoy
No. 2050967
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what country is this? I'm really curious what the rules are there about (not) taking names when you marry and how the law dictates children are to be named. kind of missed my chance to ask in the thread
>>>/ot/2050551 No. 2051002
>>2050921he recently sweeped up for her and her other grifter pickme deathfat friend
not naming her since her audience are retarded faggots even when compared to pippas fans saying it was wrong of him to assume they were pedophiles despite them making countless "cunny" and lolisho jokes. who would've thunk a moid would be a hypocrite!
No. 2051208
>>2051138>hard workinga good thing to say, no doubt very true.
>diligentweird. what is he, her boss? makes the compliment sound canned.
No. 2051280
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It doesn't matter what I do, some of my boyfriend's clothes and towels always come out of the washing machine smelling absolutely awful. I've tried pre-treating them with a disinfectant washing solution, putting baking soda or vinegar in the washing machine, etc, and nothing seems to help. Does anyone have any ideas what to do with them? The only thing I haven't tried I think is spraying them with vodka
No. 2051296
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>>2051280Cleanse them with fire, apply the same method to the source of bad odor, and please don't think even for a second that this is a problem
you have to solve
No. 2051304
>>2051300Okay, but it's still not your problem to solve, like
>>2051296 said.
No. 2051323
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>>2051316kek just like doing laundry for your dog or cat. nona should give picrel a try.
No. 2051368
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I think I might be trippin' but didn't Lolcow have a Ko-fi page where you can donate for the site's existence? Or was that just a weird dream of mine?
No. 2051397
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>>2051368if you go to the catalog on /meta/ it actually still pops up in the corner kek but it doesn't work obviously
No. 2051549
>>2051468Jesodes nuts haha goteem.
>>2051547Cool and dumb…? Damn this makes me realise I barely remember the days before those terms too
No. 2051598
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>>2051592Use wash cloths and African soap. Thank me later.
No. 2051660
>>2051614drink a cup of chicken broth
nonny, it doesn’t even have to be well made you can jus drop a bouillon cube in a cup of tea water
No. 2051788
>>2051782Wow this is really aggressive and kind of mean-spirited and unkind. I'll pray for you.
>>2051780That 5USD would be better off in a high-yield tax free savings account than in some salad restaurants cash register. She can make a fortune if she uses that 5USD to improve her life and step up to the plate and succeed in this crazy world of numbers.
No. 2051813
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What would you pair with a top like picrel? Besides jeans
No. 2051840
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>>2051800Sorry I'm answering this post again to add more to it because it got me mad thinking about it. I tried to delete my first post but I ran out of time so please don't ban me for learn2delete.
>>2051793>Why is Steven Universe associated with TIFs?Basically, the Steven Universe fandom was localized to Tumblr when the show first started airing in the early 2010s. At that time on Tumblr, the larger fandoms seemed to be dying down (like SuperWhoLock) so a lot of the chronically online (and this is back when that term actually meant something) teenagers that were addicted to Tumblr went looking for other fandoms that piqued their interest. So, they started making blogs to engage with different fandoms like Stephen Universe. In the 2010s, there was a really strange zeitgeist where everyone had to be a fan of something, and they had to take that thing pretty seriously, you can see this sort of idea in other places online too like "stan culture" on Twitter. So naturally, these chronically-online (often autistic) teenagers became obsessed with the fandom and browsed Tumblr
a lot.
At that time in the early 2010s, Tumblr was also the breeding ground for fringe pro-troon rhetoric that would become mainstream and widely-accepted by the early 2020s. During the early years of the 2010s, Tumblr was a very porn-focused website and there were a LOT of dedicated blogs on there for very specific kinks. For example, there was a somewhat large community of "sissy" men on the site that maintained blogs dedicated to the "kink" of becoming women (i.e., Autogynephilia or AGP). These bloggers would later become some of the first "trans-women" that came out of Tumblr. It really was the perfect breeding ground for such a socially misinformed and disgusting thing as that, (e.g., on Tumblr at the time "I'm
not a sissy! I really
do like dresses and pink, so I
must be a
woman!" would have read as a brave declaration of self-identity, not as a horribly brain-dead misogynistic rant). As crazy as it sounds, a lot of the thoughts, slogans, ideas, theory, rhetoric that we associate with troonism today have their foundation in pre-2015 Tumblr circles. Naturally, because these obsessed teen autists regularly interacted with pro-kink pro-troon accounts through Tumblr, they were exposed to harmful ideas and misinformation that made it easier for them to fall
victim to the troon trap.
So when you say "TIFs are associated with Steven Universe," what I hear is "Young girls that were involved in popular fandom spaces on Tumblr circa 2012-2016 were exposed to certain elements of the online culture there that exacerbated self-hatred and led to them trooning out." I think that when young impressionable people are exposed to certain online communities or site cultures like that of Tumblr, where self-victimization and identity-politics are amped up in an atmosphere of unquestioning SJW politics, they can end up radically misinformed and somewhat brainwashed. It's sort of like that greentext I attached in picrel.
No. 2051909
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I was researching pedophilia and why tf are there two symbols for being attracted to underage moids, why isn’t there another for girls or just one for moids. It’s bleak and disgusting but it’s funny in a fucked up way kek
No. 2051964
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Is it really true that it's normal for 5 year old boys and girls to show each other their genitals…? Serious answers only, because I got into an argument about it, and I said it isn't normal. When I was 5 I knew that shit was private. It's called a private part for a reason. If a 5 year old boy flashed his genitals at me even if I was 5 I'd cry and scream. I don't care if it's "consensual" (kids can't fucking consent to that)
No. 2052156
>>2051280Kek @ everyone getting mad at this. What you need is an enzyme detergent like Persil.
>>2051368Yes, cerbmin took it away for some reason that they explained but I don't remember. They felt it wasn't appropriate anymore or something.
>>2051471Losing weight makes a huge difference IME. If you're already slim but still only attracting ugly men, you probably need to fix up your skin or facial features.
No. 2052186
>>2051280I'm going to get shit for this but anyway. I'm a married nona and I'm a NEET so I do most of the laundry. my nigel sweats a lot so some of his t-shirts smell like fucking shit, the gym ones even more. you should tell him to trim his armpit hair and use deodorant. mine does it but it doesn't help 100%. if your nigel is not cleaning properly tell him to do his own fucking shit laundry.
