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No. 1798294
Seek others for contemplation regarding your stupid questions.
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>>>/ot/1343869 No. 1798443
File: 1701641800459.jpg (71.66 KB, 564x564, 156dc178cff61c18c61e895224624b…)

If you were reading a straight relationship in a story, what is your ideal for it? Like, what is ideal for the male character to be like for your female character? I want to write a cute couple and obviously want to avoid all the cringey male shit you always see in female oriented stories. Wondering your opinions
No. 1798492
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How do cosplayers create such stylized wigs? Do they use regular hairspray or is it some type of glue? Do they actually look good in person?
No. 1798493
>>1798445I think it's a mix of how Autism isn't considered a disorder only boys have, and being renamed to "Autism Spectrum" in the DSM has shown people there's more possibilities than "screaming invalid who needs a caretaker 24/7" and "socially awkward but extremely intelligent". I also think it's because of what
>>1798450 said, I've personally noticed an influx of ADHD diagnosis/symptoms at the same time people have more screen time at earlier ages, and those disorders are often considered "cousins" or have an overlap of symptoms.
No. 1798594
>>1798445Autism used to be something that only children would be diagnosed with, but now adults are being diagnosed with it too. I've heard that a lot of people who get their children tested also get offered testing and it ends with them finding out they have autism too. But most of the autism diagnoses' you see imo are more of the aspergers/stage one. Some people with this can honestly get through life like it's nothing depending on how it manifests itself, so it's not a big deal for some people. From my own personal experience, a lot of parents especially immigrant parents straight up refuse to get psychological testing for their children so they end up getting it later on in life. I personally just feel like anons sperging about media and overconsumption are full of shit. They have zero experience with autism or even understand what it. We live in a global society that is incredibly hostile to people with certain personality types i.e aspergers, especially since we are all pretty much forced to work white collar jobs if you actually want a good paying job, instead of the traditional manual labor jobs where being social or extraverted is not important and there was a plethora of ones to choose from that hopefully won't
trigger sensitivities.
No. 1798762
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3 nights ago a fake Snapchat account (they were pretending to be someone in my city who doesn’t even have Snapchat) made a defamatory post about me to a private story and I found out through a not that close acquaintance and they also posted a lot of personal details and dissed me as well, and I’ve been trying to find out who it is. I don’t even talk to that many people, it’s got me so paranoid, I already have a lot going on in my life and I think about it a lot. I know cyber bullying isn’t real just close the tab or whatever but how do they know so much. Who is that? They said I was spreading rumors but I don’t talk to that many people and I don’t really even gossip (except here) They said I was a terrible person and just a whole bunch of other disses about me like that are true but Jesus wtf
My real question is can the police do anything? And how else can I find out about them?
This girl I suspect gave me a number that “sent screenshots” but then she didn’t provide screenshots, and she also knows me well and is known to make fake accounts to lurk and stuff but idk
And then I sort of suspect the girl who showed me it.
No. 1798803
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Why are chef's hats so tall?
No. 1798821
>>1798762Don’t panic.
Try to stay calm, do combat breathing for this. Don’t do anything rash. The police can’t do anything because it’s just shit talking, not defamation or threats to your life. The reason they know so much is because they know you. You give away a lot unwittingly when you talk to others, so seeing it presented this way is unnerving. Do you feel you’re in danger or is someone just being supremely immature? If you already know someone who’s prone to doing this it’s most likely them. Also ask yourself who stands to gain from this. I wouldn’t post anything about this or give them any indication that it’s getting to you because clearly that’s what they want. You can explain the situation if your friends ask about it but otherwise I wouldn’t engage, just ignore them and it will most likely die down. They’re clearly too cowardly to confront you directly anyway and if I’m being honest this sounds like high school drama.
No. 1798872
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If a girl you didn’t know saw that you were tagged in her instagram post and then she started DM’ing you talking about how glad she is to see another goth in the area and then asked if you were lesbian would you assume she’s hitting on you? Sorry I’m legitimately autistic to the point of retardation and incapable of flirting
No. 1799038
>>1799018I have one and she fits a lot of the urban libfem stereotype (red-haired unmarried millennial artist woman who fixates on race/lgbt/feminism). But she's much more mature than that stereotype, she doesn't sperg about social justice stuff constantly/unprompted and is just highly interested in it on her own time, and she's not oversensitive towards people who don't see eye to eye. E.g., when our dad was in his guns and Donald Trump phase she was annoyed but didn't demonize him or anything crazy, just didn't agree with his ideas. And when I say artist I mean she actually exhibits in galleries frequently which is cool! I don't really "get" her art, it's full of lofty/symbolic social analysis meanings and it's mostly all about racial identity, but she's definitely skilled.
She is 12 years older than me so we didn't really grow up together or really have typical sibling experiences, our relationship is almost more like that of an aunt than a sister. I rarely see her. I would say she's an example of someone that I highly disagree with but still get along with and like. We never argue because we don't talk about sensitive issues and just have fun when we see each other.
No. 1799122
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So i always wear baggy clothes to school and i have gotten used to not wearing a bra at all but I'm going on a date with this guy and i want to dress pretty for him and I'm not sure, should wear a bra or not? it's silly to start dating someone just a year before graduating college but Ah, eto… bleh.
No. 1799146
>>1799018The oldest ones have serious anger issues and are prone to lashing out physically (don't really blame them since they all got abused but I had hoped they would get help and mature out of literally chokeslamming eachother). Only one of them has a nice husband, the others tolerate the worst men but are smart otherwise, like they do well in their careers and that sort of thing. One of them is extra conservative and one of them is extra libtarded but I don't think their opinions are actually meaningfully very different from eachother so it's just silly to see.
My one younger sister is really into crafts and art and she's kinda just friendly and normal. She's being taken advantage of by her long term boyfriend (she is a caregiver for his grandparents and last I heard she was helping him pay his mortgage because she lives in his house but her name isn't on the house which I tried to tell her is fucked up but she wouldn't listen) but she thinks he's great and nice so whatever.
No. 1799172
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>>1799018My younger sister is a notorious misandrist that's never been in a relationship, huge ldr fan, she's really blunt, confident and is a stronger person than I am, based in every way possible, I'm glad we're best friends. Love her so much nonnies.
No. 1799190
>>1799184It really is!
>>1799187She's a normie that barely uses social media, she doesn't care about this twitterfag discourse shit. You gotta understand most normal people don't really concern themselves with stuff like that and their only interaction with the artist is just through their music.
Although we both always joked about how she's been her fan since elementary school yet she was never a particular romantic herself.
No. 1799217
>>1799200I don't think it's shotacon behavior. You can bring up the topic with your boyfriend, tell him you prefer shaved, but if you have to ask him to do it, expect it to fall by the wayside as he gets more comfortable in the relationship. I though it was pretty rare for a man to do it without prompting, but it turns out that only between 6-19% (depends on age group) of men never shave their pubes.
>>1799201I know they must exist, but I've never actually seen men read. I know from book discussions online that some of them read historic novel or science fiction, but I've never had a conversation in person with a man who reads.
>>1799204Not bad at all. Better to finish late than never. Though the longer it takes for college, the more financial implications it will have.
No. 1799236
>>1799018She’s an
abusive alcoholic who lost custody of both her kids and I finally made the decision to go no contact with her last month.
No. 1799240
>>1799018One is literally crazy, my worst enemy probably. She used to spread rumors and get her friends to make fun of me and every time she had a boyfriend she would tell them I wanted to get with them as an adolescent and as a child we used to get in physical fights she would bully my younger sisters too and she is still really mean and crazy but she got fat after having children so her boldness and arrogance went down, I try to be cool with her cause I wanna see my niece and nephews it is hard. We are not on good terms right now.
One is just an anxious little emo teenager who i think I am closest with her the most because she is a little more outgoing and a good kid, does good in school and has a job. She does good for someone so shy.
One is an anxious preteen who I try to bond with but she is extremely shy and sensitive and quiet. I think she might be autistic. She’s struggling with school. I love her alot I hope she can conquer her anxiety and I can get her the right gift this year.
Another one is from a different dad and out of state but I still love her a lot, it’s just that she is a small child. And her dad is a fucking asshole. She loves me a lot too. I feel bad cause the first sister I mentioned is always so mean to her and says she doesn’t love her fully but loves my little brother from another dad fully (pickmeisha)
No. 1799281
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why do fujos ship IRL people? When I was in Middle School a fujo admitted to me that all the girls in my class flick the bean to the fantasy of me and my best friend having sex.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 1799312
>>1799279This is not the case for everyone, but in my case I felt more comfortable exploring my sexuality by use of a male proxy, which is a theory I’ve heard a lot. I am hetero, so two moids is hotter than one. Straight porn made by moids is disgusting, and straight porn by women felt a bit uncomfy too because I felt like I couldn't relate to the female character and I didn't wanna feel desired as a woman (= unsafe). In my head gay sex felt more egalitarian. A woman enjoying bottoming = deterministic, but a moid can enjoy it at his own volition. Or you can just totally be two bros broing it out and getting it on. I used to deal with gender dysphoria/autoandrophilia as well. For what it's worth I was always attracted to straight moids and I know dating as a gay male is brutal and depraved, with similarly
toxic relationship dynamics. These days I am comfy being a hetero woman and having hetero vanilla sex, so I didn’t turn into a fakeboy, blackpill or kinkster. I still feel that the way I am attracted to moids is a bit homo sometimes, but I am mostly successfully rehabilitated lol.
No. 1799347
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>>1799245Another thing I’ve observed is that it’s a common complaint about how men write women and they can’t help but describe how sexy they are, but a lot of good books I’ve read with a male protagonist were written by women. Women are not only better readers but good writers as well. Love it! I like writing poems and every time I feel like I’m writing something contrived I remind myself that
at least I’m not a man writing about a 12 year olds budding breasts.
No. 1799348
>>1799279My question is, are men in yaoi written all that differently than men in heterosexual romance for women? Especially taking ukes out of equation, are semes and males in heterosexual romance so differently written? And men in both genres are
abusive and rape left and right kek To answer your question, check out the answers to this post
>>>/m/331872, i don't think it draws a picture you're describing.
>>1799312I heard "male as a proxy" theory a lot too! It was the one people used to describe why this genre was even created in Japan. But i honestly do not think most fujos, at least nowadays, read it like this, i think they're watching from the sides.
>>1799335Kek i think it's the case often
No. 1799366
>>1799348Ntayrt but at least for me, self inserting in any way is severely uncomfortable. I read bl because it has nothing to do with me. I want to see two men, no women, women equivalents, or anything that is meant to be "literally me".
Then again, on the scale of "feminine to masculine bl" I probably lean farther to the right than the average fujoshi.
No. 1799375
>>1799363>at the end it all comes down to "One man = hot. Two men = hotter."This kek
In my long past of 4chan browsing I've literally never seen men ask each other to explain the psychology behind liking yuri and lesbian porn, I don't understand why women constantly have to justify themselves among each other - one would think it's pretty obvious?
No. 1799376
>>1799348>i honestly do not think most fujos, at least nowadays, read it like thisAyrt. I think that is because the fujos that would have read it like that end up trooning in present time (I'm sorry but there is some truth to the fujo to tranny pipeline). Which leaves us with the fujos that don't fit into this particular mold. They've always been here, but are perhaps more visible these days because the ftm fujos indentify themselves out of the radar. I think these fujos are ok.
>>1799363 and
>>1799366 are both types of fujos I've seen before back when I was deep into this.
No. 1799400
is pretty obvious but as i said female socialization doesn't allow women to have "unapproved" sexual feelings so we end up with such a convoluted narrative around it
No. 1799413
>>1799406Ayrt I am speaking from personal experience, see my other reply if you're interested
>>1799312To be fair I had dysphoria previous to getting into BL, so I guess in that sense you are right, BL doesn't turn someone into a tranny but I think a significant portion of ftms enjoy BL and mistakenly think this means they are le true gay male when they're actually just a different flavor of fujo. In my case it was more like BL exacerbated those feelings or I preferred BL because of my gender issues.
No. 1799447
>>1799431I mean…does he
seem kinda fruity? There’s not really enough context here…..
No. 1799487
Nonas, where should I move? I'm keeping the cities vague because I don't want too much bias.
City A: Better weather, expensive but nicer apartments, I have a few good friends there, I like the people there, I'm from this state, farther from immediate family but closer to extended family, higher crime rate in some areas, less transit, less entertainment within my taste, makes a lot more sense for my career. +20k salary increase
City B: Bad weather half the year (but I'm used to this), architecture is more to my taste, expensive and horrible apartments, lower crime rate compared to A, I don't like the people there, no friends there, vaguely closer to immediate family, makes no sense for my career, more transit, more entertainment within my taste. +10k salary increase
