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No. 2045615
thread rules:
>no racebait >no infighting >don't reply to bait >rest of /ot/ board rules apply >farmhands are always watching prev:
>>2039249 No. 2045675
I am extremely anti-Zionist, I have been a staunch supporter of a two state system for years, but I despise that I cannot support Palestinians without some retard babbling about how Hamas is actually a revolution and we should bc supporting them. Bitch, I don’t support Israel BECAUSE they murder, rape, and torture helpless Palestinian women, do you think I’d support Hamas because they murder, torture, and rape “bad” women instead? Fuck no. The Palestinian movement wasn’t like this 3 years ago, everyone knew that Hamas just makes it more dangerous for Palestinians. I want these zoomertards out of the movement, because they cannot fathom the idea of supporting civilians while condemning the territorists who put them in that situation to begin with.
No. 2045697
>>2045683>good pitch She sounds terrible lol
No. 2045711
>>2045708i agree. i also hate when mothers/fathers day rolls around and ppl will say things similar to "happy mothers day to all the dog moms out there" like….. if i
wanted to receive acknowledgement on mothers day i would have popped out a kid by now
No. 2045721
>>2045700I like some Ari songs (not that she writes them herself) but she does have undeniable singing talent and is one of only like 2-3 modern popstars I can think of who is a really talented singer. She does lack charisma though.
The reason all these modern pop songs sound the same is they're all written/produced by the same 5 people who are all just recycling the same old stale musical ideas. I really don't get how people go through life actively listening to 2010s-2020s pop music when there is so much other music out there that actually has some originality, but it's harder and harder to break into the music industry as time goes on so most musicians even good ones will forever remain unknown.
No. 2045724
>>2045717My "friend group" who I'm not really friends with anymore sees no issue and encourages my friend to bring whoever around her 5 year old daughter. It scares the shit out of me. 3 different men in the last year have all spent the night with her while her daughter was home.
Whenever shes asking for advice about these men I've always replied with something along the lines of "dont bring them around your daughter" and I get dogpiled each time for it.
I thought it was a popular opinion too but now multiple people in my life make me out like the bad guy for sugesting such things.
No. 2045730
>>2045722I'm not gonna watch all of this but skipping through and listening a bit her singing is fine, what's the problem? This is a long uninterrupted show to play without heavily leaning on autotune and she sounds competent.
The sound/recording engineer mixing badly has nothing to do with her skill level.
No. 2045742
>>2045724Are the people in this friend group mostly men or women? What do they say when they dogpile you, like what's their argument? You're definitely not the bad guy, that's incredibly ill-advised and creepy behavior, in fact I would not even want a female roommate bringing a random man around to sleep in the same home I was staying. Had this happen to me a couple times and it led to me moving out faster than I had planned, but it's much worse if you have a child in the home rather than another woman.
Have you tried showing her the stats on how many young girls are molested by stepfathers/boyfriends/male friends of the mom?
No. 2045757
>>2045742Its a split of men and women, 3 men 3 other women.
They say things like "she deserves to be happy", "she can do what she wants", "stop trying to scare her she can make her own choices", "not all men are like that", "the fact you think that way says more about you than it does the guys".
I've gone the fact route, it falls on deaf ears. They're legacy friends, I think if I met them today I would not be friends with 90% of them.
The friend in question blew up her marriage because she "fell in love" with some dude online. A kid, a wedding, a brand new house. No excuse besides "I dont love my husband anymore".
Online guy dumped her, now shes bringing men around her daughter constantly. Always posting things about how her husband (not divorced yet) wants to get back together, always asking dumb teenager shit like "do I double text this guy I'm seeing? he says he only wants sex but I'm catching feelings for him do you think hes catching feelings for me too?". It just makes me want to shake her.
No. 2045782
>>2045742the issue is that a lot of people taunt and bully single mothers and tell them if they don't find a father figure ASAP their kids are gonna end up to be mass shooters or something, in return these women just desperately seek out whoever gives them attention first. It's pretty fucking sad people will say disgusting things to single moms to push them to remarry ASAP, and don't get me started on women who purposely stay in
toxic relationships (without admitting they're
toxic) just to avoid being a single mom
No. 2045798
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>>2045787>white europeans have good hygienewhere do you think white americans learned their hygine habits from?
(racebait) No. 2045813
>>2045757Yeah not all men are like that, most aren't, but it only takes one to ruin your kid's life forever and by the sounds of it these are not men she has known for long so how would she know? I would be really aggravated if I were you, sorry your warnings have fallen on deaf ears nonna
It's also really really embarrassing for her to be behaving like that and posting things like that especially when she has a young child.
No. 2045816
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Janet Jackson > Michael Jackson
No. 2045821
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>>2045798anon if you aren’t baiting they are going to eat you alive, don’t die on this hill. let them not use any washcloths, soaps or loofahs, they love the pocket change and christmas ham dinner smell that comes off their legs and ankles when it starts raining kek
(racebait) No. 2045844
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Whoever is saying that being filthy is a class thing about white americans and hygiene, I disagree. Both of my parents grew up broke as shit, but each of their own parents treated every room like a military inspection for how clean and neat they were. I don't think being poor is an excuse. It's not a poor thing to me, because poor people still have jobs, and if you have a job, you'll have the money to at least get some basic cleaning supplies. Can I take this a bit further too? I'm getting a little tired of people blaming issues on being poor when said issues are more of an individual problem instead of a poor problem.
No. 2045865
>>2045842Oh fair enough but I thought Ari was just brought up as a counterexample to Lana. Anyway I think it's totally fine to not like a specific singer's style or tone. The people I'm talking about are not 'vocal coaches' since I'm in the classical/jazz community and they don't have a lot of overlap in technique and 'knowledge' with vocal coaches, I don't trust vocal coaches at all. I remember talking to my friend who is an opera singer who teaches classical singing and choir at college and she said Ari is the best technical singer in pop as well, I think most people agree on this.
Speaking of which though that reminded me of an unpopular opinion I have which is that I think 'vocal coaching' is almost a complete scam and people are much better off avoiding lessons from 'vocal coaches' at all. If you can find a teacher who actually knows something about proper technique and sings in the specific style you're aiming for you're much better off than getting grifted by someone who basically just knows one singing technique and it's 'whatever pop artists do.' They recommend belting and throat straining, don't understand any nuance in different singing styles, and often don't have much experience as singers themselves. I would not consider myself very experienced at all but I still think I understand singing technique and the history of different singing styles way better than every 'vocal coach' I've ever been exposed to, and have probably recorded and released way more music than most of the ones I see advertising themselves as well. I always try to check if they have any actual music released and usually they don't? How am I supposed to know what the hell you know about singing when I can't even hear your singing?
I think there's been a resurgence of bel canto lately as people have realized modern opera style is shit, my opera singer friend had a lot of bel canto instruction and is anti the modern technique. It's not just that the technique is bad for you it also takes away a lot of the nuance and expressiveness from the singing and makes people bad at projecting well across their range. I don't even think that opinion is that unpopular anymore I think it's getting more common. I hate the focus on belting too.
No. 2045888
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>>2045883Why is having several of a small rag crazy to you?they don’t take up much space at all
No. 2045894
>>2045880I don't think it is, have you read it? Nabokov was supposedly a CSA
victim himself and the book reads like a hate-screed against the pedo if anything.
No. 2045899
>>2045865I think it's an exaggeration to say Ari is the best pop singer, unless compared to ones around her in this current time, but of all time is harder to measure, yet I wouldn't say she's the best, I think pop singing peaked in the 90s-2000s with R&B influenced pop.
I'm glad we're on the same page regarding everything else. I don't mind belting within reason, but some singers rely on it too heavily to ever explore their head voice for high notes because they think it sounds more "impressive", but it just sounds bad lmao. Head voice high notes are easier and sound better once unlocked and mastered. I also agree about the vocal coach thing, the autistic voice teacher I mentioned helped me with this, I didn't pay him or anything, he just made youtube videos about that stuff and has a discord server where he further discuss those topics and uses scientific research to back his claims. He got doxxed and almost fired from his job because all the "vocal coach reacts" crowd disliked what he said, especially that he talks about metal screaming being actually dangerous and harmful for the voice but they don't want that exposed as to not lose their dedicated followers who want to know how to do that "safely", i.e. never lol. He went bankrupt because of a surgery he needed and couldn't pay the bills for and disappeared off the internet. Tragic. But his teachings are still with me, and the discord server is still up with members sharing their singing and giving each other advice and discussing singing, it's very fun. One of my favorite members is cool older lady who works at NASA, there's lots of members who either used to work there or are working in it currently for some reason kek. Sage for sperging.
No. 2045910
>>2045899The best one right now, I meant. Not of all time.
I think head voice has been given a bad name/people just talk about how head voice is falsetto and falsetto is weak and not 'real' singing (this is something I've seen specifically 'vocal coaches' say a lot) and that it doesn't have enough projection but I think even in the cases where that's true (which it isn't always) louder isn't better. I care more about tone quality and purity and most people have access to microphones these days so I'm not sure why volume would be the most important aspect of singing. I think the whole 'belting is the best' trend is simply because pop music completely lacks dynamics and is overcompressed so when people hear live versions of the songs they want them to sound overcompressed and loud too (see post above by another Anon claiming Lana's singing is bad because it's quiet in the shitty mix). A lot of music listeners now think loud = impressive = good. They're like this with length of held notes too like I don't care if someone holds a note for 14 seconds or 15 seconds, I care if the note sounds good and holds its pitch and starts and ends nicely.
What's the name of the autistic voice coach's youtube channel? I'm curious or did he take that down too?
No. 2045923
>>2045911I don't have a drier but washcloths are tiny, you can hang 7-8 on a single clothes hanger with clothing pins and they will dry just fine. They're not supposed to be the size or thickness of body towels
I'm not one of the anons who thinks people 'need' to use them though but they aren't that much of a hassle unless you have dozens and dozens of them
No. 2045937
>>2045910Yes, I agree so much! But I think head voice can be loud, too, like opera singer in big houses without microphones can carry a loud and strong sound using head voice only if I'm not mistaken, which is what I want to achieve one day.
Zack Ansely, he made lots of videos about the singers that are always reacted to on youtube where he analyzes everything in detail and gives some warnings about anything unhealthy and the such. I also follow "Healthy Vocal Technique" by Victoria Rapanan, nice older lady with really good tips and exercises, and Phantoms of The Opera who is trying to resurrect bel canto
she's also very cute and that alone makes me stick along kek, enjo your watch! I hope you find something of use in these channels. I can't afford vocal lessons at the moment so I'm completely self-taught currently and continue on self-learning, but there are always deadends that I wish I had a voice teacher to help me with. I also love the science of the voice and singing as a thing humans biologically can do (apparently it has some roots in sexual selection kek) and I read scientific papers about that from time to time, it's so fun.
No. 2045944
>>2045937Yeah it is possible for head voice to be loud and that's what soprano opera singers do but I actually think the older opera singing techniques might have had slightly quieter soprano ranges too, it just wasn't as much of a problem the way venues were constructed back then iirc. At any rate not everyone has an equally loud upper and lower range, I have an insanely loud lower range and a quieter upper range/head voice but it works completely fine for the style of singing I do especially since I am usually mic'd, but even in totally acoustic settings it's usually fine and I can be heard over several instruments if the space is small enough. And I don't do much straining or belting in my upper register.
