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No. 1444871
Let it out, scream and shout.
Previous Thread-
>>>/ot/1437262 No. 1444878
nonnie for fixing the picture love you.
Leave that dumb shit in the old threadReport and ignore No. 1444888
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>>1444876i think you're talking about my post, im sorry for cursing you with sharts kek
No. 1444894
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I want what they have (hot wings)
No. 1444925
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Vent Thread #158 - Kpop and Sharting
No. 1444929
>>1444917im pretty sure some of the sharting anons are joking.
there is a troon in this thread unfortunately though, his posts keep geting deleted and he is infighting with multiple anons here and anons reply to him.
The only post of his still up is this one
>>1444902 No. 1444930
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>>1444910I hope you're joking… just having a little kek… right
No. 1444960
>>1444876I think you're onto something because I've been feeling very gassy lately and it's the kind of farts that's kinda hot and
toxic, like shit is about to leak out. Thankfully, I've only had a few false alarms so far…
No. 1445027
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I was put on the spot a few times today at work and it just made me feel dumb. I know it's necessary for my career growth and they were constructive and gentle about it but still… can't help but feel bad about myself. I know I'm not as smart as I think I am but being put through another reminder of it still sucks
No. 1445123
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Kind of depressing that the people I know all seemingly moved out and really started their lives only by shacking up with a guy. I’m a kissless virgin terrified of intimacy what the fuck am i supposed to do? Also hedging all your bets on a man seems like a bad idea…
No. 1445133
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I need to start putting an hour aside each day to dilate. It makes me feel like a fucking tranny and I can never be consistent with it because it's annoying and I can never really find the time to do it. It's not like you can do other stuff at the same time as dilating too so it's awkward. I just lie there in bed for an hour and watch The Office but it's not fun or relaxing at all.
I hate this shit. Why couldn't I be born with normal functioning anatomy. Why did I have to endure sexual trauma. I wish I remained a nerdy horse girl forever instead of becoming a libfem in my teens who valued male approval more than anything. I probably wouldn't have to deal with this shit then.
No. 1445143
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Living with y chromo defects is hell, ball sack lint on the toilet seat? Do you have brain damage? What am I saying, you’re a male of course you do. What irks me even more is them being oblivious to how fucking disgusting and repulsive they are.
No. 1445146
mom keeps on insisting that i have to vist my dad's place, even for one day, just so i can take care of my nephew. she didn't say it outright and just told me that maybe my dad might've missed me and that my absence in his house would be seen as insulting.
but i'm currently studying for a difficult exam, one she knows i've been stressing on for months. she knows if i go there my brother would immediately dump his parental responsibilities on me and that means i couldn't study and my hours wasted but my mother still insists, even though i've vented to her how much of a lazy asshole my brother is with his ass stuck on chair playing video games on his laptop.
she also witnessed how lazy he is, multiple times, and is emotionally and physically neglectful towards his son and RATHER than scolding him, she'd rather have me carry his workload.
she previously wanted me to help with my nephew's first birthday, because my bro's gf is the only one who is doing the preparation and etc and my bro does nothing. i suggest that my mom should do it instead rather than trying to guilt me into helping considering how much she keeps on saying that she pities bro's gf for being stressed out and burn out by the whole thing but she says she's busy with work.
she has spoiled and enabled my bro's behavior, to the extend of calling me a snitch for telling dad, the one who is financially responsible for his academics and everything, that he's been cutting classes and etc. now, she can't handle him anymore and would rather have my dad let my bro stay in his house because my dad is the only one my brother has yet to overpower or influence.
serve my mom right. she always think im the bad egg because i challenge her opinions on religion and homosexuality but just say boys will be boys when my brother gets drunk with his friends and trashes her house. and a whole of lot of problematic things.
No. 1445149
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I have that stinky failure genetic defect where my body doesn't break down some common chemical in fish that starts with a t, so when I eat fish, my whole vagina reeks for the rest of the night. smell/taste is my strongest sense so I know it's bad, I basically have to plan ahead and isolate myself to eat it. I can't eat it for lunch if Im working not-from-home, it's that bad. seafood is my favorite type of food. I'm not dating rn and honestly this issue is so embarrassing I don't plan to start dating again, for many reasons but also because I'm not giving up my fish filets and fried fish and fish patties and fish chowders. meanwhile this fucking lady reeks up a whole store like cat piss almost every time I happen to go, and has to know, but doesn't care. and I've stopped going to one of the bookstores near me because there's a homeless guy that reeks of piss who yells at people and the store is a bunch of bleeding heart dipshits. being considerate is just a pain in the ass, it's a losers game and everyone around me is beyond lucky that I'm a true gamer
No. 1445220
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There was a 21 year old scrote in my hometown who was recently convicted of raping a woman when she was out running in a park. He admitted to the crime, then they found out that he had admitted to 2 OTHER counts of rape against women. He also physically assaulted a female relative of his years ago and guess what?
The judge said he will be facing a reduced sentence because of admitting his guilt. A fucking reduced sentence. For rape. And the average sentence for that is only like 5-8 years here. The judge also mentioned the whole "oh well he's a young man" excuse bullshit and it makes me want to scream. They gave a fucking 21 year old moid with a previous criminal background of assaulting people a fucking REDUCED sentence for raping three women. I'm seething.
Fuck this country, fuck this stupid shitty spineless country where our "justice" system can't even protect vulnerable women who go out running and getting their exercise or just women in fucking general. I hate this shithole. We can't even have self-defense weapons like pepper spray because it's classed as a fucking firearm. Just fuck off. At this point why don't you just come out and say "we love rapists and nonces and hate women/girls" because that's clearly how it fucking is here. Just annihilate this entire country, I'm fucking done. I want every disgusting braindead moid in this country to disappear.
Signed, Terf Island.
No. 1445221
>>1445220I kinda wanna read more about it. I also live on
terf island. Do you have an article or a name?
No. 1445226
>>1445221Just type in "Jamie Mason Durham" nonna and you will see the articles about this disgusting piece of shit. What's funny is if you google that you will also see the article of him robbing his aunt for money. Hmmm, it's almost like violent scrotes will always remain violent scrotes and giving them reduced sentences on grevious assaults will just…idk, put them back into society to rape more women? How many more times do we need to give these degenerates pats on the pack and free passes to openly attack women?
Here is a snippet of the Northern Echo article about him:
>You are a young man who hasn’t been in trouble before but you have committed serious offencesOk so he apparently hasn't been in trouble before but committed serious offences? Which one is it then you fucking retards? Why do they give these violent apes any sort of empathy or fairness?
No. 1445266
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I feel a primal hatred and disgust towards effeminate males. Fucking useless pieces of shit who value their fetish over being properly fit to protect the women and children of their community. I have a friend who flaunts being "cute and weak" and is constantly crying for a "mommy gf" and brings out my murderous instincts. Is the only instinct they follow to coom, rape, and murder? Sorry for the a-log.
No. 1445310
>>1445306NTA but- Doesn't mean
you can't drink Nona. Have a drink beforehand kek.
No. 1445314
>>1445298Walk dates are for cheap scrotes who want to assess whether you'll accept his low standards or not. He could have easily planned for a coffee or a cheap dessert with you or something but no, he chose a walk, because he's fucking broke and a loser.
You are a woman, not a dog. You do not need to be walked around. Don't go, if anything ask him to reschedule at a coffee shop and if he says no then you know for a fact he's broke as shit and expects your standards to be non-existent.
No. 1445539
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It's one of those days.
No. 1445570
man, does the body just begin breaking down when you get old? It's so dumb, but when I was a teen and morbidly obese I felt much better. I'm now fit, my diet is healthier than ever, but pretty much I wake up feeling like hell with extremely painful, red, dry eyes - I haven't even been able cry in months - and I constantly feel like I have the flu–and have for a very long time now. I can barely step outside without feeling tired. My skin is also covered in nasty cysts so I managed to have way worse acne now than when I was a teen. How? It amazes me how my body just hates me so much that I can't even workout everyday, sacrifice all the food I love, and see any improvement over it. Oh no, this isn't an excuse to give up, but I'm now convinced that I'll never feel alive.
No. 1445622
>>1445570This isn't normal, could be allergies or mold. See a doctor
No. 1445726
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I'm currently friendless and with nothing to do outside of my studies but this girl invited me out to a rave on Friday. I have no way of getting back home from like midnight to 5 AM because my bus has a different schedule now so she said she could let me sleep on the couch. I don't particularly like her but it's a rave so it's not like we'd be talking much. I was actually pretty excited because I've never been to one but then she offered to get us xanax and benzos
which I diclined because I don't do hard drugs. But this bitch kept pushing. I kept declining and she said I'd come around eventually and that she will get us some crystal? The fuck? We only talked about psychedelics once and now she's trying to get me hooked on this shit. So, I'm cancelling it and not going. I'm so upset, I finally thought I could go out on a Friday night and have fun like normal people my age but no. Fuck this shit. I'm going to spend yet another weekend reading and aimelessly walking through a forest. Why me? Why am I always either stood up or propositioned by people who I want nothing to do with? I'm the loneliest extrovert in the world.
No. 1445749
>>1445353I don't mean getting drunk, I just like to sit down with a beer or something.
Turns out dude is autistic and I don't even think he's aware of the fact, even though I asked leading questions. We had an alright talk, but I sure as hell am not dating a monotone, autistic guy.
No. 1445761
>>1445751Me when I found out glow in the dark lightpulls already exist. I could've made millions..
How about hoodie drawstrings reinforced with anti slip fabric so they don't escape the holes as easily or fall into the hoodie and you have to dig it out I fucking hate that
No. 1445789
>>1445764I'm honestly thinking of using one of my ideas that technically already exists but only on like 3 obscure webshops and hoping I get away with it.
>>1445761>>1445775Damn the anti-slip hoodie drawstring is genius. I wish I could steal your ideas unfortunately the product needs to be somewhat related to our field of study so I can't use those ideas sigh
No. 1445803
>>1445788I've thought about this too and I wonder if when we look at ourselves we're looking at a feature or something. Like I find it hard to conceptualise me as a full person in a mirror, but like in an image or video I'm looking at a static moment or a movement in time and can take it all in and it's like oh. Also if there's other people in the photo video you compare to then whereas in the mirror it's usually alone.
Like I think I have a good side but Ive has people compliment a feature like freckles on one side and I'm like you look at that eww but they like it so idk lol
No. 1445818
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I hate men with high pitched voices. My neighbors have that and they scream all the fucking time. It's even more high pitched than Ethan Klein's voice.
No. 1445852
>>1445341Even though I'm all for casual sex this is disgusting. I'm torn between wanting to have sex again finally and just closing up shop forever with the way scrotes behave nowadays.
Might just head back to the ladypond… But I'm lead to believe it's been infected with tranny's and their allies
No. 1445861
I love my best friend but it's annoying to hear her vent to me about our other mutual friend. My best friend told me she wants to stop hanging out with that person, doesn't want to invite her out anymore, and just doesn't really want to be friends with her. That's fine, it's understandable, and there were incidents in the past that have built up in the past to lead her to come to this conclusion and I get where she's coming from. What makes me mad is she's doing all the shit all of her/our ex-friends did to her. Things like freezing her out, not initiating conversations or hang outs, and ultimately they had clearly decided they no longer wanted to be friends with her and were trying to distance themselves. It hurt her because she kept trying to reach out, and had many confrontations with them about what they were doing, and it just ended up with messy friend break ups. One of her very good friends actually didn't even do this, she instead came out and said "I don't think we should be friends anymore" and handled it very much like a break up and now my best friend demonizes this girl but I honestly think that ex-friend was kind in the sense that she was straight forward and just ripped the bandaid off.
My best friend has always complained to me about these ex friends not putting enough effort into the friendship and always feeling like she was led on, so why is someone suddenly a shitty person just because they didn't decide to do that to you and wanted to end the friendship straight up? I know where that friend was coming from, because they also understood that my best friend will not accept the idea of friendships fizzling out. She basically holds on with an iron grip. I know exactly this because I went through a depressive period once when I didn't want to hang out or talk to anyone, and I wanted time to focus on myself. I told her this and she was upset and seemed very passive aggressive because I just… did not want to talk to her. She's the type of person who likes to talk everyday with her friends, and she's told me as much.
Now she is doing everything that was done to her, that she hated, and she can't see that that friend is in her former position, trying to reach out and salvage the friendship. I know it's also on me. As one of her closest friends I should tell her that she's being a hypocrite and full of shit for doing the exact type of shit she hated being done to her, but I'm not confrontational, and our one confrontation (when I told her I wanted to be left alone) left a bad taste in my mouth because she's not very receptive to things that don't align with her view.
No. 1445875
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what is the point of ever getting close to anyone when it’s so rare for friendships to actually last a lifetime? It’s almost surreal to see someone I used to be close with just move on and live her life like I never existed while I still think of her frequently. Pic slightly related, she’s marrying a scrote that literally looks like picrel and they call each other daddy and kitten, but she was the last close friend I had. The people I was closest to both abandoned me without a second thought, I should feel more hurt but mostly I’m just empty at the realization of how insignificant I apparently was to their lives. Once again wishing for a freak accident to just kill me.
No. 1445877
>>1445870I'm in NYC. I see troons in the wild all the time. And even if I don't, I don't want to match with a handmaiden. Back when I used tinder it was either troon, girl who's "just looking for friends" or what I call catfish accounts, where they only post pictures a girl and then in the DMs they tell you it's a couple looking for a unicorn.
>>1445873Meh, that's how they've always treated women. Apps just make it easier for them to find more
victims to soul suck. I don't want to be involved in that fuckery anymore than I already was.
No. 1445879
>>1445862I tried to have casual sex via apps after trying to be very selective and I found myself being strong armed into relationships and then finding out how unhinged they are after I've told people about them.
However I do think apps get a bad reputation. At the end of the day it's a person. And you will find there are many shit people, but I held the belief that I'm on the app so my counterpart was also on there. I don't have any bad experience due to the apps only the men I continued to meet with and that's on me. Nothing horrendous happened there either except hurt pride. I've took breaks etc. I also found my boyfriend on an app. I'll let you know if it goes to shit but these past 4 months have been wonderful.
No. 1445907
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I'm unironically too retarded to reach a point in my life I'd be able to feel secure in myself and be completely financially well. How the fuck did any nonnies, who didn't just go into compsci major make it in life, especially without a financially supportive partner?
No. 1445932
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I fucked up my save file for this VN and now I have to fucking skip through HOURS of content just to get back to where i was probably overheating my laptop in the process
Times like this I hate being a dumb piratefag
No. 1445955
>>1445947Oh fuck me I also have like 5 things on Friday I need to do for that day, have people requesting info from me about holiday plans, have fully not contacted someone. No, TWO people I promised I would for THREE WEEKS. I said I'd arrange something with my friend this weekend because I cancelled on them last time.
Why am I so busy? I'm trying to think of things I can just drop but it's all more or less necessary, or will need to be picked up at a later date when I'll also have shit to do so I'll still be busy and overwhelmed. I want to go full hermit mode. Not go to work, not talk to anyone, not pay bills and live in my blanket.
No. 1445999
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>>1445281Nta but stfu at least masculine men with muscles make the most of their bodies and male strength, males are fucking useless otherwise. you're fucking welcome for picrel btw.
