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No. 1629807
At the same time I wanted to post…. The thread capped out so I get to bless the thread with my long ass post I am so sorry.
Y’all gonna make fun of me mostly likely but I gotta talk about this so bad.
Being friends with primarily moids due to my chronic issue of having interests that mainly moids have…. Sucks? Just sometimes. Most the time. Being a woman with mainly moid friends always leads to people thinking I am fucking them all. While I love them all I wouldn’t touch any of them with a ten foot pole, all of them are fucking idiots, some are gay, the idea of fucking one of them feels like an act of incest (he’s taken on such an older sibling role for over the years. We have actually convinced people we are siblings too. We don’t know how it worked but it saved my ass once so). Heck, one credits me for him graduating cuz he can’t write an proofread an essay to save his life. I have had female friends in the past but always ended up with BPD girls who cling onto me like their pet and treat me like crap. Not to mention past girlfriends being the same. We are active in a public discord that a lot of the people think I am unironically either a twink or a TIF. Not to mention my weird voice that is apparently very hard to pin down on voice alone. As one of our friends also has a very high pitched voice… and is the text book def of discord femboy. (Love him. Don’t get me wrong)
we once gas light a newcomer into thinking he was a girl. Didn’t last long and is now an active member, realized we were fucking with him and he was stupid for believing us.
While it’s all fun and games and as nonconforming as I am and am mostly confident in it.
Sometimes I yearn for female friends and validation in being feminine. My closer group of friends are very good at it as much as moids can be, the text book femboy is the best about it as he has some big time fem interests… which is a god sense who else am I going to talk about dolls with. our extended friend group not so much… the server is a mixed bag, some know, some still think I am just like the server TIM we have, some just don’t get my existence. Doesn’t help that the server TIM tried to be friends with me and I was ASAP uncomfy. Like I have him blocked lol.
My ability to have female friends dwindled after being around some truly fucking awful girls. Not to mention being bullied for being “weird” as while I am feminine to an extent. I grew up in a very “girls who girl stuff. Boys do boy stuff” area. It started in elementary school, worsened in middle and TRULY fell into the depths by high school. I had “friends” literally publicly humiliate me. Even going as far as making fun of the times I do actively try to be feminine or wear skirts/dresses. The me being a lesbian (well… they weren’t WRONG) rumor didn’t help and locker rooms were awkward from then on. The “she’s a tranny” rumor at least fizzled out quick after my world’s weirdest public meltdown at a party at least?
I yearn for being able to have female friends (I am socially awkward, haven’t made new friends in years) and more confidence in my femininity but I have developed a moid personality disorder (a new personality disorder for all chronically online butch females you are welcome) and literally look like a little boy in a dress.
Tho even if they are disgusting men who make me think we made a mistake on letting men live sometimes. I do appreciate them.
Just sometimes the female connection hole in my heart aches.
No. 1629853
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>tfw you got yourself off to brighten your mood but nothing changed and you still feel like shit
No. 1629968
I'm just so fucking tired of the amount of misogyny I see from women who are part of my life. I'm talking about female relatives and female friends. Obviously don't even need to mention the moids shittalking women but there is this constant pattern of judging girls harshly and coddling and baby-ing the moids. Like oh no, this poor baby moid was manipulated by this wretched woman and did I mention that all women are evil and they're the source of everything bad? I kid you not I've met plenty of moids who say that if a moid does something bad it's because he was influenced by his nasty gf, or women who say that moids are just simple horny creatures they can't be cunning or traitors. A man beats his wife? Oh that's very bad of course but she must have been very annoying! A man cheats on his wife? Well, maybe she wasn't giving her everything in bed anymore. Or he was seduced by a wicked femme fatale. Two men are fighting? It must be because an evil woman is playing with their hearts. I know this seems almost crazy, but I swear I've heard all this excuses. It's absolutely insane especially because moids are the ones who ruin women, not the opposite. It's because of moids that women fight, it's because of moids that women throw their female friends under the bus. And moids still win. Now that women can have a high salary they get coddled even more. And oh don't you dare ever argue with a boy mama, those are the worst.
The irony behind all this is that many of these people who speak badly of other women had lives that were in fact ruined by other men. This guy who is blabbering about evil women had an extremely abusive dad who gave him trauma. And still, all the talks about are women. Or women who had cheating bfs, or even cheating husbands, they still find a way to shit on other women for being "homewreckers".
No. 1629971
>>1629936There's a How to cope with being ugly thread
>>>/g/114320 Might help? I use to be average but my appearance is permafucked now cos of shit health. Sympathy nona.
No. 1630008
>>1629989"wanna die bc fat/ugly" nona here, and it's this…I was the ugly kid my whole life and have had psychosis on and off since 14 which didn't help. once i hit my 20s i had guys interested in me all of a sudden, but i don't think it's bc of my looks (at that point i was chubby) but bc i was like a trope to them. Like "chubby goth gf who's sooooo crazy!!" kind of thing. I accused a lot of exes of being chubby chasers or feeders just bc im so insecure with my weight (im not obese but def a 31" waist chan) and usually guys would end things with me bc that insecurity was too volatile and unhinged for them to cope with in the long run. I have a bf now for 3 years but I've left him several times, and I make him feel rly bad by accusing him of being a fat fetishist or having a kink for mental illness or something. Or dating me out of pity or wishing he could cheat on me with skinny teens, I've made him cry with that behavior and I KNOW it's
toxic but I just can't accept that in my current chubby form, I'm attractive enough to be legit loved by someone and not just a pump and dump. It's a problem. Do any nonas relate? I feel like the childhood trauma and psychosis rly melted my brain and it hasn't recovered in adulthood yet. Like I'm not attractive, but I must not be REPULSIVE if I've had people into me , especially beyond casual sex. I just can't get it into my head. I noticed I'm cruel in my mind towards other girls my size too, like the bitch can be an L and I'll be like "goddamn do i look like that fucking whale?? wear more clothes tub of lard!!!" and I catch myself thinking that stuff and feel guilty as fuck about it. I project so hard it's not funny.
No. 1630015
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Wishing I was normal and not an embarrassing loser overgrown baby who’s incapable of functioning as an adult, but then realizing that “normal” for the women in my family means getting pregnant as a teen. Has my crippling anxiety and social retardation saved me? I sit and I ponder
No. 1630018
One of my colleagues, who doesn't shy away from whispering about at the office and our second working location (where we have the public of different nationalities coming to us to ask stuff) to complain about this and that and other colleagues like a high schooler, read something on my PC screen I wrote, complaining about her this morning to another colleague on Zoom and has been giving me the silent treatment because that's how a 60+ year old behaves.
She thinks because I just moved to this place less than ten years ago and I'm not a native of the language here, that I'm not capable of noticing grammatical errors, insulting my intelligence.
It'll be 23 years that I'm learning and perfecting her mother tongue, while she can't form a sentence in my mother tongue or English without looking for every fourth word she wants to say.
In my language we say that knowledge is like marmelade, the less you have, the more you spread it, that saying describes that person to the T.
Seriously, if she wouldn't act like she's over everyone with her knowledge, maybe she wouldn't feel piqued that other people complain about her antisocial behavior and feeling like she's the odd one out.
No. 1630039
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I had a date with a nice-seeming guy and I felt like we had a lot in common and he even said he had a good time at the end.. but it's been four days and I haven't heard from him. Okay, then.
No. 1630085
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I feel like I’m drowning inside of myself, my life is so empty. The loneliness is killing me.
No. 1630122
I have a male friend who has been part of our friend group for years now. I really like hanging out with him, however…
He's mad crushed on one of our girl friends (she's fucking awesome and very sweet too) and really thinks he's got a chance lol. I don't wanna speak ill of my friend but i will say she's just sorta out of his league lmao.
Anyways, he's been telling me for a long time now about how he's getting close and he's def gonna get her for sure this time, while leaving heartbroken everytime. I feel bad but kinda also…laugh at it? Lol lemme explain.
I just don't like how he talks about the whole situation. He spews the same ol good guy words like "i'll treat her right everytime, i wanna spend the rest of my life with her, i'll never hurt her'' yada yada. He also has this, idk, entitlement? Like he makes it sound like if she's something less than a friend he'll kill himself or something.
Also, he talks about her like he knows what she's thinking or feeling. I think he's deluded himself into thinking they have soo much in common that he basically knows what she feels or is thinking, since it's the same. On this same note, he seems convinced that she has some feelings for him (holy shit right lol?).
And lastly, he's been acting kinda asshole-y lately. Like he gets upset that this girl is closer and shows more attention to us girls than him, or that she acts different when she's alonr with him and then (by his own words) "distant" when we're all together. Also one day i told him about a conversation me and this girl had about her issues at home and work and he deadass said "pfft, you know nothin" with this angry smirk in his face. Like, i was literally just trying to talk about how life sucks for this girl and he thinks it's some sort of competition to see who knows more about her??
Whatever. What this dickhead doesn't know is that this girl has talked to me about him and straight up told me she knows he's acting kinda sus about her, and that she finds him lowkey disgusting lmfao, and she's trying to be subtle about her rejection. Imma let her cook for now but if this guy keeps thinking he has a chance i'm gonna have to break it to him.
No. 1630123
>>1630030I know, I seriously don't deserve him, he's very patient with me and has always let me come running back to him. I will make sure I treat him better and hopefully as my mental health gets better I'll be a better gf for him. I'm sure you'll find someone as well nona, if I can then you can
>>1630043I was institutionalized for about 2 years and medically abused (huge problem in my country) so for a while I just avoided mental health care bc of that trauma. I got rly good therapy last year that helped me get sober and get a job and apartment and stuff, I haven't been to therapy regularly since. Tbh I'm much better than I used to be but I have ups and downs and today is a "down"… And I know what you mean, my weight has been up and down the past few years and I wasn't happier when I was thinner, I would find new things on my body to be this upset over lol. weight has always been the main thing bc i was raised by anachans who sort of imposed their EDs on me
No. 1630127
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>at shit retail job
>overhear dumb fucking old scrote talking to my coworker about his daughters troubled young adulthood and berating her
>it's making me uncomfortable but I don't say anything
>coworker is too religious for my tastes so I never mention politics around her anyway
>this bitch unironically likes jim caviziel
>she's deep in thought or has started dissociating from boredom, I can't tell which
>walk up mid conversation not planning to say anything, just wavering around the cash wrap to clean and rearrange it
>it's what we do
>I'm not doing anything weird
>man notices I am there and eyeballs me
>literally screams after seeing I have scars on my arms like I'm the devil incarnate
>"and don't YOU dare say anything!"
>I hinge my jaw open to mouthbreather position and dissociate for a solid 30 seconds
>it's like flashing back to all my abusers yelling at me
>tempted to interject but walks away
>I want to cry
>coworker doesn't defend me or come to my aid
>"b-but then, my daughter was saved by a mannnn, and now they read the bible every night, jeeeeyssssusss saved herrrr"
>feel bad for rest of week and have two nightmares where this ugly moid appears berating me
>tell other coworkers and they think it's fucked up
Maybe I'm just too sensitive these days, I probably am. It was out of nowhere. What kind of man thinks he's entitled to scream at a young woman like that, let alone one who didn't say anything? I hope he falls and breaks his hip.
No. 1630136
>>1630128I'm honestly pissed off my coworker didn't defend me
It's not like we're best friends but after working with someone for a few years you think she'd at least say "don't talk to her like that" jesus christ
No. 1630161
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>tfw the streaming site I use keeps buffering
Please, I just want to watch my show and I don't wanna have to go look for another site
No. 1630163
im trying to stream a movie and it keeps buffering ever minute or so…. i hate this i just want to watch my movie uninterrupted argh
No. 1630172
>>1630161Why do these sites load at the speed of shit
I just want to watch something that's not on streaming or a service I own how hard is that
No. 1630258
>>1630255Okay shut up. you just want to argue because you're butthurt but the truth is OP clearly wants a loving relationship. She probably could have found one had she not wasted time messing with this degenerate who thinks it's cool to date teenagers at 22.
>>1630254Thanks for seeing what I mean. She wasted 8 years messing with this loser when she could have gotten a master's degree, traveled the world, started up her own business or even met a Nigel to settle down with. But instead, she's spent the past 8 years, 8 critical years in the life of anyone, man or woman, behind a moid who doesn't like her. That's a waste of your youth
No. 1630264
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My coworker told me that her boyfriend of two years just told her that he wouldn't mind if she cheated on him with another girl and he would even want to look at it. Why are scrotes so fucking disgusting and why are women still with them?
No. 1630345
>>1630342of course that isn't okay. if your friends are routinely acting this way around you (and why are they letting you get blackout drunk in the first place? why are you willing to get blackout drunk around these people if theyre likely to try to take advantage of you?) then you very obviously need to get new friends asap, im not quite sure what other kind of answer you're expecting here
No. 1630383
>>1630371Even if that was true and this was normal normie behaviour (which it's not btw, but let's pretend), just based on the fact alone that you are CLEARLY uncomfortable with it and yet they persist, it is made creepy and rapey.
Even if it was nothing remotely sexual, say for example somebody doesn't like loud noises, and then their "friends" keep tooting vuvuzelas next to them, that's clearly not ok, wouldn't you agree?
No. 1630391
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I'm having a horrible day all around…my disorder is acting up and I'm in extreme pain, but still, I'm a bit ashamed at snapping at a family member I was carpooling with. It was over something that I failed to do (the service was down at the local office) and later on I told her that it turns out they were just having issues with transferring to a new service. In response she started going off about how it must be related to some strike that's happening in a few months…that at another store they were having issues so it had to be related (it was a completely different issue). There was no evidence of what she was saying at all so I got so annoyed that I corrected her in what probably was a harsh tone, and she got exasperated. I just did not understand why she needed to explain away the subject so much and it annoyed me for…some reason.
I feel like I'm quickly just becoming a worse person. Sure, I have problems, I am very ill, though it isn't a real excuse for my behavior. I don't really know what to do. Maybe I should just try sticking to myself from now on if I can't even manage to be an ok person around others.
No. 1630414
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Done with NordVPN. I bought the special server VPN thing and that thing is slowwwww. Also NordVPN disconnects and sometimes it crashes and the killswitch doesn't activate because the app crashed. It also runs in the background 24/7 despite being disabled on startup from the app and task manager. It disconnects when you actually need it. It crashes more than it should imo. It's not every day but a few times a month. But one time is enough to defeat the purpose of having one, especially of having the kill switch on. It's good for watching netflix shows in other countries but besides that it isn't reliable. It was worth trying out but it was not worth the $200+ I spent on it for 2 year plan and the special lil vpn ip
No. 1630420
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The supreme court rulings have me really depressed. The fuck is even the point of voting if the political party with less support is constantly cooking up new ways to jew the majority American voters out of having their opinions represented. Most Americans (60-70%) think it's wrong to refuse service to gay people, but a technicality allowed a president most people voted against to stack the most powerful court in the country in his favor. Now women have no control of their own bodies, millennials will be stuck with student debt until we're fucking dead, and "creative" businesses (whatever the fuck that means) can discriminate against people on the basis of religion. There's no fucking point. The people in power don't listen to us. They'll build a fucking oil pipeline on your grandmother's grave. We're all just ants beneath their fucking feet, wasting our lives at poorly-paid jobs so they can waste our tax money on whatever retarded war or bailout they want. A fucking meteor just needs to drop on the United States and turn the whole fucking country to ashes and rubble.
No. 1630430
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The fact that I have never felt any kind of romantic interaction makes me think that there is something wrong with me, I know moids are fucked up and their standards are broken because of porn but at the end of the day I cannot stop thinking that maybe if I was prettier, nicer or funnier maybe I wouldnt be so lonely.
I always feel stupid when I talk about this because I dont want to come across like I only care about male validation or whatever, but it's really painful nonnies
No. 1630514
>>1630226I'm not straight and never said I was. I would consider myself bi, however I never got to explore my sexuality due to meeting my current partner at 17. Since then I've only grown more repulsed by heterosexual relationships and if I wasn't currently dating a man, I could never see myself with another one in the future. Hence the lesbian cult part. It may have been a poor joke but I didn't expect anyone to actually read or respond to my vent much less assume my orientation.
>>1630212I've been trying to tell him this but he doesn't want to end things. claims it was all just a moment of weakness and it'll never happen again.
don't really know what I'm doing here or in life in general, but I appreciate the harsh truths tbh. I've known for years that the only sollution was to leave but it's been a hard pill to swallow. Anyone who says I haven't wasted my youth is wrong.
No. 1630548
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When my husband is cooking and the grease pops he's going in the cage for an hour. And if I come home and the house isn't clean he's wearing a plunger on his head and scrubbing the floor with his hands duck taped to his shoulders at the wrist and the loofah belted to his mouth. And if he says something stupid he getting back handed. And if he
No. 1630667
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I hate being fixated on real people, especially when they’re older and I’m always worried about them dying. It’s so much easier when it’s a fictional character or someone who’s already dead. So sad.
No. 1630689
>>1630662You’re also just 20 I don’t think you’re behind in anything. You can still make friends at college and your bf being a degenerate or leaving you wouldn’t be a big deal because you’re still so young with so many options.
I’m almost 30 and I don’t even have a degree. I dropped out of college once I got a job in my desired field.
No. 1630708
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>>1630667>worried about them dyingwasn't thinking about this before but i sure am now.
No. 1630735
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>be me
>watching old disney channel promos with male friend
>we start talking about how early disney channel was really pushing the "good christian values" angle
>he says that's probably a factor as to why grown men got all pissy over how it changed in the 2000s
>i agree and then go off on a rant about how grown men just hate teenage girls and how we should kill all men and that i will not spare my friend when the revolution comes
>"i-im just kidding, i would spare you"
I can't hide it any longer
No. 1630760
>>1629854Men demonize jealousy when it's a woman being jealous, but then go off and kill their girlfriends for talking to another man.
Anyways, jealousy is a normal feeling and nobody should be shamed or mocked for feeling it. As long as it's within reason and you communicate clearly and maturely why it bothers you, there's nothing wrong with it. A good partner will be understanding and try to accommodate you. I've only seen cheaters, fuckboys and delusional women who get their self-worth from male attention call a woman jealous, controlling and insecure when she confronts her partner about their wandering eye.
No. 1630836
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i let my s/o borrow my headphones for today but now i can't play my BL vn with audio unless i can find a way to get my pc speakers to work again ARGH
No. 1630867
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Any married ladies here? After the magic of proposal wore off did you feel scared? My bf of 6 years proposed a few months ago and for some reason I just feel scared. Like now I'm overanalyzing his behavior and ready to drop him over any slight. I read so many stories of men changing right after marriage and I think that has me terrified. It's easy to break up with a boyfriend, but it's a process to divorce a husband. This sounds fucked up, I love him and he has always treated me good. I wonder if it's my abandonment issues popping up? If my family members didn't neglect me then they kicked me out besides my brother who finally took me in until I moved out on my own at 18. That messed me up bad and I think finally meeting someone who stuck through me working out all my trauma and EVERYTHING and will not abandon me, wants to be legally tied to me, is triggering something. I keep picking arguments with him and wonder if some inner hurt child is testing him again or some shit.
I really don't get it, I'm happy and everyone is excited for us, but also afraid.
No. 1630904
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I got drunk and told my moid friend about my childhood sexual abuse and I'm horrified. We were having a serious discussion about religion and my abuse is relevant to that but I still feel humiliated I told him that. He actually had an appropriate response to it which is a first, even my exes usually had lackluster responses. I just fucking hate oversharing, Idk why I'm like this.
