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No. 1470519
Let's get retarded in here
Last thread:
>>>/ot/1460310 No. 1470551
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picrel is not me but i feel similarly! i made a twitch account just to follow her and get notifications when she's live lol (which I have missed 100% of because I was working, much to my disappointment)
No. 1470646
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>>1470628how could you say this on lolcow of all places?
No. 1470650
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how's your day been anons? I'm shepherding tech illiterate coworkers all afternoon, very tired. one just stopped responding hours ago.
No. 1470688
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>>1470650I cycled to work today in the pouring rain. It's a 45 minute trip and it usually doesn't bother me but I didn't have my raincoat so I was absolutely soaked and freezing when I arrived. By the time I had to cycle back home it was still pouring but somehow at this point I had come to accept and even embrace the rain, so I actually ended up enjoying the trip back quite a lot.
No. 1470690
>>1470628I love watching the office but hate Jim. Does that make sense?
Also fuck jim, he ruined pams life and I hate that smug look he has when he looks in the camera when something is up. All he did was play with her feelings whenever she tried to pursue something of her own interest or would dick around with her feelings- pretending that he's cheating on his wife but then it comes out that he's a "nice guy" and would never cheat on his wife because he's so loyal but had no problems dicking around with Karen and then also dropping Karen when he realized he could do better. I also didn't forget when he also took out a loan for his shitty company against Pam's permission. Fucking awful.
No. 1470696
>>1470628The things you mentioned seem more like watching something that's so bad it's good and therefore it goes full circle and becomes enjoyable.
I definitely watched things a couple of times in my life just to be able to shit on them properly, sometimes I'm just so baffled by peoples opinions I can't help myself. But that's really rare.
No. 1470728
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>>1470690I hate Jim too kek he's so smug and he always looks greasy and like he smells a little bit. Pam is also boring but tbh nothing remarkably hateful about her, but I have no idea why people love Jim so much. The fact that he was considered good-looking is also crazy to me - he's ugly as shit, with sweaty bloated features.
No. 1470796
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Sometimes when I play Resident Evil 2, I walk around injured and don't heal because it's cute watching Leon limp around and gasp in pain.
No. 1470814
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i'm in love with her, nonnies.
No. 1470848
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>>1470833same, its impossible to be truly cringe and free nowadays, and i hate how some zoomers made beingy cringy ''ironically'' a fad, it feels so fake. I really want to go back to the late 00's or early 10's, i used to make invader zim yaoi amvs.
No. 1470860
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i feel like this cat all the time
No. 1470861
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i will never be her
No. 1470869
>>1470865well i can't argue, you're right
but tbh most cringe stuff we got in the 2000s were posted by the cringy people themself
No. 1470996
>>1470879Send them an email.
> I am contacting you about an item of mine that has not been processed. As per your verbal warning that if I did not pick up my stuff it would be given away, I came to your location and found that my piece has not been fired. My piece has been waiting to be fired since [date]. If you could please give me an estimate of when it will be actually fired, I will be more than happy to pick it up. Thanks, [name].Email starts a trail and makes them reliable.
No. 1470998
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>me desperately keeping myself from booping my sleeping cat on the nose
No. 1471102
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Ovulation is coming.
No. 1471126
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>>1471102batten down the hatches. we will all weather this recurrent storm, together
No. 1471206
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sometimes the stream of water from the shower hits my nip nips at just the right angle
picrel is my reaction to that feeling
No. 1471214
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i get my hair all soggy with hot water and then i arrange it on my boobs so it feels like someone's warm hands are holding them
No. 1471223
File: 1673568652503.png (870.09 KB, 527x735, eldenmononoke.png)

dudes have gleefully shown me their elden ring fits for ages with pride but they're always just some armor set. here i present my princess mononoke forest spirit inspired outfit, i love her and thank you for your time
No. 1471229
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>>1471217moon anon dis you?
i love undertime slopper No. 1471240
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>>1471229anon delete that i was having a bad day when that was taken i swear
No. 1471312
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>>1471240this could be us
No. 1471346
>>1471312…what do you mean by that
winkI think you’ve outretarded me. You’ve earned my respect.
>>1471326 The men creating such media clearly weren’t held enough by their mothers as children or have a buried fear of emasculation due to the progress of industrial society. One could say, indeed, this Family Guy fetish Deviantart is the zeitgeist of our times.
>peter griffin writing with quill jpeg No. 1471349
>>1471346we could be huge, epic, and rule over the land together
nonnie. cheers.
No. 1471359
>>1471346yes family guy fetish art is the human equivalent of the stream of
toxic runoff that a factory next to a preschool that has been covered up for years but is exposed as having caused birth defects and developmental disabilities. It's like microplastic of art, the particulate matter you are forced to inhale because of some demonic machinations of capital
No. 1471378
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are there any active threads dedicated to (non-kpop) music on this site?
No. 1471409
>>1471378theres a somewhat active music thread on /m/
nonny! and another thread where people post topsters charts of their top albums, lots of the anons in that thread have really good taste
No. 1471503
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on this episode of am i not into moids, is everyone ugly or am i simply too much of an autist
No. 1471514
>>1471503maybe youre a lesbian anon.
then again a lot of 'female gaze' (god im starting to hate that term) men are just straight up uggos. see: adam driver, kevin i.e that guy from tiktok that everyone hyped up as THE female gaze and he now spends his time acting like a manchild on tiktok live. revolting.
No. 1471532
>>1471503The whole "female gaze" thing is starting to feel like brainwash for women to have low standards than to actually focus on the female gaze. The few women I've seen do it seem to have this whole handmaiden-y vibe, "I only like basement dwelling uggos and low muscle mass geeks, uwu" type shit. Like it feels like a total settle.
I dont know exactly what constitutes the female gaze and while I do agree it focuses less on looks its bc it's about men appealing to women in a multitude of ways not just looks. It especially extends to emotion in men, finding men who actually care and appeal to women on an emotional basis hot instead of a roid raging chad.
Basically physically they would be men but emotionally/mentally they would be more on par with women with how they act.
The men (that I like) that i find to be feminine gaze-y would be like the elves in LOTR and aragorn in lotr as well. Also nuada from hellboy the golden army. But I am a woman with shit taste and dont have many real life men that I find attractive.
No. 1471620
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>>1471613That's freakin sweet Lois
No. 1471668
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This is the female gaze
No. 1471704
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>>1471668Finally someone who understands
No. 1471705
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Men are so fucking ugly, it makes me want to vomit. How are we living in a world where this is normal?
No. 1471707
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>>1471503>>1471509>>1471532can't it just be that some people are attracted to different types of men, like some women will prefer the guy on the left and some the guy on the right, both are hot though
No. 1471733
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>>1471705This is so true. The bar is on the floor for men when it comes to taking care of their appearance. Even if they did take care of themselves 90% of them just naturally have a grotesque ogreish facial structure with lumpy features.
Honestly even with men I've dated that I was attracted to irl, most of the time when I saw a photo of their face I'd kind of cringe almost? It's like in pictures I could objectively see they didn't look very good whereas irl it's easier to overlook.
Obviously there are exceptions and some men are genuinely beautiful but the vast majority of them just aren't. It's crazy to compare this to women because imo something like 3/4ths of women are at least somewhat pretty or cute. Beautiful women seem pretty common and I rarely ever see a woman that I straight up think is ugly. Sure, part of this is because they put more effort into looking nice, but another part is that men just genetically tend to look more unfortunate.
No. 1471769
>>1471707Totally agree. I'll be the first to admit my Nigel ain't bringing home first prize in a beauty pageant, however he is a very strong and well built man (I like the strongman build) with great character. He also knows he's not an Adonis and doesn't act as if he's owed anything. His humility and kind nature help soften his appearance, if these ugly ass moids practiced an OUNCE of that they would almost be tolerable to look at. Hilarious that they think they're in control when all they can do is thirst after women 24/7. Assholes like Andrew Tate have these goons convinced they can pull any woman they want, further inflating their monolithic egos. Laughable and repulsive all at once.
>>1471705 This fucking creature is just a train wreck. If he has a female partner he should worship the ground she walks upon as she's doing him a great favor merely tolerating his presence, nevermind engaging in coitus. Genetically speaking moids are fucked in the aesthetics department but the fact they largely don't fully appreciate that fact is what really chaps my ass. Know your fucking non-existent worth, scrotal failures. Sperg over.
No. 1471815
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Once or twice a year I check back on my gaiaonline account.
No. 1471841
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>>1471820Not that anon but my relationship also has a 7 year age gap. Luckily he lives an extremely healthy lifestyle while I have a ton of unhealthy habits, so that should solve the problem and close the gap. If everything goes according to plan by the time we're in our sixties he'll look tight and a decade younger whereas I'll rock the haggard witch look. Playing the long game here.
No. 1471860
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>>1471532i think the tiktok is kinda right, otherwise tumblr sexy man wouldn't be a thing. Women just have more varied taste than men, men's ''waifus'' dont go beyond big tits and ass, women ''husbandos'' tend to be well written characters, that's why so many gay moids husbandofag marvel beefcakes while women tend to husbandofag the characters with ''deep'' personalities like riddler.
No. 1471871
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>>1471866when tampon companies give them to tranniesm at least give them to female trannies, holy shit
No. 1471886
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More cp uuughhh
No. 1471887
File: 1673630540338.jpg (2.67 MB, 4000x3000, 20230109_170521.jpg)

