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No. 1406489
Discuss what you hate about zoomers, their current trends, shitty behaviours, predictions on their future, etc.
Previous thread:
>>1066254 No. 1406635
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>>1406619>old at heart ok man
No. 1406870
>>1406598learn how to recognise satire or irony first.
No. 1406878
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Zoomers are insufferable
No. 1406890
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I’m glad all my embarrassing bpd movements won’t be online forever unlike zoomers
No. 1406894
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>>1406885picrel, shitty zoomer moid meme that basically translates to "hmph, women stupid". often used in comment sections of videos of women failing at something/falling/giving hot takes to say 'femoidz st00pid'.
No. 1407353
>>1407065Some zoomers are in their early 20s, so they would’ve seen some teenagers or even their siblings walking around wearing Abercrombie and similar clothing in y2k.
But also, you’ll hear all the time about kids who weren’t even born at the time feeling “nostalgic” about it.
No. 1407677
>>1407658Really, with zoomers it feels like a hivemind. Their opinions change all the time (for example, saying “amab/afab” used to be acceptable to them, but now you can’t use it anymore because it’s “transphobic”), and if you’re not keeping up with what’s the latest correct thinking, you’re the most horrible person to exist. It really is black and white. If you don’t support all the “right” things, you’re a nazi or a
terf. Conform or be cancelled.
No. 1407697
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>>1407691I hate zoomers too, their fakeness personally affects me. I was a preteen during the time when anime/comics/videogames was shifting from ''that thing weird people like'' to becoming cool and i suffered the most for it, people that used to bully me in school have tiktoks making anime dances now. People that used to make fun of me for reading comics in school now are the biggest Marvel shills thanks to Disney adapting comics for mainstream audiences.
>>1407693I used to think this site was filled with failed zoomes but i think it's mostly millenials. Still, feels nice there is another nonna like me out there.
No. 1407781
>>1407780They are. They have "minor" in their bios (like are you 10, or are you 17?) and cling to that identity for as long as they can, desperately using it as an uno reverse card for whenever they get called out for any shitty behaviour. TikTok kids will literally mock you for being an old age ugly hag when you're like…20.
I can't wait until they all turn into adults and actually have to face the consequences of their actions for once.
No. 1407783
>>1407714same and i
just fit into the category of zoomer. maybe it's because of my country. but when i was learning ballet, the teachers would just grab our legs and force them into splits until we screamed and cried. we were what like 5-8 years old. my parents made me eat things i was allergic to untill my teen years because they thought i was only being picky. now a zoomer sees a video about autism and assumes they have it because it's the new quirky thing, along with adhd, and exaggerate everything in their life to fit a brand new box. zoomers can't just exist and deal with their shit on their own, they somehow have to make it into a personality trait to experience anything, everything is a core and vibe.
No. 1407828
>>1406878I hate to agree with a boomer
comic but this is funny
No. 1407833
>>1407824>>1407782crystal cafe is another more visually appealing alternative but that place has apparently been infested with troons recently. pity, I'm madly in love with their little
terf mascot.
No. 1407840
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>>1407780That's the sad part of zoomies to me, I was in high school 13 years ago and time flies. Like if 2016 or whatever felt like a moment ago to you, that feeling is only going to accelerate… you'll be like wtf 2030 is around the corner. You have to look forward to life and not despair that your teens are behind you. Personally they were my saddest years. No respect, no money, immature and just terribly insecure. I think of aging as a new season of life now, with some things much easier and new challenges arising. For me personally one example of that is I have much more creature comforts now and can afford things I only dreamt of before, and I was a hopeless NEET at 20.
I also think because zoomies are such an "aesthetic" based culture, they perceive aging way too sensitively… some really cannot grasp that yes you can still look hot even if you look older than 25.
Plus I think dating is already a cesspool with millennials… I can't imagine how Gen z males are towards women irl, especially with the accessibility of manosphere content to make them combative and miserable.
No. 1407858
>>1407841I only discovered that site this year so idk but damn it to hear that, now where the hell do I go.
Oh well, stan bio-chan though.
>>1407840I feel bad for zoomer straight women, stuck with those subhuman things called men. The goddess should have blessed them with lesbianism or at least bisexuality kek
No. 1407964
>>1407851I honestly can’t recall a single one of us actually wanting a trophy or ribbon just for participating. We all knew that was the “bad” award and it meant you hadn’t actually earned it. Yet boomers would hand them to us and go “LOOK! YOUR GENERATION EXPECTS TROPHIES FOR
Boomers are so weird.
No. 1407971
>>1407964Yeah. I will never not hate boomers and gen x for literally blaming zoomers for how they raised
>Muh participation trophiesWho gave us those?
>Muh tablet/smart phone kidsFrom my experience it's usually parents who buy their kids the latest phone or whatever to flex, then encourage them to use it then wonder why they live online/get groomed
>Muh makeup/slutty clothes/fake hair, nails and push up bras at 12!!Usually parents fault as well, children don't have money or cars to go buy those revealing clothing and +3 cups push up bras and thongs or expensive makeup.
>Muh anti social behaviorWell maybe dont villianize your kids for having sleep overs and act like them going down the street will result in them being brutally murdered
No. 1408000
>>1407989They're also projecting the fact that everyone previously was brainwashed into thinking if they aren't genetically perfect there's something wrong with them and they aren't worthy enough for relationships and families, they just carried it generation and generation. I'm slightly mute and have trouble speaking due to lung issues so my boyfriend usually translates for me when we go out but when we first started dating his family was against me because "I have problems and wouldn't be a good mother because of the genes I'll pass" but they deny their own mental health issues among the family because they know they'd be hypocrites by admitting mental issues but expecting genetic perfection of anyone else
Of course boomers don't apply this when they get dementia, Alzheimer's or PTSD (only for military men though! Not even for military women)
No. 1408004
>>1406647You're allowed to listen to good music at any age, unless you mean contemporary music; in that case, just do not listen to the radio.
Anyway, reading this thread and the criticisms of zoomers, it's clear that a lot of zoomer behavior is inorganic and just conditioning from older people/social media/corpos/social engineering, etc. I think zoomers would be normal without social media. I really think that's the crux of everything going wrong with younger people.
No. 1408013
>>1408004i think that when people say this they mean that they want to be part of a 'scene'. sure you could just listen to older bands but humans are social creatures and want to be around other like-minded individuals, especially musicians and music fans.
>it's clear that a lot of zoomer behavior is inorganic and just conditioning from older people/social media/corpos/social engineeringi 100% agree, zoomers are way too influenced by older people (hence the constant reboots) and have no confidence in their ability to create their own artistic movements/scenes so they just rehash old shit or go for easy corporate garbage.
No. 1408018
>>1408013I think the influence you're thinking of is also due to social media. Zoomers can't really create anything yet, at least not most zoomers since the oldest zoomers are 25(?), media aimed towards zoomers are still being made by millennials. I do think more zoomers should be getting into actually creating music and being in bands. I know a few people who always talk about being in a band and making music and they never do anything.
I wonder if zoomer literature, and I mean literature not shitty fanfic and Y/A shit, will be written in a nihilistic way, or with a certain malaise and misery.
No. 1408025
>>1408013Every subculture wasn't completely standalone and original, but was built on top of prior ones and evolved over time. The difference now is that the aesthetic has been completely removed from the music. It used to be something that accompanied the music and how you identified others who liked the same things you do. You knew what to expect when trying to find other punks, emos, goths, whatever. Now your average alt looking egirl or eboy probably doesn't even listen to any music which would be considered alternative. Everything is separated, so you don't really have organic movements or scenes anymore.
>>1408018>I know a few people who always talk about being in a band and making music and they never do anything. Being in a band is lots of drama, but also it has sort of become obsolete. The popular thing is the one man/woman band, where you just produce everything yourself and upload it online. Nobody does shows anymore and a lot of the places where you could even start out doing shows have gone bankrupt and disappeared.
No. 1408032
>>1408025Well I prefer live music and real instruments over digital one-man projects anyway
>>1408028Yeah people rather play vidya than their guitar I think
No. 1408034
>>1408028I'd start a misandrist (ska) punk band if I could actually find other misandrist women who played instruments besides just guitar. Everyone just learns guitar because it's popular, I remember back in the day being the bassist in 4 bands at once, just because of how unpopular the instrument was. Never mind finding drummers.
>>1408032Yeah a lot of people prefer that, but it's not that easy to start a band or keep it going. It's a shit ton of drama. The best is if you can have an all female one, but that is easier said than done.
No. 1408044
>>1408034>misandrist (ska) punk band holy based i can play guitar (badly)
>>1408025>Being in a band is lots of drama, but also it has sort of become obsoletedisagree, even within electronic music there are lots of groups and duos, i'd prefer to be in a band because it's much easier to come up with good ideas when there's a pool of different ideas and perspectives to choose from, even if that entails a lot of bitching and fighting.
No. 1408208
>>1408044>it's much easier to come up with good ideas when there's a pool of different ideas and perspectives to choose from, even if that entails a lot of bitching and fighting.That's not the kind of drama I'm referring to. Any mixed gender band basically ends up with one of the scrotes trying to fuck one of the women, whether either is in a relationship or not. I could've gone on tour and actually make it if I didn't have a problem dealing with the scrotes, instead of having to get into a boring soul-sucking field. Then there's also arguing about when to practice, everyone now having jobs, responsibilities and never having the time to come together, living further away etc. Having to find a place to practice, the more instruments the more room you need etc. It becomes a lot easier to do it alone in your room, than to find a place where you can actually jam, especially in this economy. Having a garage is a luxury. Then there's also the issue of
>>1408205 what this nonna talks about. Kinda missed the boat by this point and there's no way to make it anymore unless there's nepotism involved. It would be nice to have the ideal band and we all live close together and have the room to practice and can actually get gigs like before, but I don't see that happening.
No. 1408228
>>1406662My music taste is worse than that of boomers I listen to 200 years old war songs.
>>1406656I think so. I believed to be a condemned spirit of an alien that was forced into a corpse of the person my body originally belonged to when I was a kid and teen so it's probably something like that.
No. 1408232
>>1407714I cannot relate to them either.
To me hiding weaknesses, trying to overcome issues and weak points, adoring strength and all that was always an inherently human trait. I wouldn't say it's bad showing it but they did a 180° turn and call it good now. Everybody competes in the
victim olympics, everybody feels proud being a
victim, being incapable, being mentally ill, they brag with traumas I don't even believe they have and they start fighting over who is the biggest, most oppressed
To me it looks like a shitshow from kids that want to infantilize themselves and be treated as unstable snowflake toddlers by the rest of the world.
No. 1408363
>>1408249it's the fault of the listeners/consumers, if people listen to corporate garbage like doja cat and other tiktok shilled "pop stars", then they will invest money in that direction. it's up to the listeners to make an effort to discover new bands and not just listen to old records if they want those days to come back. also like
>>1408274 said, the sheer amount of content online drowns out most cool acts, we have to find a way to do this shit irl or through alternative networks online because social media is not the answer.
No. 1408446
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>>1407697my disappointment with the younger zoomers was when anime was becoming popular they still only watched the most popular, newest shows. while i eagerly recommended older non-coomer anime they were "wtf uhm ok that's like so old" or "ooh i should watch it" but then never finding the time. and modern anime is harmful in that it reflects coomerish porn beauty standards, infantilizes and stereotypes female characters and is usually harem or shounenshit with barely any depth. at least some of them like nana.
No. 1408580
>>1408239No, I mean over women trying to define themselves by aesthetics or "core". I've seen girls trying to constrain their hobbies, routines, and mannerisms to fit certain aesthetics. It's insane.
Ideally, people should just try perfumes and see which ones they like–not overlook their own preferences because it doesn't fit their aesthetic.
No. 1408951
>>1408274>>1408274The thing that is disappointing now is that there are still smaller events and gigs like that happening, but zoomers as a whole aren't passionate enough about anything in general to keep them afloat. Like what was discussed before, everything is about aesthetics and whatever "core" is trending. The only way that anyone in this age group has gotten to the position of keeping a small venue running is with rich parents, but since most are so coddled they can't keep anything going and would rather give up when the opportunities have already been handed to them. And of course it's never been easy, but I have personally seen so many zoomers fucking ignore every piece of help that's been given to them that allows them to start being passionate about something. I've seen whole groups of people pitch in money to keep venues alive, and instead it's all been wasted on personal items because they can't manage anything for shit and have absolutely no social skills. They will ghost you instead of trying to work out an agreement on anything. Then if it's not run by zoomers, it's run by older adults who couldn't care less about anything as long as they're making their money, and of course nobody wants to put the time and effort into making anything work, they'd rather give up after a few months so nothing ever sticks. There will be kids who have tens of thousands of dollars worth of equipment and are too scared to leave their town to play a gig anyways. I've known people who have had their parents buy them a fucking van to tour and a garage to practice in but they've never even driven outside of their town even though they are in their early twenties. And good luck finding anyone who doesn't just want to copy aesthetics of genres and actually stay committed to making music together. I am just really sick of people giving up so easily on everything. Something that I've noticed too is that putting in effort into anything is deemed as cringe, but after all the time spent wearing their costumes of Kurt Cobain they could have been building their own identity and practicing together even just for the fun of it. It's really isolating, and of course it gets worse when you're a woman since you're always going to be seen as the potential fuck. Then another thing is I think they just like the idea of being in a band and glorify it like any other aesthetic. The main thing is no longer about music, but about getting any bit of attention and getting high then posting about it on social media. I wish it wasn't this way and I hope I will find genuine people who really want to make art together for fun and have a close friend group instead of whatever is happening now. I've been put off from going to anything local now because of the narcissistic attitude that most have. I'm sure it's not the case everywhere and it's not like such things haven't happened in previous generations but the spirit just doesn't seem to be there in the same way it used to be. I really thing social media killed us. Nothing is done as a hobby unless it's for attention in general. It's like everyone is a zombie walking around for a dopamine rush and if they don't get it instantly, then forget about it. I agree that there needs to be some sort of way to spread things around by word of mouth again without too much social media, it's just finding enough people to make it happen is hard especially when they are so quick to quit. Sorry this is so long and I probably sound like an arrogant boomer but I really can't stand how much things have changed in so little time.
No. 1409072
>>1408799Is it correct saying that most tranny handmaidens are zoomers? I’ve noticed that it’s zoomer enbies/tifs that will cape hard for troons, far beyond the “TWAW” chant. They will make art, pick battles online for them, make ridiculous “all twanswahman are bootyful” posts, kiss their asses online and offline, etc.
I’ll see the occasional millennial do that stuff, but I feel that most say they support trannies to be “politically correct”, and don’t jump through so many hoops.