No. 1630945
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>>1630015you're just based. tfw the women in my family + my bfs family who had kids early (esp out of wedlock or with a man they can't stand, there's a lot of them) who like to LARP as uwu tradwaifus all express to me in private how their man won't help them with anything and they're upset they're out of shape and say they wish they continued their education or knew what kind of job they wanted/had the experiences i have had. tfw my bfs family is full of ~tradmoids~ who hate their gay ass jobs and are seething when i express enjoyment out of my career choice and they're likely seething. tfw when people ask me when i'm having kids i either say i'm waiting until i'm married (idec if we do get married lol might be years) or i tell people i can't have kids. yes social retardation saves you, you have all the time in the world to explore hobbies and career choices. i am fucking free bitch.
pls no hate to any SAHM farmers, i respect your choice and think it's cool. it's much more about hating le trad larpers i encounter who have tried to guilt me into being obviously miserable like they are. all tradfags i know literally cannot stand their relationship and even though i'm happy for them having children they can't just switch careers or do anything drastically life changing since they need the money now to raise their kid(s) No. 1630949
>>1629895You're obviously seething and calling a girl ugly because some ugly ass moid picked her and not you. I wouldn't really call that being a "bad bitch". Stop being
toxic and maybe you'll get a boyfriend.
No. 1630956
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>>1630015same, my cousin who's a year younger than me (20) is having a baby and i can just thank god i am still a virgin
No. 1630964
>>1630867It means something is not quite right, but you should definitely talk to him about it. Did you discuss marriage in detail before he proposed? I think it's normal to feel scared if the guy proposed to you out of nowhere, basically bringing this life change on you without first having talked at least a little bit about it.
I'm divorced now, but when I got married me and my ex had discussed marriage for a while and the proposal was more of a mutual agreement that we celebrated together, so I never felt scared or worried about marrying him since it was a decision we both happily made. We also got a prenup done which also takes the pressure off a potential divorce in the future, since no matter how great your relationship is, things can change and it doesn't even have to be bad for a divorce to happen. Me and my ex are still on good terms, we just grew apart naturally and figured it was time to go our own ways. Marriage isn't scary as long as you both have the same expectations and ideas, and remember to keep your last name!
No. 1631020
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I saw this quote recently, and it inspired me to stop acting on my thought compulsions. I don't know if I will be able to keep it up but today hasn't been too bad. I just get worried that I'll crack again because this stuff is simultaneously as easy and not as easy as "just stop doing that".
No. 1631131
Having lived in Canada for a few years, I think a lot of women here just view other women as competition for peen, and it really shows. If you become somewhat interesting to some men or have something they covet, while not being very close to them, they will try to tear you down and spread lies about you.
I've encountered so many women here like this, it's straight up sad. In the country I grew up in, women sort of had this camaraderie because so many guys would just view us as being beneath them or dumber than they are, and we would sometimes talk about it. Though I don't miss the abuse from guys, I do miss talking to other women who don't just view me as being competition, and want to take me down because of it. What is wrong with the women here? I've also noticed that mostly white women or women aligned with white women who do this. Are white women here taught that sexual value is the only value they have? It's weird and jarring, and tbh I think it takes feminism back by like a century, because wtf? In a country where no one will give you shit for being a feminist, and many of these women who I mentioned view themselves as being feminist, they don't really seem to uphold these values.
Some of them will also chase men despite it being harmful to them.
Idk if this belongs on /X/, but I just wanted to rant about this weird behavior I've noticed.
No. 1631312
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>start considering covering my arms up even though my wounds aren't that new after getting another creepy reaction from a man at work about my scars
>why are men acting so disgusting lately towards me even when I don't do anything wrong, they weren't even this bad before
>having nightmares and constant insomnia
>I'm not going to relapse I'm not going to relapse
>cut myself again after nearly 2 months of not
>I went fucking nearly 6 months before that
>more wounds more problems
>have to wear giant bandaids over wrists
>little white lying to everyone I am just doing it because I'm self conscious
>half of it is true
>day 3 wounds start to itch
>now they're throbbing
>oh my god why did I do this again
>oh my god why
>I tried so hard to eliminate the trigger that urges me to slice up my body in the first place and now it's like no matter what i do
>no matter how hard I try
>it always comes back
>everyone's getting tired of me and so am I
No. 1631358
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I need to start networking to get a tech internship/co-op job in the winter semester and I’m so scared. I’ve never been very social before and I get treated like a retard (I’m not even autistic, just really awkward). I‘m working on putting a portfolio together but I’m afraid it won’t be enough to compete
No. 1631360
>>1631343they tested me in high school
>>1631335I know and understand all the horrifying truths too intimately, I’ve seen into the bucket of truth and am forever traumatized by my extensive knowledge and understanding. I wish I was blissfully retarded.
No. 1631376
>>1631332My legs and thighs bleed very profusely and much harder to slit without going too deep. for a couple years I would just burn my arms with cigarettes and target only my lower, less visible half of my body. It allowed old wounds to heal, whereas my thighs have skin that risks splitting open. Last year, I took to my wrists again, which I'm not proud of
Like it's my own hell, but I do it purely because I am in pain. really thought approaching the six month mark until I did it again, then two more months, that I would make a year free. It's still not as bad as last year where I felt like I was going to die. Yes I'm self aware how risky it all is, and I am an idiot trying to find a better coping mechanism, whenever I do the urge circlejerks back around
No. 1631398
>>1631383My relapses last year were almost all during the latter half of 2022 so I could cover them without sweating like a pig. If you cut several pretty decent size gaping wounds on your thighs, you probably don't want to target them again 6-8 months later. Tattooists say it takes one or two years for these to heal and you can tell by the coloration of the scarring how healed they are. I'm very "careful" because I don't want to end up bleeding out from a fucking artery
What do you want me to wear in 100 degree heat? I literally said in OP I'm wearing bandages and that's why they itch. Sounds like you're floating around whole mindset of everyone who does it is an underage le attention seeker, i'm sorry I can't wear nun outfits in this blazing heat just to make some moids comfortable or some shit, and men are the ones I take issue with and I've seen be visibly disgusted to the point where even when my scars were healed to a red, purple or white color and less visible I felt compelled to cover them. Women don't treat me near as badly
and then I had nightmares because I have other issues and trauma I'm trying to address that cause me to s/h in the first place and had another relapse. you don't understand the habit, fine, don't be a cunt about it.
Addiction and alcoholism are forms of self harm, but nobody cares since they aren't visible. That's the sad part. But oh noes bodily scars so ugly and attenshun seeky
No. 1631412
>>1631396Everything will be fine,
nonnie, you will find a way to get some privacy, it’s something everyone always wants. And consider moving to a smaller place a way for you to clean up any clutter you have laying around.
It’s obviously pretty scary tbh, specially if you will go to another country, but I’m sure everything will be okay, just try to think of this as a way to start again.
No. 1631489
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I have realized I'm in love with the memory of a man I had a fling with 10 years ago. No man had ever treated me more kindly before or after, he taught me I was more than a sex toy (I was sleeping around in my early 20's because the constant sexualization and SA history because I felt that it was all I was good for until I met him) by letting things take it's time and not doing anything sexual, he would just hold me closely at night and just let me experience all these small, romantic gesture I thought only existed in movies.
Sadly he realized he was still in love with his ex and broke it off, we were still close friend until a former friend was pissed that he hurt me and ended up spreading a rumor that we had sex (as in she genuinely thought this because in her world it was impossible to have a flirt without sexual intercourse) and he thought I was the one doing it so he started giving me the silent treatment. We have close friends in common so I sometimes see him, and despite all these years he still acts cold. Now he is set up to marry another woman, and I'm still having dreams of the time we spent together. I'm pretty sure it's not him per se I'm missing, but rather missing someone just being that genuinely kind without expecting sex. No man I have dated or attracted since then have ever given me such romantic treatment, and I don't think I ever will…
The only good thing from this is that I have a much higher standard for how I want to be treated, though I sometimes give up and let myself get wrapped up with toxic men because I start thinking it's bad karma. I got a taste of what I could have had, but no matter how much I try to be a good person the bad choices and actions I have made through life will never let me have it again. It hurts, nonas, it really hurts.
No. 1631507
Sorry anons, this rant is way too long and a long spoilered text is probably even more annoying, I wanted to post it in the off your chest thread at first but sometimes a moid replies weirdly to rants there. So I chose this thread, I'm sorry again. I just wanted to let this out somewhere. I don't have anyone to talk to.
Getting molested as a child has truly broken me as a person and I hate that. From my emotional stability to my perspective on literally every fucking thing in life, everything about me is broken. It's all influenced by what happened to me. I desperately want to, but I can never move on. I can't even imagine how I would've turned out if it hadn't happened to me and I was allowed to grow up safe and protected. I also hate myself to the core and feel so guilty over it that it's just pathetic at this point. I'm sure none of my abusers ever felt guilty about what they've done to me as much as I feel guilty about never reporting them. Every single day, nope, even at night, I'm weighted down by guilt because the thought that 'you did nothing so they probably molested other kids after you' never leaves my mind. I regret it. I wish I could slap the child me. I wish I could tell her to at least say something. It happened to me twice and I just did nothing.
The first time was when I was probably a toddler (or a bit older than that but still under the age of 7-8), it's actually one of my earliest memories and I don't remember everything in detail but I know that it happened. And I said nothing to my parents. I don't know why, did that man threaten me? or did he somehow manage to make me shut up by showering my greedy self with gifts that my poor parents could never afford? Either way, I was stupid for not only shutting up, but also developing selective mutism that I still struggle with at times. God why did I do that? Why wasn't I outspoken? I don't even remember his face now, it's fuzzy and sometimes it changes in my memory? I don't know his identity. I don't know how he found me or got near to me. I don't know why my mom never noticed anything amiss with me, but then again, my parents have always been neglectful and she regretted giving birth to a daughter in this shit 3rd world country where female infanticide still happens everyday (yes, it's India), even she had noticed something, she'd probably be wishing that whoever is harming me would just kill me and be done with it. I'm such a waste. Maybe something would've come out of it if I had spoken back then.
The second was by a nurse in the hospital when I think I was 11, I had broken my right leg and was severely sick and physically weak, she didn't go as far as the pedo before but it doesn't make her any better and I'm still disturbed by the fact that a predator was in charge of taking care of vulnerable people and children. However, I was still in pain. But I still said nothing. This time, it was because I'm a selfish bitch. I didn't wanted to be looked down on. I didn't wanted to be known as someone who was molested. I wanted to keep it a secret. I wanted people to continue seeing me as me. My family, religion, and culture I grew up with, puts a disgusting amount of importance on women's virginity. One of the goddess in my religion (I don't really follow it anymore) had to take a 'fire test' to prove her 'chastity' where she would burn to ashes while standing amidst fire if she had ever been 'disloyal' to her husband, what 'disloyalty' you ask? Oh, it's just that she had been kidnapped by her husband's enemy and apparently, if she was raped by him, it would mean she's disloyal and filthy. So I wanted to larp as some 'pure maiden' who's naive, traditional, and obviously, a virgin, otherwise who would marry a whore like me? Well, you see, that's why I hate myself. I've had such a disgusting thinking. I probably caused the suffering of thousand other children. And I actually still remember that nurse's face. I just don't know if I would be able to prove the abuse years later and, honestly, I'm afraid. I'm afraid of being questioned by misogynistic cops with judgmental eyes, being asked to describe it in detail over and over again, standing in front of everyone knowing that the false image I've kept up all my life has been shattered and they know what actually happened to me. I'm saving up for therapy right now and would try asking the therapist if something can still be done about it, because I don't have the courage to ask anyone else and there's no one in my life who won't judge me. But frankly, it doesn't change the fact that with each passing day, both of my abusers possibly had preyed on yet another child… And this is just killing me from the inside.
No. 1631513
>>1631509Ah it's fine, I know you wasn't being mean. I honestly appreciate the reality check. It's just something I've internalized (? sorry I don't know if I'm even using this word correctly here…) all my life and it's hard to view it in a logical manner, because I can't stop thinking about the fact that other children also might've been harmed because my abusers didn't get arrested. But after re-reading my rant, I did notice that I sound insane. Although you didn't misunderstand me, but just to clarify, I do not believe that children are at fault for not reporting their abusers. I don't even believe adults are at fault for doing the same thing either. And I don't judge, blame, or dislike any of them, it's just a 'me' thing. I only think like that about me, and I know it's also wrong, hence why I plan on going to a therapist.
No. 1631518
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>>1631507nona idk what to say and this is probably something you've already heard before, but it wasn't your fault. I hope you have a nice day, here have a hug
No. 1631520
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>>1631518Thank you so much for being so kind and for the hug
nonnie. Hope you have a nice day too.
No. 1631542
Just overthinking and staying up late and I have somewhere to be in 2 hours sigh I wish things were different for me. I know it’s all my fault but somehow I feel like I’ve been done dirty by god or the universe or whatever. I’m just a fuck up and I got myself into a strange situation i got to get myself out of, I had to get back with my abusive ex because I had nowhere to go because I’m a scared bumbling anxious mess who can’t hold down a job moving back in with my family isn’t an option because they are poor and dysfunctional, also abusive. I feel dumb. But I’m trying to carry on, I also hate living with my bf because he gets mad easily and I can’t really see my friends like I used to. I think it all falls on me having such low self esteem, I can’t even have courage to do basic things and I feel like I don’t deserve anything sometimes, I didn’t finish high school and like I feel myself fading if you know what I mean? I’m trying to get my GED in the fall, I’m also trying to get another job, I’m dumb for having not done this sooner, It was hard to leave my boyfriend the first time and I tried so hard to get on my feet I was living in a motel and worked at another one it was so expensive and I felt like I was getting nowhere I considered selling ass , so I caned in and came back to him and he was yelling at me on the the Fourth of July saying I’m just stupid and ugly and poor and worthless, that nobody not even my family wanted me and I’m lazy and retarded and slutty. And I feel like he’s right but I don’t wanna, all my life has been me being berated by people who “love me” no wonder I’m shy around people in public and scared to do anything, how the fuck did I jump from my shitty family to a shitty guy, I thought he was rescuing me, maybe it’s me that’s messed up and abusive, sometimes I think. I don’t wanna blame everything that’s happened to me but I wish the world would just chill out on me, you know? Throw me a bone god
No. 1631546
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Thinking about dumping my boyfriend. I feel like he doesn't understand me. I don't really want to express myself to him, because I feel like he won't get it. I don't want to talk about books, I don't want to share much of anything because he either won't like it, will disagree or won't care. It doesn't seem worth it. I'm becoming a "haha yeah" person, it sucks. It's getting similar to the sort of isolation I feel around other people, and that's bad. He doesn't really see what I see, he doesn't like the same things I like. I feel like I'm just being humored. I don't know how he sees me. Just someone to hug him? I know he needs someone, and I do too. More and more, I'm questioning what made us so similar that we ended up together. Emotional pain? Being able to comfort each other doesn't mean we belong together. It just means we're both starved of that kind of connection.
At the same time, I'm scared I'll lose all motivation to get out of my shitty town without him by my side. The emotional wreckage will probably screw me over, hard. I'm a massive clinger, and he's extremely important in my life. I don't want to ruin things with him, I don't want to cause him more pain, I don't want to cause myself moe pain. When we had arguments, months ago, I'd think things like "I'll break up with him later" to self-soothe. Then, things would get better, and I wouldn't want to break up. We haven't argued lately, but I can't shake this feeling of grayness, just complete dissatisfaction. I'm going through some stress in my life, and I wonder if it's just that making everything look so hopeless. I don't know how long this will last. I can't tell whether I want this feeling to go away so I can love him again the way I did before, or if I want it to reach its tipping point so I can break it off, feel a massive wave of catharsis and just…continue on, with zero sadness (which seems like a complete fantasy). I wish we could be friends, but he won't understand. It'll be like stabbing him, and he'll probably think I just found another guy. I don't fucking know.
Maybe the best choice is to go with the flow of things, move out, get my shit set up and then break up with him if I still feel this way. At least then I won't be stuck crying in this same place. That's what I tell myself, but I think he can sense that I'm just going through the motions and being compliant out of a sense of duty. It makes him sad, and it makes me hate myself because I wish I could just act better. It's like I need lessons on how to fake being myself. I'm trying so hard not to hurt him, but he can see I'm withdrawing, being sort of fake, just going along with whatever he says or likes too well. It's just that when I don't do that, something little reminds me of how we don't really fit together, and I'm back here. Maybe he actually knows and understands me better than I think. Maybe he feels the same way, except he doesn't want to end it. I'm not even sure I can discuss this with him without it being a breakup or some control shit. "Learn to be more like me, or I leave". I wish I knew the words to make things good again.
No. 1631547
>>1631542I'd hug you if I could anon. I 100% understand life throwing you the shit end of the stick and trying not to drown in a river. You aren't terrible for considering what you did I was at a point of almost homelessness and considered it. That doesn't make you any less of an amazing woman. Maybe your country has something to help like government jobs? Then you can get on your feet more to live with a non
abusive roommate. Stay safe anon I hope the best for you.
No. 1631565
>>1631556Anon, I’m so sorry, I hope you don’t let him eat away at your self esteem, he is only making you feel that way so you’ll stay and I know how hard it is having experienced prior abuse and then coming right back to it, it just makes you wonder if you’ll be used to it after you get out, you can go back to school and leave him for good, I believe in you! I don’t know you but I feel better knowing we’re in this together
>>1631547Thank you so much, I am gonna go to the welfare office and see if they do!
No. 1631593
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I'm starting to decline mentally and have started feeling notably more suicidal/self-hating, and I know for a fact it's because I've been trying to make friends and date, and it's not going well. I was a lonely NEET with severe social anxiety until my early adulthood, but now that I've gotten mentally better I felt encouraged to try to socialize, and now I'm finding that I actually am just undesirable. And god does the rejection hurt.
No. 1631666
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>be me
>for once try to be proactive and schedule doctor appointment
>no one picks up the phone no matter what number I call
No. 1631685
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For some reason, writing out my angry thoughts without expressing them to whoever pissed me off just makes me angrier, like I have unfinished business with them. Venting to another person and having them give me some sort of emotional support helps, though. I kind of hate it. Needing validation on personal conflicts is weirdly embarrassing, I feel guilty for it. I wish I could be a "write an angry letter and then throw it away" sort of person. I guess I just need someone to reassure me that I'm not crazy, and sometimes people really are just shitty or unfair for no good reason.
No. 1631713
>>1631688>>1631698The picture is like a very literal version of the feeling I was trying to express. Being both "seen" and "felt" at the same time can actually feel almost invasive, overfamiliar and "wrong".
I picked it because I thought it fit the message of the post (intimacy and reliance on others as a need, but not a want, because it's uncomfortable and "too close"). Idk, it made sense in my mind, sorry nonnies!!
No. 1631734
>>1631023Speak for yourself. I never became fatigued with weight gain.
Your thoughts are disordered.
Nobody should be okay with being overweight when it is impacting their health, but don't pretend other people are unwell while you're calling yourself names like "grotesque" as if it's your job to be so mean over a reversible issue.
Work on yourself instead of projecting your negative self-image onto others who are coping with their situations the best that they can. Lose that weight, fatty bomblatty.
No. 1631749
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Was catching up with Jill's thread and saw picrel. It made me feel hollow inside because I was a friend exactly like that to a person who treated me like a doormat. I had a crush on her and she loved the attention so she kept me around because I was always there ready to help, listen, reassure and give advice. People don't just deserve friends like that, they need to work for it. I hate that I believed this "be the best for your peers because they deserve kindness" bullshit for so many years. Treat people well, build trust based on mutual respect and then start giving a 100%.
No. 1631814
>>1631759>>1631783I had this issue with having a decent ass and thinking my tits look saggy, average to flat and awful, but everyone I've been involved with liked them.
which is fine, it suits my erogenous zones better but I have to ask why
No. 1631825
>>1631815It's a tactic to keep you on the defensive. So you're too busy hopping from goalpost to moved goalpost to get back to the original point.
While I agree that the burden of proof rests on the person making the accusation, once you provide the proof don't bother with distractions trying to pick it apart. Lay hard into your opening accusations again.
It's on them to prove that the proof was 'unethically' obtained even though 99% of what is published on the internet comes from the own individual's stupid ass.