I usually run a long cycle with prewash, a cup of oxiclean on each soap dispenser mixed with normal powder soap. double rinse at 40 degrees celsius, find the washer cycle that leaves the clothing soaking for a while. it helps a lot but it always reaches a point where I put his t-shirts in the trash.
No. 2052193
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>>2052132Whenever it comes down to sleep, I always remember pic relatrf.
No. 2052442
>>2052430kek yeah.
nonny bless us with this new thread idea. This could be as promising as the ugly man psyop which is my fav currently kek
No. 2052751
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how do i convince my cousin whos a terf to use lolcow? shes a mainstream social media user but i think she'll love lolcow
No. 2052764
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Is r/femcelgrippysockjail a tranny sub?
No. 2052766
>>2052751It's one thing to be a
TERF. It's another thing to be a farmer. That's all I'm gonna say.
No. 2052767
>>2052762ovarit might be best, since i dont think shes into lolcow drama that much only wants to vent about troons
since she was banned from insta for calling a moid a moid ill send her some threads from there
No. 2052885
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Is there a website or forum or subreddit out there that shares genuinely renter-friendly interior design inspo? I feel like the shit on ApartmentTherapy is all massive, expensive overhauls by people intending to stay in their apartments for decades. Like I'm willing to switch out hardware and maybe use some stick-on tile/wallpaper but I'm not repainting my wood cabinets in a place I don't plan to live in for more than 2 years.
No. 2052991
>>2052974see appropriate thread
>>>/ot/1572306there was an interview posted by someone who lived through the Bosnian genocide and the man claimed that it's not possible to survive on our own; you need friends and family you can trust
No. 2053014
>>2053010Moved out, yes. They don't live with their parents, that's all it takes to be moved out.
Financially independent, no absolutely not.
No. 2053128
>>2052463Eyebrow gel.
>>2052532You do have to dress decently and wear at least a little makeup (cover up dark circles minimum) to get good looking men. Just how it is.
>>2052646It will be flagged and banned quickly on most apps.
>>2052751If she's not interested in the actual cow parts of the site then don't send her here. We're not a radfem site, we're a cow site that happens to have some side boards. We're not ovarit or something.
>>2053010Yes. They're still spoiled for sure but hey I'd take that deal if it was available to me too.
>>2053110Death penalty no longer exists in some states like California.
No. 2053621
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…does anyone know where i can find close-up photos of spread out vaginas? no porn sites pls. google is just giving me illustrated diagrams and those aren't helpful. this is not for sexual reasons if you're wondering kek
No. 2054045
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Did Hitler really fall in love with a jewish girl in his life? This feels like one of those history myths people make up just to stir some shit. He hated jews more than anything except for maybe black people. Let's say he did fall in love with a jewish girl—why would he admit that though? Wouldn't he know that admitting it would make him look stupid?
No. 2054240
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>go into exam season
>constantly busy, study until way too late
>probably half eating until dinner
>post exam season
>dropped to 46kg at 170cm
>whilst looking for back pimples in mirror, notice that i am looking a little bonier than usual
>get out of breath easily, been losing focus
>barely horny
>dry hair
Nonnies help is this normal? I wasn't trying to lose weight, but I think exams made me lose my appetite and stop taking care of myself? I thought my family was exaggerating when they told me I needed more food. But this happened by accident.
In any case, I feel lethargic if I overeat (like bread or rice) and I don't want to load up on food that makes me breakout. Are there any ways to get calories into my diet, without feeling too satiated? Because if I'm following my hunger signals as I am now, I won't get healthy again. Is there anything calorie dense, not gross, and nutritious that I can add to my diet to put weight on again?
No. 2054323
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>>2054240Maybe you try nutrition drinks/shakes like picrel and drink them inbetween your meals?
No. 2054440
>>2054312>getting seen for an appointment in the uklol (you may be right though)
>>2054283i genuinely don't enjoy overly sweet stuff, and i kind of assumed calorie dense diet foods would be gross. definitely haven't eaten nutritiously, i neglected myself during exams.
>>2054323thank you! this is a great idea. i don't want to feel too full, so i don't want dinner, but this should get the calories in. i can't wait to get weight back, i miss being horny and having amazing hair
No. 2054458
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Is there a term for interior design where you’re expected to sit on modular furniture or pillows instead of elevated seating (chairs, coaches, etc)? I see it most commonly in middle eastern/south Asian and Japanese interior design
No. 2054585
>>2054496A realistic vegan approach would be trying to not kill bugs unless they pose an issue to you, and can’t be dealt with nonviolently. Veganism is also about harm reduction and what a person can realistically, actionably do, that’s why many don’t care about stuff like mild solids being in vegan food or the bugs killed in agriculture.
If bugs invade your pantry or you get mosquitos, sometimes the only way they can be dealt with to not cause harm to you directly or indirectly is by killing them, therefore you can’t feel bad about killing them because you know there was no other option without compromising you
No. 2054625
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how do i do a “journaling session”? i’ve been watching different videos, reading tips like “make yours some nice tea, light a candle and seat down to write your thoughts”. but it doesn’t work for me. i can’t write anything, even though there’s so much on my mind. help me nonnas, what do i do. (also: my therapist actually suggested a journaling session, but her advice didn’t work for me either)
No. 2054631
>>2054625Maybe take some pressure off it and journal in an app instead? That way you can quickly jot down some thoughts when you feel like it and it doesn't have to be this special thing you have to sit down for like it's an exam.
Maybe that's totally not it for you, just an idea.
No. 2054637
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>>2054625When there's too much in my head for me to write, I do a mind map. I write down keywords or phrases of my thoughts, feelings, events, or other things I want to remember like books or movies. That way I get something on the page at least. I just regurgitate whatever crosses my mind that's important to put to paper. Kind of like picrel, but it doesn't have much structure and only sometimes do the different ideas connect. It probably looks crazy but it helps me when I have a lot on my mind and can't focus. Then, if I want to later, I'll return to a keyword or topic and write more about it in a more linear way.
No. 2054978
>>2054943Yeah I hope my post didn't come off mean-spirited, I just didn't wanna give you a bullshit answer. I used to struggle with the same thing, in the end I realized that I can try to watch new movies or play new video games but only
after I get everything I need to do done. I ended up making a better personal schedule for myself where I only watch movies or play video games for an hour every night after I do everything I need to do to unwind and relax.
