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No. 163174
no one should wear it
they should just start making it for little girls, little girls would be cute in it
other than that, no. unless you're like 10 and going to a tea party or doing ballet or some shit, just grow up and stop dressing like a retard in your spare time
No. 163176
File: 1444187476211.jpeg (287.53 KB, 500x458, image.jpeg)

>>163175I hate those fucking wigs
No. 163182
I consider it a fashion in most part, and this is coming from a non lolita.
Honestly, some people take it over the top with fluffy ass wigs bigger than their own head or accessories/toys around their dresses.
But if you wear a regular lolta like OP (kinda) or something bordering otome/FannyRoseesque/gothic/aristo then I fully consider it a fashion.
You don't have to wear something everyday for it to be considered a fashion or style, nor does have to be expensive. Just like how I may wear a skirt ever so often, is just as some people wear lolita.
Being a lifestyler is totally different ballgame. If you personally want to wear lolita every single day, have frills and puffs around your house, have fancy pansy tea parties, and speak in a terrible British/Japanese accent (if you're American or from someplace else), more power to you.
Doesn't really help with the idea that they literally call themselves lolita…instead of people wearing lolita if it's 'just clothes'.
At the end of the day, it's just fabric you wear to feel pretty.
My opinion? I like it, kind of pleasing to watch when you don't fuck it up. Would I wear it? Probably if I lived in a folder climate. Plus I'm pretty thin skinned and I hate when people stare, which they always most likely do in a fashion like this. Plus, I know the existence of lolcow, 8chan and 4chan, and I'm afraid I may end up in an Ita thread.
No. 163185
>>163170I think Asians look the worst in it.
I personally love to older women in it as long as they aren't in some pastel looking cord.
No. 163189
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>>163184I think it looks awful 99% of the time. Most non-asian lolitas looks like adult babies/transvestites to me, and that includes classic and gothic.
I have no idea why it's so popular when there are so many far cuter, more affordable j-fashion styles that don't make you look demented. I'm sick of having to wade through reems of Lolita garbage when I'm looking for the stuff I'm actually interested in.
Yes, I am salty as fuck.
No. 163190
File: 1444253205752.jpg (281.89 KB, 500x750, tumblr_n2hj72B7lq1qecu65o1_500…)

pic related is the kind of lolita fashion i can get on board with
No. 163192
>>163187yeah i've seen people come up with incredibly convoluted arguments that "lolita" doesn't come from the book, and it's always hilarious
"no no you see this style based around dressing like a child, from a country obsessed with sexualizing children, which shares its name with a book about pedophilia, is DEFINITELY not named after the book and we are DEFINITELY not pedophiles and we are not creepy at all ;_;"
No. 163193
>>163192I agree with what your saying. Japan has huge issues with sexualizing kids and infantilizing women. Lolita fashion and "kawaii" culture is just part of it. Even ads of other styles of cutesy clothing have women standing pigeon toed, wearing pigtails and they have that puffy little girl face. Lolitas try to push age limits on the fashion but if looking like a little girl isn't the goal, why do they care if someone who is 40 or doesn't look like a kid wears sweet or something?
I think lolitas are in serious denial about their fashion. Japan loves little girl looking women. Angelic Pretty's Dreamy Baby Room release was popular in Japan but a flop in the west. Even SwanKiss has a dress called Dreamy Baby with baby toys and a bottle on the dress.
No. 163195
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No. 163196
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>>163194OMG this. I love it when age arguments break out. It's funny watching grown women dressed like toddlers bitch about girls who don't look young enough, yet complain about how lolita is not about looking young.
No. 163197
>>163196Lolita is just a ridiculous fashion and here's why.
The stuff costs hundreds of dollars, but the time a person would be old enough to buy it on their own they'd be 23+, then by some miracle they'd have to look 12 and be preteen size at 26 too or Lolitas will be butt hurt over them wearing it.
No. 163200
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>>163169bait harder
>>163168it's a fashion, not a costume, because it's not about looking like a specific character, simple as that. yes it has become more OTT in recent years but at it's root it is a cutesy style. i prefer old school myself
No. 163203
File: 1444268820465.jpeg (102.35 KB, 500x375, image.jpeg)

Her room looks exactly like a child's room.
No. 163204
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Having tea parties with stuffed animals…That's totally not age play
No. 163217
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>>163210To the Japanese that is sexy/sexual. This woman is over the age of 30 but still dresses like a kid, because it is what gets Japanese men off.
No. 163219
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>>163217Yep. It's sexy to look like a child.
Look at this idol group, women in their 20's-30's but dressed like children.
No. 163223
File: 1444276970750.jpg (71.82 KB, 361x600, tumblr_nvlc62Ckku1rb8aqgo2_400…)

>>163203>>163204>>163208It's catching on more and more with non-Japanese girls too.
No. 163224
>>163169>fine if that's what you're into but you shouldn't wear it outside of cons/meetupsI can agree with this bit at least. The people who wear it everyday as a "fashion" deserve all the judgment they get
>>163174>they should just start making it for little girls, little girls would be cute in itLet's not encourage pedos
>>163183So how does it
not prove her point then? Try following the comment chain more closely next time god damn
No. 163229
File: 1444279262602.jpg (56.57 KB, 500x747, 1432539390857.jpg)

>>163191Yes, this would be considered classic lolita.
who cares if people don't like lolita. its a style you need thick skin to wear. any lolita getting their petticoats in a twist over this thread is an idiot.
No. 163239
I think people who consider this fashion to be "sexualizing children" are pedos themselves tbh.
If you look at these clothes and think "sex" or "fetish", you probably associate cute, childish things with sex because you're a fucking creep. There's nothing sexual about them and they're not even close to revealing.
That, and unless you live in the Rococo period, most children dress in normal clothing like jeans and t-shirts that sometimes have cartoon characters on them, not shit like
>>163229. They look like something a princess or a fairy tale character would wear, not a kid.
inb4 "b-but it's called LOLITA". The book character never wore any of this shit either, and it's only called "lolita" because the musician who made the fashion popular thinks European names sound cool and goffik, regardless of their origins.
closet pedos/fetishists pls go
No. 163241
>>163240Because wearing a specific fashion is totally the same as wearing diapers and pissing/shitting yourself.
No, you fuck off.
No. 163242
File: 1444289033497.jpeg (68.34 KB, 389x550, image.jpeg)

>>163239fashion from the rococo period doesn't look much like Lolita does now. The definitely weren't making cutesy baby face, having the parties with stuffed animals etc
No. 163243
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If Lolita is about copying fashion from the rococo period in France why is there so much importance based on looking cute, thin and flat chested?
No. 163244
File: 1444289443586.bmp (1.63 MB, 750x761, image.bmp)

This is actually really beautiful. Lolita looks like a preschool puked on them most of the time.
No. 163245
>>163239If lolita were based on one period and specific trend it would be historical dress up no? It's a bit of a mix.
I think the closest is is the victorian ages, mostly childrens' clothing, with other influences. A lot of it looks like pastel vomit now unfortunately but it used to be so pretty.
No. 163246
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Until Lolitas start looking like this they can shove their "it's based on the rococo period!" Mess up their ass
No. 163247
File: 1444290327051.jpg (62.28 KB, 639x580, classiclolita.jpg)

I used to love lolita, I still do but I really dislike what it has turned into. Why is no one dressing like this?
Sure, brands like Victorian Maiden/Mary Magdalene are very expensive but they are still cheaper than most prints other brands come out with.
That picture doesn't even do Classic justice but you get my point.
No. 163248
File: 1444290427244.jpeg (216.59 KB, 600x484, image.jpeg)

This looks pretty cool
No. 163252
>>163251Possibly but unlikely. Just weird I guess.
I mean, the point is to feel pretty for me. It's way too expensive sadly but honestly if you want to attention there are much cheaper ways to do that. I just don't dig the modern sweet lolita look, it doesn't even look cute on young asian women, let alone old white ones.
No. 163253
>>163252I can imagine the white girl in those examples you showed on a farm churning butter, while waiting for her momma to call her in for supper. It doesn't look obnoxious but it doesn't really stand out which is why people don't usually go for that.
Just looks like something an Amish or someone from a cult like Christian family would wear.
No. 163256
>>163254Can I just mention how sick I am of that? Try browsing any sexy tags on tumblr and half of that shit is some skinny white girl in frilly panties going "OH YEAH DADDY".
It's so fucking disgusting I want to puke every time.
But uh as for lolita, it's cute and not sexual at all. Rant over?
No. 163257
File: 1444306217635.jpg (50.6 KB, 475x341, hK6FAMx.jpg)

>>163239I totally agree with you, anyone who thinks dressing like a kid is creepy is a pedophile themselves. I've even seen people saying that pic related is a fetish. How fucked up lmao, you must be a disgusting baby rapist if you think that someone wearing diapers and drinking out of a baby bottle is sexual
No. 163259
>>163257>>163254Except that's not the same thing at all.
I'm sorry you're so blind that you think wearing clothes is the same thing as wearing diapers, but that's no one's fault but your own.
Can you show me a kid in this day and age wearing any of this shit? If not, your ageplay argument is shitty b8.
No. 163260
File: 1444309451071.jpg (878.07 KB, 1870x1870, FML-Frilly Milly with Boa-3-Li…)

>> -> image search "girls frilly dress"
yeah they dont have all the rainbow unicorn cake prints and stuffed animal purses that your lolicon dresses have but that just makes them LESS infantile
No. 163261
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>>163244What sort of preschools have you been to?
No. 163263
File: 1444309698155.jpg (201.66 KB, 1151x1600, afton easter dress 2.jpg)

>>163260…That's not even similar to the fashion. The silhouette is completely different, you rarely see colors that contrasting (unless the dress is literal Milanoo trash-tier) and it literally is just a kid in frilly dress. Next you'll be calling wedding dress and quincenara dresses ageplay, fucking kek.
This is the closest thing to Lolita I could find with a quick Google search of "girls frilly dress", and not only is it clearly old as shit, even that would be considered ugly as fuck in a lolita context.
No. 163264
>>163262Are you retarded? I tried to upload the pic before and for some reason it turned out to be a pic of a Minion.
Stop projecting your nasty fantasies on me, thx
No. 163266
File: 1444309876041.jpg (35.24 KB, 500x333, melanie-martinez-daddy-t-shirt…)

wtf i cant believe you sick fucks are saying that this shirt has anything to do with ageplay, if you knew ANYTHING about dd/lg fashion youd know that the name daddy doesnt actually refer to a father, the designer who started the trend just picked it bc it sounded cool and mysterious, and anyway, can you show me any evidence that children actually call their fathers "daddy" in real life? i bet not
No. 163267
>>163265More like you don't know shit about the fashion or its aesthetic and mistakenly think your garbage opinions are anywhere near accurate. I proved you wrong, and now you're being a butthurt faggot shitposting trash like
>>163266 to hide it.
Kill yourself first.
No. 163268
File: 1444310015831.jpg (48.07 KB, 350x500, totes ageplay.jpg)