No. 1631871
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I’m so lonely I wish I had friends my age and in real life or even online friends I can talk to, I just wish people understood my sarcasm and wish I didn’t come off as a creep or weird but I do sadly, I say bigot shit for fun but most people wouldn’t understand and think I’m being real or something which sucks cause irl I’m not even a right way faggot or whatever plus I don’t care about politics that’s why I say retard edgy shit but man I know I’m off putting and weird which sucks no one gets me
No. 1631876
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Why the hell are the stores around me hiring handsome men as cashiers and security guards lately? My heart has been pounding everytime one comes up to me and speaks to me, my stupid ass can't walk straight from being nervous and shy. one came up to me and smiled and stared into my eyes as I was leaving and told me to have a nice day and kept giggling and all I did was bow awkwardly and blush I want to die, he was so cute and had the most beautiful eyes, why must I be socially awkward!?
No. 1631885
>>1630867I was ecstatic when he proposed. The marriage didn't get
abusive or neglectful or even change in any obvious outward ways but I think we just happened to hit that downward hump after the wedding plans were already set in stone so it was like we were set in motion and couldn't stop the train at that point. Wedding went ahead. Mundane as it is we fizzled out which wouldn't be dramatic if it was a regular break up. The timing was awful. Looking back what I mistook for wedding day nerves.. was me having doubts but too much pressure to even let myself acknowledge it. Split 2 years later. I thought it'd be a really simple divorce (no kids/had only been renting, no money requests, we had even incomes) but I swear people downplay the divorce process. Or at least where I live it took years. I've had a whole other long term relationship in the meantime that came and went and I'm only on the cusp of my divorce being wrapped up now.
If in doubt already, plan a long engagement. You don't have to break up but just buy some time to feel it out more before adding all that pressure.
No. 1631918
>>1631885NTA but do you think it would help prevent anxiety around getting married if you would be the one to propose instead of him? I've always liked the idea of being the one to propose because that way I can make sure I'm fully sure and prepared beforehand with no pressure. I fear that I would have more doubts and anxiety if he were the one to propose to me because it wouldn't feel like a decision I made on my own.
To be clear I'm not engaged but I wonder if I should tell my nigel I wouldn't want him to propose if marriage talk ever comes up.
No. 1631947
>>1631489this was really sad to read
nonnie. i hope things get better for you, i don't think you deserve to feel all that pain and hurt.
No. 1631959
>>1631938Jesus what a dick, good riddance. Sounds to me like he was just trying to put you and your body down because he's still obsessed and trying to convince himself otherwise. Calling sour grapes if you will.
I don't know what happened that caused him to hate you but he definitely seems like garbage.
Honestly your story reminds me of someone I know and I will forever wonder whether it's the same person despite how nonspecific these details are. No. 1631981
>>1631959If we aren't that same person it brings me relief that someone else is dealing with a retard ex like this and I hope they get or got through it. Just baffles me that this whole, grown arse man, lacks the self awareness to see people don't give a damn- and its fucked because I feel like he'll blame me for pushing him out of his friend group when hes done this to himself. And to add, its been 5 months of him doing this
>>1631970Bane of my existence, knew him for over 10 years but I'm also screwed in the head and hurt him awfully. Not that I feel bad for it now, he proved the me from a decade ago right and I hate to admit that
No. 1632044
>>1632038interesting. setting actual meal times can fix that too –not that you asked for advice.
You eat too much and the food still works to make you feel better? Maybe something is wrong.
No. 1632087
>>1632064lmao. I don't even know for sure if he cheated, he always said he didn't want to post me because his exes used to force him to post them and I was trying to do the same, and that he wanted his pages to be about "him" and not "us" when he barely used social media.
>>1632069Deadass like he always said that he never used insta but he was on his phone like 90% of the time and it was always facebook, insta or whatsapp like what. Is it so hard to upload a photo of us having a good time together when you supposedly love me and don't want to fuck anyone else? Good riddance honestly, fuck moids
No. 1632207
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I NEED to vent about fujoshit(?) related to Supermega. I watched the new podcast episode #356 and there was a part where Justin squeezed into Matt's chair, kept his arm around him for the rest of the podcast, and did like a classic Supermega gay pandering bit where he flirted with Matt and "kissed" the back of his neck. All good and fine, Ryan used to do this kind of bit with Matt all the time.
But that's just it- they haven't in a long time, likely because they were growing out of it. And I get that the bit was just pandering and getting attention, but Ryan seems like he's really pulling away lately or really depressed. He barely posts anything on socials, dodges any remotely personal questions on livestreams with Jim or Whalid, and even on the podcasts he rarely shares anecdotes from his past or anything personal. He talks a lot about how he can't do things because of his back injury from 2-3 years ago, including play certain video games he used to really enjoy.
He has every right to keep his personal life private, but something about seeing Justin come in and try to do more bits with Matt made me feel so sad for Ryan. From their older content it seemed like he was really into filmmaking, but he doesn't seem to be sharing any personal projects. Meanwhile, Matt is taking his music pretty seriously and touring with a new group of friends (who Ryan doesn't seem to talk to besides Jim and Luke). I really, really hope that he has something cool and private and secret going on in the background that's making him happy, because on the surface it looks like he's This Close to quitting supermega, and letting Justin take over, and disappearing.
Ultimately I respect his privacy and respect whatever he chooses to do, but I will really miss him. I'm sure he's not actually thinking of leaving supermega and I know I'm just being an obsessive fan, just needed to vent about this pang of anxiety I got seeing Justin kissing Matt because I'm worried for a burnt-out youtuber's future lmao. The energy was very ex-husband/new boyfriend awkward. And no, I have nowhere else to post this because it's pretty embarrassing.
No. 1632212
I keep writing and deleting huge paragraphs about this. I don't know how to keep it short since there's so much I want to vent.
Basically, I found out a few years ago that my favorite cousin once molested one of our cousins's daughter when she was a kid and he was 17-18. The victim told me first, and then I asked him and he confirmed it. Both of them also told me about other cases of sexual abuse within the family, though I was not able to confirm those. Of course, I broke down in tears upon finding out. I used to love this side of the family for retarded childish reasons, but now I hate them for being a bunch of spineless cowards who are so afraid of conflict and heavy topics that they would rather smile, pretend nothing's wrong and expose children to child predators and rapists. My family had no idea about this until I asked the victim about a cryptic message she left in the family group chat. They kept it a secret from my parents all this time. Thank fuck neither I or my siblings were victims.
I made the retarded, naive mistake of confronting my cousin about this last time I saw him in person, and we ended up arguing (well, I didn't want to argue, I just cried and he thought I was trying to manipulate him somehow). But since I started to ignore his messages a couple years ago, he's been sending me more messages every now and then, desperate for my attention, though I always ignore him. I told my dad this as the reason why I don't want to go to grandma's birthday party later this month, and he didn't say anything and just accepted my reasons (he had forgotten about what my cousin did though, until I reminded him). But when I told my mom the same thing, she just started judging me and telling me my feelings are wrong and that it shouldn't be a big deal to me, and defending moid sexual assault by telling me a fucked up anecdote of how her male cousins used to try to touch her and her sisters in their sleep when they were teenagers, and how that proves my child molester cousin should not be given this treatment by me because it was just the hormones. Though to be fair, as I was writing the first version of this post, she came in to my room to apologize and tell me she forgot about the age difference between my cousin and his victim and that now she understands why I'm so upset at him, which is just ridiculous. I was already stressed and frustrated by this whole thing and she had to make it even worse. By the way my cousin is still a piece of shit pedo otaku degenerate as I know he watches pedo incest shit like Oni Chichi, a hentai anime about a scrote who rapes his teenage stepdaughters, as if it were some critically acclaimed drama.
So now I don't know what to do. I really want to go see my grandma before she inevitably dies, since she's so old. But on the other hand, the thought of having to see that disgusting scrote in person again is revolting. Even before I found out what he did, I was starting to find him annoying, but he does not seem to understand that I'm not interested in talking to him anymore and keeps trying to greet me as if nothing was wrong with his usual retarded childlike way of typing. I wish I knew whether he has already moved out of that house like he wanted to, so it were easier to make my decision.
No. 1632252
>>1632225Yeah it's very fucked up and that's why I try to not bring those topics up around my mother (porn, sexual abuse, moid nature in general), because she always thinks I'm the one who's wrong no matter what, even though she used to worry about me being too careless around moids when I was naive and more of a hyperliberal pickme. But aside from her unfortunate tolerance to scrotey behavior and her complete dismissal of my way of thinking, her side of the family (her parents, siblings, nephews and nieces) is much better than my dad's. Probably because most of them are women so the chances of having a cycle of sexual abuse are extremely low.
>>1632230The only way I can go now is with my parents though. They're the ones who are asking if I want to go with them and buying the plane tickets, which I cannot afford on my own at the time.
You're right about not having to show up when I don't want to, though. If we stay in a hotel, in theory I should be able to visit her whenever I want. We're still not sure if we'll be unable to stay at her place which is where he lives too. And I also want to socialize with my normal cousins but that would imply he'd be there too.
No. 1632260
>>1632225Nta but I molested by my cousin when I was young (probably 7-8) and when I told my mom she told me not to tell anyone because she doesn't want the relationship with her sister to be broken.
Then, I opened up to a guy who I saw as a brother and trusted about it. it angered him and instead of being angry at my cousin he got angry at me for letting it happen to me then pushed me down and tried to molest me. Even when I told my ex girlfriend about what happened (with my cousin and ex friend) she blamed me for it.
I can't go anywhere alone anymore or open myself up to people because I've been molested and taken advantage by more than 5 men in my life and I hate the way others blame you and make you feel dirty for things you didn't have control over.
Sorry for the rant, I saw this post when passing by and it made me angry that men are allowed to walk over women and people protect them, I hope men who rape and molest women get their dicks chopped off and burn in hell.
No. 1632285
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>>1632044>Maybe something is wrongSo I do have diabetes…
No. 1632362
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Need bf to use as Barbie doll. The best part. Like no your hair is going to look like this and your beard will look like this and we are grooming your hair like this and you are wearing this and eating this and
No. 1632378
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A nona in the confessions thread told me to kill myself over a year ago and I still think about her. I don’t believe in therapy so I guess these secrets are coming to the grave.
No. 1632392
>>1632378Whenever you think about her, you should think about me in the vent thread telling you not to kill yourself instead.
Don't kill yourself.
No. 1632406
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nonnie, I will, that is sweet thank you. I wouldn’t kill self
No. 1632525
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>>1632349it's because basement dwelling /pol/tard scrotes and /r9k/ moids keep advertising this place on 4chan as somewhere to go and find female incels, pic related.
No. 1632529
>>1632520If you can stand being around 'queers' and troons (I hope they're at least TIFs) maybe there's a chance you could de-radicalize yourself, for lack of a better word. I don't think you can unpeak, you already know the emperor has no clothes and you won't be able to convince yourself otherwise, but maybe you can just distance yourself from gendie politics to the point you don't care much anymore.
It sounds more like you need to figure out a way to escape that situation though. Must suck to walk on eggshells all the time because everyone you know is retarded and/or evil enough to believe that nonsense and attack you for the slightest wrongthink.
No. 1632534
>>1632525Why do they want to find "
femcels"? Desperate and lonely? Also are they accusing mothers on mumsnet of larping as
femcels kek
No. 1632541
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>They're an investment
>The parts are valuable, it doesn't matter about the surface rust
>I think you'll find I'll make more money on just selling the engine, sitting in a field for a few years doesn't damage that.
>I have no space for anything, everyone just keeps on moving things around.
>they don't make those anymore, they're getting rarer and rarer every year
>Have you seen the price of scrap at the moment? There's no way I've lost money.
No. 1632544
>>1632534Didn't you know nonna?
Femcel is when you don't worship the fuck out of males every second
>>1632525Wizardchan is the actual scrote-only chan. There are a lot of women on 4chan (yes, including /r9k/) but scrotes barely acknowledge them. Retarded indeed.
I still cannot get over how retarded the term
femcel is. Its meaning is so nebulous. It could be anyone who slightly criticizes something moids do, a violent woman, a lonely nerd, an adult virgin, or a depressed woman. I have no idea what these fags mean by it.
No. 1632547
>>1632525Anyone remember the scrote that was specifically camping out in the relationship advice thread a while back, over and over trying to start shit and always defaulting to 'omg what a bunch of
femcels on here' Like ffs dude you've spent months reading the one thread where all we do is talk about our active dating lives and you still want to think that so badly. Damn
femcels and their..boyfriends?
No. 1632551
>>1632521Maybe I should try to do that. Thanks. Even my more normie friends are friends with gendies; my best friend from school recently told me she (an extremely feminine woman) has decided to "try out they/them pronouns" because her new TiF friend told her to "just try it to see how she feels".
>>1632529It's about 50/50 TiF and TiM but at least the TiMs are all HSTS.
I cannot escape it because I live with them and it is not in any way feasible to live alone in my city. I'm constantly nervous whenever my TiM friend needs to talk to me about something that they might have seen lolcow open on my computer or something. Yes it does suck. Thank you for your input.
No. 1632647
>>1632368Kek please use my post as a copypasta I’ll feel honored. But yeah I was tested professionally in high school, so blame them for telling me I was smart.
>>1632367High IQ people are often the most autistic and unhinged. Most successful people are above average Iq like 110-130. Anything above 130 just makes most people neurotic af, especially women because the world is so disgustingly scrote centered. It would be easier to not be neurotic if I didn’t have a deep understanding of how inherently degenerate scrotes are and how the world is run by and for degenerate pedo scrotes.
No. 1632652
I hate passive aggressive people. I hate pettiness. If you have a problem with me, just tell me ffs, it’s useless to make feel it if you’re incapable of expressing it.
So, my friend is fat. She’s always been fat. It’s not something that caused a major problem in her life until now.
The only relationships she had, were a disaster. She always dated people who were in another country and maybe she met two or three of these guys and the relationship didn’t last for more than a year, six months at max. She always complained about how people here were less open minded that whoever she could find outside, so I thought it was okay. Boys always used her. She would tell us how they were emotionally unavailable and how they had all these flaws but truth is they used her as they wanted and when they had to make it official or more serious, they always found some excuse to dump her. She’s extremely proud of herself so she would never recognise it was something related to her body but to her friends it was pretty obvious.
We got older and older and the thing that kept happening when we were teenagers is still happening now, in our mid thirties. The difference is that nowadays almost all of us are in a long and serious relationships and she seems to be obsessed with the idea of us getting married and having children or whatever. Some of us bought houses too.
And it pisses me off how she rants about her not having a relationship because she wouldn’t settle for anyone who’s not worth it if having her as a girlfriend, how it seems that some of us are just passing the time if we don’t get married or pregnant, etc. etc.
She couldn’t keep a partner for more than six months. Every time something wrong happened in the relationship, she blamed it in things that weren’t her fault at all and probably it was that way but it makes me mad because she chose these guys after all, she chose the guys who only wanted to sleep with her and nothing else.
I feel pretty judged by her and it makes me think that she’s extremely insecure now because we’re all moving on with life and it seems she can’t express her happiness for us without some remarks that try to make us doubt about our choices in life.
No. 1632681
>>1632653Like you said, they try to say the most out of pocket shit for reactions.
Stay away from those scrotes.
No. 1632824
My boyfriend and I are in an LDR at the moment, and it's frustrating that he never says sexy things or even tries to turn me on. He knows that I have a high libido and that I find him extremely attractive, but he never puts in the effort to arouse me or make me orgasm, kek. Every time I initiate and talk dirty to him, he gives me short answers and I end up talking so much I might as well just be masturbating on my own. I actually feel so unwanted and unloved in those moments that I end up thinking about something else just to orgasm. Just to clarify, I'm really proactive but because he's so bad at this I end up not initiating anymore. I've told him all of my kinks and what I find hot, but getting him to talk dirty is like pulling teeth. The most frustrating this is he talks too much normally, but when I actually want him to, he doesn't.
I've talked to him about this multiple times and he says that he feels insecure about saying something stupid (to be fair, he's a virgin) and that he'll do better, but nothing ever changes. I give him so much encouragement, but he still continues to act like a faggot. I'm hot as fuck, what's wrong with you. Make me cum already.
No. 1632827
>>1632824Jesua christ that sounds like me ex. Only they were a woman and along with similar things you stated one thing they really went ham on is expressing they couldn’t satisfy me be ause they didnt have a penis. (Im busexual so why was this an issue??) like legit I wome up to a DM that was a wall of text basically sad jerking how they had a vagina. (?????) so long story short she was a sexually repressed lesbian turned NB with penis envy and now larps online as a teenage boy while shes in her 30s. Lol.
My only solice is knowing they probably got butthurt when my next partner after them was a man who wears magnum sized condoms.
No. 1632853
Ever since I saw pictures of this woman online I have been completely fixated on her on a superficial level. It’s a good thing that she doesn’t seem like a very nice person irl because I would have become heart and soul parasocially obsessed. But even so, she is so insanely beautiful that my brain doesn’t even know how to deal with it. She’s not really conventional looking either and has kind of an unusual face but for some reason to my eyes and brain it’s like she was engineered to be the most beautiful human I’ve ever seen in my life. I literally just daydream about her face all day long. Last night I was like, “I wonder if I compiled a bunch of pictures of her an AI could make a 3D model of her face that I could print” just to be able to touch the planes and edges and curves of her face with my own fingertips. Her face is like art to me. I know this is weird and I want to stop, but the issue is that whenever I even think of beauty as a concept, she pops into my mind’s eye, like some sort of artistic representation of the concept. She comes to me in my dreams, whenever my mind wanders it goes back to her beauty, it’s like I have a disease. It’s like her face is hard drugs for my brain, I never get tired of looking at her, and I can’t seem to stop.
It really is affecting my functioning to be so preoccupied. If I never saw her face I would still be a normal person. I really was not weird like this AT ALL before I saw her. I want to kick this habit so bad but at the same time I really don’t, it’s such a problem.
No. 1632873
>>1632841He's saving up to come meet me next month. I don't fly out to meet men. And all my relationships start off as LDRs because guys in my area suck, are likely drug addicts, and look inbred.
>>1632849>>1632865Yeah, I get it. It sounds bad, but he's invested a lot of effort and money into our relationship, changed a lot of things in his life to match my schedule, and has done quite a bit for me emotionally. I am just sexually frustrated and venting, but ultimately I know it's something he can work on and fix.
No. 1632886
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I'm so angry I can't handle it I had some fucking appointment with my new college's advisor just so I can get access to sign up for classes and I somehow fell asleep and missed it. Literally 10 minutes late and this bitch doesn't have another opening until 3 weeks later in August. I already waited 3 weeks to see this fucking cunt and now I get to wait another 3 weeks. Why the FUCK do I need to see anyone to schedule myself classes I literally have my associates already and I'm assumed to be a helpless retard like a fresh out of high-school chump. I was already angry because I was rejected for a scholarship from the company I work for that's supposed to be "easy to get" and I don't know what else they fucking wanted because I put a lot of shit into the essay. And now this shit happens. I'm so angry I could legitimately kill someone. I paid $150 to this faggot school because attending orientation was a requirement but because I work full time I opted in for the virtual orientation. I still had to pay 150 and it was literally a click through slideshow of information found in their website I'm not even joking. I'm so mad I piss away money on this stupid school, waste my time and get rejected for a scholarship from my own fucking company and stay broke, and have to wait 3 more weeks to see some fucking advisor just to sign up for classes. I've been up since 5am for work and then I come home and clean and think I have an hour left and I fucking sleep through it AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
No. 1632907
>>1632891they tack all these unnecessary obstacles you need to jump through for no reason at all beyond squeezing pennies out of you. I've signed up and finished orientation for that school before 3 years ago but had to drop out because it was too expensive and did my credits at a cheaper school so they literally have all my information saved, I didn't have to resend my SAT scores or anything because of it yet I have to retake their useless orientation so they can charge me.
even community College is adding useless shit, I was forced to take an intro class to the college?? and it was the biggest waste of time and yes I had to PAY for it. the entire class was learning about things the college provides and every professor teaching it knew the class was useless croc of shit but of course I got the one try hard. for our final she expected me to volunteer for weeks at some place that related to my major and make a presentation about it. With what time asshole? I was tired from working a shittier job before this with a couple 16 hr shifts through the week and other classes.
