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No. 1668158
131 backwards is 131
previous thread
>>>/ot/1662066 No. 1668168
File: 1692321081722.png (2.39 MB, 1100x1352, k-nonna farming.png)

nonnies I watched a 12 episodes k-drama called celebrity on netflix and the final boss of the main character is a farmer kek she reminded me so much of all of you ♥
No. 1668170
File: 1692321164311.png (99.99 KB, 498x707, some fakeboi yelling about ani…)

tumblr kids who use 4chan layouts, say fag/dyke/kys, play edgy Japanese games (ie: nitro chrial stuff in this case) but still get upset over anime ships are so strange to me
No. 1668174
>>1668173I don't remember people being super upset over anime ships back then, weren't they super into Mink?
I guess that makes sense though that they have varying levels of edge.
No. 1668187
File: 1692322154644.jpeg (195.61 KB, 709x515, IMG_9481.jpeg)

the thread has now been infected!
your new monthly post infection plan comes with
>just enough of a food budget to buy chicken nuggets every 3 days
>you eat drywall the other 2
>a hovel los angeles apartment
>money for whatever antivirals you need to keep living (try and steal his amex black card number if you can)
>a lifetime of burning, scratching and itching
>a session with an unqualified therapist who blames you for all your problems
>an annual trip to the stunning tourist town of lahaina (it's hot hot hot, right now!)
>uncertainty, pain and anger (but what is life if not a struggle)
good luck!!
welcome to my twisted mind, I cope somehow
No. 1668198
File: 1692323405313.jpeg (523.66 KB, 1170x943, IMG_0363.jpeg)

>>1668190hello lovelies
satirizing his abuser tendencies and the fact that the only reason his
victims would rather stay silent is fear with a dash of bribery. which usually means paying for their expenses because he entraps them with incurable STDs and severe mental abuse. it's so obvious
but… when he was accused, no women came out to defend his ass. no woman spoke out either, but absolutely no woman came out to defend him
money dries up, hawaii is engulfed in flames, all cults are destined to fail, people will continue to ask questions, and louisiana I heard is balmy this time of year. mmm hmm hmm I wonder how linda and nicole are doing
No. 1668200
File: 1692323462893.jpeg (173.63 KB, 1170x277, IMG_0365.jpeg)

>>1668195a little drywall constipation has to be better than getting aids
that's what my laxatives are for
No. 1668205
File: 1692323822008.jpg (50.12 KB, 512x363, 009.jpg)

I accidentally ate undercooked pork the other day. Then today I purposefully ate green potatoes because I didn't want to have to go to the store buy more.
No. 1668206
File: 1692323845931.jpeg (20.44 KB, 234x275, 7B7CDF24-2555-4E03-B0C0-2E8DF2…)

On Instagram I saw a woman call a man a moid in response to his sexist comment, love to see it
No. 1668227
File: 1692324707685.jpeg (149.26 KB, 1148x1148, IMG_3128.jpeg)

Feeling like him
No. 1668241
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>>1668238i have been going at this for 3 years and i still cant draw for shit. I will keep going though because no one draws my husbando
No. 1668246
File: 1692325766291.jpg (35.04 KB, 366x488, ea08cd53422c0b804377fbb588963b…)

>>1668241Your not the only one, still drawing like this
No. 1668252
File: 1692326044240.jpg (51.79 KB, 400x500, love-art-7.jpg)

>>1668249Me and my husbando
No. 1668268
>>1668250At this point you're better off getting your irl friends into your interest, the number of times I've meet seemingly regular non tif women online who turned out to be anti-
terf!!!11 or self hating misogynists is agonizing
No. 1668271
File: 1692326498342.jpg (425.59 KB, 800x412, e1024_1.jpg)

>>1668260Literally met one today who plays joseimuke like dmmd and obey me today kek.
>>1668263That or they unironically believe that having a crush on anime boys means you want to be the anime boy (gender envy is the dumbest shit on the planet)
>>1668264I feel like this is a more recent thing, but yeah the more edgy variety has been like this lately.
No. 1668279
>>1668278IS IT
No. 1668284
File: 1692327179313.jpg (244.69 KB, 1079x764, sparkleheartcryingcat.jpg)

>>1668276Noooo I feel bad now KEK. I would post myself but it's 5 hours until I get home. You'll have to hold the fort!
No. 1668285
>>1668284don't feel bad
nonny! I will, for you ♥
No. 1668286
File: 1692327260169.png (26.96 KB, 640x400, 9f1f84d7e8109687d2103e36c0fb91…)

>>1668243i am looking forward to drawing for drawing stickmen for the rest of my life
>>1668246what irks me the most is the lack of ''soul''? its like everything i make is boring even though artists with less skill do nicer things. As an extreme example there is this uber wonky anime grill from some pc98 art magazine that i love. `
>>1668258yup but still suck. This month i started doing face and value studies but i still suck and cannot draw a simple head.
No. 1668293
File: 1692328108249.jpg (120.25 KB, 661x767, 1692327951792304.jpg)

The upper left pic is making me hungry is that bad
No. 1668301
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>>1668299>>1668298fuck i didnt sing up for this i was supposed to be the food dispenser and poo remover
No. 1668365
File: 1692338946415.jpeg (97.96 KB, 619x601, fdc21f361b8d7860.jpeg)

>>1668146>>1668192His bio doesn't disappoint.
>Since December 2009, Pike has been in a relationship with Robie Uniacke, a businessman, and they have two sons, both fluent in Mandarin.>Rosamund gave birth to their son Solo in May 2012. They welcomed their second son Atom in December 2014, and the family of four is living together in England.>The company went bankrupt in 2016 and was closed in the same year – after several investigations were conducted, it was revealed that Robie failed to pay taxes of around $250,000 to Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs (HMRC), while he also occasionally took large amounts of money from his company’s account using the business money for his own personal needs.>Robie has been fighting with his drug addiction for years. Both he and his first wife Emma Howards were addicted to heroin, and this was allegedly the reason behind their divorce. No. 1668446
File: 1692353176996.jpeg (102.73 KB, 1110x1200, okay so 18 pounds of cokane, 1…)

Can someone link me to that one post that was in either the dumbass shit threads or shitposting threads? It was about Nick Fuentes getting raped by 17 autistic orangutans, and there was a description of his asshole blooming open like an evening primrose. I was the anon who wrote that and I want to add more to it.
No. 1668455
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>>1668450>>1668451I enjoy disappointing all you greatly
No. 1668459
File: 1692354641749.jpeg (49.79 KB, 768x1024, Frieber canon.jpeg)

>>1668457thank you
nonnie, you do not know the hell you are about to release onto this site.
No. 1668461
File: 1692354876704.gif (4.43 MB, 480x480, liquid chris water.gif)

>>1668459dont worry i am about to spend the entire day trying to figure out figure drawing so i am going to unleash some schizophrenia thoruhg the day too
No. 1668462
File: 1692354953424.jpg (47.18 KB, 608x608, ezgif-2-b50ce134c7.jpg)

This muthafucka's so cute and hot at the same time, handsome if you will
No. 1668464
File: 1692355011942.jpg (25.67 KB, 400x378, Dr_Andrew_Huberman.jpg)

>>1668462Omg and with the glasses???? Amazing
No. 1668544
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>>1668520Don't tempt fate Anon. Though I get it, it's not even shocking just mildly annoying especially if you've browsed anime communities for a bit.
No. 1668587
>>1668581USA/Russia was the hottest shit during Hetalia days, I don't see why it would be so different with countryhumans and you are probably reading too much into it.
Although I think countryhumans and countryballs is peak autism so she is retarded just for drawing yaoi with those butt ugly rounheads. Like you know how if the guy likes countryballs and makes his shitty ocs of the tectonic state of Prussia or some shit like that… He is definitely on the spectrum and probably smells of sweat, sperm and doritoes. Well, countryhumans is the same shit except for teenage girls.
No. 1668593
File: 1692365120096.jpeg (95.36 KB, 1080x1189, 63e5b3ff34cca.jpeg)