No. 1799488
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Who’s this cow?
No. 1799507
> learn to integrate It’s a board culture thing
No. 1799524
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Should I buy this?
("Yes" is the only answer I will accept.)
No. 1799591
Does anyone else get a weird vibe from this video, the first clip specifically? She’s talking about the death of her adoptive father, who adopted her when she was 10 because he knew her grandma (who had custody of her) because he was the son-in-law of the grandma’s roommate. She had a sad life story but this video and some of her other videos seem kind of creepy to me, she says she viewed him as a god when she was a teenager and the way she describes him sounds like she was in love with him or something
No. 1799801
>>1799670caffeine, cbd, and plenty of psych meds wouldn't have an obvious effect on your body if you are taking them in normal amounts. like especially cbd is nothing, you implying it would make anyone feel any type of way made me laugh.
whats the most amount of alcohol youve had?
No. 1799865
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Do anons have any tips on getting a credit card/building credit? Or know any good sources? I’m clueless about it and want to start building my credit so I’ll be able to rent somewhere to live.
No. 1800188
>>1799865Pick a normie credit card with no yearly fee (unless your situation is really unique, like you have a job that you fly constantly for and you have to purchase your tickets and get reimbursed for them). Discover is pretty okay starter card, it's 1% cashback with no yearly fees.
Once you get it, either pay for necessities like groceries with it, or if you don't pay for your own stuff yet, buy little affordable things each month. Set the card on autopay from your bank account and then treat the card like a debit card. If you don't have the money in your account at that moment, don't buy something with it. And don't believe the myth that you have to keep a balance on it and pay interest on your balance to improve your credit, pay it entirely off each month.
Your first card will probably have a low limit (I think mine was $600). Companies will usually increase your limit without asking (My current limit is $9,000), but every other year, if they haven't moved it up, call and request they increase your limit, especially if you had a pay raise.
Credit scores like to see you utilize 30% of your available credit each month and to have a high limit because it means the credit card company trusts you. But you can easily ignore the 30% goal because it doesn't matter that much. I never reach it and my score is 820. FICO counts length of time you've had credit lines open to be more important, so get a card sooner rather than later.
Also, I hope it never happens to you, but if a major emergency happens and you are drowning in debt (usually medical emergency bills that you can't get forgiven by the hospital), bankruptcy isn't the end of the world when you're young. It may lock you out of some careers (like private financial careers), and you basically can't buy a house for seven years, but most 18 year olds can't buy a house for seven years regardless and there's ways to get around it.
No. 1800224
>>1799524What store is this from I want one
>>1799863>>1799840Hashtags are full of gore and spam. The replies are so shit because people who pay for Twitter Blue get their account boosted to the top in tweets (like on the for you page), replies, and search
No. 1800458
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How do I get the Photo widget to display my NORMAL pictures and not the ones from my reaction image folder???
No. 1800549
>>1800472Thank you
nonny, it worked!
No. 1800565
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Can someone make the blank part transparent?
No. 1800576
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>>1800461u better fix my whole life u piece of shit
No. 1800649
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How to look good with broad shoulders?
No. 1800677
>>1800668I will make a petition expeditiously.
>>1800673I don't want to get a waist trainer or a BBL.
No. 1800826
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What celebrity is in the biggest square? The description says who it is but it doesn't look like the actor it's claiming to be.
No. 1800921
>>1800885ayrt, are you retarded? It's marketed and researched as having anti-anxiety effects, just to name one psychological use
>>1800908you're correct, anon is just a retard kek
No. 1800941
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>>1800857I won't lie to you
nonnie but Yes, I am. He's too cute, I wish I could find a sculpt of him from the 90s.
No. 1801002
>>1800985I don’t know what to tell you anon, CBD is widely known to have a calming effect. You owning a shop does not change this fact, unfortunately.
>runs a “health shop”This does explain a lot about your personality though I must say
No. 1801135
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are hipsters still a thing?
No. 1801196
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picrel made me wonder, do any of you know where the term scrote originated?
No. 1801500
>>1801178No amount is trashy IMO. Only piercings that are trashy are septum /nose ring ones IF you're someone who looks like a gendie. If not they're not trashy. The trashiness factor is based on your overall look with the piercings; someone with piercings will look trashy even without them.
>>1801189Slightly disagree, for some people's facial structures multiple piercings in a row accentuate their face better.
NGL I also think people who think piercings on their own can be trashy are the same type who'd lay on the floor and freak out over how "totally crazy and funny" they are… AKA very boring and can't see the potential of fun in life.
No. 1801545
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Is getting into content creation worth it? I have a huge passion for crafting and cosplay. I would love nothing more than to share that and foster a community of people by making cozy videos. But when I think about how drama filled and cumbrained these communities have gotten I get really dejected. Especially because I wouldn’t want to become someone who falls into the same ego pitfalls as a lot of “professional” cosplayers fall into. But the idea’s definitely been in the back of my mind..I’d really like to create the type of content I myself like to watch.
No. 1801665
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Does my cat understand that, if she doesn't want to smell the citrus, she shouldn't sniff the tangerine, which means it's her fault if she does, or does she get picrel for real when I offer her some bits?
No. 1801683
>>1801665I’ll bet she appreciates you offering even if it’s nasty to her.
My cats a little idiot that comes running anytime he hears someone crunching, will literally try to open peoples mouths to make sure he can’t have any, so now he has decided any time a human eats he has to eat too.
This could be a good bonding opportunity for you two, show her your food then give her a little of her own and have a meal together.
No. 1801724
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I bought something dumb that I loved from etsy form a seller with no reviews and then etsy sent me a message a few days later with a refund that the store no longer exist, so I messaged the store through instagram and they said that they got suspended for an unknown reason but are willing to sell the item through ebay (I offered directly just using paypal but I guess it is safer for them too to use ebay?) but I don't know if I should go for it or no? I have only heard bad things about etsy these days anyway and I am a first time user, but the whole hassle made me doubt it all.. I love that item, should I go for it?
it is a clown shaped glass decoration I am also drunk out of my mind just like when I ordered it so please someone guide me before I sober up
No. 1801746
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>>1801736thank you for the response.. I believe in my judgement as well. That shit is like 90cm tall and heavy as hell and perfect for my home that will never see a moid for as long as I live. I never spoiled myself like this before but I have saved more than enough over the years so it is about time. I hope you have the greatest end of the year and beyond.
No. 1801747
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Do men eat yogurt or is it a women-only food.
No. 1801793
>>1799018BPD nightmare. Had so much risky sex everywhere she went that the whole household caught scabies from being in close quarters with her. Was drinking herself to death for a few years and I was taking her to A+E constantly like when her oesophagus tore from vomiting. Called the police and reported me for stealing when I confiscated her car keys for driving drunk; I was ordered to give them back or be charged. The week after she killed a woman and destroyed four cars in a pile up. She threw glass at my head constantly after that and gave me a black eye right before my viva voce. Continued to be a fucking menace. Regularly found shoeboxes and tupperwares she’d shat in. We had a designated piss sofa that we’d put her on in the recovery position when she drank herself unconscious, and she would piss herself silly on it.
“Sober girl club” or something started trending on TikTok and overnight she just stopped drinking and got a moid to support her. She’s moved on to copy all of his hobbies and interests and is crazy manipulative. She’s also adopted my exact haircut and dress style after years of taking the piss out of my aesthetic, because that’s what this moid likes. She’s a bully and she has absolutely no remorse for what she has done. She is manipulative and now that she isn’t dying I feel free to fucking hate her.
No. 1801810
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>>1801797Drinking milk straight from the goat is masculinity. Eating it as yogurt is soy.
–Some manospherian bro, somehwere out there
No. 1801825
>>1801793oh and she also fucked 2/3 of my boyfriends and my crush, spread my nudes after getting into my laptop, and used to film me playing just dance with my friends to make fun of online.
She wonders why she has no female friends, and calls me her best friend. I just stare at her. I can’t care about her anymore, not since she killed somebody and was completely unrepentant (back on the road again btw). Even though it was dad’s dying wish that I looked after the younger kids, I can’t love her anymore.
No. 1801900
>>1801878Yeah. It’s honestly soulcrushing interacting with the police and health services here.
On the plus side, they’ve given up doing anything about theft, so pop your overcoat with the ripped lining on and get to big tesco, queens. Cost of living crisis who?
No. 1801992
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What is the difference between having social anxiety and being autistic? Can someone give me an example?
No. 1802120
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Is wearing panty liners a common thing with most women? I only wear them if I'm about to get my period or protect my nicer underwear. Otherwise I don't care what happens to my black underwear. My mom tells me she wears them everyday though and I imagine it helps keep you fresher.
No. 1802174
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Why are so many people mad about getting computer science degrees? God forbid I’d prefer to have a six figure job than some lame five figure job with a stupid two year degree
No. 1802179
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what do i need to buy to start excercising at home? i guess a mat is the bare minimum, but dunno what else to get
No. 1802282
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>>1801747They do where I live, I think it depends on the location. For example, it's a must to drink yogurt with picrel.
Perhaps in other regions, yogurt doesn't have much of a significance and is only marketed as a womans/fitness/light/healthy drink, in which case I can understand why men wouldn't show interest in it kek
No. 1802283
>>1802282>yoghurt>in a drinking glass>drinking it from said glassMy childhood self wishes she could show this to my mom
>>1801747It's pretty common for people to have yoghurt after dinner where I am, never though of it as a gendered food
No. 1802432
>>1802120I never use them. We have the modern convenience of running warm water in a shower on demand at the end of our day, so. I honestly think women are just made to feel like we're nasty at all times so we consume more products.
I've also heard (take with a grain of salt) there's stuff in panty liners that makes discharge worse so you keep buying them.
No. 1802532
>>180250045 mins of sex would be awful lmao. Did he refresh the lube in that time?
My ex would take forever and it made sex a chore, he has death grip so he'd take forever to cum.
At least he'd eat me out before we had sex
No. 1802536
>>1802423>Haven’t you got swamp vag from wearing a pad a day early? No? Panty liners are thinner and you're supposed to change them every couple of hours anyway. But even then I don't wear them for that long because they bother me.
>>1802465tbh she's a boomer and very self conscious so it checks out.
>>1801747They do. Fitnessfags are especially into yogurt.
No. 1802539
>>1802535That's fucked nona. Stop allowing this to happen to you, he is enjoying hurting you.
Easier said than done obviously, the ex I referenced used to slam into my cervix as hard as he could because he liked when I cried from it.
We both deserve better that those scrotes.
No. 1802570
>>1802531>>1802535You’re either young, dumb or baiting but I’m going to give the benefit of the doubt because some other nonna might need to see this.
Do you want to be hurt? Do you want to be hurt during sex? Do you want your romantic relationships to revolve around your partner hurting you? Do you want your partner to not give a shit when you’re hurt? Do you want your partner to not give a shit when HE hurts you? Do you want to be in a relationship with a man that gets off on hurting you during sex? Do you want a man that you let enter your body to think that you are ok with him treating you worse than he treats strangers?
And before you answer (to yourself), do you want to be in a romantic relationship where you want to hurt your partner? Think about that for a second; if your kink was that he let you jerk him off with steel wool do you think you could do it, given your care and emotional attachment to him know it could irreparable damage him? Would you do it even if he didn’t want you to? Would you continue if he told you to stop?
Why do you want to be in a relationship with someone who doesn’t care about your comfort and doesn’t care about you enough to stop sex when you’re in pain? You may have reasons that are good and others that are stupid but don’t lie to yourself that what he’s doing is ok or something you should put up with. If you can walk away from this relationship why wouldn’t you, why would you subject yourself to such callous disregard from someone you hope to love and hope comes to love you?
Anyway those are all rhetorical questions that don’t require answers posted here.
Wanting someone to hurt you is a sign of mental illness, get help. Someone wanting to hurt you while you’re vulnerable so they can coom is a fucking psycho and you should run away.
No. 1802694
>>1802583updated it but nope, still doesn't work
>>1802588yeah I didn't until now either
>>1802592I might have to try that
No. 1802783
>>1801825Ew sounds a lot like my sis who I mentioned
>>1799240 she’s the first one, the boyfriend fucking. She sent her ex’s wife (they have a baby together btw) texts saying that she was cheating on him from a random number. They haven’t talked in years, she is obsessed with him. She calls their baby ugly
No. 1802945
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What is his story?
No. 1802991
File: 1701984753544.png (230.43 KB, 604x340, tumblr_f7f83cce4d8c6ce2180c565…)

