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No. 1157246
Vent your dear hearts out.
Previous thread:
>>1146126 No. 1157249
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LUL @ men
No. 1157278
My boyfriend and I broke up.
I've posted in vent threads before about our arguments. I think today was the straw that broke the camels back though.
I was being extremely respectful and kind the entire time, never once saying something that could hurt him, and I realized I'm not the issue at all. He's just incredibly immature and has no idea how to control himself when he is upset.
In the moment of being frustrated, he turns into a child that can't be civil whatsoever. He is a hypocrite, twists things I say, calls me liar when I say positive things, etc.
It doesn't matter if I tell him in the moment how much what he's saying is hurting me, in the moment it's completely justified to him.
Afterwards he always realizes how horrible he was, and that if I said those same things to him he would be really deeply hurt, but he just can't control himself.
I used to be like that when I was a bit younger, so I tried to believe he could change.
I've given him so many chances and tried so hard to help him, but things are better for a week or two or three, then he blows up again.
He's a completely different person when he's upset, and he isn't abusive in the sense that he knows what he is doing and trying to hurt me etc etc.
He said he completely understands why I'm breaking up with him, and he wants what's best for me.
That being said, I'm not a NEET but I am a hikki, and he's my only friend, so I don't want to cut off contact completely.
I'm not sure what boundaries to set or how to go about this. I don't know.
No. 1157282
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No. 1157291
>>1157253You tried but Women can’t be incels.
I know men want to push the meme thay we’re just as bad as them but that simply isn’t the case lmao
No. 1157295
>>1157282Your gif thingy made me feel better.
I almost got in a heated argument with my family member. I've been so stressed out lately with different things that are affecting my finances. I feel like the people around me don't understand which gets warped in my mind that maybe they also don't care.
My pet was recently hospitalized and is strictly indoors for the moment because of it and my family keeps putting their two cents in as if they know better (they don't). I'm trying to keep my pet safer than usual for their health. I have experience in animal care so it's ridiculous that I have to hear their unsolicited advice and opinions and be expected to play it cool.
I feel like I'm gonna explode and pop off on some poor unfortunate soul over something really minor. Tends to happen when I'm stressed and my buttons keep getting pushed. Fuck man…
No. 1157297
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I think my period is gone, again?
No. 1157336
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Hate that the beautiful country houses with nice bathrooms and gardens are really becoming out of reach unless a fucking miracle happens. I feel like im jealous of my parents who had a better start.
No. 1157339
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A guy lied on top of me, groped me and dry humped me and put his finger in my mouth so far I almost choked despite me being unresponsive to all of this and just lying there beneath him totally stiff. I said I didn't want to kiss him on the mouth but he kissed me anyway. I never got physical with him, I just thought we're going to cuddle a little bit since we just started seeing each other and before that we were just colleagues. I felt totally powerless under his weight but at least he stopped when I finally told him to stop before he came, I didn't want to feel it even through the fabric of our clothes. I don't think he should've done all of that despite me being totally unresponsive and kissing me when I directly said I didn't want to kiss? I really feel dirty now and I'm not sure if I even want to see him again but I'm already scared of his reaction and that he will tell someone about it. I never had a bf or sexual experiences, I had no idea how to react. Cuddling felt nice but after that I really didn't like the way he touched me. Women were right that men touch you like you're a piece of a fucking dough, way too rough. It didn't feel nice at all. But what he did after that, basically masturbating with my body, I completely didn't expect that and it paralyzed me. I was just lying there and staring at the ceiling with emptiness in my head. If he really loved me like he said he does he wouldn't have done that. I just woke up and yesterday feels like a fever dream
No. 1157348
>>1157339I'm sorry this happened to you nonna, that is disgusting and the moid who did that is a piece of shit who took advantage of you. You didn't deserve to go through that. Is there anyone you can talk to about it irl? Any close friends or a trusted family member?
I know exactly what you mean by the way they touch women - it's heavy-handed and aggressive like they're just groping flesh and not even trying to understand or touch you as a person, just a sack of meat.
For your safety I can only recommend that you cut contact from this creep asap, he crossed your boundaries and clearly didn't mind taking advantage of you when you were visibly uncomfortable and didn't want it.
No. 1157351
>>1157339honestly, tell him if he tells anyone, you're going to the police and telling them he raped you, because that is literally what he did
I understand not wanting to go to the cops, but just the bluff alone usually takes care of the rapist's mouth
I am really, really sorry
No. 1157436
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>>1157422As an ausfag I can tell you that this pine solution is the only thing that helps us. It reduces swelling, blisters and pain. You can bathe in it or as I like to do, just pour it all over your skin and let it sink in for about 15 minutes. I hope you can get something similar where you are anon.
No. 1157443
>>1157430Ayrt, haha, I keep mine in the fridge as well! Hell, for really bad swollen eye days— I have some cotton remover pads covered in aloe vera gel in a box in the freezer.
I'm just so amused, looking in the mirror is hilarious.
>>1157436I've never heard of that before, thank you so much! Out here most people don't even know when I talk about sun allergy. It hasn't reached my county yet, so treatments are few. Just finding sunscreen that won't make it worse…
No. 1157444
>>1157278It'd be irresponsible to say cut off your contact if it's going to make you feel alone but at the same time you're worth a lot more than having to keep him around.
sounds lame but after you give yourself some time reach out to either people/family/friends (been a neet too, I know it isn't easy or feasible) and find something you're wildly interested in to fill your time inbetween.
I'm so sorry you're going through this nona, wish I could help more besides autistic advice but honestly? the best revenge is living well
flourish without him on your own terms
No. 1157453
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>>1157422I have this too! I've never met someone who's even heard of it before, people think I'm joking when I tell them I'm allergic to the sun. Exact same as you too, my tolerance resets during the winter and then the first few weeks of spring are hell while my skin adjusts.
The best topical thing I've found for it is aloe vera gel (make sure it's pure aloe, no alcohol). Antihistamine pills also help for me, it doesn't fix it completely but seems to help the redness and itching a bit. This year I started taking an antihistamine before I go outside as well and that helps prevent it. Also cold compresses, lay down for a while with a cold cloth on your face.
No. 1157516
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Why is every event I'm interested in the capital city or by the fucking coast?? I hate that if I want to go to a concert, gallery or any kind of fucking event I have to drive for 1-4 hours depending where it is. Fuck that fucking shit I don't want to travel 1/3 or half the country so I can have a bit of fun. I hate it hate it hate it.
I've never gone out because of this and now that I want to and finally can afford it, it looks like a huge waste of time and money since I'm also going alone. I'm so tired of this shit I just want to experience stuff that's all. Fucking balkan
No. 1157685
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I need this so bad, she looks so happy. For me, a reduction would be considered cosmetic and I'll be paying out of my own pocket, just can't afford it right now but someday…
No. 1157688
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fuck my entire life progress until now being reduced to nothing, thanks to some mental illness or disorder i don't even have a diagnosis of.
>gets insomnia before last year of university
>can't fix insomnia because must work to survive
>work both in the morning and night during the week and the nights during the weekend
>friends get mad because i don't hang out anymore
>start hallucinating, randomly falling asleep
>work fires me by first bullying me for 2 months to try make me leave them, then coming up with some bullshit to say they must down size
>start missing assignments
>have to move back with parents due to everything
>"you can not do this online assignment remotely"
>i appeal to a whole board to let me try
>they let me but my insomnia and shit comes back
>misses some deadlines, teacher gives up
>group hates me, teachers hate me, nobody gives a fuck
>other wagie job accuses me of doing drugs
>i say, show me recording of me hallucinating, make me do drug tests, i am not doing anything
>they don't show evidence and refuse to test me
>suddenly give me only the shittiest, most impossible shift, that's barely enough to earn money for one day's worth of food
>"it's the only one available"
>they are constantly understaffed
>fail university because i am not going back there alone or paying another whole year for just 2 assignments
>finally go to doctor
>"it's just anxiety"
>get another shitty fast food job that takes everybody
>managers 2-4 years younger than me
>my mother and grandparents are pestering me about grandchildren
>i keep using food as a cope
i hate this no empathy capitalist misogynist piece of shit world. i am capable of creativity, intelligence, care, kindness, forgiveness, strength, endurance, beauty, humor, etc. but everything i have ever achieved or that i am is suddenly nothing because i was poor for a little bit. because i acted weird a few times. fuck off. i hope all people that judged and treated me like trash for something i can't help will experience this hell and feel utter shame and sadness.
No. 1157718
i still like him. after all these years, reading our messages still makes me giddy. i should've done something and not refused every invitation he has (it's not like he has lot to be honest, just enough to count in two hands), but i'm a hermit with a strict and emotionally abusive dad that seethes whenever I interact with a guy outside of school and a troublesome brother that tries to defy even the simplest and lenient rules to follow.
and a mother that documents everything for her facebook and couldn't keep a secret to our relatives and her friends.
i regret it, fuck. we talk less once he transferred to another school and possibly he has found friends, and maybe a girlfriend, that is better than me. we're not even dating and he's just a crush. and i always treasure our friendship more than my own romantic feelings for him.
but even i want to confess, and i thought i have the confidence to do so when we graduated highschool but i cried when he danced with another girl during prom and i finally ignored that stupid objective.
i recently noticed that he sends a lot of selfies to me and that whenever i compliment a guy for being goodlooking or handsome he always jokes that he looks better than them. and he's right.
once we entered college, i tend to initiate most of our messages. i guess, he decided that he deserve better and once i stopped messaging him. he stopped as well. and it hurts when i spend days afterwards, waiting for a miracle but nothing.
i'm going to graduate college in a few months and a month later will be our birth month. i'm thinking of apologizing during his birthday, maybe just send a greeting privately. anything really. idk. i'm scared that we'll lose touch once more.
No. 1157744
>>1157739Like not only are they fucking retarded with no sense of nuance and literally they can't visually see details and things, but they are uplifted and socialised so they think they're the shit and
actually think posting "you're a lesbian because you had no choice" is an opinion anyone should give a fuck about, because why? He feels entitled to say that because he has a dick? Like they really think it's an own to be like, I wouldn't have sex with you WHEN NO ONE ASKED. That is so pathetic and embarrassing and it pisses me off that they don't feel embarrassed.
No. 1157812
Anyone else feels extremely frustrated about all the things you've been missing out and you'll never have because you were born in a poor family? I feel so jealous of rich people. They spend their childhood learning other languages and playing sports, they can wear clothes from any brand, attend the best schools and university, live whether they want to. When I was a child, my dream was to be a ballerina, but I couldn't do it because I had no money. Of course I still can attend ballet classes, but I'll never be able to be a professional because it's too late. I'll have to spend my adulthood learning school subjects to try and have a better life, because the school I used to go to sucks. I only know one language besides my mother one, and it's broken. Of course those things are also my fault, but everything would be so much easier if I were born rich. Fuck, the world is so unfair.
No. 1157882
>>1157812Yes. I feel like I lost so many opportunities long term that I would have been a completely different person if I wasn't from a poor family. It shaped my habits and the way people interact with me on a daily basis, and since I was surrounded by rich kids with no self-awareness in middle and high school the differences in our lives were really super obvious because they'd have worse grades than me despite having private tutors and they would afford studying abroad anywhere they wanted, they would have their first jobs and internships early thanks to their parents' connections or advice while my parents legit think you can get any job by hand your handwritten CV to any shop you can find.
Seeing that I struggled and succeeded in making my situation better while these rich kids took it easy and have now similar incomes to mine and think they're "struggling" because mommy and daddy aren't paying their vacations all over the planet or LV, Dior or Longchamps handbags anymore is pretty funny though.
>>1157861I don't see how your post is supposed to be consolation. You seem like you would have had the same issues regardless of your parents' wealth and income because they seem like selfish assholes.
No. 1157887
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>>1157739I always gag on my toothbrush. I have a pesky wisdom tooth and I have to practically deep throat my electric toothbrush to clean it properly.
No. 1157930
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DONT open the spoiler nonas. It’s cp report.
No. 1157934
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>>1157930damn, they're annoying.
No. 1157945
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How I feel knowing that pedos will be tortured for all eternity in hell
No. 1157969
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Hide this thread and report the posts, the degenerate is here posting his shitty picture.
No. 1157977
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Moids get mad when we say 'kill all men' and then give us a reason to kill all men. It brings me immeasurable amount of joy to see that moids have high suicide rates, may they all kill themselves.
No. 1157982
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>>1157977I concur. It's funny how they say we live on easy mode but I guarantee a scrote would have killed himself already in my shoes
No. 1158019
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>>1158011Kek anon that’s hilarious but I would be offended if someone said I looked like a fem picrel
No. 1158036
I had to do this safety and preparedness thing for school including fires, earthquakes, tornados, and including violence toward health professionals, and one of resources is about mass attacks of course most of the people doing this are male as pointed out in the article there were only like 4 mentioned female attackers in here and they were pretty much accomplices to males, or were TIFs. there was one hybristophile who offed herself mentioned.
Yet most of society doesn't allow you to mention "a male pattern of violence"
>also lol at the mention of 4chan+8chani uploaded a google drive if anyone wants to look at it No. 1158089
>>1158047I know it's what the hell-worthy. I wish it were different.
>>1158048Not small, not big. Just a normal sized single house. But we're both not home a lot, I go days without seeing her so that helps I guess.
No. 1158110
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>>1157339He wrote me a message and apologized for "cornering" me like this yesterday and said his emotions were so strong he got carried away. I don't want to respond to him but I'm gonna see him at work tomorrow, this is so fucked and I still feel so embarrassed. Yesterday he was sure we're basically in a relationship now and I wonder if he still thinks that now when his post nut clarity hit him
No. 1158140
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i've had suicidal thoughts for nearly a decade but now it's getting to the point where if i just fucked off, everyone's life would be so much better.
my siblings have moved to uni, my mum is with her boyfriend 99% of the time and i'm just stuck.
everything i do just ends in failure.
the worst part is that i'm medicated now so i can't just cry myself to sleep and then go back to just rotting in the house. i'm just numb and alone.
No. 1158158
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I have questions for you nonnies, if you have time, please answer these:
How often do you feel lonely?
What kind of lonlinees it is? (it is loneliness that can go away after talking to people, especially friends or even that won't help you)
How long has it been since you feel this way?
Do you know many people who feel this way?
Why do you think you feel this way (cause) and what's the reason people feel this way?
How do you cope with loneliness?
What do you need to stop feeling lonely anymore? What do you think would help you?
No. 1158171
>>1158158one of the ways I started to cope with loneliness was just realizing how silly self-loathing internal behaviour. Respecting yourself and learning to enjoy your own company is a long journey, but it begins with increasing your self-confidence and not having to rely on other people to build you up. Confidence is everything, but having foundational security in yourself is paramount.
one thing that really helped me when I was at my most depressed was watching star trek voyager, it's a clinically optimistic show and really just surrounding yourself in optimistic media if you are withdrawing from everything in a depressive moment can be helpful if you are withdrawing from painful circumstances.
