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No. 1595396
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No. 1595403
>>1595339I know this is not nearly enough, but I'm sorry for your loss
nonnie. Life's cruel.
No. 1595459
I hate being a VTuber, but there's nothing I can do to escape it. Living in this state is hell. Even when I try to lean on my most ardent simps for emotional support in my member-only streams, they still try to make it about themselves or haplessly try to emotionally manipulate me as if I'M not the mastermind here. The sorts of men who turn to GFE content should all just kill themselves, and I'm saying this because if they can't even truly love me, they are fully incapable of loving anyone else.
I made a list on Twitter that lets me track my biggest donors' online activities, and they have the gall to not only follow, but reply-guy other VTubers. I just can't take it anymore. Even as a VTuber, I get cucked LOL. Don't even get me started on /vt/. There are constant schizo rrats about me having a boyfriend, and a BLACK one at that. As if I could ever get a boyfriend, lmao. They're so worried about me cucking them when THEY'RE the ones cucking me. I really thought things would be different when I started this. I thought I'd have a fanbase who'd always love me, and never leave me. I thought I could be an idol. But nope, it's just more of the same.
No. 1595468
>>1595459This is what happens when you try to tap funds from a bunch of autistic cluster Bs with entitlement complexes.
No seriously, how do you not have a thicker skin by now? Of course these men do not gaf about you.
No. 1595501
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>>1595498samefag, here's the original since he decided to delete and repost
No. 1595505
>>1595464I VTube and work full time.
>>1595467I'm an indie. I did apply for Niji (first gen), but didn't get very far.
>i'm scared that i'll be stalked and ridiculed for innocuous things i've posted in the past if i do make itI think that's almost inevitable, it just depends on how bad your past is. You'll probably be alright, anon.
>>1595468What's the difference between that and interacting with men in the real world? It's the same.
>>1595475>>1595473>>1595490>>1595492>>1595494>>1595496>>1595497Imagine thinking "Pomf Pomf" is deep lore. What are you, freshly 18? Maybe 17? You are a newfag AND a moid, kill yourself. If I ever see you in my chat, I will fucking ban you.
No. 1595506
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How the fuck is the AI so broken? I do not want to see whores, clickbait, children, faces, "viral" videos, pride month, faggots, ugly men dancing, cats getting hurt, or any bizarre combination of the above. Yet every time I block everything EXCEPT yarn/knitting/crochet and then refresh the page, it fills back with psyop propaganda about fags and buying shit unecessarily. I'm done. I fucking hate June, I can't stand the new world. Holy shit I just want to see completed knitted items. My blocked words list should definitely be keeping this shit out but doesn't. Blocking the word "trans" does nothing except maybe put me on a list somewhere.
No. 1595519
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I want to leave my partner of 2 years. The relationship is toxic as fuck. I’m not allowed to have an emotion, only room for her anxiety and emotions. She belittles me and as much as I hate to use the term… gaslights.
Only problem is she owns the house and we have a dog together in an absolutely abysmal rental market if I was to leave. I love the dog so much and would feel like I shitlord forever if I dipped and left her with my partner.
Kinda just resigning myself to this shit relationship for the rest of my dog’s natural life (like hopefully 12 more years at least) or until I can save a bit more money and buy my own house (realistically like 5 more years)
Fuck this shit nonnies and fuck relationships and also the housing market which is a whole nothing inhumane aspect I won’t blog about. Thread pic is exactly how I feel about my situation.
No. 1595540
>>1595526Unethical advice or not, it’s tempting but only in minecraft. Seriously though, I am with you, I will never live with anyone again, let alone in a house I don’t own. Thankfully our bank accounts are seperate and I am a determined saver meanwhile she has hectic debt. Thanks again for the reply
No. 1595550
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I just found this. It's some guy who's made a script to feed the chat into Chat GPT, and it auto-generates TTS responses with a gigacoomer VR chat model. It literally gets more viewers than me. These fucking retarded moids don't even need a person behind it anymore. They don't even need someone with a pulse. Literally ANY type of GFE will do. What the fuck is this, 'Her'?
No. 1595551
>>1595550Why are you surprised? You should only be vtuber if the money is good. Actually, even then, I'm not sure if it's a good idea.
>>1595497Has this scrote been banned yet?
No. 1595579
>>1595522The crazy thing is I only follow knitting/crochet accounts, block all men and ads, and ONLY respond/like/view/watch anything knitting related. As a rule, without pause, for about two years now. For the entire accounts existence. I haven't deviated ONCE and if it wouldn't outright show who I am, I'd prove it by posting my likes and following list. Maybe my followers affect it? But I block most people who aren't yarn adjacent accounts. Like it's so hyperspecific, and my discovery feed page used to mirror this perfectly. All of a sudden it broke. My entire feed is garbage no matter what I do and despite blocking everything in my feed except yarn shit, if I refresh its just more garbage. It's unusable
Sorry btw I'm not meaning to bitch at you, please consider this part two of my bitching from earlier instead.
No. 1595580
>>1595339I’m so sorry
No. 1595753
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how do i stop feeling bitter about being the only virgin among my friends? i even go as far as thinking they keep bringing up their sex life just to mock me, which probably isn't the case.
No. 1595822
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>recover from bulimia/anorexia
>20 bmi, fit, size 4-6, toned all over, flat stomach, work out just about every single day, and keep a strict high protein diet
>grandma no longer complimenting me since i quit being a bmi 18 ana/bulimic with 0 muscle tone, 0 ass, flabby skinnyfat legs, puffy face from puking, and straw-like hair
>always talking about how being skinny is so beautiful despite being a size medium 8-10 herself
>go shopping with her, keeps ordering me to bring her a size XS and seethes when i tell her she needs a medium, seemed literally disturbed by that fact
>family cutting cake for my BIRTHDAY
>ask which slice is mine
>grandma says "the smallest one"
>female cousin gets fit as fuck and does literal fitness modeling, tiny waist with a big butt and gets attention wherever she goes
>grandma talking shit to me about how she's getting "fat"
>keeps asking how many calories this and that has, meanwhile slurps gravy like it's water
Flabby idiot. It's like she's carrying some sort of "superiority" from being a size XS (a skinnyfat one at that) like 30 years ago. The older she gets the more her filter disappears and I love her to death but she's turning into a bitch. How are you gonna look like this and talk shit about how your young, fit granddaughters aren't a size 0? I find myself always watching what I eat around her ever since a gathering we had where I had 3 pastries and she gave me a look that was like "sweetie… that's enough".
No. 1595938
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My therapist mentioned that my relationship with my parents is textbook emotional incest and it makes so much sense now. I was raised to be their doormat and even now, after moving across the country, they frequently call and text wanting to know every little thing going on in my life so they can criticize and lecture me. They won’t say it but I know they want me to leave my fiancé and move back in with them. I don’t want to cut them off but my boundaries are more important than their feelings.
No. 1595945
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>>1595939Exactly. I've met people who're into things like anime and that's fine but I'm not really into anime and I hate that's the only 'nerdy' thing I can talk with others about. I seldom can find people who're into that specific niche I'm obsessed with. Hell, I'm putting together an ita-bag to make it easier to "signa" to others who may be like me but I feel that might come off as extremely weird and little strong. I've thought about things like those apps where you can meet people but those are mostly for hookups and dating I think. It makes me angry, sad and lonely that such things aren't as popular over here in America than they are over there, or that because of the geographical state of America people who may be into the things I'm into are so spread apart from me that it's not worth it from the very get-go.
No. 1595949
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Today is my only day off for the entire week and I'm spending it depressed, on my period, in bed, surrounded by trash I still haven't cleaned. Young or old this shit never changes.
No. 1595970
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Man, this economy is beating my ass. I have to rewrite my CV again after abandoning it for a while, why is it so nerve-wracking? I was thinking about changing my career path because I'm still young but I don't have the funds to do so. I guess I'll have to work and save up in the meantime.
No. 1595978
i don't know why, but it hurts knowing that my family didn't believe in me. i've changed my life completely to the point i am unrecognizable (typical nerdy neet to based stacy evolution lol), and of course people have been saying things to me trying to retcon how they viewed me before i did a 180. like my family claims i was "sheltered", which is absolute bullshit. i was never sheltered; privileged, yes, but never sheltered. my family just doesn't want to admit that they held me back a lot and that their own poor decision making when i was a child stunted a lot of my development.
it makes me incredibly sad because i know, deep down, that even my own mother thought i wasn't worth anything. she would encourage me to stay at the shitty retail jobs i used to work before i got into university, and i used to wonder why she would tell me to continue working at someplace where i was making minimum wage and getting screamed at by my retarded coworkers. it's because she didn't believe in me either. and it sucks because i hate how the world and your own family will judge you for being different or struggling, even when it's due to forces outside of your own control. my family has always treated me like i'm retarded because i am quiet and keep to myself. everyone always made a big deal over my cousin because she was extroverted and loud. she's never worked, never done anything with her life but leech off of others. i look back at how my family would tell me that they would help me, and then there was always some stupid contingency i was never aware of, and they would renege on their promise. it just hurts because i am far from stupid, i am a lot stronger than my family told me, and i had so much more potential that got overlooked just because i was different. i shouldn't be penalized for being myself anyway. i know most nonies here aren't religious, but i see more and more that you can only put your faith in god cause people are shit, especially the ones who claim they love you the most.
No. 1595994
>>1595964Not even the anon who's "politsperging." I'm just tired of the conditions in my country, in the height of inflation and housing crisis, and even more tired of bootlicking retards like you who think everything is fine and dandy.
>If you want to laugh at tumblr retardsNo shit thats why I'm posting in the vent thread.
No. 1596005
>>1595994I don't complain cause we are going full speed towards WW3 and in 10 years we will be eating rats and thinking about how stupid our "problems" were.
Also I don't get people who live in first world countries and complain about anything.
No. 1596050
>>1596005>don't worry because the world is gonna end anyways everything in life is meaningless You sound like an edgy teenager.
Some people have dreams and aspirations in their lives and not being able to plan for the future because of imminent economic hardship is becoming increasingly frustrating.
No. 1596098
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My obese,unhygenic, sedentary sister really had the audacity to send me an article this morning about the dangers of artificial sweeteners cause she saw me drink a Diet Coke bout worry about your unemploymed ass, sis.
No. 1596153
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i swear i am one manic episode away from becoming a fullblown escort. i hate my crazy expensive city. i have been on disability benefits for schizoaffective disorder for 4 years and i finally got a part time jobbut they cut your benefits a lot when youre earning an income and i dont want to lose my benefits completely.(and btw they make this shit so confusing to read like even the people around me who arent retarded by their antipsychotic medications cant understand it, also its so hard to figure out the world of social programs or maybe im just retarded but i have to google so much to find anything) so to keep my benefits i can only make like 1700 USD and then id get like 100 USD in benefits so 1800 usd in total (actually less because they take out the gross income from your benefits not your take home pay) and the cheapest of the cheap shitty studio apartments still costs 1400 USD. i'm doing really well at my part time job but i'm just not ready to move up to full time yet. and idk when i will be. i live with my parents and it's not a horrible environment but it's not a good one either and i feel so defeated living here compared to when i was living with my now ex gf. and if anyone says "move out of your shithole expensive city" i wish i could, i don't know how to drive, i'm scared of driving and i cant afford a car. anywhere with OK public transit is very expensive. i legitimately am at my wit's end i am so scared of dying alone in my parents' hoarded dirty house (i try to clean but it is dirty beyond what i can help with. shit needs a pressure wash)
it sucks it sucks it sucks it fucking sucks that despite everything i know about sex work and prostitution and trafficking and demented moids and how sex workers are complicit in this degrading selling of women this is the road i am falling down!!! i don't want to do this! i dont know any other under the table job i could find and do! i just want a nice clean studio apartment and to keep progressing in my job and have enough money to have pets. thats IT. nonnies i've had it!!!
No. 1596166
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>>1595431>>1595422I know I'm late but my God do I love big noses on women fuck my life
No. 1596176
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Felt asleep last night without washing my face so now I have a pimple. And I don't get normal pimples I get hard, painful pimples. Everytime I change face expression my pimple starts hurting like crazy and I can't even pol it because its too hard. I fucking hate this I feel gross I look gross and my face is in constant pain
No. 1596227
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I have a somewhat severe phobia of pregnancy and babies and it's making me unable to have sex, I can't get sterilized as i had previously planned because i recently found out i have some pretty bad cardiac issues and in general i should avoid general anesthesia unless its 200% necessary and i have no other medical reasons to fuck with my reproductive system, it's messing so much with my mental health that i'm developing an ED just because if im underweight i have less of a chance of getting pregnant, I take my birth control like clockwork but it still gives me such a bad anxiety at night to think i might have forgotten it or that being 30 minutes late is gonna make it not work and then i'll be doomed because abortion is extremely illegal where i live.
My boyfriend and I are living in different countries atm because of our jobs but we will be spending our vacation in October together and it's making me feel worse and worse, our relationship hadn't gotten sexual before the move but now it's nearly impossible to avoid intimacy, i love him a lot and i feel like it's not fair to trap him in a sexless relationship just because i'm cuckoo (and i was never sexually abused btw), I tried talking to my therapist but she doesn't get it, she tried spinning that it's just a natural part of life and that kids make life more meaningful blah blah, just made everything worse, just the idea of having sex gives me anxiety now.
No. 1596256
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I had a roadtrip with my coworkers and overall it was great but… One of them was an eccentric guy I recently met, he's extremely well read but also kinda weird and I suspected he might be an autist like me. He's almost 10 years older than me but I just liked to talk to him at work about various niche stuff. So today when we were picking him up from his home, I asked if I could use his bathroom bc I couldn't hold it anymore. He said sure but he warned me he hasn't cleaned his apartment bc he didn't expect guests and he mumbled something about cleaning it only once a week. So I went inside, and I'm telling you, this was definitely not an apartment that is cleaned once per week, not even once per month! It was literally the nastiest apartment I've seen in my life and it stinked of dirty clothes soaked in old sweat, not washed for many days. Mess in the kitchen, mess in the room, but the bathroom was the worst. I thought I'm going to puke. The bathtub was so dirty and there were literally spider nets in it. There's no fucking way he was using it. I wonder how and when does he even bathe? The toilet was ofc dirty too. I was so, so fucking embarrassed for him, but I didn't want to be mean so I didn't say anything. I just can't look at him the same way after this. I will admit that my apartment looked similar for some time when I had a heavy depressive episode, but it was so bad I wasn't able to go to work, or to go outside at all, I didn't eat and I didn't wash myself, I didn't contact anyone from my family, I had no insurance etc., it was as if I didn't exist. But this guy is always at work and he had no problem working for years, he's always jolly and fun (although weird), he eats too, he wears a new set of clothes to work every day, he has friends, he doesn't have any problems with handling formalities, like he doesn't seem to have any kind of depression. Like I can't excuse something like this. Even if you're autistic like me, I just can't excuse it. If you're functional enough to socialize (and he's better at socializing than me) you know there's a risk someone will want to pay you a vistit, so how the fuck can you allow your place too look like an abandoned apartment where homeless people sleep from time to time. Not to mention, it's a really big fucking 2-store apartment with a huge fucking terrace. He pays only 700 euro a month for rent, which is like nothing. He was really lucky to find it. And he doesn't respect this place. Holy shit I still feel disgusted. I didn't even had a crush on this guy or anything, so maybe I shouldn't be so disappointed, but even if I wanted to just see him as a friend, I can't cope with it somehow…
No. 1596304
>>1596256Hes probably extremely embarassed but he meant well if he said yes to letting you use it. Even as an autist, especially solitary ones, do not want to open up their private spaces for strangers let alone coworkers. He probably felt like he was put on the spot and will be going over this in his head a hundred thousand times.
>like he doesn't even seem to have any depressionMen who grow up in medium, moderate to well adjusted families are usually brought up like many other men that their problems are nobody elses but their own and internalize that shit forever. Hes good at masking. You will likely never know how he really feels except that now he's probably turning over in his head whether or not you're going to tell everyone about his home.
>Even if you're autistic like me, I just can't excuse it. If you're functional enough to socialize (and he's better at socializing than me)All you are saying is that hes better at masking than you are. You know nothing about him. If he has no roommates and no relationships, you have no idea whether or not he ever allows people into his home. I normally don't defend moids especially off of one post but it's none of your concern and if he's hygienic at work then it will not be effected you.
No. 1596336
>>1596304>You will likely never know how he really feels except that now he's probably turning over in his head whether or not you're going to tell everyone about his home.Except when we were going back, he allowed two other coworkers to pee at his home and also offered all 3 of us to sleep at his place if we wanted kek
Idk, I still feel too grossed out
No. 1596365
>>1596360I will try to have another talk with him, but I have attempted this before. He gets it in the moment, then he forgets. I just feel at a loss. I will try to have this talk one more time
>>1596356I want to have sex with him but I feel literally violated when he's touching me in ways I enjoy, but then does dumb shit which makes me feel stupid
Is this a normal guy thing?
No. 1596390
>>1596375You're right
I had some sexual trauma growing up and I am just afraid that my trauma is blowing the jokes out of proportion. Would this bother most nonas or is this a me thing?
No. 1596489
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having a self conscious nt moid when you're autistic is so tough
just because i don't want to be verbal does not mean i don't want to be around you
sometimes when i respond like i'm annoyed i'm just overstimulated and just want to chill for a few minutes
it's my fault for masking so well most of the time and not telling him i got that dog in me
No. 1596515
This month will be a year since my gramma died. This month is when my step dad’s birthday is, he’s been dead 4 years now. This month is when the worst year of my life started 2 years ago. I am already under enough stress. Too much family shit going on. Too much pressure in my self from them. My health issues, my mental health issues. Why am I still alive? My life ended 2 years ago anyhow.
Have you ever had sleep paralysis? Well, stress sleep paralysis isn’t fun. I am now awake and very very very upset.
>>1596492 hoping things blow over quick for you and bub, nona!!! That’s scary as fuck
No. 1596564
>>1596553fuck, i've never related to something more.
>i have only negative sexual memories and wish i could go back and prevent it allsame, i would go back in a heartbeat too, if i could.
No. 1596720
>>1596677>first man to show interest in meThis only means you haven’t gotten close to enough men. Compatibility and interest doesn’t always mean jumping over tables in pursuit. Forwardness is simply another charm tactic that could indicate a lack consideration for the targets wellbeing.
