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No. 211943
>>211938Just people trying to feel better than others because ~they~ are truly different, often wishing they were born an other race.
Nothing really interesting here.
No. 211945
>>211938Everyone is a little racist in some way. Anyone who claims to not be racist in any capacity is clearly harboring a lot of deep resentment.
"the lady doth protest too much"
No. 211987
>>211938>I have noticed this attitude in a lot of half-white people too, as if just being half something else excludes them from the atrocities committed by their white brethren in current and past times.Yeeeah I'm half-white and I used to do this. I don't anymore because I realized how stupid and hypocritical it is, but I think part of the reason is because I just never considered myself "white". People, even progressive people, don't see you as white unless you look white. Even if they aren't racist towards you and have no problem with you being mixed race, they just don't see you as white. My entire childhood I never saw myself as "white" because physically, I wasn't. I was never bullied or excluded for being brown, either, it was just a fact that I didn't have white skin and therefore wasn't white. My older brother, on the other hand, is white-passing, and he has referred to himself as "a white guy" several times, something I would never even consider doing.
No. 211988
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>>211987pretty much, I also feel like the white passing mixed POCs (assuming they didn't pull an all.hail.satin) who hate whites often do so for brownie points since people in that community like to act as if being white is a sin and it's impossible to ever face any struggle if you are white, it's like they'll bash the living shit out of you then when you say something such as "calm down guys I'm ____" they'll be like "oh okay sorry to bother" then wonder why mixed white often milk their POC side or whites will straight up just pretend to be another race
No. 211992
>I have noticed this attitude in a lot of half-white people too, as if just being half something else excludes them from the atrocities committed by their white brethren in current and past times. Funny.It's not surprising to me. People often complain about the idea of the 1 drop rule, but you see these far left pinko types apply it all the time. It just goes in the opposite direction. Shaun King is a hilarious example.
>>211973>Are "jews" considered white? Judaism is kind of a weird thing because its both a religion, and an ethnic group that only follows the mother side since that's the only parent you can be 100% sure of.
So on one hand, you have the Sephardic or Ashkenazi jews, who are basically Spanish and German respectively. So yeah, white. But on the other hand there are groups of Jews from Africa for instance, who are obviously not white. When people try to argue Jews arent white, they're generally referencing the Ashkenazi ones and usually have some weird theory about how they're originally from Turkey or whatever. Even if that were true, they've been sufficiently mixed into the native population to make it irrelevant.
Even the Jews don't see themselves as one solid ethnic group, as evidenced by their actions regarding black Jews.>>211985> I think a lot of SJW types basically think that Jews are not technically white, but do "pass" as whiteWhich is stupid as fuck all. Only two groups have tried to argue with me that Italians are not white for instance-SJWs and neo nazis.
No. 211995
>>211973I don't usually dip my toes into threads like this, anon, because it's sort of a waste of time to deal with all the skull measurers that eventually show up to evangelize about whiteness. But you asked a good question.
So the short answer is that jews are white (apart from like,Etheopian jews and so forth). When people talk about racism directed at jews, they are conflating race and ethnicity. Those words mean different things but the distinction between them is a subtle one so they sometimes are used interchangeably.
Jewishness can mean a person's religion, or their ethnicity, or their culture. Or all three at once. Because jews can face similar types of discrimination that other minority groups face, many people will call somebody who hates jews a racist because they aren't making the distinction between race and ethnicity.
No. 211996
>>211973Scientifically, there are only 3 races. Caucasoid, Negroid, and Mongoloid. Everyone
has to fall into one of them, so even brown arabs are in fact Caucasian. "White people" however, is not as straight-forward because it's not really a scientific term. It should probably refer to fair skinned Caucasians, but it's very easy for white nationalists exclude whoever they want entirely and say that they are not white people, even if they have white skin. They have done it to Jews, Mediterraneans, and even Slavics.
No. 212028
>>211995>>211992>its both a religion, and an ethnic group>Jewishness can mean a person's religion, or their ethnicity, or their cultureThis explains so much. It always confused me how judaism can be a religion but people call each other jews based on looks. I didn't even know there were black jews at all. We don't have them here save for the odd WW2 refugee, but those are rare and ended up assimilating our clusterfuck culture rather than maintaining theirs, so you don't find out about it until they tell you.
Thanks for all the explanations!
No. 212180
>>212173It's so strange. My country was taken over by the Brits. They raped, murdered, sold us to slavery, destroyed our culture beyond repair, sapped us dry of all our resources and money and yet I don't have any anger towards modern-day British people. In fact, I think most of them are lovely. They're not responsible for what their cruel, inhuman ancestors did. Sure, they could do more to forge a better relationship with us and teach their children in schools what their true history is and not biased lies, but I'm not angry about it. I don't think they should be made feel bad about what their shitty ancestors did, that's not their fault.
I don't understand the concept that white Americans should feel guilty for what their ancestors did. They didn't choose their circumstances or where they were born. This shit happened hundreds of years ago and it doesn't affect modern day Americans that much. The people complaining about this have been American for many generations, it's not like any living family members are still traumatized/benefiting from slavery.
I don't think it helps that Americans are so fixated with dividing themselves. I hate how every American I meet feels the need to tell me that they're "half Irish, a quarter Italian, one eighth Scandinavian…" even though they were born in America, their parents were born in America and most of their grandparents were born in America. People in Europe literally don't care about that shit. If you're from France, you're French. If you're from Spain, you're Spanish. And your race is irrelevant. All labeling themselves as "AFRICAN Americans" "ASIAN Americans" "HISPANIC American" "ITALIAN American" "JEWISH American" "IRISH American" achieves is creating a bigger divide between people of different races/cultures/faiths (and I say culture loosely because nobody I've ever met from America who claims to be "Italian" or "Irish" actually practices any genuine traditions from their culture that wouldn't be laughed at abroad) where there wouldn't be a divide if they just called themselves "American" like they're supposed to.
No. 212182
>>212180Amen. I'm from France and here it doesn't matter where your parents came from, you're French if you speak French and have French citizenship.
My parents are Slavs and I have a very obvious Slavic surname but nobody has ever referred to me as Czech, not even once, because I've never been there, I don't speak the language and my parents speak French as well as any natives. Here people never assume you're a foreigner unless you make it super obvious or are like… black and live in some small ch'ti shithole, probably not even then.
No. 212185
>>212180American here. I think that's because for all our arrogance and bragging we're stereotyped as, we also have this massive sense of self-loathing. Or rather, a large percentage of the population has a massive sense of self-loathing. And I think people do that because we're told "America has no culture", and also because they view Europe and Africa and all that as more "exotic" and richer in culture, and quite frankly, because they think older countries are cool.
I think the obsession with being Italian and Irish and all that varies more by region too. I'm from the South, and I don't see that shit as much. It seems to be a northern thing to me, maybe because the immigrants there are newer than the ones in the South, and maybe because the South, among whites, tends to be more uniformly Scots-Irish in descent. But it's just such a strange complex people have.
No. 212193
>>212180>>212182American who grew up in the 90s here. I'm also in the NYC area.
When I was much younger and learning baseline US history, a LOT of emphasis was placed on how the US is a "melting pot" of different areas. The Ellis Island historical narrative was also really played up. There was a semi-hard level of drilling that we all came from different places but we're all Americans.
My ex's dad was FOTB Irish and the mother was Irish-American, second generation. She would moan on the most about being Irish and his dad never said shit unless asked.
The fact that American politics have been a joke since the early 2000s probably doesn't help anyone's inherent sense of pride, either.
No. 212218
>>212180>I don't understand the concept that white Americans should feel guilty for what their ancestors did.Prejudice of lowered expectations. Every single sin people wax on about was committed by every other culture and race. But it's only a major issue when white people do it.
