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No. 1590276
for questions you feel too stupid asking in real life .
previous thread:
>>>/ot/1568614 No. 1590551
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What's the best way to make irl friends while filtering out turbo-wokies / handmaidens? Would joining a hiking club work? I don't want to walk on eggshells around people anymore
No. 1590552
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What's the best way to make irl friends while filtering out turbo-wokies / handmaidens? Would joining a hiking club work? I don't want to walk on eggshells around people anymore
No. 1590553
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What's the best way to make irl friends while filtering out turbo-wokies / handmaidens? Would joining a hiking club work? I don't want to walk on eggshells around people anymore
No. 1590611
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Tmi but me and my guy had this observation after a road trip and I want to know if you gals also do this
When I hold my pee for a long time and I finally pee, the pressure is pretty bad. It goes in a steady slow pace, less comes out at a time than normal.
Meanwhile, my guy says when he pees after a long time, it's always a geyser.
Is this different tubes thing or am I just weird??
No. 1590613
>>1590553>hiking clubDon’t know where you’re from but if someone makes hiking a big part of their personality they might be
Either turbonormies who just go along with whatever is politically in vogue, or orthorexic new age antivax granola muncher
No. 1590655
>>1590576Happens to me every other year.
You're low in a crucial vitamin or iron. You might also be low on sunshine, which is used to synthesize vitamins.
No. 1590666
>>1590576Try taking vitamin D, especially if you have darker skin
>>1590611Pretty sure that men have stronger streams since they have longer urethra at a completely different angle
No. 1590716
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Why do Simpsons screenshots always have this font? Is this default for subtitles on DVD or is one person making all of these with this font?
No. 1590746
>>1590735You hurt your wrist
You think it's gay
You suck at it
You can't play again after the incident..
No. 1590793
>>1590767it really depends on the item in regards to yesstyle, but they do sell
actual japanese/korean shit - just check if the stuff youre intrested in has the japanese flag in the bottom right corner, then it's authentic nippon shit. if there's nothing there, then it's chinese bootleg
No. 1590861
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Am I being paranoid, or should I get this mole checked by a doctor?
No. 1590879
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I decided to stop drinking soda and bubble tea altogether for at least a month. I never drink "normal" tea, alcohol or coffee, and I haven't decided to stop drinking things like milkshakes or orange juice just yet. I'm doing this because I need to go pee more and more often and I also don't want to ruin my teeth just yet. I started drinking coca cola way too often because of when I caught covid in 2020 and I couldn't digest solid food anymore.
How long do you think it would take for me to not be tempted anymore by soda, to the point where I could even be disgusted by it? I can avoid it easily but I don't want to have this terrible habit again in the future or my dentist will kill me. It could also make me save money on drinks in restaurants on top of everything.
No. 1590936
>>1590929>Take it with you in a metal thermos to work.I have a small one that's very convenient but I stopped carrying it with me because my handbag are too small for that. At my previous office we had no water fountain but since we moved to another office a few months ago we have one so I should start bringing it with me again. We even have a kitchen so I could even clean it at the office and leave it there. I don't feel like I miss tea all that much so far but I'll keep drinking hot chocolate from time to time whenever I go to coffee shops with friends.
>>1590934I hate sparkling water so much, I already don't drink it. But yeah when I order soda in restaurants it's for the fizz. It feels great eating delicious food and getting all of it down your stomach with a fizzy drink.
No. 1590968
>>1590953>had she been a man, people wouldn't have hated her as much as they doI'm the anon that's currently reading one of her books and that was my suspicion too, and so far I don't see any other reason
The hatred is too disproportionally big to be objective and there has to be a deeper reason for it
No. 1591034
>>1590655I figured so and took a multi vitamin, the kind that dissolves into a drink, and had some sugar water as well, and I felt a lot better. It's strange because I swear I get everything in my diet but something is missing often enough for these fatigue phases.
>>1590666I go outside everyday, going for walks and playing with cats. Unfortunately it has been raining a lot this year, enough to cause flooding around the country, and there have been weeks where I did not see the sun, so just behind the clouds version of sunlight. Whew.
No. 1591046
>>1590970Kinu Nishimura
Tomomi Kobayashi
Miyako Kato (Shadow Hearts)
Higurashi Nakaba (Baten Kaitos)
Junko Kawako and Fumi Ishikawa (Suikoden)
Not sure if this is a man or woman because they use two names (and they’ve drawn a lot of gay doujins), but there is also Tomomi Sasaki / Hideaki Fujimoto
No. 1591166
>>1591141That’s a good idea, I always make a big deal of cleaning and have to clean everything to “perfection.” It’s good to dedicate just like 10 minutes a day to getting small parts done. Thank you
nonnie for your wisdom.
No. 1591227
>>1591225Fruits area going to be your main go to, as most of them will have sweet flavors. Try to buy heirloom varieties from the farmer's market because fruits in stores keep being bred for higher and higher sugar levels.
Instead of chocolate, would you want carob? It doesn't have added sugar, but it is 1/3 sugar by dried weight and I don't know what you're going for with your diet restrictions.
No. 1591249
>>1591226>Because we evolved from fruit eating primatesPrimates weren't just "fruit eating" wtf
They ate (and eat) grubs, bugs, insects, etc. In addition to leaves, bark, roots, shoots, and believe it or don't, I don't really care, MEAT.
No. 1591283
>>1591225Dates. Figs. Frozen blended bananas (takes on an ice cream consistency). Frozen grapes. Peaches although good ones are highly seasonal.
Why don’t you eat chocolate? Because it’s not local to you?
No. 1591374
>>1591321This reminds me of my kitten training. She had separation anxiety but if I left her out she would pee and poo everywhere, play all night, and I was afraid to smoosh her while I was sleeping. So either she was in the crate or in another room, but the endless whining or scratching to get out drove me insane. She was litter box trained so enough so I just put her in another room at night and played with her all day, and introduced her outside and to other cats, but she was afraid. Now she whines to go out and explore and often meows to come back in and sleep with me.
It helps if they have a friend because they are scared to be alone, but I had to introduce cats because at first they all found her really annoying. Maybe your dog needs a pet.
No. 1591398
>>1591333Full siblings: neutral to dislike/fear, depends on the sibling.
Half siblings: complete disinterest in one I’ve never met, jealous of another I’ve never met whose mom cut my dad off before giving birth, pity for the one who feels bad she didn’t have a relationship with dad (because her mom wisely divorced him.)
No. 1591550
>>1591464Balding was just something that didn't get selected out of gene pool and is a side effect of testosterone.
But we have no consensus why the clitoris exists. It might be a remnant that then became useful for pair bonding, it might be another reason.
No. 1591828
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I see this word everywhere, so does this 'manifesting' thingy actually work? I know I'm asking this in the stupid questions thread but I need a lil bit of serious answers from you nonnas, I'm desperate to manifest some nachos in my life right now because the restaurant I just went to suddenly ran out of them. I usually don't believe in such things but nachos are nachos, and I'm desperate to say the least.
No. 1591920
>>1591571I said no consensus. And the clitoris is far too complex to just be a remnant. It would be like if male nipples could give them orgasms. And before you go, "Uh, actually, some men can have orgasms from nipples," I'm talking about humans as a whole, not your fwb Dave from junior year of college.
>>1591576Ask yourself: Is the clitoris a remnant of the development of male organs? Why does the female orgasm exist? Why does the clitoris vary among animals, and within this variation, why is it not always analog to its male counterpart? This is why there is no consensus on why it exists and what its evolutionary function is.
No. 1591924
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>>1591920I would just like to take this opportunity to inform you that scientists are working on answering all the questions and there are people out there who are doing studies on female orgasms on rats.
So there's someone out there whose day job is to tickle a rat's clit until it comes.
Pic related
>A representation of ultrasonic vocalizations of a female in response to clitoral stimulation. The different patterns shown are associated with positive affects. No. 1591938
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Is Taylor Swift the biggest Stacey of all time? I used to think of her as just one of the 100 pop girls, but she's the most popular one at this point. Outselling literally everyone and has been active since 2006. I'm sure more people know who Taylor Swift is than Marilyn Monroe or Britney Spears.
No. 1591951
>>1591935I’ve read that but I’ve also read that the hypothesis was disproven quite a while ago. Something about how sperm travel very fast on their own and just don’t need the help and depending on position pulsing would be just as likely to shunt it out.
Reading about this is always funny because you’ll find some article saying something like actually earlier in our evolution the clitoris used to be
inside the body so penetration felt better…. Which is a weird thing to say since most of the clitoris is inside the body! But again im not a scientist.
No. 1591972
>>1591938Britney Spears was a nice girl who pretended to be a bit slutty as an image, so the public turned against her with their braindeadness. She was big before it was easy to manipulate online communities and numbers. Taylor is a bad girl who pretends to be nice and innocent for her image and the public falls for it. She is only big because she can manipulate the internet. There are no real stars anymore. These people use a lot of tricks to get themselves everywhere and chronically online people eat it up because they follow whatever is thrown at them like a dog to a bone. I'm not all too familiar with Taylor's music but I'm sure some of it at least is catchy and appeals to a lot of people when you have a whole team making songs for you. She isn't bad looking. She's terrible at singing, dancing, writing, honestly think she might have been better at acting or modeling. But she has always given me this off feeling when I couldn't escape her in hs when she became famous, and after I was out of school I could finally escape people talking about pop culture. I would not have known who she was otherwise, so obviously I am not the target audience. But I can sense when someone is feigning a nice personality.
Britney honestly is the last real star. The last person who made it from talent and charisma. I think people like Doja Cat probably would have made it back then, when you had to sell out CDs and had no internet presence, when all ages of people knew your name not just kids, maybe Ariana too, but no one else really.
No. 1591994
>>1591990I was literally the best fuck she ever had because I was the only one not to make a big deal out of her not being able to orgasm during sex
I lack the overinflated ego needed for the 'I can fix her' mindset, I lack the male insecurity needed for making it all about me and how I can't please someone, I trust her to know herself and what she wants when she tells me not to think about making her cum. So I didn't think about it at all, just focused on giving her a good time.
No. 1592036
>>1592021that's so cute nona, ngl same! I wonder if any of those train tours across russia or japan offer a VIP thing where you can ask the driver how it works. I know myriad autists
males obsessed with planes that have managed to basically talk their way in just from them using the jargon/their interest. I'm sure it's a course you can take but you gotta be mentally able to withstand it with all the "accidents" that happen.
I love them too though nona, I have always had a weird thing with them. I've never given it enough time for introspection but there is something deeply comforting about trains. I wonder where it stems from?
No. 1592194
>>1592186nicely said.
>>1592162if anyone is asking that question and they aren't your partner or doctor they better have a good reason. it's your health.
if a MIL or an older woman tries to do you dirty with "manners" go victorian on her manners-wise. say "I didn't know my ova were up for debate" outclass them. uncouth anyone would ask in the first place
No. 1592247
>>1592235DO NOT DO C)
it will get SMELLY
No. 1592272
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The fucking free phone site doesn't work
I can't even find the free five min site I used before and I am going insane
Guys if you are in the US can you call this number and tell them to check their emails and do their jobs please. I literally cannot even fucking call them, they won't respond to emails and they're useless as fuck.
No. 1592275
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Any last minute advice for a wisdom tooth removal I'm getting tomorrow? I'm scared
No. 1592282
>>1592260I have some family members that can help, they're just not here right now, except one who is upstairs so I'd still have to go up. Yeah idk what happened I just got dizzy out of nowhere yesterday and still feel like that today. I always drink lots of water so I dunno what's causing it, maybe too much sodium or something.
>>1592264kek I'll keep this in mind, thank you.
No. 1592300
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>>1592275Get ice cream, but it can’t have tiny pieces of anything. Best ice cream is chocolate ice cream, no one will ever change my mind.
No. 1592450
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>>1592431No, it's just a blanket term for same sex attracted people (instead of saying gay/lesbian/bi). I do agree with the anon above that I wouldn't usually use it to refer to someone though.
No. 1592665
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Does anyone know if these work the same as the Apple original ones? I want to put them on my keys and wallet.
No. 1592967
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Are men's deodorants really more effective? And does picrel really smell unisex? I've been told it smell orange-y/citrusy and not masculine at all
No. 1593043
>>1592795I hope this helps you but with me I just joke about it. Like taking control of the situation and giving the vibe that yeah you fucked up or did something stupid, you're aware, you accept it and are ready to move on and do better. Confidence basically
Like for example if I'm at work and I drop something and make a big mess to clean up, I jokingly say oh no!! is this coming out of my paycheck??! and some people laugh. we clean it up and move on.
Owning it and going up to someone and being like "hey..i have a stupid question..would you like to help me? (insert question here)". Coworker comes up and gives me a handshake and I fuck it up, they look confused and i pretend im a tard and go " learning!! I feel so hip.." he busts out laughing.
Literally used to be a shut in mute sperg but just having confidence and learning to divert my fuckups as fun jokes helped so much nonna.
No. 1593070
>>1593047>Does everybody have dental records?No, not everyone. If you have had x-rays done on your teeth before (which is typically standard in America), then law enforcement can ask to access those dental records. But if this is someone that has never had dental work done or have gone to a dentist, then obviously there won’t be x-rays to compare.
If teeth are not possible, the body can be identified through other ways. For example, if the person got a knee replacement, then they can compare x-rays and the serial number of the product. If the person ever had a bone fracture and gotten an x-ray for it, then those can be compared as well. Sinus cavities are as unique as fingerprints, so if a scan was ever done there, then that’s another way to identify the person.