No. 1409158
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>>1408013>>1408580tangentially related to the "core" or "-goth" thing…it's annoying as an oldfag when a semi underground style movement becomes ripped off and sold by corporations…for example picrel, there's been a quiet movement for years of sustainable garment crafters who sew with scraps, upcycle, use old fabric from other textiles, etc in a sustainability effort and desire to evade trends and fast fashion. usually the garments are charmingly shabby, patchwork, etc. and now retailers like urban outfitters are mass producing the shein quality version of the style to zoomers who then turn it into a "core" on tiktok and now you're involuntarily lumped in with them. this cycle happens with a lot of lesser known "styles" and usually the originators went thru a period of being made fun of/negative attention until all of a sudden its cool and now people compliment you. i went thru years of being called grandma, librarian, babushka, other backhanded descriptions by people who still wore jorts and Doc 1460s for wearing long skirts, baggy sweaters, satin and lace, nightgown, whatever. and now it's called "whimsigoth" ?? (barf) and is trending on tiktok and Instagram. same shit with "fairycore" aka millenials who grew up loving Amy Brown fairies and emilie autumn types and sewed dresses out of old doilies…the charm is extinguished every time this happens. the styles rise and burn out faster and faster and people will now always associate you with some bygone "core"…
No. 1409234
>>1409158slightly ot, but I worked at Urban Outfitters for a couple of years and can confirm the quality of in-house brands is mostly horrible. especially Out From Under, their lounge/undies brand. then there was one pair of pants I recall very well. every pair on the rack had a busted zipper. a girl came into the fitting room to try them on and asked if we had any with an intact zipper in the back or if she should order them online, and I quietly told her that if every other pair on the rack had a busted zipper I couldn't recommend buying them at all. they'd all be shit quality. I frequently watched garments be destroyed before they ever left the store.
their jeans are pretty okay if you don't buy them at full price though.
No. 1409259
>>1409158i am just waiting for this to fizzle out too so if it hasn't fallen apart by then i can buy it actually secondhand instead of overpriced if i just wait a few months lol. zoomers are so unoriginal. i am technically a zoomer but i saw these things already exist, adults wearing these styles that now got -core renaming as if zoomers invented them. this patchwork style was used to be called boho, gypsy, hippie, free spirit, recycled. it has nothing to do with goth, which is a music based subculture. zoomers larp aesthetics and lives
>>1408580 yet can't search for the history of a single thing to make comprehensible claims. goth is music based, gothic is the style.
>>1408951 there are young people (older zoomers) at my local scene but they are so shy and sensitive that there is no scene really. events are organized and people at most compliment the artists but then split. maybe it's my fault for not wearing a pronoun badge. but i wouldn't even care if some of the new goths, metalheads were a little bit cringy, as long as we liked the same music and could share our finds and crack some jokes it would all be alright. thing is the average young zoomer shits pants as soon as you talk to them.
No. 1409268
>>1407857You're so spot on. I don't even know why anyone older than 99/98 is considered a zoomer officially. Everyone born in the 90s grew up on millenial, gen x, and boomer pop culture since well….that was all we had. The internet wasn't mainstream until the early or mid 2010s when smartphones took hold of the world. If you were online before this, it was considered very nerdy and weird like there was something wrong with you. I agree that there's a huge difference between a 25 year old zoomer and even a 21 year old one, let alone teenagers. They're not really relatable to each other especially in such a historical time where technology and globalization evolved heavily and quickly.
Following the thread of replies, I'm 24 and I remember everyone wearing Abercrombie in middle school. I had the same reaction when I saw it being sold for crazy amounts online, questioning why anyone would think that shit is cute or "aesthetic".
No. 1409280
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>>1409275>really uncannily gross like they are eyefucking themselves or trying to make themselves appear hot very desperately.>go to grocery store in middle of november>young girl giggling with friend>looks 12-15 years old at most>wears a crop top and short shorts>friend asks, "are you making content">dressed for summer girl runs ahead and starts flailing her arms and swaying her nonexistent hips>she raises her arms while making an ahegao face>next arm movements look like she is grabbing something and moving it towards her face>opens her mouth and rolls her eyes while keep flailing her arms above and towards her facei want this earth to perish.
No. 1409285
I would say this is rather specific, but the Gen Z obsession with believing and supporting liars. And not just falling for their lies, but it's seen as this act of radical kindness or whatever to support someone's delusions even if they are a self-admitted liar, even if there's proof they are lying, even if it's just so damn obvious they are lying, it's seen as this damaging thing to call someone out on being a liar about their identity or whatever. Guess what? People fucking lie, they cheat, and that's just human nature. People have bat intentions and we should be allowed to openly point it out.
Take for example, people demanding you use the preferred pronouns of pedos and predators and even people who are open about their identity being a fetish or a grift to prey on women. When you point that out, even in the most non-combative way, people accuse you of being "transphobic". Or another example, where people say it's "ableist" to call people out on faking disabilities or disorders. Yes, it's rude to just accuse anyone and everyone of faking, but them claiming that we should believe even admitted fakers and people who are proven liars just because it's ableist not to? Sorry, but what part about not allowing nondisabled people to bully disabled people in their own spaces is ableist? You see it a lot from self-diagnosed autists, who are just doing it as a fetish or to be quirky or to excuse their narc behavior.
I guess it kinda irks me in particular, but it's just so idiotic that they think this idea is not only acceptable, but should be the norm. They're openly and knowingly defending liars, predators and bullies just so they can virtue signal. The zoomer obsession with their backwards and extreme morality culture that just ends up silencing minorities and servicing predators, bullies, and men is insane and I can't wait until it finally blows over and we can just laugh at it.
Another one would be the fixation on using tone tags, if you don't know what those are, it's the /srs /s /j /nm, etc. You often see them on twitter or whatever and they're seen as being inclusive to autistic people when they obviously don't really do anything. I think it's kinda stupid for me to be mad about this because it's not really harming me as long as they're not demanding I use tone tags, which, thankfully, they do not. But I just hate the kinda condescending and robotic feel it has, like it takes out whatever personality they have and just replaces it with this robotic copypasta bs. If I need to clarify my tone over text, and sometimes I do, I say "this is a legitimate question btw" or, "I'm not upset with you" because it feels so much more respectful towards the other person you are talking to.
No. 1409287
>>1409280>calling it contentThis is all very blackpilling.
>>1409285I think this comes from extreme anti-bullying campaigns and how you can't even call someone a dummy without having to create a written apology.
No. 1409290
>>1409280normies do all this retarded shit now but shamed me for doing hare hare yukai
sage because I'm referring to the older normie bitches not just zoomers who are also making dumbass faces and dancing on tiktok
No. 1409295
>>1407857Not to be nitpicky but if gen Z starts at 1996 then only the very oldest zoomers are 26. The youngest are still finishing high school. But I honestly think the only nonas mistakenly complaining about gen alpha in this thread are zoomers and millennial moms.
There was a very similar phenomenon when "90s kid" was the more popular term for millennial (when old millennials entered their 20s), except gen z wasn't a popular term yet. Now that the whole millennial generation is in-or-around their 30s the cultural differences between someone born in 1982 and someone born in 1992 are not nearly as noticeable.
No. 1409314
>>1409275The internet made me realise that a lot of people are dumb and will piss their pants in laughter watching some shitty video in which someone over-reacts and shouts some bullshit as if it was the funniest shit ever.
Nobody has ever once linked me a single youtube video that wasn't an official documentary that wasn't fucking shit. There are no exceptions. Good youtubers don't exist it's all stupid shit and 80% of the videos are just blah blah, shitty insert jokes and self-shilling. The other 20% are summaries of things you already knew.
No. 1409351
>>1409345If you ever ate a shrek toaster strudle, you are a millennial.
If you ever ate a Minions twinky, you are a zoomer.
>>1409346I'm gonna be real with you, I don't understand what that has to do with what I said
No. 1409352
>>1409313Actually I think the internet specifically has the opposite effect in a lot of ways. For example with the 90s kid thing, a lot of millennials who were born in the 90s and couldn't possibly remember much more than NYE99 "remembered" the 90s through internet memes and TV re-runs. Maybe that's because "90s kid" became a cool identity you could easily claim and use for relating to other kids?
Anyway what I see is less "rapid changes in internet culture -> smaller generational culture time-spans" and more "the internet never forgets -> longer generational culture time-spans." Certain elements of culture, like fashion trends and slang and internet memes, are changing more rapidly than ever (or at least it feels that way) but those don't define generations. If anything, living in a world where trends change this fast is something we can use to put the oldest and youngest zoomers together into a single cultural unit.
No. 1409389
>>1409386This is for people who are straddling the border/unsure of which they are.
Obviously if neither haunted your childhood, you're a millennial.
Or older.
No. 1409406
>>1409396Minion merchandise plagued my teen years
I just wanted normal tic tacs and my grocery store only had minion ones fir like a solid year, they were fucking everywhere
No. 1409638
>>1409332>what ifWell, nothing? The generations are a very broad, slightly arbitrary (over)generalization of large groups of people, nothing more.
People shouldn't be putting so much value on the generations. Millenials thissss Zoomers thatttt wah wah retarded bullshit.
No. 1409671
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>>1409664samefagging, but had to post this comment from the video.
No. 1409678
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>fandom discord w mostly zoomies (18+)
>sex channel filled with stories about zoomerfujos sucking off trannies, eating man ass, etc
Jfc y’all. Yeah, us grannyfujoshits have rape fic and yaoi hands but I don’t remember literally licking dirty male anus being a thing.
They even get normie girls to do it now. Zoomie farmers friends don’t let friends play with troon shitters.
No. 1409680
>>1409285My favourite thing about tonetags is that they do the exact opposite of the tone they're supposed to convey usually.
Especially the not mad - /nm and not being rude - /nbr. Every time someone puts those at the end of the sentence there's a 99% guarantee they're being a passive-aggressive asshole.
No. 1409682
>>1409346Harry Potter was my childhood, my entire bedroom was themed after it. Still a zoomer, just a cusper who has a lot in common with millenials over other zoomers. Honestly feels weird to have other zoomers just a couple years younger scream
terf at you over it already, because they don't understand having grown up with it and the nostalgia. At most they got into fanfic waaay later in their teens and get upset if you have any sentimentality towards the source material or movies.
No. 1409832
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As a middle easterner I despise this increasingly american zoomer classification as a ‘person of colour’. I am indeed tan but we only classify animals by skin tones not humans. this is an American disease that some of uber-westernized colleagues have adopted as well
No. 1409838
>>1409832I get the need for talking about racism in america, but the constant chanting of "we are different, they are different, we are NOT the same" is honestly hurting people more than helping the way it's done. It's like before if you were tan, you were just a tan person. But now you're an oppressed minority whose ethnicity has to be on full display at all times, and you and everyone else must see how different that is from others and that it makes you a constant
victim. It's very othering and creates more segregation rather than less.
No. 1409847
>>1409832It's dumb because it re-inforces a dichotomy between those who have color and those who "don't", even though pale skin is also a skin color. Not only that, but it's an ineffective and confusing way to talk about ethnicity/skin color because a lot of people from "ethnic" countries have white skin, but there are also places where people of the same skin color genocide each other. Whenever I see someone use the words "
poc" or "
woc" it makes me roll my eyes back into my head because it's such a regressive and stupid way of saying "minority", which is what people used to say before twitter.
No. 1409880
>>1409851>idk why it's seen as an American thing when every German or Dutch boomer complains about muh auslander and allochtonen yeah but the point that you're missing is that that's the term boomers use, it's weird to see young "progressive" people be like that.
>the unhinged racism of the early 2000'skek i feel like i've seen this post before
No. 1409899
>>1409832Tbh this doesn't bother me that much but in all fairness I was bullied a lot for my skin and features and I'm also from a MENA country (still am) so I do relate and share experiences with other '
poc' around the world in a way the whole tumblr
poc thing was very comforting years ago to me.
What does bother me is Americans lumping everyone together especially when they share nothing in common. I'm not the same as the Middle Easterner diaspora in the US and it's hilarious seeing upper class MENA people claim the same oppression points (despite being light skinned) like it doesn't work that way.
No. 1409900
>>1409891in my country extremally racially and ethnically diverse country, we use ethnic terms first and foremost for but for color we have 4 terms, one that means black skinned, wheatish skin(most common expression for brown or tanned people), a term for light skinned people and wazari(for people who are light skinned and have colored hair)
I mean there's a billion things wrong with my shithole my country, but the expressions and rhetorical method we use to talk about race seems way more functional
No. 1409929
>>1409682Good for you. I think most normal people don't give a shit about jk being a based
terf. There are still huge lines to queue for her HP stores in nyc and California. And most fans openly wear the colors or merch from their house.
This generation of zoomers are seriously looking for any reason to be mad and will have a big reality check once they are working real jobs and not just Starbucks.
No. 1409942
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Lol absolutely disagree. I remember following myspace and Facebook pages with cringey poetry, quotes or whatever made in MS paint with some emo kid or black and white picture being posted regularly, especially in regards to romanticizing cutting. Hell don't you remember Ohio is for lovers? Or any other song about cutting or depression emo kids loved? Millennials wanna act like their cringe wasn't trackable as if they didn't start the trend of living chronically was absolutely worse back then. Gen z is trying too hard to normalize mental illness for sure but millennials treated depression like some dark edgy cool things that no one else understands, there was even competitions on who is a "real" cutter. Millennials are just showing their memory loss because romanticization of mental illness was an extremely active and real thing of the 2000s
No. 1410057
>>1409946Nah. Zoomers are enabling a lot of the tranny shit. When the trans issues came up with millennials, a lot of the rhetoric pushed was “they’re just like the rest of LGB, they were born this way! they’re a female brain trapped in a man’s body!”. A lot of the support was to humanize them, “let them pee”, etc. The degeneracy and what we know them to be, AGPs, wasn't really talked about yet. There was also still a distinction between “sex and gender”, where there was still acknowledgement of sex, but a decision to choose gender (MTF or FTM). Someone could still have “genital preferences” and not be too horribly criticized.
A lot of gen x supporters were fag hags and didn’t realize that TIMS weren’t “just gay men”. They didn’t realize how many are transbians. More gen x is getting peaked with recent events though (like trannies joining womens sports, or Dylan speaking for Ulta).
The goalposts keep moving and a lot of Zoomers have been supportive of it. Most of the extreme shit (calling lesbians “non-men loving non-men”, saying tranwahmen are “no different than cis women”, “dick can be female and vagina can be male”, calling any lesbian that doesn’t want to touch “girldick” a
terf) is being spewed by naive zoomers that refuse to grasp how predatory TIMS are. A lot of female Zoomers ARE trannies (TIFS and Enbies), because it’s “what’s in” now. Zoomers are perpetuating it.
No. 1410720
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I don't even hate this girl, or American/Arabic names for that matter but
>Be zoomer American
>Unironically repost meme from account called percosexual with a MLP profile picture
>American names have zero meaning and are recycled
>Quick google search would've informed you the meanings do exist and are Greek/German/Celtic
>Literally 150 million + people out there named Muhammad
I swear sometimes zoomers just fart shit onto the internet without any prior knowledge or thought because shitting on themselves culturally is seen as based by twitterfags. I genuinely feel sorry for the average burger at this point.