Fellow weebs, if a series is 休載中, is it dropped for real or is it just on hold for an indefinite period of time? 中 gives me hope, so please you do, too.
No. 1803322
File: 1702000477206.png (21 KB, 177x91, effect.png)

How come on Tumblr when people post screenshots from another blog, there's this effect overlaid that's like a swimming pool or blue fabric?
No. 1803459
File: 1702011858857.jpeg (219.96 KB, 1034x1535, IMG_3097.jpeg)

How do I stop the itchiness after shaving my legs? I almost ripped into my skin from scratching.
No. 1803724
>>1803502I'm no professional but if your depression is severe enough it impacts your ability to take care of a child, you probably shouldn't have a kid in the meantime. Depression is hereditary too.
Why do you want a kid if you're depressed anyway? You'd be actively making your life even more difficult and exhausting.
No. 1804017
>>1803865Nah, not even if his friend was hot. That kind of stuff has a 99% chance of causing drama and jealousy either in the relationship or between the friends or both. Men can’t handle their emotions. (And if he
doesn’t get jealous watching another dude fuck you it’s because he doesn’t really give a shit about you.)
No. 1804038
>>1803865Wasn't my bf but I did have a threesome with a hs buddy and his bestie and it was very awkward.
Especially because I worked with the bestie later at a grocery store and he avoided me like the plague esp because I got into a whole ass fb argument with some bitch who got upset in the comments that I disapproved of his new tattoo LOL
Just don't.
No. 1804235
>>1798338Late but yeah, report it, you won't lose anything from it and if it's in breach of privacy laws it's going to fuck the website over.
>>1798440There are a lot of complications associated with EDS, it's not just hypermobility. Do more research on it, ignore anything aimed at zoomers, and see if there are any tests you can request based on what you find. You don't need to mention EDS by name to your doctors if you think you're not going to be taken seriously.
No. 1804310
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Does this art style have a name or something? I find it very pretty. Or is it just a drawing kek
No. 1804338
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>>1804310reminds me of amano
No. 1804384
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>>1804175i usually lotion up everywhere save for the inside of my pussy and im not dead yet so make of that what you will
No. 1804398
File: 1702075245236.png (528.75 KB, 488x863, Screenshot 2023-12-08 224047.p…)

Who makes those videos? Is there a subculture for them? What's the name? I really enjoy watching them save for the weirdly long arms and plastic surgery face
No. 1804458
>>1803865Yes but I wouldn’t participate when the time came I would just watch
Also the relationship would end shortly thereafter lol
No. 1804814
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Guys, do you have to get your wisdom tooth removed before and what are the symptoms? Im so scared because my gum hurts a little but hopefully I don't have to do surgery because my pain tolerance is ass
No. 1804849
>>1804797Mentally challenged is one way to put it. Something I see a lot where I work is intergenerational trauma, e.g. children of junkies growing up to become junkies. Growing up in a hostile environment will change you down to the genetic level. It's been shown that if your great grandpa smoked tobacco, you yourself are at a higher risk of becoming overweight. Epigenetics are super fascinating and it's kind of in vogue to consider free will an illusion. Genetic predisposition comes in addition to the emotional trauma and bad environmental influences you're subjected to, basically both nature and nurture can be at fault. In the past I have been so deadass depressed, chaotic and mentally fucked up that I low-key wanted to do heroin just to catch a break from my own thoughts, so I can sympathize with addicts who have had severely traumatic lives and ended up falling into the same trap. In that case it's similar to self-harm in a lot of ways imo, it's a form of escapism/cope.
Addiction is further complicated by the fact it's 100% possible to use drugs recreationally. A lot of people use drugs now and then and are fine, but then there are some people that have a vulnerability/predisposition and end up with a
problematic drug use. There are different genes associated with different types of addiction, so you can have a gene making you predisposed to alcohol addiction but not speed, and vice versa. I'm kind of skeptical to the ultra-liberal approach to drugs tbh. I think addicts should be offered help rather than punishment, and I also think people are accountable for themselves and should have freedom of choice, but I also find it a bit disingenuous. The liberalists tend to tip the scale too far in the other direction to where the risks gets udercommunicated, and additionally we are already so emotionally dulled down by technology, social media, streaming, hyperconsoomerism, porn, unlimited access to food etc., we really don't need drugs on top of that. Seems like a convenient way to keep the masses docile.
No. 1804918
>>1804814your gum should be hurting consistently for a few days if this is wisdom tooth related, also check for a possibly tiny dots of white hiding inside your gum, that could be the tooth (this is, IF you have enough space for it in your mouth). wisdom teeth can take up to 3 years of slowly crawling out. if your pain tolerance is shit then surgery is actually the way to go.
here's my long ass experience so maybe you're less scared, as i had to have 2 of my wisdom teeth cut out because they had no space. i also had my dentist write up a referral so i could get this done out of line because the wisdom teeth were already beginning to move the rest of my teeth in an unsatisfactory position (that later took me years to correct). i arrived to the stomatology institute i had to have my surgery done the day before surgery and on the day of i was given medication 30 minutes before surgery, after which i was put on a wheelchair and moved to the operating theatre, dizzily put on the bed, given a gas anaesthesia mask and woken up unknown time later on my hospital bed i had settled into the day before. the next two days i was given painkiller injections in buttocks and on the third day i was out. the only bad thing i can say about this experience is that for a few days (i think 4 or 5?) the cheek (behind which they cut the teeth out) got a terrible bruise and i was stuck eating lumpy pap for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
No. 1804990
File: 1702130443222.jpg (557.21 KB, 1920x1920, FunPic_20231209_235624482.jpg)

Hi I'm retarded obviously please help, sorry for the shitty collage I'm on phone visiting family for the week.
>Having a high tea for something special for my grandma as she's had a rough year, with just the women of my family.
>It'll be my grandmother, my mother, my cousin, my aunt, aunt 1, aunt 2 and myself. So 7.
>Aunt 1 just hasn't replied at all, so do I assume she's not coming?
>Aunt 2 didn't reply for 2 days until my mother told her I was "nagging" and needed an answer. I really hate that boomer shit, I just need an answer so I can plan what to get ffs.
>Aunt 2 said she forgot she was asked see pic.
Why is it so hard to just give a yes or no?
Just yes or no and shown up for an hour for a free lunch that will mean alot to my grandmother.
Thumbs up means yes, right?
No. 1805119
>>1805089Im a med student but even I can tell that some medical advices anons give are harmful on purpose. I think there was a man/tranny that tried to encourage women to not get check ups and when asked why "she" said prostate cancer mattered more than breast cancer and thats why women shouldnt get their breasts checked by a professional.
Another was an anon telling women with pcos to drop their treatments and buy some weird ebay shit, probably the same man. Its the same anon and they usually give bad medical advice about womens health
No. 1805408
>>18052481. open book
2. look at page
3. read page
4. when at the end of the page, turn
5. repeat 2-4.
No. 1805563
File: 1702159448355.jpg (968.88 KB, 4080x2663, if3ldk2w2j841.jpg)

What does it mean when a moid tells you he's not ready to be in a "real" relationship when he already asked you to be his girlfriend, introduced you to his parents and siblings and coworkers, seemed extremely into you, and put a ton of effort into your relationship after an entire year of dating? Especially since it's been awhile after a break up and it doesn't seem like he's been with anyone else?
No. 1805635
File: 1702165373042.mp4 (2.63 MB, 576x1024, 7230901473058524442.mp4)

>>1805607Bi here and while i can appreciate some butches, personally the fuckboy energy is not something i like to see in women, i like them when they are more classy if they are trying to be seductive but that's just me
i love this video thoI love this video tho No. 1805652
>>1805607I thought I was absolutely anti-butch for a long time but it turns out I do like more masculine tomboyish women. It's just that I'm not into the two particular styles that I kept seeing under the "butch" category
>the swag one you describe >obese "dandy" types who often lean towards genderspecial tendenciesI'm also just not really into stuff like tattoos and ear gauges for either men or women…
No. 1805660
File: 1702166642891.gif (2.64 MB, 268x357, IMG_6611.gif)