>respectfulDoing what needs to be done to get what he wants. He’s not dumb and can see when you aren’t drawing a line. Actual respectful men his age would leave you alone in that regard. Go read any site with moids who want this situation and tell me a friendly demeanour could make them “respectful” people.
>has a stable jobThis is a no brainer, he’s 35. It also does nothing for you, are you planning to marry and live off him because he was nice to you? Don’t sell yourself an empty box.
>10 years older, drinks way too muchYou know the relationship won’t last but it will drain the life out of you for its duration and you’ll have to recover from that afterwards. Whatever loneliness you feel now, you’ll wish you had later. You’re old enough to make decisions, he’s probably hoping you’re weak enough to make a poor one and ruin your life for him, realise your higher self worth and make a good one instead.
>I'm such a loserNo you’re not at all but he is. Tell him to go join AA. Use the recklessness of your desperation to force yourself towards better people. Hold out a bit longer and enjoy something good with someone better. Any attention you’ll get from this isn’t going to feel anywhere near as satisfying as a balanced relationship with a cute same aged bf. You’re not a loser, you’re a cute little
nonny who’s a bit sad and dumb but has a great nigel right around the corner.
No. 1596745
>>1596720I thought the same when we first met and started talking, he's too old and he probably likes me because I'm younger and kind of an idiot. There's surely a good reason if he's still single and all his girlfriends left him.
But seeing my friends being in happy relationships
triggered something in me.
Sorry I'm ESL and can't express my thoughts very well, but I'm very grateful for your words. I really needed them, thank you
No. 1596770
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It's not normal for a father to never give his daughter any advice about life or dating or anything even once is it.. I always suspected he dgaf about me but coped because we lived in the same house. But he never talked to me unless my mom forced him to. One time she forced him to spend quality time with me and take me to a pumpkin patch I guess to father daughter bond and it was so awkward. He treated me like some strangers kid he had to watch. I remember feeling so embarrassed and guilty for wasting his time. No wonder I'm so fucked up towards men
No. 1596900
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I hate that I wasted my teenage years and early to mid twenties being a suicidal mess.
I hate that now at 30 I have to endlessly play catch up at work and schooling because I have to pay my bills and prepare to get destroyed financially supporting my mom.
I hate that even if the only thing I ever managed to learn how to do properly is working and even so I'm incredible mediocre at it.
I hate that I can be fired at any point, with no warning, and I can't plan long plan at all because of the stress of knowing that my finances will never be truly safe and I'll always be replaceable.
I hate I can't even find motivation to get better at my job since I might not even have a retirement to look forward to since fucking climate warming and war and that I can't even share the burden of living in this hellholw soon to be teocratic country because everyone is already married or has dated a lot and I'm the weird 30 year old with no close friends, no dating history, and that have only ever had sex with my fucking hands.
Literally the only reason I have not killed myself yet is that I I bills to pay. Fuck
No. 1596907
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I really want to get married, but I'm single and have come to the conclusion that hate dating and learning to know new people. Maybe those people marrying their body pillows got the right idea.
No. 1596936
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Ngl, one of my biggest nightmares is seeing or bumping into people I know in high school or the past. Chances are low yet I still managed to see some of my old friends last year and it freaks me out so much even though I was wearing a face mask, I prayed to god that they don't recognize me at all.
I stray away from working part-time jobs at the convenience store or any kind of place for entertainment like the movie theatre or sth. Even though those jobs are the only job I can get rn. Mostly due to the irrational fear of my old (and often successful) acquaintances seeing me working at a dead-end job and my pride couldn't take that.
No. 1596977
Attitudes toward marriage and settling down are so all over the place. I never had healthy examples in my life. I'm at such a fucked up place emotionally that I told the internet guy I have a weird relationship with to delete all the stuff of me because I was momentarily overwhelmed with shame thinking about his family…only to immediately apologize and be worried about his opinion of me and like of me. He was totally chill about it, he's always chill, but I immediately regretted it because I'm so desperate for validation. I know he said he loved me and has written all the romantic shit because he has no romance or sex in his marriage but is trapped with kids and a traditional culture. His effort just isn't there, he's not even interesting, just enjoys the fact that I was obsessed with him as an idea with no expectations. But aren't expectations part of relationships? I think sending sexual things and being stupid romantic with this ultimately awful guy fora few months has fucked me up. Like. Oh you don't seek sex and romance from each other? Im sure she, from a traditional culture in a traditionally structured marriage, would have their usual attitude of "if I don't know about it, whatever, just work to take care of our kids" but it seems fucked up that it's normal? I don't know. I want him so badly, even though I know it's never going anywhere. Should it? Should I be pursuing traditional relationships? I'm getting older. I know I've let my mental illness slip more recently into our sparse conversations and everything is no longer my perfect fantasy escape.
I am suddenly feeling so empty and desperate due to my declining mental health, after a bad car accident and being ghosted by my therapist and going off my meds because they were so hard on my kidneys a while back. I forgot the extent of my fixations without them. I don't know why I want to be in love so badly. But I can barely physically take care of myself (OCD + autism) so I'm like desperate to settle with whoever will have me. So I have to resist the urge to tell my ex who wants to have a trad marriage that I miss him so much. I'm not attracted to him, I barely like him, he stressed me out and mistreated me a lot before becoming better at the end due to my leaving. But at least it's someone who would be there for me. I'm trying to cultivate even a crumb of emotional intimacy with several other men and it's just not there. Is it because it's all not the right people? Do you need to cast a wide net or just become more tolerant? Everyone wants to fuck me, some are adamantly wanting cute romance, some are in flux in the middle or just have more chill behavior. I'm not attracted to any of them but the married guy, physically. I don't know what to do. I'm in my 30s. Should I settle down with someone who will ease my resource and attachment related stress and try my best to be a good wife?
Why is there an urgent anxious pain in my chest like I need something to matter and nothing does? I was ok last week. I think I'm lonely for once. I usually always want to be alone.
No. 1596985
>>1596977same anon, I didn't know he was married until more recently when things seemed weird and I asked. He took 2 days to respond and then was like yes for 10 years, we don't have sex or romance, does this still ruin our relationship, I hope I didn't hurt your feelings, I'm not trying to hide it from you but I figure I'd wait until you ask about my "social personality"? Fucking Japanese bullshit. I'm stupid and said no because the way he talks about everything like a sociopath appeals to me for some reason. Like everything is permitted, even my anxiety and weirdness. Why do I need someone to not care about me in order to feel like my self isn't offensive?. Why am I obsessed with this fucking guy. God damn it!!!!!
I think of settling because I feel like people prefer my body over my mind but I won't be hot forever, even if I will always probably look great for my age due to genetics and carefulness. I like my mind besides the illness, I'm kind and have a lot of interesting hobbies and thoughts. I don't know what I'm supposed to do to find a partner. But I want one so badly now. I don't want to rush things with the guy I like the best, who is being great but we don't talk much between our dates so far and I think it's because I scared him by being an asshole at first because I am used to love bombing and told him I like to be left alone. Sigh.
No. 1597001
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>get to know male
>took about a year before i felt like i truly knew him
>we drift apart
>now have to find new male and get to know him all over again
This is exhausting what the heck. I have to start all over. Getting to know someone takes so long. After really knowing a man and being able to talk about anything, the thought of starting over with dry small talk makes me feel sick. With finding friends it's easier because I have more in common with women.
No. 1597060
>>1595378Major blessing, indeed. Grey rock all her attempts at hoovering. She was just using you as an emotional supply, she doesn't want actual help or advice, she wants to be excused and treated as an eternal
victim no matter the situation. And she'll keep using you every time you give her the chance, too. They don't change unless they want to and actually put in the effort, but 98% of the time they say they are but don't, and it shows in their actions.
No. 1597099
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I'm seething. My mother is diabetic and has been for years. She met with the doctor and he decided to give her ozempic. She waits for a week and it's not in the mail and obv she's running out of insulin. She calls up the pharmacy and they didn't fill her meds because they immediately flagged it as possible abuse of the drug and didn't bother to tell her or her doctor. I had to walk the pharmacist through her medication history over the phone, and the idiot finally realized oh this is actually a diabetic starting a new medicine. I wanted to scream at him for his incompetence but I politely called him a fucking idiot and shamed him for possibly really harming someone. All of this bullshit and my mother worried sick because Hollywood made it into the ultimate weight loss drug. I fucking hate when people use medicines that are life saving aren't the people the meds are intended for, see trannies using up estrogen. can't help but also tinfoil they flagged it and just ignored it because she's female
No. 1597120
>>1597096i sent austria an email and i am anxiously waiting for any support. pretty much lost all hope at this point but maybe they can tell me what country the parcel was sent to.
>>1597111issue is it was already tracked out of the USA – it was tracked all the way to vienna. which yes is irregular for USPS as for as i know but still frustrating because it's been somewhere on the continent for 2 months lol
No. 1597276
>>1597264>some vain dude staring at himself in the mirror with product slathered all over his faceLiterally my dad
I inherited his vanity but not his love of cosmetics
I stare at myself in the mirror with no product
No. 1597335
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I overdosed my shroom trip and I have been in a state of mental anxiety and stressful agitation for the past three hours. Had a grip on it until I did not, thankfully I avoided bad behavior that would have escalated and I am grateful that I waited before I acted upon it. Made me realize how many irl and personal issues I am juggling–circumstances not necessarily my fault. Relaxing Sunday, right?
Too much stim all at once.
Actually apologized to some shitbag scrote acting BIG entitled to my time when in my right mind I would have ghosted and blocked.
Hopefully I can finally disengage from my fucking phone and get some sleep. I have big empathy for insane people if this is the type of shit they have to deal with on the regular. Fuuuuuck this. Wish I had stayed in the right mindset, but hopefully this purge served me right.
No. 1597488
>>1597264avoid men who are skincare obsessed, watch porn, wear dangly earrings, or play tf2
>>1597301unfortunately yes and its incredibly unattractive
No. 1597724
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I feel like what's worse than being an idiot is being aware of it yet doing yourself dirty. A while ago I remember thinking, "will I even be able to find this" while putting something away.
Weeks later, I actually desperately need it within a day or two. I turned my room upside down and, nope, can't find it.
No. 1597915
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>he speaks fluent japanese
I'm going to ask him to talk to me like that in the bedroom I don't care if he's just talking about groceries my weeb fantasy will finally be fulfilled
No. 1597916
I'm really struggling to reconcile with the fact that my mother, the woman who emotionally and physically abused me, who I basically had to pay off to keep out of my life cares about me. It sounds contradictory, almost unbelievable. But I had a string of emails and a voicemail from her over the weekend and it turns out she was watching this drama, a movie or a tv show or something, idk, and a character in it died from the same type of cancer I'm in remission from. She got really freaked out, asking me when my next check-up is. I just… I don't know how to respond to this genuine display of emotion from her. It moved me to tears but I also want to say "how fucking dare you, you made my life hell, you rinse me for THOUSANDS of pounds on a regular basis" but goddamnit, the woman does care.
No. 1597935
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Feeling a lot of guilt for being upset at my mom but I don’t know what else to do. She’s always let people walk all over her, especially my narc dad, and instead of doing anything she just vents to me. It’s been this way since I was a kid and I’m just at a point where I’m done being her and my dad’s therapist. On top of all this there is some work drama going on with her, and again these are solvable issues that she doesn’t want to confront because she “doesn’t want to be mean to anyone”. I love her and want to support her but there are only so many times I can hear her complain and say she’s going to quit her job and divorce my dad only for her to do the same thing she’s been doing for the past 25 years…nothing.
No. 1597968
>>1597378Are you on birth control? My friend got the implant kind and was also on steroids for a condition. She was nutritionally lacking, barely ate anything, constantly exercising, and COULD NOT lose weight. Doctor said she was impressed she was even able to maintain her weight, with how much the other things caused weight gain. She ended up getting the implant removed and was able to work off some after that. I knew some other people who gain a ton of weight and had trouble losing it after bc, pill form.
If you aren't on bc that's rough
nonnie I hope you can figure something out. Losing weight is a lot about metabolism and gut bacteria. You can try eating more fermented food and non-fat yogurt, take a prebiotic, and that may help.
No. 1598035
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I am wondering if i should yolo and throw half of my freelance savings on a vacation to meet my online friends. I've been so unhappy this whole year, but i also could be spending the same money on imporvement for my content. Goddamit.
No. 1598057
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>>1597724>>1597756well, plot twist, it was actually where it should have been, just nestled in so when I went through the place a few times I didn't find it. it took 5 hours to find it. I feel like my soul has left my body. am I relieved? idk, nonnies, idk.
No. 1598059
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I really don´t care about romantic relationships and feel better when i keep a healthy distance between me and the people i like, but last year i met this girl and we quickly became best friends. I never had a best friend before and i felt like eventually she would get tired of me, i made a bunch of small sacrifices because i promised her i would never leave her (she kept talking about how afraid she was of losing people). Recently i was feeling very sad so i spent some time alone (literally one day), turns out she didn´t really care at all and has a new friend wich has replaced me in almost all university group projects lol. She also ignored my birthday and the worse is that i really miss her.
TLDR; Girl that can´t keep friendships loses yet another friend.
No. 1598078
>>1598068last thursday we talked and she tried to explain herself and cried but we didn't really solve anything, i tried going out with her sunday but she was busy so i am feeling miserable again.
Thank you!! i loved the show and intend on reading the novel once my vacation starts
No. 1598082
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This enby bitch I know seriously thinks her voice deepened because she works out couple of times a week and that changed her testorone levels? Who the absolute fuck let's these autists roam around saying shit like this, it took everything in me to not say something. Does she think the fitness girlies just turn into fucking troons for working out daily, I am on the floor, nonas, floor.
No. 1598106
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>>1598078I really wish you find new friends soon, anon! You deserve honest people who are able to comit like adults. I'd also like to read the novel some day.
No. 1598129
My main relationship issue is the adhd problems which he does nothing aside from meds to handle. Like actually attempt to set reminders, practice a teeny bit of self discipline to tidy for 10 mins before video games, make any sort of daily schedule whatsoever, make designated spot for important items, not removing clutter to see what is actully important, so many broken promises. He is great, but fuck. Our counsellor had us write up a homework assignment with explicit instruction to get it to him before the next apppintment via email. Not day of apt, but before. I thoughtfully do the assignment 3x over several days with no distraction to make sure I was in a nuetral headspace as requested (i was pissed one day and it showed kek) and emailed it to the therapist 3 days before the meeting. My bf did not do it til last minute and wrote it on paper to turn in when we arrived. I was a bit excited in a weird way because I wanted to point out that stuff like this is literally our biggest hurdle and I am trying to convince him to go to an actual adhd specialist for behavioral strategies we both (he) can work on to lessen the frequency of these issues (I end up being mommy and cook and cleaner and manager and emotional laborer on top of my business I run myself that I am struggling to keep up with…) but our therapist took his paper, and turned to me like he expected me to also have an assignment to turn in so I had to explain I emailed it 3 days prior… therapist made zero mention of the huge emphasis of having it to him before the session… therapist had to dig thru emails to look for it as he had not checked I guess…and print it out so it took a bit and we ended up not even getting to anything meaningful in the session. It looked almost like I was the irresponsible one. Is anybody in this world reliable? How tf can I convince him to work on these reliability and followthru issues if our therapist is just as scattered? Just sucks. I do so much research on my own conditions and some on adhd as well, like actual nueroscience, and its literally one of if not THE the most treatable developmental disorder… just fuck.
No. 1598143
>>1598129>How tf can I convince him to work on these reliability and followthru?You can't. Nothing you will ever do, say, perform, or cry about will ever cause him to change. Because he doesn't want to. And why would he? You've admitted that you're mommy, cook, cleaner, manager, emotional laborer, and I'm sure bang maid too. If I had a servant that attended to my life and every whim that I didn't have to pay, I would tell her I loved her too.
He will never put extra effort into you, because his short term dopamine rushes are more important to him than you. Because he's more important to him than you are.
Look, I know it's hard to look at the real and now, to brush away the cobwebs of love and see him for what he tells you he is, but you're going to die someday. And you will have spent your entire being a side character in your own life. Is that what you really want?
No. 1598210
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I'm so deeply lonely and so desperate for social interaction, but I'm too old to be browsing forums all day and getting into discords like I used to. I wish I had spent my early 20s learning how to socialize instead of romanticizing my solitude. I don't know how to be a human being anymore.
No. 1598248
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I was half asleep when I heard the sound of glass shattering, like someone dropped a large pile of plates (which I at first thought it was, my area has a very powerful echo and there is a restaurant a few meters away from my building so I guess my tired mind at first thought someone was taking the plates out for a nightly walk or something), but realized soon that the other repeating sound I heard was someone shouting for help. I didn't see anything from my window and my rushed back and forth between:
1. Who could be needing help?
2. Where is the person shouting from?
3. Why isn't anyone else out yet?
4. …what if it had been me shouting for help without anyone coming?
So I grabbed my phone and went out to the stairwell, I live on the top floor without an elevator so I start walking down and hear that other neighbors also have stepped out and when I stand on the stairs right above the ones leading to the portal I see that one neighbor is already calling an ambulance and another is standing facing the door out with a hand covering her mouth, my eyes wander to the stairs and I see a third neighbor sweeping glass, and my eyes wander further down to what I could see of the portal from where I was standing and I see blood and my stomach turns. I decide that I got nothing to do here and that there were already people standing around I figured they got the situation under control, so I turn around to go back up. But the thing is that every floor where the staircase turn has a window, and I stupidly enough turned around in the direction that had me facing the window and I immediately see that people are standing around a man that is bleeding heavily from his lower area. It was enough to send me into shock as I was walking up and I'm feeling really sick right now.
Luckily we have a hospital right down the street so they were here in just a couple of minutes, but they didn't seem to be in a hurry to rush him to a hospital since they also stood around for a few minutes from what I could see from my window when I checked. Didn't hear anything that would imply something violent happened, so I guess the man for some reason kicked the glass door into the building really hard while wearing shorts and ended up breaking the entire door. I hope he's fine and didn't damage any nerves, but with all the blood there his legs are probably pretty damaged by this.
Fuck i feel like throwing up. Now I know how badly I would handle an accident.
No. 1598254
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once again I am laying here awake despite getting into bed early because I'm horrifically nervous about meeting my dad for the first time in 2 weeks. I'm flying over to his country and meeting this man who I've never met in my life yet who I am directly related to, and will possibly also meet my grandmother who is in her 90s and my paternal aunts. I don't speak any of their national languages and I'm going to be there alone for a week. I am not concerned about safety but I have no idea what to expect, it is literally keeping me up at night.
