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No. 1158088
Let it be known.
>>>/ot/1135590 No. 1158098
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If every random actor scrote gets their own thread, priestfags should have their own thread as well
No. 1158099
>>1158098is that joaquin phoenix? where is this from
asking for
my pussy No. 1158104
>>1158099Quills (2000)
>>1158102yess let's do it
No. 1158106
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>>1158098honestly not a bad idea actually, we should make a priest-fag general on /m/
No. 1158570
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a lot of western radfems overhype and overestimate east asian radfems, like probably feminists in general is less then one US western state, a handful of online westernized so called radfems aren't gonna be a big change as most people think they are
the real feminists aren't flashy "I am le based man hater who'll fight man and post about it online" real feminists are actually helping women with actual financial help, I know a foreign concept to radfems
No. 1158591
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>>1158586>>1158586>>1158586that comic is not actually a radfem manga though, its from Investor Z which is just a big critique of Japanese society and how that society suppresses women, technological innovation, creates otakus and hikikomoris, stagnates the Japanese economy and was responsible for Japanese behavior and atrocities in WW2
It doesn't dwell that much focus on feminism but it does go into the history of how east asian societies suppress women compared to the west and continue to suppress women
No. 1158647
>>1158636Why is Afghan/Irans the worst on the planet. Their are other third world countries, even ones that are largely muslim. How is mentioning women are oppressed for their biology equating their level of evil, saying a woman is oppressed via reproductive restrictions and punished through abortion prevention no matter the circumstances as still is done and attempted in first world countries like the US, and the suffering faced of non-western woman such as in your example, are not equating the two, just presenting two examples of how it is a universal issue which women can not escape. It is not a competition of who is more oppressed, just a fact that it happens to all women due to our biology. Western ones secured their own position, so while they have not helped you, they have helped those who step into their territory which they have the power to effect through networks and what little they have to give (creating womens refuge for domestic violence survivors, initial fight for voting rights, etc, their is no billionaire radfem as power is largely held by men and their is incentive to maintain that stranglehold to ensure reproduction on mens terms). What have non-westerners done for westerners? Nothing, so why is it bad they help themselves and anyone who can make it to their aided land.
No. 1158698
>>1158128It's familiar to me as well
in a sinister way but image search is not bringing anything up
No. 1158748
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In retrospect, Ajit Pai was kinda chad in how he had so much patience with the hysterical doomer criticisms of ending net neutrality. He simply rolled his eyes, took the slander on the chin and just had goofy fun with the persona they created for him.
It was hard to see it at the time, but looking back, there's no way the Fidget Spinner video wasn't a meta shitpost mocking the braindead redditors and terminally online crowd. He intentionally behaved as out of touch to agitate the people that created some corporate stooge caricature out of him. The seethe is absolutely dripping from the comments section of that video.
No. 1158872
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>>1158865Is this supposed to be threatening? Why would white women who like non white men care if white men ignore them? I swear to God scrotes think the world revolves around them
No. 1159009
>>1158997My thoughts exactly. Autists are annoying as fuck and frustrating to deal with but they have a chance at adjusting to normal life and they won't ruin your life like a crazy BPD-chan would. They don't even exist in the same category. The worst people I have ever met in my life have been diagnosed with BPD and if someone ever exhibits those traits again I will bail out immediately while autists have just been, well, autistic.
Seriously, is it just me or has there been some anon who's dead set on crying about BPDs being oppressed and that it's not her fault she's being a crazy unstable bitch and it's actually everyone else that's not normal?
No. 1159020
>>1158822>Pretty much every single one of them.literally who and when ?
>>1158704>Handmaids Tale was also based onno it wasn't, it used the suffering of Iranian women as a dumb premise for something western women can never even comprehend, while almost every Muslim nation is just one coup away from an Islamic Shariah
No. 1159045
>>1159042Yeah scrolling by and they read like a
toxic angry fuck who’s going to complain about their mom.
No. 1159048
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Just saw an anon vent about ACNH and all I'm gonna say is that it is not that bad compared to it's predecessors as people make it out to be. They so desperately want a AC game that has it all. I've played all the AC games (excep for Pocket Camp but that's on mobile) and people really choose to forget the complains they had about previous AC games, especially New Leaf, which suddenly gets praised so much. It was a great game when it came out, don't get me wrong, but people had plenty of complains about it back then too but oh nooooooooow they make it sound like it's flawless, especially those who got into NL after being introduced to AC through NH. NH made up for some things NL (and previous games) lacked but then again NH lacked in other areas but it's still stupid to act like Nintendo fucked everyone over, especially when people say they've spent over 400 hours playing this game.
No. 1159050
>>1159042Nonna you're responding to the same person who wrote this
>>1139798 not too long ago. It's probably all projection because she finally got a BPD diagnosis and can't cope with it or something.
No. 1159057
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Just because a dish is spicy doesn’t mean it’s good.
No. 1159061
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Korean feminism is inspiring and those women deserve to hear it. Korean men swearing at them in the street can get wrecked by the 4B’s.
No. 1159104
My unpopular opinion is that people who obsessively alog BPDs are also BPD.
>>1159059>My life has been actually hellish and I've been targeted by evil individuals my entire life just because I am kind and life has put me in a shit position>If I turn evil, I actually have reasons to>I've been through literal hell and I'm forced to listen to normal people complain about their mental illness and abuse when it's not even realthis is called a
victim complex.
No. 1159126
>>1159035Agree, I have never met an evil autistic woman and being a weeb and a nerd I've met plenty. Most of them are well adjusted but might suffer of depression or PTSD because like you said, they're very susceptible to abuse and being taken advantage of. Being spergy and blind to social cues isn't the same as being outright malicious.
As for the actually evil women, I've met some too. And I agree, some people are just born like that. The one in particular I've met was obsessed with controlling and bullying others despite coming from a very normal home with no abuse and a loving family with plenty of friends, but for whatever reason she just picked out someone to abuse and manipulate.
No. 1159158
>>1159146I’m pretty sure it’s kiwi cells trying to pit farmers against each other. Hints the constant defaulting to you whores if you scroll up. Some moid is tilted autistic women aren’t vilified like autistic men (because the men are violent retards) and women with bpd aren’t just treated as hysterical because women are
abusive too!! (Men get fucked.)
No. 1159160
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>>1159157Imageboards are our natural habitat, but I don't mind BPDchans being here too, the alogging against them makes me uncomfortable.
No. 1159173
>>1159166I use whore for both men and women and I hate both men and women that are evil.equally. Men are more likely to rape and kill you, women more likely to bully you. I hate evil. My entire life I have fought against evil and injustice, including the one forming inside of me just to see millions of individuals be worshipped in society for literally being evil and hurting others. I hate evil people no.matter their gender and evil individuals often times are very likely to fit into cluster B personality disorder criteria.
>>1159170some of them deserve it stop pretending women are not evil when they are too
No. 1159185
>>1159167Okay? Did you just miss this
>>1159162 anon sperging and alogging all over the place? I don't want us to be pitted against BPDchans. Also it's literally an ancient stereotype that imageboards are spergcental, so idk why you're so upset.
No. 1159377
>>1159061I've seen Korean radfems talk about deliberately bringing up Korean average dick size on international spaces to
trigger and humiliate their moids. It's based, though they deserve more than that for the shit they do. If women of the entire world brought up the most embarrassing shit about the scrotes in all their countries on a world stage, maybe we'd have world peace because they'd shut the fuck up
No. 1159411
>>1159119Yes, they have a
victim complex and want to be coddled 24/7 and think being high functioning is the only way autists can exist, then they pretend the severely disabled autists don't exist. I don't get it.
No. 1159793
>>1159785Pickmes need to be protected. They can be
No. 1159806
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I love every nonna here, even the unapologetically unhinged ones and will defend this website and userbase on any chance I get. If I see you shitting on nonnas, no matter how, your opinion is instantly discarded and you should leave.
No. 1159811
>>1159793An adult woman who lets her daughter be molested by her man or defends her shit son who abused his girlfriend isn't a
victim, fuck off. Pickmes need the rope.
No. 1159827
>>1159813It's fucking fiction. Even with real ships it's all fiction. And yes it's based.
>>1159818Well you described it as hideous from a fetish perspective so don't be surprised if people dislike their hobbies being described like that
No. 1160013
>>1159952Nope i’m a zoomer, this is literally from fujos i’ve met off image boards in the last few years since i don’t hang around woke circles, just take a look at the genshin thread here.