Why yes, I do curate my fandom experience by blocking with extreme predjudice, such as anyone who has different opinions from me, ships things I don't like, prefers characters I dont like, dislikes characters I do like, says anything I don't like, focuses on derivative media I don't care for, lacks even the slightest understanding of the source material, has headcanons I don't agree with, or displeases me even slighlty in any way. How could you tell?
No. 1668602
>>1668587The comics were very political
>>1668590I'm sure if Putin had his way, he'd turn the country into next Eurasian Union.
No. 1668614
>>1668605I get you but what do the wolves do like
Likes : Hunting
Dislike : Being hungry
Animals who come into territory
Forest fires
Like how in depth?
No. 1668649
File: 1692369316577.jpg (25.17 KB, 640x620, f3f868058c2ed5c9.jpg)

>>1668633soviet style.
1. oat flakes.
2. water.
3. salt.
4. boil for 10 minutes until the flakes dissolve a bit and the water goes white. yes, it's supposed to be almost liquid.
5. add some sunflower oil if you want to.
it looks like slop (probably is one), but the taste & the texture are really good (i like it).
No. 1668650
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I loved learning about the suffragettes in history as a bong
No. 1668696
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if my only value is in my beauty, then let every man be blind
No. 1668765
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Which thread would you say consistently has the most autistic infights? My immediate answer is Celebcow.
No. 1668846
File: 1692378898218.gif (5.57 MB, 498x280, 1646050002786.gif)

Remember when anons got banned for posting kawiified trumpxputin memes, good times. 2022 was only one year ago but it felt way longer than that.
No. 1668854
File: 1692379241849.jpg (55.49 KB, 640x640, 1531432604380.jpg)

Me and my mother are going out to eat and then shopping tomorrow, I've already prepared my outfit, makeup and itabag in advanced. I don't care if it's considered cringe that my mother is my BFF, we have fun together like there's no tomorrow. Tomorrow's going to be a good day.
No. 1668856
File: 1692379317672.png (41.56 KB, 800x650, 1645828303819.png)

>>1668852I think cause it was too silly for the Ukraine war thread or something
No. 1668858
>>1668854Anybody who calls you cringe for that is a loser. I wish I had that kind of relationship with my own mother.
I hope you both have a really good day tomorrow!
No. 1668863
File: 1692379579521.jpeg (71.02 KB, 750x1334, IMG_0640.jpeg)

>>1668351Toad loves you too
No. 1668870
>>1668854this is cute, who cares what some idiots think.
my mom is one of my BFF's too, we're going to the movies together tomorrow night to see some corny shark movie. hope you guys have good time!
No. 1668934
>>1668918cora or imogen?
i cheated bc i used google, one of the results that came up was galadriel kek
No. 1668953
>>1668932Cats are kind of shifty honestly they like to kill babies in their cribs and do ritual sacrifices kind of
sus to be honest famalam
No. 1668955
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>>1668852I think it was in the bunker or the europe threads at the start of the war and we spammed it to
trigger the invading pol moids kek. Hetalia nonnies joined too.
No. 1668969
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>>1668963I half agree with you, but I'm pretty sure it was right at the start when half of social media made WW3 memes.
No. 1669075
File: 1692392716392.jpg (96.53 KB, 1024x683, 1574125334_311bf43732_b.jpg)

Wish I was a kid again playing water barbie jet ski at chuckecheeses and eating cake from the vending machine
No. 1669085
File: 1692393218018.png (7.66 KB, 324x296, huh.png)

>>1669059I didn't do any of those things, wasn't being aggressive yet got banned for being a moid for some reason. idk if a moid used my ip in the past or what.
>Mods can see post history, they aren't stupid.occasionally they are, to the point where admins have took a few farmhands privileges away in the past, and times where they removed redtexts.
(if that's truly the case, please email us. We check post history and other things before banning if you are moid.) No. 1669090
File: 1692393430575.jpg (Spoiler Image,393.22 KB, 756x552, Russo-Japanese War 1904-1905.j…)

>>1668581>>1668612That's just a normal practice, nonichkas
No. 1669121
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>>1669104Kek you're right, I'm not sure why I thought it had to be only one or the other. One of the strings feels a little lose but I'll ask around for help
No. 1669204
File: 1692401552346.jpg (1.76 MB, 2828x2828, Picsart_23-08-19_00-51-08-996.…)

nonnitas I was taking a trip down memory lane and I just remembered that I wanted to buy this whole outfit from aliexpress for my first day of art school. I had spent 16 years wearing a school uniform so I thought this was totally normal.
So innocent I was…
No. 1669281
File: 1692407061983.jpg (160.93 KB, 1024x681, 4378302122_bf5782d121_b.jpg)

Would Bob the Builder and Handy Manny be nemeses… or lovers??? Discuss nonas
No. 1669293
>>1669075Same but with summer camp. I miss fingerbraids and making little bead lizards. I know I could theoretically do that shit now, but it's just not the same. Or like, getting on the school bus with a bunch of matching t-shirts and going to the local pool. Maybe I miss this stuff because as an adult, summer is when my depression tends to be the worst, counterintuitively. I keep thinking back to how summer used to be fun.
Also what the fuck kind of Chuck E Cheese were you going to? Mine never had vending machine cake wtf
No. 1669324
File: 1692411097955.jpg (456.76 KB, 3464x3464, BEB11F72-EEE0-42CC-9321-16D359…)

Made a collage of my nendoroid wishlist… (not including Ib and Ukyo because they're still in the prototype stage)
No. 1669331
File: 1692411736564.jpeg (213.83 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault-1415434673.jpeg)

>>1669324Nonnie… "Ib" like Ib from the RPG Maker game?
Because if so, I CAN'T roast you, I'm mad jealous!! I didn't know they made and Ib Nendoroid!! No. 1669336
File: 1692411901761.png (406.73 KB, 541x726, best girl.png)

>>1669331That's the one! I'm beyond excited for her to get colored since Ib has been one of my favorite games for over a decade.
No. 1669381
File: 1692415032241.gif (Spoiler Image,9.86 MB, 540x400, tumblr_a20960df4f9567af1f0c49a…)

I'm a simp
No. 1669401
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Good evening
No. 1669468
File: 1692424571588.webm (877.59 KB, 320x572, aUEbPU6524.webm)

If your a bf can't hold a credit card with his pecs he's not a real man, sorry but its the truth.
No. 1669486
>>1669485while you take another frantic glance at your window shop reflection
ensuring your stinking lie is maintained
No. 1669512
File: 1692432633271.jpg (7.48 KB, 236x208, hmm.jpg)

>watch yt documetaries exposing youtuber pedos
>the vast majority are trannies
No. 1669519
File: 1692433698147.png (24.55 KB, 350x350, a67.png)

>me replying to blatantly racist and misogynistic comments with "nice bait"(i am very smart)
No. 1669562
File: 1692443592345.jpg (58.12 KB, 735x754, 1660069127441.jpg)

whats your ideal bf nonnies, mine's
>longish fluffly hair
>prefeerably blond but brunette is also qte
>nerdy looking
>doesnt watch porn(impossible, ik)
>doesnt use social media
>doesnt play/never played lol/valorant/fortnite or other shitty popular competitive games
>will larp pre-2010s with me and get a flip-phone , ditch shit like streaming
>we share similar tastes in media
>isnt insecure about other men
I have insane standars and at this point i have realized none of the moids that approach me will ever even met the doesnt watch porn requeriment, so i have given up and live vicariously through my ocs
No. 1669565
File: 1692443992472.jpg (11.67 KB, 480x640, ac383743bc27a0d67566348a55b915…)

why wont it rain why wont it rain why wont it rain reeee it's soooo hottt kill me nonnies
No. 1669576
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>>1669574a nerd without glasses is like an angel without wings
No. 1669578
File: 1692446053191.jpeg (306.37 KB, 992x662, young-man-nerdy-glasses-sittin…)

>>1669562>longish fluffly hair prefeerably blond glasses nerdy looking skinnya finger on the monkey paw has curled, here is your mans
No. 1669579
File: 1692446285419.jpg (150.15 KB, 1080x1525, 9674414ed5575718707feb52fea53d…)

>>1669578i would, although this is the type of fluffly i like
No. 1669581
File: 1692446531748.jpeg (49.13 KB, 736x920, tate.jpeg)