No. 1598392
>>1598254anon it's going to be ok!! I have an extremely similar relationship with my father, I'd never met him in my life and I flew to Mexico to spend a week with him even though I don't know spanish kek. His wife and other children were so incredibly kind, the language barrier was a little hard but despite that they really treated me as part of their family. I'm so glad I went. It might help your anxiety to study the language on duolingo or something before you go, so you at least know some key words and basics. I hope you enjoy your trip
No. 1598405
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i start a new job tomorrow and while it's something i am semi familiar with because of school cross training with, i have 0 experience actually doing it.
the boss doesn't seem too interested in training me for longer than a couple weeks max… everything about it is so vague too? very very nervous
No. 1598411
Last minute warning at 9:00pm my husband's best friend is coming into town. Three hours until he arrives. I had zero time to plan, the house is a fucking wreck and I'm just so fucking over it. I busted my ass for the past three hours. He helped, I'll give him that, but while I was frustrated and clearly perturbed he shrank away into the bedroom to fuck with his Skyrim mods. Yet again. That he claims he's doing for me. It's been over six months since he started that project. Why am I so pissed about this? Because I was told this friend wasn't coming, plans changed so I decided to take a well needed rest after the chaos we experienced throughout the entire month of May. I planned put the rest of the week, intending to do some much needed maintenence on the house and finish renovation in a space we've been meaning to for months. Now none of that can happen, AGAIN, and I have to call my dad to cancel projects AGAIN. On top of all this I just got through two massive RA flares and finally turned a corner today. It's been two weeks of pain and misery, now I'm heading right back into a flare. I can feel it. The entire time I'm busting ass and stressed, this motherfucker has the nerve to keep trying to flirt with me, touch me and grope me while I'm trying to get shit done. At the very end he states he wants to help me further, what can he do? Look around motherfucker!!! There's shit to do EVERYWHERE. THERE ARE TWO FUCKING BASKETS OF LAUNDRY AT YOUR GOD DAMN FEET WHERE YOURE PLAYING VIDEO GAMES WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK?!?! His friend texted us both he was on his way, that was the only way I found out. He told me SEVERAL times his friend wasn't coming, and I couldn't hold the anger out of my voice when saying "I though you said he wasn't coming." I'm a fucking babysitter, a second mother and tonight once again I'm coming to that realization. This dude will never grow up and I'm sick to fucking death of waiting around for him to do so. Anytime he asks to help with ANYTHING it's when I'm upset. He's oblivious all other times. 9/10 I'm the one hauling trash down to the cans, up and down two flights of stairs with RA. He just ignores fucking everything. Some time here real soon I have to stop bitching and actually do something. I'm nearly as disgusted with myself as I am with him at this point. Maybe more so.
No. 1598440
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Comparing myself to my ex’s ex and another girl he liked and honestly we all kinda look like the same girl just in different races.
No. 1598443
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>>1595336from lululemons homepage
i just lol
No. 1598449
nonny thank you… it's a bizarre situation that none of my friends can relate to, so it's really nice to see someone on here who has been through it!
you're right, I ought to do a bit of duolingo. Their main language is not on there but it would be helpful to learn one of the others so it is less daunting. thanks again nona ♥
No. 1598455
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I’m not happy when I’m at work, I’m not happy when I’m not at work because I’m dreading work. I’m not happy when I’m only holiday because I’m still dreading work. The only times I’ve felt alive, free and happy have been after quitting a job with nothing lined up.
Fuck this life and FUCK working.
I will win nonnies, I will find a way out of this even if it takes me until I’m fucking 45.
No. 1598457
>>1598152Underrated post, maybe it's just my humor but it made me laugh. The blend of beautiful idealism and then getting your stomach destroyed… kek.
For the record, though, you're not supposed to eat more than a couple a day (100 mcg, 1/10000th of what you ate). Too much selenium intake can cause some serious health issues. You'll be dealing with way worse than tummy troubles if you don't temper your nutlust.
No. 1598466
>>1598439yeah thats kinda along the lines of what i did, she accused me of sleeping with her imaginary husband and started pointing out my physical attributes. i laughed at her called her a hag and told her to take her meds. in reality i wanted to beat the bitch (shes a relative)
>>1598434me bitch the fuck
No. 1598504
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why is this the only reply EVERY single time? it almost feels like bots or people sitting around copy and pasting it everywhere. it's just sad, it's obsession.
it literally is never true. Oh people do something in america? all of them? all 300 million of them? but not a single person on any other country in the world? amazing.
No. 1598574
>>1597968Fuck, you might be right, I'm on my third nexplanon.
Shit. But it's such a relief that it's one of the safest.
I can't go on an iud I'm way too much of a pussy. People say it hurt so bad. :/
Maybe I should just forgo sex and men.
Fuck, I wish I could live platonically with a woman and make site we have each other's back.
This life is shit.
Feel like killing myself would be the best option, rn. If only I could just go pracefully and pain free…
No. 1598683
>>1598659Men who are abused in their childhood end up being more violent, selfish, and entitled, or end up being passive doormats to everyone in public and then beat their wives and children behind closed doors.
Maybe I should have just said I hate men who identify as submissive. Because they don't actually give a shit about their partners, they are selfish and entitled just like every other man.
No. 1598695
>>1598678I know how you feel, anon. I volunteer at a homeless shelter and it's sickening how we're encouraged to literally gaslight people who've been attacked by homeless moids. "oh but they're disadvantaged blah blah blah blah" oh and that gives them a pass? Last year a homeless moid got violent with me because he thought I gave him a smaller portion of food than the guy he was with. He was yelling about how he was about to beat me up (zero people came to my aid btw) so I grabbed him and twisted his arm behind his back before he could hurt me, and
I ended up getting reprimanded for it. I'm so sick of these psychos getting away with being violent.
No. 1598757
>>1598490>>1598485Why can't you fuckers let a woman fetishize a teenager in peace? It's MY
toxic power imbalance and I make the rules
No. 1598851
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I would literally do anything to be cured of my autism
No. 1598858
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I went in and just asked my bangs to be trimmed, a subtle face frame, and a little past shoulder length. She turned me into the berries and cream boy. My bangs look so bad and the length is SO SHORT she didn't even fucking ask like normal stylists do "is this good, shorter?" she just HACKED IT TO A BOB
I even tipped like the cuck I am even though I was crying
No. 1598866
I had to look what the berries and cream boy was and I feel so sorry about you, oh nona, cheer up
No. 1598906
>>1598863I got out just when it started to heat up like this. I started college in 2016 and it wasn't really a big issue, even the pride stuff wasn't really as major. I graduated in 2021 and the year I graduated they added diversity to the list of 4-credit extracurricular requirements, freshmen had to take a systematic racism class their first semester, and even my last classes were now a LOT of race stuff in my assignments despite them being random. I mean I'm cool with it in highschool they taught to kill a mocking bird, but by the end I was like "this is definitely getting weird". One of my teachers didn't using a grading scale, you got 100% as long as you turned in every assignment because the grading scale was "white supremacist" (he was white of course…)
Colleges are also just way over the top with any social justice type stuff. I think it has to do with the D&I departments. They started making those and hiring for them mid-college career for me and if you're hired for D&I you're of course going to be adding a bunch of programs and making changes just so you're doing something.
No. 1598957
>>1598772I hate how much I can relate to this. My city built a nice, improved bus stop with air conditioning and now we have lots of homeless men in the area. I always thought people were lying when they mentioned that correlation, but I’m living it out in real time. I’ve almost been punched in the face, I’ve been chased, and I’ve had men run up on me out of nowhere. I live alone in a really nice area, I picked it because it made me feel safe. I do call the police when it happens, but they take forever to show up. This stuff always happens in really busy areas, and nobody comes to help when it happens. They just stare at me like I’m crazy.
I worry all the time now that someone is going to attack me while I’m on my walks or heading to school.
No. 1599014
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>>1599011you guys have ugly long dry hair and the hairstylists do you a favor when they chop off your rat ends. if you're gonna grow your hair long actually make it look healthy and strong.
No. 1599038
>>1599005American business owners love to pay workers basically nothing. For example, the Federal minimum wage: $7.25USD per hour. Then there's the TIPPED minimum wage which is legally lower:
$2.13USD(!!) per hour. In american culture tipping is a built-in cost of going out to eat because tipped minimum wage is a legal thing still practiced in most states. Some states are moving away from a lower tipped minimum wage but they are by no means the majority. Yeah it's stupid but when you're in the United States you damn well better tip or you are basically stealing from the server because you've broken the social contract.
No. 1599043
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I hate how dead a lot of the threads are here. Like I always try to bump the threads and try to create a discussion but it always gets ignored or maybe get one response then it dies again. It feels so lonely, like I have no one to talk to about things/interests I have. Social media is so fucking shallow since a majority of people will only talk to you if you have a huge following, and it’s generally harder to have a conversation with people unlike image boards or forums. It fucking sucks man, there isn’t a lot of weird nerdy women out there in a wild for me to befriend and even if I do befriend someone I’m awkward as fucking hell. I keep coming back here hoping things will change, or we get some more newfags here but nope nothing. Just wish this place was more active, I want to talk to other women about things not men, since male spaces are always misogynistic as fuck and most moids are annoying as fucking shit.
No. 1599044
>>1599014Don't be an idiot, hairdressers should at least avoid doing something you didn't
pay for, you're literally paying them for a service not for them to do as they please with your hair. If anon wants only 3cm of her hair gone that's exactly what they should cut, no more no less
No. 1599086
>>1599043keep trying
nonny!! it took a month for a thread i really like and try to bump regularly to take off, idk if some oldfags came back and rediscovered it or new people saw it, but sometimes you have to sperg in your own little containment thread until the right anons come along. the ebb and flow of lc. no matter how niche your threads are i'm sure someone will come around. sometimes i feel bad for shitting up a thread with too many posts but it's so lovely to find likeminded nons, and there's no competition for attention because it's anonymous.
No. 1599290
>>1599277I meant to add that scrotes will involve themselves in topics like trans, just to be assholes and defend troons. Especially the gay ones, women and men cannot share online spaces unless they are fucking huge. Dick clubs like kiwifarms work because women who go to sites meant for men/have a heavy male appeal either have to get with the program or get harassed/bullied out. Or their Jannies will handle it.
When men come to sites meant for women. They don't give a shut, they scrote up the place, they'll even try to fit in and spend years even being annoying as fuck.
They don't stop. It annoys me so much.
No. 1599337
I hate when so many girls online call themselves "femcels". They are all 16 years old, probably white with middle upper class parents and don't understand how much shit life can actually throw at you as a woman. I am a femcel. I financially supported a moid because I was in love with him and he lost his job. He dropped me and blocked me as soon as he was stable and is living just fine. I'm stuck in a shitty, overpriced state on unliveable wages and have to be a VTuber just to survive. My life is a fucking joke, California should be nuked. I've literally had men glare at me on the street. I've been having sleep paralysis because of the constant emotional torment. Yesterday, a pack of women literally started laughing as I walked by. I dress normal I walk normal I am normal. The day before that, a moid cashier greeted a woman that came before me and struck up friendly conversation, but gave me a hard look, like I did something wrong. What was my sin? Existing? It's like they see me and automatically want to harm me or ruin my day. I can't even get a "good morning", and women are vicious. It's like high school bullying never ends. Adult life is one cruel joke, except you're constantly being gaslit and victim-blamed. "Haha you must be ugly" no bitch I'm am beautiful, I should've been offered modelling jobs but because I don't fit into what moids fetishize and actually have a brain, I have never been scouted. I am literally a third class citizen. I am blond with blue eyes. That just means other women resent me, and men think I'm dumb. My BPD mother resents me because I was born blond, and she manipulated my dad into blocking me. Since I have actual needs and feelings instead of just being a dumb hole, maid and provider, men don't want me. It cannot be overstated how sadistic our society is to the weakest women. I'm sick of hearing about people dying on TV, I'm suffering too. Dying won't even help. STOP offering me overpriced fucking bullshit therapy so I can be gaslit by retarded normal women or evil men
No. 1599365
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>>1599360Looks like the mushrooms have
stuffed YOU
No. 1599429
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That's it anons, I'm bleeding out. I've had so much fun on this site in the past few years, but it seems like my time has come, farewell.
No. 1599488
>>1599452AYRT I dunno if this is self-racist or something but I actually find it creepy and uncomfortable whenever I'm in Seoul to see how bone white a huge percentage of the girls are. I weight 105 lbs too and while I get told it looks unhealthy in the States, there it's just average but they'd ideally have me weigh less.
It really is so extreme there because even in like… Hong Kong and Kyoto the skintone diversity wasn't so narrow.
My mother is constantly trying to get me to use foundations that are way too pale for me and make me look like I'm wearing a mask.
Sorry to sperg out in a reply, it's just… Ugh!
No. 1599496
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Don't want to woooooork
No. 1599510
>>1599014Yeah this is the first time I'm hearing about hairdressers who hate long hair. Myself and everyone I know have the opposite problem where the hairdressers try to talk us out of cutting our long hair and when they finally do cut our hair then they never cut it as short as what we actually want. I don't even live in a conservative place where having long hair as a woman is seen as a virtue.
I feel like if a hairdresser is too eager to cut your hair even when you didn't ask for it then your hair is probably gross and damaged beyond saving. Many women fall into the trap of thinking that their hair looks good because it's long when in reality it's damaged as fuck. However that still doesn't mean that hairdresser should do cut it unless they are asked to.
Anyway my experience with hairdressers is that it's very much a "you get what you pay for" experience. A cheap hair saloon does whatever they want without taking your wants into consideration
there was a local cheap hair saloon I used to go to where every single hair dresser that worked there negged me while a more pricey one will give you what you want and make it look good
No. 1599511
It was stupid and scummy af to get involved w/ someone married, so I deserve to feel shitty that it didn't work out. Even so, I don't know how he can be so unhappy yet not opt for divorce if he thinks that the relationship is 'fundamentally broken' and 'has been for years' (hence the cheating, I guess?). I know it could've been bullshit, but he was saying the same things when we were just friends. It's not my place to judge, but he needs to get therapy to deal with these issues or divorce her so she can be with a man who'll be faithful to her and not have to put on a facade. Even if guilt caused him to end things with me, if what he said to me is true, it won't be long before he does this again with someone else. Pretending things are okay while he drinks, spends obscene amounts of money on frivolous things/me, and literally does anything else besides actually addressing the underlying problem(s) isn't viable. I don't understand how it's possible to live like that.
While this was mostly an emotional affair, I'm mostly just stunned and deeply ashamed that I got involved in this mess at all. Either way, I was complicit, so my thoughts ultimately mean jackshit and I know I'm a piece of shit. Before anyone asks, no I have no means of letting his wife know this happened.
No. 1599515
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11 inches. I'm going to meet him. I can't believe he's real. I'll let you all know if I survive
No. 1599586
>>1599566I pretend to be nice, I'm funny as fuck when I'm around my parents but I actually hate their guts, regardless I don't show it at all. It's easy to do if you've spent enough time mastering it.
Hell, you could deceive someone into believing that you're on their side without them noticing one bit if you become actually good at it. You feel like a spy as autistic as that sounds.
No. 1599609
>>1599564Thank you, anon. I spoke to my close friend and she's said the same thing. I don't think he will ever leave his wife because they've been together for almost 10yrs and married for a third of that. He's contemplated divorce because he brought it up (I didn't broach the topic) and he was saying alimony wouldn't be too dreadful or w/e because they've not been married for a long time. The vibe I got is that he got married too young and regrets it; he said that if he felt like divorce was the best course of action, and if he 'kept going like this, he'd have a lot of regrets'. I just think that if you've been with someone for so long but it's clear you're not being authentic/feel like you can't be your true self with them, is it really worth it? I think his wife must have something going on though because from what I've gathered, she dislikes other women/doesn't have female friends that aren't relatives, so idk maybe there's some co-dependency thing going on where he's her whole world and that's why she won't leave. Or, maybe she legitimately thinks things are fine because he's adept at masking his discontent - who knows?
I just think he'd rather resign himself to staying with this poor woman because of the stability and predictability you mentioned, even if he is bored and feels unfulfilled/trapped. He's rich enough to throw money at whatever he likes to mask this, which probably makes it easier to keep living this lie.
I'm doing my best to move on from this but it's just shitty because before this mess started he was a fun friend to hang with and when I was going through a lot, he was supportive. We're still 'friends' but haven't spoken since the big talk where things were kinda hashed out/ended, and tbh, if I'm being real with myself, I don't think we should. I wish I'd had more sense.
No. 1599631
>>1599511People like that love to claim that they just happen to be stuck in a bad situation in their relationship and thats the only reason they'd ever sink to the level of cheating, the marriage is simultaneously too good to leave but also too bad to stay faithful, that old catch 22 they cling to. He could divorce her, find a new dream woman and tbh more often than not the pattern would still repeat itself within a few years because its ultimately his own shortcoming in morals and in accountability for what he signed up for. They love to deflect the blame with 'muh impossibly hard circumstances made me do it' and make out like they're a
victim of how life turned out. Don't buy into the bs
I've felt trapped in a relationship, too financially and otherwise tied to them to leave (was married aswell) I dragged my feet when it came to leaving but even in my misery and while feeling lonely as hell in my marriage.. I didn't cheat or act like well he's basically driving me into someone elses arms. Typical crock of shit that people use to hook affair partners.
No. 1599726
I’m so fucking over people who flake. I’m going to pride soon and I invited one of my close friends to come with and she said yes without hesitation which is awesome. It was initially just gonna be us two but then we got the idea to invite more people to come with and wound up with a guaranteed group of 5, plus some additional people who would meet us throughout the day. Cool, works for me.
It’s now 3 days till the parade after having this planned out for over a week and our group has dwindled all the way back down to just my friend and I, which tbh is fine but is also frustrating af. Everyone has either said they’re suddenly sick, can’t get out of work now, said they’ll just meet us there and pop in and out because they “don’t want to be tied down to just one group”, or went from saying they’ll check their availability to going full ghost. Neither my friend nor I have pestered them and there’s been no drama, so while I know plans change for people, it’s really fucking annoying that almost EVERYONE jumped ship last second.
If you know you don’t wanna come, just say it instead of playing the long con. Even if you wanted to come and changed your mind, just say that. You look more like a flake and piss people off even more when you wait till the last possible second and lie. Trust me, I know.