>>1805607if you mean the justin bieber esque and/or hey mamas type then yeah normie women are really into it but personally i'm still fixated on picrel's type of female fuckboy. call me lacey the way i would be acting that crazy after a lay with her
No. 1805669
>>1805663Far apart. They usually are a feature of heart shaped faces and can still be pretty.
Close together always looks bad, like Adriana Limas first husband.
No. 1805676
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>>1805663deffo too far apart i always wanted to look that way anyway at least that has a feline elven quality and you have an easier time looking cute meanwhile eyes being too close together is. well i think picrel speaks for itself… it's hard to look adorable with eyes that close together after puberty… i'm sure it works for many but personally i'm already fug i would find it hard to live with myself if i had eyes like that
i remember that racist/antisemetic anon who keps saying that the actress from licorice pizza looked like her ancestors got stepped on too hard in the holocoast or whatever which i didn't really find funny but that's what keeps popping up in my head because you can't even fix either with surgery you're just stuck that way for life
No. 1805709
File: 1702168875390.png (2.03 MB, 1217x1185, IP33.png)

>>1805676damn i wanted to joke about his looks but i felt so bad after you mentioned that they can't even fix it with surgery, you're right, i think people with eyes too far apart have it easier
No. 1805885
File: 1702177337735.jpeg (145.45 KB, 736x920, IMG_3497.jpeg)

Can nonnies help me find examples of messy braids that actually look good on adults? 99% of the results I see on Interest are either pigtails, spacebuns or a single long plait
No. 1805911
File: 1702179072138.jpeg (1.44 MB, 1179x1719, IMG_6598.jpeg)

>>1805885Is this too much of a single plait?
No. 1805949
File: 1702181873867.png (258.18 KB, 400x387, Stfurobin.png)

can someone edit that "keep my wife's name out your fucking mouth" moment from the oscars but make it elsie and replace wife with husbando, or edit this pic with it
No. 1805955
>>1805949I would if i wasn't so sleepy nona, i like Elsie edits.
Can someone tell me what's the lore of that ″race mixing″ loser that makes new threads every now and then? I want to know if he's laughable or just boring.
No. 1806055
File: 1702191842541.jpg (14.3 KB, 360x360, raf,360x360,075,t,fafafa_ca443…)

>>1805106Sorry nona i forgot about this and i hope no one will recognize me from my bad memory.
Yeah sounds good, i like to check those threads but not all of those 2d guys would be blushing… it's alright though, felt like asking.
No. 1806158
>>1806068You should kill yourself for having a moid who'd even think that.
>>1806131I think drinking "in the name of your wife/child" is a major drunkard thing. It's not an official and full-fledged tradition, but my family from Ukraine, Belarus and Lithuania have all at least once had the husband drink himself half-to-death for the health of the mother and child.. However that would them help in any way.
I think if men from all over the world would find out about this "tradition" they'd find even more random reasons to drink under the excuses of traditions.
No. 1806164
>>1806162I don't know for sure, but in theory if it's sunken there's less fat there do the skin is more loose (and wrinkely) right? So if you get better sleep etc and it's no longer sunken then the it won't be as loose and it'll fill out so less loose skin?
My reply doesn't help but that's what I'm thinking with 0 knowledge
No. 1806170
File: 1702205705769.jpg (31.74 KB, 564x602, 36bf96715df227eb5801e8aa97ae4e…)

would the phenomenon of sneezing and peeing be called sneeding or peezing?
>i just peezed, i need to start doing kegels
>fuck, i just sneed a little!
No. 1806306
File: 1702214458994.jpg (86 KB, 410x547, cd0288c1d613b3da8ce1b42e317ca7…)

is it unreasonable to block someone for copying you? a while ago, i had an issue with a guy online because he kept reading books i like (specifically choosing my favourites) and adjusting his ratings to closely match mine. he'd also at times word for word copy what i'd say about them (in casual conversation) in his reviews. he's in his late teens and i'm in my early 20s so it didn't bother me for a while, i just figured he's impressionable and he genuinely seemed like a nice guy so i felt bad for being bothered by it. it's not that weird to find someone whose taste you want to explore, i guess i was just irritated by how blatantly he was doing it. people would joke about how similar our tastes are and how we're like the same person and i'd be bothered by it because my taste is my own, i like the things i like for reasons that are personal to me.
something else that bothered me is that he kept trying to insert himself in my group of friends, following them even if they had a virtually empty account. it felt very invasive. i did talk to him about it and he apologised, and it stopped. we just stopped talking after that. i ended up blocking him when i posted about a short story i'd read on the anniversary of the death of one of my favourite authors. it's obscure and it means a lot to me. later that same day, he logged the same book. i don't know why, it just really pissed me off and i blocked and unblocked him so we wouldn't be following each other anymore. after this he also removed me everywhere, so i guess he got mad over it. i feel bad but i also don't interact with him or the group of friends we were once both in anyway. i don't know what to think of it, i rarely get annoyed enough to do that
No. 1806420
>>1806306Yes, you can block anyone for any reason. I don’t understand this trend where unfollowing/blocking is seen as harsh. I’ll unfollow people who post selfies because selfies piss me off, who cares! It’s my time, my attention, my eyes, I’ll curate what’s shown to me all I want.
Also, what he’s doing reads as creepy to me. I knew a guy who’d have deep conversations with me about my interests, my style, what I did as hobbies, my friends (this was before the internet was such a mainstay) and I thought he was just genuinely interested in me. We fell off contact and a few years later someone sends me some sort of fetish account with an avatar that looks like me with my name and all my interests, my style, talking about my friends and guess what? It wasn’t my account, it was the sick fucking creeper I’d thought of as a friend. After that I side eye any guy that gets that invested in the minutiae of my life without wanting to be part of it. Very fucking creepy.
No. 1807001
File: 1702254977259.png (63.6 KB, 1920x1515, IMG_3536.png)

Will I really get pussy herpes if I guy with a cold sore eats me out……..
No. 1807152
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How do I sharpen these? Every time I buy them they're always dull.
No. 1807207
File: 1702269257883.jpeg (100.78 KB, 720x832, 9C264AB7-455C-4D7F-A04E-5533F4…)

I’m an older zoomer and I’m getting really confused when looking at people younger than me. Why are they all either fat genderblobs or perfect hyperangular chads and chadettes with the Exact Same Bone Structure??? I don’t mean in terms of style or “gender” politics, I don’t know any e girls or troons and the enby moids I work with or see out are all “queer” gays that are skinny with meth chad faces. I genuinely don’t think I have face blindness but i have a younger brother and a lot of younger zoomer coworkers and none of them really look like people only a few years older than them. My whole family has pretty sharp bone structure but my brother naturally has tiktok face and I don’t even though I’m a few years older. One of my coworkers gfs is a tiktok cockette (kek) and she filters her face to look neotenous bc she has the same extreme chadette bone structure as her bf. I feel like there are entire face types that either just don’t naturally exist anymore or have been surgeried out of existence in that generation. Like a plain normal face. No one looks normal anymore they all have giant fat moon faces or gigajaws that could cut steel. But I can’t even get fully behind the surgery/looksmaxx theory because some of the people I’m talking about simply don’t have enough money to yassify to this extent. Does anyone know why zoomers have such divergent evolution?
No. 1807210
>>1807198ditto. I never had and never will. I honestly don't get why and the whole "daddy issues" explanation. I don't like my father and the way he is and the shit he does so I always atracted to men who was the exact opposite in everyy way.
>>1807152you don't. I have problems with these too and honestly prefer to use regular razors just to shave around (plucking causes your eyelids to go flacid earlier). But I have those around if I need precision, and I figured out that they only work if you shave in the direction of the hair growth, when you use it agains the hair growth it kinda hurts and work worse than they already are normally
No. 1807227
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Do tomboy zoomers even exist anymore?
No. 1807321
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What are these types of tops called? With the embroidery thing I don’t know the name
No. 1807326
File: 1702288365922.jpeg (290.46 KB, 1080x1470, IMG_1593.jpeg)

Do you think it will be possible to have a thread of people falling for bait like this or misidentifying a troon’s true gender?
I feel like a thread like that might be unpopular and controversial. I get secondhand embarrassment from it but it’s still pretty funny,
No. 1807385
>>1807326I see the appeal but I predict that it would get cluttered with screenshots of posts that were jokingly or ironically made by mutuals. Maybe I have less faith in the new batch of posters here but I notice people posts things from accounts they don’t know the background on and they don’t research who all the people in their screenshot are. You’d probably get some nonas embarrassing themselves. Also the joke would get old fast if it was a whole thread and people might get fighty about it because it’d be a thread of trannies tricking stupid twansphobes and tervs or whatever. In a way it sounds like a trannytactics thread, sorry to say.
But on the other hand I also think it’s funny when people embarrass themselves so please do make a general thread about that in /m/ if you have a big screenshot collection. If you only have tranny-specific stuff you’d probably have to put it on the hidden board.
No. 1807470
File: 1702302831741.png (101.99 KB, 540x525, GAhH_-mWUA0MWlm.png)

Nonnas, I want to give up on Uni, but I want to get kicked for not paying or something rather than leave on my own (I will NEVER leave on my own. That's like admitting I lost…).
What'd be worse for the Uni staff;
Me not showing up to any lectures, not doing any work, not getting any grades (we're supposed to be going through exams and grading this week and then on the first week of January) OR showing up randomly, doing something lackluster and sort of skating by on poor grades in some subjects but not others? Hope this made sense because I am ESL and IDK what is called what.
TBH I really regret attending this Uni, there's no normal system (one lector wants us to send work via email, another on paper only, another via Whatsapp, another in an online system, another wants us to call her so she'll send us exam work through email???) AND not only that but every lector thinks their course is the only one and they all give us extremely time consuming work meanwhile the Uni is bottom tier in all of country and the "teaching" they do doesn't match the cost of 2k a year (which, where I live, is like expensively buying a diploma).
IDK, maybe one of you nonnas can even suggest me something better to do? Maybe writing them many complaints about the staff and whatnot? Two weeks ago I had the wife of our course director tell me "you've said you work as a nail tech, but look at your work, you shouldn't even be given scissors and I would never be your client" which, yeah, maybe, but why the fuck are you getting personal with me???
No. 1807472
File: 1702303045858.jpg (8.49 KB, 246x245, GADA_CtXMAA0UQ0.jpg)