>>1159945I’m not against fujoposting since like I said i’m a fujo and fujopost (in the appropriate threads) but don’t act like we haven’t seen a lot of men on this site posing as fujos to get access to women or just fags who think they can come here to post as well for some reason. Many such cases.
No. 1160848
>>1160841years ago I remember some shotashits got bullied off the site, could that be what they are thinking of? Maybe they were exposed to GermaineGreer-anon? Generally I've seen that users who express attraction to overly young targets get harassed and bullied.
Or maybe that person got all twisted because nonas openly prefer early-mid 20's men and that got modified into being pedophilia?
No. 1160904
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I really like the Asari or well, the concept of them. Really neat species they built up but then the games just made them out to be blue space babes. Would have been neat to see more of their all female society. I think most people on here wouldn't like them because they're such obvious fanservice but I still like them personally.
No. 1160936
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>>1159806Same here,
Romanianon really grinds my gears sometimes though No. 1160940
>>1160915Will forever be pissed because Chloe could've been a spooky singer/rapper if she wanted to instead of singing the same butt shit. She has the perfect voice for it.
I love 00:00-0:51
>>1160884Based opinion. I've felt this for years.
>>1160889Idg the attraction to like… All British accents if a man has them. The "sexy" voice britbong man is still not right sounding to me. It just feels like something has gone terribly wrong.
No. 1161043
>>1160904I don't hate them but I hate that they made them look so human yet apparently every species is attracted to them, they have blue skin because "that's what salarians find attractive" and they have horns because "that's what turians find attractive" but otherwise they're just like humans in every possible way? Retarded, what, do salarians find anything that has blue skin attractive? Do turians find anything with horns attractive? That's stupid, would they think a horned dinosaur is attractive too? That's like saying "uuhhhh men like women with long hair" so does that mean men find those afghan hounds with super long hair attractive? Don't answer that question though.
Bioware are cowards. They could have made them less human-like, they would have been fifty times cooler and tons of people would still find them attractive (look how many players are crazy about for example garrus or the green guy)
No. 1161056
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>>1161043Bioware also needs to give us a buff female lesbian romanceable Qunari option in the Dragon Age series. I demand it.
No. 1161258
>>1161247>homeless women why would they need an abortion? are they out getting pregnant while they’re trying to find housing?
>poor women why would poor women be getting pregnant? are they not at work?
>drug addicts, alcoholics ah yes because neither of these people have any idea of the concept of BC and contraceptives…
>teens full stop, we need to go back to shaming teens for having sex. this whole zilennial euphoria hookup culture is unnecessary and
toxic as fuck, and literally doing nothing good for anybody. if a teenager decides to be stupid enough to get pregnant while being fully aware of the fact that their body is able to do that, it’s their own fault and they have to “suffer with the consequences” if being a parent and owning up to their actions would cause such “suffering” within them.
No. 1161261
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>>1161249>>1161258>that some whore in like bumfuck middle of nowhere who uses abortion as BC isn’t going to be able to move to kekYou know rape is a thing, right? You're either a scrote or the most scrote minded nona I've ever seen and should kys either way.
No. 1161262
>>1161257>because of our society if you refuse to take the initiative to educate yourself on your own body, that’s natural selection.
>inconsistent cycle cycle regulation is extremely easy, if you maintain a proper diet and exercise and have a well balance within your hormonal body you should be just fine.
>sperm lives inside a woman’s bodyif she’s infertile at the time of the sperm swimming upstream, they die and then eventually it comes out of the vaginal canal like discharge…usually within a few hours kek. i know a lot of you are young but come on.
No. 1161267
>>1161261>you should kys because you think it’s wrong to be careless and kill children because of it again.
this is the unpopular opinions thread…if you’re actually terrified of someone having a different opinion than you to the point where you think they should killl themselves then you have every right to feel that way abt me nona
No. 1161275
>>1161270i already talked about the rape aspect in my original posts. kek teens always go to “what about rape” first, well look at the statistics of how many actual rape
victims need an abortion yearly and then realize how dumb you sound kek
No. 1161283
>> isn’t for doxxing women who happen to have a different opinion from you
nonnie…read the rules
No. 1161286
>>1161283Gaslighting and overusing
nonnie won't change your chromosomes.
No. 1161307
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>>1161289>>1161290As you can see, there's an autistic, potentially violent male annoying females in their habitat. He doesn't seem to stop as female attention makes him feel more of a human because as we concluded, men are "theoretically" human (theoretically), unless he dies either on war, xy-related illness, suicide or fighting another male, he will keep annoying the female. The females, barely amused by his foolish antics, resort to calling him out, ironically just making things worse, this technique is called "bait", and although primitive, it's been proven very effective in these pastures
No. 1161311
>>1161300i’m a 19 year old girl? what is actually wrong with you kek…if seeing a woman who has a different opinion than you (in the unpopular opinions thread)
triggering you so much that you feel the need to try to intimidate me, when i’ve made no threats to you, then you need to schedule an appointment with your therapist
No. 1161320
>>1161275Rape is a
valid reason for abortion. The woman or child should not be forced to raise their abusers child. Sure if you want to argue that access to abortion should be restricted but women who are raped should always have the option to abort the rapists child.
No. 1161324
>>1161320but i’m saying how often to rape
victims have their rapists baby? show me the numbers. i’ve already said that they prove that the amount of rape
victims who need abortion is low as hell.
No. 1161329
>>1161324It doesn't matter how low the exact number is, abortion should always be available to rape
>>1161327So full term viable babies should be killed?
No. 1161339
>>1161335it’s not. what’s ridiculous is convincing yourself that your body is property of others or ward of the state and that you’re incapable of controlling what you allow to happen to it.
>>1161337exhibit A
No. 1161350
>>1161346have you ever heard of a gun? they are cheap. get a job and learn to use one then buy one. arming women is the remedy not saying “mlehhhh we’re permanent
victims to little soy filled microscrotes!!!!”
No. 1161358
>>1161352um, which part?
Romanianon is totally based except for the, you know, murder stuff
No. 1161361
>>1161347abortion is killing the same way that killing a walking talking person is. you can control your own body and, you know, not have sex everyday.
>>1161348if you disagree with me so much then post your own opinion that’s actually unpopular because this thread is starting to look like “everyone has the same opinions” thread.
No. 1161364
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>>1161262where are you getting your information about sperm dying after a few hours?>>1161268>is that not clickingwhat kind of weird ass twitterfag are you? kek
No. 1161366
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>>1161361here, have another reply, since you want them so desperately
No. 1161369
>>1161363telling yourself that it’s a cluster of cells doesn’t change the trauma that many abortion
victims claim they receive from having to have that procedure done. seriously, everyone who uses the clump of cells argument has either never had an abortion or doesn’t know the gravity of the situation.
No. 1161376
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Nothing wrong killing scrotes to be
No. 1161389
>>1161350What do you suggest to Polish women? Best they can do is pepperspray or a taser. How about in other European countries where abortion rights are at risk?
>>1161358If she ever does it, I hope she picks a scrote and she'll be based and I'll paint an icon of her.
No. 1161404
>>1161381No I'm in my mid-twenties, I just live with my mother at the moment at her request after another attempt to
take care of myself and work a shitty part-time job because that's the only thing I can handle. Yes, I know it is pathetic.
No. 1161406
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>>1161377the 5 days in the image links to this site. do you also consider it untrustworthy?
>so i know firsthandno source then? it's clear you're a troll or truly retarded.
No. 1161416
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>>1158088This OP makes me think that we should have a babushka thread.
No. 1161421
>>1161410You literally used it as an argument earlier as to why abortions aren't necessary. But if it's news to you, now you know. Most pregnancies result in miscarriage, most women have no clue they miscarried or were pregnant in the first place and banning abortions just means you will end up locking women up for miscarrying, because good luck proving the difference.
>>1161413Again, your morality is more conservative than that of people 500+ years ago. You're retarded.
No. 1161425
>>1161417yeah, abortion is traumatizing. so don’t do things that’ll cause you to need one. kek so many literal kids on here going back to
>moid >moid>moid>moidlike this is a thread for unpopular opinions. im not gonna post photos of the inside of my uterus to prove that i am a woman. get over it. we have different opinions.
