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No. 1453219
your #1 place to vent
>>>/ot/1444871 No. 1453258
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Forced positivity. I hate it.
Like my foster mum will tell a bad pun, and I'll just be like 'Ok', because it's not amusing for me, or 'thank you for sharing', and she'll be all passive aggressive, like
>I like how I bring positivity to this space! and you don't at all
Or I would've just woken up, groggy asf from work and school assignments, and she'd be like
>Let's see a smile! Positive energy!
I actually hate it when I have a genuine problem, like experiencing crushing loss or hurt and she tries to tell me to be positive about something crushingly difficult.
The forced positivity is so bad that it's preachiness too. She can't just put things in the recycling, she has to say
>let's look after the planet! it's our duty!
It's like she always feels she has to preach or educate me on being as saintly as her. Just be nice quietly. If I don't sing and dance around her I'm accused of 'toxicity' but I have aspergers and am not that expressive, although I mean well towards others. She's really overbearing. Whenever I go to work she goes through my room, for no reason, or to 'check the walls for handprints'. I guess I should feel blessed that I have been given a family and place to live. But it's also stuff like her watching you cook, put shoes on, watching like a smiley passive aggressive hawk that you're doing things the right way, not too much noise, arrange the herbs back in the right order, hold the jug THIS way, etc. And drawing out conflict with passive aggressive sulking instead of being direct.
She is a kind person. I am lucky she has been good to me, supported me financially and emotionally. She has many wonderful traits, so I just feel really ungrateful. But honestly? I really can't wait to start uni. I regret taking a gap year since I now have eight months until freedom/freshman year. Then I don't have to be around people who control me so much.
No. 1453311
>>1453219i fricking hate myself, i know i would be a lolcow if i was a youtuber or something but all the cringy stuff i do is in the way i think or act anonymously online so nobody bullies me out of it. i'm a brown hapa but kinda pass as east-asian and because i'm insecure about my race i play into the racial ambiguity and act like venus angelic or kota, trying to act "kawaii" and all that baloney, using lighter and more youthful looking j-makeup, playing into the submissive feminine act because it all makes me feel better about myself. i can't tell if i'm doing it for myself or for dudes anymore, even though historically i never cared about male attention. i guess it's because i'm lonely. i've started to yearn for the feeling of being wanted by men now, even though i know it shouldn't matter…i'm an introverted autist but was never bullied or anything, and kind of average looking. i feel like i'm missing out socially and that i could never make it (don't have many friends, don't have a boyfriend), so i balance this by making myself feel like i could be desirable since i normally don't feel that way. i've started making threads on /r9k/ baiting incels for attention for being a girl, posting vocaroos and stuff, (even considered sending my face pics to r9k robots on discord) and looking on /soc/ for any lonely dudes looking for a younger girl to talk to so i can get some sort of validation. i feel myself turning into an attention craver/seeker, even from anonymous men online. yeah ik i'm cringe and i hate it but even though i wanna change i can't stop the retarded way i act. idk what to do with myself. just kinda hate myself so much for the way i act but i do it because it makes me feel better. i feel so guilty for it and know it's depraved.
nonas, i'm probably gonna deservedly get mogged so hard ITT, but i'm genuinely asking for help, how do i fix myself? i guess i'm ill/depressed or something because i don't know how to make myself feel validated/wanted without acting like an attention seeker. i really wanna get better and just act like a normal girl again with some integrity, i wasn't always like this
No. 1453323
>>1453314get some help please i know you might've already heard this but it's really worth it i've been a mess mentally recently (been inbetween inpatient stays and emergency rooms because of my mental health and calls to the suicide hotline) but it genuinely helps just to talk to someone. the inpatient experience was actually really helpful for me and they make sure you can be safe and set up follow-up services after to take care of your mental. (i also used to suffer psychosis but it went away after i got professional psychiatric help, they gave me the right medicines. aripiprazole for me, completely stabilized my mood, my psychosis went away, i never felt so clear and functional. i literally thought i'd be fucked up forever before that) tell a really close friend you trust maybe to start off if you don't trust a therapist but please consider getting some professional help, there's always people that can help you and it can get better. (from someone who's been there. hang in there nona) just do whatever you can to cope without hurting yourself for now, venting like you're doing right now is a good start, if this stops you from cutting or harming yourself and gives you solice, by all means,
please continue to post ITT. feeling comfortable enough to vent is a step in the right direction. next step should be to take it to a professional who is really qualified and can help you with this specific stuff really well, you deserve to be taken care of
No. 1453328
>>1453311baby gorl…don't hate yourself…the self awareness you've gained shows us that you are at least a half decent person. wanting to be loved is understabdable, but i think you know the solution. instead of shaming yourself, learn to let the love for yourself come from within, instead of from others, who don't know you. cultivate the girlboss you want to be. do things that scare you. treat yourself with love and you won't need this validation.
>>1453314you have to be around people when you start having breaks from reality. put yourself first, make sure you have a support network. it's a really tough battle, i know, so well done for fighting so hard.
i've been getting better since guzzling/taking small doses of black seed oil twice daily but finding a specialist who can put you on better meds helps too. please look after yourself and know you aren't the voices, you are worthy of love, and you will be ok.
No. 1453340
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prioritize work i guess
No. 1453352
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Notice a transaction on my bank that I don't recognise… but my bank is closed rn so I can't call them about it. I looked it up and it's some squash place far away from me, somewhere I've never been so not something I'd have spent money on. I've never even played squash wtf. I froze my account so hopefully it'll be okay but I'm worried because nothing like this has ever happened to me before.
Already feeling a little down about money because spent a lot on Christmas presents, now this. They didn't take a lot of money but they took enough for me to feel down about it and worry.
No. 1453359
>>1453352I experienced something similar. Its a really scary experience. Some banks do refund stolen money good luck
nonnie. Hope you can get in touch with your bank soon and everything will turn out all right for you!
No. 1453363
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>>1450144Update, me messaged me like 4 times today after I said I'm not interested in the room and it's too expensive. At first he said he won't lower the rent and then he started to ask what price is ok for me, said I look like a good girl, said he wants to help me and then sent me this emoji ":(" kek why are men like this nonnies? I hope he's not gonna stalk me or something. I live literally 5 minutes away from his place. I also finish my shift almost at midnight every day and now I'm too schizo to go back alone and my male coworker is giving me a ride home
No. 1453369
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>friend and I take shrooms last night
>we take them before our mutual friend could stop by and trip sit
>having fun as it hits
>we are both excited for our friend to come
>wait eagerly in anticipation and laughing with each other
>trip sitter friend stops by
>immediately incredibly offputting and standoffish
>also incredibly amped up and excitable for some reason
>this motherfucker has never once acted this weird in the many years we've known him
>immediately me and tripping friend are feeling tense and anxious around him
>trip sitter friend starts talking about himself
>he ran into his brothers at a gas station so he was really affected by that
>um… okay… we don't really want to hear this… we are tripping our asses off and want to have fun…
>we go to the basement bathroom we have converted into our tripping nest
>tripping friend and I are laying in there
>trip sitter friend runs up to the wall next to the bathroom door, slams his shoulder into it, makes a loud noise
>jumps in bathroom
>tripping friend and I are put off by this
>we think he's trying to freak us out but it's not really working
>we just think he's being weird and lame
>we move to the living room
>things start getting weirder
>tripping friend asks him what his problem is
>trip sitter friend starts going off about how tripping friend never opens his messages or responds to his texts
>this is the peak of the trip
>we were meant to be enjoying ourselves but instead we are having to put this manchild in place
>get really frustrated with him
>say, "I know what you are trying to do but can we not do this now"
>had to go full mom mode on his bitch ass
>he goes, "fine, I won't do this right now"
>things are tense and uncomfortable
>now that trip sitter is here me and my tripping friend are quiet and not having much fun anymore
>start getting upset because it feels like being a little kid watching my parents argue
>get really, really sad
>walk over to trip sitter
>say, "Sorry for this but I just feel like a little kid trying to make my parents happy after they fight"
>start crying a little bit
>apologize for crying
>ask for a hug
>he does not want to give me a hug but I finally convince him
>gives me an awkward hug
>makes me feels worse
>I go back to bathroom nest and lay down and cry a bit thinking about my parents fighting
>wait a minute. The fuck am I doing. I'm supposed to be having fun and instead I'm feeling sad.
>walk back to living room
>say, "hey guys I'm just not feeling very good right now, let's watch a movie on the couch together"
>atmosphere is still tense as fuck
>he's sitting on couch with tripping friend and I'm sitting on the other couch alone
>he gets up to use the bathroom
>I sit in his seat and talk to tripping friend about it
>tripping friend says that it would be so much better if trip sitter left and we just tripped alone together
>trip sitter comes back
>I have to ask him to leave and I know it'll be awkward
>do it in the nicest way I could
>he gets mad and upset about it
>finally leaves
>tripping friend gets really worried, goes to talk to him about wtf was going on
>trip sitter wouldn't look tripping friend in the eye and said he was fine
>this cunt is obviously lying
>tripping friend comes back and is incredibly nervous and worried about trip sitter friend
>assume role of trip sitter even though I'm tripping myself
>tell friend everything will be okay and that trip sitter friend was just out of it
>feel so happy and light and goofy with trip sitter gone
>enjoy the feeling of soothing friend
>we both manage to move on
>end up laying in front of the tv with pillows and blankets
>cozy as fuck
>we are finally having that good time we wanted
>in the end, the trip was fun
FUCK that guy. What the fuck. He was so weirdly antagonistic and weird. It was like he was doing a bit wherein he is trying to make his tripping friends have a bad trip but my friend and I were not playing along and he'd get pissy about it. At one point he started talking in gibberish to me to freak me out and when I (surprisingly) did not take the bait he looked at me like I wasn't getting his joke. Like the weird looks were obviously meant for someone to see and laugh with him about how retarded these tripping people were but there was nobody else around to validate his jokes so it just seemed like random antagonism. What a fucking cunt. I'm so glad I told him to get the fuck out. Pic related because he has the fucking audacity to be angry with us for calling out his retarded behavior while we were fucking tripping. Topkek.
No. 1453375
>>1453359Thank you so much anon I really appreciate your reply!
I'm mostly worried about it happening again in case my account has gotten leaked or something… I guess all I can do is wait until tomorrow when calling hours are open and hope my bank can sort it out.
No. 1453378
>>1453363For your own safety, if you can I'd honestly lie about having a bf or a brother with you or something.
He is being very very creepy. I really hope you'll be safe. I'll pray for you.
No. 1453403
nonny why're you being such a cunt? It was my first time tripping and I was nervous. He's been a great friend up until this weird shit. Are you having a bad day? If so, I hope it gets better for you. Anyway kill yourself.
No. 1453415
>>1453410Then report for samefag if you're so confident. It's not farfetched for a nona to stand up for another nona who's getting verbally shat on by some freindless NEET basement dwelling schizo cunt
>it's just funny when people complain about anons being mean and then alog because they're shitty themselvesYou started it dumbass, go get attention elsewhere since you're clearly so desperate for it.
No. 1453417
>>1453403nona was the tripping friend also male? was tripsitter friend jealous? Just curious.
Either way tripsitter friend is an asshole. Glad you and tripping friend had a good trip in the end despite his best efforts. Well done for ejecting him and for staying calm!
No. 1453431
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>>1453413He samefags anyway.
Really hate the ballsweat stench on several threads here for the past few days. I hope admin finishes the update soon, so she can work on more effective permabans.
No. 1453448
>>1453437Shroom anon here. If you read my entire post you'd realize we actually DIDN'T need a trip sitter and that we were obviously okay enough to tell that guy to stop acting weird and gtfo. We had a much better time tripping together alone. It was my first trip so I thought a trip sitter was necessary. Do people not read anymore? Maybe stop smoking so much weed. You're making yourself retarded.
>>1453438Trip sitter guy is gay, he's just been on an adderall binge I guess. Some shit like that. Tripping friend is male, nothing weird or uncomfortable happened. We kind of just spent the entire trip joking and giggling with each other like idiots. It was very nice and we had a good time.
No. 1453468
>>1453448maybe tripsitter friend wants to bang tripping friend then. Idk it’s just super weird to agree to tripsit and then act like that. Very passive-aggressive. I’m assuming you picked someone who’s tripped before to sit for you? If not you should definitely do that if you ever decide to do acid. Don’t trust someone to instinctively know what to do “because they’re sensible” or whatever. They will panic and end up freaking you out by repeatedly checking that you’re not freaking out kek
>>1453437hate to break it to you nona but all drug takers are losers, so welcome to the club. hope this helps!
