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No. 1754629
yaoiposters remember to bring your permit
previous thread:
>>1751756 No. 1754638
File: 1699223932674.gif (11.47 KB, 131x174, double-lariat.gif)

your husbando sucks cock
everytime you earch his name, you will see images of him sucking cock
everytime you see cute fanart of him and go to check the artists page, you will see him sucking cock
everytime you find cool people who like his series, they will start a long intellectual discussion about whose cock he should suck the most
you spend 8 hours a day talking to a virtual robot
total yumecuck death(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 1754651
File: 1699224097407.jpg (355.54 KB, 1049x1505, 1697843274306113.jpg)

>Q kawoshin have gentle lovey-dovey sex
>qworu is entirely focused on making shinji feel good
>sometimes he's even the bottom
>shaun has to be pressured into it
>karl only cares about pleasuring himself
>occassional choking and light bondage
>anime kawoshin have loud, messy, 5 hour long mating press sessions
>lots of biting, scratching, shinji screaming "knock me up!", etc.
>can't keep their hands off of each other, even in public
>all of the girls are jealous of shinji
No. 1754658
File: 1699224254755.jpg (327.09 KB, 1990x1240, 109e090d7d9cab467242dba0f525a5…)

>>1754391It should have been his brother's cock
No. 1754660
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>>1754654fujo to cock pipeline
No. 1754667
File: 1699224394859.jpg (579.34 KB, 1473x2047, IMG_7246.jpg)

I, for one, am glad the retards with their fujoyume wars have gathered here because our /fujo/ thread has been infight free and comfy for several weeks now. Thank you retards
No. 1754676
(anti-fujo spergs) come to shit up the thread and no one on lolcow knows how to ignore bait
No. 1754684
>>1754680Yeah but men being shitheads to men is based, men being shitheads to women usually just makes me sad.
Yandere men are based though.
No. 1754692
File: 1699225093216.jpeg (62.18 KB, 306x469, IMG_7014.jpeg)

This isn’t recent enough for the celebricows thread I just remembered the time Azealia Banks thought it was a good idea to post her chicken butchering closet? Like nobody cares if you chop up your own meats but why would you do it in such a disgusting environment for so long? How can you even eat it after? Not spoilered cause the blood isn’t red enough to look like a crime scene it just looks like dirt and dried shit
No. 1754704
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>>1754685Yuuri and Victor
No. 1754709
File: 1699225432422.gif (872.14 KB, 498x373, pichu-pickachu.gif)

>>1754703so kiss my yaoi-lovin' cheeks
No. 1754714
>>1754668>>1754674it is against the rules, you have to report it. the mods might just nicely spoiler it because people forget but this is intentional so you could report it for "spamming nsfw" or whatever
>>1754709fuck off faggot
No. 1754719
>>1754712the /m/ thread is for civil discussion.
No. 1754724
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i wish i was drunk nonnies
No. 1754732
File: 1699225759689.jpg (406.75 KB, 1134x1517, 20231104_012902.jpg)

>>1754667it's fucked up how badly these new sanrio boys clash, besides the twincest ones
No. 1754738
>>1754730kirbyanon WAS a fujo even though she hated being called one
rancefag was just an annoying attention whore
No. 1754742
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No. 1754746
File: 1699225994758.jpeg (1.45 MB, 2731x4096, 1697812460773.jpeg)

At least we have this to look forward to
No. 1754760
File: 1699226232017.jpg (54.71 KB, 467x600, Retoree.(!!).full.…)

>>1754748show by rock was an absolute failure, they dumped so much money into it for nothing. They cancelled the figure set even though i really wanted my retoree figurine.
No. 1754766
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>>1754762That is the exact audience who likes him too, I've already seen so many posts for him on tumblr despite him having the shittiest design of all.
No. 1754768
>>1754758Nah. I only "retired' because of my own mental instability + an
abusive ex.
No. 1754772
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>>1754766vivziepop anime boy
No. 1754774
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>>1754767Exactly. The simple designs also allow them to put the characters in elaborate outfits without making the end result too overwhelming
No. 1754775
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Shut up nerds
No. 1754784
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>>1754779I hope so, it's one of my favorites CGDCT shows.
No. 1754785
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sanrio is getting absolutely bodied by chiikawa right now anyways
where are my chiikawa boys
No. 1754791
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No. 1754792
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why are women simping for this creature
No. 1754794
File: 1699227233933.jpg (1.91 MB, 2224x2026, 111245120_p27.jpg)

>>1754780I don't know about western twitter but the eastern countryhuman accounts are fine and they have a lot of political stuff
No. 1754798
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>>1754785They did a collab with Chiikawa anyway though
No. 1754809
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Would you follow her into battle
No. 1754813
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>>1754807Are yumes that into shota? I thought that was more of a fujo thing.
No. 1754819
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>>1754816She's also a fujo not a yume
That kind of furthers my point that shotas are more of a fujo thing.
No. 1754828
File: 1699227976124.jpg (91.75 KB, 1024x522, 20231102_094603.jpg)

>>1754822twst's yume community has been on life support for ages while the fujos flourish with endless pandering. there's no romance whatsoever and last halloween she went out of her way to introduce a new male character who had literal a cuck scene with him and malleus dancing and bantering in front of the mc kek.
No. 1754836
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>>1754822>She only wrote yaoi twice>Wrote TNC doujins>Wrote a bunch of stuff like glamorous lip>Wrote Black butlerYou sure about that?
No. 1754842
File: 1699228366017.gif (Spoiler Image,3.47 MB, 640x354, He_returns.gif)

>>1754835It's probably akin to kpopfagging
Speaking of which
No. 1754843
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>>1754812She makes hot guys, that’s why everyone is still creaming themselves over fucking Sebastian even though he’s such a basic looking character. Whatever she’s doing, she’s doing it right.
No. 1754853
>>1754850>diabolik loversKanato isn't a shota
>ouran highschool host clubDidn't it have a shit ton of fujobait though? Especially with the twins.
No. 1754859
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>>1754855He's just severely autistic
He's also my favorite though, but I ended up shipping him with Azusa
No. 1754860
File: 1699228747167.gif (1.56 MB, 498x278, black-butler-pull.gif)