No. 2055078
>>2053931Ublock Origin and Tab Session Manager.
>>2054173There are many different types of therapy and each one will not be effective for everyone. CBT is the most common and ironically the least effective for many people, especially people who have trauma or unstable emotions. There's others like DBT, IFS, EMDR etc. Try to find the one that aligns with whatever your goals are.
No. 2055151
>>2055145Have any creative hobbies
No. 2055198
>>2055184I'm happy to say that I am one lucky little
nonnie, I pray every day that everynonny gets to be as happy as I am. I mean the straight ones anyway, I'm sure the lesbian nonnies are fine without my prayers kek
No. 2055251
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did venus actually get the gastric surgery or was it a lie?
cause i never heard of anyone who is not overweight ever getting it. Logically if she was able to get it we would see other anachans doing it
No. 2055428
>>2055414A thrift store, and/or what this
nonnie said
>>2055423 No. 2055442
>>2055395A week.
>>2055401No one is too busy to spent 30 seconds writing a message that just says "I'm not interested anymore, good luck." Just randomly dropping communication is an asshole move.
>entitled millennialsYou sound like a boomer on facebook kek.
No. 2055449
>>2055406True but most celebs don't want their bodies to look like hers.
Very saggy everything, bad scar Not to mention the long hospital stay after when she got sick
No. 2055467
>>2055451This got me thinking.
Where weed is legal, can you ask for it to be included with your final meal?
No. 2055471
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>>2055407Damn it nonnas, I need your help today
No. 2055476
>>2055442>No one is too busy to spent 30 seconds writing a messageYou don't know anybody else besides yourself. Stop expecting so much from other people. It will only hurt you in the end.
>Just randomly dropping communication is an asshole move.Some people in the world are assholes. That's life. It's not fair.
>You sound like a boomer on facebook kek.Millennials are on the same level as Boomers when it comes to entitlement.
No. 2055562
>>2055543Nta, I get what you mean, but (at least to me) ghosting is more of when someone is actually
in your life? It's not really comparable to holding a door open. Like if someone is in a relationship with someone, they can ghost/be ghosted. If somebody is an acquaintance or barely know each other then it isn't really ghosting. A lot of people use it when they've been on 1 date and then complain they're ghosted, but imo that doesn't count. Ghosting is like you've been dating for many months and then suddenly you're completely shut out of their life with no warning or explanation. Hence ghosting, it's like they died.
No. 2055643
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i just wanna understand the psychology behind this. what do women see in a troon? why marry one? is it a little bit of bisexuality or something?
No. 2055646
>>2055645NTA but I'm talking about elf ears not being a freak with 6 toes. If you wanna ask about that weird stuff make you're own post don't piggyback of mine.
>>2055637I'm talking about like a slow build-up, sort of like the Russian domesticated fox experiment. Like every generation has ears just a bit longer than the last.
No. 2055765
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>>2055763I play with picrel or seclude myself and listen to slime asmr to calm down
No. 2055815
>>2055509you wuss. what a cop out. it would be totally fine. go make friends with her right now.
what's with all the responses telling her not to make friends with a farmer? do you all have low self-esteem and think you're a worse person for using this site so other girls must be too?? I don't get it.
No. 2055826
>>2055815kek I just don't want to weird her out or make her uncomfortable because some people are genuinely afraid of being outed
(and she used to be openly radfem and suffered a lot of hate for it in the past), I might try to talk to her without bringing it up directly.
No. 2055840
>>2055831what an asshole.
>>2055826no that's creepy. just be straight up about it. "I know you're a farmer because I am also a farmer. just putting that out there because I know you got heat for this kinda shit in the past and I don't want you to think I'm gonna exploit the information or expose you. who's your favorite cow?" kek
No. 2055843
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>>2055763silexan clinically studied lavender pills. new packaging for this (most trusted brand) is on right.
No. 2055930
>>2055921Pornbrain meme. It's like how fujoshis can make a gay ship out of anything because their brain is just ready to do that at all times (no offense to them, I totally get it as a fujo myself), but in this case it's pornbrained men seeing a picture of a woman and a dog with the text "you just know" and it instantly lights up the porn quadrant of their brain. It makes them feel clever because it's tickling the pattern recognition part of the brain but really their brains are broken and rotted. Why it's white women I do not know, probably just because in recent years it became socially acceptable to make fun of white women specifically and pretend you are not being a misogynist.
Anyway, that's just my theory having been online while it became a meme.
No. 2055931
>>2055815even though i like posting here
not as much as i used to some anons are a bit too cookoo kek so i personally wouldn't want to actually encounter one
No. 2055942
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Does anyone know iLOVEFRiDAY's reaction to Mia Khalifa's diss tweet being fake? I know that stupid drama took place several years ago, but I always wondered if they even found out that Mia never dissed them at all and that they made the stupid song for no reason.
No. 2056069
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Please gib names. Even numbered them for your convenience.
No. 2056071
File: 1718815972092.png (146.78 KB, 1358x972, Screenshot 2024-06-19 at 12.50…)

>>2055977There are definitely more old men with that name than young men but I feel like it's simply not popular enough to belong to a specific age. It was never a very popular name even at its peak.
No. 2056486
>>2056474should've added that I'm not into men but I was gonna leave it at like in general because I wanted to know about
in general but realised moids would be assumed to take part in this sexless sitch so had to add
No. 2056764
>>2055831>>2056092He's a piece of shit. Fuckboy got what he wanted and then bounced. I highly suggest following FDS guidelines for dating, which states NO SEX until the guy makes an explicit commitment (which means different things to different people, but personally I would suggest waiting until the boyfriend/girlfriend label is made official)
Sadly this is something a lot of women go through, and some even consider it a form of sexual assault (rape by deception, ie the guy lures you into sex under the false pretenses of wanting a serious relationship but he just wants sex, so it's not informed consent). Feeling used and gross afterwards is normal, because this is not what you consented to.
No. 2056790
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>>2056788It is true, retard. Learn how to google.