I am self taught too and the few times I have tried to look for vocal teachers I decided it was not worth it since no one was available even teaching the singing style I was interested in unless I literally went to college for jazz singing or something. I know a bunch of people who did and a bunch of people who didn't who are equally successful so I don't think a teacher is always necessary if you have a good ear and sufficient objectivity about your own shortcomings. It helps I was classically trained in another instrument for like 25 years though because I can apply a lot of my techniques from instrument lessons to how I practice and assess my singing so I actually improved pretty fast. I think it's more effective to just have good practice technique and periodically reassess the areas you still need to work on rather than finding some random person to tell you how to sing unless they're really a perfect match for what you want to accomplish. My main issue (one of several) with vocal coaching is that it is extremely prescriptive with a singing style that is essentially new and a fad, so I wish more young singers who were learning would skip the vocal coaching at first and try to develop their own style instead of going to someone who may limit their technique forever.
No. 2045949
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>>2045941It's not necessarily more hygienic to aggressively scrub off all your dead skin cells though, it's just a personal preference. It can also be done without much difficulty with a dry brush as another nonna said or even a body scrub. Your body has a natural microbiome and your skin is an organ so some scientists even recommend not washing your body or hair in hot/warm water at all although many people can't imagine showering only in cold water because they want to 'open up their pores.'
Picrel is not directly related to scrubbing off dead skin per se but shows that just the idea of removing everything from the surface of your skin isn't always the healthiest or 'cleanest' option. Similarly there was a big push for women to shave every inch of their bodies for decades because it was perceived as 'cleaner' even though it's not and body hair performs functions good for the body.
No. 2045951
>>2045944Oh, I see! I've been singing since I was a little girl and now I'm an adult in my 20s, my level isn't that bad but I'd say I'm overall below average and need more work done. I also heard learning an instrument along with singing, especially a string one that is close to the humam voice and range, is very good for singers. So I'm planning on getting and learning an electric guitar one day.
Thank you for this conversation, it was very fun chatting with you! Good luck on your singing career! ♥
No. 2045966
>>2045844i wrote
>>2045810 and specified classism and mental illness. poorer people can't get the mental health treatment and hoarding as a mental illness that gets gross can be tied to feeling deprived and hold onto more in case they need things. i also figure people who are more likely to be socially isolated or destabilized where they no longer invite people over are poorer.
No. 2045985
>>2045983AYRT and that's what I meant, the boys will treat them like garbage and walk all over them, steal from them, refuse to help them out when they're sick or getting older, refuse to do any chores and they still act like they're god's gift to mankind even if they have perfect, loving daughters.
I think even with the purest love though there usually is some 'condition' that would cause you to break off the relationship, even if you feel like you love someone unconditionally they could probably do something to you or someone else that would change how you feel about them. I think that's a good thing though. I'm not sure it's the same for animals, most people with pets probably will love them no matter what because we know they don't understand morals like people do, and I think some pets do unconditionally love their owners but it's not really in a human way.
No. 2045994
>>2045985Ayrt, from what I know, and I could be wrong, animals do start hating a person who owns them if the person hurts them, they're not really unconditional with their love at all, which is based imo lmao. They basically go:
>human gives me food, water, and shelter and plays with me good>human stops doing this badWhat makes it seem like they're love is unconditional is that as long as you're nice to them, they'll be nice to you, and that's majority of the time when owning a pet and caring for it, so it gives people a bias that it must be unconditional and they're so speshul or something and chosen by their pets. I also want to add that humans should apply this animal mindset to their human relationships and actually get something out of said relationships, whether materialistic or psychological, not getting anything out of it at all and still being in it is kinda stupid and is gonna lead to regret later once it's over with 0 benefits reaped from it.
No. 2046004
>>2045994I have known people who were
abusive/bad people who abused their animals whose animals still seemed to love them, although this will often give the animal a lot of personality problems, but I think this mainly happens with dogs. Even then a lot of dogs do hate and turn on
abusive owners, you're right. I can just think of a couple examples where a dog was still obsessed with someone who would not treat the animal well or would starve it or something, and would actually just be aggressive toward everyone else even though none of the other people were
I also had to feed my cat a medical diet the vet recommended at some point that she clearly didn't think was food and refused to eat. We kept giving up and feeding her because cats can't really go without daily food but then trying a different 'allergenic' diet every day for several weeks, and for the whole time she started acting really cuddly and loving like she thought we just couldn't catch food for her or something, not at all resentful so I think sometimes animals don't only like you because you 'provide' for them. My bf is also the one who usually has cat feeding duty and cleans the litterbox but she loves me more lmao and is way more affectionate with me so I think there's also an element of them just finding a specific person comforting, not just because they provide. I used to care for feral cats and even if you couldn't feed them for a while they were extremely loyal and loving, but to be fair food is just one element of what they probably get out of relationships with people.
No. 2046025
>>2045861I do the same, though we have a handheld bidet so I wash my ass immediately after each poop so during the shower I'm usually only washing away sweat and dirt since there was no poop there in the first place.
>>2045913I almost died of disgust when I first saw reddittors discuss this, the amount of reaching, lies and bullshit logic some scrotes will use as #cope is unreal, like they claim washing your ass makes it dirtier by moving shit around? Makes it clear that they never clean anything and just enjoy their
dingleberries No. 2046028
>>2046025I had to check what that word meant and the first result on google said to 'get over your disgust and check your cat's behind for them' lmao that men are worse than cats for this. Eugh I never thought about the hair aspect but now that I think of it… I wish I hadn't.
Gross question but since I'm finally talking to someone with a bidet on a totally anonymous forum, I'm gonna take the opportunity to ask: How does it actually work? Do you use your hands and soap to clean too or is the water pressure just so incredibly high that the water alone works? Wouldn't that spray poop particles around? Or do you also use toilet paper in addition to the bidet and just use it to rinse? Lol sorry for the TMI question I've just always struggled to understand how it works and people always talk about it euphemistically. When I've been in hotels with bidets the water pressure seemed too low to really clean anything.
No. 2046058
>>2046028I use the bidet like vidrel but at about twice the water speed. What to do right afterward varies from person to person, some keep repeatedly spraying until they are satisfied, some follow up by wiping with toilet paper.
Personally, I first use the bidet to clean most of the poo, but still micro particles might remain so I take a little bit of liquid soap on my hand, lightly soap the area around the anus and give it a second wash. If you are grossed out by the idea of applying soap by hand to an area still potentially containing small amount of fecal matters, you can try giving a quick wipe to the area first with toilet paper before touching it.
Finally I give a last wipe with a small amount of toilet issue (I need way less than what toilet-paper-only people require) to be extra careful and also to dry my butt.
No. 2046227
>>2046209God you fucking retard, regular does not mean what you’re assuming, she is not a regular person she is a famous person kek
>>2046210No, it’s about a BLACK WOMAN.
>>2046215>way to chimp out for caring about your race That isn’t going to make me flip out because I know you’re one ratted ass bitch who has the audacity to be right-wing when no right-wing man likes you. Just stop, you can be racist all day long and they still won’t pick you. Enjoy getting raped by those immigrant gangs!
>>2046232>>2046232I'm a black woman, speak on yourself and not all of us if you're so mentally ill you don't see yourself as a woman and think we can never relate to other women. Tall, beautiful famous women are often billed as "intimidating". Yes, dark-skinned black women in those categories get it even more, but no one said otherwise. In fact, the first anon you raged at literally acknowledged and stated it.
You really do sound like a /pol/tard or racist tranny trying to larp as a black woman so you can get away with sperging at other women and/or make it easier to inject /pol/tard opinions by pointing at your own posts and saying "See?! This is how they act!".
No. 2046251
>>2046240It must be a requirement to have such coonery on a website, that is straight masquerading out of fear because you know which types of women dominate this site and it sure as hell isn’t black women kek.
>how dare you speak for us!!! Yeah she’s seen as intimidating because she’s also black. Anok Yai fits all of those descriptions and was called a black roach because people still harbor racist attitudes and thoughts towards us no matter how much we try to climb the social ladder. It’s not over fucktard, don’t let that cheating civil rights leader think it’s all over because it will never be and denying facts and reality isn’t going to make you any less of a
victim or make you become a darling ally to these coddled women. You will always be different and I don’t hold any qualms about what I said to that anon, just another ran through bitch trying to deny her racism, couldn’t care any less I don’t have any solidarity with white/white-adjacent women and they can all rot and suffer at the hands of any man
(racebait) No. 2046280
>>2046271So, does it help any group of women to be fighting eachother over race? Who's really aided by that? I only see men benefiting lol. Of course you don't have to be everyone's friend, but seeing every other woman as the enemy saps even more energy.
I hate dumb pickmes and racists, and if someone is neither of those, I don't have a problem.
No. 2046286
>>2046257Thrifting still usually works although the thrift clothes will run out eventually. But usually they last like a decade or more if you take good care of them and they're cheap-ish at least compared to the trash you can buy in stores.
>>2046260Zara clothing was falling apart at the seams 15 years ago idk how anyone can still shop there
No. 2046363
>>2046358Not to be edgy but a woman's
trigger finger works just as well as a man's. Humans don't dominate each other with muscle power they dominate each other with mind games and tools. If you are a woman who thinks she's weaker than men, that's exhibit A of the mindgames working on you.
No. 2046403
>>2046372okay military barbie, as another nonna said unlike in America in most places we can't keep any kind of weaponry nevermind guns. also try this when a guy corners you alone and rapes you. not everyone is 5"7+ and can take on a guy. most women fawn and freeze when attacked. it's biological truth that men are physically more aggressive and capable of hurting you, even the fucking midgets.
personally I hate the idea that anything has to be solved with violence. I am looking forward to scrotes dying out sexless and being kept for sperm and hard physical labour exclusively (things they evolved to be good for). otherwise they should be kept in cages. and if some girls like the guns they can be the guards. kek
No. 2046474
>>2046460>i dont think she ever claimed she wrote the song either,She claimed she "invented gay pop" with that song which pretty much implies she wrote it.
But yeah I agree, whatever a girl bought a song and performed it. Songs get passed around all the time.
No. 2046493
>>2046478Thats been like the last 17 years of the internet,
nonny. Autists missing the joke because they’re overanalyzing kek
No. 2046508
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New farmers are lazy and entitled. Stop crying about lack of milk, if you have milk that no one has talked about then post it instead of whining. Stop expecting to be spoonfed, if you feel like a thread is dead and you want more milk go find the cows social media and follow them? If you’re afraid of what you have isn’t milk, then continue lurking and stop posting.
No. 2046528
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>>2046519But he is my son and I am his mom, I am his protector and provider and love him more than anyone else ever could. Just like a mom.
No. 2046584
>>2046449Lol are you seriously suggesting that training in martial arts for years is acting like a weak damsel in distress? Not my fault you can't accept reality.
>>2046450Yeah women often come to each other's defense even if they are total strangers, and should do it more instead of larping as some trained assassin killers online and fantasizing about how they would personally beat up men. Strength in numbers has always and always will be true and you don't have to be personal friends with, like or agree with a woman to have class solidarity with her.
No. 2046598
>>2046570>>2046584men have more muscle density and testosterone that are responsible for all that. maybe they are not good with long-term blunt pain like childbirth or menstrual cramping, or any soft tissue pain at all (a woman has a heart stroke and might not tell a difference from period cramps) and endurance things but they are sure capable of hitting you to death without trying too much.
I honestly think that nonna who started the discussion and topped it with 'women are responsible with how much they are sexually assaulted because they are damsels in distress' is a scrote baiter. or a brainwashed sociopath.
sure I can punch my rapist in the face but one I will break my fingers and two he shouldn't assault me to begin with. only a scrote would blame a woman for getting assaulted.