No. 1161426
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this is genuinely one of the funniest things to come out of this website
No. 1161445
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Nonas stop arguing with the defective chromosome creature
No. 1161473
>>11614691) i wasn’t the one who made the “just say no” post
2) rape does exist but the entire point is that not every single rape
victim ends up pregnant. it’s literally like 5% or something asinine.
3) if you really think that shooting a man in his foot won’t stop you from getting raped by him then idk how to help you
No. 1161481
>>1161461Yeah, what
>>1161469 said, just pull out your gun and shoot them or say "NO!" really loudly. And if you do end up pregnant because it didn't work, congrats you're now a new mother with a bundle of joy!
For real though, I think Anon was insuating that you're probably a scrote who'd rape a woman and that you deserve "i spit on your grave"-level revenge. No. 1161511
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>>1161481It's 100% a moid. No women, even the anti-abortion ones are this dense and removed from reality. And I agree with you, he more than deserves to know what it feels like. The "evil whores lie about rape all the time! Just stop spreading your legs for chad!" seething gave it away. He also seems very attention starved.
(lolcow does not cater to your ideology) No. 1161517
>>1161492So men won't get to have sex unless they marry women? Most women would only wanr too have kids if the guy married them and gave them a stable environment to raise the said child.
Most men would become incels if that happened because we all know incel means a man who can't get sex, not relationships.
No. 1161546
>>1161538Why would someone let their nails grow so much and not take care of them even a bit? I thought it was bad acrylics but this is even worse.
She's exactly like how I imagined, though. Kek. Unwashed and nasty.
No. 1161572
>>1161564>how do you scoop up creamYou think he has actual self hygiene with nails like that.
>how do you dress upHe doesn't go out.
No. 1161579
>>1161568I'm obviously referring to your nail polish dumbass, do you lack the ability to understand context?
>i thought autistic people were smartI hope you break one of your nails.
No. 1161648
>>1161603kek I couldn't understand half of what they were saying, they all speak like as if they had ulcers in their mouths
I'm ESL and I also share the sentiment, I've always regarded standard American accent the default because it sounds more clear and understandable to me than British English
>>1161639Anon it's a normal human hand kek
No. 1161662
nonnie, there is nothing wrong with your hands, maybe cut your nails though.
No. 1161672

Mod told me they banned troony rape defender but he's still posting and his posts aren't even getting redtexted. See
>>1161644 where he posted right after a mod banned me, kek.
(stop reposting this picture) No. 1161675
File: 1651599838048.jpg (32.06 KB, 563x558, f4d0955f15d0cc298b78f536f6d297…)

No. 1161682
>>1161680Stop samefagging and ban evading. Cut your nails and wash up. You were saying rape
victims who get pregnant are a minority and therefore it's not important and womens shouldn't be allowed to abort their babies even if they're underage or
victims of rape.
(take it to /2X/ and stop derailing this thread) No. 1161704
>>1161691You don't even need to be a radfem to see how women who get raped should have the rights to abortion, though. Even the prolife women I knew would say underage girls or rape
victims should be able to get abortion.
No. 1161709
>>1161683I’ve never seen this many redtexts in an infight before and a lot of them don’t make sense like
>>1161682 ? That’s on topic? What the fuck? Tranny hands has to be a farmhand or something
No. 1161710
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east asian beauty standards are a disaster and look awful on both genders
No. 1161822
>>1161813Mod-chan is angry her nasty claws get posted. This is the first time a handpic keeps getting removed this much.
Mod-chan, stop caping for men and trannies and cut your nails challenge!
No. 1161875
File: 1651604372610.jpg (186.05 KB, 576x751, 2013-09-06-hand.jpg)

My unpopular opinion: Abortion should be performed for whoever wants one and whenever they want.
I don't even care if it's some woman's fetish to get knocked up and use abortion as a form of birth control on purpose.
Oh, that's not cool because we need laws that protect any modicum of potential life?
So then why let government stop itself from policing every decision and behavior that doesn't amount to a woman being a good human incubator? Why stop at abortion if we're so invested in the welfare of every dividing cell? Why don't these conservatives let government dictate our meal choices, exercise habits, and who we choose to sleep with as all that can impact the outcome of a nebulous maybe-baby too? Cause like, at least if we're raped or sexually assaulted our bodies will be primed to host the rape babies adequately because life is life regardless of the circumstance of how it came to be. Cause to admit some life has less value than others is to concede that not all life is worth saving.
And if ya really wanna protect life, then issue parenting tests, psych evals, and financial audits to ensure people can even sustain the babies they birth. Yet the truth is the majority of babies would be taken from people because the vast majority of parents shouldn't have become one.
>>1161767Looks like a proper ghoul.
I had a Coraline book years ago that had an illustration of the Other Mother's creepy hand, picrel. Reminds me of that.
No. 1161877
Anyway, one thing that really freaks me out about these anti-abortion people is their desire to punish women and young girls with…children. Like, whether or not you support abortion, this shit is wild to me. If they're in the wrong for not tracking their cycle, getting raped or the condom breaking, why do you think a child should be raised by someone you think is that stupid and/or incompetent?
>>1161249>some whoreSo you want little kids to be raised by women you classify as "whores", then turn around and complain about zillenial euphoria hookup culture being
toxic. Lol, an entire generation raised by "whores" wouldn't be
toxic at all. Sure
>>1161262>natural selectionEquating having children to something like death, alright
>>1161258>if a teenager decides to be stupid enough to get pregnant while being fully aware of the fact that their body is able to do that, it’s their own fault and they have to “suffer with the consequences” if being a parent and owning up to their actions would cause such “suffering” within them.Using babies as a form of suffering to teach teenagers you admit are stupid a lesson. Nice logic
I know it's over already but jesus fucking christ. You're obviously not pro-life, you don't give a fuck about children's lives or wellbeing. The adoption system is also shit, but you don't care about that and you probably wouldn't give a penny to improve it either. I fucking hate moids, pick-mes and trannies, don't give a fuck whichever one this handposter is (I can't tell, the wrist makes me think female, but to post proudly with nails looking that scraggly gives "blinded by gender euphoria" vibes)
No. 1161963
>>1161940well considering how the mods love locking and autosaging threads which most of the anons here like or are active in its prob them.
Soon only the vent thread will be allowed because mods are too lazy to moderate threads and will start locking more of them.
No. 1161967
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It honestly blows my mind that any male could find it in themselves to be arrogant. They aren’t even proper human beings. They don’t have wombs, they can’t give birth, they are barely sentient defective versions of women and they should be constantly humble in our presence. Their lives revolve around controlling and coveting and mimicking us when what they should be doing is fucking submitting.
No. 1161971
>>1161954the poster is an anti-abortion woman. turning everything into some “it’s a troon with a fetish
gasp” psyop because you’re scared of confronting that women think abortion is wrong too isn’t even a logical move to make
No. 1161997
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>>1161990CRY ABOUT IT
(enough with the autistic infighting) No. 1161998
>>1161908And then she tells us that we "aRe Not mAtURe EnOuGh" kek
Clown world
No. 1162000
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I hate men. We could all learn a thing or two from Michelle Carter. Ladies If you have a vulnerable man or two in your life, text him. Let him know that you’re there for him. Make the world a better place. Do it.
No. 1162008
>>1162004Why do you even care so much? If you want other anons to stop posting about it
stop posting about it yourself. I don't understand you being defensive on someone else's behalf.
No. 1162142
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>>1161043I don't mind the Asari being so humanoid, they are kind of aspirational in a way. They're pretty, magic, live forever, have an all 'female' society. The games just didn't really explore them as much as they could have, a deeper dive into Asari culture would have made them seem more alien. Their humanness would also be less of an issue if we got more female characters of the other alien species. We didn't really encounter female Vorcha, Batarians, Elcor etc and most egregiously there weren't any female Turians unless you got this shitty overpriced DLC. That in particular really sucks because the female Turian designs are really cool, they look so alien and yet pretty (in Mass Effect Andromeda the female Turian squaddie was easily the most attractive of the female cast).
I've replayed the trilogy recently, I don't think the upcoming game will be any good. In my dreams the original trilogy gets remade, but better.
No. 1162154
A lot of women who claim to be anti-abortion are full of shit, they're only anti-abortion for other women and some of them end up getting abortions themselves. Just look up accounts of women working abortion clinics who deal with these retards telling them "you killed my baby" as if they didn't make the choice to go there and get an abortion.