No. 1411177
>>1411106>Zoomers are max at age 26.>It's just weird how you can blame a bunch of high schoolersExcept most people over 18 aren’t “a bunch of high schoolers”? Kek. You’re pulling a lot out of your ass. Yeah there’s some millenials that defend the tranny stuff, but zoomers are just as much responsible for this madness. Even if millennials/gen x initially fought for more transgender acceptance, zoomers are happily listening to troons further demands and pushing it to the extremes. I believe Millienials and Gen X didn’t intend to create this aggressive rhetoric against lesbians and all of this misogyny (non-men, birth-giving people, etc) when they began supporting trans rights.
>>1411159Now you have Hunter Schafer playing a tranny in Euphoria, which IS a popular show. He’s 23, so zoomer age by your definition.
No. 1411187
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Zoomer moids love to laugh about beating their girlfriends, raping children and calling being raped a "skill issue" (is that what the meme is called?) while they all look something like this, kek
No. 1411231
What's with some zoomers and all of them describing their political views as "anarchy destroy the government grrr"? It's obvious they've never been actually disadvantaged in their lives and grew up in a happy middle class family.
They think the solution to society is to abolish all systems, as if society doesn't move smoothly without every type of job working together. Like who is going to sell and manufacture your medicine when you get sick, kid?
>>1411187It's usually just kids being trolls because they haven't developed their brains yet and never will. Though you could've spoilered that…thing, kek.
No. 1411284
>>1411258Maybe it's just my country then kek.
>>1411279On web you can turn your blog into well, an actual
blog. Customise where all your text goes and indent and align shit, it's fun.
No. 1411309
>>1411271>>1411283A 24 year old with a family has more in common with a 24 year old NEET than a 34 year old with or without a family.
Life stages are a thing people can have in common, but no one uses them to define generational groups because everybody moves through several of them.
Generational groups are better defined by things like major events and trends in parenting and education, because the things that happened in the world and the way your parents raised you will never change.
No. 1411839
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Zoomies larping as 00's emos while being genderspecial blm lgbtbrap+ supporters is so funny to be. The original cringelords of the 00's were super fucking edgy and there are several cases of these nutjobs ''joking'' about murdering someone then actually killing them. Zoomies would probably shit and piss their pants if they were to meet face to face with an emo teen from the 00's, the emos would probably call them faggots, drop the nword several times just because they think its funny, defend hitler and then show them their self harm scars then proceed to ask them if they ship ZaDr or ZaGr and stab them if they dont like the answer. Zoomers are unhinged but in a lame pathetic way where they break down and cry if someone says something mean, they would lose to the skinniest emo faggot of the 00's without even starting the fight.
No. 1414895
>>1414779Person: Spends or invests money
Zoomers: What a piece of shit!
Person: Gives away money
Zoomers: What a piece of shit!
Hurr durr capitalism minimum wage wah wah
No. 1415401
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Zoomer moid "jokes" about a five year old girl who got raped so badly she got paralysed. I'm so close to a-logging the same fate upon them.
No. 1415415
>>1415408"transgender" is supposed to mean you're not the gender you were born with, if you're nonbinary then that counts as a form of transgender I guess.
No. 1415705
>>1411839and there was also alot of pedophilia and sexism with the 00's emos too. There is a reason why emo's back then used to be hated and made fun of by everyone.
Lol imagine defending early emos who gut bullied/hated by normies, i guess thats the only noteworthy thing you did huh.
>>1411870even back then that was considered bad, do you remember the pull threads about them that called them out.
>>1415401there is no difference between them and the millennial men of 4chan and reddit.
No. 1415712
>>1415706this reminds me of the age-gap when i was 15 and a 21 year old guy was interested in dating me. Everyone around me was okay with it though. I was creeped out and didnt date him so he moved onto some 16 year old girl (who also bullied me).
Idk i dont see what happened to me as grooming since most people around me were okay with it, no one cared at all that grown uni men were dating freshmen.
No. 1415837
>>1415408Some Zoomers were talking about some drama unfolding at work: a former co-worker called the police on her
abusive boyfriend. However, since all the Zoomers know the boyfriend is genderspecial, they used "they/them" pronouns throughout the entire fucking conversation when referring to the heinous shit he did to her. Clown world.
No. 1415855
>>1409832God this pisses me off so much as well.
German here, it doesn't help that classifying people by "race" (as in, the word "race") is racist here. If anything you name the nationality (Iraqi, Italian etc.) or the ethnicity or region if you know that, but you cannot say race and the fucking skin color is such a dumb shit like to them there are only three people in this world, the whites, the black people and the Asians or something which erases all cultures and conflicts that shouldn't be allowed to be ignored.
There is no "white culture" as there is no "black culture" and I hate seeing this shit everywhere online. It's even worse when progressive people use it and see no issue with this. But they can probably not even name more than 10 countries so they start arguments about whether a Bosnian or Italian is "white" or not, whatever the fuck white even means to them.
>>1409851Those are literally the racists that do it, "Ausländer" isn't even correct since most people they whine about have German IDs.
My beef with this is that it's used by progressive people too and it came from the US even though woke Europeans are starting with this shit as well now.
No. 1415907
>>1415861It’s not surveillance, just the constant fear of being cancelled and the moralistic environment the internet is in right now since the 2010s
Even redditors and 4channers are weirdly moralistic at times.
No. 1415939
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Is millennial the new boomer?
No. 1416002
>>1415437>>1415534>>1415713Ah I see the males lurking here with their
victim blaming. Thinking a 30 year old should be with someone in her early to mid 20s is gross as fuck.
No. 1416066
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This is the kind of behavior I find most zoomerish: believing some extremely common term of phrase was invented by zoomers and comes from tiktok
No. 1416270
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>>1416255not any of those nonas but honestly at this point the topic is so deeply retarded because, like…ok. the older men are usually on a wildly different wavelength and are almost exclusively dating her because she's young. Then the topic always goes to the lib fem type fixation on the choice of the younger party to enter into the arrangement. For example,
>>1415713 was judgmental. That
nonny didn't go into details, who knows–maybe she overstates the age gap contributing but adult grooming (like wtf it's a thing what are you guys on?) exists regardless with some unique signs involved - and can be worse depending on the individual and the abuser - and some nonnies are getting weirdly blamey about her experience, insulting her, etc, even though they don't know the full story. It's like the idea that she could be vulnerable at her age angered them or something.
No. 1416289
>>1416123you're definitely a scrote if you're implying that's the same anon who wrote that she was sexually assaulted
>>1416270you seem to be the only anon in here with a brain. i'm appalled at the response on this site out of all places. this is why the age of consent should not be as low as it is because this is the type of response women who come out as being sexually assaulted get after they turn 18. older men can still prey on young women even if they're no longer 17.
>>1416285a 24 year old who's brain hasn't finished developing is a bad match for a 30 year old man who's been done with college for 6-7 years. you're insane
No. 1416293
I’m an old zoomer and I have a question: do zoomer children not actually go through a phase where they say purposefully offensive edgy shit to be funny, or are they lying about not going through such a phase? whenever people get cancelled for stuff they said as high schoolers I’ve seen other Gen Zs claim that they never went through an edgy phase of saying wildly offensive stuff. I was born in 1998 and I definitely went through this phase as I hung around boys who were heavily into video game culture. I really don’t believe that such wouldn’t exist in regards to preteen/teen boys and girls who hang around them, since video game culture is stronger than ever and this
>>1415401 is like the 2022 equivalent of how my male “friends” at 14 would joke around but probably worse tbh.
So do edgy jokes and saying ignorant/offensive things still exist for kids? Because Gen Z wants us to think so but I don’t buy it as another Gen Z myself. It seems like they’re all pretending to be above it, I’ve heard that they probably have texts or private accounts where they behaved like the people they cancelled. I really cannot fathom how a 11-17 year old kid is so wise that they somehow have managed to avoid saying anything cancellable. Lord knows I would never have a job if they found my now deleted Facebook and dug through it to find me trying to be ~not like the other girls~ at 12 laughing along with shitty male “friends” misogynistic, racist, ableist, homophobic, twansphobic jokes. Most of the jokes back then do make me cringe but I will never feel bad for laughing at trannies so…
No. 1416319
>>1416286so you think google is the harbinger and judge of whether or not something exists and defines everything? There's different definitions of it; this one doesn't at all refer to relationships…."preparing a child for a meeting".
what an amazing definition.
No. 1416323
>>1416286That google definition is really shit considering grooming is not exclusive to the internet and happens irl. No actual physical contact ever actually has to happen and we all know this.
>>1416293Thank god the cancel culture police excuses people who makes offenses as a child at the very least so it seems. Tbh a lot of children don't ever have the edgy phase no matter what era they are born into. I remember being uncomfortable about a lot of edgy humor when i was a child, i never really found vulgar humor funny in general, but i would never voice this or else i'd be considered sensitive. For reference i am a very old gen z or a young millennial depending on who you ask.
No. 1416324
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>>1416286Grooming can be done to anyone regardless of age; however, you can face both state and federal offenses if someone underage is groomed (I think this applies big time if under 16 in the US). Usually referred to as child grooming when talking about someone underage.
No. 1416330
>>1416289Tired of that "age 25 brain development" shit. You're still an adult at 24. This isn't an 18 year old out of high school. You should already be in the workforce and graduated uni by that age. No one is denying
nonnie got abused, but she's a fucking adult at 24
No. 1416353
>>1416345Isn't manipulating more open-ended? Someone can manipulate someone without necessarily abusing them or grooming them, even if it's really shitty and often is used in abuse. And someone can abuse someone without manipulating them, or grooming them. Some abusers are just chimps, some are more calculated, but even a retard with 0 manipulation skills can groom a child.
Sorry, not really a good definition but I wouldn't use the three terms interchangeably. Only a small # of abuse situations follow the usual signs of grooming.
No. 1416421
Honestly I feel like a lot of early-mid twenties zoomers cling on being minors-by-proxy because they desperately want to be under the “wall” of 25 because that’s what they made fun of and bullied millennials for the longest time. They’re now ~old~ by their own standards so they desperately try to argue that early and late twenties are totally different age groups, only they are young and have no responsibility for their actions when compared to the absolutely geriatric 25-30 age group. Hah I bet they’re gonna say the same thing when they hit 25-30 in two years, they’re gonna be totally different from the 30-35 grandmas.
>>1416289Just fyi the brain is already finished with the very minor development it undergoes in your twenties by 23 to 25. It’s hardly comparable to the development during puberty though, people misinterpret this. Your brain undergoes changes comparable to the frontal lobe development during your twenties through your whole life, or even bigger changes. Zoomers in their almost mid twenties are proper adults, not still developing kids.
No. 1416423
>>1416345Grooming is typically used for children/teens. I'm sure some people use it differently but I think the baseline is adults who should be teaching/raising the kid doing so for their own malicious purposes, typically sexual. Either way it's a long term plan of continued manipulation for future purposes, not just a one time thing. Grooming is always bad.
Manipulation is just getting someone to do what you want (often making them think it was their own idea), meaning a child crying on purpose to get another lollipop manipulated their parent, but they weren't malicious in doing so. Can be bad, can be not bad. Can happen once or several times.
I think when it comes to severely mentally ill people or people with mental disabilities being manipulated into doing something it could also be called grooming, such as the whole trans movement. Your average trans person wasn't groomed, but the clearly autistic ones were.
No. 1416581
>>1416421She never said she was a zoomer. She said when she was 24 when it happened which means she most likely isn't a zoomer. It doesn't even matter if her brain was finished developing or not considering this dude was out of her age range, period. Learn to read.
>>1416330Caping this much for a moid who couldn't go for a woman his age is embarrassing. A 30 year old isn't in the same stage of life as a 24 year old and can absolutely have a lot of power over her. So much libfem logic here or either 18 year olds who are too young to understand that 30 and 24 are worlds apart so they just
victim blame the woman. I don't understand why act like 24 is some all knowing wise age when people in their 20s are dumb as fuck and learning a lot of things for the first time. Grooming could be the wrong word but nonnas blaming her for being assaulted need a severe mental health check.
No. 1416713
>>1416581there might be people who are
victim blaming here, but
>>1416330 wasn't doing it. she was just saying 24 and 30 isn't wild.
and honestly, how many things are 24 year olds learning for the first time? if we're talking about the average 24 year old, they've got their own job, their own place, they've had time to build up their social life. what else is there to learn?
No. 1417006
>>1416713If you think a literal 24 year old child is an adult then that's extremely
problematic. Zoomies can't identify as adults until they're in their 40s at least.
No. 1417012
I just saw this old post
>>202276 with Jenny Nicholson's brother, it annoyed me, and I didn't want to litter that thread, this one seems more fitting since the video is about zoomers and comparison of generations.
It just reminded me of something I was recently thinking about.
First of all, god it irks me he doesn't even specify that he talks about generations in the
USA. Or am I just being boring and it's something that's implied and everyone is supposed to understand that? It's just funny to hear about "innocent and carefree" 90s when I, as a slav, am used to completely different epithets. Didn't it cross his mind that people from other countries might've had another experience?
Secondly, I "love" the incredible depth of this analysis that basically implies cartoons and other media is the only thing that affects a person growing up. Oh so you watched your silly Angry Beavers, huh… what could you possibly know about
trauma? I watched
Gravity Falls and read
creepypastas, I'm ridden with mental illnesses and existential dread! "Most challenging childhood in the history" my ass.
And ok, even if the media were the only thing that matters. It's so unbelievably shallow. Every millennial I know was allowed to watch pretty much anything as a child, not only something meant for children. But even the things meant for children, either from the 90s or previous decades (btw another astonishing revelation: people can consume older media as well. and one more: millennials were born not only in 90s but in 80s, too), weren't as carefree as he describes. And that is what I was thinking about. I might be wrong about it, I don't follow newer children's media closely, but from what I saw, that's what seems to me as something really straightforward and simple, not to say primitive, in terms of emotions (both demonstrated and induced), while many things I remember from childhood were genuinely depressing and anxiety-inducing at times (which is not necessarry to make something "complex" or even good, I mentioned it to dispute the "carefree" bullshit). I could've been too sensitive, but even Toy Story and Rugrats (that he shows there in the vid btw) could make me feel uncomfortable, kek. Not to mention freaking All Dogs Go to Heaven or Brave Little Toaster or Once Upon a Forest (I don't even remember this one that good but I memorized it specifically as depressing lol). And it's just a few examples off the top of my head. I also feel like every animated tv show would criticize society or some cultural phenomena etc. in that way or another, while showing the psychology of human behavior and relationships, and darker side of things. Like wowie, even
then people could criticize capitalism and consoomerism, who would've thought. As to movies,
family movies in particular, there were also just too many, and I'm pretty sure I've already forgot some good examples I'd recalled earlier but, for example, The Witches was fucking scary to me, The Neverending Story wasn't that lighthearted in overall, and the same can be told about pretty much any movie about animals although it might be subjective (Beethoven made me anxious kek). And, as I said earlier, it wasn't even limited to family-friendly media, and there was other stuff as well, like games, music even, anything.
