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No. 1659923
Post random things you hate and why. A picture of the thing you hate is always appreciated. Please don't vent about your life here. For venting about your personal life, your family, neighbors, boyfriend, coworkers etc. use the vent thread. For advice with your personal daily life use the advice thread. Thank you.
Commentary is fine (positive, negative or neutral) as long as you don't come here to start a retarded infight with your personal issues.
Previous thread:
>>>/ot/1619287 No. 1659928
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>>1659809Shut up anon, I'm in the things I hate thread I can say what I want. You're no better than any of them, hating an animal for its breed. I can imagine all of your retard unhinged opinions on why pitbulls are this and that when more aggressive dogs like poodles and huskies don't get this shit because they're cuter. You're just another animal hating psycho and you can shove it, loser.
No. 1659972
>>1659928lol the pit mommy is
triggered. your retard mutt kills children. there' not a lot of poddle attack deaths
No. 1660082
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>>1660063>>1660071>>1660080Are these…pitmommies in the room with you right now?
No. 1660110
>>1660093Read slowly, I'm saying she's obviously the anon I replied to.
Related to this thread, I hate the new wave of sassy twitterfags polluting lolcow to the point they don't even bother to hide it anymore.
No. 1660783
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Shows/Films that are set in the past(in this case the 1970's) where the humor and dialogue is almost exactly like the modern-day.
No. 1660848
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I hate that specific type of fujoshi-turned-faggot girl, the ones who only consume male centric media only to ship the characters and/or only yaoi and not because the yaoi per se, but because they act like pornsick scrotes and they project themselves so much they become faggots. I know this is kinda off topic and I should post it in the dedicated threads but ooh if I hate that phenomenon, I hate when people consume media only for the coom and I don't see faghags being criticized for it, the stereotype is usually "fat man who likes big tiddy anime girl (and I hate that equally)" but the other thing, females who overfixates on men fucking each other, is just as bad but it's seen as wholesome because they stand for gay rights!! And read wholesome stories!!! (Like Heartstopper, they like to say that it's wholesome but
1) If the couple was straight, it would be classified as boring
2) There are wholesome asian comics too, they just want them for coom and western stuff for feefees)
At the core, they're just special straight girls who act exactly like their male counterpart and I'm so fucking tired of seeing them invading every fandom, because everytime I happened to like something that had a gay couple, it being implied or canon, I couldn't talk about it because all they focused on was the gays and not the story per se (for example, I like Trigun, these girls cannot name one thing that happened besides the gay moments).
I wish I could have female friends who like media without spamming every single day pictures of men fucking each other and making it a personality point, they also like to say that they like "deep stories and they just happen to have gay couples because gay love is tragic!" lol no, stop coping, there are a lot of tragic/weird/impossible love stories, you just want two hot men grinding on each other, just like scrotes like to see dumb-brained, big tittied anime girls going WWAHHH!! and wont consume anything that doesn't have a sexualized female on it.
"All anime is sexualized!" that's not the point, nonnas, the point is the double standards and the coping of these girls.
No. 1660851
>>1660848As a former fujoshi myself, I'm not against the notion of it in general. I mean, it's just a dorky thing teenagers do, like many other dorky teenager things.
Kinda like I'm not against hentai or whatever. I'm just against the mentally ill people using it as their raison d'être, but hey, if we have to stop mentally ill people from turning dork hobbiesi nto mentally ill stuff, then we gotta ban everything ever.
No. 1660888
>>1660885I don't understand if you're dense, stupid or it's just your reading comprehension that's pure shit.
With fetishization, they project themselves. When they project themselves, they either troon out or get pornsick, to the point they cannot consume anything that doesn't involve gay sex, the thing is at least anime moids are honest about it, fujotroons conceal it under layers of "gay rights eheh!" when they're just as worse.
Hope that's clear, if it still isn't for you, I suggest to open the TIF thread to see it yourself.
No. 1660893
>>1660890yep lol
"I like my softbois uwu my babygirls uwu" just admit you like gay porn
The worst are those who go to prides with signes with cutouts of anime men or other fictional couples because you know they're "marching" for more gay media and they don't give a fuck about actual rights about marriage, adoption or other things, that's the thing. Most of them even call themselves enbies or gay bois uwu to at least have a bit of excuse to even be there, when in reality you can see they're just spicy straights with a binder.
No. 1660902
>>1660890I didn't say any of that. I get
>>1660888 point of an increasing portion of them trooning out and I feel sorry for those fujos. But I could not give less of a shit about men getting fetishized kek.
No. 1660990
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I hate is so much when I'm watching a YouTube video essay they throw a skit in there it's so fucking cringe I hate it.
That guy who made the Plotholes don't Matter video? Worst part of it was the stupid cringe skit part.
This one video about Modernism, Postmodernism, and Metamodernism in film? That part where he uses metamodernism techniques to explain it is so fucking cringe.
No. 1661012
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Couples who share the same side of the booth. Revolting
No. 1661018
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>>1661017Cuz I end up in this situation
No. 1662573
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>>1662561this nerd never heard of lorem ipsum
No. 1662593
>>1662589Meant for this
>>1662573God I am useless now
No. 1662937
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I hate that the word evening is used for night because it sounds like a word for the afternoon. Everytime I hear it my brain does pcirel
No. 1662945
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I hate these AI generated cupcakes I keep seeing on Facebook. They are testing us with cute, harmless things to see how far they can go with convincing us what we see online is real.
No. 1663005
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Hate this groomer shit. Why couldn’t it have just been a little cartoon of cute characters doing cute things. Now it has every single character being gay/gendershit, cringe shipping, and OMG SRS LORE
No. 1663161
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The store where I work sells costumes, and it’s common for customers to open up the costume packets to try them on in the middle of the aisle (over their clothes as we have no changing rooms) and then dump it all on the floor when they are done with it. And guess who has to clean it all up? Me. I just don’t get how some people can be so lazy they can’t be bothered to shove it back into the packaging.
No. 1663442
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This is genuinely one of the most dystopian things I have ever read.
>How Ukrainian women "saved" the Samaritans of Mount Gerizim
>For decades, it seemed as though one of the world's smallest religious communities was doomed. Dwindling and insular, the Samaritans of Mount Gerizim were struggling to survive as inbreeding produced generation after generation of children with serious disabilities on an isolated hilltop in the biblical landscape of the West Bank.
>But the threat of extinction is now receding after the deployment of the twin weapons of advanced medical science and internet marriage agencies to import brides from Ukraine. In fact, the community of four extended families totalling 320 people is now looking forward to rapid growth.
>The women, located by specialist internet-based agencies, have converted from Christianity in order to join the community, whose members are forbidden from marrying non-Samaritans. The brides now adhere to strict biblical traditions, including isolation during menstruation and for long periods following childbirth.
>The Samaritans – who share many beliefs and practices with Judaism, as well as marked differences – peaked at around a million during the Roman era. But their numbers fell dramatically as a result of bloody rebellions and forced conversion to Islam. By the early part of the 20th century there were fewer than 150 left.
>To ensure their survival, they began to produce large numbers of children. But in a shrinking community reluctant to accept converts, inbreeding had catastrophic consequences. Marriage between first cousins was extremely common, leading to a high incidence of serious birth defects and genetic illnesses.
>In the 1990s, when the Samaritans at Mount Gerizim were granted Israeli citizenship, they gained access to Israel's hi-tech hospitals, among the most advanced in the world. Routine genetic testing was introduced in the pregnancies of Samaritan women, and abortions were encouraged whenever the risk of birth defects was higher than 10%. Around one in five pregnancies is now terminated, and in the past 15 years, only two disabled children have been born – one as a result of oxygen deprivation during labour, and the other a child whose parents failed to complete the full range of tests during pregnancy. "Genetic testing has vastly improved things," says Ben-Av Chisda, who presides over the Mount Gerizim community and another, 450-strong, in Holon, Israel.
>It came too late for the 86-year-old high priest, whose wife is a second cousin. They had four children: three were deaf mutes, and one was unable to walk. The beneficiaries are a younger generation, who include Benyooda Altif, 33, and his first cousin, Mazal, 35, who married seven years ago and have a healthy six-year-old son.
>But Mazal's second pregnancy, another boy, was terminated after a blood-clotting problem was discovered. "It felt like I lost someone I knew," says Benyooda. "I had something black in my heart."
>The couple are trying for another baby. But, says Mazal, "I'm afraid there'll be something wrong again. The abortion was emotionally very hard."
>Her distress was compounded by having to "sit on my own" for 40 days following the termination. The Samaritan religion dictates that women must sleep separately from their husbands, wear special clothes and eat from separate plates for seven days following the start of menstruation, 40 days following the birth of a boy and 80 days after the birth of a girl. Abortion is governed by the same rule as birth.
>This isolation was the one thing that Alla Altif found difficult to adjust to after joining the community in November 2010. "When I have my period, no one can touch me. If I hold my child, then he is unclean, and I have to bathe him before he can touch his father. The separation is hard. Everything else was easy – I just had to learn the rules and follow them."
>Her husband, Uzi – who is Mazal's uncle – made contact with her through an agency based in Israel. He visited her home in Kherson, where she worked in a bar, in June 2010. "We met in a cafe, and talked through a translator. We met every day for a week, and then we decided to marry. It was an emotional decision, but I was ready for it. I wasn't afraid – I am a risk-taker by nature," she says.
>They married immediately in a civil ceremony. A week later, Uzi returned to Mount Gerizim, and Alla remained in Kherson to complete the paperwork for her emigration. She was already pregnant.
>His brother is now "looking for a Ukrainian girl to marry", he says. Alla has already made one introduction between a Samaritan man and a friend back home, which resulted in a marriage; others may follow. "We are opening our arms to anyone who wants to join our faith," says Ben-Av Chisda. "These women who came didn't come because they fell in love, but because they wanted to become part of our faith. Now they practise our religion even more than our own women."
This is beyond fucked up. It's like a bingo card for every type of misogyny, bride trafficking, forced abortions, forced childbearing, menstrual taboo, forced seclusion, taking mothers away from their children e.t.c
No. 1663466
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Those youtube cottagecore bitches who are so obsessed with autumn (and winter) that they claim summer is ending while it's early august and over 30 degrees outside reee don't destroy my summer vacation mood!
No. 1663483
>>1663471It's the same for me and should be for most normal adults too. I remember watching youtubers love the cold seasons as a teen and even back then never got it, but as an adult it makes even less sense. If you're working and commuting, it just feels horrible having to get up early and go outside when it's dark, windy, wet and cold, most people catch the flu at least once, depression increases and so on…
Meanwhile (also historically) spring and summer were times for celebration and vacation, with endless possibilities for all kinds of activities.
No. 1663486
>>1663466>>1663471For me it's the weather forecast, every time I have to read "oh, it's horrible weather for summer, it's so cold" or "the sun is back out, what an amazing summer weather", I want to kill them. Guess everyone has the seasons they can handle the best and for me it's just everything with dark mornings, early dark nights and a lot of rain, wind and snow. Summer, sunshine and heat will make my depression get stronger and I'm very glad that we had a "shitty sommer" this year so far, kek. At least you can block those people online, in real life, they are everywhere and as it seems summer is the preferred season, at least in my country, people just won't shut up in the autumn and winter that it's too cold, too dark, too bla, while if you tell them that it's too hot or too sunny, they will tell you to stop whining. So, I don't think that it will work taking inspiration from someone to like a season you don't like, I tried it with summer, it won't work as I mentally and physically struggle with too much sunshine and heat.
Hope you both will enjoy your summer and for me, that there will be a nice winter with snow and everything.
No. 1663608
>>1663583If a woman leaves her country while men of her family and race are dying and chooses to bear an inbred mans disabled children for financial reasons, she's as bad as the man paying for her body. I'm sorry but leaving your country to sell your body doesn't make you a
victim, it makes you a disgusting person.
There are so many Ukranian refugees in my country rn and most of them are becoming prostitutes and bragging about sleeping with married muslim men.
No. 1663619
>>1663613Syrian refugees in Turkey got trafficked or forced to marry the men though, some were sold for as cheap as 100 euros or less whicker is purely inhumane. Unlike the trafficked syrian women, the Ukranian refugees that are working as prostitutes, camgirls, strippers etc. already used to be high economic class in their country and they're proud of their endeavors unlike the syrian women who were forced into this. I've never seen any syrian women on social media say she's proud to sleep with married men, do anal, etc. which are stuff Ukranian refugees often do here while attacking asian, brown, etc. women who aren't as sexpest as them.
There's a reason Ukraine and Russia has such high std statistics, their women are the only women fleeing the country during war to prostitute themselves, nothing of similar nature happened to other nations when they were in war. Are Afghan women that flee becoming prostitutes? What about European women who travel to other countries? Why aren't any of them proudly selling their bodies to foreign men and putting down foreign women like Ukrainians are doing?
No. 1663700
>>1663667No, go work in normal jobs in other countries instead of being prostitutes. It's literally common occurrence for them to go to third world countries and become prostitutes just so they can mock local women and pretend they're superior because they're whiter.
>>1663675Leaving your country to collapse and becoming a mans live in servant isn't something normal women do, they're obviously going to be the same woman who used to be mail order brides back in the day, they don't value themselves and theyll let any man take advantage of them long as they get paid and escape the country they fucked up themselves.
No. 1663722
>>1663708I'm sorry for your experience anon, hope it gets better for you and I genuinely hope those women change their minds because finding a rich daddy isn't possible, getting financially taken advantage by predatory man is.
>>1663711It's both if their faults. If the man was single and 18 and the prostitute gave him aids and killed him, wouldn't that be murder? Both parties are at fault but I'm sure you would be angry at the side piece if she gave your husband an std that later on passed to you.
>>1663718A girls brother, father or husband visiting a "hooker" during war doesn't mean her becoming one will help her situation.
No. 1663865
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I hate current eyeglasses trends!!!!! My face is too small for this Woody Allen Buddy Holly bullshit!!!!!!! REEEEE
No. 1664061
>>1663754Well legally it does, even if you're a sexworker, passing hiv to someone is a crime with a really long punishment in most cases and it's easily detectable by the strains of hiv. I'm assuming you guys are sexworkers since we have a lot of sexworkers on lolcow, make sure to get treated, otherwise one client reporting you can land you rightfully in jail.
You're not based for giving people deadly diseases, prostitution is rape only if the woman selling herself is forced, coerced, drugged, underaged, etc. A lot of the sexworker anons admitted they just didn't want to work in McDonald's so they chose prostitution, men sleeping with those adult women is not rape. Have some self worth, giving people diseases is never the right thing
No. 1664139
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The ftm retard that's been baiting for the past few days. She admitted to bating on lolcow on here i'll post archieves link: No. 1664140
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>>1664139Samefag adding another picture where she calls lolcow farmers cocksucking meangirls just like the baiter here has been doing
No. 1664141
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Everyone I know puts this shit on everything and I hate it.
No. 1664172
>>1664153>>1664140>>1664139aiite, fuck it, I hate it here too
good job crushing the evil terms and sexually abused lesbians; shouldn't be allowed to have our little echo chamber, but you deserve yours, right? you will never be a man and men will never
actually see you as human just because you shat on your own kind for them
No. 1664268
>>1664245>they throw fireworks at the front rows of the statiums where kids and handicapped people are watching the gameOff topic but I hate male fans of anything and this point highlights it. People love to say that teenage girls are such crazy fans because they used to faint at beatles concerts and because they say weird shit on twitter nowadays. But when male sport fans starts riots or commits domestic violence no one says that adult men are crazy fans.
Male fans are also more likely to be violent stalkers. While some celebs had female stalkers the majority of stalkers are male. Look up the Björk stalker. It's fucking disturbing and after reading that I never wanna hear anyone call teenage girls obsessive.
Also men have no fucking boundaries. When a female celeb's sex tape gets leaked they all share it around and get off to her panicking about it. But when Chris Evans dick pic got leaked a lot of his female fans where super respectful and criticised anyone who shared it.
also I agree that football is a loser sport. Handball ftw a handball player can be bleeding and they still insist on playing. A football player trips and acts like a drama queen No. 1664387
>>1664208Yeah I only posted these because an anon mentioned it to me after she saw the rape baits and I thought posting these would make anons less likely to reply to rapebaiters.
ALSO I'm %99 sure all rape stuff is posted by them because the tif in that lgbt thread also told women she would rape them a few times, it's obviously her tactic to get attention
No. 1664426
>>1664245>>1664276>>1664329in my country you have to be careful which public train in which part of the country you use if some teams play, they will attack random people (mostly foreign looking ones and women), destroy the trains and no one is doing anything. Before I plan any trip on the weekend in my city I always have a look if there is a soccer game somewhere and who is playing and if there is, I will do anything to avoid the area around the stadiums and central train station. And it's so fucking expensive when you think about what it costs to have at least 150 cops at every game, every weekend, just because the fans can't behave themselves and it won't be paid by the teams, no, tax money.
One time I said to some people at work that I think nurses should earn as much as a soccer players, because they are doing more important work for the society than any soccer player ever did. You could see how the veins on their foreheads started pulsating, because how do I dare say that soccer players are overpaid and useless.
Next year we have the European championship in my country and I'm already so annoyed by it, I live close to a very cheap hotel, on my main public transport route are at least 25 further hotels and the bus is already always overfilled with tourists. The thought of having soccer fans instead of normal tourists on the bus, well, guess I will walk. At least the final game will be in another city, I would be on holiday if it would be where I live.
So, to make it short, I share your hatred towards soccer.
No. 1664650
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>>1664140Post actual evidence, tranny. Anyone can set their name to any name they want if there's no tripcode. Coincidentally, there was a tranny in that same thread threatening to rape her and ruin her life. You were the baiter, weren't you?
No. 1664653
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>>1664650Here's a part 2. That anon is a tranny
No. 1664705
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>>1664650>>1664653I didnt post in the thread, I found it because one anon in 2X said rita had posted on lgbt about how she loved posting misogynistic stuff on here.
No. 1664710
>>1664700who said I'm proud of it.
>>1664691>motivationa terminally online loser like ritard doesn't need motivation. she goes with the flow. anyway, i just want everyone to keep in mind that ritard is at large. report obvious bait & move on. don't give her any more attention. she's a pathetic fat chihuahua and can only deal as much damage as you let her.
No. 1664711
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>>1664709Either way, this is definitely a tranny
>obsession with sucking cock, shoving it on Retard when she said she never goes to /2X/ in the leaked post>Rita has said time and time again she is a (possibly gold star) lesbian>Conversion therapist tranny rhetoricEither you're lying, samefagging, or both
No. 1664766
>>16641395 years straight
What an odd thing to lie about. What a sad bid for attention when you have nothing else
No. 1664776
>>1664714I'm not rita I just think anons using the n word with a hard r is fucking retarded and racist
if using the antisemitic slur gets you banned which here it does, why is anon proud of using it on a chan site. especially if anon is white that's racist as fuck
I'm tired of you dumb tradthot bitches pretending to mask your racism, I see your fucking shit polluting threads
No. 1664779
>>1664776*anon used the n-word, but my point stands
my grandfathers didn't fight nazis for you loser faggots to be spewing fascist rhetoric over what was supposed to be a fairly safe board for women and away from the racism and pickme'ism spilling out of 4ch but I guess we've really gone backwards the past few months, what with fighting gooselipped retards about how sound of freedom is horse manure and how women supporting men who literally stole female abuse survivors stories to feed their white savior complexes was wrong, some of y'all really do hate women and minorities more than I thought
No. 1664782
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i cannot fucking stand adult edgelords it's outstanding how purposely stunted they are. there's this woman i used to follow this woman that was 28 years old ( which is still young but old enough to not act like this ) because i thought she was smart and well read color me surprised when she starts liking hitlerite shit yes this was on twitter but i am a lurker and the funniest part is she's north african and not even the pale blonde type she has referred to herself as brown before like i don't understand the cognitive dissonance. she's constantly saying the hard r n-word and haha and kekeing with her other racist as fuck friend about "kill the inferior browns brown extinction haha da jooz!!!!xddd nword nword slaves slavery negroids hehe haha" omfg i just don't understand how you can be so immature and obviously self hating like these people really don't self reflect at all it seems. i posted about it elsewhere but those microethnicity wars drive me up the wall because at the end of the day the rest of the world (not just your white man savior and overlord, so they seem to think of them as because it's clear from first glance that one's worth is based off of how much they resemble europeans) sees you all the exact same, literally no one gives a single fuck about those distinctions literally whatsoever. i don't understand what they get from that hate its obviously not a troll and they do genuinely hold these racist beliefs that they obviously find very funny and humorous like how did they not get that out of their system by the time they finished high school at most? it's seriously so annoying and not funny i don't get it. it makes me feel so much contempt and disgust like i'm seeing someone extremely disabled only they're doing it on purpose i don't even know if i can be sad but i do feel pity. it's a retardedness that really gets to me but as always i keep my silence and peace by reminding myself that they're sincerely and deeply stupid people not to be interfered with. like you know they're capable of maturity and are smart but decide to be childish and moronic instead of logical and rational. hope they find their way to reading up on puer aeternus, still want to a-log them.
No. 1664789
>>1664782I get it anon
I'm part Jewish and don't look stereotypically European. I can't stand this shit especially when so many neonazis are phenotypically the type of people the racists claim they want to exterminate. Why do they fall into that? I almost fell into that trap of self hatred years ago myself when I was in my teens and resisted it. Instead I was just a 2edgy4u in more of a red scare centrist edgelord way which was in itself annoying. But I feel awful for all the self hatred people must feel to end up trapped in those mindsets. I may hate myself but at least I'm not an embarrassing bigot
>>1664785Who are the cunts who keep posting racist dogwhistles and even unsubtle racism into tons of /ot/ threads, especially the amerifag and canadafag threads and some of the tinfoils… even in the gen threads? like people don't see this shit?
No. 1664810
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>>1664803>>1664808>>1664799Fair enough nonnies, to get back on topic i hate people who have plates like picrel
No. 1664879
>>1664876OK I stand corrected that Gloves was at one point her name, but people can still fake being a namefag but she could still be one of the current namefags simultaneously. You also haven't proven she's the anonymous spergs, any of them, or that she's actually the one calling women cocksuckers. As stated in
>>1664711 it feels like an obvious gayop and you're still obviously the tranny in
>>1664650 and
>>1664653 . So as stated, get actual evidence, troon.
No. 1664887
>>1664774Dicks are hideous period
Why men pride them so much and why nature made penises look like that is baffling
No. 1664889
>>1664882Never said she didn't, tranny. I'm just saying she had 0 leaked /2X/ posts, and since she never went there before it's completely retarded to think she ever would go there afterwards, let alone to be homophobic
to herself. It seems more likely that you're a troon from /lgbt/ sperging out because she said she's anti-troonshine. Get actual evidence she did any of that, I can say I have a hunch you're the one that posted fetish porn in her thread two weeks ago, but I don't have evidence, so I won't say it concretely.
No. 1664922
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>>1664915Difficult to keep clean, chafe you up, ruin your sensitivity worse than the hand death grip
No. 1664996
File: 1692076317908.png (1.87 MB, 1920x754, e5VlTx.png)

