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No. 1499720
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I feel like such a brat for this.
I'm 29 weeks pregnant and due to an unrelated bit of disaster outside of our control, my husband and I have spent this whole time dealing with and cleaning up a terrible mess. I was almost done with the parts I could do, and my husband is getting close to finishing up what he wanted to do before baby comes, too. I was looking forward to having a few weeks to prepare for the baby and for my home birth. Everyone tells me to enjoy this time, and that it is so special, and I feel like I missed out on a lot of that, trying to minimize my own desire to plan for baby to complete the other project.
My mother in law has a reinfection from a surgery, and it is kind of her fault for not speaking up to anyone until she couldn't get up on her own, being close to 400 lbs, and not taking her prescribed antibiotics. She will be be in the hospital and then a rehab facility for the next 6.5 weeks at least. We have to clean out her home, which has gotten into a bad state. She hid that from us despite visiting every one to two weeks to check on her. We are taking her dog, which my husband told her not to get because he knew she would have trouble caring for it. My home isn't ready for birth or baby and now instead of sleeping in for the last time for a long time, I get to wake up and walk a dog who is the least endearing dog I've ever met. I have exercises I'm supposed to do that I already struggle to make time for. I won't be rearranging onesies in a drawer because I'll be trying to clean dog hair off of every surface. By the time the dog is gone I'll be too big to get anything done. The hormones are making this so much worse.
I'm bothered that I can't seem to suck it up like I normally would to be there for my husband, who might be losing his mom and is watching her decline.
No. 1499729
>>1499717Can I kiss you
kek jokes aside I'm surprised I know two people close to me who've had work done, I thought all normal people in real life have an unspoken agreement that ps is stupid and a waste of money. Looks like not everyone got the memo
No. 1499791
>>1499727>>1499746>>1499750I only meant to scream into the void, but this has given me perspective. Thank you, nonnies. I think I might overextend myself more than anyone ever asked me to. My husband is certainly not lazy, and has been working tirelessly for many months on an unrelated thing that needs to be taken care of in a limited time frame. That's part of what stresses me out, is that this project needs to be finished too, and I can't help with much more of it. We did offer to watch the dog, which was my very stupid idea, but that was 9 months ago, because I was afraid my MIL would put off her surgery because she had nowhere to put her dog. This is a reinfection after this has happened once, and I was hoping to avoid this scenario. Clearly I'm a dumbass. We'll watch the dog for a while, and will have to pass the dog off somewhere once I'm 36 weeks. My BIL has already been cleaning MIL's home. We did some work there, and will do more tomorrow, but we could leave the bulk of it for BIL.
As for my home, there's a lot of it I want to do myself. I really prefer being the one to go through my own possessions. My husband will probably do the bulk of the mopping/scrubbing sort of cleaning, and already does a lot of that. He organized things like the kitchen, too. My mother is an angel, and I might enlist her help in preparing, too. I'm hoping to fill a freezer that's getting delivered in three weeks with dinners for us, and that might be something that doesn't happen. I don't really like or want to spend money on prepared foods. Last time my MIL got an infection, I filled her freezer with healthy meals, which sure isn't happening this time.
I wanted more time relaxing with my husband than I'll end up getting, but I appreciate the advice not to do more than I have to. I'm going to prioritize preparing for baby as much as I can, since I'm already upset that I've put it off in favor of other tasks, and this is important to me.
And yes, my MIL is a piece of work. we're going to have to have some tough conversations with her about her ability to live independently.
No. 1499844
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I'm perfectly content being single and don't want to move in with a moid, get married etc but I still enjoy flirting and would like to go on dates but literally every moid I come across is so ugly and annoying. Disgusting haircuts or bald, pube beards or pedo staches, awful skin, fat or anachan and if there is ever a ONE IN A MILLION good looking (not too good looking though, they never are) moid his obviously taken or has such an insufferable personality that I can't stand it when he opens his mouth. I'm in my early 20s and only dated one scrote as a teenager and no one else since then and it's so frustrating, I'm going to die a virgin at this point, not a single attractive man in sight. And you might say
>oh anon, maybe you're just ugly
Wrong. I regularly attract uggos and manwhores just don't get involved with them (for obvious reasons). Go outside right fucking now and show me a hot dude, do it now! You can't, exactly, you fucking can't, they're all being drowned out by the uglies… A flood of ugoos and on the other hand a drought. A famine of male beauty
No. 1499906
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I always try to ignore this kind of stuff and pretend it doesn't hurt me, but since it's valentine's day I want to vent with honesty, just let it out.
I'm sick of getting treated as… nothing. I'm never interesting enough to admire, pretty enough to romanticize, just a receptacle of monologues and games, like I'm never human enough to respect, just a doll that says the right things. "I saw this and I got reminded of you" "I know you like this stuff, I didn't forget" things like that never happen to me, it's always "me me me" I'm never relevant enough to even make an effort. I feel invisible, like a ghost, no matter who am with or where I go, is always the same thing: I do all the hardlifting, cause if I don't, everyone goes away, everyone forgets about me. I'm tired, I just want to be truly appreciated and loved, I want to feel the warmth of true mutual interest not just one-sided shit, games, manipulations…I'm tired of dodging bullets and running away, I just want to love.
I feel so alone, I always walk by myself, eat by myself, watch the clouds by myself, silence follows me everywhere, everything feels monochrome. I could literally drop dead and you know what? Nobody will notice, cause I was never enough, no matter how much I try, I'm not enough, I'm replaceable and forgeable, not even beauty could save me, in fact, beauty only makes things even more hurtful cause nobody even hides the fact they don't give a damn about you besides looks that will fade away. But I'll always be the same, even without a pretty face, I'll be a smiling old lady, yet, could someone stay even after that?
No. 1499957
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Today is my last day of being 27 years old. Tomorrow is my 28th birthday and I can't deal with the thought that it's only 2 years left till I'm 30, only 2 years left until I'm no longer a person in their 20s. Just a year ago some people were assuming I'm still underage, now they suddenly tell me I look 23. Maybe my stressful and demanding job made me look older. I feel the same way as when I was 16. I really think I stopped developing mentally around 20 because I was an autistic kid and I never got the proper help I should get and I only got diagnosed like a month ago. I feel so, so behind my peers. I never lived like other people my age, I wasn't able to go to college because being around other people was too stressful at that point, I was a neet for years, I never had any friends or relationships. It's mind blowing to me that some people my age have children, meanwhile I myself feel like a child mentally. Some people already treat me different than others because of my weird behavior, but I think that it will get even worse when I start to look older. I know people generally treat older women worse, but I think that in a case of autistic women it's even worse than normally. At least my youthful look was an excuse, they might think I'm dumb/weird but I'm still young, at least I wasn't ugly or old AND weird. My coworkers still don't know my real age and I'm ashamed to tell them, they would be like 'wtf she's almost 30 and she behaves like this'. I never had a boyfriend and I'm scared I will never find a decent guy, I think that most men who are around my age and who aren't taken usually prefer younger women. My only encounter with a male was a coworker who chased me for a year, he's like 5 years younger than me, I said I'm older than him and he said to me many times it doesn't matter to him, now when he found out my age, I think he started teasing me about it? Like when I mention my back hurts he says shit like 'you're at that age lol' or calls me old for teh lulz even though he still expresses his attraction to me and calls me beautofil and wants to touch me and I kiss me and wants to spend time with me, I usually don't want to kiss because I'm disgusted by human saliva, but he still behaves like he doesn't mind my weirdness, is attracted to me and wants to be around me even though I told him I'm not interested in sex, while at the same time teasing me about my age, and it really annoys me. He never did that before knowing my age. One of my coworkers knows my birthday is coming and she knows I'm older than 25 and she was teasing me about slightly visible lines on my forehead. Jesus it makes me want to rope. I think I wouldn't be that paranoid about getting older if I actually lived the life, but I never did. I was a neet with no life for years and then suddenly I'm almost 30 when I just started going outside. This is suicide fuel to me. My therapist tells me it's not my fault I never got the chance to live like other people my age and I can't compare myself to them because I'm starting from an entirely different position, but it doesn't help me a lot, I still hate myself, I still think of how different I could've been, I think about my dreams I had as a child, I wanted to be an actress or a singer so bad and teachers wanted me to do activities associated with acting and reciting poems, I felt I could be good at it, I loved learning about theatre, I was a huge cinephile too and my knowledge about cinema was crazy for that age. But after puberty hit me and I experienced lots of bullying, my anxiety got so bad I wasn't able to talk to people without stuttering, and every time I tried to open up, I only humiliated myself. I'm still so quiet people can barely hear me and I feel like I'm physically unable to talk louder. When I'm in a group and I try to talk, people barely pay attention to me. I have no presence. I feel like I'm non existent. Even my coworker told me I'm invisible and I need to do something to stop being like this because I will never get any opprtunities. The problem is I have no idea how to stop being like this, whatever that means. I don't know how to be different. Sorry for the blogpost, I need to take my sleeping drugs and forget about this day and I really want this to end
No. 1499976
>>1499906I’m sorry you feel like this
nonnie, loneliness can eat away at you like nothing else. It’s cliche, but you should take time and do things to invest in yourself. Not necessarily the consumerist version aka “treat yo self” (although that can be nice and maybe helpful) but more like getting a pet (even a goldfish can be a rewarding companion!) or making it a priority to surround yourself somewhere beautiful in nature, starting a journal, mediating, cooking something delicious, and/or learning a new skill. The world is full of possibility and connections - sometimes that means choosing to know yourself better, or communing with things outside of humanity. The world at large isn’t a very good barometer for determining what’s valuable, so don’t let it define your worth. Even if you found yourself suddenly in demand, you would experience those who would make their own unrealistic expectations of you, demand your attention and time, suck you dry, and then spit you out when you couldn’t deliver anymore. We are all little specks floating in a moment of time - I’m rooting for you to make it the loveliest moment that you can!
No. 1499998
lolcow is the only place i can hang out these days without getting mad or depressed. it's nice to hang out with like-minded anons, even when there's people constantly posting bait and we have to deal with cp and gore spam. i wish we didn't have to put up with that, we shouldn't have to. but then i go to other sites that i used to love, and i have tras shoving their agenda down my throat, and constant CONSTANT discourse about stuff that doesn't matter. none of it mmatters. im so tired! not everyone needs to have a vocal opinion about everything at all times. we could be sharing art we like, music we like, cute pictures of lunch or ducks at the park, we could be having thoughtful conversations, but no… we gotta spam spoilers about hogwarts legacy, bemoan the state of the world and politics and get into shitflinging contests about who is the better ally. make it stop. anyway i love you lolcor, thanks for being here
No. 1500061
My grandma died and yes, it makes me sad, but she was old and healthy until her end, at least she didn't have to suffer. The reason I have to vent is that I now have to deal with her children. The only thing they are interested in is the money, they will throw everything away, sell the house, act like their parents were never ever alive. It makes me so mad that everything will go into the trash and I told my mother that I want to have a say in what they throw away as I was too young when this happend with the stuff of my other grandparents (they kept nothing, no pictures, no paintings, nothing). I want to keep at least the photo albums, the handwritten things, maybe some tableware. If I had the space I would even take her furniture, because they are nice and filled with good memories. I hate how I have to wait in line because it's not my spot to inherit anything, but I know my "family", I know that they will just want to get it all done very fast and why keep anything? Who needs pictures of their ancestors or diaries or handwritten cookbooks? Well, good thing is, if this is all over, I will never have to deal with any of them again, with my grandma died the last reason why I even visited them.
No. 1500189
>>1500065Nonnie, make the escape as soon as you can. You're not an extension of your mom's financial instability. You're a whole other person who goes to work for their own priorities in their life. Gray rock your mom.
My mother put me into debt the moment I started working. It's not worth the struggle. You cannot fix her. Giving her money is only enabling her and she'll turn this into you being greedy and not wanting to pay for shit.
No. 1500209
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I chewed too much chewing-gum and now my jaw kinda hurts.
No. 1500480
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I think I've lost the ability to fall asleep. When I lie down it takes me hours to fall asleep and after around 3 hours I wake up, mostly by the noise my neighbours make. I just want to sleep and not be tired all the time.