>>1754841It's definitely yaoibait and shotabait though
No. 1754861
>>1754850Literally all yume games have a shota because
surprisingly, young girls play the yume games too and maybe they don’t want to date Mr.Rogers who is 40 years old, so they prefer Billy who is around 15 years old, not too old, but not too young either. Are there yumes who are 40 years old dying for the shotas? Surely, but the target audience is the young girls that play the games, not the older women.
No. 1754866
>>1754861That makes sense, I haven't played that many otome (honestly I need to play more of them since I want to add more entries to my VNDB)
My favorite is usually the yandere personally.
No. 1754871
>>1754869>Shuu from hatoful boyfriendMy nigga
Hopefully Keroppi boy also cuts up people and puts them into jars.
No. 1754877
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No. 1754880
File: 1699229511965.png (588.78 KB, 1140x835, download.png)

I genuinely feel like danganronpa characters are the easiest way to sort anime boy body types.
No. 1754889
>>1754883No that's the fragaria memories guys
>>1754888No that's battle shounen anime fans and kpop fans
>>1754884I was reading doujins of him yesterday
No. 1754897
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>>1754891Any male anime character who's under 5'3 is automatically a shota
No. 1754901
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No. 1754902
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>>1754898Best meganes are the ones who don't actually need glasses and just wear them because they're pretentious.
No. 1754929
File: 1699231210715.png (27.4 KB, 1626x227, Screenshot 2023-11-05 164013.p…)

>>1754927The extreme pearl clutching is pretty hilarious though, what former glory are they referring towards anyway?
No. 1754933
File: 1699231252913.png (342.15 KB, 863x925, mobile plsnobully.png)

>>1754909is this post from there a copypasta or is this real unbridled autism?
No. 1754949
File: 1699231471203.png (885.3 KB, 1000x1582, 1444231724587.png)

>>1754936This is the reason why non weebs shouldn't be allowed to post on imageboards.
No. 1754951
It's not pearl clutching to ask to return to your designated containment zone
No. 1754952
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>>1754909I found this one so funny. Her heart aches for the poor defenseless anime boys…
No. 1754953
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>>1754941i went there once looking for hot male refs to draw and their raw shit taste power converted me into a lesbian
No. 1754962
File: 1699231660573.png (2.03 MB, 1421x1802, 18310930c7ed093310d3adf3ec2239…)

>>1754952You laugh but those anime boys can only take but so much dick before they lose it.
No. 1754969
File: 1699231772695.jpg (481.07 KB, 2000x1667, 1240816.jpg)

post the animu boy who you think needs rape the most(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 1754983
File: 1699232038771.jpg (109.25 KB, 676x1200, adriana lima.jpg)

It's so crazy that DD used to be touted as like the biggest breasts a woman can have, because in reality they're actually not that large and cup size only accounts for so much of your actual breast size.
>t. have double Ds
I like mine though, they're midsize and it's easy to conceal them or make them more apparent depending on what I wear.
No. 1754996
File: 1699232250395.jpg (250.94 KB, 960x960, 1483326726106.jpg)

>>1754991Please stop this is the third time someone called me a dumbass i'm starting to believe it
No. 1755007
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No. 1755012
>>1754987no, not unless you're already interested in the concept of huminzed countries
No. 1755013
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>>1754969>>1754994Yana Toboso our shotacon queen
No. 1755016
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>>1755010there were other ones?
No. 1755017
File: 1699232662302.jpg (85.49 KB, 736x892, 1ebb75e9bdba8c2aba03d5c06dd9f3…)

>>1755012I'm a fujo only for them
No. 1755024
File: 1699232872248.jpg (180.87 KB, 423x600, 266236l.jpg)

>>1755016There's a couple to my knowledge
>PolandballHetalia for moids who can't draw
>Country humansPolandball+Hetalia for edgy Russian fujos
>SATW99% of the jokes are rape jokes, none of them are funny or clever.
>Geopolitical boysUntranslated so who knows, shitty character designs though especially manlet Russia.
No. 1755027
File: 1699232936302.png (1.74 MB, 1560x720, (The_Road_to_King)_Tsukasa_Suo…)

>>1755013the better enstars boy
No. 1755033
>>1755021Who're you talking with? Did you just write in meta? It's not trannyahnds, trannyhands sounded moralfaggy, they have completely different attitude. She's more likely to be in the antifujo thread than the yaoi posting anon.
>>1755030Because life could be a dream, life could be a dream, sweetheaaaaart
No. 1755036
File: 1699233124548.gif (10.77 MB, 498x488, monkey-animal.gif)

>>1755030ooh ah ah yaoi oh oh ah ah boy butt sex
No. 1755037
File: 1699233144500.jpg (506.86 KB, 700x2386, Gay-Eggs.jpg)

>>1755029SATW=Scandinavia and the world
Basically some chick from Denmark (I think) got pissy about Hetalia not protraying her country properly or something? So she made a comic that's basically extremely poorfag Hetalia, it's still going apparently though which is wild.
No. 1755043
>>1755026>>1755031I thought so too but idk they really sounded like a man
the live stream was on picarto, maybe theres an archive somewhere
No. 1755045
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>>1755038Fellow ryuseitaifag…
No. 1755046
>>1755041If you do I'd love to see it.
I'm honestly surprised there's no moe game/anime about female humanized countries, it seems like it would be pretty easy yuribait and I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of hetalia fans got into it just because they like the general concept.
No. 1755050
File: 1699233512341.jpg (215.94 KB, 794x1024, original hetalia.jpg)

>>1755046here! it's really cute actually
No. 1755054
>>1755050SO CUTE!
I love art like this.
No. 1755055
File: 1699233617978.jpg (3.71 MB, 4091x5343, america chan.jpg)

>>1755050i really, really like the designs. It's funny how it feels like something that could be from a manga/anime/gacha
No. 1755057
File: 1699233656335.jpg (535.72 KB, 1758x1152, pan-america-in-puck-magazine.j…)

>>1755050Oh, how pretty! I also found this.
No. 1755063
File: 1699233804360.jpg (42.08 KB, 512x433, gorgeous designs though.jpg)

>>1755055Further reason why I want to see a series like this, closest is nyotalia but that was just a one off.
No. 1755064
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himaruya needs to do more with them
No. 1755068
File: 1699233960310.jpg (164.21 KB, 578x851, 1666362785436.jpg)

>>1755059it's already canon
No. 1755071
File: 1699234064894.jpeg (362.42 KB, 1602x2048, FnDe9DeaMAIc9s4.jpeg)

Do fujoanons have that one hetship (or yuriship) they're in love with? For me, it's them
No. 1755073
File: 1699234269452.png (2.51 MB, 1377x2039, 92968597_p3.png)

