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No. 379810
Shitshow edition
Previous thread
>>374337 No. 379904
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I hate 4chan but this made me wheeze so hard nonnies.
No. 379920
Armenian girl is so cute and fun I love her energy
>>379915Yes, Dons is one of the most popular artists in Latvia rn
No. 379931
>>379912/int/ but
trigger warning coomer gross moids there
No. 379953
>>379950Holy shit it wasn't me
I felt like a lot of songs were worse and wondered if it was the stream since I used a different one this time? I even imagined that there were some mistakes in some songs. Even Croatia and Austria felt better in the semis despite their strong performances.
The only song that came off as better was Ireland lol maybe because it's fueled by anger lmao
I legit don't know if I am hallucinating.
No. 379980
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how much do you bet they're atempting to appease the gendies with these jury votes over the whole Israel thing?
No. 379986
>>379979Don’t (yet), Maneskin had the same situation (they also competed with Switzerland lol)
>>379980I think it is genuine in Switzerland’s case, he does have good vocals after all
No. 379996
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I thought his shirt said "FORTNITE" at first.
No. 380003
Norway does not deserve to be bottom 3 with the juries and ESPECIALLY not below fucking UK holy shit, fuck the juries
>>380001He's an enby in case you didn't know that's what the whole song is about
No. 380041
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No. 380048
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No. 380049
>>380034he's just the most bland moid songer imaginable with those generic high pitched straggot vocals and retarded lyrics about being so unique uwu. indistinguishable from a million other mainstream hits. his only shitck is the enby flag
and yeah the media is pushing gendie shit especially if they're moids.
>>380035im happy for ukraine they rly deserved points
No. 380061
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nonnies, it's not even worth watching the finals anymore. jury will pick the country they want to host and push it so that even fav favourites can't turn results around
im so tired
No. 380064
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No. 380077
>>380068At this point the lack of televote points is a running joke rather than a reason to get angry.
>>380061Maybe next year's ESC will be an even bigger shitshow and everyone will be grateful that Switzerland has to deal with it.
No. 380080
>>380034>>380049Yeah, so okay the song wasn't bad, but you can't say that both Ireland and Switzerland ranking so high with jury and public has nothing to do with being genderspecials.
They've been parading the flags at any possible ocasion.
No. 380084
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No. 380108
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kek he broke his trophy during performance. there was even a sound of broken glass
No. 380109
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"somewhere between the 0s and the 1s"
always the same trite "unu im so special andoutsode the norm" coy shit. i hate enbyshits so much it's unreal
No. 380111
>>380091I don't think I met more than two religious Christians in my 30yo long life so most people I know considered this cool, the ones that disliked it hated it for the black metallike content.
If I have to choose between Ireland and Switzerland I honestly choose the lesser evil and wish it was Ireland winning. Switzerland's song doesn't do anything interesting or daring, the costume is lame, the message is lame.
No. 380119
>>380069>>380110>it's not possible every jury just randomly happend to have the exact same fucking taste…Yeah no way this isn't rigged I am aware for this for years. Even if they tried to vote the most neutral song or most by the numbers shit in they would vote differently since everybody considers something else the most generic one. This is 100% discussed before they vote I refuse to believe anything else.
It's especially
sus when the contest has a similar song that gets 0 points while the other one gets all of them. If it was natural they would like that too like how metal fans would give at least some of the points to a metal song if an event had two of them.
I swear to god there is more behind it. 2022 it was UA because of the war. Then Sweden because of 40 years of Abba. Wonder what it's this time.
There is always a reason that isn't related to the actual song.
No. 380124
>>380094we should be allowed to have a
terf flag then, it's also about gender at the core and it's pro the "gender" of women
No. 380129
>>380109This stuff always sounds to me like it was just people who don't want to be labeled. But nobody wants that. Or nobody normal at least. And ironically enby is a label again.
Like what do they expect normal people to feel regarding gender? I know I am a woman but I don't "feel" woman..ish. I just feel like myself and have a female body. I don't get how exactly they believe a woman or man should feel like that makes them so different from them.
Preferring specific clothes and having hobbies isn't related. Clothes aren't natural so women aren't programmed to wear pink or something. And liking tech stuff doesn't mean you must be male.
No. 380130
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>>380108God confirmed for being a baby lasagna fan
No. 380131
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the swiss song had a nice beat that was completely ruined by the snowflakeiness of it all
pictured: the absolute state of europe, Croatia was robbed
No. 380138
>>380128Didn't HRT say they wanted to?
Idk if a country at war can host Eurovision then so should Croatia right? Not every contest doesn't have to be at Sweden's level
No. 380139
>>380132Dude has a Hebrew forename lel
No really it's probably just that he's overweighted and singing about ADHD I heard? I couldn't decipher the meaning of the lyrics. ADHD would make sense but it's absolutely not something I would have ever come up with reading the lyrics and I am an ADHD loser as well.
No. 380144
>>380119>Then Sweden because of 40 years of Abba.Can y'all shut up about the abba thing yet? Abba didn't even fucking show up, they never planned to from the start which they had been saying since day 1
the jury is still retarded without the abba conspiracy theory
No. 380145
>>380135No you are right I bitched about this ages ago already when I was a teen.
The jury almost always favors central Euro countries and Sweden. ALWAYS. It's suspicious as fuck. Usually Finland, Estonia and such are completely ignored too like the Balkan countries.
Maybe it's the fucking payment lol
No. 380150
>>380138This rings a bell, you're right. In that case I'm seething extra hard. Really sucks the jury has robbed the actual winner again. I dont even know what the point of the jury is.
>>380135I don't want to fall into our classic Balkan
victim mentality but there's probably a bit of prejudice thrown in. But judging by the great televotes I don't think it's significant among the masses - it's more of a jury issue and whatever politics that lead towards their decision.
No. 380153
>>380148Yeah it's almost always
1. a song from central euro countries (not Slavs etc.)
2. no political message
3. "radio-friendly" shit aka not too unique
4. no metal, hardrock or folk allowed
No. 380155
I'm so pissed for Norway. It's not fair, the song is amazing and my top 5 for sure. And WE WILL RAVE, i've been listening to it on repeat. Most of the songs on the left shouldn't even be in the final. Like Portugal, France, Sweden, GERMANY, ISRAEL ffs. It's just not that good and I'm pissed again! Im going to keep on listening to my Norway, Austria, Finland, Estonia, Czhechia, Slovenia and NETHERLANDS. Total women and funny moids supremacy and no nonbinary shenanigans
No. 380160
>>380156ugh, seeing conchita's bratwurst face ignites a rage inside me i can't describe
that was the year i realized how rigged everything is
No. 380161
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i hope nemo's seething rn at all the misgendering he's getting after the win, especially at ppl that mean well
No. 380163
>>380160the only good thing was the controversy it caused when it was revealed poland won by a landslide in the public vote that year
and thats why eurovision now splits jury from public
No. 380164
this really shows that all a mediocre moid has to do is put in a skirt to get praised to high heaven . males really play life on easy mode.
>>380117ikr it's so trite. meanwhile ppl like croatia and netherlands actually put some meaning behind their songs (and they're bangers too. ) but trite navelgazing bullshit is trendy right now, especially with a troon flag slapped on.
No. 380166
>>380164Yeah I am mad like it's people pretending to be progressive but they don't like the guy that sings about freedom in an Europe without inner borders and they don't like the guy that sings about the pains immigration brings?
Let's face it Croatia never had a chance for being Slavic. Jury hates Slavs. But I wonder if Joost would have won if he was non-binary or something.
No. 380169
>>380162i mean check the yt comments
also doubt the average eurovision viewer will remember his speshul identity even if they liked the song
>>380165that's good hahaha
No. 380178
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>>380156FUCK this explains everything
No. 380181
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Nonnies how are you feeling about the Joost situation now that ESC is over ?
No. 380183
>>380172>>380179Not possible in German either. They have to resort to "xir" shit for that but neologisms like that aren't a good idea.
I am not sure why it even matters to these people. If you don't care about gender why wouldn't you be fine with both pronouns?
No. 380184
>>380181I hope NL backs out next year to make a statement.
Joost was DQed because he broke the rules but EBU literally officially admitted to several delegations that the Israelian delegation did too but did nothing about it.
No. 380185
>>380182No this is stupid, they "block voted" because they had a similar music taste. Balkans just like folk for example and since central euro countries despise it they vote each other.
But even if you ignore the reason it's fucking dumb. "Let's skew the rankings in favor of central Euro countries to cancel out any advantage Slavic countries might maybe have" is just turning it into another form of injustice.
If would always vote for each other why does Serbia has so few votes? And why did the west also vote Croatia? It's about quality.
No. 380189
>>380181utter bullshit as
>>380184 said, isreal broke rules and nothing happens, the ebu let an act perform befor that did the same think as joost, and even let some who have done worse still perform
No. 380190
The jury doesn't even things out the dump all of their points to one chosen country to the point at which they have so many votes that the audience needs to give someone else like 400 points AND the jury winner basically 0.
No. 380193
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>>380165>>380179the AFP (french press agency) dispatch is going out of its way to avoid using pronouns bc "iel" is grammatically unusable lmao
No. 380194
I voted for Croatia, dear Croatian nonas, I tried, I feel like we all failed you.
>>380168Not how you spell "boring and forgettable", lol.
>>380172It doesn't. The commentator of my country tried to use plural "they" for the moidlet, and it sounded ridiculously awkward.
No. 380195
>>380192Yeah the German press always bitched about that and I never once witnessed it. They also kept claiming that everybody was mean to Germany and not voting them on purpose when we actually had songs in the past that almost won because they weren't SHIT.
I swear the more war crimes a country commits the more of a whiny pussy they become that constantly believes that everybody around them was a mean bully because they don't get praised for existing.
No. 380197
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this is rediculous
No. 380200
>>380192>Everyone was seething so fucking hard at Lordi winning because they considered it a "joke entry"Same here I makes me so mad because this shit is so fucking disrespectful wtf
I ragequit the stream I was watching earlier because the moderator called every fucking eastern song (save for Israel of course) "political", talked about Serbia being bad for invading countries during their performance (wtf?) and talked about Armenia.. existing as political.
Fuck these people. I am neither a slav nor from an eastern country but this such a racist horrible behavior, same with calling every metal song a joke just because someone doesn't lick the boots of the establishment or looks like it. Holy shit.
I remember them hating on Maneskin too.
No. 380201
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>>380197how much money did isreal waste trying to win this
No. 380212
>>380197Rigged or fanatics? I don't know what's worse. ESC openly rigging the numbers or more proof that a large majority of pro-Israel factions are fanatics that vote 20 times on multiple phones.