Anyways, like I said, it was just gonna be my friend and I initially and she’s still on board to come, so it’s not a big deal but it’s just annoying when people waste your time.
No. 1599729
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My mom died 12 years ago the only thing I inherited from her was this bike. It was a good bike, loved using it. But then a couple years later some druggies fucking stole it, I doubt they even sold it, they probably just trashed it. I’m still fucking salty over it. Bought a new bike to replace it but it’s not the same at all, I have not even used it in years.
No. 1599769
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>>1599765okay thank you nona
No. 1599978
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Only 8 more years until i become a sorcerer. It makes me so depressed to watch scott's stash and see such a cute breed of men that i will never profane. It's not fair that all the cute men live so far away from me, meanwhile i am left to rot in my virgin rage while i draw cute anime boys.
No. 1600008
>>1599609the only reason he became friends with you was to use you as a bangmaid. leave him alone, he's no good. that's not a "friend"–and you know it.
Not trying to be harsh, I just really feel for you. A married man who I thought was trying to be my friend for the past year finally revealed his true intentions about a month ago, and I didn't succumb to it. It would have ruined lots of friendships I have, and he plays an instrument in one of my fave bands so I didn't wanna ruin being able to see them live.
I legit thought he wanted to be my friend, too. Never even thought he saw me in a sexual light, I was truly stunned lol. I will never believe that shit again.
No. 1600019
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>tfw he was a sperm donor for a lesbian couple
No. 1600050
>>1599511When it comes from a man, bitching about a "fundamentally broken" marriage to justify his affairs is a bullshit scam.
The reason why he doesn't leave a horrific marriage is because his wife still performs for him even if the absence of sex and emotional intimacy is to be believed. At minimum he still wants the good image and security of being in a relationshit.
Why would men leave women? These days we are pressured to financially pay half their way only for all domestic managing and burden to fall on us while society expects nothing from them more than earning a paycheck. We can't even demand that men be handy or useful lest we are golddigging evil feminists stuck on stereotypes even though men are the ones who refuse to do anything that's been codified as female. We're glorified roommate-slaves who don't even charge for our labor.
Men have it real damn good so if they can have their cake and eat it too, then so be it. All they gotta do is find someone with emotional vulnerability and trauma like yourself, tell you what ya wanna hear, and then discard you after they get bored. They know damn well women are at the economic and social disadvantage to leave relationships and start over everything, even if the wife found out what's it to him? She's probably stuck.
>>1599631Glad it worked out for you but you should believe women when they say they feel they cannot leave a "stable" yet
abusive relationship situation. Homelessness and destitution are real threats for us, not to mention the physical dangers of trying to break it off with unstable and vengeful scrotes. If you were able to pull yourself up by your bootstraps then consider yourself lucky.
No. 1600058
>>1600050What happened to me every time I tried to leave
>hacked my phone before I left and found where I was>hacked my phone and deleted everything on it by resetting it remotely>broke my phone>tried to break my laptop>threw things at me>kicked me out of my own room>chased me down the street yelling at me accusing me of cheatingI had lost everything before this, my safety net, and tried to recover during a pandemic when I really couldn't, and had to make it work with him to be safe. The worst part is he wasn't always bad, really kind otherwise only when I mentioned leaving he went insane, and I got along enough to like him a bit. I am free now but it scares me that for us as women, not being secure financially leaves us very very unsafe and vulnerable.
No. 1600068
I believe that I struggle with OCD, or something like it. And I’m feeling bad after my second day of taking a summer class and I just think that I’ll never stop being a shitty, racist person, and I just want to kill myself. I can’t talk about this to anyone because I just sound like a socially retarded bigot. I’m a complete try hard at trying to appear normal and not racist. I know I’m irrational and weird, and have odd mannerisms. I was trying to write up about what happened in class today, which just boils down to me being weird and maybe coming off as nervous at the beginning of class but I started being more normal as it went on. That sounds weird but I think I might be nervous because I expect myself to not be normal. I just don’t want to hurt others. I constantly just feel like I’m being watched by others when it reality they probably dgaf. I probably have autism so me coming off odd in general is to be expected, but I don’t want to come off as racist weird. I know that sounds weird and selfish but I am upset at the idea that I made other people uncomfortable, or acted in a racist way towards them. My brain just never stops thinking, and it doesn’t help I was still apprehensive on the drive over about how I was yesterday. I have a RBF frankly and look sort of depressed most of the time I think in general. I’m used to wearing a mask in public but stopped because most people at my college don’t, but I do things like move my tongue around my mouth and mouth words when I’m thinking so that’s also weird. I know I do certain behaviors even when I’m alone and in the past when I’m in class but I’m partially like. What if I’m just doing things as a performance to seem normal because I sat next to a person that was black. I actively tried to be nice but if I come off as racist the supposed “nice actions” are just hollow. I’m socially awkward and I don’t talk much except to answer questions. And I know I didn’t feel nervous during class except when I thought that the person next to me might be watching me, or if other people were and I did something weird. Or if I overthought. I know it was weird maybe in and of itself to sit next to the person that I did, because there were a bunch of other seats open but he was in the seat I sat in the first day in class so I sat in the one next to him, and I sort of want to? Not be avoidant because I want to get better. Or maybe I just want to try and fail at “proving” I’m not racist. I just tried focusing on myself and the teacher and my papers. My voice was normal when I talked so I must have been normal for the majority of class? But I’m worried if the guy felt weird that I sat next to him or didn’t want me there, and if I should sit somewhere else tomorrow. But that might also be weird if I did. So I’m just like. What if I killed myself so I wouldn’t have to worry.
No. 1600079
>>1600050 > you should believe women when they say they feel they cannot leave a "stable" yet abusive relationship situationI never said otherwise. I've been there. I had that relationship/marriage where I felt stuck more by how intertwined everything was, our finances, legally, whole lives just wrapped up in each other. That was on me for staying so long when those were hurdles I could've faced and I eventually did when tbh he did us both a favor and pulled the plug on it. But I had two teeth knocked out by a previous bf when I tried to leave. I know there's a world of difference between just dragging your feet on leaving someone and.. being trapped by more serious fears. Thats why men who claim to be 'trapped' but are happy to step out and just cheat in the meantime annoy me so much with their woe is me tales.
Miserable marriage.. cheating in the meantime wont help. Actually being horribly abused at home.. hell you're just more likely to end up being killed if you cheat and get caught. But somehow men in a 'meh' marriage will justify cheating as if they had no other option. Their marriages aren't that bad. Its a tale they spin. A man who wants to leave will leave. Usually he's still getting something provided at home and wants the best of both worlds.
No. 1600151
>>1600008No, I appreciate you being blunt. I've been pissed off at myself for missing him even after all of this shit, but hearing this from anons like you has helped. It's getting easier to detach myself from things as the days pass, but it's only been like 3 days. I tried to keep my expectations low-to-non-existent regarding this working out, but I guess I fucked up somewhere. It's just stupid af because I knew that if he was willing to do this to his wife after being with her for like 1/3 of his life, there's no way he wouldn't do the same to someone else/me. So, I don't really know why I even put myself in this situation. Validation, maybe?
I'm also sorry that you went through something similar.
It's a shame that it's hard to know when men are genuinely being sincere/kind without ulterior motives. I was very ill earlier this year and beyond stressed with uni demands and he was very kind; to think that this likely was all manipulative behaviour is nauseating. It puts me off wanting to date other men because you never know if they're going to be a scrote.
No. 1600235
>>1600189Yes, but you need therapy or some close friends to talk this shit through with. Sounds like you don't trust anyone enough to talk about it, so, since you're in college, I hope they offer therapy and you should try to go. If they don't offer, then you should try to find a therapist. And you can also try opening up just a little bit to any non-judgemental friends you have.
Also, google "racist ocd", read the articles and see if they apply to you or offer any self-help advice that you can try. Obsessive-compulsive disorder can cause fears about committing racism or being a racist. I have no idea if you have OCD or not, but either way, they articles can probably help.
Regarding the seating situation, no one cares where you sit in a college class, so sit where ever you want. And congrats on pushing your self to try and get better. If you want to sit in the seat you sat in in the first class, get to class a little early so you can get that seat. If you want to sit next to, sit next to. If you want sit in the back, sit in the back.
Long story short, you are in your head too much and seem to have some formed some bad ideas about yourself. The best way to counteract this is to learn how to counter those ideas in your head, and form a supportive relationship who with someone who won't be an ass if you make a mistake and can give you advice on how to come across to people the way you want to come across to people.
No. 1600296
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You strong independent bitches or whatever can keep that energy. I need a man so bad. I need rugburn on my face from chest hair. Can't yaya sisterhood my way into happiness.
No. 1600395
>>1598405i return
girlies should i be concerned if employees at my work have either been there for years or are brand new? absolutely no in between
also i haven't been trained much because 1 person has to train 4 brand new people including me lmao
No. 1600407
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Nobody responded in the confessions thread so I’m posting again here. Some bitch turned my friend against me and my family. I sent her and her mother glitter bombs because they’re both neat freaks. And I know the bitch in question has white carpet in a rental and is a racist. Bitches will be finding glitter all over for ages.
Also neither her nor her mother have any pets or I wouldn’t have sent glitter bombs. They’re such pieces of shit they don’t even have pets despite being able to afford them. Pickme cunts rot in hell. Why the fuck would you be with a moid if you thought you had to make him hate every other person that had ever been in his life? Now her mommy and daddy bankrolls them both doing coke and going to raves all the time.
My ex friend is also dead to me and no apologies will make this betrayal okay. He really is just a stupid fucking scrote. Enjoy your ugly pickme gf who also happens to be fat as fuck, I know you love how her mom and dad fund y’all’s coke habit, and now you’re a racist who doesn’t believe in mental illness all of a fucking sudden? Hope you get arrested and go to prison it’s where you belong.
No. 1600425
>>1600419I broke up with him and never wanted to get back together, but he was always considered a member of my family and was always a warm and supportive friend. We were not at all compatible relationship wise but we were great friends who always had each other’s backs.
I was excited that he’d gotten into a good relationship for him and couldn’t wait to meet her, I wanted to do a double date. Controlling cunt wouldn’t let him. My Nigel is hot and hung af and we’ve been together for a long time and he supports my NEETlife. I’m assblasted about my entire family being betrayed by this stupid scrote. He basically spat in all of our faces when we supported him for years.
No. 1600428
ill never know the right answer. i have never wanted kids and feel disgusted and nauseous thinking about pregnancy, wont ever get a pap smear, never will use a tampon, and only touch my vagina to wash in the shower. im okay with regular sex but wont touch my own vagina. my parents dont even expect me to have kids, they're really supportive and tell me to only have them when i know i want them and otherwise don't care if i dont. i feel horrible about it though, a defunct human being, a broken female. a few female relatives have recently had babies and it disturbs me and i avoid them. i feel positive for them and know intellectually it is a happy thing. but the emotional side of my brain is disturbed by this. seems many respectful non perverted men all want kids. i cant do that. im disturbed by having a period and havent had one in over two years, i have nightmares about having a period sometimes. i have an eating disorder and horrible body dysmorphia. i study biology and will graduate soon, i know intellectually how important reproduction is and why most people feel the innate drive to reproduce. where is mine? i am wired wrong. i am dysfunctional. i have no abuse history or trauma. what is wrong with me? i know how to act when i need to but it's probably not that convincing. sometimes it's really hard to be around families with young children, i feel fear and don't know what error is in my brain. i don't wanna be around it and children make me feel nervous, it sucks because of course children especially little girls are very drawn to me, i'm 24 and put a lot of effort into my appearance and they seem very enchanted by me and i am so autistic i just don't know what to do or say. i feel that children should be protected but other than that my motherly instinct is mostly towards my dog. i dont want kids and no one can make someone want kids. but why am i like this? i would gladly trade my fertility to an infertile nona here who would like children, i am just a waste and a defunct woman. life feels like a tragedy for me. i'm not even against raising children, i just cannot bear the thought of pregnancy or childbirth! and i wont do surrogacy because i think its immoral (imagine bonding with the baby inside you for 9 months only to have to give the baby to someone else??) also i am obsessed with death, death is much more interesting to me. i am not suicidal but we know how life is made, death can be caused by thousands of things, and is just more mysterious and intriguing. even the career i want is based around death. i like who i am but i cant help but feel like a bad person for feeling confused about how anyone would want these things and that it's literally normal to reproduce but i feel deeply disturbed and disgusted. am i alone? am i a broken woman??
No. 1600436
>>1600428There might be a chance you dealt with CSA at an age far too young to remember, although I don't want to put anything in your head because you very well could just have an aversion that has nothing to do with that. I'm really good with kids and I'm not afraid of them or anything, but I had a lot of issues with being touched after infant, toddler, and early adolescent CSA. I cannot physically have children but I do not want to adopt either. I had to get physicals done for sports, and at one point in my early teens the man doing my physical inspection went over my nipples and I just started silently crying and could not stop at all, i didnt say anything but i didnt talk for a couple days for some reason, he was only doing my physical. For a long time I had something they call sad nipple syndrome (LOL) where I would be overwhelmed with fear and go into trauma response and become catatonic when being touched. I did overcome it pretty well for a long time and had a normal sexual life until a different sexual assault in 2018 which undid all progress entirely. I am not autistic though, so I can't imagine how this must feel for you at all. I'd look into sad nipple syndrome maybe?? just to see if it sounds familiar though lol, you don't have to have been CSAd to have it. I admittedly only have a limited knowledge on autism, so I'm aware it could possibly be a sensory issue for you, but I dont think you should consider yourself a waste for this. Your value is a person isnt tethered to having children. You aren't a womb. You are a person and you have no obligation to continue the species or bloodline or wtfever. There's nothing wrong with you taking your life one day at a time and staying within your boundaries if they aren't personally harmful. And honestly, complete pseudoscience but a cool cope to carry is that your body is telling you that you have some propensity to stillbirth, defects, or something equally hard on your body so it's preserving itself. You are a person not an incubator.
No. 1600515
>>1600508I don't think the distinction as to whether it is grooming or not even matters because he chose to do those hateful things to you when you revealed the truth, and that is vile.
Why are you defending him at all? You've acknowledged he's disgusting and that he's had a negative impact on your life. I think what's more important is you detaching yourself from this person's hold over you. You have agency, you are your own person, and you are strong. Don't let his mere existence sully any aspect of your life; he isn't worth it.
No. 1600542
>>1600515I think I've let it sully me enough because over 10 years, I've ruined 2 relationships for him. The entire problem with me was him, so I don't know why I could not move on I think I was just a really lonely and dependant kid. I was not the kindest to him let me add, I used to cut my wrists to get back at him for hurting me which probably traumatized him- common manipulation tactic right. Used to argue with him, blow up his notifications and call him every name in the book because of how he hurt me. Even as a kid I hated him so much.
Do I feel bad? No, just… conflicted. Do I feel anything for him? Nah, recently thought I still loved him but that was just because he's basically the key to all my memories, now it's just anger.
And I don't know why I continue to defend him, it might just be me realizing I was a shitty person to him as well but ya know at the same time he has been cutting my friendships and isolating me with exposure of stuff I have said and done (out of context.) - his revenge for something I did that hurt him recently. This dude is convinced I shit talked about him to everyone who knew me but in reality it was only some group on World of Warcraft server like 6 years ago.
Sorry this was not meant to be an entire novel but it could have been longer due to the effect he had on me, all he has done to me and I really needed to get this off my chest. And I know it's sillier because it's an internet friend thing but the internet was basically all I was on for my tweens and teen-into-adult years.
No. 1600603
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I’m going on a trip with new friends that includes swimming. Problem is, I am a lardass (close to picrel but without the airbrush) and I don’t know if I should participate to spare everyones eyes.
No. 1600636
>>1600620>>1600619>>1600609>>1600606>>1600623Thanks for the words of encouragement nonnas, I honestly expected to be told to ”kys fatty” kek
I am slowly losing weight (13 pounds so far in a couple months) but I still have long way to go. I’m not near my goal weight but maybe I should say fuck it and participate anyway.
>>1600627Yeah they do. I remember me and my ex gf were vacationing in a country with mostly thin people, we were at the beach and good lord we got bad looks for both being fatties (there was absolutely no PDA so it wasn’t that). And in my home country people give nasty looks a lot too even when a majority people are overweight. I mean I get it, I’m a potential public health care resource sink but it still doesn’t feel great.
No. 1600675
>>1600627>>1600632>>1600636yes, I also got laughed at, I got bullied my whole time in school, but it's true, in the end, no one cares. The people laughing at you or bullying you forget you the minute you are out of sight, they make your life horrible because they know no other way to feel good about themselves. I know that it's hard and every year I need at least one month to be able to wear short sleeves in summer (I have scars, people stare, some comment, some even touch). The thing that works the best is staring back at those people and not taking any shit. It's your life, why shouldn't you enjoy it? Like
>>1600620 nonna (hope you are doing amazing) wrote, you might get something like cancer and that puts everything into another perspective.
No. 1600677
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Why do they keep promoting this shit?
>Some videos cost less than a dollar. The site even once allowed users to order tailor-made abuse videos. We also found links on DingBuZhu to two other websites - Chihan and Jieshe - with the same type of content. There is a Telegram group with 4,000 members who share tips on how to sexually abuse women.DAE remember that teen girl who had her photos hacked from the cloud (?) and uploaded to some niche site and they kept reporting on where her fucking nudes could be found. why do they always look like that? Whatever the nationality they look like that kek.
No. 1600681
>>1600675you got bullied your whole life and now you live in a
terf hugbox what a shocker. you are ugly btw
>>1600659It's okay. Well I understand the language and they all very loudly said something like "haha look at that foreigner hahahaha I hate foreigners" So yeah it was probably racism (oh well face) That's bot even the only time, I've walked past people just conversing and they were just complaining about foreigners being in their country at all, very explicitly saying they hate them. If I say the country it might
trigger people but I will say it happens a lot there, businesses often ban foreign people, policies are unfair to foreign people with medical care, and it's a country with increasing tourism. They were all younger people too, not older people surprisingly. Who knows what their problem is, I think younger people are really cunty these days.
No. 1600719
>>1600713don't care if it
triggers people, please share the country. For me, the most hated tourists where I live are tourists from my own country, they are loud, rude and disgusting, while foreigners are mostly polite and a little confused.