>>1755071I like a couple of hetships actually! Everything's good with me but fujo stuff is my favorite.
Great choice though, Fakir x Ahiru is god tier.
One of my current favorites is K1 x Rena from Higurashi.
No. 1755079
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>>1755071mostly because I self insert as lyza…
also I like genderbending yaoi ships a lot, especially the top unfortunately theres not a lot of content for that
No. 1755081
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>>1755071I’m a yumefujo and I love these two so much I can feel my heart bursting into many pieces by the sight of them together. But I also think Pucca looks kind of cute with Ring Ring.
No. 1755082
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>>1755071less of a fujo more of a 'generally don't understand shipping as a concept' but still wanna get my 2 cents in, my exception is them, i'll never get over rosemary, ever.
No. 1755097
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>>1755071I'm mostly a fujo but I like a lot of yuri ships as well. My favorite is Moicy, I don't even play Overwatch anymore but I'm considering picking it up again just for them. They would be so perfect together bros…
No. 1755100
File: 1699235020536.png (245.49 KB, 406x573, cuties.PNG)

>>1755071My OTP
but I'd ship soul with everyone under the sun No. 1755101
>>1755086he is, but he's cute with anyone and i enjoy exploring his character through different ship AUs. He has cute relationship dynamics with everyone from the show, except bobby and uni obvs.
>>1755087presto and diana from the 80s dnd cartoon
No. 1755110
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I liked the way anons bullied Astarion into the oblivion for being old and ugly, it felt like we were ganging up on him for being a 3/10 faggot which i approve of course. The lame part is that i accidentally developed a crush on him because he seemed so pathetic after all the slander. I want to corner him and kick his ass
No. 1755119
File: 1699235684441.png (1.4 MB, 800x800, IMG_5286.png)

No. 1755128
File: 1699235843496.png (1.18 MB, 800x800, EnwSaoHXYAARxcv.png)

>>1755119I love whoever is in charge of their advertising, so much
No. 1755133
>>1755125Jazz and OP are both boring characters in most incarnations (OP was interesting in animated, but he was pretty much just Rodimus in that) so I don't really care about any of their ships honestly.
A lot of the ships I liked were just like 'the default for this character because we can't think of anyone else to ship them with atm' kind of stuff, like Tarn x Pharma.
No. 1755138
File: 1699236152669.jpg (1019.77 KB, 2996x2246, Lot of California Raisins.jpg)

>>1755126He is, nonna, he is. He fits in with them just fine!
No. 1755140
>>1755133I feel like Jazz needs more love, I know that hasn’tbro only cares about money and only develops characters that are marketable and popular, but like, Jazz having the same abilities as Soundwave but being cool about it is so neat to me, I wish he had more screen time insert a sad face and a crying face.
Tbh, when there’s a lot to pick from I end up liking basically most ships, TarnxPharma is pretty cool, I also like Tarn as a character for self-inserts because of his Yandere potential.
No. 1755145
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>TarnxPharma is pretty cool, I also like Tarn as a character for self-inserts because of his Yandere potential
All the yandere boys are good boys.
No. 1755146
File: 1699236464407.gif (1.22 MB, 498x272, titanic-leonardo-dicaprio.gif)

>>1755142ddlg/dadbod/tumblr sexymen and it's consequences. I cant believe our moms were lusting after pre-wall leo dicaprio and our generation is lusting after
>>1755113 No. 1755166
File: 1699236833628.gif (987.81 KB, 500x270, 65fd28acd9c4d271f3c2dd97dae20d…)

>>1755156>>1755159why is japan obssesed with balls and anuses
No. 1755185
File: 1699237474182.jpg (99.28 KB, 735x939, ac2041cbd73a781be06a8fdabcb500…)

>>1755181it genuinely pains me he has this as his pfp
No. 1755215
File: 1699238421802.gif (2.3 MB, 498x261, IMG_7024.gif)

>>1755205>sheThat’s a man. That’s a man in the video. What the fuck is going on on this board
No. 1755226
File: 1699238606692.jpg (77.61 KB, 1024x988, 1689724368390303.jpg)

No. 1755240
File: 1699238933780.png (126.5 KB, 427x344, 1694892338203.png)

>>1755236i dont watch anything with old men on it
No. 1755248
File: 1699239113590.jpg (57.68 KB, 1280x720, wtf.jpg)

No. 1755254
>>1755247The diaperfur who did the sonic 4 rant also claimed this
I don’t know why furries who got infamous cringe videos don’t just go along with that it was cringe
No. 1755270
File: 1699240079602.gif (3 MB, 640x320, liquid chris.gif)

>>1755267what causes it? i am glad he didnt troon out
No. 1755274
File: 1699240175119.jpg (206.6 KB, 794x1132, mountainside_12.jpg)

>>1755243Sure, but considering I don't fall into a stereotypical furry it wouldn't be the most clear answer I feel. I don't really have an interest in fursuitting, I'm a straight woman, and a lot of what I draw and write about is very simple, cutesy, and down to earth (similar to picrel but with more notes of chibi-ish proportions). The rare adult stuff I draw and write about isn't fetishistc but boringly vanilla too. Hell, I think the only "fetish" thing I've done is written a GL in which a Stylist, who's a snake, happens to have a thing for soft fur and fluff and develops a thing for her top client, a British Longhair idol.
Not to mention I only make straight josei or lesbian content. Really it all boils down to I find it more aesthetically pleasing and interesting. The only reason I debate going public is because I have thought about going to one of those conventions to sell the comics I've made but I don't think many would be interested considering it's not a traditionally "furry" style, I don't draw male homosex, I don't draw anything fetishy, and none of my characters are fat anthro baras.
No. 1755280
File: 1699240350855.gif (2.12 MB, 480x760, IMG_0642.gif)

Cillian Murphy and Tom Hardy dancing together, how sweet
No. 1755286
File: 1699240668536.png (643.99 KB, 546x597, 1696288866714.png)

No. 1755288
File: 1699240779147.jpg (191.14 KB, 858x1200, Insideyouaretwowolves.jpg)

>>1755243Nta and I dont mind like… subtle furry-ism like I can totally get wanting to fuck something humanoid. And seeing art of like giant humanoid fuck and suck buff ripped animals with just regular looking anime men makes me laugh for some reason.
No. 1755290
File: 1699240980011.jpg (92.5 KB, 500x631, 200881fg.jpg)

why the fuck did they all have grey hair?
No. 1755297
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>>1755295Are you a clown or something
No. 1755307
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No. 1755309
File: 1699241734994.jpeg (79.59 KB, 736x1155, Safebooru.jpeg)