I'm comp sci and a couple of us complained to her that there are no volunteering opportunities for us besides major events that are scheduled next year. it's like she thought we're all nursing or education majors or some other shit that has tons of volunteering options here. eventually other majors complained so she allowed us to do any kind of volunteering just make it relate to our major somehow. My group lied and we still got an A because she never background checked any of it. It was the most useless class I ever took. we are punished for other people's retardation
>>1632896it's okay you actually made me feel a little better didn't expect to make anyone laugh, I like making people laugh.
that would make me so mad I'm tired of all this waiting shit and excuses to keep you on hold. I hate dealing with maintenance too these apes already know by the time I move out the apartment will need fixing so I fix shit myself at this point. I redid the caulking in my bathroom because I don't want them to contract the job to some cheap shit for brains company who will take 2 weeks to come out, 1 week to do half the job and another week to remember to do the rest, when I can do it myself in 2 days. I'm going to chew the neck off whoever runs my college Die
No. 1632964
two things - i have to keep it vague just because
1. I was trying to help someone deal with the emotional burden of being a caregiver to their emotionally abusive mother. I realized that there's no external thing I could recommend - they need to tear themselves away from their mother and let the state pick up the pieces, because that woman is clearly emotionally manipulating them, and as a result, they have no life
2. two people were arguing with me, making fun of the person who referred them to me, about going to a crisis unit. they said they weren't suicidal they were just dealing with a physical issue. I said you should call the emergency services and have them check you out. THey proceeded to yell/talk over me, mock the lady for referring them to the wrong people, and then insist I was wrong, and they kept calling me lady. "Look, lady" "Listen, lady", "don't hang up on me lady" it took everything not to snap at them. fuck them. i hate when stupid people act like know-it-alls.
No. 1632974
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I married in my early twenties. Perhaps not didn't last long. But the feeling of failure did. I felt like I fucked up the timeline of my life by jumping in so young and ruining the idea of marriage for myself even in the future if I later met someone. It just doesn't have that same feeling to think about marriage 2.0. I spent years thinking I was this idiot and that all my friends/peers were on track and had their shit together. I went to their weddings as they were in their late twenties to early thirties. Bittersweet, obviously happy for them. Those people have their lives together. They're doing it right and at a 'good pace'. Why couldn't I be smarter.
Approaching 35 now.. oh nevermind they're one by one all getting divorced too. Waited longer.. same results. Except for them a baby comes along and he's a totally different person. I don't feel like the odd one out anymore but I'm just so angry at how men sign up for shit and just as easily go.. meh nevermind. First sign that its not all fun and even with young babies involved they fuck off to see if the grass is greener. Do you ever actually truly know a mans character? I've friends neck deep in so much worse shit than I had to deal with. Mortgages and babies and men who only care about paying the absolute minimum while getting back onto dating apps, cancelling time with the kid last minute to go on a date instead. They're seperated but stuck dealing with the mans shit. He has open avenues to poke and prod and taunt em afterwards cos kid equals still in contact. Men with long track records of being the doting partner. Flip a switch just like that. Jekyll and Hyde.
I was still dumb but honestly I spent too much time throwing a secret pity party in my own head. I'd no idea how many friends would join the club and how much messier it'd be for them. Men flipping a switch and changing no matter how long you knew them before marriage has me doubling down on my plan to never remarry though.
No. 1633050
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I daydreamed up my perfect bf, no real moid will ever compare to him. I've gone on so many dates in the past 10 years but every time I go home, I am content to just lay down and daydream about my fantasy bf. Every other guy in the world either mildly disgusts me, is ugly, his behavior is not up to standard, etc. If I didn't miss having physical touch I'd stop trying to date IRL and just be contentented fantasizing about my imagination husband.
No. 1633074
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I cry over a man who has made me cum literally twice in the almost one year we've known each other.
No. 1633102
why am I getting bug bites what's biting me I'm so itchy reeeeeee
No. 1633179
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God all I want to do is take an entire day off and relax while reading back to back smut about my new husbando obsession. Why do i have to have responsibilities..
No. 1633200
I know I am probably going to cop a ban for this absolute sperg but whatever, I miss the old fucking and hate that this place has basically become a white feminist SJW refugee board.
I am sick of the constant "men are so evil!" posts that are literally in every goddamn thread now, even threads that have zero shit to do with scrotes. When the hell did this place become the Nordfront for feminazis? Like if you hate men so much, why are you constantly talking about them or obsessing over some scrote's dickpics like a thirsty femcel? I don't see how that is any better than the reddit incels you claim to hate so much, you guys all act alike at the end of the day.
And I seriously don't get why this board has allowed snowflake dangerhairs to take over and start bossing the culture. Yeah, maybe the old lolcow was a little too 4chan waifu harem, but it was ridiculously funny too, and people were a lot less assmad about shit that didn't concern them. I've had several libtards chimp out on me for something that I didn't even think would be an issue, because up until recently, no one gave a damn. Sometimes I don't want to write, or read, some pseudo-intellectual metacritic breakdown on a cow. They're cows, it just isn't that serious, and this isn't a hugbox for your triggered feefees. The majority of them deserve to be trolled and laughed at, and I don't get why it's suddenly bad to make fun of these people…isn't that why we're here? To laugh and get good milk?
Like idk anymore, I didn't want to believe this place has changed but I finally had to admit to myself it has. It was fun while it lasted, and I loved being here, but it just isn't the same. Sad.
No. 1633216
>>1633200absolute retard. nonnies don't go out there threatening moids because they can't get sex from them.
femcels don't rape or kill, not even the most unhinged of them. go get picked at 4chan or something
No. 1633217
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>>1633192Embarrassing but I saw someone post COD stuff here and it's rocked my world ever since
No. 1633241
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i'm so fucking done i can't do this shit anymore i am tired of pulling everyone else's slack and not getting it reciprocated i just want to call in sick for tomorrow and cry and watch movies in an epsom salt bath and pretend i'm margot tenenbaum and that angelica huston is my mom
No. 1633254
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>>1633200you do know that you are posting on a female chatboard, right? men being shitty has existed for the history of human existence. are you sad that you have to read the reality of what women deal with every day? of how shitty men are? of the experience of being a woman? and you're mad that you can't pretend to larp as one because you're offended?
No. 1633270
nonnie. I know it's all in my head because no one has ever said anything about them to me and I don't notice other people's. Hate how much we can hate ourselves.
No. 1633276
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I love the amount of male seething over the Huw Edwards situation.
"He's creepy!" Oh, so you agree that a man in his 60s watching teen porn is immoral? Apply it to all the normal men who do that then.
"It was wrong and exploitative for him to pay for the porn!" Would it be somehow better if the porn was free? He's just a based Chad supporting an empowered sex worker on Only Fans, why is that a problem? Or is it only "empowering" when it's low-self-esteem barely-18 year old girls selling nudes for $2?
"No! It's grOoOoooOOming!! He's abusing his position of power!" But isn't keeping sugar babies empowering? He didn't even meet the sex worker in person. That should be double empowering, yeah? Hashtag #ScammingRichMen!
"Cancel him! Punish him! Suspend him from TV!" Whatever happened to "innocent until proven guilty", huh?
Ha ha. Ha ha ha. The entire scandal pretty much boils town to "man uses Only Fans for intended purpose", but for some reason it has blown up to insane proportions. Probably because the sex worker was male, if it were a female sex worker then no one would have cared…
No. 1633295
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>>1633276>>1633289Copy pasted from another thread because I'm too lazy to do another writeup:
>just-turned-18yo boy makes an OF account>huw edwards, the main bbc news reader, one of the most trusted men in the country and the face of british news, subscribes>over the next 3 years spends £35k on 1-to-1 content>parents hate that their son is a cam boy>parents discover huw is a subscriber by snooping on son's phone>parents go to police>police check son's date of birth and onlyfans account start date, see he was above age>parents are told being on onlyfans as an adult is absolutely not a crime>parents go to the gutter rag tabloid press instead>the camboy - now in his 20s - tells the sun that it's all exaggerations on his parents' part and not to run the story>the sun ignores the kid and does what the sun always does and makes everything more scandalous (e.g. onlyfans becomes GROOMING, 18yo becomes TINY BABY CHILD, camboy becomes VULNERABLE MENTALLY ILL CRACK ADDICT, etc)>the bbc are like ? ok he's a weird porn addict but that's not illegal, the police have told you this already, but if you're gonna be melodramatic i suppose we can suspend "the presenter" (unnamed)>every single bbc male presenter gets their name dragged through the mud and has to openly deny they're a nonce kek>boy lawyers up and puts out a statement telling everyone to leave his sugar daddy alone >people who don't realise it's an onlyfans situation think the kid's being manipulated into protecting his groomer instead of it just being a prossie protecting their bank account>lots of pearl clutching by libs who only think onlyfans is EmPoWeRiNg when teen girls are showing them their puss for the price of a mcnugget extra value meal, not when boys are jacking off for £35k>photo of huw's enormous old man arse leaks. there goes his chance of ever receiving a knighthood>hilarity ensuesBasically: (Famous) Man buys porn. Entire country in uproar.
No. 1633300
This showed up in my reccs and I'm actually quite surprised that there are a lot of teens agreeing with him. I hate social media and I hope more people realize how its destroying them
>>1633200ah yes I too miss old lolcow when Kiki would have daily spergouts about Taylor R
No. 1633341
I don't know how I'll be able to live life in general with how much I'm hating males.
I love my small circle of friends and I don't know how if I'll ever be able go make male friends since I hate moids so fucking much.
I hate interacting with males, I hate their undeveloped asses, they are all the same misogynistic retarded cumbrain.
I don't want them next to me on the bus, I don't want them to be my taxi driver, I don't want them speaking to me, whistling to me, or even perceiving me.
I'm so full of hatred of males and even with how much I hate them I would never be as fucking inhumane as them, I smile awkwardly while a scrote calls me child in a taxi when I'm clearly an adult woman, I try my best to ignore the fuckers who say dirty shit to me while my other friends actually tell them to go fuck themselves.
I'll never be able to stop men from harassing me, I'll never be able to tell them to shut up and not talk to me, I'm too depressed and tired of life and how unfair it is, really unfair, if I were to not answer or insult him, he would easily be able to hit me or kill me on the spot, it has happened
And I'm tired of my family and friends saying I shouldn't pay attention and just go on with my life when this is seriously depressing me daily, I'm fucking scared of men I'm scared of going out…
No. 1633372
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Manic phase? Probably! Haven't been sleeping lately and doing some insane shit!!!!
No. 1633404
Once home I was supposed to shower, shitpost, and go to bed, but the power went out for several hours instead. Grr ree and other frustrated autistic noises I'm too sleepy to do. Nighty night vent nonnies may your tomorrows be better than your todays
>>1633264Thanks nonna, the sunset sky was stunning and I hope you get to see a gorgeous one by you soon!
No. 1633466
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Having the urge to block my boyfriend and just cut him off entirely. Everything is going so badly. He's not the biggest problem in my life, but he made me sad. I want him to be sad, too. I want him to be worried and upset. I want everything bad I'm feeling to be magnified 10x for him. I'm angry that he made me sad, and it's like it's not even registering that it was unintentional. He was being stupid and harsh without realizing he was hurting my feelings. It happens. The fact that I know it'd hurt and shock him if I cut him off is proof that he cares about me and didn't want to hurt me, but it's like my brain is marking him as "enemy" in big red letters right now and telling me he's going to do more damage if I don't remove him. Not even just remove him, outright punish him. I never act on these spiteful thoughts, but I can't stop them from arising. I wish they'd go away.
No. 1633517
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I'm gonna quit my course early. I don't even think I can get a refund but I'd fail anyways so at least I'll free up the rest of the summer. Now I'm going to have to tell half the people I know that I dropped out because it's not for me and I'm too stupid to pass. I don't feel much shame about it but it sucks that any talents I have are destined to make me miserable and lonely instead of successful and well-loved. I knew it all along but didn't want to accept it and now I have to go back to coping that I'll spend the rest of my life as a wageslave doing my art on the side and that's the closest thing to happiness I can hope for in a world that was designed to make me fail. Why don't they take the retards like me out of the traditional school and career system as kids so we don't stress ourselves out for years trying to be functional lmao
No. 1633553
>>1633466Anon, I promise you that there are men out there that won't be this emotionally complicated.
You could do better. Don't embitter yourself or be a Fix It Felicia for a moid over basic emotional intelligence and social skills. You shouldn't have to teach grown men how to behave. You shouldn't have to burn such mental energy over his behavior when you wouldn't have to deal with this as a default if you were with someone else.
Trust your gut, this guy is a red flag abd your brain is screaming E N E M Y for a reason.
P.S. Men absolutely will hold these outbursts against you later when they have had enough of pretending to be accountable, they will accuse you of being a mean bitch and use it as justification to launch their own retaliation later when you leave em.
No. 1633579
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Officially unemployed starting this month and losing my last job has been one of the best things to happen to me.
I can finally sleep properly, even oversleep, got back into fitness and doing all the shit I like.
Not currently looking for a job but I am a bit scared given the job market atm (I work in IT). But fuck, I legitimately have ZERO motivation to get a job, like the only thing would be money to be able to do the things I actually love.
I fucking dread returning to the corporate world, I realized I don't like it at all.
The day is so fucking long and enjoyable when you do things you actually like and not slave 10 hours in front of a pc and bootlick on linkedin ( I don't do that, but that seems to be the trend nowadays).
I hate corporations nonnas, please tell me I'm not the only one.
No amount of money can buy peace of mind and I can comfily afford to stay without a job until end of year because I don't spend that much money. But I know that 5-6 month gap in my resume won't looks good to those retarded employers who most don't understand that mental health and wellbeing > all.
Seriously considering becoming a fitness coach and nutritionist since that's always been a passion of mine.
Again, fuck corporations, fuck the lack of grattitude, fuck overworking with 0 payoff and especially fuck unpleasant upper management.
No. 1633648
>>1633639>>1633643are you hypochondriacs? do you check yourself reguarly for irregularities in your body? are you very aware of sensations occurring in your body, and notice many aches, pains, and/or other symptoms of what you think may be illnesses, diseases, or medical conditions?
it's mental illness along the lines of "hypermobility spectrum disorders"
>>1633646those same doctors call trannies women, shut up
No. 1633668
>>1633651CFS is literally a type of post viral syndrome, how can you say it’s not real and is something different when you’re saying the symptoms are real and come from the same thing that causes CFS?
CFS is very much real and it’s the same thing as long covid. Kinda weirds me out that they’re acting like long covid is special when it’s just CFS
triggered by covid rather than a different viral infection, like mono, which is the most common cause of CFS.
No. 1633691
Having moved through different cities and states throughout my entire childhood completely shredded my social skills and any chances of having IRL friends. I've moved four or five times during my school life all because of my dad's work and I don't blame him at all because if we had stayed we would've gone broke and it's because of his constant working that he was able to put me in some of the best schools available, but it's without a doubt that this moving around just messed up my social skills beyond repair.
I think it truly became a point of no return when I got bullied in 6h grade. I was your typical weird kid because I wanted to draw others' attention in order to try to make friends. Hell I didn't even do anything extreme, I was the average quiet weeb that could draw moderately well and every now and then make a quirky remark for the sake of attention, but the girls in my class decided it was funnier to just isolate me and psychologically torment me for a full year and because of them I became a diehard misogynist for most of my school life. I'm ashamed to admit it and I hated myself for it, but the pain of having been tormented and abused by girls for merely existing and because they thought it was funny to hurt me even though I've always been told that girls are "kind and accepting and much better than boys" broke me and turned me into a hateful and reserved person. I didn't even think I was better than them because I fucking wasn't, but I felt so betrayed that they hurt me for nothing that I wanted to hate them. I became friends with the boys because they'd treat me as one of their own and yeah it was pickme-ish as fuck but I was so lonely and hurt that I'd take anything.
I think it was the fact that if one of the boys ended up hurting me and I told them to stop, they would. But if I told the girls to stop, they'd laugh and mock me. If I joke hit one of the boys they'd laugh about it but if I joke hit one of the girls they'd feign crying while making sure I'd never have a single peaceful day on that specific grade. It took me my entire school life to stop being so resentful of those girls to the point when I entered college I was little more than a plant. I arrived on time. I did my assignments. I chatted with people, but my presence was null.
And now I'm gonna move again, and I don't feel anything. I have nothing to lose. I don't have any friends to look back to. The people I thought were my friends in college turned their backs on me the moment I applied for a transfer and in college I literally did nothing to nobody. All that anger and resentment and pain just fizzled out and now I'm just apathetic at the idea of bonds. I don't feel lonely anymore. I don't have any roots. I have no attachment to anything but my close family and online friends because I'm too afraid of bonding with real people because of how much I've not only been hurt and betrayed but also because I fully expect them to forget about me in one or two years.
Being alone truly is a double edge sword, huh. I needed to vent this, but I no longer have hate. Just disappointment, in myself and in all the people who hurt me.
No. 1633751
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I hate AA and 12-step groups. I hate the fanatics I've met in AA. Why is this the only program that gets any traction? Why can't SMART be larger? I've gone in with an open mind and the literature is so WASP-y and self-flagellating it hurts. They say take what you want and leave the rest but how the fuck do you do that when you don't want anything to do with the concept of a higher power, you just want the coping skills and meditation, but you can't go past Step Two without at least being willing to believe in a higher power.
I'm gonna get sober and I'm gonna do it without these weird fucking mottos and slogans and creepy fanatical AA people. Fuck off.
No. 1633782
>>1633776AYRT, honestly yeah I get that. I've been going for 6 months and there's a lot of people who don't follow the whole religious aspect but it seems like you really have to circumvent it and sometimes it feels like too much effort for a program I only 1/4 believe in.
>>1633778That's what prompted my rant kek. There's an old moid who won't stop bothering me and I think he's just weird and mentally ill because his shares are like 70% incomprehensible but I'm just tired of it and too much of a pussy to say so.
No. 1633986
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That feel where you’re chronically ill but not disabled enough to be on social security but went to art school and are unhirable and the only decent paying job that sucks but you stayed at for a year in hopes that it would get better lays you off.
No. 1633993
ig it's tweaker sunstroke season early. some scrote was swerving worse than any drunk i ever saw on the commute home. it was scary bad and i would've reported it if i got his plate number before he parked in the apartments. he lives worrying close to me i didn't mean to follow him home. really hope i never encounter him again that was the most dangerous i have ever seen someone drive and my town is chock full of wannabe racer moids
>>1633744glad to hear it nonna, I hope your day was as awesome as you are!
No. 1634071
>>1634066as I said depending on where I go, sometimes I get different results. I feel like it's probably a 30d and I'm overestimating my band size
some years ago I swear I was a 32-34, and a bigger cup size, but my weight has redistributed itself
doesn't help that I swell up during my period either
No. 1634077
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I hate those teens and kids who caused 99% food grade sodium nitrite to be taken off of Amazon. Literally it was one of the most quick, relatively painless, somewhat clean and easy ways to go but these retards now made it inaccessible and hard to buy for the average Jane Doe. Now you need to be apart of a business or lab to get your hands on it. I hate this so much, it's so unfair.
No. 1634085
>>1634079Anon….how did you get into this situation? Was he also a parasite when you first met him or did he become like this recently.
Really sad, is there a way you can ask for help from a relative or find a cheap apartment?
No. 1634090
>>1634085>>1634085We've been together 5 years and I think there were some signs he was a leech early on but it didn't get really bad until 3 years ago when I caught our roommates stealing from us and they instantly moved out (one of them was my only real friend lol). That's when he entirely stopped paying bills. And asking him results in him scolding and yelling at me for hours so I don't bother anymore. Btw I had just turned 19 when we got together and he was 28. Such a dumb ass.
No relatives unfortunately
Also I don't want to be alone …
>>1634086It's a lot of things combined to a shitty position. I got lucky that our landlord likes us, especially my boyfriend, so he hasn't raised our rent at all in the 4 years we've lived here. Rent everywhere else has gone up a lot. I don't have thousands for deposit and can't save with my current financials. I can't drive and our public transport is terrible so going to viewings and everything would be exceedingly difficult if not impossible sometimes. And of course nobody likes taking on tenants without solid proof of income. I've considered forging documents in a worst case scenario but I feel like thats uber illegal so idk. Hopefully soon somebody will hire me…
No. 1634100
I used to have this close relationship with my dad. He was everything to me. But then when he got older he started to change into this bitter and cruel person I don’t even recognise anymore.