>>1669562like mine
sorry no glasses in this pic.
No. 1669588
>>1669562Aside from the obvious "good, loyal guy with stable job and income and good grooming habits" blah blah, if I'm allowed to get really specific about looks, lifestyle and hobbies/interess
>long, well taken care of hair (longer than mine even, my hair is just past my shoulders) (sorry I just like long hair on men a lot kek)>at least 5cm taller than me>fit, needs to have some muscle on him, wants to go on runs together>healthy lifestyle>doesn't drink or do drugs including weed>no porn or fetishes>no cheating history, no emotional baggage from previous relationships>single digit body count>no screen hobbies and no or limited social media usage>outdoorsy hobbies (doesn't have to be mine exactly)>similiar taste in music, wants to go to concerts/festivals together>educated>not religious and no religious background>doens't want kids, same/similiar long-term goalsI know I have high standards but I also know I can match them should I come across this fine rare specimen (am not deluding myself into thinking that's gonna happen)
No. 1669641
File: 1692452314354.png (140.24 KB, 279x386, crossed legs.png)

this youtuber's dog was sitting funny
No. 1669651
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>>1669562Monkey paw 2 grants you:
Def can larp pre 2010 with u and no valorant/ social media
No. 1669680
File: 1692456955018.jpg (185.78 KB, 1024x1024, 1624951500307.jpg)

I wanna watch some anime but I still have half a dozen halfway watched ones from four seasons ago, so I feel like I'm not allowed to start any new ones until I've finished those.
No. 1669705
>>1669702Oh no oh fuck I can’t delete this post because my phone auto filled in a password
I can’t beli
No. 1669712
File: 1692460533148.gif (1.04 MB, 480x366, weeoooweeoo.gif)

>>1669710put your hands up and step out of the vehicle!!
No. 1669715
File: 1692460868922.png (Spoiler Image,1.26 MB, 1064x1019, what awoke young me terrible t…)

>>1669651kinda related but what gave me my weird super specific aesthetic preference in men as a teen was young austin powers in the third movie, so i guess its a fine punishment.
No. 1669764
File: 1692465706134.png (Spoiler Image,128.39 KB, 218x419, image (1).png)

the nerd thread OP went MIA so i am going to say it here, scott has the nicest fucking legs and feet and it induces me moid levels of coomer rage where i just want him to strangle me with them and sniff coke off his feet
No. 1669766
File: 1692465905197.jpg (140.12 KB, 1600x1030, 269791-1600x1030-how-wash-dish…)

I hate the concept of filling up a sink with water to handwash your dishes. You're pretty much just cleaning the dishes in their own dirty water. When I'm handwashing dishes, I just put them in a dry sink and give each dish it's own little dot of soap.
No. 1669799
>>1669787ahh he's really handsome
dem legs too,
nonnie i suggest you post him in the nerdy guy crush thread asap, i'll contribute too
maybe we can sperg about him in the irl husbandos thread too No. 1669809
File: 1692469807411.jpg (140.21 KB, 574x1024, 24051861518_0afa586521_b.jpg)

damn this kitten is big as hell
No. 1669997
File: 1692478559465.jpg (12.75 KB, 318x159, Z(11).jpg)

meant to search for care bear but typoed car bear instead
No. 1670065
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>>1670051I hear him every day.
>>1669998Sum cheez for u cutie
No. 1670099
File: 1692487246962.png (83.99 KB, 275x247, 1667896621496.png)

just know, live your life and be you, because someone is always going to have some stupid shit to say, so don't gaf
No. 1670101
File: 1692487435655.jpg (1.66 MB, 1280x1280, B612_20230819_182617_438.jpg)

Alright ladies I'm firing up the ceremonial woodchipper. Reply with whoever you want thrown into it.
No. 1670146
File: 1692490389458.jpg (125.34 KB, 827x822, Eh00ii-XcAARBqy.jpg)

>>1669562A man who loves me that I am actually attracted to (impossible) but physically I mostly just like hairy muscle fat guys or short guys who like to be bullied
No. 1670205
File: 1692494236781.jpg (88.67 KB, 1024x682, istockphoto-589567138-1024x102…)

You will stop being severely autistic about your ships and favorite characters that it narrows your view and ability to enjoy things.
But you will not settle for less when seeing characters and ships depicted less than in character and have standards for how they are depicted.
You will draw more ship and favorite character art that is extremely indulgent and makes you and only you happy.
You will use your favorite characters and ships to get creative and improve your art rather than use it a means to stay comfortable and stagnate with it.
If others find it good, then that's a plus. If not, fuck them.
You will curate your online experience with extreme prejudice with the block button as your sword. No mercy.
You will owe nobody nothing in creating content of your ships and favorite characters.
No. 1670246
File: 1692496591010.jpeg (65.44 KB, 700x484, IMG_0698.jpeg)

rip to cheems
bonk on into eternity little shibe
No. 1670255
File: 1692496962691.jpeg (97.21 KB, 1080x605, IMG_0713.jpeg)

>>1670250cheems is now a heavenly doggie
No. 1670273
>>1670262It was cancer
Yet another reason to say fuck cancer
No. 1670285
File: 1692498481007.png (17.34 MB, 3476x2404, 785923.png)

the establishment fears this
No. 1670290
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>>1670246Rip to cheems, soon doge will join up with him, he's 17 years old I think
No. 1670346
File: 1692502658511.jpg (115.98 KB, 1090x1390, man-ethereal-body-energy-emana…)

>>1670333Natural connection sometimes transcends feelings associated with sexuality and does not need to be explained via label or have romantic implications. Loving someone and choosing to be their friend and remain in their life selflessly without a sexual partnership is one of the most powerful human relationships you can have.
No. 1670362
File: 1692504615031.jpeg (970.07 KB, 1604x2046, like 40 slutty gift plushies o…)

>>1670298It's what true feminism looks like, at least for radfem nerds.
No. 1670374
File: 1692506446119.jpg (96.84 KB, 1200x1200,…)

>>1670371>they are uglyLies, they're adorable.
>and uselessI like taking pictures of them and buying doll clothes for them, but yes they are pretty useless.
No. 1670455
File: 1692519415915.jpg (10.73 KB, 275x221, 1674599285171.jpg)

Can some nonnie give me motivation to get in the shower? I'm being lazy.
No. 1670462
File: 1692520170924.jpg (251.06 KB, 1280x1024, kirulfhjewgbfewrjkb.jpg)

>>1670455oOOooOooh you love water ooOOOoOoOooh you love the coldness ooooOOoooOoh you love the feeling of water and soap suds flowing down your body knowing that they're taking all the accumulated filth with it ooOooOoh you love showering oOOooOOoh
No. 1670482
File: 1692525947307.jpg (41.09 KB, 500x610, tardito.jpg)

all the threads I don't care about full of insane retard nonas, previewing them feels like visiting the zoo.
No. 1670490
>>1670480The tranny that always tries to get the thread shutdown has been spamming it for hours
>>>/snow/1884634 . He's done it before and seems to be doing it again and goes on for hours unsaged to try and pull other anons in. He can do it because he is a schizo tranny with no job and who has his own kiwifarms thread and would also shit up and made the rita thread on lolcor.
No. 1670491
>>1670490Samefag, reading his kiwi thread, he's known to make hundreds of posts a day whatever site he's on since he's some tranny neet and caused a lot of problems for farmhands last year with his sperging so much that they named one of the meta threads trannies kill themselves edition kek
>>>/meta/37093 .
No. 1670518
>>1670500The tranny spamming the thread just tries to shill whatever he thinks will force women to rely on men again as he blames womens independence (one form of which is financial) as being why he transitioned because it meant he couldn't get a gf. It's just one guy who doesn't stop. He did the same thing last year and still tries to do it from time to time. He always tries to larp as multiple posters and switches vpns
>>>/meta/37108 >>>/meta/37325 The last time he sperged about all the thread posters being lonely cat lady fujo neets
>>>/snow/1861707 and then started his recent larp trying to pretend he is that
>>>/snow/1884560 kek. He also keeps bringing up AI and spergs that posters laughing at tradthots for trying to shill women not working are coping because they aren't rich. Incel neet tranny is
triggered by women being able to be free of him kek.
No. 1670523
>>1670504Yeah I wish I could not work but be financially stable, I'm a neet but I would kill for the woman on the right's lifestyle, neet life sucks and I'll be fucked if I stay jobless forever
>>1670518Damn I'm really behind on the lore kek, thanks for the tldr. I assumed some of the posts were from a moid, I've never seen actual anons use the term "wagie"
No. 1670562
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I'm studying and on my ass all day and now my ass hurts
No. 1670580
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My apartment number is 131!
No. 1670631
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Zoomers need to stop with the obsession with Barbie movies. I’ve seen so many rewatch parties and even met some who act like it’s part of oppression that people don’t know about or care about Barbie movies. Guys stop pls it’s so embarrassing, the animation is beyond shit. The funny moments aren’t funny, even ironically. It was a marketing thing to get girls to buy more dolls. People only ever saw them because the vhs/dvd was included with the doll, that’s why no one knows about them. It’s like trying to hail the shark tale video game as a legitimate competitor to idk Diablo or something
No. 1670655
>>1670654No it’s because while they’re sometimes fun and nostalgic they’re still retarded and not
actually good in any category and nowhere near my favorite
No. 1670658
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Because of the dub in my language I used to think her name was Divi. I was so baffled when I first saw her name spelled as "DW". Why they fuck do they even call her DW instead of Dora?
No. 1670668
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>>1670655Well yeah, if it's not your favorite why would you say it's your favorite? And something doesn't have to be good for you to enjoy it or like it enough to be your favorite. If I asked someone what their favorite movie is, I would be way more interested if they said Shark Exorcist than another Pulp Fiction/Fight Club/Superhero movie response.
No. 1670675
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The new guy I'm seeing loves sexting and I'm open to it but none of my previous partners did it all that much so I have no idea what the fuck I'm doing. He likes to initiate with "What would you do to me if etc etc" and it usually takes me like 20 minutes to come up with something other than "I would have sex with you"
No. 1670678
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I am learning 4 things at the same time and i suck at all of them, i am going insane
No. 1670681
File: 1692543296231.jpg (39.75 KB, 625x469, 21 Cats Who Aren't Striking Th…)