No. 1593098
>>1592795I just laugh at myself before anyone else can
Learned it from even stevens when he swims in the chili pot and enjoys it
I have tripped and fallen in public many times and just confidently laughing or being like whatever and walking away makes it easy
Even if you have anxiety laugh it all away
No. 1593312
>>1593222Have you tried writing daily to do lists, goals, and journals?
The to do is just routine for the day, I put on there things like "wash hair, clean the kitchen, do laundry, exfoliate, study biology" These are good reminders and fun because you get to check them off and feel productive
The goals are things you are working towards and hope to accomplish, for example one of my goals is to get a new license, and work on my music. I rewrite it every month to reevaluate my goals and progress, looking at it weekly
Journals are just to write how I am feeling that day, good or bad moments, let it out. I delete these weekly, no need to keep them.
Writing them on your phone means you can bring them with you, but also writing them on a dry erase board or paper taped up in your home is a good idea.
Alternatively I can tell you what to do
No. 1593317
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>>1592967I used to use men's deodorant but I tried picrel after a nona here recommended it and it's great. A lot of men's deodorant smells like a middle school boys locker room to me tbh
No. 1593348
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is it normal for headaches to be localized in a very specific spot?
for months I thought my left eye was having problems. I went in to the eye doctor who said it's just allergies and claimed, "it's because your left eye is more sensitive." The problem didn't go away with eye drops and I realized that the pain might be being caused by a weird cluster-type headache behind that eye? idk. I just never had such a problem before and I don't know if it's normal for people to develop such random issues with age.
No. 1593380
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I'm going for a road trip with my crush who sees me only as a friend bc he's taken and with a guy who has a crush on me but I don't reciprocate his feelings. It can't end bad right?
No. 1593411
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>>1593380wait so your crush has a bf, and his bf has a crush on you?
No. 1593418
>>1593411No my crush has a gf, and I don't even know why she's not going with us, I didn't ask him
The guy that has a crush on me is friends with the guy I have a crush on and he's coming with us
No. 1593465
>>1593457Of course I have.
>>1593431He's not going to call you and if he does after knowing you for 10 seconds he's a creep. Ask for his number if you think you have a chance, don't give him yours.
No. 1593531
>>1593529Once a man feels a prostate orgasm its over
>>1593530Did you knock off the toilet paper crumbs by tapping the heels of your foot on his bootycheeks
No. 1593565
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>>1593457yes, I pegged him a couple times (at his request) when we first started dating, luckily that was seemingly just a phase because he doesn't ask for that anymore. I was surprised how
pink it was… not bad at all for moid ass tbh
No. 1593917
>>1593914You don't need to undo it because curses aren't real
nonny, don't worry.
No. 1593932
>>1593919here you go nonners
>>>/ot/660000hope that mean woman leaves you alone
No. 1594741
>>1594722Sort of ruminate on it and maybe even journal or make a pro/con (sounds like it would be heavily con) about him or just mentally take a pair of scissors and snip off your string attached to him. He’s dead gone over finished. He has nothing to do with you.
Also this is kind of a serious question not a stupid one so go to /g/ advice thread perhaps
No. 1594935
>>1594929Izzzyzzz comes to mind, she's a theythem girl with funky makeup but I still love her videos, she talks about toys and internet culture etc
I've recently binged Naomi Jon's food videos, she's another drag race enthusiast funky makeup girl but she's entertaining
Polygon Donut and Dream Jelly also come to mind from funny gadgets and web nostagia but their videos are not as long
No. 1594974
>>1594973projecting and insecure about having no tits, as ugly females are inclined to do.
Andrew Tate and Elon Musk are my heroes btw, just deadlifted 500 pounds today, too. Did you lift a single thing aside from a McDonald's bag?
God fat dykes are the worst. Sad!
(Scrote) No. 1594995
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>>1594988YWNB Leon S. Kennedy
No. 1594996
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>>1594995to reiterate, YWNB Leon
No. 1595193
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Whats your ramen ranking nonas? I've only tried tonkotsu but its not my cup of tea, I'm thinking about trying the miso ramen this Monday. Wish me luck!
No. 1595242
>>1595240Honestly you should just pick a state to live in based on the weather you like and what kind of nature you want to see and the cost of housing. You're gonna find crazy people in any state.
Cross off all the ones where you can't get an abortion (not that you need one, but you shouldn't have to worry about dying because you can't get one and all the stupid bullshit that come with banning it.) and don't move to a dry county (no alcohol) unless you're into that.
No. 1595275
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I have lots of large overgrown weeds in my garden that grow between the big gaps in the paving slabs like picrel. What can I do to stop them from growing? I've already tried using various weedkiller and even hired a professional to come and use the proper weedkiller but they always come back and they grow pretty large. Can I just shove thick layer of mulch inside the gaps between the paving stones so that the weeds don't get sunlight anymore?
I can't tear the stones up and re-pave the garden unfortunately because I rent the place and I'm not allowed. I just want some sort of way to stop these big dudes from growing.
No. 1595335
>>1595275I think regular matienence is all you can do
nonnie, I work in construction and those roots are nasty, if you pulled the slap up, the whole dirt square would look like angel pasta.
No. 1595375
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Is FFX a good game to start the series with if you've never played it before?
No. 1595383
>>1595275herbicides won't work and they're really bad for you even the "safe" ones. physical barrier is the way to go. mulch, sand (weed will probably get through it though), some kind of grout even. You could also simply plant something you
want to grow there and it will take over (a little succulent or low-growing plant) so you don't get the tall ass weeds anymore.
No. 1595398
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how do you get results for this quiz?
> telling me that i didn't fill out the form when i have. is it even possible? i keep seeing people in neocities post their results and i can't figure it out, do i try another date?
No. 1595531
>>1595484I can only think of Cirkus Cirkör (Sweden) and Archaos Cirque (France)
If you consider Australia part of Asia (some people do) there’s CIRCA. They tour the world with their various shows but I feel auditions are only held in Meanjin (Brisbane)
Are you auditioning, nona? If answering would make you uncomfortable, please ignore the question. No. 1595561
>>1595545calling it a "usual job" is disingenuous when it pretty much lacks most of the safety nets of a regular job, entails significant risks that usually aren't present in most jobs (i.e., extremely high rates of cPTSD and assault), and other such things.
pretty much every one I used to know that tried it deeply regretted it because there ended up being a lot of risks they weren't really informed about. however, if she's able to find a unicorn situation where she has complete control over her choice of clients, the circumstances, safety nets such as a bodyguard and complete anonymity, etc, then I guess it wouldn't be the worst thing ever.
No. 1595608
>>1595601It can cause diarrhea too, I unfortunately know this because I'm taking iron rn myself. Why not just get your blood tested? That's so easy and quick ime, it's routine line work at the hospital.
>>1595607Maybe just small talk? Someone looking for a smoking buddy? Depends on the context
No. 1595624
>>1595359I need my eyes to look at something while eating, or talk to someone, it doesn't matter. My grandma is also like this, for her whole life she had to read the newspaper if eating in the kitchen or watch the TV if eating in the living room.
As a kid I would always read the cereal box ingredients when eating breakfast in the morning kek
No. 1595720
>>1595665>>1595527All these replies saying it's the technology's fault - it's not, prior to mobile phones people used to read newspapers while eating or on the toilet. You'd read the back of the cereal box or shampoo bottle. You'd listen to the radio or watch TV - so called 'TV dinners' were popular.
People always had the need for something to occupy their attention, it's not something that was brought on by phones, it's just that phones filled an already existing need
No. 1595752
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Is it okay to gift a chopstick set for someones birthday?
I was also wondering how long wooden chopsticks would last. Personally i only owned ceramic ones
No. 1595756
nonny, he is a weeb and been wanting to express interests in learning to use chopsticks. i will also gift 4 bowl sets if you are so curious. but it's nice to hear someone elses opinion.
No. 1595804
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Am i being schizo or has there been a crazy scrote posting on lolcow for ~ the past 24 hours? He doesn’t say anything in particular where you can go “100% male” i feel, but some replies feel weirdly off, i noticed quite a few spammy posts that are barely if at all related to the threads and the amount of infighting today is spectacular…
No. 1595812
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I struggle with how I perceive my own intelligence and how other people percieve me
I took a test at my hospital, administrated by a psychiatrist but it doesn't remove my doubts or make me feel smarter, it's just a number on a paper…
No. 1595823
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>>1595804I feel it too
nonny, especially with that passport thread on /g/ that thankfully mods took down
No. 1595912
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I never drink milk because it’s gross and I have IBS, but I just drank a cup of lactose-free milk and my stomach immediately went haywire, but it’s also the first thing I’ve “eaten” all day. Is that a dairy allergy or is it just an IBS thing to have terrible reactions to any sustenance whatsoever every day of my miserable life.
No. 1595922
>>1595901i guess it's different for every uni. In one uni we had like main class (which was art, specifically drawing) for 15 credits which was a LOT! the rest from 2-5 credits (stiff like art history, architecture, various art techniques….)
In another uni everything was 1 or 2 credits so you had to be there about 10 full hours a 4 days a week to complete the year. So some Unis are more chill some make you their bitch.
No. 1596001
So I have a younger cousin who is coming to live with me. She lives in one of the shittiest countries so I’ve helped and advised her mom on everything she needs to come here. And how enrolling her in high school will be and all of that. I’m pretty excited because growing up I always wanted a sister and since I moved here it’s only been me and my mom and brothers with nobody from our family(which are mostly women). It’s been isolating having no family, especially female family members, and I feel I’ve missed out on a lot of other important bonds. BUT at the same time, as her arrival date approaches, I feel threatened? Like, I’m not accomplished at all. So I’m scared of disappointing them, as I’m sure they over romanticize my country and think everyone that lives here is successful simply by sheer existing here, if that makes sense. She already has plans on what she wants to study, knows she wants to learn English, which is all great. I knew what I wanted to study at 17 too. And it’s reassuring she wants to learn English because ime people from there don’t care to learn it. But I’m 23 and still haven’t graduated. I fell into a depression, had my financial help taken away, just everything. I’ve only just recently started to get my head above the water and catching a breath. I have to pay out of pocket, it’s going to take a while. I’m scared she won’t like me when she sees my rocky relationship with my mom (who didn’t raise me the first half of my life), and just in general that I’ve got some issues. Because she probably won’t know why or understand. I left our home country when I was ten and she was just a baby. We haven’t had a lot of times since to get to know eachother very well. I haven’t had a good solid foundation, or even one at all. And I feel like I’m making excuses now so the point I’m trying to make is that she has had what I’ve wanted for most of her life in spite of the state of the country, and once that roadblock is out of the way I think she has a good chance of excelling. I feel awful for admitting this and writing it all out but I hope to get this out of my system soon because she’s not even here yet and this can’t be a good sign. I guess all the pressure I’ve felt all these years are coming to a boil. I want to start seeing a therapist because it’s overdue and also because at least I’d be doing something good for her to emulate. And at least it’s like I’m acknowledging I’m not well, and if she ever feels like she needs help and wants to get it, it’ll remove the taboo from it. Idk. I’m just wondering what else I can do to stop feeling and thinking this way pronto? I doubt I’ll stop helping her, but I still don’t wanna feel shitty about myself as I do so.
No. 1596011
>>1595942They shut down Rarbg? FUCK!
>>1595924Check the images thread on
No. 1596163
>>1596001I don't have experience being an immigrant or anything like you do but I relate to your feelings of being an unaccomplished 23 year old. It sounds like your cousin is probably also about the same age as my little sister. With our big age gap, a lot of how I've treated her has always been very heavily shaped by what I wished an older female family member would tell me growing up, and in some ways I think this has been good, but she's also so different from me and is having very different teen experiences than I did. It's easy to put your younger self in your cousin's place and imagine yourself from the outside with all the judgement and expectations of what you figured you would be by this age, but the reality of her experiences and view of you are likely to be entirely different from anything you would expect. For example I always figured my little sister thought I was a total loser, but months ago we had a late night conversation where she said our mom was upsetting her by comparing her grades to how I was doing in high school and was mad I cast such a big shadow over her (even though I'm nothing impressive now). Another thing to keep in mind is that its so common for teens to sometimes be resentful or ungrateful even to people doing the very best for them, but often after they've grown up a bit, they can learn to be appreciative and have good relationships with the people who treated them well. I had quite a few friends in high school who fought all the time with their mom or an older sister who they now get along great with as young adults, so don't be discouraged even if your relationship with your cousin isn't what you wanted at first. You seem to be putting a lot of mental pressure on yourself, and I wouldn't be surprised if your cousin coming over is also feeling a lot of pressure to succeed. You managing to work things out regardless of not having them go perfectly according to your plans for life may be a better example for her than if you had been you had been some intimidating figure of success. My best advice for now is to look into that therapy and find something productive or fun to focus on as a distraction to your worries about your cousin coming to live with you in the meantime, since there's no point in stressing yourself about things yet to happen and other peoples' opinions you can't control. Wishing you and your cousin the best of luck nona
No. 1596312
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Can you use henna cones multiple times or do you have to use them up at once so they don't dry out? I've never done it so I just want to practice with something small, a flower or something.
No. 1596456
File: 1685851669128.jpg (Spoiler Image,101.91 KB, 1240x1077, amalie-andersen-fatcat1.jpg)

