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No. 1989451
thread rules:
>no racebait >no infighting >don't reply to bait >rest of /ot/ board rules apply >farmhands are always watching previous thread:
>>1977077 No. 1989527
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This is terrible and overrated. The flavor just sucks. Apparently Hawaiian bread isn't even Hawaiian either, it's Portrugeese. And while we're at it, throw brioche bread in the garbage too.
No. 1989552
>>1989543>shiteFake American or Britboo?
Jokes aside though, apparently white bread is sweet to them and that's why they say that
No. 1989699
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i actually like the "sad millenial grey/beige" style. i think it looks clean, cozy and bright.
No. 1989718
>>1989699this. the maximalist crowd are the same ones who are against consumerist culture but the only way to have a cluttered, maximalist hoarder’s paradise is by buying unnecessary clutter and junk. they get easily
triggered at clean and orderly homes and apartments and i wonder why, is it the child trauma crowd or something
No. 1989796
>>1989713If a woman is so mentally weak that she cannot stand the physical fact that women can make children but men cannot, and her solution to this is her pretending she's not a woman anymore, then that's her problem. She's weak and it's not anyone's job to coddle her because she can't accept reality.
Plus, being told that giving birth is the most powerful thing you can do, doesn't mean you have to do it. I've seen human bodies run ultra marathons and lift cars, but I'm not going to spend my life training just to do something because my body is capable of it, I'm going to live life as my values are fit. But that doesn't change the fact that people can and do run ultra marathons and that it's way more impressive than my daily strolls in the park.
No. 1989809
>>1989765I have what might be considered a 'maximalist' apartment because I am poor so my apartment is small, and I make a lot of art that I hang on my walls/restore furniture I find on the street myself, and collect/display old things that were handed down to me by relatives or friends or made for me by them, like friends' art and books. Very little of it is related to 'consoom' of any kind, I basically never buy items for myself of any kind unless I really need them.
Also 'maximalist' decor is more related to the amount of color and pattern in the items you do have, not how many total items you have. This clean beige apartment has a standing mirror, throw pillows, throw blanket, rug and couch just like a 'maximalist' apartment would, but the maximalist apartment would have colorful or printed ones not all flat beige.
No. 1989820
>>1989809Samefagging but two of the things that are required for these 'aesthetic' minimalist apartments are 1. a lot of space and good natural light, which poorer people usually can't afford, since it just looks like a dingy bachelor pad if you have grey/beige furniture crammed into a tiny dark space, and 2. the ability to buy things new since a lot of people with 'maximalist' decor are thrifting or using hand-me-downs and gifts for decor that won't all match. To get and maintain (i.e. launder) white/beige matching furniture, decor, etc. that all looks good quality and in good shape and arrange it aesthetically in a space where it will look impressive actually takes a lot more money and planning than having a more eclectic space.
I largely modeled my decor style after my Eastern European grandma's tiny apartment in one of those communist block buildings and she has always lived way under the poverty line, her home always seemed more inviting to me because it had the character of all the things she'd been gifted, made, or bought with her tiny poverty salary over decades rather than looking like a showroom.
No. 1989831
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>>1989809>poor opinion discounted. maximalism is in its very name, you decorate and clutter it to the “max” and minimalism is when you reduce the amount of clutter and decor you have in your space. i’m a poorfag too but you can have a minimalist home and have it be just as colorful and vibrant as a maximalist one
No. 1989841
>>1989831The post this conversation started with was a pic of a room that's completely white/beige with no art on the walls, not 'minimalist' in the sense of being colorful and full of patterns and art but not-a-hoarder-apartment. My apartment looks a lot closer to the one in your pic than the beige one, and yes I am poor. Like 8 years ago I bought a 30 dollar set of watercolors and some pads of watercolor paper and my walls are almost as covered as the ones in your pic, with my own art I make with paints and paper, plus other art I have found or been given by friends.
If you google 'minimalist decor' it's rarely printed/patterned rugs, bright colored couches with clashing throw pillows and rugs, etc. I guess technically speaking you could call this decor minimalist on the basis that it doesn't involve very many items but that's not how anyone uses the word.
>>1989838I don't follow any trends, my apartment is the way it is because I have been collecting and making stuff I like in it for 13 years, but other people who aren't me call it maximalist decor so I assume that's what maximalist decor means. It doesn't have to be a trend and honestly neither does minimalism, there are many different ways to have a minimalist living space that don't look like each other. I like some of them but not the sad beige type with no art or personal items whatsoever.
No. 1989857
>>1989853Yeah I'd say it's not intentionally maximalist but it ends up looking pretty close to pictures of 'maximalist' spaces I see although I do still leave a bit more bare space on walls than what I see in some maximalist decor images. But I don't shy away from filling more of my wall or shelf space when I make or get something new, I don't usually take things that are already there away to create more empty space unless it's something bulky like a piece of furniture.
I'm basically just going by how I see other people defining these words, it's not like I intentionally decorated that way years back because I predicted a 2020s trend in advance.
No. 1989871
>>1989860I'm not a mother and don't want kids but I find it kind of upsetting how people on this site and in reality treat mothers sometimes because my mom was one of those formerly high level professional, extremely well educated women who had a child and started being horribly mistreated by everyone for suddenly being a mom. She even had people saying stuff to her like 'ugh you're such a mom now' as an insult because she was slightly more boring after having me, and she wasn't even boring at all, she lived her own life, did a couple graduate degrees while I was a kid, had tons of friends and hobbies and I always thought she was really cool and independent growing up. She didn't even have me intentionally, she was one of those people who couldn't go through with the abortion they wanted to get. I kind of think becoming a mom was really bad for her but not because of motherhood itself being so hard on her, she loved me a lot and didn't lose her personality or autonomy, but because of how godawful almost everyone was to her and how they stopped treating her like an individual respectable human being because suddenly she's 'just a mom.'
If women were better supported and allowed to have actual interests, personalities and lives while being moms instead of criticized and shamed constantly this wouldn't even be nearly as big of a problem, the reason why women feel like their lives are over once they become mothers is at least 50% because other people treat them that way and turn it into a reality.
No. 1989884
>>1989873Both this and the opinion you're responding to are correct. Female musicians who aren't young and conventionally hot really have a near-zero chance of making a good career and that's part of the reason, but shitty generic music being shilled and performed by nepo babies is also a big part of the reason.
I think the third reason is that most people listen to music on free streaming sites like spotify, itunes etc. which are basically legalized piracy, so it's basically impossible for non-nepo babies to make a career in music anymore. Everyone listens to tons of music but hardly anyone thinks they should compensate musicians so unless you have family wealth or got extremely lucky, it's not possible to devote a lot of your time to making music.
Also a fourth factor is production standards becoming extremely specific. It used to be that live recorded music or music that wasn't autotuned/melodyned, mixed/mastered to a very specific highly compressed volume, etc. was still listened to but it takes a lot of money, time and resources to make music fit those specifications and that's just not available to people who don't have tons of money/time and/or a big label.
No. 1989903
>>1989894>>1989860I'm sorry but motherhood is the only socially acceptable life path for women, how is it hated aside from a tiny minority? Having a kid is the standard life path and anything less means being considered being a lonely pathetic failure and an empty egg carton. If you choose not to be a mother then you're REALLY gonna be hated by moids and pitied by women. You can only get away with being childless/childfree until a certain age, being a mother is the only way to reach old age with some modicum of respect.
Don't get me wrong, i'm not denying that mothers are unfairly judged and disrespected but it's like… what do you think women who aren't mothers experience?
No. 1989935
>>1989932No nona please elaborate I'm actually really interested.
I was saying radpilled ironically because old school radfems weren't all anti-natalists and often talked about mothers and motherhood positively. I don't know why some people are so dead-set on insisting that near-singlehandedly creating life in their bodies as female mammals do is completely uninteresting, pedestrian, etc. because it is a legitimately fascinating process whether you support human women being mothers or not.
No. 1989963
>>1989952Like other anons have said, all this applies to child free women too.
>eat junk food? go hit the gym you landwhale, fat chicks are disgusting. your husband deserves a 10/10>go a few miles over the speed limit? hurr durr women are terrible drivers, get back in the kitchen>forget something at the grocery store? bitches can’t do anything right>work late? that’s what you deserve for choosing a career over being a mother, you’re gonna die alone with 26 catsIt’s not a competition kek
No. 1989980
My unpopular opinion is that infighting is lame uwu.
Actually sterilization is one of the few ways to prevent the abuse of children before it occurs. Addicts, those convicted of violent/sex crimes, parents with more then two baby mommas/daddies, and people with more then 5 kids should be sterilized. Addicts will pimp out their children or rape them themselves. There are chronically pregnant women with multiple baby daddies abusing their daughters and robbing them of their childhood and innocence. Males will have 5 or 6 different mothers to their children, never pay child support, and never show up for their kids. There is no reason why violent criminals are allowed to reproduce. Males convicted of rape or molestation should have their dick and balls cut off. Female criminals should be sterilized as well, narc moms who beat and pimp their daughters for existing tend to have assault or prostitution charges in my area. Funnily enough sterilizing addicts would probably take out most of these retards out of the gene pool. If a baby is found with meth in it's system after birth just sterilize its egg donor before she fucks up another kid. Parenthood is not a right all deserve. It is not sacred nor does it make someone a better person by default. Willingly having a baby isn't a right, it's an oath to another person(a small and helpless one incapable of advocating for itself). Willingly having a baby means you are committed to caring for, teaching, and advocating for this person who can't do it for themselves yet. In addition, abortion for any and every reason should be normalized and legal. One thing we need normalize is aborting males more often to get the crime rates down. Another thigs is that it's cruel to birth a being who will never be able to care for itself. If extreme disabilities can be detected in the womb then abortion should be the only consideration. It's selfish and short sited for parents to knowingly spawn tard babies because they never think about what will happen to their children when mommy and daddy die. It's not pretty it's depressingly sad. They get forgotten about if they are lucky or abused if they are unlucky. That being said we should as a society create a better support system for nonviolent addicts and poor families. The worst of addiction is fueled by poverty. Giving nonviolent addicts the choice between intense rehabilitation or prison should be more common then it already is. Rehab should include free housing, therapy, and job training. Setting recovering addicts up with jobs takes some of the stress off their shoulders. Whether rehab works solely depends on their own willpower but it is possible. Maternity leave should last a year. Diapers and formula should be available should mothers need it. Free daycare should be the norm for those making under a certain amount of money. Poor, but working parents deserve support just as much as welfare queens. Fathers that don't pay child support get sterilized. If they don't willingly pay then the support is taken from their checks. If they are not working then they get sent to a prison camp or something. Single mother's deserve their own child friendly apartments only open to other single moms.
No. 1989988
>>1989980I 100% agree with you in theory nona and most of this seems common-sense except for the fact that if there were laws like this they could be abused really easily. People do sometimes get falsely convicted of crimes, imagine a woman falsely convicted of a crime who later gets exonerated having been sterilized in the meantime. It could start being used for e.g. genetic markers that create a higher risk of diseases but the baby that's born might be totally healthy and functional. I don't think forcibly sterilizing people works that well in practice and it can lead to governments taking more and more control over their populations via eugenics even if it started out reasonable.
Euthanasia is a really good real-world example of this, I always supported euthanasia in theory because what possibly could go wrong with someone who wants to die being given the means to safely and painlessly do so when the time comes? But I live in Canada and now we have people being denied health care and housing and being pressured to euthanize themselves because they're war vets with trauma, paraplegic, amputees, etc. or young women with mental illnesses. Now the Canadian government is trying to push through MAID for children including children with mental disorders. Doctors and nursing staff are encouraged to promote MAID as a 'treatment option' for anyone with a difficult-to-treat disease because the other treatments are too expensive for the taxpayer. There was recently a Canadian female vet who had a leg blown off who was asking veterans assistance for a wheelchair stair lift for her house she owned because she couldn't use the upper floors and they said they won't pay for that but they will pay for MAID. This is my issue with the forced sterilization thing, I don't trust government entities (even potentially future ones that are worse than the current ones) not to abuse this authority, otherwise I would be 100% for sterilizing criminals etc.
No. 1990078
>>1990064>>1990066The problems with both UBI and this plan is that even under the current non-UBI system, most higher-up members of companies/corporations/etc. leech most of the profits of labor off the exploited workers and don't want to give that up. UBI could only work in a system where there was a lot of free flowing capital that wasn't hoarded by the top 1%, that way jobs could be lucrative but robots or AI taking over bs jobs could also create enough capital to give subsistence-level pay to people under the poverty line. The Bertrand Russell (he's a crazy technocrat tho) idea of just working fewer hours could work too, considering most office workers only work 3-5 hours per day on their '8 hour' shifts, if labor was compensated more generously and fairly. Under the current system even people who do highly skilled labor for many hours are exploited to the max, I just finished a STEM PhD where the expectations were that we consistently work between 60-100 hours a week (in both teaching and research simultaneously) and after tuition we made about half of minimum wage at best, while every single tenure track professor makes 6 figures and admin often makes millions. The problem is that the inequality between upper and lower positions and their earnings is a basic expectation now, so if UBI was implemented it would most likely inevitably just lead to runaway inflation as people would expect more prestigious jobs to be even higher compared to the minimum UBI.
I don't even care if some NEETs are useless and get subsistence level welfare, some people will always resist social participation and having retards out and about standing in lines may make life more dangerous for normal people. But unless employees/labor are considered the more valuable position in the workplace over employers and C-suite there will never be any equalization of income and all UBI is likely to lead to is inflation. I'm not even a Marxist or anything but labor unions etc. actually ceasing to act cucked/in with the bosses and putting their foot down would likely do a lot more to help regular people than government handouts since the main problem with our system is the extreme inequality of essential labor being viewed as completely useless while C-suite people are wildly overcompensated.
I've seen the arguments that UBI would actually streamline the bureaucracy involved in welfare such that it would be cheaper for taxpayers and I never want to pass up an opportunity to get rid of useless government/admin red tape bureaucratic grifters, but I just feel like the class divide is so entrenched that they would never let UBI happen no strings attached. They would start attaching conditions to what you can use it for, making it expire after the month is over, having credit checks for housing that depend on your UBI status etc. and it would just retrench the same social system we have now.
No. 1990114
>>1990088Okay so your two suggestions I have very different responses to, and full disclosure a few years ago and for most of my life I was fully socialist but some recent developments made me more amenable to 'free market' solutions in theory (even though they don't really exist in reality). First with the stock market thing, I get why people are opposed to it as it can be basically a pyramid scheme in a lot of sectors, but I think abolishing the stock market is both unrealistic and would be a net negative for poor to middle class people. The first reason for this is that people with low earnings/capital can't really make investments that keep up with inflation in most countries unless it's via stock trading. I am under the poverty line and have been for a long time but I managed to invest a smallish amount of savings 2-3 years ago and make about 40% returns on them trading individual stocks, which would have been completely possible with any other type of investment. People of my financial standing can't afford major assets like housing, land, etc. and other 'basket' types of investments like guaranteed GICs basically keep up with inflation at best. Unfortunately the amount I initially invested was so low that it didn't pay for much, but it paid for rent and food for a few months while my
abusive boss withheld pay, which is something I never could have accomplished without stock trading. It's probably the most accessible form of investment to lower-income people except for maybe 'flipping' smaller items like if you have a skill in refurbishing musical instruments, furniture, cars, etc. but that requires a lot of time and gear unlike stock trading. The other reason I think abolishing stocks is unrealistic/not a good idea is that companies need investment regardless, and if stocks weren't publicly traded that would make investment even more of a black box available only to the rich who have enough capital to invest large amounts in companies, basically cutting out smaller investors from the market entirely. The third reason I can think of is that stock options are frequently a form of benefit/extra compensation in smaller companies, co-ops, startups etc. that actually incentivizes workers to work hard in their (often low paying) roles because if the company succeeds, they will massively succeed too, and this actually is one of the more direct forms of compensating lower-level labor for companies that otherwise wouldn't have the capital to compensate workers in the early stages of the company's operations. I actually think for people who want to take on high risk to contribute to a new business, stock options are a great way to directly compensate workplace success with no middleman.
Re: the top echelon only earning a certain % above the lowest worker, this has actually been tried in some economies - notably AFAIK Japan has or had this system. I am in favor of it in theory as it seems like a best of both worlds approach where if C-suite wants to earn more they also have to pay more, but there are obvious downsides if you look at what has happened in, e.g., the Japanese economy. What often ends up happening with these businesses is that they end up extremely understaffed due to corporate not wanting to hire too many lower-level workers at high wages, and unpaid overtime/exhaustingly long work hours and ridiculous job tasks become the norm for these companies. I do think a modified or hybrid version of this could work though, for example if it was combined with France-like labor laws which mandated maximum work hours (that are actually enforced) or if these companies were also allowed to hire for part-time/intern positions with relatively lower pay for more menial tasks. The problem with that of course is it can also be abused with interns or part-time contract workers being given higher-level tasks to 'prove' themselves to the company with a FT position being held over their heads. The idea of a certain % profit having to go back into either employee salaries or the community seems overall like a good one although I'm sure there's also ways companies could exploit that.