>>1162129What the fuck are you talking about? How does me agreeing with him mean I have no mom? I do have a mom btw, and she's a George Carlin fan. And funnily enough, I didn't care about him until I saw someone post a bit he did about women on r/PinkPillFeminism (rip) that was actually dangerously based, feel free to look it up yourself. He says things in it that would get him called a "feminazi" or "misandrist" if he were a woman.
No. 1162167
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>>1162137I would disagree, there's no way that's true. BUT
smoking cigarettes looks cool
No. 1162203
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the one earring thing only looks ok in fashion photos. 100% of the time i see it on women on the street, I immediately assume she lost one kek
No. 1162374
>>1162363'Cause I was there with Billy Jacobs and I
>was his mom too
No. 1162544
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I know for a definitive fact that the jannies actually are in fact tranny jannies. Have you ever noticed that you really don’t even know who’s behind the moderation of this website? Open your eyes a man could be a janny and the other jannies and the admin will allow it. They don’t like this site they are trying to withhold as much power as possible from us retards. I don’t care if this is supposed to be an anonymous website I highly doubt the jannies are women who wash under their nails they give a real stench smells like balls
No. 1162816
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>>1161043Correct me if I'm wrong, because I played mass effect in 2013 so I don't remember it that well, but isn't it implied that every species likes asari because they look different to each race? They are a heavily psychic species, so I assumed that they presented themselves different to salarians, drells, krogans, etc, and that we see them humanoid looking because our character is human.
I remember there were some NPCs (a human, a salarian, and a tourian) arguing about how the asari looked like them
No. 1162872
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>>1162816This wouldn't apply to video or pictures, of which there are many. The different species just appreciate different things about the Asari. If humans can find Turians attractive (who are based off birds) and if Turians are able to be attracted to species that are as far removed from them as Turians are from humans then them finding the Asari attractive isn't a stretch. Turians are shown to be capable of being attracted to humans and the Asari look fairly similar to humans (as compared to Elcor and the jellyfish species). The only one that bothers me is the Salarian since IIRC they don't really have sex drives but I suppose they could find the Asari pretty in the way that flowers and sunsets are, they do have a nice skin color.
No. 1163027
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>>1162154>A lot of women who claim to be anti-abortion are full of shit, they're only anti-abortion for other women and some of them end up getting abortions themselvesThis is why I hate them so much. In LatAm, when a 12 year old girl got pregnant via incestuous rape, you would not fucking BELIEVE the amount of women who showed up to brigade and harass her at the clinic, the amount of women who doxxed and abused her. Anti abortion women are scum. I’m not joking I really fucking hate them and see them as traitors.
With women like these, who needs scrotes?
No. 1163170
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>>1163014Ive seen gay moids get bullied for not wanting tifs on twitter and reddit kek
Its so funny to use the “saying you only like dick is transphobic because not every guy has one” like on them. Theyre slowly getting fucked over by TRAs and its funny to watch. I like theyre getting silenced. I cant deal with fags pretending theyre oppressed. Ive met gay moids who said the most vile shit about women and gaycels are everywhere so they deserve the homophobia they get. Rant over
No. 1163293
>>1163275Less males = less crimes and more peace.
Ill abort a moid honestly no way im birthing a failure. Theres no hope for moids
No. 1163631
>>1161361>>>1161361you can control your own body and, you know, not have sex everyday.
You think that’s how conception works? Just like with any action that has a varied outcome, the chance of getting a certain result increases the more times you do it, but it only takes one instance of sex for conception to occur. Couples are considered to have fertility problems if they have consistent sex (with intention of pregnancy) for over a year with no pregnancy. Meanwhile there are people who get pregnant their very first time ever having sex. So no, you cannot “control your own body” with mutant mind powers to will or unwill conception
No. 1163745
>>1163170i once had a misogynistic gay man with anger issues blow up on me and it was one of the most sexist shit i have ever heard from any man.
He also knew incel lingo and would rate people like numbers (this person 5/10, this person 7/10)
No. 1163782
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It's okay to call unpleasant people fat and ugly, if you're a nice person I won't even notice your physical appearance.
No. 1163799
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>>1163782literally pizza dough face
No. 1164478
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>>1164445Your opinion is
valid but I disagree. I live rurally and I let my cat roam about a bit. I’ve had many outdoor cats and all have died due to old age and never gotten more than a scratch here and there. You can hate me all you want but Idc ily.
No. 1164490
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>>1164478your cat can get FIV or feline panleukopenia, worms, all kinds of shit. hit by cars, murdered, why would you do this? letting them roam is horrible and decreases biodiversity. i could never let a pet i care about outside. imagine just letting a kid wander outside where its safety is put into jeopardy because "he wants to be outside!!". love you too but i disagree heavily
No. 1164491
>>1164466>Twink is um also used as an all encompassing term for thin gangly Victorian lookingOnly because women started saying it. A lot of women love faggots and “appropriate” their culture. The word twink is an acronym and the first letter of that stands for “teenage”. I don’t give a fuck but the word twink is probably something I’d call
problematic if I was still a 16 year old tumblrite.
No. 1164502
>>1164490At what point does a kid stop being a kid? Because it used to be perfectly normal for children as young as 4 or 5 to walk to
School without adults. In some countries it still is. You just trust that they know what they are doing. You give them treatments to prevent them getting worms. Microchip then etc. (Animals that is. Not the children. Although it’s probably not the worst idea to deworm and microchip children)
I don’t have children but if I did I’d probably let them out to roam the neighbourhood on their bike from the age of like 8, like I did as a kid.
No. 1164622
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>>1163170love this cat, found more images of him
No. 1164628
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No. 1164637
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>>1164590I agree, I think there's only a very specific range of colours you can have for highlights/ombre before it just looks uneven and tacky.
Picrel, I remember seeing this shit all the time in 2016-ish. Extremely dark hair with that brassy yellow ombre that never got toned, it looked hideous even back then.
No. 1164947
>>1164560She literally isn't. Stop lying.
>>1164572Because there wasn't such thing as a "kink" in 60-70s, you absolute fucking autist
No. 1164989
>>1163170 and i dont know how my rant created this discussion about the word “twink” kek
No. 1165016
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Men live life on easy mode
No. 1165025
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Twink originates from 1920's England, when it was called "twank". Not all autists
No. 1165162
>>1165016>Toxic masculinity>Men: N-no, you can't say stop being a violent retard obsessed with competing and showing off in violent ways with other men. Noooo.Kek men are so fragile. The shit in the pic is all stuff many says to other men and perpetuate, only men give a shit about manning up and being perceived as manly, which is why they unironically include the words '
toxic masculinity' and 'man up' in the same image to be said by women only, one is said by men, and the other by women, they perpetuate their own retardation and take no responsibility. Women fear shit that isn't just words/SJW stuff, like restrictions on their rights, less pay, more targeted sex based violence, etc.
No. 1165186
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I don't get modern vocaloidfaggotry.
The most fun stuff came from ~2010 because it was created by FANS on niconico and popular songs people created played with the lore and added to it.
No. 1165216
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>>1165162Women literally fearing for their lives everyday but men cry the second they're uncomfortable or called out for their retarded bullshit
No. 1165227
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>>1165216My unpopular opinion is anyone who makes these bara tiddies meme has never in their lives been with a muscular man or woman and its telling, and there's an 80% chance overall that they are a virgin, anytime I see someone "ogga bara tiddies wanna suck on them" I'm like either she's a virgin or only has had sex with fat/skinny-fat dudes
No. 1165232
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>>1165227You're not wrong anon, you just described me, kek
No. 1165233
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>>1165227There was that met gala picture of lenny kravitz yesterday and he looks like he had fat pumped into his chest.
No. 1165302
>>1165279It’s definitely a medical condition and can be really debilitating to some women though. I think that language at least gives women a foothold when it comes to accommodations at work.
My current nitpick is prochoicers being like “I don’t think women should be using abortion as a form of birth control” when that’s exactly what it is?
No. 1165330
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Old women look cute in alternative fashions
No. 1165335
>>1165328I remember telling my GP about it years ago when they didn't put warnings on medications yet and she didn't even know about it.
No. 1165399
>>1165392Funnily enough I posted
>>1165388 and I'm a mathematician, I did pick fights with incels at my uni who called art useless though. Would never date a man in this industry because they don't fucking wash themselves and are autistic.