I just saw someone say they can't give someone herpes as long as they don't have an outbreak, and their partner didn't know they had herpes for a few months. Don't trust anybody y'all.
No. 1670705
File: 1692545761875.jpg (Spoiler Image,205.59 KB, 1024x1271, CANTONESE_GENTLEMEN_2.jpg)

I found a Cantonese, Qing Dynasty version of Cillian Murphy:
No. 1670738
File: 1692548483761.jpg (38.99 KB, 680x539, 1683725947069432.jpg)

I was talking with a friend about our childhood, and it made me realize how weird I was as a child and how what in my mind until now was ''banter'' between kids was probably bullying, and I was too retarded to pick on it.
No. 1670750
File: 1692549604958.png (1.75 MB, 1280x720, DWHHFY3OQBEUZHYMMLFNK4EFLM.png)

>>1670734Publix is a grocery store and they have deli and seafood sections where they make fresh food like everyday.
No. 1670781
File: 1692552691394.png (179 KB, 296x513, cleofatra.png)

I was rewatching old toons i liked as a kid and it makes me glad i ditched TV and instead hoped onto watching old obscure cartoons on YT. I can see the influence to this day on the art i like and what i draw. I am glad I never hoped on the adventure time/SU bandwaggo, most zoomie artists have terrible art due to accumulating bad habits from those shitty cartoons.
No. 1670829
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>>1670658DW was such a bitch, kek. She'd definitely grow up to be a farmer and start infights in the threads
No. 1670843
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austrian chocolate packaging is so pretty
No. 1670844
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>>1670819she's literally me!
No. 1670860
File: 1692557856083.jpg (53.02 KB, 540x389, tumblr_c6f11e1458cf68fc9dee3ab…)

I never contribute any milk, so I feel like I can't call myself a farmer. I'm more like a customer on the weekly farmer's market, just watching and appreciating.
No. 1670861
File: 1692557863686.jpeg (152.52 KB, 1200x1200, IMG_3472.jpeg)

>>1670475Kangel, her pre order comes with anti psychotic medication
No. 1670871
>>1670820Did I introduce you to your new husbando?
>>1670844kek, we need an edit with Elsie on the left.
No. 1670872
File: 1692558383914.jpg (35.66 KB, 376x322, underdog-success.jpg)

literally obsessed
No. 1670876
>>1670866Needy girl overdose
>>1670868Schizo internet streamer lmao
No. 1670893
File: 1692558964112.png (255.88 KB, 530x634, knphuip719v41.png)

No. 1670899
>>1669326>>1669324great taste
nonnie especially suiseiseki, soseiseki, tomoko kuroki, shinji and kirakishou
No. 1670913
>>1670875>>1670876Thank you nonnas mwah
Is the game actually fun? I thought it was a "capitalizing on the culture moment" thing, so I never gave it a try. It also didn't seem to have much to do so I was reluctant to drop 16$ on it.
No. 1670915
File: 1692559694342.png (22.72 KB, 685x549, whats-the-main-font-the-game-u…)

>>1670887Nah, just a similar design.
No. 1670918
>>1670913>Is the game actually fun?I like it but it can be a bit of a grind at points.
Great aesthetics and a lot of the schizo endings are fun though.
No. 1670976
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This thread is making me uncomfortable
No. 1670977
>>1670933Very terrible actually
>>1670966I don't think a lot guys go anywhere near their ass in the shower tbh
No. 1670988
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what the hell is this cringe shit
No. 1671026
File: 1692565853128.jpeg (Spoiler Image,103.42 KB, 290x714, C27D9415-50A2-46E1-883F-463CD6…)

I want to eat nonnettes.
No. 1671058
File: 1692568554304.jpeg (88.71 KB, 905x886, 5FC9F85F-E692-440A-B8FB-C3EDD8…)

Do other countries have shows like judge Judy and Jerry Springer? What’s your country’s trash tv like
No. 1671075
>>1671052no I wasn’t requesting fics kek, I just think he is super cute
>>1671036sorry nona
No. 1671079
>>1671074no it's Romanian but even as a native speaker I don't really understand shit
>>1671076boy + eyeliner = emo
No. 1671106
File: 1692572581301.jpg (119.05 KB, 467x700, IMG-136790.jpg)

>>1669562idk what I want in personality but
>dresses in one of the selected styles>5'7-5'10 >dark wavy or curly hair>thin body, moderate muscle>round eyes>big honker>no facial hair except stubble at most>calls me darlin/babydoll/sugar and other variants >some sort of regional accent (preferably southern)If I can get a non-human bf then I want a clown, mime, or vampire
No. 1671107
>>1671058We have trashy reality shows, trashy talk shows and trashy everything else.
Boomers and plastic surgery bimbos tweaking out on live TV is our specialty.
No. 1671128
File: 1692574756725.jpg (62.31 KB, 500x695, 91249f59d87521180f14ca035bce49…)

>>1669562Picrel in appearance and personality.
No. 1671145
>>1670843Woah weird coincidence
nonnie, I have a big tin of those chocolates with Mozart on them right now as a gift from my neighbor for getting her mail. They have almond and pistachio filling with a little ball of hazelnut, I'm obsessed
No. 1671189
>>1671166I am too 100% I never remember names, say my mothers partner, been together for like 3 years, I talk to him all the time. Still call him the wrong name.
You could do the ol' how'd you spell it game but that's risky
Oh yeah how do you spell your name again?
Uh S-A-M
Damn that's crazy, thanks.
No. 1671195
>>1671172I know
femcels aren't real but you sound like one
No. 1671201
File: 1692583547664.jpg (42.64 KB, 400x533, 1687722269200.jpg)

Some of you sound like lovely 35 year old stinky women that weird everyone out irl… e-boys do not look at you im sorry you're going to have to settle with being some guys discord kitten while you fantasize about bjorn or whatever
No. 1671204
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No. 1671207
>>1671201Is this about
>>1671172? She's talking about a hypothetical fictional e-boy in a game anon. Idg why that post is getting these weird reactions but wanting to play the game as is (where it has an e-girl) isn't.
No. 1671217
File: 1692584268758.gif (1.13 MB, 245x289, IMG_1329.gif)

>>1671211calmmes de fuckdown
No. 1671221
File: 1692584397299.gif (1.73 MB, 373x498, good-night-sweet-dreams.gif)

Goodnight friends and fiends
No. 1671230
File: 1692584716375.jpg (121.92 KB, 1080x1041, 38f96e6aea8ad3016632b2b473f5a9…)