Even with my PhD experience, I knew of labs run by very famous scientists where they got around the minimum stipend specifications by paying students and then having the students pay the professor back in cash under the table, because people were so desperate to be in those labs they would do it for free. There's no way to completely prevent this of course but some form of wage/benefit/retirement package/expenses caps on high-level positions would probably do a lot to help along with getting IRS-type agencies to mostly target high earners to make sure they're not messing around. Unfortunately rich people always end up being in bed with government agencies like the tax service and getting away with never paying or properly reporting taxes while low/mid earners get targeted.
No. 1990119
>>1990088>>1990114Samefagging but regarding the stock market being a bit of a pyramid scheme, one of the ways to get around it (both for personal moral reasons and for financial security reasons) is to focus on value investing rather than other higher-risk forms of stock trading. This takes significantly more work but some people do make good returns doing this and I think it's a bit more ethical than 'regular' stock trading - basically you look at the actual potential, output/productivity, purchasing and payroll practices for a publicly trading company and focus on investing in companies that provide real value to the economy (like building infrastructure, producing food or resources, etc). Some of these companies pay dividends as well. As far as current economic options go I think it's not particularly immoral, and not as risky, to invest in companies providing real value, especially if they are doing something you personally support (e.g., building more affordable housing in your country) but a lot of novice stock investors will just invest in negative-value companies like uber, spotify, etc. hoping that the returns are massive. I tried to focus on value investing and even with the stock market crash/recession I made pretty good returns because I wasn't investing in anything IT, internet, etc. related and focused on the agriculture, infrastructure and resource economy businesses for the most part. This is also a little way in which you can 'vote with your feet' if you have any small amount of extra income or savings to invest, by actually supporting companies with practices or an ethos you support. The other forms of low-level investing often just involve giving a bank your money and letting them lend it to whoever they feel like lending it to, which actually gives you way less power in the economy.
No. 1990174
>>1990169They were middle class people like nurses and schoolteachers, not super rich or anything. Believe it or not the economy does change over time and yes it used to be normal to actually hire people for all sorts of services especially for boomers (who were generally well off in a lot of the cities in US and Canada) before the economy crashed.
I know it is even more common in countries like India but none of the people who hired my mom for maid services were top 5-10 percenters (they probably could have afforded more expensive maid services), they were people living in regular suburban 2-3 bedroom homes with regular slightly-above-median salary jobs. It almost feels like you are missing the point about what North American boomers were actually used to, they did not grow up in similar economic conditions to us at all.
I'm not from America lol.
No. 1990187
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>>1990066>An easier life is possible if we cut down the entire world population down anywayst.
No. 1990335
>>1990212Being small and short is fine. The things that's unattractive about manlets is how insecure they are about it.
>>1990227Real. People don't understand how fun that is.
No. 1990389
>>1989871This post is so spot on. Its a shame that now the average lolcow user seems so immature and autistic to consider different realities and broad perspectives.
I always thought that as feminists we should support mothers. Not shame them and call them traitors and isolate them.
Support mothers doesn't equal to force motherhood on every woman.
No. 1990667
>>1990654In what context are people complaining 'her parents buy her everything' though? I normally only see people say this in contexts where someone is looked up to or admired for something and it's pointed out that they didn't achieve it themselves (i.e., it's less achievable for people without wealthy parents), or in contexts where a person implies that they did something with their 'own' money but didn't (like financial influencers who talk about how they bought a home in their twenties but it turns out their parents paid the whole down payment).
I think parents buying you everything can be troubling in other contexts though, I've known some people who were fully supported by their parents well into adulthood who then did truly lack independence, responsibility, etc. and as soon as they moved out or moved away from their parents they had to declare bankruptcy because they were so bad with money, constantly dropped out of school or were getting fired because they hadn't learned self-sufficiency and consequences, so personally I am in favor of even rich parents slowly easing their adult children into taking care of themselves. I have a friend with very rich parents who did get help from them in adulthood but got less and less help as she started earning her own money who is now very successful and self-sufficient; her older sister on the other hand always asked for more money and was helped dramatically more but continues to be ungrateful, complain that the massive financial help she gets isn't enough, quits jobs on a whim and so on. Now it has actually eaten into my friend's inheritance because she never stops asking for more and acting dependent on her parents although she's in her mid-thirties with an elementary-aged child. If the parents both die one of these people will probably be okay and the other won't and that's not a good thing. Learning some level of financial responsibility is good for your development once you're an adult, but that doesn't have to mean your parents stop helping you out completely. Also just from personal experience, it's nice to have things that I bought with my own money from my own labor. It teaches you to value both your labor and the things you get from it more.
No. 1990794
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Cats are cuter and prettier than dogs. Not unpopular in this website but most people irl will say dogs are cuter than cats.
No. 1990975
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Bella Hadid’s post plastic surgery face really is not attractive. The nose especially is just gross to look at. I know she’s going to be regretting the extensive plastic surgery she’s received at such a young age when she begins approaching middle age.
No. 1991029
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>>1991024But aren't they beautiful? Beautiful, mean, unapproachable, and autistic — it can't get better than that.
No. 1991049
>>1991045>The unapproachable ones tend be very feral or were previously abused.Humans just being entitled, or trying to handwave away their
abusive behaviors
No. 1991111
>>1990654It's common for really domineering parents to patronize their children's lifestyle to an absurd degree -ONLY- to buy influence over their kids. So when an argument or disagreement takes place, they instantly get to hit back with "Look at everything I've done for you! This this and this".
A lot of people in life are so insecure that they cannot socialize, even with family, without being in a point of absolute dominance. A lot of the apprehension people have about parent's buying everything is seeing that side of things, where a mother of father will buy a car or pay half of the rent simply to be able to purchase a punching bag or to have an ace to get something in return.
It works too because suddenly having the purse-strings cut does bring immediate financial ruin, and people can get a bit complacent with the generosity. But for a lot of people, all that stuff doesn't come without a cost. The elder secretly likes they can be rude at a christmas dinner, or make digs knowing they have that power, or ask for other things.
I'm fully for kids to get independence as fast as possible so they can have healthy, equal relationships with their parents.
No. 1991123
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>>1991029My cat is beautiful and will also demand you approach him and tell him how handsome he is and pet his face or else you will be bitten.
No. 1991133
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>>1991129Thank you. Both him and his adopted brother are the most beautiful cats I’ve ever had or known (please don’t tell my other cats they are also gorgeous fabulous felines). I’ve never known a solid chocolate colored cat before I met his foster brother.
No. 1991316
>>1991232>>1991235>>1991251Margaux Duff according to Yellowstone National Park, your chance of being attacked just by visiting the park is 1 in 2.7 million per day (0.000037%), but specifically walking in the 'back country' (ie away from busy roads or human buildings) increases that chance to 1 in 232 000 per day.
according to the FBI statistics the 2023 annual violent crime rate in the us was 380.7 per 100 000. 78.9% of violent crime is done by men (also FBI). so that's 300 per 100 000 per year. or about 1 in 122 000 per day (0.00081%)
so you are 22.1 times more likely to be attacked by a man if you go to where people are than be attacked by a bear if you go to where bears are (but that drops to 1.9 times more likely if you go to back country)
of course not everyone who goes to Yellowstone's backwoods sees a bear each day, while practically every human encounters multiple people each day. the average number of bear sighting per day is 3.5, compared to the number of visitors per day being 8000. if we assume that on average each time a bear is spotted it's spotted by the whole group and that the average size of the group is 3 (also from yellow stone statistics.) that's about 0.131% chance of seeing a bear. since the total chance of being attacked is the chance of sighting times the chance of a sighting becoming an attack. the chance of a sighting becoming an attack is thus the total chance of attack (0.000037%) divided by the chance of sighting (0.131%) which is 0.000282% or about 1 in 3 541.
the university of oxford says the average person will see 1000 people per day on average (a number skewed by cities no doubt, hundreds of thousands of people walkthrough times square each day), that's about 495 men each day (ie you have a 495% chance of seeing a man each day). similarly the chance of being attacked is the total chance divided by the chance of sighting, which is 0.0000016% or about 1 in 611 000.
thus you are 174.57 times more likely to be attacked by a bear if you see one than a man.
No. 1991355
>>1991316I see what you’re trying to say but this is kind of redundant in that the question was about encountering a bear vs man alone in the woods. You’re also not the only woman who chose the bear, women aren’t a monolith, so congrats on being like the rest of us!
Women aren’t the only ones who would be weary of a strange male while camping. I’ve seen many stories of men pulling guns on other men who wander into their solo camps, so again it’s kind of like a very specific situation we’re talking here.
It seems disingenuous to spit statistics when that also wasn’t the whole of the discussion or anywhere near the actual hypothetical. It’s like, when women are at the club why do they cover their drinks? because it’s statistically more likely for their drink to be spiked in a club. Why are women told not to walk the streets at night alone? Increased risk of assault. You get the picture.
The question itself was also set up in a very specific way, dangerous animal juxtaposed with a man implies the man is also dangerous and a threat in this scenario, I’m not surprised most knee jerk reactions were the bear. Most of what I heard was a fear of being tortured, most just wanted a painful death rather than a torturous sustained existence at the whim of a potential sadist. It’s just more of the usual; assume the worst because if you don’t and something happens to you it’ll be your fault!
No. 1991361
>>1991316missing the point
the original question was who would you rather meet in the woods
everyone knows the bear is likely to kill you the point is that the worst the bear can do is kill you, the moid can do much worse, and most people would rather get killed than raped and then killed
No. 1991403
>>1991398Huh? Men hurt women they don't find attractive kek. Even gay men sometimes think if they're gay they can sexually harass women because they don't actually enjoy it. Also claiming that a man doesn't find us attractive isn't exactly enough reassurance because it's unfortunately not uncommon for men to SA women and then complain about the woman's appearance after. Just look how many rich moids ripped apart the
victims on epsteins island after literally trafficking them
No. 1991433
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>>1991393Reposting because of typo- PDD in some cases can be caused by hormones and not sleeping enough alone, but sure 20% of pregnant women experience it so they must all be autistic and/or have BPD and those case are definitely not exasperated by moids.
Sorry to blog but I have a horrible BPD mother and despite that I think you're retarded and don't what you're talking about
also inb4 "she just wanted to fill a hole" she didn't consent to it at all>>1991425"Normal" scrotes become
abusive during or after pregnancy, so yeah it can come as a shock to the mother when their supposed Nigel starts emotionally and physically abusing them
>>1991426PDD causes psychosis, if you geniunely thought that your child was going to die horribly and the only way to stop that was to kill them yourself you wouldn't do those things. Being unaware of reality and very paranoid is kinda the entire thing with psychosis.
No. 1991458
>>1991455As a former ugly girl this is somewhat true, there's a difference between getting treated like a (conventionally attractive) woman by men and getting treated like a monster. They'll harass you and say weird things, even rape you, but they
still won't consider you sexually attractive, because it's not about attraction but humiliation and power. They won't treat with respect or publicly claim anybody
No. 1991612
>>1991572Kek nonna…
>>1991585Based, where
No. 1991628
>>1991622please get me some, thanks
t. fat anon
No. 1991645
>>1991627My theory is that BPD women seek autistic men because they are more likely to tolerate
toxic behavior (because they're too emotionally dense, or dense in a more literal sense), give them validation more easily, and are perceived to be less likely to leave them. Many autistic men crave validation, and they will get it from BPD women (especially since BPD women can mold their personalities and interests rather easily). They may bond over rejection from others and other things.
No. 1991659
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i think its really fucking weird when white ladies are obsessed with having colored/ethnic babies..
No. 1991661
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>>1991656which one is the BPD one and which one is the autist. my theory is scott is the male BPD one and ramona is the autist
No. 1991664
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>>1991645samefag but I think a sort of example could be James and Alyssa
No. 1991898
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I do not understand the appeal of mini backpacks. The designs can be cute, but I do not like the idea of having your items on your back behind you where they can be easily pickpocketed. Maybe it’s paranoia or just the area that I live in. I only wear crossbody bags for this reason.
No. 1991909
>>1991898I know backpacks are healthier or something, but i think they look retarded on adults in casual settings (not when you're hiking or similar).
>>1991887Men crave their own Jodi Arias that will kill them.
No. 1991932
>>1991924You got it exactly right, nonna. Save your communication skills for other women, with men - don't let them think you're weak, don't tolerate their disrespect.
No. 1991982
>>1991912Honestly I don’t think they actually are. IMO people who “love”
toxic relationships are usually shallow and the emotional rollercoaster of your girlfriend screeching at you because your good night text had 2 less emojis than usual covers up the fact that you and your partner don’t have anything in common. Most of the people I’ve known like this are room temp IQ at best and can’t interact with anyone on an actual human level.
No. 1992160
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These faggots have been like the Asuka and Rei to girls.
No. 1992175
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Only read the manga but i think that the early anime artstyle was actually cute, it did remind me of Eva a bit too sometimes tbh
No. 1992201
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>>1991624I ain't the most sane and my bf isn't the best at relationships but he's easily moulded, he would do anything for me as long as I keep him feeling happy, comfy, and warm, and I understand his needs as an autist. I'm not as needy as I could be so that's that. I compensate my insanity with good moments of silly cuteness which my moid likes. I give him pet names that soothe his insecurities and I'm a good conversation partner. I don't even think I'm pretty, I'm just nice enough, and that's enough for him.
Picrel is one of his favorite movies though kek.
No. 1992669
>>1992659>100+ hours a week to scrape by not trying to be flippant but you getting paid 80 cents an hour? jfc nonna
>everything is poison It’s become easier to purchase organic, pasture raised, local meats, dairy, fruits, and vegetables over the last 15 or so years. Everything
really used to be Walmart grade gmo slop but at least on the West Coast it’s become more commonplace to eat healthier and avoid other toxins when you can.
>healthcare puts you in debt Maybe if you’re trying to pay for hospital bills out of pocket but even the most basic of state health insurance policies discount bills significantly, if not foot the bill entirely.
what region do you live in? I know life is a lot different in the midwest/Appalachia/the south but i’ve never been there and don’t know anyone who’s lived there.
No. 1992741
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I actually liked Jewelpet Magical Change, although that was probably only because of the human forms for the Jewelpets.
Even more controversial opinion: I really want to see Sanrio give every Jewelpet a human form some day!
No. 1992877
>>1992855nta but
>mleh ur retarded because i cant resist having sex with big ugly scrotes!cmon
nonnie, keep your fuckin pants zipped up KEK. it's obvious that anon is referring to pregnancies conceived via consensual sex.
No. 1992885
>>1992876NTAYRT but in what world are the fiscal problems caused by the US government the fault of the citizens and not, you know, the ultra rich who abuse their power to stifle the growth of others? Like
>>1992700 said here, the US is a massive country, so obvioulsy the standard of living in New England, The West Coast, etc is going to be drastically different from the Deep South and Midwest. And I can't speak for tayrt, but I have basic health insurance and I have never once had to pay out of pocket for hospital bills, even when I had to stay for weeks at a time. If
you don't relate to that, if
you don't have good medical insurance, if
you for some reason were never capable of landing a job that has you working a comfortable, healthy schedule while also paying you generously and providing all the necessary benefits, then I heavily recommend going back out into the world and trying to realign your life, as opposed to blaming your financial or personal shortcomings on lolcow users who are happy in the country they live in.
No. 1992895
>>1992669My brother had a brain tumor, his insurance tried to weasel out of paying for the only specialist in our area because the surgeon was out of network. They had to delay surgery until the insurance finally gave in because omfg the surgeon was the only one in the area who could do it. He had surgery, he’s fine, but they refused to pay for the over the counter meds the hospital gave him which came to $6000. For tylenol. Six thousand dollars for tylenol.
Insurance allows for price gouging, you know why you need insurance? Because hospitals can hide the cost from their patients and bill the insurers, if insurance wasn’t a thing hospitals would have to compete and show results. As it is hospitals don’t even have to disclose the cost to patient before receiving/rendering services. And don’t forget a capitalist healthcare system has a vested interest in keeping you sick and providing treatment/medications even when you don’t need it.
No. 1992918
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>>1991898backpacks are common in my safe country so i love them. small ones lets you carry things easily while not being big and clumsy or making you sweat all over your back, they're just honestly really convenient.
on the other hand i really hate crossbody bags like picrel that just give you a big asymmetrical lump to your silhouette, especially when it's in the front, it looks like a third deformed boob and i can't stand it
No. 1992924
>>1992911>if the types of things they practice come truethey don't ever "come true" because it's not real
>>1992915>they're silly but usually harmlessno they're unscientific bullshitters, i hate those
No. 1993621
>>1993348I agree that she is beautiful, but she's a pickme. I feel bad that incel moids made her some alt-right anti-woke symbol (Google it, I'm not joking) but she knowingly panders to that audience and centers her entire image around her breasts.
If she doesn't shed her current image she'll end up like Denise Richards who is just a sad sight nowadays. She seems to be trying to get more serious work now, at least.