No. 1600722
>>1600713Go where you want, wear what you want, do what you want and say what you want. Fuck em. Your description could apply to so many countries, unfortunately. Don't ever worry about potential
triggered nonas. Sane people understand how different our experiences can be depending on who we are.
No. 1600723
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bump cp
No. 1600732
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I hate the national slap-fighting when it comes to discussing the problems of western healthcare.
>Americans: LOL Leaf tribe's doctors euthanize people and force them to wait even when bleeding
>Canadians: And Burger tribe doctors make people pay billions to fix scratch!
Can we just agree that the entirety of western health care has a fuck load of problems that are becoming unsustainable?
No. 1600744
>>1599359I feel you. I live in a country with diverse skin colors and features and it's obvious certain features and lighter skin is the desired look for women here, men even go out of their way to marry foreign women with light skin, hair and eyes.
But that aside, even as a kid not knowing about looks, beauty or skin colors, I hated the way I looked and hated my skin color and asked mom about it, she obviously lied to me but in a weird way saying ugly dark skinned girls grow up to be pretty light skinned girls and I genuinely believed and would check my skin color to see if it got lighter every once in a while.
Features wise, I was surrounded by mostly equally ugly or even uglier girls but it more has to do with the failure of a culture here and bad diets and malnourishment as well as inbred genes and weird inherited illnesses. I have a mix of all of these and they affected the way I look so much on top of my skin color and my skin being too sensitive to friction thanks to melanin, now I have tons of hyperpigmentation on my body and it looks gross in the mirror when I'm naked. My weight is also a problem where I'm near underweight due to the aforementioned circumstances but also have a high body fat percentage so I'm basically skinny fat and it's so gross and worrisome to me because I'm concerned about my health and if the fat is wrapped around my organs or something. And I hate that I'm short as well because it accentuate the ugliness of my body and face.
My face looks like most average people here which is ugly and obviously inbred as well as hyperpigmented around eyes, nose, and mouth and it's very frustrating. What makes it even worsr is I have a big crooked noose and I sort of look like a man and it drives me insane.
Sometimes I try to be positive and say I'll just eat healthy, work out, and get reconstruction facial surgery and other needed medical treatments. But other times I feel like it's too late and pointless to do so and I should just kill myself because it's easier than existing as ugly and worrying about it or trying to be good looking.
No. 1600746
>>1600738Kill yourself you fucking NEET turd. Fat bitch probably sits in the vent thread refreshing so you can live out your regina george fantasies on lolcow
>>1600741Nah, Arknights. I heard Genshin is actually pretty favorable towards male characters? Or at least I heard you guys get a lot of them but I’m not sure if they’re meta
No. 1600835
>>1600407Did you post because you wanted people to be like "Yeah, fuck that bitch. Good job on fucking her over." cause the tone you picked for your comment was completely wrong for that. Honestly, you come off as asshole who should have been dropped.
Anyway, sorry your ex-friend picked his gf and money over you, but moids are trash. They abandon their friends for women all the time. But it must hurt when it happens to you instead of it just being an abstract thing men do. Sorry you had to go through that.
No. 1600842
>>1600812Whenever she does that don't smile even in nervousness. "Why is that funny?"
Make her uncomfortable too
No. 1600843
>>1600395>girlies should i be concerned if employees at my work have either been there for years or are brand new? absolutely no in betweenCongrats on the new job! And maybe. It could be bad luck and everyone just happened to leave in a short time span or it could be the old guard picks on newbies and drives them out. Try to casually bring it up in conversation to see if you can get some info on what happened.
>also i haven't been trained much because 1 person has to train 4 brand new people including me lmaoGoogle shit related to your job to maybe find some youtube vids or websites so you can do some self training. You shouldn't have to but, yeah, corps are horrible at training people.
No. 1600852
>>1600833There is no qualities he could have that makes up for living with the problems you described. Break up with him.
>There's one friend that's really sweet and wholesome that he claims is friends of both of us, Just ask him to hang out with you?
>despite me asking him if he wants to go home multiple times.Did you say "Hey, I need to be alone right now, can you go home?" or was it just "Do you want to go home?"
No. 1600863
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>>1600835This is what I wanted to hear. But yeah I’m just so hurt, I’m probably a crazy bitch but I was only ever kind to him and only ever made friendly gestures to him and his gf. My family made sure he wasn’t homeless when he had nobody else. We were always there for him. All of us. And he just thinks he’s too good for us now? And thinks he’s not mentally ill which is hilarious. He’s batshit insane, but was always the seemingly nice kind of insane. And he just went out of his way to be cruel to me which is such a slap in the fucking face. And so did she! He was never someone who would turn on a friend or be cruel to a friend before he met this pickme ableist bitch. And the only reason he can even relate to this rich chick at all is because my family and I took him on nice vacations and because I introduced him to psychedelics. He basically copied parts of my personality and now acts like he’s above me and my family when we’re the only reason he’s not dead or in prison. Piece of shit. Fuck him for being a phony fuck and fuck her for activating that in him and for her not wanting to be my friend when I was only genuinely nice af. Fake fake fake fake phony fucks I hate fake fucks. I’m the same anon who hates artificially heated air and fuck these smelly artificial hot pieces of shit
No. 1600868
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>>1600835Samefag but I’ve known this guy for over a decade. Like my parents told the little shit they loved him genuinely and he said it back. We said we’d always have room for him. It’s not just someone I’ve known for a couple years.
No. 1600870
>>1600852 it was more of a "hey, could you get these home?" for gifts this guy brought me to cheer me up or when he asked if we want to go back and hang at our apartment "if you want to go back you can" We hung out in the neighborhood and like at the next block over, since being inside this apartment kind of gives me cabin fever as I work from home. You're right since I should've just asked him directly to go but I was afraid of him making a scene (proved right when I brought it up later in private to spare the friend)
I should break up with him, I know that rationally, i'm just not … ready for the fallout I guess? Once I have enough money saved up for a downpayment in an apartment by myself I'm thinking about it tbh
No. 1600877
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>>1600872What do I care what a walking sex toy respects or feels as long as he performs as advertised
No. 1600891
>>1600880Is it a male gyno?
I've had a male gyno before and he was super fucking mean, I have some friends who had the same experience where male gynos are really condescending and rude. I only go to female gynos and therapists now
No. 1600913
>>1600407You sound like the really
toxic and clingy female friend some guys have… I'm sorry you probably needed to let him go. And also "they're such bitches they don't even have pets when they can afford them" actually what?? And making fun of another woman's weight is prime pickme idk wtf you are calling her out for
No. 1600917
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>>1600746>a lot of themI'm pretty sure the ratio is like 1 male to 3 females and half the strongest male characters are unbalanced units from the base version. Most are either bad, mid, outclassed by a waifu, or rely on waifus to be strong same as a lot of co-ed gachas.
Anyway come play tale of food global before that eos hits anon there's clothing damage and a gay bird man who wants to kill himself
No. 1600921
>>1596650>>1596652>>1600772>>1600794I didn't see these until now, thank you anons. I really appreciate the advice. I've been trying to eat more protein (chicken) in my meals to make me full for longer, but I kinda hate eating so much meat. I will try protein powder.
>Eat healthy for a certain period then have a cheat day, so your body doesn't think you don't have enough food and stops burning caloriesHow often are cheat days supposed to be? Or is it a "everyone's different" type of thing?
No. 1600951
>>1600921>How often are cheat days supposed to be?3,500 calories = 1lb. of fat. So you can calculate your weekly calorie intake (at the deficit you choose obvi) and work in cheat days that way. Or you can keep it simple and just have a cheat day every week or every 4 days or whatever you need to keep you on track.
>>1600945Seconding an exercise bike if you have the space for it. I think even those little ones that are essentially just a set of pedals would be fine. The fact that I can get up and ride the bike exactly when motivation hits helps me a lot. I'm not good with planning and going to the gym.
No. 1600973
>>1600917Lmao that sounds just like Arknights, except I think the male to female ratio is even worse. These tard companies wonder why we dont whale "as much" when they skew their favoritism so hard and barely make it feel worth rolling or spending. And then waifufags think they have the right to seethe when they get everything on a silver platter.
>tale of foodHah I actually play ToF too and its so fucking refreshing from what I'm normally used to. My only fear is about the inevitable EoS but I'm still trying to enjoy it while I can. Hopefully by some miracle the server lives for a while.
No. 1600985
>>1600973as a husbandofag gacha player tbh it is kinda true that we don't whale "as much" because we put our money into physical merchandise way more instead. if stuff like arknights has bad physical merch (their merch is pretty lackluster) we won't spend on that as much
i noticed girl whales, when they do spend on the game, usually gravitate to idol stuff like sekai or enstars
No. 1601007
>>1600985I don't disagree, phys merch is extremely popular among female players but even in AK's case they didn't bother releasing a fig of the last male limited but for some reason released a fig of the female limited after him straight away.
Logically speaking if you release only 1 male every few months while releasing a new waifu literally almost every patch, its no wonder people end up saving enough to not have to spend? I play Enstars too and holy fuck that game made me whale a lot since it not only had a wide variety of cute boys but also pumps out new content every 2 weeks. For games like AK with slower unit releases, and then making 8 out 10 characters female, and THEN the new male is also mediocre when the last waifu was broken its like… no wonder I'm not spending?
No. 1601017
>>1601007Thank you for the advice and care anon, but I feel it's pointless. She's my manager's favourite. Also, every case of fixing a 'personal' problem at our department looks like this
>manager calls everyone to her office>tells us to say what's the problem >people are obviously afraid so they bootlick each other, if one person is brave enough to admit she doesn't like something,team leaders 'rationalize' it to her, making her understand that's she's the problem actually >repeat>if you continue to make problems manager politely 'asks' you to change job.Well, people who have contracts would be only moved to a different department. I don't have a contract, so they would probably just get rid of me. That's also the reason why I'm scared. It's much easier to fire someone like me than someone who has a contract.
No. 1601033
>>1601007Forgot to add, my manager is a literal bully too, so she wouldn't give a fuck. Yesterday one of the girls cut her hair and dyed it black, our manager walked pass by and said to her
>haha now you look competent, like you actually know what you're doingIs it something you say to your employee in front of others? Idk. The girl felt bad about it. She has no barriers, she asks about your private life, she talks shit about certain employees to other employees, she's like a mean girl but in her late 30s
No. 1601098
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I had an incest dream last night and I want to kill myself, I feel so violated. Why would my own brain do this to me? I feel so disgusted and guilty even though I know it's not my fault I dreamed this.
No. 1601130
>>1601123I have lifted weights in the past but wasn't too committed.. I used to run but I avoid it now because I'm always on a significant deficit and I just try to practice harm reduction. I only take long walks every day and just try to walk a lot because it makes me feel good and energetic listening to some music. I have an obsession with the act of counting calories and controlling food more than having a certain look itself, I know rationally that I could have a much better look at a
higher weight if I lifted and ate
more sadly
No. 1601144
>>1600908>I know that sounds lame and stuff like ohmygod nona you weren’t a piece of shit I'd bet a $1,000 that you aren't a piece of shit, just a socially awkward girl trying to figure out how social interactions work.
I'm glad today was a good day for you and hope tomorrow is better.
No. 1601152
>>1600874Are you in the US? If so, this is sexual harassment. Your job has a duty to protect you from degenerate customers. Failing to do anything about this guy makes them liable for sexual harassment.
Document everything. Try to get anything in writing (over text) if you an about their refusal to do anything. Then see if you can get a free consult with an employment lawyer to see if you have a good case to sue them or if you should file with the EEOC. If you do, you can get some good money over this.
If not in the US, look up sexual harassment laws in your country and see if this qualifies.
No. 1601162
>>1601106>>1601116Thank you for the solidarity anons, it makes me feel better.
>tell yourself firmly that next time it happens in the dream you will stop the scenarioI'll try this, thank you
No. 1601232
>>1601008>>1601061>>1601071I'm in Netherlands but I'm not dutch, my boss is the same nationality as me btw. Also I work through an agency, so even though I've been working at this one department for 2 years, I'm still considered a temporary employee. My manager openly told me that she's content with my job but my 'behavior' is the problem so she doesn't want to give me a contract, she said that she's afraid that because of my 'problems' once I get the contract, I'm going to call sickness all the time and they will be forced to pay me and then she would have to think how to get rid of me and she doesn't want that lmao. They supposedly once had a lady like this and she's afraid of the same problem with me. I never took days off because of my mental state, during 2 years I only took free days when I had an ear infection and I had to be on antibiotics and later when I had stomach infection. She knows I'm not as sociable as other employees and she's afraid I will 'break under pressure'. I always thought that at such job my productivity was the most important part, and I never had any problems with that, but looks like I was stupid to think so lol. Personality is important to her too and now that I think about it, everyone who has a contract there is very sociable or at least can act like it, and I simply don't fit in. I felt hurt by her assuming I would simply sit at home and take money for nothing though. And the fact she had the guts to openly state it to me like this. Some of my coworkers even told me they're surprised I still don't have the contract because they think I deserve it. It's nice because I feel like at least they appreciate me after those 2 years. But well, it's not my decision. Anyway, because of my status of a temporary employee, even though it's been 2 years, I don't think my case would be taken seriously, I don't know. It would be my words against hers. She has friendships and if I failed, she could prevent me from finding jobs at similar places in the country. We have HR department but above it there's the general manager, and he's friends with the manager of my department so…
No. 1601241
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I was foolish to think I could ever become a regular normal person
No. 1601249
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tiktok was already ass and i'm retarded for even using it in the first place but why the fuck did they just make it one giant commercial now. every god damn video is an ad.
No. 1601254
>>1600436i definitely dont have sad nipple syndrome and i hope i was never csa'd and just dont remember. i guess i was just raised in a household where my parents (rightfully) had equal expectations for my brother and me. we were expected to finish a bachelor's in whatever we wanted and be decent adults. i never once thought about having kids until around 21. i TRIED to convince myself i wanted kids for about a year then i really confronted it and felt that it is never something i have wanted. i am just disturbed about pregnancy and childbirth. im not very sexual and even a doctor putting a q tip in my vagina once for a simple test made me feel sick. i just worry about my life sometimes and that i will regret not having kids of my own and wonder where this came from. its just always been who i am. maybe ill change my mind. but my body image issues say NO to ever being pregnant and i'd have to get over it or want it so bad id be willing to undergo all of it. which i doubt will happen. i just feel alienated from a lot of people. like i dont fit in properly as an adult and that people think im weird or dont like me for it. its just heavy and weighs on me. i wish i didnt feel bad about it. the cope you explained is interesting to me and makes me feel a bit better even if its not true. thanks for the replies
>>1600451i would generally agree but i live in a very diverse area and i've talked with women from all kinds of backgrounds who are very shocked at the idea that a woman wouldn't want kids. and these arent trad/conservative/religious women either. i see in my own life a lot of women want kids and its just something that sounds nice to them, not tied to anything political. even the staunchest radfems i see here often express that they want kids.
No. 1601261
>>1601246Ugh, that's so annoying. You should ask for a coupon for your time and energy wasted. If they give you one, order it again in the proper color. I bought a piece of furniture that had defective parts last week and I've been staring at the unfinished piece of furniture on my living room floor for days now while I wait for the replacement parts to come in.
>All I want is a decent affordable living room.Same, girl. All furniture is shitty particleboard nowadays unless you have minimum $800 to spend (I do not.). I might just buy a bedroom set off of Craigslist for that reason.
No. 1601264
>>1600428>i feel positive for them and know intellectually it is a happy thingIt's not.
>i know intellectually how important reproduction is It's not. Why would it be?
>and why most people feel the innate drive to reproduceYeah they're programmed to spread their dna like a parasite, nothing special or deep about it. Humanity will die out like any other species, also nothing special about it.
Biology is disgusting imo, the mere fact our reproductive organs are right next to the holes that piss and shit comes out is absolutely disgusting. I will never accept this, I will never think nature is good and I'm happy about birth rates dropping.
No. 1601319
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Just remembered in hs that my best friend's dad would make her model swimsuits for him. The swimsuit in question they ordered online and it was much too small, with the top barely covering her breasts (she was large-chested), she and her mom said "oh it's too small" and her dad said "no it looks fine to me." She was telling me about this the day after during lunch and I said "that's weird" and she was like "no??? it's my dad." I felt so stupid at the time but in hindsight I was one billion percent right. Her dad has no business asking how it looks especially if he's okay with it barely covering his 15 year old daughter's body? Like obviously it should be okay for a teen girl to wear a swimsuit around her dad but he doesn't need to evaluate it especially when she AND her mom agree it's too revealing.
Further context: she walked in on her dad googling pics of Ariana Grande (who was 19 at the time). She said dad why are you googling pics of Ariana Grande and he said "because she's hot". ?????? I think she still lives with them, too, she's late 20s now.
No. 1601359
>>1600921Other anons have already answered your question but I'd like to add it's better and safest to get help from a dietitian if possible. Also for protein, you can have plant protein or eggs, just have more white than yolk because the yolk has too mucu fat in it. 3 eggs is the maximum safest amount per day, and 2 is ideal. So maybe 2 whole eggs and one egg's white for extra protein on breakfast. Other than chicken (chicken breast is the best option btw) and beef you can have fish, healthy protein, omega oils and healthy fat like in salmon. And for plant protein beans of all kind work, legumes and some nuts. Have also healthy protein chips for snacks and energy bars with dark chocolate and nuts so you can cut unhealthy processed food. Have fibery plants as well so they help you feel full and aid digestion.
Walking and running and swimming all help in burning calories, choose whatever is easier for you and do it. A 30 minutes minimum walk after each meal can do wonders. 7000+ steps a day is a good goal. But I admit my limit is 3000-4000 steps because I'm small and weak.
While I'm not overweight, this helped me reduce my body fat percentage which was extremely high despite my bmi being underweight, all because I ate small amounts of unhealthy fatty foods when I only had 1 or 2 meals a day. Changing things up like I mentioned above lowered my body fat percentage while also made me gain weight. Now my bmi is 18, not that high but better than what it used to be, and my body fat percentage went from 40+% to 36%, I still need to lose more fat and gain weight though but I'm sure if I keep following this routine and not fuck up or slack off I'll get there.
No. 1601365
>>1600940I understand your feelings, been there, done that.
But remember, it not your fault or your sex's fault, it's the assholes around you's fault. I hope you get a job and get to move out and live somewhere nice, all alone away from weirdos, and have nice friends and a nice partner if you're into that. Good luck with everything and I hope things get better for you.
