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No. 1480934
No venting, confessing or stupid questions. You know the deal dumbass!
Previous dumbassary thread:
>>>/ot/1470519 No. 1480946
File: 1674609304317.jpg (67.48 KB, 735x731, c79be74c485ba1a5f6564cb5143a6d…)

No. 1480954
File: 1674609962157.jpg (83.19 KB, 791x538, 546fp8ht5hi61.jpg)

They are very similar now that Eminem doesn't bleach his hair and has a beard. I tried to find one normal pic of him however he keeps posing along with a hat which masks his features. Both baby faced however I get a sense of uncanniness from Eminem because how neat he keeps his hair and beard.
No. 1480963
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I told myself that I wasn't gonna eat cereal again unless it's granola that I make myself, but I really want mini wheats or Cheerios.
No. 1480980
File: 1674612897625.jpg (1.51 MB, 3175x1933, Friends.jpg)

I have to share this old drawing. How was I not a fujoshi when I was younger? I came across this as I was charging my old iPod. Deidara and Tobi are friends! Friends that are happily blushing and have a heart in the background. I'll never forget that art is an explosion.
No. 1481002
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No. 1481004
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>>1480980I’m honestly shocked that there isn’t more horny fan content out there about this cunnilingus hands mf
No. 1481005
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I really want pani puri. Never had it but it really looks delectable, I don't even know what's in it.
No. 1481011
File: 1674614786856.gif (49.63 KB, 116x128, 1674088119439.gif)

Just scrote-shamed my boyfriend out of watching Wolf of Wall Street. Reminder to never tolerate scrotal media in your home.
No. 1481016
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>>1480980i discovered my old ereri art where i drew levi with a thought bubble that said “swiggity swaeger im gonna f*ck eren jaeger” probably should’ve just killed myself then
No. 1481020
File: 1674615496991.gif (4.28 MB, 498x280, shake-it-freak-out.gif)

>>1481000Turning 29 and idgaf the scrotes can whinge about my eggs while they jerk themselves raw and never feel the tender touch of a biological female KEK
No. 1481036
File: 1674616266242.gif (2.13 MB, 720x720, 1670114056417.gif)

I'm so thankful for all the nonnas who keep warning on all boards when we're being spammed. You're the equivalent of that one soldier catching flying knifes and protecting sleeping person meme, bless you
No. 1481046
File: 1674616808013.gif (22.75 KB, 220x220, press-f-to-pay-respect.gif)

>>1481036You're welcome. We are proud to serve.
No. 1481049
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I found an etsy shop with some cool as fuck crochet hooks but I know these would be a pain in the ass to use
No. 1481050
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>>1481049Like, ergonomic my ass. This is not practical. Looks nice though.
No. 1481053
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>>1481038>>1481039ahaha noo dont encourage me stooooppp
No. 1481111
File: 1674626802005.gif (876.13 KB, 220x331, this-could-be-us.gif)

>>1481002why stop at tonight? why not every night?
No. 1481214
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How my ape ancestors see me when I post on lolcow.
No. 1481239
File: 1674652655017.jpg (34.52 KB, 374x288, oof.jpg)

looking like a drag queen lol
No. 1481320
>>1481317At least those two flow better and are within the realm of
nonnie nicknames. Cerbmin is awkward as fuck to say outloud. Sounds like anons in meta are making fun of the admins for being from Serbia kek.
No. 1481408
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Told dog I'd give him a treat, but decided to change tampon and pad first and my dumbass left the bathroom door open. Mistake. After putting the used tampon down my stupid dog ran in and snatched the tampon! Fortunately I managed to catch the string before he ran out with it, but it was so gross.
No. 1481416
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No. 1481423
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>>1481419Did you draw this? I love it
nonny, I'd draw one myself but I'm by no means a drawfag and I don't want to insult them with a badly drawn cerb
No. 1481440
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Bought picrel and plan on assembling it when I'm finished with my course in uni and finally take a long break from my career as graduation "gift" to myself, can't hep but feel like I'm becoming a consoomer ever since I got a well paying job a few years back I've been slowly buying things that interested me instead of things that I needed at the time or saving up more moneyþ
No. 1481467
File: 1674669828933.webm (2.41 MB, 320x568, ttAVE5jEodUkFSTr.webm)

Wokeoids and Troons are spreading this video of kindergarten teacher announcing her engagement to her students, the accusation being made against is her is that this perpetuates a double standards, cause "queer teachers"(i.e groomers and pedophiles) get more scrutiny
No. 1481536
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I was being retarded and bought myself new headphones. Did I need new ones? No. Did I want new ones? Yeah. I switched from the wired earbuds that came with my phone to overear and wireless headphones 2-3 years ago and aside from the earcups being old and the pleather starting to come apart, those headphones still work great. They were $60 and I'm not an audiophile so they work well enough for me, an extremely average consumer. But I just got it in my head recently that I wanted new headphones.
I ordered picrel after months of waiting. I purposely bought them refurbished because even though these aren't the most expensive ones on the market, $300 is a stupid expensive for a pair of headphones for me. I got lucky and the color I wanted happened to become available as a refurbished model! I'm not sure how I will feel about the lack of buttons and mostly depending on touch controls, plus I did read issues about the firmware through the app (but I think it's been resolved). I might end up returning them and sticking to my good old faithful ones. We'll see. I am very excited to get them though, they're arriving today.
No. 1481555
>>1481548I had a earth science teacher as well, why you mocking
No. 1481558
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Where the fuck do I buy wallets, I went to like four different clothing stores and I found bags but no wallets
No. 1481568
>>1481467As a non american I think sharing personal life details like this is weird. Not the act of telling them, but making such a show out of it. Like I can't imagine a teacher expecting me to be super excited for her for getting engaged.
Our teachers never shared personal details in this way, and if they did it was just a side note and not a main topic of conversation. Americans are too self centered imo.
No. 1481623
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One moment I'm fine and the next I'm imagining myself with his last name.
No. 1481642
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I want to rewatch ATLA again.
Also, whenever people are talking about cartoon food they want to eat (like the bugs from The Lion King, or ratatouille, or a Reptar bar, or the Beignets from Princess and The Frog) no one ever brings up cactus juice, but that's what I want. I really want a sip of refreshing cactus juice straight from the earth kingdom.
No. 1481653
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one of things i respect about china is they don’t play with the death sentence, also if your stupid enough to openly advertise his sex trafficking in China you deserve this
No. 1481674
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See the hat, and talk to the hand
No. 1481681
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I was lying in bed feeling like shit and crying when I heard something behind me, so I turned around and saw my kitten lying on his back staring at me like I was the most beautiful thing and purring as loudly as he could. What did I do to deserve this little angel I love him so much
No. 1481694
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>>1481688What exactly are you implying here, anon?
No. 1481710
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>>1481707so if your husbando or wifu or whatever comes up like, "
nonnie look what I made for you" you not eating it? it's delicious
No. 1481714
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>>1481710Why are you doing this to us? Are you some sort of peanut butter cheese sadist or something?
No. 1481718
>>1481712I think I perfectly explained and drew what I meant, clean your glasses and/or eyeballs
No. 1481719
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I'm legit slightly annoyed that for months I had to deal with a dinky lil humidifier that finally died today.
Then I realized… a tea pot is the best humidifier. Better than anything you can buy. I filled it with flowers and herbs and bam, it smells amazing and the humidity is at a nice 40%
I know some of you will tell me "anon, this is something people have done for centuries"
Mercy please. I'm learning slowly you don't need tech for everything. Imma enjoy my nice smelling teapot now
No. 1481730
>>1481722I hated my humifier cuz it took forever to get the humidity up and the filter changes and the price
Also leaving my door open while I shower also increases the humidity. That and having a teapot is just… cuter. I even started hanging my herbs cuz it looks cute and it's practical.
I'm spreading the word. Kitchen witches apparently knew all this already
No. 1481736
>>1481733>cheap yellow cheeseIs there any
real cheese alternative?
No. 1481740
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>>1481178nonnie I have a unique software opportunity that might interest you…
No. 1481752
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This is basically what you need, follow instructions
>>1481733 and you'll see what I mean
No. 1481763
>like the tasteMotherfucker
>just slap a light layer of peanut bu-Of course the pb&cfag thinks real cheese is a waste on grilled cheese. The whole point of the meal is the FUCKING CHEESE.
No. 1481764
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>>1481762there's certain foods I don't like to eat because I once threw them up. I didn't eat vienna sausages (these kind) for years because I once threw them up. Then when I ate them I noticed they changed the ingredients. It also gave me diarahera because I was drunk and eating them by the can.
Another food I hate but eat is popcorn, it smells better then it tastes
No. 1481767
>>1481765you know nonnies here are so stuck up, only eat the finest of aged cheese on while using cheap ass corner store bread to feel better.
Meanwhile i'm living life with a lightly toasted PB&C and only spent like $7 and I can make multiple
No. 1481768
>>1481761i tested this a few weeks ago for me. i bought fluffy white bread and made a fancy grilled cheese with real cheddar and then i made a seedy bread, plastic cheese grilled cheese and then ate both with my tomato soup. the fancy one was gross to me and i didnt like it.
im all about the cheap plastic cheese if its grilled on seedy bread with margarine. and with onions inside is even better. and its nice and thin so its easy to dip in soup
No. 1481770
>>1481764You're supposed to eat food that's good for you not just things you can ingest without vomiting back up
>>1481765Swiss or provolone, mixed with mozzarella.
>>1481767>lightly toastedI hate you
No. 1481779
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>>1481770>Swiss or provolone, mixed with mozzarellaNo. Anons, let's stop pretending. You can use American and real cheese at the same time, but the American cheese is a necessity.
No. 1481784
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I’m a lifetime manlet lover but today I was the first to notice my 29 year old Nigel is starting to lose his hair. If he was 6’2” and I couldn’t see the top of his head there would have been more time…
No. 1481789
>>1481779No it's really NOT
No. 1481799
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>>1481790I would only ever be with a man who at least cleanses and moisturizers his face. With the hair if he was to start getting hairloss then I would make him wash his scalp twice with shampoo, condition the hair, hair moisturizer and castor oil on the scalp when the hair is dry and a scalp massage. I don't ever want to be with a baldie
Mark Strong is the only exception pic unrel
No. 1481817
>>1481816lol my brain corrected it to drake without noticing.
>>1481815 she pops into celebcows now and again
No. 1481822
>>1481821No this
>>1481810 is another amazingly talented anon, not me
No. 1481854
>>1481850Drake is a woman and I don't want to derail but it's a fucking fact. I know people be like
>But what about this?>What about his dick print (Packer)>How did he have a kidno, "he" is a "She" I'm sick of agruing about it and I've been researching this for a while now. I don't want to derail anymore though. You are on the right track nona
No. 1481858
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How some hygiene products have MEN on the labels letting men know it's okay for them to use. It's literally the same shampoo. Scrotes are so fragile.
No. 1481899
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>>1481872Communal toilet?
No. 1481912
>>1481870I know right
>>1481905>keeping smelly men far away from women and likely their childrenBased
No. 1481978
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I just had a corn dog and now I really want more fair food. Churros, cotton candy, boiled peanuts, candy apples, lemonade. Ugh, it all sounds so good right now.
No. 1481991
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Gregor Samsa & me
No. 1482004
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>>1481991Thought you meant picrel (Gregor Clegane) for a second until I realized you're talking about the roach.
No. 1482013
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Attitude Era
No. 1482042
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Why am I suddenly so attracted to men in ghillie suits? Do i just want to fuck the ground? Is the idea of men having to hide themselves it? Am I becoming the female taliban? I also like beards. Fuck I am the taliban.
No. 1482136
File: 1674709878096.gif (1.96 MB, 540x960, 4fea807770.gif)