>>1993399This also rubbed me the wrong way. I don't like that she's had work done (on her face, not going to debate the authenticity of her rack rn) and lied about it, either.
No. 1993635
>>1992907Honestly the unpopular part should be to believe in crystals, why do so many women have deranged views about literal rocks? I really don't see men do the same, they don't go "I need to touch the green car to give me powers over money… and touching the blue car charges my inner energy. Also they have to be parked facing east so their energy can be recharged". I guess the closest part is believing in ghosts, which to be fair is equally stupid. I wish they'd just admit to themselves they like sparkly rocks because they're pretty and it's fun to have a collection.
I do think it's funny/tragic that they can't actually tell the rocks apart, so they'll buy a rock/gem labelled as one thing specifically for the magic properties they think it has, fully unaware they got sold a different rock that looks identical to the naked eye and they still go "omg totes pulled my bf because I was wearing rose quartz that day" like sweetie no you literally got ripped off
No. 1993639
>>1993635I think the most unfortunate thing about women into woo woo shit/crystals/astrology/tarot is they have no sense of humor about it when mocked. Like this is one of the only times in my life I will say anything positive about moids but whenever some moid I know is into crystal healing/astrology/whatever and I relentlessly make fun of him for it he just goes with it. When I lightly make fun of women in my life for being into this shit they absolutely blow their fuses and it's always some girl who said she could 'totally tell my star sign' 7 consecutive times and guessed my birthday wrong more than 50% of the time consecutively.
Rock enthusiasts are the same they'll get their rocks mixed up like you said and if you point out the thing they're holding isn't even the type of rock they think it is they'll fly off the handle saying you're denying their divine spiritual insight or something. I get that women feel attacked when they choose some 'alternative' spiritual belief because patriarchal religions are horrible to women but they're still looking for something, but leave me alone if I don't play along with your delusions. Sorry I guess it makes me moid brained that I don't find it cute or funny when some random girl at a party guesses my 'star sign' wrong 8 times and then tells me she 'totally could tell I was a leo' or whenever I decide to randomly lie my birthday is, but maybe it's an acceptable way to be GNC to not humor girls with their woo woo shit they can't keep straight?
No. 1993652
>>1993646Yes, sorry that I prefer to be able to make fun of dumb shit that moids do (most of what moids do is dumb) and get more aggravated when women (who by default I want to respect more) don't even know what healing crystal they have or guess my birth date wrong 70% of the time. I have higher expectations of women than moids by default because usually women are smarter than moids and yes it is disappointing when women insist upon doing something that makes them look stupid. I'm not sorry for respecting women more and thus having higher overall expectations of them even though you are implying I should be more fake and disingenuous toward them to spare their feelings.
I never implied that I joke about it 'subtly' so idk what you are thinking I'm acting like, I am not subtle at all mocking anyone (male or female) who insists they absolutely know my birth date after meeting me for 5 minutes or says a rock is another type of rock. I just appreciate that there isn't a social norm regarding men that I can't openly make fun of them.
No. 1993660
>>1993657Okay if you think I'm 'insufferable' for not playing along with people trying to (incorrectly) guess my birth date and then getting enraged when they're wrong, you're allowed to think that. I'm not angry at all and didn't say anything about anger, I'm just exhausted by how I'm not allowed to think it's funny when other people start raging out about how I didn't help them out with guessing my birth date or whatever. I'm not even autistic but it took me way too long to understand that the 'normal' social etiquette was to tell some astrology enthusiast my birth date to spare their feelings when normally I don't think it's part of my social obligations to tell someone my exact birthday prior to them embarrassing themselves by pretending they can guess my future and personality based on my birthday they don't know.
I think you're just proving the original point that girls who are into this shit are insufferable themselves because barging into a social event demanding a stranger hint or tell you their birthday so you don't end up embarrassing yourself is so weird, and I'm not even autistic but I didn't realize this was a basic social expectation. Again somehow men are never expected to do this, women are out of some weird 'social solidarity' with other women.
No. 1993665
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>>1993662You’re insufferable because you’ve been going on this long about it. Who gives a shit, jfc
No. 1993667
>>1993665'This long' meaning 4 posts 3 of which were in direct response to you? All of which were like 5 sentences at most.
If you're gonna get this
triggered that someone doesn't believe in astrology don't start a conversation with them about it I guess, saying they 'don't understand the idea of respect' because apparently 'respect' means 'playing along with beliefs you think are silly so that no one ever feels offended.' I'm not even official anti-crystals nona I just responded saying I appreciate that moids let me mock them for trying to guess my birth date or them not even knowing what rock is on my shelf, you just went and proved my point by acting like it's a crime against humanity to find birthday-diviners funny and now you're TL;DRing me for responding to your accusations I'm no fun at parties when it's really people harassing you about their guesses about your birthday that make parties awkward.
No. 1993687
>>1993684That's why I specified what I did because I think sometimes people lump them in the same category.
If it helps, for many types of cancer in certain stages chemo has similar mortality outcomes to literally doing nothing (whether you drink tea or not) so it can be a legitimate choice to make yourself more comfortable in your last months if chemo or radiotherapy is likely to do very little for you. But I'm just saying that sometimes people conflate all different kinds of 'rejection of western medicine' when modern medicine is really bad at treating certain types of ailments, and for certain kinds (like hormonal/chronic illnesses) alternative med might actually work better. There is actually evidence behind certain types of alternative medicine too like naturopathy but it's lumped in with actual nonsense non-treatments so it's always worth considering that not all alternative medicine is made equal.
No. 1993697
>>1993695I think it's really moid-brained to call someone an asshole for letting people guess their birthday who are obviously invested in guessing their birthday rather than helping them out with subliminal cues or whatever you are expecting me to do so they can guess more accurately their very accurate personality-divining beliefs that they are very confident in. To me respecting someone's beliefs means not patronizing them with subtle hints about when my birthday is to help them save face when they chose to waltz into a social situation claiming they can accurately divine from my physiognomy or a 10-second social interaction what day and time I was born, but yeah I guess our ideas of what 'respect' are are completely different.
If you don't understand sarcasm at all I guess you can interpret what I said as 'praising men' but that's an interesting choice. I just said I'm glad that it's socially acceptable to mock men for mansplaining my birthday to me whereas apparently I'm an evil misogynist for not hinting my date of birth to women doing the same weird shit to me, and you agree that I should baby and coddle women and treat them as stupider than men when they choose to embarrass themselves in social contexts.
No. 1993700
>>1993646nta but
>"alternative beliefs"is one way to describe being delusional about believing in illogical pseudoscience.
>Those women get offended because everything they do is labelled as frivolous and wrongAnon they ARE wrong. They're no better than flat-earters so of course people get annoyed at them when they keep insisting the earth totally is flat. They LITERALLY think rocks are magic. They think a giant ball of burning gas billions of light-years away affects your personality the second you're born - but if you're born a few hours later it would have affected you in the polar opposite way!
>there are reasons people have these beliefs.There are also reasons why men think women are inferior to them and why mothers think cutting off their teen daughters breasts is normal healthy practice - yet none of those reasons are good, not do we have to respect their views for even a second if we don't agree with it.
>You might as well just tell those women to their face that you think they're stupid and you have no respect for themI personally just politely say I don't agree with them. I don't go shouting at Christians that god isn't real either because I know it's not productive. But I absolutely do think it's stupid and it's on the level of troons being upset over being misgendered and calling that "violence".
No. 1993712
>>1993703In (based on this I assume your) very first response to me you made a big deal out of how disrespectful I am for (my words) 'lightly' making fun of women who make very public and obvious wrong judgments about when my birthday is or what some rock I have is. In no way did I imply I was being a massive condescending asshole about it, 'lightly making fun' implies that I laughed it off in a socially appropriate way but I expressed annoyance that when I try to do this instead of, I guess, lying to make these women look better, they flew off the handle and/or claimed that they 'totally knew that all along and were testing me' or whatever. You can make the choice to read into my post that I find people trying to guess my birthday offensive, or assume that I am incapable of carrying a conversation without being condescending, but that just makes it seem like you think it's condescending for me to lightly tease someone for insisting upon guessing my birthday wrong or saying a rock is a different kind of rock implying you want me to socially coddle them and prevent them from being exposed for being wrong. It's not my fault that a certain specific kind of woman is so fragile that she can't deal with me saying 'no my birthday is not in the month you insisted upon guessing it was in' (yes this happens to me very often) and you're acting like the only appropriate way to deal with these kinds of women is to literally lie or hint the real answer to them to help them save face publicly when they started the public guessing to begin with.
There is no crime and the normal way people react to a crime is not to 'lightly make fun of' someone. People who get this mad and pressed are the ones with real social issues and maybe should learn not to make guesses about stuff they can't guess accurately if they want people to take their psy abilities super seriously and not let them embarrass themselves.
I said I mock moids, not women, so I guess your reading comprehension is lacking? Idk about other nonas but I have never mocked any woman with meditating with a gemstone or whatever you are projecting on me and I'm not the only nona who said something about gemstones/astrology.
>>1993709AYRT and I agree, spearmint tea and myo-inositol did more for me than 5-6 years of seeing 'specialists' in endocrinology and gynecology ever did, I don't even want to get into the birth control pill because it seems to really help some people but for me it was pure poison.
No. 1993715
>>1993672>NTA but the crystal wacko to straight out cultist is a real pipeline which is why I also don't trust women who seriously believe in that stuffSame, they're the same women kind of who also easily buy into troonism - they think like "we don't understand everything, this is clearly spiritual… so being a woman is probably spiritual too" and then they're suddenly TRA. They're just very susceptible to manipulation because they require no proof or science to believe in anything and are even encouraged to actively reject it from the "haters" who "just don't get it".
>>1993680>actually think there's a lot of truth to a lot of 'alternative medicine'there's a BIG difference between knowing your diet affects you (and that doctors ignore women's specific needs), and thinking that a rock is literally magic because it's purple. They're not even in the same ballpark!
No. 1993732
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>>1992918this need a fucking strap because it will wobble if you actually try to walk/run with it
i fucking hate athleisure
No. 1993743
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>>1993715Not any of the other nonas you've replied to, but you're so butthurt over this that I just bought a tarot deck to go give free readings to the yoga hippies in the park. Gonna spread this "womenly stupidity" even farther. Ohhhh no, I'm going to create so many tranny lovers by telling women that a mysterious stranger awaits them in their future.
No. 1993760
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He straight up admitted to knowing she was mentally ill before getting her pregnant, got her pregnant (which can make women go INSANE from PPD), then cheated and attempted to dump his kid on her? Yeah no, he has got to get the biggest dumbass alive reward. Idk what he expected to happen leaving his kid with a heavily mentally ill mom whom who contributed emotional abuse to
No. 1993772
>>1993743Don't give them attention
nonny. Not everyone who will read tarot is going to become a tranny lover lmao. That's such a big leap
No. 1993995
>>1993987Mentioning spaniards is cheating lol
No. 1994427
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>>1994423we can always jump her on your behalf, nonalita
No. 1994452
>>1993744You realize astrological signs are based on birth date/time right? Every single time someone tries to guess your star sign they're actually just trying to guess your birthday.
>>1994424I think most people would agree with this but no one's going to go the distance to make it illegal to paint yourself orange so spray tan people will always exist. It always looks bad though
No. 1994532
>>1994443Do you think your brother put a camera in your toilet or stole your underwear yet?
No. 1994543
nonny ♥ But i think they're trying to bait, don't engage.
No. 1994671
Women in their early 20s who date much older men and dress very girly/child like are not victims of grooming, they are also pedophiles but they get off on being the little girl in the situation and also sexualizes little girls just as much as their scrote
No. 1994692
>>1994689tiny breasts are the sign of an intellectual stacy
No. 1994707
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>>1994696only small breasted women can be strong feminist types. fat titty bitches are meant to be passed around and begging for male attention. only slob men with the taste of mcdonalds and cheapness find fat breasts enjoyable, it’s quick and convenient a poor man’s sexual entertainment that’s expected. a chestlet has a lot of things on her mind, cerebral. chestlets are saints ready to ascend to heaven on a rope made out of the material of their brains, booblets are to walk the earth to propagate the planet
(bait) No. 1994709
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real stacies can appreciate boobs of all sizes… I'm about average and am jealous of women with big boobs because I think a bit of cleavage can look nice in a nonsexual way. And women with smaller ones who can go braless or wear cute bralette type tops are lucky too
No. 1994720
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>>1994714big boobs are generic common femininity and tells me everything that a woman would be like, having smaller boobs is being chosen to defy gender oppression. picrel is something no woman should ever to aspire to look like or want to be. you don’t see booblets being high-fashion models, you only see them being at high bids for scrotes as “sex symbols” which is just another modern term for public
toilet prostitute
No. 1994743
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>cow udder owners be like
be the change you want to see in the world and don’t be a woman with big flaps that sink lower than a nigel’s pair of ballsacks. i miss the toxic eras of this website
No. 1994749
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>>1994723who cares if they are? the point still stands, I rather be a chestlet with an amazing body instead of a woman who has the body of a mother who has given birth to 4 kids but is still in her early 20s and single. this is so much more beautiful than the estrogen overload dump truck bodies that society loves to overhype as “sexy”, it’s peak female perfection. no lumps, no sag, no wrinkles, no fat, no back pain, only versatility and freedom
No. 1994758
>>1994754i’m half lesbo and don’t like fatties, so no
>>1994756i meant your body already looks worn out and tired, estrogen is the literal enemy of a woman’s body
No. 1994781
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>>1994758depends on the person completely, if you have good genetics childbearing doesn't have much of a negative effect on your body. Only garbage-tier genetic women have to rely on anorexia and surrogacy/no kids to look good, sorry this isn't your reality but for non-deformed women they don't need to stay miserable
No. 1994786
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Men wearing makeup is cringe unless it's emo eyeliner.
No. 1994791
>>1992885>I have basic health insurance and I have never once had to pay out of pocket for hospital billswhat insurance? every single insurance has an out-of-pocket deductible, and even if you do reach it most insurances will fight tooth and nail for what they consider necessary or not
>I heavily recommend going back out into the world and trying to realign your life, as opposed to blaming your financial or personal shortcomings on lolcow users who are happy in the country they live in.what is your plan? almost all career fields are facing these issues right now, crappy insurance, no healthy schedule, no working comfortably, etc. What exactly is this dream job of yours that is easy, healthy, pays well and has good enough insurance that allows you to stay for weeks and not get fired?
No. 1994792
>>1994767it makes you bloat and balloon and i fucking hate it, makes me crave food i clearly don’t need and when i don’t eat it makes my body think i’m on the brink of death just because I skip two meals.
>>1994781>muh women with garbage genetics have to rely on anorexia ironic considering you don’t see much fat and ugly women successfully being anorexic do you? try again biggy-chan
No. 1994798
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>>1994786They only look good in clown makeup imo
No. 1994810
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>>1994797pcos is the literal devil
>>1994802i’m gonna have a cookie to thank myself for not having church bell sized titties. seethe harder at the truth, you got cow udders and trying to make women who can sleep on their chest at night feel pity for you
(bait/infighting) No. 1994821
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>>1994818who tf is pearl davis? go touch grass and lose that titty meat
(Baiting and shitposting across multiple threads) No. 1994848
>>1994846I don't think this is an unpopular opinion with most people except overly online zoomers who like you said are misunderstanding pop psych about brain development. But I also think the other reason a lot of zoomers think this is because they were mentally/socially delayed by years of COVID related shutdowns/online schooling and a really bad economy that makes it very hard for young adults to reach financial independence at the age even younger millennials were able to. Instead of realizing that specifically they are mentally, socially and financially delayed due to inadequate schooling and socialization/a horrible economy, zoomers are projecting and assuming that it's an age thing. I do think it's completely retarded to talk about how you're 'still in puberty' in your early 20s but I assume that's the reason for it, not anything to do with radfems.
Even though I think it's hard for young people to move out and be independent now I still think it's the best option for a lot of young people unless they have really good home lives and parents who let them have a lot of autonomy despite living at home. Western cultures aren't used to this and aren't good at striking this balance and whenever I see people in their mid-late 20s who never moved out they seem socially, cognitively, and financially delayed compared to people who moved out earlier even if those people had to live in extreme poverty to survive. Like you'd think it would be a huge financial advantage to live with your parents until age 25 but most of the people I knew who did this ended up never saving anything or blowing all their savings within 6 months of moving out. It's not like this in cultures where it's more socially normal for adult children to live with their parents so I assume it's possible to avoid that but I think that's why so many young people from western countries talk about being in puberty up until age 25. Self-infantilizing can't be good for an adult's self esteem.
No. 1994868
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>>1994865In most places it's closer to 16
No. 1994871
>>1994848>But I also think the other reason a lot of zoomers think this is because they were mentally/socially delayed by years of COVID related shutdowns/online schooling and a really bad economy that makes it very hard for young adults to reach financial independence at the age even younger millennials were able to. Instead of realizing that specifically they are mentally, socially and financially delayed due to inadequate schooling and socialization/a horrible economy, zoomers are projecting and assuming that it's an age thing.Yeah I think this is it. Plus the helicopter parenting doesn't help. Half the millennials I know had kids and jobs and traveling under their belt by 25 so it's just a really foreign mindset for me. I feel like if we did raise the age of consent to 25 by the time they're 25 it's suddenly gonna be nooooo 30 is the actual age of majority.