Holy fuck, this game looks like pure shit. I can't believe it's in my sister's Steam library, I seriously hope she didn't waste her own money on this coomoid garbage. And it is coom/moid garbage, it appears that most of the artists who worked on it are male porn artists (and it shows, with the porny female characters, shitty skin-tight clothes and an inability to draw males in an appealing way). Puke-inducing.
I was about to write a huge rant about it but I think I would be preaching to the choir. I just wish moid porn game creators understood that if they're not going to put any effort into pandering to women they shouldn't bother putting male love interests at all. This feels like a bigger insult than if they just continued to create eroge solely for men. I hope this "genre" dies and people stop pretending they can make adult games that cater to both scrotes and women at the same time.
No. 1665004
File: 1692076539983.png (Spoiler Image,719.13 KB, 920x430, 1656506800_Heroes.png)

>>1664996I mean look at this shit kek it's almost comedic.
No. 1665030
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>>1665007Yes kek I just wanted to play one of her actually good games. Some of her dumb internet friends gift her games on Steam sometimes, so I'm hoping that's how that garbage got there.
>>1665009I'm betting it's because the artists who work on those games are not professionals, they're just amateurs copying visual tropes found in internet porn and getting semi-rich on Patreon. They unironically have no taste because they don't know anything outside of what's popular on hentaifoundry.
I looked into the dev's other game which is where some of these characters come from, the art there was far better (as in, not tacky) because the two artists they had were professionals and one of them was a woman. And because it wasn't a "dating sim" I guess. Pic related.
No. 1665033
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>>1665011The sad truth is that the two males who own that studio probably didn't care about their potential female audience, and thought the porn artists would be competent enough to know how to make male designs that appeal to women. I've seen some videos and screenshots of the gameplay and there's a lot of scrotey humor too. Tacky as fuck as the other anon said. They just don't care. It almost feels intentional even.
>>1665014>>1665027I think she means the pickme Twitter kind who have to pretend to be happy with BOOBA female characters being shoved down their throats, and settle for fat hairy male characters that literally only gay moids would enjoy. Unfortunately those yumes are pretty common in the western fandom sphere, and they don't have the guts to protest when game devs throw them a shitty bone like this game. Even though when they try making attractive male love interests, it just ends up looking like a joke and not like they're actually meant to be attractive to us. Remember that retarded KFC otome game? Or that time that Vanillaware artist responded to criticism of his coomer designs by drawing a bunch of gay dwarves for the journo who criticized him, as a way to call him gay (picrel)? Yeah, that's what these designs feel like.
Oh but of course the female characters MUST remain fuckable for moids.
No. 1665037
>>1664996>All women are hourglass shaped beautiful busty porn stars>Men are straight out ugly ogres with one of them being an obese santa clausWesterners should be banned from making dating games, completely agree with
>>1665009 .
No. 1665077
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>>1664996Lmao this is for men, why did they even try to pretend otherwise. Balloons boobs and 20inch waists everywhere yet not a single appealing male design around
No. 1665110
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>>1665104I remember when Tales of Vesperia came out, scrotes were completely flipping out over the male MC's shirt being too open. Oh no, too sexy. Too gay or feminism going to far or something. But look at the woman to the left of him. Completely normal design, according to them.
No. 1665140
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>>1665138there are nintendo licensed dating sims games, c'mon you have to be baiting
No. 1665162
>>1665122>who even plays games that are dating simulators?I suggest you come to /m/ and read through the otome game general, newfag
And not all romance games are actual dating simulators (most are just visual novels with no simulation aspects) but one of the most well-known otome dating sims is Tokimeki Memorial Girl's Side, lmao. That franchise has a ton of fans in Japan and they go to real-life events and shit.
No. 1665178
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>>1665140ntayrt and i don't get what anon was talking about, but there are, theyre just japan only and only in japanese. They generally dont get translated or ported because they suck and are borderline vaporware. They come out constantly and are the easiest way to squeeze yennies out of jp moids
No. 1665184
>>1665164Oh well, sorry for that. Not all dating simulators are for scrotes, in case you weren't aware.
Also it's a dumb current western trend to make "dating sims" where they try to pander to both men and women but usually the males are drawn/designed hideously while the women look far more attractive. Or both are ugly as shit because they got a gendie artist. And yes these games are targeted at Twitterfags and SJWs who eat up any kweer media (as these games like to market themselves), not at imageboard incels. If it were just for them it wouldn't even have male love interests and would admit to being indie coomer trash like this nonna said
>>1665099And again, yes, there are actual dating simulators solely for a female audience. Just so you know, there's a subreddit for otome games, we have our own thread here, the otome/BL game general on 4chan that's mostly female, there are a lot of otome game review blogs, etc. But like other nonnas said, since a lot of Japanese titles are not officially released overseas, the genre is kind of obscure here in the west.
No. 1665370
Not a racebait I promise.
I hate when I say most rap music is bad some burger gets upset about it. I'm not a burger, and not even a westerner. I love all genres of music made by black people (soul, jazz, disco, funk, r&b, blues, rock 'n' roll etc.) EXCEPT rap because it's just not for me and has lots of bad things music, lyrics, fans and artists wise. Why is it so insane to those people that someonr won't like a genre filled with bad things? They always try to frame it as racism because of their country's history with it, but I'm not from there and I'm detached from that culture so I have nothing to do with people who hate it just because it's made by black Americans. I genuinely don't like it on a musical level. The person who got upset at my opinion over this also likes electronic music which I dislike as well and he lost his mind at me not liking it as well, go figure. Not my fault you have shit taste, ameritard.
No. 1665381
>>1665370Rap music was psyopped a lot, actually, so it was deliberate.
I do like rap/hip hop when it doesn't promote any bad stuff. It's a tiny minority but it exists.
No. 1665460
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i genuinely hate the misconception that humans used to live up to 30 and die in masse when it comes to literally only defend pedophilia and why it's okay to get a 14yo girl pregnant and adding on to this i absolutely LOATHE when men try to use the name of science to defend their urge to want to rape children and why it's achksually normal because of some awful logic they pulled up their unwashed ass with nothing to back it up like please instantly die already
No. 1665495
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>>1665418I misremembered. The other thread is in /lgbt/ where the OP was chimping out over "pooner meme" misogyny being banned, linking LCF and Retard tried to brag to sound tough. I think this will help you search the archive, but it seems like the other anon is a bitter troon mad about DIY HRT being shit on and trying to drag it out by blaming his bullshit on Retard
No. 1665516
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>>1664139I'm not keeping track of the ritard shit, but what a stupid thread either way.
>i either get all their posts wipedFarmhands almost never delete posts, even when they arguably should, what a weird way to cope.
No. 1665551
>>1665542The last few cocksucker posts with the random fedora picture it found from /lgbt/ that got redtexted are this troll, yes. I'm actually not caught up on the names so I don't know who you mean but it might be. It's been doing the same thing (refreshing the board all day for a new reply to call one gay moid or fujoshi who wants to be a gay moid, and complaining about faggots like saying they are more likely to be pedos than straight men are for 10 posts in a row and like when someone said little girls are more likely to be
victims it started calling them a faggot, samefagging and falseflagging to derail and so on) on that board for weeks. The mods only just started to intervene and now this "I manipulated the mods to delete all their posts" bullshit. It's fucking bizarre to witness but the mods can see IPs and finally caught on.
(personalityfagging) No. 1665586
File: 1692121064278.png (255.91 KB, 480x837, 9s-yorha-no-9-type-s_nier-auto…)