In the future when there's nothing but real housewives and Lindsey Logan/Paris gifs posted you know we have been taken over by gay men pretending to be women on lsa and cc
No. 1671231
File: 1692584728909.gif (4.06 MB, 498x278, IMG_5943.gif)

>>1671220Too much gatekeeping and gaslighting, not enough girlbossing
No. 1671233
File: 1692584859658.jpg (50.32 KB, 500x490, a0pQ2EO_700b.jpg)

>>1671231If we don't gatekeep then this becomes datalounge 2.0. I was getting nam flashbacks because that was a gif straight from a 36 year old gay man's reaction folder
No. 1671237
>>1671233Weren't there announcements that datalounge was shutting down? Or was that just the mods trolling
DL is basically the gay Lipstick Alley with a dryer well of tea and they think literally every male celeb is gay
No. 1671261
>>1671254I'll never forget them attacking Kimora Lee Simmons, some fonts were like, "yeah I know she was groomed but she used a black man to get ahead! She wouldn't be where he was without him!"
Then another thread where Jhane Aikos daughter called Chris Brown messed up. So many fonts were like. "Okay but if Chris Brown pops back she better not say nothing! Stay in a child's place!"
There's a lot of fonts that read like black women, just the ignorant pick me type, that'd call their daughter Fast because grown men at the cornerstone are staring at them.
The site has increasingly become more misogynistic and its not just the scrotes, the virtual black fishers or gay dudes
No. 1671279
>>1671273Oh I didn't realize it was a function. I figured the site was already semi anonymous. I'm a fucking idiot.
Also awful of mods to do that to the user who had herpes
>>1671274Like how discord and reddit mods get trippy with power? Not surprising.
No. 1671284
>>1671274There's a while thread about ugly celebrities kids looks. I've seen users come into threads going, "so and so is going to that thread" proudly. There's some known users but the mods don't really stand out.
>>1671277Yeah it's what they call users have no idea what it means kek.
No. 1671294
File: 1692588515830.jpg (Spoiler Image,217.02 KB, 1200x900, FIuVEaHXMAALZUH.jpg)

Need me a love like this. Just in our own bag flexing togetger on some fuck everyone else type shit. No cap fr fr
No. 1671297
>>1671295Clean up in aisle 5
Elton John farted
No. 1671301
File: 1692588907654.jpg (Spoiler Image,255.97 KB, 848x1200, Fn_iTeCaYAAryIM.jpg)

>>1671298I'm not into this I have a morbid fascination and I'm lightly scrolling. Why are men who make this disturbing art also the kindest and genuinely temperamental men you will ever meet irl? The nausea
No. 1671315
File: 1692589550366.jpg (241.84 KB, 2048x1618, 1692242896738129.jpg)

>>1671298How dare you call that Bara
No. 1671325
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>>1671317I'm looking at snorlax rule 34 and they've all made him a fat soy uncute doctor except for this and im disappointed
No. 1671330
File: 1692590186690.png (Spoiler Image,240.4 KB, 668x833, 1692456817815887.png)

>>1671328That isn't bara though that's just the chub chasers.
No. 1671331
>>1671312>>1671314I've seen too many moids who make fat furry porn also make cub porn so I'm doubting you on that
>and are not going to hurt you kekWell I'm 27, so I'm not really worried about pedo moids hurting me
No. 1671355
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>>1671344I'm sorry you had too see so many fucked up shit nona, I know I sure did but at least I'm desensitized to a lot of shocking things.
No. 1671362
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>>1671356manifesting for you
nonnie No. 1671382
File: 1692594820923.jpg (84.05 KB, 720x720, 1692489312054032.jpg)

Being an adult is pretending you weren't obsessed with fate/ as a teenager and avoiding any adult who still is
No. 1671412
File: 1692597845482.png (1.25 MB, 880x876, super highschool level down sy…)

I can't get over how fucking ugly these plushies are
No. 1671416
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>>1671414Some of them look okay, I think the last set they did were genuinely cute and I usually like gift's plushies (see here
>>1670285 )
But these are just fugly.
No. 1671419
File: 1692599265822.jpg (49.74 KB, 800x800, SGDOLL-New-Kpop-BTS-Suga-V-Tae…)

>>1671415Idk the ones that koreaboos make usually slay. If they tried something more like this they would be nicer.
No. 1671424
File: 1692599503630.png (830.76 KB, 735x856, patrick bateman nya.png)

>>1671419I thought these were from a chinese pattern? But yeah agreed the korean/chinese ones are much cuter.
No. 1671426
>>1671345That's a better way to describe it, it's not as if I was immune to female socialization irl growing up either. But I think I internalized some
toxic male social tendencies which I'm trying to unlearn.
>>1671355Thanks nona, sending you hugs. Funny enough I never seen CP while I used that site. It was only when I started using LC that I was exposed to CP for the first time.
No. 1671447
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tnight I was sad so I cried and then adter crying I felt better, so it was a good night
No. 1671490
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No. 1671511
File: 1692608295206.png (47.43 KB, 651x380, Screenshot (22285).png)

>>1671495Kek is it this one? A&W? I think the Jimmy Jimmy cocoa puff part is from an old nursery rhyme
No. 1671518
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>>1671517Yeah I think she's kinda slurring the lyrics a bit on purpose kek, she also says this at one point, this parts the best imo but honestly I'm obsessed with this whole song
No. 1671580
File: 1692616181035.jpg (20.47 KB, 398x386, tumblr_fb596a2ed3269f116f459ac…)

>masturbate to thoughts of feet multiple times recently
>sex drive lowers so i do it less
>think about feet every time
>it feels way better and im content with doing less
No. 1671591
File: 1692617623208.jpg (155.29 KB, 660x990, funny-salad12.jpg)

I accidentally stumbled into the Dog Hate Thread and holy shit I cannot stop laughing.
No. 1671658
File: 1692623901806.jpeg (64.09 KB, 640x626, 63ffe60ed00c2.jpeg)

i will not discuss politics on cow threads i will not discuss politics on cow threads i will not discuss politics on cow threads i will not di
No. 1671666
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>>1671661I just think it's retarded of me to consider it, since I have no way of knowing if anonymous people are speaking in good faith or if they're just insane or not. Also I hate arguing.
No. 1671669
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>>1671664i have to choose peace
No. 1671674
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>>1671666We are all more or less insane. Insane in the membrain, insane in the brain.
No. 1671677
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Why can't she be real arghh
No. 1671698
File: 1692627653389.jpg (97.51 KB, 1170x876, wdcskihsichubsiduhb.jpg)

my friend has been in college 1(one) day and she already has beef with another classmate
No. 1671737
File: 1692629947031.jpeg (84.05 KB, 612x612, lipstick cigs.jpeg)

late to noticing these exist but LOL
so cringe it's cute
No. 1671754
File: 1692631327469.jpg (355.2 KB, 468x699, uptown-girls-uptown-girls-5923…)

I watched Uptown Girls last night and remembered how badly I used to want this dress. Actually, I wanted Molly's entire wardrobe lol
No. 1671836
>>1671832nayrt cause it's biological innit. I was the same ngl now all I want is a daughter to teach all of the wisdom
lesson 1 is moids ain't shit, then go from there
No. 1671848
>>1671841sorry are you a zoomer or a moid? this doomer shit is pretty immature. ask your ancestors when they were going through wars, famine and actual harships why they bothered. I'm sorry but you are either young or a fucking idiot.
> jack off to genshit guys and move onzoomer coomer confirmed kek
> jack off to genshit guys and move on> JACK OFF TO GENSHIT GUYS AND MOVE ON> OR GET A CATway to meme yourself into actually killing off your family line lmao
No. 1671853
>>1671841you most likely aren't underage but you sure have the maturity of one regardless of your stance on giving birth
>genshitugh i'm cringing.
no hate to husbandochans but there's nothing less attractive than drawings least of all those i mean why couldn't you have said to use her imagination instead it's so much more based and not coombrained, there's more to life than that but you know…
No. 1671856
File: 1692637168260.jpg (83.83 KB, 508x601, Cow Dog Costume.jpg)

Oh my gosh guys, please don't argue. The wanting kids thing was just a little offhand thought I was having and I don't want it to end up derailing the thread kek. Look at this cowdog and chill out.
>>1671852When I was new I used to feel bad for the children when I saw farmers saying they were having kids, but I've realized over time that a lot of us are (somewhat) regular women who lead mundane or even fulfilling lives.
No. 1671863
File: 1692637613748.gif (169.71 KB, 220x220, k.gif)