We just happened to have superior industrial power at the right time so our actions were on a much larger scale. We're supposed to care about our actions in India when they were still throwing widows onto a pyre because they were afraid they would become whores without their husband.
No. 212228
>>212180it seems like you're not american, so i'll give you my take on american identity politics as someone who's closer to the dumpster fire.
>This shit happened hundreds of years ago and it doesn't affect modern day Americans that much. … it's not like any living family members are still traumatized/benefiting from slavery.i don't think many Americans /explicitly/ benefit from slavery, i.e. their grandpappy owned slaves. but the legacy of slavery is v much still relevant. it is probably most apparent in our institutions. the endowments of our top universities were partially funded by donations made in the 1700s and 1800s from wealthy families of which a proportion were slaveholders and plantation owners. and this is just one of the more obvious signs of slavery.
consider that AFRICAN Americans have never received compensation for the generations of work their ancestors performed, say nothing of the literally inhuman conditions they endured. the structure of plantations actively prevented them from accumulating capital (this is not to negate the cases where ppl did manage to buy their freedom or their family's freedom—these cases were /rare/). after emancipation, they were left w/ little money, little economic footing, in a region of the country which still actively sought to suppress and intimidate them. they worked in exploitative systems after emancipation (e.g. as tenant farmers) b/c they had no other options. their political agency was beaten down in explicit legislation and thru informal action, e.g. the KKK.
all this did not disappear slowly. even in the late 20th century, in the 1950s/60s, there was still rampant discrimination, most obviously in the form of segregation which ofc served to shut out African Americans from opportunities for advancement. educated African Americans were still shut out from many high-level (i.e., well-paid) jobs. redlining prevented African Americans from getting lenient loans and buying property in nice areas, i.e. the suburbs. if you look at maps of the US today, you'll see that races are highly segregated by location w/ blacks and whites clustered in different parts of a region; this is a large part of why.
So when something like the flood of crack cocaine into inner cities in 1980s happens, it differentially affects white and black populations who now significantly differ economically w/ whites being relatively wealthy since blacks' economic potential has been suppressed for hundreds of years.
and this is why the "AFRICAN Americans" "ASIAN Americans" "HISPANIC Americans" "JEWISH Americans" "ITALIAN Americans" "IRISH Americans" labels exist. these are all groups of ppl who have historically been discriminated against and persecuted in the US (including Irish & Italian ppl); this is a large reason why many of them have cultural identities cohesive enough for them to take on such a label. they were not ALLOWED to integrate culturally, so they did not. they had experiences that alienated them from mainstream American culture and bound them together. i mean, i'm sure you're familiar w/ this phenomenon in Europe w/ Jews specifically.
No. 212230
>>212180it seems like you're not american, so i'll give you my take on american identity politics as someone who's closer to the dumpster fire.
>This shit happened hundreds of years ago and it doesn't affect modern day Americans that much. … it's not like any living family members are still traumatized/benefiting from slavery.i don't think many Americans /explicitly/ benefit from slavery, i.e. their grandpappy owned slaves. but the legacy of slavery is v much still relevant. it is probably most apparent in our institutions. the endowments of our top universities were partially funded by donations made in the 1700s and 1800s from wealthy families of which a proportion were slaveholders and plantation owners. and this is just one of the more obvious signs of slavery.
consider that AFRICAN Americans have never received compensation for the generations of work their ancestors performed, say nothing of the literally inhuman conditions they endured. the structure of plantations actively prevented them from accumulating capital (this is not to negate the cases where ppl did manage to buy their freedom or their family's freedom—these cases were /rare/). after emancipation, they were left w/ little money, little economic footing, in a region of the country which still actively sought to suppress and intimidate them. they worked in exploitative systems after emancipation (e.g. as tenant farmers) b/c they had no other options. their political agency was beaten down in explicit legislation and thru informal action, e.g. the KKK.
all this did not disappear slowly. even in the late 20th century, in the 1950s/60s, there was still rampant discrimination, most obviously in the form of segregation which ofc served to shut out African Americans from opportunities for advancement. educated African Americans were still shut out from many high-level (i.e., well-paid) jobs. redlining prevented African Americans from getting lenient loans and buying property in nice areas, i.e. the suburbs. if you look at maps of the US today, you'll see that races are highly segregated by location w/ blacks and whites clustered in different parts of a region; this is a large part of why.
So when something like the flood of crack cocaine into inner cities in 1980s happens, it differentially affects white and black populations who now significantly differ economically w/ whites being relatively wealthy since blacks' economic potential has been suppressed for hundreds of years.
and this is why the "AFRICAN Americans" "ASIAN Americans" "HISPANIC Americans" "JEWISH Americans" "ITALIAN Americans" "IRISH Americans" labels exist. these are all groups of ppl who have historically been discriminated against and persecuted in the US (including Irish & Italian ppl); this is a large reason why many of them have cultural identities cohesive enough for them to take on such a label. they were not ALLOWED to integrate culturally, so they did not. they had experiences that alienated them from mainstream American culture and bound them together. i mean, i'm sure you're familiar w/ this phenomenon in Europe w/ Jews specifically.
No. 212259
>>212254I think anon is saying that every marginalized group can make the same claims. Also, I don't agree with
>>212230 all that much, they miss some points. Every ethnic group stayed separated because of cultural preservation. Also for the most part, caucasian groups that were discriminated against by the British are lumped together as 'oppressive white people' so the idea that these labels exist for that is ridiculous. People who know their heritage label themselves as such, and if they don't know for sure (as with people of african heritage) they still label themselves as what they are most closely identified as. America is not a melting pot, people lack a sense of pride in America unless they are white, because of a mixture of forced segregation in the past, and on going self-segregation. There's nothing wrong with it, but it's just much more segregated than other countries.
No. 212267
>>212255True but at least we educate people here about the horrible stuff that has happened while Americans tend to ignore it and only talk about it during black history month.
Which might be one of the problems why everyone is so sensitive over there bc not even the school systems seems to talk about it.
Eurofag so excuse me if I'm wrong.
No. 212269
>>212255Well Germany did pay large sums of reparation to many countries, including to Israel if i'm not mistaken
I'm glad that the majority of you here, have the same view on this topic as i: i have a clearly non-political blog and still have to deal every day with sjw liking reblogging things from me and than noticing that all their blogs are about is 'we're coming for the whities!' This shouldn't affect me personally, but i can't help but feel incredibly hurt by that hatered…
No. 212273
>>212269plz israel is a military state + nothing more.
can't wait for that eu army…
No. 212289
>>212274>also the whites did not just invade america, i believe some of the other europeans (who are not white in colour :o ! ) laid claim as well.…And? Doesn't change the fact that whites are the ones that did the most damage by far.
>humans migrate and discover lands and are hostile to natives. who the fuck would have thunk itDon't you think "hostile" is a bit of an understatement here? Like, they committed genocide.
No. 212295
>>212289lol you need to stop looking at people by colour, as if that defines them and their beliefs and actions are just colourful (zing!) additions.
humans are animals sweet anon. they respond to environment much like an apex predator does. i mean, homosapiens are the only species left of human, there were others and we wiped them out.
also there have been 'genocides' the world over, not just america, again get over your USA point of view, you're a young country too, so your seedy past is just more in the collective consciousness.
the bottomline is, nowadays we have the technology, educations and intelligence to understand and appreciate differences and if we pull together it's better off for all in the long run.
what do you want anyone to do for a creatures mistake in the past? the choice is obvious, move on and strive for a better future.
yes there are still massive inequalities but society is not perfect and there is no perfect utopia, it is all trial and error, but there is no point harbouring bitterness towards a person based on colour. that is absurd.