No. 1158190
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I might be tinfoiling really hard right now but I feel like this might be Kaitlyn Tiffany, integrated and carrying out her femcel research covertly. Even using old thread pics as reaction images.
No. 1158193
>>1157965You got this,
nonnie. Stay strong
No. 1158194
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I haaate my fat bitchy manager. Fuck her.
No. 1158195
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>>1158190TIFFANY you can't use anecdotes from anonymous sources you silly goose, that's bad journalism
No. 1158197
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Finally got into a relationship after 5 years
>mfw he is married
I will never be unfaithful to my kpop husbando ever again.
No. 1158199
>>1158197Bruh. I’m sorry
nonny that’s some bullshit.
No. 1158204
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I have the willpower to not hook up with my best friend. I’m just not going to do it. I’m not going to sleep with him because I’m smart and I can resist. I’m not a dumbass so I just won’t do it. It won’t even be that hard
No. 1158209
>>1158207kekling would be a newfag and it would take her months to learn how to use this site and how to sage, so I can't be kekling.
>>1158203>>1158171>>1158185Thank you for your answers!
I wish more anons would answer though.
No. 1158226
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ramadan is over. its always been my favorite month but i havent been able to enjoy this one the same at all… its my favorite because i always spent this month with my friends and family but this year, i had nobody. the people in my house prefer to hang out with other better people, so i was alone all month. i lost all motivation to bake/cook about two weeks in because i felt like i was doing it for nothing if nobody was there to enjoy my food, if they were there, they didnt show any interest at all. i dont like eating so i was never doing it for myself and therefore was unable to enjoy whatever i was making. this one was my loneliest one spent yet. tomorrow is eid and i wont be able to celebrate because once again nobody is going to be here with me. even my mother told me not to call her tonight…
No. 1158310
>>1158233No, anon. I am evil and I refuse to work for pointing out how inherently evil and unfair the world is. I'm also narcissistic for wanting to leave a valuable piece of work behind like a book that people can read and relate to and for a moment feel like they are releaved from the pain of existence. I am narcissistic for this, but the average person is not narcissistic for literally not wanting to do anything for another person and literally living their entire life climbing the social ladder and using others working a job that benefits nobody but themselves. I am narcissistic for literally wanting to end my own life and wanting to leave behind something that helps others.
On another note I'm completely done with society and I have created this pattern of attracting absolutely insane BPD chans and NPD chans that abuse me non stop and project their shit on me while they are convinced I am projecting on them since they are too self unaware to see they are doing it to me. I attract them because I am selfless, truthful and kind and I don't know how to have boundaries. They are obsessed with me. It's a strange obsession these types of deranged individuals develop with me. They are also everywhere, they are literally unavoidable.
I think a lot of women are unfairly diagnosed with BPD, like the ones abused in their childhood or severely abused and if you're not manipulative or have evil traits I don't see the issue with having mood swings or feeling empty or hopeless, that's not evil, but wanting to always win, taking your frustration out on others constantly or trying to manipulate them is evil. I swear all social groups are ran by an ape like instinct, it's a stupid chess game in which the stupidest and the lowest in morals win. Winning at the social game is not about being truly intelligent or valuable human being, it's all about being as animalic as possible. I hate Amber Heard fans and I hate Johnny Depp too, they are both the sort of people I truly despise and none of them is good. I wish the BPD fags would stop projecting into Amber. I swear there's this creepy thing with BPD fags they all have almost the same facial phisyonomy. Especially the inborn BPD fags. The medical field is shit with definitions and diagnosis criteria of mental illness either way, but some individuals are born with this high level of sociopathic tendencies and they refuse to solve their issues and I'm not talking someone from a bad background like someone that lacks capital but someone that is born in a good family with money and that has the socio economical and environmental support to completely change their life or do good things. I understand being desperate or feeling hopeless if you were born in a shit socio economical circumstance but people born in good financial situations that refuse to improve their lives are to be condemned. Money is the main resource of changing your life, it gives you access to freedom. Yet, I see so.many idiots that come from wealthy families literally waste their capital or do jack shit with it and surround themselves with the most
toxic people when they could literally do any fucking thing in the world. They want misery while I only wanted good things but being poor conditioned me to misery. I had to see my own mother kill herself due to poverty and what a sick system did to her. How can I continue living? I hate narcissistic BPD sociopaths too bad they make up 90% of the population and if you don't bend to their will they will.make you kill yourself. Why are you so obsessed with me? The things you say or believe are not even true. I wanted only good for the world and I seek virtue overall but life faced me with poverty and misfortune. Your only suffering and aspiration is to get dick or male attention. You posted your nudes on the internet not because you were dying of hunger and unable to work due to mental illness and having no support system, you posted your nudes on the internet because you are obsessed with male attention. Because you are narcissistic and have no definition of real moral value. Your environment gave you the opportunity to become anything but you chose to be a dumb slut wallowing in self pity while the world gave you all the prospects and resources to do whatever the fuck you want. At least I have a reason to wallow in self pity and that is seeing my entire family be destroyed by poverty and an incredibly sick system. If I were handed the resources you were handed at birth by mere luck I wouldn't be in the situation that I am now. Death to sociopaths. Stop pouring your poison inside of me and making me misanthropic. Most humans are dumb and unthankful and evil and egoistical. If possible I would keep only 10% of the world alive. Most people have shit genes. Only the truly gifted should be kept alive because in the long run quality is better than quantity and evilness would disappear because the shit genes of those that are born evil which is 70% of the population would die. Society fed me its poison and I never had a choice. If free will is real then where is mine?? Because I never had a choice in my life. When you are born in poverty and have nobody you have no choice. I wish I had a normal life.
When I was in middle school 3 of the kids in my class were from the orphanage and they were bullied and mistreated daily for coming from a bad financial situation.Those children never had a choice. They asked me for help but I couldn't help them because of the social organization. If I helped my classmates then all the other kids would have bullied me too and hated me for opposing the majority. Now the girl from my class got killed being a hooker and the boy is dealing drugs. It's all about the socio economical situation you are born in, it defines the entire outcome of your life. Free will is real but if you take in account the paradigms of how our world functions it gets canceled. Sometimes even putting In your best work or controlling your behavior does next to.nothing if you were born in the wrong circumstances.
No. 1158335
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I bought a lot of stuff through FromJapan but all the affordable shipping methods have been suspended by japan post so I'm forced to dispose of $50 worth of items or pay $400 - $600 in shipping. It's so unfair!!!! one of them was a gift for someone too… I'm so heartbroken. pic kinda related
No. 1158353
>>1158310We have enough resources on this planet to live in a literal utopic society. We could make heaven on earth, but we are too lost in the cult of egocentrism and family to have empathy anymore, to realize that we are all one. The same species that shares consciousness. We willingly make each other's lives more miserable. We just constantly try to get others to pleasure us, to abuse them. It's all about the I, the individual. I've seen only atrocities in this society, good things only in fantasy. Nature is so beautiful. How did society end up in such way? It will back fire very soon. We are gonna face social collapse and society will be dystopic. Those with money will try to save themselves and their ugly children but everything will be far gone their money will be useless in the sick and corrupt system they have built and the entire world will suffer the rage of all the souls that have experienced great suffering and mistreatment during their life time on this planet. The millions of raped children, starving humans, people that kill themselves. We will as a collective experience the suffering we have created throughout human evolution. We could be saved and retributed, but we won't because we refuse to stop being selfish, we refuse to.stop.hurting others. We refuse transcendental idealism for our own pleasures and irrational biases. In 100 years it will be too late. We literally need a huge revolution and a restructuring of society and if not the human species will die. We will literally all die in the next 300 years if we continue like this. Not even the money of the richest will save them. We have the time to retribute ourselves until.then and make up for our sins.
There's also no real political party for the poor or the unfortunate. Communists are all bourgeoisie LARPERs. I won't have a rich kid that makes a lot off THEIR Larp lecture me about the world and communism. Everything is incredibly nuanced and highly frustrating in this society. Kinda shit this incredible gift of life happened to us when the chances were so small just so that we ruin it being too.greedy and unconsiderate. I think murder is justified, murder is immoral but so are the millions of things happening daily that nobody does anything about and those that could are too lost in their schizophrenic world of luxury. A scrote like Ellen Musk is more condamnable than a scrote that snaps and murders 10 people in a school shooting. Millions of people are dying because of Elon Musk, because he is refusing to use his capital to actually improve the world. Like any other capitalistic pig he was born in a wealthy family that socialized him into continuing the legacy of being capitalist pigs. The main personality characteristic of a capitalist pig is that he is oblivious to the suffering of the world and how much he could improve the world by redistributing his capital. He only uses it to enslave others or make his childhood dreams become true. This is how we let the world function and this is why the world will burn. Society will collapse in 300 years. We let mentally retarded children with 80 IQ hold immense power into their hands just because they were born in a certain family while literal geniuses die in hunger and suffering.
No. 1158355
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I found out I am the same height and weight as this competitive eater man. My bdd has never been worse and this is triggering me so hard
No. 1158369
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I'm a problematic drunk. Today my bf starts his new job but I spent yesterday night drinking and fighting with him. I'm as bad as lahey really.
I think I honestly just feel hopeless, and i've felt this since I was a kid.
I wish I had willpower and strength of body/mind.
No. 1158392
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>can't sleep
>decide to have midnight snack
>a banana can't hurt, right?
>half hour passes
>"oh my god I'm going to die"
>pain passes before any pain killers can kick in
No. 1158410
>>1158401I thought you were sarcastic.
I wasn't optimistic at all.
If you say it's impossible I don't see it ending. Also, I used to drink and all the while I was insecure and doubting my willpower, sobriety wasn't on the horizon. Talking about quitting was only to stave off the guilt. You just don't seem decisive enough.
No. 1158430
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Being ugly is so fucked up lmao, how is this fair. And my body sucks, too? God couldn't have made me a butterface?
No. 1158444
>>1158440>So many of us go through trauma, but not everyone becomes a (chronic) addictgood for you lmfao I love when people say this to me like they have some epic win to convey that I was too retarded to figure out
>Do you have another underlying mental illness?Just lots of past trauma
No. 1158460
>>1158430Yeah but we can always make up for it in other ways and people will love us for more than appearances. I feel you though anon. I am showing some intense signs of aging cuz of health issues and I kind of look back sad that I can't redeem anything at this point. But I guess it's better than losing your looks and then everyone who was only interested for that ditches you. Happens way often apparently.
I enjoyed being cute for the first few years of my life but then my DNA just said nope, you're done. Onto the ugly train you go.
No. 1158474
>>1158465Because people are very complex, and each individual is different.
You're looking for simplicity where there is none. Not everything is subject to reductionism.
No. 1158653
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I have to call a telehealth service in the morning haha
No. 1158701
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Fuck this fucking game and fuck the entire fucking Animal Crossing franchise. You are 20+ years old and the first time you ever made an improvement was a few months ago with your half assed crops and shit cooking update. Everything about you is retarded. You are a game about making friends and engaging with villagers, but you equip them with 6 sentences that they share with other villagers and you can barely interact with them? If I was the head of Nintendo I would be ashamed of myself for shilling the same game for 2 decades.
And the fanbase is even worse. They've finally accepted the franchise that keeps fucking then over is not going to update ACNH and these assholes are really sitting there like "whelp, guess we gotta wait for the new game" no babe you need to chew a pen until it's sharp and commit ghetto seppuku you retard. Go shove your stupid aesthetic set up posts up your ass, anorectal violence
No. 1158739
>>1158705The heat of my rage will heat iron nails orange before I hammer them into the skins of whoever is doing this to Animal Crossing
>>1158726>>1158728Ayrt. I am an Animal Crossing elitist purely because of how much I've come to despise it. I am sick and tired of people who have played New Leaf and ACNH being the majority of AC players because they lack any understanding of how dirty Nintendo is doing the franchise. They complain and complain but they keep buying into it anyway. I can't believe AC is
never going to reach it's full potential because retards are going to keep buying shit games and making it out like it's the best thing ever. STAND UP. Have self respect like why are they just letting Nintendo milk them like this?
No. 1158768
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>>1158701>You are 20+ years old and the first time you ever made an improvement was a few months ago with your half assed crops and shit cooking update.Are you talking about the game or me??
No. 1158784
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>>1158701I can’t fucking stand that the game has basically no settings, especially how it doesn’t let you mute just the music and skip the Isabelle cutscene. I wouldn’t even mind that it’s a hollow half-finished game and the definition of this meme from the sims thread, but I work a lot and just want to play for a few minutes after work and it feels like I see more of Isabelle’s dumb fucking pug face than the actual game because of that stupid unskippable cutscene.
No. 1158814
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Every day I think about how I'm not allowed to hug cows and I get angry
>"have you been near farm animals in the last 6 months, anon?"
>"okay, good, because they could carry infectious diseases and-"
YOU'RE TAKING EVERYTHING FROM ME, I wanted to cross that off my bucket list.
No. 1158818
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I hate this fugly pig nosed little pink dick looking bitch and I hope he's gotten molested by every old fat holloywood scrote that's come into contact with him. Why any woman would want this estrogen loaded shaky kneed looking twink is a complete fucking mystery to me, he looks like he smells like pre cum and tears. Die in hell choking on cocks you faggoty looking manlet, that is all.
No. 1158821
This is more of a request for advice than it is a vent because I didn't want to necro the advice thread.
My mom is racist against Japanese people and I need some way to convince her to cut it the fuck out. Her argument for why she does it boils down to two things: 1) Local Japanese-Americans being rude to her when she vacationed to Hawaii and 2) the Rape of Nanking. I want to emphasize that my mom is not Chinese, nor does she even know any Chinese people. She's said some really awful things about Japanese people, like they shouldn't be allowed to live in Hawaii or that Japan didn't "deserve" the financial boom it experienced in the 70s.
I did some reading and I found out a couple of things. First off, Japanese people have lived in Hawaii since the 1800s (longer than my mom's ancestors lived in the U.S. for the record), so they had nothing to do with Pearl Harbor, and if anything the U.S. subjugated them by deposing the Hawaiian queen in the 50s. I feel like if I was just living my life and white tourists kept blaming me for WWII and shitting up my island, I'd be annoyed with them, too. I also did reading on Nanking, and it turns out that the book my mom read was panned by historians. While the basics of the book are true, its goriest anecdotes are hearsay and several of the photographs were discovered to be fake. Basically, it's true that at least 100k civilians were killed, but it's not true that soldiers were ordered to dismember babies like the book says. The book also characterizes "the Japanese" (it's words) as a hivemind, which definitely didn't help my mom's racist thinking.
TL;DR My white mom uses an atrocity that happened 85 years ago in a country she's never been in to justify being racist, please advise. I am NOT looking for anons to defend her stance. I just want advice on what to say to her about all this. (Inb4 banned for racebait even though I'm opposed to my mom's beliefs.)