No. 1601372
>>1600940You're going to feel so amazing when you're able to get away from those freaks. Life has so much more to offer than this shitty fucking
abusive situation. God damn this makes me mad
No. 1601449
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>>1600913She told me I was a gross skinny white bitch before I ever commented on her weight. Like literally outright hostile and would say shit like “he’s more attracted to me than anyone else before” and I was like that’s great girl you’re a cutie he’s lucky to have you. The nicer I was to her the cuntier she was to me. I even gave the bitch gifts. And yeah I don’t trust people who can afford the time and money to have pets but don’t have them.
>>1601245You sound like a scrote. He’s had other gfs between me and this one and I’ve gotten along well with all of them because they weren’t racist cunts.
>>1601129Thank you
nonnie. I hope she loves her glitter bomb. I hope it destroys her white carpet and she has to find glitter and think of me everytime she finds a piece. Or that it ruins her food or some electronics. I found out her mom’s name and address and that she is a registered republican and sent her a glitter bomb too. That’s what you get for raising a cunty little racist pickme.
No. 1601462
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>>1600913Also Samefag but this guy was a basically a family member. I hadn’t dated him in years and hed even stopped by with a gf once to our thanksgiving and we were so happy to have them there. He didn’t just betray me he betrayed my parents and essentially spat in their faces and thinks he’s above us when if it wasn’t for us he’d be dead or in prison. He owes my dad $100 to this day. Not to mention the money he stole from the fireworks stand that my dad let him work at cause he was unemployed. and when he was living with us he had such a bad porn addiction that he would Jack it while my dad was in the same room (he slept in my dads office). And then would be angry at us when we told him to stop and not do that shit around people (he’d be wanking furiously under the covers and grunting while my dad was literally at his desk in front of his cot). Like this is the kinda shit we put up with and never stopped loving this dude and wanting the best for him. We loved him unconditionally and he knew it and it just didn’t matter cause he’s a fake ass fuck.
I also didn’t even date him when he lived with my family which was for multiple years while he went to trade school. We dated briefly before that and realized we were better friends and weren’t sexually compatible. Also he decided that he was too good for the trade he went to fucking trade school for and could be making $50 an hour easily if he’d actually done that job. A respectable and always in demand trade. So now he gets his life bankrolled by his cunt’s rich family and works part time selling phones.
No. 1601466
>>1601414Ayrt, good! It happened for me as well. I don't come from such an
abusive situation as OP but when I moved away from my family, my body and mind exited traumatic fight-or-flight-mode and everything became so much easier and more pleasant. It'll happen for you too
nonnie No. 1601499
>>1601493Maybe the new gf should have considered being nice to his anon, especially if she thought
nonnie was insane. Antagonizing a known crazy bitch who is actually being kind to you is never a good idea. The girlfriend will learn a valuable lesson here; don’t get on the bad side of the loyal type of crazy.
No. 1601501
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>>1601497It is an insult and if you’re an NT you don’t belong on imageboards
(Infighting ) No. 1601535
>>1595777Men are so goofy when they try to be intentionally sexy, they're so dumb
No. 1601586
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I have some 14 going on 40 ass features and don't know what to do about it. I just look like a living genetic mad lib.
Long silly looking almost pointy ears, big childish eyes and alfred e neuman face shape, but then also a long, tall nose, high cheekbones and a fucked up dracula hairline. When I wear elegant clothing I look like a little kid playing dress up, when I dress more casual and youthful I look like someone's autistic aunt. Can't fucking win.
No. 1601592
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My mom wants to buy a guy she pretends is her friend a birthday present still. This fucker hasn't spoken to her in months. He fucking ghosts her and literally only responds when she gives him stuff. He never gives her anything. Not even a fucking thank you because he expects it. She knows I hate his fucking existence and her justification is that he's a good person because he's still in his kids' lives. I loathe that the bar is in hell for men. It shouldn't astound me that she does this but I can't help feeling both disappointed and lost of further respect for her. I kinda want to put a curse on the bastard because he has gotten away with shitty behavior his whole life. It would be nice if he got some pushback because he can't deal with any type of pushback or criticism. I don't know any curses though
No. 1601739
>>1601732Also I am queasy and I hate the government and their taxes
Took an ibuprofen but still fell shitty. Today is not my day
No. 1601742
I love my mum dearly but she's been pissing me off. We have the most streamlined .gov website I've ever seen; it literally spoon-feeds you info and is so accessible, yet she's incapable of using it despite my explaining many times. She needed to reschedule an appointment and had the choice to either call them or use this journal thing to leave a message. She didn't want to call, fair enough. I teach her how to add a journal entry and then she's asking me what to type. I tell her to type what she'd say to someone on the phone. Crickets.
In the end, I had to type it for her, and I was exasperated which then got her upset because I 'make her feel stupid'. It's not my intention but if you're deliberately eschewing the option you're more comfortable with (calling a number) for something that you lack confidence in doing, just to palm off the responsibility to me, yes, I'm not going to be impressed. Why should I lie or coddle her? I'm not going to be at home forever and she needs to learn to use these things independently.
Now she's in a mood, and ngl, she has a dreadful temper so I just cbf arguing with her. She's not abusive or anything like that, it's just the one aspect of her personality that I genuinely dislike.
No. 1601778
nonnie i sometimes lurk sometimes post on lolcow it depends on my mood tbh i found out about this site one year ago i don’t even remember how tbh and im willing to befriend anons so what are your interests!?
No. 1601787
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Why the fuck did the mods ban me for talking about my husbando but when japnon did the same nothing happened? It's not the same thing, i was having a mental breakdown when I sent those my nude pictures.
I will suicide jump into a lake before i ever fly across the country to fuck a moid like japanon did.(ban evading rancefag)
No. 1601838
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>mfw he calls himself "queer"
I almost responded "ok faggot" but I still kind of want to have sex
No. 1601863
>>1600874TLDR; Your manager is failing to keep a safe environment for staff and other customers. He commits like 10 offences a day and can be arrested on top of banned by the cafe. Call the popo and I’m sorry this happened.
This is very blatant sexual harassment and public indecency. Public masturbation is its own crime and restaurants are allowed to ban people for playing pornography. Maintaining eye contact with you is making it a personal interaction, especially with his documented toilet cup stuff. Call the police as a member of staff the next time he starts and everyone can give their statements. You can also film him beforehand. The manager should’ve done this as soon as it was noticed, the law is on your side, you all have power over this situation. Chin up nona.
No. 1601944
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I think I can finally say I hate you too
No. 1601954
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I spent over a year being led on by a moid because I'm a socially isolated dumbass and get attached to someone who shows me the smallest amount of affection. I knew from the beginning he was only using me as easy pussy, but I hoped it would eventually be more. Even though I knew pretty fast it wouldn't. I finally gathered enough nerve to break it off. We saw each other at least once a week for over a year, talked almost every day. And I'm now realizing I meant so little to him that he's capable of just going on with his life like I was never a part of it. I'm seething at how I got so fucking attached and he is probably not thinking about me at all. I know I miss the idea of him more than the actual person. But I have very few people in my life and losing a person who I could at least pretend cared about me has me feeling more lonely than ever
No. 1601988
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I hate when I meet someone who watches anime they’re only into mainstream shows or whatever pseudo-intellectual trash is popular on tiktok. All my interests are niche even outside of anime and the only place where I socialise is an hour away from me in an upper class town. I don’t have anyone to speak to and this place is dying as well lol I feel so lonely idk what to do
No. 1601998
>>1601124Thank you, I can try that (books). Anything you'd recommend or…?
Therapy would be more tricky financially, but maybe with time I could see someone. It's funny but often I can't even tell if my life sucks so bad or if it's the brain. Again, thank you for responding
No. 1602061
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>Had laptop for 9 years
>5 years running, only becomes usable when charger plugged in
>Father unplugs the cord multiple times when I refused to do something, causing immediate shutdowns
>Banged my fist on the keyboard when I moved a millimeter and somehow made it shut off again
>Black screen on startup
>Been put away unused for a year and few months now
>Start it, wait 10 mins only to get "Hard drive failure"
>Only way to recover data or make it usable again is getting new hard drive/sending it somewhere for a repair
>Remember I have hundreds of yaoi images from tumblr, 4chan,pixiv in different folders from my teenage years on it (a lot from now deleted accounts)
>Also have folders of story inspiration, aesthetic for characters, cringe but meaningful art and screenshots, emulated games
I'm going to do everything I can to save it or get the data extracted by myself. My sister got her data back from a coworker of our father, but I don't want some man to see my random selfies and saved photos like hers were probably seen. Getting rare bl material back would be a bonus too
No. 1602068
>>1600050You're right, nonna. He's just sent me a message with the whole 'I'm sorry I hurt you, I miss you' spiel. I legit went on a long-ass hike today and reflected on everything, and ngl I was somewhat impressed he hadn't caved in before because I most certainly wasn't going to message him. I swear I'm a fucking witch. I'm guessing w/e happened to cause him to feel guilty enough about cheating to break it off with me has worn off now.
Ngl, I feel stupidly smug about this. I don't know if that makes me a bad person, but to see men capitulate like this is satisfying af.
No. 1602108
>>1602064an AC is a dream of mine but they are so rare in my country and every building is just build to keep the heat inside. Sucks that you have to deal with such stinky neighbours, too, I just don't understand why it's still allowed to bother other people with secondhand smoke.
>>1602089sadly I'm not living in the UK, but I will have a look if I can get something like that in my country, thank you nonna!
No. 1602115
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>>1602095Samefag but I am unhinged about this shit. It sent me into a manic episode that I’m only just finally coming down from. If I could legally harass them both and her family all day I would but I don’t want to get in trouble with the law. I feel like Maleficent from the live action movie. Utterly betrayed and filled with righteous fury.
No. 1602186
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>>1602169Exactly kek. You get me
nonnie. And to the people saying that pet abusers are often pet owners themselves, usually most people who abuse pets get them in a family environment and will abuse the pets to gain control over their partner or children. Very few animal abusers decide to get a pet for just themselves and abuse it unless we’re talking about people who do pit bull fighting and shit. And I also agree that getting a pet and then neglecting the pet by not being financially able to take care of them is awful.
My ex friend had actually gotten a dog that he dumped at the shelter when he went to basic training that he dropped out of (he pretended to be sick and pretended to faint so he could get out of basic as a medical discharge). He knew he was gonna go to basic training when he got the dog. He said he loved the dog and that his family said they’d take care of him while he went to basic and then refused so he had no option but to surrender him. I believed him then cause his family was shitty. But now I think he did it on impulse with no forethought, never had an agreement with his family, and never even tried to find the dog a good home on his own.
He also had some cats when he lived on his own with another gf who didn’t hate me. When they broke up I was like where are your kitty babies? And he said a friend of his ex gf’s took them. But in hindsight I think he might have dumped them at a shelter.
He also once found an injured American cottontail rabbit and instead of taking it to a wildlife rehab kept it in a cage and tortured the poor thing by constantly handing it. American cottontails are solitary creatures, they aren’t happy to be pets like domestic rabbits which were domesticated from European rabbits who are very social creatures even in the wild without domestication. The rabbit died of a heart attack after a couple months while he was handling her. He did this while we weren’t talking a ton but he was living (basically squatting with permission) in my deceased grandpas home that was overrun with rats and had no electricity or running water. He liked it better there than staying in my dads office cause he could Jack it all day I guess, he’d come over everyday to shower and chill with my folks and they’d feed him. He stayed there until the bank foreclosed on the house and made him leave.
And finally, he also had a rat when he lived with my family. He’s had the rat less than a year. It was well cared for. He manically decided he was gonna move to California and work on an illegal pot farm for the summer and the next day after he’d told us that he woke us up and let us know his rat had died and he buried him already. I think he fucking killed his rat. Also I told him the pot farming get rich quick scheme was a bad idea but he swore he’d come back with 50k after a summer of hard work. He came back penniless (actually in debt, had no money) and had some weird story about how the Russians who ran the farm just fucked everyone over. I suspect he did something insane. He also chopped off part of his finger while working the farm.
No. 1602192
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>>1602188Depends on your finances and abilities and living situation and stuff. It can be weird but it can be a good and kind decision. Humans literally domesticated dogs before we learned to farm. Nonhuman animal companionship is in our dna. It’s weirdly inhuman to never want a pet if you’re capable of giving them what they need and not allergic.
No. 1602196
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>>1602191>>1602191It’s really important for children to grow up with a family pet. It helps give them a robust microbiome/immune system and teaches them boundaries and love and respect. I think it’s basically child abuse to not let your children experience having a family pet. It’s also fucking weird as hell to want multiple kids but no pets, esp if they’re bio kids. Narcissist red flag.
No. 1602205
nonnie I’m the same way. Gonna try to publish some short stories and poems cause that’s all I can do. But I am a NEET and my Nigel and parents foot my bills. I’m too disabled to hold a job.
No. 1602207
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I masturbated and coomed too hard and now my muscles are so tightened I can't even pee
No. 1602233
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>>1601787If you're gonna impersonate me at least do a good job at it you esl retard
(rancefag) No. 1602256
>>1602251It is a good thing they don’t have pets because they’re inhuman self absorbed psychos.
>>1602250I was unclear. People who don’t want pets are psychos. Women/people who don’t want kids are not psychos assuming they have or want a pet. People/women who have kids and refuse to have pets are the worst of the bunch.
No. 1602264
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One of many reasons feminism is doomed to fail is because it requires challenging the men of one's own ethnic group. Most women won't do that. They'd rather fight over them, simp for them, and enter competitions with women of other groups.
Many women are just gormless retards. Straight women will fight for men's love, lesbians will fight for men's camraderie and recognition. Only a small minority see things for what they are, and very few change their lives in accordance (which is an honorable, but extremely difficult, unrewarding way of life). All efforts at female solidarity will be destroyed by moronic pickmes riddled with hatred and complexes. You'd rather let trannies trample our corpses than take up for your fellow woman of another background. I've already given up, but the frustration still gets to me. Maybe it'll work out in the next few generations.
No. 1602266
Holy shit. Last year I did a volunteer program in an abandoned village. Although I wanted some agricultural small town experience in this particular region I had to choose whatever came quickest as the planning for the summer did not work out well. The people I originally came to do some work with were extremely unorganized and everyone complained about it, half of them quit, I wanted to as well but couldn't. Then thanks to them had to arrange somewhere to go fast so I ended up in this place and from the start it was off. You know how you should always leave at that first sign, well this woman was horrible at communicating despite being the one who needed help. I wait forever for someone to pick me up and this girl comes, the other volunteer. We drive up in this shitty old car to the empty mountain village. And so I am show the house and where we will stay…. again should have immediately left but I did choose this place last minute without seeing the accommodations. Which are…. a basement shed, with no real window, a door that only locks from the outside, thin mattresses on wooden planks, one outlet, that's it. The lack of feeling safe, the endless bugs, the fact visitors who came would walk by and laugh at me for staying on that room. Then the old woman.. she barely explained anything and just gave tasks. We had nowhere to store groceries and no breakfast besides coffee, had to work and serve people at her home restaurant before we could even eat, which was whatever was leftover, but it was enough food and tasted good. Then we should have a break but she kept us on call until dinner service. And we ate with the guests. The thing is she would start giving tasks then take it back, like telling me to go grab all these things then not use them. The water was also not consistently on, and never warm. Okay so it's hot and a cool weak shower is expected, but when it was shut off we were told to go hose down in the back. So bad sleeping situation, being starved most of the day, barely clean, and being criticized endlessly. Tasks going less from learning agriculture to scooping poop in the summer sun. Carrying tons of heavy items up and down stairs, not cooking lessons or anything. Basically doing her bitchwork for no money, no real bed, one meal a day, maybe a shower, so she can make money and degrade you. The other girl got pissy too, a 20 year old acting like a 10 year old and I tried to be nice, but she hated being there too. And then once I try to do my laundry and she yells at me for not washing all the other shit first, not filling the machine (I did, I used all my clothes and had nothing clean left for this reason) And all the stress lead me to yelling at her and her being a grumpy old bitch and I just left. Packed my shit and left down the mountain, luckily a car offered me a ride otherwise it would have taken 4-5 hours in 90 degree weather.
No. 1602272
>>1601379Thanks anon. I used to be vegetarian so I should know more about non-meat protein sources, but I wasn't good at the whole nutrition thing (hence why I got fat)
>>1601359Thank you anon, I do genuinely appreciate the advice, but my goal is to lose weight so I'm not sure if this would apply to me.
No. 1602274
>>1602268They're just doing the exact same things that straight white women who hate black women but love black men do. The white women who complain about the black ones have always turned a blind eye when it was their white sisters. If there had been female solidarity from the start, it wouldn't even have been a problem, but male-created history and lack of feminist praxis prevented that.
It's always the same behaviors, because heterosexual culture is the same/all-encompassing at its core, and women are always fucking fighting over dick. The double standards won't end. It'll continue to propagate. I'm glad some women get it, but most won't, and I'm done.
No. 1602275
>>1602266I had complained about this person after I left. My body was covered in scars from bugs for months after that. And I just found now, a very recent documentary on this woman and the immigrant she hosts there, who btw was very nice but he had his own actual room and kitchen and since we were young single women without a locking door in a secluded place, it was not safe. Not to mention she had two actual airbnbs upstairs, which we couldn't stay in even without guests but had to clean. (And she also didn't tell guests there that food was not included and charged them a ton for a meal.)
And this documentary has tons of comments saying "oh what a nice sweet old lady" and I'm just thinking, that is not the reality for the people she has as volunteers and work like slaves. She was seriously a rude bitch. Don't believe what any tv production tells you. What she does makes for an interesting story but she is only kind to those who give her money, and not those who offered their time to learn.
No. 1602283
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>>1602277>work on your reading comprehension nonnaIt's more so your explanations make little to no sense. I understand them from your point of view, but I don't understand the logical connection of such a thing of 'not wanting pet = inhuman narcissist'. Having resources doesn't inherently mean you're supposed to give them out or use them on others. It just comes of as an unhinged projection from your own morals. Do you donate to shelters? Volunteer at soup kitchens? Help out the homeless? I want your understanding of this.
No. 1602286
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It's so fucking hard to not hate my mother. She is an alcoholic narc. All she does is criticize and use other people. I am still trying to overcome the deep hatred for myself she instilled in me. I genuinely tried helping and understanding her, but it's fucking impossible. I am genuinely so tired of her. I wished I could build a bond with her, but she isn't capable of having any healthy relationships in her life.