>>1665148>9S from Nier AutomataYou mean this boy? He's cute but he looks
way too young, he doesn't even look 20, are there any other versions?
No. 1665600
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Warning! Old males
No. 1665605
>>1665381Probably not just "psyop" or more appropriately astroturfing as the other anon said, but also the inexplicable blowup of SoundCloud rap the last decade or so. Many of the subpar mumble rappers started off on that platform and were ultimately integrated into popular music
Sounds like a cop out because I'm well aware it has its sore spots as well, but old school and 00s rap has a campiness and a soul to it that soundcloud rap for the most part really lacks for me personally, rap is also one of my least favorite genres but I would say there's a few immaculate rap songs. I don't really like metal or screamo much either. I consider myself a pretty genre diverse person but beyond the atrocities of Travis Scott for example I just find his music fucking boring
No. 1665610
>>1665600thank you for the reminder to not entertain old scrotes
>>1665370same except for the electronic music part, what do you listen to nona? i like some electronic but not any kind of EDM, it fucking sucks ass.
maybe the black people who say that whites don't have any rhythm are right, i'm the palest shade of white and i genuinely can't stand any rhythmic music at all
No. 1665626
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if some1 played this crap around me i would break a 2 by 4 over their head
No. 1665643
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>>1665600we should beat them for doing that tbh
No. 1666115
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>>1666113Just look at this. An actual female politician who dismisses GC feminists 50 yo Karens. As if being 50 is bad. As if she won't age and could one day be called a Karen herself. It's being used to dismiss views and not engage with them.
No. 1666338
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(I have no idea who picrel is, she is the first result on pinterest).
I hate their busy design, often with clashing elements.
I hate their squeaky voice and the fact that they believe that screaming into a mic results in funny “moments”
I hate their coomer-pandering gimmicks
I hate how unnatural they move. No shit, I know that they’re “virtual” but unless they are still frames, bouncy effects on a 2.5 model look unstable and weird, plus trying to mimic human expressions with their anime faces results in an uncanny valley effect.
I hate how each of them tries to come up as OC donut steel with complex lore but that results in being cheesy as fuck, like a child playing with mary sues on deviantart.
I hate how they made everyone believe that they’re funny and intersting, so people get a model just to say the most trivial shit on a mic and use the titty physics for attention
I hate the whole phenomenon and cannot wait until it dies out.
Yes this includes male vtubers.
No. 1666411
>>1666409if you're the nona who was trying to defend shayna's bloodied and bruised asscheeks and legs, just stop. no one cares what your kink is but don't try acting like having someone cane you until your backend looks like a strip of bacon is normal.
Also, gross, were you the one posting the graphic bdsm photos in the thread while you tried to defend it?
No. 1666419
>>1666416Have you ever met one? The good thing about moids who enjoy bdsm is that often they're open to sharing what they like. So you don't risk weird surprises.
Not to mention that they know the risk of sexual assault charges that comes with telling a woman they want to "hurt" her, so they are actually far more attentive and cautious.
Just a generalization, but it's a thing that happens.
No. 1666421
>>1666419nta but nona, often men who murder women play it safe with "we were just playing a sexual game and having a sexual experience, it was an accident!"
What weird surprises are you talking about? Are you saying that normal, normie moids hide something? Sure, that can be it, but kinksters, or better, fetishists use the bdsm outlet to let our their insticts and it means harming women. Think about why your moid is getting hard when he hurts you.
No. 1666425
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>>1666419"The good thing about moids who enjoy bdsm is that often they're open to sharing what they like. So you don't risk weird surprises"
Holy shit you're on so many levels of coping you can't even see that is actually the opposite, I pray for you to recover.
And I used a random article that summarizes some of these murders, think about how many more there are. No. 1666428
>>1666409I won't get into the whole BDSM convo but
>"women aren't supposed to enjoy kinks or even sex" is really, REALLY like we're back to the dark ages.This is true for lolcow tbh. Anons will see someone with an uncommon kink or something they deem wrong and immediately accuse them of being male. I've actually seen anons talk about completely normal things, but because it's sexual someone calls them a scrote (I've especially see this happen when they're talking about other women).
No. 1666431
>>1666429me because I'm retarded and I'm used to do this on many other sites, sorry
nonnie I'll take the L
No. 1666434
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>>1666428I've been banned for saying I like anal. Just saying. Some nonas here should really stop with this mysoginist notion (that your mysoginist family taught you?) that women aren't supposed to enjoy kinks. No, buddy, shouting to the world that you hate sex is not going to make you more appealing to the moids browsing here.
(literally no one asked) No. 1666435
>>1666428The thing about "kinks" (call them fetishes because that's what they are) it's either because
1. They're violent.
2. They're on the autistic tier.
A thing that around 99% men share. Women who play into them are just brainwashed pickmes who will die without some crumbs of attention or heavily traumatized individuals (talk about idk, lisa fritzl? the girl who was kept prisoner and his father raped her for 24 years resulting in many incest children, who, after escaping, chose a bodyguard as a husband, or at least someone who controlled her despite her being free, because her brain was stuck in that mindset), if this wasn't the case, you could see equally fucked up women, instead women with fetishes are much rarer.
nonnie, what about mistresses? Arent' they kinksters?"
Money. Do you think they get off from that? No, it's a easy money path because men are weak animals who will pay to get off.
How come I've yet to see a footfag woman, "findom" men, a scat loving woman etc? come one, you can connect the dots…
No. 1666438
>>1666436I didn't say that and you're putting words in my mouth because you can't cope. Read again.
Sexual desires are natural, the search for pleasure is deep in our nature. Women are sexual beings just like men, but aside the fact that is testosterone that's making men more horny than us, why do you connect sex with fetishes? Why can't you admit you use sex to swipe your problems under the rug? Do better
No. 1666440
>>1666434Anon you got banned because this is a totally unnecessary disgusting comment that has no place on /snow/, a gossip board. Nobody cares that you're horny. Blogposting is bannable even if saged.
Fun fact the reason why moids were even banned here in the first place is because they couldn't stop announcing in cow threads how much they wanted to fuck the cows or how hard their dick was or something.
No. 1666443
>>1666434Well anon, you didn't get banned for saying you like anal. You said this in a /snow/ thread and iirc it was unsaged so that was probably why.
>>1666435The words fetish and kink are basically interchangeably. They're not all violent and idk why we're supposed to call anons men for being autistic on lolcow of all places. Even if you've never seen women with those kinks before, you can't understand why the women who
are into that stuff would be on lolcow?
Let's just be honest, about like 80-90% of scrote accusations on this site are usually false and code for "you like something that I don't"
No. 1666446
>>1666428I agree with you. I’m not saying it’s right, but all of my female acquaintances and friends admit to consume porn, and all of the girlfriends I’ve had have engaged in kink stuff with me. I recall interests on non-sexual but now obviously fetish activity way before I stumbled upon adult content so it’s not me being “pornsick”. I’ve never posted pictures of myself online so I’m not doing it for attention nor money, I just genuinely enjoy it.
I was gonna keep the themes a mystery until I saw
>>1666435 so I’ll go ahead and say that more women enjoy piss, scat, light choking/spitting on each others mouths than you think, but they won’t admit it because people think only men do it/it’s too degenerate (100% fair though lol), but that doesn’t mean women can’t have those interests. Pro ship spaces for sample are proof of it: bunch of horny sexually disturbed women posting characters pissing themselves. Female socialization is the difference there, that’s why you don’t see it. I’ll take the ban if being “ew” on /ot/ is rule breaking somehow,
>>1666434I guess, even though it’s not in the rules.
No. 1666456
nonnie. Stop projecting and coping, BDSM is a safe outlet for violent man and that's a fact, cope.
No. 1666476
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>>1664153I feel insulted that anyone would dare insist that i am this fat retarded tranny based on the thread. Imagine being such a retarded moid worshipper (and being a lesbian at that!) you think you can become one. My hormones are all fucked up because of bc so i'm taking it out on moids and trannies, truly the cause of all my problems.
>>1666481Why? It's the logical (and correct) concluison of all that you've said. Sex with men is inherently violent, and you are not only accepting it into your life because you've fallen for the female socialization meme of women needing men, you encourage it for other women as well. You are part of the violence inherent in the system, fuck off.
>>1666484PIV is necessarily painful and violent. Do you think the average man accepts his hole being stretched?
No. 1666492
>>1666491See how you can't answer the question? So, why does the moid's prostate feel good when stimulated if it's not comparable?
>reproductionYou mean helping a scrote carry his seed to the next generation. Gtfo
No. 1666493
>>1666487>PIV is necessarily painful and violent.Nta but if you're not wet it is. And even lesbians engage in vaginal penetration.
How did we go from being turned on by inducing pain to your partner = violence to consensual/enjoyable piv = violence kek
No. 1666496
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>>1666494Nta but
>admitting that you dig in men's assesI can't take you seriously I'm sorry
No. 1666497
>>1666493>And even lesbians engage in vaginal penetration.That's not even close to the same as PIV, retard. PIV is 9 times of 10 uncomfortable for the woman until she gets "used to it" because the moid's pleasure is put first, hence why women are expected to be tight even though it just means more discomfort. You are
teeming with internalized misogyny.
>>1666494This is just factually, biologically incorrect. No one's getting turned on at a prostate exam. Do you get turned on at your gyno?>The P spot refers to the prostate, a small walnut-sized muscular gland that produces the seminal fluid that helps sperm travel and to survive. When stimulated, the p spot creates an intensely pleasurable sensation during orgasm No. 1666503
>>1666477Normal sex is not violence, do not horseshoe this with fetishists lol
Plus how do you think babies are made?
No. 1666504
>>1666497Why are you quoting a random site to me about an anatomical structure when I'm a med student? I know what prostate is, it's just not something that's pleasurable for men, they get off because they fetishize the act.
I don't understand why you're trying to normalize Sodomy while claiming normal sex is totally bad for women. No one will buy your stuff.
No. 1666506
>>1666503>het sex>"normal"Ok, keep telling yourself that
>Plus how do you think babies are made?Through violence
>>1666504You are trying to dodge the comparison because you know PIV is as violent as anal sex. Am I supposed to believe you're a med student if you don't even know what the prostate does and that men can cum from stimulation to it? Go fuck yourself, kek.
>t. doctorAny urologist will explain it to you. If you assert that men fetishize the act and dismiss any pleasure attained, you are forced to conclude that het women fetishize PIV because it's also painful and requires prep in spite of pleasure they claim (which is why lube is a large market). Most men reject anal because it's having a hole stretched, but women are socialized to accept being abused, so they lay down and accept it. This has been my claim from the start, it just
triggers you to have your masochism called out.
(infighting/baiting) No. 1666507
>>1666497>PIV is uncomfortable so its violenceIts uncomfortable if you're not wet or in a situation of violence.
I'm sad that you all are having shitty sex with people you barely like or use you as a tool for violence.
No. 1666513
>>1666510The vagina is torn and cut on the inside from PIV all the time. It's violent. Lesbian sex does not have these problems.
>>1666511>>1666512What are you afraid of? Ask him.
>the vagina can stretch to the point it can fit a baby, I'll ask him once his intestines will serve the exact same function.Guess what? Childbirth also results in your vagina tearing into your asshole and/or incontinence more often than people want to admit. The "husband stitch" is whispered about for a reason. Cope hard for your masochism.
(infighting) No. 1666521
>>1666513Never heard of husband stitches, that's because I don't live in a shithole country, that being religious hellholes for women or USA.
Anyway, since you're one of those lesbians, what about fingers scratchings the inner walls? Fingers are dangerous too, in fact more dangerous since they constantly touch and get in contact with dirty stuff. Any sex if not done properly can be harmful, are you gonna have some good arguments or…?
No. 1666526
>>1666513Husband stitch isn't about tearing or incompetence, it tightens the hole and makes the next birth more difficult so it's now a crime to practice it in most countries afaik.
>>1666516It's not a lesbian, its a man with anal fetish. No lesbian says talking about anal turned her on and now she wants anal sex or that anal is better than vaginal.
No. 1666533
>>1666521Penises are inherently dirty, just like the men surrounding them. You're not going to convince me that the average moid's cock is on the same level as a finger in any way (even if your moid's is as small as one, which would not surprise me).
>Anyway, since you're one of those lesbians, what about fingers scratchings the inner walls? Fingers are dangerous too, in fact more dangerous since they constantly touch and get in contact with dirty stuff.Ever heard of washing your hands, cutting your nails and wearing gloves? Do you never do those things? You must stink so good, literally no sense of hygiene.
>>1666526>Husband stitch isn't about tearing or incompetence, it tightens the hole and makes the next birth more difficult so it's now a crime to practice it in most countries afaik.>The husband stitch is the term for an extra stitch that some women say they have received during the repair of an episiotomy or vaginal tear. This procedure takes place after delivery to decrease the size of a woman's vaginal opening. It is an outdated procedure that has no approved medical use or benefit pointed out that anal sex is as painful and degrading as PIV, and that "i-it's not pleasurable" is an excuse because moids do like it. Keep calling me a man while I point out both are gross but you think your degradation kink should be tolerated.
No. 1666537
>>1666534You are a projecting scrote who jacks off to trannies and doesn't want women to know that you're a bottom bitch. That's why you're mad that I'm saying PIV is painful and gross and women shouldn't capitulate to it, while also exposing that your entire sex are degenerates who fuck eachother and themselves up the ass.
>>1666528Cut your nails like a normal person
No. 1666541
>>1666533>Penises are inherently dirty, just like the men surrounding themSo are fingers, vaginas, dildos, vibrators and such. Sex isn't a "clean" act lol.
Ever heard about getting wet?
Anal is not pleasurable because we do not have nerve endings there, piv is enjoyable because all our nerve endings are there or if not piv, shoving stuff down there is nice because it's supposed to work like that. By your logic, do not use fingers nor dildos, never again, because that's "stretching your hole", right?
I feel like a teacher explaining 2+2 to a retarded child named like a luxury brand.
No. 1666546
File: 1692214894561.jpg (74.78 KB, 700x410, How-To-Put-On-Sterile-Gloves-W…)