No. 1158829
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>>1158824I did pet a donkey the other day
and disinfected my hands immediately afterwards don't tell shhh
No. 1158833
>>1158370its less so that they
care about womens issues and more that they can laugh at the absurdity of male lesbians
No. 1158849
>>1158835He's some tiktoker who claims a girl a year younger than him "took advantage of him." I don't even have a side in this I think the girl has some serious boundary issues but this fucking faggot is making a mockery out of sexual assault. Pretending to be some traumatized shaky voiced
victim cause his female best friend stuck her hand down his pants and felt him up a bunch of times. He continued leading her on by making sexual tiktoks with her and then sleeping in the same room as her even after multiple instances of her touching him in his sleep. He didn't seem to give a fuck at the time but is now claiming to be some fragile abuse
victim. His name is Jack Wright, I was watching J Aubrey's video on the situation but I can't take the bullshit "men are
victims too guys!!" rhetoric where they larp as abused women and act as if it's the same thing or anywhere near as bad as the abuse women face from men, I can't stand scrote culture. They're all so fucking desperate and eager to be
victims, men are so goddamn weak it would be funny if they didn't waste so much fucking time with their dramatic antics.
No. 1158866
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>>1158858Nah, I'm immunocompromised and the specialists are being really neurotic about it. I feel like with how often I'm in the hospital, I would faster catch something there, than from hugging a cow.
No. 1158885
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>>1158874There's a place where I can go cuddle cows 30 minutes away from me…
No. 1158891
>>1158859The video of her "assaulting" him was such a fucking joke, you can see him lift his arm off the guy next to him when he gets up but his friends claim he was unconscious, and on top of that his twin brother filmed the entire thing. Like yeah fucking right, if that was a 200 pound sweaty scrote straddling his brother you can bet damn sure he would've gotten up to stop it but when it's a pretty teenage girl "assaulting" him he just sits back and watches? The fact that everyone online seems to eat this shit up like he's a
victim is so depressing.
No. 1158916
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>>1158885Speak of the devil, fucking REEEEEEEEEE. They call me, I pick up too late, so I quickly fill in the questionnaires they sent me again, call back 2 minutes later, nobody picks up. Call up the specialist office, they connect me with the function department, they're not picking up through there either.
No. 1158921
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>>1158916>Do you or your housemate come into professional contact with live pigs, live veal calves, live broilers or do you live on such a farm?>picrel, doctors dragging me away from the cow I wanted to hugIt's like they can read my mind. I dared to think about hugging cows again and they do me dirty like this.
No. 1158994
>>1158990as I said the people who complain about bpdettes are always equally as
abusive, violent and traumatizing, they’re just ass mad that the bpdfag has had enough of them as well
No. 1159007
>>1158994It's not true. You're salty because you're an
abusive BPD fag. Some people get abused by BPD fags or personality disorder fags without being
abusive. Also, BPD is misdiagnosed in women. But it's the classic BPD move to guilt trip people and say they are the
abusive ones and keep them trapped. This place is crawling with sociopathy/BPD fags either way.
No. 1159016
>>1158978You sound like the type of person to read about someone ditching an
abusive relationship and tell them it's their fault and they're the bad one, but so do some of the anons who go on about BPD being Satan Incarnate in general. Mass projection on either side
No. 1159022
>>1159016A lot of women that have BPD are misdiagnosed, but that doesn't mean all of them are. I've already said that in my posts. I started developing self hating and suicidal behavior after I've been attracting sociopathy-chans and been abused by them repeatedly my entire life. BPDs have sociopathy traits. Now, if you are a woman and were abused and develop self harm or suicidal ideation you are not actually BPD but you will get diagnosed by the system with BPD. But
abusive and BPD women are as real as it gets. Certain individuals present personality dynamics that turn them into easier targets for abuse or being used as a scapegoat. I'm just tired of this world.
No. 1159024
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Hate scrotes
No. 1159039
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My anime sword boys and husbandos are part of the reason why I have some joy left in life, I wish the merge was a thing so I could kill myself and go to the land of hot anime guys. I constantly have been wanting to die since I’m a kid, nobody is ever okay with whatever I do and it’s like whenever I try to be independent, everyone gets mad at me because I do it wrong.
At least my husbandos think that whatever I do is great and that I’m always right, everything would be perfect if I could do things right or if I could find the courage to kill myself but the idea of crippling myself discourages me a lot.
No. 1159064
>>1159011I'm a sperg with a big ego maybe, but no BPD. I was the FP of someone with BPD before and she cut herself in front of my door, because I didn't pick up the phone in the middle of the night, because she imagined that something was wrong with me. She was still easier to deal with than all the stalkerish violent scrotes I've dealt with over the years. BPDchans are pretty easy to spot, so I've been able to avoid them since and I avoid interacting with scrotes as much as possible anyway, so that's already not a factor for me. I'm sorry you've been through all that and you didn't deserve any of the abuse. However BPDchans ended up that way, because they were abused too, so wishing death on them is too far imo. I just ghost regularly and gatekeep who can interact with me and it has kept me from being labeled a FP again. My own mother is a schizo BPD (afaik) who I've ghosted since I was a young teenager, she has done horrific things, but I can't wish death on her, because I empathize with her own past. None of the violent
abusive scrotes I've encountered could be dealt with through mere ghosting and none had a genuinely sad backstory. You're allowed to be angry though and don't need anyone's permission. Sorry if you felt invalidated.
No. 1159194
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I’ve been seeing lies about bpdettes not having their lives together. Now here is a classic bpdette in her natural habitat. This is a woman with money, always smiling. She may be lumbering, huge, and taking meds but look at her and tell me there is no chance that someone with BPD can have a chance to reform themselves. She may be fat but I rather be lana del rey rather than sitting in the dark lurking the pro-ana thread sadly munching on a graham cracker.
No. 1159240
>>1159209I think it's funny how every time someone mentions that BPD chans are
abusive lunatics they come out of the woodwork to dogpile that person.
We know what you are.
No. 1159246
>>1159211The selfpity is palpable.
>>1159240What? I think the weird hate on bpds as a whole is unwarranted. Maybe I haven't met one worse enough but blaming a diagnoses is a copout and weak.
No. 1159289
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>too tired when I get home from work to cook
>hastily prepares overnight oats right before going to bed
>can't sleep at night because I'm pissed at myself for not making food
>too tired when I get home because I only had oats for lunch
>repeat ad infinitum
No. 1159370
>>1158841Dude, how would I even prove any of this? This is not rape where you can get DNA samples or something. I agreed to cuddle with him on the bed, he would probably use it as an argument. The only sign that anything happened is a hickey he left on my neck but it will be gone in a day. I told my female coworker about it, but without the gross details, and she was shocked because he always seemed so shy, gentle, considerate and quiet and we thought he's mature for his age, but he turned out to be a horny bitch who can't contain himself upon touching a girl. She told me to cut him off completely.
I want to admit to something very embarrassing though and this is the only place where I can talk about it. Even though I didn't even want to look at his face or kiss him during all of this, because upon closer inspection I didn't find him that attractive at all, my body still got stimulated enough and I got wet. This is so fucked up to me, I really don't understand how could my body betray me like this and get aroused when I didn't even want to look at his face and the thought of kissing him filled me with disgust? All my muscles were stiff and I felt uncomfortable and I felt this wasn't right, but that still happened. It makes me feel guilty and disgusting. The more time passes the worse I feel about it. At first I was just laughig at this situation, now it fills me with dread
No. 1159378
>>1159370>Dude, how would I even prove any of this? This is not rape where you can get DNA samples or something. I agreed to cuddle with him on the bed, he would probably use it as an argument. The only sign that anything happened is a hickey he left on my neck but it will be gone in a day.Take a photo of it. Most rape cases don't have DNA evidence either, because most
victims shower immediately afterwards and wash the evidence away. Unless you're reporting him to the police, it doesn't matter anyway. I suggested the lawyer, because if you talk to HR, you might be the one who gets fired, not him, because they sadly enough can be very fucking scummy.
>Even though I didn't even want to look at his face or kiss him during all of this, because upon closer inspection I didn't find him that attractive at all, my body still got stimulated enough and I got wet.This is very common and even happens during rape, it doesn't mean anything, it has more to do with self protection to prevent damage. This >>1159375 anon is right.
No. 1159407
>>1159375I think I heard something about this but I forgot, thank you anon
>>1159378I don't have money for the lawyer, also, I already checked it and there are no lawyers of my nationality in the town I'm currently in, I would have to go to a bigger city, thus spend more money. I wouldn't trust a local lawyer because I know they don't take immigrants as seriously as locals. Not to mention I always had problems with handling formalities because of my autism. Also I'm too big of a coward. Everyone would knew what happened and the mere fact that they know would fill me with such shame I would want to off myself. I would be the ostracized one because we may have mutual friends and coworkers but they know him longer than they know me and they spent way more time with each other, and because none of them got sexual with him they have no idea about his other side that he hides from everyone. The only person who works with me and knows about his existence but isn't friends with him is the female coworker I mentioned in my previous post. I want to cut him off but at the same time I want to confront him about it. I want to honesly ask him what was going through his head when he did this. I feel pathetic because I was craving so much for human attention and touch and I still crave for it and now this feeling got associated with what happened and all these feelings are mixed together. I don't know how I will be able to fix myself when THIS was my very first physical experience with a man?
No. 1159434
>>1159387Or for that matter, women too.
Right now one of my best friends is being taken for a ride by a "polyamorous" thot using her bisexuality as a tool to gain my friend's attention, gifts, and money. I have no doubt this girl is spinning plates and will break my friend's heart.
They haven't met once irl, and they don't interact on any shared social media–which I'm sure the thot keeps compartmentalized per her opsec.
My friend constantly boasts about the great relationship she has with this catfish.
No. 1159463
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>>1159456looks like you may be able to exchange it
No. 1159493
>>1159486tbh sometimes the jannys aid to this considering venting is the safest thing to do here since alot of threads get locked and autosaged here.
I mean if three years ago the pinkpill thread was never locked then we wouldnt have so much radfem sperging or talking about scrotes because they would all go to their containment thread.
No. 1159508
>>1159486You're free to discuss fujo subjects there if you wish, nobody's stopping you. The thread's slow so it's not like you'd be drowned out by the noise.
People keep bitching about anons doing meta sperging in various /m/ threads instead of "actually talking about the topic" but for some reason they're never there to start conversations themselves. Are you expecting people to just spoonfeed you cozy content to consume? Either be the change you want to see or turn to Reddit or Twitter or whichever other platform people use for discussing and gushing about media. Due to the hostile and anonymous nature of imageboards this is the place people come to vent about shit they'd be too afraid of saying out loud under their own name. Lolcow is the rare all-female place where I can bitch about how shitty it is to be a woman in online spaces and taking advantage of that is a blessing.
No. 1159534
>>1159521If you're the pedo tensei anon you deserve it. If it's just about My Dress-up Darling then most of the venting was from people who watched it talking shit amongst themselves until someone cried with
>REE WHY DON'T YOU GUYS LIKE FANSERVICEYou want an applaud for watching scroteshit? Acting surprised a niche female anime thread hates it? Lmao
No. 1159539
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They changed the website of the shop where I normally do my online grocery orders and I'm so upset. They really took away a lot of functionality that I found very useful. I've used them for years and now I'm highly considering changing to a competitor for my weekly shop.
No. 1159553
>>1159547I can assure you there are multiple anons doing that and I quite enjoy reading their takes myself.
>Acting like you're above and holier than lolcow kekAnon I'm pretty sure this would apply to you better when you're complaining about anons venting instead of circlejerking about your OTP kek.
No. 1159559
>>1159486This. It’s always
>noooooo a yume bullied me in my sekrit discord and now i have trauma ptsd about any sex involving a girl>fujochan fujos are so gross and not TRUE fujos like me>that one “YOU ARE ALL HOMOPHOBES! GAY MEN ARE PEOPEL” anon>akshully 90% of the fujoshi community are lgbtqa+{%{^+{Like shut up and post some 2d cuties
No. 1159572
>>1159486>casual chat about being a fujoIsn't that what the meta sperging is?
>>1159559kek don't you have the husbando hornyposting thread for spamming pictures of sexy anime men without the mean lesbians bullying you? It's funny how you keep complaining about not getting "enough sexy 2D guys" but never post them yourself. I doubt anyone would ever stop you from image dumping BL images. Almost as if someone was just baiting and stirring shit.
No. 1159575
nonnie, it never really goes away but the pain does get lighter eventually.
No. 1159579
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I may have the COVID and I am stress. I was hanging out with my step-sister and turns out she's been hitting up frat parties making out with random dudes and caught it, and now I'm started to get a cough and pressure pain in my head and neck. My mother is immunocompromised and I live with her so now she probably has it. I'm scared she could end up getting really sick and idk what to do.
No. 1159607
>>1159513>>1159525Seriously I fucking hate it. I'd understand people complaining about celebricows or the MTF thread because they're a shitshow and all intelligent discussion gets buried under piles of schizo trash but people are actually complaining about a 1 post per 2 days threads in /m/ without ever contributing anything themselves and being shocked that controversy generates the most discussion peeves me like nothing else. Start posting content yourself you fucking leeches, sorry nobody picked up on your boring ass diary entry
And of course you get that one scrote who complains about "nobody staying on thread topic" whenever he's being ratio'd by anons for his shit takes
No. 1159628
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stealing anon’s pic but holy fawk I’m watching lorry hill’s plastic surgery videos and celebrities are just as ugly and average relatable looking as us but they dump a whole lot of money into their looks but they’re still gonna ugly damnn anons stay safe out there LMAO
No. 1159656
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A friend of mine moved to Portland and keeps complaining that she can never find a nice guy or a good partner…and then constantly goes home with "Looking for a unicorn third to join us ;) " types of couples. Then, every week without fail she texts us in our group chat complaining and wondering why she feels so lonely. In fact, I'm just so fucking sick and tired of hearing about "pOlY!!!" and open relationships in general as if it's not some sort of cope.
No. 1159684
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My little sister and I have a really good relationship, but lately she's been so annoying about ragging on the relatively small town I live in. She lives in relatively large city and acts like this makes her morally superior to me. Like as if my life and the life of everyone lives here is totally forfeit/not real. There's a weird defensive hostility in it that I do not understand.
I wish it didn't bother me but it does.
No. 1159810
>>1159790>>1159801The fact that he didn't immediately cut it off when he thought she was too young for him and instead does this
>He'll beg me to come over and then a few hours later say ''no, I'm sorry, we shouldn't.''Makes it obvious he's playing a game
No. 1159851
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I hate Ricky Berwick so much, every time I see his deformed face pop up on Twitter flicking his tongue around I have such a visceral reaction of disgust and want to throw up
No. 1159946
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I confess I'm one of those women who have a hard time talking to other women or making female friends, and have more male friends who are easier to talk to. But I hate it when people generalize us all as "pickmes". Yes, pickmes who hate on women because they unironically believe that women are worse friends do exist, and they might post here. But it's not always like that.