>>1804814Update: The procedure went smoothly, my jaw hurts. Everything is fine~
No. 1807477
>>1807470I mean doesn't that depend on your local laws/uni terms and conditions? Where I am you can only get kicked out if you don't pay, don't sign up for the new school year or don't earn enough credits. Not showing up for lectures has no consequences, but I imagine it doesn't work like that for every university in every education system out there. So read the terms and conditions you agreed to.
But for gods' sake just drop out by yourself. If leaving on your own is admitting to losing then so is getting kicked out on purpose.
No. 1807522
>>1801196I thought
>>1801205 was messing around, because I'd never heard the term before ten years ago, but yeah it's been around since at least 1977 when it was used in the movie called “The Choirboys”.
No. 1807524
>>1807518It doesn't mean
all other countries. It's an Agree.
No. 1807576
>>1807515Tough problem. If you're truly confident that you can't do better, I would stay unless you can be happy single. Maintenance sex with someone you're not attracted to is such a chore, but that's the price. Personally, I find it easier to deal with the once to twice weekly sex than to deal with the constant problems that come from dating a man who is lazy, stupid, drama filled, or negligent. But I prioritize being financially comfortable, so your deal breakers may vary.
Like the other nona said, can you start meal prepping or cooking for him so that he loses weight? You can always have a heartfelt conversation with him, tell him how much you love him, but that you're really scared how his health choices are going to shorten his lifespan and leave you per-maturely grieving. This might motivate him to make small changes.
No. 1807599
>>1807515I feel you
nonnie. Is it worth it feeling violated over and over the rest of your life? Do you see yourself marrying him and continuing to suffer through sex with him like this? If he's an actual good moid he's going to pick it up sooner or later, even if you think you're faking your enjoyment well right now your defenses only last so much before you start acting like a traumatized
victim during sex. If he doesn't notice and is only interested in getting off then he's not such a good moid after all. It's a tough place to be in.
No. 1807642
>>1807515>fat and hairyTell him to lose weight because you dont find him attractive fat, point blank.
>I realized how much I've been craving good sex and an attractive manDon't give him any sex until he sets a goal and loses a certain amount. Fat man are disgusting. it doesnt take a lot for them to lose weight either. He just needs to eat better. tell him to clean better meals and drink more water.
No. 1807675
>>1807647god damn it you fuckers need to stop with these retarded ass moid related questions if you have any issues with your scrote BREAK UP and shut the fuck up
this is the stupid questions thread not retaded dumb ass poor life decisions thread
No. 1807677
>>1807515and you too, move your ass to the relationship advice thread, retard
what the fuck is up with all your retarded asses coming here with NOT stupid questions but rather stupid relationship decisions? gtfo
No. 1807685
>>1807677Calm down. Just ignore the posts you don’t like instead of throwing a tantrum like a sperg.
>>1807681Yeah you right I forgot about that thread.
No. 1807700
File: 1702317037870.png (193.53 KB, 274x342, qWZh5Fo.png)

people who spend their days on reddit and 4chan are rightfully called losers who have warped realities of the world, why isn't the same principle applied for people on twitter and snapchat
No. 1807704
>>1807689This is a
valid thought. Not using the right threads makes other boards/threads obsolete and ruins the vibes of the fun threads too (dumbass shit is already filled with many paragraphs of vents and angryposts that belong in the vent thread or the twitter/youtube/etc threads). Stupid questions should be miscellaneous and not scrote assistance terminals.
No. 1808007
File: 1702334313984.jpg (57.19 KB, 1000x897, 1074556444_max.jpg)

Are there any anons who get flipped off almost everyday when driving?I noticed that's it's always pale fat women or men with trucks who do this
No. 1808050
File: 1702336414450.jpg (33.4 KB, 564x522, 81c095b11190264512f193313cbc63…)

