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No. 2024389

Thread to discuss the current psyop regarding ugly 2d-men getting shilled as attractive. Discuss beauty double standars in media, ugly male characters being shilled as attractive, lack of attractive men in video games, etc
>do not try to defend ugly men ITT no1currs

ugly man psyop thread
husbando thread
>>>/g/399542(unnecessary thread, you can use ugly man psyop thread for 2d and 3d characters)

No. 2024400

thread image is 3d though

No. 2024444

Y'all need Jesus

No. 2024490

KEK that threadpic. I'm sure it was made as a joke but out of curiosity I went on twitter and searched "fat astarion":
>give me fat astarion cowards
>I think I struck gold the other day. BG3 astarion but fat, for your consideration
>Just fantasizing about the idea of Astarion becoming so fat and out of shape that he can barely keep up with his companions

We are never making it out of the trenches at this rate

3D animated characters still count at 2D in a sense that they aren't real and only exist on a screen

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