I want to have more close female friends. I've always wanted a best friend who was into more or less the same hobbies and interests as me. A friend who I could be completely open with, someone that has the same sense of humor as I do, and that I'm not afraid of joking with, as well as sharing all kinds of ideas without being afraid of scaring the other person away. A woman around my age that I'm inseparable with, despite never having been attracted to each other like with my male friends (many of which are ex-boyfriends). That would be my most valuable and cherished friendship, it would be a dream come true. I long for someone I can be that close with, someone I could hang out with all the time, even though I usually prefer being alone. I want a friend that I could "communicate telepathically" with (it's a hyperbole of course, I mean understanding each other so well that we finish each other's sentences etc.)
I have only been able to find most of this in men. Yes, I do know that subconsciously, it's because they want to fuck me, but it feels good to be so open and honest with each other. I wish I could experience this with women (I know, I can totally do it and it takes effort). I've come pretty close to that with some female online friends I made once, but even then, there were still some inhibitions, some barriers that I was unable to break. But in general, it was the best experience I've had with female friends as an adult.
Now, the reason it's so hard for me is that I'm afraid of being seen as weird by all the women around me. I'm not very conventionally feminine. I don't know how to talk to other women, because I have so much respect for them and so little confidence in myself as a woman that I'm intimidated by them (not to mention that we don't have that much in common so having conversations with them is hard sometimes). I'm very asocial usually but not autistic, maybe I have a little bit of Asperger's (but I'm not really an Aspie either, I'm sure of it), so maybe that pushed me in this direction. Maybe, I don't even know if what I'm saying makes sense.
I can speak to stranger women in person just fine, I think I find it even easier to talk to them than to stranger men. But when it comes to being informal around women around my age, I don't know how to act or what to say, which doesn't usually happen with men my age. In short, I'm rather passive and awkward with women and proactive and confident when talking to males.
Why. Why am I like this? Why did I never learn to talk to women? I wish my best friend in kindergarten and I hadn't become so different, I wish we hadn't gone to different schools afterwards. Maybe she would've taught me how to talk to the average girl. Or maybe I just have to meet more women to learn how to talk to them little by little until I find my best friend that I have a lot in common with. IDK, I want a friend that shares my geeky interests but isn't a pickme and understands that scrotes ruin everything. It's surprisingly rare.
No. 1159965
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>was at risk of being homeless early into the semester
>missed two assignments because i was living off of people's couches and couldn't bum internet all the time
>they're burning a huge hole into my grade
>highest i can expect to get in the course is a c
>bitch professor won't let me make either of them up despite that
god i hope she kills herself. it isn't even like her job is hard – you're teaching technical writing. my fucking professor last year (dude had like a doctorate in english) let us turn stuff in up to a week late. fat fucking sow
i'd take it again next semester but i really want to graduate this year. all i can do is hope i don't lose my scholarship, i guess
No. 1160053
>>1159969>You make friends with males because they're desperate finding attractive people into their hobbiesThat was adressed in my original post, it isn't some big revelation.
>but you make friends with women for them not their interests.I'm looking for someone who understands me, interests are just a part of it. But women with interests that are almost entirely different from mine tend to also have personalities that don't match mine, and that often means that they don't understand me (we could try to understand each other though). Maybe I'm getting this all wrong and have to come out of my comfort zone for methods of making friends though
>>1159969>most people naturally befriend the people around them without needing to have tonnes in common.That's how I usually make friends but those friendships, although very close, don't usually become as deep as I would like. And again, I get nervous when socializing with women, especially those who are more extroverted than me, so my problem is not only wanting to have interests in common, because it happens even with women that have the same hobbies as me. Trust me I do try to socialize with other women even when we're very different, but I just can't stop feeling like an alien autist and saying stupid shit that I can tell other women find weird. That's why, in real life, I don't say a lot.
>>1159976>Maybe it's attraction or fear of becoming attracted because I'm somewhat closeted.I developed a crush on one of those online friends I was talking about, lmao. Now that I think about it, I remember being infatuated at first sight with my childhood in kindergarten. The fuck is up with that? Maybe I really am bisexual after all. Or maybe I'm a bit autistic and mixing friendship with attraction. My 4shitter pickme era in my teenage years definitely contributed to my current state, so perhaps it could be internalized misogyny too. IDK
>>1159948I'd be your friend too. If we weren't anon.
>>1159951Yes yes you get me. I'm scared of offending or sounding mean to other women, not because I really intend to say something offensive or mean (quite the opposite, I want a normal conversation), but because I don't know if it'll sound like that (or just weird).
No. 1160069
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I'm gonna devil an ostrich egg and dip boiled quail eggs in it using a little pickle fork, and then wear the ostrich-egg-white as a hat when I'm done eating
I do not want to, but the bipolar compels me; I won't even wear it long before I come down and realize I am filled with shame, regret, and poop
No. 1160090
>>1160077Aside from my cholesterol, yeah
Thank you, I needed that tbh
No. 1160543
>>1160510because women shouldnt be playing to mens fetishes like that, it makes a more dangerous environment when all other women don't cater like that.
men are the problem, dont get me wrong, but women shouldnt ethot for their money
No. 1160578
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i spent so much money bringing my cat to my new apartment and now i'm so scared of introducing him to my two kittens. he's a grumpy old hag who only likes me and doesn't have much interaction with other cats, but my kittens know he's in my room and really want to meet him. i know he's still scared about coming to my new apartment and i'm giving him plenty of time to adjust but i have to plan how to introduce them properly because cats are so territorial. i'm scared! i just want them to be best friends, anons.
No. 1160657
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I just want to be ok and normal anons
It is hard living in this world
No. 1160699
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>>1159741posted in the locking thread but thank you nonna. I already feel so sad about the nonbinary female being mostly girls with body issues. I'm in a difficult relationship with my sister rn because she clearly have untreated mental illness and seems to only shift blames her issues. Since she live alone an became a neet she radicalized herself in retarded shit. I feel like I need to not see her in 10/15 years while our parent help her get her shit together to then get a healthy relationship for the first time. She want to be so close to me but I despise her so much, when she touch me or want to get a hug it make nauseous.
No. 1160716
Now I'm just sure no woman would ever like me romantically, I'm just not their type. The delusions that a girl is out there who would think I'm ok exists is gone. On top of being ugly, I have an ugly personality. Why choose me when their are so many better women out there right? With pleasant looks and personality? I keep getting ghosted or ignored totally despite faking my whole personality to make myself seem better and nicer, they can probably sense the fakeness, they can work out my ugly underneath the fake sweetness. Maybe I come across too boring because I don't share anything about myself, I don't know. All I know is I'm not a woman's type, I'm exactly a moid's type, easy and negative, but I don't want them right now. This is the last time I'm gonna put myself out there and embarrass myself. I'm just gonna be my true judgy, bitchy, annoying self alone.
No. 1160861
being a little bit disabled is worse socially than being fully disabled. nobody wants to be friends with me because i hallucinate on occasion, which is too much for them, yet not crazy enough to be diagnosed and on medication. i tried everything from getting perfect grades, dressing as normal as possible, trying to look as attractive as possible, learning social skills, volunteering, and still it is not enough. having a full time job makes me suicidal and i have pain in my body only geriatrics have. i could at least save money from not socializing but guess what, i spend it on my choice of cope at the time. i quit alcohol, now it's sugar and junk food, so i might even get fat now. somehow my family still expects me to be like the 20somethings back in their age, who could buy houses and spawn 2-4 kids. i may never ever be able to even rent a decent place. i just want to disappear, it would be better for everyone. this is what i have always thought, and why wouldn't i be wrong about it? most friends i had stayed with me out of pity or for jokes or for a shared hobby, which i have no time for anymore. i used to want to get married but realized scrotes only want one thing and it made me nearly asexual. i am just living day to day right now, trying to earn as much as possible, to at least not burden my family with debt in case i drop dead.
No. 1160865
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Spoiler for NSFL One of my teachers admitted to being a fucking pedophile, he literally boosted about stripping his own son naked and then hitting him in a very detailed and sadistic manner, he also said he is basically "in love" with him and how he didn't allow him to have a gf even when he got older, said son is 30 nowadays but why the fuck would you flex something like that?? he's also an alcoholic, misogynist pos, he actually said he would have been "worse" if he had a daughter, fucking trash. I'm sick to my stomach, this is way too dark I want to shoot that fucking college and kill him, you degenerate I hope you rot IN HELL!!! YOU GROSS ME OUT I HATE EVERYONE IN THIS SHITHOLE I can't believe I went through so many shit to assist this class just to hear a fucking criminal confess his degeneracy literally why??? I HATE ALL MEN XYs ARE CURSED
No. 1160886
>>1160865Samefag, this little bitch said all that shit on purpose so students would get scared of him, and everyone in fact did a shit job because they were too traumatized, he's vile. He tried pulling similar shit with 40+ adults and he got called out but those were online classes while on pandemic so people couldn't get his ass irl
>>1160866>>1160882We live in one of the worst shitholes of our continent, extreme violence towards kids is generally
normal and I'll be surprised if anyone gave a fuck tbh, there are lots of pedos and undercover criminals here, that college itself is pretty low-tier too and police are useless, I'll try to do what I can tho he's
way too dangerous
No. 1160910
>>1160883Done both and yeah, both suck because as you said, people don't wanna think about your dark shit. It's understandable but it's annoying when you're just trying to exist and some bitch is seemingly
triggered by your mere existence, girl you're the not one sick, you'll manage.
No. 1160916
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I feel so weirdly stunted after pandemic, my country had pretty severe lockdowns that started when i was 19 and im 22 now, i absolutely don't feel 22, but not in that "oh i don't want to grow old" reddit way, i simply didn't have a single adult experience, I graduated college but it was all online, I stayed living with my mom because she recently had cardiac surgery and couldn't be exposed to the virus so i'd fetch groceries and whatnot, all i did for almost three years was play videogamed and shitpost on the internet, i didn't have a job or live on my own or make adult friends. I simply feel like I dont have the life experience of a 22 year old, its gotten to the point i lie about my age online and say im 18-19 because i find that age range more relatable, just to talk about stupid things like fashion or anime even.
The people I went to high school with are already married with newborn kids and jobs because i used to live in a place where the pandemic wasnt taken as seriously (moved out in 2018), me? I'm watching make up videos on tiktok.
No. 1160920
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I'm fat. and i hate myself for being fat.
Every time i start eating healthy and working out i see a ton of progress and then I fall out of the routine of working out and I gain all the weight back.
I feel like shit and I look like shit and I think other people think I look like shit
but it feels like such a waste of money to buy clothes while im fat because I wont look or feel good in them.
sometimes I never want to eat ever again and then sometimes I think "im just going to be fat and ugly for the rest of my life might as well enjoy something" and then I eat an entire cheese cake.
whats the fucking point.
No. 1160938
>>1160927Im sorry nonita, disease can be rough at a young age, that feeling of nothing happened is the worst this week is the same as the last and that was the same of the last, its so exhausting.
>>1160928I grew up in Brazil and moved to Europe in 2018, I speak the language, visited all my childhood and everything so it wasn't a shock in case it may seem like it contributed to my lack of growth lol.
>>1160933Thanks anon, i assume it'll be easier to connect with other people on the same boat because the lockdown was a wide thing, but i feels so strange to kinda still have "teen brain" so to speak.
No. 1160971
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I am jealous of people that don't have to work because their parents support them or they were born wealthy enough to never have to work. Working makes me want to kms. It's the worst. I literally would rather kill myself than work or be part of a system in which I am constantly overlooked and abused and I have to play chess games with others. I don't see myself being happy working any job. I don't see myself happy being a celebrity a content creator and so on. Nothing really matches my inner desire and it deeply disappoints me. I don't want to be rich. I just want to have food and a shelter over my head and continue making art. Drawing furries and being an internet artist is not my type of shit. I wish to be like McRide or Jeff Magnum. I want to be a real artist not some internet LARPER. Praying to God that the rich scrote that I talk with helps me out. Really praying I don't ruin this opportunity. I'm also in love with him and he's rich, it would just be a huge win. He could support me for the rest of my life chasing my dreams.
No. 1160992
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Aw man, this is my first day at work today and things doesn't seem to go well at all. The boss lady didnt know that i started working today so theres not much task for me to do beside just researching/reading stuff. Not until noon that i had some tasks handed to me, the manager was not there to train me so i don't know anything beside from writing articles.
After work the boss lady check up on me and ask me things that i didnt even think it was mentioned before hand.
Fuck this, its not my fault that its my first day at work and didnt know something.
No. 1161032
>>1160995Its really hard to describe, you'll find many liberal
WOC dating/married to white men for many reasons
sometimes its just a matter of availability, If your in a university or college that's 90% white and want to date anybody its likely gonna be a white guy based on statistics, then there's the more controversial issue of "preference" imo other then east asians its not just the whiteness that's cconsidered attractive in a white man, in majority of cases imo its really the height of white guys that seems to be the drawing factor
And finally its the fact that deep down we know that the men of our races are beyond saving, there is not benefit in being with them and that white guys are least awful in an ocean of shit, though no one will ever admit this
No. 1161057
>>1161045True, I don't disagree, it's just that OP asked so I thought my friend and her sister would be good examples.
>>1161032>And finally its the fact that deep down we know that the men of our races are beyond saving, there is not benefit in being with them and that white guys are least awful in an ocean of shit, though no one will ever admit thisYou described it better than I did
No. 1161126
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My ex just invited me to his wedding this fall. We've been friends for years and I've moved on from him but ngl it still felt like a punch to my chest because we used to talk about marriage and stuff like that and how I was everything he was looking for in a wife/lifelong partner. I'm genuinely happy for him and his fiancé but I feel kind of replaced? I know I have no right to feel this way but it still hurts a bit. I fear that the ceremony will upset me. Idk what I should do.
No. 1161252
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>>1160069my hair feels softer now
No. 1161617
>>1161582Sounds like they've pigeonholed you as the workhorse and now there's a benchmark to demand that you show up at 4am on the dot. Was that always your agreed start time? Was working 6 days in a row also agreed upon in your contract?
The problem is that they're taking you for granted and are being hardasses to you because they think you have no other options.
7 minutes late isn't shit but of course you have to punch a clock so of course that's a metric they're lording over you just because they can. Anon, whatever you're doing I guarantee there is an office job with asscrack of dawn hours and no clock to be accountable to.
No. 1161726
>>1161205Do you have body dysmorphia? Sounds like it. If there's any reason to worry about your kids suffering, it's that. It means if you have a daughter, she will notice your insecurities and pick them up herself unless you consciously manage them. And she may even pass them onto her own kids too.
>i’m very aware that my concerns are solely from a place of vanityIf you're concerned about your kid being ugly because it will make their life harder (due to getting bullied, struggling to find romantic partners) that's not vain. But if it's more about your ego about giving birth to an ugly child, it is vain but understandable. World hyperfocuses on women's beauty and blames mothers for their kids not being perfect.