>>1755305Who's your favorite arknights boy nona?
No. 1755316
File: 1699242183194.gif (5.1 MB, 394x347, GIF 10-31-2023 1-06-33 AM.gif)

>>1755290they put powder in it cause they didnt wash their scalps so it absorbed oil and made their hair white then they added more hair ontop of that… in general, they were stanky (they also peed and poo'd behind curtains and made the servants deal with it)
No. 1755334
>>1755326You eyeballing me
No. 1755355
>>1755338I hope it gets better
nonnie nonnieton
No. 1755393
File: 1699247254964.jpeg (84.8 KB, 562x951, IMG_0645.jpeg)

Is this creature attractive or not?
No. 1755401
File: 1699247818589.jpeg (137.71 KB, 1125x1091, IMG_0653.jpeg)

>>1755394That’s because he is
No. 1755412
File: 1699248592252.png (3.18 KB, 575x56, sigh.PNG)

I just wanna read cute fanfics of my husbando why this
No. 1755415
File: 1699248709970.png (173.83 KB, 1940x1216, 72425C19-019C-4B2B-9C20-CEFF9E…)

Butthole dog arrested… This is a real already existing image, not an ai generated one for a lc shitpost. Anons who know the context get a cookie.
No. 1755440
File: 1699250250731.jpeg (818.52 KB, 1170x886, IMG_7029.jpeg)

It’s her time and her time only
No. 1755448
File: 1699250725604.jpeg (834.12 KB, 1170x1308, IMG_0585.jpeg)

>>1755431A troon who keeps infighting for hours and arguing in circles due to not actually reading what anyone is saying to him. Last night he was carrying in about how stretch marks are hideous and make him want to scream, and crying about these ai images of what Cillian Murphy would look like if he had been born as a woman, saying that the posters were fetishizing troons. And I’m pretty sure he was the one defending prostitution and saying “sex work is work” repeatedly
No. 1755457
>>1755446It’s not a schizo accusation he admitted to it all being him
>>1755449Some of them are idiots though and it’s better to point out how obnoxious they are. Tbh if I thought that the other anons weren’t bothered by some of the buffoonery on here (especially by obvious troons) I would get too annoyed to stick around
>>1755452It’s probably attention seeking, masochism, wanting the validation of blending in with female anons
No. 1755459
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No. 1755461
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the reddit style post responses are really making my face itch.
No. 1755467
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When will technology make cute android househusbands I can force my breeding kink on so I won't have to take birth control
No. 1755475
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>>1755467Mines gonna look like this
No. 1755579
>>1754732I have an insatiable need to procreate with Kurode
The rest are fugly
No. 1755666
File: 1699281048808.jpg (26.57 KB, 612x344, bad.jpg)

>>1755038>no nipples0% based
No. 1755681
>>1754842So happy he made it into lolcow culture.
No. 1755697
File: 1699283531988.jpeg (22.71 KB, 550x501, Efh03GuWkAA8ZUY.jpeg)

bringing up enstars again, i wanted to download a vpn for it and play it, but i don't know anything about the actual gameplay
No. 1755700
File: 1699283839153.gif (892.92 KB, 245x180, 8A1FD56D-BBE0-4F1D-8F77-8D52C9…)

kat kitti kat kat kitte kat kat kak kat kitti kat kat kitti kat kat kat
No. 1755731
File: 1699288017413.jpg (72.92 KB, 810x1080, qdcdvfgdhg.jpg)

>>1755718i didn't know there were versions…
No. 1755749
>>1754780That reminds me of the time I came across the 'WWII fandom'. Yumes and fujos were straight up making unironic Hitler/historical nazi fanfics and art and didn't seem to get any backlash even if they were posting in english. They didn't seem to be actual true believing nazis or at least not all of them since some of the accounts were also reposting stuff about holocaust memorials and such. I think it was just fandom brained teens treating real history like it was a fictional series and seeing it as no different to having a villain character as a husbando or whatever.
The threat of being cancelled is overstated IMO. It will only happen if you make something that cultivates a cancel-happy audience in the first place, and if you actually get popular. If you're making weird shit from the get-go and avoid people who look like they might get touchy nothing will happen to you.
No. 1755753
The reason males commit the vast majority of crimes is in their nature. It's hardwired in their brains.
In nature males have higher testosterone, and that leads to the stereotypical male behaviours you are able to see even in a lot of animals, like aggression, irrationality, being emotionally unstable, being impulsive. The reason for this is that males are essentially born only to be sperm carriers for females, and having this kind of behaviour helps them fulfill their role (being more impulsive may put them more at risk, but it may also help them to find a female faster, and eventual deaths as a result aren't relevant because males aren't as valuable as females who have naturally stronger senses and a good balance between a sense of self-preservation and survival instincts) and at the same time allows for selection of the strongest, healthier and most intelligent ones, so that their better genes will be passed down.
Now back to the point, males of today hate this fact and attempt to defy this by making themselves more important than females when they're not. In instances where this fact becomes obvious to them they lash out and start to do what they can only do as roided up beasts without a higher purpose: they kill (often women, who they are both scared and jealous of).
What's funny now is that so many males will try to claim their higher place in society by being violent, overly emotional and irrational, subconciously or conciously aware of the fact that they're a lot more useless than women, without realizing that this very violent and insecure behaviour is only proof of their vain existence.
No. 1755756
File: 1699289289852.jpeg (401.65 KB, 900x632, IMG_1522.jpeg)

i miss these visual kei fangirls who drew cringe funny fanart on deviantart. new visual kei just doesn’t cut it anymore and the visuals are shit
No. 1755768
File: 1699289944816.jpg (169.26 KB, 900x689, on_crack__blonde_gerard_way_by…)

>>1755756I was never into visual kei but this gives me strong flashbacks to chocoreaper who was this deviantart artist who used to draw comics about emo bands. I totally skinwalked her art style when I was 13.
Looking at her page makes me so nostalgic.
No. 1755823
File: 1699294166173.jpg (2.27 MB, 3541x2508, 75611.jpg)

why was the mod who banned me earlier talking to me like a disappointed teacher who knows i can do better
my kitty beats me when i get home from lolcow mod-chama pls go easy on me(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 1755827
File: 1699294425147.gif (912.26 KB, 540x383, IMG_5296.gif)