I'm an old gen z/young millennial (depending on what year you pick as the cutoff) and socializing with older adults in my early 20s was actually really good for me. Not necessarily fucking older people but being able to hang out with 'real' adults and be equals. If the age of consent is 25 we're gonna need separate bars, social scenes, etc for under-25s because I don't want the cops called for accidentally flirting with a 24.5 year old LITERAL MINOR at the club lol. It's going to make everything worse imo and make it harder for them to mature socially.
No. 1994873
>>1994871The people who think the age of consent should be 25 are typically concerned about this type of thing
>>1994868and whenever I see people talking about it they usually think there should be a tiered age of consent as well.
No. 1994877
>>1994865Even if this was the original reason for 18 being the age of majority in a lot of places, the current reality is that in most countries around the world secondary schooling ends around age 18 which is an appropriate cutoff for people to be allowed to leave their parents' homes, rent, vote, drive, purchase alcohol, have their own finances, etc. It would be weird for mandatory schooling to end around 17-18 but then have 7-8 more years where people are not allowed the legal rights consummate with their social responsibilities and expectations (like moving away to go to university/rent/work). If someone has every other legal right but not the right to legally have sex then that would also just be very weird. So you can buy a home, move to a different continent, work, etc. but you aren't legally allowed to have sex?
No. 1994883
>>1994871AYRT yeah the helicopter parenting is also a big part of it. As a grad student I taught classes for about 6 years (with many of the undergrad students being a similar age to me) but each consecutive year they acted less and less responsible for themselves. I had situations like 21-26 year old students whose parents would call the professor or dean/department chair about their kid's grades on minor homework assignments. When I was a college student age 18-22 my parents couldn't even tell you what classes I was in let alone call my professors outraged that I didn't get an A on some little essay. Unlike you I knew almost no one who had kids before their late 20s but most people considered themselves adults in their late teens to early 20s already. And in a way I think it's a good thing to be 'thrown in the deep end' with adult responsibilities when you're still young enough to be cognitively flexible; you learn how to handle the responsibilities quickly and easily at that age since you adjust to new situations easily. People who gained independence later usually had a much harder time learning the new adult responsibilities than people who gained independence earlier.
I still think it's super creepy that 18 year olds are sleeping with 40+ year old men or whatever but I agree with you that in my early 20s it was very helpful to me to have a social circle with 30+ year old people in it as friends. I knew we weren't at exactly the same life stage but I could relate to them on most things and get their advice on the things that I was still a bit too young for. The other thing I noticed when I was teaching classes is that as students got more and more babied they would also resist my authority as an instructor more because they actually said I was too 'young' to be teaching them or grading their work. They project their own professional and educational delays on people who haven't had those delays and even treat other adults like they're also children.
No. 1994888
>>1994882What's the solution then? To start k-12 schooling a few years later, to have 5 extra years of high school, or just for these kids to end high school and be unable to work for a few years? I normally only see this POV as a meme on the internet and I don't know people in real life who think this way so I'm not grasping what the implementation would be of moving up the age of majority. How would it work if some countries did this but others didn't, like if a 25 year old was legally a child in the US but not in, say, Germany?
I understand the concern around teenagers doing sex work and onlyfans but I think the best solutions for that are to target porn and sex work, not every single other legal right that 18+ year olds have.
No. 1995026
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>>1994638>>1994638They change the definitions constantly to avoid admitting we are in a recession but yeah. Majority of people are too obsessed with bootstrapping to get out of the recession
No. 1995046
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>>1995039>muh cultural appropriationare you lost? also martial rape was legal in america until the 90s
No. 1995065
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No. 1995105
>>1995086Lack of consequences and accountability, they were never taught how to be responsible adults. They hit 25 where their brain starts putting things into perspective and they can’t square why they did such deranged shit because it’s so obviously wrong and harmful (why did no one tell them and protect them from themselves!?) but they fail to realize why they were so easily led to those choices.
I’ve seen zoomers complain about their exposure to porn and predators online, wondering why that was allowed to happen, but if you so much as hint that that’s why kids shouldn’t have access to the internet they get offended! Like the whole problem is that they were vulnerable as kids and predators were given a direct line to them? So take the direct line away! And I mean predators of all kinds, the ones that try to normalize antisocial behavior, harmful acts, sexual acts, that create deluded understandings etc. but no, the internet is great for kids/teens. It blows my mind.
They simultaneously don’t want to take responsibility while suggesting that sure a kid can choose to sterilize themselves and gatekeeping of any kind is bigoted. It’s absolute nonsense, sometimes things are restricted for a reason. It used to be called safe guarding and the guard rails came off at 18 so you could learn about being an adult and have those lessons crystallize at 25 when the epiphany of “oh shit, my problems are my responsibility now” hits.
It’d be sad if so many of them didn’t continue to advocate for unfettered internet access for minors. Unless the spaces can be controlled there is no safe space for children online and there never can be.
No. 1995293
>>1995281the site is slow because mods will ban for no fucking reason
the bans are short but it kills the entire atmosphere and makes you not want to go back to the topic
No. 1995301
>>1995281Was it the anon with the pro tranny boyfriend? Some of the women on this site have social lives and might
gasp make mistakes. Anons reply because most women are straight and if they date they definitely have experiences with retarded guys. If you can't handle vents about boyfriend's maybe stay out of the vent thread.
No. 1995306
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>>1995301We don’t care. You, that anon with her ugly ass boyfriend and the newfag tranny jannies are the cancer killing LC. I fucking hate your guts it makes me want to alog so much
(calm down) No. 1995325
>>1995321Stopped using it years ago because the average IQ there is 45 and it's overrun by trannies and wannabe "
femcel" larpers.
No. 1995344
>>1995334>one of the mods has a lolcow thread here and that’s why it’s been so anal with the moderation and censorship, they have a vendetta against this entire site and are trying to shut it down so people can stop gossiping about themAre you talking about that shoe on head bitch
>>1995336Does schlicking to anime scrotes cause a chronic disconnect from all real life women around you? Is that why you're seeing about anons having nigels?
No. 1995364
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>>1995356>Make it make senseLolcor is kill
No. 1995436
>>1995418I hate working but I’ve been a neet before and not having money sucks. I hated having to ask my parents for cash to buy snacks or hair products.
Tbh my dream life is to own a small house or a trailer and grow something that I can sell at a farmers market so I have just enough money for a cheap phone service and other small expenses.
No. 1995572
>>1995533Not including loli r18 stuff, nukige or anything thats purely porn, but visual novels that arent that would also fit what Im saying, especially if you skip the h scenes or just play an all ages version. It basically fits anything that might have been aimed at moids and has
problematic aspects to it but still has some artistic value or things you can appreciate such as writing, art, characters etc. This could also include isekai, gacha, idol anime, cute girls doing cute things, etc. They might be aimed at moids but some women can still enjoy aspects of them. Overall it bothers me how it seems like its either one extreme or the other when people discuss these things: either moids and libfems excusing every
problematic aspect and saying its actually epic and feminist and youre a prude asexual retard if you dislike anything about it, or women acting like if you can enjoy them in any capacity while being critical of their bad sides it means youre actually the exact same as the first group, somehow. It also comes off as a lack of critical thinking skills on both sides since its very basic to know you can be critical of x or y aspect about something, but still enjoy the parts that appeal to you personally
No. 1995619
>>1995608You're acting like zoomers weren't also intertwined+ the guy who said that literally had his ass handed to him multiple times. Now zoomers get bashed for not mindlessly listening kek. Idk what you believe you're going to accomplish by refusing to acknowledge these problems exist
>Zoomers just don’t wanna grow up because they have never been forced to have responsibility like previous generationsEvery single zoomer I know would've happily lived in a crappy ghetto apartment and worked in some shitty job in their early 20s if it meant moving out. You think zoomers want to live with their batshit insane parents? Now those studios are like 2k monthly and you have to wait a year or so to get a job and another year for one that is full time kek. You can claim this is something every generation totally had to deal with but the statistics are stacked against you, villianizing zoomers and claiming this totally happened to previous generations reminds me of how Republicans screamed their damn heads off at everyone complaining about inflation that they should've strapped themselves up by the bootstraps until surprise surprise everything they defended started affecting their finances too
No. 1995643
>>1995625>Most crappy apartments in the ghetto are less than 1k a monthGhettos aren't near jobs
>Even if we disregard that most immigrants have been living with their parents until marriage since forever but they don’t claim that being under 25 is a child.Immigrant parents are notoriously controlling and strict about their children's dating lives. They're not considered children but still not given full control as adults.
please don't let flag this as racebait it's simply true (I'm a child of immigrants myself) No. 1995644
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>multiple financial experts, accountants, etc have called out trends like unaffordable housing, ghost jobs and low pay, etc being worse than ever before in history
>Millennials bust in to defend it and call zoomers childish and stupid for not being able to afford to live
Holy shit we are fucked if we enter an official great depression 2.0. we won't even be able to hit the streets and riot anymore because so many of you cocksuckers would happily just say "get 3 jobs and cohab with 5 other creepy old men you spoiled idiots"
No. 1995669
>>1995665>Take the busYou have to to be larping, bus transit sucks outside of the city, if you're lucky enough to live in a suburb that does have a bus majority of the time they only run on 2 or 3 streets and extremely limited and unreliable, and since you'll probably defend right to work laws too you don't care that most employers will fire you for being late even once.
>Driving Gas inflation, car maintenance and bill inflation is insane now. Even crappy used cars from 2000 are going up for almost the price of a new one just a few years ago. of course it will always be the fault of poor zoomers though and no one else's
No. 1995685
>>1995665I love how you're proving
>>1995644 's point.
No. 1995688
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Also even if all zoomers wanted "luxury high rise apartments" the price of said luxury high rises in popular cities are becoming the same price that they're trying to pass off shitty little rural homes for kek. My parents live in an actual shack in bumfuck south 2 hours away from any city and are paying the same fucking price as a luxury high rise in the city. If anything zoomers would probably save money living in the "luxury high rise in the city" if they're going to be charging the same amount or even less for suburban or rural shitty apartments
No. 1995701
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They were the true endgame. It truly fucking pisses me of that zipper scrote chose the childlike waifu bait character he created instead of the strong, intelligent and multifaceted female lead who has the best chemistry with the main male lead, it actually pisses me off so much that it concerns me. I feel like this set a terrible precedent for shipping material, they cater so much to braindead waifufags who like women who act like sputtering downies with big tits they absolutely do not like women with their own goals, motivations, and flaws that aren’t just sitting around and crying and being useless like orihime
No. 1995705
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>>1995625Most if not all zoomers just want livable wages and affordable housing like everyone else. Just shut the fuck up and kill yourself already
(alogging) No. 1995719
>>1995710>”pretty women have it sooo hard too, liek we get so much attention and people only like you for sex and to get things out of you”kek, they’ve switched the narrative that pretty women are truly the
victims and that ugly women are just bitter and ignorant about the real struggles of being desired, picked for jobs, given free stuff by strangers, friend magnet, etc. because most pretty women are borderline retarded and airheaded they think their discovery of misogyny is “beauty oppression” when the benefits of being pretty far outweigh being ugly and they know it. it must be a histrionic person thing
No. 1995736
>>1995705she's also too stupid to realize this attitude affects EVERYONE. apartments don't have special zoomer prices or giving zoomers special wages. Wages aren't keeping up with inflation and it's affecting everyone, it affects zoomers in a way that is stunting/stunted their development since majority of them never had the chance to survive on their own and it's even worse since "3rd spaces" are being removed
>inb4 millennials did this too!well millennials also acted like kids up until their 30s/40s. who is the disney adults, the "social anxiety" morons who can't make an appointment for themselves or return clothes that don't fit and have mental delays kek. the issue was definitely leaking to the millennials but is now very clear with zoomers, it's going to get worse with gen alpha if you morons can admit there was an issue at all but apparently not
No. 1995796
>>1995788I see boomers getting the well-deserved revenge too of this, when I pointed out that wages weren't matching price of living, jobs were ghosting and cutting hours, etc I'd get the same old bootstraps speech or they'll swear they had it the same, now those same people I see on my Facebook bitching about how their retirement/ssi doesn't cover their mortgage, food utilities, etc, the working ones complain about how they'll apply to thousands of jobs and hear nothing back (even though you totes could've just walked in and been hired by any old place if you tried like they told us we could do) and now they cant get medical care because they don't want to pay their CNAs above min wage and insurance companies corrupted medicine
if you don't wake up and do shit to help yourself it can and will bite you on the ass
No. 1995823
>>1995669Larping as what, a bus rider? A job haver?
>no transit in my citymove
>driving is too expensiveget better job
>can’t find better jobhave you tried ones that require not being a NEET or are we talking remote only, no social interaction? because that’s gonna be hard unless you have a degree or competence in computer science
No. 1995879

>>1995866>they are hiring, just not some research before talking out your ass dumbass, no one is being hired anymore kek, almost all job postings arent even being filled
>boomers are correct that a few years doing a genuinely shitty job like retail will help you get a better one later. great, now will retail hire? oh wait
>walmarts job acceptance rate is 2%>targets INTERVIEW acceptance rate is 5%, job acceptance rate is even lower all major retailers have similar job acceptance rates of 1-6%, it's not evil stupid anons too dumb to get hired at Walmart, walmart isn't fucking hiring
>but but what if you do eventually land a job in retail after months and years of applyingoh wait, these places don't fucking pay shit, and on top of that they will cut your hours like crazy, getting full time hours in retail is exclusively a manager thing>but but get a second job!!as if we didn't already establish these jobs have low acceptance rates and almost never answer applications
No. 1995944
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The way men obsess over their oneitis and make you feel like the most disgusting, unwanted person rivals the amount of fictional pain and suffering that incels and MRAs bring up. It’s a wound that digs inside of you and can never be healed as a woman. I will never understand the obsession men have with the “one who got away”, why why why
No. 1995966
>>1995944Agreed. Is it mostly men that are like this? Every man I meet has some kind of extremely romanticized "first love" that he hasn't gotten over in 10 years. None of my female friends have this, they have exes and baggage but not like that. The chance of a man having a secret "true love" that he's always comparing you to is too great, one of the reasons I'm done with the dating game.
Honestly I think it's a form of psychological avoidance (?) on their part. It's easy and comforting to always long for something you don't have, because it's a fantasy. It lets them pity themselves and romanticize something that probably wasn't all that great in reality.
No. 1996000
>>1995944Lol this is not true and i will explain why. Moids act like the current ex that dumped them is their onitis to every girl.
They date a girl, treat her like crap and don't care about her, she finally breaks up with him, all of a sudden he gets suprised that his bangmaid left, gets a new girlfriend while still seething over his past bangmaid leaving him, treats new gf like crap and compares her to his ex, current girlfriend has enough and breaks up, he gets suprised that this bangmaid left too and now he becomes hyperfocused on her too and forgets his past one, mets new girlfriend, treats her like crap and compares her to his ex, she has enough and leaves him, he gets surprised and starts lamenting over her too….and the cycle continues.
No. 1996135
>>1996113Anything can happen but the people I'm thinking of are likely to die with tons of money still in the bank and multiple properties. If the stock market crashes completely or there's a bank run or a housing bubble collapse maybe they'll be financially screwed before they die but none of these things ever really happen no matter how much they should and seem like they are on the verge of collapse so I feel like boomers will be hoarding most assets for a good 10-20 years longer at least while inflation only rises.
TBF I got a good education so most of my friends from college or afterward had higher-SES educated parents, not the type as likely to get randomly scammed or waste all their money. But I particularly resent those boomers because they're the ones controlling hiring, assets, the financial market etc. unlike some poor working class boomers who maybe wax poetic about how they got hired just by walking in and asking for a job once but otherwise aren't actively controlling the economy.
No. 1996166
>>1995796>now those same people I see on my Facebook bitching about how their retirement/ssi doesn't cover their mortgage, food utilities, etc,I see this here too and they're literally mortgage free with investments, complaining about how the pension doesn't cover their cost of living. The pension here is $500 (in our currency, not burgerbuxx) per week tax free, and they pretty much all have mortgage free homes. They can easily afford it, they're just used to living off $1,500 a week that the shift becomes hard.
Meanwhile minimum wage is about $710 after tax and rent is $350 for a single apartment. So they're literally still living a better lifestyle than full time workers.
No. 1996668
>>1996385Having been both extremely pretty and conventionally ugly at different points in my life I think most pretty girl problems are just less-severe or silver-lining versions of ugly girl problems, actually I was sexually harassed more in my 'ugly' phase than I ever was when I was pretty and the main thing that was the worst about being ugly was that women and female peers treated me a lot worse, not even men. So yes I think both pretty woman problems and ugly woman problems exist but most pretty woman problems have at least some kind of silver lining attached (like men are more likely to hit on you but women are more likely to befriend you and you get treated way better at work) whereas ugly woman/girl problems have pure downsides.