>>1666533>Ever heard of washing your hands, cutting your nails and wearing gloves?>wearing glovesDoes this image put you in the mood for a hot and steamy fingerbanging session? Be honest.
No. 1666547
>>1666536>>1666540Ritard supports PIV because she wants to have a dick. "No u" won't work when I'm literally telling the truth, PIV is nasty and damaging.
>>1666541You really believe a vagina is as dirty as a penis? Lol you're too retarded to live
>Anal is not pleasurable because we do not have nerve endings there, piv is enjoyable because all our nerve endings are there or if not piv, shoving stuff down there is nice because it's supposed to work like that. By your logic, do not use fingers nor dildos, never again, because that's "stretching your hole", right?>The anal walls are rich in nerve endings that can give a feeling of pleasure. Many homosexual and heterosexual people practice this form of intercourse.Just like with PIV, "muh pleasure' doesn't justify that it's disgusting, painful and degrading. Cope.
>>1666542You can't remember your own schizo ramblings?
No. 1666551
>>1666547>You really believe a vagina is as dirty as a penis? Lol you're too retarded to liveEh, if you don't wash them yes. They can equally catch diseases, be diseased and such.
>Just like with PIV, "muh pleasure' doesn't justify that it's disgusting, painful and degrading. Cope."Just because it feels good doesn't justify that is painful"
You just contradicted yourself and said a very retarded thing lol
No. 1666554
>>1666551>Eh, if you don't wash them yes. They can equally catch diseases, be diseased and such. This is pure delusion. Dicks are disgusting lol.
>You just contradicted yourself and said a very retarded thing lolThis is what BDSMfags say. Being beaten feels good to them, so the pain and damage are justified. You have the same mentality, and that's why you are the same.
No. 1666559
>>1666554I didn't say that and you're reaching lol
My point is that sex hurts only when you're not wet enough or if a moid has a monster penis. I do not justify pain in any way and PIV is not supposed to hurt when done correctly and with a person that you're attracted to. You're delusional and twisting my words just to get your point across but this is not going well fam.
No. 1666574
File: 1692216477163.png (30.72 KB, 710x209, puke.png)

i hate that sally tranny on letterboxd so much i'm gonna puke god i want to alog this creep always shoving his perverted scrotum everywhere like piss off
No. 1666581
File: 1692216807013.jpg (70.17 KB, 630x1000, definitionofuglyness.jpg)

These vases. Everytime I look for vases online, more than half of the page is filled with these fuckers. No idea if a retard is mass buying them in my country hence causing them to pop up everywhere or these ugly vases have truly taken over the world and you just can't escape them. At first, I thought 'alright, they aren't my type but they aren't that ugly' but now the more and more I look at them, the more I realise how wrong I was and how ugly they are. They're useless too, the majority of the flowers look really awkward in them or can't even fit in them unless you cut off 80% of their sticks/stems like a heartless butcher. I hope whoever created these ugly little shits drinks tea because I'm going to poison it once I find their address.
No. 1666586
File: 1692217184877.jpg (77.26 KB, 1500x1500, theuglysibling.jpg)