No. 212298
>>212296fuck, what ever happened to using descriptive labels such as nationality? it's not like race indicates any variation at all. it effects human physiology as much as fur colour in dog.
such a daft concept.
No. 212302
>>212301i wonder what they would feel about all of russia's ethnic groups as well
the world is mot black, tan, yellow or white. the biggest culture differences are dictated by our lovely governments. rather than hate entire peoples, how about using your civil rights to fight for actual just causes and not protests about goddamn identity politics
No. 212318
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>>212296Only /pol/tards believe that Mediterraneans aren't white. I'd hope that wasn't the Irish anon's intention.
>>212303This anon is dead right. The colour "white" has only existed pretty recently in our history. The Brits have been trying to prove that Irish people (who are most definitely white and share a fair bit of DNA with the Brits themselves lol) are basically the same as black people.
No. 212321
>>212295never said I wanted wypipo to pay for what their fucking ancestors did, I just don't want people to downplay what happened in the past or say "w-well it wasn't just us!" or "there have been other genocides, who cares about this one?" like you do (which also seems like a white guilt thing jsyk)
>humans are animals sweet anon. they respond to environment much like an apex predator does. i mean, homosapiens are the only species left of human, there were others and we wiped them out.LOL you fucking retard. I don't even know what to say, this reminds me of when incels excuse rape with le animalistic urges~
>yes there are still massive inequalities but society is not perfect and there is no perfect utopia, it is all trial and error, but there is no point harbouring bitterness towards a person based on colour. that is absurd.first of all, nice projection. second of all, are white people not the ones who've always done that the most? the bitterness other people have against them almost always comes from experiencing racism from them, so maybe you should go tell other whites that shit before you worry about the people getting fucked over.
>>212317Cool, but I was obviously talking about what happened in america, not za warudo.
No. 212322
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>>212303>This is how 'racism' and discrimination work, it's not base on the color of your skin.This is a very European attitude towards race, I can assure you that it's not the same everywhere else. Especially in America where most whites are European mutts.
No. 212327
>>212318i'm irish anon and also study biology. i can assure you we share a fair amount of DNA with all of our mammal brothers and sisters, and the colour of our skin has little to do with our physiology m8.
i'm the one that stated skin colour is the same concept of fur pattern on dogs. skin colour is not unique to any one race, there are variations everywhere. skin colour means fuck all. please don't talk about DNA as if you know anything about it.
No. 212329
>>212318also what is this diagram trying to prove? as soon as humans migrated, variations in appearance appeared, influenced by environmental factors.
the epicanthic fold is not just unique to asians, a tribe in africa also have the same variation but do not share genetics with asians (although we all share the human genomes and functions, and our human genome is fairly similar to all mammals)
people need to get over race. it's a dull as nationalism. as if you can determine your place of birth.
also homo sapiens were not the only humans. there were other species. there are indigenous tribes hostile to outsiders. war is engineered conflict over territories. we are animals and intelligence is not a human construct.
get over it
No. 212332
>>212320well hate to shock you, but some people in europe would not; and do americans not try to lump all of europe together? even though their hispanic community which they would not call white have spanish heritage.
the brits would refer to the spanish and portueguese as foreign and not alike of them. white passing maybe, but if you spoke another language than english that's where the culture rift would be visible.
i think europeans are more use to the term xenophobic, or were, it is now more trendy to call people racist and dumb it down to skin colour than the basic reality of nationality.
i am speaking blunty and do not give a single fuck what colour anyone is, i judge people always on their actions and beliefs and if i'm not privy to either i'm not going to make a judgement on someone.
i just always did find it odd the US Identity Politics, half of the people don't seem to know basic world geography
No. 212336
>>212328>Whites have historically committed the most heinous crimes against humanity, yeah? The only difference was their ability to do so, not intent. The Indians genocided each other all the time, but it was limited in scope because they never even figured out basic metallurgy. The first thing they did when they received firearms was to go out and kill each other in even greater numbers. The Chinese killed hundreds of thousands of their own people over a fucking haircut. Pol Pot managed to wipe out a quarter of his own population. The Turks still deny the Armenian Genocide.
Hell for christ sakes neo nazis still try to argue Slavs arent white because they think the Mongolians raped them too hard.
No. 212357
>>212289The Muslim/Arab slave trade lasted much longer than Atlantic/European and was much more cruel (men were castrated and women were sex-slaves)
This is a dog-eat-dog world (Homo homini lupus est), not an ideal world…sorry to break your Manichean point of view.
I'm French, of Celtic descent, should I ask compensation to Italian ppl since my country was invaded by their ancestors (Roman Empire)? Come on. By digging the past too much, you'll just end up burying yourself.
No. 212362
>>212361Because people only look at how one race did those things. They only complain about how whites owned slaves, they gloss over the fact whites were buying them from other blacks to begin with and the slave trade had existed long before we ever entered the market.
Should we be proud of how we had slaves in the past? Of course not. But I'm not going to be particularly ashamed of the fact it happened either. If people were denouncing all elements that participated in the slave trade, my opinion might be different.
No. 212364
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>know this one tumblr girl I used to follow that turned into a rabid sjw
>used to have cute posts that were enjoyable but now a days she posts 'fuck da whitey reeeee'
>draws shitty art that's crayola scribbles tier and posts them in her art, hasn't attempted to improve much like her whole personality where she blames others for her problems
>one time she flipped out to some 14 year old because she got a head cannon wrong on one of her Magical Girl OCs
>but sadly she changed her url so I can't screen cap it (most likely due to drama and acting like a cunt)
>anyways she feels like she has authority of what can be said about race because she claims to be poc
>recently stalk her blog again and she posted a selfie
>she's a god damn landwhale and she's barely fucking brown
fuck this asshole. she can call herself brown but the worse people out there are the ones who think they speak for all of x because they're x.
Also she's a neet, and she frequently posts about how it's ok to be lazy and those self-loving posts. this girl is in full denial mode and it's gonna fuck her in the ass one day.
No. 212366
>>212357Black people in america arent just suddenly askin for compensation for the hell of though
Shit was literally promised that theyd get 40 acres and a mule as reparations during the civil war annndd uh theyre still waiting
Meanwhile, all slave owners were compensated,like, 5k for every single slave they owned. This was back in the 1860s, so a good majority of them should be billionaires and super elite now
Either way, they were lied to, and probs never gonna get it, especially since china is buying up the lands with the quickness
No. 212370
>>212369The minority of extremist idiots are the ones that always speak the loudest.
Honestly, I thought my college campus would be full of self-loathing kids being brainwashed, but the only people I've seen who are so far up their own ass are this one really obviously gay guy who talks like a near stereotype and an old sociology teacher who thinks all white men are unreasonable and women can't make mistakes. Everyone else had the decency to think for themselves and just were silent, and usually mentioned how they thought the extremists were a little nuts after class. I know that I live way outside of the normal US (not in the lower 48), but I really don't think everyone here is crazy, just a loud minority.
No. 212380
>>212336>The only difference was their ability to do so, not intentProbably, I was mostly just baiting with that post anyways.
>>212334>>212333Oh, pardon me. I guess you guys are in a veeeery close second.
>>212357>The Muslim/Arab slave trade lasted much longer than Atlantic/European and was much more cruel (men were castrated and women were sex-slaves)Maybe it lasted longer, but I don't know how ignorant you have to be to think it was more cruel…
I don't care which was more cruel anyways, it's all horrible and none of it should be brushed off just because y-you dindunuffin or some people suffered worse than others.
>it's dog-eat-dog world lol get over itThat makes it okay, right? Let's just brush all that under the rug and pretend it never happened, fuck dead ppl. I'm sure it wasn't that bad anyways!