No. 1500489
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feeling suicidal over a moid, i never thought this would be me
i can't stop crying and i feel so stupid
No. 1500502
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I'm staying at my parent's house and whenever I try to listen to the radio I'm forced to tolerate the same 5 songs every single day. I'm not even kidding, it's literally just a few songs on repeat. I'm in Canada so radio stations legally have to play Canadian songs in the attempt to instill some state-mandated patriotism and the entire province is full of boomers so every single station is just Chilliwack and Neil Young. This province is the most boring fucking place in the world and the lack of variety is not helping. If I hear 'my girl's gone so long' one more time I'm going to break my radio and kill someone and it won't be my fault
No. 1500569
>>1500522I did a quick google and here's something They play some american songs as well, but it's mostly canadian. Probably because it's newfoundland and people are crazy patriotic here compared to the rest of the country. I've seen entire houses painted in the newfoundland flag. I've actually seen some american flags as well, which is interesting. Apparently at confederation there were a lot of newfoundlanders who wanted to join the US but joey smallwood made them join canada instead. Unrelated but a lot of newfoundlanders (my parents included) hate joey smallwood because he forced people from outports into towns. I haven't been to newfoundland in ages so it's a bit weird being here, it's so different from the rest of canada. everyone here is FAT fat and there's a fried chicken place every block. But it's sort of quaint, you can tell that there's more history here than say BC. I went to quidi vidi and it was the cutest town I've ever seen. it's so boring here though. one week and i can't wait to leave
sorry for rambling lol No. 1500593
>>1500506that's sweet of you anon but i was depressed and suicidal before him, my life has always been an autopilot slog with no meaning
he gave me hope and happiness and now it's all gone
thanks though
No. 1500680
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Maybe I'm the social retard here but I don't understand how easy it is for so many people to move on from a past relationship. There are people who claim that every gf/bf is the love of their life, just to break up after a few years and then rinse and repeat, meanwhile I'm still sobbing over the same moid for months. People keep saying that you'll find someone else among all the people on this planet but what are the odds of finding someone who has the same core values, interests and humour as me again? I'm in my late 20's and I'm sociable enough but I've never felt this close to someone as I did to this moid. He was like the male version of myself. I don't want to just be with some dude who I get along with, I want to be with someone who's a perfect match for me.
No. 1500833
>>1500696Anon you're not overreacting I had a similar episode but it was about my grandfather.
Have you talked with anyone about it? Maybe sharing will make you feel better, it's not good to bottle up such heavy feelings.
No. 1500836
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My downstairs neighbor is a paranoid schizophrenic and she keeps watch for when I leave my apartment so she can stop and talk with me. This morning she was going on about lasers in her room and how the government blocked her calls to 911 so she wanted me to call instead and ask them to leave her alone. I know she has a case worker who comes by daily and she’s not violent (as far as I know) although you can hear her moving/throwing stuff at night. My fiancé says I’m being too nice but I don’t know how to ignore her when she’s right in front of me yelling my name. I brought this on myself by being a fucking doormat god damnit.
No. 1500877
>>1500876Shein steals designs from independent designers and small businesses. That's the problem, not that it's cheap.
Do I agree it makes nonna trash? Absolutely not, because clothes are expensive, but thrifting is still the best option.
No. 1500893
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>>1500868thank you sweet nonette i'm feeling better about it now
No. 1500975
>>1481173I'm in the same situation, or close enough… But I'm not sure the other part is.
I'm late-responding because I found this post of yours just now and… I had pretty much the same dream yesterday, just more sexually overt and hurtful. Very.
No. 1501021
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I never went to university. I dropped out of high school with a 1.7 GPA and college never seemed financially viable. Additionally, my mom didn't really do much to push me towards college in high school to begin with and I never had a college fund or any sort of concrete advice on what to do when I became an adult. I'm now in my mid-twenties and have spent the last several years teaching myself on my own and pulling myself by my bootstraps onto a direct, focused path to financial freedom. I'm doing well! I have strong skills and a clear, structured 5 year plan and am very optimistic about my future.
My mom kind of had a guilt bomb hit her while I was struggling in my early 20's because she realized that she had done nothing to prepare me for my future and realized I was floundering by myself. Pretty much every time we spoke she would grovel about how she failed me and I would do my best to reassure that I don't resent her and that I've made a decent plan for myself. Even though I'd tell her my situation (stable) and my trajectory (looking good), she'd sigh and go, "Oh Nonny, my poor Nonny, what should we do with you? I'm so sad you never got to go to college." It hurts because I already "grieved" missing out on the college experience, but she feels the need to remind me every time we talk. I feel like it's a subtle beg for my reassurance that she isn't a bad mother, and so I give that to her while gently reminding her I'm now seven years past the age one starts college and doing well for myself.
Yesterday I call her excited about a career promotion of sorts and inform her that I am now breaking through in the industry and things are looking quite good for me. Over the phone she sounded happy for me, though I sensed a bit of apprehension but overall I felt like maybe she might finally realize that I'm doing fine without a degree. We ended the call on a good note and I even talked to some friends about how I might have finally gotten it through to her that my lack of a degree isn't holding me back.
But this morning I wake up to a terse email from her with a link to my local rinky-dink community college with the message, "I support you, but look at other possibilities."
How do I tell her how insulting this is? I'm livid. I don't mean to sound cocky but these are classes that I'm overqualified to teach at this point in my career, and she wants me to enroll as a student? Incur debt for no reason? I feel like I've already proven to her over and over again that I'm doing well and my skills have outgrown the need for a degree- employers trust my ability and don't even mention my education- it's only HER that is hung up on it and trying to hold me back with it. I want to shake her by the shoulders. I love her so much and know this all comes from deep worry but I'm just about ready to explode. I genuinely didn't hold any resentment for her in the past but it's like she wants me to now.
No. 1501084
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I'm sick of this pointless argument about how to wipe. The whole sitting or standing business. One do you dumb muthafuckers not know there is a position between standing and sitting? It's call a squat. Shit like it isn't that hard, look at it. "Oh no my hand will be in the toilet, I can't reach around." "Oh no my buttcheeks are together how do I wipe durrrrr"
DO A FUCKING SQUAT!! You don't have to be fully seating or standing and if you can't your quads are weak you weakling.
And furthermore if you just shit and you aren't washing right after, a bidet, or wetwipe then shower, there is still shit in your ass and now all over your pants and your hands and I know none of you are actually washing your hands a full 30 seconds with warm water and soap. So now your nasty shit particles are all over the place.
Fucking animals. Disgusting.
No. 1501085
>>1501021Email or text her.
"Mom, I know that it was always your dream for me to go to college, but college is just a place to prepare yourself for a career.
I already have a career, and I'm happy and hopeful for the trajectory that it's taken. I know that you'll always be there for me if I do decide to go to college, but that is not what I want right now. If I do change my mind, I will let you know. But for now, I'd like you to respect my decisions and career and no longer bring up the subject of college, or me going to college.
If you choose to continue to bring it up, I will immediately change the subject.
I love you and thank you for respecting my boundaries."
No. 1501087
>>1501027Yes, unfortunately.
>>1501085Thank you for writing this, I don't think I could have without injecting too much negative emotion. I really appreciate it!
No. 1501099
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>>1501070happy belated birthday, nonna. Look for other friends, there are people out there that are good and will care and at least send you a message on your birthday. Believe me, I know how you feel, my birthday is around the corner and I will experience the same as you did.
No. 1501111
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No. 1501120
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>mfw website I play draw best/pictionary on gets overrun by weirdos that ruin my experience
Cool now I can't even speak normally in the chat without my words being filtered to an emoji when I was on here for over a year without issue. Cool. Cool. Cool.
No. 1501177
I was at a concert last night organized by a group I joined, they're all wonderful people but I've only known them for a month. One guy said something to me and i tried to make a joke and everything got awkward (I accidentally kinda insulted him and he is a very beloved member of this group).
I was also super sick over the weekend, and yesterday was my first day of being mostly better, so I had really been pushing myself all day. I had been at the venue for 3.5 hours and I started feeling fatigued, but I couldn't leave because I had parked in my group's lot, which is very small and requires doubling up, so there were two cars blocking my exit. By the time it was 10:00 (5.5 hours in) I thought the performance would be over, but it wasn't. I started feeling worse physically, and I also felt terrible because I felt like I was isolating myself from the group, especially because of what I said. I went and sat in my car because I was coughing and was able to catch the guy I insulted outside and explain why I had said what I said (I had a pretty bad incident happen a little over a year ago). He was very cool and understanding and very kind about all of it. He offered to move his car if I wanted to leave, and said he could even find the other person whose car was in the way. I thanked him and said it was alright. I went back indoors to the volunteer area. It almost 11:00 by then and another song started playing and I realized the concert wasn't ending any time soon. I was starting to be sick again, I had an hour drive back home and a class at 9:00 am, and I had told some pretty personal things to the 2nd person ever, and it was all so overwhelming that I started crying. several of the women who were in the back room with me immediately started comforting me and they went and got the guy so he could move his car and find the other person. I was able to leave early but I feel so terrible because this all could have been avoided if I had just parked somewhere else. I feel so rude for all of this, it was one girl's birthday too. Luckily none of the attendees had any idea this was going on, just my group members, but it's almost more humiliating to cry in front of acquaintances rather than strangers. This is also the first time I've actually cried in at least a year. It's all just so embarrassing and I feel like it was such a hassle. I'm not gonna pull the "oh noooo what if they hate me now" thing because I know they don't and that's dumb, but I don't want them to think I'm emotionally fragile or anything. I'm not, I was just sick and tired and emotionally unstable because of a very specific situation.
No. 1501178
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I watched Mommie Dearest with some friends who love it and said it's "hilarious and campy" and think that Faye Dunaway's performance was over the top, but for me it was pretty hard to watch. I always knew my mother's screaming meltdowns were crazy and out of control, but this movie was uncomfortably accurate. I'm pretty sure my mother has BPD but there is no chance in Hell she'll ever talk to a doctor about it or go to therapy.
No. 1501191
>>1501172Weird, I've been in a nearly identical situation with art and a partner. Sounds like she has her ego tied up in art and feels threatened. It's a human thing to feel that way and everyone has been there before with envy or a feeling of competition, even for someone you love, but her actions are unacceptable. In my situation, I fantasized a lot about being petty and throwing the behavior back at my partner but managed to control myself. Just tell her exactly what you said here honestly; that you feel her support in other aspects of your life but when it comes to art you feel she
s cold. Tell her that it makes you feel sad and discouraged. Sometimes we can act callous to a loved one but once they actually express, "hey, that hurts" it wakes us up from our hurtful behavior.
No. 1501192
>>1501070I'm so sorry
nonny. Happy birthday! To be honest I'm in a similar boat, I just had to drop a friend that I got along really well with just because they never reciprocated anything I did. I've dealt with so many flakes, crazy and selfish people while trying to find a friend group that's open to accepting a new friend. At this point I've been thinking of making my own but I don't know if I have enough time or energy to be the alpha bitch kek. It can be hard to keep friends together.
>>1501178Honestly same nonna. My friends growing up were also completely normal and came from loving homes, and when they would share stories about stuff they got to do, or little things to complain about, it was just extremely awkward because I could never join in. It's honestly depressing how people don't seem to believe that stuff like Mommy Dearest could actually be real.
No. 1501200
>>1501070Happy Birthday
nonnie! I wish you the best!!
No. 1501222
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Holy shit fuck me and my fat ass. I have had pains in my knees for months and I’m pretty sure it’s arthrosis, meaning I have fucked up my joints by being fat as shit. I’m not even 30. I can lose weight but that will not undo the damage that has already been done. Well, more like I COULD lose weight if I was not a spineless sugar addicted retard.
No. 1501253
>>1499717Ngl, i have been bullied really hard for how i look and have had really bad image problems partially because of it, so i have always thought about plastic surgery. First of all, spending the amount you would spend on a nice new car on your face with varying results is not a good financial move. Secondly, in my case, if i hadn't been bullied about my appearance or knew to be overly aware of the way i looked and told it was important, i wouldn't feel the need to get surgery. Nobody would. Getting surgery is a waste of time when you don't do professions like acting, modelling, politics or porn and are just a regular person. I remember seeing a tiktok of people who got nose jobs and a lot of them seemed to kind of regret the nose job because it made them realise that the only person who ever noticed that there was anything wrong with their nose was themselves. I also believe that sometimes the will of the universe makes people ugly specifically because being somebody who is to be sexually pursued and getting a partner isn't in the cards for them. It might be a cope on paper, but it's likely that your efforts are better spent elsewhere like getting an education, honing a craft or helping the community in some way. In a way, getting surgery is a means of trying to fight against the will of the universe, whether it be getting old or trying to get into the entertainment business.
No. 1501297
>>1501282Men will fuck corpses. Men will fuck animals. Men talk about fat chicks being easy without realizing THEY, men, are in fact, the easy ones. Men are incredibly easy. If a man turns down a woman, deep down he doesn't want to. He just wants some semblance of control. And or he's hoping to score a '10' but will settle for a '6' knowing deep down he's a negative 1000. So when he can't 'score' -he never had a chance to begin with- he can then blame women for having high standards. Validating his
victim complex.
Men deep down don't have real standards. Men settle for women they don't love all the time. Many will anonymously admit this. It's fucking bizarre how men can get married, have kids with a woman and not even love her. He'll also barely tolerate the kids. And even if he gets with his dream girl, she's not that much better off.
That was incoherent, sorry. I'm sure someone could elaborate more eloquently. Don't feel bad, non. That was the old you. New you is the new you now.
No. 1501356
I wish my bf could text me like a normal person.