No. 1165430
>>1165399I've since realized they're called STEMlords or STEMfags for a reason, I'm really starting to hate male nerds (my work is adjacent and I was/am thinking of a lateral career change). Every Hollywood movie with a cute, kindhearted male nerd protagonist was lying, Eltingville Club is more accurate. Nerd hate thread is warranted.
Given your complaints I'm dreading the job change tbh.
No. 1165467
>>1165430Usually there is like one rare sane guy out of 1000, but most of STEM is very scroteish or sociopaths who want to make it to the top. My weirdest experience was talking with some guys in class at the first day and one was a weaboo who never spoke to me and only to the males in the group, later I noticed that dude always wore the same clothes, ew.
The green flag for decent guys is that they value the opinions of their female colleagues and carefully listen, otherwise there's a lot of dudebros who got used to the boys club and those should be avoided as much as possible.
No. 1165505
>>1165467this is depressing, as is I get most of my socializing done at work.
I'll make a nerd hate/stemlord hate thread tomorrow if someone else doesn't beat me to it.
No. 1165540
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>>1165016>man-up&boys don't cryYeah that's definitely what women came up with, not moids who want to perpetuate their power fantasy of being strong superior ubermensch. Imagine feeling oppressed just because some people tell you to be stronger and better. Why don't we just genocide smeggots already? I mean considering their emotional inferiority.
No. 1165623
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No. 1165636
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No. 1165672
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>>1165623Thank you for the warning anon
No. 1165745
>>1165279I'm currently pregnant, pregnancy has it's ups and downs, no one tells you some of the effects of pregnancy never go away. For me my worst pregnancy side effects were insomnia and "pregnancy brain" which ended up with me taking a semester off of college. Your immune system lowers and you get sick a lot more, the first 2 months of pregnancy for me resulted in harsh cravings and uterine pain that felt like the worst period of my life. I'm 9 months now and am literally pissing myself if I laugh too hard. I have a very active baby and kicks really hurt and keep me up all night
upsides to pregnancy is that people are generally a lot more nicer and accommodating, you're a protected class in the work force so places are less likely just to fire you for any reason (for my american ladies with zero job security). I had bad anemia due to heavy periods that went away when I was pregnant so I didn't feel like a fucking ghost all the time. You can get government benefits easier and faster
No. 1165773
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>>1165763how dare u my hands are dainty and my nails are short
(hand sperg) No. 1165804
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Never(ban evading)
No. 1165822
>>1165813oh bnoi gow will i recpver
No. 1165856
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>>1165826>talks about abortion>keeps calling a fetus a "kid", a "child", a "baby"I diagnose you with room temperature IQ
No. 1165909
>>1165840most people are caught up in their own insecurities to think about others, it's mostly because a lot of women have experienced some sort of abuse revolving around their appearance (bullying and from parents when they're younger, from boyfriends when they are older, this is getting worse since men are getting more and more porn sick too, or even from other women telling them about what men won't like)
This is only from experience with women I know personally though, if a woman is obsessive over her boobs, nose, labia or whatever 9/10 times it's because some douche from the past relentlessly destroyed her self esteem over it
No. 1165921
>>1165908That's literally wrong. You have to come in contact with the child's blood for your immune system to attack it the next time. This usually happens when a mother gives birth to a child from a different blood type and has some sort of mix up which means his blood goes in her bloodstream. Then she gets pregnant again and the immune system only attacks the child if it's again, a different blood type. This is almost impossible nowadays because doctors take precautions.
No. 1165933
>>1165921Okay let me clarify I had an early miscarriage at 8 weeks in my late teens. Then had a baby in my mid twenties. The 8 week miscarriage was enough to
trigger my antibodies years later and need treatment. My doctors in a first world country prescribed me medication that shut down my digestive system because they didn’t read my paper work so you do you think they paid enough attention until my midwife thought to test? (The midwife my insurance refused to cover). I made an oversimplification you’re being autistic and policing women and their speech. Chill
No. 1165973
>>1165914NTA but your sperg is weird
>Parasitism is a close relationship between species, where one organism, the parasite, lives on or inside another organism, the host, causing it some harm, and is adapted structurally to this way of life>parasites, with the exception of parasitoids, are typically much smaller than their hosts, do not kill them, and often live in or on their hosts for an extended periodIt's very obvious why some people would view the relationship as paraisitism. Also for humans to develop such brains evolution made the baby a lot more directly connected to the mother and her cardiovascular system, in humans babies send certain hormones to affect mood and that's what creates cravings for certain foods.
No. 1165980
>>1165971> And calling fetuses babies is normal in my language, as I said English isn't my first language.Nta, it’s normal in English too, don’t worry,
nonnie is just on one today.
No. 1166016
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>>1165988Not that anon but March of dimes has stuff on it.
No. 1166083
>>1165977It's really more of a language thing, just a general term for (unborn) kids. If I was pregnant I would consider it my child the second I found out though, even if it was still the size of a peanut. That's personal for every woman though ofc, I'm not involved in politics anyway so if I phrase it weird/incorrect on here I don't think it's a real big deal (I usually only say these kind of things to my family/friends).
>>1165980Haha thanks nonnatella, I was kind of surprised when I read the replies. I thought 'are English speakers really this uptight?' lol.
No. 1166089
>I was kind of surprised when I read the repliesI think it's because of the whole "unborn babies (fetuses) aren't people/children" thing in the abortion debate. Tbh, I think you can think that fetuses are babies and still believe that abortion should be a right for all women. But yeah, it's normal in English-speaking countries for pregnant women or couples to say things like "I'm having a baby", it's not weird or improper English.
No. 1166114
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Blixa is so fucking hideous and I’m tired of everyone agreeing that he’s hot. Nick Cave and Peter Steele are also ugly.
No. 1166120
>>1166114Theyre definitely not traditionally attractive, but kinda disagree on Nick Cave. The way he moves and carries himself is what makes him attractive.
People just think Peter Steele is hot because he’s hung
No. 1166130
>>1166124B-b-but it’s not fair! They can’t change their height, you can just get implants!!!!
Yeah men are retarded hypocrites
No. 1166137
>>1166092This exactly! People treat 'abortion or no abortion' like it's picking a flavor of coffee or something. I personally would never want to abort my child if I were to get pregnant and I'd be absolutely devastated if I had to get one because of whatever circumstance. I hate that abortion is pushed as either 'the way to go' or something 100% morally wrong. It's your own choice with a lot of things to consider, it should be legal and a right for every woman but not some political debate. Of course you can have your own views on if it's morally correct or not but it's the woman's choice and no one elses.
>>1166089Thank you, it made me a bit confused lol. I don't keep up too much with the abortion debate because it makes me angry and sad so I don't know much of the terminology, thanks again.
No. 1166162
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>>1166130they can get height surgery too, I feel like men who feel threatened because women have preferences are often scared that women will treat men that aren't tall similar to how they treat women who don't meet their preferences
If a man doesn't meet a woman's preference, she just doesn't get involved with him romantically or sexually, if a woman doesn't meet a man's preference he will go out of his way to emotionally abuse her and treat her as a second class citizen, it's even worse because with porn men will change their preference every week and then just torture the woman they're with over it
No. 1166176
>>1166124I don't even mind short mens height, but their personality and entitlement is pure garbage. Dated a short man as a short girl myself, and he started talking about how he wished I was taller than him to make me as insecure as him even though I would never say anything negative about his height. Then ofc I started negging him about his height as well, and he admitted he only tried to make me insecure and that he liked me being shorter than him.
Men are so incredibly retarded.
No. 1166207
>>1166176This. Their disgusting attitude ruins everything. I'd date a guy as short as 5'3 if he didn't come with the usual chip on his shoulder and
abusive behavior that most short scrotes exhibit.
No. 1166269
>>1166225They just by default prioritize short term benefits over long term ones. Sex&emotions>>>stable and functional relationship.
It kind of mimics their minimal reproductive role (glorified dildo). The only way they can commit long term is when they sense that a woman "needs him", ie is vulnerable in one way or another. Human trash tbh.