No. 1453506
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if it's not my lymphocytes, it's my white blood cell count
no i don't want to fucking go to the hematology clinic at the hospital for ambiguous draws
wish they didn't need another blood test today when they close for lunch in fifteen minutes for an hour while i'm… fifteen minutes away and was just thinking of grabbing something to eat. lame. LAME. jokes on me for not feeling hungry enough for dinner last night, unintentional extension of fast let's goooooo
No. 1453528
>>1453516I feel for these women. A lot of them are brainwashed. Islam is a religion that you cant just leave. You cant be an ex muslim without leaving province and country. A lot of women are forced into that way of life with no means of leaving because they would have to leave pennyless, jobless and without family or financial support. It's why we need to stop supporting shit hole countries that are primarily islamic. Those women deserve better.
If they even try to hint they are leaving islam, it's considered insulting pedo Muhamad himself. A lot of these women are killed or worse.
No. 1453605
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how do people make their brain shut up? I just want to sleep like a "normal" person, go to bed, fall asleep fast, sleep maybe 6 hours without nightmares, without waking up more than once every night and feel refreshed. I can't remember the last time I slept well and I hate it and there is nothing I can do about it and I hate that even more.
No. 1453620
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I'm so tired of stalking people I used to know while I stay stagnant in life, reminiscing on memories that are soon to be about two years old now. I can't reach out to them either because those relationships are beyond repair.
No. 1453635
>>1453620fuck no anon, don't reach out
there's a reason those relationships ended
No. 1453644
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FUCK i wish i could be normal. me and my gf were about to have our first time and all was well, i was into it and everything, but suddenly i just felt this block… it choked me up and i just couldn’t make myself do anything. i literally cried and we didn’t get to do anything, i am still so fucking embarrassed and don’t know why that happened. i’ve done sexual stuff in the past, so it’s not like it’s my first time… but it’s been so long and i am just so nervous whenever she brings it up. i thought i was ready but i guess not. i feel terrible and i know she must feel terrible too, i don’t know what my problem is. god intimacy is so terrifying and humiliating, i am too retarded for this.
No. 1453875
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(making our jobs harder thanks)
No. 1453879
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No. 1453881
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No. 1453882
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No. 1453883
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No. 1453886
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No. 1453895
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Fuckin finally
No. 1453899
I’m glad posting is back because I just want to vent, my work canceled today and now I’m stuck at my dysfunctional parents house because of the shitty weather. I hate being here, especially during the holidays.
>>1453897I agree, the screenshot the nona posted of their custom background looked great. I think it‘s cool admin is adding more features because this isn’t 4chan
No. 1453902
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No. 1453912
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>>1453879looks like shaymin couldnt handle that anymore
No. 1453924
>>1453912>>1453902How much did that one rich anon pay to help support this site? Like $1k? $10k?
Is she really quitting because anons were complaining, or is something else going on?
No. 1453935
>>1453928its not only new layout but
>literally looks like fujochan choachan and leftypol ugly layout>/w/ vanished without anyone announcing it>impossible to access without phonedata right nowthis sucks, this is pure retardation, stop bootlicking
No. 1453942
>>1453937Hopefully someone who can actually take criticism will take it next.
>LC goes down for "maintenance">Entire new side is made and is broken as shit>absolutely no communication or warning>reee why don't you guys appreciate this reee I'm pulling the plug and quitting instead of just accepting my failures and shitty communication skillsFucking retarded honestly
No. 1453943
As long as they can figure out how to get the old threads over to the new site I'm actually fine. I'm more or less worried they're going to nuke the whole site and expect us to do everything from scratch. What's the point?
>>1453942The no warning is what surprised me
No. 1453948
No. 1453952
>>1453944You are putting way too much faith in NEETs, they’re where they are because they don’t do anything. Just look at posts like
>>1453935 where anon clearly just wastes all their time on image boards
No. 1453979
>>1453943I understand why they would change the website. I was fine with it, except for no concise information with what will happen with the old posts and no warning.
I do think that if there was a site change warning with the reasons listed and not only "maitenance", this uproar wouldn't have taken place. I also think that the admins might have been thinking that if they announce the site change, they could face backlash even then, so I don't necessarily blame 'em
No. 1453980
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Male already in the site wouldn’t be surprised if he was in here a-logging too
No. 1453982
>>1453948This. Anyone who complains the new layout is ugly should just be ignored. Is it perfect? No. But it's functional, so whatever.
>>1453967Also this, I see no reason to pull the plug on the site just because some anons were bitching about it being "ugly" and generally going full autismo (which always happens, no matter what).
No. 1454004
>>1453999I think things need to cool off for a bit before a townhall. People will just be yelling at admin
>>1454000They probably can't be in the same room as another woman without the cops being called on them so they come here to feel somewhat close to "the females"
They come off as one of those creeps who obsess over any female attention
No. 1454012
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>>1454000It's the same scrote that's been prowling lc for months. The way he types is really recognisable, he's really retarded and desperate.
Picrel is society if men were still forced to get jobs and die in wars instead of posting cp on imageboards.
No. 1454029
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No. 1454051
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Well rest in peace. I don’t think lolcow will continue
No. 1454055
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no more lolcow is not what i wished for this christmas
No. 1454067
>>1453948>THE CSS CAN BE CHANGEDokay but have you missed these ?
>still lack of communication>nuking old threads>nuking /w/>didnt said why she changed the layout, what are its benefits etcyeah changing css is great but what would have been better is a better explanation on this, now it left nonnies being angry at that and its understandable because nobody knew how this design works. bootlicker
No. 1454077
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What the fuck does this have to do with free sims shit? I unfollowed the person who retumblred this immedeitly. Keep this shit away from me
No. 1454078
>>1454067>lack of communicationBoth Shaymin and the previous admin have been talking about switching to lynxchan for years and the reasons why it is necessary. They have even shown screenshots of it on /meta/.
>nuking old threadsOld threads are not lost, they are archived on
>didnt said why she changed the layout, what are its benefits etcThe layout is irrelevant because it can be easily changed once the site is stable. The benefits of upgrading the site software have been repeatedly stated on /meta/.
No. 1454079
>>1454077Wtf how is being a
terf based on white supremacy. I hate these retards
No. 1454081
>>1454077>white supremacy we all subscribe to the
terf rhetoric in africa kek
No. 1454085
>>1454081It's so funny how they want to link
terf with racism or white supremacy when non-white countries are the most trans-exclusionary. Like good luck telling African women that "woman is just a feeling" they will rightfully laugh in your face kek
No. 1454089
>>1454078archiving on a different website is retarded. at least she should split to to those who likes the new layout and wants to stay there and still keeping for those who are against it.
it is still a lack of communication because she just put a banner for maintenance and that is it, not precising what is gonna happen during that maintenance and how the website will look like, you have clearly seen nonnies being confused by that because i doubt we will remember years-ass posts on /meta/.
also the fact that she allowed kpoopshit is ridiculous too, she wanna be choachan so bad
No. 1454100
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>>1454093spouting the same shit on discord too, are you not already embarrassed ?
No. 1454103
I think if they managed to get the threads over to the new site that's great
asking us to just start over and rebuild years of threads and topics is a bit much
No. 1454113
>>1454109Is this a joke or something? I loved using lolcow, but I really hate how it’s so easy for men to access this “womens only space” and post a bunch of porn and graphic content that gets ignored by admin until someone smacks her upside the head and tells her to remove it. I’d fucking
love an actually safe, well administrated womens only space but you’re definitely not gonna get that on an imageboard. You have a better chance of finding that in real life than on the internet.
No. 1454126
>>1453912On the one hand many of the complaints are completely insane and made by disgusting entitled retards who are way too full of themselves.
On the other hand there was zero information about anything and nobody knew what was going on and that was solely the fault of the admin.
People still think the old site was discarded as an archive even though admin said they are porting over all threads to the new one. I do not blame people for not knowing this because it was said in the middle of a /meta/ thread and not anyplace people would find it.
Same with the reasons for any decision, if it was ever communicated at all. There could be good reasons for all of this that would persuade the majority of the userbase that isn't insane retards, but the way it is being handled is such that even the most reasonable people will be justifiably harshly critical of her. She created this issue for herself and the site through her bizarre unwillingness to communicate.
No. 1454127
>>1454120it's a moid that thinks everyone else needs and wants to hear about his feelings and "thoughts"
better ignore the scrote-brained retard
No. 1454131
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so according to cc most of the userbase can't even accesses this site, which sucks so much
really hoping that the lolcow gets moved back to its original addresses and that could fix most of the issues
No. 1454134
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>>1454110sure…… a woman……
No. 1454138
>>1454136I love how everyone is ignoring that I wrote that this website should be shut down BECAUSE it gets invaded by troons and scrotes who post child pornography and everyone has somehow read it as
>this needs to be shut down because women use it reread my original post if your comprehension is that bad. I said that the website should be scrapped because it constantly gets invaded by predators, that is not at all saying that it “should be shut down because it’s a female only space”. I’ve said so many times I’d absolutely love it if lolcow was realistically a female only space, but definite 100% “no male allowed” female spaces exist in real life. Not on your computer.
No. 1454140
>>1454129I'm not saying lolcow is the only place there is for women
You sound like a moid who doesn't get it. Fuck off if you don't want to be here
No. 1454144
>>1454131The url 404s for me too, I was lucky to have a tab with the original url open or else I wouldn't have remembered how it goes.
Does actually work for anyone?
No. 1454151
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eww the type of people that this website attracts is shit, does this girl forgot that we hate trannies there?
No. 1454160
>>1454138we should just submit to boys and let them take away everything they want from us, fellow girls
men are just so persistent, we ladies shouldn't fight them and just get a lady-like hobby like baking or sitting in the sun teehee
No. 1454162
>>14541494chan and 8chan I’ve reported to the fbi multiple times. Do I know if any of the people who posted the illegal content there got arrested? No I do not. But have I made effort to try to get it wiped from the internet? Yes, I have. Several times. Because men write whole fucking novels about what it was like to rape their sister on that website.
Of course I’ve tried to have 4chan shut down. Stop acting retarded though because this conversation is about lolcow.
No. 1454163
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>>1454152>>1454147>>1454145Now it's getting way too obvious.
No. 1454164
>>1454145You sound like a moid who doesn't get it or just retarded. Every women only spaces get raided by moids, even irl with women only shelters. We like it because the percentage of woman is higher. A lot of people still want the site to remain.
Even sites like tumblr who tried to get rid of pedos and zoos are still infested with it. You're missing the point. Trying to convince everyone else to leave is pointless
No. 1454165
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we need some milk
No. 1454177
>female spaces with actually no men exist in real life. Go find one. you, somehow:
>so you think I should be a handmaiden? this is what I mean by the imageboard era is over
>>1454175You really need to calm down. I said this website should be shut down because of child pornography and you’re getting hysterical and taking it as “oh my god they want to kick women off the internet” like oh my god learn how to fucking read. I said I want the CHILD PORN off of the internet that admin makes barely a fucking thumb of effort to control.
No. 1454178
>>1454163this is the same type of degenerate who goes into womens shelters and tries to get them shut down because they were not allowed in
great to know it's confirmed the person who wants lolcow to close is a butthurt tranny that's too easy to clock
Here's a tip, if we can tell you're a man even through anon text, maybe you shouldn't be in a womens only space
No. 1454179
>>1454176It’s ok if you think I’m a moid but that doesn’t change the fact that I’m a born grown woman who has a long ass post history on this website and simply doesn’t want a website full of trannys and fags who are so bored that all they talk about is random pornstars and women who are neglecting their children inbetween posts of cp…
>>1454171You realize there’s probably thousands of people a year who try to report content they see on 4/8chan. Right?
No. 1454180
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>>1454177>"hysterical">blaming the admin and wanting to punish the entire userbase for degenerate men spamming CPRule #1 of misogyny: Women are responsible for what men do.
No. 1454191
>>1454177scrote/tranny detected
There are no spaces that are completely safe for women. Moids are everywhere and like to invade are spaces, and if they can't join in they want those spaces gone for us. It's disgusting.
Moids are the reason why CP is on EVERY site, not just lolcow. No one agrees with you.
No. 1454194
>>1454191Do you ever go out into the real world and try to make female friends? Do you ever actually make an effort to put yourself in a female only space? Do you ever defend yourself against trannies who try to invade your public space? Because if you aren’t making any of these efforts you’re just as complacent.
If a man is trying to get into your space and fuck with whatever enjoyable dynamic you’ve created with all your female friends, you all pepper spray him and then take the party elsewhere. Simple. He’ll be too busy video taping for tiktok and clutching his balls to actually stand up and fight back against any of you.
No. 1454207
>>1454194What do you think anons are doing now? You sound like a moid who believes women don't belong in the internet.
YOu sound like a moid
"Just let men take over your space irl and online and move somewhere else"
Literally fuck off
No. 1454213
>>1454207Wow. Literally none of you have any reading comprehension skills. All I said was learn how to make female friends and create female spaces for yourself, in real life instead of on the internet. And you’re so upset about your incapability to make friends because you’re an aspie loser that you somehow read that as “oh so you think I should just submit to men who come at me?”
Do you guys just read 2 or 3 words and then respond? Or do you read the whole thing and try to comprehend it/understand it?
No. 1454225
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>>1454213am o the problem for speaking like a moid and being unable accept that i was wrong and spoke without actually thinking?
