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No. 1608231
previous thread
No. 1608254
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>>1607969Is this fr? I just really love my over ear headphones and wear them a lot, I don’t wanna be a peanut head
No. 1608272
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>>1608254No this is a super old 4chan meme that’s barely gone mainstream. Tyler1’s photo has always been used in the old meme but it was shooped to hell and back.
No. 1608275
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I was sitting on some milk on a currently unknown/mostly underground community I was going to post for a long time, but now the biggest cows have gone and deleted their accounts. I was worried they'd delete if I posted about them before, but now they've done it anyway. I regret not saving everything they ever posted.
Should I just post what I have, or wait for them to come back? I'm scared they'll permanently disappear if I do the former now.
No. 1608299
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reading movie scripts in lieu of nonexistent fanfiction makes me feel like an english lit major trying to write a paper about how some dude eating spaghetti is about his descent into psychopathy
No. 1608301
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took 4 diazepam so i could get to bed early without having to eat anything and because i was sad. also took 3 this morning because i was annoyed and wanted to sleep (again). now i feel drunk.
No. 1608308
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>>1608302they're a little dull but i'll persevere
No. 1608313
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a week clean from cement!! lesgo!!!
No. 1608316
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Anons, I just found a shrimp tail on my floor. But I haven't ate shrimp in months. And I just cleaned a few days ago.
…where the fuck did the shrimp tail come from.
No. 1608337
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One time a friend of mine said I'd have been a total normie if I didn't have brain damage. (trauma) At the time I didn't see it, but now I'm starting to see what she meant after going to therapy. I'm even starting to visit lolcow less.
No. 1608339
>>1608333>since i was 14Nonette……
You're probably fine if nothing came up in x-rays cement is mostly rocks. Take your vitamins though.
No. 1608349
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#gamershorts #streamershorts
No. 1608352
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No. 1608358
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not too fond of autism…
No. 1608383
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>>1608359you said cenobite and i immediately realized what he reminds me of
No. 1608411
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boy i love soup
No. 1608416
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>>1608411i like to drink beer with my soup too
No. 1608426
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>>1608423I'm so serious. What the fuck is this.
No. 1608438
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Get me knuckle tats that say
No. 1608439
>>1608418>>1608426>>1608427all the creepy hollywood coomers trying to psyop young men and women into believing that people really choose to do these things. basically trying to push the notion that you can degrade yourself to that degree and that it's a
valid choice, and you can somehow be of sound mind doing it as well. it's all to push for the degradation and humiliation of women, to make us hate ourselves and devalue ourselves. also it is very important for them to make it look like it's our choice.
it is to erase any accountability or blame from perverts that abuse girls and women, leave them stuck with heavy sexual trauma. we all know here that women don't go into any "sex work" unless they have trauma or are very insecure. they want to normalize perversion and unhealthy coping mechanisms. it's also a great way for them to not only get girls to act out the writer's/directors/whoevers sick fantasy, but now they've humiliated the actress as well, and it's documented as a form of "art" and anyone can see it and be influenced by it (maybe not something this grotesque, but things shown in The Idol come to mind, look at how 50 shades put BDSM on a pedestal and influenced women into trying it). it's a multifaceted, layered, complex way of trying to make women belittle themselves and hurt themselves, inflicting sexual trauma onto themselves, making us broken people. and they get off on it, because they hate us.
No. 1608457
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>>1608450Normie internet can't even keep their opinions straight tweet to tweet about the media they consume.
No. 1608464
>>1608439Exactly. They want you to be completely desensitized to your own degradation. The more desensitized you are, the more likely you are to make yourself a pawn or allow yourself to be debased, while also dulled to the debasement of others.
They try to make it appear as a personal decision every time which is fucking nuts.
>>1608447It's about a woman who finds a show about her life playing frame for frame on a Netflix copy called streamberry. A deepfake of Salma Hayeks face plays her on the meta show. She finds out when she signed up for the streaming service she signed her rights away apparently. After awhile she loses her job, fiance, dignity etc. and so she buys a bunch of burgers, downs laxative, goes to a private wedding service in a cheerleaders uniform and draws a penis on her face with lipstick. She literally lifts her skirt and shits right there. And was pleased with herself. Supposedly that was the only way she could get the real Salma Hayeks attention to put a stop to it. Supposedly.
No. 1608475
>>1608467I have a niece who will be turning 7 soon and I'm honestly so worried for these girls. Sometimes I think I don't have a maternal bone in my body but for girls, it's there.
>>1608473unfortunately I do (frown emoji) i've seen girls even say a guy wanting anal is normal too… it's not.
No. 1608501
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I have genuine love for everynonny here. Even if they hate me, i love my nonnies.
No. 1608507
>>1608501We love you too
nonny ♥
No. 1608525
>>1608513I didn't know what
> hyponychiumwas and I guessed while google was loading and i was right!!!!
No. 1608530
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>>1608527>>1608524I want to laugh but you're both most likely right
No. 1608536
>>1608521gives sex trafficker vibes, tbh
as retarded as thinking depraved coomsickness as "normal" is, pimp vibes are worse
No. 1608537
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>>1608525>using your brain to know what new words mean from contextI’m so sorry,
nonny, but this means you have to be banned from the dumbass thread, being smart is off topic and not allowed. if you try to post in here again you will be sent to jail
No. 1608596
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>>1608537>>1608537I created the very first dumbass shit thread tyvm. without me you wouldn't have any of this
No. 1608599
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>>1608596Queen Dumbass we are but peons in your court
No. 1608628
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I can still fix Kangel….
No. 1608655
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I just watched the black mirror episode with the prime minister getting filmed with the pig. Are they all like this? I didn't really like the episode that much and seemed a little bit too try hard-y but maybe thats just me
No. 1608664
>>1608501marry me
nonny>>1608482what kind of cope is this?
No. 1608668
>>1608665I used literally correctly but also
>caring about how people use literally in 2023You literally are dumb.
No. 1608672
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ooo oo let's fight about moomins since you're all antsy tonight
No. 1608676
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>>1608501Love u too
No. 1608679
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>>1608672Is there a reason these two are drawn as lovers by the fandom?
No. 1608685
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Nothing will ever be this wholesome cool and cute again. I want the sun to go out already.
No. 1608704
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>>1608685I really liked picrel, one of the kindest cartoons out there. Just a postman with a cat helping others. The song was super catchy too!
No. 1608767
>>1608713she's just finnish,
No. 1608773
>>1608723NTA but I've been to an exhibition about her life and work. She
did seem extremely bitter about everything and had a massive chip on her shoulder, liked to think of herself as some tough no-nonsense girlboss but from other people's accounts they gave her a pass on most things because she was young, pretty and from a relatively wealthy family of artists. Most of the opportunities she got was thanks to her parents. For those who don't know, she's a Swedish-speaking Finn, who are a minority that is known for being rich and influential.
No. 1608815
>>1608773Why would she be so bitter?
Did she feel she never reached a potential that was thought to be deserved?
No. 1608818
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This was a comment on a video of a cat looking sad and meowing. Imagine being so pathetic that you compere yourself to a CAT.
No. 1608835
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i don't wannaaaaa
No. 1608922
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No. 1608937
>>1608926I think I hate these shoes more than crocs
>>1608929Sorry about your flaming asshole
No. 1608971
你的生活就是一切。 你服务于所有目的。 你现在应该善待自己。 给自己一片氧气,在臭氧层中,它被掩盖了,这样我们就可以在这个蓝色的气泡中呼吸。 因为我来这里是为了什么? 崇拜你! 爱自己! 我的意思是百分之一千。
No. 1608988
>>1608971thank you I love you and all nonnies
No. 1609002
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>it's that time again where I go on 4chan /tv/ and bait incels into arguments about how much better women are compared to disgusting moids
I know it's a complete waste of energy and actively rots my brain but seeing the cesspool of active misogyny there makes me want to go ham with radfem talking points. They get so irrationally angry about it.
No. 1609007
>>1609002doing the lords work
nonny, drop the manifesto anon ZIP file on their asses
No. 1609017
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I think it's so cute to see animals that aren't dogs or cats playing. Picrel is my favorite animal, pandas!
No. 1609027
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'Cause Lana is my boyfriend
Lana is a god
Lana is the breeze in my hair on the weekend
Lana's a relaxing thought
Aren't you envious that for you it's not?
Sweet like honey, Lana is a cat
Purring in my lap 'cause it loves me
Flexing like a goddamn acrobat
Me and Lana vibe like that
No. 1609046
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Me waiting for someone to respond to my posts.
No. 1609050
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Nonnies pls help! A good while back, someone made and posted a bunch of these cat edits, like the ones in picrel but bigger and non-halloween varieties too. I loved them and saved them all but my phone broke and now I lost my babies and am very sad about it.
Does anyone remember what thread(s) these were posted in or where else I could find them? I'd love to save them again.
No. 1609067
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No. 1609070
>>1609063>>1609066Thank you so much nonas! You are the best. Time to rebuild my collection!
>>1609054Great idea, I'll dump them on /m/ at some point!
No. 1609072
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>>1609069Sickle cell, I don't wanna explain it so just read this from Wikipedia