No. 2046600
>>2046587AYRT and the ones I have sympathy for usually do have a support system it just mostly consists of other homeless people. This is actually a big part of the reason they can't readjust to normal society, their social connections are all other homeless people and social service workers, sometimes even the local cops. There was one girl who rough slept near my place a lot in the winter and when I was chatting with her once on a really cold night I asked her if she doesn't have anywhere to stay and she said she did have friends who let her stay over but she felt like a burden and didn't want to intrude on them all the time, I also never really saw her harassing anyone or acting erratic. I've also had close friends who were on the other side of that divide (drug addicted and mentally ill to the point they likely would have been homeless if it wasn't for their strong support system) and sometimes the only thing between someone and homelessness is a loving family which not everyone has.
That being said I don't have sympathy for the majority of homeless people I usually interact with because they genuinely act like shitty terrible people. Like extreme levels of scamming, harassment, violence, public masturbation, throwing food people offer them in the garbage because it's not good enough for them, etc. I was carrying a birthday cake I baked for my friend once shortly after I had gotten a concussion and was having obvious difficulty walking and a homeless moid tried to steal the cake from me lmao.
No. 2046608
>>2046607This is a hard one to read right now
nonnie. My mom is on the street.
No. 2046620
>>2046608I'm sorry to hear about your mom. I hope she gets the help she needs. I hope she's not one of those who refuse help because they like the lifestyle they live.
>>2046614We are all the sum of our actions. You have to be retarded to go from "wow my life sucks" to "you know what will make my life better? meth!!!!". They survive solely off the donations of the unwitting, selling their bodies, and theft. Nancy Reagan was right, just say no.
No. 2046629
>>2046620She isn't, her doctor was retiring and tried to take her off of her methadone in only 11 weeks. It was not successful, she relapsed and because we are in a doctor crisis, she no longer has one. Her only "friends" are old moids who take advantage of how vulnerable she is. Mentally, it's like she's 16, she just doesn't understand things the way an adult should. I'm the only one who cares, her parents treat her like a freak, her brothers treat her like a burden and they all call me crazy for being stupid enough to love her. I've never hurt myself to help her, I've only done and been there as much as I am capable. They haven't done anything when they literally abandoned her when she was a child and then forced her to have a baby at 16 rather than getting an abortion. I am that baby, but I would so much rather my mother just has a real life of her own. All her life shes been property. People's circumstances are so complex
nonnie, you never know what a person is going through or has gone through.
No. 2046648
>>2046609you gaslight like a real scrote
bringing up physical violence and female solidarity in the same post is so cheeky anon.
No. 2046728
>>2046726>>2046722so? how else are they gonna learn when they literally defend rapist and pedophile moids, tell the
victims they deserved it out of jealousy etc
No. 2046731
>>2046728Now you're doing the same thing by saying they deserve to be
victims because they're stupid teens. I don't like handmaidens either but many of them will learn to stop being pickme idiots over time as they see how the world really works and if they don't they will probably bring a learning experience upon themselves without needing to be locked up with anyone by adult women wishing harm on children.
No. 2046742
>>2046740So it's easier to make 'meat bad' generalizations
>>2046736I don't understand how people can stand sugar or cream in their coffee
No. 2046756
>>2046740abrahamic religious ties. you're allowed to eat fish but not meat (of land animals) on religious days or something. also pescatarian differentiation
meat is more a culinary term than anything, same reason tomatoes are considered vegetables and not fruit
No. 2046770
>>2046768I'm 20 and have trouble telling the ages of people older than me but can notice anyone younger in a heartbeat. The latter I ignore. The former I've had funny moments with because at uni I befriend women in my classes and assume they're around my age and boom, they're actually nearing 40, and I'm blind, and they're beautiful
No. 2046785
>>2046776absolutely this
moids nowadays think that women start getting wrinkles at the age of fucking 24 and are all jealous of their fertile sexy 18 year old counterparts. like when i was 18 i was an acne ridden wonky body type because i was still growing
No. 2046899
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>>2046883Pretty much one of the worst shitholes in the western world right now. Even if you were allowed to carry bear spray, self defense is basically de facto illegal here. Some like 19yo international student (male) is currently being prosecuted on an up-to-14-yr sentence because some junkie came in to rob the gas station he was working at, hit him with a baseball bat and after wrestling the baseball bat from the intruder and trying to push him out of the store he hit him with the bat twice which apparently was overkill. Full video isn't available but the defense lawyer claims the robber tried to grab the bat back and that's why he hit him. The robber got 14months in jail. Also see picrel. If a woman was being attacked by a man with a weapon and tried to immobilize him so he couldn't keep attacking her she'd for sure be fucked. You're basically only allowed to hit them until they stop hitting you and then wait for them to politely leave I guess.
No. 2046926
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Anybody who pays for video games and/or TV/movie streaming in this day and age is a fucking retarded normie who deserves to be separated from their money.
No. 2046956
>>2046926I completely agree. If you're paying for anime services and you're just watching shows that are incredibly popular and freely available with both subs/dubs, then what's the point?
>>2046954Also this, it's a lot easier to download music than it is to download movies.
No. 2046973
>>2046958AYRT, I have a few suggestions for going about this. Bear in mind I'm a very outgoing, pain-in-the-ass burgerfag, and I have little knowledge of how Canadian politics works, BUT, I think this could start the ball rolling:
1. Find any local women's shelters/women's support organizations and
call them up. Don't email because they'll more than likely forget about it. Ask to speak to someone in charge of public relations. Tell them you want to know if they had ever spoken to any local politicians/lawmakers in the area. This is when you would explain how you called them up because you think the current laws revolving self-defense don't protect women at all. These groups will more than likely be sympathetic.
2. Ask if you could meet with them in-person to talk about collectively "teaming up" with other women's groups in the area to see if you could put together a proposal to put forth to a local politician/lawmaker. If you're too introverted for this, just ask if you could call again.
3. IF they say "yes", then you need to start researching all sorts of shit: current self-defense laws in other countries, when they were enacted, how they affected crime rates (specifically homicide, assault, battery, etc. for females), what kinds of self-defense tools are available, women's opinions on what they prefer and why, first-person accounts of self-defense tools protecting them. Treat this like you're pitching your dream project– you want it to be the best it can be.
4. If they say "no", thank them for their time and ask if they know of any other local groups that would be interested.
No. 2046987
>>2046982samefag sorry I’m this anon
>>2046972I mean I do watch porn but I’m confused on how kittens relate to fetishes??
No. 2047028
>>2047004Also a bunch of prominent people in positions of power in Canada (like professors and legal scholars) have actually been agitating to tighten the self defense provisions here and make them stricter because that's the type of country it is. There was actually an addendum in 2012 to make it stricter and a lot of people were against it but they dgaf.
>>2047019No nonna I've given up AFTER I've tried. I've participated in well organized petitions, letter writing campaigns, attempts to meet politicians face to face, and massive protests and they never get even slightly acknowledged. In order to exert any influence I would have to become a politican or lobbyist and I'm not going to start a full time career in politics since I already have a career. But if I'm missing something obvious let me know what law you got changed successfully and how you did it.
No. 2047124
>>2046854dry bugs bad
wet bugs good
No. 2047152
>>2047139>autistic weeb fujo in my teens who consumed over three hundred NSFW mangas/animes, proudlyyou're my new icon anon i hope your life is very successful and prosperous
>>2047148but what about dark chocolate :(
(:() No. 2047194
>>2047176nah, I just don't like it
>>2047190yesss the texture
No. 2047243
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>>2047195When will zoomers stop falsely diagnosing every single woman with FAS?
No. 2047267
>>2047262Ohh I understand that better sorry
nonny, but yes I cannot stand it when anons try to pull the
she had no other choice! she was just trying to make money excuse out of their ass. I'm surprised Nara Smith is continuing to try to have an internet personality, considering the fact that her whole brand is being a mormon mommy trad wife. Wouldn't the most trad thing to do just be getting off social media?
No. 2047272
>>2047268Ntayrt but
>laughing at them like some weird pedo dom am I not allowed to laugh at Shayna crybabying because thats acting too scrotish for you kek? Are you forgetting what fucking website you're on?
No. 2047283
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Because it literally is an opinion of moids with humiliation kinks? Anytime there's a porn star interview where she confesses to being raped, being trafficked, being abused on set, being drugged, etc it's always evil moids that come out of the woodwork to laugh at her, mock her and everything else. Compare that with porn star interviews where mostly women are commenting, while women may disagree with doing porn they still show her sympathy for being abused
No. 2047286
>>2047283gonna tag this post
>>2047277 because thats a video about a trafficking
victim. thats not really the same as someone who chose to do porn, which i think is what anon was referring to.
No. 2047291
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>>2047283Female comparison for reference. Women typically show sympathy for the woman where as moids are quick to laugh, mock and everything else regardless of circumstances
No. 2047307
>>2047303Moids literally jerked off to Amanda todd, there's even sites dedicated to gore
victims who are complete nobodies that moids jerk off too. Moids are gross and sick and if a moid is jerking it to a dead porn star he's likely jerking it to everyday women as well. Maybe try to push the discussion on how fucked up that is of moids instead of what the woman should or shouldn't have done
No. 2047308
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>>2047243i thought millennials did that more. zoomers will scream ableism if you diagnose anyone with anything.
No. 2047317
>>2047311are you seriously
victim blaming a child who got groomed to make cp? what a moid mentality. you do realise other forms of grooming other than being kidnapped and held at gunpoint exist, right?
No. 2047325
>>2047309A lot of women who are from larger cities where it is expensive to live will choose to pornography or some other kind of sexual work once their parents cut the cord, and I know that they weren't kidnapped or somehow trafficked into it because I've grown up with these women my whole goddamn life, and I've also
conversed with the women who I've met later in life. That may be foreign to you.
No. 2047336
>>2047332>Thinking you're gonna dox yourself by naming a huge cityKek
>I work in a bar!!I've met literal strippers and actual porn stars who don't claim whatever the hell you're claiming
No. 2047357
>>2047355nta but wasn't she literally blackmailed to do it from the start
don't expect kids to not act dumb because they're literally kids
No. 2047358
>>2047356who is mad though also amanda todd wasnt the topic of conversation, pornstars were. and how is it at all 15 year old nlog behavior to not make CP? are you listening to yourself?
>>2047357no, she wasnt blackmailed into flashing the first time she did it. the second time she did, she was blackmailed using pictures from the first time. also, there are billions of kids in this world who dont flash. because theyre busy being literal kids playing skibiddi toilet or watching asmr tiktoks or whatever the hell kids do now.
No. 2047413
>>2047374it's still the same logic as asking a rape
victim what they were wearing. obviously people who ask this aren't supportive simps for the rapists, but it's still a shitty thing to ask isn't it
No. 2047426
>>2047419They should be rejected in the most humiliating ways possible to the extent that they’re too ashamed to ever try to have sex again, thus sparing another woman the trouble.
Men will complain about women who are fat, old, tattooed, ugly, but all of those women can still sexually function. A man who can’t sexually function is worth less than shit. At least shit can be used as fertiliser.