No. 1454227
>>1454211>>1454211What you don’t get is that it’s not a simple fix. At least not when you don’t know what you’re doing. If she had any sysadmin skills this would have been fixed ages ago. They can’t even ban anyone on newcow because banning bans every single poster.
By the way admin - If you’re reading this, you need to set up ip forwarding in a proxy server for the bans to work.
All of these things are simple if you know them but clearly she doesn’t. Whatever the issue with the DNS is seems to be a mystery to the administration as well and if they can’t fix that only 3-4 countries will be able to access the site without a vpn or proxy. I don’t want lolcow to disappear but looking at this objectively… it’s not looking good unless they get in some professional help
No. 1454233
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It looks like the derailing tranny is in the lolcor discord too.
No. 1454236
>>1454230"my child like voice"
lmao holy shit clocking the tranny is so easy
No. 1454241
>>1454239??? Because those spaces are full of males? Do you want me to repost it with another word that doesn't
trigger you or something?
No. 1454247
>>1454067t. literal child
Just have an ounce of patience you colossal sperg.
No. 1454274
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>childish little girl
yeah man you're totally blending in here. see, to actually blend in you'd be complaining about the exact shade of purples allowed in the theme or the button count discourse, or maybe drone on about Lack of Communication as if you're a board member at a company
No. 1454285
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>>1454284pwease be gentwe at weast
No. 1454309
>>1454304everything, really. I finally moved back to my hometown like I always wanted this past summer, had a job to keep me busy, met my boyfriend, started exercising, etc.
Ever since I stopped working I've had too much free time, which is ironic because I used to not mind having all the free time in the world.
This is my 1st relationship, he's my 1st everything. He's a great person and I feel comfortable so comfortable around him it scared me at 1st. The problems? We can barely see each other, it sucks. I'm also noticing I'm way more insecure than I thought.
In theory I should be happier than ever, but I'm just not.
No. 1454313
>>1454307Sorry but I really loved your venting.
You should send that to Family Guy / American Dad. I'd love to see Stewie or Roger in that situation. It would probably end with the delivery guy murdered or something.
No. 1454316
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I’m so sick of the moids I’m dating projecting their fears about discussing uncomfortable topics onto me. Yes I have a lot of trauma and big emotions, it doesn’t mean I can’t sit down and have a real discussion. I’m constantly told that I’m ‘too fragile’ or that they were afraid of my reaction despite despite the fact that they didn’t even try to discuss whatever the issue was with me. Then they act justified in their thinking when I am very reasonably upset over something that was preventable ends very badly. My ex decided to move to an entirely different state very early on in our relationship and decided to keep quiet and lead me on for months about his intentions and only decided to drop the bomb about a month before he left. Despite how fucked it was I still was understanding because I knew it was important to him and tried to talk the logistics of a LDR but of course got hand waved at all my attempts. Helped him move out there and once I got home he begged me to drop out of college to go be with him despite not talking to me about this at all while he was actually here, then dumped me a week later for another girl. But I’m the fragile one.
No. 1454318
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No. 1454324
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Venting about my 18 year old self
why the FUCK did i think dating a loser ass man in HIS MID 20s was a good idea. No shit i outgrew him cause I was a dumbass teen who had this idea of what “love” is. My ex never outright mistreated me but a someone who is in now currently in her mid 20s I cannot begin to describe how gross the whole experience make me feel looking back at it. So glad I cut things off when I did, it was hard at first but im a much more wiser, and confident person now.
No. 1454382
>>1454311I sure did nonna. It's a shame because the guy who makes the pizza is great at it but his delivery drivers are fucking awful.
>>1454313KEK thanks nonna it honestly does sound like a skit. The entire interaction felt like a cartoon scene, I was stood outside with massive cow slippers on too. I bet Roger would wear those. Tbh Roger would definitely use lc.
No. 1454400
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Trying my hardest to not become addicted to alcohol, as it's the only thing that makes me open up about what is bothering me, about my troubles, etc. I always bottle a lot of terrible shit that's going on in my family and personal life, and by December i just burst by drinking too much and spend 2 hours crying in front of my partner, when he becomes surprised that I have always been hiding so much. I am so used to bottling everything up because I know people will never understand the shit that I have been going through my whole life and friends and strangers around me keep venting and crying about problems that take 5 minutes to solve or something that is extremely small in comparison and the fact that they cried about it would make them laugh in the future. I am so happy for those people because their life is easy in comparison, but god this year has been SO SHIT and it keeps being so cruel towards me that I have turned into the most asocial and toxic individual. I do not want to become my alcoholic mother just so i could actually open up about the way i feel. God fucking damn it.
No. 1454420
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I wish I didn’t have a small head because I look ridiculous with my hair up or even super short.
No. 1454463
>>1454451>>1454458Ikr, actually psychotic
>>1454440You don’t get banned for being off-topic in /ot/ newfag, clue is in the name
No. 1454475
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I desperately want love but the times I’ve found the love I wanted I freak out. Why am I like this
No. 1454544
>>1454475Were you raised in a bad environment
No. 1454556
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Thought my ER bill was $4400 before insurance, but it was actually $9300…the $4400 is what I owe if it doesn’t get reduced any further
No. 1454575
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>>1454570Do not steal your mom's money to buy food
No. 1454576
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>>1454575Sorry I didn't mean to post the gif version, now it seems like I'm being cheeky
No. 1454577
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>>1454575But i am so hungry and there is nothing to eat
No. 1454629
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I feel so guilty when people invite me for a christmas dinner and I refuse. I'm seeing this one guy and he invited me to his house and there's like 6 housemates, he said they wanted to meet me, especially his best friend was nagging him to invite me, and I refused because it's just too stressfull, I know I would just sit there totally mute. I really tried to force myself to engage in social situations, like for example some time ago I prepared food for our housemate's birthday and everyone thought I'm going to stay but as soon as people started to come in I felt so uncomfortable I had to bail out to my room and I stayed there for hours, I didn't even go out to prepare myself food and used hot water from my bathroom to prepare instant noodles instead, because I just didn't want to go downstairs to the kitchen where everyone were. And it's always like this. Now when I refused to go to the christmas dinner to this guy's house he basically guiltripped me with saying 'Sorry I wanted to have you in my life, that was a mistake' and I went mute because I was so sad and then he started apologizing me for his words but said he's still angry and he doesn't know what to do with me. I just can't cope with it, I can't have friends or be in a relationship and others don't understand how bad and annoyed I feel around other people. I feel so lonely in this experience
No. 1454631
>>1454629Also, the only person I could talk to about my autistic interests was my coworker. It was always just about our interests and work and no private stuff, I was never attracted to him and I never gave him any signs. Today he send me a message asking if I would go out for a dinner with him and he said he was waiting to ask me for some time. Now I will never feel comfortable to talk to him again, I lost the only person I had actually something to talk about. Now I know he was thinking about fucking me for the entire time we talked about innocent shit like board games.
I feel so hurt when people who barely know me say 'you didn't even try' when I tried my whole life and even small children rejected me because they could sense I'm an autist and as an adult I learned to mask well enough that people just assumed I'm shy, but as soon as I opened up they could tell I'm weird and conversations always ended awkwardly and I'm just tired of cringe interactions, so I just run away, which is also weird to them. There's no escape. Sorry for blog post, I had to vent and now I'm gonna be sleeping for 2 days not leaving my room
No. 1454645
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>>1454644Merry Christmas noona
No. 1454651
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(1/2) I always feel down during the holidays, but this year I feel guilty as fuck. My gf was supposed to travel to go see her family, but her mom kept standing her off with the flight tickets (my gf gave her mom the money because her mom has some airline discounts idk much about it), and now she won't go see her family for probably over a month now.
She has been upset because of that, and even though she says she is entirely fine with spending Christmas with my family, I don't know, I just feel like shit and like it was my fault she couldn't go. I feel like I should've bought the tickets myself, as if it was my responsibility, but couldn't do it because I didn't have that kind of money to send her away.
I don't have the greatest relationship with my family either, I've always been the cousin everyone looks down on, even though I'm the one that gives less problems to the fucking family, but being unproblematic doesn't seem to be fucking enough for my family because I am still "emotionally distant to them", my dad was the only family who ever told me was proud of me, and I haven't heard a single positive thing from my family since he passed away. The cold and holidays always make me miss him so fucking much.
No. 1454652
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>>1454651(2/2) I've been keeping to myself all morning and tried to do some breakfast to cheer my gf up, but I can't shake this fucking intrusive though that I am the reason why everything in our lives is so fucked up and unfixable.
I fucking hate the holidays, I don't feel there's nothing in it that is worth of celebration, and I fucking hate how every December everyone seems to pretend to be a perfect caricature of themselves just for show and likes on any social media.
Fuck FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK Christmas, seriously.
I wish I didn't have to exist right now.
No. 1454655
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>>1454644It is okay nona, I wish you a very calm and relaxed Christmas, even if it's just on your own, and I hope you cry out anything that is bothering you, you deserve peace.
I love & hug you nonita, have a safe Christmas.
No. 1454669
I want to live in a first world country, I want to do the things that I can't do here because the living conditions are so, so annoying.
I wonder if the issue is that being in a controlling family has made me unable to do things on my own? But I get why they're the way the are at the same time, so I don't really blame them.
Like if I have had a kid when I was born, I would've been afraid as well of the many things that my family is always protecting me from, like shit friends, sex work, getting murdered in the public transport, getting kidnapped while riding a taxi, getting murdered while walking on the street at any time of the day, or when I was going to school, getting drugs smeared on my while going to parties or nightclubs while older and so on.
So I think, if I had grown up in a first world country, then maybe half of the things would've been less worrisome, like going to school and coming back home from school.
I don't know, I just think things would've been different, I just go on with my life, I have nothing else to do after all, and I know that other countries aren't perfect, but hell, things would be easier if I could get running water and constant electric service everyday.
No. 1454684
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Obligatory ugh moids but also ugh pick-mes. And the comments have other pick-mes commenting, why do guys celebrate this but put down onlyfans girls? Males replied retarded stuff like you do it for money they did it for glory, haha ratioed the fatherless girl. When will they realise that when moids say all the usual insults like fatherless and whore if you're on onlyfans, but love when it's free, is because they feel entitled to it being free. Sis why would you play into that just for a few seconds of attention at a game, or a few dollars? And inb4 I'm a prude, duh do whatever with your body and sexuality, but my question is why do it AND chase after moid approval for it? Why believe that moid's approval on this takes into account anything but minimal effort maximum coom?
No. 1454690
nonnie, sorry to hear you're frustrated with your living situation and hope you can find somewhere you like living. About your parents unfortunately mine are like this even though I was born in a first world country. They worked hard to immigrate from their developing country but want to erase that hard work by raising me as if they're still back there. Not just back in their country, but back in the time period and strict upbringing they were raised in. Such as saying I will be raped if I go out after dark. Even at 18 I was being told I'm not "allowed" anywhere that is not work or school. I'm slutshamed for wearing normal sized tops because they dare show my silhouette. It sucks. Stop seeing me as a rape object just because rapists do, and because women are usually blamed in your home country. They won't stop, they don't want me to have control of my life. But I also won't stop doing these normal things or having control of my life, so I'm gonna be leaving.
That turned into a vent of my own kek but yeah if your parents have a controlling mentality, they may have brought it with them if they went to a first world country and had you. But I still hope you are able to move to one yourself someday so you can do the things you want to, and have access to things like daily running water. Good luck.
No. 1454703
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Nonnas, I'm carrying some high-level unhinged rage about a moid, but have nowhere to aim it. I stand to have my own family cut me off if I say them to him, and if I say them here, I'm scared of anons taking things the wrong way and calling it bait to make women look bad. He knows about this site, so I can't even feel safe to explain what triggered me. I've literally never seen another woman express the kinds of vile things that sometimes enter my head when a man causes me pain. Not even the most brain-broken, testosterone-overdosed tryhard FtMs. It's the exact sort of stuff he could hypothetically screenshot or record to later convince other people he didn't do anything and I am crazy, but my mind just won't rest. I don't know what's wrong wih me.
No. 1454707
>>1454696Just do it
nonny, a random hookup isn’t that bad. Remember to use protection tho.
No. 1454745
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I cannot stand it when people see animals as nothing but a toy.
>X Decides to surprise gift Z a kitten, wholeheartedly knowing that Z is an immature woman living on her mothers and grandmothers money at 29.
>Her mother and grandmother are the only ones who cook, clean and take care of the garden. They already own a cat, which is a part of the house for 20 years now.
>The cat always hated other cats around her, never had kittens and avoided every neighbour cat.
>Now poor mother and grandmother will have to spend the night taking care of cat drama.
>It already started when I helped her take the cat in the house. The moment I told them that 'if things will go wrong, contact me'(i didnt mean only 'i can take her with me' but also in 'i had a similar experience' as I had over 3 cats in my life that also lived with surprise new pets every now and then.