No. 1446032
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>>1446025NTA but this is the site it came from: fact, the image is for subscribers only. It is reposted here, though: is for gay men. Pic related, other samples from the same "Adon" site.
No. 1446035
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i actually can't take people fighting in any capacity. as soon as tensions arise and people start raising their voices i instantly cover my ears and feel like crying. i remember when my mom would fight other moms in the changing room when i had sports classes after school it literally sent me into a deep panic whenever i realized my class was about to end because i knew i would enter the showers/changing area there would be a huge fight that's either happened or currently happening and i would end up yet again having an anxiety attack home at night. or when my parents fight with eachother or even myself or when my brother throws an unironic gamer rage fit destroying everything it sends me into a paralyzing hyperventilation fit. even in highschool i would cover my ears whenever a classmate would get into hot waters with the teachers and have a shouting match and would end up crying myself. the hightened volume alone makes my ears ring even if its slight yelling.
JUST STOP holy shit bottle it up or something if you can't be civil shut the fuck up for the love of god stop it. i know how immature this is of me and i cant function in the real world blah blah blah i'd rather not if people are constantly on edge like this. even on the plane i couldn't escape it there's always that one person that's itching to blow an artery in anger, find a venting medium man stop fucking bothering people. stop bothering ME. jesus. not to mention it gives everyone second hand embarrassment.
No. 1446049
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here we fucking go again. tho i personally find both muscles and kpoop men ugly but the type of men i like are also considered ugly too so idk
No. 1446050
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>>1446039Nta but I googled the model and damn he’s so cute
No. 1446051
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>>1446043Real women just know sweaty
No. 1446052
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>>1446014Wtf are you on about? I found it somewhere on google and saved it because he has a hot tan body, it isn't some extreme bodybuilder shit but he looks good. Hot men for women's eyes don't exist, we get fugly moids like Timothee Chalamet pushed onto us and are told to just deal with that. Picrel is the ideal man and you can seethe.
No. 1446057
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>>1446052Gay moids love this guy but I still think he's the hottest male I've ever seen. Somehow he's sexy and cute at the same time. Moids seethe at men like this. Oh and he has a PhD in engineering and was a professor.
No. 1446059
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I fucking hate grad school. I'm doing this because it is outside of my area with job oppurtunities and I was a shitty NEET before (my bachelor degree sucks). But the professors are complete ass. They act like I'm retarded and oppose whatever I say EVEN IF I AGREE WITH THEM. Like, we'd totally be on the same page but they will tell me I'm wrong and I should do the other way, then I do it the other way and they tell me the first one was correct. I'm learning nothing and doing all of the learning at home via youtube. The amount of disrespect I faced this semester mountains the harassment I got during online games. And the best part is I cannot be a catty bitch back at them because then I'll get expelled or failed. I'm so close to being a school shooter nonnies, but knowing myself I will probably only shoot myself.
No. 1446065
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>>1446057Nvm I think Pietro Boselli was a math professor, not engineering. Oh well he's sexy, smart, and cute. Everything women should thirst over even if gay moids happen to like it too idgaf.
>>1446061I've been on lc for years and I've posted his picture in the hot men or femdom thread so stfu. I'm sorry I like sexy tanned men with muscles? Who cares that gay moids like it, just ignore it and stop being paranoid about the fag.
No. 1446072
>>1445372I feel you nona. I really liked this vid about this.
People just never believe you, when you say you never get approached. Or claim that you must be doing something wrong, when in the end, it's just moids being cruel to non-attractive women while the pretty girls bask in the moids attention and don't give af about their friends feelings.
>Just get better friends!doesn't work either, sadly women very rarely put female friends above a potential partner.
No. 1446092
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Watched Welcome to Chechnya on HBO Max, it talks about how gay men and women are hunted and tortured for being gay in Russia, Chechnya specifically. They interview a few people that escaped from these situations and are living out in safe houses organized by the Russian LGBT Network. It is so heart breaking to see and I'm glad some of them are able to leave these awful situations.
That being said, this documentary has made me hate AGP, fakebois, and ~queers~ 100x more. losers whining about the 41% and how they're soooo persecuted and in danger, fuck all of them. if they lived in these areas they'd be the bastards that rat out the actual LGB people that would result in them getting maimed. i cannot believe we started catering to these pieces of shit over actual sexual minorities. i'm getting to the point where I can't even tolerate being in the general vicinity of one of them where before i was really good at faking it
No. 1446104
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>>1446042I hate faggot moids in general
No. 1446122
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I just wasted all of my day frantically trying to smooth out my skin after noticing prominent wrinkles under my eyes. At first I was afraid that I was finally seeing signs of aging but I think it was really just me using a skin product on my face that was harsh since my face has had this light burning sensation all day and now it's starting to flake, so dry sky was probably the culprit of my deepened wrinkles. I wish I wasn't so afraid of aging, not in a muh hitting the wall kind of way, but I don't like seeing my body and face change gradually until I don't recognize myself.
No. 1446125
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>gonna stop being a neet piece of shit
>put on decent clothes
>ask my mom if she'll take me to get a haircut
>poor mom is so excited she says yes and we go
>lady sits me down
>immediately starts saying "oh… You don't really get your hair combed often do you?"
>wait wtf I'm cleaned and brushed how can she tell?
>say nothing because autistic retard
>"Oh, it's so limp, you poor thing."
>she's shooting evil fucking looks at my mom
>oh my god she thinks I'm a neglected child
>I should just run away
>to stupid to move
>"Would you like me to straighten it for you?"
>about to throw up, can't say anything
>she whispers to me, "I don't have to charge anything for it, you can be a pretty girl today."
>puke but only a little so I can swallow it
>my mom doesn't hear any of this or notice, that's the only solace here
>lady blow-dries and straightens my hair while telling me just soap and water is enough to clear up my face
>it finally ends after maybe 100000 hours
>get up and thank her and go to the counter to pay
>she keeps talking extremely kindly to me
>sneers at my mom when she stands up and comes over
>poor mom has no fucking idea what's going on
>we leave
nvm nvm nvm nvm nvm nvm nvm I am never leaving the house again, this is literally worse than anything I feared. Like if I had a gun right now I would blow my fucking brains out. She thought I was a neglected child.
No. 1446144
>>1446141It's humiliating because I'm such a piece of shit, people are blaming my mom for it
It's also embarrassing to find out that I apparently look like an underage child
It's also fucking
horrifying to find out that even freshly bathed and properly clothed, normies are still clocking me left and right as a piece of human garbage
No. 1446211
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>>1446125God damn
nonnie I felt this in my soul. Sending healing prayers for you I hope that didn’t completely put you off to the outside world
No. 1446221
>>1446125You're going to be forced to go outside again at some point, so you might as well make it a habit. I'm sure your mom was so happy and proud of you for going, so if you won't keep it up for yourself, try for her. I'm sure you're looking great with your haircut. Maybe next week you can try shopping for outfits or a skincare routine. Baby steps.
Even though the lady was being rude to your mom, she also wanted to help you out so in the end it's a disheartening experience, but not the worst thing in the world.
No. 1446225
>>1446220I didn't say it's a requirement, I said it's unusual for a teenager to
always be alone.
heads up, if you were grocery shopping by yourself at 14, you were probably neglected.
No. 1446249
>>1446247Okay but what country though because I've never heard of this with a child
that young
No. 1446253
>>1446235>>1446236Maybe it is regional. But I think it also depends because when I was in highschool I was getting perms so I'd have to be in the salon like every two weeks. I'd often see girls my age alone in the salon and I used to be embarrassed when I first started getting perms and she would stay. I guess if you're only going to the salon like, once a year it makes sense your mom would just stay with you. But if you're in there all the time she ends up trusting the stylist
>>1446232Ya got me nona
>>1446225I feel like this is a reach and a half. My mom would send me to the grocery store sometimes around that age, or a little older. Would a 16 year old grabbing some milk from the store for the family by themselves be abuse to you or something? Kek. Maybe I didn't grow up as sheltered as I thought. I didn't take public transportation till college and that was super uncommon for my area.
No. 1446266
>>1446125That's just how hairdressers act.
Not to be mean but I don't trust a NEET to read anyone's face/body language, you can't read the hairdresser's mind she probably wasn't even sneering especially if your mom didn't notice. I think your discomfort made your imagination run wild.
No. 1446267
>>1446237>>1446242nta but i have never heard of 7 year olds doing this either. where i'm from kids that age are just beginning to learn basic math kek they're like slightly taller babies to me
>>1446256>When I was a kid we could also buy cigarettes without any questions.what
No. 1446270
>>1446257OP who got the haircut is a grown woman. I doubt to he hairdresser though OP was a minor, just a neglected tard.
sorry OP you don't
need your mom to take you to get a haircut as a grown woman unless there's something wrong with you. It's totally normal to go to the salon with your mom as a fun bonding experience but clearly that wasn't the dynamic since OPs mom probably just sat there and watched her in silence. Which probably didn't help with the tard and tard handler dynamic the stylist probably had.
No. 1446284
>>1446266This is also true. I thought about it as well, OP may be an unreliable narrator because of her social anxiety. It's possible the stylist glanced over at her mom a few times and acted
extra nice to OP because she sensed a fragile spirit but sending glares and being that patronizing? I'd think the mother of a NEET she hasn't given up on yet would be a little more vigilant with her daughters first time out in a while.
No. 1446291
>>1446287It's not that they're dangerous, it's just fucking
odd to have a loose toddler running around buying ciggies and bread
No. 1446296
nonny a strange man could just convince a kid that young to get in a car with him just by saying he knows the kid’s parents or something
No. 1446299
>>1446291Honestly they
can be dangerous. Especially if you don't just live right next to a grocery store.
No. 1446305
>>1446290I'm 19. I don't have a car because I suck and my mom didn't want to just wait outside for me.
That said, I didn't know I was also a freak for hanging out with my mom as a child, so that's great too. I thought we grocery shopped together because it's nice to spend time with your mom.
No. 1446309
>>1446276I cannot believe you have to be 21 to buy cigarettes now (in the US). Crazy. That must have been hard for all the 18-20 year olds who were addicted to smoking at the time, genuinely felt bad for them. I wonder if it created some kind of black market demand for the last three years.
>>1446305no that's normal, noneeta. spending time with your mom is nice. no more self-hating, you're ok.
No. 1446340
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my mom is acting like a teenager and its driving me nuts, she even started stealing my clothes. I will ask her something and she will respond to me like an entitled teenager full of sarcasm, what the fuck is wrong with her. She also cancelled all our plans for christmas because ''she wants to be alone'' which is fine for me because i dont like christmas, but she's only doing it to attention whore and will probably back track. She also started lying about getting robbed and yelling to the robber ''just kill me already my life is shit anyways'', holy shit what an attention whore and on top of that she's blaming me because i left the door locked accidentally once. What did i do to derserve a drug addict dad and a liar, annoying, bitchy mom. God, i hope i can manage to start working as a freelancer because i want to fuck off and never see my family ever again.
No. 1446374
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>>1446340holy fuck she hid food from me because i dared to give a can of tuna to a fucking stray cat like a week ago, why the fuck is she like this? give me strenght to not kill myself
No. 1446565
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i make things so hard for myself. i push people away because i think they actually hate me but, want to be nice, so they speak to me even if they don't have to…so i act unpleasant or dismiss them to "free them" and all the while i suspect i'm hurting them anyway.
it does not help that, even before this cycle begins, i watch them make friends with other people so easily. i keep thinking "well, if we've known one another for months and still have yet to have a proper conversation, but they can happily go places with so and so after only have spoken for a week, am i really so needed?" and etc.
also i'm 23 and, after i finish this final project, i'll finally have my degree. i hope i can get a job and start saving money and maybe try and live my life a little. i know things won't be so easy but i hope they aren't so difficult as to be impossible…i want to make friends and be happy. i'm so alone and it drives me insane sometimes. the world is full of so much beauty, i get to experience bits of it, but i want more
No. 1446575
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The minute I build up the courage to end things with my boyfriend he starts acting nice and loving to me. How can they tell I feel like I haven’t acted any different
No. 1446595
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Idk what is up with me. Everytime I am doing better or making progress with my self-improvement, I lose attraction to my boyfriend. I just stop wanting to interact with him as much and he starts to look unappealing to me. Meanwhile, I do still want a boyfriend for cute dates and cuddles etc. Also, he is one of the greatest people I've ever met with such an excellent soul. He would do anything for me. So wtf is up with ME?? I've rarely been calling him lately and haven't felt any remorse for just hanging up or denying calls.
No. 1446657
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>mom yells at me to get job
>get job
>she now nags about me not getting a 'normal' job(work as a freelance artist)
>get depressed and stop working
>now tells me to get back to said work
>mom gets mad because i dont cook for myself
>start cooking for myself
>she gets mad because i only eat scrambled eggs because its the only thing on the fridge alongside her herbalife products
why do i even try? i am only her punching bag, she doesnt want me to get better she just wants excuses to get mad at me because she has to fake being nice irl. I fucking hate her, since she started working from home we have been fighting almost every day. I wish i could go back to only seeing my mom two hours a day when she came back from work, when i still though she was a good mother and a fun person to be around. She's just a bitch and looking for any excuse to scream at myself, the other day she literally screamed at me because i only make scrambled eggs. I think she might legit be crazy or something. I was about to kill myself but now i ''have a cat(stray that appeared on my backyard and just stayed there, mom wont let me take him inside)'' and i have to take care of him, at least until he gets better and i can give him up for adoption. I fucking hate it nonnas, i think worse than being born poor or ugly or in a shit country is being born with shitty parents, there is no way to get better after that, your life is ruined.
No. 1446710
>>1446657Nonna im sorry your mom is a dbag and basically showing you her true colours by taking out whatever frustrations she has on you. People like
>>1446662 either don't actually know how it is or rationalise the hurt too much that they are blinded from the reality. No one who truly cares for someone will go about showing thst love by hurting. Don't let her toxicity throw you off your game. All your efforts are for you alone and are not to be affected by your moms input, you aren't working for her anyway.
No. 1446717
>>1446657As someone with a mother the same as yours, nonna you just need to realise that nothing you ever do will be good enough for her and that from now on you should focus on your own goals. She keeps you in a cycle of criticism and not feeling like you're doing anything right because that's how she stays "above" you. Mothers like this naturally have non-existent self-esteem so they often project onto their daughters.
Also I used to be a freelance illustrator too and none of my family members took it as a "real" job. They used to think I was lazy because I spent time drawing
pretty pictures kek even though I'd be working 12h a day doing commissions for below minimum wage. I would honestly recommend you get some sort of regular part-time job either way just to get you out of the house and away from her.
No. 1446878
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I’m fat, ugly, poor, and diseased. I’m sure I can probably fix the first two but I don’t have the energy in me to give a fuck besides using it as ammunition against myself and self loathing. I know there are simple paths to weight loss that accommodate to my health issues but my mental retardation is another hurdle to work through.
I’m just tired nonnas. I feel like life has put me to through the wringer early on. Like sometimes it feels worthless to keep fighting but I will keep going cause my meds are the only thing holding me together.