No. 2047465
>>2047419A couple of my exes used to get soft consistently and I in retrospect I feel so pathetic for coddling them. I thought it was "okay" because I don't do PIV so there's no technical need for them to be hard, but every time it happened I was so turned off, disgusted, and repulsed. My current boyfriend of several months is very receptive. I can make him rock hard with just a few words or a touch on his shoulder, his whole body is extremely sensitive, and a couple of times he came in his underwear without me even touching his dick. He also cums a lot (I make him cum all over his body because it's hot) and shoots far. And I know a lot of people will say I'm bullshitting or exaggerating for this, but I think it's because he doesn't have any interest in looking at porn/thirst traps at all and masturbates very infrequently. I get extremely turned on so much by him because I can tell he has a healthy sexuality and a healthy body, while the previous guys I dated were limp dicks and had weak loads. Men nowadays are completely ruined by porn and excessive masturbation, even if they aren't addicts. And lack of exercise/poor diet as well. If a guy doesn't get and stay rock hard even before you're doing any hardcore sex acts, has trouble cooming, has weak loads, he's unhealthy and not worthy to have sex with you.
No. 2047567
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>>2047523It’s the morning you dickwound dripping tranny, chill out and go make some breakfast kek
(scrotefoiling) No. 2047641
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>>2046926If renting isn’t owning, pirating isn’t stealing and yes I would download a car. Don’t gotta be a poorfag to recognize.
No. 2047663
>>2047641 >pirating isn’t stealing and yes I would download a carType of
nonny to steal a policemans helmet
No. 2047678
Being able to yap a lot with confidence will make people think you’re intelligent and cool and I think it’s a more useful trait than actually being smart. Take charli xcx and grimes for a example, both yap like brain dead rich white girls but people think they’re cool and intelligent because they talk so fast, loud and are confident in the brain dead shit they’re saying.
No. 2047690
>>2047678>yapI fucking hate this TikTok zoomer lingo
>>2047685it is an unpopular opinion
No. 2047703
>>2047694Nah "yap" I have a particular aversion to because of how
toxic social media is and the people who use it. It's also used out of its meaning as an insult to anyone who dares talk in more than a sentence because gen alpha is brainrotted due to doomscrolling all day.
And recently I saw moids and teen handmaidens tell a rape
victim to "stop yapping" about her abuse so it's permanently put off for me. Same with "womp womp" which is only used by fugly retarded moids whenever they hear about a woman's trauma or a horrific csa case online because it's the only thing those braindead faggots can come up with.
I don't mind the rest of zoomer slang, I was laughing at amogus jokes when they were popular. Sorry for slight blogpost but social media has made me quite enraged at some younger slang
No. 2047711
>>2047694All slang is retarded, I don't see why anyone should make sure their discourse is plagued with words that are literally used as jokes.
It's kind of crazy how you must add the most dull words to make yourself sound funny 24/7.
Stop being a clown and a speak like a normal person. Or maybe in your silly slang
>cap, it's just fishy and cunty to yap with normie words, you cook and eat it all because it has so much rizz, you be bussin all the time with normie words, maybe touch grass. No. 2047726
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>>2047711The brains on this nonna
No. 2047729
>>2047724rizz me up
nonnie you got me rizzed but i wish i never met you in ohio
No. 2047730
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A lot of attractive women think like scrotes in regards to ugly women. They think if you don’t look as good as them then you deserve nothing and should take their scraps. I think this is why pretty women sperg out and claim everyone is jealous of them or wants to fuck them when they can’t always have their way, Because they’re pretty they have been told they deserve to be entitled.
No. 2047739
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>>2047733I love these weird tiger stripes that scene kids used to wear when I was a child, I wanted to have that too, sometimes I think about getting some extensions like those kek, it kind of makes me think of raccoons.
No. 2047743
>>2047733I have a friend's 14yo sister who's discovered "scenecore" via Pinterest and Tumblr and I think it's cute ngl. I don't mind zoomers trying to revive it, I think some of us are just having our own cringe get
triggered kek
She's only cut her hair in a scene manner, no dyes or fashion other than colorful bead bracelets, but I think the fluffy bang looks cute
No. 2047804
>>2047799These are just a certain minority of mentally ill and
abusive women though, not the average Karen who's just bitter and hormonal towards everyone (not just teen girls). I've also seen a lot of young girls accuse older women of being jealous simply for looking at them, at times it feels more like a "revenge fantasy" built up in moids heads than reality
No. 2047834
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No. 2047836
>>2047812I have been bullied and looked down upon for my looks by attractive women my entire life. God knows WHY since they have no reason to have a chip on their shoulder about ME being ugly, but they think of ugly women as beneath them and treat/view us much the same as scrotes do. You walk around the world with an inherent sense of entitlement and you don’t even realise it.
I think it’s funny how you claim we are upset that men find you attractive and not us. That’s ALWAYS what pretty mean girls say when you call them out for being nasty and
abusive. No, we were complaining in the first place because you treat us as beneath you and think we should open our legs for anyone who desires us. You’re right, mens desires have nothing to do with you. They have nothing to do with us either. So why bully us for being ugly?
No. 2047839
>>2047834Ok but what if we DO put in effort but we are still fucking ugly? You want us to put a bag on our head?
>you just need to put more effort in!! I have a totally uneven face, big hook nose, massive forehead, thin lips, low cheekbones, crooked teeth and rosacea. What the fuck am I supposed to do? Kill myself? What’s even the point on putting makeup on? It’s like sprucing up a turd. As long as I’m clean and look presentable I don’t care. I’m tired of busting my balls for beauty that is unattainable for me. I’d rather save the time and money.
No. 2047850
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>>2047839I think the point is if you put in effort to look better you can make up for your shortcomings. Even then just giving up and demanding love is wrong. Wallowing just brings everything down. There's cute amputees out there who work with the cards they are given.
Also I'm pretty sure it's from a hentai. I wouldn't take it seriously No. 2047884
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No. 2047903
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why do you talk like an incel
No. 2047910
>>2047901It’s so funny how this person
>>2047864Implied that this never happens. You’re so enraged about an ugly person expecting to be treated like a human being that you want them to kill themselves. Nobody cares if you or your dirty Nigel want to fuck us, you’re both mid, arrogant and uninteresting to us.
No. 2047934
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No. 2047936
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>>2047882Hell yeah, I want owl-faced men
No. 2047963
>>2047956I saw a woman on Instagram say she is 25 and a virgin and so many people seem to be
triggered by it, even other women. Both scrotes and women were telling her to lower her standards.
No. 2047975
>>2047961I always feel like even moids think you're less retarded if you're a virgin still in obviously adult age. The literal goddess of wisdom Athena refused marriage and swore to be a virgin. It really does not imply something bad in women.
>>2047963Fucking disgusting. It hurts to see women perpetuating whole female sex to be seen as goods for moid consumption, this is insane, this kills me inside. They see her whole life meaning as being given to a moid, otherwise it's a "waste". And she isn't even old? She's so young and it's bizarre for them that she's still a virgin? Disgusting.
No. 2048009
>>2047981They want to get fucked in the ass by their fellow moids at the end of the day,
No. 2048068
>>2048046While I agree, I feel like bullying is just too much nowadays and is taking part in the isolation crisis. Also too many people listen to adult bullies trying to spread crazy stuff about their
victims too, since bullying is just a meme now and people can't comprehend people are stuck in their hs bully mindset
No. 2048115
>>2048081your friend is only adding to her suffering by still marinating on all that shit this many years later. her bullies are
still bullying her to this day because she can't let it go. you ever see grown adults who
hate children b/c other kids bullied them when they were a child? psychotic.
No. 2048117
>>2048115ayrt, I've tried to bring up how harmful it is for her to still dwell on it and she kind of got butthurt. Now I just avoid bringing it up. I love her but she gets so hung up on things sometimes, it's really abnormal.
Like I said unless the bullying was particularly malicious, like physical or they spread some sort of rumor that spread and really traumatized you/made your school life hell, I think you just need to get over the shit that happened in your childhood. Not necessarily forgive them, but move on for your own sake. How is dwelling on middle school over a decade later remotely healthy? She needs therapy.
No. 2048134
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>My Unpopular opinion?
This is the worst thread. It's only nonnies trying to spit out the worst takes so the can get the 4chan equivalent of (you)s. Like fuck I can't believe half you people are spitting half the shite you believe in. Just fuck off attention seekers. This thread is 95% bait and 5% actual grievances. Including this. My image is more bait. Don't reply I don't care. Mod's autosage this thread ffs.
No. 2048174
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>>2048153>>2048154>>2048158Please sent your grievances to up here to /meta/, it's the only way we'll be heard.
I really appreciate what the few mods have, they have to do their best but this is getting out of hand and weird.
No. 2048217
>>2048195>>2048203>>2048207Carry a shopping bag with oven cleaner in it.
Use when needed, oven cleaner will do worse damage than mace/bear spray and your excuse can be "I wasnt going to use it as a weapon but then I was attacked!".
No. 2048234
>>2048217If you're gonna carry oven cleaner at that point I would just carry a bottle of super strong bleach with me. It's inconspicuous. Anyone could have any reason to have a bottle of bleach.
I'm still happy with my knife. I'm just waiting for the day I can Julius Caesar a moid.
No. 2048243
>>2048235I don't think it's ex pretty girls I think it's just bitter women who know they're ugly but bank on said pretty girls they're ripping apart would just feel bad for them instead of simply roasting them back. It's also why they play
victim so damn hard after they rip beautiful women to shreds and then the said woman tells them anything back and suddenly it's "omg how could you be so cruel, that was way too far, I was just joking" etc
No. 2048258
>>2048251If it was about male attention then nitpicking/bullying wouldn't happen in female only spaces like lolcow, all girls schools, or hell even sides of TikTok that seem to be mostly women . Legitimate pretty girls know they can get male attention whenever they want just by leaving their house. The only reason why pretty women would rip apart another woman's appearance is if the other woman was being nasty and a bully first
It also doesn't apply to women either, remember when that fatass indian moid called Madison beer fat, then Madison replied with something like "I wouldn't touch you with a 10 foot pole" and suddenly he was the
victim, he was the bad guy and Madison was a big ol mean girl. Also what's with that anyway? I see a lot of skinny girls on social media get called fat, why?
No. 2048260
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>>2048251The funny part is moids making pictures like this and not realizing what's really going on.
No. 2048266
>>2048258>I see a lot of skinny girls on social media get called fat, why?Men do it to neg, and women do it because they want to
trigger women with EDs out of personal bitterness.
No. 2048287
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>>2048271Attempt 2
Useless Mary is screaming in the distance but still doesn't do anything to save best boy No. 2048362
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>>2048353Hope you're brutally sodomized by a 300 pound degenerate who throws you in a ditch them
No. 2048399
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>>2048382Ikr? The average moid already thinks and parrots shit like that, so it's not even original. The only way it could get more obvious is if the retard threw in kids somehow.
No. 2048838
>>2048812Yep lot of great insights there this is my favorite
>Corinthians 14:34-35>The women should keep silent in the churches. For they are not permitted to speak, but should be in submission, as the Law also says. If there is anything they desire to learn, let them ask their husbands at home. For it is shameful for a woman to speak in church.
There's some passages about how much your daughter is worth to sell into slavery but that's old Testament. Leviticus 27:5 says I'm worth 10 shekels. I'm sure they say it's wrong now but do you still want to follow a religion that hasn't gotten rid of that in it's Holy Book?
No. 2048925
>>2048913It's only unpopular because people attach religious meaning to it and assume you are religious if you say you read it and got anything out of it. It's fine to read it for non-religious purposes and get something out of it, as long as you don't take it too seriously and get sucked into the cult. There are a lot of nice quotes in there about love and being kind to others, etc.
Don't know why I'm getting invested in this conversation, I actually hate the bible and don't even like to look at it lmao (ptsd). Now I want to know if she is religious or not
>>2048812 wonder how it changed her life
No. 2048931
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>>2048912It is unpopular opinion thread so I am gonna say yes. Sort of. If a dude has a bunch of anime figures I assume he is a coomer and if a woman has a bunch I just assume she is a consoomer. A few tasteful plush's like picrel I'd actually be super down but if the bed is covered in squishmellows I am thinking maybe she is too baby.