>>1666581Samefagging to add, apparently these fuckers have uglier siblings too. Never knew a vase out of all things can appear so inbred-looking, but this one just managed to do that. Imagine seeing this thing behind you at 3am.
>>1666583Pampas grass is really pretty tbh, I love them too. It's just the vase that's ugly.
No. 1666644
>>1666409Tl;dr: "waah you're prudes"
Sorry but you're not going to shame me into accepting degeneracy.
No. 1666651
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I hate how VW's jewelry is pretty but shit quality for the price. 170€ for some cheap "silver" coating that rubs off and gets immediatly rusty.
Yes I own some pieces and I barely wear them because I spent a lot and want to keep them in decent condition
No. 1666707
>>1665610Atyrt, I too consider myself diverse genre wsie. And I agree EDM is hideous. I like metal though lol, all subgenres of it as well except black metal (it has nice sounds in it but all the bands are criminals and neonazis) and thrash metal (edgy terrible messy incoherent subgenre), jazz, funk, disco, soul, blues, rock, pop rock, electro rock sometimes, electropop, old school kpop (1990s- early 2010s) especially girls' generation, pop punk rock, country, jpop, city pop, classical music, opera, ambient, experimental & avant-garde (especially Diamanda Galás), some arabic music, cantopop, mandopop, hakka music/Taiwanese pop, musicals, 90s-2000s r&b, doo woop, euro anything, folk, some ballads here and there, jrock, neo classical, new age, new/synth/dark wave, prog rock/metal, ragtime, a capella, romanticism/impressionism orchestral stuff or just on piano, synth pop. I'd like to get into indian music at some point and more European music from different countries. I also care about vocals a lot and melodies so I gravitate into genres that focus on that. There are probably more genres I like but I don't know the name of because I'm not super good with identifying them lol
No. 1666734
>>1666707you seem to be well-rounded and open to experience.
how do i listen to more diverse stuff? do i just keep listening to stuff randomly or do i branch out from the things i already like?
No. 1667577
>>1666734Both can work. I stumble upon songs I end up liking from different genres all the time. Also I'm sort of easy to impress and as long as the melody of the song is catchy and it doesn't have any cringy modern American pop music 'tropes' (for lack of a better word) I'll probably like it. I also don't let the language barrier stop me from listening to music from other countries and I think that helped me with discovering new genres I enjoy. You can listen to what you already like and see what do you like about it and search for artists and songs/albums similar to it, and you might end up finding artists who mix the stuff you like with other things you also like. For example I like jpop and metal, and then i discovered kawaii metal, which is a mix of both and it's very fun and good. I like rock and I like jazz, so I ended up liking jazz fusion. You can also listen to hits of different genres and different artists from different countries using streaming services playlists, especially youtube music because it has a big library. That way you'll find new stuff you enjoy and later on dig deeper and find more obscure stuff that caters to your taste specifically. Movie/tv shows/anime/cartoon osts albums can help with discovering new stuff as well, for example hellsing anime has jazz fusion osts, cowboy bebop has jazz and blues osts, vivy fluorite eye's song has jpop nd electropop osts, winx club has rock, pop rock, electropop and eurobeat osts, babylon (2019) has neoclassical piano music and some electronic music mixed with neoclassical sounds, band slam has classic rock songs as osts, and so on. Hope you end up finding new things you enjoy!
No. 1667833
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>>1667827speaking of crunchyroll, normies love it because "it fights piracy!! at least you're helping the industry uwu" nah fam you're just paying crunchyroll's rent for their fancy weeaboo offices.
I grew up with torrents and shady website in 240p, I know the struggle and I wouldn't give crunchyroll one fucking cent for anime, it's just so much better to buy physical releases of BDs and manga but zoomers are lazy and would rather ruin their paychecks with an infinite amount of streaming services
No. 1667853
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People who feel the need to announce their gross fetishes in the most random places. Like what the actual fuck is 'Boy Milk Enthusiast' and why are tifs are so obsessed with the word 'boy' and what is it doing in your game profile? On the one hand, at least it lets me know I need to stay far, far away from these retards. But on the other hand, my day would've been a thousand times better if I hadn't read all that shit.
No. 1668320
>>1668291What flavor,
No. 1669265
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women who cling to these shoddy female characters written by moids + disparage other female fans who go "maybe the blatant love interest fanservice character ISN'T worth a damn actually" and claim they're being "misogynistic" for not enjoying someone like picrel. double hate if it's a tif/a "she/they".
i feel the women who like them are either just really bland mind-rotted libfems themselves (so they relate) or they're self-inserters. or maybe they're just contrarian and trying to be fandom NLOGs. why the fuck are people still arguing about orihime in 2023 btw
No. 1669372
>>1669350agreed. i don't think anyone's ever stopped replying because the anon they replied to told them to stop.
in reality, if you don't want a reply, you're supposed to just not continue the argument, but some anons can't help themselves, get
triggered, want to have the last word and it goes on forever.
No. 1669476
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The internet was never meant for normies. The reason it’s such an overwhelmingly awful experience on almost all fronts now is such a shame. The average retard should have never been given a voice or a platform. I feel like it’s ruined a generation of zoomers and is shitting up the next one too. It’s not exactly news to anyone but I feel such a sense of loss compared to the internet of the 2000s and early 2010s. Fuck corporations, social media and also fuck everyone on the internet who isn’t an autistic shut in.
No. 1670426
>>1670173Saged for derail. I witnessed a fake wedding on the forums of Gaiaonline. Otherwise I'd hang out in the jigsaw puzzle game and befriend people there.
Otherwise another big online thing was Skyblog personal blogs, it was the Myspace replacement where I'm from.
No. 1670453
>>1669265You're 100% right and should say it louder.
>or maybe they're just contrarian and trying to be fandom NLOGs.This is how it usually is in my past experience. They see a character being hated and decide to whiteknight for them because they love getting into conflict and feel special for "understanding" the character that took the author 2 minutes to whip up to have some sort of a pair of tits on legs that the male MC can be coupled with. It has the added benefit of getting to be a holier than thou bitch to other female fans who see through it.
No. 1670644
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I don't follow a single Stardew Valley blog, only Harvest Moon ones, yet I only ever get SV posts recommended on tumblr. I guess all farming sims are the same or something.
No. 1670669
>>1670586ayrt, I never liked it because it reminded me of the homes of creepy elderly people (I'm not saying all elderly people are creepy, I'm saying it reminds me of the creepy ones) so it never really made me "calm". Then again, I was always a very anxious child. And then my
abusive mom started shilling essential snake oils. They stank up the whole house with "oregano essential oil" making the place smell like cheap Italian food "because it's a natural antibiotic". She'd insist that the lavender oil would cure my anxiety even after I told her that I don't even like the smell and do not find it calming. so yeah I have a bad history with it, you're right.
No. 1670874
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>>1670702It was actually the male characters that made me wanna quit, they were all so fucking ugly.
No. 1670888
>>1670698It works the opposite way for me with vanilla, nonna.
The smell of vanilla anything, except as a baking ingredient (it's usually only in small doses there anyway), makes me want to barf. It's almost as bad as when there are bad smells like cigarette smells, gas smell etc.
And it just has to do with the fact that one of my sister's had a vanilla perfume and she put that stuff on everything when we were kids, which was awful.
No. 1670904
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>>1670874there two are supposed to be love interests.
No. 1670934
>>1669476I wanna get back when I used to get bullied for being the "weird internet kid".
Now it's full of cloutchasers normies that ruined every single space, I want to get back to comfy anime forums without crunchytards
No. 1671159
>>1670938Totally agreed. I want someone attractive (or rather, who I'm attracted to), if I'm not attractive enough to have high standards then I'll either improve myself or stay single. Being with someone you aren't attracted to is so much worse than being alone and I won't tolerate it.
This may be mean spirited of me ngl but it feels like relationships between unattractive people are pointless. Men date women they aren't attracted to because any sex is better than nothing but they secretly hate their gf for not being hot enough, meanwhile women will settle for not enjoying sex thinking it's normal and wanting anything more is shallow. So either both partners need to totally lack self awareness and be oblivious of the others lack of attraction, or they put up with feeling disrespected and unappealing to their partner. Miserable either way.
No. 1671276
>>1671238People who buy Shein are garbage. It's made with slave labor and stolen designs, pollutes the planet, and then they dump it off on unsuspecting poor people paying $5 for a secondhand clothing item made of such shitty materials that it will disintigrate in the wash and look trashy within a month. Consumers have a duty to make a minimum effort to not be a total unethical piece of shit. Shein is the female version of funkopop, cluttering the planet with useless mass produced plastic/polyester garbage destined for a landfill.
Thrifting is awful now. There's no more good stuff, just polymixes and tacky fast fashion. And this is why capitalism is objectively evil, because the asshole who founded Shein is richer than god and has made the planet significantly worse.
No. 1671303
>>1671276People having the audacity to compare Shein and Temu garbage to more expansive fast fashion stores is ludicrous. You're paying more than $2 a shirt at F21, Zara and H&M, and the quality still outlasts that of Shein by far, not to mention it doesn't poison you, have led or smell like chemicals. Don't fucking talk about the people who whine about how higher end brands are also "made with slave labor". None of this justifies how awful Shein's quality is, nor their ethical violations, nor the fact that they steal from much smaller artists, not even well. A person told me once that Steve Madden steals from designer brands, so what, they still charge a decent amount for well made shoes. I like their shoes. They don't fall apart after less than a year. Same with Nikes. I don't care if it's "also made with slave labor", it holds up better. These larger more expensive brands aren't comparable to Shein crap. Shein crap is the laughably lowest of the low
I've seen too many people I know fall into the Shein and Temu trap and I have no idea how to yank them out of that gaping void. One of my coworkers sent me a bunch of Temu begging links and I'm just like girl, I'm not downloading that app. I've always been a shop in person type so when I saw Shein clothes in a thrift store… I was curious. Tried on a skirt with a fairly cute pattern and could tell it was probably less than a year from disintegrating. It was so lifeless, flat, cheap, and practically translucent. It was even uglier on me than the hanger. How can people be led into buying this and think it looks good
No. 1671452
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I literally hate everyone involved in this, yes bored middle class girls making their lives kind of a tragedy is kind of annoying but rejecting them completely just because their white is also dumb, just be a normal person.
No. 1671492
>>1671452It's right though.
WOC were never, ever allowed to try to embody this because this is a type of selfish indulgence afforded to white culture only because there is no culture.
No. 1671522
>>1671509While she wasn't being mean about it she's allowed to do it.
>Bullying new users into integrating is not minimodding. We would argue that it’s necessary.Check the hellweek thread in /meta/
No. 1671612
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I hate that the Pixiv app shows these shitty tags instead of showing tags you follow or frequent. I hate this. I hate seeing anime coomshit.
No. 1671651
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>>1671492>>1671452Thought I'd just end up rolling my eyes at the article, but then
>These fictional depictions of the white disaffected woman have real-world parallels. In an episode of the Red Scare Podcast titled “Shia Labuse,” hosts Dasha Nekrasova and Anna Khachiyan mock FKA twigs, who opened up about the abuse she endured from Shia LaBeouf. Dasha, who diagnosed herself with “girl, interrupted syndrome” and is heavily associated with the waif aesthetic, calls twigs “attention-seeking” and “aggressive” in reference to the New York Times article where she exposed Shia. One can only assume she felt comfortable making these cruel remarks because Black women are not afforded the same vulnerability that white women are able to capitalize on.This is a good point. The Red Scare podcasters are notorious pickmes. Pretty sure Dasha has a fetishistic obsession with Jeffrey Epstein, so it's not surprising. Nothing FKA Twigs said about that man was "aggressive", that's just the racist burger go-to whenever black/half-black women say anything that inconveniences them. The man literally gave her herpes without her knowledge and killed random dogs to "get in character" for a serial killer role in a movie. Hope he hangs, and so do all the loser coquettes who simp for
abusive, subhuman men all day.
Otherwise, I think the problem has less to do with "unbearable whiteness", and more that western culture as a whole wants black women to be aggressive, loud, fat, and in everyone's business, not brooding, quiet, thin and self-focused. Books like Luster by Raven Leilani, or Selah and the Spades don't sell because the American cultural canon for black girls is made up of hypersexual, money-obsessed prostitutes there to pleasure men, fat mammies there to "fix" everyone else, or "strong, independent girlbosses" without any personal vulnerability or "softness" whatsoever. Sometimes, it's all three.
I dislike these sorts of articles, because it doesn't seem like the main point is to uplift black girls and characters who don't fit into racist stereotypes. It's to racebait and start fights for engagement. What always happens is that white girls feel targeted by insistences of their representation and creative niches being "unbearably" white (and really, wtf are they going to do? stop being white? white tumblr "disaffected young girls" are a demographic that cannibalize eachother for the stupidest reasons and start spiralling if they eat more than 1000 calories a day, how do you expect them to adequately address race? inclusion just for the sake of it or to avoid being "cancelled" always rings hollow), so they'll naturally ignore any good points made and get upset, sometimes veering into virulent racism to feel edgy and "powerful". Naturally, black girls will see them feeling victimized with some of them spewing racism toward black women at the exact same time, get annoyed at the true parts of the article being ignored (because they've been ignored their whole lives), and they'll feel that the article must've been completely right to blame them. Meanwhile, as a subculture composed mainly of young women, neither group has much structural power on their own. Nothing gets resolved. IMO, the argument should be that as women, our struggles are more alike than they are different, but division sells more, a lot of pickmeish women like race games, and female solidarity seems more and more like a myth every day, so what are you going to do?
No. 1672059
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When my post accidentally starts an infight. Makes me feel like picrel kek.
No. 1672190
>>1672179>self insertingusually people (myself included kek) want to be the ones fucking him or watching him get fucked.
>lesbosnope, the male physique is what makes it hot.
No. 1672227
>want man>want hole to fuckfuta
>want woman>want stick to get fuckedit's simple.
No. 1672230
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>>1672204thats a woman, you are bi, you are into extreme butches like buck angel, you are no different from a closeted moid who swears fapping to catboy traps futashit aint gay
No. 1672235
>>1672230If your brain perceives someone as a man, the attraction to him is straight.
>extreme butch>looks like a manDon't exist. You're being dumb.
No. 1672243
>>1672211That's kind of a weird analogy kek. It's a fantasy,
nonnie. Think of it like vampires. No real man has a timelessly hot bod, erotically drinks your blood (in a painless, hot way), and has a bunch of vampire powers and supernatural characteristics (fangs, glowing eyes, ethereal beauty, etc.)
It's weird that putting a vagina on a man bod is equivalent to "cripple" to you, btw. Just saying.
No. 1672251
>>1672247I know it can be frustrating, but we aren't entitled to other people's art. Imagine if you drew muscular women and it always brought down the barafags complaining about how you should be drawing for them.
I think you should pick up a pencil yourself, nonna! I've been thinking about getting into drawing so I can make stuff for myself, maybe you should, too.
No. 1672300
>>1672288NTA but see
>>1672258. For some of those artists and people who look at it the surprise genital is the appeal.
No. 1672308
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>>1672304here, your medal for being the champion in mental gymnastics, you earned it queen
No. 1672324
>butches are men!!!1So new, so creative. I'm sure no one has ever called them that before. Why don't you go ask the lesbian thread if they are men with pussies? I'm sure that's going to go well.
No. 1672328
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Can't believe we're having an infight over moids with vaginas out of all things.
No. 1672329
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>>1672319>Nta but pussy is gross. >Would still pick a literal man with oneDid everyone forget dicks exist
No. 1672335
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>>1672319>pussy is gross>Would still pick a literal man with oneGirl you need to live your truth cause???
No. 1672367
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all of the cuntboy art i have seen has been drawn either by tifs or of tif-adjacent characters like tumblr sexy men(there is a shit ton of cuntboy art of ugly old male characters like Rick for some gross reason). I am not the original anon, but i agree i despise cuntboy shit. Cuntboy art has always sent chills down my spine, it's so obviously drawn by confused straight girls self inserting or confused bisexual women, and it's not a coincidence cuntboy art started to become popular and popping out nowadays. I have never seen cuntboy art pre 2010s. It's like how once being into traps/trannies became popular the vast majority of futa artists ditched drawing the dick attached to the vagoo and just started drawing the dick and asshole. It's a massive cope to say cuntboy/futa art isnt agp/gay
No. 1672371
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>>1672342I already checked out an hour ago, I don't care about all this sexuality autism, I just think drawing men with pussies is retarded.
No. 1672378
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>>1672370you dont know what its like to be a slash fan during these trying times, i have suffered more PTSD than nam veterans
No. 1672383
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I hate frogs. They're ugly, slimy, and everywhere after it rains. I wouldn't ever harm a frog irl because I'm not a psychopath and it's still a tiny life but I can't pretend like I find them 'cute'. Even the tiny baby frogs look like weird slug-aliens and that's coming from someone who likes baby animals of almost every kind. Drawings of frogs makes them appear a lot cuter than they actually are.
No. 1672385
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>>1672375it was my space before they invaded, i have been a dirty fujo way longer than these cuntboyspergs have been alive. I wouldnt even care about cuntboy art if they werent disingenous about it and it was treated like how moids treat futashit. But cuntboy tards are always obnoxious twitterfags who believe straight women want to see pussies, and get mad if you tell them to fuck off out of our space. It's the same shit as always of trannies invading and ruining women spaces.
No. 1672440
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>>1672435Your willie Jr is going in the cunny cage tonight babes, prepare to be reduced to nothing
No. 1673852
>>1673704Recently? It happens every week since 2015. I think lately most of it is pakianon but there's always annoying
femcels/lipstick alley types that just have to sperg about women with fair features.
No. 1673956
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I hate this coomer tranny so goddamn much
No. 1673969
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>>1673968Tren muscle on short men makes them look like imps but when short men have that natural thick stocky muscle its sexy im sorry
No. 1673982
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>>1673969KEK that's fine if you're into that but all I can think when I hear short muscle moids I think of this creature.
No. 1673984
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>>1673982Girl that is not what I'm fapping to
No. 1674536
>>1674264Absolutely agree with you. There's a difference between the porn we all are subject to due to bots and ads online etc., and going to the lake where you live in Yurop and a bunch of retirees are bathing and laying down on their towel there with their sagging tits and balls out in the perimeter of your towel.
As someone who comes from a country where nude beaches are secluded away from the public, it's been a wild ride after I moved to this other country, I had to get used to it after a while.
No. 1675906
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I don’t care for asmr but I really hate ones like this. Why would anyone find this relaxing? I also hate the thinly veiled sexual ones. Disgusting.
No. 1675967
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As someone who is mixed race, I hate it whenever I see commercials or shows with black or mixed women who have these giant bundles of hair on their head. What really kills me is how they're always laughing and carefree as if it's a breeze to style and take care of your hair when it look like this. Speaking from every day experience, thick curly hair isn't easy and it takes a lot of fucking time to deal with the longer it gets.
I also hate how this is the standard hairstyle for all black or biracial child characters. It's a difficult enough hairstyle for adults to manage, it's 10x worse for kids.
No. 1676027
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I hate when people call it "racism" or "anti semitism" when women talk about beauty (or different types of beauty) as it pertains to features, bone structure, eye shape, skull, etc. All races of women can have harmonious and/or neotenous features (or not). It's a gene and physical development issue, not actually a racial one.
No. 1676056
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Retards who come on here and bitch about transphobia. Especially the ones in the alt thread. Fuck off retards, if you want to be a dumb tranny worshipping hand maiden go suck tranny dick on Twitter.
No. 1676060
>>1676056am i the only one who loves those posts those
>Yikes do you know you are being transphobic?I love to see nonas tell them to fuck off. I had someone do that to me in a thread and I was so annoyed at first, but i went back and laughed.
They asked me did i know what i was saying was transphobic or something like that and I was like, "Duh".
No. 1676296
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Anons who simp for some random youtuber/streamer and proceeds to shit up their threads defending them lmao Please stop, it's so embarrassing.
especially XQC and idubbz anons KEK
No. 1676529
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>profile has decent takes on how women are perceived and how ugly and shitty moids are kek
>supports troons
Everytime. She was so close but for what ever reason these women insist on thinking trannies are their allies. I don’t understand how you can dunk on men so much and yet support a man in a dress trying to skinwalk you. Fucking brain rot
No. 1676620
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As someone who has been involved in Palestinian activism for quite some time now, I hate the fact that the majority of Pakistani and Indian Muslims involved in this activism only see this as their own special Muslim-only matter and have the gall to insult Christians and other non-Muslims who actually contribute to this cause, and the thing is, from my experience and conversations actual Palestinians don't like these guys at all.
No. 1676625
but seriously as much as "antizionism = antisemitism" is a meme it really does apply to these moids, they just see it as an opportunity to bash jews and other "infidels" to the point that they have no shame in speaking over and belittling the very same people this movement is actually supposed to be for
No. 1676646
>>1676620Muslims get angry at Christians fot supporting Palestine because we all know they support Palestine because they're neonazis/racists/antisemites. Supporting either like they're cheering for teams in a match is literally disturbing, same for Russia and Ukraine, a bunch of ameritards are saying they support either but don't ever donate or do anything beneficial
>>1676635No1curss about who you support. There's a war, people are dying. I don't understand why nobodies think making posts online used to help either sides, you're just rubbing salt to their wounds. Just kerp quiet about matters that don't involve you.
No. 1676652
>>1659923I hate city bikers, they think they don't have to respect the same circulation rules like red traffic lights, driving on the walkway when they have brand new cycling ways the city made for em, driving not even 20 meters away from cars when the safety distance is 50 meters, and I could cite more.
Then they get into accidents and they block the rest of the circulation, like my tram this morning that had to stop because some dude fell off his bike.
They're a danger for pedestrians and car drivers.
No. 1676661
>>1676652They're the absolute worst here, it's already bad enough that most sidewalks are half occupied by overcompensating fat bald manlets parking their gargantuan cars but we also have to deal with entitled cyclists taking up the meter width (if even that) of sidewalk left and acting like it's pedestrians' fault if we get hit by their bikes. They always play the
victim "it's because we have no bike lanes and we can't cycle in the street!!!!" ok and? that's not my problem as a pedestrian when you're taking over our space. go get hit by a car for all I care. or just use the sidewalk for its intended purpose of walking like a normal fucking person
No. 1676694
>>1676685I don't get mad when people don't care, retard. Why would I be happy about a chronically online loser making a few shitposts about how much he care about x country because of their own beliefs and not because they care about the dying people of either side? You guys treat serious wars as sports matches and it's offensive to people who have actually seen wars or had people they know die in them.
Just learn to shut the fuck up and care about your own country's situation instead of attacking other countries at war just to prove your political beliefs right. No one cares if you pretend to care about this stuff, just shut up.
No. 1676703
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>into abo, using animal traits and characteristics, mpreg, dilf yaoi, and omorashi.
Every God-damned time with these type of nerds in fandom NSFW spaces. Why are they like this? Why is it usually the same kinks? Why can't they just admit and accept they're nerds who cannot get any and thus are asexual because they can only get off to the most degenerate of fetishes finely curated by tumblr
No. 1676719
>>1676714>Every one of them feels like an invited friend group but the main 5-20 users are friends while everyone else is on lookers.I never got why this fact unironically
triggers so many people. I've never had a problem because when I enter a discord server I actually join the discussion despite not even knowing anyone and usually end up making friends fairly quickly. Maybe I'm just a gigastacey but the people complaining about discord servers being "just friend groups" are the kind who almost never join any discussion, only want to talk about themselves and be spoonfed entertainment all the time. Discord definitely doesn't fit that mindset as a format.
No. 1676841
File: 1692971078375.jpg (Spoiler Image,113.56 KB, 880x791, yehuda-devir-relationship-illu…)