No. 1161732
>>1161724she got banned i’m pretty sure the OP’s last post was redtexted but the opinion was unpopular so it’s not like the infighting over a single comment was that necessary
>>1161727mod is banning everyone who’s reposting it, i wouldn’t try it
No. 1161836
>>1161674I didn't say they should not enjoy their fortunate circumstances, if you help people struggling it does not mean that you cannot enjoy your life anymore or having money. A lot people own more capital than they need but often times the rich refuse to help and are deeply egoistical while the poor help because they understand. If you volunteer or give money to the poor it doesn't mean you give all your resources to that lmao. Why are you acting like helping others literally makes you unable to enjoy your wealth or have any spare time?It's just irrational and makes 0 sense, your argument. I'm assuming my post
triggered you because it hit something personal but what you are saying is non sensical. If you help others it doesn't mean you don't get to enjoy life anymore.
No. 1161846
>>1161807we have moids spam cp or bait nearly every day, you can't blame anons for beings suspicious. We can't have nice things
because of men not because of paranoia for them.
No. 1161873
>>1161816LC is an anonymous website. You could be speaking with anyone, that's the point of an anonymous website. You could be a moid, I could be a moid, this
>>1161792 anon could also be a moid. There's no way of knowing for certain. Constantly being paranoid to the extent that it destroys threads and derails discussion is inane because there is no way to stop men posting here. It's unfortunate but it is what it is and you need to accept that it's part of being on an anonymous website.
>>1161838The point of that rule is that not everyone that disagrees with you is a man and to only report a post if you genuinely suspect that the poster is male. I've never been banned for reporting someone for being a moid.
No. 1161890
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>>1161873Hey, leave me out of it.
No. 1161904
>>1161895This. Acting like men shouldn't be called out will get us where crystal cafe is, it's full of men larping as women, kek.
>>1161898Cut your nails. Wash your hands.
No. 1161911
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>>1161890Sorry nona, I know you're not a moid.
No. 1161943
>>1161922No troon, stop shoving your fetish down women's throats. No one wants to see a ghoul's nudes. And you don't have a cervix, your axe wound isn't a cervix.
>>1161924Oh damn, I thought the fading colore was where a fake nail would begin.
>>1161930If you're really a woman and you have big hands, you would still have big woman hands. It's not about how big they are, men have a different bone structure that makes them clockable.
No. 1161946
>>1161943He's saying he's happy he doesn't need an abortion, kek. This whole post was caused by his obvious womb envy where he hates women who abort babies because he's jealous of them.
Jack the ripper saga when?
No. 1161962
>>1161951>probably her nigel(la now i guess)Fuck nonnita I love you.
>>1161958No one wants to see your ugly face, skelly troony. Ew.
No. 1161982
>>1161980Everyone has been telling you to leave and not to send pictures. Yet you ban evaded for like ten times just to ask us if we want your nudes.
Also you can't shine a flashlight up yourself, it's not going to work and you'd know if you were female.
No. 1162009
You can tell a troon just by looking at it with its clothes on. You can tell a troon shitditch just by looking at how disgusting it is, none are believable and pass as actual vaginas. Believing it's identical aside from the cervix is tranny-tale.
No. 1162110
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>tell guildmates about a way to optimize an rng mini-game shit
>"geez why do you care so much about rng"
>"imagine stressing over 10 or 20 lost coins"
Ok fuckers I won't say anything anymore if you're acting as if I was forcing you over a freaking tip I saw on another server
No. 1162166
>>1162125Tranny rhymes with janny tard.
Do not reply to the attention seeking male poster btw.
No. 1162243
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I wish anons would post more dating app collages like these. I love judging loser scrotes
No. 1162258
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>>1162243Not a collage anon but I can offer this one to you.
No. 1162274
>>1159946I can partially relate in regards to certain awkwardness around other women–and I mean specifically new acquaintances. I wonder what causes it, because it's something completely irrational and not based on my experience at all, because I've always had girlfriends, and relationships with them were more stable and satisfying than with men.
Nevertheless, I think it still might have something to do with early experiences involving significant female figures. Personally I found it hard to open up to my mom (she'd be pretty judgmental of me and sometimes ridiculously unforgiving), and there were other women and girls from my closest circle that made me feel inadequate. Guess it got to me on some level and now rises up from the subconscious when I'm worse (=more insecure) than usual. Later I had worse experiences with guys but they didn't have some particular impact on me, I guess because I didn't have close relationships with any of them and I didn't think of them highly from the very start, so that's what probably made me immune.
I also suspect it's part of conditioning that makes one think of women as "other species". You might not be consciously misogynistic or something but you still think that majority of women are kind of the same while being different from you, only because you don't fit into this idea of womanhood but can't reject it altogether as the unrealistic one at the same time. And the more outwardly "feminine" they are, the more "different" they seem. You perceive them as some collective image that's foreign to you and therefore intimidating. It's interesting though that the most feminine women can be just as much insecure when it comes to friendships with other women. The preconceptions and projections stemming from self-doubt stand in your way, not some lack of skill. There's no specific skill that allows you to communicate with women. I think actually starting to communicate with other women more is the only way to overcome that block because you'll start to see that everyone's different and there's nothing to be intimidated by. Many people are somewhat awkward and simple in a good way, and many actually want to meet someone chill to act natural around them.
No. 1162281
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I'm tired of my boundaries being overstepped and taken advantage of. I want to scream.
No. 1162353
>>1162299Wynn Bruce self-immolated on the steps on the Supreme Court a week and a half ago and you barely even heard about it. Killing yourself isn’t an act of political rebellion anymore; if anything it’s convenient for the people whose boot you’re under. If you truly don’t care, there’s a lot more meaningful things a gun could be used for.
But also maybe try gardening or fostering kittens. It does help. Your actions don’t have to be revolutionary to be meaningful.
No. 1162378
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i wish i could just let myself enjoy life but my own brain hates me. i feel like i deserve to suffer always. i mustve done something horrible in a past life
No. 1162380
nonnie? is everything ok?
No. 1162393
>>1159946I really hate it when people say “if you have more male friends you suffer from internalized misogyny”. I find it easier to be friends with guys because we share similar interests and i noticed that its more common or accepted for a woman to be mean to a man and idk that’s how a lot if my friendships with guy friends are like, just a lot of banter while my friendship with women, even if i just met her, is just lots of compliments and it feels fake. I remember one girl in an outing i went to kept going on and on about how she missed me despite never talking to me at all.
I can’t bring myself to be “friendly aggressive” to a woman i feel so bad but i noticed that when i eventually cross that bridge i feel more comfortable. I noticed the “friendly aggressiveness” thing happen between a female friend and someone she met, they’re very tight nit and they’re not dating. With me and other women at the beginning its “awww anon is so innocent and nice”.
I agree with you on everything except the “the guys want to fuck me”. That has never been the case and its so awkward to even think about it.
No. 1162406
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>>1162380i wish i knew. i hate being tired and miserable all the time but i feel like its all i know. i just wish i was mentally normal and i wish society wasnt a fuck. i want to adopt a cat and live by the ocean instead. this hell sphere is pissing me off. oh well
No. 1162413
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i love my boyfriend and i love all of my friends but sometimes i feel like im not enough for them. i bring them little gifts like snacks i think theyd like or something i drew of something they're interested in but i only get them to smile for a certain amount of time until i need to up my game again. at least my boyfriend will cherish my gifts but even then i feel like i annoy him with all the stuff i buy and make for him.
No. 1162430
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I've encountered an actual nightmare child on a train today and it damn near ruined my 3+ hour long trip. I don't even dislike children and I'm usually pretty tolerant when they're being loud since you know, they're just children. But this little shit and his parents checked literally every box on the "rude white trash family with an obnoxious tablet-raised kid" stereotype list.
>riding comfortably in my train compartment with four other people, including a young mom and her daughter
>notice a small boy, around 8y.o. running up and down the narrow corridor(?) that goes along the train car (idk what's it called I'm esl) muttering nonsense to himself and bumping into people
>wait, is he carrying a fucking huggy wuggy plushie?
>he is, kek
>his parents are in a compartment next to ours, clearly not giving a fuck
>the dad steps out on the corridor to smoke a cigarette through an open window (in case you're wondering: no, you're not allowed to do that)
>the mom is talking loudly on her phone, the kid runs up to her and demands she give him the phone, she refuses, kid starts screaming
>no words, just full on inarticulate screaming until the mom eventually gives up
>proceeds to watch elsagate-tier youtube videos until the mom takes the phone away to make another call
>the whole process repeats several times
>at some point around one hour into the trip kid notices the little girl in our compartment eating jelly beans, stops and silently stares at the bag in her hands, just fidgeting around. it's honestly a little creepy
>he clearly doesn't know what to do in a situation when he's not getting what he wants immediately and is too retarded to ask nicely so he keeps staring
>the girl's mom takes notice, goes "haha c-cute" and gives him a handful of jelly beans, he snatches them and runs off
>big mistake
>for the rest of the ride he won't leave the little girl alone. When he's not rolling around on the filthy train floor or watching youtube, he keeps sticking his head into our compartment and staring really intensely at the girl, again not saying a word or emoting in any way
>everyone is weirded out by this and the little girl gets visibly uncomfortable but nobody wants to be the person to tell an obviously autistic 8y.o. to fuck off or start a fight with his shitty parents, so we do our best to ignore him
>at one point he straight up walks into our compartment carrying the phone and a packet of hot dog sausages, takes an empty seat and starts eating
>sometimes he pauses to "feed" the huggy wuggy doll by rubbing a hot dog on it and then putting it back in his mouth
>one of the other passengers tries to talk to him, he ignores her completely. He honestly doesn't seem able to use words a whole lot
>some obnoxious video that I'm pretty sure is mk ultra brainwash material keeps playing on the phone the whole time
>hot dogs stink up the compartment
>I can't take it anymore. Standing in the corridor next to the toilet for the rest of the ride seems like a preferable alternative at this point so I leave and so does the little girl with her mom
>we talk and bond a little bit over this, it's nice
>It is now 30 minutes until the final station and I think someone managed to call the dad over because he finally decides to interact with his spawn
>he comes over and carries the kid away, not even acknowledging the other passengers or apologizing for his behavior
>proceeds to "entertain" him by picking him up and sticking his head and shoulders through an open window of a moving train
>the kid loves it. He's screaming of course but at least it's joyful now. The mom has no problem with this either, she's laughing and taking pictures
>my god, they're all fucking retarded
>some guy finally loses his patience and yells at them
>they still act uppity but eventually fuck off when they realize they might get fined for this
>we can now enjoy the last 10 minutes of our train ride in peace, yay
>final station comes up, I grab my stuff, say goodbye to the young mom and her daughter and get the hell out of there
>The kid doesn't want to leave the train, his parents are fighting about their luggage and I keep hearing the three of them yell at each other up until I leave the platform
Ok, I get that people can be shitty sometimes and you need to be prepared for stuff like that in public transport but jesus fucking christ, that whole experience was bizarre. I've never seen parents act this careless about raising a potential autist and/or a huge asshole with no social awareness. I can't imagine what that family's home life looks like.
No. 1162463
>>1162243crews "tie your hands together and choke you"
you know, just wholesome shit not murderous or misogynistic at all.
No. 1162465
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America is so fucked.
No. 1162507
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I hate existing I hate being perceived I dont deserve to be alive etc. you know the stuff. Even mental illness is so boring nowadays. I hope some sniper takes me out for no reason this week
No. 1162534
>>1162514It really
triggers me how much credit people give my dad for being such a great parent when all he did was not physically abuse his kids (unlike my mother) and pay for our basic needs. The bar for men is so fucking low.
No. 1162540
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You know what I absolutely fucking hate? I hate pakianon. She constantly has to drag her fucking self-hating ugly ass and her stupid made-up misery in every thread you go. Is it a thread about food? She’s gonna be there bitching about how we have it so much better because we are free to be fatasses. Is it a thread about dogs? She’s gonna be there bitching about how we have it so good that we can talk about dogs. Is it a thread about flat earth? Pakistan, Pakistan this, pakistan that, Islam this, Islam that, have you ever thought that maybe you shutting the fuck up,getting off the internet and solving your own problems would make you less miserable? Venting was fine at first but constantly dragging that shit in every conversation is tiring, no one here is gonna save you we are all just as retarded and powerless as you which is why we care more about the met gala over important issues that could change our lives. Stupid ass trick ass self-hate having ass stop ruining my lurking sessions by inserting yourself in conversations to complain complain complain whine whine whine how about you finally illegally hop on a boat or a plane and actually go to a place you want to live idk go crazy YOLO. Good god BAN HER ALREADY ffs I actually can’t stand you and I’m not one to complain much about avatarfagging yes picrel is you no one cares no one is bawling for you because your stupid ass mother decided to take a shit in the toilet and named her turd that grew up to be iyou. Fuck you pakianon, sincerely, you are secretly the bane of this website along the jannies and other things
No. 1162542
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God I wish I were stoned right now
No. 1162575
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I'm about this close to pulling the trigger on sending a breakup text to my moid. I can't tell if I'm just discontent and looking to start shit or if I'm really at my limit. He's been distant for months, ie glued to his phone/computer and either studying, applying for jobs, or browsing subreddita for his field because he's been looking for a job and it's been rough. We've gone out for dates and shit in between but my attraction to him just tanked because of how he's gotten. It's like I'm not even dating the same person anymore. He finally got a fucking job offer and what does he do? Ignore my texts/phone calls for hours because he's too busy celebrating ie drinking with his roommates. Sure, he had no obligation to call me first, but it was just the last fucking straw after months of this bullshit. I might be a raging BPDchan or whatever you want to call it but this just sucks and I'm tired of coming in last for this motherfucker.
No. 1162609
>>1162599nobody is jealous of you pakistan chan. Go swim in your parent's money you narcissistic whore while you screech at everyone. You will never face true suffering like homelessness and having literally nothing to fall back on. You're a privileged ass bitch like the people you criticize. stupid bitch you say nobody has empathy for you when I have no parents and I've been homeless on and off since I was 16 while you sleep well in the money of your parents. You don't know what's like to have no support system and no money and to have to be prostituted in order to pay for your mother's funeral. I hope you fucking kill yourself. You also copy my posts. After I post something you pop up 2 hours later saying the same fucking shit. Yesterday I said nobody has had real empathy for me when that is actually true
>>1162607stop it, it's lolcow. It's not my fault pakianon namefags and personality fags while faking opression like some Twitter fag when her life is fine. Other anons get shred to pieces for much less.
No. 1162617
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>>1162608pakianon doesn’t “suffer” she comes from a rich family who takes care of her mei nu no education no where girl ass.
No. 1162643
>>1162634I rather have a lying nepotism baby than a child molester and
literal animal killer who sits in discords with other psychopaths. I know there’s gotta be more skeletons in your closet romifag
No. 1162657
>>1162653the animal thing upsets me the most tbh because it's so violent but again, very hard to blame an abused child being encouraged to be
No. 1162658
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I say a honey with honeycomb in it at lidl a couple days ago and I feel so dumb for not buying it. It was 7 dollars and I'm not a big honey eater so I was like "Eh, don't buy that shit" but I want the honeycomb so bad. I need to bite into a honeycomb. I'm worried that the next time I go it won't be there and I'll have missed my chance.