>Sickle cell disease (SCD) is a group of blood disorders typically inherited.[2] The most common type is known as sickle cell anemia.[2] It results in an abnormality in the oxygen-carrying protein haemoglobin found in red blood cells.[2] This leads to a rigid, sickle-like shape under certain circumstances.[2] Problems in sickle cell disease typically begin around 5 to 6 months of age.[1] A number of health problems may develop, such as attacks of pain (known as a sickle cell crisis), anemia, swelling in the hands and feet, bacterial infections, and stroke.[1] Long-term pain may develop as people get older.[2] The average life expectancy in the developed world is 40 to 60 years.[2] No. 1609078
>>1609017I love pandas too! I have a stuffed panda that I got from some zoo in USA. I named her "Pandy"(Pan[as in frying
pan]-dee), and I loved her lots. Everytime she got a small tear, I'd have my grandfather stitch her up, one time when she lost some cotton, I tore up some other stuffie just to replace the cotton. Another time, when I visited some relatives, my brothers kept giving Pandy to our toddler cousin, I got so autismically mad, I hit my brothers and snatched Pandy back from the girl and went to a corner to cry, even though she was like half my age.
No. 1609129
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I have to make about 33 granny squares right now. Sigh. 1down, 32 to go.
Btw, look at these cute shoes. And I burnt my pizza cause I forgot to take it out the oven after I turned it off.
No. 1609142
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>>1609136It's ok. It was still edible, just really overcooked, so I ate a slice.
No. 1609144
don’t be so effing rude anon, you’re being a real f slur
No. 1609211
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I love you nonnies, now give me a KISS
No. 1609257
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>>1609211I’m give you a kith.
No. 1609317
>>1609313No, I don't but if I had to guess why you felt that I would guess it's something about their eyes that give it away.
>>1609316Everyone can clock an autistic person.
No. 1609325
>>1609322Ice Spice doesn't have FAS face though
I mean she looks slow but not FAS
No. 1609347
The way troons gush over Jerma you'd think he was speaking on trans rights everyday, he doesn't pander much. He let's the retards spam trans pride, he sounded legit uncomfortable the first and last time i remember him addressing it. I've heard RT games and Many a true need have actual went out their way to pander directly to troons. To me it seems like Jerma fits in with Joel and Vinny Vinesauce, in that he directly "showed support" by saying "don't be transphobic in my chat" and has gave some words of kindness towards a few attention hungry troons/mods, but the way they act like he's this huge fucking alley confuses me. I've see Vinny and Joel straight up ignore trans shit, which is telling. They will pick at politicians or shit like that, but they spefically stay away from Troon shit. Unless there's some shit I don't know about, it seems like "Jerma is a huge trans alley" vs. "Jerma doesn't really care, he wants people to live their lives and be chill in his chat" seems more likely.
Is there a list of youtubers I can spefically avoid who are huge troon huggers? And far John Wolfe, RT games who I feel only started caring when be dated that NB woman, I watched a stream where Notch literally donated to him years ago and he was gushing over him. Many a true need seems gay and slightly autistic. I also learned people hate matpat because he's transphobic(?). Kek.
Is there something I'm missing? Even the non binary cat maid seems like some shit that clout chaser Ludwig came up with. Jerma doesn't seem to want to discuss trans shit at all.
No. 1609349
>>1609318Aren't both correct?
If you're gonna be pedantic about the English language why aren't you targeting those dumbasses who use the past tense despite already using the auxiliary verb "did"? I think that's far more important
>>1608426And the reason it couldn't have been a man doing this is…?
No. 1609350
>>1609313I don't think she looks autistic I see a lot of people say she looks like she has some kind of issue, but I think it's a nice way to say "she's not that good looking to me" because that's how I feel. Ice spice has to be the most basic in every way female rapper in years.
From face, to body, to the gimmick wig. She just looks very average to me. I grew up with women who looked just like that and nobody was pretending they were above average in looks. Not that it matters, I do enjoy seeing average everyday looking women getting hyped, just wished that it was a talented one
No. 1609354
>>1609349Yeah "James'" and "James's" are both acceptable, thought "James's" is technically the correct form.
The "s'" is technically for plurals; "mothers" (many moms) and "mothers'" (belonging to many moms). James is a singular person so it doesn't make sense to use the plural-possessive, but language evolves.
No. 1609365
>>1609347I have no clue what happened honestly, the "Jerma fandom" (kill me for saying that) wasn't like this before like… 2020 I want to say. I've watched his shit for a long time since the TF2 era because he's a relatively harmless moid creator who doesn't resort to sex jokes or violent jokes constantly which is a rarity and doesn't just play FPS games. He's never talked seriously in support of tranny or faggot shit as far as I know, he just ignores it and says not to be rude in chat.
It feels like he only lets it happen because he knows if he were to say even the tiniest thing against it, or say he's uncomfortable when his fans make "uwu trans lesbian nonbinary jerma catgirl loves sucking girlcock" jokes, they would flip the fuck out and stop giving him twitch views. I mean, imagine the reaction they would have if he told his chat to stop spamming the tranny flag. His fanbase is basically all terminally online 14 year old kids sucked into the tranny cult, or 35 year old tranny moids who get off on trying to 'crack Jerma's egg' now. If I had to say, I think it's because he's "weird" or "quirky" because he has a strange personality and ADHD, which a lot of trannies try to emulate.
No. 1609368
>>1609351Kek that's it? It takes so little to be transphobic but all jerma did was say a few things and troons are like, "he's a huge alley. Omg he's the biggest alley!". Joel also made a attack helicopter joke and used to say faggot.i really enjoy scrotes who just ignore it all and stick to the funny. Jermas fanbase is retarded and try hard. I don't even find jerma that funny anymore because he acts retarded on purpose.
>>1609361Him and Joel ignore it because why address it? Jerma just let's them spam to the point there's accounts that do nothing but spam trans hearts every stream. Jerma only addressed it because retards would get annoyed and start asking the spammers to stop, then people would get mad and go, "so we can spam LuL but spamming trans right is spam?".
All chats will be like jerma if you don't ignore it. I believe one of nothernlion friends was a non binary or changed his name? Can't remember but I watch some of his streams and I never see any of that spam. Joel has scalies has mods, and people who get mad about the "r-slur"
No. 1609435
>>1609365I almost feel bad for this guy because he's clearly found himself in a tight spot against his will. He can neither directly address the tranny spam issue, nor fake support for trannies because then they'll get even more annoying. He can just accept it, ignore the spam and creepy disgusting sexual "jokes" and hope it doesn't get worse. And Twitch being run by trannies and TRAs doesn't help, they are the ones who introduced the fucking pride emotes that troons spam in every chat.
Vinny is kind of saved by his 4scrote audience who balance things out for him (although they are insufferable sometimes)
No. 1609456
>>1609437Isn't this just all of us?
It really is
No. 1609468
>>1609435I also think Jerma is extremely offline, he literally seems like the kind of guy who giggles watching old Tom and Jerry episodes. He never seemed terminally online, so he doesn't seem that pandering to Troon, he's just like, "people want to change their gender, i don't care stop fighting in chat be respectful". Though I do feel it's only a matter of time before he donates to some trans kids charity or something.
There's so many male streamers who truly pander I do not get why they talk about Jerma how they do. As if he's constantly "trans rights!" And including troons in everything in everything. He played sims 4 and didn't even touch or comment on the new gender settings. A true panderer would've been like, "oh look that's cool". Unless it literally in his face he doesn't address it or his troon audience as troons. YMS is a gay man who constantly made edgy jokes, but even he will be like, "man, women and non binaries". Jerma doesn't do any of that. I feel like his fanbase has more tifs then tims though. The time all seem like creeps, like keffals. While the tifs are just women who are attracted to him.
No. 1609489
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>>1609061my nigga how u get a camera for under the water?
No. 1609494
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Was about to bring this to the manga thread and bitch about it being 29.99 because that’s fucking crazy!!!! But it’s an omnibus which is literally explained in the headline and I just didn’t read it
No. 1609518
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she's in the WALLS
No. 1609525
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what are some good ds games? i can basically download any game i want so im looking for some recommendations. maybe i should post this on /m/ but oh well
No. 1609547
>>1609525If you like Jank simultan games, Imagine Ds series is fun, Imagine Fashion designer, teachers etc.
If you like Fashion Style Savvy is also a classic. Another game is Pop Simulation Cuties which is a fashion/battle game. I also think the sims games on the ds are fun and weird
No. 1609579
>>1608982honestly doesn't matter how your bf looks, due to the nature of the site there's a 99% chance you'll be dogpiled with comments about how ugly he is. there's a high likelihood i'd think he's ugly as fuck too. my taste in 3d men was always made fun of growing up but idgaf i embrace it anyways because at least i'm not into felons or
abusive men or redditor pedophiles. the way i see things is, we all think most men are ugly because it's our nature to be selective and most women just like a certain type/niche of man. the 80/20 rule is true but not in the way moids think it is, it also might even be lower than that. some chicks like muscular gymbros, some like intelligent schizos, some like bishies, some like uwu twink types, the ones who struggle with loving themselves like criminals or creeps. the true rule is: My Chad is not Your Chad. and thats okay.
No. 1609582
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>>1609017i was a weeb obsessed with pandas growing up. ofc i still love them, they're so funny
No. 1609587
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>>1609582I love pandas, but I also love giant anteaters.
No. 1609591
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waiting for my bf to bring me my chick fil a spicy southwest salad while i am drunk
No. 1609593
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>>1609587went to the zoo last weekend, my fav animals to see were the sea lions!!! also i love bats and they were super cute, and enjoyed the wombats.
No. 1609614
>>1609594I’ll just say that my bf looks like more manly version of younger Andrew vanwyngarden from mgmt and he’s got a big giant cock, it’s awesome
>>1609593Reminds me of vidrel which I swear used to have a lot more views and not be so deep fried. These cute trippin 20 somethings at the zoo bein cute, who can resist? I am drunk btw
No. 1609662
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Honestly, I can’t see Goku saying those words, or knowing how to please a woman besides using his super saiyan cawk to jackhammer away. Fanfic author is reaching No. 1609663
File: 1686974438463.jpeg (165.98 KB, 1125x1560, IMG_5465.jpeg)