OMG guys, can you say ageplay? Look how frilly the dress is, ugh these pedos need to fuck off with their weeb fashion.
I bet she's wearing diapers underneath, smh.
No. 163270
>>163269Yeah, no one except people who wear it maybe. And it's a good thing we're discussing this online, not real life then, isn't it?
Just admit you said something incorrect on an anonymous forum, no one's going to judge you IRL for it jfc
No. 163273
File: 1444310446280.jpg (67.66 KB, 422x750, 1423890620895.jpg)

>Shut up guys, lolita totally isn't ageplay! Ok hold on I need to take a dump in my diaper
No. 163274
>>163272You're the only mentally damaged one here for trying so hard after you were already proven wrong.
Stuff some more twinkies up your vag while crying about ageplay, why don't you
No. 163275
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>>163268You can't see the difference?
No. 163278
File: 1444310628787.jpg (295.69 KB, 590x422, Quinceañera-and-Damas.jpg)

>>163271Yeah, no.
Only a specific substyle involves stuffed animals, and I don't even know where you're getting the "cutesy baby face" shit from. Are you that 40 year old who went on about "dolly doll faces" and made a makeup tutorial everyone made fun of? Lmao.
Pic related, ageplaying whores :^ )
No. 163280
>>163275That's just some chick covered in cutesy weeb shit. She's even doing the quintessential weeaboo peace sign.
Seriously, you're proving my point even more. If you look at this shit and think of sex or fetishes, you probably have some problems.
Plus if you don't see the difference between
>>163275 and
>>163260, you're literally blind.
No. 163281
File: 1444310846213.jpeg (98.25 KB, 467x700, image.jpeg)

This is not age play but come on friends let's play wiff stuffed animals and have a tea party with widdle cakes and our dolls tehehe.
No. 163282
File: 1444310882287.jpg (56.67 KB, 500x375, il_fullxfull.198002616.jpg)

Totally not ageplay
No. 163285
>>163282Those are costumes, not those kids' daily wear. That and I'm pretty sure they're costumes based on the attire of literal milkmaids from the 17th century.
Are you okay?
No. 163286
File: 1444311037525.png (330.35 KB, 500x398, tumblr_mwwkfvwEmQ1sj7ucfo1_500…)

>>163285Are you ok, honey? How's the PTSD from your molestation?
No. 163287
>>163284Because they tend to be dumbfucks like yourself who see frills and immediately think "aGEPLAY", despite the opposite being true.
Like what kid wears
No. 163288
>>163286>>163282>>163281>>163275>>163273>>163266>>163260>>163257Why do you have so many pictures like this saved on your computer?
You sound like both a pedo and an ageplayer who got laughed out of the fashion and are now bitter
No. 163291
>>163287>>163287A kid wearing a pink frilly dress and playing with stuffed animals? Impossible.
You can be as disingenuous as you want and complain that bloo bloo the seams is totally different from a kids dress they use a different fabric for the lining waaah only an idiot couldn't tell the difference, but every single normal person is going to look at you and think you're trying to look like a kid. Well maybe if you wear gothic lolita they might think you're trying to look like a myspace queen from 2001.
No. 163292
>>163287It's not even the frills that makes it age play. It's they playing with stuff animals, the importance of being small and baby faced etc
If a woman actually has some tits and curves Lolitas say it's indecent and she's fat/shouldn't be wearing Lolita.
No. 163293
>>163289>I wonder why that is?Because like I said, people like you tend to liken the two when they aren't similar at all. It's no one else's issue that you're a creepy pedophilic fuck who jumps to conclusions.
>>163286 for example was made as literal bait.
No. 163294
>>163292You just sound fat. There are tons of Lolita who have T&A. Ero-lolita is a thing, too.
>>163291>appeal to normiesI bet every single normal person would read this thread and think of you as a weirdo for sitting this long and saving so many ageplay-related pictures to your hard drive and consider this website a horrible place for horrible people, but I digress.
>Gothic Lolita>even slightly similar to Myspace scene queens or 2001 fashion in generalNow I know you were b8ing all along. You got me, great work.
No. 163295
File: 1444311505810.jpeg (37.17 KB, 236x367, image.jpeg)

This isn't age play but look at me doing a pose like a confused toddler.
No. 163296
>>163293If they aren't similar at all, why do people keep likening them to each other??
People don't say that wearing a north face jacket and uggs is ageplay. People don't say that being goth is ageplay. Why do people say that lolita is like ageplay? Perhaps because they are… similar?
No. 163298
File: 1444311626518.jpeg (79.54 KB, 500x928, image.jpeg)

>in a child's room
>pig tails
>stuffed animals every where
Nah these are not things little girls do. You guys are nuts.
No. 163301
File: 1444311743177.jpg (93.67 KB, 1300x933, teenage-girl-glasses-thinking-…)

>>163295So, is this pose now a staple of ageplay?
Better tell all those stock photo models
No. 163303
File: 1444311866847.jpeg (188.28 KB, 500x750, image.jpeg)

>This is common adult behavior. It has nothing to do with children. My coworkers bring their teddy bears and widdle tea cups to work with them everyday.
No. 163304
>>163296But they're not similar and I've already highlighted why.
People just liken the two because Sweet Lolita in particular reminds them of childhood shit (even though it'd be more closely linked to that "living doll" BS or old fairy tales).
If you had more than one brain cell, you'd probably have figured that on your own.
No. 163309
>>163307I've acknowledged that and explained why in the exact post you responded to.
>People just liken the two because Sweet Lolita in particular reminds them of childhood shit (even though it'd be more closely linked to that "living doll" BS or old fairy tales). You don't turn into a child when you hold a stuffed animal AFAIK
Are you just hell bent on repeating yourself until I stop responding or something?
No. 163320
>>163314 Age play is pretty much just role playing as a child. Many people who are into age play say it doesn't turn them on, they just like the feeling of being a little kid, being treated special and being cute.
Lolitas have deluded themselves into thinking their fashion is serious, have all these dumb rules etc
But in reality you're just a grown woman in a 8 year olds birthday dress.
No. 163322
File: 1444312652756.jpg (170.87 KB, 370x300, 00003tq4.jpg)

>>163320Yeah nah, ageplay is some fetish bullshit. Don't try to deny it to make yourself sound less delusional.
You sound like some angry cunt who posted yourself on /cgl/ dressed like pic related and got ripped to shreds because you can't into the fashion. Like it or not, there's a specific silhouette that goes with the look, which is how come anyone with functioning eyeballs can see the difference between
>>163268 and
No. 163323
>>163322If I had the money to spend I wouldn't spend it on lolita. I'd buy some nice luxury clothes and dress my age.
Good thing they did rip that girl to shreds maybe she will lose some weight, go outside and stop watching anime, wear some clothes that are age appropriate and flattering.
No. 163326
>>163324>crap qualityDeluxe bait. Most of the bigger brands are much better quality than a lot of expensive labels in the west.
Quality can be shit when it comes to shoes, though.
No. 163329
>>163327But children don't wear it (as you've unintentionally demonstrated by your shit-tier examples of its "similarity" ITT), so how can it be childrens' clothes? Explain.
Even if I did wear Lolita (which I don't, I'm just not fucking stupid enough to think it's ageplay), at least I'd have $1000 to drop on clothes, unlike yourself.
No. 163333
What the fuck is up with that one idiot who keeps denying the notion that the vast majority of the society would find that grown women dressing in frilly dresses usually seen on dolls is fucking creepy and accusing everyone ITT being pedophiles? Are they really so deluded? I'm starting to believe she walks on the streets in her lolita garb and thinks she's somehow fitting in with everyone else outside.
>>163321>you posted I haven't posted a single pic ITT. No it's a fucking bad example and a far cry to lolita.
No. 163334
File: 1444313669975.jpeg (83.56 KB, 465x620, image.jpeg)

It actually looks pretty cute on actual kids
No. 163344
>>163341>I know what I'll do, I'll paraphrase and reinterpret and capitalize the shit out anything they said using maymay arrows, that'll show em!Embarrasing tbh
Did you somehow miss the part where we said ageplay isn't about sexual aspects? Are you illiterate?
>>163342Samefag harder, retard.
>accuse anyone who wears the fashion of being a pedoUh, I never fucking did that.
No. 163351
File: 1444314561296.jpg (69.61 KB, 1280x720, mpv-shot0001.jpg)

>>163345 No. 163352
>>163346Unless you can prove otherwise, I'm going to go ahead and assume those kids wore that outfit for a one-off special occasion.
Most people who wear Lolita are people who can afford it, ie adults, regardless of its functionality.
No. 163354
File: 1444314639022.jpeg (73.39 KB, 411x600, image.jpeg)

And for the most part if you don't follow these rules Lolitas will hate you and that's because it's more than just a fashion for them
No. 163359
>>163344>Uh, I never fucking did that.Ctrl+F "pedo"
Most of the results are yours (unless you're going to keep pretending you're not a samefag again).
No. 163360
File: 1444314863551.png (337.86 KB, 360x478, image.png)

No. 163366
File: 1444315079150.png (371.23 KB, 1242x2208, image.png)

>>163358There are Lolita who legit believe this stuff
No. 163368
>>163365Are you SURE you're not just some bitter bitch who's mad that she can't dress like this without being mocked to oblivion by normalfags AND the people who wear it?
No. 163369
>>163367There are autists everywhere in every community. Look at yourself, for example.
Doesn't make them the majority.
No. 163372
>>163368Can anyone dress like this without being mocked?
if Americans see someone dressing weird they will just act as if they don't see them.
No. 163373
>>163371What the hell are you even fucking talking about anymore? God damn, you're so fucking desperate. You know you have nothing else so you
have to resort to these stupid ass samefag accusations. Not to mention YOU were the one who pulled the "u a pedo" card first. I wasn't participating but I was watching it.
Lolitas are brain damaged.
Look before
>>163344, this one and a majority of the posts which come before it with sage in the email field are mine. I'm pretty sure whoever accused you of being a pedo didn't sage.
Oh an didn't I mention before ageplay isn't about any sexual aspects? Did that completely go over your head?
No. 163374
>>163373How did I "pull it first" when
>>163169 is literally the first post ITT that even mentions pedophilia?
And didn't you accuse me of being a samefag when you posted
What made you stop using a sage if you're only the ones with sage in the e-mail field?
No. 163375
>I wasn't participatingNice attempt. What happened to "we said"?
Oh and I'm
>>163374 before you try to insist this is a samefag.
You're so retarded that you shot yourself in the foot multiple times with this post.
No. 163377
>>163376Nope, I'm not a samefag, unlike yourself. You just exposed yourself because you sperged out about nothing and now you're trying to run away.
Bye basic
No. 163379
>>163378So, you're saying you're not
>>163373, but they took credit for what you said in
>>163320 just because?
>didn't I mention before ageplay isn't about any sexual aspects?Seems legit.
No. 163385
>>163381Why would they impersonate you and take credit for your posts if you weren't the same person?
>>163382I haven't spent shit on anything, but okay. Sorry you got proven wrong and started crying about ageplay.
No. 163386
File: 1444324274390.jpeg (37.49 KB, 1175x191, image.jpeg)

I mean it's not just the few people in this thread that think it's sexual. People who have no idea what Lolita is thought it was a kiddy sex thing when they first saw it.
No. 163388
File: 1444324525866.jpeg (29.25 KB, 1242x202, image.jpeg)