Im sorry i dont have more pictures to spam.. cp front page…
No. 1471889
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No. 1471893
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No. 1471894
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No. 1471897
>>1471860I think this is correct, along with a thought process similar to
>>1471516 that seems to play a part. Personality is important and guys who stand out are appealing, but I feel like a lot of women also go for guys who are cute but flawed in some way, or at least seem unconventional. My theory is that it's because we think about how the dynamic would be from both sides. It should feel at least within the realm of possibility that the guy also wants me, otherwise I just can't get into the fantasy. I don't see the appeal in some perfect looking chad type because I can't fathom someone confident and outgoing with tons of options going for me. It feels like relinquishing control. It's an insecurity thing really, I want a cute skinny awkward nerd who is unaware of his own attractiveness to worship me.
Tumblr sexymen are imo essentially that same insecurity-fueled principle taken to a greater extreme.
To some extent it's the same thing as moids going for the nerdy/'alternative' but still hot chick as opposed to the stereotypical Stacy, eg preferring the Velma type over Daphne, but since they're scrotes their attraction is much more superficial and coomery so both options still boil down to the same tits & ass waifu.
No. 1471916
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Is the cp gone yet? I wanna scroll the catalog but I don't want to see it
No. 1471962
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i am so angry that i seem to be the only woman(women supposedly have better color receptors) that cant grasp good color combinatios and color theory. I jsut wanna draw cute simple pics like pic rel, reeeee
No. 1472009
File: 1673636676066.png (82.32 KB, 904x772, 1667353616531.png)

>>1471993thank you!!
>>1472004i was actually taking some youtube graphic design courses, graphic designers have a really strong color theory grasp and i am hoping it helps. I love these type of graphic-esque drawings, they look so good for buttons, a shame most japanese artists dont sell their stuff outside of conventions
No. 1472017
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>>1472010Kek you made me wheeze
No. 1472024
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>>1472012westaboos have such pretty color choices
>>1472016they are!
No. 1472029
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>>1471962Is this even good? There’s not much contrast it all kinda blends together. Anyway you can just fake it by picking one color and then googling “[chosen color] color palette”
No. 1472035
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>>1472029Is this even good? There’s not much contrast it all kinda blends together
i really like it, i am not a fan of dull color palettes
No. 1472049
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>>1472035There’s so many combos on google that look good I just chose a random color and scrolled to find one with more contrast. I like the pic you just posted a lot better
No. 1472144
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>>1471897I guess that explains most driver-fags, like he's the the best they can expect
No. 1472161
>>1470910People really be like
>UGH! why aren’t kids going outside and playing together IRL, all they do is sit on their computers!And then in the same breath
>HARUMPH, why are these kids being so CRINGE and annoying in public near me! Have some decency! No. 1472185
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The fact that I know what this means makes me feel taken aback
No. 1472204
>>1471662ayrt and
>it shows weakness and vulnerability, like i'll be able to swiftly take them down with one kick to the ankles. plus it's weird and femininethat's why i like it, that's the whole appeal kek
No. 1472283
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I really admire other short girls that are good at dressing and choosing flattering clothes. I'm closer to average height but I look shorter, I think because of my waist line. Makes it hard to know what will look good. I also feel like a lot of fashion advice puts an emphasis on dressing as your opposite. Like if you're short "wear this to make yourself look taller!". If you're curvy, "wear this to hide your curves!". I'm fine with how my body look, I don't want to look curve-less or taller I just want to know how to look good.
No. 1472316
>>1472304that's def just a you thing,
nonnie, maybe your thoughts
trigger it and send you over the edge
No. 1472333
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feeling so awesome and cool finding pirated shows website
No. 1472344
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>>1471608wtf im ovulating right now we are all synced up nonningtons
No. 1472352
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>>1472323Samefag, I hate Aki's stiff fucking ponytail. And that scene of
Denji barking for Makima No. 1472375
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Me and the tinfoil thread nonners playing dark night scaries
No. 1472461
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whats your traits nonnies? (3 or 4), Me, Lazy, Clumsy, Family Oriented and Loner
No. 1472490
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i am crying and having a panic attack while listening to city pop ad it helped me calm down. Thank you city pop
No. 1472491
It's so weird to think where I'll be in 10 years, like I can't picture it. Maybe I'll still be a cashier kek or I become rich for some reason. Life is weird man. It takes all those unexpected twists and turns like a river.
>>1472490Good for you nonna!
>>1472461Creative, music lover, slob
No. 1472513
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Another gore(?) post, report and ignore nonnies
No. 1472517
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>>1472513thanks for telling me before I left the thread
nonnie. Anyway, tag yourself
No. 1472522
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why is a shoebox with a bathroom so fucking expensive nonnies even with a job i wouldnt be able to afford it and my family is driving me crazy the only way out seems to be sudoku
No. 1472527
>>1472491i need your attitude. i’m anxious and depressed because i flunked out of college, have to take a cashier job or something equivalent and have no idea what to do next. even worse, i feel incapable of doing any job and i don’t even want to imagine anything. i’m probably even too retarded to work as a cashier and if not, i won’t be able to show up every day for more than three weeks, because i could never do that with any full time occupation. it’s not just a worry, i genuinely believe it and barely get up in the morning, i am useless with no real skills, no discipline and i don’t manage to bring myself to learn anything consistently either. i’m not even sure if i have finished one single book in the last decade. needless to say, i’m also mentally ill, therapy hasn’t worked in 11 years (i switched my therapist 5 times, two hours a weak for 5 years now i can only take 1) blablahblahhhblahblah i forgot this is not a venting thread but i’m not going to delete this, this was so much effort
No. 1472533
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What if this life is actually just my personal hell where I have to live through the horrors of males before I can finally reach salvation? What if moids aren't even real and just a demonic manifestation of evil?
No. 1472547
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>feel fat
>no longer feel fat
No. 1472594
File: 1673667392243.gif (15.15 MB, 600x600, dbb398761a.gif)

i have never dated in my life and probably never will but if i do i refuse to date anyone more attractive than me. only i'm allowed to be the pretty one.
No. 1472668
influencers are the dumbest fucking thing
Look I made mundane things look interesting
This totally unedited photo in this vacation place!
Look at my ass in the swiss alps and cancun
I am so rich I fly private jet and live in a mansion
Nah you rent out those places with 20 other people splitting rent, maybe less bc you are upper middle class, you'll say anything to get that marketing check, you don't give a shit about where you go or your future, and it's just fucking fake. Here rent out your private jet dream that's all these people do, use anyone and anyway to get noticed hoping for a quick buck. Yeah I get it jobs are modern day slavery, but this shit is just a bunch of people all doing the same thing as each other for clout and a short lived high income. And it's funneled into every idiots brain with all these apps. It's nauseating.
No. 1472703
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Only Now Do I Understand, Why They Are Called Crackers. It Is Because They Are Addictive, Like CRACK!!
No. 1472837
File: 1673694245378.gif (1010.28 KB, 498x374, anime-kawaii-ass-bitch.gif)

A good friend of mine is living some sort of shoujo manga life, and I find quite charming lmao
>grew up in the rich part of the city
>loser nerd in high school
>goes to japan for a few years after graduation
>has a glow up (note: she was already really pretty before imo)
>comes back and makes a career as a comic artist
>the popular guy notices her at the class reunion and they start dating
inb4 anyone calls me jealous, I just find it amazing and really funny. I love her and I'm happy for her, and I hope she continues to live her irl shoujo manga dreams
No. 1472870
>>1472527Ayrt, sorry you feel this way nonna. I flunked out of college too which is why I have this job now, I don't love it but I don't hate it. Retail is not as bad as people say, it's not that fun but it could be worse and you get good at it if you do it for a month or 2. The future will be okay
nonnie, you don't know where you'll be, that's the fun of life ♥
No. 1472912
>>1472527Anon I flunked out the first time. My wagie job led me to connections that got me my actual big adult job out of school once I went back. I knew a lot of people who had several degrees and had flunked out a time and kept changing their mind on what they wanted to do every 7-10 years. As long as you keep working at something and rolling with the punches you can do this. ♥ life is hard and like. Jenga tower that gets knocked down over and over again. You just have to rebuild a little stronger each time. Also 56% of honor students flunk out their first year of college in burgerland kek
Don’t let your self hate push you into a shame spiral where you punish yourself okay? Reflecting and accountability so next time you can accomplish what you need to whatever it is? Awesome. Beating yourself up and self sabotaging because you deserve to be punished? Not okay and will make your life a lot harder.
As for stuff like reading, have you tried taking a book and dividing it into smaller goals so it’s less overwhelming. Think one book a month. 120 pages is only 4 a day. You like it? Keep going. Don’t it’s only four pages. You could even read it on the train or in the bathroom. Wherever you have to sit or stand for a minute.
No. 1472949
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Morning nonnies
No. 1473050
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I don't pay attention to this stuff, but all of the women in this years Miss Universe have been so beautiful. Everytime I see a video from the pageant I'm like wow
No. 1473123
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the plastic surgery thread puts me off, even as someone who isn't 100% against surgery itself (just forced, restrictive beauty standards). the way some posters who defend PS go after other women's looks first thing if they don't support it with the whole "you must be ugly reeee" thing is gross. it's like they're hoping those women will indeed be unattractive, and even if they're not, that saying those things will play on whatever insecurities they have so they'll eventually crack and go for PS and become "like them". i don't know how to put it into words, it just seems insidious.
there are also anti-PS anons that are nasty and make unwarranted, deranged personal attacks, don't get me wrong, but aside from being assholes, i feel like they just further emboldened actually mentally ill anons who think not supporting PS is the same as attacking all women who've had it. it's insane to me.
No. 1473141
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I pass a lot of my time by going on Pinterest and planning out stuff for my future children. I like sketching plushies, hats, dresses I would like to make for them, imagining how I would decorate their nursery or bedroom, and saving products I would buy for myself as a mom. I'm not anywhere near close to having kids though.
No. 1473180
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>>1471178I was thinking it was anxiety too since I have more of an urge when I'm anxious, but I've been eating less sugar and now I'm peeing less. Moral of the story, sugar addiction is bad.
No. 1473191
File: 1673730644996.png (Spoiler Image,668.31 KB, 1200x1200, 0D809385-D9ED-47CD-BC2A-626F58…)