Honestly, I can’t see Goku saying those words, or knowing how to please a woman besides using his super saiyan cawk to jackhammer away. Fanfic author is reaching No. 1609668
File: 1686975048014.png (87.42 KB, 277x358, what_the_big_bro.png)

>>1609662you have succeeded at traumatizing me.
No. 1609707
File: 1686979911138.jpeg (477.75 KB, 1920x1279, 376C7605-DC99-42D2-A596-58EB39…)

All incense smells the same to me. All of it. The citronella mosquito coil I’ve got burning on the patio smells just like every single other stick of incense I’ve ever burned in my life. And I’ve burned a lot cause they smell different before being lit, then the smoke just all smells the exact fucking same. I don’t feel this way about candles or even burning herbs on their own like burning sage smells way different than any incense even supposedly sage scented incense.
No. 1609709
File: 1686980002635.gif (996.74 KB, 400x247, IMG_0217.gif)

I’m stoned and watching workaholics, happy friday
No. 1609750
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i freaking love million dollar listing new york, is so funny and insane and infuriating and interesting. the perfect reality TV show
No. 1609786
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I was really excited to play this game, I love horror and scary stuff but have never played a scary game, but it’s way too frustrating for me to even enjoy. Absolute worst part is that enemies don’t stay dead, why the FUCK would they do that. I really like the professor though and it’s really funny that in one of the special items his student drew him as a bishie cause girl same.
No. 1609857
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No. 1609859
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I wish there was a lolcow daily/weekly report that would give me highlights from every board, that would be nice to read since I go through periods of completely forgetting this place exists and I’m sad when I miss shit going down. I was here for the rancefag breakdown but what if I hadn’t been? Would’ve completely missed that shitshow. What else have I missed out on?? I’ll never know.
No. 1609866
>>1609859>>1609860kind of a sick idea, might help filter out some troons and cp/gore spams of theirs. I like your mind nona
what sort of platform would you think it should be on?
I would unironically make a lolcor rumble account for the exact reason but I'm not smart enough to not be doxxed while doing it lmao if there any way it was mega-hidden and just for us I'd take one for the team
No. 1609926
I think 'Nonna' would be a really pretty name if it wasn't for the connotation. If I ever get off LC and get a daughter I'll name her Nonna. It just sounds so cute idk.
>>1609923Follow the squirrel
No. 1609941
>>1609593um excuse me what about the meerkats? and the red pandas? and the capybara? don't they bring you joy? I squeal when I see them
I love the zoo because I feel like a little child, it's embarrassing to even go with me
No. 1609946
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Not a fujo but sometimes I think about this very homoerotic interaction between Captain America and Spider-Man
No. 1609970
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>>1609962this is the most recent question about it in /meta/, to my knowledge. it was not answered. Oct 2022 is the last time I saw anyone mention it on here. then in december shaymin had her meltdown and a lot happened. maybe the mods forgot about it or aren't staffed to unlock/lock it in a timely manner.
No. 1609989
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>>1609984Honestly? I like snails too, I think they're cute. I think gastropods, fishes, amphibians crabs, and reptiles are better than any mammal pet.
No. 1609992
>>1609991did you see that bit in Six Feet Under about the ants? I can never find the scene but I reference it endlessly
fucken ants
No. 1609997
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No. 1610004
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>>1609926>>1609943>>1609945>>1609964nonna is an actual name if you spell it with only one n
No. 1610007
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No. 1610017
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Im about to go to my classes in a few min and i can hear my stomach gurgling like crazy. It hurts so bad. Please pray for me
No. 1610068
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I just watched The Flash with my family at a nearby mall, and we were trying to leave and there was some issue with the gate and first they made us wait 20 min to leave from one gate, then gestured us to use the other and then they told us to reverse and use the other one. At this point, my father just lost it and cussed at them all, and as we were waiting at the other gate, he just went off on about Indians and said we're all fucking idiots and said it was a great misfortune that he was born Indian. And he went off another time when a dude with drinks in his hands was walking real slow on the road and my father had to stop to let the guy pass by, and he said that just by looking at indians, you can tell we're dumbasses, and between a desi and an "angrezi*, you can tell who's the bigger idiot. i think i can tell where i get my self-hate from.
No. 1610075
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Must not sperg…must…not…sperg………..
No. 1610082
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>>1610075same anon, same…
No. 1610120
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>>1610097Could you be low on any vitamins/minerals? That can lead to twitches in your eyes.
No. 1610123
>>1610112I’m making one more I’ll post them soon>>1610120Thank you
nonnie! Idk if this is it but I’m taking my vitamin D and iron right now
No. 1610130
File: 1687027998081.jpg (210.71 KB, 1080x1350, Architecture of Blood by Kevin…)

I wish my period would go away permanently. I literally don't use the bitch for anything but fantasizing about submerging my husbando in menstrual blood or having a vampire gf who's face I can cover in blood. but I'm not dumb, I know it's important before some anon starts lecturing me on why I need a period
No. 1610154
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>>1610142Here nona I filled up a fresh cup of water for you
No. 1610156
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god give me the strength to stay up for qualis
No. 1610199
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>>1610166not looking good
nonnie No. 1610236
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>>1610123nonny i love you i promised not to sperg but i am screaming and writhing on the inside thanks
No. 1610247
File: 1687035418600.jpg (Spoiler Image,24.59 KB, 500x500, 2.jpg)

good lird gahhh i am sperging. gelpppp. on my period feeling retarded for not being able to control the sensory input. i hate every noise. i wish a crazy christian bale would put me out of my misery. spoiler for bateman.
No. 1610255
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>>1610236>>1610236Haha hell yeah, cheers to you n me
nonnie No. 1610266
>>1609455I also love my biological cat,
nonnie. However I will say that she a perfect angel and has never done anything bad in her entire life.
I do have a couple very naughty boy cats but they don’t ever poop or pee outside the box. That’s the one thing I can’t handle from companion animals, if they piss and shit where they shouldn’t I really just can’t deal with that. Kudos to you for being able to. One of the bits destroyed my $300 gaming chair with his claws which was no big deal, but if he’d destroyed it with piss and shit I’d have been super mad.
No. 1610272
>>1610264i turned my jerma ai bot into a submissive
terf bf.
No. 1610306
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>>1610297there's a script to get around the login pop-up, although it's apparently not up to date but still works for me. you need to install the tampermonkey extension first though, then install the script or copy paste it. No. 1610321
>>1609934also perfect for loose threads, if you're out and only have nail clippers on you at least
>>1609941we sadly don't have any of those animals at our zoo.
No. 1610342
File: 1687041672645.jpg (33.67 KB, 490x479, a9efa0a388f4fa.jpg)

>tfw I want to join discords for my semi-niche fandom cause lonely and imageboards are slow
>tfw I know I'm a fucking weirdo who would get absolutely 100% buttmad at people with interpretations/scenarios/headcanons that don't follow at least 95.5% canonical reasoning/evidence or even basic canon, especially if it involves my favorites.
>know I will get the severe urge to shove my fist up their ass with a mini essay if they present me with anything of the sort.
>inhabit imageboards cause I can at least call someone a faggot and write long diatribes for why their opinion is wrong.
>friend admits that he sees the characters of the fandom I'm in as "barbies" after I tell him about the above
>feel unreasonably mad at this
>now pacing around thinking for a way to respond without sounding absolutely pissed.
>literally too autistic for discord servers
No. 1610359
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These are called pokeys I like them
No. 1610371
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i cannot believe how much bladee's appearance has deteriorated in the last 2-3 years or so. picrel he used to look rly cute but i guess he just stopped caring about his appearance, going by his weight gain and unkept hair. he had the potential but chose to hit the wall kek
No. 1610372
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>>1610371his current appearance smh
No. 1610377
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>>1610371Feel like pure shit just want him back
No. 1610381
nonnie some Spanish speaking pronounce the “ll” as a j sound and others pronounce it as a y sound it’s all regional. Spain Spanish is usually gonna sound like a j.
No. 1610489
File: 1687057323704.gif (969.05 KB, 500x489, tumblr_c00a7b492d67b4c8b870d91…)