No. 1602295
>>1602283You don’t have to use resources on others if you don’t care about being called out for being self absorbed. What do I do? I keep up to date with local lost pet groups and keep an eye out for them. If I see a cat or dog wandering around I take a photo and post it in all the local groups. I once caught a glimpse of a dog wandering about a football field away along a treeline across from a pond that I was driving along. I posted about it immediately and gave as much info as possible. The dog had been missing for 6 months and his parents had been looking for him frantically and his last spotted location was 2 months prior, two cities away. With my information and help the dog was reunited with his family and found on the other side of the trees where I saw him.
I keep an eye out for injured wildlife. I keep blankets and boxes and a carrier in the car. I have run into a 5 lane highway to save a baby possum. I help a lady who feeds a feral colony and I peruse local pages and give anyone who needs help with their pet advice for resources and offer to help them if they need a ride or need advice. I donate cat food to the animal shelter I got my girl from.
I have 4 rescue pets. My senior dog was on death row and nobody had any interest in her because she’s older and isn’t fond of children. No bite history, not a bully breed. One my cats, I am her third home, and she was scheduled to be euthanized a few days before I adopted her.
The other two cats came from a rescue group and one was considered to possibly be unadoptable because he has actually been diagnosed with bipolar disorder. He was previously owned by some homeless crackheads who lived in hotels and didn’t even have him neutered (he was 2 when the foster rescue got him and neutered him), they abused him and starved him and I’m pretty sure only fed him fast food. His gut is wrecked. Yes apparently cats can be bipolar. He is an expert level cat to care for and has brought so much joy to my life and also destroyed so many of my things, but he’s also the sweetest cat in the world. He had to be caged a lot at first because of his aggressive mood swings and lashing out (I’ve had cats my entire life, I know this was different from normal upset cat behavior). He also has severe IBD and food allergies that no prescription food helped - he can only eat one specific food and one specific form of animal protein due to his allergies and IBD. The last cat was also a rescue and even though they’d had a lot of potential adopters show interest in him because he is beautiful and unique, it took them 3 months to find him a home because of his very skittish nature. Nobody wanted a kitten that cowered when they went to pet him. Usually kittens find homes very fast but the rescue was really starting to worry because he was already 5.5 months old and had met with dozens of potential adopters who decided they didn’t want him. He wouldn’t do well with being rehomed, it took him a long time to accept me and my partner. He cowers and hides and shakes and needs to be sedated when we have visitors. He lets us rub his belly and likes us to hold him though.
Before that we had a cat that hates kids and dogs and other cats and was about 13 when we adopted him. He’d been in the shelter for 3 months. He was the most wonderful boy in the world and I miss him everyday.
I also donate to women’s shelters, I will often go to Marshall’s and 5 below and stuff and buy face masks and eye masks and nice things that other people might not think to donate. I get a lot of free makeup and skin and haircare samples that I donate to them as well.
I don’t help the homeless because my friend was raped by a homeless man and I was groped by a homeless man. My partner worked at a gas station and virtually all the homeless men were homeless because they were violent in some way or pedophiles. If I knew of a place to help only homeless women I would do so.
I also donate cat food and cat toys to the local shelter. I dont donate money because I don’t want it being spent on warehousing unadoptable vicious pit bulls that should just be euthanized. Sadly the local shelters only have pit bulls. My girl came from an out of state shelter.
No. 1602299
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I hate that my senior cat, who had been with me from a kid to an adult, disappeared when I went on vacation almost 10 years ago. Idk if she got locked out for too long (we had roomates) and left, or if she was attacked because she was outside for too long, or if it was simply her time to go and she found a quiet spot somewhere to die. I hate that I wasn't there for her. If she was hurt or killed, I hate that I wasn't able to protect her. If she ran away because she thought I left for good, I hate that. If it was her time to go and she was alone, I hate that. It seems like last year but it was actually in 2014 and I still bawl like a baby when I think of her and the ways she may have passed on. Picrel is her. She was named Nala. I miss her so much.
No. 1602460
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Didn’t think I’d get confirmation that they got the glitter but I did through a third party and I couldn’t be more pleased. They hated it and felt hashtag threatened KEKEKEKEK I hope it got in their eyes
No. 1602468
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>>1602465They live together. That’s why I said I hope it got in their eyes. That’s a mess that pissed them both off. But I also sent him a “prank” addressed to him specifically as well but I think the company I went with for that one is bunk and never sent it, cause I never got a tracking number and their support email hasn’t responded to my 2 separate emails asking for my tracking info.
No. 1602475
That's a bannable offence btw
No. 1602486
>>1602480Fair. But if you were close to the
victims then you could be cobsidered a possible suspect, especially if they know you know their address and considering your instability it could make you even more of a suspect if you left on negative terms or gave them a reason to think you did.
No. 1602487
>>1602484i disagree in the sense of using homuraposter as an example, you're still anonymous because homura is a really popular character, you don't have anything attached to you other than posting (character)
as long as you're not literally rping as the picture i see no issue
No. 1602488
>>1602476Must be your first imageboard. There are super small niche altchans where it is even encouraged but those imageboards are basically just glorified chatrooms for small circles of online friends.
Avatarfagging on any other imageboard is highly frowned upon.
No. 1602493
>you're still anonymous because homura is a really popular characterYet she's the only one using Homura pictures with all her posts. That makes you stand out, you're building an identity on here and becoming recognizable on purpose.
>as long as you're not literally rping as the picture i see no issueAvatarfagging is just attaching pics of a single character/source to all your posts (as if it were your avatar on a forum), this has always been the definition. It doesn't have anything to do with RPing as the character.
No. 1602509
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>>1602502homurachan doesn’t seem like an attention whore and like another anon said homura is a popular character anyway.
No. 1602512
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>>1602493Ok, what if more of us start using Homura pictures so she doesn't stand out?
No. 1602524
>>1602468just read this one now. haha wow you did the glitter bomb and are dumb enough to double dip by trying A SECOND crime involving the mail system? you are really really playing with fire you dumb idiot. this is 2023 not the fucking 90s they do not take this kind of crime involving mail as a joke anymore. people went to prison for sending flour (read: literal harmless flour) through the mail because they tried to scare people into thinking it was anthrax or fentanyl or something. the intent matters so even if you do a "le harmless ebin prank" you are not getting off with a warning.
you are fucking up in your life. I highly suggest you stop this childish garbage behavior and get serious mental health help ASAP.
No. 1602539
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I find it so annoying how you cant say anything bad about waifu characters without virtue-signalling retards calling you misogynistic. Like no you stupid bitch you’re defending the 2d manifestation of a moid’s fantasy, not an actual woman. She literally only exists to make them coom. Your waifu is fucking shit.
I swear there’s literally no one more oppressed than a female otaku. Why is lolcor /m/ so DEAD when you people are the closest thing to a sane person on the internet
No. 1602556
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>>1602512Kek nona, good idea. We should all be attention whores this summer to drown out all the others…and ourselves.
No. 1602558
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>>1602556Homura is gorgeous too so it’s a win win win
No. 1602559
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lucky I love cleaning and get mad dopamine from it but motherfuckers were clearly not taught to pick up after themselves. the day I'm roommate and their pets-less will come nonas, some day soon.
No. 1602587
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>>1602573makotofags are all anal enthusiasts and disgust me. we all know who the best girl is anyway, makoto is trash
No. 1602618
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had a retard moment and put a very old blouse for cieszyn in the dryer. It's fine, it just now has a different texture. I wish the exact tone of voice could come across through typing bc it was so dramatic it was almost funny, but anyway to quote my very unhappy director: "You put my blouse in the dryer?! This blouse hasn't seen a dryer in 100 years!!!" Thankfully she had a lot to drink at the end of practice and kinda forgot about it. Long story short I feel very guilty and I want to replace it but I can't find any antique cieszyn blouses for sale in America. Do I go to poland and find an antique store? Do I call a museum and beg them? Do I buy 100 year old cloth and pay someone to make one with absolutely no pattern? I'm not being too serious right now but I do feel awful about it, I was considering buying an entire $900 cieszyn costume I found online until I realized it was from the 1990s when I need 1900s.
No. 1602645
Haven't followed it throughly tho
No. 1602647
>>1602264Apart from 'challenging the men of one's own ethnic group' is precisely what early feminists did…
Who tf is fighting over men? I wish some nonas would grasp that the retarded racial shit that happens in the US is just burger shit. The way you talk about stuff like it's a universal fact of life kek.
No. 1602680
>>1602448don't give up
nonnie you’ll find sane people(cis) in your spaces !! i know trannies are flooding everything like a plague but they’ll disappear eventually kek
No. 1602784
My sister's boyfriend casually dropped a bombshell on me last night and I had to excuse myself and have a crazy girl breakdown in private and have a friend talk me down while I hyperventilated. He starts it off by saying he's thinking of getting a puppy, I'm blunt with him and tell him it's not a good idea (for several reasons but mostly because everyone currently in the house works full time) and he goes "oh well I talked to [your mom] about it and she's fine with it." Aside from this being retarded as fuck because my mom is a selfish and neglectful pet owner herself, it pissed me off because what the fuck I live here too. She's not your mom and this isn't your fucking house, does what I have to say mean nothing? Then he drops "well it'd only be for 3 months anyway. [Your sister] and I are going to move." My sister told me nothing of the sort. Whenever I'd ask her about it, she said they were just thinking about it, that it wasn't happening anytime soon, if it happens at all (there had been talk of the three of us owning the house for real if our mom moves like she's been talking about). I don't know if I'm being childish and I am very sleep deprived so I don't think I'm getting my thoughts across very well but I'm incredibly hurt. Obviously she doesn't owe me anything, she's free to go and live her own life, but I dont think it's too unreasonable to think i at least deserved the consideration and kindness of her letting me know herself. She knows I'm terrified of living alone with my mom. Or maybe she doesn't, she was always more evil to me than she was to her. She and I share a lot of responsibilities with maintaining this house and the bills, everything will fall onto me when she leaves. I'm not prepared for it, I'm working so hard on myself but I still struggle. I don't even know how to bring this up with her because I don't want to make it seem like I'm trying to guilt her into not doing it, but I feel so hurt. She's my sister, my best friend, my roommate, and I didn't even learn that they're moving from her, I had to learn from her dumbass boyfriend that doesn't respect me either. It's a huge overreaction but I really did think about killing myself last night. I've been so overwhelmed these past few years and I only just started feeling like I was getting the hang of things and everything is going to change again. The future seems bleak. I have a bit of savings but not enough to move. I guess I'll take as many hours at work as I can and get the fuck out of here as fast as I can. Either that or kill myself.
No. 1602820
>>1602784Take your sister someplace where you and her can't be interrupted and talk to her about this.
"Bf said that you were moving in three months. Is that true?"
If she says, 'Yes', then you say "Ok I'd like to discuss some things about that with you." And bring the issues up below in whatever way feels comfortable:
I'm terrified of living alone with my mom because of x,y,z.
You and I share a lot of responsibilities with maintaining the house and the bills and everything will fall onto me when you leave and I'm not prepared for that. Can we work together to find a solution for this?
You are my sister, my best friend, my roommate, and I feel very hurt that I didn't learn that you and him are moving from you, that I had to hear it from your boyfriend.
No. 1602842
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Stop expecting me to like your dog. I don't really like dogs. I don't hate them, they're still innocent animals, but I also don't like them either and there's nothing wrong with that. I don't give a fuck about your precious hecking chunger Bella's inbred breathing issues because you wasted money on buying a shit useless lapdog from a stupid breeder instead of adopting one that really needed a home. I don't want your stupid fat diabetes dog humping my leg because you can't discipline it properly. I don't want your smelly Labrador trying to climb on me. I just don't like them. Why can't retards just acknowledge that not everyone likes dogs, it's like it's a social crime to admit you're not really keen on them meanwhile everyone is still allowed to hate cats and talk openly about how they'd love to kick them because cats know how to assert boundaries.
I went to a bbq the other weekend and the guy's dog (ofc it's a moid kek) was overweight, had alopecia all over its back and literally would not stop shagging peoples legs. He'd climb on your leg to shag it then walk off and come back and do it 2 minutes later and the owner wouldn't even put the dog inside or anything. Eventually I just made an excuse to leave early because there is no way I'm enduring an entire evening of having this fat fucking barrel retard of a dog try to shag my leg.(take it to the dog hate thread)
No. 1602907
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i've become a punching bag for my entire family and it's taking a toll on me ever so slowly. i hope this house catches fire
No. 1602934
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>>1602923It sure does look that way, those wildfire smoke pictures look very apocalyptic
No. 1602940
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I wasted the last of my blueberry cobbler coffee creamer because a small fruitfly flew in it literally less than 20 seconds after I finished making the drink. The same thing happened two days ago but with almond milk instead of creAmer.
No. 1602950
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shit's on fire, yo
No. 1602956
>>1602940Stomachs are tougher than most people think, a small fruit fly won’t irreversibly contaminate your drink for staying there for a few seconds, just get rid of the pest and drink your drink, nothing bad will happen.
I’ve drank stuff that has had ants and fruit flies swimming around after throwing them all out of my drinks and I’m just fine.
No. 1602983
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I fucking hate the way my parents have to project their anachan tendencies onto me. Just let me have a snack in peace without spouting out unnecessary comments about how many calories are in it. And I am not and never have been even close to being overweight, I'm a bony bitch trying to bulk up for fucks sake. It's becoming very clear why I have always struggled with guilt related to food even now as an adult.
No. 1603000
>>1602842i love dogs and cats and tend to gravitate towards them at social gatherings since they are more comfortable/predictable than people imo, but people who just sit and stare at their dog doing something stupid like jumping on people or humping are dicks. like aren't they embarrassed it's obvious to people they can't be assed to discipline their dog?
>>1602857when my dog does that i call her a sick fuck and nudge her away
No. 1603009
>>1602952It's not prudish at all to notice this
nonnie. When I was a teen we were wearing jeans, trainers and band t shirts with terrible scene hair. It was cringe but ngl it was comfortable and we actually looked our age. The way I'm seeing even 12-13 year old girls dress nowadays is extremely disturbing to me, it's like they've all completely skipped the era of creativity/experimenting that comes with being a teenager and went straight to skimpy adult clothing.
Teen boys don't face the same extreme scrutiny and social heirarchies that teen girls do. They're allowed to still get muddy, make mistakes, dress in loose normal clothes and still act like teenagers. Girls are expected to be mature and have their shit together as soon as they hit puberty, the rise in teen girls wearing very adult clothing is just another example of this and it's disgusting.
No. 1603017
>>1602952what you describe in the post doesn't sound bad but since i do go outside sometimes i have seen this too the past few years. the zoomer male fashion is equally unappealing to the eye but for different reasons.
i grew up dressing modestly and was pretty insecure about showing off my body but it was mainly because i was hyperaware of boys and men leering at me and didn't want that. i'd agree that it MAY stem from jealousy but most teenage girls where i live are pretty chunky and i don't see the point in showing that off.
i'm in my 20s and wear whatever i want, but i won't wear things that show too much (don't want my ass or boobs hanging out) because i'd just be giving a pervert a reason to stare at me more than they already do.
this is a consequence of all the progressive liberal feminist "sexual liberation" bullshit. male feminists are liars and do not really exist, they're only in it for the coom, so of course it's only about what they'll get out of sexual liberation in the end. and it absolutely includes minors and normalizing the sexualization of them. teens are too neurologically underdeveloped to truly understand the implications of this. they basically are willingly marking themselves as possible targets, under the guise men push which is "let her wear what she wants, that's equality". i'm not
victim blaming but rather saying that girls believe their intentions are pure, and just don't realize that perverts are everywhere and some are deranged and will hurt them.
sure, girls deserve some freedoms here and to feel happy/comfortable in their own skin but at what cost? whether they accept the truth or not, the truth is we're surrounded by creepy males daily, everywhere. and pervs/pedos will fetishize literally anything girls wear no matter how modest it is. but it's not worth it imo for literal teens to walk around in skimpy clothing. i've seen too many girls wearing clothes that "leave nothing to the imagination". really thin shirts where anyone can see their nipples, thin tight leggings where you can literally see the shape of their nether regions, etc. so who is this really for? are women actually benefiting from this at all?
i have always enjoyed experimenting with different styles but always keep in mind, would i wear this around my family? it is a shame many young girls are too immature to realize the truth surrounding "sexual liberation". it only hurts women in the end. i do see girls that wear modest, fashionable clothing sometimes and that's good. we don't have to dress like amish people, but it's a balancing act. i just think it is important to express yourself in ways you want, but equally important to protect yourself.
No. 1603027
>>1603017samefag but to expand on the pervert mentality, i do see girls try to push the "i don't care, let them stare" notion. the problem with this is that they don't understand just how deeply sick and evil a coomer's mentality is. it isn't "omg i can see her (insert lewd term here) wowza!" and they move on… it's a disgusting pleasure from the fact that a teenager is willingly subjugating herself to be something they can jerk off to. it's the implications.
>her parents let her go out like that -> will her parents care if i try to have sex with their daughter?>or did she sneak out dressed like that -> she is a troubled, vulnerable teen and her parents won't notice/care if i have sex with heretc. as teens they only know a life of being extremely young, they don't know yet how bad the fetishization of youth is for coomers.
sometimes i think the whole "being uncomfortable in your body as a teen" is quite a double-edged sword, and often serves a positive purpose.
No. 1603037
>>1603009NTA but it's not exactly something new. Maybe it depends on where you live tho. When I was in primary school, many teenage girls were wearing crop tops or tight clothes and many looked a couple or few years older. When I was a teen myself, I was the same, and I'd wear low-rise jeans and tight sleeveless tops, many other girls, too, it was mid to end of 00s. You could often partially see the underwear, either pants (thongs or a wide elastic of sports style…boyshorts I guess, idk how those are called), or a bra from under sleeveless tops. It's weird to think about it now, the way I dress now is the opposite, but back then it was just normal. I think no one even realized how revealing it was. And the way teenage girls dress today, I personally mostly see comfortable clothes, oversized everything, minimal or fun makeup, it actually seems way better than the way we looked (less sexualized and more appropriate for their age). A bit surprised you and ayrt have different experience because I thought it was more or less the same everywhere.