We are really, truly lucky that justin roiland has absolutely 0 rizz. If he had been able to hold a conversation with anyone but himself, we would be sifting through pages upon pages of the most disgusting RP chatlogs you can possibly imagine right now.
If he had any game whatsoever, he could have had his choice of the most depraved teenagers on ao3.
This is the good end. In infinite other dimensions right now, he is sexting whitetrash pubescents calling himself "daddy Rick"
No. 1482224
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Me thinking about the times where a stranger complimented something I made and I just said "Thanks." instead of "Thanks, I made it".
No. 1482362
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reading anons try and spell shaytorium/shaynatorium has been one of my favourite things to do on here lately
No. 1482445
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bump for cp
No. 1482454
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No. 1482467
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>cp gone in less then 20 minutes
I love these new admins so much
No. 1482541
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My boss just told me we’re gonna have an intern in a week. I asked what their job is, and he said it’s whatever I tell them to do. Am I being replaced
No. 1482570
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My fiancee knows I have radfem views and we met when we both were TRAs so he was kinda confused when I first started talking about the GC shit. He was a but judgy, but open. He would occasionally look at my Tumblr dashboard for the memes when he was bored, but I follow a lot of rad content so he'd see that too. Now, most recently, he saw something about "trans kids" as young as 9 having access hormones and he was very shocked, saying that kids shouldn't be worried about gender and if they're basing their gender issues on like toys and colors, they are just reaffirming gender roles, kids barely know what career they want (and that's okay) are very impressionable and that the adults should be held accountable.
Yes… The peaking is near… Everything going according to keikaku…
No. 1482673
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>talking shit and being hateful about PB&C's
>filling my cart up to make a family sized amount of them for my folks
and I'm going to make some eggs
No. 1482709
File: 1674763893586.jpg (77.53 KB, 640x715, ex1zb6hoedq81.jpg)

>>1482697this is just getting worse and worse
No. 1482723
>>1482719Ooh sounds delicious. I put tortilla chips sometimes.
>>1482722What crawled up your taco nonna? Kek
No. 1482740
>>1482737ritz crackers and hotsauce, try it out
nonnie it'd blow your mind. Dried spagetti noodles with garlic powder
No. 1482743
>>1482740Thank you for the crazy recs
nonnie, me personally, I love pasta with jam. It was my "mom can't cook today" food during childhood and it stayed with me.
No. 1482746
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>>1482731Get with the times grandma
No. 1482808
File: 1674766404984.jpg (208.08 KB, 900x1200, me.jpg)

Thank you much appreciated
No. 1482818
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I might have some shit called aerobic vaginitis. And it has no home remedy. So I have to take a test. And then I have to go to a gyno. Again. I have to see a gyno again. For a third time.
No. 1482829
File: 1674766935878.jpg (71.79 KB, 800x600, characteristics-of-aerobic-vag…)

>>1482821It's literally real.
No. 1482840
File: 1674767867078.jpeg (52.43 KB, 463x582, 091.jpeg)

>i like to mix shit with my piss and blood, then strongly fry a plate of toenails, followed by a pinch of nipple cheese
No. 1483000
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I just saw some tutorials for making bouncy balls, now I want a bouncy ball.
No. 1483087
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No. 1483089
File: 1674795295278.jpg (46.43 KB, 573x544, GbcXoLV.jpg)

>>1483087love you, nonna, have been searching for that bnuuy stuff for ages, couldn't remember how bnuuy was written, so couldn't find it, you saved my day
No. 1483096
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>>1483089bnoor (you're welcome)
No. 1483117
File: 1674800229443.png (144.99 KB, 372x399, 11AEFBBD-06BB-4F91-87F2-8962F9…)

Some conspiracy theorists would hate me because my life would debunk several current popular conspiracies
No. 1483118
File: 1674800568606.jpeg (55.87 KB, 1200x800, fielder.jpeg)

>Daddy Daddy, come over now. Save my life, you made a vow
No. 1483185
File: 1674810362385.jpeg (352.96 KB, 1170x643, 327EB579-B488-4F79-A1A3-CBB766…)

Goodnight girlies
(This is what I imagine everyone here looks like tbh)
No. 1483229
File: 1674816924629.gif (573.5 KB, 498x280, CB8FA17C-69FC-4E67-AF8A-6F3170…)

Don’t know if I should put this here or the confession thread but my boyfriend does these really good Beavis and Butthead impressions and I kinda want to ask him to do one of them when we’re doing it sometime. It sounds like a joke and I know it’s like fully fucking stupid and he’d probably say no anyways but something about it just seems really appealing to me.
No. 1483293
File: 1674823137650.png (51.75 KB, 1200x600, Fire_the_Lazer.svg.png)

>go on wiki article for new zealand meme flag
>see creator's bio
>Lucy Gray, now an audio-visual technician, designed the flag
"oh, a woman with a great sense of humor and working in my dream field designed this flag? Cool!"
>She was a member of the youth wing of ACT New Zealand and stood in the 2014 general election in the New Plymouth electorate under her birth name
"she had a political career too? damn shes all over the place. birth name thing seems redundant, but whatever. man i wish i was a bit more like her"
>Gray is transgender and transitioned after her ACT candidacy
"…oh. of course."
This happens all the fucking time.
No. 1483355
File: 1674830548122.jpeg (146.11 KB, 2000x2000, 4C3EB368-F226-4EC7-A98B-BDEB52…)