I want to be a stacy.
No. 1473202
>>1473200ayrt, the driving part isn’t scary to me and I’m excited to finally start driving a car, I don’t know if I’ll be good at it or not, but at least it doesn’t scare me.
Everyone I know passed the exams at the 1st try, so that just adds a little bit more of pressure. I just want to get it done already and forget about it, I don’t even have the money for a car kek
No. 1473219
>>1473208I find that writing down the questions I get wrong helps me to memorise the right answer. Everyone tells me the same too, that they learnt most of the driving rules when they actually started driving, not while studying for the tests (more reasons to get frustrated that’s taking me so long to get confident enough to take the exam kek)
>>1473211Yep, I must’ve taken over 200 practice tests at this point.
I have ADHD, and I’ve realised that a lot of the questions I get wrong are the ones that are written in a confusing or misleading way.
I mostly want a license to be able to apply for jobs because 1. I live in bumfuck, nowhere and public transport is complete shit and 2. most places nowadays require you to have it
No. 1473254
>>1473252We are one and the same,
No. 1473312
File: 1673746581787.jpeg (289.13 KB, 1170x643, 349D83F7-7512-42FE-9FEB-9B9902…)

They should just replace Justin Roiland with Michael Cusack (the Australian guy behind this and Smiling Friends) and pretend nothing has changed. Keep the Australian accent and everything and just never mention it
No. 1473352
File: 1673751549470.jpg (56.96 KB, 1080x1053, Tumblr_l_353172650702878.jpg)

i want some veggie broth with pasta
No. 1473367
File: 1673754955518.jpg (430 KB, 1330x810, jaws-party-hat.jpg)

Some of you are afraid of sharks, and it shows……
No. 1473433
File: 1673763395555.jpg (24.95 KB, 640x360, dtgrjvx1ri971.jpg)

>>1473367It's this fool's fault. That shit was traumatising. At least Clanker was nicer, but fuck.
No. 1473438
File: 1673764487644.png (217.08 KB, 540x554, 283E6AFA-68F2-4398-9C57-2DC1D6…)

911 i am crying laughing WJO DID THIS
No. 1473442
File: 1673764967833.jpg (Spoiler Image,60.5 KB, 793x487, Capture.JPG)

caption this image
No. 1473478
File: 1673773233751.jpeg (62.84 KB, 1129x1129, D570340A-D20D-4A6D-8E2A-575E77…)

Do you think we get much fedposting here, if any at all?
No. 1473543
>>1471662this post made me kek so hard
>>1471707I wish 80s/90s action hero type men would be a thing again
No. 1473551
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No. 1473608
File: 1673799222959.jpg (76.64 KB, 720x960, image.jpg)

would you?
No. 1473616
File: 1673800514722.jpg (31.86 KB, 500x500, b12ae400.jpg)

ive had a song stuck in my head for days now but i can't stand listening to it for real, like i just wanna hear it inside my head
No. 1473633
File: 1673802703236.jpeg (17.3 KB, 135x222, 300586C2-836C-487E-B1F1-E12A94…)

I just want some joggers, like around 4 pairs of joggers so I can run my errands comfortably, but I don't even know where to find some in my country, clothing stores are shit and ridiculously expensive for stores that sell bootleg stuff.
No. 1473717
File: 1673810539961.png (1.53 KB, 40x233, now.PNG)

does everyone post thing say "Now" regardless of how long ago it was posted?
No. 1473845
I've never had anxiety but I feel like I'm the only one. I just don't get stressed, I don't know what it is. Guess I'm just very lucky kek
>>1473801I'd ask what they eat on their planet
No. 1473855
File: 1673818558795.jpg (148.58 KB, 750x812, Tumblr_l_275297389470343.jpg)

>like a comedian
>buy and read their autobiography
>weird, I did a lot of this stuff
>weird, I experienced a lot of this stuff
>weird, I felt the same way about a lot of that stuff
>weird, I relate deeply to these people and I know that my friends could not say the same
Don't tell me that the whole point of autobiographies is to be relatable, I want to live in my madly delusional fantasy world where I am just naturally more attuned and attracted to people who feel and think the same as me, even without knowing beforehand.
No. 1473867
File: 1673819198599.jpg (98.2 KB, 550x827, UNI_7089.jpg)

Whenever the Miss Universe contestants have to wear a ridiculous outfit, I wonder how they must feel. Picrel still looks beautiful but wtf.
No. 1473868
File: 1673819251588.jpg (14.81 KB, 263x378, Mtv_moon_man.jpg)

>>1473867Samefag, she literally looks like the MTV moon man
No. 1473903
File: 1673821587321.jpg (59.61 KB, 911x960, smoke.jpg)

One of the sites I use to watch shows has been down for a day
No. 1473973
File: 1673827071471.jpg (47.52 KB, 563x545, 02ef0e6e6ddb01ac248b0a164affb9…)

What is the origin of the most mysterious song on the internet?
Who is celebrity number six?
Where is the original JTK image?
No. 1474051
>>1473942Similar to what
>>1473976 said about the ideals coexisting, I think we might be at a point where culture varies so widely between media outlets since a lot of them are appealing to more niche demographics or subcultures than everyone, but I've been seeing more proana content than I was a few years ago. I think it's partially because people have gotten sick of having to be body positive when they really aren't, partially trend cycles, and partially the result of pandemic weight gain and people's increased anxiety around their weight, but I will see videos like "How I stay so skinny!!!" etc that probably would have been relentlessly criticized if they came out a few years before. I definitely agree that the two ideals can coexist, but I've personally been seeing less obvious BBL content since it's been mocked or criticized more and more across the board (like from groups as varied as normie women, Youtube misogynists, and of course radfems)
No. 1474107
File: 1673837371338.png (10.29 KB, 120x120, oh no.png)

What's your favorite emoji?
No. 1474266
nonny whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
No. 1474307
>>1474305lolwut thats lowkey horrifying
honestly i would stay away from cereal it's full of so much bullshit and added sugar/sweeteners
No. 1474320
>>1473903It's up
nonnie just try different domains. .id and .gs works
No. 1474349
File: 1673862822164.jpg (76.19 KB, 600x900, 232980312140.jpg)

I've been thinking about Bette porter and I just love her suit/pant suspenders ughhhh
No. 1474442
>>1470690>>1470728Nonitas i am watching the office too!! I am on season 7 and honest to god, i can't stand Jim and Pam. They are the least interesting characters to me and its bluntly obvious that they are the writers favorite. They have everything so "uwu perfect" and nothing interesting ever happens to them. I also cannot stand how they both love bullying the shit out of Dwight despite him being a cow, it always seemed extremely childish. Christmas episode when Jim is finally getting shit he deserves really made me happy at least.
I am honestly a lot more interested in background characters than Jim and Pam, Michael is an idiot too. I prefer watching Angela and Dwight be crazy instead of spending 40 minutes on another JimPamAction episode. I also don't like how we still dont know anything about Meredith. We pretty much know at least the basics about everyone when she is still being used only for nothing but gross, dirty jokes. 'I want somebody to say a quick sex joke XD lets use Meredith!!" Even the two new characters managed to get a lot of screentime and we got to know them, but nobody gives a fuck about Meredith. I would be curious if she had some kind of backstory or redemption arc. Feels like a wasted character.
No. 1474495
File: 1673880972148.png (139.08 KB, 320x320, cho-sungwon-image.png)

>>1474272Fr. What's his excuse for not losing weight? He seems like a nice dude but he's so fat that he looks like a literal manbearpig. And yikes he really is only 32
No. 1474518
File: 1673883544028.jpg (28.37 KB, 467x204, newmin.JPG)

>>1474515no need to use anymore
No. 1474524
File: 1673883983763.png (1.27 MB, 1080x1295, Screenshot_20230116-094418.png)

>>1474495I feel like he purposely gains weight. This photo he had of his wife and him when they first started dating he looked pretty slim, but his lips look puffy. Is he doing it to even out the appearance of his lips with all the fat on his face? It's odd.
No. 1474532
File: 1673884897673.png (2.42 MB, 2000x2500, 1648504274683.png)

bumping cp off front page
No. 1474533
File: 1673884906409.jpeg (44.09 KB, 600x450, EC723549-EB1B-41F2-8142-A4ABB0…)

No. 1474534
File: 1673884931280.jpeg (39.6 KB, 600x489, 5642FFD9-7074-4ED4-B4D1-02E4BE…)

cleaning frontpage
No. 1474556
File: 1673887472493.jpeg (16.36 KB, 778x76, 3DD83DB8-40B4-4200-8342-F10921…)

No. 1474583
File: 1673890657846.png (629.86 KB, 640x611, 1773349974961.png)

>blocks your path and try to lecture on why sex work is totes empowering and how their porn usage is natural and shouldn't be judged
how do you respond
No. 1474661
File: 1673896662517.png (332.69 KB, 456x469, Screenshot 2023-01-16 200444.p…)

No. 1474666
File: 1673897547361.png (210.42 KB, 1144x1464, 1670935692202.png)

i just had a mcdonalds burger and i am still hungry but it was all i could afford
No. 1474705
File: 1673900762301.jpg (122.69 KB, 1163x1165, 61ZKxlc-OXL.jpg)

Indomie is good, but I really wish it came with more seasoning. It's so hard to get the ratio of ingredients right so that it actually has enough flavor, and it doesn't come with that many noodles so you can't remove any to fix the noodle-to-seasoning ratio. It's such a hit or miss, either basically flavorless or perfect. If it was more common in America, I'm sure they would have more.
No. 1474717
File: 1673901544131.gif (1.31 MB, 320x240, 858.gif)

>>1470728He and a few others are meant to be the "indiana 9, a california 6" joke where they're hot for where they are. No idea how it caught on with the audience though. He's all doofy and annoying.
No. 1474739
File: 1673903011532.png (289.53 KB, 463x624, 74d.png)