>>1671848>>1671853how pathetic, get a hobby. There is so much good you can do in this world, make music, art, travel, if you like children so much go volunteer in some shelter or some shitty third world country. Having children is purely a selfish act. Your children are going to be born in a world with fucked up moids thanks to the mass consumption of porn, lack of job opportunities thanks to AI and are going to end up as depressed and derranged(if not more) than zoomies. I cannot understand what goes through the mind of people who know we only live once and instead of using their time doing what differentiate us from animals they go and reproduce like rabbits. Your moidlet son is going to be a derranged coomer and your daughter a pickme retard, and both are going to have the attention span of a goldfish thanks to them growing up watching cocomelon on loop because you have you work 2 jobs to afford the bills of your 1 bedroom appartment in shitholeville while your moid does nothing to help you or the kids.
(aggressively childfree meltdown) No. 1671865
File: 1692637852301.jpg (49.81 KB, 650x999, f04424b8209317714a72e3ab493d64…)

w-when did you call get so kawaii,,,baka-chan nonas….,,,kudasai genki onigaishimasoo
No. 1671867
File: 1692637938611.jpg (68.96 KB, 640x768, tiny croc.jpg)

>>1671857I would like to have 2. No more than 3 because I feel like after that it get's hard for the parents to properly equally nurture all the kids. I think it would be hard for me to abort if I got pregnant with a boy, but I also see the issues boys have caused in the lives of my older family members and I don't want those problems lol.
No. 1671869
File: 1692638119697.png (192.28 KB, 437x415, 1670987175308.png)

>>1671864no, i am going to tell them what no one has the ovaries/balls to irl
No. 1671871
File: 1692638334159.jpg (58 KB, 564x564, 84db81e094ca4453ff0b774efb7362…)

I feel like my story is coming alive, I'm thinking about it a lot and it's fun, it's like the feeling when youre in love with a piece of media but you're writing it yourself.
Pretty much stating the obvious here, but it's a newly found passion for me.
No. 1671873
File: 1692638357702.jpg (749.38 KB, 3024x4032, tinycroc2fornona.jpg)

>>1671867ayrt and unironically same. sexist? yeah maybe and for a good fucken reason. I'd prefer 0 sons to being sterile but unfortunately we don't have the choice. the men in my life and even vicinity have been shit so idk why they expect us to cape for them. I feel like the womb envy men have is all based on the fact that they would choose sons 10 out of 10 times, cause they want little ~kings~ running around when we want daughters to idk make shit better and potentially DO better through them.
tl;dr girls are awesome boys are smelly and dumb
No. 1671876
File: 1692638456464.gif (1.65 MB, 498x325, IMG_2428.gif)

>mfw I thought I was cute and based by birthing a daughter but it turns out her existence is dominated by moids
No. 1671887
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No. 1671899
File: 1692639148751.gif (589.88 KB, 275x275, 1597882461429.gif)

No. 1671906
File: 1692639353299.jpeg (594.38 KB, 1170x1092, IMG_3391.jpeg)

I am just trying to enjoy some raw egg yolk with my omelette and I keep getting this vivid image in my head. Fuck you liver king you’re disgusting
No. 1671975
>>1671836I hope you end up getting what you want in life. There are a lot of people having kids who shouldn't, so I just hope the farmers who say they want children will raise them compassionately.
I'm not saying anything to you specifically, but I really dislike when people say they "want to pass down their wisdom" as a reason to have children. Imo children shouldn't be repositories for the knowledge you're so sure is important and best. And they don't listen to you anyways, a lot of times they go through the pain of experience on their own. It sucked being raised by someone who later told me they had assumed they were just going to impart all their wisdom on me and I would listen. Even now in my late 20s I still have to deal with lecture mode.
I don't know, I just hope that when people want children, it's because they want to nurture something and see the new person that's going to emerge. Not because they want a legacy to their mind and experiences.
No. 1671977
>>1668216Isn’t that what the sailors had? Sorry I don’t mean to be rude and I hope you’re ok now
nonnie but scabies sounds like such an old fashioned illness and I swear it is what the sailors had for being too long out at sea
No. 1672009
File: 1692646889861.png (518.63 KB, 622x705, IMG_0852.png)

unironically how my body and face dysmorphia makes me feel but even uglier
No. 1672034
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No. 1672052
File: 1692649678474.png (36.4 KB, 766x1000, 1692638508925.png)

nonnies I need your wisdom. I am going to turn 22, never had a boyfriend, still a virgin. I dont mind though, however i met a really cool guy and i know he has feelings for me, but i dont know if i should persue him and start dating or not. He's very average looks-wise, i dont find him that attractive honestly(not fat/ugly, actually going to the gym, just not my type), but he's hilarious and a really nice person. We are besties rn, and he's the only person that i actually like seeing and that after i rejected him didnt become bitter/pushy. He's the only moid who hasnt tried to violent me so far, which is a sad realization actually. Anyways, what should i do? I am unsure about my feelings, sometimes i do get horny and i think ''yup this will do'' and want to jump on him, but also i feel like there is a 50/50 chance i might regret it after, and i dont wanna lose his friendship because he's so fun to be around and 'compliments' my more introverted personality, but also he started to grow on me romantically lately, although i dont know if its just the horny.
No. 1672077
>>1672052Don't. You'll ruin your friendship with him and if you ever just want to be friends, it'll be impossible with him. Get some sex toys
No. 1672096
>>1672077once i move i am getting one kek
>>1672092i am not ashamed, at this point i even debate if its worth it to lose my sorcerer status for a man, i was just unsure if i really did like it or if its the horny hitting like every month, but other nonnies are right its probably just the horny and the idea of him being the only man that hasnt been an asshole so far and seems to genuinely like me. thansks everyone
No. 1672103
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>>1671058We have our own court shows, including one that featured an episode about weeaboos/cosplayers (in carneval/goth/pre-scene tier outfits) killing somebody in order to steal his money and open a manga cafe(? it's been a while). Containing lines such as
>I've wanted to be a manga ever since I was little>Manga means truth>I didn't beat him to death, that wouldn't have been the manga way No. 1672127
>>1672118I have to take public transportation for work, and it's always ALWAYS the men/teenaged boys practically yelling the entire fucking time for no reason, while with women and girls, even the obnoxious stereotypical loud latina/black women are quieter. They might get excited and say something louder, but rarely is it yelling like with men. It drives me insane, preteen and teen scrotes are the worst, because they're still going through puberty doing that shit. Nails on a fucking chalkboard, I'm so glad I'm not in highschool anymore.
And don't even get me started on their need to play music loudly. Sometimes they'll even sing/rap along. How much attention does one human possibly need?
>>1672123That's literally all there is to them, huh? I wish they'd be like peacocks and at least be nice to look at, but they're just downright refusing to do that now.
No. 1672129
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>>1670970I would like to see a painting of this , I asked AI to recreate this poetry I don’t think it understood
No. 1672160
File: 1692657266950.jpeg (Spoiler Image,49.41 KB, 567x567, 1661336679621.jpeg)

>>1672159i dont think men like that though, otherwise there would a shit ton of porn of it. there isnt(i have checked)
(spoiler this shit next time) No. 1672178
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all i am is not the nta anon
No. 1672203
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>>1672189ME ME ME ME ME
>>1672194Clearly you've never been to /g/
No. 1672209
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>>1672203i wish there was more content of it nonita, i draw my own but i am still fucking bad at it. But it does keep me motivated to get better at art though.
No. 1672222
File: 1692661683324.jpg (184.33 KB, 797x527, 1676691465547852.jpg)

>>1672207my fetish is qte junkie guys being so desperate for a hit they agree vehemently to sleep around with really old fat women for a small price. I like the idea of these women also being powerfull, either by their own or wifes of rich guys having an affair(think of that episode of its always sunny where dennis gets pimped by frank to old women). I also like the idea of male prostitution in general, i want to take a dumb homeless guy and pimp him around and then when he complains i beat him into an inch of his life, eventually we fall in love and retire in some country where i can launder all the money i earned pimping guys to fat rich women and live happily ever after. the end
No. 1672223
File: 1692661708254.jpg (271.8 KB, 1080x1350, Snapinsta.app_356440756_285300…)