>I'm French, of Celtic descent, should I ask compensation to Italian ppl since my country was invaded by their ancestors (Roman Empire)?Where tf did I say anything about compensation? Again, I just want white people to stop being so butthurt about this and properly accept that a lot of their ancestors were downright evil people.
Like this thread is about white guilt, but some of you guys seem to feel so guilty about all this that you can't even admit some shit you weren't even
alive to see happen happened without getting super defensive and deflecting the blame or bringing up awful stuff other races have done to try and excuse it. You're not responsible for what a bunch of dead people did. Stop trying to excuse their actions as if you are.
No. 212383
>>212380idk i study psychology and there
is implicit/modern racism of some sort. that shit is not gone. Although i wouldnt start self-loathing because of that. there are tons of reason why prefering those that are similar is imprinted in our biology (safety, survival of the own family). only difference is that white people are the once that hold the most power and money in the world. all you can do about it is knowing how and why you act like you do and then trying not to discriminate people of any sort.
if you want to know there is an implicit association test. it measures racism (and fatism, agism, and so on) implicitly, which overall means you cant really lie with such a test: No. 212387
>>212380>Again, I just want white people to stop being so butthurt about this and properly accept that a lot of their ancestors were downright evil people.Sure. Hell we're pretty certain some of my ancestors were directly involved in the slave trade as sailors (Boats are a family tradition of sorts). Just as long as we remember it was their black brother who put them in chains to begin with.
The reason people point out what others did is because others regularly pretend only white people did this shit. At this point I think you're just trying to hide from that point so you can pretend the people are screaming into the void.
No. 212391
>>212390fuck even those in north africa are not similar to those in south africa. africa is a massive continent with different environments, and connected to the middle east and off the Mediterranean.
learn some fucking geography before you decide 'all whites are bad mmkay'
sorry america is isolated from the rest of the continents we're sorry humans explored the world before we all got the internet and learnt about white guilt
No. 212393
>>212391how come americans never feel guilt for living in the USA when they know how it was obtained? regardless of colour, people living in the US now were not the natives and not every immigrant in america is due to the slave trade
also some US citizens degrade their neighbours from the south etc and who do we blame for the cartels? the whites?
seriously. people is people are people that are people. human nature is human nature and not the colour of your skin. a black lab and white lab act the same.
No. 212394
>>212383Oh yeah, I totally agree! I didn't bring that up bc I didn't want to
trigger anyone lol
>>212387>Just as long as we remember it was their black brother who put them in chains to begin with.Right. But like I said, can't admit shit without deflecting the blame. This reeks of "They basically did it to themselves, we dindu nuffin."
>The reason people point out what others did is because others regularly pretend only white people did this shit.Since when? Is this another eurofag self hatred thing? I never see this shit in America, especially offline. Two wrongs don't make a right anyways, so even if that was true, it'd still be a shit reason.
>>212389Do they? I'm pretty sure most natives and black people think white guilt is annoying too, can't speak for other ethnic groups. People usually want whites to be aware of their privilege and try to, you know, not be raycist, but I haven't seen many people outside the darkest depths of tunglr want them to feel guilty about slavery and stuff. They just are.
No. 212405
>>212394>This reeks of "They basically did it to themselves, we dindu nuffin."They literally did. The slave trade existed before we ever had a need for slave labor, people generally agree it fell apart because we just happened to require a supply larger than they could sustain. I'm not saying we "dindu nuffin". We shouldn't have engaged in the slave trade to begin with, that's a given obviously. But yes, they literally did it to themselves. We never set foot on Africa to capture them for our own purposes.
>Since when? Is this another eurofag self hatred thing?I can't speak for the Euros, but it is a common thing in the States. Especially in more liberal universities. Pay attention to BLM for instance and you'll notice they unironically believe that sort of nonsense.
>>212393>how come americans never feel guilt for living in the USA when they know how it was obtained?You have to be a foreigner. Otherwise you must have had your head in the ground during Columbus Day.
No. 212433
>>212332Lmao you’re not “shocking” me, it’s just incorrect to say that they’re not White European, regardless of how some choose to self-identify. The Portuguese were just as guilty as the English, the Dutch, the French, etc of the historical behaviour that got people white-bashing in the first place.
America is a special case when it comes to identity politics tbh, I really don’t think you could take their attitude as representative of everyone else… if anyone except them in fact. But you’ve made the distinction yourself - there is a difference between racism and xenophobia, and I think for most people (in Europe at least, and England where I live especially) things like a language barrier, unfamiliar cultural practices, etc are what create culture rifts. It’s not skin colour per se, it’s just become conflated. Although you could probably make an argument saying white-passing people have “negative” cultural practices accepted far more readily than POC do over here.
Not that any of this matters though. I, like you, judge people on the things they choose - like actions and beliefs. Very odd how we care so much about characteristics people have no control over.
No. 212435
>>212409Regardless of my views about modern liberalism, it is hardly some obscure topic that they were actively protesting Columbus Day and seeking to replace it with "Indigenous Peoples Day". There is plenty of white guilt related to how we obtained our country to begin with.
Pretty sure they wouldn't let any other group do some chant in the middle of the college library to try to maximize people watching, still butthurt over that one.
No. 212436
>>212433exaclty, who wiped out the incas and destroyed their artefacts.
truth is humans are ignorant little shits but we try to be less ignorant which is why learning history and respecting different cultures is important.
we all have the same collective history, we are all the same species.
No. 212437
>>212435you missed the point. how come all americans of all colours don't recognise and feel guilt towards the indigenous people of the americas?
it's almost as if some people think we should all stick to our 'home countries' whatever the fuck that means.
No. 212438
>>212434missed the point, trying to diffuse the
UScentric point of world history and prove the point that all 'races' (dumb term) exhibit human behaviour.
No. 212440
>>212437>>212438Sorry. I gotcha now. Most Americans don't feel guilt towards what happened because killing the natives happened many generations ago (literally no one has living relatives who committed these crimes. Not even grandparents will have had living relatives in their lifetimes who committed these crimes).
As for minorities (non-whites) they were usually brought either as slaves or immigrated after everything had already gone down. Even for most white people, there family was in Europe when everything went down. I'd doubt many people have more than 5 generations of "American" family. Meaning their late relatives weren't even in the country at the time….
>>212439Spanish and Italians are considered white in America. But most of the ones who immigrated to the U.S. have dark features (dark hair, skin, and eyes) so don't really look "white".
No. 212442
>>212439They just think being tan = totally not genetically white
This thread is in shambles anyway. Seems like very few people are on the same page concerning their perceptions of how race is applied.
No. 212443
>>212297Do you think french people living at the spanish border aren't white?
American need to stop viewing spain as the "EU mexico" just look at their royal family, they're white as can be.
White =/= Aryan features.
No. 212444
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>>212439We all know it's the Russians who arent white anyways
No. 212446
>>212445Actually reminds me of some family drama from way back when.
Basically the Italians who moved to America prided themselves on being relatively pale, while the Portugese were much darker on the flipside. When two of them married apparently it was a bit like marrying a black guy.
No. 212447
>>212440what i don't understand is that they view the spanish as white if they come from europe, but not if they're hispanic or latino
this is why i don't personally put labels on to people and just learn where they are from rather than their ethnicity
No. 212448
>>212447This gets into a more complex topic.
White Hispanics are definitely a thing, who are for the most part of the same blood as the original settlers. But when people think of Mexicans, they typically think of Mestizos who are mixed and generally lean more towards the native side iirc. We actually saw a lot of people arguing about just how "white" Zimmerman was if you rewind the clock during Trayvon and all of that shit.