No. 2056874
>>2056842The huge rise in things like that as well as autism is speculated to mainly be due to people having children much later in life than they used to. Both eggs and sperm lose quality over time. White people tend to wait longer than other races to have kids, for whatever reason. Last stats I saw showed they wait ~5 years longer than others (into their 30s)
>>2056846If I was a LC lolcow, I would just stop using social media. Very simple to avoid further cowdom. However if I was a cow somewhere like KF where they stalk the cows irl and take pics of them etc (like they do with Chris-chan) I don't know what could even be done. It's a scary prospect.
No. 2057144
>>2056874>The huge rise in things like that as well as autism is speculated to mainly be due to people having children much later in life than they used to.On one hand sure, on the other… it used to be VERY common for women to pump out babies into old age too. They started earlier/younger, but then they'd have a new one every second year or so until they had like 12 kids.
I recently learned people today actually have slower reactions than just 100 years ago. You'd think it would be the opposite with fitness and health knowledge, food quality, and modern media being so fast paced. So why? Because of air pollution. Unless you live in like the fucking arctic you breathe it in literally from birth. Of course it negatively affects your brain to huff in car exhumes literally every second of your life even on a mild dose… Big companies and governments will NEVER mention it because they can't stop it and it would hurt the economy so few people are even talking about it. They've even decided that low levels are "fine" (because we don't all die right away and most of us live normal lives anyway obviously) so even if you look at air pollution index maps they're often like "yes this is fine and normal" but in reality we're all getting microdosed and our brains are noticably slower because of it - and that's just the one effect they know about. Wouldn't surprise me if pollution helped make normalish kids instead just messed up enough to get a diagnosis, like autism or ADHD.
No. 2057420
>>2057412Imo, it can feel nice, but since we're talking about moids
>>2057415 is probably right kek
No. 2057452
>>2057412Homo here, it's intimate and erotic.
I'm also kind of a handfag, so that's part of it. The person doing it does it to be invasive and controlling. It's a gentler kind of domination that's more about probing vulnerability. Putting your fingers in someone's mouth is vulnerable for the person doing it as well, because you're trusting them not to bite down. It's impulsive, like kissing. You want to be in the other person's mouth. You want that person in your mouth. It's probably for the best to avoid men who try to be dominant in that way, regardless. Men aren't capable of empathy, so letting them dominate you in even small ways like this makes them think less of you.
No. 2057576
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are buldak noodles really that spicy? are they good? i love spicy food and want to try but i'm hesitant on them for some reason
No. 2057607
File: 1718906563620.jpg (126.28 KB, 740x981, 740full-jessica-biel.jpg)

anyone know of a makeup tutorial that does similar to picrel?
i tried searching for hooded eyes smokey eye but they're too dark compared to this
No. 2057609
>>2057607Check Alexandra Anele and peachsushis YT channel, pretty sure both have a tutorial
The woman is also wearing falsies for whatever reason. Imo false lashes tend to look bad on hooded eyes
No. 2057613
>>2057608i mostly wanna see what the entire eyelid looks like, i can't find pictures of with her eyes closed lol
>>2057609i'll take a look!
No. 2057615
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It's so fucking hot that I got sweaty when I went for a short walk. Do I shower now and before bed or just wait until before bed?
No. 2057626
>>2057615Wait before bed in case you'll have other shit to do?
>>2057622Kek my ex used to do it, afaik it's a fetish and the deo did bother him but it didn't stop him
No. 2057699
>>2057697Scoop out the dirty clumps (assuming she has litter that clumps anyway) and add a little new litter.
There's undoubtly youtube tutorials if you search for them
No. 2057718
>>2057697Search the kitchen/pantry, maybe even the laundry room/garage if there is one for any bag/can with a picture of a cat on it. If it's wet food, maybe there's an open can in the fridge?
Been a caretaker for relatives' pets in the past, and none of them were forthcoming with the important info either.
No. 2057724
>>2057697nonny it's pretty straightforward, you'll be fine! there'll most likely be a scoop next to the litter box and you just scoop out the clumps and dump them in the garbage. if its not a clumping litter and there's no clumps just dump the whole litter box in a garbage bag and put new litter in.
for food, there'll probably be a big bag that says cat food or if they put it in a container it just looks like regular dry kibble. i keep my cat food in the closet so maybe check there or the pantry
No. 2057875
>>2057773I have this type of inconvinience during summer, i hate it so much
Appart from '' not drinking enough'' ( i'm never thristy for some reasons) turned out that my blood pressure is on the very low side ( usually around 90/60) part of this is because i'm just this way and another part is that i'm anemic, it's usually very good sign of health to have a low blood pressure but you have to bear in mind that some yoga pose can give you a syncope because of this
No. 2058145
>kimchi with rice and tofu >kimchi friend rice >kimchi fried with veggies >kimchi by itself >kimchi on cucumbers >kimchi by itself again Last semester during my night lecture I would buy a jar of kimchi at the store and eat it during class like it was popcorn. I have no shame.
No. 2058195
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What does it feel like to be came inside of? I am a permavirgin because I am deathly afraid of moids, but I also like to fantasize about fictional men so I'd like to know.
No. 2058324
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how tf does one pronounce "psyop"? i always say "psych-op" because "psych-ological op-eration" but my brother just insists its "sai-op".
No. 2058351
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>>2058330if you're not supposed to pronounce the letters that aren't in the short form of the word, why do anglophones pronounce nazi as "nat-zi" then?
No. 2058374
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>>2058363I looked this up just for you
No. 2058433
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Do you ever get random pussy pain before your period? My period comes next week and I have random pain all over on my clit and inside me too. Wtf why? Its cramping and hurting like shit
No. 2058436
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Anons, which do you think is better, bed sheets with or without elastics?
I've only had ones with elastics and they keep annoyingly sliding off the corners of the bed so I'm thinking of switching to regular bedsheets
No. 2058477
>>2058433it's a torture, I start having random cramps a full week before my period. I want to yell at my uterus, like, why the hell are you aching? dramatic bitch
>>2058436Elastic all the way. But I agree that they're impossible to fold. My mother taught me how to do it, but she must have a secret superpower, because I've never once managed to do it by myself.
No. 2058507
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is it normal for dads to teach their sons how to hump? when I was a kid, I met a boy my age who talked about sex to me and told me that his dad taught him how to hump using a pillow. is that a normal experience for moids?