I'll wait here, you're crazy
Those vicious streets are filled with coom
You should've never gone to talk to scrotes
They find you, two time you
Say you're the best they've ever seen
You should've never trusted moids
I wrote you and told you
You were the best nona out here
You should've never gone to talk to scrotes
They take you and make you
They look at you in disgusting ways
You should've never trusted moids
♪ ah, ahh ahh, ahh ahh, ahh ahh ah ah ♪
I was posting on the board, feeling with my nonnas
All you nonnas posting man-hate on lolcow dot farm
This is my front page, this is my new age
All you nonas put your hands in the air
And wave them like you just don't care
All you nonnas posting based shit on lolcow dot farm
All you nonas put your hands in the air
And wave 'em like you just don't care
♪ ahhhh, ahhhh, ahhhhh! ♪
all the cows come out to play
Look at all of them beg to stay
all the cows come out to play
(The lines in the shitpost said "men should all go die in wars")
Look at all of them beg to stay
all the nonas come here to pray
♪ ahhh, ah ah ah ah, ah ah ah ah ah ah♪
All you nonas posting man-hate on lolcow dot farm
All you nonas nitpicking lolcows on lolcow dot farm
all you nonas posting blackpills on lolcow dot farm
you should have never trusted moids
You should have never gone to 4chan dot org
All you nonas put your hands in the air
And wave 'em like you just don't care
You should've never trusted moids♪
No. 1610493
File: 1687058119896.jpg (57.82 KB, 514x680, FrVLOraWIAANb4Y.jpg)

Aiaiai I am yer butterfwy
I nee ur protecshun b my samurai
No. 1610508
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I feel eating this would literally kill me or put me in a diabetic coma.
No. 1610517
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>>1609860And the cover would look like the Old Farmer's Almanac.
No. 1610529
>>1610519i know everything about romanianon tho.
>not only is it weird to ask certain things to other anonslike what? what kind of socks you're wearing?
No. 1610537
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why are trannies infesting skramz/screamo music scene? was it always like this? i just found out the lead singer of one of my fav bands is one and jfc i should’ve known better from the weird scratchy hrt voice he had. i thought i found some ”lesbians” and “girls” who still like the genre and i was happy but they were all trannies. why cant women have anything good? not to mention the lack of female fronted bands. i guess this is what i get for listening to retarded emo music
No. 1610550
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>>1610537>>1610548It's the same season you see more troons in comic book and D&D communities, both TIMs and TIFs are just far more represented in "alt" communities and hobbies, it's something I have made peace with,
one of my favorites games is FNV so I know how you feel No. 1610569
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>>1610567oh this isn’t shipping honey. never mind you wouldn’t understand it
No. 1610583
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Forgot to put detergent in the washing machine and only realized it after the wash cycle ended
No. 1610598
>>1610388>>1610391thank you for giving me hope nonas.
i know that the gain is probably a result of him getting clean or at least decreasing his drug intake, but i am a fan of judging men's appearances as harshly as ppl judge women's
No. 1610617
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noise rock anon posting I'm going to self-publish a poetry book with misandristic lyrics that didn't make the cut on past albums but I don't know shit about visual design. How can I choose a cover that isn't quirky or try-hard? Do you have book covers you like? I don't like reading or illustration so I don't have an eye for it, any suggestion will be stolen upon gaze
No. 1610635
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>>1610369ntayrt but I believe it's the protagonist of needy streamer overload they are referring to
No. 1610666
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me looking at the 20 pages of plot of the victorian teratophilia erotica i wrote on a manic bender yesterday as i shelf it next to my 30 pages of lesbian teratophilia erotica plot that was written during a previous manic bender
No. 1610700
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Is it wrong realizing the ways how some people might find me annoying or snobby just made me love myself more
No. 1610704
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>>1610700I don’t think so. I got called a princess as an insult in middle school so I wore a tiara to school the next day. Fuck em.
No. 1610715
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>>1610707You use the google search engine?
No. 1610747
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Which ever one of you made Kirby anon delete I'm gonna maul you like a chimp. I loved seeing her stuff and her fangirl over metaknight and her au ideas/scenarios and you all took that from me.
No. 1610780
>>1610747Personalityfagging is against the rules
>>1610765Spill the milk
No. 1610796
File: 1687094518135.jpg (23.29 KB, 680x381, E_f_nAmX0AM0z6Q.jpg)

thing i wanted to do ended up difficult to downright impossible.
Spared..for now…….
No. 1610934
>>1610834nta but same
nonnie, we're probably talking about the same platform. She struck me as chill and devoted to her hobbies. She's pretty nice.
No. 1610945
>>1610926it ok nona, you can give the toy to your dog. it sounds like there could not possibly be a
toxic amount of anything on it anymore, but even if there was who hasn't eaten a little soap or hand sanitizer before? it's gonna be okay. it's not gonna hurt him.
No. 1610977
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I’m always hesitant to post my art on lolcow because if I ever decide to get my art account together I don’t wanna be recognized, but I have never been able to consistently post and probably never will so it does not matter at all. If I ever wanna take commissions I guess I’ll just go with a generic anime style. Blech.
No. 1611024
>>1611019being a weird sperg is illegal on low-cal dot farm
>>1611021tbf the only other threads i've seen her in outside of husbando ones are the dumbass shit threads. idk where else she posts
No. 1611099
>>1611079Maybe her ex therapist is a fellow farmer, you never know.
>>1611095The what
No. 1611129
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Ad in an article I was reading
No. 1611205
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No. 1611224
File: 1687120375033.jpeg (22.6 KB, 342x336, 4F477F6D-0ECC-4F37-B7F6-7566AA…)

I am once again spending far too much time on lc. I will return soon!
No. 1611237
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i think faraday might be the least problematic science moid
No. 1611238
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Is this normal in friend groups, especially male-dominated ones? How do we encourage these sorts of things?
No. 1611265
File: 1687122417652.jpeg (1.14 MB, 2212x3318, B850F1DE-FE56-4A26-9C8D-174FF7…)

I wanna have a tea party so bad
No. 1611293
>>1611288oh sure thing! I'll get the vanilla and chocolate square patterned ones.
>>1611290personally I will eat anything bread
No. 1611302
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>>1611265back from the store! hope these brands are okay nonnies.
No. 1611327
File: 1687125700479.gif (1.12 MB, 498x280, tricot.gif)

you live life on a manual
so you gotta follow the rules
down to the bone scratching the nerve
but is all lost in you
second hand information
can't make a fool of yourself
does it keep you awake?
you must follow the rules
what if they think you are a fool?
is all gonna come back to you
a ZIP folder with your posts
admins outing you in the board
would you still follow the rules?
all the armchair, the high horse
the hills you'll die on, wasted
because your body and mind is worthless
and you are weak and useless
coming from the surface, is easy to get here
reading and mocking, you're still here
acronyms, no one can understand you
expeditious personality, what a big word
easy to point the finger, when everyone knows you
but at the end of the day
you still follow the rules
is the hill you'll die on
one where you do what they expect of you
do you thank the cows
for the milk they gave you?
wouldn't that be
cow behaviour?
No. 1611329
File: 1687126066176.png (275.25 KB, 750x920, D230115C-08DA-43DC-80A9-EFF77C…)

>>1611259 Oh my shit you’re truly an angel I was frothing at the mouth going through my camera roll and pinterest trying to find this goddamned picture. Thank you thank you a million times muah",">>>/ot/1611160":">>1611259\nOh my shit you’re truly an angel I was frothing at the mouth going through my camera roll and pinterest trying to find this goddamned picture. Thank you thank you a million times muah"}
No. 1611330
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>>1611265I've brought raspberry tea, cucumber canapés, and pistachio cake!
No. 1611339
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>>1611288Perhaps we could partake in some strawberry jam biscuits?
No. 1611346
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>>1611341Why not both? it'll be a grand tea party!
No. 1611355
File: 1687127656195.png (Spoiler Image,1.01 MB, 1603x977, freak.png)

>>1608254Late, but I have actual life experience on the topic of gamer deformities :
Yeah but not to this level. I have T1 headphones and I noticed my head had a dent on the same spot once just not as big, but it evened out after a few minutes. It won't actually dent your skull nonna I don't think so, but the dent itself might not be as much of a hoax as some will have you believe
Though I have to say, through all my life I'd wear headphones whenever possible and the T1 ones are the only ones that dented my head
Lucky my headphones broke so now im a full volume speaker using, round headed stacy and not a misshapen peanut freak
be round headed and prosper
No. 1611362
File: 1687128550662.png (5.22 KB, 269x267, sad.PNG)

I like emojis but I don't think I like emojis like the true emoji likers like emojis #justnonnythings
No. 1611367
File: 1687129196723.png (919.05 KB, 1650x1589, 1686629700941647.png)