No. 1446931
>>1446917Anon yart, god I used to have a friend like that too. She got a smaller following on instagram that went immediately to her head (in several ways, I have actually vented about her before because she used to be really sweet before that) so whenever anyone of us of her friends didn't give her attention or kiss her ass for five minutes she would write on social media how lonely she is, that nobody genuinely cares about her, and that everyone supposedly has this idea of her being "a strong independent black woman" even though none of this had even been implied between us and came out of nowhere. It was honestly quite hurtful as her friends but we let her have it instead of starting drama.
People are fucking weird and have no limitations on hurting others. Good that you distanced yourself from that friend because at the end of the day they're just energy vampires.
No. 1447023
>>1447004Samefag. My dads last message: If you are gay it doesn't bother me.
Oh my god. Thanks dad but fuck me how do I now undo 8 years of my ex feeding him absolute bullshit behind my back? I'm losing my mind here.
No. 1447033
>>1447032you’re right, it’s unfortunate. (at least for lesbian and bi women)
i think the whole tranny movement has really hurt the LGB, and set the movement back another 50+ years
No. 1447052
>>1447004>>1447023>>1447048This is so insane! Oh my god, nona.
I would just text him something like "thank you, that's actually sweet to hear but everything [ex] has been telling you is a lie and I had no idea he had even talked to you for the last 8 years. this is too much to text about we have to talk later when i get off work. I'm so shocked" or something like that that makes sense for you and your dad, and then go talk to him in person and get all the details/tell him your side. What if your ex has done this with other people in your life? I would be freaking out.
No. 1447085
>>1447068>>1447078I have heard other women say the same about not feeling intimidated.
I've been doing pretty much everything I can alone since I never had many friends but this specifically still makes me anxious. I'm 24 years old btw. I rarely do get the opportunity to see the more extreme metal bands I like though as they rarely come over here, I'll just go next time because I'm still feeling very regretful over letting my anxiety win. Some of it was reasonable preoccupations and some were just anxiety over doing something new I guess
I did go to local punk shows when I was younger and yeah I get a feeling it's more rowdy
No. 1447090
>>1447052I've moved around so much that I'm not even in contact with alot of the same people we knew ten odd years ago. If hes been spreading shit to others it won't really reach me or affect me except for my dad. Just weirded out that my dads sense of loyalty to me didn't kick in and make him question things sooner. He could've asked me whats up. If I'm really out here harassing someone. He's been painted a picture where I'm mental and.. my life is good. I'm fine. I'm not the one obsessing over shitting on someones reputation for years after I last saw them.
Thanks for replying. This is a type of crazy I never thought I'd be up against. Especially not with him. He seemed so meek when I knew him.
No. 1447154
>>1447110tbh he might be grooming her dad in order to get his support in the divorce if he isn't just a raging
abusive narcissist or something like that.
No. 1447193
>>1447033gay rights are nearly the same though. we got the rights to same sex marriage, which is important. The only thing that really changed besides that is troon shit everywhere and people keep connecting troons with LGB, since the T is there, but the troons are the loudest.
I still dont know what rights they even want, since they already invaded lesbians and women only spaces. fuck troons and anyone who defends them can rot.
No. 1447518
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No. 1447527
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No. 1447550
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>parents expect me to visit for christmas weekend and invite my bf to join as well
>they live two hours from me and i don't drive, bf offers to drive us so we can spend the whole weekend with them
>i call my mom and tell her the plan is for my bf and i to drive down early saturday and leave sunday night.
>she freaks out when i mention the idea of him staying at their house
>"you want him to sleepover? absolutely not anon I thought he was going to drop you off or just drive up for one day and then leave"
>i ask her why can't he stay and she can't give me a real answer
>i tell her it's her house so i'll respect her wishes but there's no way i'm asking him to spend four hours of his day driving when she's being unreasonable
>we have an argument that ended with me saying I won't be coming for Christmas.
Idk, I might be overreacting but I'm so pissed right now. Her excuse for why he can't stay at their house is that I'm "too young to have a guy staying over" (I'm 25 and he's 27) and she's "not ready for that". Fuck off, she has a habit of treating me like I'm still a teenager and I tell her all the time she needs to stop. My family defends her with "B-but anon you're her only child you'll always be a baby to her" well that's her fucking problem!
I even offered to have us stay in separate rooms if that'd make her comfortable but she insists it's inappropriate. Grow up. I'm not having him jump through hoops to find accommodations just because she can't handle her adult daughter being in a serious relationship.
I get why she's uncomfortable and I hope I don't sound like a brat, I just hate that she really spoke to me like I was a 16 year old asking her parents to let her high school bf spend the night. I'm in my fucking mid twenties and have talked about how I might marry this dude. At least let him sleep on the couch jfc.
No. 1447598
>>1447550The fuck? She's completely out of line, you're a grown ass women.
I'd tell her that yes, I have sex, I enjoy it, and I'd fuck my boyfriend at her house if I wanted to. Absolutely absurd behavior on her part.
No. 1447606
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i hate the fucking "porkchop" and picrel fucking banners. My sibling just walked in the room. My computer screen is broken so I have to use a hdmi hooked up to an extra tv. I put it in a chair near my bed when I want to use my laptop in my room, I plug it up.
Well my sibling walked into my room Staying at home rn, am neet and pic rel is on a fucking scream. My sibling was like-
>"Oh nonnie did you see-" and glanced at my screen, their face looking surpised. I had to explain Lolcow to them and figure out the context of the picture so they don't think I'm a creep.
I like to use my laptop because I can type better but I dislike that banner. I don't even like seeing it when I'm alone.
No. 1447623
>>1447616yeah it's just not the same just like joining tumblr now is not the same as being on tumblr in 2011, it's a completely different atmosphere.
And the fact that they're there consciously thinking of late 90s and 2000s experiences.. it's impossible to recreate it, the magic of things is not realizing how good it was back then, only when you look back fondly
No. 1447626
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>>1447616What do you mean? Pixie he/him fae/xyr flutter/flitter's neon sanrio themed carrd imitation neocities page with a row of mental illnesses in qwirkee texzte and a dni list too big to fit in xyr's tiny boxed border is TOTES 90'S
No. 1447629
>>1447621I think Pixyteri some anime obessed mentally ill girl, who was stinky and did silly things but she's liked on lolcow. I know i'll get called a newfag or something.
Sorry, I've been here for years just don't care to much about Pixyteri or /pt/ cows as a whole.
>/ot/>/snow/>/g/>/w/>/m/>/meta/Is the order of most and least vistited
No. 1447633
>>1447616They'll never have what people had back then simply because they're trying too hard.
Just like I never knew how MSN Messenger would be so special once it fell out of use, if someone brings it back it just wouldn't be the same as using it in 2006 with all our lack of self awareness and cringe
No. 1447639
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I just want to get my genetic samples sent in for sequencing before the beginning of next year so I can finally progress on my thesis research. Things kept going wrong because one of the reagent that was ordered was apparently not made correctly so the reactions failed but none of us knew for months. I finally fixed the issue but then something else went wrong and I'm going to explode. I'm so fucking done I just want to graduate but now I keep having to go into the lab all day half of the week and my social life is suffering because I'm so tired all the time.
No. 1447653
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I just got obsessed with a top 40 songbut on the bright side it's the nightcore version
No. 1447679
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>>1447606you can use adblock to hide the banners. you could rid yourself of them forever.
>install adblockplus or whatever free adblock extension you like for whatever browser you use>select the element you want to block>block it>never see a banner again (on that browser with that extension)voilà
No. 1447688
Work christmas night out was an absolute shiter. The weather was atrocious and most weren't in office today so I knew that'd make numbers drop, but there was free food and drink so I figured a few would since they said so. I wore a cute christmassy dress (black velvet with little embossed silver stars) and did my hair and makeup. I thought worst case nobody else will come and I'll fill up on the food and cocktails then go home.
No, what actually happened were the 2 coworkers who I have 0 chemistry with, like I can't even make passable conversation with them and it's dead air so I just avoid if I can, those 2 flagged me down and I spent the most excruciating 50 minutes of my life with them, that's including going twice for food and drinks and dissociating when there was nothing I could actively occupy myself with. The overhead music was unbearably loud to the point I was grimacing and there was no place to get relief. I excused myself to the bathroom and came back and they'd gone, I saw to get drinks but I just walked straight out of the party, no goodbyes even though I always do, fuck it. I checked my phone which I left in my jacket and was in disbelief that was less than an hour, I legitimately thought it had been 3. I can feign ignorance and say I looked for them if they ever pull me up about it.
And on the way back I counted and there were 12 other people who were going to/should've come that I would've been able to have a good 1-2 hours of conversation with, only 3-4 I'd have actively bonded with in a friendly way but still, for NONE of those people to come? I left a bit pissed and dejected and to be honest, I won't be going to another after hours work event again until I have written 1 to 1 confirmation of at least 2 coworkers I like coming. What a shit show. It really was a situation where I wasn't allowed to just leave so soon but also it was physically and mentally unbearable to stay.
No. 1447762
>>1447757So many self-absorbed people out there. At least you can vent to us,
No. 1447772
>>1447756The only way I've ever stopped binging is to stop worrying about binging. The moment I start thinking 'this has to stop, I'm not going to binge from now on'… I immediately binge because I'm subconsciously freaking out about food becoming unavailable to me.
The whole thing fucking sucks but I have to ride it out until I become naturally less bothered about eating.
No. 1447773
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>>1447757So get in a little friend fight with her over it. Say something like "remember when we were talking about how I felt and you said
Sorry to hear that. I wish I could be a more active listener but I'm just really tired right now. –and then we talked about your problems instead? How would you have felt if I said the same thing you said to me when you brought up your problems?
Then see where it goes from there. Sometimes you have to have some straight talk with your friends. Maybe she's just emotionally retarded and thinks that's a kind thing to say when you don't know how to help someone (it's not, it's literally "at capacity" bullshit). Whatever, if you are friends it will be fine.
No. 1447955
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I don't want to keep burdening my loved ones so much all the time, so I'll let off steam here. Maybe I let people know that I struggle too much.
I wish that my perfectionism didn't interfere with my daily life so often. The fear of failing is directly correlated to my procrastination. I'm so afraid of being a disappointment that I put off the anxiety-inducing activity. It becomes an even bigger problem than at the start because now I have no time to do it. Recently it's helped me to think that "it's better to do a thing half-assed than not to do it at all," but if the necessary thing is really important, the intense dread about half-assing it is too much to handle. It's like consciously I know that not being perfect is natural and okay, but… I fear disappointment. So, I return back to square one and put it off because the fear of failure incapacitates me so strongly. I'm currently dealing with this exact scenario. I wish that I just maintained my pace on this project instead of letting the fear take control and pushing it back until the deadline.
Maybe the most disheartening part is that I know what the lesson is and I know how that anxiety should be managed, but when it comes down to it sometimes I fail at putting my lessons to practice. I really hope that in the future I can get better at working past the fears and getting unpleasant things done at a healthy pace so that I don't have to rush to get it done. I want to be kind to myself but when I cause problems for myself like this, it's really hard to forgive myself when I knew the right decision at the beginning. So I guess this is a letter to myself, and a promise for next year to do better and get through life's hardships without retreating back into avoiding them. The easy way out leads to painful results. I really wanna remember and repeat that for the future.
No. 1447964
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>>1447955Nona, I could have written every single word of this. I have been battling this pattern since elementary school and it's so painful. I wonder if we are procrastinating on our attempts to change, as well. It gets sort of meta and self-fulfilling. Wishing us both courage and bravery to face our totally normal human flaws.
No. 1447968
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Shit in my life is a little fucky rn for three 3 main reasons
1) Holidays mean my PTSD symptoms are in full swing since I soon will have to smile and act normal around my pedo uncle
2) I think a proto-abusive man is has a crush on me. He is so emotionally unintelligent he doesn't know how to deal with it, and so he bullies me every day (I cant avoid him, we live in same house and have the same friends) and since I live with him I have to deal with his bullshit. He calls me terrible names, but is jealous when I talk to any man, tries (and fails) to impress me, will try to talk to me even when I try to block any conversation he starts, then cries and say how sorry he is, and talk about his father sucked, and then invites me someplace. I want him to leave me alone.
3) A smelly disgusting man that looks like the soyboy template has a crush on me and keeps asking me out. He smells like ass and bad breath and looks like a fat ed Sheeran. I keep stringing him along hoping he decides to wash his ass since his parents are old money rich, and I honestly wish I could love him, but being around him too long makes me gag and I'm scared of him (his special interest is torture and ecology), and keeps inviting me on secluded fishing trips and hikes. We match otherwise since we're both pretty autistic, but also long-term that's bad cause our kid probably would be too if we got together. I'm just worried if I tell him he stinks he will murder me, I have no idea if I'm overreacting.
Idk why I attract these types, oh well
No. 1447969
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>Dates “empathetic” and “caring moids because I need a lot of emotional connection to fall in love
>Always end up being extremely insecure and go nuclear when things are going well
He literally told me that he couldn’t be with me because I was someone “he could fall in love with”. Wtf
No. 1447976
>>1447964>I wonder if we are procrastinating on our attempts to change, as well. It gets sort of meta and self-fulfilling. I couldn't have said this better. You hit the nail on the head. I also think that progress is often non-linear, so maybe we shouldn't be so hard on ourselves (while still keeping accountability in mind!). I don't know about your situation but in my life living with performance anxiety, I have noticed that in some ways I have improved over the years. Just maybe not as much as I ideally want to. I only wish there was some way to reward my brain for not giving in to procrastination when the urge comes on.
I'm rooting for you and me both! Step by step we can get better and better at handling this, as completely getting rid of that anxiety may be impossible. Thank you for your words of encouragement, too, it really means a lot!
No. 1448028
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>find a jfashion girl online
>she's openly lesbian and has good taste
>she occasionally likes pro tranny shit
>doesn't set off red flags because thats normal for weeaboo women
>talks about her gf a lot, doesn't post any pics
>stalk her mentions to see what gf looks like
>its a crusty sissy tranny in aliexpress lolita
Is it even possible to find actual femme lesbians online anymore
No. 1448125
Can I stop being poor? It's so annoying and tiring. There is so much out there I would love to do, learn and see, but without money I can do shit. It would be so nice to have my own house with a nice garden, I would go back to university, study what I want, see what is left of the world, donate some money to nice things and just live my life knowing that I don't have to worry anymore, no more nightmares, no more neighbours, no more people that are horrible, just a nice and quiet life. (Please don't tell me that I should look for work, I will only earn minimum wage and that means I'm still poor and can't do shit and have to stand people every day of the week).
No. 1448146
>>1448137>I am artist and i was hoping i could make a living out of my art somedayKek what a hoot, unfortunately this is the reality of many artists unless you've got a lot of time to put into networking. I used to be an illustrator and concept artist, my work was professional-level confirmed by other artists who came to see it, and when I left university I didn't get shit because I'm a poorfag and didn't have the unlimited free time to spend my days networking and posting shit online.
The art industries are oversaturated, the best thing you can do is just get a regular job and keep your art as a hobby. If you are a poorfag, that is.
No. 1448150
>>1448144>>1448142just watch this and shut up.
>>1448146yeah, i gave up on wanting to ''make it'' and i just draw cute boys and other things that make me happy now. Still, it saddens me that i cant even share my art anymore because every fucking art site bent down to stripped stocking trannies and started allowing AI, thus flodding all the tags with AI shit.