No. 2048940
>>2048933that photo is clearly cropped though. But aside from that yeah calling a pride-month cash grab design "tasteful" is questionable.
>>2048937Reverse image search works fine on it, you didn't need to do that.
No. 2048974
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>>2048394>>2048423>>2048830I agree EXCEPT during picrel's time period. but during every other time yeah they're shit
No. 2049053
>>2049051ntayrt but
nonny said that they don’t
look like teenagers with this new cast, they actually did look like teens with the last cast
No. 2049061
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>>2049051I know but they didn't look as old as the new cast, I know Racheal was 26 or something, I think Renee is 23. She looks 23 but she's just a little chubby.
And Amanda was like 19, the new actress is like 24 and she's beautiful but…she's not a good fit to me, the character playing Gretchen wasn't that great either.
IDK, They don't even look like the "2024" version of the cast, they don't have to look spot on, I just felt casting was all over the place.
OH And the person playing Cady cannot fucking sing.
No. 2049085
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cats are the greatest beings on earth(not an unpopular opinion)
No. 2049207
>>2049198I don’t really care, over the last decade I haven’t heard any enjoyable music, haven’t seen one movie that’s good, every TV show I’ve watched has been pathetic. I think we could actually all benefit from a decade with substantially less music, film, TV, being produced because we have like a century of media from all of those categories already kek. If listening to old music and watching old TV is enough to make you miserable then maybe find another hobby? Gardening, walking, cooking, organizing, sewing, exercising, literally anything.
No. 2049211
>>2049207Maybe you should go participate in events in your local community, unless you live in a small town/rural area there are almost certainly bands playing you will find enjoyable or art that you like being shown.
I am a professional musician and most of my friends are musicians for their careers, I wouldn't appreciate being banned from doing the thing I love because some people too lazy to disconnect from the internet think our creative impulses should be banned sorry.
No. 2049224
>>2049211Nonna, I have. That’s the whole reason I am writing this post. And I’ve been sorely disappointed every single time kek. Shitty acting in the local theater, pathetic attempts at music making where the sounds either mirror every other song I’ve ever heard, or sound like jumbled nonsensical garbage. I’d actually be really fascinated to hear what kind of music you make KEK…also
>too lazy to disconnect from the internetWhat does this have to do with the internet? I have disconnected from it immensely over the last 8 years, LC is basically the only social media I use, thats how I’ve become cognizant enough to gauge just how low quality every attention seeking individuals grasp for fame is. Also, even if you were banned from releasing music or joining a record label, you’d survive.
No. 2049238
>>2049224I mean that sucks for you I guess either you live in a place with shitty art or you have a skewed perception of art if you can never appreciate art irl and only recordings from past generations. What kind of art are you looking for/what past generations' art do you think is so much better than what's being made now? A lot of what people want to get out of art can't be gotten through old recordings because it needs to be live/personal so depriving people of that just seems damaging and insane. The creation of art itself is one of the best things people can possibly do for their mental and physical health and trying to ban people from that seems not only counterproductive but actively nuts, like people are not going to stop making things even if you make it illegal because that's what many people live for.
I am a classically trained musician so I play classical music, I also play jazz and I also make my own music which is part folk (from my country which is kept alive by only a handful of people because it's an oral tradition and hasn't been recorded much) and pop/jazz. Most of the most transcendent and beautiful experiences I've had related to making music or hearing live music or seeing live dance (I dance too but I'm not that good) and I have been brought out of depressions by seeing transcendently beautiful art live. I've also been brought out of depression or panic attacks/anxious states by creating art myself.
It has to do with the internet because you seem to be talking about mainstream media and how you can find recordings of old music but don't like the recent TV shows or movies. Recordings will never be live and what's pushed in the mainstream doesn't represent the variety of art that's being made today. Yes I'm sure I would literally 'survive' if I was banned from releasing music since it isn't my main job but most of my friends do that for their career and likely would not survive if they were suddenly banned from doing so. I know I would be much more miserable if I couldn't release my music or perform though, it's the most meaningful bonding experience with other human beings I've ever had.
No. 2049240
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>>2049235Unreal Unearth by Hozier.
No. 2049251
>>2049245You said people could make do with recordings from the past and movies from the past, as if people didn't need any of the in-person/community/live experiences of art that people have always needed. It seems like you are just someone who is too retarded to appreciate art or the act of creation.
I have a boyfriend and his full time career is music lmao. So are most of my friends' careers.
No. 2049291
>>2049282Anon, creating and
publishing “art” is solely for the purpose of gaining attention from others. If you release an album for purchase, you’re putting it up for sale with the hope that people will pick you and buy it. If you send a screenplay to a production company, you’re praying that they will pick you and bring you in to negotiate. The essence of being an actor or musician is getting picked by strangers and aching for their approval, i.e. their money. Does that make sense to you? Also, if you disagree with me, that is completely acceptable. I saw another anon say here something like this is the unpopular opinions thread not the debate thread kek.
No. 2049296
>>2049291You’re talking about monetization, which is just what
has to happen to art under capitalism. It doesn’t mean artists aren’t creating for the sheer passion of it. It means they also have to figure out a way to market their art if they want to be able to keep doing it. Attention is just a means to an end. Why do you begrudge people trying to make a living? You can just not choose to support them.
does absolutely demand low-quality, high-quantity slop, but that’s not the fault of the artists.
No. 2049302
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>>2049299>And I don’t think it has anything to do with capitalism, I think it has to do with people looking for easy ways to make moneyKek you’re so close.
No. 2049305
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>>2049302I'm so gobsmacked at that sequence of words. what does she think capitalism is? kek
No. 2049320
>>2049306Kek, boomer-tier response. If an artist is successful at churning out “cash grabs,” then it
is a real job, no matter how hard it chaps your ass that other people are able to earn a living being creative.
No. 2049324
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married women shouldn’t be allowed to have husbandos. 3dpd or gtfo.
No. 2049339
>>2049336>art is an unnecessary luxury >but also why wouldn’t I want to consume it?Kek
>I’ve spent almost 40 years consooming itBitter oldfag confirmed. Most embarrassing behavior. If you don’t like the art you consume then make your own, no one’s stopping you.
No. 2049352
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These are cute
No. 2049366
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>>2049345>Can you think of a movie or television show that you’d consider to be a prime example of art?Yes
No. 2049672
>>2049648>a lot of men are attracted to chubby womenA fetish doesn't count (and the 'a lot' part isn't even true
>a lot of women are attracted to chubby men.Like I said, they're not attracted to chubby men, there's no better options available and/or they want to be the most attractive one
No. 2049695
>>2049648The genuine rates of women attracted to fatties is way lower than men attracted to fatties.
Men attracted to chubby women are all for muh hips, muh boobs, muh thighs.
I don't blame them, they can be cute as long as they're not obese.But a woman announcing to the world she likes chubby men is just virtue signaling and/or low self-esteem.
No. 2049700
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>>2049648>a lotalso, keep in mind about media/trend psyops
No. 2049752
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Not denying female socialization but I genuinely believe (and have growing up) in all the things moids believe about women but about scrotes instead. Not in an edgy vengeful way to get back at them either. I remember thinking how I could never see boys as equal throughout middle school; I believed them to be primitive and driven by impulses. I used to bully boys in kindergarten because I thought they were retards.
I do genuinely still feel this way, regardless of how eloquent, book smart and (seemingly) intelligent a moid is I always feel like he's at least one level below me. I absolutely believe that women have a higher awareness level of things going on around them, you see it even with the most perceptive moids. They may notice something most normies don't but then immediately eclipse it with their psychosexual delusions. I wish there were women philosophers and psychoanalysts who wrote about this stuff just like moids do about women (projecting) because I literally always find myself relating to some retarded moid philosopher just flipping his misogynist values onto men. There are so many theories I almost fully believe that are made wrong by the male's retardation.
How is that female sexual desires don't cloud our minds (at least not to such an extent, I know there are female coomers)? Men are simply unaware, they don't notice anything. The most autistic (we're talking aspergers ofc) women will still have some level of awareness, even normie moids seem to lack it and I don't mean just socially, since many men have mastered the art of disguising themselves.
The only thing keeping women from realizing this is excessive empathy which does nothing to placate them unlike what many women seem to think. Moids function the best when under a hierarchy, they need a boot to hold them in place and lay underneath it. Many have treated me the best when I was openly treating them like they're below me, this just further proves my point that we're not equals.
Again, I don't mean this in a vengeful way and I don't consider myself a radfem despite some of our beliefs aligning. I do even feel affectionate towards moids just like you would with a dog or a retarded child. I just don't see them as my equals.
No. 2049756
>>2049752>I literally always find myself relating to some retarded moid philosopher just flipping his misogynist values onto menBased
nonnie instinctively understanding that moids are masters of projection. Males point fingers with one hand and wank with the other, everything they have and will ever accuse women of are actually what they are. Every time a moid calls someone a gold digger, it is because he is both the gold digger and has no gold to dig. Women are not sluts, but moids sure are. They claim women are hysterical but it is moids that cannot contain their emotions and act with logical reasoning. Et cetera.
>Moids function the best when under a hierarchy, they need a boot to hold them in place and lay underneath it.This is just facts. Most males scratch this need by making hierarchies among themselves (boarding school, military, etc.), but such intrasexual orders only turn to abuse because males honest to god can't lead without lording power over others. They routinely poison the newest crop of boys every time they are left in charge, either because they literally cannot tame their worst impulses, or out of misplaced jealousy for younger males who have more opportunity than they do.
No. 2049774
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No. 2049777
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Average male is borderline retarded compared to women and men were only able to create useful things when women didn't because they literally built society in a way to prevent women from doing so and now are seething women are out competing them. Sorry, you're retarded.
No. 2049783
>>2049780>Thinks I'm opThanks for the proof men are dumb enough to think only one person could recognise men are retarded. Cope knowing this is how women think.
>>2049752How does it feel for them to immediately prove you right anon?
No. 2049794
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>>2049783Didn't think it'd happen so fast but it's fun. Lurking scrotes need their reminders.
Just waiting for the rage to kick in at this point before he starts spamming gore.
The lack of reading comprehension is funny too, all the points I made in the op are being demonstrated.
Likely stemming from sexual frustration btw, men go insane if they don't get railed on the regular No. 2049796
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No. 2049801
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>>2049797(report and ignore scrotes)
No. 2049807
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>You succumb to rage and are enable to have a rational discussion.
>enable to have a rational discussion
No. 2049836
AI shit makes me feel sick to my core. There’s something so soulless and demonic about it. Like I get viscerally mad whenever I see some AI generated image.
>>2049832Let’s be honest, most technological advancements being made nowadays are simply to help moids cum. Internet was just a porn project. AI is just a porn project. Chatbots are just a porn project to help men cum, robots are just a sex robot/pornbrain project. Technology is all about mens dicks, why should women give a fuck about it. Let them all wank themselves to death.
No. 2049837
>>2049828Then stop posting illusions of dicks? We're talking about women and why they're underrepresented in STEM fields; post allusions to vulvas. I don't agree with OP stating men "invented computers" and meaningless shit like that spoken by someone likely outside the field. Anyone with half a brain knows inventions are the sum of knowledge of all the work of working humanity, those with brain function not the average depraved rapeape. Including those many unaccounted women who contributed to inventions like Rosalind Franklin. Asking about women's subjugation historically is about as worthless as worshiping the pedofile moid "classics". Instead the question should be focused on the now, why women choose to coddle men and still avoid STEM like it were the plague.