No. 163389
>>163386>>163387Normies are clueless. Next up, water is wet.
That doesn't make them correct or not ignorant, sorry.
No. 163391
>>163390The "people" ITT saying it are literally speaking from ignorance because they think
>>163217 is Lolita and Japanese men find the fashion sexually attractive (which is a joke). They have little, if any knowledge on weeb fashion themselves.
People who haven't heard of it or don't follow Japanese fashion are obviously even more clueless. They're making the connection because they don't know shit and they're retarded, it's literally that simple.
No. 163393
>>163391I know a lot about japanese fashion but I still think lolitas are just a bunch of ageplayers who take themselves too seriously.
I dont understand why its so hard for them to admit that they just like dressing cute and pretending to be a little girl. it doesn't make you a bad person, you just look really dumb trying to come up with all these ridiculous excuses to prove lolita is a fashion that we need to take seriously.
No. 163395
>>163394Also, ive always wanted to say this but lolita is just a costume. Most people will not wear that crap everyday, they only wear it to conventions and meets. how is it a real fashion when you will only wear it on Halloween and conventions and wear jeans/t-shirt most the time?
Only a handful of people will wear it everyday but im suppose to think of lolita as higher than someone who cosplays at a con.
No. 163396
File: 1444328892106.jpg (139.06 KB, 321x600, 1443080087264.jpg)

>>163393what part of this is ageplay?
No. 163398
File: 1444328957950.jpg (186.07 KB, 638x960, 1442939532739.jpg)

>>163397or this? even with the bonnet, most normies would just think this is gothic or gothic doll. not dressing like a little girl
No. 163399
>>163396looks childish to me
>>163397she looks ridiculous but it doesnt look like age play. when i talk about ageplay im speaking more about sweet lolita.
No. 163400
File: 1444329009278.jpg (102.68 KB, 391x600, 23817_336065528535_4578612_n.j…)

>>163398you're all posting the most babyish OTT sweet outfits to prove your ageplay argument, ignoring the other 75% of the fashion
No. 163401
File: 1444329127600.jpg (159.81 KB, 529x900, 1436404389613.jpg)