No. 212449
>>212448thanks for answering, just proves the point the discussion about colour is erroneous as it always comes back to their culture, beliefs and actions.
if humans grasped this maybe we'd start researching what animals believe in which i think would be neat lol
No. 212451
>>212449>just proves the point the discussion about colour is erroneous as it always comes back to their culture, beliefs and actions.Yeah but the thing is their race and culture are pretty connected. Their society used to be stratified pretty strongly along those racial lines. It was one of the major reasons they revolted from Spain.
>if humans grasped this maybe we'd start researching what animals believe in which i think would be neat lolI mean I'd rather put our resources into something productive like the Orion Project but hey.
No. 212452
>>212451you think humans are mindful enough to search space without causing devastating effects like we have to the planet we 'belong'?
i always did find those more tolerant of others species less likely to be miserable towards others
belief dictates action, wtf do you think religion and theology is apart from massive movers in humanity
No. 212458
>>212454No, but a belief system is a social construct on the flipside.
>>212455If you reference the devastating effects bit, it's because there wasn't much to respond to. There's nothing TO damage within our solar system short of strapping rockets to an asteroid and directing it at our planet. Relativity is a bitch, and it keeps our sandbox very small and very dead.
>>212457 No. 212459
>>212458if belief is a social construct then how would animals not have their own.
stop thinking humans are unique creatures. we are advance tool makers and we over think everything that there are people amongst us that become paralysed over stress.
we are all living in a cage, our psyches are all fucked up. get over yourself, plz
No. 212460
>>212459>if belief is a social construct then how would animals not have their own.We applaud an animal if it's able to have a concept of self. Social constructs are a good level above that.
>stop thinking humans are unique creatures.We are, at least respective to this solar system.
No. 212483
>>212361Gotta defend the Americans here even tho I genuinely believe thay they are trying too hard to give everyone a name instead of just being Americans.
Things is slavery happend a long time ago. Segregation not so much.
So yeah you still feel it to this day that blacks and other minorities are treated much differently than whites. It is changing but I genuinely believe that it will take a long time especially during this time when everyone is angry over everything.
And there are statistics that proof that especially black women have a hard time to get a job or whatever.
Thing is people never really get educated about this topic only when they go to college or whatever.
I mean as far as I know Christopher Columbus is still a hero there, no?
So yeah I think a good start would be to do it like the Germans and teach about the atrocities that have happened as soon as possible.
(Anyways Americans should still learn that there are other countries out there and Europe is not one culture and does not have the same history. Generalizing things never helped anyone. Same goes for use Europeans generalizing Americans.)
No. 212484
>>212483I won't defend the Americans. AFAIK they are slowly changing their stance on Columbus, but not in a positive way. In Canada we're taught that yes, he found the continent and we benefit from that, but colonization isn't necessarily something to be celebrated, but still, we're here now. However, Columbus was an asshole and colonization, is always violent. Americans just go too extreme on everything. I have know issue with acknowledging skin-based discrimination, and that it still exists, but continued segregation is more harmful than anything. Americans just don't seem to understand subtly or nuance, or even that there is more than black or white (literally it seems). They think that history is something to be swept under the rug rather than a cautionary tale.
No. 212487
>>212484Sorry I was
>>212483 I meant to reply to
>>212357Sorry for the confusion !
No. 212493
>>212394>i'm surprised some of them have learned not to do it kek anon.
kinda yes. kinda jeez what a man-hating thing to say. I know some men who are more sensitive, empathetic and soft-minded than a lot of other women I know. In germany e.g. until a few decades ago there was literatur on how to mother new borns written by a actual nazi-scientist saying mothers should ignore every screaming and crying of their child and should only interact with their child with a face mask and medical gloves, so the new born wouldnt grow soft and know how to survive in a hard world. this kind of shit was done by a minority of mothers until a few decades ago and produced the weirdest shit of mental disorders in the children that have experienced this and grew into adult woman and man. one woman e.g. wasnt able to literally recognize faces, mimic expression, react to touch, etc.
just saying: women arent worse than men. the only thing that kept women from raping is a penis. theyre more keen in emotional abuse though and the same in physical abuse, only that they often lack in muscle strength and therefore arent less likely capable of severe injuries.
No. 212504
>>212500Well, it does happen. Just like giving too much alcohol, starting to fuck asleep men, threatening and guilting men into sex happens.
It is indeed more difficult than just forcing your penis in while you're on the go. It is way under reported by men (or taken seriously when it is), though.
No. 212521
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>the only thing that kept women from raping is a penis.
that's got to be the most neanderthal shit i've read all year. someone needs to stop being an edgy redpilled 13 year old and pick up some biology books at their local barnes
No. 212530
>>212500Nothing, that shit happens.
Maybe not as often, but to argue that there aren't women who act in inappropriate sexually aggressive ways is just dumb.
>>212521Learn to quote, and what are you even trying to say?
No. 212548
>>212547Drives me insane how someone could potentially reach that conclusion. I also hate how a lot of body autonomy arguments regarding circumcision have been lumped into anti vaxxers and other nonsense lately, which in turn is being used to dismiss it.
This shit feels like common sense to me, but apparently not.
No. 212642
>>211939This. Shut up with your goddamn victim Olympics, now white people want to participate too. As if other races aren't being annoying enough.
>lives on the internet and literally believes most people think this way irl>doesn't talk to people enough so thinks awkward af people on the internets represent the majorityGet out of your basement sometime people.
No. 212659
>>212656>>212560>>212654Finn here as well. I can also confirm that I've met one as well. She wasn't that radical, but still very annoying.
We don't have any history of oppressing people except from maybe the sami, but they are white.
No. 212660
>>212659>the sami are oppressed indigenous noble natives memeplease stop anon
besides it was the swedish people in charge who committed all the oppression in Finland
No. 212664
>>212654Social media is overrun by European teens who've adopted an Ameri-centric mentality. I can't browse comment sections on Instagram without seeing at least ten people bitching about things no one cares about in most European countries and using American terms like PoC and white privilege where they don't apply, e.g. Japanese people
in Japan are certainly not PoC.
No. 212689
>>212664Even these European teens are too brainwashed to see that understand that not everyone in this world has the same racial understanding as America. Like exactly what we all said about Spaniards, who are white, but many Americans (often white themselves) seem to insist are not.
POC is not a term used in many countries, and quite frankly, many don't give a shit about it (exactly like you said). Even the term white is completely swapped out for European, or specifically their nationality in many cases when speaking with a European.
Eurofags need to stop with this mentality, and learn their own history and culture.
No. 212690
>>212663not exactly, I knew some pale ass italians, some italians I knew were paler than most scandis/west europeans, the only time I ever seen people say italians aren't white though was in reference when someone talks about how white people can have lips, curves, thick hair, etc and you have people talking about how italians aren't white to justify their "white people are ugly lipless sticks!!!" agenda
IE basically italians are white when people want them to be, sage for autism
No. 212697
>>212663That's not really true. as
>>212690 said, italians are often very pale. And even the idea that scandinavians are super light is a huge stereotype.
No. 212703
>>212700same, i've noticed that it usually pans out like this:
>sjw "only pocs have been discriminated against">white person "italians and irish people were also treated like shit in america">sjw "that's because they weren't considered white by anglos back then"or
>italian american says something racist or is a white nationalist>sjw "haha your white buddies in europe don't even consider you white"or
>white nationalist "southern europeans aren't white because of race mixing with middle easterns and north africans!!!" >>212664>Japanese people in Japan are certainly not PoC.confused, would that mean that africans in african countries aren't POC? i would still consider them poc since poc just means non-white in america. although i do kinda want to stop using poc, since it becomes a us vs them dynamic, groups completely different ethnic groups together, and also it feels weird calling non-white people "colored-people" bleh
No. 212705
>>212704I don't think they're a crazy person from tumblr at all, there's not any reason to think that.