I do think the loss of pretty privilege i really devastating for a lot of people though, but still can be better than never having pretty privilege at all since at least you had time to develop confidence and realize that you could be treated better at work, socially, etc. Some women I'm friends with who grew up uglier or invisible ended up genuinely not understanding that they were experiencing workplace discrimination because they thought they were being treated that way based on their skills or something and would constantly be confused why men around them or prettier women were treated better.
No. 1996699
>>1996674Healthy, normal people are able to just be chill about alcohol and pot. Being an addict is bad obviously but most teetotalers I've met think getting buzzed at social events = filthy alcoholic. Being extreme on either end is a sign of mental illness, like if you're anti-substance to the degree you can't get along with normies who drink a couple beers or have a joint on the weekend your life is still being unhealthily ruled by substances like an addict.
I have a couple teetotaler family members that are fucking psycho because they think alcohol is the root of all evil, and therefore anyone who doesn't drink alcohol is morally good no matter what. Like to the point where they used to beat their kids and have rage meltdowns but downplay it because "at least I'm not an alcoholic like my parents!!!!".
No. 1996783
>>1996501Idk why America is too stupid at fixing the root of the issue. It's like when they halted evictions during COVID which accomplished nothing but making everyone homeless after COVID or how they banned roommates to supposedly make rent cheaper which accomplished nothing
Student loan forgiveness only accomplishes help for people that went to school already and doesn't help with over inflated education costs, they need lower education costs + European style laws for student debt then they'd actually accomplish a damn thing or two
No. 1996817
>>1996685I get what you're saying nona but in my experience this happens to average/below average women as well. Even if you are objectively an average at best looking woman but you hang out with some nerd friend group chances are 90% of your male friends will hit on you and try to date you at some point. Being really hot actually sometimes can be an advantage because in some cases really hot women are more intimidating to men so random males won't try to hit on you as often as if you seem more accessible to them. I had basically 2 really ugly phases, one (longer) really hot phase and now I'm in a 'relatively pretty but still too fat' phase due to PCOS and I feel like more random male acquaintances tried to get with me in my ugly to average phases than in my super hot phase. It did happen to me in my super hot phase as well (when I also had a boyfriend) and it was really creepy and unsettling, but at least I didn't have the feeling of 'oh he's trying this with me because he thinks I'm ugly enough that I wouldn't say no' if you know what I mean? Sometimes men will be really insistent and possessive with a woman they think has fewer options, like I was bffs with a girl for a while who's naturally pretty but was awkward/nerdy when she was younger and at least 2 guys I knew would ask her out incessantly, I'm talking like almost weekly for months, and tell other people they think she'll eventually say yes because no one else wants to date her.
>>1996699Yeah I get along well with people who don't drink/smoke/do drugs but don't make a big deal out of it, and I've been that person at times in my life and was still completely fine and able to have fun around substance users without making everything about how I'm not drinking/smoking pot/whatever. But some of the most insufferable people I've met were people who seem to make their teetotalling a major part of their personalities and when you dig in to why they're like that it often turns out that they had a really severe addict phase or were an insufferable, violent or hysterical drunk themselves and can't handle that other people can drink/use drugs responsibly. I'm from a culture where both drinking and smoking are super normal to the point that it's rude to refuse a drink and while I think that's not good either, it's kind of a culture shock to live in north america and see people acting like having a few glasses of wine with dinner is addict behaviour since it's so normal in my euro shithole I'm from. Half these people can't even tell if you smoke, use drugs, or are intoxicated because they associate intoxication with binge drinking or meth addicts on the street, they wouldn't even be able to tell if someone they're with had a few drinks before or not. The psycho aggression toward people who you couldn't even tell are substance users makes no sense and seems like jealousy that they can handle using substances without turning into a monster.
>>1996703Truly an unpopular opinion, what are women supposed to do who work in male-dominant environments or have male-dominated hobbies? Or have male friends with girlfriends who are mutual friends? I've never had a problem with every single guy I'm vaguely friends with hitting on me even when I was super pretty, if you have normal hobby friends or job friends they obviously don't think you wanna fuck them just because you do the same sport or are in the same band. I kind of agree with you only to the extent of women who have emotionally coddling mom-friend relationships with men where they are alone together a lot, in that case yeah he probably wants to fuck you or just leech emotional support and advice from you.
No. 1996825
>>1996709Yeah almost no one likes (male) autists or other developmentally delayed people, it's just that the whole 'mental illness/neurodivergence awareness' movement went so far in romanticizing autism that it's socially unacceptable to publicly point out autists are hard to deal with. It's similar to troons actually, almost no one really likes them but they act super nice about them because they'd be socially destroyed if they didn't.
>>1996713I've never had drunk people trying to stab or strangle me but I have had sober men sexually assault me a fair few times so it goes both ways. People with violent or bad personalities will do this stuff whether they drink or not, people with good personalities and intentions won't. The only exception I can think of are severe addicts (mostly homeless people) who are so far gone they don't care about social consequences anymore, but most drug users are not unhinged addicts.
No. 1996868
>>1996853Samefag but 3 of the worst drunks I've ever known in my life were women who developed alcoholism after
abusive relationships and all of them eventually sought treatment/rehab for alcoholism and either stopped drinking entirely (1 of them) or did a harm minimization approach where they got their drinking down to non-harmful levels. The other violent/unhinged drunk I know is a male relative and I can't avoid him because he's related to me, but he also has other substance abuse problems (other drugs) and has always had mental illness problems. He's a problem even when he gets off the alcohol though he has gone to jail and gotten into fights sober as well.
Other than that I've run into terrible drunks occasionally at parties and events but I avoid having people like that in my life permanently so it has never been a long-term issue.
No. 1997023
>>1997022I agree it sucks and I don't think pretty/ugly women should lack empathy for each other, I just don't think it's something that's specific to very pretty women. My main take having been on both sides is that a lot of what people say is specifically bad for pretty women happens almost as much to average/below-average women as well, while most of the unique disadvantages of being ugly don't apply to pretty women.
As other nonas have said the most pretty privilege always goes to hot men, one way or the other.
No. 1997148
>>1997129I 100% agree especially if they are blue-ish undereyes on pale people or the kind of dark undereyes that middle eastern/south asian women with deeper set eyes get (not racebaiting I just think it's more common naturally on these ethnicities). I think there's a difference between like the 'tired' grey/swollen eyebags of someone who hasn't gotten enough sleep and natural eyebags on people with deeper eye sockets and I always found the latter super beautiful and hated undereye concealer trends especially the circa 2016 'baking' of several-shades-brighter opaque concealer under the eyes. Dark undereyes that are natural just look 'soulful' to me and emphasize the eyes in a way eye makeup never will.
It's funny that in east asia the 'aegyosal' trend has women literally drawing on eyebags while in the west it's treated like an ugly abnormality.
No. 1997177
>>1997165AYRT and I agree with this too with the exception of coverup for acne. I think if you have acne then making it look covered up without looking 'obvious' really helps your appearance but otherwise I hate the idea of no-makeup makeup because it is usually some form of 'bringing your face a little closer to the normal, average pretty face without anyone noticing' which just ends up normalizing the idea there's no such thing as unique beauty. I agree with a lot of radfem views but the deep hatred for makeup is something I don't totally agree with because I'm into fashion and art so I appreciate 'striking' makeup for aesthetic reasons but the kind of makeup I like is unique, artistic, and super obvious, or just something 'fun' like glitter or a bright color, not these subtle aesthetic tricks to look more like the 'normative' face.
I actually think this about hair too like the 'norm' for work appropriate hair is usually some variant of 'sleek' and I hate how it vilifies naturally non-sleek hair textures. I know people need to do it in certain workplaces but I wish women with big, frizzy, curly hair could get away with styling it that way for fashion purposes instead of it having to be super slick and shiny, or women with stick-straight hair could style it that way without always trying to get 'volume' (not as common now, but was really common when I was a teen). Usually things that work with people's natural features are close to what they have already and if you want to do something as an 'artistic statement' it's probably not going to be something subtle.
No. 1997213
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>>19971781/2 example of woman who looks better without eyeliner
No. 1997214
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>>19972132/2 she clearly looks better without it
No. 1997223
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>>1997213I think it’s just the eyeliner color that clashes like picrel looks scary and Alexandria daddario but I couldn’t find the pic that freaks me out the most
No. 1997225
>>1997218I've seen tons of women with and without who are fine at makeup and imo most women look better without it. If anything most men look better with it because it's considered generally attractive for men to have more recessed, small and dark eyes but I don't get what it's supposed to do for most women.
>>1997219Why when she looks perfect without it?
No. 1997247
>>1997241Unlikely since it's a model polaroid and usually you're not allowed to wear any makeup for those. She just has dark thick lashes. Lots of women with thick dark eyelashes have that 'dark line' at the top naturally.
>>1997238You don't have to wear any, nona. Women are beautiful without it.
No. 1997269
>>1997250I'm the one who posted the model examples and I'm a redhead with dark brown/black looking eyelashes naturally and I look like absolute shit with eyeliner (even brown) specifically because I am a pale redhead.
>>1997257Yeah lots of women with thick eyelashes have what looks like a 'shadow' above their lashline which is just where their eyelashes are thickest. I can't guarantee she's wearing zero makeup in that photo but it is likely considering that usually you're not allowed to wear makeup for polaroids and I know tons of women with her coloring who don't wear makeup and look similar.
No. 1997292
>>1997280Then why do people wearing no eye makeup irl also have this 'line' illusion when they have dark eyelashes?
Model polaroids (digital) are usually edited for exposure/white balance which increases contrast/smooths skin but do you just not know any dark haired people? I don't know how to convince you since I can't post pictures of my actual friends or even my nigel but tons of people with naturally black eyelashes have this 'line' above their lashline which is where their eyelashes are…
No. 1997303
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>>1997292No harm I don't want to accuse you of autism but you can see her eyelashes quite clearly and they're obviously not thick enough to constitute for how solid that line is. I have dark hair myself and thick eyelashes. Like she has eyeliner on
No. 1997313
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>>1997303That looks like eyeliner to me too but I’m no expert. Compared to picrel who I always thought was wearing eyeliner in Bates Motel but his lashes look much thicker and darker than hers
No. 1997324
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>>1997303Here is a screenshot of a random eye of someone not wearing makeup. The dark line is supposed to be eye makeup?
I am definitely not autistic nona and I used to be a fan of that model so I've seen hundreds of makeup-free pictures and videos of her where her eyes looked very similar. The part you're calling brown eyeliner just looks like the natural shadow some people have from their actual eyelid, I have that too and I don't even have pure black eyelashes.
No. 1997331
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>>1997324I can even make it look more comparable to the original photo by upping the exposure on an image editing program, imgrel. It still has a 'line.'
No. 1997344
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>>1997334I think the model's eyelashes are curled and the moid example I gave are not curled, but if you look at other polaroids of the same model (I chose a model from like 15-20 years ago unfortunately so most pix of her are no longer accessible but I used to be a fan watch her videos etc) you can see she does have thick eyelashes, imgrel.
No. 1997561
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>>1995360>the mumsnet anon who keeps pestering people about not choosing her brothers and uncles over womenThis anon? He might've been just copying mumsnet's anon's arguments to bait, of course.
No. 1997562
>>1997561This is a throwback but if any woman actually feels this way I'm just intensely jealous. I have a couple OK male relatives but the rest are all some form of
abusive, misogynist, coomer, alcoholic or a combination of those. I wish for a life as a woman where you can actually trust male relatives but I will never have that and I don't even think I have 'bad' male relatives compared to the average (no child sexual abusers/wife beaters to my knowledge).
No. 1997595
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While gay men will never be as dangerous as straight men, they will be more annoying and unfunny.
No. 1997640
>>1997595Why are they so obsessed with this hypothetical? There was no right or wrong answer kek plus don't men blame female murder
victims for "choosing the man" anyway?
No. 1997754
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blue eyes are scary I’m tired of pretending i find them pretty. stop staring at me. jesus christ
No. 1997795
>>1997787>hazel blueAnon you have central heterochromia. Nothing wrong with it since i don't see majority of people with that having any eye issues.
Central heterochromia is beautiful but it is a genetic condition…
You should google it and look at the images.
No. 1997820
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All beds should be shaped like racecars.
No. 1997843
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>>1997820I really want one of those retarded bus bunk beds.
No. 1997860
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>>1997820>doesn't want a helicopter bedLame.
No. 1997869
>>1997860this is so fucking ugly and pointless I'm dying lmao
also the stilt things its on seem extremely unstable esp if a kid is supposed to be climbing it up and down
No. 1997875
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>>1997860To be fair I didn't realize that was an option
No. 1997898
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>>1997820i was insanely jealous of girls with princess carriage bed
No. 1997985
>>1997582Do you mean mumsnet anon has meltdowns about mothers existing? Because i don't know who mumsnet anon is, so i'm not sure. If you did mean her, mumsnet is obviously pro-male and anti-female, kek.
>Does she think all the men in her family would appreciate hate having meltdowns about their wives and moms existing?They'd probably laugh it off.
No. 1998126
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MSpaint threadpics are the perfect antidote to AI threadpics- I hope they catch on. Drawfags please bless us with more!
No. 1998141
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>>1997898One of my childhood friends had a bed like picrel, and I loved sleeping over. Especially because she didn’t like to sleep in the top bunk that much, so I got to stay there
No. 1998196
>>1997686The photo is obviously edited for contrast/WB but the inner corner of the model's eye looks pink, not dark, which is exactly what my own inner corner looks like, and tightlining the inner corner is extremely obvious. Also I was never allowed to wear any makeup at all for polaroids nor was anyone else I knew who was signed to an agency. If you look at other polaroids of girls with invisible lashes they are usually very visibly not wearing anything on their eyes but it's silly to even argue this because someone without face blindness can see she's not wearing any eyeliner and her eyes look exactly like the eyes of people who aren't wearing eyeliner. Tightliner makes everyone's eyes look really small and beady and is easily visible.
>>1997787I think people like the eye color that is rarest wherever they are, usually. So in places where blue eyes are rare usually people will covet blue, and vice versa. Personally I don't even notice eye color and find it really weird when people can tell you all their acquaintances eye colors.
No. 1998202
>>1997985Mumsnet is anti-female? I have never used it but my impression was always that mumsnet is considered a radfem/
TERF website.
No. 1998817
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>>1998813Really, it would be nice to have cool beds, specially since now as an adult we can appreciate those things more than when we were kids.
Sure, we don't play pretend anymore and we definitely weight way more than a 30 kilos child, but I'm sure stuff like this can be made of a strong metal that can support our asses.
I would've committed murder for this bed as a child.
No. 1998874
>>1998866Because my complaint is about the consequences of American cultural dominance, not any race in particular. I'm not trying to start a diaspora war or offend anyone, kek.
The other anon didn't mention specific races, but it seems like people could still guess who she was talking about based purely on stereotypes, and that's kind of my point.
No. 1998942
>>1998936bitch there's threads for these discussions. also a lot of us come here to shitpost and forget, hence the very specific division of topics. back to x or tiktok or find the fucking thread or GOD FORBID make one yourself. we are not your personal army. you think a bunch of mentally ill women are going to help?? good fucking luck half of them are pretending to fuck 2d men
grow up
No. 1998968
>>1998945>>1998948start a thread and discussion then. or are you gonna bitch and whine on every other thread until they all bow to you? literally that's what x and tiktok are for
start a thread do it. you wont. cause you don't actually care about those women, you just wanna make other women feel bad for living their lives. which tbh could be poverty and abuse ridden on the daily like some of us but you only give a fuck when it's palestine. where's your support for domestic abuse or rape survivors from your own country?
stop being fucking hypocrites and be the change you want to see etc. isn't that what you all see?
meanwhile fuck off
No. 1998986
>>1998953Seriously I've said this before, people are acting like these wars are new, people have been killing each other
daily on Africa for years and no one is making fanart of Komaeda wearing a traditional tigrinya outfit and eating injera whole doing agusha with an oromo super man so they stop killing each other.
No one is making poems and art about the women that are killed daily in Mexico and Spain because of the femicides, at least not as passionately as they are doing so for the Palestinian/Israel war.
So why should I give a fuck about some people that, honestly, also don't give a fuck about what's going on in my country? Why should I care about the opinions of those that jump from conflict to conflict in order to get fictitious good boy points and asspats?
No. 1998988
>>1998986what about all the native women going missing or killed in north america, USA/canada? or the aboriginal women in Australia? or the amount of women who are beaten/killed in domestic situations not on the news every day in all of the forementioned? what about the rapes and murders because of male migrants in sweden, germany, UK?
but reee palestine thought lolcor was radfem!!!! I spit at you
>>1998936 No. 1999132
File: 1715458799338.png (1.13 MB, 1500x1000, kc-veener-check.png)

veneers look like shit and it's horrifying that people allow their natural teeth to be filed down in order to get veneers. i understand why you'd get them if you had some severely fucked up teeth to fix but i see all these young people and celebs who have fine teeth but a few are crooked or something and they do this.