Anons please give me your favorite recipes with honey so if I get it I can have something to make and it won't be wasted. I thought about using it as a replacement for syrup in a homemade mcgriddle.
No. 1162667
>>1162664now that makes sense. i can get that. i figured people would just like bite and spit it out
>>1162666how me? it was a simple question as to what the purpose is because i've never had it before. wtf is your problem
No. 1162670
>>1162667No, what is
your problem anon?
No. 1162693
>>1162648they do get banned but evade constantly kek
>>1162681she had a thread a few months ago on /snow/ but it got locked
No. 1162694
>>1162689Like I said, I will buy it when I go back.
>>1162688It wasn't.
No. 1162697
>>1162629And? have you seen her posts? She thinks anyone from a rich country is automatically privileged while 1st world countries are filled with homeless women or poor women being sexually trafficked and abused due to lack of capital. Take a look at society, it doesn't matter what country you are born in, it's all about the social class. A woman born in a trailer park in America that ends up hooked to drugs at 16 and killed by her pimp at 20 is more opressed than a woman that sits on her parents money and privilege in a Muslim country. Pakianon will never face true misfortune yes she is so adamant to claim those opression points. She even has the guts to say nobody has had empathy towards her when anons are breaking their backs whiteknighting her. At least romanianon suffered, her stories are grim and she's not a molester. I don't consider an underaged abused little girl that replicates what she sees in her environment as a molester. Romanianon was also homeless and her mom commited suicide when she was 18. Anons are just demonizing her and it's sad because I think the harassment she's recieved on here has added to her homicidal tendencies. I don't think anyone understands what's like to live in utter poverty, be beaten, raped and abused your entire life and see your own mother commit suicide. A lot of anons also believe posts that are not hers to be hers. It's just an incredibly unfortunate situation. You always pile on her and make the most extreme accusations. You'd rather sympathize with someone which thinks all women from America are super privileged and that tells you NOBODY EVER EMPATHIZES with her after hundreds of anons break their back to white knight her. Fuck pakianon and her narc tendencies I hope bitch rots in hell and I hope she loses all the privilege her rich parents offer her. I hope she ends up in a trailer park in America to see what real opression is like.
>>1162669can you stop blaming and incredibly abused child for aging out extreme abuse? If it was someone else you would instantly empathize but you're literally turning her into a murderer serial killer. I hope you all bitches kill yourselves after what you've done to me. I didn't even personality fag like Pakianon. Some anons from a lolcow server I was in began recognizing my posts and bullying me. I have developed homicidal ideation after what everyone has done to me my entire life. I never wanted to be on here while pakianon constantly personality fags. I am filled with hatred towards humanity after what has happened to me and what everyone has done to me. I have no house, no parents, I am mentally ill. I was abused my entire life. I was sexually trafficked. You will never know what's like having nothing yet giving the world everything when it gives you nothing back. I will kill myself very soon because I have nothing but after what everyone has done to me when I asked for help and after I've been doomed although I wanted to live more than anyone else I want to take my revenge on society. I want to murder because my life has been taken away and instead of helping me everyone in my life has stepped on me, humiliated me and taken advantage of my very bad situation while I've offered so much empathy and understanding to people. You cannot even imagine what is like living a life like mine for a second
No. 1162698
>>1162694good luck. my ass is headed to your area and i
will buy it all before you have a chance. this is the reckoning you deserve for your poor conduct. no wax for you.
No. 1162706
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>>1162697Anons sometimes think I'm you and it kinda cracks me up. I feel like we could be friends in another life, but you're so prickly and paranoid, which I understand and don't blame you for. Please don't kill yourself, take revenge by continuing living. Also don't kill someone, but if you do, pick a scrote and I'll paint an icon of you.
No. 1162708
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>>1162698I will find you and run you over before that ever happens. I hope you get attacked by a swarm of bees.
>>1162699Wouldn't happen because I wouldn't ever marry or get pregnant by a man, HA.
No. 1162737
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>>1162714Anon please….I'm sorry for what I said please don't buy all of the honey.
I'm just so tired anons. I just want my honeycomb. I know I'm stupid for not buying it. Please stop making fun of me please I just want honeycomb I don't deserve thi torture. It's almost 1 AM and I just want my fucking honeycomb, this isn't fair. Honeycombless isn't how people should live and I've been suffering for a long time
No. 1162738
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nonnie. love you!
No. 1162742
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Me just being an art nonnie passer by that mostly looks at art salt and /m/ happening to pass by the vent thread and learning about pakianon and romanianon lore.
No. 1162743
>>1162715listen to
>>1162720, we don't need glowfags here nor do we need to egg on a crazy person
No. 1162744
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No. 1162746
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No. 1162749
>>1162720lol i'm just curious
>>1162721in one of her huge manifestos somewhere
No. 1162754
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>>1162737You shouldn't have been so rude to her.
No. 1162755
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>>1162737i accept your apology and i'll refund my tickets. i guess for some it's torture and you can't help but crave the comb. just be sure to buy it next time. maybe even get two if you're this desperate for honey flavored wax??
No. 1162756
>>1162697>I didn't even personality fagYou did
>I have developed homicidal ideation after what How is that anyone's fault but your own? Just don't join any discord server if you're mentally unwell, close your account and don't even post here if it hurts you this much
>I've offered so much empathy and understanding to peopleWhere?
No. 1162760
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Reading about the child “pageant star” who just committed suicide in the U.S. after being paraded around in some softcore cp television show that was on TLC. This girl was failed by everyone in her entire universe. Every adult including her mother. I hope she’s at peace now but no child should ever have to experience their last moments the way she did.
No. 1162762
>>1162751>she always comes at people here and tells them that their problems are unimportant and not realThis, she has zero empathy
>>1162540Kek from the moment I read this I knew it was romanianon seething and being jealous but I was waiting for the shit storm to occur
No. 1162782
>>1162715No. I won't but after certain events have taken place in my life I have began to fantasize about murder and I write about it obsessively and I think it's not immoral. I have become misanthropic because society is honestly so deeply fucked up and we are all partaking in murders and genocide only by taking part and fueling this fucked up system. We are all criminals. Millions are dying in this system with no help. Millions of innocent people have their innocence taken away or are born in life situation which define the outcome of their life and society refuses to help and you have to compete with people that were given something when you were given nothing and then because you have nothing you realize how much suffering there is so you help everyone but nobody helps you but instead they take advantage because people are self centered. We are all criminals, we use those that are under us in the social hierarchy to satisfy and meet our needs. Children die in war millions and the government hides it. Millions die of hunger while probably 200 people hold enough resources to pull the entire world out of poverty and hunger. Atrocities happen everyday and nobody helps and even if you ask for help humans are so unempathetic they can only help you if you stroke their ego, if they get something emotional out of them helping you. It will make no difference. If me some random romanian woman goes insane after a life of suffering and mistreatment and kills a couple of people. It will literally make 0 difference to the big picture. This world is filled to the brim with atrocities at every corner. The only reason to why I don't snap and do all of this Is because I will stay down in history as this horrible murderer sociopathic figure and everyone will see me as a demon but yet you fail to see the real demons which are the billionaires running the government s and this sick system we live in. You don't see the real opressors, the real evil because it is normalized in society because society is nothing but evil.
>>1162762you are proving the userbase of this website is -100 IQ. That's not me. But yeah sure pakianon shuts you up and has 0 empathy for women living in poverty in America, women which are sexually trafficked and die in their early twenties yet you simp for her because I am You're telling me I have no empathy when I cry myself to sleep every night thinking about the atrocities of the world seeing suffering everyday that absolutely all the times comes from lack of.rrsources or abuse, yet you think a woman which gives 0.fucks about women abused in poverty and whines about how bad she has it when she has a support system is so much better. This is what pakianon said in the tinfoil thread that ALL American women are privileged when there are millions of American women born in poverty that end up sexuallt trafficked, that end up dead, that lead a hellish life while she sits on her parents pile of money and claims nobody empathizes with her. Yea, sure she is full of.empathy and I am not, that's why I cry daily over the suffering of those that have nothing
No. 1162787
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>>1162736Romaniananon has a cool niche combination of interests and I wish I could politicsperg with her without her getting super upset. I get being really angry and lashing out too. It's also unfair to continuously bring something up she did as a kid, which was done to her too. It's like she's being held up to the same standards as an adult scrote and people did lose all empathy for her. Pakichan and Romaniananon both act like women in other countries aren't allowed to complain. Romaniananon at least tries to think about how to free other women anyway, which makes me wonder whether she's being hyperbolic, even though I don't agree with her opinions on state communism. I just wish she wasn't so prickly, but I understand that happens when most anons now dogpile on her, because they've lost all patience (also understandable).
No. 1162815
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>>1162799>>1162803This is just mean. She does seem to have a sense of justice and she's not a kid anymore. Her being unhinged and angry at the world, to humans, doesn't mean she'll harm the duck.
No. 1162830

>>1162787I dont want communism. I just want a more fair world because we absolutely do have enough resources but they are distributed so badly but I just disagree with the communist state and with the communist approach to redistribution of capital. I don't want in communism but I don't want to live in this capitalist dystopia either. It is becoming harder and harder to live and to make money and to secure basic needs and the discrepancies in how capital is owned is so unfair. Some person has billions of dollars while another has nothing and their only job options are being a slave or being a slave. Most suffering in the world is caused by lack of resources. The most opressed women in the world are like that because they were born in bad socio financial circumstances. Now, you might say bla bla bla we all suffer but Don't tell me you are suffering more than a street hooker born to addicts that was abused her entire life and that lived in poverty her entire life. There are many such cases. Vietnamese and Thailandese women that end up prostitution themselves do it not because they truly want it but because they are poor and they need resources but their environment makes it impossible for them to gain resources any other way. I think most atrocities are caused by bad capital distribution and how egocentrical and lacking in self awareness the human species is. I've literally never witness someone well off try to help someone. It's always other poor people trying to help. Humans are cruel. This world is literally filled to the brim with atrocities which is sad. All this can be prevented and I am telling you we are heading towards social collapse. We will destroy our own species in max 200 years because of how stupid,.Mean and selfish we are
>>1162799No, I wouldn't. You're projecting your own twisted thoughts on me. If you weren't a fucked up individual you wouldn't have even thought this " duckling and chop it up into tiny little nerds gummy cluster bits" you wrote and thought this, not me and you're projecting it on me because you are insane just like I am because you think of gruesome fucked up things like I do yet you claim moral superiority over me and now you will probably bring up how I was 8 years old and raped for months on end and suffered a very specific type of abuse which made me lash out on other children and then you will tell me I have no empathy and that you are superior to me. Your mind thought about cutting little ducks into pieces, I didn't even for a moment. You're fucked, you even create metaphors for it and described it in detail because you probably had some explicit mental images of it
No. 1162836
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>>1162829That was when she was a kid, right? It's not the first time I've heard that from women from Eastern Europe, some villages can be nuts and enough grew up to be wonderful to animals. Did she do it as an adult too?
No. 1162843
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>>1162836I like big nose monkey
No. 1162844
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>>1162843how about no nose monkey?
No. 1162866
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>>1162830>I just want a more fair world because we absolutely do have enough resources but they are distributed so badly but I just disagree with the communist state and with the communist approach to redistribution of capital. I don't want in communism but I don't want to live in this capitalist dystopia either. It is becoming harder and harder to live and to make money and to secure basic needs and the discrepancies in how capital is owned is so unfair.Oh okay, we agree then. I've gone the anarchist route because of it.
>Don't tell me you are suffering more than a street hooker born to addicts that was abused her entire life and that lived in poverty her entire life.I don't have it worse, but I know a thing or two about being born to addicts and being abused her entire life. Which is why I get the anger.
>I think most atrocities are caused by bad capital distribution and how egocentrical and lacking in self awareness the human species is.It's a large part of it, I think it's hierarchies in general. Take capitalism away, you still have the state, patriarchy and racism etc. You need to get rid of everything.
>Humans are cruel.I agree, but there have been indigenous people who created food forests and they aided greatly to biodiversity. Which gives me some hope that humans aren't always a menace, but that has kinda been snuffed out. You're right that it's probably going to be the end of humans, but I'm not even upset at that, we kinda deserved it.
>>1162849Not just because of being a "heckin cool feminist", I'm extremely angry often too, but more specifically to scrotes and I often feel at my limit too. So I kinda get it, even if we're not the same.
>>1162853>these romanians are absolutely unhingedI met a very nice Romanian woman who invited me to a festival and she made really nice pancakes, so I'm biased in favor of Romanians.
No. 1162867
>>1162860Sorry for deleting the first time, my grammar was bothering me. But yeah, you can check in some of the old Varg threads, she was posting that she wished she had an SO like Varg because she hates her own country so much. I can understand not liking where you live because of the customs/culture, but why would she defend him of all people? Shit's nasty
>>1162861? I wasn't talking about Romanianon
No. 1162888
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>>1162882Massive racist esoteric neonazi who killed his friend and went to prison for it.
No. 1162897
>>1162888hello I am pakianon can you shut up you privileged 1st world American woman? You have access to white moids like Varg which are exponentially so much better than muslim scrotes from my country. Only if I could have sex with varg
… but you Don't get it I'm totes oppressed. Ahh I want some neonazi cockk I just want to be a blue eyed and blonde haired western girl. I totally hate you because I was born in worse circumstances than you and not because my dream of being a tradthot married to Varg will never be real. I'm so opressed. Show me some fucking empathy
No. 1162899
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>>1162891I don't get why she simps for him, because she hates Islam so much, but he's fine with Islam as long as the Muslims look white.
No. 1162905
>>1162899Kek. He'd hate paki-chan because she's brown, not because she's Muslim.
Also I hate how they act like most turks are either white or Muslim, which imo isn't true. People in turkey aren't religious and especially the younger generation is less religious than your average christian so saying you totes don't have Muslims while using a turk as example is pointless. Sorry for derail.
No. 1162917
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>>1162904>blocks your pathwhat will you do now?
>>1162903this feels like a moment of horseshoe theory being right and I hate it
>>1162907His wife was diagnosed.
No. 1162928
>>1162912Not Romania but she's based compared to nazi worshipper so…
>>1162899>I'd sacrifice my life for himHe sounds like a faggot ngl. There are a lot of beautiful women he could've chosen but he chose a dude and says he'd die for him just because he's hot.
No. 1162935
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>>1162922Islamophobes always claim it's about Islam, but really it's simply about hating foreigners. They chant they don't want more Moroccans, nothing about Muslims. Nobody cares whether you're actually Muslim or from a Muslim country, even Southern Europeans get thrown under the bus for looking Mediterranean.