>Z takes it personally and becomes a hysterical child because she treats having a cat as something like 'playing animal crossing' (literally) and knows that she can always manipulate her poor women into taking care of everything like she always does.
I am sick.
No. 1454796
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Tried to write out a vent but the post body was too long no matter how much I trimmed it. So instead of a rant here's a picture of who I'd like to hug and how I'd like to respond to the whole clusterfuck situation. Love all of you nonnas and I hope to everything that the rest of your today goes better.
No. 1454888
My vent is so scattershot. I feel bad for my mum, but her she’s like the old people who blurt out random stuff on the bus due to lack of interaction. We were having a meal and at random she starts to chronicle the details of the day my beloved dog was put down and I’m left reeling. If I try talk to her, she’s a brick wall. She has her depressing anecdotes and nitpicks everyones lives but when I try engage it’s like “mhm, anyway”. We’re talking and i take my leave and when I’m almost out of earshot she starts speaking to me again as if I’m standing right next to her still, i have to go back and say “oh sorry, were you trying to say something to me there?”. Yesterday this happened THREE times over and she commented on the fact i seemed annoyed and ready to leave. Dad is awful too, a belligerent pig. He’s tried to hide his misogynistic beliefs from me so i can give him credit for that, i judge him for the immediate value he can provide these days and otherwise don’t care. He’s not a father figure to me, just a taxi when I’m in this country, sometimes a wallet.
I’m thinking who couldve had healthy development with this background? I’m thinking of a small child being raised in this dynamic, what chances did she have?
Im always amazed at the families who have light hearted conversations about whatever, whose parents respect their kids privacy and desires and can sit together and watch tv without there being this weird oppressive silence.
No. 1454920
>>1453219I'm honestly so tired of women standing up for themselves being equated to 2022 id politics. It's not the fucking same. It transcends all political leanings except modern social media leftism, and people making "i left the loony left" and skipping over to the right is lowkey retarded. They could just be another leftist who is not trans inclusive but noooo, they have to jump ship on this one issue alone whilst everything else about what they stand for is pretty progressive and considered left leaning. And honest to god that "
terf island" meme is mocking to me rn, it never was, or has ever been anything nearing that. It's, as per usual, men in power dangling giving a fuck about women and reforms and laws and it never fucking stops and i'm so sick of it. And the worst part is if i was to be open with how i felt publicly i'd be cancelled and my career would be over before it's even begun. Trying to weed out terfs in the wild is a mine field of eggshells that's getting so. fucking. tiring. It's utterly unbelievable that having an ounce of empathy for women is compared to literal nazis. I feel so dumb to be crying about this rn but fucking hell.
No. 1454953
One of my siblings is a drug addict, and the other is a 4chan extremist who is on the verge of being plastered all over the news any day now.
I'm the last, wonder what I'll be.
Thinking I'll either become An hero or a murderer, and if I'm lucky, millionaire who'll get backstabbed. That sounds nice.
Honestly, the drug revelation happened today and I genuinely feel nothing, dunno if I'm in shock but I really doubt it. I do not care. Seeing my mother cry didn't really make me sad, even now I can hear her sobbing but I still don't feel any different. It's not like I hate her or anything, on the contrary I kiss her, hug her and shower her with love on a daily basis. Because I think that's the right thing to do. I'm just so over it all I guess. I don't mean to self diagnose, but maybe if I look into it a lil I'll find that I feel inconvenienced at best, and man, that is really selfish.
I think there's something bad running in this family's blood.
No. 1455007
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Having no one irl to turn to for advice and help or to just talk things through sucks. I know there are plenty of people from shitty families that just have to figure things out by themselves but having anxiety and agoraphobia on top of that makes everything 50x harder. I spend months researching worrying and procrastinating stuff that normal people just do without an ounce of fear. I’m going to do something new tomorrow, or at least I hope I will but most likely I will just get too nervous and go home and ignore the problem as it grows and grows until it bursts and gets so much worse.
I just want someone. One single friend. I don’t even have to be their favorite or someone they like a lot, I would even take a pity friend at this point. I just need someone.
No. 1455016
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I need to write a dm to a troon I semi-know it's going to be long but I know he'll be read and be pissed off, just to let him know that he's not entitled to relationship and people's bodies and to stop this narc behavior. Hopefuly before the new year so I can set this "magical soft trans girl uwu" shithead aside.
No. 1455035
Every time i visit my parents the house is a nightmare, in the cluttered kitchen it took 10 minutes to find a mug and frying pan, then i gave up entirely because there was no place to put anything. I just wanted coffee and a bacon roll! There was a massive pile in some corner and it took me an hour and a half to sort and allocate and disinfect a little corner, maybe 50cm square? And thought finally, some space. Less than 24 hours later its piled with new shit mum bought, apparently without any justification because when i asked her she said i could give the packs of biscuits away. If we don’t need it or even intend to consume it, why buy it?? To take up the space that’s just been freed up? Do they need every single surface to be clogged up with shit and be at 100 percent capacity if not more to the point it’s mentally overwhelming to perform simple tasks? It’s obvious they want the environment like this, but WHY.
I don’t know why I’m surprised, it’s been happening the past 5 years I’ve visited. I’m stunned by the needless mess and get rid of clearly obsolete or out of date stuff (with my parents permission, i don’t just throw their shit out as much as id like to), am glad to have helped out and am satisfied with a bit being cleared then it returns to the status quo within a few hours. Hate to think of it but its going to be a nightmare when they die and i have to clear the house out.
No. 1455064
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12 1/2 hours left to go, good luck to every nonna having a wet blanket of a holiday
No. 1455092
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I don't usually buy into synchronicities as being meaningful. I lean into more mundane explanations for coincidences but I'm pretty weirded out by some atm. All relating to a subject I'd never paid attention to before.
Its like the universe is screaming at me.. and my pride is hurting given I usually think people are crazy when they say this type of thing. Add me to the crazy list.
No. 1455219
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I think I'm genuinely great at character design and making character "gimmicks" and motives but so shit at writing and connecting actual stories and I hate it. My dream is to write and draw comics but how am I supposed to do it with my writing skills. Writing character relationships is the worst because I'm such an autist and I feel like my charcterd just don't act natural
No. 1455232
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Alas, estranged from the majority of my family members, welcome to the loneliest holiday in years. Might see a movie, might cry in the theater. last night broke my month long streak of no relapses. trembling like a drowned rat. I want my pain to stop. tried to give back to everyone in my life tenfold with gifts who I do care about. It's still not enough.
I've tried my best to move on in life and forgive the plethora of evil coincidences and fear that encircle me. What am I fucking supposed to do? Completely disappear and reinvent myself with money I don't have? my sixth sense is in overdrive, it has only worsened the last few months.
I wonder if anyone will miss this crazy bitch if she parts ways with this world. was it written in the stars for me to suffer? will anyone remember me?
No. 1455318
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Everything in my life is ending all at once. I always say better get everything done in one go, but I think I'd really rather have this all happening one by one.
No. 1455351
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The pharmacy wasn’t able to fill my adderall prescription Thursday so I’m all out. I’m going crazy. I don’t feel good or like I can do anything and I hate this. I went to 4 pharmacies. No tomorrow to early to check again? I hate this. i wish I could have gone with my brother to my parents house today but I couldn’t because of my relationship with our mother. But I need my dad to hug me and say everything will be ok again soon
No. 1455439
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>be selling stuff online and someone makes an offer on something
>don't accept offer immediately though intend to
>few hours later he whines that I'm missing out on a sale and that I'm deranged for thinking I'll ever sell it at 50$, that it's overpriced and I deserve to keep it
>check his profile, he tried selling something at 1500 that was only priced at 400 by other people
>check my item; all other (bought) listings are higher than mine and mine is the only mint one
Honest question. Where do people like this get their audacity? Why do they lie so much?
No. 1455487
>>1455439Not related to your vent but God I miss that game.
Tbh they're just pieces of shit and they don't care about anything but money when they're acting like that. Selling always leads to people who will try to undercut you, just be firm and tell them to fuck off if you don't like the price they offer.
No. 1455508
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tired of hoe ass bitches constantly backpedaling about going places with me. i know i'm an autist, but i'm caring with people in my circle and do smol nice things for them when i can. i'm sure nonnas who have always felt like they're the second best option to everyone they meet will get it. that's why i always go out everywhere by myself now. recently i decided to end my 8 year long isolationist social life and invited some coworker friends to an activity, and everyone agreed. week later when the time came everyone flaked. the hoe who abandoned ship first even went to that same place later with her family and didn't tell me. she offered to go to a different place with me later, and i asked her to let me know when she can because if she wants to bring her family, it's fine. week later still radio silence from her, and holidays are in full swing. another coworker friend had a sad thing happened to her, so i offered her to go out together and she's ignoring me. i guess she has her nigel and his friends to comfort her. the only person insisting on hanging out rn is a moid coworker who i don't feel comfortable being alone with because i suspect that he wants to make a move on me. i just want some fucking friends that will actually not flake on me. is that too much to ask?
No. 1455636
nonnie you really need to put her in her place.
No. 1455651
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My balcony furniture is RUINED after being outside for 2,5 years, I'm so upset. It's wooden and all moldy now. It was really expensive
No. 1455662
Is it normal that I feel jealous of how much my roomie is enjoying his Christmas season? My family has never had much money, or gave s shit about me for that matter, so I'm honestly pretty used to never receiving gifts, not even my birthday, but when I saw him come in yesterday with all the gifts he got from his family, well, I kinda shut down and cried in my room.
Idk, I guess I'm just being materialistic, and he didn't exactly rub it in my face or anything, but it did stung a lot when all I got for Christmas this year was the reminder that I am the least favorite cousin and that my family just prefers my cousin because she makes a lot of money and travels a lot (she lives with her dad and doesn't contribute a single penny to that household in anyway, so yeah).
I wish December was over and I didn't had to see my family again.
No. 1455676
>>1455672That won't make it any less true.
>>1455673I have been, and 90% of times there is a logic behind it not just because someone "just disagrees". In your case it's probably because of the context. The one time I've been called a moid in about 7 years, it was because I used a yotsuba reaction image. Which makes sense since she's unfortunately connected to 4chan and I love that nonnas tell them to fuck off. Since I'm a woman, I can just brush it off, so I don't get why anyone would get seriously
triggered by it.
No. 1455677
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my mood just did a nose-dive. i'm so lonely and the end of the year always rubs it in my face.
this year was fine and i'm grateful for the few people who actually love me and take care of me but i can't help but focus on how few friends and family i have.
there's two relatives (different households) and one really good friend with whom i can spend christmas with, but those relatives are getting older, i don't really get along/know the rest of their families and my friend won't invite me/live near me forever.
but new years eve is even worse because i have so few friends. they're usually all busy going to parties with tons of their mutual friends and i just stay home huffing copium. i totally get why i'm not really invited but it just sucks that i don't have a family and i spent years of my life being too autistic to have enough friends to save my ass.
i had a dinner tonight but that fell through so now i'm dejected because i'm faced with the emptiness of my social life until next year. there's something so humiliating and frustrating about relying on a few people for my entire social life. one plan falls through and i'm left to stare at the wall for the entire week.
No. 1455689
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My ex that’s been essentially MIA from all of our shared friends since the breakup finally looked at our shared group chat yesterday after two months of silence. I miss him so much and I know it’s absolute breadcrumbs but something must be bothering him. I know I’m being retarted but I’m the last one who sent something and he’s very much the type where when he’s done with something he’s fully done so even this tiny check in makes me wonder. He only talked to me and this chat on this messaging platform. I sound pathetic because I am being pathetic but I miss him so much even though I know he’s too cowardly to actually step up and fix our relationship because he’s the one who fucked it up.
No. 1455705
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It's difficult to forgive my mom after looking back at the things that she did to me.
Back then I was a huge weeb that liked lolita fashion, I was still a teenager so I just couldn't afford anything lolita so I just wear something lolita-adjacent like a white long-sleeve shirt and a light orange box pleated skirt (Not the best combo ik, but let's not get into my horrible fashion sense).
She and my older brother shamed me so much that I felt like a sinner in their eyes. They used the worst insult to hurt me and definitely felt great afterward.
I still remember the time when I had to beg for a laptop for my studies and she hesitantly accepts, before that she went to my aunt's house and get a really old one for me, surprise surprise, it didn't even last a year before it finally broke down. When my brother threw a hissyfit because he didn't get the car he likes my parents to comply immediately without having to apply for an installment like my laptop.
Didn't even stand up for me and let my aunt body-shamed me whenever she likes. Got into those stupid bitcoins stuff regardless of my warning and lost a bunch of money too.
I felt like I was invisible in my house and no one listens to me after so many times. She sacrifices a lot for me but there are things that made me love her even less.