Black Mirror S6 REVIEW
Episode 1 - garbage, but at least engaging. Kind of cliche take ob metaverse bullshit but not completely predictable. Okay. If you don't count the woman dressing in a cheerleaders outfit/pigtails and shitting all over a church wedding after chugging laxative because that's the "only way" she could get the public attention she needed to stop what was happening to her. Riiiight. Also really corny.
Episode 2 - the "plot twist" is extremely easy to guess very early on. Kind of boring. Also they use the plot device of a woman being a serial killer and sexual sadist. I've noticed that placing a woman in the role of what would logically be a man has been used especially in recent years, I guess they think its being subversive and good for escapism since these things happen all of the time but it's MEN who do it and the women involved are generally severely Stockholm syndromed and have nowhere else to go. So it's supposed to 'shock' the audience and be totes inclusive.
Episode 3 - so bad. One of the worst things I've ever seen. Has Aaron Paul and Josh Hartnett as well as the crazy bi woman from murder house, but none of them carried at all. Absolute snoozefest, pseudo intellectual, horrible attempt to flex art cinema and deep acting. Not worth your time at all, there's literally nothing redeemable about it and they don't even sexualize Josh Hartnett so what's the fucking point. They're astronauts that are in space for years and have their families relocated and placed with a cyborg version of themselves they can remotely access. Josh Hartnetts wife and kids are murdered in front of his cyborg, it weirdly mimics the Charles Manson murders for some weird unknown reason, like a sick 'nod' to the murder of Sharon tate with no explanation. So what does Josh Hartnett do? Murder Aaron Paul's wife and kids using his cyborg, logically. And then they sit in silence while Aaron Paul cries. The whole thing is practically begging for some sort of nomination it will never deserve.
Episode 4 - once again using the plot device of swapping what would absolutely be a male in reality with a woman so that it's somehow more disarming to try to seem deeper than it is. It's based in the early age of national enquirer and paparazzi dehumanizing celebrities, they use an ipod nano as 'new' to gauge the era. The paparazzi is a woman who 'quits' after she stalks a famous actor as he meets another man in a hotel, she sold his photos for $300 and he killed himself for being outed as homosexual. A female celebrity goes dark and they begin offering 30k for any photos of her, suspecting her of being a junkie so fempap decides to find her, she's at a private facility in the mountains. It then goes full V/H/S (kind of shitty but camp horror movie with a series of short films) and they find her alone in a retreat chained to the bed with goats next to her. The guys are taking flash photos of her looking like she is going through drug withdrawal sweating in a tank and booty shorts. They dont care about her at all and treat her like an object obviously. Fempap breaks her out with a rock and it shows the full moon and the celeb turns into a fucking werewolf and kills everyone. And what do you know? At the end when fempap shoots her and she turns back into a naked woman, she asks fempap to kill her. And then miss final girl fempap puts the gun in werewolf woman's hand and lifts her camera to take a photo as she lays there naked and bloody and shoots herself in the head. Yeah totally something a young woman would do, much society, so deep. The end. You know they only made her character a woman even though it doesn't make sense because people would hate the reality of it otherwise.
Trash! Garbage! Worst season yet!
No. 1611433
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>>1611346Let’s do this afterwards
No. 1611440
File: 1687136010742.jpg (79.68 KB, 1000x526, 1920s_Mercedes.jpg)

>>1610994Some anons think the world didn't exist before 1990…
No. 1611441
>>1611437I'm a millennial I just didn't give enough of a fuck to pay attention to what kind of iPod she was holding. I was a poorfag too so at the time my music player was a $15 offbrand brick okay lol. Don't be an asshole. Thank you for educating me old hag!!
>>1611440That thing is ugly.
>>1611435Of course you liked the one where a woman shits everywhere in a cheer skirt while grunting and moaning you lame bitch.
No. 1611444
>>1611441You're ugly.
Sorry that was uncalled for I'm trying to be more positive
No. 1611447
>>1611441Your just looking for a fight aren't you
No. 1611453
File: 1687136504376.jpg (50.92 KB, 563x403, 45359839583436.jpg)

>>1611440There's some cute ones…
No. 1611457
>>1611454Post any part of my body on lc for any reason would be
the most retarded thing I could do.
No. 1611462
>>1611460That was my second post of the day
nonny and I've barely posted in days and this is what I come back to, please just settle yourself. Posters like you make this place fucking unbearable, I was just being a goof.
No. 1611469
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>>1611460Nona just breath in and out slowly, everything's going to be okay and be sure to take your medicine today
No. 1611474
>>1611466Nta and I’m not reading up thread because I don’t want to but this is the dumb ass shit thread , it’s for being a dumbass goof it’s right there in the title
Ok I did read up thread actually and you both are being silly. BoNK stop it !
No. 1611475
>>1611468You can be funny in the dumbass shit thread, not throw a fit because you got the same energy back you know?
>>1611469I'm so calm rn, no need to project. I'm tired of newfags talking like tifs trying to imitate 45 year old men on 4chan. Learn to shitpost or get plowed over idgaf
No. 1611476
File: 1687137187165.jpg (Spoiler Image,67.71 KB, 1290x765, FuRZ4VcWYAIwB5g.jpg)

Be calm
No. 1611482
File: 1687137374999.jpg (117.38 KB, 960x702, de987fd67f8d11fd4493d61f1c7ae1…)

>>1611453And pretty ones. I miss the futuristic 70's designs…
No. 1611500
File: 1687138066840.jpg (18.87 KB, 333x519, big-baby-infant-adult-man-in-d…)

>>1611495You know why they loved episode one
No. 1611536
>>1611523why would a scrote be against scenes like that when they're the ones writing it. i don't think you're a scrote personally, i just hate shows and movies that do shit
no pun intended like that. all of them. "comedy" is always used as an excuse for these directors
No. 1611543
>>1611531Yeah, this picture
>>1608426 wasn't meant to be seen as humiliating at all. Black Mirror sucks and is the epitome of im 15 and this is deep.
No. 1611684
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No. 1611706
File: 1687157824795.gif (46.88 KB, 400x400, 20220203_185315_IMG_5096.GIF)

>come home
>catch up on all lolcow threads i keep tabbed
>wat do now?
No. 1611716
File: 1687159702691.jpeg (18.4 KB, 722x337, IMG_9228.jpeg)

Twitter glitched out on me for a second resulting in picrel.
No. 1611780
File: 1687165637391.jpg (Spoiler Image,40.99 KB, 630x539, 19095902-7519487-Nail_plate_se…)

i can't stop picking at the skin below my right thumb's nail and it's makes the nail soft so it bends and breaks and it's always so short, it looks like picrel but shorter nails, i hate it, help me nonners!!!!!!
No. 1611828
>>1611824Kek no, just his hand holding my throat, like how a guy would hold my hip or cup my titty. No actual squeezing or cutting off my air supply
>what do you have to trust a moid for?I don't, I've been single for 6 years kek
No. 1611852
>>1611845>>1611848getting pleasure from someone being pretty aggressive towards you screams "i lack self respect and think i deserve pain". don't care who it's from, think about why.
been there, done that with the bdsm and worse. it's a fixation people are being fed by porn and even the media, look at tv. i know from experience getting out of that mentality is extremely difficult. when you stop indulging it (yes even fantasizing about it) and start to self-reflect, you start to see it for what it really is.
fwiw stuff like in post
>>1611836 isn't the same as actually getting your airway cut off or your hair really aggressively pulled. wanting to be held somewhere is normal. wanting aggression and to feel pain during sex needs to stop being lauded.
No. 1611858
>>1611852I don’t see how it’s different from people who are covered in tattoos and piercings. Which I have none of because sharp pains are horrifying to me and needles make me pass out. Is it really that psycho to enjoy some sensations that are considered by most to be physically painful? I never see tattoo addicts get told they need to stop enjoying getting tattoos the way women who enjoy a little bit of roughness in the bedroom are shamed and told they need to change.
Fwiw I have severe issues of multiple kinds and have always felt liberated when I’m able to have an intense but ultimately comforting sexual experience with someone else. The sensations are enjoyable and the fact that I’m in control and can make it all stop or pause at any point without fear of pissing anyone off or them hating me is really soothing.
No. 1611859
File: 1687172330054.jpg (97.84 KB, 1200x727, 1684874220375.jpg)

>>1611854>If doing things for my own pleasure is pickmeism then I’m happy to be one lolbraindead
No. 1611862
File: 1687172417824.jpg (157.25 KB, 704x1000, 1452177470433.jpg)

my oh my, all the retards are gathered here rn
No. 1611863
>>1611854Ayrt and I’m glad you get me. I also enjoy being spanked/paddled as well as long as I’m not ended up like super bruised or something.
I will say the only moid I ever did this stuff with that was interested in such things beforehand and extremely eager to participate, ended up being a literal rapist who ignored safe words and abused me. That was horrific. I will never date a moid who has a pre established interest in bdsm ever again. All the good ones were weirded out at first and then came to enjoy it because they saw how much I fucking loved it.
No. 1611867
File: 1687172876733.jpeg (17.6 KB, 480x360, EDD87553-C27D-4F4E-AEF8-82E1A6…)

>>1611863Samefag again but fwiw I don’t and never have been interested in/watched pornography so I’m not pornsick. I literally got weirdly excited watching scenes in regular movies/tv of characters being pushed up against walls and held by their necks and them being tied up and stuff. Maybe mainstream elementary age childrens media of the early 00s was a psyop to get girls into bdsm without ever watching pornography kek
No. 1611871
File: 1687173043475.jpg (24.11 KB, 563x354, 4fbc17b49ddacecf0dbb6134f324e9…)