I wouldn't put it past these people to buy SIM cards or used phones before or using hacks for the sole purpose of giving Israel 200 votes.
No. 380213
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No. 380217
>>380207No because why isn't this a problem to you when it's about pop and trannies for example which is what the central countries like?
Why is it only an issue if it's about the taste of Slavs? Germany, UK, Netherlands and such love to suck the cock of Anglo pop shit, why isn't this a problem to you that should be balanced out?
No. 380247
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>>380197This is it anons, a purely televote score would be fucking rigged too. I hate this, it's the first thing I saw when I woke up and I hate this. I don't know what should be done about this, the whole contest needs to be burned down. How did Switzerland win when they only got 12 points from one country's televote? Also the ROTW vote was a fucking mistake.
And amidst all this, Cyprus and Greece still voted for one another. Never change
>>380201How did Ireland's public even give Israel 10 points? People are severely pro-Palestine in that country.
No. 380252
>>380247Why do people like that always seethe about girls so much?
It's so enraging and pathetic to see millions of grown ass adults feeling such a visceral hatred towards a literal school girl like Greta that they spend their days shitposting against her but being completely fine with literally everybody else including corrupt politicians and mass murderers.
I don't agree with everything Greta does but I have yet to see a single vocal Greta hater who wasn't a divorced boomer incel or some European redneck.
No. 380254
>>3802531. why? what‘s the appeal?
The energy, rhythm and catchy refrain. Had me on the edge since the first second and continued with a bang and even ended with a great climax on top of that. That said I also like the costumes and the theme of the song.
2. what music do you usually listen to?
Folk and metal.
No. 380258
>>380256They are probably claiming that everybody loved them because of the skewed votes. We all know that pro Israel shizos voted at least 20 times for them and most of them don't even watch the ESC. But Israel will of course pretend that it was the majority of Europe and that their haters were just a small minority.
For the loss they will blame the jury of course and call them antisemitic
No. 380259
>>380253it was a catchy, emergetic song with a message. i don't think it was an era defining materpiece or anything but it wascool. much better than ballads or bland pop shit.
i mostly listen to classical/ baroque, the odd film ost and traditional ethnic music.
No. 380261
>>3802531. Energy, catchy song, good subject matter + a little funny too with the cat love. It was just the most enjoyable song, as you can even see by it getting the audience hyped as well.
2. I listen to a wide array of music, electronic and rock are my favourite kind of stuff though. Though I like folk stuff too. Energetic music is great.
No. 380273
>>380270maybe i would have a different impression if i had seen any shows before.
i know everyone here would like to kill me but i liked the swiss fag better. the part where he was rapping was a disaster and it was a horrible idea to perform on those plates but the song was otherwise more fun and catchy to me. and no, liking the song had nothing to do with him being a faggot in a skirt with enby pronouns but his theater kid antics matched the vibe of the song somehow, he didn‘t bother me.
my actual favorite was lithuania but i knew they had no chance.
i don‘t like pop and wouldn‘t like or pay attention to any of these songs if i heard them on the radio or somewhere. i‘m just comparing.
No. 380310
>>380253>1. why? what‘s the appeal?Like I said
>>379171 it was really nice, catchy driving song with light content, about leaving the home
>2. what music do you usually listen to?Fast paced tracks, alternative rock, pop, electronics, battles and chasing osts, overall everything stimulating
No. 380321
I bet next year there will be an uptick of begendered folx artists. Trannies (not even crossdressers, like Australia), nonbinaries of both sexes, normal looking people with neopronouns. I can feel it, it's going to happen for sure.
I would never want to make it about gender, but both gendies are too high on the scoreboard and it's hilarious the one that's won is a moid nb. There will be more to come, for sure. Not even gays, since that's too boring now.
Imo, they need too:
- Have at least one year without english songs to test it out at least
- Make subtitles! So people could enjoy songs in different languages! They have the technologies for that, they have no right not yet to implement that.
- Stop allowing any flags other that country flags. It was so disrespectful to Switzerland when he waved the nonbinary flag instead of Swiss.
- Forbid ugly moids tbh, make them wear masks or something, no one needs to see your shiny balding head.
No. 380325
>>380194don't worry
nonnie, we love you!
No. 380327
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>>380321>Stop allowing any flags other that country flags. It was so disrespectful to Switzerland when he waved the nonbinary flag instead of Swissbtw he said he had to smuggle his gendie flag on stage. He said he "broke the code" and that eurovision needs fixing or some shit
No. 380330
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I am completely honest here. I would be less mad at the fucking jury if it was at least Bamby winning over Croatia and not Uo UOUOOUO.
Say what you want about her but her screeching gave me goosebumps and the performance itself was worthy of a musical. Plus, the black costume was pretty and the refrain is basically black metal. If it was at least THIS they would have at least chosen something uncommon and new (for ESC standards).
But no.
It had to be another toothless, central European gender slop with male solo singer. ZZzzzzzzzz
No. 380331
>>380319I've been watching ESC every year since 2010, and every year's voting results are a shit show, believe you me. Most of the shit that one was boring af and had either the effect 1. it'll run on the radio constantly and sell well for a year 2. the singer(s) should win cuz pandering (they or their family member has an illness, they wear a beard and a dress at the same time, there's war in their country so let's give them one win, etc.) 3. of corruption (yes I'm looking at you, Azerbaijan).
The problem that's obvious is how easy it is to pool those 12 points as a juror to whatever country you think can shoulder the financial challenge of organizing the show the next year. The 12 points should be nerfed down or even removed completely to offer the chance for the public votes to actually change the jury's well crafted plan.
No. 380338
>>380331I also blame the ability to vote up to 20 times to churn money from the audience because browsing twitter and 4chan you could see that the Israel simps coordinated some mass voting in which they used multiple phone numbers to call 40 times or more.
This is a massive skewing of the election since it's something only fanatics do and most fanatics are POLITICAL fanatics, so the country that gets the 12 points from every country is usually one related to some current political dispute and this sucks.
Italy for example is very anti-Israel and absolutely nobody here liked or even talked about their song or even listens to this type of music and yet they have 12 points? Come the fuck on. Those are votes by a bunch of expats and rightoids that just vote Israel because they associate Israel protests with leftism.
No. 380340
>>380336Yeah but at least her song wasn't about that, from what I can tell it's about betrayal, obsessive love and the performances is an exorcism. Switzerland guy (I don't even remember the name) is also about gender shit but it's even in his very song. And the costume is boring shit just as the song itself.
I am not saying that I wanted her to win, just that I would have preferred her song over the slop that actually won.
No. 380348
>>380346I was honestly surprised that Australia, Czechia and Poland didn't make it. There were a bunch of songs that were so devoid of any energy I have no idea how they got in.
And by now we might as well make Israel one of the automatic finalists like the big 5. The fans of this country will always force it in with mass voting so what's even the point? They might as well send a guy that sleeps or shits on the stage and they would still get 12 points and get into the final.
No. 380349
>>380330Hard agree, Ireland's performance was flawless and getting upset at people of gender performing in Eurovision is like getting angry at the presence of sand on the beach.
>>380336Getting upset about cluster Bs performing in Eurovision is similarly like getting angry at sand on the beach.
No. 380353
>>380349Yeah I mean we got a gender performer as winner anyway. So at least let it be a demonic woman IMO.
The fact that the demonic content makes religious fanatics seethe is just an additional feature.
No. 380355
>>380338You've got a point there too. I voted three times, last year as well. I think public voting should be reduced to a maximum of five votes per device for sure. It would also reduce psyops from happening like the people on X voting en masse for Israel.
But like I said, I'm absolutely convinced nerfing the 12 points would get us a better ESC. Not to mention (and this was apparent from all those old clips of the show) they definitely need to improve the quality of the contestants.
I've always been for the contestants that sing in their national language (so only the UK, Malta and Ireland singing in English), there's enough music elsewhere in English without having to look at ESC, especially with the internet nowadays. If they wanna show the cream of the crop, especially to justify the budget they spend in the show
where thirty to fourty years ago it was a lot more modest, then they have to up the ante for everyone.
Small blogpost but I'm personally sick of the formulaic crap we get from the UK, Germany, Sweden, the goddamn ballads and the navel gazing songs. If that stuff represents "unity in Europe" according to the ESC, then it's absolutely fucking sad.
No. 380362
File: 1715507244799.png (697.73 KB, 1172x659, Eurovision Song Contest - Baby…) the many videos with everybody dancing to Rim Tim Tagi Dim and singing with Baby Lasagna makes me so sad.
Didn't see or hear anybody singing Ou OH OU with the Swiss guy. Watching the semi-final and final live performance video with the whole damn stadion jumping up and down gave me goosebumps. We were so robbed.
No. 380363
I'm so upset this scored so low. Same with Norway and Slovenia. Do people really have no taste or did everyone vote for the top favourites to make Croatia win/prevent Israel from winning?
>>380362this song is so good for singing along. Even if it wasn't my favourite, everything about it was great.
No. 380370
>>380360Making the jury votes anonymous could stop them from voting just to look good and avoid backlash. On the other hand it makes it easier for collusion.
I think you need some sort of jury either way. A good chunk of people are going to vote for which country they like the most regardless of song so then it just becomes a stale "who's Europe's favourite country contest?". Juries are (supposed) to be objective.
No. 380372
>>380360The televote manipulation this year suggests that either televoting needs to be reformed (probably not going to happen because $$$) or that EBC needs to maintain some control over the results in case there's one day a bigger coordinated vote campaign. If the jury stays then it should have a much smaller influence on the outcome though.
>>380362There were a few spicy straights singing the song in the venue I was watching it from; it was the only song where people were singing along. Unfortunately it captured that contingent of eurovision fans.
No. 380373
>>380363>>380365Aside from Croatia losing I am particularly mad about the bad placements of Estonia, Spain, Austria and hell even the naked ass guy. The "NO RULES" shit is one of the very few refrains I still remember despite only hearing it once.
I was honestly almost offended learning that countries like them got like 0 or 18 fucking votes wtf are you fucking kidding me??
No. 380374
>>380360>remove the jury completely? If he didn't have juries this year, Israel would've been <15 points away from winning, largely political votes. We don't want that shit either.
I don't think there's a good system tbh. With jury we're going to lose fan favourites and with televote only we're going to lose excellent well-sung entries.
No. 380375
>>380360I already expressed my take :
>>380331>>380355Nerfing the 12 points and the amount of allowed public voting per device from 20 down to 5 would balance out everything again.
No. 380378
>>380371It's funny how basically everyone has Norway as a sure qualifier all season and they just barely qualified in the end.