I feel like older media was more soulful actually, and it made you feel many things at a time. Most of it didn't treat you like a mindless child. Do I sound like a grandma already? It just seems to me newer stuff lacks nuance and depth tbh. Correct me if I'm wrong.
No. 1417078
>>1416713>what else is there to learn?completely unrelated to dating or grooming and i’m pretty sure the female brain stops developing around early 20s so no, you can’t be groomed by a 30 year old when you’re 24. but having a family, managing employees/a business, and basically just life are things people in their 30s-40s usually have much more experience with than someone in their 20s.
most women who have kids do so in their late 20s, and most upper management types are older. you also can’t have 10+ years work experience at 24.
on average a 34 year old knows more about jobs, relationships, friendships, education, etc than a 24 year old. unless that 34 year old has been a friendless unemployed single neet for 10 years. you could replace 24 and 34 with any ages, honestly, it’s not just a zoomer v millennial thing.
No. 1417100
>>1417032Empty egg carton/hitting the wall memes are mostly at fault for this. They'll realize they were being stupid when they themselves get to that age.
I hate seeing teenagers walking around in as much Wish-tier polyester neon clothing as they can get away with. Every single one looks like a walking red flag of annoying bullshit. It's only going to get worse if they bring back the cartoon character backpacks that were "in" in 2008.
No. 1417155
>>1417078I swore brains in general stop developing at 30. Either way, a woman can be manipulated by a man in her 20s. Men are sneaky pieces of shits. this is a lot of
victim blaming going back and forth.
No. 1417204
>>1417155What is the
victim blaming? No one is saying a 24 year old can't be abused by a 30 year old, just that it's not grooming or inherently abuse because of the age gap.
No. 1417490
>>1417204The issue with an age gap of more than a few years is that the older partner has a cognitive advantage that the younger person usually won't even perceive att.. til they themselves are that older age and are able to reflect on it. That's the trap. It relies on that level of naivety still being present in young adults. Other factors play into some women being more vulnerable to it too. LC is full of posts from nonnies who've been there and learnt this the hard way.
Plenty of women will date a 30 something year old man while they're in their twenties but then when they themselves reach their thirties they'd never dream of dating a younger man with the exact same age gap.
People who date younger are ultimately taking advantage of that blind spot the younger person has.. while they still have it. They want you to feel like you're not far behind them. That you're mature for your age and that magically makes you equals. Adults fall for that trap all the time. It's still an issue for women in their early to mid twenties. They live and learn.
No. 1418564
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>>1417490>when they themselves reach their thirties they'd never dream of dating a younger manspeak for yourself. when i reach my thirties, i'm gonna drop the guys with receding hairlines for the guys in their twenties that still have a full head of hair.
No. 1418612
>>1418564>>1418574you reminded me of that one
nonnie venting about a cousin of her's, the cousin was in her her 40's who perpetually had a sting of short term relationships with men in their 20's, honestly she seemed based asf
No. 1419858
>>1417012It took me a while to finish that video because his tranny voice was so grating. As for his statement about trauma not existing until after 9/11 occurred, it is an indictment of America's educational system. During the 90s in the States there were a slew of terrorist attacks (one of which was the Oklahoma City Bombing), the Rodney King Riots, Columbine, Waco, the crack epidemic, the start of the heroin epidemic, etc. Every generation during every decade in every part of the world had to go through some horrible bullshit of varying degrees because that's just life, unfortunately. Just because they didn't put it into cartoons for children meant to sell toys and display advertisements doesn't mean it wasn't happening and didn't affect the way people developed. The reason zoomers are so "traumatized" is due to so many of them not understanding how to have basic human interactions and developing narcissism from growing up on the internet in the social media age, not from any event or media they read/watched.
>>1407841Late and ntayrt, but cc didn't have that problem until spoony got banned from there causing her to throw a shitfit and post about cc to pol and r9k incels so they could raid the place. I still like cc, but before the moid and tranny infiltration started it was the chillest place.
No. 1420669
Full of these medicals bitches got several she eat the dick up like it’s an edible
>>1420501I mean wouldn’t it be more strange to lie about your age than to just say “minor”? Also some kids are embarrassed to say that they’re 12 and minor can literally be anywhere from like 7 to 18, so they have all the wiggle room they want without having to really be honest about their age
No. 1420690
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>>1420669>Full of these medicals bitches got several she eat the dick up like it’s an edibleis the AI acting up again
No. 1420700
>>1420436This, they want to cancel everything that
triggers them. They don't get that the older generations are actually more focused on their own lives then them. Maybe it makes them seethe.
No. 1422153
>>1422052woke, but extremely uneducated at the same time. It's a very dangerous combination to think you know what's right without any real research or facts to back your claim up.
They also all support sex work, which is the lowest way to degrade a woman.
No. 1422188
>>1422141>flexing their stupid little fetish test results (fucking why?)Zoomers didn't start this, millennials popularized it and created it, it's from fucking 2014. I remember when it were millennials and gen x-ers pushing bdsm shit on everyone through cosmopolitan articles, buzzfeed, vice, tumblr, vampirefreaks, myspace etc. Yet everyone now acts like this is a new trend. Next people are going to act like zoomers invented 50 shades of grey.
>>1422153>They also all support sex work, which is the lowest way to degrade a woman.>allZoomers are more extremist in general, characterized by polarization, meanwhile millennials are more likely to be centrist neolibs. There are probably just as many anti sex work zoomers as there are pro sex work, if you look further than cringe compilations.
No. 1422194
>>1422188I should’ve prefaced this by saying I’m an older zoomer…
>if you look further than cringe compilations Honeygirl you would be surprised at how the average/normal zoomers also have GMO fruit snackpack pudding frosted animal crackers mush brain. Many of them are pro simply because they are retarded and think supporting womens personal choice = inherently right decision to make
No. 1422196
>>1422150Facebook was originally only for people with a college Email address. No one else could sign up. It‘s how you planned and found parties back in the day.
Every shitty thing about Zoomers just sounds like every other generation when they were young, except every other generation couldn’t be told they were super special 24/7 so it was harder to go full retard for any real length of time before being brought back down to size. But social media really will be all of our downfalls because now you have millennials going along with some of the dumb Zoomer shit because they’re terrified of growing up. It’s internet plus millennials that is the real villain in my eyes. We’re the first generation to grow up with it and the long term effects look bleak as hell. My prediction is Gen Z will be worse and Gen Alpha or whatever the hell they‘re called may begin to pick up the pieces.
No. 1422197
>>1422188also samefagging to say
>It’s from fucking 2014 yes and almost 9 years later I recently saw my 11 year old cousin post hers.
No. 1422201
>>1422189Yeah I know, I'm an older zoomer and I remember that it were mostly millennials into bdsm libfem shit and every other zoomer was watching cringe compilations about it and thought sex work and libfem shit is cringe. The demographic for 50 shades was mostly gen x women. I sincerely doubt it was a 15 year old zoomer who created the kink test.
>>1422194>Many of them are pro simply because they are retarded and think supporting womens personal choice = inherently right decision to makeYou're not going to get any honest answers from zoomers anymore, because everyone is aware you get cancelled if you give a different opinion and could get fired or kicked out of college, but back when I was 15/16 I was openly anti sex work and anti trans shit and it wasn't that difficult to find other zoomers who agreed with me.
>>1422197Is it the fault of gen alpha and zoomers that there has been a constant barrage of bdsm shit online by boomers, gen x and millennials before any of them became of age?
No. 1422212
>>1422201Ok you’re allowed to think that it was older millennials too I really don’t care, but I’m talking about the zoomers who participate in the gross bdsm obsession and constantly post about it. Which is still actively happening and has been for the last decade, which you can see for yourself on TikTok. If you want a place to complain about millennials make a millennial thread. Also, I’m an anti-sex work zoomer who’s honest about it when someone asks me because who in their right mind is gonna fire an employee over thinking that it’s gross to sell your pussy for cash? I don’t know what world you’re living in where you’re getting fired for thinking that Tim Stokely’s new gen of prostitutes is predatory and unnecessary, but Lord it sounds like Hell on earth.
>>1422205Ok but it’s not the 90’s and early 2000’s. Anyone who tries to put themselves in this kind of mental bubble is retarded and obviously doesn’t function in society.
No. 1422234
>>1422210>millenials gave zoomers the tools, but zoomers created the world how they wanted it.The world already existed and was already created by the generations prior and every later generation has less and less influence.
>>1422212>I don’t know what world you’re living in where you’re getting fired for thinking that Tim Stokely’s new gen of prostitutes is predatory and unnecessary, but Lord it sounds like Hell on earth.A place where prostitution is legal, plus sex work also includes call centers and shit like that, it's not just "sell your pussy for cash". A place where sex is considered a right and where disability allowance can be spent on prostitutes. The funny thing is that I can find zoomers who will hear my fairly nuanced opinion out, even without them being from religious areas. Meanwhile millennials and genx are the first to pearl clutch, because they are centrist neoliberal and will always defend the status quo.
>>1422227Wouldn't it be that zoomers have genx for parents? Plus most of the content for older zoomers at the time we went online was made by millennials. It was the buzzfeed libfem vs misogynist nu-atheist YouTube era. If we would've been bombarded with radfem gen xers or boomers, probably would've turned out different, no?
No. 1422252
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Prime example of zoomers being weak little bitches. If you’re scared of a dickgirl saying he’s gonna kill you, why don’t you just defend yourself instead of feeding his egotistical delusions of grandiosity and power over women? Seriously. Go back to killing and dismembering these trannies.
No. 1422261
>>1422243>>1422250you're the ones consuming it without being critical of anything. your generation is the least critical of facts, you just believe anything that some fake doctor says on a tiktok video. and you
are the ones controlling the algorithm because all those big execs create things based on the responses they get. you're just bitter you're buying what they're selling when you don't have to and acting like it's everyone else's fault you didn't read what you signed. society is a give and take, but everyone has a choice. i can't believe you're victimzing yourself so much on lolcow of all places, where so many of us refuse to be what society expects us to.
No. 1422288
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>>1422285reposting because you are annoying and need to fuck off back to /tttt/
No. 1422297
>>1422288I don’t know what thread that is because I only use lolcow and crystal, but same thing as what I said in the other thread. Cry into your pillow over your
victim complex. Jannies can see my years of post history and know that I’m a fucking grown woman. Get over yourself and buy a weapon to defend yourself with.
No. 1422313
>>1422300just stop arguing with this nuisance. they are shitting up at least 3 threads with this garbage and have no brain. they just keep parroting "lul skill issue, i'm built different, people are only
victims because they choose to be, there is no other scenario that my tiny mind can understand!"
No. 1422323
>>1422313I’ve been a
victim myself, and I learned how to defend myself in order to not be victimized by men ever again. Not sure why this is hard to understand I’ve said it multiple times.
No. 1422328
>>1422314When did I say children were at fault? I literally said in an earlier post that the only
victims I feel bad for are children
>>1422326I’m pretty sure you’re the one going
>durdurdurbecause you’re incapable of pushing a button on a charged minuscule electric box. Do you have special needs?
No. 1422503
>>1422343Not diagnosed doesn't mean you don't have them sweetie.
>normal functional member of societyRobot detected?
No. 1422770
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>>1409285>the fixation on using tone tagsI haaate tone tags. I'm probably overreacting. It's hard to keep myself from mocking them when they're always attributed to sentences that do not need clarification… I got banned from a couple servers for saying stuff like "That sentence is clearly positive/negative, why did you add /pos? /neg?"
Kids are too sensitive online. I can't imagine they're like this in real life, trying to control everyone so they don't have a meltdown.
No. 1427092
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Do zoomers have outcasts like we did? I mean, now that that the line between real life and online is virtually non-existent, and the fact that many, if not all, "safe spaces" and hobbies are occupied by the cool kids and corporations looking to make bank off of formerly maligned hobbies, have the outcasts been folded in the monoculture or have they been cast away into dark corners or what?
No. 1427187
>>1427092Yes, its actually more severe now (the bullying) in the zoomer generation than in previous generation.
Im a zoomer and the weird people get either ignored, bullied or discriminated against by everyone in school, University, work etc.
No. 1427245
>>1427243she is a boomer anon, she is literally older than both gen x and millennials. Back in her day i bet she also complained about gen x and millennials when they used to be young kek.
Kinda funny for boomers to complain about other generations considering how shitty and bad they are, literally the most hated generation.
No. 1427310
>>1427224>boomerYou're either early millennial or late gen x, no way you're an actual boomer.
>>1427217I don't know, imageboards seem to have been dying a long drawn out death over a numbr of years. I'm almost certain 4chan is at least half bots and shills.
>>1427187Mind expanding on that? I don't go out much so I don't know any zoomers besides some zoomer co-workers.
No. 1427335
>>1427322as someone who is between the cut-off millennial age and the zoomer age (old enough to be a millennial but also young enough to be a older-zoomer)
i agree with you. Atleast in the past most fandoms were niche, obscure and made up by weirdos for weirdos and atleast the weirdos had the benefits of having privacy, now you have no privacy and could get posted to tiktok just for looking weird or ugly with thousands ofc comments making fun of you, and now modern fandoms are filled with normies who thrive on drama, fighting and bullying.
So there is no place for new-gen weirdos to have their escapism, i feel sorry for you. Im glad i was around fandoms when they used to be obscure.
No. 1427354
>>1427092My niece is 13 and according to my sister, she spends her lunches sitting alone. She's really witty, speaks only in irony, has dyed hair and dresses in goth-like baggy clothes so it's weird to me that she's an outcast with no friends. The only thing is that she's not allowed on social media. Is that really all it takes? Or just something more going on with her that I don't know?
Also she's petrified of being seen cringe so she avoids things like writing and drawing. I think that's really unfortunate especially when you're a preteen and no one cares in the long run
No. 1427356
>>1427346yeah, its even worse because its different people every day, so they know they wont remember me, and treat me as such. or i get targeted and tormented by the same people moids and girls to the point where i have to hide and leave uni as fast as possible. and now we're all adults. the professors and staff are a lot less help than they were at any point of school because like you said its something implausible but it happens, and they only have so many hours of the day and so many students to deal with within those hours. i don't go to a uni with a dormitory btw my family and i are too poor
and i am a diagnosed retard so its not like i would have been accepted anyway kek so its probably not like this everywhere. like i said if you're genuinely weird and offputting you're at risk of both in person torment and being recorded, there's so much pressure to be normal and if you aren't that's what you get.