I got my drivers license three weeks ago and for it me it was a pretty big deal because I was so afraid of driving. Instead of encouraging me, he always told me how useless I was, that I would probably be a danger to everyone around me and that I’d end up dead on the road, or killing someone.
Every time I tried to talk with him about me getting better, he used to cut me out and reminded me the time I tried to learn driving with him and almost had an accident (that was when I started my practices, I only have driven for 1 hour and a half and basically I got so nervous I couldn’t control the car at first but then I did it. It was just three seconds. Not more than that.) Still, he got mad at me and as I wrote, every time I tried to tell him how I was getting better and better, he cut me off.
The worst part came when I had to take the last exam. It was the third time I was repeating it and I was so nervous because I spent so much money and time in it. Just one hour before the exam , he kept talking to me to make me “relax” and said something like “just be relaxed and careful…well, I don’t know how you’re still driving now, I just remember how you almost had an accident back then and…” and I cut him off, in the best way possible, reminding him that it happened eight (!!!) months ago and that I took many, many classes now, that I was worried in that moment and I would appreciate him not reminding me, please.
And then he flipped out and got so mad because I was “ungrateful, a complete disgrace and a menace”. He refused to wish me luck and didn’t respond any of my messages for that last hour.
I passed the exam and I came home, so so happy because for the first time I truly felt proud of myself for overcoming my fear and I told him all about it. He just kept staring at me, with this blank face, giving me the silent treatment as he always does. When I finished, he only told me “amazing” in the most sarcastic way. I tried not to push it so I waited for a few hours because usually he gets better when he calms down. Then I asked him again if he was happy about me and he clearly told me that he wasn’t but wouldn’t elaborate why.
And to this day I know he thinks of me as this disappointing individual who got her license but didn’t deserve it. It shouldn’t hurt me like that because I know he’s not right, I know I wouldn’t have passed if I didn’t drive as I should and I know I deserve it but for once in my life I just wanted to prove him I was capable of doing it, I wanted him to feel proud of me. I wanted him to congratulate me as everyone did, I wanted him just to hug me and told me that I did well. He couldn’t even do that.
Everyone around me keeps asking me if he’s happy for me and it breaks my heart every time because they think he’s as he was before, this sweet, amazing dad that everyone was jealous of. I don’t know how to tell them that he was the only one who wasn’t happy for me. The only one who keeps looking down on me and making me feel like a failure. And I know I’m not but it hurts still. It was the only thing that I wanted for more than five years now…
I’m sorry…
No. 1634109
>>1634101Sorry for deleting the post, it had some grammatical mistakes. Thank you so much for your words…I try to be rational and think that his point of view doesn’t define me but sometimes I get pretty sad, I just wish things were different. He used to be fun and sweet, nowadays he has this negative vision about pretty much…everything. It’s pretty tiring at this point.
But I also know how much effort I put in it so I know it’s not something that he can “steal” from me…
No. 1634114
>>1634104Okay that's reassuring cause who the hell is making 3x rent every month in this economy
>>1634107I'm kind of scared to try and kick him out because he has guns and he would have to move back in with his parents which is his perfect nightmare scenario. Basically getting kicked out would be really bad for him and I'm not sure how much violence he would be willing to use against me to ensure it doesn't happen
No. 1634149
>>1634079Why don't you just cheat on this traitorous leech?
Find a new man to monkeybranch to, there are tons out there anon who would pay your way and would be thrilled that you pull a few gs a month in hustles. Be discreet and hit up some guys on dating apps, hide the notifications. Have a nice dinner paid by a man who's willing to impress you a bit. Tell the loser you are busy, lie and say you got a job if you need to.
That way you can let the lease expire, and then come moving day you pack off to your new man and let the 30 year old failure rot. Block him on everything and do not tell him where you are going. Or lie about that too.
This is not a man who cares about you nor respects you. He will parasite from you with impunity until you are a shell, and you can bet your ass he would monkeybranch to another woman if you stopped giving his supply. He hates you. He knows what he is doing and just hopes you have the lowest self-esteem to keep taking it and putting up with this situation.
Beat him to the punch.
Blindside him.
No. 1634165
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>>1633243sorry i'm responding back so late, but i've never tried audio but i'll check it out since there doesn't seem to be a ton of konig content. i've just been listening to those complications of his clips from the game.
No. 1634172
>>1634149fucking based, this line especially
>He hates you.Ladies learn that a man can fuck you and rummage through your fridge, doesnt mean he is your lover or ally. having a man in your life is utterly pointless unless he's performing labor and service. Its like going through the pain of exercise only to get fatter… If you must suffer a moid may he be useful to you.
No. 1634185
>>1634149What's with all this horrible advice, from the kicking out to this one telling her to go on Dating apps.
I'm convinced some anons never leave their house or have zero experience hence the crappy and potentially dangerous advice.
Men on dating apps are literal bottom of the barrel trash, the men on the dating apps are the same type of person she is already dating. So she would hop from one trash man to another trash man and the cycle would continue.
She needs to do this on her own or with the help of someone who is NOT a romantic interest.
No. 1634201
>>1634185Holy shit, shut the fuck up.
You're gonna accuse other people of never leaving the fucking house but pretending dating apps aren't full of simps who would take in a woman and her cat with a tragic backstory who at least earns an income is all somehow in the realm of impossibility for you?
I'm sure she could get the bare minimum of at least not shacking up with a financial and emotional abuser.
>she needs to do this on her OWNWhy? Have you?
What is she proving exactly to some grand principle no one really cares about? I fled a co owned property situation because my ex did everything in his power to fuck me.
I know exactly what anon is going through. Men are full of shit and it's fair that when they fuck with you, you play game too. Or they'll eat you alive.
No. 1634214
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i broke my nail today and i just managed to injure it AGAIN somehow on the exact same spot holy fuck it hurts
No. 1634227
>>1634210Leaving advice can also get her killed or did you not see her concern that he has guns upthread?
I am telling you it does not matter except one situation is bound to leave her more comfortable and safe.
He already has devalued OP.
If he found better himself he would discard in a heartbeat. She isn't being the piece of shit, he is.
No. 1634242
>>1634227I think we misunderstood each other.
I'm pro her leaving him. What I thought was bad was the advice of her leaving with some guy from a dating app or from somewhere she short-term knows.
Like that's a recipe for disaster, if she leaves with someone it needs to be someone she has known for quite some time and has vetted.
No. 1634281
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>live alone
>inna house that would be very easy to break into
>late at night
>pitch black
>scrolling my phone
>my large dog suddenly perks up and starts growling at something he hears towards the abyss
>it's never for any reason…until one day it might be
No. 1634295
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>>1634281ffs sake get a ring camera anon or something with night vision so you can see wtf is lurking outside your house.
No. 1634324
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I regret playing video games til 4 in the morning. I regret sleeping past my alarm. I regret sleeping with earplugs since I have plugged ears now and can't hear shit. I regret spending over 40 minutes getting dressed, I couldn't motivate myself to get dressed so I legit just spend 40 minutes pacing around in circles trying to pull myself together.
I wanted to wake up early since it's my last day here and I wanted to spend most of the day chilling before stressing with packing. I also feel kinda rude for sleeping for so long when I'm staying at a relative's house. I can play video games any time of the year so I don't know why I decided to spend the last 3 nights gaming when I should had been sleeping. Basically I regret lot of my decisions today
No. 1634336
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Why ask me for my opinion and then act prissy when I tell you my honest thoughts?
No. 1634340
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>>1634334I'm so sorry nona xx
No. 1634364
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I wanna fuck this girl so bad. Can’t tell if she feels the same.
No. 1634373
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My gf is moving to another country for work and I'm so sad… We'll visit each other on the weekends but it breaks my heart that we won't live together anymore and she's taking the cats with her… We've been living together for a year and a half and I'm going to miss the little life we've built so much TT
I had to find a new apartment and it's kind of trash, old and a lil ugly but it's cheap which is a priority rn… I wish we could've just stayed living in our old apartment that felt like home TT
No. 1634386
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I got a pokemon booster set for 18 bucks and there are doubles! REEEE there shouldn't be doubles in sets like these!
No. 1634434
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>>1634420It okay
nonny. I would've said the same thing.
No. 1634453
>>1634420>guess they'll have to die thenkekkkk anon what did she say after you said that?
Btw I think it's perfectly possible to have different views and still be friends. I'm fairly open about not thinking trannies are their deluded gender (though I wouldn't phrase it like that irl) or thinking NB is a thing and I have one or two friends who firmly disagree and that's fine. They aren't passionate or vocal about the subjects though.
No. 1634501
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i feel so sad and alone right now that i actually want to kill myself. not the recurrent "bwah bwah i hate my life i should kms" but rather i'll go get the rope and do it, no big thoughts. i'm fucking depressed i think its over
No. 1634513
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>>1634417>Men and even SOME women believe that girls don’t have a technical/mathematical brain.This shit boils my blood and is what leads to nonsense like pic related.
No. 1634639
>>1634626You might like a flex disc instead it collects a lot of blood and there isn't a risk of prolapse like with cups. I have a heavy period and it's helped a lot not having to constantly change a pad or tampon I like the autodump feature you don't have to remove it each time. But some people don't like them you have a
valid concern about pain
The using tp thing is so relatable but ughh you know that shit gets raw I hope you can get more pads soon
No. 1634644
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>watching news with family
>famine in ethiopia
>10 year old girl dying in hospital bed from malnutrition
>dead thin as ashley isaacs
>her parents aren't even thin, they both have a healthy weight
>i'm a heartless bitch for noticing it
those assholes didn't care enough about their daughter to share their food with her, and that's a fact. shit parents exist, and that's a fact. noticing shit doesn't make me a heartless bitch (even though i AM a heartless bitch).
i'm aware that children are more sensitive to starvation than adults, but come the fuck on, her parents should at least be thin, and not look like they have 5 meals a day. And of course the moid was fatter than the wife, but i was nice enough to not point out that they probably didn't care enough to feed her because she was a girl.
No. 1634726
I love the timeline I'm on rn. Long I've suffered from depression, working shitty part time jobs and enduring entitled and rude costumers and managers. I've finally graduated and i'll make at least 2x the salary as my coworkers who work full-time, but I still have to work this summer at my shitty part-time job as I'm transferring between this and my new job. We got a new, entitled, manager who knows nothing about me. She asked me what I do outside of work, if I'm a student. I just saw the smug look on her face like yeah you're probably a single mom desperate for a min wage job, esp as I'm not hired full time, they loooove abusing us. I never tell my business to disgusting people I won't see ever again so I lied and said I'm a student full time. Few days later, she called me on my day off asking what I'm doing after summer, I'm like I'll still be working part time for you. Lmao, I have no intentions of staying. I've dealt with so many of these bitches to know they want slave workers that they can mentally abuse, call on days off and pay less than min wage. She sent everyone a "rehire" email where everyone working part time has to verify their references lmfao. This is not normal procedure as I've worked at the same place for 2 yrs. It's just an ego trip she's on. I'm not doing shit at work until August is up, and then I'm gone. In the meantime, I'll be stealing supplies and toiletries, kicking my feet up and not doing anything. I swear there's something mentally wrong with these motherfuckers, always on a fucking ego trip. My heart goes out to students working part time and during summer, no matter what you do, never give up on your studies. I've never been happier than now leaving this shithole.
No. 1634831
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Sorry but I need to nurse on his tiddies like a newborn and be fed his cum through an ng tube
No. 1634839
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I'm the same as you, though combine that sadness with fear also.>According to astronomer Greg Aldering, the scale of the void is such that "If the Milky Way had been in the centre of the Boötes Void, we wouldn't have known there were other galaxies until the 1960s." No. 1634842
>>1634839Meant to reply to
>>1634789 I wanna kms
No. 1634881
>>1634839I'm not even scared of space, I love space and sci-fi media. But then I realize the reality of the fact that we'll never have anything like that in my lifetime, and it's mostly because of bureaucracy.
>>1634815Of course I knew about the Challenger as well, and it makes it so much worse that both of those incidents were probably completely preventable, but it takes the loss of life for changes to be made.
No. 1635031
i was at a party with some friends tonight, and they invited this weird TIM and his girlfriend (who i'm pretty close with, but it's complicated) and it was fine for a while. but then this moid and another girl start play-arguing and eventually play-screaming at each other. it's about silly shit, like threatening to drink the other's adrenochrome and such, until the moid says "i'll rip out your ovaries and take your progesterone and estrogen" which was an immediate red flag to me, so i look up. he continues and says "you know how to remove a TERF's ovaries? i do." and i'm autistic as fuck so i genuinely couldn't stop myself from saying "what?" out loud to that. it was just…shocking. i knew he was a weird guy but this is extremely uncomfortable to me. and i think he and this other TIF girl could somewhat tell, because she said in agreement "oh, it's a TERF, so it's fine." holy fuck. i thought insane shit like this was only said by these people online, but no. they're willing to put it out there in real life. i felt so uncomfortable that i kinda just left the room and talked to other people for the rest of the night, and even left sort of early. i'm still a little shaken at the brazen violence. talking about adrenochrome is one thing, obviously an unrealistic joke. but women DO actually have their reproductive organs operated on without consent. it's happening at the us border right now…so it's not a fantastical exaggeration. it's fucking scary knowing my opinions would open me to unhinged violence like this. i know moids are always violent, but still.
No. 1635048
>>1635031holy shiittt i had no idea they are this violent irl too but it checks out. They are constantly talking about muh trans genocide (which is literally about them killing
themselves due to insufficient pandering, nobody is killing them) and general violence towards women. It's so obviously like high strength misogyny, a cis male wouldn't get away with saying something like that.
There are probably trannies who do stuff like that, there's a correlation between serial killers and cross dressing which is well established, crazy that we have to pander to moids who are objectively more dangerous and crazy than your average cis male
No. 1635141
Not replying in that thread because it's not my place but I read it while scrolling past and it's so sad
>>>/g/340468 Broke my heart
No. 1635150
>>1635141Apparently that's a common observation. Dads get to be the "fun" parents because they aren't the "default" parents.
Moms typically do the unfun things that kids hate like discipline and making them eat vegetables, meanwhile dads swoop in from work at the last hour to impress their kids with games and ice cream after having been gone all day.
Mom is mentally drained and short, meanwhile dad is cool and flexible.
The kids notice but don't understand the dynamics at play, they just assume their mom is boring.
Ime my mom definitely did not demand more out of my dad(s), either because they wouldn't help her out or because she feared what their response would be. Because she could never ask the men for help, she instead expected me to be less needy (I was an "easy" child), and as I got older she also expected me to pick up responsibilities. Not to mention the parentification and being made so aware of her emotions and moods. I liked my dad better even though he objectively did less for me because at least I had fun. Cause that's how the dynamic was staged for me.
No. 1635187
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>>1635182relatable, hope the rest of your shift is uneventful nonna.
No. 1635209
>>1635197Scrotes online
>men aren’t allowed to show emotions and women are somehow at fault!!Also scrotes
>pull shit like this on each otherjust die already
>>1635187>>1635199thanks nonnas, I was so baffled her eyes got wide like she was looking at a giant golden egg and she just kept asking “what is that??!?!?” Other dumb shit: a man asking if he could make alfredo sauce out of coffee creamer, and a woman asking why the coffee she got out of the iced coffee machine was cold…I mean I guess if you’re on auto pilot you might not notice the sign but seriously, just look up wtf
No. 1635273
>>1635090We were really good friends, he was the only male friend I actually trusted lol, and I know he's never gotten a girlfriend in his life.
>>1635095>>1635099>>1635101Actually I kinda liked him and probably would have fucked him since I was kinda high, it didn't happen because when he first initiated things we were sleeping at my grandma's house after the party so I was tired and didn't want to take things further when my grandma was sleeping next door. And then when attempted again when we were at his place, he couldn't get hard because of his SSRI kek
>>1635091It's funny how after I made that post, I talked to a friend of his who told he he probably has BPD. That seems like the best explanation to me tbh
No. 1635280
I'm trying so hard to peak my friend whom I've been friends with my entire life, like no joke, from infancy- which is why I'm very, very adamant about not fucking up, as this is the most valuable friendship I've ever had. She's actually been agreeing with me when I talk about how men are completely different from women, how women and men can never truly 'get along' , how gay men exploit women with surrogacy and how surrogacy is inherently objectifying women, etc etc. She's even admitted that though she is not a lesbian, she might consider just spending the rest of her life alone than with a man. I don't think it'd be hard to peak her on radfeminism. She agrees on how horribly backwards and misogynistic our home culture is. Now however, I'm kinda afraid to bring up stuff about trannies, as one of her best friends is a FTM and I'm worried that she'd take it personally. I don't have an issue with FTM all that much, unless they bitch about pronouns and look entirely female or whatever, which is not her best friend. I just want to introduce her how dangerous this trans stuff is getting and how dangerous TIMs are, but I have no idea how to bring up TIMs without her thinking I'm attacking TIFs too. Idk.
No. 1635429
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I just want a husband whom gives me his love and loyalty for our entire lifes, someone who is in the same path of spiritual growth
No. 1635470
I hate myself for being such a moralfag, I wish I could enjoy meat and turn my empathy off but I just can't, I had many periods of going back and forth between eating and not eating meat, except the periods of not eating it were longer than those when I ate it. But it made me feel so guilty I just had to stop eating it once and for all, there's no moral justification for eating it in my eyes, I don't even care if factory farming is bad for the environment, I don't even think about that shit, I just don't want animals to be tortured and killed just so I can eat them when I don't need it in order to live and be healthy. Every time when I was in the countryside and I could touch a cow or a sheep or even a chicken I thought to myself, what a lovely living being, how can they kill them. Every day I go to work I go by a pond with ducks and they're so lovely and beautiful, I feel sad thinking other ducks are getting killed. I love pigeons too. I pick up snails from the road and put them somewhere safe because I don't want them to be crushed by people. I always look at my feet because I don't want to crush any bug or an ant. I feel sorry even for ants even though they don't have cognitive skills like mammals or even fish. I know it sounds childish but I can't be the other way and actually the lack of empathy in other people is just another thing that makes it hard for me connect with them. Sometimes the feelings of being sorry for other creatures and people is just too overwhelming, I find it weird because I'm an autist and I can't even properly describe or identify most of my emotions of give someone support because I never know what to say, but just the feeling of being sorry is so strong it's terrible
No. 1635491
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The older she gets, she gets more and more bitter about not having a relationship. It was fun and quirky when we were young but she’s still stuck at the same point after 10 years. Worst part is that she thinks she’s being sarcastic and funny about it but everyone knows (and talks too) about how obvious her jealousy is, because it’s something that she can’t hide anymore. Even people who weren’t close to me came to me to tell me about it when she talked shit about me kek and this was a long time ago. They told me how they didn’t tell her anything but the moment she left, they talked about how it was clear as water that she was doing this to me because she was always jealous of me somehow.
It’s pretty pathetic that she thinks I get mad or hurt when actually I couldn’t care less, she won’t get a reaction from me ever (because as always, I’m the bigger person here) and I think that’s what triggers her.
No. 1635533
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We've had some relatives visiting the country, staying at my parents' house, and we went out drinking. When they arrived home they for some reason told my parents I got out of the bus at an unknown place, so my parents showed up at my place at 3AM trying to kick my door in while ringing the door bell and calling and were mad that I didn't answer for like 10 minutes before I woke up an answered. I am 30 years old. I've spent the last night of their visit at my parents' house to see my relatives off in the morning, and my mother burst into the room I was sleeping in, turned the light off and started fidgeting with my phone and I didn't wake up for any of this, while she was trying to hand me something so she had to put it on the bedside table. So now she's telling me it's weird that I sleep so deep, it's alarming and she's obviously pissed off. Fucking sorry that I get REM sleep?
No. 1635617
>>1635032Yeah, I basically had to ask him to stop sending me thirst traps because we're not involved in that way anymore. I never encouraged this behaviour, yet it's like he thought that because I was kind to him after everything that's happened = me being okay with that stuff. I'm not. He's not ready to divorce his wife because the process is daunting/life-changing, but I'm not going to be made a party to his destructive behaviour in the interim.