>>380373>Estonia, Spain, Austria No offense but Estonia and Austria both had shit vocals.
No. 380383
>>380379Yeah. But I guess that's only the eurovision bubble who feels that way.
Kinda sucks we got another English pop(ish) song that won, that's twice in a row now. If the war in Ukraine hadn't happened we would've had Spaceman the year before that.
No. 380384
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>>380378>estonia had shitty vocalsi accept no slander for Vsauce and his estonian buddies in this thread
vocally i found them fine tbh No. 380385
>>380382I loved the song, but I do have to admit that her singing live wasn't super strong. The studio version was wonderful though.
>>380375Big disagree on Estonia having shit vocals. I think they did great and had a great show on stage.
No. 380386
>>380382The vocals were relatively weak in a year with a lot of strong vocal talent.
>>380383My conspiracy theory is that the jury rigged the UK's position that year so that they'd be able to host. The UK gov was all in on supporting Ukraine that year because they had multiple explosive scandals they were trying to distract the public from, lol.
No. 380391
>>380379It's the jury (again). The audience is willing of giving votes to songs with their native languages see the high placement of Moldova's Train to Bucharest or Go_A's Shum. But the jury doesn't vote such songs on principle. If you want jury votes you HAVE to sing English and preferably pop so it's literally damaging the event itself since it kind of forces people to sing in a certain way if they want to have a chance of winning.
Also notice how they almost always select solo singers, never bands, which is another issue.
No. 380394
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Just woke up and I'm still feeling bitter about yesterday's results.
No. 380397
>>380321 Yeah I said that about the flag earlier, I heard someone say ' That's not Switzerland's flag, what country is that?'
Some people aren't still aware of all the millions of gender flags.
No. 380399
>>380396Nta. He was supposed to announce the jury points for Finland, but decided not to when Netherlands got disqualified.
>>380337He was very buddy-buddy with Joost so that seems the more likely reason
No. 380403
>>380358there are 2 asia versions in the works one by the abn (asian ebu), the abn already do song festivals like eurovision but no voting, and one by eurovision, both are in development hell
afrimusic song contest ran for 3 years, stopped by the pandemic and hasnt come back
the the american song contest (usa) ran for one year and isnt coming back, they changed the format too much, it lasted a week and had knockout rounds
eurovision latin america is in the works
arabian vision was being planned by eurovision, saudi, and uae but has since been put on hold
eurovision canada has also been put on hold due to poor performance of the american song contest
oti festival was held until 2000, it was spain and portugal plus latin america
No. 380406
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>what they took from us
No. 380407
>>380403>afrimusic song contest ran for 3 yearsI should watch the three this actually interests me.
I wish there was some event like that with all Slavic and ex-USSR nations including the *stan countries and everything this territory encompasses like Turkey. Those countries have the best music besides some of the northern Euro countries IMO.
Basically the ESC but 3000 kilometers further to the east or something.
What I would also love was a themed ESC that is about folk or metal.
No. 380417
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YEEESSSS LET'S GOOO UKRAINE!!! СЛАВА УКРАЇНІ!!!!! Thank you Czechia, Estonia, Georgia, Lithuania, Malta, Moldova and Poland for your 12s!!!! LOVE OUR GIRLS!!!!
No. 380419
>>380135I'm Croatian and I hope we withdraw fron this rigged faggot shit competition along with rest of the Balkans and other small European countries that get side eyed by EBU. No point in participating at all anymore, unless they bring public vote ONLY or make jury only 20% of total vote points.
Actually Eastern Europe, Baltics, Finland should have it's own Eurovision. Budget can be smaller but songs will be fire. And no need to pander to tranny faggotron Swedes anymore.
No. 380421
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>>380403 cont
there used to be a caribbean song contest that ran for years
there is a pan celtic song contest that has run for decades for the 6 celtic countries
liet international a european song contest for minority languages (interestingly they have 2 winners the public winner and jury winner)
asbu arab song festival has run for 23 years
>>380407>I wish there was some event like that with all Slavic and ex-USSR nations including the *stan countries and everything this territory encompasses like Turkey. Those countries have the best music besides some of the northern Euro countries are pretty much describing the turkvision song contest it ran for 7 years but stopped by the pandemic and hasnt come back although they are trying to get it back
there is another latin american one in the works call hispavision
interestingly though there already is a very popular latin america one called the vina del mar international song festival
a lot of countries have their own regional version
No. 380423
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>10 points from Ireland to Israel
totally organic.
No. 380424
>>380419agreed 100%, we don't need jack shit we can host it in someone's backyard for all i care, but i fucking
know the music would be 1000x better than the pandering shit we send to eurovision
No. 380429
>>380419This. I don't care whether my own country participates or not, I want good music and I almost always prefer songs from the Balkans, Moldova, Russia, Ukraine, the Baltics or Finnland.
My country even has a lot of great bands but they are excluded from the ESC on principle since their music is (actual quote) not "radio appropriate". Fuck them. We live in 2024 and Germany still shits its pants if they hear metal or Slavic people talking and consider both scary and evil or whatever.
No. 380430
>>380425nta but somehow isreal has managed to gain the support of the far right
they have gained their suport by saying, and this is a direct quote, they are a "white country fighting against the brown muslims" and "degenerate western left". also just like what happened with russia and ukraine a lot of far right are just contrarians they have to support what the majority oppose
they were posting pictures of the isreali act next to the irish act saying "which way western man" and under the isreali was things like beautiful, embraces femininty, traditional and under the irish act was things like, satanic, dresses like a whore, wants to destroy the west
No. 380437
>>380433it's been discussed a bit upthread, but they were brought back to prevent "eastern bloc voting" aka. people voting for actually good music from eastern europe and not the slop that central/western europe sends out
i'd imagine they still keep them around for similar reasons
No. 380448
>>380439This is central trait of fascist mindsets actually. Everything they allegedly believe contradicts itself since it's a mindset purely based on emotion and not rationality.
"The immigrants steal our jobs", but "immigrants never work because they are leeches". The Hitlerists believed that Jews were the most powerful group on the planet that controls everything, but they were allegedly also subhuman and stupid, corrupt and disorganized (so they can wage a war against them and win), women are dumb and powerless but also influence everything and always get what they want etc.
This is why arguing with people like that is nothing but wasted time. On of the ministers of my country claimed that "nobody who isn't pro-Israel should be allowed to immigrate" to my country anymore, but then he turns around and defines our "lead culture" which explicitly includes eating pork and other shit that isn't kosher, otherwise you don't belong here.
No. 380450
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>The pilot of the plane that is taking Baby Lasagna back to Croatia: 'Congratulations! Meow, meow'
No. 380454
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i don't think that retard got booed only because of the joost situation but kek. deserved
No. 380455
>>380452Remember when people thought Belgium could be a winner when he first released his song? That went a whole another way.
Tbh his vocals were shit so I don't think he was THAT robbed tbhhhh
No. 380457
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what did he mean by this?
No. 380462
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>>380452>NorwayI can't fucking believe how few votes they got. But at least I found a great new song and band to listen to.
No. 380464
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I just wanted to share some of the comments made over the years by the UK's commentator Graham Norton
“This is Marmite if everyone hated Marmite.” – on Germany’s performance “I Don’t Feel Hate” by Jendrick (2021)
“Less Destiny’s Child. More Destiny’s Inappropriate Aunt.” – on Serbia’s performance by pop trio Hurricane (2021)
“Now it’s time for the flag ceremony. It’s a new tradition. It’s a way of making the show just that little bit longer.” – on the length of the opening ceremony (2018)
“He has come back with a song called ‘That’s How You Write A Song’… Ironically the song is not great.” – on Norway’s performance (2018)
“I liked the bit when she stopped the music.” – on Slovenia’s performance, which faked a technical glitch (2018)
“Thank you very much… I just want the nurse to put me back to bed now after that.” – on Germany’s heavy metal band Lord of the Lost performing (2023)
“If you’re going to get someone to dress as a gorilla, at least get a decent outfit. That looks like couple of old car seats sewn together.” – on Italy’s entry “Occidentali’s Karma” (2017)
“The producers put together the running order, and given that no song given second place has ever won, I’m guessing they didn’t think much of this. Feel sorry for France, the artist is Lisa Angell the song is ‘N’oubliez Pas’ which means don’t forget. Sadly, I fear, we will.” – on France’s performance at the grand final (2015)
“He said he did something terrible as a boy. We don’t know what it was. It might have been write this song.” – on Norway’s entry “A Monster Like Me” (2015)
“OK… That’s three minutes we’ll never get back, but look at it this way: We’ll never have to hear that song again.” – on Albania’s performance of ‘I’m Alive’ (2015)
“Well, that wasn’t embarrassing at all, well done.” – reacting to the surprise rap delivered by the reader of the Finnish results (2014)
“Oh thank you, it’s so fun! It’s like the gay wedding I’ll never have! It’s gone in my wine!” – responding to Eurovision presenters showering him with confetti in his special commentary booth (2014)
“If you’ve just joined us and thought, ‘Ooh, Denise van Outen’s let herself go’, no, that’s Cascada representing Germany” – on Cascada after her performance of “Glorious” (2013)
“If you’re watching with pets or sensitive older people, maybe now’s the time to put them in the utility room.” – commenting before Cezar’s high-pitched, strobe-filled performance of “It’s My Life” for Romania (2013)
“This will put fear into your heart – she’s a devoted experimental jazz musician. She can do extraordinary things with her voice…not pleasant things but extraordinary.” – introducing Albania’s Eurovision entry Rona Nishliu performing “Suus” (2012)
“He looks like a nice boy who’s fallen in with the wrong lot, doesn’t he?” – on Eric Saade’s performance of “Popular” for Sweden (2011)
“They’re drinking quite a lot. It’s almost like they think they’re not going to perform again.” – on the UK’s backing dancers (2010)
“The bad news is, you’re about to watch Albania. She’s only 17, so please bear that in mind. Where was her mother? Why didn’t she step in and say no?” – on Albania’s performance of "Carry Me in Your Dreams" performed by Kejsi Tola (2009)
No. 380481
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During rehearsals Finland said Ireland got 12 points and they cut her off and said it was Israel. Super weird. Like why do that during rehearsals
No. 380493
>>380478Nta. I hadn't heard of him before ESC personally. He certainly isn't a household name like Anouk (2013) or Ilse de Lange from Common Linnets (2014).
Don't agree that it's a soulless anglopop though. Nothing anglopop about a happy hardcore song. Never mind the fact that Sweden would never send something in their native language.