No. 1427361
>>1427322>>1427092I am an old zoomer/young millennial and I have a similar experience to you. I was also kind of bullied in university too and tbh i kind of have people be very hostile towards me no matter where i go likely because of being ugly + weird. I always tried to get into fandoms and engage in communities but i could never fit in no matter what i did and i had no friends including internet friends until i found lolcow. I feel like nowadays there is a lot of normies in these spaces and trend hoppers, people are are actually outcasts funnily enough tend to be exiled from these environments because they don't fit the vibe. I'd also imagine having radfem views would also isolate you from a lot of other zoomers. There really is nowhere for actually outcasts to go anymore. Thinking that they would all go off and become trannies is just a gross generalisation because it suggests most of them are interested in assimilating as opposed to finding people similar to themselves.
>>1427314in earbuds are so fucking uncomfortable, it's not exactly a trend for a most people. Plus most of the headphones are expensive as fuck.
No. 1427368
>>1427361tbh in universitys the professors are typically the ones doing the bullying. Im surprised students are bullying you.
Do you go to a sorority by any chance because i typically see uni bullying done in sorority's or other culty religious/nationality colleges.
No. 1427405
im the zoomer anon so i cant speak for her
>>1427378>>1427379but don't sororities require some kind of recruiting and application ? i remember seeing some weird entry requirements way back when i was still in high school where the "leaders" would purposely put the newbies into psychological torment in order to get it. there is just no way i could ever step foot near anywhere like that im very far from even normie adjacent so even if i had the confidence i could never in a million years be accepted into one. and besides im a thirdie so they dont exist here
No. 1427509
>>1427497yeah the reason for me is im ugly retarded and most importantly im foreign
asian in a non asian country nowhere near that continent, in the third world kek they're relentless but what can you do when most are like that including the people working for the state funded university
No. 1428466
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>>1427479I like earbuds (right), but I hate in ear earbuds (left). Earbuds will hurt after a few hours of wear, but in ear earbuds are so insanely uncomfortable for me right off the bat. I know earbuds still exist but 90% of what I see when I walk into a target is all in ear, so I just opt for over the ear ones now even though they're big and clunky. I like having ANC without having something shoved into my ear.
No. 1431823
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>>1427092I wonder if zoomers even have a "ruined/killed my childhood" moment. The way the internet is now….
No. 1443046
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imagine being a 20 year old who does not have sex and coming on lolcow to derail cow threads with purity proselytizing. I hope she grows up.
>>>/snow/1725717 No. 1443056
>>1443046Imagine being so bored you post me, of all people, in the Gen Z hate thread…
Also why would I need to have sex at 20? Not all of us want children immediately lol. I apologized for the derail and stopped posting in that thread but all the points I made were legitimate, whether or not you agree is unimportant.
No. 1443090
>>1443082All I said was that abortion should be accessible to all
victims of sexual abuse/assault and that sex should only be had for the purpose of reproducing a baby, which is why sex exists. If you think that that’s “emotionally unhealthy” then okay, it’s perfectly fine if that’s how you feel about my statement. Also I’ve never disputed that I’m a child, but unfortunately I’m legally what’s considered an adult (in America at least) though I really don’t consider anyone to be grown until they’re like 40 kek.
No. 1443096
>>1443089Yeah because I am one
>>1443087Most people read something that they know they already disagree with with a negative undertone/voice inside your head. If you don’t wanna consume information and converse with neutrality you don’t have to.
No. 1443107
>>1443102For real,
nonny needs to grow up. This line of thinking isn't progressive, it's highly regressive hoo boy
No. 1443114
>>1443109I turned 20 a month ago
>>1443110I’ve never taken SSRI’s but I have been on anticonvulsants for a year and have had anorexia for almost four kek
No. 1443121
>>1443117Please go touch grass,
nonny. You're sounding like a homophobic grandma. Not everything is pornographic and to imply that just shows you don't know shit about actual meaningful sexual encounters
No. 1443126
>>1443122I grew up in Portland, and idk maybe it’s just different and gross here but I’ve seen some nasty shit that’s absolutely influenced my approach to having sex and I’m ok with admitting that bias
>>1443121I was talking about homosexual sex, not actual meaningful sexual encounters which I have had and I do know how healthy they can be for you but homosexual sex reaps literally zero benefits. My apologies
No. 1443148
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>>1443137Are you actually retarded
No. 1443150
>>1443142>>1443139>>1443140I think this anon is apart of this edgy group this anon is talking about
>>1442964 in the confessions thread. dont bother.
No. 1443161
>>1443152>when I was in college>turned 20 a month agoshouldn't you still be in college at your age?
I don't know what your deal is but you remind me of when I was 15 and I was an insufferable know-it-all and pretended I was older online and made silly mistakes like this and I wrote the most cringe nonsense about the facts of life like you're doing lol
No. 1443170
>>1443161I dropped out of college because I hated it and would rather work than waste money for a “degree”. Also if you think me saying that heterosexual sex only exists so that you can reproduce sounds like knowitall talk to you then ok
>>1443162It’s ok
No. 1443179
hate it when I see a video of a girl putting lots of makeup over her acne. Like why are you making it worse? Take a break miss
No. 1443187
nonnie, penis in vagina slapping isn't much more meaningful either if you put it that way. Sex is a form of bonding, and a way of strengthening your emotional connection to someone, physicalities aside. Humans are social beings, put the two and two together
No. 1443214
>>1443210I wasn’t the
nonnie who posted my opinions that I put in the leftcows thread. I tried to stop the derail there but apparently others were still wanting to talk more which I didn’t think was at all harmful
No. 1443225
>>1443215Yeah there are 8 billion people with millions dying weekly, and millions being born. It would be ridiculous to be bothered by a baby of an “opposing religion” (which doesn’t exist) being born because God still created the child and it inherently deserves to exist.
>>1443216I never claimed that I was creating children or initiating sex
No. 1443228
>>1443204I mean gimpgirl, tradthots and Shayna exist, so this absolute L of a woman could too.
Then again, it could be a farmer creating an unholy amalgamation of every pickme cow from /snow/.
No. 1443244
>>1443240I find it rather fascinating,
nonny. The Crone stage used to be a natural part of the life cycle that was equally worshipped. Would like to see your views in a different board
No. 1443245
>>1443237I don’t have the ability to police anyones personal choice or action, and I also never criticized anyone for being “incapable” of reproducing children. I criticized women who are capable of reproducing children and having heterosexual sexual encounters that are resulting in terminated pregnancies. I’m genuinely curious as to why a woman who knows that she is fertile would have unsafe sex at all if she wouldn’t want to get pregnant, actually. Because that is the overwhelming majority of women (at
least in the United States I cannot speak for other countries) who receive abortive treatment (besides miscarriage patients).
No. 1443257
>>1443253I wonder how she ended up like this.
When did she talk about bareback and abortion?
No. 1443281
>>1443277Physically the act was sex absolutely but it was not consensual, though I am still at fault for being stupid enough to get myself in that position at that age. I’ve said multiple times that I believe that kind of help should be most accessible to sexual assault and abuse
victims. Not sure why I need to keep repeating this.
No. 1443285
>>1443283What? I wrote multiple posts saying that babies from rape should be aborted because forcing a mother to give birth to a child who she doesn’t love and isn’t connected to would absolutely result in the child being abused/murdered. I’ve said from the very beginning that abortion should be given priority to sexual abuse and assault
victims. Do you need me to tag the posts or can you scroll using the fingers your typed with?
No. 1443296
>>1443277You see anon, she was totally a
victim when she chose to play retard anachan uwu lolita games with a man, but everyone else is an evil whore. Only her abortion is morally good.
No. 1443332
>>1443326Once again she doesn't know wtf she's talking about. Not every time is there going to be tearing or trauma, the body
does try to protect itself when it can. They're mostly collecting physical evidence on the body and clothing if possible.
Seriously just ignore this idiot and report her ass. She's making this entire thread about her and it's ridiculous kek
No. 1443338
>>1443332I’m not the person who posted my post from leftcows, and I don’t know why they did that and just left. I reported the post multiple times and it’s still here.
I also didn’t have tearing either but there’s still physical evidence that is visible besides tearing/blood…
>>1443331No, I didn’t go there the day it happened but the evidence/bruises don’t just disappear from your body as soon as 24 hours elapses.
>>1443333I said multiple times, over several posts, that I believe all
victims of sexual abuse and assault are entitled to high priority abortive care. You can scroll the fuck up and see for yourself.
I’m seriously nipping this derail here. I’ve reported multiple posts that have been made dragging out this argument, but my opinion does not need to be that important to all of you. Fuck whoever felt the need to drag a conversation that was in leftcows over here, I don’t at all understand being dogpiled on just for saying that adults having consensual sex should practice it safely and that sexual abuse
victims deserve on demand abortion. I haven’t said anything extreme or harmful, and I also have no control over what other people decide to do with their own bodies. If you want to have consensual sex just to have an abortion, go ahead and do it! No one can stop you, especially not me.
No. 1443339
>>1443329What fucking "traces of assault" you could possibly have when you admitted to willingly whoring out to old men? DNA traces occur from any barebacking, the only way they can "tell from your insides" is if you were penetrated with force strong enough to cause a rupture + signs of being beaten and/or fighting back. Anything else is not distinguishable from normal Christian sex for the purpose of reproduction.
You were given an abortion because of a no questions asked policy, and believed because minors can't legally consent, not because your "insides" showed them anything besides standard signs of intercourse and a blob of his stale nut.
No. 1443343
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>a girl assaulted in early teenhood, that fucked her up mentally, now she's a religion looney anachan
>a moid obsessed with calling her a whore
No. 1443349
>>1443338>I also didn’t have tearing either but there’s still physical evidence that is visible besides tearing/blood…Of course you didn't you whore, very few rape
victims do. The "physical evidence" is literally just evidence that there was intercourse, the rape kit doesn't show whether it was consensual or not. That's established through other evidence and circumstances (you being a minor).
No. 1443358
>>1443342So let me get this straight:
1. You get to question the validity and circumstance of other women's abortions, banning it when a
victim can't submit a rape kit on day 1 or "show from her insides" that she was raped
2. Subjecting you to the same scrutiny you're advocating for is uwu creepy and evil tee-hee
Yeah, that's not how it works. And given how much you seethe about sex for pleasure, there's little doubt you sought it for the same reason and was shocked when it resulted in you being used. The whole coquette pedowhore vibe checks out.
No. 1443364
>>1406489It is disturbing to me that they will never know existence before the internet and what people's energy was like before social media crushed it. Everything from younger generations feels suffocated and devoid of the warm free energy I remember before social media. Even in the 00's that energy was on its way out, and MySpace was kind of the beginning of it. The start of this squeezing the life out of innocence. People were already starting to seem like they had the freedom and easy going naivete choked out of them.
What took its place was a creeping desperation for validation, phonyness, points and it's still like that to this day
It would be nice if the internet just imploded one day.
No. 1443377
>>1443371Right, I agree. I just remember a lot of creepy older guys in those chatrooms and how it made it easier for them to access kids. I feel like obviously it's so much worse now with Twitter, Tumblr, discord etc. Yuck.
That's the part of being terminally online that squicks me out. How easy it is to groom impressionable kids and it's normalized behavior (i.e. trooning out, hormones, incel behavior.) Obviously this kinda stuff always existed but it's just so
everywhere now idk just makes me feel bad. Then of course there's the points you made about social media desperation and not having unique styles or viewpoints. Everything has to be labeled, a core, something. Grumpy old cavewomen rambling done kek!
No. 1443443
>>1443439Maybe if you get low quality foundations
>>1443441Clogging your pores is a meme unless you have sensitive skin and never wash your face. I stay hydrated and take vitamins but I'm on medication that makes me look like a zombie and removed any color from my face and gives me horrible dark circles. My circumstance may not be a one size fit all but there's plenty of skin issues outside of acne that can be covered up with makeup
No. 1443495
>>1443196What the fuck
Your skin is already bright if you take care of it, not cover it. You're a retarded consoomer.
No. 1443676
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I envy millenials, i just want to be cringe but free
No. 1443689
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>>1443680emos used to be beaten up in my country by skaters, lol. Its also sad how there arent subcultures anymore, i guess its because all of the fun teenage meet up places like malls, arcades, rental shops, alt stores, etc went out of business and most alt media like anime/manga/comics/music became so corporate. I remember when i was 9 or 10 and my first crush was an older emo guy who dressed like an stereotypical 00's weeaboo, he was the type of boy i was looking forward to date in high school, kek. It was so sad growing up without alt moids, all the guys were so samey and into shit like LOL, DOTA, Fortnite, Marvel CU, SAO and other crappy corporate media. Growing up in the 10's was so boring, i can barely remember my teenage years.
No. 1443700
>>1443698you should take one second and re-read my post
> Its also sad how there arent subcultures anymore, i guess its because all of the fun teenage meet up places like malls, arcades, rental shops, alt stores, etc went out of business and most alt media like anime/manga/comics/music became so corporate.there was literally nothing to do in the 10's but be online
No. 1443711
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>>1443700>there was literally nothing to do in the 10's but be onlineThat's just called living in american suburbs
No. 1443719
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>>1443711i am not even american and i live in the middle of a city. I am old enough to have seen teenagers in the 00's hang out in cybers/malls/skate parks/arcades/alt shops but those places were already defunt when i started middle school. I actually drifted apart from all of my friends because we had nowhere to go, we would sometimes hang out at my house and watch youtube but it was so, so boring. Its really sad that when i was a teen ''hanging out with my friends'' was us sitting in my room watching youtube or watching memes on our phones, i feel like i wasted my youth.
No. 1443773
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>>1443680I think a problem is that even if you're not terminally online, the rest is still and everyone just loves taking sneaky pics or putting you in the background of TikToks. So your cringe or whatever is still at risk of being broadcasted. Even when I was in secondary school, before TikTok but when Vine was a thing, people took videos of me dancing with a girl at a kind of prom because cringe alt lesbian. They shared it in groupchats and I still count as a zoomer. That kind of shit really ruined everything for me and forced me into the closet of shame and self awareness.
>>1443719I would just hang outside of a supermarket with a can of energy drink and a pastry. Main reason gen alpha will never get to feel what that was like, is because they're putting schools in the middle of nowhere now or barring students from entry because apparently many of us shoplifted.
No. 1445822
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not necessarily milk but i hate the way zoomers dress. what the actual fuck is this? no coherence to the outfit! the sunglasses, the pearl chain attempt, the patterns clashing?? REEEEEE zoomer fashion is so fucking tacky REEEEEEEE i want tiktok and its detriments to society gone REEEEE
No. 1445933
>>1407780Exactly! I think that's why you see zoomers with their mental illnesses in their bios or they larp as someone with a disability for the points.
/blog It's also annoying to see the neurotypicals who made fun of me for being autistic are now calling themselves autistic and going so far as to stim in a way that nobody actually stims.