does other nonny's livers sometimes randomly hurt for a few minutes or hours? maybe once every two weeks at most. I used to drink heavy (it was after a traumatic experience. Still retarded). I quit, but looking back, I get brain fog from the mere magnitude of the amount of alcohol I went through and I have no idea if I spaced it out or not. also, I'm off insurance right now so I'm not sure how to go about getting any tests if I should get any done.
No. 1596491
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Where can I find a character sheet/ reference for characters from anime and video games. Google is being useless and giving me ads. I wanna Cosplay her so badly. It’s queen Sonia from tears of a kingdom
No. 1596529
>>1595757Best of luck to you, nona! ♥
If you feel comfortable let us know if you get it. You don’t have to specify the circus or anything.
I’m just very excited for you! Had I been born under different circumstances, that is something I’d loved to participate in. No. 1596556
>>1596554you have to write the name of the board first then the numbers
>>>/g/287864 No. 1596666
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>>1596627Real nonnies remember the days when he'd interrogate you trying to get a detailed description of what your butthole wrinkles look like.
No. 1596704
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did superbuy always have expensive shipping? I used it some years ago and noticed I still had some credit on there that I wanted to use but the shipping prices kinda sureprised me. I can't remember that they used to be this high
No. 1596722
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Is this bag too kiddie for a 20yo woman? I like the color but idk
No. 1596731
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>>1596722If you can use it, as in you can actually put the backpack on as it should, like in pic related, it’s for you.
I guess a human kind of “I fits I sits”.
No. 1596914
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is "homely" an insult? I've seen it a lot more with the influx of newfags but I'm very confused about its usage. is it like ugly but familiar and unoffensive looking? (if that makes any sense).
No. 1596958
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Why Jack Frost x Elsa?
No. 1596960
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How can I create a period cup that's not INSIDE my vagina? I want more of a mini tub, like pic related. A mini tub with soft silicone edges that I could place in my panties. It might possibly need to be glued to the panties not to slip. This would only be used at home to collect period blood. It should be soft silicone so I can sit while using it as well. If you sit kind of leaning back it should be possible. What kind of material or object can I use for this?
No. 1596976
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>>1596960That's gonna spill
No. 1596990
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HELP what is that one thing Chris Chan said where he saw some gay porn / two guys kissing and he said he was freaked out and looked the other way or something? HELP NONNY NONNY NONNY NONNY
No. 1596999
>>1596997Would that one cheat day hinder all my hard work? I use food for an comfort, I'm very depressed and last time I tried I fell off and went right back to drinking/eating like shit full time.
I do feel like one day out of the week would help me keep my mind right, I'm an neet.
No. 1597043
>>1596997If you are the average woman, you burn about 1800 Calories by existing. If you only eat 1300 Calories six days a week, you have a Calorie deficit of 3000 Calories by your cheat day. There are 1200 calories in a Big Mac Combo Meal with a medium Coca-Cola and medium fries. So if you have a bowl of cereal for breakfast, a combo meal for lunch, and two servings of stouffer's lasagna for dinner, your total Calorie intake for that day is 2100. Which is a weekly Calorie deficit of 900 Calories. Which would result in you losing one pound per month.
I picked random foods that my fat friends eat so your diet will really vary and you'll have to do the math yourself. This math also assumes that you do zero exercise and just sit around. You'll burn about 100 Calories for every mile you walk above normal movement, and for every 35 miles you leisurely walk, you'll burn one extra pound of fat.
Personally, to stop being a couch potato, I walk on the gym treadmill while watching my shows and after only an hour I've burned 250 Calories.
No. 1597805
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>>1597677that's what they mean by An apple a day keeps the doctor away nonna, you need to go to the dentist instead.
No. 1597938
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did degen male FIM fans appear while season 1 of the show was airing or did they first appear around season 2?
No. 1597956
>>1597949>funny meme bunch of men watching my little pony lolmaoit depresses me that men watched mlp for the meme and coom and yet society coddled them so much. Hasbro should had shut down any brony nonsense instead of trying to cater to them. It's such a shame that everyone focused on the coomer male fans since the cartoon focus so much on female friendship and uplifting little girls.
"men get to explore their sensitive side with mlp!!" I don't care about that. We all know it was a lie men only watched it because they let 4Chan memes dictate their lives. Men constantly tell little girls that they shouldn't do sports, like video games, have an interest in history, basically anything that might be considered "male". Yet when men decided to obsess over a cartoon for little girls then suddenly we have to take their feelings into consideration
No. 1597960
>>1597919Your mother is aware of the judgement and negative attention you will receive by not wearing a bra. By breaking you and making you comply, she hopes to save you from what she considers the greater evil of unwanted male sexual attention and social judgement. The same thing was done to her by her mother and now she passes this inheritance onto you. She may not even be aware that this is the reason she is doing it, but she enforces it none the less.
You can hold pity for the free little girl your mother was before she was broken to saddle, but also know that if we do not normalize not wearing bra, then no woman will ever be free.
No. 1598029
>>1597960Ayrt and that's what I thought, she's not an attractive woman and has been told she was ugly constantly during her youth, she was obviously impacted by this and she's probably disappointed that I'm making myself purposefully "unattractive" (she was disgusted when she saw my unshaven legs once). I don't hold it against her, it's not like she can tell me to do anything and it's not completely her fault for thinking like this.
>>1598022Except I only do that on my days off, I put zero effort in my appearance because I just want to relax, I'm socially presentable at my work. I don't think I attract gross scrotes either, I've never been bothered in the street and I don't think she's thinking about this because she has pickme tendencies and being complimented by a moid is some kind of honor to her.
No. 1598148
>>1598128Is your blood pressure high? Otherwise, it's just normal urination habits. Though are you sipping small amounts throughout the day, or are you drinking it all at once?
>>1598144You don't. Selling your data is just the price of social media. But the reward is a wider reach to potential customers.
No. 1598264
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I am looking for summer jobs that actually pay money for work, I am resorting to summer camp. Camps can be fun but I hate the scheduled eating times, and being in the hot sun all damn day. These are six day or thirteen day camps, presumably all day, for €55 a day. Accommodation and meals provided, travel reimbursement €100. So far the only camp that posted an actual salary. But anyway does this make sense here.. it says requirements for the job which is normal for a camp, just basic requirements. But then the application asks for so many documents. I mean I get it's with kids but never have I have asked for so much shit for a job with kids, and it's minimum wage work. I am not French but I am an EU citizen, so I can work. Here are the documents required.
>Passport : data page and signature page
>Birth certificate or French social security number
>Education: University diploma or transcripts, High school diploma or equivalent, TEFL/TESL/CELTA (not required but a plus)
>Vaccination records that are up-to-date and include Tetanus, Diphtheria, Pertussis (Td, Tdap) vaccinations - (one-time Tdap vaccination followed by Td booster every 10 years.). A polio vaccination is also required. A copy of these records is required of all professionals working with children in France.
Like what? Why do they need my birth certificate? And my passport information? And a diploma or transcripts but not required actual English teaching skills? I have TEFL but degree is unrelated and no transcripts. And vaccine records? Not just a medical check but proof of vaccinations we get as kids, WHY would I have that? Do they think I can go dig that up easily? And they don't require background checks?
No. 1598265
nonnie seems pretty typical to me. That allows full background checks to be completed, which are vital for when working with children.
No. 1598346
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I see a lot of these drink carrier bags being sold, often with cute designs. Are they that useful though? I’d be paranoid of spilling my drink while carrying them.
No. 1598475
>>1597944Kind of? They're considered
the summer shoe for alt people that transition from docs into birkens though. I like them because they're comfy and they last long. I think they look cute with big flowy dresses and I'm in them 24/7 during summer usually.
No. 1598523
>>1598453I have been using Tret for many years now.
I recommend you restart because it is literally the best thing you can do for your skin l cannot recommend it enough.
Here are some ways you can make it more tolerable.
> Use it twice a week . No more, it is powerful enough where you don’t need to use it every day. > Put it over moisturiser > don’t use other actives (aha, exfoliaters)> use .025 No. 1598542
File: 1686047478922.jpg (95.28 KB, 704x512, tumblr_mqgtwwDcva1s1zuhio1_128…)