No. 380497
>>380488Switzerland 12
Ireland 6
Israel nothing
Israel got a 12 from the public vote though
No. 380500
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>>380464the BBC shared his best bits from this year
No. 380507
>>380503i think dutch
nonnie misread the post and thought it was about her country
No. 380510
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>>380454this is how the uk reported the booing
No. 380513
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Commentators struggling with the thembie's genders
No. 380528
>>380525wasn't ABBA in the audience?
>Swedecucks are the Americans of Europe.KEKKK
No. 380530
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>>380496Idk if its just me, but I didn't enjoy this show. It felt like an almost 40 year old lady was tryning larp as a zoomer and trying to force the song to become a tiktok hit or something.
No. 380552
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i see what nonnas mean about there being an eastern europe descrimination
No. 380567
>>380547when i saw the ievan polkka moomin sauna dance i thought to myself this is what being a
victim of racism probably feels like kekkkkkkk
No. 380570
>>380567I think a lot of Finns enjoyed being acknowledged in any way after feeling so robbed last year. Just all the smugness of the rest of the performance did rub some people the wrong way though.
t: a finn
No. 380571
>>380552To be fair, the big 5 ALWAYS make it to the final so they always have a reason to watch and vote. If your country doesn't make it and you're a normie, you might not even watch at all. And the contest heavily leans toward English speaking songs, my country hasn't sent a song in our native language in my entire life - all in English.
I genuinely nearly always only like the songs from the northern countries because that's the culture I grew up in. The southern European songs that did well always shocked me because to me they were truly awful! You can't really stop your own cultural bias.
No. 380578
>>380530>an almost 40yo old woman Nonnie that's so misogynistic a moid would say and actually did say, as they are allergic to women over 18.
Her age doesn't matter, we have enough ageism already. Fair to say that you found her song cringe or whatever and a zoomerfeast.
The Spanish singer was in her late 50s but did great in my opinion and was based. Please do better.
No. 380580
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swedes are just too good compared to every other jealous ones there's no bias anywhere towards eastern euros etc sweden is just so good compared to rest of them (swedes please you're just fanning the flames with your funny reactions kek)
No. 380586
>>380583> (swedes please you're just fanning the flames with your funny reactions kek)and you missed this part relax
nonnie we're all having fun here (bullying sweden and wathcing you squirm)
No. 380588
>>380582Nta but I'll humour you, nona:
The winners from 2000 to 2024 have been, in reverse chronological order:
>Switzerland >Sweden>Ukraine>Italy>Netherlands>Israel>Portugal>Ukraine>Austria >Denmark>Sweden>Azerbaijan>Germany>Norway (2009 introduction of the 50/50 jury/public vote system)>Russia>Serbia >Finland>Finland>Greece>Ukraine>Turkey>Latvia>Estonia>Denmark I don't know about you but I see a distinct trend after the jury vote was introduced.
No. 380589
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anyway what happened to this guy did he get involved in some drama (if he did please tell me i liked reading his stupid posts)
No. 380603
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>>380601They produced this anon
No. 380604
>>380588Basically what you're implying is that your own juries are prejudiced against your own countries because they're voting for non-Eastern European countries.
It's interesting how it's "in the 2000s the Eastern European countries just sent better and more fun songs, deal with the reality you stupid Westerns!" but as soon as that trend changed it couldn't possible be "Western European countries just send better songs!" no it's "rigged against Eastern European countries!"
No. 380608
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The downvotes…
No. 380615
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>>380612The correct answer.
No. 380618
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gotta love norway for this headline though
No. 380620
>>380609his interview:
Q: Second place. Largest televote. First impressions?
BL: I'm happy, I'm proud. I'm really glad the public liked us so much since, as I said before, the public comes to the concerts, not the juries. So…
Q:This is still a historic result. You've written yourself into the history.
BL: Yes, very cool. I'm surprised by how happy I feel. I had thought I would be more sad. Like, we lost, but I'm not sad at all. I'm happy.
Q: We didn't lose. We are second.
BL: Yes, yes. Indeed, you're right.
Q: What was the feeling like on the stage? I don't know if you had seen the footage, but we saw it for the first time, the audience had the bracelets, and when the dance came on, the whole arena was flickering from the dance in unison.
BL: Yes, on the stage it was incredible. I'm super glad, we agreed as a team that we killed it, it simply couldn't have been better, we all did our absolute best work, we didn't miss a thing, everything was on point, and that made it so much better, and you know everything that happened happened because you gave it absolutely all you had. We won't be saying "Oh, maybe if this thing was better…", it was good.
Q: The entire country watched the show, countless cities and squares [public broadcasts]; tomorrow is the welcome ceremony, regardless of the second place, I don't know if you know. A musical program on the [Ban Jelačić] Square.
BL: Yes, of course, I mean, I don't know what the plan is, but I know an event is being prepared, so I'm off to bed right now.
Q: You've united everyone, that's for you the biggest success, right?
BL: Sorry?
Q: You've united the whole Croatia, is that also a big success for you?
BL: [laughing] Yes!
Q: You've managed to chart on many such lists, Rim Tim Tagi Dim is spinning on iTunes, Spotify, everywhere. The best position of all the [Croatian] Eurovision songs, that's what you were hoping for?
BL: [smiling] Yes. Yes.
Q: What's next? What are the first plans after this?
BL: Whole summer will be filled with concerts. I'll tour. Put out an album, film music videos. Continue to do music.
Q: First show is in [your hometown] Umag?
BL: Something else will be announced before then.
Q: But you will perform in your Umag, they have a special place?
BL: Yes.
Q: Any calls [for tours/performances] from other continents?
BL: I don't know, I need to ask my agent, I can't remember anything right now, there were many discussions… I really don't know off the top of my head.
Q: Can you tell us more about the other performance? Can we know about that?
BL: No.
Q: It's a secret?
BL: Not really, it just that the organisers haven't had the chance to announce it, so it's not my place to preempt them.
Q: Do you have any Eurosong idols you'd like to emulate in terms of the wider success?
BL: Måneskin, they've transcended the Eurosong highs, so they did a good job.
Q: What do you think about the Swiss entry?
BL: They had a huge televote support from the public for a reason, as I said previously, their song is absolutely fantastic, I'm not at all surprised they've won.
Q: Who would you dedicate this crazy Eurosong adventure to?
BL: I don't know. I don't even know what that means, no idea.
Q: [all together] Thank you, Marko, all the best.
BL: Thank you.
No. 380621
>>380604>Basically what you're implying is that your own juries are prejudiced against your own countries because they're voting for non-Eastern European countries.nta and i know you're all busy hating on sweden kek but we fucking HATE the local competition jury here. WE didn't even choose loreen - a fucking jury did. WE were angry about it and they gave zero shits and sent her anyway.
The "swedish" jury is NEVER going to send a song in swedish BECAUSE OUR JURY ISN'T EVEN SWEDISH nor do they speak the language. We're fucking slaves to the corporate sham that is melodifestivalen and ESC, and then y'all get mad at us when we had no say in what happened and a bunch of pricks in other countries picked our song for us.
No. 380625
File: 1715527585910.jpg (208.58 KB, 794x1006, larisa-coroama-chained-speedpa…)

>>380621photo of swedes held in chains by the ebu mafia, free my swede sisters
No. 380632
>>380627I've said before that I don't think non-european countries should be in ESC, but I'm glad Armenia competed this year because of this cute and happy song!
>>380631She had already won once, it was so weird and unneccessary. Felt sorry for the other artists that could have competed for us and gotten the spotlight instead.
No. 380643
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/ourguy/ is doing fine
No. 380661
I liked Armenia, Lithuania, Croatia (I hope sending fun artists to the contest will become a tradition there heh, I liked Let 3 too) the most. There were quite a few good songs/fun performances. Switzerland was surprising because I didn't even remember the song, and it's goddamn annoying how everyone gives the highest rate to one particular country. The song wasn't awful or anything but it definitely wasn't much better than all the other songs. It was weird seeing some countries not getting much or anything at all at the same time, so undeserved.
>>380016Lol I legit thought one woman was singing this song while I was doing some shit near the room with TV and didn't pay attention. I didn't remember how the swiss song sounded, and I was wondering what I've missed and if it was Shania Twain even kek (I didn't know she's Canadian)
>>380051Exactly, the whole thing reminded me of the last year so much. If not for jury, Croatia would win. And it's clear what kind of songs viewers like the most in recent years.
>>380128Idk anon, Ukraine managed to host it in 2005 and 2017 somehow, so why not. Pretty sure you're not poorer than us.
>>380417YYYAAAAAAYYYY нонічка! I'm also happy with the result
No. 380677
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>>380668Joost is very cute to me
No. 380683
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Spicy straight it is.
No. 380685
>>380682Yeah I know I am one. Pansexual is bullshit, he’s just a weak boy who wants extra attention because ‘oh look at me I have a personality that isn’t a stereotypical male I must be a special not-boy-or-girl!’
The best outcome is all the euro normies find out what non binary is and they just laugh at him like “oh that doesn’t make sense, whatever” and ignore it and call him a boy anyway.
No. 380692
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>>380680lmao of course he's a spicy straight. fucking gendies
No. 380696
>>380328Absolutely fucking retarded critique
nonnie. Any Eurovision singer writing their own songs instead of getting B-grade Swedish sloppy seconds is going to write about something meaningful to themselves
No. 380703
>>380597If you're not a local?
Spain, Italy, Greece, Portugal, Ireland, Scotland and Norway.
Worst are Switzerland, Germany, Czechia, France, Austria, Sicilians
No. 380706
>>380609based, him and Joost are the true winners
>>380620thanks nonna
No. 380716
File: 1715536879987.mp4 (6.81 MB, 576x1024, Snaptik.app_736816965294756995…)

>>380643excuse the tiktok video but here's video footage of him from that event
No. 380733
>>380422We don't want to be there, thanks.
>>380419Here is where we will want to be, thank you very much.
Scandi countries have no sense of humour, and their music is bland, whereas slavs are actually funny and their music slaps.
No. 380736
>>380403>american song contest (usa)>it lasted a weekBurger here. They dragged it out over the course of 2 months iirc. They decided to do it in bracketed rounds and it sucked so hard. It lost all the magic that Eurovision has. The quality of the songs was overall much lower than Eurovision as well, although the winning song was pretty decent. It was some K-pop girlie from Oklahoma, vid related.