Luv me nonnies
Luv farmin
Luv cows
‘Ate moids
‘Ate troons
Simpo as really luv
No. 1483419
File: 1674836727185.jpg (9.08 KB, 300x300, 300px-Crying_Cat_screaming.jpg)

>>1483401>>1483418Ok once I was walking my friend to the bus stop at night but a stray kitten appeared and followed us. She sent me into the nearby super market to get food for it and I bought sushi instead of cat food because I thought cat = fish. I am sorry nonas I don't know what came over me. I can't even blame foreign language (since this happened abroad) because I lived near and went to that supermarket frequently. I just thought cat = fish so I went to get fish. It's ok if I get bullied for this I deserve it for being so fucking retarded.
No. 1483425
File: 1674837055967.jpg (91.44 KB, 1470x1040, 1539127890718.jpg)

literally who are any of the names mentioned in /meta/, what are the screenshots even supposed to mean, why are the posts up?
No. 1483434
File: 1674837459225.jpeg (45.58 KB, 305x438, 30669F8C-8C2A-4C26-AC34-055A3D…)

I just thought you ought to know faints
No. 1483440
>>1483430Don't forget the
No. 1483447
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No. 1483460
>>1483451I only feel bad for whoever he is leeching off of to be this terminally online.
>>1483452Preach, it's getting quite annoying. Hopefully he either overdoses or kills himself soon.
No. 1483499
>>1483419KEK ok that is retarded but funny, was the cat ok?
>>1483474I think she just meant instead of buying, you know, actual cat food she bought a thing of sushi for humans instead and felt retarded for not thinking about it
No. 1483503
File: 1674840995360.jpg (60.81 KB, 1000x1000, 74HAGE0014_1jJkfywIbES0cM_1280…)

Every week I buy groceries and every week I stand right next to this. You'd think it'd stop being funny after some time, but the fact that it doesn't makes it funnier just all the more.
>Pro quality. Pro nature. Profagus.
No. 1483616
>>1483525I just know it's the person who started the tranny's kiwifarm thread.
>>1483532blaine no one knows all the retards you're talking about, this isn't kiwifarms.
No. 1483629
>>1483616Kengle is the owner of onionfarms, which is the kiwifarms clone Elaine, Blaine, Angry Canadian, Naught, and their orbiters hide in. Also that's not blaine. Blaine is very easy to spot and that
nonny isn't him. It's exhausting how every anon is so paranoid about blaine. He doesn't post as much as you think he does.
No. 1483648
File: 1674849217056.png (25.99 KB, 657x415, 1652086824534.png)

bump, rachel posting literal shit
No. 1483691
>>1483646>>1483642Wtf is that a bug or intended that the fire department doesn't do anything?
>>1483650Some kf user that the cp/gore/scat/porn spamming tranny named blaine (pictured above) has beef with, so he blames his spam on those, this time "Rachel". Other times he blames his spam on random scrote imageboards, random imageboard admins, kf admin, our farmhands, our admins or more literal who forum users he has beef with.
No. 1483717
File: 1674852244929.jpg (116.03 KB, 600x900, Toasted-Peanut-Butter-and-Jell…)

I want a buttery toasted PB&J. Unpopular opinion, PB&Js aren't worth eating unless they're toasted. Actually, untoasted PB&Js are the worst sandwich.
No. 1483750
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Whenever I have to type out my first impulse is to type
No. 1483754
File: 1674854241645.jpg (84.14 KB, 630x577, pride bratz.JPG)

Should I unbox these? I kinda want to just so I can hide the "queer" sign, but it will ruin the resale value
No. 1483766
File: 1674854923890.jpeg (86 KB, 557x767, iwamttokill.jpeg)

happy friday
No. 1483791
i want to chat to nonnies and hear what they sound like. It’s still anon, you don’t have to participate
No. 1483824
File: 1674858440639.jpg (38.29 KB, 640x480, gerfsr.jpg)

I'm looking into buying a tablet and that world is so confusing to me. What do you mean, "with ads"? Why are there apps preinstalled? Why does the tablet want to talk to me? Why can't I find one without a camera function? Do I understand it correctly that I need a specific tablet breed to download certain apps? I just wanna watch doramas on it and play those shitty mobile otome games that I have seen so many screenshots of, why make everything so complicated?
No. 1483883
File: 1674864134036.jpeg (1.68 MB, 1170x1569, 1F685E87-E9DF-4B69-BC59-2F498A…)

Happy friday nonas, I made this just for you
No. 1483894
>>1483883Thanks for the gift nonita.
Also check out Patricia's gums kekkkkk she's gummy.
No. 1483896
File: 1674865125797.jpg (89.38 KB, 720x1280, little duck.jpg)

The weeks over anon and you know how you should spend your weekend? You should start learning how to crochet. Don't question it, just go to the store and buy some yarn and a hook. Just trust me. Do it, anon. Look at this little duck. You too could have your own little duck if you learn to crochet. Don't even think too hard about it. Actually, don't think about it at all. Do it now. You'll thank me.
No. 1483908
File: 1674866024716.jpeg (650.75 KB, 1380x1454, 424FA457-B64B-46F4-84BE-FFA1BC…)

>>1483896Are you trying to tell me that I could easily learn how to make this cute water bottle holder if I go to the store and buy some yarn and a hook??
No. 1483914
>>1483910Make sure you get the right size of yarn and hook. I looked and that pattern calls for a 5mm hook and medium/worsted yarn. Have fun
No. 1483943
File: 1674869859423.jpg (164.1 KB, 1024x1024, Red-Heart-Super-Saver-Brushed-…)

>>1483940Just look on the wrapper of your yarn and it will tell you what size it is and what hook is most suitable for it. If you're following a pattern then it should tell you what hook and yarn you should use in the beginning of the pattern.
No. 1484537
File: 1674937823154.png (Spoiler Image,1.07 MB, 770x729, Capture.PNG)

are we are heading towards a high tech neopatriarchal hellscape?
No. 1484565
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I am really, really considering sending a scholarship research proposal about my favorite manga, but make it academic. Tbf, not exactly about the manga itself but its themes and other mangas with similar themed that are related to my degree field. I swear I'm not autistic but I've been obsessed with this series for over an year now since I first read it
No. 1484577
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>>1484564>Juste babies going ouin ouin f youWhat?
No. 1484695
File: 1674954130828.gif (63.5 KB, 112x112, 1549310454_3x (1).gif)

>go out to bar with bf and bf's friend
>after a bit the friend loudly says he has to poop and might shit himself and really has to go and can feel it coming etc
>speak to him like a child and ask if he'd like to go wait in the car for us to pay (no), if he'd like a tum (no), then finally told him to just go use the bathroom (he was being loud and embarrassing us)
>he went and left us waiting inside the bar for like 20 minutes
>finally he comes back we pay and go to the car
>he starts whining that he is going to shit himself
>tell him to go back in the bar and use the bathroom and we'll wait in the car
>he goes back inside and we wait like 15 or 20 more minutes for him to come back out
>he proceeds to act like he's a woman in labor the entire drive back to our place, lamaze-style breathing and whimpering like a little girl and moaning OH MY GOD HURRY UP I'M GONNA POOP MY PANTS sorry guys in advance if I poop my pants!!1
>we get home and he uses our bathroom for like a half hour
>leaves the bathroom and talks more about how he might shit himself on the way home and that he should wear a diaper
>deadpan stare at him and tell him goodbye
I almost started recording him in the car/laughing it was literally insane
No. 1484714
File: 1674956011676.jpg (122.62 KB, 1024x768, Tumblr_l_80930042308575.jpg)

I moved my pc from my computer desk to my nightstand so I can play the sims in bed. I was having a good time but then I smoked delta 8 using some cut charging cable plugged into my puter and now I am sleepy and struggling not to sleep. This wasn't an issue at my computer desk. I hope those jobs I applied to get back to me. I feel like my NEETdom is going to make me fucking insane. Like for real lose my mind.
No. 1484756
File: 1674962911083.gif (4.62 MB, 498x498, oh.gif)