How to download blocked YouTube video? Is it possible? Maybe with a plugin or an extension? It is not unblocked anywhere based on frivolous copyright restrictions. But my IRL husbando is in it, so I must see it. Please give helpful answers or tell me if it's impossible.
No. 1598701
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>>1598673What type of hat? I gently wipe my fancy hats' sweat brim after use, and I only spot clean the outside as needed otherwise.
No. 1598736
>>1598731>>1598703Samefag here is a video on dead internet theory which around minute 33 he goes into the REAL number of search results from google. is fairly decent overall, and describes the weird decline of the whole internet, which everyone is noticing, but puts cohesive idea to it. Ironically he brings up propaganda and personalized search results, then spouts off about transgender issues ans how 'people who just want to exist' are being hurt by right wing propaganda search bubbles tailored to conservative people's individual algos….just insane he is totally unaware of his own info bubble despite spending so much time on a 2 hour doc explaining the importance of information viligance…
No. 1598786
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Is the meme about the UK being full of terfs true? I wanna know Brit bong anons
No. 1598836
>>1598830almost never, maybe once a month because
1) i dont drink alcohol becuz it tastes nasty
2) muslim religious parents so cant drink at home
3) alcohol is expensive in our country because it has so many taxes on it.
No. 1598844
File: 1686073175310.jpeg (56.68 KB, 719x852, 9D7F940F-65CF-4539-9BA5-D0C67C…)