No. 1999177
>>1999146>using it as an excuse to hate Jewish people and post nazi adjacent memes and praise Hitler.I've noticed this too, lots of people online are just posting pro-nazi shit because now they have an excuse to openly hate on jews, but they can just say
>disgusting zionistInstead of
>fucking jews I don't have a horse in this race because I'm neither Jewish nor Muslim, and I don't live nor have family or friends living in the affected countries.
But I can easily see how this whole Internet movement is just a thinly veiled way to let people be openly racist and hate on religious groups, this also has created lots of retarded breaches between religious groups because now everyone has a justification to say publicly why you hate someone more than the other and so on.
No. 1999243
>>1999179Yeah it should usually be a thinner layer than what's in the pics but your normal healthy enamel is still gone forever even if it usually doesn't look like weird fangs.
>>1999201Unlikely, natural teeth are not white because adult teeth can almost never be pure white naturally (tooth yellowing has to do with enamel thickness) so porcelain should stay roughly the same color white even if you have bad dental hygiene.
No. 1999422
>>1999413Tyla isn't really 'black' by normal US standards anyway she's a SA Coloured person aka probably most of her ancestry is some form of South Asian, but I agree she's way prettier than ice spice. Ice spice is still pretty facially though. I'm not American either so I can't weigh in on US appearance standards but from my perspective both are prettier than average, Tyla is just prettier and has a better body and hair.
>>1999414Yeah I'd add to this that most of the people who did really well in school when I was in middle/high school weren't the 'nerds' but actually were the 'popular kids/jocks' for the most part. Most of the popular people at my schools were attractive, socially adept, and got really good grades but also did a bunch of extracurriculars and most were from upper-middle class homes (some poorer people were also popular though). It's also a massive cope that people who do sports and have friends are worse at school, this wasn't true at all in my experience.
No. 1999423
>>1999413Yeah Tyla would be seen as way too skinny and would probably get jokes thrown at her but she wouldn’t have it too bad because she’s racially ambiguous. Someone like pic related is very beautiful to me but in the black community she would be considered ugly compared to ice spice because shes very dark and thin kek
No. 1999424
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>>1999419in general. she said ice is hotter than tyla because light skin + more body fat.
No. 1999431
>>1999425are you talking about how skinny this model is or is tyla also hidden eating disorder? she seems fit enough to me, fka twiggs is worse.
and how hot would iman bowie be if she was young? she used to be much darker iirc and looked otherworldly beautiful. would she get jokes?
No. 1999444
File: 1715474242059.jpg (214.75 KB, 1255x1920, FWYqMbOWYAEBu86.jpg_large.jpg)

>>1999437No she's not kek, don't lie anon. She's one of the most well known models in the black community, ask multiple groups of black people and you'd be hard pressed to find someone calling her ugly.
No. 1999448
so ok, what other examples would be super hot aside of ice spice (also for women, not just men)? what about nicki minaj? i‘ll laugh my ass off if she‘s supposed to be a looker but iman ugly.
No. 1999452
>>1999447why do you think is that? especially when it‘s not much of a beauty ideal?
>>1999436are you even black?
No. 1999458
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>>1999454Ice Spice is cute
>>1999437Even Somalis called her average
No. 1999475
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>>1999473its not the hair thats making her ugly kek she looks like she has down syndrome
No. 1999481
>>1999474Yeah Nicki Minaj would be someone the black women in my city would wanna look like
>>1999476Nta but I’m from Chicago and I’ve never heard any man say Naomi Campbell is pretty but maybe that’s because I live in the hood
No. 1999487
>>1999475No it's her dead-eyed facial expression making her look 'downsy' and she has ugly hair and not-great makeup but she still is clearly facially pretty. Most of these celebs end up looking dead-eyed it's not just her.
>>1999484Zoomers are so fucked in the head by filters I don't take them criticizing any woman's appearance seriously. Aren't these the same people calling Margot Robbie mid, complaining about 'lip lines' and 'nasolabial folds' on 20yos or shitting themselves about 'hip dips'? If they encountered a woman who looks like (basically any major female celeb) at their job, school, or a bar they would be hitting on her constantly despite the cruel shit they say on social media.
No. 1999498
>>1999436> Healthy women in their early 20s can be as thin as Tyla naturallyWomen at any age can naturally be that thin, there isn’t any difference in metabolism between 20-60 years old for women
>>1999433The Florence sperging in the celebricows thread was anons accusing her of prostituting herself for roles, having a large frame, and wearing see through clothes. The ice spice sperging is just anons arguing about whether she’s attractive or looks like she has Down syndrome, sometimes accusations of her prostituting herself
>>1999423Anok Yai is definitely considered beautiful by black Americans
No. 1999501
>>1999493It's all a total cope nona I'm in my thirties and I live near one college campus and work on another college campus. Moids will swear women hit the wall at age 25 but when I go to teach their classes they think I'm a female peer and some of them even flirt with me, I see in classes the girls that get surrounded by scrotes and stared at and they don't look nearly as perfect as the standards for female celebrities. When they have the anonymity of the internet and are criticizing a woman they know will never fuck them they'll pick apart every single detail but normal cute girls dressed in sweatpants and a sweatshirt with no makeup are hit on all the time by zoomer moids in real life.
>>1999498There is a metabolic difference between 20 year olds and 40 year olds nona both men and women, especially women who have had babies. That's even if you discount all the women with hormonal disorders that usually show up in their twenties or thirties.
No. 1999510
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Frank Hassle aka Chad King is genuinely funny to me. Yeah i know, i know… he inconveniences people, is offensive, yada yada… but he just makes me laugh, in all his raunchyness.
No. 1999517
>>1999501Male metabolism slows down a lot in their late 20s if I’m remembering correctly, it’s why so many of them get beer guts, love handles and jowls at around the same time they lose their hair.
Women obviously can have conditions that affect their metabolism but overall the metabolism doesn’t just get slower and slower like people believe. Teenagers have fats metabolisms because they’re going through puberty and their brains are developing a lot, so they need a huge amount of energy. The metabolism slows down in early adulthood and then stays about the same for normal healthy women until old age when they need far less energy
No. 1999518
>>1999511It might just be low self-esteem brainwashed women too, I knew people who called anne hathaway etc. fat who were fatter than her just because female relatives were always making them feel bad for not being extremely underweight.
>>1999513Not the same study but if you want to find research about how metabolism affects weight look at any study on ob/ob mice and rats. There is one really interesting study on ob/ob rats(?) where they had them living in a cage with non-genetically modified littermates (genetic siblings) at different temperatures and the ob/ob rat would be fed exactly the same amount that the metabolically normal rat chose to eat during freefeeding. The colder the cage temperature the more obese the ob/ob rats became while the metabolically normal free-fed rats had stable bodyweight across all temperature conditions. Even in humans I came across a case study of a man who spent multiple years in Auschwitz and remained obese despite being starved like everyone else, I think he survived to the end of the war but then died of malnutrition while still being very obese.
No. 1999530
>>1999522Deep self-hatred and low self esteem often causes women to pick apart flaws in even conventionally 'prettier' women that remind them of flaws they think they have themselves, this is why it's common for fat women to shit on normal-weight women for being 'fat' or women with big noses to shit on beautiful women for having 'large noses' or whatever. I think a lot of the time it's just an externalization of their own self-hatred and isn't even because they're bitter toward those other women, just because they are so used to being self-critical that they extend it to everyone else.
>>1999525When I was in high school most girls were very skinny to lower end of normal weight and in their twenties most of them became normal weight to slightly chubby with a few exceptions (few girls I know were either fat to begin with or had ultra fast metabolisms they kept into adulthood). On average they did all mostly become slightly fatter in their twenties though and then their weights largely stabilized.
No. 1999537
>>1999530A lot of people gain weight in their 20s because they aren’t as insecure or competitive about looks as they were when they were teenagers, if they were skinny then they might want to have a healthier diet which would mean being a slightly higher weight, and many people just stop caring and let themselves go or binge eat and drink alcohol.
>>1999521Teenagers usually are thinner, but the difference in weight isn’t a significant amount. When the metabolism slows down in early adulthood most women gain a few pounds if nothing else changes
No. 1999539
>>1999534BC is one of the external factors that lead to metabolic dysfunction nona, similar to many antidepressants/antipsychotics. I think that is leading to a lot of the overweight/obesity problems and actual metabolic dysfunction that many millennial/zoomer women have. But I also think that's separate from the slight metabolic slowing most women get in their twenties which usually leads really skinny/willowy teens to still be slim but slightly curvier, or for normal-weight teens to get slightly overweight in their early/mid twenties.
>>1999537This isn't my experience nona, most teenage girls I knew ate a ton and didn't start worrying about dieting until they hit their twenties. I know teenage anachans exist and I even knew some but most of the extremely skinny girls I knew in high school ate a lot more than average, and then ended up slim but normal weight by the time they were 25 even if they started watching their diet a bit more. It's not as extreme as what moids have but it's similar where a lot of teens really can get away with eating a ton of food and junk. I also live in a culture where drinking becomes normal around age 16 though so I don't put down twenties weight gain to drinking, most people I knew stopped binge drinking by the time they hit age 21-22.
No. 1999550
>>1999547I actually didn't go to high school in a euro country but it isn't the US either and had a lot more laxity about drinking, I am originally from a euro country and had a bunch of friends in my euro shithole in high school too. I'm from an eastern european shithole where most girls of my ethnicity were rail thin in their teens and most are average weight now.
I'm not french but I live in a place with 'french culture' lol if that helps explain the drinking thing.
No. 1999559
>>1999550eastern european country with french culture? i‘m stupid and can‘t guess at all. so which shit hole?
i went to school in austria/germany and the most girls weren‘t really skinny until actively working/starving for it. the sex-havers (the ones that were on BC) usually also partied a lot and drank booze from 15+ which made me gain a lot between 16-18, then i switched from beer to wodka with water while sticking to a low carb diet and was able to hold a weight i‘m alright with.
anyways, i see skinny teens outside but don‘t know anything about their lives. just sharing how it used to be in my environment back then.
>>1999558birth control hormones in the water? you guys are in the us, right? (mentioning alex jones)
No. 1999562
>>1999559LOL nona sorry I was super unclear, I'm an immigrant from an eastern european shithole to a western country and live in a region with 'french' culture (where I went to school) aka both the people I know from my original country and my current country both started drinking pretty young. In both countries there were a lot of skinny girls I knew around high school age although my original country of origin (eastern europe) had much skinnier girls on average.
>>1999559Birth control hormones in the water are common in any country where lots of women take hormonal BC, which is not just the US. It can't fully be filtered by water filtration plants.
No. 1999595
>>1999591even some places that get their water originally from spring water sources end up 'recycling' used water downstream so that cities further downstream get 'cleaned' versions of water from upstream which is where the hormones can get into the water. I don't know how the austrian situation is specifically but I know this applies to countries like canada that have a lot of fresh water - water treatment plants 'downstream' of original sources will have more and more unfiltered hormones.
But if there are none where you live you're lucky, and people where you live are probably much healthier than average.
No. 1999604
>>1999539>I think that is leading to a lot of the overweight/obesity problems and actual metabolic dysfunction that many millennial/zoomer women have.oh 100%, I've never been on BC or SSRIs for a long period and I always found it weird how other girls would eat way less than me and do similar if not more movement yet somehow ended up way fatter, I noticed this definitely in college (before the "they may secretly be binging everytime you turn your back" comes in), even when I was around them majority of the day they'd eat way less
I also feel this + the huge push that "you don't have any metabolic issues! you're just lazy" thing makes women feel ashamed out of looking into potential issues causing their weight gain/weight loss issues and just end up stressing themselves out even more. It also feels like everyone and their moms has PCOS nowadays too
No. 1999619
>>1999611men hate her because she's a hot girl they can't use to make normie women insecure
her plastic surgeries are too obvious for them to pretend like they can't tell and therefore use it as an example for what other women should look like, can't use her ~personality~ either since she's a single mom who dates black guys and has a sex tape. to them she's a failed pawn of male manipulation
No. 1999620
>>1999615Samefag but on the other side of this I knew a thin girl in her early twenties that went from like an 18.5 bmi to a 14 bmi in under a year and she ended up asking me what to do because she knew I had hormonal/metabolic issues causing me to gain weight rapidly. She saw four different doctors who all told her she was just 'stressed' but due to my own bad experiences being gaslit about weight gain I pressured her to try a doctor in the private system because she was wasting away and it turned out she had stage 3 thyroid cancer at the age of 23yo. Of course her nigel 'husband' ended up divorcing her before the cancer was even diagnosed but now she's healthy and happy 5+ years into remission and she sent me a message to thank me for pushing her to get help because she otherwise would have accepted the 'anxiety' excuse other doctors were giving her.
It comes up more often with weight gain but people who are cruel and blame either sudden weight gain or weight loss on women are literally risking their lives and should get a grip already.
No. 1999629
>>1999615atayrt, had a similar experience, I wasn't "fat" per say, basically what they'd consider chubby in Korea despite eating very little and working out daily. For years fell for the "you're just not trying hard enough meme" until I got my hormones checked and it turned out I had PCOS, I immediately got put on metformin and spironolactone (had to circle through OBGYNs before I saw one that did anything other than put me on BC) surprise surprise, weight fell off and I even had abs, I don't have to workout as much and can actually enjoy dinners without feeling like yolanda hadid
the "cico" crowd is harmful since they push people away from finding out whats really wrong and just end up causing more stress and over-analysis of food
No. 1999632
>>1999618I agree that sleeping with men that early is dumb but that's my experience with a lot of my female friends who claim they have 'sexual needs too' and some of them aren't even libfems, some of my 'radfem' friends are like this too. Then if you point out that they're trusting moids too easily they just say all moids are untrustworthy but they still have sexual needs. I know moids can flip out 20y into a relationship and you can never fully trust them but I also think some women underrate the extent to which you can actually vet/scare off/bore men who are only into you to take advantage of you early on if you act based and refuse to sleep with them or accommodate their shitty moid behaviour. Whenever I point out some of these situations are preventable though other women will tell me I'm '
victim blaming' though like I haven't been a
victim myself just because I say you have a better chance of staying safe if you filter out sex-crazed irresponsible moids.
No. 1999639
>>1999622Nona this is true for some people and most moids but it's increasingly untrue as metabolic disorders for women get more common. Lots of women will start randomly gaining a ton of weight eating the same diet at age 26 or something and be gaslit that suddenly they don't know how many calories foods have when we know hormonal disorders like PCOS now are affecting at least 10% of millennials and zoomies and usually hit sometime in adulthood. Also most women I know with actually fast metabolisms eat way more than one meal a day, some people genuinely have fast metabolisms. I think your opinion is the popular and socially sanctioned opinion though, it's convenient to blame issues caused by industry on individuals and try to shame them and act like they're retards when they point out inconsistencies.
>>1999629Nona same, except I was thin until my mid-twenties and I did really get very fat suddenly afterward. Absolutely everyone went from accusing me of an ED to saying that I 'don't know how to count calories' or saying 'if 500cal/day is still making you fat you should eat less' and I ended up buying into it until I ended up with borderline-failing organs from malnutrition. Turns out 'you don't have PCOS because no beard' isn't how you actually diagnose PCOS and I also had hypothyroid and subclinical cushings on top of it, all it took was some really basic medication to make me drop over a third of my body weight in like 8 months lmao. It also doesn't help that 'low calorie diets' usually end up being really high on carbs and fiber and people act like fat/protein is the devil when carbs harm women with hormonal issues the most. I went to 4-5 different nutritionists and all their advice just made me gain more weight until I finally decided 'since this isn't working I'll do the opposite' and started eating tons of meat, eggs and butter.
No. 1999668
>>1999663The average time to diagnosis of, e.g., PCOS, is like 11 years. Sure if you catch it earlier you can get back to your original weight if you're put on hormone balancing medications but once you've gained a ton of weight your whole hormone system changes so it's not that easy or quick to get back to your original weight.
I think you might be mistaking me for someone else or misinterpreting my post though, if you're the anon I'm responding to you responded to the opinion that women who think they aren't eating very much are eating more than they think they are and vice versa, saying 'you should listen to trusted experts' (I assumed you meant CICO people who tell women they don't realize how much they're eating). It seems like you're agreeing with me that women might know more about how much they're eating than some random person but I'm not sure at this point what you're saying.
No. 1999683
>>1999668It takes 12 years because a lot of women are gaslit into blowing off their symptoms as their own irresponsibility. If someone is struggling with weight your first thought should be to question if their hormones are balanced then refer to questioning how much they're actually eating, using hormone checks as last line of defense just makes things get worse and leaves people malnourished and neurotic over every little calorie + worsens the effects of hormone imbalances
>you should listen to trusted experts' (I assumed you meant CICO people who tell women they don't realize how much they're eatingI refer to the "trusted experts" as endocrinologists and obgyns. I've seen soooo many posts of women talking about how they'll eat 400-1200 calories a day and workout for an hour each day just to get hit with "are you SURE you're actually counting calories though?? You counting the calories in butter, salad dressing, etc?"