We're in a LDR (I'm not a discord kitten, we've known each other for years, decided to come together 6 months ago, he's moving here midyear).
When we're together he's great, he's super attentive, he really listens to me and understands me. But he's a really, really bad texter. Normally I don't mind, I've got other things to do and I'm not waiting by the phone for him. But in the last month he's had some issues and had to quit his job, and he's not doing well mentally. I try to reach out but he seems shut off, and because I'm not there I can't talk to him face to face where he I know he opens up real easy.
It's frustrating, I'm frustrated and feel like I'm pulling most of the weight here. Maybe I'm just PMSing but there's only a certain level of tolerance I can have for someone who's not willing to open up to me.
The times I've called it out he's profusely apologised and that he's in his own head and it's hard for him to get out. He keeps telling me he'll do better, and that he recognises I feel disrespected. Which, I get being too in your head that reaching out to people is hard, I've been there myself. But to not even think to message your own partner? The one person who will always listen and understand you?
I can't wait for him to move because this is horrendous.
No. 1501363
>>1501084nonna i only have to shit AFTER taking showers, bidets aren't sold where i'm at and wet wipes clog the toilet, this isn't gonna work. all i can do is use a wet tissue which gets the job done if you buy actual good toilet paper.
>I know none of you are actually washing your hands a full 30 seconds with warm water and soap.wrong, you don't know me. i love washing my hands and the smell of soap even when i don't shit.
No. 1501417
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>>1501406it's so easy to save money and still enjoy food when you can consume dairy the options are endless. but anything vegan, dairy free, gluten free is at least double the price of the regular version. i don't even like cooking because there is no space in my fucking kitchen, thanks to flatmates hoarding their unused stuff in there. why all the equipment when all you make is instant ramen reeee. all i want is to be able to eat dairy without consequences but those dairy digestion tabs don't cease all symptoms which i could suffer for months. fucking hell, this diet is like eating disorder bootcamp. forcing me to eat healthy. fuck. you.
No. 1501486
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i saw my abusive ex bf with and i cant stop thinking about it. we were together 2 years where he hacked and monitored all my social media accounts. to make sure i was "being good". most miserable time of my life. lost my period for almost a year due to stress. he mocked me for being raped multiple times, he mocked me for attempting suicide before meeting him, he mocked anything i liked ever. he blamed me when i was sexually harassed at work and berated me for months saying it was my fault. called me ugly, fat, constantly tried to stop me from going to therapy or taking meds for my bipolar, put insane rules on me. mocked me for not having a dad (he died when i was a kid) even one day accused me that i lied about my dad being abusive. even though hes fucking dead and he never met him…
i saw him with his new gf the other day. they were walking holding hands. i obviously tried to look away. i cant stop thinking about it. i cant stop telling myself shes so much prettier than me. that i messed everything up. that i missed my life being in control even if it wasnt by me. that i miss someone caring about me. im so alone. he found someone better than me when hes so awful. yet i try my best to be good and im so fucking alone. its not fair. my life was supposed to get good after leaving him. but it didnt.
No. 1501491

>>1501406kek welcome to hell anon. I recommend beans, potato, sweet potato, tuna, sardine, tofu as cheap filling options. I don't know where you live but steamer bags of vegetables are cheap. A large bag of gluten free oats can be cheap, add a butter like peanut or almond, and either buy frozen or fresh berries to freeze then add it all in a bowl for breakfast. Buy a large pack of chicken (breast or tenders) and cook it on a sheet pan with your favorite seasonings. cut it up, add seasonings in cornstarch, , dip in egg, then the seasonings fill a deep pan with oil and make chicken nuggets. Cook some bacon on a sheet pan at 375-400F with pepper for 20-30 minutes, keep the fat on the pan, dice potato or sweet potato, add pepper, salt, rosemary, smother in the leftover bacon grease on the same pan. amazing breakfast! I recommend looking for cheap vegan videos for the dairy allergy part. this lady's oat bars helped me when i was broke. might honestly be cheaper now to buy the vegan egg stuff than real eggs too. sorry we got the same allergy maybe I can type up more little recipes later.
No. 1501551
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Speaking of shitting, I won't be able to shit for the entire day because my town is turning all the water off for god knows what reason.
No. 1501605
>>1501594I feel you nonna, I'm the same with my therapist, once she mentioned a hypothetical end of our work together (which is nowhere in sight as of now) and that was enough to make me cry lmao. I legitimately have no one besides her.
It would be good if you address this dependency you have directly with him and ask about specifics of your future work together after his retirement to maybe try to start building up your confidence for the future in which he's no longer present on a regular basis; being straightforward about this can only be beneficial for you
No. 1501612
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>>1499715>Sister and BIL mad at me because I didn't move bookbag for my niece while I was doing homework on table>Wanting to sit next to my mother while eating dinner with her, when she put the food next to her, is some horrible thing>Joking around about BIL getting up and moving isn't joking around when I do itMaking your niece sit one seat over is violence now somehow. Petty af people when they invade the second floor for everything when they have a whole apartment below. If I have the choice I'd never let them (a whole registered family now) move in with us but I really had no big influencing choice either. Generational homes with siblings (at least assholish ones) are way overrated.
No. 1501616
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renting is the most annoying thing. if i, as a white person, said “white people preferred” i’d be mobbed with hate, but requesting this is all fine and dandy. wouldn’t be so annoying if it weren’t every fucking listing.
No. 1501625
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I am sick of this 'cut off toxic people' bullshit culture.
My friend, who I have never mistreated, sends me this tiktok which absolutely no sense, and does not even slightly reflect our situation.
The person in that video is describing a scenario in which someone consistently mistreats them, which has not happened between us. There is no such occasion where i have victimized him in the weeks leading up to him blocking me.
Tiktok has an extreme self-victimisation culture to the point where its comical, which is why many of the people using it experience loneliness, and the person in the video that he sent me, in fact, probably does has a pathological victim complex and that is why he is advocating for his viewers to end friendships, and he profits from doing so.
Retarded tiktok celebrities and their empty, vague anectones that gesture you to abandon people closest to you are NOT advocating for you or your wellbeing.
We have been friends for 7 years and I don't know what his grievances are because he is just blindly following advice from fucking retarded tiktokers to just 'cut off' without even attempting dialogue.
No. 1501636
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One gay dude I know is going full schizo about Hogwarts Legacy, I told him how it's not fair people are straight up telling likes about JKR (she is a right wing extremist!!) and he just told me
>didn't know you were a transphobe
0 room for discussion
Most normalfags in my life think trannies are the same as homosexuals and that they're all weird, which I find insulting.
No. 1501645
>>1501616Let me guess, GTA?
I'm your neighbour on the right (think French). I've only seen it twice here, which I find odd, although they were charging an arm an a leg just for a room.
No. 1501658
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American nonnas, watch out for this guy.
Some twitter feminists might know who this guy is. His wife committed suicide in September, people exposed his misogynistic and
abusive tweets about his wife and claimed he drove her to take her life. He's already looking for a new girlfriend and is active on dating apps. Look at the state of him. I swear I hate moids with a passion. Spoiled image bc he's absolutely disgusting without a shirt on.
Receipts: No. 1501712
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>>1501636I have 2 separate friends that I've both known for over 15 years who sent me angry messages and then blocked me on social media before I could even respond, because they saw I follow JK Rowling on Twitter and 'liked' one of her tweets. 15 years of friendship gone overnight because I liked a fucking tweet. Good riddance, I guess
No. 1501729
>>1501712Sorry to hear that,
nonnie!! I hope you can make better friends. They didnt value you as a person.
No. 1501731
>>1501658gross! Is he on estrogen or something?
What a horrible piece of shit and the worst thing is he has kids
No. 1501746
>>1501616Probably because it's always you white ppl who complain about ethnic people's food
Anyway it's their property they can let in whoever they want
No. 1501787
>>1501777nta but are you unironically comparing women feeling unsafe because of male agression and violence with irritation towards smelly foods? That's a massive reach.
>>1501746Anti-discrimination laws aren't one way
No. 1501815
>>1501792>after having to deal with white people at work and at school all day a non-white womanInteresting how this is fine but rewrite it as such
>after having to deal with black people and asians at work all day as a white womanand it's the very definition of racism.
You're either against racism or not, you don't get to cherrypick. I say this as someone from a nearly monoethnic country so I have hardly a bone in this matter irl before you accuse me of "white women tears".
No. 1501837
>>1501827Look, if racism upset you, just don't be surprised when people call you out for being racist. Either both white women and black women can that they only want roommates of the same race, or neither of them can. You don't get to pick and choose so that only you and your race are allowed to be racist. Personally, I think people should be allowed to be discriminating with their roommates. Everyone just gets along better when you're from the exact same culture and income level and have the exact same expectations. God do I love living with rich people though, they throw out perfectly good stuff constantly.
>>1501833I have found that whenever someone uses the term white woman tears, it's just a dog whistle for sexism. And either that nona is racist and truly hates white people for being white, or else she's swallowed the "women constantly lie for attention" lie hook, line, and sinker.
No. 1501841
When my brother died a few years ago, I was in shock and quit one job. Then I got hired at starbucks. I wasnt… me. I wasnt thinking clearly. The place was poorly managed.
Second week I was working there was a shooting at a mall nearby. A man pulled up to the drive thru and i greeted them. He started crying and deep sobbing, he lost his son in the shooting. It broke me, bc my brother was shot to death. I left that day. When i was handing my apron to the boss i told her i couldnt do this. She pushed me to take a xanax and it pissed me off shed blindly suggest that. (My bro was a pill head too- so yea)
There was a coworker who was fat and ugly and greasy. She has pansexual shit on, flair worthy of a anime convention. She was terribly rude to me the whole time i worked there.
Fast forward to today, and i walk into a new starbucks to grab a drink… here she is. Fatter, grosser, and in a neon green sweater with the worst makeup possible. The purple lipstick snagged on her yellowed teeth and she smirked. I order and she brings up me walking out and how she hopes I learned from that
I saw her manager walk up to grab something and i loudly say “yes, my brother was murdered 2 weeks before, and you did not help with your attitude. Hope its improved since”. And she stutters and apologizes and i can tell shes embarrassed.
Like bitch, I went to therapy. I faced my shit and went back for certifications that led me to a good stable life. You are microwaving frozen food and making drinks. We are not the same.
Why dont you wash your face and take a good hard look in the mirror.
No. 1501845
I was at a friends' birthday party this last weekend and her sister-in-law, a nurse, was there. I feel bad because she was a nice person, but holy shit, I couldn't believe how dumb she is. We played Cards Against Humanity at one point, and every time it got to her turn, the jokes would never land because she didn't know what half of the "big" words were, or she mispronounced them and someone else would have to read it and explain the joke. At first I thought she was joking around, but no, she was just completely clueless about everything and seemed genuinely embarrassed when she needed something explained to her. Also she wasn't drunk, high, or anything.
She literally didn't know how to pronounce the word FATIGUE and didn't know what it meant?! She's a NURSE who doesn't know what FATIGUE is? I'm just so confused because I thought nursing school was very demanding and grueling to even get through, and requires knowledge of basic medical terms at the very least. Like holy shit, I couldn't believe this girl has a full-time, well-paying job that requires reading and helping patients? I felt crazy like I was being pranked or something
No. 1501850
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>>1501616We should all buy property and rent it for women (of all ethnicities) only.
No. 1501863
>>1501837It’s not a dog whistle for sexism because it’s a white woman stereotype, not all women. As a black woman I wouldn’t feel comfortable to be 100% myself living with a white woman my age. Let’s say one night we get into innocent drunk argument and she decides to call the police then they try to beat my ass to protect her or she wants to throw out the n word.
This video for example
>>1501797 imagine if there were no recordings and they decided to fight her back how that would’ve turned out. Not saying all white women are like this but my home is my comfort zone to get away from society and its bullshit.
No. 1501864
>>1501777I'm talking about Canada, not America. A crying white woman is just seen as a joke at best and hysterical racist at worst. No rich blonde white girl (who's tears actually have some weight) is renting with immigrants, relax.
>>1501787>Anti-discrimination laws aren't one wayYeah sure and that's why a huge Muslim sex trafficking ring got off the hook in Canada and continues to operate because arresting those Muslims would be discriminatory. Or teaching assistants in unis giving their same nationality students the questions and answers to papers and not being questioned because how dare you accuse poor helpless nonwhitie. Or being called racist for not wanting sexist Muslim and Indian men in the neighborhood to leer at/harass/rape the whorey/kafir white women.
No. 1501878
>>1501863>It’s not a dog whistle for sexism because it’s a white woman stereotype, not all women.I think if you believe that, then you have not opened your eyes to how the patriarchy deliberately separates us as a class. If you believe that racial stereotype about women, do you also believe that black women are constantly aggressive and loud?
When choosing a roommate, you should be able to choose someone only of your own race, if everyone is from the same culture, it makes living together smoother.