What makeup is she wearing?
>foundation and concealer
>shimmery eyeshadow on lids
>lip gloss/lipstick
>mascara/fake eyelashes
No. 1598939
>>1598786I hope
terf island is real. From my very limited experience of knowing 6 british people online, 2 were outspoken terfs, 1 was a TiM and the other 3 were quietly anti-troon (avoided calling trannies any pronouns or used "they", made jokes about them)
No. 1598972
>>1598830Not at all, only when mine or his family forces him to try something and it's impolite to refuse.
I on the other hand drink beer with my friends when we meet up, I like a good beer. And gin and tonic with my sister usually. Not a huge drinker though.
No. 1599170
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why do some celebrities have a "no eye contact" rule? how does that even work? when you interact with people you're bound to make some sort of eye contact for at least a second, it's kind of hard to avoid. do they completely turn their head away even when talking directly to someone or what?
No. 1599209
>>1598966>>1599004the person who made that chart only used hashtags in english which is why only Britain is glowing so much. If the data collected had use hashtags in more languages there would be more glowing countries. Though this does tell us that in the anglophone world Britain is the most transphobic.
Also important to note that we don't know what is considered transphobic hashtags for all we know any pro-woman hashtag, regardless if it's related to tramsgenderism or not, could be considered transphobic
No. 1599371
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Best hair gel to keep a Mohawk up that doesn’t make it look crunchy ??
No. 1599427
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Please tell me some of you read this as a little kid
No. 1599474
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Is Black Honey by Clinique worth the price and the hype?
I don't have a go-to lipstick at the moment and was thinking of buying it
No. 1599764
>>1599757Nta but I find it annoying because most "wavy" hair in question isn't actual natural wavy hair but straight hair that's so damaged it's gotten frizzy. These women mistake that damage as their hair magically changing texture. That's why their hair never looks good for long even after tedious styling and countless products, it's usually just frizzy damaged hair. Meanwhile natural curly or wavy hair doesn't require that much maintenence.
I have a friend who has similar hair and she refuses it's just damaged so she keeps using hair gel until her hair constantly looks messy and greasy
No. 1599771
>>1599770you definitely can i've done it before. whether or not you
should is another question
No. 1599792
>>1599771>>1599776Thank you I'll try it someday on the delicate mode.
>>1599773No it's not me lol, but I knew somebody would say that. I've just been using a microfiber at work for a while and i was just wondering if I should wash it once.
No. 1599865
>>1599757>I still don't see why you'd be upset about/annoyed by women who don't have your hair type make videos for each other.Nta, but I'm pretty sure the point anon is making is that it's not wavy hair girls making videos for other wavy hair girls. It's wavy hair girls making videos for curly hair girls/saying they have curly hair.
I get it because when things like this happen and people take over a community, it gets harder for women that actually have that hair texture to find products, videos, styles advice, etc… that's for them. Also gets harder to find hair youtubers and such who actually have curly hair.
No. 1599899
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Where is my wallet?! I cannot find it and i am stressing. I need to buy a new tire before i work and the black slim wallet i have is no where to be found. Please some magic anon, help!!
No. 1599905
>>1599899I predict it will be in the last place you look
Just kidding. Think hard about the last thing you bought. The last time you got dressed and left the house, that sort of thing. If I knew you better I could help more, I’m good at figuring out where a thing got left.
No. 1599966
>>1599956I called the one store I went to last time I used it. Now I am waiting for my roommate to come home and help with a fresh pair of eyes. And i have a migraine…today is not my day.
Thank you sweet nonnas for helping
No. 1599967
Anons I can't give you a pic as an example, so I'll try to explain
I wonder if there's an ~aesthetic~ (looks) that's kinda minimalistic and cold, mostly light and neutral colors but, once again, on a cooler side (grey, blue) as a base, with kind of a strict and sterile feel to it, maybe kinda androgynous but still a bit more feminine. Makes me think of an empty quiet office, early morning, air, seaside but during colder seasons or dull weather, constructivist architecture (but it doesn't mean that the look should be vintage-y, I feel like it's more from the 00s or late 90s), fresh/clean unisex perfume. I can imagine it but I have no idea how to find something like that, what words to use, so maybe someone have something to suggest?
No. 1600017
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>>1599977No… but i did take a shower and took excedrin. Going to take my flashlight, and start from one room completely to the next (ty though, i really appreciate you)
Will update asap
No. 1600072
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What is this
No. 1600109
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>>1600106probably picrel but what's the recipe?
No. 1600163
>>1600064This day has been wild
I FOUND THE WALLET at the restaurant. Of course, money was stolen. But then! My bf bought a scratch off and we won 60 dollars, thus replacing my stolen money.
Thank you all the nonnas for helping today. Its been a frustrating one, but it was helpful to talk to you all!!
No. 1600218
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Why did my computer wake itself up from sleep mode?
No. 1600366
>>1600253Why do people need to be "cancelled" It's so juvenile
And I'd say because her whole theme is old hollywood, sounds right on theme. Ariana's theme is just lolita, she's fine too. What are you gonna do ban them from existence?
No. 1600422
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How does Morrissey celebrate pride month?
No. 1600521
>>15954275 days late to this but I finally remembered
Pink text is used to answer quoted text, so you would do it like this:
>>12345>what is xyz?<xyz is zyx
No. 1600559
>>1600366Its in the stupid questions thread, and I'm not saying she should be, just wondering why she isnt with how foaming at the mouth the current climate is. Also she is a lot more blatant about thinking pedohilia is cool, in a literal writing about little girls being fucked by old men in her songs, while Ariana is more subtle uwu cutesy girl about it and just dresses and acts childish.
And idk , grown women loving child rape is kinda gross, even if its just ~aesthetic ~
No. 1600821
>>1600814i used to doodle on receipt paper kek
near the end of my last retail job when i stopped giving a single fuck about the place id steal stuff, usually pens but sometimes small bits of stock i knew i could get away with. id also go sit in the bathroom for like 15 mins, multiple times a day, so i could give my feet a rest and scroll on my phone for a bbit.
idk if any of these are particularly devious tbh but i wish you luck in retail hell
No. 1601418
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Why would an ex not leave a group chat if
>He admitted he hates being in group chats
>Hasn’t said anything in over year, even before our break up
>Doesn’t hang out with this friend group anymore as it’s mostly my friends
I wish he would leave. I would kick him out but I don’t have admin access and I don’t think the person who does would do it for me. I don’t hate my ex, I’m still in love with him, but he checked the chat multiple times in one day after ignoring it for months. I don’t know why he won’t just leave it.
No. 1601447
>>1601408Kink and furry shit are deemed "queer" by ultra retarded liberals, it's not because of its association with gay men or at least that's not the direct cause (as far as I know). It's basically another way for spicy straights to take over something that belongs to gay people.
Also said liberals don't consider it offensive anymore to imply being gay means you're a degenerate. They see it as a good thing now for everyone to be porn addicted and have BDSM fetishes, so the only ones who don't belong at pride at the most vanilla of ultraconservatives ("bigots" or anyone who opposes kink at pride according to them)
No. 1601472
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>>1601418How do you even get into group chats? I’ve never been part of one in my entire life. Does this mean all my friends chat about me in group chats and secretly hate me?
No. 1601738
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Why do youtubers re-title their videos a couple hours after uploading? I see this a lot
I'm guessing it's engagement - but can you tell so soon?
No. 1601815
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>>1601808For the longest time as a child I thought everyone saw like that, and that this is the reason why 3D glasses have red and blue lenses, to mimic actual stereo vision lol
No. 1601882
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Has anyone here ever cooked with duck eggs? Whats the difference? I found a local farm selling them.
No. 1601927
>>1601920I eat like regular on my period, I've never heard of any of my friends or my mom avoiding foods when they're on their period either.
Eating chocolate and wine seems like such a weird exaggerated media stereotype to me of crazy emotional women on their period crying and gobbling down the junk food to that I've just never experienced or heard of irl
No. 1601950
>>1601927I love dark chocolate so I eat it often.
I also drink red wine because of my culture but also I already had some in the house. I think if you let stereotypes control your life it's more sad than that stereotypes exist in the first place. Both these products are considered quite good for you for lifelong longevity
No. 1601952
File: 1686329321461.jpeg (101.44 KB, 1161x1161, 23ABED01-58E6-4671-9DB3-E70BD3…)