No. 1163203
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I have extremely bad luck lately, weird health issues, and I keep waking up at 3am on the dot regardless of when I go to bed. I think I pissed off a dark entity
No. 1163446
>>1163378Just because you haven't had it happen to you doesn't mean it doesn't happen. Plenty of doctors are pompous assholes and plenty of people live with issues that doctors know very little about.
Hope anons appointment goes ok but your comment seriously rubbed me the wrong way.
No. 1163541
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I've been skipping classes and still feel stressed out of my mind and it's because I've lost control over everything. I know I can do it if I just start, but I keep putting everything off. Even going to sleep, getting out of bed, going to the bathroom, eating. Everything needs to be pushed to the very last minute for whatever reason. Today I stood next to my bed and had to convince myself that I don't need to get back in, and then I still managed to waste at least an hour on my phone before brushing my teeth and eating, even though I was getting extremely hungry. I feel like something is wrong with me, some days it works and I can do what I need to and on others the time seems to melt away without me noticing. Maybe a fixed schedule would help, but whenever I try I can only follow it for a day or two before I give up again and let everything pile up
No. 1163594
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My mother always liked to compare and compete me against my cousins with each other, I think it's like a personal ego thing for her. I'm looking for a job at the moment and couldn't find anything for months whereas my cousin could easily find a job while she was on vacation next to the job she already has and earns fucktons of money. My mother somehow took this personally and told me to search for prestigious institutions like the UN and the EU because in her mind, working in these would mean that I am/she is/we are superior to my cousin who just works a 'regular job' or something???
I personally don't subscribe to this mindset anymore, and don't care if my cousin is 'better' than me, what I found frustrating is that my mother doesn't 'see' me. She doesn't care what I want, she doesn't care what I feel when she dumps her expectatons on me and doesn't care what my skills are. And I fucking hate it so much that even though I'm a full fledged adult, I still yearn for her acceptance
No. 1164107
>>1163592>>1163706stop using '
Oof' it is retarded, just like you.
No. 1164113
>>1164107Quit policing other's speech like some tranny
No-one cares how you want people to talk
No. 1164129
>>1164107Oof that's pretty
toxic nonny, kind of
problematic. That could be seen as abuse by some.
No. 1164141
>>1164107øøf ø
oof øøf øøf øøf
oof ø øøf
oof oof øøf øøf
oof oof øøf
oof oof øøf øøf
oof oof øøf
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No. 1164328
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It’s either be a delusional schizo retard forever or face the reality of the severe physical and sexual abuse of my childhood and anons I think the former looks way more tempting then the ladder cause at least in psychosis I could just immerse into delusions without any thought of life or repercussion. I can be crazy for no reason and live in tard land or I can keep medicating and continue to get flashes of things I have tried very very hard to forget for a long time. Like I think I want to take it all to my grave fuck it, it never happened and I’m in some happy pocket of sunshine idk what I’m saying at this point but I want to be free
No. 1164346
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and here we go again, depression through the roof, feeling suicidal again, every damn year as soon as it doesn't rain for weeks and the sun comes out the same fucking bullshit. Still have to go to university and act like life is so much fun and so amazing and I love it all so much, instead I would love to walk over bridges and watch the subway all day, always asking myself "what if".
(no need to worry, won't kill myself, have a safety net and I'm not impulsive at all, just needed to scream into the void)
No. 1164358
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>>1164327also samefag but hatred of muslims almost always extends to entire races of people (see what happened to sikhs after 9/11) so the whole “i’m not racist, i just dislike muslims” shtick is a cope 80% of the time. anyway, i don’t feel like continuing this argument, so i’ll just tell all the non-white feminists lurking here who fell for the radfem meme that international female solidarity is a meme, and white women, even the feminists, hate you and will throw you to the wolves whenever they get the chance to
No. 1164364
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female solidarity sisters!
No. 1164436
My birth mom who had no part in raising me (open adoption) suddenly found herself raising me from ages 15-17 after my adoptive father died. During those two years, her new husband was grooming me and molested me. Fast forward to now, I have a relationship with my birth mom that is so strict, I only see her outside of her house completely alone. Her husband is not allowed to have any contact with me. I feel in control of my own life again and shit is sturdy. And yes, she believes me fully but decided to stay with him even though she has her own everything and could leave today.
I guess her husband is throwing a shitfit now and doesn't want her "hanging around me" so now she seems to be hiding it? She'll only see me at MY house when he's at work, which is only every second Saturday since they have such similar hours. The text she sent me was very weird, like we have to sneak around now.
Also she's one of those people who shows their love by buying expensive shit, which is really uncomfortable but at the same time super beneficial and the timing is always perfect. Sometimes I think I only keep her around as if she's paying off some sort of debt to me, and it lessens the guilt. Like the laptops replace the fact that she didn't see me lose my first tooth, and the cars replace the hands of someone else I held while learning to walk. It isn't an equivalent exchange by any means but thinking of things so transactionally sometimes keeps me sane. I want to say something super immature: THIS ISN'T FAIR!! I was such a good child, I did so well in school. I'm polite and even elderly people like me. I just feel like I was so jipped anyway, despite my efforts to come across as normal. I hid my adoption my whole life, too. Made it feel normal until parent teacher nights. Feels good to cry. I also know my birth mom doesn't like who I became. I'm very soft in the things I like and do, and she's more like a brunette Courtney Love. It almost seems like Luna is my mom sometimes, but replace the heroin with copious oxycodone.
I'm also just bitching because I have to see her in a few hours and it freaks me out. I miss my dad so much, holy fuck anons. So badly. If your dad is nice to you and you love him, pleeeeease for the love of god hug him for me. I would give anything.
No. 1164448
>>1164436>If your dad is nice to you and you love him, pleeeeease for the love of god hug him for me.I literally just went and did this. My dad is the type mentioned above, conservative and sort of backwards in certain ways but also deeply loving, protective, kind, adores me and my sisters, still works even now he's 70 because he enjoys what he does.
It amazes me that my dad is considered "exceptional", at least by lolcow standards
No. 1164553
>>1163446I'm alive, but it really sucked and I was too much out of it to really understand what was going on. Too busy choking on the tube really. They still won't tell me what is wrong or what they saw, just that they had to go deeper than usual (yeah I could tell fucking hell). They did a biopsy and that's all I know, nobody really told me much afterwards and I have another appointment in two weeks for the result. They also haven't posted the letter to my GP in MyChart yet, so I'm really in the dark. I hate that they keep doing this and that everyone is so tightlipped. They also tell me in my face "it's not cancer" and then the letters to my GP keeps saying shit like "we think it's lymphoma" or some other type of cancer. They also keep referring me to different kinds of oncologists. They haven't wanted to tell me anything since the lesions doubled in size. I hate being left in the dark. They also won't give me anything to treat the symptoms, they explained that the pain should be appendicitis tier (I don't have appendicitis, but the pain should be comparable), but I'm cruising on paracetamol and that's it. Nothing to help me digest my food, nothing to stop the acid reflux from the obstruction, nothing to improve my liver function and they refuse to give me many tips on how to eat, even though I could perforate something so I'm extremely limited in what I can have and I've already been losing weight like crazy and I'm already deficient in fat soluble vitamins.
No. 1164667
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This is the anon in the other thread giving her witty epic replies to the spamming moid
No. 1164684
>>1164627What book is it
No. 1164924
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>>1164915Oh no, not you too! Where is yours?
No. 1164968
>>1164895>>1164902These made me laugh, thanks nonna's ♥ It's like a veteran day except for the Jews/other Holocaust
victims today but I kind of forgot, so I kinda get why he brought it up. But whatever, I'm not a nazi and the fact that he associates Germany solely with nazism says more about him I think. It made me upset though, I have no idea why you would accuse someone of that because of wanting to learn something new.
No. 1164972
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Can troons not SHUT THE FUCK UP instead of making everything about them for two fucking seconds? Jesus Christ.
No. 1165018
File: 1651710372930.gif (43.97 KB, 130x150, 1651180148979.gif)

>21yo neet looking for another job
>Make delicious chicken last night
"Wow this is really good!"
>Order secondhand Samsung tablet discounted at least $400 off for art, work on comics and games
"You can just draw on paper for that…"
>Middle aged male half of my creation asks me to show him where the chicken in the fridge is.
>Tell him just look it's behind the big pot on the bottom level.
Mother: "__ come over here let me ask you something. Why do you fight with your father all the time? Why can't you just do what he asks you why do you not want to help him after he gets done insulting you? YOU NEED TO STOP YOURE GETTING OUT OF CONTROL. (She knows if she gets me angry I'll throw things at her and deny it and/or threaten her with a knife, but it's ok because I'm her mother!"
Such is the ever repeating cycle until all my tears dry out, I become a jaded hermit in the woods and die of starvation, eaten by coyotes and black bears, or I try suicide and they can pretend nothing was ever wrong and tell everyone how much they supported and loved me. Until then or a third path I will keep on shitposting on imgboards like a true outcast. Yupeeeeee
No. 1165035
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>>1162588nta but it's a thing for doctors to perform unconsensual pelvic exams on unconscious women, and it's unfortunately considered legal. Their logic is that if they asked for permission first nobody would consent to it, so they just violate women and act like it's justified. They also try to guilt trip and gaslight women by claiming that we're "taking away" the opportunity for medical students to perform pelvic exams by objecting to it. I remember there was one study that at some Pennsylvanian medical schools 90% of medical students performed pelvic exams on anesthetized women. And this shit is fucking considered okay. I hate these motherfuckers so much.
No. 1165045
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A hispanic youtuber I like got into drama, it's nothing important but it annoys me how people are treating it like if the dude did something genuine awful, but it's more like this:
>"Man, I hate those children and gringos who always cause drama"
>Children and Twitter burgers get offended
>Cause drama
There are people who seriously say stuff like "I don't know if I'll forgive him", forgive him for what? Because he was a little rude in Discord? I'm so tired.
No. 1165068
>>1159951Me too anon.
Awkward anons that long for other women, please let's be friends.
No. 1165088
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I broke up with my bf a couple days ago because I'm moving out of state. He told me today that he's going to install Tinder and look for hookups. I guess I dodged a bullet.
No. 1165089
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I feel like I'm at my breaking point. I had to move back in with my parents and sister and all three of them are driving me up the fucking wall. They're all borderline retarded, my sister is an obese slob, their ugly ass rat dog pisses everywhere in the goddamn house and barks nonstop. I can't hear myself think because of how much this nasty ass shitty dog barks so much. The house is constantly in disarray because my dad is a hoarder and my sister is a slob who rips her own hair out so she has to wear a cheap fucking wig that makes her look insane. My mom is always on her phone and never pays attention when anyone talks to her, so there's zero communication going on, and everyone gets pissed off at each other because no one fucking listens to each other. Meanwhile, I'm the mediator in their arguments because I'm the only one that actually LISTENS but it's exhausting, and this anger is boiling to the point that I want to destroy something or hurt myself. I just want out. At this point I don't care how because I'm this close to blowing my brains out.
No. 1165090
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I'm thinking about why I feel so out of touch with my boyfriend recently, and it's starting to hit me. I never get to see him anymore, even though we live in the same house. I don't ask for much, I just want to have a normal relationship and I feel as if I can't even get that. He just works constantly and everything is for his job and friends. I ask to do something for our anniversary, I get nothing. I ask to be picked up because he has the car and I don't feel comfortable walking home at night, but the three minute drive will interrupt my work!!!!! It's my birthday, well here's a present that makes no sense and something you're not interested in at all… but why aren't you asking to play it with me??? I spent sooo much money on it (30 bucks) and it's been sitting in the living room even though I never ask you, anon!
We're fucking adults, don't tell me to get into a call with all your friends when I say I want to spend time with you, get off your fucking phone you fag. Why can't you just compliment me and be romantic without acting like an idiot because you're too embarrassed to act that way. This is why I don't have sex with you anymore, because I can't fuck someone that doesn't act like they love me anymore. I know I'm a retard for staying in this relationship but I can't break my lease early. I'm just holding on until then. My internalization is telling me I just don't deserve love kek love going home and just being alone everyday.
No. 1165104
>>1165090You're asking for the bare minimum and worse than that he values your safety less than his job. If you were struck by a drunk driver walking home late at night would he even care? Sounds like the funeral would get in the way of work. Truth be told he's probably not interested in the relationship anymore either but is too cowardly to break up.
Hold on
nonny you will get through this. Just make sure to not go back to him when he starts crying.
No. 1165106
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I'm the only one of my group of friends that hasn't been in a serious relationship at my age and i'm getting kind of jealous of one of my friend that is actually building a serious relationships after a handful of dates with different men (that SHE rejected).
I work in an almost all female environment with ladies that are 35+ and rare dudes that are well into their 40s and idk how to meet people. Most of my friends are only friends with the same group of people so i rarely interact with new faces. I tried dating apps but all the average to above average dudes only want sex or "casual" dating (which i'm still not sure of the exact definition but seems to be FWB but glorified), and only the uglies want a commited serious relationship. And even tho i always tell myself that i don't need to be in a romantic relationship, that i'll be happier living solo and blablabla i can't stop finding myself envious of random couples and daydreaming about having a bf. Ugh.
No. 1165109
>>1165106apps are still unfortunately the most convenient way to meet people sometimes though you need for the local dating pool to refresh. Meeting people 'naturally' really only works when you work in a mixed-sex environment or have a very open, mixed-sex social group.
Oh and ugly guys are not inherently more committed they just think that's all they can offer. Not worth it to get into a relationship with someone you find unattractive.
No. 1165123
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so i met this guy in a class. he has the same vibe as me and i thought that he might be into me cuz we dmed about stuff we like. then my class organizes a get together. we get drunk, he takes me home to his place and we fuck. and then he goes "i don't regret it, but i wish i could forget it" and tells me how i should feel. thennnnnnnn he starts talking about his idea woman and lo and behold his ideal woman is a kpop idol. we spent an hour watching kpop videos with him oggling her and i was curled up on his bed trying not to cry. walking red flag, and i was too naive and blind. my friends said he was trash and i didn't believe them. feel like a fool. i want to make it better by talking to him again…. idk like restart or something. rn he's in america but when he comes back i want to make it right. he was my first time… and now i'm paranoid that im pregnant.
>listed a bunch of things that he likes in a girl (all physical)none which i fit.