>>163395Most people wear prom dresses only to prom. I guess that makes prom dresses a costume then.
the frequency of wear (which you are incorrect on btw) does not negate that this is a fashion and not a costume. its elaborate, but its still a fashion.
No. 163402
>>163395Because you put time and effort into putting together a coordinate and don't just throw shit on ready-made as a costume, perhaps?
And even if you don't necessarily go out on a daily basis in it, there are people who put together outfits to take photos of.
Like I doubt most people wear some of the shit you sometimes see on Lookbook on a daily basis, or that you see high fashion shit you see on the runway IRL (aside from when those designs are referenced in normie fashion, which is usually what happens), but that doesn't suddenly turn them into costumes.
No. 163404
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what makes lolita fashion as a whole so different from gyaru or goth? if you consider the former a costume, then so is the latter.
No. 163405
>>163403i dont always think sweet lolita looks stupid but i still think its age play.
>>163402Just because something is well crafted and coordinated doesn't mean its not a costume.
i mean if you dont have the balls to wear it alone/often then I see it as a costume.
No. 163407
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>>163405what specifically makes it ageplay to you? do you think it is impossible for someone to just want to wear the clothes without wanting to secretly be a child?
>>163406Prom dresses can cost just as much as lolita dresses and are usually worn for even less. If your average lolita goes to 3 conventions and 5 meetups a year, the dresses are getting a fair amount of use.
No. 163408
>>163405So what you're saying is, anything that's not something you plan to wear every single day of your life is a costume?
>>163406So, wouldn't that make prom dresses even MORE of a costume than Lolita? You wear them even less frequently. At least with Lolita you have meets and do photoshoots. Prom dresses you wear once and then leave alone.
Your logic is all over the place
No. 163409
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Do you guys who think lolita is ageplay also think fairy kei or decora is ageplay? Is it anything pastel or cutesy? Or the specific silhouette of lolita that makes you think its ageplay.
No. 163410
>>163407I don't think sweet lolitas want to be children(most of them would trade bodies with a 13-16 year old though, if they could because they pull off the look the most). Sweet lolita not only looks like age play but their behavior is too.
prom is a one time thing. women arent going out spending thousands on 100s of prom dressed only to wear in public twice a year.
>>163409decora looks really hideous but i dont think its age play and i dont think fairy kei is age play either.
its more like an alternative fashion. sweet Lolitas look and act like adult babies.
No. 163412
>>163411the childish tea parties, being a grown woman walking around in public holding a teddy bear, taking pictures with baby poses.
the music video looks like a little girl playing dressup and having a pretend tea party in her room but I guess this is normal for adults?
No. 163413
>>163412Most Sweet Lolitas don't walk around in public holding a teddy bear, it's considered ita.
Also that's a music video, not people in public.
No. 163414
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>>163412There are plenty of sweet lolitas who don't act like children, have childish rooms, or carry around teddy bears. Using a music video as proof of this is stupid, since that video is similar to a lot of Japanese idol music videos.
>>163410>(most of them would trade bodies with a 13-16 year old though, if they could because they pull off the look the most).So would most people on lolcow. Whats your point?
>decora looks really hideous but i dont think its age play and i dont think fairy kei is age play either.There are decoras who dress lolita sometimes, and have babyish rooms filled with toys and stuffed animals.
Many teenagers go to prom several times. And women spend upwars of $300+ or more on prom dresses, wedding dresses, cocktail dresses and more.
The money being spent and the frequency of wear still does not prove that lolita is a costume. There are many lolitas who wear it daily, just most girls save their most OTT coords for meetups and shit.
No. 163415
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>>163414Like I said earlier, I don't care if you think lolita is stupid. It is stupid, but I still like it.
Just have your arguments make sense.
No. 163416
>>163413In real life little girls have pretend tea parties with their stuffed animals, you think its just a coincidence that they would have her behaving that way in her music video?
the aesthetics of sweet lolita is just infantile.
>>163414do you know anyone who buys a new prom or wedding dress once a month or every time they get paid?
No. 163418
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>>163414I don't think grown women should strive to have the body they had in highschool and i think the 5'3 113lb anachans are fucking stupid. Its just a bad argument to toss against lolitas when most people on lolcow are guilty of it.
>>163416Okay but its a fucking music video. Its not a good argument to this "LOLITA = AGEPLAY" argument. Thats like saying that because AV gyaru exist all gyaru are whores and hostesses.
Generally speaking, if a lolita is buying a dress every month, shes typically wearing it more often than just to conventions.
No. 163419
>>163418most gyaru are whores and hostesses just like most sweet lolitas are ageplayers in denial(not all there are exceptions to the rule).
stereotypes come from some where.
No. 163420
and i dont think lolitas age playing is sexual. I think its just wanting to play, feel cute, fragile and dainty like a child.when theyre all dressed up in their baby clothes they can escape the realities of being an adult for a few hours.
No. 163422
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>>163420And again, I need to ask about people who wear the style and go about their daily activities- going out to eat, shopping, seeing a movie.
in order for something to be ageplay, there needs to be the "play". actively acting like a child, doing childish things, like wearing a diaper, playing with toys, speaking in baby talk, etc.
For every lifestyle lolita, theres a lolita who brags about all the unladylike things she does while wearing the clothes.
No. 163423
>>163422there are people who are lifestyle age players who act like adult babies with their daddies 24/7 all day everyday, just because theyre doing it everyday doesnt mean its not age play.
I think sweet lolita is a form of age play. not all age players wear diapers and shit themselves.
No. 163424
>>163423Except anon was saying they go about their daily life without any of the weird daddy adult baby shit you're talking about. They're just wearing alternative clothing at the same time.
Clothes are not ageplay.
No. 163425
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>>163424so if i put on a onesie doing normal day to day activities its not age play?
What if someone only likes wearing baby clothes but has no interest in the dd/lg community? what does that make them?
No. 163426
>>163425Except Lolita is not baby clothes, and several people have already shown why.
And someone who wears baby clothes but isn't in the dd/lg community is just someone who wears baby clothes, I guess. What, are you trying to imply otherwise?
No. 163427
>>163426no one has shown sweet lolita doesnt look like childrens clothes because it still looks like it in my eyes.
I think its just childrens clothes made for big girls. adult baby clothes are also expensive, so please do not use that "but but its too expensive which means it looks nothing like a child would wear!".
No. 163428
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something funny ive noticed about age play and sweet lolita is that a lot of ageplayers dont look like kids, and are ok with girls who dont look like loli's and arent preteen thin. while lolita is less accepting of women who look like actual women(with tits etc).
sweet lolita might actually be worse with their pedo shit than ageplayers.
No. 163429
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Who the fuck cares if lolita is ageplay or not?
All that matters is that it's fucking hideous and lets everyone know that you're a weeb.
Spend your money on real clothes.
No. 163431
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>when you're basically asexual like a sponge and just like lolita fashion because it's fun to you
No. 163435
>>163434that's still
No. 163436
>>163427>>163428Your eyes are broken, then. No one can help you.
You're the only pedo here.
No. 163438
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>>163435but going around dressed like this is totally normal behavior to you?and not off at all?
No. 163444
>>163442im not repeating myself so read here
>>163420>>163443i think sweet lolita is cute on some people, but i still think its age playing and theyre mentally off.
No. 163446
>>163445why though
how is it different than my example?
because it's not as common?
No. 163448
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>>163446your example is dumb because goths dont look dead.
No. 163449
>>163448That's it?
It took you six minutes to come up with that?
No. 163450
>>163448And lolitas don't look like babies.
See, it's really easy to just say things, isn't it?
No. 163451
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>>163448>deathly pale skin>dark hair and clothing>spooky-looking in general, like ghostsThey are to dead people as lolitas are to ageplayers. You can't have one or the other, sorry.
No. 163454
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>>163451i wouldnt look at a breathing, moving, speaking woman and think dead but i just naturally look at a woman with a bunny backpack, pig tails, pink puffy dress, bloomers,pigeon toed walk/stance and think "baby cosplay"
No. 163457
I would also say that most lolitas are fascinated with royalty/the Rococo Era/food/animals/ or impressing their grandmothers.
What's you're point?
No. 163458
Would you say that some lolitas get into the fashion because they are fascinated with
childhood or
I don't think all lolitas are ageplayers but it's silly to deny that they exist in the scene.
No. 163459
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>I would also say that most lolitas are fascinated with… foodHaha yeah, I can believe that. sage for double post
No. 163460
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>>163450>"no one wears ott anymore" not ott still looks like baby clothes
No. 163461
>>163458I wouldn't call then lolitas because they tend to have no fashion sense at all. That's why it's so easy to tell lolitas apart from age players.
You can't deny that lolitas have a good sense of color coordination and matching motifs.
No. 163465
>>163462>if lolitas had taste in anything they wouldn't be lolitas.truer words have never been spoken.
its so funny how lolita think theyre so stylish and good with fashion and are quick to call someone tacky…its like, look in the mirror hun.
No. 163475
>>163454That girl's not even goth, she just has dark hair and pale skin. You just found the normie-est image ever and tried to use it to make a point.
No. 163476
>>163472I do it because the very last time my mom ever beat the shit out of me, it was because she found out I bought dress for $350.
And now it's like a deeply ingrained thing for me.
She knows every time I post a new picture, I'm setting that money on fire instead of giving it to her.
Feels good in the worst possible way.
No. 163479
>>163478Oh yeah no, all the other girls on lolcow chan are just fine.
Bitch we are all here for a reason.
No. 163483
>>163481>relive >never hadThat doesn't work.
And also I like it because I hate my mom.
Come on, these are easy blows to take, you don't have to make them up.
No. 163485
>>163484When did I call you a samefag in that post? What are you talking about?
Yeah, you're definitely mentally ill
No. 163490
>>163489Replace the teddy bear with a bottle of henny and you got it.
It is /very/ sad.
No. 163491
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>>163425except the only place to get that kind of specific onesie would be an ageplay shop, catered specifically to ageplayers. you don't walk down the street and see ageplay shops. it is unlikely that there is someone who isn't into ageplay but wears baby clothes and diapers.
a kigurumi is technically a form of footie pajamas. but theres a big difference between someone wearing a kigurmi and someone wearing footie pajamas from an ageplay shop.
lolita isn't ageplay. it isn't baby clothes, and the fashion is legitimate. most japanese lolitas, while childish, don't see it as ageplay and don't see what they do as ageplay. they might describe their fashion as "doll-like" or "innocent", but those words aren't limited to ageplay. there is ageplay in japan and ageplay porn in japan but it doesn't often intersect with lolita. the two are different.
when is the last time you saw a baby wearing circle lenses with huge eyelashes and a giant wig? Lolita to me looks more like doll clothes than childs clothes.
No. 163492
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>>163448and lolitas don't literally look like children
No. 163493
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>>163460I really want to know what babies you see on a daily basis, but that isn't it. Even the most elaborate little girl dresses don't look like that.
No. 163494
>>163491most Lolitas are aiming to look like preteens not babies.
they want to look like preteens who never grew out of their baby church clothes.
No. 163495
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>>163481What if you had a great childhood and just love wearing ugly attention-getting clothing? How are you going to armchair psychology that, anon?
No. 163496
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>>163494You're changing the goalposts again. You went from saying babies to preteens. Except most preteens look nothing like lolitas either.
If you want to claim lolitas are fetishists, compare them to those creepy doll people. It makes more sense.
No. 163497
>>163493 it looks more like a flamboyant, elaborate version of children's clothes. Its like how drag queens dress like women but its a more elaborate and flamboyant version.
lolita is like the child equivalent of drag queens
No. 163500
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>>163494And you realize that most drag queens don't literally want to be women right?
Drag isn't a fair comparison, drag queens get paid, are purposely playing a character and not acting lolitas. The decent lolitas aren't changing their personality when they wear the fashion.
Some of you people need to watch Kamikaze Girls. It explains lolitas perfectly. Momoko was a bitch who wanted to wear fancy clothes because she was vain and self absorbed. Shes not obsessed with children, but all things feminine, fancy, royal, and cute. She dresses lolita because she wants to live a "rococo lifestyle" not a childs life.
No. 163502
>>163501False. There are lolita stores in NYC and the California area. Some anime shops now sell (shitty) lolita dresses as well.
My logic was that the only place to get an adult onesie like that would require some knowledge of ageplay itself. It isn't as accessible as lolita is. A lot of people think of lolita when they think of japanese fashion. people with just casual interest in comics or anime can easily come across lolitas. it isn't as easy to find ageplayers, so the chances of someone having access to ageplay clothes without being into ageplay is slim to none.
No. 163505
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>>163504sweet lolita has lost its historical influence, but it still lingers in classic and gothic lolita.