>>1474736back in the day there were tumblrinas who unironically found him hot
No. 1474766
File: 1673904668215.jpg (62.13 KB, 800x450, 1662819464079.jpg)

>>1474762Shaymin managed to fix it herself? I'm honestly surprised.
No. 1474770
File: 1673905105297.gif (293.52 KB, 200x133, fetchimage.gif)

>>1474722There are he who are spectator or spectacle in this world.
No. 1474777
File: 1673905825843.jpeg (37.58 KB, 631x350, man.jpeg)

>>1474774and now they're dust in the wind
No. 1474793
>>1474671and i have good internet so it's definitely something with the site
No. 1474795
>>1474790yep same here
webms are basically unwatchable too
No. 1474806
>>1474790was just about to ask
the site is very slow for me rn
>>1474802i hate all attention whores
No. 1474811
File: 1673909209424.png (117.64 KB, 458x460, 54e-167903256.png)

>>1474808damn reading this was quite a ride
No. 1474821
File: 1674053141940.gif (1.19 MB, 220x220, GI.gif)

No. 1474822
File: 1674053178944.png (592.2 KB, 674x640, pov5mndudhc51.png)

I missed you lolcow my life has been so empty and flavorless like 0 calorie peanut butter
No. 1474823
File: 1674053194215.jpg (296.77 KB, 1884x2048, 1666400123112.jpg)

Hi nonitas! I love you all
No. 1474827
File: 1674053659901.png (103.82 KB, 320x287, 1671648219422.png)

Wait, does lolcor being back mean we have a new admin now? I hope we get an introduction post soon
No. 1474828
File: 1674053698008.gif (694.1 KB, 400x180, giphy.gif)

yesss we're back
No. 1474832
File: 1674053871608.jpeg (14.27 KB, 612x418, A17-4E44I45.jpeg)

No. 1474859
File: 1674055708587.jpg (32.52 KB, 500x375, tumblr_nxjdfg4Sif1u0q3xpo1_500…)

blease use this as the next Things You Hate threadpic
No. 1474875
>>1474871new admins going ahead with the website overhaul?
i vaguely remember seeing a post counter when shaymin revealed the new lolcow site that quickly got shelved but i can't remember what that looked like exactly
No. 1474888
File: 1674058049335.png (120.98 KB, 1439x479, 1671786014103.png)

>>1474883she said old threads from the cow boards will be moved over, off topic boards as well if there's enough demand. picrel is a cap from the nucow from the failed update a month ago
No. 1474897
File: 1674058704218.jpeg (22.43 KB, 255x237, E399A6AD-DAC8-48EB-8064-300A9D…)

Saw a nonny being sad on lc about her mousey hair and I just wanted to let her know that if she was a cat she would be like this beautiful one right here
No. 1474902
File: 1674059643108.jpeg (725.45 KB, 828x889, 2BBAB4EC-C1E2-4B62-83DD-083960…)

June the Junkyard Cat missed all the nonnas. She says prrrr prr prrrrr
No. 1474924
>>1474890soon to be 41% anyway
>>1474823love u 2 girlie
No. 1474982
File: 1674067419125.jpeg (470.42 KB, 2048x1536, 1673976489058.jpeg)

So glad we're back, anononas
No. 1474988
>>1474966Can't believe this anon just started talking about spring right after mentioning
that shit
No. 1475044
File: 1674071367882.jpg (14.61 KB, 356x411, 1456735467245.JPG)

No. 1475054
You don't have to pretend to think he's a real dog or whatever
No. 1475062
File: 1674071854776.jpg (54.97 KB, 736x736, Canadian Hairless-Sphynx-cloth…)

gonna finally start listening to mitski and marina so I can figure out what AO3 authors on tumblr mean when they compare a character dynamic to one of their songs
No. 1475069
>>1475030Out of respect for you I deleted it nona.
But I do wonder if it’s normal. I’m fit and in my late 20s, never pregnant etc and I’m not sure if i’m being gaslit into thinking it’s fine by all the doctors I asked, especially because sometimes my period onset makes me vomit and faint.
No. 1475118
File: 1674074719930.jpg (57.91 KB, 976x850, 1560588541472.jpg)

Why do only black people react to music on Youtube? Are white music reaction channels not allowed?
No. 1475119
>>1475105What interests you about it? It seems to be a pretty outdated degree in most of the world, and masters for inf science in my country branch of into informatics/archiving/librarianship
It's pretty easy though I'll give you that, and I learned some basics in programming/web design and graphic design which was useful
t. getting a bachelors in inf science
No. 1475162
File: 1674075563691.gif (7.6 KB, 172x93, 32163c792233d1f2.gif)

nonnie nonnie nonnie nonnie nonnie goddamn I missed saying it
No. 1476458
File: 1674093896957.jpg (Spoiler Image,247.11 KB, 1080x962, Screenshot_20230119_015825_You…)

I'm sorry WHAT? I was looking for quorn recipes.
No. 1476571
File: 1674114190867.jpeg (38.2 KB, 274x230, 735A0D83-A5E3-4660-9AA4-402EA4…)

Bump for disgusting images
No. 1476573
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No. 1476574
File: 1674114354544.jpeg (41.61 KB, 720x754, B134F5B6-26ED-4FE1-9313-E8C450…)

No. 1476595
File: 1674117799116.jpg (31.03 KB, 546x412, ohgawd.jpg)

>>1470696>>1470687>>1470643velma is getting a season 2, this your fault.
No. 1476624
File: 1674120976455.jpg (55.93 KB, 564x789, 29a62f6c25031d7dcbfdc6dabf8326…)

i want vanilla cake…
No. 1476634
File: 1674122327136.jpg (240.83 KB, 1600x1065, DSC02128.jpg)

>>1476624I miss the whole foods lemon cake. I can't seem to find it anywhere anymore. It was the best cake I've ever had
No. 1476666
File: 1674128324154.png (100.46 KB, 233x349, slb.png)

my nonnie lies over the ocean, my nonnie lies over the seaaaaa
No. 1476810
>>657925 got me thinking, if you had a wikipedia page made after your death of all the people you fucked, would it be less cringy for it to be super long or empty?
No. 1476831
File: 1674147319854.jpg (53.77 KB, 720x722, 95909681_609189116611644_71006…)

My thermodynamics homework is making me wanna kms
None of this is intuitive to me at all
No. 1476870
File: 1674149767140.webm (1.39 MB, 320x568, VKX0lmKcdSYlKXD2.webm)

An American sexpat youtuber living in Brazil. who termed himself a "passport bro" recently got doxxed and almost attacked by Brazilians cause he was promoting sex tourism in Brazil and talking about how Brazilian women were all beautiful and traditional, unlike nosy western women
No. 1476985
File: 1674160023289.jpg (11.76 KB, 248x254, 95e9671b7504f0b3e427c2371358f5…)

No. 1476990
File: 1674160137495.jpg (40.89 KB, 800x450, tamal-ajolote-145649-800x450.j…)

would you eat him?????
No. 1477014
File: 1674161513231.jpg (109.04 KB, 857x1071, 914cc990c7bd0ba5d8b775ebe4426f…)

I told the guy who asked me out on a date that the only man I can feel genuine attraction to is Big Boss, and I showed him his photos, and the look on his face was so hopeless
No. 1477031
File: 1674162949437.png (449.77 KB, 874x496, 2D8A9BDE-181D-438E-9743-811138…)

>>1477014KEK did the same whenever a moid would ask about my type of men to see if I would give ugly moids a chance and all I needed to do is show them my beef cake husbandos to watch their face crumble. Men cannot handle seeing women actually have an answer past “just be nice and funny! Thats my type!” they seethe so much.
No. 1477079
File: 1674166523008.png (442.84 KB, 640x393, sims 3.png)

I want to buy the Sims 4 nifty knitting pack so I can play with it with my apoloclypse mod and visualize my "crocheter in a zombie apolocypse/post apocalyptic dystopian world" fantasies better, but I refuse to spend anymore money on such a boring game. It does make me very sad though. If only Sims 3 ran better on my computer and there was a knitting/crochet mod exactly like nifty knitting..
The fairy in picrel is me right now.
No. 1477146
File: 1674173263804.png (397.82 KB, 960x540, 1d3784e6-c62b-4093-beb2-992a2f…)

nooooooooooooo i forgot to rinse my kettle last night and I've just realised I cooked my pasta with water from my hot water bag
No. 1477152
File: 1674173808453.jpg (132.22 KB, 1280x960, 33.jpg)

god it feels good to be a hater. feels like i've been cleansed, i can finally relax.
No. 1477157
File: 1674174523463.gif (338.43 KB, 538x572, 1647911532776.gif)

>>1477123>Am I a baby right now?! Can you understand me or am I just saying googoo gaga!!?nonny that just make me kek so much
No. 1477203
File: 1674181279619.jpg (12.54 KB, 400x400, 1672588587428.jpg)

My kitty is curled up on my chest right now and he's purring
No. 1477206
File: 1674181590127.png (40.6 KB, 129x132, 1416.png)

Bought an electric heat pad for my hemorrhoids omg my ass feels sooooooo go right now
No. 1477227
File: 1674184707578.jpg (27.63 KB, 640x625, 1531881118155.jpg)