No. 1501938
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Any race of woman is still worth more than any race of man. Division between ourselves is useless, there's only one enemy and it's moids. Have your priorities straight nonnies.
No. 1501946
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>>1501922Most white nationalist scrotes don’t consider Indians as Asian. When they say Asian they are thinking of East Asians who look like kpop idols and Japanese porn stars. They don’t consider south East Asians as Asian. They only consider pic related phenotype as Asian.
No. 1501950
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tfw you want to vent about your petty struggles but you guys won't stop arguing with the racebaiting scrotes
No. 1501967
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>>1501957Awww, buddy! Big feelings!
No. 1501979
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im barely familiar w her channel but i watched ONE educational and well made japanese learning video from her, and now i see this shit on my feed. d i s g u s t i n g
No. 1501990
>>1501982No it’s just a simple way to explain it. Social hierarchy in the west goes like this.
>white men>white women>all other races of men>women of colorThis is why a
poc woman could see a white woman as “dangerous” but not physically dangerous but dangerous in other ways.
No. 1501995
>>1501712I usually don't mind the T in any capacity, I think their problems are vastly different from the LGB and have significantly different needs & so on, and both groups' stigma affects the other, but I don't hate them. I'm only attracted to the same sex (women), but I can just say I'm asexual and the creepy transes just leave me be, because there's a lot of truth to that statement either way.
The ones sperging about JKR are a completely different story, I fucking hate them. I may not be her biggest fan or anything, but I loved HP growing up (only made it through 3 books though because I struggle to read unless it's double spaced), and am a Slytherin for life. Trannies that sperg about me not being allowed to like HP piss me the fuck off. What happened to separating art from the artist? I miss when everyone knew how to do that.
No. 1502011
>>1502000The only reasons people transition are GID, attention, or a fetish, and only the first one is understandable to me.
Trans people aren't "erasing gay people," get the fuck over yourself. I agree the T should be dropped and such, and trooning out is a worst case scenario for people with GID, but at least hate them for things they actually do, like the fucking MtFs who film women's bathrooms and SHOULD be called out for being creepy AGP males
I know this is a very unpopular opinion here, but my experience with them seems wildly different to yours, because I seldom ever see "straight" (lesbian) FtMs or "straight" (gay) MtFs, most of both of them are bisexual or opposite sex attracted only.
To me, most of them seem like they have an uncurable illness (GID) and not "poor wittle gays doing x, y, and z!" Most of the adults diagnosed with GID never detransition, and the detransitioners almost always were children forced to by their parents, actually had Body Dysmorphia, had gone through "informed consent" or the black market, or had sexual trauma they thought trooning out would cure, instead of going to therapy or single sex only spaces, and detransitioners should be heard and speak out, and the trannies need to stop silencing them.
I'm not trying to shit up the thread or promote trooning out. I just think there's nuance to everything. Like how I think trannies SHOULD listen to gender critical women and have a polite discussion with them, to see the other side.
No. 1502022
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i'm screaming and crying. i accidentally agreed to be this girl's partner in my class, and she's definitely not an awful person she's the nicest person i've met here, not that i've talked to any others. she's really sweet but she told me that she doesn't know anything at all about the topic we're partnered up to present together, and it just so happens i am extremely passionate about it. i really don't want to be annoying and bother her with anything but i'm afraid she's going to feel offended if i ask to do all the work myself. idk. i'm feeling so nauseous due to my own bad decisions. the moment the professor sent out that e-mail i knew i had to be careful but i still did what i was trying not to anyway. i literally feel like a middle schooler rn i am so ashamed of myself
No. 1502028
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I work remote and have been thinking about looking for a new job because I don't like my current one.
Yesterday I found out I got a significant raise which made me feel better about staying.
NOW, today, I just got out of a meeting where they told us we're going to have to start coming into the office again a couple times a week.
I'm submitting applications now fuck the raise.
No. 1502032
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crushes are so stupid i feel like im back to my teenage years getting fucking butterflies in my stomach when she laughs at my jokes. she's taken and has been in this relationship for years so i know there's no chance for me but i can't stop my heartbeat from going up when i see her. maybe it's just that she's the first crush i had in years but it still bothers me how much my emotions depend on this one person's reactions to me.
No. 1502036
>>1502028Samefagging because I'm so angry.
I have been doing a great job remote, there is no reason I need to be in an office wasting my money and time.
Retarded boomer corpos having buyers remorse over their high-rises pisses me off I wish them a very GO BANKRUPT
No. 1502039
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being shy, autistic, anxious, etc. really sucks. especially since all my social autist hobbies are now social hobbies thanks to the shift from forums to chat-based platforms (discord). i have to watch people i've shared these online circles with for years create their own private cliques and like visit one another irl and such. which is great for them, of course. but shitty for me.
No. 1502049
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>>1502024>>1502025i hear you anons but i'm sorry, i didn't tell the story right in my nervousness. we're actually not partners at the moment, she's only asked me and i agreed, but we're still able to choose out of multiple presentation topics that got sent out. the problem right now is that she told me she didn't have a clue on any of those offered topics, so i offered to write about the one i'm very passionate about. she just texted me saying that she's reluctant to because wouldn't be able to answer any questions at our presentation. i forgot to mention that we are majoring in english in a non anglophone country, so if this seems very juvenile that would be the reason.
also she's honestly not great or fluent either but i am since i was raised speaking it, so there's that disadvantage as well i really want to work on this presentation but i don't want to ruin the dynamic we have, i don't want any awkwardness or to make her feel bad in any way. i was thinking of advising her to take on an easier topic to present and telling her to ask for any information she might need because i'm also knowledgeable about it albeit less than the one i want, so
ben shapiro voice hypothetically we can both be happy. but i can definitely see how that can be hurtful and i honestly would feel that way in her position…
i'm so frustrated with myself. also note that we are both painfully awkward… i just want to work alone to be honest but i have no idea how to approach this in the nicest way possible
No. 1502069
I feel like I'm physically falling apart with all my issues, then my period comes today, like the cherry on top. I've had this awful cough for too long, I'm just sick of dealing with it. Sick of syrups, sick of lozenges and of salt water gargling, managing what I eat, several of my weekends and this coming weekend with NO plans even though the weather is so nice because I need to "recover", scraping to get my 8 hours at work then straight home to recuperate. I gave in and had a social outing for the first time in weeks on valentines day and it's set me back so much, again one cough and all the air in my lungs are gone. I'm getting so weak because I'm not exercising anymore, it's like a terrible cycle.
And today it's been this cough, headache, on the verge of throwing up and NOW period. Right now what I'd like the most is to have ONE day where I feel normal again, then I can regenerate the energy needed to keep up with making efforts to get better because right now I'd just like to knock myself out and not wake up.
No. 1502261
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>>1502247come fight with us about Kansas in the burger thread
No. 1502265
Never got to do fun or dumb shit as a kid, teen, or early 20s. Never a party, never clubbing, never gone to a bar with friends, never had a girls night hangout or sleepover laughing about dumb shit, not even going shopping or out to eat with friends. I’ve been trying so hard to make friends but it’s been impossible, especially now as mid 20s everyone is already married or about to be and have kids or pregnant.
My boyfriend was roped into parties and random dumb fun stuff when he was a teen and college kid. He says the parties were pretty boring and that I’m the best thing that ever happened to him and he’s never had fun like when he is with me, but I still feel like I missed out massively on growing up and now I’ll be forced to settle down and live a monotonous life or something, which is weird because bf takes me on fun dates all the time. It’s making me really depressed.
Maybe I just feel like I missed out on having friends??? But I feel compelled to go out drinking or something and try to get into a club or party and flirt a ton. It’s retarded as hell because I know on the other hand plenty of girls that got to party and stuff are wishing more than anything that they had a guy like mine, he’s genuinely one of the very rare good men. And I would never want to hurt him or risk losing him so what the fuck is wrong with my brain?
No. 1502277
>>1502265Aw, don't beat yourself up about feeling that way, it's normal. The truth is that you are never to old to do those things, and you haven't 'missed' a chance to experience them. Make some girlfriends. Go clubbing, to bars, coworkers parties (either you or your boyfriends), have sleepovers, go on road trips. Being in a monogamous relationship does not bar you from that. A good partner will support you in doing stuff with your friends as you should do the same. Your life doesn't end at long term relationship, marriage, or having children. I feel you on the making friends part, as I just moved to a new area and it's really difficult. Is there anyone you work with or a friend you have that could 'recommend' you a friend? I know that sounds weird, but when I moved to a new state my friend gave me the number/social media of her friend so I would have some kind of contact. There's also the bumble app friend option. I haven't tried it yet, so if you do pls let me know how it goes
No. 1502284
>>1502263i only do it (not in celebricows tho but in other threads) because some anons get mad if you
don't spoiler some takes or say something too gross, weird, or sexual
No. 1502298
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I’ve been obsessing over a moid friend who ghosted me and left me on read several times since for the fact I don’t know why. We wasn’t that close for me to call them out and ask why but my rejection sensitivity won’t allow me to mentally drop the issue, I wasn’t obsessing when there wasn’t an issue, only now I am.It hurts me even more than being ghosted by someone I was romantically talking because at least that I can rationalise and find reasons. But not wanting to be friends with someone anymore so bad you leave them on read I can’t comprehend. I asked a month ago if they are going to an event 2 months time and surprisingly they replied that they will let me know in a few days time and then ignored me when I asked if they are or not 2 weeks later. I feel embarrassed I even tried and was set up for failure. Why couldn’t they just say no.
No. 1502326
I wonder if i'm not really straight or if i'm just porn sick, because lately i've been masturbating to women a lot. Worse than that, i've created a character with big boobs in a video game i'm playing and i put her naked with mods and i watch her walk and i'm so mesmerized and it gets me aroused. But what scares me is that i feel like it's kinda similar to autogynephilia for troons, or you know the thing we say about women having a man watching them all the time in their head. I watch this character and i'm aroused by imagining what men would feel like seeing her naked, and imagining myself looking like her, with bigger boobs and a more voluptuous silhouette. Even masturbating feels like i'm doing it for men, as if i was trying to please the man in my head? I'm not horny because i like it, i'm horny because i think men like this and it gets me off to think about. But also i'm not sure, i also love looking at naked women a lot, i really do? But it feels artificial like it was shaped by being chronically online maybe? I'm so confused with my sexuality. I wouldn't say no to sucking some titties or having mine sucked by another woman tho let's be honest so i don't know
One thing is for sure, i'm really porn sick and i wish i wasn't.
No. 1502328
>>1502325Thanks anon ♥
I've just been thinking about how much I miss my ex and how much we still had that again
(♥) No. 1502333
>>1502328Ayrt. Youre welcome! Im have relationship problems (or i guess have been) too.
Id say something lame about fish in the sea but honestly, fuck them fish. Love yourself.
No. 1502364
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so sick of everyone talking about their friends all the time. "ohh i love my friends" "oohhhh me and my friends are playing phasmophobia again xD" "ohohoh me and my friends are going out to the movies" "omog my friend just helped me through my depression" :) fuck off already you fucking assholes. i'm sick of it, genuinely sick
No. 1502431
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the main street of my city is lined with tents and tarps and burning barrels, almost as bad as the feeling I get when I drive past that in my heated truck is the feeling I get when it's all gone the next day. god if you're up there make me strong enough to do something or dumb enough to become blind to the suffering. please.
No. 1502523
I started a new job about a month ago, and I just realized a girl I went to high school with is also there and she is now claiming to be genderspecial lmao (I know trannies are frown upon here but I really don't care about the whole thing at all) and she pretty much uses her "UWU IM A NONBINARY FEMALE IDENTIFIED SOULD" card as a get out of jail card, she surrounds herself with other trans and genderspecial people who does drag, and they look fucking awful in make up lol
idk I really just found it extremly funny how this girl has hated me and blocked me for everyting since high school just because I got the attention from scrotes she so desprestly wanted lmao
I let her know I was a lesbian back them and she still wouldn't have it because I "could have my choice" from the different guys she liked" (and they liked me instead), but I was simply never interested in men at all lmao, idk, I just think it's funny how she keeps fuming every time she seems me even tho it has been like fuckin 12 years since high school and she STILL can't let it go,
I'm not even saying that I'm a 10/10 but her whole reason for hating me is that I was (and still am) "prettier than her", I just don't know how to let her know that, first and foremost, I'M A MARRIED WOMAN, and that I don't care whatever her Aiden and tranny friends think about me because I don't care about her whole mean girls clique thing lol. idk, it's just been really funny to see her avoid me like the fucking plague while everyone else is willing and gladly able to socialize with me without a problem.
I like being a nuance for her, and I adore being able to make her and her tranny friend uncomfortable, even tho I've never said or done anything that would qualify as "transphobic", fuck that shit.
No. 1502525
I'm retarded, sorry
No. 1502617
>>1502601dumbass they're calling you selfish because they love you. these people seem ''unburdened'' to you?