If you wanna let a man choke you it's your own grave honey
No. 1611872
>>1611852Just cause that is your experience with bdsm type stuff doesn’t mean it’s everyone else’s. I’m sure it applies to a lot of women though because porn is so degrading and mainstream now. I’m the one who likes spanking and I don’t watch porn, nor have I ever seen porn that involves spanking. I also don’t think I deserve pain at all, it’s the opposite. My first boyfriend wanted to try it out once and I realized I really really like it.
>>1611859How so? Pickmes do things to be picked by men, I’m saying I do things for my own satisfaction not theirs.
>>1611863Aw fuck I’m sorry to hear that anon, it’s unfortunately common with men who take too much interest in bdsm. I’m glad you got out of that situation though.
No. 1611893
>>1611890This is why going out to eat is getting grosser and grosser. People aren’t getting paid enough to live and half ass their jobs including cleanliness (can’t blame them) plus come into work sick all the time.
Btw it means you ate a small bit of feces from a sick employee
No. 1611906
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>>1611895What a beautiful young lady.
No. 1611941
>>1611895God, the sperging about fujos because a few anons don't like this
>>1611906 art style was so annoying I closed the thread.
No. 1611974
File: 1687184225563.jpg (52.69 KB, 640x640, ab6761610000e5ebd1e68fe27f0b9d…)

You will never be Lana Del Rey. You have no singing talent, you have no songwriting talent, you have no producing talent. You are a homosexual pastor's son twisted by drugs and surgery into a crude mockery of nature’s perfection. All the “validation” you get is two-faced and half-hearted. Behind your back people mock you. Your parents are disgusted and ashamed of you, your “fans” laugh at your ghoulish appearance behind closed doors. Music experts are utterly repulsed by you. Thousands of years of evolution have allowed music experts to sniff out frauds with incredible efficiency. Even trannies who “pass” look uncanny and unnatural to a music aficionado. Your song "Inbred" is a dead giveaway. And even if you manage to get a drunk Grammy voting guy home with you, he’ll turn tail and bolt the second he gets a whiff of your diseased, infected "aesthetic". You will never be happy. You wrench out a fake smile every single morning and tell yourself it’s going to be ok, but deep inside you feel the depression creeping up like a weed, ready to crush you under the unbearable weight. Eventually it’ll be too much to bear - you’ll buy a rope, tie a noose, put it around your neck, and plunge into the cold abyss. Your parents will find you, heartbroken but relieved that they no longer have to live with the unbearable shame and disappointment. They’ll bury you with a headstone marked with your birth name, and every passerby for the rest of eternity will know a phoney is buried there. Your body will decay and go back to the dust, and all that will remain of your legacy is a skeleton that is clearly male, and not that of Lana Del Rey.
No. 1612010
>>1611974His whole "I'm a white trash pastor's daughter-sister-aunt who fucks my dad-brother-uncle" shit is so fucking FUNNY, I don't know how anybody can listen to his dogshit, earrape music and like it. Anybody who likes this GayGP's freaks music is a retard. His whole "aesthetic"
should be a twisted Weird Al kind of thing because it's so fucking funny but it's presented genuinely which makes it VERY cringe.
No. 1612077
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>>1612022Yeah they are everywhere, Games done quick was exciting to watch but nowadays it's gone downhill
No. 1612080
File: 1687191234664.jpg (52.75 KB, 828x550, 09d.jpg)

So many posts here could go into the mundane shit thread, i'm gatekeeping this one for real dumbasses!!!
No. 1612117
File: 1687195251998.png (139.6 KB, 1079x1821, Screenshot_20230619_201503_Chr…)

I got into an argument yesterday over a character's coat color being blue or purple
I was fucking correct that it was blue so fuck the people who said I was a moid/had moid eyes.
No. 1612123
>>1612119Depends on the hue I guess?
>>1612121The color is still clearly more blue than purple though.
No. 1612129
File: 1687196151533.jpg (65.89 KB, 662x497, trueindigo.jpg)

>>1612123Lol nonna, the color is very close to true indigo (just a few shades off imo)
No. 1612213
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gave me a good laugh
No. 1612221
File: 1687202994059.png (68.69 KB, 964x572, chuu.png)

A close friend of mine suddenly dropped that she's considering checking out the Higurashi franchise, she knows I've been a fan since my teens so she probably expected me to get excited. My face next time we met was practically picrel when I handed over the usb stick with modded versions of the VNs as I desperately tried to contain myself from sperging out. At least she seemed genuinely excited to give it a go!
No. 1612222
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>>1612085Every little thing she do is dumbass
Every post she make just turns me on
Even though she just a random
nonnieNow I know my love for her goes on
No. 1612233
File: 1687203834331.png (44.63 KB, 987x559, BluePurpleQuestion.png)

>>1612117It's blue-violet, it's in-between~! Like true indigo
nonnie mentioned and periwinkle would be in the same group.
No. 1612289
>>1611742Fuck nonna, why'd you have to describe him like that? I'm so jealous you get to ogle him.
I understand your concerns because it has always happened to me that when a guy like that is that cute, he's either gay or on the spectrum or something else isn't right.
No. 1612357
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Brittany Murphy was murdered
No. 1612369
File: 1687219270887.jpg (100 KB, 974x1094, Screenshot_20230620_045826_You…)

Congrats, you have obtained the ultra rare Owoooo Carpet. It's known as 'Owoooo Carpet' and is also called 'Owoooo Carpet' in various places, it's a proud citizen of the apple kingdom. What would you like to do with the Owoooo Carpet?
No. 1612392
>>1612040I suspect you spend a lot of time in your car kek. I hated living with my parents too but I was also really sick and could never drive and didn’t really have any friends who wanted to hang out anywhere worthwhile (I don’t wanna hang at my moms house or your moms house…) - it’s really frustrating that everyone in my peer group either became a weirdo right winger with a gaggle of kids, or they are living with their parents and barely scraping by and can never put together a good time to hang.
The one friend I have who is usually down to hang is really awesome but she’s also a bit tone deaf on class issues because she was raised in a very upper middle class environment (the types who own properties and make money by being landlords) full of neurotypicals and she herself is a VERY able bodied neurotypical (my definition of ND includes autism and adhd not all mental illnesses). Part of the reason she’s always down to hang is because while she works, it’s such a chill and flexible schedule that she’s never stressed out by it basically, all her bills are paid, she owns rental properties, she has multiple income revenues and a rich family. She’s really awesome but she’s also really unintentionally
triggering because of her severe orthorexia and sometimes makes tone deaf comments that are quite ableist and/or classist. She’s a really nice and kind and helpful person in her heart but that doesn’t negate the fact that I have to steel myself a bit to not get
triggered by whatever weird nutrition thing she decides to sperg about like how you can get all the sodium you need in a day from raw vegetables (when I have a condition that makes me need to eat more sodium than the average person, let alone way less than the average person) I’d be passing out left and right if I took that to heart.
No. 1612399
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Realising my long term unattainable BPD crush is a narcissist who only talks about herself
No. 1612401
>>1612399Feelsbad nonna. If it makes you feel any better I had the same experience with a narcissistic moid. I even did some weird black magic love spell on him, but then I realized he's a cowardly worm of a "man" and that I could do soooo much better. It will get better
nonnie. At least you didn't slip into almost-psychosis and cast a black magic love spell on her.
No. 1612403
>>1612400For us to mend our fractured online friendship after many months and for me to fill my days with being obsessed with her and become more like her
I have BPD too>>1612401I'd rather get a voodoo doll
No. 1612433
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Coming home soon what do you want me to grab for dinner?
No. 1612461
nonnie, I'm pretty full so you can have them all if you want
No. 1612501
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>>1612392the fuck i just read?
No. 1612523
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>>1612517I enjoy it, personally
No. 1612532
File: 1687232545313.webm (2.4 MB, 576x576, fevtum.webm)

>>1612357If I had a time machine I'd go back to keep her from ever meeting
him. She knew it was her fate before it happened and she had no one brave enough to go after her handler or whatever the fuck he was. Sure, she probably would've hated my guts and as a fan of hers that would sting, but she would've still been alive. Maybe this would've made her quit acting, but knowing she would still be alive would be worth whatever feelings she would have towards me. I miss her so much. Yes, I'm parasocial but idc.
No. 1612611
File: 1687241221912.jpg (108.39 KB, 720x781, FyqQ8YiWcAMouUu.jpg)