Lolita started with the visual kei trend, early lolita really has no ties to ageplay or looking like a child. It was intended to creep people out and look strange, but not look like a child.
I have no idea where OTT sweet lolita evolved from.
No. 163506
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Mana, the original age player
No. 163508
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>>163507>lolita almost never looks like this>ignoring the other styles Its undeniable that OTT sweet is popular, but don't pretend like other styles of lolita don't exist.
No. 163510
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>>163509but you're saying lolita like sweet lolita is the default. it isn't. it is one part of the fashion, and isn't as popular as it used to be. only itas, young n00bs, and people desperate for efame still wear OTT sweet.
No. 163513
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>>163512Of course she's showing signs of aging, shes gotta be atleast 30. She's been in the GLB since its first issue in 2001. If she was 16 then, shes 30 now.
Google has her age as 33.
No. 163515
>>163474it's really funny how plebs imagine that lolitas don't have 'real' wardrobes, they just burn all their money on this one niche fashion 24/7.
bbykeks, we do buy chanel. we just also buy lolita.
>>163511it's funny how eager you are to show off your ignorance because you 'don't care' but apparently care
just enough that you feel compelled to come into threads like these and attempt to cram your opinions in as if it's at all important/relevant.
No. 163517
>>163515>feel compelled to come into threads like theseThe op asked what we thought of lolitas though and i said what i thought.
go have some tea and candies to calm yourself down widdle baby.
No. 163524
>>163517giving your opinion is one thing, sticking around for this long to defend it is just kind of obsessive and weird.
my opinion is that you're autistic as fuck, but I don't care enough to debate you over it.
>>163518that's why I put it in quotes.
it's as much of a clothing style as goth is. people dress differently for different occasions. No sane lolita is going to wear her frills to a job interview, for example.
When I go out to a club, I'll dress differently than I do when I go out for morning brunch. I have a pretty substantial wardrobe, about 30% of it is lolita. it's all 'real' in the sense that it's all clothing that I wear on a semi-frequent basis, but I know what situations are appropriate for it.
Most lolitas aren't lifestylers, and the ones who are get kind of a bad rap. regardless of what ageplay-autist-anon thinks, we don't take teddy bears to work and spend our days playing with tea sets.
No. 163525
>>163520if you have that kind of money to spend, you probably have a p. good job & realize that you can always make more. some people collect comic books, or stamps, or guitars. some people collect dresses. what's the difference?
btw, $350 every month or so (and that's assuming that you're buying first-hand from the brand rather than utilizing the 2nd-hand market) really isn't going to break the bank for most people, so idk why you're complaining about the expense unless you are literally working for minimum wage.
No. 163526
>>163523i dont doubt that you have dont have to work for you dresses. do you have a daddy dom?most little's have one
>>163525Ok berry. are you a plastic surgeon who is also rich and kawaii?
No. 163529
>>163386Exactly. I don't know why it's so damn hard for lolitas to grasp this. Nobody normal out there would NOT think it's ageplay.
>>163377>>163377>>163377This was my last post yesterday
>>163376. The person replying to you
>>163378 is a different anon.
No. 163533
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>>163531Lolita does not require wigs or ~lifestyle mannerisms~, and many goths wear wigs and act in depressed/sad all the time.
>>163529normal people also think leggings are the height of fashion and that goths are satanists.
>>163528even new, few dresses are more than $300. lolita is easier to buy than ever now, you don't need to pay expensive shipping costs or shopping service fees.
No. 163534
>>163528I can kind of understand where you get that idea, because brands do, on occasion, produce special release dresses that cost that much.
But no, even buying new-not-used, you're probably going to be maxing out at around 400 for a new dress. And most girls don't even do that, they'll buy the skirt version if they're really in love with a print or they'll trawl the second-hand market for it after the initial rush has died down.
Like I said, everyone has their own definitions of 'nice'. Some people want to spend that money on a musical instrument, some people would use it to buy a PS4. Why shit on someone's hobby just because it's not yours?
>>163531No, but it comes with cyberlocks, dreads, tattoos, etc.
Also, you do realize that video is kind of a joke?
hence rules like 'keep a porcelain teacup in your purse instead of drinking directly from a water bottle!!' and 'don't run like a ninja!'
nobody can be this dense, jfc.
No. 163536
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>>163169>>163170>>163174>>163187>>163242>>163244If you guys knew anything about lolita fashion you would know there are actually styles besides sweet and that sweet has been dying since 2012. Classic is popular now.
No. 163538
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>>163537you're either trolling or delusional. snobby rich kids dress like kylie jenner now.
No. 163541
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>>163538Anon, haven't you seen all the young children who dress like this? Totally ageplay.
>>163540That's your opinion but people who think lolita = only OTT sweet are retarded.
No. 163544
>>163539Of course it's based off of the book. But I highly doubt it was named with a full grasp of the meaning. The amount of Engrish in Japan is astounding despite the ease of getting it double checked. Lyrics, tv show titles, advertisements, the complete lack of effort really shows.
I'd be shocked and maybe even impressed if more than 2 seconds of research had actually been put into coming up with the name.
No. 163545
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To understand lolita, you need to understand where it came from. Most people see lolita fashion evolving from natural-kei and little house on the prairie style clothing that was popular in the 90s. No one also knows where the name came from, you can't pin point the exact moment the fashion was called "lolita" it just sort of happened.
It didn't get popular until visual kei/mana wore it. Back then the fashion was more of a costume than it was today. Back then it was only expected to wear lolita on the weekends or to concerts.
No. 163547
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>>163545Also if you've ever read Lolita, the term is never used to describe anything other than Dolores. Humpert calls other girls "nymphets".
>>163546If you're going to spout idiotic shit about how all lolita is ageplay/fetish then you're going to get corrected. Ignore the thread if it bothers you.
No. 163561
>>163192>>163539>>163544The fashion was a thing before it even had a name. As in stores were making this shit. It wasn't named "after" anything.
People started calling it Lolita because Mana's a cunt who thought "Lolita sounds cool and European lol". He referred to it that way ONCE and it just kind of spread.
No. 163562
>>163544>Of course it's based off of the bookDolores doesn't wear any of this shit, she mostly wears two-pieces. The book is not based in the Victorian times at all.
I like how in your effort to sound as if you know better than anyone, you just show off that you don't know shit.
No. 163563
>>163535What happened to getting tired?
No. 163564
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Oh no, people think Lolita fashion looks stupid and think I'm an ageplayer for wearing it. I've never heard that one before.
So you think Lolita is ugly and I shouldn't wear it? And that I am trying to be a little girl? Sorry, but if I cared about what other people thought, I wouldn't be wearing Metamorphose.
p.s. It's kind of weird how you are still scrambling to explain a fashion you don't really know anything about, while still being corrected by people who are part of it. Stay bothered.
No. 163571
>>163554>naturally pedoswhat?
>>163561Mana is an idiot.
No. 163580
>>163570 The fashion never started through VK.
Stop spreading disinfo please
Mana and the bands he's been a part of didn't invent it. He just noticed it and gave it a shout out, which later escalated to a magazine and then a brand as it got more popular and he wanted to cash in/design shit. That and there was no established name for it before he came in with his "So gothic and fanciful…Lolita" etc shit. I'd literally be less buttmad if he said it reminded him of the period clothing in Pretty Baby and tried to name it after one of the characters. It'd actually even fit better. But no, we're stuck with this bullshit and idiots like
>>163550 shitposting calling it ageplay.
No. 163582
>>163581Your whole comment made me squint. Like, are you inferring Lolita's wear this stuff so they can get fucked? That's like saying a woman buys a cute purse with a pink bow on it so she can get laid. I guess a person can't buy something without the idea of getting fucked in it or because of it.
If a guy dresses in a tux, is it to get pussy? It's probably to dress up for a special occasion. Lolita is basically the same.
No. 163585
>>163569She used to be a nurse, so she has prior work experience beyond being a model.
Theres a lot she could go on doing. Or she'll get married and pop out a few kids.
No. 163587
>>163193>>163215>>163217I've always wanted to visit Japan, but thank fucking god I wasn't born into their weird ass culture. American men have their problems but at least the Peter Pan shit isn't widely accepted. I'd rather be in a country filled with men that like skanky bimbo women, than a country filled with men that like sexy children.
No wonder they're having population issues. The men are freaks.
Unfortunately the "kawaii" shitstream is trickling over into the West.
No. 163591
>>163590I'm really surprised that cutesy kpop, Japanese idols and frilly clothes aren't more popular with men here. They love that barely legal shit.
I really don't want it to happen because being a woman and aging is hard enough, don't want to have to be trying to be kawaii at 32.
No. 163592
>>163587I think saying lolita is akin to ageplay isn't fair. It's more like Japan is okay with "childish" and "cute" more than other countries.
Also, every country has a sort of fetishization of childish youth. Look up the nymphet tag on tumblr. It's daddy doms and littles in the west and it's arguably so much more disgusting than anything Japan does. I've never seen daddy fertilization in Japan like I do here.
No. 163594
>>163578What's the source on this? Literally never heard of this. I've seen very few cutters in lolita in the west, but they do exist.
What I HAVE heard of lolitas in Japan is that the stigma to be a lolita above the age of 30 is greatly frowned upon and they're considered a certain word that's hard to translate to English. I think it kind of translates as "girls who want to be taken care of". Kind of like, they want to get a lot of funds for their clothes but not work super hard and want to live a leisurely life.
No. 163595
>>163594actually anon isn't far off at all. back in the 90s/early 2000s, it was assumed that most lolitas were mentally imbalanced and cutters. you'd see magazine snaps of them with cuts on their wrist.
>>163591America values cute over sexy. We sex up our child starts, put them in makeup and sexualized clothes. we like teens and young girls, but we wan't them dressed to look older. Its a weird paradox.
No. 163596
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>>163593I found this information out on a Lolita forum. A few people were saying Lolita has a reputation as being cutters in Japan.
No. 163598
>>163592I agree with this. I think Japan embraces these things more than the west and see nothing wrong with cute childish things. Look at their food, they have cute themed food, cute buildings, advertisements. I think most people there from young to old like cute things, recently I have been seeing older people in street snaps wearing kawaii fashion.
It's easy to say lolitas are dressed like children when the West is about showing as much skin as possible. A lot of people in the West will also make fun of you if you like childish things and your expected to hide it. I had a manager make sarcastic remarks about my Tinkerbell bag.
No. 163600
>>163596>>163597Thanks for the posts, anon! This is actually really interesting to read. It's kind of neat because this was at the peak of gothic lolita and Mana. I can see the idea of gothic lolita = like a gothic/emo music fan over here.
I think it probably wouldn't apply in the same way anymore due to sweet being so big now. It's funny how lolita went from edgy dark dolls who cut themselves to living doll girls who are ageplayers. Maybe if classic is the next big thing, which looks to be that way, they'll be called old grandma's who want to live in another era. It's funny how normal people sensationalize things and stretch a truth to fit a narrative.
No. 163601
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>>163246I can't tell if you're being serious or not but yes we do. Pic related.
>>163247people still do though
>>163258because we constantly have to fight ignorant people who always try to delegitmize us and call us fetishists/ageplayers. tbh I'm fine being called tacky because yeah, lolita can be a bit tacky at times, but being called a fetishist is pretty insulting
No. 163603
>>163258I've long since thought about this. After interacting with /cgl/, I realized what it is, all joking aside: Autism.
Look at how matchy-matchy and childish lolita is. It perfectly matches up with a lot of how autism behaves. You didn't see how that coordinate was a bad one? They sperg out all over /cgl/ over it. They're very bad about doing any sort of confrontation since they're all incredibly socially inept. Lolita is one of the worst communities I've ever seen since it relies on anonymous, non-confrontational drama to communicate who it dislikes and almost nothing outside that. What I mean is, lolitas are notoriously bad at any one-on-one confrontation since they have no comprehension of how to behave in real life or real social scenarios. If you pay attention to most of the big figures in lolita, all of them have things ranging from autism to aspergers.
No. 163607
>>163592Do you know what fetishization means? It's not fetishization anymore when the entire fucking country does it.
>>163595>America values cute over sexy. We sex up our child starts, put them in makeup and sexualized clothes. we like teens and young girls, but we wan't them dressed to look older. Its a weird paradox.Murica (and every country with citizens following the laws of biology) values
youth, not
cuteness. The two aren't equivalent.
No. 163619
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>>163613 the bows is a great way to laugh at lolitas being anonymous and bitchy and posting stupid image secrets. "Lolita secrets" is oddly apart of lolita culture. They really have no idea how to confront people so lolita secrets is like passing around notes like little kids to others to show who they hate and their dirty secrets.'s the most recent one. A lot of them are incredibly cringey and super salty over stupid things, picture being an secret from there.
No. 163621
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I don't understand why it bothers them so much seeing fat girls wear the same dresses as them
No. 163625
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Oh man, I'm laughing so hard at this thread
gg troll
>Pic related
>So ageplay
No. 163632
>>163628nah, sweet hit its peak a few years ago.