No. 1455763
>>1455749I am sorry
nonnie. Idk if it helps or not but sometimes people say very hurtful things because they need to convince themselves of that thing, to put distance for some reason, because they actually feel the opposite. If she is hurt for some reason by your actions (and hey. Literally everyone in the world is going to have a communication or behavior mishap. It is inevitable and human.) She is probably hurt because she values you so very much she needs to convince herself to step away for a moment somehow. If that makes sense? The worse the pain the bigger the love that is there. I am sorry you are having a hard time and I genuinely hope you and whoever can hear the wounded love through the self preserving insults thrown, and can let that love speak again soon.
No. 1455777
>>1455759I know, and there are many things to repair. I've tried a lot and can't see the results, the hopelessness is catching up I guess… I would be the first to jump on advising someone in my situation to keep trying but can't do it myself
>>1455763It makes perfect sense and you're very right nonna, if there were no love the hurt would be different too. I think what makes me feel so bad is that I believe she's right but I don't have the strength in me to be the bigger person and leave for her better life's sake. I hope it all can be untangled and fixed and for love to be just good and easy, as naive and silly as it sounds.
No. 1455778
>>1455749pls don’t be so down on yourself.
>>1455763is right. she’d probably be so so so sad if you were not in her life anymore no matter what she might’ve said. everyone in your life no matter how they feel in the moment would be devastated if you were gone even if you don’t think they’d feel that way. if you were gone you wouldn’t have a chance to be there when they finally come to their senses. you can’t let this be the end please! don’t listen to the dark voices, they are wrong!!!!!
No. 1455784
>>1455780I know this is going to sound extreme to you but you need to cut your family off, or at the least distance yourself to the extreme. You can’t force anyone else to take action, but you can refuse to engage with it yourself. The situation with your brother is absolutely sickening and if they have forced you to forgive him, what won’t they do? You’re not safe with these people, anon. You’re better off without them.
I know it’s hard, I’ve cut off my own family because of how fucked up they are, but it’s so much better when you don’t have to deal with that shit and pretend it’s normal.
No. 1455827
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I got dumped by my fiancee in August, it really sucked, I got a new job and found a new place to live all within a month. Honestly I was so focused on my survival with getting kicked out that I didn't really process the breakup that well. I don't remember most of our discussions around the time. We tried to be friends but that fizzled quickly after I moved out, and now we just send each other memes and talk about politics occasionally. We didn't wish each other a happy birthday and we didn't say anything on the holidays. I realized that if we're friends, we're not very good friends.
I think I should stop talking to him completely, it's just the right thing to do. It's just very surreal cause we dated for 8 years and were engaged for 7 months, and now it's like we don't even care about each other.
I wrote him a letter before blocking him for the new year but I'm not sure if I should send it or not. I don't know if it's worth it. But it's also the most significant relationship of our lives and I think ghosting would send the wrong message.
No. 1455878
>>1455827Anon I really feel for you and I'm sorry you're hurting. You spent a significant part of your life with this guy. Honestly sounds like he got wedding jitters and wanted to see what other options in life he had.
Do you really want to message him if he's no longer putting in effort?
He's probably busy chasing tail for the moment. Cry, heal and when he crawls back, say no.
Here's a happy note. He didn't take your best years. You decide what your best years are. Cheers and happy new years
No. 1455922
>>1455909Don’t worry about it too much nonna all these anons are just neet themselves
so am I tbh and Im practically a leech off my bf so they’re just upset. I understand where you come from a relationship should be two independent people, not one person with their life on track and the other needing all that help. They also lack self awareness too and thats why they never get out of neetdom. Let her go and get herself in a better mindset, just like how theres nonnas here that have stable jobs and lives outside of lolcow there’s definitely another woman for you that has the same interests without having to baby them.
No. 1455945
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I really fucking hated the new UI of the site when admin changed it. It was so goddamn ugly for what this place really is. I'm an oldfag so maybe I cling to this format more but in the spirit of an anon board it should stay like this. The other one made me feel like kiwi or pretty liars. I feel like the way this site functions really seperates us from them. I'm so happy I came back and it looks like this again. I hope we can get a good new admin
No. 1455948
>>1455936Kek I’m self aware I even said it in my text post. I’d rather my bf date someone who has a job and isn’t a burden like any other person. If you wouldn’t put up with a moid doing that then you shouldn’t let yourself get away with it either.
thats why I’m trying to get a job and learn to be independent The other anon still has a right to expect more from a partner that could not help her the same way she has for them.
No. 1455952
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No. 1456009
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>>1455909You dodged a huge bullet. Having a dependent for a partner is awful and gets worse as you get older and more mature and realize that who you are has been shaped by tons of life experience while your partner is virtually the same person you met because they never had the initiative to learn and grow.
>>1455948Good on you for making those changes, not only for him but for yourself.
No. 1456011
>>1455945I liked the cute logo, but when I first opened the site, I also thought it looked to "official" so to speak.
>>1456006>2010Try 2002 lol. I still like it because that was around the time I started using the web.
No. 1456167
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My Dad was one of those narc abusers who was super personable and friendly to everyone else but absolutely insane at home. I’m hypersensitive to the signs now but I feel like everyone else just sees me as a jealous schizo when I start feeling off about someone. The latest one is my ex’s ex. They’d been together for awhile and all I really knew is that their last year together was really bad. I kinda thought they just grew apart but in hindsight knowing her and a lot of the things he did in the relationship make me question that. He never said anything bad about her but acted like an abused dog over things that really didn’t matter. He would also take me teasing him or saying something in a kinda weird tone as the beginning of a fight and would immediately get super defensive. It was really concerning, especially when he would say something mildly negative about their relationship and then overcorrect hard about how apparently great they were together despite not being able to even verbalize why. I also don’t want to fucking hear that as the new girlfriend anyways. I miss him and not being with him really fucking sucks. He ended things very unexpectedly because he suddenly wasn’t over her, but when I would dig deeper he would just say it was he kept switching back and forth between being really happy with me and then being really scared.
No. 1456202
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Just learned that my ex best friend and ex boyfriend have been leading a nasty smear campaign against me and pretty much everyone back in my hometown hates me. I was hoping to reconnect with some old friends, but I just want to die right now.
No. 1456234
>>1456227It hurts so much but you can power through. I'm assuming you've felt like this in the past. Think back to that and remember how the hurt went away eventually.
You are in control of how you feel but at the same time sadness and anger and hopelessness can be normal. Let yourself coast a bit longer and then think of things that make you happy and do them.
We're all going to die one day and none of this will matter. Do your best to be kind to yourself while you're alive and take everything day by day.
You're awesome and complete by yourself. You don't need a scrote to make you whole. Sending positive thoughts your way because I know exactly how you feel.
No. 1456249
>>1456233I work with a ftm who's very obviously traumatized and it sucks seeing everyone enable them when in reality they should've just gotten help they needed for SA instead of being told to mutilate themselves. It's a common response to being raped and it sucks people would rather these women cut their tits off than try to help them mentally recover from trauma, then again that's what happens when we build a society that acts like abuse
victims are worse than the actual abusers
No. 1456272
i don't know who is here but i really need some advice. I have issues and I'm completely dependent on my mother. She wants me to get mental help, I hate talking to people and do not want to talk to someone on the phone. I'm in a horrible space and I feel like a burden on everyone and I hate how much I stress her but I will admit, I do feel like I don't want to be here anymore.
She tells me how selfish that is, I am, I agree, but I feel like she feels I feel this way because of her, but it's because i don't know what to do, how to go on. I keep getting told, "Call the people"
I feel so horrible. My mom is so stressed out, I'm so useless. I call them then what? I don't want to leave the house, I feel ugly stupid and deformed. Legit like I don't belong here. I keep having thoughts of just leaving in the middle of the night and just not talking to them, letting them know where I am. I'm selfish and disgusting. I just want to know what to do, who to talk too. I keep being told to call for help, just call 211. I called and got given other numbers to call. Everyone is sick of me. I just hate it. I need advice and someone to talk too. I hate what i'm doing to everyone but I do not know how to stop it. My brain feels horrible, I don'twant to explain tot hem I feel worthless, they will just say, "Call the people, well nonnie you have to do this or that".
I hate myself. I want to be normal. To have friends and exist, I feel so ugly and fat, Useless.
No. 1456288
>>1456278It is weird and pisses me off immensely especially how terrified her eyes looked at me. I want to know why besides smacking her hard across the face. I'd give you a hug if I could
nonnie because it's very messed up.
>>1456280My mom made me afraid of wearing flannel and combat boots because
only lesbians wear that. The fucking woman who hates skirts/dresses and had a pixie cut since a child telling me this shit. My mother also hates makeup so it just is super weird that she's like this. She would also make fun of me for wearing dresses/skirts and makeup. I can't win.
No. 1456302
>>1456272It sucks and it's hard, but the only way you can get better is to push through those feelings and call the numbers and they can guide you to resources to get help. At some point you have to realize that no one is going to magically fix your mental illness for you, you have to start the process of getting help yourself. It took me a long time to start therapy and medication, and even though it was terrifying at first, I regret not doing it earlier and wasting so many years of my life wallowing in my own depression. You can do it
No. 1456333
im doing a course currently that im really not enjoying or have any interest in, i only chose it because i didn't know what else to do and i coped by thinking 'oh i'll definitely become super interested in this' the course ends after summer and i'll continue it but then what?
i have 0 ambitions, 0 hobbies, nothing im exactly passionate about.
i was thinking oh it must be because im depressed! i am, i have absolutely no friends and cant exactly make them in a course filled with old people, i've also caused my family a lot of trouble that i won't get into
i feel suicidal (i would never kill myself because family) but i feel complete despair that nothing is going to get better.
i often imagine myself being a smart career woman, my mum proud of me, and sending her a monthly allowance to make up for everything i've done.
my mum was crying and i asked whats wrong, she listed everything about us (brothers an unemployed neet with no friends, dads overworked, us being poor af) and she even listed my social life as one, i feel so fucking bad for her. i have to do something to help her but i dont know what to do its been years and i still dont know what to do, i just want someone to tell me what to do, what to study, what career to get into
No. 1456378
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I'm coping with the fact that when people see me on the street they see me as an adult woman and not a cute teenage girl 28 years of age
No. 1456436
>>1456434proud of you. tell em nona
friends are about quality, not quantity. you deserve better.
No. 1456438
>>1456437I'm sorry nona. it probably doesn't help but in my experience friends come and go. have you tried to talk to them about it?
I would be your friend if I could. any chance you can find some other spectrumite friends? even online? (sorry I know this is the vent thread but I just wanna help aaaaa)
atm I'm kind of in the same boat but have embraced it and keep my circle basically not even small but empty. cutting off the dead wood for new growth. the loop can be broken.
No. 1456495
>>1456202they are
cunts and you deserve better nona. we love you.
No. 1456524
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I don't think my bf brushes his teeth. his breath is quite bad but usually it's just nasty cigarette smell. or maybe that's just the most overpowering. he had to get a whole tooth pulled back in the summer and he started taking his oral hygiene more seriously but it seems he fell off again cause when I come over to his house's the tooth paste and his tooth brush never seem to move. I really care about him and want to encourage him to be better without being mean or making him feel bad. what do?
No. 1456541
>>1456509Samefag from og post but I tried. I didn’t know until today, when I got the call. Not trying to be a
victim, it’d be cool if I had more money saved, because I should’ve had more. Y’all ain’t wrong at all I can’t be mad lol. I know I’m dumb but it went to other shit, like rent/bills and animal bills etc. I work minimum wage & housing isnt cheap. It’s embarrassing but I do my best w what I have. I wasn’t expecting it to happen so randomly. Just wanna vent tbh, cause wtf can I really do. He has a day or 2, & there isn’t going to be a next time. Ya’ll are 100% right though, I can’t lie.
No. 1456578
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idk what I keep doing wrong aaaaaaaaaaaaa
No. 1456591
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I'm really scared of driving.
I live in a very busy city and it's one of the worst 5 in the UK in terms of driving-related accidents and stuff like dangerous drivers. I tried to drive here maybe 5 times at most and it was so bad I had to pull over and cry. Haven't tried it again in 3 years. Luckily the public transport and taxis here are decent and cheap, but my relatives look at me like I'm retarded because I explain to them that I don't drive at the moment.
I also fear that I'll be in some road accident and not be able to afford dealing with it, so I just walk everywhere and sometimes use taxis. Still, everyone looks at me like I'm a retard because I struggle with co-ordination driving wise and I get overwhelmed when it's not quiet. Sometimes I wonder if I'm actually retarded, everyone around me seems to get on fine with it and I just can't seem to handle it mentally - having to operate the manual car, having to pay attention to so many pedestrians and also the traffic and also going the speed limit - it's so fucking much, what makes it worse is that people around me think I'm just lazy or dumb because they just personally don't understand it.
No. 1456662
>>1456595Thanks nonna. You're right in that it does get better for me over time but I just wish I lived somewhere rural again so I wouldn't have to deal with reckless drivers making me even more scared. I do genuinely think the traffic is the source of my anxiety - when I'm on country roads or a rural area I perform a lot better in the car, also better at night as there's less people around then. Also, I suspect I may be autistic too tbh, I have planned some stuff to get tested for it. I had no idea it could be related to that in terms of being overwhelming.