I just realized elsie is called elsie because it sounds like "lc" oh my gosh all this time
No. 1484759
File: 1674963285019.png (1.95 MB, 1920x1017, marzanna.png)

>>1484739The sims 4. Here's a screenshot of my current legacy heir. She's a spellcaster with the ancient bloodline trait and the father winter's baby trait. As you can see she's got the candy cane colors going on (she is santa claus's progeny after all). Her husband's a mermaid and her first two children are mermaids and I'm hoping that the baby she just had is going to be a spellcaster for added story telling flavor.
No. 1484779
File: 1674964550010.jpg (74.02 KB, 750x1000, little fried chicken dog with …)

I hate that I always have baby fever. I'm not in a position to have a child right now, I'm still too mentally ill, I'm not married and I'm not financially ready. I wonder if getting a pet would cure this.
No. 1484786
>>1484779My dog was basically my baby and pets will really have you running around for them like you would for a child (I was changing my dog's diaper multiple times a day, making her juices/soups to encourage drinking, wiping down irritated spots, applying ointment to places, etc etc) so probably kek. My dog would cry sometimes and I'd just also fucking cry from the stress of it all (she was old). I follow some people who do lots of classes and pet bonding activities too.
There's something even called "puppy blues" that some dog owners go through. The only downside is their lifespans are so much shorter than humans, although I think cats tend to have a longer life span.
No. 1484879
File: 1674979221479.png (959.81 KB, 880x1182, Screen Shot 2023-01-28 at 11.5…)

>>1481674I forgot about Happy Bunny!! I loved Happy Bunny, I remember it always made the moids seethe in school kek
No. 1484881
File: 1674979807706.jpg (59.27 KB, 800x800, based.jpg)

>>1484879KEK this reminded me that I used to wear a shirt that had pic related on it to elementary school. Even then I was pink pilled
No. 1484930
>>1484782>>1484786These posts made my heart melt, aw. I definitely do want to get a little kitten sometime within in the next few months. I would love to have a senior cat or dog too, but I doubt that would be a good choice considering I've never had a pet like that before.
>>1484812Don't feel bad about it anon. Some people just naturally don't have the desire to have children and that's perfectly fine. If you really don't feel like your heart's in it then I would say don't have kids but of course it's your life, and I know it must be more of a difficult decision when you're in a relationship. Regardless, if you don't feel like parenthood is for you I hope you won't let anyone pressure you into having children.
No. 1485177
File: 1675014801817.jpg (731 B, 16x16, 1625543711200.jpg)

Is it worth getting up two hours earlier and attending an unnecessary class so I can be around my moid crush? Or do I stay at home instead?
No. 1485192
>>1485177No anon don't do it, just stay at home and relax
>>1485184That's not what pickme means you dumbass
No. 1485260
File: 1675019703276.gif (249.1 KB, 200x200, 200w.gif)

I have styled my home in a very cabin/industrial esque style with a lot of plants, I love it but somehow I can't feel happy with my kitchen no matter what I do so I'm considering just saying fuck it and going full weeb in there with only sickly cute kitchen items.
No. 1485317
File: 1675024005338.jpg (70.58 KB, 720x868, b4ac66e70dec0724f0de359fb6ce62…)

just adding this gem i saw on pinterest
No. 1485376
File: 1675027258509.jpg (83.33 KB, 900x506, tExNAshZABDmAAG-1600x900-noPad…)

I wish I could play barbiegirls again.
No. 1485392
File: 1675028092833.jpg (102.38 KB, 470x842, dofdfhe.jpg)

I like the google doodle it made me want bubble tea
No. 1485463
File: 1675032280052.jpg (891.82 KB, 1698x1315, Tree_runks.jpg)

I'm not an apple pie gal, but picrel is really inspiring me to make one.
No. 1485512
File: 1675037332408.png (70.34 KB, 640x480, 09.png)

>>1485376wish I could play games on the early 2000's official Beatles website again
No. 1485568
>>1485535>shopping in a gameBASED
>sparkly outfits in a gameBASED
>can even buy makeup in the gameBASED
>harem of men in the gameBASED
Sounds like a really fun game, with all of the shopping I bet there are fun minigames to get money!
No. 1485569
File: 1675042328760.png (566.33 KB, 637x636, 1667681148363.png)

>>1485539literally my first thought. Pearlclutch-chan in the wild
No. 1485579
File: 1675043408880.jpeg (32.24 KB, 359x359, E6D8639F-D59C-44B6-BEDC-956121…)

>>1485565she probably liked minesweeper…
No. 1485615
File: 1675046527426.png (147.07 KB, 659x616, 1663034231270.png)

>>1485612Calm down pearlclutch-chan
No. 1485665
>>1480934Please I implies you listen to the prophet of peanut butter
>>1485662 while my body weight isn't clear, your mood is and you're just not you when you're hungry.™
No. 1485679
File: 1675055978015.jpg (Spoiler Image,40.82 KB, 500x500, aedd79c30482f2eba227afb94ad019…)

imagine owning this in your house
No. 1485729
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cp bump
No. 1485730
File: 1675067462661.png (2.42 MB, 2000x2500, 1648504274683.png)

samefag, bump
No. 1485782
File: 1675078780065.png (Spoiler Image,4.19 MB, 1661x1600, Eren_and_the_Colossus_Titans_a…)

I feel like I missed something because I genuinely don't get why the whole rumbling thing in Attack on Titan was such a big deal. I mean, if I was an Eldian I would probably be glad that the nations that subjected us to being terrorized by big ass monsters were being destroyed.
No. 1485818
File: 1675085297280.png (180.55 KB, 860x1124, peakingsim.png)

i love my peaking simulator
No. 1485830
I realized something: I like posting here because real people get to interact with me. That's why I hate social media nowadays, as an artist and a person, I would prefer to post my creations and thoughts here and no other place, I don't even care for validation cause everything here is anonymous I will never get to say "THIS POST IS MINE, MY NAME IS X AND I DID THIS" and that's great, that's the point: sharing just because, for the hell of it. If there are like 8 people max each thread, I know those people are real, even if I got 2000000k likes on any other app those ain't real and if they were, they all would probably kill me over saying something "transphobic". Even when my posts or vents receive hate sometimes, or anons call me out, I still accept it because I know those are real people with actual opinions, not bots stirring shit
Maybe is not a lot, but is real, I know some anons feel bad that this place is kinda small but to be honest, I think that's what makes it special. I don't know you or how you look like, or if we fought in other thread, but thanks for everything
No. 1485897
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I'm an introvert, but I'm not shy at all, it's just that interacting too much with people, even people o l like, really drains me. But since I'm not shy, have good intonation, a bit of charisma and I'm "casually funny" (or so I was told) and I'm multilingual, I keep landing on extrovert people's jobs. It's like a curse. But the career growth aspect of it is so good…. Well, maybe I can get an international trip out of this, at least.
No. 1485935
File: 1675098656778.jpg (66.1 KB, 600x599, AgJoEfeCIAEOPHO.jpg)

i'm finally watching the latest season of handmaids tale and jesus fucking christ somebody needs to tell the producers there are other ways to portray a woman experiencing trauma than having elizabeth moss in a close up kubrick staring at the camera for half the episode. And I know this is a common complaint since season 1 which makes it even more infuarting how they still keep doing it!!
No. 1486052
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>>1485177Update: I made out with him. Manifestation a powerful thing I tell you.
No. 1486099
>>1486088I like HP, but what I love more is how mad JKR is making all of the degenerate crybabies. I remember reading about some guy on Twitter saying how he likes the books and keeps them on his bookshelf but takes them down whenever he's on a zoom work call because he's afraid it might
trigger some tranny coworker of his. I burst out laughing when I read that, like can you imagine the power of this woman kek
No. 1486116
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>>1485693Congratulations nonna.
No. 1486246
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loving this shit ladies, loving my new pile of reality trash
No. 1486283
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No. 1486291
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No. 1486336
File: 1675125269052.jpg (85.49 KB, 1400x1000, do it for him.jpg)

mgs anons in the tinfoil thread inspired me to make this at work
No. 1486350
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>>1486332This is very relatable! I feel this every single day of my life as the weight of my actions is unbearable, frantically repenting every 30 minutes to inspire God to forgive me for what I've done is the way i cope with it, the demons always come back but it kinda helps to ease my consciousness and escape the dark, disturbing void that is my decaying mind
No. 1486358
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VERY GAY SPERG I KNOW THIS IS THE DUMB ASS SHIT THREAD BUT TO BE FAIR IT IS KIND OF DUMB AS SHIT!!! BUT YIPPEEE!!! I HAVEN'T PICKED MY SKIN IN THREE DAYS!!! WAHOOO!!!! Everything's looking so much clearer. Still a ways away from looking completely healed though. Yahooo!!! I hope I can keep it up, though I know breaking a 10+ year habit will be hard. My goal is to be comfortable wearing shirts that show off my shoulders without wanting to kms due to being incredibly anxious of people seeing my picked acne and judging me. I know it shouldn't matter but unfortunately it matters so much that I have nightmares about people seeing me naked.
No. 1486375
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>>1486358happy for you
nonnie, bfrbs get wrecked
No. 1486509
WAKE UP!!!!!
No. 1486535
File: 1675147491914.jpeg (12.35 KB, 300x250, ZTV-yFO8.jpeg)