No. 1166299
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>>1166232>>1166124weirdly enough Radcliffe is one of the few short guys I'm actually attracted to, I have this strange attraction towards a specific type of short men like charlie day and danie radcliffe, its hard to describe the exact look they have but I find it appealing, but those are the only group of short men I'm attracted too
No. 1166431
>>1166280Moid tried to make me insecure about being sporty and thin once. Or make me insecure about being educated. Men will try to reframe your positives into negatives if they feel you're out of their league. If you don't have much to criticise they'll make something up. It doesn't have any logic, it's just simple envy/seething.
Men would make fun of your big breasts if you had them, call you porny or a cow. They'd call your legs too long. Eyes too big. You take care of your hair too much. Pretty skin? He'd call out your pores or make up wrinkles or another bullshit. Say you have too many hobbies. And so on. Just quite standard low value scrote behavior.
No. 1166583
>>1166150Double post but Peter Steele was also a female supremacist which is based
I know that since he's male he's not a real female supremacist but it's nice to pretend
No. 1166804
>>1166431same, I dated a moid who kept distancing himself from me by claiming I was too skinny and he was "just concerned" I was eating when my BMI was 23 ffs kek. Scrotes who attempt to spread the thick meme are fucking cancer especially since most of the time their fap folder/ celebrity crushes are just women with the exact same body type as the woman they're bullying, it's just a way to neg women
>Say you have too many hobbies. And so onmen have issues with any sort of hobbies women have or they just relentlessly nitpick how she does them. i enjoy cooking and scrotes will say the most retarded shit possible, usually revolving around their stupid red meat obsession since brownies and cheesecake seem to hurt their manhood. I had a moid tell me that making cheesecake was "white girlish" and I should make steaks instead all because he saw a white woman bake a cheesecake on tv once. He also had a huge obsession with race but that's another story
No. 1166838
>>1166804And if you had made steaks instead it also would have hurt his manhood. I cooked steaks better and could start a grill, my moid ex couldn't and he would ree and seethe whenever I offered to help him out. He also got mad at me for almost only eating meat(allergic to almost everything else), bc idfk it must have injured his ego that his girlfriend ate more meat than him.
He made way better cakes than me but that didn't hurt my womanhood. I was just happy to eat a nice cake. Men are so fragile.
No. 1166903
>>1166804>>1166838Kek I remember when my first bf would get extremely insecure about me drawing better than him. This even resulted in a huge fucking drama happening after a community art class we went to. "The teacher told you to draw something more complex because he knows I'm shit!!" when I had to draw a bunch of rocks and he had to draw an extreme close-up of a human eye and eyelashes kek. After him I've miraculously (mostly) met moids who weren't so insecure but I know for a fact that half of them would've gotten jealous of my hobbies if they weren't trying to fuck me. Most scrotes are just that mentally immature.
>>1166877Could've been a /pol/fag or consumed too much "raceplay" porn
No. 1166960
>>1166891Moid is mad chad from another country might take his wife kek racecels are so insecure.
>>1166903>Could've been a /pol/fag or consumed too much "raceplay" pornThat too. Notice how they're obsessed with BBC memes and immigrants fucking "their" women?
No. 1166997
birth mom felt the same way and I’m very grateful for it
No. 1167002
>>1166997Wish my birthmom didn't kek…but I agree with both of you, I don't think I could ever do it myself.
Adding to this I think honestly the whole fetus deletus jokes and abortion jokes are in bad taste, and I feel horrible for women who have miscarried or can't conceive and want to and have to hear that shit all
No. 1167063
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>>1167059it's ok. it's not that resource intensive and is healthy, which is good, but soy is still the OG. i like banana milk or coconut milk a lot though.
No. 1167127
I honestly think study is a lot easier than people let on. They seem to build it up as being this big momentous task, but it's literally the same as going to the gym. You load up your brain until you start to lose focus, and then you go for a walk and start running over the information in your head. Then when you recover after your walk, you go through the same process. You do this from 9am to 5pm and it's no different to a 40 hour job.
You turn up to school, every single day, even if you don't have class, and you just go through the course material. You read the examples, and then in a word document, you reiterate it in your own words. You imagine yourself teaching this information to someone new, you utilize analogies and run over the best ways to get the concept across. You write cards up with the definition on one side and the concept on the other, and have a friend test you. And when you start losing focus, you go for a walk and just lightly run through the concepts in your head. And at the end of the day you go home.
You don't leave it to the last minute and then wack yourself up on adderal to produce some shitty, barely comprehensible report. You don't try to power through losing focus. You just do the work. Some director said the same thing, making a movie is like painting a fence, you just do the work.
I cannot even fathom why people would go to graduation ceremonies and be proud of this. It's no harder than pushing a mop around for 3-4 years.
No. 1167139
>>1167133It doesn't, this applies to every single subject, from philosophy to medicine to programming to engineering. Normalfaggots are just intemperate animals that struggle to do work unless some boss makes them, they're like slaves, they have to be whipped to work.
It pains me to see all the functional people that think higher education is too hard and unobtainable. It's not, if you're doing a 40 hour a week job and are literate, you're capable.
No. 1167695
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I hate crap like picrelated. I would very much prefer the media to be about "dumping him" and discovering yourself as a person instead of listening to the same "oh no, he broke up with me and now I want to Kms" or "you can't be a full person while being single" bs that's been going on for over a decade.
No. 1167800
File: 1651841465993.jpg (142.71 KB, 605x1076, badass-grandmas-1-587f4157f02f…)

Fujos are cringe. Why are you so into men professing their love to each other and screaming from pleasure from getting their dick dirty/getting fucked in the ass by another man? Seems gay to me to be in love with men loving each other ngl
No. 1168633
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>Beer gut fat men > potato sack body fat men
Obviously the true choice is no men at all but theres something extra dumpy about overweight men who get fat all over. With women it softens features and with men they just turn into Jabba the Hutt
No. 1168726
>>1168607I only like
PUT YOUR HANDS IN THE AIR, LEMME SEE YOU BOUNCEBut it's probably the worst debut song i've heard ever. i hate it
No. 1168786
>>1168761Just admit what's
really bothering you - that they banned kpop and videogames
No. 1169506
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It seems to be an unpopular opinion but what the fuck??
No. 1169534
>>1169511people gotta blackwash/whitewash for the cash. they don't care about the storyline.
wish they would just greenwash >>1169516 dummy
No. 1169832
>>1167800kek you're right, but you can't say that without the fujos getting
triggered and accusing you of being an NLOG or a moid
No. 1169845
>>1169800>blackwashing don’t care, didn’t ask, L
nonny + rip + straight bozo + millennial (derogatory)
No. 1169948
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I know people hotly debate over whether or not it's ethical to keep your cats indoors vs. let them outside, I don't want to debate on that too much but I do think—as someone who grew up having only house cats—that to me, a cat you let come and go as they please isn't really YOUR cat—they're just a friend who likes you and visits often, and accepts food and shelter when you offer it. Especially cats who were strays when you met them, and cats in general who can hunt and generally feed themselves. I don't think it's a bad thing, either—my best friend as a kid had a cat who would walk us to the bus stop in the morning and then saunter off in the direction of town—sometimes he wouldn't come home for weeks and then one day would show up on the roof, accepting our timid offerings of kibble with quiet dignity. If I had a cat like that, I just wouldn't be able to see him as mine. Like…that's just some really small orange guy who hangs out with me sometimes.
No. 1170019
>>1169800The poor widdle "anon" who was crying about the character being blackwashed thinks you have to be white to be intelligent and had her post deleted by jannies, she is a racist sperg, quit your crying
Every time I start to feel bad for these people obsessing over fictional characters' race, they actually end up being racist kek. I hope it keeps happening until they rope
No. 1170070
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>>1169506I think I understand the wtf, I was a long term substitute for a middle school class that read The Lightning Thief and that’s not how I remember Annabeth’s description (tan skin, blonde hair). HOWEVER, when the movies came out I remember people complaining that she was played by Alexandra Daddario (picrel) and they were pissed for some other reason, I think that she was “too old”?
Who cares. They’re probably trying to get the public riled up to get people talking about the movie for free press and it’s working. I wouldn’t have known a new movie existed until this thread.
No. 1170142
>>1170071Why is it always such a fucking issue when a black woman is placed in a fictional role? Mad that white women can no longer get hired off of the bare minimum anymore? One fucking black person makes people go fucking nuts but if they let some man act in a movie who is clearly a pedophile and a creep
Jared Leto no one cares or bats an eye. One ethnic person ina role will cause more backlash than the hundreds of pedophiles and rapists who have won awards for their acting and producing. Your ridiculous and have no real priorities kill yourself already.