No. 1502660
>>1502656I'm actually describing myself, I tell people I'm often unfazed by insults but is because I'm literally unable to
process disrespect because if I did I would have to do something about it, which means confrontation
No. 1502687
i don't even know how to describe how i feel right now. apparently my university roommate was mad at me for eating food…that she OFFERED to me when we first moved in together. and apparently that is the whole reason why she was acting like an utter bitch to me, being aggressive, and trying to start fights in the middle of the night over dumb shit. it's so fucking stupid. i asked her if it bothered her so fucking much, why didn't she say something to me when it happened? like why wait a whole entire month before saying something? i offered to give her money for the food and she declined every time. she ordered indian food the night i moved in and apparently was incensed that i took two - i repeat TWO - pieces of na'an bread out of a pile of like fucking 10. then she got mad because the same bag of hot cheetos she told me i could eat "whenever i wanted", she got butthurt over me eating even though i told her i ate some and she also said i could! sorry i am being so pedantic/dramatic, but this bitch really lead me to believe she was going to be nicer than my last roommate. we had so much fun laughing, talking, and drinking together the first month of us living together. now i come to found out she was seething inside over something so insignificant and stupid. and i told her as well if i ate anything, i would buy again for her as i didn't really feel comfortable with how pushy she was being but didn't want to seem "rude" for declining. so yeah r., fuck you you fucking two faced bitch! i should put water in her tequila since it tastes like straight up nail polish anyway.
also sorry to anyone reading this, i am just really pissed.
No. 1502695
>>1502584That's some deep self hatred right there. I'd get it if you said you hated a specific sub-group of women (pickmes, handmaidens, ana-chans, genderspecials, zealots, et cetera) but hating half the human population is disgusting.
If you're a woman yourself, then self hatred is one of the loneliest feelings on earth, and I really hope you can overcome it. Some women in your home town might be rude, I dunno but I had that problem.
If you're a scrote I'm probably embarrassing myself, but I hope you aren't for your sake.
No. 1502697
>>1502692You're not too stupid, this is one of the smartest things you've ever done. Like most people, you're just addicted to dopamine drip. The internet and colorful apps offers a constant source of low grade dopamine, and now that you're missing that, the carvings are starting to kick in. The good news is that you're going to get so bored that your brain will go through the "boredom tipping point" at which point you'll get up and do anything in exchange for stimulation. Clean your room, work on your hobbies, read that book you've been meaning to read, anything will feel like a reward to your bored brain, so it will offer dopamine in exchange for actually doing something. The bad news is that it takes about a week to get there, and if you give in, you'll have to start over. Good luck and get the fuck out of here so you can save yourself.
No. 1502707
>>1502695>I'd get it if you said you hated a specific sub-group of women (pickmes, handmaidens, ana-chans, genderspecials, zealots, et cetera) but hating half the human population is disgustingI'm going to plain devil's advocate here. Tbf, most women
are handmaidens and pickmes, there's a reason you're posting here and not Instagram or Twitter, and there's a reason you cannot discuss mentally sane politics in public, you will get shunned by
other women
No. 1502714
>>1502601I'm the same anon thank you for all your kind words noonas I'm sorry for even venting here I didn't wanted to bring up traumas for you
You all have been very strong I'm sorry for that and thankful too to know the strangers on the Internet are kinder to me than my family was. Recovery is painful but seeing my parents cry was more gut wrenching ill try to love and live again hopefully
No. 1502715
>>1502701I had a dumb phone for many years after everyone else switched to smart phones, so I can tell you a little bit what to expect: Texting will be very annoying. Whenever I received a picture/video or even a group SMS my phone would just give me unreadable garbage.
But you'll get used to it, and you'll probably feel better once you do! There are times I still miss having a dumb phone.
No. 1502728
>>1502718Are you young? I've never met a woman under 30 who got offended when people shit talked moids or troons.
>>1502709>I really don’t want to talk about men and beauty treatments all day or have to worry about someone using me for a self esteem boost because men like her more or become jealous of me if men like me more.I see the problem Nona, you weren't conversing with a woman you were watching a late 2000's reality show.
No. 1502737
>>1502707I'm anon, but I think handmaidens are just religious women who make it their entire personality, I've only met a couple in real life, who told me I'd be forced to have a family, and Autism didn't exist so I was not paying attention to her husband preaching about killing the gays on purpose, instead of drawing so I wouldn't commit elder abuse by punching the shit out of him.
He also tried to go after the government for banning conversion therapy, since that was OC, California and I'm so glad I'm away from him and his handmaiden, this being relevant because I think "handmaiden" and "pickme" are way overused and "pickme" in particular is almost never used right, only ever used for troons on here. Which is retarded.
But anyways, I don't use insta because all the pornbrain shit you get from women on your TL is not worth binging cat videos, and I mostly use Tumblr because bullying trads is fun kek
No. 1502740
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i just swallowed my bite block (blue things in picrel ) i'm not worried about digestion i know i'll pass it in the toilet i'm angry because i just got them on. i was already annoyed with them because they felt like i was wearing high heels on my teeth and now i'm even more pissed off because i only swallowed one of them so i've got a lopsided bite. UGHHHH. it was literally because i ate a prawn cracker on the side that wasn't hurting from my braces. those mofos melt in your mouth with time but i wanted that crunch and now i'm living the consequences of that desire. I AM LIVID.
No. 1502883
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>>1499715I hate full-hand tattoos with no sleeves. They are fucking stupid. If a man has one he is a dumdum.
Also, butts are nice.
That is my vent.
No. 1502900
>>1502876I used to be an atheist and I've seen all the arguments against this religion. It feels like I'd be just looking for any reason to chase my own desires if I were to leave based on these arguments against the religion which have been debunked and are often times more so emotional than logical.
Hell in my religion is such that, even if in this life you think to yourself "I'd rather go there than follow this worldview that seems evil to me", once you reach that destination you will only feel regret and wish you could go back
Even if aspects of the religion from the apparent seem wrong to me, the evidence I see for it is not just anecdotal but clear and out there for anyone to access, so I know that the problem is with me and how I'm viewing things
If I truly believe this religion to be from God, an all-knowing entity who could not possibly have any selfish or sadistic intentions in creating us and a way of life for us to follow as he is free of need, then it would be nothing but pure arrogance which would cause me to reject it
I feel a bit better now, knowing that even though I'm struggling I am still trying. I'm not throwing this religion behind my back after seeing the proof. I can't control the feelings against it which enter my heart, but from what I can control I am trying the best I can and I can have hope to be guided because of it
No. 1502920
There was this girl that was kind to me and thought it was interesting I was lesbian when I was 12-13. Everyone else was cruel about it, but she was kind and I wish I kept in contact with her. It breaks my heart that now, all I can find of her online are multiple accounts she's made clearly fueled by psychosis, likely partly drug induced. She was so pretty, but she hung out with these dirty guys, probably because she was different in that she was a lot poorer than her peers growing up and she was fine with lesbians and alternative culture when that was a terrible thing in my community. All I can find of her now is that she was arresting for shoplifting and had a court appearance before that, and she was described as a transient with a older male in the shoplifting incident. It breaks my heart she is homeless now. It's so cruel how an innocent, sweet 13 year old got that hand of cards. I know this is weird and parasocial, but I wish I could tell her that I still think of her and wish I could love her as a friend. I am so scared thinking about what may have happened to her growing up that made her this way. I wish I could give her a hug. Please Elizabeth, be okay, I hope you know you are loved and that you can get clean.
No. 1502925
>>1502842I grew up being raised with a background of beliefs that I never took seriously myself. It was just this thing I had to pretend to go along with during early schooling and was heavily integrated with the education system I was in. I was a teenager when I was freed from having to attend masses and could enter muh openly athiest teen phase. My parents weren't pushy. Then I had an experience. I won't go into detail because I know I'd judge the hell out of someone if the roles were flipped and I was listening to this description. But it was a once-off thing. The last thing on earth that I thought I'd ever see. I don't have any history of seeing crazy shit before or since. But it fit in with the same set of beliefs I'd spent years thinking were absolute fucking bullshit so I hate that. I haven't changed anything because of it tho.
I've watched videos where people who have similar experiences change their whole life based on what they saw. I often think back to my own thing and go.. oh yeah that was weird. But thats about it.
No. 1502966
>>1502842Judging by the way you're talking, I'm going to guess either Southern Baptist, Mormon, or Jehova's Witness, especially considering the implication that you're fighting against gay thoughts. In which case, all three are cults, but are still mainstream. I'm leaning towards Jehova's Witness because of you talking about going to officials to panic about whatever.
I want to add that elements of mainstream christianity are true, and verifiable to have happened, but the Bible had been doctored a lot in the middle ages, like the verses about speaking in tongues. I need not get into how JW's constantly change what literature is "allowed," and have strict rules to isolate or cut off anyone who does anything they don't like
I'm also guessing you have OCD, as do I, and I say this very kindly; please, get a therapist. This isn't healthy and untreated OCD is something I would not wish on anyone.
No. 1502969
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you know i wouldn't even care about being ugly so much if people just treated me normally, stopped calling me names and stopped giving me the stink eye. is that too much to ask
No. 1502985
>>1502910Since you're asking I'll go into more detail, hopefully it doesn't come off as proselytizing
The religion I'm following is in fact Islam. The most convincing proof for me has been the fulfilled prophecies within it. Now, many people have made predictions of the future which came to pass. But when you look more into these people and their predictions, you'll see that either the prophecies they make are super vague so that they can apply to any number of things, or they made a lucky guess and for every one true prediction there's a bunch of false ones. Or it could be that they predict something which anyone with some knowledge of current events at their tine could predict and so claiming these as prophecies wouldn't really be risky, for example John Smith "predicted" the civil war at a time when tensions between the north & the south in America were already very high.
As for what I see within Islam, the sources of the religion being the Quran and authenticated hadith (usually compiled in sahih Bukhari or Muslim but there's authentic hadith outside of just those collections), there's a large amount of prophecies many of which are specific and aren't events that someone could just easily guess. For example during the time the Quran was being revealed the Romans were at war with the Persians. After the Romans just lost a battle and it seemed as if they would lose the war, the Quran predicted that the Persians would in fact be the ones defeated and within just a few years (the word used for a few in Arabic here means between 3-9) and that is in fact what happened. There's also many events prophesized which took place hundreds of years after the Quran was revealed and the hadith were compiled, like the siege of Baghdad or the fire of Hijaz. You can look these up if you'd like. Even within the lifetime of people alive today have witnessed the fulfilment of the following:
When the Prophet (ﷺ) was asked about the signs of the Final Hour, one of the signs he mentioned was "when you see the barefoot, naked, destitute shepherds competing in constructing tall buildings.” barefoot shepherds from the Arabs were known as Bedouins, and they lived that nomadic desert lifestyle for many years, even up until recent history when oil was found in the Gulf. The oil discovered in the Gulf Arab states brought riches to these previously destitute people and we see them and their descendents now building tall towers when we've never seen such from this group before. In fact the tallest tower in the world is in Dubai and Saudi Arabia is currently competing with them in building an even taller tower. It's also important to note that extravagance and indulgence in this worldly life are not things encouraged in Islam, so it's not like devout Muslims would work to fulfill this prophecy.
But yeah there are many more and none have I found to be proven false. The ones that have not yet been fulfilled I can easily see as occuring in the not too distant future, like Arabia becoming green, since it's overdue for a monsoon that occurs about every 23k years according to geologists and there's other ways I could see it being fulfilled too like human intervention which we see happening in some Arab countries to bring in more vegetation.
No. 1502988
Blackpilled/incel moids lied to me my whole life that people only care about looks and that's what dictates how you're being treatred in real life, meanwhile girls less attractive than me who are super outgoing and friendly and assertive get better opprtunities at work and better treatment and people like them way more than me. If you're a sperg it doesn't matter that you're attractive, especially if you're a woman, yeah people can treat you less harshly, like the cute retarded kitten effect, but they won't respect you, they won't genuinely like you, they won't be interested in what you have to say and who you are as a person, they won't give you better opportunities as work, they won't be your friends etc. Every day this shit happens to me at work, I'm like 'this is not what the incel face-rating guru has told me. Where is my halo effect???' It's bullshit, no amount of pretty can cover the autism and give you the communication skills necessary for you to get anywhere in life. A woman with zero communication skills is worthless for both the work environment and for the family, she won't be a good coworker and a leader, and she won't be a good wife and mother since she can't raise a mentally healthy children without talking to them, with going mute and being annoyed by their noises, smells and body fluids to the point of not wanting to touch them. I know that's how normies operate and it's an effectiv model for them. I know they have to push away autists in order to survive and maintain their normie order. The destity of a low functioning autistic female is to live a solitary lifestyle, forever
No. 1503001
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>>1502985>>1502900>>1502842Anon the quaran bible torah and all the top ancient texts were all written by female seers long ago. Through the ages they've been edited and corrupted by the richest to further their own agendas. Big events like certain countries coming to power or geo events were not really edited out yet. There is truth in all the scriptures but it requires a long study of history and meditation. I don't think you're crazy or weird, people try to deny spirituality and connection to a higher power because they don't have it themselves.