I dreamed I accidentally posted a selfie here and anons were convinced I was a troon, so everyone started making fun of me and attempted to dox while somehow posting my old selfies from 2014 as "undeniable proof"
No. 1486543
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Do boy moms really ?
No. 1486558
File: 1675149706633.png (2.18 MB, 1010x1340, Screen Shot 2023-01-30 at 11.2…)

I'm such a fatass right now but I can't stop eating these fucking truffle chips from Trader Joe's. I never even eat potato chips, but ever since I tried these I can't put them down. Jesus these things are addicting
No. 1486645
File: 1675158345108.jpg (53.43 KB, 768x768, 1675132571567.jpeg.jpg)

Stealing from the animation cows thread but just LOOK at what they did to Harriet Tubman in the new Clone High reboot
No. 1486652
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>>1486645I was so confused I saw this on the front page and thought it was meant to be black Laganga Estranga
No. 1486669
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>>1486663be careful
nonny, my friend's place was broken into this morning and he dreamed about it as well before it happened, this might be a sign
No. 1486670
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>>1486645what's weird is that Harriet Tubman was a background character in the first season of Clone High and her design was way better
No. 1486686
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I find it weird that Walmart sells hot dogs in their hot food/deli section. Like just a plain ass, dry hot dog.
No. 1486697
>>1486559Nonny is it black, like deep red/brown, or black like dark gray? Because one of those is a sign of bacterial vaginosis. Also just get a pregnancy test if you're worried
Anyway does anyone else get really gassy when stressed
No. 1486857
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Posts like this piss me off because it feels like bait but deep down I know some 4chan twits really think this way like they are the enlightened ones but can't figure out why they are so miserable. You politically alienated yourself men don't fucking care about you and you have demonized other women so you're adrift
No. 1486955
File: 1675186041840.jpg (2.86 MB, 2848x2136, Nata_de_coco.JPG)

I love nata de coco so much, but I feel like the owner of the shop where I get those shitty overpriced puddings from is judging me not only for the frequency I buy them, but for the quantity, too.
No. 1487029
File: 1675190956748.png (690.49 KB, 754x423, Capture.PNG)

fighting the urge to post this on tumblr like
>or lol
>Why is he in women's clothes? \
and then when people say, "uh it's obviously a she", I'll be like,
>No thats a man
Over and over again, but I want and I already said it here,kek. This is the picture for the free update for binders/top scars and "Shape Wear", of course the troon is wearing the shape wear.
I don't want to be all "Think of the kids" but it does bother me how fucking tame Sims 4 is, how lacking it is in basic shit (like a way to lock accesories to every outfit/Make up still don't have that! and cars).
But they always throw a tranny bone.
No. 1487080
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I thought that was a wire clothes hanger on it's head for a cheeky abortion tattoo
No. 1487084
>>1487029EA's pandering hard for tumblr and twittard NEET bux. Also it's timed just as Hogwarts legacy releases to extract maximum coinage.
>>1487051The game already allows you to make frighteningly accurate depictions of trannies. Male body, feminine clothing, male body hair, five o'clock shadow and a male voice. The game also dresses them up randomly in the most hideous unflattering outfits.
No. 1487103
File: 1675193402837.jpg (29.24 KB, 640x640, 1655457149915.jpg)

I accidently looked up my favorite comfort youtubers face and was left severely disappointed
No. 1487111
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it was manlybadasshero No. 1487127
File: 1675194364028.jpg (238.75 KB, 474x597, EpZoB7BXYAAiGN_.jpg)

>>1487125>>1487111he was actually somewhat cute when he was younger
No. 1487201
File: 1675197004141.gif (91.07 KB, 55x90, 1671752866012.gif)

chimp anzy
No. 1487234
>>1487029i thought trannies wanted to larp they are cute animu girls girlier than real women?
a hulking man with breast plates, hip pads and a wig reminds them of reality lmao
Dunno about FtMs, I thought they would hate to be reminded they have curvy or/and doughy bodies that clock them but some of them do not mind and fetishize binders/scars
No. 1487256
Heard King Of the Hell is coming back, how do you think they'll fuck it up?
>Make Bill a TIM skin walking his ex wife and calling Hank a terf for telling him to stop doing that shit when he was doing it before, because he actually is trans not a creepy depressed weirdly.
>Connie- A liberal feminist who makes retarded one liners, accusing everyone of being racists/TRA for Bill
>Hank- Conserative and hated
>Peggy- Liberal and constantly trying to get hank on her side
>Dale- Alt right conspircy theroist who everyone hates and isn't protrayed as a retarded goofball but actually played up to be super fucking serious and dangerous.
>Bobbie is Blobbie a genderfluid colored hair softboy, hank hates him so much
>Luanne Bimbo onlyfans sex postitive character, may make her "Smart" but only about sexualizing herself.
>John redcorn- constantly whining about Dale, trying to get him locked up because he's alt-right and to get his son.
>nancy- traumatized wife trying to get away from Dale, using John as a way to get out
>Joesph- The same dumb jock
>Boomhauer- Only fans buyer, very liberal, dates troons now and defends them
>Connie's family- Remain the same
Or nothing will happen and it'll remain great and my husbando dale with his 9 inch dick, will continue to be the man of my dreams
No. 1487270
File: 1675201850312.jpg (2.13 MB, 3264x2448, img_0607.jpg)

When I first started crocheting I said I couldn't understand how people let their stashes get to the point of picrel, but now? Oh I understand. I've been buying yarn faster than I can use it, I buy yarn not even knowing what I would use it for. Buying yarn is genuinely half of this hobby.
No. 1487303
File: 1675205531083.gif (297.29 KB, 500x500, LUZ.gif)

Greetings in the four quadrants of the Divine Universe which takes place in and out of each one of you.
I come to explain about the energetic changes.
Dear nonnies,
I come here tonight to enlighten you about the dizziness and the changes of energy that Lightworkers
are experiencing. Do not be fret. Do not be afraid. This is a energy shift that is occurring inside and
outside of you.
Mother Gaia has been going through such change since 1950 and is now more evident. Never fear
when you feel your energetic bodies different,this is the change that is qualifying in your personal
coefficient of light climbing a step in your vibration, do not fear when you feel your energy bodies different.
You need to vibrate higher so you can capture the opening of the portal that connects this earth of 3D to one
earth of 4D or 5D. Going to the 5D will depend only on the vibrational quality of each nona. Therefore,
we ask you to do the decrees, that you concentrated in the Light.
The change will not be easy, but the Father / Mother is supporting each one of you.
As for your visions, do not worry about,when you receive always send Violet Flame. You have the power to easy, to
allay the natural disasters. Many who are incarnated on earth today chose to pass sharp and painful and others like
you not, so focus , do the decrees to and trust.
Do not doubt, because doubt hinders and condenses the energy of low vibration. Do not open holes for the negative
influences, but do not forget to see the truth.
I am Adonai Ashtar Sheran and I leave you in peace and love of the Father/Mother.
Peace be with us now. Just for today we are in Peace and Light.
Trust seeds of stars of Light, for thou you are Light in Action,do not fear children , Daughters of Light, because
this is the time to leave behind the fear. He was never a part of you. He is going away and you are back to waking up
to the Light.
Trust, fear not, because the truth is everywhere.
There is no end but the beginning. Rebirth. This year is a preparation for 2012.
You now this year will increase your coefficient of Light , what happens is that you still do not feel ready to shine,
but this is the time.
Many will have to wake up to Light. Trust. Leave the fear will be something natural. Trust in you.
This is the year of huge changes inside and out. For you to support the new frequency of Light, you have to
begin this year, the change of rotation of your chakras .
TRUST. Never fear. When you feel weak remember who you are.
You are feeling the symptoms of the ascencion, what will change is the regaining of faith in you. Trust, ask and
You are the Light, Children of Light. We love you Children of Light. We are here with you. Connect with
your mentor or angels as you wish. He is now with you with their hands over your heads. Close your eyes and
see your Friend of Light. He is there with you. We have never been so close to you.
This dizziness has to do with our approximation of the electromagnetic field of the earth. We are thousands of nonnies.
A Nonnyhood of Light.
Intergalactic Fleet.
Channeling of the Group We are Light in Action
source: pls don't ban me. No. 1487389
File: 1675211647891.png (442.45 KB, 1324x662, ZHEydg34GRhGjz.png)

shay noonas act like Chrischan wtf ??
No. 1487416
File: 1675214129206.jpg (12.1 KB, 300x439, 34235132.jpg)