No. 1170150
>>1170142Yeah, white women are getting by doing bare minimum, basicay living in easy mode. How are black women's talking points same as incels'?
People don't like portrayals that aren't book-accurate. What's there to not get about it?
(racebait) No. 1170194
>>1170150NTA but if you, as a woman of any race, are truly seething about color accuracy in live-action adaptions of a children's book that isn't even about race, you need to get some real problems in your life. You can't accuse other women of being incels when you're angrier about a female character in boring/likely generally inaccurate adaption #89329832 not having the right race than about
abusive scrotes and pedophiles running all your favorite media companies
No. 1170231
>>1170194You can care about serious and less serious things at the same time
No. 1170235
>>1169948Weirdly possessive
>>1170216I grew up without mobile phones and I was no less my parents' kid for them not being able to reach me when I go out
No. 1170302
>>1170300NTA but
>Tells me a lot about 'your people' tbh.And you conveniently don't mention who your people are, because you're afraid of getting the same prejudicial, retarded treatment you give to others. Classic kek
No. 1170309
>>1170306Stop worrying about American books, there's a war and your alcoholic,
abusive scrotes to focus on nonnarina
No. 1170317
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>>1170311Yeah, I've even seen black women complain about that kind of thing, because it's obvious baiting. Literally which black people sat down and said "Tell white historical figures' stories, but make them black"? None
No. 1170321
>>1170314 see >>1170239Aren't you an adult? Also, it's been years since I read the books, but I'm pretty sure Percy was supposed to have dark hair and a Mediterranean complexion, and I don't think his male friend was written to be brown, so why is it
just the black girl that's the problem? Kek, pathetic
No. 1170337
>>1170323 Are you new to imageboards? "Kys" is as common as "Good luck
nonnie" here kek
No. 1170355
>>1170342Right. I don’t care about fictional characters at all.
>but I like book accurate castingYeah? Well every teenage heart throb character I’ve ever liked got played by an ugly man. I think I suffered more.
Historical drama or stories with emphasis on historical settings have way more ground to stand on.
No. 1170544
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>>1170317I do not know a single bw who wanted shit like this, they don't ever cast as female leads in romance films but they will masculine us and put and make our existence into some political existence and its always white people(and sometimes asian women) doing this shit, like I can assure you 99% of black women are not into blackwashing or even the figure of the strong independent black woman figure, plus there's also shit like colorism that never addressed by these people
No. 1170596
>>1167800It's the obsession with male relationships that fujos and slashers have that is really bizarre. You want to see two hot naked men have sex? OK; I can get it. You devote your time to write long ass essays and fanfics about how two boring dudes totally love each other and how omg deep the relationship is?
Fucking why, this shit is making me fall asleep.
No. 1170685
>>1170665I think that you think that I'm making some sort of pedophilia defense post but I'm not. I don't care about animals and don't feel guilty when I eat them. When I lived in Papua New Guinea I ate guinea pig and thought it was delicious.
>>1170668That's actually a fair point but the argument I always see is that it's inhumane (but then wouldn't eating any meat be inhumane? Why is it only bad when it's a dog or a cat and not when it's a cow?)
>>1170673Cows are stupid and the beef industry is destroying the Amazon, if they didn't taste good then humans would've genocided them centuries ago.
No. 1170690
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>>1170662So basically hide "heart" and empathy, I've never seen and never known, so hard to let it falter and then I fall and then I "know". Leprosy, etc. Never seen, never known. Hum in her muff, climbing back on her. So it's different. I'm the one to know.
No. 1170706
File: 1651942116555.gif (2.95 MB, 480x264, doja2.gif)

>>1170685>cows are stupidThat's just like, your opinion, anon
No. 1170725
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>>1170705NTA but basically yes.
No. 1171482
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>>1171458I already do in my language kek
No. 1171522
>>1170554Americans seem to live in a race dichotomy in which there are only white and black people, so black people get weaponized all the time to be political pawns. The "this historical figure is now a strong black woman" thing is entirely meant to distract attention away from
problematic or bad writing by getting everyone to back the series up saying "well they might use rape scenes for lazy drama and lack creativity but hey they have a diverse cast and chose to stick it to my conservative boomer parents by making Jarl Haakon a black woman so it must be good!". It's all very performative.
No. 1171540
File: 1652001813544.gif (64.13 KB, 419x327, Care-Bear-Hugs-being-nice-1335…)

I'm not mad at newfags coming in (not counting spamming moids). Apparently people have posted about lc on fucking TikTok, which means zoomer girls have probably founds their way here. I'm glad they see a site for women where things aren't censored like in TikTok, Twitter, Reddit etc. and we can be honest about moids and trannies. Hopefully some see through the shit that is force fed on kids in Western countries rn.
And a few slip ups in board culture are ok imo, it's annoying but most people learn when others notify them or they get redtexted. I'm just sympathetic to women finding a place like this and I want to be kind to them.
No. 1171552
No. 1171573
>>1171458A lot of women love to be the police. They love browbeating other women like hens in a fucking coop, except the "dominance" hierarchy is based on how well you can suck dick. Even the ones who aren't fully pick-mes tend to get on your ass about sucking the "correct" dicks. On LC, it's endless crying if you don't suck gay male dick because a handful of handmaidens honestly believe that lesbians, as a collective, owe faggots eternal servitude like this is some fucking LGBT slave contract shit.
I will never defend a collective of males when they get attacked or called any sort of slur, because I know the feeling isn't mutual. Find a single site with gay moids that has a bunch of them yelling at eachother for using "dyke" or just attacking women in general. It doesn't fucking exist. The same goes for literally any other group. The only time it'll matter to me is when women are being targeted, and that's that
No. 1171593
>>1171540Well that explains the amount of terminal spergery I've seen around the site recently.
>>1171573Anon not to be that person but you also just described how straight women treat lesbians on this site and everywhere in general.
No. 1171601
>>1171458>>1171573This reminds me a lot of when Perez Hilton (I think it was him anyway) called Azealia Banks something misogynistic and she responded by calling him a faggot kek. No one batted an eye at Perez but as soon as Azealia called him a fag everyone started crying like she'd just shot his dog or something. This is what I've noted about gay moids in particular, they still can't take the heat and can't handle facing backlash from women without playing
victim. The worst is that some of the people who were defending the fag were actually women who felt they owed something to gay men as if they're innocent little lambs and not easily as misogynistic as straight men.
>""I feel like a lot of times gay men can be way more misogynistic than even straight men. You know. Even how they come to you, like picking at your hair, like telling you, you're fat, telling you all this other shit. Telling you like how to be a woman. And it's just like what the fuck you know about being a woman?" -Azealia Banks. No. 1171614
>>1171609It has more to do with envy, because while straight men would have a ONS with a gay guy in a dress and a thick layer of make-up, they wouldn't date them. Some feel like women have it easy and are privileged for being the main target of attraction for men. They are upset because no matter how hard they work or try to perform femininity, they're still men. They don't really want to be women or think they are women, other than for the purpose of procuring sex and attention from straight men. So they shit on women for not trying as hard, not being as skinny as them, not performing femininity as much etc., because they are upset they go through all that effort and still can't land a straight man. Meanwhile a woman can walk around with her hair in a mess and sweatpants and she'll still be sexually harassed by scrotes. In a sense, they did internalize a part of female socialization, but with a lot more neuroticism due to being male and never being able to live up to it, because they're not even the bare minimum, they're not even female. They often develop eating disorders themselves because of it. The insults are just pure projection. Gay scrotes still bother me less, because they're not as dangerous as straight scrotes, in the biblebelt they do show solidarity out of necessity and in the end we're both going to camps again if the wrong people get into power.
No. 1171665
>>1171541Also all the 'waffles are pancakes with abs' was deleted kek
I thought the waffleposting was cute
No. 1171781
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>>1171573>not hating enough male faggots, sexpests and manwhores in your lifetime rookie mistake nonnas!
No. 1172054
>>1172003I kinda hate kpop (sorry my koreaboo nonnas) but this is fucking ridiculous. Pancake abs and some korean pop moids get deleted but literal porn stays up, ok then
>>1171672Being comfortable enough to smell like shit with your significant other is relationship goals, yes (and kind of a requirement at least for me lol). Also
>assigned male on lc again, this time by bad smelling farts No. 1172087
>>1172080i agree alot of the nonnas here who are kpopfags are more oldfags than the majority of the newfag anons here.