>>1808007I'm sorry
nonny but for that flip off rate you must drive slow as fuck, cut people off or are cruising next to other drivers in the passing lane, blocking traffic… or you have some inflammatory bumper stickers.
No. 1808062
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I really don't know where to bring this up but I realised overweight/obese women who have lots of fat folds tend to have a particular bad BO. Is this something normal?? I went to a concert awhile ago and two very short and very overweight women were standing besides me, and every time I turned around I was hit with a musky onion-y smell that was vile. Yesterday I sat on the train next to a borderline obese woman and I smelled a similar BO but more tame. I mentioned women with fat rolls because I have had overweight friends who always smelled amazing, and even after a whole day of walking they just smelled…normal? No funky odours like those mentioned before. Are fat rolls in obese women prone to get sweaty? Or did I just have the misfortune to encounter dirty bitches?
No. 1808070
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Am I stupid for ruining my good (and only) friendship over my male friend not seeing watching porn in a relationship as cheating and preferring a partner who is ok with him jerking off to porn?
No. 1808095
>>1808070Why would you talk to your male friend about porn?
And no you’re not stupid.
No. 1808190
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I have a real issue with my sexuality. Whenever I'm masturbating or having sex, an image of an ugly, old couple, or just an obese, old moid or woman alone jumps into my mind, and I lose the mood. It's usually someone I saw that day. It's getting to the point where I barely ever want to have sex with my boyfriend (or get off) unless I haven't left home all day. My boyfriend has been understanding, but the lack of sex is really putting a strain on our relationship. Should I just blind myself, anons?
No. 1808214
>>1808190It almost sounds like you more have an issue with intrusive thoughts interrupting your libido. I notice the harder I try not to think about something, the more I think about it. If you're trying not to think about old people during sex or something, maybe there's a way you could do it without accidentally
triggering yourself into thinking about it.
No. 1808253
>>1807634damn that is short, the men in my family take 2+ hours
>>1807802nta the only time i take that long is if i'm constipated or unwell
No. 1808481
>>1807675Bold of you to assume every lc farmer needs to be talking about "their" moid. The reason I asked this was because I noticed one colleague at work says "I'm going to the bathroom" and then he disappears for 10-15 minutes in there, which is a long ass fucking time when you do a service job in a small team.
>>1808253I can take up to 10 minutes of wiping up and cleaning my hands if it turned into diarrhea, because I ain't about having any skid marks anywhere, but 2+ hours is ridiculous. No toilet seat nor bathroom lighting is that comfortable to sit in there for hours.
No. 1808505
>>1808495CPTSD is short for complex PTSD, and complex means there are many factors for sure.
I got bullied in school too, and I had no adult to rely on to help, in fact they made things worse, not to mention generally the household I grew up in, not only the adults but also my siblings and the extra family members (aunts, uncles, grandparents etc.) playing a part in it too, so I personally consider bullying and other things that happened to me up until I moved away for good at 25-26yo to have given me some sort of CPTSD, and general mistrust and apathy.
Sure it'd be best to have it diagnosed but if you informe yourself with literature about it, you can cross reference things to come to your own conclusion about whether you got it or not, nonna.
No. 1808575
>>1808568Ayrt, thank you so much
nonnie, you just gave a retard a good night's sleep.
No. 1808711
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>>1808700get the cat a tube if it doesn't have one
No. 1808767
>>1808711>>1808704thanks for the recs
>>1808757just searched for it on youtube before you posted lol it seems up my aggresive moid cocomelon cat alley since he's pretty rough when he plays and loves things he can run and hunt like bottle caps
No. 1808945
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Anons, say I'm digging to find information on a person, what are some things to look for? Already have their email/tumblr blog/soundcloud/etc and I have found their old tumblr screenshots on the wayback machine. What other things could I look for? I also have a phone number but I think it's out of service.
No. 1809328
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is picrel a MTF Belle skinwalker or an anorexic Belle skinwalker??? i can't tell at all (i'm a retard like that) but i think if it's a MTF then he might be milky No. 1809986
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Do you feel bad when cave explorers get trapped and end up dying in caves? I've seen a lot of people comment on cases like the Nutty Putty incident and go like "well who tf would want to explore a scary ass cave anyway?". Do you anons think the same way?
No. 1810019
>>1809986Yeah, I do.
Just imagining what it must've been like, it's awful.
No. 1810136
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nonnies i'm doing this quiz (don't laugh) and i'm completely stuck on this question. i just don't even understand what i have to do?!? can anyone help me pls. i feel so fucking stupid No. 1810146
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>>1810140>sipping coffee while giggling at scrotes getting themselves into bad situationscasual queen shit, honestly. I'd be lying if I said I never do the same.
No. 1810164
>>1810156how the absolute HELL did you work that out?? omg thank you
nonnie. do you want to do the rest of the questions for me too? i'll give you my first born in gratitude
No. 1810231
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I might just be too autistic and asexual but why do people enjoy het romance media? Or het shipping in general. I get that its the defualt for the majority of the world's population but even as I child I never saw the appeal of romance as a genre until I discovered yaoi/yuri and suddenly I was hooked. I can assume it must involve some bare minimum amount of projection or self-insertion given one's romantic or sexual preference, but my preferences lean more towards men and yet I still I can't STAND het ships even if they are "subversive" and "queer uwu."
No. 1810262
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>>1810242Interesting. I hadn't considered that probably because I've never felt the desire to be in a relationship. I'm probably reading into it too much but I think theres something to be said about how much het romance in fiction is a result of its creator's own personal tastes and its very obligatory and definite nature reflected in reality. Or maybe I just like cute boys suffering together, who knows. Thank you nona.
No. 1810263
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Do mary janes with heels generally make your feet look big/long?
No. 1810314
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How do you guys conduct a successful social media detox? I feel like it's rotting my brain rn
No. 1810321
>>1810311Hell no. According to Mia she only made a grand total of like $12,000 anyway. People say she's lying and maybe she is but the fact that she was made to sign a contract makes me believe her since porn companies are extremely
abusive. Riley is actually rich but she got there from basically pedo baiting. The kind of notoriety that comes with the fame that those women have is useless too and makes people hate you and not take you seriously so I don't see how that would be desirable anyway.
No. 1810381
>>1809862They’re lying kek, they were catfished and gave nudes and information to the catfish themselves and or in addition to that they had poor OPSEC. They probably were catfished on a platform like Snapchat FB or IG where their profile had all their information which made them an easy target in the first place. How do you think that someone got the nudes? It’s either from catfishing scammers on SM, compromised accounts, or the scammer never actually even had any nudes and just sent the moid a threatening email or message and they believed it. People run this same scam too but catfish as minors so that the blackmail is that the moid is a pedo and they must pay up or they will tell their IRLs or doxx them.
No offense nonners but I don’t think you’d be good at getting away with something illegal. Not that i’m suggesting any anons to do this themselves because it’s a crime but mostly because this crime victimizes women who have their photos stolen. Women’s stolen photos including nudes are sold as packs for catfishing for it or for “e-whoring” which is just catfishing for monetary gain without the blackmailing aspect. I’m not a moralfag when it comes to preying on men’s pornsickness, in fact I hope that it teaches them a lesson even though it never does, but don’t victimize innocent women in the process and don’t be stupid and get yourself in trouble.
>>1809986>who tf would want to explore a scary ass cave anyway?…Me. I know the risks of caving and urbexing and that it’s stupid. So I know the blame for something bad happening is all on me but why should someone not feel bad that someone lost their life because they did something stupid?
No. 1810406
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>>1810316>BTW those mice look fatIt's time for you to go outside.
No. 1810746
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What is the most retard-proof tutorial to learn HTML and CSS? I have 2 days and I want to grind up a quick basic website, nothing special, just a collection of my thoughts - sort of just to say that I can use these two languages. I know it's stupid but I had the idea today and decided I needed to do it ASAP.
No. 1810770
>>1810559Imagine dating a fattie alcoholic. Couldnt be me.
No. 1811059
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Which books would you recommend for someone wanting to learn how to draw, not digital, the traditional stuff with pencil, paper, water colours, etc.? Something basic that really helped you to start and improve. I don't have the money to take classes and I don't enjoy video tutorials and the amount of books that claim to teach you how to be the best artist in a month is overwhelming.
>>1811042it's the key to the cockcage (don't know how what it's really called) for her sissy troon friend
No. 1811086
>>1811059IMO art books are better for going in depth. Anons here always talk about drilling fundamentals and their art looks like shit. Meanwhile you can get very decent looking art in days that will impress people, even though you know it’s not super great but it’s basically 80-20 rule.
You simply learn color mixing, DrawMixPaint has the best videos on this. Then you can watch videos about value and composition such as vidrel, you don’t have to even be very good at perspective that will come naturally. And for drawing people follow along from the start with LoveLifeDrawing — I literally went from shitty middle schooler tier sketches to decent, non-stiff believable people. After this then you will have an idea of what art books you would be interested in and have better art than 75% of the weebtards at your local art meetup
No. 1811127
>>1810311Morality disregarded, the effort that goes into gaping my asshole I could put into learning a skill like making fucked up AI porn, do you see how many of those AI patreon/gumroad there are and how many subs they have? God help the artfags.
>>1810314Deleting the apps? Lmao worked for me. Now I’m only addicted to video games.
No. 1811233
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Is this cool toned? This is the closest I can find for my skin and hair color.
No. 1811385
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Is there any way to fix loose skin without getting surgery? I'm a lifelong fatty who's lost a 110 pounds over the past 2 years but th e amount of loose skin I have is making me suicidal. I look so ugly, like i am melting. The doctor says I can't have loose skin removal surgery because i have a blood clotting disorder which would make it high risk. I should just get fat again, shouldn't i
No. 1811399
>>1811385Your only hope is fasting and maintaining your current bodyweight, will take a few years for your skin to tighten, depending on the degree of extension.
Generally speaking doing exercise and building muscle can tighten up the skin.
But being a healthy weight is always better than overweight.
No. 1811589
Does anyone else get to feel kinda horny when they get mad? It's such a moidy thing
>>1811582I dislike it a bit just because it's very long
No. 1811608
>>1811589Yeah, or after an emotional argument.
Or after seeing my Nigel cry.
I think it's just an arousal reaction (arousal doesn't mean just horny) so strong emotions
trigger it.
No. 1811683
>>1811582Nah, my name is actually misspelled and a little long but it never bothered me much.
My mom chose it because she disliked the name my dad picked and since he wasn't there, she went for it.
No. 1811728
>>1811582I really hated my name during my childhood and teen years and was dead set on changing it, I'm just meh on it now. It's a really basic and normal name, it's just not really my style I guess. I don't think I will end up drastically changing it like I wanted to, but I'm considering pushing a variant of it to get more usage since I like that one more, currently one person uses it as a nickname for me. Most of my friends call me retarded made-up flavor of the month nicknames so I actually don't hear my real name that much
I still don't like my surname though, when I get married I'm changing it in a heartbeat. It's also just a really basic common name, but it's easily identified with a country I'm not from which is kinda annoying for being misleading
No. 1811742
>>1811717Most women in general want to be nice to people and avoid stirring the pot, and adding to that, a lot of women face heavy repercussions if they're not hyper-agreeable. I am really against troons but I don't sperg about it openly irl because it'd be risky. I will express my real opinion about it with individuals and small groups whom I trust to not get mad at me, but to the general public I just try to smooth over the topic and move onto something else if it comes up.
Another thing is that a lot of normies are kinda ignorant about trannies. I notice a lot of people who are highly familiar with unhinged tranny behavior kind of fail to realize that the average joe and jill only hold a vague concept of them, they've probably only heard of them in passing and never met one. Or if they have, they don't know the troon on a personal enough level to see many red flags.
My mom doesn't like troons because she recognizes that the idea is dubious but she doesn't understand why I take such a solid stance on it because all she knows is that somewhere, some people are being kinda weird and deviant, and that's not much to get serious over. A lot of people don't really know what's going on and will just dismiss it as "well it's weird, but whatever." Or they support it superficially because they are fine with stuff like a boy liking pink, or LGB, and the T gets lumped in with those
As a specific thing, most people don't understand how horrifying and grotesque the surgeries are. They either never thought about it or assume that medical tech is good enough that the results are basically just like normal men and women.
No. 1811751
>>1811716I live in Netherlands and it's basically a meme here that they will give you paracetamol for everything, even when my coworker took her 4 year old child with a limp hand, they told her the same, and said to only come back if it doesn't go away on its own in a few days KEK
I called in and she told me to take paracetamol 3 times a day and only make an appointment if my fever doesn't go away within 4 days. I said my lungs hurt and she said it's because they're fighting the virus and I might've been just reinfected because a shitload of people are sick right now. M'kay then… I'm definitely not going to work with 39 degree fever bitch
No. 1811772
>>1811440You eat 6 days a week normal and on one day you fast, one day fasting won't do a dent into your bodyweight but your glycogen stores and later your lipid stores(bodyfat).
Exercise and a good diet is always a must when you recomp.
No. 1811819
>>1811582I hate the family members attached to the name and sullying the ethymology of the word it comes from: it can mean erudite, scholar, or even wizard or guru kek.
Some of the family members are educated, respectful and tolerant, but the majority is judgemental and tribalistic, raised by a traditionalist culture and religion.
I thought about changing my name before but now I don't care because with the years, I'm further and further away from ever having children to pass on the name anyway.
No. 1811929
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How dumb would it be to get a vintage cut and style my hair like picrel? I've seen anons calling styles like this grandma hair kek.
No. 1811933
>>1811926I've heard that success stories with that advice before, stuff like this woman failing to sell her handmade scarves for $10 because people viewed it as a cheap craft, but suddenly making sales at $100 just because people viewed it as a luxury artisanal product instead and thus paid attention
But I think this advice applies more to original products you made, not branded items that you're trying to sell secondhand. I don't think it would work for you because the company already determined a price and marketing image, so fans would be able to see through an inflated price.
No. 1811943
>>1811939Ah you are right, good point
No. 1811993
>>1811933thank you, dear
nonnie! a week ago i saw a meh quality Killstar cat bag being sold for 100 euros (originally 60 euros i think?) and i am selling mine for 40 euros less than i bought them for, so i was hoping it'd work if i tried to resell! do you think i should just lower the price slightly every week? and thank you again for answering, i was wondering about the advice for so long. your interpretation makes perfect sense. maybe i should paint those shoes and sell the painting for 100 and the shoes for 10 kek
No. 1812120
>>1812037alright, i think i'm gonna hold onto them while i still have the space in my closet. thank you from the bottom of my heart and have a good day,
No. 1812140
>>1812116I would try this tbf
Dying to an angry ye olde ghost would be goals
No. 1812147
>>1812075Yes, maybe simpler versions would do, but as she said
>>1811970 if your hair doesn't have the texture you want you may not find an easy to simplify it. Having to use curlers and hairspray everymorning sounds a bit tiring, but maybe once you get used to it you do it in 5 mins.
No. 1812228
>>1812155Vaseline doesn't moisturize anon, it just locks in moisture. Occlusive I believe is the word. In general, if you're putting an oil on your skin you should put something water based underneath. Like, you can use Vaseline on your body but you should put a lotion underneath.
Anyway, I know other anons already answered, but your eyes are very precious and not something you should risk self-diagnosing. Would an ER be an option for you?
No. 1812239
>>1812220nope. vaseline isn't really a thing in germany afaik, i only had some because of a trip to the us.
>>1812228thanks for the explanation! i went to my gp for this and she just shrugged and said i should use eye drops because i might have dry eyes. i'm using them every day now, but nothing changes. so far there's no problem with my eyeballs or my eyesight, it's just the skin around it so she didn't care and just told me to see a specialist. which brings me back to six months long wait times and no doctor accepting new patients for their emergency opening hours. i'm moving next month though so hopefully better luck in my new city.
No. 1812285
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>>1811970>>1812147Nta but I have naturally curly hair and had to follow the method in picrel to get vintage type curls (basically straightening first, then using curlers after, otherwise it looked frizzy) but I guess it depends on each person's level of curliness
No. 1812319
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Do the mods play favorites with the anons here? Like, do they ban certain users for anything, but regularly let other specific users off the hook?
No. 1812651
>>1811717Most women are normies and I see a lot of husbands who troon out and the wife is shocked, where there were red flags everywhere. Normie women think men being porn sick is normal, so the porn to trans pipeline is real. I think most women dont go online after a certain age, so their exposure is either very minimum or one time irl at a coffee shop. I think a lot of them lump trannies in with the rest of LGB and think we're all the same, which is a problem.
I hope more women peak though, because i'm sorry, but I blame women for trannies being so accepted in the first place. Men didnt have to do shit as trannies. Most Women welcomed them with open arms and were hand maidens.
No. 1812654
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How the fuck do i stop thinking about an ex-friend i had a falling out with? lmao, its been months and this person still pops up in my head randomly. i hate it. literally living rent free in my mind. im not even mad at him anymore!!!
No. 1812695
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Are these mask safe to use?
What are they used for and do they actually work?
No. 1812798
>>1812120good luck nona, you seem really sweet!
>>1812704Have you tried eating some yet? Pecorino makes a really simple and comforting pasta, just grind up a block in a food processor or blender with some olive oil and a lot of black pepper, and add it to cooked pasta that still has some pasta water. You don't need extra salt or seasonings because the cheese is very salty and flavorful, but you can include a bit of cornstarch to keep the cheese from clumping.
>>1812752They can last a while but I wouldn't rely on them for anything you can't afford to lose. If you just want to move stuff around it's probably fine. Make sure you keep them stored in a comfortable place though, I had files on a flash drive get messed up because I left it in a cold room during winter. The images got all mashed up with rainbow colors like a stereotypical glitch effect
>>1812779it is possible but genetics are going to be a big factor in how badly someone is impacted. Some people are barely affected and for others it catches up super quick. Any drug use (including alcohol and smoking) will make it a lot worse
No. 1812801
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Is there a word for someone who gets mad at you for making them feel bad? My mom gave me a half assed apology and made it seem like I was in the wrong for calling her out and being frustrated with her.
No. 1812968
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Truly autistic question but do people do this "darting eyes" thing in real life when they're confused or thinking? Or is it just a thing from media to visibly show them searching their thoughts or whatever? Like if you're someone who does this, are you just doing it for dramatic effect or are you actually looking for something?
No. 1813086
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How the hell do you get energy and motivation to go run in the morning? I wake up and feel like I want to die. But I really want to start exercising in th morning because I noticed all the people who are chill and don't stress much do that. My mornings suck in general.
No. 1813109
File: 1702629972770.jpg (63.36 KB, 640x773, Bill.jpg)