>>1456624>it compromises your safety you probably shouldn't drive indeed or at least practice in quieter areasThis is what I tell them but it's like they just ridicule me for it because I express concern at the fact that driving takes me a little longer to get the hang of and I don't want to put myself and others at risk. It's definitely unusual, but it does make me feel shit when they make snarky little jokes as if I am some lazy person. I wish they could see that I was clearly smart enough to pass my test 1st time and drive on my own for a year, it's just that my brain works differently to them and they think it's almost funny in a way. Sorry for sperging, nonna, thanks for your reply anyway. In the new year I'm going to arrange going to a quiet rural spot and getting used to it again, when I've got time off work.
No. 1456679
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I just realized I didn't plug in the charger for the handheld console I wanted to play on, so I waited two hours for nothing and now I'm too lazy to get up and actually plug it in.
No. 1456684
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Started a new job a few months ago. Returned to work today to find two emails from superiors pointing out lots of mistakes I made. I'm trying SO hard but keep fucking up. I have health issues + brain fog and hate using that as an excuse but honestly it makes me so forgetful and bad at concentrating. It doesn't matter how careful I am or how many times I re-read things, I always seem to fucking miss something or make an error. I feel so stupid and useless. I just want to be good at my job. To make matters worse, I was hired alongside 6 other people at the same time and they are all performing really well and being given more responsibilities.
No. 1456691
>>1456591I feel the same way towards driving, thankfully I live in a city where I don't need to, but have received a lot of pressure to learn from family. I just cannot imagine being able to handle it
at allfwiw i have two friends who get major anxiety when driving. one had to quit lessons because it was literally sending her into meltdowns and another is trying to push through it but is really nervous about driving places she doesn't know. i don't think it's an uncommon feeling, it's just not spoken about much or is dismissed as something silly. you're not alone
nonnie No. 1456747
>>1456741You did well m'
nonnie. If you've recently dealt with heartbreak it's a good idea to stay around people if possible. I hope you find things to look forwards to and enjoy in 2023. And if you still need time to be hurt, that's ok too.
No. 1456785
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>TFW you find out your new crush follow a bunch of ewhores on Instagram
Well, my feelings for him are fucking over. Is it possible for a man not to be a pornsick scrote nowadays?
No. 1456814
>>1456810Mine was 33 when this happened, a good looking 33 (rare in males where I live) He was following a bunch of 19/20 year olds with their leggings wedgied up their asses
His looks a year later aren't so great, hes greyed alot in a short amount of time. Doesn't look good on him. Hes been sad posting over the xmas. Again because his family all have partners and he doesn't..
I don't even take pleasure in seeing men ruin their own real life prospects because of their coomer ways. Its just bleak.
No. 1456817
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>>1456785>>1456810I hate getting crushes on moids. After shit I went through with a scrote I didn't feel anything for scrotes for two years and my life was great until I started crushing on one, seemingly very polite and mature man.
Then he randomly told me that women over 30 lose their value in the eyes of moids.
I hate crushing on scrotes.
No. 1456841
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I have an online friend I've known for many years that confuses me.
I don't know how to word it…our casual talks are good, but it's like the longer ones feel like an interrogation? Recently, she randomly asked about something I liked but didn't have a strong connection to - I didn't really talk about it - over the course of 3 hours and dozens of hyper technical, bland questions while ignoring what I actually liked about it.
I was reluctant, telling her that I don't think it'd be her type of thing…yet she ignored it and still kept going, and I kept answering her questions while my every cringey attempt to change the conversation failed.
And then she finally said it hours in: she dislikes half the elements of it
+ she find it gross to look at, both of which she already knew before talking to me about it, but would have tried it if it was "good." She decided after 1000s of words that it wasn't "good." I felt crazy–why didn't she say this to begin with? I sensed it, which made me feel so skittish during the whole conversation. Why did it take so long for her to say this? And most of our longer conversations feel that way no matter how much I try to mix it up.
I have never run into an issue like this with anybody else…long conversations are always much more fun and engaging, often initiated by other people, and don't feel so railroaded. I don't know if it's my fault for being so boring and this friend of mine is just holding up a mirror or something.
No. 1456937
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i can't watch anything normally because i get the most intense feeling of second hand embarrassment whether it's someone getting angry someone crying someone dancing or laughing much more an actual embarrassing situation. like i literally have to pause shut down my device and take a walk or something because i can't take it kek i seriously have to try to take my mind off of it or i get i start unironically feeling panicked. even when something romantic happens which i love i always have to cover the screen or my sight with something so i can only see like 10% of it or i'll get embarrassed and overwhelmed
safe to say i don't socialize, i have no friends, and whenever i get a text it takes me days if not weeks to respond as i have to reread it a million times over then think of something to appropriate to say because i get so embarrassed. even when i'm just walking outside in my head i'm like omg this is so humiliating i need to go home immediately no matter what which i know definitely makes me look even weirder from another person's perspective. i cannot do anything because everything is humiliating to me even basic human necessities. i'm legitimately permanently embarrassed.
No. 1456947
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i have a to-do list of stuff to do and so far i've done 5 out of the 9 items. im only venting because cleaning everyday and having a neat space is so draining but i have to do it or i will be depressed. also my car got a flat and apparently most my tires are BALD so i need to call about a tire warranty and get new tires. i have NO money so all the other work on my car (multiple car emojis are on) will need to be paid with borrowed money. i also really want to take my nice wool skirts and other precious clothes to the drycleaners but i have no money. life doesnt suck but i just feel trapped and like i have no control. i'm working on getting a job but my efforts seem to all be rejected. trying really hard to not feel like a loser
No. 1456993
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>>1456979men their worst enemy
No. 1457004
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I'm in my 30s so I feel stupid for being as sad as I am over it, but my mom literally got me picrel as a Christmas gift. A small bottle of Softsoap brand Christmas themed mint scented hand soap. My sister got this gorgeous work bag and I got this. I feel like calling her and telling her that if it was a choice between this and nothing, I'd prefer to get nothing. It's not just the fact that it's a $1 bottle of soap it's that my family doesn't bother to get to know me at all. They all say I'm so good at thoughtful gifts but apparently this is their thoughtful gift for me.
No. 1457005
>>1457004It's not stupid
nonnie, being given that would make anybody sad. I would definitely call her and ask her why. It seems to me they forgot about you and just grabbed something that was around the house.
No. 1457006
>>1457004this is really sad and I'm sorry they did that
nonny thats really insulting
No. 1457041
>>1456937wow I used to feel
just like this. I still do a lot of the time but eventually starting to give less of a fuck as i get older. I wish the same for you too nona.
No. 1457118
Thanks nona. Theres so many layers to it. I cant unwrap it all in text or bymyself but thats what i try to do.
I love you nona, thanks again for your kindness.
No. 1457225
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>>1456299sad news nonnies she is not a radfem. she accepted my follow and i found some bullshit trans remembrance day retweet on there. im sad
No. 1457269
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My cramps are so bad tonight, they woke me up an hour into my sleep and my brain interpreted it as one of my legs was being sawed off
No. 1457275
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>be me, poorfag
>desperately want thing
>ask male friend to buy it for me, didn't get me anything for Christmas anyway
>"sure nonna"
>that easy
I just hate how bad I feel about it.
No. 1457345
Week ago I was visiting my parents and ended up finally telling them about my worsening mental state, suicide ideations I struggle to push away, self harm, all that. My mom listened and supported me, my dad on the other hand, the entire time I've spoken didn't even look up from the book he was reading. He hasn't spoken to me ever since I left and returned to my own home. I'm thankful for my mom's support and it's what matters the most but I'm also haunted by his complete lack of reaction. Does it not matter to him if something happens to me? Even if he is somehow idk socially inept, doesn't know what to say, wouldn't that be a natural reaction of someone who feels any kind of worry to reach out, even to speak about some random bullshit just to be sure that other person, especially your own child, doesn't feel abandoned? It's so weird, I don't even know how to name what I'm feeling. He's never been a cold, distanced dad, we have a lot of hobbies in common, but idk, maybe if it's not fun I don't deserve the love and attention anymore…
No. 1457358
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>>1457341She's a pulmonology nurse and the doctors who said other wise were a gastroenterologist and GP's.
>Asthma is not a disease you outgrow. Symptoms can improve or resolve during adolescence and adulthood, but the disease never goes away.>A change in environment may have a temporary impact on improving asthma symptoms, but it won’t cure the disease. Reducing the asthma triggers in your environment may be more helpful than moving to a different climate.I thought I had outgrown mine or fixed it by moving, but I apparently have a whole list of allergies I didn't even know about and that it explains a lot of my vague symptoms. I did a lung function test and a histamine provocation test, apparently still do have asthma, even though I don't have the obvious symptoms anymore I had in childhood. The pulmonologist agreed with the nurse. I would rather trust people who are experts and professionals in lung issues than someone who specializes in the digestive tract or general problems when it comes to lung shit.
No. 1457366
>>1457358She’s still a nurse and knows less than a gastro doctor. Nurses aren’t scientists, they’re there to help the doctor with manual and administrative labour. She might have heard one doctors opinion and took it as a fact.
And the fact that one random article says you can’t outgrow it doesn’t mean it’s true. There’s a lot of things in medicine that are still not clear. If you were a doctor (or if the nurse was) you’d know you can’t just say something is a myth when it’s been recorded to actually happen and studies are still made about it.
No. 1457370
>>1457366It's not just a random article, you can just look up whether you can outgrow it and everything even vaguely official says that symptoms might lessen as you get older, but it's not randomly cured. It is a myth, because people think symptoms disappearing means the illness is gone too. I heard it from the nurse first, but the pulmonologist affirmed it, like I said before.
Also I have a little more respect for nurses than you do and do believe that a woman who has worked in pulmonology for decades, even as a "lowly" nurse who totally has no understanding of science (hasn't been my experience at all btw), has more understanding of pulmonology than a doctor who last heard about pulmonology maybe a decade or more ago in a class and has mostly been busy with gastrointestinal problems. Or GP's who are professionals in prescribing paracetamol and will literally tell you to use the internet to self diagnose. Assistants and receptionists do administrative labor, the nurses do manual but also very technical labor and tests. Some also prescribe medication, like mine did, even though she's a nurse. Nurses can get a lot of discretion and can be very scientifically minded, keeping up to date on the latest research and definitely do brainstorm with the doctors and aren't just mindless lackeys.
No. 1457458
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>go to uni to get away from my mother
>finish uni and move out asap to do the same thing, move to a town 3 hours away so i don't have to see her
>keep it low-contact and civil because every time i've tried to stand up for myself she airs her dirty laundry on facebook as if i'm evil
>she kicked me out of the house because i said i couldn't take her shopping at a specific time and that she ignored me confessing to her about my sexual assault experience
>told me to hide my sanitary pads from her physically violent scrote boyfriend who she's only with because he has a house in spain and a decent pension
>said scrote bf shouts at my brother in the street for absolutely no reason and all of our family hate him, he's not even allowed to see his own grandkids
>she still buys me presents every christmas in an attempt to "buy me over" because she cannot feel remorse or acknowledgment of her flaws
>i try to hold her accountable multiple times and get called a bitch and that there is something mentally wrong with me
>she has the audacity to message me today saying "we really need to make more of an effort to meet up this year, i miss you xx"
kill yourself, you are a disgusting excuse of a mother, your children are all sick of you and i'm the only one who's ever had the balls to even try and say it - even then, you laugh me off like it's a joke because you are the most narcissistic piece of shit i've ever met. fuck you.
No. 1457531
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My friend called me ignorant for complaining about the prostitution, druggies, and homeless people that set up camp in my area. The other night a worker at the gas station near my apartment was hit in a drive by shooting but god forbid I complain about the gangs because “they come from broken homes”. I do too cunt, so do a lot of people here and we’re not doing this. God forbid I show any anger towards them, as if they don’t make life for the people who live around them worse. There have been girls walking home from school harassed by pimps and other moids on how they can “make some extra money”. I’ve had a homeless man chase me down the block saying he was gonna fuck me to death. It feels like every week I’m seeing EMS coming by to narcan some fucking loser on the sidewalk.Sorry but I have no more sympathy left in me, it went away years ago. I hate these people who’ve never had to live in section 8/low income areas telling us how to think and feel as if we’re too stupid to realize the situation we’re in. What’s even funnier is that this friend NEVER comes over to my place to visit because she doesn’t feel safe and yet she understands the ~struggles of poverty~ because she was broke for a couple years in college. I’m trying to work my way out of here so for the time being let me hate on other poors ffs
No. 1457538
>>1457531It’s a workaround and I’m not telling you what to think but in case you’re trying to move through social circles where they don’t tolerate hating on the homeless and you find yourself saying something negative (god forbid!) you can get around the social friction sometimes by adding on “bless their hearts I love all people of course” or whatever and they’ll let it slide because like you said they don’t really understand. They’re just signaling, you signal back, save your real thoughts for close friends who understand you lol
Can’t believe she called you ignorant. that’s fucked.