>>1487414PLS anon stop its 1am here, there is nothing i can do to satisfy this craving. i must sit here and suffer my lack of chicken skin
No. 1487422
File: 1675215332713.jpg (78.84 KB, 610x457, Crispy-Salmon-Skin-1.jpg)

>>1487420>salmons dont have skineh???
No. 1487428
>>1487425>>1487426pbc nonna please try adding salmon
skin bone to your sandwiches and post results, i want to see
No. 1487464
File: 1675218479388.jpg (62.61 KB, 540x532, 1665101309627.jpg)

>>1487460Are you drunk right now or LARPING be honest with me nonners
>>1487146>>1487177maybe a few but not all, I mean the bodybuilders definitely are but its possible to have those physiques without steroids, see vidrel
>>1487187tbf asian men tend to be rather short
No. 1487536
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No. 1487722
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Time for me to get a grip.
No. 1488010
File: 1675284794654.png (943.45 KB, 1102x1020, badcrop.png)

cont from celebricows i didn't want to fill up the thread with unrelated posts
>>1487981>I pointed this out a few months ago and an anon told me no. I wonder if that anon was THE Silly or Pooyeah i'm thinking it's them. silly or poo i don't know but even the style of humor is similar No. 1488040
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angry troon whining on kiwifarms of all places about transphobia, this is a TIF btw
No. 1488049
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>>1488040you forgot the other funny moment,
nonnie No. 1488054
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>>1488040The tifs that overcompensate by whining about feminazis are adorable
No. 1488066
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>>1488040this is her (got from the kiwifarms thread)
No. 1488101
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TIL that "I'm thinking of ending things" by Iain Reid and "It ends with us" by Colleen Hoover are not the same book
No. 1488211
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>>1488188She's gotten 40+ lbs heavier, too. How many stone or KG is 260?
No. 1488213
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>>1488066>>1488188>>1488211And here I thought they didn't exist. Not once did I ever think TiFs would go for a neckbeard LARP but here we are
No. 1488221
>>1488188>>1488211>>1488213>>1488219Discuss her here
>>>/w/195091 don't want to deprive the dumbass shit nonnies of their dumbass shit (although this cow is very much dumbass shit)
No. 1488256
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not sure if relevant but i think of this a lot
No. 1488297
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manager asked me if I could come in earlier. over my dead body!!!!!!!
No. 1488366
File: 1675317170745.png (640.38 KB, 833x1563, cow tipping.png)

I was looking for images of cows typing and I came across this absurd article about cow tipping. Not the lolcow sort of cow tipping, but tipping (shoving) literal cows. Imagine the article is talking about lolcow cowtippers. This is cracking me up
>Cow Tipping, who does that? I can give no logical answer as to who first decided to go cow tippingAlso this one, kek, how did whoever wrote the article come up with this?
>These serene looking cows stand idly by on their frail, little legs unable to stand their ground against the brave tipper that sneaks upon them in the darkness. No. 1488378
>>1488343I don't think this one would have turned out any different 15 years ago. She'd probably still turn out a tranny, just using 4Chan instead of Kiwi.
I would say she'd probably end up closer to Buck Angel in views, had she been born that much earlier, though.
No. 1488384
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>>1488383But they did it in the sims, it can't be fake.
No. 1488388
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>>1485818i saw this and wanted to have a try kek
No. 1488390
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No. 1488431
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I still get flashbacks seeing this image. It was only like a week of downtime but it's scarred my soul. I will never forget the number of times I refreshed lolcow only to see the gatekeeper denying me entry
No. 1488432
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i was playing sims 4 and i wanted to create myself. loner, slobby, internet addicted autist etc. i made her pee standing up in the hopes that she would piss herself everytime she went to the bathroom. didn't work. 3/10 game.
No. 1488447
>>1488429people are dumb. i used to get called sir at work when people were talking to me from behind bc they could only see the back of my head, despite the fact i had feminine uniform on. some people just see short hair and immediately assume you're a guy i wouldnt take it too personally
>>1488431i forever associate this with lolcow now. he's like our second mascot almost, someone should make a banner of it
No. 1488479
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rare wholesome reddit moment.
No. 1488481
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>>1488479good reddit moment
No. 1488553
File: 1675348120199.jpg (8.16 KB, 400x400, e1c4cb8d997caed74ee3e3f0ece1bb…)