>>2049832So the sole purpose of STEM is to generate porn ok got it. Good luck with the green revolution without any renewable technology.
>>2049833You're pathetic and you are larping. If you think males are dogs who are so below you why are you fucking them? Who allows a dog to fuck them? Is your value deemed as even less than them as dogshit? Rather disappointingly no women here actually do STEM, instead they bitch about how women are better like children on a playground without actually doing it and still choosing to coddle moids.
No. 2049846
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All I said was that people who don't cycle are lazy. We live in the UK. Why are people so obsessed with LARPing disability?
No. 2049849
>>2049837Do you think men who fuck women don't think they're below them? But you'll just say it's not the same. I assure you that I've never given a blowjob in my life though, I just like to get my pussy eaten.
Well, regardless, it's fine if you think I'm pathetic but as I said this isn't a political matter to me.
For some reason blackpill anons always get the most angry with anons who don't "fully commit" to misandry and not women who worship them. It's like how some vegans hate vegetarians more than eat eaters.
No. 2049853
>>2049851But I like to touch them
I'm a backfag and feeling their breath on me and they enjoy me touching them too.
I don't do one night stands though, I just have short term relationships knowing I'm here to enjoy the moment because I don't plan on staying with a man for the rest of my life because I hate being stuck in a relationship lol I actually am celibate most of the time.
No. 2049856
>>2049845It is technically carbon neutral but it requires water for coolant towers so its not renewable in this sense if water can be considered a meaningful resource. Also this water has to be of a specific composition. The Fukushima accident happened due to the aftermath of the earthquakes causing high water levels from tsunamis which led to salt water corroding an old coolant tower. I have limited knowledge of nuclear energy since its non existent in my country but its still taught in all chemistry courses, but I know nuclear waste production can be arguably worse than acid rain caused by burning coal for example due to the half lives of fuel used and the byproducts of nuclear fission. Also nuclear fuel/isotopes are commonly turned into nuclear weapons. Nuclear energy is completely banned in my country and there are several barriers to nuclear energy production, having a lack of scientists who specialize in it for one, another drawback is apparently towers and sites take years to build similar to hydroelectric dams and are not the most cost effective way of generating energy.
>>2049844Shouldn't this post be in the conspiracy thread?
>>2049849>Do you think men who fuck women don't think they're below them?I think they especially think women are below them, yes.
>But you'll just say it's not the same.No?
Stop oversharing your gross private life to internet strangers lol. Its not a political matter to me either, its just pathetic; no need to slander someone you don't know or overthink it too much.
No. 2049875
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>>2048394This is true, i constantly overpluck them, kek.
>>2048974They probably meant something like this,
No. 2049892
>>2048980yup. im a militafy historyfag and i hate moids obsession with ww2. i love napoleonic history but i don't trust male napoleonfags either.
tbh most of the times when moids like something it's for the wrong reason
No. 2050075
>>2050029You can enjoy the new sucky shit if you want to, but don't deny writing has changed dramatically. The kind of cartoons that were iconic and I grew up with from the 90s to the 2000s is very different from the cartoons kids these days are watching from the 2010s onwards. Writers who actually went to art schools and have degrees went extent and now we have to suffer the writing of self-righteous millennials who use cartoons as a soap box for their beliefs and opinions with 0 creativity who all come from tumblr and twitter and somehow landed a deal to make a show, rather than that being their regular job and having experience in how to handle it properly. Majority of modern kids show can be summed up as "characters who are representation!" and that's it, no actual interesting plots or ideas at all. But if I pick up any show I used to love as a kid, it has an interesting premise to it and is worth watching with cool world building, characters, power systems etc., even the slice of life stuff were interesting with drama between the characters, characters having family issues that get resolved by the end, simple lessons about the importance of apologizing and being nice to your friends that are wholesome etc. You can't really get that from modern cartoons on streaming services at all, unless the writers are old and have no social media accounts kek. I don't know about Hollywood kind of stuff and live action TV series, I rarely watched these and still don't watch that much of them, but the few ones I did enjoy were all from the 2000s where these shows were at their peak of experimentaion plot wise, shows nowadays all sum up with "some Hollywood haggot scrote's pedo fantasy" because of the nepotism and lack of talented writers, directors and actors these day.
>>2050039The issue is that we have to dig through the shitheap as you called it for the good stuff, rather than the good stuff being in the forefront. Idk about others, but when I say old music is better, I also mean very underground stuff that gained 0 attention at the time, too. I don't just listen to top 10 billboard songs of each era or something lol, I actually tend to dislike some of the more popular stuff because they're too generic at times. One of my current favorite albums is a 2000s myspace artist's alt rock album that isn't on streaming, on youtube, or any piracy website out there. Got lucky with someone who had the CD unopened and lost interest in it and sold it to a record shop, and I bought it from said record shop and ripped the music myself, never had to do this before for any old music, so you know this was underrated af. I payed tons of money for it, too but it was worth it, not a single disappointing song on it. Can't say the same about any new album by any new emerging artist though. Similar to shows of the past, music had its own tropes and trends at a certain era that appeals to me, the trends and tropes of modern media in general is just so low quality and not worth paying attention to at all. I don't think I'll ever look back at it and be like "wow I was missing out". When 2010s pop was a thing and a trend back then I disliked it because of top much electronics and autotune and repetition, as well as lack of progression in the music, structure, poor lyrics, bad vocals, and now when I look back at it all I think is "how did people like this shit?", I don't miss it one bit lol. I doubt I'll miss 2020s music either. I listen to metal and rock mostly and all modern bands sound the same, that listening to one is enough to give you a general image of what the genre sounds like. Before, in the 90s-2000s there was a clear distinction between genres, then by the 2010s genre mixing became a thing and it was exciting, new and interesting at the time, but how many bands can mix electronic music with metal with symphonic/orchestral music before it starts getting old? It's been 10+ years now of every band thinking they're doing something new by adding electronic elements to their rock/metal song or mixing it with jazz. Not saying it sounds bad, but it's not new or impressive anymore, but at least it sounds good I guess. Idk about other genres because I'm not that deep into them like the specific genres I mentioned, but maybe someone who is familiar with other music scenes would have something to add to this.
>the entry level is lowImo that's exactly the problem, everyone and their mother can make music these days, but not everyone should. Back in the day, only those with a real passion would keep fighting to make their music heard, so it's speard us the entitled whiny shitty musicians, but that changed with social media and the internet. I don't agree with the anon who said all production of media should be stopped forever, but I do agree there's some oversaturation. We need some new system that filters shitty media out and leaves good stuff only based on some universal standards or something.
No. 2050088
>>2050075Ah, well if you're talking western cartoons then we're at a bit of an impasse since I genuinely know jack about those outside Smiling Friends and Gumball.
I quite like those though.
No. 2050096
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Miranda Priestly actually wasn't that evil, this is just what it's like to be in a powerful position and she was just playing the game. I still feel bad for Nigel though.
No. 2050140
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Tess holiday was funny for trolling people by saying she was anorexic. She was already causing outrage by her existing and she knew she’d get way more publicity while she was still relevant by taking the piss
No. 2050180
>>2050160But she is still needlessly
abusive. None of the things she does or says teach any lessons. It's just impossible demands or rude comments, it's like people who praise her characters have never had an
abusive boss in their life, Saying "don't bore me with your questions" when an employee asks a legitimate question to actually be more efficient in their job is rude and stupid
No. 2050183

>>2050095Not the only genre I listen to, I listen to everything except annoying electronic music and rap/hiphop. There are lots of interesting rock songs with unique structures and lyrics, not my fault that you can't find that I guess.
>>2050101I already mentioned how I dig deep for music I like, but that doesn't negate that it's better for that stuff to be mainstream instead, so everyone can enjoy something good for a change and the artists get the recognition they deserve.
>>2050116These never worked for me. Also, according to new and emerging artists these days, getting popular through social media is easier than the classic way of playing locally then going to a record label to get a deal and touring etc., all it takes is for one song to go viral on tiktok and boom, people will listen to their music and the ones who truly like it will stick around and they'll have their own dedicated fanbase, but the problem social media based fame created is monocultures, though not everyone see them as a problem. Vidrel delves into the old school way vs. new school way. It could be romanticism on my side, but if I ever get to form or join a band I'd prefer the old school way to get popular and recognized over doing so with social media and algorithm. Since most artists I've seen rising that way always end up a "fad" that dissappears eventually, whether they deserve it or not. Which can be sad when actually good artists lose majority of the attention all of a sudden because people who were into it to hop on the bandwagen have left. I think old school ways guarantee more genuine and dedicated fans who are actually in it for the music.
No. 2050186
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>>2050179Another well meaning movement gets co-opted by influencers and corrupts the whole point of the thing. I'm so sick of this.
No. 2050187
>>2050183You're complaining that there isn't any music with interesting song structure and lyrics, not me. There is plenty but rock as a genre is pretty much entirely based around very simplistic songforms.
The best music was never the most mainstream music, you are chasing a fantasy that never really existed. Wouldn't it be nice for the best artists to get recognition, but that was never the reality.
>Also, according to new and emerging artists these days, getting popular through social media is easierThe people who got famous that way would say that, wouldn't they? But no that's not remotely true unless as you said you 'get lucky' and 'go viral.' A lot of artists have viral songs and don't become famous anyway, this has always been the case too with one hit wonders. You seriously think the internet 'created' monocultures around music? Go read up on some music history in the 1600s-1900s lmao or read about visual art in the same periods. Old school ways were definitely better for musicians (because unlike what you are saying they were easier and had better payoff for work) however the reason that has fallen by the wayside is that the new ways are better for audiences. The new ways exploit musicians for audience benefit so it's pretty rich for audiences to actually keep complaining how hard they have it when they're the ones that created the new model that almost all musicians and artists hate.
No. 2050198
>>2050185>>2050135In the book, Miranda Priestly is a bully, the world Andie is inhabiting is
toxic AF, but she gets caught up in it anyway. The whole point is her realizing how
abusive the situation is.
But in the movie, Meryl Streep plays Miranda, and you can't hate Meryl. So they softened her just enough that you kinda like her, but really its the residual love for Meryl. They do other strange things to reframe the scenes. Like the one where Andie is a size 4, in the book you realize that's her really giving into the culture, but in the move with the music and soft lighting and Stanley Tucci's approval it feels like a good thing.
No. 2050220
>>2050189I would argue with this actually. The 'original principles' most people think about when it comes to weight problems are based on scientific lies introduced to hide issues with pollution and low quality industrial food production. There's a reason people got more and more desperate to try 'new things' in weight loss and that's because the 'old things' weren't working as more and more people became overweight due to hormonal diseases and other health issues unrelated to how much they were eating.
Personally I approached my weight problems (rapid massive weight gain after being skinny most of my life) with an approach similar to HAES and it did work for me, I lost nearly 100lbs and am still losing after fucking up my metabolism using the 'original principles' for several years only to get fatter. But by HAES approach I mean putting my health first, trying to get actual health issues diagnosed and focus on activities and diet that made me feel physically better rather than focusing on the most rapid possible weight loss. I don't even engage with 'HAES' content on social media because it's all a bunch of activist bullshit that doesn't help anybody.
No. 2050251
>>2050207I had an
abusive boss kind of like this (except he seemed way nicer at first) in a similar situation where I realized that if I continued down the same career path I would likely have to be cutthroat/constantly deal with other cutthroat people too so I find the overall story kind of relatable. That being said I didn't read Miranda as purely evil, rather as a product of a system where people are 'groomed' and bullied into acting like
abusive control freaks by the people who come before them and then do it to the people coming up under them.