No. 1457545
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My parents are alchies and I hate that it took me almost thirty years to figure it out. Why they would fight so hard at night and then pretend like everything was fine the next day (turns out they sober up and don't remember the night before), how "cocktail social hour" lasted until dinner (I always thought non-autists were just that social), how they would be fine leaving me alone for hours to talk to online strangers while they partied with friends below (that's normal, parents don't want to spend all their time with their kids, right?), why their friends would randomly come into my room when they sneaked upstairs (of course they would when my parents showed them around the whole house before they partied, including a visit to my room).
I hate that all the signs were there that my parents are neglectful alchies who adopted a baby and then continued to party like 30 year olds while raising it. I hate that the alcohol has rotted their brains enough that dad is no longer the moral pillar he once was and mom is just waiting for the entire family to die off so she can use the money however she wants. Most of all I hate that I still love them and want to be with them before I kick it. They don't deserve it, but they're all I have.
No. 1457590
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I know I shouldn't seethe so much over a two note post but I'm so fucking tired of seeing people hating on female characters. How is a traumatized teen girl even comparable to a misogynistic movement?
No. 1457625
>>1457590"Incel" literally means "involuntarily celibate". The term has been taken over in recent years by the capital I Incels, but outside of that bubble it is still used literally by people.
I think that post is not wrong, Shinji isn't an incel even though people who haven't watched the show might think that based on memes they saw, whereas Asuka is one in the literal sense of the word.
No. 1457720
>>1457710Anon they know about my husbando because they asked me about my keyring and I said aha oh that’s my fancy man and now it’s a running joke at work
I’m fucking losing my mind this is worse than when I unlocked my phone to show my sister a photo of the haircut I wanted but I forgot I’d been browsing rule 34 before I locked it. Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck
No. 1457723
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>>1457703how can one actually be this retarded
No. 1457724
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>>1457703>>1457720the best thing you can do is keep owning it and double down
No. 1457727
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I've fallen out of love with my partner. I'm with him because he continues to support me financially but he us unattractive and does not show me the affection or trust he used to. He doesn't listen to me when I tell him what's wrong.
No. 1457744
>>1457735Not hilarious/weird ones
nonny, I’m sorry. Just a couple of memey, mentally ill anime characters.
No. 1457747
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>>1457703loooooooooool oh no
This is why you should do work shit and internet shit on separate devices
No. 1457770
>>1457752not telling
>>1457754Sounds like that could have gone way worse anon (especially with the kind of content in the Shayna threads)! Thanks for commiserating with me, I feel a bit less of a fuckhead knowing someone else did it too
No. 1457815
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I wish people would stop trying and utterly failing to commit suicide in the exact same subway station every month goddamn, let me go back home on time you fucking idiots! Do it at home!
No. 1457858
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I'm gonna complain about public transportation again but in six months here's what I had to deal with:
>no bus anywhere near my place for july and august which means I had to go everywhere by foot when it was 38°C for way weeks
>shit ton of issues with the planes on holidays
>then after that one technical incident with the subway once per week at least
>someone commits suicide on my way home but survives so every station is closed off until she's removed from below the subway car, I had to arrive home super late
>even more technical issues after that because fuck you
>a few weeks ago there was a shitty touristic festival so it was nearly impossible to go anywhere because of retarded tourists for 4 days straight
>last week saw a guy nearly getting stabbed by a crackhead, the guy had pepper spray on him and avoided getting stabbed but it was super close, the crackhead only got arrested at another station a few hours later according to the news
>today a technical incident happened and got solved 1 hour later
>a few minutes after that, a guy committed suicide, failed, and I was stuck downtown AGAIN because removing him from below the subway car without ripping him in half took time
>first thing I see in the subway station when it's open again is the guy's blood on the rails
>CEO of the company announces that monthly subscription prices will increase in 2023
How have I not lost my mind yet?
No. 1457951
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GOD I hate boymoms so much!!
No. 1457972
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I just had a session with a new therapist wanting to address the intense social phobia that has plagued me my entire life even now that I have made a lot of strides in managing my mood, that anxiety still remains etc etc.
Of course immediately after going over my mental health history she fixates on my bipolar disorder. She insists this is my depression making me avoid eating (because I'm scared I will run into my housemate and have to make small talk and the awkwardness is so painful I would rather go without eating- not because I don't have the energy to eat and am in despair) and I need to get my medication changed and just would not stop trying to fuck with my current meds.
She also did something I hate when therapists do, which is hyperfixate on one singular anecdote that was meant to be an example of one phenomenon I want to discuss so instead we only talk about that one anecdote instead of the phenomenon.
She seemed like a sweet lady but I do not want to go back to her and I'm thinking about just lying to therapists and acting like I have no prior mental health experience so they see me as a blank slate.
No. 1457983
nonnie, I also think it sounds like a good idea to start over with a new therapist. I can relate to having a doctor who would just not listen to me. It's frustrating. Honestly if your therapist is already not listening, she probably won't improve?
No. 1457986
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it's so goddamn humid. who do i need to murder to turn down this humidity permanently
No. 1458033
>>1458031agreed, i hate it. it sucks women are silenced and cannot speak about this without being ostracized or worse.
also, all these trannies, tims and tifs, are fucking sore on the eyes. all of them are so damn ugly. they have a certain gross nasty look that i find the worst. "look at me im so speshul and hawt!11!!!" no stop plastering your faces everywhere and put on a bag, fugly.
No. 1458057
I feel dead inside. Yes I work on myself and do positive affirmations and I have good health and all but it's too much just how everyone treats me, and each other. People are so fucking miserable and self centered and selfish and they are liars, they only look to exploit others for gain, they are all trying to use you, they are all fake. Everyone. And I hate hate hate even trying anymore to exist in this world where every interaction, every attempt, every situation puts me in a position to be harassed and criticized and attacked. I'll just try to have happy peaceful moments and someone tries to ruin it. Insufferable. I want to throw up thinking of all the shit people have done and continue to do. I want to go outside but I want to be invisible or alone, the thought of other people makes me really sick. It doesn't matter how you feel, everyone is out there with a huge chip on their shoulder and their looking for the next prey. I know exactly why I isolate, don't let anyone in, don't socialize, don't use social media, don't want attention. It's better this way.
And yet I still like to publicly write it out on anonymous forums. Why… because I know I am not alone feeling this way.
No. 1458064
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I’ve been forced into a Cinderella situation but unfortunately for me, no ball with a prince wanting to whisk me away is happening anytime soon. I didn’t think I was in an abusive situation but as things have gotten worse, I’ve been unraveling what has happened to me and it’s been difficult to accept that I am experiencing abuse. Abuse is complex and I’m trying not feel so dumb and naive. I’ve had my good intentions taken advantage of, been gaslit, isolated, and blocked from advancing in life. My only goals now are to take care of myself and escape this.
No. 1458086
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>>1453219can't live in my apartment because the noises from the neighbours annoy me. Can't live in my parents house because the presence of other people annoy me. I'm not even talking about noisy people btw it's just hearing other people walk, turn on the water, watch TV, snoring, general normal human sounds annoys me. My only hope is to live in an isolated house in the county but that requires a driver license which I don't have because getting a driver license means I have to subject myself to NOISE
No. 1458095
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god I know it's a common complaint but I really fucking despise that making friends online now is nigh impossible unless you're willing to deal with the worst degenerates that any community has to offer. every single hobby I have has been invaded by horny TIMs who can only talk about themselves. a mutual on one of my socials invited me to a discord. and it was fine for a while but there's this one fucking TIM who won't shut the fuck up about estrogen, posts deranged porn in SFW meme channels, fetishizes lesbians, and looks like a freak show taken right from the MTF thread. I can't fucking take it anymore. my generation is so fucked. even my fucking side job. my boss gets harassed by a TIM who siphoned over $4k in kickstarter funds so he could fly and fuck a married man with two kids. that's not even the extent of the drama with him. how am I meant to connect with people. how do I even do this shit anymore. if I don't subscribe to the troonshine I'm ostracized.
No. 1458099
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>be me in high school
>cheat in every math class, pay people to do my homework, nag my friends to do it, anything to avoid actually learning the material
>go through all 4 years without retaining anything and graduate without high school math knowledge
>now in college, can't do math beyond an 8th grade level at best
>my high school laziness has fucked up my life
>i'm nearly 3 years into a useless bullshit major (which i chose bc it didn't require any foundational math courses) and cant switch out of it; my college requires basic math credits for p much every stem/useful/guaranteed money making major
>so i've locked myself out of every field except art or foreign language or the equivalent of gender studies
>lately i've been really wishing i went into something more technical at least so i wont be guaranteed broke in real life
>it would take way too long for me to actually learn the YEARS worth of high school and now college level math i missed
>i can't pay my own taxes, my dad has to do them
>can barely manage my money
>i'm still too egotistical and embarrassed to seek help learning basic child level math as an adult
No. 1458175
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I hate my features. I especially hate my thin lips. I’d do anything to get rid of them, but I can’t afford fillers. I want to do gothic makeup and stuff like that and dress in the style I desire but my features would just make it look like crap. Why am I so insecure, nonas? I’m trying to treat myself by getting my hair professionally colored for the first time and I’m really excited about it, but I know the problem is my face. I feel like I will never be beautiful.
No. 1458227
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Genuinely considering going off my antidepressants because they make my mouth so dry. Water doesn't help, no matter doesn't matter how much water I drink, my mouth is constantly dry. I even got that saliva-replacing gel from a pharmacy but it only helps for, like, 10 minutes. And then my mouth is dry again. This fucking sucks.
No. 1458262
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Tomorrow is my birthday and my mother keeps proposing what SHE wants. She wants to have a pancake “birthday breakfast” tomorrow when I couldn’t care less about pancakes or having a planned breakfast at all. I tell her this and she says well fine I can just cook you some eggs and everyone else can have pancakes. Second she proposes we change the cake from the bakery we always get for a 1/2 slab Costco cake or an ice cream cake. It’s not an issue in price. I don’t really give a fuck but I don’t see why I should be bending to her preferences on the only day mine matters. And then she says oh well we were thinking wings for your “birthday dinner” again without any fucking input from me. If she wants it to be a pathetic little new years celebration she can just say that. On top of all this retarded planning she INSISTS I get a new iPhone as a gift when I have already told her I have no interest in getting a newer phone + I’d rather have an android or a flip phone. But she says she’s going to drag me to the apple store tomorrow to replace it. My phone works fine. This entire year she’s been complaining about how much money I cost her (by going to a cheap school and having hobbies sometimes) and she insists on buying me a thousand dollar phone I don’t want. Why can’t anyone ever be normal
No. 1458279
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out of nowhere i've started getting really bad vertigo/motion sickness (?) anytime i play certain video games. after about 5 minutes i get really nauseous like i'm about to vomit and then dizziness and headaches. I was really enjoying a new game until I realised it was causing my sickness. wtf. I've tried fiddling with the picture and speed settings but I don't think it's helping. this sucks
No. 1458295
>>1458290this makes a lot of sense, now i think about it. boooooo (but thank you for explaining)
>>1458289thanks unfortunately i already tried that. i think i'll just need to avoid first-person games. oh well
No. 1458300
>>1458279Pokémon Scarlet does this to me.
Triggered a full blown migraine complete with blindness in one eye a couple of days ago. It sucks because I was finding the game really fun.
No. 1458342
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whichever nonna said browsing ovarit is like going into a retirement home was right cause what the fuck is this comment lmao
this oozes middle aged mom with internalized misogyny that takes it out on her daughters.
>encouraging moids to dogpile on a kid who just helped take down a human trafficker
>boomer tier nickname insult
i feel like i'm on facebook when i go on that site sometimes
No. 1458384
>>1458354i dislike her too but i find the hatred towards her disturbing sometimes, especially when she was younger. grown men
seething at a young girl speaking her mind (even if ultimately it's just greenwashing shit that she spouts) they wouldn't do the same to a young boy in her position. I'll reserve those levels of hatred for men.
>>1458342>browsing ovarit is like going into a retirement homekek
No. 1458399
>>1458384i hate her more
because she's a woman, she's making us all look bad and i don't care to defend her.
No. 1458593
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I was robbed a few months ago and I can’t get over it. My ex boyfriend stole a fucking $700 necklace that will never be reproduced again from me then moved across the country. Even worse, it’s one of the only gifts my mother has ever given me and she’s currently declining in health in the hospital. I just want to stop being attached to material things but I can’t help but be a little angry and sad. It was something my mom gave me, you know? And it was the most valuable thing I’ve ever owned.
No. 1458594
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i realized i've been so pissed off lately because i'm about to start my period but now i'm even MORE pissed off just knowing that. bc i'm sure i'm not overreacting to the way everyone's been treating me but they're 100% gonna blame me acting out on my period. killing everyone is the only option
No. 1458616
>>1458594Right there with you
nonny. We shall persevere and all who fuck with us will get their dues, rest assured.