No. 2058524
>>2058507No it’s not normal. Possibly molested. That’s something boys do on their own before they understand sex or masturbation, if the dad was going to actually teach him about sex and stuff, like birds and the bees and being sanitary (washing his own sheets and not collecting cum socks or whatever) he would have told him how to jerk off like normal. He probably wanted him to do something horny and innocent in front of him. Gross.
The humping itself is very normal but it’s not something to be taught . It’s considered weird for an adult man to do and emasculating so you would never teach your son that unless you were a freak. You were kids so maybe he misunderstood something but it’s very suspicious
No. 2058574
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>>2058436Your corners aren't on properly or the fitted sheet isn't the right size/you've got the orientation around the wrong way if it's coming off, the elastic should be underneath the edge of the mattress and therefore not move
I fold mine like picrel but against my body instead of on the floor/a bench bc lazy and don't care if it ends up a bit wonky kek, works well enough for me
No. 2058635
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So if you cut your family off, change your name and location etc. and settle down and have kids, are you legally obligated to tell your parents that they have grandchildren?
No. 2058793
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>>2058195you can't tell, that's a problem when some people rely on '' not cumming inside'' as a birth control method ( and spoiler, don't do it, it's a terrible method)
this panel is from sex ed 120%, you should give a try if you are so afraid of sex, it speak a lot about other topics that '' penis in vagina''
No. 2058810
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Nonnas, I started listening to a streamer while working on classwork. I feel the parasocial relationship starting and had a dream last night with said streamer in it. How do I stop this continuing aside from no longer listening to their content?
No. 2058812
>>2058436I know it's not the correct way but I put the loose sheet underneath the fitted one (my set came with both) so there's two layers to collect sweat without them moving around…as well as a mattress pad (I'm obsessed with keeping the mattress nice after seeing some disaster ones).
My fitted sheet never came off, maybe your mattress height is tall and you need the deep pocket ones?
No. 2058925
>>2058892I was an ugly duckling who lost weight and changed a lot. The following was my observation:
being ugly: men drop the nice/boastful act they show Stacey and joke about you to their friends. any hostility isn't angry contempt but a power play or joke for their friend group. easier to be platonic with men. respect you more in technical topics, but barely.
being hot: men are "nice" until you don't want to flirt or fuck, then they are contemptuous. some start out this way because they're malding and fat and know you will reject them so they act bitchy towards you to re-frame the situation. cannot be friends with them because the above will happen no matter what. any workplace success you have they will assume belongs to them and you snatched it away with womanly wiles. They will unprompted divulge insecurities and assume you will say something to make them feel better, if you don't you gain a reputation as a bitch.
The above only happened with less than 10% of men I interacted with. Most ignored me regardless of what I looked like (which I wanted- I gave major fuck off vibes either way).
No. 2058962
>>2058892Not for no reason but once they realize you won't fuck them they will either get angry and aggressive or will completely ignore you and stop talking to you.
But most men already treat you as if you were beneath them so I'm not sure what you mean. I guess you mean in an aggressive way? Not really.
No. 2058998
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Applied to my first big girl solo apartment a couple days ago and just got an email inviting me to enroll in the apartment's credit building program. Does this mean I've been approved?
No. 2059006
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>>2058998samefag, nvm I just got an email right after that telling me I've been approved. I've got my first 1-bedroom apartment y'all!!!
No. 2059025
nonnie, have fun decorating and having the place to yourself
No. 2059033
No. 2059124
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Why is there a disproportionate amount Finnish nonnas when only 5 million people live there?
No. 2059145
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>>2058957>>2058983>>2058957Honestly some of you are spiritually dead. If you can't feel The Power when you bury your hands in gooey blood and draw pictures on the shower walls, you can't be saved. Real women menstruate on the faces of their husbando's.
No. 2059287
>>2059283I'm so confused. I said I buy underwear once or twice a year and that makes me a troon??? What??? Also that reply you deleted you didn't even reply to me you replied to another anon??? Sorry I buy new underwear for myself once a year I guess???
>>2059282This was my attempt at a little humour I took inspiration from the Donovan song "the Ordinary Family" but maybe because I'm retarded it didn't come off that way I'm sorry.
No. 2059302
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>>2059300If you've spent any significant amount of time around with someone with NPD you'll quickly realize that they're basically demons. IMO they're worse than people with ASPD. They see everyone else around them as dolls and playthings, so they don't feel bad about manipulating anybody or hurting them, but yet they crave the attention and validation of everyone too. They hate everyone deeply but at the same time they want everyone to love them too. It's twisted.
No. 2059339
>>2059334Wow I'm sorry that you had to experience that nona that must have sucked and I hope you're doing better now. I disagree with you because I think that it's worse knowing that someone
does feel emotions, but chooses to manipulate and ruin others anyway. At least the freaks with ASPD have an excuse of "oh they really
cant feel," but with NPD people it's more like they
can feel and they
do understand emotions but they
still choose to manipulate and demean you. It's somehow worse to me. If that makes sense!
No. 2059344
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What do you nonnas think of this convo?(infight bait)
No. 2059404
>>2059400Tumblr's smaller communities have healed quite a bit over the past few years, and it's not hard to find users that don't put political shit on your dashboard. I was afraid that the Twitter and Reddit shit would bring back cancer, but I think the people that came back have been fairly chill overall.
Pinterest is also a good suggestion.
No. 2059482
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>>2059474Ooh anon, it's definitely the ferritin that's making you feel like dogshit. 7 is absolutely not okay, when I was that low I was sleeping at 7 pm daily because I was that fucking tired. 30 is the lowest acceptable range but optimal is towards 100. If you don't feel better after 2 years of supplementing, that could be indicating absorption issues. Either from the iron itself (not all iron is made equally) or an external factor like celiacs or losing the blood elsewhere.
Look up the Iron Protocol on Facebook, seriously please do, you're not doomed to keep feeling this poorly.
No. 2059599
File: 1719051440661.jpeg (194.3 KB, 1080x1920, gX7aQ4CLOyDoOKKU.jpeg)

picrel is some lady who went viral bc people found it ridiculous that she would crave a salad, and some of the most responses were pointing out her salad had no dressing and insisting that dressing is needed for salads because the carbs or fats in the dressing or whatever help digest the fiber in the salad. is that true? because i just think it's a lie by Big Salad Dressing to sell more salad dressing.
No. 2059610
>>2059583It's good for basic things like splitting audio/video, detaching the audio from the video, putting still photos on top of video, etc.