No. 2050284
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>>2050198They are so afraid with realism that they forgot to cast a dumpy, awkward, actually ugly and overweight woman to play this role so it would be more believable. If this was the inverse you best the believe they would be ringing up a bunch of their Napoleon Dynamite male actors that actually fit the character descriptions of these roles. Not everybody has to be fuckable but according to these Hollyweird execs and producers the women even at her lowest has to still perform femininity in order to sell their movies because they have such low faith in the production quality kekkk. It reminds me so much of that scene in the Queen’s Gambit with that fish-eyed actress, she’s supposed to be “spiraling” but it still has to be prepackaged in neat male-written sexiness. I know it’s supposed to be generic commentary on the fashion industry and it makes already skinny girls develop anorexia but seriously?? It’s stupid, just cast an ugly and fat actress
No. 2050288
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This outfit looks like a hot mess.
No. 2050410
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>>2050187I'm complaining about
new music lacking that stuff, not none at all. And you haven't listened to enough rock if you think it's simple, the top 100 songs on spotify playlist isn't a reliable representation.
I don't get how does the second point relate to my dislike of the sound of modern music? I do want new
good artists to make profit, but the ones with bad music deserve going broke because of this new way of consuming music for their bad music lol. Also, this kinda supports my point that the new school way of getting attention isn't as good as the old school way, and if people go back to it, not only are they gonna profit more, but there will also be a better standard and only ones serious enough with proper talent will breakthrough and will have less nepo babies and bad music like Olivia Ridrego, Hozier, Taylor Swift and other social media music.
>>2050300We definitely have different tastes, which explains the difference in opinions I guess. None of the stuff in your vidrel appeals to me. But the retro kpop song seems nice. Picrel my current playlist.
No. 2050419
>>2050410I don't listen to rock music on spotify, but the fact is that rock as a genre is characterized specifically by relatively simple combinations of chord progressions and relatively simple time signatures overall, that's part of what defines it as 'rock music' as opposed to something else. Can you give examples of the old complex rock music with good singing you are talking about since many of us in the thread seem not to understand what you are getting at (not a list of 100 bands because I don't have the time but maybe like the top 3-5 that you think really represent the peak of the genre)? Simple chording and 'non-technical' singing are just two of the main aspects of the genre.
You say you dislike the 'sound' of modern music as if modern music wasn't more diverse and splintered than any music before in history so I have a hard time taking that opinion seriously. There is more variety now than there ever was before. If your complaint is that new rock music, for example, doesn't seem 'original' compared to old rock music that's just the simple fact that rock is a new genre so it was 'original' 30ish years ago but now it isn't 'original' anymore because it isn't new.
I agree with you wholeheartedly that the old way of getting attention for music was better, but the reason it changed was consumers like you wanting to be spoonfed music for free instead of putting in the significant effort it used to take to discover and popularize newer bands. It's not because we lack some 'objective algorithm' universally banning 'bad musicians' from releasing music, it's because listeners got really really lazy and wanted music to be free, immediately accessible, and spoonfed to them. Musicians for the most part did not want this change in how music is popularized and distributed, consumers did. And now those same consumers whine that 'mainstream music' should be magically filtered by some algorithm and 'bad' music should be prevented from being released in the same posts where they lament how shitty all the popular music actually is. So what 'algorithm' do you want to 'objectively' tell you what good music is if you agree that most popular music is shit and that AI-driven trends popularize shitty music? You gotta take some responsibility for yourself at some point instead of whining that Big Data doesn't have the same idea you have of what music is 'good.' I'm all ears though if you have practical suggestions for how to go back to music was in the old days before consumers ruined the music industry.
No. 2050456
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>>2050419Lol at you thinking rock singing doesn't take technique when some of the highly regarded singers out there are rock singers. Idk what's your hate boner for rock is about, but even the most simple rock song can be more entertaining than the new lame pop music. I want to go back to Britney Spears era of pop rather than the shit we currently have, not too much to ask for. Also funny that you think I listen to music online and wait for algorithm to show me new music. I hunt for music all the time despite living somehow where selling music records isn't a thing, so I had to rely on piracy my whole life, and once I started getting my own money, I started buying music off bandcamp and bought some rare CD I mentioned in an above post, every song and album I have has a back story on how I discovered it by sheer coincidence or while digging through discogs and so on, never listened to music on spotify or any other streaming services waiting for an algorithm to show me something similar, I always looked for that manually by reading about the artists I like and see people associated with them and check out their music. It's everyone's but my fault that the music industry is the way it is these days. My problem is specifically with what people listen to on radio and gets trendy and overplayed everywhere and regarded as good for some reason and I'm the weirdo for not liking it. Sorry I insulted your favorite "artist" I guess.
>>2050426I do listen to entire albums and entire artists discographies, picrel is a sample of my most go to ones. Idk why do you need to jump into these wild conclusions to prove new music is good, sounds a bit unrelated and impossible to know about someone just because they said new songs aren't good.
No. 2050458
>>2050410Since you didn't provide me with examples of good rock music yet out of curiosity I looked at a few of the songs on your playlist and
>first one is a song from 2000 modern EDM-remixed even though you complained about computer music>second song is Jrock band from 2000s that did naruto soundtrack (which is also very similar in vibe to more modern Japanese and Korean rock music like Kiha and the Faces, Ohhyuk, etc)>3 week old jrock/metal release>4 year old Taiwanese pop ballad (extremely generic with digital instruments taken straight off garageband) similar to hundreds of similar Chinese/Korean/HK/Taiwanese ballad singer releases that are massively famous rn>generic 'metal' song from last year's Eurovision>indie pop song from 2004 that sounds like literally thousands of indie pop songs you can hear being made today (also very derivative of the Cranberries)>rachel stevens pop song from 2003 sounds like a lot of 2010s kpop lmao (I do really like this song though)>digital pop-balkan music fusion that dozens of bands are still doing today >2008 song from very generic Evanescence-esque/Nickelback-esque fusion band except with worse singing>spongebob soundtrack song (?)>video game sounding fully digital song released in 2024>extremely generic punk song >old school rock and roll/disco song from 1997 (! oldest one yet) that is extremely musically simplistic>70s disco song over a literal drone/vamp 'progression' with screaming/yelling as singing>2016 released digital eurotrash sounding discotheque song identical to hundreds of othersI could go on but nonna… first of all based on this playlist I don't believe you that you like old music, there were only 2 things on this playlist older than 2000. Second I don't believe that you care a lot about musical complexity or good singing or any other technical aspect since a lot of this leans to very cheap digital/electronic instruments and shitty autotuned or almost vocaloid-level singing. Almost none of it has any harmonic complexity. I personally enjoyed quite a few of the songs here but I don't believe you that you couldn't find recent music that sounds like this - especially since most of it is recent.
No. 2050463
>>2050446I 100% agree with your opinion anon but if I start going into it I'm sure I will be attacked by the many anons who come here to cape for therapy even though it's not really scientifically validated and you only have to ask anyone you know who has experiences with therapy to hear dozens of horror stories.
Your point about needing to separate yourself from 'crazies' and still censor yourself in therapy appointments is interesting though.
No. 2050473
>>2050456Rock singing usually doesn't require advanced technique, no. Who are the highly regarded singers who are rock singers? I don't have a hate boner for rock music, I like rock music personally but as a genre it's just not going to be musically complex in general, it's a genre invented to be loud and repetitive and most of the things that define rock music are related to musical simplicity. I'm not comparing rock to modern pop music but every other musical genre, rock was always an oversimplification of music compared to genres that came before (and many that came after as well).
I don't support spotify at all and resent the existence of spotify but if you're having to hunt so hard to music similar to your lists you might benefit from spotify or pandora radio because the fact you think it's hard to find similar music in the internet age is quite strange. Maybe it's the fact that you are stuck in the manually reading blogs' process to find music that is making it feel so difficult for you to find music you like? A lot of musicians don't even pitch to blogs and review websites anymore and most are automated anyway.
>everyone's but my fault that the music industry is the way it is these days.If you want to go back to the old days stop listening to music on shuffle/playlists and start buying/listening to full albums as a whole for a start. Also start supporting local musicians by going to shows. The radio is not how most people discover music these days and is geared toward older listeners so ironically your gripes about the radio probably are more related to boomer/gen X listening habits than people of your gen. Also you didn't insult my fav artists I just think you're wrong. People who listen to whole albums don't have a 'most listened to single songs shuffle playlist.' I don't. Sorry deleted because I was redditspacing
No. 2050475
>>2050456Lol I didn't even look at the set of albums you posted but
>10 separate winx soundtracks>multiple linkin park, alice in chains and kpoop albums>nothing I can see is older than 2000nonna get out of here with your 'I prefer old music because it's so musically complex' LARP.
No. 2050498
>>2050467Well if you insist anon. I think the absolute and total obsession with telling people 'go to therapy' whenever they have any emotional or 'mental' problem is based on a delusion that there is some kind of scientifically validated therapeutic method that therapists 'know' that regular people can't provide to friends and family members but there really isn't. For the more procedurally validated methods like CBT/DBT you can just find the worksheets online, no need to see someone who will just 'check your work' and not much else beyond that. Most of the time when therapy 'works' it's because someone either lacks friends/family members willing to talk to them patiently and honestly or because they feel too guilty to 'trauma dump' on their friends/relatives which is a very modern hangup and a symptom of our broken social bonds. Even then a therapist only helps if they're well matched to your personality and manage to feel somewhat like a friend/authoritative person while many are just not able to empathize or understand at all and many will feel actively hostile. Therapists benefit from pathologizing normal emotions and from telling you that you couldn't get the same support from people actually in your life, and selfish people in your life benefit from telling you to fuck off so they don't have to care about you (which long term just creates more problems for everyone).
As the anon above mentioned, people who go to therapy for issues that they still somewhat have control over will try to modify what they say to a therapist to seem 'sane' and non-
problematic making the 'therapy' even less potentially effective. You could end up blacklisted from certain professions if you end up with certain diagnoses so people actually are (and should be imo) afraid of therapists who might diagnose them with certain disorders since it could affect future employment opportunities. Then when most therapists don't know how to help you they'll throw you to a psychiatrist who will give you a drug with near-zero evidence behind it (in most cases) so you can fuck around with your brain and body chemistry for a while and get addicted and then shame you if you point out it isn't working/aren't susceptible to the placebo effect. Instead of people obsessively telling people 'you're not ready for interpersonal relationships until you see a therapist' we should do the opposite and encourage people to have strong interpersonal relationships and then if that doesn't work, finally, pay someone who is probably no smarter than you to listen to and comment on your problems.
No. 2050518
>>2050514My mom kept her last name but gave me my father's simply because my father's is far easier to spell/pronounce in my culture; if I were to have a kid with my bf (I don't want to but just as a hypothetical) I would also give the kid mine because it's easier to spell/pronounce than my bf's.
>>2050515Yeah at some point you will probably take a moid's last name but at least it's a moid related to your genetic line and not some random moid changing the name you've grown up with at some arbitrary point in adulthood. I would rather stick with my dad's name that I've been called for my whole life than start calling myself some random thing midway through my life and then switch back I guess if I got divorced and go through all the confusion of people calling me different last names throughout my life. I guess if you really hate your birth name and/or father I can see why women would want to change their name though.
No. 2050519
>>2050518you shouldn’t have to hate someone to want to share a name with your nigel
nonny kek goodness
No. 2050522
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>>2050507Damn. That's the solution. We should all legally change our names to new ones we create. Fuck the moids, from the past, present and future.