No. 1448156
>>1447346My dad knows he left in a very sudden and unexpected way. My dad was there for me in the beginning but then we both moved and I had no reason to bring my ex up after a while. I thought it was a shitty but clean break and we'd all moved on.
But now I'm finding out that the ex painted a picture where I was
abusive and thats why he left (I wasn't) and where I've spent 8/9 years harassing him when I've had no contact at all in that time. None. He says I'm gay too. I'm not. My dad thought I had a whole world of mental health shit going on that I don't so hes been holding back on asking me.. thinking I'm unhinged and he shouldnt confront me. My ex played the role of a concerned guy confiding in him that I'm acting crazy. I'm setting him straight now. My dad is a tist to add to the mix of him not knowing what to make of my exes calls and not knowing how to bring it up with me.
>>1447205He seems to coming around. He said he stopped taking his calls a few months back when he became uncomfortable with how frequent they were becoming. That and he seemed to be fishing for details about how my life is now.
No. 1448162
>>1448150AI was definitely a factor to this but it's not a massive one imo. It's been like this for years. Trying to make money off art is always hard but I think it's just the amount of people doing it now - it's way more difficult to get your name out there and you are easily beat price-wise by some artists who do work the same quality as you but they've set their prices at half of what yours is. Thus you're essentially forced to pump out work at a lower price than what it's worth, which is often below the equivalent to minimum wage, so the quality of your art will go down too because you're working on something you're not even getting justly paid for.
I used to do fantasy illustrations way before this AI mess, and coincidentally enough, the only people I knew who made their art consistently successful were those from wealthy enough families who didn't
need to get a job to pay the rent, bills etc asap. They were able to spend their days and money networking, paying for courses to improve their art, etc. It genuinely makes you bitter thinking about it but the art industries have always been this way. I was among the top 3 artists in my course in regards to the quality of my concept art and illustration (sorry I don't want to sound like I'm bragging but it was true and I put in a lot of hard work to get that way), and even then I was denied being able to go to promotional/networking events because I was a council estate poorfag and there was no funding or opportunities available for students to get transport there. Another student, who had work similar to some shit you'd see in the Bad Art thread, took my place simply because she had the money to get there.
The AI situation is just another layer of the shitcake that is the art industry. I'd personally like to see it all torn down and rebuilt upon actual skill, graft and discipline and not just how many followers you have but that's impossible especially now. It was a hell of a lot easier to make it in the early to mid 2000s when most people weren't using drawing tablets/photoshop etc to make art, and when social media wasn't really a thing.
No. 1448174
>>1448135minimum wage = social benefits + 100 € and in my field I won't find jobs that pay any more at the moment. I won't get the life I want with a normal job, 70% of what I earn will go towards rent, 10% transport to get to the job and the rest is food and stuff that is broken, no way to save a penny or go on a holiday once in a while. I'm looking for a job, but the reality is, even with a full time job I wouldn't be able to pay for a house or travel twice a year.
>>1448137>money and being born into a family with money is so importantthat's just it, the luxury and the connections you have within a wealthy family, you can just take a year of and see what you want to do with your life. Or, in your case, you could just stay at home, work on your art, improve it, take commissions if you feel like it and you would have the network of wealthy people maybe supporting you, buying art from you, getting your work out there, etc.
I'm so tired of people acting like you only have to work hard enough and you will be the next millionaire, it's bullshit. If I ever win the lottery (very unlikely, but one can hope), I will find you nonna and buy some art from you.
No. 1448178
nonny, my anime boys tied up and blinfolded would look lovely hanging on your living room.
No. 1448185
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>>1448183you should try the sims, the base game is free. it helps me cope with being a poorfag. In the sims i am sugar mommy with 10 sugar babies all blonde and one of them is a wizard.
No. 1448237
>>1447773I actually managed to tell her how I felt about this last night when we talked! It was really uncomfortable for me because I am terrible at confrontation and bringing this shit up, but I felt that I had to say something because we've been friends for so long. I told her that I understood where she was coming from with that response but that it made me feel like my feelings weren't important or that she wasn't interested in what was going on in my life and that was really frustrating for me. She apologized for that and reassured me that wasn't the case and she explained why she has a hard time thinking of what to say when someone is going through something. She said in the future that if I ever felt that way again I could always point it out to her.
It was honestly the first time I've ever had a conversation like that with a friend, but I'm proud of myself for doing it. I hope this is a good first step to things feeling a little better between us. Usually when we talk it goes good, but every once in a while I fall into a funk where I feel like she doesn't prioritize my feelings or that I'm doing something to annoy her and I don't know what. I just need to get better at pointing that shit out when it happens, but it's so hard.
No. 1448269
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>>1444876I read this post when the thread was made and I almost sharted myself today when I was doing the dishes. I'm forwarding my shart curse to 5 nonnas in this thread because I can't deal with this shit anymore. No pun intended.
No. 1448313
>>1448295Yeah, this is relatable, and it is probably cause you're black depending on where you grew up. I used to get compared to shrek by my all white racist class (though I did not realise it at then time I thought I was just ugly) and just thought I was just naturally the funny but ignored duff of every friend group. Then I went to college with a sizable black population; people suddenly started asking me out, "wanting to my friend" and inviting me places just cause of how I look.
Then honestly on the flipside, if you're too dark-skinned or have a lot of prototypically black features for example in a black community with a lot of self-hate you might get clowned or ignored, but in another (non-racist) community be sought-after.
Unless you know for sure that where you lived growing up 100% was not racist featurist or colorist, I think there's a high probability that is it not you.
No. 1448335
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>write out vent post
>because phone wasn't connected to internet I get a page saying I was banned
>it was for a post I never made on a board I never use
this is my punishment for mobile posting
No. 1448369
>>1448357i hope it passes quick for you
nonnie! when i had it, it felt like i was hit by a bus for 2-3 days but after that was more of an annoying lingering cough.
No. 1448408
>>1448398For me,the women who play those roles are worse than the men who write them. They're agreeing to degrade themselves and prove men right for money? If there wasnt a supply, there wouldnt be a demand.
Nah, they can all rot in hell.
No. 1448471
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Being a schizoid has absolutely ruined my life like several times over but I'm taking responsibility for my very poor coping mechanisms and maladaptive delusions and making sure I do whatever I can to like…reform neural pathways toward self-preservation and my core goals as a person and not as a schizo.
No. 1448490
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The way men ascribe certain traits to women is retarded. This one comment I came across on a YouTube video is a prime example of that. This autist states that his "anxiety and lack of confidence, passivity" makes it easier to identify with women. I can't with these people.
No. 1448500
>>1448475>>1448484>>1448495Thanks Nonas. Hard not to think I could have done something more correctly and it would have turned out better for everyone (especially my mom), but I'll try to take your words to heart.
deleted because at least one of my siblings is extremely online and I can almost imagine him finding this and losing his shit because he thinks I'm a heartless villain for abandoning our dad (which he also did but whatever) and he outright blames me which didn't help my little spiral.
No. 1448520
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Kids are allowed to wear crop tops in high school now?? I keep seeing reels and tiktoks that take place in high school hallways and they’re dressed like this, my dress code didn’t even let us wear tank tops with less than a 1” strap
No. 1448544
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Me: yes honey
No. 1448547
Someone I was seeing for almost six months dumped me via text saying she doesn't have time and energy for a relationship. I chewed her out for telling me that via text, and when we talked on the phone, she said she'd like to date me "BUT" and gave me flimsy excuses. I was like whatever and let it be because I'm not going to chase anyone.
Now, a few weeks later, her profile popped up on Tinder and I noticed she'd updated it and said she was looking for a relationship… and I feel like shit because I guess that's the final nail in the coffin for me that she lied to me, even if "I don't have enough time/energy for this relationship" is an obvious excuse to end things. Just a few days before her dumping me she was talking about how she's looking forward to seeing me again and planning as to what we could do together. We had also met each other's close friends and talking about future plans etc.
I know I shouldn't let the actions of romantic partners affect me, but I can't help but feel worthless and unlovable because this isn't the first (and probably not the last) time this happens to me… when I like someone I put in a lot of effort and try to put my best foot forward for them, and even with dates I don't really care about I let them down gently but honestly. I know I can't control how other people act, but it feels like shit to always be lied to, lead on and/or dumped in some cowardly way like text without even having a proper adult face to face conversation. If I'd done the same to someone else I guess you could say I'm getting my just desserts now, but I haven't, so. Yeah. I will get over this too in time, I suppose, but the thing is I'm just so tired of always trying to get over heartbreaks or other negative things happening in my life. I'd like to have a moment's of peace feeling that someone I care about actually gives a fuck about me back.
Venting here because I texted a few friends trying to talk about this, they didn't reply and now I feel like a sniveling retard for it kek
No. 1448555
>>1448547That’s really shitty
nonnie, I know it’s hard not beat yourself up when people are so awful to you but honestly just reflects poorly on them, it doesn’t sound like you did anything wrong. Feel better ♥
No. 1448564
>>1448555AYRT, thank you so much kind
nonnie. It may sound dumb lmao, but this actually made me tear up because a nice stranger took time to write me some encouraging words. It's the lying and other bullshit from dates that makes me feel bad, because of course nobody should keep on dating me if they aren't feeling it. I just wish they'd be honest and adult about it, but nope. I guess it makes me feel like they think I'm stupid and that I'm not even worth some basic decency. But you're right, it's true that other people's shitty behavior doesn't really say anything about me as a person. Thank you again! I really mean it ♥
No. 1448569
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Realized my ex, who is also a very popular guy, is a predator that preys on vulnerable women. Was watching a documentary where they explained how predators work his face immediately came into my mind, at first I didn't fully realize why but I started thinking about what I knew about his exes, about me, and his current girlfriend and it hit me like a truck. His long-term girlfriend he pretty much broke down and continuously made sure she would look crazy by anyone trying to look at the relationship objectively from the outside, next girlfriend was a virgin that hadn't even gotten her first kiss at 25, then there was me that has previously been in an abusive relationship and extremely insecure because of other trauma, and newest chick he zoned in on right after she had a bad breakup with her fiancé. The fact that he prances around claiming to be polyamorous now just makes it even worse.
He's such a manipulative asshat that will play on your insecurities, hold back information, use the hot/cold approach until you go insane. But he's such a charmer that he knows how to turn this behavior around and weaponize any possible mental illness you might have or normalize his behavior so you question yourself all the time. I don't know how to feel about realizing he's a predator, I hate that I realized this pattern, I hate that I have experienced two toxic relationships in a row because wtf does that say about me. I hate everything about this and I don't know how I feel. How should I feel?
No. 1448580
>>1448575where do you live (just country is fine) and are you in okay physical condition? I have an idea if you live in the US.
sorry your social retardation is causing you suffering
No. 1448584
>>1448580i live in the US, Texas , yeah i know.
I’m a fatass with a liver disease but it’s not too bad physically, i think (i do get easily tired just walking up the stairs)
No. 1448606
>>1448575 >I don’t understand what people say despite having checked out my hearing and it turned out fineI nearly had my hearing checked when I noticed I had an issue like this. I was in a relationship att and my bf would lose his shit over how I had moments like this. He thought I was doing it on purpose. I was hearing him but not processing the words. Mainly happened when we were out places. Not so much at home. Later found out I have tism. Sensory processing issues that get worse when I'm stressed or when theres background noise or bright lights.
You can have sensory processing issues without the full on tism too. Sometimes they can diagnose you with it seperately. SPD or APD.
No. 1448685
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>>1448584Might be a long shot and sorry I'm about to write you a novel but if you live in or near any kind of city you could apply to be a CCA for the post office (picrel is current TX postings, some of them cover wider areas than the city itself, more will probably open up later) pays way better that your current job and has better job security once you convert to career/regular status. Right now you automatically convert after 2 years and currently conversion is faster because they need more people. It's not a dead-end job, it's a career with a real wage so you can stop worrying about trying to work your way up or whatever.
As long as your heart and legs/feet are healthy being a fatass doesn't mean you can't do it but it might make it harder (just speaking realistically since it is a physical job and some people cannot do it / have to quit on doctors orders). But they won't discriminate against you for that in hiring because they can't, I'm sure they're used to it in texas. Anyway, everyone who does it gets in better shape from doing the job, it's one of the perks.
Apparently it has been taking like 3-6 months to hear back after you apply lately because they're hiring so many people. So just fill out the forms carefully and wait, then show up when they eventually reach out.
No offense to nice sociable mail carriers but it is the perfect job for functional but socially retarded people because you get assigned your work, you follow orders, follow the rules, go out and do your work by yourself all day in relative solitude with only occasional professional interactions. You are rarely taking in auditory information, everything you need is written down on the mail/packages. Whatever your boss tells you in the morning you basically just say "yes" and you grieve it through your union steward later if it was against the rules, not your job to manage your manager. Just follow the mail and don't be lazy.
There's also a shitload of rural carrier postings but I don't know as much about that. It's similar but they have their own rules and payscale. Worth looking into if you're not near a city, it definitely pays better than 1700 per month.
No. 1448725
>>1448664sorry it took me forever to write. you could probably do any of the basic jobs except clerk (some clerks just move mail around but if they put you at the window all day with customers that would be bad). look through the other positions if carrier sounds bad, carrier just has the best hours because it's daytime work. other positions can work odd hours (it's a 24hr nationwide machine) but if you don't mind that go for it. the post office is everywhere. sorry if there's some reason this won't work for you, thought it was worth a shot. again, the hiring process is very slow so this isn't an immediate solution to anything.
Also sorry if you live in Austin it will not pay enough for you to support yourself because holy shit Austin got expensive. on the other hand if you make 1700/month in Austin that is a huge problem and this work would technically be a step up lol.
No. 1448764
>>1448569Had a moment like this. Stepped back and looked at his dating pattern. My ex dated an abandoned single mom who was struggling (she'd been dumped mid pregnancy) then he dated a bpder with a history of csa who was a single mom and according to him batshit. Then he dated me right after I'd lost my parents and was at a low point in my life, depressed, isolating myself. Fast forward to when I'm making strides and he left me for a recently dumped mentally ill single mom who also has fibro. Swoops in on women at a vulnerable point in their life. The more vulnerable the better. He'll soon put you down for having issues but those issues are the same thing he was attracted to. He's not a shining knight taking pity on women who are down on their luck. Hes an oppurtunistic abuser. You wouldn't date him in your right mind or take his shit if you were doing well. He knows that. You'd see the red flags and leave after the first argument if you had a good support system around you or had good self esteem. If you had your life together.
By the time I was coming out of my depression and ready to leave he had this new woman lined up and ready. I had to bite my tongue when he told me her sad backstory, her list of illnesses. Because that was the first thing he had to say about her. Ill, abandoned, struggling, needs him. He'll soon switch off the nice guy act and berate that woman for being unwell. Remind her every day that she's lesser. Guilt her for her baggage. Hold it over her head. Call her a crazy ex someday. Add her to the list of 'muh crazy ex'. Even though he only dates unwell women, abandoned women etc. Thats his type. He's the one picking that on repeat.
If he didn't have such a temper I would've loved to have asked him why he's never dated anyone who is doing well att. Always someone in a crisis.
No. 1448845
>>1448323Do it, what's stopping you?