No. 1447094
>>1443676>>1443689Fellow millennial here and these photos hit me like a freight train with nostalgia. It's true that there was just as much "cringe" back in our time but we had the benefit of not recording ourselves and uploading it to social media. Some did but it was not as widespread as it is now.
And the emos lol I remember crushing one 2 at my school back in 2006/2007and wanting to date one but I never did lol. But this also reminds me of how I used ro listen Underoath, Saosin, The Used, and Hawthorne Heights (Ohio is for lovers!). I think the thing I miss most about 2000s was it was the last decade where alternative people actually listened to alt music. Whenever I click on alt zoomers, they all play the same annoying rap music and I'm just left wondering to myself "Do kids even listen to rock anymore?" Makes me feel old kek.
>>1443773>I think a problem is that even if you're not terminally online, the rest is stillI do understand this. Whenever I go to my family gatherings, I notice that all my younger cousins who are zoomers are on their phones and ipads nonstop and I imagine myself if I was their age and not hooked on my phone, how bored I would be hanging out with people like this. This is why I'm so glad I was a teen from 2005-2009 before social media completely took over. Yes we had MySpace, YouTube, and later FaceBook but we weren't on these things constantly like how people are today with TikTok, Instagram, and new age YouTube. So I totally feel for the zoomers who aren't obsessed with social media yet have to content with the many in their generation who are which can make communicating IRL challenging
No. 1447114
>>1406889This is something that really surprised me as a millennial how apparently you can't say "retarded" or "nigga". I guess people like us are products of our time because I remember when these terms weren't offensive at all. I mean I know that "nigga" was somewhat controversial back in the 2000s but most of the kids in my school called each other "nigga" a lot, it was used as a "slang" word for friend/"homie".
I remember when I was at one of my old jobs around 2015, I worked with 2 zoomers and I called a situation "Retarded" and my one coworker was like "Dude you can't say that word!" and the other one gave me the silent treatment for a few days, I was pretty irked because that was the first time I learned about how these words are forbidden apparently lol.
No. 1460587
Is it a zoomer thing to be vindictive as fuck? Like is it just the trendy and cool thing to be? I'm not even talking about political stuff or anything but just whatever the subject, the more aggressive and hostile you are the better. I don't remember people being like this when I was in my late teens/early 20's, sure there were douchebags who acted like this but not as many as I encounter now. Can anyone tell granny if I'm just imagining things?
>>1447114I'm in my 30's and even in my ESL country you absolutely couldn't say "nigga" even in 2000-2003 unless you were on 4chan or something, you'd get your ears chewed off for using a slur. Don't know where you lived where this was acceptable.
No. 1460685
>>1460629>an all white schoolNope, whites were actually the minority in my schools.
>>1460675>they were too afraid to say anything.This, or utterly lazy. Useless moid teachers were too busy teaching the little moids how to stop girl fights while protecting their balls (projection that girls are more violent) and ignoring the rampant sexual assault.
No. 1461276
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What is it with zoomers casually admitting they steal? When I was a teen it was frowned upon and only the "scummy" kids would participate in it. I'm not one to give a shit about large corporations, but as who's worked in retail the blame for the missing inventory gets passed on the the minimum wage employees who're just doing their jobs? This isn't the "eat the rich" anti-authority behaviour they think it is.
No. 1461304
>>1461297They'd have to prove it's you who stole items first and foremost in order to fire you for a malicious claim, if you get fired because you were wrongly accused of stealing that's an easy defamation of character lawsuit right then and there. Also when stealing is high the
last thing stores want to do is start firing people because there's less employees which means less people to watch merchandise and customers. It doesn't work how you think it does, stores aren't going to see some dumbass teen girls stealing perfume and lip gloss and start pulling folks to the back and writing pink slips
No. 1461308
>>1461304Okay. Well at my job the thing right in front of me is money and I can't steal that because they count it sigh. Or candy. Actually there's nothing at my job I wanna steal
>>1461293Kek you're meant to confess sins/wrongdoings in church. Plus the priests aren't meant to tell anybody (I bet they do sometimes)
No. 1461309
>>1461307You sound annoying, I feel bad for any of your friends
>>1461308Everyone is referring to merchandise over money, most big chain stores usually over order to account for retail theft anyway and shoplifting in on most businesses insurance.
No. 1461348
>>1461344East coast? NE? That's a fucking lot to be making an hour barista-ing
and they are allowed tips? And they want a raise what the fuck
No. 1461356
>>1461337It's good money and all but I doubt these kids are going on trips to Europe solely with their income unless their using their parents money or they just have bad spending habits. I make twice this and I'd have to save over a course of months in order to afford just the plane ticket alone.
Although this will probably
trigger specific anons but I do notice zoomers have poor money management skills even when they're in the position where they make reasonable money. I knew people at my old fast food job in my hometown who would make the same as me (9-17 an hour) and would go on vacations across the state like every other month and have the nerve to complain about how they're not making enough, then when I suggested renting out a place for 900 monthly (low in area) they said it was too much but have no problem dropping that much or even more for a trip to California
No. 1461391
>>1461337Wish we could all have this, sounds nice.
Minimum wage is still 7.25 in half the country
No. 1461608
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Gen Z “metalheads” are fucking posers, they just dress alternative to ski walk Gwen from Total drama island
No. 1461628
>>1461619>>1461615Not to mention pierce the veil, and Korn Metallica and SOAD wow so hardcore
I’m not even that much of a metalfag either, I like numetal and alternative mostly but those are such basic choices
No. 1461808
>>1461772Nta but
>What I hate about zoomers is how okay they think it's to talk about your feelings to other people who did not consent to listening to your sob story.
>Who did not consent to listening to your sob story You just wanted a reason to call someone autistic for not caring about other peoples petty bullshit kek go back to math 8
No. 1461843
>>1452517I had Gen X parents who would do something similar. Got mad at me for not zoning out on the couch to watch random TV shows and instead would rather sit in the kitchen to go in the computer and use internet to look up trivia. Trying to talk to my family was nonsense, they'd look at the TV during ads when I would try to start a conversation.
I'm certain Gen X parents with zoomer kids created what we see now, the zoomers are just doing what their parents were doing but on a touchscreen now. I can go hours without looking at my phone or accidentally leave my phone at home if I'm out for an hour or so. With zoomers, it's like it needs to be instant, just like the TV is with gen xers. Even now, I have gen X coworkers who just watch streaming TV on their phones and tablets rather than zoomer social media.
No. 1462351
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>>1462317In burger college sororities always have a charity and ASA’s charity is Spread the Word to End the Word. Any college campus with an ASA chapter is huffing that totally useless rhetoric and collectively shunning people who use the word. I mean some sororities raise hundreds of thousands of dollars for kids with cancer, but I guess it’s cool too that you… shamed people into not using the word retarded? OT though bc I don’t think zoomers are going to college.
No. 1463240
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zoomers are actually trying to bring ugly ass hairmetal "back" ancestor cry…
the girls are obviously just young women having fun and trying to look cute so whatever, but what rubs me the wrong way is how disgustingly misogynistic this subculture actually was. this just gets glossed over in the zoomers eternal quest for the next copy pasted -core from bygone eras. the obsession with picture perfect copying other generations of style is also kind of sad. will we ever get genuinely new style movements or will we always be stuck in this wheel of copying whats already been done over and over again…
anyways, this comment made me cringe. no, he is not staring at her for this totally made up wholesome reason projected onto him by an obvious woman. he's staring at her because bobs and vagene.
No. 1463260
>>1463240>anyway i'm autisticwhy are autists always like this.
Anyway, nothing says glamour like a playboy bunny necklace (sexism at its finest) and having a sexist rock singer's face on your bra. she looks ridiculous.
No. 1463289
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Hair metal was for the ugly men that couldn’t make it in the punk / glam rock scenes - which is saying a lot. The groups were always misogynistic and ugly but now they’re fat, old, ugly, misogynistic, and can barely perform. Same goes for their old men fans. I can see the dressing up appeal for young girls but there is no way they are truly enjoying going to these shows. Some things are better left in the past.
No. 1463364
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>>1463342yes. picrel.
>>1463297people have always been influenced by previous style movements. but usually they just fold that inspiration into their own personal style or make something unique with it. now you can just buy your 90s mallgoth twilightcore y2k vixxen metal maidencore aesthetic off of shein piece by piece. i mean, ultimately these girls are just doing what many of us did at that age but god why hair metal lol, it was a revolting scene and the music is genuinely horrible…
No. 1463366
>>1463364 i got my reply numbers backwards here sorry
No. 1463413
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>>1463340Emo is alive and well but Scene isn't really talked about
No. 1463445
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>>1463413nonnie they are everywhere on the internet now i.e instagram and tiktok
picrel is tiktoker "bubblescantbesoggy" or "soggybubbles"
she previously had many posts where she appeared to be a scene queen but apparently deleted those and some toned down versions of the look are there. i think this look is a trend for zoomers who like it for a few months before dropping it like it never happened. i do not understand it
>>1463437exactly what im saying
No. 1463500
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>>1463413sorry anon but the zoomers have absolutely found and revived scene, GIR rawrs shuttershades and all. and honestly i think they do a decent job recreating it BUT its so creepy to me to think of pinterest-trawling zoomers going thru our old myspace photos to copy ugly old obsolete outfits that were a product of a specific time and place…literally having to hunt these clothes and accessories down because theyre no longer at every mall and Wal-Mart. going out of their way to buy outdated ZIM merch way after the fact. for the love of god be original. they're even making tiktoks (tried to find and couldn't) about the "history of scene" and "what the scene sub culture was all about"
also im pretty sure bottom left in picrel is a troon lol extra creepy because as we know troons become what they coom to and scene girls were usually really young…
No. 1463512
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>>1463505i consider it on par with the retarded hair metal revival - a subculture with ugly aesthetics, bad music, and pedophilic woman hating scrotes galore. let them both die for good!! make something new already!
No. 1464792
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it's mainly an online thing, or i hope it is, but zoomers have this tendency of heavily romanticising experiences and feelings that are authentic and cannot be manufactured. things like being a pre-2010s kid going out and having fun with your friends, running around, hanging out. i'm not sure i can articulate it very well at the moment, but it really does come off like they're just too online. there are many beautiful small things (memories, experiences, places, etc) in life that we only cherish years later, that we can only see as so lovely when we no longer have them. but to obsess over them, to aestheticise them for everyone to see, almost cheapens the beauty.
it sort of ties in to the aesthetics/"-cores" they create. with reading, going to libraries, drinking teas/coffees, having an interest in post-renaissance art, these are regular for a lot of people, but online it must be made appealing and turned into "dark academia". the same with liking rural life and "cottagecore". these are very basic things that many people like, yet online they become extended and turned into an entire subculture of sorts that impressionable people then feel expected to fit into. it sucks all of the original experience, the uniqueness of one's reasons for liking these things, away and prioritises the aesthetic nature of it all. i really feel as though zoomers need to spend more time reading insightful books, and without documenting it online too.
No. 1464797
>>1464792>i really feel as though zoomers need to spend more time reading insightful books, and without documenting it online too.Yes.
They need to do things in general without documenting it online. This is a mentality caused by social media and constant messaging. Unplug, experience the world, talk to people irl. Think.
No. 1464799
>>1464792You just described something really poignant that happened to me,
nonnie. I'm a zoomer, and up until I was like 13, I had only read juvenile books and comics. When I started reading classics and more serious books, I had quite a shock realizing that the little insights I had were a "thing", and that my feelings, and experiences that I thought were too specific, were actually a quite universal thing, is just that nobody talks about it explicitly. I think it helped me apreciate life a bit more, I also think it made me understand myself more. Zoomers really should read more, specially old books.
btw sorry for the blogpost
No. 1464887
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>>1463500For what it's worth I'm 19 and have never heard anybody call themselves scene. Maybe it's more of an American thing? I don't use social media so I wouldn't really know. But kek at them trying to act like experts on tiktok.
No. 1464940
>>1464812Silent generation, boomer, gen X, millennial, and gen Z are all American terms,
nonnie. It's defined by how American cultural and economical changes of certain time periods affected generations of Americans. And also used in marketing to sell product kek.
No. 1465024
>>1465005H&M also frequently gets new clothes and always keeps up with the trends so why don't tiktokers just buy from there? I don't want to encourage people to buy from H&M since they pay there factory workers in peanuts but if you are going to support slave labour anyway why not just buy it from a store that exist on every street corner rather than hyping up some no-name website that legit came out of nowhere
>>1465006It kinda sounds like Yesstyle which was semi popular 5 years ago but I barely hear anyone talking about it now. Yesstyle either resold from Taobao stores or they bootlegged clothes from different Taobao stores. Noone could really give a concrete answer where they got their clothes from. Some of the brands they had didn't exist outside of their website but if you did a reverse image search of their pictures you would find Taobao stores so it was most likely bootleg.
No. 1465040
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>>1465038> H&M items are way more casual/standard, shein carries the weird shit zoomers call fashion nowSHEIN has tons of normal clothes though. Here’s an order I got from there. Plus SHEIN has more variety for plus size and thick women.
No. 1465057
>>1465038All the clothes are made from slave labor anyway, but at least you pay what they cost to produce by using these chinese sites. Paying more for the same thing is just idiotic. If clothing costs more than you make an hour it's too much, unless it's something really fancy.
Clothing just does not need to cost a lot of money.
No. 1465087
>>1465064Why do you think anon is trying to be morally superior compared to buying the same shit from a fucking H&M It sounds more like she just wants to save money and realized she can.
>>1465067Depends on cost of living in a certain country the clothing was made from. I know $15 an hour of work in the US is like a day of work in Mexico.
No. 1465144
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>>1464792I’ll say it once and I’ll say it again. As someone who previously lived on over 100 acres in Canada it is not easy work. We would have to chop down trees and clear the woods of the rotten ones that fall over with the wind. The neighbors aren’t always friendly and keep to themselves, you have to plow your road or you’re trapped. My aunt also lived on a farm and she died tragically when the garage door fell on her head. My uncle had to get a lawn chair and wait 4 hours for emergency to arrive next to his decapitated wife. Don’t get me wrong farm life can be really peaceful in the spring/summer and fall but it’s also really inconvenient to live rural. Especially if you don’t know what you’re doing and have no experience with diy, machinery and handiwork. Cottagecore is a fantasy and would be very hard for someone to move from the city without any prior knowledge.
No. 1465238
>>1464792Well said, anon, and it definitely shows what leads to aestheticizing among zoomers in the first place. Young people, especially teens, can't go out and live on a farm, and a lot of them can't even drive themselves out to a nice hiking spot or lake or reserve, or have one in walking distance. So they just spend what little money they have on plastic ivy, mushroom figurines, and flowy dresses, because the only thing they can control is their aesthetic. Same with not being able to afford to go to college and study Classical languages, can't drive to the library, and don't have the attention span to read, etc., hence Dark Academia. I empathize with teens who don't have a lot of freedom or money, but focusing on having new experiences within their actual sphere of control would definitely be more beneficial than focusing so much on the superficial appearance of everything and its documentation on social media.