I genuinely really want a pair of the croc heels (aka the siren clogs). They're cuter when they're actually worn.
No. 1672228
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No. 1672234
File: 1692661953348.jpg (50.14 KB, 526x639, 1692443624852391.jpg)

I love how you think you're going to trigger other anons by acting pornsick outside of /g/ when you just make yourselves look desperate for attention
No. 1672259
File: 1692662854619.gif (580.1 KB, 395x327, billy.gif)

>>1672234I also like the idea of taking a nerdy guy, prefeerably one that's eltingville club levels of consoomer and trade him rare collectables for sexual favors. In this fantasy i am like a female comic book guy from the simpsons so ugly and fat(irl i am pretty muscular cuz i lift which sucks because i like irl nerdy guys but they dont deserve me) so anyways they would want like idk some rare game and they would have to do a bunch of favors for it because they are nerds and while a junkie is roughly 50 usds if they are cute a nerd is probably less than 20. Eventually it would scalate because they are nerds so they need their dopamine rush of getting rare bing bing wahoo rare game, so they would end up doing more extreme shit like getting trashy tattos, their nips pierced, wearing collars, etc until he's completly trashy and unrecognizable from his dork days. Eventually you get bored of him and move on to a new cuter nerd guy while you pimp him out to ugly fat desperate men/women on comic cons rooms.
No. 1672270
File: 1692663151581.jpg (39.35 KB, 406x800, 2b4dc03c53ed2f569d6e1c858e2673…)

>>1672256i like this one but in purple/pink. Since i would be a popular rich pimp i would ask a tailor made one with cowprint pattern so my nonnies in need of cute junkie guys/corrupted nerds can find me
No. 1672282
>>1672278>pornsickBut porn of cute boys being raped by based girls doesn't even exist,
No. 1672298
what is that?? whas it caleld
No. 1672310
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No. 1672313
>>1672222>I like the idea of these women also being powerfull, either by their own or wifes of rich guys having an affair>also like the idea of male prostitution in general>pimp him around and then when he complains i beat him into an inch of his life,Holy shit, holy based, are you me? I like all of that shit so much it's unreal. It's like one of my top fantasies to put my husbandos through, like male prostitution and sex work is one of my biggest loves. Though, in my case I like a fall from grace sort of deal. The guy can't be a homeless druggie or worthless sod, he has to have some kind of respectable status and high moral value and ethics and such but find himself in a situation where he requires money really badly and really desperately. This desperation for money gets so bad he's pushed to the brink of having to do some serious things to get some cash. Hence, a female character (who usually has a hate-crush on him) ends up taking advantage of him first using him for herself before getting tired of him and deciding pimping him out to others. That sugar mama to sugar mama's number one side hoe pipeline is what I like. Drug usage is fine, however, I like it as one of the "ending stages" to his descent into degeneracy or the thing to kick-start it. I think why I love this so much is because it's the ultimate humiliation. There's no going lower than selling your body, it is, if not the greatest form of humiliation in existence. You're reducing yourself to a number and nothing more and your value is dictated by how far you're willing to degrade yourself further than you already are to people who couldn't give less of a shit about you. You're reducing yourself to a object and you're casting away your humanity. People will no longer see you as human. I have a husbando
won't say who, too cringe who I imagine for these scenarios a lot because in the series my husbando comes from he's canonically kidnapped by this female character I adore and ship him with who turns him into a security guard against his will and has a canon crush/obsession with. And he's a character who in-universe has a lot of respect directed towards him, and has an extremely high reputation. This female character is the heiress to this giga-corporation and after her father is deleted from existence she's now the owner of the company so now she's rich and powerful, and I can't help but imagine many situations where this male character is down on his luck and needs money so she takes advantage of him, now this male character is extremely chaste, virtuous, and chivalrous so he would never do lewd things but she starts him off doing simple things like dates, which progress into kissing, and then sex, but once it gets to the sex part it gets more and more degrading for the male character and the male character can't help but love it despite himself. Inevitably he accepts his role as her sugar-baby but slowly the female character becomes more and more distant and bored with him and fearing that he's going to lose his meal ticket
and his ego being bruised he begs if there's anything he could do which leads to him working under her as a "company escort" and he lowers himself doing progressively more degenerate things and becoming increasingly trashy because her praise
and drugs are what keeps him going now that everyone sees him as a object and his friends look at him with pity. He is no longer human and can never return to being one. You're one epic
nonnie, I hope you know that.
No. 1672327
>>1672313I am glad i am not the only one. I cannot see my husbando as anything sexual, but i do like to think about my side hos like that. One of my goals as an artist is drawing a comic of bill dickey basically doing
>>1672259 with the guy from the comic shop. He's perfect for that type of plot since he's a prideful ugly nerd.
No. 1672341
File: 1692665434733.jpeg (49.94 KB, 768x563, 66YkBtfrzWMUCy5n.jpeg)

the ebt neets are saving lolcow dot farm one shitpost at a time
No. 1672376
File: 1692666476189.jpg (123.88 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (2).jpg)

I have two cute legacy skins in League, the main one being picrel, but I suck at Orianna. I also have winter Neeko but I suck at her only slightly less. If the game gave me winter wonder Soraka that would be great.
No. 1672418
>>1672408Kek no need to apologise nona
Plot twist: I'm Grimes lurking on lolcow dot farm
No. 1672448
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No. 1672457
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No. 1672458
File: 1692669455293.jpg (74.13 KB, 554x1200, F33P-i-WsAE0_6d.jpg)

No. 1672472
File: 1692669736250.jpg (32.72 KB, 735x595, cat (2).jpg)

I'm noticing like multiple non-farmers on the board right now. The urge to say "go back" is strong.
No. 1672485
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No. 1672493
>>1672490This picture
triggers a deeply vomit inducing reaction within me
No. 1672509
File: 1692672105757.jpeg (38.17 KB, 747x701, 1648344235751.jpeg)

I think I accidentally deleted a fanfiction I was working on by saving over it with another fanfiction I was working on…
No. 1672513
>>1672488these people are mentally underage retards then kek
>>1672492literally. not saying the kids aren't annoying in their own right but any adults that choose to interact are teetering on the edge of breaking boundaries and potentially grooming imo
No. 1672533
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>Long furbies have reached overseas
No. 1672535
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>>1672534I eat q-tips, lolipop sticks and ice cubes on a daily basis.
No. 1672537
File: 1692674776144.jpg (20.42 KB, 350x350, Lollipops-lollipops-30287696-3…)

>>1672535I once stuck one of these up my butt I can't judge any of you for anything
No. 1672576
>>1672520Cheating, alcohol, neglectful partner, and unrequited feelings.
>>1672563I cried a little bit, not gonna lie. I'm gonna re-write it better than ever.
No. 1672608
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>>1672605Nonnie I'm so sleepy it's right before bed for me and I'm laughing so hard I have tears in my eyes, I am sorry about your shitting problems both past and present
No. 1672623
File: 1692685761765.gif (7.32 MB, 360x640, 34F53500-C6B5-441C-AB9D-1A85F8…)

Im so fucking hungry. I hate the feeling of hunger.
No. 1672694
File: 1692700395044.jpeg (109.74 KB, 540x720, IMG_1469.jpeg)

We as a species should not accept this. It’s sickening how men get away with it.
No. 1672793
File: 1692711327529.jpeg (3.46 KB, 225x400, hapihapihapi.jpeg)

miss nonita farmhand returned justice to the land and i took a 10/10 perfect shit, today is going to be a good day !
No. 1672794
File: 1692711328113.png (Spoiler Image,248.44 KB, 320x693, HAs15a9.png)

Watching this fatass on tiktok makes me so angry but I can't stop watching because it helps me stick to my diet kek
No. 1672869
File: 1692715641720.jpg (39.11 KB, 416x398, crochet.jpg)

Idk where, but I just saw some anon say she wish she had more yarn, and nonny I wish I could give you some of mine. I have a bunch of yarn I don't use but I'm slowly working through it.
No. 1672907
File: 1692717789375.jpeg (797.35 KB, 1170x1486, IMG_3123.jpeg)