>>1448364Be the IRL Kikomi we need, anon, there's no need to stop after one fundraiser
No. 1448850
>>1448743That's so situational I'm really not sure. There's definitely an answer for every situation but I've never done that so can't speak from experience. with carriers if you make career and give enough notice when you quit you can be rehired as career status but I think you lose something, probably a couple wage steps. Usually there's some perk when you quit amicably and reapply, like not having to go through a 90 day probationary period again at the very least. The transfer system (e-reassign) lets you keep everything when you move except your seniority but whether you get to transfer is at the mercy of staffing demands and is on their timeline not yours (could take weeks could take years).
It's a paying job so it's not like it isn't worth having.
No. 1448863
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i was listening to this other woman talk about her awful cupid date with a male. she knew him for a few weeks, he invited her to his house to cook her dinner, and she ended up sleeping with him. after he finished, he kicked her out.
i can't help but think FDS was right. to males, home dates are just a cover-up for an opportunity to sleep with women, and it's better to wait a few months before sleeping with him, to lessen the likelihood of being pumped and dumped.
i feel bad for her, and i don't want it to happen to her again, but i don't know how to talk to her about it without her getting defensive. she might tell me namalt or that i'm being sex-negative or some shit.
No. 1448867
>>1448863It absolutely is. If you don't wanna get pumped and dumped then you 100% don't go to their house.
Personally I think being invited to their house for a first date is an immediate red flag, I wouldn't someone who I just met for the first time knowing where I live.
No. 1448889
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>>1448877>she said he seemed mature>he's 21 I wonder what their interactions were like for those few weeks (were they chatting online or did she know him in person?)
No. 1448936
>>1448923samefag, i think it was sweet of her to do that, but the extra effort was wasted on that coombrain.
>>1448929yeah, i don't know her well enough. it probably wouldn't go over well if i did bring it up.
>>1448916that's true, it most likely is a waste of time. i wish there were an easy way to get through to her, but i don't think there is one. i hope she wakes up soon.
No. 1448954
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>>1448740Samefag, I never managed to get off.
No. 1449015
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I miss when they would open the weekend thread. Open the thread… pls…
No. 1449019
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I'm still not over how my phone got stolen a few days ago and I thought I saved a lot of pics a few months ago since I bought it last year but nope. I only saved pics from specific trips and for some reason I didn't save the rest. I didn't synchronise my phone with google drive because I barely have enough space left on it so I'm missing a bunch of good looking pictures of my city and pics of my cat. I managed to recover some stuff from messenger, instagram and twitter though. I'll ask my mom to lend me her phone because I always send her pics of my cat so I'll try to put some of the stuff I sent her on my laptop. I love taking pictures, I'm so mad at this whole thing. It could have been worse and my phone was very good but also cheap so even if insurance doesn't cover anything it's not a huge loss but still. I'm so pissed off, I'm not sure I'll get over it.
No. 1449042
Several years ago I became friends with this guy who broke up with a long term girlfriend, mainly over her wanting kids and for him to get a real job. He was always talking about how unfair her expectations were and how he wasn't ready, etc. Well he just contacted me to tell me how sad he is because he finally wants to settle down and be a dad, and all I can think is that he fucking deserves it. He acts all cutesy and progressive, but is really just a bitter, manipulative, passive aggressive manchild with unrealistic expectations. He threw away the one girl who was there for him, wasted her youth on him, and put up with all of his bullshit, and now he wants a family? Get real. He goes for girls way out of his league, despite knowing that he isn't good looking, and then acts like such a victim when they don't return his affection. He is always whining about his problems, but completely rejects advice of all kinds. He won't even accept kindness or optimism, he just wants to stew in his misery. Sometimes I wish I never met him, but I feel like I'm in too deep to just disappear. I don't want to be responsible for more sadness in the world by being cruel to him.
No. 1449289
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>>1449031Not gonna happen, I already did my time on an overseas trip in highschool. Had to walk around the whole day with poo stains on my underwear. Never again.
No. 1449290
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my stupid nigel drained the water lines leading to the washing machine to keep the line from freezing (big freezing blizzard on the way), and he forgot to close the line so now the basement is flooded. idiot. i'm out of town for the week and it's stressing me out.
No. 1449312
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>>1449042>her wanting kids and for him to get a real job. He was always talking about how unfair her expectations were and how he wasn't ready, etc… he finally wants to settle down and be a dadmen are so retarded it hurts. fuck over the one who would already give you more than you deserve then act like "uwu Im not ready" time is over when they realize they're going to die alone. its really not that hard to be a decent father and husband.
No. 1449426
>>1449346Wow is your friend my old best friend? Because they are so eerily similar. Limit yourself from her, she will only bring negativity into your life. I'm sorry you have so much going on and your friend doesnt bother to listen or try to comfort you. As someone who lives with their Grandma fulltime so I can take care of her it is a lot harder than most young people our age think it is. You are a very sweet and caring person to put part of your life on hold to take care of her. Racking up that good karma! But yeah that girl aint no friend
nonnie. Her bullshit will always be more important to her than your stuff going on. And she'll never admit to being wrong or a bitch. There are much better women out there to be friends with, ya just got to find them.
No. 1449539
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>>1449534I am disappointed by the size of her clot.
No. 1449559
>>1449344i actually opened the vent thread to post about how happy i am with my eyebrow lift and i saw this
firstly i wanna say don't be so paranoid with your botox!!! that happening is pretty rare. i know there's some fucked up tiktoks or whatever that go around of it, but they are going around in the first place because it's a rare thing if that makes sense. think about how many people you've seen with successful botox in comparison (where the focus isn't on the botox and you probably don't know they even have it)
but also if you do spend a lot of time on social media that could be where all your conflicting feelings about your appearance are coming from
i think it happens to most of us nowadays, seeing people who look perfect shoved in our faces 24/7, it's just damaging to our own self esteem. i remind myself of the similar thing, that the reason i am seeing these people in the first place is because they are a rarity. they wouldn't get so many views otherwise. it's an un-ironic go touch grass moment for me because i rarely see anyone like that irl, they're the 1% (not to even get started on all the editing and filters). if you're a scroller try to limit it!
now about brows, i felt similar to you.
i had very low droopy brows and almost completely hooded eyelids and i always felt like they made me look tired and sad. i knew regardless of my low brows i was "above average" (albeit, unique looking) so when i confined in others about my brows/eyes they were always basically like wtf are you talking about/who cares type of attitude. it's dramatic to say but it almost made me feel gaslit kek. it made me sway my opinion about if i should try to do something about them or not at times.
there's also the lot of people who think things like if you express care about your looks you're only doing it for moids or you're a shallow horrible person or something which can sway an opinion into guilt… even though i knew those weren't the reasons why i disliked my brows
the lift hurt like fucking hell but as soon as i saw my eyebrows i had to hold back happy tears. i don't think a lot of people even really notice (besides ones super close to me) but i'm so glad i did it. my moms reaction was that i just look more awake and refreshed now, when she was one of the people who didn't understand/see what i meant about them before.
i'm not trying to promote plastic surgery here, the main point i guess is try not to worry about others opinions or seek their validation (i know that can be more easily said than done).
it's weird to say it like this but try to think objectively about your own looks… like why exactly do those things bother you and why do you think you'd be happier if they were different. Think about your personal taste and not a trend or what someone else said, etc but just try to be realistic with what is obtainable for yourself.
if you want to do something to change your looks, research it and go what you feel is best and are comfortable with. (like fuck the nurse it's fine to get as little botox as you want of course)
i hope you end up happy with your botox results anon
No. 1449809
I hate when you're in the car with someone that drives like dogshit and they get mad at YOU if you get upset about it. Don't suddenly stop in the middle of the road, drive across parking lots wrong, jerk the wheel hard and at random like you're a F1 driver, make a risky turn that would have a car impact MY fucking side trying to "beat traffic", back out without seeing who is behind you, ride people's asses, or blow stop signs. My mom almost killed me the other day with a risky turn, I had to scream at her to get her to gun it I could've died. She got mad at me for not immediately going back in a good mood and made a joke out of it. Also my bf was driving, went to pull out into traffic pointing the car to the left and there were cars coming going that same direction and I shouted at him to stop. He slams on his breaks and goes WHAT, I WAS TURNING RIGHT. So you point your car out facing left to turn right..? I'm like how would I know that I was just trying to fucking protect myself, why take the turn that way? I'm sick of these morons I'm not riding with them anymore I can just drive myself
No. 1450041
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>>1450035That's awful, nona, I'm so sorry. I want to say happy birthday! If you're able to leave the house, even for a little bit, go somewhere that you like or get a little treat for yourself. I hope your day can get a bit better.
No. 1450086
>>1448111No, people who insist on bringing children into this world to suffer for their own selfish reasons lack empathy.
>>1448111I'm there with you nona. I just wish there were more people like this. It feels lonely sometimes.
No. 1450132
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i have a hidden folder on my phone dedicated to smexy yaoi pics and other lewd anime boys but i recently downloaded some pics that i forgot to put in the hidden folder so you can see them in my camera roll. they showed up while my mom was sitting next to me… she didnt comment on it but im 50% sure she saw……….. how do i cope with this
No. 1450144
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It's really hard to find a room for rent in my town and I finally found some place, the apartment belongs to an arab guy who also owns a barber shop below the apartment. He invited me in and we were talking about price and my work and from the start I felt a little uncomfortable with him. He asked how old I am, if I have a boyfriend and if I'm alone in Netherlands and where do I live currently. He pointed out I look nervous. Then I said I will let him know if I take the room and he asked if I want to drink some coffee with him and I said uhhh thank you but I gotta go 'cos we we're waiting for an electrician at my current place and we don't have electricity right now, which is true btw. I went back home and after an hour he texted me asking if the electrician arrived, I said no and we will actually have to wait until monday, and he replied that I can come and stay at his place until we got electricity back. Am I paranoid to think this is kinda weird?
No. 1450177
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>nonnies say some shit that triggers me
>don't know how to respond
>Too many anons start agreeing
>Too scared to speak up now
>Know i'll get dog piled
>Shaking with anger
>they keep going
>typed two different reponses
>deleted them both
>Nona's still talking shit
>4 responses in other tabs
>feel personally called out
>Take a breath
>just getting sick of the negativity
>sick of feeling like it's a war zone
>Can't even create dumb shit to talk about
>Constantly feeling called out
No. 1450193
>>1449557What happened
No. 1450226
>>1450190It's not magical, don't believe the lies. Like it used to be, but everything has been gutted. Housing, health care (both physical and mental), welfare, pension, public transport, anything you can think of. We've been stuck with PinochetThatcherReaganLover69 Mark Rutte for over a decade by now.
Austerity measures on top of austerity measures and even more austerity measures, while our inflation is worse than Russia's iirc and taxes are only increasing, with nothing to show for it. They even agreed to lower taxes on fruits and vegetables over a year ago, but haven't implemented it because muh IT problems. Meanwhile they had no problem increasing taxes on other shit. A lot of people don't really complain about it, because they're like frogs in a boiling pot, too busy making fun of the US to realize we're turning into them.
Being able to ride bikes everywhere, mixed used zoning is great, but we definitely do have suburbia outside of de Randstad. There was a period where a lot of suburbs were built with no mixed zoning with the express purpose of encouraging economic growth in the nearby city centers. This had the unfortunate consequence of an increase in criminality, so then they had to go back and fix those suburbs. Some have been fixed, some haven't. In general there's an issue where a lot outside of de randstad and big cities is underdeveloped. Or how they're trying to shut down many hospitals and making access to healthcare more difficult (especially ambulances). Sure yes, okay, it's better than the US, but we should have better standards than that.
Especially when the prime minister is explicitly trying to make us like the US. He's ironically enough the only one who has been convicted for racism too, yet he's PM. I don't even know how he still manages to be in power, when the coalition has fallen several times now and everyone has said they don't have any trust in him. I wonder when he'll be considered a dictator, if he keeps pulling shit to be able to sit longer as PM. Just can't get rid of Teflon Mark.
No. 1450242
>>1450233>>1450237it just legit feels like everyone is so fucking critical lately. You can't make a post, you can't say what you feel in the moment, people literally think i'm shaking when at best I'm mildly annoyed. I'm over it, I used the vent thread to get it out and that was it.
>>1450237very funny
No. 1450282
>>1450277I honestly didn't expect nonnas to legit think i was shaking and shivering with rage,vs. me expressing how angry I am with a-
"I'm literally shaking" kind of situation
No. 1450315
>>1450309I want to say, "Leave him" but I know it's not that easy, do you have any family you can call? Any friends? If this is a real post I can't stress enough that as soon as safe and possible you should leave. Do not try to reason or understand, fuck that
I wish you the best nona
No. 1450371
>>1450341thank you
nonnie i appreciate your kind words. i'm gonna try to see a therapist or something. i feel a bit scared because what if its the early signs of something very serious like schizophrenia. i feel like i've always been paranoid even as a little girl i'd be terrified of windows because i thought someone was watching me and i wouldn't talk about my nightmares because i thought they would be angry and come hurt me. i remember unironically walking into the kitchen for a snack at night then hiding and crying for my mom to get me because the window blinds were open and i thought someone could be watching. sorry for random blogpost i'm lowkey hoping another nona will relate and share her experiences too !
No. 1450396
>>1450309Emotionally leave him. Then get your things together and leave for good. Look into shelters and organisation, like previous anons has said , try finding a job if you are legally allowed to work there.
Claim to be straight(even if you aren't) and use that as an excuse to leave him if he tries anything.
No. 1450412
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>>1450325Idk, never had sex. But many women just pretend to like it in order to satisfy their partner. If they do get pleasure, it's probably because penis managed to stimulate some clitorial parts from the inside of the vagina. It has to be this because there's nothing inside the vagina itself that can be stimulated.
No. 1450418
>>1450325this belongs in the stupid questions thread not the vent thread. basically what
>>1450412 said
No. 1450423
>>1450396>>1450394The worst part is that we had sex a few hours before he came out and left. He came in my mouth. I feel really used. Like I feel shit. I don't know what to say because his mom and family are rallying around him because he's over there. It's easy to say "yaaaas we support youuuu" to someone you've talked to 2 times a year I guess. And I guarantee he's not telling his mom about it being a fetish first, and that he's just curious.
Fuckkk looking for jobs is overwhelming. I really don't think I'm in the best mindset. I wish I knew where my mom was.
No. 1450427
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>>1450424nonny you said you would stop
No. 1450430
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>feel like shit for days
>how am I gonna kms.pdf
>scalp is itchy because no more showers
>cry so loud neighbors be like wtf
>he is not messaging me but it’s good
>I’m not even into him
>he is quite cringy actually
>watch tarot card reading on YT about love
>you see she is not talking about him
>my real love is on his way into my life and it will be so good
>be miserable
>he texts me
>smile and giggle all the time
No. 1450432
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>>1450424>what is masturbationi’m a virgin, nice try at shaming me tho
>>1450418I considered posting there but I was annoyed and decided to put it here
>>1450412I didn’t look that far into it but I read somewhere that the distance of your clit from your vagina determines if you can come from penetration, so it’s not really the penetration but him being able to like grind your clit at the same time. idk this shit is so annoying why are men and women so sexually incompatible
No. 1450481
>>1450476NTA and it's really weird to be virgin-shaming (or maybe lesbian-"shaming") anons, but why do anons with seemingly no experience want to tell what penetration feels like and that anyone who feels something, they must not feel it in the place they say or they're
feeling wrong. This is such a retarded conversation to be had
No. 1450486
>>1450412Well, I've
never had sex before but I have used toys, that does feel good and I've climaxed before without clit stimulation. Gut feeling tells me that it'd be harder with a real person.