>>1755823She yelled at you like that because she loves you!! she was rooting for you, we were all rooting for you!!
No. 1755844
>>1755833but its so much fun to congregate with muh fujosisters in here… *sniffle
/m/ is dead as fug
>>1755840they should've been together in a darling in the franxx style mecha with kaworu in the girl position
No. 1755850
File: 1699296054741.gif (817.26 KB, 500x261, 14855252.gif)

>>1755835a-log me then, go on. say what's on your mind.
No. 1755854
File: 1699296234577.jpg (27.27 KB, 736x909, 20230303_052708.jpg)

>>1755851say it all in graphic detail
(constant ban evading) No. 1755879
File: 1699297827420.jpeg (98.85 KB, 735x959, download (2).jpeg)

I dont really keep up to date with hrh, only really watching some of her videos where she freaks out. Just learnt she's having a daughter… that kid's going to have to go through a lot with a mom like that
No. 1755881
>>1755878I don't really care if many people write that way. I found it cringe and little gross before witnessing that pedo tranny, and I especially find it cringe and disgusting now. Frankly, I dislike anyone who types in that way tranny or not. It just puts a bad taste in my mouth and
triggers the autistic ape in my brain.
>I also kinda think they stole this type of talk from cringy girls like us.Oh, definitely I won't deny that and I genuinely believe that's what happened. Anything to seem more girly even at the expense of others.
No. 1755886
>>1755879I hope that she’s just playing a character and isn’t like this irl. If she really is this type of person, I’m praying that she’s able to relax and have a nice pregnancy. I
really hope her daughter does not get bullied for her moms behavior but that’s just inevitable when you have attention begging parents.
No. 1755899
File: 1699298599801.jpeg (67.59 KB, 680x624, 1695319595867.jpeg)

i think legs and tummy are more attractive to dick. i would rather have a bf with cute tummy and legs i can eat sushi off than a nice dick.
No. 1755900
>>1755864if we're blogging, whenever i see your posts i think of an autist who i had a huge online falling out with because i disagreed with her saying men get abused as often as women (kek). she took everything super seriously and could never tell when i was joking or not. she was always much more lenient with her moid friends than me, i was happy i finally had a reason to burn the bridge. she said something sweet to me months after that but i was adamant about keeping eachother blocked. i worried i was being too much of a dick at the time but in hindsight i don't regret anything.
that isn't a-logging though, i wanted you to say something incriminating but since you're a sister i'll just move on.
>>1755878they did. they saw cringy girls, wanted to fuck them, and now are trying to skinwalk the object of their desire. its gross.
No. 1755902
>>1755899You’ll find your sushi platter nigel,
nonnie. It’s coming
No. 1755903
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bongs at primary school do you remember bringing a pound coin in to have a poppy? I haven't had one in ages. I want to get one soon
No. 1755913
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Me taking pics while crying for posterity
No. 1755929
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>>1755924it expired, the awake mod is just trying to make an example out of me.
No. 1755935
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Would he be a passport bro today
No. 1755972
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>>1755965no offence, but I've seen a lot of gender specicals obsessed with that concept as well,
No. 1755975
File: 1699302489586.jpg (303.95 KB, 1200x675, loomis heads.jpg)

>>1755965same but straight. There isnt a single straight romance where the girl saves the damsell in distress boy. I gotta do everything myself.
No. 1755982
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No. 1755986
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This is so autistic I had to share it.
No. 1756060
File: 1699307375886.jpg (248.12 KB, 700x1019, best kawoshin doujin tbh.jpg)

>>1756003Only can see this happening for maybe Qworu
>Anime Shinji actively wants to be dominated and given love (dick)>Karl is super likely to actually rape Shaun No. 1756071
File: 1699308051602.mp4 (1.5 MB, 320x568, owl.mp4)

Owls scare the dog shit out of me
No. 1756078
>>1756070She literally just posted this
>>1756060, she's been ban evading for hours
No. 1756099
>>1756078i didnt make either of the posts you just said, your psychosis is just acting up. i made
>>1756003 though.
>>1756089the more you tell us to do things that aren't against the rules, the less interest we will have in doing them. bitching all day about what gets posted in the
dumbass shit thread will always be the most annoying thing of all. go back to the anti fujo sperg thread.
No. 1756123
File: 1699309895350.jpg (43.85 KB, 736x736, 1696106822420.jpg)

>>1756106Not everyone who disagrees with your antics is a anti-fujo you tard, this is coming from a fujo who has cringe muppet neet incest yaoi opened up in another tab. You are annoying.
No. 1756127
>>1756112 and i thought she's referring to the "samefagging" from fujos, but i sincerely do not think anyone's samefagging here, you're becoming paranoid
No. 1756129
>>1756124Whoever posted these two
>>1756103 >>1756102 is definitely spamming replies to make it seem like more people care about this than they really do.
No. 1756139
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No. 1756140
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>>1756130Let’s change the topic to something a little lighter
No. 1756146
File: 1699310333029.webp (502.63 KB, 731x1000, 34680.webp)

>>1756139oh wow thanks admins for allowing webp. I fucking hate it with a burning passion and i am so tired of having to convert every webp. I saved so much art that's .webp trash.
No. 1756152
File: 1699310446956.jpeg (4.52 MB, 3024x4032, 1699189650841.jpeg)

Just posting fot good measure
No. 1756155
File: 1699310465538.jpg (144.71 KB, 897x1156, 1689440677282.jpg)

>>1756145i would vote for you
No. 1756159
>>1756134I get you, nonna, but there's likely just a lot of fujos and one spammer.
>>1756140So tiny, heh
>>1756145B-but nonna you'd get rid of half of us!
No. 1756160
File: 1699310519659.webp (154.81 KB, 671x1000, 34682.webp)

>>1756146webp hate webp hate webp hate webp hate death to the tranny who forced webp onto us
No. 1756162
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>>1756140Cute post nonnee
No. 1756165
File: 1699310661629.jpg (79.96 KB, 419x810, Feh Yes Vintage Manga.jpg)

I'm not a fujo, I don't even like fujos, but I'd dress like a patalliro character if given the opportunity.
No. 1756166
File: 1699310687663.webp (394.9 KB, 864x1000, 34673.webp)

>>1756161according to virgin nerds it wastes less space while maintaining quality blah blah i dont care ITS SHIT . I have to convert and re download so many images now
No. 1756169
File: 1699310714467.jpg (114.47 KB, 969x984, 1699221389862579.jpg)