Also i find it weird how extremely fast kpop posts get banned here but it takes hours or a day for raids and porn to be taken down or for trolls to be banned….it makes me want to tinfoil about the jannys
No. 1172133
nonnie. I'm an oldfag who likes kpop but i do notice the different between here and twt fags, who tend to be underage.
No. 1172142
>>1172114Fair enough.
I’m just chilling in the garden having a glass of wine (7:15 here)
It’s a lovely day and the birds are singing.
No. 1172143
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>>1172061This is peak transcendence
No. 1172176
>>1172141The only reasonable defense would be to use it as an excuse to change your name for a clean slate (distance from old internet history, making it so people from high school can’t find you etc.)
Of course you don’t necessarily need an excuse to change your name, it would just be easiest to do so in following a widely recognized tradition, to do it in a ‘no explanation, no questions asked’ manner
No. 1172329
>>1172054>>1172014>>1172006>>1172003Cut the retarded tinfoiling and take your complaints to /meta/. Porn stays up for "hours" when there isn't a mod available to remove it. If there are mods online when kpop gets spammed, it will be removed. Whenever there are raids, mods sit and refresh to delete the trash and porn before you can even see it (within seconds), so of course you think it's not being handled when there's a brief moment that no one is able to get to something that is left up. It's a bit messed up to say that mods are purposely letting it happen when we volunteer our own time to mod the site, getting exposed to incredibly fucked up stuff as well, because we're users as well and want the site to remain moid-free.
There have been plenty of times when kpop sperging and infighting posts have been left up for hours, just like porn or moid sperging. That doesn't make it okay, but it happens. Please forward any complaints to /meta/.
No. 1172331
I think its weird that some anons were more upset at anime yandere men than the fact that we have anons here who like actual real life
abusive men like Ezra Miller who assault people
>>1172329farmhand do you like yandere men
No. 1172342
>>1172338its not even on the same level to be comparable.
one is a fictional drawing, meanwhile the other is a real life person that has assaulted people.
I mean if we are going to act like moralfags then ezrafags definitely deserve more backlash.
No. 1172401
>>1172377A single question was asked, what makes farmers like
abusive 2d shit, yandere fans chimped out and accused others of being men
No. 1172483
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These aren't that good. Definitely not better than nacho.
No. 1172492
File: 1652050902622.png (197.49 KB, 1256x1414, takis_fuego.png)

>>1172483I agree I don't get how people can say the purple bag chips are good, I assume those people have just destroyed their tastebuds so it diesn't taste awful to them
No. 1172526
>>1172494Nope it's just the truth. If we had to rank them, it's nacho cheese, cool ranch, spicy sweet chilli. I get Doritos for American fatty flavors, not for mediocre Asian inspired flavors.
>>1172329>take your complaints to /meta/Not that I agree with them, but you guys don't even post in /meta/ so why would anyone complain there?
No. 1172535
>>1172531Biiitch, are you serious? Like I said, I want the American fatty taste. What's more American fatty than nacho cheese?
If it redeems my opinion in any way, I think nacho cheese and cool ranch are very close and could even tie for #1.
No. 1172584
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>>1172542get ready nonna i’m going in
No. 1172699
>>1172691Doesn't soak up the salt nearly as well as fresh pasta.
No. 1172705
>>1172701I don't really get your point. Saying most people don't use fresh pasta doesn't change what I said. I'm not saying people need to use fresh pasta (I literally just made dinner with dried pasta) but I'm just saying salting the pasta water is useless UNLESS you're using fresh pasta. Just salt it or use a little butter on it after you've strained it.
>>1172703Don't get crazy anon, you should definitely be seasoning rice (even if it's just white or plain rice) while it's cooking. That is when you should definitely throw a little salt in that water. The way rice and pasta capture flavor is completely different.
No. 1172717
>>1172714also you're not even correct about salting pasta. if you were
supposed to salt it, dried pasta would actually soak up more salt, because it soaks up more water.
No. 1172718
>>1172715I'm not white, are you ok anon? Do you realize that basically every country around the world eats rice?
>>1172717It doesn't soak up more because it's dried. And there's really no "supposed to" when it comes to food, I just personally think it's useless and you can just put a little salt on it after. You like flavorless carbs?
No. 1172733
>>1172728It's not reasonable to be this upset over pasta and rice.
>with fresh pasta it's not fully dried and only soaks up a little water during the cooking processIt still soaks up the flavor from the salt way better than dried pasta.
No. 1172752
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>>1172751Ok anon, I'll stop.
No. 1172792
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>>1172743God I wish I were a fatty, I should go make some fresh pasta, with black garlic
No. 1172855
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bumping obligatorily because i read he's bumping his shit
No. 1172856
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>>1172854thank you, don’t scroll
No. 1172935
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>>1172861Honestly, men shouldn't be anywhere except for on a death row.
No. 1173084
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bumping for my nonnies
No. 1173619
>>1173585Okay, the “admitting” part makes it make more sense to me.
I was coming from the perspective that nobody of any faith knows for sure whether there is a god or not, so technically everyone is agnostic, and because agnostics and atheists are often lumped together, that the two are in the same camp of hedging their bets that there is none.
But this does clear things up for me.
No. 1173978
>>1172744Food infights belong to my top five most hated infight genres on lolcow. I can't believe anyone is genuinely invested in it and it all just seems so "did you just say pineapple on pizza? you heathen!
>:o"-ish to me. It's like sarcasm, very lazy.
No. 1174019
File: 1652123238136.jpeg (253.97 KB, 1302x1134, A4A2C1E1-E624-4D8C-8408-E091A7…)

my unpopular opinion is i hate this minimalistic flat design era so much. i miss skeumorphism. sure i thought flat design was more peofessional and modern at the time of its early apparitions but i am sick of it now. its like graphic designers are getting lazier although i know they arent because so much work goes into it but it obviously doesnt look the part. sure the image i picked makes the former design look dull in comparison but its only one of many examples. is it lack of creativity ? talent ? i know its not necessarily the designers themselves' fault or most of them anyway since they are being pushed by their bosses or whatever to go for flat to save money but god isnt it tiring and boring and at this point just irritating. EVERY website is the same, nothing looks different or even interesting anymore, you can barely even tell the difference. nobody stands out. like obviously now they have all the knowledge available unlike in the 90s when barely anybody used the internet much less be interested in webmastery, their only excuse is money money money.
No. 1174099
>>1174086um no, there was actual discussion about male circumcision earlier.
Also that ''dick gore'' were replys to the men spamming youknowhwhat here.
No. 1174222
File: 1652128055524.jpg (71.2 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg)

Ezra Miller spammers and John Boyega spammers are so forced and cringe. It will never live up to driverfags and will never live up to that skinny white dog.
It's so forced. And I'm not even a driverfag (hate them) nor do I care about borzoi. I refuse to even call the other group "-fags" because they want to be special soooo badly kek
No. 1174233
>>1174222I’m sick of ezrafags because they’re doing it all the time but at least it’s not fucking cp. my standards for this site are now very low. I hate how anons still drool over him when he’s a POS. Like he is very good looking but who cares, any sane person just hopes he drowns in the Hawaiian sea.
Boyega only comes out when people mention her which is often bc she’s kind of a meme now.
No. 1174238
>>1174222kinda based
>I'm not even a driverfag (hate them) I still love you
nonnie ♥
No. 1174410
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Be careful, gore is up and potential CP spam coming
No. 1174836
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>>1174197This was one of the things that peaked me
No. 1174883
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be careful with scrolling
No. 1174899
File: 1652168460428.gif (2.95 MB, 600x338, FD54358E-F8E6-426C-B823-A492D3…)

Trannies are back and they’re posting gore and scat to pwn the terfs
No. 1174902
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Unfortunately this will never make them a woman
No. 1174903
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No. 1174905
File: 1652168534382.jpeg (56.08 KB, 378x457, 3AEFA4C9-0499-475D-991F-494983…)

Don’t enter the thread, gore
No. 1174907
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No. 1174912
File: 1652168629201.jpg (68.1 KB, 600x480, funny-cow-wingmar.jpg)

No. 1174922
File: 1652168835198.png (796.55 KB, 1024x1024, 302039287098211.png)

bump for moids