>>1450424Kek, why do you sound so offended? A lot of women have different experiences and bodies, penetration won't feel great for everyone. Problem is that a lot of men don't really care to learn even if a woman communicates. It's why people like
>>1450453 try putting all the blame on women when penetration - aka what men always want - doesn't go well.
No. 1450487
I hate how much of a coward I am. I never have the courage to speak out for anything, I never stand up for myself, and I feel like I always need to appease people even if they are terrible or I get super scared. The moment anyone meets me with any slight amount of resistance I just completely give and do whatever they want me to do. I've gotten better, but before I just kinda took whatever people threw at me. I barely even have the courage to show my face in public. I imagine that if I was taken back in time during the holocaust I would probably just meekly support the Nazis out of sheer spinelessness. I get scared of even speaking out about homophobia and just never say anything and stay nicely hidden away deep in the closet except for some close friends and a few trusted family members.
I remember back in high school there was this pervert bully who would target girls and sexually harass them. He tried hitting on me back in orientation and making highly sexual comments to me and I just meekly took it because I didn't want to make him upset. Then in sophomore year he tried to seriously hit on me, and I turned him down and told him that it wasn't his fault and that I found nothing wrong with him and that I was just a lesbian, I fucking outed myself just to try to make sure I didn't make him feel "inadequate" and he decides to go around and tell everyone at school and people started writing slurs on my desk and following me around shouting homophobic insults. Then he also started bullying this disabled girl (a dwarf and had tourrette's) and kept bullying her in the middle of class until she started crying, then he kept on bullying her even after that, teacher didn't give a shit.
Then, this girl in class just suddenly stood up, and started fucking intensely cussing him out, ripping into him, telling him what a vile piece of shit he was, how much of a pervert he is, how he ought to be ashamed of himself for assaulting and bullying these poor girls. She stood up to him and his pervert friends, didn't stutter or shake or anything. She had the utter bravery to just straight up, in the middle of class in front of everyone, tell this guy off without a hint of fear showing. I didn't even have the courage to approach her and thank her but I was so grateful for her doing this and coming to save that poor girl. I feel like I could never be on that girl's level.
Even as an adult I can't stand up for myself or others. I think now, I would have the bravery to thank someone for standing up like that, that I wouldn't just look away in fear, but that's just about all I can do. I love outspoken women so much because they do everything I can't without a single 'thank you'. I don't know where that courage comes from, but these women should be applauded. I'm still super scared of being harassed or outed and I would probably just shut down if a man tried to harass me or stalk me. The women who can straight up shout at them are my heroes. I watched adult human female recently because of the attempt to censor it and the women in that film are so brave and outspoken, and they can just talk about this so confidently. It's wonderful, and I want to try to become less meek and fearful. I don't think I could ever be like those women, but I could at least try to uplift them.
No. 1450490
>>1450480What's the point of stimulating if you can't come from it? Do you think men would be ok with just touching their penis without the final release? I swear women are putting up with men using them as fleshlights just to feel somewhat close with them, that's sad.
>>1450481I talked to mamy women who put up with piv just to be close with men even though the 'pleasure' alone is nothing special. For me putting inside there isn't anything special either.
No. 1450496
>>1450494Do you enjoy being this retarded? Does it make you happy?
No. 1450504
>>1450481nta I'm not sure whether I' reading your post right, but I don't feel like you're shaming lesbians or at least I don't feel shamed, because fingers and stuff exist. In general it's a weird phenomenon that it's generally assumed that lesbians cannot or don't enjoy penetration, as if attraction to women is caused by having a preference for oral. Not saying you're saying that, but you probably get what I mean. Even if a dildo is used, it's still not the same as piv or fucking a wholeass man.
I respect Dworkin's anti prostitution and anti porn takes very much, but we're not retarded. I don't buy her theory on penetration, because even if scrotes had never existed, even if it's just out of curiosity, someone would've put something up there and someone would've decided it felt good to them. Polilez and the consequences yadayada.
It's fine if it doesn't do anything for someone, no moral judgement or whatever.
No. 1450515
>>1450490The stupidest thing is that PIV is inherently risky, even while using contraception and tracking your cycle. It's dumb to constantly engage in something that only gives you a minimal amount of pleasure, can't even make you orgasm, and gives you a higher risk for UTIs and yeast infections just because it feels "kind of good."
I'm straight and I have no problem admitting men get the better end of the deal when it comes to PIV and it's not even worth it. Its literal purpose is for reproduction, not women's pleasure.
No. 1450520
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WRRRAFF wrafff snarl GRRRRR
No. 1450526
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Oh nonnette…
No. 1450534
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I wouldn't change being black for the world, but I wish I could change the scrutiny.
No. 1450542
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I hate when normies post in the autism thread.
No. 1450545
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>>1450542What the hell are you doing in our normie thread, huh?!
No. 1450555
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I'm farting so much right now and it's annoying me. They are big loud trumpet ones and I think I need to empty my bowels but I don't have the urge to take a shit yet.
No. 1450563
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I've been enjoying this VN for the last few days, about halfway through and I suddenly feel tired of it. How do active VN players do this. Just tap tap tap tap for hours and read… I'm still loving the story and I really want to find out what happens next but I also want to take a break and pick up a new manga or anime or something
Probably doesn't help that my desk and chair aren't comfortable at all
No. 1450568
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I wish kid-me would've known how rare the type of boy my childhood best friend was. He was literally a golden retriever in human form, kind, supportive, loyal and fun. We drifted apart after I had to move away to the edge of my city, but a few years ago he managed to write a facebook message to my avatarless, friendless, postless facebook lurking account. Which means he literally went through all the people in my city with my name to try out if they're me. Judging by his profile, he also had a girlfriend by then which means he genuinely just wanted to know what I'm up to. I didn't respond because I am a retard & hated myself back then and ended up deleting my account a while later.
If you ever get the chance to be lifelong friends with a prime himbo, don't be like me nonnas.
No. 1450572
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Hug for you 2
No. 1450578
>>1450563What is the VN? I sometimes get bored with some I read, but I still set a nice date time for them regardless. It's always cozy. It's ok to just play some once in a while, too.
>>1450569Is it bad I knew this would happen to my comment the second I posted it? Baldi's bitchass basics.
No. 1450591
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>>1450590if is a endless loop of bullshit for me rn, pray i get out nonnies. Seriously, i will pray for you too
No. 1450597
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>>1450584Why didn't you have anyone? Whenever I see these types of posts, I wonder what kind of poster is behind them.
No. 1450599
>>1450563>How do active VN players do this. Just tap tap tap tap for hours and read…the same way people read books, flip flip flip for hours and read
also curious to know the name of the vn
No. 1450601
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I hate waking up with anxiety paralysis.
No. 1450605
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back whenever eurovision airs im seeing all my tumblr mutuals calling for a boycott because of human rights violations but the exact same mutuals has no problem with watching and supporting the world cup in Qatar. they haven't even acknowledged the controversies surrounding the world cup. hypocrites
No. 1450649
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Sorry for the big ass text wall
Earlier this month I decided to find an apartment an move out of my parents because I have had enough of all the fucking noise in this house. Stomping, washing and drying machines running 50 times a week, TV blaring so loud I can hear it through the floor. My parents are retired so they're home most of the time. I can't sit quietly in my room and read a book because there is always some awful background noise and it's driving me insane.
But considering my finances/debt situation I realized I can't do it until the spring. I make ok money but I have 4500 dollars in student loans that I want to pay off before the government starts collecting interest again in march. Even though rent is pretty decent here it's just not realistic to pay for all my living expenses and debt every month, plus I have to pay nearly 2k for a course I'm taking next month. I also don't want to sign a year long lease because when I get the certificate I'm working on in the spring I want to move from my town. I've been so lazy and complacent over the years and I'm just now getting my shit together so I'm kicking myself for being here in the first place.
It wouldn't be the end of the world if my brother didn't also live at home. He's in his 30s and we are completely different people, he is seven years older than me and we have just never been close. But he insists on trying to talk to me every time I walk into the same room as him. We have nothing in common so he usually just asks me if I heard of some current event he saw on reddit. He has to say good morning to me every. fucking. morning. even though I make it very clear that I don't want to talk. First fucking thing in the morning when I pull myself out of bed to go to work at 5 am he is fucking always in the kitchen washing the dishes from the night before(he sleeps during the day because he works the night shift). I swear he fucking does it on purpose just to have an awkward conversation with me when I'm just trying to make my coffee. He can't stand the fact that I don't like him, I am not mean to him, I always respond to his stupid little greetings, I try my best to avoid him and I can tell it just burns his ass.
What is particularly humiliating is when my mom approaches me on his behalf to say he thinks I don't like him(no shit) and she says I need to be nicer to him. A grown fucking man whines to his mom that his little sister isn't nice enough to him. He can't even tell me himself because as my mom says he is "scared of me". That should give you an idea of the insufferable little wimp that he is. My mom of course loves her stupid son so she doesn't see anything bizarre about this. She tells me he did the dishes when it was my night or did some other mundane little task as some kind of weird bribe that supposed to get me to like him?? Bitch I just don't like talking to you, I'd rather do my normal work around the house and not have to interact with you. He is on vacation right now so I get a break but when he comes back it'll be right back to the same shit. Because he is up all night he also put's his laundry in(the machines are in the room right above mine) at 4 in the fucking morning, waking me up every time. I usually don't bother confronting him because it's all excuses and acting like I'm being hysterical, but I was so pissed off last week that I told him "you know I can hear the machines in my room right" and he was like "oh yeah sorry I usually don't put it in this early". But he literally always puts it in that early? He wants me to like him so badly but can't even be the least bit courteous to me? So frustrating when what should be an easy little adult argument is nothing but lies and excuses, like talking to a fucking wall. So I don't bother and I just stay angry.
This whole thing is just very humiliating. I moved back in with my parents in 2020 because of covid. It was supposed to be temporary but I had a bit of a depressive episode and otherwise life just got in the way. I used to live in a different city, had my own apartment, lived independently. I'm ready to get my life back, I'm in my late twenties, I should be working on my career, going out with friends, dating and having sex, not rotting away in my parents basement with my creepy manchild brother in my shithole hometown. It's my 28th birthday in a few months and I think about how I might be spending it here and I want to cry. Why the fuck did I do this to myself. I'll be done my course and hopefully have my debt paid off by spring and then I can get a well paying job but it feels so fucking far away. Just when I'm relaxing in my room thinking I can spend a few more months here I can hear one of my ape family members upstairs stomp over to the drying machine and run it for an hour so I'm forced to put my headphones back in like a fucking teenager. I'm making progress and I'm gonna be fine but right now I want to fucking kill myself kek
No. 1450671
>>1450645Women can give each other HPV too and it can cause cancer in other areas of the body, not just the cervix. I mean, you're right about fucking men being a health hazard lol but it is an STD that both genders carry so I just feel bad not mentioning that. Sorry if it's pedantic.
PSA: remember to get all three doses of the HPV vaccine.
No. 1450696
It feels as though I'm not heard when I talk with my friend. I guess that at this point it doesn't matter, as I've accepted our conversations are surface-level in nature. She goes on to talk about her life for the most part. I listen. However, today, when I shared an exciting event that happened in my life, she forgot that I mentioned it to her months back. She hardly reacted, and I didn't divulge much about what happened in the end. I gave a brief description. I wanted to share something that brought me joy, but I couldn't. I always pay attention and earnestly ask questions, express my emotions and thoughts, etc. Yet when I share things with her, her gaze looks so vacant. Dull. This must sound awful, describing it this way, but I can't stand that look. She's a decent friend, but I have to be mindful of how much to reveal to her. Does anyone else have a similar friend? It's tiresome.
No. 1450709
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>>1450696I’m sorry Nona; I have a lot of friends like that. At this point I’m surprised when they do remember something I’ve mentioned in the past. What happened that you were so excited about?
No. 1450715
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>my glasses broke
>oven handle mysteriously broke by itself while i was having a lecture
>now the toilet is having issues too??
I am so tired. Why does everything fucking break around me, right when its supposed to be christmas next week!?!?! I am so overwhelmed. Do i deserve this?!
No. 1450736
>>1450709It feels less lonely hearing that others experience it as well. I'm sorry that you have a lot of friends like that. It's cruel to not feel important enough to be remembered or heard. Something like that. Excuse me, I don't want to share it here because I feel embarrassed to share it…
>>1450714Yes, you're spot-on too. How quickly the conversation jumps back to whatever they want to talk about is astounding. I don't mind being more of the "listener" in the conversation, but I wish I could equally have the effort of engagement that I put forth. I feel like I must have seen one of your posts. It's common enough.
No. 1450742
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A guy that acted like a creep to me 6 years ago just messaged me.
My history with this dude is that the first time I met him was at a party where we briefly flirted but in the end I turned him down because I wasn't feeling it. Afterwards he would treat the couple of times we casually hung out as dates and would send sexually charged messages to me without me even responding, at most I left them on read. Last time I talked to him was when I asked him for the adress to a friend in common that was having a moving in party (don't remember why I did, probably too embarrassed to ask said friend and I still wanted to give the guy the benefit of the doubt) and the address he sent me was actually to his place and he tried to get me to come in while I was standing in his hallway boiling in anger refusing to even take off my shoes. Later that night as I was leaving the party he followed me to my cab and forced me to kiss him, and even if I told him to fuck off he climbed into the car after me claiming I at least owe him a ride home. Then on new years he would try to come from behind to grab my waist or hips whenever I had my back turned to him, so a friend that was aware of what was going on had to hower around me all night and sit on my lap whenever he was in the same room because he would beeline towards me otherwise. I didn't feel comfortable talking about this with others that knew him until months later when he was starting to grind their gears for unrelated reasons and they were surprised because he's been acting like we slept together the whole time. A while later he moved out of the country and pretty much dropped off the face of the earth.
NOW, at 4am years later, he messaged me an apology while also saying he's trying to become a better person. Dude. Fuck off and have your Ebenezer Scrooge moment without involving me.
No. 1450766
>>1450753You're very illiterate if you think I said "most women come from penetration."
>and the majority of women just do it because they feel they wouldn't be able to keep a partner otherwiseGeneralizations aren't proof of anything, and it's clear you don't know many women who aren't sexually stunted and don't know how to make themselves cum. Learn how to fuck yourself properly and then come talk to me lol
No. 1450777
>>1450775Omg this is so sad, learn how to reply to what people actually post.
>Oh, if the stars align and you train your body to take it over a period of months/years you might able to orgasm every once in a while.That's the saddest thing I've ever heard, I feel so bad for you. And I don't fuck men, I fuck myself with a silicone dildo but I actually know my body and how to do it properly, so I cum every time. Sorry you're sexually stunted and a stranger to your own pussy, can't relate. Inb4 "you're a scrote/tranny!" Lol just say you're inept at giving yourself orgasms and leave, not every women is pathetic and clueless with their own anatomy.