"Submitting" to a man naturally feels unclean and godless, because men are apes.
By accepting a position below a man, you betray your own humanity, leading to feelings of shame. Would you feel shame following Jesus Christ? No, because he is perfect and benevolent. Would you feel shame taking orders from your mother? No, because she is your creator and and you know that she has your best interests at heart. "Submitting" to a man? Pure degeneracy and self destruction. Every time you listen to a man, you kill part of your human soul.
Picrel is Felix Lee, symbolizing Jesus Christ and goodness.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 1756180
File: 1699310957518.jpg (358.23 KB, 1371x1536, virtual-john-singer-sargent-ar…)

It's so sad to look at classical art, specially American art. How did you guys go from this to pee poo fart and tranny cartoons?
No. 1756186
File: 1699311090132.png (1.29 MB, 1158x1115, Page 02.png)

I like being a himejoshi because I seldom see any drama or attention towards us and the worst we have is having to sift through a lot more shit-content and troons but the good shit is really fucking good shit.
No. 1756192
File: 1699311294881.jpeg (90.87 KB, 742x1028, EU4S4eiUEAIb4AB.jpeg)

>>1756186that's really cute, i dropped yuri shit because its 90% high school romance trash, although i really like pic rel for the art alone, the story sucks
No. 1756194
>>1756186this was a cute manga. i'm a himejoshi as well and the worst part about it are the "sapphics" or the ""lesbians/bisexuals who loooooove women and yuri :3c" but have never heard of like, dynasty scans in their lives and their deepest interaction with yuri is whatever's popular + genshin impact ships.
posers basically
No. 1756200
File: 1699311445540.jpg (1.3 MB, 1034x1800, By the Skating Pond.jpg)

resons i havent killed myself yet
>scans of old 70s gay porn magazines
that is all
No. 1756205
>>1756198i'm playing devil's advocate here but i also don't think porn is entirely the problem, consumers of porn just have weak mental states/character. i've looked at soo much weird shit and it's not at all responsible for any of my problems
i am definitely anti-porn btw, i just don't care about fictional stuff
No. 1756207
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I can feel it closing in nonnas.
No. 1756208
File: 1699311656329.gif (2.21 MB, 200x178, mario breaking it down.gif)

>>1756204i'm calling that nona a poser. she probably barely read yuri or sought out the adult/office content she seems to crave. just went after whatever was popular
No. 1756216
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>>1756208nah, i dont like yuri. Personally i prefeer straight(but the dynamics i like are non existent)>yaoi(i like to see men suffer)>yuri(only if i like the art). I am not super into yuri to look too much into it, so ofcourse i only look at the popular stuff. There is nothing to motivate me to look for more since i am not lesbian or a himejoshi.
No. 1756227
File: 1699312359685.jpg (17.37 KB, 480x365, copium.jpg)

where are my straight sisters who cant find good romance because they arent into oily pirates, generic anime boys abusing the becky protagonist or weird furry novels
No. 1756228
nonnie, let's get it over with quickly.
No. 1756235
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>>1756227I’m suffering with you,
No. 1756237
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>>1756225i watched tons of yuri anime too, and you cant deny most yuri anime is high school trash. I liked this one though, the background were pretty.
No. 1756240
File: 1699312595753.jpg (48.65 KB, 679x679, 61kGbZWkZcL._AC_SX679_.jpg)

Tickets for himejoshi slapfight please
No. 1756255
>>1756234It is up to chapter 6 in english in mangadex, last updated two months ago. And licensed in spanish if that helps you somehow.
>>1756227What do you like then?
No. 1756268
>>1756237I actually have a theory for this. Anime is very expensive to produce and anime producers want to make back their money, because of this they aren't going to fund make yuri anime of interesting settings with themes, character, and story beyond blushing anime high-school girls who may or not may be actual lesbians so not to
trigger their moid otaku fanbase. It would be a coinflip for something like Composing Spring in This Room Where Cherry Blossoms Bloom, Run Away With Me Girl, Ayaka is in Love with Hiroko, or even Still Sick. But they do know funding YuruYuri moeblob "yuri" clones will make instant cash so that's why most yuri anime take place in highschool settings with the amount of romance being boiled down to. "wowie senpai is so cute"
blushes furiously. It's slop that's tried and true and will always sell.
No. 1756276
>>1756227Just read some Jane Austen, Margaret Mitchell, Emily Brontë….
It's more traditional but way better than cringe pornbrained abuse books.
No. 1756293
>>1756288holy shit
nonnie. this is what the kids call an L
No. 1756294
File: 1699314441805.jpg (153.15 KB, 800x1245, 57659_800x1245.jpg)

>>1756290read her manhwa, i did and it's pretty refreshing. Wish there was more stuff like it.
>>1756291anon, this is literally what i was complaining about. It's on the ''oily pirates'' mom romance novels tier. I aint reading this beta normie shit
No. 1756298
>>1756281With AI you will be able to create you own femdom stories, anime or movies.
Good luck nonna.
No. 1756299
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No. 1756300
File: 1699314634592.png (101.37 KB, 790x757, 1687658377757.png)

>>1756296i will read romance novels when
>the male love interest is younger and prettier than the female protagonist>the female protagonist isnt some pretty becky with null personality>it has some cool plot i will not read your mom novels, BEGONE BECKYS
No. 1756306
>>1756256only the people affected by gatekeeping whine about it kek
i also recommended yuri to read in my post
No. 1756309
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Yumes are cuter
Yumes are more pure of heart (fujos are depraved)
Yumes best ending = happily ever after
Fujos best ending= boys covered in cum and wounds and tears
No. 1756311
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No. 1756313
File: 1699315047588.jpg (76.73 KB, 736x978, download (14).jpg)

I'm not even a conspiracyfag but I always think about how we're always hearing about some amazing scientists or super smart college students that have found a cure for some disease (like cancer) but then we never hear about it again and a new story pops up about the same thing. Like a cycle. I'm American so I have reason to believe that our government would keeps cures to diseases under wraps and unavailable to the public, but I don't know why other countries governments may also be in it. Idek anymore.
No. 1756314
File: 1699315086491.jpg (1.78 MB, 2048x2048, 1676423815398409.jpg)

I still remain angry that the jannies locked the yumejo cringe thread
No. 1756318
File: 1699315175883.jpg (76.63 KB, 620x413, big boned.jpg)

Thread's less than 48 hours old, already has 833 posts yup this is going to be a dumb read.
No. 1756319
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kirby had to have eaten him and pooped him out in order for this to happen, yet look at that smarmy smile.
No. 1756334
File: 1699315592856.jpg (343.19 KB, 740x2462, Screenshot_20231106_180252_Pin…)