It was super disappointing and I wish my country wasn’t so fucking narcissistic. It really could’ve been great if they had actually modeled it after Eurovision and brought one song from every country in North and South America. But no, instead they just brought a song from each state and territory. There’s not a huge cultural difference when you break things down state by state for the most part either
No. 380739
File: 1715541058578.mp4 (8.74 MB, 1080x1080,…)

Lasagna started crying because he didn't expect huge crowd welcoming him back
No. 380745
>>380736As a european I think that sounds fun though, I'd watch it. I bet some states would churn out amazing meme songs kek not this part though
>They decided to do it in bracketed roundsthat never works well in shows, they always put the best songs against each other too early and then it becomes obvious who will win in the end
No. 380770
>>380746>There should be one for the US states, and another one for all the central and south american countries. Canada gets nothing as punishment for being a troon forefront.latin america already has one, used to have another with spain and portugal and have two more new ones in the works
you will be please to know the canadian one is on indefinite hold
No. 380789
File: 1715546428873.jpg (70.03 KB, 540x589, tumblr_61087bb6530e45bc531770a…)

they really go after shit like this and the irish gendie writing pro-peace messages in an ancient dead language
No. 380793
>>380769lmao well done this is hilarious
>>380774anon nooooooo. you can't trust a themoid
either he's gonna be indistinguishable from the average misogynistic straight man or he's on a course to troon out
No. 380795
>>380792You can kinda work it into modern Irish but not really. There was a mid alphabet that covered everything until type writers becoming a thing made it was mashed into the standard latin alphabet. It's why you have weird bits like bh making a v sound. Fun fact Ogham is supported in unicode so I can write this
ᚔ ᚂᚑᚃᚓ ᚂᚑᚂᚉᚑ
No. 380802
File: 1715547172584.png (357.06 KB, 800x1182, ogham.png)

>>380795᚛ᚆᚔ ᚅᚑᚅᚅᚐ᚜
fun fact it is the only unicode writing system were the space is not a space ' '
for those who dont know ogham was originally written on the corners of standing stones
another funfact many european universities are full of untranslated ogham manuscripts as after the fall of rome due do the spread of irish monks across europe it was one of the most common writing systems
No. 380804
File: 1715547240426.png (251.53 KB, 800x1268, ogham handwriting.png)

>>380802this is ogham handriting
No. 380812
>>380802>>380804this is so interesting, thank you
nonnie, thanks eurovision for bringing me here
No. 380817
>>380812no worries nonna,
another thing about ohgham is never call ogham runes ogham is ogham, runes are a completely unrelated germanic writting system, for some reason people get the two confused
No. 380823
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this is either performative for other gendies or he is just such a self absorbed little narcissist. he literally experienced first hand the bs israel pulled and he keeps talking about muh gender
No. 380848
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>>380837Nta but nothing I guess. You could force only a certain amount of votes by credit card but I can easily spin up a disposable one with my banking app so people could vote over and over again. I saw pic related (a professor in a pretty good university here) vote 60 times just to own the woke in his incel ways. Jury votes can ease off brigading but then you're worried about the integrity of the juries. You saw that with this, where the juries voted for a very safe neutral country to set the next one in.
The only really solution is to ban countries who are bad actors but then there needs to be a whole investigation into who's acting naughty and that's opening up a massive can of worms.
Maybe get some registered voting system but that's way too much for a silly song competition.
No. 380857
>>380848exactly, like it makes no sense to blame countries when there's literally nothing realistic can be done about it. Crazies will go crazy lengths to ruin the fun for everyone to prove something.
I wish they banned israel this year, especially when they banned other countries for less (free joost), but it's a sponsor country and not as easy as it was with russia or belarus.
No. 380863
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>Date of the article: 24 September 2019, if the contest was cancelled in 2020 does it mean that the brand is still owed one more year in the contract ?
No. 380868
>>380863Good find
nonnie. I guess it would depend upon the specific phrasing in their contract. I’m thinking because 2020 was unprecedented that they probably had to just eat that year and let it go. Or at least I’m hoping that’s the case because then that means there’s an end in sight for all this bullshit. I guess we won’t find out for several months, but I really hope they’ve spent this past season looking for new sponsors
No. 380920
>>380273Agreed. I hate the not like the other boy lyrics but musically I liked Nemo's song way better. I enjoyed the mix of pop and opera (I also loved Russian Woman back in 2021 which was similar in that regard). His staging was awful though, and so was his outfit (why do non-binaries always dress like clowns, none of them ever have cool androgynous style).
Croatia's song just sounded like a rehashed (but worse) Cha Cha Cha to me. It was so over hyped.
My favourites of the night were Ukraine and Norway. I liked Armenia too, and Ireland despite the singer being annoying.
I don't think people would be so insistent that Switzerland was trash and that the juries must be in on some scheme to stop Balkan countries from winning if Nemo had been a normal guy instead of a man with pronouns in a skirt who spun around on a huge saucer.
No. 380925
File: 1715571009819.jpeg (26.77 KB, 615x409, 1_Netherlands-Joost-Klein-Euro…)

I wonder if he's on suicide watch. Kek if he really has BPD and his ultimate dream was to be in Eurovision then I'm pretty sure he's taking it pretty rough.
>>380899Tbh all I want is the Netherlands to be able to send Joost again as a fuck you to the EBU.
>>380863Maybe it's time to search for another sponsor besides Moroccanoil after the contract ends this year.
No. 380942
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>>380936the black/white/green/red are palestinian flag colours and the patterns recall the traditional palestinian headdress.
still a relatively innocuous thing to get mad about. i can't believe ppl are getting censored over nail designs or super tame "war bad peace good" statements
No. 380945
>>380942>>380939I see it now, thanks
>>380789It took me a while to get it because I thought Iolanda was the name of a micro country or something kek. She's the portuguese participant of this year
No. 380950
>>380926Unpopular opinion but what if he really was in the wrong. I feel like the only reason people are on his side is because of the conspiracy theoriy that he got removed because of golan when in reality he got removed because he was agressive towards a female worker.
People are even making their own theories saying how she was taunting him when they weren't or saying that he didn't touch her (again you weren't there so how would you know).
No. 380977
>>380899I'm praying with u
Add 'Azerbaijan kicked out of the contest' to the list too along with some official rules about how invading a country's territory, annexation, and ethnic cleansing are all grounds for a ban
No. 380978
>>380950>People are even making their own theories saying how she was taunting him when they weren't or saying that he didn't touch her (again you weren't there so how would you know).the dutch broadcaster and sweedish police confirmed he did not touch her
it was also confirmed she was filming him against the agreed rules
it was also confirmed that she did the excact thing before and he complained
you are right that we do not what words were exchanged all we know is he said, "you again next time i will/may hit you" and that he made an 'agressive gesture' towards the camera
(both will/may have been reported to be what he said)
No. 380984
>>380980theyve let people who have done worse compete, the isreali's this year, theyve let someone peroform before who whilst at eurovision started slagging of other countries and calling them nonhuman
apparently käärijä threatened a photographer last year
honestly as the other
nonny said, we have no idea what really happened, he was also harrased by an isreali journalist due to his "why not" comment, and it is alleged the the person he had a disagreement with was part of the isreali delegation
No. 380992
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>>3809791) if you're talking about CMH that song was recorded long before the invasion, the decision to release the song was by a label. he was just a feature on the song so it obviously wasn't in his control
2) if you're talking about russian village boys then picrel
3) he didn't go to russia and perform there post-war, and i'm assuming you're probably referring to this performance, in which they only play a recording of him. at the time he was performing in the netherlands far as i've been able to search there isn't any evidence or footage of him going to st petersburg in 2022
but yeah the song is gross and creepy in general tbh i can't defend that
No. 381002
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>>381000could definitely be a reason, but there's also this tweet of his from 2018
No. 381016
>>380994This video you linked was when he was still youtuber eenhoorn joost so yeah its more of a shitpost. When he stopped being a youtuber, and started being a full time music artist. He kept the shitpost vibe for his music videos, but his text is mostly about mental health.
>I think he might have written some questionable lyrics but is it satire or playing a character, I can't tellI can translate some text for this song for you. He does use word likes bitches and hoes.
>You come in with four, five hoes (whores)>Respect for women, yes I have that too>Lesson one, Lesson one of life>Respect all bitches>Shoutout to women in the agricultural sector (this is probably because he is from Friesland which has a lot of farmers)>In high school, a woman was my mentor>So friend friend friend don't come and try to be cool>What are you doing rude?>Please don't whistle at my girlfriend> I will push you off the mountain without your skis on>Woof woof woof just like huskies>You men doing anything for the pussy>Shut the fuck up your pussy>Don't talk to me you a pussy>If you are on the bus, stand up for a woman>She was nine months fat for you (refering to pregnancy)>Be grateful>Call her and thank her>For everything she ever did>On vacation to the Everglades>I experience all levels>But I'm already settled cousin>Find a woman and say something nice>Please don't fuck it up>But don't assume her gender>You can't look it up>Find a woman and say something nice>Please don't fuck it up>But don't assume her gender>You can't look it up No. 381020
>>381017>What did he mean by this? Parody?Well yes and no.
Some of the text is obvious satirical, for example saying to respect women but then also calling them "teven" (translates to bitches). However to be fair its to make a rhyme with "leven" and "vrouwen" does not rhyme with it. He is also making jokes about assuming "her" gender at the end. So pretty much making fun at genderspecials.
However the middle part seems pretty genuine, about giving your seat to pregnant women in the bus and making sure to thank the women in your life and be grateful. Petty much saying that moids shoudlnt try to come off as cool while being rude to women.
No. 381026
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Bambie Thug working as a party princess fills me with a sense of confusion and joy
No. 381040
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>>381002ot but can't get over how funny dutch sounds
No. 381051
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For the leaked semis it's only off by 3% for Israel (I'm guessing that's what your are getting at). That just seems minor errors not anything malicious.
The finale seems to align with what's on the official site.
No. 381081
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let's be honest joost could've done a nothingburger and they still would've disqualified him because all they needed was the dumbest reason
fuck'em, I'm still vibin to euroPApaPApaPAAA
No. 381093
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>>381045I'm all for doing what you like but it's so far removed from her stage persona so that's why it surprised me. My internet sleuthing couldn't find anything of her in princess cosplay but I seen this. Same interview says Facebook hired her to dress up as Elsa for an event.
No. 381105
jerry heil wore a sweater with name banderaciaga glorifying man responsible for massacre in wołyń
No. 381148
>>381143ikr? she is adorable here
>>381106 No. 381172
>>381152>that english guyhe's actually irish
for some reason the bbc has for decades now used irish presenters for eurovision
No. 381173
>>381166ayrt i know some german and my language is gendered. in my language the words girl and boy are neutral but that doesn't make them "it". however when referring to a boy and a girl, they are still he and she unless you say "the boy/girl" where you use "it" but it's within the grammar rules. german works in a similar way but i won't delve into it as my german isn't that great
>>381172had no idea kek. not that it really matters. my country had a black man being a commentator with another guy this year(they kinda sucked tho as they weren't genuine eurovision fans and it showed)
No. 381180
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zheani on bambie thug's alleged skinwalking
No. 381181
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>>381178He literally won?