To the anons who are possessive of their favorite media and hate it when normies flood into the fandom, how do you cope when retards discover your favorite thing? I'm asking this especially because I remembered the Eltingvillefags.
No. 1813267
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are there any gender criticals on SpaceHey?
No. 1813298
>>1813109>Eltingvillefagsthanks for the Bill picture it going into my Eltingville folder kek
so as
>>1813130 said, all we can do it wait until the normies go away (they WILL eventually, they only like that certain piece of media because they've seen it on social media)
No. 1813706
>>1813398My bf is anorexic-tier skelly but I'm not really sure what specifically you're wondering about, so idk what to comment on. He isn't mentally ill about it, just genuinely has a lot of trouble putting on weight for mixed reasons but tries to increase it as best as he can.
There are times where he's kind of pointy and accidentally jabs me, there are times where people get shocked over how thin he is, and there are rare times where his heart gets a bit overwhelmed and he needs to take a breather (negative health effect of being that thin), but otherwise there aren't huge impacts I guess? He's not like cripplingly frail or anything so he goes about life pretty much normally
No. 1814144
>>1814114Thank you
nonnie, I feel much better tbh.. xoxo
No. 1814370
>>1812801>woeful >triggered>distraught>>1812985Yes.
>>1814103You're an npc.
No. 1814434
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What is the blue flag? Looks like Argentina without the white stripe.
No. 1815151
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Is a kindle worth it? I like books and only have a few bit they do get bulky rather quick. Do you pay for books each separately or do you get the monthly subscription to get access to a lot Of them? Which model is the best?
No. 1815172
File: 1702752889543.jpeg (96.02 KB, 480x513, IMG_0463.jpeg)