I'm in this weird spot where I feel so much second-hand embarrassment for him (God, he deleted the pics so fast and apologised), but I'm also sad/irked because I do care about him in spite of his shit behaviour because while nothing can justify the cheating, I know why he's the way he is. But the thing is, it's wrong of him to do this to his wife, even if she has no idea.
No. 1635620
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I can’t stand people who constantly say negative shit about themselves and then wonder why their lives are so miserable. I just think it’s stupid that people believe someone should save them from their misery as if the world doesn’t go on without them. the fact that I used to be like this is so pathetic and embarrassing there is nothing to gain from self pity stop doing it
No. 1635631
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I've felt better about things regarding my ex and then I had a really vivid dream about her last night. Now I feel like I have a hole in my chest again and she's all I can think about today. It's like my brain is actively sabotaging me
She's an asshole and I hate her but god I miss her so fucking much. I wish I could go back in time to before I knew what she was
No. 1635734
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I can completely understand why Lolitas leave the community. Not because of life events or because of the actual garments but because of the people in it. I know /cgl/ and the thread on here isn’t representative of the entire community but jfc there’s so much autism concentrated in this fashion it’s embarrassing. I understand why there are so many lonelitas because I would absolutely not join a comm full of trannies, sissies, and batshit itas. A lot of women involved in this fashion also have hoarding tendencies or are irresponsible with buying items or are shit sellers. I know this fashion inevitability attracts these types but it is so exhausting sometimes and it’s not something you can vent about publicly.
No. 1635806
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>>1635803Good luck nonita
No. 1635824
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>>1635803I'm wishing you the best!
No. 1635831
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Do nonnies have good ways to respond to this question (or similar variants) that won't immediately get me called a "TERF":
>Why don't you want to be called "cis" as an afab woman?
I'm in a lot of wokie circles and there's been a recent push to explicitly say you're cis for some reason.
No. 1635836
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>>1635831cuz labels are for soup cans rawr
No. 1635845
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It’s been way too full of 4chan scrotes here lately nonnies. the vibe is just all wrong. Really wish unhinged girlies in the Shayna thread would stop posting their tits and pussies and wish even more that the shaytards wouldn’t plaster that shit on scrote imageboards. Multiple threads are infested by seething scrotes who are being inflammatory and detailing in really unfun ways. I feel like I can tell when a scrote is derailing and causing infights vs when a woman does it. xx- based derails and infights are never as weirdly heated and vicious as the ones scrotes post.
No. 1635848
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Pic related was me at 14-18. Now I'm 25, and it's the same except the guy is 50. I'll never learn.
No. 1635946
Been a lurker since 2017, and im so heartbroken, nonnas. I got broken up on last monday and i really have no idea if i will ever be able to recover from this.
My life has been utter shit lately, and him was all i had that would brighten my day, but he ended up meeting another girl while i was struggling with life issues, mental illness, neglecting him for some days, and realized our relationship would, hardly, become anything else than this ldr thing…
Everything was just fine barely one week before that, and everything got shattered right in front of my eyes. I fell deeply in love with him all those months we were together, and everything is just gone now because of the limitations of our long distance relationship, like living together, marrying and things like that.
We broke up on good terms, but it all just hurts so damn much. I woke up crying this morning and can't feel any hunger at all, i'm just numb with all this which just added up with all the other shit i'm already dealing with. I don't know when, or if, i will be able to ever move on from the person that loved me so much like that. Relationships are stupid. I hate all this.
No. 1636150
Women who marry men who are Iranian citizens become Iranian citizens, which means they do not have the ability to leave the country if their husband forbids it (their husband can also legally beat them). Though I am not Iranian, I was raised Muslim and can recognize religious abuse/men who leave the West to abuse their partners and children in their home countries (I was in a situation with a friend where I had to involve the US police/military to get her and her children back to America).
>and now she's not allowed to wear makeup, wear dresses or skirts, meet other boys or even use her phone. all the contact my mother has now is through this boyfriend's phone number.This is him isolating your sister so he can easily abuse her.
Your sister is walking right into a deadly situation, if she goes through with marrying that guy in Iran you might never see her again. Please watch the movie "Not Without My Daughter", I read that you aren't in direct contact with her but this wont end well.
No. 1636156
>>1636125The only "trans rights" that even arguably have to do with bodily autonomy are their ability to get surgeries and hormones. I would be considered fully in the "evil
terf" camp by the average troon, but I still have no particular desire to prevent anyone (who's an adult) from being able to get those surgeries or hormones. I would just like them to be treated the same as other cosmetic surgeries, in the sense that I don't think a 15 year old should ever have a boob job, be it for "gender affirmation" or anything else. The vast majority of trans issues have nothing to do with "bodily autonomy" but the legal classifications of gender and sex. I want bathrooms, changing rooms, sports, prisons, hospital wards, and anything else that was ever segregated by sex in the first place to STAY segregated by sex, while the pro trans opinion is that these are based on "gender"
No. 1636167
seeing a moid who is starting to piss me off bigtime whenever i consider things. i was attracted to him because hes older with a decent career, his own place, insert good traits here. and hes fine mostly, but the thing is the sex. its really good sure, and im not opposed to a little choking/spanking/whatever, but this guy spanks me like he wants to hurt me. like harder than any other moid, ive told him i dont like pain and i think at this stage he cant be retarded enough to not kNOW what to fucking do. every other moid has a hesitant hand, they usually realize you start soft and wait for your partner to indicate if they want it harder. but this guy. i think i have to kill him. i nearly passed out from him choking me once. i never fucking asked for any of the dumb shit, and hes the same as every other man in the way they start complaining and whining about you (they know from the start who you are and choose to date you then suddenly its not good enough) whining that im not contributing enough, whining, whining.
but as a possessive person who likes to keep options, i think ill just cheat on him with a dude who has a much larger penis and laugh about it until i get bored and move on. its the next best thing to fucking slapping him hard in the face and asking if he likes it
No. 1636170
>>1636167nono sorry to say but fucking leave nona, you've said you don't like it that hard and that should be it. Anyone who's not actively dangerous treads very carefully in that area because they're not sociopaths.
The choking is a big indicator that you're in active danger, google strangling statistics. I get it, you've got an ego but for the sake of self preservation go as soon as you can and don't fuck him again.
No. 1636179
>>1635504Damn, it's a scary world out there. Sorry this is happening to your sister, but do your best to get her away from him. I don't mean in a "police won't do anything" situation. Search up what to do if you think a family member is being groomed, it's possible the moid might already be doing something wrong by blocking her lines of communication.
I do hope that you reach out to the police or a charity for advice. If you have a paper trail of concerns then say "yeah my sister's in Iran and we can't contact her I think she could be in trouble" then they'll have more to go off of. It's incredibly dangerous for your sister. Update us if you can.
No. 1636181
>>1636176Ugh, one time I walked in on my mom and her husband having sex in MY ROOM ON MY BED and I was so little I didn’t know what the fuck was going on, so I just sat in a chair and they told me to get out. Then my mom calls me in
>why did you come in here??????>it’s my room….>hmph okaylike she was legit trying to blame me?? I hate that woman so fucking much there’s so much more
No. 1636203
>>1636197holy fuck anon i'm so sorry
>which I remember feeling extremely wrong and like a sexual assaultno shit
No. 1636289
I sort of "my nigel'd" in a situation tonight with a group of women I'm familiar with and I feel bad about it but the situation is a bit complex. I'm an ex sex worker but have since gotten out of industry, having lunch with women who are current sex workers. The whole event was horrible and awkward for a multitude of reasons but it got to a point where we spoke about having partners take advantage of you and my boyfriend is the type that gets trodden on so I brought up how I watched him get walked over by previous partners and the two I was speaking to were all "yeah I'm sure he says that to all the girls" when, being his friend before his partner for 5 years I can attest the opposite, but it immediately felt I was on the defence. I said he's been a doormat to previous partners and done a lot for them and that made me sad, to which one responded "and that's what you're doing right?" As a sense of triumph almost, like I should be treating him like that. Idk, I date both men and women, but I can't help but feel these sex workers are jaded in that they don't understand I can find a healthy, secure relationship with a man. There's no 'but…' for me here, I genuinely love my partner and think our relationship is wonderful, it just hurt that people I consider friends would disregard my relationship like that. My dynamics in this friends group are a lot more complex than this, but this moment really solidified that I should move away from it.
No. 1636309
>>1636150thank you for more information. i can tell he's trying really hard to isolate her from everyone. it's really creepy how not even my mother is allowed to be on the phone with my sister privately anymore. i just feel at a loss of what to do. my sister and her boyfriend visited my mother a few times recently and my mother got a few private moments with her but my sister acts like she also wants this (or at least doesn't say anything against it) and doesn't ask for help. i'm not sure how to proceed in a situation where the
victim herself doesn't 'want' help as i don't know how you could even alert the authorities then. i know this can end really badly and i'm really scared for her. i will give my mother more information about this so that maybe she will be more brave to speak up about it. if there are any organizations i could contact that would help a lot but i'm not sure what keywords i should be even searching for as it's not a clear cut case of domestic violence.
>>1636179thank you for your advice as well. i will definitely try what you've mentioned. if anyone has any keywords/organizations etc. i could reach out to i would really appreciate that as well.
No. 1636328
>>1635803I'm this anon and I need advice, as you can see I have the following issues
>Agrophobic for years (9 years coming up)>Never worked>No friends since…damn…I was 13-14?>very fat>Ugly>Very shy>Very bad self imageI want… people. All I have is my family, I want my own "Community" or just people? Should I go to a chruch? I keep thinking, "Maybe I need to go to a chruch" but i'm nervous. I heard so many bad things about chruch but i'm basically starting my life in my later 20's. I woke up today feeling so depressed after feeling good. I want to try. Is a chruch a good step? Also, I don't have money, I'm dependant on a parent. I kinda want to go alone, I just keep having thoughts.
Like it'd be corny to go to a chruch, what if everyone is very judgemental etc. etc.
Im fighting with myself but I need to start somewhere. I don't want people to sperg at me about religion, I don't think I'll become a religious bible thumper, I believe in a god. I just think maybe it's a good step? Like just going to a chruch, seeing if I feel something? Maybe I can meet someone? Something like that? Any other things people can recommend to me?
No. 1636340
>>1636328Church is fun if you like music and listening to some rando talk for 0.5-3 hours. Depending on the congregation you can also meet sassy old church ladies and they're cool. Most churches have one or two Judgey Justinas but unless you're in a tiny town where everyone knows each other, people don't care about their opinions.
Churches also sometimes host hobby and other community groups after hours. My local SCA (anachronistic medieval larp, if that's your thing I also recommend checking them out) hosted evening textile classes at a church. Hope you find a cool place to enjoy yourself and meet fun people nonna!
No. 1636344
>>1636328Not agoraphobic but due to drug addiction and mental health I did isolate myself for many years, also as a sperg I never had many friends before. If you don't work I recommend volunteering somewhere like a charity shop. This works twofold, as you'll have coworkers and customers to talk to, but you're also have a potential future reference for getting a job. Go to your local library, get a card, and start hanging out there a lil bit. Libraries sometimes put on free or very cheap events (frequency depends on if you live in a town or city) and you'll meet other regulars there. You probably won't make friends, but you will get to practice your social skills. I do attend church, but that's because I want to sperg about religion, so maybe skip that one. If you want to do something about your weight, try starting off gently with daily walks and maybe seeing if you have any parks with free work-out equipment near you. That being said, I'd be cautious using them. I'm butch and very unladylike and have had some horrendous comments hurled at me when working out in these places. Maybe scope the place out first. Lastly, if you have FB, join a local group to keep an eye out for free or cheap events you can attend to practice socialising or maybe even meet potential friends. Best of luck, nona. ♥
No. 1636347
>>1636340this makes me very hopeful, Maybe I will give it a try
>>1636344volunteering wow, I never thought of that, that sounds right up my alley. I want to work but I want to ease myself into things. This is a good idea thanks nona. I have a library right around the corner, I had a bad experience there though.
Two drunk men called me ugly and yelled at me twice from across the street.But I'm just trying to get out the fucking house and do something. I have to try. I'm somebody
No. 1636358
>>1636326Case in point kek
>>1636289They will always think you're trying to rub it in their face, pretend it's better than it is, or impress someone. If you lucked out in a way that is impossible to share just keep it to yourself and be happy, you don't need to prove anything to anyone.
No. 1636370
nonnie! We're rooting for you!
No. 1636385
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>>1629806AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA I hate fucking scrotes, apparently they can only hurt. They can't even be friendly and treat us with respect, are they fucking retarded? I've just cut out one moid out of my life because he is so fucking mean to me without any reason
No. 1636445
I think that my friend is spineless. She's a close friend and I've known her since middle school, but I feel like she's too much of a coward. In school, she couldn't bring herself to ask the teacher anything, even if it was a reasonable question to ask, but no, she'd just ask me or our other friend instead, fuck me if we know, we know as much as you do. She doesn't like talking about certain things over text, because her little sister and mother tend to borrow her phone and she can't grow the spine to tell them no or to not snoop around in her private convos, and even after becoming an adult she's been this way. Even our plans that we'd been planning for months, she's cancelling because her relatives are visiting, and in the dumbest way possible(one cousin comes over tomorrow, and when he leaves, another cousin comes over, and then another cousin comes over). And she can't bring herself to reason with her parents to spare even just a few hours out of the weeks she's going to spend with her relatives.
No. 1636483
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SSI (Disability benefits in US) is such a scam it's awful. I can't work enough to support myself part time + SSI because they take away 1/2 your gross income out of your SSI so I can only make 1.8K total before losing my SSI completely. And I'm not ready to work 40 hr weeks yet(getting there). and I live in a shithole coastal city (you probably know the one) where a studio apartment is usually 1.7K USD and I can't handle living with strangers and I have no friends to live with and I'm deeply considering sugaring for under the table money even though I'm morally against sex work and how dehumanizing it is, I just can't live with my parents anymore, they aren't the worst but they get angry at me for displaying mental illness symptoms and for being "delusional" and say I have no real problems but make me take big pharma bullshit meds anyways which I do and I would even on my own but I hate it every day. They're hoarders and theres decades of grime on the walls, counters, everywhere, dog shit and piss and I try to keep the cat box clean for my babies but thats all I can do and I want to take them to the vet but I have no money and my mom refuses to let them be taken and I'm scared to stand up to her which makes me a terrible cat parent I hate it I'm so upset.
No. 1636494
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My ex looked at the group chat again REEEEE just leave why do you keep doing this to me! You haven’t talked to any of us since we broke up! You don’t use messenger and haven’t added any new girls on Facebook so just leave and stop checking it every few months REEEEEEEEEEEEE
No. 1636526
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I hate having packages dropped off at the front desk of my apartment complex because the girls working there will never tell you they received it and act like you wanting them to look for it is a HUGE inconvenience. I know I’m not the only one with this problem as a group of neighbors were joking about how interacting with them reminds them of dealing with mean girls in high school. They never pick up the phone or respond to emails but will loudly complain about “residents always walking in here” as if we have any other choice. I don’t understand how you can be a grown ass adult and get upset at people just wanting you to do your job.
No. 1636551
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Why is my body so weak. I’ve been inconsistently running recently, only doing 8 sets of 1 minute running followed by 1.5 minutes of walking. I can do that fairly adequately now so I tried to do better this time. 6 sets of 1.5 minutes of running, followed by 2 minutes of walking. I started off with my left calf/ankle area feeling slightly sore, but I kept running until the 4th set, where it hurt more and decided to stop. Feeling a little disappointed. It’s not a sharp pain so I don’t think it’s an injury but I feel like my calves and ankles are weak. I’m trying to do strength exercises for them twice a week but still
No. 1636570
>>1636551Rest as needed, just make sure you get back to it asap. Don’t let yourself get complacent and keep making excuses to skip. You can do it.
I went from being a couch potato who could barely walk for 3mins to running 2mi a day easily. Just be persistent, that’s what paid off for me in the end.
No. 1636617
>>1636606For some of his posts where he was trying to connect with minors. He usually uses the black and white anime pictures as his identifier. this requires a lot more digging through but for a general read up about him wife (mowse):>>1636613Sadly he's been reported numerous times over quite a few years and nothing has happened yet. I personally don't have a name to go off of, but his public information includes that he lives in Texas, he's late 30s, has a late 20s/early 30s wife, and 2 children iirc. He's probably slipped up somewhere with a real name at some point.
No. 1636627
>>1636532Shut up retard
>>1636530As you should. Accountability is their favorite word until you use it against them. Then it's "female sociopaths mask better" and "it's hard to know if a woman is a good person because they can lie to you for a decade straight", mommy issues this, abandonment issues that. Nope. Go choose better scrote.
No. 1636629
>>1636597Some notable mentions about him for anyone interested in doing a deep dive:
>Married to a younger woman, has multiple children. I believe one died due to a neglect incident but I could be wrong about the circumstance.>Their relationship is poly, where he invites other girls into their relationship. He has his main wife but then desires bringing a young female "sex slave" into the relationship. He has flown out multiple young girls to attempt this with.>4chan groomer, frequently contacts young girls from /soc/ and /r9k/. Will not contact anyone above the age of 18/19 as his hard limit.>Uses Discord to get in contact with girls as young as 12. He receives nude images and videos of them, has them perform sexual activities on webcam, encourages them to self harm and humiliate themselves for him and his friends. He will join other servers to seek out young girls and then move them into his private server full of exclusively minor females and his older 20-30 year old male friends.>His wife, going by the alias "Mowse", assists him in this and encourages him to bring minors into their home. She is with the children mostly so it's unclear how much their children are being involved in this. >His most public tale of grooming with evidence online that he shared the most about was with a 4chan frequenter by the name of "CB/Birdy/" at the time. He flew her out to be in a relationship and live with them, sexually and physically abused her, and then kicked her out of the house after she had an altercation with his wife. This is documented from the time that they met, through planning the meetup, during the meetup with photos and audio clips, and she has since frequently discussed the aftermath of her experiences with him. >He was talking to a minor unknown age recently gaslighting her about her parents not caring about her. He bought her a proposal ring and planned to visit her house, have her sneak out of her room, and drive out of state with him to live with him. This ended when this child was grounded and was no longer able to contact him, and I'm assuming got scared by his violent and angry reaction to this. No. 1636631
>>1636532no, I don't think so. to me it seems more like giving males a taste of
victim blaming.
No. 1636637
my dad has been absent my whole life. he was military and moved a lot, and he and my mom never even got married, so there was nothing keeping him around me. i knew i had a lot of half-siblings but really no details about his or their life beyond that. he missed so many child support payments that my mom automatically got all his back taxes every year, and really seemed to have no interest in me at all. so i was pleasantly surprised when we contacted him and he agreed to transfer his GI bill benefits to me to pay for college, since he wasn't going to use them himself. we filled everything out and filed it with the government and everything, and just hoped that he'd done his part…only to find out recently that he was just arrested for nearly killing his newest girlfriend. they're felony charges, and he has other domestic abuse charges against him in multiple states. he's apparently nearly killed his now ex-girlfriend five times, and is abusing meth and crack as well as painkillers for the disability which got him discharged from the military.
i might not be able to pay for school now. my mother cried as she told me this, and said she and my stepdad would do whatever they could, including getting second jobs, to get me through college for a degree. i've always been the person my family put their expectations on, and i never minded it—it motivated me to be my best, and stay alive for their sake even when it was hard. but thinking of my poor mother, also disabled and who's had a hard life, needing to overwork herself so much just for my sake makes me feel awful about expectations for once. i worry i won't be able to pursue a career that will let me give back to them the kindness they've shown me.
it hurts to know my father couldn't even do this one thing for me. it hurts to know that drugs and beating his girlfriend matter more than making up for the years of neglect. i know i shouldn't have expected better, considering he ignored me all my life, but i really wanted to hope that i could get myself and my family a good life without anyone having to sacrifice any more for me.
i feel so powerless. i know i'll keep going, and i've gotten through worse, but i fear that i might never get to a high enough place to lift everyone else up alongside me.
and all he had to do was some damn paperwork. there's a chance he did before they locked him up, but i won't hold my breath. all i can do now is wait helplessly for a letter from the government that will hold my entire future.
i have other siblings, too, that i barely even know. it's my dream to someday be able to help them in their own lives, and give them someone to lean on. show them the love none of us got from him. i want it more than anything. but if i end up in a shitty job, trapped in debt, i'll never be able to do that.
not even sure why i'm still typing. i don't think anyone here could help me or even offer much advice. but it feels nice to let it out and it's not like i can afford a therapist right now. so thanks for being here, nonas.