>>1672794These threads help too. Some are actually kinda funny too
> gross fat people on tiktok! a thread No. 1672911
File: 1692718261726.webm (611.82 KB, 480x270, vaush1.webm)

i dont understand why people watch vaush,shoeonhead,hontra,hontra's stalker, etc. can anyone try to explain to me why anyone should care about the opinion of such failures? i seriously cannot wrap my head around it. They have no studies as far as i know and are neet failure/coomers, at least petterson is a professor but i dont understand why i should care about the political opinions of these literal whos.
No. 1672912
File: 1692718284805.jpg (327.07 KB, 3000x2235, il_fullxfull.jpg)

I just thrifted a beautiful antique tea cup. Kind of like this one. But since it has colour inside I now realize it might be full of lead that will seep into the hot tea and not suitable for drinking. So nonas what would you do with a fancy tea cup that you can't drink from?
No. 1672923
>>1672914But drinking tea is supposed to make you feel calm, not risky.
>>1672915Thanks for the tip nona, I will get a test kit!
No. 1672928
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>>1672922They got in an argument over the tiniest bit of whiskey, cannot stress just how little alcohol this was. My brother chimped out and punched my cat, according to my dad, and then my dad attacked my brother and they had an all out brawl while the cat hid in my bedroom. My brother accidentally punched a window aiming for my dad and the whole window totally shattered and cut up his hand and my dads back and they kept fighting so blood was whipped onto the walls and dripped all over the floor, the trail lead into the bathroom into the sink and the sink was totally filled with blood. I got a call from my dad while I was on a date and he was completely incomprehensible so I had to rush home, when I got there my dad was passed out in his lazy boy covered in blood still holding the whiskey. The worst part was that he was way too drunk to do any cleaning so I had to pick up all the glass and clean up all the blood all by myself while he made stupid jokes at me. The ambulance came and I literally begged them to take him with them because I honestly just wanted some peace and he was so so drunk and clearly injured but they totally ignored me because they'd rather listen to the large intoxicated man saying he's totally find than the "hysterical" young woman who is exhausted and still has hours of cleaning to do.
No. 1672935
File: 1692719564596.webm (844.13 KB, 406x720, 1674945769513112.webm)

Whats the zoomer equivalent of 80s cartoons going radical skateboards extreme sportz swood say no to crack, pronouns?
No. 1672939
>>1672928wow that sucks
nonny, hope you and your cat are okay now. Moids are something else jesus
No. 1672941
>>1672917When I was a kid, I saw a man driving while having a heart attack, he looked
blue and was sweating like crazy, his eyes were extremely dilated, we asked him if we should call an ambulance but didn't answer, I wonder if he survived
No. 1672995
File: 1692723806858.jpg (93.8 KB, 670x864, kjzdfvbkerjn.jpg)

>>1672993samefag, tho do get a lead test done, it'd be a pity to have to drill through it.
(picrel is what i was talking about)
No. 1673007
>>1672912Oh damn, my grandmother had tons of those cups. I had been thinking about getting a cup like that from the thrift store recently out of nostalgia, I would've never thought about lead if you hadn't posted this.
Anyway I'd put jewelry in it! Like necklaces in the cup and rings on the plate.
No. 1673008
File: 1692724466281.png (1.98 MB, 1920x1080, 1646182329596.png)

there are so many things i have to do and cannot decide what to do first, kill me
No. 1673019
File: 1692725341951.gif (831.11 KB, 245x260, 0ec91ca6d0fa6490f2e7d8cf49f8cd…)

>>1672912shall we have a tea party
nonnie No. 1673115
File: 1692729623844.jpg (73.1 KB, 593x600, 6a649c7ff9e2b3bb2d96cedf6720ca…)

>>1673007Yeah I love the fancy old style because it reminds me of my grandma too, it was sad to learn that old cups aren't safe.>>1673019IDK if this a reference to something but I'd love to have a tea party with nonas irl and talk dumbass shit. New cups only of course.
No. 1673195
File: 1692733506709.jpg (133.57 KB, 602x1084, F6GUzWIAAzWjy.jpg)

I was arguing with some moid online and another moid shared this graph unironically and I don't even have to look it up to know that this was bullshit and so I checked his profile and his entire account was essentially filled with this, just randomply replying to people with these statistics of Indian and Pakistani guys being very sexually desirable or Indian guys being up white guys, it was honestly kinda depressing in a way.
No. 1673218
File: 1692734460170.jpeg (3.17 MB, 3024x4032, IMG_3533.jpeg)

Monke grab
No. 1673283
File: 1692737090218.png (396.63 KB, 563x486, 1689078081842.png)

>>1673282I asked him, he told me not to play dumb. I think he's in a bad mood but when I asked him he said he's angry that I'm acting stupid. I am not wearing slacks if I am on my feet all day and having to sometimes put my knees on the floor. It isn't a sitting down type of job.
No. 1673334
File: 1692739626706.jpg (55.29 KB, 640x450, i am an failure.jpg)

My 2 decades of anachanning has finally caught up with me. I broke my softest bone due to chronic lack of calcium (it was my shinbone). I broke it in a dumb way too: I was too lazy to get a hammer to push in a loose nail on the wall so I just kicked it and ended up breaking myself instead. Fuck. These last few days in the hospital has convinced me to finally recover. I don't wanna be Nonny McSoftbones anymore
No. 1673339
>>1673334Sorry samefag as
>>1673338 but i hope you do feel better
nonnie and i wish you luck on your journey in recovery.
No. 1673435
File: 1692743225976.png (46.06 KB, 271x214, 68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a…)

I dont get it
No. 1673438
>>1673428It's funny how all the losers come out of their lonely caves like roaches to make fun of us roided muscle-crackhead enjoyers.
I'm feeding my pig carcinogenic protein dust by the spoonful and he let's me punch him in the jaw because he's too poor to buy his own MEGA BIG-BOY PROTEIN EXTRAVAGANZA CHUM BUCKET from Decathlon. I don't have to worry about when to dump him because his heart will give up on him before I do.
You will be buying diapers for skinnyfat faggot with your own retirement money in a couple decades but MUSCLEPIG will already be six foot under & STILL mogging your faggot even as a skeleton.
Imagine being too scared to drop kick your Nigel becuase he might fucking die. Couldn't be me! Mine is already dying. A heart attack wouldn't be out of the ordinary in an autopsy situation.
Bucktooth Becky's stay seething over the PIG-PUNCHING Stacy. #mindset
No. 1673487
File: 1692744244729.jpg (54.73 KB, 600x689, 4cd7d4e2c46fa0a4255bd4c730db6b…)

>going crazy over such an ugly fuck
I hope you get permabanned. Disgraceful.
No. 1673497
File: 1692744664780.gif (1.34 MB, 155x275, 1692743156429.gif)

I want twitter/tiktokfags to leave. Learn to use imageboards, they're anonymous for a reason.
No. 1673536
File: 1692745499420.gif (772.82 KB, 260x221, 1577510015190.gif)

If the gif is real who is the moid… did you have sex with that disgusting moid… no…
No. 1673538
>>1673502There's some bitter
femcels that like to infight and attention whore but most anons are attractive. Guess you don't remember the eye thread or old self post threads.
No. 1673548
File: 1692745941638.jpg (94.3 KB, 768x1024, ITS PAUL DANO OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGG…)

>>1673507No i like her moid
No. 1673549
>>1673545Unplug my internet
nonnie, i NEED it. (But no i am not. I have no socials beside my snapchat and have been lurking for about 5 years. I am just a bit of an attentionwhore, no cap.)
And yes he did look hotter with a beard but no he is still ugly.
No. 1673556
File: 1692746218071.png (2.39 MB, 1242x1840, IMG_2069.png)

No. 1673560
File: 1692746282362.jpg (13.16 KB, 307x352, 1648965260332.jpg)

>>1673548>>1673497this is the type of men nonnies derrail several threads over. remember that every time you feel inclined to reply with pitty to a retard sperging about their relationship here
No. 1673572
File: 1692746594368.jpeg (492.97 KB, 828x916, paul dano bf yassify.jpeg)

>>1673558No I don't think so, that's another moid that's the dano lookalike moid. It better not be the same moid…
No. 1673578
File: 1692746799053.jpeg (509.64 KB, 828x957, uncanny paul dano bf.jpeg)

>>1673573>>1673576I didn't make the edit someone else did, we can still kiss though…?