No. 381236
>>381176>>381178Do tell in what way he thinks gendie shit isn't catered to enough because I can't think of what he possible could want or need more
>>381180I have no idea what I'm looking at
No. 381296
>>381290i thought it was sad they came last, especially considering they were singing in breton,
given the history of the language it was amazing france sent a breton song only for it to come last
No. 381303
>>381003i still think 2022 was the best czech entry
i think 2023 may have been hampered as there were were conspiracy theories being shared all over twitter that it was a pro russian
terf song
No. 381308
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i can't stop thinking about him
No. 381314
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>>381182There's only so many ways you can do scratchy writing. Witch isn't original either
>>381185If she wants to go with that it's the Blair Witch logo with a couple extra squiggles
No. 381323
>>381303>>381311>>381320i just want to add that its 100% nonsense, and a ukranian
nonny debunked it before anyone thinks it's real
No. 381334
>>381176deets, is he mouthing off in interviews about gendershit or what?
>>381182that's some incredibly generic stuff, you see that kind of shit on every other goth or halloweenish thing. mights as well sue party city
No. 381412
the last irish guy the bbc used was terry wogan he did it from 1971 to 2008, then the current one took over
he still made the odd remark but was a lot nicer
but he became a lot more cynical and rude as time went on though as he viewed eurovision decline, get more politcal, and go through a number controversies
in 2008 he did a interview slagging of the whole thing and he quit
No. 381420
>>381406i dont see what they could do any differently, i mean 2 gender neutral people competed this year the first drag act in eurovision was the 80s, i dont see what the guy is complaining about
i dont think they will force it in as it may cause a loss of viewers which may lead some countries to pull out,
not only eurovision countries on the international level as well for example…
eurovision used to be big in china and this was aknowledged by that cringe song about china by the danish hosts, but china and eurovision had a big falling out due to china censoring parts of eurovision, specifically any lgbt refferences, tattoos, songs they didnt like, and countries they were currently having a spat with
eurovision is very big in latin america, and to be honest i have no idea how they would react to eurovsion forcing gendie stuff in
No. 381550
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>>381176>>381178Reminder that a lot of Europe isn't as keen on gender shit as people might think.
No. 381557
>>380677The Joost sperging online is reaching Adam Drivers levels of crazy can joostfags explain what they see in him
No. 381571
>>381557as someone who was also sperging about kaarija last year, it is the goofy guy effect. kaarija not speaking english and interacting with everyone last year made him very likeable to many people. he also had good songs but became too cringe and fujo pandering so i had to unfollow. i haven't followed joost as much i did kaarija, but despite him being kinda ugly and having a very unflattering look, i unfortunately find him kinda cute. yes sometimes i fall for the ugly guy psyop but it goes away kek
also has any dutch nonna followed him during his youtube era? he has been an OG youtuber from what i can tell and he has deleted most of his videos. from what i can tell he was the typical lul so random edgelord
No. 381572
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Do any of you think Bambie might have had some kind of mental breakdown in the last few years? Picrel is from her Facebook page. She's had the account for over a decade and all the pictures are super normal, she didn't start the goth non-binary witch schtick until more recently. She released her first song a year after this normal looking picture was posted while apparently in the midst of a drug addiction (she also posted a music video for it on a porn site). She also says she got into a toxic relationship in 2021.
I'm really curious to know when this goth non-binary stuff started, because literally everything on her Facebook depicts her as a totally normie looking woman, except for one pic from 2021, posted on the same day her first song came out (the most recent profile picture), which still isn't that out there, she just looks emo-ish in it.
I really wonder if she had some kind of mental break from the drugs and bad relationship, and the non-binary goth witch stuff came out of some terrible identity crisis. Because it just seems that she spent a long, long time being normal, and then suddenly she became a queer pagan with no in between stage or any indication that she cared for witchcraft or LGBTWIFI5G stuff at any point before that (except for supporting gay marriage in Ireland in 2015, but that's not the same as believing someone can be genderless).
No. 381579
>>381572It's probably some identity crisis, wanting to belong, wanting to be seen, drugs, attention and validation. The gender cult always preys on vulnerable people who "need to find their real selves" like that.
>>381571Yeah this, it's the inoffensive goofy silly man look they both share. Makes them look more manageable and cuter (aegyo? Kek) than your average ugly moid.
No. 381589
>>381587no i'm talking about kaarija pandering to fujos with his crew on lives and social media and that bojan guy from joker out. joker out and kaarija fandoms are literally cancer
not that kaarija wouldn't do this shit with joost but i don't think(and hope)joost does shit like this
No. 381596
>>381588>2/3 UK countries being Celtic3/4 - Wales, Northern Ireland, Scotland
plus also Isle of Mann and Cornwall
All the celtic countries compete in a song contest at the Pan Celtic Festival and i think most compete at the Liet International song contest for minority languages
No. 381599
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>>381571>>381589Aww I thought Kaarija and Bojan's interactions were cute. I like that ESC lately has more men trying to appeal to women
No. 381603
>>381599I don't know much about these two except that they still trend on tumblr to this day occasionally and adopted a seal or something.
Bojan is a top tier Euro twink for sure, and Käärijä seems funny and nice. He comes across better to me than Joost even though they're the same type of funnyman. Joost has douchey fuckboy vibes somehow, idk how to explain it.
No. 381610
>>381572I just thought it was a stage persona thing but then how she acted behind the scenes…
Girl needs help
No. 381620
>>381550What is the source of these stats? I really don't think the average Swede believes this. Or that it is that high in any country unless they misunderstood the question.
No. 381623
>>381622It sounds a little like Rammstein but not extremely similar.
Rim Tim Tagi Dim actually sounds more like a less chaotic Cha Cha Cha to me to be honest.
No. 381627
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>>381550I love that Portugal weirdly aligns with Eastern Europe on Euro stat maps
No. 381630
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Palestinians are, unsurprisingly, not happy with the virtue signalling artists in ESC.
No. 381636
>>381557With Joost and Kaarija,
People will always root for the underdog that gets their dream taken away by an unfair system. Specially if they're innofensively silly (and male). Their songs are fun.
No. 381645
>>381572What moving to London does to a bitch…
Seriously I have had 3 friends move to London and they became stereotypical tumblerinas. It didn't happen with other friends who moved to Manchester, Bristol or Dublin. That city makes people weird.
No. 381658
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>>381557>very cute>heavy dutch accent>funny>unpredictable>based>caused the most fascinating drama in esc history>makes terrible music>united europewhat's there not to like?
No. 381671
>>381658Based for the most interesting drama in esc history despite fucking up his mental health
I hope he can go back to having a decently cute look and stop looking like a pedo
No. 381674
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I feel like some of you saw pictures of him when he was younger and cuter and now only see what he once was rather than what he currently is: a mullet wearing, hipster mustache having, wall-hitting moid.
No. 381697
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>>381687Samefag, but I love how gender nonconforming and cool they all are without having weird gendie identity shit involved.
No. 381707
>>381550UK being called
terf island is very funny because compared to the rest of europe they're quite progressive when it comes to trans stuff. What is Eastern Europe then?
And I find it interesting how the most progressive countries are the richest ones.
No. 381716
>>381707Having money -> having less problems -> boredom and still wanting to have a
victim mentality and creating new problems like gender identities.
No. 381739
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>In the weeks leading up to their breakout performance and surprise Eurosong final win, the self-styled ‘Ouija pop’ artist from Macroom, Co Cork, posted to social media and opened up about suffering sexual assault at the hands of “someone I called a friend”.>"2023 was an amazing year career wise but it was also one of the hardest years I’ve had."I’ve had complex PTSD and numerous SA [sexual assaults] and childhood trauma but this year it was all reawakened in May when I was raped by someone I called a friend.
>"It happened three weeks before my debut Download Festival performance, the biggest moment in my career so far and honestly it stole the experience from me. I was completely dissociated, masking and don’t remember a second of the show. No. 381746
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>>381687Female: Victoria De Angelis, Loreen in 2012 (not when she returned with that unwashed look), Kateryna Pavlenko, Noa Kirel, Ruslana. I think Barbara Pravi and Manizha are really pretty too but not in a "hot" way, Barbara has more classical vibes and Manizha is the cute and bubbly kind of pretty.
Male: Luke Black, Jann, Eric Saade, Benjamin Ingrosso, Alvan, Bojan, Mahmood. I thought Rybak was really cute growing up too but I'm not into his look anymore. Gjon is also attractive to me even though he's not really conventionally hot, I think his face is sweet. Damiano can be very unconventionally hot when he wants, but he can also look like a starving unwashed prisoner of war so idk
Picrel is Jann. He isn't for everyone, but I appreciate him for objectifying himself for the female gaze while he's still in his prime and his movements while performing are very catlike and slinky. He pulls off the zoomer alt look better than most and I personally think more men between the ages of 18-25 should take his example and show off their bodies before hitting the wall.
No. 381753
>>381746We need more guys like Jann
>>381742He has a girlfriend (as far as I know) that has been going to his concerts and he says he wants to keep his real life private so maybe the fujo pandering maybe partly to keep her safe from weirdos but also a marketing tactic
No. 381754
>>381550proud to be Eastern european tbh
>Russia 2%based
No. 381760
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>>381748You're wrong nona it's the Irish who control everything. Sweden is a puppet state
No. 381763
>>381742I think he identifies as pansexual or something.
Personally I think he's bi. Apparently he has a girlfriend and no gay man, even the ones who don't care about fashion, would dress so unbelievably hideously like he does. But he has such a faggy voice even when he's singing and I don't think a fully straight man would have such a stereotypical gay voice
No. 381774
>>381707Pretty sure "
terf island" was coined by american TRAs shocked by outspoken british feminists online actually criticizing trans ideology. They don't care about conservative non-anglo countries, they only care about feminists.
No. 381775
>>381762ayrt and i don't think it's an unpopular opinion. He would look so much better being a irl bishie moid, but his ugliness comes not from his looks but from his mind, unfortunately.
>>381771It's funny how after the last year's fiasco with Jann and Bianka they decided to choose this year's entry for esc internally. It could be that he didn't apply even, like i wouldn't if i was in his place.