And it's lindor, the best chocolate in the world
No. 1601958
>>1601920I don’t really eat that much bread in general because it’s seen almost like a treat in my country, rather than an option to have with a meal/make a meal with. So being in my period makes me crave other things, mostly chocolate, it’s annoying because it fucks up my stomach and makes my cramps worse, my digestive system isn’t the best I guess.
So yeah, I avoid a bunch of foods like chocolate, cauliflower, broccoli, beans of any type, heavy cream based stuff, bananas, certain pastries, raisins, junk food. Stuff that makes my stomach feel bad even on a good day.
Bread doesn’t feel like it isn’t that bad for my stomach tbh, maybe some women avoid it because it makes them feel kind of sick or something like that, and when you’re in your period, everything somehow feels worse.
No. 1602050
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Food prices skyrocketed 4th(!) time this year alone. How can I eat cheap and healthy without spending too much? I don't have a freezer, and not eating meat is fine by me. Maybe there are some tips, recpies or even blogs you can suggest looking at.
Im Europoor if that helps.
No. 1602129
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Does anyone use Rituals body mists? Are they long lasting?
No. 1602147
>>1601775You mean this?
(゚、 。7
じしf_, )ノ
No. 1602216
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>>1602175Because she would be committing fraud nonna. But like I said, it's legally ambiguous (I'm guessing) because how would anyone prove in court she wasn't actually a troon at the time she solicited the donations, and also who has the time/resources/money to take someone like that to court anyways.
No. 1602282
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why do so many posts have the sparkly pink "ritard" gif? what does it mean?
No. 1602310
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Been shopping for stuff for my new car and I keep seeing these, like the number things, what are they used for? The descriptions never really say and I don't even know what to search.
No. 1602333
>>1602323It's the one who killed himself in Japan, and his own employer has confirmed it.
>>1602320Did he really lie? There's a plethora of articles online detailing how he was driven to suicide by Kiwifarms.
I used to defend kiwifarms until recently because going offline was an escape for it all, and every lolcow does need to get offline. But with how they're still gangstalking Chris after years of him being banned from the internet shows that for some, there's no escape.
No. 1602347
>>1602333Here is a rundown on things, complete with a link to the thread in question. Too much to screenshot, but you can open in Tor:
https://kiwifarmsaaf4t2h7gc3dfc5ojhmqruw2nit3uejrpiagrxeuxiyxcyd.onion/threads/my-response-regarding-byuu-near.93719/He wasn't harassed to suicide, from what I've seen. His thread was not active, he was not being gangstalked. No one from KF has his personal information, so his death can't even be ascertained. He had an existing habit of pulling "disappearing acts" from time to time to freak people out in his own community, too. The boss that "confirmed" it seems to have claimed the police told him, but that's not how that sort of thing works (the police don't just tell people, especiaaly non family members, like that), and when people tried to find reports of suicides by foreigners in Japan around that time, nothing came up. Chris-chan is an exceptional case.
I'm not surprised that news articles would spin things a certain way, because they also defend Keffals and Liz-Fong Jones (creepy groomer trannies selling HRT to kids and having "consent accidents").
No. 1602348
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>>1602333the State Department has no record of his death. it’s fake
No. 1602364
>>1602354I consider every single person that went out of their way to ever contact chris for any reason big fucking losers. In 10 years there will be an 5 episode docu-series about chris chan. I can't wait to see normies react to the grown men egging an teenage boy to pretend to be a girl to "Sext" with chris chan. Then when he takes it too far, the grown men get mad at the underaged boy, that they helped sext a grown man because "Funny".
Or how Josh was still willing to help Chris Chan after he raped Barb but then snitched on him after he stole money from barbs account.
The fact he had access to a lot of chris's information, not even because he cared about Chris Chan but to have control over someone so "Big" to retarded scrotes.
Even the fucking documentary online by that Geno scrote, is made by a scrote who still doesn't believe Chris Chan trooned out to get with lesbians/creep on women, even though he RAPED HIS MOTHER.
But no, saying he's a woman in hopes of getting with lesbians and the weird view Chris Chan had on women, thats not possible! There's no proof!
It's really kind of sick when you think about it.
No. 1602568
>>1602560I don’t have any specific poison recommendations for you but is it possible to just kick your shoes off at the door when you come in? Even if you don’t it should be fine for kitty unless you drench your shoes in poison or something weird.
I’m currently battling an ant problem and going insane in the process so good luck!
No. 1602599
>>1591333I like my half-siblings more because I grew up with them and my step mom in the same house, and they were all older than me, the youngest being in middle school while I was 5, so they played with me and babysat me when my mom was busy. It was great fun and I had a great time with them until my dad divorced my step mom (polygamous marriage) after she and my half siblings run away due to him abusing them. I couldn't see them anymore and my mom would try to fill my head with ideas against them and try to make me hate them, especially my half sister because internalized misogyny. But it didn't work because I remember everything that happened before and after and can tell who was the bad guy.
Now I'm 21 and a few months ago dad got a heart attack and got surgery for it and they decided to visit him in the hospital and they sort of made up with them. After 15 years of separation I finally saw them again and they're all now adults, married and woth jobs, my sister has kids too and now I'm an aunt. I love my nieces and nephew and my half siblings even if we're awkward around each other because it's been ages since we communicated. We even have our own chat group.
My siblings on the other hand are ok, my sister can be an annoying cringe autistic sometimes but other times she can be nice and fun to talk to. My youngest brother can be a massive autistic as well and I honestly don't talk to him or hang out with him that much except talking about anime we both watch but that's about it. My other brother who's the older of them (I'm the elder) is ok too and I like talking to him and we're sort of friends to an extent, sharing memes and talking about bands, music and college and any other interests we have in common. I can't say I love them because I live around them 24/7 and it can get on my nerves but I don't hate them either. I try to give them advice and help them out with things but they never listen so whatever, I'm not their mom after all.
Hope this answers your question!
No. 1602601
>>1602590I see, thanks for your answer. I personally find body hair sexually appealing and I love chest hair on men and armpit hair on women and arm hair on both, especially if they workout
so I don't mind having it personally and it doesn't affect my body image, it's more that I'm worried about bullying from peers. But your answer does help! Thanks! And btw I consider new Zealand to be very liberal and woke so I guess nobody will give me shit for it there but idk, I'll only figure it out when I go live there lol
No. 1602604
>>1602592I see. I have this weird thing where I have hair on certain parts and sides of my body and have none on others. I'm a pale brown color skin wise and my hair is dark brown so it's quite obvious but not thick or curly but long and straight and slightly thin. I don't shave my pubes but because I can't have sex where I live and I'll shave it once I land a date or hookup in an abroad country because I understand why wouldn't someone want that on the person they're sleeping with lol.
I understand your concerns about bikins as well. We don't have bikinis or beaches where I live but if I do move abroad I'm very worried about going to a beach specifically because of this. I don't want to get weird looks and it doesn't help that my health is very reflected on my poor sick body. So I'll try to at least have a healthy body and see how it goes with the hair. I do have thicker, darker, longer and curly hair in my bikini region and it can get messy with underwear sometimes but I clean it and wash it all the time so hygiene wise it doesn't bother me and I don't feel a need to shave it other than for sex.
I hope we both get saved from the curse of people hating body hair and can be ourselves like all the ugly hairy men out there who get to. But tbh I feel bad for men who are forced to shave their body hair because of people's comments on it as well. I understand shaving for sports and to show-off muscles definition though, but I think hairy muscles are hot, but that's just me.
No. 1602616
>>1593475I used to suffer from this as well. Not just swearing but saying the most inappropriate shit when I'm angry in public and in group chats of classmates. I had to stop eventually because I realized how it made everyone uncomfortable and I had to learn to deal with my anger on my own and stop talking about it to others so I don't cross the line.
Just think about how it'd affect others around you, how they'll perceive you as a rude person, or how uncomfortable it might make them if they don't swear that much and so on. And try to imagine not doing it in public and around strangers in your head as a type of practice and try to always be mindful of your word selection before saying anything, that can help a lot not only with swearing but so many other conversion related things. Good luck, anon.
No. 1602619
>>1594929Bubbling Moon
She talks about girl oriented cartoons and movies and their fandoms drama
Rosie Vision
Same as the above youtuber
No. 1602632
>>1602625I lurk here and I did see these posts as well but I don't personally have that much man hating in me, I hate the people of my country and government more than anyone else in the world but that's another topic.
I think trannys can still be violent because of the way they were raised, socialized, their personalities (or lack thereof) before transitioning and their mindsets where they think being violent can get them anywhere and anything they want and so on. And some don't even get HRT or chop off their nuts and dicsk so they still have testosterone in them.
I think the best solution in an ideal society is to raise both boys and girls on the same morals and not treat one special and hate the other, give them proper real role models, especially for boys, and retire religion and spirituality and any cultural norms that favors a sex over the other and can cause sexims or misogyny or even misandary so we don't end up with women hating men MRA again. And we need to teach proper nonbiased science and anatomy since neuroscience afaik proved female brains and male brains don't exist and actual neurological differences between the sexes are non-existent and the ones who do exist are too stupid to be taken into consideration. And if I'm wrong and there are differences then we should celebrate them in a non-hositle way acting like one difference makes one better/less than the other and try to not weaponize differences against others, while also staying realistic when it comes to physical differences regarding violence and sports and so on.
But this is just me being too optimistic, it'll never happen kek
No. 1602635
>>1593475Nothing but time and practice. There's plenty of good PG and PG-13 words to use in place of harder ones.
I'd also recommend to limit how much coarse language you use online when you type to really ingraine the habit
>>1602198it's the new barking
No. 1602655
>>1602625Trannies statistically follow the same crime stats as regular moids after transition, except for their unsurprising preference for sexual crimes. So it’s cognitive and the fault of who they are as people. Realistically, men raise each other to be as awful as possible. The best thing to do first is encourage anti-misogyny amongst women so individuals don’t fall
victim to those issues and can better discern what to avoid in society. Women tend to unknowingly forfeit their influence over the youth but a proper understanding of sexism would empower people to be stricter with what they allow children to absorb or more confident with what they put out into the world. That usually manifests as telling your son to be nice whilst exposing him to sexist media and sentiments at home. Men won’t stop making sexist propaganda, including the heavy-handed libfem stuff that always suspiciously misses the mark or is too little too late. Women would need to create a non-misogynist AR to raise their kids in so they grow up and encounter the usual crap with a natural repulsion to it. But that’s just a fancy way of saying “improve society” with a broader view. When non-masochistic women make their own female oriented media you get good stuff that brings other women out of the misogynist closet in a way. Not everything is about children but you asked specifically about men and the rotten adults can’t be saved. For women to live well, we really just need to support our best interests, which you need to understand in order to do. So complaining about stuff on the internet, in spaces just for us or that connect us to women without scrote censorship, is already a useful solution. Big, labled movements get corrupted all the time but empowering someone to be anti-misogynist as part of their everyday social interaction is a more concrete win than it might seem.
No. 1602661
>>1602655>>1602632hey i think these are really interesting posts. what is the solution to trannies then? doesn't seem like they're gonna just go away. what do you do about an obviously feminine gay/bi male who wants to wear makeup and stuff? doesn't really seem like you can prevent that. whether or not pronouns come into play doesn't seem to matter if they're going to dress in female clothes and put on mascara anyway.
im like on a fence where i feel like it is wrong to police the way someone wants to dress (within reason, like some shit that is cutout to show nudity should not be legal in public) but at the same time they aren't females and don't belong in female sports etc. like i dont want to see violence done to anyone? i don't inherently have a problem with a guy crossdressing though.
where and how do we get it to a balanced point to maximize personal freedom but also protect female safety and female spaces?
No. 1602685
>>1602661The tranny situation is really stupid and sad it preys on the mentally ill and its unethical medical professionals legitimise a mental illness with "corrective plastic surgery" and hormone pills. It's an absolute farce and ridiculous to believe that people can manifest and think hard enough to change sex.
Fine whatever if you prefer the fashion styling of the opposite gender. I think its complete delusion to prefer to be spoken too like the opposite sex of your birth but whatever. Its the legitimising of trans as being an actual legitimate real other biological classification that annoys me. It pushes back science, medical research and wastes so much resources. Trannies should just get another subculture and just basically stop getting all this mental attention. I grew up knowing what transvestites where. There was one local to me that was well known. We knew his deal and he wasn't
problematic and left to it. There was never any stories of him inserting himself into any female only spaces or suddenly talking to children. There's definitely freaks using the tranny disguise for bad or just mentally ill zoomees talking absolute shite in the work place about their experiences and constant need for validation and attention and also making underhanded slights to all the biological females.
If you want to larp as something shut your fucking mouth and stay in your lane and don't speak over the experts or the real deals. That's my stance.
No. 1602690
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>>1602129bump? or can anyone rec me long lasting body mists?
No. 1602699
>>1602685"trans" ie crossdressers have been accepted in UK culture for nigh on half a century, maybe longer. They've been able to obtain a certificate to enter women's spaces for ages and people definitely broke the law before. The certificate is not and was never intended to be a pass card though. Services could reject them or make a special space for them (private room on a women's ward). If rejected, they are accommodated in the mens. Considering men have greater provisioning in the UK, what the fuck do they have to complain about? MORE options, greater rights. And that's why we're
Terf Island. These fucking domineering losers. Full of shit trying to rewrite history with their DARVO.
No. 1602701
>>1602685yeah i agree with a lot of your points, like i said earlier i started worrying about the "movement" when there were trannies joining female wrestling and martial arts groups…that one guy fallon fox i think his name is? they let him fight fucking MMA matches against females and the dude was a like former Green Beret or some wild shit. not only has male power and bone density but walked into MMA already having a fucking background in special forces hand to hand fighting. like who in the damn signed off on that? it is being treated as if they're playing chess or something and nobody is accounting for how much of an advantage he has.
the sports thing and demanding to be allowed into sororities etc. is where i started to take issue. you can't really force women to be okay with that. Also the few trannies who speak against it like Jenner get dog piled on and silenced so there is an active effort to force them into lockstep with the movement.
idk where the brakes are on this crazy train. i want to support people being free to be who they are so that inherently means keeping female sports only for females because they can't be who they are and be free with males competing against them. but im still fine with trannies just existing and not bothering people in other spaces. it is sort of in my nature to want everyone to be happy i guess. But I can't accept the idea that trannies need to be in a female sport to attain their own happiness. why is their movement pushing for that so hard? it seems like just drop it, you know? idk. wtf.
No. 1602707
>>1602661Imo the whole troon thing is a by product of misogyny and pseudoscience and neurosexism (the belief that male and female brains exist and are inherently different, discovering this and how it's actually bullshit is what peaked me).
TIMs are usually autogynophilic porn addicts who get off the idea of having a female body. If misogyny and its byproducts such as the porn they consume didn't exist, they wouldn't have existed either. The other rare subset is the gay and bi men who are too ashamed of their sexuality so they troon out to cope. The cause of homophobia sometimes is misogyny as well because how dare a man act like a woman by….being attracted to men. And the feminine style is part of misogyny as well because they think attraction to men=female behavior so they need to dress and act like a woman to "make it make sense" to them. If they weren't shamed for it and they could understand that you can be a man and be attracted to men as well as gay men prefer masculine men anyways because they're attracted to men then they wouldn't troon out. But according to research they rarely actually troon out, the majority of troons are AGP.
Same thing can apply for TIFs despite no research on it that I know of. They're misogynistic women who hate being women and are ashamed of it so they become men because it's the "better gender/sex" and they adapt male behavior and style to be "better". It's an NLOG mentality caused by, you guessed it, misogyny. Because women and girls are always shamed for their interests.
The other subset of TIFs are what I call autoandrophilics. Women that get off the idea of having a male body. You can notice that most of them claim to be gay and want to have anal sex with men because they like yaoi and gay porn so they want to reenact it irl larping as men. It's a fetish thing obviously. And ofcourse there's the lesbians ashamed of their homosexuality so they become "men" to legitimize their sexuality which goes back to misogyny saying only male sexuality is legitimate and male attraction to women is the norm but female sexuality and by extension women being attracted to other women is not taken seriously.
The "science" behind transgenders is all made up bullshit and there are some neurologists, biologists, sexologists, and psychiatrists against it out there because they actually understand science. Most scientists who are pro-trans are biased because they're 80% of the time "political activists" or are lghdtv/trans themselves so they produce biased misleading research on purpose to prove their point. They'll never admit they're wrong.
Drag queens, while I'm ok with crossdressing because I do it, are also misogynistic because they're whole act is mocking stereotypical exaggerated women's behavior and think it's funny, or act hypersexual and pretend it's totally how a woman acts and so on.
If gender roles and bullshit along with misogyny didn't exist, clothes and hobbies won't be gendered in the first place for anyone to be a "crossdresser" and use it in malicious ways to shock and garner attention.
No. 1602712
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>>1602690Anon body mists by definition aren't long lasting because they have a lower %/concentration of fragrance oils than other types of fragrance products. For comparison with the products in picrel, body mist is in the 3-5% range. If you want a long lasting fragrance you're looking at the wrong type of product.
No. 1602713
>>1602701Tinfoil but I think people allowing troons in sports is some sort of revenge against women and feminism for getting women basic rights and the ability to compete and play sports. So they intentionally let a man in because they want to see the women beaten up and humiliated. Lots of pro-trans-in-women-sports are MRA misogynistic scum for a reason.
Another reason could be the organizers of these events being afraid of backlash from the braindead general public who supports troons, so they have no choice but let them compete with the women so they don't get their competitions canceled. The price of democracy and equal rights, I guess. Not saying these things are bad but if sane people were at the top they would've simply said no and never allowed this and put limits on how much can people/the public control this kind of thing, but a limit within reason and not full on tyranny and dictatorship control, but that's me being idealistic again.
No. 1602717
>>1602707do you think this means that AGPs are the ones who never get bottom surgery? either the full deal or just castration. i would assume losing their balls is counter to AGP. if one of them is AGP they won't want to lose the source of their sex drive, right? if they do it willingly does that mean they're HSTS? it seems like any male who wants his balls removed wouldn't be in it for the fetish stuff.
not saying this magically means they get to judo flip women in the Olympics or anything or go into womens bathrooms but no balls means little to no sex drive, it is like taking the ammo out of a gun.
No. 1602720
>>1602700Crossdressers/transsexuals mostly comprised of mentally ill gay men. There was a lot of sympathy and accommodation. They were not perceived as female and they didn't perceive themselves as female. Documents were altered to assist their safety when travelling abroad, not to affirm a delusion. It didn't affect us because they were a tiny group, literally low thousands and they wanted to keep their head down. That was the whole bloody point. Erotic cross dressers/AGPs were known and not accommodated because it's a paraphilia and doesn't need any sort of recognition let alone accommodating. The new trans umbrella group is huge and comprised of those aggressive straight fetishists. They have worked to destroy safeguarding procedures for "real trans"/mentally ill gays and females so they can more readily perv on us. Shame on anyone who went along with this regressive shit.
>>1602717Some AGPs have castration fantasies. Rarely do they go through with it.
No. 1602724
>>1602717Another anon already answered but imo they believe the neo-vagina is totally like a real one so they'll be able to pleasure themselves just like a real woman can so they're ready to lose their dicks and balls for it just so they can experience the female orgasm. Which they end up not having because an open wound isn't the same as a vagina. There's a thread with obvious AGP coomers who don't get this and ruining their cooming for themselves but I don't remember which one.
One of the coomers used to pleasure himself through anal penetration and after his bottom surgery he lost access to his butthole and prostate gland and thought his wound-vagina will make him able to access it and have a g-spot, surprise surprise, it didn't. So he ruined his cooming for himself.
Some even take pictures of their neo-vaginas and post them thinking it looks sexy or something.
But I guess you have a point that destroying their dick will make them unable to experience orgasms ever again. But they probably don't know that or don't believe it. Play dumb games get dumb prizes.
No. 1602733
>>1602720>>1602724>>1602726im now genuinely interested in the psychology of the non-AGP brains, especially the ones who say they had dysphoria/dysmorphia from a young age…is there any validity to the "imbalanced hormones / exposed to too much estrogen in the womb" concept? Seems to be no way to study this and get data though. I've seen posts online in various places over the years of trannies saying they had an intense hatred for their male parts long before puberty. this doesn't mean surgery on kids is right, but the psychology of that is…idk. where would that come from? i have a trans friend on Steam that I've known since like 2012 and he says he always hated his body and knowing he was male. this person, in all my years knowing him, has never made sexual comments to me about anything, never sends me porn or hentai, really doesn't say much about being trans unless asked about it. he is basically the definition of HSTS although admittedly i can never know what he does in private but he if he does look at porn he never has it spill over into normal conversations with friends. he also doesn't seem to care about pronouns very much and just accepts whatever.
i dont wanna go too deep on questioning him though but like i said he seemed to be very resentful of his body from an early age. i can see why some of you say you pity this type of person. without knowing major details of his past i cant know if he was ever abused or molested or anything and i know that is weird and inappropriate to just ask about.
is HSTS known to be linked to being abused as a kid and thus making them hate their body? it makes me think about how this is being pushed on young kids today and it feels like they're brainwashing them into having body dysmorphic disorder the same way the high fashion industry causes eating disorders and self esteem issue in women. the social contagion of making minors think their bodies are not good enough really scares me tbh.
No. 1602746
>>1602735in my school most of the football players were pretty nice and didn't live and die over the sport, more or less just kids who wanted to do athletic stuff. almost all of them also did basketball or wrestling or something else too. in my experience bullies were just bullies regardless of what social circles they ran with. the biggest bully in our high school was a giant borderline retard with an IQ of like 80 and I do mean giant, like he was physically enormous was well over 6 feet tall in 9th grade, but he was also fat and didn't do sports, he just intimidated people and started shit all the time. he had a weird lazy eye too. pretty sure he was the product of incest or had fetal alcohol syndrome or something. he antagonized just about everyone and bullied girls too. several of the tough jocks were even scared of him simply based on his huge size and weight. he was in fights a lot and just shoved people to the ground easily.
he died a few years after high school of a drug overdose i think. i usually try to see the best in people but im glad he died young and never got to a point where he abused a wife and kids. he was the definition of a mistake. sorry for blogposting but i suddenly wanted to vent about that jackass.
No. 1602756
>>1602733Hatred/disgust of your own anatomy is typical of sexual abuse
victims. Paraphilias are also typical in sexual abuse
victims. Who can say, I don't know your friend and no one will fund an actual scientific study on HSTS and AGPs in this day and age.
I am curious though, when your friend says "a young age" what does he mean? Actual childhood or teenage years? A lot of kids going through puberty feel uncomfortable, I hated growing breasts so much and was so immersed in trans shit during my adolescence that I thought I must be a man if I was so disgusted by my own body (definitely a social contagion). Also I don't mean to sound like a dick or like I'm doubting your friend but a lot of trans identifying people rewrite their own history to make it seem like they always knew they were trans. Idk anon I just really don't think kids (actual children, like younger than 10) would hate their sex characteristics or bodies in general without some kind of abuse having occurred.
No. 1602763
>>1602756he said he basically hated his body at age 5 in kindergarten but it was such an awkward topic that we just kinda dropped it. like i had no idea what the fuck to say or ask so we just moved on. other details include that he was always afraid/ashamed to change around people for gym and stuff, so that kinda makes me consider he is a
victim of abuse. like he was always concerned with protecting his body.
also i have no idea if he ever did this but i read somewhere that children who were abused will often want to wear multiple layers of undershirts and underwear as a coping mechanism. sounds weird but i can understand how a child's brain would think this acts as a level of protection. the article pointed it out as a red flag that a child might be actively being abused but doesn't know how to get help or tell an adult.
other detail: he went to a catholic school until 10th grade so yeah…
No. 1602765
>>1602735I'm willing to bet there's gonna be one tranny in this film
>>1602751well good luck on having a shit sense of humor.
No. 1602804
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How do you heat premade vacuum sealed zongzi from the store ? Do I just remove the packaging and steam them ? Picrel is the exact item I bought.
No. 1603053
>>1603025>the Filipinos I’ve known like try to avoid calling themselves Filipino and shit all over Latinosdo they really shit on latinos? lmao
if real, any specific reason or is it just disliking comparison or something?
No. 1603099
nonnie, I don’t know much about music or sound argot, so that was interesting to read about.
No. 1603197
>>1603161It’s a way to make the person saying a statement feel alienated and like they did something that’s socially unacceptable.
It gives the high ground to the person that’s reporting the “issue” and makes others want to defend the reporter, escalating the tone of the comments to the point it becomes aggressive, but since the “problem person” said something unacceptable, it’s okay, because how dare you say something hyperbolic to show your displeasure towards a group of people that has shown to be fucked up?
No. 1603220
>>1603080I don't know but if you go back to first season of Gray's Anatomy, Meredith is fighting over a man with his ex wife. Or maybe it was the 2nd season because she shows up at the end of the first. It's so long ago. Anyway she goes to the guy and says "Pick me. Choose me. Love me." So I would guess it started there.
Going back to hear the actual monologue is even worse than I remember, oh boy.
No. 1603246
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I’m bored. What are all of lc’s secret special boards?
No. 1603367
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nonnies, how weird is it if someone asks you for a piece of mail with your full name/address on it - giving me his phone number to text the pic to him - after you bought something and he sees that your last name isn't on the shipping label for the item? I assume it's weird so I reached out to support afterwards though who knows when they'll get back to me.
it's a bit annoying because it's something I actually need for medical reasons.
No. 1603466
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do you like poetry? do you read poetry? I hate poetry but I'm good at it. should I write poetry?
No. 1603565
File: 1686477539496.png (2.1 KB, 419x294, 1.png)