classic is where it's at now. thus the rise of 'ott classic' coordinates and 'art lolita' style. it just seems that way because sweet lolitas have always been the most fame-hungry, so they're the type to take tons of photos of their coordinates and plaster them all over the internet. and you know how the chans work, bitches always be archiving that shit.
No. 163633
>>163629Try again buddy, just got here
>>163630I wish I could buy this shit at hot topic, it would save me the shipping
No. 163634
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>>163633I shouldn't wear it. At least with sweet people will think you're a cute little weirdo or a kid and not a 3edgy5me goffic.
No. 163637
>>163636There's no age limit on lolita. Plenty of people wear it in their 30s and 40s, or move on to EGA
Jesus no one in this thread has the FAINTEST idea of what they're talking about
No. 163641
>>163637You say that but too many girls bitch if a girl looks old. Girls get bitchy if a 20 year old has an eye wrinkle, they will talk shit about any girl who shows signs of aging.
Girls like you may say there is no age limit but you probably won't hesitate to talk shit about girl with wrinkles or something. It's okay if your 30 but somehow still look 10 and have no signs of aging.
No. 163642
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>>163641It's ok to wear Lolita at 30 but only if you look like this
No. 163647
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>>163646To me though, if you truly loved the fashion, you wouldn't let other people's opinions stop you. Lolitas these days don't care about the fashion itself, it's all about fame and impressing other people.
Plenty of older people still dress in "kawaii" fashions, people who actually dress for themselves.
No. 163649
There's that one lolita who's in her 30s who posts to CoF a lot, whenever she gets posted to cgl there's like one or two people going "ew shes old" and everyone else jumps to her defense. The people who are uptight about older lolitas are in the minority. The ones who bitch the loudest do not speak for everyone.
Again, no one here knows what they're talking about, I don't even know why I am here, this was a mistake
No. 163653
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I think Lolita can look attractive but I've noticed when I see people posting their own outfits I don't like the way it looks on them 97% of them time. It's a style that tends to only look good on Asian girls 13-35 or models.
No. 163655
>>163654I never said they were the same thing, dumbfuck.
>not realizing EGA is a thing within LolitaKill yourself.
No. 163656
>>163655Let the salt flow. You're just ignorant about the fashion and proving to everyone here you know nothing and embarrassing people who actually know a thing about it.
You think EGA is lolita? Quit lolita, you retard.
No. 163657
>>163656>trying this hard to put words in my mouthYeah, nah. I never said EGA was Lolita, either.
You're the retard.
No. 163659
>>163655>>163657Alrighty, then let's use your exact words
>not realizing EGA is a thing within Lolitathis is incorrect.
EGA is not a thing 'within' the lolita style in the same way that classic or sweet are considered substyles 'within' the fashion.
The fashions are tangential in that many gothic lolitas draw from similar influences as those of aristocrats or may 'grow into' the style later in life, but EGA is not classified as a type of lolita, but rather as an entirely separate movement. It's a bit like arguing that steampunk is a type of lolita. You might have noticed, if you had done any research more in-depth than typing 'lolita' into Google, that most brands do not cater to the EGA crowd at all, although there may be crossover with the appeal of certain items, for example waistcoats, jackets or footwear.
Take for example, Atelier Boz, which has a separate 'sub-brand', Lapin Agill, specifically for lolita. They make a distinction between that and their main brand, Boz, which is specifically made to accomodate the tastes of the EGA crowd.
you're an idiot, etc.
No. 163660
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>the girls arguing in this thread
No. 163662
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>>163660>can't come up with an argument so let's resort to posting unflattering photos of the target groupkk.
nice ad hominem
No. 163666
>>163663yeah, it's an advert. of course; it's like most people don't look like models from vogue IRL.
generalize all you'd like.
from what I understand, you're far more likely to get attacked over a bad coordinate than over eyebags.
people think that lolitas are bitches because they see samefag anons from 4chan nitpicking over minute flaws in appearance, but the truth is–most of these girls don't actually wear lolita. see ITT
or if they do, they're secretive about their sand-filled vaginas. because any community, if you came to a meet and started spouting off these opinions like 'she's too old/fat/ugly to wear lolita' would quickly ostracize you and your drama-seeking rufflebutt from the community as a whole.
the one thing that's great about lolita is that it's a niche hobby. which means that if you out yourself as a superficial cunt, you get outed to EVERYONE. even if you move all the way across the country. ex: Nia's drama, which followed her from east to west coast. or girlyhoot, whom everyone knows to avoid now.
girls love to gossip. rancid personalities make for great shit-talking.
so that's why all the lolitas out the worst parts of their personalities as anons on /cgl/ or btb. but it doesn't mean that everyone who participates in the fashion is a raging bitch irl. there are plenty of folks who have never made a secret or vendetta-posted their nemesis on 4chan, but they don't get as much attention because–surprise–they're not particularly noteworthy, as part of the majority.
No. 163671
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>ITT: normies being mad about something they don't understand, furiously defending themselves despite their lack of knowledge
You realize you're not going to change our minds, right?
No. 163674
>>163670so, it's not detroit, but i do live in one of the top 10 most dangerous cities in the U.S…
and I still wear my frilly dresses outside and around.
guess what? no one gives me shit, anon.
you'll probably disregard this as me making shit up or say that people just don't give me shit to my face, but also guess what? I don't give a fuck what they think. that's kind of the point. I don't dress up to garner approval from them, or from you, I dress up because I like it. so. dare accepted.
now excuse me while I take a leisurely stroll through my local ghetto in full frill.
No. 163677
>>163676well, I wear classic, not sweet, so the reactions I get from folks tend to be less 'omg haha you look like a toddler clown where's your sheep bo peep' and more 'are you in a play? historical reenactment? wut' or old ladies getting excited over seeing girls in petticoats like, 'I used to wear those back when I was your age, too!'
the people who try the hardest to throw shade when they see someone wearing weird clothes are usually best described as irl trolls. they want to see you get mad, they want to ruin your day. the best response is not to respond at all, because then they get nothing out of it and they just look like assholes. like, I think Ugg boots are the most hideous footwear known to man, but if I went around laughing at every girl I saw in them then I would be acting like a huge bitch.
the point of lolita isn't that you're wearing it to impress other people, it's that you wear it for yourself. I think that the original spirit of the fashion has gotten kind of lost in the emphasis on becoming e-famous and making costume-like OTT coordinates to impress your peers. I'll totally agree with some of the anons ITT in that the communities have become too much about showing off nowadays, but not all of us are into the fashion for those reasons.
No. 163688
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These people paid 500+ for this dress and it doesn't even look good on them
No. 163690
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>>163688Of course the only person it looks good on is a small Japanese girl
No. 163692
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>>163691well, people pay 500+ for it. I kind of like it, I don't think it's worth that much
No. 163696
i go to a large, conservative university in canada.
today at lunch in the main building i saw a chinese girl wearing full on lolita and eating her lunch. sweet OTT lolita. big puffy headband, full makeup, etc etc.
since this is a conservative, college town… there are no other lolitas here. trust me, 5 years ago when i moved here i tried to connect with them and most lived in the next town over (2 hours away). that was 5 years ago. now there are none. lolita is dead here.
it was so fucking weird.
No. 163700
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No. 163703
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you need a childlike body to look good in this fashion
which has NOTHING i repeat NOTHING to do with ageplay
No. 163706
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>>163704what does this mean tho
>>163195>>163176 etc
No. 163730
>>163688>>163689>>163690>>163692Someone is lurking /cgl/
>>163696Why didn't you talk to her? From your post, it seems like you are/were a Lolita.
No. 163735
>>163732step one: get a petticoat.
step two: save up $50-$100, buy a simple skirt.
In-between steps, trawl thrift stores for dressy blouses and shoes. Be discerning. Most thrift blouses will only cost a couple of bucks at most, but you can still find pussybow/secretary/ruffled styles at pretty much any SA or Goodwill. If you find a style that you really like, but it doesn't fit (because most of these blouses were previously owned by obese grandmothers) get it tailored. It will still be way cheaper than buying even 2nd-hand burando.
Also in-between steps, start brushing up on your 'eye'. Read Gothic & Lolita Bibles. There are scans available online for free. Browse /cgl/ threads on 'top-notch coordinates', read blogs, and learn the lingo (like JSK, OTT, OTK, BTSSB, etc.) so you can talk shop if you happen to stumble across other lolitas in the wild.
Moi-meme-Moitie is pronounced 'mwah-mehm-mwahtee-ay', by the by.
For headwear, you can either make your own if you're crafty, or check out normalfag stores like Claire's/Icing/F21 for bow headbands. Also look up guides on lace quality before you buy. Plasticky lace is to be avoided at all cost, because it's typically used on milanoo-quality garments. Look for nice cottons/'soft' lace.
If you're overweight, try to dress for your body shape (empire-waist/babydoll cut OPs or JSKs) or invest in some spanx.
You could also try looking up if there are any active communities in your area, but there's also no shame in being a 'lone lolita'–in fact, it can sometimes be more embarrassing to venture out with a large group if they're all weeby preteens. That's one of the reasons why the online communities are so popular, imo.
No. 163741
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>>163740aww, widdle baby got their fee-fees hurted
No. 163743
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No. 163744
>>163743tbh I kind of love this guy. rampant peter pan cosplaying and everything. he does what he wants, what he loves and that's cool af.
sure, he's probably gotten mocked for it before. it probably felt really shitty at the time. but it didn't stop him. he's a badass. a badass in blue satin little lord fauntleroy clothes
that's the appeal of lolita too.
i'm a little drunk
No. 163748
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>>163745In the photo, lolitas will claim this style is more "mature" because it isn't pastel and junk but the model is still holding a teddy bear. Brands use models who look super young and childlike. Stuffed animal bags sell out fast, infantile prints are popular in Japan (like a print called Dreamy Baby Room). They bitch about girls who don't look young enough while claiming dressing in lolita isn't about looking like a little girl. You better not be sweet lolita with an eye wrinkle and have the face of a 10 year old or you will be considered an old hag. Did you see the new disney/angelic pretty collab? It looks like a freaking toddler dress for playing dress up.
I agree about the costume thing, most lolitas wear it only to meetups and conventions. If it was really a fashion like they claim, they would be wearing it more. They go to meetups walking around with scepters, wings, OTT headwear, etc. How can they walk around like that and tell people it's not a costume? Girls are considered boring and lazy if they have a simple outfit.
I don't think anyone truly knows the purpose of lolita. To me, it's just a bunch of toddler costumes for adults.
No. 163749
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>>163748>>163745But.. why do you care? Like literally, why do you give a shit if you don't even wear it? And why you do just
know ~the tru purpose of Lolita~ if you don't buy it/wear it?
Why are some people so fucking bothered by a niche street style that barely anyone wears? How does it affect you in any way? Why do you give a shit what other people like and spend their money on?
because you're saltyProtip: the picture you posted is still sweet style, even though it's not pink.
No. 163751
>>163747No seriously who
Does he have a blog or something?
No. 163752
>>163748Yeah, I don't get why there's so much hate for simpler outfits. Looking like a sloppy mess is one thing, but some of them act like a light petti and an unobtrusive hair accessory is the end of the world. That's probably part of the reason I think it looks so weird IRL like I mentioned in
>>163745, because they're trying really hard to be photogenic for likes/reblogs instead of wearing something more balanced.
No. 163753
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>>163749I have an opinion because I see you girls bitch and whine over stuff like this and you girls are only bringing on yourselves.
You girls bitch and whine about being seen as ageplayers and dresing as little girls. Yet you buy from brands that use models that could pass for children and shit on anyone who doesn't look like an actual child. You get upset while wearing stuffed animal bags and dresses with teddy bears and baby toys on them. You girls keep the lolita stereotype alive.
You girls get pissy when people think your wearing a costume when most of you barely wear it. Half the time it seems like most of you come up with the craziest outfits just to have photo shoots and show off. Look at the photo, I don't care if that outfit is for a meetup or whatever. I don't see how you can walk around like this and tell people that lolita isn't a costume. How many of you wear it just because? How many of you wear it without going to a meetup, con or just to take photos to show off? I am guessing it's a very small amount.
>>163750 said, why are you afraid of criticism?
No. 163756
>>163168i think as a fasion its very pretty and elegant and if you keep it low its nt an issue to wear outdoors.
but i really dont like the hole was your expected to wear brand or behave a certian way
No. 163757
>>163753i totally agree with this person. lolita is not what it used to be and not what i started out as. it wasnt supposed to be about a bunch of 15 year olds bitching about eachother.
i wear goth loli and i go for tights, jacket dress (my jacket is more steampuk btw) hair in a bobble with a bow, and high boots. thats all. it is lolita but its not too much.
i know alot of bitchy lolis that wear it hardly ever and get super bitchy when omebody says something like Ops comment to them
No. 163758
>>163749I personally care because I used to wear it until costume-level coords became the norm, and the aforementioned community issues didn't help. People looking down on natural hair, using props like
>>163753, and carrying around 2-3 purses because one matches the outfit and one actually fits stuff was too much for me.
So yeah I'm definitely salty. These brands put out really nice clothes that I would wear again, if wearing outfits and not costumes was the norm.