>>1477214>mentioning Shmorky just as I was preparing to share my long held tinfoil about him lurking here and being one of the main tranny spammersunsettling
No. 1477230
>>14Music keeps inserting itself into my head. It’s really weird. Another person floating on my sea of consciousness and demanding to be seen. Did it think me up or did I think it up? I can’t tell, but it’s creepy. The ‘me’ is scared, and the watcher, the no one, the real me is nonchalant. Such is fear, it wants you to remember who you are. So who are you all, these separate entities? I think you’re real. The fearful ego me says that you’re not real, draws up the veil. But the veil is thin, which is why I can hear from you all. I can’t control what you say, or how you appear. Dreams are your real self. You all are my dream in waking hours, so you are the real feelings that I can’t address. Humming your boredom beside me or crying, or standing outside. I think you’re all a part of me that I would struggle to access or understand otherwise. So I don’t want you to be my enemy. I want to understand you all. I won’t follow your instructions, but I’ll accept your commentary, and understand it. You tell me what I fear and therefore care about, the real me, outside of ‘my’ commentary. So I will listen, and not be afraid. And then I can remember that I’m no one through your lessons. Anti-love. It tells me that love is real. And I can feel your hate. Hate as a corruption of love validates love. I accept it all, not fanning the flames with ‘fear’. Thank you for your lessons. I am not real. We are real.
No. 1477244
File: 1674186478233.jpeg (29.36 KB, 225x225, 1E327A9A-B33F-4FAD-89E0-82404C…)

>>1477242Honestly not that interesting- in the talking stage with a Turkish guy and he’s definitely questioning my intelligence through a fucking mile high language barrier and it does not feel nice. Kind of makes me miss dating American guys where you say a four syllable word and they think you’re a genius of some sort.
No. 1477251
>>1476888nahna (us) or nawna (southern us)
>>1476903months ago I had to take a long-ish drive with no bluetooth – the local rock station was playing nothing but RHCP and I just assumed that mf died. Nah, they were just coming to town. But the combo of getting to listen to a ton of RHCP bangers + thinking Anthony Kiedis was dead was a sweet combo while it lasted
No. 1477258
File: 1674189197872.jpeg (47.54 KB, 355x500, 76CED132-BE04-492A-A3D4-D3FF7D…)

After watching Blood+ again since 15 years ago, I was inspired by Diva to (re)dye my hair black and grow it out
No. 1477489
>>1477365hot, same
>>1477417I think about this a lot, too. I have a great-grandparent from Italy who just sailed on over to the US and just…kinda chilled, and worked in shops and somehow got married and bought a house with a single income and gave birth to my grandparent. On my other side I have ancestors who came over, traveled west and were able to pick a plot of frontier land for a homestead. So they just settled there, built a house, and ended up running a very successful homestead, where eventually travelers through the area could come through and stay like a bed and breakfast. It must have been incredibly back-breaking work so I hesitate to romanticize the idea, but god that sounds so satisfying to just have your own house and live off of your own land, with a nearby community available to help when you need it. I hate living in this cramped apartment where I hardly even know my neighbors who live 50 feet away.
No. 1477504
File: 1674233179309.png (783.92 KB, 1920x954, Screenshot 2023-01-20 at 16-45…)

cow wallpaper
No. 1477515
File: 1674234648896.png (166.57 KB, 500x356, makeup_henshin.png)

I don't care what others think or say anymore, make up is fun and I like it!!! btw anyone know any good fashion and makeup online magazines that focus on more "soft and cute" styles?
No. 1477523
File: 1674234980452.gif (640.09 KB, 498x448, 1669726129428.gif)

bump for cp
No. 1477584
File: 1674239680505.jpg (339.84 KB, 1280x1280, tumblr_19cdc7bc44f660a69f6be98…)

This does not look like icing.
No. 1477637
File: 1674242550274.jpg (110.74 KB, 1080x898, 1672595436627867.jpg)

>>1477621I believe the whole thing is made of plastic, but the white stuff on top was supposed to look like icing or snow.
>>1477590That ship has sailed, though her sisters remain in port.
No. 1477733
File: 1674250251936.jpeg (303.45 KB, 795x585, CF5A89A6-9F6B-414F-9C59-F61D41…)

You see this lurching towards you at 3AM. What is your plan of action?
No. 1477756
File: 1674253646477.jpg (230.03 KB, 1500x1500, disneys-ratatouille-ddmfs-1x1-…)