Adobe Illustrator question. You know how you can turn down the opacity of shapes but the shapes within that layer become darker where they overlap, is there anyway to avoid that? I still want to show the things in the layers underneath but I don't want that colour build up amongst the shapes I've made transparant.
No. 1603598
File: 1686482577633.jpeg (121.82 KB, 750x1089, 1F402239-E5D7-4FDA-B160-AF5184…)

This is kinda stupid but I heard a lesbian online talk about how she’s ‘femme in the historical sense of the term’ and said something about how being femme is unrelated to wearing dresses. Did ‘femme’ historically mean something else other than ‘femenine’ or ‘gender conforming’? Or am I misunderstanding something?
No. 1603867
>>1603847Huh? Why is a pad unsanitary? And blood poisoning btw. It's not that bad so I'll just use paper towels, thanks.
>>1603850It's not so bad, saving it for going out is a good idea. Thanks nonna.
No. 1603988
File: 1686517815665.jpg (14.05 KB, 480x480, uhhhhh.jpg)

>>1603845>>1603867>blood poisoning >from a padnonna how old are you
No. 1603990
>>1603925Head hair: soft, very fine, pin-straight, blonde, never frizzes or curls.
Pubic hair: coarser, fine, straight, light brown, frizzes and forms loose waves after showering.
No. 1604014
How many certifications do you have?
And why did you get them?
Anything you are certified for whether through university, academy, a course in person or online, or special training
I have several to help get jobs but I am still going for more just for fun I guess
First aid, child psychology, child counseling, tefl, sports massage, relaxing massage, thai massage, vip service
I want to get some certified sports coaching, yoga, pilates, and pilot. I also some some bartending, baking, and barista courses. And technically I am fluent in other languages but never took the exams to say I am certified
No. 1604025
File: 1686520713768.jpg (22.71 KB, 650x400, bc_60357447_M.jpg)

like this.
No. 1604027
File: 1686520751505.jpg (42.7 KB, 650x540, R.jpg)

not like this.
No. 1604033
>>1604014-basic bitch food handling certification for working in restaurants
-certified child care provider from when I used to be a babysitter in high school
-compTIA net+ and A+, because I took a networking class in college and found it so genuinely interesting I ended up studying in my own time and took the tests for resume filler. I used my new knowledge to fix up my own home network infrastructure and I had a blast doing it. Would love to get a job where I could fiddle with networks all day but finding an entry-level job willing to hire with no degree or experience has been a bitch kek
-open sea scuba diving certification, which I have used only once while on vacation in cozumel
No. 1604207
>>1604195Even if you're new to the site you can still lurk a little and find out on your own. Or just not say anything at all and let people know you're that much of a newfag.
It's natural that not everyone will immediately recognize cows that had nothing to do with one's "online culture of origin", but a little bit of lurking goes a long way.
No. 1604237
File: 1686544891471.jpeg (272.82 KB, 1242x1647, IMG_1530.jpeg)

Do grown women actually like to dress like bimbofied toddlers these days? Who is this for? What occasion is this for? Why?
No. 1604332
>>1604195>>1604207>>1604196Nta but I had no idea who she is either, and for a long time didn’t know
gasp pixyteri. I just came here for one specific cow and didn’t really look around the other boards until I had been here a while. I rarely visit snow anymore, following cows is just tiring and the few i was invested in had their threads die out.
No. 1604414
>>1604397ayrt thank you! I'll have to buy it online defs, the ones they sell here last like a few days if that. is it safer to just go with black? the less makeup any of us have to wear the better imo, I've all but quit wearing it which is why I'm asking. eyebrow-wise does it work too?
also I feel like the overplucking trend of the 2000s took such a toll on my otherwise bushy brows, rip what could have been. I remember it was in vogue to shave them instead of plucking to keep it thin oh my goooooddd the shit we did/do til this day
No. 1604528
File: 1686577300576.jpeg (13.07 KB, 566x401, 018E2779-58FF-488B-8AAB-DD9020…)

When I look in the mirror I look normal like on the left side of picrel like oval-ish head, eyes and nose and mouth have a normal size and, nothing special but okay looking. When I make a picture from afar my face and neck look a lot wider and my facial features are super close in the middle kek do I look like the left side or the right side to other people?
No. 1604529
>>1604124>>1604118thank you nonas!
>>1604196lol, i got introduced to lolcow this year by my friends who've been visiting this site for years. no psyop, i prommy
No. 1604532
>>1604528ok bear with me I have no idea if this is true BUT in my mind the way it works is as follows:
to the people you know, you look like the left pic. to strangers you look like the right pic until they get to know you and/or have become accustomed to you.
No. 1604544
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>>1604528I think it's somewhere in-between but closer to the left. Being closer/further from a camera lens or eye causes distortion. Since most people interact with you from a couple feet away, it should probably be closer to what you see in the mirror.
No. 1604551
>>1604549yes! i'd say u don't have to go into much detail, just explain that u really need this time off bc well u can't focus on anything and don't want to perform bad \ cause a serious mistake. employers usually appreciate when u say that, from my experience at least. also i'm sorry about the breakup
nonnie. i hope u'll heal.
No. 1604553
>>1604364No and it's gotten worse for me. There was a time before I really knew I was, and did have coffee with milk if almond or soy wasn't an option, and I would be okay because it wasn't everyday. But it got to a point my feet were swelling and wouldn't fit in my shoes, and I was sick as hell, made it home just to die in the bathroom, that I cut out all dairy. And it was hella hard to do so, with creams and butters and special cafes. So I slowly introduced dairy back, I limit cheese to once a week at most. I limit ice cream to twice or thrice a month. I can have some creams. I space it out and take enzymes to digest. And I never have milk. Only soy and almond. I also take probiotics in yogurt, which means yogurt is okay too.
Maybe it's different for everyone, maybe they are using special milk and you aren't aware
No. 1604556
File: 1686580242321.jpeg (139.92 KB, 1242x766, IMG_0644.jpeg)