No. 1503008
>>1502985>IslamThat's way worse than being a JW
I hope you get out before you inevitably get beaten & abused
No. 1503036
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i feel like i'm always the person who's objectively okay but just unlikable in some way i cannot help.
No. 1503039
A guy asked me out for a dinner for my birthday. Today he told me he already made a reservation and we had a chat, I told him I'm wasn't sure if I could come because I was extremely tired from work, I strained my spine and my right hand and during the last 2 weeks I had only 2 days free from work, this is my first weekend with both saturday and sunday free and I dream about nothing but sleeping for two days. He pissed me off because he basically disregarded my pain and said that my work isn't hard enough to be THAT tired, even though he doesn't even fucking know what I do exactly, and even if he did, this work would've been definitely easier on him as a man that it is on me. I had problems with my joints and my spine way before I started working there, but since then it has only gotten worse and I'm in pain every day and I'm tired as hell. He claims I don't behave like I care for him but it's not my fault I'm too tired to go anywhere, I'm also sick of people and I dream of spending some time alone, not in a crowded noisy restaurant. I feel like an asshole for refusing but should I force myself to go when I feel so bad? I also felt really hurt by him disregarding my pain so easily. Reminded me of my mother telling me there's nothing wrong with me and it's me being just lazy and mean spirited despite having legit disgnosis from doctors. My family still does this to me, like telling me I don't sound depressed so I don't have depression even though I was diagnosed. Now this guy. Why do people constantly deny my experience of pain?
No. 1503112
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Honestly I'm very disturbed by myself right now even though I shouldn't be.
I found out that years ago I went on a spree of throwing old figures and toys out–my childhood stuff.
A few things…later on I was wondering, "wow, I wonder what happened to my favorite figure…" I had been displaying a lot of them. Because I FORGOT ever doing it! My mom was the one that remembered and had went out to the trash can to retrieve what she could apparently so thankfully I got some of them back from her, though not all.
I've always been iffy on keeping old stuff especially when it relates to school…but not cute things I actually liked!
Oh and to add insult to injury I also learned that a lot of it was worth a shit ton of money now. Kek. But, yeah, it perplexes me why my mind just erased the entire situation and even now after being told I vaguely recall something about a trash bag and toys, yet nothing else. Sigh. Maybe it has nothing to do with anything besides materialism though, seriously, into the trash?
No. 1503117
>>1503112I had something kinda similar happened to me
I had a figure that threw out. I forgot about it for months but then one day I woke up and I missed it so much. My mom sometimes tries to throw my childhood stuff out and my dad always saves it so I thought I might had gotten the figure out of the trash and put it away somewhere, so I asked my dad if he had seen it. He said that he remember seeing it with the trash but didn't remove it and it got taken by the garbage men months ago and I just started crying. I regret ever throwing it out I miss it so much. It wasn't a collectable figure either so I can't find anyone selling it either. I struggle with throwing things out in general. I always feel relived when I finally do it but then I immediately regret it after some time has passed. This figure though is the one that hurts the most. Specially since the reason I threw it out was so stupid
No. 1503135
My mom's boyfriend is the absolute worst piece of shit man I have ever had the displeasure of knowing. He barely passes as a human being with the way he acts, he absolutely disgusts me
They were highschool sweethearts, she liked him because he was really kind to her, really smart, he at least passed as a decent guy then. They dated for awhile but he had some family issues that led to him moving away, and so they drifted apart. Years later she met and married my father, who died when I was really young. She was a single mother for awhile but just happened to meet up again with her current boyfriend (former highschool sweetheart) by chance
Shortly after they officially started dating again when I was a few years old, he got back into drugs and alcohol. He was the stereotypical, angry, verbally abusive drunk. Stayed that way for years until eventually it cost him his job, and he's been jobless living in her house on disability for the past 15 years or so.
He doesn't drink anymore but she pays all his bills, cooks for him, cleans up after him. She worked two jobs at one point when I was too young to contribute money to the family, and he let her. He smokes 3 packs of cigarettes a day, he still has childish tantrums where he says awful shit to her, he makes her life a living hell and has for over a decade. But she puts up with this because she has survivor's guilt with my dad, and has this fear that if she kicks him out that he'll get on drugs and die and then his death will be her "fault" too. (My dad's death is not her fault, this is just her warped way of thinking).
And then the kicker? My mom is a bit overweight, she's in her mid 50s and works full time and takes care of his bitch ass, sue her for not having the body she had in her 20s. But she took him to get dinner and he has THE FUCKING NERVE to comment that a girl in the restaurant was pretty and "his type" because she was Asian and teeny tiny. And then he just rambled to her about how he loves teeny tiny women. Fuck him. I fucking hate him, I hate the life he causes her to have, I hate that he gets to be taken care of when my mom has to struggle so much. She deserves so much better. I hate him and I always have
No. 1503148
>>1503135not to be harsh
ok to be harsh
but it sounds like everyone involved would be better off if he actually did OD
No. 1503177
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I love and miss my ex still and him dumping me saying that he was swinging between extremely happy and extremely anxious and that he was too afraid of something real has been a massive mindfuck. It’s been months and I know he owes me nothing but I still feel like it would be really hurtful to claim both wanting to be in this relationship for a long time but the realization of that being too scary for him only to jump to whatever available girl is next. I know it’s selfish but his issues run so deep that if he jumps into something new even 4 months out the patterns are just going to keep repeating himself and he’s going to make everyone involved miserable.
No. 1503209
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what do i do if i love my bf but absolutely hate all his friends
No. 1503212
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I was preparing my mouth for crab rangoons all fucking day. I haven't ate anything but corn. I made the filling and heated up the oil just to realize that my fucking wonton wrappers expired in DECEMBER. I'm genuinely on the verge of tears and trying to calm sown right now because I'm so frustrated and upset, I just want my fucking wontons. I don't want to make wrappers right now I JUST WANTED QUICK RANGOONS! I just want to eat and watch TV and go to bed. I don't want to have to deal with this. Yes I'm PMSing, but it doesn't matter I'm still pissed.
No. 1503235
I've been taking pretty heavy antipsychotics due to my anger issues due in part to autism for around 10 years, and I know they're more than likely the right dose and I'm just extra stressed, but my outbursts have been getting more and more frequent under less and less pressure. I'm afraid of ending up like the other unstable, relatively eye-catching women. Who have threads here. I don't and I know I'm just overreacting, but I'm tired of being a hot-headed autist. No woman will ever love me and every new person I meet fills me with the fear they are just using me to laugh at me. I love watching lolcows, but noticing patterns in my behavior makes me think I should up my antipsychotics dose somehow. Especially with being compared to a good number of cows.
If I wasn't autistic, I'd be able to read the room and control myself
No. 1503239
>>1503218nonny nonna nona nonette nonichka nonki noni noniha
nonnie anoncita nonatella nonelle
No. 1503244
>>1503242nonny nonna nona nonette nonichka nonki noni noniha
nonnie anoncita nonatella nonelle nonita
No. 1503252
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my ideal self vs my real self. i don't shower everyday during the week because i live alone and i am too tired to, after work. when i get stressed i binge and overspend on junk food, which breaks me out. my room is a constant mess, because i have too much stuff, and rather than dealing with material things, i dissociate myself into the internet. and yet i am too lonely and collecting material things brings me the only source of joy in this sparse universe devoid of irl human connection.
No. 1503258
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My parents are fighting. Dad came over and things were great until mom snorted percocet. I love her but her doctors represcribed it to her because the meds that work and don't get her high are like $60 for a week dose and not covered by state insurance.
StrayCatJ pic unrelated, but I feel like we all need cat pictures when we're down.
No. 1503486
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I need to learn how to manage my stress ASAP or I feel like I'm gonna have a heart attack or just flounder. It feels like every day in my life I receive tragic news, and I reach a new level of heart break each week. I've been absentmindedly picking at my scalp when stressed and I just realized I have two bald spots from it. I am only 24 and have a ton of gray hairs. I've never had acne before, now I am always breaking out. I sigh all the time and am always agitated. Work, the health of people in my life, living with an alcoholic parent, sitting in traffic for a minimum of two hours a day, etc is eating me alive. I have such a lust for life but feel my spirit breaking. It's like I'm in love w life but it is so indifferent towards me. How do people do this everyday?
No. 1503512
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It's stupid to feel sad about some random user on Discord, but damn, i hate internet sometimes.
I have joined a women-only server for gals (and occasionally FtMs who…still look like women and whatever.) who love visual novels, romantic books, all that jazz.
And there is a nationalist polish girl who is, obviously, only 18 or 19 years old at best. She is extremely patriotic about her country and she shows that, but ever since I joined (and mind you, that was 2 years ago) shes been hating me for just happening to have a russian nationality. I have escaped my country many years ago, i never liked it there, i knew how shit it all was.
But now that the war started, ever since shes been spamming 'vent/srs topic' channel with her aggressively talking shit about every russian and saying how every russian, despite where they are, should die, and how everyone is defo homophobic and all that shit. I was sad. But ever since shes been snarkingly trying to turn people against me for no reason, pointing a finger when i would be extremely confused, because all i ever talk about there is otome games and recommending cool tv sitcoms and tv shows for women. Man.
No. 1503633
>>1503600>>1503620yep. blogpost but ive always had sleep problems, and my mom used to tell me that if you can't get to sleep, at least close your eyes and get some rest. it helps, just having that time to rest witb your eyes closed is better than nothing and 9/10 times you end up drifting off eventually.
iktf about work stress affecting sleep. if it helps, tell yourself that you've just gotta get yourself through the day and after you can get as much sleep and rest as you want
No. 1503645
>>1503486Are you American? Not being judgemental but they've got a high stress threshold imo. Looking at what you've posted I think something's got to give. Moving away from the alcoholic, finding a job closer to home. The least action would probably be trying to change your mindset through mindfulness or something. When I was in a bad place and couldn't change circumstances, mindfulness had me framing it in a "this is today, i'll take tomorrow when it comes" which reduces a lot more stress than you might think.
That is, if you don't go the weed route. Which is good but can be expensive when it comes to food and if you have a lot to do won't help.
No. 1503650
>>1503512In this situation I'd say "as a Russian who's left the country that really hurts to hear". Her options would then be to double down (asshole), backtrack (you maybe feel better) or she ignores you (leaving you with the last word and a bad impression of her with everyone else).
I can't think of a scenario where you'd lose out taking this option. When it comes to this snakey poisonous shit a direct address is usually the most effective way to shut it down.
No. 1503726
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I'm finally coming to terms with the fact that my mother is a hoarder. It has gotten so out of control, it's shocking to see whenever I go back to visit. Any attempts I've made to help her organize goes nowhere and usually ends with her screaming, crying and insulting me. Fortunately, it's nothing unsanitary, but just…SO MUCH STUFF. Our "spare room" is no longer the only room that's stuffed-full of crap. My old bedroom is now jam-packed full of my old clothes, purses and shoes that are falling apart that she's kept since junior high and high school. My parents don't even sleep in the master bedroom anymore because she has so many pieces of furniture, interior decor, crafts, clothes, books, and paper that she's collected over the years, all stacked up on the bed. My dad sleeps in his favorite recliner upstairs (he says it's comfier), and my mom sleeps on the couch downstairs, (because she "can't stand dads' snoring" and she needs to be in the living room where our elderly dog is, so she can help take care of her during the night).
>'You never come over anymore, if only you visited more often you could help me!'
Nope. Been there, done that. It's been like this since I was a kid. She has always screamed and cried at the top of her lungs at my dad and I that "Nobody ever helps me!!!" and then I clean and organize all of her shit, and then it all goes back to stacked-up clutter again.
>Her: Why do you want to donate everything? These clothes weren't cheap when I bought them for you!
>Me: I don't need to keep these anymore, and besides, they wouldn't even fit me anymore.
>Her: That's because you got fat! There's no reason why you shouldn't be the same size.
>'I didn't grow up spoiled, unlike YOU. I guess we spoiled you too much, because you never had to go without, and you just want to get rid of EVERYTHING!'
>'I'm sentimental and care about my memories, unlike you.'
>'At least I'm not as bad as the people on the Hoarders show!'
>'Ohh I'm too tired/sick/achey/don't feel well/[insert medical ailment here]'
>'I was always too busy dealing with you and cleaning up after you to focus on my own stuff!'
(…I moved out 10 years ago)
>'That's an antique, I'm saving it for you because it'll be worth a lot of money someday!'
>'I can’t get rid of any of these until you go through them ALL and tell me what you want! You know there will be SOMETHING in there because remember when I found [thing] that one time, and you said you’d like to have it?!'
>'I'm saving these materials for an art project!'
I'm an only child, so the only people who are around to witness this are my angry, hoarding mother and my enabling, passive father. I don't know what to do. Ugh.