No. 1465650
Where did you get that nekojiru gif?
No. 1466528
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>>1465841this. they act like theyre fashion geniuses for falling down a pinterest hole of "90s y2k gothcore" or whatever retarded shit, binging on vintage photos, and then going on an online shopping spree to replicate bygone trends piece by piece. not inspired incorporation into their existing style, literally exact replications of trends they just discovered. but as another anon said half of their fugly ass outfits never leave their room…
>>1465976millenials can be pretty cringe, im sure many were captivated by the 80s and 90s, but that was mainly because we were so close to that era and felt nostalgia for it in a rapidly changing culture. i definitely do not remember anyone dressing in 80s replica fashion. incorporating a few pieces of nostalgic inspiration into the modern style of the time maybe. shutter shades, ugly sweaters, neon for example.. whereas picrel is one of many zoomers dressing straight out of fucking babysitters club….its uncanny how well they replicate and rip off.
at the end of the day i just feel bad for them. it's not necessarily their fault they have nothing but hollow soulless replication. seems like such a sad cold way to live.
No. 1468294
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Unironically getting your knickers in a twist about a term that's come to be synonymous with artistry, spirituality and freedom. How the fuck do zoomers function in society at this point?
No. 1468338
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>>1466528I hate these dumb trends that nobody actually wears out of the house. I have never seen anybody IRL trying to bring back acid wash jeans or ugly mutant "mom jeans" even though it's everywhere online. This stuff is just hideous, and we all know it.
No. 1468495
>>1465841>Its wild to me that they are the only generation that copies styles and pop culture from their parents and considers it their ownI noticed it too, especially on tiktok every once in a while I'd get a
>my mom was a trad goth so let me show you how to dance like a real goth!or
>my mom used to be a gyaru model so I'm the authority on all things gyaruI don't remember millenials doing the same, and their parents were definitely young enough to have been a part of various subcultures. I guess because these kids are so inauthentic their parents youth is the closest claim towards authenticity they can get kek
No. 1468513
>>1468499>california or the west coast of america does not dictate what the whole globe behaves or thinks likeCalifornia and the West Coast in general is so far off from what people think it is.
>>1468504Such a boomer thing to say
No. 1480271
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hair metal revival zoomers have become my own personal (lighthearted) lolcows. the outfits are kind of cute i guess but the music is SO BAD i cant help but burst into laughter every time they post stuff like this. something is also always kind of "off" about their performance. the women of the original (sexist) subculture had tons of adult sex appeal, that these girls just don't embody despite wearing the right outfits. they look like kids wearing mommys old clothes from her party years. or some kind of ironic hair metal covers band in a costume. makes me kek.
No. 1480277
File: 1674528595469.webm (3.89 MB, 720x1280, XRecorder_Edited_23012023_2143…)

samefag, this one is a work of art. the rhythmless awkward gyrating, the fact that the scrote isn't even actually playing the guitar…real Tuna and Lurch vibes.
all that matters is the almighty aesthetic.
No. 1480512
>>1480277She's missing the cigarette hanging out of her mouth and the baby on her hip. This is embarrassing. She also looks like a leopard sausage.
The moid looks cringy and retarded too.
No. 1481223
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Im gen z we all fucking suck bring bullying back kr someshit they all wanna suck dicks and do tiktok dances im a fucking old soul i work hard every fay depression is a state of mjnd maybe suck it the fuck up you stupid ass they/them
Homophobja is okay
No. 1481438
>>1480271It's so over the top, lmao. Imagine running into someone wearing this outfit in public. You'd probably think they were about to head to the local theatre for some 80s tribute thing.
>>1480483Agreed, so much fashion nowadays looks so restrictive. I saw a zoomer woman working at a shop I visited and she had the e-girl look. She had on a polyester wig in braids and with a beanie, layers of ripped clothes, the checkered skirt with safety pins, fishnets, the heavy makeup, and chunky boots. All I could think of was wondering how comfortable that was to be even working in. I wouldn't be able to do most of the tasks throughout the day because I'd be so worried of the potential of the wig/beanie slipping or makeup rubbing off or tripping over my boots or making sure the skirt doesn't rise up or having to pull down a layer of clothes that rode up. It's so much work. I'd just want to go to work to make my money and do my tasks and go home stress free.
No. 1481561
>>1480425The clothes wear the person, that's why it looks shit. You need actual confidence to look good in something so flamboyant.
>>1481229NAYRT but I can see that happening for sure, the tranny movement is peaking a lot of former allies and changing your name to your pronouns will probably be the new way to announce you're a TRUE AND HONEST handmaiden/gendie/troon.
No. 1489550
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I unironically think Zoomers are more homophobic and sexist than previous generations, anytime they see a man who is even slightly flamboyant they consider him as fully gay and if they see a woman who is not stereotypically feminine they she's either a lesbian or a closeted trans man
No. 1495814
>>1495810This kek. I use to work in management and so many fucking zoomers will come and complain and try to get people FIRED because "I don't like their vibes". Unfortunately some places will fire people over stupid shit like that. Like I don't fucking care if Emily from accounting gives you bad vibes if she's doing her fucking job and not starting any drama or shit. Weirdly enough the people they label as "bad vibes" are typically the ones who start less drama than anyone else
>>1489550I definitely see the sexism. Zoomers moids and pickmes always have the worst things to say about women and are typically more nitpicky of their bodies too
No. 1496509
>>1495810lol yeah suuure it's millenials who are stuck in the past. meanwhile zoomers are literally scrambling to bring back every last subculture of the past that they had no part in whatsoever, no matter how cringe. like they're literally trying to bring back "mall goth", wearing dated tripp parachute pants and acting like listening to Slipknot and Korn and Static X is kool. mall goths dont even exist anymore and havent for years. the mall is dead and tripp pants are cringe. they can't just invent a better subculture they have to try to bring the numetal days back? unironic juggalocore when?
annoying as fuck to be a millenial with a few fashion habits of the past (that you actually lived thru) and zoomers are looking at you like THEY invented it and YOURE copying them. look bitch we been wearing ~claw clips~ since 2000.
No. 1496696
>>1496509>juggalocoreFuuuck me
nonny don't give them any ideas. I feel like their coomlet brains would latch onto that crap.
No. 1499325
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The chips part made me feel weirdly depressed.
No. 1499636
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>>1499614I didn't mean it in the cultural appropriation sense
nonny, I meant it literally, like 'to take'.
No. 1501384
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>>1464927sorry for replying to a month old comment but "emocore" is already a thing and its NOT what zoomers think it is reeee. Theyre literally such posers.
No. 1502556
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I don't even know what to say at this point, noncery around every corner of the internet. I used to assume these girls were groomed into making this type of content but some of them are going into their late 20s still not seeing what's wrong with this.
No. 1503722
>>1480271Kek she could've chose any song but picked this one. Should've tried Lita Ford.
>>1476563This zoomer at my job didn't know how to fucking make a new folder on a computer. She didn't know how to save shit either or find it later. She went to high school, where she should've had access to computers and we weren't told she was any sort of diagnosed disabled. I even gave her how-to videos to learn how to do this simple crap that she should've learned in elementary school, but she was too lazy and acted helpless and wanted someone to guide her all the time. It was annoying and retarded. When she was given new tasks, she always whined about "not feeling prepared enough yet", despite being given lots of training.
No. 1510480
>>1510466I dunno, as a zoomer I know that there are plenty of apolitical zoomers who are just trying to live their lives
I think the 3 groups are sort of right, not sure if you mean that the Brave New Worlders are left-wingers? I think I relate most to your last group, but I'm no right-winger (and not entirely left-wing, either)
No. 1510505
>>1496095Late but they do that
because they find those women attractive, they hate them for it. They know she'd never want them, but she has power over their dicks. Deep down it's hating their own pathetic horny male nature. So they blame the women for being sluts and nitpick their looks to "knock her down a peg" in their minds because they perceive it as a power disparity, so basically incels.
No. 1512221
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The zoomer seethe these posts generated was off the charts because I know the accuracy killed them
No. 1512248
>>1512230bta but this looks this is from twitter/reddit screenshot of a 4chan post
>>1512221not a zoomer but what does he mean when talking about sports jock bullies in cartoon and zoomers not being able to understand them
No. 1512270
>>1512261Nah participation medals were a phrase I was hearing leaving higschool in 2009 for the ones coming up through elementary. The curriculum and state testing is constantly changing and doing away with entrance exams for highschools and not focusing on academic excellence but making sure everyone feels validated.
The zoomers in my work are extremely difficult to manage and cannot handle criticism. Very little work ethic either. They parrot garbage tweets as they're own thoughts and fall apart when you take out the buzzwords and ask for context and to get deep into an issue and they fall apart.
No. 1512277
>>1512270>entrance exams for high schoolBurgerland? Or UK?
>not focusing on academic excellence but making sure everyone feels validatedI understand what you mean, but I don't think my school was like that, thankfully. Also the high school zoomies at my job are similar, but only the male ones. A high school boy (fat) had the gall to basically tell me I should've stayed 5 mins after just so he didn't have to start
on time. He and other boys are always gabbing instead of doing work and finding ways to not do things. Thankfully our managers are female and not tolerating it.
>parrot garbage tweetsI can't stand this. Get a personality.
>>1512272Mark is my hero
No. 1512367
>>1512300vapes are bad because they're nicotine but atleast they don't leak
toxic smoke into the air. you can't second hand vape either because no nicotine is left in the exhale vapor. i don't do either but i'd much rather be putting ice cream flavored nicotine into my lungs rather than nasty rat poison flavor. if i'm getting cancer either way it may as well be delicious.
No. 1512388
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A zoomer at my workplace told me she had no idea that Archie was a comic. I remain floored.
I'm guessing she just never even glanced at the things next to the supermarket checkout?
No. 1517139
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Question: who the fuck actually wants to watch this?
No. 1517434
>>1517431>26 and overI think you meant 26 and under.
>>1517210I agree, same with pink pantheress. Vid related, wtf is this shit
No. 1517451
>>1517434I like pink panthress, she doesn’t seem as fake. But is she secretly a nepotism baby or something? because she’s not
that talented.
No. 1517493
>>1517139I watched a couple of these just to see what the point of these are. Just teens venting about their parents. A little relatable since I was a depressed teen.
However, in some they pitch shifted a song by The Cardigans called "Step on Me" and calling it 'Nightcore'. I remember listening to this same song (the original) when I was a teen when I was filled with angst. Just seems funny to me now.
No. 1529720
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Why are zoomers so stingy
No. 1596751
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Is this common for most zoomers?
No. 1597314
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>>1596751I'm sure you won't suddenly and radically become something else in two year's time.
No. 1597336
>>1597314Why do young people love to define themselves through psychiatric labels? Nobody has a personality anymore, only disorders.
I understand young people are seeking an identity, but that's something you build for yourself, you don't browse the DSM to pick one.
No. 1597629
>>1597341>watching shoe unironically>watching venti to counter thatDo you want to watch a turd drying in the sun? same thing.
>>1596807>more tolerant and accepting of "wrongthink" than you would have guessed What I seen is that they are very tolerant of their own horrific past behavior, specially when you call them out on their bullshit and expect an apology.
No. 1600548
>>1600401I think DNI lists aren't really about you not wanting certain types of people interacting with you, they're more about signaling what kind of person you specifically don't like as a "subtle" way of showing others how good of a person you are because you don't want nazis and racists to speak to you.
Because as you said, no bad person is going to look at a DNI and be like "ok I will not bother them", in fact it will only make someone more likely to harass you as you provided them with your exact
triggers and things that bother you.
No. 1600608
>>1600401I think the only
valid way to say DNI is minors DNI. especially in the art community, it's full of underages and anyone sensible actually doesn't want to interact with minors within it.
No. 1600801
>>1600548Agreed. It's always a battle of moral superiority with them; they'll list "dni racists homophobes misogynists ableists" thinking they did something special. Like the majority of society with basic common sense and morals knows that racists and homophobes and misogynists and ableists are bad.
There's also the ones who use DNI lists as a shield while they go on rampages and witchhunts about the parties in that DNI. It's a way of saying "I hate these people and won't hesitate to make basically defamatory claims about them and send death and rape threats towards them, but if they dare defend themselves back, they're interacting with me and broke my boundaries and hence are horrible evil people uwu!"
No. 1602797
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So….are zoomers going to create anything remarkable or will they "gender" til death? I'm bored, where are the notable stars, creators, etc? Where are the generational talentos? Are they hiding from the witch-hunt or what?
No. 1603045
>>1541326I'm a zoomer and I'm new to lolcow.
I only come here for the fujo threads however lol
No. 1623749
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I see the Turkish eye everywhere on white girls as necklaces and stuff, I don't get why they get so worked up about 'cultural appropriation' but wear this when it has no connection to them? I'm not even offended I just don't get it.
No. 1623915
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Is it too early to start the Gen Alpha Hate Thread? I know they're like pre-schoolers, and I guess it's more Millenial Parents Hate, but only this week did I notice in the city that modern strollers have actual mobile/tablet holders built into them now, and even literal babies are being pushed around, eyes glued to the screen, before they can even control their finger movement. It's fucking insane, and seeing how much lockdown/social distancing/hashtagborndigital fucked up people, I can't even imagine what it'll be like once these kids start talking and walking around.
No. 1624065
>>1623915Agreeing with other anons that they're not old enough for hate yet, but I do think we need to discuss them.
Right before COVID, I taught computer classes to older gen alpha kids (7-9 years old at the time) at a couple of different schools. It was really interesting, especially since I'm pretty young myself (older Zoomer).
My comparisons are far from objective, but what I noticed:
Kids were much less computer-literate on average than when I was in school, and a ton of students had massive difficulty just logging into the school computers and didn't understand typing in a URL. There were also more students that were miles ahead of the others compared to when I was a kid, though.
Kids were getting interested in online spaces that I would consider bad for you very young. Roblox lgbt servers, Steven Universe fandom, mental illness -core stuff, and mumble rap/trap. It's very strange to tell the kids that they can listen to music while they work and see 8 year olds pulling up SoundCloud and listening to XXXTentacion and Billie Eilish. I guess I was listening to oversexualized garbage at that age, but a lot of the kids seemed to think that they actually identified with the themes in the music.
Many kids also had a really defeatist attitude when it came to learning how to use a computer and the programs. It's not as easy as using a tablet, but so many kids were acting like they were being asked to do high-school algebra. This might just be a normal thing for kids, but I really had no idea what to do with the significant number of kids that were like this.
Overall, these kids definitely weren't doomed, but they also were not nearly as likely to be raised by iPads as literal babies in the same way that younger Gen Alpha was, and they also underwent their most critical development pre-covid. I really can't imagine how bad it is for kids that were 3-7 during Zoom school.