>>1477753Samefag also on the topic of European food, that Rat movie made picrel seem like the most delicious thing on earth but irl I would probably just bored by it.
No. 1477824
>>1477820Like it's kind of creepy. Imagine being Jane FamousParent, daughter of James and Janet Famous Person.
They both had so much surgery, different nose, mom has a ponytail face life, got her lip life, Dorito chin, dad got an chin implant, lip lift, nose job etc.
Then you are just a mixture of their old features/or maybe even favor one parent's old face more. It's got to be weird.
No. 1477867
>>1477820That story was actually fake, made up to go with a photoshopped image with another story about how it's an ad from China, when the original photo was just a normal ad with models posing as a family. The internet makes up so much shit and people just eat it up like it's truth, because they're lives aren't interesting enough.
Even before the internet, tell me how many of you know someone whose cousin's friend's aunt had a pet snake that would lie straight next to them every night, and when they asked an animal expert about it they would be told "He'a sizing you up to see if he can eat you!"
How many of you still think we all eat 8 spiders in our sleep each year?
No. 1477877
>>1477876Just wanted to humble brag about her cousin's friend cool ass pet snake who'd lie straight next to them every night and how it was trying to eat them.
Typical lolcow farmer
No. 1477887
>>1477883the reason I brought it up was because I was watching a video about the fake story and then the fake ad they attached the story too. I wanted to talk about how it's weird that some shit like that can actually happen, because, some celebrities get so much surgery, their childern literally won't look like their new faces.
But then I got "Actually'd"
No. 1477913
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remember this episode of hte magic schoolbus? it kinda fucked me up
No. 1477914
>>1477877Excuse you it was my cousin's friend's aunt!
No but really I heard it in elementary school from an art history teacher, and around that time Anaconda was a thing so I was like "this sounds suspicious"
No. 1477934
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I hate how normalized it is for men to be “intimidated” or “afraid” of women because they’re probably addicted to porn or some other modern vice. It’s really ridiculous and disgusting.
No. 1478012
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goodnight nonnies!!
No. 1478026
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>>1478022its me, im that woman. i got nothing out of it except useless internet lore knowledge
No. 1478047
>>1478022I was already a weird loner that didn't have friends and I never used the
problematic boards like /b/.
No. 1478067
>>1478022I spent a tonne of time on there in my late teens, witnessed the advent of r9k and incels even. But luckily it just turned me into the man hating radfem I am today, I spent so much time arguing with moids that my opinions became solidified and nobody will ever be able to convince me that men are redeemable. Seeing how they talk about women behind our backs is kinda life changing.
It could've gone either way though, I definitely had pickme moments of weakness where I'd hold myself to their standards and feel like shit if I fell short. But in the end I had enough self esteem to move on and stop caring. Thank fuck I found lolcow because at that point all I wanted was an imageboard for women.
No. 1478070
>>1478022I spent a lot of time on 4chan during my high school years between 2009-2012. It was mostly boards like /a/ and /v/. Yeah it does a turn on your psyche and you believe scrote bullshit, lowering your self esteem etc.
I guess the only "good" thing is that during the time I browsed, /pol/ did not exist and when it got made it was not as influential. So boards still held onto their own culture and memes that were tied to the theme of the board.
From what I see every board now is /pol/ with a flavor. Every board has an "incels complaining about women" thread, then "incels complaining about western degeneracy" thread, then "incels complaining about men having it hard" thread.
Every single board.
No. 1478128
>>1478124>i remember even in /cgl/ which had a high female userbsss compared to other boards, you still had gross cosplayer males shitting up threads constantly.god i we used to have that issue
here on /pt/ lmao. and /cgl/ is the worst dumpster fire ever now. every female body part has it's own coomer thread, big boobs, small boobs, thin legs, thick legs, asses, feet. it's impossible to use. it's also full of tras and sjws because cosplay is full of them.
No. 1478137
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Being dragged to a trans rights rally today because of the 1 Troon in my friend group pls pray for me nonnies
No. 1478155
>>1478154Please dont leave, i know you(tenma anon?) And you are one of my fav posters. Screw the retsrded wannabe
terf larping as "stacys", lolvow belongs to us, weeby women.
No. 1478156
>>1478154Continue posting pls, I enjoy seeing your posts
No. 1478178
>>1478177That doesn't make you a femcel
No. 1478189
>>1478163You are the cancer killing lc. I dont like troons either but the wannabe
terf(becausw real terfs open up women shelters instead of shitposting and ruining female spaces) who call everyone a troon and call certain hobbies "moidish" are pure cancer and should go back to twitter
No. 1478190
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why were siblings Sharpay and Ryan from High School Musical desperately trying to get the parts of romantic leads in the high school musical
They also played the leads in every musical up to the first HSM so they like most definitely had to smooch on stage? East High was weird.
No. 1478196
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i have been meaning to go to the salon to get my hair done for a while now, and i keep either canceling or pushing my appointments back and i realized it's because i honestly don't know what to do with my hair. i like it right now but i am just bored with it as it is. it's gotten really long and healthy, and i have a balayage i grew out that i want to maybe change from blonde to something different as i am tired of the blonde. i thought about doing red but i don't think it would go well with my skintone or eye color, so i am thinking of maybe trying something totally different and asking for pink/rose gold highlights or an ombre. i know at least when it fades it will be platinum and that was one of my favorite looks on myself. i just want to do something totally different from either my natural brunette or blonde highlights and get outside my comfort zone. i also think it would look pretty with my current length and it will make my curls more interesting when i don't straighten my hair.
No. 1478206
>>1478198>>1478200God forbid a woman sticks out like a sore thumb, we are all a hivemind here. Retards attacking her over anime stickers are stupid, dragon maid is like one of the most popular animes, i even remember the "downt lewd the dragon loli" memes. I am tired of retards here gatekeeping anime, all anime is inherently unethical, who cares, let her enjoy shit. I actually admire her attitude of not sperging out and just saying "lol lmao" and moving on. I swear to hod every fucking thread here gets derrailed over "anon is a troon" "that is scroteish behaviour" "pick me" like jesus, its becoming 4chan levels of shit here.
>fuck off to twitterMore like you need to go to twitter, this is an imageboard and it will have anime and unhknged weird, out of the norm women who stick out like a sore thumb. Go play stacy somewhere else.
No. 1478208
>>1478197I'm not.but like the other nonas have said it's true that I have
problematic merch.ill try to discard it if I find it.I only know now that what the kobayashi maid author has done since I was a only anime watcher(I was a early animecore trendie so I didn't look into stuff as critically).as for the customs searching I'll only stick with YouTube.I'll try to improve my sculpting so it won't cause jumpscares but for the mean time I'll stop posting my crafts.
No. 1478212
>>1478208This is how to use punctuation: example text. example text
Not example text.example text or example text . example text.
Because if you don't integrate and type normally in a way nonnies can't identify you with what's the point of posting on an anonymous imageboard?
No. 1478214
>>1478206>God forbid a woman sticks out like a sore thumbDo you not understand the purpose of an
anonymous imageboard? It's literally in the rules to not have typing styles that stand out, it's not about "playing stacy"
No. 1478215
I actually have been seeing a lot more reddit spacing, so I believe it's more than one person.
>>1478208Write fucking normally.
No. 1478222
>>1478206lrn2integrate, retard.
>>1478208don't listen to anything the freak who is white knighting you is saying.
>>1478206 this poster is a total moron.
also dragonmaid isn't some twitterfag
problematic anime, it's got real lolicon and shotacon content (like kanna's child friend and her playing sexually charged twister where men are clearly meant to self-insert as a child). it's OK if you didn't know, and learning how to use imageboards is slightly difficult, but it's all tough love. you seem like you'll fit in once you get it though. and maybe we can help bring back tranny free weebshit to the site!
No. 1478237
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I will spoonfeed just this once.
No. 1478238
>>1478229adults are talking now, grow up and maybe you'll understand what we're talking.
>>1478228well what
is your first language? also, you'll figure it out eventually, anons are just bitchy. especially since some unhinged anon is following you around defending you even though you're pretty open to reasonable suggestions.
No. 1478273
>>1478206I googled what this weab shit "Dragonmaid" is out of curiosity and damn, why would any self respecting woman defend this sad pedophile shit?
>i even remember the "downt lewd the dragon loli" memes. I am tired of retards here gatekeeping anime, all anime is inherently unethical, who cares, let her enjoy shitlel fucking gross. Nah lets all gatekeep. When it comes to child abuse gatekeeping is alright in my book.
No. 1478278
>>1478262dragonmaid is really disappointing bc it has a great style and kobayashi as a protagonist is genuinely refreshing, the show doesn't really sexualise her despite being a woman and she's not made to be hyperfeminine, plus she's allowed to have her own hobbies and interests. but god - the constant yuri bait, giant tits for ever other character and the sheer level of in your face loli and shota content makes it a really difficult watch. watching some of the stuff with kanna and her friend feels borderline illegal.
& it sort of feels like the show was designed for women and then they just decided to add in a bunch of shit for moids.
i wish i could take kobayashi from the show and transplant her into a better series tbh she deserves more
No. 1478286
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gatekeeping anime (and lc) is good. i'm glad that one tiktoker on /meta/ got banned kek
No. 1478289
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>>1478278What are you talking about?
>and the sheer level of in your face loli and shota content makes it a really difficult watchYes, I too am disgusted by pedophilia.
>watching some of the stuff with kanna and her friend feels borderline illegal.yet your defending it saying it has a great style despite it looking like all pedophilic mass produced weab shit.
No. 1478297
>>1478292nah, I don't like supporting pedophile shit the character designs seem to be the tip of the pedo iceberg with this shitty weab show.
>>1478293I don't watch weabshit but this looks pretty generic to me lel
No. 1478313
>>1478303No its not because I heard its bad, its bad because it is bad anon.
You may have no problem with pedophilia in the content you consume and obsessed with Twitter fags but I'd say in this thread most seem to be agreeing with you that the animated pedophile show is fine like
>>1478293 >>1478292.
No. 1478316
>>1478288Not meaning to defend creepy anime, but there are cases in which a character is obviously designed as a child, but otherwise do not come off at all like one. Then there are cases like dragon maid in which they go head on, make everything about the character childish, not just their looks, but personality and everything they do, sometimes even infantilizing them further than their supposed age. If you have been around weeb spaces enough, you can notice that typical children things become fetish accessories, one of the most obvious being the randoseru (a specific design of backpack that is used by kids, you don't even see highschoolers with it). So yeah, it's on that level that they get off to objects and abstract concepts related to childhood.
No. 1478321
>>1478318I like black and white mentality when it comes to pedophilia lel
>"idk i dont watch weabshit i am such a stacy i just repeat opinions from twitter".Oh no I wasn't trying to shit on anyone for watching anime, there are probably some decent ones that aren't about pedophilia. You're very obsessed with Twitter too.
>>1478319>"bait is calling out pedophilia".Watching this shit is in essence defending pedophilia.
No. 1478340
>>1478323> i'd honestly argue that high schoolers with other high schoolers isn't even a big deal, because the characters are consenting and with other characters their own age. also randoseru are only for elementary students and no other age.I agree, this is a good point in media, I don't have much against teenagers boinking other teenagers (as long as shit isn't too fetishistic) because teenagers do this in real life, but most of pedoshit in anime that crops up is never this and if it were I'd be greatly skeptical of the presentation seeing as most anime seems to be written by decrepit old Japanese moids.
Twitterfag obsessed pedo-apologist anon seems to think anyone wanting to keep out of anime is anti-anime because of some made up shit in their head that "I think I'm better than them" and just a 'Twitterfag stacy' lel, but If anime had more women behind the conception of it and it wasn't just a thinly veiled pedophile outlet for moids, I'd probably actually give it the time of day because the idea of anime sounds great on paper.
No. 1478343
>>1478187Its incredibly lowly and self-defeatist. "Femcels" don't exist, you are your own person and your problems are not unique to yourself, many women have been there. Loneliness is typical now in the era of literal social isolation.
Imagine basing your worth on moid-logic.
No. 1478350
>>1478340I don't watch anime (I used to when I was a teenage weeb) and I do not have issues on people who watch it generally. But pedo shit like that is where I draw the line, and not even "just a little bit of lolis" is acceptable to me. And no, I do not use twitter nor do I need to.
I would actually watch more anime, but the sexualization of women and minors is really icky and anime is full of that. Also, I always do stuff while I watch anything and basically just listen, and I can't speak Japanese. Dubs are not an option kek
No. 1478351
>>1478348Don't be daft you know exactly the point I was making. Most anime is made by old men and by in large outnumbers any other demographic, women having a small niche does not undo the swaths of pedophilic fucked up content that exists.
>>1478350>Also, I always do stuff while I watch anything and basically just listen, and I can't speak Japanese. Dubs are not an option kekWhat? are you not 'doing stuff and listening' to your pedophilic dehumanizing shit? Do you think you're being cutting edge watching typical moid shit advocating that women stoop down to the pathetic level of pedophiliac males? Read some of the comments on pages like this hyperlink
>>1478315 and tell me how your opinion differs from there's.
No. 1478354
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all this "femcel" talk…have my nonnitas learned nothing?
No. 1478422
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Dear prudence from slate is always a great place for a peep into the mind of degens. I hope the beast gets crushed during a feeding session and the parents can finally let out a sigh of relief.
No. 1478474
>>1478397Kek me too I wish I knew deets. She said she would go to her parents house to stay if he didnt fix things, said 'basically I would be moving from one hell hole to another but at least I wouldn't be treated (inaudible, she had cried a little and was sniffly)'. I wfh and in my garage so I keep it open and can see the street. Everyday around noon the wife arrives home for her lunch break, and the husband arrives for his about 10 mins later. Always thought that was cute. They depart again appx 30 mins later. They both work pretty close by but idk what she does. Noticed yesterday that he didnt come home for lunch, but she did. Thought it was odd but Fridays are probably busy for a mechanic. Now I know there was probably a situation and he did not want to come home. There are two other boys/men that live there and one I suspect is their kid the other might be young adult relative of some sort. So I was thinking about how the kid is gonna have to deal with this if they divorce…poor guy. About 1 year ago I called the police on the man because he was drunk in the street yelling almost like he was having a bad acid trip at 2am…I know he used to drink but for some reason I feel like he had been sober/cleaned up his act quite a bit the past year. Maybe not then, idk. When being given a ride home from mechanic once as a courtesy, his coworker mentioned he was a good guy who makes bad decisions sometimes, but has a good heart. Did not press him on it, kek.
That is basically all I know.
No. 1478489
>>1478375>>1478474My upstairs neigbors (brother and sister in their thirties) get drunk every night after midnight and loudly gossip about everyone they encountered that day. They're so fucking negative and snooty, this woman bothers them because of this, that man bothers them because of that, what an idiot, what a jerk etc.
It's no wonder they live together and don't have spouses, nobody else would tolerate their shit. But they have each other and I can tell they're happy in their drunk little nighttime tantrums.
No. 1478503
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I'm an anti inflammatory/fertility diet and good gawd this meal plan is fucking delicious. I just made mocha buckwheat banana bread, yummy in my fuckin tummy.
No. 1478554
>>1478514You're welcome
No. 1478586
>>1478567From what I've noticed, amongst women venting, it's usually ranting that usually leads up to problem solving. You are aware that you're possibly burdening your friend but you're also kinda offering them an opportunity to help you sort out feelings and you show that you appreciate their thoughts, opinions and time, it's you two working together because you feel safe enough to bring your worries to this friend, you're taking but also kinda giving? With men and women, no matter how much of a troon, the men usually just pile on the whining, they don't really care if you have anything to say, no need or want to problem solve or hear anything critical of them, they just take your time and it's almost like they want a wall shaped like a friend.
No. 1478621
>>1478586This is so fucking true. Moids always make excuses on why they can't fix situations making them unhappy
>I can't get a trade to get a better job because uhhh it's hard>I can't move out because uhhh my roommate likes me >I can't remove toxic people from my life because uhhh I need friendsWeirdly enough they only take advice from other people telling them to dump women (usually coming from men trying to fuck their girlfriend) but women typically don't leave when they need because they think loyalty is more important than their happiness
No. 1478629
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Hey girlies, see any good movies lately?
No. 1478671
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So, what IS a "femcel"?
No. 1478691
>>1478671So an incel is a person who is involuntary celibate, usually due to looks or personality. And women started calling themselves femcels, but this made men mad because they claim that since men are such whores that they'll sleep with any women, no matter how repulsive, that there's no such thing as a woman who is truly unfuckable. Which doesn't make sense to me, because men call themselves incels yet could still get gay men to sleep with them, so doesn't that mean that they're not incels either?
Anyways, those men have just started calling any women who expresses hatred towards men as femcels, no matter how justified.
No. 1478709
>>1478621So true, they always make excuses instead of trying to fix their situation. I have a moid friend who has a weight problem and wants to lose weight because his fatness is a source of depression and unhappiness for him. But instead of actually doing something about it he just whines and blames other things in his life
>I can't lose weight because my mommy provides my diet for me and my parents always eat unhealthy. Also I hate cooking because I'm too depressed to cook my own food and would rather use that time to play muh viddy games Funny thing is he had an exercise heavy job so all he had to do was to have some self control and not stuff his face with food. Men are the whiniest biggest bitches fr
No. 1478729
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>>1478450I was about to tell you to just take a random walk outside and watch the sky or something but then i remembered that we are all women here and it's late.
No. 1478749
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Deflated businessman
No. 1478750
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Horny Businessman
No. 1478751
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Hungry businessman
No. 1478758
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>>1478751just a couple of hungry bois
No. 1478761
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inshallah spongebob got they vachina on they floorboards
No. 1478775
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I’m sorry I can’t be her nonas
No. 1478792
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>>1478789I know even the spergiest of infighters feel the same as you
nonny. lolcow is our home
No. 1478845
File: 1674356795919.jpg (Spoiler Image,84.65 KB, 1080x1080, Tumblr_l_49617699215270.jpg)