>Penetration is a shit deal except for like 10% of women.So we're allowed to just make up random statistics and treat it like fact now, lol okay nice cope. There's not a single women in my life that doesn't own a dildo and know how to use it, I don't know a woman who doesn't enjoy sex with her bf or has dumped a moid because he sucks at it. I'm sure they're are plenty women who don't enjoy or can't get pleasure from penetration, but far less than your baseless statistics. Try knowing more women who aren't NEET virgin sex repulsed retards.
No. 1450795
>>1450687Update; coworker told me manager called him after i stormed out and acted dumb about why i was mad. Apparently he was checking the EXACT camera i loudly told him to go fuck himself.
Kekekekekekek I am going to need a new job
No. 1450800
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Had a disgusting first date with a moid today. Met him on Tinder and he seemed too good to be true; cool job, very cute, and had a ton in common. He was really great when texting and his pics were very nerdy cute which is my type. My ex very unexpectedly dumped me a few months back and I was pretty devastated so finding someone who piqued my interest was great.
>Coffee shop date
>I got there first, didn’t even bother to look for me before buying his drink
>Looks nothing like his pictures
>Same person in the photos but it’s like he filtered them
>Different shaped face, weird philtrum, chicklet teeth, pube beard, extremely long hair he hasn’t cut in 3 years, skinnyfat
>Awkward autist hug
>He gets his drink, I say I’ll go get mine and he doesn’t say anything
>Awkward conversation, zero chemistry or charisma
>Sticking it out because I don’t want to be rude and just get through this
>Mansplaining to me despite the fact that I also have tech skills
>Start to clam up and just let him talk to fill the silence
>Sees a girl he apparently talked to on Bumble OVER A YEAR AGO at the shop and says she lead him on for awhile
>Admits he’s cheap
>Literally has his own company and talks about 1k he got from finding a security vulnerability on a website
>Admits he’s looked for vulnerabilities on sites without their consent, e-mails them, and then gets upset when they don’t compensate him for his time DESPITE THE FACT THEY NEVER ASKED
>Hacked USPS and found a vulnerability that allowed him to access millions of people’s passport information
>Asks me what area of town I live in, curve hard
>Talks about how he’s nosey and likes to learn things about people
>Asks me what songs I listen to in the shower
>Admitted I haven’t been doing much these past few years because it’s been rough (My abusive dad died) and he keeps pressing me to tell him more even though I keep telling him it’s a lot of info for a first date
>Tries to talk politics
>Leftist who told me he could rant about the US for a long time but still has his own business
>Pull an excuse and get the hell out of there
>Says he’d like to see me again and I tell him I’d reach out to him. Too afraid to be honest
>Parked my car far away on purpose so he wouldn’t see my plates
>Peel the fuck I hurt of there, delete my account when I get home.
Thankfully he was too much of an autist to ask my number or socials so he hopefully cannot find me. I scrubbed my profiles of any connection to my real face awhile ago but holy shit he creeped me out. At first I was gonna let him down nicely but I think ghosting is the best approach. Fuck dating apps and I will truly never go on them again.
No. 1450902
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Everyday I feel more and more unhinged to the point where I wonder if it'll get so bad I won't even be able to recover. Everyday I get angrier and angrier. I just want to throw things across the room and something that has no ill meaning behind it still sets me off. It just feels like it's getting harder to be rational. I haven't been able to sleep without melatonin for months. I crave alcohol and I want nothing more but to smoke all day and do shrooms because they're the only things that relax me, but I try not to do them often. I've gained so much weight and have failed in every attempt to maintain a schedule that has been so effortless before. My eating is completely ruined after managing to get on a clean diet for years. I hate cooking. I want to go out and have sex constantly. I cannot bother to give people the time of day more and more. I hate everything about myself at this point because I had worked so hard to get myself put together, prided myself in it, only for it to slowly fall apart. I understand it can be a process but I hate the process. I don't like that it'll just keep getting harder as things progress. I've been on top of everything with medications and therapy but it has done nothing because I can't be bothered to improve myself despite wanting it so badly. I am just so tired.
No. 1451022
>>1450734>you simply haven't been fucked properly hahaSpoken like a scrote
>Researchers from the Journal of Sexual Medicine conducted the largest post-mortem study ever on the G-spot, which involved dissecting 13 female cadavers. The researchers could find no physical evidence of a G-spot. Cope cope cope
No. 1451333
>>1451279I'm so sorry
nonnie. I'm glad you were able to share such profound love with her and I hope you meet again.
No. 1451357
>>1451279Sorry to hear it nona. Give yourself a little time to wallow, thank your dog for having been a part of your life and adding so much to it, then live your life with a little piece of your heart dedicated to her.
Mine died February 2019 and I have a framed picture of him on my bookcase, it's the only picture I've got up in my apartment. I still think of him a lot but it's only with gladness in my heart.
No. 1451383
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My misophonia is ruining my relationship with my mother and I don’t know what to do. Every sound she makes, including her voice, has become a trigger for me, and it’s making it very difficult for me to be around her (I live with my parents). I end up being really cold and harsh towards her because I can’t stand the noises she makes, and as a result she is becoming clearly uncomfortable talking to me because she’s constantly worried that she’s going to set me off. She knows that I have misophonia (I used to cry because of chewing sounds during meals when I was 10), but she doesn’t know the extent to which she triggers me and I will never tell her because I know it would destroy her. But because I don’t want to explain all of this to her (how could you tell someone their mouth sounds wet and it makes you suicidal without hurting them??) she thinks that I just don’t like her full stop, and she is now behaving very tentatively towards me, like I’m a bomb that could go off at any time. I know it’s my fault for not controlling myself and some anons reading this who don’t understand misophonia will think I’m being a bitch for no reason and that I deserve all of this, but it just feels like a cruel trick from god that my biggest source of triggers has to be my own mother. I have no idea how to salvage this. She’s my mom and I love her — all I want is a normal mother-daughter relationship without this shit making me want to kill myself.
No. 1451479
>>1451383Tell her in a way where its not personal, rather than saying her noises drive you up the wall.. say that anyone chewing or making noise would do it to you too. Maybe link her to a short article on misophonia because people of our parents age tend to think that stuff isn't even real.
I grew up in a house where my dad has it (tho he doesn't quite acknowledge it as what it is) Everyone had to tiptoe around him but then HE made some of the most obnoxious eating sounds, throat clearing all the time etc. I remember it driving me nuts. Its like I inherited it from him but he still had this one way system where he expected alot of consideration from others and yet didn't return the favor.
No. 1451494
>>1451436I’ve thought about this a lot. She already knows that I’m very sensitive to sounds like breathing/chewing/coughing etc and she has expressed understandable feelings of exasperation towards me because of this (“anon I don’t know what I can do anymore it feels like everything I do upsets you”, which is reasonable for her to feel). I worry that if I told her about the extent to which it still upsets me (particularly her voice…) she wouldn’t be able to cope with it. I know she already doesn’t like herself very much and the thought of contributing to that is painful.
>>1451479It’s just that it’s hard to convince someone that it isn’t personal when they are clearly the biggest source of
trigger sounds in your life (my dad doesn’t
trigger me to the same extent and I’m sure she’s noticed this), particularly when the noises are related to very fundamental aspects of them like their speaking voice. She already knows that I have misophonia but I think if she knew the extent to which it affects me she would find it difficult to deal with.
No. 1451504
>>1450325I’m heterosexual and I love PIV. I used to masturbate by penetrating myself with my fingers, which might have helped me with transfering to cocks later on. Like
>>1450486 said, doing it with another person isn't the same. It took some practise and getting comfortable when I was new to PIV before I could orgasm, but now it's no problem.
I realize not all women are capable of vaginal orgasms, or haven’t learned how to do it, but it feels bitter to assume PIV is something straight women just put up with and silently suffer through for the sake of their moid. For me clitoral orgasms are amazing, but nothing can beat vaginal orgasms. I crave cock a lot. The downside is I have to put up with moids to have my needs satisfied. In that sense it is mostly a curse.
No. 1451534
>>1445727Sorry for being obscenely late to the party, but here are some cute/silly scenarios from the trip!
>Exploring winter forests with everyone>Shoving my husbando's face in the snow>Parked cuddles with the windows down it's chilly in the mountains rn, perfect solo snuggle weather if you bring a blanket and something that reminds you of your fave characters
>Road trip radio singalong fun!Hopefully these aren't too boring, I haven't gone on a large adventure in awhile and there's more you can do on longer day trips, but these were really fun to imagine!
No. 1451544
>>1451526Idk how to break it to you but every game will be filled with them. Just pick a data centre that isn’t filled with Americans.
At least ff14 is a good game with a great story but I’m not sure what you’re looking for in an mmo
No. 1451546
>>1451533Men have found some very fun loopholes to get out of paying alimony first of all. Secondly some laws in my country which were supposed to protect SAHM's have been scrapped and only protect you if you were married in like the 80's, but not afterwards. Lastly, people haven't kept up with the recent marital property law changes and how full community of property would have to be emphasized in a prenup. Now you automatically have limited community of property and gifts don't fall into the community of property automatically either. So there are ways for men to easily cheat women out of having anything by the end and there's still a stigma around prenups. As if it always means that you want to exclude the wife from everything, instead of the reality now being that you need a prenup to INCLUDE things. Also scrotes with a business often don't protect their wives with a prenup from him going bankrupt.
The most infuriating one I read about was a woman who was in the middle of divorce proceedings, they both owned a recently bought house, he had a business registered there which went bankrupt, he died during the divorce proceedings, so she got royally screwed over and was hundreds of thousands in debt suddenly.
No. 1451578
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I have bad ptsd and I can't fucking handle all the horrific news of male violence against women in media. I'm on a waiting list to get therapy but that can take a while. I'm staying away from news and twitter and try to only follow threads about special interests here. But still I might come across some horrible shit. It makes me feels so helpless, not enough is done to protect girls and women and punish moids. Nonas how do you deal with this??
No. 1451606
>>1451576>i don’t cry about trannies constantly!!!!! i hate bi women btw!!!! this definitely isn’t just because i feel personally victimised by her rightly thinking FTMs are selfish retards while being too afraid to openly criticise MTFs for fear of rape, violence, losing jobs and friends, etc!!!!!!>also just happens to be an ex-tranny zippertits dyke too retarded to be able to empathise with other women on such a divisive and muddled topic even out-and-loud terfs cant agree oni’ll be banned for this but you’re a fucking retard. is your evil soon-to-be bihet gf supposed to read your fucking mind about why she should’ve kept at the terfism or are you just expecting her to be out about it anyway? even YOU aren’t an open
terf. why should she be? dipshit.
(retard rage) No. 1451613
>>1451606nta but she said desisted, not detransitioned, there's a difference. There was no reason for you to bring out the "muh zippertits dyke". Considering the GF loves MtFs, I sincerely doubt she's criticizing FtMs for any
valid based
terf reasons and it's probably just for standard hatred of female masculinity reasons, like how any gnc woman is already treated like a gender traitor by the average person without ever transitioning or changing identity.
No. 1451617
>>1451604To a degree, yes. She's always been unappreciative of myself wanting to try a more masculine look and she's often complaining about stereotypical bulldykes and how ugly they are (which hurts my feelings tbh) but considers things like a woman in a suit hot. She's a hyperfemme and tried to make me dress up more feminine when we met but gave up when she realized that it makes me uncomfortable.
>So because some scrotes adopt femininity, like TiMs, that suddenly absolves them in their mind.Yeah, that's about it. She considers MTFs as the battered gay men stereotype while ignoring the creepy transbian AGPs she's fully aware of but when pressed they aren't "real trans people" to her. She's also fully aware of homophobia pushing people into trooning out because, as I said, she used to be terfy like me, but chose to pick the "live and let live" pill because she has never had to deal with gender dysphoria and its root causes in her life being a completely gender conforming herself.
>>1451606Seethe and dilate I guess
No. 1451633
>>1451590then peak her with violent male media and the shit trannies do against women. It's how i peaked my wife. She was on the fence about trannies, but all the shit from the MTF thread was good proof of how violent and male they all are.
It also helped (sadly) that she was being skin walked by one of our ex friends who was a gay moid that trooned out 6 years of knowing him and he wanted to be her.
No. 1451653
>>1451633>>1451645I guess I didn't make my problem clear enough and I apologize for it, didn't honestly think people would care this much about my vent. I already specified that she did peak and she remains peaked, but broke under social pressure and pays lip service and forces herself to be handmaiden degrees of lenient to MTFs simply to protect herself. I can still rant about tranny bullshit to her and she fully agrees with things like butches being pressured to transition and creepy sissy fetishists taking over female spaces, but she's a real social fence sitter and that's what I take issue with.
Also no, I'm not going to dump her over this and I'm not going to document almost a decade worth of dating history and all the nuances our relationship has, we're both adults. If I wanted to do that I would've taken it to the relationship advice thread or something.
No. 1451676
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>>1451653>Also no, I'm not going to dump her over this and I'm not going to document almost a decade worth of dating history and all the nuances our relationship has, we're both adults. If I wanted to do that I would've taken it to the relationship advice thread or something.Pathetic. keep dating a woman who is obviously a lesbophobe then.
No. 1451745
I will KILL this man, fuck off back to your country if you think women here are too "crazy, and shouldn't talk back to men". The misogyny he spurs out like crazy. Stop talking about women here, I hope you die, and I hope the woman back in Algeria free themselves from women from you.
You came crying HERE because your wife left your lazy ass, and now you're going to keep bringing up "the women of the house have to clean, don't talk back to me" YOU ARE SIMPLY A TENANT, A FUCKING ROOMMATE, RENTING OUT A BEDROOM. FUCK OFFFFFFFFFF, I HATE MUSLIM MEN, I HATE MEN. I HATE
No. 1451789
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>>1451741Dutch hooligans don't exactly have an amazing reputation either.
No. 1451856
>>1451788It's so easy to sit there and think you're fine, suddenly you're not sure if you're crying for the
victims or yourself. It's a strange sensation.
No. 1451909
>>1451884That's you and at least half of women worldwide
nonny, don't fret about it
No. 1451926
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I don't want candlesticks, I don't want cheap foul-smelling bath sets made in China, I don't want more trinkets, doodads, knickknacks, tchotchkes and doohickeys to shove in my already tiny apartment. I don't want puzzles, I don't want books, I don't want a funny mug, I don't want a plush toy, I don't need pouches or purses or decorative boxes, I don't want weird tea, I don't want an itchy fast fashion sweater I can't return, I don't want a gift set of something you know damn well I don't like and won't use.
Give me socks, underwear, food supplements, a gift card, chocolate, donate something to a decent charity in my name, give me a handmade card, draw me a picture, or give me nothing at all. I have no space for "stuff" and I'm too poor for funny joke gifts I can't put anywhere. I wish wishlists were a thing in my family.
No. 1452019
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My hair stylist absolutely fucked up my hair this time. She’s a really nice lady so I feel bad. But I genuinely HATE how it turned out, I wanna kms, I can’t go out looking like this.
No. 1452064
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Another alt electronic musician outs themselves as most likely a troid or a TRA desperate for engagement completely unprompted
No. 1452083
>>1451561Not usually, I’m in university (living at home because there is a housing crisis where I am and accommodation is impossible to find) and she works most days. Atm she is sick and not in work, and my college term is over so I’m at home more than usual, hence the vent post . The
triggers are intense enough that even if she’s not the main person I’m exposed to every day it still affects me quite severely.