I have no idea why this fucker is still around and how he always manages to appear in my feed. Other than the hilarity of him drawing himself as a greek god and his wife as a generic bimbo bombshell, I haven't seen a single stip of his that was funny. Is the internet still out of its "so relatable" phase?
No. 1676892
>>1676857A "comic artist who draws his everyday married life". Each one of his comic is piss and poo jokes or his ""wife"" half naked, or both at the same time.
I think that's supposed to be him disturbed by the gay guy
No. 1676899
File: 1692974727794.jpeg (33.77 KB, 739x415, images (3).jpeg)

>>1676841Why are they AGP smirking?
>>1676857Like the other anons said it's one of those "relatable couples" comic artists, but this time worse because at least the others draw themselves in much more cartoony, unpretentious way while this one is "oh we are so hot" while looking like picrel. Also there was an anon who concluded that he was a manlet by analyzing the chair he was sitting on in one picture, if anyone can find that unironically great post I'd be pleased.
No. 1676949
File: 1692979597182.jpg (2.18 MB, 2699x1584, 328c68f6113605e100ee677911984f…)

i hate genshin impact. you can't convince me this game has a good story and all the designs are hideous. i only like some of the yaoi/straight ships (venlumi mostly and xiaolumi if he isn't drawn too masc) and that's it
i hate stardew valley too. boring as shit game for doughy zoomers and millennials who idealize farm life because they are dull and toothless
No. 1676958
File: 1692980094702.png (1.28 KB, 128x128, Shane.png)

>>1676949i like stardew valley but hate all the characters, they are fake deep and annoying + ugly sprites
especially this drunken dirty mess that you're supposed to be empathetic for
No. 1677009
>>1676999She’s not right, she’s just pure salty and jealous. If a
WOC complains about “too many white women in the media” as opposed to “not enough
WOC” then it’s because they’re salty and jealous 100% of the time.
(racebait) No. 1677039
>>1677009stfu, shit bait
>>1676990>>1676999i'm a natural ginger, men with hair color fetishes are gross but men with redhead fetishes are the worst scum. i don't even know how to describe them other than walking redditor stereotypes. always boring manchildren with nerdy hobbies stuck in 2013 who think redheads are feisty and good in bed and want to 'tame' them, yet they're the ones who come with mental illnesses.
No. 1677075
>>1677066I like ginger men because I just do they're cute idk why. My childhood crush was ron in harry potter lmao.
>>1677039Men with blonde hair fetishes are either brown or pornsick, ones with red hair fetishes are loser incel nerds. Ones that fetishize black/brown hair are usually just normal men with light hair.
No. 1677132
>>1676773- Florence has an incest fetish and a short neck!
-Lana, Bebe, (and sometimes Ice Spice - sorry - Obese Spice) are FAT! FATTIES!
-Some anachan rando who has to call herself/other celebs skinnier than other celebs
-Disney actresses should be BLONDE and WHITE! and other assorted racebait
- xyz actress s*cked dick to get her roles and/or looks like a slut!
Pick any 4, and you have every recent Celebricows thread in a nutshell. I miss the days of Boyega-chan and the Ezra Miller thirstposting.
(th*s isn't t*ktok, stop th*s c*nsoring sh*t n*wfag) No. 1677183
>>1677179I hate when I go to KF for troon milk and it's full of /pol/tard shit. I thought trannycows being moved in the "women's" section (because of the
terf refugees) would tone this down a little. I go there to laugh and cringe at disgusting trannies not to read unhinged screeds from mentally ill ugly men sperging about how much they hate women/jews/blacks/gays and blame "woke sjw leftists" for everything from troonacy to their virginity to shit smelling bad.
No. 1677199
>>1677192he just told him some dumb shit like, "Just lay under the stars" because after Chris raped Barb, he left or something. He had nowhere to go. Null for some reason had access to all of Chris's emails, and he saw that Chris had tooken out some money from Barb that he wasn't supposed too (I forgot exactly how). So because of that I believe Null finally reported Chris and said he wasn't going to help him anymore.
Someone more invested can correct me but this is how i remembered it. So after Chris raped his mom, and it blew up Null wanted to "help" in some retarded way but stealing from barb was his last straw.
No. 1677251
>>1677077The sounds are. Breathing is a very common ASMR
trigger, it's calming and makes me sleepy.
No. 1677598
>>1677366You kind of have to be an autist to be a mod on this board.
>>1677192After raping Barb for months and it came out through cowtippers like Isabella Janke and Michael Thurlow, Null arranged a fundraiser to help get Chris Chan a hotel and he also got control of his email account which is how he found out about Chris stealing money from Barbs bank account. Only then, did Null think Chris crossed the line, because how dare he lie to Null. Raping his mother with Alzheimer's is no biggie.
>>1677199Basically this but he was also trying to fix his housing situation at the time.
>>1673020Spoken like a true oldfag.
>>1673956This reminds me of what I really hate. Trannies taking on the
femcel meme for themselves when
femcels do not exist. It's bizarre seeing
femcel memes become common with zoomers on Twitter while trannies take the term on for themselves.
No. 1677609
>>1677598I remember reading the amazingatheist thread and seeing Null write paragraph upon paragraph defending his graphic rape "jokes" while EVEN KIWIFARMERS were upset. This was in like 2016 so it had to be bad for them to react
I can't believe that some farmers think he's on women's side kek
No. 1677617
File: 1693033665450.jpg (396.53 KB, 1684x1420, null.jpg)

>>1677609Null also used to post shit like this but a few anons overlooked it just because he was a teenager at the time and claimed he "changed" since then. Delusional.
No. 1677702
>>1673956Has it been confirmed it's a troon? I remember seeing some selfies of this person and ever since I've thought it's a woman.
Either way I hate this "
femcel" waifu shit too
>>1676957>>1676951>Stuff like uta no prince sama filters me hard because of how annoying it looksYou've got to be insane to think genshit designs are less annoying than anything else. Maybe you just have incredibly shit taste.
>meanwhile genshin is just moe, but maleyep, confirmed
No. 1677744
File: 1693043874226.png (17.97 KB, 491x56, Schermafbeelding 2023-08-26 om…)

Couldn't find the Quora thread but I signed up with my real email as a teen and I still get messages like picrel
>2 days ago
>won't get over it
What the fuck
No. 1678121
>>1678112Based. Imagine destroying your body to give a scrote a "legacy" when he doesn't even understand or appreciate the scale of what destruction and risk you're taking on, and he acts like your complaints about pain from having A NEWBORN SHOVED THROUGH YOUR VAGINA are just whining to get out of sex. Men do not appreciate what women go through in pregnancy/birth/breastfeeding. Stop giving scrotes children. Boycott their ingrate retard asses. Crashing the human species with no survivors until scrotes learn some empathy. Their seething sustains me.
And regardless of both parents working fulltime, the woman is always landed with ALL of the housework and childcare. What scrote would wake up every 2 hours to breastfeed? None. Not one of them would be willing to make that kind of sacrifice. Why are we? Mothers have their lives completely destroyed and are worked to the bone sleepless and stressed while the fathers sit on their ass playing video games like nothing has changed, despite being the one demanding the kids in the first place.
Men will demand their wife give them children when men are unwilling to even learn what the process entails with a 5 minute google search. To hell with men. I'm not having kids. And fuck all that shit about pregnancy and birth. No thank you. Not doing that to my own body.
No. 1678168
>>1678148Youtube also managed to completely destroy their search system. I'm trying to look up something, why are shoving completely unrelated videos and videos from my watch history into the search results?
The recommendations are also fucked, it's like you're stuck in a bubble and you're not allowed to discover anything new.
No. 1678226
>>1678148It's because of all the clickbait and ads messing with SEO
>>1678173Do you have an account logged in when you get recs? YouTube is a mess for me with random videos, advertisements, and unrelated interests popping up in my feed. I used to like Spotify daily playlists but it got stale for new music.
No. 1678585
File: 1693108630048.jpg (366.03 KB, 1908x1146, food.jpg)

DECONSTRUCTED DISHES! There's no need to deconstruct the meal. I think chefs literally just made it up because they were too lazy to make their dishes correctly but they knew some rich people would buy it if they gave it a interesting or fancy name.
No. 1678594
File: 1693109173981.jpg (450.58 KB, 1200x1600, q4ddVPOXS5qs0chUqZjy_deconstru…)

>>1678585Samefag, but it just makes me so mad. This is supposed to be a cheesecake. It's not a fucking cheesecake, it's a smear of cream cheese with one graham cracker and a strawberry plopped on top.
No. 1679067
>>1679060That's first I've ever heard of that.
I'm not sure where you're from
nonnie but it might be something to with trucker culture or perhaps to indicate there's young childern in the car.
I don't want to double post so I'll sperg again real quick, I also fucking hate how zoomers will draw the kids with zippertits (none of the characters have boobs how the fuck does that work) when they're fucking 4 and 5, jesus h christ
No. 1679082
File: 1693128343328.jpg (11.59 KB, 900x542, 20230827_112727.jpg)

Accounts like picrel
No. 1679896
File: 1693190738111.gif (3.79 MB, 576x1024, 1689182508341055.gif)

>>1679787I've used it here casually and the only reason other anons spammed it was because one anon got weirdly
triggered about it. I'm not spamming it or trying to make it anything.
No. 1680028
File: 1693200466427.jpg (134.17 KB, 665x539, froggy.jpg)

I hate the faces she makes. She's a female soyjack, which I guess is what female enbies are
No. 1680059
>>1678148Incredibly fucking biased too. Just the internet in general being more controlled than ever.
>>1678168If you're on desktop, get Unhook YouTube, it has an option to remove irrelevant shit from results.
No. 1680092
>>1680084I hate the fact they post their dogmatic opinions all over the place when they have absolutely 0 life experience. I hate how they get hostile and aggressive for no reason but as soon as they get the same energy back it’s “waaah I’m a minor!” I agree, read only mode until 16. I don’t EVER want to go into a comment section and have to read a 13 year olds opinion.
Especially young boys, they literally shit up the whole internet with their twisted lack of empathy and wilful ignorance. Their parents should be locked in a room and forced to listen to every singe retarded thing their little shitling has ever written, even if it takes hours or days, and then be ridiculed for how stupid their child is until they cry. That’s what you get for neglecting your son, for not getting him in enough extracurriculars so that we all have to read his fucking bullshit when we are going about our important adult lives.
No. 1680136
>>1680092It seems kind of harmful that teenagers that are on social media platforms with professionals and specialists are technically "equal" in, or at least under that illusion being able to directly tag them or think them being able to ratio some scientist has any meaning, but to their limited perception it may seem so. Teenagers make some kind of inner conservative awaken in me, because some kind of authority
is needed, and kids shouldn't be allowed to run around in adult conversations making fart sounds.
No. 1680181
File: 1693213047705.jpeg (31.81 KB, 735x520, IMG_2785.jpeg)

>>1679896You just couldn’t help yourself could you?
No. 1680191
>>1680182Kill your brother. There is no other way,
No. 1680320
File: 1693227321135.png (24.12 KB, 854x137, 2f11onz.png)

Oh fuck off! Can't participate in any kind of discussion about the female experience without this kind of garbage.
No. 1680383
>>1680320I'll help him out with more examples
>the fact people overdose shows drugs are a basic need and there isn't enough stimulation in the world>the fact they masturbate until their dick stops working shows men are so touch starved>the fact people starve themselves to death shows they're truly disciplined>the fact crackhead artists aren't afraid to crap themselves on the street for a performance shows how fucked up society isSee, you can make up any bullshit to make something sound is legit, but the only thing that's common in these situations is that you lost control of your life, and it's taken over some sexual or non-sexual addiction, and eventually lose your sense of shame.
No. 1680434
File: 1693237451483.jpeg (36.63 KB, 500x370, FB1AA643-9A2D-4A7B-AE6D-2879B7…)