No. 1458647
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>>1458121god, this too. small art communities really fucking suck now. glad you could find some gems within it who aren't batshit crazy. I knew a TIF myself who was extremely porn addicted, wanted to know everyones fetishes, would post hentai, the whole shebang. she started skinwalking me for some ungodly reason, even though I'm also a woman. (mostly dealing with artwork, personality, vocal quirks, weird dumb shit) my other friends noticed and slowly pushed them out of the group. definitely freaked me the fuck out. hope you've found good places to hang out in nona.
No. 1458687
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I'm in my 20s, and I feel like I've lost my entire youth to my mentally ill parents.
I know I'm not technically "old", but I've missed out on so much. I don't feel like a human. In so many ways, I still think like I did when I was 19, maybe even my teenage years. I was robbed of the chance to live, and as a consequence, it's like I barely grew up. I wish age wasn't defined by number of years lived, because I feel like "maturity" is so much more than that. I'm scared I'll always be a faint outline of a person, always playing catch-up, knowing there are hundreds of milestones I'll never reach in time.
No. 1458756
it's one of the only places left on the internet where it can feel like you're interacting with other humans instead of bots and people who just spout so many memes that they're functionally the same as bots
No. 1458778
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>mom knocks on my door
>knock knock knock
> “ANON!”
>knock knock knock
> “ANON!”
>knock knock knock
> “ANON!”
>I open the door
I think I mostly hate the show because of this shit
No. 1458784
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>>1458778I'm dying laughing I'm sorry I love your mom
No. 1458843
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I feel jealous of how close people are to each other, yet at the same time I want to be left alone
No. 1458863
>>1458827I called a herpetologist and this is more or less what they said:
It's weird no one wants to take the diamondback terrapin from you, they're very sought-after even if they are hard to take care of. No one wants red-eared sliders though (maybe try a package deal with the terrapin).
Do you have a local craigslist (or equivalent)? If you search for "reptiles" there's usually individual reptile enthusiasts advertising that they take rescues. Sorry if you already tried this. If you're having trouble finding a rescue, search for places that sell turtles and they are likely to know someone who wants them.
Are you thinking of releasing them in the wild? If you're anywhere near the red-ear's natural habitat release it in your local duck pond or river – you'll see some other red-ears there if you've found a good place. They're a bad invasive species elsewhere, don't do it if they're not already living there.
The Terrapin will probably die if you release it in a bad place and it's very hard to find a good place they want to live. Would not recommend. No. 1458873
File: 1672454840929.jpg (Spoiler Image,438.11 KB, 1453x2050, ear.jpg)

>>1458871She drew on me and the dots were not over my existing piercings and were beside where she thought would be the most symmetrical. I asked her to pierce through my current holes and to forget the third piercing.
She refused to touch my first piercing in picrel because she was afraid it would tear my ear. She told me I would have to go get botox or filler cause my ear was too damaged to be repierced and how the placement and healing for it was awful once again. It got stretched because when I was in high school–like 2007–I wore hoop earrings that got caught on my top and pulled that ear. For some reason she was treating me like my piercings were new and like I had been wearing hoops yesterday. I had to explain to her that I had no control over the piercing gun placement when I was a little girl, and that I had not worn hoops since high school in the 2000s. Then she got blood on my white shirt and blamed me cause she didn't tell me to hold the tissue on my shoulder in place while she walked away…I didn't even know I was bleeding and she was the one who pointed out the blood.
>Should I just go to a different piercer or will no one really touch my ear? I never thought my ear was
that damaged and this lady had me feeling like a fucking negligent freak.
Also sorry for the two-post, new text body limit is retarded.
No. 1458877
>>1458876My theory is that cause I don't look "alt" enough that she thought I was a retarded normie, so took that as her call to educate me in the only setting where she has any power to be a judgy bitch to a stranger.
All she did was reduce her pay from an easy $100 to less than $60.
I was still polite to her and tipped, knew it wasn't a battle worth having.
No. 1458923
>>1458842>>1458845>>1458853I came to say how empty I feel
These also express how I feel
No. 1458924
>>1458593 where did he move to?
No. 1458962
>>1458958Yeah, it sucks right now. I wish the bunker threads were still going strong. Even when stupid, at least I was entertained.
Do we know when everyone will be able to access the site again?
No. 1458971
>>1458863did you call a herpetologist just for that
nonny? you are very sweet nona
No. 1458981
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sorry to be a drawfag in the vent thread but i was thinking about how the year of the ox made twitterfag and instagram shartists draw hentai cow girls and then realizing it is gonna be the year of the rabbit im anticipating more degeneracy a la bunny girls uwu so i tried to draw a more gnc bunny gal i will take my ban if this is retarded. happy new year nonaitas
No. 1458990
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I don't like the character limit
No. 1458996
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>>1458990everything is so gay now
No. 1459000
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>>1458981love this so much. wish there were more
terf furries out there (hell, even more normie women in the hobby would be great). I get that hobbies for social outcasts tend to be filled with troons, but I wish I could actually find at least a small group of actual women who like drawing anthro art for the design aspect without being literal sexual predators
No. 1459004
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>>1459000Nta but I agree, I think everyone who draws furries unironically end up becoming degenerate because it's so well accepted in that scene. It's a shame because a lot of furries seem very talented, from sculpting and drawing to animation and sewing too, seems like a great creative outlet except that you will always get shamed because everyone else is so fucking gross. I am not a furry or have ever been interested in being one, but seeing this cute drawing + some other cute less
problematic drawings out there made me wish the same thing you just said. Terfy furries would be kinda cool.
No. 1459021
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>>1459016Tumblr will simply never be the same and twitterfags migrating there are making it even shittier now. At least it used to be chill for a while but trust me, I've heard tumblr is getting real bad now as well. Funny because those ex-tumblr fags who ruined twitter and the whole internet + real life as a result of the porn ban are now coming back in hoards to tumblr but now 10x times worse.
Also, I hate that most people quit tumblr due to the porn ban and decided to make twitter (a 99% normie website back then) so degenerate and gross. Now society is so much more degenerate too and normies behave so stupidly thanks to the tumblr bred brainrot that became total cancer. I just don't trust anyone who quits a website due to them banning porn. Fuck that.
No. 1459024
>>1459016ayrt thanks for the advice but I'm kind of scared to try discord. I've heard terrible shit about it. And the stuff that
>>1459018 said.
>>1459021Damn, I was going to say 'what if we all just made tumblr accounts kek' but you have dashed my dreams. It really is hopeless.
Fuck now I want to make a sm site more than ever. There's clearly a need for a less cancerous internet experience for girls/women, but I don't want to get doxxed and have to moderate scrotes rage posting cp.
No. 1459027
>>1459024You can still make a tumblr account but encountering shit will be a given
nonny. I'm sorry.
>There's clearly a need for a less cancerous internet experience for girls/womenAgreed. So much this. All people have is tiktok now and tiktok is full of stupid shit and porny crap. It's never going to stop.
No. 1459029
As a poor kid, I thought I'd end up much more motivated than others to earn money because I knew what being poor feels like. Nope, min wage, unmotivated, can't focus or find will to live. When I look at my peers now, the young adults from broke families are the least successful. I know poverty is inheritable, and I don't want to sound lazy, but growing up in a poor family, more likely to be dysfunctional in general, drained the will to live out of me at like 12. Me and the 2 poorest girls at school were all like that and became friends. Today, they are not successful either.
Factors people think of as small, like my one middle-class friend who always got her smart educated dad to help her with all her math homework. Just having family members who are educated in general. My parents didn't even go to high school, I remember starting HS without a clue because my parents couldn't tell me anything about it or how it works.
No. 1459031
>>1459029Don't give up
nonny. Success is a matter of patience, those people might have it easier and it's true money and care helps, but I think we shouldn't give up, from a poorfag to another.
No. 1459037
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radical feminist weebs are insufferable. Yeah we get it, you are so much better than us for not watching scrote anime(except for that one or two exceptions you make with some excuse) and you only watch josei and anime made by women and we are so shit for consuming moe art made by moids, despite anime being a medium largely for and by moids and most anime cult classics only being made because a bunch of moids were autistic enough to sit and draw for hours while being paid a bag of rice per finished drawing just so they could see the anime tits go boing boing. Now can you go please? i want to discuss my shitty cute girls do cute things anime.
No. 1459046
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>>1459037>Yeah we get it, you are so much better than us for not watching scrote anime(except for that one or two exceptions you make with some excuse)Kek I hate this too, it's always the lamest excuses too
>and you only watch josei and anime made by womenI legit hate josei as a genere. Nana bores the heck out of me. Shoujo ain't shit either
>and we are so shit for consuming moe art made by moidsthis is also infuriating, I like looking at cute art too
>Now can you go please? i want to discuss my shitty cute girls do cute things anime.Kek I'm not into moe anime as I find it boring but I like your vibe
nonny, I think we could be friends.
No. 1459072
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>>1459069its fine, i am tired as well.
No. 1459074
>>1459059Holy shit, are we not allowed to discuss the media the thread's about? Even if everyone else in that thread disagrees with me, it still wouldn't be off-topic so anyone's allowed to say something negative as long as it's not an attempt to bait and derail (which my post obviously wasn't). And no, it wasn't meant to "put myself on a pedestal", that's just you again assuming shit about my person, I was just sharing the fact that I feel kinda conflicted because I really used to like that kind of art but these days I find myself unable to enjoy it, except for the games that I've grown attached to, which is probably how other anons feel like as well regarding anime in general. I actually think it's pretty cool that you like what you like and that you're not afraid to say it, it's not like me saying "I wish it wasn't all moidshit because the art's pretty good" is the same as you being persecuted by evil radfems who want to force you to read josei kek. And by the way that's another shitty assumption of yours because I barely know any josei or shoujo titles compared to seinen or shounen.
Well, sorry you took it that way or thought I was trying to be aggressive, but I was not even trying to discourage anyone from liking your stuff, I mostly just wanted to see if anyone else felt the same way or start a normal conversation about it because I'm actually interested in that topic.
No. 1459082
>>1459050Not when other people feel superior over liking josei and not liking those icky icky animes made by moids according to that anon
>>1459061Might be retarded but let her vent please
No. 1459085
>>1459077let her vent
>>1459074I like you
nonny, your vent is
No. 1459088
>>1459077>it was an off-topic ranting about ''moidshit'' media and your opinion about it, which is offtopicOff-topic "rant"? But all bishoujo games
are for moids, and I was talking specifically about the ones you had posted in the thread and referred to in your post that I was replying to. I was talking about PC-98 games (a notoriously male-dominated scene) all the time, maybe you misread and thought I meant in general.
Just get the fuck over it, if I had tried to ruin your thread, attack you or make myself seem superior, I would've called everyone a moid or something like that. In any case there's a game I liked called True Love ~Jun'ai Monogatari~, it's in English and playable online.
No. 1459089
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I'm finding way more pro ana blogs on tumblr than I used to. I do feel bad for them and hope they get better but why do so many people with ed insist on dragging everyone down with them? exactly what do ana chans gain from giving strangers eating disorders?
No. 1459090
>>1459082>>1459085the duality of nonnies
>>1459088your post was obviously very agressive, you literally responded to a post where i was telling another anon that not all images are from eroges with ''so its just all moidshit''. Again, make a anime critical thread. Its impossible to discuss anime anywhere without people jumping to politisperg and moralfag, no one needs to be told pc98 games were for moids, we all know it and we just enjoy the art or some enjoy the games as a guilty pleasure, we dont need you to come and sperg about something obvious, the thread is to dump images and discuss games and you didnt contribute to any of that.
No. 1459092
>>1459089>I'm finding way more pro ana blogs on tumblr than I used to.zoomer twitterfags migrating to tumblr
>why do so many people with ed insist on dragging everyone down with them?They want to be the #1 wannarexic mean girl, all of them, it's even worse in anorexic discords
>exactly what do ana chans gain from giving strangers eating disorders?Nothing and that's what makes it the most retarded shit ever
No. 1459096
>>1459037you spoke the truth and it
triggered all the weeaboo "radfems" that only watch boring shit like nana
No. 1459111
>>1459110And also, like this
>>1459050 nona said, you can like media, even scrotey media, while being critical of the bad stuff in it. There's nothing wrong with talking about it and sharing your opinions, and that's what a hobby board is about anyway.
No. 1459112
>>1459089People have been saying that being anachan/heroin chic body is coming back in style. And with the Kim K and others losing a bunch of weight and reversing the BBLs it's probably inevitable now. Pro ana social media is likely only to get worse and worse. Though I thought you could report it, don't most social media have policies against thinspo and the like?
I kind of wonder if the trans stuff will wane in popularity with teenage girls and be replaced with ana/mia as the main self-destructive fad. Surely it will get played out at some point. Not that I want teenagers to have ed, I just want kids to stop transing themselves.