Not doubting some people aren't tracking their calories correctly though, but if someone is truly struggling with weight that much I promise you the 40 calories of butter and 60 calories of ranch on a day they claimed to eat 1000 cal isn't the reason why they're struggling
Especially now that we have an extremely bad growing problem of women having undiagnosed thyroid or hormonal issues, that should always be the first defense, trying to waste time and add more stress by counting every little calorie of air they breathe is just so unnecessary, time wasting and potentially harmful since they could've spent that time and mental energy reaching a better solution
No. 1999687
>>1999683Nona I think I agree with you and you're misinterpreting what I posted. I had severe weight gain from a hormonal disorder myself so I 100% agree with you that medical gaslighting of women is wrong, it just seems like you were agreeing with a woman saying 'trusted experts' (CICO practitioners) were more correct about women's dietary intake than they themselves are.
I went through exactly what you described, 8 years of being undiagnosed because no one took me seriously when I told them how much weight I'd suddenly gained with no increase in dietary intake and how many other severe symptoms I had that were unrelated to weight gain. I did end up malnourished, and on the brink of organ failure because everyone's solution for me was 'eat even less' when I was averaging like 600 cal/day and it's taken such a long time to come back from malnutrition and gastric issues now that my hormones are rebalancing and I can eat like a normal human being again.
>I refer to the "trusted experts" as endocrinologists and obgyns.My experience of both endocrinologists and obgyns is that they are just like most people - they will tell you it's your fault, you're eating too much, or you can't properly count calories before they will seriously consider hormonal abnormalities. My endocrinologist (who knew I was doing a PhD in a similar field, no less) knew I had abnormal hormone results on tests and lied to me that they were normal; I only found out 2 years later when a fucking dietician printed off my results for me and realized I had insulin and cortisol levels far outside the norm. The endocrinologist discharged me from the endocrinology clinic when his 'theory' that I had diabetes didn't turn out to be true, and just told me I was perfectly healthy while pretending he was respecting me by saying 'I hope I run into you at a scientific conference sometime soon.' I was so brainwashed by the biomed industry that even as a biomed researcher myself it didn't occur to me to distrust these people.
Anyway my main point is I completely agree with you and think you're 100% correct, and I think you misinterpreted my post. Whenever someone tells you to trust 'experts' about how many calories you're consuming over yourself, I think they're a little bit retarded. Yes some people are stupid enough to dramatically miscount calories but this is not the norm and like you said being 40, 60, or even 100 calories off in your counting shouldn't cause dramatic weight gains or losses in a short period of time.
> trying to waste time and add more stress by counting every little calorie of air they breathe is just so unnecessary, time wasting and potentially harmful since they could've spent that time and mental energy reaching a better solutionYou're 100% correct and I had to learn this the hard way. After 8 years of starving myself and trying to get down to under 400cal/day I managed to lose a huge amount of weight just by balancing my hormones with no effort whatsoever and it makes me sick that I tormented myself and made my health issues worse for years when the answer was so obvious and (relatively) painless all along.
No. 1999718
>>1999715Oh well sorry
nonnie but I don't give a shit why men choose to get fat. Moids usually have no excuse, they are lean naturally and far less prone to hormonal abnormalities (okay I feel slightly bad for moids with hypothyroid or something but they're so rare compared to women with hormonal issues). Before I figured out my own hormonal issues and started losing weight effortlessly without dieting I used to follow the progresspics subreddit for 'inspo' and I had to completely stop looking at moid posts because it would be some formerly 400lb man who started doing yoga for 15 min a day and lost 250lbs in 1.5 years, meanwhile women who lost that much either had gastric bypass or it took them 6-10 years of obsessive calorie counting and exercise.
Most of the criticism of people who 'think they're not eating that much' and 'aren't calorie counting well enough' and even the rightoid shit about 'omg normalizing/romanticizing obesity' I see everywhere is directed at women, scrotes can go die as far as I'm concerned but women are having hormonal weight issues at higher rates than ever and I'm sick of seeing other young women falling into the same trap I did when women's bodies are so sensitive to hormonal changes and almost every woman is intelligent enough to calorie count accurately. If you feed your cat or dog or bird a species appropriate diet it will almost never become overweight even if you free feed it but somehow we assume that women all get fat because they're too retarded to know that eating 3 applebees mains a day is over 3000 calories? I kept food diaries for years and if you looked at them you'd assume I was an anachan but I was obese at the time, I was logging shit like half a shot of vodka and one quarter of an apple. Women who calorie count straight-up are not eating 1000+ calorie meals multiple times a day at restaurants unless they're legitimately mentally delayed.
No. 1999727
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>>1999718>If you feed your cat or dog or bird a species appropriate diet it will almost never become overweight even if you free feed it but somehow we assume that women all get fat because they're too retarded to know that eating 3 applebees mains a day is over 3000 calories?Speaking of for the "you're too retarded to know what you're eating" crowd, my rescue has hypothyroidism and yes and yes giving her small portions + frequent walks isn't enough to lose weight unless she gets her proper medications. Id like to see someone dare claim she's secretly pouring ranch all over her dog food and not counting it or some dumb shit
No. 1999738
>>1999727Yeah in the converse example I used to catsit my bff's cat a lot before I got my own and no matter how much the cat was freefed, given treats, etc. it was a literally emaciated looking cat that constantly vomited despite being a 'normal' cat breed (I know some cat breeds are naturally emaciated looking). Turns out she had hyperthyroidism and finally became a healthy weight her last few years before she died after being put on thyroid hormone lowering medication. I also catsat for another girl I was dating who was really poor when she first got her kitten so she gave him really cheap dry food, he ended up having hormonal issues his whole life and even after putting him on a special low carb diet and walking him every day she can't get him back to a 'normal' weight for a cat of his size and he's always hungry.
On this topic though it was so insanely freeing for me to see some diet scientists mention animals and how they usually don't have weight problems and never ever have to count calories, it finally 'clicked' for me that it's not natural for any mammal to have to weigh out melon cubes on a kitchen scale to make sure they're not eating 5cal over their intake because healthy mammals should naturally maintain a healthy weight range even when fed freely, and this includes humans. Now that I got my hormones regulated I'm back to being able to eat as much as I want and lost an absolutely massive amount of weight, although getting back to my original weight is slow and a challenge after so many years of being hormonally dysregulated. I still lost a huge amount of weight without ever having to think or worry about calories or feeling hungry and it made me hugely resent people claiming that weight maintenance in healthy people is always just about micromanaging your food intake down to the single gummy bear or raspberry.
No. 1999755
>>1999738Exactly, the most natural thing to do is listen to your body, eat when you're hungry and stop eating when you're full, eating out of boredom or when you're not needing said food could be signs of mental issues, and if you feel like you're eating enough and still fat you should get your thyroid checked.
Humans can be way too harsh on each other sometimes to the point where it could be fatal for us. It's like people like to blame each other for having features that are unattractive instead of finding a solution. Acne is another example, if an animal has acne no one would dare accuse the animal of not cleaning properly, not eating good enough, not drinking enough water, etc, it's almost always assumed to be a hormonal problem or an issue that can't be solved with just "shower and water uwu"
No. 1999765
>>1999755Not just thyroid, for any nonas here who had rapid weight gain or starve themselves and are still (objectively) fat, insist they check your thyroid AND your cortisol levels (multiple tests for this, 24hr, tolerance test, morning cortisol) AND your testosterone/free testosterone AND your insulin and your free sex-binding globulins which can be an early sign of PCOS even if your androgen levels aren't high. And insist they actually print your results out and check them yourself because they might be in the 'normal' range but just within it and that's a sign they'll likely get worse. It's always better to catch these things early.
Both PCOS and endometriosis (other signs are extremely painful periods, heavy bleeding, irregular or infrequent periods) are usually caused by overly high estrogen and low progesterone which will not only fuck with your testosterone levels but also your cortisol and insulin levels and your thyroid if left unchecked. If you can go 40+ hours without sleeping no matter how hard you try or have random anxiety attacks without emotional issues it could be high cortisol levels caused by high estrogens which are extremely common now due to environmental pollution. Eating a lot of soy and tofu can also make this worse due to phytoestrogens. People act like 'adrenal fatigue' is a munchie thing but it's a real disorder often caused by low progesterone and high estrogen in women since progesterone is a precursor to cortisol synthesis in women. Also if you have uncontrollable acne or hair loss it could be due to hormonal issues as well.
No. 1999870
>>1991406100% agreed.
Wanna see moid freeze up from your advances and look like a deer in headlight, have a crush on a autistic moid kek
No. 1999927
>>1999336>cringelordAnd spinning around in little girls' clothes isn't cringe?
Tbh if I didn't know ahead of time they were going to battle it out for the winner I would've guessed neither for the win.
No. 2000019
>>1999396nta but nah many of them are DL and/or tranny chasers
>>1999466i thought zendaya was popular with black people of both sexes? i've seen some black men online get disappointed when she started dating tom holland years ago
No. 2000792
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>>2000781"Girls girl" seems to have the same problem as NLOG and pickme did once those terms got on tiktok. Associates "supporting girls" with supporting stereotypical femininity so it just ends up being high school mean girl bs where tomboys are like, maliciously rejecting girlhood by not being girly and you prove how much you love girls by being the best at feminine behavior and consumption.
Being a girls girl is a good concept but social media twists it into support girls by being a bullshit influencer! Support girls by spending $$$ on those shitty Temu self-defense "weapons" for your besties!! Apply discount code PROTECTGURLS for 15% off at checkout!
No. 2000832
>>2000800I have the same experience. I'm pretty sure being a "girl's girl" was originally celebrating a woman's achievements and progress, and standing up for one another in the face of discrimination. The meaning has been twisted and now it's about vain shit and it's all a performance. They only like women that fall in line with their idea of a girl. It's high school crap.
>>2000497>This whole girls girl movement seems kind of cringe and forced. I’m not going to be gushing to other women calling them pretty and sucking their asshole just because we are both women.Exactly, there's women who are genuinely assholes. You don't have to get along with and compliment every woman around. The fake compliments and support are irritating and can be condescending.
>>2000814Agree. Along with the dick jokes, it's annoying when they draw dicks, own phallic-shaped shit like candles or earrings, etc. It's immature and disgusting, not funny.
The only dick jokes acceptable are making fun of moids and making them feel insecure.
No. 2000879
>>2000832all of the women who love to circle back to the whole "girls girl!!11" thing are always the most
toxic annoying shitty negatively gossipy rude BITCHES (yeah I said it) ever. just like the women who love to post bunnies and kitties and be like "thats so me!!"
No. 2000890
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>>2000832>Exactly, there's women who are genuinely assholes.Mean Girls will always stand the test of time of being an accurate representation to how catty, backhanded and socially aggressive female social dynamics can be. The whole “girls girls” things reminds me so much of an imaginary Regina George scene where she gets you to lower your defenses so you can accept any of the stupid manipulative bullshit they try to get you to parrot and involve yourself in, just like an average setting being with them like at work or home life. I don’t care how offensive/non-pc this comes off, it’s absolutely true, it makes it even worse
because it makes you feel like you can’t even trust any woman you befriend or know, in actuality you can’t really trust any of them but that’s just a tight kept secret. Years of betrayal has left a no-woman’s road for me unfortunately
No. 2000894
>>2000781I think the girls girl term in the beginning was genuine but now the only people who i see who call themselves a girls girl are closeted pickmes.
Girls girl was about standing up for each other but now its all about being pro-makeup, hyperfemininity and nothing more.
Tbh and its not just girls girl but most terms or movements that starts off as genuine get flooded and lose their meaning. Tbh GC is a example of this becauze the majority of gc people were gnc and lgb but after a while the movement got overtaken by conservative trad women who don't hate troons for the same reason a gnc person does.
No. 2000906
Ppl, hear me out!
This is something deadly serious and read all my words and take my analyze of current events very seriously.
It will be terrifying to read and believe, but we will be saved.
I'm aware that my opinions here are not respected and almost always discarded as speaking nonsenses. But when disasters I'm predicting now start to happen globally, you will change your attitudes toward me and seriously take my words and offer to help.
I have some rare kind of knowledge which is understanding situations by knowing about spiritual power of names, words, their true meanings and invocations.
We have the VIRUS added in letters and names, since the times of old.
That virus is called Babel (BBL) BaByLon, and it literally means something IDLE, heartless.
That virus is set up in book called BiBLe, as the trap for ppl to believe in the names which are inverted in the mirror (literally mirror-magic of inversions)
Master coders who set up the trap were members of the ancient cult of human sacrifices. They called themselves "geniuses" (Giants), and they are Phoenicians, creators of artificial alphabet.
They told us the false meanings of those IDLE names, which are turning the destiny of the meaning of the name in its opposite.
They marked many ppl as human sacrifices, spreading the virus all around the world under the mask of religious education. It all was systematically happening through human history.
Those Giants (geniuses) are present now, but they are heartless and they need human resources to create reality in which they are living now.
It happens by stealing emotions, and making ppl believe in mirror reflections of light (lies presented to look true at first glance)
Let me show you BBL trap in example which is currently happening about the war between two countries with BBL names (I won't mentioned those names like we believe it's correct, but I will give you the meanings what INVERSION of mirror reflection says:
Country victim is the word >ENITSELAP..אניתשלפ<
It's TRUE invocation for SALVATION (inverted invocation brigs utter disaster to them)
(remember TRUE word, and call for help in time of need when your life is in danger! Copy and paste it as protection against upcoming disasters which will start soon globally)
Inverted DANGEROUS invocation which Tik-Tokers are spreading around the globe calls for DISASTER (see what currently is happening with ppl there, they are marked to UTTER DESTRUCTION!!!)
And if you copy the original alphabet and put it in translator, in the way I wrote and give to you, you will see words "I will be pulled out" (in sense of I'll be saved)
If you wish truly to help those PLL and victims(AND YOURSELF), don't call upon DISASTER by invoking the false name of the country!!!
It's a TRAP and you are tricked to do it, and it will soon start to reflect on reality, globally.
Other country, the aggressor, its name is inversion of real meaning:
"NO POOR!!!"
I found this: "The word reish stands for rash, one who is poor"
Poor ppl around the globe are mass-targeted to be EXTERMINATED!
We need to stop false invocation all around the globe which started from influencers (some of them are intentionally stumbling ppl who are blinded with false reflections, and they believe they are doing the right thing)
If you wish to call upon SALVATION, use my NAME
(see my username,
and it's in its WINGED form, signed where direction of reading begins where it ends)
Copy it and put on your profiles as testimony. Especially ppl who have infected BiBLe names!!!
Seals of BBL book are broken, and now Empire of those heartless master coders will fall, and there will be a massive EARTHQUAKE that whole globe will shake. They want to pull as many ppl they can with them, into disaster.
My Name is the Judgment of the DESTINY and it's given to me to share to whom I want. Believe me, I'm warning everyone seeing disaster coming from afar.
You won't be scared finding the shelter under my Wings.
Think about my words, share them, spread the word everywhere.
Stop false invocation and disasters will be under control!
Soon the whole world will change into better, but first comes the fall of Babel and mirror-illusions are broken. How it will fall on the Earth, as meteors, or asteroides, or something else, I really don't know.
The Angel of Salvation is here with you, you know His Name now and when disaster starts, call for help! The power of the Name will be with you, invoked to SAVE!<.(schizo)
No. 2000947
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>>2000906I think you need a drink
No. 2000984
>>2000950>>2000952>>2000947>>2000945>>2000943>>2000937Here is example of virus possesed people.
Anyway, what I know, soon all those who gained riches trading by using illusions and tricking us to believe their hypocrisy, they will soon be poorer than they can imagine. All unjust gain will turn to those to whom really belongs.
Their support is taken from them. And more and more followers will abandon them. This is probably just the beginning. There will be more and more reasons in close future for ppl to turn backs to those illusionists.
And their unjust gains will return to senders.]
[First time experiencing the message told by dogs. I visited a home of poor. At first I thought it's just barking, but it wasn't. Both dogs were telling me something, same sounds. I asked is their message about the sorrow of their owner and they stopped to bark. I got it.]
No. 2000994
>>2000990>tfw you outed me for copy-pasting that schizos posts hereCmon anon you could have waited atleast a little bit. I wanted anons to believe i was genuine, can't a girl bait in peace.
>>2000988Unfortunately i cant because this is a copypasta and the original poster is a yuri obssesed tif from m@ngag0.
(chronic baiter) No. 2001007
>>2001000maybe i should since there are still retards taking me seriously such as
>>2000996But im too tired to continue the larp since i spent the whole night re-watching the first seaon of Junjou romantica (i know it's a shitty show, im doing it for nostlgia purposes) and while stuffing my face with stale doritos
No. 2001090
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I don’t really care if childless women want to be in abusive relationships and love their scrote so much she lets him knock her socks off, literally because at the end of the day it’s her life…..but having babies with abusive men makes me think you might actually be a sociopath with no empathy
No. 2001229
>>2001228I don't post there but the malding about it manifests elsewhere.
>higher standards than youWe're on lolcow. The chances of anyone here being a Stacy are pretty low. That's another thing by the way, the Stacy larping that we inherited from fds is embarrassing.