I smile like a lesser version of picrel where my smile is wide and my veins in my neck are bulging. How do I stop doing this? I have no idea why but every picture I take is now like [a lesser version] of this and it’s annoying the hell out of me.
I have a problem with clenching my jaw due to bruxism and TMJ and I’m wondering if it’s related? I also take psychiatric meds which might worsen jaw clenching. How do I fix this? I’m so embarrassed because even my professional shots look awful like wtf is happening. Would those medications they prescribe for TMJ help?
No. 1815175
>>1815151kindle is amazon and it tracks the shit out of you.
e-readeers are great but you shpuld get one where you can import your own ebooks rather than one hooked up to a store
No. 1815185
>>1815169E ink screen, which is vastly superior for reading. It doesn't tire your eyes.
>>1815151They're worth it, but get something like kobo that allows you to read pirated books out of the box. You could install custom firmware on it (it's fairly uncomplicated with a guide) for additional features, but it's not necessary. I don't regret my purchase at all, I've read more books than ever before with an ereader. I still prefer paper and the weight of a book, but it's more of a hassle to find books I'm interested in so an ereader does the job just fine.
No. 1815351
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As someone whose "piracy" experience is limited to libgen and yt-dlp, I kinda need a for-dummies explanation of how torrenting actually works and how to do it. Also, how safe is it?
No. 1815374
>>1815357The long version of this answer is:
>get VPN>get qbitorrent>choose a reputable torrent site (r/piracy mega thread)>check that the url is correct to avoid fake mirror sites>download magnet>???>profitAfter you finished downloading, you can choose to “seed”, which means you’re letting others dl that file from you. More seeds=faster a file can be downloaded by everyone. If you’re gonna turn off VPN or done sharing then make sure to stop seeding before disconnecting.
No. 1815555
>>1815351It’s pretty safe if you’re not the one sharing. Some internet companies are assholes and send you warning letters if you use a torrent client though. My new isp does and it really cramped my torrenting — they literally sent me a physical letter for downloading an episode of wwdits when it was airing (never sent me letters for anime or old movies though so I’m guessing they get pressure from media companies or something.)
Download Transmission or other client and go to a torrent site and click the download/magnet link button and that’s all it takes.
No. 1815617
>>1815584We don't know we can only make hypotheticals but because of the position America was in, so new so uncertain people have different opinions, some say there would be no impact on the wider world except America some say it would have affected certain European countries significantly.
American history would be a lot more boring than it already is, like events that stem from slavery and the civil rights movement is all America has got going for it when it comes to interesting shit. (USA)
Obviously there would be a lot less AA's than there are now, that's the most obvious one.
No. 1816022
>>1815731>i thought the idea of people “turning gay” from someone really attractive was a myth.ayrt, so did I until it happened to me kek. I'm not comfortable saying who it is because she is so rarely talked about that it would honestly dox the crap out of me since I used to talk about her on social media. But I will say she is not traditionally attractive in the way most female celebrities are. She has a unique appearance with a long face, small eyes, and a distinctive nose and smile. I've always been partial even before I discovered her to a lot of her types of features though, so it's sort of like she fit like a perfect puzzle piece into the attraction side of my brain and I can't pry her out.
It's extremely embarrassing to have this problem, especially at at almost 30, so I feel incredibly horrible about both my weird sexuality situation and the fact that I ever liked her in the first place due to what a gross person she turned out to be. It really came out of nowhere though, I was never obsessed with any other famous people. I just saw a pic of her one day and that was it. Latent retard syndrome activated.
I wish I could wind back the clock and avoid ever seeing that picture, I would still be a normal straight girl.
No. 1816040
>>1815728I hear people say it but never see it, so many times I've heard a voice and imagined a 'normal sized' woman but she's actually plus sized but never have a heard a voice and thought omg she's fat.
Maybe people associate it with a deep voice? If I have any association with voice = fat it's a southern American older woman saying sweety but that's not even 70% accurate
No. 1816391
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does anyone remember that anon who said she was on vacation in japan when the covid lockdowns started so she just overstayed her visa and started living in the japanese mountains and only went to 24/7 convenience stores at night to get supplies? how did that story end? did she ever return to her own country?
No. 1816402
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Nonnas, my mom is pushing me to get a minor degree and I was wondering between business and marketing…Which one do you guys think has the better potential?
No. 1816510
>>1816248I’ve tried to do that because you’re right that is most likely, but I’m so retarded that I still have dreams about her and wind up daydreaming about
having gay sex with her. And when that happens, my internal chant of “you are just straight” starts to feel really stupid. I’ve been trying to force myself to fantasize about men again, but it doesn’t seem to work, i never feel the same burning desire I used to for them, now I only feel that for her. Even when I try to distract myself I always wind up unintentionally absentmindedly daydreaming about her. It’s really bad. I wish it was as simple as just deciding to stop, but it’s like my subconscious has different ideas and will NOT listen to me. It’s really horrible feeling like you have no control over your own mind.
No. 1816632
>>1816558You are the first person I've ever heard of describe food as tasting like acetone and I know exactly what you're talking about. I only ever tasted this in a few foods. Spring rolls and a coleslaw salad, and I think the suspect were carrots that were overripe. I think your pomegranate also might be overripe/going bad. Or maybe it's a whole other chemical process, I'm not sure.
Legitimately whenever I tried to describe this to people they'd look at me like I was mad, and they couldn't taste the same thing.
No. 1816665
>>1816359If he's only liking the quote-unquote "sexy" pics (barf), then I think you already have your answer. The only other thing I can think of is if he somehow knows all these kids, like he's a father of one or a coach. Not that that would necessarily absolve him either.
You know, unless the account is private, I'm pretty sure Instagram displays all likes/follows publicly if you click. You might be able to see what else he's looking at, if you're willing.
No. 1816707
>>1816558they're not supposed to do that. you migh be having a reaction
>>1816632nayrt but some pears taste like acetone to me. i love that tho
No. 1816733
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Hi nonnies, I need some hair advice.
A few months ago I dyed my very dark virgin hair with a very bright red permannent box dye. It's a very pretty deep burgundy that looks super red in the light. I love it.
My question is: say I wanted my hair to be just a bit lighter so it looks a bit more red, would using one of those "lightening shampoos" work? I don't want to bleach, I just want a little oomph to my hair. But if you guys think it'll make my burgundy hair look brassy and orange I'll refrain from purchasing.
No. 1816823
nonnie, if you don't get a response try /g/
No. 1816839
nonnie anything can break you out. Are you eating a certain type of protein? Maybe try eating something else?
No. 1817143
>>1816920>>1816841Thank you anons, she's okay now I took her to the nearest vet. she was showing seizure like symptoms and I realized my nephew was playing with a flashlight near her so this could have
triggered her
No. 1817180
>>1817101Lasting meaning between phone upgrades? The old $3 cases I had are all still functional and will outlast life on earth.
>>1817153Who is everyone else? People have varied physiology and experiences. Your womb still works then you’re normal.
No. 1817213
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Does zote actually clean clothes (like dirt and grease) or does it just get out stains? I'm just looking for a good bar soap to hand wash clothes with. I'm a bit confused on what it's for and if the different colors do different things.
No. 1817335
>>1817316Itching? Was it surgical steel?
If your ears are sensitive you should only wear titanium. Later on you can get silver or high carat gold.
No. 1817692
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Has Renee Zellweger had plastic surgery or did she just age, lose weight and change makeup style?
No. 1817791
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>>1817101I got a cutesy one that's a jelly-like resin material with stuff molded into it from Etsy. I can't refind the one I got but I grabbed a pic of something similar. I really like this material because it seems like it absorbs impacts well; I had a hard shell case before, and it would get scratched up and crack when dropped.
The strap degraded over time but the case itself is the same after >1 year. I found the strap useful so I bought another more durable one.
There's a whole genre of very similar resin cases across different accounts but I think they really are handmade. My guess is that they originate from small Taobao businesses.
>>1817371my eyebrows aren't bushy but I don't worry about them being misshapen or not filled in right or whatever other nitpicks people have about women's eyebrows because my bangs cover them, so nobody sees anyway. Maybe that could be a solution for someone who doesn't want to mess with them but still feels self-conscious about judgment
No. 1818299
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how do I make 4chan X work for this imageboard? I wanna watch some threads without bookmarking them
No. 1818370
>>1818329It so highly varies that it's a crap shoot. On one hand, a great chiropractor knows the human body, takes x-rays, and give you advice on what is wrong with your skeleton and muscles. If something is out of place, which does happen, they can guide it back into place and give you exercises and stretches to keep it from happening again. They're like a physical therapist, but way cheaper. On the other, bad ones really can kill you or leave you disabled for life. If you're having trouble, I recommend going to one of the free consultations that some chiropractors have and getting the x-rays and hearing their recommendations. Then, pair that with an experienced massage therapist's recommendations, and you should have a solid plan for how make your body run more smoothly.
No. 1818394
>>1818377Are you an international student? My friend I went to uni with was and she was part of this big international students group set up through the uni and made friends and found events through that.
About the going alone thing. I honestly think it depends on how confident you are, but sadly as a woman it will be dangerous regardless what country/city.
No. 1818400
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>>1818299You can't, lolcow runs an entirely different imageboard software to 4chan. I've also thought about that though, I wish I had some of its features here, namely inline replies, reverse searching links and the filename randomizer. I'd call it Enriched Milk or something but I'm not good at coding.
No. 1818413
>>1818394Yeah I'm an international student.
I was going to do something with my course mates but for some reason they've been weird about adding me to the group chat…despite the fact that the trip was my idea so I'm bitter and asking to join just feels like I'm begging them.
The party I'm planning to go to is supposed to be lesbian/butch party, which yes is open for
TW as well but the majority should be actual woman.
> big international students group set up through the uni Haven't heard of anything like that tbh
No. 1818435
>>1818410wait so you dont eat dinner?
idk try drinking decaf or no coffee bc caffeine can suppress appetite, and start snacking calorie-dense things like chicken nuggets? maybe you eat a lot of protein in your breakfast/lunch like hardboiled eggs, which can make you satiated for way longer.
No. 1818446
>>1818400wait that's such a good idea
nonnie… argggg I'm not good at coding either, I'm only at the beginning. let's summon a programmer nonna
No. 1818449
>>1818448oh thanks
nonnyi saw someone say it was .st but it wasn't working so i wanted confirmation
No. 1818584
>>1818299no idea, pretty much everything but the thread watcher works, annoying.
But I really only need to be able to mark my posts and hide individual posts and it works fine for that.
No. 1818633
NONNIE! you're a life saviour
No. 1818814
What is the 'best' type of birth control? I really don't want to take those pills because I'd forget it half the days but those implant things also freak me out (one of my colleagues once had her period when she wasn't supposed to because she had one of those). I want to keep my period as well, not having it would scare me I don't know why.
>>1818660When you're with that person all your worries are gone, you listen even when you aren't interested in the topic because you just like seeing him/her happy and excited. Just thinking about this person puts a smile on your face, they could be asleep and you would still enjoy the company. Even if you hate socializing and get tired from it you feel full of energy when you're with this person. Love is so beautiful, it's not necessary but god is it amazing.
No. 1818822
>>1818814There isn’t really one “best” bc, because everyone’s body reacts to things differently. You’ll hear horror stories about one type but then you’ll hear of other women having zero problems with it. The shot or the patch are two other options if you don’t want to remember pills every day, but those can have bad side effects too.
Basically it’s a total gamble.
No. 1818834
nonnie, guess I'll be going to the doctor soon. I was fine with condoms but at this point I'm almost happy to get my period because it's just a confirmation I'm not pregnant kek, don't need the stress anymore.
No. 1819078
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Where can I find discussions of Shera Seven on this site? Is she a cow? She said she likes old dudes and implied she wouldn’t care if her man cheated. (I still like her, she’s funny)
No. 1819090
>>1819053Your patient chart still exists at the facility, you could probably find out if you really wanted to with a call or email. That being said it's probably
No. 1819173
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is it worth it to get a therapist for stopping hoarding?
No. 1819255
>>1818420During the 2008 crisis my dad invested all his money in gold and he has doubled his retirement fund. Meanwhile, I bought crypto two years later because my boyfriend heard it was the money of the future but then we broke up and I was left with two bitcoins in an online wallet that I forgot about until 2019 when I sold it for about 40K.
So yes gold holds and increases in value, but also the stock market is entirely made up and luck is stupid.
>>1818731Can you go to the free clinic? I'm a little worried about a uterine infection, but it may also easily be symptoms of endometriosis or fibroids. Drink tons of water, try to get a hold of nettle tea if you can, and watch for a fever and foul smelling discharge.
No. 1819428
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Does anyone know of any place that sells decent functional sunglasses or can recommend some?
No. 1819500
>>1818660As someone who before I had puberty never had a crush before, I'll say that the concept of being in love (romantically) doesn't exist as is often portrayed and is just positive emotions towards a person that you choose to label as "love". It's just a subconscious appeal towards someone and you say "so I'm in love with them!". There is no objective way to say what romantic love is, because it's a completely subjective experience. In that way, separating platonic from romantic depends on your intentions and desires. And that is often understood by how children wouldn't have "crushes" if it wasn't labeled as a crush but they would instead describe their positive emotions some other way. That's also why children don't really know they're gay before puberty because crushes before that don't really show anything significant… Meanwhile something like sexual love is obvious because you actually feel it (while also desiring/intending it).
So love is something good and you choose what to define it as.
No. 1819549
>>1819501Yep, men will casually ruin your self-esteem with jokes and needling with the full intention of forcing you to stay with them. If they can get you to believe you aren't worthy of proper respect and love, that their heinous selves are all you can hope to look forward to, then the risk of you leaving lowers immensely.
Whoever this scrote is, he deserves to have his dick peeled like a carrot. ♥
No. 1819616
>>1819501Yes! As the other anon said, men are obsessed with “humbling” women,
-“aw well the big ones hurt anyways”
-have him take you shopping and hold something up and say “can you afford this?” Say it loud enough for people to hear
Be sure to do this before you dump him and then he will be crying for you to come back. Leave this piece of shit on Christmas eve and maybe he will jump off a bridge
No. 1819633
>>1819477Yep, it's bad then. You're an adult and you have enough experience to make your own sound decisions, but the fact that you're even considering it shows that you haven't thought it through.
One, if you want children, it's not a good idea. Men's sperm declines with age and his sperm is very likely to create autistic or down syndrome children, which, considering his age, he will be unable to take care of like a child deserves. He is only five years away from fifty, and while that's not elderly, it is old and he just can't play and run like kids would like and he definitely can't stay up all night taking care of an crying infant and then still have enough energy to go to work in the morning.
Two, best case scenario, if you love each other and spend your life with him, you will spend some of the prime years of your life taking care of his dying body. Average man in the US dies at 77 and usually requires nursing home level of care around 70. But before than, you would be responsible for the vast majority of the chores because he is physically unable. You would also be responsible for all of the mental load as his cognition declines. So you would then spend your ages 47 through 59 taking care of him before he passes of old age. At which point you will find that you are starting to need help yourself, but there is no one to help you or share the load with.
Really, the only exception to this is if he is in good health and takes care of his body (works out frequently, eats healthy, and does not drink or smoke) and if he has enormous amounts of money. Enough money that you don't have to do chores like cleaning or working full time because his money pays for maids and bills. Even then, you must be careful about what you will do for retirement because these kinds of men normally leave their money to their children and being a house wife for thirty years leaves you with little social security.
No. 1820155
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>>1820026Based on my experience, here's some steps:
>if you're not tired and it's late into the night, don't force yourself to go to sleep.>stay up until it's daytime, but keep yourself busy and interested in different things like scrolling forums, listening to music, playing video games, doing chores and exercising.>keep yourself busy like this until you're at the point where it's nighttime again and your body is super fucking tired>knock your brain's little ass out by taking a good shower, popping an edible, drinking some tea, and tucking yourself into bed>wake up to your alarm when it goes off at the hour you want it to, but don't ever hit the snooze. throw yourself out of bed to remind yourself that you're getting up for a reason>keep doing this, until you naturally wake up at 7-9am regardless of how much sleep you even got No. 1820310
>>1820167So long as the ones yelling the loudest are the ones that are "winning" the argument, nuance is never going to bring much to the table in circumstances like these. With the ever popular "if you aren't with us, you're against us" line of thinking inundating the black and white morals of the youths of today–as well as several
very retarded and outspoken fully grown adults–it's no real surprise people are getting dogpiled for daring to ask reasonable questions. Popular opinion gets the vote after all, and right now it's popular to take the side of who the public considers as the underdog.
That, and people
really like finding reasons to be antisemitic for some reason.
No. 1820342
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Would any anon out there take a crack at translating these stickers?
No. 1820355
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>>1820349CUTE thanks anon
No. 1820508
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Wtf do i get my boomer parents for Christmas??? I just never know what to get. They don’t have hobbies and just sit and watch tv when they aren’t working.
No. 1820516
>>1820505I'd think your mental health and ability to manage the stress of raising them would be more relevant than worries that you can't physically nourish a child (even very physically unhealthy women often succeed in giving birth), but I don't know how you're affected, so that part would be something to talk about with a doctor who specializes in obstetrics. Many people do become stable and healthy parents despite dealing with abuse in the past but it is something you have to work at.
>>1820507I was lucky and got a single dorm room where I lived with no roommates, so I can only talk about the non-social aspect. It was a female-only dorm where men aren't allowed unless escorted by a woman, and there's a communal bathroom with stalls and private showers, so you have to go outside (and bring your key/keycard or else you're locked out and need to ask for help) if you want to use the bathroom.
It's alright but people would be noisy at night and disturb me, and the bathroom thing was annoying. Allegedly there was a serial vomiter who kept leaving vomit in places but I never saw kek, I only know because we all got emails from the dorm managers asking what the heck.
No. 1820665
>>1820655You mean our kitchen island? But its not surrounded by salt water.
I need a real island, so that my fantasies about living on a small island with a spring can be geologically realistic. I don't know the maximum smallness that i can afford to imagine.
No. 1821491
>>1820647'Eating disorder' is literally just a prolonged period of disordered eating usually originating because of mental health, the question is too broad. Both undereating and overeating are eating disorders, bingeing and purging and just bingeing are both eating disroders.
I'd wager that most eating disorders in the west are the 'eat too much for emotional comfort' are far more common over the 'eat too little due to body image issues'
No. 1821526
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>>1821516… I was not expecting this response god damn. But maybe my issue is that i need to opt for visiting somewhere tropical rather than cities just because it's easy to get around them.
No. 1821556
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I am sorry for being retarded right now…but what animal is this?
No. 1821667
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Can’t figure out for the life of me what “t.” means in this context, been seeing it everywhere for a while now. Is it a 4chan thing or something?
No. 1821740
>>1821699Not really.
I think it's alright. Frankly, I can't really imagine getting surgery and making it smaller. I don't think I'd look better than I do now.
No. 1822827
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Is it just me or do you see way fewer kids with broken arms these days? I saw a girl with a bright pink cast yesterday and did a double take before realizing that was the first one I’ve noticed in a long time.
No. 1822979
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Picrel is AI, right? The gibberish in the background gives it away but I just want confirmation.
No. 1823023
>>1823000I suppose it’s not so much that I
prefer bland food, I still enjoy flavor (salt) bombs. Since I’m able to appreciate simple seasonings and don’t feel like I’m being deprived of satiety, it leads to a healthy meal being just as easy a choice as not-so-healthy meal. Then again, my binge food is white rice and pasta, not really flavorful foods on their own lol.
No. 1823028
>>1823000Yeah, I feel like that too, I also barely use salt but that's a family thing because it's healthier to us.
I consider most spices a treat to some extent? And like, treat them with respect because in the end, too much and too little are both bad for your body.
No. 1823099
>>1823000Speaking as someone who has been fat and lost weight, when you aren't stuffing your mouth 24/7 the food you eat kind of gets more flavor on its own. When you eat something all the time you get so used to it so you constantly need to "up" the dose. You can't just have a bit of sugar, you need it to be a 1000+ calories bomb for it to actually taste sweet. And hunger really is the best spice. No matter how good the food is, eating when you feel full it doesn't taste as good, it can even taste repulsive. When you're never truly hungry you forget/lose that.
And if you actually stay away from the addictive foods for long enough to lose the addiction (sometimes a month is enough) you kinda notice how bad the food actually is, like you can taste how processed it really is. There have been cookies I could have killed for, but after a few months off sweets when I had one again it suddenly didn't even have any flavor - I just tasted sugar. Like if I had just put an actual spoon of nothing but sugar in my mouth, it was gross.
And then as you give proper nutrients to your body that it needs it can often respond by making you feel better physically and mentally. So while it's not a direct "taste" thing it does make you feel good so you crave more and start to enjoy it. Your body is like "yes omg this is so good for me so I will make myself like it".
No. 1823215
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is wanting to crush bones(chicken)all the time a weird habit or is it just teeth related? I don't want to seem like a psycho to my dentist when I visit her next time