No. 381789
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This ESC was an absolute shitfest so this got overlooked, but last year Swedes bribed the juries and stole Kaarija's because of "big ABBA anniversary" only to serve us THIS CGI SLOP?!?!
It looked and sounded retarded! Even more with that faggotron Conchita singing their songs with his nasal gay voice.
What an absolute fail, I hate Sweden, what the fuck.
No. 381795
>>381790Agreed. Käärijä's song was more interesting but Loreen's song was pure jury bait. Many jurors are divorced from what fans like and treat the contest as a trade show for their radio stations and record labels. Plus a lot of them aren't fans and don't watch it regularly, they're just people who work in the music industry of their countries. Fans might have known that it was going to be the 50th anniversary of Abba's win but a lot of jurors wouldn't have because they're not big enough fans to know fun facts like that. I really do think that Loreen just had the song that appealed to the juries taste and that it wasn't some Swedish scheme. And the same for Nemo, I don't believe any theories that the juries rewarded him for being a genderspecial man. He just sent the type of serious pop song that the juries eat up and it succeeded.
Sweden hosting the contest was the best outcome considering the mess that happened this year as they have more recent hosting experience. It would have been an even crazier year if a broadcaster that's not used to hosting was in charge. Nobody knew it at the time but Loreen rescued Finland from having this catastrophe of a contest on their doorstep.
No. 381804
France's 2023 contestant La Zarra says her music video was removed from the official Eurovision channel, Eurovision France and her own channel
>"Guys, I received several messages, it seems that France Televisions removed my music video from my channel, which is still under Universal France's control. I guess they didn't like me revealing some of their practices! Well, we don't care about the clip, but the harassment continues! That's a shame, but for artists, when we're subjected to mental abuse, physical abuse, sexual abuse, threats to our careers, to our person, we don't have any resources and when we speak out, we get blocked in the industry. Imagine if I told everything, everything, everything, everything, I think it wouldn't fit in a post, it deserves a little book, don't you think?"
No. 381811
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>>381789They robbed us from more moomin and fun Käärija music and instead gave us stupid cgi holograms. I don't even hate Loreen either but her performance was so weird too
No. 381822
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Am I the only one who thinks the witchy stuff is nothing to worry about? I like her creepy aesthetic, I want women to do more creepy aesthetics that people will think as unsettling. For me, it's mostly the drugs, porn, and trans shirt what makes her cowish
>>381821>>381815>>381814sorry had to rethink the post
No. 381842
>>381841All of it? They love playing the
victim because of everything you said
No. 381853
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>>381851His Wikipedia page only says that he's bisexual.
I don't think troonism has hit the Baltics yet. The two non-binaries are from rich liberal countries and probably don't have much better to do than play pretend about being other genders.
No. 381855
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His twitter account though
No. 381885
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>>381884Eh it's a joke thing mimicking the "Jew's run the World" conspiracy so I don't mind so much. It's not supposed to be taking seriously at all. Anyway here's pt3
No. 381896
>>381888no it's an irish pointing out it was made by a retard who thought:
celt = irish despite that not being the case at all
has confused irish with scottish gaelic
called a bunch of americans irish
including the fact some of these americans had zero irish ancestry
No. 381915
>>381900i understand and i know i overreacted
but i just have a sore spot about the missinterpretaion and missinformation surrounding irish history and culture, as well as the history and culture of celtic cultures as a whole
No. 381953
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I like browsing the reddit for retarded takes like this one (in a thread questioning what Denmark should do to qualify again).
No. 381958
>>381914Got a random woman who participated in the international finals this year, didn't even get to the main final. Some guy who wrote the songs for some of the past contestants we had, none of them winners. A classic pianist and the last one is our voice for Elsa in Frozen.
I hate everything.
No. 381968
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>>381860the most kissable face. not white trash. white gold. not a fuckboy, a loveboy. not ugly, gorgeous.
No. 381977
god you joostfags are insufferable. idolising people and especially moids is pure low iq behavior
>>381550virgin westerners vs chad balkans and eastern europe
No. 382099
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>>381180Since Bambi is a skin walking Swede I’m inclined to believe Zheani. Apparently after Zheani called out Bambi she immediately unfollowed Zheani on instagram. Not only that but the people who worked on Bambi’s song also follow Zheani.
No. 382157
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>Disqualifies the pro EU song that heavily feautures the EU flag
>EU flag banned in the arena
>EU politicians in the audience had their flags confiscated
Why does the EBU hate the EU?
No. 382168
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>>382165Still as cringe as the Hide hologram from X Japan was.
No. 382170
>>382165I feel like millennials and gen z only like hologram concerts as long as they're cartoony, like Miku/Vocaloid, Gorillaz, and Splatoon since we all know these drawings don't exist in real life and never will, so it's as close as we'll get to seeing them on stage.
But when it comes to real people, me and others agree that it feels weird to witness and a little bit disrespectful. If ABBA is ok with this though, then that's another story. Maybe boomers and gen Xs think of holograms of real people as totally cool and are amused by it, they do have a different relationship with technology anyway.
No. 382175
>>382170>Maybe boomers and gen Xs think of holograms of real people as totally cool and are amused by itEven just 15-20 years ago tech not even 1/10 as good was praised to heavens for looking amazing, and their target demographic aren't used to even that level
Correcting my earlier post they started the concerts in 2022 and wikipedia says the following:
>As of September 4, 2023, 'ABBA Voyage' sold more than 1.5 million tickets and has generated over $150 million in sales, outperforming many major live shows. The venue maintains a near-perfect attendance record, with a 99% full house every night. The show runs seven times a week, earning over $2 million weekly, with an average ticket price of around £85 ($105)Trust me, they ain't feeling disrespected with all that money
No. 382218
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>>381180I think this is dumb because literally everyone who thinks they're a witch is larping anyway, this Zheani person did not invent that scratchy font, and the sigils Bambie uses are celtic, so if we're playing that game Bambie has more claim to them as an Irishwoman than this Australian does. I do think it was based of Zheani to call out bambie for just picking up the witch shit for commercial gain though. Picrel is a comment from Zheani's Instagram that has me dying kek, these people are absolute losers, imagine thinking being normie is a bad thing
No. 382220
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This woman is a complete nobody in Ireland, she hasn't pissed anyone off except a couple of ESC fans kek
No. 382223
>>382191Loreen was jury bait in the form of having a very artistic performance + being of an indigenous african ethnic group (moroccan berber) + having a woman win twice makes the ESC look good.
Nemo was jury bait in that he also had an artistic performance (though in his case it was all about shallow gendershit) + is another "man in a dress/skirt", aka definitely totally counts as gay representation + is the first non-binary/trans person to win which makes the ESC look good and relevant to current social justice causes.
No. 382225
>>382223I am also of Moroccan Amazigh extraction so it was nice seeing some of the symbolism in her performance, but idk if I'd call Loreen's panini press staging "artistic" tbh
Or Nemo running around on a ginormous dinner plate for that matter (what is up with all these kitchen utensils being used in the winner's staging???)
No. 382229
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>>382225>idk if I'd call Loreen's panini press staging "artistic" tbh Or Nemo running around on a ginormous dinner plate for that matter The artistic bait wasn't for normies like us nona, just like how when a painter just paints a white square and have art critics drool over it that also just makes normies scratch their heads and wonder why it's worth an insane amount of money
No. 382238
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>>382236Not her dress, but her stage looked like she was inside one of these
No. 382269
>>382204KEK what is that chorus/hook?? it's practically vid rel.
i would have loved a non-gendie witch, especially a polish one, but this song would have been memed into obliteration. plus it's a little too heavy-handed with the whole "witcher" thing and makes it seems like a video games is poland's sole achievement
maybe they're right about that kek No. 382347
>>382333i'm going to be basic and say
the netherlands but to be fair i've been listening to his stuff since one of his songs blew up last summer so i'm biased… although i'm listening to his other material way more than the song he participated with. also france's song for whatever reason has been getting stuck in my head frequently, especially the chorus kek honestly i kinda liked it in spite of everything…
No. 382350
>>382339Finland were a lot of fun, glad to see someone else liked it! although I could have done without the nudity from that greasy moid… but the spirit of the song was very on point for eurovision and was genuinely entertaining.
>>382333Spain, Croatia, Finland and Austria were the most entertaining for me.
No. 382360
>>382350samefag and sorry if this it ot but just got reminded of this excellent parody of a 90's eurovision banger. Finland were obviously going for something similar
No. 382492
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This milk is actually insane. They did a sketch that makes fun of Eurovision artists on Israeli TV with Eden Golan.
>Following a Eurovision unlike any other last weekend in which Israel’s contestant, Eden Golan, faced threats, harassment, boos, and rudeness of practically every kind imaginable, the comedy show, Eretz Nehederet (Wonderful Country) on Keshet 12, featured a sketch Tuesday night in which Defense Minister Yoav Gallant kidnaps the Eurovision contestants who called for Israel to be banned and who asked not to sit in the same room with Golan.>Switzerland’s Nemo, who won the competition this year; Ireland’s snarling self-described “witch” Bambie Thug; Holland’s Joost Klein; and Greece’s Marina Satti were all brought blindfolded to the studio to apologize to an exhausted Eden Golan.>Eretz regular Shani Cohen was doing an impression of Golan, when the genuine article walked in, smiling graciously, as she did in spite of everything throughout the competition. Gallant orders the crass and classless contestants to beg for forgiveness. When they don’t cooperate, Gallant brings in Yizhar Cohen, the first Israeli to win Eurovision in 1978, who also fails to elicit any remorse from the Euro-brats.>Finally, Golan saves the day, saying, “It’s OK, let them go, I forgive them, music brings us together.” Gallant asks if she really forgives them, and she jokes that she did better than most of them in the competition, which was the truth true. Golan came in fifth, higher than any of these haters except Nemo, and second in the audience voting.>In an appropriate coda to the sketch, the always positive Golan brings Nemo another trophy to replace the one he dropped, which he then drops again.>Host Eyal Kitzis says that while Golan may have forgiven them, “karma doesn’t forgive [them].”Source: No. 382493
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>>382477Not even Silvester knows why. It was just randomly removed.
No. 382502
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>>382220>>382222>killstar gothWhoever decided to name it that doesn't seem to realize that goth is meant to be sinister underground music.. Nothing about their shit is goth
No. 382504
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Saged for double-posting. By the way when I said "their shit" I meant "Zheani and Bambie's", I'm not respecting Bambie's dellusions
>>382222>At least Irish people have some claim in the occult/ pagan aesthetic. No. 382534
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>>381697I saw them live and women screamed more for Victoria than for the other moids.