No. 163759
>>163758"the norm"
why do you get a backbone and wear it in the way you want to wear it.
wearing it for the norm is proof you only wear it to fit in for your preti little shoots
No. 163765
>>163761So? I still don't see how you can walk around like that and tell people it's not a costume.
Just as bad as the girls doing Halloween outfits with witch hats and shit. But nope, lolita isn't a costume.
No. 163767
>>163753Japan is into cute things, toys, teddy bears, etc is just something cute for them. I don't think they view things the same way over there. Japan embraces cuteness unlike western cultures. Most of the complaining about age is done online and probably by people who fear aging themselves, you hate what you fear. I don't personally care if someone is 40 and wearing lolita, even sweet. More power to them and I will admire their courage to not give a fuck.
I can agree with lolita becoming to much like a costume. This is why I never post photos, I keep everything simple and people will think I'm boring. I only wear prints and that is extreme enough, I don't need shit tons of accessories and props.
No. 163769
>>163765>halloween outfitsyou mean costumes? because that's what you're supposed to wear on halloween.
last year I put together a lolita-styled witch outfit and wore it to some halloween parties, but I didn't try to insist 'this is a fashion' at that point. if people asked, I mentioned that it had been influenced by a street fashion from japan, but I'm pretty sure that none of the girls in the photo you're referencing were claiming that this was a direct representation of the 'street' fashion side of the style. it was a themed OTT coorinate in the same way that you'd see OTT cosplays of OCs or whatever at an anime convention.
No. 163771
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This whole thread is nuts from start to finish. There is a ton of samefagging in here and such a crazy amount of hate and anger it feels like somebody got scorned personally or something.
On the actual topic; sweet Lolita never really came across as age play to me (I dunno what kids everyone else has seen but I've never seen kids dressed like that). Modern sweet Lolita reminds me more of a fashion style based on mahou shoujo than anything else.
No. 163775
I want to ask an opinion of all of you guys..
So I want to get into ~kawaii~ fashion bcuz Nippon is oh so wonderful-
But not anything with any childlike motifs or OTT bc I'm not stupid, and I don't like anything like that anyway.
Well, I do like sweet lolita, but if it's some obnoxiously OTT sweet shit that have gone down in infamy, then no. (Sugary Carnival, Dreamy Baby Boom, Milky Planet, etc.) I even like elegant jsks that are good for classic cords.
I want to wear cute clothes from places like AP, BTSSB, Ank Rouge, and Swankiss.
But those are too expensive and my parents deserve better than that, materialistic happiness only lasts for 2 seconds on me and then I feel empty like I should be happier.My self esteem is so..fragile that I wouldn't probably even be able bring myself to wear them out in public without being a nervous wreck.And I'm so ugly that you guys and btb would just tear me apart, and that wouldn't be good at all.I don't think I should do it, but I want a second opinion.
No. 163783
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Back on topic i really dislike how OTT things have become in this fashion, especially for sweet even though it's stopping slowly?
I have some weird love for old school actually and maybe one or two prints in sweet from pre 2010 that's it.
Now i read this thread and while THIS anon is obviously a weirdo with wayyy too many weird pics on his hard drive or a fatty who's upset because "muh curves", i just thought a lot and now i just think maybe i should never wear lolita. I actually turned 20 but i'm scared of "cutesy" things because i'm scared of looking "childish" or ridiculous in general (have a pompompurin wall hanging storage, a rilakkuma plush bag,three plushies,and a cat shaped/heart shaped "normal" bag, and i judge myself hard.) I don't mind much what normies will think but i think it would not look good on me and that i would look,well, stupid. I'm told i look 16/17 in general but i think i shouldnt wear it, except from maybe once or twice to try on a gothic lolita outfit in black and white like my weeb me dreamed of and a cuter dress like the Babydoll JSK from BTSSB in pink or blue. I'm going for a more "Dakota Rose" style in everyday life, as in her 2011/2012 era.
And now i'm here sitting in my pastel blue pajamas with tiny happy clouds on it wondering if i'm doing the right thing. I-I just don't want to look retarded and like a women trying hard to stay young.
>pic related, but our queen is the exception,she's the fairest of them allSorry for the rant.
No. 163787
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>>163168I only like classic lolita because it reminds me of rococo fashion.
I don't like the rest but meh. i don't care that much.
i just wish there were people interested in rococo fashion and would dress it in ; _ ;
also, one thing that annoys me is lolita is now "kawaii".
i mean people say it's based on rococo fashion but lolita has changed so much it isn't based off rococo anymore.
like, AP has nothing similar to rococo fashion (except the puffy dress)
No. 163789
>>163773Women in japan try to look as child-like and innocent as possible.
Tween and teen girls try to look as old and "mature" as possible
No. 163790
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>>163787>also, one thing that annoys me is lolita is now "kawaii".i mean people say it's based on rococo fashion but lolita has changed so much it isn't based off rococo anymore.
Do you know anything about oldschool lolita at all? The fixation on classic is rather new. Lolita has always been a bit kawaii. They say it's based on rococo, but it's more based on Victorian dolls/children's clothing.
No. 163792
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>>163791Not that poster, but some of those French court dresses were pretty low-cut and nip slips occurred constantly, though I definitely wouldn't do this with Sweet lolita.
No. 163793
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Lolitas remember the fact that FASHION is art, FASHION can be borderline ridiculous, FASHION doesn't have to be wearable. Some of these outfits may look like a costume to other people because they're uncultured as fuck but I guarantee you any designer at New York fashion week would put something out on the runway that looked just as ridiculous as all this shit.
Sweet Lolita is inspired by the rococo period, a time where women were so ridiculous when it came to coming up with new ways to top each other that it became a health hazard. So people can whine all they want about how they wish that simpler more casual styles were more popular but face it, Rococo was all about piling as many things on your wig as you could, making your skirt so big that you could literally knock over a whole table, cinching your waist so tight that you needed to have someone carry a chair around for you, wearing dresses so garish and extravagant that the aristocracy helped plunge your society into extreme debt.
So if you want to wear your dress and be simple go ahead, some of you may strive to be elegant but it doesn't mean that lolita doesn't have some history of being extravagant and ott.
The way I see it, you are not wearing outfits, you are creating looks.
No. 163794
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I've always loved classic, gothic can be done well too but you have to be careful not to cut yourself on the edge. Sweet is.. a very fine line.
I wear ouji/aristo and getting into a lolita comm has really eased my transition into a new city. I've made a lot of friends and I love the style, I'd wear it much more often if I could. My only gripe is that I find sweet lolita to be cringey more often than not. I think that classic and gothic are so beautiful and elegant, and then there's OTT sweet that's just so costumey and probably easily mistaken for ageplay by normies.
Mind you, my disliking sweet is probably met with just as much dislike of ouji. There's not a lot of love for handsome men dressed up in shorts and high socks, I guess. I think it's another style easily done wrong; both it and sweet can look great on the right people, but it's easy to overdo it.
No. 163800
>>163577imma go with because people are constantly calling them fetishists and ageplayers and then fucking ignore them when told differently.
did I win?
No. 163809
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>>163244Because it never looks like that ever.
No. 163813
>>163812Not everyone thinks 'sophisticated' has to be synonymous with dressing like Anna Wintours.
And just like normalfag fashion, there are different degrees to which we all take our style choices. Some like to do the whole OTT historical costuming thing all the way, some just wanna look like regular dames wearing petticoats.
But go ahead with the mass generalizations. If you think it looks stupid, don't wear it: simple enough. Just don't be one of those sperglord assholes who like…throws beverages out of their car windows at girls wearing lolita, or thinks its so funny and original to ask where our sheep are or 'it's not halloween' or whatever.
No. 163815
>>163813Did I mention AW at all? She is also shit tier taste, just like lolita is. I'm well aware that the word has farther more context then the words you're putting in my mouth.
Why the fuck would I throw a beverage or shout at girls wearing lolita in person? You have to calm down, don't assume rando shit about me, a person who doesn't even effect you. Don't get so offended. I can state my opinion anywhere I want.
No. 163816
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>>163814how is that an overreaction?
all i'm pointing out is pic related.
No. 163817
>>163815again, I'm not offended by ~yur opinion~.
whatever you think 'sophisticated' looks like, great, have fun with that. we're having fun with our own wardrobes, you have fun with yours. all that i'm asking is that you don't behave like a confrontative dick irl. it's one thing to have an opinion and another thing entirely to harass people with it in public. the reason why lolitas are so defensive about their look is because people actually
do think that kind of behavior is somehow acceptable just because we're 'dressed weird'.
No. 163819
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>>163818thanks for understanding.
I can kind of where you're coming from, because even classic lolita (supposedly the most 'toned down' look) has trends now like…girls going around wearing ships or floral bouquets on their head.
And that's cool, too, because they're trying to show off their creativity and make the same kind of outfits that they see in magazine shoots. It's hard for me to diss that because I think of it as going the extra mile. To others it probably looks too theatrical and tryhard, though, and I get that–I just hate seeing girls get scared away from the fashion because they're worried about receiving a negative reaction IRL.
Anyways, I didn't mean for the original post to sound like I was frothing at the mouth over the issue. Sorry to cause a stir.
It's actually pretty rare to see posts like this on lolcow where we can both admit we jumped the gun a bit, so reading your reasonable post made me happy.
No. 163820
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I really miss seeing more toned-down outfits like this from CoF, tbh.
No. 163822
>>163819You actually really opened up my eyes. I looked at all my comments I then I was like, I'm being really rude and mean. I don't think It's cool to clog up a thread that people clearly are enjoying talking about things I'm not apart of. I would never want to make someone feel like they can't indulge in something that they like because of the negativity towards it and I'm so sorry that you lolitas have it really hard and that you feel scared sometimes because of assholes. I dress in deathrock goth style, it's pretty unoriginal and has been done before, but I know what you mean by harassment because I always get things yelled at me and strange stares all the time. This comment made me smile too. You don't need me to tell you, but do whatever styling you want, I shouldn't even dissect other people.
I'm derailing your thread again guys I'm sorry but I just wanna say have an amazing day/night wherever you are
signed, a sorry sappy fag :*
No. 163823
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99% of the time it looks really bad. It's not flattering on most figures. I think it can really only be worn by small girls with really cute baby faces.
I think that almost all angelic pretty or OTT junk looks like trash, but I can appreciate -some- of the classical and old school looks (I think pic related is really cute even though her hair is fried– and again, she has the right sort of face), when it was more austere and unpretentious. There was something really modest and cute about it. I love most of the looks in
The prevalence of wigs also annoy me– that's what makes it look excessively cosplay-ey.
No. 163824
>>163823Agree. Strange that it attracts mostly large framed/overweight girls with masculine/old looking faces.
I think some of angelic pretty's stuff can be cute but the girl wearing it has to be very tiny with a super childlike face.
No. 163835
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idk what's going on itt but i'm just going to drop some coordinates that i think are nice.
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No. 163846
>>163845you know, it's funny you say that. when i first saw this picture, i had the exact opposite reaction. i thought she looked like a character right out of a fairy-tale, while everyone else seems carelessly dressed and boring in comparison.
to each their own, i guess.
No. 163847
>>163846No, lolita looks weird out in the public. A person dressed in lolita out and about just look like little bo peeps off their rockers.
Its especially weird most lolitas seem to be in their 20s and 30s. It'd be more understandable if it was a young teen phase kind of thing.
No. 163848
>>163847I wear lolita often and I get mostly positive comments, I'm also 28 and wear pastel vomit shit. If you have good coords and are confidant, you will rarely receive negativity.
The reason why lolitas are older is because it's expensive. I just bought a new release with something extra and it cost almost $400. That is just the dress, socks, bow and a extra headpiece. You still need to have the right shoes, blouses, bags, jewelry, etc. Sometimes brands will even come out with special dresses that cost $1000+
No. 163850
>>163848>mostly positive commentslol
imagine how much better you would look if you spent that money on real designer clothing instead of tacky weeb shit
No. 163858
>>163857don't be silly, anon. this doesn't work when we know you dress like this
>>163851have some respect for yourself and stop wearing your cheesy costumes in public
No. 163862
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>>163846>bumping a thread that hasn't been active for 4 monthslolita asspain is glorious
No. 163865
>>163864No, it's actually not. And that's exactly what I'm saying, because 'dressing like me' means dressing like a normal person, not some delusional white girl.
You can continue being a NEET and dressing up in your children's clothing if you want, scrapping together money for your tacky Halloween costumes. I'm not going to stop you. You're only doing yourself a disservice, in the end.
No. 163869
>>163865How so? What does your clothing have to do with being able to work or having a degree? Obviously, you can't go to an office job in certain clothing, but if you're doing shit on your own time and like how something looks, how does that make you incapable of having a life?