Eye color sperging. Irises are almost universally pretty in any color. If someone has ugly or creepy eyes, it’s all due to the shape and not the color. The “debate” is pointless yet people get incredibly offended by it.
> brown eyes are so plain and dull! Blue eyes are way more striking and gorgeous!
Shut up.
> No, brown eyes are calm and friendly, blue eyes are scary and demonic!
Shut up.
> ummm actually green eyes are superior why do you guys always forget about us?
What are you trying to accomplish here? What are any of you trying to accomplish here?
No. 1681834
I hate how spotify tries to make me listen to this podcast as if it was "chosen especially for you" based on my interests and such when I know for a fact that this is a very popular podcast based on the amount of celebs that go there and the amount of ads I see about it everywhere, that shit is being fucking promoted. I never even listened to it and I know there is a fat fuck in it and some other sweaty dude, that's how hard it is being promoted. A podcast needs more than "nerd" in the title for me to give a fuck, I really dislike podcasts but male podcasters is what I hate the most. What kind of person they think I am? There is nerd in the title, there are two males with annoying and very similar voices and they just repeat the same "nerdy" men's opinions which is reddit tier, this is like a recipe for a repellent. I wish they'd stop this crap, I am not interested in male opinions about things I already know, if a man cannot sing, I do not care to hear him speak. Stupid podcasts "chosen especially for me" my fucking hairy ass. Fuck male nerds, I've seen these types before, they like marvel movies and read 1 very popular comic once and just repeat shit everyone already knows. Fake nerds, the types you can't even call to fix your computer cus they don't know how and panic at a blue screen, males are so retarded and fake, who let them out of the farms to be on the internet? Men only have few uses and they are fixing the damn car, killing big and disgusting insects, lifting heavy stuff and reproducing, and they can't even do half of that most of the time, women are already replacing them on most of these which leaves them with a single function which is reproducing but they are breaking their dicks with porn, so that leaves them basically useless, and now I have to hear what their retarded mouths have to say? Only if they can say it in a song, otherwise they should shut their traps. Disgusting talentless pigs, if I hear about a male podcaster again I dunno what I'm about to do. Probably nothing because I am not a retarded male that'd go on a rampage because he hates something.
No. 1682015
File: 1693347311296.jpg (146.16 KB, 1280x720, IMG_20230829_171808.jpg)

Anyone who walks into a restaurant with children or infants and then orders alcohol.
I wish upon them much misfortune for being such shit people
No. 1682549
File: 1693406245561.png (378.55 KB, 604x593, fuck this perfume.png)

Picrel should be classified as a chemical warfare agent and anyone who wears it out in public should be shamed for assaulting people's senses and promptly hosed down to prevent the spread of the scent
No. 1682571
really wish anti-vaxxers would get contained to the tinfoil thread. They derail so many threads with it and will start covid vaccine sperging even if it wasn't the point of an anon's post.
>>1682549Damn, what's it smell like?
No. 1682600
File: 1693410350751.jpg (139.16 KB, 750x750, 1687609480707033.jpg)

>>1682538I hate that shit so much especially when its two sides the family arguing over it during a family gathering.
Whenever someone tries bringing up covid or vaccines I just start talking about rabbies and it's vaccine because activaxers can agree it's legit and vaxers can agree that there are documented side effects but apparently everyone has a story to tell about a rabid squirrel or how they had to put down their rabbid grandpa back in the day.
No. 1682722
File: 1693418984341.jpg (146.97 KB, 1200x900, gettyimages-614268352-15415277…)

I haate driving by big trucks. They make me so fucking nervous and I'm always just scared when I have to drive next to them. It's funny because when I was a kid my mother used to always tell me how scared she is of driving near semi trucks and how she's afraid they will tip over or something. Then when I was old enough to start driving, I was like "yeah fuck this". Fear really is taught. Maybe if I have a daughter myself, I'll pass down the fear of trucks to her.
No. 1683137
File: 1693457152385.png (751.5 KB, 1400x788, too.png)

I fucking hate tattoos so much. I've drawn on my skin before – when I was 6 fucking years old. That people continue to deface their bodies like this is infuriating to me. At least it makes it easy to recognize when someone is a piece of shit. So kind of them to make the outside ugly to match the inside.
No. 1683488
File: 1693495769461.png (256.57 KB, 598x688, Screenshot 2023-06-09 09.07.06…)

>>1683137Same. Tattoos are just visual markers for a person loudly admiting they are lazy/wasteful with money.
>too lazy to wear a shirt or accessory of their favorite [band/show/aesthetic/political ideology/etc]>too lazy to upkeep a keepsake of a dead loved oneIt's also attention-whore behavior. Tattoos invade the visual space of others to loudly tell people who didn't ask and don't care about the tattoo-ee's likes and since it's permanent it shows the tattooed person doesn't care about the nuance of certain times and places needing to present yourself differently.
And overall they just look bad.
And my apologies for posting a /pol/ as creenshot, I just don't get to post it often.
No. 1683620
File: 1693506430463.jpg (42.27 KB, 564x627, 3823a5792688dc3b35c007113683fe…)

i hate when people try to force memes by acting like it came to them in a dream. bitch no it did not
No. 1683649
>>1683488the OP of that thread has an addiction to bestiality porn, as well as a fetish for tattooed women with trauma and personality disorders. that thread was made so other men could dump pictures of alt women and share greentexts about how crazy and hypersexual they are.
i'll never understand how (some) women don't see through this sort of shit and unironically take those kinds of posts at face value, it's so blatant that i feel like only an autistic pickme would fall for it.
No. 1683830
File: 1693521728996.jpeg (179.63 KB, 736x1090, 6915C9AF-47D9-4AB8-8C30-0EB069…)

I hate the retards that come in here and start posting shit about supporting trannies and talking in retarded weird ass pronouns, maybe next time we will have a rule to talk about cows in “cowself” pronouns so they don’t feel misgendered or some shit.
I’m sick of people defending a retard that woke up one day and said “you know what? I feel like a woman! I will be a woman now!!!” Jesus fuck, just go get a leg amputated if you want to be oppressed so hard.
No. 1683881
File: 1693526212614.gif (662.78 KB, 220x321, rage.gif)

"Low sodium salt"
Salt is Sodium Chloride in a 1:1 rario.
How can it be low sodium and not just be Chloride? I just don't understand.
No. 1683941
File: 1693532147107.jpeg (86.96 KB, 680x746, LiterallyMe2.jpeg)

>>1683916>character a reminds you of your mother and that's why you don't like themsick and tired of the opposite projection too it's like a contest for these people to see who can 'that character is literally me' the hardest. they act absolutely mental in an attempt to prove that they deserve to skinwalk their fav more than the next terminally online retard. can't discuss complex plot or themes anymore because characters aren't allowed to have any dimension beyond comical bad guy/good guy tropes. glad you were able to find sane people who can still objectively discuss your shows.
No. 1684047
>>1683911nta but
>mulletssomehow always greasy
>>1683942is that when there are smaller pieces of longer hair coming down from the short part? looks like a jellyfish haircut. also as if the person got attacked and had their hair torn out but refused to get it fixed after the fact.
No. 1684307
File: 1693574573717.jpg (101.58 KB, 711x400, cigarette-butts-e1536138200788…)

I hate cigarettes and smokers.
Aside from health concerns, they smell awful, the smell gets stuck to the clothes, breathe, stains teeth and overall look dirty. If I find someone attractive and I found out they smoke cigarettes, my interest fades immediatly. It looks trashy.
Smokers are on many levels on coping: they costantly cough and spit out mucus (ew), need "smoke breaks" otherwise they're gonna morb or something and waste a lot of time during work, they get up mid-lunch or mid-dinner because they say they need a cig and that's rude as fuck when you don't smoke and they leave you alone at the table because you can't join them outside and wait for them like they're your children, speaking of children, I'm almost 30 and when I'm at parties or other stuff and there are children, smokers often come to me just because I don't smoke and ask me if I can watch their children while they smoke, now imagine that but with heroin addicts. Bleak. Watch your goddamn children and have some self control. "I can stop when I want" no they can't, they will ruin themselves financially for smoking only to give themselves cancer. Fuck smokers, they're no better than alcoholics or gamblers or people with an ed, yet it looks dramatic and cool. It should be seen as cringe and self harm and I wish everyone who smokes outside my workplace a very good hospital stay, since I waste so much time cleaning the butts.
No. 1684310
File: 1693575075389.jpg (90.32 KB, 500x411, 3775382440_39d1b9a6e0.jpg)

>>1684307This is all very much true and that's coming from a smoker.
No. 1684329
File: 1693577570431.png (1.35 MB, 2048x1536, 1693577472292.png)

I hate dumpy looking models like this that can't pose and try to be edgy/alt with their extreme makeup (very 2010s). Of course the clothes are atrocious here but the model looks like a toddler posing awkwardly - ugh look at her hand, the short nails and fingers spread like that.
No. 1684379
File: 1693583091032.jpg (281.85 KB, 1334x2000, shoot-1-1613053775.jpg)

i hate it when men put on skirts and their "gender nonconformity" ends there. at least shave your beard you fucking loser.
also learn how to dress for your shape. i am too lazy to find pics but i'll see gay dudes dancing to like…beyonce wearing these uber girlboss baddie fits but they didn't bother to expend any actual effort to get a gown, etc. that doesn't make them look like shit……which is a very male socialized thing to do i guess. just tossing things on freely without caring
No. 1684423
File: 1693587914484.jpg (115.17 KB, 927x1029, IMG_20230901_120815.jpg)

>>1684347I've fought back with psychological warfare before when a college roommate was an ass and kept making the place smell bad
No. 1685098
>>1685053yumejo art sucks. In solo art it's just a shirtless guy. In art where he interacts with a
faceless woman the artist always puts the woman in focus. Why is her boobs in front and center when the male character should be the main draw? why did the artist focus so much on making the female pretty and dressing her up nicely when the male should be the appeal?
meanwhile when men wants to look up porn of their waifus they can find art of her in all sort of situations. The man she is with in lewd art is only there to have sex with her. It doesn't matter if he is pretty or not. Even when he is pretty he is never the focus of the art.
No. 1685140
>>1677075>men that fetishize black/brown hair are usually just normal men with light hair.Wow you are so wrong about this kek. They are equally creepy and misogynistic as other moids, as you might imagine from pornsick scrotes who focus on hair color at all. These are the ones who think the same weird sexist stereotypes the other fetishizers think. Men who fetishize dark hair are pornsick narcissists who genuinely believe blonde women are dumb and boring, redheads are ugly and feisty, and that somehow a brunette will magically be marriage material because the others are whores. Alternatively these can be men with goth fetishes if they are into that look. Totally not red flags of an insane,
abusive moid….
No. 1685346
File: 1693667994546.jpeg (768.32 KB, 1170x1340, IMG_3903.jpeg)

Imagine being so pornsick you can’t even form a sentence
No. 1685599
File: 1693683005856.gif (6.34 MB, 480x260, kitty.gif)

This is petty, but I hate when people create theories that would be explained if they simply read the source material. For example, there are people who think Coraline never escaped the other world because of this scene, when it's probably just a reference to the fact that the Beldam isn't the only other mother and the cat might be entering those other creatures' realm. There is also so many people that believe Light became a God of Death because of that fanmade video, but afterlife doesn't exist in DN's world.
No. 1685617
>>1685140>who genuinely believe blonde women are dumb and boring, redheads are ugly and feistyLiterally never happens. Stop making up stuff to be mad about.
>>1685151What a dumb take. This type of man likes natural blondes and redheads, not women who dye their hair.
No. 1685635
File: 1693685371998.jpg (166.89 KB, 1024x681, istockphoto-938661970-1024x102…)

I hate when people say those big ass strawberries you see in grocery stores are GMO. There are not any GMO strawberries in the US. Those strawberries look like freaks of nature cause they are hybrids. It's like my biggest pet peeve, a lot of vegetables and fruit people say are GMO don't even exist in GMO form. Produce companies know that but they still like to put "organic" on the package. They're literally getting duped and scammed by "organic" labels.
No. 1685648
>>1685635Nonnie….a hybrid
is a GMO. The problem is people not understanding what GMO means.
No. 1685676
>>1685660Men can't tell if your hair is dyed or not(unless your brows are super dark or root is superb obvious) and they genuinely believe most white women have naturally blonde hair even though somehow most white men have brown/black hair.
That's why they have retard meltdowns when they realize the woman they're with is a fake redhead, for example.
No. 1685737
File: 1693693842545.jpeg (43.14 KB, 1600x1600, IMG_1690.jpeg)

i keep seeing candles like picrel and I hate them. They look like they were designed by a horny pornsick moid.
No. 1685755
File: 1693695954244.jpg (46.11 KB, 353x360, 360_F_382252356_g4853elhxp0NQW…)

>>1685737I hate these too and but also head only designs
No. 1685797
File: 1693699802488.jpg (174.38 KB, 616x853, naa4ygo275951.jpg)

>>1685737This except posed like this
No. 1686024
>>1685797werent these based off dahmer
No. 1686311
>>1686024Probably not, since dahmer’s
victims were all male
No. 1687065
File: 1693805547256.jpg (47.68 KB, 720x720, 1693361522279247.jpg)

When a recent reply says 'kek' so you click through with expectations and the post its replying to is not funny at all
No. 1687343
File: 1693837178646.gif (10.15 MB, 1920x1080, b6739785948f04018cb3efaac3eb86…)