No. 2001253
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Tall girl did not deserve all the hate it got when it came out. I remember all the retarded movie critics and people getting so pissy about the movie like how the main character was hypocritical in how she wouldn’t date a boy shorter than her(but she literally overcame her hypocritical bias at the end and kissed him? Are characters not allowed to be flawed and overcome those flaws?). People ESPECIALLY lost their shit over the “You think your life’s hard? Well i wear men’s size 13 Nikes!” People would respond with shit like “Oh yeah? You think your life is hard you little brat? Well I’m a Kwueer HIV positive black transgender autistic women who is also a quadruple amputee with a prolapsed anus after being raped by a TERF!” Like ffs it’s supposed to be a silly fun and relatable movie for teenaged girls. That quote wasn’t supposed to be tragic. It was meant to be comedic. Sorry a movie made for teenaged girls isn’t about the hard cold realities of being an adult or something. Sorry the producers wanted to make a fun movie that isn’t complex or deep. Not everything needs to be a masterpiece.
No. 2001257
>>2001229nta but you don't need to be a stacy to not want to be with an unnatractive man. the average woman usually still looks better than the average man / puts in more effort into her appearance, so you're allowed to have higher standards aka wanting someone who grooms himself just like you or puts effort into his looks even if you're not a stacy. this is only considered a "high standard" in the first place because standards for men are extremely low and most women are socialized into settling
>>2001249pretty much lol
No. 2001267
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>>2001253Sorry im not done being mad over dumb shit but heres a comp of all the dramatic shit people said about it. Moral of the story: white people aren’t allowed to complain about minor things. White people cant have problems. Coomer Animu does everything better. Only average people are allowed to have relatable movies. Manlets have harder lives than tall women(remember: women live on easy mode!). Sorry my dumbass cursor is in the way.
No. 2001472
>>2001344nta but that nonna was saying
women praise men for it, not other men. women will rip apart another woman's makeup looks while praising men for the most shitty makeup looks simply because they're "fighting
toxic masculinity" or whatever
No. 2001509
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Getting molested by boys no older than 8 makes me have absolutely no sympathy for high school boys allegedly "raped" by adult women teachers. Boys are y chromo rape apes before they even enter middle school, yet are somehow are "manipulated" into sex when they're they size of a grown man. Doubt.jpg
No. 2001547
>>2001495It probably also heavily depends on luck and what specifically your 'life plan' is. Some are much more reliably achievable than others as long as where you live remains pretty economically and politically stable, but even the best laid plans can be upended by something like the COVID lockdowns, a war, serious changes in the economic conditions in your country, etc. I don't know what the original anon meant exactly by 'strict life plan' but usually the more detailed the plan the harder it is to stick to it or the less you even want to as other opportunities arise or you discover you don't like something. I am 'successful' in the sense that I met a lot of my original goals from high school or earlier but I actually view myself as less successful than a lot of my peers who made different choices (like dropping out of/not going to as high a level of postsecondary schooling) and whose lives seem better than mine in a lot of ways. I wish I was worse at sticking to plans and had more flexibility about them looking back because I think I also would have been more successful if hadn't been so pigheaded about finishing what I originally wanted to achieve and going with what I realized I liked more instead. But even within that I'm just talking about really broad strokes plans/goals, I did make some changes (like what subfield to study halfway through university etc) as certain economic conditions changed or I realized I wasn't as interested in something as I originally thought.
Stuff like 'I'm going to marry X type of guy and have 2 female children at age X' is almost never going to come true exactly though so when I hear people making plans like that I think they're a bit crazy.
No. 2001594
>>2001547Another thing that can affect your plans is health issues (your own or someone in your family/your partner) which I think a lot of people are lucky not to have to think about. But if you do end up getting a chronic illness, cancer, etc. in your 20s or 30s it can completely derail all your life plans so it's always better to 'plan for contingencies' or know you have other options if your initial plan falls through.
>>2001509I think in some cases even if a high school aged guy consents to sex on the surface he can still be considered to have been 'groomed' by an adult and some boys probably do end up with trauma from this, but when men talk amongst themselves (both gay and straight men) about these situations it seems like they often are jealous of each other or don't consider themselves to have been groomed or traumatized. I think a lot of older women project more innocence on teenaged boys than they actually have but I think it is possible some of them are
victims, though most likely aren't. I've had boys around 10yo act predatory and sexually creepy toward me in my late twenties but adults often project the kind of innocence onto them that girls that age actually possess whereas in reality many of them are watching porn, joking about rape and kinks and other disgusting topics and already get off on asserting power over girls and even adult women by acting creepy toward them. Getting sexually harassed by boys who look like they're in elementary school definitely made me feel a lot worse about male nature.
No. 2001749
>>2001744How is this unpopular?
Once you hit 30 it's all transactional.
No. 2002636
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gigi hadid's face is really not model material. she's got big chubby cheeks, shes one of the only female celebrities who could actually benefit from a buccal fat removal, and no makeup looks good on her face.
No. 2002644
>>2002636samefag but i'm gonna expand a little bit, her cheeks are chubby, her lips/under eyes/chin all look very
full? almost as if she went a little too far with the filler in areas that were lacking (weak chin, hollow under eyes, tiny muhammad lips) and its now migrating around her face a little.
No. 2002724
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>>2002688>wet cat waylike this?
No. 2002747
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>>2002636I actually feel like Gigi is an example of someone who'd thrive better as a model in the 50s-90s. It wasn't until recently that the modeling industry decided crazy looking gaunt faces were the thing. Also why modeling agencies stop scouting in poor countries since majority of of women are unable to obtain this face without plastic surgery and ofc most people in those areas don't have that
No. 2002820
>>2002788Yeah this is the exact same reason hollywood actresses from the 40s-70s seem so gorgeous compared to hollywood actresses now, women are not actually getting uglier but technology that exposes flaws is getting more advanced.
>>2002801The problem with starting college 3-4 years after high school is that you 1. would at that point have forgotten most of what you learned in high school, which is the backbone of what you learn in college, 2. would need to keep yourself afloat somehow in some unrelated job for 4 years while even basic Walmart and McDonalds jobs are hard to get now so actually this might end up making young people even less independent from their parents since at least under the current model you can get a scholarship to go to college instead of relying on some min wage no-qualifications job to live and 3. it will take you even longer to reach a point in your career where you would be stable enough to start a family or buy a house or invest if you need to wait an additional 3-4 years to even start your career. Especially for people who go on to do a Master's or PhD, the average ages to graduate from PhDs or med school is already early 30s, that would push it into mid-late 30s just to start working.
I actually kind of agree that a gap year or two to work would be good for a lot of people as 16-17 is often too young to decide your ultimate adult career and kids are being pushed into doing nonstop schooling with no breaks which can be bad for physical/mental health, but the solution shouldn't be to paternalistically ban young adults from further schooling for 4 years and throw them to the wolves with no qualifications and no ability to get qualifications. Also your second point doesn't make any sense, 'getting degrees' is not to get an edge over less fortunate people, it's one of the only ways 'less fortunate' people were able to experience social mobility and that's why an education has been so coveted. A poor kid who can study well and get good grades can become competitive with kids who grew up rich by going to the same quality school and competing with their abilities; banning schooling for 4 years post-graduation would further widen the gap between the rich and the poor since rich people could fund their kids and give them opportunities to intern, volunteer, prepare themselves further for college while poor kids would have to pick up fast food jobs or construction work to survive and fall further behind. I agree that too many people who don't need them are getting college degrees and that it's devalued degrees/deflated the worth of postsecondary education, but the solution to this is fewer for-profit schools admitting fewer students (and admitting them on merit only), not banning young people from schooling until they've 'done their time' in manual labor if they happen to be poor/lower-middle-class.
No. 2002833
>>2002820> 'getting degrees' is not to get an edge over less fortunate people, it's one of the only ways 'less fortunate' people were able to experience social mobility and that's why an education has been so coveted.If this were true, then why is there more minorities college educated than ever, yet the class gap is also wider than ever?
> the solution to this is fewer for-profit schools admitting fewer students (and admitting them on merit only)Then you would just go right back to it being all rich/upper middle class white and Asian kids lol
No. 2002844
>>2002833>If this were true, then why is there more minorities college educated than ever, yet the class gap is also wider than ever? The class gap is widening for a whole bunch of reasons too complicated to go into in this thread, but not everyone who is succeeding comes from a family that was upper class a generation ago. There still is some level of social mobility.
>Then you would just go right back to it being all rich/upper middle class white and Asian kids lolUh no unless you're suggesting that only rich/upper middle class kids can do well in primary schooling? In most of the EU university is almost free and meritocratic but has enrolment caps and they don't have the same level of overeducation problems that the US does, but they also have more egalitarian primary/secondary schooling. I grew up extremely poor, like bunking in my parents' friends basements because they couldn't afford to rent an apartment and not being able to afford proper food poor, and I went to the best university in my country because we had decent public schooling where I grew up and I got the best grades in my high school. But my country doesn't have admissions based on 'legacy' or how many extracurriculars you did either so the solution is better accessible primary/secondary schooling and actually meritocratic capped university admissions, not forcing people out of education imo. widening for a whole bunch of reasons too complicated to go into in this thread, but not everyone who is succeeding comes from a family that was upper class a generation ago. There still is some level of social mobility.
>Then you would just go right back to it being all rich/upper middle class white and Asian kids lolUh no unless you're suggesting that only rich/upper middle class kids can do well in primary schooling? In most of the EU university is almost free and meritocratic but has enrolment caps and they don't have the same level of overeducation problems that the US does, but they also have more egalitarian primary/secondary schooling. I grew up extremely poor, like bunking in my parents' friends basements because they couldn't afford to rent an apartment and not being able to afford proper food poor, and I went to the best university in my country because we had decent public schooling where I grew up and I got the best grades in my high school. But my country doesn't have admissions based on 'legacy' or how many extracurriculars you did either so the solution is better accessible primary/secondary schooling and actually meritocratic capped university admissions, not forcing people out of education imo.
>>2002833 No. 2002867
>>2002831One of the reasons for this is simply because coding is an easier, cushier, and more flexible job. I could have qualified for med school but I was chronically ill so I knew I would not be able to physically handle a career as a doctor, where they won't even let you pee for 7 hours at a time and you'll get fired in your first few years for not being able to handle physical exhaustion. If someone is a competent coder they can work freelance, part time, remotely, or at a relatively physically non-stressful office job with a 45-hour workweek, so it's preferable for a lot of people who can't handle the extreme grind of shift work or who don't feel comfortable seeing gore at their workplace everyday. I agree that healthcare is more necessary and usually more stable overall, but I understand why people choose office work instead of, say, nursing.
>>2002834If employers were required to pay that much they would just hire fewer people which is what is already happening in a lot of industries. And it still wouldn't solve the problem of 4 years of mandatory non-schooling primarily boosting the future life circumstances of the wealthy; wealthy well-connected parents could get their high school graduate kids actually good nepo jobs while poor kids in
abusive/unstable housing situations would have to suck up whatever work was available to hold out until university. I agree that labor workers in general should leverage against employers more but as you pointed out there are industries like the military where you can literally get raped and if you complain only you suffer, so a lot of people are too scared to organize against their employers.
>>2002836They are exclusive yes which is why I favor the non-US university system but it still provides social mobility to a chunk of people who otherwise wouldn't have that option if they were, say, forced to spend age 17-21 not getting schooling.
No. 2002877
>>2002850This is just a weirdly racist view. Why wouldn't non-white kids be able to succeed at getting good grades if primary/secondary schooling was higher quality across the board? AYRT and as I already said I was dirt poor growing up (an immigrant from a shithole country) with no connections or resources but since I lived in a country with good primary/secondary education I got the best grades in my high school and went to an elite university. My parents were
abusive so if I'd had to wait 4 years to go to college I would have had to put up with 4 more years of an
abusive home environment and work some shitty grocery store job and delay my independence, how would that have helped me? At least university was an opportunity to live apart from my parents and start to get on a career track consummate with my skills and abilities earlier.
>>2002858The extracurricular thing (as well as legacy admissions and volunteerism requirements) are just a sneaky way for US schools to keep accepting wealthier students and box out students from poorer backgrounds. While rich kids might have a slight advantage in grades and testing over poor kids, they have a massive advantage over poor kids in extracurriculars and volunteerism since poor kids need to spend their spare time working, not volunteering or doing their hobbies. Admissions based on grades are always more genuinely meritocratic than admissions based on essays and extracurriculars.
>>2002863The simple solution to this would be to stop overinflating high school grades the way US high schools do. No other country has historically had this issue. Just make high school classes and admissions tests harder and stop using the 4 point GPA system in high schools, use exact 0-100% grades and standardized exam grades instead the way every other country does. Of course people who suck at tests can still be great leaders but high school grades shouldn't be solely based on tests anyway, and there should be opportunities for people to be 'leaders' without advanced academic qualifications.
>>2002871Sure but an OHS degree is still a degree, and the reason a lot of people did coding bootcamps or self-study is they couldn't afford degrees or didn't want to take the time to get one.
No. 2002900
>>2002885I’m saying that I don’t necessarily think that can make a real difference for minorities (not just middle class vs poorer like I ranted about originally) in the US because race relations are so retarded here that the problem has hardly anything to do with minorities getting accepted into college at all. My original point about forcing people to wait 4 years for college didn’t actually have anything to do with employment or class, it was just about mental health, personal goals, and the wisdom to actually appreciate and exploit the info and opportunities given at colleges. I’m only arguing about it because someone said it would make minorities lives worse, and I disagree.
My other point was essentially just laughing at people who feel entitled to jobs for following the hive mind and buying into consumerism
No. 2002933
>>2002900Yeah and I responded to your original points with my own points about why I think that would be counterproductive. Like I said I agree with you that taking maybe a 1-2 year break between high school and university being normalized could be very good for people as I think age 16-17 is too young to be expected to plan out your entire future/know what you're passionate about (although, again, this problem is worse in the US because the US expects students to essentially start their college admissions process in 11th grade while in most other countries it's in the last half of 12th grade). Culturally normalizing a gap year is imo preferable to forcing a gap year because some young people won't benefit from a forced gap year. But I think a forced 3-4 years gap is egregious for a number of reasons I already outlined - you will forget most of the basics by the time you enter university, kids with bad family/home lives or who are poor will be forced to live with their parents longer or live in severe poverty with fewer options to get out of poverty, it will actually dramatically widen the class gap, and it will worsen the already-existing problem of people who can't start their careers, family lives, process of home-ownership early enough. All of these things would just be made worse by a mandate to spend 3-4 years not in any kind of education with no legal opportunity to pursue further education.
Like let me give you a hypothetical. You are a math genius who is extremely passionate about math and you went through high school barely passing most of your classes but doing super well in math and physics. You had decent high school teachers and you entered math olympiads and won. You are admitted to a decent college for a math degree but you need to wait 4 years to go. In the meantime you have to live with your
abusive alcoholic father while working 2-3 part time jobs to help pay rent because your father can't pay for all your rent and utilities. If you want to pursue your passion for math you have to study in the middle of the night between 12-hour shifts stocking shelves at Walmart. This goes on for four years but you don't earn enough to get your own place. Meanwhile your wealthy peers who were far behind you in high school have parents who hooked them up with internships at their uncle's company managing the books, they get to peek in on investment meetings. Their parents also pay for 4 years worth of remedial math tutoring, online courses and textbooks to make them have a better shot when they enter university. You struggle along eating unhealthy food and working night shifts in the grocery store warehouse and by the time you enter university you have forgotten most of what you learned in your other courses, even though you studied math a little independently. You have a rotator cuff injury from your warehouse job and have to keep a part time job through university (even though you got a scholarship by some miracle) to pay for physiotherapy and medications. You start university and you are far behind your stupider peers because you didn't get 4 years of test prep and tutoring. You are burnt out because you had 4 years where you were not able to explore your passion and you never worked in a job position where people would praise you for your unusual gifts in mathematics. You feel even more like a nobody.
How is this a good outcome for anybody? People already have the option not to go to school right away, but forcing people not to is another story entirely. Regarding people feeling entitled to jobs because they have a college degree I agree it is a problem that too many people pushed their kids into college and college standards have been lowered, but I still think the solution is not more time between high school and college. The solution is a society which values people's various gifts whether that is academics or something else, and meritocractically selects the most academically gifted students for cheap/free university (which fewer people attend) while people with other skills are funneled into other careers that will stop requiring university if fewer people go to university.
No. 2002944
>>2002939If you go to university you can use your student loans or scholarships to pay for a place with roommates, but if you are stuck jobless or with min wage jobs that can't pay for an apartment while you wait 4 years to go to school how are you getting that apartment?
Personally most of the people I knew who stayed with or moved back in with their parents were poor, while middle class people had apartments their parents partially paid for. But even when that's not the case, how do you financially justify moving out when it's not even for college and your shitty no-qualifications job you may or may not be able to get without an education isn't even enough to pay for a bunk bed with 5 other people in a 3-bedroom?
No. 2002951
new thready!!
>>2002950 !!