No. 1503738
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>>1503645I am American. I'm trying to save money to eventually move states, somewhere with a better transit system/walkable, so I'm telling myself it's worth it to live like this for a bit. I've saved about 7k in 7 months. Feels bleak as fuck though, the amount I work vs. what I make. I am like Sisyphus if he was cute gril.
I do practice mindfulness/radical acceptance but it's so hard for me at times. I'm looking to improve at it. Lately it hurts too much to face my thoughts and feelings.
In re to weed, no. No offense to anyone but it would make me feel pathetic.
No. 1503741
>>1503713No.. I saw their friends’ accounts being suggested to me on my instagram which usually doesn’t happen… idk maybe I’m just paranoid..
>>1503714 I really hope not… i didn’t do anything too bad, but they probably think I’m crazy now… as long as I never see them again, it should be fine… I just hope I never have to encounter them again.. I really need to work on my social skills…
No. 1503859
>>1503857You're like that NPC meme but instead of the Ukrainian/trans/blm flag, you wear the opposite
What I'm saying is, you're just as stupid
No. 1503886
I want to die sometimes because of how degenerate society is overall. It gets too overwhelming to be reminded of it. And no one really understands why I think this way, except you guys and maybe some religious people. It's lonely to know that I will probably never meet someone in person who shares my ideas, and why I have them. Definitely won't meet any men who are like me. People assume you're a retarded and archaic orthodox christian if you have any criticism of porn, casual sex, or any other modern vice. They look at you like you're mentally stunted and haven't been exposed to technology or society. Because they all assume everyone is as desensitized as they are. It's just normal to everyone for minors to be exposed to porn, and to use it to explore their sexuality. Teens take nudes of themselves and exchange them with others, not understanding that it's collected by data mining corporations and probably leaked. It's normal for young girls to publicly share photos of themselves in revealing bathing suits for strangers. Oh yeah and AI exists that can easily edit photos to make people nude, especially when you're not wearing baggy clothing. You should expect men to be using porn frequently, on average once a day even. Performing sex acts that cause damage to your body, and are more likely to spread STDS, is expected.
No. 1503891
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>>1503859Good bait, I almost explained why I care about the things I care about. Anyways, Johnny Depp can piss razors forever and trannies are evil and should be culled.
No. 1503903
>>1503900Yeah, you're totally mathematically determined to be a soldier in one side of the culture wars. Mhm. Makes sense.
No, wait, you're spouting bullshit.
No. 1503913
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>tfw you’re really excited to get to know the women in your boyfriends family but they are truly insufferable and act like caricatures on the level of a tranny
Bonus for the mom being an extreme overbearing MIL stereotype. Worried I’ll have to dump him.
No. 1503921
>>1503917>>1503920Do you know where you are?
This not an Among Us server.
No. 1503922
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I desperately want a loving relationship with a moid but I also cannot stand being in a relationship where I don’t even feel seen at all. I know it’s better to stay single and keep my standard high but it hurts so bad. I’ve found two moids who I felt were really amazing but then they get cold feet over commitment and just discard me brutally.
No. 1503938
Amirite farmers?
Lick that lolcow clit
>>1503213You may have been right, but I honestly didn't want to risk it because I'm super big on food safety.
Anyway, I bought some more wrappers and now I'm munching now on crab rangoons with Chik-Fil-a polynesian sauce. It's so good. I wish I could go back 22 hours and give past me a hug and a kiss and tell her everything will be alright. Have a good weekend nonnakins.
>>1503247My cramps aren't really bad, but I have been wanting to try those.
No. 1503968
>>1501616Late but wow, the vent thread rules. I was just chastised by an admin in the Canada thread (>>>/ot/res/986511) who removed my accurate and recent photos of "Canadian" cities and they said I should stop race-baiting ITT too. It's nice that they're helping us find each other.
My biggest issue with all of this is how staggering and fast the decline in QoL has been since this really ramped up in 2015. It's insane that the Canadian government are powering through with their quotas, dead/homeless/stabbed/raped Canadians be damned.
>>1503620>>1503633Thank you for the tips nonas. In the end I ended up only getting like under an hour of sleep, I am not feeling well.
I always have to pee when I’m nervous and I ended up going to the bathroom 20+ times over the night, I fucking hate my retarded bladder
No. 1504026
>>1502328Why the fuck did I get banned. Isn't the heart emoji an accepted emoji to use around here?
>>>/meta/6821What a fucking joke.
No. 1504030
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I burnt the shit out of my thumb while lighting a joint and now there's a big blister and it hurts, my thumb hurts so bad, ow, I hate it, fuck
No. 1504031
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Trying to woo a lad over because I want a quick, painless fling but he keeps pulling the "I don't like you as much as you like me… I don't want commitment".
>this bastard is so full of himself. All I want is a quick go on it…
No. 1504051
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>>1499715I forgot turning off my faucet so it has been running all night. not only will it give me a hefty water bill but it has probably kept my neighboura up. I can hear whenever they turn on their faucet so I assume they can hear mine too. If that's the case they had to listen to my water running all night. I hope it didn't keep them up. Also running water for 6 hours straight is such a waste of resources. I feel bad about this whole thing
No. 1504075
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i remember getting stitches after falling and hitting my head some years ago. after this my head hurt for a month or more, i could not sleep and was told by several people they could not understand what i was saying. i kept going to work, meet with friends, going to university and seeing my boyfriend. they all acted weird but i thought it's just paranoia from lack of sleep. now i can talk again, it took some months and moving back to my parents' but when i ask them and my now ex and friend group if i could talk or not, they act confused. what the fuck?
No. 1504100
>>1504095Anon is probably the one that the "
toxic girl" took advantage of, kek.
No. 1504105
im 28 now and something about being 10 years away from when i graduated high school while not really achieving anything besides an undergrad degree is killing me
No. 1504110
>>1504095yes, classic bpd move. they make you feel sad for their loneliness to attempt to guilt you for wanting to leave. they want to ensure you never leave them by trying harder if this one didn't work. for example, you could be dating and already having an attachment to them, but one day you would be too busy to reply to a text within the usual time, and then they'll threathen self-harm, send ominous messages like "goodbye…" or even straight up threathen suicide, block you, etc. watch out for these people. sad people are soul suckers - it is a red flag for beepeedee. if you feel sorry for her and want to help her (i hope not, it's not your responsibility) she might never stop complaining about everything ever and leeching your energy. best to have no friends in common and get out as soon as possible. i met some bpd bitches and they're absolutely delusional and have a crisis everyday, literally cry and complain almost every day.
No. 1504116
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>>1504115i'm curious, which movie?
No. 1504118
>>1504110I never said anything about leaving, she brought this up rabdomly.. She is a sad person, she wants to kill herself. it seems like she does suck the life out. she's been dating this chick online for a year ans a half and I feel bad for that woman even though shes mad at me and blocked me. Ill be sure not to introduce her to my friends even thou I wanted to, thanks
No. 1504129
>>1504116Sexmission. I almost want to host it on lc so I can vent with other nonas.
>>1504120The whole movie is a projection. The plot is about 2 dudes who get hybernated and wake up in a world where only women are allowed to exist but somehow the government is totalitarian and the higher-ups are emotionally deprived. A futuristic scrotey wet dream.
No. 1504155
I hate being afraid of traveling alone, I hate feeling afraid to live my life because of my experiences with men throughout my life. I hate that my family sees me as a child.
I wasted my teenage years and most of my twenties being afraid and locked in my room, When I was a child I was by a family member when I was asleep and i kepted it to myself for years because I was told it would ruin the family, I remember another time where I stood over my fathers home as a child, I slept in a room where the bathroom was only accessable by going through the bedroom and his male friends were over but some how I woke up nude and got yelled at for it by my father although I don't know how it happened and I was a toddler.
When I was a teen my older brothers friend who I saw as a brother to me tried to preyed on me, he would text me weird sexual things and would park in front of my house randomly at night, he would constantly try to buy my brother's trust by buying him gifts and even gifting him a car but behind his back he would say so much weird things to me that scared me, I was afraid to tell my brother since he finally had a "best friend" when my brother finally found out the guy skipped state and moved across the country.
When I went to high school I met a guy who was friends with one of the girls I had befriended and not long was he becoming a creep to me, constantly suicide bating and trying to force himself on me.
I'm sick of keeping all my thoughts and problems to myself because that's just the surface, Throughout my life I've been molested and taken advantage of by men to the point where it made me fear talking to strangers or going places alone.
I remember when I was sixteen years old I was waiting for the bus and a man walked up and sat near me, to him it looked as though I was alone because my mom had walked away to check if the bus was coming and he didn't see her. Although it happened so long ago I can remember his face because he looked me straight in the eyes and said " I'm going to kill you." I remember being so shocked in fear and not being able to say anything and being so thankful my mom heard him and he got afraid and left, I always think about what could have happened if she wasn't there.
I tried speaking to people about what happened to me as a child but it turns into " you're too nice that's why you get taken advantage of" I had an ex girlfriend of 7 years cheat on me and break up with me because of what happened to me and blamed me for all the things I've experienced.
I'm sick of being lonely, I'm sick of being afraid to live my life, I just want to have normal experiences with people and have friends, I hate being seen as just a retard who won't leave their room.
No. 1504165
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>spend half the day flirting with my ex
>hear from someone else that hes got a gf
fucks sake
No. 1504187
>>1504179what the actual fuck dude
every time i hear a new boymom anecdote i thank the lord i just had a sister
No. 1504210
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you know how satisfyers and their knockoffs show on the instructions that you can put it on your nip? well dont do that
i tried it for 5 seconds and my fucking nipnop is bruised
No. 1504214
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Once the pendulum swings away from TRA culture and hype I think we might end up in a trad trend era. Troonism have brought back hard binary gender roles, women are gradually being erased from platforms and pushed out of work forces in favor of men in dresses, and harsh times makes people look back to "simpler times" and romanticize it. Even if it will be a modern take of it, I don't look forward to it.
No. 1504226
>>1504216I'm actually starting to see a slight change. The number of detransitioners are only increasing, troons are starting to call each other out on tiktok, and I think mainstream is starting to take notice and get tired of how TRAs keep moving the goalpost and telling people what to think and feel (see other platforms that aren't twitter or reddit regarding Hogwarts Legacy). I think the HL drama and sports issue are starting to push normies to question things, they just need a couple of more situations that are inconvenient to them to stop pandering to what is actually such a small minority all the time. It is going to be a slow change, but I think things are going to look different in 5 years, however the change will be very slow and gradual.
However it's going to take time to repair the damage that has been done to women's rights.
No. 1504239
>>1504216>>1504226>>1504227Personally I think sooner or later the genderspeshul agenda will be regarded as mega cringe. Probably as (younger) Gen Alpha's presence and influence on the internet increases and they'll look back on what Gen Z and Millenials did and think it's cringe like how every generation looks back and thinks the previous one is cringe.
But that's just my theory with nothing to back it up.
No. 1504249
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I will sound like a silly emo kid, but it sucks how I can't share sadness over my favorite bands break-up. I stopped caring for band fandoms back in 2013 and generally all i do is listen to the songs.
But my friends and other people around me are celebrating the bands disband for a stupid and petty reason - long story short, because its popular to hate this band. I even saw people on reddit starting to admit that they feel bad now that theyve been making gross rumors for the sake of internet popularity and people beleived them, despite them openly lying.
I never cared for the drama, all i wanted was to share my frustration. I have been listening to their songs for 10 years and they helped me to go through a lot, even when i work i would just put my favorite album on repeat. And now -poof- it's all gone. At least all of this crap makes me happy that i keep my social media for business only.
No. 1504254
>>1504075Anon can you get your head checked out, I don't know what you're saying.
>>1504097>>1504105I don't remember her scams, but I do remember nonbinary, fake NASA employee, fake Native Americacan freak Alex Yrigoyen's (Zubat). Those were entertaining.
No. 1504272
I'm reflecting on a lot of things and I'm noticing more and more that school completely fucked me up. There were more negative consequences than positive ones and I only got slowly better after I started uni. I loved reading as a kid but high school made me lose interest in that because of the lack of free time to do it and the books we were told to read for class, where analyzing them and being graded for it killed all the fun I could get from them otherwise. We were always forced to be obedient to the teachers no matter what and I was so scared I'd get my ass whooped by my parents that I'd just never show any sort of personality, I'd just learn what was taught in school, stayed calm in class and payed attention to lessons, and never learned actual useful everyday life skills or info. Like, teachers would tell you to get good grades to get a good job later but as we all know that's absolutely not how that shit works. I was unfortunate enough to have racist teachers in primary school who single handedly gave me impostor syndrome for the next decades to come by constantly accusing me of cheating because how else could I get the best grades? It taught me to never, ever assert myself. I was treated as weird for not making friends easily at school for various reasons but now that shit doesn't matter at all now that I'm nearly 30yo and I highly doubt people who were friends in middle or high school are still bffs. The ones who are are the exception, not the rule. Don't get me started on sports classes that were mandatory but felt like a chore because I was by far physically weaker than most classmates because of health issues, that shit made my average grade way lower than it should have been. Given what I studied in university I legit could have skipped high school entirely, because at least in uni students pay attention and don't ruin lessons for others so it's way easier to focus and learn shit that's actually useful to get a fulltime stable job.
tldr; fuck school, I'm never having kids anyway but now I get why some educated parents want to homeschool their kids.