hurried home from work bc i wanted to masturbate but i forgot where i put my vibrator and now i can't find it in any of the usual places. pain and suffering on planet earth.
No. 1488559
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No. 1488599
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I think the coffeehouse crime guy is misogynistic. The vibes are strong when he delights in covering female killers and calling them "treacherous snakes" and on the flipside he excuses incel killers by saying that society failed to get them the psychological help they needed.
No. 1488892
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I wanna play Animal Crossing but I'm scared of starting the game because I haven't played in like two years. I'm scared to see my town, I'm scared to see who's moved out lol.
No. 1488917
>>1488892I've played every game, but haven't touched any much in years, the exception being New Horizons. In ACNH, the villagers do not move out unless you agree they should (or kick them out iirc)
In ACNL, I think it's the same but I could be wrong.
I don't remember anything about being able to control villagers staying in ACCF, ACWW, or ACGC.
No. 1488926
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>>1488917It's pretty similar to ACWW and ACLGttC, they'll tell you a date some time and you can convince them to stay if you talk at them long enough, but if you miss them you're out of luck lol.
don't leave me punchy, not like tammy did… No. 1488930
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No. 1489008
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Nonna, you are probably smarter than you think you are.
Have a nice day.
No. 1489241
>>1489205Of course not I would never samefag, it’s against the rules you know.
>>1489212Maybe in her twisted logic like “I care more to discipline you more, whereas I give up on him”. It’s fucked up and sexist regardless. Sorry anon.
No. 1489363
>>1489354>between 800-1000Nonny… take it from a former anachan
rattle rattle you do not want to eat below 1200. You'll feel like utter shit. It's pretty hard to maintain a low calorie limit like that. Unless you want to be under constant stress mentally and physically you should stay 1200 and above. I get that you want to lose weight quickly but 800-1000 isn't an ideal goal if you want to function normally.
No. 1489366
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No. 1489380
>>1489366Lots of thoughts on this.
First off, why is prey so cute? Leporidae and rodents are sooo cute, why are they designed to be SO cute? I get having big eyes to see prey, fur to keep them warm, big cute ears to hear (i'm also thinking of deer, so cute). And their behaviour even, popcorning when they're happy? Come on.
Secondly, it reminds me of humans lack of concern for the consequences of anything but the human race. I was reading about myxomatosis yesterday after remembering the traumatic film I watched as a kid, watership down, and in my country (UK) it wiped out 99% of the wild rabbit population. The pictures were so upsetting I had to stop looking into it.
No. 1489469
>>1489459thank you for the advice anon, but you kinda did exactly what I complained about originally. I already do most of what you said but I don't think people should be eating organs or only the cheapest things on the shelf because what will happen when costs go up again? what will we need to eat then? my home country already went through a time where people made soup out of grass just to survive and not die of starvation. I hate to think of that happening again. also, I wish we had coupons like in america, I'm amazed to see how much people can save over there. in europe it's either full price or nothing.
>>1489464endless greed for profit has caused this but no, you should start taking navy showers instead. and do exercise instead of heating your house.
No. 1489470
>>1489442>So do you think it's just a coincidence that their design coincides with what humans think are cute?Of course.
>Apparently their features remind us of human babies a bit, but was their any evolutionary reason outwith humans?Rabbits are not really domestic animals so yes, in fact you literally said so yourself.
>having big eyes to see predators>fur to keep them warm>big ears to hear
>Or is it like dogs developing floppy ears through breedingMany dog breeds would literally not exist if it weren't for humans in-breeding dogs to make certain mutations more common for the sake of human standards of cuteness. Though we can argue this happens to a lesser extent with rabbits too, as pet rabbits generally tend to look typically cuter than wild rabbits.
No. 1489487
>>1489486I was on the Pretty Pastel Please thread earlier, checked out a vlog where she was basically shopping and she found these bagged pickles. next time I opened instagram I had ads for the exact same fucking bagged pickles. it's too weird and obscure, cause I remember her not even saying anything about them because I was fast-forwarding through and just glanced at them.
one time when I worked at a tattoo studio a client was waiting for their appointment, chilling with me at reception and we tested this theory. we just said something absolutely obscure we'd never bought/looked up etc., said it into our phone mics and refreshed our social media. boom, the exact products.
I know this is pretty well known by now but it doesn't feel any better knowing we are all perpetually stalked.
No. 1489540
>>1489520nona you're replying to seems more feedery than she lets on
>>1489449hating a gymbro, try and feed him more, ends up going to gym more cause weight, nona seethes more because #gymbro maybe he wants to be in shape for his health and being attractive to you? stop wasting both your time and dump him jfc
are you a fridge or rattler because being this focused on someone else's weight for literally no reason is bizarre.
No. 1489544
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when you try to be nice to the weird girl at work and invite her to the discord that you and your work friends made but she keeps inviting her faggot genderspecial outside friends to the server
No. 1489556
>>1489544ew the fuck, they fucking seep into everything. like mold
(rose is amazing and I love her t. tlcfag)
No. 1489560
>>1489544is it reasonable to tell her you're not okay with that? or try to explain you hate troons?
or will that risk your job?
No. 1489569
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Why do people hate cat pics in here so much
No. 1489571
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>>1489569Never seen anyone here hate on cat pics? Tons of anons use them.
No. 1489573
>>1489560no lol this woman has no filter and will 100% start shit with me about it
if there isn't a way to shadowban people on discord we could make a another server and not tell them about it lol
No. 1489576
>>1489523This, moids love suffering the consequences of their own actions because it lets them feel like a
victim and attention whore lmao. They also think their suffering is “so bad no1 understand” even though
they chose to leave their loving or supportive girlfriend/wife for some hotter younger thing. Of course they’ll glorify the party days/cheating what not. Moids are truly helpless, and somehow it’s
our fault too
No. 1489837
>>1489474i want to listen to this
nonny read so badly
No. 1489898
>>1489512This is exactly why I hate hearing men's opinions about fictional characters because they can't be normal about them. It doesn't take half a brain cell to separate fiction from reality and enjoy a dickhead character because they're written well, but instead men go ahead and idolize them as pillars of masculinity.
I tried to get into Attack on Titan since my friend loves it. Men's obsession with Eren Yeager is pathetic. Go to any YouTube video or clip from the anime, and the comment section is full of men writing sob stories of how they relate so much to Eren because they too have endured oppression and horror in their lives. Revenge plots and unhinged character arcs should be for women only.
No. 1489925
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I found an unopened pack of these while moving. Made me smile.
No. 1489934
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>>1489829I don't know street names, I don't know where anything is, it really boggles my mind that people can remember all of that. Driving is just way too stressful for me overall.
No. 1489935
>>1489829i witnessed a pedestrian hit and run and helped call for an ambulance. the phone operator made me feel so fucking stupid, excuse me i've never had to read directions on the side of a road before im sorry i dont know the exact coords the fuck
the person survived btw
No. 1489948
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Today I found out that Pedro Pascal has a sister and she's a tranny
No. 1489984
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Happy friday nonas! May this be all of us this weekend
No. 1489987
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tfw i have an assignment where i have to code but never had a class on coding and no programmer that i know knows the language i have to use
No. 1490080
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Whenever I wanna laugh at something retarded I read the tinfoil thread.
No. 1490093
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Are you the soul of the party if everyone dances like you regardless of how retarded are your dance moves?
No. 1490099
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No. 1490131
>>1490064VBA (visual basic for application)
We need to use it specifically
No. 1490164
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I really want to decorate one of my bonnets like a mushroom because I think I look like a mushroom when I have one on
No. 1490195
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If Sharon Tate was around nowadays the anachans in the celebricows thread would be calling her fat
No. 1490304
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I've been feeling so pretty and confident in my appearance these days. Idk if it's the new sunscreen I've been using or weight loss or what. I wish I could kiss myself. Mwwwaahhh.
No. 1490316
>>1490304What sunscreen
No. 1490321
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>>1490316I use the Apieu pure block one. I'm a black girl and it leaves absolutely no white cast, super moisturizing, makes you look glowy and plus it smells citrusy! It's super lightweight too. I have yet to buy UV stickers to see how well they actually block sun though.
No. 1490564
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Sometimes I fantasize about creating an all encompassing female otaku image board, I've even thought of a title; Ojou-Chan, and a few boards I would make.
>/csi/-cosplay, shrine, ita-bag
>/fand/-fandom discussion
>/dwdc/-derivative work discussion & creation
I would have no non-fandom board other than a page for site updates and such. Any discussion related to politcs or irl males (still debating this one), and non fandom related blog posting, would be a bannable offense, and being an obnoxious newfag a bannable offense as well. There would be no discord. I'd want the board-tans to be princess themed to fit the whole 'ojou-chan' thing, aside from /csi/-tan who would wear a suit and act as a body guard. I would even set up 'ojou-chan events' on pictsquare yearly as the board's version of a comic-market for /dwdc/.
No. 1490687
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Why would youtube recommend me this men's rights bullshit. Probably because I watch some video game channels
No. 1490696
>>1490644That is correct, though it would probably be something like this. In this case let's take the fandom…Persona. There would be four threads across the site.
>/yu/-yumejoPersona Chara General
>/fu/-fujoPersona BL General
>/hi/-himejoPersona GL General
>/fand/-fandom discussionPersona General
However, if the fandom is something abstract like Kirby, FNAF or Sonic The Hedgehog, it would go into /n/
No. 1490708
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I just found out that Sphynx cats are Canadian, my whole life is a lie.
No. 1490862
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it seems like bad karma to use someone who's still alive in your celebration of life powerpoint tutorial
No. 1490930
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No. 1490968
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>>1490930>>1490950can't believe both of you passed Undyne, this feels like a crime!
No. 1491009
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I hate Geno Samuel so much, I'm just glad he moved to China and lives in a compound now.
No. 1491023
>>1491009What did he do? Out of every character in Chris Chans story he's one that's very blatant in what his goal is
> reading kiwifarms threads on Chris chan and making videos/money from it>isn't trying to "teach" Chris a message by fucking with himAnd as calling Chris a she/her I don't think he believes he's a womanjust he's to to not get hate. Is there more to know about him?
No. 1491077
>>1491065My stomach is shit and retarded, most foods feel heavy to me at night, specially after having a shitty day with food like today in which I had a big brunch, then, instead of a decent lunch with plenty of veggies, I shared a small tray with cured meat and cheese, and then I had churros with my friend.
Plus most of the sushi that's on sale has stuff like cream cheese, plantains and tempura stuff, so it's quite a bad idea to have something like that.
No. 1491106
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Ive had an awful fucking migraine for 24+hours and I caved in and ate a shroom chocolate to stop the pain but now im a little weird feeling and I just want blueberry pancakes but my head hurts so fucking much.
Owe owe owe
No. 1491231
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>>1491067They're actually meant to tell you when you need to reapply, but I believe they would also work to tell you if your sunscreen is working.
No. 1491256
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>>1491251What the fuck, that sounds literally like a nightmare.
No. 1491274
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need me a man like this
No. 1491302
>>1491288Aah you're a genius anon! I'll ask next time I go out. I feel like local, smaller stores would definitely be willing to hand some over.
>>1491301Kek, you just dredged up this forgetton memory for me.
No. 1491406
>>1491397You should find autism unattractive, it's quite weird.
>>1491402No one mentioned the women having to get surgery to remove cellulite, only that she didn't want giant pictures of it shoved in her face when walking into a store. It's not the end of the world if every single person on earth isn't personally attracted to you.
No. 1491411
>>1491406It's not about being unattractive to somebody, it's just a natural part of the human body and nobody is "forcing" her to find it attractive. Just weird autistic hangups about this. It blows my mind that media and society can influence people to feel disgust for a natural and normal part of the body. Especially a woman's body. I am sperging about this because this is my lolcor and we're already all bitter femcels or whatever I don't personally want to see posts about how a woman's natural and normal body part is gross! And anons will say I'm seething because I must have cellulite. It just makes me seethe when people bitch about cellulite. Calls to mind pop culture magazines printing giant pap pics of famous women's asses at the beach and the headline is something horrible and derogatory because oh nooooo a woman has some dimples on her buttcheeks how fucking horrible and disgusting and repulsive fuck they should just all kill themselves they've all HIT THE WALL. Just sucks shit to see women be treated like that. Anyway
No. 1491561
>>1491476Why would you remind
single women they're worthy? Married women are the ones being beaten and degraded daily.
No. 1491592
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I draw an exorbitant amount of stuff, just papers and papers of drawings and doodles stacking up over the years. I don't really want to throw them away. Anyone else got drawing collections of like, OCs and stuff?
No. 1491628
>>1491621Yeah I like seeing the improvement but some of it is very cringe
>>1491626I'm not an artist though, also go cry about it
No. 1491652
>>1491592I'm trying to take pictures of them to save them digitally because I only doodle or draw when I'm busy, which sucks, because my important uni, work and study notes are filled with dumbass doodles.
So I have to keep a bunch of old notebooks around, or I rip the pages off and put them in a folder.
No. 1491692
>>1491651[Verse 1]
Wake up in the morning feelin' like P. Diddy (Hey, what up, girl?)
Grab my glasses, I'm out the door, I'm gonna hit this city (Let's go)
Before I leave, brush my teeth with a bottle of Jack
'Cause when I leave for the night, I ain't coming back
I'm talkin' pedicure on our toes, toes, tryin' on all our clothes, clothes
Boys blowin' up our phones, phones
Drop-toppin', playin' our favorite CDs, pullin' up to the parties
Tryna get a little bit tipsy
Don't stop, make it pop, DJ, blow my speakers up
Tonight, I'ma fight 'til we see the sunlight
Tick tock on the clock, but the party don't stop, no
Oh, woah, woah, oh, oh, woah, woah, oh
Don't stop, make it pop, DJ, blow my speakers up
Tonight, I'ma fight 'til we see the sunlight
Tick tock on the clock, but the party don't stop, no
Oh, woah, woah, oh, oh, woah, woah, oh
[Verse 2]
Ain't got a care in the world, but got plenty of beer
Ain't got no money in my pocket, but I'm already here
And now the dudes are linin' up, 'cause they hear we got swagger
But we kick 'em to the curb unless they look like Mick Jagger
I'm talkin' 'bout everybody gettin' crunk, crunk, boys try to touch my junk, junk
Gonna smack him if he gettin' too drunk, drunk
No-now we go until they kick us out, out or the police shut us down, down
Police shut us down, down, po-po shut us down
Don't stop, make it pop, DJ, blow my speakers up
Tonight, I'ma fight 'til we see the sunlight
Tick tock on the clock, but the party don't stop, no
Oh, woah, woah, oh, oh, woah, woah, oh
Don't stop, make it pop, DJ, blow my speakers up
Tonight, I'ma fight 'til we see the sunlight
Tick tock on the clock, but the party don't stop, no
Oh, woah, woah, oh, oh, woah, woah, oh
You might also like
Shakira: Bzrp Music Sessions, Vol. 53
Bizarrap & Shakira
Love Language
(DJ) You build me up, you break me down
My heart, it pounds, yeah, you got me
With my hands up, you got me now
You got that sound, yeah, you got me
(DJ) You build me up, you break me down
My heart, it pounds, yeah, you got me
With my hands up, put your hands up
Put your hands up
Now, the party don't start 'til I walk in
Don't stop, make it pop, DJ, blow my speakers up
Tonight, I'ma fight 'til we see the sunlight
Tick tock on the clock, but the party don't stop, no
Oh, woah, woah, oh, oh, woah, woah, oh
Don't stop, make it pop, DJ, blow my speakers up
Tonight, I'ma fight 'til we see the sunlight
Tick tock on the clock, but the party don't stop, no
Oh, woah, woah, oh, oh, woah, woah, oh
No. 1491703
>>1491698>what>oh>silenceIn response to any picture of a moid:
>wtf>what is thatI don't know if they are effective or really negs, just something I do. Also try things like:
>you're annoying>ew>(quietly) what the fuck… No. 1491735
File: 1675630565515.jpg (197.42 KB, 750x1000, Blue Hair.jpg)