No. 1452115
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I've set my Instagram up for deletion and now I'm planning to delete my facebook. I'm almost 25 and it's just kind of cringe how I still daydream about getting attention on social media - or perhaps it's just daydreaming about actually having good interactions with people. Anyway, I'm too old for this shit. I havent posted on anything in years and I had to delete my twitter because of tranny sympathizers. I'm keeping my Discord, still browsing lolcor and then interacting with people via WoW and that's it. I don't want my name attached to pictures and shit anymore. I don't want people looking me up, trying to find info on me etc. Also I'm currently a fat bastard and refuse to put myself on any social platforms anymore. Either way, this shit sucks. I'm trying to declutter and simplify my life as much as possible and deleting all of this shit will help a lot. I hope I can appreciate the simple things in life again.
No. 1452151
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>Find cute porn star that does a lot of femdom videos (yeah nonnies I know, it's a nasty habit and I deserve to be judged.)
>Nice face, fit body
>Switches roles but mostly does videos with women as a submissive
>Finally, an attractive guy I can watch that isn't a fucking piece of shit
>He's really into pegging, not my thing but eh whatever
>He fucks guys sometimes, w/e doesn't bother me it's not like I'm having sex with him
>Still sus of men into femdom because these days you never know
>All of his videos are tagged with a female name
>Nahhhh, that can't be what I think it is. He seems comfortable with himself.
>Fantasizing about him all the time for the past few days
>Fuck it I'll look him up, I just want to know a bit more about him
>He retired from porn and fucking trooned out a year ago
Well now I am even more disgusted with myself. I am going to fucking church and I'm never watching porn or even masturbating again.
No. 1452155
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>>1452151join the cult of 2d boys and youll never see your boys troon out
No. 1452165
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my rat just died a couple hours ago and my friend texted me to say that their cat has also just died. they got ill around the same time as well. it makes me feel a little bit better, maybe they waited for each other and went together. feels bad nonnas
No. 1452196
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>>1452175>>1452151I'm not 100% sure that's him on the right but I think it is. He looks like fucking philosophytube.
No. 1452203
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>>1452197Oh my god. I am never going to live this down.
No. 1452219
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God the amount of trannies and “femboys” at the anime convention I went to was just gross as hell. (I know anime conventions are not known for stellar attendees but I digress). All these uggos in the tightest and shortest clothing possible, no sense of style just trying to look slutty. One of them in a bunny suit and thong advertising that he would step on people. The worst part is that they actually wore this shit in public and were like “yup that’s hot”. We need to bring a little bit of shame back
No. 1452222
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Memories of the insane pettiness I endured from my mother and grandma as a child comes in waves, but when it does I just feel so full of rage.
Thanks to them, my inner voice is a catty, cynical bitch who shames me for everything and I'm getting really sick of it. No matter what I do, it's always cringe, never good enough and always warrants some sort of snide comment.
What hurts the most is just how many 'bad' things I did as a kid were completely innocent and harmless, off the top of my head
>Asked for a shoehorn to put my shoes on: 'You have fingers, use them! What do you need a shoehorn for? Stop being lazy!'
>Asked if we could buy one, told we don't need one and I should stop being spoiled
>Knelt or sat down on the floor to put my shoes on since we didn't have a stool in the entryway: 'What are you, some sort of old woman? If I can stand up, so can you'
>Asked for privacy so I can take a shit in the bathroom in peace, was yelled at for taking too long and grandma would barge in to do laundry before I was even done. I don't have anything she hasn't seen yet, so it's okay.
Everything was met with sarcasm, snide comments, eye rolling, 'nobody cares', 'who asked?' or some form of shaming and mockery. Mom once told me grandma had never hugged her, kissed her or told her she was proud of her, yet when I said that's awful she somehow got upset and started defending the very woman who treated her so coldly.
I've never heard either of them say something sincere, heartfelt and nice about any of our relatives or their own friends. I wasn't allowed to have anything of my own because I was a possession myself, a doll to dress up and shoo away when it wasn't convenient for them. I wasn't allowed boundaries so I have none as an adult. I really, really resent them.
I want to be happy and not angry at them all the time but I can't stop thinking back to it. All that shit for nothing.
No. 1452227
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>>1452217Hedgestraw says to study, and put your back into it too!
No. 1452229
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I've been getting into something lately and I was enjoying it–but then I discovered that other women into it get so much hatred. Like, writing magnum opuses pathologizing or demonizing these women over extremely specific failings that couldn't apply to more than a minority. At least it's fairly easy to avoid, but, sheesh, I don't understand it. Maybe it's because I've avoided fan communities all my life so I don't understand what it is people are seething about.
No. 1452239
>>1452238BL visual novels–I play once in a while and I'm morbidly fascinated by them. Maybe it appeals to the evil goblin inside me, idk. I quit other kinds of porn many years ago after all.
>>1452229also I'm not stacy and petty enough to aim picrel at them, it's solely shaming myself for finding this out and feeling bad.
No. 1452349
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hungry horny angry nana aaaa…. Picrel is mood
I’m pissed, I just realised my ex’s new girl is the one buying my shit from depop. I mean, take all my leftovers I guesss.
No. 1452408
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I feel so fucking retarded for feeling sad about this, but lately I’d been fantasizing about meeting my husbando (whom I actually have a few degrees of separation with through colleagues IRL). I’d daydream about us just happening to work/collaborate together, and dream up scenarios where he’d ask me to have dinner and drinks afterwards and one thing would lead to another, etc. He used to have a girlfriend, who disappeared from his videos a few years ago and I assumed they broke up. Turns out they probably got married, and they just keep their personal life more private now. I feel irrationally sad, like the same type of heartbreak as if he were someone I’ve actually met, talked to and had a chance with IRL. I feel so dumb and creepy for having these parasocial feelings. Can anyone relate
No. 1452487
So, I live in a sober home. I don't really need to be in one as I'm getting professional help, I'm on medications, and I have tremendous support from my husband who doesn't and has never used hard drugs. He takes edibles occasionally, but I'm going to keep smoking when I get out of here for my endometriosis, so I don't give a fuck. Anyway, I'm really only here to save money and I had to get out of my parent's house, because my dad is extremely abusive. My husband lives out of his van, but he got a really well paying job recently.
Anyway, I have to go to these meetings for the other sober houses in our "chapter" (it's Oxford house in case anyone is familiar). They're boring circle jerks for people to talk about how much more sober they are than you. There's this scrote who doesn't shut the fuck up at every meeting. I literally timed him last time and he talked for 36 minutes straight. I'll just greentext today's meeting, because the scrote was especially off putting.
> Phone vibrates, see boss texted me
> Literally took off work to come to this gay shit
> Scrote is droning on and on about how you if you aren't bff's with your roommates then you're not in recovery
> Check text from boss, she needs me to come in to close at least
> Texting her back that I'll try to come in after this meeting
> "Those of you on your phones need to turn them off or leave this meeting. You're being extremely disrespectful to me and my time blah blah blah"
> Finish texting my boss anyway. Work is a lot more important than this bullshit
> Scrote starts going off about how if you live in "women and children's home" or a "men and children's home" you can't have members of the opposite sex over
> Uh… All the women's homes are women and children's
> Pissed because I'm childfree and married but don't say anything
> Scrote starts talking about how he had to watch his mom have "wild, nasty sex with random dudes" as a kid
> "If you're doing that while a child is in the same house, you're going to create a future addict"
> Wtf
> Get up and leave because he's making me wildly uncomfortable
> Text roommates that my endo pain was bothering me and that's why I left
Am I in the wrong here? The way he was talking about his mommy issues to a room full of strangers was so… Off. It came across pedophiliac on his part, but I'm not entirely sure why.
I'm looking for apartments to move into with my husband. My roommates are all in their 30s, but act like mean girls in high school. I also can't stand how narcissistic and cult-y all this AA/NA and recovery shit is.
No. 1452610
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While i had a very shitty year, i'm very grateful to finally have treatment that helped with my adhd and narcolepsy. Also i know some people here aren't fond of fatties like me but i'm glad i was able to lose around 12kg in the year and go from medically obese to overweight, thanks to that adhd treatment that make me stop having food orgies. And rn there's no sign of that weight loss stopping so that's cool. And also i motivated myself to go to the gym 2 times a week (when i'm not sick lol) and it's surprinsingly cooler than i expected.
Shit year but at least i have my weight back in control and my 2 best friends.
No. 1452614
>>145259618 degrees? I'm already toasty with 16.
No. 1452682
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I’m tired nonnies. I feel like I’ll never be seen as whole. even so called “progressive” men just see me as a manic pixie dream girl stereotype.
No. 1452879
>>1452811there was a Nona that said she'd be a bitch for no reason as a response sometimes I feel like lolcow is like 90 people and 10 of them make it their business to be annoying as hell. It's the tone of what they are saying that makes it stand out from regular criticism. Then other times I think lolcow has like 500 users and it just happens.
I also feel like the Stacey mean girl shit is happening more and more. Why so judgmental?
No. 1452929
>>1452917Don't bother,
nonny. I used to work with a few teen girls who got creeped on by older moid coworkers and customers alike, after standing up for them a few times I just got called old and jealous by both moids
and the girls themselves.
They're now over 25 and crying about becoming old and invisible because pedos won't pay attention to them anymore.
No. 1452936
>>1452929Well I figured it would happen but I just couldn’t sit there and watch it without saying at least something, on the off chance she would be receptive.
I just hate it so much.
No. 1452971
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I work from home and there is a random car that just parked on my street, blasting shitty rap with shitty sexist lyrics. I hate moids so much. fuck offfff
No. 1453017
>>1452563Its because they're racist nona. And too stupid to admit they are racist.
I'd advise you to avoid this corner of the internet, they're not as commonplace in real life, it just breeds more clicks and division so social media encourages it.
No. 1453042
Got so weirdly excited I wasn't the only one
No. 1453045
>>1453033since I've been little, christmas has always been a nightmare, so every year, if I can get away with it, I don't celebrate it. After all, I'm not a christian and my family has provided so many traumatic experiences around christmas (just last year another one), I just can't handle it anymore.
>>1453038it's the same for me, the times I visited my family around christmas I was sick as soon as I got home and my body and brain could finally relax again. For me it's just a reaction of being on constant guard, always under tension and as soon as I'm "free", my health collapses.
No. 1453056
>>1453033Anon from a redneck bpd family; every Christmas they got shitfaced and started fights. Think heroin addicts vs fox news dont-tread-on-me republicans. It was so predictable, the cops were called every year. I started recognizing the officers who chose to work holidays.
Then, my father who is sane and uninvolved in that, marries my bitch step mother. I was 13 and her idea of a gift to a punk kid was a nude old lady bra, a pair of high waisted khakis and an ugly brown top. Literally made me sob, because it was so old lady and obviously a mean move.
Fucking hate christmas
No. 1453075
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It happened. It really fucking happened and my heart hurts. My only solace is him having a mammoth sized gut and her…well, looking the way she does. I guess even that doesn’t matter though because at least they’re happy and together, right? Kill me.
No. 1453100
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I really really really want to be more social at work but I’m either exhausted and in a bad mood or being socially retarded and have nothing to say. I also don’t want to talk about myself because I’m embarrassed about still living at home and I just feel like that will get revealed somehow. There’s no one there I could see myself becoming close with but I need to work on talking to people, even though I’ve worked there for a year I haven’t made any progress. I miss having a close friend so much. There’s no one I can talk to about anything or rely on.
No. 1453118
>>1453110Thanks for the best wishes nonita.
>>1453113Yup. You'd be surprised how many of us have our secret onlyfans because if moids find out we'll find our faces and info plastered over random hacking groups. My face is literally in all my stuff so I genuinely don't care. I'm probably gonna stick to being an online presence my whole life because I find it stressful having to talk or deal with people irl. I plan on studying programming so I might be able to work from home and all that yadda yadda, and things are looking so much better for me now that my mental health is slowly getting better. I'm also the girl who complained about her shitty roomie days earlier. There's just so many things wrong with my country, I used to love it until I noticed how many shitty setbacks we have. Like even if I wasnt in sex work, I'd still be getting fucked over being fat or not wanting to fuck just because I was taken to a nice date. Men just ruin everything sometimes
No. 1453135
>>1453125Eh, I know I was surprised when I found out. People here are really stressful though. There's whole forums dedicated to insulting and shitting on women, doxxing them, leaking their stuff, and you can even find girls who're minors being looked for there. The few times I've gone through them they spew the ugliest venom I've ever seen. Fuck Peru.
Another sad vent is that when I was like 15 I found out my dad's just a moid of the bunch too. He lent me his phone and I snooped thru his messenger (bad mistake) and I saw how he basically shit talked a ton of random women as if they were just holes with tits. He went from being the best dad ever to kinda meh in my eyes. I'm also spending my christmas with my cats. I think a friend might come over to visit, hopefully everything goes well since I haven't had any good holidays in a while.
No. 1453136
>>1453128Thats because female led shit is always overtaken by the virtue signaling, the bad ver. of feminism, obligatory trans(male) characters, and the sexualised violence against female characters bonus if it happened to a lesbian. Like yes its good to talk about those things but can it not be put in the most obnoxiously tumblrite way? If its so hard for writers not to coom while making the script they just need to write a story for a male lead then at the end hand it off to a
nonnie for some female editing and its good to go.
No. 1453183
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>>1453128Makes me forever mad Shepard from Mass effect is canonically the female mc, but for some reason they added the male shep option to pander to moids. If you play the game with both versions, fem shep has better lines and makes more sense. male shep is a last minute shoe in for moids. I hate men so much. I also want more sci fi with female mcs, Alien style.
No. 1453200
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A couple days ago I deep yelled “go fuck urself” at the camera where i work and left 30 minutes early. Today my manager told me not come in tomorrow but expected.
He has 26 cameras in a small diner. Think 5 booths. He and his wife neurotically watch the cameras, but in 2 months i maybe have seen him working for …. 2 hours tops? Hes supposed to be the FOH manager…. Name one fucking restaurant where there is no shift manager, just -a- server.
No bitch, that makes ME THE MANAGER ON SHIFT.
And you stalking and eavesdropping on coworkers instead of being there is not management…. In any fucking way.
The cherry on top was that he hasn't replied to any of my texts (before meltdown) where i asked real questions, but one i say im closing early, immediately a response. “Why?”
Why are you a manager with zero restaurant experience
Why does it fucking matter if there is no business the last 30 minutes.
Hes also stealing from the drawer. His dad handed him a restaurant, RENT FREE and he doesnt even run reports at night and when i offered to do it for him, he didnt show up to work for 2 months.
Fucking bitch ass spineless men i swear to god. Choke on the grease youre shoveling in your mouth and die already.
also i already have interviews at better places, SUCK IT. I have well over a decade of management/server/ staff experience. Maybe you should have listened when i told you politely !
No. 1453214
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I hope retarded crazy neets take over this website someday so y'all can stop bitching about them
No. 1453220
New thread
New thread
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>>>/ot/1453219 No. 1453237
>>1453215EXACTLY it feels like the sims! why is it necessary? i'd leave if i wasn't a student with minimal experience. i can't be choosy. i'll stay as long as i need to not look like a total job hopper kek
>>1453200i forgot to say that was pretty badass. i'm glad you spoke your mind