>You can continue being a NEET and dressing up in your children's clothing if you wantBecause not only are we living in a world where NEETs can scrap together enough to pay $400+ for clothes on a frequent basis, only delusional NEETs have unconventional fashion sense. Alright, anon. I guess whoever's designing most of these "Halloween costumes", as well as shit from Vivienne Westwood, Moschino and other brands known for occasionally making slightly OTT clothes must be NEET beggar weeaboos for not following your sense of style, even in a creative sense. In fact, those brands must be flat broke by now. I mean, only delusional NEETs could possibly enjoy any of this shit, right?
>You're only doing yourself a disservice, in the end.It's certainly better than being a bitter bitch who gets her panties in a twist over other people not dressing as plain and basic as herself.
inb4 you try to pretend you're fashionable or non-basic in any way
No. 163871
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>>163870>lolitas calling others fat and uglykek
j-fashion is for people too fat and ugly for actual fashion
No. 163873
>>163869Autismbux is a lot more outside the US so non-USA NEETs can afford the lifestyle.
I feel like Lolita is one of the most unflattering styles ever. The dresses always make calves look chunky and I feel like the juxtaposition of the childish clothes makes their faces seem more worn out and haggard than they actually are.
If they actually had a sense of style they could find ways to dress cute and/or vintage and actually wear flattering clothes.
Matching patterns, "cords" or whatever and the community seem highly autistic. I doubt Lolita's can dress themselves properly with a normal style and make this Lolita culture to justify dressing in what everyone else thinks looks like shit.
No. 163875
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>>163874There are more recent pictures of her on there and it looks like she somehow got even fatter…
No. 163877
>>163873>Autismbux is a lot more outside the US so non-USA NEETs can afford the lifestyle. Nah, not really. What countries are you referring to? Plus, that doesn't change any of my other points. You can dress however you want outside of very specific contexts like work, and it doesn't make you a "delusional NEET" to like things other people may not like lmao.
>I feel like Lolita is one of the most unflattering styles ever. The dresses always make calves look chunky and I feel like the juxtaposition of the childish clothes makes their faces seem more worn out and haggard than they actually are. If they actually had a sense of style they could find ways to dress cute and/or vintage and actually wear flattering clothes.The fact that the fashion doesn't fit your own tastes and you don't like what you see doesn't necessarily make it bad, though. To be honest, if you're not a fashion designer with extensive knowledge on the nuances of style and form, you probably have shitty outfits and your opinion actually isn't worth much.
Your idea of "cute and/or vintage" is probably trash-tier, too, especially since you specifically avoided giving any examples.
>Matching patterns, "cords" or whatever and the community seem highly autistic.The fact that the idea of coordination/matching patterns is "autistic" to you just demonstrates that you don't know shit about fashion as a whole. Putting together a good outfit usually requires consideration of those sorts of thing, regardless of whether it's Lolita or some other fashion subculture. Shape, pattern, color, fabric, form, etc are important, even if some outfits look ""effortless"" on Instagram/Pinterest to you.
>I doubt Lolita's can dress themselves properly with a normal style and make this Lolita culture to justify dressing in what everyone else thinks looks like shit.Most groups with a common interest create groups/communities/culture regardless of common acceptance. The fact that you don't understand this, and instead default to "They're doing it because no one else likes them!!!" just makes you sound like the autistic one.
No. 163878
>>163877>To be honest, if you're not a fashion designer with extensive knowledge on the nuances of style and form, you probably have shitty outfits and your opinion actually isn't worth much.>Your idea of "cute and/or vintage" is probably trash-tier, too, especially since you specifically avoided giving any examples.Oh anon, you're so cute. You're trying to criticize others' fashion sense… yet you think that
>>163851 is a good outfit. What more needs to be said? People aren't putting much effort into arguing with you because it's like trying to explain to some neckbeard why his fedora, trenchcoat and steampunk goggles are not actually the height of fashion. They won't listen, and even if they did, they lack the taste and social awareness to understand why.
No. 163879
>>163869I have never, ever seen someone who wears Halloween costumes in their spare time be a functioning member of society. Never. It's impossible. HAEs will fly the day it happens. Nobody in their right mind would wear these kind of things. The proof is in this entire board, full of delusional women-children like yourself who dress up in Halloween costumes and spend their day to day taking selfies for their singular digit number of Instagram followers.
>I guess whoever's designing most of these "Halloween costumes", as well as shit from Vivienne Westwood, Moschino and other brands known for occasionally making slightly OTT clothesNon sequitur. Your Halloween costumes are Halloween costumes. Westwood was an innovator.
>MoschinoWhose clientele include Iggy Azalea and Rita Ora. Could you not have Googled some better examples of "slightly OTT" designers?
>bitter bitchYou mean… you?
>inb4 you try to pretend you're fashionable or non-basic in any wayI'm happy that you don't approve of how I dress because it means my tastes don't align with a person that has the mental age of a child.
>>163865 and I never said I liked the Halloween costume style. Wouldn't be caught dead wasting my money on this hideous crap.
No. 163880
>>163877>>163878>People aren't putting much effort into arguing with you because it's like trying to explain to some neckbeard why his fedora, trenchcoat and steampunk goggles are not actually the height of fashion. They won't listen, and even if they did, they lack the taste and social awareness to understand why.This tbh. You replied to my first ever post in the thread thinking it's one person arguing with you this whole time but it's several.
>Your idea of "cute and/or vintage" is probably trash-tier, too, especially since you specifically avoided giving any examples.I don't try to dress cute or vintage. I've seen it pulled off but I don't care much or save pictures. I'm just guessing Lolita's want to look that way but it's hard to understand the mindset since I don't have autism.
No. 163881
>>163879>Muh Halloween costumes!! Nobody in their right mind…!Good thing they're not Halloween costumes and you're just retarded enough to call them that, then.
>The proof is in this entire boardYou mean the one you're browsing right now?
>spend their day to day taking selfies for their singular digit number of Instagram followers.Nice projection there.
>Non sequitur. Your Halloween costumes are Halloween costumes. Westwood was an innovator.On what basis is she an innovator, but other designer brands "Halloween costumes"? That you personally like one of them? Kek.
>Whose clientele include Iggy Azalea and Rita Ora. Could you not have Googled some better examples of "slightly OTT" designers?Who cares who their clientele includes? Are you this starved of an actual point?
>You mean… you?No, you and your insane ramblings and lack of any actual argument. You literally ignored me pointing out that it's possible to have a job/degree and still dress alternatively to screech about Halloween costumes and Instagram followers. Pretty pathetic, really.
>I'm happy that you don't approve of how I dress because it means my tastes don't align with a person that has the mental age of a child.You're the only one here with the mental age of a child if you get this wound up over absolutely nothing.
>>163880>You replied to my first ever post in the thread thinking it's one person arguing with you this whole time but it's several.By "several", do you mean one other person who tried to defend your points but didn't have any real argument? Plus, I never accused this "other person" of being you.
>I don't try to dress cute or vintage.I didn't say you did, I said your idea of it is probably shit and the fact that you can't go into detail on exactly what you mean just betrays it.
>I've seen it pulled off but I don't care much or save pictures. That just further underlines that you don't know what you're talking about.
>I'm just guessing Lolita's want to look that way but it's hard to understand the mindset since I don't have autism.>"I don't have autism">"But I spend my online time in threads about fashions I don't like in order to complain about them" No. 163888
>>163886Most people don't go to job interviews in clothes they wear when they're out and about, but nice try.
>>163887They flatter slim, pretty figures well and make thicker forms look more "even" overall (nothing can help landwhales though).
No. 163889
>>163888Nope. Normal clothing on slim girls > lolita on slim girls.
i don't think you understand the definition of "flattering"
No. 163890
>>163889You keep talking as if your opinion is important or objective. I don't think you understand the concept of anyone liking things you don't like.
"Normal" clothing generally isn't that flattering, but it gets the job done, allows for mobility, and tries to be inoffensive.
No. 163891
>>163890Then how is your opinion any more important or objective than hers?
Please keep defending your adult baby special snowflake fashion, it's hilarious.
No. 163896
>>163893>collecting NEET moneyAlso, this has already been addressed but you're trying to hide from it because you know you're full of shit. This just proves how irrational and retarded you actually are.
Last response, bye.
No. 163897
>>163893 was going to be my last response, but I'm glad I clearly hit a nerve. :) When's your next NEETbux cheque coming in? Also, I don't know what NEET response you're talking about, and I don't care to check. Your response didn't say anything but talk about "designer" brands, for whatever reason, in response to being a NEET.
I hope the other anons in the thread can knock some sense into you so you can start maturing in time for your 30s, because it seems you've already missed to boat for your 20s. Maybe you can even enrol in university or get a job! That will be a very exciting time in your life when it comes, I'm sure.
No. 163900
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Dumping some outfits
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No. 163920
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>>163919This is a thread about Lolita fashion.
Posting one more just for you. :^)
No. 163924
>>163923Fashion opinion threads are always back and forth arguments. I'm wondering if a 'fashion you hate' thread wouldn't be more productive for some users, attach a pic and several reasons why you hate it. Then at least if you're into a fashion you can read it and go "oh, there's a few things people on the outside fucking hate about it. I'll avoid those".
On topic though, not a fan of lolita. Also, showing pictures of fat lolita's isn't fair. Fatties look bad in anything.
No. 163928
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>>163926And I think it should be posted ITT.
No. 163930
>>163917for me at university, I would dress up on days that I had days without studio classes because I didn't have to worry about getting my dress dirty if I was only sitting in a lecture hall for a few hours.
wearing something pretty would make the day seem more 'fun' because I felt like dressing up is invigorating, whereas otherwise I probably would have rolled out of bed and slouched into class in a hoodie, some leggings and no makeup.
It's like…I'm not insecure, but I can tell the difference between the days that I look cute & presentable and the days that I make no effort at all by the way people treat me. Their eyes linger, they're more likely to smile at or strike up a conversation with me–and that's not talking about when I wear lolita, necessarily, but on days that I try to actually put together an outfit and style my hair and everything
I'm usually pretty shy IRL, so walking around with a big poofy dress on would, you'd think, be
way out of my comfort zone. But actually, it's like…I dunno, I know that there are people out there that aren't going to like it, who are gonna think that I'm some kind of age-playing freak or attention whore or something. But it makes my day better. And it acts as a kind of communication with the rest of the world, without me having to say a word. If I saw another lolita in public, depending on her style, I could probably strike up a conversation with her over sanrio characters, or horror manga, or Downton Abbey, depending on her style. Lolitas wear their hearts on their sleeves, no matter what anyone else thinks. I always thought that took a considerable amount of bravery–maybe that's why I wanted to join them.
No. 402658
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I don't get how there are still people who think lolita fashion is about ageplay when we have the internet to look it up in a hot fucking hurry. Ageplay and perverted shit as a whole get shamed and chased out of the community by the vast majority. Even the SJW lolitas lose their fucking minds when some perverted man in a frilly dress shows up, despite how quick they are otherwise to screech about transphobia. The entire point of lolita is elegance and innocence, neither of which are properly compatible with fetishization.
Fatties in lolita are so outcast that the community has its own term for them; "fatty-chans". Most lolitas hate fatty-chans because not only do they make the fashion look bad, but they stretch out and ruin dresses before reselling them for hundreds of dollars to buyers who would've otherwise fit them at the original sizing.
The idea that lolita should be only for Asians is retarded. Just like what the Japanese did with the American Navy's old uniform that they turned into a pedo-fetish, they adopted an old look and now suddenly everyone with less than half a brain thinks the Japanese invented and own it.
I'm not personally into lolita fashion and think most of them are catty little bitches who waste disgusting amounts of money on impractical, hard-to-clean clothes that they almost never get to wear. But shit guys, get your facts straight.
No. 402695
>>402658Wow, you sound so fucking new like you got all your info through cgl threads and BtB trolls.
>I'm not personally into lolita fashion Lmao, of course you're a LARPer. Your non-contribution was an entertaining read.
No. 402729
>>402658>The entire point of lolita is elegance and innocence>Guys can you believe they have this word fattychan?! >Japan didn't invent lolita Yeah sure, there's no way we would have possibly known that you have no personal experience of lolita if you didn't tell us outright first, anon
What an embarrassing necropost
No. 402741
>>163168looks tacky and cosplay. children's clothes from burandos or whatever looks less tacky just ask the workers in poor countries to make it an XXXXXL size for you if you want a frilly dress that doesn't look cosplay. but most girls who wear lolita dresses grew out of it and the fashion has died like that ganguro/gyaru shit. on cgl there are mostly cosplayers for anime and literal cosplayers (as in lolita dresses) for cons and stuff to get attention and fit in circle jerks. the fashion however to wear it more than once a month is dead. thankfully. if they have not grown out of koreabooness most of em are just now koreaboos. now there's costhots and they are still popular just be that for the attention but
>muh modesty>>163827somehow this small post managed to be the most cringe post itt
No. 402988
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>>402753>tfw struck a nerve >don't feel good about itoh well