If dildos appear on my pinterest ads is that tied to my IP and my mom is gonna get them too?
No. 1756347
>>1756343Uhm how can you participate in infights if you do that
We need you
NONNY No. 1756349
File: 1699316569254.jpg (2.56 MB, 797x4722, NAmDIUR.jpg)

>>1756309>Yumes are more pure of heart (fujos are depraved)Cage kun Toma got the top spot on the popularity poll
No. 1756364
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>>1756357What's wrong with Belts?
But yes Ukyo is best.
No. 1756375
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>>1756364Kent will always be my best boy
No. 1756383
>>1756373Not ime, I feel like yumes usually more genuinely like the characters. But yeah there are some that warp their husbandos into different characters completely.
>It's really an "I can fix him" complex Doesn't really make sense when you consider that there are a lot of people who have husbandos that don't really have anything actually wrong with them.
>heavy autismYumejoshis and fujoshis are autistic, who knew?
No. 1756404
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>>1756378this is what this post looks like
No. 1756407
>>1756404He UGLY
No. 1756420
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No. 1756421
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>all f/f is too angsty
Literally no one says this, the complaint is usually the opposite.
No. 1756425
>>1756418Have you watched princess tutu?
That and Madoka were the only mahou shoujo I've been able to get into due them
>actually being well written and animated>having a set beginning, middle and end (though Madoka got extra material after it finished) >both clearly having an older audience in mind as opposed to an audience of only little girls to sell toys to No. 1756430
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No. 1756434
File: 1699319285458.jpg (76.82 KB, 612x472, 1652637184657.jpg)

>>1756418>Me seeking a girl media who embodies a boyish appearance with a reversed osmosis gender identity, there arises the desire for a profound transformation. Under the guidance of an influential and authoritative leader, these girls undergo a remarkable metamorphosis, empowering them to embark on a noble mission of saving the world. However, it is regrettable that in the realm of the charming and enchanting shoujo magic, its allure is primarily tailored for the delight of young girls and children. Furthermore, it is disheartening that as these young girls grow older, the very powers that once defined their magical prowess vanish into thin air, leaving behind mere memories. Amidst these circumstances, the emergence of the new Adult PreCure series offers a fascinating narrative featuring a remarkable woman who, against all odds, is whisked back in time to the age of 14, simultaneously rediscovering herself and undergoing a magnificent transformation. No. 1756436
File: 1699319308480.jpeg (107.09 KB, 588x825, ahiru.jpeg)

>>1756425Princess Tutu was amazing. I cried at the end. I need to rewatch soon
No. 1756441
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No. 1756447
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No. 1756448
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No. 1756451
File: 1699319607582.gif (145.93 KB, 388x400, ebin.gif)