>>212703>although i do kinda want to stop using poc, since it becomes a us vs them dynamic, groups completely different ethnic groups together, and also it feels weird calling non-white people "colored-people" blehAgreed 100%. I find it kind of funny how a big part of the arguments made by the people that use PoC is that we need to avoid erasing cultures and respecting everyone else, but then they use a generalised term that boils the world down to "White people" and "Non-white people".
People of colour aren't a group, it's a completely arbitrary amalgamation of dozens and dozens of groups. We should just use the actual term to describe the actual ethnicity of the person.
I kind of agree with the other anon though, the connotations of person of colour doesn't really apply to someone who is the majority racial group in their country.
No. 212710
>>212703>>212704>>212705Exactly. POC is such a generalised term imo.
It assumes that all non whites identify the same and are the same. Go tell an ethnic Kazahk that they are lumped in with Africans as POC and they will probably be mad.
>>212703I've had the -Spaniards are Europeans- conversation with both angry SJW and white nationalists, and it's so easy to prove them wrong. They can just look up DNA tests, where Italians, Greeks, Iberians etc etc are classified as European. Their response is always to get
triggered and throw out insults.
No. 212719
>>212714No no no, you're forgetting the argument that they were white, but aren't white anymore, because of Turkish people.
That way you can claim that Rome and all of those people were white, but modern southern europeans aren't white.
No. 212720
>>212719I'd say that those white nationalists that say shit like this is usually Americans. The types that use norse culture to be racist and say that anyone who is not blonde and has blue eyes is not white.
European nationalists (to X country) in my experience usually tend to not think like this
No. 212721
>>212720Honestly I think most of the people who do that are too young to even be considered legitimate white nationalists, they're just edgy teenagers who'll grow out of it eventually.
I just find it funny the lengths that people will go to to try to make their ideology look less ridiculous, even if it just makes it look worse.
Most serious nationalists tend to just say they're white but damaged by non-white people or some shit like that, in my country at least (Not euro or US). The people that pretend to totally be Scandinavians and bastardise their culture do annoy me though, majority of my family is from there, and they seriously have no fucking idea how those places actually are. It's dumb.
No. 212723
>>212690>>212697I said most (not all) were darker than me, and didn't mention Scandi's (Scottish people are not Scandi's, we are nowhere near good looking enough lol).
And no honestly in Scotland, we consider Italians to be white, not "just when people want them to be"?
No. 212787
>>212750Some parts of that region can be depressing, you're definitely right, I think it's due to the weather patterns, but they're mostly pretty nice countries.
It's just the idealised version that everyone there is this stereotypical aryan model who lives by these conservative morals and never has any problems that bothers me. Most people there are just average fucking people, but like an inch or two taller. It's not a country of white supremacist stereotypes, and most of it leans more to a liberal point of view than conservative anyway.
There's issues there the same as everywhere else, and it bothers me that people try to tie that culture to white supremacy based on them wanting to RP as a viking.
Pretty sure it's places like Finland that have issues with alcoholism though, if that's not just a stereotype, I don't know the country well.
No. 212791
>>212787quite a few places in norway have issues with alcholism, esp finnmark (its a very depressing place as well, looks like some old soviet place).
>it bothers me that people try to tie that culture to white supremacy based on them wanting to RP as a viking.yes, they don't even know much about the culture they are trying to rp as, except from the mainstream stuff. they also use runes as racist symbols, which is annoying because many people in scandinavia have tattoos/jewellery of it and arent racist.
and at the end of the day its the actual scandinavians that live there that have to take the blowback
No. 212910
>>212867Yes, yes i am actually.
That is all big cities anon, stop having a hateboner for scandis because of some perceived "inferiority" (dark hair and eyes if your that other anon). The same drug "problem" is in america, or even more in america actually, so should i just see all americans as loser druggies now? no right, that would be fucking retarded.
No. 212945
I don’t think white people should feel guilty for what their ancestors did, and other countries have done it too, but it’s wrong to excuse America’s violent history just because other countries were also genocidal in the past. Africans that sold they’re slaves were evil and I’d feel the same way if I had any way to figure out if one of my ancestors were one of those vile people. There isn’t even an excuse for other minorities that have been put in camps on american soil or nearly entirely wiped out in the name of manifest destiny.
White people should understand that those things are still evil. They shouldn’t feel guilty for it, but it’s wrong that anyone would try to excuse it because ‘those guys did it too!!’
I also think that some white americans don’t understand that not all poc are upset about slavery. I feel that’s a go-to thing for defensive white people when racism is discussed.
I don’t dislike white people, humans are individuals before all else and absolutely cannot be judged by sweeping generalizations. However, I do believe that systemic racism is still a thing that white people benefit from the most though. Though it’s definitely diminished, there is definitely a racial hierarchy in america and white americans are at the top. Regardless of whether or not a white american is racist, they will continue to benefit from institutionalized racism.
But no, that doesn’t mean white people are evil. You can denounce a social system without antagonizing an individual. People discussing racism should not make someone feel defensive unless
a. You were being racist
b. They are accusing you of being racist on no logical ground (ie. your ancestors)
If neither of those things apply, there’s no reason to feel guilty.
That being said, being judged by sweeping generalizations based on race is new concept for white americans. In the past, they were defaulted and didn’t have to worry about people seeing them as ‘white people’ nor the implications that come from being identified by race. I’m sure this newfound grief is kind of annoying and racism in this form is still wrong.
However, it shouldn’t be used as an excuse to minimize the issue of racism for other minorities. White americans simply don’t feel the affect of racism the way that other marginalized people do, though that doesn’t make racism against white any less real.
What I’m trying to say is, white people that have been on the receiving end of racism and feel defensive/annoyed/hurt/angry are right to feel that way, but this shouldn’t be used as a way to brush off racism, or completely ignore institutionalized racism, against minorities
Also, this is semi-related, but I honestly only see people being racist against white people online. Specifically intense tumblr-blogs that do so in the name of social justice and couple of websites that have a similar culture.
That’s not to say it doesn’t happen in real life, I’ve seen at least on hate crime against a white person go viral and i’m sure it’s happened more than that, but I do still see marginalized people being consistent victims of blatant racism.
I mean, for people that are angry at racist, anti-white tumblrs, just remember that there’s a different culture online than in real life and your experience hinges largely on the content you reguraly expose yourself to and that your chances of running into someone like that is far slimmer than meeting someone openly racist against marginalized people.
Sure, reverse racism (well, racism) is a thing, but i’ve yet to see reverse KKKs or reverse Alt-Right Neo Nazis speaking at colleges or anything
No. 212946
>>212945I also want to clarify that when I say white people (with the exception of the relation to systemic racism), i don’t mean every white person individually.
Often when people say ‘white people’ they are often attempting to denounce a social system rather than directly accuse an entire race of any atrocity. Just generalizing for the sake of discussion
(and i also apologize for bad formatting in the previous post)
No. 212951
>>212945>but it’s wrong that anyone would try to excuse it because ‘those guys did it too!!’People generally bring this up because you'll see idiots often try to make it sound like all those past sins are something exclusive to white people. The point isn't that their ancestors never sinned, it's that everyone was shitty and still are. You brought up how it was other Africans who sold their brothers into slavery for instance, but I've met a disturbing number of people who seem to believe that we had boots on the ground throwing them on the ship.
>That being said, being judged by sweeping generalizations based on race is new concept for white americans.Man, I was basically one of the two white kids in my class before I moved and let me tell you this is not a new concept. It certainly wasn't what I would call a fun experience.