I'd say it's an alright tool for beginners and it's a major step forward from the previous movie makers windows had which were absolute dogshite
No. 2059622
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>>2059621>>2059619ok so both is good?
No. 2059644
File: 1719056107304.jpg (41.15 KB, 500x500, eyeseyeseyes.jpg)

What do you think the ratio of posters vs lurkers is? I post dumb stuff sometimes and feel better that no one replied but there's definitely a lot of people silently watching and judging me
No. 2059650
>>2059647It was pretty great. There was a weird undercurrent about not putting in effort or enthusiasm into things so you wouldn't look fake. I used to be obsessed with Reality Bites but now I want to strangle everyone in that movie for not realizing how good they had it.
2004-2008 was better imho. 9/11 paranoia had died down a bit. Internet was in a decent state but not enough that every company was tracking everything you do online.
I was born in '88 for reference.
No. 2059656
>>2059639>And raw vegetables are disgustingAre you 8 years old, anon? Kek
>no one I know eats raw vegetables or salad with just olive oil unless they’re anorexic.I live in the Mediterranean coast and everyone I know does that, some people add vinegar some people don't, maybe that's why there are no obese people in my family.
No. 2059681
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>>2059672>I bet you’re a larping faggot from western europe because I know you 'people' are used to eating shit.The Mediterranean diet is highly regarded as one of the best diets in the world, anon, everyone knows that
> Adding vinegar to make a proper dressing doesn't make anyone fat I didn't say that anywhere, read more carefully next time
>If you eat it as a side dish or appetiser you might as well eat cardboard and if you eat it as a main dish there is no more helping youI'm sorry your taste buds don't allow you to find pleasure in eating a raw fresh tomato, enjoy your ketchup sauce I guess
No. 2059718
File: 1719062461399.gif (15.82 MB, 480x480, g2kS.gif)

>>2059658Hellweek said there was 8000~ unique posting IPs and 5000~ unique posting devices so that would be 50000 - 80000 people overall. I don't think it's really that high but even 10000 feels like an uncomfortably large amount of people watching.
No. 2059743
File: 1719063951705.png (302.7 KB, 491x627, IMG_5692.png)

What's a really good body wash I can get at any store like Target/TjMaxx/Ulta etc? I've been using a liter bottle from Lush for a couple years and their current prices are way too high
No. 2059900
>>2059875You could be sick
nonnie or fighting off a cold. Don't worry too much if it doesn't come back in over three weeks then I'd see a doctor but just keep eating normally.
No. 2060145
File: 1719088834215.png (967.6 KB, 1102x505, helpme.PNG)

whats the differenvce between these donuts? I've been lookin for a hour
No. 2060157
>>2060153lol prime opinions surveys kek
>>2060155I could kiss you nona, thank you so much
No. 2060508
File: 1719103992092.jpg (44.16 KB, 736x736, 1000017365.jpg)

Anons who are moms or pregnant, what is your honest opinion when anons say to abort males? Would YOU? I remember an anon sharing a story of her boyfriend's mom. The mother said that if she knew she was having a boy, he probably would've been aborted in favor of having a daughter instead.
No. 2060517
>>2060508I don't think it's a big deal. Some parents really want a daughter, some really want a son
BARF. I'm hoping as reproductive technology and healthcare become more advanced, we'll be able to choose the sex and some of the traits (like hair colour, for example) that we'd want to see in our children.
No. 2060528
File: 1719104655155.jpeg (123.53 KB, 736x981, IMG_1376.jpeg)

what’s your favorite food to make in the air fryer? for some reason i’m very afraid to use it (idk why just not appealing to me but I judged used it today out of convenience) do you prefer using the air fryer or the regular oven
No. 2060753
File: 1719118453876.jpeg (50.57 KB, 620x348, IMG_5656.jpeg)

did costco change their cookie recipe? they don’t hit the same anymore. either that or i stopped being a fatass.
No. 2060905
File: 1719142926495.png (4.15 KB, 315x137, not-the-moonrunes.PNG)

What language is picrel? Googling just gives me the lyrics to this specific song, so is it a fantasy language like in Omna magni or something?
No. 2060967
>>2060688honestly, i got into exercise again after a looong hiatus due to illness thanks to Ring fit on switch
it's not gonna make you into a instagram supermodel, but it a pretty decent start if you wanna move your body again and not being out of breath in the stairs
No. 2061215
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If you've got the Inner and Outer Sailor Senshi, how come there was never an Asteroid Belt Sailor Senshi?
No. 2061281
File: 1719167821342.webp (104.63 KB, 1000x992, Sailor_Quartet.webp)

>>2061215The Sailor Quartet were named after asteroids. Not sure if they're all from that part of the solar system though.
No. 2061306
>>2061287I take it out when what I'm cooking has alot of smoke or steam also because I live in a shitty unventilated apartment
>>2061292Weird, I've never had it beep after I've taken the battery out.
No. 2061328
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>>2061289>They all trooned out The decline of bronies does correlate the rise of mainstream troonism
No. 2061590
>>2060819For at least a couple decades anon. Straight people have only recently been trying to co-opt it.
>>2060954Sure, it feels good but not enough to have an orgasm on its own. Clit stimulation is absolutely necessary, something most men don't understand.
>>2061284Once FIM finished and the ugly new 3D animated season started, a huge amount of them lost interest. There's still plenty of them active on 4chan's /mlp/ board though.
>>2061513Yep usually a pretty hefty fine and the company will not give you any good deals in the future either if you do that.
No. 2062110
>>2062016probably, 9/10 autistic women are
victims of sexual abuse and are more likely to be
victims of bullying and socially isolated. predators choose their
victims carefully and autistic women often have or develop traits that make it easier for them to take advantage.
No. 2062112
Is it possible tot trick yourself into enjoying something? I like the idea of cooking but don't actually enjoy the process, I'd like to though.
>>2062016Sadly yes. What the other anons said plus autistic women are a bit more likely to be doormats ime ("they probably don't mean it that way I'm just bad at social cues").
No. 2062164
File: 1719237973458.jpeg (3.04 KB, 220x190, low quality eminem.jpeg)

Why does my heart beat suddenly so loud whenever I catch even a glimpse of this guy? When he first came to my workplace I kept checking him out for some reason. When he was away for a while I thought to myself: "Now there's no point of going to work."