>make women look soo bad
what did you mean by this?
No. 1756453
>>1756425I love princess tutu and I sort of like Madoka but it's also exactly what I had in mind when I said "made for scrotes". As opposed to shounen in which many are about boys receiving technically evil originating powers but mastering and using them for good, Madoka and other magical girls for scrotes, their magical girl powers themselves are also directly what creates witches, the very evil they fight. Madoka's wish was for there to have never been magical girls. Girls having power is directly presented as being a problem and you would never see a shounen written like this. I like the cast of Madoka and its a fun watch when I don't think about it too hard but it is most definitely an anime meant for scrotes to have fun watching the girls suffer
>>1756427I know I just brought up magical girls as the closest existing thing to what I want. I don't necessarily want a magical girl show for adult women, I want a show about girls/women with powers made for teen/adult women
No. 1756454
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>>1756436It's genuinely a shame more magical girl anime can't take after it so it's either precure garbage or attempts to cash in on Madoka (and fail).
No. 1756465
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how many you eatin
No. 1756467
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No. 1756468
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>>1756454I love everyone in that anime so much
No. 1756471
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I feel like the spoiler image should be changed. Where are the shoop anons I bet you'd come up with something more clever
No. 1756472
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Not really a fan of Utena but…
No. 1756473
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dbz vegeta sitting across from lana del rey at a jail telephone visitation
No. 1756482
>>1756471Kek honestly sometimes the spoiler image is worse than the spoilered image.
>>1756467Shit looks like a liveleak thumbnail
No. 1756491
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>>1756488I like this one.
No. 1756492
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No. 1756497
>>1756306i dont read any of that shit i just think youre a loser for gatekeeping from other women for some false sense of elitism. youre not special, anon. especially not for reading yuri.
>>1756305literally nothing she told you to read is related to the harlequin romances you're referring to.
No. 1756498
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Some of the ones that got posted in the banner meta thread were so adorable too…
No. 1756504
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>anons don't know who pixyteri is
I said a few days ago that the majority of this site is just newfags aggressively pretending to be oldfags powertripping and minimodding while pretending to know the lore and it appears I am right
No. 1756519
>>1756499I don’t think she appeals to the animecore tryhards, see
>>1633809 they’ve just designed their own ugly coomer ones.
No. 1756526
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>>1756418same anon, literally all i want is cool heroine and cute harem of males. Moids get literal diaper harem shit and we cant even get something as simple as a non beta female protagonist.
No. 1756528
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i jerst want to be luvd
No. 1756529
>>1756501Maybe I would be considered one then because I don’t know the lore behind a lot of the banners and I’m not sure I want to
>>1756498This one is so cute
No. 1756537
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>>1756508>all the edgy mahou shoujo series sought to turn little girls dreams into tragediesSuffering is more interesting than shitty 52 episode anime to sell crappy made in china wands.
I like everyone to suffer though, even rocks.
No. 1756545
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>we're at the point where there are newfags so new they don't know who banner cows are, including the fucking queen
>we're getting called newfags by them because there are so many that their behavior has become normal
what ever happened to lurking and making an effort to integrate
No. 1756555
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>>1756538>magical girls become evil witches once they stop being pure and innocent, as a direct analogy for the way that pedophiles don't like adult women because they know too much and can't be manipulated and abused as easily as a child?Tell me you didn't watch the anime without telling me you didn't watch the anime.
If anything Madoka is a pretty anti male anime, all the men aside from Madoka's dad are depicted as taking the women around them for granted and ditching them the second they're not useful to them anymore, realizing this is why Sayaka turned into a witch which is more a metaphor for realization that the world is a fucked up place that wants to use women and throw them away.
Just because it's dark doesn't mean that it's a pedophilia metaphor dumbass.
>madoka being poorly raised because of her terrible, neglectful working mom who hurts her family by defying japanese gender roles and having a job? This literally never happens, Madoka is shown to have a really loving and deep connection with her family and the anime literally starts with her taking advice from her mom showing that she respects and loves her. The tragedy comes from Madoka having to give up this in order to end suffer for magical girls.
>the 12 year old in lingerie in the opening theme song as a 'joke'?She's 14 but yeah I'll give you that one, literally only piece of fanservice in the entire anime series though so it's already leagues above 99% of regular magical girl anime we're they're basically wearing lingerie the entire time.
Try actually watching an anime instead of reading the twitter thread from some dumbass next time.
No. 1756569
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>>1756558>that moids took the closest thing in existence to a female power fantasy in japanese mediaIf anything that's more shoujo isekai manga, magical girl anime are basically just a bunch of crappy 20 minute toy commercials with a ton of encouraging girls to get a boyfriend while they're at it (there's a reason why the vast majority of magical girl anime focus on romance, with wedding peach having that pretty much be the only goal to get married).
>turned a genre about girls saving the day into girls suffering because they wanted to save the dayConsidering that precure still gets endless seasons, that's pretty obviously something you convinced yourself over something that's actually true. What it really comes down to is Madoka was one of the first actually good magical girl anime (Before mentioned Tutu being the other) that adults of both genders could enjoy and not just little girls or male otakus (most of the magical girl anime of the 2000s were actually parodies that focused on sex).
>Meanwhile moids go on with their superhero dreams unobstructedWhy do you keep ignoring that Eva exists and gets 10 million knockoffs? If anything male suffering is MORE common.
No. 1756572
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>We all teleport to peach beach
No. 1756576
>>1756567Stop trying to incite infights
>>1756570Stop being a boring killjoy
No. 1756591
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>>1756575I remember…It was hilarious when even slightly mentioning the forbidden man's name resulted in bans, I wish we could go back to those times.
No. 1756595
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>>1756586they made an entire thread because they were ''above'' moid/fujo talk and guess what? it died in a month, it was boring talk about food, basically the mundane thread but even more boring. Now they are crawlling back because this general is actually active.
No. 1756604
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i hate cars i want to ride a horse to the supermarket
No. 1756613
>>1756545Lot's of anons here come from ever since it started getting raided day and night by the soyjak scrotes.
Source: i am one of them
No. 1756615
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No. 1756618
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i am genuinely scared that talent is indeed real and that i will never get good at drawing. I specially suck at colors even though i see literal toddlers with crayons make better color palettes
No. 1756634
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>>1756622Back to where? We have nowhere to go.
No. 1756646
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My least favorite thing about perfumes is how they can completely change scent depending on your natural smell/body chemistry. I've had perfumes that smell lovely in the air, but weird on me, and I've also smelled perfumes that smelled strange on other people.
No. 1756647
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what are antifujo spergs hobbies? since you hate fujosperging so much i encourage you to talk about your hobbies
No. 1756649
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>>1756575back in my day the only thing that would get you banned on /ot/
, /sty/, or /manure/ but not really cuz those boards were true festering shitholes was being male, trip/name/subjectfagging, or being racist. racism is why they put them kpop critical threads on autosage like 6 separate times before hellbanning them when the newfag influx got so bad on /ot/+/m/ when it got created and moved there. the moderation for chill boards has never been the same since.
>>1756564sounds fake. you should know who all those cows are, at least their faces/what they did to get a banner. theyre all old.
No. 1756670
>>1756665Tryna make his way, home
Right back to heaven all alone
No. 1756671
>>1756663Just a stranger on the farms
Trying to sage her way home?
No. 1756673
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>>1756646Samefag but I think this is also why it's nice to wear multiple scented products. Maybe your perfume won't smell good on you, but at least your lotion will. Another pic cause I like cool perfume bottles.
>>1756660Kek anon. You never accidentally wandered there?
No. 1756680
>>1756671tryin' to milk her way home
back up to lolcow all alone
No. 1756690
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No. 1756698
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Nonas, should we try making a general weeb shitposting and banter thread somewhere for both yumes, fujos, and other assorted non-stick-up-their-ass posters to tard out? Because these people love taking issue with every other weeb post in this thread, they can have their boring-ass thread once we're gone
No. 1756703
>>1756680No one respondin' to her post
'cept for the NEETs, maybe, at most
No. 1756707
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This site makes me feel like I'm trapped in a psych ward watching the patients fight
>>1756692I miss PULL. I was introduced to lolcow through there, maybe about a year or two before it shut down. I regret coming here honestly, I think lolcow has changed me in negative ways and if I could go back in time I would prevent myself from being interested in this site. Stick to regular social media girl..
No. 1756717
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i don’t understand, why sperg in the dumbass shit thread? i haven’t been noticing any crazy fujo spam since last thread and very early of this thread. just post about what you like and ignore. i see more arguing about newfags and fujos tbh
No. 1756724
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>>1756689and thats exactly what makes you a newfag. you aren't here for the site itself, you're here cuz you heard it's an uwu girlboard and don't care about the board culture beyond that. no matter how long you post zoomer cat memes on /ot/, you will still be called a newfag all the time because you still act like one. never booly fujos again.
No. 1756725
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No. 1756741
>>1756724I’ve never posted a cat meme on here, and yep I’m interested in talking to other women about random shit, not making fun of cows. I’ve also never been called a newfag before this infight and I’ve been on here for 5 years, I don’t know why you think I’ll “keep getting called newfag” just give it a rest
> never booly fujos againI don’t know what you mean by this
No. 1756752
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>>1756745Theyre angry that we post cats instead of retarded looking 2D waifs sucking and fucking
No. 1756768
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>>1756747everything i do i do for u
nonny No. 1756769
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>>1756749you are so strong
No. 1756778
>>1756773More mental gymnastics. I'm saying
you belong there. They would LOVE to "shitpost" with you.
No. 1756785
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No. 1756799
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>>1756791I like adult men. I think breaking in adult men especially adult men built like tractors is based and proper and good. Wanting to sexually torture teeny tiny sickly stick figures is creepy and weird. I believe in musclepig obedience and subjugation.
No. 1756807
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>>1756795Respectfully, you are a moth to a candle within my presence
No. 1756815
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>>1756752Who would be the best employee? A cat or a dog?
No. 1756817
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>>1756804Normal pecs are overrated.
No. 1756829
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Hewwo, who am I talking to?
No. 1756839
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>>1756829"Christian music sucks"
No. 1756848
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