>delusional that he'll meet and marry his precious kpop idol
>said he could never date a girl with short hair (i have short hair)
>house is a mess and he has a huge portrait canvas of this idol girl
>leaves the blinds closed at all time
>enjoys being fetishized cuz he's half asian
>won't see a therapist
but i still like him and now i want to buy a wig to look like her. help me please
No. 1165129
>>1165106nona are you me fuck man i hate this for us
hope you find someone worthwhile I gave up on this and just focused on saving up for a house
No. 1165238
>>1165230I was mean in high school. I was manipulative especially towards boys. My only
friends in high school were a tif and an AFAB they/them and I ruined it. I wish I had girlfriends but I don’t think I should get close to other girls. I don’t want to hurt other women they don’t deserve to be dragged into my shit
No. 1165315
>>1165071Oh yeah the south is much better, but I ended up having to move to the biblebelt when I was a kid and they hate southern people for the mildly catholic background, even if you're not practicing. If you're not orthodox gereformeerd then you get treated just as shitty as Muslims and they also treated Jewish people like shit, which is why Remembrance day feels like such a farce. I prefer even Randstad people over biblebelt people. You see doctors on Refoweb having to justify treating foreigners, LGB(t) people, doing some treatments etc. because people are fucking nuts and will shun doctors for doing their fucking job. Parents won't vaccinate their children against measles, because they see it as playing God. The government is doing nothing to control what is happening in the biblebelt, it's like a country on its own with different laws and Grapperhaus did jackshit about the rape and pedo problem, because he's from CDA. I wouldn't like UK tier fake politeness either, but everyone constantly shits on Eastern European people, calls Southern European people lazy and acts like they are literal demons. Meanwhile they are nicer than 99% of Dutch people I come across. Our election system is theoretically better than that of many other countries', but it doesn't matter, because nothing fucking works like it should. We have so many literal fascists in the parliament, we haven't banned parties since the centrum party, we haven't taken laws implemented by literal nazi's back during WWII out of our lawbooks and the government is sneaking many laws behind everyone's backs in to disadvantage women. They got rid of het zorgfonds, they fucked the pensions, the studieleningen were a disaster, they keep closing hospitals, Rutte and his neoliberal ass is going to take us completely to US tier conditions (we're halfway there already anyway) if we're not careful. The only way it could get worse is if PVV, JA21, FVD etc. gets into power, but the left is fucking useless too and is more obsessed with troons than anything else. Oh and D66 isn't even left, it's just green VVD with more troons. We're literally led by a convicted racist who caused the toeslagenaffaire and they're still doing jackshit to remedy that and they're still screwing women over. De toeslagenaffaire did something similar to women as to what you would read about in the Handmaid's tale, it puts you on a blacklist and prevents you from even having your own bank account. We're not even allowed to complain about anything, because every Dutch person immediately says "it could be so much worse, be happy!", which is why we look retarded in our "happiest with the government" "happiest people on earth" statistics, meanwhile we also have the highest wealth inequality. It's so easy to feel like everything is fine and put your head in the sand, if you don't constantly have to work with people who are deep in shit, because our system is so Kafakesque that there's no escape and you're screwed over at every turn and you're not allowed to complain, because people want to pretend we're so much better than other countries. "Just move", oh yeah like they won't do a shit ton of tax and pension verrekeningen at the border if you plan on leaving permanently, so you can only really move if you're really fucking wealthy. What if you studied something which is only relevant to the country and you can't easily practice in another country? Like Dutch law? You can practically throw your degrees away then. This isn't just to you, sorry
No. 1165349
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Ok anons I need to be absolutely sure I’m not overreacting here but one of my newer friends made an awful indirect joke. Basically calling me a “hole”.
The joke itself is retarded but what really hurt me was trying so hard to hide and control my feelings. I couldn’t get actually mad and yell at him because the only person who would look bad is me. I also don’t need the typical “it’s just a joke you’re too sensitive spiel”. I really liked him too, but this just put me off.
I haven’t felt this awful in a long time
No. 1165420
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Trying to look at motivating fitness content for women is just so fucking exhausting. You're either looking at instagram influencer booty workouts that might as well be on pornhub, or you're looking at videos of actually strong/muscular women and a bunch of moids in the comments going "reee this wasn't worth it what happened to your boobs and ass they got smaller women aren't supposed to look like this" bitch shut the fuck up. i honestly hope every moid who thinks like this breaks their spine and dies, they're genetic failures who don't even exercise themselves and they think they can just comment on womens bodies like this because they're insecure about the fact this woman could easily lift and outperform their skinnyfat dadbod.
then they have the audacity to try and play victim like "you say we have chicken legs or we're short" god forbid you learn to handle a bit of backlash or criticism after years and years of women being subject to ever-changing beauty standards. you literally can't do shit as a woman without someone feeling like they need to remind you how they think about it.
oh you have a big appetite and enjoy food? that's not good and you should reign it in. oh you have a disciplined diet and stick to your calories/macros intake? that's not good you have an eating disorder. you're muscular? you look like a man. you're skinny? you need to thicken up and you look like a stick.
don't care, didn't ask, plus you're a fucking loser. i swear men can just get away with looking fucking atrocious day in day out and yet when women modify or change one small aspect about themselves they are interrogated for it. fuck off.
No. 1165431
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I think this medicine that I'm on is giving me nausea. I've almost vomited 3 times
No. 1165459
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>>1165434i agree with the thing about steroids
nonnie, the vast majority of muscular women don't even look "manly" unless they're on testosterone, but men still seem to think physiques like picrel are "too much" and not feminine enough despite her literally looking like…just a strong woman. it's ALWAYS the out of shape and unfit men who preach this too, most muscular men I know like the athletic look on women because they know how fucking hard it is to even reach that point.
>>1165445i relate so hard to you nonna, the lifetime of "small" comments made towards your eating habits or appearance in general really breaks down your self esteem. my mum would judge the way i parted my hair, how skinny i was or if my boobs had grown, and also what i was wearing despite me just being an autist teenager trying to figure out the world at my own pace. it's funny though because if you flip it on them and try and make a comment about their body or lifestyle they will make any excuse under the sun and cry about it, they're complete hypocrites.
No. 1165486
>>1165485Do you eat many rough or crunchy foods?
That sounds like a fairly soft-textured diet, which would make me double down on hairy-tongue
No. 1165497
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>Nona there are no nerves inside your tract so it shouldn't hurt! MY THROAT DOES HURT and drinking anything hurts my stomach, did they damage my esophagus? I'm calling if I still have pain tomorrow!
>>1165475Very true. My health is shit so while I do scrape and brush everyday, my tongue has an unhealthy colour. It's been getting a little better since I got high dose vitamin D prescription though.
>>1165487>I tried to renew it but they refused>I fought so hard to come to Germany>GermanyDon't blame yourself, it's the retarded Kafkaesque bureaucracy and it's made to set people up for failure. They don't care about your good faith, they just want to follow policy and procedure. You do sound pretty fucked though, have you spoken to a Kraut lawyer? Are they trying to mark you for fraud?
No. 1165503
>>1165497Yes, a lawyer is involved. Idk what the official charges are at this point.
I wanna fucking die
No. 1165527
>>1165502>sucks that they’re punishing you for being law-abidingYou have no idea how common this is.
>>1165503Understandable, is your lawyer any good, do you feel comfortable with them? You've shown good faith so at least they can't say you did it on purpose. Is your employer helping you out? They seem to be able to be fined a fuck ton too, so they would or should have a vested interested in helping you out. Please don't kill yourself.
>>1165525Best I can do is Netherlands.
No. 1165538
>>1165531This is common in several Northern European countries. All the supposed protections and rights you have are gatekept like crazy and it's done on purpose so people can't make use of them.
>>1165530>Now that things have gone to shit, I think they will just end my contract and try to sort it out separately, because they did get in trouble too.I don't know, it could help their case if you're out of hot water too. Please don't give up yet.
No. 1165570
>>1165315It's fine nona, it's the vent thread after all.
I can see where you're coming from with the arrogance thing, it is used sometimes but honestly I think the Dutch are the best at complaining lol. The biblebelt is indeed fucking hellish (hah), I never lived there but have heard a lot about the zwaar gereformeerden, gives me shivers. Honestly now that you say it, the biggest political parties are on the right either straight up fascist groups and on the left tranny good for nothing moralfags. I hate how the royal family is so praised here though, they do fucking nothing while regular hard working people have to pay more taxes to keep them on their satin pillows. Not to mention all the scandals they have, like prince what's his name stealing a million gulden from the compensation Jews (rightfully) got after the Holocaust, even though he was already obviously rich. I really don't think we have it bad or are bad/stupid people though, I think we have a pretty good education system (if you went to a public school anyway) and most people I know (older colleagues and family too, not just other retarded zoomers like me lol) are very typical Dutch people with strong opinions, a sense of humor and a hate for the government. I'm still very young though (19) so I don't know that much about pensions and stuff but with all you're saying I suppose I'm in for a ride. Could you elaborate on the
>the government is sneaking many laws behind everyone's backs in to disadvantage women
btw? I don't know if that's too much derailing though, maybe take it to the Eurofag thread? I'm interested now. No. 1165614
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No. 1165633
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I fucking hate how I let myself get fat over lockdown and now I'm trying my hardest to undo it all but it's taking its sweet time to get back into shape. I've just finished my workout session and already felt alienated and tired, so I get my stuff and go back to the locker room and there's this literal Stacy (good for her I'm not hating ofc) tall muscular tanner and blonde with tattoos. She is standing in front of my locker and I feel like a short flappy autistic freak saying "excuse me" next to this amazingly beautiful woman. I honestly envy her so much, she was wearing a nice matching gym set and she looked fit and strong and I was just in my oversized hoodie because I cant even look at my body without wanting to cry. I wish I could fast forward 6 months to when I'm actually in shape, every day feels like torture and my body dysmorphia convinces me I'm even fatter than I already am. Even on the days that I might feel a little better about myself, I'll just coincidentally be put next to some absolute beast (in a good way) of a woman and then it's like a big fuck you to my brain for even daring to have an ounce of self-confidence. I fucking hate myself for getting like this, I just want it to end, I feel like a fucking troon even admitting that my own fat chest/breasts trigger me at this point because I've always been thin and flat chested before.
No. 1165912
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I honestly don't think scrotes should have an opinion on abortion. I hate when they bring spirituality into it, as if any religion a male believes in has any relevance to women. Most religions are just male cope. As if God didn't abort the human race via a flood because everyone was too retarded.
No. 1165936
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>>1165934Sry forgot to attach
No. 1166128
>>1165962scrotes are really fucking stupid but society makes them feel like they are intellectually superior and right on everything by default. Even the "intellectual" moids I have encountered were just subjective and irrational as fuck and couldn't argue well. They just used fancy words with no cursive logic and.they were unable to argue against my logic or deny my points, just make their argument seem.better by wording it by a certain formula
A couple of.months ago I argued with a moid that said "truth is subjective" and I said he was hypocritical and suffered from cognitive dissonance because by saying "Truth is subjective" you're making a quantitative statement about the objectivity of truth, so you do think IT IS OBJECTIVELY TRUE THAT TRUTH IS SUBJECTIVE. With the same moid I argued about sex work,he kept on saying that he is a Marxist commie and I told him that's hypocritical to be a Marxist and support prostitution when it is capitalist abuse and oppresion and literally results from dialectical materialism. Of course he ignored my points and made some pretentious argument that made him sound good but he could just not argue against my logic. It wasn't even a fucking argument, he made a chess move to make himself appear knowledgeable.
No. 1166282
My general rule for life is this: allow and let go. I feel this is the best "remedy" to anything, as it releases one from victimhood. I hold this mindset regarding what I'm about to share too. I practise letting go and allowing it to simply be. I don't hold grudges against anyone, including myself, and I've forgiven everybody involved. I don't see the purpose of blaming anybody or staying in that old story, when I know I am worth more than that and learned my lesson before it even happened. But on some days, like right now, it comes back again! It twists my belly into a knot and I just pity myself. I feel bad for myself that I ever put myself in such a situation; that I was so low in my development that I didn't yet properly defend or protect myself. I did a very degrading thing that is fully beneath me… I went on a tinder date with an absolute loser eleven years my senior and gave him a blowjob. I was very silly to truly think he was interested in me beyond that. I cried on the date, saying I didn't want it. But I was too scared, too this, too that, to stop him or myself. I let him continue to kiss and finger me as I was crying and felt myself beginning to dissociate. But I couldn't fully let it stop. I didn't want to, but I still did it. I was crying but I gave him a blowjob. I just genuinely thought we could even be friends. It was very naive and even I knew that, but I still let myself believe it because I didn't know what my alternatives were. After the entire ordeal I learned properly and managed to forgive and accept it easily enough for me to make significant growth in a short amount of time. I have completely grown from the mindset I had at the time and have much better relationships with all kinds of people now. The only thing I think that raises this insecurity about what happened is my current relationship. It is an amazing relationship, but for some reason I am scared to share what happened. I know there is no real reason to share it, yet I feel compelled to tell him. I want him to know and still see me for who I am. I don't want to have to pretend or hide anything to be seen as "pure" and I want to tell him what happened without having to explain myself too much and without being seen as "impure", because I want my purity to be defined by my heart and soul, not past experiences. But my boyfriend is very protective and sensitive. He cannot stand the thought of any guy but him even looking at me, and he won't even listen to the story properly, it will solely upset him and I will have to end up apologising, when really I want to grow and heal further together with him.
No. 1166301
nonnie, I was thinking it was an Eric
No. 1166339
>>1166276Sounds like you're being gangstalked
No. 1166403
>>1166282If your boyfriend can’t listen and hold space for you while you tell him about something that clearly had a significant impact on you…I don’t know
nonnie, is it really that great a relationship? You should feel safe enough to tell him about things in your past like this. It doesn’t reflect well on him that you don’t feel like you can tell him.
No. 1166423
>>1166416because she married him for money, or something, I dunno their arguments don't make sense to me. She 100% lost way more than depp and she's constantly getting death threats from randoms. It's depressing.
I don't even wanna argue it anymore with my friends but ever since I've voiced that opinion they constantly make fun of me for being blind and stupid. Super fun.
No. 1166427
>>1166298>>1166301I lowkey wanna start a group for nonnitas to name drop their shit tier boyfriends/exes. It makes me curious about how many dudes are serial dating farmers and would expose the cheaters, with how everyone talks about their bfs im convinced it's the same exact 5 dudes
anyone interested?
No. 1166480
>>1164581>>1164581thank you nonnas, i actually really appreciate that you took your time to reply!
my last day will hopefully be this sunday, unless he finds a way to drag me back in for a week because of my contract, but im far too afraid to make any serious complaints to the people above him. hopefully a braver worker will, since hes actively sexist and has allocated only women to work on the tills and for men to work out back (i work in a gardening centre), and its caused some arguments amongst staff since half of the girls were better doing the physical work than the men. its crap that once i leave he'll remember me as a "ditsy pushover" but i dont have to prove myself to a man like him.
No. 1170027
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today i was at practice for color guard yeah, we were learning a new dance number and during the end of the dance my body just basically gave out and i fell and popped/sprained my ankle. it hurts like hell. my body gave out because im a mentally ill freak and i havent eaten in maybe 2 days at the time of this happening. so when i get home i bandage my foot and rest and my mom brings me a burger from a burger place nearby because i told her i didnt have any lunch today (or yesterday, but she didnt know that kek). i didnt want to hurt her feelings so i ate it. now i feel incredibly guilty for forcing myself to eat when i didnt want to. i am also in a lot of physical pain from, yknow, falling on my ass and spraining my ankle. maybe even breaking it. idk, if it's not better by tomorrow im gonna go get it checked out.