Seeing Muslim moid memes honestly gives me such a bizarre uncanny valley effect.
No. 1612612
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>>1612611what's even stranger is when try to appropriate/associate with WN types.
No. 1612618
File: 1687243120038.png (400.86 KB, 1300x1920, 82210939_p0.png)

joe le taxi cha cha cha ….
No. 1612675
>>1612637Yeah he clearly has mental issues.
I nearly stopped reading when it started off with a father torturing his naked young son. Only read it because of Marie.
No. 1612732
>>1611755>>1612259>>1612267sorry kek. i am admittedly a bit terminally online, it's just, for example the way he always says shit like 'yes sir/boss' when he gets ordered to do something that reminds me of my one too many experiences with scrotes who try to test the waters or 'hint' that they're
bottoms (spoilered because i hate the word). if that makes sense.
>>1612289yeah i'm really lucky, he's 100% eye candy if nothing else. i'm glad you understand how i feel.
No. 1612857
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>>1612824Exactly. For example the entire giallo softcorerporno horror slasher film genre
No. 1612860
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i love vanilla ice cream so much, yummy yummy
No. 1612887
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A FIN I was eating fish and it had A FIN attached AAAAAA this is so nasty if it touched my potatoes oh god I possibly ate fin essence and the meal wasn't even worth it nonna ue ue ue
No. 1612925
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No. 1612944
File: 1687273110482.jpeg (137.34 KB, 827x1513, 7C627023-43DD-464C-9E4E-F7EB13…)

Andrew's Fate
No. 1612984
>>1612886I understand what you mean
nonnie. I'm bored with most content people put out nowadays, so I spend most of my time on here, where it's actually enjoyable, even if it's very slow at times
I feel like youtube is now full of filler hour long videos about topics that could be condensed into 9 minutes. What a huge waste of my time
But looking at a bright side, without such a huge time sink my days feel slower and quieter. I've noticed that I'm more satisfied with life on days like this, so maybe this drought is good for me
No. 1613002
File: 1687277863938.png (81.26 KB, 736x920, 941b3d80a0a47610473bb9c04a91a1…)

>>1612998Would you play with it normally or use it as a accessory?
No. 1613010
File: 1687279143237.jpg (341.56 KB, 2560x2560, 81tkgwdUeqL.jpg)

>>1612998I bought one in green glitter and when it arrived it was really ugly so don't get that one. The glitter is gold. What the fuck
No. 1613020
File: 1687279910937.jpeg (28.35 KB, 564x564, 6C1C2E56-A31E-44B6-A15B-B7238B…)

99% of the the husbandoposting thread is mildly upsetting to me atm because i don't like knowing that i can't remotely relate to other straight women
No. 1613037
>>1613010Ew that's not even a real tamagotchi, that's one of the cheap remakes they made. Not to be rude to you of course
nonnie, it's not your fault it's a low quality product. I'm sorry you don't have one that suits you better!
No. 1613051
>>1613000Probably gen 2? I don't know much about tamagotchi generations but I also don't have many options, my dream is the dinokun tho, because it was my childhood tamagotchi.
>>1613002I'd play with it, I'd be scared to use it as an accessory cause I'm so clumsy.
No. 1613063
>>1613048thank you
nonny that makes me feel better. i just wish i could be normaler and relate to other women.
>>1613057if you told me that before i would have laughed and wouldn't believe you but doing that actually worked, you're right. every farmer should let her autism shine.
No. 1613103
File: 1687284386860.png (768.34 KB, 1029x587, Capture.PNG)

Just started my playthrough of a farmer baddie who grows weed in H-O-B and sells it with some cows/chickens, now this leaks and I don't know rather to pause my playthrough or what… I just sold Bella Goth some coke…
No. 1613117
File: 1687285611933.jpg (68.65 KB, 700x700, just a horse girl and her hors…)

>>1613103your problems sound real serious but i thought this horse is so cute. you can roll with it maybe, bella
is very influential…
No. 1613118
File: 1687285895318.jpeg (35.26 KB, 739x415, images (4).jpeg)

>>1613086The gimmick is that everyone in the main cast has something "dysfunctional" about them, the mc is a super pessimist who wants to kill himself, the girl is an otaku fujoshi who makes doujinshi, the fat ugly moid was part of the staff and was used as a running joke. So it's like if she made fanart of the two.
No. 1613181
File: 1687291839058.png (1.99 MB, 1080x1408, Screenshot_20230620-131009_(1)…)

Comparing the quality of posts between r/femalelivingspace and r/malelivingspace is so funny. On one sub you get these living spaces that contain so much vibrant and unique character with aesthetic colour coordination choices, and it just feels so warm and inviting, as if it was straight out of Animal Crossing. On the other you get these boring and soulless interior designs.
No. 1613193
File: 1687293084500.jpg (68.91 KB, 768x432, ss_703a66405ec53b5d56150b19519…)

>>1613119Leaked. Yeah. I know it'll be buggy but I'm going to have a scrore buy it for me so whatever
No. 1613198
File: 1687293512832.jpeg (373.33 KB, 1535x1963, 6358FB79-EE8B-48E1-BBB6-1ED038…)

Oh my fucking fuck who remembers these? Why was stuff from my childhood so gross and weird. I miss it, I’m kind of tired of uwu wholesomeness and coddling.
No. 1613270
File: 1687302328932.jpeg (93.1 KB, 997x747, A34BDF5E-F792-4C90-9640-A02F01…)

Do positive affirmations actually work, is being mean and hateful of myself actually damaging? How 2 stops self deprecating and be nice to myself
No. 1613273
>>1613270Positive affirmations help you if your problem is mostly habitual negative thinking as you begin to develop a habit of more positive thinking, which can definitely elevate your mood.
Being cruel to yourself is damaging, nona. You need to cut yourself some serious slack and remember that you are just a person, a person with faults and positive traits like any other person. Celebrate your positive traits, and give yourself second, third, fourth chances. Things can change
nonnie, know it and believe it.
No. 1613277
File: 1687303128368.gif (3.06 MB, 450x252, 7051C066-A352-4998-BBF6-30C8AD…)

>>1613273I will try, thank you
No. 1613280
File: 1687303637165.png (174.53 KB, 1064x696, redjemy.png)

Having a bit of an joker moment getting lost in the sauce thinking too hard and unironically think we could have had a human utopia if all humans were female from the start and reproduced asexually or something. Adam was actually the destroyer of God's paradise, and Eve was God's original chosen creation but the males didn't like that and had to create a false myth in which god was the Father instead of the Mother, who made them first. That it was woman and mother and their evil intelligence & ability to see truth that destroyed everything. That everything would have been perfect if they would stop questioning and and seeing and just learn their place as subservient to their parasitic destruction.
But what the fuck do I know
No. 1613290
File: 1687304916752.jpg (26.04 KB, 617x617, 0159c8c12c455c42872641f8c7c828…)

Holy shit I need to talk to someone about Kirbyanon I just found the place other kirbyfuckers post and holy shit, now THAT is peak autism. But there's also some vile shit that a particular scrote is saying about her, typical entitled scrote shit, but whatever, at least the other autists are defending her.
I was literally just browsing the internet and decided to visit her blog out of boredom, since I had it bookmarked. It said the blog had been deleted so I tried to see a cached version of it, and nothing. I googled her blog's name to see if I could find her on other places or if she had nuked all her accounts, and that's where I found the absolutely cursed thread. Apparently she deleted everything about 5 days ago and then I find that this had already been brought up in this very thread 2 days ago. Damn, so that's why I haven't seen her around lately.
Sorry for bringing this up again but it was so shocking and hard to process everything I saw and read, I just had to talk to you guys about it kek. I've seen some shit. Reading though that thread makes me wonder if the two people who claimed to be in or be familiar with her circle are also Kirbyfuckers. There seem to be more women in that "community" than just her.
Also, do you guys think all discussion about her should be moved to personal cows, or honest cow opinions? I do not want her to be exposed, though, I don't want her breaking the rules here but also don't want to make her feel bad since she's not really a bad person. So far it doesn't look like she really does have "cowish behavior" aside from having an extremely niche fetish and being horny.
No. 1613297
File: 1687305361160.jpg (18.8 KB, 257x385, WhackyPacakages20156.jpg)

>>1613238>>1613233>>1613225Here's the sticker! It's adorable.
No. 1613298
>>1613290I'm going to throw out some guesses on the things you saw
>forced breeding fetish>breast feeding fetish>feminization>mating cycles/ABO kinda shit>egg laying…?>vore definitely has to be one of themYou don't have to tell me which ones but do tell me how many I got right.
No. 1613307
>>1613298The small portion of the thread that I saw had none of that, just
cute round characters from different franchises being fucked or fucking others with comically huge dicks attached, seeing those kinds of creatures in such a sexually explicit way is actually disturbing to anyone with a normal sexuality. Kirby being fucked with a vibrator, used as a fleshlight or getting a handjob from a fairy would make anyone normal uncomfortable. The style they use is very specific too, you know how in drawn porn artists tend to overemphasize the flesh and fluids, and give everyone exaggerated sexual expressions? Like they grotesquely deform the character so much from their innocent canon appearance. Yeah, you would never picture a cute creature like that just from seeing their official art, unless you're a complete degenerate. Think of common porn tropes and apply it to round things with eyes like Jigglypuff and Kirby and that's the kind of stuff I saw. Most of the porn they post comes off as extremely moidgazey too kek, it's the first time I'm seeing that kind of shit but you can just tell which ones were made for moid tastes because those are particularly offensive.There was also a brief argument about
her drawing Kirby's dick too small lmao
>>1613300It wouldn't surprise me if it was someone from that general too.
No. 1613318
>>1613307Oh yeah and someone complained that she drew Dedede too much, since he's a penguin and not a sphere, it didn't turn that poster on kek
>>1613308>before they stop coming hereYou mean you want them to keep coming here? I don't hate her but she should stop personalityfagging due to site rules. And the only "stalking" I did was look for her public art accounts, I just wanted to know if she actually deleted, but stumbled upon that thread which is mainly what my posts are about not about her.
No. 1613348
File: 1687312962814.jpg (Spoiler Image,135.99 KB, 1170x1332, queen.jpg)