He's back now though. One time he looked at me in the eye and my heart felt like it stopped beating—and kept remembering it the entire night afterwards. I get nervous in his presence and try to avoid eye contact out of shyness.
What is this? Is this a crush? Limerence? But I never talked to him or barely know him, just his name. Why would my heart beat for a literal stranger in my life? I hate it.
Also he's five years younger than me and is a high school student(?) on break which makes me even more freaked out.
No. 2062254
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>>2062247at least you're asking in the right thread
No. 2062257
>>2062254im serious
nonny, also why wouldn’t you guys wanna get married to each other especially now that you have the right?
No. 2062265
>>2062262im not gonna lie to you
nonnie i live in a super gay city and not only have i never seen a gay wedding happening ive also not been invited to any wedding by my gay brothers and sisters or ever seen any of them even get engaged? and this is since like 2013 when it became legal , so like 11 years have past
No. 2062279
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>>2062213Listen to a video you like and go for a walk.
No. 2062281
File: 1719245446008.png (384.84 KB, 1170x791, not just me!.png)

>>2062277uh i don’t think it’s just my city and social bubble, the same applies to the US too, only like 1 in 11 homo couples are married
(bait) No. 2062299
>>2062180I thought you meant cutting class and was going to advise you on that, but I see from the other responses that I am way off course. But yeah, don't cut in college, that's lame. You're not a fourteen year old girl who's parents are in a loveless marriage and who's father is an
abusive alcoholic.
No. 2062322
>>2062293absolutely avoid synthetic fabric, cotton or linen are your friends. prefer loose clothing, especially in light colours.
it isn't necessary to wear as little fabric as posible; sleeves or long pants can work as long as they're from light fabrics, and they might you help feel less sticky.
go out with your hair wet.
use something with a wide brim or visor to shield your forehead, fwiw a straw or fabric hat might feel less constricting than a baseball cap
if you cant frequently take showers, just dunking your feet in cold water will feel great.
No. 2062385
>>2062360What's there to be funded though if you're just a smalltime webcomic creator? Is the money supposed to pay their internet or electricity bill from working on the comic or something?
I can understand if you're making a game and need to hire a team but other than that?
No. 2062594
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Why do cats like it so much when you scratch their tail base? Picrel is diagram of cat for those that don't know
No. 2062678
>>2062517Personally I'd have a bigger cage (or enclosure, I used CNC) but I get the lack of space, maybe floor time is an option. But it's super easy to clean as long as you have access to somewhere you can wash the blanket floors fairly frequently, their poops are usually solid so honestly you can just pick them up, I used a dustpan but I didn't have blankets I had bedding.
Like I said if you have issues with space then provide some supervised floor time.
No. 2062853
>>2062808ntayrt but
>i think im just a hippie at least you’re self aware kek
No. 2062995
Also basically all country songs.
No. 2063121
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>>2063117Yesss, thank you nonna!!
No. 2063201
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Are women who use their unconventional partner for "social status/validation" really that bad if they're not abusive?
In the tif thread there is a girl showing off her obese trans "boy"friend, or the Julia thread with her obese elderly partners. There's also less attention-whory people like youtube couple squirmy and grubs where a normal attractive woman is dating a severely disabled man, see picrel. There's seemingly no abuse going on but usually it seems the female does get something out of seeing herself as a good person…?
It feels like it could easily be bad and abusive and on the surface it makes you go "no one would seriously find that person attractive". But on the other hand if you're (taking the disabled man example here) a straight woman who was abused sexually having a weak disabled boyfriend who has little to no capabilities of ever attacking you might be seen as super comforting and great. You get to be the one with the power over the man. People see you as a good pure-hearted person for dating them. And some women are very into taking care of others and love the idea of an eternal person to care for. So idk. I have a theory these kinds of women are at least mildly autistic.
No. 2063205
>>2063201There's this idea that you need to be attracted to "different" people not because of their differences but in spite of them. For example you meet a fat person and you're not attracted to them, but by getting to know them you're suddenly able to overcome your revulsion and fall in love. This is a retarded idea probably influenced by romantic comedies and it goes completely against the way that sexual attraction actually works in real life. If you're dating this kind of deformed monster goblin you are getting something out of it and unless the goblin is mentally deficient I see no reason why I should consider the relationship
abusive unless there is evidence of mistreatment.
No. 2063226
>>2062779He's just the virgin or the incel.
>>2063128It depends on your personal chemistry. My vulva and lips are made of iron, so I wash them with any body soap I have on hand and have no ill effects.
No. 2063455
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i hauve covid and i never had it before. body is in pain, my head is hot (fever) but i have the cold shakes. have to finish some fanart and a concert to go to in september, what should i do to maximize my chances of not dying
No. 2063541
>>2062779you forgot Tyrone, the black version of Chad,
the virgin incel has no name, for he is legion
No. 2063544
>>2063515I think you know it’s not racism. I’m a non-white person and I don’t give it much thought because it doesn’t affect me. I think it confuses me more than anything. If your partner was able to tan deeply would you just suddenly stop being attracted to them full stop? It just feels like there’s usually more to attraction, when people have something like this it’s sometimes feels indicative of a psychological factor rather than pure physical attraction. That being said, mere preferences make sense to me. I think healthy, pretty skin is much nicer than a particular skin tone, but I have a preference for dark eyes - it isn’t a ‘requirement’ but definitely something I appreciate. So I could “get” having a mere preference in the colour of skin.
No. 2063592
>>2063546Only a retard would think that. Where did you see this?
>>2063583If you didn't have a falling out, then definitely dm them.
No. 2063718
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Why do my reusable sanitary pads smell so fucking bad even after washing them?
Please don't judge me nonnas because I rinse them after they get blood on, soak them in water and then put them in the washing machine on a longer cycle and they STILL come out stank. As soon as my period blood gets in contact with the pad, especially if I'm heavy flow, it absolutely stinks.
I thought this was an issue with my periods at first being smelly but whenever I bleed in anything else - in just underwear or a thin panty liner etc, it smells absolutely fine. It's these reusable pads that fucking stink as soon as they encounter a drop of blood. Is it the material? I'm so confused. People just keep telling me to rinse them then wash but I already do that and nothing seems to help. Picrel are the ones I use.