I want to dye my hair but I have it in braids most of the time, and it would be harder to find weave to match my hair color unless I dyed it myself. I like wearing pink so I think a very dark blue or ginger/red would look so good.
No. 1491762
File: 1675631854392.jpg (199.78 KB, 571x800, dreads.jpg)

I never knew how much you could do with dreads until the Bailey sisters did it. They are always doing really cute things with their hair and even wearing wigs, while having healthy looking locks
No. 1491786
>>1491776if you are
>>1491771 and you don't know who she is, why are you saying she's everywhere all of a sudden and she's irrelevent? I'm confused or am I reading wrong or are you another anon?
No. 1491787
>>1491786Nonny, not everyone is one anon… this
>>1491776 is the first post I've made ITT today. At least check typing style before you accuse me of samefagging.
No. 1491789
File: 1675633832846.webm (87.78 KB, generated_voice.webm)

As someone that has used narrator or whatever it's called for a long time, I'm really impressed in the quality that this narrator gives. No halted speech, human like pronunciation and no difficulty with harder and complex words.
No. 1491791
>>1491787>Check typing stylesWhat? I literally said
>I'm confused…or are you another anon?Because you COULD be the anon I was talking too OR another another.
There's nothing about your typing style that stands out
No. 1491863
>>1491860Good luck nonna! I like to heat up a bit of olive oil in a pan, then on med to high heat I'll put the salmon in, skin side down. I let it sit for about 2-3 minutes (do not touch!). Then I'll flip it over and do another 2-3 minutes. Cooking time depends on how thick it is though, so you might need to go longer if it's a thicker cut. Salt and pepper and you're done! Enjoy
No. 1492181
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>>1492179You dropped your cat my sensitive
nonny No. 1492208
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I love going on the internet and causing infight on both sides regarding the trannies vs Harry Potter game. So funny the way they all start coping about their own meaningless lip service. I hope troons realize nobody actually likes them seeing how many libshits completely fold over a silly wizard game.
No. 1492215
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I experimented a lot to figure out the recipe for the best hot coco this part of town but none of my friends ever lets me make them a cup
No. 1492330
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RIP lucy-lucy-lucy
No. 1492375
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Lolcow's been so slow lately. Where did everyone go?
No. 1492382
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me and who
No. 1492391
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>>1492375I don't know either, it feels like its just me but at least we have each other
No. 1492486
>>1492482i was wondering why a bunch of threads were removed from the catalogue out of the blue. there is no longer an email to contact the admin so i made a thread in /meta/ not thinking much of it. i got some snarky reply from whom i presume to be a mod before my entire thread was deleted…rofl. i was just curious? i forgot they admin is gone. guess i struck a nerve.
>>1492483no, i'm sorry.
No. 1492512
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Regardless of all the issues and dystopian developments coming with it:
No. 1492521
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>>1492512same queen, i love being terminally online. but that's why bots and ai scare me so much.
No. 1492567
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>>1492521Are the hearts supposed to be a golden ratio?
No. 1492584
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I think post Malone has yellow fever. All his gfs lhave been young tiny Asian women.
No. 1492613
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>>1492609Their type is cash. I’m surprised more people don’t talk about his yellow fever.
No. 1492661
>>1492658The plan is to make or buy something with my favorite animal on it, then the next time I see her I will make sure it becomes a subject of conversation somehow ("Oh could you hold this for me? My hands are full" "Isn't this cute? I got it at xyz") and while we're talking about it I will slip in that it's my favorite animal. Then after a few more seconds of blahblahblah-ing I will ask her what her favorite animal is. I actually think I know what it is but it's important I make sure. I'm also thinking I could make this a little easier and send her a cute animal video and that can lead into the question.
If you're wondering why I don't just outright ask, it's part of a gift and that would be too obvious.
No. 1492742
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you only get to choose one
No. 1492811
>>1492619These jokes weren't even that bad wow
Troons are sensitive lmao