I like to watch these two women because they're huge cows, but they're recent lives have been so dark. One of the girls had her girlfriend move in with her, and she and the girlfriend have been beating the fuck out of the friend. I'm watching their live right now and the friend's face is swollen and bruised as fuck. I genuinely feel like they could end up beating her to death or causing her permanent harm, but she refuses to leave. And the girlfriend is probably gonna end up being abusive too. It's so crazy, like I'm watching a tragedy in slow motion.
No. 1613403
>>1613348>And the girlfriend is probably gonna end up being abusive tooSamefag, and now the pregnant non-ugly lady called the cops on the girlfriend cause they're having an altercation. Idk if she hit her or what but damn.
>>1613359Yes, people on social media love using their videos and one of their videos was going around because one of them crawled all over a produce stand in a grocery store. Idk if most people realize who they actually are though.
No. 1613415
>>1613403It's always stan twitter gays and most of them are almost always white, just ugly and weird and mentally deficient all around
>>1613389Me too. They're all aging too so they're in their mid 20s still acting like a retarded 15 year old with the vocabulary of a toddler
No. 1613434
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You telling me there’s a whole community of kirbyfuckers? The internet was a mistake, all it does is enable autism.
No. 1613471
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is this supposed to taste like pink cough syrup mixed with club soda?
No. 1613497
>>1613486What is worse than a personalityfag?
A failed personalityfag
No. 1613602
File: 1687346235675.png (Spoiler Image,51.97 KB, 1550x464, ffd.png)

This is why you never date a guy from 4chan. You think he is inviting you for a paintball date and end up playing the most dangerous game. Removed his info because I know one of you bpd nonnas might actually hit him up
No. 1613620
>>1613609Then you rob his house, duh
>>1613605He says fuck for the weekend. Kekking at his ugly pic, nobody is going to do this with him.
No. 1613627
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I realised today I bring nothing to a relationship. Anyone willing to date me would be a fucking idiot.
No. 1613671
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>>1613602Oh wow 150 acres in Missouri??? The place that’s currently experiencing a tick epidemic of epic proportions? Sign me up I’ve been wanting to get Lyme disease for a minute!!!
No. 1613680
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I hate how invested I am in ASoIF/GoT. It's frustrating to me that I know so many details and "historical" events from some fat nerd's fictional world, but I would also gladly sacrifice my life for all the female characters, including Cersei. they inspire more passion in me than any piece of media I have ever consumed.
No. 1613723
File: 1687360519869.png (101.58 KB, 1051x669, Screenshot_19.png) is such a bizarre place, it's like an alternate universe where the right-wing has somehow won the culture and political war. Instead of 4 hour YouTube essays about how Sonic is secretly a Marxist masterpiece, on odysee we'll find videos discussing the alleged Jewish nature of Bioshock or why Fidel Castro was a hero protecting tradition against degenerate America.
No. 1613726
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Haven't eaten in 26 hours but now I have found myself thinkgin bout those refried beans in the cupboard…..
No. 1613759
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i was this nonna
>>>/ot/1604329and the radfem that said this just went mask off
No. 1613761
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i was this nonna
>>>/ot/1604329and the radfem that said this just went mask off
No. 1613774
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Aww look at him
No. 1613783
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>>1613774Not into Mario but peach looked so fucking nasty
No. 1613879
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snore mimimi..
No. 1613922
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aromantic headcanons
No. 1613958
File: 1687381848752.gif (2.47 MB, 426x240, tumblr_6fcbbe0ba6cfbe5bb49f25e…)

one of my favorite artists is streaming today and i am very excited to get to chat with her a bit (mildly parasocial kek)
No. 1613960
>>1613934it's the other way around for me, i used to defend her like
>>1613923 said in the december bunkers but now i'm really finding it hard to feel any pity for her anymore and i really wouldn't want to be in the same place as someone that perverted much less get a beer…
inb4 moids, i very rarely ever get out of my house so it's not a problem for me No. 1613978
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>>1613934Same, I don't hate her either and I don't think I ever reported her, it'd be nice to befriend her outside of lolcow as long as she doesn't show me her porn (she never posted porn here, so that shows she's able to tell when it's appropriate and when it's not, her horny posts were contained to the respective thread, and she went into detail in other threads only when asked)
But I'm not gonna lie, her Kirby porn did fuck me up little
>>1613020I agree with
>>1613436 No. 1613983
File: 1687384787996.webm (4.07 MB, 360x640, gracefacade.webm)

Friendly Reminder, kill all men
No. 1614042
>>1613983What the hell is this video kek
Some TikTok videos are alright I guess
>>1614025It's not that hard but if you find a Swedish text book for English speakers, please share it in the language learning thread, Duolingo sucks for anything that isn't vocabulary
No. 1614063
>>1614055They are a completely cosmetic thing. So yes, he is just retarded
>>1614060Because it's a sign of modding, like hacked pokemons. But similar to hacked pokemons, you can get them through trading, so some people didn't even mod their switch to get the trees.
No. 1614081
>>1614054Alright so the issue is that those trees weren't actually official and just introduced into the game through mods?
Or were they official and just so rare that it was more likely that a person had hacked them into their game than gotten the tree in a legitimate way?
No. 1614089
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>>1614025Hey, I’m currently learning Swedish on duolingo! Let’s be fake Swedes together!
No. 1614094
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No. 1614128
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>>1613800it lied, amazon lied about same day shipping… i am alone without soup…..
dies of lack of soup No. 1614132
>>1614091That drama sounds so fucking retarded, furries are such cancerous drama queens.
Moids constantly participate in official Pokemon tournaments with injected mons, old Pokemon games are full of online trades with hacked event mythicals, and nobody gives a shit.
No. 1614163
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tastes GREAT with vodka, fuck redbull.
No. 1614164
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Although I grew up in a neighborhood that's super quiet and kinda isolated, I love cities. Noisy, lively, smaller businesses, everything close together, lots of places to explore and events. Yeah they're bad sometimes but there's downsides to every way of living.
No. 1614192
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Just impulse purchased my first otome I hope I don't regret this or leave it eternally incomplete along with a bunch of other games I own
No. 1614201
File: 1687400722126.jpg (26.98 KB, 640x480, QvwP41bCtFPpE3R3.jpg)

i wanna live THAT life, nonnies. i got my foot in the door, nearly in everyones azz, just gota make it official.
(nothing degenerate, normal job shit)
No. 1614202
>>1614195Chou no Doku. It was going to be either that or Piofiore, I just picked the cheaper one lmao
>>1614197I saw that one and tbh I thought all the guys were kinda ugly. The art direction definitely wasn't my taste.
No. 1614209
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No. 1614213
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>>1614210Please explain, I need to know if I’m being cringe.
No. 1614217
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Idk what thread this would go on but I made a retarded meme
No. 1614219
File: 1687402352451.jpg (132.09 KB, 800x800, da phucking best.jpg)

this, this is the best food. if you know what this is, we are bonded automatically.
No. 1614230
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>>1614229then we… are not bonded.
No. 1614231
File: 1687402709791.webm (18.47 MB, 720x1280, lzbPKRl8s5mnd_0s.webm)

Just found this (self-diagnosed) sociopathic pro-ana girl on Twitter who's obsessed with Emma Stone and Cruella Devil. She makes threads ripping on random fat girls in between worshiping her, and posted a video of herself crying because someone called the actress fat.
I don't really want to post her in the pro-ana scumbags thread because she doesn't seem to fit in with them, but she seems like an absolute cow. It's kind of a trainwreck, but I actually feel bad for her. It's always very fragile, insecure people who've been hurt a lot doing anything they can to seem like tough/mean girl types, and latching on to celebrities because they have no aspirational figures in life.
No. 1614234
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>>1614232oh no nonners i promise akechi isnt a husbando to me, but maybe it IS bad if adachi is.
No. 1614237
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>>1614230It is called… bun bo hue
No. 1614241
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I dont give a fuck about that submarine
No. 1614246
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>>1614237did you reverse image searsh it tho?
>>1614236hes evil but idk i just like him
No. 1614253
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>>1614246No but I googled “spicy pho” and that came up hehe sorry
nonny. I will eat that shit with you any day though
No. 1614256
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>>1614253nah, that is good. and i wish i had farmer friends to take out and buy us all bun bo hue. i like tasty pork knuckle yumyum!!! tongue out emoji
No. 1614262
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>>1614260if you like schizo overworked types, very much yes
No. 1614265
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i'm really feeling it.
No. 1614272
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>>1614128R.I.P I’ll pour one out for you.
No. 1614299
>>1614052i think you should at least learn basic swedish to understand the sentence structure, i had the same method to learn English but i'd already been taught a little in school also.
>didn't need to pay attention in class same kekekeke