Me after drinking half a bottle of raspberry vodka and eating a bunch of undercooked chicken
No. 1478928
>>1478671Incels are more than just involuntarily celibate men at this point because of the traits they've cultivated around a group identity. It means they embrace being lonely, and wallowing in their collective misery with intense resentment towards the women that have rejected them. The primary factor that makes them unattractive is their pessimistic attitude, lack of empathy, and destructiveness. So is there a female equivalent to this? No, because women are not men, and the issues incels deal with are mainly unique to being male. The dynamic women and men have does not allow for women to be so actively aggressive, and fixated on rejection like incels. Even "unattractive" women will have some amount of men willing to date, and have sex with them. Everyone knows that men are willing to fuck nearly anything, men are often the pursuers, with women being more selective. Women have to be to protect themselves, and society has maintained this because men are always risky to deal with no matter how many protective measures we develop. Women also aren't prone to external resentment, and destructiveness like men. We aren't stalking, and harassing men who reject us at the same rate as men. Why would we do that when men could easily kill us if we provoke them? It just doesn't make sense for there to be femcels, because there isn't a female equivalent to the special kind of degeneracy men develop.
No. 1478929
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I just ate 2 bananas (in a row)
No. 1478982
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No. 1478983
File: 1674367843572.jpeg (142.24 KB, 719x1016, 8B84B27B-AD01-4D60-8293-F2519C…)

Cleaning front page
No. 1478985
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No. 1478991
File: 1674368187637.jpg (40.6 KB, 357x356, yanwow.jpg)

>>1478983honest to god thought this was Mr. Yan
No. 1479008
File: 1674368807988.jpg (234.89 KB, 1500x900, Cube Steak copy-9-24-2020,12_0…)

I have beef cube steak I have to eat by tomorrow and I have no idea what to do with it. It looks super weird…
No. 1479123
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>>1479113Aren't wedding rings usually the same looking? I inherited my grandparents wedding rings and they both look like this
No. 1479182
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nonny. No, it’s Swedish for ”blue shark”, it’s this stuffed animal from Ikea the troons have claimed for themselves. I should stop using it
No. 1479200
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i'm so glad i went to an all girls secondary school. it had its cons for sure, i really struggled and still do struggle this day when it comes to talking to men, but also they're men so it doesn't matter too much. it was really nice to only have girls around (besides the male teachers, a few of whom were obvious creeps that enjoyed being around so many teen girls way too much) and it made it so clear to me how much nicer it is to only be in the company of women. when i was in college and then uni, every time we got put into groups and there was a moid/moids, the project would fucking suck and they'd try to take charge with their stupid ideas and there'd be so much conflict because they'd bring such a bad feeling overall but whenever i was fortunate enough to be in a group of only women, the work would go way smoother and we'd all joke around. i do miss high school a lot to be honest, not for the schooling itself, that sucked, but having somewhere to go every day with lots of my girl friends who i'd mess around with during breaks and talk about all sorts of things and act however we wanted without the judging eyes of boys.
i used to be jealous of women who went to normal schools and got to be friends with boys since i thought they were more "normal" than me and i felt sad over men being such alien creatures to me, but i am grateful for my experiences now. i miss walking into the canteen in the morning and saying hi to my friends while we waited for the bell. i miss the ways female teachers would joke around with us in ways only women could. i miss lunchtimes where my friends and i would hang out on the field and roll down the small hills, or i would bring my DS and show my friends my games. or we'd go on the computer and take silly quizzes together. i miss sharing our wattpad accounts with each other and taking the piss out of each other's libraries. i miss talking about our futures with each other. there's a lot about all of it that sucked. i felt emotionally horrible during all of it, but secondary school was the best time i had at school and i think i would've liked it a lot less if there were boys around. and if myself then saw myself now, i think she would cry from happiness over how well i turned out, and how i am still close with a few friends from then to this day.
No. 1479211
>>1478991god this brings me back.
i don't miss much about /cgl/ but i sure do miss the shitposting about mr.yan
No. 1479215
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Ran into some freaks yesterday. The girl had striped thigh high socks, a fluffy lolita type skirt. The guy had a top hat. I was walking into the store with my bf and they almost bumped into us. I had to like step quickly away from them and out of their path they like did a 180 and cut us off. Also pet peeve but I hate people that get soo close like that for no reason when there's a giant area to walk in. Gives me "pickpocket" vibes. Why are you rubbing on on me you carny ita lookin' ass. Pic related them on the right
No. 1479217
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>>1479200I went to a co-ed school but my teachers liked to experiment with different teaching methods so in 7 grade they decided to devide class after gender for a short while. Being in an all-girl class was such a bliss. I was more comfortable talking to the girls whom I normally wouldn't talk to because I didn't have to worry about what dumb comments the boys they normally hung out with made. Many of the shy girls became more active during lessons. We could openly talk about girls stuff and there was just a really supportive atmosphere. I felt like I learned so much during that period. I was so sad that that experiment stopped and we went back to co-ed classes. I have always hated boys and that experience made me realise how I really wanted to attend an all girls school lol I never did ask my parents to transfer me to another school though but I was tempted to do it
No. 1479477
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>>1479464The specific ones I got are from Germany, called plantifique, but anything specifically described as a foot peel (not 'peeling', which can be another word for scrub). Pic related, it takes a few days to start and can feel weird as hell initally but so good in the process and not harmful at all.
No. 1479483
>>1479447I used to have a go-to snack that i don't know why I don't eat more often. Depends on your version of good though
I'd buy a pack of edam, some luncheon meat or bacon bits, puff pastry and some spicy vegetable mix. I'd envelop the ingredients in a rectangle of puff pastry (making 2 big ones) and add in mustard or whatever I like. Put it in the oven and it's a full, easy delicious meal or big snack if I eat half. I could eat it for a week straight without feeling sick and it was cheap as fuck.
No. 1479491
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me and my mother diagnosing each other with mental illnessess
No. 1479500
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>>1479495I do as a matter of fact
No. 1479509
>>1479500Soon we will be able to make a
nonnie Exodia out of all the different body parts posted to /ot/
No. 1479516
can i get let go from work for trying to kill myself? i went missing for a couple of days because i was in the icu and i only got home last night. i spoke to my boss and said i was sorry and i’d be back as soon as i was strong enough and he said ok keep in touch
is it gonna be okay
>>1479509>exodia was not prepared for that laugh, thanks nonners
No. 1479524
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>>1479500So, you have any plans tonight anon?
No. 1479543
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i'm crocheting fingerless gloves do i make them striped or swirly (swirls would probably be thicker)
No. 1479556
>>1479547>>1479549the duality of woman
>>1479554true i'll do this thank you !
>>1479553It's not hard it's just a bitch to change colors a lot because then you have to weave in a lot of end at the end…unless i do it all in black and then add color on surface but that could be a disaster so we shall see… but if you wanna do something similar go in mspaint or a chart maker online and in pixels make the picture you want and then treat each pixel as a single crochet and off you go..have fun
No. 1479558
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posting a picture of myself dont look
No. 1479637
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I thank the motherfucker who took this picture 40 years ago because while the face may not be hot, the pose sure is
No. 1479639
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Missed my ‘nons
No. 1479645
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>>1479643Samefag i'm sorry but it just reminds me of this
No. 1479682
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nonnies im drunk
No. 1479727
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I miss when Stefany would post long, gay-ass purple prose fanfiction of her imaginary life. Remember when she said she was made to pop balloons with her mind as a child by an evil doctor in some wacky government experiment. She popped every balloon. This is fact!
No. 1479752
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I'm on the hell bird website watching trannies attack a gay man for saying that trans men are not men
it's wild watching them turn and start posting how homophobia is justified
No. 1479763
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>>1479752Does anyone remember this artist? I remember he would draw ship art with his persona and another artist’s persona, but she was underage and I believe he was an adult in his late 20s.
No. 1479778
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nagito komaeda
No. 1479782
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>>1479763Lmao Were they Chilean? Was it pryomaniac on deviantart?
No. 1479795
>>1479791Samefag, I looked into it and it is indeed DemiseMan. The girl you mentioned is PhantomeBlack, right?(he did oc ships with several girls I think so unsure)? Her devart(s) are wiped and she's a they/them now. She has the same birth year as me so she was definitely underage/probably around 15 when interacting with him. I can't find any receipts besides in comment sections of other people's fanart of them, everything is wiped and this art isn't even on his DA anymore. Any insight
No. 1479825
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why is so pathetic?
No. 1479829
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>>1479795Yes that’s him! Wow so there were other girls he drew ship art with?
From what I remember this girl was called “Pika-Kida” she then rebranded her name many of times I think her last username change on deviantart was Ifaggert, looking into it she was about 14-15 years old.
No. 1479846
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>>1479566>>1479558Nonnies you can find creeper in Caldera
No. 1479946
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I was reading a discussion lastnight, about a celeb who has been dead for like 15 years. 'Whats your hot take on 'x'' Peole discussed which album was his best. Which songs were weak. Normal shit.
Then it turned into
> I think he was autistic and didn't know it
> I think he had bpd and didn't know it
> I think he had adhd and didn't know it
> I think he was non binary and just didn't know it att because people didn't talk about it back then
No. 1479965
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cp bump
No. 1479967
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cp bump
No. 1479993
File: 1674500075130.png (684.28 KB, 817x1023, hand.png)