No. 1636640
>>1636637I wish I could give you a hug, you're so strong to be facing something like this and still be concerned about your mom and half siblings. I'm assuming you're in the US, you should look into what financial aid can do. Try to apply for scholarships related to hardships, I got one!
i still had to drop out due to mental health issues and no support tho. Reach out to school counselors at whatever college you planned on going too, schools always have grants and such for students who can't afford to continue education, especially if they have good grades. the key is to get chummy with the financial aid people and they'll look out for you. You got this!
No. 1636670
>>1636622Don't worry,
nonnie. I already have a power strip to keep all the electrical things safe. I also started buying knitted cords with are more defensive against cats. She's been like this since she was a kitten so I've had a lot of practice keeping things (and her) safe.
No. 1636697
>>1636689I remember when a seemingly sweet old lady that worked for several shelters told me directly to my face: "don't ever believe in no homeless man, they're are all drunks, wife beaters and druggies that ruined their families and got kicked out by their suffering wives and kids, don't ever give them pity, focus on the mothers trying to help their kids get out of the streets, no homeless men"
Realest shit ever
No. 1636744
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Being from Latam is such a hassle, I wish this shit could get fixed someday, it won’t though.
Everything is too complicated, it’s hard to do anything useful because then any first world country doesn’t like it.
Now you can’t have a property in the USA because muh American citizens, but then some drug lord from latam or any country buys a whole ass neighborhood and that’s A-OK! Or any corrupt president has bank accounts in Switzerland’s banks and no one bats an eye.
But then you try to pay what they want, you show that your money is clean, that you don’t have any intentions to take their jobs or use their social security shit or whatever, and it’s like you’re telling the banks that you make money in your human trafficking business selling African children to diamond mines and that 50% of those profits from the diamond mines are for you.
Sorry my country is shit and that I want to make business with your ungrateful ass, I guess.
I also hate how traveling to these countries is also a hassle, no, I don’t want your fucking jobs, I don’t want your medical services unless it’s an emergency and I’m fucking dying, like my bones and organs are out of my body kind of emergency, I want to learn more about your fucking country and buy shit in your country, which gives money to your country.
I wish these countries just said “hey, you’re not allowed to come here at all” and I will say, okay, thanks for being sincere, I will find another way to do things and spend my money.
But these measures they take are so scummy, I’m honestly very pissed about the whole thing that in January anyone who is not a USA citizen, will have to pay a bunch of money for a property they bought with their own money, and it’s like a mensual thing even, just tell me that you don’t want my shit, tell me directly to sell it because you don’t want any fucking foreigners from any country in your lands and we can sell our shit so you can keep it all to yourself, take your fucking jerrbs.
No. 1636778
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I've finally let go and left them for real this time, it feels like a huge weight off my shoulders and I can start anew.
No. 1636784
>>1635710Thank you for your kind words nona, they mean a lot to me ♥
I often ask myself if I'm willing to give up my strength gains in exchange for the thin, conventionally "beautiful" body that I want… and the answer is always no. I know that I will probably always be unhappy with how I look, but the strength I've gained is undeniable and something I know I can take pride in. I'll get old and wrinkly and grey and even uglier by society's standards… but as long as I can easily lug my 50lb sack of rice to my car and then back into my apartment by myself- that's all I need to be happy.
I know dysphoria is something a lot of people in the gym community struggle with, I guess it just comes with the territory. I really hope I can shift my mindset less towards how my body looks as a result, and more towards what I'm able to do. Also, I guess it's funnier to remain looking very unassuming and unathletic and then lifting something heavy with ease kek
I wish you the best on your own gym journey nonna! May your lifts always be blessed and easy, and the machines you want to use always be free. ♥
No. 1636792
>>1636789Hold on this is not the question I wanted to ask per se, I fucked up the phrasing.
Is it possible to lead a normal life after going through objectively "traumatic" experiences AND never facing them or going to therapy? Can I JUST ignore them l o l ?
No. 1636795
>>1636789>But like, in the old ages people used to get raped and tortured and shit and they'd still be reasonably functional, no?People abused in 1830 react the same way as people abused in 1990. Nothing has changed in that regard.
>>1636792No, it will always seep out in unintended ways. Ignoring a problem doesn’t make it go away and it will continue to fuck you and the people who love you up.
No. 1636807
>>1636640thank you so much nona. i realized while reading your response that i don't actually have any older (than just starting college age, anyway) women in my life to talk to about this, especially because i definitely don't want to worry my family. so even a stranger on the internet telling me that it'll be okay genuinely helps, i mean that. as for the financial department of the school, we actually already have talked to them a lot—i was planning on meeting them on campus my first day, too. so far, if it turns out that we can't get the finances in order, i think the plan will be to shoulder the debt for the first year and transfer afterwards as needed, since most decent schools around me aren't taking applications so late in the game anymore. i also hadn't even considered that my situation might qualify me for more need-based aid from the school, especially if i explain it to them, but i think you're right. i feel a lot better…still not great, obviously, but better. i'm at least more confident that i'll figure it out. thank you, seriously!!
No. 1636855
>>1636709I’m so sorry
nonnie. It is so fucking violating. When the homeless scrote grabbed my ass her cackled like a fucking maniac and I just froze like an idiot. Please stay safe, idk how the public transit system is where you live, but my friend who was raped by a homeless scrote in broad daylight was raped at a bus stop. Mind you, the public transit system in my area is and always has been terrible, and when this happened to my friend it was during a time when literally only a few super broke regular people and homeless moids rode the buses. Nowadays there are more regular people riding the bus since cost of living has skyrocketed so I’d say the chances of that happening even in my area would likely be lower today than when this happened to my friend like 8 years ago.
When my Nigel worked at a gas station in our hometown the homeless moids were a scourge. He looked them up (he’d get their full names and bdays by demanding to see ID when they bought booze and cigs) and found out every single one was on the sex offender registry. Every single one. And most of them were on there for sex crimes committed against minors - one of them he specifically remembered had not only sexually assaulted a child under 12 but also had sexually assaulted a disabled elderly woman. He made sure to let them know they were disgusting scum and would find any excuse to kick them out and got a few of them trespassed kek. To the point where these bastards would see it was him working and turn around and leave and come back when his shift was over.
No. 1636862
>>1636753Kek that’s almost definitely fake news. Corporations own so many homes in the US and many foreigners own huge swaths of rentals as well. Has been a thing for a long time and the issue is only getting worse.
It would actually be great if they did implement this. Maybe not for you personally anon, but for burgers, there is a SERIOUS housing shortage here and we really don’t need any more landlords. It’s hard to sympathize with you. Just sell the property to a nice American family that will actually live there. Why do you have property here? To exploit Americans in need of a home? Would be even worse if you come back saying it’s not even a regular rental you own but an Airbnb kek. Get fucked.
No. 1636881
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I want to care for a sick moid, like spoon-feed him soup and fluff his pillows and slowly nurse him back to health. Unfortunately one time last year when my my ex got the flu one time and I tried making soup for him he flew into a chimp tard rage and threw the hot soup pot in my face and threatened to kill me if I "emasculated" him again. So, lesson learned, men do not appreciate love and care (even if they say that their 'love language' is "acts of service" (kek), but I still wish they did
No. 1636887
>>1636428Thank you so so much,
nonnie. I know very well how you are feeling right now, and it is so painful indeed since we can't even try to hate them as an attempt to move on and protect our feelings because we know it's simply not true.
I really thought it wouldn't end up like this, it was my very first relationship where i felt loved and heard like that. Unfortunately, we are never prepared for the end of things.
I really appreciate your kind words, and also hope you will find a person that will love you just the way you deserve and bring you all the happiness in the world.
No. 1636892
>>1635946you will recover from this and become someone even stronger. you will realize you're the person you should love the most. give yourself a few days to marinade on the sorrow but nurse your heart back to health with nice little things to yourself. remember you should care for yourself like you care for someone you love because you are the most important person in your life. I wish you the best
nonny and remember even if this board is full of crazy women, we're still here for you if you need us.
No. 1636899
>>1636881>flew into a chimp tard rage and threw the hot soup pot in my face and threatened to kill me>So, lesson learned, men do not appreciate love and carenoah fence but that's definitely nowhere near normal even for a moid and you shouldn't think it is
why would you date such a violent retard
No. 1636972
>>1636939Most likely he is a manipulative loser who is trying to scare you into obedience. Best case scenario, he is a dipshit who already has one foot out of this relationship or is not anywhere near as committed to you. Probably would need more context, such as when in the argument it was brought up and how he said it.
>>1636957 definitely something to consider.
If it's bothering you and you want to salvage the relationship, talk to him about it. If he says anything that gives you pause, or he does it again, dump him. No reason to waste your youth on trash that doesn't respect you.
No. 1637014
>>1636996have you tried phenergan or another sleep aid? I have this problem really badly too, I get 25mg phenergans, take one or two and it's the one thing that forces you into a deep nice sleep. it usually works, just don't fight the drowsiness or
apparently you can trip, my old scummy roommates used to use it recreationally and try and take mine when I genuinely needed it for allergies lmaoif not perhaps melatonin? I'm sorry sweet nona it's a fucky thing to go through. if you don't have much on in the next few days/week maybe look into sleep hygiene. try and keep your phone/alarm clock/visible lights away from your bed and only spend time in bed when you're actually sleeping.
I hope it gets better for you, do update us if you find any solutions. I hope mr sandman mans you a sand tonight cutie
No. 1637024
>>1636939That's a bad sign. I had one like that and it'd always make me backpedal because I'd be like "what?? But it's such a small issue, OK we can forget about it if it's such a big deal for you" and you can guess how that changed the dynamic of things.
If you're really into him I'd have a talk about his attitude and where the comment was coming from, but next time take him up on the offer.
>>1636996I had this since becoming unemployed, my solution was at 5-6am (my bedtime) I went out for a full day hike where there's no option to sleep and had a stodgy dinner in the evening, 8pm bedtime reset.
No. 1637026
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Last night I was taking a nap because I slept 4-5 hours then went into work super early. While I was trying to sleep my husband kept nagging at me like a child wondering when I was going to make supper. I’m not your mother.
No. 1637038
>>1637026that's embarassing, doesn't he care about your wellbeing?
i don't understand why a grown person would behave like that
No. 1637041
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I just don't get why some people are in customer service jobs when they can't/don't want to actually help customers. If you're running a business and all you hire are people who will blatantly ignore what customers ask and mindlessly repeat themselves like bots, it's pretty much the same as not having any help line whatsoever.
You might as well just replace them with AI, and if customers have a complicated issue, automatically redirect them to someone higher on the chain with some level of expertise. I've had so much time wasted because the people who are supposed to help me with an issue in their system that fucked me over seemingly can't be bothered. Or, maybe they just can't comprehend what I'm requesting, and don't want to consult anyone that can at their company.
I'm not asking for special treatment, just fix your thing so I can do my business as usual, cover my remaining fees and dip. I'm not enjoying this any more than you are. I can't tell what I hate more: When a business has corrupt people gatekeeping your possessions and making insane demands or askingi for bribes just to do the jobs they were hired for, or when some sort of glitch appears in the system, screws you over and those in charge don't give enough of a shit to fix it.
No. 1637103
I’m so annoyed, my family keeps repeating the same stuff over and over again, yeah, I know my brother’s girlfriend isn’t the best person ever, I still think my brother would be a shitty boyfriend because he’s a moid, but I’m sick of listening to this shit because I’ve heard this in these past 3 days and it’s the same points all of the time.
And they won’t drop the subject at all, seriously, what can I even do? Now everyone is infighting and it’s like, he’s a grown ass man, he knows what he’s doing, he’s not stupid and he won’t get married after a year talking and a few months living together in my parents’ house.
Everyone acts like they’re married with three children when she still has her stuff in a suitcase.
Mom should’ve let him become a monk when he was a teenager so this hadn’t happened.
No. 1637113
>>1637080That explains a lot, anon. In my case, it definitely isn't the same people responding each time. I'm sorry you had to deal with that shit from the service end.
>Ironically I'm now working a job where I help companies create AI tools to do exactly the same thing, kek.So we'll have the same thing but even more automated and janky? Companies being scummy is eternal ig lmao.
No. 1637123
>>1637040I mean given that there are more NEETs and autists congregated here than in a random sample, it could be somewhat true, because they never see the sun, aren't out partying, don't make a lot of facial expressions (also due to a non-existent social life) and often act and dress retarded, so their behaviour also makes them seem young.
t.autistic ex-NEET
Most of my workplace believes I'm in my early twenties because I've only recently graduated and have no prior work experiences, and honestly it works out for me since I don't need to explain my lifestory.
No. 1637130
>>1637125So he invites you out and then you two sit there not talking, buried on your phones? The fuck?
Do you have a crush on him? That'd at least explain why you put up with him being extra rude to you after asking you to hang out
No. 1637144
>>1637130Yeah! He's very social with others but will not say a thing and stare at his phone when it's just him and me
I have a hard time wrapping my head around it, because he has others he can meet. He can just not invite me or not reply. But he does this over and over and it makes me feel like shit, and I should feel like shit for allowing it to happen but I keep gaslighting myself that it's just him being autistic or my fault or something
No. 1637174
Met a guy at a party this winter, we have chatted a bit on and off but nothing special since I'm always very careful when it comes to men I don't know and keep them at an arm's length until I learn more about them, no matter who it is. I agree to meet up for coffee this spring, and right after we said hi he started holding my hand. I was so baffled I at first didn't do anything but managed to shake my hand off, rest of the time was pretty trouble free but I cut it kind of short because he's too awkward for me to bother hanging around too long. A month later we went for coffee again, I hoped that me shaking off his hand last time would be enough to mark that I'm not interested, since there haven't been any attempts at flirting neither before or after that. But he moved his chair closer to mine because there was more sun on my side instead of asking to switch, and where I sat was right in a corner so I couldn't really do much except lean away from him. Again, I cut this short and went home.
Today we were supposed to meet up again but I ended up cancelling with the excuse that I wasn't feeling well, and he sent me a "but can't you be the one asking me out next time? I'm waiting", but in words in our language that is pretty much implied that he expects me to ask him out on a date. None of our previous interactions have been flirty or shown any interest except casual friendship from me, hell even majority of the messages have been him sending me pokemon and cat videos.
>why are you hanging out with him
He's nice enough, and ngl he's majored in a field I'm going into this fall so I'm gonna need the help I can get. But it's not worth this shit.
No. 1637295
>>1637174So I used his question as a way to let him down and straight up tell him that I want nothing but friendship, and of course he tried to flip the entire thing into naaah he just wants to be friends but it was sooo obvious I was the one interested and he was just trying to let me down nicely and while we had something going on he isn't ready for anything at the moment. Nice cope but ok keep on living in your fantasy just stay far away from me.
>>1637284Stay safe anon, and don't blame yourself! You can never predict someone's actions or who will turn out to be a stalker. Do you have any way to defend yourself?
No. 1637353
>>1637189So did he say "maybe we should break up" during the people pleasing behaviors discussion AND the next day when you asked him about building trust, or only the next day during the conversation about trust?
Tbh it is weird he brought it up at all when you were just trying to be attentive to his needs. Makes me suspicious. If he is going to be one of those weird self defeating "you're going to leave me anyways, this isn't worth it" losers, take it from me, they are so annoying and not worth the effort. They will go into self pitying meltdowns every time there is any conflict until you get tired of it and stop talking to them. I really hope this was a one time thing and he accidentally went too far trying to understand what you wanted.
If he suggested breaking up both times, leave him.
No. 1637401
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Cant wait to quit my job and be NEET again
No. 1637415
>>1636892This is the sweetest thing someone ever said to me,
nonnie. I took your words to the heart, and they deeply touched me in one of the moments i'm truly needing it the most. Thank you so much, ily! I hope you reap only happiness in your life.
No. 1637427
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For the past few months, my dad's been more or less crying every night. Sometimes I'm not awake to hear it, but oftentimes I am.
A few minutes ago I heard him again, but for the first time I heard him get aggressive. He's down the hall from me so I couldn't hear him so clearly, plus I didn't want him to catch me, but I heard him say something along the lines of "shut up! get away from me! you [jumbled nonsense]" and later I heard him cuss out his children. Without names but yknow.
For context, my Brother jumped off a cliff months ago but his body was never found so who knows really. Thing is, my Brother was a terrible influence, he constantly berated my parents and borderline bullied them, especially my Father. Still, it's clear that this is causing my father a great deal of pain.
I want to help him. Cause not only is he hurting himself but he's hurting everyone else as well, a toxic victim. He treats my Mother and other Brother extremely poorly, I'd say it's unintentional, he's just really moody, sometimes hot sometimes cold. but none of us can really muster up the anger to blame him cause we know this is just him grieving and lashing out. Not excusing it, it's just how it is. Just dread, dread and dread.
Anyways my Brother kinda nopes out every now and then cause he doesn't wanna deal with it, understandably. While my Mother has just gotten over attached and over protective recently, understandably, which gets on the nerves of my Father and Brother.
Any advice would be appreciated. And no, therapy isn't an option, and no, talking to him doesn't work. And no, an intervention wouldn't help either. I know I'm kinda brickwalling you here but again, this is just how it is and I can't change it, not now.
No. 1637471
>>1637465Yeah fuckin tell me about it. I've had this talk with him before. First it was a big thing because he wouldn't keep up his share of the cleaning. Okay, we have different standards. We agreed that I could just delegate the tasks and he would do them when asked, and that he would do 100% of the dishes. So now, when I ask. This is the response I get. I told him to knock it off. Every time I bring something like that up, I have to do it in the most ridiculously non-confrontational, meek and demure way, or else he fucking explodes. Then he has the audactity to answer like I'm a nagging bitch. I fucking hate being straight. I'm sure there are many, many things about me that he has to compensate for. That's what you do when you love someone. But this is fucking maddening. He's doing it now btw, but not after his little huffy moment that made
me stressed out. For fucking what. God
No. 1637496
>>1637471My boyfriend does this shit too. I’ll ask him to clean before I head out to work and he will say okay and just not clean at all, or panic clean as I’m walking in the door. He can’t load the dishwasher correctly which irks me. He will get whiny or pouty aswell. I told him he needs to help me because it’s not fair that I’m always cleaning before work and on my days off while he just gets to hang out on his days off. And this mf says “well you’re messy! You leave stuff in your jacket pockets all the time! Sometimes you leave your sock on the ground after work!!” and he’s saying this while there is trash all over the side of his bed. Honestly there’s no fixing him. I plan on leaving him soon because I’m losing my mind. I just find it hard to break up with him.
Also, is your boyfriend the youngest sibling by chance? Or does he raise his voice at his mom when she ask him to do anything and gets whiny? And if so does his mom just let him yell at her and gives up? My boyfriend does that shit and it really pissed me off. If I spoke to my mother that way she would of smacked me left and right and given me more chores to do.
No. 1637502
>>1637471>I'm sure there are many, many things about me that he has to compensate forEveryone has flaws but it's one crazy coincidence that so many moids 'compensate' like yours does, to the point where it has a name and is discussed constantly by women because it's so universal.
The guy just doesn't want to do chores, it's nothing to do with you. Either he thinks it's women's work or he's an opportunist who thinks he can get away with doing the bare minimum, it's not some tit for tat thing you're equally at fault for.