>Sure, reverse racism (well, racism) is a thing, but i’ve yet to see reverse KKKs or reverse Alt-Right Neo Nazis speaking at colleges or anythingI mean sure it's not like they're trying to have any Hoteps do a lecture to the best of my knowledge, but they have been flipping the fuck out lately. I can't help but think of when Milo did his thing in Berkeley and the protesters beat an unconscious man with a shovel. I'd certainly rank that as a few leagues worse than a jackass reading off a prompt.
No. 212963
>>212951>The point isn't that their ancestors never sinned, it's that everyone was shitty and still areThat point is valid. However, this point is usually bought up to excuse the shitty actions of American genocide and that’s a problem.
>Man, I was basically one of the two white kids in my class before I moved and let me tell you this is not a new concept. It certainly wasn't what I would call a fun experienceNew concept for white americans. Considering segregation was only 65 years ago. My grandma, still alive and breathing, has been in a segregated elementary school. My girlfriends grandma still calls brazil nuts ‘nigger toes’.
This didn’t magically go away when marginalized people slowly began getting full rights as americans. The repercussions of social systems like that are still echoing in our society.
Not only that, but again, I’m speaking generally. I’ve acknowledged that white people can face racism, however, systemic racism in america is built to favor white people above other races. Individual experiences will vary, of course. It simply shouldn’t be used to derail discussions of racism unless you’re specifically discussing racism considering marginalized people as they are very different things.
>I'd certainly rank that as a few leagues worse than a jackass reading off a promptYes. I don’t agree with actions of the berkeley protest at all. The berkely protest were terrible, you’re correct. Much worse than someone reading.
However, if we peel away the methods used to convey their unifying message (considering that, as with other liberal movements as well as large groups in general, the loudest and most chaotic will gain more media traction and that alt-right actively pushes and contributes to this image of antifa), one is far more insidious than the other.
One is calling for white nationalism, the other is protesting against that.
That doesn’t excuse the violence of the berkeley protest. Comparing them is honestly a bit taxing. This… whole thing honestly deserves a discussion of its own, but for the sake of brevity-
yes, berkeley riots were downright disgusting. anti-fascist? well, assuming that their only goal is to fight white nationalism (i acknowledge there are antifa that are radical, but I am not discussing them here), then I think it becomes obvious that the nazis advocating white supremacy are actually leagues worse than antifascist
No. 212964
>>212963>unless you’re specifically discussing racismunless you’re specifically discussing racism against white people
>>212952no problem, friendo
*unless you’re specifically discussing racism against whites
No. 212966
>>212945This makes sense to me, but the issue is that when describing systemic racism, most of the time people use it to either excuse or justify experiences of the individual or blame others for privilege. Both privilege and systemic racism should not be discussed when speaking to individuals about their individual experiences. Sure, you can use it as a reference, but it is a generalization. I think the main issue people have is that when speaking about these kinds of issues, things like privilege and systemic racism are used not as references, but as examples as to why the individual is infact in the wrong, rather, that's how I've seen and experienced it being used.
I know it is anecdotal, but it is in my experience that these terms and concepts are very commonly used to blame 'white passing' people for their ability to gain privilege. And while I think for the purpose of discussion of society, it is important to understand those concepts, it is also important to know they are indeed generalizations.
No. 212973
>>212963>One is calling for white nationalism, the other is protesting against that.I think you need to review Milo a bit more. Or Ben Shapiro. Say what you will about them but the people at stormfront or wherever they are now that they've been based hated their guts. Not everyone these people protest are Richard Spencer 2.0.
Calling someone a Nazi/KKK member/white nationalist/whatever doesn't actually make them one.
No. 213001
>>212543Uhh, you are aware that female pedophiles that prey on little boys exist too, right?
Or is this just really obvious bait that's so obvious that it almost comes off as a legit post.
No. 213003
>>212945>or reverse Alt-Right Neo Nazis speaking at colleges or anythingEhh, that's a bit of a stretch.
A lot of those alt-left commie types are not only at colleges, they're often teaching at said colleges.
No. 213005
I think the idea that sunlight is the best disinfectant holds true in this case.
No. 213047
>>213046I'm talking about the genuine "alt right", not the people larping as Pepe with kekistani flags. Even more so, even those people hate Shapiro because he's not exactly a fan of Trump anyways. I don't care if Salon magazine tries to tell you otherwise, you can observe this for yourself if you hate yourself enough to browse r/the_donald for a bit.
>>212979Yeah, nah. When you prevent people are speaking you just spike others curiosity. By allowing them to be dismantled in debate you remove that factor. For the record I don't even like Milo, I just loathe the way people often respond to him.
No. 213068
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This makes me kind of sad.
I just wanted to follow some decent BTS fans/writers that aren’t deranged racist white-bashing assholes, then I scroll down their twitter feed and see they reblogged this crap.
Imagine if they had said the same thing about musical artists of any other race. Just picture the outrage.
No. 213114
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friend just shared this post and omfg. so many things bother me about it. fucking of course japan, a tiny isolationist country doesn't have a 'good representation' of "poc". they stereotype every other culture hardcore. also, i didn't share the entire list but dark doesn't mean poc, ffs naruto characters who are meant to be dark japanese people are on that list it's gross.
No. 213129
>>213121b-but only white ppl can b raycis!!1!1 muh narrative!!1
i hate these hypocrites. a lot.
No. 215116
>>213047This. The controversy around white supremacy groups and making a huge deal out of blocking them has just given them more of a voice, whereas in the past they were allowed to hold rallies, people who wanted to debate it did, but most people just ignored it and the like 100 of them in the entire state would just go away until they did the same stuff next year.
If you feel the need to block their speech, you just give them a reason to present themselves as an oppressed group, giving more power to what they're saying and as was said, causing other people to be curious and look them up.
Either debate the actual speakers points of views, or just ignore them and let them have their shitty websites and communities.
Trying to remove constitutional rights because you don't like what they're saying is disgusting, and makes you also a totalitarian movement.
No. 216727
>>213114>When they think everyone who's tan or dark skinned in anime is blackIt's like Indians, Filipinos, other South-Eastern Asians, Hispanics, Mediterraneans, simply tanned Japanese etc. don't exist!
Seriously, the Japanese see anyone who's not Japanese or American as dark-skinned. They do it to symbolize exoticism and that the character is a foreigner. It doesn't mean they're fucking black. For a group of people that believes that their culture is superior, black people sure like to steal from other demographics a lot.
No. 217130
>>217069You're a moron, seriously. The word black is just a homophone that refers to both colour and race, it hasn't been 'co-opted'. The race side of it is more commonly talked about and searched, and maybe it's a minor inconvenience for you but why would you would need special tips for your hair based on colour anyway? It makes zero difference, unlike black people who do actually need special treatment for their hair because of the texture.
If you were that desperate you just have to say 'black hair colour', it's not rocket science.
No. 217332
>>213068Am I the only white person who feels good knowing SJW koreaboos and weebs would never be accepted in Korea or Japan without having to hide their crazy views?
It feels even more glorious when these cunts are non-white, hate whites, but are discriminated more for their race in Asian countries than in predominantly white countries.
No. 217346
>>217332Actually, the infuriating thing is that Koreans and Japanese (especially Japanese) are too polite for silencing them. You might want to look up Matt Thorn, a spergy SJW who lives in Japan, is married to a Japanese woman, has a daughter with her etc. He recently came out as a transwoman at 50 after years of being obsessed with shoujo manga so now they're a "lesbian couple". And the thing is that he is a fucking professor at Kyoto University.