No. 1504286
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I want to be active in discord servers, like ones from here, they have nice people but I am just so overwhelmed with the amount of stuff being posted, the huge amount of channels, having to remember the lore of every user and when I don't I just give up and do not participate. I always end up leaving the deleting all my messages and leaving the servers. I've joined and left so many since I joined in 2020, I never fit in.
No. 1504298
To clarify, discord servers with under ten members are completely different than what I am talking about and those kinds of servers can be a decent way to foster online friendship.
No. 1504307
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>male best friend very excited about being in an online e-relationship
>expecting me to take it seriously
>even wants me to 'meet her' on skype
>now has to run all our plans by her despite that this isnt a real relationship
i can't entertain this delusion. how can i kindly let him know that this isnt a real relationship?
his previous ex was a very nice, stunning 9/10 with a good career who he foolishly lost by gambling and bringing back strange women to the house.
i feel like this is a cope for the loss of a good woman and hes latching to it because he wont have actual responsibilities
No. 1504343
>>1504337 and I also guessed anon liked the retarded man because of her petty was of describing the his current relationship. She should raise her standards, she deserves better. We all do.
No. 1504349
>>1504346because now he has to get her permission to hang out
he pussywhipped without even getting pussy…
No. 1504355
My friend died a year ago. His family, esp his mom, kinda sees me as an extention of him. They love me. I appreciate his family a lot and make an effort to stay in touch. They had a little party thing for one of the kids and invited me over to play games with the adults. I went. They are good people. Really fucked up mentally, all of em. Friend drank himself to death…kinda dont blame him either… But they are genuinely good people who have been through a lot. His mom really really likes me bc I remind her of her son and we can talk about him. Husband/dad just turned 70, still working full time hoping to retire at some point. The mom, poor soul, was excited to show me how she got into this jewelry selling business thing to help her husband retire/do something to distract from her loss. As she is showing me her site, it is a drop shipping thing looks legit though, she starts talking about the loan she took from the company that is teaching her marketing and handling all the back end stuff. Plus a down payment. Nonnas it is a 10k loan for 'market research' and a 2600 dollar startup fee (already paid) for them to build the website and get her started. $12,600 went into this….and it is reselling alliexpress stuff basically. Nonnas Idk what to do. She is being scammed hard. Money already gone. I doubt she can get it back. Was going to talk to the daughter about it being a scam but honestly I want to research more because if it isnt possible for her to get her money back it might be better she doesn't know and at least get some income back through the sales. Real sales exist(I believe) but there's so little profit on each one I doubt she will break even let alone make any profit whatsoever…. I am so sad. She wants to help her husband retire and they all discussed this business advent and decided to try it. They all have faith. She uses internet explorer….she is computer illiterate. My heart is broken she is so excited. I need more info on wtf this whole business is but I think it is a scam. Why do people prey on older adults in a sticky situation. Why are people awful. I dont know much at all about ecommerce and actually strive to avoid online sales myself as someone who sells items physically in person at various popup shops and whatnot. Idk how to help, or if I should help. If her son was alive me n him coulda talked her out of it.
No. 1504356
>>1504350starts at around 3:00, the shortest version of it all tbh. But it all exploded when Dallon Weekes left the band because of his wife being a pushy cow on Facebook, you can find it at>inb4 i will get accused of being a WK all i did was looked up everywhere just to find this.
Also, a lot of MCR fans are TIFs, at least on Twitter. MCR fandom is full of TIF fujos and gendies, makes me glad at least FOB fans are normies.
No. 1504368
>>1504356Nta and not really related, but I just remembered that one song the other day and I love them just for making a song where the main lyric is
I chimed in with a haventyoupeopleeverheard of
Closing the
God damn door
No. 1504419
>>1504408She's kinda manipulating her way there and also she sent some of her stuff (turned out to be 8 boxes wtf) just to "keep for a while". Her mom also owns like a part of the apartment since she helped to pay it for a bit (though idk how it all works and she gave the money back basically).
Everything is really stupid, but she really keeps guilt tripping her like how can it be that she doesn't want to live with her mother, how she doesn't want to be all alone and stuff like that. She's not even old, I really don't get it. It can be the best time of her life, she's not even old, but she puts everything on this idea that the whole family should be together, even if no one except her wants that.
No. 1504432
two of my coworkers, a guy and a girl, had a conversation right in front of me about autistic people, the girl was talking about some autistic boy in her class in preschool who was clapping his hands and acting funny and how 'funny' that was tee hee, and the guy said that autistic people basically don't have feelings and they don't think and they're like vegetables. I'm an autist and my female coworker knows that and she didn't say anything, so I told him it's not true and that autism is a spectrum and there are people who can't communicate normally, although that still doesn't mean they don't have feelings, and there are also low functioning autists who can communicate but are asocial and struggle with certain activities, and there are also high functioning ones who can even pass as normies and you wouldn't even know they're autistic etc. and he was like no no basically denying what I said. Should I tell him I'm an autist? I kinda wanted to, just to see his face, but I was so shocked to hear someone talking about autistic people like this I didn't get the courage, I also didn't want to start a shitstorm at my work, it's gossipy and toxic over here anyway without my input
No. 1504436
>>1504414>ignoringNo I'm not, I'm asking because I don't understand.
>>1504419Damn. Well your friend needs to put her foot down, straight up send the boxes back and clear up the paperwork if she doesn't officially own the appartment by herself.
No. 1504575
>>1504574It took me around two years to be even able to think about the man after he died and way more years of recovery after I moved out, but it does make sense we would be kinda fucked up after all that, anyone would be. It's absolutely unfair and absurd anyone has to go through that but I try to be gentle yet Stern with myself, like it's okay to feel like shit and sometimes slip into what I suspect to be some kinda ptsd-like bad memory vortex but I try to not let myself drown in it, maybe 5 years ago a
triggering thing might have ruined my whole week, wouldn't be able to leave my apartment, everyone felt like a threat and now I can sometimes get rid of that feeling during one day. I do think it gets better if you help yourself and allow yourself to be understandably messed up, and not compare yourself to people who never went through what you did. Sorry for the word vomit, and I'm glad if my rambling made you feel any better! You got this
No. 1504597
>>1504590oh my god you're so young. I left a comment
>>1504593 but didn't see your reply first. 21 is a rough fucking period, I was not ok at all at your age lol, don't feel bad.
No. 1504622
>>1504311thank you
nonnie. autism is my superpower
No. 1504691
>>1504672Can you not pay over the phone with your card? That's how I pay for most of my medical appointments anyway. Also that sucks
nonnie, I hope your day gets better. If it helps they probably think you're a trustworthy person for making sure to pay after and this situation does happen all the time.
No. 1504692
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i feel so brain dead the past couple of months, yet i am the happiest i have been in a very long time. i exercise regularly and take care of myself and am sober, i feel very in control almost always. i still am quite isolated though, and i feel socially i have grown to be sort of inept and i get tired much earlier and i just feel i've lost parts of myself but maybe its because i am in my head a lot lately? i am trying to be rational, but i feel over the last couple to a few months i can't articulate as well and i space out sometimes…i just don't feel smart anymore. do i need to read more? spend my time more wisely? i have been working to cut out bad, distracting habits (i browse lolcow much less but still almost daily which i hate for my productivity) sorry this is all messy. its a mix of feeling like this is negligible to post and wondering what is wrong with me and how i can improve as a human. i just feel slow.
No. 1504779
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The older my mother becomes, the more unstable she gets. In the past, it used to be that if she needed anything, I dropped any engagements I might have had to do what she wants me to do (it's usually housesitting and watching the dog). This weekend she was going on a trip and asked me to come over at 6pm Friday night and stay at her house until the next morning, which is when she'd come back. I said it's not a problem, but my bf and I are going to the cinema at 8.30pm and I could only come after the film. She really didn't like that and asked me to reshedule the film. I said no, because we've planned this some time ago. She promptly gets SUPER pissed. 10 mins later she suddenly shows up at my apartment before calling me and angrily telling me to come down and bring the keys to her house, then slamming the phone. I come down and she tells me that she found someone else to housesit for her and then casually tells me to move out of the apartment I live in (which she owns and where my bf and I have been living for half a year now) as soon as possible along with my boyfriend.
I'm used to her wild moodswings at this point and it's normal for her to suddenly become angry and demand unreasonable things from me (she's demanded before that I pay back the money it cost her to raise me) and cut me off and not talk to me for weeks but I'm getting tired of the fact that you never know what mood she will be in. It used to be scary when I was a kid but as an adult it's mostly annoying
No. 1504789
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Well ladies I think this cycle may soon be coming to an end. I just have a sixth sense something bad is about to happen, again, and after a life of having survived over and over, maybe I won't this time. Please pray for nonas safety to be guarded by angels, she's going to need all the power she can get.
My impulsivity has probably pissed on the wrong entity for the last time. Nobody's paying attention. If it does come seeping out it will cost me. Hundred fold. Well I guess my life, if I die, if something befalls me, was a life lived. I did everything with purpose and never with malice. Perhaps my problem is that I wasn't malicious enough. Good people aren't usually the ones who live to see their names etched in stone. I'm not a good person. I'm just moral compared to the mess of cobbled degeneracy I took on. Wasn't my fault. I didn't expect this pool to have sharks who sniffed out my blood. Fuck.
No. 1504816
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I'm gonna get fired. I can fucking feel it. The one job I've ever truly wanted and needed to succeed in and I fucked it up just like everything else I've ever put effort into. I couldn't even hold it down for a full year. I fucking hate myself.
No. 1504876
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I hate how unstructured our university is when it comes to their website(s).
I just need to sign up for a fucking module, why don't they lay out the information needed for that on one site? no, there's two sites with the information on how to sign up, but only one actually linking to the damn paperwork, then i need to download said paperwork from an entirely different site, and instead of giving us a list with which modules are available we have to scavengerhunt that information off of the individual professors websites.
it's always like this, you have to jump through hoops and several webpages for any information ever. fuck this. we have an IT/Math faculty on campus, why don't you ask them to make you a functional fucking website???
No. 1504887
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A couple of teenagers followed me for 10 minutes today recording me with their phones while throwing snowballs at me. I had my back turned and my hood up and ignored them the whole way because I didn't want my face visible on some stupid tik tok video. They missed all the snowballs except for one which hit me in the back of my shoulder. I didn't flinch or show any sign of noticing them, hoping my lack of reaction would make them give up. I got to the supermarket nearby and went inside, but one of the boys ran up and yanked really hard on the strap of my gym bag, trying to shove a handful of snow into it. He couldn't have been more than 13 years old. He backed off the moment I turned around and didn't manage to do anything. They were still recording so I just asked calmly if they needed me to call their mom. The guy who had yanked me replied with an awkward "no", so I turned and left. Overall I think I managed to avoid giving them the reaction they were looking for, but I still fucking hate that there was nothing I could do to avoid being targeted and recorded for whatever prank they were trying to pull.
I hate teenage boys. I hate tik tok and social media. I'm 28 years old and a couple of 13-14 year old boys shouldn't have gotten to me this much, but I can't stop thinking about how fucking entitled and rotten they are. I wanted to grab them, slap them and rip the phones out of their hands, but with several cameras targeting me all I could think of was how this would be framed as another "crazy Karen" video, not to mention that an adult attacking a minor could land me in prison. I believe I handled the situation as best as I could, but it's been one day and it's still bugging me to hell and back.
No. 1504890
Been single for 6 months and I'm finally getting my feminine energy back. I noticed everytime i get into dating and relationship with moids, i lose my feminine energy. I think it comes from the modern moid and his lack of masculinity and their draining presence. Also, all of them are addicted to porn and are not attracted to women, so the sex is lackluster and his whole vibe is just off. Women should be worshipped. This whole misogynistic movement today is a direct result of these moods homosexuality that they can't accept. They are attracted to things that harm women (implants, fake hair and lips, fake ass), masturbate to that, then treat women like trash. Anyway, i bought a 100% silk luxury midi dress that was expensive, ate and rested well, went to pick up fresh food, and I've never felt so feminine as i do now. Moids are not worth women's femininity. They sipher any of that away from us because their masculinity is fragile and all good things they do they do to impress other men like the fags that they are. They are weak bitches that are addicted to cheap dopamine like porn, gambling, alcohol, prostitution etc. Only a moid can turn a goddess into a goblin. Reminds me so much of my sister who married an abuser and now she has PTSD and can barely get out of bed, while taking care of her autistic son and she has no confidence.