Anons, please tell me your height and the length of your hand. For consistency purposes, please measure from the tip of your longest finger down in a straight line to the first crease on your wrist as shown picrel. I'm 170cm/18cm (imperial is fine too).
No. 1480000
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>>1479993and why exactly do you want this info..
No. 1480052
>>1480027I played the goths, I legit made Bella Goth a tattoo on face, onlyfans, social media IG baddie, with a BBL and a drinking problem. She cheats on Mort whose fucking pathethic in my game, he doesn't do shit and I barely click the son whose name I can't even remember. I made Cassandra preppy and moody, she likes to skateboard and hates Bella who neglects both the kids to chase men, take pictures and do dumb shit. She slept with a cute townie, who I changed into a drug dealor, she was pregnant but then I got bored and stopped playing.
Now I'm doing a similar storyline with another family, except my main character has 4 different kids with four different sims, none of them live with her, she likes to knit all her thotwear and one daughter hates her, the other loves her.
No. 1480068
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I have this yarn that I want to use for a project, but it's so ridiculously…dusty? Little particles of it get everywhere when you move it. I want to use it for an accessory so it would be pretty problematic. I kind of want to use it anyway and see if it works out, but I know I should make a swatch and see if washing it would fix the problem.
No. 1480072
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>>1480070Kek I liked the shark socks more so I had to repost
No. 1480119
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Been on a calorie deficit since the 2nd, it's honestly not bad at all. I've been on one before but I feel so much more motivated and happy this time around. I basically eat all the same shit, just less of it. I'm eating pizza right now kek.
I see why some crazy people believe that fasting/starving elevates you to a higher plane of consciousness or whatever the fuck, I feel great psychically and mentally.
No. 1480151
>>1480119>I see why some crazy people believe that fasting/starving elevates you to a higher plane of consciousness or whatever the fuckstarving 3rd world countries confirmed for being enlightened 4th dimensional beings kek
>>1480140Weird, it's the opposite for me.
No. 1480160
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If you haven’t played Pentiment yet you get your ass off lolcow right now and go play it!!!
No. 1480217
File: 1674523253979.png (8.81 MB, 3840x2160, 1203843.png)

Its been 2 years and I still cannot tell if I'm retarded or if all the time travel shit in AOT just did not make any sense at all.
No. 1480316
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i havent eaten a hot pocket in ages and im actually enjoying myself. maybe its because im super hungry. thank you roommate for buying lazy person food
No. 1480318
>>1480307The case is literally made out of plastic.
I'm never buying a laptop for myself though because I'm too clumsy. I broke the two I was gifted before after only a few years because of dropping them. It's a miracle my tablet is still ok after three years.
No. 1480376
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I just cracked like, a tablespoon of black pepper into one can of tuna because I'm so used to making four cans at a time. I really did that.
No. 1480410
>>1480404this is NOT very mathematical of you anon…
>>1480400i know exactly how you feel. i was obsessed with the show in my teens, it sort of felt like i was growing up alongside finn. it's strange to think it's over and i'm not 13 going crazy over marceline and ice kings duet or getting excited to buy adventure time comics anymore. my best friend when i was around that age also loved the show and i have so many nice memories of watching and talking about it with her, and singing the songs together. that show is so meaningful for a lot of people
No. 1480657
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I'm genuinely curious to see what will happen when all the weebs who have moved to Japan, children attend Japanese schools
like It appears to be nice to live in Japan as a tourist or expat, but it seems awful to grow up in Japan, especially as foreigner, like I don't think I could ever meet the academic requirements, the insane work hours and I don't think I'll date/marry a Japanese man, I'm sure there are some decent Japanese men out there, but most of them are probably turbo porn addicts who are 99% shorter than me
No. 1480668
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fuck marry kill nonas
No. 1480681
>>1480669>>1480676i mean a lot of my knowledge admittedly comes from youtube videos of peoples experiences growing up, but iirc a lot of them speak japanese at school and english/whatever other language at home.
i wish i had links to some of the videos i watched bc i remember one guy specifically talking about his experience growing up in japan and going to an international school. but i also recently watched a tiktok about a half black/half japanese girl and her experiences growing up and going to a normal school with only other ethnically japanese people. i imagine experiences vary based on 1) how rich their families are and 2) where in japan theyre located (big cities vs countryside)
No. 1480685
>>1480668>FuckGuy in the middle but only because there's no way I'm fucking Hotwheels
>MarryGuy on the right, he's the only one who isn't fat or balding or a cripple
>KillNull (jfc his beard looks like shit here, literally, it looks like a turd hanging off his face)
No. 1480689
File: 1674584263756.jpg (57.94 KB, 554x599, him.jpg)

>>1480668is he the owner of 4chan? The tall guy? I assume it's because the cripple is the owner of 8chan or was. I really wanna know who he kek
No. 1480692
File: 1674585289062.jpg (Spoiler Image,311.48 KB, 960x540, n.jpg)

>>1480687>Null>CuteI get where you're coming from with the gif but if I saw him in real life I'd feel pity for him. The only good thing he has going for him is his hair yeah, and that's bare minumum. For some reason his beard really churns my stomach, it just looks so fucking disgusting and dirty like he rubbed mud in it but his chin without his beard is shaped like an asscrack (picrel) so pick your poison I guess. Either way he's not attractive no matter how you look at it and as much as he talks about wanting a family I don't think he'll find anyone willing to stay around him unless he goes the bpd girl route.
>>1480682Hotwheels/Frederick Brennan used to be the admin and founder of 8chan but gave it up a while ago and since then he's pretty much been doing his best to take down lolcow/imageboard sites. He was supportive of dropkiwifarms during the keffals thing iirc.
>>1480689Doesn't look like Hiro to me but I could be wrong. I don't know when that photo was taken
No. 1480697
>>1480690the guy in the middle is literally balding and skinnyfat, the tall guy has better proportions, hair and height
>>1480694>Take off the glasses and tie his hair why would you do that??
No. 1480706
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>>1480692>Fredrick Brennan; former admin and founder of 8chan and Wizchan>Supportive of dropkiwifarms and removal of imageboardsI always wondered if the change of views regarding imageboards and such was prompted by his wife
still no clue how he managed to snag her nor why she'd marry him, he still a degen though.
No. 1480720
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No. 1480725
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No. 1480771
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I saw a pic of Ireland's president last night and I'm still kek'ing over it. He looks like he belongs in a children's fantasy book.
No. 1480783
>>1480779Hey anon. We sound kind of similar. Unsolicited advice set times to go out and interact with others even if it’s going to the library and checking out books while talking to the librarian or just leaving to get groceries. Making new friends takes time and work so focus on the things you enjoy and try to get out to the places they happen. You like hiking? Want more active friends? Start to hike by yourself or find a group. The only way to meet people who like the things you do is to do them. I find that’s the best way to get away from people who claim they like a bunch of things but really just consume and have no hobbies.
I try to keep my maladaptive daydreaming to tasks I hate. Like when I’m doing dishes and I imagine the steward from one of the games I like helping or lecturing etc while imagining I’m character from that world or cleaning the house.
Good luck and I hope it gets easier
No. 1480835
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What's your fave site theme?
No. 1480838
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>>1480835I've always been partial to szalet
No. 1480841
File: 1674597995437.png (320.77 KB, 315x483, Capture.PNG)

eating this with some frozen onions/peppers and it's gonna be so good, already fried it. Gonna make some french fries
No. 1480845
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this is my favorite theme
No. 1480850
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>>1480845Sorry, but keekweek will always reign supreme
No. 1480856
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>>1480850nope green pepper is the best theme
No. 1480858
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Tokyo Toni (if anyone even knows who that is) is so much like my mother it's insane. I've been watching her live streams and it's simultaneously upsetting and fascinating for me. The videos of her arguing with her daughter make me want to cry and make my stomach sink, but I keep watching them.
No. 1480863
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>>1480856wrong. no matter how you look at it girltalk 2 is the best