Of course nobody there listens to nutcases like this and think they're insane, but nobody's really telling them to shut their traps because in east-Asian cultures people mind their own business and judge others silently without making a scene. Sure especially Koreans are ultra-racist and nationalist but they do it anonymously online or by passive-aggressive body language, not really by taking them on straightforwardly.
>>213068>Who's Max Martin, Lukasz Gottwald and the Beatles?Jesus I swear these people live in their own coddled reality.
No. 217407
>>217392Are you fucking kidding? People are like they are in the US because they lack the public shaming culture.
That transtrend guy gets away with it because he's a foreigner, a japanese person would have been shamed into suicide before publicly living as a "woman".
No. 217503
>>217332Totally agree; especially whenever these tumbrinas claim that japanese people are poc too and have so much more in common with them and therefore won't "worship our white asses"
So you think they'd prefer a black fat transboy with buzzed hair? kek
Sadly actually going there won't stop them, instead they throw out youtube videos on how it's important to stay strong and proud about your curves, colour bla bla…
No. 217694
>>213068I'm always lowkey offended by these morons and their US centric worldview, and how by "white" they mean modern-day white American. Some of them call every black person in the West
Afro-American despite aving no ties to te US because they can't wrap teir had around that other places have a different history.
>>217562>or p much every prominent classical ballet/opera music composer ever, orThere seem to be people thinking Mozart/Beethoven were actually black, go figure lol
No. 218316
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>>212327We can very accurately tell someones race from their skull shape (which in case your forgot, houses the brain.)
>durr race ish only shkin deep No. 218329
>>217694Aren’t a lot of them going around saying a bunch of the most impactful (white) inventors were PoC or stole their inventions/ideas from PoC?
I find it extra funny/ironic bc by doing so they’re basically saying none of the actual PoC inventors were good enough and the white ones were so much better that they HAD to try to hijack their work instead of acknowledging actual inventors of color? Kek.
No. 218353
>>213068Just on this point, something I've noticed:
Self-hatred seems to be even more strongly linked to an interest in Korean pop culture than Japanese in my experience. I mean there are crazy weebs, but most people who are interested in Japan aren't really self-loathing. They're still people who probably prefer their own country, their own people as dating/marriage partners, their own culture when it comes down to it etc. They just happen to like anime, think Japanese is a cool language, enjoy Japanese aesthetics etc. Of course, as already mentioned, there are indeed crazy people who are into Japanese culture too, but it's much more of a mix.
But when it comes to people who are into Korean culture, it's completely different. Virtually all of them are self-loathing "cucks" (in the truest sense of the term) who belittle their own race/ethnicity all the time, desperately want to live in Korea forever doing some bumfuck job, want to marry a Korean (literally why? they're the most backwards men in East Asia), think "Korean" cuisine is the best (literally just appropriated stuff from China/Japan/Southeast Asia), actually believes there's such a thing as "traditional Korean culture" (it was a complete vassal of China for a thousand years) and so on.
And it's all for what…. plastic pop idols singing the odd catchy, well marketed tune? Badly acted TV dramas? I honestly don't get Koreabooism at all. Is their media really that nationalistic that it tries to portray this completely perfect image of itself to the outside world?
No. 218482
>>218480>"but azns are ok because muh iq"/pol/ is kind of a big-tent of libertarians, literal neo-nazis, center-right types, other assorted far-right types to flat out contradictory stuff like "national bolshevism", so contrary to popular belief, there's not really one consistent view on the board.
On the more extreme 8ch, you'll get banned as a male or female for mentioning you have a non-white girlfriend/boyfriend for example. 4chan /pol/ is considered more mild, that's why they get mocked for being "magapedes" and the "le based black man" thing by more radical right-wingers.
>but then flip shit when white girls are koreaboos.I've never seen this. My feeling has always been that there aren't actually that many Koreaboos in America and Europe in total amount. So it's rare for a right-winger to come across them in the first place. The internet makes them seem like a larger community than they actually are. People tend to hate what they see as the most visible interracial couples, so 4chan hates black men with white women the most, and the asian nationalist sites hate white men with asian women the most, and so on.
No. 218483
>>218480Btw, what you said about ass-kissing asians is true.
I used to post on /pol/ and it always made me roll my eyes when people ass-kiss asians to "not seem racist". Even if Asians are more law-abiding, they're still dangerous in other ways (most likely group to commit espionage, little loyalty to their adopted homes etc).
No. 218515
>>218353I absolutely agree to all of this, especially the last sentence!
When you look at your average koreans on the street, they look nothing like kpop idols or actors. I'd go so for as to say they look like a different 'race'? Of course western celebrities also look better than your average joe but they at least share some similarities.
It's like they are trying to build up this picture of a perfect country and all these little kids from all over the world are falling for it… And once they getting into this, they start to think of every korean person as beautiful, even when they're ugly as hell…
Something that also bothers me is that any form of racism coming from asians is absolutely okay, since they're 'homogenous' countries… i think that the average person living in Tokyo has come in contact with foreigners than some european villager
No. 218587
>>211938Bitch people say it because it's easier than saying "oh only a portion of x are y so I totally don't mean all of them but just sum of them" instead of "x are really y"
Also the only people who are full on into "I'm white" are those that have nothing else to offer in other aspects. Met a few of them and they are a combination of: ugly, balding, short, BORING, shit facial hair, pimplely mess, socially awkward etc. Useless people.
No. 218599
>>218587right, but people get mad if you say this about "all blacks or all mexicans", the same thing with saying "all men" people get mad when you say "all women".
it's like this, say something like "white people commit school shootings" everyone is fine with it
but the minute you say "black people commit gang violence"
everyone is quick to say "not all black people" "only x type of black person does that" "what about hispanic gangs".
i really feel that the argument your using is only used by hypocrites, and is only deemed acceptable when refering to the 'powerful dominant group' because it -is- actually offensive, which is why people get offended when you're not using it to shit on whites or men.
No. 218600
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No. 218647
>>218600I know this isn't related, but I never got why tumblr got so pissed off at Venus for her "how to look like a Korean/Japanese/Indian girl" videos. All she was doing was taking inspiration from magazines from the countries she was living in and using the tips they gave on her own face, showing those abroad what the makeup trends were in those countries.
SJWs made it seem like she was painting her face yellow and claiming she was asian or something.
No. 218654
>>218599>buddddd odda ppl dooo it 22222222!!! …OP is doing the same SHIT and I'm judging OP the exact same way I would a black, a Mexican and whatever hell else. Hypocrite my ass are you talking about yourself? Bitch grow a spine and stop playing the victim.
* No. 218744
>>218739And i really hate than pocs claim that it has nothing to do with it…
When a white girl wants to be tanned and have big ass it's cultural appropriation since those features exclusively belong to poc but if it's asians doing it, it's not?!
Yes, white skin was always desired there but you can look it up, there are videos about chinese woman downright saying 'i had plastic surgery. i want a high nose bridge/big eyes like europeans" etc… Look at kpop stars and tell me that this what a classic asian beauty looks like!
No. 218751
>>218744>>218746non caucasian people can use blue contacts, and bleach their skin and bleach hair blonde and people will still claim that they're not trying to look caucasian. I've seen some asians (Asian American SWJ mostly) pull out an obscure chinese minority or mixed kazahk people with light eyes and hair to justify why they can use light features without trying to be white.
same goes with black people that use other black people with genetic mutations or when they use Australian Aboriginal people with blonde hair.
No. 220520
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>>218744>>218751I honestly don't see a problem in getting features that other races tend to have more of and criticizing them for it, calling it cultural appropriation or whatever. By that logic, multiracial people get a free pass to wear every hair and eye color while everyone else is judged for it which doesn't make any sense to me. There are extreme cases like pic-related but imo, most people don't cross that line.