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No. 2009067

Disuccion surrounding the disintegration of female beauty over the years.
>Post women you think are ugly
>How often do you encounter ugly women in the wild? (bait thread)

No. 2009069

>comparing movie star to political activist
You're retarded

No. 2009073

i hope it stays so i can report everyone calling women ugly and talking about their looks, since tranny jannies think you cant talk about ugly men outside ugly man psyop thread.(cross-board infighting)

No. 2009076

do you report everyone calling women on /snow/ ugly too, gandhi?

No. 2009077

yes i do, no talking about ugly women outside their containment

No. 2009080

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ATJ is the first unattractive woman I could think of. I know this will be unpopular but she looks like an anorexic man in a corpse bride costume. No fucking thank you.

No. 2009082

Scrote-tier thread

No. 2009083

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Don't be idiots, just move on.

No. 2009086

care to elaborate

No. 2009087

go cry to your mommy retard, maybe if youre lucky she'll give you a capri sun

No. 2009090

Try harder.

No. 2009092

is everything ok at home?

No. 2009093

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pretending that she was as attractive as 2004 rachel macadams is a war crime.

No. 2009094

No. 2009095

idg how this is different from the /g/ thread. the ugly man pysop is different since it's about cultural trends, media tropes, and society but this is just "women shilled as attractive pt 1000"

No. 2009096

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since the male psyop thread allows anime then i will talk about this ugly bitch and how she gets shilled here as attractive when she looks like a man

No. 2009097

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this is an "actress" whos supposed to be the main character that we, are expected to regard with a modicum of desirability and sympathize with. Really?

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