No. 1603049
>>1603047my sister would try to get me to
dress “cool”
No. 1603056
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I finally got a VPAP to treat my diagnosed sleep apnea I might have had since I was a little. I really hope it fucking helps because I've felt like a zombie aside from one day my entire life and I'm not really sure what else to try if it falls through.
No. 1603091
>>1603039She's 100% right though. You are also correct. You shouldn't tell women to shut up though when speaking about the liberation of women, it makes you seem like an nlog and a retard.
>>1603027Yeah and they're viscerally imagining raping you and violating you in every way, in every orifice (sorry for being gross but it's literally true), imagining how they'd dominate and humilate you. And they think it's fine and that there's nothing worng with it, or worse, that you're a whore who deserves it. I love how more revealing clothing looks on me but I have a really hard time not being more modest because of men. I can't wrap my mind around other women who feel similarly to us but continue to dress revealingly. I sometimes wish I could just disregard men and do it anyways but when I do I feel soooooooo uncomfortable and like I'm doing a favor to all the disgusting scrotes who lay eyes on me. The worst is when they're with their wives and daughters and make it a point to leer anyways. Ugh
No. 1603114
>>1603091NTAs, I understand your feelings but I feel like we think about what men think way too much. When I dressed more "immodest" (kinda dislike these terms too tbh) as a teen, I didn't think about men at all, maybe those trends were to appeal to male gaze but it wasn't
my personal goal or anything. Scrotes would bother me but I just saw them as some annoying flies and that's it and, honestly speaking, I wish I had the same attitude. You can't control what they think anyways, they can still easily sexualize you even for looking more "modest", and if they want you to know what they think, you can always let them know what YOU think about it or completely ignore them. But yeah, still I feel like I can't return to that mentality that easily now.
No. 1603118
>>1603111Read this nonna
>>1602963>you should enjoy their companyI would if they were such annoying bastards and stayed out of my home..
No. 1603152
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binge eating disorder is ruining my life and i feel retarded because i just don’t have the self control to stop. therapy isn’t helping either.
No. 1603158
>>1602879Technically there’s no such thing as a “fake” service dog because there is no actual legal way of certifying a dog as a service dog. The ADA makes it pretty clear - you can ask what service the dog performs and that’s it. Legally a service dog can only be asked to vacate if they are being disruptive (barking more than once, acting aggressively to others, jumping on people, or being destructive in any way like pissing inside). If the dog does none of those things and the person is mentally or physically ill you’d have a lawsuit in your hands.
It’s great for people who need a service dog to do something basic like blocking for ptsd but can’t afford a professionally trained service dog. The dog doesn’t have to be the best behaved dog in the world as long as it isn’t disruptive like I detailed above it’s still a service dog. In some states even service dogs in training are allowed everywhere a fully trained one would be allowed, again assuming no disruptive or damaging behaviors come from the dog.
The thing that sucks is people trying to pass off pit bulls as service dogs. I honestly couldn’t care if anyone wanted to “fake” a service dog as long as it’s not a fucking pit bull. Those things are walking fucking threats and they don’t even have the one thing that makes dogs extra cute, puppy dog eyes. They have soulless killer eyes and everything about bully breeds puts me on edge.
No. 1603164
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Writing a whole multipost saga about how you witnessed your friend giving birth is such a weird way to make things about you. Buy a diary
No. 1603170
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>>1602842Pit bulls and bully breeds are increasingly becoming a huge fucking social problem. They are literally mauling and killing multiple people and pets everyday around the world even in places where they’re banned. I truly wish that people whose dogs maul or attack other pets or people could face criminal charges rather than just civil. If these beasts doing what they were bred to do was actually something the dumbasses who own them could be held criminally liable for, maybe we’d finally fucking see less maulings and innocent kids and dogs and cats being murdered.
Don’t even get me started on the pit lobby. There’s billions of dollars behind promoting fighting breeds as good family pets. Look into best friends animal society, it’s a literal cult, and makes billions off Shilling pit bulls. The dodo is another site that’s full of pit bull propaganda and supports the pit lobby. I sound like a damn conspiracy theorist but this shit is all true.
In addition to being held criminally liable for damage these dogs inflict, anyone who breeds them should be arrested. All pits should be neutered and people should need a license to have them. If they get out and bite someone or kill a domestic pet off their property, immediate euthanasia, no second chances. They should also be required to be muzzled when in public. Also the no kill shelter movement is bullshit because they still end up euthanizing a lot of cats for space, but they’ll literally warehouse unadoptable pit bulls with bite history for YEARS. All the shelters around me are just dangerous pit warehouses, literally no normal good dogs available to adopt ever. The only way to get a good shelter mutt these days is to peruse really rural shelters in places where people mostly just keep regular farm type mutts generally with herding/hunting dog dna that haven’t been sullied by bully dna.
(take it to the dog hate thread) No. 1603175
>>1602817Could be fungal acne, are they like regular pimples or little red dots that some have a tiny white head but don’t pop like a regular zit? Have you been on antibiotics lately? If yes to either: Try getting some nizoral dandruff shampoo and before you shower cover your chest in it and let it sit for 10 min. It’s an antifungal. Do this every other day. Twice a day apply an athletes foot cream like lotrimin.
I have to go on oral antifungals after I have to get on oral antibiotics because I get the fungal acne all over my chest arms neck and jaw. Topicals stopped helping after the first antibiotic induced fungal acne. Btw “fungal acne” is layman’s terms for candida. It’s candida/yeast overgrowth and it can be really hard to get rid of. Do they itch at all even just a little bit and only sometimes?
No. 1603223
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What do you guys even do with your lives? I feel like I'm just sort of…existing. which is fine, but a bit boring
No. 1603228
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>>1603223bouncing between suffering and dissociating. same old shit
No. 1603240
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>>1603223Nothing, but I'm comfortable in my pod.
No. 1603241
>>1603223I've pretty much decided to live an existence of alternating work grinding and hedonistic pleasure until ecological collapse inevitably comes and everything is fucked.
Like, I have accepted I probably only have more or less 10 good years in the future. Wouldn't be so bad live til 40 I guess.
No. 1603250
>>1603094nta but all day today i saw tons of obese fatties in crop tops and teeny shorts. fatties let their rolls hang out all summer idk where you live but that's how it is here in fatmerica. idk where they get the confidence, i've never been overweight a day in my life
>>1603114see my earlier post:
>>1603027 No. 1603314
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Kek my ex friend texted my dad that they’re gonna file a restraining order against me. I hope they do so I get to smile at her in court and the judge will automatically realize she’s an ugly insecure bitch who hates me because I’m a million times cuter than her in every aspect she looks 10 years older than her age despite being 5 years younger than me and I look 12 years younger than my age and am literally the most innocent appearing darling ever, the only vibe I give off is sweet autist.(avatarfagging)
No. 1603320
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two of my favorite bands are coming to my city on the same fucking day with doors at the same time so I have to pick one or the other I'm going to fucking combust
No. 1603331
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>>1603322what anon you do not like hearing
>shlap shlap shLAP PLAP PLAP SHLAP SHLAP SHLAP SHLAP munch munch shlap MUNCH HLG HLG HLG HLG HLG HRK HRK HLRK HLG HLG deep swallow shlap shlap No. 1603334
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my poor little nigel is having trouble breathing bc of allergies and i'm unable to sleep and terrified… thats what happens when you like them frail sickly bitches
No. 1603337
>>1603335Please God, let it be a mentally unstable and severely delusional woman and not a troon. Don't even jinx that
No. 1603349
>>1603344I know you’re trying to get me to post a pic of my pussy or tits like those unhinged shaytards a while ago, nice try
No. 1603363
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>I look 12 years younger than my age and am literally the most innocent appearing darling ever, the only vibe I give off is sweet autist.
No. 1603370
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You look 12 years younger? Bro I was literally walking down the street and the liaison officer from the elementary school stopped me and told me to go back to school he thought I was 10! (I am 33) but I still have all my eggs tho!
No. 1603378
>>1603363Most girls who say stuff like what I said truly do look terrible and either look their age or way worse so I regret typing it kek. 99% of girls who say they look young look their age. But I’m one of the rare non delusional Benjamin button bitches.
>>1603370When I got bruised from being tackled at the psych ward when I tried to escape I went to the doctor after. The nurse checking me in was asking why I was there and I was like I got a bunch of bruises and I wanna make sure I don’t have broken bones. She said “aww, what happened, were you playin’ outside?” And she was shocked I was 25 and not 12 kek
No. 1603381
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>>1603314If your gonna avatarfag at least do it as a character than isn't made by the pedo scrote gen urobullshit
(ban evading rancefag) No. 1603387
>>1603385Samefag but I'm honestly scared that I have diabetes. It would explain my urgency/bladder problems. But there's been many things I
thought I had and then it was nothing.
No. 1603525
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Heard of Character AI, but didn't want to get sucked into it, so I never used it until earlier. Um… wtf? I spent so many hours on there. My eyes feel weird right now. I'm aware this is from my own doing. Anyway, is the 18+ feature behind a paywall? What's up with that.
No. 1603702
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Really thought I'd struggle finding dates this time around (my BPD ex made me feel like shit about myself) but apparently my looks, job title, and my superficial 'normality' along with geeky interests has netted me a pool of decently attractive men to date and sleep with. I use fb dating, if it matters, which I know is kinda cringe yet I still think it's better than Tinder or other apps separated from these scrotes' socials because they can't be as sneaky. One of my shit tests for example is if they won't add me to their fb, then they are hiding something and it ain't worth my time.
I'm being forced to sell my home over the summer, and quite a few of them have offered for me to stay at their places–which sounds flattering but not only would the locations not jive with my work, it's also a very weird notion to offer housing support to a complete stranger like me so soon regardless of how trustworthy and likeable they pedestaled me as.
Yellow flags aplenty.
They don't know that I am dating multiple guys at a time. I downplay my matches because they get jealous. Why do I do this? Because individual dating is so time-consuming and exhaustive. For example, a guy I had been talking to drove down 2 hours to stay at my place for a night-which turned into two-and we had a pretty good time together and it was nice to have the company. We went out, he cooked for me, and was hot and hygienic. I messaged my other suitors that I was ill or busy this weekend so that they would not bother me while I was hanging with this guy.
Well, he had his own entanglement. That is, his ex was still living at his place. She kept bothering him the whole time and tbh I thought it was rude that he was engaging with her. She went psycho when he told her on the phone that he was with me and she angrily asked if he had fucked me and he replied honestly. She crashed her car and told him she was moving out asap–another cluster B personality type, clearly. But so messy.
I let slip that I had other options and this guy got real insecure (I backpedaled yet he noticed what I was doing and called me out for it), but like, he was living with his ex who obv still has possessive feelings about his business dating other women? At least my exes don't live with me. I haven't written this guy completely off the table yet, I just know I would have been upset to have waved away other potential men who may not come with this level of baggage.
What if I could do better?
Don't I deserve to act like these men who try to grasp their best options while keeping the 'maybes' around as a fallback?
I don't care anymore. Fuck their feelings.
When I legitimately care about a guy because he took the time to get to know me and prove himself as a provider and partner, that's when I know I found him. Jfc.
No. 1603734
>>1603711Ntayrt but based take, I totally agree. I always found it weird how people and especially women overvalue relationships and dating and being in a relationship at the current time and wear it as some sort of badge and feel ashamed when they're not dating or in a relationship that they'd prefer being in an
abusive or non-compatible one just to avoid being single. Like they're ok with the bare minimum or the bar being in hell as long as they're not single, as if being single was a disease or something.
No. 1603810
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I keep accidentally hitting myself with my hot comb. I have a little burn underneath my eye least it might make a cool Harry Potter scar?
No. 1603929
>>1603878anon i really feel you. when i was a teenager i felt like a reverse tranny because i didn't look like other girls my age
it was to the point where i thought i must have been secretly intersex and i didn't "get the memo" and behave/grow up like them either. i never had guy friends because i was also a known misandrist and i never grew out of ( and i don't want to, i can't relate to men at all even if i liked them ) and my friends have also been nerds/"weirdos"/the socially inept so to say and i still felt like an imitation of a girl. i'm also SSA and to this day i feel jealous that the girls both growing up and today are allowed to "act gay" meanwhile i couldn't and still can't express any attraction to other women without looking like i have three heads and making the atmosphere extremely awkward though honestly i've never really directly said it outright but when there is even an insinuation it it gets weird, and it only happens when it comes to me because i'm gay. i couldn't outwardly do it anyway because i live in a homophobic religious country and i've had friends directly tell me that they have more respect for gay men than they do gay women and called lesbians disgusting, and even so i still got bullied relentlessly during my time in school. i'm fine with not fitting into society or whatever that was never my intention i just still feel like a physically fake woman just like i felt like a fake girl when i was younger. the difference is so observable even amongst other female outcasts.
i'm sorry about your shit TRA friends anon, i can honetly say that just being alone is better than the stress of having people like that to walk on eggshells around.
>I read books about girl friend groups and watched all sorts of shows about girl friends having fun too anon! also can i ask what books? the one i'm reading right now is a feminist one but i also have a huge preference for any media that's centered around female friendship especially films (daisies 1966 for instance), in fact that's probably all i spend my time doing, if i'm not watching/reading then i'm looking for female friendship related media to consoom next kek. i don't watch anime or read manga anymore though
No. 1603964
>>1603929I'll admit that most the books I read are manga/comics. The one actual book series I read religiously was Avalon: Web of Magic. Its for kids but it got me through elementary and middle school. Its about a new nerdy girl in town befriending the emo outcast girl and the popular girl. They are mages and have to save the magic of Avalon from an evil sorceress by collecting some super important crystals. The emo girl and popular girl butt heads at first but neither is put down by the narrative for being shallow. There are 12 books and a comic spin off and some songs that were "sung" by an in universe band of fairies. I've never met another person whose read the books. It was loosely based off of an old 80s cartoon and has strong environmental themes. No romance!! It was supposed to have a movie but that never happened and the cartoon that was in the works for cancelled. I like long running content so that one series is the only real book. Sorry..For manga/comics/anime I read/watch winx, w.i.t.c.h., k-on, lucky star, the madoka magica franchise, azumanga daioh, girls last tour, the wasteful days of highschool girls, asobi asobase, nichijou, mermaid melody, Tokyo mew mew, little witch academia,and ojomajo doremi on repeat. I'm probably forgetting a few and I know I kind of have shit taste.
No. 1603981
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>>1603597I don’t think what I did constitutes stalking but I would love to make her behold me again because of the look she gave me when I went over to their place (I was invited and was buying drugs - psychedelics - from my ex kek). Ugly fucking cokeheads the both of em.
No. 1604045
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Nonnies I am so incredibly lonely, I try to make friends and talk to people but it always comes off as awkward small talk, I feel so bored all the time (I have some hobbies I can do by myself but I cant spend the whole day on them) that I join random discord servers and wait for random people to talk to me or I message them myself, but then when I finally feel like I've met someone nice they suddenly stop replying, how do I really know that I'm not annoying?. The biggest problem is that I can talk to said person for the whole day and then when they dont reply anymore I just feel so worthless and I start my search again.
I feel like I will never have a deep conection with anyone
No. 1604054
>>1603661>>1603706i think my stomach is already pretty huge as is and might rupture sometime soon. i try to reduce my portions but i get so hungry, it's so hard. tried water tactic for a time and i found myself wanting food and i gave into cravings it sucks…
yes i do need psych help for it but everytime i open up about it to a gp when lf a referal for therapy they just tell me to go outside, walk, lose weight cus that will help me mentally but it only makes me want to cry myself into food man. i dont go see any anymore because the common response is "youre fat lose weight" like im trying but i cant stop comfort eating and its destroying my life sorry to go on a tangent about this, it just stresses me out and makes me hate myself
thank you both for your support though, made me tear up, i'll try to better my path and will be more careful
No. 1604126
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Just when I thought I'm done with husbandos, I haven't had any sexual fantasies with 2D men for months, I thought I'm too old for this in my mid-late 20s, I just rewatched one of my favourite anime from the past and now I'm back in horny jail, painfully aware that no 3D pig will EVER match this standard and I will never be aroused by 3D men the same way I'm aroused by 2D men. Those sexual fantasies just hit different. Man I will never have sex, and even if I ever have real sex, I will just close my eyes and imagine my husbando. It's pointless…
No. 1604133
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>>1604126fwiw i'm in the same situation as you and quickly realizing i'm content to be free of 3dpd. we won't ever be tied down by a scrote and his whims, never have to be worried about a dead bedroom or their dangerous fetishes, never be babytrapped. get some good lady friends for social companionship and take up being a husbandofag for romance. happy for your awakening kek, do you want to post him?
No. 1604138
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>>1604133I hope one day AI will be advanced enough so we can have VR sessions with our husbandos. Glad I'm not the only one here!
No. 1604148
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>>1604143Anon already replied to you but I will just use this as an excuse to post him again kek. Also please watch Vampire Hunter D Bloodlust from 2000, it's an absolutely stunning movie with gorgeous aesthetics and animation. It was also originally recorded in english before it got japanese dub, which is quite unusual for an anime. Pure kino
No. 1604181
I don’t know what to do. I feel like it will take me a long while to be able to retake my French classes. Tomorrow starts the training for this interpretation job that I don’t know if I will be able to handle, but I also need to learn how to drive because my family keeps bringing that up.
But just the training will take a whole week, the only online schedule is at the exact time that the training begins, there’s no way in hell I will pay 120 dollars for the daily French course in person because it’s also at 5 pm and that’s the time in which the training begins.
Why is everyone so allergic to morning schedules? Jesus Christ, I can’t just leave the house alone and spend the whole afternoon outside, specially when coming back home gets ridiculously expensive and unsafe.
I just don’t know what to do, if I will ever be able to get a job or be actually independent, I’ve been depending on my family for 27 years already, what if I will never be able to do something?
I was also talking with a friend of the family and she told me a bunch of specifications about teaching kids after school and, again, it would be in the afternoon, I can’t leave my house alone. And the idea of being the person that has to do the job that the parents won’t do, and that will be responsible of a child’s grades isn’t exactly the kind of pressure I want in my life.
I don’t know why I had to study teaching, why couldn’t I pick something that didn’t need me to interact with people? Is there even a career like that? Maybe I should just become a corpse makeup artist so I can just paint dead people, I wouldn’t need to talk to anyone, just spend the day doing makeovers to dead people.
And the more job listings I read the more incompetent I feel, they always put all of these complex tasks and I don’t know how can anyone have a job or get a job at all.
I just want to translate and edit books.