No. 1624078
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>>1517451Sage b/c late but…
Her dad is a highly-paid professor (nearly 300k salary) at the University of Texas, and her brother is an audio engineer. Her music doesn't sound like she took advantage of either of those things, though. Probably just dumb luck and right place right time.
No. 1624286
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>>1623915I find this really sad. Not too long ago a video was uploaded on weibo of a small child crying in his sleep and making tablet swiping motions with his hands. The focus was on the "shocked parents" but who is giving him the tablet?
Sorry for twitter link, it's not been reuploaded much No. 1624352
>>1624343Nta, I think the true fear that some parents have is the idea of their children getting bullied because they don’t have the same 300 shitty 3D Chinese games that most of they all have. But more than that fear, what they hate is the sole idea of having to entertain a child that will want to talk about flying turtles and tomato sauce.
I’ve been noticing this with most of the children I’ve interacted with so far, some from my own family members, these kids just want to talk and be creative, maybe explain their silly child hyperfixations like how kids do, but their parents are so busy/tired/stressed/annoyed that they just don’t want to sit there and listen to this silly 4 years old child talking about this funny thing they did at school or that one time they fell for the first time a few weeks ago and hurt a lot.
The whole “oh but my child will be alienated if I don’t give it a tablet the moment it’s out of the womb” feels more like an excuse rather than a true concern.
No. 1624387
>>1624343>i always wondered if the fear was justifiedOlder Millennials/younger Gen Xers are the most computer-literate cohort despite having spent childhood without screens because computers were complicated to use and required frequent troubleshooting. Children raised on phones and ipads don't develop those skills because everything just works for them. Teachers have been reporting that even Gen Z has issues with using search engines, navigating file folders, etc. and lack the resilience to try and resolve tech issues.
Tablets/mobile phones are also likely to cause immense and permanent damage to children's brains when they're given frequent screen time at an early age; particularly to attention but also cognitive skills like working memory and creativity. Limiting screens as much as possible until a child is around 6 is the best gift you can give them sort of not neglecting or abusing them. Gen Alpha is fucked.
No. 1624397
>>1624286>The focus was on the "shocked parents" but who is giving him the tablet?Shoving an iPad in your kid's face the instant they're inconvenient (or are beginning to develop unique personalities) is complacent and absent parenting… It's so disappointing to see it in person. Or, you know, keep doing it. And then act absolutely surprised when your kid makes tablet swiping motions in their sleep. It's also exhausting to talk to parents who are completely unwilling to reflect on their parenting practices, but that doesn't even start to count external factors and also absolutely exhausted parents who can't stand their own children. I feel angry and I want to scream at them but at the same time another side of me wonders how and why they've arrived here?
>>1624352>The whole “oh but my child will be alienated if I don’t give it a tablet the moment it’s out of the womb” feels more like an excuse rather than a true concern.It's so tiring to talk to older folks both in my family and abroad who don't do any fact checking and will believe any smear painted on a wall posted on telegram/whatsapp/facebook, and then their kid comes out all kinds of fucked up believing everything on tiktok because they never taught them how to critically fact check something. Same with phones during meals, etc. In person I always, always see the parents doing it first including older gens.
No. 1624479
>>1624415Agreed. I have a lazy eye from staring at a video game console a lot when I was 10, and it only got worse when high school and university needed laptops 24/7 (vision went from -1.75 to like 3). These babies have screens in their face at the age of 5 months.
We probably should have a Millennial Parents hate or criticism thread. It seems as if they're too lazy to actually engage with their children or know how to teach them basic numbers, letters, or nursery rhymes. What happened to preschools and simply interacting with your children?
No. 1626185
>>1625996>lots of kids need some kind of stimulation, and when they get bored of books or colouring in, they want to run aroundso what? parents for decades have managed without screens (and back then social standards for kids behavior were much stricter)
it's crazy how most people really expect somebody or something else to do their job
>he doesn't like looking at his book anymore, what to do?!uhm talk to him? play with him? that's literally your main task as a parent
No. 1626217
>>1626200not once in your post did you mention yourself, you talking with your kid, you reading to your kid, you playing with your kid, you walking/running with your kid,…and that's the main problem of most nowadays parents, they expect toys or screens (and later teachers) to do the work for them
more people being childless now doesn't mean environment becoming more hostile to kids, back then children were expected to sit quiet even without any toys, strangers would scold children when parents didn't step up quickly enough and in many places you simply couldn't take your kids with you while now all places have kids menus, playgrounds and so on
No. 1626363
>>1626237That kid sounds like a nightmare, please don't put up with that shit if you can. A kid calling an adult "cunt" would have been slapped without a second thought 20 years ago. Imagine him saying that to a stranger…
I was also taught to behave (as every kid should) by my parents and other adults from a young age. I don't remember demanding to play or run around during dinners or church (which is veery boring for kids) because I was simply taught to wait and play on free time, it's a thing even literal dogs can be taught. Seriously, if you give your kid attention/entertainment at all times and reward their tantrums with more entertainment, how do you expect them to behave at times where he really has to sit down and be quiet? How will they behave at school? During boring homework? While at the doctor, or while you have other things to do? Kids are going to be little shits and parents are going to have to scold them, that's how it's always been. Giving them a phone or a toy isn't going to fix the problem, it's telling them that throwing tantrums, kicking and crying just gives them more "fun".
No. 1626476
>>1626372Same, I remember watching like 2 or 3 cartoons in the block of kids' programming in a row, and then inevitably either a "boring show" came on that I just wasn't interested in, or my parents had me get up and do something else like play outside.
That's another thing, as a 90s/2000s kid I felt like I played outside with my friends a lot more than kids do now.
No. 1627034
>>1626476>as a 90s/2000s kid I felt like I played outside with my friends a lot more than kids do now.I'm entering full "back in my day" mode so I apologize but I literally just don't see children playing outside anymore. I do see plenty of teens, like 13 to 19 still, but children aged 7-13? Barely at all. My neighborhood (commie blocks) used to be bursting with kids in the parks playing all day, but parents are more inclined to keep them inside nowadays and not let them out without their supervision. I used to go to school alone from first grade while my aunt still drives her youngest 10 year old kid to school even though she lives only a few streets down while I had a kilometer and a half to walk. It's kind of strange since my country is really safe and walkable, there is no need to restrict your children from going out.
It seems like parents are more inclined to keep the kids physically close to them while doing the bare minimum interaction and I wonder why.
No. 1627222
I see kids playing outside, but they stay confined to their yard because it's a city and they are young girls, like 6 years old. They are outside all the time though, even in poorer weather, and have lots of things to play with. I think their neighbors are family, so they have a really big space to play in too. It's definitely a nice feeling hearing kids outside, it makes me feel safe knowing that they feel safe.
>>1627212I think this has something to do with it, in certain areas.
No. 1627254
It's been said before, but I can't stand the whole labelling things into 'aesthetics' Gen Z does. It's like they have a weird desire to categorise everything, which is not necessary in areas of creative expression, like fashion. I feel like they honestly lack creativity, they only know repetition of the past, but mask it as originality. There's a strange social veneer of 'everyone is accepted' but then all must adhere to extremely rigid rules, as well as privilege, mental disorder and gender olympics. I also dislike the really long drawn out youtube videos over explaining topics. As though they want to be an authority.. it's as though they treat their videos as a school project.. but they really drag out topics in the most banal ways, just regurgitating google. Also calling everything a 'theory' makes me gag. Like the dumbest shit on instagram 'hair theory' where it's a girl looking exactly the same, and supposedly tying her hair in different ways makes her 'a different person?' Or 'shoe theory' that wearing different shoes makes your outfit more interesting. This is just part of a selecting an outfit, not a revolution.
No. 1637698
>>1637253I've observed the reverse. Most zoomers actually think that 17 and 18 year olds dating is pedophilia and act like teenagers are some sexless souls and then become sex demons on their 18th birthday.
Though some or most of gen z seem to think that if an 18+ acts like a little girl in the bedroom its a-okay, maybe it's fetish normalization?
No. 1637788
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>>1637759i'll protect you ♥
No. 1638146
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>>1638045I used to do this around 2015 lol. I would end all my sentences with question marks, exclamation marks or emoticons. I thought it would make my texts sound more lively and quirky. I think it's part of the typical teenangst that you want to establish a cool identity so I guess that's why I did it
most teens I followed on tumblr and twitter did it too but none I knew irl did it so it did make me feel unique. Adding a question mark to something that isn't a question makes you read it a certain tone which I thought was cute but then I realised it just made me sound unsure and insecure in everything I said.
Tinfoil, but it can also be used as a shield because if you say anything that is factually wrong or mean-spirited it can be brushed off because you framed it like a question? So you can't really be held accountable because you didn't know what you where talking about? I noticed this writing quirk was popular amongst drama-hungry teens who made callouts for everything so it wouldn't sureprise me if the intention was to look more innocent, it's like an extension of the "im baby" thing a few years back.
I don't follow teenagers anymore though so I don't know why this is still a thing. Maybe they just think it's cute or as
>>1638055 said that they are trying to sound like vallley girls. I know many self-proclaimed bimbos tries to imitate stereotypical valley girl speak so zoomers are probably copying them
No. 1640571
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on the one hand it feels like young kids are or at least act like they're woker than ever - yet on the other hand they're lacking any kinds of basic manners or values taught at home.
i was scrolling mindlessly through yt and came across this video of a young woman showing wedding guest dresses. many called her out that these are not appropriate, too white, too much, too flashy, while many others said this is normal or even considered plain in e.g. arabic or indian weddings (she showed a lot of cleavage tho, so not sure about that, i think she would stand out everywhere).
but what i found shocking was the many comments being so insanely rude to anybody saying they wouldn't like somebody to basically upstage them if they were the bride. most were making fun of them for supposedly being insecure, being sexist insulting them as having mental issues if they can't handle other women looking pretty, and some downright mocked them for being too poor to have a fancy wedding and dress. of course rude kids always existed but hundreds or 1000s upvoting those pretty low insults…? especially the last one, never ever looking down on somebody for having less than you was probably the first and most important rule my parents installed in me.
this is just one example but i notice this so often, all this usual talk about yasss queen just be confident, yet so often they just sound so heartless. also, how will they function in professional settings when any kind of dress code is called oppressive?
No. 1640805
>>1640667>Boomers did it to Baby BoomersKek, baby boomers aren't the children born to boomers, anon.
>It's a cycle.That works both ways though, and before you know it you'll have the little iPad baby retard gen alphas calling you hags for being over the age of 20. Good luck, I'm sure your generation is going to cope with that wonderfully
No. 1640842
>>1640805>before you know it you'll have the little iPad baby retard gen alphas calling you hags for being over the age of 20.NTA but this is implying zoomers are under the age of 20 which would make them all children practically, so I have to ask why you care so much about a child's opinion? Children are always stupid, no matter the decade.
And another thing, you're generalizing an entire generation, Gen Z is what, 1 Billion people? Cmon now nonna.
And the "it goes both ways" shit is just really childish, grow up. We can't be doing that at our age.
No. 1640867
>>1640842Your reading comprehension sucks. I meant that the alphas will laugh at the zoomers because the zoomers are over 20. With the amount of dumbass shit gen z say about ageing - particularly women over 25 - I think it'd be fun if they got a taste of their own medicine in the future. And let's face it, the alpha kids are gonna grow up so monumentally fucked up that their concept of what's 'old' is gonna be something ridiculous like 20.
And yes, you're right, I am generalizing an entire generation in a thread specifically for laughing at said generation.
No. 1640888
>>1640871I agree millennial and older zoomers would literally fight 15 year olds because their 25 year old boyfriend showed interest in her, and they saw the girl as the villain not their boyfriend.
Younger gen z are much better at calling out creepy men and that teenage girls are not "fast" and the power imbalances between younger and older. Meanwhile millennials were too busy defending men going after young girls or the fact that millennial ruined a generation and groomed people into that whole ddlg and sugar baby mess which was started by millennials. We are not going to forget the damage that Gen x and millennial did.
No. 1640889
>>1640805I am going to have the big laugh when the puriteens age into 30+ crones
"nooo they're only 25 years old they're minors they aren't responsible for their actions and you can't sexualize them!!!!!"
"omg everyone over age 25 still posting online is a loser you have to leave all your hobbies once you age out of them, old people are only allowed to file taxes and watch law and order! you aren't allowed to enjoy this hobby!"
zoomers have a particular arrogance and entitlement. i think it's because the stupid little shits have been posting online since they were toddlers and got main character syndrome. they're aggressive online, but irl they're terrified little chihuahuas pissing themselves and popping anti-anxiety pills. speaking to a stranger fills them with dread and gives them a mental breakdown. they're completely dysfunctional and cope by larping as internet police.
No. 1640897
>>1640871Nobody said that, Jesus Christ. Of course women have been getting ageist bullshit from all sides for decades, but it's only now that we're seeing young adults on social media - emboldened by their complete lack of self-awareness and the smell of their own farts - calling women hags to their faces. Zoomers have an undeniably fucked up view of ageing that is entirely their own, and it's far more aggressive and neurotic than previous generations'.
>young adults are not developedI get what you mean, but this is some "21yo minor" shit
No. 1640903
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>>1640871It's different that children think anyone above 20 is old, but even those considered middle-aged and older women had their roles in society that no one really denied, and women were still having kids like up to their menopause.
Zoomers seem to have a generally better idea (or at least one more in line with modern life) about mental maturity, but they're still suicidal over the idea of getting a laughline. Even young millenials suffer from this thanks to social media, look at the 30's thread on /g/ where people think they'll wake up like picrel on their 30th birthday.
No. 1640979
>>1640648girl… the video about the dresses was just an example to show the actual issue: zoomers being absolutely rude and ruthless (haha you're too poor to buy that dress!), while still trying to disguise it as something woke (that's a you problem! you need to work on your issues if you can't handle and hate on other women being confident!)
i doubt all of them are only 12, some are approaching adulthood and yet still don't understand that there are certain ways one should behave or talk
No. 1641503
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Every year the % of people who commission my art gets more and more retarded and i firmly belive it's because zoomers are getting payed and so it's more of them comissioning artists. Say 8 years ago it was all great, you could communicate normally, but now? Especially these past 2 years so zoomers start the order, we talk about the details and then they ghost me all of a sudden. Or they'll say "let me get a few days to gather the funds" and then they ghost. I wouldn't be mad at all if they said they don't want this order anymore. It's so simple to just say you changed your mind. It's so rude to me that i was counting on something, kept waiting, already have it all planed out and i don't even get a message that it's cancelled. It's not how business is done i hope it bites them in the ass someday. Feels like some of them see other people as machines or can't understand that other people have lives. Guess they are too used to ghosting people on tinder they think it's okay to do that everywhere.