No. 2063720
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what kind of fundies are these? mennonites?
i live in paris and saw them near the notre dame. never seen these in the flesh in europe. i didn't even know their religion allowed them to take planes
No. 2063741
>>2063718I just read a book about clothes washing and you probably need to get an enzyme based detergent. Personally I used to rinse mine in the sink until the water was clear, had them airdry and then washed a second time in the washing machine.
Some more posts here from people who use them: No. 2063746
>>2063732afraid of getting called racist i guess.
people always conflate religion with ethnicity and race.
it gets super annoying when you're middle eastern or north african and ppl automatically assume youre muslim (it sends my atheist dad into hulk rage kek).
im anti all religions, even the new age shit, but in the uwu #inclusive era that's seen as bigotry.
No. 2063756
>>2063718I think you just need to find a certain cleaner that works with blood, maybe tide unscented?
>>2063734Blood isn't super sanitary but it can be washed.
No. 2063803
>>2063750of course i know there are fundies in france, i'm french. but these sects are usually found in the americas, and these ppl were in a touristy area eating shit from a tourist trap.
our fundies are generally catholic, rarely evenagelical, and none of them dress like that
No. 2063860
>>2063720I think mennonites are allowed technology use and printed fabrics if I remember correctly, and the moids dress more normal as seen here, so my guess would be on that too.
There are a few mennonites in France apparently (there's a bunch of videos on YouTube), but even they dress normal, there are still no Little House on the Prairie cosplayers to be found here.
No. 2063877
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>>2063011>Anyone else like me whose interests haven't developed at all since age 12-14?There are definitely new things I enjoy too, but I always come back to the same media from that age too, no matter how cringe. It’s like my brain chemistry was permanently altered when I was 12. To me, picrel is pure kino. I wish I could properly explain why kek
No. 2064042
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>>2063201My initial assumption is that they're getting something out of it like money or citizenship. Picrel is a super obvious case of her just dating him for citizenship, her behavior towards him in every video is so painfully fake.
If the disabled person is broke, has no generational wealth, and isn't offering anything of value like that, then I could believe it's real love.
No. 2064070
>>2064062Nta but I thought they were ESL calling the street the floor kek
Eating on a Paris street in a tourist area is actually pretty gross. Normal parts of Paris are fine but the tourists areas smell like pee
No. 2064119
>>2064078Powers out/toilet overflowed/AC is broke
Simple house stuff that doesn't require much follow up
No. 2064497
>>2063860>>2063816ty anons, thought they might be mennonites but im not super knowledgeable.
i thought they were supposed to live really strict lives (like being poorfags and toiling on a farm forever kind of shit) so it was surprising to see them as tourists
>>2064076yeah sitting in the pavement is kinda gross, especially in a high traffic area. this street is literally right next to the cathedral where there's a square with plenty of places to sit. i guess sitting on a bench is a sinful indulgence or some shit.
No. 2064726
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>>2064492I think it's being brought up again because he straight up admitted it on a post, rather than rumours
No. 2064771
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Unfortunately the j vlogger thread is closed but did anyone see that Sharla and Chris broad went to a dinner at Buckingham Palace for a dinner? Sharla looked like a mom and Christ wore grey socks
No. 2064877
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>>2064771Apparently they were on TV
No. 2064891
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What is her fricking name? I want to go back to re-read her threads but I cannot remember what her dumb name is.
No. 2064950
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So I grew up in what my psych characterised as a narcissistic family, where everything was conditional. If I behaved in a way that my mother liked (I chose hobbies that she liked, hung out with people that she approved of, chose to pursue a degree that she chose for me, etc) everything was great and I felt loved and was financially supported. But as soon as I expressed interest in something that she disapproved of, or chose to study something different she preferred for me, etc, the financial support would be cut, there would be silent treatment for days/weeks/months, the gifts I was given were taken back and there would be other ways of making me feel guilty.
I was wondering, what does emotional support look like in a normal family?
No. 2064989
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Is character ai any good in the long run? I don't have friends or family so I thought I'd use it like some kind of pen pal thing or vent to it. I got tired of journaling on paper and I don't want to trauma dump or vent to an irl person about random crap no one really cares about.
No. 2065037
>>2064989You just have to get used to it repeating what you're saying, a lot, in the end you're just putting commands and it generates a response with a particular flair depending on how it was programmed, it will also have some sort of "starter sentences/words" at the beginning of each text that it will send to you.
Surprisingly, the bot can be a bit deep/philosophical, so you could try to discuss a few deep thoughts here and there, depending on how it's programmed it will agree or even disagree with what you say which is nice too.
No. 2065172
>>2065124Really? I feel like I see people in the sex isle often. They probably try to hide it amongst other things lol
>>2065001If side effects aren’t resolved in 3 weeks I’d say try something else. I don’t believe in suffering through side effects on the off chance that the meds might even work at all months down the road.
No. 2065339
>>2064498When storms approach, it drops the air pressure. Does she only hide shortly before the storm and during the thunder, or is she hiding long before the thunder starts?
Check her ears and make sure she doesn't have an ear infection. She'll have lots of either waxy or oily ear wax, she'll be scratching her ears or shaking her head, and they might be inflamed.
No. 2065639
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Why does sometimes this happen?? Hackers??
No. 2065703
>>2065673sorry but it irritates me to no end when anons ask retarded questions like this (although it is the right thread for it to be fair). its like that time someone asked "ermmm guise am i a pidofayl if i like men between the ages of 18-25???" like obviously the answer is
no, you're normal. at least you people want to hear something that's true but these rhetorical questions still annoy me. sorry for lashing out on you kek i'm just commenting on this type of question
No. 2065717
>>2065703Idk nona, I think it's a
valid question if you're not an actual pedo. Normal people are horrified of hurting children like that and it would make sense to be worried that you might be sliding down a slippery slope.
>>2065673Anyway, I also don't think you're a pedo, anon, but I do wanna ask other nonas, would you say the same if this was a moid describing his preference for short, youthful looking women with almost no body hair, virgin and smooth clear skin? I would say that guy is pedo adjacent and do not care that it would be a double standard.
No. 2065848
>>2065835Please don't use swears while mentioning my God nonna.
To use his Holiness you ask him a question and the last digit of your post number is his reply. However you may not be ready for the wisdom he provides.
No. 2065892
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Would you?