>>1687296Nonsie, I have a horror story to tell you. When I was on a 13 hour flight back home, this disgusting 50+ year old obese quebecois moid bought the in-flight internet package just so he could watch young dancing girls on Tiktok without any headphones. I was so goddamn embarrassed because this was a flight from an east asian country and everyone was conscientious about their behavior except him. It was mortifying when flight attendants had to ask him a couple of times to turn it down or use headphones. I felt bad for other passengers because if I heard his degen shit from my noise-cancelling ear plugs, it was truly horrible. I wish we lightened the load mid-flight kek
No. 1687517
>>1687296It's gotten so much worse in the last 5 or so years too. I remember a time when you would get the side eye pretty fast for not using headphones and I myself have even told people to turn it down, but now it seems people who use headphones are the 'weirdos.' I dunno what the hell is going on, but people who dont use headphones and watch tik toks or facetime should be thrown off.
>>1687343I'm honestly surprised this was even allowed to go on. What airline?
No. 1687594
>>1687570>>1687588Cmnd/Cntrl + right click
I hate it when links open in new tabs reee
No. 1687627
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This. Winx fans think the black girl isn't black enough and make her way darker in fan arts. They managed to blackwash a black character somehow. While also simultaneously complaining that she's too stereotypical because she likes hip hop, dancing and sports in general and has a tomboyish personality, even though it mellows out eventually and she becomes more feminine and her acting that way makes sense regarding her story but nah autists gonna autist I guess.
No. 1687930
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>>1687627I'm not really into Winx Club, but any and all "blackwashing" in fan art is deserved and 100% justified in response to this ridiculous whitewashing, honestly, kek. Looks like a completely different character, hope the designer who did this got scrapped.
No. 1688569
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>>1687930Atyrt, fair I guess lol. But the whitewashing only happened in one season out of 8 and one spinoff series because of the color palette change to pastel colors, picrel is in the art style of it. In the upcoming season 9 she's even darker than originally so I think people complaining about the whitewashing just want to complain.
No. 1688790
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why was this guy portrayed as a victim when at the beginning of the movie he let her come into his house smoke and see him naked
No. 1688821
>>1688392I got hit a lot as a kid even as a teenager ffs now I’m a shy, scared, brain-scrambled mess who’s been in 2
abusive relationships because I thought it’s normal that hitting someone you love sometimes is ok it just proves a point. How would you like if someone walked up to your kid and started hitting them on their little ass? Then why would you do it to your own child. I don’t understand how you could love your own child and spank them to teach them a lesson. It’s cruel and barbaric all it teaches them is that you’re a monster with low empathy
No. 1688832
>>1688822NTA but it's The Crush from 1993. And
>>1688790 because the whole genre is supposed to portray devilish fille fatale who tries to seduce innocent moid and ruins his life if she doesn't suceed, and he ultimately refuses her so he can be a positive protagonist while also giving her mixed signals so scrotes can get their fantasy. It's all supposed to shift the blame from men for being attracted to teenagers to these girls who are mentally unstable coquettes, classical tale of 'but she asked for it'. Same with Poison Ivy (1992).
sorry for sperg, I know this is probably a rhetorical question but I'm bored. No. 1688836
>>1688832Blast from the past. I remember seeing that movie as a teenager on TV and it grossed me out how they portrayed the underage girl as emotionally unstable and the grown ass moid as the
victim. Same vibes as American beauty.
No. 1688843
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>>1687296This gives me misophonia; when this happens I grit my teeth, feel like crying, have the urge to get violent, imagine myself ripping apart a living being/creature, or just killing myself. People who just watch the most retarded tiktoks over and over
WHAT EVER HAPPENS TOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO something something OH NO OH NO OH NONONOONOBNHRTZLFN GIELTUDSbhfUOERY3g adfnmz<EKIWSDSHBAFWETvdNMBEARDF FUCK I didn't even mean to smash my keyboard even thinking about it got me so pissed. Or the weird lady AI voice being like "Oh my god! You have to try this out! This is so awesome!" or if it's a video of something obnoxious like people screaming and it's just ahhhHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH ahhhHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH ahhhhHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH ahhhHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH over and over I swear people who watch this shit out loud on repeat have got to be braindead retarded and need to be shot.
No. 1689009
>>1688892You're supposed to use dry shampoo before your hair gets oily looking. Using it after your hair is already oily doesn't work but most people don't know that.
You're also supposed to leave it in for a while and then brush though
>>1688930 Straight hair gets oily in 2-3 days, don't think anyone who's not depressed or sth can go two weeks
No. 1689177
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CALL OF DUTY. this scrote asked me to download COD so we can play together and i can be nicki minaj. WHY TF does it require over 100 GB of data? That is ridiculous Final fantasy doesn't even have that much storage. I had to delete my Yakuza and Tekken for this shitty moidy game. I started downloading this crap last night and i wake up and it still has 4 hours to go. What a joke of a game. I deleted so much data and it still requires more. Fuck you
No. 1689228
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>>1689220it's nasty nonna and i think it constantly is being updated so you need to put more and more data into it in order to play it effectively. what a stupid game. i just googled an apparently you need at least 200gb to play this stupid game. WTFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
No. 1689259
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>>1689103the only acceptable 'no poo' is chronic constipation. i rest my case.
No. 1689786
>>1689693holy fuck this makes so much sense. the hottest dudes I've dated were at my chubbiest, my ana chan ass was single or pulling butterfaces kek
also I found on BC I would put up with way uglier/less masculine men and turns out that is 100% a thing.
No. 1689801
>>1689786glad to know I can enjoy pizza and date hot guys
>>1659923anyone else having particularly bad brain fog this week????? I knew multiple co workers who got their shift entirely wrong, kept missing items an getting things mixed up, etc. I even missed a few classes this week because I got the times wrong or the building wrong. When trying to do laundry I forgot things like 4 times and had to go up and down the stairs
No. 1689849
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>>1689836Agree! I'm in a houseshare and there's nothing more I'd love than actually painting my room I colour I like than just shitty cream. I've hung a bunch of art on my walls and idc if its not in the contract kek.
Anyone who can afford a mortgage and still does this shit is unhinged. See picrel for proof.
No. 1689857
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>>1689595I feel like I’ve developed a mom bod in the last 5 years without having kids. Before 25 I was slim and petite, the only fat on me was some breasts. Now my hips are enormous, my bum and thighs are thick and my breasts are larger. I look in the mirror and I feel like this. Second puberty is real. No, i do not need to lose weight, you can still see my ribs and spine. I just have fat build up in certain areas and not only is it normal but it’s sexy.
No. 1690047
>>1689860>horny scrote lame power fantasyHaven't played yet but this was my thought too after a moid in my friend group talked about the game and his fave npcs. How bad is it
No. 1690054
>>1689860Then don't play it.
I didn't buy it because I knew I would'nt like it.
No. 1690198
>>1690037the stuff about women preferring ugly men or twinks on bc, birth control truthering in general (e.g. blaming birth control for women being more “masculine” nowadays), and high t men being physically “sexier” (when a lot of them are balding or trollfaced) is all right wing crap.
The stuff nonnies are saying about hot men liking them more with mom bod might be true. I think it’s sort of a meme that roided guys and powerlifters like fat women, or I guess at least bigger and curvy women.
But there are also a lot of weird body stereotypes perpetuated on lc that may or may not be true lol. Tbh I got way more positive male attention from hot guys when I was skinny. I’m more built now and the quality of guys liking me hasn’t changed really but I definitely get less attention. Maybe it’s different for short nonnas but I’m tall and even with pear shaped fat distribution, gaining non-muscle weight makes me almost invisible.
No. 1690438
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I dislike people who are dumber and more evil than me, but i also dislike being the dumbest and most evil person in the room. I think that in light of this realization some sort of epiphany should strike me now, but nothing happens, guess i'm just dumb. No, wait, i think i got it. Yep. So that's how it was. Fascinating.
No. 1690517
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>>168985I do not look forward to second puberty as a wide back Mexican girl
No. 1690533
>>1690054>Then don't play it. I didn't buy it because I knew I would'nt like it.I liked and played other rpgs, and I never played a bg game. How would I have an opinion on it until I played it?
>>1690047Long rant, spoilers also:
By the time I defeated the goblin camp and finished Act 1, three companions and one NPC asked me to have sex and the ones that didn't ask all flirted with me. Maybe because I had high charisma since I was a bard? No clue, but it felt forced and creepy to me. Especially Karlach. She was essentially a fighting slave for a demon for ten years and escaped, and she suffers trauma from it and continues to be chased by her captor. I liked her at first, so I helped her with her infernal heart, and when she was expressing her thanks, she all of the sudden says "I wanna ride you so hard". Playing a female protag and barely know her other than helping her btw. It grosses me out that the writers wrote that in for a character who was basically abused and just escaped it. The game tries to pass it off as her missing intimate touch, but I feel like that's just an excuse to write in a cheap sex scene for scrotes. Also the community, hate most gaming communities because of how many moids are always making sexual jokes and being misogynistic. This one is basically no different from the rest I know other nonnies love this game, and I'm happy for them, but I feel jaded.
No. 1690725
>>1690550I gained weight in my thighs, ass, titties
and gut over a few years. Just started ballooning up. Turns out I got PCOS out of nowhere.
No. 1691015
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<half of teenage boys are undisciplined and content with unhealthy habits, such as excessive eating and masturbation.
>The other half may experience deep insecurities due to exposure to Incel rhetoric and may harm themselves by using steroids.
Is there a movement that promotes embracing a balanced lifestyle and encouraging a healthy amount of exercise for both boys and girls?
No. 1691104
>>1690550how do i avoid this happening as hard as possible? i'm nearing 20 and i don't plan on having children ever
i just don't want to look like that, never. i'm fine with other women looking like that if they please but i'd never want this for myself
>inb4 the only way is anachanning No. 1691138
>>1691104>nearing 20So you're a teenager freaking out because adults gain weight.
Get a therapist.
No. 1691145
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>>1688569>>1687930>Me mindlessly scrolling through from bottom upWhat's wrong with Bloom from Winx-
>>>1687627>It's supposed to be AishaWhat the actual fuck
No. 1691169
>>1691164Getting curvier in a good way in your 20s isn't exactly unheard of, although it's kinda weird and gross to assume the woman is just lazy/binge eating. You can't really control aging. If you're a healthy BMI then it's normal and healthy to gain a little bit of fat in your butt as you get older. Even Doctors explain it and make it very very clear it's normal and healthy for women - PLEASE do not give medical advice for treat a woman as if she was sick/had no self control for a subject you do not understand. Binge eating/laziness weight gain typically goes to your stomach, arms, face, etc. getting a butt or boobs is typically due to hormones
No. 1691177
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I thought most women finished growing boobs and butt in their 20's.
>>1691174It's just the latest step of puberty.
No. 1691187
>>1691138i just don't want to gain weight in the wrong places (the places that moids fetishise the most), it'd be fine if it was just all over the body spread out evenly and not in "mature" "mombod" places that scrotes masturbate all over but i guess
>>1691141 is right or i could just hardcore train or ana until menopause, after menopause i won't have that much estrogen anymore and the fat i'd gain will go in more neutral places
>>1691169>in places you never did previously - whether it's your hips, thighs or bust region.i'd pick stomach fat/arm flabs over all of these any day
No. 1691188
>>1691174what? puberty and different hormones can make fat go to other places. Maybe research before trying to give out medical advice?
>>1691182are you American? from what I've seen most young American girls "hit puberty" at like 10 then gain tons of weight and call it developing curves. If you haven't been exposed to tons of the hormonal disruptors in most American food you can and will develop until almost 30
>>1691187>i'd pick stomach fat/arm flabs over all of these any dayare you a transman? moids will sexualize anything and everything. this is more of a mental illness/trauma response than it is that something is being wrong with a healthy womans body
No. 1691193
>>1691188not a TIF, not a troon supporter either but honestly if there are no other ways to avoid gaining weight in moids' favorite places i'd pretend to be one just to get on the roids. it seems like i won't get to that point though since there's the hitting the gym and eating healthily route, which is much better for you than roids anyway
>moids will sexualize anything and everythingi know that very well but most of them are attracted to "conventional" places like breasts and hips and if i won't show/have them, less moids will sexualise and ogle me. of course there still will be some, but less of them.
>this is more of a mental illness/trauma responsei have never been sexually abused in the whole 19 years of my life. none of the therapists i've been to believe this though but i don't remember any of that ever happening to me.
No. 1691200
>>1691187There's no escape, moids will sexualize anything. Moids also sexualize anorexics (especially extreme anorexics) because they are weak and delicate, before you think anachanning is the way. They also sexualize muscular women, and obese ones. FtMs post-troonout, too, and they jerk off to fantasies of humiliating and "correcting" them.
Best you can do is wear non-revealing clothing, have extremely short hair/maybe wear a beanie and go about your life.
No. 1691211
>>1691200>Best you can do is wear non-revealing clothing, have extremely short hair/maybe wear a beanie and go about your life.i am already doing all of this + sometimes i wear a beanie in mild weather just to hide my haircut which is still kind of feminine, even if short. i get confused for a 13 year old that way and have to always have my id on hand to buy cigs/other age-restricted stuff but it's way better than moid attention, anything is better than moid attention kek
>There's no escape, moids will sexualize anything.see
>>1691193 , it's better if less moids sexualise me than most of them.
>>1691202i can see that nona, i've seen my classmates in middle school getting hit on by old scrotes. i moved out of that town and now living in a much safer area.
No. 1691214
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Itt: anons discover everyone has a different body and everyone will develop differently throughout their life
No. 1691228
>>1691104>don't want my body to change into that typeIt's all genetics and there's nothing you can do about it. Some people's body age worse and if your mother's and fathers was like that, yours will be as well unless you work out a lot.
Don't anachan, lmao. Most of those women with wonky bodies used to be anachans like you, that's what fucked up their livers, metabolism etc.
No. 1691235
>>1691229Nta, but
>>1689857 didn't say she didn't like it. Also, you can be fit and still have breasts and hips lol
No. 1691426
>>1691227Often "feminine body" means fat, saggy, and lazy. A woman who stays at home and cooks and watches tv vs. a woman who goes to the gym and has an active life. At least the body type in picrel
>>1689857 looks like that.
No. 1691440
>>1691426I really wish straight women and gay men would stop confusing their lack of attraction for women with something being wrong with the female body. For most women, especially older women they can't lose their curves unless you train like an Olympic athlete, which is impossible for a lot of working class women or girls in school. Hell even just look at most military women who are literally forced to be active majority of the day every single day and plenty of them still have curves. Some women just hold onto fat and don't have time to train like an athlete just so strangers who don't know basic anatomy won't think they're lazy
I also feel like you think anons are talking about chubby lard asses or something when in reality we just mean some extra breast fat and some more butt and thigh padding.
Either way, sorry women look like women and not men