No. 1637541
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>>1637038I agree it’s embarrassing. Thankfully I’ve been standing up for myself more and chewing him out. Today I told him that we’re fending for ourselves tonight and he asks “do we have meat” I was like “we have lots for you to have” and he straight up wants to go out. Yes I did make a big stink about it and told him to stop being lazy. Unfortunately he spent like $30 on supper which is super gay because that’s my money too. I shouldn’t have to scold him but he constantly complains we spend so much money and it’s like yeah no shit. It’s very frustrating because I’m gaining weight from his laziness and he said I shouldn’t get a personal trainer. He doesn’t understand that I need help on working out because I don’t know what I’m doing and what form I’m supposed to have etc.
No. 1637595
I moved a year ago to this city and I'm such an autistic ugly loser, I still have no friends.
I met some really fun and talented people months ago who excitedly said they wanted to stay in touch and gave me their numbers. They said we could go to concerts together and such. Yay!
Today, I did my best, got over my anxiety and asked three of them if they wanted to do stuff next month, flexible dates, all up to them… but they said they're all broke or busy. That's understandable but can't help but feeling a bit defeated and overly self conscious because I just commissioned a couple of them for $250 on animu art today (not like they have any personal obligation with me beyond that transaction, of course!), and the entry fee for the amusement park or gigs I suggested doesn't go over $5; but truly, I'm extra defeated because I was really hoping I'd have someone to spend my birthday with since I have no family… Ohh well. Kinda really fucking stings to feel this lonely. They're very sweet and comment on my posts and such. I don't think they hate me. But I'm gnawing on my elbow thinking about how they must not gave much of a shit about me while I was marveled when meeting them. I hate my loser self ass so much. I wish I had killed myself as a teen instead of "being strong", and if I could tell her anything it'd be, "actually, at 25, you'll still be so fucking alone. Just do it."
No. 1637667
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How are all men so fucking hideous? I wanna get laid, i want a cute bf, but all men look so fugly now. Were men always this hideous and i fooled myself by looking at old pictures of how humans used to look before? why the fuck are men so ugly and why are they all balding at 23. Fuck i just want a cute bf that isnt a rabid coomer and that has nice puffy hair that i can pet when i am stressed.
No. 1637732
nonnie no way, my bf says the exact same thing. Why are moids so stupid?
No. 1637756
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I wish life would stop throwing shit at me constantly OMG CAN'T I CATCH A BREAK FOR ONCE!!!! Some of my family members are dealing with health issues, I just got dumped and things don't look so well regarding my work, finances and housing situation. I am trying so hard to stay positive but there isn't one aspect of my life that isn't going down the drain right now.
No. 1637762
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I can't cope with having hemorrhoids in my 20s. I'm blaming my fucking job for it. I'm scared of ass cancer
No. 1637769
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>>1637766I half agree, the shaymin disaster has left a wound that is still taking time to heal and there are at least 2-3 male/troon trolls here seemingly 24/7 but we are recovering, many of the former users have come back(I'd say about 70%) and for better or worse we are getting some new users who will hopefully integrate.
No. 1637770
>>1637769thanks anon i appreciate you
i just get frustrated at the overall inactivity here more than anything. during low points in my life i turn to lc for a sense of community and comfort and so it sucks when i can't really get either of those things here. ive had some genuinely thoughtful and enjoyable exchanges with anons here, weird to say when this site is so filled with crazies but it's true
No. 1638063
>>1638054I still don't get it yeah you can't depend on your boyfriend for everything but what is it you vent to your ex about you can't with your boyfriend unless it's your boyfriend and then your boyfriend has a point you're disrespectful.
Unless your ex orbits some other group you're trying to make mutual with, figure out which relationship is important to you and maybe focus on joining a club or something
No. 1638106
My coworker is in a toxic relationship and I don't know how to help her. He doesn't beat her but he's really controllig, she only has male "friends" who are also her boyfriend's friend, and they all control her, like once she went to a store alone and she didn't take her phone with her, and three of them (her boyfriend and his two male friend) went after her to look for her. It's fucking dumb. I also remember one of her male "friends" telling me she "needs" her boyfriend because she doesn't know what's good for her. It looks like they think she's dumb or something. Her boyfriend calls her during every break. When she went out with me and another girl, he called her like 3 times. They live in an extremely small studio, and now they have two male friends living with them rent free because they don't want to pay for their own apartment, one of them also doesn't work because he doesn't have an ID because he's wanted by the police. I think she's extremely tired from living with 3 men in such tiny one-room flat but I don't think she can say anything. Today she was really sad and tired, she had tears in her eyes when I talked to her and asked how she's doing. She said she's sad but she doesn't know why and she feels she should change her life somehow but she doesn't know how. I gave her number to my therapist and she said she will make an appoinment. But I really want to help her get out of this, but I don't know how, I feel like she's surrounded by them and if I try to talk to her about it she will read it as an attack or something. What can I do??
No. 1638131
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Life is so funny hah hah hah. Nothing like going through a breakup and your bestie smooching her boyfriend for half an hour in front of you when you need support. I wish I could just shoot myself to the moon at this point. I hate it here.
No. 1638134
>>1637595Christ, anon. I'm not trying to be a dick, but get on antidepressants. You're having a meltdown over asking to hang out irl for the first time. Some of these people may not be interested in an irl relationship, some of them may not feel comfortable meeting up irl after only knowing you for a few months, and there's a good chance they really are busy. And I can't tell you which because you gave hardly any context.
Are you having spergouts like this in front of them? Might be why they're hesitant to do stuff beyond polite interaction. I'm not insulting you when I say this: get antidepressants, go to therapy for help with being sociable and the suicidal meltdowns, maybe eat something. If you can't afford any of that, do online research while you job hunt.
No. 1638172
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I ordered way too much food from a filipino restaurant and now I gotta eat basically the same thing for the next 3 days so it isn't a waste.
Lumpia ain't half bad thoski
No. 1638196
>>1638187>>1637595Just curious but have you tried suggesting to them to go out for your birthday? It's not really fair to assume they knew or remember when your bday was, so it's possible going back to them later by making it an 'occasion' might persuade them to be a bit more supportive.
>>1638187I'm sure you're not the first person to cry in group and you won't be the last. No one knows what you went through or what your day had been like even if they weren't too caught up in themselves to pay much attention to you in the first place.
Own it, and if the opportunity arises for you to talk about what happened the first day then you tell it honest so that any perfect motherfucker there can be trying to pretend like they haven't done the same. Trust in the process anon, it's therapy.
No. 1638197
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I'm so fucking jealous of my stacy cousin. She is pretty, smart, normal, has an active social life, travels alot etc. worse part is that she is a genuinely good person and her only flaw is her tendency to humblebrag, otherwise she is perfect so I don't even have a good reason to hate her. I'm also jealous of my super creative and artsy sister who also is a good person and doesn't even humblebrag about her talents she is just pure humbleness so I can't be mad at her either.
I know they are living their best lives while I seethe on imageboards and unironically call other women for stacy which is probably why I'm such a mess compared to them
No. 1638226
>>1637607It’s not my first rodeo, 7th unfortunately so have had a varied experiences. This time around wasn’t very eventful. New medication. One of the wards with a psych that doesn’t even speak to the patients for more then 5 seconds and just puts them on a med. luckily am making an appointment with my own psych here so. Will say the one they put me on is helping for the most part but I am def not staying on it I think. I slept a good bulk, most sleep I have got in weeks. Only things of note was the schizophrenic opioid addict that would yell on the phone with her family and would rant for over an hour about random shit. Suboxone is just us giving addicts opioids only for them to stay on it for years at a time lol.
Abusive scrotes dont deserve the women they abuse and I am still worried about this girl (she was 3 months pregnant too). Got told I was pretty by a older lady and a PCA in detail. It was weird. I had a wine mom as a roommate she was awesome.
The fact this is an uneventful stay is something. I need to stop ending up there but ya know
>>1637669Thanks nonna. I admit to being the moid personality Anon that is first post. They are all stupid gross scrotes who make me question the existence of men but they are my gross scrotes. I wouldn’t be here without them honestly. My family loves me but doesn’t have the capacity to support me in the way I need them to. They see what they want to and they want what they want for me not what I need or want. Getting my permit and then license by fall. Saving for a car in the mean time, already started but seriously cracking down. Canceling any unnecessary fees + being strict with eating out (so long discord nitro….. thank god the grimace shakes are gone). A functional beater will help me a lot in getting then doing my generals. Am actively putting up a front about doing virtual for my generals since it’s gets me out of the house. My parents aren’t very happy with this plan but my friends are helping where they can. This turned into rambling but here is the only other outlet I got. Thank u for ur kind words. I need to keep going, even if I give up they will be dragging me by my ankles. I just wish I could see what they see.
No. 1638238
>>1638236I hate it too
nonnie and it's way too common these days. I don't understand why these cowards don't just tell us straight away that they're not interested anymore. The same happened to me, moid expressed that he had a great time (even when we went on multiple dates) and that I am so great and this and that and then - silence. Move on and remove him from your socials before you catch feelings and before it becomes this push and pull shit. He doesn't deserve you or your attention.
No. 1638243
>>1638238It's so funny because he literally complained about this sort of stuff to me too, but here we are.
I just don't get it. Is it a not wanting to be the bad guy sort of thing? Like this is better?
No. 1638295
>>1638180Sorry, is one line fantasizing about suicide a no-no in a vent thread? I mean, yeah, if 15 year old me had killed herself when she did she wouldn’t have been gang raped shortly after, I wouldn’t have had to endure my family dying off disease, and I wouldn’t have been frustrated about being alone. Did you need that background for users to freely “wail” over something that frustrated me on a rough day? I’m not
>>1638147 either.
>>1638134Im on antidepressants and therapy already which you should know are not happy pills that make you insta-happy, there aren’t “weird sperg outs in front of other people”, if you knew how to read I literally said on my post that those people excitedly proposed we should totally hang out irl (as we’ve done before). They specifically gave me their numbers without me asking, added me to groups so we could be in the same circles, etc. I do have a job, I did mentioned being able to spend a good amount money on hobbies on my post.
Of course I didn’t give much context, it’s an anon vent thread, I was meaning to vent over a thing that frustrated me and… that’s it, really. Thanks for not being a dick, though.
No. 1638321
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>>1638320sorry dropped pic
No. 1638340
>>1638257it's gotten 1000000x worse lately. That and weird internalized sexism. I don't like to vague or even blatantly post about other anons but it's so viscerally unpleasant and reminds me why I took a hiatus from LC.
Yes there's always been spite and there's always been cruelty, but it's just the same redundant crap disrupting the flow over and over again. Forgoing the fact that I despise and disagree with the politics, it just adds nothing to discussion and jannies are like c'est la vie.
So much for the fact that LC was supposed to be an improvement over the chans amirite
No. 1638342
>>1638329Actual racism not statistics. A few times I saw anons ignore statistics in replies and continue to bait. I’ve noticed this about every race btw but it’s definitely skewed towards certain ones, farmhands dgaf though.
>>1638261I haven’t popped over in a while but it’s reaffirming to see other anons noticed the same thing. The sad thing is I’m not even talking about the tradthot thread, I don’t read it.
No. 1638358
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i feel so stupid writing this but i have nowhere else to vent my retardation, i recently developed an internet crush over someone who doesnt even know i exist and i have no idea why. i have never experienced something like this before and its just so embarrassing to admit it, i started watching his streams a while ago and i almost instantly formed a parasocial relationship. its so weird too because im a streamer as well with my own parasocial viewers and i wouldve never thought that i'd form a parasocial rs of my own with another streamer god my face is turning red just typing this out i feel so dumb. he probably has a gf but i dont even know why i think i have a chance ahh i don't even get crushes on people so this feeling is so foreign to me, i hope i can get over this soon. but also i was thinking maybe i do have a chance since we have a ton of mutual friends and are kinda in the same circle so ??? no i shouldnt even get my hopes up ffs nonnas im cringing at myself so much
No. 1638398
>>1638129>crack-addicted moleratsKEK ily
nonnie. this whole rant is beautiful.
No. 1638526
>>1638295>Sorry, is one line fantasizing about suicide a no-no in a vent thread?I never said it was. But most people don't say things like "I wish I had told my 15 year old self to kill herself because she can't make friends and will be alone as an adult – oh and also she would never have been gangraped and watched everyone she loves die, I'm so miserable", it isn't a healthy mentality and your entire vent made it seem like you were in crisis. Letting you know medication could help wasn't me being a dick, as you can see from
>>>/ot/1638224 , many anons don't have a positive view of medication.
>Im on antidepressants and therapy already which you should know are not happy pills that make you insta-happyYou didn't mention going to therapy or being on meds, and suggesting it doesn't hurt anything. Never said meds are "insta-happy" pills. Did you want me to sit down and plan a 5 year mental health roadmap with you? I'd ask if you know how to shop around for therapists and when to try other meds, but you're clearly annoyed when people respond to you, so I'll direct you to
>>>/ot/1538063 where it is against thread rules to respond to posts.
>I do have a jobNever said you didn't, said if you couldn't afford mental health care, you could research the topic online and job hunt.
>if you knew how to read I literally said on my post that those people excitedly proposed we should totally hang out irl (as we’ve done before). They specifically gave me their numbers without me asking, added me to groups so we could be in the same circles, etcOkay, except you never said you hung out irl before, only mentioned exchanging numbers, and to me it sounded like "getting over your anxiety" after "months" meant it was the first time you asked them to hang out. Saying you commissioned them online for $250 was a red flag, because without the context you just gave, that sounds like buying friends. People usually don't respect you if you buy them. This is why I said there wasn't enough context.
Your post is contradictory, because you were venting about being alone and friendless, but now you're saying these are people excited to get together and you hang out irl and they love including you, but also you're definitely friendless and should kys. Lol okay. Sorry I felt bad for you, I'm sure your many super cool friends will be excited to hear how you totally got one over on the anonymous image board users
No. 1638551
>>1638547I used to be an anachan because I hated my body so much. I did have beautiful collarbones and still my collarbones are my favorite part of my body. But I realized fat really wasn't the problem- it was the overall shape of my body fucking my entire self up, so I gave up and attempted to binge-eat my feelings away. Did not work, only made me fat lol. One day I'll learn to accept my appearance as is, I hope.
>>1638548Damn, I'm sorry nona. Honestly I think I can understand. I've always felt inferior to white girls, I felt like the 'ugliest' white girl was incomparable to me, so I can't imagine how you feel while being the same race. Idk if it'll help with identity issues but have you ever tried an ancestry/DNA test?
No. 1638563
>>1638555Are you also in my area
nonnie? I thought it was weird I got the amber alert a second time. I hope those kids are alright
No. 1638566
>>1638551I've done the DNA test and it's exactly what I expected with small amounts of non white or "spicy" i.e. latina in there, not much. No offense to my dads side of the family, Ashkenazi Jews can have a habit of not looking "white". I'm like the worst combination of both my parents features. I totally understand why people cosplay or race fake or play up their "foreign-ness" when they're mixed or not "traditionally" white looking these days, which is why seeing Rachel Zegler getting so much shit saddened me
I started noticing just how few women there are with darker hair and eyes and straight eyebrows in the media. There were more of them in Old Hollywood film, but now? Ha. I try not to play the competition game or hate on other women, but I can't help but compare myself to the Margot blondes with dramatically arched brows and blue eyes as this plain paper bitch and exclaim damn I'm fugly
used to be skinnier, like straight up anachan and really liked myself and my figure. I loved my collarbones too. I have a fraction of the confidence I did back then and I can't figure out why, it was gaining. I seemingly didn't care that I wasn't the perfect stereotype, then it just plummeted like a suicide bombing plane. Self hatred has engulfed me
I really hope that we're able to love and accept ourselves one day, but it feels like an eternal curse. being raised by a narcissist… a vain part of me deep down just wants to be stereotypically pretty. So someone will love me and i'd fare better with ample opportunities in life. Knowing how this world views and treats women, I don't want to be objectified, but I secretly don't want to be ugly either, and I'm going to be objectified anyway
No. 1638617
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having period poops and im horny and my guy is on holiday i dont like all this one bit
No. 1638621
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Just found my ex's FB profile after like 3 years of not seeing his face and wondering if he's killed himself or not because last time we talked he was suicidal. He tried to contact me two years ago but I panicked and ignored him. It was a mutually codependent unhealthy relationship and I'd never want to get back together but I can't stop wishing I could have had that one last conversation with him. It's such a strange feeling because we've both seen each other at our worst which is something I (hopefully) won't ever experience with anyone else because it was based o very specific circumstances. I still have dreams about him sometimes. Texting him out of the blue woule be so humiliating, it's been 3 years and we left each other on bad terms and besides, I know it'd be horrible for my mental health. We've both moved far away since so it's not like I'd bump into him on the street either. I just want to stop wanting to talk to him, I need to ride it out somehow, god this is pathetic
No. 1638699
>>1638677I wish more people treated me like a helpless baby, always seems to be the people who don’t wanna be treated like that get treated like that and the people who need babying get left in the trenches. I’m sorry you’re going through so much scary health shit
nonnie, but just remember that at least your family and friends love you and want to take care of you. Not being babied and being ignored by family and friends would be much worse. You can also always lie to them and not mention your health struggles if you don’t want or need their sympathy.
No. 1638705
>>1638690>>1638693Its pathetic on her part but obviously not as bad as a male pedo.
>>1638688The boy is being hurt or abused, he's gonna have life long damage from this, you should try to convince the woman that she's pathetic for stooping so low that she can only date a teenager.
No. 1638706
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>>1638693No, but I am also from Eastern Europe and I have seen so many young girls be groomed by disgusting retards, I do not plan on sitting here and crying about some underage moid getting his dick sucked and probably bragging about it.
No. 1638721
>>1638710>>1638712you have to be moids trying to bait. Since posting about how female pedos are totes ok on the unpopular opinion thread didnt work now you are trying with the good ol mgtow tactics of trying to paint men as baby uwu naive
victims equal to women, a false equivalence.
No. 1638736
>>1638727then you are a newfag, you have to know the kind of responses you are going to spawn when you say retarded shit like
>>1638693 c'mon
nonny No. 1638754
>>1638744Yeah but you gotta admit what
>>1638742 said is a good point. At the end of the day it’s still not about the teenage moid being hurt but about the fact that it could make that teenage moid grow into an adult man who thinks it’s cool to groom teen girls. And that the grooming woman is a psycho and if she’s willing to groom male teens she might be willing to groom female teens too…
No. 1638765
>>1637762i had them regularly in my teens. it gets much better if you take preventive measures, now i only get them every five years or so and even then i am the one to blame
- eat well, no trash and lots of veggies
- drink at least 2l of water a day
- try to exercise and when you do, try to pick shit that isn't hard on the ass (running and cycling aren't great for the asshole), so nothing that strains you and nothing that gives you severe ass swamp and fraction
- don't shave your ass
- don't wear thongs too much, when you do, make sure it's really nice material without seams and a big enough size that it won't rub agains't you in a hard way
- goes without saying, but keep good hygiene and dry off well before you put on undies
- if you have a thrombosis/lump on the outside for more than 5 days, or even constantly, go get it removed
- apply olive oil or butter if you feel one coming on and try to be as inactive as possible in that time
- take extra care for your digestion and hygiene when you're on your period
i really hth!
No. 1638767
>>1638688Report it to the police if you can. Even if they only sexted, she'll get in trouble and not be able to contact the kid again even if she doesn't get legal punishment.
Ignore anons who are arguing it's ok, they're probably males who are also sexting underage boys.
No. 1638769
>>1638754A lot of groomed men end up becoming repeat
victims and going after older women/men. Abuse doesn't create abusers, it creates repeat
victims. Most abusers have had perfect childhoods and can't understand what their
victim goes through. Stop spreading rumors and excusing abusers
A boy who gets raped by an adult man or woman is more likely to get abused in the future, more likely to kill himself in the future, more likely to have mental issues in the future. But he's NOT more likely to become an abuser.
No. 1638771
>>1638767she already said she cant report it from some bullshit reason, which makes me think shes from one of these countries
>>1638706 and its probably legal or is lying. If she was so worried about the poor baby boy being violently raped she would have gone to the police station first instead of posting on lc
No. 1638786
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>>1638782>the childnonny pls… just stop with that bullshit, it only hurts women in the long run, just say teen.