No. 2050526
would i want to keep my maiden name? also, if you see a married couple with the same last name and thing
ewweiee incest! or
wow so you’re like property now? then maybe you’re part of the problem.
No. 2050543
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>>2050507>name she was born with that she has been know as her entire life and has created her career and identity under>versus taking the last name of the man who she met five years agoThese are exactly the same, how can any woman ever choose?
No. 2050548
>>2050507It's the principle of it, you can only change so much. You likely have your father's last name which is something you can't change now, but in adulthood you can choose not to take your husband's name.
My unpopular opinion is that I sort of agree with music
nonny. At least that a lot of music today is low-effort and poorly made.
No. 2050563
>>2050549So you're saying the only aspect of marriage that makes it a 'real' marriage is taking your husband's last name? What should lesbians do? Marriage has always been a financial contract otherwise it wouldn't require a legal contract. If it was just about being committed to someone you wouldn't have to go through the whole legal marriage process.
But do tell what is it specifically about women that makes 'true' marriage for them about denying their identities and disconnecting themselves from all their previous achievements and their own birth family? Why isn't this natural for men too? If you are 'starting a new family' and this is your beef why not make up a completely different name you both take as a couple?
No. 2050575
>>2050569Yeah I would like to hope that my bf is an individual separate from his father and family and that I should not have to want to be considered and marked as part of his father's lineage just because I like him and want him in my life. Also wanting someone in my life doesn't require denying my own culture and identity. What on earth would this possibly have to do with being a 'present partner'?
>it's not physically possible for men to take women's last nameslmao. there are entire cultures where this isn't true.
No. 2050582

>>2050458Did you miss the part where I said I mostly enjoy things before the 2010s unless it's by an older artist who still makes music? I also doubt you listened to everything on the playlist cause some of the songs aren't even online and I'm the only one with a physical copy of the album, and some are in languages you probably don't speak, and some are ones you don't recognize for a reason, but that aside, I never said I hate electropop or some EDM elements added to any other genre, I just said it got old and everyone is doing it, would love a break from that for a change. And if you want something old, I listen to classical music and opera scarcely but specifically for the singing style. I also don't see what's wrong with any of the genres or singing styles in the songs of my playlist, because even if it's processed in studio, they can sing live no problem so there's nothing to prove here. Vidrel is an example of an amazing singer I follow for her singing and creative composition, and "old" enough for your liking hopefully. I also listen to jazz, blues, and ragtime from the 20s-60s, and some old recordings of Christmas songs from 1885 but I don't think that's worth mentioning.
>>2050473You never heard about how the guy from Faith no More or Corey Taylor have crazy vocal ranges and singing abilities? Or how Maynard James Keenan or Mikael Åkerfeldt are genetic freaks vocals wise because they can abuse their voices and still can go and even get better with age vocals wise?
I don't think the oversimplification thing is accurate, or else we wouldn't get all those amazing and talented guitarists, drummers, bassists and all the prog rock and later on prog metal stuff with weird time signatures (though I can't hear what's "weird" about these).
>buying/listening to full albums as a whole for a start.I already do that…..I have 7 Diamanda Galás albums I bought and 3 Cattle Decapitation albums I bought, and one Samantha Lombardi CD I bought from America and I'm the only one in this world with a copy of it. I mentioned above that where I live, there are no music shops, it was outlawed for ages, once the ban was left off, they imported nothing but Miley Cyrus and Justin Bieber albums, not interested in buying those personally. The playlist is one I made manually, I listen to music as mp3/flac files, not online. I find it weird that people would do that, because it's easy to lose online music if it gets taken down or they don't have an internet connection, I prefer having offline music and think it should be a norm.
>Also start supporting local musicians by going to showsDon't have that kind of culture where I live, plus even if playing music and being a local artist was a thing here, they'd make shitty music reminiscent of the stuff I dislike, either copying American modern pop or making the local genre of music which is infinitely worse.
>radioI don't actually listen to it, the ones here all play the boring local genre I'm not interested in. I just heard that the American one plays the pop music I dislike but I'm not sure.
>>2050475I don't know how is music being from a soundtrack or a popular band suddenly makes it less than, any song from these albums easily beat anything mainstream released today. And gotta love how you ignored the death metal albums or the 70s anime soundtrack to make your point. And while orchestra mixed with metal got old for me, it's still more complex than modern mainstream music. Go listen to Ariana Grande or Taylor Swift if that's what you're into, and I'll listen to my winx club music because that's what I'm into.
>>2050509Never claimed those were "vintage", that screenshot was to show I do listen to albums. Vidrel is an example of older music I enjoy. Learn to follow the conversation. And btw, I'm 22. I grew up without internet or TV music channels, so I had to build my music library from scratch, starting with cartoon music I grew up with you'll probably not recognize because it's custome made for the shows at the time and only available in my first language, and with some sample Celine Dion and SNSD songs found on electronics my parents got me when I was a kid, and I had to branch from there since then. Now I have around 3000+ songs and 1000+ albums, though all of them are digital since I can't own physical music at the moment, but I have one CD I imported from America and had fun ripping.
No. 2050618
>>2050582first AYRT and I listened to the first column on the list, I already said I didn't listen to all of it. The only one I didn't listen to was the one written in Chinese because I don't read Chinese. I don't need to speak the languages to know that the musical elements are common in modern music nonna and 'pre-2010s' music hardly counts as old, considering that just to record and release an album for most bands it takes like 5 years unless they're rich/under a good label. If you want a break from electropop/EDM elements you could just choose not to listen to predominantly EDM/electropop based music but what do I know.
There's nothing 'wrong' with the songs on your playlist, like I said I enjoyed many of them, but they're all types of music that are still being made today, and most lack any real singing prowess or musical complexity which is what you claimed is lacking from 'modern' music (by which I guess you mean anything made since 3 weeks ago considering that the 2nd song on your playlist was just released)? I'll have to get back to you on those vocalists but that's hardly a majority of older rock vocalists. I'm sure there are many more 'genetic freaks' in other genres. Also yes rock is a genre based on oversimplified chord progressions and time signatures and that's what separates 'prog rock' from regular rock (although most prog rock still has pretty simplistic melodic/harmonic structures).
Can't you just go online and get full albums? I can youtube search Samantha Lombardi and get a full album on youtube right now. As for not having a live music culture where you live I'm sorry but then maybe you shouldn't assume your highly specific experience is indicative of the state of modern music worldwide. Seems like due to some constraints you are having extreme difficulty accessing modern music but this does not mean modern music is bad, it means you can't access it. Somehow though you can access 10 Winx club albums which are the definition of modern and in no way complex. You seriously think the only modern music is Tswift and Ariana Grande and you're in good faith arguing that modern music lacks variety? Like tell me you're joking.
If you have only been able to access 3000 songs nonna no offense I'm sorry you live in an internet-less shithole where you can't download music but you're not in the position to be commenting on the state of modern music. Sorry reposting with less reddit spacing to shit up the thread less.
No. 2050626
>>2050616To be a classical music sperg for a sec a really good example of a historical woman who got basically ignored because of her taking her husband's name was Clara Schumann. She was an accomplished composer who started as a piano prodigy who toured Europe in childhood and received accolades from other important composers of her time (like Liszt). Her eventual husband, Robert Schumann, saw her in concert as a child and quit his previous career to become a pianist/composer studying under her father. She not only inspired Robert Schumann to become a professional pianist/composer but also was the main inspiration for Brahms, who was friends with her and Robert Schumann and remained her devoted pining simp for life. Most of Brahms' music is rumored to be inspired by Clara Schumann.
However due to taking her husband's name when they married, unless they're music spergs the average person will now read 'Schumann' on a score and assume they are playing a Robert Schumann piece. Ask your average classical musician who isn't a pro and they don't even know Clara Schumann existed let alone that she was the sole reason for Robert Schumann becoming a composer and was the main muse for Brahms as well. Don't take a man's name, ladies
No. 2050631
>>2050629Right anon I should have gotten married at age 2 before I started to consciously associate myself with my own last name.
Is this another /pol/ raid lmao I'm starting to wonder
No. 2050640
>>2050618I exapnded my piracy skills and that's how I get to some newer released music. Also the new single is by an artist I like and enjoy the singing of, though the specific single isn't one where she shows off her vocals, that's more in live performances and some other songs. Just check "Metalizm" for that.
The problem is Samantha Lombardi has only 2 albums on streaming, but her first album "Take Your Pic" and her demos and alternative mixes of songs aren't available on streaming or for sale. As I said, I got that album from an American shop, only copy at the time, and for the demos and alternative mixes, I went to archives of her personal website and her myspace to download these, as well as looking through HTML code of radio websites that hosted her music to download the files off it. I kinda enjoy hunting this way though.
I think my experience helped me enjoying and appreciating what I have, and never go after the flow. All the songs I have I have for a reason, and have emotional bonds with because of the way I discovered them, some because of friends (like the Eurovision songs), some by researching music and singing related topics (like Diamanda Galás's work), some of being name dropped by artists I like, and so on. I enjoy the bubble I made for myself but I'm still open minded about new things, but I've never heard anything they play in a mall or restaurant or on my friend's car when she or anyone else of my friends play stuff off their apple music accounts that they discovered off tiktok. They enjoy what I play though. They can't stand the idea of listening to an entire song though and can only enjoy up to 1 minute or their favorite part and call it a day, and think I'm weird for playing and listening to entire songs kek. They think 3-4 minutes songs are too long.
Circling back to the singers part, if you look up any "singers with the biggest vocal ranges" list you'll find some rock singers on it, because to have a big range one has to have great skill to actually reach it and use it in their singing. Btw, did you actually listen to the song I linked?
No. 2050646
>>2050640The recent one I wasn't talking about BABYMETAL I was talking about the weird video game esque song released literally 3 weeks ago that was so autotuned it sounded like a vocaloid. I'm glad that having to try super duper hard to find music you like made you feel more attached to the music you do listen to but you must realize this also places you in a uniquely bad position to be commenting on the state of modern music, right?
If you think you're 'weird' for playing and listening to entire 3 minute songs you are suffering from brainrot and brain poisoning in your demographic and really have no perspective on anything to do with older music where 'songs' lasting 10-15 or even 30+ minutes was the norm.
Singers having big vocal ranges has nothing to do with how good they are at singing anon hate to break it to you. Which song you linked are you talking about? I listened to like a dozen songs on your list.
No. 2050668
>>2050487I like when people hyphen their last names together. But overall whatever name sounds cooler deserves to be the one used kek
>>2050663Well it lets me save suggestive artists I did not feel like making a secret alt account for
No. 2050671
>>2050582Finally responding to this but Faith No More is a metal band, not a rock band. Corey Taylor is also considered a metal vocalist and apparently placed 86th(wow!) on some list of the best metal vocalists but I just listened to him playing a conventional rock song and he's just alright. Maybe you could point me toward where he is impressive. Maynard James Keenan again is a metal vocalist. Re: Mikael Akerfeldt I used to be a huge opeth fan and I think he's pretty okay but again… metal vocalists.
Metal vocalists are rarely compared to 'conventional' vocalists since their vocal 'style' has nothing to do with normal singing technique, it tends to be a very quiet (needs to be amplified) and damaging (short career) form of 'singing' that no conventional vocalist would compare themselves to because it has basically nothing to do with conventional singing technique and is based on blowing out your vocal cords as audaciously as possible. Arguably you can be 'better' or 'worse' at metal screaming/growling and some people within that genre are considered better or worse but none of them are really comparable to 'singers' who actually sing.