I'm straight but
No. 382589
>>382504whoever made this has no idea what the fuck they are talking about
firstly moddern witchcraft and pagansim is just modern larping with a whole bunch of random shit stuck togeather from multiple sources along with made up shit
secondly of all the celts werent a single culture there were many celtic cultures in the past each with their own unique differences
>neolithic people worshiped the great motherwe have no idea what neolithic people worshiped as they left no written records
>celts didnt build neolithic sitescorrect but as you can see below their ancestors did. celts worshiped at sacred groves called nemota (sing. nemeton). they revered neolithic sites as they believed their gods made them
>celts genocided the peoplethere is no evidence for this genetic testing shows that the neolithic people just adopted celtic culture. celtic culture spread through trade people adopted the culture by trading with celts hence why it was so widespread. also when celts did invade and area they just replaced the ruling class and converted everyone to celtic belief
>the celts worshipped patriarchal sky godsthe majority of celtic gods were female, the gods worshiped changed from group to group, some of the most important gods were the soverienty goddesses, each tribe had their own and she represented the land and the right of the people to live there and the right of the king to rule over them. If there was famine or disasters it meant their sovreinty goddess revoked the kings right to rule so he had to be killed and replaced with a new one.
The irish call their gods the 'children of danu' with danu being the mother of dagda so she was clearly important.
The Celts by Alice Roberts
Celtic Myths and Legends by Peter Berresford Ellis
The Celtic Myths: A Guide to the Ancient Gods and Legends by Miranda Aldhouse-Green
No. 382616
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my favourite part of eurovision every year as a balkanoid is going from nationalistic sperging to picrel within only a few hours kek
No. 382631
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Croatian government decided to grant $50000 euro to Baby Lasagna for "enormous promotion" of Croatia.
But he declined money
>"I thank the Croatian government for the monetary award in the amount of 50,000 euros. However, I cannot accept this money. I could give many reasons why, but the first, most important and sufficient one is that there are many other individuals and organizations who will be helped by this money much more ", Marko wrote.
>"Hereby, I am asking Mr. Plenković(prime minister) to donate 25,000 euros on my behalf and on behalf of the Croatian government to the Institute for Pediatric Oncology and Hematology with the Mladen Ćepulić Day Hospital. Furthermore, I would like to donate the other 25,000 euros to the Institute for Pediatric Hematology, Oncology and Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation KBC Zagreb . Thank you," he said.
No. 382646
>moids callled Spain's Nebulossa a granny and reeee why does an old woman sing a feminist songno surprises here, fat balding men picking on women again with age shit, she looks great for her age (almost 60) and her song was bomb
>>382631he is genuinely a nice guy and I hope his music career takes off
>>382645I'm eastern european and can confirm that is a lifechanging amount, my salary at my old company was 750 euros
if you take an average IT worked who earns ~2k eur monthly it's still years worth of savings
No. 382650
>>382646samefag, but I wanted to say I've read that his gf pushed him to make the song and apparently she's the one who helped with his outfits/videography, I find that really cool and sweet
a lot of people called him "discount rammstein" or some other shit like this (when he was announced as the representative for the country) , I hope those people eat their words now kek
The official video for the song is people he knows or he asked to be in it also, nothing fancy or high production, but I like that it illustrates their culture.
He also said that during his semifinal performance he did not expect the whole stadium to blow up at the bridge (dance with me europe) since he was facing the arena backwards , and had a bit of a shock when he turned and saw the whole arena do the hand thing (the rehearsals didn't have the bracelets lit and the place was empty)
Also I think he had some kind of lasagna collab with kaufland or something like that kek, one website even gave a few lasagna with baby diaper orders.
I'm all for wholesome content like this.
No. 382652
>>382624It's honestly embarrassing for her that they took out a Times Square billboard, had their former government spokesman make an "emergency appeal," recorded ads in English, Estonian, French, Czechia, Lithuanian, Latvian, Italian, Spanish, Albanian, and Georgian, and Israel supporters who don't even watch the contest voted for her 20 times (some even bragged about voting more than that by using different credit cards). They put all that money and energy into astroturfing and payola. And they still lost the jury vote to a guy rotating on a huge plate and lost the televote to a dude called Baby Lasagna. Absolute L.
No. 382684
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No. 382714
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i've also heard that Joost has his first gig since eurovision next sunday, wonder if he'll say anything about the incident then?
No. 382739
>>382736>>382696>manI thought this was a woman? she's saying she's never felt comfortable as a woman but doesn't want to identify as a man either. she's one of the very few and very very special people who don't conform 100% to masculine or feminine stereotypes.
>>382684and why is she announcing this in a group about The Sandman kek
No. 382793
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the bambie ass kissers are actually turbo retarded. the world is eternally doomed
No. 382803
>>382768The issue is the label goth being attached to it, not the label killstar, read the post fully. Goths have been upset with their name being misused for decades. Hope this helps.
>>382684These same people will deny that you can be influenced into the whole gendie bullshit. Troons and enbies cannot claim to be genocided while at the same time being celebrated on a stage for the world to see.
No. 382809
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>>382631based. selfless and willing to make a dofference. Meanwhile the swiss themoid only cares about his own navel and only uses his platform to try to get his special gender mentioned on his passport
No. 382852
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>>382809I'm still baffled that he is so invested in his nonbinary shit while most people surrounding him in esc were invested in Palestine and Israel. Like ok maybe he didn't want to get invested but ffs, talking about the nonbinary shit is extremely tone-deaf considering the circumstances.
And I see people on twitter praising him as if we don't have more pressing matters to attend to instead of some fictional gender on a passport.
No. 382882
>>382875exactly. Like ofc it's a really uncomfortably sexual performance and all that stuff, but how the fuck did it get zero? The artist is decently known, openly gay, the song is great, how did it get zero??
Another thing it's funny how there are possibly like 4 lesbian/bi women in this year's esc that weren't qualified to the final. Aiko and a drummer from Megara are supposedly dating now (might be just a rumor though), Saba (Denmark) is dating/was dating a woman, the frontwoman of Megara is married to a woman. But since they are not openly genderqueers no one gives a damn about them i guess.
No. 382885
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>>382871Bambie Thug copying Zheani has been adressed, but not many people seem to notice how Nemo's performance kinda looks like Jann's. The moves, at least.
Does anyone else think Nemo's song would be something a flamboyant goofy Disney villain would sing?
No. 382889
>>382882It got zero because his singing was awful live.
Same story with Mae last year, decent song but awful live that killed its chances.
No. 382890
>>382885I actually think the opening part of The Code sounds a lot like Gladiator too.
Jann did it way better. He had sex appeal and at least pulled off the Tiktok alt outfit he was wearing. Nemo looked like an ugly clown running around on a giant frying pan lid.
No. 382893
>>382809Passports have sex listed on them and not gender. Passport checkers and border control don't give a shit about your ~special gender identity~. Nor does someone who checks your ID.
Gendies and gendie issues are propped by politicians and corpos to distract us from actual issues, istg.
No. 382924
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>>382492it seems like eden golan herself has participated in this sketch. there's pictures of some actress/comedian dressed as her which i thought this was but nope it's actually eden
No. 382929
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>>382924eden and her impersonator for reference
>>382890>I actually think the opening part of The Code sounds a lot like Gladiator too.omfg, anon me too !!! i thought i was just making associations that weren't there so i brushed it off kek
No. 382939
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I thought there were just a few countries that drew this producer decides thing, where a producer can choose any running order they want in the final, but apparently there were so many it's ridiculous.
All of these new rules/additions in the last few years have been completely unnecessary. Don't know how you feel about the 'rest of the world' votes, but I hate it. (I am aware it's just one batch of points, I'm just that petty.)
No. 382955
>>382948I know it's a different country, different laws, different people and blah blah blah, but it blows my mind how someone can work in an area that not everyone has access to, sign some work related papers with a bunch of rules to follow and just completely ignore the requests by the delegation. Surely, as a photographer/cameraman you would know about the importance of consent, especially when you were hired by the national broadcaster to work on such a huge international event. And then, when you were the one who was unprofessional and didn't follow the rules/important requests went to report this (based on the officially released information) minuscule incident to the police?
I can't imagine something like that happening on the streets - someone filming random people gets called out for that, doesn't do anything and thus is insulted and maybe pushed by the filmed people, then goes to complain about it to the police. It just sounds crazy, especially when there was no physical harassment, only an alleged threat, that no one knows what it was exactly.
No. 383422
>>382882>>382875Being gay or bi isn't cool and controversial anymore. It's all about wearing cute pink skirts as a guy and being nonbinary for these people
>>382871Yeah I really don't see what part of his performance was revolutionary at all
>>382893This lmao. I don't get what the push for your gender identity to be added to your passport is all about, at least not from Nemo that looks 100% like a moid in a skirt.
No. 383550
>>383533Yeah I don't get it either but it adds to the conspiracy
>>383535>>383437100% agree
No. 383556
>>383533>>383550>Yeah I don't get it either but it adds to the conspiracyIt doesn't, non-competing countries (not just the US) were allowed to vote last year too, that was months before the Israel/Hamas conflict escalated.
It's just an extra source of revenue for EBU (or cashgrab depending how you look at it). Inflation has hit ESC too and multiple countries dropped out in recent years because they can't afford it anymore, EBU needs money.
No. 383729
>>383437oh that definitely happened
they realized what a shitshow it would be if israel won and had to pick a song that fits the agenda, so they chose switzerland
No. 384015
This went viral zoomers are tired of the spicy straights. Nemo got called out kek
No. 384091
>>384087I think Nemo having decent vocals was a part of it tbh. Olly can't sing live. Conchita Wurst won the whole show in full drag attire a decade ago with actually good vocals.
The only time the UK has done well this decade is when they sent Sam Ryder, who unlike James, Mae and Olly can sing well live.
No. 384234
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late to the shitshow but wow, Latvia's performance is just a leukemia patient standing inside a gargantuan cock ring.
No. 384260
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I found Nemo on a random YouTube video from a month ago?
No. 384932
>>384910I hate how ppl I know irl don't think the same. It's probably the song I have listened to the most from this year
Vidrel a cool cover
No. 385089
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Baby Lasagna has won the You're A Vision award (best dressed at eurovision)
Ireland came second followed by the Netherlands
Käärijä won in 2023
No. 386058
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Apparently the Israeli commentators made a comment about how people don't care about the war in Ukraine anymore so they're forced to send good songs now. Vanya from Go_A replied on twitter
What do you nonnies think, do you think this will impact next year's edition in any way? It does feel like the tensions are very high as more and more of the Israeli commentary and their delegation's behaviour is resurfacing