Can someone explain why Troons get diarrhea from Estrogen ?
No. 1604563
>>1604556nice pic kek
it's super easy to get diarrhea from any type of medicine. so many women complain that birth control really fucks up their health, so just imagine how fucked people are who take huge doses of hormones every day for years/life. hormones that are basically fighting against their bodies nature. pair that with shitty coomer lifestyles and of course they get the shits now and then.
plus they lie too.
No. 1604567
>>1604562Not a stupid question at all and yes, I'd highly recommend doing that.
Before I started therapy I wrote a super long letter to my mom basically telling her everything and then I actually started trying out different therapists I basically just repeated that letter. For me it was hard to voice out all these painful things, so having memorized exact sentences helped me to be able to actually say it and it also helped against the fear of forgetting stuff that might have been important for a correct diagnosis. Before later sessions I sometimes didn't think about what to talk with my therapist beforehand and sometimes I felt regretful that our talk went into a "useless" direction or that later I remembered something that I really wanted to tell him but forgot in the moment. Good luck anon
No. 1604603
>>1604578Depends how much big the gap is and how much the rent is.
If you make $50K and he makes 70K and you live in place that is within both your incomes, pay proportionally. You pay 40% and he pays 60%.
If you make $30K and he makes $100K, he pays all the rent, especially if he wants to live in a place that's way above what you could afford.
If he is insisting you go 50/50, especially if he makes way more than you, break up with him, cause he's trash and trying to profit off of you.
No. 1604605
>>1604598Nah, it's fine. They'll deal just like they would if you died tomorrow. Two weeks is a courtesy, it's not required. Congrats on the new job! Hope it's great.
If feel the need for an explanation, and it's safe to mention the new job, just tell them you got a new job, and they insisted on a start date that wouldn't allow a full two weeks notice.
No. 1604608
>>1604600It depends on whether they care and wether you care. Technically it could cause a problem. At my old workplace they would mark down on paper after you left that you were not rehireable within the company due to giving insufficient notice, even if they were all smiles and said "good luck with your new job!" It's not two weeks notice if you don't give two full weeks. However, in a lot of ways it doesn't really matter to anyone in the grand scheme of things; unless the person who left tried to get hired at another location it's just some words in a file that will never matter.
I applied for a government job once and I wasn't sure if I could say I was fired from a place because I walked out without notice and that's technically job abandonment not quitting in some corporate HR books… so it caused me anxiety because lying to to government is illegal and I was honestly not sure what to put down.
side note: if it's a small crew at a business you like it and the schedule is already posted for two weeks, it would be nice to make an effort to get some of you coworkers to agree to cover those shifts. not required by any means.
No. 1604705
>>1604682US tv networks would color code which states and been won by which candidates when covering elections on election night. The color schemes varied, but in 2000 election (Gore v Bush), because of how long it too to resolve, all the networks converged into one color scheme, red for Republicans and blue for Democrats.
Also, in the US, red has not been tied tightly to the left, like it is Europe and Latin America. It may have been, back the 1800s, but it hasn't been at least the fifties.
No. 1604859
>>1604852For online put the items in your basket, and come back three days later.
For in person, carry the item around the store and try on clothing if you can, then put it back and go back again later.
Realize the impulse is based on "if I don't get this now I may never get it, it won't be available" It will; and "My life will be so much better if I just have this" It probably won't, and if it does it's a short loved feeling.
But also don't deprive yourself either, if you have the money it's meant to be spent, your your youth will never come back, and some things are actually necessary like multiple pairs of shoes. I'm a borderline shopaholic, and yet I regret nothing.
No. 1604860
>>1604852You could consider how long you're actually going to use the item, is it just a shitty version of a better one you could save for, where is it going to be stored when you're tired of it, will it be donated therefore wasted money? What are you actually looking to do in life, put the money towards that instead. In terms of saving: find where produce, meat, other foods are cheapest, learn to meal prep in one day you'll have meals that span the intire week. Make a list of exactley what you need from a store and how much that's going to cost. You could also do pick up which wont let you browse useless things in the store. If you're going to keep spending money either by take out or fun money just make a real budget sheet. Rent, electricity, subscription, internet, phone, gas, water, car/car insurance, train/bus pass, groceries, fun money. When your fun money is up you cant spend anymore.
No. 1604861
>>1604837It's a protest against how Reddit is essentially killing 3rd party apps with its new API Policy. Meaning Apollo and other Reddit plug-ins can't support themselves anymore
>>1604852Make money automatically go to your savings account every paycheck. Ask yourself if you how you would actually get value out of thing you are considering impulse buying.
>>1604858Your speaking ability?
For my own question, where do you buy nice clothes that aren't fast fashion? I like Japanese-inspired styles (think Mori-kei, but wayyy more causal and day-to-day)
No. 1604862
>>1604861So it
is speaking ability? We should get a new word for that one. Thanks.
No. 1605043
>>1605037I'm shy we have roleplayed smut together
nonnie please don't tell my parents
No. 1605065
File: 1686617869465.jpg (1.98 MB, 4032x3024, image.jpg)

>>1605022Imo wc pencils are more for shading and adding detail thats harder with regular water color. Once i got used to blending in normal wc my art improved a ton. I’ll share some pages from a watercolor book that helped too!
No. 1605091
>>1605065these are some great tips, do you mind sharing the name of the book
nonnie? is it all on watercolor techniques?
No. 1605115
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new thread pic submission for consideration
No. 1605118
File: 1686621720741.png (17.72 KB, 1074x762, romanianon's twitch.png)

is romanianon alive? she was saying she was suicidal and screaming on a latenight livestream. I wasn't watching when it stopped. I'm hoping twitch just shut it down because someone reported her for being suicidal and not that she actually did something?
No. 1605121
File: 1686621851796.gif (1.42 MB, 500x299, fucking-stupid.gif)

consider mine too future OP
No. 1605181
File: 1686630280084.jpg (Spoiler Image,91.96 KB, 1080x1769, Screenshot_20230613_001931_Gal…)

>>1605047>>1605037>>1605033Ok nonnies seriously I'm on schizo mode and I'm terrified
Blacked out the name because I'm embarrassed by the bot I was chatting with. so my question still remains, is this just a very good AI or have I been tricked?
No. 1605201
File: 1686631809420.jpeg (91 KB, 555x1200, 187ED9B9-CDB2-4970-9A94-A93FC2…)

Sometimes I get stuff like picrel on my Pinterest about “hot girl tips” for basic habits and beauty regimens. Is this supposed to be aimed at clueless preteen girls because I don’t know who would care for some random stranger’s advice? I find these a bit sad and toxic because they’re always promoting the newest “miracle product” as a symptom of insane beauty standards and promoting consumerism to young girls and women.
No. 1605206
>>1605204Listen here
nonnie I may be stupid but I'm not retarded
No. 1605212
>>1605205It just feels weirdly personal lol atleast with ai I sometimes use it to get generated replies for fanfic ideas but if it was someone else there I’d feel embarrassed because it’s just self indulgent sperging and bad writing
>>1605204I’m just a big paranoid retard who worries over the wrong things kek
No. 1605402
File: 1686650823695.jpg (92.37 KB, 1069x1049, 1685542377921.jpg)

Genuinely how do I quit this website? I think I got fixed on it randomly because of all the boredom and loneliness. I was seeking a community too because my friends are so far away from fandom and all that stuff. But now I'm realizing it's a false sensation and in reality I'm just waisting my time.
No. 1605529
>>1605517Here is my 2 cents:
Everyone likes the Unabomber because they gave him a cool nickname
He would have nowhere near the fame/infamy if he was nicknamed something lame
People will tell you it's about his views, manifesto, blah blah. Nope.
No. 1605535
>>1605418what you are describing isn't face blindness. Face blindness is literally not being able to recognize people's faces. Like seeing your mom walking down the street and not recognizing her face so you don't greet her or anything.
What you are describing just sounds like being bad at fashion.
No. 1605563
>>1605560>>1605553OP don't get paper straws if you don't hate yourself
It's literally like sucking on a damp toilet paper roll
No. 1605633
>>1605545Personally, when I was younger I was a bit repulsed by sex and I felt frustrated at concepts of sexuality and virginity being automatically projected onto me and my body just for being female. I wouldn't call this gender dysphoria but it definitely made me want to become androgynous, especially because I have a very ugly, un-feminine build and my chest is small anyway.
I think if I could snap my fingers and magically have a perfectly flat chest I would, as long as it didn't cause any problems with breastfeeding or my overall health. But it's definitely a vanity thing for me.
No. 1605637
>>1605201I mean this seems pretty basic to me
It comes down to making sure to scrub and clean every nick and cranny of your body, use soap that won't dry out your skin, exfoliating once a week, moisturizing everyday focusing on using natural oils, using sunscreen to protect your skin, drinking enough water and getting essential vitamins and minerals. Taking care of your skin is not vain, it's our largest organ and it protects us. The way she writes it just seems like excited to have her routine established.
No. 1605646
File: 1686675629972.png (114.66 KB, 1440x1308, 31DC47EF-981D-49E6-8413-0E61F4…)

>>1605418Hair styles suit your face shape, clothing your body shape, and colors your skin tone not the color. Yes colors can pop out better in different skin shades but which shade of that color is about skin tone.
For color theory you need to understand hue, light, and saturation. Look at your veins, what color are they? They can be blue, green, purple, or a combination. This will not change ever, and usually affects how well your skin takes to tanning. You can find charts that match colors to your tones. Also affects what color your hair is, for example myself I have olive skin tone and I tend to be paler but I can tan easily. But that natural red head color, it will never look good on me. It clashes. And that bright red color in general really clashes with my skin tone. Grey however looks great, as does navy and pastel colors. It's not as simple as blue, green, or pink.
For face and body shape, take a straight on photo of yourself in your bra and panties or skintight clothing. Go to a drawing program and use the straight line tools to divide into sections on half left to right and top to bottom, across the eyes, eye corners down, shoulders down. The lines will tell you your face shape, and your body shape. Cont…
No. 1605654
File: 1686676342495.png (49.2 KB, 900x675, B8FD17C8-E888-4085-BC0A-FCBC94…)

>>1605646It might seem cartoonish but some people have even torso and legs, some have one shorter or longer than the other. If you have short legs for example wearing high waisted clothing makes your legs look longer.
The lines from shoulder down will tell you the shape. If the line meets the hips exactly you are hourglass or rectangle, the latter if your waist also meets the line. If you hip line is wider than the shoulders you are a pear. If the shoulders are wider you are apple. The picture is giving names for different torso lengths but it doesn't matter as much to know the names, know the shape and how you want to appear. Lastly your breast and ass size can vary, the length of your arms can vary, your head in proportion to your body can vary, and you can have hip dips or not which is all down to bone structure. Clothing can change how this appears. One last night is body weight and fitness but these are variables.
This is why art and fashion are together, fashion is an art, and art is understanding the body.
And at the end of the day you do not have to follow these "rules", wear what you like
No. 1605672
>>1605665It'll probably be fine. Maybe a little gummy. You don't
have to wash rice, it's just preferable. If it just started and it's not boiling or getting soft yet you can still take it out.
No. 1605805
>>1605711I don't think you understand that most kidnapping are not like movies where people snatch you, especially not for adults. It's a lot more coercion or wrong place wrong time. Being isolated and outnumber and outsized is nearly being kidnapped. Most of those in the sex trade were also not snatched off the street either, they were tricked. And I would say those people were liking trying, and the reason people try this way is so they feel less guilt, they feel like "well that person chose to get in the car" Even Ted Bundy has a
victim escape and said this line, and he was a psychopath. They're praying on people in vulnerable situations.
No. 1605944
File: 1686700634788.jpeg (23.07 KB, 566x296, wrinkles.jpeg)

Does anyone have wrinkles on their lower hand like pic related? I'm 27 and don't have any other strong wrinkles but suddenly I've noticed these ones and have no idea what's causing it. Pic is not me but it's almost the exact as mine.
No. 1605958
>>1605955It's mostly because I don't have any deep lines and it's a really stark contrast from the rest. It's not a big deal but I don't like it to be honest.
> i get that when i rest my hand on my chin for a whileYeah, that was it. Thanks!
No. 1606219
File: 1686725881216.gif (276.91 KB, 200x200, 98015F24-BDC7-4A6B-821E-477897…)

Who’s rance and what was rancegate??